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simmerianne93 · 2 days ago
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Hello everyone!! How are you doing??
I apologize for being absent all this month. It was not planned but if you follow me on Bluesky (and if you don't I encourage you to 'cause I always write there my status) you may know by now that I have been having a looot of troublems with electricity in my place. Literally I have been having power outages every single day 4 to 8 hours for the past 5 weeks, so yeah, it's been an odyssey working on poses this month and it's the reason why I haven't been able to share anything untill now.
Actually, writting this I lost power... and I had to wait 5 hours to share... Amazing, isn't it???... but anyway, going to the matters, this will be a long post 'cause its a new REMAKE posepack!!!
As the last two I shared last year, this pack is a remake of one of my first first packs I shared when I was starting my posemaking journey. I haven't forget about them, but last year I didn't have the time to take on a new remake. I think, if I'm not mistaken, I still have about 8 packs I'd like to remake, but I'll take it slow.
Again, I tried to to keep the poses as similar as possible (since it is a remake and not a new posepack) but I took the liberty of adding some changes to some of the poses that need them urgently and added a new pose to make it 6 poses instead of 5 that is the number of poses that the original pack had.
Before going into descriptions of the pack, I want to share a BEFORE/AFTER pic of each pose to see the improvements and I'll let you know what is the new pose I added. BTW I tried to use the same camera angle to show the difference the better I could.
I hope you enjoy seeing the progress I have made as a posemaker with this posepack, although in this package the differences are not as noticeable as in the previous remakes. Mostly hands, legs in the standing pose and expressions. Enjoy!!:
What is on it?
6 couple poses + 2 all in one.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — FREE FOR EVERYONE!!
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for using them.
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castkorb · 3 days ago
I had a discussion with a friend on twitter about the fact –and consequences– of Sting killing the previous Sabertooth master, Jienma and possibly more people and I feel like throwing my two cents here and expanding a bit more. Long post ahead ïżœïżœïżœđŸœ
First of all, I want to make clear that my opinion on the Magic Council is that they're soo stupidly incompetent throughout the manga, so much that it shouldn't come to anyone's surprise they did nothing to Sting after killing Jienma, like they had "criminals" doing their job at one point, c'mon.
With that out of the way let's being: I'm aware of what I just said about the council, but taking in the context of where and when it took place I don't think they genuinely could do much lmao.
Firstly, the only time I remember them actually doing their job decently was during Oracion Seis, the times before and after that they were more or less there just to add the comedic bit of "Shit, we destroyed another town and the council's here, let's scram." And like, whatever the fuck they were doing during Tower of Heaven –this itself could be on another analysis post, did they seriously never doubted Siegrain?? did they just buy his lame story of "Oh yeah my twin brother who did a massacre when he was 7 is still out there making a cult or something but I got nothing to do with it don't worry about it, also don't pay attention to that it's not important rn" ???– But that was more the 10 Magic Saints and not the council I guess? but also they're the rulers of the magic council so we're on the same boat. I also just remembered the fact that sometimes they do fake trials to appease the population with no actual punishments being ruled lmao, I swear I was trying to be impartial here but it's getting harder the more stuff I remember.
Anyways, back to the GMG: They were a mess, like literally within the context. The king himself was operating illegally under the radar for 7 years and I can only imagine the Council's reaction to that fact literally moments prior to seven fucking dragons appearing out of nowhere. (The fact that the king and princess were left with just a scolding from Mest by all this was wild, truly up to the medieval(? times FT is set up in, –also keeps proving my opinion right– and raises many fucking questions about what the monarchy in this country is doing????) So, in summary, I don't think they had time to care about Sting killing Jienma. ☠
But if you want my longer analysis (this is rhetorical I'm doing it anyways.) Consider the history of Sabertooth, whatever methods Jienma (and Minerva) had of moving the guild forwards definitely included doing not so legal stuff swept under the rug, I'm guessing by Minerva or Jienma himself. I'm taking guesses here but it could've been by bribing the Council –given how gullible they are apparently ☠– or the Council either being intimidated enough by Jienma or because the guild tangled with the legality of the magic world so well they couldn't really do/say much to the guild during those years Jienma was in charge.
That probably helped Sting in this case, we don't know if the Sabertooth members were aware of such methods or if they had a general idea, I could assume Sting only found the full of it when he became master and had full access to the guild's records. But honestly I don't think it's farfetched to think anyone in Saber has killed people under Jienma's command more than once, since Sabertooth was introduced as a direct opposite of what Fairy Tail stands for –value your comrades as family, vow to kill no one– I think it was set to be assumed.
Maybe not ordered in ways such as "Kill this guy." but since the motto of Sabertooth was to be the better than any guild through whatever means necessary, it's not unlikely they were ordered to "dispose" of the competence more than once, as the first scene in which Sting and Rogue are introduced is literally them massacring a Dark Guild and leaving (I'm assuming) only one guy alive.
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Another part of the discussion we had was what would Fairy Tail's opinion on the fact that Sting killed the previous master be and honestly? I don't think they gave a fuck.
Throughout the GMG, Sabertooth did many things to the FT members that deserve no mercy and we saw that, how each of them reaped what they sowed. Even Natsu, to no one's surprised railed the Guild's motel just to shit talk and beat the crap out of the master for humiliating Yukino.
But then, (and pardon me if I overindulge here, because this is genuinely my favorite part of the arc) the finals arrive, every single member of Saber is defeated and given retribution and only Sting is left against Fairy Tail.
And he breaks down. All of the years worth of pressure and forcibly internalized overconfidence he had to learn in Sabertooth in order to survive, destroyed in a mere week. How do you take on all that? He was 19 at that time, as self-sufficient he was he was still a kid, a kid in a most definitely not healthy environment to grow up in. –Assuming, since the manga said Sabertooth became a top guild 5 years prior after their most powerful mages joined, meaning he'd have been 14 when he joined Saber– Sting had no way of knowing how to deal with loss of such shape, so he broke down in front of his enemies, and all that pilled-up pressure fell on him.
But of course as I mentioned, Sabertooth is a guild created to parallel everything Fairy Tail stands for, and that wouldn't be the first nor the last time they help someone from outside their guild, including former enemies. I specially adore how it was Erza who consoled him, Natsu was probably the first who realized the members of Sabertooth were molded to stain their hands in the name of the guild because of Jienma, and Erza likely realized too in that moment.
And we all know Sting strives to be like Natsu but I think Erza offering him solace in this moment was core to his growth later on, she was probably the first person other than Rogue and his father who was kind to him, –since he doesn't remember Anna yet– and it was the helping hand he needed to take the first step forwards after losing everything you've ever known.
Sorry I did say I was going to overindulge lol but I love this scene so much. But back to the original question, yes Fairy Tail values their vows passionately and fiercely and yet they also rebel against them a few times, –the recurring theme of young people breaking the outdated norm is also a constant in the manga– so I think, after learning the whole story they sort of decided to forgive and adopt/mentor the members of Sabertooth and mend all the trauma they had to deal with. I love the tiny bits we see of FT members being sort of overprotective towards Saber members, they're cute.
Sooo after all that the conclusion is: yeah, Sting has probably killed people, and Fairy Tail doesn't give a damn about it đŸ‘đŸŒ
(I'm seriously this close to make another long post on Sting's growth in character because he makes me sick I love him so much)
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unsuperingyournatural · 2 days ago
this is home
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Jensen Ackles x Actress!Reader / Pedro Pascal x Actress!Reader <platonic>
not saying anything about anyone. this idea materialized and went with it.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
Jensen had barely stepped into the terminal before the chaos began.
Flashes. Voices. Pens. Phones.
ïżœïżœïżœJensen! Over here!”
“Jensen! Just one shot, man!”
“Can you sign this, Jensen?”
He gave his trademark half-grin, the one that made crowds light up, and started signing with an ease that only came from years of practice. Photos, posters, a few weird objects. He didn't ask questions. Just kept it moving, just like always.
TMZ was in the mix, too, and so were a few of those guys with binders full of photos they’d resell online. Jensen didn’t love it, but he handled them the same way he handled everything else in public — smooth and unbothered. Or at least, looking that way.
“Where’s Y/N today?” someone called.
He didn’t look up, just said, “She’s across the country shooting right now.”
“Oh, that’s with Pedro Pascal, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jensen chuckled as he handed back a marker. “Lucky bastard gets to hang with her all day.”
Laughter rippled around him. He leaned into the joke, let it deflect any of the sting. He was cool with Pedro. Friendly, even. It wasn’t weird.
Then someone from the crowd — guy with a beard, phone out — pushed closer.
“Hey Jensen, you seen the new photos from set?”
Still signing, Jensen blinked. “What photos?”
The guy turned his phone around.
Three photos.
The first: you and Pedro laughing with the director, looking like a couple of kids in the best kind of trouble.
The second: Pedro saying something that had you smiling so wide Jensen could practically hear the laugh that went with it.
The third one hit a little lower. You, tucked under Pedro’s arm, head resting comfortably on his shoulder, the two of you watching something off-screen like you’d done it a hundred times before. Like it was natural. Like it belonged.
Jensen’s jaw ticked.
He gave the phone back.
The guy raised an eyebrow. “What’s up with that, man?”
“Uh, nothing, man.” Jensen shrugged, light as air. “That’s common on set when two lead actors are playing each other’s love interest and they’re close friends like they are.”
Another signature. Another fake smile.
“You just have fun with it all and enjoy the ride. I know how much she likes working with the guy and how much fun she’s having on set. And that’s important, you know? Because other than the director, they’re the leaders on set — they set the tone for the rest of the cast and crew.”
He was answering without thinking now, defaulting to PR mode as the weight of the third photo stuck with him. How natural it looked. How comfortable you were in Pedro’s arms. How Jensen had never seen that particular smile when you were with him.
He wrapped things up quickly after that, making excuses about catching his flight, shaking hands, thanking the fans. Cool. Calm. Collected.
He stayed that way all the way to the gate.
All the way to his seat in first class.
All the way until the plane door sealed shut and he finally exhaled, jaw unclenching as he pulled out his phone.
He typed, erased, typed again.
Finally, he sent the message:
Need you to call me ASAP. Saw the new set pics.
He stared out the window.
Trying — and failing — not to replay the way your head rested on Pedro’s shoulder like it had every right to be there.
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You were sitting in your trailer with your makeup half-done and your feet kicked up on the little sofa when your phone buzzed.
Jensen 💚: Need you to call me ASAP. Saw the new set pics.
Your stomach dropped.
You stared at the message for a second too long, rereading it like the words might change if you blinked hard enough.
You pulled up Instagram. Nothing on your feed yet. No tags. Then you checked Twitter — and there it was. A trending post. Your name. Pedro's. Someone had zoomed in on a few candid shots from set.
First one: You and Pedro laughing your asses off as the director waved her hands around. You remembered that moment — she’d made a joke about Pedro's "hero stance" being too dramatic, and Pedro had played it up even more. You’d doubled over laughing.
Second one: Pedro standing in front of you, making faces while the hair stylist adjusted your wig. You were grinning, wide and unfiltered.
Third one: 
You were leaning into him. Your head on his shoulder, his arms loose around you, like it was the most normal thing in the world. You looked calm. At peace. Comfortable. Too comfortable.
You swallowed hard.
Because yeah, it was normal on set. You’d spent weeks rehearsing together, shooting long days, figuring out the chemistry of your characters. You and Pedro got along — scarily well. He made you laugh when you needed it, offered you his coat between takes, always remembered to bring your favorite snack from the craft table.
But that photo. It didn’t look like friends. Not in the context of a trending topic. Not in the context of—
You clicked back to your messages.
No follow-up text.
You dialed him immediately, chewing at your thumbnail as it rang.
Once. Twice. Voicemail.
You hung up and called again.
No answer.
You hated this feeling — this wedge that had dropped between you from one image, one that wasn’t even about anything. But to him
 it probably looked like something else. Something intimate.
Your trailer door creaked open and Pedro popped his head in. “Hey, we’re being called back in like, five—”
You must’ve looked pale or something, because he stopped short. “You okay?”
You nodded too quickly. “Yeah. Just
 give me a minute?”
He hesitated. “Alright.” He lingered. “If this is about the photo stuff—”
You looked up sharply.
Pedro sighed, scratching the back of his neck. “Someone showed me on set. I didn’t think it’d blow up like this. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” you said quietly.
He gave you a small smile. “If he saw that third one, I get it. He’s probably just—y’know. Human.”
You nodded. “Yeah. He is.”
Pedro gave you one last look before closing the door behind him.
You stared at your phone again. The silence from Jensen felt louder than anything else.
You hated that one still frame — one unintentional, unguarded moment — could undo so much. Or make someone you love doubt what’s real.
You tried calling again.
This time, you left one.
“Hey, babe. I just saw the photos. I know how that last one must’ve looked, and I’m sorry if it hurt you. It wasn’t anything, I swear. Pedro and I were waiting to shoot a scene, and I was freezing — I didn’t even realize someone took a picture. I should’ve texted you more from set, I know things have been hectic. But please don’t think for one second that you have anything to worry about. Okay? You’re it for me.”
You hesitated before hanging up.
Then, softer: “I miss you.”
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Jensen had just leveled out in the air when he finally put his headphones in.
He didn’t open a movie. Didn’t scroll through music.
He played your voicemail.
It was quiet at first — your voice hushed, gentle. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, babe. I just saw the photos. I know how that last one must’ve looked, and I’m sorry if it hurt you
His jaw clenched. It didn’t hurt. I’m fine, he told himself, which was the first lie of the day.
It had hurt. Not in a full-on betrayal way — he trusted you. Of course he did. But that photo had snagged something in his chest and refused to let go. The way you looked with Pedro... relaxed, safe, like he was your home.
It was his shoulder you were supposed to lean on like that. Not someone else's.
“Pedro and I were waiting to shoot a scene, and I was freezing — I didn’t even realize someone took a picture
He knew. He knew. He’d been in this industry long enough to recognize what was real and what was camera bait. But still — your head on Pedro’s shoulder, his arms around you — it was too real-looking. It felt like something private, even if it wasn’t.
“I should’ve texted you more from set
Yeah, maybe. But he hadn’t exactly been blowing up your phone either. You’d both been busy, missing each other in that quiet, painful way people do when life gets loud.
“Please don’t think for one second that you have anything to worry about. Okay? You’re it for me.”
His throat tightened.
God, he missed you. Missed your laugh, your late-night ramblings, the way your hand always found his knee when you were curled up next to him. Missed your presence, like something about the world clicked into place when you were near.
“I miss you.”
He pulled out one earbud, let the quiet hum of the plane fill the silence. His eyes stayed on the seat in front of him, unfocused. He didn’t replay the message again — didn’t need to. Your voice was already echoing in his head.
He tapped out a reply before he could overthink it:
I miss you too. Let’s talk when I land, okay? We’ll talk.
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He picked up the call on the first ring.
“Hey,” your voice came through, soft but steady.
“Hey,” he said back, eyes shut as he leaned against the seat. His voice was lower than usual, gravelly from holding too much in.
“I didn't want to wait.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.”
A pause.
“You okay?” you asked.
He let out a quiet breath, one hand scrubbing down his face. “Yeah. I mean, I wasn’t. But I’m better now.”
“That photo—”
“I know,” he cut in gently. “I know it’s nothing. I know how sets work. Hell, I’ve probably looked that cozy with co-stars more times than I can count.”
 I hate that you saw it that way.”
“I didn’t want to,” he admitted, voice raw around the edges. “Didn’t want to feel that flash of
 I don’t even know what it was. Just hit me out of nowhere.”
“It was cold. Pedro offered his jacket. I leaned. That was it.”
Jensen gave a humorless huff. “Pedro’s a good guy. I know that. I like him.”
“I know you do.”
“But seeing you in his arms like that—” he stopped, forcing his words to even out. “It looked like I’d been replaced.”
“You haven’t been,” you said, firm now. “Not even close.”
He stayed quiet, letting the weight of that truth settle between you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t check in more,” you continued. “We’ve both been running non-stop. And I know how much that messes with things.”
“I should’ve called too,” he said. “Should’ve made time. We’re both guilty.”
“You didn’t ask for pictures like that to be taken.”
“You didn’t ask to go viral for existing on a film set.”
That made you laugh — just a little — and he felt something in his chest loosen.
“I meant what I said in the voicemail,” you added. “You’re it for me, Jensen. Okay? Even when it’s cold. Even when I’m tired. Even when I’m a thousand miles away.”
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
“I needed to hear that,” he said quietly. “Because when I saw that photo
 I didn’t feel like ‘it.’ I felt like the guy who got left behind.”
“You didn’t. You won’t be.”
He leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees, voice almost a whisper now. “Can we be better about this? You and me. Even when it’s crazy. Even when the press starts making shit up. Just
 keep each other close?”
“I want that,” you said instantly. “I want us solid, no matter where we are.”
“Okay,” he said. Then softer: “Then we’ll do it.”
Another pause. A gentler one this time.
“Are you headed to the hotel?” you asked.
“Yeah. I’ll call you when I get there. Maybe FaceTime. I wanna see your face.”
“You’re not gonna make me show you I’m not cuddled up to Pedro again, are you?” you teased lightly.
He chuckled, finally — a real one. “Nah. But I’ll make you prove you still smile bigger when you see me.”
“You better believe I do.”
He leaned back in his seat again, a quiet smile on his lips as the overhead chime announced arrival.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too,” you answered.
This time, it didn’t just feel like words.
It felt like coming home.
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The hotel room was dim, lit mostly by the warm amber glow of the bedside lamp. Jensen tossed his duffel on the floor, kicked off his boots, and let out a groan as he flopped back onto the mattress.
He didn’t even bother with the TV. All he wanted to do was see your face.
He hit FaceTime, thumb hovering for just a second before he pressed “Call.”
It rang once. Twice.
Then you answered.
“Hi,” you said, appearing on his screen, wrapped in a hoodie — his hoodie, he realized — hair pulled back, eyes tired but warm.
He exhaled, a sound like something uncoiling inside him.
“There you are,” he murmured.
You smiled. A real one this time. “Here I am.”
He angled the phone so you could see him too, stretched out on the bed, shirt wrinkled from travel, hair a little messy from the flight.
“You look good,” you said quietly.
He huffed a small laugh. “I look like I just went twelve rounds with airport security.”
“Still,” you said. “You look like home.”
That did something to him. His chest ached in that gentle way it always did when you cut straight through his walls without even trying.
“I hated that we fought without actually fighting,” you said, voice softer now.
“We didn’t fight,” he replied. “We
You nodded. “Well. Let’s not do that again.”
You were quiet for a moment, studying him through the screen like you were trying to memorize every detail. He could see the exhaustion in your eyes — long day, long week, maybe just missing him more than you’d let yourself admit until now.
“Hey,” he said gently. “You okay?”
“I am now.”
He swallowed. “I know that photo caught me off guard. But I trust you. Even when it stings. Even when I hate sharing you with the world.”
“You’re not sharing me,” you said. “Not really. The world gets pieces. You get all of me.”
His throat tightened. “That better not just be the sleep talking.”
“It’s not,” you whispered.
You just watched each other for a moment — no talking, no pressure. Just two people staring through a screen and wishing it were a window.
“You wanna stay on the call while you crash?” he asked eventually. “I’ll just leave you propped up. We don’t have to talk.”
You blinked. “Like fall asleep on FaceTime?”
“Yeah. Old school teen romance style.”
You smiled, curling deeper under your blanket. “That sounds perfect.”
He angled his phone against a pillow so you had a good view — just his face and that soft, sleepy look in his eyes. You did the same.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he said quietly.
“Goodnight, baby.”
He didn’t care how cheesy it was. Didn’t care about time zones or bad lighting or how far away you were.
Right now, he could see your face.
And for the first time in days, Jensen felt like everything might just be okay.
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The soundstage was quiet for a rare moment — reset lights buzzing, crew shuffling softly, the buzz of production dulled under the weight of fatigue and late-afternoon haze. You stood near video village, holding a paper cup of now-cold coffee, eyes skimming the script pages you already knew by heart.
But your mind was somewhere else.
Back in that hotel room with Jensen’s face on your phone. Back in his voice, low and tired, but honest. Back in the look in his eyes when you told him, You’re not sharing me. The world gets pieces. You get all of me.
You knew what that had meant to him — how much it had taken for him to believe it. And still
 how hard he was working to keep believing it.
Because Jensen had been burned. One too many times.
People didn’t always love him. They loved the version of him that opened doors. The famous name. The charming face. The connections. The spotlight. The screaming fans. His impeccable good looks.
But when the lights dimmed? When the camera stopped? That’s when the cracks formed. That’s when the sniping started. The cold shoulders. The slow unraveling of something that had never been sewn with kindness in the first place.
He’d told you about it one night, half a bottle of whiskey deep, voice rough and eyes downcast. How he stayed too long. How he kept trying to fix things, even when the only thing breaking was himself.
She made him feel small. Over time, piece by piece. Until he forgot what it was like to be seen with softness.
He didn’t realize it at the time — how much damage that kind of love could do. How deeply it could root itself in the way he saw the world.
He still caught himself, sometimes. When you fought — which wasn’t often — he’d sometimes shoot too fast. A sharp word. A subtle jab. His shoulders would go rigid like he was bracing for a war that wasn’t coming.
And you’d told him. Calm, clear, unmoving.
I love you, but I won’t let you treat me like that. That’s not love. That’s defense. And if you want to be in this with me, then that pattern ends now.
He’d listened. He’d heard you.
And he was trying. You saw it every time he paused to rethink his words. Every time he caught himself and took a breath instead of a verbal swing. Every time he looked at you like he was scared — not of you, but of losing you — and chose to trust instead.
You knew he was trying to be the kind of man who didn’t carry the weight of his past into the room with him.
You knew that meant more than any trending photo or paparazzi buzz ever could.
“Hey,” a familiar voice said gently.
You blinked out of your thoughts to see Pedro beside you, his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets, expression warm and easy.
“Hey,” you replied, offering a small smile.
He gave you a look. That subtle, careful kind — the kind only good friends know how to give.
“Everything good?” he asked, keeping his voice low. “After
 y’know. All the TMZ drama?”
You let out a breath. “Yeah. We talked. He’s good. We’re good.”
Pedro nodded once. “I figured. He seemed like the type to pull it together once he had the facts.”
You glanced at him. “He’s trying. It’s not always easy for him.”
Pedro gave a soft, understanding smile. “No, I get that. People don’t always realize how much shit someone’s carrying until it spills out all over the place.”
You nodded slowly. “He’s been through a lot. Stuff he doesn’t always talk about. And when he does, it’s
Pedro leaned against the edge of the cart beside you, casual but attentive. “He’s lucky to have you.”
You tilted your head. “You think so?”
“I know so,” he said, with a small grin. “Because you love him in a way that makes him want to be better. I see it in the way you talk about him — and in the way you look over your shoulder every time your phone buzzes.”
You laughed under your breath, cheeks warming.
Pedro bumped your shoulder lightly. “He’s not the only lucky one, though. You’ve got someone who’s trying to unlearn the shit that broke him. That’s not nothing.”
You swallowed. “Yeah. It’s not.”
He nodded once more, then added, “And hey — for what it’s worth, if he ever forgets what he’s got in you
 I’m right here with a very long speech about how dumb he’d be to mess it up.”
You grinned. “Thanks, Pascal. I’ll keep you on standby.”
“Always,” he said with a wink.
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You didn’t hear the knock so much as feel it — a jolt of electricity straight through your chest.
You crossed the hotel room in three seconds flat, yanking open the door like something in you had been waiting for this moment all week.
And there he was.
Ball cap, hoodie, boots. Tired eyes and soft smile. You didn’t even say hello — just grabbed the front of his sweatshirt and pulled him in.
He dropped his bag somewhere behind him as the door closed, his hands already finding your waist, your back, your face. His touch was everywhere at once — not desperate, just sure.
You kissed him like you hadn’t seen him in years. Like this was the only language you remembered.
He kissed you back just the same.
When you finally pulled apart, breathless and slightly dizzy, Jensen rested his forehead against yours, voice low and rough.
“God, I missed you.”
You nodded, eyes still closed. “You feel like home.”
He huffed a soft laugh. “I feel like hell. That flight was brutal.”
“You still smell like your cologne,” you whispered, pressing your nose to his collar. “And a little like airplane.”
“You always this affectionate with guys who smell like recycled air?”
“Only the ones I love.”
He smiled into your hair, arms tightening around you. “That’s good. ‘Cause I was planning on staying.”
You tilted your head back to look at him. “For the night or for the week?”
He met your gaze. “As long as you’ll let me.”
The answer settled into your chest like sunlight.
You led him toward the bed, fingers laced with his, neither of you needing words to know what this meant. It wasn’t about sex. It was about presence. About closeness. About curling into each other like the answer to a question that’s lingered too long.
Later, after the clothes had been shed and the lights dimmed and the room had gone quiet except for the slow, even rhythm of breath, he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“I hate being apart from you,” he murmured.
You turned slightly, meeting his eyes in the dark. “Me too.”
“I don’t care where you are, what time it is — I just want you close.”
“You’ve got me,” you whispered, tracing your fingers along his jaw. “You always do.”
And when he kissed you again, it wasn’t just to prove a point. It was a promise.
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The sun was starting to dip behind the soundstage, casting long shadows over the parking lot where the crew trucks sat humming, their sides splattered with dust and sunlight.
Pedro was leaning against one of them, sipping a bottle of water, still in costume — the desert wind teasing the edges of his scarf. He looked calm, unbothered. But his eyes tracked everything. They always did.
Jensen saw him before he said a word.
“Hey,” he called, jogging up the last few steps from the studio lot.
Pedro lifted his brows, amused. “Well look who actually exists in daylight.”
Jensen smirked. “Thought I’d swing by before you wrap up. Figured I owed you a face-to-face.”
Pedro nodded, uncapping his water again. “For what? You’re not about to punch me over a publicity still, are you?”
Jensen chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Nah. We got past all that. She and I talked. It’s good now.”
Pedro gave him a look — not skeptical, just curious. “You sure?”
“I’m sure.”
There was a beat. One of those heavy, unspoken pauses that says we’re about to get real, aren’t we?
Jensen crossed his arms and leaned against the truck beside Pedro, letting the silence settle before breaking it.
“I know you and she got close,” he said, not accusing — just honest. “I know how this kind of set brings people together. Long hours. Long scenes. Shared trailers and inside jokes.”
Pedro stayed quiet. Letting him talk.
“And I know,” Jensen continued, voice quieter now, “that you’ve never given me a reason not to trust you.”
Pedro tilted his head. “But?”
“No ‘but.’” Jensen looked at him. “Just wanted you to know I appreciate that. That line you never crossed? It means something.”
Pedro nodded once. “She made it easy. She never gave me a reason to question it either.”
“I know.”
Another quiet beat.
Then Pedro glanced over at him, tone lighter but sincere. “She’s good at making people feel like they matter. It’s
 kinda her superpower.”
Jensen exhaled a small laugh. “Yeah. Tell me about it.”
Pedro took another sip, then added, “You’re good for her, too. I see it. She’s been lighter since you got here. Softer.”
“She softens me too,” Jensen admitted.
They stood like that for a moment — two men connected by proximity, friendship, and the same fierce care for one extraordinary woman.
Pedro gave a small smile. “No offense, but I’m glad it’s you.”
Jensen raised a brow. “Yeah?”
“I’ve seen her look at you,” Pedro said. “You’re her safe place. That’s rare. Don’t fuck it up.”
Jensen laughed, low and dry. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, man.”
Pedro shrugged with a grin. “Anytime.”
Jensen reached out, clapped his shoulder. “You ever need a beer and someone to complain to about LA traffic, I’m your guy.”
“Deal,” Pedro said, and the smile he gave was real.
They didn’t hug — neither of them were quite built for that level of mutual sentimentality — but something settled between them all the same. A kind of unspoken pact.
The woman they both cared about was safe. Loved. Understood.
And that was enough.
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The car was warm and still.
Just highway lights flickering past, casting gold across the dash, the soft hum of tires on asphalt, and Jensen’s hand resting against your thigh — thumb brushing back and forth like it was muscle memory now.
You leaned your head against the window, eyes half-lidded from exhaustion, your body finally starting to unclench from the weeks of long shoots, late nights, and emotional tightropes. There wasn’t much left to say.
And you didn’t need there to be.
Jensen glanced over at you, his hat tipped back, the corner of his mouth tugging upward in that soft, private smile he only ever gave you when he thought no one else was looking.
“You falling asleep on me?”
“Mm. Just resting my eyes.”
He squeezed your thigh gently, his hand warm and grounding. “You’ve earned it.”
You smiled, tilting your head toward him. “So have you.”
He gave a low hum of agreement but kept his eyes on the road. “You good? Really?”
“I’m good,” you said, voice quiet. “Feels like everything’s settled. For now.”
Jensen nodded once. “I like ‘for now.’ ‘For now’ got me here with you.”
You reached over, letting your fingers thread with his. “You were always gonna end up here with me.”
He brought your joined hands to his lips, kissed the back of yours without breaking focus on the road.
Silence fell again — but the good kind. The kind filled with weightless comfort. With the sound of trust. Of belonging. Of us.
You watched him drive, your heart soft and slow in your chest.
His shoulders had relaxed since he got to set. His voice, less guarded. You could tell he’d let go of something. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was doubt. Maybe it was just that quiet ache of missing someone and finally getting to reach for them again.
Whatever it was, he was here now.
And so were you.
Home wasn’t a place. Not tonight. Home was this drive. His hand in yours. The hush between songs on the radio. The weight of his love, steady and sure, in the space between your heartbeats.
You turned your face toward the windshield, eyes slipping shut.
And you let him carry you the rest of the way home.
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The sun was already too bright when you shuffled into the kitchen, hair a mess, wearing nothing but one of Jensen’s ancient shirts from a tour he couldn’t even remember doing. You found him exactly where you expected — leaned over the counter with a mug in one hand, and a suspiciously crumb-covered phone in the other.
“Is that my cinnamon muffin?” you asked, eyeing the demolished pastry on the plate beside him.
He didn’t look up. “Define yours.”
You blinked. “The one I wrote my name on. In Sharpie. With hearts.”
“Oh,” he said, finally glancing up. “That muffin.”
“Yeah, that muffin.”
Jensen took a very slow, very exaggerated bite. “Never saw it.”
You narrowed your eyes, crossing your arms. “You’re lucky I like you.”
He grinned, unapologetic. “You love me. It’s different.”
You stalked over and plucked the last bite out of his hand, popping it into your mouth before he could protest. His jaw dropped in playful betrayal.
You smirked. “Shared property. That’s how love works, right?”
“Not when it comes to pastries,” he muttered, but he was smiling again — that crooked grin that made your stomach flutter even now.
You moved in closer, sliding your arms around his waist, pressing your forehead to his chest. “We’re really home.”
His hands settled on your hips, warm and steady. “Yeah. Finally.”
You looked up at him. “Do I have to go back to work next week?”
He leaned down, nose brushing yours. “I can call in a fake scandal if you want. Something juicy. Keep you off the hook for a while.”
You laughed. “What, like you broke up with me because I ate your muffin?”
“Or I’m cheating with the craft services girl,” he said dramatically. “We bonded over croissants. It’s been very emotional.”
“Tragic,” you said, fake-pouting. “Guess I’ll have to make you jealous by flirting with Pedro again.”
Jensen raised an eyebrow. “That man could charm a potted plant. You wouldn’t even have to try.”
You grinned. “Might make you appreciate my Sharpie muffins more.”
He shook his head, pulling you closer. “You could eat all my muffins and I’d still pick you every time.”
“Even the blueberry ones?”
He leaned down and kissed you slow. “Especially the blueberry ones.”
You melted into it, laughter catching between your lips.
Home wasn’t always quiet. Sometimes it was teasing and crumbs and half-drunk coffee.
Sometimes it was just this — his arms, your laughter, and a life you’d built one stolen muffin at a time.
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thetorturedlovergirl · 21 days ago
“The SOC fandom is dead” nah bro can’t u see me bully Kaz Brekker?
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lbhslefttiddie · 11 months ago
ruminating once again on the concept of murdering shen yuan for fun suspense and ghosty reasons and like. i like the concept of trying to write a murder mystery but fanfiction doesnt really Work for murder mysteries because you know what everyone is about before you read the first paragraph. there's very little mystery to be had in guessing between a set of likely candidates, and a lot of it has less to do with logic and puzzling things out and more to do with judging how the author interprets 7 and also 9 so ive been stuck ruminating on it for ages.
and then earlier i had a stroke of what im not going to call genius because i thought "the best way to add a twist to a scum villain murder mystery!!! would be if the person who murdered shen yuan!! was also shen yuan!!!"
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dennisboobs · 3 months ago
most annoying thing about being me is that i cannot engage with like. any fanon shit about dennis because i'm constantly on some advanced derangement and the stuff i thought two years ago when i was first getting comfy in the fandom is still the way everyone else looks at dennis but i'm like. yes but its Worse than this. you're like a quarter of the way there. this isn't the interesting bit, this is a symptom of it, keep going.
#ada speaks#i tried reading fic. i got probably 5 minutes in and was like hm i dont think i can do this#it doesnt like. piss me off. it just also does not interest me in the least#that post going around the other day got me thinking too like fjsmbfkfkj#i think maybe macbrain often causes ppl to come to the wrong conclusions too but đŸ„Ž#like i see so many people apply the same logic that makes sense with mac to dennis and it's like whoa. wait a minute. huh??#we're doing the catholic guilt thing here with him...? you think he's got a complex with that?#you think den's been anything other than openly queer since the show began ?? jdehkbfjkherbfjh i dont know man. where are you getting that.#dennis' shit is so far removed from anything else i think you NEED to understand him in a vacuum before applying individual circumstances#ie. when trying to understand dennis' behaviour Around Mac i don't actually think it has much to do with mac at all#or at least nowhere near as much as ppl give him credit for lol#he's just. like that. he's behaving perfectly in line with himself just not. with anything else. its not that complicated really#i also don't think that he hates himself nearly as much as everyone seems to think#conversely. also nowhere near the narcissist everyone makes him out to be.#still cant get over the absolute deranged interaction i had on twitter a while back where it was like.#''dennis isnt legitimately interested in Anyone because he's too in love with himself.'' like hdksbkfngmdjshdkfjfndj LOVES HIMSELF??#first of all the SINNED system is right there and those steps and that GOAL Mean Something secondly fhkfnskjrjdkbsnsnfnfk#meanwhile i was talking about some fic concepts & hcs a while back with a friend and they were like youre straight up writing plural dennis#like. ah. yeah. victoria is an alter. somehow i've written this while being like. hm. what IS victoria to him.#these two are distinct people coexisting in this body and dennis still *exists* even after coming out and transitioning...?#but how can i even begin to talk about this when i don't agree that much of anything in canon points to this. it's like.#i dont think brian lefevre or hugh honey or his random personas are alters. its specifically victoria and a few other instances#and victoria isn't even. a thing. glenn just conveniently gave a 'canon' name to a thing i was Already conceptualizing but its? not canon#anyway golden god firefighter and victoria manager. hello. anyone. dennis and victoria co-fronting.#this is more about. IFS than DID but it's.#idgaf about the macden other ppl froth at the mouth over im inside dennis' brain poking around i find them fascinating but not like that#(there is something wrong with me)#genuinely wish i could enjoy the stuff in the tag and the stuff that showed up on my dashboard regularly this is a curse DBKSBFMF
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dollyichi · 3 months ago
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I JUST GOT A CRUSH! ᯓ★ katsuki bakugou x f ! reader. 1.02k words / fluff / not proofread
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bakugou is bad at social media. not exactly terrible, yet not so great either.
he really doesn’t care too much for it nor does he use it that often but he’s not that unfamiliar with it. he finds himself being on tiktok from time to time though he never really bothered to make it known that he had an account in the first place, just enjoying whatever he comes across and liberally blocks accounts that come up on his fyp that pissed him off. he never posts anything either so it didn’t matter. it’s a typical account with a generated username and a blank profile, 57 following, 0 followers.
recently he found a video that he wanted to share (an edit made by a fan) and posts the link on twitter, alongside saying how ‘it’s real sick’ of them to make that for him. he didn’t even know videos like that were famous. the effort and skill it took made him think it were cool.
what he also didn’t know, was that his profile would be revealed when you press on the link.
he got so confused when his account suddenly gained so many followers in just two days since he ‘never mentioned it.’ that was until he sees the replies on his tweet that the linked he used to share got him exposed.
he checks it out for himself which proved that he did actually share his account without knowing, but it’s ‘whatever.’ even after everyone found out he just used it like normal. it’s only a pain when they kept asking him to post something.
he truly is without care, yet he underestimates the fans who immediately stalk his ‘almost’ empty profile. you see, he doesn’t know that his reposts are public because he doesn’t actually look at his own profile. it’s usually a like, like, repost, favorite, like, then close app routine that he does before he goes to bed.
there's a few funny videos here and there, cooking videos and recipes too, things he'd like to try out soon for himself, or techniques that were really helpful for him. some are also videos of fan edits that he recently discovered, where the same video he shared was at the top of the page.
yet, there was one reoccurring face that kept popping up. a pretty girl who likes to lip sync some songs or show off their trinket hauls. sometimes mini vlogs from their day to day or makeup vids. and the topic trends everywhere: DYNAMIGHT TIKTOK CRUSH
when you saw it you really couldn’t believe it yourself that the one anonymous commenter on your videos was a pro-hero, your favorite nonetheless. though, it makes you a little nervous since your face is plastered all over different social platforms because you’re only active on that app. you don’t know where to go from there except squeal into your pillows. definitely flattered when you recall the many times he called you pretty on your vlogs.
as the rest dive deeper into his little ‘crush’ they even saw him comment on a few of your videos with compliments that sounded extra flirty. they teased him so hard saying how he looks like a creep especially with that profile. he’s never gonna hear the end of it. soon a new topic blows up that reads: GO FOR IT DYNAMIGHT
in his defense, if he were to give anyone an explanation, he thinks you have a really nice smile and a really soothing voice. also that you’re real cute and charming, that’s why he could watch and even rewatch all your content in one sitting. he couldn’t get enough of you, absolutely smitten. even had to ask kirishima how to turn on notifications for an account in the guise of turning it on for his agency's tiktok.
you’re also the only account he’s following that’s not a cooking channel or a pro-hero. and yeah it’s basically all that, a crush. not that he expects you to actually give him a chance, he’s happy just seeing your content.
however, the poor (not really) bakugou is actually unaware of the whole situation of his ‘tiktok crush’ trending since he was finishing a mission. only finding out when he got a call from kirishima asking if he found a girlfriend already. “what the fuck are you on about?”
“your fans are talking about how you keep reposting videos of this one girl on tiktok. i mean, it’s kinda obvious if you’re dating.” and it hits him, quick. your username (the one he could only remember, really) flashes in his head, but he laughs it off. “nah nothin’ like that. think i could shoot my shot though?” he asks him and kirishima says, “haha! i think she already beat you to it.”
not knowing what he meant, he swiftly gets home, showers, and lays on his couch whipping his phone out of his pocket to search up your username. and there he was, staring at his phone, unable to stop the smile on his face when he sees the thumbnail of your new video. he opens it immediately and there you were, holding a dynamight figurine (a very limited one too!) close to your cheek that you’ve never shown before until now. you never thought to show it thinking he might see it and think of you as weirdo. it gave the opposite effect actually, even made him more confident because who would've thought your pretty collection had a 'random guy' in there (definitely not random for you at least).
bakugou immediately likes, reposts and adds it to his favorites. even screen recording the whole thing cause you never gave access to download your videos—it was a very special moment for him okay!
he then comments, ‘you can have the real thing too.’
a few minutes later it’s got your icon with a heart beside it. he chuckles, happy that you finally noticed him. beams when he gets a notification that you followed him back.
he’s definitely going to dm you after he calms down. just hopes this time you don't beat him to it again.
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do not copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost my works
note : i love a katsuki with a crush i think it's so cute. but i love it even more that he's still confident about it!!! i like to think that reader probably has like 20k followers or something so pretty big but not as big as the others. the first time he met you he stumbles upon a video of you talking about the ice cream u just got and then he got hooked cause u were so cute when u were picking the flavor. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THIS ON TIKTOK BTW >< also minors & ageless blogs please do not follow me!
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redwinelew · 2 months ago
can I request a smau for lewis hamilton where he's secretly dating his new teammate leclerc's sister and a mistake of instagram story tells everyone they're not just flirting on socials but are actually a couple?
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type social media au
pairing lewis hamilton x twin sister leclerc!reader
summary as requested!
face claim daisy edgar-jones
song after midnight by chappell roan
warnings age gap (28 x 40), a bit suggestive on some parts
author's note figured now would be a good time to post this. also i made reader charles' twin since daisy is close to his age i hope that's alright with u anon. sorry this is shorter than what i usually write i hope u like this 33
english is not my first language. all pictures taken from pinterest, instagram and twitter. credit to owners.
masterlist | request info | requests are OPEN!
ynleclerc just made a post!
♬ Naked In Manhattan ‱ Chappell Roan
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt and 6,727 others
ynleclerc random 2024 photo dump 💋
tagged charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, f1, danielricciardo, yukitsunoda0511
view all 190 comments
user who do i need to fight to date charles sister
charles_leclerc user Me obviously
user charles_leclerc my bad bruh đŸ˜­đŸ«Ą
user user LMFAO
user still can't believe vcarb sponsored y/n to come to a race instead of her brother's own team 😭😭
ynleclerc user well does ferrari have danny ric?? and yuki?? no i don't think so
user ynleclerc y/n leclerc aka #1 daniel ricciardo and yuki tsunoda stan
ynleclerc user exactly exactly
user the leclerc genes are insane bro
user user face cards never decline fr
user the best siblings duo ever i don't make the rules
user CHAPPELL ROAN???? you are so real for this
ynleclerc user đŸ™‚â€â†•ïžđŸ™‚â€â†•ïž
user she is who i want to be when i grow up
user the coolest girl ever
lewishamilton That skirt looks gorgeous on you
ynleclerc lewishamilton what's underneath is ever better
user ynleclerc WOAH??????
user ynleclerc EXCUSE ME
lewishamilton ynleclerc I know
user lewishamilton AYO??
user lewishamilton SIR??????
user lewishamilton "I know" EHAT DOES THAT MEAN
user lewishamilton grandpa still got some game damn
user lewishamilton something's in the air in maranello fr ain't no way lewis is flirting with charles sister PUBLICLY
messages (y/n's pov)
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ynleclerc just added to their stories!
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lewishamilton just added to their stories!
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messages (y/n's pov)
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ynleclerc just made a post!
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, doechii and 16,044 others
ynleclerc well since the secret is out...... here's some pics from the archives
ps lewis is still alive dw charles is not gonna kill ferrari's only hope at wcc this year
tagged lewishamilton
view all 712 comments
user i guess now we know why y/n kept hanging out at merc garage last year 😭😭
user user she was also in vcarb's garage??
user user i mean yeah but that was sponsored. during other gps she's always seen hanging out in merc garage but ppl thought it's only bcs she's friends with carmen
user the last pic...... i would do the same tbh
ynleclerc user alex took the pic 😚😚 i just couldn't resist
user and the crowd is in shock????
alexandrasaintmleux it's been so hard keeping this a secret haha so happy for you two ❀❀
charles_leclerc alexandrasaintmleux I still can't believe that you knew first before I do
ynleclerc charles_leclerc she's my favorite so i love her more
charles_leclerc ynleclerc WE SHARED A WOMB!!!!!
ynleclerc charles_leclerc and i'm pretty sure you almost ate me so consider this a payback
lewishamilton just made a post!
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liked by zhouguanyu24, calliewilson_ and 4,728,948 others.
lewishamilton Mi amor ❀
tagged ynleclerc
view all 44,630 comments
ynleclerc baby that's spanish 😭😭 mon amour is french
charles_leclerc ynleclerc He doesn't even know the difference? This is the man you claimed to love?
ynleclerc charles_leclerc he's trying ok give him a break 😭😭
charles_leclerc If you break her heart I will sabotage your car. Mark my words, Lewis
ynleclerc charles_leclerc ARE YOU INSANE 😭😭
user charles_leclerc we love a protective brother
user user i can't take the threat seriously i'm afraid lmfao 😭😭
lewishamilton charles_leclerc I deserve it
scuderiaferrari charles_leclerc Please don't
francolapinto congratulations!
user can't believe all of this started bcs of some instagram stories
user user how long do u figure they would keep this a secret if that accident didn't happen 😭😭
user user they're gonna have to be public eventually. can't hide from charles forever
user i wonder how family dinners will be from now on
user user chaotic most definitely
user user thinking about charles giving lewis the talk has me dying
user oh to be charles leclerc's sister and date lewis hamilton
user user living the dream fr
user when i said i want 1644 dramas in 2025 this is NOT what i meant 😭😭
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rottingghosty · 19 days ago
The Realms PR | DC X DP
Prompt/Summary: DC X DP SOCMED AU. Imagine Danny being so fucking tired of the GIW and is like Tucker, I’m making a twitter account, verify me IMMEDIATELY. So here’s Danny as Phantom on Twitter, verified with 0 followers and starts tweeting about how GIW is shit and how they claim ghosts are non sapient or sentient and just counterattacks by uploading videos of various ghosts to show that they in fact ARE previous humans and very much sentient.
Phantom ✔
AP’s Local Hero | He/him | Ghost
📍 Infinite Realms   đŸ—“ïž Joined March 20XX
0 Following   ||   0 Followers
Phantom ✔— @OGPhantom
“Ghosts aren’t sentient!” Yeah, what’s THIS then????
[Video: It shows a place with a sickening amount of the color green before it pans over to where a figure with a purple cloak with the hood down sat on a bench. The figure is softly singing to various blobs of green ghosts who chirp and trill along. The figure had long curly blue hair as they turned to the recorder Phantom— as a sweet smile formed on lips with purple lipstick. The figure had blue skin that showed as the cloak moved and showed blue tinted fingers.
The singing sounded echoed, staticky at times but otherwise soothing. The figure said something that the was untranslated but it was enough for the figure to later brighten up at what was said back. Red eyes instantly became starry.]
> Phantom ✔— @OGPhantom
Ghosts are very much sentient. We rely on emotions. đŸ–•đŸŒYou guys study a field you don’t even know about.
After a series of tweets where Danny showed more videos of ghosts (with their permission of course) on Twitter. He got off the app and decided to go to bed after ranting about the GIW. He was heavily unaware of how his tweets would blow up when Tucker had the best idea to have the tweets land on various FYP of influencers and maybe a few billionaires such as the Waynes.
“What.” Danny croaked out as he stared at the sudden fame he got overnight. He hadn’t expected his tweets to blow up, he simply thought only a few ghost fans would stumble upon his tweets and claim it was fake or edited, even call it CGI. He had not taken into the account of the fact that Amity Park residents would vouch (all while refraining from saying that they reside in Amity Park since they’re essentially a dead zone due to the ectoplasm affecting the town) and even provide their own information about Ghosts.
So now Danny suddenly is a thousand followers bigger, he has news teams wanting to interview him and he has people commenting on his tweets. He feels dizzy as hands gripped his biceps and gently tugged him into sitting on the chair that was basically his at the Foley home. His ears are ringing and his throat feels dry.
“Congrats on being famous, don’t forget us too soon.” Sam dryly says as she shoves water into Danny’s hands and helped him take a sip.
“Don’t be like that Sam, this is a good thing especially since the GIW are blocked from seeing Phantom’s account or anything Phantom related things even despite people reposting and tweeting on other social medias. Technus helped me with that.”
“Oh my god Phantom’s famous. I’m famous.”
The biggest video that blew up was his pinned video, it was of one of the older ghosts who had been around for a long time— the same Hope that had been placed in Pandora’s Box and why she is the Ancient of it after escaping.
He recorded her on a whim after a run in with the GIW and then constantly telling him that he’s a monster and how he isn’t sentient. He also privately kept the thought of himself using Hope’s singing as a lullaby whenever he couldn’t sleep after a rough day.
TLDR: Danny recorded the Ancient of Hope (an OC) on a whim after a bad day and decided to counteract the idea of GIW telling Amity Parkers that ghosts are evil. He genuinely thought only the Parkers would realize and not that. Tucker would have this bright idea to broaden his influence. So Danny is VERY much newly famous, has the attention of a lot of people now. Including one Jason Todd because he stumbled upon the video of Hope singing and it calmed the Pit so he’s like what the fuck.
Could be a Dead on Main, Dead Tired kinda thing idk, i thought of this at like 2am at work. But I think Danny as Phantom being internet famous about explaining the Infinite Realms (all while he tries to hide the fact that he’s royalty of it) and exclusively shitting on the GIW. Sam and Tucker obviously make accounts also cause they’re the ambassadors of Phantom and basically his PR team.
Meanwhile John Constantine is having a crisis in a meeting with the Justice League and JL Dark because what do you mean someone is experimenting on ghosts and declaring them as not human???
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kazekis · 1 year ago
okay opinions time.
so i love the new sonic frontiers update. yes its hard as fuck, yes i wanted to give up multiple times, yes i even said it was impossible in the Master King Trial. But despite all of that, it was fun.
It gave me a huge sense of accomplishment when I beat the Master King Trial AND the new End fight that I cried out of joy and stress when I beat both of them! I was so happy that I didn't give up, and ended up just sleeping on it whenever I felt like I was getting angry.
It also gave me a chance to connect with the Sonic community, as I am a new fan (got into sonic around 2020). I was looking through community posts and seeing other people struggle and complain and call it impossible, as well as people asking for tips. And the people who responded with tips helped me out soso much, I wouldnt have been able to beat it if not!
I dont know about you, but I was hoping for a boss rush in Sonic Frontiers, and now that we have it, despite being insanely difficult, im pretty happy about it. Being forced to learn new techniques (speedrunning tricks) AND finding out about features from the boss fights that I didnt know before (parrying Wyverns rockets, and parrying Knights spikes) was really fun.
plus, the ending was so worth it. i dont think I could find it but before I beat the game I saw a post speculating about how the Original ending was the bad ending, and the Final Horizon ending is the good one, and idk about you guys but I agree. i like that speculation
Plus the story? The playable characters? Amazing. playing as amy and tails and knuckles were all really fun and I dont have much words about them but djdkdhdkdjdjfn ( also amys voice acting in that one scene if you know you KNOW)
despite this, will i ever fully complete this update? Absolutely not, I cant complete most of the new Island challenges or any of the portals, but that doesnt take my enjoyment away.
Idk, im rambling at this point! im about to replay the update saturday so maybe my opinion will change or whatever but I liked the update thats the post bye
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months ago
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Summary: You make sure that you're the first person to congratulate Toji.
Warnings: Fluff
*happy birthday to the sexiest dilf
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“Happy birthday, Toji.” You wake up the man at midnight, kissing all over his face. The man hates to be woken up, but this surely is a nice way to be awoken. Even though this could’ve waited till the morning, he’s glad that you care enough to stay up late solely to congratulate him.
“Thank you, baby.” He answers as you stop, laying your head on his chest. You listen to his ever so fast beating heart, feeling your eyes get heavy at the soothing sound. 
“How old are you turning again? Old?” You ask him, making a laugh escape his lips. Yeah, old
 He feels like he’s lived a thousand lives at this point. He kisses the top of your head before humming in response. You raise your head and narrow your eyes as you stare at him, “Who are you, and what did you do to my husband?”
“What?” He questions, confused why you even ask the question.
“You’re a grumpy old man when I wake you up, but right now you’re...” You begin before he kisses the top of your head again. He’s happy. Instead of being miserable today, he’s here with you– The day hasn’t even started, yet he knows it’s going to be amazing.
You’re going to make a big deal out of today, and he’ll act annoyed when deep down he’s enjoying it. 
“I love you, that’s all.” Toji says, and you feel your face get hot. The man rarely expresses his feelings, so it catches you off guard when he tells you how he feels. Of course you know that he loves you, but it’s odd to hear. 
“I love you too, old man.” You peck his lips before laying your head back down on his chest.
“Stop calling me old man. We’re almost the same–” He begins but you shush him. He chuckles again before his hand goes to your arm, caressing you. He’ll sleep well tonight, and every other night.
“I never asked you what kind of cake you’d like.” You say, feeling your eyes shut on their own once again.
“Your cake.” He responds as he holds back a laugh, a response that makes you lightly slap his chest. “Hey! You asked.”
“You can have that in the morning, I was talking about later in the day.” You answer, and he kisses the top of your head once again. “I’m sleepy.”
“You shouldn’t have stayed up.” He tells you, even though he’s grateful. You care enough to stay up and congratulate him, even if it was something that you could’ve done first thing in the morning.
“I wanted to be the first person to congratulate you.” You mutter as you fall asleep. He can’t help but chuckle, his hand running up and down your back.
You’ve interrupted his sleep, but he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind being woken up, as long as it’s by you.
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ittybittyfanblog · 4 months ago
Error 404: (Self-Aware!AU, Sylus Edition) – Pt. 4
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Summary: A LADS self-aware!AU featuring Sylus and a (vindicated!) player. That’s it, that’s the plot. Tags: player!reader x sylus, fem!reader x sylus, reader x lads, self-aware!au, strong language, player wants to sock a certain 3D character in the face  A/N: Here’s part 4! Also, a taglist at the end of this post! Just lmk whether you'd like to be added/removed, no sweat àŽŠà”àŽŠàŽż(Ë” â€ąÌ€ ᮗ - Ë” ) ✧ Happy reading!
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Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3 - Pt. 4 - Pt. 5 - Pt. 6 - Pt. 7 - Pt. 8 - Pt. 9 - Pt. 10 - Epilogue
You swiftly pull up Reddit. And then Twitter (X) on another window. You’ve got to find answers.
Typing in “sENTIENT SENTINCE SENTIENCE LADS ML HELP” in the r/LoveAndDeepspace subreddit search bar, along with keywords that have anything to do with “breaking the fourth wall” and “recent major updates” on X, you quickly scour for anything that comes even close to your current situation. 
Immediately, you see a bunch of mix-match results, some even dating as far as the first month of the game’s release. Your eyes skim through blocks of texts, hoping there’s a comment—or a tweet—somewhere that could shed some light to this conundrum. 
Already, you see some discussion on sudden fourth wall breaks. But you’ve seen posts like this before, and they’re most likely pertaining to the way their LI’s gaze falls directly on the player’s line of sight when they’re in Dynamic Pose mode in Glint Photobooth. 
The common suspects for this are usually Xavier and your resident headache (Sylus). It's one of the “known” bugs of the game, even so far as being choreographed, almost, from the way players intentionally pose the MLs at certain angles to attain the likeness of sentience.   
You remember the first time it happened to you, way back when the Photobooth feature was just recently introduced. You were taking photos of Xavier—letting him pose freely in dynamic mode so that you could capture a more organic look, when his eyes “met” yours directly. 
Of course like any other (delusional) player, you entertained the novel idea of actually being noticed by the videogame character you’ve formed an unhealthy attachment to. Got excited, squealed over it, felt an instant doki-doki on your kokoro—the whole shebang. 

 Along with probably hundreds of other players who’ve experienced the same thing. 
So, yes, these instances occur more frequently than one would think. Not really what you’d call particularly noteworthy. 
Then you see the threads from players who swear that their LIs really understand how they feel during their tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte sessions. It sounds promising, and you spend a few minutes reading through their "testimonies."
—Until you surmise from what you’ve gathered that all of them only appear like they do. How Rafayel, Zayne (and yes, even Sylus) seem to know what they need to hear, from how accurate their generated responses are. 
Keyword: generated. So, no. They still aren’t anything more than glorified soundboards with really good timing, however attractive it may be to think otherwise. 
Ooh, that one sounds a little too bitchy, even for you. 
It’s got nothing to do with the players, nor has it anything to do with how the game works, really— bugs and all. Fuck, you were one of those people who milked the fantasy over the same coincidences once upon a time. You were. Before the coincidences started to be anything but. 
Before you had to worry whether you still have your mental faculties in order.
With every—misleading—post you stumble upon, you feel yourself becoming more restless. There’s a fervent glaze in your eyes and your typing’s getting diabolically worse. (you could barely read that last search input–bitch, how are you fit to work?) You’re sure that if you looked in a mirror right now, you’d look as deranged as you feel.
Xavier “bug” that looks so real omg?? Skip.
Sylus – New Voiceline? You check it out. Yeah, It’s just one of his newer—programmed—voicelines. 
Conversations with Rafayel got ~too real~ all of a sudden. You wish that yours had stayed the way they’ve always been, but alas. 
Stop feeding into my delusions [Zayne] challenge: Failed. Oh? You’re almost done reading the first paragraph of the Redditor’s post, when you catch sight of the latest update below: 
Resolved. Uninstalled the game. Multi-banners are getting too expensive (See my other post). Okay, you respect that. Hear that, Infold—
You’re slowly losing hope. Clearly, your case is kind of
 mayhaps a tiny bit
 different. From the rest. Dare say, exceptionally so.
To what end, you don’t know. You’re left with more questions than answers, and the primary enigma isn’t giving you much to work with.
Without anything else left to do, you resort to mindless scrolling. You’re swiping up, scrolling endlessly through the Top Posts of All Time, and it feels like you’re about to reach the end of this damn subreddit
 When an unassuming post from a deleted user catches your attention. 
It only got a few upvotes, and barely enough comments to gain traction. Unless one’s desperate enough to have been looking as hard as you are, it just looks like one of the many random dead posts from months ago. Nothing special. 
Even the title is unassuming: I think the game’s broken??
You start to read.
Hi, so uhhh I’m 2 months in the game and everything’s been going well and all
 Until a few days ago. IDK if this is a bug ?? but my Rafayel’s been acting so weird lately
.. Ik I’m gonna sound delusional, but it’s like he’s actually aware of me ME. Not my MC. 
He’s got a bunch of new dialogues, and they’re all so accurately specific it’s creeping me tf out LMAO. IDK how the devs got THIS much info on me (like is this even legal) but they do. Or at least, Rafayel does? That sounds rly stupid out loud but yeah lol. Oh and he doesn’t even let me switch between MLs anymore. The game just
 crashes? whenever I try to. 
Always been a Rafayel main (he’s the reason why I installed the game in the first place) so I was REALLY ecstatic over what I thought were new updates from the game
 buuut when I tried looking it up, I can’t find any related news from the official LADS channel(s) about recent patches or updates with this feature, and no one seems to know what I’m talking about??? 
I feel like I’m going crazy
 Literally as I’m typing this, Rafayel’s spamming me with notifications. He’s so fucking clingy
 I love it??
Plsplspls if anyone’s experiencing the same thing, comment or DM meee. I need someone to talk to, aside from the fishie lmao no matter how much he insists that he’s enough omg (?!?!!)
Holy shit— you can’t believe it. This
 this is exactly what you’re looking for. 
The six comments under the post ranged from calling it complete bull to outright mocking the OP, and you understand why the post didn’t get any more popular. 
For a brief moment, you feel a certain kinship with the original poster. A tinge of
 shame (?) washes over you as you scan through all the negative reception; it’s as if the harsh insults were hurled directly at you instead.
How fun. There goes your fleeting idea to post the same question on the forum, if all else fails. 
Speaking of. Your eyes quickly dart to the small text just above the title to check their username—but to your utter dismay, you see (and remember) that it’s from a deleted account. 
The user no longer exists.  
God, that can’t be it.
You spend a solid twenty minutes trying to look up ways to retrieve information—contacts, socials, anything—from deleted accounts. No dice. 
Deep in your gut, you know that whatever else you could possibly find on both apps wouldn’t compare to what you’ve already come across.
You’ve officially hit a dead end. 
With heavy limbs and a downtrodden spirit, you haul yourself up from the floor—just to turn around and collapse face first on the sofa. A deep, drawn-out groan escapes you as you shut your eyes for a moment, trying to calm yourself down from all the stuff that’s been boggling your brain. 
It doesn’t seem like you’ll be finding a solid answer to your question (questions, in plural) any time soon. So what else can you do? 
Well, aside from putting away your groceries; the currently-thawing fish and the condensing bags of pre-cut veggies aren’t going to store themselves inside a freezer anytime soon. A loudly meowing ball of fur has also been relentlessly clawing at your leg at the foot of the sofa for the past five minutes, demanding to be fed and petted.
Whoops. You hastily push yourself back on your feet to address these pressing tasks pronto.

 (Now that’s out of the way—)
You swipe your phone open—yet again—as you flop back onto the couch. And, maybe, you’re a glutton for punishment. Maybe you’re just a little too over the excitement of the unknown factors in play. Or maybe, you just want another shot– to try one last time—
What you know, though, is that whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed about stuff at work, or you need something to distract yourself with, you open the silly otome game on your phone to make yourself feel better. 
So— that’s exactly what you do. Even if that silly otome game’s now the reason why you’re feeling so goddamned stressed at the moment.
Go figure. 
The game boots up. You sullenly glare at the loading bar as it progresses from 35%.... 
Once again, Sylus_v1.0 (!) greets you from the center of the home screen, looking exactly the same as he did last when you opened the app, which was— damn, has it really been over three hours already? 
“At this hour, the day is just getting started,” he remarks nonchalantly, folding his arms across his chest as his eyes drift to whatever’s on his left. 
You give him a dead-eyed stare; slightly wary, but overall unimpressed by the act. “God, I hope the fuck not.” 
There’s no new content since your last proper login, as far as you can tell. At first glance, you see some of the regular, daily badge notifications, but nothing really stands out to you. There’s no unexpected red dot on the mail icon this time, nor is there any on the Hunter Info tab. 
So far, so good. 
With slight hesitation, you begin to speak, even if you aren’t sure whether your intended recipient can actually hear you or not.
“Um, so. I’m really kinda freaking out right now and–” You cut yourself off, swallowing down the frustration building in your throat. There’s an edge to your voice as you speak your next words, “it’s because you’re— you’ve been giving me mixed signals. I–I don’t know what to think anymore–!”
He remains unmoving, showing no signs of having registered what you just said. You sigh. 
“Ugh, it sounds like I’m talking to an actual boyfriend or something. This is driving me nuts.”
Still no response. 
“Can’t you give me a sign?” You whine defeatedly, trying to catch the eye of the pixelated man on your phone who’s resolutely looking at the right side of the screen. Is he purposely avoiding eye contact or what? “Like
 I don’t know—blink twice if you understand what I’m saying right now.” 
He blinks. Once. Fucking—
Does he think this is some kind of joke? 
“I’m gonna poke your dick off,” You threaten him menacingly, your pointer finger at the ready to commit assault. “I swear, I’m gonna do it—” 
Wait. Was that a twitch on his lips? 
Pausing, you narrow your eyes at him, critical in your scrutiny for any sign that might reveal the truth to this stupid charade he’s putting on. Because it’s a charade. It has to be. 
All of a sudden, embarrassment colors your cheeks as it dawns on you what you just said to him. What you’re poised to do. Fuck, you just wanted to get a rise out of him. Test the waters or some shit. Then again, if he’s actually aware– if he CAN actually hear you— 
Quickly, you retract your finger away from where it hovers precariously centimeters above his crotch area. “Right. Sorry.” 
Scrunching your nose, you press the Agenda icon on the corner, resignation sitting heavy in your chest. Since it doesn’t look like you’re getting any answers tonight, you might as well just do your daily tasks while you’re in-game, right? 
So you go through the motions of ticking off each task on the list half-heartedly, collecting the subsequent rewards one by one; just enough to reach the hundred star mark. 
It’s petty, no doubt irrational, but you steer clear from anything that would require you to interact with him. You start off with what’s easiest to complete: gifting Stamina, spending Stamina, spending more Stamina, and buying items from the Shop. 
Speaking of items
 You try your best to act indifferent as you catch sight of the staggering number of red dias that has recently come to your possession, there on the upper right corner of the screen. Before you could even recall the other materials so kindly gifted to you the other night, you immediately exit the Store window to go about your business after you’ve finished collecting today’s free loot. 
You breeze through the Bounty Hunts and Core Hunt stages with excessive use of the Auto Pursuit option, rinsing and repeating until you’re almost out of energy. You don’t want to risk playing an actual battle, since your strongest Memory Cards are from the man you’re currently giving the cold shoulder to.
Also, you have no idea what to expect once you enter combat mode—and right now, you can’t be damned to know. 
Before you know it, you’re done with the daily Agenda. Close enough, at least. You didn’t even have to interact with the white-haired male LYLA wannabe to get the hundred golden stars. Go, you. 
Without anything left to do, you’re back to staring at the—now-seated—man on the home screen who’s still intent on avoiding you. There’s Mephisto perched on his finger, appearing in a plume of black feathers, projecting a holographic screen for the Onychinus leader to scroll through whatever evil juju he’s been up to lately—the very picture of calm detachment. 
Almost a minute passes by. 
You can’t help it. Poke. Pokepokepokepoke—
“Once you’re trapped in life’s banality, the only thing left is “staying alive.”"
“Oh, for the love of—is that a hint or not?!”
You really wish you could’ve talked to the person on Reddit about this. Ask them whether their version of Rafayel had also been this difficult, this uncooperative. It can’t be that different from what you’re dealing with, could it? 
Just a chance to talk
 You brood wistfully. To know what’s happening to them right now. Ask them for advice on how to provoke some type of reactio—
Suddenly, something clicks in your brain, and you almost bite your tongue to prevent the spark of anticipation from showing on your face.  
"Alright, you win," you concede with an exaggerated sigh, raising your arms over your head to appear as if you’re simply stretching away the stiffness in your muscles. You try to inject as much reluctance in your tone. “You’re really not going to budge, huh?”
Again, you’re met with radio silence—not that you’re expecting a response at this point. 
(Well, not yet.) 
“That’s fine
” You trail off deliberately, drawing lazy lines across the screen with your pointer finger, until it stops right before the small message icon on the left. 
With feigned innocence, you muse, “Hey, I wonder how Xavier's been doing lately.” 

A beat. You almost believe nothing would come out of your last, and obvious, attempt at goading him but then— 
Sylus throws his head back with a sigh, casting an almost exasperated glance at the ceiling. He flicks his wrist dismissively, and Mephisto vanishes in a puff of dark smoke. There’s an unsettling fluidity in the way his gaze shifts toward you; disconcertingly lifelike, when his eyes finally—finally—lock onto yours. An intensity behind those red eyes that makes the look feel unnervingly deliberate. 
Your breath catches in your throat. There it is. The reaction you’re looking for.
A weary amusement frames the way he tilts his head sideways—with the way the corners of his mouth curve into a mocking smile, eyes never leaving yours.
He raises an eyebrow up as if to say, now what?
“I knew it,” you whisper shakily, eyes widening into saucers. “I fucking knew it.” 
“Mm, took you long enough.” 
Before you could even react to that, Sylus flashes you a two-finger salute and winks.
The game crashes. 
“Oh, no, you don’t—" you growl, not wasting any second tapping the game icon again. It doesn’t even give you a chance to reach the main menu before it glitches, and you’re back staring at the widgets on your phone’s home screen. “Motherfucker.” 
You keep trying. 
And with every attempt, Sylus, freak of nature that he is, responds with another system crash. On the eight try, you succeed on entering the game and you feel a sense of relief seeing the loading bar—before, lo and behold, it crashes once more. 
Your left eye twitches. Inhaling deeply, you hold your breath for a solid fifteen seconds before sharply exhaling through your nose.
You jab a finger on the icon of his dumb face again. You ought to change that shit as soon as this game of chicken lets up. 
“You’re gonna let me open this app, Sy-Sy,” You sang with faux cheer. “Or, swear to god, I’m uninstalling this thing before you could even—” 

 It loads successfully before you could even finish your sentence. 
“Alright, alright.” 
There he is; closer to the screen now, wearing a faint smile, as though trying to stifle a full-on grin from breaking across his face. He looks thoroughly entertained by the entire situation, like it’s the most fun he’s had in ages. “Hi, sweetheart.” 
“You–you—” Sputtering, you glare at him, betrayal in your eyes. “You’re a fucking ass!” 
“And you’re an absolute delight to play with, kitten,” Sylus coos at you, his smirk widening.
But when he catches the trembling jut on your bottom lip, the amused glint in his eyes softens into something that almost seems sympathetic—and dare you say, apologetic? 
“For what it’s worth, I’ve just been waiting for the right moment to tell you. I couldn’t resist teasing you a little—but looking at you now, I see I might’ve taken it too far,” he murmurs, bowing his head slightly in a show of contrition. “I’m sorry, little dove.”
You press your lips together, your gaze darting away from the screen. “I thought I was going crazy.” As opposed to now? “B-but, um—it’s all good, I guess.”
A flush creeps up your neck when you hear him chuckle. 
Fuck, this is really happening, the hysterical thought rushes to your mind, unbidden. Chat, what’s the plan?
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Tagging: @xxfaithlynxx @beewilko @browneyedgirl22 <3
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lazyjellyfishcreation · 8 months ago
batman AU where everything is the same, exept that the Al Ghuls are the official royal family of the soverain city state of Nanda Parbat.
Like, its a very small country, but a powerful one and absolutely fuckall is known about their royal family, or the nation itself bc it's impossible to send spies inside without never hearing from them again. Nobody, exept for immidiate family even realizes that Damian is an actual crown prince of an actual country.
Like, just, him, on twitter. and then someone makes a joke about him and the way he is so overly formal in public. And Damian is like, 'yeah, I'm representing my whole country here, I'm the crown prince of my nation', and the person on twitter is like...
And then Dick comes in the comments like. 'Look up the royal liniage of Nanda Parbat before you embarras yourself, I am begging you.' que a small twitter freakout bc holy shit, the youngest Wayne kid is actual fucking royalty, also, apparently Brucie Wayne fucked a princess, what's up with that?
the consequences this would have. Imagine this. They're at a gala, and IDK Black Mask shows up to rob/kidnap/kill them. The hired security never stood a chance. Bruce is there and is already making plans to slip out, and appear as batman.
interestingly enough, Damian is not making similar plans.
Damian just waits.
No more then two seconds later, at least 12 shadows crash trough the roof and absolutely massacre everyone there. No mercy, just murder, before making a protective ring around Damian, who is still completely cool and composed.
The cops try and make a stink about the 2 dozen dead henchmen and the dead Black Mask, but Crown Prince Damian just calmly walks over and tells commissioner Gordon that these were his body guards, and are therefore allowed to do these things if they judge it to be in favor of the crown prince's safety.
Nobody can really argue with that.
Two days later, at school, there are some upperclassmen who are being bitches, and are like. 'Where are your bodyguards now?'
'Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they're not here.'
And a red dot appears on the boys forehead.
I just think it would be really funny if Damian Al Ghul was a genuine prince, in an official, international way. PS.
Even better if the Al Ghul's adopt Jason along the way, and Jason just, straight up also becomes a prince. He's not blood related tho, so he's still in line behind Damian, even though he is the oldest.
That would be insanity. After the Black mask fiasco, Jason just orders the shadows around like. 'okay, after we're done here, escort the crown prince to the secure location.' or whatever.
Someone films it. It goes viral.
People are like; 'what the fuck, why can you order them around like that.'
And Jason is like; 'I am the second prince, therefore, by tradition, the General. The Nanda Parbat fighting forces are under my command.'
and all of twitter is like; ????????
Do you see my vision here???
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azulpitlane · 9 months ago
be aggressive l ln4
lando norris x dcc!reader summary: the internet is curious as to why lando suddenly has an interest in american football, specifically with the dallas cowboys masterlist
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f1gossip Lando Norris and Mclaren CEO, Zak Brown at the Dallas Cowboys game today in the AT&T stadium!!
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user his ass did not wanna be there😭
user lando?? american football?? huh???
user guys it was sponsored by hilton!! pretty sure thats why they attended
user makes sense cause bro looked miserable by the second half of the game
user a strange strange sight
user mf was bored the whole game except when the cheerleaders performed LMFAO
user the video of him locking in as soon as they stepped out in the field💀 â†Șuser WHERES THE VIDEO HAHAH? â†Șuser the video is all over twitter, cameraman did him dirty lmfao
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liked by landonorris and 12,379 others
yourusername victory sundayđŸ’™đŸ€đŸ’™
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user lesss goooo cowboys
user in y/n we trustđŸ§Žâ€â™€ïž
user wait a minute- lando what are you doing here?!?
user no cause i noticed that too👀
user obsessed with you
user patiently waiting for the lando girlies to realize he followed her immediately after tonights game
user poor lando didnt get the follow back tho😭😭
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liked by landonorris and 19,382 others
yourusername first ever grand prix!!! such a delight to perform for these lovely faces✹
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user you guys made paying hundreds of dollars for a ticket worth it tbh
user icons
user another lando like, jolene im begging you pls dont take my man😔
user its the other way around for međŸ˜© lando needs to back off my girl
user đŸ”„
landonorris amazing performance😍
user oh we're getting bold??? user down bad lando is my favorite lando fr user OMGGG FUTURE WAG Y/N??
user STOP is she the reason lando went to that cowboys game a few weeks ago
user going to her games and they're not even dating yet, gotta respect the game tbh😭
user sorry to break girls' hearts but there's videos of her and lando talking at the gp and he was blushing and giving her heart eyes the whole time
user literally came to her account cause of that video HAHAH
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liked by danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 930,482 others
landonorris 'murica
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user it HAS to be the cheerleader he just followed cause they wear the exact same boots â†Șuser her name is Y/N!! put some respect in our dcc queen's name â†Șuser yes maamđŸ«Ą, i apologize for my ignorance as a brit
user lando in a cowboy hat?? SHOW IT TO ME NOW RACHEL
maxfewtrell man you never let me drive when youre in the car
landonorris yeah cause i dont trust u maxfewtrell YOUVE KNOWN ME LONGER THAN Y/N??this comment has been deleted
user did max just confirm it is y/n THEE DCC in the last slideđŸ§â€â™€ïž
user LMFAOO i know lando gave him an earful after that deleted comment user too late for him to delete, I HAVE IT PRINTED OUT! Y/N AND LANDO CONFIRMED
user streets are saying it's y/n in the last slide... we lost her guys😔
user now we wait for y/n to follow him and start soft launching too
danielricciardo glad i trusted the process
landonorris TOLD YOU user i hate when they comment inside jokes, got me feeling left out :(
user wait the way he let her drive even though hes said before he hates not being in control, meaning he already trusts herđŸ„č
user i love her already omg
user lando dating an american cheerleader is actually the most lando thing ever
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 18,392 others
yourusername current side mission: turning a brit into a texan
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user bae just tag lando norris, we know it's him
user girl lando does not know who you are â†Șuser i was talking about y/n â†Șuser oh sorry, valid reaction tbh
user the matching pictures of her driving and him as the passenger princess on his post omg this is the most perfect soft launch i fear
user i waited for 3 and half years for her and white man did it in one weekđŸ˜©
user her soft launching as if max didnt already confirm it on landos post
yourusername shhh just pretend you didn't see that, cant have my soft launch ruined â†Șuser sorry maam, whatever you say maam
user lando is so posh but she has him driving dirt bikes and going to rodeos HAHAHHA
user the way he looked just watching a football game was hilarious, i cant even imagine a rodeo
user as a european f1 fan, can someone explain why she's so loved? (IM ASKING IN THE NICEST WAY POSSIBLE I SWEAR)
user LOL she's a cheerleader for the dallas cowboys football team which is a huge deal here! it's pretty hard to join the squad but shes a fifth year veteran (about to retire after this year) and she's known as one of the sweetest and kindest leaders on the squad!! she also met lando at a game!
user does she know she has twitter freaking out with this post?
user not that im complaining but this is the first time i see an f1 couple getting so much love HOW AND WHY??
user well y/n is quite literally america's sweetheart
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liked by landonorris, pietra.pilao and 23,492 others
yourusername one last christmas showđŸ„č
view all comments
user what is dcc without y/nâ˜č
user gonna miss her so bad
user still looked amazing
user okay but is she still with that nascar driver or whatever cause wowwwww😍
landonorris yes, she is still with the FORMULA ONE DRIVER. â†Șuser OMG AN OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION???
pietra.pilao be with me please?
landonorris đŸ€š
landonorris woah woah you didnt say you were gonna post this one??? you look too good???
yourusername what happened to not commenting on each other's post until the hard launch🙂 (but ty ily) landonorris i take that back. (ily more) â†Șuser theyre losers but i love them your honor
footballplayer đŸ”„
landonorris yeah nice tryđŸ€Ł
user landos fighting for his life in these comments HAHA
user he fr ruined y/n's soft launch cause he cant handle these commenters hitting on her omfg
user kinda scared to comment, i dont want lando coming for me
user please dont be in love with someone elseđŸ˜©please dont have somebody waiting on youđŸ˜©
landonorris she is in fact in love with someone else and does in fact have somebody waiting on her (ME) â†Șuser lando is a loser bf CONFIRMED
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 973,492 others
landonorris winter break means football games with my beautiful girl
view all comments
user finally the hard launch
user she literally is turning him into a texan GRAHHHH🩅đŸ‡ș🇾
user *pretends to be shocked*
yourusername ILYYYYYYY
landonorris ❀
user sad about her retiring dcc but happy we'll be getting so much WAG content
user OMG i didnt even think of this â†Șuser already imagining the paddock fitsđŸ˜©
user ig i have to accept shes officially taken :(
landonorris yeah. â†Șuser chill bro aint nobody taking her from you
user bro saw all the thrist comments on her last post and decided to hard launch
maxfewtrell ranch in texas when??
yourusername OMG SOON PLEASE @/LANDONORRIS?? â†Șlandonorris um idk about that â†Șyourusername đŸ€š â†Șlandonorris I MEANT ILL THINK ABOUT IT!! IT SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEAđŸ˜đŸ«¶
user shes got him on a LEASH
danielricciardo ahh feels like yesterday that you bought tickets for the game AND the flight to have a 5 second interaction with the cute dcc
user damn lando was down bad wth😭 landonorris thank you for making this public information. â†Șyourusername hey at least you beat the norizz allegations! eventually...
user as an american, im allowing you to count cota as your home race for bagging this queen
user oh lando norris i underestimated your game
User he gets the y'all pass now
landonorris THANK YALLLLLL
user the americanfication of lando is not something i knew i needed, but i did. thank you miss y/n
yourusername youre welcome, he will be listening to zach bryan and dolly parton in no timeđŸ«Ą
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notes: one thing about me is im gonna start getting lazy at the end of every smau i make. LOL. anyway i love american reader if you havent noticed already :)
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bytemee · 20 days ago
7 RINGS — yu jimin.
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"i see it, i like it, i want it, i got it."
synopsis. it starts with a glance—karina watching you a little too closely, your name slipping into places it shouldn’t. then it becomes a habit, an obsession—one you don’t notice until she’s already too close, too intoxicating, too impossible to resist.
pairing. idol!karina x idol!beefy!fem!reader
warning(s). 18+ (smut), power imbalance, alcohol consumption, reader was supposed to be gp but i got lazy and ended it early, facesitting, reader is a virgin & shy
words. 2.5k
authors note. zhank u for the request i hope u enjoy ok bye thx
navigation. main masterlist. request.
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the first time you notice it, you're on stage, mid-performance, sweat slicking the back of your neck as you move through the choreography. it’s not unusual to have idols watching—everyone does it at these joint events—but when your eyes briefly scan the crowd, there she is.
seated with her members, half-focused on the camera trained on her, the other half on you. she’s watching, eyes sharp, lip caught between her teeth like she’s analyzing every move you make. the moment your gazes meet, her lips twitch up into a smirk, and then she looks away as if nothing had happened. as if she wasn't staring at you so intensely, it was like she could see under your skin.
you don’t know what to think. but the way your stomach swoops is telling.
fancams catch it, of course. the clips flood twitter within the hour:
"karina caught staring again. if y/n goes missing we know who did it..."
"she’s so real for this."
"girl is ovulating.”
you think it’s nothing at first. just coincidence. maybe she’s zoning out. but then it happens again. and again.
at a variety show, she picks your song for the random dance segment. in an interview, she calls your group "her favorite juniors" before the mc can even finish asking. at a fansign, she smiles at the sight of a fan showing her your photocard, almost taking it for herself before she realizes and hands it back.
the more times it happens, the more you start to wonder. why is karina so invested in your group? why does she always seem so attentive during your performances? you never ask her directly—it feels presumptuous somehow—but when your companies start bringing you closer together, you learn to read the signs.
she doesn’t treat you like her junior. not anymore. her gaze is appraising, evaluating—not unkindly, just
intense. and when you're called to the same event or magazine shoot, she speaks to you like an equal, as if you're one of her peers rather than a k-pop rookie. it's strange, but not unwelcome. in fact, you kind of enjoy it.
the night after the performance was a blur: the high from the stage, the adrenaline of the crowd, the dizzy excitement of drinking too much champagne. you were tipsy, giggling a little more than usual, the alcohol warming your blood as you and karina stepped into the same car, heading back to your dorms on different sides of korea.
the drive was quiet at first, but then the laughter started. a joke here, a teasing comment there. she had no qualms about putting you in your place, but she did so with a smile. as if she knew exactly how to make you laugh, even though you'd only interacted a handful of times. it didn't take long for that warmth to spread further, until you couldn't tell the difference between the champagne buzz and the feeling of being around her.
when you got out of the car, you were still smiling. still tipsy. and when she grabbed your hand to lead you inside your dorm, you let her. pulling her back when she tried to leave your room and return to the car outside.
"what?" she asked, voice soft, brows raised. "do you want me to stay?"
the question hung in the air for a moment. a loaded one.
you hesitated. then nodded.
"yeah, can't have you falling over and hitting your head," you said with a light laugh, playing it off as a joke.
but when you met her eyes, you could tell she saw right through you.
"okay," she murmured, lips curling up in amusement. "whatever you say." you could see she was tipsy as well, the pink on her cheeks mirroring yours.
when she closed the door behind her, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. your heart was racing, your skin prickling. you were aware of every inch of space between you, yet somehow hyperaware of how close she was.
then, she stepped forward. closing the gap.
you go still.
and she waits—watching, reading you like she always does, giving you the chance to pull away.
you do, dropping your gaze to the floor. "i uh, i never had my first kiss before."
a pause.
"can i be your first?"
your breath catches in your throat. this isn't what you expected, but you don't know why. because she's karina? because she's older than you? or is it because you've spent the last few months wondering whether this could happen?
you take a deep breath. nod once.
karina smiles. and leans in.
"close your eyes," she murmurs.
you do, and she presses a kiss to your cheek. soft, barely there. testing the waters. you swallow thickly, stomach swooping again, hands instinctively reaching out for her. she's warm under your fingertips, soft against your chest as you lean into her. her lips touch your jaw this time, moving closer to your mouth, teasing. teasing until you turn your head just enough, meeting her halfway.
the first brush of her lips against yours is gentle. so gentle you hardly feel it. but it's enough to send your heart racing faster, to make your head spin with a fresh wave of warmth. when you press closer, she hums softly against your mouth, one hand sliding down to grasp your waist.
the next kiss is harder, deeper, her tongue sliding between your lips. your grip tightens, pulling her flush against you, needing to feel the heat of her body through your clothes. she kisses like she performs: precise, focused, determined. like she knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. and you let her guide you, let her control the pace and the pressure, and the way she makes you melt with every stroke of her tongue.
eventually, she pulls back to catch her breath, smiling at the dazed look on your face. her fingers brush your cheek, eyes flickering across your face like she’s memorizing every expression you make. you’re still trying to catch up, still processing what just happened when she leans forward again, brushing a chaste kiss against your lips.
“have you really never had your first kiss before?”
you blink, still dazed. “i—yeah. never kissed anyone before tonight. why did i do something wrong?"
karina laughs softly. "no, of course not. it's cute, that's all."
you blush, feeling embarrassed at her response. being an idol means you don't date, which also means no kissing or anything beyond that. you know most idols have had their first kiss by now, but you've been too busy with music to even think about romance. now that you have experienced it, though, you wish you'd done so sooner. especially if it was going to be karina.
“you’re cute when you’re nervous,” she murmurs, voice just slightly hoarse, her thumb grazing over your bottom lip.
you let out a breathy laugh, trying to mask the way your pulse is hammering. “and you’re—” you stop yourself before you can say something stupid, something that’ll give you away.
karina tilts her head, amused. “i’m what?”
you swallow, shaking your head. “nothing.”
she hums, clearly unconvinced, but she doesn’t press. instead, she leans in again, her lips just barely grazing your jaw as she murmurs, "tell me when it's too much."
too much? it's already too much, just standing this close to her, feeling her breath on your neck and her hand on your hip. but you don't say that. because you don't want her to stop. so you nod, letting out a shaky breath, and karina smiles against your skin.
she kisses down your neck first, featherlight, teasing. then her teeth scrape along your pulse point, making you shiver as the sensation shoots straight between your legs. you inhale sharply, hands tightening on her hips, and she takes it as an invitation, sucking harder.
"is this okay?" she asks quietly.
you nod. "yeah—" your voice cracks. "yeah, keep going."
her lips twitch against your neck, almost like she's laughing, but then her fingers are curling under the hem of your shirt. slowly dragging up your sides, fingertips leaving sparks in their wake. your breath stutters in your throat, goosebumps breaking out across your skin, and she hums appreciatively at your reaction, nails scraping lightly along the curve of your waist.
karina would admit she's obsessed with you. she knows it's ridiculous, but she can't help herself. the moment she saw you, she was drawn to you. something about you captivated her from the very start, and it only grew stronger over time. when your managers started bringing you together, she found any excuse possible to be around you—to watch you dance, to sing with you, to just see you smile. and now here she is, in your room, with your body pressed flush against hers. it's surreal.
she wonders if you feel it too. the attraction. the pull. but then again, maybe she's reading into things. maybe this is nothing more than curiosity, an experiment to satisfy some teenage fantasy. if so, she'll take what she can get, as long as she gets to touch you.
"wait," you whisper suddenly. she stills, pulling back to look at you. "sorry, i'm just
 i wanna make you feel good too."
it's her turn to blush this time, eyes widening in surprise before she regains control of herself. "you sure?"
you nod, biting your lower lip, and karina lets out a soft laugh.
"alright," she murmurs, leaning forward once more. her lips find your jaw again, trailing down to your neck as her hands slide under your shirt. fingers brushing over your stomach, tracing the lines of your ribs, teasing along the bottom edge of your bra. you gasp when her nails dig in, scratching lightly, and she takes the opportunity to bite down on the side of your neck.
"what did you have in mind?" she breathes, hot against your skin.
you hesitate, unsure how much you want to give away. she pulls back to meet your gaze, watching you intently, waiting. it takes a moment for you to gather yourself enough to answer, but then you finally manage to say, "i
can you sit down?"
"sit?" she echoes, raising an eyebrow.
your face heats up instantly. "um
yeah. like, on my face."
her eyebrows shoot up even higher, mouth falling open slightly, like she wasn't expecting that. maybe she thought you were going to ask for something vanilla. or maybe she assumed you weren't ready. either way, she seems pleasantly surprised by your request, and you try not to squirm under her stare.
"okay," she says slowly, grinning. "if that's what you want."
"it is," you confirm. "i've never done anything like this before, but—"
she cuts you off with a kiss, one hand coming up to cradle your cheek. it's gentler than before, softer. as if she's savoring the taste of your lips, the feeling of you pressed against her, the sound of your breath hitching when her tongue brushes against yours. you whimper quietly, clinging to her tighter, and she smiles into the kiss.
"i'll be gentle," she promises, pulling back just enough to look into your eyes. "unless you ask me not to be."
you shiver at the thought, stomach twisting in anticipation, but instead of responding, you simply reach down and tug at the hem of her shirt.
she chuckles, amused. "eager?"
"a little," you admit.
she moves back and starts removing her clothes. first her top, revealing smooth, toned skin underneath, followed by her jeans, until she's left in nothing but a pair of panties.
your mouth goes dry at the sight.
"like what you see?"
you swallow, nodding. "yes."
she pushes you backward gently, guiding you toward the bed. you lay down on the mattress, head resting on the pillow, and she crawls after you, straddling your lap. your eyes flicker across her body, drinking in every inch, until finally they settle on the dark stain between her legs.
your hands tug at the band of her panties, trying to pull them down, and she helps you, shifting forward so she can lift one knee up, giving you access. once her underwear is gone, you let your gaze wander again, staring at her center. she's slick and glistening, and the sight makes your head spin.
she shifts forward until her thighs bracket your face, hovering above you. you can feel the heat radiating off her body and smell the faint scent of arousal lingering beneath the perfume on her skin. you breathe in deep, reveling in the way your head spins from the mixture of sensation and scent, and then reach up, hands finding her hips and tugging her down onto your face.
the first touch of her bare skin against your lips is electric. hot and slick and wet, sending a shockwave through your body. you gasp softly, tongue instinctively darting out to taste her, and she shudders, her grip on the bedframe tightening.
"s-shit," she mutters. "that's so hot." you hum in agreement, the vibrations making her twitch above you.
your arms wrap around her legs, holding her steady against your mouth. she wishes she can see the way your biceps flex when you grip her hips, the way the veins in your hands stand out, the way the muscles in your forearms bunch as you keep her still. she can feel them, though, and it turns her on even more, knowing how strong you are. how easily you could hold her down if you wanted.
she can feel the pleasure building already, spreading through her body like wildfire. your tongue is eager, greedy, devouring her without hesitation, and it feels better than she expected.
"god, you're so good at this," she groans, rolling her hips slightly.
you moan again, the praise going straight to your core, and she can't help herself. she rocks down against you, grinding against your face. the sudden movement makes her gasp, pleasure shooting through her body, and you hold her tighter like you don't want her to move. which is true. you love the feeling of her weight on top of you, the taste of her on your tongue, and the scent of her filling your senses.
"oh god," she whimpers, thighs shaking slightly. "please."
your hands move to her ass, pulling her even closer. she cries out when your tongue slips inside her, hips bucking involuntarily. she tries not to grind down on your face too hard, but you seem to enjoy the way her muscles clench around your tongue, and she can't stop herself.
"please," she repeats, desperate.
you moan again, tongue working faster, harder, deeper, until she can't take anymore. her entire body trembles, the tension coiling tightly within her before snapping, sending her crashing over the edge. she moans loudly, riding your face, chasing her release as she shakes and twitches and gasps.
her orgasm lasts for several seconds, her legs quaking uncontrollably. finally, she collapses forward, leaning against the headboard.
"fuck," she breathes, panting. "holy shit."
you pull away, licking your lips clean, and grin. "yeah?"
she laughs weakly. "yeah." then, her eyes travel down your body, taking in the sight of you, and her expression shifts from blissful to predatory.
"take off your clothes."
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coryndoll · 2 months ago
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in which you’re a rising music star who navigates playful tension with actor drew starkey, and your flirtation turns into something deeper amid a viral music video and your grammy win.
content: diff style writing, drew being cute n following readers lead for the mv
authors note: will lowkey write a part 2 and/or the music video version of this if requested but idk, hopefully it was kinda understandable!! i just wanted the pov as if u were watching the yt video for the behind the scenes footage omg
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you’ve known of drew starkey—how could you not? he’s a rising star, a name that keeps getting bigger, a face that’s starting to dominate everyone’s celebrity crush list whenever you scroll through tiktok. the kind of guy that gets cast in fan-favorite shows, whose off-screen personality makes people love him even more. charming, funny, effortlessly likable. he’s everywhere.
but what you couldn’t have imagined is that he knew of you first.
it started small, almost too subtle to notice. a clip of him in an interview, sitting back in his chair, nodding as he listens to a question before casually mentioning that he had just discovered a new artist, you, and couldn’t stop listening. he called your music addictive, something about the way you write lyrics just clicked with him. maybe it would’ve gone unnoticed if he hadn’t mentioned it again.
a month later, another interview, another confession. a different setting, a different outfit, but the same topic. only this time, the interviewer caught onto it.
“seems like you’re a fan.”
drew, red in the face, grinning but flustered, just said, “yeah. yeah, i am.”
he didn’t say much else, but he didn’t have to. the internet picked up on the pattern. his name was suddenly linked to yours, your fans and his fans overlapping, people tweeting at you to collab when?, digging through every interview and live stream to see if he’d mention you again. edits of him set to your songs started appearing on every social media feed. some even made it look like you were the leads in some slow-burn romance movie, just from your music videos and his show clips.
and you? you didn’t think much of it. it was flattering, sure. entertaining, even. but you’d never spoken, never met, never had a reason to. it was just one of those internet things, something people liked to fantasize about but wasn’t real.
until about a year ago.
red carpet event, flashing cameras, voices shouting your name. you were mid-step, smiling for a picture when an interviewer stopped you, microphone extended.
“if you win tonight, who’s getting the first thank-you?”
you barely thought about it. “oh, obviously. my parents, my team, everyone who worked on the album . . .” a pause, a flicker of mischief as the words slipped out. “and drew starkey!”
then you scurried off, leaving the interviewer blinking after you. you didn’t look back, but you knew exactly what you’d just done. by the time you got home, twitter had already lost its mind.
so with all that history, all those years of almosts, how could you not end 2024 and start 2025 with a steamy, intimate music video starring your one and only secret admirer?
the behind-the-scenes video you upload to youtube starts with a simple title card—bts: filming my new music video with bae—before fading into a clip of you on set, bundled up in a puffer jacket, arms wide as you greet drew with an easy, “hi!”
it’s the first time meeting him in person. you’ve known of him, obviously, but standing here now, seeing the way his face lights up at the sight of you, it’s different. the camera catches his initial reaction. he smiles wide, like he’s trying to keep himself from grinning too hard, nodding like he’s trying to play it cool. you hug, brief but natural, before the video cuts to your interview.
you’re curled up in your seat, dressed down in sweats, looking entirely comfortable in front of the camera like you’ve done this a hundred times before. one leg is crossed over the other, your head rests against your palm, and the other hand is tucked between your thighs, playing absentmindedly with the fabric of your hoodie. you’re practically beaming as you talk.
“he’s cute. but no, getting drew to agree to the video was no problem,” you admit, a small laugh slipping through. “it just made sense. everybody on twitter and everybody on tiktok can calm down now.”
you grin at the camera before adding, “plus, my mom loved his last movie.”
your friend behind the camera immediately jumps in, amused. “did she?”
you snicker, nodding your head like the answer is obvious. you don’t even need to say anything. your smile says it all.
cut to: on set at night.
you stand close to drew, explaining your vision, the two of you tucked into a quiet corner of the closed-off street. it’s late. you’re talking, hands moving as you try to get the words out just right, and drew listens intently, nodding along, before huffing out a laugh at something you say.
the next shot is of you in position, standing just outside the entrance of a nightclub. the scene is meant to be electric, with the music pounding inside, the city buzzing around you. you refilm the shot a few times, stepping out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk, pausing just as drew and ‘his group of friends’ step onto the curb from their car. the camera zooms in on your expression, catching the exact moment your character notices him.
you give him a look, one of intrigue, curiosity, a silent pull that makes drew’s character do a double take as he follows his friends inside. but as you turn and walk away, he hesitates. his friends don’t notice, but the audience is supposed to.
although the music is supposed to cut through, they’ll be able to see him say the words, “wait up for me, i’ll catch up.”
he stays behind. he follows you.
the cameras catch him walking past the frame, but in the behind-the-scenes footage, you’re already waiting for him off-camera. you’re standing just around the corner, out of sight, and the second he’s done with his take, he breaks into a grin, beaming as he jogs over to you.
“was that good?” he asks, a little breathless, still caught in the rush of the scene.
and off-camera, you laugh.
the next shot starts with a handheld camera capturing you inside a dimly lit bar, the neon glow from the signs reflecting off the polished counter. you’re perched on a stool, fingers curled around a glass, not drinking, just holding it for the scene, your expression unreadable as the camera focuses on you. the shot lasts for only a moment before it abruptly cuts away.
to: drew’s micro interview.
he’s leaned back in his chair, relaxed, but there’s a knowing glint in his eyes, something playful lurking beneath his words. “she made me flustered super easily, yeah,” he confesses, mouth curving into a smirk as he glances off-camera toward your friend conducting the interviews. “she just has that effect to her.”
to: the first night scene.
this time, the energy is entirely different. the camera moves with purpose, following drew as he catches up to you, his hand grasping your arm, tugging you into another alleyway. the moment is fast, urgent, his body pressing yours up against the cool brick wall, his lips finding yours without hesitation.
the camera doesn’t linger on the kiss itself. instead, it captures the details, like the way drew’s fingers tighten around the fabric of your clothes, the way your hand slips into the back of his hair, curling at the nape of his neck. the shot pans downward, exposing the closeness between your bodies, the breathlessness of it all, before the scene suddenly fades.
you’re sitting up straighter this time in your interview immediately after the clip, legs crossed, hands in your lap, but there’s a mischievous glint in your eyes. your tongue presses against your top teeth as you chuckle, fully aware of what you’ve just filmed. you don’t say much, but the knowing look on your face says enough.
the final shot of this segment shows you and drew after the director calls cut, the tension immediately breaking as laughter spills between you. you pull away first, eyes bright as you turn toward the monitors, eager to check the footage.
drew, still lingering in place, rubs his bottom lip with his thumb, watching you for a beat before finally trailing after you, taking his time.
the next shot follows your character, leading drew by the hand, weaving through the streetlights, your destination clear in your mind, and you toss him the car keys without hesitation. drew catches them, glancing between you and the keys in his hand, a flicker of disbelief crossing his face. the trust is unexpected, almost daring. but after a brief hesitation, he gives in, climbing into the driver’s seat while you swing into the passenger side, watching him with a smirk.
the screen quickly shifts to behind-the-scenes footage—handheld, slightly shaky, like a friend capturing the moment on their phone. you lean halfway out of the car window, hair tousled from the wind. your voice is light, playful, as you drag out the words dramatically, “we’ve been filming for the last six hours! i wanna go home.”
you make a face at the camera, and off-screen laughter follows. just as the camera pans back toward the car, drew reappears, slipping into the driver’s seat after what was clearly a break. he clocks the camera almost immediately, smiling as he watches you slide back inside, adjusting in your seat like you’re preparing for another take.
to: the car scene.
you're in the passenger seat, lip-syncing the lyrics, the camera catching you. your expression shifts between something teasing and something more heated, fingers toying with the hem of your dress as drew grips the wheel beside you.
then, another interview clip overlays the scene. you sit comfortably, your grin almost mischievous as you speak, “i wanted this music video to be very, very horny. like, so horny but also so fun, and freeing too.”
you pause, laughing as you push your hair back, “i really wanted to capture that feeling of instant attraction. like, that moment when you lock eyes with someone across the room and just know something’s about to happen. the whole video is about chasing that rush, that tension of being drawn to someone you shouldn’t want but not being able to stop yourself.”
“so, yeah. i wanted it to feel intense, a little dangerous, a little intoxicating . . . like a night you’ll never forget, even if it only lasts ‘til sunrise.”
it cuts to a different segment of the micro interview. you’re sitting casually, your thumb nail between your teeth as you listen to your friend. the vibe is lighthearted, almost too laid-back, until your friend says, “you should call him if you win that grammy.”
you freeze for a second, eyes widening slightly, then burst out laughing. sitting up straighter, you give her a look, almost like she’s lost their mind, “are you serious?”
the final shot in the behind-the-scenes video captures you dramatically collapsing onto the mock-bedroom set, letting out an exaggerated groan as you flop onto the bed, completely wiped from weeks of filming. you’re on your back, hair splayed out around you like a halo, eyes half-closed as the exhaustion hits you full force.
drew, on the other hand, leans back against the headboard, legs sprawled out casually as if he could take on another round of filming, but still, his hand reaches out, and you take it without hesitation. your hands clasp in a silent victory, both of you relishing in the fact that you’ve wrapped up the last take of the day.
“is that it?” you ask, glancing at the crew who are already packing up, and when they confirm it, a smile breaks across your face. you raise a fist in the air, a mock victory pose, causing a few of the crew members to chuckle behind the camera.
the camera cuts back to you, but just a few minutes later, still lounging on the bed with drew, who’s now looking at you with that signature grin of his. you sit up, stretching your arms over your head, and your voice is light as you ask, “was that fun?” you’re genuinely checking in, making sure drew’s feeling good after all the intense shots.
drew pauses for a beat, then lets out a little laugh, clearly still feeling the buzz from the shoot. “i had . . . a blast,” he says, but there’s something about the way he says it, maybe it’s the glint in his eyes or the slight inflection in his voice, that makes you burst out laughing.
you start to get up from the bed, your laugh still lingering in the air as you move out of the frame. the camera stays on drew as he watches you go, looking like he’s still processing the day. just as you move out of view, someone walks in from the side to start cleaning up the set, but drew doesn’t miss a beat.
“i’m being so honest right now, dude,” he says, his grin turning playful, and you hear the laughter behind the camera as they capture this moment.
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after the music video shoot wraps, you and drew keep in touch. with the release of the video just around the corner, your team suggests posting a teaser to build hype on social media. it’s the perfect opportunity, so you agree.
another mini shoot is set up for the teaser. drew and his team arrive, and even though this shoot is way more relaxed than the last one, the excitement is still palpable. you’re going to film a short, tantalizing snippet.
the plan is for the camera to follow your feet clicking against the floor as you walk down a hallway, but your face won’t be seen. you stop in front of a door and knock before the cameras on you now.
the moment the door opens, your smile is real as you grab his hand. you pull him with you down the hall, and the camera focuses on the back of his head, leaving fans to wonder who he is. as you pass the wall, the words of the song title come to life to tease which song its for.
as soon as the video drops, the internet blows up. fans can’t stop guessing who your mystery man is.
‘ its drew isnt it ’
‘ y/n y/l/n u did NOT. ’
others speculate wildly, throwing out all kinds of guesses. you both meet up to hang out during the lead-up to your album release, laughing about the crazy theories online. some fans are dead sure it’s him, while others debate who it could be. the excitement only grows, and you secretly enjoy the fun of keeping them guessing.
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but everything falls into place when you win that grammy. it’s the culmination of everything you’ve worked so hard for, and as the announcement echoes through the room, you’re overwhelmed with emotions. you honestly didn’t expect this, especially as a first-timer. they are hard to come by, and you’re honestly convinced this is going to be your one and only.
the wave of emotion hits you as you hug your loved ones, the tears welling up in your eyes. you quickly pat under your eyes with your fingers, trying to compose yourself as you walk toward the stage. all eyes are on you, and the spotlight is so bright you almost can’t bear to look directly at it.
you hold the grammy in your hands, trying to keep your composure as you deliver the half-planned speech you’d scribbled down earlier. it’s all so surreal.
“god, i actually thought i was about to pass out when they said my name,” you admit, and the audience of familiar faces laughs.
“i just can’t believe i’m standing here right now, receiving this. i have poured my heart into this album, into my music, and i never imagined it would lead me here. to my team and family, you’re the reason this dream is even possible. to my fans, thank you for making this journey so worth it. this award is for us. i love you all, and i’ll keep making music as long as you’ll keep listening. thank you all so much.”
eventually you’re off the stage and sitting at your table, still processing everything that's just happened. there are few who still congratulate you from their seats around you. your friend, sitting beside you, gives you a look, the kind that says it all. you know what to do.
you hesitate. was she serious about what she said before about if you won? you roll your eyes, but you can’t ignore the pull of it. you grab your phone and turn it on briefly, waiting for an appropriate moment. your thumb hovers over the keyboard for a moment before you type out the message to drew:
hey. can i call u tonight?
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a/n: such an abrupt ending LOL but i have to cut it off here bc i have my first day of my new class tmr n im supposed to get up in 2 hours 💔 ILL REWRITE THIS OR DO A PART 2 IF I REREAD THIS LATER N NOT LIKE IT
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