#like yeah it takes slightly more time on a computer but like... most of the time on computer you can just copy paste text
alpinelogy · 5 months
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readingwriter92 · 1 year
I really like having glasses but someone REALLY needs to get on fixing the issue of headphones and glasses. Like. At this point I’d rather have a monocle or those like. Opera glasses if it meant I could wear my headphones all day
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sutorus · 9 months
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DESCRIPTION: my hcs on what it’d be like to be in a situationship/fwb situation with the jjk men hehe
FEATURED: gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI. fem + afab reader, this is fully self indulgent i'm just taking my own shiddy experiences and coping via hot anime men, suggestive content/smut, pretty standard manwhore behavior, slightly toxic, not wholesome, kinda crack tbh, some mentions of degradation as a kink, objectifying women, just like the real thing lol!
A/N: LONG BUT READ! this will Not have an ending where you get together at least not rn these are just my hcs all in good fun ur just having fun ok ur not heartbroken everything is okay. they are not good boys here they are normal regular boys
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has way too many hoes. way too many
so much so that he gave up on remembering their names and just saves their numbers like “osaka w the hand kink”, “big tits shibari”, “slut from trig”, “hostess best bjs”
has someone’s boobs with his name written on them in sharpie as his wallpaper
says i love you when he cums inside and you never know if you should believe it
throws you off when he agrees to meet your friends only for him to flirt with them in front of you
takes you to the best clubs with bottle service, lets the girls sit on his lap and laughs when you get mad
pays for your ubers everywhere every time
into the weirdest shit like wearing your underwear laughing like a lunatic the whole time he’s fucking you then after he cums gets sulky and embarrassed
lays it on thick with the pet names, gives zero fucks if that confuses you even further
very public with you and it makes you wonder how many other girls put themselves through this humiliation just for the d
gets jealous about you being with other people and needs to prove himself by eating it from the back or something
fwb with gojo is just a huge mindfuck honestly he doesn’t take anything seriously and this is no different sorry! it’s fun tho!
keeps it extremely platonic because he likes to tell himself he has a conscience
too busy for regular chit chat ignores your texts all day then hits you up when he wants to fuck
even more of a whore than gojo is which is why he makes sure not to lead anyone on he just does not need the trouble
answers all your personal questions about him with one word answers
he lets you choose the movie for netflix and chill at least! but will never remember it or the fact that it’s your favorite :(
cleans you up after sex and brings you water
has female hygiene products in his bathroom which is both a red and a green flag
lets you stay after sex and you just lay there on his bed watching him do stuff on his computer but he will not be talking to you
never calls you baby or anything when he’s fucking you just goes oh fuck yeah right there fuuuuck your pussy
genuinely respects you and has nice decent sex with you unless you tell him that you’re kinky
in which case he fucks you just how you want it and gets off on how turned on you are
not one of those guys who gets jealous of sex toys and holds the wand on your clit for you
likes to make you cum over and over and over again
fwb with geto makes your heart clench because he’s just such a gentleman but you got way too much competition to even think about it
a professional in every sense of the word
uses sex as stress relief
thinks he's too old for this shit but you make him feel alive so he fucks you like he can empty all of his frustrations into you
invites you to his apartment serves you expensive liquor and lets you initiate things most times unless he’s too pent up
can actually have very nice conversations with you
never has the “what are we talk” because he makes it clear he’s too busy for a relationship
lets you spend the night if it’s too late but solely for your safety/logistics
does your taxes for you but will not call you anything beyond an “acquaintance”
texts you happy holidays but does not know when your birthday is
gets tested consistently even though he’s not fucking anyone else and always uses a condom unless you beg him not to
eats you out because he thinks it’s relaxing and spends hours prepping you
the sexual tension is soooo thick when you two fuck all you can hear is grunts and growls and moans and wet slapping sounds and it’s so hot
has some random turn ons like gets bricked up when you’re wearing lipstick or stockings
fwb with nanami is very enjoyable and easy it’ll get complicated if you develop feelings because he does not want to date but who cares yolo am i right
broke ass deadbeat dad why are you into him
absolutely nasty sex
you know if he had a girlfriend he’d respect her too much to do the things he does to you
dick game so bomb that you’re scared he’s gonna give you a child even when he’s wearing a condom
wants to fuck you every way he possibly can on every fuckable surface with zero regard for your physical integrity
eats his cum right out of you
ego is so big, grins so wide and fucks you so hard when you stroke his muscles
loves to eat pussy but only after he’s fucked you because he likes it tight and hot with minimal prep
doesn’t follow you on any social media but jerks off to your instagram pics
has like 3 different phone numbers and you don’t know why
has only let you come over once, didn’t let you shower after
no pet names but calls you a dirty whore and other degrading shit
loves it if you cry on his dick
doesn’t give a fuck about your safety sorry you’re on your own
has never told you his last name
one time you asked to see a picture of his son and he didn’t speak for 3 whole minutes
fwb with toji is the nastiest sex you’ve ever had truly it’s just sinful and everyone’s dark hidden fantasy half of it you couldn’t tell your closest friends because it’s just too much
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a/n sorry
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deadghosy · 4 months
Prompt: after lute’s acting out and hell’s celebration. A court was ordered for the custody for you.
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“We are here in court today to discuss the home and place that reader should be in” says sera as she eyes Lucifer and his daughter that’s beside him.
Charlie smiles at the thought of winning this time as she smiles at her father who seemed to be a nervous wreck. He is hair was messy but almost kept as he kept fidgeting with his hands.
“Okay let’s start,” she says as she pulls up some cards. “Please no definitions this time.” Sera says strictly. Charlie gulps as she pulls out another bunch of cards. “Okayyy..no defining..but I have kept record on how comfortable they are with the hotel and the residents” she says with a small smile as Lucifer glances at his daughter hoping she could change the seraphim’s mind.
“Do you have any proof of this suppose claim?” Sera says with a raised brow. “Why yes! I do and my dad also has some. Right dad?” Charlie says looking at Lucifer who jumped at the sudden spot light. “Uh- yeah, yeah. I have some proof and rebuttals.” Lucifer says sitting up correctly.
Sera and Emily look at each other as a ball rises into the room. The angels seem to look each other and watch the ball carefully. Charlie smiles ready to show them how you belong in hell with them, for family of course.
“Oh oh oh, I would love to watch this shit show.” Adam says pulling up popcorn out of nowhere as the ball in the court starts to play. Lute grabs two movie glasses to wear with him and herself.
You were sleeping peacefully in Lucifer’s bed as he made you another duck toy as you woke up to smell pancakes beside you. You grabbed the pancake and ate them with a cute smile and squeak/quack. Angel busted in the ring leader’s door to grab you up and take you shopping as you got dressed.
Charlie and vaggie were talking downstairs as Lucifer was after Angel trying to pack up reader’s small little bag just incase there is trouble, like a small phone, small juice box, a rubber duck that turns into a monster to protect the penguin. And while type of stuff. Of course Angel rolled his eyes and took it for you as you two exit the hotel with vaggie and Charlie saying bad. You looked visibly happy as Lucifer gave one more goodbye kiss to your forehead.
*end of flashback*
The court chatters seeing such wholesome moments like that in hell. Adam rolls his eyes as lute basically breaks a mug beside her in anger seeing the angels nod and smile.
“How do we not know that you forced them to basically like that shit show of your hotel? You bride them with something?” Adam says rolling his eyes “Probably threaten them like the bastards you are.” Lute says as she glares longer at the two Morningstars.
The angels whisper gossiping about this. Charlie looks nervous as Lucifer looked as if he got sent to a death sentence. But Charlie then stood up with a nice compute looking around. “Don’t you ever think about what they want?! They’re our friend, heck even our family at most. PLEASEE…we just want them to be here with people they feel comfortable and loved around.”
“BLAH BLAH BLAH!” Someone says, ruining the soft moment as the court looks at Adam and lute who are scowling at the demon princess. “Why keep spitting these bullshit out your mouth and just admit that heaven is their rightful place? I mean, HAHA- they love me and plus they love the food here even better.” Adam says with a snarky smirk and lute smiling evilly.
Charlie’s demon form was slightly slipping from anger at adam’s words before lucifer had put a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Adam, that is no way to talk to my daughter” Lucifer says with a scowl at Adam. Adam just smirks as lute was beside the first man throwing her middle up at him. “Ah please, you’re gods most hated thing to ever exist. Why let an ANGEL, who is supposed to be here, go live with you?”
Charlie opened her mouth to speak, “it was a rhetorical question.” Lute says with blunt venom. Charlie closed her mouth embarrassed. The court whispered and gossiped with a few nods as they did agree you were one of them that accidentally got sent to hell instead of heaven itself. 
Sera felt a heated stare from the devil himself, he kept his deranged look from the stress of this. The last time he had to be in court was when he got sent to his own kingdom.
“DONT you care Sera! They are just a person who can’t control who loves them! They love us…and maybe..you guys as well.” Charlie says as she hesitated on saying how you loved heaven as well. She stared around sera as well as sera closed her eyes not wanting to hear it. Emily glanced at the older seraphim uncomfortably.
Her first sentence made it feel like Deja vu in front of the whole court as Adam exclaimed, “HOLD ON HOW BITCH! You don’t get to sing in court ever! Plus.” He says smirking. “Of course they love us, we’re fucking heaven for crying out loud.” Sera sighs, “Adam, please no interrupting in court.” Adam scoffs sitting back down with lute who glares at Lucifer with full of hate. “Fuckin' bitch.” Adam grumbles under his breath.
Charlie growls under her breath to Adam as she pointed to Adam, “well, what do you have for claiming they even love heaven at all! What and where is your proof.” Adam smirks as lute flies, getting a presentation. “I’m glad you asked bitch, LUTE HIT IT!” “GREAT PLEASURE SIR!” Lute yells back smiling as she starts up the slideshow.
You were cuddled by Adam as he was hand feeding you some of your favorite chips flavor. You made a nice purr sound as you snuggled against Adam, adam’s tough facade faded as his eyes soften. “You like me right? You won’t leave me?” You nodded to Adam as you nuzzled your face in his pudgy body. Adam smiled and looked forward at the tv.
The next day was you and lute having a flying race. With your cute chubby penguin body, you couldn’t fly well. But lute just smiled and picked you up to her chest and starts to fly around heaven. You smiled as you quacked out how beautiful and exciting this felt to fly with someone you deem who you liked. You clearly liked the fresh and heaven air as lute put you to the ground to go get ice cream with you.
*end of flashback*
Adam smiles with a laugh as lute and fist bump at the presentation they made of you basically feeling cozy as heaven here. The angels awe and coo at adam’s part of the flashback as some clapped at the nice friendly encounter you had with lute in the second part.
The court whispers again as Emily and sera look at each other. Emily grabs onto sera’s hand as sera glances at Emily and her hand. And finally at the Morningstars who have a pleading smile as you are beside them playing with a train you. Sera lets out a deep breath and opened her mouth for the whole court to hear.
“The court has spoken. The rightful place the reader belongs in, is……”
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taglist: @caffieneaddictt18 @galaxywing-has-adhd @aria-tempest @chefysawesomeideas @zamadness @libraryraccoon @ilovelyneysm07 @speckle-meow-meow @timeageusveryquickly @skymac712 @loyx2 @nicoblob @badatpunz @listenerchan
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artemismoorea03 · 8 months
DP x DC: If You Take A Ghost Dog to The Dog Park
Cujo was what Sam called a 'Hound of Hell' and she meant it literally. After Danny became the King of Ghosts at the mature age of 15 and 2 days old, Cujo - his "dog" - became a listed Ghost Zone Hound which had multiple other names which included 'Hell Hound'. With Cujo's new found ability he was able to find Danny wherever he went and get him out of any potentially dangerous situation he found himself, as well as carry out orders given to him by Frostbite, Clockwork, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Elle, Valerie and of course - Danny.
But Cujo was still a dog.
A very excited dog who dragged him all the way to a corner of the Ghost Zone and through a natural portal into an city Danny hadn't visited in person before. Gotham City. Specifically Cujo took him to the Gotham City dog park where he proceeded to try to play with the other dogs in the park.
Most of the dogs seemed hesitant at first until a great dane puppy jogged over and the two started to play together. It was nice to watch considering how little Hell Hounds there were in the Ghost Zone, but on the other hand Danny was in his human form and having a glowing green dog was quickly gaining attention, specifically from the owner of the great dane, a 9-year-old kid with black hair and green eyes.
"What kind of dog is that?" The kid asked.
"Honestly? No idea, he's a rescue." Danny said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "His names Cujo. What's your dogs name?"
"Like the Roman Emperor?" Danny questioned, seeing the surprise on the boys face.
"Exactly. Cujo is the name of a horror movie dog, correct?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah."
"Why is he green?"
Danny shrugged, "Dunno, he came that way." Danny said, then facepalmed when Cujo suddenly took on his huge form and began running through the park with Titus right on his heels.
It wasn't just Titus anymore either.
Suddenly more and more dogs were chasing Cujo through the dogpark as Cujo howled, barked, then turned and bowed occasionally at the other dogs before he finally turned and made a mad dash at Danny.
The kid took a step back as Danny just sighed, bracing himself as Cujo got closer and closer. Then, when he was close enough Danny held out his hand.
"Cujo, stop!"
Cujo slid to a stop, ending up less than three feet from Danny, his tail swishing excitedly.
"Cujo, sit."
Cujo sat down, his tail now thumping on the ground.
"Good. Now, Cujo, shrink."
Cujo popped into his small figure and jumped into Danny's arms as he pet him then looked at the kid and other very concerned and confused people.
"Uh... bye." He said, walking away leaving everybody concerned and confused.
Damian sat at the Bat-Computer curled up slightly as he tried to find information on what he'd seen when Drake walked in. Drake approached, looking at the computer with a tilt of his head.
"Is that a giant green dog?"
"Indeed. It was able to shift size, was glowing, and is seemingly well trained."
"So.. what you're doing research so you can get one of your own?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I'm trying to find the boy was who had it."
"Because the boy whom was with the dog had rings of glowing green around his eyes. Lazarus green specifically. I suspect a Lazarus pit has opened up within the Gotham Limits and that this boy and his dog are playing in it. If a Lazarus Pit has opened within Gotham we must get the boy into custody and get both he and his dog some help, then we must seal the pit."
"What if you can't find them?"
"Then they'll find us. That green dog and Titus enjoyed playing together and dogs thrive on patterns. The dog - Cujo - had fun at the park so it's only a matter of time before they return to it."
"Huh... if you take a dog to the dog park, he'll want to play again."
Damian looked at Drake with a raised brow.
"I was referencing a childrens book about a mouse and a cookie."
"Leave such things for Todd." Damian said simply, looking at the computer again.
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lovelytsunoda · 6 months
i can't get no satisfaction // mick schumacher
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summary: camping out in the library after hours, and too stressed to retain information, the student librarian has an idea about how take all of that stress away. and it doesn’t involve reference books.
pairing: college librarian!mick x student reader
warnings: sex in a library, semi-public sex, this is so fucking filthy, mick is a sweetheart but he has a dirty fucking mouth. mentions of masturbation and sex toys. why does this man bring out the feral in me? the terms ‘librarian’ and ‘sir’ used in a sexual context (but in a playful way…for the most part)
authors note: now tell me why I can add a song here but tumblr won’t let me add ‘shallow’ as a song link to my angsty top gun fic and I had to publish it without?
there was a reason she always picked that table. a reason she’d started coming to the library in tight tops and cutoff shorts.
it gave her the prime viewing across the old library, beyond the green tiffany lamps, at the perfectly coiffed head of of blonde hair that rested behind the check in desk.
mick fucking schumacher. he was the reason most girls came to the library, if she was to be honest.
however, there was no time for that today, astronomy textbooks strewn across her table as she poured over star charts. she didn’t realize how late it had gotten, her test review notes only half filled out and an exam creeping up on her.
her ballpoint pen trailed across the computer paper as she recorded the names of the main theories behind how the moon formed, mumbling to herself in an attempt to remember the facts better. she had one Bluetooth earbud in, playing jazz music softly to prevent her mind from wandering.
it was all hands on deck if she wanted a chance in hell of passing her elective course.
two hands clapped down on her shoulders. she started, yelping as her pen trailed a thick black line across her page before clattering to the floor. heart racing, she yanked her headphone out, head whirling to see who had interrupted her.
“oh my goodness, I’m so sorry.”
mick. he stood behind her, clad in tight black slacks and and untucked dress shirt, the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to just before his elbows.
and, oh god, were her nipples perking up underneath her halter top?
“no, no, I should have paid more attention.” her voice was shaking, cracking slightly. “did you need something?”
“we closed like, fifteen minutes ago.” mick said sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to disturb you, but I’m not getting paid overtime and I kind of wanted to go home.”
she sighed, massaging her forehead wrinkles with her fingertips. “yeah, okay. sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was getting.”
her stomach sank to the floor. she felt guilty for keeping him, and a sense of crushing dread when she realized how little information she really retained.
and under the student librarians gaze, his stunning ocean eyes boring holes into her skull?
she’d be damned to admit it out loud, but she felt horny as hell. she was so stressed with exams, and so wired from trying to study that masturbation was the only way she could get herself to go to sleep: tire out the body, and the mind will follow.
but her fingers didn’t cut it any more, nor did the tiny vibrator her roommate made her buy on a whiteclaw-fuelled trip to the local spencer’s.
“okay, just give me a second and I can help you put all of these away. I feel bad for keeping you now.”
mick helped her gather her things and tidy the table, offering her a metal shelving cart to load full of all the textbooks she didn’t need. they moved in an awkward silence as the blond reshelved the books and she pushed the cart.
“so, astronomy?” mick clicked his tongue, shelving a book on star charts.
“yeah, it’s a shitty fucking elective, that’s what it is. it’s causing me more stress than my actual subject major.” she snorted, sliding a few other books into the shelf. “I’m pre-law, but I’m not even sure if law school is what I want any more. right now, I just want to shut down, if I’m being honest.”
she stepped back from the shelf, moving to go around the cart when mick spoke up.
“so is that why you barely looked in my direction today?”
she stopped cold, her foot thudding against the side of the heavy metal cart. she bit back a curse, stumbling as mick caught her, pressing her body up against the shelving cart.
“I know you have a crush on me. I think it’s cute. you’re cute.” his voice was husky, and there was barely any space between them. her heart was beating faster, heat rising in her cheeks. “there’s a reason I always work at that desk too. seeing you makes my day.”
he was so close to her that she could have kissed him if he wanted to. all she would have had to do was press up on her toes to match his height, and gently touch her lips to his.
“don’t hide from me, pretty girl.” mick whispered. “I know how pent up you are, I can see it in the way your body responded as I ran my hands over your back. I want to help you. let me help.”
she swallowed, thoughts racing as she gripped his arms, looking up into his cobalt eyes.
she needed this.
needed him.
when mick kissed her, it felt like all the air was leaving her lungs. he was intoxicating, the heady scent of his cologne overwhelming her senses. she moaned into the kiss, aching and longing for human contact.
“my sweet girl.” he mumbled, trialing kisses up her jaw and over behind her ear, hands coming up to knead her sensitive breasts as she leaned back against the shelving cart. “when was the last time someone treated you right?”
“s-six months.” she stuttered, panting heavily.
it was pathetic, mick had barely even done anything and she was seconds away from whining for him.
he clicked his tongue, gripping her waist and pushing her back further against the cart. a few reference books fell to the floor, but neither student noticed. his breath was warm against her ear, the tip of his nose brushing her cartilage and making her shiver.
“that’s just won’t do. whenever you came in here, I bet you were thinking about sitting under my desk and using your cute little mouth the keep my cock warm.”
noticing how her body tensed up, the boy changed his tune. “or maybe you’re not into that. maybe you just wanted me to whisk you away to the rare book room and press you up against the bookshelf, have my way with you. our dirty little secret”
ah, yes. that was the reaction he was looking for, her thighs clenching at the thought as he slotted his knee on between her legs.
“that’s my girl.” mick cooed as she grinded against his thigh. “you just need my cock to fill you up, don’t you? those fingers of yours just aren’t the same, are they?”
she opened her mouth to respond, forehead resting against his, when she leaned back too far, the cart tumbling out from behind her.
mick caught her by the waist, smoothly spinning around and returning her to her feet, ignoring the toppled cart. nose to nose, the absurdity of the situation dawned on her.
and she laughed.
and he laughed with her.
that was what she needed from a man. someone who could laugh with her, even during their most intimate of moments, someone who let all the best parts of his non-bedroom personality shine through while also knowing exactly what she needed him to say to get her off.
a gentleman.
and that’s what mick schumacher was.
he carried her bridal style back to the long mahogany table, placing her down gently and sweetly before giving her a sweet kiss, his tongue teasing the seam of her lips.
“so, pretty girl, the ball is in your court now.” mick began, taking her warm hands in his cold ones. “whatever you need me to do, I’ll do.”
“I mean, I’ve heard the rare book room is super sexy. the smell of old books is like an aphrodisiac for me.” she said in a sing-song voice, thinking about his teasing from earlier. “then again, so are the vaulted ceilings in here.”
“I bet I could make you come so hard for me that you can see those stars on the ceiling fresco with your eyes closed.”
“wanna bet, pretty boy?” she was confident in her decision, but there was still nervousness behind her eyes.
she’d felt the way his dick pressed up against the seams of the zipper on his slacks. taking it was going to hurt.
he kissed her nose softly, fingers reassuringly rubbing circles on her skin. “I’ve got you, princess. you just need to relax and let me fuck all of that stress out of your pretty little head.”
she kissed him again, one hand on either side of his neck as she tried to press her body up against his, body flushed with need.
he gently turned her around, guiding her body so that she was bent over the table, the wood cool against her body.
mick playfully smacked her ass over her denim shorts.“such a pretty girl for your librarian, aren’t you?”
instead of the expected response, mick was delighted to get a laugh out of her. her giggles made him high, heat rising on his skin.
“was that supposed to be sexy?” she giggled, one hand reaching behind her to cradle his, thumb passing over his knuckles.
“maybe.” mick chirped. “baby, you’ve gotta let me have my other hand so I can get your shorts off.” she let go of his hand, allowing his smooth fingers to undo the button and gently draw the denim down her legs. “and for the record, I think that librarian is a damn sexy title.”
“but it’s not really a title.” she laughed, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her body, massaging the flesh of her ass before tugging her cotton panties to the side.
he smacked her ass again, cock perking up at the tiny moan she let out. “it can be whatever I damn well want it to be, princess.” his voice was playful, and it made her wet to no end.
she needed this adorable idiot to fuck her.
there was little warning as he slipped two fingers into her, the cold of the rings on his fingers making her squeal as he started to flex his digits.
his fingers were so fucking long. they felt so much better than her own fingers did, that was for sure.
“that’s my pretty girl, taking my fingers like a goddamn champion. you’re fucking dripping, princess.” mick cooed, moaning at the sight of her arousal running down his wrist, the sound his fingers made as he scissored them inside of her. “atta girl, so good for your librarian, aren’t you?”
“yes.” she panted, bucking her hips against his fingers with a cry, reaching back to grab his free hand with the hand that wasn’t holding her steady on the desk. “oh, fuck, sir.”
god, she needed this. and for a nerdy guy, he sure fucking knew how to use his fingers.
she felt his hand come down on her ass again. “what did you call me?” his voice was light, with the hint of a smile behind it. “I want you to say it again, princess.”
“mhm, yes sir, please, I need more.” she exaggerated the moan, a playful smile on her face as she played right into micks hands.
she liked this banter they had going, this carefree way of looking at something most people took so seriously. no, this was an experience that felt uniquely her whereas other guys she had been with just did what they always did, not caring about what she needed to get off.
but with mick, yes, that dominant demeanour was still there, but in a gentle ‘let me take care of you’ way.
and that was sexy as fuck.
she whined as mick withdrew his fingers, tapping her side with two of his fingers. “turn around, pretty girl. I don’t like not being able to see your stunning face.”
while her thighs tingled, her chest bloomed with affection and love at the thought that mick thought she was pretty.
and it was true. the library was dim, the warm lighting from the tiffany lamps framing the flyaways from her hair and the pink in her cheeks. the cupids bow of her lips, and that gorgeous fucking smile.
he was so down bad for her, it made his cock ache.
she perched on the edge of the desk, wincing and attempting to hide her embarassment at the wet patch she was leaving on the old table, the unshaven landscape of her thighs (and between her legs).
goosebumps rose on her arms as she watched mick lick her juices off her fingers, moaning at the taste like it was his favourite thing in the world. sensing the goosebumps, he ran his hands up her arms to warm her up.
“you decide how far we go tonight, love. how many orgasms do you want?”
oh fuck.
mick laughed sweetly, seeing the overwhelmed look on her face. he kissed her forehead tenderly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “how about we start with one and see you feel from there.”
“yeah. I’d like that.” she answered shyly, feeling the cold creep in.
the old library was drafty, yet kept to a very specific temperature. she expected to be overheating from how hot this encounter was, but alas, the air conditioning system just had to go and ruin it
“here.” mick said softly, undoing his shirt to expose the silver chain that rested below his sternum, a pendant with an orthodox saint carved into it.
he undid the shirt slowly, allowing her ample time to rake her prying eyes over every perfectly sculpted part of his body, right down to the tent in his pants.
sliding the shirt fully off, he used both hands to drape the soft fabric over her body. she swooned at the motion, letting him flip the collar up against her neck.
“don’t want you catching a cold now, do we, sweet girl?” he said sheepishly, his face flushed pink and a sheen of sweat on his abs as he cupped her face, leaning in to kiss her softly.
“mick.” she whined. “I need you now. I’m aching for my librarian to make me feel good.”
“I’ve got you, princess. I’ve got you.” he hummed, undoing the button on his slacks. he pushed down his boxers, erect cock springing to life.
“holy fuck.” she hummed.
his dick was impressive. all seven thick inches of it, resting against her thigh when she opened her legs and pulled him closer. she wasn’t even sure if it was possible for a dick to be pretty, but if it was, micks cock was the very definition of the word.
“so wet for me. I’ll slide right on home.” mick said, gripping his cock in one hand and running it all along her slicked up opening. now she knew her goosebumps weren’t from the cold, but from the anticipation of what was to come next.
“please, I need your cock.” she whined.
“whatever my girl wants, she gets. you just relax and let your librarian fuck all those little worries away.”
he slid in slowly, letting her adjust to take him inch by inch. the stretch burned slightly, and she found herself opening her legs wider with every inch. she had a white-knuckled grip on the table, her breaths coming out in a mixture of strangled moans and pants.
when he finally slid fully in, his heavy balls resting against her ass, she opened her eyes and changed a look down at where they connected, a moan leaving her mouth.
“that’s just what you needed, isn’t it love? a fat cock to fill you up and make you feel good.”
it was a question he didn’t expect an answer from as he started to thrust in and out of her, hands gripping her thighs to pull her in.
“oh, god!” she whined throwing her head back, breasts bouncing under her top as mick slammed into her. “feels so good, mick.”
“that’s my girl.” his voice was low and husky, but also soothing. his hands on her body was a grounding presence.
her fingernails scraped down his chest, leaving pink marks in their wake as she moaned, babbling incoherently about how good mick was making her feel.
it was heavenly. he overwhelmed every one of her senses. it was an out of body experience, if she was being honest. something out of her wildest dreams.
mick kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as he pistoned his cock in and out of her. she was practically dripping everywhere, but had no time or energy to worry about the mess she was making.
all she could think about was how good she felt with mick inside of her.
“just breathe, darling. you’re doing so fucking good for me.”
he shifted her position on the desk, maneuvering one of her legs over his shoulder. she yelped in pleasure, nails sinking into his shoulders as she screamed a curse.
“fuck, that feels so good!”
the new angle was dizzying, his length brushing up against her spongy walls with every thrust. her eyes rolled back and her vision went blurry from pleasure as she meweled under his touch.
“that’s it, pretty girl. come for me. come for your librarian.”
“oh, fuck, mick, I-“ her words tapered off into a hearty moan, micks shirt lying in a puddle behind her as she wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her head in his chest as she came with a cry of his name, tears leaking from her eyes. “mick.”
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” mick cooed, kissing her forehead as he slowed his thrusts, gently working her through her orgasm. “there we go, you’re safe here. just breathe with me, can you do that, princess?”
she nodded, out of breath as mick gently eased her achy leg off his shoulder and back down to the table. he slid out of her, and the empty feeling made her whine. he gently shushed her, covering her face in kisses.
“mick, you never finished.” she pouted
“don’t worry about it, princess. this was about you. all that mattered to me was that you got your earth shattering orgasm.”
she rolled her eyes, reaching for his still-hard cock. “let me do something nice for you, dumbass.”
and who was mick to complain when she was doing such a good fucking job stroking his cock? her hands were smooth and soft, and the angelic way that she looked up at him, that sweet smile on her swollen lips while her hands worked him to the edge?
within minutes he was bellowing, spurting thick measures of come over her hands and down her arm, his entire body shaking.
“Jesus Christ.” he muttered. “you’re good at that.”
“when you hate giving blowjobs, you learn how to give a damn good handjob.” she smiled softly, unsure what to do with her sticky hands.
mick scooped her up gently, carrying her away from the desk and down the long hall to the staff bathroom. “come on, love. let’s get you cleaned up.”
after they were somewhat presentable (because, after all, there’s little you can do about the flushed skin and sex hair when you’re still in a public library), they gathered the last of their belongings and started to shut the library down for the day.
“what about the shelving cart?” she asked shyly, gesturing to the cart they had knocked over.
mick laughed. “I don’t work tomorrow, so it’s someone else’s problem.”
she watched with a soft smile as mick turned all the lights in the old building off, before he linked his arm with hers and they began the walk out of the parking lot.
“I hate to sound presumptuous,” mick began “but you’ve been here all day and I haven’t seen you leave to get food or anything. you must be starving. there’s an all night diner about two blocks from here, and I’d like to treat you to dinner.”
she smiled, kissing his cheek. “I’d love that, mick. thank you.”
and they both knew that this was going to be the start of something wonderful.
as soon as exams were over, of course.
the rest of the student body’s female population was not going to be happy when they showed up at the library and found that y/n y/l/n had finally captured their librarian’s heart.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @diorleclerc @twinkodium @thatsdemko @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Hear Me Out
Yokai Amity. What are yokai? Japanese spirits. And not just ghosts, a majority of mythical creatures? Yokai.
So how did this happen? Well, like most things, it can be blamed on the ghost portal in the Fenton Basement. And a lot of ecto contamination. Because while they're a small city? They're also in the middle of nowhere, meaning a lot of their foods and crops, they grow themselves. And the ectoplasm? Started sinking into the ground first. Y'know, where every plant grows and then both humans and animals proceed to eat it? Made even worse when those like Overgrowth or Vortex came through? Yeaah, it'd be a miracle if they didn't get contaminated and no surprise that most don't notice their humanity slipping with time with how it's happening to everyone.
Which kind of makes the situation Danny has found himself kind of hilarious? At least to him. The trenchcoat dude seems to be having an aneurism or something similar.
"So... not a meta?" the tiny vigilante child clarified again, head tilting from where he stood at the head of his group. Honestly Danny was enjoying this from his place sprawled across the park bench Honestly Amity had spoiled him with benches designed for extra limbs.
The blonde man seemed absolutely done with everything, hands twitching as though about to cradle his head in his hands or grab something. "No," he wasn't shouting but it was close. "For fuck's sake- your all lucky not to be cursed or worse-" He turned towards Danny. "Why the fuck didn't you?"
The hainu shrugged, wings doing more of the motion than the rest of him. "They're babies-" Or at least one of them was, borderline liminal as they were. "You play along with toddlers." Honestly he saw why his old rogues found this fun, even if he'd never go as far as they did.
The entire team of vigilante children bristled, one opening their mouth to protest before trenchcoat-soul-dude glared at them all before turning back towards him.
"Though what the fuck do you need that for that you'd steal it- not that any artifact like that should be in a bloody museum and not locked away where idiots can't get to it."
He snorted, the sound more dog-like. Or really more yeti-like, what with how he was taking lessons from Frostbite which meant large chunks of time in the Far Frozen.
"Technically I don't need it, my kid does," Danny held up a finger, marveling slightly at the clouds. It was quite different compared to Amity, what with how everywhere was so ecto-infused that the sky was effected.
"And what does a hainu need with-" the trenchcoat man motioned to the cursed object, which honestly wasn't that bad. But...
"Oh no, he's not a hainu, he's furaribi." Danny honestly wasn't surprised that Jordan wouldn't turn out the same as he, de-aged or not. Not that he was memory-less or anything, cores didn't lose that easily, but he did still have the physical brain of a child.
"Nope," he hummed, going over the list of things he still had to do today before returning to Amity. Sam had asked him to get a few more flowers to test how ecto would effect them and he had to pick up some computer parts for Tuck.
"How the fuck."
"My sister's a kitsune, my other sister is a shirouneri, my mom is a shishi, my dad a baku, godfather's an itachi, my boyfriend a raiju, my girlfriend a kirin, and my other girlfriend a yosuzume," he ticked off his fingers, not seeing anything wrong with it. Not like people could get into Amity easily after the whole GIW thing.
"... what the fuck does your family tree look like, mate, because that should be bloody impossible."
Danny shrugged, giving a sharp toothed smile. Yeah, the realms didn't care about that with how malleable ecto was.
(In case it's not clear: Hainu Danny, Furaribi Dan, Kitsune Jazz, Shirouneri Danny, Lion Dog Maddie, Baku Jack, Itachi Vlad, Raiju Tucker, Kirin Sam & Yosuzume Valerie) (Also feel free to come up with what everyone else might be) (Highly recommend yokai.com for a quick summary of each creature)
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dottieisdotting · 4 months
Feeling Good
requested? nope
pairings: Idol!Choi Seungcheol X reader
warning(s); PiV sec,unprotected sec (don't do this irl), pussy slapping (once), spanking (once), oral (m&f receiving), Seungcheol's thighs,Blonde Seungcheol (dare I say more?), Big Dick! seungcheol,face sitting,Overstimulation (f receiving), face fucking. lmk if I missed anything
summery: Seungcheol had a rare day off but he chose to play games instead of spending time with you,so you take matters into your own hands
word count: 2.4k
A/N: my first published story/imagine posted on here,like,comment and reblog,if you'd like xoxo ;)
Seungcheol had been on his computer games all day, and you were sick of it. He had a very rare day off from work to rest and you thought he'd spend it with you but no. goodness were you wrong. Wonwoo had asked Seungcheol to play online with him
It had been hours and you were becoming more and more needy,with his schedule and upcoming comeback with Seventeen, Seungcheol and you haven't had time to fully have sex. Yeah of course there were a few sloppy handjobs in the shower and fingers before sleeping but you were needy, you needed his cock so badly.
You could feel the slick of your arousal in your underwear as you watched your boyfriend’s flex and his veiny hands on the controller. You could feel heat rise from your chest,your breath shallowing slightly. 
That was it, you took matters into your own hands as you ridded yourself from the confinements of your pj pants and underwear and your (cheol’s) t-shirt. 
“Cheollie” you put on an innocent tone
“Yes angel?” he hums back still engrossed in the game
You sigh and slowly reach over so your hands are on his shoulders and you tug him backwards so his back is against the bed and you're staring down at him,naked
“Baby what are yo-” before he could finish the sentence, you straddled his face, dripping pussy on his lips. It was like a reflex for cheol. He instantly dropped his controller on the floor with a thud and his arms hooked around your thighs,holding you in place. His tongue darts from his mouth and licks tentatively at your swollen clit. You sigh and lace your hands through his ‘to die for’ blond locks
His tongue hungrily lapped at your folds, spreading your juices on his 
tongue. “Fuck,baby, taste so good f’me,yeah?” he groans into your folds,sending the most delicious vibrations through your body. You let out a loud moan as your hips rock themselves against his face,his nose lightly hitting your clit sending shooting sparks of pleasure to wrack through your already hot body.
Your hands grabbed at his hair once more,tugging as your moans became borderline pornagraphic so you bit into the headboard to shut yourself up. A hand came down onto your thigh,your eyes shoot open as you look down ”lemme hear them,princess” 
You nod once more,another hand ”use your words,you've already been a bad girl,haven’t you?” 
“y-yes, m’sorry,Cheollie,fuck feels s’good love your tongue” your chest was heaving the coil in your stomach tightening quicker and quicker as your legs tightened around his face. Hands tugging his head closer to your swollen lips. Seungcheol knew you were close, his tongue slipped inside of you, licking at your juices as you cried out,legs trembling. The tell tale signs of your upcoming orgasm,he knew your body like the back of his hand
You beg for him to let you cum ”cheollie” you swallow ”m’begging please,i’ll be a good girl,needed you so badly,need to cum so badly”, you beg as he nods,his tongue hitting your clit causing more stimulation. Your body shudders as your orgasm washes over you in, what seems,never ending waves. Your breath is uneven and your thighs shake around his head as he kitten licks your clit to help ride it out for you.
He carefully lifts you from his face as the remnants of your arousal and orgasm run down his chin. You lay on the bed, exhausted but still needy, needy for Seungcheol and his cock.
Seungcheol throws off his shirt and takes off his grey sweats, his hardened cock evident in his Calvin Kleins, your mouth was practically watering,swallowing hard. You shuffle further up the bed ”ah,no. All fours,princess” Seungcheol said lowly.
You complied and shakily turned around and got on all fours,he had a perfect view of your already messy pussy. His hand comes down onto your heat,making a wet sound as it rings through your body you yelp
”aw,listen to that,pussy so needy for my cock to fill it,how pathetic” 
You whimpered in response. Cheol took his cock from his boxers and pumped his cock a few times before lining up to your pathetically ruined hole,but he didn’t slide in and fuck you like he normally would,he teased you with his tip,leaking his pre-cum onto your heat making you squirm and push your hips back,that resulted in a slap to your ass,leaving a ‘small’ red handprint of Cheol’s
You yelp once more as he continues to tease your hole with the head of his cock
”ch- Seungcheol please”, he smirks as you beg for him ”need your cock,t-to fill me up,please. I promise i'll be on my best behaviour f’you,swear” your begging shoots sensations straight to Seungcheol’s cock as he pushes into your sopping hole
You moan out at the sensation of his thickness deliciously stretching as you clench your cunt around him,he groans as he waits before pulling his hips back so the tip remains and slams forwards making you fall forwards,face down into the bed as your ass was in the air. Your hands grip the comforter as he brings his hips forward for another forceful thrust,making your tits bounce too.
”f-fuck,cheollie, so good,so so good” you babble out as Seungcheol grips your hips,no doubt that they will be bruised after. He shows no mercy as he thrusts hard and fast. Skin slapping and the wet shlick coming from your cunt. Your arousal leaks down your thighs as you reach your hand back for cheol to hold.
He lets go of your left hip and interlocks hands with you ”such a good girl f’me,take my cock so well don't you doll? Let me fill you up”, the coil in your stomach starts to form as you clench around his cock,toes curling as he slides out of you. 
He turns you over to your back,grabbing a pillow ”hips” you comply and lift your hips,he sides the pillow under them and captures your lips in a soft,passionate kiss with his plump ones. You happily kiss back,tongues moving together as he pulls away,breathless. He looks at you with a sincere look before grabbing your legs and lifting them to his shoulders,his cock, hard at your entrance.
He pushes through again,still oh so tight and perfectly warm for his cock. This time his thrusts are faster and less hard, still making you moan loudly, he brushes the spongy spot inside of your gummy walls so well making your legs clench around him.
”There you go,c’mon don't be quiet . you can be louder for me,doll” he says,teeth gritted as breathy moans and groans tumble from his mouth. He was close, but he was holding himself off until you’d come again or two times. His fingers find their way to your clit as he runs quick and tight circles around it. The fire in your stomach grows larger as you grow more desperate to come 
”Cheol-ah” your voice breaks from the constant pleasure from Cheol’s dick hitting your g-spot repetitively “gonna cum,please let me cum”  your voice was cracking and your breaths came out as puffs. Your thoughts cloudy with just Seungcheol and the pleasure he gives 
”Little doll wants to cum? Go ahead,cum f’me” Seungcheol gives you permission as his thrusts become more hard, his balls hitting the back of your thighs. The fire in your stomach is released with a loud moan of Seungcheol’s name and your back arching from the bed. Your orgasm rushes through your body and you clench on his cock, your cum making a white ring around the base of his cock.
He was close too, he slowed slightly and helped you ride out your orgasm before fucking back into you, wanting to fill you up with his cum. His thrusts become uncoordinated and sloppy, pulling one more orgasm from you as his cock spurts his cum deep into you. He fucks you until all his cum is inside your thouroughly ruined cunt. 
He pulls out and catches his breath before bringing you into a sloppy makeout, two of his fingers enter your heat,making you squirm and moan into his mouth. He slowly thrusts them as your legs instinctively close as he shakes his head slightly and his other hand opens your legs as keeps thrusting his fingers slowly in and out.he breaks the kiss and gently kisses your neck,nipping and biting softly creating red flourishes on your skin. You let out soft and exhausted moans. He knows you're so close to the peak, he helps you through the softest orgasm you had of the night albeit being your 3rd of the night and you were tired.
He smiles and sits you up. Seungcheol sits off the bed. He lifts your legs over his shoulders and gently kisses your clit making your body jolt and hands to grip his hair again. He smirks against your heat as his tongue enters you.
Seungcheol licks and sucks at your cunt,bringing you closer to yet another orgasm of the night. His tongue was fast and precise, licking both his and your cum as you crash through another climax. He nips at your clit with his teeth before leaving a harsh suck and dropping your legs from his shoulders 
He sits at his gaming chair,cock still hard as he raises an eyebrow. On shaking legs you walk over to him and kneel between his open legs,resting your head on his thick thighs.
Need and desperation takes over her, hands shaking as he caresses his thighs working her way up to his waist, his cock bulging, he lets out a groan, no matter how much she’s in trouble with him it doesn’t stop him from becoming weak under her seductive touch. She begins stroking up and down his length switching between fast and slow until he's about to reach the peak, she begins seeing how much she can take from him in her mouth. Licking and sucking the tip until his hand reaches behind her head
”You wouldn't want to tease, right angel?” She gives a quick apology by taking his length into her mouth further, her mouth stretched wide as she gags slightly on it. He strokes her hair,encouraging her. She breathes through her nose as Seungcheol gives an experimental soft thrust into her mouth. ”hit my thigh if it gets too much,okay pretty girl”
You moan around his cock, trying not to drool as his hips keep a steady thrust into your mouth. Your hands rest on his thighs as you look up to him with teary eyes. He looks right at you,your thighs clench as you could feel more arousal drip. Moans and groans of your name come from Seungcheol’s mouth, his plush lips slightly open. His thrusts got more sloppy as your tongue licked his cock. He removes his cock from your mouth as you suck on only the tip, kitten licking to tease even though you shouldn't
He groans your name one last time as his cum fills your mouth,you swallow and a little drips from the side of your mouth,Cheol sees this and uses his thumb to pick it up as you suck it from him.
His breathing is uneven and his eyes are hooded as he sits back on the gaming chair, you stand up from in between his thighs and you sit on his lap ”one more,baby? You can do that for me,can't you? Be a good girl for me”, his praise makes you whimper as you grind your hips onto his lap.
You looked so fucked out, eyes blown with lust,not a single thought running through your head. Sweat building on your body,hair a mess and tear stricken face. Your lips were swollen. Seungcheol loves seeing you like this all ruined just for him. You lift your hips and align his cock with your hole one last time, you whimper and your body jumps as you slide down onto him,your pussy engulfing him. He sighs,leaning his head back,neck on full display. You lightly kiss and suck red splotches on his skin.
Your hips rock against his in a slow and sensual manner,knowing you were overly sensitive and tired. Seungcheol whispers nothing but praise into your ears as you ride him. Your hands claw at his back as he holds your hip with one hand,his other going to your clit and rubbing it slowly to match the thrusts he set. You clench as Seungcheol whimpers and closes his eyes,feeling the band snap in his stomach,his cum spilling right into your overused and overstimulated cunt,your orgasm crashes through you,falling onto Cheol’s chest,breathing heavily
He smiles and praises you so well ”good job baby,m’so proud of you. Such a good girl,i love you so much” he kisses your forehead and lifts you from his cock before kissing your lips softly before he carries you bridal style to the bathroom. He places you on the toilet because no girl has time for a UTI whilst he draws a bath, adding bath salts,bubbles and lighting your candles for you. He turns the lights off and sits you in the bath,the temperature of the water relieving your sore muscles. You sat forwards waiting for Seungcheol to join. He climbs in and gently tugs you back so your back is against his chest,arms around your waist as he kisses your head. 
”i love you,my pretty girl” he whispers,holding you closely in the tub,the warm water and your favourite scented candles help relax your body. You keep your eyes closed as you rest against Seungcheol’s chest. ”I love you too,Seungcheol,” you say softly back. He holds your hand in his,being careful as your body is sore. He keeps his other hand around your waist. The way you looked right now to Seungcheol was precious, completely worn out. He was so deeply in love, and you were too
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squoxle · 28 days
✏ TNAIT 001: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em l.at fanfic
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✰ pairing: nerdy!bandboy!anton x cheerleader!fem!reader | ✰ wc: 2.1k | ✰ cw: profanity, sexual themes |✰ plot: after receiving your midterm report, your parents threaten to pull you off the cheer squad if you don't pull your grades up. so, you take the advice of your best friend to seek help. [Series Masterlist]
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“If I don’t see those grades going up soon, you’re done with cheerleading,” your dad spat at the dinner table.
“But my team needs me,” you whined. “I can’t leave in the middle of cheer season.”
“Do I look like I care about any of that?” He sneered. “This is an all-A’s family. And your grades are embarrassing,” he continued as he pulled out your midterm report. “Not a single A. And the worst part is that you’re failing math.”
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“But that professor is a complete jerk.”
“I hardly ever see you studying. You go to class, come home, play your phone, and goof off with your friends. This university is very expensive and I will not continue funding your education if you’re gonna perform like this. School is about more than cheer.”
“No buts. I don’t want to hear another word. Fix it or you’re done,” he said cutting into his steak.
“Listen to your father, honey. It’s very important that you maintain a good academic standing so you can get into a nice law school. Both your father and I graduated with a very high GPA—”
“3.75 and higher,” your father budded in.
“Exactly, so if you need a tutor—”
“I’m not stupid. I can do it by myself,” you mumbled. Even though you desperately wanted the help you knew this was a trap. Your father would not be happy if you were willing to give up that quickly.
“Ok,” your mother nodded. “But remember if you need the help it’s available for you.”
Being honest with yourself, you didn't want to go to law school and be a lawyer anyways. But you knew that your parents weren't going to let you graduate with a career as a cheerleader. They wanted you to have a real profession and since you couldn't pick fast enough, your father chose for you.
A job that was perfect for a sophisticated young woman and possibly a way for you to meet a good husband, or at least that's what your parents were telling you.
You finished dinner and went to bed. But not without logging onto your computer and checking your grades for each course.
• Politics — 79.47% • English — 82.97% • Math — 68.12% • Geography — 75.83%
"There's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to bring these grades up in time," you groaned as you closed your laptop and collapsed into your pillow.
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"Is it just me or do you feel like cheerleaders are basically strippers in training," Chanyoung said as he opened his locker.
"Nah, they definitely are. Just think about it. They flip around and shake their asses in skirts so short that a small breeze will be enough to expose everything underneath," Dongmin replied as he leaned against the locker beside Chanyoung. "I'm not complaining, I'm just saying," he mumbled.
"No, you're right. And from what I can see is that the majority of them are brainless bimbos who've most likely sucked their way through school," Chanyoung said pulling out a few tablets to shove into his backpack.
"I bet you'd love to have some brainless bimbo suck you off," Dongmin chuckled. "You can't even lie and say that you wouldn't take the chance if it was given to you."
"I mean..."
"Exactly. I'm not calling you a hypocrite or anything, I just want you to be real with yourself," Dongmin said as Chanyoung zipped up his backpack, lugging it on his back. "Hell, I wouldn't even pass up an offer like that," he added, slightly bumping Chanyoung's shoulder.
"Yeah, I guess," Chanyoung shrugged.
"Anyways, I gotta go. I'll catch ya later tonight at the game, alright? Our usual spot," Dongmin nodded before walking off, leaving Chanyoung behind.
"Alright, see ya," he waved gently before walking down the hall.
Chanyoung wasn't entirely wrong, you knew a couple girls on the squad who did a few "extra credit assignments." After hearing about your situation one of the girls even offered to hook you up with the guy that helped her.
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"Honestly, it sounds worse than it really is," Abigail said, her blonde hair falling in her face as she tied her shoelaces. "Having some pervy nerd pull up your grades is easy. Trust me, my grades were even worse than yours. And now I have a 3.5 GPA and nothing lower than a B on my transcript," she smiled before standing up to walk over to the mirror, adjusting her uniform.
"Yeah, but wouldn't it be weird if we use the same guy?" You asked.
"Hmm, I mean...I don't think so. Xoey and I had a threesome with him and he loved it. We also got a perfect 100 on our group presentation without editing a single slide," she beamed.
You bit your lower lip, considering the tempting option that had been placed before you.
"Look, if you don't want to get help from Jake, then you can find your own unsuspecting nerd who's willing to help you out in exchange for some action," she smirked, clipping a bow in her hair.
"Guys! What the hell are you still doing in here?" your brown-skinned cheermate, Nova, spat while waving her pom-poms around as she spoke. "You need to get on the field right now! Coach is already pissed," she said, her curly hair bouncing as she jogged away.
"Coming!" Abigail shouted. "We'll talk about this after the game okay," she said, shaking your shoulder before the two of you ran out together.
You met the sharp green eyes of Coach Sam, who looked about as pissed off as you expected her to be. "If you hadn't noticed by the raging crowd behind these doors, we have a big game tonight ladies! Remember your timing! Watch your step! And please, for the love of god, don't fuck this up!" she shouted before placing her black cap on, covering her shaggy dark brown hair.
She blew the whistle, signaling you all to do your signature walk out onto the field to open the game. You just tried your best to focus as you did the first cheer of the game. After you finished, you and the rest of your squad sat down on the benches.
"Abigail. ____," Coach Sam said tapping your shoulders.
"Yes, Coach?"
"If either of you pull some shit like that again you'll be running laps from sun-up to sun-down. Understand?"
"Yes, Coach," you answered in unison.
This game was important for three reasons.
1. If your university won, that meant you were going out of state for the next game.
2. There were cheer scouters watching tonight and the possibility of being picked increased with your performance.
3. This could be one of your last games if you can't figure out what to do about your grades.
"There's no A in cheer," your father's words echoed in your head.
"But there is in cheat," you thought to yourself.
As much as you didn't want to, you took Abigail's advice and scoped the bleachers for the perfect target. Dorky, lonely, and horny...but most importantly, smart.
Chanyoung and Dongmin sat at the very top row of the second tier, in the seats farthest to the left. You set your eyes on the dark-haired boy and his friend.
Curious to know who they were, you whispered to your cheermate Janice, asking if she recognized him. She knew almost everybody, especially since her dad was the dean of the university.
So it was no surprise that she was also head cheerleader and you were sure she had already secured a spot on a professional football team after college. That’s just how her family operated. Paying their way through life.
“Oh, that’s Lee Chanyoung and Han Dongmin, they're both a part of the university's orchestra. You'll usually see them hanging out together. Literally, like all the time."
Introducing New Target: Lee Chanyoung. Age 20. Perfectly talented brainbot. Not only was he in a highly desired honors society, but he was also a part of the college's orchestra.
You nearly smacked yourself in the face as you thought back to the first week of uni and how you were forced to attend the opening recital with your parents. "Classical music is a good way to lighten your mood and increase productivity,” your father said as you sat sandwiched between him and your mother.
Sometimes you hated the amount of pressure your parents put on you to be perfect. Unrealistic expectations that they couldn’t even meet themselves…at least not without pulling their hair out.
You were trying to find a balance between school and life. Yes, school could prove to be very beneficial for you in the future and a great investment, but you didn’t want to let life pass you by while you had your nose shoved 16 chapters deep in a textbook.
After Janice finished reciting what sounded like their admissions speech, you waited until the game was over to put your plan into action.
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You texted Abigail to let her know that you’d be looking for a study partner tonight so she wouldn’t worry about where you were. But she told you to make it quick. She promised to wait around to take you home that way you had an alibi for staying out late.
The stands were clearing out as the game came to an end and you ran across the field to catch up with Chanyoung and Dongmin, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
"Hey!" you called out, hoping they'd hear you.
If they did...great, you could move on to step two, but if they didn't you would die of embarrassment.
"Uhh, are you talking to us?" Dongmin asked, turning around and tilting his head as Chanyoung paused beside him.
"Yeah," you said shyly.
"Oh my god. I can't believe I'm actually crumbling right now," you thought to yourself.
"Umm...well I know we don't really know each other, but I need some help," you tried your best to be confident, but you couldn't shake the fact that this felt like downright prostitution. "It'll just be for a couple of weeks to help me pull up my grades."
"I'll pay you for it," you spat. Maybe there was a way to get some assistance without having to degrade yourself--no shame to Abby. She did what she thought was right.
"Well, as much as I'd love to help you, I'm already swamped," Dongmin shrugged before a mischievous smirk crept across his face. "But my buddy Chanyoung is more than available."
"I am?" Chanyoung said, eyes widening in shock. That was the first time you heard his quiet voice since you came over.
"Of course you are," he winked, patting his friend on the shoulder. "He's been telling me all about how easy this semester has been on him and that he has way too much free time and nothing to do with it."
"Really?!" you asked, surprised everything was going so smoothly. Maybe you would be able to pick up your grades without having to lose your dignity after all.
"Oh yeah. Trust me," Dongmin smiled. "He can help you out with your little...issue."
Okay...this Dongmin guy was acting a little suspicious, but you needed all the help you could get. Beggars can't be choosers, right?
"Okay," you said pulling your phone out of the side pocket of your bag. "Let me just give you both my number so that we can keep in touch. I really appreciate your help," you unlocked your phone before opening your contacts.
Dongmin put in both of their numbers while Chanyoung stood beside him not saying a word. "There ya go," Dongmin smiled handing you back your phone.
"Thank you so much," you smiled. "Can I meet up with you tomorrow?"
"T-tomorrow?" Chanyoung stuttered.
"Umm yeah. I want to get started as soon as possible...if that's okay."
"Oh, yeah of course. That's fine. He'll meet you tomorrow in the library," Dongmin reassured you, wrapping his arm around his friend.
“That’s great,” you smiled. “Will you be there too?”
“Me? Oh no, like I said before, this is all my buddy Channie. He’s got nothing better to do than help a friend…well a new friend,” something about the cheesy grin plastered across his face was unsettling, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
“Okay that’s fine. Just text me what times you’re available tomorrow and I’ll meet you then,” you smiled.
“____! Girl come on let’s go!” Abby shouted from across the field. You saw her from a distance, checking her pretend watch, taping her foot.
“Sorry guys, I gotta go now. See ya,” you waved before joining Abby.
You hopped into her bright yellow convertible, leaving the boys behind on the field.
Everything was looking great for you. You had a study date planned with a total book nerd. Hopefully, he will be a little less shy tomorrow, otherwise, you didn’t expect to make much progress.
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desperate-gay · 8 months
Alessia Russo x fem!reader
a/n: she’s so bf in this photo and sorry for not doing a request, this idea popped into my head
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“Love, I’m home!” Your girlfriend’s voice echoes its way through the house from downstairs, waiting for your regular greeting which usually includes you jumping into her arms or pecking her lips.
Alessia had her monthly manicure appointment earlier today along with a couple of other errands to run. You had to stay home due to all the homework you have to grade by the end of the week for your grade 4 class.
Hearing the voice of the girl’s arrival, you slam your computer shut, place the papers on the bed, and run down the steps, surprising the blonde with your speed when you’re one second down the hall and the next jumping into her arms while wrapping her legs around her waist. She hoists you up with her hands on the underpart of your thighs and laughs at your eagerness.
��I missed you.” You mumble into her neck, placing a lazy kiss on her warm skin.
“I missed you too, darling.”
She gently places you back on the ground and grips onto your hips, pulling you into a long-awaited kiss. It’s only been a couple of hours, but that is long enough for the two of you. While leaning further into the kiss, you notice the feeling of things poking at your sides, making you place your hands on her biceps and pull away with a puzzled look.
“What?” She asks impatiently, clearly wanting to get back to the kiss, leaning back in but you stop her with your finger pushing against her lips.
“What is poking me?”
“Oh! Ya like ‘em? Thought I’d try something new.” She holds up her new acrylic light blue nails, wiggling her fingers while showing you. She usually keeps her nails short, but with her obviously doing something new, she changed it up a little. They’re long. Not very long, but longer than you would like.
You grab her hand and pull it closer to your face to examine the new nails. The blonde keeps an eye on your very concentrated face, your teeth biting your lip as you twist and turn her hand.
“You like 'em?” She repeats herself.
“Uh, y-yeah they’re beautiful, Less.” She takes in your slightly red cheeks and opens her mouth to say something, but you clear your throat before she has the chance. “I better get back to grading for a little bit, love you.”
You peck her cheek and rush back to your bedroom while Alessia stands in the same spot, wondering what the hell just happened.
She’s been honest for a few hours and you’ve been acting, well, different. When she finds her regular spot on her side of the bed, she leans over and starts peppering kisses down the side of your neck as her hand rubs up and down your leg. At first, you ease into it, but soon you quickly pull away and stand up, mumbling something about having to use the bathroom.
Whenever she tries to be even slightly affectionate with you, you pull away from her touch, leaving her confused about what she did wrong. So when you agree to have a movie marathon in the living room, she takes the opportunity to ask you what’s going on, wanting to fix it right away.
In the middle of the movie, she tries one more time, setting her hand on your thigh, but you shift your leg to the side making her hand fall on the cushions of the couch.
“Okay, that’s it! What is going on with you?” You jump slightly at the girl’s outburst and lower your head, feeling a little flustered. “Did I do something to upset you?” The older girl asks with a sad tone, causing your head to snap back up and shake it quickly.
You feel bad for constantly avoiding the girl’s touch all day, most likely upsetting her, but you don’t have any other choice. It’s an embarrassing reason as to why you’re doing it, so you try and keep it as subtle as possible which clearly didn’t work out as planned.
The blonde reaches out and grabs your hand cautiously, allowing you to pull back if you want which luckily you don’t. “Love, please just talk to me. Tell me what’s bothering you.”
“It’s so humiliating.” You groan, covering your face in an attempt to hide from your girlfriend. She gently grabs your wrists and pulls them away from your head while looking at you with a bit of a concerned expression.
“You’re worrying me here, darling.”
You take a deep breath before beginning to explain, “When I saw you got your nails done, I didn’t know how to react. They’re absolutely amazing, Less, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something I’m not exactly used to.”
“Go on.” She nods her head in encouragement.
“I’ve been pulling away from your touches because lately, I’ve been more aroused than usual, and with your new nails it’s very difficult for you to…y’know.” You trail off all flustered from your admission.
Little do you know Alessia loves your confession. Her ego going up from learning that even the slightest touch from her makes you want to jump her bones immediately, but you have to control yourself from doing so. She was wondering why you reacted the way you did when she came home and now she has her answer.
When you look up you see a grin plastered on her face, making you flush in embarrassment before her hand grabs your face and tugs you into a sloppy kiss. Her tongue slides its way into your mouth and swirls around, causing you to let out a little whine which makes the taller girl smirk into the kiss. Once you part from each other, her thumb grazes against your swollen lips as she takes in your hazed state.
“How about tomorrow morning I’ll go back to the salon and ask them to cut them shorter. I didn’t exactly think about what we’d be missing out because of these.” She wiggles her nails once again like she did this morning with a goofy smile spread across her face, making you do the same.
You pull her in for another kiss, this one being shorter and sweeter before pulling back to look at her with nothing but love in your eyes. “I love you, Lessi.”
“I love you, darling. Since we have to wait for tomorrow for my nails, there are plenty of other things I can use on you. Let’s get your cheeky self taken care of, yeah?” She gathers you up in her arms and stands up, carrying you bridal style which makes you squeak, and wrap your arms around her shoulders, holding on for dear life.
She may have not used her fingers, but she sure as hell used everything else and left you unbelievably satisfied. Maybe the nails aren’t a bother.
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fruity-mega-coconut69 · 10 months
The One
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[Pairings]: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
[Summary]: Just a sweet movie night with your sweet girlfriend
[warnings]: none (?), my writing, sad attempt in writing fluff, not proof-read
A/N: Hey there again, fellow followers! So sorry for making you wait. I recently went on vacation and then got sick (stupid covid) but here it is!( also I'm trying out this pic-thing. is it good? or should i stick to gifs?)
“Baby?” Jenna’s soft, honey-like voice calls from the door of your bedroom, making you momentarily turn around and smile at her before going back to typing on your computer. Jenna sighs and walks over, leaning down slightly and putting her chin on your shoulder.
“What are you doing, hon?” 
You take your fingers off the keyboard and lean back against your chair. “You know what.” Jenna takes her chin off your shoulder and stands next to you, her hand replacing her chin on your shoulder. 
“Oh, I thought you had uh…..”Jenna looks up, taping on your shoulder as she thinks about the word.
“Writer’s block?” Jenna grins and nods “Yeah, I did. But…I don’t anymore.” You say, a small smile on your face. You crack your wrists and fingers before finally looking up at  Jenna. 
“That’s good to hear, baby. “Jenna smiles.”Uh, and even though I love that you’re finally writing your book again, I was thinking that we could…just cuddle and watch a movie or something?” Jenna asks, biting her lip as she looks at you.
Your eyes meet her deep brown ones and you feel a flutter in your chest before you grin. “Of course, Jen. It’s okay.” You stand up and push your chair back, groaning quietly as you stretch your legs and crack  your back which are sore and hurting after hours of sitting by your desk.
Jenna grins excitedly and starts walking out the room, with you following after her quietly. “I was hoping you’d say yes.” Jenna says to you as she reaches out to hold your hand. You soon arrive at what you call ‘Chill Room’. On the right side of the big room is a line of bookshelves, full of yours and Jenna’s favorite books. On the left is a line of arcade games that your cousins or Jenna’s sisters play most of the time when they’re over. In the middle of the room is a circle of armchairs and a table in the middle. At the end of the room is the ‘comfiest couch in the world’ as Jenna would say. 
The two of you walk to the couch and Jenna smiles as she sees the leg rest pulled out and fluffy blanket and pillows she set up prior to visiting you in your bedroom. “Because I already set it up.” You shake your head, smiling playfully at her before slumping down on the couch, your hoodie riding up from the mid of your thighs in cause of the action. Jenna giggles and grabs her laptop from the small table next to the couch and sits beside you, bringing the blanket over the two of you.
“So? What are we watching?” You ask softly, pulling the fluffy brown colored blanket up to your chin, you knees pulled up against your chest as you watch Jenna type in her password.
“I was thinking……..the Candyman. The first one” 
You snap your head to face her, noticing her already looking at you, batting her eyelashes at you innocently. “Jen! Come on! I thought we were going to relax ... .watch a good comedy and eat chips, not sit down to watch one and half an hour of gore and murder!” You whine, pleading with your eyes.
“I know, baby, But ... .halloween is coming soon and you know I like horror movies. They’re…my escape! “ Jenna bites her lip.
You sigh and shake your head. “You know, If I didn’t know you, I’d think you’re a psychopath.” 
Jenna smiles softly and giggles, which makes your heart flutter. “Is that a yes?” 
You exhale heavily before closing your eyes and nodding, but it was all worth it because the way Jenna lets out an excited ‘yes’ in victory then giggles is more than enough to make you open your eyes again and look at her lovingly as she sets up the movie.
“Done” Jenna exclaims and looks at you, seeing  you staring at her with that kind of look in your shining eyes. She blushes and places the laptop on your left and her right thigh. 
You snap your eyes away from her and blush too, looking down at the screen. She moves closer to you and wraps her right arm around your shoulders, your head falling onto her chest as you have already stretched out your legs for the laptop.
You inhale softly, her scent relaxing you as you place your right hand on Jenna’s stomach and the movies start to play. Your relaxation doesn’t last long as the opening scene plays, your heart thrumming in your chest.  Jenna giggles which makes your head shake a little.
“Calm down, baby. Nothing even happened yet.” 
Jenna’s little attempt in assuring you seemingly fails as you nod ‘Yet” Jenna just shakes her head at your response and brings her hand to your hair, playing with it to make you a bit more relaxed.
— —
After the movie ends, your head stays on Jenna’s head, processing what happened. Jenna is looking down at you with a small smile on her lips as her hand is continuously stroking your hair. After a while, you look up and blush under her gaze.
“So, what did you think?” She almost whispers.
“I’m never watching that again.” Your response makes Jenna laugh and you frown as your head shakes but it disappears when you focus back on her heavenly laugh. When her laughter dies down, she looks back down at you, your head still on her chest. And for a while, the two of you just lay there, staring at each other like there’s no one else on earth. Like nothing else matters at that moment. Only each other.
Jenna swallows thickly before leaning down briefly and kissing you on the lips before pulling back. You grin and push the laptop  off the two of you softly before sitting up higher and cupping Jenna’s cheek, leaning in and placing your lips on hers. You hum against her soft lip as you kiss, now both of her hands in your hair.  
You pull back after a couple of seconds but not too far so that your noses are touching, her breath fanning over your lips as she opens her eyes and looks into yours.
“I love you” She breathes out softly, a smirk on her now red lips.
You wet your lip subtly and your heart rate picks up further. “I love you too, idiot” 
Rolling your eyes, you lean back again and kiss Jenna passionately. 
And at that moment,  she knew it. You’re the one.
A/N: this kinda short, nah?
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luveline · 1 year
so first I would just like to say I love your writing and if it's alright I have a request Sirius x reader who comes off as confident and flirty but the moment Sirius does anything about it they just shut down and their face goes red
thanks for reading and your request!! ♡ late 90s AU,
cw reader can physically blush ! 
"See you later, handsome," you say cheerfully, hand on the doorway, head poking into the living room. 
Sirius looks up from his hand of cards, knowing you're talking to him, and glares. "Where do you think you're going?" 
"I have work in the morning, I have to go sleep. I know you'll miss me, Siri, but these things come to pass." 
James snorts a laugh and Remus reaches out to steady his drink seconds before Sirius knocks the table standing up. Dark hair falling into his eyes, Sirius climbs over his friends' knees and meets you at the door. "Come on, I'll walk you to your car," he says. 
Your pulse jumps in response to his sudden closeness, but thankfully you retain your cool. Together, you walk out of Lily's flat, down the metal steps, footsteps grinding rust and popping puddles. You'd hoped he'd speak first, but Sirius seems content to walk in the quiet with you. 
"Did you like the CD?" you ask. 
"I did. Hey, the girls… well, Marl said you had to do that on a computer, and it must've taken you ages." 
You burned him a playlist of love songs, some subtle, most less so. It was a joke, sure, but a joke that took hours and hours of time and a lorry load of patience. You'd drawn hearts all over the slip cover, and wrote his name in perfect font on the CD itself. 
"It didn't take that long. I'm great with technology," you brag. 
Sirius smiles at you. "I know you are, dove." 
Your foot slips off of the pavement. Strong hands are quick to save you, curling around your arms bruisingly tight and pulling you back up again on proper footing. "Careful," he murmurs, sounding tender. 
You feel your heart again, the contiguities you share burning hot and the space between you impossibly small. You look up into his face, Sirius looking down, the perfect curve of his bottom lip like a siren call that pulls you in, yanks you near enough, your brain begging you to ask him even as you begin to melt. 
Sirius frowns. "What, did you hurt yourself?" 
"I– no," you explain, a mumbled stammer you know you will never, ever live down. 
Sirius turns smug slowly. You watch it happen in horror, the inching of his eyebrows, the way his chin tilts ever so slightly upward. He looks down his nose at you, his hands relaxing where they'd been melding the soft fat of your upper arms, fingertips meandering down the length of your arm to your cold hand. 
"You aren't embarrassed, are you? You only tripped."
You shake your head uselessly, unable to speak. There's flirtation, and then there's this, the reality that Sirius could kiss you, that you want him to, and that he might want it more. 
"You're blushing," he says. 
"Am I?" you ask morosely. 
He raises a hand to your cheek, feeling the heat of your flushed skin in his palm with the practised ease of someone who's pictured doing it a hundred times before. 
"And you're awfully quiet." 
A breath shudders out of you without permission, eyebrows lightly creased. You're waiting to see what he'll do. 
"Relax," he says finally, the intense cadence of his voice replaced by a sweeter concern, "it's alright. I didn't mean to make you so nervous, dove. I was teasing, but… I think I might've gone too far."
You shake your head. His hand slides down to your neck. 
"No? Good. Let's get you back to your car in one piece, yeah? It's a good thing I came, really, or the next time I thought about kissing you I might have to picture you with two missing front teeth." 
Your laugh comes out choked. Sirius sighs fondly, nudging you in the direction of your car. 
"Come on. I won't tell anyone you're a fraud, by the way." His hand settles at the small of your back. "Your secret is safe with me." 
You'd say thanks if you had the wherewithal, but his constant touching distracts any sense. 
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
How about reader, who is a seasoned gamer, invites Gaz to play something like Valorant or Fortnite etc. She says "dw it took me a while to get good too" but he picks it up stupid quick. He spends the rest of the time enjoying winding her up more than the actual game.
absolutely absolutely. gaz can and should get away with everything.
1,833 words / lucky number 13
"Gaz... you know most people play video games to escape their responsibilities."
"So you've told me." Gaz's voice crackles over your headset.
You're staring at your screen, watching as he confirms his character selection in the game's lobby. "You're absolutely sure you want to play tank?" you ask him.
He locks in his character, and it appears in the pregame lobby: a bald-headed, square-jawed guy with a muscular build and heavy armor.
"Positive. You're playing healer, aren't you?"
"Then I'm playing tank. Pocket me."
"You've never even played this game. We'll both get obliterated."
"Come on. How hard can it be? Shoot, use ability, reset. I take the damage; you heal me; I dish it back out; we win; you thank me for carrying you as always. It's just like our usual game."
"Repeat that last one. I think your mic cut out on account of the bullshit."
"You don't think I can keep the heat off you?"
"I don't need you to keep the heat off me. I just want you to have fun and not die in the first five seconds of the round," you tell him. He did buy this game specifically to play it with you. After a totally reasonable amount of prodding on your part. It's been your go-to for weeks.
"Then pocket me and I won't die. I'm not having fun if I'm not in the thick of it. You know me."
"Fine. For one game."
"Bet," Gaz says, sounding smug about it. "I'm not gonna disappoint."
During that first game, he's getting his bearings. But he takes to it rather intuitively, especially with your help over voice chat. His tactical skills are whip-sharp as always. As you pocket him, you focus your character's abilities on keeping Gaz alive. But you switch to upping his damage output when you realize he's holding down a choke point by himself, taking on enemies and laying out a field of fire for your team. It's impressive, considering this is his first time playing the game.
When an enemy sneaks up on you, his pocket healer, he disposes of them with slightly more prejudice.
"You're pretty good at this," you tell him, scanning the results screen. "I mean, maybe mid-tier if you were on your own."
"Mid-tier?" he says, a little affronted. "It's called being adaptable. Not that you'd know. Hundreds of hours in this game and you're mid-tier support at best."
You cross your arms, leaning back in your computer chair. "Because I don't play support. You know what? I'm switching to DPS. See what you carry without me patching your ass up every ten seconds."
Back in the lobby, you select your main. Gaz eyes the character with a bit of respect. "A rogue, huh? You must think you're pretty good. Gonna need a lot more healing."
"Only if I get hit."
"I could sponge that damage right up for you. Keep you nice and safe."
You scoff. "Won't need it."
"Let's see."
In the next round, you weave in and out of combat, gleefully dodging attacks and landing devastating blows before you disappear. Your bread and butter. Meanwhile, Gaz does--at worst--an admirable job tanking. Still, when you look back and see enemies surrounding him, it's clear he could use an assist.
You double back and flank two of the enemies on him, picking them both off one by one. But before you can gloat, his voice in your headset interrupts you.
"Good kills, baby."
That's not the reaction you wanted. It immediately ticks you off. "I know."
He chuckles and takes down another enemy. He's tunneling in on the fight now that you've got him back on his feet, but clearly he still has time to talk to you. "Can't take a compliment."
The face that he's purposely pushing your buttons just irritates you more.
The next few games, he makes himself indispensable as a tank. It should be a good thing, but he keeps getting in your way specifically. You'd swear it's on purpose. He tanks hits for you and then acts like you'd lose the game without him. His cockiness is insufferable. Worse--you can't ignore how deftly he's scaling the difficulty curve here. He's holding the attention of the enemy players, keeping them away from you while you deal the damage. And you'd never admit it, but the way he's holding aggro is saving your ass.
You shouldn't need him to do that, though. You tell yourself the only reason you're not playing better is because he's forcing you to maneuver around him.
Then he offs the enemy rogue right as you're finishing her off. You swear into the mic. "Gaz, come on! You stole my kill."
"I'm giving my little rogue the help she needs. Besides, you know it's not about getting the most kills. It's about the team's collective score," he teases, and you have to remind yourself it's just a game.
It's like he can tell exactly what to do to piss you off in record time after that. Bossing you around, telling you to take this point or make that kill. He even pipes up once to remind you it'd be a good time to use your ult. You open your mouth to tell him it's not ready yet, but to your chagrin, you glance down and realize it is. Somehow he's keeping track? Unreal.
You're a little impressed about that one, but you'd never tell him. In your defense, he's distracting you with all this banter and teasing. He's making it hard to focus.
"No backseat gaming," you tell him.
"Wouldn't have to backseat game if you played better."
"I would be playing better if you weren't crowding me!" You sigh out your nose. "You're only doing this to get a rise out of me. Micromanaging me. I swear you get off on it."
"You're giving me too many opportunities to obsess over you." He sounds smirky.
The way he says it makes something in your lower stomach flip. You lose focus for half a second--long enough for the enemy rogue to slip past Gaz and smack you.
Gaz slams into her with his shield to stun her, then spins around and uses his special to deal more damage. That last hit downs her. You don't even have a chance to react.
His voice in your headset is smug still. "Like I said."
"Fine. Thanks."
"You can thank me by not dying again."
After the game, you sit back in your chair, arms crossed. "You sure talk a lot of shit."
"Am I?" You hear him grinning. "I hoped you'd give me a little more attitude than that."
"Oh, I know. You're not subtle."
"Neither are you. You get riled up so easy."
"You want me to fight you? Because it sounds like you'd rather me just roll over and bite the damn curb."
"No, you want that. You're a masochist."
"Thank you."
"It isn't a compliment."
"I know. Keep bullying me," you snark into your mic.
It's hard to resist teasing you when you say stuff like that. "Okay," he says, his tone turning playful. He leans back, crosses his legs, and situates himself in his chair. The game's results screen idles on his monitor, forgotten. "You've gotta stop making it so easy for me, though."
"I get that a lot."
"I'm sure you do, sweetheart."
"Ooh, are we doing condescension now?"
"I've been condescending to you since minute one. I can turn it up if it's not obvious enough."
"Keep going and I'll get off."
"Off voice chat, you mean?"
You smirk. "No."
He smiles, rolling his shoulders back. "I can absolutely be more condescending to you if that's what your incompetent little heart desires."
You laugh. "You were just waiting to bring that one out, weren't you?"
"I've got several of them tucked away just in case you got mouthy, But let's be honest--you're always mouthy."
"You're one to talk. You talked hella trash that last match."
"Only because I had to pull your ass out of the line of fire all the time. If you were better, I wouldn't have to. You're giving me ammunition, here."
"I just think it's telling that you play tank."
"Are you saying I'm compensating for something?"
"You said it. Not me."
He rolls his eyes, smirking. "You want to talk about projecting? You're the masochist, and you play a rogue? The one class known for being fragile? You're putting a target on your own back. What does that say about you?"
"Better than a tank main," you quip.
"I'm taking all the hits so you can DPS your way to getting play of the game. Makes me sound proper generous."
You examine your nails. "Makes you sound like a control freak."
"Why don't you look me in the eye and say that? Turn on your cam."
Your grin widens. "Gaz, please. If I turned my webcam on every time some guy online asked me to, I'd never have time to play."
He leans forward, lowering his voice. "Who says I'm kidding? Come on, baby. Give me eye contact. Look me in the eye and tell me I'm a control freak."
"Nope." You know he hates that you're not budging.
"Why? Aren't you decent?"
"More like I have Cheeto dust all over my hands."
"Doubt that."
"It's true."
"Come on. Prove it."
"See? Control freak."
"Fine, I'm a control freak--withyou. But you like it, don't you?"
"Oh, I love when you order me around. I love knowing exactly what you want me to do so I can avoid doing it forever."
He sits back in his chair and stares through his screen. It's not like he's never seen your face before. You've posted a selfie or two in shared chats. But he's never seen you cozied up in your pajamas. Or in a cute little robe. Or maybe a big t-shirt, the soft kind. Like he wears.
Yeah, he's realizing he's down bad. Worse than he thought.
"You wanna make the next round more interesting, then?" he asks.
You arch a brow, propping your sock-covered feet up on your desk. "Like how?"
"You lose, you turn on your camera, obviously."
You snicker. "I don't know what you think I get up to on a Friday night, but you're gonna be sorely disappointed." You pop another Cheeto in your mouth, knowing he'll hear it crunch.
Gaz laces his fingers behind his head. "I've already curbed my expectations. Bet you're sitting around in sweats and a hoodie with some anime character on it." Not that the thought of that isn't appealing. He suspects you don't let many people see you that way.
"You're... uh..." You look down at what you're wearing. "Not far off, actually."
"I know, baby. I've seen your Discord handle."
"So what if I win?"
"Then I won't tell anyone how hard you got stomped these last few rounds. And trust me, I'd be telling everyone. It's embarrassing how much of a load you were. Don't take that the wrong way, though--by all means, just sit there looking cute while I carry this next game."
"Oh, you're on."
Gaz grins, leaning forward. "Yeah, we'll see how cocky you are when I put you back in your place."
You pull your chair back up to your desk, hands poised over your mouse and keyboard. "Promises, promises."
Gaz readies up, too. "Don't worry, baby. I'll keep my word. But once I humble you, you're gonna regret ever doubting me."
more Gaz / masterlist tag
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whousestypewriters · 1 month
photos of you - grayson hawthorne x reader
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: swearing [like one word] kissing + flufffffff
a/n: so grayson my pookie wookie is getting a fic hehe! should i write a synopsis at the begining of each fic? idk im too lazy to do it rn lol -also its kinda short so sorry
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"grayson!" you shriek when you enter his bedroom.
its plain and simple - like grayson - except nothing like grayson because anyone who's met him knows that grayson hawthorne isn't plain or simple.
he's smart, cunning, always sharply dressed - and man does he look good in a suit. like seriously he's so toned and muscly - which you may or may not know after having snuck out to watch him swim once... or twice... okay you do it all the time - he's like a freaking greek god in the form of a human-
sorry what?
got off track there. oops.
you storm into grayson's room absolutely livid, pacing back and forth in front of a slightly amused grayson.
"like seriously she was such a bitch!" you say swinging around to face him again. "she actually called me the sloppy immature freak. can you believe it? like seriously that girl wouldn't know hard work if it gave her a high five... in the face... with a chair!"
you spin around again resuming your pacing continuing on before he can say anything.
"and to come at me during work-" your eyes catch onto grayson's open computer. "hey, what's that?"
all but forgetting your rant about the bitchy co-worker of yours, you move over to grayson's desk and plop down into his chair, focusing on the laptop in front of you.
"are these from our date last saturday?" you ask when you feel his presence at your back.
"yeah, i took a few and then had the flower stall vendor take some as well," his rich voice reaches down to your ears.
you flick through the photos your heart melting with each one he took. most are photos of you not paying attention to him and looking around happily at the park you were at. pure happiness shines in your eyes and you lean back into grayson silently thanking him and complimenting him on his work.
"its all you," he whispers as if he read your mind.
you instantly pause when you reach a photo of you both. you're looking at the camera smiling at the kind vendor but grayson. grayson.
he's looking at you like you're his entire world. like he'd willingly give up everything just to see you happy. the pure love, adoration and devotion in his eyes almost brings you to tears.
god you loved him.
"i like this one," you squeak out, still
"why's that?"
"because you can see how much you love me," you smile getting up out of your seat and wrapping your arms around his neck. "you look at me like i'm your world, gray."
"you are," he whispers wrapping his arms around your waist, smiling softly. you love how he lets this, softer, calmer, less rigid side of himself be shown with you. grayson is all sharp edges and cutting looks to the outside world, so it always seems to warm your heart that you get to be apart of this piece of him.
"i love you," you smile sweetly up at him and press a soft kiss to his lips. "so much."
"i love you," grayson says quietly. "more than you know."
later on when you've left, grayson makes quick work of emailing the photos off to a printing store, wanting you to have copies as soon as possible and making his favourite photo - the one of you grinning at the camera, or more like the person behind the camera, him - his lockscreen.
he'll never admit it to anyone else but he has always had a photo of you as his lockscreen, always, even from the early stages of your relationship. he had felt like he was keeping a small piece of you with him, a small piece of your happiness that seeps into his cold harsh behaviour when he's working.
so its a habit to save those pictures to the album he has on his phone and computer. its a habit to have the photos printed out and sent to your flat along with a bouquet of flowers.
its a habit to be grinning for hours in his room after you left.
its a habit to go scrolling through the albums and albums of photos he has of you. because honestly? out of all the places grayson has been, all the different photos and emotions he's caught on camera, out of all them,
photos of you are his favourite.
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[taglist] @nqds, @nuncscioquidsitamor-14, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ [if you wanted to be added or removed lemme know!]
a/n pt2: lol i think it kinda deteriorated at the end there.
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 11 months
Mr Gorgeous
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pairing: Lee Minho x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, crack, tutor Lee know, non-idol!au, college au, best friend Hyunjin, computer nerd Lee know
summary: As a chemical engineer with the biggest aversion to computer science it was nothing short of hell to try and pass the one elective you were forced to take. Things do change for the better when your friend suggests you get tutored by smart and hot Lee Minho. Maybe you'd do a lot more than just pass the subject... 
wordcount: 6.3k
a/n: This one is based on the unhinged but cute ideas my friend gives, hopefully, I did justice to that, and to Minho.
I have extended this universe (but can be read as oneshot ) with the Hyunjin fic Dancing with our Hands Tied
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That’s the primary emotion you feel right now. Sitting with your hands tugging at your hair in the corner of the computer science lab as you stare at the big blank screen… yet again.
Another ping and you look up to see yet another failure message popping on the screen of your laptop. It wasn’t brand new, or of high value, but this laptop was your lifeline. Not only did it hold all three years' worth of your undergrad life but it also holds the precious drafts of your latest hyper fixation- fanfics based on the forced marriage trope.
The downfall of the laptop itself wasn’t your primary concern now, it was the choices you made that led here. Well, it wasn’t exactly a choice. The course selection system of your uni might say “flexible” but it was anything but. Your mind replays a flashback from two months ago when you were seated in your dorm bed, hands tugging your hair like now, as you stare at the monstrosity that was the computer science elective you were forced to choose for the sake of credits.
Leading you right back to regret.
Just as you're about to break your laptop in a fit of pure frustration you feel a hand on your shoulder. Whipping your head back, with five retorts at the tip of your tongue (but ones that’ll never be said), you find yourself facing one of your closest friends. His feline eyes shone with kindness and his long blonde hair with fringes framing his spectacular face and the crisp white shirt that looks very out of place amongst his rarely-showered peers.
Hyunjin. The infamous dance team captain and the most wanted dude on campus, who somehow ended up as your roommate's dance partner back in freshman year and is now a big part of your gang. He was the reason for whatever little popularity you had on campus.
“Are you alright?”
“Hi yeah, I-I’m fine… I guess…” you sigh, giving up on your hair and point to the screen. “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and my laptop just gave up on me.”
He gives you a sad smile, not one of pity and you’re grateful for it. “Ahh, the computers have defeated our great y/n I see...” His tone is slightly lighter this time when he speaks. You nod furiously as he settles down on an empty chair next to you. His hand has moved from your shoulder to fidgeting with the armrests.
“Yeah I absolutely hate- no loathe computers. I mean, I fought with my parents to do a chemical engineering degree just because I hate computers for god's sake. All that only to end up here in this damn course and I’ve managed to kill my laptop in the process of installing virtual machines. Actually why the hell do we even need those virtual machines? Isn’t everything that these machines produce essentially virtual… if you do need another device, just get one. Why do you computer science idiots go through all this hassle? I don’t-“, you pause mid-rant to see that he’s got an amused expression and the corners of his lips are lifted up.
“Ugh, please. Don’t laugh at my distress, you cruel man.” You whine and dramatically put your head on the desk in defeat.
"Aye y/n it's okay... I mean it will be..." Hyunjin tries to comfort but you just grunt in response and dig your head deeper into your arms on the desk.
You hear him sigh and shift closer to you.
"Alright, I'll tell you what... class is over now so we will give up for now and go have something to eat and replenish your brain. Then maybe I can tutor you, I am also in the class and I do understand this. Is that ok?"
You look up to see Hyunjin sitting beside you, lips pressed into a thin smile, eyes kind and empathetic. This version of him rarely comes out except with his few friends and you were usually grateful for that. But today you had no brain cells left to feel grateful.
"Yeah, sure! Do you plan on doing that before or during your morning dance practices or evening practice?" Your tone comes out sharp and sarcastic, which catches Hyunjin off guard.
You were almost always sarcastic but it was never more than a harmful joke and you never really lost your temple. In fact, you were very particular about staying silent unless you have something positive or funny to contribute to the conversation.
Hyunjin recovers fast from the shock, "Hey I was just offering... I was being nice. Don't bite my head off!"
You feel apologetic immediately and sigh. "Yeah sorry dude, I guess I need to eat. Are you still up to get lunch together?" You ask with a small smile.
"Yup!" He immediately agrees with a big grin and you begin packing your things.
"Hey, you sure one of your little fangirls and fanboys won't die of jealousy if they see just the two of us having lunch together?" You joke as you both head to the cafeteria.
He just rolls his eyes and both of you laugh it off.
Even though you knew about Hyunjin's popularity, it still feels weird for you to sit and watch almost the entire cafeteria stare in your direction. Rather in his direction. Trying your best to ignore it you continue eating your sales as Hyunjin talks about the latest gossip from the dance team.
Just as he was about to reach the juicy part, Hyunjin sees someone on the other end of the cafe and asks them to join. You whip your head around to see the source of your latest annoyance, ready to hate them in your head, only to find the most gorgeous man you had ever seen walk towards your table.
You've had one too many celebrity crushes in your day but you weren't usually the type to simp for a dude in real life- especially one from your university. Yet you find yourself unable to take your eyes off this guy. He's wearing a simple black T-shirt and a pair of joggers. His headphones are around his neck, and a black backpack hanging on his left shoulder. You watch his shirt cling to his shoulders and the way he keeps his eyes down as he walks. You keep watching as he runs a hand through his hair, messing it up just enough for it to look fluffy and good.
Taylor Swift definitely wrote Gorgeous for this man.
As he nears the table you finally gather all your self-control and turn back to your lunch. You chew on the food slowly and keep playing with the contents in your bowl, painfully aware of every step he takes toward the table.
"Hey Lino!" You hear Hyunjin exclaim as he gets up to hug the other guy.
"Hi Hyunjin." says the other guy- who apparently has a deep, yet soft voice that reminds you of honey melting.
You internally cringe at the weird tingly feeling this guy is making you feel.
You try to block out the conversation the two guys make, desperately hoping you wouldn't have to interact with Mr Gorgeous.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce you both. This is my friend y/n."
You look up at the mention of your name to find Hyunjin and him looking right at you. You smile, hoping the weird thoughts don't translate on your face.
"And y/n, this is Lee Minho. My classmate and dance teammate." Hyunjin says with a fond smile.
"Hey, y/n. Nice to finally meet you," says Mr Gorgeous in his honey-dripping voice as he reaches his hand out to you. You are frozen for a second but recover quickly to take his hands and shake them as you nod. You watch as he immediately takes his hand after a second of contact and clears his throat.
"Nice to meet you too Minho." you finally manage after the handshake that only made the butterflies worse. You pray silently that you don't ever have to speak to Minho again, a crush was not good for your health. Especially not a crush on your friend's very hot dance teammate.
Thankfully Minho almost immediately leaves, stating he has a class to attend and Hyunjin and you bid your byes and return to your lunches.
After a moment's silence, Hyunjin speaks again, "So what do you think about Minho?"
You cough as a lettuce piece gets stuck in your throat at his question and chug half a glass of water.
"Wha- what about him?" You ask in your most normal voice possible.
"I don't know... you tell me." Hyunjin says eyeing you cautiously.
"He's fine I guess." He scoffs. "He's way more than fine and we both know it." He says with a smirk.
"You're just a simp for the mysterious hot dudes who will never go for you."
"Ouch. But yeah. Plus all I can do is simp... he's not really into guys." Hyunjin says with a dramatic frown making you shake your head at his antics.
You were almost relieved when Hyunjin admitted to simping for Minho because then you would shut down the crush because you are a good friend. Every plan to squish this growing crush is backfiring on you now.
As you both finish your lunch and decide to go separate ways, Hyunjin stops in his tracks outside the cafeteria with a bright smile on his face. The face that usually means trouble for anyone involved- which is you currently.
"Oh my god! Y/n I just had the best idea." He practically squeals and you roll your eyes at him.
"I don't believe it will be good but you're gonna say it anyway so spill."
"Well you need a tutor to pass the computer course... and Minho is a top-of-the-class student who passed that subject a semester ago. What if he tutored you?"
Hyunjin looks like he hit the jackpot and your jaw hangs on the floor. Gulping you begin to explain why his idea won't work just as the door opens and out comes the man of the hour himself- Minho.
Hyunjin looks at Minho and his smile grows even wider.
"Lino I was just going to call you. I need a small favour from you."
Minho looks suspiciously between an excited Hyunjin and a horrified you. "Yeah, tell me..."
Hyunjin proceeds to explain the ordeal in great painful detail. He paints a sad picture of you from fighting with your parents about your major to your whining in the lab earlier. All while you plan the detailed and gruesome murder of Hwang Hyunjin in your head.
Even though you are too embarrassed to see Minho's face, curiosity gets the better of you. He seems to be trying his best to follow Hyunjin's rant. His eyebrows perked up and eyes shifted between the two of you. His nose scrunched as he nods continuously.
"So what do you think of my genius idea huh?" Hyunjin asks Minho as he smiles widely at you both.
"Ermm... ", Minho looks between you and Hyunjin looking positively confused. "I think I can do it yeah." He says in his honey-melting crush-heightening voice and nods at you.
All you can do is force a hopefully normal smile on your face as Hyunjin celebrates his 'victory'. You shoot Minho an apologetic look as Hyunjin forces you both to exchange numbers and discuss the tutoring schedule- every Monday evening at the library.
"See you on Monday y/n." He says with a soft smile as he hoists his bag up higher on his shoulder and walks away after saying his byes to Hyunjin.
There is no death for the crush now.
The Monday could not have come slower. Although it was only three days from meeting Minho it felt like the longest days of your life. To make matters worst, Hyunjin and Yeji, your roommate, could not stop talking about Minho.
Turns out he didn’t spurt out of nowhere since Thursday, he was fondly called Lino by the dance team. You’d previously heard Hyunjin and Yeji talk for hours together about the “brilliant” dancer that “Lino” was. But you’d also heard Yeji mock Hyunjin for constantly getting bullied by him. The stories that you had always laughed your heart out to because mostly Hyunjin did deserve it. But now those stories do nothing but increase your anxiety as you walk slowly towards the campus library to meet your gorgeous dancer-nerd tutor.
What if he bullies you too? Or worse what if you embarrass yourself in front of Mr Gorgeous!
You groan as you step into the library, searching along rows of students absorbed in their own world before spotting him. He was wearing another plain black shirt, hair messed up in sweeps framing the side of his face, and a thin framed glass perched on his face. His little nose scrunched up as he was concentrating on his laptop, the headphones on his head.
Why does this man make you weak over the bare minimum!
“Hey Minho”, you greet as you reach the table he’s sat at, settling down across the table from him.
He looks up removing his headphones and smiles at you, nodding in acknowledgment.
Both of you walk around on eggshells for the first few minutes, him understanding how much knowledge you have in the subject- he almost looks disappointed on hearing the answer be ‘nothing’. Eventually, you both developed a plan and he began explaining from the basics. Although you had a very hard time concentrating initially, especially when his eyes got all dark and focused, as he bit his lip whenever you messed up and explained in that calm soothing voice of his. But eventually, you started finding it easier to learn when he taught you in parts, giving examples and helping you take notes.
The hour passed by much too quickly for your liking but a part of you was relieved to be out of his strong gaze. He had given you some pointers and tasks to do over the week to help speed the process to pass the finals approaching in two months.
The following weeks go smoothly, Mondays becoming your favourite and most exciting day of the week- adulting really was sad. You saw Minho relaxing with every session, the third session he even started teasing you about your mistakes. He would let out a little “hehe”, smile brightly as his eyes lit up and shake his head as he says, “No that’s not how you run this. It’s a different coding language so the rules change.”
He never raised his voice or lost his cool. While you were constantly groaning or huffing in irritation at the irrational rules of computer science. You constantly explained to him that you weren’t an entire novice to coding but the concepts of operating systems and databases simply did not make sense. He would constantly assure you that this was hard for computer science majors and that you had not much to worry about. Eventually, the one-hour sessions became longer as you both sit back and talk about random topics during "breaks". He even suggested an additional session to "help speed the process", which made your stomach drop in an odd way (not because your crush kept exponentially growing in the last six weeks).
That’s how you find yourself in the library on a Thursday afternoon, coming to the library hours prior to your session with Minho. Trying your best to understand the concept you both were supposed to go over so that you didn’t look too dumb and also because your finals is approaching in two weeks. You used to be the topper in school, and you even managed to stay in the top 10 in your department but none of that worked here. It definitely didn’t help to learn that Minho was an extremely talented all-rounder.
In the last six weeks, you might’ve slipped into a couple or almost all of the dance team’s practice sessions pretending to care about Hyunjin and Yeji (both of whom were surprised to find you there for the first time in three years).
Minho danced as gracefully as a swan while emitting the most powerful aura on stage. You had seen the dance team’s performances before to support your friends but you hadn’t really noticed anyone except those two till now. But now you could not take your eyes off Minho even when you heard the team and other audiences praise how amazing Hyunjin and Yeji were.
You shake your head to prevent yourself from getting distracted by Minho’s tantalising steps from the previous day’s rehearsal. All of this did nothing but feed the monster of a crush you were fostering inside. She was so strong now that calling it a crush felt wrong. You were down bad. But that is a problem for another time, you needed to learn this concept before Minho gets there in half an hour.
You’re not sure how long it has been since you started hyper focusing on the topic but you are brought out of your reverie by Minho’s rich voice.
“Hey y/n.” He sounds cheerful and there’s a cute smile on his face which makes the monster butterflies immediately rise up in your stomach.
“Hello.” You smile back as he settles in the seat next to you. This was another suggestion from Minho since the third week to "help correct your mistakes better", little did he know it only made you more prone to mistakes with him so close to you. You noticed that he was wearing his white hoodie and grey joggers- which you know now is his dance practice attire, and his hair is all tousled and messy. His cheeks are flushed from the practice and he is slightly out of breath as he takes his laptop out and settles down.
“You’ve already started this topic huh. Good to see you working so hard. ” He says with a genuine smile nodding towards your laptop. You smile coyly, stomach doing a little flip at the compliment (it never gets old).
“Ah, nothing like that. Just had time to kill. Thought I’d try to catch up so that I’m not entirely clueless for today.” He nods and looks at you for a second longer than usual. Just as you think he’s going to turn to his laptop and start the session he leans towards you and brushes a strand of your hair behind your ears. Time comes to a standstill as you process what just happened. When you recover from the tingle his touch had left on your cheek and behind your ear, you realise that he has gone to his work.
“Let’s start?” He enquired looking innocent and all you can do is nod. Your heart is still beating fast as you try your best to follow everything Minho is saying. Every time you got your heart to calm down he would turn to look at you from behind his glasses, a serious expression on his face which was way too close to yours for your brain to work.
When you start working on the code he leans between you and your laptop to point at the code on the farthest end of the screen from him. His face is extremely close to yours as you do everything to remain normal- on the outside.
Eventually, the session comes to an end and you slump back in your chair sighing as you catch your breath and look at Minho. He is on his phone smiling every now and then and your hearts drops as anxiety clouds your head. Not that you had any intentions of taking any action about your crush… but still the heart wants what it wants. He turns to you as he puts his phone down and removes his glasses.
“How come you had free time today, before our session? I thought you had a full schedule on Thursdays?” He enquires and pushes his smooth fluffy hair out of his face.
You have two thoughts in your brain at this point- a) why did he have to be that gorgeous, and b) did he remember when you told him about your schedule the first time you both met.
You straighten up as you answer. “Erm… yeah no my lab got cancelled. Prof has been sick for a week now so I was free.”
“Is that why you seem to be having a lot of free time lately?” His question comes out more as a comment as he gives you a smirk.
“Uh what do you mean?”
He runs his hand through his hair again.
“Nothing just been seeing you around during practice a lot recently… that’s why.” He almost looks shy as he says it, but the smirk stays put on his face.
You feels your cheeks and neck heat up and do your best to not look like a deer caught in headlights.
You let out a small fake laugh. “Ah, that… I was just supporting Hyunjin. And Yeji too, she’s my roommate you know?” You ask hoping he’d shift the topic to them instead.
He leans back on the side of his chair eyeing you with the smirk still in its place. “Yeah I know. I’ve known for three years.” Your eyes widen naturally at this new information. “Which is why I was surprised to see you there now after all these years. You don’t usually come to practice sessions.” He says calmly.
There are too many questions in your head but you choose to ignore anything that gives you even a sliver of hope. You straighten more hoping the stature makes you look at least slightly intimidating. Which, judging by the even bigger smirk on Minho’s face didn’t work.
“I- I came because Yeji and Hyunjin were nervous about their solos.”
His expression is straight-up cocky. “Oh is that why you were staring at me the whole time?”
His words might’ve affected you so much that you were embarrassed but you weren’t going to feed into his ego.
“Seems like you need a new prescription for your eyes.” You pick up your things, start to walk away from the table and pause to give him a sarcastic smile.
"Also seems like you were the one who was seeing me instead of focusing on your practice."
You walk away hoping to save some face before you feel his hold on your wrist. His hands are rough and he holds you just tight enough to stop you but not hurt you.
“Y/n I was just teasing… sorry if I crossed a line.” He sounds so soft and timid that you whip your head around to see him standing behind you with big eyes and a small pout. You sigh and smile at him.
“I know… I was too. Don’t worry abt it, Mr Tutor.” You try to lighten the mood by lightly tapping his shoulder and see him shudder slightly.
“I do like seeing you in practices.” He admits in a low voice, a shy smile on his face.
You are just a melted goo of a human on the inside. The smile on your face comes naturally but for once, you don’t feel the need to hide it. Minho made you lose your guard way too much but even then today was way out of either of your usual zones. For the rest of the night, you are a mess of nerves and excitement. Yeji doesn’t question it anymore.
Two days later, you arrive at the auditorium of your uni with the two other friends of your gang- Jeongin and Yuna. As you three settle down in one of the middle rows, for which you almost fought off a junior, you are giddy with excitement to see Minho perform. And Hyunjin and Yeji of course.
You had tried to go to the dress rehearsal the previous day, catching the last few minutes of the performance and it was safe to say that the performance was going to be a hit. This time you didn’t try to sneak around, instead you waited after rehearsal and walked back with Minho, Hyunjin and Yeji. The vibe between Minho and you had shifted since that evening, he had texted you memes twice the next day and the previous evening, you both had walked close enough for your shoulders to brush while laughing about baseless things. If Hyunjin and Yeji noticed, they didn’t say anything and even gave the two of you some space by racing each other. For all the grace they both had on stage, they were complete idiots.
Your heart starts beating faster as the performance begins and you watch in a daze the whole time. All of them killed it from start to end. You were almost emotional watching Yeji and Hyunjin shine bright during their solos. Minho was on fire throughout the whole performance and you thought you dreamt of him looking at you during his solo- which was practically too hot for you to physically handle.
Once the performance is over, Jeongin, Yuna and you walk over to the green room to meet your amazing friends. You run over to congratulate your friends and even manage a small "nice performance" for the other members. The entire green room is filled with members of the dance team and their friends, all shouting and laughing. Amongst the chaos and happiness in your friend group, you can't help but look around for Minho. Catching your eye Hyunjin tugs at your shoulder signalling you to lean in as he says, "Go to the backside of the auditorium."
You look at him confused for a second before he gives a pointed side-eye that says "Don't act like you don't understand". You give a shy smile thanking him and inform Yeji that you'll be back and quietly slip out through the back door of the auditorium as Hyunjin told you to. Once you close the door behind you, a cool gush of wind makes you rub your shoulders for warmth as the green room's ruckus dies into the evening's silence. You look around for him and see a silhouette standing at the right edge leaning on the railing and looking out at the campus gardens.
Taking a deep breath you slowly approach him. As if sensing your presence, he whips his head around.
"Y/N." He says softly and you walk closer to see his left hand stretched out. You freeze in your spot, five steps away from him, gaping at the hand. He sees your confusion, smiles, walks toward you, and grabs your right hand. You stand there watching him and feel your feet move on their own as he helps you stand beside him facing the gardens, hands still interlaced. Your brain seems to short-circuit as you just stand there, still as a statue, hyperaware of his touch and the tingles it left in your body.
After what feels like a minute or an eternity, you are no longer aware of worldly concepts like time, he clears his throat and you see him angle his body toward you from the corner of your eyes. This brings you back to reality and you turn your face toward him and see how gorgeous he looks under the moonlight, hair all messed up, his shirt still clinging from the sweat due to the performance and lips spread into a soft smile.
"Hi." He says with an expectant smile on his face.
"Hey," you hear your own voice sound distant and breathless. It would be embarrassing how weak you were from this boy if you didn't know that he deserved all the love and attention in the world.
"So... you really didn't want to see me perform I guess." His tone is playful and there's a smirk on his face.
"Wha- What no... I did want to see you perform."
"Then you just didn't like it I guess. Tsk tsk." He mockingly shakes his side to side as the girn grows wider on his face. Your face heats up in embarrassment and you thank god that the only light around the place is hitting on his face and not yours.
"I never said that." You say in a low shy voice (again, borderline embarrassing).
"You didn't say anything good about the performance either. At least to me." He pauses and looks at you before turning to the garden again, "I heard you throwing compliments around like confetti inside,, to your friends."
You immediately feel your stomach drop in guilt and very little excitement (The Minho wanted your validation!!).
"Oh. Oh no, I- I didn't mean to... It's just," you take a small breath as he turns to face you again with an eager expression, "I can't really think right now with you holding my hand and looking all gorgeous and hot, and I keep thinking back to your moves on stage which were straight up sinful Minho." The words come out before you can process it and your eyes widen as you realise what you said and see that Minho's smirk has grown exponentially smug before he breaks into soft laughter.
You silently groan putting your head down on the railing. Minho stops laughing and tugs at your hand which makes you slightly face him. "Hey, don't be embarrassed." He says with that soft, kind voice of his.
"Easy for you to say." You mumble as you look at your hands, one still intertwined in his. He uses his other hand to lift your chin up to face him, you swear you can hear your heartbeat as loudly as a gunshot fired into the dead of the night. His eyes are soft, a twinkle in them, and he has the prettiest smile on his face as he takes in your face.
"I still want a proper compliment Gorgeous." He says and you choke on empty air at the term of endearment (the irony rather). He lets out a chuckle at that and raises his eyebrows for you to go on as he holds your other hand in his. "Can you even breathe right now?" He jokes and you snap out of the daze.
"Jerk," you say pulling your hands from his, turning away with a huff.
"Y/N... come oonnn..." He whines and you involuntarily laugh and turn to see him pouting (lost track of all the embarrassing things you do for him at this point). "Pleaasseeeee", he says with the cutest pout and puppy-dog eyes.
You sigh. "Well, you did amazing." The pout is intact on his face, indicating he wants to hear more. "I- I couldn't take my eyes off you the whole time. I saw Hyunjin and Yeji only during their solos." You admit sheepishly. You are still not sure where all this sudden courage is coming from. You are not the most vulnerable or soft person, in fact, your friends constantly teased you for being nonchalant and tactful during most situations. Lee Minho was going to be the death of you.
He straightens at the admission from you, eyes widening and jaw opening in surprise. A smirk plays up on your face at the opportunity to see him lose his cool.
"Have you forgotten your manners or are you too flustered to say thanks?" You tease not letting the opportunity go to waste. His demeanour changes and the shyness on his face is replaced by something darker, like trouble. He slowly walks towards you, like a cat prancing towards its meal, and you take a step back till you are flush against the railing as he keeps walking closer. You think your heart will fail if he keeps doing it. He stops an inch from your face, placing both his palms on either side of you on the railing.
"Let's see who is too flustered now..." His voice is deep and gravelly. You gulp and stare at his face, not having the courage to do anything else. He starts leaning towards your face, his eyes momentarily drift to your lips and god help your poor soul.
"Min-Minho.. wha-what are y-you doing?"
Your voice breaks and his lip tilts slightly before he speaks, "Can I kiss you?" His voice has gone an octave deeper and your heart skips several beats. All you can manage is a small nod in approval and he shakes his head. "Say it, Gorgeous."
Jesus this man is out to kill you.
"Ye-yes." The word leaves your mouth more like a question but the smirk on his face tells you he is satisfied. He leans in more, your lips almost connecting and you close your eyes waiting for his lips to touch yours. One beat, two beats, three beats and the effect never comes. You open your eyes in confusion to see Minho has moved a little back, with the proudest smile on his face.
Before you can begin to voice out your confusion he speaks. "I will kiss you...", you're still confused, "Only if you pass your finals."
"Huh?" That's all you can think and say.
"I said what I said."
"What does that even mean? Why did you ask to kiss me and then not do it... are you crazy! I swear to god if this is some sick joke to you, I will murder you Lee Minho." You are fuming, your face is burning up and you're embarrassed.
"I- no no you've got it wrong. I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I was teasing. Its... I have wanted to do this for a while now... but I thought maybe you don't really like me or... God!" He groans and runs a hand through his hair.
"What do you mean?"
He turns around to look at you, eyes wide and his hand fidgets in nervousness.
"Y/n I- I like you... I have for a while. I saw you during a freshman-year party as you came to help a very drunk Hyunjin. I thought you were his girlfriend for an entire year because you both were very close so I kept my distance. Last year I got to know that you both were just friends and really wanted to get to know you."
He stops and sighs, he positively looks scared and tired. You feel bad but your own confusion and insecurity clouds your mind.
"Then why didn't you?"
He looks straight into your eye and lets out a scoff.
"Did you even know me until two months back?"
All you can do is stare back because you are guilty. Even you had been asking yourself how you had never noticed Minho in all the times you've hung out with the dance team after performances. You had even known Chan, the team leader back when you were freshmen. But somehow missed the one person you seem to care about right now.
"That's what I thought." He looks dejected. You really want to hug him, which is surprising considering you don't even like hugs usually.
So you walk up to him, closing the gap between the two of you in three steps and wrap your arms around his waist and feel him freeze. Your head reaches near his shoulder, and you lean into it because there is some unbridled courage in you that you are not about to waste. After a beat or two you feel his arms wrap around your waist and you wait for the butterflies and nerves but instead, you feel your heartbeat slow down. It feels... comfortable.
"I'm sorry. I am not exactly the most observant person. Especially around the dance team because I am way too in awe and kinda scared. I don't think I would've been friends with Yeji and Hyunjin if I had not met them outside of the team. But after the last two months, I don't even understand how I missed you. Especially with how you dance and not to forget that smart brain of yours. But yeah... I'm sorry" The words fall out of your mouth on their own but it feels right.
"Not your fault. I did keep myself very much out of the limelight because I was... I don't know, maybe scared of rejection. But yeah, wish I'd spoken to you earlier." You can feel his words. You also feel his heartbeat slow down.
"I don't regret anything that happened though." His voice sounds a lot lighter this time.
"Neither do I."
You slightly pull back to see his face and try to get out of the embrace but he holds onto you tight. An involuntary smile creeps up your face.
"So... what happens now?"
He thinks for a second and a glint forms in his eyes.
"What do you want to happen?"
You like this.
"Three things. I want you to continue tutoring me. I also want to be your girlfriend and... I need you to kiss me now." You see him start to speak and continue before he can. "If you say you won't do that until I pass, I swear to god Lee Minho, I will never let you talk to me or touch me ever again." His whole face goes into a pout and it makes you regret your own condition because it seems impossible to stay away from this guy- in any capacity.
"Then I guess I'll just have to kiss you until you pass and then reward you with more kisses after that."
He is grinning ear to ear, looking all cute and radiant. You're sure your also grinning equally widely. You nod your head fiercly and he chuckles with his head thrown back (Gorgeous, as always). He slowly leans in and your eyes close shut.
This time you feel his lips on you, soft and firm. You had thought about this moment far too much but nothing came close to the real thing. The kiss felt perfect, delicate but assured and blissful. It felt like all of the universe had frozen in place and only the two of you existed in this endless bliss.
That is until you heard hoots from somewhere and reluctantly break the kiss to see all of the dance team and your friends cheering on for both of you.
"Neither of us was subtle huh?" You joke.
"Oh please, I was so subtle I practically melted into the background for a year." You playfully hit his chest as he laughs and waves off the hooligans cheering on.
"Ugh, it's gonna be so much harder to keep my hands off you during tutoring sessions now." He groans and you can't help but blush and let out a content laugh.
Maybe the computer science elective was a good decision after all.
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xoxoamyas · 8 months
`` I love you ,,
Tumblr media
rating : fluff/comfort, pet names used on reader [ darling, love, and doll ]
wilbur x gn!reader [ use of you/yours, no use of y/n ]
☆ . you've been overworking yourself, and wilbur has taken notice. he finally gets you to take that well-deserved and needed break. <3
note : i'm in a tiny bit of a writers block, so i decided to give something out of my depths a try [ i'm more experienced in angst ]. anyhow, i hope you enjoy it! any pointers at all are also appreciated, i love to hear them :]
masterlist [ ☆ ]
“Hello, darling.” You're greeted by that soft, mushy tone Wilbur uses whenever he's in a mood. His arms loosely wrapped around your shoulders from behind as you sat on a computer chair, having been working away at editing something for your own projects.
“You haven't left the office in some time.” Wilbur rested his chin along the top of your head, successful in getting you to finally relax back into the seat and effectively a fair amount back into him.
“Hardly call this an office.” You give a light huff, not needing to glance around the room to mentally know how barren it still was. You hadn't had time between keeping up with your own projects and paid-for products for others to decorate the barren room. At most, it had a beanbag in one of the corners and a singular photo of you and Wilbur from one of your dates. One photo, and you had so many ready to be printed. You just needed the time to actually do it.
“I know, love.” He's trying to be understanding, giving a soft sound between a hum and general acknowledgement.
The moment sits for a good moment, and it just feels nice. It makes your mind go blank, not worrying over whatever deadlines were approaching, almost completely forgetting about what projects could and couldn't wait.
Wilbur quietly says your name, drawing your attention and thoughts completely to him. A nice, fairly relaxing feeling washing over you. Realizing just how heavily stressing you had yourself for the past few days. He's quick to grasp your dominant hand into his when you go to reach for the mouse to your computer again.
“Take a break, please. A real break, love.” You can hear the concern lightly lacing into his tone. Wilbur moves a bit, instead to slightly kneel beside you, your hand still held in his yet in an easy grasp that you can pull away from. You wouldn't have pulled away no matter what.
“I just need to save the progress,” you try to explain, ignoring the wave of nervousness that hits. The realization you were about to put your much necessary work down to take a break. Something you convinced yourself you didn't need no matter how much you truly did.
You can practically feel Wilbur's eyes flicker over you, likely seeing through whatever calmness you were visibly projecting. He removes his hand from yours, replacing the touch by letting his hand cup around your shoulder. On his way to standing completely, he presses a kiss to your temple. Seeing the application close a moment later, showing the homescreen of a picture you took and held sentimental value to.
You take his hand in yours again when he offers it, standing and instantly moving in. Wrapping your arms around his torso, and yeah, you've missed this. Wilbur's arms move in an automatic manner, efficiently pulling you closer to him as you press your face into his shirt. Just breathing him in for a few seconds, basking in the warmth he had all the same.
It stays like that, the two of you in a much needed embrace that had you both melting against one another.
“Bed?” Wilbur is the first to break the peaceful silence. It's definitely a welcome break of the quiet. Realizing just how much you've missed hearing his voice, feeling the way his chest moved as he breathed, listening to the way his heart beat when you pressed your ear against his chest..
When you finally nod at his question, having gotten carried away with that last point, he surprises you by suddenly wrapping his hands along the back of your thighs. Taking that as your signal and slightly jumping up for him so he can pick you up easier. Legs slightly curled along the sides of his waist, your arms moving to wrap around his neck. He uses both of his hands to support your bottom, making sure you were both good before he made his way out of the office.
You just mostly rest your cheek on top of his shoulder, feeling almost like you could fall asleep. Though, from past experience, you knew your legs would hate you if you did that.
Wilbur has to remove one of his hands a couple of times for doors, but you're mostly supported the entire time. He taps the bedroom door shut with his foot before moving towards the bed. Pressing one knee into it before letting you go through your theatrics and dramatics. He chuckles fondly as you groan when your back hits the comfortable mattress. Proceeding to give a sound of complaint as you stretch your limbs out over and off the side of the bed. You think bones that weren't supposed to pop popped, but that would be an issue for future you.
“What are you doing?” You queried with pure curiosity, watching as Wilbur moved himself off of the bed. Continuing to lay there, content in taking up the entire space as if you were a cat.
“Can't exactly sleep in jeans, darling.” There's a hint of amusement as Wilbur speaks. Laughing the slightest bit when you give a soft and long “ooohh” in return. “Work on getting comfortable, doll.” He partially motions towards the sheets you were laying on top of.
Any other day, you'd make some witty comeback, maybe a suggestive comment on him changing in front of you. You just don't have the energy for it at the moment, though. Mentally committing the moment to memory so you can be a little extra next time to make up for lack-thereof this time.
By the time Wilbur's finally in some comfortable pyjama pants, which were Grinch themed, you were under the covers and practically almost lights out just laying there. You feel him crawl into the bed, giving a content hum and moving on your side to face him, instantly hinting at not wanting to spoon.
“Hi darling.” Wilbur had a small yet sweet smile on his face, pulling you close by wrapping his arms around your waist. Both of you let your legs intertwine and tangle together as much as possible. You wrap your arms around his torso once more, happy to be holding him as he holds you.
“Hi sweetheart.” You hum right back, watching as he can't hold back the smile tugging into a borderline grin. Always one to be happy over the reciprocation of pet names. You loved watching him get all happy and giggly over it.
“Okay, okay. Try and get some sleep, love.” Wilbur moves, pressing a kiss to your nose. Having fully expected a more proper kiss, you pout at him, promptly making kissy lips at him. It just gets him to let out a light yet amused laugh, finally moving and pressing a soft, loving, and fulfilling kiss to your lips.
When he pulls away, you tuck your head right under his chin. Relaxing and enjoying the warmth that was provided inside and out.
“Hey, Wil?” You make sure your voice is a soft whisper.
“Yeah?” Wilbur moved one of his hands to trace light patterns along your back using his fingers, the action soothing.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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