#like yeah Aisha did have more personality to her than that but a lot of the MMPRs personalities came from their interactions with their team
kimberlyannharts · 4 months
"Ryan and Melissa's Aishas are so different but neither of them feel like the show version of the character" it's because comic!Kim and Aisha are not friends. Like. This is genuinely the main reason comic!Aisha doesn't feel like the Aisha we know
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protectoratenova07 · 4 months
what are the bad undersiders opinions you’re seeing outside of tumblr? curious
Just as a precursor, this isn't any specific person or section of the fandom. You'll find these opinions anywhere and they've been around for years and I probably shouldn't get as annoyed as I do at it but whatever. It's (I'm paraphrasing btw) stuff like:
"Taylor would have been a hero without (evil/bitch/stupid) Lisa." Ignores the very legitimate issues Taylor has with authority and ignores Brian, who was the actual main reason Taylor joined the Undersiders. Lisa did lie in a few different ways to mislead Taylor, but nothing major enough to trick her into being a villain.
"Aisha could have been a hero if she knew what the Undersiders were REALLY like." Aisha would get annoyed that her brother can be cool and only does it when he's not around her. Also, she knows, but people ignore that or else they would be forced to realize Aisha has an actual character instead of a manic pixie girl they can ship with whatever hero of the week they want.
"Brian is stupid for joining the Undersiders and not the Wards." I've talked about this before, but no he fucking isn't. Choosing to not become more like his dad is actually a good thing. Also pretends that cps is both a) not incompetent at best malicious at worst, and b) ignores how they're considering the Laborn's mom again as an alternative to Brian to house Aisha after their dad failed so badly.
I'm beginning to realize the main theme with these is that people don't want to think about how the Undersiders have legitimate reasons to not like authority.
"Alec is evil for not turning himself in after escaping." The heroes have only ever made his life worse and I'm sure the cops didn't make it any easier in the time between running away and joining the Undersiders. Also, blaming people for shit they did under mind control is a dick move. Despite Worm having lots of comic book fans they don't seem to remember every annoying mind control arc or the Purple Man.
"Taylor (and the other Undersiders) would have been happy and fine if they joined the Wards." Lol, lmao. Ignoring Sophia for Taylor and Coil for Lisa, I don't think any of the Wards had their lives improved by joining anyway. Even if, for some magical reason, the PRT helped them with their parents they'd have issues with the organization itself. Not to mention their risk of dying gets upped tenfold by joining. Piggot is more than happy to use her child soldiers until they break.
"Lily got manipulated into leaving a good career with the heroes." Foil mention?!? I know, but I can't forget that half the time this is brought up, they always mention her career. Fucking bleak. Also, Parien isn't even her full reason for leaving. She left before confirming her relationship with Parien, because what she really got tired of was the heroes not being heroes. It's why she investigated Armsmaster, why she listened and respected Parien's choice to get help from Skitter. There was more I think, but yeah.
Nothing really to say about Rachel or Sabah. People don't talk about them that much. Oh, wait
"Rachel would have gotten help if she got captured and been a Ward." That wog was specifically if Rachel got captured early on, is only with Boston, PRT therapy actually helping (lol), and she still doesn't have anyone close to her tying her down to Boston so she could end up like Foil.
There's more. I could write pages on Lisa alone, but it's been a few days and I'm not currently in the mood to be annoyed rn.
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lakesbian · 9 months
So like… whats up with Cozen? Why did they date? Is she cool or does she have the word “REBOUND” tattooed on her forehead. I just don’f understand how or why Brian is so so so sidelined after the Imago
i think she's genuinely more sustainably compatible with brian long-term than taylor would've been...and also still has the word "SAD REBOUND" tattooed on her forehead. i really enjoy when she tries to be like Umm you're not the Leader to taylor during the s9k arc and brian is immediately like "oh she is, actually. yeah no my ex-girlfriend is the leader. by default."
the racism probably but also i cant think about this for too long or i'll get so mad my head explodes. if i think for too long about how he has that really good moment with taylor during crushed & then is just literally never relevant again including in aisha's epilogue i will get so mad my head explodes. it's just so motherfucking stupid how wildbow is so insistent on cinching the "surprise, he's dead!" coming in at the very end to the point where he's forced to erase what the other undersiders think/feel about him, including his own sister. and it's especially stupid because literally at no other point in the book do i recall worm trying to do a cheap twist like that at the expense of the actual character narratives & dynamics. it just feels meanspirited and it adds absolutely nothing. actively subtracts a lot of things, actually. thinking about how wildbow could've just Not Killed Him and we could've had a good brian epilogue and i start gnawing on wood. or if he really felt that there was no possible way for brian to survive the oil rig (personally i think he shouldve fudged it and let him live) he shouldve at least let the impact be felt 4 the other undersiders. man. I miss my fucking boy they cant do him like this. oh my god i just remembered his actual trigger event isnt even in the book either. ok my head is exploding now so this post is over 👍
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deluweil · 1 year
I'm sure they knew what they were doing, writing them like that and having them show their chemistry. Their other friendships in the 118 are VERY different and yeah, in any other show, they'd be married by now. They also odten played into the fan theories instead of refuting them. Oliver of all people now rooting for buck and natalia is so disappointing :( even in a friendship way, natalia is not the first person to see buck, that's an insult :(
I don't read the interviews, because they're a smokescreen, for whatever is played out on tv. Those interviews say nothing.
Oliver says what they tell him to say publicly. There's a reason Oliver is the 911 spokesman, everyone else has no problem telling it like it is.
JLH showed complete preference for buddie, Bobby knows - because Peter knows.
Aisha is giving Hen looks every time the guys interact.
Kenny isn't one to keep his opinion to himself either, he's too much fun for that.
Ryan, a lot like Scott Caan, doesn't like the pandering and pretending for publicity sake, and let's be honest he's far more likely to get heat for saying production scripted stuff on tv than Oliver.
So Oli it is, I do not envy his position at all.
Notice, not one of them did any publicity for the season finale, other than the mandatory promo pic here and there.
Most of the fun for them was uploaded as they filmed and posted bts.
So I'm guessing they aren't happy about the final cut finale either.
The actors are not at fault and should not be held responsible for the showrunners screw ups.
The actress who plays Natalia failed the chemistry test with Oliver, and they brought her on anyway, that should tell you about the level of "give a damn" the showrunners has for this show - namely non at all.
But it's more important to crash an ambulance than tell a good story I guess. 🤷‍♀️
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Time to talk about the outfits, Flora and Beatrix being the best one to dress. It suits teenagers and definitely had little Y2K vibe to it. I wish Flora had more skirts but yeah it’s just me. Bloom and Aisha being next, they improved from the whole red and blue color coded clothes to more realistic ones. Bloom’s blue dress was stunning easily the best, loved Aisha’s outfit party too. Still there are those oversized outfits that Bloom had and it was weird for her. The last three are the worst, Musa was mess, look like a toddler trying to dress herself. (1/2)
Terra, seriously what that thing they put her in for the party, I got that she supposed to be a lesbian but you couldn’t find something better? Eliot Salt if I remember correctly is a lesbian herself and her suits are great unlike her character . They really did her dirty. Then finally we have Stella, look everyone I understand the whole rebellious princess they wanted to go with her character and I don’t mind it her writing was great this season that being said I still think they just rushed so fast with it! I didn’t see enough of Stella in S1 and her fashion wasn’t great either, so her moving away immediately without taking time to see more of her princess/fashionista vibe came out as if they were lazy to put her in fancy clothes. Maybe because Stella was my favorite fairy growing up that’s why I am upset about her the most XD (2/2)
Alright fashion time!
I think I agree with pretty much everything you’ve sad nonny. Flora, Beatrix, Bloom were great, I don’t agree on the oversized not suiting Bloom (I think it makes a LOT of sense with her character and her journey this season). 
Aisha... You put her as one of the “Ok” and agreed. Hell, even more of a eeeeh than okay. The yellow bar outfit and the party satin suit were bangers and I loved them - though I wish she was in heels at the party. Considering Bloom and Stell were wearing super refined shoes and Aisha wanted to impress the alumni, I wish they had given her the heels. That said.... Can we just stop putting this woman in track suits. Please? I don’t give a flying fuck if her cartoon counterpart was sporty, stop putting her in freaking gym clothes!!
Now... Stella. Personally speaking, I have to say I loved everything she wore. Sometimes they felt out of place, but definitely fit MY style. However, like you said, for the fashionista princess rebel... No. I can excuse the first episode, but as it’s shown by both her getting closer to Beatrix and her letter to her mom, Stella tries a different approach straight after ep2. She’s playing Luna’s game. If she’s playing Luna’s game, I wish her looks were more fashionista yes and also that they reflected how trapped she felt. Everything she wore looked so damn comfy, I don’t want her comfy, she’s suffering! I want Stella in military inspired outfits! I want her wearing constricting clothing! Beauty is pain! 
Terra. Honestly, just preach anon. Nothing to add there. I liked some of Terra’s outfits in season 1 and it bothers me how she completely stopped dressing like that in s2, as if her coming to senses with her sexuality somehow was reflected in her style, which I just... Don’t agree? She’s such an absolute romantic and shy and just bashful. Lean into the femme!! 
Then there’s Musa. Nothing to say there, it sucked, I hope whoever keeps dressing her gets fired. Period.
We didn’t talk about the guys’ fashion but I do have a couple cents to throw. 
Riven’s outfits AND Dane’s this season all felt like they had thought put into it and they reflected something of the characters which I really appreciated. Sebastian was rocking his Just-Some-Guy fits.
Sky looks amazing in huge jackets and the slutty little knife holder in his back keeps me up at night. I didn’t love the brown suit tho, but I did like the 90s boxy style they went for. I don’t love Sky in black but it made sense with his emo phase so I’ll suffer in silence (please give me this man in cuddly sweaters, I’m begging on my knees).
Silva... Silva was suffering from Andreas S1′s disease. Was he only allowed 1 outfit? criminal. Bring back the dad sweaters!
Andreas - I don’t know Ken is too hot, everything he wears looks perfect. 1000/10. 
Grey needs to be shirtless more often. And get RID of that bloody fucking windbreaker. 
Sam looked awful, but in a good way because his character was going Through it. Very appreciated. 
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abyssmalice · 2 years
Profile - re. mobile / the 11th ;
Name: “Tartaglia”
Real Name: Tonia Agafonova
Age: 14 (15-16)
Species: Human / Iriminsul-Human Hybrid
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Vision: None / Cryo / Dendro / ??????? 
Delusion: Electro
Weapon: Polearm
Constellation: Dormitator (The Somnolent)
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Affiliation: The Fatui / The Irminsul
Titles: The 11th Fatui Harbinger / The Noble Daughter / Listener of the Leylines
FC: Anissa de Lagrange (temp.), Aisha de Elmir (temp.) 
A young girl with plain looks. Dull blue eyes complement dull brown hair that tends to be tied into twin braids, while her face is adorned with a prominent splash of dark freckles.
Her typical wardrobe features a white dress with a vested corset matching in color with her dark boots. This tends to be accompanied with a capelet dyed and branded in the blue-gold colors of the Fatui. Accessory-wise, she is hardly to never seen without a pair of dark gloves, a red mask on her head, and a (fake) Cryo Vision pinned to her clothes.
When utilizing her Delusion for a long period of time, her hair will become undone and turn white.
If you were to take a volatile fourteen year old girl on a years-long road trip without asking her whether she even wants to be on this trip - that would be Tartaglia.
A young girl by every means of the word, who just wants what most teenagers would want in this period of their life - love and freedom and a contentedness that is normally hard to put in words, but Tartaglia knows what it looks like and it is not the stifling chains of the Tsaritsa’s command nor the grand responsibilities of being a Harbinger.
Really. She just wants to go home, care for her loved ones, and be happy living an utterly peaceful, simple life. None of this god-killing, scheme-pulling nonsense!
—Well, not that taking down Celestia is a bad thing - just not at the expense of herself and her time!
Regardless, no one really agrees with her thoughts, even if some do nod sympathetically to her rants. And only just nod. If that’s how it is, then fine - she’ll just make such a nuisance of things that they will have to do more than just smile and frown and nod and say pitiful and indifferent things to her.
(And if the whining and the yelling is just a defensive coping mechanism for how she really feels, deep down? Well, that’s just going to have remain an eternal secret between her and Ajax.)
“Huh? You wanna know more about Tartaglia? What would I know that you don’t? No, seriously - tell me, what do you know about her, because I’m pretty sure I’d give the same answer if anyone asked.
”…haaah? Battle-hungry? Fearsome? A young man? Did you hit your head on the stairs this morning? For starters, Tartaglia’s a young girl, sheesh!
“Fine, seeing as you seem to have legit lost your marbles right now - Tartaglia is the 11th Fatui Harbinger, the most recent and most youngest of them to date. Honestly, no one knows where she came from, she just popped out of nowhere and was appointed by Her Imperial Majesty with the title and everything it entails. Whoever knows the truth won’t fess a thing, and anyway, who would question the Tsaritsa’s decisions?
“Okay, okay, fine, a lot of us question it, but again, who would question their Archon about this? No one, right? Yeah, I thought so. That being said, doesn’t stop the whispers and the rumors that go around the place every so often. Some people say she must be the Tsaritsa’s secret daughter or something, for a mere child to be given the position of a Harbinger - but there’s plenty of people who think that’s the stupidest theory on Teyvat, considering Tartaglia looks nothing like Her Majesty. Hells, I’d say she looks more like my aunt’s cousin’s brother’s sister-in-law’s niece from Morepesok or somewhere just as backwater.
“—Kinda infuriates me, to be frank. I mean, if it weren’t for her title, she would probably just be some random kid. But because she has rank and authority second only to Her Imperial Majesty, we have to listen to her and bow to her every whim. To a kid! Don’t be fooled by her face - she’s a brat and a troublemaker and her title is probably the only reason she hasn’t been executed for mutiny yet.
”…You think I’m being too harsh on her? Because she’s just a kid? Oh sheeeeesh.
“Look, you’re new, so it’s only natural you would think that. But I know you’re not that new either - you must have heard those rumors that Tartaglia regularly tries to commit regicide, right? You haven’t? Well now you do!
“And by the way, they’re a bit exaggerated, that’s true, but fundamentally, no. The 11th Fatui Harbinger is a moody child who likes to cause chaos when no one expects it, who makes everyone question why Her Majesty would keep someone so unfaithful by her side, and honestly, if some people didn’t say she was good with her Vision, I would be questioning that too. She has a hellish habit for picking fights, but most of her fights just sound like childish tantrums from what I’ve heard.
“I think we’d all think differently about her if she were, how did you describe her at first? Some bloodthirsty war hound? Then again, no one can be a Harbinger without having some form of merit or power to their name… and if she can use a Vision blessed with the power of our own Archon, then, I guess… Ah, whatever.
“Point is, ultimately, just keep your head down and do your work. And try your damn best to stay out of her way. You really don’t want that girl’s attention on you, seriously.”
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inky2556 · 11 months
Magix Ultra
Chapter 21
It took a few days of planning before the Winx departed for Aeros. Chiara knew she had to do it someday but no matter what she didn't feel ready. Her old home didn't feel like home anymore. Not since that day.
After checking into their lodging, the Winx spared no time and went down to the van they rented that was waiting outside. Originally Stella wanted to be the driver but due to past events,Chiara and Bloom pulled her off of the driver's seat and let Aisha take over.
Which was a good call too since Stella would've been distracted by all the fashion pieces put on the display by the many boutiques in the city. Chiara could only smile at her antics as Musa scolded her to focus on the task at hand.
"So Chiara...you got a crush on an alien." Aisha suddenly said from the driver's seat. Which made said fairy choke on air.
Oh no.
"Wha-Uh-Umm I-I don't have a crush on Zero!" Chiara denied. Upon seeing Aisha's smirk from the rearview mirror, she immediately realised her hiccup.
"Funny,I didn't say anything about this Zero guy."
Chiara suddenly felt a sense of deja vu coming on. It didn't help that all the attention was on her now. Not wanting to restart the cycle of denial,she decided to mind as well just come clean.
"...Yes, I have a massive crush on him."
A silence followed before it was broken by Stella's ear piercing squeal which made Aisha almost swivel off the road.
"Sorry! I'm just happy that she finally has a boyfriend!"
"Okay first, he is not my boyfriend. And second, yes I like him but I don't if he likes me. Third, my first boyfriend was... you know, him." They all knew that him referred to a certain blue bird vigilante. The universe of the Young Justice League wasn't something Chiara liked to talk about.
"Yeah well,first love isn't everything. What matters is how you feel now." Bloom advised.
How she felt now? After more than one near death experiences, Chiara was more than confident of how she felt for the ultra.
"While you're right on that one, how about you poke at my none existent love life after we finish this." Now she did have a point.
The place that they were headed to was about two hours away from where they left. Normally, magical transportation pads are used to get around from one place to another. But the pad at that place had been destroyed during that day.
Since dealing with the aftermath of that day was hard enough for her Chiara, being the only who could decide what to do next about that place, kept putting off making plans of what to do. Which is why the pad there had never been repaired up to this day.
Abandoning it felt wrong and horrible. Yet there was always something holding her back from not only getting the job done, but finally starting it. Be it a mission or most of the time, herself. Which she now realizes is coming back to bite her since they'll sure be having a hard time finding anything under all the rubble. _________________________________________
"Dont give up so easily!...."
"The thing with liking someone is...It might hurt a lot."
"But...it makes you happy just being near the person you like."
"Meeting someone like that is amazing!"
"So... you can't leave them..."
"No matter what happens!"
"If you really like that girl,then go and see her now!"
"Standing around here and doing nothing won't get you anywhere!...."
Those were the words said,or more like yelled, by Geed's human friend amd AIB agent from earth, Moa. The words of wisdom came when a monster was throwing a tantrum just because the girl he likes was being distant. Back then,Zero thought the situation itself was ridiculous.
But now he can see that it's coming back to bite him. If a monster could man up and admit his feelings then why couldn't he? The words Chiara uttered before vanishing kept playing in his mind.
"...I like you!..."
The feeling was mutual. She liked him back. According to Zett and the rest of the new generation, she has for a while now.
"You found anything Hikari?" Zero asked as he stepped into the Chief Scientist's lab. Earlier on, Hikari had done some tests on Zero's Ultimate Bracelet at the ultra's request. This was because right before she vanished, Chiara did something to it. Since then, it kept pulsing with her familiar energy so much that it was hard to ignore.
Did she cast some sort of protection spell? Or did it now hold the answers to finding her? Wherever she may be.
Unfortunately, Hikari had no definitive answer other then it being Chiara's magic. And he could only get a proper reading on magic using a piece of tech that he helped her develop. Hikari did most of the building whereas Chiara incorporated magic into it thanks to what she learned from her friend Tecna, a literal fairy of technology.
Using regular tech would only give them scrambled up results when used on magic. So, Chiara proposed on making a device that was compatible with magic. With it, they're now able to achieve clearer and more informative results using the tech they made. Although it didn't it help much with finding the fairy, it was still useful for their current problem. Which was the threat of Armadus looming over them.
Nera had been making herself known across the galaxy by taking lives and spreading Armadus's name. She kept marvelling on the fact that even though the first time was a failure, her darling will rise again. Within a short span of time, Armadus became a threat that was the same level as Belial.
All of a sudden, alarms were going of in the lab.The systems that the device was connected to showed warnings and high distress levels.
"What? What's going on?" Zero questioned, his voice nearly drowned in all the siren noises that were blaring. He followed Hikari's line of sight to two enlarged holo screens. One showed the outside of the M78 planet, seemingly empty with a few meteors passing by.
The other holo screen however had a big circle which symbolizes the planet. But on the left side of it were dozens of red dots slowly coming near it. Realizing what was happening,Hikari gravely uttered,
"It's an ambush!" _________________________________________
"You ready?"
Chiara nodded and with that, they made their way onto the grounds of her old family estate. The lush greenery and colourful flowers that once greeted guests were now withered and dried up. Small and large cracks covered the pavement of the walkway.Each step she took felt heavy. Chiara could hear echoes of her childhood all along their walk.
It took a while until they finally reached the threshold of the manor. Or rather, the ruins of it. They didn't know where or how to start. It seemed like even the slightest touch would cause more damage.
But Chiara knew this place well. Since going inside seemed very unlikely, they could start with other areas first. And there was one spot Chiara felt drawn to the most.
"Alright girls, we shou-" turning back Chiara found herself alone.
"Girls? Stella? Bloom? Tecna?" She called out to them. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. That's when she realised that the ruins they stood at just moments ago was no more.
In its place was an open field of green grass and colourful flowers. The eerie atmosphere was replaced with one that felt calm and lively.
Suddenly, a female figure passed right beside her. Her silver hair, longer than Chiara's, and flowing white dress momentarily covered her line of sight.
"Dear!" Said the woman as she approached a man in black robes. He too had long jet black hair. But not as long as the woman's. Hearing her voice, the man turned around. Chiara caught sight of his tense amber eyes that immediately softened once he laid eyes on the woman.
His small frown curved up into a gentle smile as he opened his arms to embrace the woman in white.
"I've missed you,Armadus..."
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I realised I don’t have a lot to do today, so I can get back to my S15 Holby rewatch!
One thing I wanted to say before I move onto the next episode though - while watching “How Lo Can You Go” the other day, I was thinking the actress playing recurring patient Aisha was brilliant, but I didn’t know her name. I thought “hm, when I finish the episode, I should look her up so I can say how good she is!”. I didn’t get round to that.
Anyway, I then found out from a HolbyTV tweet that, apparently, this actress was none other than... Salma Hoque! Yes, THE Salma Hoque, the woman who played Meena Chowdhury! How am I so prosopagnosic I didn’t even recognise her after seeing her as Aisha in multiple episodes?? I’ve always thought Meena was a good character who had a lot of potential, but now, after seeing how brilliant Salma was as Aisha, I’m even more convinced Meena deserved better material. It’s a shame she spent so much time tied up in the Gaskell story.
So, yeah, I found myself praising Salma Hoque without even knowing I was praising Salma Hoque. It also feels strange to think this means that Salma shared scenes with actors like Jing Lusi or Paul Bradley who had long since left by the time Meena arrived.
I’ve now finished telling my anecdote. Time to watch and liveblog S15E09 “Fault Lines”.
Edit 1: Oh, it’s a Nick Fisher episode. First one of his I’ve watched since the news, I think. :(
Edit 2: Sacha’s ex-wife’s new boyfriend is taking her on a trip to an ice hotel in Norway, according to a phone call that we only heard Sacha’s half of. I can’t lie - that sounds great, I may envy her a little bit.
Edit 3: Lmaooo, Christmas songs in theatre!!
Edit 4: Imelda is taking Lilah’s accusations towards Ric very seriously. Imagine if she’d been there when the real deal happened with Henrik and Sahira. Maybe Henrik actually would’ve had to face consequences then. Sigh.
Edit 5: Albie the married barman (you’ll never guess what pub he works at 😉) who’s been sleeping with Mo has just turned up, with his wife who’s been brought in as a patient. :|
Edit 6: Okay, so Albie’s wife actually knows he’s sleeping with Mo! Still, I don’t think Mo should be handling this case. It’s way too personal. It’s unfair to expect her to treat Albie’s wife, given the... complicated circumstances. For once, I agree with Jonny - Jac or someone should be handling this instead.
Edit 7: “We raised businesses, not children.” is a great (and very sad) line. The actress delivered it perfectly, too.
Edit 8: I love Chantelle.
Edit 9: Mo, seriously, you really shouldn’t be treating Albie’s wife, for your own sake.
Edit 10: I do love Ric.
Edit 11: Poor Malick, dragged into the Ric vs. Lilah situation.
Edit 12: The Lilah and Ric situation is actually quite interesting, I’d heard of the storyline but I didn’t know it was this complicated. It’s a very grey area. Lilah’s obviously wrong in her claims that Ric made her fail the exam because she didn’t sleep with him again, but on the other hand, Ric shouldn’t have slept with his mentee and he definitely shouldn’t have taken over from Malick doing her exams in an attempt to try and make her pass just because he fancied her. I wouldn’t call it harassment, which is what Ric is being accused of, but it was definitely majorly unprofessional on his part. Nothing he should lose his job over (I can’t say that for Henrik’s treatment of Sahira...), but worth a slap on the wrist. Lilah regretting making the accusations is also an interesting angle.
Edit 13: The situation with Albie's wife is reminding me of Jac and it's making me sad.
Edit 14: Malick snarking at Imelda 😂
Edit 15: The patient thinking Chrissie was married to Michael 🤣
Edit 16: Ric is on the list of characters (alongside the likes of Stevie Nash) who have faced more consequences for a false accusation of sexual harassment than Henrik ever did for actually sexually harassing Sahira. :/
Edit 17: Albie brushing his wife’s hair one last time... ow. The fact that it’s so reminiscent of Henrik brushing John’s hair out of his face in “One Of Us” makes it even sadder.
Edit 18: We're near the end of the episode, so I'm guessing Lilah retracts her accusation soon?
Edit 19: That scene with Mo and Albie was lovely.
Edit 20: No last-minute retraction from Lilah, Ric actually left?! Okay, I have no idea how this is going to be resolved.
In other news, Luc’s going to be spending Christmas with Sacha and Chrissie. I hope we get to actually see that. It sounds hilarious.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Hi hello I'm on my semi-annual re-read of Worm-but-only-arc-12 through 19, and I needed to talk about my favorite moment which is during the lull in the echidna fight when Brian goes catatonic and Taylor asks Aisha to take him home but aisha wants to stay and Taylor asks if aisha wants taylor to do it instead. I don't have the quote pulled up but taylor says something to herself along the lines of 'I wouldn't want to but I would leave if I have to' and it's probably the most blatant moment of self deception in the series because Taylor would never, never never walk away she's in so fucking deep in so many ways and I always wonder how Taylor would have twisted the situation to stay if aisha had asked her to go, how she would have justified her choices. Because Taylor fundamentally is someone who acts and then rationalizes her actions and uses that to not interrogate herself and like, does she know on some level? Did she say this knowing that she was never going to have to make that choice? Is this something she thinks she believes or is this something she's saying in the moment to make herself feel good about her actions. Anyway good morning and Taylor Hebert is my favorite character in media, she needs therapy
You know, purely by coincidence I actually re-read this sequence yesterday, and I had the exact opposite takeaway; I think Taylor was being completely earnest about this and absolutely would have walked away for Grue's sake if Aisha had forced the issue.
Taylor has this throughline of, when the chips are down, behaving self-consciously selfishly to keep her loved ones alive, even if it cuts against the greater good she otherwise often pushes for. You see this in Shatterbird's initial attack; Taylor wrestles with whether to warn her Father (and the other civilians) of Shatterbird's impending attack, or whether to go all out in trying to kill Jack and maybe stop the end of the world; in the absense of surety she chooses the "selfish" option of making sure her father is okay. You see this in Gold Morning, when, during a hectic firefight, she chooses to try and save one of Rachel's dogs instead of a more morally valuable human combatant, admitting all the while that this is the selfish choice.
And Boy howdy does she exhibit this with Grue specifically. When he gets freezered, she refuses to euthanize him even though there's a strong argument to be made that this is the pragmatic and merciful choice out of all the options they have available; hell, mounting any kind of rescue mission at all is probably not the most pragmatic strategy. During Gold Morning, at the height of her rationalization and optimization, and when she believes that Grue has cut himself off from her life to the greatest extent possible, she still spares some drones to keep eyes on the cabin she thinks he's in. The idea of a relationship with Grue, having a family and raising kids, is something that gives her serious pause when it comes to her plan to surrender herself to PRT custody.
So yeah, I think this scene is one where Skitter is, rather than deluding herself, actually being honest about her priorities and what she values; and this is after a couple sequences in the aftermath of Brian's second trigger where she's kinda goal-and-problem-oriented to the detriment of their ability to get along. I do not interpret the Echidna fight as one that Taylor has a lot riding on personally, in comparison to the other do-or-die situations she's been a part of; in point of fact it comes after she's accomplished her goal of 9 arcs, it's something she throws herself into because it's there and it's a problem to solve, but this is the most rudderless in terms of a long-term plan that she's been the whole book. The heroes are present in force, and more are likely to come; no real Endbringer truce is in effect, The Undersiders are the only villains that showed up to help with this and they're half-expected to cut and run at some point anyway. Miss Militia is pretty likely to accept "Skitter had to leave to take care of Grue" when all the other Undersiders are still on the battlefield, as well; even further than that, the Cauldron reveal ultimately ends up recontextualizing Echidna as an in-house problem, a ball firmly in the Protectorate's court. if there was ever a fight I could see Skitter walking away from for her teammate's sake, it'd be this one.
(Man, it might be my shipping goggles, but I get the impression she really likes this guy or something.)
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im-sleepdeprived · 2 years
broken promises
Tumblr media
wc: 3.1k
pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: angst PACKED, mad mj, mentions of breakup
the audacity of this bitch.
little did you know that exact thought had crossed m.j.'s mind numerous times. 
it hurt her seeing you like this. the two of you had been friends for years, you had been with her through thick and thin. she couldn't believe peter would do this too you when you were the one who was so out of his league. when she always preached that she didn't have friends, she never counted you because you were more than a friend to her, she considered you a sister. and the fact that peter had spent weeks pining after her to finally set you two up just to treat you like this your whole relationship?
you were very popular at midtown tech, with teachers and students alike. people were just drawn to your warm and comforting personality, peter being one of them. your more social friends always found your friendship with the outcasts weird, but that's who you were. you couldn't exclude people just because they weren't high on society's (or just midtown tech) stupid social ranking.
"nothing?" m.j. asks even though she could already tell the answer by the look on your face.
you shake your head as she takes a seat next to you, "it's not even like he's not getting my messages, he's just leaving me on delivered."
you lean your head on her shoulder as she puts her arms around you. selfishly, you were thankful that m.j.'s girlfriend was out of town this weekend. as much as you loved Aisha, you don't know what you would've done if m.j. wasn't here to comfort you.
as the song neared its end, ned and betty find their way off the dance floor and steer towards you and m.j. .
"hey y/n," betty says hopefully. ned, however, has a distraught look on his face. he knew peter wasn't going to show up.
"he hasn't replied," m.j. informs her with a harsh tone in her voice but you all knew it wasn't directed at betty herself, rather at your boyfriend who seemed to be doing this a lot with you lately.
sure you knew peter was a busy person when you got together, he always had outstanding grades which made you think he probably studies all the time, not to mention the stark internship that had been his most frequent excuse for missing dates these past few months and even before you two were even a thing.
"let's go freshen up in the bathroom, yeah?" betty looked at you with a pitiful look, and god how you hated it. that's all everyone seemed to be doing lately, the barista at the coffee shop where peter was supposed to meet you a few days ago (but of course he couldn't make it and you were stuck there for an hour and a half waiting), you're friends whenever you told them about peter failing to show up to activities he planned, and, hell, even the chaperones at the dance right now. they all knew how peter had a little (a LOT) trouble managing his time and how your relationship was suffering the consequences of his actions.
you nodded, anything to get away from all these happy couples and lurking eyes.
the bathroom was empty except for you, m.j., and betty. you were surprised there weren't more girls in here. weren't school bathrooms always filled with girls during dances, some crying about being stood up (that seemed to be your place this time) and others gossiping while applying lip gloss ? you were grateful nonetheless, not really needing people to focus on you at the moment.
when you heard betty and ned's song playing from the speakers, you gave betty a look that basically said that just cause you didn't have a date doesn't mean she just gets to forget hers. of course, she objected at first but upon your insistence, she caved but not without apologizing at least 20 times.
just you and m.j. now.
"i really thought he was gonna show up this time," you whispered looking down at the back of your hands that we're resting on the bathroom counter. you didn't have to look up to see m.j.'s angry face, you could just feel the anger radiating off of her. you felt bad for depriving her of this high school experience but you knew she would never leave you alone and you appreciated that.
"what makes it different than any other time?" she sneered and you knew she probably meant it as a rhetorical question but you actually had an answer for that.
"it was different this time, i promise." you said, just wanting her to believe you.  "he was so sure that he was gonna make it and he was gonna be here, that it wouldn't be like the other times," you ignored her eye roll at that last part. you hoped for peter's sake he never got stuck alone with m.j. cause after tonight, she would kill him as soon as she could get her hands on him.
"he was so sincere that i REALLY, truly, honestly thought he was gonna be here," which is why it just hurt so much more.
you had stayed over at peter's later today than usual, you had something to talk to him about. you both sat out on his fire escape, legs dangling in the air, backs to a brick wall. the new york breeze was chilly but you didn't mind, you always liked the cold.
"so about today," you trailed off, not really knowing how to say what you wanted to say.
peter grinned, "did you like it?"
you smiled softly at the memory. today peter had asked you to homecoming in a rather extravagant way, not that you were complaining. he had filled your locker to the brim with buds your favorite flower and chocolates. as soon as you opened your locker, they all spilled out cueing the choir group to surround you and serenade you with "ours" by taylor swift (peter knew you were a sucker for anything having to do with taylor). while they were singing peter came from behind you and tapped your shoulder holding a sign that read: "go to homecoming with me and we'll make the night OURS" you had laughed at his pun while nodding and jumped up hug him.
and as much as you loved the gesture, you weren't really sure if you could believe him.
"yeah of course i loved it, i loved it so much but, peter," you looked at him with sad eyes and he swore he felt his heart crack. he hated seeing you like this knowing it was his fault.
"peter i'm not gonna let you ask me to homecoming and then stand me up in front of the whole school, it's just too embarrassing." you looked away not really able to look him in the eyes anymore.
to say he felt terrible was an understatement. he knew he didn't treat you right, not at all. someone who promised dinner at 7 and then enters the restaurant at 10 wasn't really boyfriend material, now was he?
"sweetheart, i know i haven't been there like i should be and i am so so sorry. you don't deserve that. but i can promise you that i will make it to homecoming and nothing anyone could ever do would stop me. i mean, who asks a girl to something and doesn't show up?"
"you," you deadpanned, “literally, all the time.” a small smile started tugging at your lips at how quickly his expression fell.
"oh shit, damn it," he muttered and you laughed.
"tell you what," he said picking up his hand and sticking out his pinky, "y/n y/l/n, i pinky promise that i will take you to homecoming and make it one of the best nights of your life."
you sighed dramatically, "i mean i don't know pete, the best night of my life was probably the night taylor surprise-dropped 'folklore' and i don't know if you can beat that. in fact, i doubt it." but he could tell by the look on your face that you were joking.
"i mean, can't blame you, that was an amazing album," he shrugged
"oh my god i know right!" your face lit up glad he agreed.
you lifted your pinky to meet his that was still waiting for yours. "peter parker, i believe you but if you break this promise i don't know what i'll do." but the look in your eyes told him exactly what you were gonna do and that just made him more sure that he'd make it
he leaned in slowly, resting his forehead against yours. he kissed your nose making you scrunch it up "don't worry babe, i wouldn't miss it for the world."
and for once you actually believed him, you believed he'd make it and you two would be fine.
how wrong you were.
you picked up your phone to see if he'd replied while m.j. just stared at you. she knew you been swallowing back tears all night. she knew you hated crying in front of people, hated being vulnerable. she knew you loved peter but she also knew you how you hated how he was dragging you along. she knew she didn't even have to chew him out for doing this because you would (that wasn't going to stop her though), you would never let a boy use you. she was aware of how much you and peter loved each other and for once m.j. really didn't know what was gonna happen next.
"are you sure you're gonna be okay ?" m.j. asked, giving you a worried look. you gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded. "i'll be fine m.j.," you replied dragging out 'fine' making sure she understood. she still looked unsure.
her phone dinged again, making you nervous. m.j.'s mom was waiting for her outside and you knew you were lucky she let her stay this long. you didn't need to get on her mom's bad side.
"we can take you home mom really won't mind i-," you cut her off mid-sentence. "m.j. really, i just need to stay a bit longer." you couldn't when peter hadn't shown up yet. you had to talk this out with him and you wanted to do it here when the hurt was still fresh and you wouldn't just forgive him because you forgot how bad he hurt you. a bouquet of flowers and a box of your favorite chocolates weren’t gonna buy your forgiveness. 
and if he didn't show up you’d march straight to his apartment and convince may to let you wait for him until he got home from whatever it was keeping him away this long. 
she looked like she was about to protest but when her phoned dinged yet another time, even she knew she had to go. you handed her her clutch (you chose it for her to match her dress) while she pulled you into a hug.
"i'm so sorry y/n, you don't deserve this," she said quietly. you just sighed, your chin resting on her shoulder. "call me when you get home?"
you pulled back, "of course i will, now go i don't need your mom to think i'm a bad influence on you." she laughed at that, knowing damn well that you could never be a bad influence on anyone. if anyone was a bad influence in this friendship, it was her.
it took a lot of convincing (even though she still didn't believe you) but m.j. left you alone and went home. you were the only one here anymore except mr. sloane, the janitor, who was sweeping the floors of glitter, confetti, food, you name it.
after about 45 minutes of waiting after m.j. left, you had given up hope that he was still coming. it was so late that he probably thought you were home by now.
your parents were texting you asking where you were and you lied and said you decided to grab some food with peter and the gang. you weren't going to tell them the truth, letting them assume he was with you the whole night. he had already been extremely (or completely absent) to a lot of events that involved your parents, leaving a bad impression with them and you didn't want them to think anything bad about him.
the way you were still defending him baffled you.
finally, you decided enough was enough. you stood up grabbing your purse and waving goodbye to mr. sloane. the hallways were completely empty. it was so weird being in school at this time. the only sound being your heels clicking with each step you took and the occasional sound of lights flickering.
while you were finally beginning to reach the door (was the hallway always this long?) it burst open making you jump back revealing the last person you expected to see.
here he finally was in all his disheveled hair-loose tie-rolled up sleeves-glory, panting as if he'd just run a hundred miles to get here. peter fucking parker.
you weren't really sure what you were feeling at that moment. it was a mix of things really. anger, disappointment, hurt, all of those of course, but honestly? you couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of admiration because no matter how messy he looked, peter was nothing below breathtaking. however, you would never admit that that thought still managed to cross your mind after what he pulled tonight. 
he met your eyes with his wide ones filled with regret. "y/n, please let me i can ex-," you cut off his stuttering voice, "peter, no." you said firmly holding a hand up and you saw his face fall.
"peter, do you know how many times i've had to put up with these kinds of things since i've been with you?"
"y/n i know i-," he rushed, only to be cut off by you again. "no you don't know peter! i was always there for you no matter what so you don't know what it's like to be let down so many times by the one person you trust the most." he was quiet at that, he knew that was true. "you don't know how sometimes when i just couldn't handle the rejection and hurt, i didn't even bother inviting you to things, but i'd always makeup excuses and defend you to my family and friends." you said softly.
ouch. he did not know that.
"i'm so tired of this whole one-sided relationship peter, it can't be easy on you when you clearly don't want this and it's DEFINITELY not easy on me."  
his heart broke at your words because how could you think he didn't want this? this was the best thing to ever happen to him and it was just starting to hit him that his carelessness might cost him everything.
"y/n i am so so sorry. i tried so hard but i got caught up with...," he trailed off. he couldn’t tell you about spider-man. that’d be too dangerous and risky, he would never risk your life like that.
you tried to give him the chance to at least tell the truth for once in your relationship but he stayed silent. "the stark internship?" you finished for him, knowing by the look on his face that you were correct.
"you know peter i don't want to force anything on you, maybe you're just not ready for relationship commitment y'know and i don't want you to feel like you have to keep this going on if you don't want to i'll-," it was his turn to cut you off now. "no, no no no no. it's not that at all. this," he gestured between the two of you, "is all i want. i promise that, come on sweetheart you've got to believe me." his voice cracked a little a the end but he didn't care about any of that. all he cared about was keeping you.
"you promised," you looked down as you whispered, sure that if you raised your voice the slightest, you'd choke on the tears you were holding back. "you said you'd be here no matter what. and i know it's stupid but, hell, you even pinky promised."
you looked up to drink in his features, eyes red, rimmed with tears, cheeks and nose tinged with a rosy color but not the kind you loved. not the kind you anticipated when you flirted a little extra with him, no, this time it just made you feel even more hurt inside. peter crying was a sight that never failed to make you worry. this time you caused it though. or was it him? who even knows anymore.
"y/n, sweetheart, i-," he reached his hand out to cup your cheek but when you took a step back he could've sworn his knees were going to give out and he was going to fall on the hallway tiles.
"i'm sorry peter," you said, voice shaky, "i really hope you get everything sorted out and you find someone who's gonna make you so happy. and i’m really sorry that it couldn’t be me." you cleared your throat, trying to keep the tears in till you left but failing and having them fall down onto your cheeks like mini waterfalls.
you walked past him and towards the door pushing it open and walking into the brisk new york air, hailing a cab. leaving peter standing both motionless and speechless in the hallway. how was he going to tell you that he would've sorted everything out for you in a heartbeat, that he should've sorted everything out when you first got together. how was he going to tell you that you already made him the happiest he's ever been.
he couldn't tell you any of those things now because it was too late. he had his time and he wasted it, thinking like some idiot that you would stick around forever. he couldn't take back all the pain he'd already made you feel, all the hurt he'd caused. he was spider-man for god's sake, he'd save so many things, so many people. but he couldn't save the one thing that mattered most to him, you.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
if you had to like,,, "shuffle" the canon winx couples outside of what u did with the redux, as in keep them straight (rip), how would u do it
anon are you in discordix this was a question there a couple weeks ago
as for an actual answer, I HAVE thought about this before! So I'll take this chance to go deeper into them:
Flora/Riven: Flora simply has massive "I can fix him" vibes, but also soft girl x broody boy is a classic for a reason. I also feel because of this they would be a bit more stable than the rest? DEFINITELY more stable than their respective canon couples lmao, but that's not saying much. I still think they would have some drama tho (both are passive aggressive and keep their emotions bottled) but it would never reach the levels MuRi's forced to deal with.
Musa/Timmy: I just think they would be really chill I guess! I feel Timmy would lead Musa to maybe calm down a bit more (especially early Musa, who was intense from time to time) and Musa would lead Timmy to be more assertive in her own way. It essentially has the same vibes as Musa/Tecna, but straight, and that's why I think it would work decently well.
Bloom/Nabu (then Roy and Nex): what is MORE protagonist-y than having three love interests? /j. Now being real, I feel Nabu and Bloom have a lot of things they could bond over, especially with Bloom being between wanting the royal life and utterly dreading it and Nabu being raised in nobility and (based on his reactions and attitude about the arranged marriage) not quite loving it. Also we could have gotten Bloom going feral in S4 and tell me that wouldn't have been awesome. Roy would work well as a rebound kinda deal and then I do think Nex would go well with her somehow? I think it's the similarities he has with both Sky and Riven. But yeah I think these could work kinda.
Aisha/Sky: they would bond over not really wanting royal life but still being dedicated to their kingdoms and knowing that the alternative of them not becoming regents is worse, and both know how it's like to deal with overbearing parents. It would definitely cause chaos in both realms, but I think they wouldn't really give a fuck about it.
Stella/Helia: listen. listen. they're both equally dramatic to a certain point. it would be insufferable for everyone else but amazing for them - the endearingly annoying fashionista and the slightly pretentious artist? together? oh my god no one would survive and it would be glorious.
Tecna/Brandon: now here we have a classic nerd/jock pair, and I think it would work decently fine between them - they're somewhat similar in personality. they're absolutely the least strong of the pairs but hey, if it kinda works I'm satisfied lmao.
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charmixpower · 3 years
Explaining my slow descent into Winx Club best friend madness that I fell into two days ago, and now bothering me enough to make a post abt;
I don't think I mentioned this when I was live blogging s2 but in (I think) the ep Twinning Witches (which could have been used to flesh out some nice witch side characters but I digress) Griffin said that she put them in the worse groups based on friendship/personality
Bloom and Tecna
Stella and Musa
Flora and Aisha
This was my thought process upon receiving this information
Firstly I thought the most obvious choice for the worst team work would be Stella and Aisha, but then I realized that despite Stella accidentally excluding Aisha I don't think their teamwork would be that bad? Like Aisha wouldn't fight with Stella? I honestly think they'd just be really uncomfortable but they wouldn't of dropped the ring like Stella and Musa. I felt like genuinely the moment the got a moment alone together would be the moment they started getting along, and yeah that literally happened. Like they have a lot in common? It's really just Aisha's hypersensitivity due to trauma and Stella's obviousness coming into conflict. One conversation cleaned that up, on the other hand
The more I think about Stella and Musa not getting along the best the more I agree. Honestly they both deal with crippling abandonment issues in the exact opposite way. Stella trying to prop up an over exaggerated personality as happy and fun loving as possible so people stick around and Musa doing the exact opposite of projecting her real personality as agressively as possible to keep people that might leave her away. I also feel like Musa coped with having no friends at school by becoming a teacher's pet, and Stella did the opposite of becoming the class clown, and Musa's snitch tendencys and Stella's blase attitude often come into conflict like over the test answers. Musa seems to care more than she lets on and Stella tends to over exaggerate the importance of things she knows doesn't matter in an attempt to ignore the things really bothering her. I agree that these two would struggle in their friendship at times!
Flora and Aisha I wasn't expecting but it makes sense? I think Aisha's mix of anxiety and over confidence that she constantly moves between would literally force Flora to take a more active role in what ever their doing and I think that would just be very stressful for Flora. Mostly bc Flora seems very conflict resistant? I think Flora being so slow to act would slightly make Aisha's anxiety worse? From experience when you get random bursts of confidence you need to cling to those or else you get trapped in fear. I think Flora would read these bursts of confidence as recklessness (and she's not wrong) and try to slow Aisha down, unaware that that was one of the few means of not being terrified all the time. That and Aisha would definitely mirror Flora, and Flora would absolutely loath the leadership role this places her into.
Bloom and Tecna genuinely surprised me? Mostly bc the show apparently decided that Bloom would randomly take offense to Tecna's gadgets and that's just dumb. Bloom had never had a problem with Tecna's technology. Honestly this would of made more sense if Tecna's casual bluntness hurt Bloom's feelings? Bc Stella says thing carelessly that she doesn't mean, I think it would be easy for people to brush of her more rude comments bc she's a bit of a ditz. While when Tecna says something rude, she means it, she just isn't soically aware of what she's saying enough to know she's being rude? Tecna needs to be around people who are unbothered tbh. That and I think Tecna would grate against Bloom taking the leadership role the most??? I feel like Tecna sees Bloom as the least qualified member to lead, and she's not exactly wrong. Sure Stella lazy, but she has a weird amount of combat experience. Bloom on the other hand is a fish out of water in this new world, and Tecna is probably so confused as to why the only person who never knows what's going on ended up as their defacto leader. I think a cute resolution to this would be Tecna realizing she's the leader bc she listens to all of them and remembers their perticualr strengths to use them them best (in battle). Bloom's anxious slightly confused nature and thin skin would naturally come into conflict with the blunt queen I don't make the rules.
Taking that Stella and Bloom are best friends for granted
Since the show outright states that Aisha and Flora get along badly that would leave the other best friend to be either
Aisha and Musa and Flora and Tecna
Aisha and Tecna and Flora and Musa
And since Aisha and Musa have a full episode dedicated to their friend ship I was like "Ok! Case closed! The pairs inside of this friend group are Stella and Bloom, Flora and Tecna, and Musa and Aisha!"
Bc it makes sense?? At least to me?
Aisha and Musa have a episode dedicated to their friendship and how much they care about eachother and it's super cute and I love it. But also I think they are very similar? They both feel like outsiders, they both struggle to connect to people and (unlike Tecna) they really care about what people think and deeply want to be close to someone? Plus both of them are the some of the most dedicated characters in the Winx club. I am convinced that Musa and Aisha are ride or dies. Like Ashia goes to rob something for a girl she barely knows and Musa is always first to defend her friends. I remember at first Musa was more hesitant to help the other Winx before she knows them well but after that she's covering Stella's tracks when she's on a war path. Aisha, Stella, and Musa make up team "How do you want your ex's life destroyed?? We got a list of options."
Flora and Tecna at first caught me off guard but I definitely see it. Mostly bc of Chemistry major Flora doing experiments with mad scientist Tecna. Plus while their both smart I think Flora would never get annoyed at Tecna not getting as high as grades as she could (bc Tecna doesn't have the highest grades of the Winx? But she seems to know everything so I'm assuming that the girl is just an ADHD mood and doesn't do her homework). Plus I think Tecna would be able to make decisions for them both, taking leadership stress off of Flora, without steamrolling her. I mean Flora is willing to tease and mock Tecna without getting overly worried so they must have some type of rapport going on. Plus Flora being able to keep Tecna grounded in the emotional side of things bc Flora has a lot of emotional intelligence and would be able to explain why these emotions happen and why their important and I genuinely think that would be really nice for Tecna who struggles with them
But then I saw Musa be the most upset over Tecna's death, I low key assumed that we'd finally be seeing some anger from Flora bc she's v underutilized, then I saw the wiki fucking list Musa and Tecna as best friends and Flora and Aisha as best friends?????
And I'm going absolutely feral
The ones explicitly stated to make a bad pair??? Is Winx club actively fucking with me????
Not only do Musa and Aisha have a lot of on screen friend moments, I don't think Aisha and Flora interact out side of Flora hanging onto Aisha when on the hover bikes!!!!
I just?? They're trying to convince me that Musa and Tecna we're best friends even though Musa explicitly states that she sometimes feels left out of the Winx club (implying that she didn't have a best friend within the group) only to say this???
Even their order of introduction implies that Musa and Aisha should be best friends, Bloom then Stella then Flora then Tecna then Musa then Ashia!
I was utterly flabbergasted
Anyways 🙈 me at the Wiki bc why would Musa be feeling left out and get all these cute moments with Aisha if she had a best friend in Tecna, I'm losing my mind
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messymindofmine · 3 years
I know a lot of people were upset about Sam's character in S4 and that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I just feel like the way she was in S4 is actually how she's been since she's been since beginning. When she and her friends did a hit and run on Johnny's car, she kept her mouth shut. Yes, I know she wasn't actually the one driving and she did say she felt bad but that doesn't change the fact that she remained silent. And yeah, she's a teenager and was afraid of getting into trouble but that still doesn't change the fact that she did something wrong. And then when she did get into trouble (if you can even call it that given the gravity of what she did), not once did she show any remorse for her actions. Instead she threw a tantrum because her mother took her technology away. Amanda didn't even make her apologize to Johnny which is the very least a lot of other parents would do. It was one thing for Sam to be upset about not being able to contact Miguel but the fact that she didn't even feel bad about what she did speaks volumes. She also ha d no problem helping bully Aisha despite being her friend. It's all very well to feel bad after but Aisha was her friend and Sam knew she was already being bullied and not only did nothing go stop it but actually took part in it. Aisha had every reason to not forgive her for it but she did anyway. And that therein is the problem. Whatever Sam does is almost instantly forgiven. Not once does Sam ever actually have to deal with the consequences of her actions and if someone even tries to hold her accountable, she pitches a tantrum. She went after Robby knowing he liked her and while I do believe she did kind of like him too, she knew she was hung up on Miguel and chose to pursue him anyway. And then when she got jealous of Miguel and Tory, she didn't even bother actually talking to Robby first. She continued to lead him on and then kissed Miguel in front of him. And then when she went to Robby at the skatepark in S4, she didn't even bother apologizing for what she'd done. Instead she proceeded to talk about herself and what she wanted the whole time. And then she had the sheer gall to say to Robby during the prom fight "you think I broke your heart? Well you broke mine too." There are actually two things wrong with this. First, the fact that she is still thinking more about herself than she is about the person she hurt. Second, she says "think" instead of "I broke your heart". The wording here is important because it continues to show the lack of self-accountability on Sam's part. It's not even just that she isn't remorseful, she truly doesn't even seem to think she did anything wrong. And she continues this during the AVT as well with her constant self-righteousness. This isn't even me hating on Sam, I'm just pointing out what's actually there in the show itself. And it's fine for fans to be upset but I'm just saying that I don't find her character in S4 to be any different from how she's been since the beginning
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snarky-art · 3 years
So this user, fairyof-irrelevanttruths, complained about in a post how you draw Aisha because it's more dark than canon...
Thanks for the heads up! I checked their post out and I think I get what they’re saying, and if I have enough complaints from bipoc I’m happy to change it. I also totally agree with the post about how black people with lighter skin are just as valid too for their experiences. I know colorism also is a huge thing of discussion too when it comes to the experiences of being a person of color.
I did set out with the intention of doing it to have more darker skinned black characters in media since I didn’t see that many in the shows I watched growing up. Living in the US and being white myself, it also wasn’t a thing I was actively aware of for a long time until coming back to rewatch the shows I enjoyed when I was younger with more knowledge of racism, colorism, and the way it permeates everything, media included.
I know that Aisha is a character who’s black coded, but I also know the show was made by a guy from Italy in the early 2000s where representation, while surprisingly good for winx club those things considered, still had a ways to go, so it was done with good intentions on my end. BUT, that doesn’t necessarily mean it was the right choice, and like I said if it’s upsetting to a lot of bipoc, I’m more than happy to change things to fit better what they want. That’s the very least I can do.
I changed a lot of the skin tones for the characters in my thing too, but I understand that when it comes to characters that have darker skin, that’s obviously a big deal because of the history and current practices of white washing and fetishization they experience.
So yeah! Thanks for the heads up. I’m gonna leave her color palette as is for now but if it’s a concern that is shared by more bipoc who have seen or interacted with my work, I’ll change it.
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floralovebot · 3 years
I'd love to read more about what you think about how often they get in trouble! And since you said Riven would get flack for Musa's songs, do you think he'd get flack for having dated Darcy?
Fair warning, this is a bit long!
So, for the Winx, I said that most to least likely to get in trouble was Musa, Stella - Bloom, Flora, Tecna, and then Aisha. And for the Specialists, I said Riven, Sky, Brandon, Helia, and then Timmy. Again, I do think who's the most hated greatly depends on the planet and culture, so how often they get into trouble also depends on this (for instance, Stella having a more laid back approach to certain things may get her in trouble on Zenith, but not on Solaria).
Musa: The classic problematic. It's not that she's a bad person, she's just in the news a lot. Sometimes it's about another heartbreak song, sometimes it's about a fight she had with Riven in public, sometimes it's about her dry humor and sarcasm being interpreted as mean, and other times it's about some vague tweet she wrote and never deleted. She advocates for a lot of good stuff and definitely uses her platform to try and change things so she's not the worst celebrity out there, but she also tends to speak before she knows everything and that can occasionally be a problem. She fiercely defends the others when they get into trouble and constantly vagues "news sources" (aka drama sites) so people still view her as a little negative by proxy. (Also, some people think her being a fairy of music gave her an unfair advantage in the music industry and that she isn't actually talented.)
Stella - Bloom: I'm putting them on the same level because I think they're both fairly similar in how often they get into drama. As princesses who often get involved in things, their every movement is under scrutiny. Stella handles it a lot better than Bloom due to her media training and being watched since she was young.
Bloom usually tries to stay out of the negative spotlight but that often makes her seem avoidant of important issues. She does speak up about things but it's usually after days of editing and rewriting her words so she gets accused of only talking about something because people wanted her to. She also tends to get nervous answering anything about politics or Domino so that makes people reluctant to listen to her words. Then there's the obvious drama with Sky. While they aren't as public as Rivusa, things get out quickly and when they're in a heated moment they tend to forget about their surroundings. People from Eraklyon tend to hate both of them because Bloom is "too loud and angry and just being rude" and Sky is "forgetting his place and rising to the challenge, not a great sign for a future king". On the flip side, Bloom has saved the magical universe multiple times and continues to do so. Basically, she's one of those celebrities that you either really love or really hate.
Stella is another classic problematic! Again, it's not that she's a bad person, she just gets noticed a lot. People accuse her of being classist and ignorant just because she's royalty. They also hate whenever she spends a lot of money on things like clothing and makeup because it's seen as a wasted expense (since most of her money pre-S3 was coming from her parents). People absolutely see her as a spoiled brat that can't read the room and doesn't deserve to be queen. Stella often tries to prove those ideas wrong in very subtle ways because she knows outright denying them would only further the problem. But just like the others, she spends a lot of time advocating for the good and for the better. She also cares deeply about her friends and it's obvious to everyone, even the people that hate her. So while she is in the news a lot, most people can see through it and support her. But she does still get into trouble for her shopping sprees. Her spending a lot of money on things is largely why people sometimes have trouble being on her side. It's almost always seen as a spoiled princess move and a large factor in why people think she's classist and/or ignorant.
Flora: Flora is interesting because a lot of people initially assume that because she's a very shy and nice girl that she won't get into any drama. So it's a complete surprise when she argues with people online and starts calling people out. She's often fighting for the right thing and she rarely gets her facts wrong, but people hate getting called out and they hate it when someone they think should be quiet and nice goes to town on their ass. Even the people that agree with her often think she's too aggressive in her replies (while others think her tone is fine). Flora also isn't extremely open about her personal life outside of fighting crime with the Winx so that doubles her online persona as being just mean and "too political". People say that she should just stick to watering plants and leave the politics to the actual politicians. She responds by calling them hypocrites since they were just asking for celebrities to use their platforms. She gets called out for thinking she's a celebrity. She responds that she has a large platform and people follow her for her work. It's just a constant cycle and she never runs out of things to say (which isn't bad, but it always gets her into trouble). Tbh, I can also see the exact opposite where Flora just doesn't get involved in anything because she's too busy posting pictures of her plants and random dogs she sees but, I think eventually the need to defend her friends would win out and once she gets a little taste of activism, she wouldn't stand down (yknow how she constantly berates the Winx for wanting to attack the controlled animals? Basically like that. She has very strong moral opinions).
Tecna: I had some trouble with this because I almost wanted to put her last but overall I think her general personality would get her into trouble more than what happens with Aisha. Tecna is often blunt and she doesn't necessarily hide when she doesn't like something. So sometimes reporters will come up to her and ask her a question and she'll just hit them with an "I don't want to talk to you." and then walks away. Tecna doesn't see anything wrong with this because she views being honest to the media as relatively important as they could easily find out if she's lying through spying and technology. Overall, people just see her as a little too honest and she gets into trouble a lot with being open about not wanting to interact with fans a lot or being cautious about press.
Aisha: It's a bit surprising that a princess is the last on the list no? Andros has a very good handle on things like media and press, and while they definitely aren't controlling it by any means, most news sites know not to mess with them. They're very strict on things like personal boundaries and privacy and try to protect anyone who could be affected by the media (celebrities, online personas, royals, athletes, etc). Aisha also has the best media training out of all the Winx and is really good at knowing what to say and what to share. People know just enough about her social life through sns that they aren't constantly asking about it but not enough to try and cancel her for anything. She's almost seen as the goody-goody of the bunch since she just doesn't get into a lot of drama (and when she does it's handled extremely well).
Now the Specialists!
Riven: It's no surprise that he's first I mean cmon. With Musa being the most "problematic" of the Winx, Riven is bound to get his fair share of scrutiny. People absolutely judge him for having a past with Darcy. Although... I really don't think it would be the biggest factor. While he did genuinely like Darcy, she used magic on him multiple times to manipulate his thoughts and then later betrayed him. Riven wouldn't want to put unnecessary hate on all witches, but he'd also be mad enough to eventually allude to what actually happened (he'd never outright say it since it also hurts his pride). Most people accept that he got manipulated by Darcy and assume that the entirety of the relationship was based on that, which Riven doesn't like either, but trying to defend her wouldn't exactly help his case. On the other hand, the relationship he does get hated for is his relationship with Musa. Musa definitely shares the good and cute stories about them too, but her sad/angry heartbreak songs are always the ones that get remembered. People assume he's a lot worse than he actually is and whenever Musa or one of the others tries to defend him, they just assume Riven manipulated them into doing that. However, after S4, people get a lot more understanding of the relationship and there isn't as much hate towards him (he does still get called out for being a bit brutish though).
Sky: I almost put Sky as first, but then I remembered he's royalty and definitely has a PR team. Still, he gets into a lot of drama. The Diaspro/Bloom situation was blown out of proportion and every news site was reporting completely different things. To some, Sky is a dirty cheater that lied to his wife and got some random girlfriend, "who knows how many other girls he's talking to! Someone get his phone records with Stella". To others, Sky and Diaspro were happily engaged before homewrecker Bloom came in. And to others, Sky was just the prince trying to protect his identity and got wrapped into some catfight. No one knows what actually happened with them but a lot of people start to assume Diaspro was in the wrong once it's confirmed Sky is officially dating Bloom. They start actively hating her when she tries to magic her way into a relationship with him. And that's just the relationship stuff! Erakylon's politics are so weak and absolutely crumbling before our eyes. Sky would constantly get asked about specific things to try and break him and it doesn't help that the media sites from the other royal characters are the ones doing it.
Brandon: Is this ranking a bit surprising? Idk? But anyway, Brandon would literally just get hated by proxy. Most of his "drama" includes what's happening with Sky and/or Stella. If one of them is getting into trouble, then people are bringing him into it for absolutely no reason. Brandon knows more about Eraklyon and Solaria's political climates than he will ever need to know. While he doesn't have as much media training as Sky, he does have to follow some rules just so Sky doesn't get into trouble for what he says. That means he can't speak up about as many issues and he certainly can't constantly defend his friends from harsh words. He tries to get away with it by liking comments instead of making his own. It helps a little.
Helia: Helia gets into the same exact trouble that he gets into with the Winx fandom. He's quiet and he shares absolutely nothing about his personal life. He's an artist but he doesn't post about it nor does he talk about it. He avoids talking to the press and when he does its always vague answers that could mean anything. Helia cares a lot about Saladin and Red Fountain's image and we know that what he does affects said image. So he treads very carefully and doesn't involve himself in anything. However, this is largely what gets him into trouble. People hate that he's not open about anything and some even go to the extreme of thinking he's suspicious. While Saladin's legacy largely protects him from this, it doesn't protect him from the media and random people constantly asking about his personal life. Helia also rarely if ever defends the others online (1. as he almost never looks at it and 2. because he doesn't want to get involved). He comforts them and gives advice to their face but no one else sees that so people often call him things like "pretentious, two-faced, avoidant, etc". People are also weirdly suspicious about his relationship with Flora because "it can't be that good right? there's definitely something suspicious about them".
Timmy: Timmy's just a genuinely nice guy that rarely gets into trouble. He chooses his battles (so to speak) very wisely so when he does defend the others online, it's almost always something a majority of people will agree with. Almost all of his social media is about the latest in technology and gaming so he's pretty big in those crowds but most media sites can't really do anything with that. Sometimes people from Zenith see him as weird but they recognize that he's a good match for Tecna so they're okay with him. By the time all of the Specialists are truly in the spotlight, he's already gotten buffer and more confident so those issues from S1 wouldn't be a huge deal either. The others also speak highly of him so no one really doubts that he's a good specialist. For the most part, he just doesn't get into trouble and when he does it's always connected to someone else rather than something he alone said/did.
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
when you’re insecure ; preferences
warnings — body/weight insecurities, swear words, mentions of death, bit of angst??? bit of fluff???
characters — andy barber, steve rogers, ransom drysdale, jake jensen, bucky barnes, lance tucker, carter baizen, syverson, will shaw, august walker
a/n — so i read @gotnofucks’ drabble about how certain characters would react when the reader calls herself ugly and was inspired to write something similar to that ❤️ dont forget that you guys are beautiful and worth it!
their love language | with their little
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The utensils hitting the dishes was the only sound heard as Y/N and Andy ate in silence. The latter stealing glances at the girl; for he felt that there was something wrong. “I’m done eating,” Y/N declared, as she placed her hands under her chin and looked at Andy. Midbite, the lawyer had to pause and worriedly looked at her, “What’s wrong, honey?” Even though Y/N had an idea of what he wanted to know, she shrugged as she convinced him, “Nothing’s wrong.” Swallowing down his food, he was able to talk to her , “Honey, I know you well enough to know that there’s something going on in that beautiful mind of yours and a reason as to why you ate quickly.”
Feeling his warm hand grab onto hers, it was his silent way of coaxing her into confiding in him; that he was more than willing to listen to what she had to say. Taking a deep breath, she unconsciously found her hand squeezing Andy’s — as if finding the courage to say what’s bothering her. “I just don’t feel good,” she admitted, and before Andy could further pry for information she continued, “Like I’m gaining weight and it’s making me look ugly?” Shoulders sagging, Y/N sound defeated as she dismissed her own revelation, “It’s stupid I know, but you didn’t need to hear that.” Disagreeing with what she said, Andy rapidly shook his head, “It’s not stupid if it’s disappointing you,” Y/N could only offer a small smile with what he said, “If you feel as if the changes happening to your body are making you ugly, then I’m not doing my job to make you feel confident and beautiful.” She wanted to protest and say that there was nothing Andy could do to remedy the situation; but she knew better than to interrupt him when he was using his “lawyer” voice and reasoning. Lifting her hand up, he planted a kiss on her knuckles as he comforted her, “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I’ll do everything in my power to make you feel and see it.  You may not like the changes you see, but I think it just makes you even more breathtaking.”
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“It was absolutely crazy to see how Ilsa was more than willing to jump out of the chopper even though she knew her parachute was faulty,” August laughed out loudly upon recalling the events of the mission he’s just been to. They both were sitting on the couch, a glass of wine rested on Y/N’s hand while the other curled itself in August’s toned arm. Gulping down his beer, he shook his head as he once more at the recollection of what happened; upon seeing how the memory had such a positive impact on him, there were two thoughts lingering in her mind. The first one was that it was great to see August relaxed and happy. However, the envious part in her considered that perhaps she couldn’t always provide him with this joy — perhaps Ilsa could? “She really seems like a real package then huh?” Turning his head to her, August chuckled a bit even though the comment made him wonder with what she meant, “Yeah I guess you can say that.”
“Do you see you see yourself with someone like her?” If his confusion was just at the down low, August’s confusion could now be visibly translated through his furrowed eyebrows and shocked face, “What?” The simple question was just the surface of a web of follow-up questions he had, but he figured the time he spent with Y/N made her understand that he had a lot of questions that needed to be answered; and she did know what the simple question meant. “It’s just you seem so fascinated with Ilsa, so maybe she’s someone you want to settle down with. Someone who'll always make you feel excited and happy, I guess.” The beer bottle he was holding was placed down on the coffee table as he turned to her. “I don’t know how you came up with this analogy, but the only one I really see myself settling down with is you.” Y/N gasped out at his confession, her eyes were glossy as she felt overwhelmingly touched. “You think so, August?” Kissing her deeply, he spoke as his lips were against hers, “In this chaotic world I live in, you’re the only thing that keeps me sane and your love is something I surely do not deserve, but I’ll kill every bad guy if it meant I’d be worthy of it.”
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“What’s this sticky thing?” Bucky groaned in disgust at the gooey and slimy thing he touched as he was stroking the stomach skin underneath Y/N’s shirt. They both were watching a show they got hooked on, and the super soldier just loved feeling her skin any chance he got. “It’s a new cream I got,” Y/N informed him as she giggled at his disgusted expression; he suddenly thought it was a good idea to smell the foreign substance and was disappointed to find out it wasn’t the most alluring fragrance. “Why did you put that disgusting cream in your body?” The question seemed to disappoint Y/N as she moved slightly away from him and fiddled with her fingers. “Just felt like I should put some cream on my stomach,” Her explanation had Bucky even more confused than he previously was.
“Can you explain more, doll?” Upon saying this Y/N felt uncomfortable to open up what has been bothering her; but when she looked at Bucky he had this worried and soft look that made her do so anyway. “I’m just insecure about the stretch marks that I have there — so I thought why not buy a cream that removes it.” Bucky’s initial instinct was to hold his girlfriend close as he whispered, “I understand why you felt the need to do so love, I mean that’s how I felt for a long time with my scars,” As he mentioned that, he could feel Y/N nodding as she recalled instances where she caught him staring in the mirror with disgust at his wounds, “But what’d you do? You kissed them and reassured me how they’re a part of me; and that I’m not really as ugly as I make myself out to be.” Kneeling on the floor, Bucky raised her shirt and wiped off the lotion she had rubbed on herself, and began placing kisses on it, “You’ve reassured me multiple times on my scars, now it’s my turn to do the same for you.”
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“Damn Raiman is one badass chick,” Jensen whistled as he and Y/N were watching Black Mirror. As the said character was currently hellbent on getting the mission done, Y/N couldn’t feel uneasy with his comment. She knew about how initially her boyfriend had been attracted to Aisha; though she remains good friends with her, she still couldn’t help but compare herself with her boyfriend’s former crush. Turning her head to him, she could see how he was clearly enamored with the female soldier. But upon feeling her stare at him, Jensen looked at her and smiled, “What are you looking at huh?” Despite his teasing, Y/N couldn't find it in herself to reciprocate and continue the light-hearted banter. “You have a type, do you know that?”
The skin in Jensen;s forehead wrinkled in confusion, “A type?” Y/N nodded as she further explained, “You like women in the army, or at least those who aren’t afraid to go on dangerous missions.” Despite her explanation, it still did not satisfy the tech genius as he asked, “What?” She pointed to the screen where Raiman was currently shown on screen, “You like her and you were attracted to Aisha; so it really makes me think why you like me.” Finally putting the pieces together, Jensen could only chuckle at her analogy — not making Y/N feel better. After calming down, Jensen wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and kissed her forehead, “You have nothing to worry about, babe. I only liked Aisha because she was the first girl I talked to for a while; a shit excuse but yeah that’s really it. Raiman might be a badass but she sure lacks empathy. And I’m with you because you make me feel safe, loved, and appreciated. In fact you’re exactly my type.”
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Y/N and Sy had just finished eating but they haven’t left the dinner table yet as they both were engrossed in conversation which was made even more delightful as they sipped on some wine. “So what, you’d be willing to lay down your life when you were in duty?” Y/N knew how dedicated her boyfriend was; the medals hanging on their wall were evidence of it. Nodding, he first took a gulp of his drink before justifying, “What better way to go than by defending your country, I guess.” Placing her chin on her hand she then pried more, “But wouldn’t you rather stay alive and continue fighting for your country?” The former soldier couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle; he didn’t know why his girlfriend had this sudden interest in his purpose or motivation when he was in the army. “Fair point, but I don’t know I just wanted to go all out.”
Though his justification was incomplete, it gave her all the confirmation she needed that he was this man of so much dedication and love for his country he was more than willing to give his all. “I feel like I don’t deserve you,” She found herself sighing to him adoringly, which caused him to look at her as if she had told him unbelievable news. “What?” Was the only thing he could mutter because he never thought of that way and he always thought that it was him who didn’t deserve her due to what he’s seen and done. “I don’t know I just feel like you’re this incredible person who’s selfless and passionate. Seeing what you achieved in the army makes me feel so small when I’m next to you,” Y/N didn’t expect that she was able to confess this to her boyfriend as she feared he might dismiss her. But Sy was awed with how highly she thinks of him considering he frequently doubts himself. “I don't know how you were able to come up with that idea, but I can tell you that you do deserve me. You loved a man who is scared and someone who’s seen unspeakable horrors, yet decided that I was worthy of your love and affection. And honestly? I think your existence served as my guardian angel during my time on active duty.”
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“Angel, I’m home!” Lance announced as he shut and locked the door behind him, “Folding in the laundry!” Upon hearing where she was he then walked to where she was, seeing how she was folding clothes and pressed a kiss on his girlfriend’s forehead. “How was the training session?” Lance helped Y/N and grabbed folded clothes as they both made their way onto their bedroom. “It went great! Crystal did well in her flips and splits today,” As Lance went on about how their training session went well, Y/N could feel herself start to go down the spiral of insecurity. Unsure if she was able to mask it well, opted to nod along in silence. “Plus, her dance outfit came in today and it looks stunning! And it really looked good on her when she tried it on,” That remark of Lance’s was the final straw for Y/N as she walked out of their bedroom and moved to their ensuite bathroom.
Shocked by her sudden display of disinterest at their conversation, Lance followed her and waited after she was done splashing water on her face. “Are you alright, love? I’m sorry I got all excited about what happened today; what was your day like?” Instead of filling him in with what the day looked like for her, she dwelled on what he was rambling on, “Can’t blame you, sure seemed like you had the best day.” The gold medallist recognized that tone and choice of words and he called her out on it as he grabbed both her hands and turned her to face him, “Love, I know that what you said is sarcastic based on your tone and words; because if you haven’t noticed that’s how I converse with Hope,” Lance took it as a good sign that she chuckled which encouraged him to go on, “So I need you to tell me what’s bothering my beloved.” Her eyes looked at his, hoping that there was some other way she could tell it to him. But with his hands gently fondling hers, he somehow managed to coax her into speaking, “I just feel like it doesn’t matter what Crystal does but you’ll always be amazed with her. And it’s not just like today that you talk about her with so much admiration,” Despite feeling better since she voiced out her side, Y/N still felt silly about what she opened up about; Lance however found it helpful that she opened up about it. Pulling her into a tight hug, the gymnast rubbed her back comfortingly, “I’m so sorry for everything I did to make you feel that way. I promise to only speak highly of you and not any other girl out there.”
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“Can I help you with anything, Steve?” Y/N wondered as she walked in on the Captain’s office area in their home. Peeking his head up from the computer and paperwork he had, “Not unless you can help me decipher these messages of HYDRA officials?” He groaned out in frustration which made Y/N chuckle and shake her head, “I’m sorry I don’t think I’m smart enough for those.” Just before she walked away to grab him another cup of coffee she heard him mumble out, “What’s new? No one really knows this shit.” As she was heating the beverage, she tried to convince her not to be so offended with what he said. That it was probably the result of stress and dissatisfaction from the lack of progress talking. But she knew that hit close to him since it was something that she had always been insecure about. Pouring the hot liquid on a mug, she then walked back to where Steve was and give it to him.
“Here you go,” She placed the mug on his desk and was about to walk away when she felt her hand be pulled back. “Why don’t you come here and stay with me for a while?” She didn’t even have time to answer as the super soldier already was maneuvering her so she could sit on his lap. “I don’t know, maybe it would be better if you go do that smart thing you were attending to,” Steve was able to pick up that there was something off about what she said. “Is there a reason you’re speaking to me that way, darling?” And as Y/N shrugged her shoulders, the Captain had all the confirmation he needed to come to the conclusion that there was a reason for why she was acting this way. “I just feel like, I’m not smart enough to be with you,” Upon meeting Steve’s bewildered look, she then took it upon herself to explain more, “I’ll never be able to help you out with these missions and reports; so why are you settling for me and not someone who’s real knowledgeable about all this,” She ended her explanation by pointing at the the different documents Steve had laid out in his desk. Kissing her temple, Steve hugged Y/N tightly as if he wanted her to know that he didn’t have those doubts. “I don’t think that you’re not smart; just because you don’t know a whole lot about these doesn’t erase the fact about how incredibly intelligent you are about your field of work. And so what if you’re not knowledgeable about HYDRA? It’s better because you’re not tainted by the malicious acts they did. Being with you is not me settling; in fact, it’s me finally finding something I searched for and needed.”
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“Thank you so much, Melanie,” Y/N heard Will thank his assistant when she entered his office. As the aforementioned worker said it was no big deal as she exited the room to give the two privacy, Y/N announced, “I can come back later, bub, if you’re busy.” But her boyfriend shook his head as placed the files he was handed down on his desk, “Nonsense, come over here! I missed you.” And as they both shared a hug, they hugged tightly as if they were trying to explain how much they loathed having to spend time away from each other. “Brought you some lunch,” She placed the paper bag on his desk, careful not to stain any of his documents. “You shouldn’t have! I was just about to ask Melanie to grab some for us.”
Maybe it was the way her act of getting him food was easily dismissed; but the fact that he thought of relying more on his assistant ticked Y/N off. Standing up from the chair’s arm she was sitting on, her reply of, “Sounds like you don’t need me then,” had sass in it. The businessman however speculated that something was up. “You’re not leaving until you tell me what brought about this change of mood,” He pointed out her body as if the problem was something that could be seen. Y/N rolled her eyes to which her boyfriend tsked at; a way of telling her that there was no way they weren’t resolving it right now. “I just feel like you’re placing such a high regard or like you’d rather Melanie do things for you,” She sighed as she crossed her arms. Sighing as well, Will smacked himself internally for making his girl feel this way. Standing up from where he was seated, he pulled her in for a half hug which gave him the opportunity to look at her as he reassured her, “I don’t place Melanie in such a high pedestal, okay? It’s just I’m used to her assisting me for work and I’d rather put her through all the hassle instead of you. But you do me the greatest and biggest favor of all — you put up with my shit, look after me when you know I neglect myself, and love me unconditionally.”
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When Carter told Y/N that they needed to go to this gala, he took it upon himself to take a day off to go shopping. The latter always claimed how the former went overboard when buying her an outfit and accessories. Less than a day prior to the gala, Y/N shocked Carter when she let it slip how she had no plans of attending the said event. “What? Why not?” The CEO panicked as he turned to face her. Wiggling in her seat, Y/N countered, “Well why do I need to go in the first place?”  Sighing, Carter wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, prompting her to lay her head on his chest, “Because it’s a celebration of the company’s accomplishment and I would really love for my inspiration and the love of my life to be there to celebrate it with me.” With his explanation, Y/N couldn’t really find a rebuttal to it, and he could sense that she had no answer so he inquired, “Why do you not want to go, love?” 
Tucking her head under his chin, Y/N then decided to unveil her reason, “I have nothing to wear.” Flabbergasted with that, Carter couldn’t help but ask, “What? Didn’t we go out shopping last week? Do you wanna go right now?” Y/N calmed Carter who was already making his way to stand up so he could get ready to go out. “It’s not that I don’t actually have clothes to wear; I do but,” She trailed off, not knowing how to properly say it. “But?” Carter wondered, and Y/n decided to just say it bluntly, “Nothing looks good on me.” Disbelief with just he heard, he looked at her as if he was expecting she would claim it was a joke; but upon seeing how she didn’t take back what she said, he then understood that she was indeed serious, “What do you mean nothing looks good on you?” Y/N then bit her lip nervously, Carter then pulled her lip and gently coaxed her to explain. “I was trying on the clothes we bought, and just nothing looked good on me. I mean, they’re pretty dresses so I figured maybe it was me who’s the problem. Like I can’t give justice to the dress.” Baffled with what she was saying, Carter put both his hands on her cheeks, making Y/N face his serious face, “Baby, that’s got to be the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard; and I went to a private highschool full of privileged fucks. I think what you really mean is that all the dresses we bought don’t compliment your assets properly,” Seeing her shrug nonchalantly signified how he was getting through her, “And honestly? You can come up to the gala in just your pajamas and still look drop dead gorgeous.”
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“Is there any way I can not go on Sunday?” Y/N ‘s small voice was barely above a whisper, but it didn’t fly past Ransom’s keen ear. Looking up from his phone, he looked down from where she laid on his lap, her eyes looking hopeful. “Why don’t you want to go?” This wasn’t the first time he brought her over to Harlan’s home and dined with his family. Granted, she was risking going inside a lion’s den and being devoured by the predators. “Because your family’s gonna be there and we both know how disastrous these gatherings can be,” Though she made a point, both the trust fund son and his girlfriend knew that was a lame excuse to forfeit from the gathering. “Baby, you and I both know you handle these gatherings well;  remember what happened when you told Walt off?”
Upon bringing up the instance where Walt had made an off-handed and misogynistic comment to which didn’t sit well with Y/N, resulting in her lecturing him about why his statement was problematic, the girl could only scrunch her face up. “It’s because of that I don’t want to go,” she mumbled quietly. But if there was one thing Ransom learned and developed after dating her for so long, it was to listen carefully to every sound she made for it all meant something. “I may not have heard what you said clearly, but I know that you said something. So better speak up, princess and tell me what it is about this Sunday’s dinner that makes you not want to go.” Y/N knew there was no way they could drop this subject since Ransom had set his phone down and looked at her seriously. She then covered her eyes with her hands as she confessed, “I just heard about Walt and Linda talk about how they never wanted someone like me for you.” With that revelation, Ransom round himself agitated and infuriated with how his family members had the balls to comment on his love life that made him very much happy. Letting the back of his knuckles caress her cheek he consoled her, “Just so you know, my family can eat shit for thinking that they can give nasty and irrelevant comments about what makes me happy. You make me happy and love me despite my spoiled ass. If anything it’s me who doesn’t deserve to be with someone as amazing as you are.”
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