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roosterforme · 1 year ago
Wrong Number | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley was planning on a quiet night at home with a beer and a basketball game on TV. When he receives a text from a wrong number, he's left looking at a beautiful photo of you. Now he just needs to persuade you to ditch the guy you meant to text and focus on him instead.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, slight dirty talk, Bradley touching himself
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for Rocktober. Check out my masterlist for more. Banner made by @thedroneranger
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Bradley had endured such a long week at work, all he wanted to do was change out of his uniform, grab a beer from his fridge and lounge around on the couch in his underwear without a responsibility in sight. Nobody should have to work until ten on a Friday night, but it had taken him that long to sort through the massive stack of paperwork from Admiral Simpson. At least now he had nothing planned for the rest of his evening.
His apartment was too hot, and the cold bottle of beer pressed to his bare thigh as he reached for the TV remote left some droplets of condensation. It felt good. He took another sip as his phone vibrated next to him. With a soft grunt, he abandoned the remote in favor of the phone and unlocked it with his pass code.
There was a new text from an unknown number. And there was a photo attached. He grimaced, afraid of what he was going to find if he tapped on it. He read the phone number twice, but it didn't sound familiar beyond the San Diego area code. He let his head tip back as he recalled the time he pissed Nat off and she gave his phone number to a random sailor in retaliation. Bradley really hoped he wasn't going to have to kindly ask someone to stop sending him dick pics like last time. 
Before he lost the nerve, he tapped on the message, and his screen was suddenly filled with a photo of a woman who looked just a few years younger than him. And she was hot. He paused with his beer bottle halfway to his lips before letting it settle back down to his thigh. 
Hey, Alan. It's me. So now you have my phone number, too.
Bradley didn't know who the hell Alan was, but he wasn't mad about the mix-up. This photo was something else. It almost looked like it was taken in the bathroom at the Hard Deck. The lighting was bad, and there was a paper towel dispenser in the background, but whoever you were.... damn, you were stunning. All pretty features and smiling like you had a secret. 
It took him a moment to stop staring at the photo and return to the previous screen and your message. He was going to have to tell you that he wasn't Alan and that you had the wrong number, but he just sat there and tapped his phone case instead. He didn't even like the name Alan, but damn if he didn't want to be Alan right now. That lucky bastard had you interested in him. 
Bradley was wondering how the mix-up happened in the first place as he drafted up a text to you. Only some sort of fucking idiot wouldn't check and double check that he gave you the right number. "Amateurs," he mumbled as he typed with a little smirk on his face.
Hey, sorry to inform you, but this actually isn't Alan. However, I wouldn't mind one bit if you kept sending me the photos that are meant for him.
He hit send and tossed his phone aside, assuming you'd just block him and move on with your night. He brought his beer bottle back to his lips and enjoyed the way the drink helped cool him down while he contemplated taking a shower, but when he reached for the remote again, his phone vibrated. 
There was another message from the same number. Intrigued, Bradley unlocked his phone again, and he was pleased to see another text and another photo.
Hi, Not-Alan. Sorry about that! I hope you have a great night.
This photo was similar to the first one, except that you were flipping him the peace sign and winking which made Bradley laugh. You seemed fun, even through this limited interaction. And he was sure that was the ladies' bathroom at the Hard Deck, which pissed him off, because he got out of work so late he didn't feel like going out tonight. Maybe if he had been there, you wouldn't have been talking to Alan in the first place.
"Damn it." He was intrigued. He wanted to know more about this.
My night is substantially better now that I have two photos of you. So where did Alan get off to anyway? And why is he trying to steal my phone number?
This time Bradley was dying for another response. But it didn't come. He stared at his phone for a solid minute before returning to his beer and downing the rest of the bottle. Still nothing. He stood and made his way into the kitchen, tossing his empty into the recycling bin before getting another one from the fridge and eyeing up the food situation. He should probably eat something, but he swore he heard his phone vibrating. When he looked over to the couch, the screen was lit up. 
He slammed the fridge door and opened the new bottle before heading back to his phone. There was no photo this time, but there was a new message.
I actually lost Alan in the crowd, so really, the man could be just about anywhere. And I don't think he was trying to steal your number at all, Not-Alan. He wrote it on my palm, and it smeared before I could add it to my phone.
"Okay," Bradley said out loud. "Now we're getting somewhere." He sat down on the couch with his beer on the coffee table and started a new message. 
Alan should learn how to write neater in the future, because he's missing out here. You have to double check that someone who looks like you got the number right. Everyone knows that.
Bradley decided that he was going to have no shame for the night. Not as long as you kept writing back to him. He was contemplating how to save your number in his phone when another selfie with a message came through. You were out by the bar at the Hard Deck with a smile on your face, and you were holding up your palm complete with Bradley's smeared phone number.
Does this number look familiar, Not-Alan? Still no actual Alan in sight, by the way. 
Bradley supposed that the 7 could have been mistaken for a 1. Or maybe Alan's phone number had a 5 that got smeared into a 6. It didn't really matter. Bradley was going to shoot his shot and hope Alan didn't resurface. 
Good, Alan can just stay lost. What's your name, pretty girl?
Then he saved your number as Pretty Girl, and this time he did manage to turn the TV on while he waited with his phone in his hand. He muted the Clippers game and picked up his beer before promptly setting it back down again.
Pretty Girl: Not so fast, Not-Alan. You tell me your name first. And how old you are. And your blood type and the last four of your social security number. 
Bradley laughed and started typing. He realized he hadn't stopped smiling for the last twenty minutes as he hit send.
I'm Bradley. I'm 34. O positive. 2305.
On a regular night, the basketball game would have held his attention, but tonight he couldn't stop looking at his phone. "Come on, Pretty Girl," he muttered, running his beer bottle along his thigh before taking a sip. 
Pretty Girl: Okay, Bradley. You have my attention. Send me a selfie exactly where you are, and I'll think about telling you my name. No changing into something nicer. No fixing your hair. Just a selfie. Right now.
Bradley looked down at himself in just his black boxer briefs and mumbled, "If you say so." When he set his phone camera to selfie mode, he looked at the screen and realized his hair still looked pretty decent from work. So he went ahead and took a picture where he was wearing a bit of a skeptical smirk, and he sent it before he could think twice. 
And now his heart was beating a little faster. This was probably where you'd stop responding. Oh hell, at least he went for it, but a few minutes later, you still hadn't sent anything back to him. Maybe he could have tried to hide the scars on his neck and cheek, but what was the point? Clearly you were sending him actual selfies you'd taken tonight, and he did exactly what you'd told him to. Then his phone vibrated.
Pretty Girl: Do you really expect me to believe that you're not just googling "hot shirtless guy with a mustache", downloading a photo, and trying to pass it off as yourself?
He tipped his head back and laughed. There was just something about you. He didn't even know your name or what your voice sounded like, but he could already tell he was going to like both of those things. If you ever told him or let him hear you.
That's really me. Promise. Will you tell me your name now? Or do I have to keep calling you Pretty Girl?
He was wondering if you were still at the bar, surrounded by guys like Alan who would love to take you home while you were chatting with him. And he hoped the next text would contain your name. But you just ignored him when you wrote back a few minutes later. 
Pretty Girl: Prove you're not just sending some photos of a random hot dude. Go stand by your open refrigerator and take a selfie. Then take another one with your toothbrush. 
"She's a handful," Bradley murmured as he stood with a smile. He carried his beer into the kitchen, opened his refrigerator and snapped a selfie where the fridge light somehow accentuated his features nicely. Then he left his beer on the counter while he went into his bathroom. He was actively trying not to smile for this one where he had his red toothbrush hanging out of the side of his mouth, but he was on the verge of laughing at how ridiculous his night turned out to be. 
He typed up a message and attached both photos and then sent them off while he finished his beer at the kitchen counter, Clippers game forgotten. 
What is this, Pretty Girl? A hostage negotiation? I already told you, that's really me.
It didn't take too long for you to respond this time, and Bradley wasn't even letting his screen dim long enough to need to unlock it now.
Pretty Girl: Are you naked in these photos?
"Jesus," he muttered. Of course he wasn't. Did you want him to be? Shit, he needed to stop thinking about that.
No! I'm wearing underwear. You told me not to get changed or anything.
He felt flushed and too warm as he set his phone down on the counter and went to open some windows. Then he walked a few laps around his apartment in an effort to chill the fuck out. He wasn't even with you, and you were under his skin. 
When he returned to his phone, there was a selfie and a message waiting for him. In the photo, you were sipping a drink, and the way the straw pressed to your perfect lips had him practically moaning. 
Pretty Girl: My friend thinks there's something wrong with me. I'm at a Navy bar in San Diego at the moment. There are hot guys galore, and yet I'm glued to my phone. 
"Shit, shit, shit." Bradley thought about getting dressed and heading out to the bar himself. Then maybe he could hear you tell him your name in person right before he pulled the straw away from your mouth and kissed you.
How much longer are you going to be at the Hard Deck, Pretty Girl?
Bradley started heading for his bedroom closet when his phone vibrated in his hand.
Pretty Girl: How do you know I'm at the Hard Deck? Do I need to smash my phone to bits and go into hiding?
"Fuck," he grunted, typing so quickly he had to go back and fix several spelling errors before he could send it. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable, so he paused before getting any clothing out of his closet.
Because I'm in the Navy, and I live in San Diego. And I recognized the inside of the bathroom from the first photo you sent me. I swear I'm not creepy. You can ask Penny, the bartender and owner of that fine establishment. I spend enough time there. Show her my photo.
Bradley collapsed onto his bed with his forearm over his eyes and his phone clutched to his chest. He didn't have to check the time to know it had been a while since he texted you. He also didn't have to look at his phone to know it was after midnight now and that you and he had been chatting for almost two hours. Bradley jolted when the phone vibrated against his chest.
Pretty Girl: Okay. Alright. Penny is a sweetheart, and your story checks out. Also, she told me your call sign and then told me to have you verify what it is for my own peace of mind. So what is it, Bradley? And how do you know what the ladies' restroom here looks like?
Oh, he was going to owe Penny big time. He typed away as he lay sprawled out on his bed.
My call sign is Rooster. And as for your bathroom question.... are you really going to make me answer that?
Bradley closed his eyes and thought about the girl who had taken him into the bathroom with her last year. He was pretty sure she had brown hair, but other than that, he couldn't really recall. But he did remember looking at that paper towel holder on the wall and the framed photo of an F/A-14 that was hanging over it while he was in there with her. 
He wouldn't mind taking a trip there with you, that was for sure. Or maybe you and he could skip the scandalous bar hookup and just go right to dinner or a movie. For some reason, he thought he might actually prefer that.
Pretty Girl: Be back soon. I'm getting a ride home.
Bradley mused out loud, "It better not be from Alan." Shit, he could have offered to go pick you up and make sure you got home safely. He'd only had those two beers all night, and now he was picturing some faceless guy named Alan driving you home and pawing at you.
He texted you back.
Let me know when you get home, okay? And you can always just call me.
With a sigh, he got out of bed and plugged his phone in, not sure what to expect at this point. He went back into the bathroom and used his red toothbrush. And then he went back to the living room and closed all the windows. When he was in his room again, he had no new notifications as he climbed in bed. He was about to text you again and check in when his phone rang.
CALL FROM Pretty Girl
Bradley was smiling as he answered. "Hey, Pretty Girl."
A soft laugh preceded your voice, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek as you said, "Hi, Bradley with the O positive blood. Are you trying to tell me that you were in that bar bathroom with a girl?"
He found himself laughing. "Can I plead the fifth?"
When you moaned softly, he dropped his phone onto the pillow and had to scramble to get it. "Oh, my god. Even your voice is sexy."
Okay. He should not be on the verge of touching himself after you spoke three whole sentences to him. "You make it home safely?" he asked, trying to play it cool as he thought about those photos you sent him. 
"Mmhmm. A very nice man named Alan drove me home. He's right here next to me as I get changed for bed."
Bradley thought for a beat that he had met his match in you. "You better be lying. You know what, put Alan on the phone."
Your laughter filled him up as you said, "He's not really here. I had to ditch him, because he doesn't even have a mustache. Apparently that's a deal breaker for me now?"
Holy shit. Bradley was in trouble. He was getting turned on, and you weren't even really saying anything dirty. "You're killing me. You gonna tell me your name, Pretty Girl?"
"No. I think I'm going to hold onto it a little longer."
"Fine. But please explain to me how I've never seen you at the Hard Deck before. I'm certain I would remember your face."
Your voice sounded a little softer now as you said, "I just moved to Coronado. It was my first time at the bar."
If he hadn't worked so late today, Bradley would have probably been there tonight as well. "You had fun? You think you'll go back again?"
"Probably," you replied casually. "When do you think you'll be there?"
Bradley was so warm he was starting to sweat. "Pretty Girl, you just say the word, and I'll clear my whole damn calendar."
Your little sighs and soft giggles were going to be the death of him. "You know, I still have Alan's, or rather your phone number on my hand."
He imagined himself kissing your palm and rewriting his phone number. "Should be in my handwriting. I'll make sure I always bring a pen with me to the bar."
You cleared your throat softly, and Bradley imagined you climbing into bed. "Penny told me to watch out for some of the other guys. But she said you're okay."
"Just okay?"
"Actually, she called you a big, brown eyed puppy dog."
Bradley laughed. "I've been called worse."
"I'm sure you have," you replied quickly. "You deserve some sort of punishment for daring to look good with a mustache."
"It's a blessing and a curse. Now, are you going to send me another photo? Or are you going to just agree to meet me tomorrow night?"
He heard a rustling noise and then you softly said, "Alan is not going to like this one bit." And then another photo arrived, and this one had Bradley's mouth hanging open. 
"Now it's my turn to ask if you're naked in this picture." He was taking in every inch of your exposed skin and your bedding tucked up to your collar bones. You took your makeup off for bed, and you looked cozy and intimate. And you were talking to him. You were letting him see this. Bradley had to actively think about not touching himself. 
"Totally naked."
"Send me another one?"
"Yeah," he grunted, swallowing hard as he tried to pose for another selfie just how he was, sprawled out on his pillow with his left arm bent and tucked back behind his head. But his cheeks looked flushed, and his eyes looked darker than usual. He was turned on. 
Fuck it. He snapped the photo and sent it. And about ten seconds later, he was greeted with the strangled sound you made.
"It should be illegal for someone with that mustache to look so good. It's rude, honestly. Bradley, you're kind of rude, because now I want to know...."
He was hanging on your every word. "Know what, Pretty Girl?"
The call went completely silent before you said softly and sweetly, "What your mustache feels like...everywhere."
A soft, startled laugh escaped his lips. You were on the verge of some dirty talk now, he could just tell. And his cock was hard as he replied with, "I'd love to let you find out. But before you respond, I need to know how much you've had to drink tonight. I don't want to take advantage of anything here."
You whimpered on the other end of the call. "A mustache, brown eyes, and a gentleman? All Alan did for me was buy me those two Long Island iced teas."
Bradley grunted and said, "That's enough about Alan. Why don't you go ahead and tell me where you'd like to feel my mustache first, Pretty Girl."
You squeaked and said, "I want to feel it rough along my skin right below my ear while you whisper to me. Oh my god, I can't believe I said that out loud. I should just go to bed."
"Don't hang up," Bradley said, panting with need now. "Tell me more."
"Okay," you sighed with another little squeak. "I want to feel it on my lips. While I'm sitting in your lap, licking the taste of that beer you drank from your mouth."
"Holy shit," he groaned, palming himself through his boxer briefs.
"I know," you whined with need. "And I want to feel it on the back of my neck while you do filthy things to me. And I don't even know you!"
"You will," he guaranteed. "Please, tell me what time I can meet you tomorrow."
Bradley listened to the rustle of your sheets as he waited. Then you finally said, "Seven o'clock? At the Hard Deck?"
"I'll be there, Pretty Girl. I can't wait to see you."
It was barely even 6:30, but you were already at the bar all made up and wearing a cute dress. Penny recognized you right away, which was kind of nice and kind of embarrassing. When she asked if you wanted another Long Island, you waved her off and said, "Nothing yet. I'm meeting someone."
Her eyes lit up as she asked, "Is it Rooster?"
You'd barely slept all night, preferring to look at the four selfies he'd sent you after you ended the call around two. There was a little more dirty talk, sure, but you and he also learned a bit more about each other. And now you were going to meet this naval aviator who was originally from Virginia but loved the Los Angeles Clippers face to face. 
"Yeah. It's Rooster."
Penny looked truly delighted. "You have nothing to worry about. He's very sweet."
"Tell that to the butterflies," you muttered as you placed one hand on your stomach for a beat, willing the nerves to dissipate as you walked away. You'd told Bradley you wanted his mustache on your body. In several places. And then he told you he thought you were so pretty and fun that he wanted to kiss you everywhere. And right now you were just mystified as to how this could have possibly happened only a week after you moved to this neighborhood. And you still didn't know what happened to Alan after you went to the ladies' bathroom and saved the wrong number in your phone.
You laughed when you thought about it, and then you ran your hands along the fabric of your dress. You were so antsy, your palms were sweaty. You looked down at yourself and just got more nervous. Bradley hadn't seen much of your body in the photos you'd sent to him. You'd seen plenty of his though, and he looked tall and muscular even next to his damn refrigerator. And his face was gorgeous, right down to that sinful looking mustache. 
And you were just... you. Alan was really more your speed with his nerdy glasses and messy hairstyle and his lack of ability to even grow any sort of facial hair at all. You just hoped that Bradley wouldn't take one look at you in person and walk right back out of the bar. 
You were about to tell Penny that you thought you needed a drink after all when the door caught your eye, and Bradley strolled into the bar like he owned the place. "Oh...fuck," you whispered, gaping at him as he ran his fingers through his hair. The photos hadn't even done him justice. He had to be over six feet tall, and he was so broad and muscular, he looked like he could pick you up and toss you around a little bit. "Shit." He was wearing some snug fitting jeans and a tropical print shirt like he just knew he could pull off the most ridiculous look. "Damn." He was glancing around, trying to find you while you started scouring the room unsuccessfully for another exit. 
You were trapped in here, and he was walking further into the bar now. And you didn't think you could hide halfway behind this couple who was making out for very much longer.  
As Bradley's eyes scanned the crowd again, he looked a little apprehensive. His brow was scrunched, and he checked the time on his watch. You knew it was almost seven. So you took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and then you scooted one step to your left. When his gaze came your way again, his eyes landed on you. And then his face softened. The apprehension melted away, and he smiled a cute and somehow sexy little grin that made you whimper.
Now he was heading your way, his gait sure and steady. And then he was just a few feet away and you could see the scars on his face that you'd studied all night in the photos. And you could see the flecks of gold in his eyes that somehow the selfies didn't capture. And then he was talking, and his voice was even better in person.
"Pretty Girl."
Okay, so he'd seen you up close, and he wasn't running away. That had to be a good sign, right? You managed to say just one slightly breathless word. "Hi." And then his smile grew, and he was closing the space between your body and his. He was reaching for your face and running one rough thumb along your cheek. And then he kissed you.
And the soft scrape of his mustache was even better than all of the ways you'd spent your night imagining it might feel. You couldn't help but return his kiss, and somehow your hands ended up pressed to the front of him, sliding up to his chest. 
When he broke the kiss, he stayed close, his lips not far from your face. He covered your hands with his, keeping them on his body. And then he leaned close to your ear, his mustache scraping along your soft skin there as he whispered, "Tell me your name, Pretty Girl. I'm dying here."
Soft laughter bubbled out of you as he pulled away from you a bit, and those butterflies were going wild. His eyes were fixed on your face, begging for an answer this time as he stroked your hands with his thumbs. And then you told him, and he tried your name out on his tongue a few times with that grin that you liked so much. He kept saying it softly until you kissed him this time, and then he guided your arms around his neck. 
"Listen," he said in that raspy voice that you'd love to focus on all night. "I have no problem staying here for a while if you want to. I bet you could even persuade me to join you in the ladies' room."
"Sounds tempting," you told him with a smirk.
"It really does. But we could also just ditch the bar and grab dinner instead? Maybe watch the Clippers game and have a drink at my place? I'm a little worried Alan might show up here and try to lure you away, if I'm being honest."
You practically snorted with laughter. "I can't even really remember what Alan looks like. He was totally gone from my mind after the first selfie you sent me. Let's get out of here."
He took you by the hand. "Anything you want, Pretty Girl."
I love dreamy loverboy Bradley, and I love Pretty Girl too. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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tongue-like-a-razor · 1 year ago
Ex Appeal
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader
Summary: Jake Seresin gets a frightful visitor on Halloween.
CW: Angst, fluff, suggestive themes, alludes to past cheating
WC: 3500+
This fic was written for @roosterforme’s Rocktober challenge! Inspired by the song Poison by Alice Cooper.
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“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jake says with a look of disgust – as much of it as he can muster. You, after all, have been his greatest source of misery as of late.
You give him a dirty look – your specialty – and barge into his home as though you own the place and Jake’s just a goddamn doorman. “I need to lay low for a bit.”
Jake narrows his eyes as he turns to face you. He keeps the door open because he’s still hoping you’re going to leave any minute. “Lay low?” he asks mockingly. “What’d you do? Commit murder?” He wouldn’t be surprised.
You peek around his arm to glance out at the street. “Someone’s looking for me.”
Jake watches you impassively. “Is it the police?” Then, after a moment, he adds, “Is there a reward?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re the only one in this neighbourhood that I trust,” you say, pushing on the door that Jake is obstinately keeping open.
Jake nods. “Shame that trust doesn’t go both ways,” he comments contemptuously.
You eye him irritably. “Close the door.”
“Tell me why you’re here.”
“I just did.”
Jake shakes his head. “You could not have been more vague.”
You sigh. “Close the door and I’ll tell you.”
Jake exhales warily and shuts the front door. He surveys your outfit. “What are you wearing?”
You glance down at your ensemble: a black, form-fitting body suit and fishnet stockings. You’re also sporting knee-high boots and you’ve got what looks like six extra arms coming out of your back. You look back up at him with an annoyed expression on your face. “It’s Halloween,” you snap defensively.
Jake grimaces. “Yeah, I know.” He gestures to a cauldron full of candy sitting near the front door. “There’s gonna be a fuck-tonne of children coming through here trick-or-treating in like half an hour and you’re dressed like a gothic porn star.”
Instead of being offended, you lift your eyebrows in surprise. “You’re handing out candy?”
Jake sighs and places his hands on his hips, fixing you with a stern look. “Yeah, I’m handing out candy. That’s what adults do on Halloween.”
You stare at him as a smile materializes on your face. “Is that your costume?” you ask facetiously, gesturing at his checkered polo shirt. “Adult?”
Jake squares his jaw to mask the fact that he found your joke humorous, but you seem to notice the shift in his features because your own grin broadens. “My mom got me this shirt,” he says.
“Ah,” you respond. “A fellow adult.”
Jake tears his gaze away from you, focusing instead on the shiny, pointed toes of your stilettos. “Why’re you here?” he asks again, this time a lot less peevishly and a lot more grimly.
You bend down to unzip your boots. “I’m a spider,” you say. “Black widow.”
Jake glances up to meet your gaze as you straighten up. He nods. “Suits you.”
You give him a flat look. “I was at the bus stop and some dude started harassing me.”
Jake’s eyes trail down your scantily glad body. “You don’t say,” he remarks sarcastically.
Your jaw drops in outrage. “Are you victim blaming?”
Jake chuckles and shakes his head. “It was a joke.”
You cringe. “It was in poor taste.”
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a tired sigh. He’s had about enough of your attitude. “You wanna talk about poor taste?” he asks. “Where’s that lovely boyfriend of yours?”
You watch him sourly. “We’re not together anymore, if you must know,” you reply.
Truth be told, Jake probably didn’t need to know. But, now that he does, it’s only fitting that he respond with, “Shocking.”
You give him the finger. As if he were the one who’d been dating two people at the same time.
There’s a knock on the door. “Fuck,” he mutters, giving you a moody look. “Hide,” he says. “Unless you’d rather traumatize a bunch of eight-year-olds.”
You grimace at him. “You think eight-year-olds haven’t seen worse?”
Jake scans the low-cut neckline of your costume. He can’t think of anything more erotic if he tried. But, if he’s being honest, it’s not the outfit so much as your insane body that’s the culprit. He reaches out to grab your hand and pull you aside, making sure you’re tucked safely behind the door before opening it.
He smiles down at the two little kids on his porch when they yell, “TRICK-OR-TREAT!” at the top of their lungs.
“Well, well, well,” he says cheerily, bending down to grab a handful of candy out of his cauldron. “Who do we have here?” He puts the candy into one of their bags. “Are you a mermaid?”
The girl nods happily.
Jake wows in amazement. “You’re the prettiest mermaid I’ve ever seen!” He bends down to grab another handful of candy and drops it into the second child’s bag. “And you must be Iron Man!” he exclaims. “That’s one cool costume, bud. You look great!”
When Jake finally closes the door and looks at you, he sees that you’ve got your arms folded over your chest and a giant smirk on your face.
“What?” he asks darkly.
Your smile widens. “That was cute.”
Jake takes a step from the door and looks away from you. He’s not about to get sucked back into your web of lies, no pun intended. “You wanna hand some out?” he asks.
“I thought you don’t want me traumatizing the children,” you respond sarcastically, stepping out of the corner toward him.
Jake glances at you with a small smile. “I can give you some clothes, if you like.”
You wiggle your eyebrows. “Adult clothes?”
Jake rolls his eyes. “Come on, before more kids show up.”
He makes his way into his bedroom and grabs a pair of jogging pants and t-shirt and brings them back out for you. “Bathroom’s down the hall,” he says.
“I remember,” you respond, but you’ve already started to remove your bodysuit.
Jake turns away in alarm and holds out the clothes for you. “Do you?”
“Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen it all before,” you say. “Shoot, I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Jake groans. “Are you for fucking real?”
“You got a pair of boxers?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Hold this,” he instructs, keeping a hand over his eyes as he hands you the crumpled clothes and starts back for his bedroom.
“You know what? I’ll just go commando.”
Jake takes a deep, cleansing breath and turns back toward you. He keeps his eyes closed and holds a hand out so as not to bump into anything as he walks. Of course, as luck would have it, he stumbles into you.
“What the fuck, dude?” you exclaim as his hands cling to your naked body, steadying you so you don’t fall over.
Jake squeezes his eyes tightly so that they don’t open inadvertently. “Sorry, sorry!” he winces, finally stabilizing both himself and you. He feels the softness of your skin underneath his palms as his hands do a final sweep along your back before he lifts them away from your body with a grimace. He’s bracing himself for a punch in the face.
“Are you a dumbass? Open your eyes!” you screech. “You’ve seen me naked how many times?!”
“Twelve,” he responds, a little hoarsely. All he can think about is how smooth your skin felt in his hands not a moment ago and it’s driving him a little mad.
“It was a rhetorical question,” you say pointedly. “You counted?”
“Are you decent yet?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“I’m never decent,” you mutter under your breath and Jake can’t help but smirk. “But if you’re asking whether or not I’m dressed. Then, yes, I am.”
Jake releases a heavy sigh and opens his eyes cautiously.
You scowl at him. “What, you think I’m tricking you?”
“Well, you aren’t treating me.”
You stare at him coolly. “You’re such a delight. Can’t imagine why we ever broke up.”
“Need a reminder?” he calls as you make your way back into the front hall. “It’s because you cheated on me!”
You’re standing at the front door with your arms crossed. “I didn’t cheat, for the last time,” you retort. “We weren’t exclusive.”
Jake presses his lips into a thin line. “I was exclusive.”
You shake your head in frustration. “Let’s just agree to disagree.”
There’s another knock on the door. You sigh irritably and reach for the doorknob.
“Hello!” you exclaim enthusiastically the moment the door is open.
The mob of children on Jake’s doorstep all look up at you with exuberant grins and yell their opening line in a loud, messy chorus.
You react with an animated gasp. “Oh my goodness! You guys are a frightful bunch!”
The kids laugh. Indeed, they’re dressed as zombies, ghosts, and vampires, and, when you comment on their appearance, they growl and make scary faces at you. Jake smiles at them and then at you as you distribute the candy from the cauldron excitedly.
Once the door is closed, however, you drop the act, giving him an icy look as you settle yourself on the little bench near the door.
Jake fights the urge to sit next to you and maybe get a little lost in the smell of your perfume. He still gets a whiff of it from time to time when he walks by his closet. Which reminds him –
“I have your sweater,” he says awkwardly.
You glance up at him coldly. “Well, why didn’t you give it to me? It’d probably look better than this.” You tug on the hem of the t-shirt he gave you.
Jake doubts it; the fact that he could see your nipples through the fabric of his own shirt is even more of a turn on than your low-cut bodysuit had been. But he responds with, “Probably. But I’m not about to let you change again.”
You snort. “Fair.”
Jake wonders just how detrimental sitting next to you might be to his personal journey of recovery. He figures that you also would prefer that he stay as far away from you as possible. Ultimately, however, he decides that it’s his bench, after all, and that he’ll be sharing it with you and not the other way around. And, with regard to getting over you, well, he can try again tomorrow.
Jake makes his way over to the bench and you eye him cautiously as he approaches. Silently, you slide to make room for him. He gulps nervously and lowers himself onto the seat beside you.
“What were you doing at the bus stop, anyway?” he asks, staring down at his own clasped hands because he can’t handle looking at you when you’re sitting so close.
“Frank and I were on our way to a party,” you respond sullenly.
Jake glances up at you despite himself. “Thought you two broke up.”
You meet his gaze and promptly look away – apparently, you’re not too keen on engaging in eye contact at this proximity either. “We did,” you say curtly. “About an hour ago.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “An hour ago?”
“We had a fight on the way. I hopped out of the car at a red light.”
Jake leaps out of his seat. “Are you crazy?” he exclaims. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”
You give him an amused look. “Don’t you fly jets for a living?”
Jake gapes at you incredulously. “I trained for that,” he retorts.
You let out a small laugh. “You’re right,” you reply. “I should’ve practiced first.”
Jake draws a hand over his mouth. “Okay, so you got out of the car in the middle of traffic,” he says with a wince. “And he, what? Just let you go?”
You shrug. “Wouldn’t you?”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “In what you were wearing? I wouldn’t even let you go to the bathroom by yourself.”
You stare at him with a grin. “That’s a bit excessive.”
“Yeah?” he asks. “How many guys made passes at you before you finally decided that taking the bus home wasn’t the brightest idea?”
You lower your gaze without responding.
“As if that douchebag just left you,” Jake says angrily.
“Well, I wasn’t being very nice.”
“There’s a surprise.”
You eye him dangerously.
“You could’ve gotten hurt,” Jake says. “This isn’t the safest neighbourhood.”
You suck in your cheeks and nod. “Yeah, I was pretty freaked out actually,” you admit. “There was a group of guys following me and they kept making lewd comments. When I got to the bus stop, they sort of surrounded me…”
You trail off and Jake’s hands curls into fists of their own volition. “I could kill your boyfriend.”
“Ex,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he says. After a moment, he asks, “Are you okay?”
You nod. “I pretended to call someone – you actually,” you say with a laugh. “I had a whole fake conversation with you on my way over. They lost interest in me after a little while and took off.”
He watches you solemnly. “You could’ve actually called me,” he says.
Your face turns skeptical. “Right. And you’d pick up?”
Probably not. “Of course,” he responds. Then he sighs and shakes his head. “Maybe I wouldn’t.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “I wouldn’t blame you.”
Jake sighs and sits back down beside you.
Several more groups of trick-or-treaters come and go and you and him take turns answering the door. Occasionally, both of you jump up at the same time and end up oohing and aahing in unison at the various costumes that grace Jake’s doorstep.
This activity does little to help quell the feelings he’s tried for months to repress. He remembers grudgingly the night he told you he was falling for you and you telling him that you weren’t ready for that kind of commitment. That’s when he found out that he wasn’t the only one you’d been seeing.
In your defense, it’s not something you had been actively hiding. In fact, you probably thought that Jake was also sleeping around, given his reputation. But Jake caught feelings like an idiot and was heartbroken when you finally showed your cards.
He spent nearly a year convincing himself that you’re absolute scum. Yet, here you are, looking cute as a button in his joggers and t-shirt, laughing giddily at the neighborhood children like you’re some kind of sweetheart. Like you could fool him now.
Jake slumps back down on the bench, trying to interact with you as little as possible. He can sense that you’re starting to win him over again, and he can’t have that happen. He will not be seduced.
You sit beside him with a grand sigh and lean your head back against the wall. “You get a lot of kids here,” you say lightly.
“Mm-hm,” he hums, bending forward to rest his arms on his legs.
“I’m getting hungry,” you say. “You?”
Jake closes his eyes. The last thing he needs is a fucking dinner date with you. “There are some leftovers in the fridge. You can go heat some up for yourself.”
You lay a hand on his back and Jake goes rigid. “You’re not going to eat?” you ask.
“Not hungry,” he manages to say.
Your hand slides unhurriedly down his spine, your fingers grazing him delicately. Jake brings a fist to his mouth to suppress a moan. “I’ll wait, then,” you say softly. Then, before Jake can gather the strength to remove himself from the situation, you lean your body into his and rest your head on his shoulder.
Jake sits very still, trying to decide how best to navigate this turn of events.
“Do you ever miss me?” you murmur faintly.
Jake turns his head to look down at your face while his heart springs into his throat to constrict his breathing. “What are you doing?” he asks huskily.
Your eyes stare deeply into his. “I’m just wondering,” you whisper.
Jake sighs and rubs his forehead. “You just broke up with Frank.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears. “I miss you.”
“Fuck,” Jake mutters and straightens his back. His head drops like a deadweight against the drywall in behind.
You’re displaced in the process but, once he’s situated, you slowly move closer, until your head is resting over his chest.
Jake grits his teeth but wraps his arm around you and, in response, you lay your arm over his abdomen. He can feel your fingers twist into the fabric of his shirt. He tightens his embrace around your shoulders and curses some more, in silence this time. What is it about you that he just can’t resist?
You lift your head off his chest so you can be face to face with him. Jake tries very hard not to lock eyes with you because that would likely be the end of him. “Jake,” you say in a wispy sort of tone and Jake instantly loses that fight. He meets your gaze, and your eyes entrance him. “I want you to kiss me,” you breathe.
Jake can almost taste the citrus of your perfume; it hangs over you like a veil. He can already hear your melodic moans; he knows what you sound like when he touches you. He can feel the rise and fall of your chest, the ardent urging of your hands as they slip underneath his shirt.
But what he can’t do is kiss you.
Your lips… your lips are all he can think about. He wants you more than anything in the world but you’re not here the same way he’s here; you’re just passing through while he’s here to stay.
You come impossibly close, aching for just a split second of contact. “Don’t you want to?” you whisper.
Jake can hardly stand being this close to you. “Why are you doing this?” he asks in a low, uneven voice.
You gulp and the tip of your nose brushes his. “I want to be with you, Jake,” you whimper, your fingers digging persistently into his ribs. Your travelling hands ignite a chain of pyrotechnics under his skin that sort of set his entire chest ablaze. “Don’t you want that?”
If only you knew how much. He shakes his head, cupping your cheek in his hand. “How can that be? When you’ve only been single for an hour?”
Your eyes start to sparkle. “You don’t believe me?”
He’ll never believe a word you say. But that doesn’t make him want you any less. He catches the tears that stream down your face with his thumb.
“I never got over you, Jake,” you say, clasping your hand over his on your cheek. “I think about you all the time.”
Jake leans his head into yours and grips your hand in his. If you’re telling the truth, he sympathizes. But, more likely than not, every word coming out of your mouth is fiction.
You push him away and sit up straight, wiping at your tears. “I never meant to hurt you,” you say. “I made a mistake. I realized that the moment you left. And I was too proud to go after you.”
Jake grimaces. “So, you dated Frank for ten months?”
You shrug. “On and off. He cheated on me, so…” you trail off with a cynical laugh. “Got what I deserved.”
Jake furrows his brows. “You don’t deserve that.”
You glance up at him with renewed hope. “I don’t deserve you,” you say with a strangled sigh. “I know that. And you know that, obviously. Which is why you won’t kiss me.”
Jake shakes his head.
“I know that it’s long over, Jake. I’m not delusional,” you say, your eyes so penetrating it feels like they’re clawing right into his soul. “And, I swear, I did not come here for this. It’s just, seeing you again – and your fucking disgustingly adorable adult shirt – handing out candy like a well-adjusted member of society – it reminded me what I missed out on.”
Jake lifts his eyebrows. “A lame, costume-less, party-less Halloween?”
You smile. “It’s not lame. It’s perfect.”
Jake watches you wretchedly. You may look innocent sitting before him in his very own baggy joggers and t-shirt with your dizzyingly beautiful eyes. But you are a fucking black widow. With a venomous bite. And sweet lips that spew lies, webs of which he could never untangle. Poison on the tongue. Toxic to the bone. Fatal. “You’re perfect,” he says.
You gaze at him tenderly, waiting for your moment to strike. Jake is waiting too. There’s no use fighting it, he lost the moment he met you. And he’ll lose as many times as it will take to win you for good.
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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eternalsams · 1 year ago
Cherry Pie ⇴ J.Seresin
pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader
content/warning: 18+, smut, fwb situation, swearing, alcohol consumption, boys will be boys, 'love' confession, just a bit of angst, no use of Y/N, pet names like "honey" or "sweets", COMMUNICATION IS KEY.
summary: You just moved in San Diego and you needed help with all the boxes and furniture. Naturally, you called Jake to give you a hand and that's it, right?
words count: 2.0k
notes: this is my contribution to @roosterforme's Rocktober playlist, just as asked, the fic is inspired by the song but you don't need to know it to read this, obviously... Also, English isn't my first language so please take that into your consideration. (I've spent the whole day writing this because I knew I'd never get it done before the end of October)
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"Oh, by the way, didn't you tell us one of your friends just moved here?" Rooster said as his eyes were fixed on the pool table where they were playing. Jake scoffed and sighed, trying to suppress the smile creeping up on his lips. "Oh yeah, you said that! What was her name again?" Fanboy pointed out with a light smirk. Jake was about to answer him when Payback clapped his hand on his shoulder, stopping him on his track. "Bagman's got a female friend? I don't believe it!" He laughed loudly. "I do have a female friend, I'm not that big of an jerk." Jake got up and slapped his hand flat on the table.
"We're still friends, huh?" You asked as his lips made their way down the column of your neck. Another moan escaped your lips as you felt his teeth nibble at the sensitive skin. "Yeah, yeah... Still friends." He muttered before slipping his hands under your thighs and wrapping your legs around his waist. His lips found yours once again and he didn't wait another second before slipping his tongue between your lips and tasting you. "I called you so you could help me unpack." You scolded him as your hands grabbed the hem of his shirt and in one movement, the garment was on the floor of your new kitchen. "Oh, sure, sure... Let me just...unwrap this first." He said as he unzipped your jeans and slid them down your thighs, revealing your lace panties. You chuckled and he put you up the counter before kneeling down in front of you, between your parted legs. He started kissing your left ankle, then your calf and he pecked kisses up your thigh until he reached your soaking underwear. "You're so pretty, why did I wait this long?" He murmured, mouthing at your clothed core. "Fuck..." You moaned as you hooked your legs around his head. Your fingers gripped his hair tight as he slipped your panties to the side and he licked your wet folds before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking, hard.
Everyone looked at Jake with raised eyebrows, not believing a single one of his words. Rooster was the first one to crack up and laugh. "Yeah, right. And I'm the frickin' Queen of England." Jake groaned and looked away, trying to hold himself back from punching his wingman in the face. "Excuse us for not believing you, but we only know you as a ladies' man. In front of 'womanizer' in a dictionary, there's your picture, man." Javy chuckled before taking a sip of his drink and adding something. "Also, shouldn't I know about her if she's as dear as you say?" Jake sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, glancing at the front doors another time, checking if you've arrived. "She's from my home town, we met in college and she just accepted a very nice job here. She's not here for me, she's here for work, we're just lucky we're in the same area for once since college." He cleared his throat and checked his phone for any signs of you. "Sounds like a romantic tragedy." Phoenix commented, noticing the longing look on his face as he checked his texts. "No, we're not like that. We're friends, remember? Just friends."
"To friends. And to a new life in California." You said as you held your glass of champagne high. "To all of that." Jake chuckled before taking a sip of the alcohol, not breaking the eye contact with you. You just finished unpacking everything for your living room. You still needed to finish your room and the bathroom but the biggest part was done. "Oh, wait!" You put down your glass and went to the kitchen, getting a little basket of fresh cherries. You took two peers and gently put them in both your glasses, turning the simple champagne into fancy home-made cocktails. "Champagne with cherries? That's weird." Jake laughed and grabbed his cherries before putting one in his mouth, pulling on the stem to detach it. "Maybe, but it's really good." You chuckled and did the same, staring into his eyes. "It shouldn't surprise me that the first things you have in your fridge are cherries. You've always loved them." He spat back the cherry stone and took a sip of his drink.
"You wanna see something cool?" You asked and he simply nodded, eating his second cherry. You grabbed his stem and pulled on it before putting it on your tongue and closing your mouth. Jake watched you carefully, mesmerized by you. You then grinned and pushed the, now knotted, stem between your teeth. "Holy shit..." Jake scoffed, grabbing the stem but you bit down on it to keep it in your mouth. His gaze went up to your eyes and he saw that special spark in them. He delicately removed the stem from your mouth and traced your lips with his thumb before slowly pushing it between them. Your tongue gently licked his finger and you took a bit more of it in your mouth, sucking softly. "Shit, honey..." Jake rasped. He then felt your tongue circle his thumb before you sucked a bit more and he could feel his cock harden in his pants. He adjusted himself in his seat and you chuckled, releasing his thumb and gently kissing the pulp of it. Jake moistened his lips and wrapped his hand around your neck to draw you closer to him. He crashed his lips on yours and immediately parted your lips to slide his tongue in your mouth. He could taste the cherry on your tongue and swore he could never get tired of your taste.
"Hey Penny Dear, could you get a Cherry Bomb ready for my friend. She's gonna be there soon. Put it on my tab." He softly tapped the counter before turning to the front doors. He couldn't wait to see you walk past those doors, as if he didn't see you the night before. As if he didn't feel your walls flutter around him as he brought you to your fourth climax of the night. He snapped back to reality when a hand landed on his shoulder. Javy sighed next to him and followed his gaze to the doors. "So... You're gonna tell me when you're gonna ask that girl out?" He then took a sip of his beer. "Never, it's not like that." Jake grumbled as his phone vibrated in his pocket. "Oh, I can see that it is". He chuckled without noticing Jake wasn't listening anymore. The blond pilot was frenetically typing on his phone, answering your text and telling you where to find him in the bar. The next thing he heard was the front door opening and your heels clicking on the floor. He raised his head and grinned when he caught your gaze through the crowd. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and made his way to you. "Not like that, my ass." Javy scoffed and gave back his empty beer to Penny who thanked him and went to another patron.
"You made it!" Jake exclaimed as he approached you. "I made it!" You laughed and hugged him tight. "Come on, I ordered your favorite already." He kissed the top of your head and led you to the counter where Penny introduced herself and gave you your drink with a wink. Not so far, Phoenix and Rooster were watching you both with frowns. "Are they dating? They look like they're dating." The woman asked her friend. "I don't know if they're official but they definitely like each other." They both straightened up when they saw you walking to them, Jake's arm around you and leading you. The pilot introduced you and you shook hands with all of them. "We've heard a lot about you." The man called Payback smiled at you and you grinned widely. "Jake talks about me?" You chuckled and turned to your friend who winced. "But we didn't believe him when he said he had a female friend." Fanboy chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. "A bit of a ladies' man, isn't he?" You laughed, giving a light slap to Jake's ass who then glared down at you. You chuckled a bit more and took a sip of your drink, the cherry flavor invading your taste buds. You grabbed the cherry on top and bit it, detaching the stem and keeping it in your hand.
The conversation went on and when you stood up, calling for a bathroom break, Jake only noticed now the knotted stem in your empty glass. He picked it up and made it twirl between his fingers. "She did that?" Javy scoffed, looking at the stem in his friend's hand. "Yup. With her tongue." Jake chuckled slightly before dropping the stem back in your glass. "Come on, man. I know you said you're not dating but the tension between you is too strong for friends. Are you hooking up with her?" Rooster leaned over the table as he lowered his voice a bit. "I am not. We're friends and that's it. She's just like that, all clingy and shit. Always have been." Jake gave his friends a little smile before he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I'm a bit tired from work, I'm going home sooner than expected." Your voice surprised him and he hoped you hadn't heard what he said just before. Because if one of you was clingy, it was certainly him. "Do you want me to walk you back to your car?" He asked, standing up. "I'd love to." You smiled at him and said bye to everyone before you waited for Jake to pay his tab and join you outside.
When he passed the doors, you wrapped your arm around his and you two walked silently. "Can I ask you a question?" You asked hesitantly. "Always. Tell me." Jake's other hand stroked your arm soothingly. "Are you ashamed of our...relationship? I heard what you said and I didn't really like it." Jake slightly winced at your words and as he thought you would let his arm go, you didn't do such. You kept him as close as before. "I'm not...ashamed. They just... They spent the whole afternoon teasing me about you, asking if we were dating and talking badly of me. I just wanted to shut them up." He tried to explain and you stayed silent, that wasn't really you. "Are you mad?" He then asked when he saw your car in the parking lot, scared you might leave without giving him a second glance. "I'm not. They're your friends, you know how to handle them. I believe you when you say you're not ashamed of me." You squeezed yourself against his arm. "How could I ever be ashamed of you, Sweets? You're amazing, honestly you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." You laughed at his words and dug into your purse to grab your car key. "The best thing, huh?" You smirked and looked up at him. "The best of the best." He nodded, sliding his hands on your waist. "Then you wouldn't mind picking me up tomorrow at seven? I saw a nice restaurant I wanted to try with you." He was surprised of your boldness but didn't complain. "Like...like a date?" He asked for confirmation and you smiled a bit more. "Like a date." He quickly looked away to hide his excitement but you noticed his blushing cheeks. "I wouldn't mind at all picking you up and taking you on a date. Would you allow me to kiss you before I let you go home?" He lowered his voice, as if he was scared someone else might hear how sweet and loving he was for you. You nodded eagerly and grabbed him by the neck before colliding your lips with his and swiping your tongue over his lips. And just as always, he could taste the cherry on your tongue and he loved every bit of it.
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beyondthesefourwalls · 1 year ago
And I Want To Make Her Mine
Summary: Javy thought it was too good to be true when he saw you, the girl he had crushed on for almost a year, standing in the Hard Deck. But there you were, looking just as beautiful as you always had. He thought maybe he’d finally get his chance with you after all this time. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one whose attention you caught.
Pairing: Javy Machado x Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: Language, somewhat suggestive thoughts. The Blonde One™️.
Word Count: 3.9K 
Notes: Written for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober challenge using the song Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield. Sorry it’s so late, Em! But hopefully some Javy content makes up for it. 
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Javy stood at the bar, waiting for Penny to bring him the beer that he ordered. He was the first out of his friends to arrive and he figured that there was no point in waiting for them. It had been a long week, and he was ready to unwind for the weekend before doing it all again come Monday. A flash of color caught his eye and he looked over for a moment, only to do a double take and have the wind damn near knocked out of him. He stuttered out your name as shock coursed through his veins. He had to be seeing things, he thought. But then your head turned, and those eyes he remembered so well widened in surprised recognition. 
“Oh my God. Javy?!” 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, shaking his head to try and clear it. His heart sped up in his chest when you wrapped your arms around him in a tight, but way too brief, embrace. “Hi. What-what are you doing here?”  
“I transferred to North Island, I start my new post on Monday morning,” you told him as you pulled away, smiling brightly. “Wait. Are you stationed here?” 
“I am,” he said, his smile matching yours. 
He couldn’t believe his luck that this was happening right now. You had been an administrative assistant at his last duty station, and he had harbored a crush on you for the year that he had been there. You were always friendly with him, matching his flirting at the same level, and the two of you had even grabbed drinks a few times, albeit with other people in attendance. He had never bucked up the courage to ask you out, but had promised himself he would finally bite the bullet as soon as he got back from his last deployment. He had the whole thing planned - dinner and dancing on the pier - only to never be able to actually follow through after orders of a permanent assignment at Top Gun. He had never expected to see you again, yet now you were here, standing right in front of him. 
As Javy quickly scanned your face, he took notice of how you were still just as breathtaking. He couldn't help but let his eyes linger on you for a moment too long. You were wearing a simple pair of jeans and a tank top, the clothing hugging your curves in all the right places. He could feel his cheeks heating and quickly looked back up to meet your eyes.
"Wow, small world," he said with a chuckle. "It's good to see you again." 
"It's good to see you too," you replied, your smile never faltering. "It's been what, a year?" 
"Too long," he said, feeling a little tongue-tied. He noticed that you didn’t have a drink in your hand just yet and opened his mouth to ask if he could maybe buy you one when a hand clapped roughly onto his shoulder, a familiar head of blonde hair saddling up beside him.  
“Well well well, who do we have here?” 
Javy turned to see Jake grinning mischievously, his green eyes trained on you. He felt his stomach twist nervously, knowing that look in his best friend’s eye all too well. Begrudgingly, he gave a quick introduction. "She was stationed down in Florida with me, but is transferring here. We were just catching up," he said, trying to steer the conversation back to you and him. 
“Nice to meet you," Jake said, flashing you a charming smile. “It’s an absolute sin that you don’t have a drink in your hand, darlin’. You mind if I fix that for you?” 
His eyes widened and panic washed over him when he realized what it was Jake was doing. Either his best friend hadn’t recognized that Javy was about to do the same thing or he simply didn’t care. Either way, he was shooting his shot, and much to his own dismay, you were laughing at the line the blonde had served you. He stared at him with a clenched jaw, missing the way you glanced at him first, a moment of silence passing before you agreed to the proposition. 
Before he even really knew what was happening, Jake was placing a hand on the small of your back and turning to the bar to order you a drink. At the same time, the rest of his friends arrived, and Javy was dragged into a conversation with Phoenix and Rooster about something that had happened earlier that day. He kept trying to wrap up the conversation without being rude, and when the two fellow aviators finally retreated to the pool table, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned back to where you and Jake had been leaning against the bar completely intending on reasoning his conversation with you and hopefully nudging his best friend out of the way. But when he laid eyes on you, his heart sank. 
You were laughing at something Jake said, your body leaning into his. Your smile was wide and your face happy, and it was so clear that you were enjoying yourself. You brought your hand up to rest against Jake’s bicep as you threw your head back and laughed, and it felt almost like he was being punched in the face. 
Instead of interrupting like he had intended, he threw the rest of his drink back and left the bar. 
Javy knew he would only get away with ignoring Jake for so long, and he was proven right first thing Monday morning when he was changing into his uniform after hitting the gym on base before their morning brief. 
“Where’d you disappear to on Friday night?” 
“Didn’t feel good all of a sudden,” he mumbled in response, and really, he wasn’t technically lying. He still felt sick imagining you with him, and he had spent all weekend moping about it. 
“That why you dodged my texts, too?” 
Jake snorted, clearly amused by the answer, and Javy felt a flare of annoyance course through him. 
“Well you missed a good night. That girl you introduced me to is something else. Did you know she was from Texas?” 
Javy did know that, and he was suddenly incredibly resentful that Jake did, too. It was something that he would have in common with you, and just another reason why he was sure the blonde might be more appealing. From what he remembered, you loved talking about home.
“We were thinking of grabbing dinner this week, you sh-“
Javy slammed his locker shut with more force than intended, the sound of metal clanging echoing in the open room. Jake raised his eyebrows in surprise, but Javy paid him no mind as he finished zipping his flight suit. “Good for you, man. Hope y’all have a great time.” 
He checked the blonde’s shoulder on his way out the door, ignoring the call of his name and the “what the fuck” that followed. 
When he walked into the briefing room a few minutes later, he stopped short of his seat. You were standing at the front of the room flipping through papers with Admiral Simpson. You glanced up once you handed the senior officer what he needed and met his eyes. Your face lit up and you waved happily. Javy wasn’t able to stop the tug at his lips, even if it was tinged with sadness. He raised his hand to wave back - you really did have the best smile. 
Then Jake entered the room behind him, and Javy had to wonder who it was you were directing it to to begin with. 
Javy knew that he was staring. He couldn’t help himself, not when you looked that good. You were sitting at a table in the back of the bar, shamelessly drinking a glass of sparkling wine in a bar that usually only saw beer and whiskey. You wore one of those flowy skirts that fluttered around your calves, a graphic t-shirt tied in a knot above your belly button. Your hair was down and a little wild and your skin seemed to glow under the fluorescent lights. But it was your smile that really drew him in. It was blinding, radiant, and the most beautiful thing he thought he had ever seen. 
But it wasn’t aimed in his direction. 
No. Instead, you were smiling at his best friend. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        He wanted to look away, to stop torturing himself like this, but he couldn’t. It had been a few weeks since you had come to California, and Javy hadn’t gotten used to the sight of Jake beside you. Here, in the cafeteria at work, even walking down the hallway a few times. It was a constant reminder that he had missed his shot. 
He knew he had no right to feel this way. After all, he had never made a move on you, never even hinted at his feelings. Jake had been the one to pursue you, and clearly, he had succeeded. Too bad that didn’t stop Javy’s mind from drifting to what could have been. He wondered what it would be like to be the one to make you smile like that, or the one who was allowed to wrap his arm around you and pull you close. He pictured himself leaning in to steal a kiss, to taste the Prosecco on your lips, to feel the warmth of your body against his or whisper something in your ear that made you shiver. 
He was drawn to you in a way that he couldn't explain, and he found himself wanting to stay there, watching. But then you threw your head back and laughed at something he couldn’t hear, and he knew he had to snap out of it. 
He downed the rest of his beer in one gulp and stood from the stool he had been perched on, not even bothering to say anything to the rest of his friends as he walked back to the bar. Maybe it was time to move on, to let go of this hopeless crush he’d been harboring and focus on finding something new. The best way to start that, he rationalized, was getting another drink. 
He put his order in with Penny, smiling kindly when she slid a fresh pint glass across to him. “Thanks, Penny. Put it on my tab?” 
“It’s already paid for,” she told him. 
She nodded behind him as she moved on to the next customer, and the wink she gave him seemed almost like she was in on something that Javy was entirely missing. He turned in the general direction of where she was indiciating, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His eyes met yours almost immediately. You smiled at him brightly as you waved. Despite everything he had just said, that smile aimed in his direction sent his heart racing. 
Javy sighed when you started beckoning him over. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could handle being so close to you with how his thoughts were currently racing. He was surprised when he took note of Jake no longer being beside you, and a quick glance showed him walking in the direction of the dart board where Rooster and Fanboy were standing. It was the first time the blonde hadn’t been at your side when you were in the same vicinity since you had come into town, and he felt like a terrible friend when it made his decision a little bit easier. At the very least, he could thank you for the drink. 
He tried to keep his face neutral even as his heart rounded in his chest as he made his way over to your table. "Hey,” he said, forcing a smile and trying to sound casual.
“Hey, Javy,” you grinned, and you sounded genuinely happy to be speaking to him. You patted the seat beside him, telling him to sit. He did so after a moment of hesitation, and being so close to you immediately had him reeling.  “Where have you been hiding?”
“I’ve barely seen you since I ran into you here! It feels like you’re dodging me,” you laughed as you took a sip of your drink, and Javy felt his face heat. He hadn’t thought he was being obvious in how he was avoiding both you and his best friend as he worked through the emotions he was feeling. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I’ve just been….busy.”
“Ah.” You didn’t look like you were buying it, and Javy didn’t blame you. It was a weak excuse, and he had to mentally slap himself for not coming up with something better than that. But you didn’t look mad, either. If anything, to his confusion, maybe the look you gave him was even a little amused. 
“Well, I hope you’re not too busy for a round of pool,” you said with a cheeky grin. “I’m itching to beat you.” 
Javy couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at your tone. It was one of the things that had always drawn him to you. You were so happy and playful. Still, he glanced over at the dart board before looking back at you. He cleared his throat lightly. “Not darts?” 
“No,” you answered simply. 
“Teams, then?” He pushed. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was doing it to himself.
You shook your head and he swore you leaned just the slightest bit closer to him. “No teams. Just us. Are you up for the challenge?” 
He took a deep breath and thought it over for just a second. The smart thing would be declining and getting up and walking away to save his own feelings. But you were smiling so sweetly at him and from this close, he could smell your sweet perfume, and your skin looked so soft. He took a somewhat shaky breath and took a sip of the drink in his hand, before he let a smirk cross his face. 
“I don’t know. You might regret asking me to play against you.”
You laughed so prettily, your hair shaking around you when you threw your head back. 
“Is that a threat, Lieutenant Machado?” 
It felt so reminiscent of how the two of you used to talk to each other that Javy couldn’t help but lean into it. He shook his head with a smile. “No, just a warning.”
You laughed again and stood up, grabbing your drink and motioning for him to follow you. You sent him a wink that went right through him. “Well, let’s see if you can handle me.”
The words sent a shiver down his spine. He followed you to the pool table, his eyes locked onto your hips as they swayed in front of him, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have them pressed against him. He shook his head, trying to push those thoughts away and focus on the game at hand. You set your drink on the table and grabbed a cue stick, holding it out for him to take. 
“You break,” you said, your eyes daring him, but for what he wasn’t really sure. Javy took the stick from you, his fingers brushing yours briefly, sending a jolt of electricity up his arm and straight to his heart. 
He took a deep breath and stepped up to the table, positioning himself carefully before taking the shot. The balls scattered across the table, and Javy watched as the white ball sank a solid, followed quickly by a stripe. You clapped your hands together, a wide smile on your face. 
“Looks like we have a game on our hands,” you teased, leaning over the table to take your shot. Javy couldn't help but watch the way your body moved as you lined it up, sinking a solid easily in one of the corner pockets.
As the game went on, Javy's focus began to wane. He was too distracted by you, by the way you moved, the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your body when you brushed against him. He found himself wanting to touch you, to feel you closer, to know what it was like. He was getting lost in the way you moved, and how your eyes lit up when you made a particularly good move. 
For a while, he could pretend that he had a shot. 
Javy groaned as you yelled out your success once the final ball was sunk. You threw your arms up in triumph, a bright smile on your face as you turned to face him. He couldn’t help but smile at your excitement, even though he had just lost in a somewhat embarrassing fashion. 
“That did not go the way I anticipated.” 
You laughed at his disgruntlement, the sound ringing like music in his ears. “Thanks for playing with me,” you said, “I had fun.”
“Me too,” Javy replied, smiling softly. “Although I think you might have hustled me a little bit.”
You grinned, shaking your head. “I’m just good at pool.”
Javy chuckled. “You’re good at a lot of things.”
You drew your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked at him, not saying anything in response. He worried, for a moment, that he had said too much. Silence passed between the two of you. It was like there was something unspoken hanging in the air, something that both of you could sense but neither of you could quite put into words. He swallowed hard, trying to push the feeling aside. He didn't want to ruin the moment, not after how much fun he had just had with you. 
Finally, you took a deep breath, and he swore it sounded a little shaky. You grabbed your drink and took a sip, looking at him over the rim of the cup. “I’m glad we did this.” 
“Me too,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. 
But like a physical reminder that all good things have to come to an end, he caught a glimpse of Jake watching you from across the bar. There was a strange look in his best friend’s eye, something that looked almost like excitement, but Javy couldn’t quite decipher what it meant. Still, he could feel the weight of it settling in his stomach. 
He cleared his throat, setting his pool cue down to lean against the wall. This time, the smile he sent you was strained. “I should let you get back to Jake.”
To his surprise, a look of confusion crosses over the delicate features on your face. You glance behind you to where the blonde is before looking back at him, your eyebrows furrowed together. “What do you mean?”
He took a deep breath, trying to ignore the knot in his stomach. “I know you two have been…spending time together,” he said, and despite how hard he tried, the words tasted sour in his mouth. 
“I mean, yeah. But…wait.” 
Your pretty eyes widened and you shook your head, your hair shaking as a grin started spreading across your face. Javy felt more confused than he had all night, and for some reason, embarrassment was starting to settle in, too. 
“Oh gosh. Javy. Me and Jake?”
You broke out into a surprise bout of laughter, the sound like bells ringing in his ears. Your hand found his arm and you gave it a squeeze before letting it rest against his bare skin below where his shirt sleeve ended. Your hand felt so soft. He wanted you to keep touching him. "Oh, Javy. No. I thought Jake was kidding when he said that’s why you were probably dodging us left and right.” 
The pieces weren’t quite connecting as his mind fought to catch up, having gotten distracted by your touch. He floundered for what you were saying to make sense, but he came up short. “I…am so confused.” 
Your laughter peeled off into quiet giggles before quieting all together, and your face softened into something that looked understanding and hopeful at the same time. You took a step closer to him. His breath caught as his heart started to pound in his chest. 
“Jake and I are just friends, Javy. That’s all.” 
His pulse continued to race as hope set in. He played over every interaction that he had witnessed between the two of you over the last few weeks, realizing that maybe he had been a little blinded by the jealousy he had felt. He knew how Jake flirted and how he acted with women that he was into. Aside from that first night at the Hard Deck when he had introduced you, that intimacy had been absent. Instead, now that he thought about it, it had been a comfortable familiarity, not different from how they interacted with Nat or Halo or Rooster’s girlfriend.
He was starting to feel like an idiot. 
“We have a lot in common. We talk about home a lot. But…I’m not into him. Someone else had already caught my eye.” 
He swallowed thickly, still not allowing himself to completely believe it. Your fingers still traced light circles on his arm. “Someone else?” 
You giggled softly, and then you raised on your toes and leaned in. There was a moment of hesitation, as if you were both waiting for the other to make a move, before you took it upon yourself to close the distance and your lips met his in a soft, tentative kiss. It was featherlight and over before his brain could even register it had happened. You were still smiling at him when you pulled away, your eyes glinting with amusement. You nodded slowly, whispering to him, “Someone else.” 
The words sent a jolt of electricity through him, his hand finding its way to the small of your back as he pressed his lips to yours again. Javy’s hands slipped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as the kiss intensified. It was like a spark had been ignited, and suddenly the kiss was deepening, becoming more passionate.
The rest of the bar seemed to fall away as you both lost yourselves in each other. Neither of you heard the excited yell of “finally” come from over at the dart board, completely caught up in the moment. Javy couldn’t believe that this was happening, that he was here with you, kissing you. Finally, indeed. 
Finally, the need for air became too much and the two of you pulled apart, gasping for breath. You looked up at him, your eyes filled with a warmth that made his heart skip a beat. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” you admitted, biting your lower lip between perfectly white teeth. Javy’s chest swelled with affection and he leaned in to kiss you again, this time with more certainty. He felt the warm pressure of your lips on his, and the sensation was intoxicating. 
“Let me buy you a drink,” he said once he pulled back. He had been wanting to do so for weeks, now, and it seemed it was his own fault that he hadn't, yet. 
You brushed your nose against his, nodding. “I’d like that.” 
Main Masterlist
Notes: I love this man so much. Hope you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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ficsilike-reblogged · 1 year ago
Hungry For Heaven
Summary: Beau knows he shouldn’t have feelings for his young, pretty secretary. But he can’t help it. Pairing: Beau “Cyclone” Simpson/F!Reader (No Y/N) Word Count: 4.6k ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS ALLOWED A/N: This is my second entry for the 80’s Rocktober Challenge hosted by @roosterforme - I picked Dio’s song “Hungry For Heaven.” I hope you enjoy! Warnings: Naval inaccuracies, Cain is a creep for plot reasons, my gratuitous use of italics and song lyrics, a coyote ugly reference, female receiving oral sex, power imbalance
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His girl. Cyclone’s girl. Simpson’s girl. The Admiral’s girl. That’s how most people referred to you when speaking with Beau. And he had never admitted how much he liked it, instead telling people to at least acknowledge your rank. But in the dark of his rooms, in the recesses of his mind, Beau liked it. He liked that you were his. 
Sort of.
Beau knew it was cliche. Falling for his young, pretty secretary was probably the most cliche thing that he could have ever done. But it hadn’t been a choice, really. You had appeared one day, three years ago, like a whirlwind and Beau had been left in your wake. You kept a tight ship, just as he did. You had been a perfect match for him, keeping him organized and on time for all his meetings and classes. You had made the mountains of paperwork he was always saddled with much easier to swallow and he had thought he was dreaming when you’d first handed over a thick stack of papers and told him he just needed to sign at the bottom of the last page. You’d basically done a week of reports for him and had left Beau with a pen in his hand and a tight stomach as you sauntered back out of his office. But that was what you did, he learned. You made his life easier. Gave him time to breathe. You were his girl. 
It was more than a little embarrassing to realize his…affection for you was noticed by anyone. Thankfully, the only person he knew for a fact suspected anything was Admiral Bates, who had quietly told him that it was about time he was happy. Embarrassing. It was a kindness, true, but Beau would have preferred if he hadn’t said anything at all. These feelings were inappropriate and completely against Naval regulation and protocol and he couldn’t stop.
“You’re not staying much later, are you?” 
Beau looked up from his computer, reading yet another request from Maverick about his insane dog fight simulations he wanted the newest Top Gun class to try, to see you in the doorway of his office. The usual, soft smile was on your face—the smile he liked to think you reserved just for him. His mouth curled up at the edges too; he couldn’t help it. “Just trying to rein in Maverick.” 
You scoffed and shook your head but your smile remained. “You’re going to be here all night, then. Again.” 
Beau had to hide his laugh behind his hand. You knew him too well. “I won’t.” 
You hummed, obviously not believing him. “I’ll order you dinner. Do you want Chinese or Italian? You had barbecue two nights ago.” 
His heart twisted, like it usually did whenever you so easily showed how well you knew him. “Italian, if you could, Lieutenant. With-”
“With extra breadsticks, I know. I’ll make sure they don’t forget again.” 
You were gone from the doorway before he could thank you but you returned not thirty minutes later with his promised dinner and another smile. A cursory glance let him know that the extra breadsticks were indeed included this time and you set a silverware roll from the mess hall beside the bag. 
“You’re too good to me, Lieutenant.” Beau winced as soon as the words left his mouth but you simply smiled. “And I thought you were on your way out for the weekend?” 
Your smile widened. “I am. But I wasn’t about to leave you hungry.” 
Beau’s entire chest ached and he tried to smile again but he was sure it looked more like a grimace. “Big plans?” 
“My friend’s bachelorette party. We are going bar hopping after getting pole dance lessons.” You paused before a grimace crumpled your features. “You didn’t need to know that. I apologize. That was unprofessional.” 
Beau felt his throat bob, mouth suddenly dry. Seeing you in your khakis or in any of the other Naval uniforms had been all Beau had been given, aside from when you needed to grab something from your office over the weekend a few months ago and he got to see you in a sinful pair of shorts and low cut top. But imagining you in one of those tight, tiny dresses he knew women your age wore and learning how to dance like that had his stomach in knots. 
He was being unprofessional. He was supposed to be the one who approved or rejected paperwork for relationships like this. He wasn’t supposed to be wanting one. And he wasn’t even sure if you saw him as anything other than the old man who needed help keeping his meetings and paperwork in a row. 
Sure, you joked with him, nursed a glass of expensive bourbon with him after the Uranium Mission, and Beau liked to think he caught you appreciating the view when he partook in the swim call during your last shared deployment and you handed him a towel to dry off…but that did not mean anything in the grand scheme of things. 
He knew that. 
But he couldn’t get you out of his head. 
“I hope you have a good time. You’ve certainly earned it. I know I run you ragged here.” 
The hard line of your shoulders lessened and your smile returned as you shook your head. Your hand settled over his and you gently squeezed his fingers, touch not retreating immediately and Beau tried not to revel in it too much. “I love working for you. You have to know that by now.” Beau watched your mouth open again before you bit your lip. 
Beau could imagine a million different things you could have said after that. But you didn’t say any of them. You didn’t say anything at all aside from a soft, “anyway, have a good night, Admiral. Please don’t stay too late.”
And then you were gone, leaving Beau alone with the scent of your floral perfume, the echo of your warm hand on his, and an ache in his chest. 
It was fine. 
This was fine. 
He ate his dinner as he tried to find the least insane simulation Maverick had requested and hoped that it would end well next week. Honestly, having the Captain as the permanent Top Gun instructor was bad for his heart.
“Are you coming?”
Beau looked up from his paperwork to see Admiral Cain in his doorway, arms crossed over his chest. Oh, that was right. Cain had been invited to see the current Top Gun class in action. The higher ups thought it would be a way to “soften” Cain’s animosity toward manned aircrafts. It was ridiculous because Beau outranked Cain and he still walked around like his shit didn’t stink.
Mostly what it did was raise Beau’s blood pressure and had you running circles around base trying to keep Cain out of Beau’s office. It was a valiant effort, Beau knew, but Cain hardly ever followed any recommendation from someone who he deemed ‘beneath him.’ 
He glanced down at the calendar on his desk and saw your neat handwriting over today’s date. Drinks with Cain? :( 
“Yeah, let me just clean up and-”
“I’ll give you fifteen minutes.” And then he was gone, too. 
Biting back every swear he’d ever learned, Beau stood and cleared his desk of his dinner’s trash and filed everything away to deal with on Monday. He pulled on a different shirt and slacks he kept in his office’s closet for times like this and tried not to seem too unenthusiastic when he met Cain out in the parking lot. The effort was completely negated when the other man started bragging about the bar he wanted to try, touting that it was apparently popular with younger women who preferred older men. 
And while Beau did think of you for a moment, his stomach still rolled with the thought that Cain was on the prowl for someone younger when Beau knew that he had a wife and kids waiting at home for him. But still, he went, knowing the higher ups would frown at him not wanting to “play nice.” 
(Beau pocketed the thought that he could have Cain dishonorably discharged if he actually did something.) 
The drive to the bar was thankfully short and Beau had repeatedly told himself that it would be fine to leave after one overpriced drink before parking. He could hear the classic rock pouring from the stout brick building and he could still hear the waves crashing against the shore as he stepped up toward the front door. The bouncer at the front waved him in and Beau saw Cain already striding up toward the bar, turning his head to watch as a woman, carrying a tray of shots to a different table, walked by. 
Cain settled at the bar and Beau begrudgingly stood near him and waited for one of the three bartenders to take their order. When they were noticed, Cain was more than a little shameless with staring down the bartender’s shirt when she came to their corner of the bar top so Beau made a mental note to give her an extra tip with his drink as a silent apology. 
“What can I get started for you?” She asked, turning to Beau with a roll of her eyes. She’d apparently already had a long night. 
“Cognac, please.” 
The bartender quirked an eyebrow but almost smiled. “You seem like a top shelf kind of guy. Am I right?” 
Beau nodded and watched her grab a bottle of cognac he also had in his personal bar back home (where he’d rather be, but that was beside the point) and poured a few fingers of it into a glass before setting it atop a monogrammed napkin and pushing it in front of him. He handed over his card without a fuss and she seemed grateful when he didn’t ask to open a tab. 
Beau vacated his spot at the bar after leaving his promised tip and it was quickly taken by a woman who had to be about your age with a sash across her chest that read “Made of DisHonor” in bold, pink lettering. It was funny—there must be a bachelorette party here somewhere. 
Again, he thought of you—you had said your friend’s bachelorette party was tonight. 
As Beau settled into an overstuffed booth near one of the stained glass windows, he saw Cain still at the bar, now turned around to lean against it as he sipped on his martini. His gaze was bouncing from one woman to the next while completely ignoring the other men who would have probably preferred his spot at the bar to order. But it hardly mattered, really. Beau would have been content with finishing his drink by himself and not interacting with Cain at all. But Cain did eventually did spot him and Beau raised his glass in half hearted welcome but hoped that it would not be taken. 
Cain didn’t pick up on the abject disinterest on Beau’s face and started to make his way over. Dammit. However, he made it only a half dozen steps before getting pulled to a stop by a woman in a tight dress and a bright smile. 
Damn. All right. Apparently the reputation this bar had was not completely unfounded. 
Beau was quick to drag his gaze away from the uncomfortable scene and spotted the girl with the sash walking away from the bar with a tray of what looked like Jell-O shots in her hands. Beau watched her go with a smile, remembering his days back in college when his tongue was blue from drinks like those. She quickly passed out the small plastic cups and the grip Beau had on his cognac nearly slipped when he recognized one of the women in her group. 
God. You had always been beautiful but right now you were truly something else. Sinful and ethereal all at once. Stunning. Short dress. High heels. Burgundy lips. You were dressed for the festivities. Your sash read “Miss Behaving.” 
Of course it did. 
The bride, a cute woman in a tiny white dress with a giant white bow on the back of her head, herded everyone a little bit out of the throughway so a small group of men could get to the bar without needing to walk around. And you ended up closer to him. He could hear your laugh over the music as your friend pushed one of the Jell-O shots into your hand. 
“I’m driving tonight! I can only have one drink.” 
The woman with the Made of Dishonor sash pouted but still made sure your fingers were curled around the tiny plastic cup. “You said that at the last two bars, too. That’s why I got you a non-alcoholic Jell-O shot. Congrats. That is pure sugar and water, babe.” 
You laughed and Beau found himself smiling at the sound of it; he liked hearing you be happy. And he should have known that you would be the designated driver for your friends—you were always taking care of someone. (Usually it was him.) 
He watched you and your friends take the caps off the shots and clink them together with a shout of cheers for the bride as he took another sip of his own drink. It nearly came right back out as he coughed, watching your tongue skirt around the plastic. 
“There we go!” The bride cheered before patting your cheek with uncoordinated fingers but you laughed anyway. “I want you to have fun. Have fun with me.” 
“I am having fun! I promise,” you said before catching her hand and kissing her fingers, earning a giggle of your own. “And tonight isn’t about me!”
“I picked this bar for you!” The maid of honor said with a laugh of her own. “I was hoping I would be able to get your mind off that man who shall not be named.” “No, you chose it because they let you dance on the bar.” “That’s besides the point,” she retorted, finger pointed in your direction. “Two birds, one stone or whatever.” 
“What?” The bride asked, dragging out the single syllable. 
The maid of honor shook her head. “Babe, it has been over a year and you’re still hung up on him. You either need to get under him or get over him.” 
You swirled your finger around the empty, plastic container, pretending to care about the remnants of your Jell-O shot. “I can’t help it.” 
“What’s so special about him?” Another woman asked, stealing a second shot. “A year’s a long time.” 
“Oh no,” one of your friends groaned. “Don’t get her started.”
The bride pouted again. “But I wanna hear it. I don’t hear anything anymore! I don’t even know who we’re talking about!” 
“I’ve told you about him twice but that just…doesn’t matter,” you said, probably noting how intoxicated she was at the moment. “You’re busy with wedding planning, sweetheart. We don’t want to bother you.” 
She waved it away, pout persisting. “Tell me. Tell me right now! I’m your best…” she hiccuped. “Best friend. Tell me.” 
You licked your lips before sighing. “He’s…my boss.” 
There was an answering squeal from the bride and a few others in your group before you waved it away with a halfhearted scowl, like you were trying to keep the smile from your face. 
The grip on his drink was near painful now. 
You were talking about him. You had been hung up on him for over a year. 
“He’s just handsome and kind and funny. He’s nice when he wants to be and he’s always nice to me.” 
“But not to everyone else, right?” The maid of honor said, sounding like she’d heard this before. 
Beau adjusted his posture to try to hear your group better over the blaring guitars and thumping drums. He wanted to know what you had been saying—apparently repeatedly. 
“Yeah. I mean, he runs a tight ship-”
“That is a terrible pun.” 
“-but he tries to keep everyone safe and he just expects everyone else to do the same. So-”
“You’re burying the lede here. He’s smoking hot. A complete silver fox who’s got a banging bod.” 
You gaped at the Maid of Honor’s outburst and Beau watched your mouth open and close a few more times without a single word coming out. Is that what you had told your friends?
“And he’s sweet to you?” The bride repeated, hazy eyes sparkling. “You hafta marry him.” 
“They’re a sight for sore eyes. Good choice.” 
Beau felt something in his neck pop when he quickly turned his head to see Cain settling opposite him in the booth. The other man’s eyes were dragging all over your group without a care in the world. Dragging all over you. “Did you strike out?” The words were out of his mouth before he could even begin to think of a different response. “I saw you talking to someone else.” It was a pitiful recovery but Beau hid his distaste for the entire situation behind another gulp of his liquor. 
Cain’s mouth curled into a scowl for a moment. “You’ve been sitting here alone all night. You’re not doing any better.” A familiar sneer pushed at his features before he once again looked at your group. “Are you one of those that just likes to look?” 
Thankfully or not, Cain didn’t wait for an answer and stood again, making his way over to your group. Just for a moment, Beau thought about just leaving. Just getting up and leaving and pretending this entire night never happened. 
“A-Admiral Cain.” 
Your voice cut through Beau’s thoughts with ease. 
“I…I didn’t expect to see you here.” 
Cain squinted at you, probably trying to place your face and Beau saw the exact moment Cain recognized you, a smirk pushing at his mouth. A few of your friends started whispering into each other’s ears, probably wondering if this was the Admiral you were hung up on. “Ah, Lieutenant, I should have known it was you.” 
Cain’s smirk grew. “Yes ma’am. I think I’d recognize that-”
Beau had heard quite enough and stood abruptly, cognac still in his hand. “I think we’ve had enough tonight, Admiral. Time to head out.” 
The shock on your face only grew more apparent as you looked at him. “Admiral Simpson. Um…h-hi.” 
“That’s him,” the maid of honor hissed into the bride’s ear. 
Cain’s eyes were hard as they bored into the side of Beau’s face. He could feel them. But he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You were even more beautiful up close. Dammit. Again.
“Why don’t we let the ladies decide if I’ve had enough?”
Your eyes went wide and you took a step in front of your friends, hands fanning out to keep them behind you. “I apologize, sir, but I don’t think that is entirely appropriate.” 
“It could be our little secret and shouldn’t I be the one who says whether or not something is inappropriate? I’m sure we can all keep a secret.” 
Something Beau had spent years trying to suppress started to bite at the back of his mind. Cold rage. He moved to step in front of Cain, blocking you from the other man’s gaze. “We’re done here, Cain.” 
The tense line of his shoulders relaxed when he felt your warm hand press against his back. A quiet thank you. And the simple touch had warmth bleeding over him. 
“We are just about to leave-”
“Bride and babes!” The bartender who had served Beau hollered. “You’re up!” 
The maid of honor let out a curse and muttered something about never planning anything ever again before pushing everyone toward the bar again. And then Cain was saying something, Beau could hear the rumble of his voice at the back of his mind like a buzzing fly, but Beau couldn’t take his eyes off you. 
You as you tugged down your skirt after it had ridden up when you climbed. 
You as you helped the bride step onto one of the barstools. 
You as you followed suit until you and the rest of your friends were lined up on the bar. 
“Ladies and gents,” the bartender’s voice cut through the din of the bar just before the last song ended. “We have a special group here tonight. And they want to put on a little show for you all.” 
The crowd gave a raucous cheer and then the opening chords of a song he knew well swelled over the bar’s speakers. And then you (and your friends) started to dance. It was filled with spins and giggles followed by twists and turns that had your legs nearly glowing in the low light of the bar as Dio continued to sing. 
You're in danger, the last of a line
But the vision lasts forever…
The watching crowd hollered when you and the maid of honor showed off the moves you must have learned at your pole dancing lessons on either side of the bride. Beau couldn’t take his eyes off you. Wouldn’t. 
“I see it now.” Cain’s voice pulled his attention for just a moment. “You want her all to yourself.” 
He didn’t deign it worthy of a response. And honestly, what could he say? Denying it would be fruitless and accepting it would be handing over power to Cain. So, Beau said nothing. 
The young just getting older
We are sunlight
We can sparkle and shine
And our dreams are what we're made of… He just watched you. 
He dragged his eyes up your form and saw you looking straight at him. 
Just hold on You can make it happen for you Reach for the stars and you will fly You're hungry for heaven Hungry for heaven Hungry for heaven But you need a little hell, oh, hungry…
And, just for a moment, Beau felt like you were doing this all for him. This entire show was for him. That little dress and the way you inched it up your thighs as you moved was for him. The burgundy-tinged smile was just for him. The way your half-lidded gaze never strayed far from him in the crowd was for him. And maybe it was. Maybe it was all for him because as soon as the song ended and you helped your giggling friends off the bar—taking extra care to help the bride down as she poked at the tip of your nose—you turned to him. While your friends were swarmed by other patrons of the bar who had appreciated the show, you only looked at him. And then you were moving, pushing your way through the accumulated crowd and toward him. You licked your lips just before you slowed to a stop in front of him and Beau tracked the movement with his heart hammering in his throat. “Did you enjoy the show?” And what was he supposed to say to that? He had the wherewithal to notice Cain had retreated to a darkened corner with another drink and a different woman, his attention completely diverted. Beau paused for a moment before nodding. What good would lying do now? Something had shifted, irreparably changed. For better or worse. 
He could smell your perfume again as you moved closer, closer, closer. God, you were beautiful. And a voice that sounded almost like himself was screaming at the back of his mind that this was wrong, this was against all sorts of Naval regulations, that this would only end poorly- But it quieted as soon as your fingers pressed against his chest. He could feel each of your breaths against his mouth. He could smell your floral perfume with each of his own inhales and wanted to bury his nose in it. In you. But what Beau happily noticed was the lack of alcohol that hit his nose. You were sober. 
He knew adrenaline could make people do things that were out of character. Plenty of pilots, himself included, had landed their jet and jumped out, heart hammering and nerves buzzing. Maybe it was that for you, high off the little performance. Confident enough to approach your direct superior in a crowd. You sought him out. There was a silent conversation between you; were you going to do this? Could either of you stop? And Beau surged forward with his inevitable answer, closing the gap.
You tasted like heaven. Sticky sweet with a bite of something else and your hand gently curled over his chest as you sighed against his mouth. Your fingers inched up to press at the side of his neck as he licked between your lips. 
Every sigh, every little noise, every brush of your mouth against his had his heart racing. This was what he needed, what every part of him had wanted since you had first spent the night at his side, helping him do monotonous paperwork. Just you, in his arms, and your taste on his tongue. 
He didn’t even recall pulling you toward the small hallway that led to the bathrooms but he felt your smile against his mouth when he backed you against the wall. Your next breath puffed against his wet lips and your eyes still sparkled in the hallway’s shitty light. “We might have fifteen minutes before someone comes looking.” “I can do a lot in fifteen minutes.” 
The bathroom door creaked when he pulled you through it and the lock gave an answering click when he engaged it. You were soft everywhere and Beau groaned against your mouth as his hands skirted up your thighs, dragging the minuscule skirt of your dress with it. And you were sweet everywhere, too, as he tugged the tiny scrap of lace between your thighs to the side and drank you down. Your hands curled into his hair as he pulled one of your legs up and over his shoulder. He kept you upright as each flick of his tongue had you shaking and whimpering and filling his mouth. 
He could do this forever, even if his knees ached and his trousers were unbearably tight. 
Just as you shook in his grip and he felt you sliding down his chin, there was a sharp knock at the door. 
“We’re leaving! I’m giving you exactly thirty seconds to meet us outside.” 
Beau recognized the maid of honor’s voice on the other side. It was quickly followed by a chorus of giggles. But he hardly heard any of it as you sighed and curled your hands beneath Beau’s chin and pulled him up with a gentle tug. You kissed him, undoubtedly tasting yourself on his tongue, as your thumb swept gentle circles against his cheek. 
Your eyes were hazy and half-lidded again and you stole another kiss against his mouth when he pulled your dress back down. 
“You can definitely do a lot in fifteen minutes, Admiral.” Your finger swept beneath his lip, gathering the evidence of your secret and you licked it away. “I’ll return the favor. I promise.” 
Before you slipped away from him again, Beau kissed you again. He couldn’t get enough of it, of you. Nor the soft laugh you let out as you whispered you’d see him on Monday. 
Monday was going to be interesting. He didn’t know what it would bring, how any of this would turn out, but he had hope. And he liked to think you did, too. 
Beau couldn’t wait. 
A/N: please let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!
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trickphotography2 · 1 year ago
(Every Step You Take) I'll Be Watching You
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Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x female!reader (Evie)
Word count: 6.2k
Synopsis: Bob disliked Friday team nights at The Hard Deck but knows they're important to the squad. That is, he disliked them until Penny hires a new summer bartender who gently pushes him to try new things. But when he comes in to find the police asking for her, the last thing he expected was to find himself protecting Evie. Trigger warnings: stalking, attempted assault
Written for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober Playlist challenge.
Prompt: Every Breath You Take by The Police
Master List | Ao3
The Hard Deck slowly filled with the usual Friday afternoon crowd, the noise level increasing as Bob crushed peanut shells between his fingers. He’d never been one for the bar scene, but team cohesion was necessary, and this was where the Daggers had decided was home. He could put up with a regular night out if it meant better dynamics in the air.
“Who's ready for another round?” Fanboy asked, holding up his empty beer bottle. There was a handful of answers, and Bob quickly stood. 
“I’ll get it,” he said, eyes darting to the bar. It was still early enough that it wasn’t swamped with patrons, the perfect time for him to make the run. He’d always had a hard time with crowds. Some of that had been trained out of him by the Navy, but he avoided them when he could. That was one of the things he loved about being up in the air - the knowledge that it was just him and the pilot, that he could focus on his job instead of navigating the world. It was easier to have set parameters and expectations to operate within. Once he climbed the ladder to the cockpit, his entire focus shifted to the mission, executing it to the best possible extent and getting back home. 
A spot opened up at the bar as he neared, and Bob made a beeline for it, setting the empty bottles and glasses on the counter. Pushing his glasses up his nose, he glanced at the pretty bartender Penny had hired a few weeks ago. Evie slung a towel over her shoulder and used the back of her wrist to push her purple glasses up as she built a drink in a shaker tin. Her gaze drifted across the patrons, and the corner of her mouth tipped up when her eyes landed on Bob. He felt his lips curving in an answering smile. 
“Another round?” Penny asked, stepping in front of him. 
“What? Oh,” he said, eyes darting between the two women. Penny gave him a knowing look, her lips thinning as though trying to repress a smile. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“Evie? Lieutenant Floyd’s getting another round for his squad. Think you can help him out?” 
“Yup, just need a minute,” Evie replied, grabbing the cocktail strainer and a clean glass. Her eyes darted over the beer bottles. “What were the drafts?”
“It was the, uh… IPA?” 
“Do you remember which one?” Rose dusted his cheeks, and Evie shook her head. “Don’t worry about it - who was it for?”
“Payback and Hangman.” 
“Finch and…?” 
“Fitch and Seresin.” She nodded, placing the cocktail before a woman, and quickly entered the sale. Grabbing clean glasses, she pulled the drafts. She retrieved the bottles from the under-counter refrigerator, caps flying as she quickly opened them before returning the bottle opener to her back pocket. 
“And what can I get for you, Bob?” she asked, setting the beers down in front of him and clearing away the empties. 
“I’m fine with a Coke.” She cocked her head, raising an eyebrow.
“Have you tried a Roy Rogers before?”
“I don’t, I don’t drink.”
“It’s not alcohol - it’s grenadine and Coke. Just a little more flavor.”
“Oh, that… that might be okay.” She smiled softly, grabbing a shot glass and the bottle of grenadine, uprighting it to pour a small measure before filling the rest with soda. 
“Try it first.” Her fingers held the glass in the middle, and he carefully lifted it from her hand, making sure not to touch. “Thoughts?”
“It’s not bad,” he replied, setting the glass down. Evie quickly grabbed it and set it on the container with dirty glasses. “I’ll have that, please.” 
“You’re not just saying that since I suggested it, are you?” she pressed, filling a glass with ice and setting it in front of him.
“No, ma’am. It’s good.” 
“Alright. Happy it’s the weekend?” Bob watched as she poured the red syrup into the glass while using the soda gun, lifting his gaze to see her watching him. He nodded. “Doing anything fun?” 
“Not really. You?”
“Working. Studying. The usual.” He watched her pluck two cherries from the garnish tray and drop them into the drink. 
“Oh. Well, uh, I hope you have some time to relax.” Evie’s smile didn’t quite meet her eyes.
“Here’s hoping. Need a hand to get all of this to the crew?” 
“Backup has arrived,” Hangman said, appearing at Bob’s elbow. He winked at Evie. “Much obliged, darlin’.” 
“Of course.” Her gaze met Bob’s again. “Lemme know if you need anything else tonight.” 
“I will. Thank you, Evie.” She nodded, turning her attention to the next patron.
“You’re welcome, Bob.” 
Another Friday. Another Hard Deck night. 
Bob arrived before the others and sat in his truck. A glance at his watch showed that they should be getting there soon, so he steeled himself to go in first. If he did that, he could make an excuse to leave earlier. 
“Hey,” Evie greeted him, a rack of clean glassware in her hands as she backed out of the kitchen. He nodded, eyes darting down to the rack and wondering if it would be strange for him to offer to carry it. She set it on the counter before he could figure it out and ducked under the bar. “What can I get for you?”
“A Roy Rogers, please.” Her teeth dug into her lower lip as she fought a smile. 
“Okay. What are your thoughts on trying something else?”
“Like what?” 
“A cherry lime Ricky? Lime juice, cherry syrup, and soda water.” 
“Sure.” He watched her retrieve a glass and two bottles. “What are you - ”
“So how was - ” She paused. “Sorry, you first.”
“I,” Bob cleared his throat. “I was gonna ask what you’re studying.”
“I’m working on a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Just finished my first year.”
“Yeah,” Her gaze flitted up to meet his before focusing on building his drink. “Decided it was time for a change, so, yeah. New city, new career.” 
“Where were you before this?” 
“DC. I was a legislative policy analyst.” At his raised brows, she shrugged. “It sounds more impressive than it was. And it paid horribly. I bartended on the side, so at least there’s some continuity. Tell me what you think of this,” she said, setting the glass in front of him on a napkin. 
“It’s good. Thanks.” 
“No problem. Can I ask you a question?” When he nodded, she leaned on the bar and cocked her head. “What’s a wizzo? I heard someone call you that.”
“WSO - Weapon Systems Officer. I fly with Phoenix and handle the comms, datalinks, and targeting systems in our jet, among other things.”
“Sounds complicated.” Bob chuckled, ducking his head.
“Yeah, yeah, it is. I like it, though.”
“That’s important.”
“Is that why you’re doing psychology?” 
“Yup. Wish I’d realized that while I was in undergrad instead of doing a whole career shift at 28.”
“That’d be… that sounds like it’s hard.” 
“Gotta do the hard things sometimes to get to the long-term goal,” she sighed before looking over his shoulder. “The rest of your crew just got here.” Without warning, a hand came down on his shoulder, making him jump.
“Hey, can I get a Sam Adam’s on draft?” Rooster asked. With a nod, she retrieved a pint glass and flipped it in her hand, sending a sly smile to Bob, who ducked his head. Drinks in hand, the two men went to claim the pool table. 
From there, Bob saw Evie tense as a man slid into his vacated stool. Her smile was fixed as she set a napkin in front of him and took his order, going to the far side of the bar to use the soda gun. Penny leaned closer as Evie whispered something, then turned to grab a bottle, eyes darting to the patron. After serving the man his drink, it looked like he was trying to talk to her, but she moved on to the next person. His eyes followed her as she worked the bar, trying to talk every time she neared to grab something, to which she nodded with a fixed smile.
Slowly, so slowly it almost seemed accidental to anyone who wasn’t paying attention, Bob watched as Penny took over the section the man was in as Evie swapped to the other side of the bar. When the man tried to request Evie’s help with a drink, Penny shrugged and crossed her arms, a tense smile on her mouth. Bob’s eyes flit to Evie, who looked like she was trying hard not to pay attention. After a few minutes, the man threw money on the bar, walked towards Evie, and said something before leaving. Penny was quickly at her side, and Evie shook her head. She turned as though feeling eyes on her and met Bob’s gaze. He frowned when she quickly looked away.
When he was ready to go, he made a point to close his tab with her. “Here you go,” she said, placing his card and receipts in front of him with a pen. Though she had other customers, Evie stood before him, retrieving a cloth from her pocket and cleaning her glasses. “What are your thoughts on frozen drinks?” she asked. 
“I don’t mind ‘em.” Her smile grew as she nodded.
“I can bust out the blender next Friday and do a Virgin Piña Colada or whipped lemonade. Or a blushing Arnold Palmer if you want something simpler.” 
“I’m sure whatever you make’ll be great, but you don’t have to go through the hassle for me.”
“It’s no hassle,” she shrugged, pushing back ingrained bartender dread of using a blender. Shoving the cloth into her pocket, she put her glasses back on and cocked an eyebrow. 
“I look forward to it. Have a good night, Evie.”
“See you next week, Bob.” When their fingers accidentally brushed as she reached for the receipt, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged on his mouth.
The following Friday, Bob tried not to grin whenever he caught sight of the pink cocktail umbrella tucked behind Evie’s ear, matching the one in the Virgin Piña Colada she’d made him. 
“He’s back,” Penny whispered as she passed behind Evie to restock the straws. 
“I’ll have Jimmy take care of him.” Evie nodded, keeping her head down as she crouched low to restock the beer case. 
“I’m sorry about this, Penny,” Evie whispered and swallowed hard when the older woman squeezed her shoulder. The bar was too busy for this shit to be happening on a Saturday night. One of the ships had just come in, and The Hard Deck was already packed. It should have been an all-hands-on-deck night, and now she was trying to figure out how to avoid one of her sections. A part of her wondered if she should have called out and let Penny schedule one of the other summer bartenders, but the tips tonight would be too good to pass up. With the summer semester over for undergrads and her tutoring students gone for a couple of weeks, the extra cash would ensure she could pay her rent without dipping into her savings. It wasn’t like she was getting paid for the hours spent at the community mental health clinic where she interned. 
But that didn’t make it easier to ignore Shaun, eyes boring into her as she circled the bar to get around him. Breaking down the beer boxes, Evie tucked them under her arm and turned to her boss. “Gonna make a trash run.” 
“Make it quick,” Penny nodded. “Grab some whiskey and tequila on your way back, please.” With a nod, the younger woman grabbed the trash and ducked under the bar, weaving through the crowd to the back exit. A few of Penny’s aviators glanced up as she pressed her back against the door, and she gave them a tight smile and nod. 
Music spilled out of the building, melding with the sound of waves crashing on the shore as she tossed the bags and boxes into the dumpster. She stopped and enjoyed the sight of moonlight bouncing off the ocean and the cool breeze ruffling the strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail. While she missed the hustle of DC, there was something to say about the laidback California lifestyle. Being removed from the constant job comparison was also lovely. If Evie never dealt with another Capitol Hill bro again, it would be too soon. 
Mentally preparing to reenter the fray, she took a deep breath and stepped back inside, beelining towards the bathroom to wash her hands. But as she exited the stock room, juggling four bottles, she froze. “Hey, Eves.”
“Shaun.” The blonde smiled at her, leaning against the wall to block her exit.
“How have you been?”
“Busy. I need to get back to work, so if you’d excuse me.” When she tried to step around him, his hand landed on her hip, finger threading through her belt loop.
“C’mon babe, don’t be like that.”
“Move your hand,” she said through grit teeth. 
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“I was very clear when I told you it’s over. I will ask you nicely to leave before you’re kicked out.”
“Too late.” Standing behind Shaun was Penny’s boyfriend, Maverick, backed up by Jimmy. The two men looked annoyed, and anger flared in Mav’s eyes when he saw where Shaun’s hand was. “Now, you can leave through the front door, or I’d be more than happy to get some of my guys to throw you out. Decision’s yours.” Evie blushed, seeing they were drawing the attention of Penny’s aviators, who all frowned in her direction. 
“I’ll see you around,” Shaun begrudgingly said, letting his fingers drag along the waist of her shorts. If her hands weren’t full of alcohol, she would have slapped him. 
“No, you won’t,” Mav promised, forcefully steering the taller man towards the door. Jimmy followed after patting her shoulder. Evie forced a smile, happy that her coworker had her back, and drew in a deep breath, holding it for four beats and exhaling. Slowly, she forced herself into a quick round of box breathing to ground herself, her eyes closed. It was just like taking a beat between clients, she told herself before stepping back onto the floor and hustling to the bar.
“You alright?” Penny asked. 
“Wonder what that’s about,” Phoenix said, pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head as she and Bob entered The Hard Deck. Penny glanced at them, forcing a tight smile as she spoke to the two police officers across the bar. Bob couldn’t help but look around for Evie. The squad had mentioned that something had happened over the weekend, and he wanted to check on her. 
Evie stepped out of the stock room, flexing her hands. Bob wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn that the corner of her mouth lifted when their eyes met. “Jimmy and I got the new kegs on, Penny. I’m going to…” she trailed off, catching sight of the officers. “Everything okay?” 
“They actually need to talk to you. You can use my office.” Evie’s paled, making her red lipstick more vibrant. Bob felt a surge of protectiveness, and only Phoenix’s pointed look checked his instinct to move closer. 
“O-oh, alright. This way.” When their eyes met again, Bob tried to give her a reassuring smile. 
“Everything alright?” Phoenix asked as Penny moved towards them. 
“Did Pete say what time he was going to be here?” she asked instead. 
“He shouldn’t be far behind us,” Bob replied, glancing towards the office. With a nod, she started to pull Phoenix’s beer. 
“What about you, Bob?” He ordered a soda. While Phoenix went to secure the pool table, he stayed hunched over the bar, the pile of peanut shells growing on the napkin in front of him. When the office door finally opened, and the officers stepped out, he waited for Evie to emerge.
When she did, he felt his heart drop. Her usual composure was gone, eyes wide as they darted around the bar. Her red lips parted, blowing a breath as she swiped at her eyes, smearing her eyeliner and knocking her glasses askew. As she neared, he could see that she was shaking. 
“Hey,” she said softly, forcing her voice steady as she stepped behind the bar.
“Are you okay?”
“F-fine,” she replied but jumped when Penny appeared beside her. 
“You okay, sweetie?” the older woman asked, taking a few steps away from him. Evie rolled her lips together, tears appearing in her eyes. Her trembling became more pronounced, and when she caught Bob looking at her shaking hands, she balled them into fists.
“I’ll b-be okay.” Penny let out a heavy sigh and shook her head.
“Take the night. I’ll call Chelsea to cover and give Pete the officer’s card so he can give a statement, too.” 
“I’m so sorry, Penny,” Evie breathed.
“Don’t be. Go home and take care of yourself. We’ll figure this out. But send me a picture of him so I can make sure everyone’s on the lookout. I’ll trespass him if he shows up.” The two women embraced before Evie circled the bar, giving him a weak smile before going to retrieve her purse. Penny’s eyes landed on him, and she sighed. “Would you mind walking her out, Bob?” 
“Of course,” he said, quickly pushing to his feet. When Evie returned, she’d swapped her glasses for sunglasses. Penny jerked her head, and Bob scrambled to follow. He quickly got in front of her and held the door open, brows furrowing at the brittle smile she gave him. 
“Thanks, Bob.” 
“You’re welcome. I’ll, uh, walk you to your car?” The statement came out as a question, and she shook her head.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to.” Her breath hitched as her lips thinned, and she gave a curt nod. They didn’t speak as he followed her toward an old, beat-up blue car on the far corner of the parking lot. It apparently didn’t have automatic locks because her hands shook so badly that she scraped the paint twice while trying to fit the key into the lock before dropping the keys. 
“Fuck,” she hissed. He was faster than her and plucked them off the ground. 
“Evie - ”
“I’m fine.” When he didn’t say anything, she sighed and held out her hand for the keys. He watched as they shook, slowly raising his eyes to meet hers. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Can I drive you home? I don’t think… I want to make sure you get there safely.” Her chin wobbled, and Bob’s hand flexed, trying to resist the urge to reach out to touch her. 
“You don’t have to.”
“Please.” After a moment, she nodded, and he unlocked the car before circling around it and holding open the passenger’s side for her.
“The air conditioner doesn’t work,” Evie said once he’d adjusted the driver’s seat and turned on the engine. Nodding, he rolled down his window as she did the same. “I didn’t have a car in DC and didn’t want to have a big car payment while I’m in grad school.” 
“I had a car that smelled like fuel the entire time I was in flight school,” he shrugged, pulling out of the parking lot. “Got it on the lemon lot on base.”
“Lemon lot?”
“Yeah. You can put your car and stuff up for sale there. They’ve got one here if you’re ever looking for a new car.”
“I don’t have base access.”
“I could take you.” She nodded, then gave him directions to her apartment. It was a quiet ride, the silence broken by the radio and wind, and he saw her wiping her eyes occasionally. They drove to one of the older parts of town and pulled into an apartment that was a bit dated from the outside. Evie seemed a bit embarrassed as she got out. “I’ll just order a car,” he said, handing her the keys. 
“Do you want to come up while you wait?” she asked.
“No, it’s fine,” he said, taking his phone from his flight suit pocket. He saw a text from Phoenix asking where he’d gone but ignored it in favor of pulling up the rideshare app. “It’ll only be… forty minutes.” She sighed, shaking her head. 
“Come on.” He followed her into the building, climbing a staircase to the second floor. “It’s a bit of a mess,” she apologized, pushing open the door to her studio apartment. He quickly removed his boots when she kicked off her sneakers and followed her down the narrow hallway into the main living area. A folding room divider separated her bed from the couch, and books covered the coffee table and a small desk tucked into the corner. The back wall was a large window covered with curtains, and he could see a small patio overlooking the pool. Her eyes were red-rimmed when she turned to face him. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“Water, please.” She nodded, putting on her glasses before tossing her purse onto the bed and retreating to the small kitchen. Unsure of what to do, he followed, watching as she retrieved two glasses, glancing over at him as she reached into the refrigerator. She looked calmer now that she was in her own home, but he could tell she was anxious. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really,” she sighed, handing him the water, eyes not meeting his own as she pushed her glasses up her nose. He recognized the nervous tick as one of his own. 
“Does it have something to do with the guy who makes you uncomfortable at work?” Her wide eyes darted up to meet his, and he shrugged. “Mav asked us to be on the lookout for him, and I noticed that you avoid him.” She took a deep breath before sipping her water, her hands shaking again. 
“Yeah. Shaun,” she said after a moment, dropping her gaze to the floor. “We went on a couple of dates, and he didn’t like that I told him I wasn’t interested. I must have mentioned working at the bar once, and he figured that bothering me there would make me give him another shot.” 
“Was that why the police talked to you?” The trembling was back, and she quickly set her water on the counter before crossing her arms over her chest. 
“H-have you ever heard of the Tarasoff Rule?” Frowning, he shook his head. “It’s a law that all mental health professionals have to follow. We have to warn and protect if we think a client is an active threat to someone. It’s…one of the few reasons we’d break confidentiality. And I guess… and Shaun said something to someone, and I - ” She gasped, pressing a hand to her mouth to stifle the panicked sob that escaped. Without thinking, he quickly walked towards her and set his glass beside hers, pulling her into his chest. Evie hesitated a moment, pushing her glasses to the top of her head before her arms wrapped around him tightly. He could feel her tears dampening his flight suit, drowning the usual urge to keep physical distance. 
“Honey, does he know where you live?” he asked softly, then swallowed hard when she nodded. Careful not to jostle her, he reached into his pocket and canceled the car. There was no way he was leaving her alone.
When her sobs dissolved into hiccups, Evie slowly pulled away, eyes downcast as she tried to clean the eyeliner and mascara from her face. “‘M sorry,” she mumbled, reaching to scrub her thumb on his chest. He saw a smear of red lipstick on the fabric and caught her hand.
“‘S fine. Is there anyone… do you have someone that can stay with you? Or somewhere you can go?” She shook her head, hand quickly shooting up to catch her glasses when they slid from her hair. 
“I don’t want to drag anyone else into this.” Bob’s jaw ticked as he looked at the floor, thumb absentmindedly stroking her knuckles. 
“Can I stay?” 
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.” 
It was awkward at first, only really knowing one another in the context of the bar. They sat on the couch, the television droning to break the silence. Evie had changed into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt, makeup scrubbed off, and glasses perched on her nose. Bob had tied the top of his flight suit around his waist. 
But then he noticed one of the books on her coffee table and chuckled. “Didn’t take you for a Tolkien fan.” Her gaze followed his, seeing the cover of The Silmarillion hidden under one of her textbooks on psychodynamic theory. 
“I’m a Tolkien nerd,” she admitted. “I even have an Elvish tattoo.”
“You do?” Rather than answer, she turned her back to him and lifted the hem of her shirt, revealing her black bra band and the delicate script trailing along her spine. “What’s it say?”
“‘Deep roots are not reached by the frost.’ It’s from - ”
“The poem about Aragorn,” Bob finished. Evie dropped her shirt and turned to face him, an eyebrow cocked. 
“You like Lord of the Rings?”
“The Hobbit’s my favorite book.” A smile curved her lips, and he felt a surge of pride that he’d put it there. 
“So what did you think about them breaking it into three movies?” He groaned, tipping his head back against the couch. Evie laughed, and he grinned.
The conversation carried them for a while, and after she warmed up some leftover chicken and pasta, they put on the extended version of Lord of the Rings. They discussed how sad it was that Tom Bombadil was left out of the films and how Arwen’s role replaced Glorfindel.  When she took their empty plates to the kitchen, Bob was pleasantly surprised when she sat closer to him on the couch. 
It was edging close to 10:00PM when the movie ended, and they debated putting on The Two Towers before deciding against it. Instead, Evie put on some music, and they talked. She told him about growing up in Maryland and realizing that she wasn’t happy in a career writing reports and wanted to help people instead. She talked about her work at the community mental health center and how hard but rewarding it was. Bob told her about growing up on the ranch in Montana, spending days in the saddle and nights under the stars. He told her one of his favorite things about being on the carrier was seeing those stars again. Night flights were his favorite because even the glow of the instrument panel wasn’t enough to block them out.  
When he stretched his arm across the back of the couch, his fingertips accidentally brushed her shoulder as she faced him. He didn’t want to pull away when she leaned into his touch. 
Bob felt himself losing focus as they talked about their families and clenched his jaw to keep from yawning. Evie seemed to catch it, though. “Sorry, I forgot not everyone keeps bartending hours. I’ll let you get some sleep.”
“I’m fine,” he said quickly, reluctant to have the evening end. He hated why he was getting to spend so much time with her, but Bob wanted to savor every moment together. Phoenix teased him about his crush, and tonight only worsened it. Shaking her head, she stood and stretched, the hem of her shirt rising to reveal a thin strip of skin before falling again. 
“I’ll get a pillow and blanket. And I’m sure I have a spare toothbrush somewhere.” He nodded, and they took turns in the bathroom while she spread a sheet over the couch for him and tossed a blanket at the end.
“Will it bother you if I, uh…” he motioned to his flight suit, a blush creeping up his throat. 
“Oh, no. That’s, um…” Evie said, a pretty pink dusting her cheeks. Bob nodded and waited for her to turn off the floor lamp and duck behind the room divider before taking off his flight suit and folding it. He didn’t usually sleep in a shirt, but it felt like pushing to only wear his boxer briefs in her home. “Night, Bob.” 
“Goodnight,” he called back, putting his glasses on the coffee table. Tucking one arm under his head, he stared at the ceiling until she turned off her bedside lamp. He could see the light of her cell phone for a while before it turned off. 
And then she started crying. Soft little gasps that she was clearly trying to muffle in her pillow, just loud enough for him to hear. It broke his heart to lay there and listen to it until her breathing evened, and she drifted off to sleep.
Knocking woke him, and Bob was momentarily confused about where he was. He snatched his glasses from the coffee table as Evie turned on her bedside light. “Bob?” she said, voice rough with sleep and laced with apprehension. 
“Stay there,” he ordered, flinging off the blanket and pushing to his feet. He glanced over his shoulder as he entered the hallway. Evie clutched her blanket to her chest, teeth digging into her lower lip.
“Babe, I can see your car out there. I know you’re home,” Shaun said, knocking louder. 
“Call the cops,” Bob hissed. She nodded, grabbing her cell phone and quickly dialing 911.
“You need to leave right now,” Bob shouted as he neared the door. The knocking stopped.
“Who the fuck is that?”
“The police are on their way.” He could hear Evie talking to dispatch. Glancing through the peephole, he saw the man pacing, hands buried in his hair. Bob stepped back when he turned and resumed pounding on the door.
“Who the fuck is in my girlfriend’s apartment?” There was movement behind him, and Bob turned to see Evie standing at the mouth of the hallway, cell phone tucked between her shoulder and ear with a baseball bat in hand. 
“Please hurry,” she begged. Her wide eyes met his, and he motioned for her to give him the bat. The hallway wasn’t wide enough for him to get a good swing if Shaun made it through the door, but he could do some damage if necessary. Her voice retreated for a moment, and he heard the slide of a drawer before she was back, a small canister in hand. Bob recognized a can of pepper spray when he saw it and had to fight back the visceral reaction. He’d been sprayed with it during Officer Candidate School, then had to take down and fend off a potential threat. 
“Careful with that,” he warned, not wanting to have to re-experience it. Evie nodded, eyes fixed on the door as the pounding continued. 
“Evie, open the goddamn door!” Bob held out a hand to keep her from answering. They didn’t want to make Shaun angrier. If she didn’t answer, he might think he got the wrong place and go away. 
There was a boom, and the door shuddered. 
“Please, please, please tell them to hurry,” Evie pleaded. Bob wanted her behind a locked door, but the bathroom was closer to the entrance.
“Go on the balcony, honey,” he said softly. There wasn’t a lock, but at least she’d be further away. She shook her head, and they heard a second boom. He spun, lifting the bat when he heard the crack of the door frame splintering. 
“Go!” Bob ordered. There was no way her neighbors weren’t hearing that, and he hoped that they were on the phone with the police as well. A large shard of wood hit the floor at the next hit, and he adjusted his grip. 
In the distance, he heard the wail of a siren. Apparently, Shaun did as well because he paused. Creeping towards the door, Bob squinted to look out the peephole and saw the man leaning over the banister. Blue and white lights flooded the area, and he took off. Glancing over his shoulder, he met Evie’s gaze and held out a hand to stop her from coming inside. What felt like an hour later, but was probably just a few minutes, there was another knock.
“Police! Open up.” Leaning the bat against the wall, Bob quickly unlocked the door and let the officer in. 
“They’re here,” Evie breathed, stepping inside. “Thank you.” The phone dangled from her hand for a moment before falling to the carpet, and Bob quickly crossed the apartment to tug her into his arms as she started to sob. 
It took an hour for the officers to take their statements and to talk to the neighbors. While the doorframe was splintered and the door scuffed and dented, the lock still worked. Bob showed the officers out while Evie sat on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands, forcing herself to practice deep breathing. She couldn’t stop shaking but had managed to stop repeating, “I don’t know why this happened. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” They’d assured her that Shaun wouldn’t be getting out of jail for the weekend and walked her through getting a restraining order. She was thankful Bob was there because she couldn’t concentrate enough on their words to follow what they said. 
“Hey,” he said softly, crouching in front of her. “Honey?” He lightly touched her knee to get her attention. Her red-rimmed eyes met his. “Do you want to stay here or go to my place?”
“I’m so sorry, Bob. I didn’t mean for y-you to get involved.”
“Shhh,” he said softly, thumb lightly stroking her leg. “I’m glad I was here.”
“You’ve already done so much,” she rasped, shaking her head. “I can’t… I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t here.”
“You would have hit him with the bat and then the pepper spray.” That pulled a tired, huffed laugh from her. “Let’s go to my place?”  
The streets at 4:30AM were nearly empty, and they both felt the adrenaline crash as they walked into Bob’s condo. Their fingers entwined as he led her through the dark house, unwilling to burst the soft, tired bubble they’d found themself in by turning on a light. Wordlessly, he led her to his bedroom. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he said softly, dropping her quickly packed bag on his dresser. But Evie held tight when he tried to let go of her hand.
“Stay?” she breathed. “I don’t want to kick you out of your bed and… I don’t really want to be alone.” Bob hesitated, watching the streetlights reflecting off her glasses, and nodded. Silently, he stripped off his flight suit and crawled into bed after closing the curtains. Evie lay beside him, staring up at the ceiling. Her hand slid under the covers to find him again. “Bob?”
“Thank you. For everything tonight. And I’ll completely understand if you never want to see me again after this. But I just wanted to let you know that I a-appreciate it. You.” He was silent for a moment.
“I want to see you again. You’re my favorite part of the week.” He heard her breath hitch and turned to see her looking at him. 
“You're mine too.” 
Later, he wouldn’t be sure who moved first. But he would remember vividly how soft her lips felt against his that first time, tentative at first and then her muffled gasp as his fingers traced the curve of her jaw. Her breasts pressed against his chest as they moved together, fingers hesitantly slipping under shirts and exploring unseen skin. “Honey,” he breathed against her mouth. “Not tonight. Not like this.”
“Not tonight,” she agreed. Her hand lifted, thumb tracing his lower lip before her gaze rose to meet his. “‘I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging.’”
“And it's very difficult to find anyone,” Bob finished the Tolkien quote, shifting his fingers under her shirt to trace the Elvish script that decorated her spine. 
Evie lay awake long after he drifted off, replaying the night and everything that led up to it. She could already tell there were gaps in her memory. When her heart started to race, she forced herself to recite the 14 symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the differential diagnoses of PTSD, acute stress disorder, and adjustment disorders.
She watched the sky grow lighter through a gap in the curtains. The mattress shifted as Bob moved. Quickly shutting her eyes, she feigned sleep as he curled around her, slotting his thighs behind hers and tossing his arm across her waist. He mumbled something in his sleep. 
Her eyes grew heavier as she focused on the steady beat of his heart and his slow, deep breathing. 
As she drifted off, Evie had one last conscious thought. 
Author's Note: Sting said this about the song
"I think it's a nasty little song, really rather evil. It's about jealousy and surveillance and ownership... I think the ambiguity is intrinsic in the song however you treat it because the words are so sadistic. On one level, it's a nice long song with the classic relative minor chords, and underneath there's this distasteful character talking about watching every move. 
Tarasoff's Rule came about after a man murdered his ex-girlfriend after disclosing his intent to his therapist. You can read more about the case here. Duty to warn and protect is one of the few reasons a mental health clinician can break confidentiality, and only when there is a plan/intent to act; having thoughts with no plan/intent does not meet the threshold for breaking confidentiality. Confidentiality is taken very seriously in the mental health world.
This story came about due to one of my colleagues was alerted to a patient making homicidal threats against him. When I saw this challenge, I jumped on the song because the connection to the case and the way the song is catchy and sweet but sinister.
Evie's tattoo comes from this poem:
“All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.”
Thank you for reading!
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thedroneranger · 1 year ago
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
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Synopsis: Mrs. Seresin is a hard person to surprise. However, stealing a page from her book, Jake may have managed to catch his wife off guard.
Notes: Here is entry one of two for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober challenge! The song is Centerfold by J. Geils Band. Part of the To-do List collection.
Warnings: 18+ only; smut.
Word count: 3.8k.
Mrs. Seresin did a little happy dance as she stuck the key in the lock and opened the door of her PO box. This was the last time she would have to stop by the post office to pick up her business mail. A smile pulled her lips as she cradled all the mail in one hand and locked the box with the other.
She was also delighted by the thought of all her sample books and design digests moving to her new studio. Now, she and Jake had more room for collector edition novels and travel tchotchkes in their home office. Jake was returning tonight from a week-long training and had promised to help pack. He might’ve been more excited than her that she was finally getting a studio. 
Jake never stood in the way of her career, but he did voice his opinion about her need for more separation between work and home. Yes, she had an office—they technically shared the space—but sometimes work spilled into other areas of the house. And Jake knew she was overworking when he was away.
Today’s mail drop was sizable and included a few new sample books. A couple of her monthly subscriptions also arrived. She’d have time to thoroughly sort when she got home. Jake wasn’t due back until later.
Once home, she parked in the garage and was greeted by Ruck when she entered the house. She spent a few minutes loving him before going upstairs to change. Ruck on her heels, she returned to the garage to get the mountain of mail. Back inside, she stood at the kitchen island and sorted.
A sample book for a new tile company’s latest collection. The wallpaper samples a client requested. Pantone’s interiors collection for the new year. New editions of Dwell and Architectural Digest. The last piece of mail was wrapped in an opaque poly plastic bag. Going for ease, she fished scissors out of the drawer beside her and sliced off the crimp.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said aloud as she pulled a glossy magazine out of the wrapper. Staring back at her was a shirtless Jake, wearing Wranglers with his thumbs hooked in the belt loops. He donned his favorite Stetson and had a toothpick dangling from his lips. The title Flyboy was printed above his head in a font that mimicked the infamous Playboy.
A smile plastered on her face, she sighed as she flipped it open. As tempted as she was to immediately look at the centerfold, she browsed the articles and features first. Jake put a lot of thought into Flyboy—from the photos to the articles and down to the barcode, which included their wedding date.
Now she understood why she’d been banned from his calendar photoshoot.
Every year, the Lemoore-based strike fighter squadrons competed to raise money for charity. By New Year’s Eve each year, the squadrons were expected to present a check for at least $12,000 to the charity of their choice. The three years previous, Jake’s squadron, the VFA-151 Vigilantes, had at least doubled the minimum expected donation. The squadron’s creative approaches to raising funds not only brought in a lot of money but made them the reigning champions. 
Over the years, the Seresin became a staple in the competition. Year 1, Mrs. Seresin pitched the Commander to allow the Vigilantes to participate in a date auction. The night was memorable not only because the squadron raised $64,000, but also because Mrs. Seresin got into a bidding war with the Commander’s ex-wife over Jake. The victor, she got kudos from the Commander for putting his pain-in-the-ass ex in her place.
The following year, Jake suggested weekend car washes from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The weekends he and Mrs. Seresin volunteered were always the highest grossing. When Mrs. Seresin couldn’t join him, he was sure to send her pictures of him and the rest of the squad posing in black triangle bikini tops.
For Year 3, the squadron was cleared to host an air show. It got so much publicity that the Navy decided its official demo squadron, the Blue Angels, would participate. Obsessed with the Blue Angels as a child, Jake nearly blacked out when he was presented with an honorary patch for flying alongside them.
No one thought the Vigilantes would be able to top the air show for Year 4. However, inspired by an anniversary gift from his wife, Jake proposed a calendar. Twelve months, 12 pilots. After the initial laughter, everyone was sold.
When Jake told his Mrs. Seresin, she immediately sprung into action to assist. By the time Jake left for work the next morning, she had secured a pro bono photographer and had plans to dress the sets and pilots. Jake knew his wife was a force, but she never ceased to amaze him. She had to shoo him out of the house before he was late for work, because he was showering her in physical gratitude. 
Mrs. Seresin couldn’t help but smile as she thought about all the late nights and takeout. Ann, her long-time friend, agreed to be the photographer and de facto assistant art director. Mrs. Seresin and Ann had staged and shot so many home and business interiors together, they lost count. They were excited to tackle a new frontier.
However, Mrs. Seresin did not get to conquer the frontier that was Jake in front of the camera. When he asked her to not attend his shoot because he wanted to surprise her, she choked down her disappointment and respected his wishes. 
However, her disappointment was in the rearview mirror the minute she saw Jake’s photo at the reveal party. Clad in just his dress whites pants, Jake’s megawatt smile lit the image while he kneeled alongside Ruck. Tongue lolling out of his mouth, Ruck was also smiling at the camera. 
To top it off, Jake was the pilot for December, Mrs. Seresin’s birthday month. “An early birthday gift,” Jake called it as he hugged her to his side and kissed her temple. 
That night was for Jake and the rest of the squad, but Mrs. Seresin felt like the real winner.
After its release, the Vigilante calendar took social media by storm. It was easily their most successful campaign, raking in over six figures. And of course, Jake and Ruck became everyone’s favorite duo. 
Although Jake wasn’t on social media, and Mrs. Seresin kept her social footprint strictly business, the internet sleuths still found them. Fortunately, they were respectful of their boundaries. Even more surprising, learning Jake was married and that Ruck was Mrs. Seresin’s dog just made folks swoon harder.
An hour after opening the mail, Mrs. Seresin was tucked on the couch, wine in hand, and reading Flyboy cover to cover. Ruck laid at her feet and lifted his head every now and then to confirm her noises weren’t duress.
Mrs. Seresin held the magazine sideways to take in the centerfold in all its glory. Jake was standing naked in the foreground of a hangar with his helmet perfectly positioned to keep the photo modest and have his call sign on full display. His signature smile, sandwiched between deep dimples, added to the cheekiness of the missing vowels on his helmet. She couldn’t help but smile.
Jake knew the magazine arrived today. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he thought about her reading it. It wasn’t the pictures he was nervous about, it was the pages in between. 
Curating Flyboy was a trip down memory lane for Jake. He spent time scrolling through their shared memories and writing his perspective of their adventures. It was fun, and he even decided to start a journal.
Jake was confident the magazine caught her off guard. His birthday plan was unfolding perfectly. He was hoping his outfit, his flight suit, was the second punch of a one-two celebration combination. The cherry on top was riding shotgun: a half dozen her favorite donuts. 
Since her birthday was two days after Christmas, Jake vowed to keep her birthday separate from the holidays. To honor that, he always celebrated with her in early December. More used to having her birthday swept under the rug, it was the first time in their relationship Jake was able to surprise her.
The truck headlights lit the closed garage door as Jake pulled into the driveway. Once parked, he slipped out of the vehicle and prepared for Mrs. Seresin’s three-legged protector, Ruck, to greet him. Inside, while Jake shed his things at the door, Ruck nosed the donut box. Jake had bought a doggie donut so Ruck could celebrate, too. Package inspected and approved, Ruck led the way to the living room. 
Mrs. Seresin was flipping through what Jake assumed was his magazine. She glanced up to find him swaggering over in his flight suit—the top tied around his waist—and a black t-shirt, holding a box. “Hey, flyboy.” Her voice was sultry. “Or should I say coverboy.” Jake couldn’t help but smile, and she mirrored his expression. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” He flipped open the box. Her face lit up as she stood to get a donut. Jake watched as she selected her favorite and happily took a huge bite. While she chewed it, she turned the pastry to feed Jake. He obliged. 
She tucked a couple fingers in the waist of his flight suit and led him to the couch. Jake placed the donuts on the coffee table and traded her donut for Ruck’s treat. She smiled and fed it to him. Jake’s heart swelled at how gentle Ruck was with her. She finished her donut nestled under Jake’s arm with Ruck’s head in her lap. She fed Jake the last bite. After swallowing, he leaned in to plant a sugary kiss on her lips and murmur one more “happy birthday”.
“Can I unwrap my present?” She smirked at him.
Jake grinned. “You already did.” He tipped his head toward the magazine on the table. Mrs. Seresin leaned forward to grab the magazine, and then returned to her spot under Jake’s arm. Casually, she flipped the pages. “Do you like it?” Jake questioned.
“Love it,” she quickly answered. She looked at him with the biggest smile. He leaned down again and pressed his lips to hers. “So thoughtful. So personal. So hot,” she said between kisses. “But you really didn’t drive home in your suit flight for me?” Her lips pulled into a pout. “I know this is a clean suit. You don’t reek of jet fuel.” Jake wordlessly responded, his bottom lip disappeared behind his teeth as he smiled.
“What was your favorite article?” Jake asked, unfazed.
“Ruck’s, of course.” Jake scrunched his nose at her. She chuckled and returned to lazily flipping the pages. “I also liked reminiscing about our honeymoon. You picked some exclusive photos.” Jake flashed a toothy grin as she looked back at him. He had included some photos he took of Mrs. Seresin on the private yacht they stayed on for their French Riviera honeymoon.
His personal favorite was her draped nude on a deck lounge chair with her legs butterflied while she pleasured herself—her hand tastefully covered her core. “I’d love to recreate some of those by the pool,” he responded. 
“Mhmm,” Mrs. Seresin replied, still flipping through the magazine. “Or on another yacht. We do have a milestone anniversary coming up,” she reminded him. Jake responded by placing a kiss to her temple.
“Your photos were nice, too,” she added, making eye contact with him and sticking her tongue out. He squeezed her closer and tried to playfully catch her tongue but captured her bottom lip instead. She leaned into the kiss, bringing a hand to the side of his face. Carefully, Jake removed the periodical from her lap as she slid onto his. 
Straddling him, she cradled his face in her hands as she deepened the kiss. Magazine safely on the coffee table, Jake slipped his hands under her shirt—one of his Academy shirts—and his thumbs dipped into the waistband of her bike shorts to rub the soft skin of her lower belly. His thumbs circled lower and confirmed his suspicion—no panties. 
She rolled her pelvis into his as she kissed him harder. He moaned, and Mrs. Seresin thought she might come right then. She pulled away, mouth agape, and sat back on his lap. “Get this off.” She demanded as she helped strip him of his t-shirt. “Just like the magazine.” She referred to the picture of Jake shirtless with his flight suit tied around his waist. In the photo his suit was so dangerously low that, with his thumb hooked in the roll, you could see his tiny “Bite me” tattoo. 
She rubbed herself all over Jake as they continued to make out. Jake’s hands alternated between squeezing her ass and wandering up her shirt. He quickly learned she wasn’t wearing a bra and was doing his best to coax her out of her top. 
She whined and tangled her fingers in his locks, pulling his head back and breaking their kiss. “I want to feel more of your skin.” Jake punctuated his statement by palming her ass.
“It’s not your birthday, you don’t get to make demands.” She ground herself more in his lap, making him groan.
“Not a demand, just a suggestion,” Jake responded. She loosened her grip on him, allowing him to dip his head toward her chest. She watched as he found one of her taut nipples through the fabric. Gently, he tugged it with his teeth. She bit her bottom lip as she enjoyed the sensation. 
“Jake.” She drew out his name as her head tipped back. He switched to the other nipple. “Fuck.” She quickly ripped her shirt overhead, and he gladly mouthed her bare chest. As he licked and sucked and massaged, she found a rhythm rolling her pelvis against his.
Mrs. Seresin slowly halted her hips and curled her fingers back into Jake’s hair to pull him away from her chest. Jake looked up at her—lips puffy and cheeks a little flush. He whined when she wiggled out of his lap. 
She stood and slowly began to slide off her bike shorts as she sauntered out of his reach. She even turned so he could see her tattoo appear on the swell of her backside as she slowly slid the fabric down. Once her shorts were around her ankles, she stepped out of them. 
“C’mon, coverboy.” Back still to Jake, she come-hithered him over her shoulder as she strutted away. Jake immediately knew where she was leading him. He practically jumped off the couch and ran after her. She squealed when his arm snaked around her middle, and he carried her sideways into their office. 
There were boxes—half full, empty, flat packed—strewn around the room. Otherwise, the office was in its usual decadence. The floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out to the secluded backyard, letting the moonlight flood the space.
Jake marched past their desk, over to the windows and set Mrs. Seresin on her feet. He soaked in her naked form as he held her until she was steady. Jake was distracted by her curves illuminated in the night light. She got his attention back by tugging on his arm as she turned to face him. Jake made eye contact with her as his hands continued to traverse her body. He could feel the incremental movements of her muscles. 
“You ok?” She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved a stray lock of hair away from his face. 
Jake engulfed her in his arms and pulled her into his chest. Her head was tipped completely back. “Never better.” His voice was heavy with lust. She smiled as his lips met hers for a lingering kiss. “Is it my birthday or yours?” he asked as they separated. 
She smirked and nipped his lip. “It’s definitely mine.” She slipped out of his arms. He watched as she pressed her back flush to the cool windows. “Your flight suit looks good on, but take it off for me, coverboy,” she said.
Even in the low light, Jake’s smile was beaming. Jake’s movements were antagonistically slow as he loosened the fabric and pushed it down his body. She couldn’t help but smile as he mimicked her earlier motions, slowly revealing his tattoo. 
Flight suit abandoned, he stalked toward her, holding eye contact. His cock bounced against his abdomen with each step. Back and palms still flush to the glass, she craned her head back to maintain eye contact as Jake approached. He leaned down for a kiss. A large hand softly cupped the column of her throat. Jake had her pinned between him and the window with his length resting against her belly. She squeezed her thighs together as their make out intensified.
He couldn’t wait any longer. Jake pulled back. “Turn.” His voice was deep. She obeyed and supported herself with her forearms against the glass as she bent and arched her back.
Mrs. Seresin closed her eyes and remembered to breathe as Jake easily slid to the hilt. “You’re so wet,” Jake praised as he began a slow pace. One hand returning to her throat. “Did you work yourself up looking at my photos, thinking about what’s behind that helmet?” Jake rhetorically asked as he gently squeezed her neck. He snapped his hips, making her whimper. He smiled, feeling the hum against his fingers.
For leverage, Jake placed a hand beside hers on the window, and slipped the other around her front between her legs. She moaned and squeezed her eyes closed as his calloused fingers drew tight circles on her clit. Jake smiled into her shoulder as he felt her push onto her toes to chase the friction of his fingers.
Together they found a perfect rhythm. Jake continued to pepper her with praise and move with her. Eventually, Mrs. Seresin had her cheek and chest pressed against the window. She moaned with each thrust. Jake knew if they kept this positioned he’d come before her. 
She gasped but stayed pressed to the window as Jake dropped to his knees. Spreading her with his thumbs, he lapped her from behind. She keened as she arched her back more to give him better access. Jake shifted slightly so his tongue dipped into her.
That was all Mrs. Seresin needed. Jake stilled and let her bounce up and down on his tongue. Mrs. Seresin grew louder with each bob. Palms pressed to the glass, she rested her chin on it as she quickened her pace. Finally, her hips stuttered and she slowed her motions as waves of pleasure rolled through her. 
Jake popped to his feet and quickly slipped his cock into her throbbing heat. “Yes,” he hissed as her walls squeezed him. A few thrusts and he pumped her full of cum.
He groaned as his body eclipsed hers against the glass. After he caught his breath, he kissed her shoulders. She groaned, lifting her head off the window to look over her shoulder. 
“Happy birthday,” Jake said before he pressed his lips to hers. 
“A happy birthday, indeed.” She returned to her position against the window. 
Quickly, Jake slipped out of her and scooped into her his arms to avoid dripping any cum on the floor. She relaxed into him as he carried her to their bedroom. He deposited her on the bed before getting a washcloth to clean her up. 
Cleaned up, he tossed her favorite of his shirts at her before disappearing back into the bathroom. When he returned she was already curled under the blankets. Jake tossed on a shirt and shorts and headed downstairs to let Ruck out. 
While Ruck was in the yard, Jake went to the garage and unloaded the last of Mrs. Seresin’s gifts. He set them in the office out of the way. She could open them in the morning. 
Their little secret, Jake treated Ruck to one more donut before they headed back to the bedroom. Ruck tucked himself in his bed on Mrs. Seresin’s side of the bed as Jake slipped under the covers and spooned his wife. 
She turned to face him. “Thank you.” She gave him a quick kiss before flipping back over to tuck herself against him. 
“You’re welcome.” Jake pressed one more kiss to her temple, and then listened to her breathing as he fell asleep. 
The next morning, Jake still asleep, she wandered downstairs to make coffee. While she waited for his pour-over, she picked up the remnants of last night. Retracing their steps, she picked up clothes and folded them. As she entered the office, she kept her sights on Jake’s crumpled flight suit. She folded it, a smile tugging her lips as she thought about last night. Her smile became a full fledged smirk as she noticed all the body part prints on the glass.
As she turned to leave, something leaning against the bookshelves caught her eye. Those were not there last night. Two very large packages. She walked over with a hand extended, fingers ready to graze the paper, when she heard, “Go ahead, open them.” 
Startled, she jumped back, clapped a hand over her heart and turned to find Jake. His grin outdoing the Cheshire Cat, he leaned against the door frame with a mug in each hand. She caught her breath as Jake sauntered over. He handed her a mug and pressed his lips to her forehead. 
“These are your last gifts,” Jake said. She threw him a look as she walked back toward the packages. Perching her cup on a shelf, she dipped her fingers behind one of the folds and tore the wrapping. She couldn’t help but laugh as she caught sight of her own face staring at her. 
Quickly, she tore through the paper to reveal framed prints of her draped naked across the hood of Jake’s vintage Mustang and him naked, holding his helmet and smirking. Their centerfolds.
“Where were you thinking we would hang these?” She gathered her coffee and stepped back beside Jake so they could view their photos together.
He shrugged. They looked at each other. “You’re the designer, and it’s your birthday, so you get to pick.”
“I’ll think about it.” They both smiled as she bounced onto her toes to give him a quick peck. 
“One more thing,” he said as they parted. She waited for him to continue. “You can’t hang yours in the garage.” She arched an eyebrow. “I don’t want the neighbor boys trying to sneak a peek when the garage opens and closes.” She burst into laughter. 
“I love you,” she replied. Jake feigned confusion as she kissed his cheek. Together, they sipped their coffees and chatted about where to hang the photos. 
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bettycooper · 1 year ago
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and i'd get him to swap our places
For @roosterforme's Rocktober Playlist!
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year ago
Who's Crying Now?
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Summary: Heartbreak is common. But it shouldn't feel like death is knocking on your door.
Rooster x reader
Warnings: Cheating, Violence, cursing, alcohol. I think that's it but if I missed anything let me know.
This is for @roosterforme's Rocktober challenge! It's late and I apologize but I finally finished it!
Main Masterlist
Three days. Our wedding was three days away. I couldn’t help but stare at my engagement ring as I drove, the sun reflecting off of the small diamond. It was his mother's. I had a lot of Carol Bradshaw's jewelry. Bradley wanted me to have it and I'll be wearing a few pieces at our wedding. I finally pulled into our driveway after my last day at work before the wedding, so excited to just spend time with Bradley. We had been working like crazy to save up for the wedding and honeymoon and it's finally over. I walked in the house and kicked off my shoes, the relief feeling amazing. I bent down to grab my shoes when I saw one of Bradley's duffels by the door. Why the hell is that there? Surely he isn't getting deployed. I turned and rushed for the stairs. "Bradley?!" I yelled as I topped the stairs. "Shit!" He yelled and I heard a clatter. I rushed in seeing him bent on the floor picking his clothes up by the hangers "You okay? Here, let me help." I bent down but Bradley just held out his hand. "NO." He gathered the shirts and stood without looking at me. "Are you getting deployed?" I asked but then I noticed all the shirts he had were for everyday wear. "No." He zipped the bag and hoisted it onto his shoulder. "I'm leaving." With that he walked into the hallway. Tears immediately flooded my vision. "What? Where are you going? How long are you gonna be gone?" Deep down I knew they were stupid questions, but I so badly wanted the answer to be, 'Just till the wedding.’ He walked down the stairs, ignoring me. "Bradley?" I asked as I followed him. He set the bag down by the other one before he stood. His shoulders rose and fell, like he was taking a deep breath. "I'm not coming back." The earth froze, my blood ran cold. I wanted to die on the spot. "W- What? Why? He looked at me over his shoulder. "You know why." There was so much malice in his voice. He's never, in the past four years we've been together, spoken to me like that. "No, I don't. So why don't you fucking face me and tell me why you’re leaving me three days before our wedding?" 
He turned around so fast I felt the wind off of him. "When was the last time we fell asleep together? When was the last time we got to go on a date that wasn't the hard deck? When was the last time we had sex?" I furrowed my brows in confusion." I got off early last week-" " That was three weeks ago. We went on a date five weeks ago and it's been seven weeks since we've had sex." I stared at him in shock. "You'd know all this if you were home! But you are always at work!" I grew angry. "You don't get to throw that in my face! We sat down and had a long conversation about that! We both agreed to work more to save for the wedding!" The vein in his neck stood out and I knew he was truly angry. "I didn't realize I was giving up our love life for a big ass wedding I didn't even want!" I was reeling. "Then why didn't you say anything?! If you didn't want it, then why have you been working so much too?” He scoffed. "Yeah, working.” With that he turned around, facing away from me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. He threw his arms out before facing me again. "You know what? Why don't we just air it all out! I've been seeing someone else!" That crushed my entire world. "What?" It was a whisper and he flinched at the look on my face. "I've been seeing someone else." He was just as quiet as me.
I stared at him as he avoided my gaze. "How long?" I asked, fighting my anger. He simply stared at me. I grabbed a frame off the table next to me, looking at it. It was one of our engagement photos. He held me bridal style, our foreheads resting against each others as my left hand cradled his face. "How long has this not mattered to you?" I turned the picture towards him. "How long has it been since you truly loved me? Or did you ever?" I could see him breaking. I knew him well enough at this point in our relationship. "How long have I been pouring my heart and soul into a one sided relationship?" He stood there, silent. "HOW LONG?!" I screamed and he flinched. "Six months." A sob escaped me. "Oh god.” I cried as I tried to ease the ache in my chest. “We've been engaged for eleven months!" Everything was crashing down around me. "You've been cheating on me for over half of our engagement?" I sobbed. "Why?" I sounded pathetic, but I couldn't bring myself to care. "You haven't-" “Don't you dare turn this around on me!" I yelled. "You started cheating on me before I started working more! So you tell me why!" I demanded, but he stood there, silent.
"Exactly, Bradley! You don't have a reason because I never gave you one." He sighed. A sad look in his eyes. "Don't fucking look at me like that." I snapped. "Do you remember what you told me when we first got together?" I asked. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stepped closer to him. He just looked down at me with those big brown eyes that I love so much. "You told me you'd never hurt me." His eyes got glassy and it angered me. "You said the thought of hurting me killed you." A sob shook my body as I stared up at him, a single tear of his own escaping. "So why am I the one that feels like they’re dying inside?!" I yelled as I smacked his chest. I wanted him to hurt, to feel like I feel. "Baby-" He grabbed my arms but I fought against him. Finally, I went limp in his arms. “Why would you do this to me?" I cried. "What did I do, Bradley?
Where did I go wrong and make you feel like this?!” I cried. He cradled me against him as I cried. It reminded me of how he held me when I was upset. I hoped he would hold me and change his mind. "How can you do this to me and be unfazed?" I asked as my head fell back to rest on his shoulder. He moved to let me go, but I grabbed his arm that was still around me. "Please, Bradley. Don't." I asked. I never imagined the day I would beg a man to stay. Especially Bradley. I thought he'd stay, and we'd have kids and grow old together. He sighed before removing his arms and more tears flooded my cheeks. He picked up both bags and I turned to him as he grabbed the door knob. 
"Bradley?” I asked and he went rigid for a second before turning to me. "Did you ever love me?" I asked and he immediately nodded "I still do." I turned completely and grabbed his hand. "Then stay. Bradley, please. We can pretend it never happened." He immediately shook me off. "Pretend it never happened?" He looked at me in shock. "You want to go through the rest of our lives pretending this didn't happen?" I bit my lip to keep it from wobbling. "We can." I choked out. "No damage done yet. We can forget it, we can get married on Saturday and be happy." He looked down at his hand on the door knob as I stood in the center of the foyer. Tears streaked my neck, dripping onto my shirt as I shook, sobs escaping me. "The damage has already been done." With that he opened the door and stepped out. "Bradley!" I yelled, rushing for the door. He closed it just as my body crashed into it. A loud thud echoing around me. I gasped as pain wracked my body. I slid down the door crashing to the floor as I cried. I was startled as a scream ripped from my throat. Little did I know, Bradley stood on the other side of the door, his back pressed against it as he himself cried. How did we get here? Where did I go wrong in my relationship for it to end up like this? These questions swirled around my head for hours as I laid on the floor and cried. 
My phone started ringing in my purse and I jumped up, gasping as I dove for it. "Bradley?" I asked without looking at the screen. "No. Just me!" Natasha's voice broke through the phone. Tears fell again as I curled up on my side on the floor. "I wanted to confirm one last thing about the bachelorette." "There won't be a bachelorette." I muttered "What?" She asked. My mouth opened and closed a few times before I could finally speak. "He left me." I whispered. "He found someone else, Natasha." A sob wracked my body. "He left me!" I cried. "Wh-what?" She stuttered. "He doesn't love me anymore!" It was quiet for a second before she said something and the line went dead. I stared at the ceiling as his words circled my mind, how did we end up here? I was broken from my thoughts when the door opened and my name was called. "Oh, shit." Natasha muttered as she rushed over. "Cmon.” She grabbed my hands and pulled me up. She led me over to the couch before pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around me. "Let me grab you some water." She disappeared into the kitchen and I felt the softness of the blanket and looked down to find it was his Phillies blanket. I gathered it in my hands and launched it towards the mantle, knocking some pictures off. I fell back onto the couch and sobbed. Natasha came back, immediately pulling me into her as she sat next to me. 
“Drink.” She demanded. I had no energy to fight, so I took the glass from her and took a few sips. Once I was done, she set the glass down on the coffee table. “Where did I go wrong. Nat? She held me close and sighed. “I couldn't tell you, because I don't think you did anything wrong." She admitted. "What happened?” I sighed and stood from the couch. I came home and he was packing. I asked where he was going and he just said he was leaving." I choked on my words, wrapping my arms around myself. "He just said he wasn't coming back. He said I was never home and that I was working too much." She furrowed her brows in confusion. "I thought you guys agreed to work more to pay for the wedding?" I nodded, wiping my tears. "We did! But he hasn't been working more." She furrowed her brows. "Then what has he been doing?" She asked. "He's been seeing someone else." She gasped, standing. "He WHAT?!" She yelled. "How long?" She growled. "Six months." She stared at me as my tears soaked the floor. "He's been cheating on you for over half of your engagement?" She asked quietly and I just nodded. "Oh god." She came over and pulled me into her. "I still have to tell everyone that the wedding is off."She held me at arms length away. "Don't worry about that. Hangman and I will make your calls. Bradshaw can make his own fucking calls." I nodded, sniffling. "I'm so sorry.” She said, and  I shook my head. “It's not your fault. You couldn't have known all this when you introduced us." I could see the guilt on her face. She was so excited when she introduced us four years ago. Nat and I have been friends for years, she invited me out to visit all those years ago and I met Bradley. "I'm sorry." She said as she pulled me into another hug.
The next day was supposed to be Bradley's last day at work until after the wedding. Natasha hoped he would be there while simultaneously hoping he wouldn't be. But anger filled her chest as she saw him sitting on top of a desk, laughing with Payback and Fanboy, as if he did nothing wrong. She stormed past him. "Hey Phoenix!" He called after her, but she just slammed herself into her seat next to Bob. "You okay?" Bob asked and she huffed. "Phoenix." Rooster called again. Suddenly ink covered Phoenix's hand and the table. She was so angry she snapped her pen in half. She turned in her chair to face him. "You really have the nerve to speak to me?" She asked and he furrowed his brows. "What? What are you talking about?" Phoenix was stunned. "Wh - What am I talking about? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" She asked and fear flashed in his eyes. Good. She thought. "I just so happened to call her, and it's a good thing! By the time I got there she was a wreck on the floor. And where were you?" She asked, stepping into his space, her nose almost brushing his chin as she looked up at him. "Huh? Were you with your side piece?!" She shoved him, hard, and immediately Maverick and Hangman rushed in and separated them. "He's not worth it, Nix." Hangman said, gently grabbing his girlfriend's arms. 
"Tell me what's going on." Mav said looking between two people he thought were friends. "Now!" He demanded. "Rooster should be the one to tell you." Hangman said, his glare set on Rooster. Rooster looked between everyone but stayed silent. "Oh, you're such chicken shit!" Phoenix scoffed. "The wedding is off." She said and Mav turned to his godson with wide eyes. "What? Why?" He asked, absolutely stunned. They looked so in love, just like Goose and Carol did. "Yeah, Rooster. Tell him why." Phoenix spat. Rooster debated on telling Mav the truth, but he couldn't bare to face the disappointed looks from him. "I just-" He ran his fingers through his hair. "She was working so much and it put such a strain on our relationship-” “Don't you dare turn this around on her!" Phoenix cut him off. "She's not the reason you found someone else. That's all you!" Mav was shocked. "What?" There was a bite in his tone. "He's been cheating for six months. I called last night and she was a wreck because she came home and he was packing and admitted everything." Mav grew angry. This wasn't the man Carol raised. Goose would never stand for it and neither would he. "She's in a state." Phoenix admitted. Guilt was heavy on Rooster's chest. "You told me you'd never hurt her, and you told her that too. Don't expect me to trust you again." Rooster knew that included in the air. Mav turned to her and sighed. 
"How bad is she?" Mav asked and tears welled in Phoenix's eyes. "I'm scared to leave her alone." She admitted and fear struck Bradley. "Go.” Normally Phoenix would prioritize hercareer, but not this time. She couldn't. She stepped past Bradley when he grabbed her arm. "Tell her I'm sorry." He said, but was caught off guard when Phoenix's hand flew across his face, smacking him. “Don't fucking come near her." She hissed and rushed off. He was shocked. He never thought he'd see the day Phoenix hated him. He turned to face everyone, and upon seeing their glares, he swallowed harshly. "I'm just gonna go.” Mav shook his head. "No you're not." Mav interrupted. "You have a hop.” Now if Rooster knew anything by the look on Mav's face, he knew he was in trouble. 
Saturday came and went, and I asked Phoenix to leave Saturday night, needing to be alone. She only would if I called her every hour. So I agreed and she left. Then I was alone in the house for the first time since Bradley left, pictures of us taking up every inch of my vision. Everywhere I looked it was like Bradley was staring back at me. I walked over to the mantle, grabbing a picture of us on the beach. Mav and Penny took us out on the boat and we went
 for a walk after we docked. Rooster was swinging our hands and we were smiling widely at each other. I stared at it for a moment before launching it across the room with a scream. My chest heaved once, twice then I turned, swiping my arm across the mantle. Everything crashed to the floor, and the sound seemed to quell my rage. So I grabbed another and tossed it to the floor. I screamed and I cried until every frame that held a picture of us was destroyed. I almost destroyed one of teenage Bradley and his mom, but no matter how angry I was, I couldn't do that to him. So I moved all the pictures of him and his parents into a box and set it on the dining room table. Once that was done, I walked across the glass covered floor, my feet screaming at me to stop. But I ignored the pain and sat on the couch. I don't know how long I stared at the mess, but the rage once again bubbled inside me and I let out a gut wrenching scream before it dissolved into sobs. I fell back, hands covering my face as I cried. What did I do to deserve this? 
Come Monday morning, Rooster couldn't wait any longer. He had to go and get the rest of his stuff from the house he once shared. He quietly unlocked the door, lifting it ever so slightly so the lock would slip out noiselessly. He knew she was home. Her car was in the driveway and he heard Phoenix tell Bob she hadn't left since she came home and found him packing. He opened the door and was confused when he heard something crunching under his boot. He looked down and noticed glass. So much glass. His heart thudded as he slowly walked in. ‘What the hell happened?’ He wondered. He peeked into the living room, surveying the damage and his heart stopped when he looked at the couch. His ex-fiance lay on the couch, back to him and her face buried in the cushions. What bothered him was how small and fragile she looked. She was a spitfire and matched energy. So he was shocked when she started begging all those days ago. She looked pale and that's when he noticed all the blood on her feet. There was so much of it, he could even see the color change in the couch cushion in the dark living room. "Oh god." He gasped out before dashing for the couch. He leapt over the adjacent love seat and slid across the coffee table, coming to a stop next to her eerily still body. "Baby?" He asked and was caught off guard by a fist flying towards him. "What the hell, Bradley?!" She yelled out." You know not to scare me!" He just stared at her. "What?" She snapped, wondering why he was staring. He opened his mouth to speak when she placed her feet on the floor and he jumped, pushing her back down. "Get off of me!" She yelled. "There's glass on the floor!" He yelled back "I know!" He furrowed his brows in confusion. She went to stand again and he huffed before standing and tossing her over his shoulder. 
"PUT ME DOWN!"She yelled, slamming her hands on his back. Her mind flashed to all the times he carried her to their bedroom like this, and it made her chest ache. Finally he set her down on the kitchen counter. "Don't move." He commanded, a finger in her face. He walked off, heading upstairs. She huffed and grabbed her foot, reaching down to pluck glass out when he stopped her. "Don't use your fingers!" He scolded. He grabbed her ankle and attempted to lift it so he could get the glass out. But she yanked it out of his grip. He gaped at her before trying again. "Stop Bradley!" She yelled. "Just stop." They stared at each other before she held out her hand for the tweezers. He sighed and handed them to her. She carefully began to pick glass from her foot and he leaned back on the counter. "What happened?" He asked as if he didn't know. She lifted her head and glared at him. "I shattered all of our pictures." She answered. He looked at her, seeing how bad off she was. She looked like she hadn't slept or showered in days. Then his eyebrows shot up. "You didn't break my parents' pictures, did you?” He asked. “I may hate you, but I don’t hate you that much Bradley.” She said, “You hate me?” He asked, feeling like he had a frog in his throat. She once again glared at him. “Bradley.” Her tone was calm, eerily calm. “You hurt me. In ways I never knew a person could hurt me. You didn’t just break my heart, it’s like I watched you rip it apart piece by piece and throw it in my face. So yes, I fucking hate you. So while I go shower, you get your shit and you get out.” She said, jumping off the counter and walking upstairs, leaving bloody footprints behind her. 
I don’t remember my shower. I just know I got in, and then I got out with wet hair. I slipped into some yoga pants and a sweater before making my way downstairs. I heard glass in the kitchen and furrowed my brows, only to see Bradley step out and put the broom in the closet. “I uh, cleaned up the blood and the glass. I tried to get the couch clean but it’s stained.” He said and I nodded. “Thanks. But I’ll get a new couch.” I said, walking past him and into the kitchen. I was waiting to hear him leave, but I didn’t. I stepped out and saw him looking at the floor with his hands in his pockets. He’s nervous. “Why are you still here? What do you want?” I asked. Rudely, but I didn’t care at this point. “I wanted to talk to you about the plane tickets for the honeymoon.” My eyebrows shot up as I looked at him. “I’ll be honest. Cas-” “HELL FUCKING NO!” “Baby-” “Stop calling me that! I am not your baby, we are no longer together! You decided to go and stick your dick in some other woman! You have ruined all of this!” I said motioning around us. “I begged you to stay and that was the dumbest thing I could’ve ever done! I’m glad you didn’t because you don’t deserve everything I was willing to give you! There is no one at fault here but you, so I am not your baby, and I paid for the honeymoon so no, you don’t get to take your fucking mistress on MY HONEYMOON TRIP!” I screamed at him. “Cassidy just-” “Do you really think it’s wise to say her name to me?” I asked and he huffed. 
“Will you let me finish?” He asked and I shook my head. “No! You said everything you needed to say when you walked out that door. So go, do it again! Because I am done, hoping you’ll stay! What I need now is for you to leave, and stay gone! I can’t heal if you're still coming in and out!” I said. “She just wanted me to ask.” He muttered before grabbing the box of pictures from the table. “Well she isn’t getting anything else from me! That slut already stole the one thing in my life that I thought would never leave. She isn’t getting anything else!” I said as he turned for the door. “She’s not a slut.” He said as he turned to me. “Okay, fine.” I said and he turned for the door. “I hope you wind up stuck in a ditch with your washed up side piece bitch!” I yelled as he slammed the door behind him. I was so angry I could break something else but I decided against it. I thought about his request and smirked, calling Natasha. “You okay?” Was what I was greeted with when she answered my call. “How would you like to go stay on a private beach in Tahiti with me next week?” I asked. “Count me in.” She said. 
The following Saturday Nat and I were on a flight to Tahiti and we had the time of our lives. We basically drank, ate, swam and slept. By the time we came back, we had awful sunburns, and I’m pretty sure we both gained five pounds each. I felt a little better but once again I was alone in the house, the anger was creeping back in. I couldn’t hold onto this. So I threw myself into my work. I stayed late, and went in early and even worked on my days off. Anything to keep me from being home. “You have to stop. You’re going to get burnt out.” Nat said over the phone. “Nat, I just can’t be at home.” I said. “Then stay with me. This Friday we’re all going to the Hard Deck after work, and then you can stay with me all weekend! It’ll be a sleepover just like it used to be in high school.” I sighed. I did miss spending the night with her like we used to. “Okay. But… has he been at The Hard Deck?” I asked. “No. We only see him at work. He hasn’t hung out with us since you two split.” I furrowed my brows. “Really?” I asked. “The only person he really talks to outside of work is Bob.” I hummed and nodded. “I’m sorry Nat.” I said. “Don’t be. I’m sorry things ended like it did.” I sighed. “So, meet us at The Hard Deck at six?” 
I showed up to The Hard Deck at six like Nat wanted and I didn’t spot her, but I did spot Bob. I slowly walked over as he ate some peanuts. “Hi Bob.” I said quietly and his eyebrows shot up when he saw me. “Oh, hi.” He said, standing and offering me his seat. “Oh, I’m fine.” Bob was quiet but he was always my favorite in the group besides Nat. He’s very kind, and everyone thinks he’s quiet but in reality, he’s very funny. Soon everyone else showed up and I was three beers in thanks to Coyote. I had my arm propped up on Bob’s shoulder, leaning on him as we laughed. “Hey guys.” At the sound of that voice, Bob’s arm slipped around my waist. We all turned to see Rooster, he was looking around at everyone and his eyes widened when they met mine. Everyone greeted him without much enthusiasm. Nat and Jake didn’t even look his way, let alone greet him. Suddenly a blonde woman stepped out from behind him. She was a total knockout. She had a dazzling smile, beautiful brown eyes and a killer body. I turned to Bob who looked up at me from his stool. “I can see why he picked her.” I whispered. “Hey, don’t do this to yourself.” He said as I heard footsteps behind me. “I think you need to step back.” He said and I turned to find the woman standing before me. “I’m sorry. I’ve never met you. I’m Cassidy, Bradley’s girlfriend.” Her smile told me she knew exactly who I was. “Oh, the whore who slept with my fiance.” I said back and her smile faltered. “Cassidy.” Rooster hissed, walking over towards her.
“I did. But he came crawling to me because you couldn’t please him anymore.” Anger settled in me and I could see Natasha hand off her pool cue to Jake. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, but I will do the one thing that I’ve been wanting to do for the past two months.” I said with a smirk. She matched my grin, crossing her arms over her chest. “And what would that be?” She asked, looking all smug. What a dumbass. My left hand shot out, wrapping itself in the hair at the base of her neck. She screamed out as I reared back my right fist and let it fly. It connected with a sickening crack and I immediately felt better. I let go of her and she dropped to the ground, screaming. Bradley bent down next to her, glaring at me as I stood over them. “That’s what you get for being a whore! But based on the obvious work you’ve had done, you’ve been in this position before.” I bent down, meeting her watery gaze. Her nose sat crooked on her face as blood poured out of it. “Next time you consider approaching me, rethink that. Because next time, you will have more than a broken nose and I will smile in my mugshot while you’re laid up in the ICU.” I told her and stood. “Come on.” Bob gently took my hand and guided me out of the bar. “She ruined my nose job!” She squealed to Bradley and I laughed. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I don’t remember Bob putting me in his truck, but he drove us down to an empty parking lot next to an ice cream place. 
“Come on.” He said, helping me slide across his bench seat. I just listened and followed. He walked us over to the little ice cream shack and we waited in the short line. “What can I get you?” The man asked. “Can I get two scoops of chocolate in a waffle cone and two scoops of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone?” He nodded and I looked at him wide eyed. “You remembered my favorite ice cream?” He nodded, a red tinge on his cheeks. “Yeah.” I smiled and hugged him. “Thank you.” I said as his arms wrapped around me in return. Soon we got our ice cream and we walked down to the beach. “You wanna try some?” I asked, offering my ice cream to him and he made a face. “No thanks. I don’t like it.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “It tastes like toothpaste.” I smirked to myself, licking it again. “So you don’t like using toothpaste?” I asked and his head whipped to me and I laughed loudly. “I walked into that one.” He said and I nodded. “You sure did!” 
Soon my laughter quieted down. “You okay?” He asks. “I don’t recall you ever being the violent type.” I nodded. “I never have been.” I said. I turned and walked down the beach, stopping as the water washed over my sandals. I stood there for a minute as tears welled in my eyes. “Hey.” Bob whispered as he came up behind me. “It’s okay.” He said and immediately sobs hit me. “Why doesn’t he want me?” I asked and Bob turned me around to face him before hugging me close. “Because he’s stupid.” He said and I hugged him back. Bob stood there and allowed me to cry into his chest. My chest felt like it was caving in and I just wanted it to stop. “It hurts.” I cried and he held me tighter. “I’m sorry.” He said. “I’m so sorry.” He said, a few tears of his own falling to my shoulder. I cried until he walked me back to the truck and I stopped long enough to get in, but the minute he closed the door they started again. My head fell back against the headrest and I curled in on myself. Bob sighed when he got in and slid across the bench seat, pulling me into him. “You don’t deserve any of this.” He said, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. “What he did was awful and you have every right to feel the way you feel, even if you really don’t want to.” I cried for about a solid forty-five minutes before I took a deep breath and hugged him. “Thank you, Bobby.” I said. 
From then on, Bob quickly became one of my best friends. The week after I snapped he showed up three separate nights with dinner and movie ideas. He helped keep me occupied the months following my breakdown, and soon a little more than a friendship bloomed. “Do a double date with us.” Nat said as I leaned on her island. “Nat-” “I think it would be a good idea.” Jake said and I sighed. “I just don’t think I’m ready.” I said. “Who said it had to be serious? Look we have two more tickets to this comedy show after Coyote and his girlfriend backed out. We’re just gonna get dinner and go to the show. Just see it as us inviting two of our best friends to join us.” Natasha said. I sat quietly for a moment before looking at her. “Just friends.” I said and she nodded,”Just friends.” Nat told Bob, who then called me and told me he would pick me up. There was no room for debate, so I just agreed.
 He showed up on Friday evening wearing gray slacks and a white button up. He looked so handsome and I felt underdressed. “You look beautiful.” He said as he stood on the other side of my doorway. I looked down at my boots and flare jeans. I paired it with a graphic tee and a cream colored sweater. “I feel underdressed.” I said, my face burning with a blush. “You look perfect.” He said, holding his hand out for me. “Ready?” He asked and I nodded. He led me over to his truck, opening the passenger door for me. He helped me in before going around to his side. He started the truck before staring at me. “What?” I asked and he reached into his back seat. “You’re missing something.” He said. I raised a brow before he produced a black stetson. He gently sat it on my head and I giggled as it sunk down a little. “Okay, maybe it’s a little big.” He said, removing it and I laughed. “We’ll get you one of your own.” He said before putting the hat back in the backseat.
After we went out with Nat and Jake, there was a first date. Horseback riding on the beach. I had never been on a horse, but Bob made me feel so calm and I enjoyed myself. Then there was a second date, and a third and a fourth. Soon we made it a year in and we were flying out to Montana to spend Christmas with his family. I was excited. After Bradley I never thought I’d be happy again. But then Bob swooped in and made me realize that I could be happy again. He makes me happy, he makes me feel loved and cared for. Bobby is everything I could ever want in a man, and I quickly realized, I love him. I love Robert Floyd. He made me feel whole after my heart was completely shattered and thrown in my face and now, it only beat for him. “Honey! Have you seen my red flannel? It’ll be cold back home.” He called downstairs. “It’s in the back of the closet!” I heard rustling upstairs as I tossed my last shirt into my suitcase. “Thank you!” He called down and I laughed. Suddenly the doorbell rang. “I got it!” I called. I walked over to the door and swung it open. 
My eyes widened as I looked down the front steps. Bradley stood there, his eyes meeting mine when he heard the door open. “Hi.” He muttered. “Hi.” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked down at him. He looked down at his boots, not looking at me. “Where’s your whore of a girlfriend?” I asked. “She left me about eight months ago.” He said. I hated him and felt bad for him all at once. Bradley spent so much time alone already in his life, and I hate that he has to experience it again, but he did this to himself. “What are you doing here, Bradley?” I asked and he shrugged. “Honestly,” He said, looking around until he finally met his gaze. “I’m not a hundred percent sure.” He said. I raised an eyebrow at him. Bradley was always sure of himself. I’ve never seen him like this. “On the drive here… all I could think about was asking you to take me back.” Tears filled my eyes and my lip wobbled. “Baby-” He took a step forward and I held out my hand to stop him. “Stop.” He did, looking confused. “Just stop. I am not your baby and it’s been over a year since we broke off our engagement. You don’t get to come back, and make me feel things that I had finally gotten over.” I said, taking my own step forward. “I am finally happy! You don’t get to ruin that!” I yelled out. “I am done crying over you. I have been done for a long time.” I told him and tears of his own formed in his eyes. “Who’s crying now, Bradley?” I asked. “Honey?” Bob flew out the front door but stopped when he saw Bradley. They stared at each other as Bob came to stand next to me. “Rooster.” He said, nodding at him. “Bob.” He said, shock covering his face. Bob wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close as I took deep breaths. “You two?” We both nodded. “About a year now.” Bob said. “I think you should go, Bradley.” I said and he nodded, a few tears slipping. 
“Wait.” Bob called and I furrowed my brows at him. “Did you wanna give it to him?” He asked and I nodded. “Wait here.” I walked inside and upstairs to the room I now shared with Bob and not Bradley. I reached into the dresser, pulling out the ring box and making my way back outside. Bob and Bradley were awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other as I walked down the steps and towards Bradley. “Here.” I said, holding out the box. He stared at it for a good minute before slowly taking it. “You sure you don’t want to keep it?” He asked and I shook my head. “It was Carol’s, which means it’s yours. It has no business being with me if you aren’t.” I said and he nodded before I turned and walked up the steps, taking my place next to Bob again. “Are you spending Christmas with Mav again?” I asked. Before we got together, he was alone every Christmas after his mom passed and I convinced him to spend it with Mav. “Good.” I said. I’m glad he wasn’t spending it alone. “Well, I’ll go.” He said. “Merry Christmas, Bradley.” I said as Bob wrapped his arm around my waist again. “Yeah, Merry Christmas.” He said before turning around and heading for the Bronco. Bob and I walked back inside and I watched Bradley pull out of the driveway. “You okay?” He asked. “Yeah. Is it bad that I feel bad that he is spending the holidays alone?” I asked and he gave me a small smile before wrapping me up in his arms. “No. You’re a caring person. He hurt you but that doesn’t mean you want him to hurt.” Bob said. “So I’m not a bad person?” I asked and he chuckled. “You are one of the smartest and kindest people I know, and I love you honey.” I smiled up at him. “I love you too, Bobby.” I said before pulling him into a kiss that, just like every other one, took my breath away.
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blue-aconite · 1 year ago
every little thing she does is magic || j.h.s
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Summary: What is really the best way to tell someone you love them? At 7, Jake doesn't really know. All he knows is that Dani makes his heart flutter, and she's just - she's just magic.
Warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff
Word Count: 1.7k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x OC
Authors Note: This is for @roosterforme's '80s Rocktober challenge! Thank you Em for creating such a fun event! Also, thank you to @demxters and @hangmanssunnies for beta'ing and being a huge support!
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Age 7
“Dad. How did you know you wanted to marry Ma?” Jake clambered up onto the couch next to his father, legs swinging back and forth as he sat on the edge. His dad put down the newspaper he was currently reading, pocketing his reading glasses as well. 
Jake could tell that his dad was thinking really hard about his question because his eyebrows dipped and he rubbed his chin, something he always did when thinking. He waited patiently for an answer, picking at his shorts where a colourful plane bandaid was sat over a scrape he’d gotten falling off the monkey bars at school. It hadn’t hurt very much and Dani had shared her cookies with him, making him feel better instantly. 
“Well, I love her more than I could explain, so I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph said, leaning back in his airchair. 
Jake hummed, biting his lower lip. “But how did you know you loved her then?”
His dad laughed, reaching over to tug Jake onto his lap and ruffle his hair, much to his dismay. “Whenever I was around her, I felt light. I felt happy, just seeing her. Her smile brightened up my entire day. Still does.”
Jake pondered his dad’s answer for a moment, small fingers toying with the wedding band adjourning Joseph’s ring finger. 
“Dani always makes me feel better.” He admitted, once again thinking of how seeing his next door neighbour always brightened his mood.
His dad laughed. “Does she now?” 
“Yup. She’s like.. um.. she’s like magic.” Jake was proud of himself for finding the perfect way to describe Dani. 
His father oh’d, eyes sparkling. “Like magic? Well, then you gotta hold onto her. People like her are very special.” 
Jake made an agreeing sound, nodding his head determinedly. “Do you think Dani would want to marry me?” 
Joseph coughed, rattling Jake in his lap. “I think the two of you are a bit too young to be thinking about marriage, Jacob.” 
“But dad, you married Ma because you loved her.” Jake whined, stubbornly crossing his arms across his chest. 
Jake knew now that he did love Dani. She always made him smile, made him feel better and she was indeed magic. Everything she did was magical, Jake thought. 
“You have to wait until you’re a bit older, son. Me and your mother was adults when we got married.” Joseph laughed, finding his son’s crush on their neighbour adorable. 
He pondered for a moment, legs swinging back and forth. “But how will she know that I love her then?” 
“Who do you love?” Claudia appeared in the doorway, flour dusted on her apron. 
Father and son looked up at the interruption, watching as she leaned against the doorframe. “Well? Go on then.” 
“Dani! Dad said he knew he loved you because you always made him smile and he was always happy to see you. When I see Dani, I always feel better,” Jake rambled, missing the look shared between his parents. “And she shared her cookies with me last week, after I scraped my knee and she’s just so pretty and I wanna make her laugh all the time -“
“Jake, slow down.” Joseph smiled, ruffling his son’s hair once again. 
“Maybe you can pick some flowers from the garden?” Claudia suggested. Jake lit up, sliding off his fathers lap, almost tripping over the carpet on his way to the back door. 
“Dani loves flowers! Thanks Ma!” Jake pushed the door open, hurrying out into the garden, excitement seeping into his veins. Flowers would be the perfect way to let Dani know how much she meant to him. 
His mother had rows and rows of flowers in the garden. Jake wandered around for a while, trying to find the perfect ones. Dani deserved the best.
“Hi Jake! Whatcha doing?”
Dani was leaning over the fence, smiling widely at him. Jake felt his heart flutter and he quickly hid the flowers he’d picked behind his back. “Uh, I’m just -”
“What’s behind your back?” Dani asked as she climbed the fence, entering the Seresin backyard. 
Jake felt the blush creeping up his cheeks, suddenly nervous about his gift. What if she didn’t like it? What if it wasn’t enough? 
Dani was still smiling, bouncing on her feet as she watched him blush and stutter. Jake tried to find the right words but nothing came out. Eventually he just held out the small bouquet to her, hoping it would be enough. 
“Um, I picked them for you..” Their hands brushed as Dani took the flowers from him, holding them up to her face to smell them. Jake waited nervously with a bated breath for her reaction. 
Dani threw her arms around his middle, hugging him tight. Jake automatically wrapped his arms around her waist, heart thumping as her scent invaded his senses. “I love them so much! Thank you, Jake!” 
Her words were muffled against his shoulder but it didn’t matter, Jake heard her. She loved them. She loved the flowers. 
“Do you wanna come and feed the horses with me?” She asked, pulling back slightly. Jake nodded as they pulled apart, offering his hand. Dani laced their fingers together and Jake felt that rush again, the same one as he always felt when Dani was in the vicinity. It felt like magic.
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Age 18
“I’m going to miss this,” Dani sighed as she leaned back into Jake’s arms, pulling the blanket tighter around them. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, listening as the car radio played quietly in the background. The truck bed was filled with blankets and pillows. He’d opted against candles even though it would have been a nice touch. But he didn’t feel like tempting fate playing with fire so close to fabric.
He let his fingers trace mindless patterns up and down Dani’s arm, content to just hold her as they watched the stars and listened to old 80’s songs. He hummed along to every little thing she does is magic, enjoying the moment. 
“What are you going to miss?” He asked, lacing their fingers together. 
“Everything, I guess? This, us -”
“It’s not the end, baby. You don’t have to miss us, I’m right here.” Jake interrupted, squeezing the hand he was holding. 
Dani twisted in his arms before sitting up. Jake instantly missed the warmth and tried to tug her back against his chest. “Dani -“ 
She frowned, trying to pull her hand from his. “Everything’s changing. In two months we’re going to be on the opposite sides of the country, you’ll be busy with flight school and I’ll -“ 
“Stop! Baby, listen to me,” Jake grabbed onto both of her hands, pulling her closer despite Dani’s attempts to keep a small distance between them. “Danielle, look at me.” 
Dani sagged against his side, sniffing slightly. Jake rarely called her by her full name, so he knew she would listen. 
He pulled her upright again and gently grabbed her chin. “I have loved you since I was seven years old. Maybe even longer. That’s not going to change anytime soon. So it won’t matter if we’re on opposite sides of the country, okay? We’re going to make things work.” 
Dani huffed, smiling at him with watery eyes. “Since you were seven?” 
Jake nodded, pulling her into his lap. “Yes ma’am. I think it was earlier but I remember asking my dad about love and stuff, and when he explained it, I knew.” 
Dani stayed quiet, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as Jake continued to talk. 
“I remember asking him if we could get married. He said we needed to be older but that I should hold onto you. I told him you were magic.” 
Dani barked a laugh. “Magic?” 
“Yeah. Every time I saw you, I instantly felt better. You always made things better, brighter. You made me feel warm, that fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever you smiled at me. And guess what?” 
“What?” Dani mumbled, nose pressed to his pulse point. 
Jake smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I still feel that warm, fuzzy feeling when you smile at me. That’s how I know we’re going to be fine.” 
“I knew I loved you when you punched Micheal Pearson after he pushed me from the swings.” 
Jake laughed, shaking his head. “He deserved it.” Dani joined him, laughing together as they remembered their childhood. 
After a while their laughter died down and they sat in silence again, bodies intertwined tightly together. 
“We’re good, you and me, right? We’re going to be fine.” Dani whispered, kissing his knuckles. 
Jake smiled. “We’re better than good, baby. We’re magic.” 
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Five years later 
“When Jake was seven years old, he asked me how I knew that I loved his mother. How I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Joseph laughed, adjusting his tie. 
“At first, his questions caught me off guard. I hadn’t really expected to have that conversation with my seven year old.” The guests laughed, most of them turning to look at the blushing groom. 
“After I answered him as truthfully as I could, Jake promptly asked me if I thought Dani would like to marry him.” The laughter rose, many of Jake’s squad members making kissing noises at the newlyweds. 
“It definitely threw me, but I quickly told him that they needed to wait a little while longer. That they were too young. But me and his mother made sure to let him know that he should still let her know how much he liked her.” 
Joseph paused and took a moment to study his son and his new wife. 
“As we watched him trying to find her the perfect bouquet of flowers from our yard, I knew. I knew that one day I was going to have to speak at their wedding.” 
Dani was crying, leaning into Jake’s side as they listened. 
“I’m gonna wrap this up before I start crying. Jake, son. I am so proud of you, and what you have achieved so far. And most importantly, I am so proud of your choice of wife. Dani, keep him on his toes, he needs it.” 
“I told you once as a kid and I’m telling you now again as a man. Don’t ever let go of her. Don’t ever let each other go. What you have is special. Like Jake once said, it’s magic.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw@imjess-themess@antiquitea@fuckyeahhangman@writercole@hederasgarden@yanna-banana@wkndwlff@bobfloydsbabe@hollandorks@anniesocsandgeneralstore@ereardon@luminousnotmatter@roosterscock@thedroneranger@fandomxpreferences@top-hhun@princessmisery666@bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly@a-reader-and-a-writer@green-socks@angstybluejay@seresinhangmanjake@ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl@gigisimsonmars@girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes@unhinged-btch@horseshoegirl@sadpetalsstuff@bradshawbaby@ahopelessromanticwritersworld@ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters@amortentiadrops@teacupsandtopgun@hangmanscoming
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roosterforme · 2 years ago
Do You Wanna Touch Me? | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You had been working at the bar for six months. And you'd been crushing on Rooster since the first night he handed you his credit card, called you Babydoll, and asked you to start a tab for him. And it only got worse from there, until one night you asked him about more than just his drink order.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, age gap, and smut
Length: 5800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for my Top Gun Rocktober playlist! Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Oh, my god," you whined softly, drying and polishing the rack of pint glasses in front of you as Rooster Bradshaw came strolling into the bar. "Fuck me," you sighed, barely able to keep your eyes off him as you fumbled one of the glasses.
"Yeah, you'd like that," Lizzy said with a laugh as she cut up some lemons before the Friday evening rush.
You didn't even know you spoke out loud. That's how much of a ridiculous crush you had on that big, sexy man. But he strolled right past you on his way to the pool table, barely even sparing a smile in your direction. 
"I really would," you told her, watching the flex of his bicep as he high fived Hangman. It wasn't like your coworkers didn't know you had a thing for Rooster. You'd been working here for six months, and you'd been crushing on him since the first night he handed you his credit card, called you Babydoll, and asked you to start a tab for him. And it only got worse from there.
He still occasionally called you Babydoll. He never called Lizzy or Jasmine by a pet name. Just you. And you held onto that little glimmer of hope that it meant something. That maybe one day, he'd look at you as more than just one of the bartenders.
"What's wrong with you?" Jas asked, waving a hand in front of your face. But then she looked where you were staring, and she asked no further questions. "Oh. Rooster's here."
"He sure is," you added, forcing yourself to focus on the customer in front of you who looked impatient for a drink. As you finished pouring him some tequila shots, you looked up eagerly, and Rooster met your eyes. It had been a solid week since you'd seen him, and he just always looked so good.
You pushed the shot glasses across the bar and collected payment, trying to stay as cool as you could. Because Rooster was heading your way now in his snug vintage wash jeans and bright tropical shirt. 
"Hey, Babydoll," he rasped, and your whole body clenched with need as your eyes fluttered closed. When you met his gaze again, he was leaning on the bar, closing in on your personal space. 
"Hey, Rooster," you replied, sounding a lot calmer than you felt. When he smirked and looked down at your shirt, your heart pounded even harder. Your name was embroidered on your Hard Deck top, just above your breast. He knew your name, but he always called you Babydoll anyway. So was he just simply staring at your tits?
He cleared his throat and asked, "Get me a beer? Please?" 
"Am I starting a tab?" you asked, reaching for one of the pint glasses you'd just finished cleaning. He responded by humming and sliding his credit card across the bar. He held eye contact with you while you expertly pulled the perfect pint of his preferred beer. The way his lips parted in a soft smile that matched yours, the twitch of his mustache...it all felt like foreplay that had been going on for months.
"Thanks," he muttered when your fingers brushed against his. He winked at you before turning back to the pool table, leaving you with his credit card and a desperate need inside of you.
As you set up his tab, Jasmine ran her hand along your lower back so you wouldn't bump her as she walked behind you. "Why don't you just invite him to join you in the bathroom and fuck him out of your system?" she joked. 
"Because," you sighed, "that would only make me pine harder. Getting a small taste of him would be worse than nothing at all."
"Oof," Lizzy replied. "You're a mess over Bradshaw."
"I wonder how old he is?" Jas asked.
You hummed and shrugged, watching him drink his beer across the room while you shook a vodka martini. "Gotta be at least thirty five."
"Ask him," Lizzy said. "Next time he comes over, ask him how old he is."
Your cheeks were warming up. He was bending at the waist, playing pool, and you were taking way too long to serve this martini. "No. What if he thinks I'm being rude? Or worse...what if he catches on that I like him, and he shuts it all down."
"Fine," Jas said, uncapping some ciders. "Next time Rooster comes up, I'll wait on him."
But that really didn't sit well with you. Rooster always came to you for his drinks, anytime he could. You liked that about him. You liked his attention. Jas wouldn't pour his pints quite as well as you could. You knew so well how much foam to let spill and how close to the top of the glass you could get. You loved pulling those pints of lager for him. And you loved pouring him bourbon when he asked for that instead. You knew which brand and that he liked it neat. You didn't have to ask. He didn't have to tell you.
No, you should always be the one to wait on him. And when he finished his pint and strolled back up to the bar after Phoenix beat him at pool, you stepped in front of Jasmine. "I got it," you said confidently, and Jas walked away chuckling. This time Rooster eased himself down onto an empty stool between two women who looked at him like they'd just won the lottery. But his eyes were on you. 
"Lager or bourbon?" you asked, and you were rewarded with those perfect, white teeth and his deep laughter. 
"You got everyone's regular drinks memorized?" he asked as you reached for his empty glass. But he didn't let you take it. He kept one hand on the glass for a few beats while your fingers met his. 
He was making you feel bold tonight. He was even more gorgeous up close like this, with a few gray hairs at his temples and some laugh lines around his eyes. His eyebrows shot up, and his smile faltered when you said, "No, Rooster. Not everybody's regular drinks. Only the hottest guys. Lager or bourbon?"
He grunted and swallowed hard. "Dealer's choice." Then he finally let you take the empty glass, and it was a good thing, too, because you needed to turn away from him. You took a few extra seconds to reach for the bottle of Wild Turkey. Your nipples were hard, your skin felt like it was on fire, and you were turned on just talking to him.
When you turned back to face him, his gaze was neutral again. You uncapped the bourbon and poured it for him, neat. 
"Thanks," he murmured, moving like he was standing to leave. 
And then your mouth worked before your brain, and you said, "Anytime, Sexy."
You watched him pause halfway out of his seat, his eyes dipping down to watch you nervously lick your lips. If he left for the pool table, you really were going to have to let Jasmine wait on him next time. Embarrassment flooded your veins, leaving you uncomfortable with a sheen of cold sweat on your neck. But he eased himself back down onto the stool and kept his eyes on you. "Alright. Babydoll."
You laughed softly, pulling out some glasses for the woman who wanted two cosmos. Rooster sipped his bourbon and kept his focus on your face and your body. He grunted as you took a shaker in each hand, and as you poured them out at the same time, he asked, "What's your favorite drink?"
He was hyper focused on you now, leaning in just the slightest bit further as you served both pink drinks. "To have or to make?" you asked, taking more orders.
"Both. I want you to tell me both."
You smiled at him, and he matched it right away. "Nothing is more fun to make than an expertly crafted Bloody Mary, but those are best as breakfast cocktails."
He nodded, accepting your answer, and then he asked, "And what do you order when you go out?"
You shrugged. "I don't often get to have someone make my drinks for me, but when I do, I usually order a Manhattan."
"A Manhattan?" he asked, balking at your answer. "How fuckin' old are you, Babydoll? People in their seventies drink those things!"
"I'm twenty three," you told him, laughing so hard you were doubled over. He looked delighted when you were finally able to stand up straight again. Your smile was still bright as you leaned on the bar until you were only two feet from his face and softly asked, "How old are you?"
The song on the jukebox changed as Rooster rubbed his mustache and said, "I'm a lot older than you are." His little self deprecating laugh just made you want to get closer to him. He looked amused by you and also resigned to the fact that he thought his age was something you wouldn't like about him.
"How old?" you asked again, biting your lip. 
His brown eyes found your mouth, and you thought for a moment that he was going to kiss you. Oh god, you wanted him to, so badly. "I'm thirty eight."
You hummed softly as Phoenix came to stand next to him, and you started to get her favorite kind of beer ready. 
"You coming back to the pool table?" she asked Rooster, but he just grunted something about needing to finish his bourbon first. When you handed Phoenix her drink, Rooster told you to put it on his tab, and he looked relieved when she walked away.
"Thirty eight," you said, watching him down the remainder of the drink in his glass. "That's why you're so good at flirting? You've had time to practice?"
He coughed a little bit as he set his empty glass down on the bar top. "Babydoll, I'm fifteen years older than you."
"So?" you asked, pulling another perfect pint for him. "You don't want to flirt with me?"
"Now wait, that's not what I'm saying at all. Just surprised you don't want to flirt with someone your own age."
"I don't like boys my age," you told him fearlessly. "I like men."
"Oh, hell," he groaned, taking a long sip of his fresh beer. "Just look at you. You're gonna get yourself in trouble if you don't find a nice guy."
He looked flustered now. You were making Lieutenant Bradshaw flustered. His cheeks were pink, and he kept sipping his beer, avoiding your gaze. He looked adorable and boyish, and you didn't know quite what to do about this. Or about the fact that talking to him was making you wet. 
"Hmmm," you hummed, and his eyes met yours immediately. "Are you a nice guy?"
"Fuck," he groaned, adjusting himself in his seat. "Sometimes."
"You're always pretty sweet to me," you whispered. "What's it like when you're not a nice guy, Rooster?"
You wanted to touch him for more than a few fleeting seconds. After six months, you thought you were going to. His long, thick fingers were just resting there in front of you. But then Fanboy came to the bar and asked you to close out his tab. And then you had to help Lizzy pour a massive round of shots. And then when Rooster asked you to close out his tab as well, you did it with a pout on your lips. 
As you slid his credit card, the slip he needed to sign, and a pen across the bar, he smiled at you. "Aww, come on. Don't give me that look. You know how it is."
"I don't, actually," you replied, watching him sign the credit card receipt for you. "How is it?"
He looked up and studied your face. "You're too perfect to mess with, Babydoll. Too young. Too pretty to touch."
You chewed on your lip and squeezed your thighs together. You had to know. Your voice was soft and unsure as you asked him, "Do you wanna touch me?"
He didn't meet your eyes again as he scribbled on the receipt and then left it and the pen for you to collect. He stood up from his stool, gave a quick salute to his friends and then headed for the door. 
You moaned helplessly. You blew it. He thought you were just a kid, and you never stood a chance. And now he'd probably never even look at you again. 
But when you picked up the receipt, you read one word written there under his name. YES.
When you strolled into the bar the next evening, you got right to work. You had no idea if Rooster would show up, and you weren't sure if you even wanted to see him or not. You'd torn off the bottom of his credit card slip and taken it home with you. That little scrap of paper on which he'd admitted he wanted to touch you was hanging on your bedroom mirror. But it was the fact that he was probably never going to touch you, even though he was more than welcome to, that was making you frustrated. 
"What's wrong with you?" Lizzy asked as she arrived a minute later. "You look hot."
You glanced down at your Hard Deck top, denim skirt and beat up sneakers. "I look the same as I always do," you told her, continuing to dump buckets of ice into the cooler behind the bar. 
"Maybe it's your makeup," she replied. "I think you're hoping Rooster comes in tonight."
You rolled your eyes. "I always hope he's going to be here. He's pretty. I like looking at him."
"I'm not going to dispute that," Lizzy said as she cut up the lemons again tonight. "But I think you actually like him. Not just the way he looks."
You didn't respond, because it didn't matter. You'd keep the flirtation to a minimum the next time you saw him. The last thing you wanted to do was make him think you were desperate. He wanted to touch you? He could go right ahead. But you weren't about to beg him to.
As the bar got crowded, Jasmine showed up as well. The three of you got into a nice rhythm. A lot of the aviators were back again tonight, and you were serving them drink after drink. And then it was like you knew he was there before you saw him. After you handed a couple their drinks, your eyes automatically shifted toward the doorway, finding it filled with Rooster's big body. And he was already looking at you. 
"You want me to wait on him?" Lizzy asked you softly as Rooster approached the bar. 
But you just shook your head and reached for two different glasses, holding them up as he took a seat in front of you. When he pointed to the pint glass, he said, "Lager. Please."
"Sure," you replied, setting the smaller glass aside and pulling a perfect pint of beer for him. "Start a tab?"
"Nah, I'm not staying long tonight," he told you as you placed the beer in front of him without meeting his gaze. "Just wanted to see you and get one drink."
"Mmkay," you said. But when you pulled your hand away, he reached for it. 
Stunned, you let him take your hand in his large one, and then he asked, "Does this mean you're done flirting with the old man now? You got it all out of your system yesterday?" His eyes were guarded, cautious, and he held onto your hand, expecting an answer. 
You shook your head slowly, running your fingertips along his rough calluses. "I was just getting started."
A crooked little smile danced across his lips. "I am too old for you, Babydoll. And it's a shame."
Your heart jumped in your chest, hand still tangled up with his on the bar top. You could hear Lizzy and Jasmine working extra hard to take all the orders, trying to give you a moment here. So you smiled back. "You think you're old. So what? You expect me to call you Daddy?"
"Shit," he grunted, squirming a bit in his seat but keeping your hand in his.
When he didn't respond right away, you leaned a little closer, one eyebrow raised. "I asked you a question."
His eyes were wide, and that little grin was back. "I could be a... Daddy. Maybe for the right girl."
You pulled your hand free of his and planted both palms on the bar top and leaned closer to him. "And just how is a girl supposed to know if she's the right one?"
But his cheeks were tinged with pink once again, and he looked flustered. It was flattering, such an ego boost. You were the one who made him like this. But he wasn't responding now, and you needed to help Jas pour some chardonnay for the impatient ladies at the end of the bar. You sighed and said, "Well, I work until eleven. So just think on it."
But he wouldn't let you leave. Rooster reached for your hand again, but this time he was the one leaning closer. "The right girl would be one that I can't seem to stay away from. You said you work until eleven?"
"Yes," you replied softly, his large hand completely covering yours on the bar top.
"Right. Then ask me again if I want to start a tab."
You pressed your lips together, trying not to giggle. "Would you like to start a tab, Rooster?"
"You're damn right I would, Babydoll. I can't get enough of you. Think I'll just hang here until eleven. If that's okay with you."
This time you did giggle. "Yeah. That's okay with me." As he pulled his wallet out and handed you his credit card, you asked, "Bourbon or lager?"
"Make it a Manhattan."
"I've been told these drinks are for people in their seventies," you said with a straight face as you reached for the vermouth, secretly pleased he wanted your favorite. "You're only thirty eight."
"Listen," he said, watching you fix his drink. "You said you don't like boys your own age. And maybe I'm a little older than you, but all the parts are still in working order."
You felt giddy. When you set the glass down in front of him, you couldn't help but ask, "Does that mean you'll let me take you for a test drive?" 
You had to work to keep an innocent expression on your face as Bradley's blush deepened. He took a sip of his Manhattan, licked his lips and said, "I don't do test drives anymore."
"Oh," you said with a little pout. "You don't?"
"No," he replied a bit cautiously, taking another sip of his cocktail. "I'm getting too old for that. I like at least a little bit of commitment from the driver. Don't wanna feel like I'll get dinged up."
You shivered at his words, mesmerized by his voice and his demeanor as he looked down into his glass. Could you do more than a test drive? Of course you'd thought about it. You were crushing so hard, you'd imagined what it would be like if he was your boyfriend. But you'd barely even let yourself hope for a one night stand. Even that much seemed too good to be true.
"Oh," you said again in a softer tone. When he glanced up, his dark eyes were no longer guarded, and he was looking at you warily. Without giving it much thought, you pushed up onto the bar and leaned until he met you halfway in a kiss. It was just the softest brush of your lips against his. But the sound he made and the prickle of his mustache on your skin left you wide eyed and out of breath as you eased yourself back down. "No. You're too handsome to get all dinged up. I'm a great driver."
"Yeah," he said with a little laugh. "I can already tell. And that's what I was afraid of last night. There's just something about you, isn't there?"
"You have a thing for me?" you asked him, gripping the edge of the bar top. "Because I definitely have a thing for you." You had stopped breathing now, and your heart was pounding in your ears. 
With a little grin, he said, "Yeah, I do, Babydoll."
"Well, what are we going to do about it, Daddy?" you asked with another giggle as Jasmine thrust a bottle of prosecco into your hands. 
"We're going to go out my Bronco the minute your shift is over. We'll figure it out there." 
You nearly dropped the bottle when you met his eyes. "A quickie?" you asked softly, but you were sure he heard you.
"No," he groaned, running his big palm along his mouth and shaking his head at you. Then he finished the rest of his Manhattan in one gulp and pushed the glass your way. "Nothing about this is gonna be quick. I'd like to take my time, especially with someone as perfect as you."
You sounded like a feral animal, thighs clenched together and gripping the bottle of prosecco with both hands. 
"Shit," Rooster grunted. "You're making it hard to just sit here, Babydoll."
"Hard?" you asked with a grin. 
"You'll find out."
After another embarrassing noise, you had to excuse yourself to the other end of the bar for a few minutes. Jesus, you needed to keep your job, after all. But his eyes followed you everywhere. Any time you looked his way, he was transfixed on you. When you pulled a pint of lager and set it down for him, he whispered, "Thanks, Babydoll," sending shivers along your skin again. 
"Anything else you want, Rooster?" you asked him sweetly. 
His gaze dipped down to your chest before returning to your face. "Nothing I'm allowed to have inside the bar."
"At least not when we're open to the public, sir," you replied, giving him a little salute that had him reaching for you across the bar. But you managed to skirt away from his grasp with another laugh. 
"You coming back over here?" he asked between sips of his beer. "I didn't get a chance to ask you if you'll make me a Bloody Mary for breakfast tomorrow morning."
"Yeah. Breakfast," he confirmed with a smile. "At my place?"
You pressed your lips together to keep from screaming. "So since this isn't a test drive, what are my options, exactly? Am I looking at a lease? A financing package?"
"I'm sure you'll know what you want to do when the time comes. And I'm going to need you to stop saying package right now."
"Just go," Jasmine told you suddenly. "It's after ten, and you're useless. You and he have had hours of foreplay already. Go."
"Are you sure?" you asked, already reaching for your bag and Rooster's credit card.
"Yes," Lizzy confirmed. Then she looked at Rooster who was already standing up and told him, "Pay your tab next week. And get her out of here."
"My pleasure," he rasped, and you practically ran for the opening in the bar, ducking underneath the counter. And when you stood up again, he was right there. He was so tall and broad, and with a coy smile, you slipped his credit card into the pocket of his jeans. When your fingers trailed closer to his zipper, he grabbed your wrist gently. 
"Just checking for myself to make sure all the parts are working," you mused as he raised your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles gently. In the middle of the crowded bar. Then he wrapped your fingers around the back of his neck, and you pulled him down for a kiss. 
He kept it pretty clean as he promised, "Wait until we get outside."
"Now," you demanded, pulling him along behind you by his shirt collar. As soon as the cool, night air met your hot skin, he had your bare thighs in his hands, and your back was pressed against the side of the building. "Oh my god," you gasped. Your body was pinned between the siding and Rooster, and the rough denim of his jeans was rubbing you deliciously through your underwear. 
"I told you I'm not going to rush," he whispered, pressing into you as you held onto his shoulders. He teased you with that delicious mustache and his lips on your neck before he kissed your ear and said, "Now, I'm gonna need verbal confirmation, Babydoll."
"Yes!" you nearly shouted. "Everything!"
He chuckled next to your ear and asked, "You wanna fuck in my Bronco?"
"Yes," you moaned so loudly, you were sure Jasmine and Lizzy could hear you. 
"I don't have any condoms with me," he said, looking you in the eye. "Do we need them?"
"No, I'm clean, and I take the pill," you said, leaning in to kiss his lips. He tasted you, running the tip of his tongue along yours before pulling his lips away. 
You whined for him, but he was undeterred. "I need you to tell me that you'll come home with me and make me that Bloody Mary in the morning while I make you breakfast."
He already wanted you to sleep over with him. He wanted to make you breakfast. He didn't want to have a one night stand. He was waiting for an answer. "You'll have to let me know if you want it traditional or extra spicy."
"Fuck," he grunted before his lips came crashing against yours. His big hands held your thighs wide as he rolled his hips gently against you. 
"Rooster," you moaned against his lips as he let you gently slide down his body until your feet hit the ground. 
"Please call me Bradley," he whispered as he wrapped his hand around your waist and quickly guided you across the dark parking lot. 
When you saw the Bronco, you ran the last little bit hand in hand. His laughter mixed with yours as he unlocked the door. "Come on, Bradley," you sang, looking up at him over your shoulder before climbing up onto the driver's seat on your hands and knees. "Do you wanna touch me?"
"Babydoll," he moaned, keeping you still as he guided your skirt up over your butt and around your waist. You cried out as he kissed the backs of your thighs. He slipped his fingers inside the thin strips of lace fabric that made up your thong, and you couldn't ever remember being this turned on before. 
"Bradley!" you gasped loudly when his lips and tongue met the globe of your rear end. He slid the lace to one side and kissed your slit from behind until you were panting. You might cum. You might actually have an orgasm on your hands and knees with your ass in his face. Boys your own age couldn't get you like this no matter what they did.
He gently swatted at you before palming your ass and saying, "Get in the backseat."
Oh yes. He was about to show you what else his age and experience had to offer, and you were already shaking with need. "Yes, sir," you whispered, and you heard him mutter a string of obscenities as you scrambled onto the backseat. As he slid the driver's seat forward and climbed in the back, you carefully pulled your underwear down your thighs. He helped you and then pressed the lace to his nose before pulling you onto his lap. 
"I've thought about this so many times when I touched myself," you blurted out as he teased your clit with his thumb. "Bronco sex," you whined, head tipped back, enjoying the perfect pressure he applied to your body. "Bronco sex with Bradley Bradshaw."
"Forgive me, Babydoll," he whispered, voice harsh. "But last night was the first time I jerked off thinking about you. Too afraid to go there before that, thinking there was no way in hell you'd want me."
"I want you," you swore, meeting his eyes in the near darkness. If anyone else was out in the parking lot, you couldn't see them. And you didn't care if they could see you, because he was slipping one thick finger inside you. "Wanted you for so long. Months and months."
"Jesus, you're tight," he groaned, sliding your snug top up to your chest as you rode his hand. "And you skipped a bra tonight like a good girl."
"Bradley," you gasped as he cupped your bare breast in his big hand. He lazily swirled his thumb around your nipple before bending to take you into his mouth. "Oh my god!" 
Your orgasm was already building. You had only been in the backseat with him for a few minutes, and he was still fully clothed. But now you were riding two fingers, and his thumb was delicious against your clit. As he licked and sucked on your breast, you started to clench. 
"Damn," he muttered against your body. "Already?"
You just nodded before guiding his lips up to yours, and you came as you moaned loudly against his mouth. "Bradley." You raked your fingers up into his hair and kissed him. He was hard through his jeans, and when he withdrew his fingers, you felt them trail up your body. 
"You're so pretty," he whispered, pulling your top over your head. "You'll look even better in my bed."
You wanted him to fuck you here first, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't already thought about his place and what he might make you for breakfast. And as you sat straddled his hips in nothing but your skirt up around your waist and your sneakers on your feet, you felt adored by him. He was kissing a trail down between your breasts and rubbing his thumbs along your thighs. 
"Bradley," you whined, rubbing your pussy against his jeans, already feeling a little wrung out. "Please."
The street light at the corner reflected in his eyes, letting you know he was looking at your face as he raised his hips and unzipped his jeans. And a few seconds later, they were down around his knees along with his underwear. Your lips met his as you felt the velvety soft tip of his cock resting against your core. As you kissed him and tugged on his hair, he throbbed for you. And suddenly you weren't in such a hurry either. 
"Let me make you feel good," he whispered, and as you slid down around him, Bradley guided you with his hands on your hips. "You're so wet, my god."
"You always make me wet, even when you just talk to me at the bar," you admitted softly, your voice shaking as he kept pushing deeper inside you. "Oh. You're huge."
"Am I hurting you?" he asked, pausing where he was. But you just shook your head and rolled your hips slowly until he was completely inside you. He kissed you softly as you gasped and got used to him. "I don't wanna hurt this sweet pussy," he whispered next to your ear. "Perfect."
And then he brushed his knuckles along your clit and leaned his head back, watching as you rode him. "Take it off," you gasped, and he let you push his shirt down his arms and pull his tank over his head. You explored his broad chest with your hands and his shoulders with your lips. He was warm and rough and oh so sweet. His chest hairs brushed against your nipples as he guided your hips with his hands.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed his lips. "Fuck. So good." He felt delicious, his big hands everywhere, sliding up to span your back and keep you close. He fucked you in long, fluid movements that just got faster and faster. His pubes were coarse against your clit. His little grunts and words of praise kept you going as you started squeezing around his cock.
"Don't stop, Babydoll," he coaxed as you got closer. When his lips met your sweat slick chest again, and he pulled your nipple between his teeth, you came for him.
As your legs shook and your fingers went loose in his hair, Bradley fucked up into you until you were screaming his name. 
"Good girl," he grunted, and suddenly you were on your back along the seat with your legs spread wide. He fucked you with long, hard strokes that made your tits bounce and prolonged your orgasm. His lips were everywhere, and you were surrounded by his voice in the dark, holding onto his biceps as he came inside you.
You scrambled to get your mouth on his as you both caught your breath together, and as your heartbeat started to return to normal, you pressed a dozen soft kisses to his lips, one after the next. "Will you take me home?"
His hands stilled on your thigh and your neck. "Yeah," he said with a tone of sadness. "I can drop you off at home."
When he started pulling away without so much as another kiss, you reached for him, keeping him firmly inside you. "No, no. Take me home with you, Bradley."
"My place?" His voice was still soft, but it sounded hopeful now.
"Of course," you reassured him, and his kisses returned. "I'll spend the whole morning tomorrow making you Bloody Marys with little heart shaped garnishes."
He smiled against your lips before he said, "I'd like that, Babydoll."
The Hard Deck was pretty busy the following evening, and you were so physically exhausted from your night with Bradley, you could barely keep up. The Sunday crowd was keeping you on your toes, and Jasmine wouldn't stop asking you how your night ended. 
"Did you go home with him? You did. I can tell," she said as you just shrugged at all of her questions. "Are you going to see him again? Come on! Tell me!"
When you saw movement on the other side of the bar top, Jasmine's eyes went wide. "Hey, babydoll." The deep rumble of his voice was so distinct, you didn't need to look at him to know it was Bradley. He had whispered dirty, sweet things in your ears all night and all morning. You knew the sound of his voice by heart now.
When your eyes met his, you reached for a pint glass and filled it with his favorite beer. "Hey, Bradley. Wanna start a tab?" you asked with a soft smile.
You giggled as he reached for your hand and tugged you closer. Then he leaned across the bar and kissed you as his nose brushed against yours. "For you? Always. And don't close the tab until your shift ends."
No more test drives. I'm sure she's already considering her options to make him hers permanently. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32. Also, the pretty banner was made by Mak!
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year ago
Friday Night Moonlight
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for @roosterforme 's rocktober event!!
pairing: robert 'bob' floyd x reader (slight high school au)
characters: bob floyd, reader (nickname dolly), beckett fletcher, misc high school kids
warnings: language, cheating, high school drama, pining, best friends to sorta lovers, the ending may be rushed, there's a kiss, fighting, toxic boyfriend, please let me know if i missed anything
word count: ~4.5k
a/n: the song that inspired this is the nitty gritty dirt band's fishin' in the dark, and taylor swift's you belong with me music video (she was born in the 80's 😅) em, i want to apologize for getting this up so late! i got bogged down with whumptober, but i'm here!
summary: having been best friends since childhood, bob knows just what you need to feel better after a nasty break up
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You and Bob had been neighbors your entire life. Your bedroom window had been right across from his since you were both toddlers and you played in your backyards while your parents drank coffee or watched the football games on Saturdays.
Also, you and Bob both had cousins that participated in Friday night events so you often played in the grass, completely ignoring the game and just enjoying getting to stay up past your bedtime. You even wrote notes in sketchbooks and talked through your windows when you were supposed to be in bed.
And even now, in your senior year of high school, you still did that.
Talking through your windows like you were passing notes in class, which you also did and you never once got caught.
You also got to see parts of each other you never let your parents see, and never spoke about outside of your sketchbooks.
The sad parts, the angry parts, all of it stayed on pieces of paper, hidden between two pieces of cardboard and bound together with flimsy metal spirals.
Until tonight…
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Bob glanced up from his homework, looking towards your window to check on you and your AP Calculus homework. 
But all he found was you on your feet, pacing around your room as you heatedly spoke into your phone, unoccupied arm flailing about as you argued with whoever was on the other end. It was no doubt your boyfriend.
Ah yes…  Your boyfriend, the star running back on the football team — Beckett Fletcher.
Bob and Beckett weren’t the fondest of each other. Bob knew you deserved better and Beckett was threatened by your childhood best friend. But they tried their best to not let you catch on, sending one another looks when you weren’t paying attention.
But Bob wanted to tell you to leave, tell you that Beckett is no good for you. Because if Bob ever saw you on your phone and you were either crying or angry… chances were it was Beckett on the other end of the line.
And Bob despised it.
Ever since you were children, Bob never liked to see you sad. He always found a way to cheer you up, whether it was getting you to laugh or just simply distracting you with a cartoon and cuddles on the couch.
He found a way to take your pain away.
Watching you intensely as you talked, Bob was already reaching for his sketchbook.
Once you threw the phone on your bed and you sat at your desk by the window, you looked up and saw that Bob had a note ready. The letter’s scribbled across reading, “what’s wrong?” rather than what they usually read which was “are you okay?”
Man… you really needed to shut your curtain when you’re on the phone with Beckett.
You didn’t like Bob seeing the faults in your relationship, seeing that the foundation was cracked just so he could tell you it was a bad investment because of the unstable ground. 
You were trying so hard to keep this relationship standing, it was the only way to get over your feelings for your best friend, to forget the piece of paper you tucked away in your night stand 6 years ago… but Beckett was making it really hard.
And now you were really debating if staying with him was worth it… and Bob could see it.
Sighing, you picked up your own sketchbook and thick Sharpie, writing your message down before flipping it to show him. 
“drama, i’m just sick of it”
You were lucky that Bob couldn’t see your tears through the glass and you tried your best to keep it hidden from him by not letting your shoulders move as you silently cried. 
Bob frowned, he wasn’t aware of any drama at the school. And being the fly on the wall he tends to be, he knows a lot of the drama. So this was clearly a sign that this was internal in your relationship and exclusive to locker room and cheer practice talk, which he was not privy to as he was in band – a percussionist no less, they had their own things going on.
But even still, you liked to share your drama with him, sitting in the backyard while your parents watched the Sooners play on Saturday night. It was y’all’s thing, but over the past few weeks you never shared cheer drama with him and you both just chatted about what you both knew and then changed the subject completely to something else.
He knew something was wrong but… this wasn’t something you talk about over notes through a window, and you looked… tired.
So he gave you a sympathetic look and apologized, not happy that you just shrugged it off and gave him a less than convincing smile. But you were quick to throw up a ‘goodnight’ note, closing your curtain when you saw his note.
Bob frowned and looked at his drawer, pondering about the note left in there… a note he wrote a while back that he was too scared to show you.
Meanwhile, you turned your lamp off and collapsed into your bed, holding a stuffed bunny to your chest as you sobbed into your pillow.
Tomorrow wasn’t gonna be fun.
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The next morning, you woke up looking like death hit you with a fighter jet.
You had fierce under eye bags and your cheeks were blotchy and red. Your upper lip and nose were raw from both your hand rubbing it and the tissues that were never as gentle as they claimed. 
Groaning, you did your best to cover it up, using the proper techniques your mother taught you to use with her estheticians license. You had to look put together for tonight because it was Friday and you had a home football game against one of your biggest rivals.
After your makeup was done and your hair was in dutch braids, a bow securing them together at the base of your neck with your ends curled in tight waves, you put your long sleeve uniform on. It was going to cool off once the sun went down so you needed to be prepared.
And after all that was said and done, you bid your parents a goodbye before walking out to meet Beckett at the curb so he can take you to school.
You had your license, but you didn’t have a car just yet so Bob had offered to take you to school and he did until you started dating Beckett and then you rode with him instead.
Except, you didn’t walk out with a smile on your face or that “cheerleader pep” in your step this time. No, because after your argument with him, you truly weren’t sure if he was even going to be outside this time or not.
And to your disappointment but not disbelief… your boyfriend wasn’t there.
But Bob was… your best friend was there, he was always there.
“Hey, Y/N! Do you need a lift? I’ve got plenty of room.” 
Hearing his voice in person was a bigger relief than you thought it was going to be. It was soothing for you, and you felt a gentle smile form on your face.
Instead of answering right away you walked over to him, prompting him to walk and meet you halfway.
“How are you doing? That conversation looked pretty heated…”
While his tone was gentle, Bob’s words were straight to the point. He knew that whatever was said had a great effect on you and a simple night’s sleep wouldn’t magically fix it all. 
“I’m okay. Just a dumb fight. It’s probably just his nerves, tonight is a big game and he’s got a lot riding on his shoulders,” you said, acceptance in your voice as you didn’t meet your best friend’s eyes.
Bob hated that. Hated the excuse you made for Beckett. Hated that you kept giving him the benefit of the doubt instead of just accepting that he was a shitty boyfriend.
You had been getting into more fights lately and you were either blaming yourself or excusing Beckett’s faults for the fact he was stressed out. 
Even if he was stressed, Bob wouldn’t ever make you feel like this. He would never make you feel like this, period, he loved you too much.
“Are you sure? You seem to be having a lot of fights the past few weeks, does it have to do with the drama you told me about?”
The way you sucked in a breath and played with the bottom of your uniform skirt told him all he needed to know.
Your head whipped up at the mention of your childhood nickname. Bob had given it to you because you carried around your bunny doll everywhere when you were little. He rarely used it anymore, so when he did – he was being serious.
“Bobby look I-”
Suddenly a car pulled up, “Hey babe, sorry I’m late.”
You looked over, seeing Beckett, “It’s alright Beck.” You looked at Bob, “I’ll see you later. Bye.” Bob waved, “See you later, Y/N.” 
Beckett sent Bob a glare as you got in the passenger seat before driving off as soon as your door was closed. Bob just rolled his eyes and huffed before getting in his car.
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“So, what were you and Bob talking about before I pulled up?” Beckett asked as he drove away. You shrugged and buckled your seat belt, “It was nothing Beck.” He huffed a little, “Sure it was.” 
You scoffed but just shook your head and rested your hand on your fist. 
Beckett had really been bugging you about Bob lately. Asking you questions all the time. Accusing you of being with Bob when you missed a call. 
You knew him and Bob didn’t get along. But he had rarely ever accused you of having feelings towards him until recently. It was completely random because it came out of nowhere. It was causing so many fights and the stress was blowing small things way out of proportion.
It was killing your relationship.
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The school day went by fairly quickly. It usually did on Fridays because a pep-rally in the middle of the day usually made the second half go by faster.
Most students went home to get ready for the game, maybe changing an outfit or doing makeup touch ups before coming back to the stadium. But not everyone did. The kids participating in the night’s activities, the football players, cheerleaders, and band members, stayed on campus or close to it so they weren’t late. Usually just going to grab a bite to eat or just hang out until it was time.
Bob usually went with you to go eat and hangout before you got with Beckett. But now he just chilled in the percussion room and practiced until he needed to get ready.
He tried to tune out the color guard next door, not real keen on listening in to their drama. But this time, something piqued his interest. 
“Oh my gosh, you’re kidding! There’s no way!” Mariah yelled, her voice going through the thin walls.
“Apparently so, it’s sad honestly. And Tamara knows that he’s still with Y/N!” Paige exclaimed.
That. That statement was what really got Bob’s attention.
Tamara was on the dance team, going there after not making it on the cheer squad. She had never been mean to you per say but it was pretty clear that she wasn’t your biggest fan.
And now it seems like she went straight for the throat and was keen on making your life hell your final year of high school.
“I know, and Y/N doesn’t even know… I hope she finds out soon or Beckett actually breaks up with her first. She’s clearly taking it hard.”
“They fight all the damn time, of course she’s not okay, Mariah.”
Bob clenched his fist, he was seething. 
This, this was the drama you were talking about and this was the reason Beckett kept picking fights with you.
He shook his head and pulled out his phone, he needed to talk to you.
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You sat in the field house, smiling at Beckett as he drummed on your thigh. 
You both managed to make up before the game. Apologies on both sides and spending time together to really talk it out. So, now you both could focus on the game and not worry about your relationship.
“Fletch, c’mon, we gotta go get dressed,” Taylor, Beckett’s best friend said, not looking at you as he pointed to the locker room. Beckett nodded and kissed your cheek where his number was temporarily tattooed on your cheek, “I gotta go baby.” You nodded and kissed his lips, “Good luck, Beck.”
You smiled at Taylor and walked over to the cheerleaders.
“Dude, you have to tell her. Or I’ll tell her,” you overheard Taylor whispering. “Taylor, chill out. Everything’s fine.” 
You feel your heart drop, thoughts filling your mind before you shake them away. 
“Yeah Tamara told me-” Megan started before Jayme cut her off. “Girl, shut up.” “Why? I thought you wanted to talk about her and B-”
“Hey, Y/N, I see that you and Beckett are getting along again,” Kaitlyn said, once again cutting Megan off. 
You nodded, “Yeah, we had a decent conversation, talked a lot of things out. Still not smooth, but less rough than before.” Alicia nodded with a smile, “That’s good.” 
You nodded again and then your phone went off with a text. 
Meet me in the band room parking lot by my car. There’s something I need to tell you.
You sucked in a breath, “Hey, guys, I’ll um, I’ll be right back.” “Okay, practice can’t start without you. Don’t keep us waiting,” JJ said with a teasing smile. You rolled your eyes playfully, “I shouldn’t be too long.” 
You jogged out of the fieldhouse and down to the parking lot where Bob’s car was. 
Bob was leaning on the hood when you got to him.
“Hey, what did you-”
“Beckett’s cheating on you.” 
You stopped dead in your tracks. Your heart was practically pounding in your ears now. 
He stepped towards you and gently grabbed your arms as he looked down. “Beckett’s cheating on you with Tamara. Mariah and Paige were talking about it in the band room… I’m so sorry Y/N…”
You blinked at him before shaking your head and pushing him off of you, “No… No, you’re wrong. You’re lying.” You backed away from him, still shaking your head. “You’re supposed to be my friend. Why are you lying to me? Beckett wouldn’t–” Bob stepped forward desperately trying to get you to listen to him but you stepped back with your arms outstretched, “Don’t touch me.”
Bob's face fell, “Dolly… please. You have to believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you about this.”
You shook your head, “He wouldn’t do that!” “I’m not lying! I heard them talking about it!” Bob defended, honestly feeling hurt that you thought he would do that to you.
You throw your arms up, the words you overheard in the fieldhouse flooding your mind and the things Beckett had said about Bob before.
“Look, Robert,” you hissed and began to talk with your hands. “I get that you might be jealous of Beckett, but lying to me and saying shit like this won’t help you.”
Your stomach churned nauseously as the venom slipped back down your own throat as Bob’s anger shifted into hurt and betrayal behind his lenses. You had never believed the words you just spat at him. Never once did you think that Bob would lie to you because he was jealous. He had never done it before, so why would he do it now?
But you were conflicted and you were hurt. You felt embarrassed that it seemed everyone knew what was going on in your relationship and you didn’t. You felt used and gullible. 
You knew you were misplacing your hurt and anger. Bob was just trying to help. But you had made up with Beckett and it all felt right again, Bob just happened to be the one that took off your rose tinted glasses. 
But before you could rectify yourself, Bob clicked his tongue and hung his head as he rested his hands on his hips. 
“You wanna be like that? Fine. Be like that, don’t believe me,” he shook his head and dropped his hands to his side. “You know where to find me when it crashes down on top of you.”
All you could do was cross your arms and look down at your white cheer shoes, which only made him scoff before he shook his head again. His shoulder collided with yours as he walked past, knocking you off your footing a little before going back inside the bad room.
You could only sniffle before shaking your head and walking up to the field house.
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The game was finally over.
Your team won with, you guessed it, Beckett scoring the winning touchdown. 
You and Bob had just been thrumming with nerves the whole game. Bob was worried about you and he felt bad for just leaving you like he had instead of giving you a minute to process. But he guesses you were both acting off emotions.
You were anxious because you knew that other shoe had to drop. You just wanted to catch it before it landed on your heart. 
And even though they won, you still were anxious as you ran out onto the football field. 
“Beck! Beck! Beckett!” Taylor tried to fast walk by you as you tried to find your boyfriend. “Hey, Taylor,” you caught his arm. “Where’s Beckett?” Taylor looked down at you sympathetically before you watched his eyes flicker back the direction he came, “Y/N… I’m so sorry…” 
You furrowed your brow and he sighed before gently turning you.
And the other shoe dropped…
It dropped and sent 15 cleat studs into your heart.
There in the endzone was none other than Beckett Fletcher and Tamara Wilson making out like they had been dating for a year.
“I tried Y/N… I’m so sorry…” 
You sniffled and looked down at your grass stained cheer shoes, “Yeah because sorry is gonna fix the fact your sister is making out with my boyfriend…” Tears finally slipped down your face. “You know what, you can break up with him for me… I need to leave.”
Pulling your arm from his grip, you turned to go to the track and get your bag.
“Y/N wait–”
“Taylor, I-I can’t right now okay? I just… I need to go be with someone I wholeheartedly trust right now.”
You sniffled before wiping at your nose and running back towards the track.
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Bob sighed and walked out of the band room and towards his car. He was ready to go home and just shower off the day and sleep.
Taking a deep breath, he unlocked his car and opened the door.
And he saw the last thing he expected to see.
You were curled up in the front seat of his car, with a mirror in hand scrubbing at your cheek with a McDonald’s napkin as you sobbed. He could see you practically shivering still being in your uniform that provided no warmth at all.
He knew why you were there and he wasn’t gonna say a damn thing. He knew better than to say I told you so or anything because that was shitty of him. 
You needed a friend, you needed him.
So, he got in and shut his door. “I have sweatpants in the backseat,” he said lowly as he started the car. “And a hoodie.” 
You sniffled and hiccuped a little, “Please…” He nodded and turned in his seat to get them from under his backpack. “Here ya go Dolly,” he said softly as he handed the items to you.
You put your mirror down and wiped at your raw, damp cheek to wipe away both tears and any remainder of that tattoo. You had taken your shoes off when you got in, so you just slipped the sweats on before wiggling your skirt down your legs. 
Wadding it up, you threw it in the backseat before practically ripping your bow out and doing the same. 
Bob just watched, patiently waiting on you and letting you collect yourself. 
“Robby I…” You started before a new wave of tears hit and you started sobbing into your hands. 
He frowned, hating the sound of you crying. But he didn’t want to attempt to coax anything out of you just yet, wanting you to just let it out. 
Gently, Bob turned you around so your back faced him. He carefully untied your ponytail before using his dexterous fingers to undo your braids. He gently massaged your head, knowing that it was a good way to calm you down.
Your sobs lessened to smaller whimpers and sniffles as he massaged the areas where you were sensitive, soothing you slowly. 
He smiled a little as you turned to face him.
“Robby, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. You were just trying to help… I didn’t believe what I said about you being jealous. I’m sorry I said it.”
You wrapped your arms around him and he immediately reciprocated. “I’m sorry for how I reacted. I should have been more patient, and maybe I should have been more gentle with it.” You sniffled into his shoulder, “I deserved it… I shouldn’t have–”
“No, no, Dolly, we’re not doing that. We’ve both acknowledged what we shouldn’t have done. We can work past it, because that’s what we do. We work together.” You nodded, “You’re right, you’re right.”
You pulled back and wiped your eyes, giggling a little when he held the hoodie out to you. You took it, trying to ignore the butterflies as your fingers brushed his and the scent of his body spray surrounding you as slipped the hoodie on. “Thank you, Robby.” 
He smiled at you, “Of course. Now let’s go, I’m sure we can hang out in the living room and watch your comfort movies.” You giggled, “You always know how to cheer me up.”
“I’ve known you for 13 years, I’d hope so,” he chuckled as he started driving out of the parking lot. You smiled over at him before resting your head against the window and closing your eyes as he turned the radio up a little more.
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Bob nodded his head as he turned down your road, drumming the steering wheel as he listened to the radio. 
“You and me go fishin' in the dark. Lyin' on our backs and countin' the stars. Where the cool grass grows,” he sang quietly to himself. “Down by the river in the full moonlight. We'll be fallin' in love in the middle of the night. Just movin' slow. Stayin' the whole night through. It feels so good to be with you.”
He glanced over at you where you dozed off against the window. 
This was one of your favorite songs and normally you’d be banging his dashboard in a slightly off beat rhythm but he’d let it slide because you were so excited to hear the song.
He hummed along as he got close to your homes. But as he began to slow down he got an idea. 
So, instead of stopping, Bob drove past your houses and headed towards one of your favorite spots to go to clear your head.
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Bob pulled up to and parked his car before getting out and going over to your side of the car.
He carefully opens the door and you jerk awake. 
“Ah! What the– Bobby, what’s going on?” You asked groggily as you rubbed your eyes.
“I took a detour. I figured you could use a late night trip to our spot,” he said with a playful smile. You gave him a tired smile, “Oh Bobby… thank you.” “Course, now c’mon.”
You giggled, “I can’t wear my cheer shoes, they’ll get dirty.” He grinned and opened the backdoor. “Well, it just so happens that last time we were here, you left your Converses back here.” 
Your jaw dropped, “I have been looking for these! And you mean to tell me that you’ve been keeping my shoes hostage!” He chuckled and knelt down to put them on your feet. 
Heat rose to your cheeks as he did, the action reminding you of when you were both little and you dressed up as a princess all the time and he happily played your knight. “How could you Bobby Floyd?”
“Oh hush,” he laughed as he tied them before helping you up. “Okay, let’s go.” You giggled as you closed the door and followed him to the river side.
You smiled at him as you both laid down. “C,mere Dolly,” he said as he pulled you into his side.
Smiling wider, you laid your head on his chest and sighed a little bit. “Thank you Robby, this really is what I needed.” He gently scratched your back, “I’m glad I could help.” You looked up at him, “My knight…” You trailed off as his moonlit baby blue eyes made eye contact with yours. 
Almost as if you were both on autopilot, you propped yourself up on your elbow and he cupped your cheek. Before either of you realized what was happening, your lips met.
This kiss was sweet and gentle, but it sucked the breath out of your lungs all the same.
It felt like you were connected forever, but when you pulled away it didn’t feel long enough.
Bob had turned bright pink and immediately began to apologize, “I-I– oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have–”
“Robby, Robby!” You cut him off by covering his mouth. “Hey, it’s okay. I kissed you back… I liked it… a lot.” 
He relaxed under your hand at your words and you think he’s gonna say something but he licks your hand. “Oh gross! I was trying to be sweet and you licked me!” You wiped your hand on the hoodie he was wearing. 
Bob chuckled, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He held your wrist gently as he sobered up, “I liked it too. But… I think we should wait, just because I want to make sure you’re ready…” You nodded, “I know, thank you.” You smiled and pecked his cheek. 
Laying beside him, you laced your fingers with his and rested your other hand on your stomach as you looked at the sky.
He smiled at you and watched your smile widened as you pointed to the clear night sky, counting the stars and pointing out constellations. 
The sight made Bob think back to the note in his desk drawer and a smile split his features. 
The note has waited 6 years, it can wait a little while longer.
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hi, hello, thank you all for reading and making it to the end! i hope you enjoyed! and i'm so sorry this is late
top gun taglist <33: @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia @nobody7102 @djs8891 @desert-fern @startrekfangirl2233 @horseshoegirl @hangmansgbaby @mamachasesmayhem @roosterforme @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @callsign-mongoose
sorry if i missed anyone on the taglist, my list in an absolute mess right now 😂
175 notes · View notes
beyondthesefourwalls · 2 years ago
And You Will Find Me
Summary: The last thing Bradley expected when he was assigned to the unofficial “singles without a plus one” table at an old friend’s wedding was to meet who he thinks might just be the love of his life. But that’s exactly what happened. 
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n)  (can be read as Forgetful Boy and Pumpkin from RYEWID, but not necessary to read that first)
Word Count: 3.8K 
Warnings: Language, fluff, love at first sight. 
Notes: Written for @roosterforme's ‘80s Rocktober Playlist Fic Challenge, and as part of The Forgotten Moments Collection, but can very much be read by itself. Song selection is Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. 
The Forgetful Boy and Pumpkin first meeting one shot that I’ve been wanting to write since I referenced it in part three of RYEWID. The fact that I could do it for a challenge for one of my favorite people makes it even more exciting for me.  
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Bradley Bradshaw: Table Four 
He grabbed the gold trimmed cardstock with his name on it, sipping on a glass of bourbon as he made his way into the reception hall. It didn’t take long to find his placement with the elaborate centerpieces displaying calligraphic numbers. 
There were only two open seats left at the table, which was occupied by a group of people who were all staring down at their phones. He glanced around the rest of the venue, seeing all of the other tables bustling with conversation and laughter. He raised his eyebrows in surprise at the awkward silence that seemed to hang over this one in particular. No one seemed to know each other, and it didn’t look like they planned to make any effort to change that. 
He groaned to himself and wondered, not for the first time, why he had thought attending this wedding was a good idea. 
He hadn’t seen Sean in years, and had never even met Lucy. The two had been roommates for two years at UVA and had somewhat kept up with each other over the years, if only barely. They had always joked about how on the off chance either of them got married, they’d make each other's guest list. Bradley had laughed when he got the invite in the mail. He had waited until the last minute to send in the RSVP, but had ultimately decided why not? He wouldn’t know anyone there, and hadn’t managed to find a date in time, but he hadn’t been to Philly in way too long. He’d make a quick weekend out of it and see an old friend.  
He hadn’t realized until he got into town how awkward going to a wedding on his own would be. 
He sat in one of the empty seats, nodding to the guy on his right who forced a smile that looked just as awkward as it felt before turning his attention back to his phone. 
Bradley was glad he had thought to refill his drink before cocktail hour ended. 
He was scrolling through his phone when he saw a flash of orange out of the corner of his eye at the same time the seat next to him was pulled back. 
He glanced up briefly to offer a quick smile to the new arrival and looked back down at his emails, only to do the quickest double take of his life. His breath caught in his throat and he swore his heart stopped, only to start again three times faster. 
Holy hell. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” you asked, and Bradley had to blink a few times before he realized you were talking to him, because your voice was mesmerizing. 
“All yours,” he managed to say. He would have winced at how his voice cracked if he wasn’t trying to remember how to breathe. You offered a warm smile as you gracefully sat down. You were a vision in a long sleeve, burnt orange dress that looked like it would be silky to the touch. When he glanced down, he had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to stop from groaning when he saw the slit going up the side and the nude heels on your feet. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you were sitting beside him fiddling awkwardly with your place card as he stared at you.
“I’m Bradley,” he finally managed to introduce himself, extending a hand out. You looked at him in surprise. 
“Oh! Hi.” You took his hand with a soft, gentle grip, your eyes locking onto his as a spark went through his whole body. Your eyes widened a fraction and he wondered if you felt it, too. He almost didn’t catch your name when you said it because he was so distracted by the feeling. “So, bride or groom?” 
You laughed softly, and he worried about going into cardiac arrest at the sound. “Are you here for the bride, or for the groom? I assume since you’re at this table it’s either one or the other and not both.” 
“This table?” 
You glanced around at your other tablemates, still busy with doing everything they could not to make eye contact with anyone else. Then you leaned closer to him, and he couldn’t help but do the same. You whispered to him like you were sharing something salacious. “The singles table. The ones who came alone and who wouldn’t know anyone else, and who they’re kind of surprised RSVP’d ‘yes’ to begin with.” 
Bradley let out a loud laugh, and you giggled right along with him. The sound was like music. It earned you both curious and maybe even annoyed looks from all those at your table. He hadn’t considered that before, but now that he thought about it, you were absolutely right. 
“Groom,” He replied, “College roommates. You?” 
“Bride,” you told him. “Ironically, also college roommates.” 
“Well would you look at that,” Bradley smirked, and he knew the amusement that sparkled in your eye was mirrored in his. 
He was interrupted from saying anything else from the DJ tapping on the microphone to formally start the reception. As the bridal party danced their way into the room to Celine Dion, he kept stealing glances at you. To his pleasure, you were stealing them right back. By the time Sean and Lucy were seated at the front table and the DJ announced that dinner would be served momentarily, Bradley could barely look away. There was a smile on your face that indicated you didn’t mind at all. 
It continued that way through the meal that was eventually placed on the table. You didn’t speak much as you ate, both of you feeling like you were disrupting the other six people spread out on either side. But you kept catching each other’s eyes and smiling before you looked away, and his cheeks were nearly hurting at how big his smile was.
Bradley barely even knew your name, and he was already down bad. 
You leaned over to him during the speeches that started immediately after dinner, and he caught another whiff of your perfume. He tried his best not to noticeably take a deep breath of the scent. “Do we think the best man is already drunk?” 
“Oh, he absolutely is,” he confirmed. The man in question was laughing hysterically at a joke he just told, already swaying on his feet. “I saw him throwing back an entire flask right before the ceremony.” 
Your nose scrunched up in the most adorable cringe he had ever seen. “Yikes. I don’t really blame him though. The maid of honor is his ex-fiance. I’m pretty sure she left him for groomsman number three, but I can’t confirm.” 
He looked at you with wide, curious eyes. “Did Lucy tell you that?”
“No,” you laughed, mindful of keeping your voice down to not draw any attention to yourselves as the slurred speeches continued. “I drove up last night and then was bored before the ceremony today. Social media is very informative, you know.” 
Bradley choked out a laugh, absolutely amazed at you. “Are you a private investigator or something?” he asked, genuinely curious. 
You picked up your wine glass with a smirk, and you winked at him before you took a sip. “A journalist, actually. But close enough.”  
A journalist. Bradley filed that information away in a new folder in his brain that had your name on it. 
Clapping drew his gaze away from you, and he realized he had completely shut out the rest of the speech. He cleared his throat and joined in, and the two of you watched as the bride and groom did their first dance. It felt like it lasted forever, but that was probably because he was itching for it all to be over so that he could talk to you again. He wanted to know more about you. In fact, he found that he wanted to know everything about you. 
Everyone clapped again when the dance came to an end, and Bradley was turning to you before the DJ even finished announcing the beginning of the party. 
“What are you drinking?” he asked, and he thought the look you gave him was a mix between delighted and amused. Your eyes cut to your mostly empty wine glass where he could very much see exactly what you had been sipping on. He felt heat creep up his cheeks in embarrassment. 
“White wine,” you said anyway. “What are you drinking?”
He fought the grin that was threatening to take over his face. You were keeping him on his toes, and he found he quite liked it. “Bourbon.”
“Ah. Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m about due for a refill.”
“Is that so?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. You glanced around the table where the other occupants were back to scrolling through their phones or focusing on anything that wasn’t another human being. He almost laughed at the look on your face when you turned back to him. You grabbed your clutch from the table and the two of you rose out of your seats at the same time without even having to say anything. 
“After you,” he grinned, and your smile made him dizzy. He ordered another whiskey while you got Pinot Grigio. He laughed when you told him you weren’t allowed another glass, because too much white wine apparently made for a very interesting night. He filed that little tidbit away, too. 
With fresh drinks in hand, you turned to walk back to your assigned seating. The lights had dimmed and the music had turned to something upbeat and very cliche, and the majority of the attendees had converged on the dancefloor. You navigated around them carefully. His hand hovered over your lower back, not quite touching, but wanting to. You drew to a stop when you were only a few feet from the table, your head tilted to the side. 
“I hate being seated at these tables,” you muttered. “Always makes me feel like maybe I shouldn’t have come.” 
Bradley had been thinking the same thing until you had sat down beside him and shook his hand. He couldn’t help but flex his fingers as he remembered how his skin had buzzed at your touch. He glanced around the whole venue again, not quite knowing what he was looking for until he caught sight of the patio through the large windows.
“Do you want to ditch and go outside with me?” he found himself asking before he could stop himself. He held his breath when your eyes snapped to his, slightly wide in surprise. But they softened quickly, and you nodded, tucking some of your hair behind your ear with your free hand. 
He held out an arm, and after only a moment of hesitation, you slipped yours into it. He almost felt like he was floating as he guided the two of you toward the open doors. 
The patio was decorated beautifully. It stretched almost the entire length of the building, and twinkle lights lined the ceiling and the pillars holding it up. Smaller tables and furniture were spread out amongst the concrete and the two of you settled into the soft cushions of one of the outdoor coaches. 
It was a mild night, even for early February in Philadelphia, and the heat coming from the fire pit in the middle of the table in front of you was enough for it to be comfortable. You sat in silence for a beat, but it wasn’t awkward. Your fingers danced over the rim of your wine glass and Bradley’s gaze followed as you brought it to your lips. You caught his eye as you swallowed, and he felt the heat creep onto his cheeks at being caught staring at you again. 
He cleared his throat, taking a sip of his own drink to gather himself. “So. A journalist. What do you write about?” 
“The hypocrisy of old men, mostly,” you shrugged, and Bradley’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You laughed at his expression. “I cover politics,” you explained. Your joke registered with the context and he chuckled. 
“So just how hypocritical are the old men of Philadelphia?” he asked, and you seemed delighted that he was going along with it. 
“Eh,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. “Very, I’m sure. But I cover Washington, which is definitely worse. I live in DC.” 
Bradley’s breath caught in his throat. Excited disbelief had his eyes widening. There was no way. In the back of his mind he had admittedly already been thinking of how often he could feasibly make the drive from Andrews to Philly, because he knew he had to see you again. Tonight couldn’t be the only time, not with how he was feeling and how he was pretty sure you were, too. 
“Small world,” he finally managed, trying to keep his voice steady despite his racing heart, and now your eyes were widening back. The happiness in them was hard to miss, and, holy shit, you were excited about this. He felt the urge to pinch himself. 
“You live in DC?”
“I’m at Naval Air Facility Washington doing extended training at Joint Base Andrews,” he told you, still in a bit of disbelief, but feeling giddy. 
“Ah. Navy man, huh?” 
It took a moment for Bradley to realize his cheeks were red again. He doesn’t think anyone has ever made him blush before, or at least not as many times as you had tonight already. 
“Naval Aviator,” he elaborated. 
You smiled, and it felt like the whole world disappeared except for the two of you as you held out your glass. He raised his to tap against it in cheers. “Here’s to small worlds, then.” 
“And to college roommates,” he added, and your laugh took his breath away. 
The two of you sat there with your drinks in hand, and the conversation flowed effortlessly, talking about everything and anything. He found himself hanging onto your every word. He couldn't help but be drawn in by every single thing about you. He learned that you grew up here in Philadelphia and, like him, you were an only child. You got your undergrad in journalism and then a masters in political science and moved to DC before the ink was even dry. You were a little bit addicted to coffee and true crime podcasts, and you were a huge Philadelphia Eagles fan. He told you about growing up in Virginia and being in the Navy, and about his love of the 80s and playing piano. 
But you talked about more than just the surface level stuff, too. As the occasional sound of laughter drifted outside from the dancefloor and the fire pit glowed in front of you, you told him how sometimes, you wondered if you were really cut out for your career, because the nature of what you had to cover drove you absolutely crazy, and you felt like people focused on the wrong things. You tended to have a self-imposed terrible work/life balance and your anxiety crept up on you because you’d ignore it for too long. You weren’t close with your parents, and your bucket list was full of things you were scared you’d never be able to do. 
In return, he let you in on the reason he wanted to join the Navy in the first place, and growing up with a single mother and what it was like when she got sick. He confided how he had a bad habit of hesitating both in and out of the air, and how he didn’t really have any connections or relationships outside of the Navy that went more than just skin deep or a memory of what used to be. 
He shared more with you than he had with anyone else, and somehow, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It was like he had always known you, or at least like he was meant to now. 
You were so caught up in each other that neither of you realized just how much time had passed. Before you knew it, the music from inside was starting to soften and the lights were turned back on, and the servers came outside to start collecting empty glasses and trash. 
“Oh wow,” you breathed in surprise, “We missed the whole reception.” 
You stared at each other in silence for a moment, and then at the same time, you burst into laughter. 
“Can I walk you back to your hotel?” he asked you once you had calmed down. You had mentioned how you were staying just a few blocks away, and the thought of you walking alone or getting a car this late at night didn’t sit right with him. It was strange, how he already felt the urge to protect and care for you. 
Plus, he wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet. 
“I’d like that,” you said softly, much to his relief. 
The bride and groom were inside wishing everyone goodbye, and you both took a moment to speak to your respective reasonings for being there. Neither of you lingered for long, and the balmy night air greeted you again when you exited the building after collecting your coats. 
You didn’t hesitate to link your arm with his when he held it out this time. He felt warm all over with you this close to him. Despite the late hour, the city was still alive with people out and about and laughter and conversation spilling out onto the sidewalk from every business you passed. He held onto you a little tighter when you walked by some decidedly way too drunk people, but you didn’t seem to mind. You kept the conversation going just as easily as it was when you were sitting on the patio, swapping embarrassing stories from your college days. You were walking through the park, nearly at your hotel, and it was when you mentioned something about dancing on a table at a frat party after too many shots of Fireball that he came to an alarming realization. He stopped so abruptly that you were slightly yanked back into his body, and you looked at him in concern. Before you could ask what was wrong, he was blurting the words out. 
“I never asked you to dance.” 
You gave him a confused look and then snorted in amusement. “I suppose you didn’t.” 
“Oh my god,” he groaned, tilting his head back and slapping his palm to his forehead. “I had the perfect opportunity to dance with you and I never asked.” 
You were still laughing, your feelings clearly not hurt at his lack of consideration. But he was already digging his phone out of his pocket and swiping open his music app. He held it out in your direction. “Pick a song,” he told you. 
“What?” you laughed. “Bradley!” 
“I’m serious! Pick a song.” 
He pushed his phone a little closer, and with an amused look, you finally took it. You bit your lip as you thought for a moment before you started typing, and then the soft sounds of Time After Time were floating in the air. 
“You said you loved the 80s,” you said almost shyly. But Bradley smiled, taking the phone back and slipping it into his jacket pocket. The music was muffled now, but you could both still hear it. 
“It’s perfect,” he told you. He held out a hand for you to take, and once you slipped your palm into his, he pulled you close. You rested your head on his shoulder as you began to sway. The night was quiet and serene as you danced, and he didn’t know what he did for his night to turn out this way, but he was so glad that it did. 
When the song came to an end, you stopped moving, but didn’t separate. You picked your head up and looked at him, your eyes locking together. You didn’t say anything at first, but eventually, you sighed and a soft, reluctant smile tugged at your lips. 
“I should probably get back,” you whispered.
“Are you sure?” he asked, desperate to stay in your presence for as long as possible. You had entered his life so unexpectedly, and he was wishing with everything in him that you wouldn’t be leaving it anytime soon. “You aren’t going to turn into a pumpkin once the clock strikes midnight, right?” 
You shook your head at his joke, giving him a playful wink in return. “I don’t know. This does feel a bit like a fairytale.” 
Your words made him grow a little more serious, and he swallowed thickly as a charged energy seemed to settle over both of you. You bit your lip as you stared, your gaze wide and saying a million things at once. You had the most expressive eyes he had ever seen. He wanted to look at them forever. 
"You know," he said, his voice lower now, like he was afraid to disrupt the moment by being too loud. He brought a hand up to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.  “This is not how I anticipated my night going.” 
The air between you crackled with unspoken words, his hand still lingering near your cheek. Then, in a move that felt natural and inevitable, he leaned in, and you met him halfway. Your lips touched softly, a spark of electricity passing between you. It was a kiss filled with promise, a taste of what could be. It was as if time stood still, the world around you fading away until it was just the two of you.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were left breathless. Bradley looked at you with a mixture of desire and genuine affection that should have scared him, but it didn’t. 
"Wow," you whispered, your lips curving into a shy smile. He knew exactly what you were feeling with that one word, because he felt it too.
He brushed his nose against yours, breathing you in. “Tell me I can see you again when we get back to DC,” he begged. 
You let your hand rest against his chest, and he was sure you could feel the pounding of his heart. “I was hoping so,” you said, and he breathed out a happy laugh of relief before kissing you again.  
Standing there under the soft glow of the lampposts, Bradley thought he might love you already. 
Notes: I hope y'all loved this one as much as I did! I miss these two so much.
Special thanks to Mak and Em for all of their help, and to Mak for the banner!
Tag List: @roosterforme @mak-32 @wildxwidow @gretagerwigsmuse @lilyevanswhore @too-fangirl-to-fuction @fav-fanficssss @notroosterbradshaw @teacupsandtopgun @sometimesanalice @sunflowersteves @littlezee80 @je-suis-prest-rachel @khaylin27 @infamous-reindeer @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @yanna-banana @avengersfan25 @wkndwlff @sylviebell @lt-spork @indynerdgirl @greatszu
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ficsilike-reblogged · 1 year ago
Take On Me
Summary: What happens when the love of Bob’s life finally makes a move…the night before he deploys? Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd/F!Reader (No Y/N) Word Count: 4k ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS ALLOWED A/N: This is an entry for the 80’s Rocktober Challenge hosted by @roosterforme - I picked a-ha’s song “Take On Me.” I hope y’all enjoy! This is Bob’s side story from my Jake series, Invisible Smoke. But you don’t need to read that to read this. Warnings: Naval inaccuracies, unprotected sex, cockwarming (?)/unrealistic post-sex activities, angst (with a happy ending), being bad at feelings
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Bob didn’t particularly like nights before deployment. There were the obvious reasons—being shipped out and stuck on a carrier for weeks on end wasn’t exactly the best part of his job—but the pageantry of the night before, the dress whites, the careful goodbyes, that was what he really hated.
Natasha had dragged him to the Hard Deck so he could at least say goodbye to a few friends in person since he had already video called his family. He watched Natasha pull Bradshaw out onto the deck for a quieter moment alone. It was about time they got together. Bob had been one of the few who knew about her feelings for their fellow aviator and he had accidentally discovered that they were reciprocated a few days after the Uranium Mission. It really had been kind of ridiculous watching them dance around each other for months.
He was happy they were finally together. Really. Who wouldn’t be happy to see two of his closest friends be happy? But it really just twisted the dull knife behind his ribs that always came when Bob realized how alone he was. He didn’t have someone to say goodbye to like that.
Penny gave him another ginger ale with her usual sweet smile before he started back toward the table in the corner where he’d left his hat. He pushed through the crowd, earning a few slaps to his back and claps to his shoulders by other patrons who knew what awaited him in the morning, and settled back into his seat with a sigh. He scanned the crowd, seeing Harvard and Yale chat up two women on what looked like a bachelorette trip and then Payback and Mickey dancing with their wives near the jukebox. Payback’s wife, a stunning woman named Sidney, pulled back just enough to wipe tears from her cheeks. Payback gently knocked her hand away and finished for her before kissing her forehead. Bob turned away, feeling like he was intruding with a persistent tightness in his chest.
And his traitorous mind conjured your smiling face, bright and happy.
What Bob had with you was…nice. It was quiet and gentle and strictly platonic, right now. Bob would never understand how Hangman was the one to introduce you to him.
“Trust me, Baby on Board, you’ll love her. She’s perfect for you.”
Bob had been fully prepared to grit his teeth and bear whomever Seresin had deemed ‘perfect,’ and expected to meet an Instagram model or a gym buddy of his—not that there was anything wrong with them, they were usually lovely but just a little intense. But then you walked in.
You with your thick-rimmed glasses and soft smile and softer laugh.
While Jake bragged on your behalf, stating that you were the best CPA in the city, the only person he’d trust with his taxes, andthat Penny trusted you with the Hard Deck’s books, you fiddled nervously with the bendy straw Penny had given you in your little cup of pop.
It was Jake’s fiancée—a good friend of Bob’s who deserved the world, if anyone asked him—who quieted the man’s well-meaning rant with a hand on his arm. “I think he gets it. She is amazing.” The other woman winked and earned a soft smile from you before turning back toward her fiancé. “But you still owe me a game of pool, yeah?”
As the couple walked away, leaving you and Bob alone, your (beautiful) eyes tracked up to meet his gaze. Your smile was small and soft and you drummed your manicured nails against the plastic cup in your grip. “It’s nice to meet you.”
And that was it, really. You had asked Bob if he knew how to play pool and then he offered to teach you. That led to soft giggles and missed trick shots and then quiet conversations about your lives and phone numbers exchanged before you parted ways for the night.
It was…good. Really. Even if it always teetered on the edge of becoming something more but never did.
Bob liked your good morning texts and the way you insisted on paying for brunch every time you invited him to try a new restaurant that just opened up. He liked that you didn’t mind helping him get the rest of the Daggers home from the Hard Deck if they had one drink too many. He liked that the people he trusted with his life liked you.
He…liked you. And he knew it was getting dangerously close to a different L word and that just had his mind circling back to how much he hated nights before deployments. You weren’t here. Bob didn’t blame you, of course. One of your more “difficult” clients had needed your attention immediately and had flown you out to Los Angeles about a week ago and Bob hadn’t wanted to disturb you with the news of the deployment. He’d asked Jake’s fiancée to tell you when you got back into town and he had an email queued up to be sent to you, too, crossing his fingers that he’d be able to still talk with you when you both had a moment to spare.
His gaze once again roamed around the bustling bar and unintentionally picked out all the couples. Dammit. Maybe, he just needed to get some sleep. He needed to be on the carrier early tomorrow morning anyway and wallowing in self pity wasn’t really a good waste of time. He finished his soda and waved to Penny and then placed a few bills on the bar to cover his tab before setting off toward the door.
This was good. He could get back to base and get some sleep before getting to the carrier just after dawn. But, as he moved around a rambunctious pair of lieutenants jockeying over their stances for darts, he nearly collided with a solid, soft body.
“Oh, I’m sorry!”
Familiar hands pressed at his chest in a bid to stay upright and the scent of rose and amber immediately flooded his senses. And Bob knew immediately it was you.
Bob set his hands on your hips with a growing smile and watched the realization dawn on your face. “Bob!” A smile he could see in his dreams broke across your lips before you wrapped your arms over his shoulders in a tight hug. “I’m so happy I caught you. I thought I wouldn’t make it in time.”
It took Bob a moment to shake himself free of the shock of your arrival and gave you a smile of his own. Some higher power was laughing at him right now (or maybe it was just Seresin) because Bob thought you’d never looked more beautiful in your short dress with buttons all the way down the front and strappy heels. “I didn’t know you were back.”
Your smile widened the slightest bit and you glanced at something over his shoulder, raising one hand to wave at someone. Bob turned in time to see Jake and his fiancée both raising their glasses in his direction. They knew. They had planned this.
But, when one of your hands swept over his shoulder to rest over his happily thrumming heart, all the embarrassment and gratitude he could have expressed at that moment crumbled away. He could deal with them later (and by ‘deal with them,’ Bob meant probably buy them a round and say thank you).
“Want to get out of here?” You asked, fingers brushing over the carefully arranged pins on his chest before thumbing at one of the ornate buttons of his jacket.
Bob knew you didn’t mean it like that, despite your wandering fingers, but he still had to suck in a quick breath to steady his thoughts before smiling. “Yeah, let’s go, sweetheart.”
You were quick to drop one of your hands to his, tugging him toward the door with a soft laugh he knew so well. The night air was tinged with salt water and the barest hint of spilled beer as soon as you stepped outside and down the handful of steps onto the parking lot. You gave him another smile over your shoulder as you started, “I hope you don’t mind-”
Bob fought the urge to say something that had been on the tip of his tongue for months and instead settled for, “you have to know that I never mind.”
You laughed again and shook your head but the noise quickly stalled when your foot connected when one of the concrete parking dividers and you nearly toppled for the second time that night. Bob tightened his grip on your hand and kept you upright with a quick tug that had you stumbling forward until you collided with his chest with a soft ‘oof’ and you laughed as you tucked your face into his jacket for a moment. You had a habit of doing that, hiding your smiles in the safety of Bob’s body. His neck, his chest, his shoulders, his arms. All of them had been places for you to squish your face. He never did mind, happily accepting any sort of physical affection you would bestow. Knowing you trusted him enough to keep you safe when you felt vulnerable.
Again, Bob knew he was dangerously close to that other word.
“I swear I haven’t had a drink at all. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight.” Your voice shook and Bob tried not to read too much into that either as you looked down and groaned. “Oh, maybe that’s why. My shoe’s come undone.”
Bob didn’t even blink before kneeling on the pavement and grasping at the delicate straps. He could feel the heat of your skin as he carefully threaded the strap through the buckle again and as he tugged it closed again, the pads of his fingers brushed against your ankle and you were just as soft as he imagined.
What he had not imagined was the shiver his simple touch would elicit from you. You let out a strange, stuttering breath as Bob looked up at you. Oh.
Maybe it was the growing adrenaline from the impending deployment, or maybe the way the low lights were reflecting in your eyes, or maybe it was a dawning realization that you could maybe feel the same as he did. His fingers trailed up your leg as he took his time standing, almost smirking when he felt how goosebumps raced across your skin.
Your next breath stuttered and Bob felt it against his neck as he finally stood straight and once again settled his hands on your hips.
“I um…” Your throat bobbed. “Th-thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
His position and training as a WSO had Bob picking up on minute details, but he’d always been that way. He was the kid who was delighted with a ladybug landing on his jeans when the rest of his family watched booming fireworks on the Fourth of July. So, he noticed when your eyes flickered down to his lips. You moved closer and your lips puckered.
You were going to kiss him. You wanted to kiss him.
But Bob didn’t move forward to close the distance, no matter how much he wanted to and he watched your face crumple.
“Bob?” Your voice was weak as he took a small step back; Bob didn’t let you go far and kept his hands firmly planted on your hips. He wouldn’t let you go. Not yet. “Did I do something wrong? I…I’m sorry. I thought-”
But he just shook his head, ducking his chin the slightest bit toward his chest. “You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetheart. I just want to make sure this is what you actually want and not because I’m shipping out in a few hours. Deployments make people think-”
You moved to grasp his face, trying to tilt his chin just enough to make him look at you again. There was a desperation in your gaze that let him know that you needed him to hear you, make him understand. “Bob, I can’t lie and tell you that this deployment has nothing to do with it, all right? But this is the first time you’re being sent away from me. I know these things can be dangerous. I know that. I’ve heard horror stories about…” You couldn’t even finish the thought and shook it away. Your thumbs pressed gentle arcs into his cheeks before you dropped your hold. “Let’s just get out of here, okay? We can pretend none of this happened and just go get ice cream and sit and silence and watch the water until you’re sick of me.”
“I don’t think I could ever get sick of you,” Bob said, words tumbling out of his mouth before he could even think of how that would sound to you.
An unsteady smile pushed at your mouth as you took a step backward and then another and another until you were leading him toward your car—Bob quickly redirected you toward his trusty GMC and opened the door for you with a smile of his own. The air in the truck’s cab was tense for a slow song or two, just long enough for you to squirm in your seat until Bob reached over and grabbed your hand.
He didn’t want to upset you—it wasn’t an outright rejection, not at all—he just wanted to be sure that you wanted him like he wanted you.
Bob didn’t do this. He didn’t spend the entire night talking, laughing, pretending he didn’t have to disappear for a few weeks. But with you it felt right. It felt like he should have been doing this with you for months. Years.
Ice cream was purchased at a small roadside shop and Bob pulled onto an overlook and shut off the truck, letting the dim moonlight fill the cab as you both quietly ate your sweet treat—strawberry for Bob, pistachio for you. It was calm and peaceful, a far cry from the noise of the Hard Deck, but he could feel when you started to get nervous again, curling your hands into the skirt of your dress for a moment before starting to fiddle with the cloth-covered buttons on the front.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the deployment?” You asked, and Bob could hear the trepidation in your voice. You turned in your seat to face him and Bob was quick to do the same and you both scooted a little closer to each other on the bench seat, legs awkwardly skirting around the stick shift. “I would have come home sooner.”
But Bob just shook his head and felt his nose scrunch as he tried to pick his words carefully. He didn’t stop until he felt you trail your finger across his brow, wordlessly telling him to relax. Bob couldn’t even remember when you had started doing it, but he had savored it every time and felt his shoulders slump while he finally found the words. He carefully reached up and grasped your hand, linking your fingers together for a moment. “I don’t think I knew how to say goodbye to you.”
You searched Bob’s face and he tried not to hope too much with the look in your eyes. “Bob, I… you don’t have to have anything special to say to me. But please just say something.”
Bob didn’t even realize he was moving until his lips were firm against yours, almost unyielding. Your glasses clicked together as his hand anchored itself on the back of your neck and tilted your face just so but neither of you seemed to mind. He could feel your smile against his mouth.
Your fingers sunk into his hair as his tongue slid against the seam of your lips. He’d give you anything anything anything, and this was no different. All his thoughts about the deployment, about what waited for him in the morning, flew out the window as he hauled you closer, pulling you onto his lap. The warmth of you immediately sank through the heavy fabric of his trousers and he groaned. The noise earned him a breathy sigh against his mouth and your hips sinking and rocking against his again.
“I wanted to do this right. I wanted to do this right with you,” Bob murmured against your mouth as his fingers swiftly undid the buttons down the front of your dress.
“You are,” you said, tone breathy and bordering on needy. “I promise you are. This feels right. Everything feels right with you.”
Bob’s fingers stalled and his bright blue eyes moved up your face until they were boring into yours. “Sweetheart…”
“I mean it,” you said. “Everything feels right with you.”
It might have been less of a shock for Bob if someone had hit him in the chest with a baseball bat. Something whispered at the back of his mind to tell you, to tell you now and make sure you were saying what he thought and hoped you were saying. But he didn’t. Because wouldn’t that be cruel? To draw that out of you before leaving for weeks at a time with no firm promise to return to you? So, instead he kissed you again and tried to press into his mind the way you felt against his mouth as he pushed your dress from your shoulders. He moved to press you down across the bench seat and licked at the thrumming pulse in your neck as he peeled the little scrap of lace down your legs and then shoved them into his pocket.
He would keep those.
Bob moved, knee knocking into the steering wheel for a moment, shoving himself between your thighs after shrugging off his jacket. He pressed a kiss to your ankle, your knee, your thigh, before nosing at your perfect hip bones.
“Bob,” you whined. “Bob, please.”
The salty tang of you was immediately addicting and Bob wrapped his arms over your thighs and dragged you closer closer closer with each flick and twist of his tongue. He could do this forever. He shouldn’t have waited this long.
Your fingers curling through his hair knocked any other thought right out of his head and all that was left was you you you and how your thighs clamped over his ears as you came.
When your legs stopped shaking enough, you hooked your hands behind his head and hauled him up, pressing a rushed, sloppy, perfect kiss against his mouth. Bob’s hands skimmed over the soft skin of your thighs as he settled between them, feeling your wet heat soak his skin.
“Please,” you whispered against his mouth. “Please.”
Bob’s knee hit the horn when he went to shove his trousers and briefs down and he was embarrassed only for a moment but laughed along with you as you dragged him back into your hold, kissing him sweetly as you helped him move back into the cradle of your thighs. You felt divine. Warm, wet, and tight…and perfect. And every movement felt even better. You were clawing at his back as Bob mouthed at the swells of your breasts. You were everywhere, he was everywhere, and he couldn’t get enough.
“Pleasepleaseplease,” you whimpered when he raised his head again to lick into your mouth.
Faster and faster, Bob drove into you until you were shaking in his grip, sighing against his spit-slick lips and Bob was quick to follow, collapsing over you and hips rutting into yours lazily in a mindless haze until you whined against his mouth. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured as he maneuvered just enough to press up onto his forearms on either side of your head. Bob didn’t move to pull out, not just yet, enjoying your warmth for a little longer. Just a little longer.
You were beautiful. Sweaty and makeup smudged, you were gorgeous. Bob trailed a finger across your cheek, catching a tear as it slid from your eye.
“Sweetheart?” Did he hurt you? Did something happen-
“Stay with me?” Your eyes were wide and pleading as your grip tightened on his shoulders just a fraction. “Just… Can we just stay like this a little longer?”
Something in Bob’s chest twisted, almost uncomfortable, almost too close to that other word. But still, he said, “of course, sweetheart. Of course.”
The conversation that followed was soft and quiet, filled with everything and nothing, and Bob’s eyes slowly closed with the sound of your heart and the waves outside lulling him to sleep.
A noise woke Bob up some time later. It could have been a passing car or the waves against the shore, it didn’t matter, really. It was still before dawn, the sky an inky shade of blue. He turned to the side, his back protesting the slightest bit, and saw you beside him. Your mouth was parted with sleep, soft breaths escaping in deep, even intervals.
You were beautiful.
And he had to let you go.
You hardly remembered waking up and getting dressed again. But you remembered leaning out of the truck to straighten Bob’s hat atop his head. Last night had been perfect and tinged with some sort of unspoken melancholy. Why had you waited so long? “Can I…can I come with you to the carrier? Wave you off?” It was a selfish ask, but you wanted more time, just a little more to cling to before your heart leapt out from between your ribs to try to follow him out to sea. For one of the few times in your life, you knew it wasn’t better to be safe than sorry. You had to take a chance.
Bob’s unfairly pretty blue eyes nearly sparkled in the low light of dawn as he smiled at you. “Of course, sweetheart.”
The ride out to the carrier was quiet aside from Bob asking if you could drop his truck off with Bradshaw. You readily agreed and hated how your stomach twisted when he parked. The imposing behemoth of a ship loomed on the horizon and you walked beside Bob, his duffel in hand, as you weaved through the early morning crowd. He slowed to a stop a few paces away from the carrier’s ramp and turned back to you.
You watched his jaw flex, tight and wanting, and you wanted to tell him how you felt, how you had felt for months, and you could taste the words on the tip of your tongue but they crumbled to nothing when the carrier blared its horn, calling everyone in and pulling Bob’s attention for a moment.
Tears started to build at the backs of your eyes as the carrier blared its horn for a second time. You had to let him go. You just learned what it was like to have him, and you had to let him go.
Bob turned back to you and you recognized the determined set of his jaw as he reached for you after dropping his bag at his feet. His hands smoothed up your arms and hooked at the back of your neck, thumb pressing an incessant pressure at the hinge of your jaw. You could have melted then, you were puddy in his hold and it almost made it worse. “I shouldn’t ask you this. It’s selfish and cruel-”
“Ask me anyway,” you said, the syllables cracking in your throat.
“Will you be here when I get back? Will you wait for me? I know it is a lot to ask, to take me on and-”
Those damn tears came back and you surged forward to press your lips to his again. The kiss was unhurried and uncoordinated but you couldn’t pull away. Not just yet. Not until your lungs burned and your cheeks felt cold. “I’ve been waiting for you for months. What’s a few weeks more?”
Bob’s smile was small but you knew you’d remember it for the rest of your life. He kissed you, soft and breathless, before scooping up his duffel again and walking backward toward the ramp. He was keeping his eyes on you. And you wouldn’t look away. Not now.
In eight weeks’ time, you’d be back here, ready and waiting. And you knew he’d come home. To you.
A/N: Please let me know what you think! Thank you for reading!
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foreverrandomwritings · 1 year ago
Worth It In The End
Summary: Almost a year after an amicable divorce Beau finds himself still reluctant to participate in social gatherings. However he just can't seem to say no to the Bates family. He finds more than he bargained for when he attends their annual Halloween party.
Pairing: Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x Afab!Reader
Warnings: Divorce, children, marriage counseling, alcohol, fake blood and Beau being a bit of a dumbass.
Word count: 2387
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Beau had been particularly annoyed at every social gathering he had attended this year. Everyone asked where his now ex wife was and then he had to awkwardly explain they had divorced. They had spent the better part of two years in couples therapy that ended up being an epic fail at the end. Frankly he wasn’t really sure why he had gone to his fellow admirals annual Halloween party. The plan had been to stay home and nurse a bottle of whiskey and watch old black and white films. 
But when his best friend all but pleaded that he be in attendance he relented and showed up. He had even adorned a costume, a cheap vampire costume from Spirit Halloween. Pale makeup had been caked on his face by Warlock's thirteen year old twin daughters. Black eye shadow around his eyes to give a hollowed out effect and fake blood dripped down his chin. They had even coerced him into adding fangs to his teeth. 
“Are you actually going to eat something or are you going to just stand here glaring a hole into all the food?” He had been standing by the snack table for what felt like hours trying to figure out what he could eat that wouldn't have his fangs coming out of his mouth, the glue holding them in place was very delicate he had been told. 
“Mallory and Stephanie talked me into putting fangs in then lectured me for a good thirty minutes about not eating anything that could pop them off my teeth. I am trying to figure out what would be soft enough to not heed the wrath of your daughters.” Beau gave Solomon a pointed glare, to which the man let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head in a disapproving manner. 
“How in the world did the Navy allow you to be an admiral when you get swindled into things by teenagers?” Solomon’s voice was teasing as he picked up a chocolate dipped pretzel rod and took a large bite of it. Beau cursed the teeth he had been swindled into as he glared at the pretzel rod. 
“Those girls are very persuasive Solomon and you know it.” Beau’s eyes narrowed at the man as he took another large bite of the pretzel. The white that was to look like a mummy was almost all consumed by the man. 
“I think you’re just a pushover Beau. Have been since the girls were born.” A smile graced both of the men's features at the memory of the mid winter day the girls were born. The same day that Solomon had asked him to be the twins' godfather. Which he had graciously accepted. The second they were placed in his arms he knew he wouldn’t be able to say no to them. 
“You don’t have much room to talk.” Beau looked down at the cowboy costume Solomon was wearing. Him and his wife were dressed as Barbie and Ken per the request of said daughters.
“Touche, Beau, Touche.” Solomon held his hands up in defense two more chocolate covered pretzels held in one hand. The black eyes of the mummy seemed to mock him. 
“Oh Beau there you are. I’ve been looking all over the place for you.” Solomon's wife popped up from behind him at the words. She came to stand next to her husband and gave them both a mischievous smile. His eyebrows both shot up at the look she was giving him. The girls had definitely gotten their power of persuasion from their mother. 
“I have someone I’d like you to meet.” he tried to hide the surprise from his face but guessed he had failed as his best friend gave him a cheeky knowing grin. He should’ve guessed there was an ulterior motive for Solomon being so persistent on his attendance tonight. 
“She is actually on her way over to us right now so please behave.” With those words you walked into sight. You had on an obnoxious Hawaiian shirt and a name tag that Beau couldn’t read due to the dimmed lights of the room. You stuck your hand out with a small smile on your face as she introduced the two of you. He couldn’t help but take in the absolute beauty you were. Hair tied in a half up bun, makeup done ever so slightly, eyes bright and smile wide. 
“Honey, I think we need to go and fill up the fog machines.” Solomon put a hand on the small of his wives back before leading her away from Beau and you. But not before the couple sent you both respective winks. To which you both rolled your eyes at. 
“I like the fake blood.” The words came tumbling out of your mouth before you could stop them. He struggled to not bring a hand up to his chin where the bright red liquid had surely stained his skin. He took in the rest of your outfit quickly, the sunglasses tucked into your hair even though it was night time, the sandals adorning your feet and the solid colored flowy pants that matched the leaves in the Hawaiian shirt you were wearing. 
“I have no idea how I’m gonna get this stuff off later.” The sentence was true, the girls hadn’t told him how to clean the makeup. The only thing they had told him was to not mess it up. Mallory had actually pointed a sharply pointed end of a makeup brush his way while Stephanie uttered the words to him, a threat more than a suggestion. 
“A wet washcloth should do the trick just fine. If not then a few makeup wipes should help.” You had cocked your head to the side as you assessed the cheap pale layer that had been smeared across his face. He racked a hand through his hair, working loose some of the hair gel that had been slathered on the dark locks. 
“Thank you for the tip. I’ll be sure to file that information down for later.” He gave you a thankful smile to which you waved your hand in a dismissive way, as if to say no problem. It was that moment he noticed just how much younger than him you seemed to be. A little bit of worry gnawed on his brain. 
“How do you know Gina and Solomon?” You picked up a glass of punch that had been pre-filled after eyeing the ingredients and scanned the table of snacks as you asked the question. He shifted from one foot to the other as he answered the often asked question. Relief flooding through him that you were a new person, meaning you weren’t going to ask about his ex wife.  
“I’ve known Solomon for years through work. How do you know the couple?” He took a sip of the Jack and Coke he had snagged from the kitchen earlier in the night as he once again eyed your outfit. This time he could read the word on your name tag which simply said City. 
“I actually ran into Gina a couple of months ago at the library. I was donating a few of my books. She happened to be doing volunteer work reading for the little ones. We struck up a conversation over my work. She then graciously invited me to her book club and we’ve been friends ever since.” Your eyes lit up as you finally found a suitable food grabbing a plate with a cheesy spider web design and adding a few fruits, vegetables, cookies and plain pretzels. 
“You said you were donating your books. Were they ones you’ve read enough to be satisfied to donate or ones you’ve had forever and never gotten around to reading?” You picked up a snap pea from your plate, peeling away the string and snapping off the ends. 
“I actually wrote a children's book. I was dropping off a few copies of it!” Beau let out a surprised hum at your response. Taking in the way your eyes got slightly wider on the topic of your work. You ate the snap pea quickly before working on the next one on your plate. 
“Have you written many books?” He decided he wanted to keep the light in your eyes so he would ask you as many questions as he could think of. Plus it got the topic off him, when people heard about his work they typically questioned him relentlessly about it. 
“This was the second book in the series. I am contracted for two more of this series before being able to move on.” you seemed to ponder what you said for a second before adding on. 
“Not that I want to move on from it. I have actually grown quite attached to the characters. I know my brother is just as reluctant to move on as I am.” you popped a strawberry into your mouth at the end of your sentence. 
“Is your brother a co-author?” He watched as you cleaned the corner of your mouth with your thumb before wiping the liquid on your napkin he hadn’t seen you pick up. He found himself already desperate to feel your lips against his own. But quickly shook his head to clear the thought away, focusing on your conversation once again. 
“He is actually an illustrator, thankfully. I was dreading having to find an artist when he stepped up.” a grin took over your features at the mention of your brother. Another topic seemingly important to you he decided, filing it away for later. 
“I’m assuming you work for the Navy?” he straightened his body a little bit, pride evident in the way he held himself. Even if he was reluctant to talk about his job he seemed to want to please you in any way he could. Plus he was very proud of the position he held. 
“I am Vice Admiral at the local base.” Even with the cheap costume on you could see the way he flexed his arms and chest as he spoke the words. Seemingly puffing himself up with authority. You weren’t complaining though, drinking in the way he simply existed in this moment. 
“Oh you’re Cyclone then!” The realization seemed to hit you in one foul swoop. From the look on his face you could tell he was confused. Your cheeks heated as he gave you a bit of a bewildered look. 
“Gina and the girls talk about you all the time. They all absolutely adore you. I can see why.” Beau preened under the praise. Something he didn’t even know he was capable of until you uttered those words. 
“Would you like to get dinner with me sometime?” It was his turn to blurt out words. He couldn’t help himself with the way your eyes scanned his form. Then he remembered just how ridiculous he looked and he felt his throat closing slightly. 
“I would actually love to have dinner with you. I’m free this Friday if that works for you?” Your eyes crinkled at the side from how wide you were smiling, teeth on full display, lip gloss shining slightly in the dim light from the pumpkin lights lining the top of the room. 
“Friday works great, do you have anywhere in mind?” He wasn’t really sure of any good restaurants around town. He hadn’t been out much since even before his amicable divorce. He preferred eating at home rather than going out. 
“We could make dinner together at my place. That way we can actually get to know each other without the awkwardness of being in public?” You were nervous as you asked the question, taking a large gulp of the untouched punch you had set down on the table beside you. The flimsy material of the cup with a matching spider web as the plate you had, left with an indent from your teeth as you chewed on it anxiously waiting for his response. 
“Dinner at your place sounds lovely. I can bring a bottle of wine if you’d like?” Your shoulders released some of the tension they held as he agreed to your proposition. You nodded in reply to the question, losing a breath as you did so. 
“I’ll give you my number and we can decide a time and what to have tomorrow.” You set the plate of mostly eaten food on the table. Then slipped your phone out of your back pocket, unlocking it and handing it to him. He typed in his number quickly before sending out a quick text to himself. He then slipped his phone from his own pocket, asked you how to spell your name and then added you to his contacts. 
“Can I ask you a question?” He seemed almost sheepish as he spoke, you simply gave him a reassuring nod telling him to go ahead. 
“What in the world are you dressed as?” you giggled at his words, your fingers playing with one of the buttons on your shirt. 
“I guess it isn’t as obvious as I hoped it would be. I’m dressed as Paradise City. The Guns N’ Roses song.” Recognition dawned on him as he took you in once more, the outfit fit for a beach and the City name tag did kind of give it away. 
“Guess I was too distracted by your beauty to figure it out.” He wasn’t sure where he got the confidence to say the words from but he was happy he did. The way your nose crinkled at the compliment and your feet shifted told him you seemed just as nervous as he did. Which gave him some relief. 
You guys ended up talking for the rest of the night, eventually moving away from the snack table to the porch outside, where he gave you his cape to fight off the slight chill of the October night. You promised to give it back to him when you saw him Friday as you climbed into your car and he waved you off telling you he wasn’t worried about you stealing it. Which you would laugh about years down the road as you had never given the cape back, it had ended up finding a home in your closet instead. He decided it was worth it in the end. 
A/N: This little piece was written for the Rocktober event @roosterforme is hosting! Thank you everyone for reading! As always likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
Tags(open): @wkndwlff @sylviebell @kmc1989
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blurredcolour · 2 years ago
Push It
Summary: Rooster’s customized playlist and exercise routine pay off when you get to peg Jake for the second time.
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Female Reader [Hangster x Female Reader Polyamorous Relationship – Established]
Author’s Note: Written for @roosterforme ’s 80’s “Rocktober” Playlist Fic Challenge! Part of the With The Three of Us Collection but can be read separately.
Warnings: Swearing, Mature/Explicit Themes [m/m/f, pegging, anal sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, lube] – 18+ Only.
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Word Count: 2410
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Smoothing the straps of the harness across your hips you gnawed on your lower lip slightly as you eyed your reflection in the mirror, strap-on firmly secured against your pelvis. A complex of emotions unfurled in your chest – arousal, pride, self-confidence…and just a smidge of doubt.
While tonight would not be your first time pegging Jake, one weak showing by no means made you an expert. The very notion had never crossed your mind until one morning several weeks ago when, on his way out the door, Jake had kissed the top of your head and wished you good luck on your interview scheduled for that afternoon.
“You get that promotion, pretty girl, and I’ll let you peg me.” He had winked and strolled out of the kitchen as nonchalantly as if he had promised you ice cream.
It had taken nearly five days to remove the stain from your dress shirt as the next sip of your morning beverage had missed your mouth entirely. But you had gotten the promotion, and after a proper discussion between the three of you, you had been intrigued and more than a little turned on by the idea. The physical actuality of it, however, had proven to be exhausting and not nearly as innate as you expected.
Thrusting the strap-on in and out of Jake’s body had called upon muscles that you found were under-utilized and you struggled to maintain a pleasurable rhythm. With perseverance and outright stubborn refusal to acknowledge the pain in your back, thighs, and abdomen, you had succeeded in driving Jake to orgasm. While you had been richly rewarded for your efforts, you had also awoken to a plethora of stiff and sore muscles the next day.
Rooster had caught you cuddling the heating pad while doing research into pegging techniques and exercises to strengthen the muscles necessary to properly thrust. He had taken it upon himself to design a workout routine for you, complete with a suggestive and rhythmic playlist featuring classics like Pump Up The Jam, Push It, and Bust a Move. Despite your diligent adherence to the regimen, Bradley’s suggestion that you give it another try tonight, and Jake’s enthusiastic agreement, had still awoken a tinge of self-doubt.
“Did you get lost, pretty girl?” Bradley’s rasp from the doorway tugged you back into the present and your eyes lifted to meet his gaze in the reflection of the mirror.
You swallowed thickly at the image of him, wearing nothing but his boxers and a soft smirk as he leaned against the doorframe of your dressing room. Turning to face him properly, you shook your head in reply, unconsciously wetting your lips with your tongue.
He hummed thoughtfully and stepped forward to cup your jaw.
“You sure you’re good?” He asked softly, playful tone replaced with gentle earnestness.
Nodding quickly, you took a moment to tighten the already snug harness before exhaling.
“I just want this time to go better…”
“If I remember correctly the only problem last time was someone put too many expectations on herself, hmmm?” He murmured, fingers sliding along your chin to caress your earlobe.
You huffed impatiently. “Who knew thrusting was so taxing…” you muttered bitterly.
“You’ve been doing your exercises?” He asked and you nodded again as his touch ghosted down the skin of your neck to trace the embellished strap of your bra. “And you promise to tell us if you start getting sore?”
Your lips pressed together into a thin line, the very idea of tapping out before Jake could finish off-putting, but Bradley’s dark eyes pierced yours, eyebrows raised insisting you respond.
“Fine. I will tell you.” You conceded, not able to deny that gaze anything.
“Good girl.” He purred and bent his head to kiss you deeply, broad palms coming to cup the bare cheeks of your ass, massaging the straps of the harness into your flesh. The tip of the toy nudged against his hip, his lips twitching into a smirk against yours. “Gotta say, it really suits you, pretty girl.”
You grinned, nipping at his lower lip playfully before threading your fingers through his.
“Shall we?”
“He’s very ready for you.” He chuckled in reply and led you back across the hall into the primary bedroom where Jake waited naked and glistening in a sheen of sweat on your shared bed.
“Fuck I was about to send a search party…” Jake huffed, propped against the headboard, eyeing you hungrily.
“Mmm my apologies Hungman…” You pouted playfully, crawling up along his right leg, letting the silicone of the strap-on brush against his skin teasingly as you made your way to his lips. “Took a bit to get the harness on.”
He gripped your hips and pulled you closer, lips seeking yours hungrily as he rocked his length up against the stiff strap-on with an eager shudder. Resting a hand on his chest, you gently grazed your nails through the dusting of chest hair to his abdominals and lower still, raking through his neatly kept pubic hair. The rasp of Rooster’s mustache against your shoulder startled a mewl from your lips, leaving your mouth vulnerable to attack from Jake’s delving tongue.
Hoping to stoke the coals of his desire, banked by your delay in the dressing room, back into a burning flame, your fingertips traced the defined lines of his hips, of adonis belt, so close to where he wanted you but not actually touching his needy cock.
The fingers of your free hand rooted themselves into Jake’s golden strands as you felt Rooster work the cool, slippery lube along the length of your strap-on before his fingers slipped between Jake’s thighs to tease at his entrance.
His mouth fell back from yours with an aggravated moan. “I’m not going to get any more stretched Rooster, please…I need pretty girl to fuck me already…” His chest heaved, his desperation tugging at your heart.
“You need me, Jake?” You murmured, lips brushing against his ear, smiling fondly as he nodded vigorously. “Come to the end of the bed then, ok?” You pulled back, guiding his hips to the edge of the mattress so you could plant your feet as Bradley slid a pillow beneath Jake’s hips solicitously.
“Just gonna wash my hands so I can touch you pretty girl, go ahead and work him onto your cock.” Rooster nipped the edge of your jaw making the breath shudder from your lungs as you felt the walls of your cunt clench around nothing at his words.
“Please…” Jake croaked beneath you, and you looked down at him warmly.
“I’ve got you…” You cooed, pressing the tip of the strap-on against the ring of muscle between his thighs, slowly easing the silicone into his body as you gently stroked his weeping length to help him relax into the pleasure of it.
The way his eyes rolled back in his head before his eyelids fell shut to dust his flushed cheeks with his fluttering eyelashes flooded your mouth with saliva and you could feel a wave of slickness between your thighs in response. It took all your willpower to maintain a slow pace, to give him time to adjust to the intrusion. As your hips nestled against his, toy full seated inside him, the prettiest whimper fell from his parted lips, and you took a steadying breath.
“That feel good, Jake?”
“S’good pretty girl, oh please fuck me…” He panted, eyelids opening halfway to show lust-blown pupils, the green of his irises almost entirely devoured.
Pulling your hips back halfway, you rocked forward once more to push the strap-on back into his body, pleased to feel less protest in your muscles than the first time your tried this. Jake’s groan was more than enough motivation to continue, to lengthen your thrusts, and speed up the rhythm. Your hands gripped his thighs for balance as Rooster’s return from the ensuite, naked and fisting his cock at the scene before him, caught your eye.
“Fuck you two are a sight to behold.” He groaned, voice rough as a gravel road, coming to stand beside you as he drank it all in.
His unoccupied hand came to rest on your lower back as you continued to thrust the strap-on into Jake, wringing the prettiest noises from his parted lips, before his fingers trailed over your ass to slip between your thighs.
“Fuck your soaked, pretty girl.” He growled, tracing your slit, causing your hips to stutter and lose their rhythm.
“Dammit…” You whined and shot him a look of half-hearted annoyance as his fingers parted your folds to circle your entrance.
“Couldn’t help myself…” He murmured, pressing a series of apologetic kisses along your neck as you tried to pick up where you left off, but it just didn’t feel quite right – for one Jake was not nearly as loud, and the harness was not grinding against your clit as well as it had been.
You huffed in frustration, causing Bradley’s fingers to still between your legs. “You good, pretty girl?” His tone was pointed, leaving no space for untruths if you were in pain.
“I’m feeling great, just can’t find the right pace again…”
He hummed thoughtfully, withdrawing his fingers from your folds, making you whine in protest, before moving to stand behind you. Both his hands came to rest on your hips before he leaned into press his lips to your ear.
“Ah..” He sucked the air between his teeth. “push it.”
Your eyes widened and laughter bubbled up from your chest before you fully processed what was happening. You felt his lips twitch into a smirk against your skin, his mustache tickling the ridge of your ear as his hands began to guide your hips to what you slowly recognized as the beat of the song.
“Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby….better make it fast or else I’m gonna get pissed…Can’t you hear the music pumping hard? Like I wish you would….Now push it…”
While Rooster was perhaps not suited to a career as a rap artist, you could not argue that this tactic was working. Memories of practising your barbel thrusts to the song flooded your mind and it began to play in your head. The rhythm was almost a muscle memory.
“Rooster, are you fucking rapping Salt-N-Pepa?” A bewildered Jake piped up from the bed below but forgot his own question when the tip of the strap-on grazed against his prostate, punching an anguished moan from his body.
You angled your hips to ensure each thrust struck home, licking your lips as you could feel the head of Bradley’s cock smearing pre-cum along your skin each time you pulled your hips back from Jake. Reaching behind you, you wrapped your hand around the base of his length, guiding him into your cunt, drawing a satisfied sigh from both of you. His fingers curled tighter into the flesh of your hips as you continued the thrust forward and back, into Jake and onto Bradley, teeth ravaging your lower lip as you clung to Jake’s thighs in front of you.
“Look at you working those hips, pretty girl…” Bradley rasped, groan choked off against your shoulder as your muscles clenched around him in response to his praise. “Doing so good…”
“Fuck your cock feels so good…” Jake rambled from below, biceps bunched as he gripped the sheets viciously. “Gonna cum…”
His warning, however, was utterly drowned out by Bradley’s wail as your cunt clamped down on him like a vice, your legs starting to shake.
“Shit pretty girl, you’re squeezing so fucking tight…” He yelped, thrusting deeper into your warmth, driving you tighter against Jake as you hinged forward at the waist.
“Ahn!” You whimpered nonsensically in response as Bradley began to thrust in earnest, leaving you to do your best to match his pace in and out of Jake.
Thankfully the latter made good on his promise, orgasm washing over him with a ragged howl as thick ropes of cum painted both of your chests. Taking advantage of the pull of Bradley’s hips, you managed to remove the strap-on from Jake’s body to avoid overstimulating him, grateful as his hands rose to brace against your ribcage, providing you with more stability.
“Oh fuck…” You whined, stance widening to allow Bradley better access as he drove his cock into your greedy cunt mercilessly. “Please…Bradley….” You keened, back arching sharply as Jake’s hands traversed across your chest to pull down the cups of your bra, tugging at the stiff peaks of your nipples. “Shit, Jake!”
“Cum for Rooster, pretty girl…wring every last drop out of him…” Jake drawled lazily, fingers slick with his cum against your sensitive flesh.
You shuddered from head to toe, grip digging into Jake’s thighs as your climax erupted in your lower abdomen, flooding your entirely body with pleasure.
“Yes, oh yes good girl…” Bradley praised, hips pumping through your orgasm to both prolong your pleasure and chase his own release before pressing his face between your shoulder blades as you felt him cum inside you.
With shaking limbs, you climbed forward onto the bed as Bradley carefully loosened the straps of the harness, stripping it from your spent body and allowing it to drop to the ground with a muffled thud. He disappeared into the ensuite again as Jake gently removed your soiled bra, feathering tender kisses across your cheeks and down your neck. Working in tandem, Jake and Bradley used the warm washcloths procured to clean everyone up before you felt strong hands guiding your body through some torso twists and hip stretches.
Blinking your eyes into focus, you looked up at a softly grinning Bradley.
“Can’t have you seizing up on us again.” He murmured, hiking your knee up onto his shoulder to stretch out your right hamstring.
You sighed dreamily and stroked his thigh with silent affection, too tired to put your appreciation into words.
“I’m going to have to change these sheets again…” Jake’s voice pulled your attention to your left and you watch him pull the protective sheet off the regular sleep set only to find more mess beneath. You slid out of Bradley’s grasp carefully, grunting a little at the effort, but moved to help him strip the bed completely.
Working together, the three of you got it remade and once you were settled in for the night, Jake pondered aloud, “I wonder if a sex room wouldn’t just be more convenient…”
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With The Three of Us Masterlist
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