#like they look good mostly but i’m crying bc i can’t not think it
bandsanitizer · 2 years
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lovelaetter · 3 months
hér in that two piece…
she looks like a sugar baby trying to convince her mommy not to leave her for a business trip 🥲 purposefully wearing a skimpy mini skirt and a tiny little top that doesn’t even try to cover her bra underneath. when you ask her to give up your suitcase she’s all over you, saying the dirtiest things trying to distract you so you hopefully miss your flight—and which you do because how could you when it’s hér
you getting angry with her and fucking her without letting her cum til she’s crying and all she can do is blabber out apologies to you. so soaked and so grabby with you. when you try to get her naked she gets all whiny and says “no, i put this on for you :(“
when you wipe her tears and it finally comes to her riding you she mumbles that she swears that she could “feel it in her stomach” and looks down with wide eyes at her pretty white skirt bunched and shrivelled up to her waist to see her belly bulge as you fill her pussy.
(extra thought: also imagine just bringing hér on the private jet with you after hér pleading and when you catch a certain flight crew member looking at her for too long you fuck her real good that everyone could hear who she belongs to but that’s just me)
i love the fact there isn’t a name mentioned anywhere but we just know bc hér.
she would be so fucking insisting and annoying, wrapping her arms around your neck and pouting, saying you “can’t leave me here, i’ll miss you soooo much, i might die!”, dramatic af, and you’re like “you’re not dying, rosie, now give me that” trying to get your suitcase from behind her but she’s faster, sitting on top of it like 😠 and when you say she better stop that and you’re going to be late? “hm, i hope so”. but who we fooling here, if you really cared about your trip and wanted to leave that bad you could easily push her away, kiss her goodbye and leave, but the truth is deep down you’re having so much fun with her overreacting moment. and the way she bites her lip when you check your phone and shows her that you indeed lost the flight? “now you have no choice but staying with me!”
finding the whole thing fun doesn’t mean you aren’t making her pay for it, obviously, sighing and grabbing her waist, looking at her like who asks “what am i going to do with you?” while she giggles. let’s out a loud gasp that turns into a moan when you force her to bend over the back of the couch and your hand slides between her legs, instinctively pushing against your touch. kicking and whining when your hand stops and her orgasm drifts away, arching her back trying to get more of your fingers but only getting a laugh and a “look at you, not so feisty anymore” from you. not so hard to make her cry as she’s so used to getting what she wants from you, tears threatening to spill by the second orgasm you deny her and sliding down her cheeks halfway through the third edging. can’t barely speak as you repeat it for a fourth time, sobbing when you give her pussy light spanks, her clit aching, asking if she’s really, really sorry and all she can is nod, crying harder when you tell her to use her words. so lost that when you finally let her cum she doesn’t babble the usual “thank you” but keeps on going “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry”, to which you have to turn her around and shush her with kisses because it’s almost pitiful.
barely being able to close her legs after, hugging you and letting you carry her to bed because of course you’re not done. didn’t she want you to stay at home with her? might as well enjoy it to the fullest! i think she would insist on eating you out before riding you, because she loves to taste you but mostly to give her a break. kneeling between your legs as you sit at the edge of the bed, so weak, but almost purring when you grab her chin and brush hair off her face. genuinely not her best job, her mind still a little fuzzy, tongue all over the place but the important part is that she does make you cum, coming up with a big smile and the lower half of her face all wet.
you can’t help but chuckle when she whines and stops you from taking her top off, simply lowering it to show her tits. ignores you saying her clothes are going to get out of place anyways, sliding easily down your strap, mouth opening in a big ‘O’, quiet at first as you let her found her rhythm up and down, listening to the wet squelches from her abused pussy. growing louder and louder as you take in your hands the job to bounce her up and down, making her take all of the toy’s length. backing away a bit and opening her eyes suddenly and staring at you with mouth hanging open, moving her skirt to get a better view, in awe, taking your hand to her tummy and muttering it’s too big and that she can “feel it here”, almost going cross eyed as you feel it too and make her go faster.
waking up the next morning and she’s wasted in your arms, looking like an angel, as if you didn’t do the worst to her night before. poor baby, being so sad to wake up and find you getting ready to take a private jet because you really need to take this business trip, she will miss you so much. but lighten up after you stare at her for a long time and ask if she wants to come you, going “yesyesyesyes” and jumping on your arms :( she doesn’t mind it’s going to be boring and that she’s going to be alone most of the time, just knowing that at the end of the day she won’t have to wait for a call because instead you’ll be coming back for her at the hotel?! she’s the happiest girl in the world.
AND FUCKING HER DURING THE FLIGHT??? her trying so hard to be quiet while being on your lap and your touch, even if nice and slow, still feel like too much as she’s still sensitive and you’re not being that merciful as well, filling her with three fingers :( you can be so mean to her sometimes!
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obesessedwithjohndory · 4 months
brozone hcs because the brainrot is real and i love them all so much mwah mwah (except they’re mostly about john dory because i just love him so much 😖)
john dory 100% calls the toilet a shitter (every time i think of this i giggle)
john dory is dyslexic and struggled to write songs for the band when he was younger and he didn’t stop until he finally had them down
they have karaoke parties at bruce & sons when it’s closed for the evening and it’s just the brothers
branch hates it when they fight
floyd & jd move to pop village, floyd moves into the bunker with branch and john dory stays in rhonda but is always near the bunker & he spends the night there sometimes
branch is closest to jd & floyd
branch’s second favourite brother is john dory but he refuses to admit it
bruce can rap
john dory has 100% definitely been arrested before
john dory knows the rasputin dance and will most definitely put on a show when it’s put on at parties
bruce listens to 50 dad music
john dory is lowkey scared of ghosts and hates it when branch tells ghost stories in the bunker when it’s dark in there
john dory is the father (figure) branch never had & he hates to admit it
the bros are feminists
for the first like 6 months on branch’s life jd was his favourite and he would only stop crying if he was in his hair/ if he was holding him
they’re really good at acapella
john dory cries watching the titanic
once a month they’ll all either stay in the bunker or vacay island and they have a family game night & it always gets really competitive (usually between jd and clay, bruce had to intervene before the board game gets snapped in two)
their mum was eaten before trollstice by a bergen that broke into the cage guarding the troll tree when branch was still an egg & their dad was a total d!ck so he didn’t really care, not long after he left jd to look after all his brothers and then like probably a week later branch hatched
speaking of their mum, jd was a total mummy’s boy idc
it wasn’t until branch was about four months old that they moved in with rosiepuff so she could help out
bruce was in a musical (iykyk)
john dory can play the guitar
clay reads before he goes to bed and won’t until he’s read at least 50 pages
bruce is the type of guy to tell everyone they can’t eat their food until he’s taken pictures of it if they’re at a restaurant that isn’t his. it always ends in bruce scolding them as they all get tired of waiting and start eating
clay has an insane amount of sweater rompers
floyd subconsciously sings to himself when he’s anxious- it’s something he picked up when in the diamond while velvet & veneer had him captive
the goggles & glove are a comfort thing for jd
clay can beatbox but he doesn’t like doing it because “it’s not serious”
john dory and branch are always in sync one way or another and they don’t even realise it half the time
jd really wants kids but is worried he’ll mess that family up just like he messed his family up when brozone broke up
SORRY FOR THE LACK OF CLAY & FLOYD 😣 i’m gonna come up with some more hcs not only for them but for jd and my oc rhea (i’ll have to write abt her bc i can’t draw for shit 💔)
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moonlightsolo · 2 years
Could you do a Eddie headcanon about him being a twin girls dad?
i took this so far it’s so long but i’m in love w this
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oh man when you tell eddie you think you’re pregnant…
he goes nuts
like looses his mind, in a panic “i can’t be a dad right now” kind of mental breakdown
i mean he literally has drugs everywhere in his bedroom???
he imagines a toddler chewing on a nug after finding his weed stash
but that’s just eddie’s overactive imagination
so he drives you to the nearby drug store to pick up a pregnancy test
then takes you back to his trailer
mostly since your parents are a little nosy compared to his laidback uncle
he waits in the bathroom while you pee on the stick
he’s clingy but he turns his head for your privacy
even if he’s seen your bits a million times
bc he’s a gentleman :)
you clean up and set the test on the counter to wait
he holds onto you, brushing his hand over your hair
he doesn’t take his eyes off of the test at all
literally stares at it
you don’t even know if he blinks
(he doesn’t)
the two lines appear and it makes his breathing stop
you literally hide your face in his chest as he leans forward to grab it
bringing it closer to really get a good look at it
“yep that’s two lines, baby. well- babies.” eddie chuckles
his joke makes you actually cry even more
his hand comfortingly rubs your back, putting the test down to grip your chin
he pulls your tear filled face up to look at him
“hey, hey, hey… everything will be okay. it’s fine. it might be hard but we got this.”
he’s kinda teary eyed too
his words make you weep even more
face screwing up in the worst ugly crying face ever
he giggles at you but wipes your tears away
and boops your nose n kisses your forehead
the first appointment is a few days after finding out you’re pregnant
and you find out you’re farther along than you thought
the baby already has a heartbeat already
eddie holds your hand throughout the whole process
he hides his face in the crook of your arm
his tears wetting your skin which makes you use your free hand to brush through his hair
“so if what i’m seeing is correct, there’s definitely two.”
“two what?” you snap
“two babies, ma’am.”
eddie’s face shoots up, eyebrows furrowed as he stares at the screen
the doctor pauses the ultrasound on an image where two blobs were clearly visible
“holy fucking shit.” he breathes out and looks up at you with giant eyes
the dr sends you both home shortly after with a whole sleeve of pictures
eddie is overly protective of you, always wanting to be by your side no matter what
especially at school!
you both decided to keep them a secret since you’ll both be graduating before you give birth
a few months in, your belly is a little hard to hide unless you wear extremely thick baggy clothes
and it’s almost summer and you’re pregnant so you’re constantly sweating your ass off
eddie offers for you to wear his clothes, especially his leather jacket which is much more airy than a sweatshirt
so you sport his badass leather jacket around school and outside of school
in private, eddie loves to see your belly
he always comes around to rub it and give you a few smooches
he talks to the babies, asking how their day is going
he loves to bend down in front of you to kiss your bump
eddie is also your personal chauffeur and practically lives with you at your house
thankfully your parents love him to death so they allow it
as long as the door is cracked during the night
which doesn’t stop any shenanigans bc eddie is just always a horny bastard
anyway- you go to the doctor to find out the sex
and it’s two baby girls
you freak tf out and so does eddie
he’s ecstatic like jumping and hollering in the doctors office the whole way out
“i’m gonna be a girl dad! i’m gonna be a girl dad!”
when you’re finally outside of the doctors office, he spins your body around and hugs you so tight
and kisses your face everywhere
he always praises you and compliments you
“you’re so beautiful” “i love you so much” “god you’re such an amazing woman” “fuck you feel so good sweetheart”
so you finally tell your parents with him by your side
they’re very supportive, and already had an idea that you were
the next month, you graduate!!
you and eddie throw a huge graduation party in your backyard
also this is where you break the news to your friends
you’re wearing a tight-fitting white dress that obviously showcases your bump
and when you open the door their eyes go wide and they look down
“oh my sweet, sweet nephew!” robin drops to her knees to rub your belly
“nieces.” you giggle out
“oh my! my nieces!- wait what?! PLURAL?”
“when did this happen?” steve questions since he remembers seeing you just last week and you definitely weren’t pregnant.
dustin was stumped, just staring at you and eddie being all lovey with each other and his hand rubbing over your belly occasionally
eddie declared dustin the built in babysitter
“oh no no no. i am not changing your kids diapers.”
“i’ll be the babysitter!” robin butts in, “and dingus over here can help.” she elbows steve in the side
the rest of the hellfire club already kind of knew since you stopped showing up to meetings and eddie had made up various excuses for you
“she has the stomach flu” “nah, she has a cold” “she’s got cramps” “can you guys just stop fucking asking me where MY girlfriend is? jesus fucking christ”
they’re theorists anyways so they came to the conclusion you’re pregnant and that’s why eddie is so stressed
you and eddie decide to take a gap year to take care of the kids since you’ll be having them in the fall
summer goes by, and you’re six months pregnant and freely walking around with your bump on show
everyone around hawkins gossips bc eddie the freak knocked someone up
neither of you care to listen to the rumors bc you both know even if these babies were accidentally made bc the pull out method failed-
they were still made from love
you’ve started to get your room ready for them
two cribs, and a bunch of baby clothes and blankets
your parents agreed to let eddie stay with them until you both could afford to move out on your own
your third trimester came up fast
and soon your eighth month was just around the corner
your belly is huge, literally hurts to even stand from the two almost full term babies sitting in your uterus
you would cry about how big you are, that you’re a whale and hate your body while staring at yourself
but eddie would slide between you and the mirror and would kiss your body everywhere while whispering sweet nothings about you
“you’re such a strong woman” “i love you so much” he hugs you so tight and kisses you so hard it makes you swoon and forget what you were just talking about
you literally look like you’re about to pop at any moment
and you do
in the middle of the night, you get up to use the bathroom for the millionth time
and your water breaks while you’re washing your hands
holy mother fucking shit
it’s happening. ITS HAPPENING!
you calmly wake up eddie to let him know what’s going on
which literally sends him into a frenzy
he gathers all of your things, like your packed bag and helps you get changed into clean clothes
“how are you so calm? are you in that much pain? are you okay? seriously, are you okay? jesus fuck-!”
his panicking makes you laugh because you feel fine right now
you wake up your parents to let them know you’re going to the hospital, telling them to stay and listen for the phone
once in the hospital though, your contractions hit you like a freight train
eddie has calmed down for your sake
he’s holding your hand as you breathe heavily through the pain
thank god the anesthesiologist comes to give you an epidural
they ask eddie to leave the room since thats standard practice
he puts up a fight but you literally tell him to get tf out
which kind of hurts his feelings but he knows you’re in pain
when he returns, you’re laying back in bed with a dopey smile on your face
“i’m sorry for yelling at you, i just really, really, really needed these meds.”
he can’t help but smile, tears in his eyes from working himself up into a tizzy
a few hours, many naps and spoonfuls of crushed ice later
it’s time to push
everything happens so quickly
the bright lights, the labored breathing and pained grunts coming from you
he hates to see you hurting
eddie continues to wipe your forehead with a damp and cool cloth, urging you to keep going
whispering sweet, motivating things to you
telling you how strong you are, how he’s so proud of you
and then the ear piercing cry comes from your first baby
it sends him into a whirlwind of emotions
she’s laid on your bare chest and you can’t help but stare at her in shock
when you make eye contact with eddie, he has his fist pressed to his mouth to muffle his sobs
then more contractions roll by and the baby is taken from you to get weighed and such so you can push for the second time
barely having enough time to come down from the shock of one baby, another wailing one is laid on your chest
“oh my god. oh my god.” you sob out, body shaking from the adrenaline coursing through your veins
eddie smooths your sweaty hair back, kissing your forehead as he holds onto your face with his other hand
“oh my god im so proud of you, baby. you just fucking gave birth, holy shit.” he rambles out.
he repeats he loves you about a million times
when he gets to hold them for the first time, he instantly falls in love
you can’t help but snap a polaroid picture to save this memory
he’s literally a father of these beautiful babies he has made with you
one is named is aurora rae munson
rory for short :)
the other is cordelia rose munson
cory for short!
you get cleaned up and the babies gets a little sponge bath
done by the nurses who offers eddie to help which he does
your parents come see them and check on you, and then your friends start showing up
dustin, steve and robin walk in first
they bring you a bouquet of flowers which makes you cry
the boys are surprisingly both naturals at holding an infant
like dustin literally doesn’t want to give rory up
robin is nervous, questioning every little thing the baby does
steve asks to hold cory next which literally makes your heart ache
robin sits on your bed by your feet and talks to you about the whole birthing process
obviously she asks if you’re doing okay
which you’re doing just fine
they continue to comment on how they’re both the cutest babies they have ever seen
they’re like the perfect mix of you and eddie with a head full of thick hair
then the trio leaves, mike and nancy replacing them
mike refuses to hold either of them
he honestly just seems a little freaked out
nancy gladly takes the opportunity and she instantly puts them to sleep
you made a mental note to have her babysit in the future
around two days later, it’s finally time to leave the hospital
the babies are wearing their custom hellfire club onesies and are swaddled in their hospital blankets.
rory is wearing a black beanie and cory has red on
they both get clipped into their car seats and away you all go
you’re grateful that they’re pretty calm
barely waking up in the middle of the night for food
seeing eddie holding them as he rocks in the rocking chair in the corner of your room
literally makes your heart melt
he’s seriously the best dad ever
always getting up to get them for you when they cries at night
the one time cory started crying nonstop
you both tried everything
diaper change, bottle, boobies, walks around the house. nothing worked.
so eddie started playing a soft tune on his guitar to see if it would help
it quickly shut her up and put her right to sleep
you and eddie cried from relief
so it became a nightly routine
eddie would play his guitar for his girls, humming the lyrics to the slowed song
they would instantly close their eyes and then he’d cuddle you in bed until you fell asleep
life truly couldn’t get any better
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romanarose · 1 year
Gross Reality
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Santiago Garcia x fem!reader
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Triple Frontier Masterlist
800 Words
Summary: You are on your period and feel disgusting, Santi isn't phased.
Content Warnings: BODILY FLUIDS, all the bodily fluids. This fic is just me being self-indulgent because I'm feeling disgusting on my period today. Breif reference to butt stuff bc it's me. But mostly, if bodily fluids like puke and shit gross you out, keep going but I know this is the reality for many people who get periods.
A/N: In my head, this takes place in a lil universe of several of my Santi fics, including the one I did with Dolli, Honest Mistake, and but more importantly another Santi period fic I referenced in this fic, Santi With a Reader on Her Period.
Santi Claus: Hey babe, you wanna come over today? The new Spider-verse movie is on Disney plus, we can refuel your fanfiction inspiration 👀or inspiration 👀 for other things 👀
Benny’s Hot Friend: Can’t, busy sitting on the toilet.
Santi realized, again, he needed to change his girlfriends name from what he had drunkenly put it in as months ago at Will’s engagement party.
Santi Claus: … just sitting there?
Benny’s hot friend: No, dumbass
Santi Claus: Did you get distracted watching tik tok for an hour again?
Benny’s Hot friend: NO! Im on my period and it’s day two and everything is fucking awful and I wanna die and I think I’m going to on this toilet
Santi Claus: Cramps?
Benny’s Hot Friend: Shitting, Santi. Shitting. I’ve bled through my tampons after 30 minuets and i'm sick of it and I keep needing to shit and it’s disgusting and I’m disgusting and I’m just free bleeding over the toilet and shitting when need because I can’t trust my farts ARE YOU HAPPY
Santa Claus is typing
Santi Claus is typing
Santi Claus is typing
Santi was very carefully plotting his next words.
Santi Claus: Amor, have you eaten today?
When he didn’t respond, you assumed he’d gotten sick of your shit. It wasn’t that long ago that you happen woken up on top of him with a surprise early period, bleeding all over your new boyfriend who you hadn’t even farted around, and now, although you were more secure, you still worried you’d come across as gross and bitchy and he was over it. Your periods were horrible, the first 2-3 days at least. Dejected, you clean yourself up but only to go get more pain medicine and plot yourself back down on the toilet. 
Another round of cramps came and pretty soon you could add tears and puke to the list of fluids exiting you, ready to just get into the bathtub and cry when you felt your hair being held back and you look to your side to see Santi, eyes concerned and worried, but not disturbed.
“Do you need a hospital, mi vida?”
You shake your head. “No, tummy just hurts.”
Not deterred, Santi holds your hair and rubs your stomach as you empty into the trashcan until the pain subsided enough to try taking a pill again. Dutifully, Santi cleaned up the trash can and your face before guiding you up rinse your mouth out with mouth wash, all while muttering oft praises and encouragement. ‘There we go, let it out’ ‘Do you feel better? Bien.’ ‘Doing good, just spit it out now’
“Santi, I’m sorry, this is so gross-”
“Oh hush. This is far from the worst I’ve seen.”
“Saw worse in the military?”
“No- well, yeah, but I was thinking about the time Benny called me after getting food poisoning from Taco Bell and I had to play big brother while Will was out of town.”
“Yeah” You pant, stomach hurting. “I’ve had to deal with him sick too. He’s a bigfucking baby. Now can you please get out, I need to shit.”
Santi scoffed at that. “You think I don’t shit? I shit all day, three times before lunch-”
“Yeah, you should get that checked out”
“-I’m not phased. I’ve had my finger in your ass, I can handle what comes out of it.”
Finally, you giggle, smiling at him as he sat at the tub edge. “Okay, your funeral.” You bent over in pain again, wondering what the fuck you did to deserve this nonsesnese every month and what you did to deserve to deserve such a loving boyfriend. You wanted to marry this pain in your ass, marry him so hard. He talks to you while you take care of business whipping your face when you get the cold sweats
“Santi, I love you but you’ve gotta get outta here while I clean up.”
He chuckles, but concedes. “Okay, I brought over chinese food-” 
“-and coffee”
“I’ll get it ready in the kitchen when you’re done”
He does as promised and you begin to clean up when you get a ding on your phone. You didn’t realize it was Santi’s until it was too late, and you saw it. No, he wasn’t cheating. No, he wasn’t talking shit. It was the last text you sent him and you saw what your name was on the screen.
Benny’s Hot Friend.
“Santiago Garcia!” You stand in the kitchen with his phone, fully dressed but your hair clinging to your face from sweat. “Wanna explain my contact name?”
He looks confused, then his eyes widen and he stops plating your food. Muneca, listen, I can explain-”
“BENNY’S HOT FRIEND?!” But you were smiling.
He starts to back away, hands raised in defense. “I said you were hot!”
“Did you forget my name that night?”
“Honey, I had like 8 beers and I’m a short king! I was drunk!”
Playfully, you run at Santi, threatening to bleed on him again.
Anyway, shout out to my Peeps in the whorefully yours discord! we all go there and complain about our periods bc they suck. Mine arent THAT bad, I mostly had the shits and the excessive bleeding and I do just sit on the toilet sometimes but I know other people who throw up from the pain.
Your pain is real, and you deserve someone to take care of you
@fandxmslxt69 @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @k-ra @eyelessfaces @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @campingwiththecharmings @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul
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calummss · 1 year
Reborn in Death | Thomas Shelby
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summary: things are not always what they seem. behind a happy facade hides the horror of reality not everyone can live with; including you
pairing: fem! reader x thomas shelby
words: 800
a/n: i’m not putting tw just bc i want the reader in the unknown. there’s a theme of death. if you don’t think you can handle it or unsure don’t read.
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‘Say goodbye to daddy, Lillian.’ You rocked your daughter on your arm, stepping into the kitchen where Thomas was smoking.
Thomas turned to you before placing his cigarette on the ashtray, his hands reaching out for Lillian’s face, her cheeks never safe from his pinching.
‘Have a good day with mummy,’ he gave her a quick kiss, ‘try not to cry too much.’
‘You’ll be good, won’t you?’ You grinned at her.
Thomas also gave you a quick kiss, reminding you to stay safe on your morning stroll with Lillian.
Lillian loved your little walks. She seemed to be more relaxed when she could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin, the wind, the sounds of chirping birds when they were there.
‘We should be back in an hour or so.’ Another quick smile before leaving the door to place little Lillian inside the stroller. Tucking her in and making sure she was covered, the biting coldness of winter starting to get colder by the day.
The streets were mostly empty. The only ones that found themselves outside were the unfortunate, or workers, forced to take a shift no matter the conditions.
You took the usual route to the nearby park, trying to get Lillian to see the world for the beauty it had. Wanting her to see different things nature had created. Lillian liked ducks. You took notice of it when she started grinning at them, they’re quacks making her giggle hysterically.
The pond was not yet frozen, the water still flowing peacefully. Ducks floating above the crystal waters, their colourful feathers reflecting a beautiful ombré.
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‘When are you going to tell her, Thomas?’ Polly took a drag of her black rolled cigarette, her eyes gleaming.
Thomas’ back was pressed against the wall, he inhaled the silver smoke that relieved him of his nerves.
‘You have to,’ she snapped, her voice growing louder, ‘her delusion is starting to spread across town. How will that make us look good? Let alone her.’ Aunt Pol bit her lip, her honey eyes glued on Thomas’ frame as he hung his head, the weight on his shoulders growing heavier as she continued to speak.
‘What do you want me to say, Pol?’ He glanced up, his voice the softest it had been.
‘That Lillian died and that what she is holding is a doll!’
‘You know I can’t do that!’
’You have to!’
‘I CAN’T!’ Thomas shouted back, hands sliding across his face.
Polly marched towards him, her hands trembling. ‘YOU HAVE—‘
‘SHE KILLED HIM!’ He yelled, his face eye to eye with her.
Tommy’s eyes bounced back and forth, unable to focus with the dragging noise of his heart that silently grew louder and louder as he looked at Polly’s face. The horror made him sick.
‘What?’ Her eyes somewhat softened, still wide as her heart stopped beating what seemed to be too long for her to still be alive, her hands no longer shaking. Paralysed.
Thomas’ hand brushed against his lip, turning around, pacing across the living room, his feet moving despite his wish to settle. ‘She was home alone when Kimber came here, the day we sent our men to the race. She hid in a kitchen cabinet when the baby suddenly started crying.’ His voice started shaking, just enough to tell that Thomas Shelby carried a heavy weight in his soul, every word harder to say out loud. ‘She was so scared. So scared to die. She covered Lillian’s mouth and nose to silence her. Stopped her from breathing…when they left, Lillian had already died in Y/n’s arms.’
‘Why did you never tell me?’ Polly asked.
‘Because if I told you, I would have to tell her the truth and I don’t think she’ll be able to handle it again. I cannot put her in that state again. Especially when part of it is my fault too,’ his voice grew quiet, shame washing over him like a wave trying to drown him. ‘I should never have made a move on Kimber. Never have left her alone in that house. I should’ve never done it.’
Polly opened her mouth wanting to respond but the sudden clicking of the door brought her to her feet, her arm brushing against Thomas as your familiar face appeared behind the door.
Closing the door behind you, the family portrait of you, Thomas and Lillian fell over.
‘Shh don’t cry,’ you rocked Lillian, her cries filling your ears. ‘Mummy would never do anything to hurt you. You’re safe with me, I’ll always protect you.’
Polly looked at Thomas, faced with an expression she had never seen on him, patting his shoulder to reassure him. ‘Switch it with a real baby, Tommy.’ She whispered in his ear, helping you with the stroller as you held Lillian on your arm.
Thomas smiled at you, taking Lillian into his arms from you, rushing upstairs, leaving him alone.
I stay where your calendar stopped.
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crosbyism · 1 month
HELLO IM BACK (the sid should have gender affirming sex anon) bc i just realized the real and true reason for sid’s old jock. it looks like an infection hazard right?? THATS THE POINT. the constant dick checks needed to prevent a rash. having a glorified 15 step korean skin care routine for his dick and balls. demanding nate double check his junk.
i had a whole thing about sid fucking his way across the masculinity spectrum to tell u and i can’t express it rn :( i am slightly high i think sid starts out w some fairly stereotypical cishet ideas of masculinity and sex, thinking in the middle of the flyers era misgendering. assumes his visceral negative reaction to getting babygirled is as much the sub part as gender (also bc prob has a lot of cishet ideas about gender and penetration and power) then he gets baby boy-ed and it’s like iiiii can shooow uuuu the woooorld like i think he’s a switch (sex competition!) which imo is underexplored but idk maybe he was operating off the hind brain assumption that bc he was topping in a certain sitch he’s be in charge and gets baby boy-ed by a power bottom. or maybe he tries anal but decides penetration doesn’t get him the way a handjob does bc he wants to touch dicks! idk i think sex gets a lot more wet n wild when penetration isnt treated as “realer” than all other forms even if it can be fun! i am high and this is probably a more nuanced topic than i can express rn sorry :( i just was struck w inspiration about sid’s nasty jock and demanding his junk be looked at to see if other ppl thought he was getting a rash or not
sid gets wiggly when condescendingly called sport
ur so right re nate and the eroticization of the everyday via sid’s masculinity kink. also i think one time the sink breaks and sid’s hind brain is like I Know What To Do and it’s not until he’s standing in front of the sink wearing a white tank top jeans toolbelt and holding a hammer (for a sink???) w nate staring at him expectantly that sid realizes he got all his knowledge from porn and has no clue what to do when facing an actual sink
also i think nate can trick? sid into doing chores if he frames it as fulfilling sid’s being a middle aged man kink. home depot dad kink. babe bring home the bacon. hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping). hey stud gimme a ride? wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince. man these burgers are so good u gotta show me the recipe
i’ve mostly talked about sid here but ur nate idea w him having his everyday in a box and sec in a box and sid exploding the boxes is soooooo good
ok bye im going to go eat peanut butter. wait no i have chocolate cake!!!!
BESTIE WELCOME BACK 😍🥰😘 lol i love u and feel free to come into my inbox high and craving chocolate cake anytime. im laughing and delighted
LMAOOO re: sid’s nasty jock being an excuse for regular junk inspections, im crying ur SO right bestie. sid keeps being like: oh nooo i have to get my junk inspected again :( and someone has to fondle it while talking about my cock and balls in excruciating detail :( oh nooo what if they have to take out a magnifying glass :( to check for an infection :( and then they’d have to KEEP talking to me regularly about by cock and balls. and inspect it. every day.
anyone else: sid why don’t you just get a new jock
sid: no :) can’t. ✨superstition✨
like it would be SO ON BRAND for him. im crying. and also rolling in this headcanon like a pig in filth (read: sid’s junk in his jock)
re: sid working his way up to it and discovering the delights and dynamics of queer sex as an underbaked youngling, u r cooking and now i’m thinking about, like. sid nervously for one of his first sort of hook ups working his way up to insisting on topping with a very effeminate gay dude (since he feels safe asking for it there) and the guy just blowing his mind going “mh honey you’re such a stud, you’re gonna come and fill me right up, aren’t you?” sid goes UH. yes. YES PLEASE. and the sex essentially starts the process of boiling the frog for him, bc the guy is like. clearly at least a a decade older, clearly handling the reigns, but he’s also luxuriating in getting a cock inside him, calls sid (“just, uh. don’t call me kid, please.”) a sport, a stud, a good boy, basically sort of caringly soft doms him (“oh you’re gonna blow your load soon, aren’t you, baby boy? inside me? it’s okay baby, your big cock feels so good, i want it.”) while also begging for a cock in his ass. by the time sid walks out of there his queer third eye is blown wide the fuck open and he starts sucking and fucking his way through pittsburgh, craving nothing less than the high of shrimp colour sexual encounters. figuring out the shape of his (masc kink) sexual preferences one ultra specific hookup at a time.
the thing is that as a rookie he’s small in hockey terms, but he’s still a big guy compared to the normal population. so it’s not exactly hard to start topping dudes. but i think he does the classic dom top thing a couple of times and it gets a little boring. he loves fucking jocks, albeit starts out fucking smaller guys than him. he’s ecstatic the first time a bearded guy bigger than him goes to his knees and praises how pretty his cock is between sucking him off. he loves being called baby boy. sometimes even likes being called “kid” (but only in a specific gay hookup way). over the years he grows to like and appreciate all sorts of little masc epithets (big guy, handsome, mister, and ultimately daddy). i’m with you re: absolutely a switch, although i think he works his way up to some stuff. he just always, regardless of dynamic, enjoys sex the most when it’s full of masculinisation kink. he loves to be a dude fucking dudes. any which way. he loves touching a dick
i’m laughing so much @ nate tricking him into doing chores via middle aged dad kink bc why are u SO right about this. this is real to me. once nate figures the masc kink thing out he is milking that cow cock day and night about it. “hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping)” and “wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince” are going to live in my mind rent free forever now, thank u. i’m gonna wake up in the middle of the night two weeks from now thinking: “hunting (grocery shopping)”. and the fact that sid 100% gets off on it. thrives on being referred to like this. sid wants to be the mustachioed porno plumber so bad. nate lets him tinker and break the sink even more just for the kink of it before they break 3 hours and two rounds of sex later and finally call an actual plumber. it’s a good thing they’re millionaires that can afford to break their appliances even more before hiring a professional to fix it.
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tenitchyfingers · 7 months
can I fuck you up more about Paul and John?
Paul lost a LOT of people. He made the choice and did the work to get over them. As far as I can tell, he made the choice to never get over John. I'm 55. The only example I can think of is my uncle Peter, who was killed in Vietnam in December 1967 at age 25. It completely destroyed the family. It killed my grandmother. To this DAY, my 91 year old aunt and my 84 year old father cannot talk about him without crying.
Paul REFUSES to get over John. He RELENTLESSLY talks about him at every opportunity. He has spent 40 years singing Here Today which makes him cry (I've personally seen it twice) and has spent two years singing a duet with John in concert. He has spent 30 years waiting to release Now and Then. There is NO SUCH THING as a celebrity at his level who NEVER SHUTS UP about someone who died 43 years ago. and he does not give a flying fuck. He is going to make SURE we are all missing John like he was killed yesterday.
Thank you for this. And god, I’m so jealous rn. Never got to see him live, hope I’ll get to and I’m really starting to be very afraid I’ll never have a chance bc like. Guy is old (and I’d like to see Ringo as well, ideally on stage with Paul and maybe Dhani too and Sean or Julian or… who can say? both is good) 😭😭 and yeah, I’ve seen a bunch of live performances of Here Today that Paul did and it seriously does seem like he can’t get used to performing it without at least having his voice crackle or vanish completely. And I wonder what he was thinking while working on Now and Then.
It’s like when Mark killed John, a huge part of Paul was blown up too and like he’s constantly trying to get it back. But I also really am impressed in some way from how much time he spends bringing John up, and I find it sad too because it does seem like he constantly has unfinished business with him, like there’s some closure he’s looking for that he can’t find and the one thing I keep thinking back on is when at a gig he sang Here Today and then told the audience “if there’s someone you love, tell them” because I think THAT’S the thing he keeps regretting and trying to fix and never really getting to (although I do also think John KNEW how much Paul loved him, if not as a “husband” as a best friend let’s say). Aside from the issues I have with John (mostly his behavior towards Julian, because I really think he was a massive dickhead for it, and Jules did nothing wrong to be treated like that), I really don’t think he was very hard to love. Paul is my girlie, but I very much do understand why he loves John so much. And I like thinking that they still talk to each other, through music, in some way. That like, a huge reason Paul still makes music is that that’s how he gets to connect with whatever John left inside of him, if that’s not too corny to say. And I absolutely admit this is my McLennon further brain talking, here. I also DO believe he just loves music and loves making music, of course. But with how much he mentions and talks about John and writes songs for him… like we get it Paul. Keep going, but like, we get it.
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ncteez · 1 year
MOST TO LEAST LIKELY IN ATEEZ: to be bratty in bed 
warnings: subby idols, switch idols, and dom idols 
requested by: anon
minors dni! 
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wooyoung: obviously wooyoung would be the most bratty, both intentionally and unintentionally. bratty top and bratty bottom, like there’s no in between with how much of a menace he really is. He’s hitting it from the back? Best bet he’s talking shit about every single man who has ever gotten between your legs and demanding praise, making damn sure he ruins every orgasm until he says it’s time.  You’re on top, riding him? He’s gonna look you in the eye through his sensitivity, eyes welling up with tears, and he will deadpan in a normal voice saying “I’m not crying, I can take more. Dare you to fuck me up.” 
seonghwa: i know everyone thinks this man is a dom, and if anything, he’s a switch. not bratty at all if he’s topping but 100% brat when you get to take control. Will annoy you all fucking day about it too. Mostly because he likes when you’re as rough as he can be, and you’re never hard on him unless he intentionally does some shit to get on your nerves. the type to walk around half naked, the type to kiss your neck when you're on the phone with your family, put his hand up your shirt and then walk away like nothing happened once you hang up. that kinda stuff. 
san: bratty in a toxic way. The type to get touchy with your best friend and ignore you for two hours and then act all innocent when they leave  like, “oh, that bothered you? maybe you should prove how much you want me then. she seemed more interested–” GIVEN, it’s all just to get a rise out of you and kinda toxic, but by the end of the night both of you are aware he’s just being a shithead to get a really good orgasm. He’s a bratty dom though. will literally stop fucking you if you go quiet or don’t give him the reactions he wants.
mingi: whiny brat. dude just whines. whines for you to deep throat him, whines for you to show him your tits, whines for you to say he’s the best you’ve ever had, whines for you to let him eat you out. fr just whines and never shuts up about what he wants even at the worst times. Texts you dick pics while you’re at work, whips his cock out off to the side when you’re on a zoom call with your best friend, fr just demands attention 24/7. 
yeosang: he just likes when you get possessive. it’s not really being “bratty” in his mind. he might just start watching porn or something to make you feel the need to give it to him better etc. Always reminds you that he doesn’t even like the porn, he just likes the way you treat his cock when he does those things :( he loves to feel loved.
hongjoong: if he’s ever bratty, he’d prefer you tell him so he stops. Sometimes he brings home his work and it’s annoying. sometimes he’s boring in sex bc he’s creative everywhere else. You end up being the brat, and he tends to like it when you demand his attention by grabbing and groping him, acting all desperate and shit. will apologize 400 times for being tired but still get you off three times in an hour to reward you.
yunho: he’s a lover and not a brat in the slightest. service top boy would do anything and everything if you ask. would straight up not feel the need to be bratty or mocking in any given situation because like, why? He’s not boring though, and is willing to try just about anything when you’ve got his cock out. 
jongho: why be a brat when he can have you on your knees with only a look? he rly doesn’t need to be or want to be. you can’t even be a brat either, because he gives it to you so well and even if you try, he’s just gonna put his fingers in your mouth to shut you up, or push your head into the pillows to muffle your little comments. 
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piebingo · 7 months
There needs to be balance tho this time, it can’t be s2 all over again. They deserve to be happy and be silly boyfriends in love for at least half season (throughout it all). It’s not even about having expectations, I really don’t have any plot wise, but we are only getting them back one last time and I wouldn’t want to have them just sad and crying all the time or most of it (as I have not seen the season I don’t know how it will go, I’m just saying what I wouldn’t like).
I also would feel kinda meh if they had their resolution/happy ending rushed in the last two minutes like, again, s2. Bc that’s not only repetitive, but again, they deserve more?
No one expects s3 to be angst-free, no one is asking a hs kinda season, with butterflies and leaves and hearts, people got the message loud and clear from Omar on how the season will be. They are just scared it will be a repeat of s2. That’s all.
Balance looks different for everyone, and that’s okay. I thought s2 was pretty well balanced actually, almost the same as s1 was. I would have elongated their reuniting scene in Wille’s room, but that’s pretty much the only thing I felt was truly missing. I laughed and cried and smiled in s2, and sure some plot points I might have liked less, but there are some things in s1 I also didn’t enjoy. As for s2´s ending, it didn’t feel rushed to me, I actually really liked how it was done and thought it was perfect. But again, that’s how I see it and it’s okay to see it differently, that’s the beauty of opinions and tastes.
Imo s2 wasn’t a repeat of s1, so I don’t see any worries about s3 being a repeat of s2 for now. Lisa talks with so much love about the show and is an amazing writer, she hasn’t given me any reason not to trust I’ll like this last season. If you didn’t like s2, maybe you’ll feel differently.
As for Omar, I’m partially convinced he’s trolling sometimes and that he knows it makes people talk. The words he used to describe the show are words I would mostly use both for s1 and s2 too. He has said in smb, days before filming the last scenes, that wilmon is in love. Both he and Edvin said that they truly want wilmon to smile this season. Bringing tissues can mean that we can cry of joy, who knows. To me what he says about s3 tends to be more positive than what he said about s2.
Again, it’s perfectly okay to have different views and it’s totally normal that the seasons don’t please everyone. But I do think that stressing about it right now, when we know virtually nothing, is probably doing more harm than good. That’s my biggest point really. And ofc, saying "trust Lisa and don’t panic yet" is easier said than done. Perhaps I just liked s2 more than some and this is why I’m not worried🤷‍♀️ I really do wish the fandom will have fun watching the last season. Maybe it didn’t come across like that.
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Minors DNI!
This blog has been a long time coming- I couldn’t resist making it anymore. The names Aster, I use any pronouns but prefer she/they from strangers. AFAB nonbinary, 34b, 5’ 4”, 19 years old, I live in Florida, EST, and my birthday is on December 11th. I just wanna be a good sub and have someone call me a good girl.
There will be a lot of kinks and reblogs! Mostly that, actually. Main focus will probably be hypno, pet play, and BDSM. Feel free to send in an ask or come through my inbox at anytime, with anything! I’d really like to see some hypno files or even just some videos or gifs of pretty little spirals!!
I can be a good puppy or kitten or doll, or just a good little girl, whatever Daddy wants <333
More info on me below!
List of kinks I’m into:
Edging- Mmmmm, not much to be said here. I edge more than I cum, sometimes I forget orgasms even exist- although, to be fair, I’m stupid and forget a lot of things exist. Like love bugs! Blissful ignorance until love bug season comes around…
Praise- Please! I will melt in an instant. Daddy praises me a lot!! I can be whiny and bratty sometimes but I love his praise so much!! If he’s disappointed in me I will instantly crumble because I want his praise so bad <333
Degradation- might make me brattier. This just makes me hornier and dumber than before.
BDSM- BONDAGE. Tie me up, gag me, use all my pretty little holes. Be as rough as you’d like, I’ll probably cry like a little bitch but I’ll get off on it either way. I’m a sadist and masochist, two in one! I get hornier when I’m in pain and when I get to hurt others. Which… doesn’t happen often. I’m a sub, guys. Don’t put me in charge.
Pet Play- Puppy or Kitty is fine! I’m not particularly familiar with any other animals (like bunnies) but! I am looking for new collars to buy. I’ve got a basic black one with spikes, and another black one with a heart on a chain. Both leather and silver, of course. I want something more pink, I think? Anyway, I’m fine with collars, leashes, clicker training…. Somebody please, I need to be clicker trained. Literally treat me like a pet. I desperately wish I had an actual tail that I could swish around. I will purr and nuzzle up against you either way.
Manipulation- I’m paranoid all the fucking time, you may as well prove me right. Seriously. Gain my trust, play with my feelings, gaslight me, make me doubt myself and maybe even my sanity. Hottest shit.
Daddy/Mommy- I’m bi so I’m fine with either. I’ve got a soft spot for gentle dom Mommy’s because yes. I’ve got only one Daddy right now and he’s twice my age, plus he’s okay with me being with others. He’s so sweet! I just have to ask him permission before I post pics for you all <333
Hypno- gotta be one of my favorites. Please make me into a mindless drooling doll for you. Watch my eyes glaze over as I stare at the swirling colours on screen, my thoughts leaking out of my mouth and out of my hole, soaking my panties.
Objectification: Please for the love of god objectify me. Saw this tagged on a post recently and literally went ‘oh my fucking god I can’t believe I forgot about that!! I fucking love objectification, people need to objectify me more!’ Not even kidding. First thoughts in my stupid whore brain. Please please please please please-
Along similar lines: Dom/Sub and Bimbofication. Love that. Make me dumb for you. Have me at your beck and call. Make sure I’m nice and obedient and know my place. I prefer gentler doms bc I have more experience with them, but change is always nice. So, as stated above, rough or violent doms are great too.
Kinks I’m not into:
Everything else is either hit or miss or I’m just not aware of the kink. I know of CNC but whether I’m okay with it depends on who I’m with. Other kinks not listed above are either like that, or I’m unaware of their existence. Or indifferent.
Misc. information:
You can message me privately but I’d prefer you come in through my inbox, at least. You can be an anon, and that’s fine. Sign off with something so I can tell you apart from the others.
I don’t want to talk to someone who’s already in a relationship if it’s monogamy. I’m fine with polyamory, so long as everyone involved knows and is okay with it. I’m a slut, sure, but I have no intention of ruining someone’s relationship with their spouse or significant other.
Don’t judge or insult Daddy. Do whatever the fuck you want with me, insult me or whatever, I couldn’t care less. Just don’t complain if I can’t do something because he didn’t give me permission- in fact, don’t complain about him at all.
I value Daddy more than I do you, so don’t bother trying to convince me to do something I shouldn’t. If I wanna be a brat and post a pic when Daddy doesn’t want me to, I will. I make bad decisions of my own volition, because I’m a dumb whore. I don’t need you doing my job for me 🖕
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heartorbit · 8 months
!!! You saw my ask! I’m v glad you liked the question and since you asked for ppl to share their takes on the charas I’ll give mine:
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Rui as the fox was what started it all for me. Like “great shows can’t be made alone” and the fox talking about all the wonderful things that would happen if he were to be tamed… Rui’s craving for connection just fit the fox so well.
The other three I mostly chose for like, scenes/dynamics I wanted to see with them. So Tsukasa and Emu are the little prince and the rose respectively bc of their back-and-forth of *wild statement* *exaggerated frustration* but ultimately Tsukasa does want to take care of her (thinking of him calling her “our stubborn little princess” in his Smile of a Dreamer card story). And like the prince’s arc from running away from the rose because he can’t keep up with her requests before he realizes he needs to go back to her and Tsukasa’s begrudging assistance in the main story to swearing to help Emu save the stage.
And Nene’s the aviator for largely the same reasons: her and Tsukasa’s bickering just makes me think Nene would absolutely get fed up with Tsukasa insulting her sheep and just draw him a box instead. And her role as the “normal” one in the group also lends to it (emphasis on the quotes). She calls everyone in the troupe crazy for accepting a robot while she’s the one piloting the robot. She’s grown up, let go of being childish, but she’s still listening intently to the little prince’s story.
But like your casting is so so good! The longer I think abt it the more I love it. Like little prince Emu’s asteroid hopping is so perfect; she’s meeting all these grownups who care only about sums and wealth and other pointless things and it’s all just very odd to her. And Rui drawing the boa constrictor is heartbreaking. He’s trying to convey something through his art that nobody around him can understand… And Emunene being the little prince and the fox. They’re absolutely this quote from the fox: “Other steps send me hurrying back underneath the ground. Yours will call me, like music, out of my burrow.” And the slow, deliberate process it takes to tame a fox, and how long it took to get Nene to come out of her shell while Emu constantly reached out to her; they’re adorable. And Tsukasa will cry and throw up if he isn’t special ur so right. Tysm for responding to my ask!
OOOOOOOOH MYJTJ IT'S SO CUTE I CRIED FOREVER I LOVE THESE SOMUCH THANK YOU FOR SENDING YOUR DRAWINGS I T____T emu rose is the cutest ever ever ever. i love YOUR CASTING SO MUCH. here i throw this before i go under a readmore to scream
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THE STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS LINE KILLLLLS ME IT KILLS ME YOURE SO RIGHT OAKYT AUUUUUUUWUUWU i take 800 years to respond to this both because i absolutely had to draw again for your cast and also i look at your beautiful drawings and i scream and kick my feet and grip my phone so hard it breaks into a million pieces
i;m so normal Your drawings are so lovely they feel right from a storybook ooouh nene as the aviator is really getting me. with how nene had to look back at her child self to rediscover what was so important to her passion for singing and it fits so well. waugh. """normal""" one for sure. but her loyalty is really fitting of both the aviator and the fox.. her and rui really are alike in the most dastardly heart crushing ways
rui as the fox. AH. I SHALL CRY. brother does he ever run the risk of weeping.. and just the abject boredom of the fox in its loneliness fits rui really well. after their fight in the main story how they approach rui more and more.. but you will sit a little closer to me every day..
your emu rose is so cute i can't get over it but i love this casting so much. i love how you connected the princes responsibility to the rose with the main story and their promise to save the wonderstage. Oh my god their stubborn little princess. THEIR STUBBORN LITTLE PRINCESS
i acknowledged that i just have emu favoritism severely when i gave them a casting but when i thought of her as the prince beyond whimsy i was thinking a lot of the ending, how the prince doesn't want the aviator to see him look to be in suffering and when says he can't return home and his body is too heavy.. the wonderstage being emus home where she wants everyone to always smile but also the place she's convinced she can't leave .. something something im not good at this. but with tsukasa i think that works equally as well because of how he shunned and ran away from it at first but at the end the wonderstage is where his heart really was and how he lets go of his old self. auuugh.
and for tsukasa as the rose and how emu finds his shows so dazzling even though he sees himself as one of hundreds of thousands of actors that he's not yet on the level of. but to emu he IS one of a kind. also because it is for her that i have killed the caterpillars (except she grabbed a caterpillar and shoved it into his face that one time but) sniffle. SNIFFLE. because it is she that i have listened to when she grumbled or boasted...
ok your little prince tsukasa is starting to kill me i AHGBHH you're singlehandedly making me want and need to reread the little prince again but ooh my god. my star will be just be one of the stars for you and so you will love to watch all the stars in the heavens (falls over) i shall look as if i were suffering i shall look a little as if i were dying do not come to see that (FALLS OVER)
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okkalo · 1 year
could u do a scenario with kunigami and a reader who has a perfectionist mindset and ends up breaking down bc they dont feel pretty or smart enough? i’ve honestly been feeling like shit for not feeling perfect and i just want my comfort character to help me escape </3
if u need more inspiration listen to pretty hurts by beyonce
hi anon! i tried to write this one as fast as i could after the previous request for u..i hope ur feeling somewhat better!! just in case no one has told u recently im soso proud of you and you can get through this! i hope u enjoy,, lots of love 🫶🩷
character: kunigami
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- kunigami had gotten used to your perfectionist attitude
- in fact, he barely struggled getting used to it
- he was always there to try to comfort you or take your mind off of whatever was bothering you
- he definitely struggled with reassurance at first, however. he actually still isn’t good at it
- he’s only good when you start degrading yourself and his mind just kinda takes over
- if you ever tried to brush him off with an “i’m okay” he would definitely back off
- he would instead try to do other things for you, such as getting your favorite food or making sure to pull you in to rest on his chest
- if u did brush him off he’ll probably learn not to comfort you that way and won’t really approach you, he just continues doing stuff that would hopefully make your day better
- all of that aside he actually loves your perfectionist side
- he loves the way you continue to strive to be better
- mostly because he can relate, he has to work hard to be everyone’s hero!!
- he tries to help if he can too
- he feels as if it’s his role as your boyfriend
- he also thinks your beautiful
- duh, you might be thinking. but he always tries to remind you with some sort of compliment
- he’s just as bad as giving compliments as he is at receiving though! so be patient
- but back to the moment you breakdown
- he’s probably not the best at detecting how stressed you are
- he didn’t even notice. he only knew when he saw you crying in bed while looking at your phone
“y/n?” your name rolled out of his mouth with worry, catching the attention of your widened teary eyes. “y/n, what’s wrong?” the question immediately left him once his concerned eyes met yours. he dropped his bag on the ground, his long legs extending to reach you fast and pull you into a comforting hug.
his heart broke at your released sobs and the way your body slumped into his, your hands clawing at the fabric of his shirt in desperate need of comfort. his finger pads gently made their way to your scalp, each spread out to gently massage your skin. he felt stupid, unable to come up with any comforting words at the moment and only being able to hold you close. he wanted to do more, he wanted you to feel better.
once your sobs lessened and you finally gained confidence in your voice you started sputtering what was weighing your heart down. the moment kunigami heard the words ‘i’m not pretty enough’ or ‘i’m not smart enough’ is the moment he decided to interrupt, not being able to hear anymore of your painfully wrong thoughts.
“hey, don’t say that.” he pulled away from the hug to lift your chin and make you look at his stern eyes. the hand still softly resting on your waist told you he wasn’t mad at you. “you know none of that is true, you’re just in a bad mental state right now to see. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve seen, and you aren’t anywhere close to dumb. you’re damn near perfect.” he stated, confident in each word he was saying while making sure to hold eye contact throughout the whole time.
“come on, take a bath with me and once we get back you’ll have to tell me who made you feel that way.” he gently took your hands, pulling you off the bed with him. once you were standing on your feet he cupped your face in his hands, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away with a reassuring gaze. “i’m so proud to be your boyfriend, i can’t have you feeling like you’re not enough, because you’re way more than enough for me.” he stated, giving one last final kiss to your cheek before his hand found your back and started pushing you to the bathroom.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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cherienymphe · 2 months
Hey so I was the one with the crush and the ex best friend who is now together with my crush. and I still don’t understand what is going on because it is just so weird like I asked her every day if she liked him and she always told me no.I don’t wanna annoy you with my problem, but for real as a best friend you wouldn’t do something like this, right? or am I exaggerating ?like I also told our friends so we are like a friend group of six and she was so mad at me that I told them but they’re literally my friend so I have to tell them why I don’t wanna be friends with her anymore but I think she’s mostly annoyed because they are on my side and I still don’t understand why she didn’t just tell me I was literally standing in front of them yesterday and she smiled at me while I was standing next to my crush and didn’t tell me. and I asked my crush why they didn’t tell me and he said well she said we would hurt your feelings like this and we wanted to make it better and I said well now you made it worse. You know there’s something in the story that I don’t know because it just doesn’t make any sense like dare together all of a sudden and she could’ve told me that she had feelings and we could’ve talked about this, but she didn’t. I also had to leave class earlier today because I started crying and I’m just so hurt and angry. Not at the fact that they are together, well maybe a little bit, but just how they handled this and how they told me. They didn’t even have the balls to tell me in my face. Nope she texted me and said she feels like shit but she just couldn’t handle the Secret anymore .  She also sad. They didn’t want to tell me in person because they were scared of my reaction and she’s always the who tells me you have to do it in person because otherwise you are scared and everything. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I can’t just give up on my crush. I think it’s normal but I’m just really hurt. But thank you so much for answering it really helped🫶
Girl she just sucks 🤷🏾‍♀️ she handled the situation very poorly and it sounds to me like she just doesn't want to look bad, hence her being mad you're hurt and told your friends about it. She's concerned about the wrong thing. I'm telling you girls like that don't mean a bit of good and if you don't drop her now I promise you'll find yourself at a party or club one day alone and in unfamiliar territory bc she ditched you to go chase dick
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kamii-2 · 9 months
how i think the outsider boys would react to you coming out as lesbian
so like this is my first time writing headcannons so i’m very sorry if they suck 😭 please enjoy this post and have a good day :))
i’m sorry that some of them are short then others 😞 idk what to put for them
warnings: mentions of homophobia, cussing, and slurs
ponyboy curtis
he would most definitely support you
he would probably ask what it meant
after you told him he would say something along the lines of “OHHH, we’ll just know i support you” and give you a big hug
he would (attempt to) stick up for you if someone was homophobic to you
he would try to put you on with EVERY girl you say is pretty
he would help you tell the rest of the gang about you being lesbian
during pride month he would definitely give you some kind of rainbow or lesbian flag colored gift 😭
he would probably cry when you tell him bc you trust him enough to tell him first
he will definitely almost out you a couple times
like i can imagine him trying to make some random man leave you alone and he says something like “she doesn’t even like bo- ..you.”
johnny cade
johnny wouldn’t know what to say at first 😭
like he would just stare at you then say “..what?”
you’d probably have to explain to him what it means
he would thinks it’s a disease or something
he start to freak out a little 😭 “what does that mean? is it a sickness? is it contagious?”
he would most definitely support you
yk bc he’s gay and all (just like ponyboy)
he would ask you who ur crush is then ask pony to help out you guys on
he would probably accidentally out you to the whole group
like i can imagine him saying something along the line of “so how’s everything going with you and your girlfriend?” then everyone stares at you 😭
tbh i can’t really picture hum doing/saying anything else to you besides checking up on you and your crush/girlfriend
he seems like he wouldn’t care if you were lesbian or straight or anything else
dally winston
he would laugh at you at first bc he tougher you were joking
once he sees you not smiling he said “oh- you’re for real?”
he would be slightly homophobic 😭
he’s the type of guy to accidentally out you to the whole town
he would beat up anybody who made fun of you
he would says slurs but not in a mean way (ifykwim)
bro would jokingly bully you for being gay
like he would say stuff like “that’s why you’re gay” and you would say “don’t you like girls too?”
dally would see something rainbow and immediately say something to/about you
*sees rainbow cup at store* “look its your twin” and he would start laughing extremely loud after 😭
just like pony, he would try and put you on with EVERY SINGLE GIRL you call fine or look at
sodapop curtis
he would give you a big fat hug when you come out to him
he would start to cry a little 😭
he would protect you from homophobes
i could see him yelling at someone or beating them up bc they were homophobic to you
he would be so nice to you and help you with any type of relationship problems
he would be ur therapist
“soda i don’t even know what to do anymore man, i just want her so bad but-“ “shhhh it’s okay, why don’t you find a new crush?”
soda would somehow get you with your crush after only talking to her about you one time
“sooo…how do you feel about my friend y/n?” and then he would go on for like 30 minutes on why she should be with you and stuff like that
he would also get you gifts for pride month 😭
steve randle
he would be kinda frozen for a second
“steve…i like girls..” “……….me too”
he would be super duper chill about it
he would help you with any type of relationship advice or anything to do with relationships
he would teach you how to flirt
he would help you get ready for dates
he would definitely ask you to work at the DX with him and soda just to see hot girls all day (and to actually work, but mostly to look at girls all day long)
he would give you pep talks before dates/asking girls out
two-bit matthews
biggest hype man ever
would yell in happiness at you telling him
you both go to the nightly double and rate random girls
“what about that broad over there” “7/10”
you both have completely different taste in women
“that lady that just walked by was fine as hell” “two-bit matthews, that lady was ugly”
he would be so interested in all of your love life drama (all of the guys are)
he would give the worst advice ever
like don’t trust any advice he gives you bc you might get beat up 😭
he would say slurs aswell but once you tell him what they mean, he would stop
“stop it fag” “two… that’s a slur” “IM SO SORRY, I DIDNT KNOW” then he would give you a big hug 😭
he would attempt to be ur relationship therapist but would fail horribly
darry curtis
he would not care at all
“darry.. i’m gay” “…okay?”
he would protect you from homophobes (they all would)
he would let you rant to him about your love life
idk what to put for him 😭
i’m so very sorry this one is so short
i hope you guys enjoyed this post :)) i hope you all have a good day!! bye love you all 💋💋
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kiss-me-muchoo · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 || 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✿ Synopsis: After going to the Upside Down, Eddie can’t stop being protective with reader, even when she told him that after everything was over, they wouldn’t be friends again. When they steal the RV, it’s time for Eddie to confess his feelings for pumpkin (reader), and beg her to forgive him.
✿ Warnings: sexual insinuations at the end, fluff, reader is emotional, Steve and Nancy finally give their blessings. oh, and prob bad grammar cuz I never corrected this
✿ A/N: This is what I want with a boy, but boys like Eddie or Joseph Quinn are not real:) IM OFFICIALLY OUT OF TUMBLR JAIL, BRB GONNA CRY;) oh and I’m in college now 👍
The whole parallelism series is here👇
Playlist for Eddie here 👇
When he looked at your eyes for the first time, Eddie lost interest in blonde girls with big breasts. Now he could only think of your eyes and your small perfect body. He got so lost in the softness of your big bright eyes, the way your hair swayed, and the scent of roses and bergamot in your perfume. In the beginning, it was weird for Eddie, he never crushed so hard for a woman, not even for a female rockstar or a model from his adult magazines. This was different, it was real.
One of the most special memories he had with you was from the week of thanksgiving. He gave a small concert with Corroded Coffin in a bar, and he told you to go with him. Eddie thought you would get bored, you were not the most rock-metal girl in Hawkins. But he was very surprised when he saw you dancing with Jeff’s cousin, watching you dancing to one of his songs was a boost for him to perform it better. After the show, he drove you home, and you told him you were proud of him. That night was the first time he thought about kissing you. Sure Wayne told him good things and made him feel better, but Eddie felt he constantly failed his uncle. So having you healed him, made him want to be better. He even got a C- on the classes he had with you.
So he watched you now, your hair was messy, your green shirt had some blood, and parts of your neck were scratched with dry blood. But thankfully, you didn’t have a big injury like Steve had. And yet to Eddie, you were still perfect, after seeing you fighting with tons of demo bats, he knew you were made for him; a strong, hot, and gorgeous woman.
You could feel his eyes on you, but your attention is on Lucas and Max talking at the end of the RV. You could see that Lucas lightened your red-haired friend. Maybe they were three years younger than you, but it looked like what they had was real love. They were in the phase where they didn’t know what was love for real, and you conclude that is better that way.
Finally, your eyes meet Eddie’s, it feels like he’s appreciating you. So you arch your brow, questioning him.
“What?…” it doesn’t feel like it did some days ago, you can’t hate him. Not when he’s been so protective over you.
“You’re smiling, I haven’t seen your smile in some days” After Max almost died, you valued what you had. A gorgeous guy who hurt you, yeah. But, he wanted to give you a proper explanation and had been so attentive to you in the harshest moments, which you considered the most important moments when validating a friendship.
“Look at them…” you indicated in a low voice, pointing at the young couple with your head. Eddie turns to see them, he doesn’t say anything, but he understands. He saw that with Nancy and Steve back at the lover's lake and the Upside Down. “That’s love…”
You don’t mean to make it awkward again, so you look down at your legs, ending the conversation. You hadn’t been too close to Eddie since everything started, it mostly had been looks that said: be careful, it’s gonna be fine, oh thank god you’re alright.
Maybe the actions had been speaking more. When he grabbed you from falling in the Upside Down after that tremor. Or when he pushed you to prevent more demo bats from scratching and biting your neck.
“I can’t believe you slaughtered that bats while bleeding” he tried to start a conversation again. You raise your head to see him, and your smile, but the thought of your aching neck made you touch it with your fingertips.
“Does it look that bad?” You ask shyly. Eddie gets a little closer, pretending to inspect your damaged area, but instead, he’s looking at your necklace. A gold string with a microscopic ring hanging, pretty, he thought.
“Nuh-uh, you have to take care of it, but… you looked badass right there. I said to Harrington you two had an Ozzy level moment” he feels like he won when he hears you laughing. And he remembers Steve’s words, he said that you were like his little sister, he cared for you a lot, so he made him promise to never hurt you. Eddie was relieved to have Steve on his side when he explained what happened with you two the day that Chrissy died.
“You’re an idiot, Munson” you mutter, still laughing a little at his musical concert references. “Pray I don’t get a disease as Ozzy did, please”
You stop laughing when you hear Steve and Nancy talking, so you guide your eyes and head to them, indicating Eddie to hear. He stays quiet and hears about Harrington's six little nuggets.
He definitely doesn’t want six fetuses, he would go crazy. But he can see you with at least two nuggets. So he can’t blame Steve, he can’t laugh, because he wants the same thing, but with you.
“You have to be fucking kidding me” so every girl in Hawkins who was buying guns decided to also take all the black turtleneck shirts, leaving just one extra small.
“You can fit on that, plus, it’ll cover your neck,” Max says, handing it to you. You take it hesitating and grab a pair of military boots.
“At least it’s a cool outfit” Max giggles at your words. She throws a package of little explosives at you, making you frown, but there’s nothing weird with that anymore, since you were preparing to kill a supernatural monster.
“Let’s go, we need more bandages for Steve” the red-haired follows you through the store, grabbing more things around.
“So when are you talking with Eddie?” Her question surprises you, you didn’t think Max would ask you about the topic.
“I don’t know, Why are you asking?” She drags the car across the hall, slowly.
“The poor guy looks so down for you” you smile, feeling blushed. Even when there’s a big crowd in the store, you feel like there’s anyone around, just Max and you.
“Funny, because when we found him in the boathouse, I told him we were never being friends again” Max stops the car. Looking at you with wide eyes.
“Girl, you’ve traumatized him!” You start laughing, and she joins you. Maybe she was right, you weren’t being an easy girl with Eddie. “No, but, you should talk with him. With all that is happening, I wouldn’t want to leave anything on bad terms, especially with someone special to me”
You feel bad for her suddenly, Max was cursed. Her life was in danger, real danger. Of all your girlfriends, Max was the funniest, her dark humor matched yours, and hanging out with her and Steve was one of the best things. You missed her, you missed the Max from 1984. And it saddened you that just when she was becoming herself again, she was at risk of being gone again.
‘I promise you I will talk to him. Just as you are getting out of this…” she stood quiet, so you hugged her, and she accepted the hug. “It’s gonna be fine”
“Hey, we really have to go!” Steve Robin and Erica were waiting for you at the beginning of the hall, looking agitated. Max takes the car and walks at a fast pace to them.
Lucas pushes you and Eddie is fast enough to catch you, falling against his chest.
“Sorry pumpkin,” he says in a rush. After encountering Jason and his friends, everyone knew they had to get out of the store.
“Yeah, sure, asswipe” Eddie laughs confused after Steve throws some things at him and helps you seat beside him again.
“What happened?” you sigh, feeling the RV finally moving.
“Jason and his anti-satanic club hunting us” everyone takes a breath after getting into the highway again, you brush your hair, spreading it across your scalp.
“You should have seen, the guy questioned a lot for the blood on her neck” Jason tried to intimidate you, but luckily, Robin saved you. The news caused Eddie to react.
“What? Did he hurt you?” He asks trying to find something in you that could tell him if you were hurt.
“No, I’m fine” you simply say.
“I’m sorry…” he suddenly says, and you frown, confused. He noticed though. “For dragging you into this”
“Hey, I know I said we weren’t going to be friends again, but… What are friends for?” you offer him a sad smile. And Eddie feels a shiver when he sees your face, he can’t let you go.
“We’re talking about it…” his tone is serious, and you feel your heart beat very fast.
“No, please. Not now…” you promised Max you would talk with him, but that wasn’t the moment at all.
“Pumpkin…” he calls your name a few times. But you stand up to go with Erica and Dustin.
Postpone that talk as much as you can, you think to yourself.
It was nice to be able to peacefully breathe, and have a moment to rest. There was nothing around, no traffic, no hysteric people, and no sounds of civilization. You look around, Steve is near counting some bullets with Erica and Lucas, Nancy and Max are seated a little far, then Dustin and Eddie are playing like some idiots.
You remember Robin’s face at the store, she briefly told you what happened with Vicky.
“Hey, Are you, okay?” she stops working and looks at you.
“Yeah, I mean… well, I don’t know” she shrugs and sighs. “It didn’t feel cool to watch her kissing some dude. Not when I thought…”
“…There was a spark in there” you complete for her, and she nods. That was exactly what happened with Eddie and you, but it was worst in your case because it was your best friend. “That’s exactly how I felt when I saw that asshole with Chrissy.”
Robin giggles when you point at Eddie playing with Dustin. “It feels like, all you did, all your feelings were for nothing. You feel like an idiot with yourself”
“That’s exactly how I feel” you place your arm across her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, we’re not even twenty. There’s a whole world outside of Hawkins” she smiles and then looks around too.
“I don’t think your feelings were for nothing…” you look at whatever she’s looking around only to notice Dustin and Eddie looking in your direction. You rapidly hug Robin, hiding your face in her neck.
“Please tell me they stopped looking…” Robin laughs and pats your arm.
“No, but Dustin just kicked Eddie” your heart was beating faster than in the upside down, you want to hide in Robin’s neck forever. “Oh, he’s coming here”
“She doesn’t want to let me go, Munson” it’s the first thing Robin says when he arrives, innocently, trying to have your back. Some seconds of silence, and you know Eddie and Robin are having a battle of killing looks.
“Well, that’s it…” you suddenly feel someone grabbing your waist. And then, Eddie is carrying you over his shoulder.
“Eddie, what the fuck? Put me down!” you can hear Robin laughing loudly. Erica looks confused and Dustin looks happy. The other idiots are not paying attention, thankfully.
“You left me with no choice. We’re talking, right now” finally, he lets you go. You are far from your friends, and the smell of the plants was stronger, it wasn’t bad though.
“Great Eddie. Here I am, ready to pull up a memory I want to sink in the bottom of my heart” he sighs, covers his mouth, and takes some seconds.
“Okay, first of all… I’m sorry for not letting you know I was with Chrissy” you suddenly feel awkward, so you cross your arms over your chest, looking at the grass. “I had the deal with her at school, we talked for some minutes, but she told me she wanted something stronger. So I told her she could come to my place”
“I had any intention with her other than selling her drugs, okay? I thought about driving her to her home and spending the night with you. I wasn’t ditching you…” you hear him, but you focus your attention on the clouds, appearing in pink and orange colors.
“And… you should know that I’ve never had anyone who cared so much for me, not even Wayne. You are the best thing it happened to me, when you walked on your first day of classes, I thought you were the prettiest girl, and then you said you liked me” he smiles at the memory. “I felt so relieved that you accepted me just the way I was”
“Not only you care for me, but for all the kids right here” he points at the guys, and you glance at them “you’re smart, pretty, caring, and so hot. I’m so sorry I said in your face some of it about Chrissy. I think I just wanted to… make you jealous”
“Well, it worked, dickhead” his hands end on your shoulders, and you know it’s time to finally look him in the eyes.
“I know, the thing is… I love you too” nothing in the world could compare to the nervousness you were feeling, how hot your cheeks felt, and how you could even hear your heartbeats “Fuck, I’m not the best with feelings but, I know I love you. I was already attracted to you the moment I saw you, but I really fell in love with you the day you came to the concert. Remember that you told me you were proud of me?”
You nod, smiling. That night was so memorable, and you weren’t lying when you said that to him.
“Yeah? Well, I wanted to kiss you so bad. On all those occasions I’ve called you sweet things or hugged you, kissed your head. All those times I’ve looked like I am at your feet, it was real. Because I am madly in love with you”
When you look at his face again, you burst into tears, his beautiful brown eyes look worried and he carefully wraps you in a hug.
“Oh no, don’t cry. No, I swear it’s real, pumpkin”
“Oh gosh, now I feel like an idiot,” you say hugging him back, crying in his chest. “I’m sorry for being so… harsh. You needed me and I was being stupid. I’m sorry, Eddie”
“Hey, don’t feel sorry. For example, if I had found you with Harrington when we had plans together, I would be pissed, sweetheart” you laugh looking up at him, still in his arms.
“I’m sorry that all of this had to happen to tell how we feel about each other” he nods, he understands. You feel sorry for Chrissy, even if it sounds weird, you feel bad for Jason “But I’m so sorry for you, Eddie. You don’t deserve any of this” his hand reaches your wet cheek, and he smiles.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine. We just have to kill this fucking Vecna and we’re free, and now I know the love of my life also loves me. Everything is fine” you laugh, and you realize he’s right. You can do anything, you can prove his innocence, and fuck it.
“Yes! We’ll get you a fake high school diploma and we’re leaving to California”
It’s been days since you haven’t seen his cute smile, he’s happy, very happy. For some seconds he even forgets they’re not over with the mission, it’s about to start, but now he has you.
“Babe? it could be a little fast but… I want us to get married on the beach” your smile only grows, surprised by his statement. But, if you survive whatever your next encounter with the upside down brings, fuck yeah!, you are marrying Eddie Munson. “What do you say?“
You jump to hug him again. “Yes, yes, yes!” you feel him carrying you again, and then he spins you a couple of times.
“You are the most amazing woman, you know?” You’re laughing, he’s laughing, it’s perfect.
“I love you…” he says once you’re on the ground again. You don’t think you’ll ever love somebody as you love him. Because nobody would fight monsters for you, nobody would risk his life for you as he did.
“I love you too” and finally, he kissed you.
It felt like in those old French movies, the romance, and love. You tug your fingers in his long hair, while one of his hands is on your hip and the other is lovingly caring for your cheek. You can hear Dustin screaming finally, causing you and Eddie to smile in the middle of the kiss.
“I need Steve and Nancy’s blessing…” Eddie rolls his eyes, and follows you, while you hold his hand.
“My parents are together?” Dustin asks as you get closer to them.
“Kinda…” you respond to him. “But we need Steve and Nancy’s blessing”
They finally look at you, Steve’s expression is serious, but then he nods, approving.
“Break her heart and I’ll get you in jail,” he says, making you laugh. Nancy only lifts his finger, also approving.
“Just don’t do things that could traumatize the kids, please” Nancy’s words make Eddie laugh this time. He hugs you from your back.
“Oh no, Wheeler. We’re going to be a couple of responsible parents” Dustin throws a plastic bag to Eddie, laughing.
“Dude, go and help her to get that wound healed” Eddie grabs the bag and drags you inside the RV.
He guides you to the small bathroom, there’s a small sink and shower, and you feel relieved, you needed a shower.
“I’ll wait for you outside, then I can help you with your neck” before he can step away, you grab his jacket.
“Wait. Come with me… we can have five minutes of fun before getting into the monster hunt” he opens his eyes, he wasn’t expecting that insinuation. He wasn’t protesting, you two had been in closer situations, it wouldn’t be weird to show all of your love when you just confessed your feelings.
“Are you sure? Because fuck, I’ve wanted it since I meet you, but…” you take the clean towel you bought and start taking off your shoes.
“I’m getting in the shower. You can just sit and watch…” your flirting tone sends a shiver through his spine. And blood starts rushing through some parts of his body, creating a fire in his stomach.
“Coming!” he says quickly following you.
Next part is smut, pray for me.
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