#like this episode was capital-c C R E E P Y
darkwingdukat · 10 months
I am having so many Doctor Who emotions right now, i can't even articulate them
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How are Jesse and vrox? I miss them
:’) They’re doing great Nonnie!! Just for you, here’s the SFW alphabets I wrote for them (belong the cut because they’re a tad long):
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Vrox is very physically affectionate. Cuddling, putting his head on his partner’s shoulder, holding their hand, kissing them no matter where they are, wrapping his arms around their waist, playing with their hair, getting them in a headlock, he’s very touchy.
B = Best friend (Who is their best friend? How did the friendship start?)
Vrox doesn’t have any best friends, he has a lot of friends but the way he feels for them is kind of equal all-round. If he had to choose, he’d say Jesse is still his best friend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Vrox is big on cuddling. If he and a partner or even a friend are sitting or lying down together, he will cuddle them. One of his favourite positions is lying with his head or his feet in his partner’s lap.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Vrox considers himself settled down. His and Jesse’s apartment is his home base that he ranges from, at the end of the day he can always come back and be disgustingly domestic and cute. He thinks cleaning is boring but he genuinely enjoys doing the dishes, because he can blast whatever music he wants and sing to it loudly and nobody is allowed to complain because he’s cleaning up. He’s not bad at all at cooking, he’s just lazy and prefers eating cereal.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s not great or very considerate at it. He’d probably just very clearly drift away and ghost them, until they confront him or he finally bites the bullet and breaks up with them. He’s very blunt, even if he tries to say it kindly (or not, depending on why he’s breaking up with someone) and his break-ups usually lead to fights and yelling.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Vrox is a very loyal person, but he thinks legal binding is stupid, a waste of time, and shallow compared to how he feels for his partners. He really, really doesn’t see the point, but he would go through with it if his partner wanted to, and yes he would end up crying.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s never really gentle gentle. He’s either rough or he’s playful or he’s intense. Varying degrees of asshole, from endearing to picking a fight. But that just means that when he is gentle, it means something much more.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes hugs, but he prefers giving them. His favourite hug is coming up behind someone, wrapping his arms around their waist and resting his head on the top of theirs or on their shoulder, depending on how tall they are.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Often. Vrox isn’t one to curb his emotions, if he’s feeling a lot of affection, he’ll say it. In a new relationship he says it pretty quickly and casually. Vrox feels anger very intensely, but he feels love just as fiercely.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s the most jealous in his trio, but he’s still not that bad. He tends to act it up sometimes to be dramatic. It’s not very deep, just little flashes of “I want them, not you” but nothing bad, and he gets over it quickly.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He’s very passionate, he goes for it without any insecurities. Sometimes he can go a bit too hard a bit too fast, but it’s not too bad.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Vrox is great with little kids, he’s the guy who waves or makes funny faces at babies in stores until they laugh. He doesn’t desperately want kids of his own, though, and teenagers tend to rub him the wrong way – he likes to be the most sullen, angry thing in the area at all times.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Vrox really doesn’t mind early mornings, but that will not stop him from complaining loudly through yawns. He likes having a long lie-in, conversation and cuddle before he gets up. Most of the time he showers early.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Normally there’s some kind of music and bad dancing, maybe chill binging of a show or movie, making dinner in the messiest way possible. Also, sex of some kind, he has a high libido and he just likes being close to those he loves. If not, definitely cuddling or sweet touching.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Vrox really can’t hide his emotions or secrets if he tries. Pretty much what you see is what you get. He will open up willingly more and more as the relationship goes on, though, about his frustrations with himself and how he wishes he didn’t have this emotion management issue.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I know this may come as a shock, but Vrox is the least patient person on earth. Unless someone really can’t help it, then he’s a bit more considerate… but not by much.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partners? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He tries, but sometimes info just doesn’t stick in his brain. He will occasionally forget anniversaries, but for some reason he’s better at remembering tiny insignificant details.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?)
With Jesse, it was when he first met him, and when they had their first kiss. Nothing had ever calmed him down so quickly in his hound form and he never would have thought he would be worthy of someone like Jesse. He cried after their first kiss and just held him through the rest of the night, treasuring every second. He never stopped.
With Dante, it was when Vrox comforted him after a PTSD episode. Despite his sulking and annoyance at Dante for being so tough on him, he knows Dante only does it to keep him – and those around him – safe and that he just wants to help him. Being able to be there for him in a moment of rare vulnerability really impacted Vrox. It was also a good reminder to him that he wasn’t the only one struggling.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partners? How would they like to be protected?)
Vrox is protective… of everyone. If a stranger is harassing another stranger in the subway he will shove between them, if somebody is being really rude to a retail worker he will call them a dickwad. Even if it makes the situation worse, he just can’t let it go. He likes taking the spotlight off the person being attacked: he’d rather the situation escalate at him, rather than them. God help if somebody he actually cares about is being harassed. As for being protected, it makes him feel special, safe and loved.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He usually forgets anniversaries until the last minute when he runs and buys a gift. If you want to see Vrox panic, just ask him “do you remember what today is?” and he’ll shit himself. With dates he’s more casual but he always makes sure his partners have a good time. He likes giving gifts and seeing people’s faces light up, so his loved ones expect a few gifts every few months. If he sees something that even vaguely reminds him of them, he’ll buy it in an instant. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Let’s be honest, Vrox can be difficult to love. He has mood swings, days where he’s inexplicably furious, he can be lazy and too blunt. However, he is aware of all of these things and actively working every day to get better. His bad habits include: forgetting to vacuum until the dust bunnies start unionizing, being a few minutes late to everything, and liking mainstream pop music.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s a pretty vain bastard. He knows full well that he’s hot despite all his scars (and, frequently, bruises) and he capitalizes on it. The reason he’s late to most appointments is he’s trying to get his hair to sit exactly right (fighting a losing battle, his hair obeys no man, woman or person.)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partners?)
Yes. He’d still have his friends and family that is the pack, but without Jesse and Dante he might have become a nightmare.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He wears his partners’ clothes when he’s feeling very unstable, to try and hold onto the thought of what matters most to him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Jesse using up all the hot water with his longass showers annoys him. Dante being such a bossy, demanding asshole annoys him even more. In general he hates people who pity him or act like he’s delicate or like he’s going to blow up at them if they don’t step carefully around him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He usually sleeps on his stomach with his pillow in a death grip, or spooning.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Jesse’s very affectionate with both words and physical touch, but the peak of his affection lies in very companionable, warm silence. He wants his loved ones to know how much he loves them all the time, with many small touches, gestures and words. He’s very encouraging and he likes holding hands – he’s gotten more comfortable doing it in public, too.
B = Best friend (Who is their best friend? How did the friendship start?)
Practically the whole pack is his best friend, everybody adores him, and he has a lot of human friends, too. He gets along great with a hound named Taylor, another named Lisa, Heath, Noah, and he’s friends with June, too. But he still considers Vrox his best friend, because that’s what they were before they started dating and that’s what they still are.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddling, he’ll almost never protest it, but he does need his space sometimes, especially if he’s trying to concentrate on something: for example, he really doesn’t like being touched or held while he’s trying to sleep, it distracts him too much.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He feels very happily settled down. The only nagging detail in his 1910’s brain is that he’s not married yet. He’s a very good cook, since his mum and dad taught him well, and he’s very diligent with cleaning. His spaces are messy, but they’re never dirty.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d think about it very long and hard, and then have a heartfelt conversation with his partner and pray that it ends cordially because he never wants to hurt somebody he loves or has loved.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He is a very devoted person and was raised with a much stricter commitment policy by his parents and society at the time. When he loves somebody and he can’t imagine life without them, he’ll start to think about marriage – even just for the thought. Tying the knot is the dream.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Jesse is a very sweet person. He’s very considerate and he never wants to hurt anyone – but he’s not above playfully teasing, punching people’s arms or ruffling their hair.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He enjoys hugs a lot, he just needs to be alerted to when somebody’s going to hug him. (If Vrox is going to hug him from behind, he’s gotten in the habit of tapping Jesse lightly on the shoulder before he grabs him.) Despite the fact that he’s pretty lanky, he gives beautiful hugs, you can just tell how much he cares about you through the hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Jesse was reserved with those three little words for a long time, but through his years with friends and partners he’s relaxed with it a lot more. He still never wants it to lose its meaning, though, it’s never just a throwaway thing to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He felt a lot more insecure at the beginning of his relationship with Vrox, and because of that they opened their relationship very slowly. Now he’s very comfortable in himself and knows he’s irreplaceable, jealousy is mostly a bad memory.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He’s a very safe kisser, he knows what he’s doing and follows his partner to match their mood. He often cups his partner’s face or plays with their hair or strokes patterns on their skin while he kisses them, it’s very cute – also when he’s really having a good time he won’t be able to stop smiling which interferes with the kiss in a very cute way.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He feels very awkward around babies and very young kids because he never knows how to deal with them, but he’s very good with teenagers.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Jesse likes sleep-ins, but he also doesn’t mind getting up early – despite falling asleep late the night before. He takes most of the early shifts for his work, so he eats breakfast, has a shower, then he kisses his boyfriends goodbye and off he goes.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Jesse is a massive night owl and he’ll often stay awake till 2AM or later. He has a lot more energy at night so expect him dancing feverishly in his socks to music in his headphones while he does chores he neglected during the day.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Jesse doesn’t hide the things that happened to him, but he also never tells anyone unless they ask. He’s pretty open about his emotions, though, he knows that keeping secrets in any relationship is bound to end badly so he never lets things sit and rot, he’ll always communicate his feelings.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Jesse is a painfully patient person. He won’t lose his cool with anyone – except bigots. Unreasonable people who are just filled with hate and don’t want to learn anything or respect other people just existing? He will need to be held back.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partners? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers most things, big and little, but if he’s stressed or busy things will slip a bit.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?)
With Vrox, it was the first night he did karaoke with him. The pack’s a bunch of idiots so they hold karaoke nights in the communal area. Jesse was still very much in his shell, but Vrox got him up on stage. Vrox was in a super good mood that night too: he didn’t try to pressure Jesse, he just told him it’d be fun with a big genuine smile and Jesse trusted him. They sang together and hammed it up in the most dramatic way possible, and Jesse was shocked by how much fun he had. It was the moment he realized he didn’t have to have his guard up around everyone, and that he genuinely liked Vrox – despite having some reservations about this abrasive white boy beforehand.
With Dante, it was when Jesse was feeling very, very low again – the lowest he’d felt since he killed himself. Dante noticed and reminded him that he was here for him, and Jesse finally took a big step and opened up. Dante dropped everything to listen and comfort him about it. It was the first time somebody had really been there for him since his parents died. He trusted somebody for the first time in a long time.
(Note: Dante dropped everything for him because he still felt guilty about not being able to be there for him when he first arrived in Hell. It had been a busy, bloody night with a lot of new arrivals, and unfortunately Jesse slipped through the cracks and had to deal with his shock, confusion and despair alone. Dante will never forgive himself for letting that happen to him, even though it wasn’t his fault.)
The first time he kissed them both were also very, very big moments for him. He holds them close to his heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partners? How would they like to be protected?)
Jesse is very protective. He doesn’t really care what people say or do to him, he’s very used to it, but if somebody goes after anyone else, he’ll be furious. Even though both his boyfriends are bigger and scarier than him and they can take care of themselves, he’ll still try and put himself between them and the aggressor – whether to defend them or try and deescalate the situation. He picks a surprising amount of fights for such a sweet guy.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
What makes a date enjoyable to Jesse isn’t the location, it’s just spending time with his partner. His dates are chill, intimate and fun. He doesn’t often get gifts for his partners, but when he does, he makes sure they’re really special. Anniversaries are important to him – but again, he doesn’t like to make a massive deal of it, he just wants to enjoy his partners’ company.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
See, letter S. He tends to get into heated arguments and not caring when the situation escalates to dangerous levels, even if he could be hurt. He uses up all the hot water in his showers, but that’s more because he has to take proper care of his hair. He can put others’ problems and emotions above his own. There are random bits of dried paint around the apartment because he zones out while he paints, gets up to get something, and forgets that he has wet paint on his hands. (Yes he has gotten paint in Vrox’s hair before and yes Vrox screamed like he was shot, to which Jesse reached out without even looking and put a big blue handprint across Vrox’s face.)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He keeps himself looking presentable because hygiene and ‘good impressions, not just the first one’ were always drilled into him by his parents. He used to have a lot of dysphoria surrounding his appearance but since he transitioned he’s learning to be confidant and that he looks handsome and hot as fuck, as Vrox and Dante keep reminding him. He also knows that if he flashes his dimple at someone, he’ll always get what he wants because it’s just that cute. He does kind of hate his borderline baby-face though – it makes ordering drinks and getting into clubs hell.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partners?)
He wouldn’t be incomplete, but he definitely feels more with his partners. He’d still have a ton of friends and lovers and fuck buddies without them, but he wouldn’t feel this specific love that makes him feel more than anything else.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
His favourite food is Skittles. Vrox doesn’t understand how he can like them better than M&Ms. This petty argument has been going on for years now.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates that Vrox has to be caged so often, but that’s more because it makes him sad than anything else. Dante not taking care of himself and then ending up in a PTSD stress mess because he doesn’t chill and look after his own mental health frustrates him, mostly because Jesse has to pick up his pieces and help him be put back together again.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He normally sleeps on his side with his arms wrapped around himself, kind of curled up. He has nightmares often.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
much earlier in the day than usual taz liveblog! ^o^
the only reason this is going up so early is i haven’t slept yet lmao, i fixed my sleep schedule for about a month and then went right back to being nocturnal.
i've spent the last four nights or so staying up til around ten in the morning binging the magnus archives (i'm about halfway through season three right now) and enjoying the hell out of it. for anyone who followed me bc of my taz liveblogs, rest assured i'm still going to be keeping up with graduation and taz in general :P
without further ado, here we go!
i fucking forgot about “thundermen”
awww, argo made friends with the kitty ^u^
snippers my sweet prince
"i think i take a great deal of delight in that" fitzroy you lil bastard man ilu
clint asking the important questions here lol
you've just described hell travis
did clint already forget the name of the school
jesus that's depressing argo
god i wish i'd had a gary during college to remind me of stuff
i vill tell you the story of melon
i love firbolg and argo so much, they are my favorite best of friends
aww firbolg ; _ ;
fitzroy i am suspicious of where your folks even are
yes fitz get your cloak back you silly boy
i love firbolg so much holy shit
i hope we get to see the boys hang out over spring break, that sounds like a fun episode
"that's good narrative!" travis ilu
oh god the capitalism owl is back
“i vill not do this thing” mood
justin's about to hit us with that sad shit i just know it
called it ; _ ;
... well damn that made me sadder than i expected
i'm still very suspicious about that dog
fitzroy you dumb little shit ilu
make sure higglemis isn't pulling a sazed lmao
you are being very paranoid fitz but that’s okay
"you don't curse well" he's a good sweet boy
jesus christ fitz maybe don't say this to the dude in charge of the school
fitzroy my sweet boy what is your deal, please tell us
... so fitzroy basically wants a venue to prove himself to be a good person that doesn't revolve around performance and artifice. he wants a way to gain power on his own merits without relying on status to boost him up, and felt knighthood was a better way to accomplish that than going to a school where he’s basically being trained to fit a specific role in life
i can see where higglemis is coming from with his worldview given that he's been forced to play second fiddle to his brother for so long
i have a sneaking suspicion that hieronymus thinks he can better manipulate or keep fitz under his thumb in the villian track
fitzroy you dumb himbo baby, my sweet stupid son who i love so much
well that was fucking tense as hell, jesus fuck
yes, on to my sweet boy
c r e e e e e p y
ilu jackyl
why would he want a pocket watch though?
i feel significantly better in argo's ability to do challenge this now that there aren't any life altering consequences
this is going well so far
argo this is such a dumb plan, you are smarter than this my boy
"i'm drawing a word picture" ilu clint
argo this is a dumb and bad plan and you need to roll for this!!!
clint my sweet son
yeah!!! that is how it works!!!
A R G O  W H A T  T H E  F U C K
i cannot fucking believe that worked holy shit
idk if it's just because the creepy voice is gone but i'm trusting jackyl more and more
take your caffe back to chicago 
he got a fuckin tattoo holy shit
what is this reference justin
argo is deeply committed and i love it
this whole bit has been so good
oh damn that was quick edit, holy shit, i didn't even realized we were going into the money zone
there we go, there's the regular intro, i missed it
yay! my favorite girl's birthday :D
awww, argo and firbolg being bestest buds is so wonderful
a knight's tale is the only one of those movies i've seen, please juice don’t dunk on me like this
i know i keep saying this over and over but i love their friendship so much, it warms my heart dearly
fitzroy my sweet boy, he cannot cuss for the life of him 
"as partners" y'all
i love them so much, my sweet loves
god this is cute as shit, i am sold, i am sailing away on the fitzrain ship
... argo were you about to give her the same thing???
argo where the fuck did you- oh okay, nevermind lol
oh firbolg my sweet son
oh my god this is the best holy shit
rainier is my sweet darling girl and i love her so much
i need art of this so bad this sounds so cute
argo why are you busking at your dear friend's birthday party
good god argo really is shaping up to be the magnus of this campaign in terms of rolling and bonuses
yay! festo is back :D
what was that noise travis
festo is going to dance with the wee crabby, i love this so
i need this as a ringtone asap 
i am so bad with names, is buckminster the nice one or the malfoy one??? oh yay good he is the nice one
oh no, what happened to leon? D:
"he wouldn't leave me!" ... are they together?
gross griffin, gross
yes! show love to your sweet crab!
i love these sweet dumb friend boys
oh dang, so the blacksmith professor is in the group too??? interesting
not liking that emphasis on "when someone needs stopping," this is extremely interesting but i'm worried about the narrative implications of this, vís a vís argo being made to turn on his friends
this is so powerful, wow
i'm gonna cry but in a happy way ; u ;
oh snap this is already so cool, wow wow wow
how many teachers are in on this, dang
WAIT WHAT??? why do they want dirt on fitzroy?????
so higglemis was the one who controlled him???
"you may forget" WHAT IS GOING ON
dang there was a lot of development this ep, plot and character-wise! i’m very worried for literally all three of my boys, but also very excited to see what travis has planned from here on out now that some conflict appears to be brewing!
see you guys next right thursday~ ^u^
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miss-mina · 7 years
a-z pls answer all~
Send me a letter and make me think!
First off, thanks babe. Second off, this requires too much thinking, but I’ll do it anyway for you.
I’m gonna shove this under a cut, because it’s probably going to be long. I’ll make sure to tag it as #long post so if ya’ll have that blacklisted or filtered out, you won’t have to see it.
a: Who is one person you’ve always admired? What makes them so admirable?
-- I’ve always admired writers, and those writers who seem to have so many people waiting for their new chapters. Famous writers who seem to have so many people waiting for their new books. Yet, it fuels me to wanna do better. To maybe get to that point because, they’re just, so great. Like, I don’t really have a good reason?? It’s just one of those types of things.
b: Describe your ideal home/living space. Is it similar to where you live now?
-- This is going to sound really gay, and really cheesy but, anywhere that I’ll be able to wake up next to the one I love, it’s my ideal living space. 
c: Name 3 things you’ve done that you’re proud of.
-- I have friends, and I’m talking more than just three or four. I have a whole group of friends that love me and care for me.
-- I have a job, a pretty good job if I do say so myself. I get to work at a place that I love, work with people who are amazing, and it just makes me so happy.
-- I’m happy, honestly. That’s something to be proud of, because it’s something I always struggled with. I’m actually, really, honestly happy.
d: Are you the person you wanted to be when you were younger?
-- No, not exactly, but, I’m happy with who I am right now. 
e: Vaguely describe one of your mutuals.
-- A piece of shit. No, okay I’m kidding. They’re pretty cool honestly, we’ve got a lot in common. They’re probably one of the closest people to me if I’m being real honest. 
f: List 5 strengths and 5 weaknesses.
-- This one’s going to be tough, because to me, all I have are weaknesses... Here’s what I think my strengths and weaknesses are though. 
-- I’m friendly.
-- I’m pretty good at reading body language
-- I’m good with kids, and honestly, it’s a strength, because not everyone is.
-- I’m loyal, you’ll always catch me there for my friends and sticking up for them.
-- Lifting two boxes of metal keychains at 25 lbs per box. (That’s approximately 11 kgs for those of you not in the USA)
-- I don’t have a coherent thought. Ever.
-- I’m very temperamental sometimes honestly, I don’t know why, I just am.
-- I go into small episodes of not talking to people, and then never telling them what happened.
-- I hide a lot of things. I don’t like talking about my problems, because they never seem as big as anyone else.
-- I cry over Disney movies. 
g: Would you consider yourself a good person? What’s the difference between a “good” person and a “bad” one?
-- I would consider myself a good person, yeah. I mean, I think the real difference would be the way you view the world? It all depends on what you want to see the world become. 
h: How would you define love? Do you believe love is real?
-- Absolutely I believe love is real. It’s one of those feelings that’s hard to describe. But it makes you all fuzzy inside, and it makes you smile more. It’s almost like that feeling of when you were a kid and you had your first crush, and you didn’t know what to do or feel so you just didn’t talk about it. It’s that kind of feeling, and let me tell you, it’s so warm, and happy, and I can’t get enough of this feeling.
i: What are some things you like about your personality? Name at least two.
-- I do like the fact that I’m friendly honestly. I’m also pretty shy though, so I don’t know if that’s something I like that much but?? I think it’s good enough.
j: What was something you enjoyed doing when you were younger? Is it something you still enjoy?
-- I don’t read as much as I’d like to anymore honestly. I should definitely start reading some more again. Though I always have trouble finding books that I like enough to even start reading. 
k: What is something you’re passionate about?
-- Is it gay to say that I’m passionate about my girlfriend? Because,,, She’s just the best, and I really wanna make her happy. 
l: Do you believe people can change?
-- Yes, I really do think people can change. It just depends if they actually WANT to change. That’s a completely different story honestly. 
m: Link a song/video that you believe is underrated.
-- I Wouldn’t Mind by He is We is one of my favorite songs to date, I don’t really know why, but I really love it honestly. 
n: What are 5 things you like about your appearance?
-- My eyes, actually. 
-- Probably my hair ever since I started growing it out again. 
-- I’d say my fashion sense, but I dress in either black or bright ass colors.
-- I do however, have nice legs LOL. Nice thick thighs to go with ‘em. 
-- I’m not short, I’m fun sized!
o: Describe the best day of your life so far.
-- The day my girlfriend asked me out. It’s the best day thus far. It’s made me so happy.
p: What kind of people do you find yourself drawn to? If you share any similar traits, what are they?
-- I like energetic people, who also know when quiet is necessary. They have to have a sense of humor too, because all I do is laugh a lot at nothing.
q: If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
-- It depends, do I have a limit on what I could do? Because I’d like to just cuddle with my girlfriend for that whole 24 hours. 
r: What’s something you’ve done that you regret?
-- Dating my ex. 
s: Will you befriend/associate yourself with someone if their opinion differs from yours?
-- I’m all for everyone having their own opinions honestly. I’m really happy if I can be friends with someone who has differing opinions. 
t: Are there right and wrong opinions? Will you respect someone if their opinion offends you?
-- There is no such thing as a right or wrong opinion. I respect everyone for their opinion even if it goes against what I think. Opinions are just that, opinions. They don’t matter much in the long run.
u: Do you think some people are better than others?
-- No, I really don’t. 
v: Compliment to the person who sent this ask. If sent by an anon, compliment the person you reblogged this from.
-- Compliment? What can I say about Jainy? She’s beautiful, and she’s adorable, and she’s just all around great. She makes me happy, and I love being able to talk to her all the time. I appreciate everything about her, because she’s so supportive. 
w: Do you forgive people when they make mistakes or hold grudges?
-- Yes, but I’m also the type of person to hold grudges if I deem them necessary honestly. 
x: If you have an ex, what would you say to them?
-- Fuck you, and fuck everything you live for. 
y: Why do you use tumblr? How long have you used it? Do you have any tumblr friends?
-- I’ve been using tumblr since about 2016. I’ve definitely made some friends, and there’d be too many to list, so I’ll just list a select few. @feelokinc @nonbinarykirishima @panickattaxks-what @milocchi @gatesofeori @gi-de-off @vanillacchai
z: What’s something you’ve never understood?
-- Capitalism.
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iasiney-blog · 3 years
Attention all: Do you want to be in a story?
Alright, when I do stories with anyones OC character, I will only do it if it is based on an RP. Otherwise, I will make my own characters and worlds. So, for this story as a template maker, this is springboarding off of Alan's Candy Dreams that I started to write for :iconalansoftbelly90:. Details I have it on the schedule to start working on the Candy Dreams story starting this week. This presents a crossroads for me. There's two ways I want to do it: Either, I will need to make my own characters and write it through, or I will gather a group of RPers and write a story based on their reactions to finding themselves in a candy or dessert eating and exploring situation. Size It is a novelette planned size. That is up to 20,000 words. It may not be that long but I will write and release it in Chapters or Episodes. I can write 7500 to 20000 words in 15 to 40 hours so it isn't going to be a quick thing. Caveats If I get at lease five folks that will sign up for it then I'll do the RP. I'm not sure if I'm going to include my own character. If so, it'll be four other folks and myself. However, if not enough folks sign up for it then I'll go ahead and just write the story differently with my own characters. Sign up by commenting below. The maximum amount of characters is dependent on what will be enough for an RP. 10 is probably too many (if indeed ten sign up). I will also be asking those that were in the original if they want to show up and RP it. It'll be on my discord server in a special room that I'll post here so folks can show up and see it live. Albeit those that aren't in the RP will only be able to view the RP without being able to say anything into the special channel. Those That have signed up: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: The OCs that were in the original: Skibs (One of My OC Dragonsonas) Alan (OC of :iconalansoftbelly90) Reikasuya "Rei" (OC :iconReikasuya:) Tabby (OC of :iconmoney8giver8) Tubby T (OC of :iconfurrific1:) Mir (I do not know who's OC this was???) Here's the original chapter outline. 41 Chapters XXX I. Lolli-pop Plunge XXX A. Alans Candy Dreams XXX B. Skibs the Chocolate Miner XXX C. Orange Juice and Cookies XXX D. Pinked and Iced (Tabby) XXX E. Indignantly Indulged (Reikasuya) II. As the Candy Flies XXX F. Eating your way home XXX The creatures make their way toward a place they think might be to home, leading them deeper into the Candy World. Alan decides to eat his way to the center of the world so they follow his bulbous body and have to switch places several times when they become too big to move. XXX G. Fruit Punch Core XXX Alan punches his way down into the core and bobs around very full but takes sips of the warm fruit punch core. They find various pieces of fruit bobbing around and islands of floating fruit. They get on one such island, unsure of how to get out. Then, they take a propulsive way out. H. Volcanic Fruity Mountain They get popped up through the center to a fruity volcano. I. Chocolate Parasailing The adventurers decide to get ahead quicker by hangliding down through a valley in the mountains. J. Mir the Chocolateer Mir finds the band amongst the mountains and with reservations, decides to help them to the land of Just Enough. III. Just Enough K. Confectionary in Country The band find themselves in the countryside and visit a candy farmland and get some goodies with hospitality of the farmer and his hands. L. Confectionary in Town They visit the town where they are given a tour by a young set of enthusiastic residents and end the day by dining in a small restaurant. M. Confectionary in Bar They visit a roadside bar along the way to the city and get very stuffed (and wake up with some additional company). N. Confectionary in City The hustle and bustle of the capital city overwhelms them. They find themselves hopping from place to place, eating their fill. O. Confectionary in Royalty They get to know a member of the royal family and get taken to dine with the king. P. Confectionary in Parsley They are taken west by parsley train and eat till sleep to the lands of indulgence. IV. Indulgence P. Indulgent Pickle They are picked up and carried by the police and think they are in trouble. It turns out the police don't think they've eaten enough. Q. Indulgent Cruise Their social worker thinks that they need to take a vacation. This doesn't mean from eating. R. Indulgent Catering They are in route to a local venue when they stop to rest along the way and find themselves catered by a full roadside service that is a civil service. S. Indulgent Restaurant Square A few (maybe hoppy) fellows tug them along for some restaurant hopping. T. Indulgent Ice Cream The dessert district puts in a special draw to the band of adventurers, especially the loads of ice cream shoppes. U. Indulgent Quixotic The Food Idea Mongals take them in their transportation caravan toward the land of the candy growers, stopping in every city to do cookouts. V. Land of the Candy Growers V. Dilemma of the Dirt They find a land of candy growers but meeting with one shows the problem with growing candy. W. For the Candy Creature They must fight the candy creature but instead find out that the candy creature just wants something to eat. X. Eat 'em up The candy creature is nearing the end of his days and being entirely made up of candy would like to have a unique end in their bellies. Y. Harvest Time The candy sprouts up quickly and in droves and the adventurers are petitioned to eat their fill of the surplus. Z. Skibs go home, you're juicy The golden circle of candy magicians turns Skibs into a juice filled creature. They must go on to the golden circle near the middle of the whole land to get a cure. VI. The Candy Ingredients of the Homely Staff AA. Lollies and the Lick They meet the lollicat, and Rei engages him while they go away. AB. Licorice Ropeway The ropeway is falling apart and Tabby must bond with it to hold it together. The licorice bird monster does not like this. AC. Chocolate Sage Plant Mir takes on the chocolate plant sage. AD. Caramels of Paradise Tubby T takes on the carmel stream but the caramel candytaur keeps him at bay. AE. Gums and Gummies: Stolen by the Gummy Bear Skibs is kidnapped by the gummy bear. AF. Hard Enough, but Candy ALan hardens tries to turn the soft gummy bear into a hard gummy bear in order to free Skibs. Skibs eats the gummy bear and his body is restored. AG. The Homely Staff Melts They join up again and find the homely staff but it is melted and can't send them home. AH. Candy Passage of Gold They take the passage through the golden chocolate candy to go to ask the candy magic council to help them. AI. Candy Central They enter the city of candy central and the guards won't let them in. AJ. Slurpy Solution They combine their powers to melt the guards and the candy cell. AK. Point of Priviledge The magic council has other matters to attend and the bands needs are not as important. AL. So Far Away They muse about being homesick and a councilmember gives them a way to go. AM. Between Pop Rocks and Hard Candy They get the jeweled rocks and learn where they need to go with them. AN. Floating past the Ringed Precipace They get back into the river and float past the ringed precipace and go back to their homes.
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junker-town · 8 years
Here’s your guide to the complicated conditions in the Kevin Shattenkirk trade
Our brains are now broken.
You might’ve heard that the St. Louis Blues traded Kevin Shattenkirk to the Washington Capitals on Monday. It was kind of big news.
What you didn’t hear was that the trade was absolutely bonkers complicated. I don’t even care if that’s a good grammatical sentence. My brain is broken after reading the conditions involved here.
So we’re going to go through them very slowly, piece by piece, so our brains don’t start bleeding out through our noses like a late-season episode of Lost.
These are all via Sportsnet reporter Elliotte Friedman, by the way. Give the man a hug.
St. Louis sends Kevin Shattenkrik and goalie Pheonix Copley to the Capitals.
Doing okay so far.
Washington sends Brad Malone and a first round pick in 2017 to the Blues.
Deep breath.
Here comes conditional chaos.
If the Capitals re-sign Shattenkirk OR advances to the Eastern Conference Final and he plays in more than half of the first two rounds of games ... St. Louis receives Washington’s 2019 second round pick.
Go get some water. Walk the dog. Fresh air.
If the Capitals trade Shattenkirk on or before July 1 (free agency opening day), St. Louis gets Washington’s seventh round draft pick.
HOWEVER (this is when things get really weird)
IF said trade by the Capitals gets a pick higher than the fourth round (i.e., between the first or third rounds), then St. Louis gets the “next available pick two rounds later than the earliest pick received by Washington,” in Friedman’s words.
f a l l i n g t h r o u g h s p a c e t i m e l i s t l e s s l y
So if the Capitals trade Shattenkirk for a third round pick, St. Louis would get Washington’s fifth round pick. A second round pick would result in a fourth round pick. A first round pick results in a third round pick. A zero round pick results in a [ERROR CANNOT COMPUTE]
potatoes are like the orange slices of the root vegetable family
And St. Louis will retain 39 percent of Kevin Shattenkirk’s salary.
Thank you for reading along. And thank you, Blues and Capitals, for this simple trade. We will now go outside and stare into the void.
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casthefallenangel · 8 years
I was tagged by @exypl​, thank you :D 
R U L E S: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 17 (18 in March) b - biggest fear: worms, cockroaches, butterflies, moths, beetles, grasshoppers etc. c - current time: 12:15 am d - drink you last had: soy milk e - every day starts with: thinking how much I don’t wanna go out of my bed f - favorite song: “Andromeda” or “Förlåtelsen” by Kent g - ghosts, are they real: yes h - hometown: Warsaw, capital of Poland i - in love with: no-one j - jealous of: people who can live like there’s nothing to lose and aren’t worried about everything all the time k - killed someone: no l - last time you cried: today (I cry everyday) m - middle name: Izabela n - number of siblings: 0 o - one wish: to meet Misha Collins p - person you last called/texted: my friend q - questions you’re always asked: How do you do it that you’re so good at maths? How can you live without eating meat? (I’m vegetarian) r - reasons to smile: Misha Collins, Destiel, Evak, (all my OTPs, actually), animals, helping people and animals, making others happy, knowing that you finished doing everything you have to and being able to do whatever you want, playing guitar, rain, snow, low temperatures, winter, hugs with someone you care about, watching new episodes of favourite tv show, succeeding in learning something new, fluffy blankets, knowing that there’s someone who cares about you s - song last sang: “Brother” by NeedToBreathe t - time you woke up: 6:20 am u - underwear color: dark blue v - vacation destination: Sweden w - worst habit(s): eating too much chocolate x - x-rays you’ve had: those that I remember about were: 1. when I fell down from a tree house (I broke my arm, but they also checked my head and neck), 2. when I twisted my ankle, 3. when I broke my pinky finger. There were more but I don’t remember why y - your favorite food: vegetarian pizza z - zodiac Sign: pisces ♓
I tag: @elioncas​, @atomicdetectivehideout​, @caswingsuniverse​, @destielonfire​, @addicted2demons​, @candyfandomgirl​, @lividcolors​
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
late liveblog b/c i took the time to listen to the first ep over again :P
hey travis? hey- hey travis??? three in the morning travis?????
for real tho i am extremely excited for the new ep, and finally found some time to listen to it!!! this time i won’t have to avoid tumblr for like a week lmao
i can hear the excitement in travis's voice to do the "previously on the adventure zone" message and it fills my heart with happiness
god this music is just so good
how the fuck is that right??? i've played a rouge before and she in no way had a +8 to stealth
let him have this justin
the spectral cat from last ep!
i love argo so much holy shit
that is indeed very upsetting
awww, poor bud :(
oh baby, oh fitzroy my dipshit baby
"it isssss... cat" i love him so much
... argo has never seen a cat before??? poor baby
is he legit afraid of the cat
the voice is already slipping lmao
oh that's adorable! campus kitties :D
that's not a real thing fitzroy
so like a campus card, fun! i had the same thing at tcc lol
i think so? if i remember correctly from the past ep it's shared
"gary doesn't have time for love" :'(
he saw that one post i'm dying
it sounds like trav asked them beforehand, that's a neat way to plan for interactions before they happen and i like it
the dread pirate mary berry
"crush the beef" what does that mean fitzroy
what is this voice clint, you did not have this voice last ep, you've gone from vaguely ned to vaguely merle's fake scottish accent
"this turns to ash in my mouth" i love this
thank you griffin for this in character backstory opportunity
"to be by his side... kickin'" sounds to me like everyone's argo revenge plot theories might be correct
yummy! :D
mind chefs
fitzroy my sweet dipshit
he's a sweet sweets boy c:
"he's a failure" yes and i adore him
... god this class is just me all over
riveau, cool, thank you for the spelling notes
oh dang, that's a cool mechanic, i can see this wielding some potential narrative heaviness later on
i'd say about... a minute is good
i am so nervous for argo holy shit
argo's laying it on thick enough that i genuinely cannot tell whether or not clint got a good or bad roll
that was indeed a seventeen! go clint
... argo :(((
i legit cannot tell if this is argo bluffing the prof or if this is just clint being clint b/c merle and ned both pulled the "so am i getting paid now?" bit multiple times
i trust justin to not make this audio poision
owl professor :D
the dramatic music travis holy shit
so basically the middle ages lmao
"the golden age of accounting" t r a v i s
i can hear justin nearly combusting in the bg trying not to laugh and i am right there with him, this is such good world building but holy shit travis
basically reaffirming from last ep that the entire premise of this arc is the entertainment industry in a post scarcity economy, cool cool
oh my god this is such a mood
i adore bud so much
"sweet bird in heaven" pfff
so this prof is basically capitalism personified... thanks, i hate him
bud is 18 y/o me in my required "intro to college skills" class r/n
i am dying inside, this is so close to my own high school and college experiences, i feel like screaming on bud's behalf
"and you know what? i believe in you" i don't believe in me right now trav, i'm a 22 y/o adult and i have no idea what most of these words mean
oh god i just got the mental picture of all the other people in this class watching this exchange and it brought new levels of hilarity and abject horror to the situation, jfc i am d y i n g
this owl really is a personification of capitalism, huh? grasping at straws and concocting elaborate fantasy scenarios, desperate to prove that his system works even though it necessitates loss and goes against humanity’s inherently cooperative nature
travis this has gone on for like 15 minutes real time, f r e e  m e
"why did the mind make acorn?" i have never related to a taz pc more than i have in this moment, holy shit justin
sign! me! the! fuck! up!
yes i did trav!!! i loved it and i'm loving this! i am so proud of you!!!!!
aww, poor dude :(
fun! this sounds like a really interesting idea
fitzroy continuing to be salty about his name lol
i want to see the skeletons do the charleston so bad, but more then anything i want rainier to be my girlfriend
poor argo lmao
awww, fun!
f u r b y
nice! :D
nice rolls all around!
go bud!!! ^u^
i don't see how that would help argo???
i'm liking a lot of the skills travis is adding
yes! block for my gf mapleboy!!!
"im feeling dastardly" fitzroy baby, you're allowed to use magic, what you’re doing isn't cheating you absolute dummy
this is badass holy shit, i love these teachers
jesus fitzroy my dude
funky twenty! nice
natural twenty! even nicer
aww, sweet sacrifice boy
fitzroy nearly killed him holy shit
oh fun! that sounds adorable!
oh god, nm, this character is so weird
jesus christ i am so creeped out
oh my god fitzroy what the fuck, you turned a woman into a fish
aww baby :(((
i am fucking depressed now holy shit
okay, i like festo now
that was a cute lil noise
awww!!! magic pet, i am so excited to see what fitz is going to pick
lil crab buddy :D
poor fitzroy holy shit
oh it's the rouge professor! 
i do not like the creepy whisper voice travis, this is legit creeping me out
i am so fucking worried for argo
who is mariah??? oooh i am so intrigued
rain and stone... this is so interesting holy shit
"this is nothing" pfff
my sweet boys :')
i! am! so! freaking! pumped!!!
this was another really great episode! i know we’re still in set-up territory as far as how the plot is progressing but i’m already so intrigued in the world trav has made. there’s already so much mystery and foreshadowing going on, both in regard to the world and the character’s motivations and i am here for it! 
i’m actually typing this around 5:30 am and queuing it for later so it doesn’t get buried in the tag, but i cannot wait to see all the art of this ep, especially of snippy lol. see you guys next right thursday~! ^u^
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