#like they instantly brighten my mood when i see them smile or laugh
snapghoul · 19 days
Why do I see Bradley find a piano at a random bar in Oklahoma and starting to sing great balls of fire
Like how would the wranglers react to this man singing 
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I laughed at love ‘cause I thought it was funny
Where there’s a piano, there’s Bradley Bradshaw.
Note: this is more Sereshaw than the reactions of the wranglers. But I love using Great Balls of Fire as a reference to Jake and Bradley, I think the songs fits them. And Bradley always has the power to make a crowd go wild with just one song, no matter what state or country he’s in.
Warnings: sickeningly sweet
Song: Great Balls of Fire by Miles Teller
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Bradley was finding an unexpected affinity for the country life. The serene charm of the countryside, when it wasn’t being ravaged by storms, had a way of subtly working its way into his heart. He had even been convinced to start wearing flannel button-ups, much to Tyler and Jake’s amusement, who never missed an opportunity to tease him about his beloved 80s Hawaiian shirts. At least his dad would approve of his style.
The bar was unexpectedly crowded, filled with a diverse mix of patrons. Bradley was relieved he wasn’t clad in one of his flashy blue and pink shirts, as he already stood out enough.
He was only half-listening to Tyler and Jake’s discussion at the table, his attention drifting as he absentmindedly nibbled on peanuts. The conversation was animated and centered around the idea of starting a YouTube channel.
“Ty, we’re an elite special squadron. There’s no way Cyclone would let us start a channel,” Jake argued.
“Come on, Jake! Think about it! If we had some great footage, it could be epic! People would love to see what it’s like inside a jet!” Tyler countered, enthusiasm in his voice.
“Yeah, but the cockpits are cramped enough without shoving a camera in there,” Jake replied, shaking his head.
Bradley’s gaze was suddenly drawn to a piano in the corner of the bar. Instantly, his mood brightened. Without a word, he slipped away from the table, his steps light and purposeful as he headed towards the instrument.
“Right, Roo—” Jake began, turning to his side, only to find Bradley had vanished.“Bradley?”
The group glanced around, surprised by the sudden absence of someone as noticeable as Rooster.
Jake’s eyes quickly found him; Bradley was already perched on the piano bench, methodically dusting off the keys.
“Is he?” Tyler leaned forward, trying to peer around a man who was obstructing his view.
Jake’s face lit up as the familiar, vibrant notes of a piano warm-up began to fill the air. “Yup,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.
Jake slipped away from the table, weaving through the crowd that had grown quieter with the sound of the piano. He approached Bradley, who was seated at the piano with his sunglasses perched on his nose and his sleeves rolled up.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually going to—” Jake started, incredulous.
Bradley shot him a cocky grin, his fingers poised over the keys. “Every crowd is a Jerry Lee Lewis crowd,” he replied confidently.
Jake glanced around the bar, taking in the puzzled but intrigued faces of the patrons. “I don’t think this is a Jerry Lee Lewis crowd,” he said, motioning to the mix of people around them.
Bradley’s smile widened as he began to play. “Trust me,” he said, his fingers striking the keys with a spirited energy. “They’re about to find out what kind of crowd they really are.”
“Bradley—” Jake began, but his words were drowned out by the raucous piano music.
‘You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain,’
Bradley sang with enthusiasm, his voice cutting through the ambient noise of the bar. His fingers danced across the keys with remarkable precision.
Jake couldn’t help but laugh as the crowd began to react, some patrons clapping along and others even getting up to dance. The bar’s atmosphere shifted from casual chatter to lively excitement.
Jake’s gaze met his brother’s, who was watching with wide eyes, the wranglers caught off guard by Bradley’s sudden burst of flare. He had been nothing quiet and reserved for the last few days.
‘But you came along and you moved me, honey.’
Jake felt a nudge as Bradley elbowed him in the hip, snapping him back to the performance. Bradley tilted his head playfully, and Jake responded with a broad grin. Leaning in, he let out an enthusiastic yip.
‘I changed my mind, this love is fine.’
The two of them leaned into each other, their heads close as they shouted the lyrics together, their voices blending with the pounding rhythm of the piano.
“Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!”
Jake was so captivated by Bradley’s presence that he barely noticed the crowd around them. The entire bar was swept up in the moment, their voices merging into a unified chorus of exuberance.
‘You’re fine, you’re so kind,’
Bradley and Jake moved closer, their energy infectious as they sang. Jake practically hung off Bradley, both of them swaying and bobbing their heads with the rhythm.
‘I’ma tell the world that you’re mine, mine, mine, mine.’
The wranglers discovered three things that night as they watched Bradley come alive at the piano. First, he could sing—and he did it remarkably well. Second, his callsign, Rooster, had more layers than they’d initially realized. And third, it was unmistakably clear that those two was hopelessly in love with each other.
Tyler stood in stunned silence, his mouth agape as he watched the scene unfold. While the other wranglers were lost in the music, singing and dancing along, Tyler was frozen in place.
Jake, who had always been reserved and never sang in front of a crowd, was now pouring his heart out in a public display he’d never thought possible. Tyler was struck by the realization that Jake had clearly fallen harder than he had ever seen before. His brother, typically so guarded about his emotions and sexuality, was now openly expressing his feelings, clinging to Rooster and singing a love song with an intensity that left Tyler in awe.
“Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!”
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Embarrassed and Adorable
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request @the-night-owl-blr
Summary: After a day of relaxing together, Y/n mindlessly scrolls through TikTok as Jenna gets ready for bed, where to their amusement, they find Jenna’s old musical.lys. ~ Word Count: 889 ~ Warnings: none just very fluffy
A/N: Hi!! This one is a bit shorter than my others but hopefully you guys still like it. I’m getting a move on with the requests do not fear <3
It was times like these that you loved.  You and your girlfriend Jenna, both finally having days off work, lounged around the house all day refusing to leave each others side as you spent time together that you would typically spend far apart. You watched movies, you cuddled, you danced, you laughed, you baked. You did everything a girl could want, especially if it was with the love of you life.
Sadly, the day was slowly coming to an end. The subtle glow of the moon reflected through the windows of your bedroom, dimly lit by a lamp on your bedside table, where you lay on your shared bed, scrolling on TikTok as you waited for Jenna to getting ready for bed. You had only gone on the app to distract yourself from your girlfriend's brief absence, only to have that absence filled in in a way you weren’t expecting. While scrolling through your usual content, you came across a video of Jenna, but it wasn't one of the thirst traps or edits you'd seen so many times before; it was an old video of her from musical.ly. It was, in fact, her entire old account.
'No way,' you mumbled under your breath as your lips cracked into a warm smile. You couldn't help but chuckle at your discovery, filling the once quiet room with your laughter. “What’s so funny” you hear Jenna ask innocently from the bathroom. “Just TikTok” you snicker earning a hum in return. You were sure you'd be doubled over laughing if you weren't lying down on your stomach.
Scrolling through her videos, you were introduced to a younger Jenna who you regrettably never had the opportunity to meet. It felt like you were watching an entirely different person, one you were still very much in love with and makes you laugh harder than you ever had before. Some of them in particular made you laugh so hard that you gave up attempting to suppress your amusement. Jenna could hear the echo of your laughter from her place in front of the mirror, busy taking off her makeup. Jenna adored the sound of your laughter. The sound alone could brighten her mood instantly. Her adoration also meant that she was very curious at to what was causing the heavenly sound.
Dressed in only underwear and an oversized top - looking as beautiful as ever you might add - Jenna finally comes into the bedroom following the melodic sounds of your laugh. “Ok what on earth is so funny” shes questions looking at you amused, trying to at least hear what’s got you so entertained. She finally recognizes the sound playing repeatedly as she circles the room to her side of the bed to charge her phone, even though it wasn't what she expected.
“Is that one of the sounds from when musical.ly was a thing?” she chuckles brushing away the hair that framed her face as she tries to sneak a look at your phone. You quickly roll onto your back, hiding your screen on your chest, looking at her cheekily as she feigns offence. “Not just any musical.lys” you confess giving her a knowing look. After a few moment of her staring at you in confusion, you decide to help her out by turning your phone around so she can see.
Met with a video of her old self, Jenna’s mouth drops as she looks at you in horror, her cheeks ablaze as she tries to grab the phone from your hand. “Not happening” you giggle as retract your phone, dodging her hand and laughing at how adorable she looks when she’s embarrassed.
“Stop. Give me your phone. Y/n I swear…” she objects climbing on top of you whilst you just continue to laugh your head off. “Give me it” “Nuh uh” “Y/n I swear to god” “Come get it then”. She keeps tackling you and climbing all over you as the two of you roll around on the bed, your shared laughter reverberating off the walls. You manage to keep your phone away from her for a decent amount of time however you eventually give up trying to defend it as she straddles you and pins you to the bed.
She snatches it from your grip with a victorious smirk, “Never again” she giggles. You're so out of breath from laughing that you just lie there and stare at her, a huge grin on your face. Eventually craving more of her touch, you raise yourself to meet Jenna's eye level while she is still on top of you. You always admired her appearance just before bed. No makeup, no extravagant outfits, just Jenna. With a cheesy smile, you wrap your arms around her waist and pull her back down onto the bed.
As she continues to lie on top of you, you gently take your phone from her hand and set it down on your nightstand before turning back to her. “You’re adorable when you’re embarrassed” you whisper, your lip’s upturned in amusement as you place a small kiss on her head. “Shut up” she murmurs with a small chuckle into your chest as she snuggles closer. Turning off the lamp, you wrap your arms around her, exhaling in content as you stroke her back softly. “I love you” “I love you too”.
@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 4 days
A race for love p.5
Hii guyss, here's part 5 of the love triangle between Ollie and Franco, if you have missed part 4 here it is.
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- Austrian Grand Prix 2023 -
After watching Oliver’s F2 race, your day quickly spiralled into chaos. As soon as you returned, your dad was waiting, immediately asking where you’d been all morning. Before you could catch your breath, he had you helping out at the motorhome for the rest of the afternoon, right through the main race. The hours flew by in a blur of tasks—organizing, assisting the crew, and finally helping them pack up everything for the next race.
You hadn’t stopped once, and though the non-stop activity was exhausting, you welcomed it. Being busy kept your mind off things, though a small part of you felt a twinge of regret for not being able to visit the other paddock to say goodbye to Franco or Oliver. As the day wound down and the last of the equipment was packed, you realized how quickly time had slipped away.
Just as you were about to head back and call it a day, your phone buzzed. Glancing at the screen, you couldn’t help but smile when you saw Franco’s name. Despite the whirlwind of the afternoon, that small message from him instantly brightened your mood.
As you open Franco’s message, your heart skips a beat.
"Hey, I looked for you after the race, but you were nowhere to be found. I just wanted to check if you were okay. Also… I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get on the podium today. Really wanted it."
Though the message seems simple, there’s something deeper in his words, a kind of quiet frustration. What you don’t know is that Franco had been determined to impress you today, pushing himself harder than usual in hopes of standing on that podium with you watching. Fourth place had felt like a letdown—not just for the race, but because he couldn’t show you what he was truly capable of.
You smile softly at his concern, quickly typing back:
"I’m so sorry, Franco! My dad asked for my help, and I’ve been busy with the team all afternoon, helping them pack up for the next race. I didn’t even have time to stop by and say goodbye to anyone!"
You pause, wondering how to word your next thought. Your fingers hover over the screen before you start typing again.
"But I saw you race! Even though you didn’t get a podium, you were amazing out there. I really think you have so much potential, Franco. You’re going to make it, I know it."
You hit send, feeling a little shy. To you, it’s just an honest compliment—he’s a talented driver, after all. But Franco’s heart swells as he reads your message. He smiles at the words, the disappointment from earlier easing a little as he re-reads, "you were amazing out there."
For you, it was just a race—another part of the weekend’s excitement—but for Franco, it had been his chance to prove himself to you. Yet, here you are, unknowingly telling him that he didn’t need a podium for you to notice him. That simple innocence, the way you genuinely support him, only makes his feelings grow.
Franco’s reply comes quickly, his usual playful tone shining through.
"I’m glad you think so. I’ll just have to make up for it at Silverstone. Are you coming to that race too?"
You grin, already feeling a rush of excitement at the thought of seeing him again, but you also remember Silverstone is a big weekend for McLaren. Typing back, you reply:
"Yes, I’ll be there! It’s McLaren’s home race, so I’m really looking forward to it. But I’ll definitely stop by the F3 paddock to see you."
The thought of juggling your time between Franco and the rest of the weekend fills you with anticipation, but you’re eager to support both. Franco’s response comes in almost immediately.
"Looking forward to it already. Maybe this time I’ll actually get to say goodbye before you disappear with your dad," he teases, though there’s a warmth in his words.
You can’t help but laugh softly at his message, quickly typing back.
"I promise! No disappearing acts this time."
After a few more playful exchanges, you tuck your phone away, the excitement building inside you for Silverstone. Between the McLaren excitement and the chance to see Franco again, the next race weekend is already shaping up to be even more thrilling.
As the day winds down and you’re helping your dad finish packing, you glance at your phone, already counting the days until Silverstone. Just as you’re about to leave with him, your phone buzzes again. Expecting it to be Franco or maybe a reminder from the team, you casually unlock it, only to feel your stomach drop when you read the message:
"Franco is not who you think he is. You aren’t special."
The words seem to leap off the screen, chilling you for a moment. You blink, rereading the message, confusion swirling in your mind. Who could’ve sent this? And why? You glance around the paddock, but everything seems normal—busy, loud, and crowded with people finishing up for the day. But this message… it sticks with you, a strange and unsettling feeling creeping in.
You try to shake it off as you follow your dad, but the words replay in your mind. What did they mean, "Franco is not who you think he is"? And why would someone send this to you?
With the excitement of Silverstone ahead, the anonymous message leaves a shadow hanging over your thoughts as you walk toward the car, wondering what exactly the next race might bring.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
every little thing she does is magic || j.h.s
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Summary: What is really the best way to tell someone you love them? At 7, Jake doesn't really know. All he knows is that Dani makes his heart flutter, and she's just - she's just magic.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x OC
Authors Note: This is for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober challenge! Thank you Em for creating such a fun event! Also, thank you to @demxters and @hangmanssunnies for beta'ing and being a huge support!
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Age 7
“Dad. How did you know you wanted to marry Ma?” Jake clambered up onto the couch next to his father, legs swinging back and forth as he sat on the edge. His dad put down the newspaper he was currently reading, pocketing his reading glasses as well. 
Jake could tell that his dad was thinking really hard about his question because his eyebrows dipped and he rubbed his chin, something he always did when thinking. He waited patiently for an answer, picking at his shorts where a colourful plane bandaid was sat over a scrape he’d gotten falling off the monkey bars at school. It hadn’t hurt very much and Dani had shared her cookies with him, making him feel better instantly. 
“Well, I love her more than I could explain, so I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph said, leaning back in his airchair. 
Jake hummed, biting his lower lip. “But how did you know you loved her then?”
His dad laughed, reaching over to tug Jake onto his lap and ruffle his hair, much to his dismay. “Whenever I was around her, I felt light. I felt happy, just seeing her. Her smile brightened up my entire day. Still does.”
Jake pondered his dad’s answer for a moment, small fingers toying with the wedding band adjourning Joseph’s ring finger. 
“Dani always makes me feel better.” He admitted, once again thinking of how seeing his next door neighbour always brightened his mood.
His dad laughed. “Does she now?” 
“Yup. She’s like.. um.. she’s like magic.” Jake was proud of himself for finding the perfect way to describe Dani. 
His father oh’d, eyes sparkling. “Like magic? Well, then you gotta hold onto her. People like her are very special.” 
Jake made an agreeing sound, nodding his head determinedly. “Do you think Dani would want to marry me?” 
Joseph coughed, rattling Jake in his lap. “I think the two of you are a bit too young to be thinking about marriage, Jacob.” 
“But dad, you married Ma because you loved her.” Jake whined, stubbornly crossing his arms across his chest. 
Jake knew now that he did love Dani. She always made him smile, made him feel better and she was indeed magic. Everything she did was magical, Jake thought. 
“You have to wait until you’re a bit older, son. Me and your mother was adults when we got married.” Joseph laughed, finding his son’s crush on their neighbour adorable. 
He pondered for a moment, legs swinging back and forth. “But how will she know that I love her then?” 
“Who do you love?” Claudia appeared in the doorway, flour dusted on her apron. 
Father and son looked up at the interruption, watching as she leaned against the doorframe. “Well? Go on then.” 
“Dani! Dad said he knew he loved you because you always made him smile and he was always happy to see you. When I see Dani, I always feel better,” Jake rambled, missing the look shared between his parents. “And she shared her cookies with me last week, after I scraped my knee and she’s just so pretty and I wanna make her laugh all the time -“
“Jake, slow down.” Joseph smiled, ruffling his son’s hair once again. 
“Maybe you can pick some flowers from the garden?” Claudia suggested. Jake lit up, sliding off his fathers lap, almost tripping over the carpet on his way to the back door. 
“Dani loves flowers! Thanks Ma!” Jake pushed the door open, hurrying out into the garden, excitement seeping into his veins. Flowers would be the perfect way to let Dani know how much she meant to him. 
His mother had rows and rows of flowers in the garden. Jake wandered around for a while, trying to find the perfect ones. Dani deserved the best.
“Hi Jake! Whatcha doing?”
Dani was leaning over the fence, smiling widely at him. Jake felt his heart flutter and he quickly hid the flowers he’d picked behind his back. “Uh, I’m just -”
“What’s behind your back?” Dani asked as she climbed the fence, entering the Seresin backyard. 
Jake felt the blush creeping up his cheeks, suddenly nervous about his gift. What if she didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t enough? 
Dani was still smiling, bouncing on her feet as she watched him blush and stutter. Jake tried to find the right words but nothing came out. Eventually he just held out the small bouquet to her, hoping it would be enough. 
“Um, I picked them for you..” Their hands brushed as Dani took the flowers from him, holding them up to her face to smell them. Jake waited nervously with a bated breath for her reaction. 
Dani threw her arms around his middle, hugging him tight. Jake automatically wrapped his arms around her waist, heart thumping as her scent invaded his senses. “I love them so much! Thank you, Jake!” 
Her words were muffled against his shoulder but it didn’t matter, Jake heard her. She loved them. She loved the flowers. 
“Do you wanna come and feed the horses with me?” She asked, pulling back slightly. Jake nodded as they pulled apart, offering his hand. Dani laced their fingers together and Jake felt that rush again, the same one as he always felt when Dani was in the vicinity. It felt like magic.
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Age 18
“I’m going to miss this,” Dani sighed as she leaned back into Jake’s arms, pulling the blanket tighter around them. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, listening as the car radio played quietly in the background. The truck bed was filled with blankets and pillows. He’d opted against candles even though it would have been a nice touch. But he didn’t feel like tempting fate playing with fire so close to fabric.
He let his fingers trace mindless patterns up and down Dani’s arm, content to just hold her as they watched the stars and listened to old 80’s songs. He hummed along to every little thing she does is magic, enjoying the moment. 
“What are you going to miss?” He asked, lacing their fingers together. 
“Everything, I guess? This, us -”
“It’s not the end, baby. You don’t have to miss us, I’m right here.” Jake interrupted, squeezing the hand he was holding. 
Dani twisted in his arms before sitting up. Jake instantly missed the warmth and tried to tug her back against his chest. “Dani -“ 
She frowned, trying to pull her hand from his. “Everything’s changing. In two months we’re going to be on the opposite sides of the country, you’ll be busy with flight school and I’ll -“ 
“Stop! Baby, listen to me,” Jake grabbed onto both of her hands, pulling her closer despite Dani’s attempts to keep a small distance between them. “Danielle, look at me.” 
Dani sagged against his side, sniffing slightly. Jake rarely called her by her full name, so he knew she would listen. 
He pulled her upright again and gently grabbed her chin. “I have loved you since I was seven years old. Maybe even longer. That’s not going to change anytime soon. So it won’t matter if we’re on opposite sides of the country, okay? We’re going to make things work.” 
Dani huffed, smiling at him with watery eyes. “Since you were seven?” 
Jake nodded, pulling her into his lap. “Yes ma’am. I think it was earlier but I remember asking my dad about love and stuff, and when he explained it, I knew.” 
Dani stayed quiet, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as Jake continued to talk. 
“I remember asking him if we could get married. He said we needed to be older but that I should hold onto you. I told him you were magic.” 
Dani barked a laugh. “Magic?” 
“Yeah. Every time I saw you, I instantly felt better. You always made things better, brighter. You made me feel warm, that fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever you smiled at me. And guess what?” 
“What?” Dani mumbled, nose pressed to his pulse point. 
Jake smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I still feel that warm, fuzzy feeling when you smile at me. That’s how I know we’re going to be fine.” 
“I knew I loved you when you punched Micheal Pearson after he pushed me from the swings.” 
Jake laughed, shaking his head. “He deserved it.” Dani joined him, laughing together as they remembered their childhood. 
After a while their laughter died down and they sat in silence again, bodies intertwined tightly together. 
“We’re good, you and me, right? We’re going to be fine.” Dani whispered, kissing his knuckles. 
Jake smiled. “We’re better than good, baby. We’re magic.” 
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Five years later 
“When Jake was seven years old, he asked me how I knew that I loved his mother. How I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph laughed, adjusting his tie. 
“At first, his questions caught me off guard. I hadn’t really expected to have that conversation with my seven year old.” The guests laughed, most of them turning to look at the blushing groom. 
“After I answered him as truthfully as I could, Jake promptly asked me if I thought Dani would like to marry him.” The laughter rose, many of Jake’s squad members making kissing noises at the newlyweds. 
“It definitely threw me, but I quickly told him that they needed to wait a little while longer. That they were too young. But me and his mother made sure to let him know that he should still let her know how much he liked her.” 
Joseph paused and took a moment to study his son and his new wife. 
“As we watched him trying to find her the perfect bouquet of flowers from our yard, I knew. I knew that one day I was going to have to speak at their wedding.” 
Dani was crying, leaning into Jake’s side as they listened. 
“I’m gonna wrap this up before I start crying. Jake, son. I am so proud of you, and what you have achieved so far. And most importantly, I am so proud of your choice of wife. Dani, keep him on his toes, he needs it.” 
“I told you once as a kid and I’m telling you now again as a man. Don’t ever let go of her. Don’t ever let each other go. What you have is special. Like Jake once said, it’s magic.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw@imjess-themess@antiquitea@fuckyeahhangman@writercole@hederasgarden@yanna-banana@wkndwlff@bobfloydsbabe@hollandorks@anniesocsandgeneralstore@ereardon@luminousnotmatter@roosterscock@thedroneranger@fandomxpreferences@top-hhun@princessmisery666@bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly@a-reader-and-a-writer@green-socks@angstybluejay@seresinhangmanjake@ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl@gigisimsonmars@girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes@unhinged-btch@horseshoegirl@sadpetalsstuff@bradshawbaby@ahopelessromanticwritersworld@ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters@amortentiadrops@teacupsandtopgun@hangmanscoming
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turvi · 2 years
My Girl
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Pairings: George Weasley x Reader, Draco x Reader (slight)
A/N: He looks so beautiful here thanks to whoever made this GIF I love it. Also, REBLOGS and FEEDBACKS are appreciated.
I woke up with the sun hiding behind the clouds I instantly noticed that it might rain today. I opened the window and the smell of rain and pleasant weather instantly brightened my mood. Yes, it's definitely the weather that has my mood brightened up and not the fact that I spent last night talking nonsense with George Weasley.
It's not like I have never seen him around in fact it's like he is everywhere but I never thought I would have a conversation with George Weasley let alone enjoy it. It's not like he is a bad person but the fact that I always identified him as the other twin. He was just in the background in my life. I never thought we would have so much in common even after the fact that my family is one of the most powerful families like the Malfoys and I am a Slytherin.
I get up from my bed reluctantly. I have to face my reality. With the new day, I am no longer Y/n who makes bad jokes, loves hugging, and loves singing off-key. Today I am Y/n L/n, she has to maintain her family's reputation. She will marry Draco Malfoy and tolerate his snarky comments, and his flirtations with other girls. Just sit there like a doll and take jabs from life without shedding a single tear. I know my fate. My mother and my grandma shared the same fate. Their husbands sharing their beds with everyone but them.
As I walked down the stairs I noticed George and Fred in the hallway laughing. I crave the life they have, the family they have. Unfortunately, George looks up at the same time I was looking at him and I walk past him fast. Like last night never happened. He kept calling my name and I kept ignoring him like it didn't hurt my heart to act like nothing happened.
I quickly hide behind a pillar so that he loses my trail. I want to tell him how sorry I am, how much I enjoyed our conversation last night, and how if circumstances would have been different I would have let him hold me. I hope he hates me because my fate won't let me love him. George Weasley will hate me and I will have to live with it
George's POV
Y/n avoided me like she never me told her deepest fears, things she hated, things she liked. I should have seen this coming. Everyone warned me but I still went after her.
People will call me stupid for the decision I am about to make but I don't want to have regrets in my life. So I devised a plan with Freddie. The best part? He loved it. She might hate me if I do this but I will hate myself more if I don't. But I can't give up on Y/n not until she personally tells me to.
Y/n's POV
I walk to my dorm and lost track of Draco mid-day. I don't know how am I supposed to spend my life with him when he is not even willing to try just a bit. As I open the door I saw a bouquet of calla lilies on my bed. I picked it up and noticed a note attached to it.
My Dearest Y/n,
You have given me the greatest gift. Gift of getting to know you. I want to return the favor. Please please come to the courtyard at 8:00 pm. I'll wait for you with your gift.
PS: It is something that reminds me of you
I couldn't help but smile. He actually listened to every word I said. He is making it hard for me to distance myself from him. He was supposed to hate me. Well alright, I am going to give him an ultimatum that I can no longer be around him.
I quickly make up an excuse after dinner to Draco why I won't be joining him. He waves me off. Tears brimmed my eyes. I tried, I really did but I just don't know what I did to deserve a fate like this.
I got up and went to the courtyard immediately to see George peeking from behind a pillar.
"Thank you for the flowers, George. They were really pretty"
"How did you know I sent the flowers?" he says finally showing himself
I chuckle "It was just a wild guess, also your handwriting is bad"
He slowly made his way towards me "Hi"
"Hi, where is my gift"
He looked at his watch and took my hand and started running.
"Where are we going, George?"
"Don't worry love I am not running away with you....... not yet just wait and watch"
He leads me towards the empty ground, whomping willow just meters away.
"I don't understand"
He points toward the sky and soon it is filled with glowworms. I notice Fred and Lee Jordon hiding behind the bushes waving at me. I look back at George to find him already looking at me.
"Glowworms remind you of me?"
"Well you see how they go so well with the night I think you are the glowworm to my night."
He got closer and nudged my nose. I instantly backed away the hurt in his eyes shattering my heart.
"We can't George"
He took my hand and looked into my eyes "I am willing to fight for this Y/n, I feel what we have is going to be very special and I will be an idiot if I let go of this, but I can't fight if you don't feel the same"
"George my parents will not agree, I have always listened to what they say.... but not anymore I really tried to be good with Draco and it has led me to nowhere, I won't let go of the chance of being with someone who actually cares about me so George Fabien Weasley would you like to be my boyfriend and if the chance comes up run away with me?"
He looks at me slackjawed and slowly cups my face "Yes". He peppers my face with his kisses.
"Y/N L/N IS MY GIRLFRIEND" he yelled at the glowworms
"GEORGE NOO" I held him back
"Oh wait I haven't kissed you properly love"
With that, he pressed his lips to mine holding me closer and making me forget my promise to myself as he kissed me passionately.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
hii! I have a request for your event ❤️ I came across this headcanon about Muichiro ~ sometimes when he sees his reflection, he gets sad or upset because the image reminds him of his deceased twin... like his other half is missing from his life 🥺 but luckily Kagaya and Amane are there to brighten his mood with some tickles! Trust that his adoptive parents will always keep a watch over him 🙏
Thank you for considering my request! I hope you're having a good day or night!
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
Oh this one HURT! But like- who doesn't love some angst in the afternoon! :D No seriously, this was fantastic for a headcanon, and I adore Kagaya and Amane being foster parents to him cause Muichiro deserves it! I've gotcha covered!
CW: Angst. Hurt/comfort, Character death mentioned.
He hated mirrors.
He hated how wherever he looked into them, he only saw Yuichiro. He saw his twin’s eyes, his nose, the almost permanent frown on his lips that shook with refrained tears. He hated that he couldn’t see his brother smiling back at him. Even when he tried to, it looked as broken as he felt.
Muichiro wanted to shatter the mirror. He turned away instead.
“Tokito? Come, join me.” Kagaya’s soothing voice stopped him in his tracks. “If you have the time, of course.”
“Always, Master.” He nodded, his feet carrying him where his heart hesitated. Soon he was sitting beside the older man, looking out at the courtyard. It was a lovely sight- a landscape of trees and greenery and birds chirping in the wind.
Yuichiro would like this.
Any comfort he had faded near instantly.
“Your mind is elsewhere. Do you wish to share?” At Kagaya’s gentle prompting, Muichiro found himself speaking. He told him about Yuichiro, about how his family lived in the mountains. He told him of the winters they’d all survived beneath several blankets, and how in summer he and his twin would go swimming in the stream to cool down. He told him of his parents demise- and how it stole away his brother’s youthful nature. He told him of their fight, and eventually, their end.
When he finished speaking, his eyes were wet, and he found both his hands were taken. One in Kagaya’s, and one in Amane’s. No words were needed, and he didn’t know if he could find them anyway. Instead, he squeezed them both back tightly. “I erm…thanks for listening to me.”
“But of course. You’re one of our children. We’ll always listen to you when you need to talk.” Kagaya smiled gently at him- the gesture making him want to cry all over again.
“Now now, no more tears.” Amane spoke softly from behind, her fingers tapping into his sides and making him giggle. “A heart needs sunshine after such rain. Wouldn’t you agree, my love?”
“Oh but of course. You’ve taught me that all too well.” He turned to the pair, smiling as Muichiro snickered and squirmed in her arms. “Hold him for me, love?”
“But of course.”
“Nohohoho! Nohooht twohohooho of yohohohou!” Muichiro cackled as his sides and stomach were prodded at, torn between curling up in a ball and rolling away. In the end, he just kinda took it, curling his hands into fists beneath his sleeves as he laughed.
At some point, he swore Kagaya and Amane looked like his parents. Another point, he saw Yuichiro. They were smiling at him, just like before.
He felt that comforting feeling from before seep back in, this time to stay.
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drvirgus · 10 months
My Enemy
Yuna X Fem! Reader
Description: Yuna your ex-Girlfriend hates you. Or does she? Why did you break up? What if she wants you back?
Chapter 6:
"We're going drinking, we're going drinking, I'm gonna drink, and get drunk," I sang happily as we got into our manager's car. We were all dressed nicely. The others were wearing beautiful dresses, but I wasn't the dress type. I preferred wearing pants. At least I had an elegant shirt on and even a tie, thanks to Kazuha, who forced me into it.
"Wow, she's not even this happy when we're performing," I heard Yunjin say as she chuckled. I turned to her with a wide grin. She was right; I was genuinely happy right now, knowing I would get thoroughly drunk. I immediately flashed her a middle finger, and she returned the gesture.
With a smile, I convinced our manager to connect my phone to the car's audio system, which finally happened after a lot of complaining. I immediately played a few songs that got us in the mood. Kazuha, Yunjin, and I laughed and sang along loudly.
"What's wrong with them?" Chaewon asked, noticing the others' antics. Eunchae already had her phone in hand and started recording us. Sakura and Chaewon looked at each other and shook their heads, clearly amused. I switched the song, and suddenly Chaewon was singing along loudly too.
Grinning, I looked at Chaewon, who had her eyes closed as she sang passionately. We all clapped our hands and encouraged each other. Eventually, we arrived at the club. Our manager had rented a whole VIP room so we could have fun in peace.
We entered the club through the back entrance, and a club employee immediately led us to the designated room. Smiling, we looked around, but Yunjin was the first to order drinks for all of us. Some bottles of shots were already on the table, and I helped myself to one.
Slightly inebriated, I sat on the couch, my gaze fixed on Yunjin and Kazuha, who were dancing with wild abandon. Eunchae was engrossed in her phone, doing who knows what. Chaewon and Sakura engaged in conversation, with Chaewon occasionally getting up to dance. I watched with a smile as Sakura finally got up to join in the dancing.
The door swung open, and my eyes widened. Newjeans entered the room, which surprised me a bit since most of them were underage. But, well, Eunchae was here too. As Eunchae spotted Hyein, she immediately stashed her phone away and went to join her. Minji's gaze instantly landed on me.
My face brightened as Minji approached me after greeting the others. She settled down next to me with a smile on her face, prompting me to laugh as well. I was genuinely thrilled to see the younger girl. Her hand immediately on my thigh, my smile only grew wider with this small action she just did. 
"Hey," I murmured as I leaned in closer to Minji. Her eyes widened slightly, and she suddenly burst into laughter. "How much has my baby been drinking?" she asked in her sweet voice, causing my heart rate to quicken a bit. I just smiled wider. "Good question," I replied. My eyes locked onto hers. "Don't I get a kiss?" I pouted slightly, my lip forming a playful curve.
Minji's hand squeezed my thigh, and she chuckled. "Does my baby want a kiss? Right in front of everyone?" She seemed pleasantly surprised, her eyebrows arching as she regarded me with amusement. Surprised myself, I glanced around briefly before nodding. "Okay," I said and took a sip of my drink.
"Do you want a drink too?" I asked with a broad grin on my face. Without waiting for an answer, I got up from the couch and headed to the bar. We had started treating one of the club's employees as our bartender since we were drinking like fish. With even more people arriving now, it was even better.
Smiling, I returned to the couch with Minji's drink and my own in hand. Minji smiled when she looked at me. She even chuckled a bit. "You look so cute," Minji whispered as she watched me leaning closer to her, inserting the straw into my mouth to take a sip of my drink.
My eyes wandered back to Yunjin and Kazuha. They had been drinking, but there was a certain distance between them. I rolled my eyes. "What's going on?" Minji asked. I got closer to her so that she could hear me over the music. I nodded my head towards Yunjin and Kazuha. "They like each other, but neither of them dares to make a move," I sighed.
Minji nodded in understanding. Shortly afterward, she pointed to Danielle and Haerin. "I have the same problem," she replied, making me laugh. Minji and I exchanged smiles, and we were both grinning widely. "Luckily, we don't have that problem, right?" Minji said with a smile. I grinned back and gently bumped her nose with mine.
"Hey, don't I even get a hello?"
My forehead creased in confusion as I looked up at Ryujin. My mouth opened, and I immediately stood up. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, hugging her tightly. "What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised to see Ryujin. She chuckled. "You're already having a great time. Yunjin invited us," she replied as she hugged me back.
Minji got up from the couch and bowed. Ryujin chuckled. "Us? Is the rest of the gang here too?" I asked with a smile. I looked around, and there they were. The room was filling up with more people, and it motivated me to have even more fun. But my excitement faded when I saw a particular person.
Ryujin noticed and her smile became somewhat worried. "We know now, Y/n. You don't have to hide it anymore," the older girl said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. I nervously smiled. "Okay. Yeah, um... I'll go get something," I replied because I just wanted to escape from this conversation.
My legs carried me to the bar, and the bartender laughed as he looked at me. I ordered the same drink repeatedly, so he prepared it without me saying anything. I patiently waited, leaning against the bar.
"You're drunk," I heard someone say beside me. I blinked to focus my eyes and looked at the taller woman beside me, who was observing me. That look... it seemed as if she missed me. As if she had found something she had been searching for for years...
But I didn't respond. I simply looked away from her. "Why... are you drinking so much?" she asked again. The bartender looked interested in our conversation. I sighed and glanced at Yuna. "Why do you ask?" I asked as I took my drink in hand. However, I felt Yuna's hand on my wrist, and I let go of my drink. I removed Yuna's hand from my wrist. I narrowed my eyes. "You don't need to worry. I'm fine," I replied, but Yuna just continued to look at me.
She licked her lips, her eyes fixed on me. "I meant it," she began. I raised an eyebrow in surprise as I looked at Yuna. Her face became even more serious as she took a deep breath. "I want you to be m—" she started but immediately stopped when she noticed someone else had joined us.
I was startled when I felt an arm around my waist. Minji pressed against me as she looked at Yuna with narrowed eyes. Yuna also looked much more serious now. I blinked in surprise. "Is everything okay?" Minji asked as she smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded my head.
I picked up my drink, and now Yuna even allowed it. I went back to the couch with Minji. I placed my drink on the table and sighed as I sat down. Minji sat close to me, examining my profile. I turned my head to look at her. "What's go—" I began to ask but stopped when I felt her hand on my cheek, and her lips pressed against mine.
Surprised by this move, my eyes widened. Now, with even more people here than before, she was kissing me? What had changed?
But I didn't mind. In fact, I liked it.
I smiled as I felt her hand on my thigh and her lips on mine. My hand traveled to the nape of her neck as I let myself sink into the kiss. I sensed Minji applying more pressure and her hand moving further up my inner thigh.
My breath quickened, and I turned my body more toward her. Suddenly, Minji grinned into the kiss. She slowly pulled away from my lips and stared directly into my eyes. My face flushed, a combination of the kiss and the alcohol. My breath escaped in uneven bursts from my slightly parted lips.
Minji grinned proudly as she looked at my face, as if nothing had happened. Almost casually, she grabbed my drink and took a sip. "Y/n, just how much is in here?" She wrinkled her nose in slight disgust. She looked at me in disbelief, but I was still speechless about the whole situation.
I took the drink from her and placed it back on the table. My hand then reached for hers, and Minji smiled as her head tilted slightly to the side. I got up from the couch, my face even redder than before. "Come with me," I whispered, so Minji didn't quite understand me. It wasn't until I tugged at her hand that she got up too.
We slowly left the room, and I could almost feel all the eyes on us. Yeji even elbowed Ryujin to stop her from talking to Lia and pointed in our direction. But I didn't pay much attention as we left the room. Minji followed me as I gently led her.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Minji asked, looking at me with concern as we finally found our way to the restroom. My eyes fixed on Minji. "You... you can't just kiss me like that and then... stop," I said, feeling embarrassed. My face now completely red. Minji's eyes widened knowingly, a grin on her face. "No?" she asked, getting closer to me.
I swallowed as I felt the sink against my back. Minji grinned even more and placed her hands on the sink, trapping me between her arms and the sink. Her face was now inches from mine. "What do you want me to do, Y/n?" she said softly, her breath against my lips.
I swallowed nervously. My eyes first glanced at her left eye, then her right, and then to her lips. "I, um..." I stuttered, visibly nervous. Minji giggled softly, her hand now on my hip. "Do you want me to do this?" she asked as her lips pressed against my cheek. "Or this?" she asked again as she kissed the tip of my nose.
My heart raced like crazy in my chest. "Minji," I uttered. A sigh escaped me, which she seemed to enjoy. My hand was now on her dress as I clenched the fabric between my fingers. "I want... more," I replied, feeling embarrassed. Minji laughed again.
"More? I think I don't quite understand..." Minji responded. Impatiently, I swallowed as I stared at her lips. My hand moved to her nape to keep her in place. Instantly, I was the one connecting our lips. Minji just smiled as she continued to press me against the sink.
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They ended up not going very far, finding themselves at a little wooden hut next to a small pond.
“ This is Eret’s hut! He built this for us because he kept on motherhenning us when we were out late because he though we were going to get ate by monsters.” Tubbo said matter of factly. Tommy scoffed, saying” jokes on him, I’d eat the monsters.”
Midoriya stared at Tommy for a long moment before laughing a little, disbelief evident.” Eat them? What does that even mean?”
The blonde paused, a smile slowly building on his face.” I’d- you know- chomp it.” He brought his hands in front of his face and made a chomping motion with his mouth, as if he were eating an invisible sandwich. Apparently this was funny enough to send them all into hysterics, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
Poor Tubbo was nearly folded over, and Fundy wasn’t much better. Tommy was nearly on the ground with how hard he was laughing- and Midoriya was laughing. He was happy with these people, they made him happy.
It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. No wonder Kacchan liked hanging out with his friends so much.
The thought sobered him up a bit, but it wasn’t enough to spoil the moment. Even so, he calmed down slightly, a bright grin on his face as the others began coming down from their own bout of laughter as well.
“ Wilbur would kill you if you ate a monster.” Tubbo breathed, a large grin on his face. Tommy’s face twisted into a disgusted expression as he said” I have. Remember when back we were really tight on emeralds and diamonds and we had to eat rotten flesh?”
The mood instantly dropped with Tubbo’s expression. The moobloom hybrid risked a glance at Midoriya, his expression careful as he said” yeah, I do Toms.”
Tommy looked inexplicably guilty for a moment, as if he had said something wrong, before it instantly brightened.” That doesn’t matter! Come on, let’s go raid the closet!” Then he was dashing through the door, followed quickly Fundy. Midoriya could just hear Fundy yell something about Eret and a system right before the door shut.
The two were left in silence, staring at the closed door that separated them from the others.
Tubbo’s stuttered exhale broke that fragile silence. The palm of his hand ground into his eye socket with a frustration that worried Midoriya, a feeling that only intensified at the hybrid’s angry look.
“ I told him not to talk about that shit in front of Fundy.” He growled, the words too raw for them to really be born form anger.
Midoriya hesitated, shifting uneasily on his feet as they stood once more in silence.
“ My family struggled too.” He finally broke the silence, startling them both. He wasn’t sure where that sudden bout of bravery had come from, but it was as if he’d unleashed a flood in himself. He had to get it out, and so he spoke.” My dad left us when I was super young, and my mom was the only thing keeping us from loosing everything. She was gone all the time, and I was usually left at home.” Midoriya shivered, recalling those days of roaming an empty house with puckered burns littering his skin.” We still never had enough to get by, not really. Since she was gone all the time, she couldn’t really bring food home. She usually ate when she was out, and sometimes she just forgot about me.” The words dissolved into a whisper, the tender admittance felt like cough syrup in his throat. The sin of admitting it out load was both a weight on his heart and freeing at the same time. He’d never done this before, and yet he couldn’t find it in himself to regret it.
A glance at Tubbo revealed the boy staring at him, a vaguely bewildered look on his face. It made something in his stomach twist at seeing his expression, and suddenly he felt like dying.
He mumbled a few apologies, scrambling to get inside the hut, but then a hand suddenly yanked him back, and suddenly Tubbo was in his face with a panicked look.
“ My dad used to hit me!” He yelled out in a mess of jumbled words. It took a minute for the words to settle between them, but when they did Tubbo looked absolutely mortified.
“ Oh Prime, why did I say that. Just ignore that, please.” The boy begged, a hand reaching up into his mess of hair to tug at it.
It was a few seconds longer before Midoriya whispered” my dad did too.”
“… What?” Tubbo whispered, giving him a searching look.
Midoriya felt like wilting under his gaze, but managed to say,” before my dad left, he hated me because I- because I didn’t have something other kids had.” He couldn’t say it, he couldn’t tell Tubbo the truth of his quirk. But he could, maybe, tell him part of the story.
He just hoped the boy wouldn’t hate him for it.
“ He thought I’d be perfect, you know? Just like him.” His voice broke at the end, tears dripping down his face as if he were a leaky facet.” But then, when he realized I didn’t, he began drinking. Mom doesn’t like to talk about it, but that was when he got violent, and then one day he just vanished.” He finally burst into sobs, frantically wiping at his face in an attempt to make the tears go away- to just make it stop. “ I remember him burning me before he left, how much it hurt. Mom thinks I don’t remember, but I do.” The green haired boy miserably finished, remembering all too well what that night had been like.
His mom had been at work and his father had been home. He had been drunk, as he usually was, and had been saying something. He had probably been threatening him, now that Midoriya looked back on it, and he had started crying in response.
His dad kept on threatening him, getting angrier and angrier, but all he could do was cry.
Then suddenly there was a rush of fire and then-
Well he didn’t actually know. He woke up in a hospital bed a few hours later, his mother sobbing in a chair near his bed and his father officially missing. The doctors had said he’d been lucky he hadn’t died, that the burns had been minor enough to not leave lasting scars.
Sometimes Midoriya didn’t feel very lucky, but that didn’t matter now.
“ I’m sorry.” Tubbo said, his own voice thick with emotion.” I didn’t really know my dad, he left me in a fucking box to be picked up when I was five. Wilbur found me covered in bruises and shivering in the cold. He was a Prime-damned prick who didn’t deserve me, and your father definitely did not deserve you.” Tubbo gave him a fierce look, as if he dared Midoriya to argue, only to stumble back a moment later as Midoriya gave him a clinging hug.
And that was how Tommy and Fundy found them a few moments later, Midoriya clinging to Tubbo as he bawled uncontrollably into his shoulder.
“ Are we interrupting something?” Fundy asked, giving the two a wary look.
Tubbo, ever the optimist when it came to Fundy, simply said” Midori’s having a hard time right now adjusting, he’ll be okay in a minute.”
When him and Tommy locked gazes a moment later, a silent promise of later was the only thing needed. Tommy was quick to encourage Fundy to give them a hug, which resulting in a large hug-out forming only moments later.
“ Do you feel better Midori?” Fundy asked, his tail wagging behind him. Midoriya, who’d calmed down a little bit ago, just gave him a tight hug.” Yeah, I do Fundy.” His voice was watery, but not unhappy.
To both Tommy and Tubbo his voice sounded lighter, as if a great burden had been taken off his shoulders.
Neither decided to mention it, instead moving onto the reason they had come here in the first place.” We picked out some clothes for you to wear.” Tommy offered, sheepishly holding out a handful of clothes.
Midoriya, to his eternal gratitude, perked up at this. He grabbed the clothes with a thankful grin, mumbling a small thank you before he sprinted into the tiny shack.
“ What happened Tubbo?” Uncle Tommy asked Stuncle Tubbo, a seriousness in his tone that made Fundy falter for a moment. He had never heard his uncle sound so serious- it was weird.
His stuncle just sighed, tugging back his hair with a wince. Fundy was a big peeved at this. He’d spent all day yesterday trying to comb through his hair, and when he’d finally fixed it, it just got tangled up again. How was that fair?
“ Personal stuff. Really personal stuff. You’ll have to ask him about it.” Even as he said the words they were full of hesitation, as if he wasn’t sure of what he was saying.
Which was silly, stuncle Tubbo was super smart. He knew a lot about bees and rockets and nukes- it was stupid for him to be unsure about anything! Let alone words!
Uncle Tommy seemed just as unhappy at his stuncle as Fundy was, but softened when he admitted” it’s parent stuff.”
“ Are you going to tell Wil?” Fundy perked up at the mention of his dad, but withered when stuncle Tubbo shook his head.” I- no. I don’t know? I know he already has an idea of what’s going on- he saw the signs in me.” Signs? What kinda signs? An oak sign? A bitch one? His stuncle wasn’t making any sense, and honestly it was beginning to frustrate him.
Why couldn’t anyone just say what they meant?
“…Okay Tubbo. Just, don’t get hurt. He doesn’t seem like a wrongun, but…” His uncle eventually said, slouching at the end as if the energy had been pulled out of him.
“ Thank you Toms. I really mean it.” His stuncle’s voice was soft, butting into his uncle’s arm gently. Tommy just tousled his hair in response, grinning as stuncle Tubbo ranted angrily in response.
Fundy eagerly joined in on messing up stuncle Tubbo’s hair, but he couldn’t stop thinking about that conversation.
Something was up with Midori, and he’s figure it out.
“ Hi boys! Oh, Midori, you look great!” Wilbur quietly greeted them at the door, the compliment making him turn a deep shade of red.
The outfit was fairly simple, all things considered. The pants were a pair of Tubbo’s and were a beige color, the ends hanging free instead of an elastic end at the bottom. The shirt was Tommy’s, the muted glacier green sweater far to big on him. However it was comfortable and breathable enough that he didn’t think he’d die of a heatstroke during the night. He elected to keep his red converses, something that Tommy had actually been happy about.
They had quickly been ushered into the van, breaking Midoriya out of his thoughts as they all piled in.
The van had seemingly been transformed, a few cots now peppered around the counters as well as two sleeping bags.
“ I’ll take the sleeping bag, you three can duke it out amongst yourselves for the cots.” Wilbur’s words instantly caused a quiet uproar, all of them being mindful their volume for the sleeping Eret in the armchair. Next to the king Fundy squirmed into the other chair, curling up in a ball that was almost painful to look at. Though, the boy looked comfortable enough.
“ I think I should get it.” Tubbo suddenly hissed, a competitiveness in his eyes that almost terrified Midoriya.
Though if Tubbo was terrifying Tommy was a hundred times worse.” Actually, I think I should get it.”
“ I’ll just take the sleeping bag.” Midoriya offered, only to stop at the twin annoyed glanced the two gave him.” Don’t be stupid, you’ve had a rough day and you’re the newbie, you get the cot.” Tubbo deadpanned, looking absolutely done.
Tommy on the other hand,” If you insist Big Guy.” He flopped onto a cot, wiggling in place before finally relaxing with a sigh of content.
Tubbo’s glare was nearly enough to make Midoriya want to cry again. But then he looked back at him with a tired sigh and said” I’ll take the sleeping bag.”
“ What? No you don’t have to do that.” He tried to deny, only for Tubbo to push him forward with a roll of his eyes.” You’re fine, just go to bed Midori.”
Midoriya gave him a guilty look, quickly saying” I’ll sleep on the floor tomorrow?”
To his surprise Tubbo just laughed, his grin borderline evil as he whispered” Tommy’s sleeping on the floor tomorrow, I’ll make sure of it.”
They both splintered off to go to their respective beds, and as Midoriya laid on the cot, listening to the light snores of the people around him…
Well, he sleepily thought, this may not be too bad.
And then he was asleep, joining his new friends in dreamland.
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kairakeiji · 3 years
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split | suna rintarou
pairing: suna x reader
tags: fluff, friends to strangers to lovers
word count: 2.0k
in which you and suna both miss your flight back to tokyo and you find yourself confiding in an old friend as you wait for the morning to come
for @sxphilia - lol shay you read this already but here, ily <33
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everything seemed to be going wrong today.
first, your alarm wasn’t set properly so you woke up an hour late. second, your taxi to the airport arrived late, which only led to you inevitably missing your flight back to tokyo. and to top it all off, the next flight was four hours from now. it certainly wasn’t a big deal, you’re expected back at work the day after you arrive anyway. but there’s been a lot on your mind recently, a debate you just wanted to solve, yet it only seemed like you could start working on it when you arrived back in tokyo. so at the moment, all the what ifs and scenarios just marinated in your head, waiting for some kind of decision to be made.
and your current situation did absolutely nothing to help.
you were leaving america to return home from tokyo. you were there for a prospective job, finally having the chance to follow the career you spent years dreaming about. but japan was your home, and america was so far. you lived in tokyo all your life, your friends, your family, everything was back in japan. you were at a crossroads, unsure of which path to choose.
your old life, or the career of your dreams.
and your vacation only made the choice worse.
the flight attendant nods apologetically again when he hands you your ticket. “thanks,” you nod.
“of course,” he replies, “have a nice day.”
“you too.” but as you walk off a familiar voice makes you freeze in your tracks.
“yes hi, i just missed my flight is there any flight i can take instead?”
you hear the flight attendant’s voice, “yes, of course. where are you going sir?”
“tokyo,” he replies, and your heart drops.
that’s not who you think it is, is it?
“i’ve got a flight at 6 pm tonight,” the flight attendant answers.
wait, that’s your flight.
“sounds good,” and you can hear a hint of disappointment in the familiar voice, turning around to face the desk again.
“alright sir,” the flight attendant nods. “let me just print out your ticket.”
the boy doesn’t turn around, yet his stature, his hair, it just looks so familiar, and before you know it, you’re stepping closer wanting to indulge and curiosity and see the boy.
“thanks,” he replies before his eyes find yours.
it’s him.
your eyes light up as you approach him, “oh my gosh, hi how are you?”
his mood instantly brightens as he moves towards you, “i’m doing pretty good, how’ve you been?”
“well other than the missed flight i’m doing okay,” you answer with a small laugh.
suna quirks a brow, “back to tokyo?”
“i think i’m on the same flight as you,” you nod, holding out your ticket as you both compare the seats.
“and we’re right next to each other too,” he points out. “now what are the odds of that?”
you can’t help but laugh at the rather odd circumstances. “well now that we’ve got four hours to kill,” you sigh. “are you hungry?”
“starving,” he smiles as the two of you make your way through the airport.
“so,” you start, the two of you walking side by side through the busy airport. “why are you here?”
“well i got scouted for a professional team here,” he starts, but i’m already on a team back in tokyo. i came to visit, practice with them and maybe see if i wanna switch.”
huh, what are the odds?
“what about you,” suna asks. “why are you here.”
“well,” you smile. “i got offered a job here, and it’s like the perfect career opportunity, but i’m just not sure if i wanna leave home.”
you don’t miss the way suna relaxes, “so we’re in the same boat then?”
“basically,” you sigh. “like it’s the perfect opportunity, but it’s just so...”
“far from home? far from the life you’ve already built?”
you smile, “exactly,” and there’s a hint of relief in your voice. “i’m just glad someone understands.”
“it’s a tough decision for sure,” he replies before he stops walking. “yn where are we even going?”
you turn back to him, “oh, not sure,” you answer rather blankly, “i was just kind of walking until we found somewhere.”
“because,” and his eyes travel up to the airport directions before looking back at you. “i think we’re going in the opposite direction.”
you blink, “oh shit,” pulling out your ticket and looking at the signs before you slowly nod. “yup, we are.”
suna laughs, “you’ve never really been the best with directions.”
“and you always have some kind of remark to remind me,” you answer walking past him in the opposite direction. “let's go.”
and suna follows behind you a faint smile on his lips as he recalls his high school days. you two were inseparable. after all, and you spent most of your time together. with you becoming manager of the volleyball team, and him being one of the star players, your bond seemed to strengthen as the days went by. but as university came, and you both went down different career paths, the distance just felt inevitable, like something neither of you could control. but this stroke of fate, chance reunion felt so satisfying, like no time had gone by between when you last spoke.
and suna felt like your return was nothing short of a reminder of his feelings back in high school.
he still regrets not reaching out as much as he did. sure, you conversed from time to time but as both of your schedules became busier, it was hard to keep the conversation going. your connection weakened with the distance. but as suna now sat in front of you, a plate of food sitting in front of you, he can’t help but smile at the nostalgia this all brought.
“why california?” you mumble as you meet his gaze.
he snaps out of his trance, “what?”
and you laugh, “why’d you want to play here?” you repeat. “you’re very good at what you do, and i’m certain other places are scouting you.”
“i mean you’re not wrong,” he mumbles.
“wait who else wants you to play with them?” you ask, eyes wide with nothing but curiosity.
“i got one in italy, one down in florida, a couple in japan of course, and then the one here.”
“wow,” you blink before a smile curls on your lips, “look at you being all popular.” and he only shakes his head in response. “then why here?”
suna shrugs, “no clue, honestly i just had a gut feeling to come visit and try the team.”
you laugh, “it’s probably because i’m here.”
yeah, it probably was.
but your face falls flat at the beat of silence, “kidding, i’m kidding,” you quickly add. “did you like the team at least?”
“i did yeah,” he nods, voice soft. “they were all so welcoming and kind. i fit in well actually.”
“i’m glad then,” you smile.
“but then that makes the decision to leave so much harder.”
and you can only sigh at his words.
“what about you?” he questions. “how was the job?”
“it was wonderful,” you answer, mood brightening instantly. “it’s the career of my dreams, i’ll get to be a travel reporter here, and visit all these new places for my job. my coworkers are all so sweet and kind, and they’ve treated me to lunch while i was here. it’s honestly so exciting it’s just,” your face falls, “i’m not sure if i wanna leave home.”
a small frown curls on suna’s lips almost in understanding. “i mean it’s just everyone here speaks a different language, there’s a different culture here, different weather. just,” you pause. “everything is so unfamiliar and foreign, but tokyo is just...”
“safe,” suna finishes. “it’s comfortable, a place you’re used to.”
a small exhale leaves your lips, “i’m just so glad you understand.”
“well if it makes you feel any better,” suna starts. “i’ll support you no matter what.”
you meet his gaze at his words, “for someone who doesn’t often speak you’re saying a lot today.”
“it’s been years since we last spoke,” suna sighs. “i guess time leaves me with a lot to say.”
you pause for a moment, “i’m sorry we fell off,” you mumble. “we used to be so close but then we just fell off.”
“it’s okay,” he nods. “different paths take people in different directions.” and there’s a moment of silence that follows, one that makes you stare at the now empty plate in front of you.
“i missed you.”
suna’s heart skips a beat at your words.
“i missed you so much,” you sighed, eyes meeting his.
“i missed you too,” he replies, “more than you’ll ever know.”
“and,” you add, with a small laugh. “the worst part was i never got to tell you how i felt.”
wait, what?
your eyes widen as your body tenses, becoming aware of the words that just left your mouth, “oh shit,” you mumble, a small smile on your face. “did i just say that?”
and all suna can do is nod.
you lean back in your chair as you curse under your breath, “well,” and you think for a moment before continuing,“i guess i had a small crush on you in high school, not a big deal ya know?” your voice is quick, words spilling from your lips before you have the chance to seal them again. “i mean you probably didn’t feel the same right?”
“i did.”
and now it’s your turn to stare.
“i liked you too.”
you stare at him in complete disbelief, “you’re fucking with me right now aren’t you.”
he shakes his head.
“you serious?”
he nods.
and you sigh, body relaxing, “wow,” you meet his gaze, “if only we knew.”
“if only we knew,” he repeats. “but,”
“but what?”
“it’s never too late.”
your heart skips a beat before you smile, “now what were the odds of this?”
“us meeting in california and confessing?” suna questions. “zero to none.”
and you laugh, and suna swears it’s something he wants to hear for the rest of his life. “and we both have the same decision in front of us.” there’s a silence that follows as your voice trails off, one full of hesitancy, waiting for the other to make the move that you’re too scared to make.
“i mean,” suna starts. “i’ll do it if you do it.”
you blink, “what?”
there’s a slight blush on his cheeks as he continues, “i mean, it won’t be so lonely if you’re here.”
“we could,” you turn up to him, “wait where’s your team located.”
“here in los angeles.”
“and my job’s here too,” you mumble. “so we can be near each other then.”
suna nods, “so we won’t be here alone.”
“and it’s like we’ll be taking a bit of home with us,” you nod.
that’s cute, suna thinks to himself, the idea that he was your home.
“but that’s just an idea,” suna hums leaning back in his chair. “if you want to stay in japan you can, and i’ll still support you nonetheless.”
“i’ll do it.”
his eyes widen, “you what?”
you had been swaying between the two options for so long now.
“i’ll move out to california.”
it was almost as if you were waiting for that final push.
suna blinks, “you will?”
that final factor that pushed you over the edge.
“but only if you do,” you mumble.
luckily for you, you weren’t the only one waiting for that final push too.
“i will,” suna affirms, reaching over hesitantly to grab your hand.
and suddenly everything about this decision, leaving home, moving somewhere new, it all felt right.
your fingers intertwined with his, “alright,” you smile. “then that’s settled.”
because he was going to be by your side.
“we’re moving to california?” he smiles.
and you only affirm, “we’re moving to california.”
you thought you’d find your answer back at home.
but it turns out it was sitting in front of you the entire time.
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thanks for reading!! reblogs are always appreciated <33
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eddiemunsonsbedroom · 2 years
20 Somethings Part 3 (Final)
Eddie Munson x afab!reader/Joyce’sSister!reader
A/N: OMG I’m sorry to anyone actually looking forward to this! I let it slip for a whole month almost. You can search my page for Part 1/2 for a refresher or to read those first, otherwise it may not make sense. Thanks for your patience with me, especially since it’s my first fic. Hope you like. :)
Summary: Joyce’s sister works at a record store and plays guitar in a band with some local pot-heads. When her coworker/bandmate invites his friend Eddie and his band to jam with them, she quickly becomes intrigued. (I suck at summaries).
Warnings: Slight (legal) age gap, drinking, drug use (weed), misunderstandings, overprotective Steve/Jonathan/Hopper (eye roll), fluff, suggestive talk.
Hopper and the Byers are in Hawkins for the sake of this fic... and Alanis Morrisette.
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When you woke up the next morning Eddie’s van was gone. You had stayed up for hours talking about where you saw yourselves in a few years, dancing around the topic of seeing yourselves in relationships. You just met but already hated the idea of being without him.
And now his van was gone.
You tried to think about when you two had fallen asleep. Sometime after 1am. It’s 9 now. What if he got freaked out? Panicked, thinking everything happened too fast? A one-night stand that ran in the same friend circles.
Moving into the kitchen to start some coffee, you saw that the slip of paper with your number written on it for him was missing, filling you with a small amount of relief. You hated wondering and waiting, but you knew that the ball was in his court now.
A week passed with no phone call. Work came and went with no signs of him popping in for records. Band practice Friday was a blur, just going through the motions. Al asked how it went with Eddie the previous week with a wink. You just told him he was a nice guy and left it at that. The last person you were going to open up and moan to was Al, even though maybe he would be too stoned to remember it.
You made some excuse to get the fuck out of there by 7, not wanting to be around anyone. All you wanted was to go to Joyce’s, wallow, and get drunk.
Peeling into her driveway, you parked between Hop’s blazer and Jonathan’s car and slammed your door. Fishing for your key to her house, the front door opened, warm light spilling out into the darkening evening.
El’s head pokes out the front door, smiling. “Hi, y/n.”
Your mood instantly brightens a bit at seeing her. “Hi, babe. Haven’t realized you’re too cool for these nerds yet?” you say a little loud for Will, Mike, Lucas, and Henderson to hear from their spots around the coffee table.
Will gives you a smirk, used to your empty teasing, Mike and Lucas shaking their heads. Dustin deadpans, “I resent that, y/n.” You just blow them kisses and ruffle Will’s hair on your way to say hi to Jonathan.  
You knock on his door only to hear coughing and shuffling, followed by a muffled “oh shit!” that sounds like Steve. Rolling your eyes, you just say, “Cops, open up” in a sing-song voice.
Nancy cracks the door open with a suspicious, too-friendly smile. “Hi..”
“Hi, Nance. You don’t look nervous at all. Let me in,” you say, gently pushing the door when she relents.
Robin looks like she’s going to choke and pass out, while Jonathan is not-subtly waving his hand in front of the window, still letting out tiny coughs.
“Either you kids killed a skunk, or you’re smoking shitty weed.”
Steve huffs an awkward laugh while Jonathan sputters a bit, knowing they’ve been caught.
“You guys have some balls doing that while Hopper is in the kitchen,” you say, getting sick satisfaction out of the pure panic in all of their eyes.
“Hopper is here?!” Robin squeaks out, and you start to feel bad. Ugh.
You sigh deeply. “You know he’s probably 3 beers deep and trying to kill Mike with his mind. He’s not paying attention to you guys. Where’s the joint?”
Nancy sheepishly points to the small drawer next to Jonathan’s bed. Crossing the room, you open it and pull out the ashtray, joint still smoking. You give them all a look that they can’t really decipher as they collectively hold their breath.
Pulling out a lighter from your back pocket, you hold it up to your lips and light it, taking a long drag and sighing as you sit on Jonathan’s bed.
“Well, we might as well finish it.”
You didn’t think you’d be smoking with a bunch of 18-year-olds for your Friday night, but hey, it’s been a rough week.
After everyone relaxes a bit, chatting, the joint finished and stubbed out, you direct Jonathan to point his fan from the door towards the window to get the smell circulating out.
“Where did you guys get the pot anyway?” you ask, elbow propped up on your crossed legs.
“This guy we know named E-”, Robin starts before the door opens.
Joyce peeks in, “hey, I just saw your car outside,” pausing, her brow furrows, “it smells like a dead skunk in here.”
Before everyone starts panicking and word-vomiting at once, you look at your sister nonchalantly, “yeah, I think I hit one outside coming in. At least I hope it was. You guys don’t have a cat, do you?”
Breezing past Joyce in the doorway, you smirk as you hear her say, “Okay… well Jonathan, you might want to close that window,” before she follows you down the hall. He owes you.
The kids are still busy around the coffee table in the living room arguing and setting up their D&D campaign. The Byers house has become the new hangout spot for the kids on Friday nights, while you, Joyce, and Hop sit at the dining room table and get tipsy bitching about your weeks and playing cards.
Hopper sits at the table, still in his work uniform smoking a cigarette and nursing a beer. You can see by the look on his face and the way his mouth starts to open that he’s gearing up for a lecture. “Listen- “, he starts, but you throw your hand up to stop him.
“I won’t smoke weed and drive anymore, Hop, I got it,” you say, exasperated, heading for the fridge to get a beer.
You can practically hear Joyce’s eyes bug out of her face, “What!” she states more than asks.
“Caught this one openly smoking a joint and driving with her knees last Friday, not a care in the world, on her way to Al Gibson’s house,” he casually gestures with his beer bottle, taking a hit off of his cigarette.
Joyce gives you her closed-mouth, stern mom look as she sits down. “Y/N, you’re lucky it was just Hop!”
“Yeah, like Powell and Callahan are gonna do shit,” you mutter as you crack your beer. Hopper covers his laugh with a cough while Joyce just looks at you both in exasperation.
“What is going on with you lately?”
You sigh, taking a swig of your beer and leaning against the counter, deciding that you need to get this off of your chest. “I slept with this guy last Friday and I think I’m falling in love with him after one date and now I haven’t heard from him in a week.”
Well, that’s one way to say it.
Hopper is fully choking on his beer now, dropping his cigarette in the ash tray while Joyce has recovered enough to lean awkwardly over the table and pound on his back.
“Oh, honey-” she starts, looking at you, while Hop sputters out, “It better not be that damn Tommy Lane!”
You roll your eyes, “Oh my god, Dad,” you say sarcastically, “Tommy Lane was like 8 years ago! Let it die.”
Joyce hops up from the table, coming over to hug you. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Men are assholes.”
Your sister rubbing your back is something that you truly needed, you just didn’t realize it. But what you need even more is hard liquor.
Joyce busts out the whiskey from the cabinet above the fridge only when you promise that you are going to sleep over and not drive home, resulting in you all getting a little bit of a buzz going over the next hour or so.
Once cards and cigarettes get a little old, you take a break to go into Jonathan’s room and steal his cassette deck, to bring to the kitchen.
“Jon,” you hiss quietly, silencing his protests, “you have a record player still, and I’ve been dumped. Your mother and I need to sing Alanis.”
He stops talking for a moment, shaking his head with confusion. “What?”
You drag the cords from the outlet as Steve hastily tries to unplug it the correct way, his weed brain trumping your liquor brain in the common sense department.
Nancy pipes up, “Jonathan, let her take it. I needed Alanis when Steve and I broke up.” Robin just nods in solidarity, Steve’s brows shooting up into his hairline, while Jonathan just says to you, “Who were you even dating? Who is Alanis?” but you’re already in the hallway, slamming the door around the cord. You grunt, opening the door again to pull the cord through and shut it again, hearing Robin squeak, “Morrissette!” in outrage, arguing starting up behind the door.
Shuffling through the living room, the younger kids are in the middle of setting up their D&D campaign, still, and Will just sighs, throwing the cord to the cassette deck around the top so it doesn’t drag. Max waves at you, having arrived somewhere between leaving the kitchen and the Alanis argument. You wink at her, weaving into the kitchen. Or at least you think you did. It may have been a blink. God, maybe you were tipsier than you thought.
You shove the deck onto the counter and plug it in after a couple tries, Hopper just sighing out a groan as he knows what’s coming.
You stick your hand out. “Joyce. Tape, please.” She leans from the table to smack it into your hand so you can fumble it into the machine and press play.
Joyce is perched in her chair, sitting back on a leg and hitting her cigarette, looking at you in half amusement and half apprehension, while Hop just leans in his chair with his head thrown back, waiting.
The intro to “You Oughta Know” starts abruptly, your beer magically in your hand as you start to sing.
I want you to know
That I’m happy for you
I wish nothing but
The best
You both
Joyce chimes in in the middle with a half-hearted, “honey, you don’t know that there’s anyone else-“ while you start getting into the next part of the song.
An older version of me
Is she perverted like me?
Would she go down on you in a theater?
Hop chokes out, “You better not be-“
Does she speak eloquently,
And would she have your baby?
I’m sure she’d make a really excellent mother
“Are you pregnant!” You and Joyce ignore him as she jumps up and grabs your hands to dance and jump around with you.
'Cause the love that you gave that we made Wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me until you died 'Til you died, but you're still alive
“And I’m here!” you both shout, Max and El making their way into the kitchen, grinning, “to remind you! Of the mess you left when you went away!”
Nancy and Robin come bounding out of Jonathan’s room, Jonathan and Steve following with exasperated and confused faces as the girls grab El and Max’s hands to start jumping.
“It’s not fair! To deny me! Of the cross I bear that you gave to me! You, you, you, oughta know!”
As the next verse of the song starts, all of you singing and dancing, the boys watch on with various shades of amusement and terror, while Hopper looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel, stuck in the middle of the six of you.
Will somehow hears the doorbell ring, shuffling over to open it.
Eddie stands on the other side of the door, arms full of his D&D stuff. “Sorry,” he smirks, “couldn’t find half of my shit.”
Will steps aside to let his dungeon master inside, wincing at the out-of-tune loud singing in the kitchen.
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up when he hears female voices scream, “And are you thinkin’ of me when you fuck her?!”
Will just says, “my aunt’s having a mental breakdown in the kitchen,” as if that explains everything. Henderson pipes in with a, “I heard her say that some guy hasn’t called her all week.”
Eddie shuffles into the living room, finding a spot on the long coffee table to drop his things as he joins the crowd of boys to watch the kitchen show in curiosity. He nudges between Steve and Jonathan with his leather jacket clad elbows with a, “hey, man,” to Jonathan and a “Scoot, Harrington,” to Steve.
He misses Steve’s sigh, grumble, eye-roll combo from the rush of blood in his ears as he finally locks his eyes on what is going on in the kitchen.
He almost chokes on his own spit when he sees you, jumping around, an arm slung around Joyce’s shoulders and a beer in one hand, using it as a microphone. His eyes take in Nancy and Robin, hands clasped and shouting the chorus of “You Oughta Know,” as Max and El are clinging to Sherriff Hopper’s shoulders and shaking him while he groans in annoyance.
Eddie would find this all comical if he didn’t just realize that you were Will Fucking Byers’s aunt. Meaning you were Jonathan’s aunt. Meaning the Sherriff was practically your brother, and oh my god, there are suddenly a lot of men here who might wanna kill him if he doesn’t get the fuck out of here and-
You look up mid-shout, smile dropping as you lock eyes with Eddie. Joyce looks to your face in confusion, looking over to where your eyes have suddenly stopped.
The song is getting to the point where it’s only instrumentals and some light vocalizations, everyone starting to slow, smiling, until they realize that you and Eddie are staring at each other open-mouthed.
You swear your foggy brain goes through the five stages of grief behind your eyes until you settle on anger. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Joyce and Nancy figure it out first, eyes widening, while everyone else looks on in confusion at the sudden mood change. Eddie slyly steps away from Steve and Jonathan, moving closer to an exit in case they start swinging once they figure out what’s going on.
He feels horrible, knowing that he deserves your anger but afraid to tell you why he’s been avoiding you. Afraid to tell you that he’s been thinking about you constantly, hands twitching towards the phone, the original copy of your number crinkled and smudged. Not that it matters, he made multiple copies to keep around just in case something happens to the other one, like he doesn’t have your phone number memorized already.
“Y/N-“ he starts before Henderson cuts him off, “Wait…” he says, putting the pieces together.
Mike, of all people speaks up, “You guys know each other?”
This is it. “I-,”
You find your voice again, “Why haven’t you called?” your voice cracks and you could kick yourself for sounding so pathetic. It was one night one week ago. Get a grip.
Max turns the knob on the cassette deck down as the song starts to pick up again. The fact that it’s not completely silent somehow makes it less awkward, but you’re still confessing to a fucking soundtrack right now.
He is trying to gather his words. “Maybe we should go outside-“ but you stop him.
“No, I think we should just finish it here. If you didn’t want to see me again you could’ve just told me.”
Hopper looks like he’s going to need blood pressure medication after this night, El looks enthralled, watching on like this conversation is her new favorite movie, while Robin just says, “Oh shit.”
“Really, why are you even here?” you ask again, while Will decides to finally speak up.
“Um, Eddie is the dungeon master for our D&D group.”
You stop short, looking between Will and Eddie, “I thought only high schoolers were in that group.”
Steve just says, “Well, Munson is in high school,” which is when your brain and stomach tell you that you’re gonna be sick.
Eddie’s eyes bug out of his head, but he makes no move to deny it, causing you to back up and heavily sit in a chair at the table. Joyce slowly sinks into the seat across from you.
You put your elbow on the table, index and middle fingers up in a peace sign, and Hopper puts a cigarette in them silently, lighting the end for you as you take a long drag.
Eddie starts sputtering, Nancy rolling her eyes at the dramatics of all of this, “Really? You didn’t even tell her?” she turns to you, “Y/N, he’s been held back twice. He’s not a minor.”
Oh, thank fuck.
Eddie slowly moves to sit at the remaining chair at the table, nervously sitting down with Hopper glaring daggers at him. You shoot the kids a look, them scurrying into the living room and not so subtly lingering around the entrance. Steve and Jonathan blatantly ignore you, leaning against the wall, Nancy and Robin only lingering to make sure they behave.
He turns to you, finally starting to explain. “Y/N, I really fucking like you. I wanted to call you the second I left your house Saturday morning,” he tries to ignore the glares from the men, “but I didn’t want to freak you out. And I was afraid of telling you that I’m 20 and still in high school. Like how embarrassing is that?”
Steve starts to make a snide remark that ends in an “oof” noise as Robin elbows him in the ribs.
“Eddie, I really wouldn’t have cared,” you say, causing him to dart his eyes up to yours in surprise, Hopper rolling his eyes and huffing. Joyce pulls him from the room, ignoring his protest as she signals everyone else to come too, the “or else” heavily implied by the mom glare she gives to Jonathan and Steve.
When the grumbles die down and you can hear the droning lulls of everyone in the other room finally having their own conversations, Eddie moves his knees to face you fully, hand hesitantly falling to your knee.
“I am so fucking sorry. I was so afraid that you wouldn’t want to see me again and I was trying to work up the courage to confess all of this to you. I was dragging it out so I wouldn’t have to lose you. I fucked up,” he says, voice turning into gravel, “but don’t think for one second that there was a single waking moment over the last week that I wasn’t thinking of you.”
You softly inhale, big wet eyes staring into his, as the hand not on your knee moves grab your face, thumb gently trailing along your bottom lip.
Fuck, he’s so beautiful. How had you been mad at him?
Finding your voice, you say, “So it doesn’t bother you that I’m 24?”
He grins, voice dipping even lower, “Bother me? I think it’s hot.”
You let out a startled little laugh, eyes widening and making his heart skip a beat. “You into cougars, Munson?”
He laughs once, so relieved to hear your sense of humor he came to love so quickly. “Shit, now I am.”
“You don’t care that Jonathan and Will are my nephews?” Oh yeah, he’d forgotten that part.
“That depends- are they gonna kill me for dating you?” he jokes, then remembers, “Actually, I’m more worried about Hopper. One flubbed police report and suddenly my body was an accidental death.”
You sigh and roll your eyes at the mention of Hopper, “Leave him to me and Joyce. I’d be more worried about Steve by the way he’s acting like my older-younger brother all of a sudden.”
“Hey, Harrington can suck my-“ you cut him off with a firm kiss. “Hey, I thought that was my job now. You know, since we’re apparently dating now.”
He flushes at your words, realizing what he said a few moments ago. “I’d like to think we’re dating.”
You give him a cheeky little smirk, remembering last week when his hips were pumping into you. “Is that what we’re calling it?”
He grabs you by the waist, practically pulling you out of your chair, his head thrown back in a groan, “Here I am, trying to treat you like a lady, and you’re busting my balls.”
You grin wider, moving to sit sideways on his lap, arms slung around his shoulders, “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be very nice to your balls from now on if you take me on a date.”
His eyes become hooded, leaning his face close to yours as he whispers against your lips, “I’ll take you anywhere you want, baby. Have you heard of the city called, ‘Poundtown’?” he asks dryly, causing you to let out a surprised harsh laugh, swatting his chest. His eyes are smiling nearly as big as his mouth, crinkling in their corners as his mouth chases your face and kisses you hard. He pulls away a moment later and sobers.
“Y/N, as much as I joke around, and as amazing as the sex was, I meant what I said. I really like you.”
You look back into his eyes, shining with so much hope that is makes your breath catch. “Eddie, I really like you too. As the Alanis concert dramatics probably told you,” you joke.
“Honestly, if that was you showing you liked me, I’m afraid to see what it’d be like if you fuckin’ hated me,” he retorts with a huffed laugh.
Leaning in you give him a small kiss on the nose, “then don’t fuck up again,” you smile sweetly.
At that he attacks your lips with his, hands slowly moving down your back.
Hopper, having pounded his fifth beer in the living room, leans into the kitchen with the handle of whiskey that you forgot about, “Three inch minimum!” he huffs, drunker than you thought.
Joyce pulls him backwards, El staring up at him. “Dad, there isn’t even a door to the kitchen,” she says matter-of-factly.
“Don’t worry, Hop, it’s bigger than 3 inches,” you say under your breath, causing Eddie to throw his head back in a howl, gripping your waist tighter.
The night continues with Joyce instructing Eddie and Jonathan to throw Hopper into her bed to sleep off the alcohol, as she pulls off one boot and you yank off the other. The younger boys force you to go hang out with the older kids so Eddie will actually pay attention to the campaign. He still has trouble, sneaking into Jonathan’s room part way through to see you and take a few hits off the joint the guys are passing around, as Robin and Nancy give you both knowing winks.
By midnight, Will, Mike, Lucas, and Henderson are all passed out on their sleeping bags, covered in popcorn from the bowl that’s half tipped over. Joyce grabs it with a sigh, throwing it onto the coffee table and starting to shut lights off. Max and El are curled up in their nests of blankets on the other side of the living room, and Joyce is settling into the couch.
You grab Eddie’s hand, leading him down the hall to Will’s empty bedroom, peeking into Jonathan’s room to see him and Steve on the floor with a few old pillows and blankets, kicking each other to move over while Nancy and Robin are already peacefully asleep in Jonathan’s bed. You chuckle as you move on and push open Will’s door.
Eddie shuts the door behind you and it’s finally quiet. You’re finally alone. You move silently to the window and crack it open, letting the cool breeze and sound of insects flood in, while he turns on the bedside lamp. Turning towards him, you take your jeans and shirt off, casually throwing them onto the floor, bra following shortly after.
His hands fist as his sides as he looks into your eyes in silent wonder, choking down his arousal, as he knows that that’s not what this is about. Right now it’s about just finally being together with no secrets, no family and friends’ prying eyes, no worries about where you stand.
So he just reaches up and tugs off his shirt, pants and socks following suit and added to your pile of clothing. He moves towards you, but you quickly duck down into the clothes pile, and his heart almost stops as you casually throw his Hellfire shirt on like it won’t totally tear him apart from the inside out.
He inhales and presses his lips together to hold back a groan at how you look in his Hellfire shirt that smells like him, the hem falling just past the bottom of your underwear, hitting those thighs that look so smooth in the low lamplight. He grabs you and pulls you towards Will’s bed, peeling the covers back as you both sink into the soft sheets.
He puts an arm under you, pulling you into his warm tattooed chest, while you put your hands over his heart, breathing in his scent that’s so comforting already. His other arm wraps around your waist, as your legs tangle together and he kisses your head, smelling your shampoo.
Your bodies fit together like they were made for each other, and you both think, not for the first time, that you can fully see yourselves falling so so quickly in love, but instead of being scared, this time it’s exciting. Kissing his chest, you both easily fall into a deep, relaxed sleep.
And when you wake up to the sun streaming into the room and Eddie at your back, you smile.
@tiredwritersworld @brookemarsh​ @hellfireseddie​
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sunatooru · 3 years
This is just a cute thought I had for my favorite bois but can I request cute headcannons of Bokuto, Hinata, Suna, and Tendou having an affectionate s/o and when they’re teammates call them out for being coddled too much, they get offended but here they are laying their head on their s/o’s lap getting gentle head rubs/scratches or being fed from a bento she made them while calling them sweet nicknames like “Honeybun” or “Darling”.
Teammate: You’re hopeless when it comes to Y/N 😐
Character: Am not! 😤 *is wrapped around the reader like a koala*
Reader: My dear ☺️ *rubs her bf’s head and muscles*
This was VERY cute😌! It felt so natural writing Bokuto in this situation 😂 (love the little dialogues) Thank you for requesting xx
Warnings: it’s just fluff and gn!reader
* He loves how affectionate you are
* Like yes please, hug him, kiss him, give him all your precious attention, he feels so loved
* He honestly doesn’t see the issue in basking in your attention
* Always runs up to you when you make your way to practice, screaming out your name and waiting for you to give him affection, just like now
* When he’s received enough he goes back up practice, Konoha and Sarukui laughing amongst themselves
* “Hey hey hey! What’s funny? I want to laugh too!” He approaches them innocently
* “You’re like a baby when it comes to your s/o..” Konoha teases and Bokuto looks in confusion
* “No I’m not! Hmph! You just wish you had someone who gave you attention.” His hair deflates as he walks back to you
* “What’s wrong, baby?” You ask as he sits next to you and rest his head ok your lap
* “They said I’m a baby when I’m with you..” he pouts
* “Aww, but that’s because you look as cute as one! You are my baby, sugarplum. So cute!” You rub his cheek and poke his nose, instantly lifting his mood
* “You’re right! I’m your baby and you’re mine!”
* He later on sticks his tongue out at the guys if they tease him again
* He’s so flustered whenever he sees you
* Eyes sparkling whenever you walk down the hallway, love how you lean into him as you speak
* You visit him during lunch and he instantly brightens up when you ruffle his hair
* “I missed you!” He confesses, closing his eyes as your fingers play with his hair
* “You saw them an hour ago.” You hear Kageyama mutter, blinking at how wrapped around you Hinata is
* “So!”
* “Ha, it’s like you can’t function without them. I mean you barely function anyways..” Hinata huffs when he hears Tsukishima from outside the room
* “Yes I can! I can function perfectly, actually.” He narrows his eyes, resting his head on your shoulder
* “Right, babe?”
* “Yes, honeybun.” He grins at them and closes his eyes again, blocking out the amused faces and enjoying your touch
* Gets teased everyday but he doesn’t care because he’s got you
* he secretly loves how affectionate you are
* He loves the closeness and makes sure you always end up crossing paths with him or sitting with him so he can receive your affection
* Of course though, as discreet as he tries to be, he’s been caught more than a couple times reaching for you
* You knew he often forgets to pack some food, so you came in during his practice break
* “Honey!” He tries to hide his smile when he sees you waving your bento for him
* He hugs and sits with you, you open the bento and offer him a piece of food
* He smiles and accepts it, leaning his head on your shoulder
* “Well well well, if it isn’t little Rin being fed like a toddler.” Atsumu smirks, wiggling his brows as Suna glares
* “Yeah, come on Suna!” Osamu adds
* “Whatever. You’re just mad I’m eating better than you…can you go, you’re ruining my meal. I don’t act like a toddler…” he mumbles the last part after giving them dead look
* You giggle and feed him, playing with his hair as he flips the twins off, before closing his eyes and laying his head on your thighs
* “Awww, you look so cute pouting sweetie!” You kiss his nose, and exaggerated gag comes from Atsumu in the back
* He was so overwhelmed at your affections
* He barely got attention for the right reasons and then you came into his life and he finally knew what being adored felt like
* He tries to be as affectionate, a little hesitance in case he comes on too strong, and blushes every time you look at him
* “Darling! Sa! To! Ri!” You cheer from the side as you watch him practice
* You have a small towel, water bottle and extra tape for him when he finishes the latest game
* “Thank you baby.” He kisses your forehead, accepting the bottle and taking a sip
* “Ooh, your tape has come off. Wait, let me fix it for you, cutie pie.” His face warms up as you carefully wrap the tape around his fingers, a soft smile on his face
* “Who knew the guess monster could turn this soft? You’re so coddled by them haha probably couldn’t live without your s/o.” His teammate jokes and he frowns a little
* “Whaat? Meee? Ha as if..” he rolls his eyes at them
* “I think they’re jealous…I’m not coddled by you?.” He wraps his arms around you
* “Of course not, darling. You’re just my precious baby.” You rubs your hands over his back and scratching it soothingly, giving him energy to block every single ball
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Haha and okay I just saw that your askbox is open and read your rules, so if you don't mind, could I please request some hcs for Beel, Mammon, Asmo and Belphie and how they like to cuddle with mc? Cuddle hcs basically lol. If four is too many please feel free to adjust this! Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day 🥰
The Obey Me Brothers: Cuddling / Sleeping Headcanons
AN: Sorry this took a while!! I decided to write for all the brothers because I have a tiny rough draft of cuddle headcanons back from like, the first week I started the game. Mammon’s was the first I came up with, and I filled in the rest from my impressions of the boys from the first 4 lessons. They’ve evolved since then, and I hope they’re alright!! Take care 💙
Brother x reader writing style. Gender neutral reader as always. Written on mobile primarily so excuse any formatting mistakes please ;u; I only go on PC to add finishing touches and a read more
Some things may come off as suggestive, but aren’t really intended that way except for Asmo’s - this is fluff through and through
- Ideal cuddles: Likes to have you lay on his chest in his bed. He doesn’t want his brothers intruding and annoying him or pulling his attention away from you, so his room works best. There’s something about being able to look down and immediately see you there that almost gives him butterflies. It settles him immediately. He’s canonically not a morning demon, but waking up to that sight and knowing you trust him and feel comfortable around him gives him enough motivation and hope to do anything. Getting through the days becomes a breeze when he knows he can return to that most nights. He’s also a real delight to see on those early mornings - tired, but his smile brightens up his eyes, and his hair is a mess over the pillows. He’s not stressed out yet, so he’s fully relaxed and looks quite elegant.
Sadly, he’s often busy, and regularly misses out on sleep. At times like this, he likes having you curled up in his lap whilst he works, so long as you don’t distract him. He’ll press occasional kisses to your temple and you can nap or read or just lay there and listen to the music he always has playing when you’re in his study.
- He has to be very close to the MC to let them cuddle up to him, and initially he’s a bit stiff and awkward because he kind of forgot what this feels like. For the first while he’s quiet every time you cuddle him, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his head against yours and staring off into the distance. He’s touch-starved. Give him a moment.
- Once he settles and starts to get used to affection, if you two are alone he’ll walk up and put his arms around your shoulders and pull you in for hugs, leaning his chin against the top of your head. One time, months into whatever relationship you have, he does it in front of his brothers without thinking, and whilst he feels embarrassed after he realises he doesn’t mind - somewhere between him seeing it as staking a claim, because he’s still the avatar of pride, and between feeling comfortable enough in your presence that he can’t bring himself to care how they’ll react.
- On his rare days off, will absolutely whisk you off somewhere else for a day out in the Devildom and a night in a cabin or hotel or something where no one will bother the two of you and he can hold you in his arms for as long as he wants to and talk to you about everything that comes to mind, completely free and relaxed. He’s one to mumble about something or other when cuddling, unless he’s working, so when the two of you are just relaxing together he’ll ramble about something or ask you questions and listen to you talk.
- Once Luci said something that made you laugh whilst you were laying with your head on his chest and he knows he’s never going to forget about it. Will intentionally try to make you laugh so that he can experience that again. He was an angel once and yet, nothing feels more like heaven to him. Only thing is he’s not above teasing and tickling you to get a reaction out of you, so long as it’s one that might end in you laughing and smiling up at him, and you’ll feel his own laughter rumbling about in his chest.
- Ideal cuddles: In your bed - it smells like you and it’s tidier than his room, probably. He likes to have his arms wrapped around your midsection whilst facing each other, on your sides. He also doesn’t mind if you use his chest or shoulder as a pillow, so long as you both have your arms around one another. Often times he’ll bury his face in your hair to take in your scent and because it’s soft and calming. By the time you wake up, he’s going to end up wrapped around you like a koala.
- Adores cuddling on days off when the two of you don’t have to leave for longer than a few moments at a time, especially in a place where his brothers won’t bother you; think, staying in a cabin where it all feels so domestic, you two can wake up whenever you want and make breakfast together and stay practically attached at the hip the entire time, sinking back into bed or laying together on the sofa whenever you want. No responsibilities, no pressure.
- Plays with your hands, or runs his fingers along your side, or tucks one arm up behind your back to hold you really close and play with the strands of hair at the base of your scalp / top of your neck. So long as it doesn’t disturb you heavily, he tends to have some kind of motion, not one to stay still for long.
- He’s quite warm, almost rivaling Beel, so you might have to ask him to loosen his grip on you if you get warm easily. If you do, he pouts and suggests he lowers the temperature of the entire room instead, or buys thinner blankets or gets rid of blankets all together.
- He tries to stay up until you fall asleep because it feels so peaceful and he really feels like he’s protecting you. Also, no one can criticise him or be rude to him when they’re sleeping. Even if you don’t ever talk down on him, his brothers weigh him down, so watching over you whilst you rest in his arms makes him feel so much better without worrying that you’re judging him.
- One time you two were cuddling and he just started crying quietly, because damn, he’s the luckiest demon in all the Devildom and even Lord Diavolo would be jealous of him right now. He’s an emotional cuddler, and will randomly tear up or start chuckling to himself. He’s quiet and doesn’t usually voice his thoughts when cuddling but you can tell he’s thinking constantly and always really happy.
- He gets shy easily enough but he’s also possessive, and he’s not one to turn you down. Because of this he honestly doesn’t care where the two of you cuddle, or who sees. His grip gets a little tighter around you if his brothers walk in and you’re curled up together on the sofa or something, but he wants to be held 24/7 and any mild temporary discomforts are more than worth it when he’s with you.
- Ideal cuddles: Please lay on top of his chest. Literally just lay on top of him. He melts every single time. His bathtub bed is perfect for this, because there’s really no other way to lie unless you want him to lay on top of you, so he prefers cuddling there - that, and it helps him stay cool, and he gets to be in the safety of his own room. In an actual bed, he’s the little spoon all the way. It’s hard to convince him you truly like him, but when you cuddle up against his back and wrap your arms around him he feels a little safer believing you might be telling the truth. It also makes him feel really safe and comfortable, a barrier from the outside world that he rejects daily.
- It doesn’t happen very often, but Levi is one of the brothers most likely to sleep in his demon form, and occasionally when you’re cuddling he’s so relaxed he takes on his demon form without really thinking about it. He says sorry and, half asleep, offers to turn back, but if you’re not uncomfortable then he starts to do it more often. He’s mindful about his horns and prefers to cuddle in his bathtub so he doesn’t tear any of your pillows or accidentally jab you with his horns.
- He’s somewhat cold to the touch unless he forces himself to raise his internal temperature. You’re unlikely to overheat whilst cuddling with him, but you’ll need a thick blanket or you may end up shivering after a few minutes, at which point he’ll try his best to be warmer and apologise profusely. He hates being warm, though - best to just go for the layers of blankets.
- Y’know that one thing where (usually) a girl goes up to her boyfriend and climbs into his lap whilst he’s gaming? Adores that. Oh, it makes him so, so happy. The first time you do it he drops his controller and after a minute of startled silence where you wonder just how red his face can get, he wraps his arms around you tight enough that you feel your spine click, and he buries his face into your neck and stays there for as long as you let him. He’s so flustered and yet, you can tell he’s happier than he’s ever been. It instantly cheers him up no matter how bad his mood is. It’s even better if you’re playing a game on a handheld system whilst he plays or watches something and the two of you are just, wrapped around each other but still doing your own thing. He just wants you close to him. He just wants to know you like him. Please give this boy cuddles.
- Ideal cuddles: Like Mammon, in a bed he likes to have his arms around your waist and for the two of you to be facing each other. Your room would be ideal but he would really rather be in his so much he ends up cleaning all the books off his bed just so he can cuddle up with you. He also likes the idea of cuddling up under a tree somewhere, or in one of those plush window seats, where you two can look out over the Devildom and he can point out different places and talk about them all - Satan has connections everywhere, and you’ll feel like you know everyone by the time he’s done.
- Satan isn’t particularly warm or cold. His temperature varies with the seasons, but he’s mostly just lukewarm. This means you’re unlikely to overheat or be too cold when you cuddle, which is always good.
- He likes to read to you or have you read to him, or ask questions back and forth to prod at each other’s minds a bit. A talkative cuddler - there are brief moments of silence, but he’s thinking constantly and he wants you to be involved in that, just like every aspect of his life. There’s usually a clear connection between one of his thoughts and the next, and he’ll have calm discussions about thinks with you in his arms.
- Only falls asleep first if he’s really, really tired. Otherwise he’ll stay up and read or talk to you until you fall asleep. Like Mammon there’s something about the peace, something about knowing you trust him, that you don’t see him as his anger, nor as his false personality that he puts on to please the others and maintain a decent status in comparison to Lucifer. You just see him as he is. He thinks about this a lot as he pets your hair.
- Speaking of petting your hair, he has a tendency to run his nails over your scalp when you’re in his arms. If you’re uncomfortable it would be best to tell him early on before the habit is set in stone. His main source of affection comes from the stray cats he feeds outside, so he just uses whatever knowledge he’s gained from that. This also means he’ll take one of your hands in his arm press gently into your palm with his thumbs, like he’s pressing the pads on a cats paw.
- Feels close to normal when he’s cuddling. Like he was never born solely of one emotion, because he feels so many in those moments that he really could be a whole on his own. He’s not one to hide this, and will openly vent to you about it. As well as this, he’s quite likely to come straight to you if he isn’t feeling well and needs cuddles to settle down. The only exception is if he’s really angry and is worried he might hurt you by accident. Even then, if you can get close enough to take his hand or wrap your arms around him, there’s a large chance he’ll settle enough to hold you in kindness and he can begin to heal.
- He doesn’t talk about it openly but one time he’s in an awful mood and you grab his head and hold it against your chest until he lets out all his emotions and feels better and it becomes his favourite thing in the world. He loves to cuddle with his head against your chest and your fingers running through his hair. You can tell that he adores it because he ends up purring and nuzzling his face against you. Unlike Luci, he hasn’t been to heaven, but he’d be able to describe the feeling of it much better than God himself could using just that embrace as his reference point.
- Ideal cuddles: “Whatever you want, honey.” He isn’t picky, he just wants to be touching you in any way possible. However, he really likes laying with his head on your stomach or chest - especially if he can press light kisses against them. He wants some skin-on-skin contact, even if its holding hands or one of you burying their face in the other’s neck, or pressing feathery kisses to the insides of your wrist. It soothes him. He can’t stop himself from grinning if you nuzzle into his neck.
- He’s just the right temperature for cuddles. He’s on the warmer side, but whatever the perfect temperature is for you, he’s there. When he sleeps on his own, he likes to have a lot of blankets piled up, and then have a fan on to balance out the temperature, and he’ll push for the same setup when you’re cuddling together.
- One of the brothers who will go up to you when he wants attention. He’s the least shy, and will happily throw an arm around you anytime, anywhere. Honestly if it doesn’t bother you, he’d pull you into his lap in public or in front of his brothers and cuddle you close to him. The only problem he could possibly imagine is that other people are jealous of the two of you, so you’d really have to sit him down and explain if PDA isn’t at all your thing. Happy enough to link pinkies if that’s all you’re comfortable with, but he needs a lot of affection, so expect him to essentially trap you in his room later so you spend time with him.
- King of gentle kisses and soothingly rubbing your arms / back if you’ve not had the best day. He doesn’t mind whether you two talk or not, but on bad days he’s the best to go to - he’ll listen to everything you have to say, and verbally destroy anyone who’s annoyed you, all whilst holding your head to his chest and tracing shapes against your back.
- Loves loves loves listening to you talk about your day and then filling you in on his own. He’s a gossip but harmlessly, and will talk about whatever’s trending currently, keeping you up to date on everything. If he really wants to show you something or take a photo with you he likes to cuddle up with an arm around you and hold his phone in his other hand, scrolling through whatever social media he’s found this really interesting or horrible thing on. Otherwise he’s quiet enough, with mumbled words of affection and some suggestive jokes (and touches, if you’re comfortable. He won’t go anywhere with it if you’re just cuddling). He’s just happy and he wants to soak in it for as long as possible; he finally understands how people feel when they fall for him, he says
- Ideal cuddles: Big spoon. Preferably in his bed rather than yours. He wants to wrap his arms around you, especially if you’ve already got your arms wrapped around yourself so that he’s essentially holding your hands at the same time. He buries his face at the base of your neck / top of your spine. He also really, really loves just having you cling to him in some way, and will carry you around like that - usually he loves having you curled up in one arm whilst he goes about his day or eats.
- He is so warm, but if you’re laying down he’ll insist on having a blanket because it keeps him safe from the monsters in his closet :( You’ll definitely need something to cool you down, and he gets into the habit of getting you a glass and a large jug of water before you cuddle up together because you have to stay hydrated and it should help you cool down at least a little. Get him a thin blanket and a fan of some kind and it should just about balance it out.
- He’s the opposite of Belphie, in that he doesn’t tend to cuddle for long periods of time - he wants to, and pouts any time he has to get up, but even if you help him not feel quite so hungry, he still needs to eat regularly. If you’re asleep he’ll move as slowly and carefully as possible so that he doesn’t wake you up. If you’re awake he’ll gush out apologies and then ask if you want to be wrapped up in the blanket and carried along with him. If you say no he pours a fresh glass of water and rushes out and back because he really wants to spend time with you.
- Sometimes he just gets really excited and happy and he’ll grin at you wordlessly.
- He’s quiet but in the early morning, when he wakes up, even if you’re not awake he’ll press soft kisses against your shoulders and the back of your neck and whisper whatever comes to his mind. He tends to repeat over and over that he really cares about you and that he’s really glad you’re here.
- Ideal cuddles: In the attic on his nest of pillows and blankets, curled up so that you’re both mainly on your backs but somewhat facing each other. No matter what he’s going to end up curling up against your side by the time he wakes up anyway. He also really likes sleeping on top of you, but this is a bit risky because he sleeps like a log and its hard to wake him up when you need to get up to eat or use the bathroom. If you’re not in the attic, the only other place outside of your rooms that he likes to cuddle up together to sleep is the planetarium, looking up at the stars together.
- He’s on the cooler side, but likes being warm - he’s used to the kind of warmth Beel produces. Because of this, he’s liable to snuggling in as close as he possibly can to you to absorb some of your heat. You’re going to become his own personal radiator.
- Unlike Beel, he will cuddle forever. There are very few things stopping him from just sleeping constantly, with the main reason being that he wants to spend time with you and Beel. In fact, you’re going to have trouble getting out of his grasp once he wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you down onto his pillow nest. Its best to devise a system and let him get used to it - tapping on his arm or hand 3 times, or something like that, and he’ll release you. He’ll also push for you to wake him up. The only other thing that will make him release you is if he brushes a hand against your side and you’re ticklish and laugh, in which case he’ll grin and start tickling you instead.
- Like Levi, if relaxed enough he’ll slip into his demon form. It takes less energy to be in that form anyway, and he likes letting you play with his tail when you’re  cuddled up together. Acts annoyed if you start poking and prodding at him because you don’t often get to see the boys relaxed in their demon forms, but he really enjoys it. Purrs if you pet his horns.
- He’s not at all talkative but likes to listen. However, he’s liable to falling asleep very, very quickly, so it’s not worth saying anything too important to him; he’ll listen, and he’ll remember when he wakes up, but he’s not going to respond effectively in a timely manner.
- Belphie smirks and grins a lot, but sometimes he wakes up earlier than you and he looks at you until you wake up too, and you’ll see his lopsided smile as he beams at you, content. Mornings are okay like that, he decides, even if he grumbles and complains when you tell him you have to start getting ready for class.
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mochi-ficz · 3 years
the boyz' bedroom roles
how i imagine the boyz' role(s) when making love with you
it's me, your favorite horny bastard with something else tbz related because honestly?? i'm just a slut for tbz fanfiction as of recent. obviously, these are all strictly my opinions, but i feel like i should clarify that anyways. these are all genderless because gender is a social construct 😌 moving on
genre: smut, some fluff in certain parts
includes mentions of (oh god this is going to be a long list): praise kink, degradation kink, pet names, bdsm, torture, dacryphilia, brat taming, experimentalism, exhibitionism, brief mention of a threesome, cockwarming, cock slapping, sex toys, restraints, marking, forced submission, somnophilia, casual sex, vanilla sex, teasing, wax play, blindfolds, orgasm denial, cum eating, spit swallowing, spanking/whipping, katoptronophilia, face sitting, edging, overstimulation, milking
i think that's all the mentions/warnings, please let me know if you noticed i missed something!
a/n: the gifs are just some of my favorites, i really don't have a theme for them lol.
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i feel like it goes without saying at this point, if you follow me or keep up with me at all, you know i worship the idea of this man being a service top. i will continue to live under the belief that sangyeon is the service top.
my reasoning being that sangyeon is very warm and caring, and would love to please you any way he can, including sexually. sangyeon is so eager to please, and will cater to your every need accordingly. if you want him to be your little pain slut, he's more than willing. if you want him to fuck you senseless until you can barely form sentences and can't even remember what was troubling you to begin with, he'll do that too.
sangyeon truly lives to make you happy. this baby loves to be rewarded though, so please be sure to praise him for doing such a good job, and reward him with plenty of kisses and cuddles. it's also a reward for you because you get to see his angelic smile.
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honestly, i see jacob as a switch. i think jacob would be the perfect angelic sub, taking the pain you give him and taking your cock (whether fake or real) so well. jacob would look absolutely beautiful with tears decorating his cheeks, eyes glossed over with pleasure.
however, this little bitch is also a very good dom. any trace of that angelic sub i mentioned previously is gone. jacob is naturally musically inclined and would love to hear your beautiful voice scream his name as he drives you wild.
he loves to try new things with you as well, regardless of who is receiving it. honestly, you each feed off each other's happiness, and at the end of the day, jacob is still satisfied knowing you're happy as well.
please just be respectful with him, and treat him like the king he is. jacob knows his worth and won't settle for being used.
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ABSOLUTE ANGEL. younghoon would be an amazing sub, despite being very large and looking somewhat intimidating at first. younghoon loves to be pleasured and rewarded for his good behavior. sometimes he'll try to tease you, but he would end up getting embarrassed, and you'd smile down at him as you notice the cutest little pink blush settling across his cheeks.
younghoon would also look beautiful with tears streaming down his face, and making the most sinful noises for you. this sweet baby loves your touches and will cum for you as many times as you want him to.
he loves bonding with you too. in any way possible. i feel like he's the member that would be the most down for cockwarming, regardless of which of you is giving or receiving. at the end of the day, he just wants you to hold him and wipe the tears from his eyes while you tell him how pretty he is and how good a job he did.
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brat #1. hyunjae does not want to be your sub willingly. he'd rather die than let you take him down easily. you'll have to use force if you want to hear his pretty sounds.
in my mind, the perfect scenario is having him tied up vertically, with a bar spreading his legs. you'll approach him with a devilish smirk and ask him "are you ready for your punishment, slut?" and he'll simply respond to you with a shit-eating grin and a triumphant "go to hell." i can imagine you edging for hours, waiting for him to break, and when he does, he's like clay in your hands.
honestly this man is a slut for pain, and loves to be degraded. if you call him a worthless piece of meat— or any degrading nickname by that matter— you can expect him to be rock solid.
i feel like hyunjae would be down with somnophilia, because despite being a little bratty bitch, he also loves being taken advantage of and treated as your toy.
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i'm going against what seems to be the majority here and saying this boy is a sub. i realize his stage presence may make him look more dominant, but once he's underneath you, that facade will vanish.
he's a good boy, very much so, and like sangyeon, he loves to please. however, sometimes when he's in the mood, he'll try to dom you, in which case you'll simply have to make him see that he could never satisfy himself like you can when you're domming him.
i feel like he may slip into sub space a bit easier than other members? so please, when you're done with him, give baby gentle cuddles. he loves your kisses, and it's so rewarding seeing him sleepy from all the pleasure, and hearing him let out a soft, content sigh into the crook of your neck as you hold him tight.
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brat #2. again, i could just leave this off here, but that wouldn't be very fun.
speaking of fun, kevin would be the best member to have casual sex with. both of you mirroring the other's dopey smile as you make love.
however, when kevin wants to be bratty, he will be the biggest pain in the ass. if you thought dealing with hyunjae was a mess, just wait for kevin. he would annoy you anytime, anywhere. moaning into your ear in public, trying to touch up your thighs, rubbing his ass against your front nonchalantly, while you silently get infuriated.
kevin loves being punished, and loves to be marked up. be sure to fulfill his wishes, or he'll find even more clever and devious stunts to pull on you so you have no choice but to mark him up and punish him.
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do i even need to say it?
this man is such a little slut, and no, i will not be taking any criticism. he loves to look pretty for you, including cross dressing, and be treated like a prince. new has a massive praise kink, and would love to be told he looks and sounds beautiful.
he would also love to have hickeys on his neck and be marked. he sees himself as a piece of art, and each mark you give him just seems to add to his beauty. he's no stranger to rough sex, but he prefers you to be gentler and treat him like the beautiful doll he is.
did i mention he's also a crier? he's so sensitive, when you work him up enough, he'll just sob and make the most beautiful, yet pornographic sounds. he loves you to play with his sensitive nipples too.
some of his favorite things to do is play with wax and/or be blindfolded. you wouldn't mind, because with your marks on him and hot wax dripping down his front, he would look gorgeous.
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changmin would make an excellent power bottom.
his neck is literally made for marking up, so please take advantage of that. he's also one kinky little fucker, and loves to try new things. he would even be open to a threesome.
he likes praise and degradation, so if you call him things like "my slutty little prince," you can have him wrapped around your finger just like that.
he loves when you let him do what he wants with you, he has so many fantasies he wants to try. including sex in public. his dream is to be shoved up against a wall and fucked senseless, knowing that anyone could walk by and see him getting railed by you.
another one is you slapping his cock and denying him. he's no stranger to pain and would absolutely love for you to torture him. he loves bdsm and honestly any kind of toy or torture method he sees or hears about will immediately become something he wants to try.
as kinky as he is, he also needs to be reassured that you love him, so soft, passionate sex is also something he loves to do with you. he'll get shy looking into your loving eyes, and hide his face with his hands, but you can tell by the flush on the tips of his ears that he's embarrassed.
changmin is the king of duality, but at the end of the day, please love him. he loves to know you're his and he's yours.
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honestly with haknyeon, i'm not sure! i feel like he would be a switch as well. maybe one of those "freak in the sheets, normal in the streets" type of deals?
i feel like his love for food extends to the bedroom, and he would definitely swallow cum or spit for you if you asked him. he's open to try many things, and he's very sweet. honestly he just loves being happy with you, so just about anything is fine with him.
i love his smile and his laugh, and it's very contagious, so please make sure to make him do so often. he brightens up a room instantly.
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slut. slut for pain, slut for you, just a straight up slut. if he's committed to you and trusts you, he loves to be your kinky little bitch.
of course, he takes the spot of brat #3, but because he can't control himself, it won't take much torture before he begs for you to use him. he loves being degraded.
if you let him top you, you're getting railed, this boy has no self control, and just wants all the pleasure to himself. it's because of this that he's a master at eating you out when you ride his face. he wants to pleasure you as much as possible to get the best reward. he looks gorgeous with his hair all messy, his pillowy lips hitting all the right spots in and around your hole (or holes).
he's amazing with his tongue, and he's also very good at begging, knowing just what to say to make you give him what he wants. if you stand any chance of taming this brat, you'll need a lot of self control.
when you do give him what he wants, overstimulate him or milk him. take all of him and use him like the slut he is, he can't get enough of it. sex with sunwoo can and should be messy.
he also loves being spanked, and to see signs of your torture on his body, via rope burns, welts from a belt, red hot skin from your spankings, etc. he would also love mirror sex because of that. you should try making him hold eye contact with himself in the mirror as you absolutely wreck his body.
a/n: it won't let me post an eleventh gif here, and that is very homophobic. just use your imagination i suppose.💔
eric is a hopeless romantic, i'd definitely say he's a switch. i feel like your sex with him would be the most vanilla, but also the most loving and passionate out of all the members. both of you taking care of each other. he loves to catch your lips in gentle kisses.
he also likes his sex to be very clean, so you if you ride his face, take advantage of the fact you can make it messy. eric knows just how to please you whenever he's domming you, and loves to be taken care of when you're domming him as well.
your relationship with eric would really be furthered by sex, since he loves showing you affection. he thrives off the fact that he can trust you, and deeply appreciates that you reciprocate those feelings. if you're lucky, you might get to do some kinkier things with him, but i wouldn't exactly count on it.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Home Comforts ~ Jeon Jungkook
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The dim lights that greeted you as you opened up the front door instantly captured your attention, hearing the soft melodies of music play in the background as you slipped off your shoes. You called out Jungkook’s name before walking further into the house, only to be met by nothing.
The atmosphere was enough to at least flatten your expression after the day you’d had. You were exhausted, which Jungkook had very quickly picked up on when he called you only a couple of hours ago to ask when you’d be home.
As you walked further into the house, along the corridor, you could hear the music a little clearer, noticing the lights that lit up your way were in fact strings of fairy lights scattered around the living room, carefully placed around all of the different ornaments that the two of you had up.
Once you were in the centre of the room, your eyes finally landed on Jungkook, busy humming along to the music whilst he filled several bowls in the kitchen.
You carefully tiptoed around the sofa and into the kitchen, snaking your arms around his waist. The feeling instantly made him jump as he looked back to see you behind him. Your eyes were appreciative as they met his, resting your chin against his shoulder.
He carefully spun his body around, allowing himself to come face to face with you. “What’s all this?” You chuckled, peering past his shoulder to notice several bowls of snacks made up, packets of all your favourites discarded into the tubs.
“You sounded like you’d had a pretty horrid day at work,” he sighed, gently cupping your cheek, “so I thought I’d come up with a little something to try and brighten up your day. Snacks, movies, and plenty of blankets, how does that sound?”
Your head could only nod, completely taken aback as Jungkook led you back into the living room, taking your hand and seating you on the sofa before racing back through to grab the snack bowls, placing them on the coffee table in front of you.
You instantly leaned across, popping a gummy sweet into your mouth with a light sigh. “I wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for, so I’ve not picked out a film yet,” Jungkook informed you as he took a seat beside you, throwing a blanket over the both of you.
“Anything,” you chuckled as you made yourself comfortable in his side, “anything that can distract me from the day I’ve had and brighten up my mood.” Your body leant forwards with Jungkook’s as he grabbed the remote off the coffee table, instantly placing it into your lap and giving you the power to decide.
“I’m happy with anything,” he smiled.
Your head nodded as you turned on the television, opening up the movie channel to begin browsing through all the genres. Whilst you wanted to laugh, your body was also on the verge of tears, but you knew a horror would go a long way towards waking you up as well.
“I was thinking about tomorrow if you’ve got the day off, heading into the city,” Jungkook then suggested, moving his arm further around your body. “It’s been a while since we spent the day adventuring, just the two of us too.”
“That would be nice,” you hummed, still staring across at the screen, “anything tomorrow would be a better day than the one I’ve had today.”
Whilst you hadn’t gone into great detail with Jungkook about how your day had gone, the way your body tensed every time you so much as thought about it told him plenty. He wasn’t the biggest fan of your office anyway, especially so when you came home in frames of mind as you did this evening.
“I still think you should just quit that place,” he continued to murmur whilst you browsed for a movie to watch. “Your boss is an absolute clown anyway, no matter how much hair gel he puts in his hair, he still manages to look stupid.”
“He still pays my bills,” you reminded him, glancing back to look at his relaxed figure. “As much as I think he wears his trousers too high and never manages to colour match his tie and socks, without him, I’d be broke.”
Jungkook’s head shook, “I keep telling you that I could take care of you, but you seem adamant in working in that place still.”
Although you knew Jungkook was more than capable of taking care of you, you were determined to stand on your own two feet, however hard it may be. You wanted to be the one to earn your money, even if it wasn’t always done with a smile on your face.
“I’ll be alright,” you smiled, trying to reassure him.
He wasn’t stupid though, he could tell how much of an act you were putting on, he’d seen it play out plenty of times before. He loved how independent you were, even if sometimes it did make him worry, how you’d fight in every situation, no matter how difficult it may be for you, you’d always find the solution and light at the end of the tunnel.
“Are you planning on finding a movie tonight anyway?” He questioned, trying to change the subject before his mind began to worry too much. “It’ll be bedtime before you end up making your mind up at this rate.”
Your hand slapped against his chest as you browsed through the comedy channel, eventually deciding that laughter was the perfect medicine that you needed to be able to cheer yourself up after the day you’d had.
You flicked through several movies until you come across one that you’d never heard before, it seemed cheesy, and cliché, perfect to mend your smile and make your heart happy again.
“Better now?” You instantly asked Jungkook as you pressed play on the film, making yourself comfortable against his side again.
His head nodded, moving his arm back around you once you were settled. “This film is probably going to be terrible.”
“You’re probably right,” you admitted, “but it’s the perfect thing I need right now after today, and for a while, I won’t have to listen to you tell some dodgy jokes, I can listen to some professionals doing it instead.”
His eyes rolled, gently digging his hand into your side to let you know he didn’t appreciate your joke, no matter how much it made you laugh.
“If it wasn’t for the fact that you’d had a terrible day and that this date evening was supposed to cheer you up, I would have definitely made you pay for a comment like that,” Jungkook quickly informed you. “I’m just too good of a boyfriend to even dare try and make your day any worse than it already has been.”
“You’re all heart,” you teased him, “although I have to say, what you’ve done tonight has far exceeded any expectation I’ve ever had of you. Who knew you could actually be quite the romantic at heart?”
His shoulders shrugged, “I guess I’m just full of surprises, I always used to warn you that life with me would be a bit of a mystery.”
“Maybe I should’ve listened after all.”
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lebrookestore · 4 years
four years, one night
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Pairing: Ten Lee x  female reader
Themes:  SLOWBURN, best friends to lovers, player! ten, fuckboy! ten, fluff, humour, angst, sexual tension, college au, some talk about music 
Warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex (?kinda), ten is kind of an asshole, reader calls herself a dumb bitch, bittersweet ending, three kisses, kissing, gets a little spicy in one scene but that’s about it, PG15
WC: 10.8k
Playlist: Dream Launch by Wayv, Never let you go by AleXa, Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift, Young again by Morgan Evans, Without You by NCT U, The Tempest by Beethoven (this looks so out of place eye-)
Taglist:  @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu​  @1-800-seo @sweetlyjaem @badwithten @blueprint-han @chicksung
Summary: Ten was a fickle person, he jumped from one person to another, breaking hearts, and getting his own heart broken. The one person who had to pick it up every time? You, of course, and it was exhausting, especially when you had to watch.
day break  [ extra piece based in this universe ]
A/n: hello! this fic is very much self indulgent, but i love it so much. I spent most of the last week working on it and half of it is me simping, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to @chicksung​ for beta reading and helping me throughout writing this. As always, feedback would be very much appreciated!
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‘I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong’- Lemony Snicket
A loud slam of the door made you flinch, shutting your eyes in exasperation as you knew what was to come. The same thing over and over again, you were used to it. Honestly, it was nothing new, but his stupidity, the obvious was in front of him, but did he listen? Of course, he didn’t.
A figure walked into the room, a mop of messy black hair with brown highlights adorning his head. It was pretty long at this point, his bangs reaching his eyes. Those damning eyes, melting pools of chocolate brown that seemed to bore into your soul. Those eyes looked remorsefully at you now, as he plopped down next to you, wrapping his arms around your midriff and burying his face in your back.
You sighed. “Again?”, you asked, running your fingers through his hair as he hummed a response. “Again”, he repeated, confirming your suspicions. He looked up, his eyes meeting yours.
You hated his eyes.
He managed to make you do anything for him with just a look. They were undoubtedly your weakness, when they looked sad, or when they upturned into a smile, that instantly brightened your day.
“I can’t seem to get it right can I?”, he asked, searching your eyes as if you had all the answers to his turbulent love life. You scoffed, “You couldn’t have been serious about that chick, Ten, you met her three weeks ago, and she was simply a rebound for you” “Thanks for the support”
“I’m being real, not supportive”
He rolled his eyes, pouting. “But I liked her”, he whined. You gave him a pointed look, “Please, You just wanted someone to be with, if not to fu-” “Oh my god, shut up”
You smirked, turning your attention back to your laptop, where the essay you had been trying to write glared back at you. 
“I just want someone who understands me”, Ten continued, still looking at you. You looked at him. 
I understand you, you thought, I’m here
Ten had always been like this, he jumped from girl to girl, getting his heart broken several times because he was too forgiving with it. He wanted to love, he had always romanticized the idea. Honestly, you thought he needed love too, but he was going down all the wrong paths.
And you had to be there every single time to pick up the pieces.
“I know”, you said half-heartedly, biting your lower lip. He propped his chin upon his fist, observing you and your concentrated look. You typed away, desperately wanting to be done with this paper, one you had been working on for about three days. 
“Do you think I’ll ever do something right?”, he asked. You froze, pushing down what you wanted to say. It was hard, having to deal with Ten's endeavors of the heart’ as he called them. The right term would be- doing random shit and breaking girls' hearts', but of course, he refused that catchy title. Sighing, you shut your laptop, knowing you wouldn’t get anything done now that he was in a mood.
“You haven’t done anything wrong” “Haven’t done anything right either”
You took his face in your hands, “You haven’t done anything wrong, you’re amazing, now stop moping, I’m ordering pizza”
He pulled away from you, sitting up properly. “Can I stay over?”, he asked hopefully. You clicked your tongue, looking at him with an annoyed expression. “Don’t you have your dorm?” “My roommate said he has a girl over, and I kinda want to sleep, thanks” You rolled your eyes, but nodded, picking up your phone and walking into the other room to order.
You heard laughter and looked back to see the boy laughing at something on his phone. Probably a cat meme, or something of the sort. You admired his side profile for a minute, the slope of his nose, the way his eyes shone. He was okay, you supposed, annoying, but okay. No matter how much he tried to justify it, he didn’t care for the girl who broke up with him. He was just fine right now, and had moved on from the topic pretty quickly, and was already smiling.
You also hated his smile. Infuriatingly adorable, one smile would make you want to smile back. You hated it with every ounce of your being, the effect he had on you. 
You hated Ten Lee.
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Scratch that, you didn’t hate the poor boy, you just, despised him?
Nope, you were close friends.
Ironic isn’t it? You had met Ten at a party, where the Dance major was having a lot of fun. You hadn’t seen him before but had heard of him. The boy who jumped from girl to girl as easy as one, two, three. You had no intention of even talking to him, you were content in a dark corner, with a drink.
Nothing ever goes your way. 
The meeting was by chance, he was dared to ask you to dance, you declined, he persisted giving you those puppy eyes. After glaring at him, he sighed, explaining it was a dare, and that he didn’t want to make a fool of himself, and before you knew what was happening, you were awkwardly swaying along to the music with him.
He, regrettably, stuck with you for the rest of the evening, and you ending up liking his company, to the extent where you invited him over the next day for pizza.
The pizza situation turned out to be a thing between the two of you, a tradition of sorts. He would come over with candy, in an oversized sweatshirt looking illegally adorable, you would supply the blankets, and movie nights would begin.
He had a sweet smile and sparkly eyes, which made you question if this was the guy who broke hearts, who was a player. He was like a puppy, it confused you to no end.
“Miss L/n?”, your professor asked, raising an eyebrow at your spaced out figure. Startling, you blinked rapidly, cringing at the situation you had put yourself in. “Sorry”, you apologized, focusing back on the textbook in front of you. You were majoring in Psychology, and while you love the subject, the teacher didn’t like you very much, probably because you had been so distracted the past few weeks, and you hadn’t done particularly well in the midterms.
Needless to say, you were stressed.
The class got over quickly, and you walked out of the lecture hall, deciding to get some coffee before your next class. The cafe was a well-loved one visited by almost every student, and was famous for its chai-lattes, so much so that others also visited it, and not just the students.
Turning towards the on-campus cafe, you spotted Ten already there. His glasses sat at the edge of his nose, giving him an oddly studious look, which was almost laughable. He stood there, holding two cups of coffee, eyes lighting up as he spotted you.
Ten Lee was going to be the death of you.
You walked up to him, taking the coffee which he handed to you, “What do you want?”, you asked suspiciously, taking a sip of the bittersweet drink. You noted the fact he had gotten your favorite, which only worsened the feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. He looked mock offended, and grinned at you, “Nothing!”, he said, “Just wanted to see you”
You rolled your eyes in an attempt to thwart your initial reaction, beginning to walk back to the main campus, for your psych class. Ten walked beside you, holding his sketchbook in his right hand, and coffee in the left.
“Okay, um actually-”
“You want something don’t you?” “I need a reference model”, he said, “So, Y/n, could you please-”
“Oh my god no”, you said, without even letting the poor boy finish, “Last time this happened it ended up with a pain fight and my sweater destroyed.”
“I said I was sorry!”, he semi shrieked, “And this time I need it for a project worth half my grade.”
Sighing, you but your lower lip, nodded tentatively, to which he let out an almost inhuman sound of appreciation, “When are you free?”
“Nah, I have a date”
You blinked in surprise, and he smiled sheepishly. “Eun-hae asked me out and I said yes so”
“Of course you did”, you muttered bitterly, “You broke up with that other one yesterday”
He seemingly chose to ignore you, “Sunday?”
You nodded and took another sip of the drink you held. He smiled, his eyes forming those endearing crescents that you loved, or hated, depending on what you were going for.
“Thank you, Love you”, he called out, jogging away to his class. You watched him run-walk away, almost dropping his sketchbook. Shaking your head in amusement, you smiled somewhat sadly.
“No”, you whispered, “You don't”
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You didn’t know exactly when you fell for Ten, only that it happened suddenly and you couldn’t deny it. He was idiotic, on many levels, but he was sweet and was there for you when you needed it. 
He was a dance major, and an art minor, talented in both these aspects. You had seen him dance, it seemed like his body moved with the music, it told a story every time. He would illustrate emotion with his dancing. He did that with his art too, each stroke equivalent to a sentence from a story.
Anyone could tell he loved both of them.
You let out a frustrated sound, bending down to pick up the pen you had dropped. You were in your apartment, trying to finish an essay that was due the next day. You longingly glanced at your keyboard, the one instrument that you loved.
Well actually, you loved the piano, but you couldn’t haul your piano from back home to your apartment that you had rented out for your college years, and so you settled for a keyboard. You had loved music ever since you were little, instruments making its way in and out of your house. Your jazz phase consisted of saxophones, and you played the guitar for a bit too. You even picked up the drums for a while, insisting that it made you cooler (because every thirteen year old needed that validation), but you settled back to piano eventually.
You took part in competitions and such, sometimes singing along with your playing as well. 
But you couldn’t afford to even think about playing, until you finished your assignments, which were all marked. They were extensive projects that made you want to scream at times. You didn’t care what Shakespeare meant, nor did you want to conduct a survey about emotions. 
Turning the page of your textbook, you switched tabs to your next resource, ready to jot down more notes for the essay, when you saw a notification at the bottom right of your laptop, which was an email. You clicked on it and let it open.
Your eyes widened, gaping slightly at the screen as you read the email.
Good morning/evening,
            We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into The Royal School Of Music on a scholarship. We have received your application and are impressed by your talent and dedication. Please send us a follow-up email within a month's time to confirm your attendance at our institution.
 You grabbed your phone, texting your mother about the scholarship, shaking in happiness. It had been your dream to get into the Royal school, but you had initially applied to it on a whim, not really expecting to get in.
You swiped through your contacts, ready to call Ten, who was regrettably your best friend, to inform him of the good news, until you realized-
The school was in another country altogether.
While you knew Ten would be ecstatic about the fact you got it, you had known each other for four years, the entirety of your college career, and leaving for the school would be a bit of a shock. It was definitely not the fact that telling the boy you loved you were potentially never going to see him again that was deterring you from telling him.
You placed your phone back down, telling yourself you would deal with that later, reminding yourself you had an essay to finish.
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Ten tapped his finger impatiently on the table, trying to figure out a way to get out of this date. Initially, the girl he was out with, Eun Hae by name, seemed nice, but as time went on, it was clear she had no personality. 
Now, Ten wasn’t one to judge immediately. He tried to give her a chance, smiling and indulging in the bland conversation, he smiled and complimented her, and was sweet. It was going fine for a first date until of course, she suggested they share a fruit salad.
There were about fifteen other salads on the godforsaken menu, but no, she had to choose a fruit salad, above everything else.
Ten was not having it.
He excused himself, muttering something about an assignment, and went to the restroom of the restaurant, pulling out his phone and searching for your contact, clicking on it.
 [8:39 pm] 10: y/n
[8:39 pm] 10: y/n
[8:39 pm]10:  my precious friend
[8:39 pm] n/n : what now
[8:40 pm]10: I need help
[8:40 pm] n/n: I refuse 
[8:40 pm] 10: I am ofFENDED
[8:40 pm]10: please my date is making me eat fruit
[8:40 pm] n/n: sounds like a you problem
[8:40 pm] 10: I am quivering in fear and this is how you react
[8:40 pm] n/n: I have three assignments to finish
[8:41 pm] 10: I’ll take you for ice cream
[8:41 pm] n/n: deal
[8:41 pm] 10: why has our friendship been reduced to bribery
[8:41 pm] n/n stfu or I won't come and save you
[8:41 pm] 10: I LOVE YOU 
 He quickly sent you his location and put his phone back, getting back to the table and smiling as realistically as he could at the girl opposite him, who was still going on about one of her friends and their doings, while he tried to look as interested as possible.
“So, should we order-”
Right at that moment, you walked in, hair tousled because of the wind and a disgruntled expression on your face. He made an attempt not to smile at your appearance, ignoring the warm feeling he got on seeing you.
You looked around spotting him and storming over, “Ten Lee, what the fuck are you doing here”, you asked, ignoring the girl that sat right opposite him, mock angrily. He caught on, staring at you in bewilderment, noting the hint of amusement in your eyes, “How dare you to do this to me!”
“Um, who are you?”, the girl asked, seemingly offended that you had interrupted their date.
You scoffed, displaying all your acting abilities in their full potential, “Who am I? Who are you?”
She blinked in confusion, and Ten used every bit of willpower he had to prevent him from bursting out into laughter. “I’m his date?”
“Un-fucking-believable”, you said, “Ten Lee how could you?”
At this point, Ten was invested in whatever lie you had somehow come up with to get him out of this date. It seemed like you had an entire explanation for it, either that or you were taking the opportunity to scream at him. Both seemed valid.
“How dare you lead this poor girl on!”, you continued, taking a turn, making the girl look scared, “You didn’t tell her did you?” “Tell me what?”, she asked anxiously, leaning forward. You fought to keep your straight face on seeing Ten lean forward too, apparently interested in whatever abomination he committed. 
“He’s gay”, you said with as straight a face as possible, which was hard considering the girl looked so embarrassed, you could see her face go red. Your best friend looked at you incredulously, almost as embarrassed as his ‘date’ was, and mildly amused.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us, I’ll be taking him”, you stated, grabbing Ten’s hand and taking him along with you, out of the restaurant and onto the streets.
“You really-” “Ice cream”, you demanded, smirking at his obvious embarrassment. He gaped at your indignance, but nodded, “At least you got me out of there”
“I’m an actress”
“Fuck off”
“Finals are in two weeks, I still come help and this is how to repay me? Ungrateful”
The two of you took Ten’s car to the Ice cream shop, leaning on the hood as you ate your ice cream, with Ten occasionally stealing bites. You smacked his hand away, glaring at his as he tried to take another.
“I’m literally the one paying for it”, he argued.
“This is payment for saving your ass”, you retorted. He slung an arm around you, ignoring you and taking his phone out, scrolling through Instagram. You leaned into him, the scent of your shampoo making its way to him. There was that warm feeling again, and he didn’t like it one bit. 
Deep down, he knew what it was, but he was too much of a coward to ever try, or even take a chance with it, because he wasn’t one for commitment, and even though he had thought about it, he was, as much as he hated to admit it, scared.
“So can I get another scoop?”
“You have assignments to finish”
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The lilting tune played through your apartment, your fingers running across the ivory keys in fervor. They clicked and clacked ever so often, which was the one thing you hated about keyboards. The keys weren’t as firm as an upright piano, giving the music an annoying clickity noise.
Most of the time, you could ignore it, but today you were tired, and this piece was particularly difficult. For some reason, you were having trouble playing the accessories, and keeping the piece in time. You played that part over and over again, but it wouldn’t work.
You switched off the metronome in annoyance, you stared at the music sheet in front of you, trying to figure out how the fuck you should play the piece. Your door clicked, and you did your best to curb your annoyance at the fact someone was interrupting your practise time, no matter how hard the piece was.
Like all keyboards, yours was smaller than an actual piano, and looked very out of place in your apartment, which was warmly decorated with all sorts of trinkets and such. One of Ten’s sweatshirts was thrown on the sofa, and for some unknown reason there were three candles sitting on your table.
It was confusion incarnate, to say the least.
You heard the door click, and a girl walked in, smiling at you. It was the only other person other than Ten who had the key to your apartment, Angie. She was shorter than you, but only by a little bit, had a fringe and brown eyes. She was pretty, and easy to talk to, which was probably what drew you to her in the first place.
“Hey”, she greeted, seeing you on your keyboard, “Whatcha playin?”
“An andante”, you groaned, “Why are you here?”
“I have nowhere else to be”, he said bluntly, “Renjun’s at Doyoung’s place or something”, she pulled out her phone, “I’m just here to chill dude, continue playing, I finished two projects and my brain in dead”
Renjun was her boyfriend, who was on the Dance Team with Ten. The two were ridiculously cute, but due to the fact she now had a boyfriend, the two of you spent less time together. You were okay with it though, you understood.
“Isn’t Doyoung with his girlfriend?”, you asked, and she shook her head, “No, she’s at her Chinese class”
You nodded, going back to your piece, placing your fingers on the correct notes when-
Your door opened and closed again, and you closed your eyes, praying to whatever God existed that one day, you would get to practise without interruptions. Ten trudged through throwing himself on the couch, next to Angie, who paid him no attention. “Hi”, he greeted you, and you glared, causing him to give you a look of confusion.
“What did I do now?”
“Not your fault, sorry, I’m not getting this piece”
He perked up, walking over to where you were, “Can I help?”, he asked, gesturing for you to move to the side of the piano stool so he could sit next to you. He studied the notes, as you looked at him, admiring his side profile, wondering how someone could be so pretty. He placed his hand on the keys, playing it. He made a mistake but in the place you had gotten. He got the part you were struggling right.
“Here, do this”, he explained, “The notes are after the third but before the fourth count, so you have to play it quickly”
You nodded, trying to play it, not quite getting it but it was getting there. He smiled, his eyes turning into crescents as he grinned at you.
You hated his smile.
It was infuriating, the fact that he always helped you, he was always there. You kept finding yourself falling for him more and more, and you didn’t want to, because you knew how Ten was, and it was making the whole ‘telling him about the acceptance into the music school’ a lot harder.
You thanked him, pushing him off the stool playfully so you could finish your practice session before going back to studying. He made a mock offended look, retreating to the couch next to Angie, who was engrossed in texting someone, presumably her boyfriend.
His hair was messed up, sticking up in different directions making him look ridiculously adorable. You shut down the keyboard, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to practice anymore with the both of them around. You went to sit next to Angie, but Ten’s entire presence seemed to be in your way.
“No, I’m comfortable” “Chittaphon Leechaiya-”
“Yeah I’d like some chai”, Angie said mindlessly, causing the two of you to look at her in mild astonishment. She seemingly didn’t notice your gaping looks, still scrolling through whatever she was looking at.
“Did you just reduce me to tea?”, Ten asked.
Angie looked at him, mystified. “It seems so”, you mused. A slow smirk stretched across his lips. He propped himself up on his elbows, his too-long hair falling over his eyes
“I’m flattered”
“Tea is hot. I’m hot”, he drawled, waiting for the two of your reactions to his statement.
You smacked him.
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It was your designated pizza day, which meant Ten was at your place. He was currently in the kitchen getting something to drink and ordering the pizza while you sat alone in your living room.
You looked up at your laptop screen, going over the draft of the email you were to send back the The Royal School of Music. Your parents had been extremely proud of you for getting in, and had called you the other night to congratulate you. You heard footsteps, quickly shutting your laptop down, looking up at Ten who walked into your living room from the kitchen.
“Pizza will arrive in a bit”, he said, handing you your drink and plopping down next to you, “Movie?”
“Uh Bridge to Terabithia”, you spouted, taking a sip. You were supposed to be looking for a movie while he was gone, but instead had begun writing the email, so you spouted the name of one of your childhood favorites, that never failed to make you cry. He nodded and you opened Netflix, quickly searching the movie and pressing play.
Ten wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as the two of you sat in silence. The movie played, and even though you had already watched it before, you still found yourself invested in it. Except you weren’t completely focusing. Ten was so close, his fingers brushing against your hips, his breath near your neck. It felt right, like you were supposed to be like this.
That was the thing, it never felt wrong when you were with Ten, it was like you were exactly where you were supposed to be. Except of course for the fact he wasn’t yours. You knew how Ten was, he was the heartbreaker, and you were the one who was always there to pick up the pieces. Still it was nice to pretend that he was yours, because that was all you could do.
He kept talking about how he wanted someone who understood him, who he could be with, not just some stupid fling. He kept repeating the same thing again and again, and it frustrated you to no end, because you understood him and you were right there, but he never saw you. He would flirt with you, he would do everything and yet, he would never even think of you.
You leaned into him subconsciously, biting your lower lip as you stared at the screen in anticipation. He started playing with your hair, twirling it around his fingers, his hot breath on your neck making hard for you to fully concentrate on the movie.
You hated the effect he had on you, he had barely even done anything, but had still managed to make you nervous. He pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Are you even watching?”, you asked, semi breathlessly, “Yes”, he responded, “But I want to cuddle.” You couldn’t argue with that logic, so you relaxed into his embrace, as much as you could. “You’re warm”, he murmured against your skin, looking back up at the screen and humming a random tune. “I’m hungry”
“I think I have some M&M’s on the counter”, you mused, “I’ll go get them”, you jumped at the chance to get up and get away from Ten, who was positively driving you crazy at this point. However, your grand plan was cut short when he refused, “I can go get it”, he made a move to get up.
“Sit down idiot-”, you said, pushing him off you, but accidentally tripped over yourself, falling back into his embrace. He laughed, hands falling to your waist to make sure you didn’t fall. “Graceful”, he snickered, and you glared at him. “I hate you”, you grumbled, “You love me”, he teased, making you almost fall again.
Except this time, his face was dangerously close to yours, and you just stared at him, your mind going blank. His arms were still around you, preventing you from falling. His eyes fluttered down to your lips for a second before he looked back up. He opened his mouth to say something but-
The doorbell rang, startling the two of you out of your trance. You pulled away from Ten, shakily walking over to the door and opening it.
“Pizza?”, the guys asked, handing you the pizza box, “Yeah thanks”, you paid him and walked straight into your kitchen, not giving Ten another look, because you knew that you wouldn’t be able to.
You sighed, shutting your eyes, and trying to collect yourself, before grabbing the M&M’s and walking back into the living room, where Ten was sitting, eyes trained on the screen.
“You missed an entire scene”
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The music echoed through the studio, its melody harsh and striking. It was dark, no lights were on, but the mirrors reflected the only person in the room-Ten.
His figure moved with the music, choosing to do whatever it pleased, trying to portray the beautiful piece to its fullest. The higher notes gave it a sort of hopeful effect, a guide. It lead you to believe that it was alright, it was fine. 
The lower notes added depth to the melody, giving it a richer feel. The two played together made it a beautiful piece, with a sort of melancholic feel. He danced to it, telling a story with his body. Ten would do this sometimes, instead of choosing an upbeat song to dance to, he’d take a classical piece, something that he could feel.
There was something in this piece, the Tempest, that resounded within him. It reminded him of you, specifically your friendship with him if you could even call it that. He got that warm feeling again that day when you had almost fallen. He would’ve kissed you if not for the doorbell. 
Ten wasn’t one for commitment, he wasn’t one for standing up first and telling people about his feelings. He played people, he played them like he painted a picture, or danced.
Speaking of which, the piece had suddenly taken a turn for the turbulent, faster-paced, anxious even. It resembled his feelings perfectly, the random urges to tell you, the anxiety for the outcome. He somehow managed to gracefully enact these feelings, making it look like art instead of the confusion he felt.
Maybe he chose this piece not only for himself but for you too.
It was one of your favorite ones to play, you could and would talk about it for days, especially when you had just mastered playing it. It wasn’t an easy piece, with all the nuances and timing changes, but you pulled it off. He could almost pretend it was you playing.
And then suddenly it mellowed down, the piece sounding hopeful as if there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and you could finally see it. A solution, a happy ending to the harsh waves of the storm, a merry end. His moves became lighter and almost joyful, as he twirled and jumped.
It was all an illusion.
A lie to make you believe the storm was over, there was no hope for this story. The harsh melody returned with vengeance, striking down the sliver of longing, any dream of making it out. Ten did his best to keep up with it, but the sudden change of emotions was startling even to him. It had changed so quickly, he didn’t even have time to comprehend it.
It ended on a triumphant note, like a proud win over an enemy, a victory that shone above everything. Ten ended the dance with a pirouette, panting as he tried calming himself down from the intense session. He couldn’t help feeling triumphant as well, the adrenaline of the piece getting to him, yet, he was skeptical.
Because he had a feeling it was the Tempest that had triumphed, and not him.
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You’ll admit: you were not having fun with Psych. You had been studying all day, trying to absorb some of the stuff you had been taught throughout the year. Even though studying human behaviour had always intrigued and interested you, the reason you chose Psych, you couldn’t care less about oxytocin and how attraction worked, nor did you care about how human behaviour was affected by it.
But you had been at it for the past 6 hours, and was tired, so when Angie came along and expressed her disgust and sympathy about your studying endeavors, she hauled you up from the place you had been sitting at for most of the day and instructed you to change and get ready to go or a party.
So you found yourself at a frat party, Angie's arm hooked in yours and music blaring all around you. It was hot and dark, and you could barely see anything with the terrible lighting. You couldn’t tell what song was being played at such high volume, but awkwardly swayed to it anyways, wondering if staying at home at falling down the hole of ice cream and Netflix would have been a better alternative to this.
There were couples making out, and random beer cans everywhere. Everyone was half drunk, and you took this as an excuse to go get a drink. You turned to Angie who was looking the other way. 
“Angie”, you whisper-screamed her name into her ear, causing her to jump, “I’m going to get a drink okay?”, you explained, to which she nodded. “I’m going to Renjun”, she said, walking away and leaving you alone.
You pushed through the crowd of sweaty adults, to get to the makeshift bar that was at the other end of the frat. You stopped occasionally to greet friends, or smile at a random cute boy, but finally made it to the kitchen. Johnny, one of your other friends stood there, inclining his head in a greeting. “Hey, what do you want?” “Are you in charge of the drinks or something?”, you asked, leaning on the island of the kitchen. He grinned at you, shaking his head, “No, but I’m so much I might as well be!”
You laughed, requesting for your drink of choice, which he went to fix for you. You licked your lips, scanning the area to find another friend to latch onto, since Angie had so kindly abandoned you.
“Didn’t think I’d see you here”, a very familiar voice said form behind you, and you turned to see none other than your best friend.
But he looked nothing like what you were used to.
Ten’s hair was slicked back instead of splayed out on his forehead like usual, his eyes seemed darker, probably due to the alcohol. He was wearing skinny jeans, and a blazer with most of the buttons undone, his chest in full view.
Ten looked hot.
“Uh-”, you started like the well read person you were, “Angie dragged me”
He smirked, “Of course she did”, he took a seat on one of the stools, legs spreading as he leaned back. You looked away, trying your hardest not to stare at the boy in front of you, who was making that mission increasingly harder with every little thing he did.
Johnny came back out, offering you a smile and your drink, which you took from him, returning his smile. He handed a glass of something you couldn’t make out to Ten, who took a sip, keeping it on the island. “You don’t seem to be having fun”, he observed, hands finding your waist and pulling you closer to him.
This was a normal thing, but this time it felt different. It wasn’t the same innocent gesture. “I just arrived idiot”, you scoffed. He smirked, “You can look at me you know”, he teased, and you could feel the heat rush to your face. You turned your gaze to him. Currently you were in between his legs, and your mind was a mess.
The first thing you noticed was his tattoo on his right arm which you had seen before. The next was one you hadn't seen before, and rightly so, since it was on his chest.
“Done staring at me?”, he said with a smirk, and your eyes snapped up to his, holding his gaze. If you hated the effect his eyes had on you before, you positively despised them now. He was staring at you through a half lidded gaze, licking his lips. Even without any alcohol in your system you felt dizzy, but not a sick way. Ten was driving you crazy, with his hands on your waist, eyes on you and just everything about him in the moment.
“You’re pretty”, he murmured, looking up at you, eyes falling to your lips, “Did you know that?”, his voice was deeper than usual, sending shivers down your spine. “I-”
“Hmm?”, he sounded absent minded, like he wasn’t even listening to you, which was great considering you didn’t even know what to say. He pushed you a little, standing up himself, now looking down.
“If you didn’t know, I think you are”, he said, face closer than any friend’s face should have been. You breath hitched in anticipation. “Ten?”, your voice was small, quivering almost under his gaze.
He was so close, painfully close. If anyone asked you how you got into this position in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to explain, not quite knowing yourself. 
“Y/n, I need you for a second”, Angie appeared from nowhere, freezing when she saw the two of you in that position, “Um- I can leave-”
“Hey Ang”, Ten greeted, moving away from you. You missed the proximity, as much as you hated to admit it. You blinked hazily at your friend who had so conveniently interrupted whatever you had going on with Ten. You silently cursed yourself for getting so out of it. “Here, I think Arya is calling me anyways so”, he pushed his hands in his jeans pockets. He glanced at you, before walking away and out of the kitchen.
Would he have kissed you?
You looked over at your friend, who was still staring at you like she had seen a ghost. “Did I interrupt something?”, she asked, eyes wide. You felt embarrassed, taking a step back as if you were trying to walk out of the whole situation. “I’m not sure”, you said, “What do you need me for?”
“I need you to hold my drink, I need to go to the bathroom, Renjun is drunk as fuck and I trust you”, she explained, handing you her glass. You nodded, “And maybe can you watch my dumbass of a boyfriend please?”
You snorted, agreeing and walking to the main area of the party that was unfortunately the most crowded. You spotted Renjun on top of Donghyuck, practically choking the latter boy who was laughing for some reason. You could see why Angie went to you for her drink. Walking over, you tried to help Mark, another one of your friends, in separating Renjun and Donghyuck from initiating the 77th hunger games on a friday night.
After somewhat succeeding in pulling the two away from each other, Angie had arrived, choosing to ignore her wasted boyfriends antics and taking her glass back from you. 
You remembered you had left your own drink back in the kitchen, and so you backtracked your steps to said place, when you saw it.
Ten was standing with a girl, her hands around his neck. He was saying something that made her giggle, throwing her head back in laughter as he grinned happily. You froze watching the scene unbeknownst to Ten. You didn’t know what you were feeling for an entire minute until it hit you.
You were hurt.
It was a pricking sort of feeling, like a rod prodding at your heart. It was like a warning, telling you to look away before it pierced your heart, but you couldn’t look away for some reason. It was like your mind was mocking you, telling you keep watching, to realize you never had the slightest chance with Ten.
You weren’t special, whatever flirting he did with you he did to everyone, anything that had remotely happened wasn’t even mentionable, because you were like every other girl in the crowd, and it fucking hurt. It hurt to see the boy you loved not give you a moment's thought, not even give you a chance.
That night you went back to your apartment alone, leaving Angie to deal with her boyfriend. You had never felt this horrible before, it had never escalated to this level of hurt. This type of hurt was different, a dull ache reminding you of what an idiot you were to have ever hoped for more.
You hated Ten for several things, his eyes, his smile, the way he could make you giddy by doing the simplest things. But in the moment, you hated yourself more.
You hated yourself for loving Ten Lee.
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‘Don’t call me kid, Don’t call me baby, look at this godforsaken mess that you’ve made me. You showed me colours you know i can’t see with anyone else’
You sat on a colourful rug, holding a book up, and surrounded by several other books. You were in a sort of greenhouse, the walls and roof were made completely off glass, and the light streamed through, giving the scene a sort of whimsical aura.
This was the place ten has chosen to paint you, standing behind his easel and and focusing on the canvas, occasionally looking up at you. There were flecks of white and pale blue paint on his face, and he looked whimsical in a way as well.
You sat there, ignoring the warnings in your mind that told you to stay away from Ten for yourself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. You showed up to the venue right on time, and did your best to not seem any different. You spaced out, eyes focusing on a random word on a page. Ten had promised he was almost done with it, since the two of you had been at it for quite a while now.
His lower lip was caught between his teeth in concentration, hair messed up from the amount of times he had run his hand through it. He stepped back for a second, inspecting his work, a dorky smile stretching out on his lips.
“It’s done!”, he said, “Some fixing, but I can do that later, get your ass here!”
You get to your feet, placing the book on one of the piles of them around you and walking towards him, biting down your own smile at this enthusiasm. You walked behind the easel, your eyes falling on the painting.
It was gorgeous, the colours complimenting each other. The depiction of the light rays was so soft, yet it was there shining down on the main part of the picture- you. He had painted you so prettily, almost fairy like in the midst of the scene. You stared at the painting in awe, unable to think of words to describe it.
“So?”, he asked hopefully, his eyes searching yours for some sort of reaction. You looked at him, then at the painting, then back at him, wondering how he could’ve made it look so fanciful, something out of a disney movie.
“It’s beautiful”, you whispered, your voice not daring to go any louder. He smiled placing his palette down and standing next to you. “It’s not hard when the subject is beautiful”, he said nonchalantly. You froze, silently telling yourself to calm down, to not react to it, that it wasn’t anything to be noted. Yet something in you clicked, shifted into place.
You were angry.
You were furious at Ten, with his pretty smiles and wishful eyes. You hated it when he flirted with you, because he kept leading you on, you hated it when he looked at you like you were the world, because it was a lie, it was all a fucking lie.
“Don’t”, you said, voice shaky. He stared at you in confusion, which only irked you more.
“Don’t”, your voice betrayed you, breaking. He looked alarmed, reaching his hand out, “Hey, Are you okay-”
“No, I’m not okay”, you hissed, slapping his hand away, stepping back. Your mind was clouded with a feeling of helplessness, helplessness at not being able to tell him how you felt, how you hated what he did, how all you wanted was something you definitely couldn’t have. He looked bewildered at your seemingly sudden outburst.
“Stop fucking playing with me”, you said, “I’m not this”, you searched for the words, coming back with nothing, “Stop complimenting me, calling me sweet nothings, making me believe-”, you sucked in a breath, feeling the tears build up in your eyes, years of pent up frustration finally making their way out of you. 
You looked up at him, he still seemed to not be following, “Y/n, I don’t-”
“I’m in love with you”, you choked out finally, the words seeming to tie you down, rather than set you free like you had once hoped. “I’m in love with you”, you repeated, Ten could hear the rage in your voice, washing down on him like the waves of the Tempest, harsh and real. “And I hate myself for it”
Your voice was softer, much more mellow now, like it was tired. A single tear trickled down your face, and you looked up to see a stunned Ten, eyes wide at your state. He said nothing, instead just looked at you, as if you were a different person all of a sudden. It wasn’t a pretty sight, you crying and him standing there like a statue, not a word escaping his lips. 
The air seemed to be colder all of a sudden, biting into the exposed areas of your skin. There was that aching feeling again, that pricking of your heart, the silent ‘i told you so’, that your mind seemed to be playing on repeat. You brushed the tears away from your face furiously, feeling stupid all of a sudden. 
“I’m going to go”, you muttered, grabbing your things and walking out, not caring if you looked idiotic, and not staying to listen to any pathetic response he gave you. 
Ten watched you leave, cursing himself for being such an idiot to you. He didn’t mean to hurt you, he was in love with you himself, but he would never admit it. He hated himself for it, because he knew what he had done. He had flirted with you, had played you, but it was only because he thought the two of you never had a chance. 
He hated himself because it was him, after all this time, who had destroyed that chance.
You sat in front of your computer, back at your apartment, trying not to cry again as you stared at the screen, fingers hovering over the send button. It hurt much worse than you expected it to, his silence had made everything all the worse. But you were tired of him going back and forth. You were tired of having to pick up the pieces every time when he broke another girls heart, or someone else broke his.
You had nothing to lose this time. So alone, in your room you pressed send, signing of your future, sending the email to The Royal School of Music.
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Finals week passed in a blur of stress crying, all nighters and excessive reading of things that you had read a million times before, and if they hadn’t already gotten into your head, they would never. Which prompted the stress crying.
It was a vicious cycle.
You barely stepped out of your apartment, other than to actually take the exam. All your time was taken up in studying, occasionally eating, and studying again. You also didn’t see Ten that much, other than a glimpse, but immediately swerved away, not in any mood to deal with that confrontation as of yet.
Somehow, you managed to make it to the end of the week, without completely going mad. You made it out of finals, and was technically done with your college career altogether, which was crazy to even think of. You had spent the last four years of your life in this hellhole to get to where you were, and you had made it.
So seeing yourself in front of the mirror a week later, donning your cape and cap over your clothes, you smiled for the first time in two weeks. It was the day you finally graduated and went out into the world as a person with a degree. 
Granted, you were slightly pissed at the fact you had spent four years, and paid an enormous amount of money for a sheet of paper, but at the moment, you couldn’t get the fact that you were finally done with it out of your head. You were happy.
The ceremony started off slowly, the principal calling the names of the students in alphabetical order. You saw Ten walk up and take his degree, a broad smile on his lips. You saw Angie take hers, almost tripping over her cape, earning a laugh from the principal, and fond looks all about. You saw Renjun and Donghyuck hugging instead of at each other's throats for once, and Mark randomly beat boxing for no reason.
You went up on the stage, taking the degree and smiling, realizing that your vision was hazy. Tears of happiness had made their way to your eyes, and you blinked them back, thanking the principal and smiling at the crowd. You walked off, going to stand with your little group of friends.
Later on, Angie went off with her boyfriend for a celebratory date, Renjun and Donghyuck decided to crash at Marks place, and you? You decided to walk through the campus one last time, before you never returned. You were done with college and this place wasn’t yours anymore. It held a sort of nostalgic feel all of a sudden, walking under the arches and admiring the architecture one last time.
You were holding your cap in your hand, after finding it on the ground somewhere after the throwing of them. Your cape was folded and hung from your arm as you walked through, deciding to go get some coffee after you were done.
Lost in your own thoughts, you bumped into someone, dropping the cap., “Sorry-”, you begun you apologize for your absent mindedness, crouching to pick up your cap when you saw the person you had run into.
You silently scowled, cursing whatever above that had thrown the two of you together at the very moment, and cleared your throat uncomfortably, looking away. “Hey”, he said breathlessly, looking you up and down. He looked great, he always did, you couldn’t deny the fact no matter how much you were trying to hate him.
“Hi”, you said curtly, “I have to go”
“Wait”, he reached out, grabbing your hand, “Can we talk?”, his voice was tilting towards the hopeful side. It reminded you of your own foolish hope, and you didn’t like it one bit. “No”, you said, “I have to go”, you repeated for words, crushing any hope.
“No- Wait, please, Y/n let me explain”, he pleaded his case, his eyes striking through yours, stirring up some sort of sympathy. Your mind was telling you to go, to get out as fast as possible, but your heart softened, as it always did with him.
“Explain what?”, you chuckled bitterly, “You’ve made it pretty clear how you feel Ten. I was stupid”, your words were hurting yourself, but hurting him too, because he knew it wasn’t your fault.
“No Y/n, you-”
“I what?”, you hissed in question. He spluttered, discouraged by your disinterest in whatever he was trying to tell you. You wanted nothing more to get away from him in that moment, but he seemed to want to stretch out your time together as much as possible. It annoyed you, and made you sad at the same time.
The more time you were with him, the more you could feel your heart break.
“I love you”, he said quietly, “I know I’m a terrible person for leading you on and not realizing earlier, but I love you.” You froze, standing there and staring at him. He looked back, not daring to break your gaze. Instead of joy, which was what you had expected to feel if he ever uttered those words, you felt angrier.
“Please Y/n”, he said, “Just give me a chance?”
You stayed silent, contemplating your choices. “How long have we been friends?”
“How long have we known each other Ten?”
“Four years, but I don’t see-”
“We have been friends for four fucking years. I was there for every heartbreak, every date, every girl. I stood on the sidelines, I listened to you, I have you advice when you needed it, I comforted you when you cried. But you? You never gave me a chance!”, you exclaimed, “Not a second glance, not a single chance.”
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, taking in your words and trying to think of something to justify them, but he couldn’t, he knew you were right.
“So yes”, you voice quivered, “You are an idiot. You’re an idiot for never realizing my feelings when i made it PAINFULLY obvious”, you took steps back, trying to calm yourself.
“I can't believe I”, you scoffed at yourself, your own idiocy, “I can’t believe that three out of four years I was in love with you, but I guess that’s what makes me the dumb bitch.” You looked away, the words you had wanted to say since forever finally out of your system. He stood there, just a few steps away from you. But then, why did it seem like he was miles away?
“I’m sorry”, he said weakly, “I hate myself for what I did, but Y/n I”, he paused, shutting his eyes in frustration, “I’m in love with you dammit, and I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I’ve put you through but, can we-”
“No”, you said, “We can’t”
“Y/n give us a chance, please”
“You don’t understand!”, you said almost feverishly, blinking back tears, “I can’t Ten”
“Why not?”, he asked, walking closer to you. You took a step back from him, looking at the boy you loved with remorseful eyes. “I’m leaving Ten. I’m leaving for a music school in another country.”
He blanched, any hope withering away, like a dead flower, dried with the summer heat, like a lone boat in the midst of a storm. You let out a pathetic sob, realizing that you couldn’t ever have Ten, no matter what.
“I’ll be gone before we could ever be”
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The world was never fair. It came at you with things you wished never happened, you wished you could change, or would have handled better. Like a storm on an unsuspecting sailor, it’s waves crashed down on you, and you were unable to breathe.
Life was the tempest, with it’s harsh tremors, it’s sudden soft waves that lead you to believe things were going to be okay. It’s highs and it’s lows, the good times and the bad. You found it ironic, the fact you were playing your favorite piece of all time, and it reminded you of reality.
You had always viewed music as an escape from reality, but now you were starting to connect the two, using music to let both the worlds connect. Your fingers flew across the keys, the climactic melody thundering through your apartment.
Finishing the piece, you let out a sigh, taking the music sheets and placing them back in your folder. Shutting the keyboard down, you cleared up a bit, settling down on your couch. Cracking your knuckles, you pulled out your phone to mindlessly scroll through Instagram as one did to pass time.
You seemed to do that often, now that you were officially done with college and had a bit of time before you left for The Royal School of Music, approximately three weeks, you honestly had nothing else to do with your time.
And so, you indulged in the world of reels and other videos that didn’t necessarily add anything of worth to your being. Time seemed to trickle by slowly, much slower than you would have liked. 
Your flight to the country in which the school was in had already been booked, your registration had been completed, and you had even found an apartment to rent over there. Some of your belongings had already been sent for shipping, leaving you with the bare minimum. You had even sold some stuff, because cross country shipping was expensive, and you had gathered quite a few things over your four years staying in your college area that you definitely didn’t need.
It seemed as if everything was set, you were ready to leave everything behind.
Your doorbell rang, it's obnoxious ringing sound making you wince out of annoyance. You got up from your spot on the couch reluctantly, and walked over to the door to open it.
You were met with a slightly disheveled looking Ten on the other side, hair slightly messy. It had been yet another week since you had seen him, not have been in contact since graduation day, and suddenly here he was at your doorstep. Before you could even say anything, he pushed his hand out, thrusting a pizza box in your face.
“I know you don’t want to see me, and I don’t blame you but”, he took a deep breath, “You’re going, and it sucks, but I’m happy for you, so i brought pizza, for old times sake?”
You blinked in surprise, your hands on their own accord and taking the box. As if he could sense you were skeptical, he rambled on, “Just a movie and pizza, then I’ll leave I promise.” Everything inside you screamed at you to say no, but the words left you before you could even comprehend your mind's thoughts.
You opened the door more, walking back into your apartment, opening the box and taking your laptop to search for a movie. He closed the door after himself, taking a seat beside you on the couch, but not touching you. It was like there was a wall in between the two of you, and you couldn’t break it down.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to.
“There’s a new season of His Dark Materials”, you thought aloud, “We could binge that.”
It was so easy, being with Ten. Like falling back into a routine you had missed, a habit that had been cultivated. It was natural, him by your side, eating pizza and searching for a movie or series to binge. It was a tradition for the two of you after all, and even though you had stayed away from Ten for your own heart, it felt so good to do this again. You had missed it.
“Sure”, he agreed, taking a slice of the pizza, the stringy cheese not breaking, “We may need plates.”
You shook your head at his comical state, placing your laptop down and walking into your kitchen, opening the topmost cupboard to get the plates down, when you realized you couldn’t reach it. Now usually, you would just get a stool or something to climb on top off, but that would mean going back out there and admitting to Ten that you were short.
That was not acceptable.
Of course any grand plans of somehow getting the plates down without Ten knowing had been thrown out the window when he himself walked into the kitchen, “Are you making the plates or something? What’s taking so long?”
He spotted you, hands stretching up, leaning over the counter. Ten smirked, walking over and taking the plates down himself, “Someone’s short”, he snickered, to which you glared, “You’re short too dumbass.”
“You’re shorter”, he teased, taking the second plate down. He was standing in front of you, directly facing you as he placed the second plate of the counter top. You stared indignantly at him, and he caught your gaze, holding it. It was the same Ten you had known since you entered your campus, the same Ten you met at that party.
The same Ten you were in love with.
His eyes shifted from yours to your lips, realizing how close the two of you were. His hand raised up to your face cupping it. You subconsciously leaned into his touch, eyes wide, waiting for him to do something, anything.
His eyes searched yours for an answer, some sort of indication that he could go ahead. You knew that nothing good would come from this, but you couldn't help but nod your head a little too fast, and fisting the end of his shirt in anticipation.
He kissed you. 
His lips moved against yours softly, hesitantly, like they were scared you would disappear if he went any faster. It was nothing like you had ever imagined (believe me, you had imagined), but it was better. It was like a culmination of wanting had been poured into the kiss, and you didn’t want it to stop.
You could’ve sworn time had stopped when he kissed you, the world around you seeming to fade away. You could feel your knees going weak with the overwhelming feeling, the flutter in your stomach growing. If you hadn’t been holding onto the end of his shirt so hard, you would have collapsed into him.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered against your lips, pulling away, cupping your face, “I know I’m an idiot”, he confessed, and you resist the urge to agree, “I know I’m an idiot but,”, he stopped again, resting his forehead against yours. “One night”, he whispered, voice shaky now, “Will you be mine for just one night?”
There was something fragile in his voice, like he was afraid of your answer. You looked up, looking at those eyes you hated, but loved at the same time. You silently agreed, pressing your lips to his again, kissing him once more. His hands dropped down to your waist, your hands wrapped around his neck as you stole another long awaited kiss from him.
The plates were long forgotten about, instead the two of you stumbled back into the living room, hands not leaving each other. The back of his knees hit the couch, and he sat down, taking you with him. You sat on top of him, breathing heavily. 
He pressed his lips to your forehead affectionately as you leaned into Ten, not ever wanting the moment to end. “I’m tired”, you whispered, all the years of pining and wishing he was yours suddenly weighing you down. 
“I know”
“This isn’t going to end well is it?”
“I don’t know”, he mused, rubbing your back comfortingly. You looked at him once again, like you had done many times before, except this time he was yours, for how long? You didn’t know. You didn’t want the night to end, the prospect of losing him again already making your stomach pit.
“I love you”, he said, and you didn’t say it back. You didn’t have too, you had said it many times already, you had told him. Instead you kissed him again, getting drunk on him. 
The rest of the night was spent this way,lazily kissing, cuddling, and eating pizza straight out of the box since neither of you wanted to get up again. Ten held you like you were the world, and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. The two of you forgot about the serial you were supposed to binge as well, too caught up with each other to even care.
He told you about how he got scouted for dancing by an entertainment company, you filled him in about The Royal School of Music, about how you were so glad College was over even though you would miss it. He made you laugh with his stupid jokes, and it felt like it had always been. Somewhere along the line, the two of you fell asleep in the dead of the night, or almost morning, tangled up in each others arms, happy.
You woke up on your couch alone, your apartment lonely and silent. You looked around sleepily, your eyes catching a glimpse of the clock on your wall, which told you it was already noon. You pulled your knees to your chest, feeling out of place. Something was missing.
Ten was gone, nowhere to be seen. You tried thinking back, wondering why he was gone, until you realized - one night was over. Like he had promised, he was gone, not yours anymore, and you weren’t his. You shivered, realizing that there wasn’t any blankets or anything on the couch, yet you couldn't seem to get up.
It hurt. You wanted to cry and scream, the realization that he was gone, before you could even fully have him sinking it. It felt so unfair, the fact that you could never really ever have Ten, someone you had loved for four fucking years, for more than a night.
You took in a shaky breath, looking to the end of the sofa, which is when you saw it. It was Ten’s painting, the one of you in the greenhouse, supposedly reading the books. On the top a sticky note read ‘The Tempest’. You brushed your finger over the painting, taking it in. He had left it here for you, and it was the one thing you had of him. At the bottom, it was signed in his handwriting.
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“널 다시 만나면 네 손을 잡고 말해줄 텐데 I will never let you go”
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raiden-shogun-cult · 3 years
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Mitsuya woke up to Y/n’s arms tangled around him, leg over his waist, the sheet covering what he was not supposed to see making his blush instantly. He pushed her leg off of him and moved his leg over the side of the bed, slipping on his bedroom shoes on and walking out of the cold room where the h/c girl was residing. He walked down the stairs to see Luna running around chasing her sister who was giggling while running. 
He smiled while looking at the adorable pair chasing each other, grabbing Luna when she ran past them, making her giggle even more. “Are you having fun?” He teased her and she wiggled out of his arms. “WHERE’S BIG SISTER?” she looked up at him tilting her head and widening her big lilac eyes, crossing her arms. He reached down and patted her head “She's sleeping, don't worry,” he reassured her glad that the twins loved her, making it easy to do what he wanted to do next. 
She walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, as she looked for Mitsuya. She went into the kitchen where she found Mitsuya at the stove cooking breakfast with an apron on. She smiled to herself imagining if Mitsuya was her husband and he was cooking for their kids and she sighed loudly making Mitsuya turn around and notice that she was there. “Hey, beautiful,” he said, smiling and handing her a plate. “Beautiful?? Where did that come from?” she wasn't complaining but it was confusing for her if he had feelings for her or if he was just being nice. 
She looked down at her plate and gasped out of shock, looking at the heart on her pancake formed with syrup. “Um, thanks Mitsuya,” she said, still unsure if he felt something for her after these gestures but her answer was confirmed when he kissed her hand and looked into her eyes expectantly as if he was waiting on her to say something… as if he was waiting on a confession specifically. “Are you okay-” she was flustered but she knew what was going on. 
She was playing dumb to see if she was right so she wouldnt embarass herself in front of him. He sighed and shaked his head, grabbing the side of her face gently. “I’m pretty sure you know what I want,” he kissed her cheek and pulled back, looking at her lips. 
“Do you still want to play dumb? Fine,” he kissed her on the lips, his soft ones against her’s, putting his other hand on her waist, food long forgotten about. She was panicking on the inside, scared that she was going to mess up, but finally kissing back. 
That was all the confirmation he needed before he pulled away, out of breath smiled “I like you, no, I love you and I want you to be mine, I don't want to beat around the bush with you and let another person take you from me, I won't allow it,” he was waiting for an answer holding both of her hands and she was flustered “Yes I like you alot, Mitsuya,” and his face brightened up. He pulled her out of her chair and carried her bridal style, swinging her around. 
He was overjoyed at the confession she made back to him because he was worried he would have to use force but there was no need since she said what he needed to hear. He put her down onto the cold tile and sighed happily “We have to get you home okay? We don't need Draken kicking down my door,” he chuckled suddenly remembering that you needed to go home, his mood quickly souring. 
As they were walking up the grassy pathway towards the brothel, they saw Draken in the distance with bags in his hand and A big teddy bear walking in the same direction. “Awww he's confessing to Emma isn't he,” Y/n coddled “Well, if she returns his feelings I hope we can do a double date,” she turned to Mitsuya who was watching Draken intently.
 He knew that Draken was way too late but he didn’t know how Draken would react to the news of him and Y/n dating. As they approached the building, hand in hand Draken was at the door opening it with a key. She dived on his back startling him but making him laugh once he found out who it was. 
“Y/n?” He grabbed her off his back, placed her in front of him and smiled “I'm so glad your back I wanted to tell you-” he was cut off by Mitsuya who cleared his throat signifying he was there. Draken grimaced as he turned to look at Mitsuya.
 “You did your job. Now leave,” and he opened the door grabbing the things he had with him and Y/n’s wrist and went inside with her only to be stopped by Mitsuya, grabbing Y/n’s wrist pulling her against his chest, surprising Y/n and Draken. He looked back at Mitsuya glaring at him. “What are you doing, shithead?!” and Mitsuya looked down at y/n and kissed her on her forehead.
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