#like what if people r like bro thats ugly
star-dust-shark · 4 months
pjo incorrect quotes as things me and people I know have said on crack
Jason: these grapes are funky
Leo: these grapes are fucky
Leo: *drops sandwich, cries*
Nico: I will never forget the fact that Piper and I where sitting together with headphones on and she looked up only to see me playing air guitar and head banging to whats my age again
Solangelo: *kith*
Will: *walking away with a dorky grin*
Will: *almost gets hit by car*
Will: *gets home and screams into pillow for twenty minutes, then picks up diary and writes like five pages about Nico, then texts him for like an hour and a half and afterwards draydreams about him*
Will: hmm I think I might like Nico
Leo: imagine having sex and someone moans like a hentai girl lol
Percy: *moans* KyAAaaaAAHHHhhhhhh
Reyna: bro apologized like Colleen Ballinger
Reyna: like fuck off I hope you die
Percy: tOxiC GosSiP tRaiN
Jason: not a groomer
Leo: *hair flip* just a loser
Piper: Im horny- I mean horngry- I mean- *cries*
Nico: mentally I am a fifty year old man
Will: yeah totally not obvious mister motley crue
Leo: jason
Leo: I have something to tell you
Jason: yeah?
Leo: Im gay
Jason: WHAT
Annabeth: my wrist hurts
Percy: emooooooooooo
Annabeth: I literally sprained it wtf
Hazel: no you cant commit mass genocide Nico
Nico: its pride month this is homophobic
Reyna: okay how about we play the quiet game
Reyna: whoever wins gets my two dollars
Reyna: three, two, one, ghost town
Leo: *face red, fists clenched, rocking back and forth*
Everyone: *concerned looks*
Piper: your moms hot
Jason: lol what she ugly asf
Will: im concerned with your eating habits, Nico
Will: its very serious Im kinda scared
Nico: womp womp
Jason: would you suck my dick if-
Percy: yes
Jason: if there was poison in it and I would die if you didnt
Leo: ive learnt something interesting
Leo: my arm skin one day may be cut off and turned into a penis
Leo: therefore...
Leo: *bumps arm into Jason*
Jason: WHAT
*talking on tumblr*
Hazel: wyd
Frank: jus on tumblr and talking to you
Hazel: lol nerd imagine
Hazel: *bats eyelashes* what does gyat mean
Frank: uhh It means generous young amazing t-
Rachel: Im so single
Will: skill issue? L ratio? no rizz? no game? no bitches?
Percy: I havent taken my meds
Annabeth: oh no good gods
Percy: so that means
Percy: I will either try to kill myself orrrrr
Percy: like violently fuck someone
Jason: I volunteer
Jason: I volunteer as tribute
Nico: hey girl *winks* r u a racoon
Nico: bc Im trash
Nico: *bursts into tears*
Annabeth: *walks into bathroom, sees spider*
Annabeth: *yelps* oh
Annabeth: hello mister spider
Annabeth: youre not so bad
Spider: *moves*
Jason: *hits knee* oh fuck- my knee-
Leo: okay
Jason: *scared* ur gonna fuck my knee????
Thalia: I am now a tree a tree I am a tree is me
Nico: im actually kinda insecure about my knees weirdly enough
Will: aww bb :(
Will: well I think you uh
Will: ...have beautiful knees???
Nico: *jokingly* I can read your mind
Will: oh no
Will: oh shit
Will: thats not good
Nico: it cant be that bad
Nico: are these thoughts about me, per chance?
Will: WHAAAAT NOOO *hangs up*
Leo: daddy hands, twig nerd bod
Leo: im confused why can girls call their friends girlfriends but whenever I call Jason my boytoy twink malewife manwhore someone gets pissed
Hazel: yeah, this guys really annoying me
Frank: ugh im gonna fist him
Hazel: ...
Frank: what
Frank: like beat him up?
Percy: my friend thinks youre cute
Annabeth: what? who?
Percy: me
Percy: Im the friend
Percy: I think ur cute
Nico: so weird when someone comforts you
Nico: like why
Nico: just lemme be a moody emo brooding sad angsty depressed boy for a bit
Leo: *in toad voice* BItCH i SaiD wHaT i sAiD iD rAthEr bE FaMoUs InsTeAd iD LeT aLL Of ThAt GeT To MY heAd I DonT cArE ILL pAinT tHe ToWn ReD
Nico: *crafting with scissors*
Percy: *walks in*
Percy: what are you doing
Nico: ...crafting?
Percy: oh okay I thought you where cutting yourself
Leo: *glares*
Frank: *glares back*
Frank and Leo: *glaring at eachother*
Leo: omg I just felt sparks
*sees gay porn*
Will: thats it im homophobic
Nico: so I wrote this song
Nico: *adjusts mic, positions guitar*
Nico: *deep breath*
Nico: *strums single chord* my whole family died
Nico: thank you, thank you
Nico: just realized the only physical contact Ive had in like a whole month was Leo dabbing me up
Jason: straights ask why theres no straight pride month but like
Jason: isnt there a toyota month or smth
Jason: id say that works
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crushedsweets · 11 months
ok ok ok ok so i feel like,m idk. hat do you think the creeps are like when they laugh or smile. like full on snorting sobbing out of breath red tomato face laughing or just lik "haaha" or what
HIIII i love this ask its so cute. again, applies to my au, so if i mention smth weird its cuz its smth deep in my brain.... LOL
tims a chuckler... its like a deep, almost raspy chuckle. if its ever funny enough for a full laugh, he's wheezing.
brian also chuckles, but he has a huge smile and it sounds a lot more genuine than tim half the time. we all know what his smile looks like it is very pleasant .
toby's always cheesing. ok jk no he's not but he likes to laugh, it feels good. he'd start with a closed mouth, trying not to smile laugh cuz he's also annoying and doesnt want to give ppl the satisfaction that theyre funny, but he can't hold it in and will literally throw his head back laughing at random shit
kate has a cute little smile, those little crescent smile lines at the corner of her motuh - she has a quiet laugh most of the time, she's really not the type to go HAHAHA...
natalie snorts. if smth is funny she's snorting and u know it. not even laughing she'll just snort n nod along
jack just has a very normal like. hahah. like if its funny he's gonna bbe like haha. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN like theres litetally so many guys in my classes who just laugh like hahaha and thats jack.
sally giggles, obviously . shes like lol. hehe. haha. HEHE. she has those over-sized big ass teeth that kids have when they havent grown into their adult teeth yet, so it looks rlly cute when she smiles. always smiles w her teeth
ben wheezes, snorts, rolls his head back, fucking grips his stomach, he goes the full mile. it is never that funny but wow will he laugh.
jeff also wheezes but it sounds like he's a chainsmoker,closer to tims wheeze rather than bens wheeze. its ugly. he smiles w his teeth too, and its fucking. his teeth wont even be touching his smile is just huge idk like hes ugly idk bro omfg. im sorry. no. he always sounds like hes laughing at you, rather than with you
liu wheezes too, runs in the family i guess. he just sounds like a much more pleasant, genuinely happy version of jeff. laughs with you. will put a hand on ur shoulder if u made a joke and laugh and tilt his head down and shake his head n shit.
jane has a quick sudden "HAH" type of laugh. it kinda surprises people cuz youd expect more of a gentle "haha" thing but its so sudden and loud and its cute fr.
nina fucking giggles she wont shut the FUCK UP she will keep going and snort and slap her knee. her and ben r the same theyre so annoying. shes so cute though.
ann has an annoying ass sultry laugh. like it almost seems like shes forcing it to be sexy. its terrible. she smirks too. its awful
lulu has a very light, airy laugh. never smiles with her teeth. it almost echoes when shes in fog
sadies laugh sounds like shes crying like the amt of time shes been laughing hella hard and someones liek RU OK and shes liek YEA ... then covers her face to laugh its so bad
dina has a sinister ass laugh idk how to explain that one either. a mix of HEHEHE and HAHAHAH like its never that serious but shes laughing like idek.
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mcl38 · 11 months
At least your self aware. we have been hearing about that ugly troll being a future wdc for 5 years and he can not even capitalize on any chance to win without bottling it
id actually argue lando was rly slept on in terms of wdc material for the first 3ish years he spent in f1, and i think theres a couple reasons for that. first, like, he just didnt have a compelling enough narrative - when u compare it to his fellow 2019 british rookies, one of them was the champion of formula williams bc that car was so far behind anyone else, and the other one got promoted to a top 3 team within half a year, meanwhile lando was just kinda quietly collecting midfield points in a difficult-to-drive car, not rly much artifice in his rookie season. and then also, bc of his adolescent charisma, it was rly tempting for pundits and fans alike to shoehorn lando into this weird category of like court fool, where he gets to do his little quips and jokes and giggles and everyone gets to forget that he also like, drives a car.
but the funnest reason for this initial underrating imo is that lando's not had a typical driver performance trajectory. ive talked abt this before, but his progress in f1 has been SO amazing to watch bc he just keeps getting better bro. ppl like charles and george got the label of prodigy or championship potential bc they came into f1 guns ablazing, ready to fuck shit up in their subpar cars, and only after years in the sport do we see that, in top cars, that same crazy determination can easily turn into desperation and overshooting. lando, meanwhile, came into f1 a shy driver. i don't mean in terms of personality, but in terms of racecraft - he tended to lose positions after the start, give up slightly too easily in wheel to wheel battles, choose to save tyres over fighting for position, etc (traits that he still somewhat displays). but then, over his 5 years in the sport, he's sort of quietly and methodically developed niche skills like tyre management, race pace, and outlaps / inlaps (as well as the bigger ones like overtaking lol), and now he's in a top dog car and people r surpised to see that he's like consistently a threat, consistently on the podium, hasnt crashed into a wall once this season, hasnt ever had a driver error dnf. why? because he started off cautious (and therefore unimpressive), which turned into calculated, so he can figure out exactly where he can push and where he can't afford to. which is exactly what mclaren want and need in a top car driver
so like yes i understand that the nowins jokes arent gonna stop until he does actually get a win. but at the same time, he's currently sitting in front of the only non-rbr race winner in the championship with a car thats only been fast for half the season. and why is that? because he bottles races? nope. because he doesnt
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rwqv · 21 days
yes vro u get it ...... i hate it when people just say that megumis whole thing is just being the "potential man" cus thats his whole character arc ..... vro ...
why were u thinking while driving ummm officer write her a ticket ... no but ur rigjht except for the fact that naoya was not an ignorant teenager but an ignorant 27 year old LOLL but i get what u mean. all of the toji parallels with maki are effing sick like ugh as the number one toji glazer for life i loved it so bad
cursed naoya was literally so ugly like i lost all my feelings for naoya when i saw cursed naoya LMFAOOOOO but i lowkey like predicted that he would somehow come back ... cus i was like no way they'll show this character that wanted to kill off all the mcs and who was such a big antag just for him to die so easily .. and then boom he came back
vro yusukugojo would be actually insane and lowkey too goated ..
dude i remember watching the scene where toji shoots riko with my brother and i like had to pause and take a walk because wtf .... why did i actually believe theyd get a happy ending like girl there r still so many episodes left ur in for it ...
i disliked toji at first but after realizing that his character was so much more than a broke ahh assassin i learned to love him so bad .. i like to say that i appreciate his writing and his sexiness a healthy (unhealthy) amount ...
GROWLSLLSSSSS TOJI GIRL DAD OMG ..... ive been wanting to talk about toji and write for him SO FUCKING BADDDDDD but flore hates him so ... ill just go die now i guess ...... but TOJI GIRL DAD IM GOPING VERALLLLLL ..... he would totally let his daughter put makeup on him and he would totally wear the smallest princess costumes that dont fit his huge ahh ... and growllslss he would totally take that shit so seriously . "he" as in the man i made up in my head in place of toji fushiguro whos the love of my life and father of my kids ,,,
something abouit toji has been making me go crazy lately like .... i might cheat on gojo for him LOLLLL joke lang joke lang
everytuime i think of toji i go fucking feral like its not even a joke anymore ... if i had the will to wriute i woild write and write and write until i turned into the apple logo like him
higuruma ... hehe ... the man U are higuruma ..... goodness the bathtub scene made me go in sane in the mem brane liek ..,.. hooweee .... what doja cat said
naoya is 27 and still acting like this bro 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 grow up bro you are NOT sat or u gojo 😭 i wish he died the first time but noooo come back and then noooo come back ahain as a cursed spirit just LET IT BE no one likes you (except for people in japan i guess. number 5 is too high)
i swear if jjk shippuden doesnt happen where they are all happy and fun i will cry and yknow what else id kinda like to see is what sukuna said in yujis head… i think thatd be funny
OR special afterlife episode
toji is such a tragic character tbh… at least he found enlightenment hope hes with mamaguro he loved her so much id die
I LOVE TOJI GIRL DAD i love toji in general. hed be such a good father (lie) and care about his kids (lie) hed buy her everything she wants because she made a pouty face and he cant resist it and would carry her on his shoulders bc she wanted uppies and go shopping at the mall and ride the carousel with her on the unicorns even though he barely fits… hed pretend to be hurt if his daughter hit him playfully in a “fight” and say “wow ur rlly strong” and shed giggle and laugh and itd be one of his favorite sounds and shed hold his finger with her whole hand and laugh and he’d realize “ill never get to experience this again”
if one time shed ever ask what hes going out to do and what his job is and he’d just say “im out to fight bad guys” and shed think hes a superhero and tell all her friends at school that and hed be a superhero in her mind forever
sorry … id talk about toji anyday everyday hes sassy
i tihink jjk has fan service for the male characters not the female characters like i see gege is trying a bit with that killer body mei mei has but gege just draws buff men too good
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wonyrs · 1 year
like the movies
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enha hyungs x fmr gnr fluff, established relationship warnings cursing wc 935 + library #
‘ type of duos with the enha hyungs! headcanon style
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lee heeseung | embarrassing and embarrassed
will definitely yell out "I LOVE YOU" in the loudest voice he can muster up before dropping u off to class and won't leave until u yell it back. he does this with the most shit eating grin ever
he's so dreamy when ure together but sometimes he just gets that burst of energy where he absolutely NEEDS to do something that makes u question why u even liked him
"um she asked for no pickles 🤓☝️"
he buys u guys those ugly "if lost return to her" "hi im her" shirts and forces u to wear them everytime u go on a date
unironically likes it and is a proud matching shirt buyer
everytime u post he'll spam ur comments with all the compliments in the entire world, tags all his friends and old people he doesn't even know saying shit like "hey this is my gf you know my gf go follow my gf"
"hey babe does my hair look good?" and its a picture of him smoldering, showing off his godly jawline. probably thinks hes the sexiest guy alive (he is)
park jongseong | chivalrous and princess
u guys saw that one vlog w his mom? jay literally gave her the more appetizing plate while he just dumped everything on his
opens the car door, cooks ur meals, helps u w hw, and even buys ur parents flowers everytime he visits
"open the door for a big surprise (not clickbait)!" and he doordashed u ur fav foods after his spidey sense told him u felt down
ok i imagine him buying a 100-recipe cook book and making every dish whenever u stay over
"but babe i'm ful-" "please just one more, i promise this will be the last"
spoiler alert- it's not! dw tho, extra servings get sent to ur friends/family. ur mom teaches him some of her special recipes while ur dad is his assistant chef (taste tester)
he's a gentleman, yes thats true. but once u too get real comfortable w/ each other is when the side of chivalry u never knew existed revealed itself
he pampers u when ure tired but still likes to tease u if he sees the oppurtunity to. ex: massaging ur legs after an intense cardio workout, "ur feet are smelling kinda stinky. no need to worry, i'll lick the dirt away for u babe 😉 " NASTY.
he pays for all ur cafeteria meals and always says something along the lines of "let's go out on saturday, except ure paying for everything"
do u ever end up paying? no.
he'll distract u the moment ure at the counter and pays w his card before u can even look back. "i guess they gave us a free discount for being their best customers 🤷" u know what he did even if he won't admit
it's okay, u buy him a cheeseburger using ur free mcdonalds app awards
sim jaeyun | rizzler and rizzed
no lies here: sim jaeyun is the dreamiest man ever
casually explaining to him what happened in ur day blah blah, u look to ur right and the softest eyes are staring at u with so much love u almost combust
but not only was he staring at u, bro was unconsciously licking his lips, tilting his head and holding ur fingers so delicately like it might break any second (cute and sexy?) u had to stop talking for a sec and scream into ur hand
ESP AT SCHOOL DUDE he'll run to u after a soccer match and hug u so tight ur friends start puking
like ewww sweat but at the same time omggg ur bf's sweat 😝 u still have to push him off before u starting stinking too tho
he's defo the type to lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face and it kills u everytime... u look to see if anyone's looking before snapping a quick pic (who wouldn't)
when u guys r studying together, he'll either pull u by the waist or by ur chair so u can get closer to him without having to stand up
struggling to see the paper? no need to fear, dikeu is here :3
he'll slide his hand (purposely) under ur shirt and scooch u over to his side of the table, never even stopping the conversation
mind u, his hand is still on ur waist
park sunghoon | socially awkward and socially awkward
ur relationship makes ur friends giggle at how silly u guys r
imagine: blah blah blah ure in a really interesting conversation with ur boyfriend and someone interrupts, asking if u guys did the hw last week
"oh uh" "uhm" "idk" "sorry" UR REPLIES. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
cue the intense eye contact until that person leaves the room. then u go back to whatever u were talking about. "so yeah lebron should honestly retire this season"
since u have all classes together, ur teachers always make sure to pair u up as partners since no WAY in hell will either of u be able to talk to someone else willingly
if ur friend group isn't at the cafeteria, the top 3 lunch spots would be @ the field, rooftop, or back of the classroom
when u accompany him to skating/dance practice, all u do is record him reviewing a program or choreo and silently cheer him on
both ur parents share concerns about u two not having any friends at/outside of school 😢
no one really knows that yall r talking about the weirdest shit during class... they just think ure being little nerds and working on math answers
"messi is literally better than ronaldo what are u on about boy" "ok buddy but who has more insta followers" "HOW IS THAT RELEVANT TO THE WORLD CUP"
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@ wonyrs 2023
requests are open !! click here to see request guidelines :>
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othercrossee · 2 years
Tiktok filter r insane honestly
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#z rambles#ik a lot of my mutuals dont use rhis app (thank god ❤ stay safe yall) but yall do NOT understand how awful it is#ik bitches be talking SHIT about SNOW but at least that app can let u turn it off and have actual good and cute filters#but tiktok? that shit WARP your shit BAD like BAD#it warp my face so bad that idk why theae people on there r like omg i csnt be this beautiful. WHAT R U SAYINF#did this fucking app and the people on there took cunts perception of their own beauty and drag it thru the mud#i saw it look cute on this girl and i tried it and tell me why its those cat eyes filter that warp my eyes#feels lowkey racially motivated but thats just me its weird out here bro#theres worse filter its awful#idk why they keep using filters like if ur UGLY in this fikter ur UGLY irl its liek those maskfishing trend#yall r jusr findinf creative ways to call someone ugly and make people feel bad for stupid reasons#the first thought i have when i tried those faxe warping filters was not oh i wish i look like this. i was DISGUSTED and disappointed#these kids r gomna grow up feeling awful of not fitting into how tjey looked/not having any pics at all (cuz theyre warped and edited)#which i understand a lot i csnr trust my past pictures umless ir was taken by others cuz it was heavily edited and whitewashed#it wasnt that bad but it def pulled my face and eyes to the korean beauty standard (SNOW)#but u can understand its worse on there cuz its not just a camera app. its a social media with a platform for many#literally a setup for body dysphoria etc no womder these kids r turning out awful theyre being exposed to so much bullshit#yall cpuld say oh its the same as our generatiom. ABSOLUTELY NOT#they csnt compare to our childhood lets be real here we had it bettee than whatever tf they got goinf on.....not a competition its sad
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adamdabbing · 3 years
Analysis of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester:
They are well-suited.
Mr. Rochester is real, imperfect, human. He may not be right for everyone—no one is—but he was right for Jane. They perfectly balance each other.
Mr. Rochester was as impassioned as Jane was restrained; he really brought her out.
Jane needs passion—very affected by coldness. It’s why she vibed so well with Mr. Rochester, and we see her best relationship with St. John was when he was passionate abt Rosamond. Jane’s very passionate but at the same time shy/reserved. Someone else needs to free her to be passionate.
You see this when Jane liked the fact Rochester was rude and unpolished; it freed her, in her eyes, to be impolite and impassioned in turn (see first encounter in woods)(see ch 13, their first convo in Thornfield)
Compare to St. John. He was unerringly polite, and proper, and cold. Jane could never relax around him—she was too afraid of disappointing him. (Unlike Rochester)
Jane was also adept at slapping the ridiculousness out of Rochester.
Throughout the book, you see Mr. Rochester’s increasingly desperate attempts to get Jane to confess to something, anything. He is very dramatic and INsensible, which is why he concocted these roundabout ways to get Jane to confess instead of just asking her directly. He like a insecure 13 yr old who got it into his mind this was the way to do it.
Jane grounds him, keeps him from being too silly
She’s also adept at bringing Rochester out of his moods. (see end of book) She never took a lot of what he said and did to heart. She saw it for what it was rather than getting offended.
Jane’s a people pleaser and server—she admits it herself. Will sacrifice her own happiness for doing what’s right. That’s why she’s genuinely happy to help Rochester at the end, and does what St. John asks to her own detriment. She needs to be needed, methinks.
Mr. Rochester also possesses grudging morals. He cares for Adele even though he doesn’t like children and she might not even be his child. He went back to save Bertha even though he had every reason not to. If I were in his situation I wouldn’t.
People may see them both as manipulative, but St. John is calculating, where Mr. Rochester is uncontrolled. Mr. Rochester is not calculating or manipulative. St John is that. Mr. Rochester actually lacks control in his life. He didn’t plan the situation—“I never meant to hide this from you”—it just spiraled out of control. Tends to run away from his problems. Ran away from Jamaica. Ran away from Thornfield. Tried pretending his own wife wasn’t existent.
Most of his manipulation and lies originate from trying to run away from his problems. This huge fault of his is also so understandable and human. Mr Rochester is a man who “errs, when he does err, through rashness and inexperience.” (quote from Brontë) What’s unique is he realizes his life is not the right way to live. He travels the world to try to figure how to right his life, and he wants Jane partially bc he realizes she helps him be a better man.
I also see a heavily s€xual side to their relationship, though this is more speculative; that despite both being not conventionally attractive, they are both very attracted to each other and it plays a large force in their relationship.
Mr. Rochester is obvious; this is the man who turned to not alcohol, gambling, or another indulgence in his despair and search for happiness, but women. This is the man who rages after being deprived a wedding night.
But Jane too—is it only a coincidence she realized her crush on Rochester after the fire incident, where they would have been the most indecent in their pajamas? And Mr. Rochester attempts to keep Jane from leaving through physical means—he kisses her, embraces her—so he would have thought it’d be somewhat effective on her.
Ugh I keep on adding stuff but their flirting is so funny omg. It’s why I firmly believe their relationship is best expressed through memes.
Jane: bro ur ugly
And all the jokes abt Jane being some magical sprite, Jane rolling her eyes whenever Mr. R is being extra, he using the most over-the-top language all the time. Every scene they interact is just so amusing. Rochester amuses Jane. That’s partly why she likes him.
Rochester’s just a man trying his best, he’s very broken and often lost. He’s not my type, but I love his and Jane’s dynamic.
Ppl say Jane deserved better, but Mr. Rochester truly made Jane happy, and in the end thats all that matters.
“Come to me—come to me entirely now. Make my happiness—I will make yours.”
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In the end of it all, Monaca Towa was still a child.
To start this off, this isn't my usual Black Butler posts but ive been meaning to talk about Danganronpa for a hot minute, so please bear with me! Second, this is solely my opinion and before anyone wants to attack me please read thoroughly first. Thank you:)
(Spoiler warning for Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls and Danganronpa 3)
Also, before we dive in I'm going to list some trigger warnings:
Physcological abuse
Physical abuse
Suicide attempt
Violence (?)
Childhood trauma
Please take care and read at your own risk<3
Hello there Danganronpa fandom! Today I will be talking about Monaca Towa (as stated in the title) and how people often minimize her trauma and sometimes forget the fact that shes still a child who got heavily manipulated by Junko too.
Monaca is seemingly very amiable and caring, because of her charming personality, all of the Warriors of Hope love her and try their best to keep her happy and go along with what she wants. However, it's slowly revealed that she is actually manipulative and cunning behind her friendly facade.
Monoca is a character that is cruel, manipulative, and extremly unhinged. Many of her actions cannot be excused or justified, but you can understand where she's coming from.
Monaca's Backstory:
She was born an unwanted child by both her father and her mother. Monaca's mother was supposed to take care of her but instead abandoned the child soon after her birth. Because of all her actions, Monaca saw her mother as a completely selfish and pathetic person. Monaca's father thought of giving her to an orphanage but instead took her into his family.
However, Monaca was always unwanted and everyone else felt uncomfortable around her. Every time Monaca smiled or joked, the others looked at her coldly, as if she didn't deserve to laugh. Every time she spoke, the others turned silent. His older-half brother thought of her as an alien, not part of the family.
She was also physically abused to the point that she pretended to be seriously wounded for them to stop as a result.
Monaca also attended Hope's Peak Elementary School and was part of the "trouble-makers class" along with Nagisa, Masaru, Jataro, and Kotoko.
Along with her fellow abused classmates, she planned a group suicide; however, Monaca never had any plans to commit suicide in the first place and was planning to let the others die as a prank.
The group suicide was stopped by Junko, who took the kids in and manipulated them by treating them with kindness and love.
Monaca then helped Junko mass produce Monokumas for the Tragedy by using her position as a representative of the Towa Group.
She lied to her father and the other adults in order to produce the Monokumas, telling them that she wanted to create futuristic robots that could be domestic helpers and emergency aid workers.
Due to her separation from the family and her genius, her family decided to give her leg room to do what she wanted as long as she brought in profits to the company, and didn't delve too deeply into her plans.
Things to keep in mind about Monoca's backstory:
She was emotionally and physically abused from a very young age.
She started to pretend to be paraplegic because she was finally treated with some kindness and she could have more control over people.
She convinced Nagisa, Jataro, Kotoko and Masaru to commit suicide.
Out of all the Warriros of Hope, Junko took the most intrest in Monoca due to her position, meaning that she was the one who got used and manipulated the most.
How Monoca's mindset works:
The moment she got physically abused to the point that she had to fake her injuries to make her family feel bad was the moment she learned that through sympathy from others comes power. Due to her families neglection and abuse, she started to quickly pick up on things in which benefited her yet hurt others.
She started to use manipulative tactics on her family to gain control over them. She then started implicating these tactics with the Warriors of Hope.
When Junko got into the picture, everything changed for the worst. Junko was the only person in Monaca's life who showed her affection. Even though deep down Monaca knew Junko only cared for her as a means to use her robotics genius for the Tragedy, Monaca didn't care, and happily helped out Junko with her plans if it meant being loved and appreciated in return. At the heart of it, despite all her horrific acts, that's a very child-like thing to do, right? So when Junko dies, Monaca's entire reason for living basically disappears.
AI Junko via Kurokuma may have planted the idea of a successor in her head, but in Monaca's mind it's a way to get her big sis back, and very specifically chooses to mold Komaru into becoming Junko's successor. That's for a big reason, Monaca doesn't want to become Junko, I'd say she actually just wanted her big sister back who would love and appreciate her again, and hence tried to make someone else take on that role initially. Once again, that's the mindset of a child.
Monaca's relationship with the Warriors of Hope:
The Warriors of Hope are a group of children who are extremely resentful and hateful of adults, regardless of whether or not they were involved in their rough paths. 
We all know that the Warriros of Hope are extememly tramutized kids. Masaru had alcoholic parents who physically abused him, Jataro was physcologically abused to the point he bealived he was so ugly that if anyone saw his "repulsive" face they would die, Kotoko was r*ped multiple times by disgusting p*dophilic men (not to mention, Monaca's brother was attracted to her), and last but not least we have Nagisa who had pressuring parents who wanted to raise him as the child prodigy and expirimented on him constantly.
Monaca used the Warriros of Hope's trauma against them, manipulating them to the point were they had to do her bidding completly.
As much as I hate to say it, Monaca truly saw them as pawns. Although there are some instances where she openly declares her care for the Warriors of Hope, it's likely she does that as a form of emotional manipulation.
If anything, she probably did see them as equal in the beginning but then when she started to gain control over her own family, she started to do the same with the Warriors of Hope as a way to protect herself from getting hurt, then again this is my baseless assumption.
Her dynamic with Nagito:
Monaca was amused by Nagito's strange behavior and contradicting beliefs and appeared to be somewhat annoyed with him at the times. However, the two appeared to at least seemingly respect each other in some way, as they treated each other somewhat formally as allies.
Her dynamic with Nagito is one of the most intresting ones. Obviously I think that her being rasied by Nagito was potentially a dangerous thing, considering Nagito's goal was for Monaca to become Enoshima's successor. Monaca seemed to agree with this goal, but Nagito's constant rambling about hope and despair made Monaca bored and feel embarrassed about the whole thing.
She claims he made her an adult in a way, as she grew up in the mental sense and became more cynical and apathetic, not really caring about anything.
In the end, Monaca found Nagito creepy and annoying, but she also appeared to get closer to him during their time together, while originally calling him just "Mister Servant" in UDG, she later refers to him as "Big Bro" in Danganronpa 3. I do think their dynamic was sort of soft and I would've loved to have seen more of it. Honestly the concept of Nagito being a soft brother to Monaca warms my heart, and the wasted potential will forever anger me.
(If any Danganronpa fanfic writer or any writer in general is reading this post: if u could be so kind and do a PLATONIC Nagito and Monaca prompt and tag me in it, I would love you forever!!)
My opinion on Monaca:
I think that Monaca was a very well-written character who deserved more than what she got in the end of Danganronpa 3. She was abused, mistreated and belittled by her family. If anything, I see her as a completely misguided little girl. If she actually had a positive authoritative influence in her life, she wouldn't have turned astray.
A lot of people disregard Monaca's trauma and forget that at the end of the day, Monaca was a child who the moment she was born, the people who were supposed to love her were unwelcoming.
Don't get me wrong though, there is no way in hell I will ever justify or condone the things Monaca has done. If anything, I just think that she alongside the rest of the Warriors of Hope should've been properly taken care of.
Also, if you dislike/hate Monaca thats 100% valid! She did a lot of inexcusable things and its alright to hate on her. I personally love her character but I know she is not everyones cup of tea.
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If you read all the way, I'm actually surprised! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed<333
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
honestly its still so heart dropping and disgusting to continue to see aspec ppl have to put on that like. trained, overly polite, overly passive, complete Lack Of Self Respect tone that forces a sense of ‘i know i dont matter’ just so they dont get completely automatically ground into dust when they go out on a limb and ask ppl they wanna interact with; ‘hey please dont start anything but can you just let me know if you’re an aphobe or not’ and its Still met with soo much mockery and disbelief almost every time like....... bro what even is there not to understand. you’re literally being the proof of why they have to ask abt it i cannot Fathom that kind of Blindness like lmfao bitch they just dont wanna be around some1 who hates them.... thats .. normal... thats human?? thats human behaviors. its having standards for yourself. its FEELINGS like unironically rn pls tell me you’re clowning and that you do understand how fucken LOUD you all are abt normalizing aspec hate and how often we obviously run into bitches like you and have to ask this question. you know how LONG we’ve begged for basic support so you have to know that reacting to being asked if you give a shit abt somebody with that kind of mockery is disgusting and bratty and ignorant af bc bro lmao its YOUR FAULT for being a Part of the people HATING THEM....?
holy shit lol, nobody should be good with being around people who disrespect a part of them,,,, thats like a genuine personal problem if someone willingly wants to do that, so why tf would you be expecting that. bc its us? bc its us. bc its us and you feel THAT right in thinking that we’re so worthless, they we are just so Stupid for not knowing that too. its funny to you that we dont realize how little we matter. lmao its so ugly and warped like!!! god how fuckin evil can you get just calm down idiot lmao theyre asking if you respect them and you’re basically responding ‘why would it matter to you if i didnt?’ bhsejbjehg uhhhhhhjjjjjjjjj bc thats. a regular thing 2 care about. its standards like mam do you hang out with ppl who hate you. is that some normal thing to you like. avoiding the ppl who wish you werent around is sort of just . health and safety and basic emotional response and also common sense. really is. literally How dehumanizing and detached coudl you POSSIBLY be abt this to be directly asked by a marginalized identity group if you respect them or not, and actually say No, but Also be like ‘LMAO YOU REALLY ASKED ME THAT? IT DOESNT MATTER’ like. yeah it matters bc they stay existing actually, you dont have to hate them for that, and they wouldnt have to ask yall this stuff if you behaved lmfao. not to mention your reaction is literally the evidence that it apparently matters enough to You to make sure they know you dont accept them. fully, you are whats making it ‘matter’ so much bc you are the one going apeshit over a benign existence. you’re the one losing it over nothing.
like lmfafuckingo what is WRONG with your MIND dude im.... speechless like ‘dont drag me into discourse’ YOU HATING SOME1 AND THEM HATING YOU BACK IS NOT ‘’’’’’TUMBLR DISCOURSE’’’’’..............? WHAT R U DISPLAYING RN DID U NOT SPEND ENOUGH TIME IN THE GUIDANCE COUNSELORS OFFICE GROWIN UP WITH THIS ATTITUDE......... ITS THE NATURAL ORDER OF SOCIAL CONSEQUENCE......... ITS SOME BASIC ‘YOU STARTED IT’ TEE MOTHERFUCKIGN EM LOGIC...? YOU HATE THEM! FOR AUTONOMY! FOR HAVING AN IDENTITY AND ENOUGH SELF RESPECT TO STICK BY IT! THEY HATE YOU BACK I THINK THEYRE ALLOWED TO ASODLKFL;SDF AAAA DUUUDE lmaoooo and like good lord, passively existing around ppl who hate you and not challenging them isnt ‘avoiding discourse’. thats. so unhealthy sdjkf what kind of underdeveloped politics.... its toxic and absolutely batshit to genuinely ask that of Anyone. like bro stop Actually expecting ppl to hate themselves for ur comfort thats.... so weird i.... are you okay hhh nah you just need to step up and try to be a regular ass person actually and have sympathetic reasoning skills. being ace is fiiiine its nbd i dont need to to change for you, im allowed to be this, and i get to ask if you’re ok with that so i dont end up in a gross ass environment.
ace =/= discourse. you dont get a say in everything my dude. we’re not here for you to analyze, we dont give you permission and we dont need Your permission to exist, we’re not asking that of you when we send those msgs we’re tryna figure out if ur gonna be a bitch or not basically lol just seeing if we’re gonna be accepted by you or if we’re wasting our time like alksd;al its so traumatizing and unnecessary and MINDBOGGLING that u think its not fucked up ?? to feel like we are supposed to accept your hate of us as our truth?? you believe we’re that awful that its Funny when we dont Realize it or smth thats just so....... what would even make you respect us. literally absolutely nothing besides not existing in front of you. so. thats hate. thats irrational unwavering hate. beyond the fact that any group always has the right to ask you if YOU hate THEM, you cant sit there and mock the mere idea of caring when you are literally giving reason for it by trying your BEST to upset them and make them feel like they deserve to feel like shit for what they are afterwards. dfgjdfkgjdlfkgfd man the hypocrisy and like complete lack of self awareness in reg culture is like novacaine for my brain its so jarring sometimes. im allowed to have a problem with you having a problem with me bc i cant fix Being smth, you can fix how you feel abt it. balls in your court ill stay waiting. im not gonna hate myself bc you’re not right xoxo get a vaccine for w/e makes you this evil and selfish pls
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
so....... i watched ep6 since apparently i like pain now and oh my fucking GOD
first of all, INKORN!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!
okay let me start from the beginning because what an episode yall
so . we start with a flashback and it was cute ! if only the last one was too HAHAHAHAHimcrying
team being like “hm...... manaow and del are really close lately......... Are They........” after i literally said it out loud was the biggest shared braincell moment i’ve ever had in my life and mind u i have a big sister who i’m very close with lmaO
(also, women are gay too pharm smh)
win being a little bitch with his I’m An Adult Bitch You Can’t Tell Me Shit to team god i love him sjfhksjf
pharm just going into cardiac arrest after dean interlocks their fingers is the biggest mood ever
also manaow baby that’s- that’s not how you check if someone is sick JKSHFSJHS
“don’t forget to eat your lunch” “don’t forget to swallow it too” “beware of choking” THEY REALLY- FHSKGFSLJJFKS
yes i went back to the episode to write that i have no memory whatsoever
i was so scared when dean had his flashback while driving like i was praying to every god in existence for him to not crash,,,, the flashback was cute though
that tear though........ that shit Hurt
but korn saying “like” !!!!!!! half of my brain was like “HE!!!!! LIKES!!!!!! HIM!!!!!!!!” and the other half was just “omg like ram” lmao
pharm calling manaow beautiful ;; yes she is she’s the most beautiful girl ever i love her with my whole heart
that mf guy who doesn’t know the meaning of no can CHOKE (also i heard the actor’s problematic or sumn???? so fuck him too bYe)
thankfully pharm is That bitch and shut him up not once not twice but a shit ton of times in like,,,, less 2 minutes
that’s my mans man hell yeah
apparently everyone in dean’s faculty knows pharm?????? lmaoooooo but when those 2 (and later 3) tried to flirt with him i was like???????? get tf out?????????? out here abusing of pharm’s niceness smh
thankfully dean came to the rescue jsfhsk
bro when pharm picked a thread and it led to dean i was like....... oh my God they actually did that
also that kiss scene......................... perfect i loved it even though i hate their outfits so much but i can get over it if it gives us this amazing scene
dean just ;; being patient with pharm and asking if he’s okay and just asking him until he gives oral (is it vocal? girl idk) answers to the questions he makes just to be sure ;;
god why can’t men be like dean why do u have to be Assholes smh
AND THE RED THREAD!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!
dean making pharm wear his jacket sjfhksj u couldn’t be more territorial bro literally (and apparently) everyone knows you’re into each other theres truly no need jfshkf
“if it doesn’t invade our privacy too much, i think it’s okay. also, i think it’s a good way to let that person know that he shouldn’t mess with someone who isn’t single”
second of all, the shadeeeeeeeeee lmao yes bitch drag his ass
thank u for listening to my tedtalk
i will repeat myself, why can’t all men be like dean
also, a bonus: i of course went to the episode to get the dialogue and i saw the name lemon lemon and i was like “wait..... is that manaow???” so i google translated her name and it does mean lemon omg thats SO cute i love her even more rn
okay i don’t know if it’s only me but the girls from the cooking club? the best girls ever me thinks
okay we’re approaching the last part of the episode yall i felt so many emotions in like 13 minutes
we start with the worst, a Flashback.
i literally saw the outfit and started crying. like. no joke.
the mother??? sister?????? aunt?????? being hella worried and in being like “it’s okay i’ll be back in like . 2 seconds”
the little girl please i’m legit going to cry again thinking about her and imagining her waiting for in to come back home and just.... not really understanding whats happening when her mother (im guessing here) starts sobbing when she picks up the phone
also according to like,,, timeline and shit inkorn were  from the 60s or 80s right???? which means she’s still alive if nothing has happened to her..................
HAHA so much fun in this blog! just joy laughter and happiness!
also it was in’s birthday.............. oh my goodness
okay moving on to something that hurts less! team being the dunk boy on the booth omg win this is not how u flirt
also i realised that the open house thing happens like... mid first semester so it hasn’t been that long since deanpharm know of each other/have been talking damn bro
win teasing pharm is like,, one of my favourite things lmao i might do a gifset of these moments when i finish the drama if i’m not too lazy
deanpharm holding hands in public tho ;;;;;;; ok bitch call me single and ugly a little less louder
win though SJFKHS *looks at team’s hand* team: no. go away
oh god oh god oh godddddddd here comes the thread talk
the moment team said suicide i stopped the episode because i thought Something would happen to pharm but oh GOD I WAS NOT EXPECTING WHAT HAPPENED
i will literally never recover
also i paused that scene so much just to scream into my comfort stuffed toy and i’m so sorry for her
i also couldn’t help but think of how the others at the table were like because if that was me idk what i’d do
i might cry or be like “wow u guys are such great actors” but inside my head because i’m an introvert
but god that was,,,,,,, yeah
and when they of course showed The flashback scene and i saw in’s outfit i cried because he truly never went back home
okay i think that’s it i literally took almost an hour to write this because i tried following the episode while having a thousand thoughts in my head + make lots of typos lmao
i hope these aren’t too bothersome to u guys ;; i post these because i need to share my thoughts somewhere but if someone doesn’t want to see them u can mute the tags i use in these posts or something hhhhh
i might use an specific one for these tho because if i gotta make 17 of these at least let’s make them be organised some way,,,,,
alrighty that’s all byebyeeeee
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"left for the weird guilt trips" literally where. where were they. was it the regularly scheduled donation posts asking for assistance if ppl had any time/extra to spare because thats not a guilt trip lmao. where r the receipts, anon. "left for the weird guilt trips" what a weenie
I’m assuming they meant the post I made saying something to the effect of “no one likes my selfies guess I’m ugly” that was clearly a joke and that I also deleted after a bit because I don’t tend to keep personal posts very long? Idk people are just like that sometimes
ALSO like I love that they decided they needed to tell me they were unfollowing as if I check my follower count and know who’s on there and like...care at all? If people unfollow me? Like live your life bro I have real shit to worry about
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[The date seems to mostly be scrawled out, but the last two digits are visible.]
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fairycosmos · 4 years
girl that thing u posted abt the fuckhead calling u ugly on askfm reminded me of this kid on the school bus in middle school that said something about the "girl in the blue shirt with fat arms" (me) and his friend was like "i think thats a guy" and it haunts me to this day but it really just means kids are dumb and mean and they'll say some dumb shit to anyone and it doesn't matter if their insults r true or not they just like to be rude
OMG i cant even describe the visceral feelings that flashed through me reading this bro but i just.................want to set something on fucking fire and watch the world get engulfed immmmm. losing it. i literally had something similar happen to me almost down to a T. im so sorry you had to go through that, seriously. that kid was a fuckin cunt for real?? im about to build a time machine so i can throw hands with a 13 year old from the past?? seems like he was just being obnoxious for the sake of it. but i know shit like that sticks with you and lodges itself into the foundation that you build your core beliefs + your self worth around, whether you want it to or not. i hate it so much cos the people who said it probably never thought about it ever again but for us it was like they killed smth inside that still haunts our heads to this day. and theres just nothing we can do to stop remembering it is there. but yeah, i’ve had to come to terms with the fact that a lot of what i was put through was done by insecure hurt children who were projecting all of that onto me. which doesn’t excuse it, and i still carry so much pain and self hatred because of it, but it’s like you said.......they just had a compulsion to be rude and that was THEIR problem. i swear i could just be sitting there and they’d be mad. it was ugliness to the core but at least we can say whole heartedly we were never like that 😌
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rwqv · 1 month
whoops i accidentally unfollowed when i was trying 2 send u another ask ... am not a fake fan pls
no bro i totally get what u mean like the culling games absolutely threw me off... like season one was all happy n dandy and yuji was figuring out his powers yes!!!! and then ooo a flashback to gojos past thats super slice of life-y how cool! and omggg shibuya incident this is where soo much action is happening and kenjaku might win!!! and then kenjaku is setting up a killing game with a points system ? like where r we going with this
like yes action wow but like at the same time i just want the story to progress... like its all battle battle battle battle with soo many characters like give me sum story ...
i think the zenins getting destroyed was cool asf and i cannot lie naoya is kinda hot SORREY ..... like hes a terrible awful person and hes ugly when his mouth is open but like he looks hot when his mouths closed i cant help it..
remi is only in like 10 panels at max LOL so u shouldn't have any trouble.... but she'll be the one to defeat sukuna trust me
NO LIKE LITERALYL RENDERING IS SOOOSO BORINGGGG .... honk shooo snooze fest ... like the idea of it is so cool and when i actually do render like it makes me feel so happy that it looks so much better compared to the sketch ... but at the same time like i just get so bored nd unhappy after a little ... BUT THANK UUU .... im ngl i lay a bunch of random colors down n pray for the best .. i took a couple advanced art classes in my days that taught me like the slightest bit of color theory but really angel ganev on yt is my goat like i literally have learned sm from him just from his youtube shorts LOLLLL hes the best ...
but like yeah .. i alwayz render over the sketch which sometimes looks cool and it looks cool on all my inspo but oh my goodness it takes so so long to do ... lowk i might go back to lineart even tho i HATE lineart
fakest fan ever!!!! ggggrrr
yuji learning his power was so wholesome and even the kyoto exchange was good and gojo lore was also great and i liked the shibuya incident although i just wanted mahito to die. but whats the poitn of the culling game bro its not jeopardy... also i keep thinking whenebr they say noritoshi kamo as kenjaku i keep thinking its the third year or whatever
i think the complexity of jjk comes from the deep level of thought gege put into it. i was watching some explinations on tiktok and i felt like gege definitely has the brain to do stuff its just why did you do the culling games make more story pls
thats just personal feeling though i love seeing all the fight scenes and stuff but it feels kinda baseless like yeah all these randos popping out of nowhere for like 0 reason at all definitely have a meaning. all these good character ideas too
i do understand that everyone was saying jjk was dragging on for too long but 5 chapters is not enough to finish everything off either!!! what about the merger? what about like other people? are we ever gonna get a reason why sukuna goes on a killing rampage?? is he evil to just be evil?? i mean i get the fact that everyone hated him and he was based off of someone who was despised at birth for his extra limbs but... just blood lust?!
if gege did a spinoff series where everything was slice of life and fun id watch it... lobotomy kaisen is carrying me rn
LIKE MAKI YES GOO i support also WHAT... that man would want you in shackles bro he does not think of women kindly... naoya is a wild crush
esp with that popularity poll and HE COMES OUT NUMBER 5. NUMBER 5 OUT OF EVERYONE. HOOWWWW. over sukuna my bbg... and mechamaru...
I GET IT WITH GETTING BORED like okay heres another color that no one else will notice but ill spend 10 minutes undoing and redoing because it doesnt look right!!! i will be sure to chec angel ganev out!!!
i hate lineart tbh i just use my sketch as my lineart and call it good because if i line it it looks like i traced my own art bro its crazy but ur rendering over ur sketch looks so goated ngl but u do whats best for u because art is about being happy and cool!!!! and expression (even if its sugar baby gojo)
NOBAMAKI WAS SO CUTE IN THE SHOW IT MADE ME SO HAPPY they are so cute together i fw them heavy
i miss happy jjk
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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collxpsedhexrt · 4 years
Matchup tingsss 🥺👉👈
just a warning i type this in a shit post format bc im too scared to talk about myself in a grammatically correct manner because i hate myself
huge note: my type is BIG w big ol shoulders and big and tall and did i mention big so yeah cuddles ok thanks bye i also updated a photo of me- bc i suck at describing my appearance
ok so anyways lets a gO
NOTE: i dont label my sexuality sorry idc who to swing for ion like swinging i like hugging thanks ok bye also im EXTREMELY mentally and emotionally unstable haha ok thanx 🥺😳💅
I am 163cm and 190lb (I am also very peculiar about knowing my exact measurements, height, and weight all the time?? Confusion???)
I am one pasty ass bitch despite being (excuse the lele pons moment) LaTiNa👁👄👁,,, I have very long warm black hair that is either wavy or borderline kinky curls no in between,,,, I have amber eyes and have FrEcKlEs everywhere but not like super intense,,, i could probably put a photo (and i will at the end-) bc idk how to describe my ugly ass morbidly obese bleached walrus headass face tbh??
Not to be an annoying basic bitch but i supposedly have an hourglass figure but im more plump so ig i have a more motherly appearance- idk tbh my body dysmorphia says i look like patrick star on my 600lb life so lets get poggers in the chat, tea?? tea sis?? who’d knock me tf up im ugly doe ahaha 👁👄👁
hngh i never stop apologizing- even if u knock me down multiple times ill keep going back to you and forgiving you, and thats on daddy issues
im an empath and like a lot of spiritual stuff like tarot and stuff,,, wont get too into it bc im inexperienced
also bc i like gaming i can be “one of the bros” and tbh i LOVE being a semi-stereotypical jock-like gamer boy like “oHH YEASAH *crushes soda can on my head* GAMING TIME BOOOYYYYSSS” and i kinda forget im a girl sometimes bc i (gross warning) can like,,, burp wit da bois 😳👉👈,,,,
I am an INFJ-T (the T means im a shitshow!) and ion wanna get too much into my uh,,, issues w/ eating,,,, but basically lets say it causes a lot of dizziness on my end but like im still obese so its ok lol
also im like,,,,, the runt of the group like literally nobody likes me (at least thats what i tell myself aHEM-)
and also i have eXTREEEEEEEME trust issues like holy fuck nobody can catch a break
Oh shit wait i should say idk what i am in terms of sexuality literally nothing fits me ahaha but i am an afab female lady girl as far as i know bc im not currently in a safe place to explore these things, Jimbo!
also im so sorry for being messy im spacing things out so it can be an organized mess im so so sorry i love you anf thank you for taking your time to read this i love you and appreciate you!!
I am a libra sun, and a pisces moon and rising so that means im a crybaby bitch but to the third power (^3)
oh shit yeah im also a hufflepuff
basically i like to make everyone laugh and im not good with serious shit but when it comes down to it sometimes i can take on a maternal role when comforting friends but u will never get me to admit it..... wait-
ART ART AND MORE ART OH MY GOD FUCK OH GOD OH FUCK SO MUCH ART- im specifically into the character design and i actually plan on going into game development in coolegg
i havent sang seriously in like,,,, years tho bc my choir teacher kicked me out the choir bc my brother was having a life saving surgery the day of a performance anD I NEVER FORGOT IT KAREN. meaning ion let shit go like that bc im an insecure and emotionally broken biTCH
ok i love games- from little big planet, outlast 1/2, detroit become human, beyond two souls, TO OVERWATCH YES I LOVE YOU OVERWATCH, and aminal crossigng uwu
ok so anyways i mean yeah uh,,, i also like writing poetry sometimes and writing but im like yuri (ddlc) and cant help but be borderline pretentious with using over complicated words despite my shit grammar here lol
but yeah
i also live on a farm and i love taking care of my chickens duckies turkies andn pheasants mvmvmbm,,,, i lvoe themn,,,,fhfjdjd,,, OMG I USED TO HAVE GOATS AND GUINEA HENS BUT FUCKINGNG CORONA VIRUS MADE IT HARD TO CARE FOR THEM SO WE HAD TO SELL THEM AND HMMMMMMM ANGERY
but on another note i hav doggies and uwu!!! they v cute best dogeis ever 100/10 recommend these dogies,,,,
꧁𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜꧂
im a hermit and quarantine is just fun to me
I have a high pitched voice so my friends deemed me the god of anime voice thank u
But honestly i find my voice creepy, it’s as if my voice is ghostly and haunting. That’s in real life, but say we called on discord.... I’m loud and obnoxious but i always make people laugh, only when im on a call like that does my personality change so much.
im an amazing host tbh,,, “Hey- I have tea, coffee, coffee with foam, water, milk, juice, soda, and i could make you some food!” “Do you want some popcorn? Are you sure? Do you need a blanket? Would you like for me to turn on the humidifier?” I WILL SPOIL PPL ROTTEN WITH LOVE AFFECTION FOOD AND DRINKS GALORE
“hhnngh,,, maybe if im good enough of a host it will fill the void,,,”
oh also i have a weird accent bc im puerto rican
my love language is physical touch mainly but i can channel it through making food n stuffs uwu
I rarely if ever fall in love. but when i do, i crash hard. I become putty in the person’s hands, willing to take (metaphorical) beating after beating and insults and cruelty just for their love to be reciprocated. I become totally helpless and obsessive, memorizing their schedule and things they like. Treasuring every memory of when we can be physically close to one another, platonically or not... I become my “best self” and my performance rate drastically increases, but my mental state drastically decreases. I become horribly depressed and anxious, always making meticulously calculated movements and always showing that im willing to support them with everything.
I particularly have a thing for tall guys with big shoulders.
god i just- idk i have mixed feelings abt amberlynn reid bc obviously shes super hurt n stuff but shes done so much crap i just HNNGNHH,,,, ANGERY,,, but i show support sometimes but i aint ever giving her my money by subscribing
I also like (cue the angry mob) fnaf-
homestuck and harry potter r also LIFE
i dont like when ppl are egotistical unless theyre charming,,,, bc if theyre charming i 100% feed their ego.
i HATE when people do self destructive things (IM A FUCKING HYPOCRITE) like “NO- nO dont fRICKIN do that- BAD. here, let me make you some food...”
anyways heres that promised picture if this ugly mug
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