#like this is not a home game where you can discuss your limits with everyone and know what not to say
somehowmags · 1 year
now im legally not allowed to exceed my limit of one discourse post a month so this is not that. but i feel like the reason that the intrusive thought in episode one of mentopolis was "i want to steal that cake or at least stick my finger in the frosting" was because describing a more violent or taboo intrusive thought might trigger viewers or even the players at the table
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adascore · 9 months
North London Bound
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pairings: beth mead x arsenal!reader / vivianne miedema x arsenal!reader / jen beattie x arsenal!reader / kim little x arsenal!reader
warnings: none (?).
author’s note: oh to be meadema’s adopted child. anyway- enjoy this one xoxo
''She can move in with me and Viv, if she’d like.'' Beth suggested upon hearing the youngster’s mother concern about how they hadn’t been able to find an appropriate apartment for the teenager.
Her mother glanced to where her daughter was chatting with Lauren and Esme, her former Manchester City teammates. ''Wouldn’t that be a problem for you two? Young couples usually like to have their own space.''
''No, not at all.'' Vivianne chimed in, shaking her head. ''And Y/N’s a sweetheart anyway, so we would love to have her stay with us if she wants to.'' Beth confirmed, throwing in a compliment for the younger girl.
Y/N had grown up at the Arsenal Academy, being recognized by a scout when she was 9 years-old. The potential and skills had always been there for everyone to see, and at just 15 years-old, she was allowed to start training with the first team. Her first two seasons with the older team had been helpful, but limited in actual game time. She got along great with her teammates, but her young age had always been seen as a liability by the coaches.
During the summer in 2021, she had been send on loan to Manchester City, where there were more players closer in age and where she would hopefully improve even more. The Arsenal management had made a correct guess, and playing with The Blues had greatly impacted her style of play. The Arsenal prodigy even making regular starting line-up appearances.
Upon seeing the success she was having with not only the Manchester team, but also the Lionesses, Arsenal invited her back to become one of their strikers. The decision had been made before the start of the European Championship at home, giving the youngster and her family enough time to make all the preparations to move her back into North London. However, it had been a challenge finding the right home for the recently turned 18 year-old. In her previous seasons at Arsenal, she still had been part of the Academy so Y/N was part of their housing-system. At Manchester, the club had organized a living space for her with Lucy and Keira, occupying their guest room for 9 months.
Nonetheless, all of that had been temporarily. Now, they would have to find something permanent for the next 3 seasons, and potentially more if she decided to extend her contract (which she obviously would do).
''Well that is very sweet of you two,'' Y/N’s mother smiled, momentarily patting Beth’s hand, ''I’ll talk to her about it later- I just think she wants to celebrate right now.'' She chuckled, knowing her daughter does not have anything but their fresh win at Wembley on her mind. Y/N's potential move into Beth and Viv's home became a topic for later discussion.
Beth and Vivianne exchanged grins, understanding completely. "Great," Beth replied, nodding. "Understandable, we'll wait then.''
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''Darling, I need to talk to you about something.'' Y/N’s mother knocked on her daughter's bedroom door, then entered without waiting for a response. Y/N looked up from her phone, catching her mother's entry with a raised eyebrow. "What?" she asked.
''It’s about your Arsenal living situation.'' Her mother replied, making her way to the bed with a sly smirk.
''Ah, yeah? You found something or?''
The older woman sat down on the bed, creating a space for herself. "Kind of. You actually received a very generous offer a few days ago." Her hand landed on her daughter's thigh, offering a comforting pat.
The young striker frowned, confusion present on her face. ''An offer? What do you mean?'' She asked, shifting on her bed.
''Your teammates, Beth and Vivianne, offered for you to come live with them.'' Her mother revealed.
She processed her words for a bit, surprised by what she said. ''Beth and Viv? Like, Mead and Miedema? That I go and live with them?'' Y/N repeated her mother's words, making sure she heard her right and this was not some misunderstanding.
''Yeah! I got talking with Beth’s family, your transfer came to discussion and I explained how we hadn’t found the right home for you yet, and Beth offered their place.'' Her mother summarized, amused by her daughter’s wide eyes and surprised tone.
Y/N leaned back against her headboard, taking a deep breath. The idea of living with teammates, especially those as established as Beth and Viv, was intriguing. ''Wow, that’s… super nice of them.'' She sighed, her mother nodding. ''Yes, I know.''
''Why, though?''
Her mother chuckled, recognizing the significance of the offer. "Seems like they genuinely want to make it easier for you to settle in, sweetie.''
The question had more been an internal thought than directed at her mother. She had always gotten along with them, especially with Beth once she also joined the England senior team. In Y/N’s mind, there had always been an invisible wall between her and the older Arsenal players. They were always welcoming to her during training, offering guidance when needed, but she was aware they didn't want the responsibility of looking after a 15-year-old.
Her loan spell at Manchester City and subsequent debut with the Lionesses marked a turning point, maturing her both on and off the field. This time, she would not be coming in as an inexperienced youngster that only got on the pitch to replace someone else, but she would be an actual integral part of the team.
''I’ll let you think about it, but I think it can be good for you to stay with them, even if it is only temporary.'' Her mother gave her opinion. As much as she had witnessed the growth in her daughter, she would much prefer it if there were people looking after her every day.
''Yeah, should I talk to them or what did they say?'' Y/N inquired, eager to understand the next steps.
''They’re simply waiting on your decision, but talking with them can’t hurt.''
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Beth and Vivianne sat in their cozy living room, the evening sunlight casting a warm glow through the windows. As they went through the papers for their upcoming vacation to Greece, the topic of Y/N potentially moving in with them came up.
'’So, about Y/N maybe coming to live with us… do you really think it's a good idea? I know I might have overwhelmed you when her mum was there, but seriously what do you think about it?'’ Beth asked, leaning back into the couch.
Vivianne processed the question, her gaze fixed on the swirling patterns of her tea. '’I do think it’s a good idea, but it’s quite a responsibility, no? I mean, I love the kid, but having her live with us is a big step.”
'’I know, you’re right. I do think it’s a good idea, though. I mean- she can stay in the guest room, cause it doesn’t get used anyway, and I think it would also be good for her to have people that can keep her grounded, you know? The attention on her since the Euro’s has been insane.” Beth argued.
The young Arsenal prodigy had been one of the break-out stars of the 2022 European Championships, receiving immense media attention.
Vivianne nodded in agreement. "We would be like... her parents- her work parents."
Beth chuckled, taking a sip of her tea. "Yeah, we can use her as practice for later." She winked, lightening the mood.
“I hope she agrees, though. I would understand if she would want to be on her own- most kids her age would, but it would be nice to have her around more," Beth admitted, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
The Dutchwoman warily eyes her girlfriend, feeling there is more behind her want to have Y/N move in with them than she’s letting on.
Feeling her partner’s eyes and internal judgement, Beth caves in. “She’s mature, but she’s also just a kid, you know? There will be so much pressure on her and she'll need guidance and then… maybe we can take care of her? Kind of like a mum would.” She admits, blush on both of her cheeks.
Her girlfriend's eyes softened, and she reached for Beth's hand. '’You’re cute, Beth,'’ Vivianne grinned, '’but you just want the best for her, that’s normal. How long have we known her for? Since she was like 12, 13? We have basically seen her grow up.'’
Beth smiled, her soft spot for the young English striker evident in her eyes. '’Yeah, and there will just be a lot of eyes on her. I just want to make sure she has all the support she needs.'’
Vivianne nodded, understanding her partner's perspective. '’We've seen how she has grown, and now she's stepping into a bigger spotlight so to say. Maybe she isn’t feeling that pressure yet, but I’m sure it will catch up to her in one way or another.'’
Beth squeezed Vivianne's hand, grateful for her understanding. '’Exactly, we’ll just show her a bunch of extra love.'’ The Lioness star chuckled, relieved her partner was as much into the idea as she was.
'’It’s crazy how much she has grown, as a player and as a person.'’ Vivianne muttered, the image of a 13 year-old Y/N flying in her mind.
'’Like physically grown. The girl’s even almost taller than you!'’ Beth exclaimed, almost offended by the young striker’s growth spurt. '’Remember her first training session with us? She was the cutest little thing, following everyone around like a little puppy and just so eager to prove herself- ugh, just love her.'’
'’Yeah, she was soaking up all our football wisdom.'’ Vivianne sarcastically chuckled.
'’What wisdom? The wisdom of yellow cards by Katie McCabe?'’ Beth laughed, receiving a teasing shove from her girlfriend.
The Dutchie playfully rolled her eyes. '’I mean- that is also a very important skill,'’ she smirked, '’but to come to the point, she has grown a lot and if she would agree to it, I would love to have her here.'’ Vivianne concluded, picking up her and Beth’s intertwined hands and giving it a peck.
Beth grinned, reciprocating the playful mood. '’Alright, alright, fair point. Yellow card wisdom is crucial and Master McCabe will love to see her student return,'’ she snickered, '’and I agree, having her here would be amazing. We can be her home away from home.'’
The couple shared a warm smile, excited about the prospect of welcoming the young girl into their home.
“Maybe we can let her decorate the guest room? I mean- neither of use it for anything and it’ll give her her own personal space.” Beth suggested.
Viv nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that would be nice for her.”
“Does she still go to school, by the way?” Vivianne inquired.
Beth thought for a moment. “I am not too sure. The England staff had organized a graduation party for her during one of the camps so I know she’s finished with like her A-levels and stuff, but I don’t know if she’s continuing,'’ the English striker shook her head, confusing herself even more on Y/N’s current school situation, '’why?'’
“Just wondering if she would need the study then? Or we could even put a desk in her room?” Her partner explained.
Beth nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
“Maybe I should start learning how to cook as well.” Beth thought out loud, taking Viv by surprise.
“How’s that?” She asked with wide eyes.
“Just in case you’re not here, and she wants to eat something. Don’t want to give the kid food poisoning- Jonas will have my head then.” The Brit argued.
Her reasoning made Vivianne laugh, her hand clapping the table. “We can’t let the teacher’s pet mess up, huh?” She teased, receiving a light kick from Beth under the table.
“She hasn’t even agreed yet, and you’re already worrying over nothing.”
Beth grinned, playfully rolling her eyes. "Well, I like to be prepared. What if she agrees tomorrow, and we're caught off guard? It's better to plan ahead.”
“If you are really that worried, maybe you can talk to Lucy or Keira? She used to live with them so they’ll know what to tell you.” It hadn’t occurred to Beth to ask her English teammates for advice.
She nodded. “True… you know what? Maybe we’ll just wait on Y/N, she and her parents will most likely want to talk to us first anyway.” Beth concluded.
“Yeah, she’ll probably come here when pre-season starts so we have time to prepare in case she says yes.” Vivianne, ever so cool headed, calmed her girlfriend down.
''Good thing I’ve got you now. If it was just me, I’d probably would have renovated the entire house or something for her.'' Beth laughed, poking fun at her overthinking.
Vivianne smiled, leaning in to give Beth a quick kiss. "I'm here to keep you grounded, babe. No need to renovate the house just yet. Let's take it step by step.”
Beth chuckled, appreciating her calming presence. "Yeah, you're right. One step at a time. We'll hear Y/N when she's ready, and if she decides to move in, we'll make sure she feels at home.''
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Beth’s phone started ringing, making the rest of the couch sigh as they were very into the movie. ''Sorry.'' She excused herself, walking over to the dinner table where she put it. She frowned as it was an unknown number, contemplating whether to answer or not. She opted to pick up. ''Hi, with Beth.''
''Meado? It’s Y/N.'' A shy voice greeted the striker on the other end of the line.
''Y/N, darling, hey, how are ya?'' Beth looked over at Vivianne, who sat next to Ben, Beth’s brother. The Dutchwoman’s head had shot up the moment the youngster’s name was mentioned.
Beth could hear a chuckle. ''I’m good, enjoying the small break. How about you?'' Y/N asked politely.
''That’s good to hear and same, we’re just relaxing.'' Beth bit her nails, hoping the young girl was calling for what she hoped she was calling.
''That’s nice. Uh, I was calling in regards to, uh, your offer or how should I call it?'' Y/N nervously laughed, cringing at her shaky voice.
''Yeah, you could call it that.''
''Uh, if it’s not a bother, me and my parents would like to discuss all the practicals of me maybe moving in with you guys. Is that okay or…?'' The young girl’s stressed voice touched Beth’s heart.
''That’s not a problem, darling. We would love to have a talk,'' she nodded at Viv, who gave her a thumbs up, ''when does it fit for you and your parents?''
''Is Saturday possible for you? I have to be at the club for a medical exam so I’m in town then with my mum and dad.'' Y/N suggested.
Beth smiled, relieved that Y/N had called for the reason she had hoped. "Saturday works for us. What time is convenient for you?''
'’Uh, I have to be at the center at like 10 so is 2 in the afternoon alright?'’ The teenager proposed.
"Perfect. I’ll send you the address, and then you’ll find us here.'’ Beth assured her.
"Alright. Thanks, Meado. We appreciate it.'' Y/N thanked her, sounding grateful.
"No problem at all. We're looking forward to it. See you on Saturday!" Beth ended the call, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She turned to Viv and her brother, her partner sporting a supportive smile.
''She’s coming here on Saturday?'' Vivianne asked.
''Yeah, with her parents. She has to be at the club so it works out great that way.'' Beth recalled Y/N’s words.
"That's fantastic. It’s a good sign.'’ The younger one of the couple wearing a hopeful expression on her face.
Ben chimed in, "I'm sure she'll agree to it. If you need any help getting things ready, just let me know.'' Beth had informed her family on the potential new housemate or how Jen had called her, their new football child.
Beth smiled at her brother, grateful for his support. "Thanks. I might take you up on that.''
She indeed took him up on that. The day before Y/N and her family’s arrival, Beth and Vivianne, with the help of family members, had cleaned their entire home. The Dutchwoman wasn’t too worried about anything, but seeing Beth’s distress had been a challenge.
''Why am I so nervous? We’ve known her for so long and I’ve met her parents plenty of times.'' Beth shook herself, wondering why she was so worked up.
''You just want it to go well. It’s okay, lieverd.'' Vivianne tried comforting her, massaging her shoulders.
Beth leaned into her touch. ''Thanks, Viv. You’re the best.''
It felt like forever before Y/N and her family arrived, but eventually, the doorbell rang. The couple exchanged a quick glance before making their way to the hallway. As they opened the door, they were met with a smiley Y/N, decked in an Arsenal training kit, accompanied by her mother and father.
"Hi, everyone! Welcome back in North London! Nice to see ya, how are ya?'' Beth initiated a hug with the younger girl, happy to see her in her full Arsenal spirit again.
Y/N smiled into the hug, briefly caressing Beth's back. ''I'm good, and you?''
''Good as always. Come on in, the weather isn't the best.'' Beth urged the family in, greeting her parents, while Vivianne said her welcome to Y/N.
''Hey, Viv.'' Y/N said, as the Dutchwoman wrapped her arms around her.
''Thank you for having us. Your home looks lovely!'' Y/N's mother complimented their house, glancing around the corridor.
''That's very kind of you, and we're more than happy to have you here.'' Beth responded, motioning for them to follow her further into the house.
The family of three politely followed the couple, observing the place as if it were a museum. Beth tried to ignore their faces, not wanting to be able to read off of their expressions what they were thinking.
Vivianne noticed, and subtly stroked her back- letting her know she was right there with her.
''Do you guys want anything to drink? We have tea, coffee, water, soda,...?'' Vivianne offered, pointing at the kitchen.
Y/N's father declined, politely shaking his head, but thanking Viv. His wife sweetly asked for a tea of Viv's choice, and Y/N opted for the glass of water. Vivianne glanced at Beth who, similarly to Y/N's dad, shook her head- too nervous to consume anything.
While Vivianne disappeared into the kitchen, Beth gave a swift tour of the house; showing where everything was without too much unnecessary information. However, she did spend a bit longer lingering around the guest room and the small bathroom attached.
After the impromptu house tour, they all gathered in the living room. Vivianne returned with the drinks, handing a cup of tea to Y/N’s mother and a glass of water to Y/N.
The atmosphere was one mixed with curiosity, anticipation, and nervousness.
Y/N’s mother was the one to break the light tension. ''So, firstly, we wanted to thank you for your offer. It’s very generous and we really appreciate it.''
''No problem at all.'' Beth brushed it off, not the greatest at accepting compliments.
''We, as parents, find it important for her to be able to focus on her career, while also having a stable life outside of the pitch. Those both sides of her life are essential to one another; a good personal life will help in football, and vice versa.'' Her mother stated.
''And if she were to stay with you two, she’ll still have some sorts of independence away from home, while still having the support she needs.'' Her father chimed in.
Beth and Vivianne nodded attentively. ''Yeah, we completely understand that. She can also carpool with us to training, and she can travel with Beth during the international breaks.'' The younger one of the couple said.
''That would indeed come in handy, eh? Miss No Driver’s License?'' Her mother teased, resulting in a small push from the youngest.
''We just hope it’s not too much of a burden for you. You’re a young couple, we’re sure you would want your space.'' Her mother continued, voicing her concern over Beth and Vivianne’s personal space.
''It’s really not a problem at all. The guest room doesn’t get used anyway so it will finally have a good purpose, and we would love to have her around more.'' Beth smiled at the girl, relieved as Y/N reciprocated.
''I think it would work well. I mean- I’ve been at the club practically my whole life, and you also live closer to most of our teammates so I’ll see them more as well.'' Y/N voiced her opinion.
Beth and Vivianne exchanged pleased and relieved glances, excited to hear her positive response.
As soon as there was an agreement on the offer, they discussed the formalities of Y/N moving in. When she would be moving in, discussions about any allergies or diets, her school work (contrary to what Beth believed, the girl indeed would continue studying), how they would handle things money-wise- Y/N’s parents insisting the couple should be given some kind of financial compensation for the time their daughter stays with them, and all other stuff. Y/N's parents, seeming more at ease with each passing minute, voiced their appreciation for Beth and Vivianne's willingness to provide a supportive environment for their daughter.
The practical conversation was followed up by a more casual and laid-back talk, asking about their upcoming vacation to Greece, how Beth and Viv’s families were doing, what they thought about the upcoming Arsenal season, etc.
As the meeting drew to a close, both parties felt a sense of relaxation and assurance regarding Y/N's potential move. Y/N and her father had already headed outside when Y/N’s mother subtly halted Vivianne and Beth in their tracks. ''I know we’ve said it a lot, but we are very grateful that you’re doing this.''
''It’s really no problem. Y/N’s a lovely girl.'' Beth nodded.
''She really liked it at City, but she was always talking about how she missed playing in the red and white colors.'' Her loan to Manchester City had been a mixed experience for the young player.
Vivianne pouted at her words, while Beth sighed, understanding the sentiment. ''She’s back home now. Our Gunner.''
''Yeah,'' Y/N’s mother chuckled, ''we trust that you’ll take great care of our girl. She really looks up to you two, so this means a lot to her, and to us as well,'' she said with a soft smile.
The couple nodded. ''Absolutely. We’ll treat her like she’s our own child,'' Beth added, and they all shared a laugh.
''No, but seriously, we’ll make her feel at home,'' Vivianne assured her.
''Thank you, girls, and enjoy your vacation- you’ve deserved it,'' Y/N’s mother bid them goodbye, stepping outside to join her own family.
''Thank you, Miss Y/L. Have a safe trip home, okay?''
The family exchanged appreciative smiles. ''We will, thank you.'' She replied warmly before they made their way to their car and were back on their way home. The couple watched until they were out of sight, a strong hold on one another.
As the door closed, Beth let out a relieved laugh. ''Well that went well, don’t you think?'' She turned to her partner, the Dutch’s eyes reflecting a mix of joy and excitement.
Vivianne grinned. ''Yeah, and her parents really seemed to trust us. Y/N also seemed genuinely happy about the idea.'' The youngster’s stance on this had been the most important to them, wanting to get the feeling she genuinely wanted this.
The Brit nodded. ''I hope so, I just want her to be comfortable.''
Viv squeezed her. ''We’ll make her feel at home, liefie. Just like we promised. It’s a bit like parenting, but instead of a crying infant, we get a cool teenager.''
Beth laughed. ''Yeah, and one that plays great football as well. We’re lucky gals.''
''Absolutely, we hit the jackpot.''
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On the agreed-upon date, the day before the official start of pre-season, Beth and Vivianne eagerly awaited Y/N’s arrival. Most of her stuff had been already dropped off in their home, so to make it easier for her and them to transition into the new living situation. As both of Y/N’s parents weren’t allowed to take time off of work- much thanks to the European Championship- Y/N would take the train and would be picked up by Jen and Kim, the Scottish pair offering to drive her from the station to the Meadema household.
''Alright, orphan child, let’s bring you to your new mummies.'' Jen had teased her once they got in the car.
As the doorbell rang, signaling the much-anticipated moment, Beth rushed to open the door, while Vivianne took her time to follow her girlfriend into the hall.
The trio stood there, Kim and Jen holding her stuff while Y/N immediately greeted Beth with a hug. ''Meado!''
''Hey, darling! Welcome home now, eh?'' The older one said excitedly, giving the young girl a kiss on her hair.
Vivianne greeted her two other teammates before turning to the strikers. ''Y/N! How you doing?'' Instead of waiting for Beth to be done hugging her, Viv pulled her arms around both women.
''Good, and you?''
''Yeah, I’m fine.'' The bright smile on the girl’s face was infectious, her teammates mirroring her expression.
Once both her new housemates let go of her, they all walked into the house. ''How was the train ride?'' Vivianne asked, taking Y/N’s coat and hanging neatly on a wired hanger.
''Uh, it was a bit delayed, but it wasn’t too busy, so it was okay.'' She answered, having a curious look around their house again as if something drastic would have changed in the two weeks that had passed since she first visited them.
Jen and Kim let out big sighs as they put her stuff down. ''We managed to safely deliver your package, Meado. Don’t we get some kind of reward for that?'' Jen quipped, Y/N giving her a light slap on the arm for referring to her as if she were an Amazon delivery of some sort.
''I agree! She’s in one piece and with a smile on her face.'' Kim added.
The group shared a laugh. ''How about we treat you to some dinner sometime this week?''
Jen raised an eyebrow at the proposal. ''Anywhere we want?'' Beth nodded. ''No budget limits?''
''Within reason, Jennifer. We’re not made of money.'' The Brit grinned.
'’You just became European Champion, I’m sure you got a nice cheque, Meado.'’ Jen continued teasing. ''Anyway- shouldn’t the young grasshopper pay since we’re all doing this for her?'' The Scot turned to Y/N.
The young girl’s eyes widened. ''Stealing money from a minor? Wow, Beattie.'' She joked, getting a laugh out of them.
''Minor? You just turned 18!'' The defender exclaimed.
Y/N teasingly rolled her eyes. ''Age is just a number. That’s what you taught me!''
''Alright, you don’t have to pay! But next time you wanna go out with us, I’m saying no, since you’re still a minor.'' She stuck out her tongue, taunting the young girl with her own words.
''Who says I even want to go out with you guys, you’re all super old.'' Y/N retorted, being met with a bunch of protests.
The banter continued, creating a lighthearted and joyful atmosphere in the Meadema household.
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jemgirl86 · 26 days
🥺 for the sambucky prompt game, if you'd like?
Thanks for the ask ❤️
I think this is probably a different direction than what people were expecting from the prompt, but everyone else already did such amazing mission fics, so I tried something different.
“If you leave before I’m back and Steve’s not here yet, lock the door, okay?”
Bucky stood up from where he’d been lounging on the couch, brushed the chip crumbs from his shirt, and stretched, before putting his own keys and phone in his pocket and heading towards where Sam was standing near the front door.
“It’s cool, you can just lock it behind me now.” He shrugged on his jacket. “I’m coming with you.”
Sam huffed a laugh. That was the closest he’d come to smiling all day.
“Good one, Buck.” He put on his jacket. “Anyway, if I don’t talk to you again today, have a good one,” he said, then reached for the doorknob.
Before he could turn it though, Bucky’s hand was covering his and pushing the door in place.
Sam looked over his shoulder, confusion clear in his eyes, as he said, “Bucky, what—
“I’m serious, Sam,” he said, cutting him off. “I’m coming with you.”
Sam just gaped at him for a minute, it was clear from Bucky’s expression that he was indeed very serious, then shook his head.
“Absolutely not.”
Bucky sighed. “Sam—
“Absolutely. Not.” He shook Bucky’s hand off his own, and turned to face him fully. “Do you know how inappropriate that would be?”
“What’s so inappropriate about one of your best friends helping you pack?”
“When that best friend is you? Everything,” Sam snapped. “God, Bucky.” He paused a moment, closing his eyes briefly, trying to center himself, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t have time for this,” he went on, after a minute. “I have a limited amount of time before Nathan gets home. Today’s his short day, remember?” He said, pointedly.
Oh yeah, Bucky remembered. He also remembered that they apparently had an unspoken agreement to never mention just exactly how Bucky knew what day of the week Sam’s boyfriend — well, ex-boyfriend now — got off earlier than he typically did. And even though Bucky would’ve very much liked to talk about it actually, he knew that Sam might really never speak to him again if he tried to start that discussion, so he didn’t.
“I don’t need the two of you in the same space again ever,” he continued.
“And we won’t be,” Bucky assured him.
Though, if you asked him, the only person who should’ve been worried about Nathan being in the same space as Bucky again should’ve been Nathan. Sam shouldn’t be worried about anything, because Sam hadn’t done anything wrong. Technically, Bucky hadn’t done anything wrong either. But he’d wanted to. Badly. So he wasn’t exactly innocent, but that's another story.
“With me there helping you, you’ll get done in half the time and neither one of us will have to see him.”
That actually sounded pretty nice in theory. Nathan was pretty high up on Sam’s shit list too; frankly, he didn’t want to chance seeing him again either. But, still, there was no reason to go inviting trouble, and risking even the slightest chance of having Bucky and Nathan run into each other, in what was Nathan’s home no less, would’ve been the epitome of stupid.
Sam couldn’t justify having Bucky tag along, even if the most ridiculous part of him, the same part that had been doing reckless crap with Bucky since as far back as he could remember, was halfway tempted to let Bucky come. Honestly, it would be nice to have a friend with him, just for emotional support.
“Come on, Sammy,” Bucky cajoled. He could see that he almost had him. “It might even be fun,” he said, and smiled, adding silently, for me anyway.
But that smile was a step too far. Sam knew that smile. He knew all of Bucky’s smiles, and that smile had never signaled anything but trouble.
“You want to run into him, don’t you?” He asked, realization dawning in his eyes. “Jesus, Bucky. What is wrong with you? Really?”
He shrugged, knowing he was caught out. “I don’t like how he talked to you… or me. So, no, I wouldn’t hate it if I ran into the guy again.”
Sam shook his head. “You do know we’re not kids anymore, right?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know, man.”
He shook his head again, only that time he looked downright disappointed, and it went straight to Bucky’s gut.
“But you probably need to stay here and figure it out,” he said, and turned to face the door again.
“Like I said, lock up if you leave,” Sam said, then left without another word.
That time Bucky let him.
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sreegs · 2 years
Read and comprehend the topic of this post above the "read more" link before attempting to respond. This is your only warning. Violators will be mocked and blocked.
This post is going to cover tipping people in restaurants/eateries and private transportation. Tipping can also apply to many, many other service industries including but not limited to: movers, handypeople, mechanics, etc. Since this is meant to be brief and focused on info relevant to visitors and tourists, I won't discuss that here.
You're tipping 20% minimum on your food and public/private taxi rides (including lyft, uber, etc). Include this in your budget calculations for engaging with these services.
I was going to jokingly just end the post here but let me explain. Minimum wage laws in the US allow employers to pay their employees UNDER FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE if they're in an industry that receives tips on the regular. Taxi drivers are self-employed and have to pay for the costs of the lease on their vehicle, gas, and give a cut to their garage or ride service provider.
Therefore, capitalists have shifted the cost of paying a living wage to these people on to the consumer rather than the employer. No amount of arguments against tipping culture is going to magically fix this overnight. That's the long game and we're trying to abolish this shit. Therefore, you are tipping 20% minimum. Today.
Even if you did not like the food.
Even if the food was cold.
Even if the server didn't seem cheery and smiley.
Even if the taxi wasn't as fast as you wanted it.
Even if the taxi smelled a little funny or the driver didn't talk the amount you like.
If you did not suffer immediate physical harm or harassment or discrimination at the hands of the service person who provided you the service, full tip. Five stars if you have to rate them in an app. Perfect marks.
Does the above statement seem strange to you? It shouldn't, because remember: capitalists have forced you to cover the full cost of the service. THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE SERVICE WORKER.
Cash is King
Tip in cash if you have it. Credit card companies can't take a chunk out of cash tips. And if someone who works a low-paying job can grab a bit of cash under the table, away from the eyes of the IRS, then they will do more economic good with that money than the tax cut that goes to pay for bombing other countries.
How do I figure out a 20% tip?
Easy. Look at the total (THE TOTAL, WITH TAX YOU FUCKING CHEAPSKATE). Double it, then divide by 10 (move the decimal place one over to the left). Round up the remainder to the nearest dollar. That's going to be at least 20%.
What about counter workers?
There is some confusion on how to tip people who work at a counter in cafes and fast food establishments. Because they are not considered tipped employees and they get minimum wage.
The rule is, if during your transaction the POS (point of sale) register asks you to add a tip, you add a 20% tip. If you see a tip jar, you tip. If neither of these things happen, you don't tip
What about food delivery?
20% minimum tip. You called/ordered via an app, and magically food showed up. In any weather. 20% tip.
Bonus Holiday section:
Let's say you're visiting America during the peak American holidays when it's either a common "dining out" holiday or a holiday where you usually spend time at home with family. This includes, in chronological order:
Valentines Day, Fourth of July Weekend (the whole weekend), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve and Day.
You tip even more on those days. 30% minimum. I've tipped 100% on meals and rides on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Because those people are taking the time out of spending the day with friends and family, what everyone else is doing, to make sure they have enough money to pay bills and survive in America. And no you fucking bigot, you don't get to eye up the server and figure out if they celebrate Christmas or not.
I can't afford a 20% tip. How do I pay for this?
You can't afford the full service or experience. You don't buy it. Next question.
Where I come from, we don't tip that much/not at all. Why do I have to do this?
You're in America now. You have to do this. Please, feel free to engage the worker in a spirited debate about tipping culture if you feel like you need more info. I'm sure you'll learn something new.
I have a tipping system. You see, first I start at 10% and for every...
Your system is bad and you're a cheapskate. 20% minimum.
Hey wait a minute, I'm an American and I have strict rules about who I tip and how much. And 20% is too high! What are you talking about?
Every decent human being quietly judges you for being an asshole. You are disliked by the people around you who tip like normal people. You are not going to become rich some day because you saved $5 on a tip. Own up and tip.
I ate at an expensive restaurant. Surely I don't have to tip 20% on a bill like this, do I?
Yes you do.
Holy shit. I'm going to follow this guide but wow. Do you Americans really live like this?
Oh buddy wait till you encounter states that don't list the tax on the price tag.
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oiblackestsheep · 1 month
Hi! I really love your memes. Have you already done MBTI types as video games?
Thank you so much!! Honestly, I probably have at some point in the many years, but if I have, it's been a long time, so let's give it a go. I tried to get a mix of old, new, classic, and modern games in, and tried not to give every one a SUPER OBVIOUS game. Hope you like it! 😸
MBTI Types as Video Games
INTP: Slime Rancher
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It took everything in my power to not do Portal 2 for INTP, because it seems like the obvious choice and I wanted something other than that. Maybe not as puzzle-oriented, but Slime Rancher captures a different side of INTPs like their affinity for unique experiences through Ne, comfort Si that allows them to organize all their slimes effectively, and their inferior Fe that lets them take care of cute little creatures with minimal risk.
INFP: Minecraft
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An instant classic that lets your imagination run wild and live your life the way you think it should be lived, without the limitations of oppressive reality. Build the comfiest home with as many floors, rooms, walls, etc. as you want. Your house wouldn't be structurally sound and is impossible to create in real life? DOESN'T MATTER, it's what the INFP wants, and it what they can have in their own little world.
ENTP: Among Us
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A creative and random environment where you have to either find the killer or be the killer terrorizing the space ship crew, interrupted by segments of ARGUING ~*~discussion~*~ about who the imposter might be, followed by voting to eject them into space via mob-mentality? Is there any game more chaotic and perfect for the ENTP to thrive in that I'm missing, here?
ENFP: Skyrim
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You are the nonspecific protagonist with unique dragon powers that let you literally scream somebody to death, and, once again, live your life the way you want to live it, as chaotic or lawful as you might want. Become a criminal werewolf who leads a dark, murderous cult by night, and is the dean of a magical college by day? YOU CAN DO THAT.
INTJ: Satisfactory
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Slowly and steadily building the most effecient space colony to mine resources and build interesting and novel alien technology? What could the INTJ want more. It won't happen overnight, but the efforts of the INTJ compound with each and every day, and one day, they'll make use of every square inch of the planet's surface for their factory.
INFJ: Coffee Talk
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A lesser known game to some, but just as impactful, nonetheless. You're simply a barista in a coffee shop, but you have the pleasure of meeting and hearing the stories of a diverse cast of characters that let you into their unique inner worlds. You'll get to explore their experiences and choose your own dialogue to interact with their lives and offer your input that is tailored to the individual character.
ENTJ: Left 4 Dead
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The goal is simple and well-defined: survive the zombie apocolypse. But the only way to do it in this game is to have all 4 players work together in perfect syncronicity as a well-oiled machine to cover all your bases as you traverse each level. It requires delegation of tasks, foresight of what's to come, and just a little bit of quick, thinking-on-your-feet, a perfect combination to engage their Te, Ni, and Se, respectively.
ENFJ: Mario Kart
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Everyone knows Mario Kart, and everyone loves Mario Kart. Much like an ENFJ, themselves. Mario Kart has a very low barrier-to-entry so that the majority of people can learn to play quickly, and enjoy time with their friends! It's fun, it's casual, and it requires a bit of that tertiary Se to make some quick turns to finish in first. The game resembles the ENFJ personality itself, and it is a favorite of an ENFJ I know for those same reasons (as she doesn't play many video games).
ISTP: Assassin's Creed
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(Couldn't find any good covers with Altair that fit tumblr's format, so I did Ezio, the fan favorite (and also probably an ENFJ assassins which is p cool?))
The franchise has undergone a lot of change over the years, so I do NOT mean the RPG elements, but rather the original elements of the games that made them so great! ISTPs would rather have a more focused way to engage the game, instead of the endless possibilities of an open-world, anyway. Quick reactions to stay hidden, a good grasp of the terrain around you and how to use it against your enemies, and a solid amount of Ti to calculate the most logical time to strike makes for a great way to engage the ISTP's top functions.
ISTJ: Super Smash Bros
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Again, the goal is simple, fight your friends and be the last one standing. The rules are simple, in fact, they are completely customizable so you can save your settings to define exactly what kind of experience you want to have, and you know what to expect. You can play it simple with a set number of lives and no items, or you can crank the spawn rate of all items up to the max, if you're in a particularly low-Ne, (low-risk) feeling, kind of mood. Still, the goal is always the same. Hone your strategy, defeat your friends (or foes lmao)
ISFP: The Sims
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Introverted by nature, they appreciate being able to spend some time alone without having to give up the things they like about the sensory world, including house and clothing fashion-design. These aesthetics were made to be seen, but sometimes they can only be made in a video game, and sometimes you need a break from real people. It's a realistic enough game that they can connect with it in a more relatable way than more abstract types of games, but they still please the Fi desire to live their personal life the way they wish without the limitations of reality.
ISFJ: Animal Crossing
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Again, it's a familiar environment, with just a little flaire to excite that inferior Ne. You've got what seems like endless tasks (in a good way lmao) to keep you busy taking care of your island, and also forming positive relationships with your fellow residents! You get to meet new people, help solve the residents' problems, become a pillar of your community, and at the end of the day, retire to your cozy home.
ESTP: Palworld
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It's new, it's weird but somehow familiar, it's Pokemon with guns. It might not be the most "original" game, but it was an inspiration nonetheless for the simple fact that it took all of the known successful elements of gameplay that people enjoy from other games, and put them all into one game that, for lack of better words, "just gives the people what they want". What you see is what you get, and it packs a punch.
ESTJ: Dark Souls
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Although it is the more introverted game compared to ISTJ, it requires an incredible amount of strategy in order to champion this game. The medieval themes are familiar, but that's the only comfort the game provides due to its overwhelmingly punishing gameplay style that only the thickest of skin can overcome. What says thick skin like inferior Fi?
ESFP: Rocket League
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It's extreme soccor (or football for my friends from across the pond), but instead of playing as people, you play as cars with rockets to propel them. Why, they ask? Because you want to, obviously. Realisitic enough that the concept is still based in a familiar reality, but the mayhem and competetion has been dialed up to 11 simply because it makes it more interesting that way. Again, what you see is what you get, AND IT PACKS A PUNCH.
ESFJ: Tabletop Simulator
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It might seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. It's social, it's familiar, it's easy to jump into, and you're not limited to the physical copies of games that your friends have at their houses - you've got, like, any tabletop game you could possibly want to play! It alleviates the limitations we feel in real life when we want to play games with friends, but maintains the integrity of connection and fun you have with them. PLUS, you can flip the table after losing a game for comedic effect without making a mess in someone's IRL home.
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halsinningiswinning · 13 days
Can we please talk about how weird the Halsin-raised orphans would be?
Of course, through no fault of their own, they're survivors of the unimaginable so a little strange umami is expected.
A wall of text awaits you under the cut. Gird your loins.
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They would all have some serious trauma before even meeting Halsin due to the invasion and whatever else led them to be orphaned, then after the game he whisks them away from the city almost immediately.
Mind you some of these children may have been BORN in Baldur's Gate, and others may be refugees who spent gods knows how long just trying to get Baldur's Gate. I can understand that the city isn't a safe place for them anymore, and moving is a necessary evil, but that won't change the fact it may affect them.
Now Reithwin does seem rather close to Baldur's Gate in the grand scheme of things, the game implies it's only a day's journey apart. I'm aware the forced long rest once you reach the city is for narrative purposes, but it still gives the impression it's a day-long walk. The journey should be relatively uneventful from the view of outside threats, but moving that many children for long periods will be taxing on everyone. Assuming no one is lost or has a serious meltdown.
The cracks would begin showing immediately. Now, raising kids isn't easy and Halsin knows he's in for yet another uphill battle. However, the practical reality is that raising a child takes way more than love and good intentions.
Odds are that Last Light would become the first place the commune would set up due to its relative lack of corruption. They have rooms and supplies, and the building is in decent enough condition. There would be next to no privacy, however. Not due to anything nefarious, just simply due to how many people would be in such a small space.
Would these kids have time and space to actually process everything? Or would getting them settled in a fixer-upper situation where all hands must work to succeed keep them in survival mode for longer? They're safe, sure, but not thriving yet.
Now let's finally discuss the adults in the room.
Daddy Halsin, of course. He has a lot of love to give, and frankly, his own wounds of losing his family have also never fully healed. Wounds like that rarely do. No doubt he feels a great sense of empathy and kinship with these children.
However, he didn't exactly thrive as Archdruid. Through his own admission, he was too quick to absolve himself of responsibility. Granted he never chose to be archdruid, unlike how he chose to become a father figure, and intent can change what someone is willing to endure. The fact remains that raising wagonloads of children is a far heavier responsibility than being the leader of a small religious community of ADULTS.
Even if he were to forgo hibernation (which he almost certainly would, he doesn't have the same biological pressures of actual bears, even if the HC of him being a werebear is true) and limit how often he tranced (more dangerous to be sure, but many parents have to live in states of extreme sleep deprivation for a time) are there even enough hours in the day to attend to each child personally?
The other adult in the situation would be Art Cullagh, assuming he survives and is in any state to help. He's an interesting case because he has no obligations to help, from his perspective they just showed up at his door and moved in because Halsin said so. He'd be well within his rights to want to distance himself. The terminally ill rarely have the energy or time to raise children. It's a heartbreaking reality for many families who lose a parent while still having children in the home, but these aren't Art's kids.
Despite that, I believe he'd step up to the plate as best he could. He spent a century warped by shadows and torment, but his biggest concern was Thaniel. Granted, Thaniel was a magical entity that had protected Art, but that doesn't change the fact Art seems aware that Thaniel is just a boy. Art is a good man, practical, humble, and kind. He'd see the same wagonloads of scared, lost children that Halsin sees and would understand that standing by and doing nothing would be unthinkable.
But what could he actually do? He could offer emotional support, an ear to listen, and perhaps music lessons. Outside of that, his condition poses a serious impediment to being more hands-on.
He will also, realistically speaking, be the first death the kids experience in their new family after the move. The kids who have all already experienced the loss of their parents, now lose another parental figure.
Now let's discuss provisions.
In the modern day, it's easy to sometimes forget the truly Herculean task of feeding people is. We have massive farms, and legions of underpaid and often exploited workers to keep said farms functioning. We have fleets of transporters, on land, air, and sea to get the food where it needs to be. We have refrigeration, preservatives, and irradiation to make our food more nutritious for longer. I'm not here to discuss the negative ramifications of this right now when the game is making sure the population has adequate calories.
We also have a large portion of our society dedicated to food preparation. Every factory worker is who involved in making processed foods, and prepackaged foods. Chefs, school cooks, hospital canteens. There are people in the grocery stores who make hot food, or cut and prepare cold foods for consumption. Past all the people professionally involved, we also have societal pressure on women (predominantly) to be competent cooks, as many women are expected to cook for their whole families. In the modern day this pressure has lessened slightly, but historically we subjugated a whole gender to just ensure everyone could eat.
WHO IS GETTING FOOD FOR THESE CHILDREN? Is it Halsin? Because that also cuts into his availability for the children. Is it Art? Given his poor health, I highly doubt it. Thaniel may be able to supply the raw ingredients needed to sustain life, as nature does provide, but raw fruit and veggies alone aren't the best diet for growing children.
Odds are the burden of the eldest child will simply be shared among the oldest, or rather most grown children. They will have to step up and help care for the younger ones. Even if Halsin doesn't ask them to, most children can see suffering in others and are motivated to help. Some may resent it, but there will be many children who feel responsible for their new less grown siblings.
Now let's discuss species and how they age!
We all know the various species of the Forgotten Realms age wildly differently. Goblins cap out at a 50-60 year lifespan if memory serves, Elves can live over 700 years. These children won't all reach maturity at the same time. Some of the kids could live, marry, have kids, and die before their adopted siblings are old enough to even start dating properly. Some could have entire generations before others even have the nerve to leave home.
The children who mature faster will gain responsibilities faster, that's normal and natural, but the forced parental duties would simply be a part of it. Even if it is needed to ensure all the kids make it, it's hardly fair for the children pressured into caring for others. This is another burden people in our world have to shoulder, and we know the price they pay isn't insignificant.
I've more to say, but for now, I've said enough. I adore Halsin, I do think this is what he thinks is his happy ending. I also do believe that this fate is better than being left on the streets of Baldur's Gate, but let's not ignore the realities of what would happen. I tried to keep my headcanons to myself and instead focus on just asking questions, but I do have MANY headcanons.
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jeannineee · 1 year
hi darling, i was wondering if you could possibly do a nsfw alphabet for manon blackbeak ?
she’s my absolute favorite character in the sjm universe 🖤👀
p.s. i absolutely love your writing, it brings a smile to my face no matter what
NSFW Alphabet: Manon Blackbeak (Throne of Glass)
a/n: thank you for the compliment!! You guys are too sweet. My requests are open for ANY SJM character. Male, female, main characters, side characters, etc.
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Complete opposite of how she is during sex. Gentle and doting. She’ll bathe you, massage your sore muscles. She’ll get you anything you need. Your well-being is her priority.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For her? Her thighs. They’re very toned, and she loves having you ride them.
For you, your boobs. She’ll take her time marking them, with her lips, her teeth, her nails.
(Dare I say, blood kink?)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
By the time she’s done with you, both of your bodies are slick with arousal.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wouldn’t mind sharing you, but would want to discuss with you extensively beforehand.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Do I really need to elaborate on this? Manon can fuck. Let’s be real.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Again, loves when you ride her thigh. Also likes face-sitting, 69’ing. And any position that gives her control over you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I don’t see her being goofy. She takes it seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yes the carpet matches the drapes. She keeps it well-trimmed. She just prefers it that way.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Let me put it simply: there are some nights where she wants to make love to you, but most of the time, she’s fucking your brains out.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It was a regular thing for her before you. After she met you, she had no need to do it, unless she would be away from you for an extended period of time.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Likes to mix praise and degradation, but uses degradation more.
Into BDSM.
Bondage!! Dominance, rough sex, impact play, etc.
Choking, spanking, edging, overstimulation.
Blood kink lolol.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Prefers the bedroom, but will absolutely take you to an empty room if you’re in public and needy enough.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your quick wit and snarky comments. She lives for that shit. Especially when you give her attitude in public. Because once you get home? Game over.
“Not so tough now, huh? Where’d that attitude go, pet?”
“Wonder what everyone else would think if they knew what a needy little slut you are for me behind closed doors.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Just about anything is on the table with her. You both have a safe word, and discuss limits regularly. She wouldn’t disrespect your boundaries.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Takes her time between your legs, whether she overstimulating you until you can’t think, or edging you until you cry.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Normally rough, but there are nights where she prefers to go slower.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t prefer them. But if you’re needy, she’ll go for it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Will absolutely take risks and is down to experiment. (See K = Kinks)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Stamina is through the roof. She can easily go all night.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Idk if they exist in ToG world, but if they did, she’s absolutely be using them on you. And herself, occasionally.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Mean as fuck. Will edge you for HOURS. She’ll always make sure you come, but she definitely enjoys dragging it out.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not super loud, until she’s close to finishing. But she does degrade and praise you a lot throughout.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Wouldn’t mind subbing for you, just to try it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She’s toned, has perky breasts. She has subtle curves. She’s a goddess, really.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very very high. She could take you anytime, really.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes her a while. You’re almost always asleep before she is. Eventually, she’ll fall asleep to the sound of your breathing.
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dandylion240 · 5 months
Can you do the whole Ultimate Relationship list for Jayden & Evan? I'm patient, so no rush! (plus, turnabout is fair play, right?) ;-)
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Jayden and Evan - thank you for asking!
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Neither. It wasn't always like that though. In the early years of their relationship he would lose his patience with Evan especially when he'd bring work home and Evan wanted to talk to Jayden.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? 
Early in their relationship Evan threatened to leave because he felt unappreciated and invisible. He felt that the only thing that mattered to Jayden was his job. So he gave Jayden an ultamatum and Jayden didn't think he would.
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? 
Evan did. He got his own apartment in the City and moved out.
Who trashes the house?
Do either of them get physical? 
How often do they argue/disagree? 
They disagree quite often. Over the years they've learned to sit down and talk things through. If they can't do that they seek out their dad friend, Hayle, and ask for advice.
Who is the first to apologise?
Evan probably sees the need to apologise first where Jayden had to learn that there are times he needs to apolgolise. It was a difficult lesson and one where he almost lost Evan for good.
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Who is on top? Who is on the bottom? 
Jayden is top and Evan is bottom. However due to Jayden's physical limitations they mostly cuddle in bed except for when Jayden is feeling especially well.
Who has the strangest desires?
I don't think either of them have any strange desires.
Any kinks? 
Who’s dominant in bed?
Probably Jayden; although Evan has his moments and Jayden is more than willing to let him.
Is head ever in the equation? 
Quite likely.
If so, who is better at performing it? 
Evan is
Ever had sex in public? 
Well there was that one time in the backyard in Jayden's parents hot tub. They were both in high school at the time.
Who moans the most? 
Probably Evan but neither one is especially loud or vocal
Who leaves the most marks? 
Who screams the loudest? 
Who is the more experienced of the two? 
Their experience is exactly the same. They were each other's first and only.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? 
Definitely make love.
Rough or soft? 
When they were younger they were experimental but they never got extremely rough with each other. Over the years though they've had to make adjustments to accomodate things that Evan wouldn't do and things that Jayden couldn't do anymore.
How long do they usually last? 
Before Jayden's back injury they could go for a long time but now it depends upon his pain level.
Is protection used? 
Does it ever get boring? 
Not for them
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? 
Jayden's parent's hot tub when they were teenagers.
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Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? 
Yes they do. Jayden always wanted a large family.
If so, how many children do your muses want/have? 
Jayden always wanted four. After his accident they had difficulty getting pregnant and after they lost their son they decided not to try again. They looked into adoption and were lucky to get approved to adopt Ryan. Jayden is happy witht he family he has.
Who is the favorite parent? 
Evan knows his kids love him but he's well aware that he's not the favorite. He doesn't begrudge Jayden that honor either.
Who is the authoritative parent?
They both are. They discuss things together and back each other up so that the kids can't go to the other to get a different answer.
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? 
They both do. Sometimes they'll just go do something as a family or stay at home and play games. Everyone needs a day off now and then.
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? 
Neither. They trust the kids not to over indulge when there are treats around.
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? 
Neither Josie and Ryan are into many extra curricular activities. For a a couple of years Josie was a cheer leader but quit once Jolene graduated and wasn't there to pressure her. Ryan was on the swim team. But Jayden and Evan went to everything their kids were in to support them.
Who goes to parent teacher interviews? 
They both go.
Who changes the diapers? 
They took turns changing diapers.
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? 
They took turns.
Who spends the most time with the children? 
Jayden does. He works from home due to his back injury so he's home when the kids come home from school and he's there when the kids go to school.
Who packs their lunch boxes? 
Jayden does mostly except on days he can't get out of bed then Evan does it.
Who gives their children ‘the talk’? 
They do it together even though Jayden will be thinking they can't be old enough for the talk yet.
Who cleans up after the kids? 
Jayden cleans up after the kids go to school and Evan is at work. He has all day to a little bit at a time.
Who worries the most? 
Jayden tends to worry more.
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
From school or their cousins. Neither Jayden or Evan swear or at least not that much.
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Who likes to cuddle? 
They both like to cuddle.
Who is the little spoon? 
Jayden is.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? 
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?  
Both. They're both quite handsy but they do limit it to holding hands, hugs and kisses when the kids are around.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? 
It depends a lot on Jayden's pain level. Sometimes a few minutes sometimes an hour or so.
Who gives the most kisses? 
Evan does. Although Jayden gives a lot too.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? 
Cuddling on the couch watching one of Evan's favorite romantic movies together.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? 
On the couch. Jayden is probably lying down with this head in Evan's lap and Evan is running his fingers through Jayden's hair.
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?  
Probably Evan especially if he's trying to distract Jayden from worrying about something.
How often do they get time to themselves?
Not as often as they used to before kids but they do plan weekends when the kids are staying with their cousins or with Hayle and Chris.
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Who snores? 
If both do, who snores the loudest? 
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? 
They share although Evan has offered to sleep on the couch when any motions causes Jayden excruciating pain.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? 
They prefer to cozy up together whenever Jayden's pain level allows.
Who talks in their sleep? 
Evan talks in his sleep.
What do they wear to bed? 
They wear boxers
Are either of your muses insomniacs? 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? 
Yes sometimes Jayden needs to take something to help him sleep when his pain is especially bad.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? 
They often fall asleep holding each other.
Who wakes up with bed hair? 
Who wakes up first? 
Evan usually wakes up first unless Jayden wakes up due to pain.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? 
Evan does.
What is their favourite sleeping position? 
They like to fall asleep on their sides with some part of them touching each other.
Who hogs the sheets? 
Evan is prone to hog the sheets.
Do they set an alarm each night? 
Yes. Evan sets an alarm just in case he oversleeps.
Can a television be found in their bedroom? 
No. TV's aren't for the bedroom. At least not for them.
Who has nightmares? 
They both tend to have nightmares.
Who has ridiculous dreams? 
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Who makes the bed?  
Jayden does since he's usually the last one up.
What time is bed time?  
Usually it's around 9:00 after they put the kids to bed. They'll be in bed talking for a while.
Any routines/rituals before bed? 
Jayden usually takes a long hot bath to help him relax.
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
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Who is the busiest?
Evan is pretty busy between his volunteer work at the homeless shelter and his work at social services.
Who rakes in the highest income? 
Evan does but once Jayden makes his name in the art world Jayden will.
Are any of your muses unemployed? 
Technially Jayden is but he's an artist and working towards his first exhibit.
Who takes the most sick days?
Evan does since he generally takes the kids and Jayden to doctor appointments.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? 
Who sucks up to their boss? 
What are their jobs? 
Evan works as a social service agent
Jayden rediscovered his love for art and has sold a few paintings and working towards putting on his own showing
Who stresses the most? 
The both stress over different things.
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? 
Evan likes being able to help people.
Jayden likes being able to let his creative side out.
Are your muses financially stable? 
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Who does the washing? 
Who takes out the trash? 
Who does the ironing? 
Who does the cooking? 
They take turns
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? 
Who is messier?  
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? 
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? 
Who forgets to flush the toilet? 
Who is the prankster around the house? 
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? 
Who mows the lawn? 
Who answers the telephone? 
They have their own phones
Who does the vacuuming? 
Who does the groceries? 
Evan. He usually stops on his way home from work.
Who takes the longest to shower? 
Evan just because Jayden usually takes a bath.
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
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Is money a problem? 
How many cars do they own? 
two - one that Evan uses to go back and forth to work and one that's been modified for Jayden to use.
Do they own their home or do they rent? 
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? 
They live in a small town by the coast
Do they live in the city or in the country?  
Small town
Do they enjoy their surroundings? 
Yes they do but they might move in the future to be closer to their daughter.
What’s their song? 
You are the Reason - Calum Scott
What do they do when they’re away from each other? 
Except for when Jayden's been in the hospital they haven't been apart. Evan hates those times when Jayden is in the hospital and he barely sleeps.
Where did they first meet? 
They met when they were both in high school. But it wasn't until they were at the romance festival that they realized they liked each other. Evan was there with Jonah and Jayden was there with Ethan.
How did they first meet? 
You could say that Jayden stole his twin's date and Jayden felt bad but not half as bad as he felt for setting Jonah up with Ethan.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? 
Jayden likes nice things so he spends more on his clothes than Evan does.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? 
Neither are the type.
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? 
Neither. Evan would tend to rush over to Jayden to make sure he's alright.
Any mental issues? 
They've gone to and still sometimes attend grief support groups after losing their son.
Who’s terrified of bugs? 
Who kills the spiders around the house? 
Evan does.
Their favourite place?
In each other's arms.
Who pays the bills?
Jayden keeps track of all the household bills
Do they have any fears for their future? 
Jayden worries about Evan growing old while he ages at a much slower rate. He doesn't like to think of a future without Evan in it.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? 
Jayden will sometimes surprise Evan with a fancy dinner at home. Evan doesn't like going out to fancy restaurants anymore.
Who uses up all of the hot water?  
Jayden with his hot baths
Who’s the tallest? 
Evan is taller.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Evan sometimes joins Jayden in the bath
 Who wanders around in their underwear? 
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? 
Jayden does. He's a pretty good singer and he knows how to play the guitar. His dad taught him.
What do they tease each other about? 
Jayden will tease Evan about not being able to find a hat to match his outfit on the few times he's not wearing one.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? 
Jayden no longer attempts to talk Evan out of wearing a hat with everything.
Do they have mutual friends? 
Yes they do. Hayle and Chris are their closest friends.
Who crushed first?  
I think it was a mutual attraction.
Any alcohol or substance related problems? 
No. Jayden dislikes having to take his pain pills and sometimes waits too long to take them because he doesn't want to become dependent upon them.
Who is more likely to stumble home drunk at 3am? 
Who swears the most?
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: eddie munson x reader (she/her, 18+)
request: from my kinky queen, @looksthatkilledd​; sub!eddie misbehaves all day while the reader is hanging out with the fruity four, so when the reader and eddie get home, the reader is pissed and punishes him and it's really fucking kinky
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; mentions of dwugs, dom reader & kinda sub eddie, masturbation, voyeurism, pet names, angst, etc.
word count: ~2.7k
support your author: reblogs for the sweet eddie boy ✨
note: I appreciate you letting me explore some more kink in my posts. hoping I did you proud here. first post in a bit, let’s show it some love?
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"After a few hits, everyone's fair game," Eddie says with a smirk. His playful and daunting eyes look over to you. You smirk as your brow raises. Robin laughs with an elbow to Steve‘s side. "Looks like you might have a chance after all," she mutters under laugh. Steve rolls his eyes as tightens his already crossed arms. "It's Munson. Everyone has a shot - high or not," he chuckles. Nancy giggles, hiding behind her tight smile.
"I'd like to say I'm a bit hard to get," Eddie adds as he sucks in another hit of his joint. The red cherry at its end burning heavily. He smiles, passing over the stick. The smoke shooting out from one side of his mouth. You lean back onto the couch while resting your feet atop the Munson coffee table. "You'd like to say that," you mutter under your breath.
Eddie and you have been going back and forth tonight. A diss here, a diss there. An uncalled for joke here, a joke there. It was finally teetering on the point where his snarks were no longer funny. Each comment left you heart in a pool of red hot rage. This boy has been testing your limits, and he's been enjoying it. Laughing the entire way here. He enjoys making you squirm any way he can. All because he knows - he can never make you squirm the way he desperately wants to.
Your closest friend, and yet all he can think about is whether you sleep in the nude or in tiny pink undies. Yet here he is, pissing you the absolute fuck off. As if that "be mean to your crush" strategy actually works. You watch him from across the room. You are seething as you cross your arms and sink into the couch.
Steve watches you from the side of his eye. He is always incredibly astute whenever you are wreathing in rage. "Why don't you take another hit?" he whispers as he inches the bong towards you. You shoot him a smile and a nod as you lean up from the cushion. He gently drops the lighter in your palm. With a flick of your thumb, the beautiful green turns that familiar orange. The smoke growing within the chamber. You pull the stem and it all floods your mouth. Throat burning in response, but feeling oh too good.
Blowing out the smoke with a rather nasty cough, you lean back and hope Mary J works quicker rather than later. You would hate to lose your shit in front of your nearest and dearest. Nancy, Robin, and Eddie have begun to discuss how ABBA and Bowie compare to Metallica and Dio. Eddie's face reddens by the second as he becomes more and more heated. "Robin, please stop saying 'Dancing Queen' is just as good as 'For Whom the Bell Tolls.' I'm literally going to have to kick you out of my house," he mutters. His eyes closed as his hand raises tensely in the air.
"Oh, common. They're both iconic. What are you talking about?" Robin says as she bumps into Nancy's shoulder. Nancy bites her lip as a smile grows upon her face. She enjoys watching the chaos develop in front of her. Eddie's eyes almost pop out of his skull. His mouth hanging open as he inches his chin towards the two girls. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asks as he seethes in harsh air. "Hey now, let's just call it a truce," Nancy gently suggests with a giggle. She is always trying to keep the peace, but sometimes it’s a bit hard - especially a few hits in.
"A truce? ABBA clearly wins seeing as Metallica fucking sucks," you lie with the intent to rile up Eddie. Your arms still crossed atop your chest as you peer up towards him. You are met with all four of your friends horrified eyes. Eddie sinks back into his seat as he clenches his jaw. His eyes widen as his breathing heavies.
Nancy quickly looks at Steve, who responds with a nod. "Yeah, we're going to head out," she says as the two stand from their seats. Robin remains seated within the static air. She watches as you two exchange glances, excitedly waiting for the show to begin. Steve hooks his arm to hers, pulling her up from her theatre chair. "Let's go, Robin," he directs with annoyance. She huffs while being dragged away. As they walk out, Eddie and you can hear Robin whine, "But I want to see what happens!"
"That was too far," Eddie says through his teeth. His eyes never leaving yours. You roll your eyes, sinking deeper into his couch. "If only I cared," you mutter under your breath. He scoffs as he sucks his tongue to his teeth. "God, you fucking drive me nuts, y/l/n," he shouts as he erratically swings his arms through the air. "It's the least I can do after the shit you've been pulling all night," you respond.
Eddie turns back towards you with a twinged look. His eye squinting in confusion. "The shit I’m pulling? What shit?" he asks with a chuckle. In your five years of friendship, you have gotten into exactly three fights with Eddie Munson. This was going to be number four. "You've been a dick to me all night," you yell as you stand from the couch. The rage flooding through you, making you want to move. "No more than usual," Eddie says with a laugh. You quickly turn towards him in response to that laugh. Was he really laughing at you at a time like this? You were going to hit him where it hurts.
With a deep breath, you shake out your arms and stretch out your neck. You look over to Eddie, the confused boy with the arched brow. He watches you as you slowly walk over towards him. You place your hands onto his shoulders and you gently lower yourself onto his lap. His face completely full of awe as your hair brushes against his cheek bones. His mouth hanging open as his eyes desperately try to find yours. Of course, they continue to become lost along the way as they travel up your torso.
As his eyes finally land upon yours, you brush your hand through Eddie's curly locks. "You have been a dick to me all night," you repeat sternly. "You're going to get what you deserve." You quickly lift from his lap and walk over to the hallway. Your hands grip onto your shirt and pull it over your head before you even reach the doorway. With the lack of heard movement, you scoff, "Are you coming?" Quickly, you hear him struggle to move from his chair and follow you blindly down the hallway.
Walking into Eddie's bedroom, you quickly point towards the old rickety chair resting beside his dresser. "Sit," you say as you begin to unbutton your jeans. With his jaw still on the floor, he straddles the chair and crosses his arm over its back. The chair creaks with each of his movements. His eyes are glued to you as you pull your jeans down side to side over your thick thighs. The thighs he's been dreaming about since he first met you.
Kicking off your pants, you land back onto Eddie's mattress. You grab hold of his two pillows and place them at the arch of your back. You lean back onto them as you cross your legs. You note that he's practically drooling as you sit bra, panties, and all in front of him - on his bed. His eyes blink rapidly as they scan over your body. Once they meet your eyes, a smile grows upon his face.
"You don't know how long I've waited for this," Eddie whispers as he begins to stand from the chair. "No," you say sternly. Both of your bodies become frozen. "Sit down," you instruct. Slowly uncoupling your legs, you lean back onto your palms. "You don't move from that chair." His face deadpans as he slowly processes your words. A minute later and you find him slowly nodding. His chin rests heavily atop his forearms as he grips tightly onto the back of the chair.
"Good," you whisper. You slowly raise from Eddie's pillows to unhook your bra. You slide the straps down as you let the bra fall to the ground. You watch as Eddie bites into his arm, desperately trying to remain still for you. "What should I do?" you softly ask. He lightly gasps as he watches you in adoration. "Can I speak?" he asks quietly. "Don't make me repeat myself, Munson," you demand. He nods quickly and clears his throat.
"Take off your panties," Eddie whispers. You scoff as you roll your head back onto the pillows. Your arms cross over your torso. Your palms covering your tits. "Please, take off your panties," he quickly revises. You smirk as you slowly move your hands down your sides. Hooking your thumbs onto your waistline, you slowly pull your panties down. Eddie's eyes widen. His breathing intensifies as he is able to bear witness to something he thought he would only dream about. It makes you unbelievably wet - making you consider allowing him to raise from that chair.
"What now, daddy?" you ask with daring eyes. He bites deeper into his arm as he breathes through his teeth. You rest there, wide open for him. All while he is confined to that old wooden chair. "Please just use your fingers and-and tell me how wet you are," he asks with a whimper. You smile as your hand taps against the outside of your thigh. You slowly trail your fingers up your thigh and onto your clit. You feel that cool wetness to your touch. You feel that undeniable pleasure from the pressure against your bud.
Leaning your head back, you smile at the sensation. Your slick lathers your fingers. "Show me?" Eddie asks hesitantly. You smile as you raise from his bed. He raises his chin towards you. With a bite to your lip, you brush your two fingers against his mouth. His chocolate innocent eyes watch you as you push deeper past his lips. His tongue drags between your fingers. Eyes remain dead set upon you. "Hmm," you moan. "Tasty," he whispers with your fingers still in his mouth.
You slowly pull from him, dragging against his plump bottom lip. You rest back onto his sheets, as your fingertips circle softly against your clit. "Rub a little harder?" Eddie suggests. The words falling right from his mouth before he could even catch himself. You nod as you follow his instruction. Your breathing heavies as you feel the pleasure rush through your limbs. He undoubtably notices as you hear shifting within the old wooden chair. His grip tightening around his arm as he lets out low groans from deep within.
“God, I want to touch you,” Eddie whispers. He holds back anymore “wants” in fear that you might stop what you are doing. You moan as you watch him tremble in that seat. You can feel how much he wants to touch you, more than you’ve ever felt before. “Please go inside, baby. Just one finger at first,” he whimpers. You oblige. You hear him stifle back a moan as he watches your finger disappear. “In and out, baby. Yeah - just like that,” he instructs. His chin raising as goosebumps flood his skin.
“Nice and slow, baby. Fuck,” Eddie says as he begins to grind against the chair. You smile at the sight of him. He’s desperate for your touch, yet he remains obedient in his seat for you. Not daring to move a muscle. The slow movements feel heavenly. You also wish it could be his chilled ringed fingers brushing against your clit.
“Please a little faster, baby. For me,” Eddie whimpers as he adjusts his sit. His breathing intensifies as he rests uncomfortably in his jeans. The undeniable bulge in his pants leaving you salivating. His hands remain on the back of the chair. An unspoken rule set forth that he could not touch himself. He only could watch. Part of you both hating and loving this rule.
With a nod, you increase your movements. The light sensation moving in and out of you was a great way to start but you wanted more. You plunge your second finger in as your other hand rushes to your hair. Your nipples harden at the increased arousal. “Holy fuck,” Eddie gasps at the sight of you. Your beautiful body on display for him, both pleasurable and undeniably punishing.
“Please let me touch you, baby. Please let me come over there,” Eddie whimpers. You shake your head no as you movements quicken. Your palm drags down your face until it lands firmly against your breast. Your hips begin to rut and you almost lose your balance on the edge of his mattress.
Eddie watches you gob-struck. “Baby please! I’ll do anything. Please let me help you,” he begs. The creaking of the chair loudens as he shifts. The pain is almost unbearable, but so fucking worth it. In between ragged breaths, you ask, “How would you help me?” He immediately responds, “I’d crawl to you, baby. Hands and knees. I’d put my tongue on your pussy so fucking fast. I’d stick my tongue so deep inside you that you cum so fucking hard in my mouth. I’d swallow your cum, baby.”
You giggle at the sounds of his desperation. You can’t deny that his ideas would feel incredible right now. “What else?” you add breathlessly. Your other hand now lightly rubbing against your clit as your fingers curl within. Eddie watches you with sweat plastering his curls to his forehead. “I’d suck on your clit while my fingers fuck you so hard and so fast baby. I’d leave marks on your ass from pulling you onto my mouth,” he mumbles. You watch as he actually seems to salivate.
“What about that cock of yours?” you ask with a crack to your voice. Eddie’s detailed descriptions bring you closer and closer to euphoric bliss. He leans forward. His mouth almost inching closer and closer to your wide spread thighs. He might topple forward in the chair. “Oh god, baby. My cock would be yours. Only existing to make you cum. If you’d let me, I’d rub the tip of my cock on your clit until you were nice and wet,” he whispers breathlessly. His hand clawing deep onto his arm. “I’d thrust my cock so deep inside you, you’d see stars. I’d make you cum so hard on my cock and I wouldn’t cum until you let me, baby.”
Eddie begins to blubber. “Please baby, just use my cock. Please just use me to make yourself cum. I’ll be your own personal dildo, fuck - please,” he begs. You giggle at the sound of him as the pit in your stomach tightens. You rest your head back as you feel yourself flirting with the edge. Eddie recognizes it immediately. “Cum for me, baby. Cum on those pretty fingers for daddy. Show me what that tight pussy can do,” he murmurs as he watches your hips rut up. “Fuck, y/n. Cum for daddy. Let me see you cum, pretty girl.”
You moan and shake as your orgasm throws you through a loop. You hear Eddie slam his fist against his thigh as he uses all of his strength to remain seated in that chair. His entire body floods with pain as yours fills with pleasure. Exactly what you intended. “Thank you,” he mumbles under a whisper. As you ride out your high, your hips continue to grind against his mattress. Every inch of you wishes it was him, but god did your stubbornness outweigh your horniness.
With your final moans, you rest almost lifeless spread out in front of him. Your eyes slowly open to see a tearful Eddie. Moon-shaped marks rack his wrists, and perfectly compliment his tatted forearms. The tent pitched in his jeans remains abundantly firm and full. He is just as out of breath as you are. “Next time, just tell me I’m beautiful. Compliments go a long way,” you share. He smiles, a gorgeous smile that leaves your cheeks rosey. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers with all sincerity. You smirk with a nervous bite to your lip. “Get over here.”
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• part two • i want it •
note: i apologize to anyone who read that last line like mortal combat. im sorry to rip you out of it haha a bit of a different kinky take on things, probs could’ve gone kinkier but we all gotta start somewhere. i hope it fits non the less. let me know what you think!
• nav • no-no plagiarism • one shot • requests open •
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leaderoffestivals · 11 months
Poltergeist Chapter 7
The Sketch in the Rubbish Heap Ch 7
Madara: Are those kids, like, SCPs or somethiiing?
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Winter Characters: Mikejima Madara, Sakasaki Natsume, Aoba Tsumugi, Narukami Arashi
 <An hour later. >
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Tsumugi: First off, after discussing with the on-site staff, it's been decided that we'll start by helping out with simple tasks around the place, such as tidying the rooms and washing the dishes.
Uh, by the way, it seems a little late to bring this up now, but it looks like the position of leader has fallen naturally to me due to my past experience in this line of work. Is everyone okay with that? 
This project was originally designed with you in mind, Mikejima-kun, so if you'd like to take on the leader's role, I can step aside and let you have it.
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Madara: Nope, it’s fine. I believe in letting those best suited for the job take the lead. Quite frankly, if I were in charge, I wouldn't have the slightest clue about what to do here!
Arashi: I agree. I can only imagine how that would be like pouring gasoline over the raging fires of an already chaotic situation.
Madara: Ohhh, what's this? Aren't you supposed to be halfway home by now, Arashi-san?
Arashi: Seriously? What kind of Onee-chan would I be if I abandoned Anzu-chan here and escaped by myself?
There's no way I could leave Anzu-chan behind in this dangerous nest of demons, especially not when all the men here don't seem like they'll be of any use at all! 
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Natsume: AhahA. Your opinion of us is truly scraping rock-bottOM, isn't iT?
Tsumugi: Well, NEWDI has always been completely dependent on Knights for its survival up till now~, so it probably can't be helped if we're seen as somewhat unreliable. 
Anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand. There are five of us from ES and thirty children here. How about dividing them up into five groups, with each of us taking charge of one?
It would be a lot more manageable than dealing with all of them at once. 
In addition, by focusing on smaller groups, we're more likely able to nurture a closer relationship with the children—
—which would make it easier for us to capture the heartwarming moments needed for the show. 
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Madara: Indeed. The window available for us to get the footage for the show is reeeally small. The best strategy for us would be to focus on building connections with smaller groups of children in that limited time frame since—
—any plan to win over everyone at once would probably take wayyy more time than we have.
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Natsume: That's a strategy one might use in a dating sim or a gal gaME (1), wouldn't you sAY?
Tsumugi: Yes, it is~. By the way, I casually asked the staff here for a summary of the children's profiles, and based on that information, grouped those who seem likely to present lower risks together.
In the worst case scenario, we would be able to use the footage from the cameras following those groups of children for the show, right? What do all of you think?
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Madara: I agree. The footage from the auditorium incident earlier definitely can't be used for the programme.
It's only because the kids are, well, children, that the incident could be handwaved as a childish prank, but if they had been adults like us, it would've been considered a malicious act.
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Natsume: We would have had a major on-set incident on our haNDS.
Back to the topIC; could you give specifics on how the groups are actually dividED?
Tsumugi: To start, I made a rough first cut by gender.
Some of the children are of an age where they can't go to the bathroom alone, and that could become problematic if they got paired with someone of the opposite gender, despite the fact that all of them are children.
For the girls, I've designated the group which poses the higher risk of danger as the 'Rafflesia (2) Group', while the relatively safer group is called the 'Sunflower Group'.
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Madara: Ahaha. It’s almost like you're classing dangerous creatures according to the level of threat they pose!
Tsumugi: Fufu. I'm thinking of assigning Narukami-kun and Anzu-chan to be in charge of these two groups. However…, who will be the one to take up the more dangerous group, though?
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Arashi: … … I don't want to do it, but I'll be the one to take charge of the riskier group.
Natsume: HeH~. As one would expect of a gallant Knight; you have to protect a lady from danger at all coSTS, don't yOU?
Arashi: That’s part of the reason, of course, but when you come down to it, Anzu-chan isn't an idol. 
We can't let the Producer-san, who's helping us out of goodwill, do anything dangerous that could result in an injury, right?
We, as idols, signed a contract that included a hazardous duty clause, and we were briefed on the risks involved when we agreed to take on this job. However, that's not the case for Anzu-chan.
Tsumugi: Yes. That is indeed where we differ, in this matter. 
Arashi: Also, although the 'Rafflesia group' might play vicious pranks which might result in totally unusable footage—
According to the staff working here, the girls are generally much more docile than the boys. 
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Tsumugi: Yes. And for the boys, who aren't docile at all, I've also grouped them according to the level of danger they pose. From the lowest to the highest risk, we have the 'Rabbit group', the 'Lion group', and the 'Kaijuu (3) group'
Madara: Oh myyy? You've actually resorted to naming some of them after fictional monsters now. Are those kids reeeally so terrible that real-life animals aren't adequate to describe the level of risk they pose?
Tsumugi: That's right. The kids in this 'Kaijuu group' are truly challenging, it seems.
They appear to be problem children in every sense of the word, and the staff have been repeatedly emphasising the numerous precautions one must take when dealing with them. 
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Madara: Are those kids, like, SCPs (4) or somethiiing?
Tsumugi: I couldn't say… My sensing of the situation is that the staff here are exceptionally apprehensive of the children, which bothers me a little—
Or—rather than saying the staff are fearful of the children, it feels like they're actually treating these difficult children with the utmost caution.
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Natsume: WeLL, they’re dealing with childREN, after aLL. In today's world, where any form of corporal punishment can lead to immediate dismissal from one's jOB, I guess they're strictly following the policy of "not inviting trouble if one wishes to avoid iT".
Tsumugi: I guess that must be the case… … Now then, let's decide on the assignation of the boys' groups, shall we?
I can endure any situation as long as it doesn't kill me, so I'll be in charge of the riskiest Kaijuu group, alright?
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Madara: Hmmm~… … No, I think you should leave that group to me.
Natsume: OhH? What's with the sudden change of heART? Why are you so motivated all of a suddEN?
Madara: It's not that I'm becoming motivated or anything, but I've been travelling all over the world while letting my idol career slide, and gaining aaall sorts of experiences in the meantime.
As things stand, I'm in great physical shape, and I'm tough too. That's why, when you consider the fact that the kids here hate adults to the point of attacking them, then—
Tsumugi: —You'd probably be a better choice to deal with those dangerous children than I would, right, Mikejima-kun?
Madara: Yep! Even if they were to physically attack me, I should be able to subdue them without causing them harm—
And if they were to set a trap that would kill Tsumugi-san instantly, I believe I should be able to spot it in advance and stay clear of it.
Natsume: Good griEF. Why does this conversation sound like it should be from a party of adventurers planning to tackle a dungeon full of dangerous monstERS, rather than a conversation among nursery school teachERS?
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—————-To be continued——————-
Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
Translator’s Notes: 
Dating sims are otome games (乙女ゲーム) where there's one female protagonist and multiple male love interests. Gal games (ギャルゲー) are the opposite, where there's one male protagonist and multiple female love interests. 
Rafflesia is the world's largest flower, spanning up to 120cm wide. It is a parasitic plant and gives off a smell like rotting flesh. Pretty much a monster flower.
Kaijuu (怪獣) is a Japanese term, referring to giant monsters or creatures, e.g. Godzilla and Mothra which are commonly featured in science fiction and monster movies.
SCP, or Secure, Contain, Protect, is a collaborative creative writing community (Akira is part of it, having written a novel for the fandom.) Subjects of the stories mostly focuses on bizarre humans, monsters, diseases, phenomenon, or artifacts. The SCP Foundation, a fictional organization, detains and researches these entities, assigning them unique case-numbers (which have reached over 7000.)
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cheiyunn · 6 months
Kimisute main story [3部 ] Part 6
[Dreadnought Music office]
Kenta: Thank you for your work. What is it you called us in for today
Kenta: To ask for everyone to come means that this is an important discussion…
Mashu: I’d like to have you all participate in this
Kenta: 「Special project to celebrate Iryuu Koga’s return」..!?
Nayuta: …!
Miyuki: So, you want us to also participate in this sales ranking game thing…?
Kenta: (...usually I’d immediately say yes to this but at the same time I’d like to not corner Nayuta any more than already done… what to do…?)
Nayuta: …got it
Reon: You sure?
Nayuta: I’ll pummel him to the ground since at least now he’s thinking that there isn’t any out there that can best him
Mashu: …It’s good to hear you have motivation
Mashu: The release of the new songs related to the tie-ups will be aligned with this sales ranking project then
Nayuta: yeah
Kenta: I understand. Then, once we finalize the demo we’ll contact you again
Mashu: Do so. That is all.
Ryo: See ya later, president-san
--[A few days later]--
--[Door knocks]--
Kenta: Nayuta, how long do you intend to be holed up like that. Please, could you come out for a bit
--[Door opens]--
Nayuta: Don’t bother me
Kenta: Saying that, do you know how long you’ve been in there. I know its normal for you to do that, but do take some breaks in between
Nayuta: …you don’t need to tell me. I’ll rest when I need to
Kenta: You’re lying. Day and night, there’s a constant sign of you working
Kenta: It’s not just me, everyone else is just as worried
Nayuta: Tsk… shut up
--[Nayuta walks away]--
Kenta: Where do you intend to go?
Nayuta: Cause you’re so noisy, I’m going out for a walk 
Nayuta: ….Don’t tail me
Kenta: …I understand. At least just make it so you’re able to be contacted
Nayuta: yeah…
--[Nayuta leaves]--
Ryo: …Kenken, how was Nayuta?
Kenta: Somehow got him to leave his room. He said he’d go out for a bit of a walk
Ryo: It’s normal for him to stay in his room but.. Nayuta seemed like he was more troubled than normal…
Ryo: Maybe, the thing about his dad is really bothering him
Kenta: I’d assume so. To add on that he’s already someone who pushes himself to the limit, I just wish he’d take care of himself a little more…
Ryo: Should we make something for when he comes home?
Kenta: Yeah. Preferably something easy to take in and filling… we need to factor in nutrition too…
Ryo: If there's anything I can do, just tell me okay. I want to help you too, Kenken
Kenta: …thank you, Ryo
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[Park  /  In front of clinic]
Nayuta: ( Tsk… it’ll be a pain if they see the medicine. ….better hide it)
Nayuta: ( 「If you don’t take the medication properly and not rest enough, there’s a high chance that your condition could worsen」huh… Why now of all times…)
Reon: Welcome back. Were you able to catch a breather
Nayuta: That doesn’t concern you. Leave me be
Reon: If we do, you’ll just completely stop living like a human being 
Reon: You know that Kenta-san was super worried about you right?
Nayuta: One after another, all of you just butting in with your two cents…
Reon: If that really bothers you, then at least do the bare minimum for living activities
--[Door opens]--
Kenta: Nayuta, you’re back
Miyuki: You fi–nally left your room. For starters, it's a relief that you're alive and kicking
Nayuta: …I’m going back to my room. Don’t bother me
Kenta: At the very least eat a bit before you go back. You haven’t ate anything right, here, we made some
Nayuta: Don’t need it. Just hand me the water
Miyuki: Hah… could you cut the stoic-act in half? I’ll give you my jelly supplements so at least just take that and eat in your room
Nayuta: …hmph
--[Nayuta enters his room]--
Reon: Kenta-san….
Kenta: It’s the usual thing. If we just leave it in the fridge, he’ll take it out when he feels like it
Kenta: At least he took Miyuki’s jelly supplements, so there’s one good thing
Miyuki: But still, how long does he intend to hole up like that? If he keeps exerting himself at that rate, he’ll really pass out no?
Kenta: I’d assume until the song is done but still… Perhaps I really should be more forceful towards him…
Miyuki: Doesn’t he get that if he really does fall it’ll all be for nothing…
Reon: The Nayuta from the past few days feels more and more like he’s running through and it’s hard to watch…
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maddymoreau · 2 years
Gentleman for the ask game!
My Favorite Things About Gentleman -
(⸝⸝⸝ ᵒ̴̶̷ ꇴ ᵒ̴̶̷)◞♥︎ I really admire how despite his circumstances Gentleman is trying to spend his final moments on his terms!!!
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As Henryk he always wanted to be anything but an average joe. Trying everything (and failing) until discovering his talent and passion for cooking.
Now that he’s been moonscorched and transformed into Gentleman he knows his time is limited and his fate is sealed. So he’s going to indulge himself in all he’s ever wanted (•̀.̫ •́✧ )!!
Giving himself a powerful important position: Pretending to be the mayor.
Having in-depth discussions on art: Forcing the player to dine and use their imagination to describe his cooking.
Creating art: Cooking (questionable) meals.
(ී ؀ී ) Gentleman is quick to violence if you don’t play along because you’re destroying the illusion he’s created for himself.
I find the way cooking soothes him to be so sweet. It makes sense that’s how he’d want to spend his final moments (′͈∨‵͈♡)!!!
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To him the kitchen is where he feels useful, confident and at home.
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Another thing is the way he stands up to Caligura.
We’re given very little information on Henryk’s connection to Caligura. For context Caligura is a pure scum mob boss whose done unforgivable heinous crimes (ᇂ_ᇂ ‘).
While we don’t know how. Henryk has been affected by Caligura. When you first attempt to intimidate him as Gentleman it doesn’t work.
He’ll respond, “Acting like a big mob boss, are we!?”
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lf Henryk isn’t moonscorched he will later try to kill Caligura. This conversation happens.
Henryk: “I know what you’re trying to pull! You’re a fool if you think I’ll just watch from the side while you turn everyone against each other.”
Caligura: “Aren’t you clever. So whatcha going to do about it big guy?”
Henryk: “You might have gotten this far by just intimidating people into submission . . . But I spit on your puny scare tactics! The likes of you would get laughed out of an average kitchen.”
Unfortunately he fails. Caligura will immediately kill him unless the player intervenes. If the player does kill Caligura then Henryk will thank you saying that you did everyone a favor. Along with:
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The final line “He’s had it coming for years I’d guess” has me like hmmmmmmmmmmm 👀👀👀👀
Either way the fact he tries to be a hero and kill Caligura (and fails miserably) is admirable.
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I WANNA GRAB HIS WAIST (⸝⸝⸝◉⸝⸝⸝◉⸝⸝⸝)♡!!! His design is SO HOT!!!! SERIOUSLY LOOK AT HIM!!!!
Also I think the reason I prefer Gentleman to Henryk (despite them being the same person) is that outside REALLY liking Gentleman’s design. There’s something extremely interesting about a character attempting to escape the reality of the situation they’re in through lies.
While his mind has been damaged from being moonscorched (being a cannibal isn’t something he’d normally do as Henryk). Gentleman is aware enough to know the situation he’s in. He also knows there’s nothing he can do about it.
So he’s going to instead indulge in what brings him pleasure and comfort because it gives him a false sense of control and makes the situation far easier to cope with.
My Least Favorite Things About Gentleman -
That as Henryk he will cat call Abella. Saying, “would you look at that behind.” To which she rightly threatens him with a wrench. Made me want to reach through the screen and ‾͟͟͞(((ꎤ ˋ⁻̫ˊ)—̳͟͞͞o!!!!
This is more haha but as Gentleman I think it’s a little hypocritical that if I describe the the mushroom dish positioned like coitus as Nudity he gets to say, “The surface of the mushroom is as silky as the butt cheeks of a virgin, yes.” BUT IF I SAY COITUS HE SAYS, “What kind of dirty mind do you possess?”
This isn’t a dislike but I forget to mention one of my FAVORITE SCENES!!!!
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He then makes you give him a different answer but the little “Oh . . . But I insist!” I LOVE IT!!!! BECAUSE I KNOW “I dare not say . . .” WOULD’VE BEEN MY FIRST ANSWER. He’s so excited to hear your answer IT’S ADORABLE AND I NEED TO DRAW IT!!!!
What I dislike about Fanon Gentleman -
Fear & Hunger: Termina has a very small fandom and from what I’ve interacted with most people really like Gentleman! My first post just simping for Gentleman had so many fans leave nice replies on how great and lovable his character is (ノ ^▽^ )八( ^▽^ )ノ”!!!
As for Henryk I wish he received more love! I understand why he isn’t super popular since keeping him from getting moonscorched is a nightmare 💀 I kid you not you need to talk to him seven times in a row to snap him out of confusion. Plus he’s a little lame and has less screen time HIS LAMENESS IS ENDEARING!!! Also I don’t blame people for wanting to see Gentleman instead ꉂ (˃̶᷄‧̫ॢ ˂̶᷅๑ ) I would too.
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Donnie and Mikey
B Team’s turn! My favorite duo! PB&J! The nerds the myths the legends
They are! Best! Friends! Donnie is so attentive and protective of Mikey, especially while they’re out on missions. He rolls his eyes and makes comments like “I can’t take you anywhere” but then proceeds to give his little brother literally anything he asks for. Come on I’ll wrap your ankle, yeah I’ll laugh at your little hairbrush joke. Yah no prob we’re falling off of a building now, it’s fine we have supplies for that. Hope you had fun you little goob :) No you don’t have to help me find things in the junkyard you can play. Go play Raph will help me. Hey I know you don’t want to go into this alien bar right now but what if we think of it as playing dress up and ordering food? You like those activities, right? I’ll play dress up whenever you want it’s okay.
Like Donnie would probably complain about Splinter or Leo and Raph letting Mikey get away with everything but actually. It’s him. It’s him letting Mikey get away with everything and they all know it.
And I love so much that it goes both ways! Mikey’s the most likely to be asking questions and listening to understand when Donnie starts explaining sciencey things (he’s the one complaining about how little sense it made but that’s because he’s listening! He’s really trying to get it!), and he brags on him all the time. And this shows effort on Mikey’s part to understand the way Donnie feels love because, praise and being listened to about his interests? Those are his exact favorite things! Gah they just. Take Such Good Care of each other.
They definitely became close because of Leo and Raph. Because 1), when Leo and Raph are doing their Own Things (friendly competition, building swords together to overcome trauma, fighting gators I guess) the littler two are left to entertain each other, and 2) when Leo and Raph are fighting (sometimes serious but Leo and Raph also have this type of closeness where to them they’ll just be discussing something civilly but to everyone around them it’s a high-stress argument) they have to take care of each other. AND ALSO 3) Leo and Raph are the closest friends ever and that is the example Donnie and Mikey have had for all their lives. They don’t have the same natural closeness as Leo and Raph where they’re just in each other’s heads, but in some ways they’re also closer because their brains work so differently and they’ve had to communicate.
Remember how Donnie tries to be competitive to relate to Leo? Yeah he also relentlessly makes fun of Mikey. He’s just watching how they both connect with Raph and copying. This makes for some fun banter but also they are both sensitive. The relationships weren’t really focused on in the show but it’s logical there were real hurt feelings and crossed lines sometimes. Often, even. But they don’t seem to have any resentment towards each other. And that’s just so pure. Like, as sweet as the turtles all are with each other, there are sometimes long-standing grudges and that’s not unreasonable. That’s gonna happen with four teenagers under one roof, especially with how limited they were in any opportunities to talk to Anyone besides their brothers. Donnie yells about how loud everyone is being and it’s like, yeah, that makes sense. He can’t exactly just go to the library. Raph gets stir crazy and starts hitting things and it’s like, no kidding somebody get this boy a sports team. Or at least a walk in the sunlight. Mikey pouts and whines all through some missions, especially in earlier seasons, and yeah that tracks he’s fifteen he’s right he should be at home playing video games. But even when they are each other’s explicit problem, these two are so so gentle with one another.
The whole underground city arc is a good example. It with Mikey bothering Donnie while he’s trying to study, and you can tell he’s irritated. But he’s still gentle. Then they’re going on a whole adventure because of Donnie’s curiosity and Mikey is clearly not having a good time. He makes this known and they just do not listen. It’s very reasonable for them to be upset with each other. But they don’t seem to be, at least not ever long enough to start anything. And later on when Donnie makes them go back to keep their promise and Mikey whines the entire time, 1) Donnie doesn’t argue or respond to insults 2) at the end of it Mikey makes sure to tell him he’s proud of him. Imagine if it had been Leo or Raph who didn’t want to go. They all love each other but I think that disagreement would have been a lot more tense. I also don’t imagine either of them as likely to take the time to say that to him if they have been at odds for the entire adventure. Mikey is the most likely to take the time to make emotional conversations happen, and Donnie is eternally patient. They’re just exactly what each other needs and I think they became that way on purpose.
Favorite moment, ever of all time:
Donnie, using a pigeon puppet and a Polaroid to get around the security cameras at TCRI
Mikey: I don’t know what bothers me more, the fact that worked, or the fact that Don carries around a pigeon puppet.
Okay and a second favorite, while Donnie and April are discussing interdimensional travel
Mikey: Do you guys come with subtitles?!
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explainlearning · 5 months
Eight Tips for a Successful High School Study Group: Boost Your Grades and Stay Motivated
High school can be a whirlwind of classes, extracurricular activities, and social demands. Juggling it all while maintaining good grades can feel overwhelming. That’s where study groups come in! Joining a dedicated group can be a game-changer, providing a space for focused learning, collaboration, and peer support.
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But how do you ensure your study group is effective and avoids becoming a social hangout? Here are nine key tips to turn your high school study group into a success story:
1. Find the Right People:
The foundation of a successful study group lies in its members. Here’s what to consider:
Similar Learning Styles: Do you learn best visually, by listening, or through hands-on activities? Find group members with compatible learning styles to maximize comprehension and retention.
Complementary Strengths and Weaknesses: Having a diverse group with varying strengths and weaknesses allows everyone to learn from each other. Someone strong in math can explain concepts to others, while those with strong writing skills can help with note-taking.
Commitment and Focus: Look for individuals who share your dedication to academic success and focus during study sessions.
2. Define Your Goals and Purpose:
Before diving in, establish clear goals and a purpose for your study group. Is it to prepare for an upcoming exam, master a specific concept, or review general course material? Knowing your objective keeps the group on track and ensures everyone is working towards the same outcome.
3. Choose the Right Time and Place:
Finding a time and location that works for everyone is crucial. Consider factors like after-school schedules, extracurricular activities, and preferred learning environments.
Quiet Study Spaces: Aim for a quiet library, empty classroom, or dedicated study area at someone’s home to minimize distractions and maximize focus.
Online Learning Solutions: If in-person meetings are difficult, explore online learning solutions like Explain Learning. These platforms offer virtual study rooms and communication tools to facilitate online study sessions.
4. Structure Your Sessions:
Spontaneity has its place, but for effective learning, structure your study sessions. Here’s how:
Set a Time Limit: Determine a realistic timeframe for each session, typically 1-2 hours to maintain focus and avoid burnout.
Create an Agenda: Develop an agenda outlining the topics you’ll cover, allowing everyone to come prepared with questions or specific areas needing clarification.
Rotate Roles: Consider assigning roles like discussion leader, note-taker, or timekeeper to each member, fostering engagement and shared responsibility.
5. Utilize Active Learning Techniques:
Passive learning won’t get you far. Integrate active learning techniques into your study sessions:
Practice Problems and Quizzes: Work through practice problems and quizzes together. Explain Learning offers practice problems and quizzes aligned with various curricula, providing valuable resources for your group.
Interactive Discussions: Encourage open discussions where everyone can ask questions, clarify doubts, and share their understanding of the material.
Flashcards and Mind Maps: Creating flashcards or mind maps together visually reinforces key concepts and promotes collaborative learning.
6. Embrace Technology:
Technology can be a powerful tool for enhancing your study group sessions. Consider using:
Online Collaboration Tools: Platforms like Explain Learning offer online whiteboards, shared documents, and chat functionalities, facilitating real-time collaboration even in online study groups.
Educational Apps and Websites: Explore educational apps and websites that provide interactive learning materials, practice questions, and gamified learning experiences to keep things engaging.
Digital Note-Taking Tools: Utilize digital note-taking tools like Google Docs or Evernote to capture key points, create shared study resources, and allow for easy access and editing.
7. Stay on Track and Accountable:
Maintaining accountability and focus is key. Here are some tips:
Start and End on Time: Respect the set time limit and avoid exceeding it to prevent frustration and scheduling conflicts.
Minimize Distractions: Turn off phones, silence notifications, and discourage side conversations unrelated to the study material.
Set Mini-Goals and Checkpoints: Break down your study session into smaller chunks with clear objectives to maintain a sense of accomplishment and focus.
8. Celebrate Successes and Address Challenges:
Building a positive and supportive environment is vital. Here’s how:
Acknowledge Achievements: Celebrate completing challenging tasks, achieving study goals, or mastering difficult concepts.
Offer Encouragement and Support: Be there for one another. Offer constructive feedback, encouragement, and support when someone is struggling.
Address Challenges Proactively: If someone falls behind or struggles with the material, address it constructively and work together to find solutions. Explain Learning provides.
Content Source https://explainlearning.com/blog/eight-tips-successful-high-school-study-group-boost-grades-stay-motivated/
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tinyletterz · 1 year
OKAY OKAY OKAY thank you for indulging me i love them sm some of these descriptions might sound like theyre missing stuff i just dont wanna spoil anything. all these games are free, online, and can be found on itch.io but i also linked them here too
this also got really long because i explain too much but i wanted to make sure i added enough detail w/out spoiling but also w/out leaving basic synopsis stuff out??? the mc is customizable so your not playing as a base set person which is so nice of the writers thank you guys sm:
a tale of crowns by @/ataleofcrowns
a story that follows the mc (you) as the new crown. there are 4 love interest (all male, all female, or a mix). this one depends on romance based meaning there aren't any aromantic options (i just wanted to put that out there since you are aroace ^^) i love the lore behind it and its geared towards poc which is nice <3 this is also the very first IF i stumbled upon. this is ongoing and chapter ten was just released and theres good/bad endings of chapter ten
superstition (pc versions: s1, s2, s3) (iphone friendly versions: s1, s2, s3) by @/13leaguestories
fantasy and a few other things that follows your journey through the new world of supernaturals you found after helping a woman on the streets. its rated 18+ because of sexual references but you can avoid it 100% at the beginning in the settings, though you might not be able to romance some of the characters. there's 6 love interest in total (3 male, 3 female) but depending on the setting there might be less. you also don't have to have a romance with any of them ! s3 is still in the works
when twilight strikes by @/evertidings
modern fantasy where you work for the ioas (international organization of supernaturals) as a bounty hunter. things get complicated after failing to catch a bounty the second time but i think thats for the best. i love this game soooo much it reminds me of shadowhunters and i love shadowhunters (just the books not the show but thats a different discussion omg). there are 5 romance options (1 is male, the others you can set to female/male/nonbinary or randomize like i did) ive played through this about three times; twice for the same character and once for another but i love the character dynamics
wayfarer by @/idrellegames
i will not lie the reason why i started playing this was because it reminded me of tolkien and i love tolkien. this story has you being a wayfayer: a person incapable of magic. you go on quest, forge pacts, and try your best to survive in a world thats not so kind to you. i think theres 7 romance options but i think you can not romance anyone too?? if you want more information about them you should check out the blog for the game since we haven't met all of them yet. ive played this game 4 times because i was unsatisfied with what i did those other three times and im gonna do it again :D there's options for sexually intimacy but also asexual routes though that means no relationships with some character. two chapters are currently out !!
mirror mine by @/if-mirrormine
okayaya so you were out shopping for your sibling's birthday right and when you finally get home, you won't believe it...you've been gone for 10 years?!?! everyone's so confused, your confused, your cat's just glad to have you back honestly. so an investigation has been reopened about your disappearance on why it felt like no time passed for you but ten years for everyone else. i love mystery sci-fi genre its still releasing chapters!! i think theres 4 romance options (1 male, 2 women, 1 you can pick) nd im not sure about aromantic options yet but its amazing
speaker by @/speakergame
theres a curse on your family that the first child has the ability to see visions of the future. you and your sister are twins with her as the oldest, meaning she is the Seer. you are a Speaker which means you can understand a limited amount of her visions. i love the writing there's also a demon dog which makes everything better!! theres 5 romance options i think ?? (2 you can pick, then theres 1 nonbinary, 1 male nd 1 female) ITS SO GOOD its a fantasy mystery IF and ive played through it twice so far
scout by @/anya-dev
its an apocalyptic story about humanity surviving in small communities. one morning (i think it was the morning) you meet other people not from your community which id odd because people can't survive on their own without support. this causes a whole list of issues but without these issues there wouldnt be a story so im very happy :D there are 4 romance options (2 male, 1 female, 1 you pick) but im not sure if this will get anymore updates. the author said their life was pretty hectic so i do hope things are alright on their end. even if it doesn't get updated i think the story is still amazing and will be seated with my favorites <3
ANYWAYS THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME RANT ABOUT THESE GAMES they hold a special place in my heart i hope you play some of them and find them interesting like i do !!!!
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epicspheal · 2 years
Now that you've finished Pokémon Scarlet what are your thoughts on the game? Take your time.
Also I hope you have a lovely new year. =)
Hi there namelessbaron! Happy New Year! I hope you and everyone else reading has a safe and lovely new year as well One last ask for 2022. I'm keeping this spoiler free, but I can definitely elaborate in a more spoilery context in future asks if we want to start talking about specific plot beats because I do have a lot of thoughts on those it just would make this ask way too long and exceed the character limit for asks. Honestly, I liked it. Not my new favorite, I actually still have SwSh as my favorite Switch Pokemon game but it's still good.
I'm not going to go too much into the whole graphics/glitch thing since that has been done to death. I did experience quite a few glitches and they were annoying but didn't make the game unplayable by any means. That being said I do wish TPCi could give more time between games. There is a serious discussion to be had about the crunch Gamefreak is under and how that's not healthy at all. Especially if they want to continue the open-world format. Okay as for the game itself, the highlight was definitely the freedom you had between traversing Paldea and how you tackled the narrative. It makes for endless storytelling potential on the OC/fanfic/fanart side of things but also gives a lot of replay value as you can switch up how you approach things. Having multiple stories with their own conclusion coalescing into one final story at the end was a huge step in the right direction and I'd love to see Gamefreak take that further. I will say though SV falls into the same trap that has plagued the series for generations in that it's not always able to properly balance the stories among the major characters. Nemona's story definitely got the short end of the stick compared to Penny and Arven's and so I was definitely not a fan of the Victory Road story. Don't get me wrong, I don't think every story has to be super heavy and I get where they were likely trying to make the Victory Road story a breather compared to some of the stuff we see in The Path of Legends and Starfall Street, but I think they could've made it more meaningful than what we got. Of the storylines, I think Starfall Street was definitely my favorite as it provided the most challenge gameplay-wise but also I think I just really connected to the characters in that story and I found their struggles extremely relatable. The Path of Legends brought a lot of worldbuilding I enjoyed (and confirmed some of my headcanons as canon) and The Way Home certainly threw some more twists and worldbuilding I was not expecting to see in Pokemon but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The cast of SV was solid overall with mostly likable characters. I really appreciated the ability to get to know most of the characters on a deeper level through side stories something we haven't seen consistently in previous generations. It was something I was really wishing to see in the SwSh DLC and I'm glad at least the Paldean Cast got it. The main characters of Team Star overall are my faves along with Director Clavell, Ryme, Grusha, Salvatore, and Larry. There are definitely characters I think (or I should say hope) get more exposure in the likely DLC such as Geeta, Nemona, Raifort, and Director Clavell. I will say I'm admittedly very torn on how Koraidon/Miraidon were handled in the story. It's like on the one hand I'm glad they're really experimenting with how the box legendaries are being used, but on the other hand, I'm not sure how I feel about them being used mainly as mounts for the majority of the story. The region itself was stunning. I haven't gotten a chance to explore every inch just yet and I'll be more thorough on my Cactusverse run but I definitely enjoyed going through the different biomes and seeing the different cities and spending my money at all of the different restaurants. The new Pokemon introduced were like any region, a mixed bag but I definitely think Scarlet won out with the version exclusives with the sole exception Ceruledge. One of the few true downsides was the character customization. I found it to be a bit of a downgrade compared to previous generations. Mainly because the school uniform really hampers the style potential. The other major downside for me was the removal of set battle mode. I just felt like that was a rather harmless feature that could've always remained an option and removing it removes some level of freedom for the player.
I mean again overall I think it's a very solid entry into the series and a very solid step in the right direction. It's probably my fifth favorite region.
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