#like wtf why did i pop off on this drawing specifically
smokszyvverstar · 28 days
Wip but im super proud of this
Tumblr media
I think the Weegee in a dress side of Tumblr will appreciate this
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
this is a little random and off topic, but i was just thinking how for some reason harry does not seem like a real person to me lmao... Theres been tons of content and interviews coming out with him speaking and there's just this disconnection there for me. I, for whatever reason, just would like to hear him talk about something other than music. It could be literally anything unrelated. I dont need to hear about his love life, i really dont. But like what does he do for fun? Does he watch youtube? tiktok? what kinds of videos does he watch? what are his special interests? what shows have grabbed his attention? Does he play video games? Does he draw? what does he think about? Is he a big sports fan? What does he geek out over? There's nothing about him to latch onto.
Like none of the answers to those questions have to be specifically personal or private. Why is that we have seen harry partially nude before we've even got to know who he is these days? Doesn't that seem backwards to anyone else? I think it's a perfect reflection of everything he does. Always jumping to C before doing A and B. Everything with him is so short-term. He's always talking about, "I did this thing." Not everything has to be a one-off 'thing,' you can establish a foundation and build off of it over time. Your life(harry's or anyone's) doesn't have to be in "eras." I always thought that was stupid stan twitter lingo bc wtf is someone's [insert word] era?? We're all people just living and changing and growing and moving on lol we dont need to define time periods like we're all starring in the Biopic of our own lives.
Obvs Jeff is not a pop star, but like, he seems just like a normal dude, despite being astoundingly wealthy, growing up around incredibly famous people, and having a father who is a giant deal in the music industry which- has a huge impact on the culture of the world. He's in a position that not a ton of people can say they've been in, and yet he literally seems just like anyone else... posting pictures of his dog, wife, about golf... just normal. Harry just never comes across like that, and it's alienating.
He's a pretentious asshole
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Paint My Spirit Gold
Dukeceit Week Day 2: Green/Yellow
Fans of the YouTubers "Deceit" and Remus "The Duke" Sanders start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, the two of them are more than simple internet pals.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 2187
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a watercolor-style painting of a snake. The snake appears to be made of melting chocolate, and there is a large bite taken out of its tail. Cherries and jam are leaking out of the snake at the bite wound. The snake's expression of horror is overly-exaggerated to the point of comedy. The caption reads: "liked your snake boi, @SerpenThyme. thanks for the inspo." /end ID]
A notification ding cut Janus off mid-sentence. 
“Wow, someone left their cell phone on, so professional,” he said, giving the camera a dramatic eye roll. That someone was him, of course, because he was the only one in the apartment- just him and the running livestream- but that was no excuse not to be a drama queen about it. He finished wiping flour off his hands and grabbed his phone to silence it; but the notification made him pause. He flicked his eyes up toward the camera and gave a slight smirk.
“My goodness, I’m famous,” he drawled. “The Duke himself has graced little old me with some fan art.”
Most of the comments in the chat wanted him to show it, so Janus opened up Twitter to see the full post he’d been tagged in. It was a watercolor painting of the coiled-snake chocolate sculpture- lovingly named Jake by his viewers- he’d made for his YouTube video last week; it was wearing an expression of such comedic horror that Janus had to stifle a laugh. He flicked his phone screen toward the close-up camera on his counter so his viewers could see.
“How kind of you, Remus,” he said. “All of you should go scold him for what he’s done to poor Jake here.”
Most of his viewers would know he was joking- after all, they were the ones to nickname him Deceit when he provided neither a real or fake name for his online persona. They knew full well what he was like by now.
The oven timer dinged. Janus silenced his phone and set it aside.
“And our first batch of cookies is done. You know, why don’t we show the Duke some appreciation?”
[ID: An Instagram post by user @SerpenThyme. The photo is an artistically-framed shot of a stack of sugar cookies with green, yellow, and pink icing. Propped up against the stack is another cookie, with an intricate icing-drawing of an octopus. The photo appears to have been color corrected to have high contrast, low saturation, and a dark vignette at the edges. The Instagram user @OctoDukie is tagged. No caption. /end ID]
“You know, I have often been accused of actually being a little old lady, what with my fondness for knitted jumpers, rocking chairs, and incredibly fucked up murder mystery books. Today I am doing nothing to dispel this accusation, by making soup.”
The studio was dark and empty aside from Remus' workspace. Everyone else had left long ago, even his own brother, which meant that it was officially ass-o'clock in the morning (or, as most people called it, somewhere between 1 and 2 a.m.) But Remus was stuck in hyperfocus, honed in on putting the last touches on a commission that he'd been putting off for weeks. It's not that it was a tough painting- once he'd gotten started, it was actually a very creatively satisfying piece- but man, executive dysfunction could go suck a dick
“French onion soup, specifically. Because while I do like to pretend I am a classy bitch, I am also, regrettably, a lazy bitch with a distaste for anything that takes longer than one bottle of wine to make.”
Remus hated working in silence. It was stifling, almost suffocating. His brain needed noise like his lungs needed air. So when the studio had grown still and silent, Remus had flipped open his laptop and queued up some YouTube videos. 
“So we have here three pounds of onions that we need to slice up, pole to pole. You’re going to cry no matter what, so if you have any memories you’ve been repressing since middle school, now is an excellent time to dredge those up.” 
And if it happened to be 90% SerpenThyme videos, well. Sue him. 
“Now the first rule of caramelizing onions: fast and sloppy is always better than slow and thorough… at least, that’s what every man I’ve ever slept with tells me.”
Remus choked and glanced over to his laptop screen just in time to catch Deceit's trademark smirk directed at the audience just for a moment. It was the deadpan delivery that always got him. Remus could barely hold onto a joke long enough to get through it without cackling mid-punchline, but this fucker could say the funniest shit like an off-hand comment. 
He wiped his hands off on his jeans (what use were clothes if you couldn't use them as paint rags?) and pulled his laptop across the table.  He typed out a quick comment, citing the timestamp of the joke, and after it was posted, he shut his laptop. 
'Cause ass-o'clock was short for "get-your-ass-home-or-I’ll-kick-it" o'clock. 
[ID: A screenshot of a YouTube comments section. The first comment is by user TheDuke, and reads: "10:42 wow, rude." The second comment is a reply by user SerpenThyme, and simply reads ";)" /end ID]
Janus plopped down on the couch with a slight groan. He didn’t need to stream today, but he really hated missing days. Besides… he was fine. Really. 
He adjusted the camera until he was happy with the framing, and then checked the settings on his streaming software. Satisfied, he started the stream, and watched as his usual viewers rolled in. 
“What do you mean I’m not in my kitchen?” Janus drawled, addressing the chat. He glanced around with an expression of faux-shock on his face. “My goodness, when did that happen?”
He chuckled, and then gestured to his surroundings. “Yes, we are in my living room today. If you must know, my closest and most trusted friend tried to murder me today- yes, Virgil, it was attempted murder and nothing less- and I survived with nary a scratch… and a broken foot, but that is beside the point. Anyway, I’m not allowed to stand for long periods of time, and I may or may not be somewhat inebriated by pain pills and couldn’t stand even if I wanted to. So we are cooking from my couch today.”
Janus paused for a few moments to read the chat messages as they popped up. A few get well soon’s, a few theories about the “attempted murder,” Virgil- who moderated his chat for him- vehemently denying the “attempted murder” but otherwise refusing to clarify the event, and a large volume of wtf why are you streaming today, take care of yourself comments, which made him smile. But one particular comment caught his eye, almost lost amid the torrent of an active chat: wait this kinda looks like the Duke’s living room?
“Oh, VampSuga,” he said, addressing that commenter in particular with a slight smirk. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. Anyway, since I can’t reach my oven from here, I thought some no-bake cookies were in order. For these you will need-”
[ID: A screenshot of a Discord conversation. The text reads:
“VampSuga: Ok ok hear me out. Dukeceit. 
Starstruck96: who?
IneffableSnek: lmao
FeralBeauYasha: lol
VampSuga: Deceit and Remus Sanders! They’re totally dating. I will die on this hill. 
FeralBeauYasha: Isn’t the duke w/ PatPat?
IneffableSnek: no thats his brothers bf
FeralBeauYasha: ohh
VampSuga: Did anyone see Deceit’s stream today? I swear that’s the Duke’s livingroom. 
StarStruck96: idk that seems like a stretch
IneffableSnek: no wait i kno what u mean
IneffableSnek: im watching the duke’s old videos and that one where he shows off all his old weapons he’s in a living room kinda like deceit’s 
FeralBeauYasha: They were acting all cute on twitter too
VampSuga: DUKECEIT”  /end ID]
"Hey guys, been a while since you've seen my face and not just whatever my hands are busy with, when it's within YouTube's terms and conditions I mean. They used to be way more lenient…" Remus trailed off for a moment, then shook his head sharply and plastered on a grin. 
"Anyway! In June me and a few other creators did a fundraiser for the Trevor Project, and y'all smashed the goal, so I let you decide what video I'd make this month." He paused, and gestured to the mountain of clothes piled behind him on the bed. "And you had so many juicy ideas to choose from, but you decided to dress me up like a Barbie instead."
Remus paused to scroll through his phone for a few moments. "Ah, ok, here we go. Twitter user YoonIsMyCat- oh, BTS, nice- sent in this first outfit. Uh… future Remus, put up the post here somewhere." He gestured vaguely to his right. "Y'all went with either a fuckton more clothes or a fuckton less clothes, which I respect. Apparently this outfit is called…” He squinted at his phone. “Amish chic? I take it back, no respect at all.”
Remus cycled through the outfits his viewers sent in, which ranged from the aforementioned “Amish chic” to “2008 rave attire” to “ok now you guys are just fucking with me” (which consisted of one of those big puffy snow coats, lime green in color; booty shorts with the shrug text emoji across the ass; fuzzy pink boots; and a yellow cowboy hat to top off the whole thing. It was awful. Remus loved it.) The mountain of clothes on the bed gradually became a mess of clothes spread across the floor instead, until there was just one outfit left. 
“Ok so Twitter user VampSuga sent me this outfit that I’m gonna call ‘sexy librarian.’ I couldn’t find this exact sweater online, but-” he paused for dramatic effect, before brandishing a sweater toward the camera like a bullfighter. “My boyfriend had something that was close enough.”
Remus hopped up from the bed and switched off the camera so he could change.
“They’re going to lose their minds,” a voice drawled from the doorway. Remus threw his shirt at him.
“Shoo, I’m getting naked.”
[ID: A Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It features a selfie of YouTuber Remus “The Duke” Sanders, a Hispanic man with his hair dyed green and styled into a spiked mohawk. He is wearing a yellow knitted cardigan over a black button-up shirt. He is grinning widely at the camera. The caption reads: “my viewers pick my outfits! now live on youtube. go see what i look like as a sexy librarian!” /end ID]
first and only dukeceit shipper ig
wow there’s so many of you now! Hi!!
i want this to be canon so bad omg
i mean just look
[ID: A series of three gifs featuring Youtubers SerpenThyme, aka Deceit, and TheDuke, aka Remus Sanders. Deceit is a black man with long, dreadlocked hair, and vitiligo patches along the left side of his face. Remus is a Hispanic man with green-dyed hair styled into a mohawk, many ear and facial piercings, and tattoos covering both arms. Each gif is edited so that the highlights are tinged yellow when Deceit is seen, and tinged green when Remus is seen.
The first gif depicts a close-up shot of Deceit’s hands as he carefully decorates a cookie with green and yellow icing. The cookie art he is working on appears to be a half-finished octopus. The gif then fades into a mid-shot of Remus, with his back to the camera, facing a canvas. The canvas is blank, and Remus appears to be laying out paints on a table to his left. 
The second gif depicts Deceit seated at his couch, facing the camera. He has many ingredients spread across his coffee table (including oats, cocoa powder, and butter) and appears to be in the process of laying out several more. The gif fades to show Remus seated at a similar couch with a similar coffee table in front of him. The camera is angled slightly downward to better show the myriad of knives spread out across the table. Remus is gesturing wildly with a morning star held in his hand. 
The third gif depicts Deceit in his kitchen. He is pulling on a bright, yellow knitted cardigan, and smirking toward the camera. The gif fades to show Remus in his bedroom, seated on his bed. He is holding up a similar-looking cardigan toward the camera and grinning. /end ID]
“Remus, it’s almost two in the morning. Come to bed.”
“I’m coming, sorry. Twitter distracted me.”
“Mm. I can’t believe the bird app is more distracting than I am.”
“You should try harder.”
“Come to bed and maybe I will.”
“Ok, ok, I’m coming. Hang on though, is it cool if I post this?”
“Sure. They figured it out anyway.”
“Sweet. Ok, Jannie, I’m coming.”
[ID: A screenshot of a Twitter post by user @CallMeDukie. It reads: “Dukeceit is canon.” /end ID] 
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Ok so here are my famous!newsies headcanons from an a modern au i thought of if newsies were celebrities/famous yknow bcs I couldn’t get this idea out of my head and idk what to do with it other than making a headcanon list nabsnzbsvsnsbz anyways hope yall validate me after not posting any original content for like…. awhile now hehe
btw it got longer than expected. And I mean r e a l l y long. So if yall wanna read this better sit down and buckle up! 
He’s an artist on youtube
Like a modern day bob ross ig??
If yall know zhc on youtube just imagine that but not so rich (I don’t watch zhc btw but i do know that he does custom art on iphones and stuff and that is definitely not jack kelly)
Anyways Jack simply goes by Jack Kelly.
So jack does art challenges. Like does the weirdest requests from his fans left in his comment section and stuff
Or maybe challenging himself to make art from a specific theme or a specific media
Sometimes he vlogs too but his art videos are what his fans like the most
His merch is amazing because he designed the pattern/drawing/whatever yknow. It’s printed/sewed/whatever on the clothing and it’s good quality. It’s pretty lowkey for a youtuber’s merch bcs jack doesn’t like those merch that just smacks his logo on a hoodie
He’s a fantasy, YA, romance writer (he mixes it wisely ok?)
And goes by David Jacobs
Listen he’s a hopeless romantic and i’m pretty sure yall agree too
He wanted to stick to YA romance. The classic high school lovers yknow
But he wanted to challenge himself since he’s been writing about high school lovers since he was in high school
Thus the fantasy genre came in mind
So yeah he likes creating love in his own universe
Whether it’d be different worlds, universe, species, time periods, whatever.
He wanted to direct the movies based on his books, but he’s actually lowkey terrible at leading on his own. But he did stick to being the script writer and co-director (look idk how it works in the film industry i’m just making shit up)
He’s a solo jazz singer
Crutchie gives off Michael Buble and Jason Mraz vibes tho
And maybe a bit of frank sinatra? Yknow ‘cause he sings jazz
Also he riffs thank you very much :)
He goes by Crutchie Morris to everyone
He usually plays the acoustic guitar or piano on stage
Ok but he’s like really good with the piano
Makes the best jokes on stage too. Some are just sarcastic comments.
Crutchie asking through the microphone : “Oh, straight?”
A fan he’s talking to from the crowd : “Uhh… no, gay”
Crutchie : “no not you, the vodka”
Everyone at the concert : *laughs*
Crutchie, jokingly : “Oh, you’re drinking vodka! Straight? No gay”
(yes that was indeed inspired by that one video of Harry Styles and a fan in one of his concerts yall can’t stop me)
She’s a crime mystery writer
Think like the modern day Agatha Christie
Okok but she goes by Kathrine Plumber on her books :D
She chooses that genre bcs she’s a huge fan of Agatha Christie
Her favorite book from Agatha is Murder on the Orient Express
Oh and her books are sometime very gruesome alkjsfhakjsfb
Nobody check her browsing history, she’ll look like a murderer
Ok but I feel like she also has a youtube channel about books and stuff and sometimes like to vlog
She also has a writing tips series on her channel where she shares tips on some of the frequently asked questions about writing or her fans leave a specific question in the comment section and thought she could expand more to it in a full length video
Also she likes to vlog while she’s in a book convention
Her books are also turned into movies and she has done a great job directing it
Yall would be lying to me if you don’t think this kid would end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber (like vlogging yknow. I feel like his gaming stuff would strictly be on twitch)
And ik it’s widely agreed by everyone in the fandom that he’s a dancer of some sort so yeah he’s also simultaneously a dancer
I don’t think I need to explain any further bcs it’s just so in character
He goes by Racetrack Higgins
Ok so he likes to vlog on his youtube channel
Sometimes does stupid challenges
Maybe he’d drag Albert to do a challenge which he always says no
“I’ll just be your cameraman dude, dw”
Race : *angery*
Since Al and Smalls are the skateboard peeps™ race is the rollerblade dude™ bcs I say so
He has three cats named Racecat Higgins, Spot Clawlon, and Romeow (i’ve mentioned it before and I will mention it again hehe) and his fans loves them endlessly
You don’t think this kid would also end up being a twitch streamer and youtuber like his bestie up there?? Lmao you thought wrong (again, gaming is strictly on his twitch)
He just goes by Albert DaSilva on the internet
And yes he’s also a dancer because I say so
On his Youtube channel he also vlogs
Half of his vlogs starts with him riding his skateboard
“Hey, guys! Welcome back to another vlog-” *falls off his skateboard for not paying attention to a curb*
It happens way more often than he’d like to admit let’s be real. His fans make a compilation of it and memes on reddit
Always wear a snapback
Snapbacks are an important element to him so his merch store is really boosting his snapbacks
And just for the wormsie discord server he has one with the word ranga on it after it being born from a stupid inside joke he, race, and both of their fanbases combined share (@ my wormsie fam thank me later)
Oh yeah, his youtube besties are Race and Smalls just so we’re clear here :) (I’ll get to Smalls in a bit)
So I always headcanon Albert having two big dobermans. So his fans always want to see a doggy update because Zara and Zoey are everything to them.
Doggo vlogs are fun. It’s usually Albert taking the two good girls to Central Park for playtime or teaching them new tricks
He’s a solo rock singer
Is an amazing singer like wow none of the newsies expected him to have that sort of pipes to reach high notes
And he does it amazingly with no sweat
Also his instrument is the electric guitar to go with his amazing singing ajsfhasjfhajhf
Anyways he goes by Spot Conlon still
And his songs are very lyrical. Like very.
A lot of metaphors. No one knows what most of his songs means.
So basically Taylor Swift songs if it switched genres to rock. And not even like songs from speak now or red. But like if evermore and folklore songs were to turn into rock songs with a little bit of reputation vibes sprinkled on top. And his concerts has the reputation era vibes but make it spot conlon (hey non swiftie fans reading this i’m so sorry i’m pretty sure yall don’t understand wtf i’m talking abt)
That is also the only way i know to describe his vibe i’m sorry but i don’t really listen to a lot of rock alkjhfasjk
Anyways it’s a known fact that he wears tank tops daily that it becomes his signature look. And also an inside joke among his fanbase
Now just picture the merch booth from one of his shows and there’s like endless tank top designs for his fans to pick and choose
He’s also crowned to be the King of Brooklyn bcs of obvious reasons
But the joke is he’s a pretty tough hardcore guy that’s a cat person
She’s a badass female solo singer
Mostly does pop but the badass type of pop
Yes, she does go by Sarah Jacobs
Fans were really surprised Davey and Sarah are related
Because one is a hopeless romantic while the other is a total badass
Anyways she gives off Little mix, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez vibes
That is literally the only way I can describe it
She’s very lyrical, with a lot of metaphors
When she dances on stage, she d a n c e s
All while holding a mic to sing. And she hits all those high notes like it’s no ones business (a literal queen i tell you)
She and Spot are besties and has been known to have done a few collabs together
Their fans were hesitant about their collabs since their genre is pretty different from the other but they make it work and it slAPS
And among all her boppy songs with full choreography and backup singers, she always have a few songs she sings while only being accompanied by piano or guitar (Either electric or acoustic) which she plays on her own
He’s an indie pop artist with his trusted acoustic guitar by his side
Just think of music by Wallows and Lewis Capaldi were to be blended in together and Conan Gray for the cherry on top
But it has a little bit of Ed sheeran, Lorde, and Lauv vibes to it too
His concerts are simple but his songs are mostly very boppy so his fans still have fun either way
And it’s usually in small venues but there are times where he had a concert in a huge stadium
He goes by FINCH (yeah all caps btw)
Finches are a very on brand thing for him obviously
Has been known to collab with Crutchie and they actually make a very good team
Somehow was able to combined both genres to produce a few boppy songs
Ok ok but Finch and Crutchie have made a collaborative album (and maybe they went on tour????)
He’s a history fiction writer
Yes this is inspired by the fact that he’s 100% a history nerd (no one change my mind i love this headcanon aight)
And he explores a lot of different histories from different parts of the world
He actually helps a lot of students understand history even further for school through his novels
Anyways he goes by Specs because I say so
No one knows why that’s his pseudonym and Specs isn’t interested in explaining either. No one other than the newsies need to know it was born from a stupid nickname the newsies gave him :)
His research mostly comes from history books because of his genre which wouldn’t be a problem since he has loads and will voluntarily buy more if needed
Also yeah he makes a great director for the movies taken from his books
He’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Mush Meyers
So think if Gordon Ramsey and his youtube channel but make it mush
Yeah that’s it really
Ok but Mush is a jolly and friendly person
Other than just food vlogging he does cooking challenges and cooking tips too
Sometimes he does the cooking challenges with a friend (mostly henry but i’ll get to him later on in the list)
But he also vlogs his life
Which isn’t really often but he likes to sometimes
He’s that big of a foodie he has a food blog too
And also a seafood restaurant so that’s cool :D
Like Mush, he’s a chef on youtube
Goes by Henry on the internet and in general
Ajkfhajfjska I’m thinking about how ppl would address him as Chef Henry kajhfkjlashfjklasfjklsf
He mostly does the same thing like Mush actually
Food vlogging and cooking challenges (they do it together so) sometimes cooking tips
But Henry vlogs his life a lot
And instead of a food instagram he has a food blog
He has a sandwich restaurant
Yeah it is inspired by his pastrami on rye with a sour pickle line from KONY get mad about it why don’t ya (well if i’m not mistaken henry was the one that said it but idk i have horrible memory) 
He’s a youtuber
Ok so I have a specific headcanon that Blink majored in psychology but didn’t end up being a psychologist
So instead he becomes a psychologist on youtube
Who often vlogs jhgasjlfhs
The guy looks like he could cut you but his sense of humor once you get him talking is just *chef’s kiss* amazing
Which is why he also has a podcast because he’s also secretly great at talking
He just thinks mental health is very important, okay?
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has worked with Hollywood before
He’s usually a supporting character but has been known to understudy for main characters
Ok ik these bullet points are getting shorter and shorter but these are mostly bcs some of these stuff are pretty self explanatory since it’s very in character
Like are you telling me a kid named Romeo isn’t gonna be in some way very dramatic and end up turning that personality trait into his career?? Plus he’s very good at that?
Yeah you’re lying to me
Also he’s a pretty frequent vlogger on youtube
Look he’s a fun guy, what did you expect?
Just goes by Romeo on youtube
He’s an actor
Has done his fair share in Broadway and Hollywood but started in Broadway
He can dance but thinks he’s pretty average in it yknow
Which his fans has no idea what he’s talking about because on stage he can do flips and turns like it’s no ones business yknow
But he can sing really good and takes pride in it
Elmer would play characters that is really far off from his own personality that fans couldn’t believe that Elmer played that character
He has done his fair share in main characters and supporting characters on Broadway
In Hollywood he usually does indie and rom-com movies
He’s a fashion youtuber and basically an influencer 
Let’s be real this boy is a fashion icon
He’s not really a model but more like a fashion influencer and also kind of a fashion designer
His clothing line is very *chefs kiss* amazing
He designed it all and sometimes likes to design for his friends as well
He also does fashion tips on his youtube channel
His instagram game is god tier level (along with Tommy Boy and Sniper I’ll get to them in a bit) 
But yeah he also vlogs
And goes by Buttons Davenport
He’s an actor
Mostly on Broadway but has done a few movies in Hollywood
He radiates main character energy and he does become the main character most of the time (on hollywood at least)
On Broadway he mostly enjoys being apart of the ensemble because this boy loves dancing
But he does play a few supporting characters
He has released one or two albums too because his singing is top tier
But isn’t interested in doing a lot of live concerts with his albums
Since no one has the time to say Josephino Jorgelino De La Guerra he turned it into Jojo De La Guerra (so much for ‘a special nickname only for friends and family’)
Mike and Ike
They’re a pop boy band and bcs of my lack of creativity it’s called Mike and Ike
At the start of their career :
“My name goes first because I’m older than you!” - Mike
“You’re only older than me by 13 minutes, holy shit!” - Ike
But Ike slowly accepts the fact that it’ll be like this yknow
Anyways they’re pretty great singers
They have one direction and new hope club vibes
Tho unlike one direction they can dance (i love the boys alright but i really think it’s funny that they can’t dancelkhjjlh)
They like to switch from the guitar (electric and/or acoustic) to the piano
The amount of times their name is confused by the candy is too many 
But they like it like that lol
Anyways i’ve mentioned a headcanon where Mike has tattoos (not like from head to toe but it’s fairly noticeable to everyone) and Ike has piercings
So the only way their fans tell them apart is by that
But there are times where Mike has his tattoos covered or Ike took his piercings off in public alone. A fan mistakens them for the other twin but they still respond to the other name because they don’t feel like there’s a need to correct them since they’re mostly known by Mike and Ike anyways. When the fan posts it on instagram and tags the twin they thought it was the twin that was tagged would comment “wrong twin but nice pic you two”
Happens wayyyyy too many times. Their fans are officially scared to approach one of the two in public alone without their differentiating indicators on which is which
And yes it is widely known that they argue a lot when it comes to writing songs
Nothing out of the ordinary sibling squabble yknow but it’s a lot
But they do end up finding a solution to the topic of their argument and make a good team at the end of the day
He’s an actor
On Broadway, he’s one of those actor’s that is mostly good in just the acting and singing
He can’t dance to save his life sjdfghaf
So Jeremy Jordan yknow asj;oghajshf
No not really. He can dance a little bit
So he’s mostly the main character
But he’s widely known for his works in Hollywood
He does a lot of drama. Think stuff like Elite and Designated Survivor. Yeah those kinds of heavy drama (well idk i think those two are pretty heavy)
He wants to release his own music because he’s a pretty good singer but he can’t write songs to save his life either jgnjafjasf
And all the demo songs he was suggested by producers isn’t his cup of tea
So he’s no singer ladies and gents ://
The name Hotshot is used to name his social media platforms. He always adds a description in his bio’s that Hotshot is a nickname his friends and family use so his fans and the media refer to him with his name
I headcanon Hotshot’s real name is Tyler or some sort. No don’t ask me what’s his last name is because idk either lol
She’s a model, beauty and fashion youtuber (I’m pretty sure those are two different things tho idk i don’t watch youtube religiously anymore), and just an influencer in general
Instagram game on p o i n t
I know most beauty youtubers go by their names but uhh… i don’t think i’ve ever thought of a first name for Sniper but I really think she really would just go by Sniper Wah on the internet (Idk she seems like an Ashley in my head but feel free to recommend headcanon names to me)
Anyways she’s very fashionable
Tommy Boy (i’ll get to him just wait aight?) and Buttons are her fashion besties
The three of them pretty much appear in each other’s Youtube video not Tommy’s tho bcs he doesn’t have one lol
Sniper’s brand are huge sun hats
I have no idea how or why but that girl has sun hats vibes I can’t explain any further I’m sorry
Doesn’t have a clothing line but does have a make up brand of her own. She calls it Sniper. Yeah that’s it akjfhjf
She’s a twitch streamer and youtuber like race and albert
They’re a youtube trio everyone loves it
And yes she does go by Smalls
Oh and she also dances like her two stupid besties thanks for asking
Bubblegum is her brand (idk how to explain she just has the vibe)
She is skateboard chick
I’m imagining a video collab of her and Al on a skatepark doing stupid challenges
It’s her most viewed video
Tommy Boy
Ok ok he’s a model, influencer, and dancer
So think a male version of Gigi Hadid that dances
No he doesn’t have a youtube channel but frequently has made an appearance on Buttons’ and Sniper’s videos
Yes his instagram feed is also very amazing
He goes by Tommy Boy
People genuinely thinking ‘Boy’ is actually his last name and kinda think it’s strange but doesn’t complain
Tommy literally didn’t think people would think it was his last name. But they did anyways
Let’s just get straight to the point : he’s a famous tiktoker 
And yes, ppl are surprised at the fact that him, Davey, and Sarah are related to each other 
To the people that made it through this entire list. Congratulations and thank you for your validation. Have a wonderful evening and stay hydrated 
i will write at least one oneshot out of this au i promise!!
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Ojiro x Black reader
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Sub/Dom dynamics.
Spanking and I don't mean like "haha you have big ass me likey oogaabooga" I'm talking "count for me"
But it's still really sweet ya'know? Ojiro best boi
I've tried so many times but "dick" never looks good on paper. But i want to find another word cause cock is giving me very much 🏈 fratboy🏈
"Oji~ you know that I love you?" A digitally inhanced sigh fills the room, "Yes"
It was a Saturday and you were currently waiting for your boyfriend to come home for your birthday. So what do you do to pass the time? Call him every hour of the day of course. 
"Y/N, can I please just do my job, I promise I will only focus on you when I get back." You pouted as you twirled your freshly finished twist outs, "I mean I could do that."
You could hear Ojiro hold his breath on the other side of the line, making your smirk widen, "But I won't cause I love you so much baby!" 
You knew you were wrong for doing this, you just found so much joy at his expense. From elsewhere in the house, the doorbell rang drawing your attention. "Fine, Mashiro I'm going to call you back later okay baby?" A wheeze came through the phone, "Yes babe, I love you bye!" 
You giggle at the thought of his relieved face as you tiptoe to the front door. "Is this for me?!" You sing out to no one in particular as you pick up an unmarked bag of plastic. Bringing it inside your mouth, you tear it open with your teeth, and begin to feel giddy once you see what's inside.
A while ago, you had ordered some yellow lingerie to match Oijiro's hair, and after helplessly scouring the internet, you finally found one in a good shade, nice design, and reasonable price. 
(Nah y'all know how hard it was to find a black girl in yellow lingeire? I don't understand it's not like i looked up a specific skin tone, I kept getting white people 😭 i barely found this one and what pissed me off was that i had given up and searched "black girl in white lingeire" to match Oijiro's hero costume and finally i got a cute yellow one like wtf?!)
You go to your room and try it on and after struggling with adjusting the thigh straps to your massive thighs, you were able to stand in front of your full length mirror to take pictures. "Oo look at me!" You dance a little in front of the mirror, shaking your hips.
You stop for a moment as a devious smile comes into your face. You grab your phone and set it up to take pictures. After a mini photo shoot that distracted you for about 30 minutes, you decided to send 2 of them to your ever so loving boyfriend.
You wait a few moments and gasp as you see the word seen pop up. You do a leap around the house giggling with anxiety from his reaction. 
When you got back to your bed you huff at his lack of reply. "He couldn't even give me the tease of a text bubble?!" 
That ruined your mood as you grabbed your house coat and stomped around the house cleaning up and watching TV. You don't call him after that, "He doesn't deserve my presence." 
In reality, you were in your feelings for honestly nothing. You knew he was working but it still would have been nice to get a reaction. 
You jump and damn near take the entire kitchen with your a you look around the seemingly empty house, "What the hell?!"
The sound was coming from your balcony. You peek around the doorway and your eyes go wide. "Oijiro what are your doing here?" You move to open the glass doors but stop as you make eye contact with your man.
His beautiful face was adorned with features of a rabid animal. He pressed his phone against the glass door and you gulped as you saw your picture, full screen. "Yeah, I think I'm going to let you simmer out there for a while.
That was the sound of Oijiro's heavy tail hitting the ground. You knew that movement, it was similar to a bunny temper tantrum but deadlier. "Open the door y/n." 
A shiver runs throughout your body at the sound of his voice. It was deep and unwavering as he blankly stared at you through the panels. Feeling down right terrified, you turn around on your heel and go on your merry way. 'y'all hear something cause I sure don't'
You stop in your tracks as you hear  movement behind you.
 'he got in didn't he'
'why did I give him the key?'
You try to inconspicuously shuffle away before a hand finds its way around your neck and the soft pad of a thumb on your tongue. "That wasn't very nice of you, to leave me out there." You giggle uncomfortably as Ojiro places gentle kisses along the expanse of your neck. 
"I just thought, you needed some fresh air." The hand tightens and you can't help but grab onto his wrist in that moment. "I don't like it when you're a smart alec Y/N." In the distance, you heard the sound of his tail thumping again, shaking nearby decorations and furniture.
Grabbing your hands, Oijiro walls you to your shared bedroom and locks the door. You sit on the bed and twiddle your fingers as Ojiro stood in front of you glaring. "Does this mean you didn't like my photo or?"
Oijiro's steely eyes meet yours and you flinch, "Oh I loved it. I loved it so much that I popped a glorious erection during a meeting in front of all my peers." Oijiro's trail thumps against the floor, making you jump. "Do you know how hard it is to hide a boner when your hero costume is a robe, princess?"
Princess, that word meant business, and business meant no sitting down properly for a week. 'this birthday gonna be lit.' is all you thought as you lazily cross your legs. "I don't know, I'd assume it would be easier than spandex?"
Ojiro smirks as he drags your body to the head of the bed, holding down your hands securely. Getting on the bed Oijiro grips your chin in his hand before kissing your mouth gently. "Happy Birthday."
He sits back and recklessly opens your robe and down right moans at the sight of you. "When did you buy this?" You look away, embarrassed, "It was for your birthday but it didn't come in time." Oijiro nodded as he pulled on a thigh strap before releasing it with a loud snap.
"You look beautiful in it." For a while, Oijiro spends his time caressing you. Starting from your breasts which he sucked on generously, and your stomach that he peppered with kisses. All while avoiding your erogenous zones and making you needier.
"Ojiro!" You moaned as he scraped his teeth below your naval. Ojiro watched you with trained eyes as his hands follow your plush thighs, squeezing them every so often.
"Sending that picture wasn't very nice of you." Ojiro mumbled as he grazed over the one place you needed him to touch. "Please, touch me." 
Oijiro props himself up pulling you with him. His hands follow your waist and stop at your butt, squeezing at the mounds as he continues to kiss your skin. "I don't think you've learned your lesson Y/n." You nodded quickly and whined, "I did learn my lesson, promise!" You try to entice him by grinding against him, but you quickly realize that was the wrong thing to do as his face grows serious.
"This is a fine example of what I mean, you're impatient." Not liking that answer, you pout and cross your arms, "This is stupid it's my birthday." Oijiro flicks your nose, "Watch your attitude. You incoherently mumble again clearly defiant. "Lay over my lap."
Minutes before you could protest, he's already tugging you, face down, over his lap and delivering a smack. "Ow!" "I want you to count for me, lose place and we start over. Don't count and I'll make this longer. Do you remember your safe word?" You nod your head slowly and jump as your ass blazes with heat from another smack "1. Thank you sir."
You hate to admit it but it had been a while since you pushed Ojiro this far punishment wise so it wasn't surprising that you were shaking by 5, crying by 7, Ojiro was hard by 9, and you were extremely wet by 12. "You're taking your punishment so we'll." You gripped the sheets tightly into your hands and crossed your legs as you revived another slap, "T-Twenty, thank you s-sir."
You expected to revive more but was pleasantly surprised when you were coaxed off of Oijiro's lap and pulled in between his legs. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily for someone that hasn't been spanked. "Are you okay dear?" You sniff as Ojiro takes your hands and places kisses on your knuckles.
You run your legs together and look down at him with pleading eyes. "What's wrong baby? Haven't I taken care of you enough today?" Ojiro mocked, but you personally couldn't find anything funny. You drop to your knees and rub his legs before shortly trailing your fingers over his crotch.
Ojiro does nothing but watch, as you gently tug on the fabric of his hero costume. "Oji it's my birthday." Ojiro shrugged, "You're right it is your birthday. Don't you think you're old enough to make your own decisions?" You smirk at that and quickly pull his cock out of hiding.
You internally drooled at the sight of him. Oijiro's size was conservitively average with only girth going for him, but something about that turned you on more than if he was larger. He watches you, mouth parted as you give kitten licks to the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum that had accumulated.
Gingerly, he places his hand on the back of your head, urging you to continue. You smirk up at him and bat your eyelashes slowly as you trail your tongue from the base to the tip, where you bow your head, to swallow him whole.
"Shit." Ojiro pushes you all the way down and tosses his head back as he feels you constrict around him. You raise a hand to fondle his sensitive..balls😑. Causing him to jerk his hips making the tip hit the back of your throat.
As you busy yourself, you couldn't help but grind on his thick tail that rested below you. "S-Shit Y/N you're going to get your juices all over me!" You hum in response as you continue to buck your hips against the large mass of muscle.
Ojiro pulls your hair to stop you from sucking as he kisses your lips with a sigh. "You have to stop now or I won't last any longer." You chuckle as you stand to your full height and watch as Ojiro kisses your belly with closed eyes. "Wow, who knew a little bit of fabric would turn you into a 1 pump chump?!" 
Ojiro glares up at you as he smacks your ass, making you whine as it reignites the soreness from before. 
Pulling you onto the bed, Ojiro stands up, holding his tail to his face as he licks up your release. "You got me all messy." Pulling off the rest of his clothing, Ojiro climbs behind you, and he gently dips a finger into your warm cavern. "Are you ready?" He asks as he pushes your head down and pulls your waist closer to him.
He watches as your holes noticeably clench at his voice. "Please, Oji." 
The thickness was something you never got used to and though patient with foreplay, Ojiro always had a hard time holding back even if he puts only his tip in.  Arousal drips down your entrance slowly and he uses that to aid the rest of him inside. "So pretty for me." Ojiro takes hold of your underwear straps and uses that to push his way in.
Your mouth opens in a silent yell as you feel your insides constrict around him. "Relax baby, I can't move." You breath shakily and Ojiro gently waits for you to relax by rubbing sharp circles into your twitching clit. 
You angle your hips back and fuck yourself into his cock once you were ready. He guides you and drinks in all your whimpers as you attempt to go faster. "Does that feel good baby? Is my dick making you shake?" Your reply is a series of breathy 'yes's' as Ojiro picks up speed.
"Fuck you're so warm and soft!" Ojiro grabs your squishy hips as he pivots out of your weeping hole. You graon into the sheets as he leans over you. "You're creaming around me you know?" You bury your face in embarrassment as Ojiro intertwines his fingers with yours. 
You feel the pit in your stomach grow tighter as you get closer to your orgasm. "I'm coming, fuck I'm cumming." You were so close but Ojiro stops in his tracks and holds you down.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask turning your head around to look back at your smirking boyfriend. He raises both hands and slams them down on your thighs as he yanks your back, halfway off the bed. Your legs dangle off the side as the rest of you stays and I'm all honesty this was an awkward position due to your long legs.
Oijiro's trail thumps behind you and you can hear it hitting various objects as it swishes around the room. "Why are you so excited?" You ask trying your best to hold on to the thin trails off your orgasm as your heart rate slowed. "I'm just thinking about if you really deserve to cum."
You throw your head up immediately and stomp your fists. "It's my birthday can't you do this some other time?!" Ojiro pushes your face into the bed, knocking the wind out of you as he sets a brutal pace. "See that attitude right there is what I'm talking about." He shakes his head as he pounds your ass repeatedly.
You're quickly bright closer to your orgasm as the lack of oxygen goes to your brain. When he does let you up, you are coming with a loud groan as he pulls out, ruining your orgasm.
"Ojiro what the hell!" You yell, still twitching from the shocks. Ojiro looks at you shrugging as he jerks himself to completion. "You said make you cum." 
You groan stomping into the bathroom ignoring Oijiro's laughter from behind.
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tehuti88-art · 2 years
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7/1/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Frigid Draw Friday/Free Draw Friday." (I did the regular Free Draw Friday. Though this guy does come from a cold place, I suppose.)
This week's character from my anthro WWII series is Boris (no last name ever given). He's a Red Army deserter who is briefly captured by the Germans before being rescued by Romani sharpshooter Didrika. He's pivotal in helping her establish her partisan fighting forces, even though he doesn't get along very well at all with the American Allies who request their assistance.
I had a lot of trouble drawing his hat. Red Army hats are funny looking, sort of like the peaked caps I'm used to drawing but softer and rounder somehow; I didn't have a good side image of one to work with. Also I think he's not intimidating looking enough, so his design might need tweaking in the future.
TUMBLR EDIT: Boris is one of my older characters, not one of the originals but I think he's been around since the old version of my character list dating to around 2002. Despite this, I've never developed his past that much, maybe partly because Soviet Russia isn't a topic I've looked into. I have to make some assumptions about him, I guess. I assume he's working class, not highly educated like Lt. Hesse or Capt. Himmel (despite their rather impoverished upbringing, they got decent schooling), but with practical smarts, more like Lt. Ratdog, which is kind of ironic considering the interactions these two end up having near the end of Boris's part in the story. I know nothing about his family though I'd have to assume he has none left since he never makes an effort to return to Russia BUT that could also likely be due to the fact that he's a deserter. I know very little about WWII Soviet Russia. But I'm pretty sure they would not deal kindly with deserters?
The deserter aspect of Boris's story is a relatively new one. Previously, he was just captured and transported into Germany for whatever freaking reason (lots of this doesn't make clear sense, for example, WTF Papillon and Champere are doing in Germany, I'll admit right now the whole "partisan" angle of the story is wonky), but more recently the word "deserter" popped into my head and it just seemed suitable. Boris tries hard to come across as tough, independent, fearless; it's almost like he overcompensates trying to be macho. His first interactions with Didrika show this. (More on that soon.) From whence comes such overcompensation? Well, him having fled the Red Army could have something to do with it. I imagine this could lead to a lot of guilt and the need to prove himself still worthy of being a fighter, just with a different sort of army. That "army" ends up being Didrika's.
I'm not sure why Boris deserted, I'll just assume life in the Red Army was too damn difficult. Seems feasible. He and a small group of others sneak off but get separated somewhere along the way, and before he knows it, Boris ends up captured by Nazis. In keeping with the old version of events, they transport him into Germany and he ends up in a forest where they subject him to various humiliating kinds of torture. One of the Nazis present at first is Sgt. Kaspar Lange. I don't think I've gone on much about him in here, if at all? That's the name I finally gave to a character better known as Lance Corporal Silver Rat's tormentor when HE was captured by the Nazis. I guess I have to go into some unpleasant specifics, so, reader warning.
Lange is incredibly sadistic, so much so that some parties like to utilize him as a torture device in his own right. For example, Dr. C is the one who sics him on Silver, and he subjects him to a lot of the same types of torture he used on Boris, just in a laboratory setting (Wolfstein is an unwilling witness who afterward helps Silver escape). He has his own small unit of men, and I'm pretty sure they're the ones then-Sergeant Klemper encountered prior to the story, getting ready to burn down a village; Klemper barely manages to prevent this, earning an Iron Cross in the process. Later in the story, now-Private Klemper (he's been demoted) goes to work as a sort of assistant/"bodyguard" for Ratdog, and the two have a sort of on-again, off-again relationship at first; when Klemper gets angry at Ratdog and tells him to go find somebody else to, ah, take home with him, Ratdog obligingly heads to the bar, and runs into Lange. Lange offers to be that someone to go home with him but Ratdog senses something is off, and rejects him. Lange just shows up on his own later on. Ratdog's a good fighter, but not good enough (one reason Klemper's been assigned to him--one of them is a soldier, the other isn't). When Klemper visits him the next day it's obvious something awful happened but Ratdog shrugs it off as a "bar fight." Lange himself all but admits what happened when the two run into each other again but this time, Klemper warns him off at the point of his gun, and threatens him. Lange bears grudges for a long time and this is no exception. When his and Klemper's units are exploring abandoned houses in the countryside one day, he attempts attacking Klemper in the same way he attacked Ratdog. Klemper's a lot smaller and skinnier and younger than he is. BUT, he's been victimized a couple of times himself and isn't going to take it anymore, plus he's cranked up on Pervitin, AKA, meth. Lange subdues him at first but quickly gets the s**t knocked out of him. When Klemper's lieutenant arrives and demands to know what's going on, Klemper snaps that it was a "misunderstanding." Shrimpy effeminate teenaged Klemper is the only one of Lange's victims to manage to fight him off throughout the story.
The detail I find uncomfortable to share is that Lange's specialty is rape. During the story he victimizes Silver and Ratdog (and nearly Klemper) in this manner. Prior to the story's events, Boris was another one of his victims. Didrika, who recently left a life of prostitution after being attacked as an adolescent herself and shunned by her family and has by now learned how to defend herself and live on her own in the woods, stumbles across a group of Nazis torturing him in a clearing; by then Lange has left (fortunately for him), but the evidence of him having been there is evident, as Boris is only half dressed. From a safe distance, Didrika aims and starts shooting. The first Nazi drops dead, startling the others; when the second falls, they realize they're being sniped, but they can't pinpoint the shooter's location since Didrika is taking advantage of a nearby ridge and keeps moving around. Everyone, including Boris (who's restrained and unable to look around himself), is positive they're under attack by numerous shooters. Since they can't fire back, they try to flee. Didrika picks them off until only one is left, who she intentionally lets escape, to spread word that the woods are unsafe. After waiting a bit to make sure no one else is coming, she heads down to the clearing to untie Boris. He can hear her approaching but not see her at first, and fully expects to encounter a group of armed male soldiers, which is why when a lone woman unties him he gets so confused. Looks all around the woods, demands to know where the others are. Then refuses to believe her when she says she's the only one, and he even cusses her out some. The Red Army has its fair share of female snipers, true, but this is Germany, where they don't really believe in such things (when Klemper first encounters Didrika, he disparagingly calls her Flintenweib, "rifle broad") (she calls him "Toy Soldier" in return, which he really does not like, mweheheheh), and besides, what just occurred was surely the work of numerous people, not a lone gunwoman. Oh plus Boris is a chauvinist. Didrika's all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ , don't know what to tell ya, dude, it was really just me. Seeing there's genuinely nobody else around, he has to accept her story as true.
Didrika finds his clothes and lets him dress himself in privacy since he's obviously humiliated, then leads him to the cave network she located and has taken up residence in, and offers him shelter there. She also offers him alcohol and he gets drunk and very angry. To say they don't start off on the right foot is an understatement. Sure, Didrika just saved Boris from further torment and possibly death, but she's just a filthy German and possibly aligned with the Nazis herself (he doesn't know she's Romani, a people the Nazis hate), plus it doesn't sit right with him that he had to be rescued by a woman. He also hates that she witnessed part of what happened even if not Lange's actions themselves. So he takes that out on her. Literally. He comes to the next morning with an awful hangover; Didrika is nowhere in sight. His memory of the previous night is foggy but he gets the gist of it and assumes she left him there, for good reason. Instead, after a bit of exploring, he finds her washing herself up at a small waterfall outside; she offers him its use when she's done and heads back into the caves, so Boris washes up too, not realizing until then how dirty he feels. He heads back into the cave and Didrika has cooked up some breakfast. He awkwardly attempts to apologize for the previous night; Didrika quickly makes it clear she wasn't entirely unwilling, saying that if she'd wanted to, she could have fought him off. Despite his apology, Boris is still a chauvinist, and he's a lot bigger than she is, so he kind of snorts at this comment. Didrika says, "You doubt me?" and Boris begs off further argument though yeah, his attitude clearly says he doesn't believe her. She stands up, challenges him to try to take her on; he refuses to fight a woman but she jeers that surely he'd take her on if she were one of his "comrades" and goads him into lashing out at her, then promptly lays him out on the ground. Boris grudgingly accepts that she's a better fighter than he is, and Didrika earns his respect. Thus begins their rather odd, contentious, but genuine relationship, which carries on throughout the rest of Boris's time in the story.
Not long after, they spot a small group of soldiers while exploring the woods, and Boris excitedly tells her these are the other Soviet soldiers with whom he escaped, obviously searching for him. Didrika prevents him from just running off to greet them, asking if he's positive, if some German soldiers haven't simply stolen Soviet uniforms and disguised themselves as a ruse. Boris says he recognizes their faces, and she lets him go, but refuses to accompany him; when he asks why, she gives him an "Are you completely stupid?" look and says, "I can fight off one of you, not a whole group." Boris is chastened but promises he won't let them try anything with her; she stays behind anyway. He approaches the group of soldiers and they all greet each other enthusiastically; Boris explains how he was rescued by a female sniper, and tries to coax Didrika into coming out. She refrains at first and the other Soviets just kind of side-eye each other, thinking maybe Boris is losing it; Boris hisses that Didrika is making him look like an idiot, and she finally steps out, rifle trained on the group. They're surprised to learn that she's real, but Boris says she's okay, so they greet her as an equal. Things are a bit rocky at first, for example, when they sit together for supper later that night and one of the men approaches Didrika, saying, "Hey, pretty lady, would you like a look at my gun?" she knocks him to the ground and subdues him so he has to yell, "My rifle! I meant my rifle!!" With a combination of this sort of behavior and Boris's persuasion, however, they're convinced to stick together as a group, with Didrika as the leader. Over time the group expands with the inclusion of partisans and a few more deserters and ex-prisoners of different nationalities until Didrika's got her own little army going on, with Boris basically as her second in command.
Didrika's got an odd way of keeping all these men in line. Do I need to go into detail? I think that says enough. Boris is the only one she'd consider a "lover," though, and he isn't jealous of the attention she pays the others since he knows it's only temporary and practical and she doesn't have feelings for them. He DOES, however, get jealous if he suspects she's interested in anyone outside the group, for example when they take in the injured Silver and tend to him. Didrika's not interested in trying anything with Silver, but she spends quite a bit of personal time with him while he's recovering, so yeah, Boris gets jealous--mainly because he thinks SILVER might try something. (Silver's not interested in Didrika, either.) Then again, he just doesn't like the Trench Rats, period. I'm not sure WHY, I just know he doesn't. Maybe he thinks Americans are wimps, maybe he feels the need to prove himself superior to them, maybe it's because they're dirty capitalists, who knows. He doesn't get along with them. He's hostile toward Major Champere's "partisans" (I use the term loosely, as you can see) as well, ironically, because they failed to help prevent an attack on Trench Rats Headquarters when they knew about it ahead of time. Nah, he doesn't care about the Trench Rats themselves, just that he feels this was cowardly on Champere's part, and Boris hates cowards (even though he's a deserter, heheh). (BTW, is it Major Champere or Sergeant Major Champere? I thought it was the former. But my old old notes clearly refer to him as Sergeant Major! So I'm just way beyond confused about how to refer to him now. Meh.)
Back to Sgt. Lange for a moment. He's a rare semi-important character who dies earlier on in the story, in the "Reborn" arc (Sgt. Black Rat/Cpl. Gold Rat), rather than in the horrible, depressing bloodbath that is "Reunion" (return of Sgt. Camo/Cpl. Drake and the climax/end of the war). And yep, it's because he ends up murdered. His body is found lashed to a tree in the woods with a knife wound to his stomach and his mouth full of dirt; he slowly bled out, alone. (Ah, crud. Lange is one of the few characters whose death I don't give a s**t about, but typing that made me feel a twinge. Stop, damn it.) There's a bloodstain on the ground, indicating he died there and was strung up later. Needless to say, there are plenty of suspects.
Capt. Otto Himmel of the SS, which decides to investigate the murder, has some difficulty retrieving him and even ends up captured by Didrika's men, which leads to a quite awkward confrontation. Didrika likes to try to flirt with enemy males in an intimidating way, while Himmel has some bad experiences with intimidating women. He ends up evening the score when he spots Didrika's necklace, a skull and crossbones, and stares at it. Thinking he's staring at her chest, she says, "You like my t*ts, old man?" (Himmel's only in his forties, Didrika's just mean that way.) Himmel, who's not interested in Didrika (or in anyone else, honestly), replies, "I'm sure they're nice, but I was actually looking at something else." Didrika remembers her necklace, which looks so much like the Totenkopf on Himmel's hat, and tucks it in her shirt with a dirty look, nonplussed; she's not used to guys not being interested in her. Himmel's boss, Major Ludolf Jäger, arrives with a white flag and he and Himmel are allowed to retrieve Lange's body and exit the woods without incurring serious bodily harm.
So, what happened to Lange, and who's responsible? Well, Private Klemper is the one who strung him up and shoved dirt in his mouth. Yep, shrimpy, effeminate, teenaged Klemper. He and Ratdog stumble across Lange's body--he's already dead by then--and after a moment or so, Klemper starts laughing. He drags Lange's body to the tree and ties him there, then shoves the dirt in his mouth and laughs even harder. Ratdog just standing there staring all the while like O_o (Klemper's...not quite right in the head, obviously. All the trauma and being a child soldier and whatnot. Oh. And meth.) Klemper's not the one who killed him, however. And neither is Ratdog. Even though both likely had thoughts of doing so, and Klemper is terribly amused that someone actually went through with it.
Silver Rat is briefly a good suspect, but his preferred method of killing is to just snap people's necks, not stab them. Himmel theorizes Lange could have any number of other victims they don't even know about, and any one of them could have done it, so the chances of finding out who the killer is are pretty slim.
None of these parties are aware of the one remaining victim I've mentioned in this entry, Boris. Didrika briefly mentioned to Private Reseda Rat, who serves with Silver, how she'd found him when she'd rescued him, but never went into detail, and Reseda never told anyone else. She never saw Lange and Boris together. No one has any reason to suspect him, as he and Lange haven't been in any sort of contact since the incident occurred, ages ago. When Boris spots Lange alone in the woods, he can't miss the opportunity, and manages to sneak up on him and grab him from behind, putting him in a headlock. "Remember me?" he says, and yep, Lange remembers him. Boris stabs him in the stomach and he drops to the ground. "Gut wound," Boris says, "a slow, painful way to die," then salutes him--"Will give you plenty of time to think"--and leaves him there. Nobody ever finds out for sure who killed Lange.
I think Boris's attitude, especially toward the Trench Rats, mellows out a little over the course of the series. He doesn't survive the war, however. Similar to Klemper, he almost makes it, but not quite. Somehow he suffers a severe injury to his midsection and crawls into an old trench to take shelter; here, he assesses the situation, saying ruefully, "Gut wound...a slow, painful way to die. Pizdetz." With the way things being as they are, Ratdog is the one to find him there; he just recently lost Klemper to a similar injury. (With the way things being as they are, Klemper once saved the life of, and was temporarily involved with, a man who ALSO suffered a similar injury and was taking shelter in a trench much like Boris is now.) He realizes he has no way to help, so he takes his gun, removes all but one bullet, and gives it to Boris, advising him to "use it wisely." He turns to leave and hears the gun cock--Boris is aiming it at him. "I can take out one dirty Kraut before I die," Boris says. "Would it really be worth it?" Ratdog responds, not really giving a s**t anymore, and turning around again and walking away. Boris doesn't shoot him; after sitting and thinking for a while, he decides to use the bullet wisely.
Didrika finds him soon after and, uncustomary for her, breaks down crying; no matter how odd and casual their relationship, they really did care about each other. Similar to Ratdog with Klemper, she has to bury his body alone. She runs into Ratdog not long afterward (they spent a good part of the series shooting at each other while also respecting each other's skills, then Ratdog and Klemper even sent some rescued prisoners her way), and due to their shared grief, the two of them end up together. With the way things being as they are. They name their son Godfrey, after Klemper; the second time Didrika gets pregnant, she wishes to name the child after Boris, but they end up with a girl. They name her Tatiana, after Boris's deceased sister.
After the war, they often spend time visiting with Himmel's large adopted family.
[Boris 2022 [‎Friday, ‎July ‎1, ‎2022, ‏‎4:00:23 AM]]
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The Moonburner Series --An Honest Review
[Warning: I give an honest review that focuses not only on plot but on writing and character as well. As this is an opinion, you can take it as seriously as you want, but understand that my goal is to review, not shame or praise the author.]
Hey guys! Welcome back to spooktober! I hope you’ve been getting your spooks on because honestly I haven’t and I need someone to spook things up for me. 
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Moving on... today I will be reviewing an indie book series, called the Moonburner series by Claire Luana!
(A side note, I will only be reviewing the first three books in the series, as I am contemplating on getting the last one--I’ll explain more in depth about this in the future.)
Anyway, let’s get into it! Overall, I really loved this series. I feel like the first book was a little rough and needed probably another draft or two, but the rest of the series was pretty good. Overall, I gave this series a 6/10. Personally, I loved these books and they rated more towards 8/10 reads, but I’m not here to smother you with my opinions, I’m here to give an honest, in-depth review of the book. (Also, if you’re new here, I start reading with an expectation of AT LEAST a 5/10 read. So it wasn’t horrible but a lot of the mistakes in here really dragged the score down.)
So now you’re probably wondering, how can you love a book so much but rate it lower? Well, I’m about to give you a dozen reasons why. 
Starting with the first book published in the series...
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We have our main characters Kai, Quitsu, and Hiro. Kai and Quitsu are best friends and Quitsu is literally her spirit animal, whereas Kai and Hiro were first rivals but then became lovers. As for the plot, the plot revolves around two groups of people with the extraordinary power to draw upon moonlight or sunlight and burn it, as well as their wars. So already, you're pretty drawn in, right? I mean it’s a fabulous concept and I absolutely loved how they portrayed the powers that these characters have but there’s just one problem...
The writing lacked quite a bit. And by quite, I mean I ended up giving this book a 5/10. 
There were so many little errors that kept popping up about this book like... inconsistencies in world-building,  rushed relationships, (practically?) insta-love, lack of emotions/emotional connection, too many things going in such a short span, etc. Like this book, despite its loveable characters, amazing concepts, powers, animals, creatures, world, etc, needed a lot more work. 
And I don’t say this to tear the author down, I say this because I know, if these issues were fixed, this book would be as memorable as the newly released and practically favorited book by every reader across the globe, The Poppy War. 
So I’m going to take a very brief detour into the specifics of the books. If you want to read the book (which I encourage you to do so, it was still a fun and fast read.) then you might want to scroll down to the next book I’ll be reviewing in the series, if not, then read at your own peril. 
I’m going to go through this as quickly and as thoroughly as I can. 
Starting off with the inconsistencies in world-building, one thing that I noticed is the book would say, “Oh, these bats along with other creatures of the night serve us in our cause!” And then we would never see another creature of the night in the entire series. Or... “We are going to this mountain range to give you your final test to become a master moonburner!” But the mountains were never mentioned and didn’t even seem to exist until the characters decided to go there. These things are relatively easy fixes so I’m not quite sure why these were even a problem to begin with but *shrugs* oh well. 
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Moving onto rushed relationships... this book was too fast-paced for its own good. I mean, seriously, this book attempted to fit a 500-page (minimum) plot into 300 pages and because of that, this book was severely underwritten. Now there are two types of writers out there. There are under-writers and over-writers. I, myself, am an underwriter and have to go back in four, five, six, times to add back in the detail that I was missing in the first place. Then there are over-writers like Stephanie Meyer and Laini Taylor (on occasion), where they over-write their stories and their books probably need to get trimmed some pages. But this book needed those extra pages of relationship building because in some places, for example, the main character would meet another character and then five pages later the main character would practically die for this person. 
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The relationship or “instant-attraction” of Kai and Hiro is another good point. Hiro saves Kai’s life, Kai saves Hiro’s live, and then suddenly they’re like buddy-buddy. Like, you would figure that being mortal enemies and on the opposite side of the war, and having your own father murdered by your boyfriend’s men would cause you to be a little more cautious about who you want to get involved with but ok. 
And even with some of the emotional connections, I just didn’t get it. I felt like the author could see it in their head, but I couldn’t see it in mine. The only people that I don’t feel like this rule applies to are Kai’s closest friends because we are given a decent amount of time to know them and to interact with them so I can at least understand that. But with things like... Kai’s spirit animal, or Kai’s crush, or Kai’s boyfriend, or Kai’s powers for moon burning and her affinity for it... I just didn’t get it. A lot of the emotion seemed to be cut out or forgotten and I don’t know why. 
And finally, the last problem that I have with this book is the rape. I completely get this and understand that it’s a big part of what’s happening and why these people are so evil, but I do not feel like it was handled the way it should’ve been. With such a sensitive topic, I feel like more sensitivity is needed, and I only received about half the dose I needed on that. 
And if you’ve read the book you might be saying, “but they promised to save them! They never forgot about them! Etc!” but that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is the subtle “if we get caught we’ll be just like them”, half-heartedness going on. It rubbed me the wrong way and I felt like there wasn’t enough seriousness given to the subject for it to be adequately covered. 
But again, these are all writing errors. The concepts are fabulous and I love them to bits but this book needed a lot more polishing than it got. 
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Continuing onto the Second book, this series took a direction I would’ve never seen. A majority of the plot in this book is all brand new. Unless you read the description I’m not sure you would know where this was going but needless to say that it still fell into some of the same writing flaws as the last book. The only difference between this and the last book was these errors were fewer or had less effect. 
I’ll go into depth more in a moment but for an overall score, I gave this a 6.5/10. While my original decision was to leave it at a 6, I didn’t think it deserved that low of a score, but it did not earn a solid 7, hence the .5. 
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So as I mentioned, it fell into some of the same writing mistakes but it wasn’t as nearly as bad as the first book. 
For one, the book actually slowed down a lot allowing for some real character development and relationships to form. (Although Kai and Hiro still needed some work, another pair showed up that saved the day.) 
There was still a little of that troubled world-building where they would mention they were going to the docks and my brain was like: “lol this was a coastal city what?” Or, “these demons have been haunting us for centuries and they have been tearing us apart!” And there were no mentions of any sort of creatures BEFORE this book so I’m sitting there thinking... 
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Also, there was a lot of sexism that was kind of brought up and I was like wtf is this, where is this coming from? Because you only saw a hint of it in the previous book but now it’s full blown like...:
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In the previous book, sunburners could only be male and moonburners could only be female and there was a mentioned distrust between the two sexes but in this book is like: 
And I’m not exactly sure where the need came from as to why the book had to have so many stereotypes blended into the story when the previous book didn’t really have that at all but... 
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As for the emotional connection, there were several good spots that allowed me to really see what the character was feeling which was nice. It wasn’t through the whole book and it seemed rather empty for the majority of the time, but there were good spots! 
And again, another thing this book series keeps struggling with is too much plot, not enough pages. Seriously, in the first chapter, a main character nearly dies and I’m like WTF it’s the first chapter we’ve only been reading this for five minutes and they’re already on a death bed?! Or, in this case, they also had to go find artifacts and people to help save their world and I remember reading and going: “I’m 65% through the book and this quest is just BARELY starting???” (not that events weren’t happening it just seemed like the MAIN event didn’t happen until over halfway through the book.)
As for the rape stuff, that wasn’t really involved in this book. There were instances where I wished the world-building and the connections would be stronger cause I was sitting there thinking... “This girl isn’t the only victim... there are like 6 others... what happened to all the other victims? And what happened to the men?” Etc. 
Overall, I don’t think that this part of the series had a plot line fully planned out beforehand, plus it needed another draft or two, but regardless of what I say and how I’m getting after every little thing, I STILL ENJOYED THIS BOOK. Don’t get me wrong, these were mistakes but they were bearable mistakes because I enjoyed the storyline and the world enough to ignore them. 
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The Moonburner series has 4 books, which would probably be divided up better into a prequel novella, a duology, and a stand-alone novel. I’ve read the duology and Burning Fates is the novella. (Personally, I’m not sure if I want to read the stand-alone novel right now. I might, but I also have a huge AF TBR that I’ve been putting off for weeks now...)
And honestly, out of the whole series that I’ve read, this is actually my favorite of them. (Oh, and I forgot. You can actually get this novella for free if you sign up for a newsletter from the author. So go check that out! Link is here: https://claireluana.com/) But the romance was the most real out of all of them, the characters had amazing character development despite it being a novella, and I wish this would’ve been a full-sized book because I can see there is much more to this story. 
The story itself follows Kai’s parents and how they fell in love and it sets up really nicely for the first book in the series but needless to say... I WAS EMOTIONALLY DISTRAUGHT DURING THIS WHOLE TIME. 
Because, if you were to read Moonburner first, you already know how a character dies and sitting there, growing slowly attached to this morally and a romantically upstanding person, knowing how they die, was literal torture. 
This book was the right length, it had a very good balance of emotions and plot, it was a little Romeo and Juliet like but that’s 100% okay because it was well done, and overall, I gave this book a 8/10. 
There was nothing that made me leaving screaming with joy, but it was just balanced enough and well written that I left having thoroughly enjoyed the book and I am very tempted to buy this as a physical copy because it left such a good impression on me. 
Again, the series overall was a 6/10 for me, but it’s clear that the author has been improving in terms of writing, character development and plot. I don’t typically advertise on my blog because I find it obnoxious to find on other people’s, but I sincerely believe that this indie author is worth keeping an eye on. Currently, she is releasing a brand new series (and literally, she has amazing covers every single time, it’s kind of ridiculous.) called the Confectioners Guild. (Also, Claire please don’t sue me if I use your image I’m trying to support you because I want to see you do well T.T)
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And I’m not going to lie, this sounds like the most interesting delectable thing yet. For a brief overview, a confectioner in a magical world is framed for murder when her cupcakes end up poisoning someone. I won’t say any more than that, but I said, it already sounds wonderfully delicious and you can find the link to her whole series right here: https://claireluana.com/confectioner-chronicles/
(Also, btw, I’m not sponsored, I just love her books. Shoot me for wanting to see a  good indie author explode into mainstream media.)
Anyway, as usual, thank you for reading this review. If you liked it and want to see more of my honest reviews, feel free to give my little blog a follow and a like or a reblog. (Seriously tho, if you can do that my little 6 follower blog will adore you for the unconditional support.) 
And as always... 
I will see you next time!
A Bookish Blogger out!
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mimiri22-6 · 4 years
(This is my third time watching the video, it’s really good)
These old man jokes are actually really funny to me for some reason
...Why is Virgl just me? Doing one thing and them immediately regretting doing that thing
‘Liar. Liar. Liar! Liar!! LIAR!!” Guys, your gonna start summoning Janus(not that I would m-)
I’m not even going to try and hear wtf Roman just said. like, I understand Shakespeare, but do not ask me what words mean what. I get the gist of what’s being said most of the time, but it’s a language I never want to look at again. ‘Cutie at 12 o’clock’ yeah, I understood that, but don’t ever freaking do that again, Roman
‘We don’t know if he’s not gay’ he’s got a point
‘He’s got some stickers on his laptop’...i really want to get stickers on my laptop, but the one I have now is pretty shitty and I want the stickers to have a nice home.
‘That’s a classic introverted method of talking about yourself without having to do anything too..extreme. Like talking.’ I do hate talking
When Roman starting clapping his hands in excitement? Pure serotonin. that was adorable and Roman needs to be happier more often
‘You’re a creep, you’re a weirdo-’ I see what you did there Thomas crew
‘I don’t want me to be doing this either’ Me talking to my ADD+Procrastination+Perfectionism=What’s homework? Never heard of her *screeches in constant panic cosplaying a pterodactyl*
That little ‘ready to stare’ pose when Virgil said ‘Go’ like a dog owner playing fetch was greatly adorable
Let’s see, we got Yu-Gi-Oh, Basketball....excuse me, Mr Nico Flores? Wtf is that third thing supposed to be???
‘Go home and regret everything’ I agree. I wouldn’t even have the courage to do the kind of snooping Thomas is doing, I  would have already left and said goodbye to a chance of, at least, a new friend
There’s a lot of talk of names in this episode...all directed toward Roman...
I am once again Virg! What Are ‘Gay Eyes’ !? Gebus. I can hardly tell what I’m feeling most of the time. and I avoid eye contact at all costs. I will never use that, nor ever notice anyone using those in my vicinity. I am a very dense person.
That one shot, where Nico turns around and you can see Thomas and CO. in the back? Most likely my favorite shot.
‘Ah nanana, I wasn’t testing you. I was just panicking.’...I’m starting to understand why people relate to Virgil so much...
‘You’re making a mistake’ ‘If I am I’ll add it to the list!’ Oh, Roman, you need to talk about something?
No. Don’t crawl into the trashcan...no.
‘That’s like cyber stalking, but real life’ ‘So stalking’ ‘...OH, YOU’RE RIGHT!’ Oh my god, they’re all idiots. Where’s Logan when you need him.
Back to the discussion of Thomas’ wants. And the way Roman’s and Virgil’s expressions change with certain sentences is slightly worrying
...Am I the only one that doesn’t understand looking at some stranger and immediately imagining marrying them? Is that just me? Cause I can’t imagine looking at someone I don’t know and just going ‘I’d marry that and live the rest of my life with that’ I just-it really doesn’t make any sense to me.
‘The lies.’ uh oh ‘You can’t have true love if the relationship isn’t built on truth’ tru ‘Will deceit continue to be the answer to all your problems?’ Well...you don’t have to call me out like this...
‘He’s better off without me’...I use that line a lot...definitely too much actually...
‘He fears things, too?!’ Yes, Virgil, like most people...also same, I doubt other people feel fear, too.
‘What’d he say?!’ Once again, me in this situation
‘Yeah, super nosey, man. hahaha. *deep(very either dreamy or forgot to breath) sigh*’ I don’t know why, but that was an amazingly delivered line. Thomas is such a great actor in all mediums, and do not even try to say he’s not
Gosh, Roman looks So Sad. AH! NO!
C’mon, Virg. Fight or flight. Fight.
(Also, once again, I would not have the courage to even approach anyone like this. Ah, to live without being a wuss about everything...)
Thomas is actually how i act when I’m coming clean about something. Just rambling on my explanation, probably saying a bit too much to get the point across. Well, like Thomas, but add several more sentences and a fast dwindling voice that abruptly shuts down
‘...or an aspect of their life feeling like a trash bin and the waste keeps piling and piling up until it inevitably spills out into the rest of their life’ O-oh ok, didn’t how much of this asides would be a callout post to me specifically, but ok.
‘Shut up!’ ‘Shut up.’ ‘Shut UP!’ They’re adorable
This asides said Prinxiety rights
It was nice to see at least someone pop up this episode
Janus?! Oh ok-JANUS!?!
Eh! AH! OH NO! AAAAAHHH!!!! I NEED IT! BUT I DON’T HAVE ANY KIND OF MONEY NOW WILL I ANYTIME SOON! I HAVE LIKE 100$ TO MY NAME AND THAT’S CHRISTMAS GIFTS! IF I HAD A WAY I WOULD BUT I CAN’T AND I AM BUT A CHILD IN AN ADULT WORLD, I WOULD GIVE ALL I CAN IF I COULD, BUT ALAS I CAN NOT! NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!(but also thank god I don’t because my wallet would be barren between Vivziepop, Unus Annus, Jacksepticeye, Cloak, Top of the Morning Coffee, and Thomas...I would be living in a box with only merch to my name...)
After Credits Scene!~~~
That edit, with all of them walking into the house! I can only dream of doing that! like, I have an idea of how that was made, but it will always be spectacular to me
PAUSE! OH MY FUCKING GOD! IS THAT SPARKALING PURPLE EYESHADOW! VIRG IS LOOKING FABULOUS! HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT ON HIM!(also wasn’t there a tumblr post flying around with that idea as a joke? the one where Virg is doing his black eyeshadow saying something about hiding his eyebags and Roman’s like ‘ I have a better way of doing that’ and then it’s just Virgil with glitter under his eyes. That wasn’t my imagination, because I’m too smooth brain for that)
‘I’m gonna need you to, like, walk around the entire expanse of the room, in like a frenzy, thank you so much, yes, that helps somehow’ It is weird how that helps alot
‘Huh, delete it.’ Wow! I only just realized that Virgil’s eyeshadow is black there. it went by so fast the last times that I didn’t notice.
‘I know right!’ Oh My God He’s So Cute Like This! He’s So HAPPY! PATTON, YOU NEED TO SEE YOUR SON LIKE THIS, IT’S FULFILLING!
‘I found a Michelin star restaurant, it’s in France’ ‘I’m listening’ just two idiots working together in the name of love(I accidently just referenced a song...I’m proud of myself for that)
‘I’m gonna need you to shake your hands, alright, you gotta do something with them, they’re just hanging there’  A whole mood.
‘Are we ready for this?’ Oh No! Virgil’s sad again! Stop worrying him! let him live his life!
‘AH, DEMON!’ also a mood
‘Don’t tell me to relax!’ he is literally Anxiety, c’mon Ro.
Anyway, loved that. Now I will either rewatch Bee and Puppycat, again, all the way through, so I can finally update my season 2 review, yes there is a season 2 and it is AMAZING, or i will end up rewatching the previous TSS episode, again, idk how many times I’ve done that...I will most likely do the latter because I can never get enough comfort Thomas content. And Then maybe watch B and Puppycat again, because I really need to.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
December 9th-December 15th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from December 9th, 2019 to December 15th, 2019.  The chat focused on Thirteenth Child by Sergio Ragno.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Thirteenth Child by Sergio Ragno~! (http://thirteenthchild.net/ThirteenthChild/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until December 15th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What moment related to theme of vengeance and revenge did you like the most and why? Overall, what do you think we can learn from the characters and story about the role of vengeance and revenge in our lives?
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. How much of what’s going on behind the scenes do you think Alicia Graves actually knows? Is she just someone’s pawn as others have suggested? Also, what will she do now with many of her enemy’s exposed?
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What do you think Queen’s goals actually are, and how is she intending to achieve them? What do you think Queen will do now that the plague sample is out of her grasp? In other words, what’s her future role in the story?
1) My favorite scene in the comic so far is probably when everything was going haywire at the gala event and everyone gets to the room to steal the sample but surprise, it's already gone. I just liked the delivery of the reveal of that in a lot of ways, since it was both fitting for Lisa while also just leading to a nice dramatic computer screen punch. Plus, given how much had gone wrong to that point, I was glad to see something go right for on Lisa's end. 2) The moment I liked the most in regards to the theme of vengeance was actually that moment where Lisa got recruited by Queen and she was just kind of sitting there like a grump. While not the most poignant moment regarding the theme persay, I did find it fitting in the retrospect. I feel this story and characters kind of promotes the idea that vengeance and revenge won't fill whatever empty void is inside you. So seeing Lisa in that initial kind of dead woman walking state I think really captured the essence of that, in that her path was not one that was ever going to make her happy.
3) My favorite character at the moment is definitely Darius. I love the sunglasses design for him. And I like that he has this strange mix of moral compass fixed on justice while at the same time being kind of smarmy. He's like the sort of "good guy" who you aren't actually sure you want to root for, until push comes to shove and you see he actually is kind of a stand-up guy. And I like that his character keeps you on edge like that. 4) Honestly, I don't think Alicia Graves knows jack of what's really going on. I'm not sure if I'd say she was a pawn, persay, as I don't think the people who do know everything actually have that strict of a control on her. However, she's definitely being used. So while I'm sure she has some idea about the Plague situation etc., I think she's not fully capable of understanding the origins or ramifications of what's going on around her through other people. Now that her enemies are clearer, though, I feel she will take steps to release herself from that used status. But that being said,, I kind of feel like she might go deeper on the villain side for a while, where she becomes really self-focused on getting what she wants, and then ya know, gets into trouble with everyone.
5) There's a lot of nice ones, but I'm a big fan of the middle panel on this page http://thirteenthchild.net/ThirteenthChild/index.php/comic/thirteenth-child-the-simulation/ I really love the machine design of the opponent. But what really sells the image for me is the bright blue moon(?) in the background. It adds a really nice pop of color that draws your eye in, and I think it creates a great contrast to create a sort of action-y mood at is were. 6) I think Queen's goal is kind of as she has said: she wants to destroy the current government. If I had to take a guess of what she's going to do, it's probably build an army strong enough to grab essential resources that will cripple the government until their demands are met. And then she'll probably eradicate the current system and potentially go for a more socialism route. As for what Queen will do now, she's definitely gonna hunt Ghost. I do not think Queen will take the events sitting down, and Queen seems like some super, super obsessed with revenge and like she's the type who will hold an eternal grudge. So Ghost is definitely gonna find herself hunted.
1) I am not super far into this comic yet, but so far I really enjoyed the shift from the action sequence at the beginning to the cool first day at work scene. It was nice to transition into stillness from motion. Likewise, I then like the introduction of all the new sassy friends. Basically, I think this comic does transitions really well, and I like the continual shifts in tone at the beginning.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What exactly is Mary/the Crimson Star? How did Mary come to be, especially given the information we have via the flashback? Will Mary return, and if so, what will the others do?
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. What do you think the Order of the Plague will do now given the events of the most recent chapter? Can Lisa still trust them given Darius is intercepted by the CIA?
7) I probably like seeing Plague/XIII and Lisa interact the most. They have a really interesting past history together despite not meeting in person until later. And I'm interested in how their similar but different views create conflict. Mostly, though, I think they make a very good duo who play off of each other really well. 8) I feel like the Crimson Star is some sort of AI machine that was created by Mary and was given her memories in a lot of ways. However, I think the process was flawed so it's basically a separate entity that just has Mary's motivational drives that compel it onward. Since I imagine this was maybe a failsafe measure given the sorts of experiments going on. We definitely have not seen the last of Mary, cause Mary seems to be a master class boss here. Granted, I imagine it'll take a while for Mary to get a new body.
9) I really like the story's attention to past details and how it brings them up later on. For example, the arcade cabinet that Lisa notices in one chapter actually hiding the secret entrance to a base. I really love callbacks like this since it works in comedy in ways that are actually relevant to the story. 10) I think the Order of the Plague is going to be kind of split in goals. I think half of them are going to try to find Plague and Lisa, since i don't feel either of them will be cooperating or making their intentions known. The other half I feel will be delving into the bigger boss villains territory with the CIA. Also no, Lisa should not trust them. The CIA is never good news. They are bad news bears, and at the end even if the Order doesn't mean it, the CIA is likely to stab everyone in the back.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think Lisa and Plague/XIII’s next move will be, and what exactly will be their end game goals? How do you think the two will continued to be effected by the diseases and powers they possess?
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Why do you think Lisa’s mother let Lisa think she’s been dead all these years, and what does this have to do with her role in the CIA? Also, what is the CIA’s interest in the current events of the story?
11) I think this comic's strengths are what I mentioned for details. It's super good at weaving past history into present history and managing multiple plot threads. I never feel like I need to worry about anything getting dropped, and that gives me a sense of security while reading the story that things would eventually get answers. 12) I feel like Lisa and XIII are going to end up going to some gov facilities to do some research more into what's even inside of them, if they can. And also to make sure to remove a lot of people from positions of power that they're abusing. I think in terms of end game goals, I think it's just to stop a lot of corruption and then probably go into hiding (at least for Lisa). Although I think at the end they will have hard lives in general. Even if they succeed 100% in all their other goals, their powers will always make them targets, so they're kind of doomed for a life on the run unless they kind find a "cure."
13) I am most looking forward to finding out wtf Lisa's mom has been up to and what the CIA wants. Cause those are player's I didn't expect to roll up into the story at all. 14) Speaking of the above, I assume Lisa's mom was summoned for some super duper undercover mission that only she could do for some reason, and she was like "It's fine Lisa can take care of herself." And so she went to do that and since Lisa was kind of loosely fine she just continued to work with the CIA and became the big boss. And it's the CIA. Of course they're interested in what are basically super weapons. I mean their entire job is about protecting national interests, and the last thing you want is for the wrong people to get their hands on super peeps.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Thirteenth Child this week! Please also give a special thank you to Sergio Ragno for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Thirteenth Child, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://thirteenthchild.net/ThirteenthChild/
Sergio’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SergeXIII
Sergio’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sergexiii
Sergio’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sergexiii
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messedupessy · 7 years
This is the second time wtf
Got tagged by @dtk-imagines what a butt (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) also got tagged by @skelltales another butt
Name: MessedUpEssy, though my real first name is Ebba but I prefer Essy
Nickname: Essy
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 6th October
Nationality: Swedish yo
Heritage: Swedish I guess, though I know that some of my ancestors originally came from some other country can't recall tho
Religion: none~
Current Place of Residence: Sweden duh
Education: have went to an art school, barely graduated but still did yay
Car: nope
Skills: what skills? pfft jk! well drawing, never ending imagination, pretty good memory, when it comes to the most randomnest things but still, a bit in writing and animation too, dunno what more
Pets: 3 cats, 2 dogs and about 10 something horses~  
Marital status: single pringle~
Children: mhhh nah, don't know, older kids are ok but children under the age of like 4 I avoid as the flippin plague, not sure why, but if I want any kids of my own? don't want to pop any out that's for sure, and taking care of an infant is something I am way too unsure if I even want to or can and shit, but would like to maybe adopt a older kid maybe someday, but dunno, can barely take care of myself, so getting a kid when I can't barely take care of myself is just stupid, also too much damn responsibility xD 
Siblings: a older and younger sister
Height: 5′6 aka 168 cm
Weight: not telling
Eye Color: greenish blueish yellowish
Hair Color: my natural hair colour is super blonde, but current is orange <:
Disorders/Disabilities: well I guess they can be called disorders/disabilities, but I got Aspergers and good old ADHD, though I don't really consider them disabilities more like a gift but also a fucking curse at times yay ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽalso PCOS, and also I need glasses or I am extremely blind
Some Traits About Me: uh, I make constant jokes? especially extremely dirty ones no matter what, habit of starting to laugh at absolutely nothing about the most randomnesst thing, have way too many ideas for stories comics arts you name it, and I dunno what more I can tell you  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite Food: Pizza, stew, rice with chicken sauce and cooked carrots, a certain Chinese food dish that I don't know the name off, eh, lots more but can't remember right now
Favorite Drink: Juice, but just one kind, a chocolate drink called Oboy, which is milk with chocolate powder mixed in, milkshakes, they count as a drink right? and there is this alcoholic drink called Pink Panther that taste like a strawberry milkshake that is sooo good~
Top Five Movies: I barely watch movies anymore, but LEON, Road to El Dorado, Prince of Egypt, old Disney movies, other old dreamworks movies, studio ghibli movies etc can't be bothered with been specific atm
Top Five TV Shows: don't watch tv shows either, because extremely shitty internet and also not that interested, but I love Bones! haven't watched the latest like 2-3 seasons tho so don't spoil me!  
Top Five Songs: agh have soo many, but currently I think it's: "Patchouli" by The Ark, "Dear God" by Avenged Sevenfold, "Banankontakt" by Electric Banana Band, "Skeleton Song" by Kate Nash and lastly "Two Birds" by Regina Spektor!    
Favorite Sport: NO
Favorite Book: Oh damn haven't read a proper book for ages, but my all time favourite books are the one's written by David and Leigh Eddings! Especially the Belgariad and Mallorean series, oh and the Elenium and Tamuli series too damn so good! but one of my absolute favourites got to be The Redemption of Althalus!! GO AND READ THEM THEY ARE ALL SOOO DAMN GOOD FUCK NEED TO RE READ THEM     
Favorite Color: Orange, lime green, most greens actually, especially like moss green the greenish yellow one, also red and black etc
Broken bones: Never
Fears: wasps, sharks and snakes, and getting older haha
and I tag no one, can't be bothered this time around <:
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myloveholtzy · 8 years
Yes really! You're not trash and to answer the why, it's because I want to get to know you more but if that's uncomfortable for you then you don't have to
Wow! Okay, I’ll do it bc I refuse to get out of bed, so this is a good excuse
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?Sometimes when I question my own existence
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?3 ½? Depends on where I am
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?“Your hair gross…very gross.”
7. What shirt are you wearing?Power to the girls sweater I bought bc I saw Supergirl wear it (im trash)
8. What do you label yourself as?Tired asian lesbian trying to move forward
9. Bright room or dark room?Dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?Watching the Great British Bake Off
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?Idk this one? 17?
12. Who told you they loved you last?Best friend of 11 years :)
13. Your worst enemy?Idk like I guess I’m my worst enemy but that’s too real so I’ll say theatre kids at my school
14. What is your current desktop picture?I have 4, Kate McKinnon, SNL cast, Parks & Rec cast, and 30 Rock cast (im trash)
15. Do you like someone?No, no point in getting into a relationship when I’m getting ready to move
16. The last song you listened to?Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?Angry Orange.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?Angry Orange.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?Wtf weird question. Um I guess Angry Orange? I’d only make him like stop fucking the country and donate his money.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)My long legs lol
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?Idk I’d probably just look the same and I’d go out and see if people treat me differently
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?Not really? I mean most people don’t know that I can draw
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?Like unique thing about me? Idk I feel like I’m always trying to hide something about me.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.Turkey, swiss cheese, spinach, cucumber, and light mayo. Yup, that’s basically my subway order.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?I should save it, but I’m probably not going to. Um clothes/food I guess
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?NYC, it’s basically home
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be???? I don’t drink, but I’ll just pick some random brand of beer that my friends like. They can have my lifetime supply
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? No homophobia
29. What is your favorite expletive?“Fuck”
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?LAPTOP.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?I guess all of 8th grade lol
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!I guess England?
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?Um is it weird to say Carrie Fisher? I don’t have a family member/friend that has died, but Carrie Fisher did a lot of good. It would be amazing if she came back and continued to bring people joy
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?Yup, car crash last summer. Had to go to the ER
37. Have you ever built a snowman?NO. There’s no snow here I hate it
38. What is the color of your socks?Light blue
39. What type of music do you like?Musial theatre, movie soundtracks, and I guess pop? My music taste is trash
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?Sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?CHOCOLATE
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)I don’t follow sports
43. Do you have any scars?Ya, a lot on my thighs, but they’re fading!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?Graphic designer
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?Wish I didn’t hold so many grudges…
46. Are you reliable?Yea definitely
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?Do you have a stable job?
48. Do you hold grudges?YES it’s kinda bad, I hold too many grudges
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?Horse and a bird, I want a pegasus
51. Are you a good liar?I think I am
52. How long could you go without talking?Probably pretty long. Few days?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?This one maybe lol idk people are telling me it looks good but I don’t like it anymore
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?Yup yup, made a cheesecake a few days ago
56. What do you like on your toast?Nutella!!
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?Toriel from Undertale lol
58. What would be you dream car?Uhh idk I’ll just say convertible
60. Do you believe in aliens?Yup yup
61. Do you often read your horoscope?Nope, I don’t really remember to
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?X
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?DRAGONS
64. What do you think about babies?Um sometimes cute? Please don’t ask me to take care of them
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agentjohnson · 8 years
Tagged by my piece of shit boyfriend @over-dank76
Rules: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as you want because it may be a tag but its also still your post, so enjoy
1. coke or pepsi: coke 300% wtf is this pepsi shit
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Disney specifically because it has greatly influenced my life and holds so much sentimental value
3. Coffee or tea: I literally only drink both out of necessity but if I HAVE to pick probably tea??
4. Books or movies: B O O K S
5. Windows or mac: windows lol idk how macs work
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel literally did you see my blog when AoU came out... I was going to marry Quicksilver I swear (also AoS is LIFE currently but that’s besides the point)
7. Xbox or playstation: lmao
8. Dragon age or mass effect: . . .
9. Night owl or early riser: night owl
10. Cards or chess: cards
11. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate without question
12. Vans or converse: *Demi Lovato voice circa 2008* CONVERSE with my dress well baby~ THAT’S JUST ME
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: lmao who
14. Fluff or angst: ANGST HOLY FUCK because like okay when fluff is good it’s good but when angst is good... it’s G O O D
15. Beach or forest: beach (reppin that south bay life)
16. Dogs or cats: dogs! I got a schnauzer named Max and I love him
17. Clear skies or rain: clear skies bc rain is a fuckin phenomenon in California (but don’t get me wrong I love rain)
18. Cooking or eating out: eating out lol I’m lazy
19. Spicy or mild food: spicy prolly
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: too hot, i get sleepy when I’m cold
22. If you could have a superpower what would it be: flight no question
23. Animation or live action: live action
24. Paragon or renegade: . . .
25. Bath or shower: bath but I never have time for them
26. Team cap or team ironman: okay I’m gonna have the unpopular opinion here of Iron Man like he was very reasonable about everything and 90% of the drama in Civil War would have been over if they stuck to Iron Man’s plan (but Cap can lick my butt for all I care I love him more than Tony tbh)
27. Fantasy or sci-fi: why do you do this to me... I guess I have to pick fantasy
28. Do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes if so what are they: like serious quotes my favorite one is from Maya Angelou and it goes “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” But not serious quotes wise is probably “If you aren’t falling off stage lipsyncing to Dolly Parton then how the hell are you gonna love somebody else? Can I get a tuning note PLEASE?” from the one and only @snekans
29. YouTube or netflix: netflix for quality but youtube out of convenience
30. Harry Potter or percy jackson: W H Y  D O  Y O U  D O  T H I S  T O  M E
31. When you feel accomplished: actually finishing something creative that I mentally planned to do (which by the way is once in never)
32. Star wars or star trek: yeah
33. Paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover they feel authentic
34. Fantastic beasts or cursed child: Fantastic Beasts without a blink of an eye
35. Rock or pop music: another one???? Idk I tend to lean towards rock  stylistically, but my favorite music is 80s-early 2000s pop because I’m trashy
36. What is the most important thing in your life: the people who have stayed with me through everything and have stayed loyal and truthful to me
37. Mountains or sea/ocean: sea
38. How do you express yourself?: drawing and a LOT (and I mean a lot) of talking
39. How would you describe your style of clothing?: I go from asian boy to classy punk to really feminine in like 0.002 seconds so it just depends on the mood
41. If you could go back in time 6 months and change one thing what would it be?: finding out about how shit a certain asshole was sooner, so I could drop their ass much earlier in my senior year
42. First book/ movie that made you cry?: I will never forget this, its a book called Searching for David’s Heart by Cherie Bennett. If you haven’t read it, please do, you won’t regret it. I did read it when I was in fourth grade... but I also read PJO in fourth grade and look what happened to me.
Ima tag @snekans @doreato @linculto @tre-cani711 @cubularshark @basicallythisismagic because they are all my friends and buddies and I like to bother them
Also tag yourself if you want to do it! Just say it was from me, I wanna learn more about you guys :)
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RANDOM RECORD WORKOUT SEASON 5 Battle 9 Electric Light Orchestra: Face The Music (Side 2) Vs. Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet (Side 1) Electric Light Orchestra: Face The Music (side 2) The Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) are an English rock band formed in Birmingham in 1970, by songwriters/multi-instrumentalists Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood with drummer Bev Bevan. Their music is characterised by a fusion of Beatlesque pop, classical arrangements, and futuristic iconography. After Wood's departure in 1972, Lynne became the band's leader, arranging and producing every album while writing virtually all of their original material. They dabbled in concept albums like Eldorado, but mainly Were just very good at writing catchy, hook laden rock songs, fleshed out with strings and classical orchestral arrangements overdubbed. When I say very good at, I really mean they basically helped create it entirely, almost as a new genre labeled symphonic pop. Complete art in and of it's own right. Elo wanted to write beatles-esqe pop fused with modern and classical flair. Basically a Beethoven/Beatles mash up. It's pretty brilliant if you ask me. 1975's Face The Music is their 5th studio album. Only four tunes (hey, this was the height of 8 track mania after all) and it starts with "Poker" - an almost punky, chunky number. Cool ass keyboard rips and blips. Slows to a mellow jam. It might actually be my favorite on the side. The next cut is "Strange Magic", which is of course the big hit off the album. If there were such a thing as rock theater, then this would undoubtedly fit the bill. And buried on the B side even. That is the strange part! "Down Home Town" is a partial country twanger. Did Dylan write this?! I can see an influence for sure. Even on later bands like the New Mongrels. Dixie land for synthesizers. "One Summer Dream" is a ballad of standard tempo and containing a little weighty (of the phylum Floyd, Pink) build. It doesn't really pan out though, just plateaus. Overall it's two really great tracks with two mediocre ones. Could be worse. One thing is for sure: ELO is badder ass than you think. I am not sure I can accurately and truly draw comparisons. They are true to their namesake, an electric orchestra with synth bliss. ELO certainly has a flair for the appropriate dramatics. Falsetto vocals never sounded better. Bon Jovi: Slippery When Wet (side 1) Bon Jovi is an American rock band from Sayreville, New Jersey. They formed in 1983 and, really are centered around two anchors. Some fans may disagree, but I say TWO because founding member and namesake John Bongiovi AND lead guitarist (and co-songwriter) Richie Sambora really combine, fairly equally in my eyes to create Bon Jovi's signature sound. Sambora left in 2013' but BJ rocks on, even today. The story really begins in 1986. After two moderately successful albums, the group was about to break big. In early 1986 Bon Jovi moved to Vancouver, Canada to record their third album. The band spent six-months recording the new album. The band decided to name the album "Slippery When Wet" after visiting a strip club in Vancouver. On August 16, 1986, Slippery When Wet was released. The album reached number one in U.S., where it spent 8 weeks at number one on the Billboard 200 album chart. The first two singles from the album, "You Give Love a Bad Name" and "Livin' on a Prayer", both reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. Slippery When Wet was named the top selling album of 1987 by Billboard. "Livin' On A Prayer" won an MTV Video Music Award for Best Stage Performance. For that year at least, you couldn't get away from Bon Jovi even if you wanted to...that is until Geffen unleashed Guns 'n Roses on the world (and thank God for that!) And they kicked them off the charts. Anyhow, Bon Jovi waste no time, starting right off with "Let It Rock". They do exactly that. Boisterous and massive attack keyboard and a calculated intro track. It immediately demonstrates JBJ's vocal range. You get style, solos and hair. Next up is a fan fave, "You Give Love A Bad Name". EVERYONE knows this radio jam. It was practically a theme song of 1987. You are singing it right now, aren't you? Ok, well if you said no, you are lying to yourself and you ARE singing it right now. Who doesn't shout along to the chorus!?!? No one, that's who. As it that were not enough, they keep at it with "Livin' On A Prayer". Another chart buster in the hard luck "Jack and Diane" type story. So much pain in song form. "Social Disease" is actually the only real WTF moment on the album. Obvious filler. Is it possible to earn negative stars??! This tune is just plain corny. "Wanted Dead or Alive" is the other big one. It shows diversity of the band and is actually an excellent example of a great power ballad and story telling song. Sambora really shines bright here. I have a funny/embarrassing story about this song. 100% true, forever (like three years after it's release even) I thought they were saying "Meadow of Life" instead, and it always made me scratch my head why, but I though: "well, he's a cowboy on a steel horse, so I guess they ride through meadows...so yeah." No. Joke. Anyhow, it was a big breakthrough album for the NJ boys. It is riff-centric radio rock and every bit of it great. Super prodced, but it helped make Bon Jovi a household name, and acid washed denim clad teen girls melt in the streets at the mere mention of the name. I first heard of them through my sister, and more specifically the large poster on her bedroom wall. I was still enjoying my Fat Boys records at the time. At least until I heard Guns 'N Roses (#lifechanging). Good news for JBJ fans: On October 5, 2017, Bon Jovi was listed as a nominee for the 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions... Stay tuned!! So ELO faced the music and burned 136 calories in 18 minutes over 4 songs. They earned 8 out of 12 possible stars. That is a pretty impressive 34 calories burned per song and 7.56 calories per minute. Bon Jovi made me both slippery AND wet (with sweat you pervs) while They burned 175 calories over 23 minutes and 5 songs. They earned 10 out of 15 possible stars. That is 35 calories burned per song and 7.61 calories per minute. Looks like the BJ's win..high fives all around! Listen for yourself! Check out the links: Electric Light Orchestra: "Strange Magic" https://youtu.be/-6f35OusJuI Bon Jovi: "You Give Love a Bad Name" (terribly lip synced but who cares) https://youtu.be/_TxR9nrXrC8 #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUTSEASON5 #RANDOMRECORDWORKOUT
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