#like yeah he’s just a merc but he’s got interesting parts to him
also the catboy from the allied beast tribe quests peaks in the ARR content tragically
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papil0nglegs · 27 days
One small step at a time! 🛸
Tf2 x Juno!reader
A/n: This one’s for all my overwatch babes <33 ik this idea is rlly niche but this was so fun to write I’m so proud of this. Most of these can be interpreted as platonic but read however you’d like, enjoy ✨
Warnings: Scottish people, Drinking, Passing out drunk
Vocab: (p/f) - Parental Figure
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He has such a father daughter relationship with you
When you first landed on earth he was extremely fascinated by the technology your (p/f) discovered to get to mars, especially your anti-gravity boots
“So these things are just makin’ you float around?”
“Yeah! I’m not really used to earths gravity so my (p/f) sent me off with overboots!.. how do you guys get anything done while stuck on the ground?”
“We just make do with what we can, sugar”
His fav activity with you? Lounging. Doesn’t look like much but his rancho relaxer + you using your jetpack to ‘sit’? Soo cute
You guys would just be chilling in his workshop after doing whatever task it was you were doing <3
“You want a beer, Buttercup?”
“No thank you! I’m not really fond of drinks with alcohol since all we could drink at mars was juice and water”
“shoot, glad I’m not you”
He’s definitely one of the mercs who warmed up to you the fastest, he’s just chill like that.
Pls don’t tell him your from mars, weird shit is gonna happen
He’s going to treat you like one of his test subjects, at first it starts tame with general check ups but it escalated pretty fast.
When doing his uber surgery on you he decided to explore more things
“..how long was I out, Dr. Ludwig?”
“Oh not long!! Just two.. days”
“What? You said it would only take about 20 minutes!!”
“Vell yes I did say that my Martian friend, however I must say curiosity got the best of me! I simply had to know more about your anatomy”
“Uhm,, ok”
Yeah you’re so scared of him now lol
But of course you two do need to work together to try healing your teammates
He loves it when you heal him, it’s always a pleasant surprise since he never expects to get healed, like ever
“Here! I can help you!!”
“Oo, so vats how it feels..”
Yeah he doesn’t think your good for the team
Sure it was interesting to meet someone who was born and raised in a completely different planet, however your inexperience with earth was enough for him to neglect you
Once you visited his smoke room to find abundance of books, you being new to earth were excited to see all the knowledge they carried
“Wow! Can I borrow this one? I’d like to learn more about earth and its continents!!”
“Go ahead, I never made use of that thing anyways”
It always catches him off guard how little knowledge you have about earth, especially since your were chosen to go on the mission to earth
Once you randomly found a globe somewhere in the break room and got so fascinated by it
“Earths colors are beautiful, I’d really like to go the that purple one!”
“Y/n, Russia is not purple. And you don’t want to visit there, it is full of trash people.”
“Oh..I see”
He doesn’t guide you to earth like the rest of the mercs, he wants to really straighten your back and push you to your limit
“Would a croissant go well with your meal good sir?”
“Excuse me?”
“You seem like you are from the Western Europeans my (p/f) brought back to mars!! Au revoir madam, please enjoy your tea”
Tbh that moment made his heart melt by just a little bit. Hey, he’s not a monster he can have heartfelt moments.. sometimes
You are so fascinated by him, literally just him
For the most part it’s because of his job title ‘assassin’, you’ve never heard of such a job back home.
“Is it true you earn currency to kill specific people?”
“Why of course Sheila, who else would do it?”
“Well, on mars we kinda just let them live even if we don’t like them.. that’s a thing here right??”
You love going on roadtrips with him so he can show you around, just to see get a feel of that New Mexican dirt
You two have a relation where he misses his parents despite always arguing with them, and you miss your (p/f) because you two now live on completely different planets.
On those trips you tend to enjoy chilling in the back of his trailer. You can’t stand spending another second on an uncomfortable leather seat!! So you roam around a lot in what he basically considered his home.
“How was it back there? ‘eard sum ruckus out in the front.”
“Oh right! I am trying to get use to earths gravity so I tried cleaning up here a bit, I hope you don’t mind!!”
He almost cried, you reminded him of his ‘mum’
Whenever you’re curious about any animal you always go to him, we all know Australia a place with weird animals so
“Mr. Mundee, is this spider deadly?”
“I’m not sure, you should probably check in with doc tho. Your face lookin pretty swelled there mate..”
“Oh thank the stars! I was sure this was a lion..”
You passed out from the poison.
It’s good tho, sniper carried you to Medics room like the big brother he is 🧡
Not only is he obsessed with the drink that you’ve literally never heard of until you arrived in earth, but the way he acts makes it seem like crack
You have so many questions, they almost never get answered because he’s either too drunk or he’ll pass out with medic dragging him out the room
“Is it true that your stomach now declines any normal drinks?”
“Ayouhhh it’s just beerdelicois burp”
“..is he going to be alright?”
“Oh no worries my Martian friend, this happens all the time.. although I can never tell if he’ll live or not”
When on the battlefield he’s always screaming and creaming, sometimes it scares you so much to the point where you ask your fellow teammates to help you
“Darlin’, I thinks he’s just tryna get some healing..”
“But why is it yelling.. ☹️”
Now you’re scared of Scottish people, and convinced they probably eat their youth
He def plays a father role like engineer, but way less charm and warmth to him
He’s like a dad at a soccer game, he’ll cheer you on but aggressively, to the point where it seems like he’s booing you
In the lobby he’d always do his soldier talk, and it never fails to make you do you best
“No sir!! I’ll feed it to them!”
Soldier is always hard on you, sometimes he calls you a ‘space commie’ just for jokes, although his tone definitely sets you off
When you unleashed your orbital ray he started screaming about ‘the commies getting to us’, you had to reassure him several times that it was something you had full control of
This guy was ecstatic when he found out his new teammate was going to be from space, scout is really into comics (even tho he can’t read) so his imagination went wild when Ms Pauling announced that he’d be fighting alongside what he considered an alien
Once you arrived he was in awe, he thinks you’re the coolest person on the team solely because you’re from another planet.
But he did quickly recognize that you weren’t use to like, anything on earth.
He handed you a cold can of Bonk just for you to look at him confused
“What do I do with this?”
“You drink it?”
“..um I don’t think you’re supposed to drink ‘atomic punch’, that sounds like it hurts 0-0”
He had to teach you how to drink stuff that wasn’t in an aluminum bag, you didn’t take a liking to it but you got used to it
Scout offered you to sleep on the top bunk because he wanted to be nice and all, huge mistake.
The next morning you completely forgot you were on a different planet, so you rolled and fell 9 feet from the bed to the floor.
“Jesus y/n!! what the hell happened?”
“I think I.. fell? Falling feels weird..”
Gets so hype when you two are on the same team, he’s so ready to clock the enemy team with orbital ray
“Scout! My orbital ray is ready!! ^^”
“Whooo! Let’s go then E.T what are we waitin’ for??”
For the most part he’s the one who shows you everything you need to know about earth, baseball is his favorite thing to teach cuz obviously
When you joined him to watch a baseball match you were so excited yet so lost
“What happens if they win? Is this a war?”
“No? Toots it’s just a game”
“Hm, intresting.. then I must try this ‘game’ too!”
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moonisagremlin · 3 months
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insane. TALK TO ME ABOUT YOUR HCS!! ( if you want to) i love spanish speaking mercs in general AWGH
okay i found them :D keep in mind this is specifically about which Spain's regions they would be from (because, well, i'm spanish). Also, let's ignore TF2 takes place between 1969 - 1971 because, well, fascist dictatorship, y'know? (it is an interesting concept to further explore, but i'm not feeling like thinking about this rn. i'll make another post i think) ALSO these are mostly based around vibes and how i'm feeling (because headcanons are supposed to be fun).
Scout - I couldn't decide between making him Madrileño (from Madrid) or Barceloní (from Barcelona) (but I honestly would ADORE making him from Barcelona so i'm most probably going for that one). I also couldn't choose to make him a cani or a pijo. (I am now realising the amounts of spanish slang i'm saying, so let me explain it to everyone who isn't from spain:
pijo means... umm, kinda like, spoiled rich kid who is kinda mean or an idiot. and cani means, umm... adidas tracksuit, cigarettes, alcohol, horrible music taste, being completely reckless, really disrespectful in general. idk, i think it is because both these kinds of people feel like thery're the best, like, they are really "chulos" and kinda brag about being bad people. i don't know it is so hard to explain slang, let me know if you kinda got the vibe that i'm explaining please thank you)
Soldier - Castellano-manchego. I will just say one thing: Don Quijote de la Mancha. If you don't know who this is, go read the book please, it is the best piece of literature ever, thank you.
Pyro - Extremeño or Murciano. A lot of people joke about Murcia not existing or being like, a Thaumiel SCP, and also about Extremadura being kinda weird(?. honestly, even i do not know that much about it, so yeah, i just think it is funny to make the character we know the least about in canon from the places that i know are kinda weird and unkown (unknown to me at least). I think I'm also leaning for Murcia more because my grandpa was from there and that's cool.
Demoman - Gallego. I wanted to make him from Euskalerria, but I think Galicia is more similar to Scotland (and because doing a bomb joke is childish and they're not funny. people have died from terrorism and it is not something from a century ago, this is extremely recent). Anyways, both Scotland and Galicia have really green land, similar weather conditions, amazing culture, and are really unique in general. Also because my grandpa was from there and that's really cool.
Heavy - Vasco. I also didn't make Demoman basque because Heavy fits SO much better. It's, it's the vibes, man. I imagine he would have some trouble speaking spanish because he would be from such an isolated village in an already (geographically) isolated part of Spain that he would be kinda monolingual, mostly speaking basque and knowing some basic spanish. He would be SO connected with his culture, I swear I might do more research and do a whole post about the traditions he would like.
Engie - Andaluz. Andalucia is located in the south and the people there have really good vibes honestly. I think he fits because he's so nice and welcoming, and because I also think him being loud and having such a distinct accent would be amazing. And also I think he would love singing and playing and dancing flamenco. (UGHHHH I LOVE ALL OF THIS HEADCANONS I THINK I MIGHT DO A WHOLE AU DEDICATED TO THIS AAAAGAGAHAHAHHHHHHH)
Spy - This bastard is still giving me a headache. He's too french 😭. But seriously, I cannot choose to make him andorrano (and I know Andorra is a separate country from Spain but, idk), català (because at least ONE of the mercs was going to be from where I am from, y'know?) or make him catalan but specifically from la Vall d'Aran (a region where, apart from speaking spanish and catalan, aranès, a variation of the Occitan language, is spoken). Making him from la Vall d'Aran would be CRAZY because that would mean he speaks Spanish, Catalan, Aranese, AND PROBABLY FRENCH TOO BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT NEXT TO FRANCE. That would make him (almost) PLURILINGUAL since birth, and i think that is wayyy too cool. Also, IMAGINE IF SCOUT WAS FROM BARCELONA AND HE AND SPY COULD BOTH TALK IN CATALAN AND BOND THANKS TO THAT AND- IMAGINE THE DADSPY POTENTIAL AAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAA-
Sniper - Canario. He would be from the Canary islands because, yes. I don't really have a reason honestly, maybe similar climate to Australia? Or, idk, i think it would also be cool to make him have some kind of latin american ancestry because a lot of people from the Canary islands fled Spain during the Civil War and ended up in places like Mexico and Argentina and stuff, so that would be cool. Or I could make him straight up latino, which would fit him honestly. I don't really know, both options are really cool.
Medic - Mallorquí/Menorquí. From Islas Baleares in general. This is because A LOT of germans go on vacation there, to the point this is a huge meme in Spain. So yeah, I think it would be funny to make him balear with german ancestry I guess. He can speak spanish, german but also catalan (because catalan is also spoken there), but he has a really strong accent and sometimes Spy and Scout need to really focus on what he's saying to understand what he means. Seriously, if you hear MY western accent and compare it with a eastern balearic accent/dialect you would say they're NOT the same language because of how different it all sounds.
Bonus characters!
The Mann brothers, possibly the Admin?... blablabla, all of those people - Madrileños (from Madrid). The Mann brothers convinced Zepheniah to buy some land in the middle of Aragón and you know what happened.
Miss Pauling - Valenciana (from Valencia). Idk i don't wanna make everyone from Madrid y'know? And also guess what language she speaks apart from Spanish :)
Saxton Hale - Same thing as Sniper, I don't really know if he should be full latino or canario with latinamerican ancestry.
Merasmus - Idk. Portuguese? Andorran? Asturiano? Navarro? I don't know. Galician would be cool as fuck tho because there are a lot of legends and myths about magic and stuff and idk, i have a book about celtic witchcraft and i could read it i think.
Woah, this is a LONG post I am sorry. I hope you learned something about Spanish culture (which doesn't only surround about paellas and flamenco, please). And I hope I do some fanfics or fanart from this AU (can I call this an AU? i don't really know). And if anyone wants to adopt these headcanons or do a similar kind of post, you have my permission (even though you don't need to) and PLEASE, tag me if you make a fanart or something similar I would LOVE to see it <333
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captain-mj · 11 months
Can you do another part for alien korangi au? I'm starving 🙏😔 (love ur writing btw❤️)
Part 1 Part 2
Thank you!
Horangi sighed as König left. He really doubted that he'd actually be back. Maybe the next solar cycle of his species when he got horny again. As nice as being swept away sounded, it just didn't actually happen. All kinds of people and non people promised him this.
Horangi checked his debt, seeing the giant chunk taken out of it by König's generous payment. He had tipped heavily, easily paying a month of Horangi's work.
Two months passed. Horangi continued to work as normal. Sometimes, his mind would wander to König again.
The biggest part that he missed was the intimacy of it. König didn't speak the majority of the time but he had pressed into him and held him so tight.
It was a lot better than most of his clients who left him aching and starving for a nice hand through his hair.
Horangi groaned and stretched, back arching. He checked his debt.
5 coins.
Horangi could go outside and ask that of someone.
He quickly went to check who deposited so much money.
Colonel König. As a tip.
Horangi stared at it for a long time.
5 coins.
Someone knocked and he sat up quickly. He scrambled up and got dressed before opening the door.
König didn't speak. His hood kept his face covered. But he did lean down and brush their cheeks together. "My Liebling."
Horangi growled and shoved him before yanking him closer to him by his belt loops. "Not a word for two months!! Not a word! I thought you had given up on me!"
König shook his head. "Worked a bunch of overtime. Was too busy. Also didn't want to waste any money." He yanked him along before making himself calm down and instead gently lead him.
"Why leave 5 coins?" Horangi had none of the same scruples, yanking König to him constantly and making them bumbled around.
"Wanted to pay it in person."
"This is crazy. You get this right? You paid so much money for me. You didn't even purchase me! Just paid off my debt like a crazy person!"
"I could've purchased you?' König sounded rather interested but it was clear he was joking. Especially since he was currently trying to nuzzle back into Horangi.
Horangi hit his ribs and kept following him.
König handed Horangi the money and Horangi paid the last of everything. It was a rather anti climatic. He was just... there. And he was free to leave for once.
König hummed. "Can I have my date now?"
"Gongjunim, you can have whatever you want." Horangi said smiling at him.
They ended up a parlor nearby. It served tons of things, the best being pastries. König paid for everything, insisting on it. Mostly because Horangi had no money.
He watched Horangi eat with a ton of interest. He didn't lift his hood very much so Horangi couldn't return the favor.
König purred happily when Horangi took another bite. "Any plans?"
"Not really. Burned a lot of bridges back home."
"Could get you a job working for me."
Horangi stared at him. This wasn't hesitation. Instead it was introspective. "Am I just going to be your paid secretary that you bang?"
Horangi's interest was immediately piqued. "Go on."
"You'd be a merc that I scouted that I bang." König said with a smile in his voice.
Horangi tapped his fingers. "Only when I want it."
König blinked in shock. "That was a question?"
Horangi found something about this man to be very attractive. He wasn't sure what exactly it was, but he did.
Some patrons were watching them with unease. Probably waiting for König to suddenly go crazy. Start eating people like some beast.
Horangi finished eating. "I'll take you up on it. For a little while. Something to get me on my feet yeah?"
König smiled at him. "You'll stay in my home."
Horangi hummed. "You don't have a harem like some of your species does right?"
"No.... If i did, we wouldn't have met. I'm very glad I don't have a harem." König didn't meet his eyes.
"Take me home then."
Horangi was on König's bed and being attacked. König kissed him all over, pulling him in between his thighs. He purred and wiggled, rubbing all over Horangi.
Horangi laid back and let König snuggle him. "My liebling.'' König cooed and put his face in Horangi's neck.
They existed tangled up for quite a while before things dragged König away.
At night, they once again intertwined, being rather insistent about it. They tangled together and kissed.
König's hood ended up on the floor. Horangi held him close and kissed him sweetly.
They started to make love. König was so sweet about it. So nice and sweet. He thrust into him over and over and over again. Driving right into his sweet spot.
Horangi held on and reveled in the pleasure of everything. König kissed him softly, licking into his mouth. "You're so sweet."
Horangi wailed when he came. He couldn't help it.
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Larping AU
or: everyone is just playing pretend. The Administrator is someone just kinda watching from the property next door.
Everyone's real life deal
Scout: community college student in his first/ second year. Works part time at subway, working on/ wants to be a voice actor and artist. Not related to Spy here.
Spy: an actual Actor, befriends Scout and males their characters have the Father son relationship. Wears lots of costume pieces and clothes to hide himself.
Demoman: a Scotsman who owns a bar and has a special interest in explosives.
Solider: a history teacher at the college scout goes to. Knows his stuff and will throw in some factual historical/ casual knowledge into his pretend nonsensical yelling.
heavy: a literature teacher at the same college. Befriends Solider, got introduced to Demoman via Solider. Zhanna hangs out with him and ends up as part of the Lore of their game. Met Scout outside of work because he happens to visit the same shop scout works at.
Engineer: is a civil/ electrical engineer. Has wrist and hand problems and wears a brace. Can't actually play the guitar ( partially due to his wrist pain). So he brings around a guitar hero guitar to pretend to play it. Accidentally said yeah I'm playing an engineer because he did not realize they were picking their roles. All his machines are made of cardboard boxes. The dispenser is a cooler people can come by and grab snacks/ drinks and take a break.
Medic: an actual medic, dating heavy still. When he activates ' Uber' he makes the medic theme song with his mouth for 8 seconds.
Sniper: a park ranger at the local wildlife preservation park. Im not taking away the Bushman thing.
pyro: worked or works with some sort of painting/ spray paint and needs the suit/ mask. Friends with engineer still.
They all kinda know each other/ end up visiting the same bar. They got to talking and made a goofy story/ wouldn't it be funny if - situation and started making up a whole lore behind it..
Spy's cloak: he is throwing a blanket of some sort and everyone pretending not to see him. Doesn't smoke, but likes to chew on things. His knives? A Popsicle stick. His disguises? Still the paper masks
Engineer pretends his wrist brace is the Gunslinger and he gets to slap people.
the guns and bats? Nerf guns and the like. Heavys boxing gloves? Socker boppers.
The bombs? Glitter bombs.
Rocket jumping? A pogo stick/ trampoline.
Saxton Hale is a gym bro that comes by sometimes.
pyros flamethrower ? A broken vacuum cleaner/ hair dryer.
Medic carries around a toy medic bag. His medigun? A flash light/ a vacuum hose.
the classic mercs are some old people/ people from the old folks home they invited over for some of the main comic plot.
Merasmus is Soliders room mate and insists on trying to Play regular DND in this larp.
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some-pers0n · 16 days
hi hey just wanna let u know that i (this anon in particular) would always want to listen to your thoughts about The Thing youre excited about regardless of the reason or my knowledge or the time-space continuum!
YOU! Ohhh anon you poor soul. I'm terribly sorry. I have been holding onto this ask for a while, at least until the next time I felt as Energized about Them again. Shaking. Twitching. I don't quite know how to explain it. I can only take potshots at attempting to rationalize my thoughts behind them. With that said, here's more rambling about Engiemedic, the only thing I seem to care about
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I've rambled about Engiemedic a fair amount of times before, either jokingly with goofy remarks about them or writing a giantass fic about them. They scratch a certain part of my brain that is difficult to really describe and pin-down.
Like I've never really "shipped" anybody before them. Did I like ships? Yeah sure of course. I've always liked considering relationships and thinking about how they intersect and are written. It's probably definitely the aroace bit of me talking, but I only really get involved in ships when there's really some substance to them.
It makes Engiemedic this weird fucked up anomaly to me then because what the hell do you mean that this decently popular non-canon pairing that's had all of like 30 seconds of shared screentime and maybe seven panels where they're in the same room at max has become so engrossing and fascinating to me. It's not like the usual ships where this happens to people; the ones with lengthy tragic tales tied to them or spend so much time with one another. It's just two silly guys
It just...perplexes me. It's odd. I can't describe what about it really draws me in, despite the fact I've written so much. I can at least try and figure out what it is though
I think the thing that made me first interested was simply the dynamic and jokes to be made. They are exceptionally silly, wherein I can fully believe them sticking together and doing weird experiments for hours upon hours. It's hard not to imagine them getting excited over whatever project they've been throwing themselves at. It's fun
Because ultimately both Engie and Medic are both unethical murderous science people, Medic obviously while Engie is a tiny bit more subtle. Their dynamic is interesting in that regard 'cause, when paired together, now you've got two weirdo freaky smart people tossing back ideas and before you know it now they're trying to create some sort of nuclear-powered contraption that explodes bones
It calls out to me in a way that other ships don't, especially Heavymedic. No shade to Heavymedic shippers out there, I think it's still a fun ship, but I don't find it as compelling with their dynamic. Heavy is a reasonable and level-headed guy. Yeah he kills people and laughs about their misery and whatever, but he's more stable than most other mercs. If Medic was to say "I want to self-isolate for days on end while I work to create the bubonic plague 2.0" Heavy would have concerns and try to stop him from doing it because What the Hell
Engie, however, would endorse it. I think Engie and Medic are very similar in that regard. They're dedicated to their crafts and understand the nuance and skill that it takes to partake in it. Engie obviously still has qualms and is there in case Medic clearly ain't right, but he's more likely to get caught up in whatever experiment that Medic is trying to do
Which brings me to my next point: the way they influence each other. When together, I think they are at their best and worst (morally at least). It's like that trope with two smart people coming together and being dumbasses, but instead it's with them making weird creations and doing odd experiments that ultimately do not benefit anyone. They simply do it for fun
On a more personal level, I think Medic draws out the parts of Engie where he tries to hide and represses. Headcanons, obviously, but I think Medic taps into Engie's more sinister nature as a maniac with a god complex and a hankering to kill and really draws it out. It's infectious and hard not to try and match his energy. Medic makes Engie want to get more creative with his projects and drives him to be more experimental and, of course, murderous
Likewise and, again, mainly headcanons, I think Engie helps Medic tap into a slightly more "human" side. I think Medic generally struggles with caring about other people, discarding them in favour of working on his own projects and being by himself. Engie is one of the first people he's encountered that not only likes him and enjoys his company, but is just as wacky and weird as he is. Engie is more charismatic and outgoing and, while still not too terribly great with the whole emotions thing, helps Medic out in case he's Not Doing Good
Their personalities intertwine so much they make me ever so slightly ill. They don't seem alike really at first glance. Medic is over the top, eccentric, and generally a giggly mad scientist. Clear to see the archetype he's based on. Yet, when you look past Engie's charming little quips about Texas, he's very much alike Medic. He has a god complex, is highly intelligent, morally bankrupt, etc and etc. He's just as eccentric and wacky as the doc is, but is only slightly better at keeping it under wraps
I just think they're really entertaining when put together honestly. Sure yeah I love me my angsty and fluffy stuff with them, but I think they're simply great when just working on some project and talking to each other. Their personalities bounce off of one another exceptionally well and it's hard for them not to get so caught up in their work that Oh No it's been Four Days and they haven't left the workshop/laboratory
Ultimately, yeah. I think they care about each other a lot that way. Their work is...intimate in a way. They're lab partners. They spend all of this time together, defying God's will with whatever unholy machination they've crafted, they got to have some sort of bond
What makes me happy is that I think a lot of people really like the concept of Engiemedic in any form. Platonic, romantic, whatever. I personally go for QPR stuff (something about their love being undefinable by normal standards blah blah), but I think it's a neat observation that makes me like it more. It's hard to deny that they're really fun together
Speaking of their connections, let's talk about their roles in the actual game. Y'all heard of the Heavymedic duo, with Heavy running around with a Medic pocketing him the entire time, but have you ever considered the Engiemedic duo?? Engie and Medic are the BACKBONES of this game honestly. All it takes is one Engineer or Medic on a team to shift the balance entirely. Everyone wants a good Engie and Medic, but it's a hard role to fill and nobody really wants it. However, they're needed. They're necessary. They're the main support roles of the game than, say, Sniper or Spy ever are. They're the underappreciated, yet incredibly vital parts of the team.
Honestly the Engiemedic duo is far more prevalent and makes far more sense than the Heavymedic duo, because tbh you can say that Medic is closely connected to any class. Soldiermedic duo where Solly just spams rockets and wipes out the entire team. Demomedic duo where Demo just spams pipes and annihilates every building. What makes the Heavymedic duo any special? God I'm sorry for being a little Heavymedic hater, I promise I think the ship is alright, but idk. I like Engiemedic a lot
Anywho, I think Engiemedic is extremely fun to write about as well as just generally experience. There's so much you can apply to them. It's hard to think of anything they can't do, really. They're great with humor, what with shoving them into a room with some cadaver and letting them have at it. They're great with angst because, with headcanons, they can be really heavily fucked up people trying to make things work. They're great with fluff because they're so silly and it's easy to think of them doing cute things with one another. The list goes on!
They're...special to me. They're certainly something. I could go into all sorts of other things too (more esoteric and metaphoric I'm talking), but eh who cares. I don't like delving too much into headcanons and my own weird readings with these more generalized rambles. I just think they're silly :]
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russilton · 7 months
Lewis Hamilton and George Russell talk about each other instead when asked about the potential of Max to Merc
March 8th - Saudi Arabia Media day
Transcripts below - credit to @umflowers
George: George: [laughs] "Yeah, I think… As I said last week in Bahrain, this is my third season now alongside Lewis, greatest driver of all time, and I feel like I've done a pretty good job alongside him, so whoever were to line up alongside me next year or the years to come, I welcome anybody, welcome the challenge.
You always wanna go against the best, but ultimately, for me, just focused on myself. I believe in myself, I believe I can beat anybody on the grid, and you just got to have that mentality, so as I said, having Lewis as my benchmark for the last couple of years has been a pretty good benchmark, for sure."
Lewis: "Well, obviously George is an integral part of this team and he's gonna be here for the long haul, and I think he's doing such a great job and I think he's gonna grow into the leader of the team, and so it'll be interesting to see… I don't know what their relationship is, right, but I'm sure they'll work it out, and it will definitely be a strong line-up, of course, similar to what we have in my next team."
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justgrey · 1 year
OMG OMG OMG!! Okay so, I had this idea. Imagine Medic with a daughter (or child if you'd like to keep in gender neutral) except this kid is a clone of him! I think she'd be in her mid to late teens during their time in Mann Co, so how do you think Medic would be with a cloned version of himself as a kid? TYSM!!!
I'm gonna keep this gender neutral, I like keeping things as inclusive as possible when it comes to things like the gender of the reader because I know what it feels like to find a good fic and then get a little down because the description of the reader isn't you, it's somebody else lol.
Also I'm playing around with formatting so if things look different it's cause I'm experimenting 😋
Medic & Teen Reader that is his little clone - Headcannons (Platonic)
Warning : Mentions of human experimentation
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At first, he has no damn clue what to do with this kid he created by cloning himself.
To be honest, he had no idea that his kooky experiment would actually work that well. He didn't think you'd make it to 3-years-old, let alone your mid teenage years.
Whatever, either way you'd have a scalpel in your hands by age 6. He's not mentally sound enough to raise a child but he's going to try his best and you love him for it.
During yours and Medic's time at Mann Co, everything got like, a lot weirder. I mean, hanging around a group of crazy dudes all trying to make a living isn't normal, and that's without even looking Merasmus' way 💀
Medic would encourage you to watch him experiment on his teammates and would point things out like organs or other specific parts of the body, and he'd quiz you about it later, wanting to see if you'll be able to keep up with him when you inevitably become a medic yourself (He hopes)
Yeah, unlike most of the mercs, Medic would want you to go down his path, the path of, "Medicinal study," whether it's more on the illegal side or the legal one. He'd keep teaching you even if you told him you weren't interested.
I don't know, he just strikes me as the kind of dad that wants his kid to follow loosely in his footsteps.
Heavy would most likely refer to you as, "Little doctor," or something along those lines because he sees you the most out of all of the mercs as he probably visits Medic more than the others.
Being Medic's kid at this time would also mean that you are required to attend Pyro's tea parties. I don't care what anybody says, you are obligated to attend and be their buddy.
Medic tries to keep you out of Pyro's sight but it's too late, Pyro has already declared you as their new best friend and will menacingly glare at Medic until he let's you play hide and seek with them.
Being his kid and clone would also probably mean that Archimedes and the other doves probably go to you for comfort and love because you remind them so much of Medic.
Medic would treat you almost like an experiment for the first few years until he develops an attachment and fatherly love for you, his dearest creation.
He's never really felt an attachment like that so he'd definitely study that too. You're one big experiment that he grows to love spending time with and adore. He is so proud of how far you've come, he might even start showing you off to the other mercs, bragging about how cool his kid is.
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crabonfire · 2 years
Hi! Loved your TF2 “one bed tropes” part 1! So glad you’re back writing too! Your ability to really capture each of the guys’ personalities is fabulously uncanny. You really make them come to life.
I was wondering how you think the mercs would react to their s/o being insecure/jealous that someone out of their age range is flirting with them. That is to say, the s/o is the same age as the merc and the ‘flirter’ is either younger (in the case of Spy or Medic, etc) or older (as for Scout). I hope that made sense!
Thank you!
YOOOOO THANK U SO MUCH 😭😭😭 I APPRICIATE IT thats very nice ahshshdh 😋😋😋 I'm smiling so hard rn ty :)
but yeah totally! I love this idea
Mercs reacting to an upset reader because merc was getting flirted on by someone not their age.
characters: all mercenaries
warnings: none
note: reader gender is not specified!!!
You and Merc were at a gathering, just hanging out. You go to get drinks for the both of you, but when you come back you see thay they're being flirted with by a random person. You get a bit upset, and the insecurities start getting to you :(
• doesn't catch onto the flirting, because he is not interested in them at all so he just thinks the person flirting is just a real nice person.
• he gets lost in the convo with the person and doesn't even notice you see them together. you don't know what it is but your heart swells, your hands are gripping the glasses but you calm yourself down.
'Man, jealousy is not my colour.'
They talk for a bit until the person has to leave, when you come over and hand him the drink he notices how dry your being.
"Yo, you good toots? Sum' happen?"
"Oh no, I'm uh...good."
He can read you like a book. You never get quiet with him unless something happened.
"Yeah, no, we're not doin' this. C'mon."
He takes you by the hand and leads you both somewhere quieter, his gaze on you is one of concern.
"What happened? Did I do sum'?"
"No no! It's just...I don't know."
He gives you a moment to speak,
"You know that...lady you spoke to a bit ago? I don't know why but, the way she spoke to you just sorta made me feel...jealous."
"Jealous? Aw babe, its cute that your jealous but you have nothin' to be jealous of."
"Yeah but...I don't know. She was so confident with you, she was...real pretty too. I just got kinda...worried you know? Like, she could replace me easily. It's stupid- just ignore I said anything."
You smile wearily and awkwardly laugh to move on from the situation and looks away. He frowns, he can feel his heart shattering at your words. He cups your cheek to make you focus on him.
"Y/N, yer the coolest most amazing and awesome person I have ever met. Yer cute, handsome, real pretty too. I'd never even think of replacin' you, got that? Your stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you."
Tears well up in your eyes as you melt into his touch and hold his hand with yours, kissing his palm and smiling softly.
"God, I love you Jer. Thank you, your also the coolest, most awesome, and amazing person I've ever met."
He leans in to kiss your forehead, letting go of your cheek and tightening his hold on your hand.
"You wanna go home and watch some movies at my place?"
"Hell yeah. This place is frickin' boring."
• I know soldier is dense and all, but I can't really see him to be dense towards flirting.
• so you probably don't need to be jealous? Because the moment another person goes up to him to flirt with him he will get very angry.
• so..no he's not really someone you need to be jealous of. But, if there were to be a scenario where someone was going over his head and you got jealous, I think he'd find your jealousy quite...attractive?
• he's always been the rough and leader type, so when you take initiative by talking to him later alone about how you felt so aggravated by the person who was flirting with him and how you felt upset, he felt bad but also kind of think its sweet.
of course he will tell you that he belongs to you and only you, going as far as creating you a fake certificate that says your his and he's yours. (it's so sweet) but he will also tell you how cute you are when your jealous. He loves that possessiveness to you!
• I can't say much about jealousy when it comes to the either of you, he doesn't get jealous often.
• he doesn't see the signs of the flirting. because like...boy has major self esteem issues and is taking any form of flirting as a sign of friendship, its a sad way to think but it's also because of the fact he wouldn't think anyone would flirt with him now that he's taken.
• so when he notices you gripping the cups your holding and having a slight frown to your face, he instantly gets worried and ignores the person entirely. He's very attentive to small details, so he knows somethings up.
"Mmhud hhuuhhdhmmahd? Mmhhud hhuuh mmhhuhahh?" (What happened? Are you okay?)
"Yeah-sorry I just...I don't know. That person's flirting with you, ya know?"
"HUUH." (OH.)
he deadass didn't know LMFAOOO like yeah like I said, good at reading tones but he genuinely didn't have any interest in the person so he didn't pay much attention.
"It's silly but...I don't know-forget it. Here, I got us our drinks."
"Hhhuhhh..mmmhuhda." (Oh..okay.)
For the rest of the party he notices your mood has changed from the happy go lucky one before, so when the party gets quiet he leads you over and sits with you outside.
He asks whats wrong and he frowns when he realises that you were upset because you thought he'd leave you for said person. He gives you a tight hug, and pats your back.
"Hhuhda, Hhuhd mmhuhhda mmmhff mmhuhh mmhhuhd huuhm huuud huuhch."
(Y/N, I'd never leave you for some side bitch.)
That made you chuckle a bit, he continued on explaining about how much you mean to him. It was...tooth rottening shit, I'm talking the shit you cry at from Disney movies.
He's honestly confused on why you'd be jealous because in reality HES SCARED of you leaving him. He's never felt such a connection with someone so understanding and sweet like you, it honestly hurts him that you'd even think this way and it stings even more that you don't realise how your perfect for him.
You two go home early and just spend the night cuddling, he let's you talk more about it and that night you two learn more about yourselves.
• this man is not dense. just like soldier, he knows when someone is tryna get with him.
• so I genuinely don't know any scenarios where you'd be jealous because...this man clings onto you like a fucking KOALA.
• he's the one taking the drinks for you, actually.
• I genuinely cannot see you ever needing to be jealous over him, as hard as I try to write nothing comes up in my head LMFAOOO
• he's not easily jealous either, so yall don't really need to worry about anything.
• if someone tries to ask him out, he'd just sling his arm over your shoulder while he talks to them about another topic. Giving them a smug look and even kissing you on the cheek when you have to go and get something.
• When he notices how quiet you get when this random lady in front of the both of you starts flirting and egging him on, he immediately just shuts her up.
• He politely tells her that he is happily taken, holding your hand and asking her to respect that. If she understands and backs away it's fine, but if she starts to side eye you...hold him down cause he'll beat her ass.
• "Are you okay, lisichka?"
"I guess."
He doesn't know why your being quiet, and instead feels like he's the one to blame...like he did something wrong. He's a mature man, so he wouldn't beat around the bush about it.
"Please be honest with me, did I do something Y/N?"
"Oh-no no sorry...its just-" You sigh "I don't know, I sometimes wonder why your with me. Like...you could do better. You know?"
He let's you vent to him for a bit but truth be told he can't help but shake his head in disagreement and grip your hand when he does.
"You are the most wonderful person I have ever met. No words can describe how much I care for you, moya lyubov. Whatever it is you are thinking, I am sorry. But I love you, and not anybody else. If there is person who make you feel like this, I will crush their tiny head. Da?"
"...yea. I... thanks babe."
"Of course. Do not worry, Heavy will never leave your side, lisichka."
• he holds your hand the entire night and glares at anybody who even tries to get close to you, or him.
• like demo, he's not dense in any sense. But I have a feeling for some reason, he'd like to see you jealous. In fact, he'd find it quite cute.
• but at this moment he was enjoying himself too much to realise that the person who was listening to him ramble was actually trying to flirt with him.
• it was a junior engineer, you saw how he smiled at them and something in you sortve broke. They looked so calm, collected, and smart. Honestly speaking, you don't understand much of what Engie usually talks about but you still like hearing about it. But seeing someone who does know, with their stupidly good hair and stupidly attractive self...that made you feel a bit upset.
• Engie had noticed you coming back with the drinks, having that same usual soft smile on his face when he greets you. But he can tell by your strained smile that something is bothering you, how you lightly grip the glass in your hands, he can tell you know, he's not dumb.
It clicks in his head, he takes the drink from you and excuses himself from the junior engineer, asking you if you want to be somewhere quieter. You agree, letting him take the both of you outside.
• "Sugar, are you alright?"
He doesn't even waste time, because he knows you. He knows how easily you downgrade yourself in the face of other people, he knows. You don't say it, but he's been with you long enough to understand what those hating glances you throw at yourself in the mirror mean.
The both if you sit in silence for a bit.
"You don't hafta tell me if ya don't wanna honey bee, I'm not forcin you to."
"Yeah...I'm-I just...I guess I feel a bit weird? I don't know how to explain it. Like, the person you talked to...they were so smart. So...soft spoken, so dignified...It makes me wonder why be with me when you have people like that approaching you."
He frowns, you look away but he keeps that worried stare on you.
"Like-why me? I'm such a dork and there's so much people out there who are better compared to me. I'm just some pathetic person you just so happened to meet."
"Hey-no, don't you dare say that about yourself."
Your attention is back on him now, his face is stern.
"Darlin' you are the sweetest and kindest soul I have ever laid my eyes on. You are perfect in every single aspect, and I could give less of a damn to the people around me. You got that?"
• His tone gets a bit rough, but he means well. You know he does, he always does. You can't help the tears that start to form in your eyes, he quickly notices and wipes them away, cupping your cheek and giving you a caring smile.
"Dontcha ever worry about that ever again alright? I love you, so so much. Nothing anyone says or do will ever change how I think about you. You are perfect."
He hugs you tightly, rubbing circles on your back as he let's you cry.
brb gonna sob I wish he was real
• I don't think medic would be the type to like social gatherings (unless its a topic he likes), so he tends to be at quieter places. While your out getting drinks, he sits by a quiet part of the room by himself, waiting for you patiently.
• a girl sits by him, giving him a smile. He returns one too, to be polite of course.
"You come here often?"
Oh boy. Not this.
He didn't wanna be here in the first place and now he has to TALK to people? Cmon Y/N where are you.
"No! Zhis is a social gathering...and it is my first time being here."
"Ah, it's my first time too. My names Angela, you?"
"My coworkers call me Medic."
"Pleasure to meet you Medic."
The convo just goes on, but honestly medic isn't even paying attention at this point. He just wants OUT of this conversation.
• When he sees you back with the drinks in your hand he instantly lights up, getting up from the chair and going to greet you.
"There you are! Sorry it took a while, the ball room is CROWDED."
"Ah, it is alright mein liebe. Now, let's go."
"HUH? Go where?"
He doesn't even say anything else and just walks away with you outside, not even giving you a chance to look at Angela's pissed off face.
• when you both are finally alone, he sighs and chugs the glass of champagne you got him.
"Woahhh there buddy, slow down."
"Zhat was HORRIBLE. Zhe woman I was talking to was so incredibly boring, she went on and ooonnnnn about how she's making a new...'makeup line' the ingredients she told me about are NOT skin friendly. It honestly bothers me how so many morons are at zhis gathering."
He just goes on and on, you have to stop him from breaking the glass of champagne from how much he's gripping it.
"Woah okay okay-lets just go home okay? The people here are kinda annoying. One guy kept on trying to ask for my number even though I told him I was taken."
He stops
"Oh really? And, where is this gentleman?"
"...nevermind. forget I said anything."
"No no, tell me. I just want to meet them."
"Yeah let's get back. It's late."
• nope. no.
• he sees someone walking up to him? Automatically just runs away.
• he is also clinging onto you the entire time, or staying outside to wait for you. No fucking way is he having HUMAN CONVERSATIONS. FUCK THAT SHIT.
• yeah, sorry. He'd probably get jealous of you pretty easily though!
• oh now this is interesting.
• this mf would ACTIVELY make you jealous. Like the asshole he is.
• now sadly, this asshole is being a bigger asshole than usual, because he doesn't take into consideration that you are insecure.
• so when he sees you having tears in your eyes, gripping the glasses and having a slight frown when he's jokingly flirting with another person, automatically just drops everything.
• he grabs you by the waist and kisses you, wiping your tears away and cupping your cheek.
"I'm so sorry mon couer, it seems I have went over line. I would never love anyone else, it was merely a terrible joke." He will literally just take you out that night and make out with you. Buying you gifts and taking you to cafes, and repeatedly apologising whenever you think about it.
He doesn't quite understand why your insecure, but he will listen to your rants anyways.
"Ma belle, you are as radiant as the sun, as sweet as sugar, and as delightful as the night sky. I would not trade you for anything or anyone. Nothing can ever separate us, because I have fallen for you. I am forever yours, and you are mine."
corny ahh mf (I want him inside of me)
I'm so sorry for...not writing for like a month or more HAHHAHAHAHAHHA shit has been so rough lately. Anyways WOO I'm writing again.
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blubushie · 5 months
I like the tf2 fandom for the most part, but as someone who likes ScoutPauling, I get nervous about reblogging stuff of them because of how people argue over Miss Pauling's sexuality. I don't doubt that she might like women but why would she agree to a second date with Scout in Expiration Date if she wasn't at least somewhat interested? So yeah, agree with your hc of her possibly being bi or pan.
Also agree with the Pyro thing. Nothing against headcanons, they can be fun! But like how people see Pyro as nonbinary for one reason or another, I see him as a guy who is just somewhat non-conforming, which, as a woman who's gotten flack for being less than stereotypically girly, is comforting. And we really don't know who or what Pyro is, gender or species-wise! So why is my headcanon lesser than anyone else's?
Sorry for the ramble, it's just nice to know someone else gets it.
No you're so right and that's also why I ship ScoutPauling. She agreed to a second date with him and outright started helping him plan when this second date could be WHILE SHE'S WORKING which. C'mon it's Miss Pauling, there's not a chance she would entertain the idea of making a workday into a date unless she was reciprocating. Pauling is not someone who has friends.
As for Pyro, I don't know and I don't really care. Canonically Pyro uses he/him pronouns, so that's what I refer to him as. Whether he's a he/him lesbian, or just really butch, or a man, or a he/him enby, I really don't care and it really doesn't matter to me since what's UNDER the suit is of little concern to me. As far as I'm concerned the suit IS Pyro. The Mercs call him he, Miss Pauling calls him he, he's also got a flower purse in his locker. Maybe he just likes the way he/him sounds and is a cis chick, maybe he's a man who's effeminate/GNC, maybe he's a fucken alien who just presumes male is the default of the human species cuz we call them cattlemen and not cattlepeople. I really don't know, I really don't care lol
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a-gay-little-cat · 8 months
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"Dredging up distant memories"
Getting his truck back wasn't the happy reunion Tiger would have hoped it to be.
Tiger was forced to abandon his truck not too long after leaving his old campsite for good. Parking it as out off the way that he could, he hoped to return and fix it up with the right tools.
Sadly that wouldn't be the case, the truck gone, likely hauled off by people looking to strip it for parts.
Try as he might, he wasn't able to find it anywhere, eventually writing it off as just another thing lost in this nightmare.
And he wasn't wrong, people took the parts they could, leaving the chassis to rot out in some scrap pile.
Though little did he know someone eventually happened to stumble upon it, the truck making the perfect vehicle to get far, far away from Night City. A stranger spending a lot of time fixing up this quite tacky vehicle.
And once it was up and running again? Tiger received a ping. A geolocation telling where exactly his truck was at. He dropped everything in an instance, rushing off without explaining anything, much to V's (belonging to @gr-74 ) dismay.
He didn't expect Tiger to lead them out into the desert, out to the huge trash piles just outside NC. Even less so to see... that truck. It had Tiger written all over it.
Nor could anything prepare him for the scene he was about to witness. A stranger simply trying to get out of the city (who could blame them really by using this truck they fixed up. A truck that very much so belonged to the other mercenary.
V expected Tiger to let it go, let the person leave. He's always been nice, charitable.
But not this time.
He's never seen him this... angry, tense. Not budging in the slightest and telling the stranger to take a hike. Doesn't want to hear it, just get lost. And get lost they did, yelling at Tiger for his cruelty.
Cruelty V had to agree with. Because what the fuck was that.
The answer he gets?
"Ya wouldn't fucking get it.", followed by him getting into the vehicle.
When asked where he thinks he's going it gets deflected with a "None of your business."
Uncharacteristically cold for a man like Tiger.
After a bit of a drive he arrived at an empty spot in the desert, nothing of interest to see here, just sand and rock as far as the eye can see.
At least, that is what its now. Years ago? It was the last spot his clan camped at before it all burned down.
A loss he never processed, simply buried deep deep down where it was left to fester, never daring to uncover it.
Until the truck appeared and it all got dragged to the surface to show its ugly face.
Tiger spends the next days drinking, sober being far from a state he wants to be in right now.
No one has heard from him in this time, simply wanting to be on his own. Much to the concern of his family and Vincent who figured Tiger was staying with the other party.
Once telling Tiger's sister what has happened, she might know where he is, sending V on a wild goose hunt out in the desert.
Luckily it's not hard to miss that bright blue truck out in the brown and dry landscape.
Stepping closer, the image that unfolds in front of him is not a pretty one. Several bottles and cans of beer scattered about and Tiger staring off into the distance.
Walking up, V asks if he can sit with him, if he wants to talk about it but all he gets in response is a grunt.
What does he care? What's there to talk about?
Vincent has been keeping him at arms length, so why does he want to get involved in his life now?
An exasperated snort leaves the smaller merc. Fine, be that way.
Despite that, he doesn't want to leave, doesn't feel right to leave Tiger on his lonesome like this.
Instead he chooses to look around, see if there's anything here, must be a reason as to why the guy drove to this spot.
After a while of finding nothing but sand, a gruff "Nothin' here anymore." is mumbled from behind him.
Using this as an opportunity to get a better picture of all of this, Vincent asks "Oh yeah? How d'you figure?"
There's a long pause. Tiger staring off into nothing until finally a quiet "Watched it all burn."
The nomad never told him much about what happened, why he isn't running with a clan anymore. It was only ever vague answers, nor did V ever push the topic much.
So when Tiger tells him, tells him about how the camp got caught in a crossfire between corporations in the middle of the night, V stands and listens, asking the occasional question to keep him talking, eventually sitting down next to him.
After a while he trails off into stories of the past, what it was like.
And then it's quiet again for a bit.
Until V offers to get them something proper to eat, Tiger not wanting to leave his truck out here.
It is strange, sitting here, eating in silence, no city noises anywhere, the stars visible above them.
Between bites Tiger thanks him for listening, apologizing for being an asshole back there.
It's not long before V is getting tired, looking forward to his bed.
Offering Tiger to come with, crash at his place.
But Tiger wants to stay, just one more night. He's been out here sleeping in his truck, one more time won't hurt. He'll be fine, playfully nudging the other as a reassurance.
"Well.... I guess I'll see you when I see you."
"Not getting rid of me that easy, promise."
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magnetarbeam · 2 years
I get that Spar is one of those characters that mostly exists because the writers took a bunch of retcons and scotch-taped them together, but I still think about him way too much.
Like, okay, so he inherited Jango's memories, and having those experiences to refer to gave him context about the way the clones were treated that none of the others would have until they were deployed and got to interact with the wider galaxy. He realized that they were slaves, and from his memories of Galidraan he was very convinced that the Jedi wouldn't care any more than the longnecks did. He got out while he could, because there was nothing else he could do.
And then he went around taking random mercenary work for a few years, and I'm imagining in that time he put a lot of effort into figuring out how to define himself as an independent person. Yeah, he's influenced by both the training he recieved on Kamino and the memories he inherited from Jango, but he's not Jango, and he's definitely not going to be a slave to the Republic and the Jedi like the others.
(Did he feel any level of connection to the other clones? Did he want to get any of the others out? Did he decide they wouldn't understand because they don't know the same things he knows?)
(I'm sure some of that is answered in the books I haven't read.)
Obviously by the time the war starts, he considers himself qualified enough to be the Mand'alor after Jango's death. He knows what the Mandalorian culture is all about, for equally obvious reasons, and it's easy to claim he's Jango's son because of the obvious resemblance, unless the average galactic citizen knows enough about the GAR to know that every clone trooper has that face. (Obviously the Republic propaganda wouldn't show their faces, but anyone who has been told who the template was would at least have reason to be suspicious in a case like this.)
Which leads me to the subject of his time as Mand'alor and his performance in the role. I know he decided to take up the role because of Jango's death, but I don't know if he decided that immediately after the First Battle of Geonosis. If he did, though...
I believe it's established that Spar's Mandalorian Protectors were formed in the image of Jaster and then Jango's True Mandalorians, who followed the traditional nomadic merc warrior lifestyle for themselves, but seem to have generally been content to coexist with the New Mandalorian civilian government and let them be recognized as the legitimate Mandalorian government by the rest of the galaxy. If Spar is trying to do something reasonably close to that, he would likely provide a banner that could be flocked to by the more reasonable traditionalists. You know, the kind of people who would have been True Mandalorians before Galidraan, but because of what happened there they decided to either stay out of things and just defend their families or tolerate Death Watch because they were the only traditionalist faction with any influence left, radical though they were.
As an Alpha ARC, Spar would be an extremely competent fighter in his own right, and I have no reason to believe he wouldn't pass that on in any training he did of the forces he had under his command as Mandalore the Resurrector.
Probably the most interesting part of this character to me, though, is how he relates to the Jedi. Again, he expects them to be no better than the Kaminoans because he remembers what happened on Galidraan, which I guess is why he eventually pledges his forces to the CIS. But we, as people familiar with the themes of TCW and whatnot, understand that he's wrong about that. The Jedi are pretty much the only people who care to understand the clones and recognize them as individuals who are worthy of care and rights and putting in effort to keep them alive. But Spar doesn't know that, because he left long before he could experience it, and all he has to base his judgements off of is what he already knows and Palpatine's propaganda.
I imagine stories about Spar would be pretty heavily circulated among the rest of the clones, although by the time the war starts those stories probably been twisted beyond recognition by all the links they've passed through since the events happened. I don't think it's much of a stretch that the vode at large would not have favorable opinions of him, except maybe ones in, like, the Coruscant Guard and Krell's unit. For most of the time, Spar is mostly just kind of a subject of idle conversation with little relevance to the daily lives of the clones. But after he places his forces under the Separatists, it suddenly becomes very personal.
The set of ideas I have about Spar that I think about the most, though - and some of this is where we get into canon divergence - revolve around how Maul's takeover of Mandalore and murder of Satine and Pre Vizsla leaves Spar as the immediate choice of leader for Mandalorians seeking to oppose Maul. This is a big part of how I imagine the Siege of Mandalore would have taken place in Legends, where it's Mandos of various motives under Spar's command who are taking the planet - and thus control of the system and sector - back from Maul, instead of a force from the Republic. If it is to fit within the context of him giving his forces over to the CIS and stuff, it would have to be a lot earlier than in Disney Canon, but as far as I know it might be possible to line it up in such a way that it still happens after Ahsoka leaves the Jedi.
Her point of relevance to this is that Spar is more than competent enough to understand that barring things like just bombing out Sundari - and causing collateral damage that he would want to avoid even if just for the sake of PR - he needs a Force-user on his side to stand half a chance against Maul. He hates the Jedi, but he can at least put up with Ahsoka because she left the Order. A couple of the former Death Watch people that now answer to Spar, including Bo-Katan, have personally seen Ahsoka in action, and they can vouch that she's probably the best chance they have.
And here's the part where I can't really imagine the progression of events sticking to canon, at least without yet another convoluted retcon: The dynamics between Ahsoka and Spar. The thing is, she experienced the war from the perspective of the Jedi, who also weren't given much of a choice when the Republic told them to lead the army. She got to know the clones under her command on a personal level, and she realizes how fucked up the treatment of them by everyone else is. If anything can make Spar not hate the Jedi, it's her. It also helps that she would know that the Jedi were acting on misinformation at Galidraan, although that doesn't completely absolve them of blame.
I have more to add to this barely coherent series of thoughts, but my attention span has dried up for the moment.
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megantronusprime · 1 year
Which of the mercs smoke?
Just my personal headcanons.
Mentions of smoking (obviously), drugs and alcohol below. 
Scout - At the beginning, he’d try to smoke cigarettes or on Sniper’s smoke sessions to seem cool, but would almost hack up a lung. But when he got past that initial insecurity, he was a lot more relaxed with passing it up. It wasn’t his thing and he didn’t want to mess with his cardio performance. 
Soldier - Cigarettes aren’t manly enough for him, and he would never smoke reefer (he wrinkles his nose in disgust when he passes by Sniper’s camper and it smells like skunk), but he does enjoy smoking cigars in his downtime. 
Pyro - they’re constantly hotboxing in that suit
Demo - Smoking is mostly just social for him. He’ll join Sniper in a smoke sesh, join Spy for a smoke, or have a cigar with Soldier while playing poker. You’d think that since drinking increases the urge to smoke, you’d find him accompanying his scrumpy with a smoke. But no, he likes to enjoy them separately - individually.
Engineer - This man worked in the oil patch in the 50′s. He definitely smoking cigarettes to keep up with the crazy hours and because of the work culture. But he hates it, and every time he smoked a cigarette, he has the brief thought of “My mama would be so disappointed if she knew.” (Which, she did catch him one time when he was visiting home, and the look on her face made him feel just awful.)
When he went off to college, he managed to kick it for the most part. But every so often when he stayed up late working on a creeping deadline, he’d cave and pick it back up again before quitting again. 
Now, working at Mann Co., Dell still enjoys a smoke while tinkering, or with the guys while on break. He’ll often take a smoke from the guys while sighing, “I really should quit...” But smoking now has this nostalgic quality for him, so he doesn’t have nearly as much guilt as he used to. 
(he also tried smoking weed but isn’t super into it because he doesn’t like how it makes him feel.)
Heavy - Heavy is actually pretty healthy, and likes to refrain from smoking, for the most part. Isn’t interested in weed and I imagine cigarettes are too small for his fingers (lol), but like Soldier, he’ll indulge in a cigar, if only once in a blue moon.
Spy - this man is a human cigarette. Meh about weed - not against it, but it doesn’t excite him, either. Also, he doesn’t care about cigars - the whole ritual surrounding them does not interest him. Cigarettes only for him, please and thank you.
Sniper - It’s not an uncommon headcanon that he will try any drug once. And I think I agree with that. (It’s also canon that he did drugs with Miss Pauling, which I love.) Prefers weed to anything, but won’t say no to a cig. But, he is a professional, so will absolutely under no circumstances smoke weed before work. He keeps it to the weekends, mostly.
Medic - Will smoke a cigarette here and there, yeah. I think people like to either imagine him as a wild dude, or a doctor who follows his own advice and treats his body like a temple. I think he’s had a wild youth, but he’s mostly past it and uninterested. (Honestly, I see him more as a coke guy, lol. Even if not currently, definitely in his past.)
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f0point5 · 4 months
The f2 title fight is way more interesting than the f1 right now
and aron is def a brat but you gotta feel for the guy, he's getting amazing results and as a rookie but all the hype from merc's part goes to kimi who i forever believe should've gone to f3
Do not slander my boy Kimi. I think he’s doing pretty well in comparison to Bearman, enough to justify that an F3 season would have been a waste of time.
I think the reason the f2 title fight falls flat for me is because I am finding it hard to put much stock in the racing. So yes the championship could go any way but it’s a lot harder to get attached to any particular stories because I feel like there’s not so much momentum built because it’s a bit of a game of “who can survive the carnage”.
This is my first season watching so maybe it’s like culture shock but I always had difficultly understanding why f2 winners have difficulty finding seats and that’s part of the reason I started watching f2 but now I kind of understand, because you can easily argue f2 is representative enough to give a driver a seat in comparison to a driver that’s already in f1. The cars are so different, the speed difference is so noticeable, as well as the structure of the weekend, and just how the races go (the amount of accidents, for example), if I were a TP I wouldn’t be able to rely solely on f2 performances to trust a driver. And I know there’s testing but it’s so limited, which I guess is why they have driver academies etc but that’s a whole other issue. Okay sorry for this rant I’m moving on.
I get that Aron is probably a bit bitter about being dropped by Merc but at the same time, you’re not endearing yourself to anyone with that behaviour. Obviously he’s young it is what it is but I hope someone in his life is checking him on that.
But yeah I am fascinated by the f2 hype/result correlation because you see all these drivers on the podium, fighting for the championship, linked to teams…are any of them getting a seat? Or are the seats going to Bearman and Antonelli who are in midfield but they’ve got brand recognition. The results really do not seem to matter much. I’m not saying drivers get their seats because of hype but I’m saying you are given hype when teams are already looking to give you a seat before you even get to f2. Because where are Aron, Maloney, Hadjar, etc going to end up? Not with seats in the next few years. But you can bet Ollie Bearman will be in a Haas next year
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
I do feel something odd is going on at mercedes with George. Even at the australian grand prix when george had the lead and they told him to lift and coast whilst lewis and max were both attacking him. They would never say anything like that to lewis. Then add in georges multiple failures, i think this brings it up to four this year if we include the hydrolic failure in testing. Concidering no other driver in a mercedes powered car is suffering like this, I just find it unusual.
Yeah, I hadn’t thought about the other Mercedes’ cars but tbh that’s only really relevant with engine issues… except with maybe Williams who but other parts from Merc.
It’s not good enough, and idk, I’m just not buying this ‘doesn’t have confidence’ line. He didn’t have confidence in the car for most of last year but that didn’t affect him too much. I do find it interesting that Lewis is said to prefer cars with ‘looser rear ends’ and now suddenly Lewis is happy but George is ‘struggling with the rear’.
It may be that it’s set up choices he’s making that aren’t working, it may be that there’s something else going on, I honestly don’t know, but it just seems odd that the driver who was adapting really well to the most unstable car Merc had produced in years, suddenly now is ‘struggling’ in a car that’s supposedly more stable. The math isn’t quite mathing somewhere.
Merc have made some atrocious strat calls this year. I think I just find it highly annoying that any small bit of fortune or good luck or great results George got last season, kept getting undermined because it kept getting insisted it wasn’t on ‘true merit’ and yet now the tables have turned and the driver fortunes have switched its all now 100% down to driving ability apparently. Like you can’t have it both ways?
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mrssimply · 2 years
7th: Soft
I decided to do a fic advent calendar this year, and idea that was given to me by Bones a.k.a Riots from the Totentanz Discord Server.
You can find the prompt list here.
Every fic will be posted on my AO3 Account here.
This one is for @rockerboyrepo, whose prompt was: "snowflakes that stick to one's nose and eyelashes aka the winter weather date [Kerry/V] (my only thought is that Kerry would look beautiful in the snow, and V would agree. Also, I bet Kerry would be good at ice skating)"
Here is a bowl of warm feelings and fluff, enjoy!
The doctors said it would take four to five years before he was back to “full health”. The nanites injected into V’s spine would provide uninterrupted repairs to the neural tissue, until it stabilized. The therapy in itself would be spread over the coming year, with control exams every six months after that, and probably one or two more rounds of treatment, depending on the results. 
Still, it’s an aggressive treatment, which means it gets worse — really worse — before even the basic improvement can be detected beyond numbers on a chart.  
After eight months, V is finally starting to have good days, good weeks even. He still feels like shit most mornings, but the feeling passes as the day goes. With his renewed health comes frustration: he feels better but he’s still weak as a fawn, and can’t do shit without having a coughing fit. The most he can do is sit his ass in the Afterlife and play fixer. Business is going strong, thanks to Rogue’s heritage and training, but he wishes he could do some of the gigs he passes off to young wannabe mercs.
Through all this, Kerry has been a constant. It surprised V at first, because he thought that past their hot tryst on the burning boat, Kerry would lose interest fast, as he is rumored to do. But the rockstar showed up every two to three days with food, fresh laundry, or just to watch scop on TV. They got really invested in Watson Whore during those eight months.
They don’t talk about their relationship, just like they don’t really talk about Johnny, so V is trying not to get his hopes too high. He thinks they’re both guarded, in a way: both unsure this is gonna last but fuck if V doesn’t wish ardently Kerry would spend the rest of his life with him.
“I have a cabin in the Alps,” Kerry says one night while they lie in bed.
They don’t often do more than sleep because V is just too tired, but Kerry never pushes. The merc thinks he might have other people for sex, and that’s fine, it’s not like they talked about exclusivity. Plus, Kerry has a reputation for being both jealous and unable to commit. In a way, this situation is ideal: V is available and faithful, if only because he can’t do much, and Kerry can do whatever he wants. 
That’s fine. That’s totally fine.
“Yeah?” V asks, wondering where this is going.
“Yeah. I thought we could go? For Christmas,” Kerry explains, voice rough and low, like he’s forcing the words out against his will.
V turns on the bed to face him and only catches the sapphires of his eyes thanks to the neon lights filtering by the windows.
“We’re spending Christmas together?”
“Yeah. I mean… It’s what inputs do?”
V tells his heart, who leaped at the words and is now beating faster than when he was running from Arasaka, to chill, damnit. The thing refuses to obey, backed up by a good part of V’s brain who is having a moment and not computing things beyond “inputs”.
“Sure yeah,” he replies lamely. 
The unenthusiastic answer makes Kerry retreat to himself.
“I mean, it’s just an idea, we don’t hav —”
V kisses him to shut him up. To shut himself up. He doesn’t know what would spill out of him if he let his mouth run because right now, he’s seconds away from proposing or doing something equally dumb.
“I would love to, really. I was surprised, is all. But yeah. Never been to the Alps,” he says, and then chuckles deprecatingly “I mean… Never traveled outside the NUSA so…”
In the dark, he feels more than he sees Kerry smile and curl up closer.
“I know. I want to show you the world.”
Chill, he scolds his heart again, but the organ is on a roll and there is no way Kerry doesn't hear it cantering like a mad horse in his chest.
“I… Yeah I would love to see the world with you.”
He gets a soft kiss on the crook of his neck in answer, then Kerry settles to sleep. Before long, his soft snores are the only sound in the room, he sleeps peacefully while V is wide awake, oscillating between elation and desperation: it’s gonna hurt so bad when it comes to an end.
The cabin is exactly what V expected: it’s modern, designed by the latest architect en vogue, but it’s mostly too big and empty for one. It has all the comforts of home, though: a jacuzzi, a private recording studio, a winter garden filled with lush plants. The living room has one huge window that gives an amazing view of the lake at the bottom of the valley, and of the snowy mountain overlooking it. When V gets out in the evening, there is an atmosphere like it’s the end of the world and they’re the last people on earth. The merc likes the idea more than he really wants to admit. It would be ok, he thinks, if it ended here, like this.
Kerry, on the other hand, is like a child. He’s been living through V’s excitement, vicariously experimenting taking a plane for the first time (an experience V found exhilarating), seeing Europe, France, and then Italy for the first time. He preened like Johnny would have when V praised the view.
The rockstar joins him on the balcony with a glass of chilled white wine.
“Cheers,” he says softly but with a big grin. They clink their glasses together, and V watches Kerry take a sip before he does. It’s always a pleasure to watch Kerry taste good things: the way he closes his eyes and hums in delight… It doesn’t miss with the wine, so V tastes it with a smile. He has no palate for such quality, but his input — cause apparently, they are, what an amazing turn of events! — ensures him it will come.
Kerry lights a cigarette, the smoke billowing out of his mouth drifts away slowly due to the chill. It passes in front of Kerry’s eyes for a second, and when it’s gone, V rediscovers the blue of his eyes and smiles stupidly. It’s like the landscape itself is trying to match Kerry’s color, harmonizing everything until it’s a tableau of perfection.
“What?” The musician asks when he catches V’s gaze.
“Nothing. Happy to be here. With you,” he adds a bit softer. Kerry looks pleased and gets closer, nosing under V’s jaw. His cold nose makes V laughs, and he wraps an arm around him.
They share the cigarette in silence — V really misses smoking but he shouldn’t, with the treatment. It’s fine, though, it’s christmas, he’s allowed to relax a bit. Kerry says so, too. 
Later, Kerry rides him while V lies on the rugs by the windows, with the moon as their sole source of light. It dances over Kerry’s skin and tattoos, drawing his shapes and shadows in stark relief. He’s so fucking beautiful like this, arching over V, thighs straining to bring them pleasure, mouth open to let out the most alluring sounds.
V can’t stop touching him, stroking his sides, brushing against his nipples and pinching them when it makes Kerry moan lounder. Lube and sweat make Kerry’s body shine, make his cock glisten as it disappears into V’s fist, until he comes and paints his stomach with white streaks.
V can’t stop kissing him when he sags forward, even if Kerry is out of breath. He watches, mesmerised as the man starts riding him again, whining and keening through the over sensitivity, shivering as he tortures himself for V’s pleasure.
If V was stronger, he would take him against the window, rail him until he would slide to the floor, exhausted and satisfied. As it is, V encourages him, babbles sweet things that are miles away from what he really wants to say.
I love you, you’re perfect, you’re the best thing that happened to me, you take my breath away, please don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop.
V shatters into his orgasm, barely registering the bell like laughter Kerry lets out as he does. 
On Christmas Eve, they don’t exchange gifts. V insisted: he wouldn’t have known what to get Kerry, and he’s ready to bet the man would probably buy him something too expensive that would make him feel like a kept boy. Kerry is already paying for this whole trip, no need for something fancy on top of that.
But of course, Kerry still has something up his sleeve. As midnight grows closer, Kerry entices him out. They take the trek down to the village, about fifteen minutes from the cabin. When they arrive, it’s clear they’ve stepped into some sort of Christmas tradition for the locals. In the plaza in front of the church, an ice-skating rink has been set up. Families and couples are still having fun on it despite the late hour, bathed in soft lights provided by ancient lamp posts and bright lanterns. 
Kerry takes him to the right, to a small cabin where he exchanges words in fast italian, and before V has time to wonder at the fact Kerry speaks yet another language, he’s pushed to the edge of the rink to put on the ice-skates. 
“I don’t know how to do that, ya know?” he warns Kerry, suddenly anxious. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not harder than half the things you do when on a gig.”
“It’s really not the same” he insists while he does the laces. Kerry smiles at him, face half buried in a baby-blue cashmere scarf. It matches his eyes and contrasts nicely with his dark skin, flushed red because of the cold. V sorts of zone out, lost in his observation of his input, and startles when said man drags him up and on the ice.
V tenses, which is exactly what he shouldn’t do, and grips Kerry tight to balance himself. The rockstar laughs and pushes on the tip of the skates to land a kiss on his nose.
“C’mon big boy, you can do it, just relax and follow my lead.”
Sure, V thinks, I’ll follow you anywhere. 
Midnight comes and goes, and families go back home to put the kids to sleep while couples enjoy the relative calm. Around one in the morning, there are only a few of them left, plus a group of young people laughing loudly around what are probably glasses of eggnog. 
V has somewhat relaxed and is now moving fluidly besides Kerry, who spins effortlessly around the rink. 
“It’s snowing,” the man remarks and they stop to observe the phenomenon. Indeed, snowflakes are lazily drifting down, until one lands directly on V’s nose. He chuckles and wipes it before turning to watch Kerry.
His input has thrown his head back, and is hoping to catch snowflakes on his tongue apparently.
“Really?” V says with a breathy laugh.
“What? I could never do that as a kid, there wasn’t any snow in NC.”
This is an experience they share: rainy dressing christmas while the TV displayed images of idyllic snow covered chalets in switzerland. V never thought such places existed, always imagined they were artificially created just for movies or advertisement, but apparently he was wrong, since he’s standing right in the middle of one.
With a shrug, he tilts his head and opens his mouth to try and catch snowflakes. His wish is granted very fast, because now it’s snowing for real and he gets a mouthful in about ten seconds. It’s… anticlimactic, and it must show on his face because Kerry laughs besides him.
With a wry smile, V closes his mouth and glances at him. In the deep of the night, surrounded by pristine white snowflakes, Kerry’s eyes seem to shine with inner light. He looks so happy, and it takes V’s breath away. 
The musician catches him looking and his smiles brighten before it freezes and transforms into alarm.
“Are you crying?” He whispers, getting closer to catch a lone tear with his fingers. V startles, he didn’t realize he was crying. 
“I just — It’s… You…” 
But he gets distracted by a snowflake getting caught on Kerry’s eyelashes. 
“I love you?” he breathes out, blinking wide. He feels like he’s in a dream.
Kerry’s eyes widen, and then he makes a weird noise which, in turn, snaps V out of his funk.
“Huh, I mean, it’s just the, I — fuck, I’m sor —”
Kerry clamps a hand over his mouth and looks at him with an intense expression.
“Don’t ruin it,” he warns, sounding serious so V nods slowly. “I love you too.” 
V feels himself melt as tension suddenly flees from his body. 
“You’re not taking it back,” Kerry orders and V nods again. “Ok,” he says while slowly removing his hand. He gets back to wiping the tears from V’s face with a small trembling smile.
“I love you too,” he repeats. 
With a wounded noise, V wraps his arms around him and holds him tight.
“I love you,” V repeated in the crook of Kerry’s neck.
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