#like these scenes are always trying to say that these fc have it WAY worse than gnc ones
laufire · 2 years
if a female character ever has a "oh but I am being SO judged for wanting to conform to gender roles :( I want nothing more than to be a wife and a mother :( and people are so mean to me about it :(. you, gnc woman that's constantly fighting all of society just to exist as you are, would never understand! (and you should be more empathetic towards me and never ever criticise my kind of choices, even if it's just speaking in general)" moment
my disdain for her grows three sizes. five for the writers if this is portrayed uncritically sns.
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parkerloves · 4 days
BACK AGAIN || PG10 x Fem!Reader
paring: boyfriend!pierre gasly x actress!fem!reader;
trope: second chance
summary: after a photo with her and her next co-star being way too close for a scene pierre ends up listening to the wrong people until his girlfriend go see him
fc; emily rudd
warnings: mention of cheating even though no one cheats
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A photo had taken over the covers of every magazine that relied on gossip and one name was repeated in every headline: Lovelle Cartier, a young actress known for her contribution to the world of horror and for dating a certain pilot with whom she shared nationality, but this time there was no talk of a new date or a movie, but the photo showed the young actress very much attached to a man who was still unknown.
⠀—Pierre please don't be an idiot and pick up the fucking phone —The young woman mumbled sitting on the bed in her hotel room just before it went to voicemail—
Nothing that was being said about her was even the slightest bit close to reality, and that was exactly why she wanted to talk to the one who had been her partner for the previous two years, even though right now she wouldn't even take a call from him, although on the third try she was able to get an answer.
⠀—Love, don't try anymore.... —Those were the first words she heard from the Frenchman, and the chestnut knew at that moment that he had been crying or at least screaming— I've been trying, I really have, I didn't care about any of your relationships in movies and stuff, but I guess it's true what they say that if you fake something it ends up being real....
Those were the last things Lovelle heard before the sound of the phone call ending reached her ears, causing all the frustration and sadness that had been building up since that stupid picture had started circulating on the internet. But of course Love wasn't going to let it end like that, and she knew she wasn't the only one when the device in her hand vibrated again although this time another name appeared on the screen, and recognizing it she was quick to accept the call and began speaking.
⠀—It's not what you think, fuck Charles... I would never hurt him, you know that.... —She mumbled so fast that she even seemed not to be understandable at certain moments, so she had to be interrupted by her friend—.
⠀ —I know Love, I know... But you've messed up, you know that right? I don't know what happened but don't leave him like this —The young actress had already stood up and had started pacing around the room as she always did when she was nervous and wanted to take the stress off her mind—.
⠀—I'm going to catch a plane, I don't know when I'll get there, in a couple of hours I guess, please take care of him while I go, I can't lose him, not him —She mumbled while her breathing made the pretence of recovering its normal rhythm, without much success—.
⠀—Don't do anything stupid, okay? If you come he's going to listen to you, he can't not listen to you —The girl nodded on the other end of the line and luckily Charles knew the young woman too well to know her reflexes in those situations— I'll wait for you at the hotel yes? I'll pick you up when you arrive
Shee didn't even wait a few seconds before hanging up and going to book the earliest flight she could, without even worrying about the price of it all, and if she already hated airports as usual, now that she only had a fucking image in mind it was certainly worse.
The flight was interminable, especially because in each of the magazines that were on that plane there was that stupid picture next to a more irritating headline that seemed to have been created just to hurt, but luckily that nightmare only lasted two hours before arriving at the Italian peninsula where the whole grid was now.
<<send me the address of the hotel, my cab arrives in 5 minutes>> she wrote in the Monegasque's chat as she didn't even have the patience to wait for it to arrive and smiled when she received that link that he didn't take long to send to the one who would be her driver, arriving at his destination in a matter of less than half an hour.
⠀—Charles, they won't let me into the hotel, I guess they think I'm a fan or something —She didn't even bother to greet the young man as she had her mind occupied with many other things—.
⠀—I'll be right down for you, I left Pierre with Yuki, he already knows the whole situation, and thank goodness he knows you and supports you —Charles luckily didn't take too long to appear on the other side of the door, dragging the young girl inside the building, hugging her when they were both already under the roof, letting her best friend have at least some time to calm down from all that, noticing after a few seconds later his shirt was getting wet on the side of his chest—.
⠀—Can I go see him? Although I don't know if it's the best option.... But if you ask him to come to see me he's not going to do it.... —She murmured still against his friend's chest before he covered his mouth to stop him from talking for a second—
���—He's in his room, he doesn't know it, but he needs you now more than ever —He grabbed the young woman's face with both hands to raise his gaze to hers, causing the French woman to only nod—.
As soon as they arrived at the door where Alpha Tauri's drivers were, Charles called Yuki to leave the room but to leave the door closed behind him, and it was at that moment when the fear took hold of the young woman and she flinched for a few milliseconds before the green-eyed man pushed her into the room. 
The image inside broke the young woman's will even more strongly at that moment, for she had only ever seen her boyfriend in that condition, and she would never have allowed herself to be the one responsible for something like that.
But it was then that those blue eyes came out of the hiding place they had found, in the hands of their very owner and would meet the blonde's, generating a grimace of confusion in the boy before it changed to anger.
⠀—What are you doing here? You didn't have to come and you know it, you didn't have to waste your time —She had never heard him address her in that way, but now there was no turning back and he planned to fight for what he wanted—.
⠀—Don't do that please —She took a few steps in the Frenchman's direction although she still kept her distance as she knew she shouldn't push him at that moment— I need you to listen to me, I only ask you for a few minutes and I'll leave later if that's what you want —She murmured feeling once more the blond's blue orbs on her—.
⠀—I shouldn't be giving you this opportunity, you know that, right? —That was the signal for Lovelle to move a few steps closer and then kneel down in front of the bed since it was practically impossible for the young woman not to be close to him, despite the fact that she wanted to give him a little bit of space as well—.
⠀—And you know I would never cheat on you, right? Yet here we are... Because I'm stubborn as fuck and I'm not going to lose you for a stupid picture —Her tone of voice was soft, beacause yes, she was frustrated and even angry, but he had more rights to be like that and she accepted it since she just wanted to have him back—.
⠀—Why weren't there cameras? —Those were the only words that came out of the boy's mouth in the form of a soft mumble after that little speech from his girlfriend, since a part of him of course wanted to believe her but let's just say that there wasn't much evidence in her favor—.
⠀—It's going to sound really bad.... But it's the shitty angle —She said and as soon as she realized that her words would probably be worthless at that moment she decided to look for some more decisive picture on her phone, but a hand interrupted his search—
⠀—No, fuck what's happening to me? You shouldn't have to be the one looking for ways for me to believe you? I don't know what was going through my head —He move the phone away from the blonde's field of vision before grabbing her face caressing her cheeks— Mine's going to sound really bad too, but I guess the shitty race I've had hasn't helped at all —His tone was soft again and her breathing was slowly returning to normal—.
⠀—I was planning to call you as soon as I finished work, I saw your DNF as soon as Chris alerted me —The distance between them was slowly getting shorter and it seemed that nothing of the last few hours had passed, which honestly was a relief for both of them—.
⠀—Let me take you to dinner today, there's a restaurant on the shore and hopefully you can watch the sunset —The Frenchman remembered one of his girlfriend's favorite things and seeing how a smile formed on her face, he couldn't help but bring their lips together in search of one of those kisses he had had to learn to share, but luckily not the feeling in them— I'm sorry
⠀— I think we both are sorry —She mumbled a few inchies away from his lips—
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dayas · 4 years
1,3,20 and 25 for the writing ask, I wanna know it all!
First off, I wanna say thank you for giving me this ask because now I have something to think about instead of just being in a sad cloud ❤️ it’s nice to have a little break 💞
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it.
Not to expose myself but I have like 5 WIPS 😂
War Of Hearts (jiara reincarnation au), a not so secret combination Dimya fic (flower shop + mob au), an angsty gotham/the batman (fc wise djdjsjsn) BatCat one shot (selina meeting bruce after he left in a slightly unexpected way), and I’m trying to draft/spin ideas for a POTC Klonnie au (calypso and davy jones’ story). With WOH, I’m filling in the second chapter which is taking FOREVER (sorry y’all), but I’m actually super excited for it to drop! With the work entirely, I definitely love all the little hints and breadcrumbs. It’s gonna start coming together more in the second chapter and I’m super pumped to see what y’all think! I’m on Chapter 1 of the Dimya Fic and searching for my inspiration but I know how it’s gonna go and that makes me happy. I love the combo aspect of the fic and how it’s a mashup, plus there’s some not so subtle underlying themes that I think are cool to explore! With BatCat, I wrote some yesterday! It’s a songfic and I love that about it, but also just the angst and flashbacks included, I think it’ll be really cool! And for the Klonnie fic, I haven’t even started 😭 Someone was basically like ‘write this!’ so I was like ‘okay!’ but I don’t know them that well yet writing wise so I need to explore 😂 tbh it’s just a concept that I really, really love and I have some ideas for the melody that goes along with it. Unsure if it’ll be a multi chap or a realllyyy long one shot once it drops but I’m thrilled either way! The technical “fifth” wip is for everybody who asked me when Kie would find out JJ is Sarah’s bf’s friend so watch out for that 👀 y’all ask, I answer 😂
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
GOD! THIS! Okay okay okay I’ve ALWAYS wanted to write a Jiara break up scene but there’s SO MUCH WORK THAT GOES INTO THAT LIKE THE SET UP AND THEN BUILDING INTO AN EXPLOSION SO here’s a no context, cliche, dramatic af breakup scene for jiara thank you for giving me the freedom to write this 😂
“We need to talk.”
That alone stops what she’s doing. JJ and Kiara don’t usually ‘talk’. They can have serious conversations, but they tend to reserve getting deep for when they’re either really really high, or the issue around them has to be resolved. They’re not in high school anymore, but old habits die hard. Still, she shakes off the pause, drying another dish as she says,
“... stuff.”
“Stuff. Real eloquent there, JJ.”
His eyes are practically heating the soapy water up themselves. The kitchen at the Chateau isn’t exactly prime real estate as far as cleanliness goes, but since they’re around here more often than not, Kie decided to make an effort to spruce it up a little bit and dragged JJ into it.
Something’s wrong. He’s fiddling with his rings underneath the water at a faster pace than normal, leaning heavily against the lip of the sink.
“Dude, are you okay?”
Her voice is soft as she dries her hands off, coming up to him and slipping her arms around his chest, cheek pressed into his back. He tenses underneath her, shrugging her off and backing away.
“JJ,” Kiara’s voice is concerned now, “What’s going on?”
His sentence is a blur that knocks into her, rattling around her brain as it spins like a top. As all tops do, the spinning eventually stops, leaving her with the capacity to space out the miniature word flood that left his mouth a few seconds ago.
We need to break up.
“What?” Kie says, panic creeping into her system, “Why?” She begins to think of what could have gone wrong, what could have prompted this.
“It’s not you, it’s — ”
“If you try to feed me one of your bullshit lines that worked on the ghosts of hookups past, don’t.”
He has the decency to shut up then and there, turning instead to lean back against the cabinets, hands gripping the edge of another counter.
“Is this about what my cousin said?”
A few weeks ago, they’d been invited to a formal family gathering on her mother’s side. Some crazy expensive week in Hawaii. Well, Kiara had been invited, and she brought JJ for two reasons. One, he’s her best friend which legally obligated him to help her out in a spot. Two, they were getting pretty serious (or so she thought), and she couldn’t hide in the OBX forever, so why not kill two birds with one stone? At an extremely over the top event, one of Kie’s drunk cousins approached JJ and started spewing some nonsense. Kiara intervened, of course, but later, she remembers, another one approached. Completely sober. She hadn’t been paying attention to that conversation, occasionally glancing over to make sure JJ wasn’t floundering. He’d been restless the entire night and a few days afterwards. But when they’d come back home, all was well. Or, again, so she’d thought.
She should’ve just chucked the damn stone at herself.
He grimaces, and it’s to her horror that she realizes it’s true.
“What the fuck did she say?”
Her voice is low and dangerous, a tiny sliver of a hint as to what’s hiding behind her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter,” JJ shrugs, eyes everywhere but her.
“Of course it fucking matters, JJ! What did she say?”
“That’s a lie.”
“I already told you it doesn’t matter.”
“If it doesn’t matter then just tell me!”
They are two powder kegs on the verge of an explosion. Kiara lit the spark, jumping the gun to shouting. He followed, and and now they’re at a precipice.
“You really wanna know what she said? Fine. She said that I’ll never be good enough for you, and you know what? She’s right.”
They tilt on the edge, still caught in the middle, unsure of where to fall.
“No. She’s not.” How can he even say that, let alone believe it? Kie isn’t always a fan of the cheesy, but it’s a cold hard fact that the man standing before her is one of the best things in her life.
“She is, Kie. You know she is. You’re not a Kook, but your family... they can give you so much more than I can. Opportunities and shit, the chance to get out of here. What do I have going for me?”
“Everything! You know I don’t want any of that bullshit or the baggage that comes with it — I want you.”
“I’m not gonna be enough. One day you’re gonna look up and realize that you want out of this place. Or I’m gonna look up and realize I turned into my dad.”
A bitter laugh leaves him, slicing them both to ribbons in the process.
“You’re not him, J. You’re not your dad and you never will be your dad.”
“You don’t know that! I don’t know that!”
They step closer at the same time, spark relit on the fuse to destroy them.
“JJ — ”
“No, Kiara. We can’t keep doing this. I’m stuck, and I’m not dragging you down with me.”
“You’re not dragging me down if I want to be here!”
Four more feet and they are two steps away from each other. They’re both tired, oh so tired, yet neither one is willing to give up the fight for their cause. The frustration builds, coiling tightly around them as JJ steps forward and shouts,
“I’m gonna ruin your life!”
“Then ruin it!”
Kie’s scream is passionate, every emotion inside of her escaping in those three words as she steps up to meet him.
“Ruin my life, JJ Maybank. Because I’d rather be in ashes with you than anywhere with anyone else.”
He takes one look at her and the pause between them could stop a train. Then, his head ducks down and his lips crash against hers. She reciprocates, sinking both hands into his hair. He picks her up and she wraps her arms around his waist as he sets her against the counter. Dishes crash onto the floor but neither of them are even remotely half assed to care. His lips attach to her neck and she exhales sharply.
“Stay,” Kiara whispers. And she wishes he did. If she would have been controlling their story, they would have taken this to Big John’s room and the breakup talks would cease. But she put everything in his hands, as he’s making the decision here. So when she tells him to ruin her life, she watches him grapple with himself. For a second, she sees his head tilt ever so slightly forward. He reels himself back in a second later, and the fire in his eyes burns out.
“I’m sorry,” JJ whispers, shaking his head and backing away from her.
“JJ,” Kiara calls after him, “JJ!” She’s immobilized, feet stuck to the floor.
This isn’t happening. This is not happening.
Something inside her breaks and she runs, tearing through the house. He’s already on his bike as she gets to the front porch, and curse him, he looks back. He puts the helmet in his hands on (she bought him that for his birthday — “You’re not getting fucked up on my watch. Put the damn helmet on.”) and drives away.
Kiara doesn’t know what happens next. When her faculties return her knees are scraped up, blood trickling down. She’s still on the porch and her face is wet, cheeks marred by liquid pooling in her eyes. Someone is crying, loudly, like their heart was ripped from their chest. No, she thinks, like someone else’s heart was ripped from their chest, someone the person crying loved. Because if her own heart was ripped out, she would not be able to feel. What Kiara wouldn’t give to not feel a goddamn thing right now.
She calls Sarah. Her friend comes and picks her up, and they go to her place. Kie can’t bear to be in the Chateau or her own room. Sarah’s is devoid of memories, for the most part. She explains what happened through her tears as her friend holds her, gently carding her fingers through her hair comfortingly. They light up, and then get a little tipsy and Kiara doesn’t know if it’s better or for worse. But it’s something. She’s reminded of after the Phantom went down, that night on the beach when she discovered the freedom to be. In this moment, Kiara’s free to be something. Anything. Whatever she wants. But the one thing she wants removed himself from her life, so she settles for being a mess instead. Sarah settles in with her when they’re all worn out, falling asleep quickly. Kiara’s vaguely aware that the person next to her is not who she wants it to be, that this is wrong in the sense that someone else should be here. She’s too cold, unraveled.
“Stay,” she whispers, but this time to herself. If she can stay for tonight, she can stay for tomorrow, and the day after that until she eventually finds her way back to who she is without him in her life. She’s not the same Kiara as she was this morning. She’ll be a different Kiara when she wakes up tomorrow. The Kiara she is wraps her arms around herself to keep whatever’s left from pouring out. She will do what he refused to. When the morning comes, she will face the world. While the moon is out, she is free to dream.
She dreams one last dream of him.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Okay LOOK 😂 there’s so much I wanna say on this but it would be so spoiler-y BUT for War Of Hearts, do some scanning! There’s a lot to unpack there, some obvious, some not! It becomes more evident in the chapters to come. I wish I could say more and I totally would if all of it was published 😭😭😭 OOO but I do enjoy referencing my works in other works (literally did that in the mini scene above lmao) so there’s a good chance that I riff off of previous concepts or something else across the stories/one shots that I write! There’s so many references I throw in too. For example, the ‘I hope you care to be recalled to life’ part in It Wasn’t Special Til I Met you is from A Tale Of Two Cities. I definitely love exploring concepts in my work, which I guess is why it kind of reads as flowery when I dig into it 😂
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
To me, I really love when I’m able to come up with good dialogue or a good scene and I’m like ‘OOO YES THIS IS IT!” It’s super fun to explore the underlying themes and symbolism in pieces; I totally love and live for weaving stuff together like Blues Clues 😂 I also adore dropping references to various works or songs because people will catch them and be like ‘wait is that xyz?’ and I’m like ‘yeah! yes it is! you get it!’ And that’s just a wonderful feeling 😊🥰
That’s all for me! Thanks for asking!
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imma-lil-teapot · 4 years
TMNT 2003/2K3 Headcanon: Crying - (Raphael)
Feel free to scroll past this first part if you’re not interested in my silly rambling and nonsense. I won’t mind. Promise. ;)
Alrighty then, lockdown has officially started here. :/ *Unenthusiastic streamers fly* Oh well, look what we have all the time in the world for: WRITING! *Enthusiastic streamers fly* Not too much extra to add in this regard since the last headcanon (thanks a bunch for the likes btw, guys :D ), so I guess we’ll just get right into it. :)
Please bear in mind that I’m SUPER rusty! Haven’t written in ages so there are bound to be typos and all matter of general errors scattered throughout the post. Don’t pet them! They bite!  
Anyhoo~ Despite attempting to create and share with the goal in mind to uplift spirits, I decided to start on a rather upsetting subject (PLEASE DON’T LEAVE! They end on happy notes ;) ) because, Imma just come and say it, I enjoy seeing my favourite characters shed tears (not for just any old reason -their personality plays a huge role in this- and CERTAINLY not for sadistic reasons, land sakes no! But… well, you’ll see~ ;) ) It makes me all gooey and fuzzy inside to see them display such raw emotion and I just wanna leap into the TV screen to hug and console them. I dunno why. Maybe I’m nuts like that. (Remembers Raph crying at the farm when Leo was badly injured and wishes she could just hug them all and take away the pain) Oh well, if you enjoy visualizing the same, then *High Fives*. :)
So yeah, if you read the title, you’ll know this is based on the 2003/2k3 series (my favs). Hope you all enjoy~ :D Grab tissues cause sad turts ahead! :’(
Jibber jabber stops here~
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RAPHAEL - You are here
DONATELLO - Coming soon
MICHELANGELO - Coming soon
WARNING(S): Because of the subject, Angst and Hurt/Comfort will be present.
RATING: G (General)
WORD COUNT: Uhhh... *Shrugs shoulders*
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Well, you’re just gonna have to scroll down to find him, Master Splinter. ;) I really didn’t know what to add so... *Shrugs* And look at da squishy Turtle Tots, dey so cuuuuute!!! <3 
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– With his infamous hotheadedness and quick capacity for battle, it’s of course natural at first for one to expect Big Bad Raphie-Boy to be completely opposed to the very thought of crying. He is the resident ‘tough guy’ after all.  
– However, this notion couldn’t be farther from the truth: sure, he can be brash, quick to temper and lash out at those that give him enough incentive to, but underneath that rockhard exterior beats the heart of a real softie, and when something truly upsets that tender muscle, you can bet Mr. Hothead’s not going to try too hard to keep the tears at bay. 
– He’s as passionate as he is headstrong, and reining in such powerful emotions proves to be difficult at most times for him, so out of the four of them, and given the right circumstances, Raph can be surprisingly easy to get the tears flowing.
-- He’s no crybaby by a long shot, mind you, but he also knows that holding back on the waterworks is pointless and makes one just feel worse in the long run. If you’re going to cry, just cry. Simple as that. 
-- Like all of his brothers, Red can’t handle the thought of losing any of his family and close friends. It tears him apart inside and he’ll desperately attempt to protect and prevent anything terrible from happening to them, but when it does, he’s an emotional wreck and doesn’t always know how to handle his distress.  
– His initial reaction is to be by their sides before becoming outraged, and depending on the different situations, it’s not uncommon for him to also nag and pass remarks at the injured brother(s). It’s the only real way of expressing his fear of losing them before dampness starts forming in his eyes.
– Despite his tough guy front, he’s not against crying in front of his family and friends at all. He knows his place and doubts a few tears will have them seeing  him in a different light, particularly his father/master and brothers for they’ve seen the worst in him on many occasions. 
– It’s only when a particularly harsh meltdown wishes to happen does Raph choose to spare them the sideshow; he knows it’s not a pretty sight, so before the sniffling begins, he leaves the Lair and heads topside for some much needed air.
– He chooses the nearby rooftops as his destination; the ideal location to let go of the ever building waves of raw emotion that continue to grip at his chest, and by the time he makes it up the fire escape ladder, he spares little time letting out a rough growl in frustration, kicking an air vent a couple of times for good measure.
 -- With some rage and frustration now out of his system, he heads on over to the brick wall and turns his back to it, roughly sliding down into a sitting position and exhales a dismal sigh. As he subconsciously replays the earlier events through his mind, he finally allows the next phase of his sorrow to surface unbridled. 
-- He dolefully holds his head in one hand and balances it on a single knee pad as the tears now begin to flow freely.
– They instantly soak into his mask, and he grits his teeth as he feels the surges of emotion wrack his entire body. He doesn’t characteristically whimper or sob when crying, but he coughs a lot, and his nostrils leak like a faucet, forcing him to frequently sniff and snort just in order to breathe. This is the very reason why he refuses to really break down in front of the the others; not because of his tenacity, but because he simply finds the whole affair gross. His family certainly didn’t need to hear him constantly hacking up a lung and sounding like an untuned trumpet every time he blew his nose.
– The episode doesn’t last too long, though, much to his delight, and after some more thorough nasal clearing, Raph then wipes at his still somewhat wet eyes and mask before drawing out another -now exhausted- sigh. 
-- He’d begin gradually twirling a single sai around whilst he collected his thoughts. It felt more natural to keep his hands busy than have them being static when he was feeling this way. As his demeanor altered, so did the actions he performed with it.  
– He wouldn’t return to his family just yet for there was still some brooding left to be done... At least that was what he’d convinced himself he was doing. He wanted a clear head when he returned so for now, he’d remain in place on the rooftop in the crisp air with the city bursting with life just below him. 
-- He had to admit, it was certainly the best place for him to be with his thoughts. Comforting in fact. A true New Yorker at heart.
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– Aside from having everyone special to him perish, one of Raph’s greatest fears is his inability to fully control his own temper. On more than one occasion has it gotten out of hand and thus resulted in him injuring his own brothers, and it had shaken him to the core each time. 
– He’s come to the realization that he is his own worst enemy when it comes to reigning in his own inner rage, and it uneases him immensely that it could happen again and he’s fully aware that the probability is higher than he cares to admit. The more he concerns himself with it, the more it upsets him and thus, the tears of frustration start. 
– Fortunately, his bros are there for him and can tell when he’s feeling low about it. They know the best course of action is to have a light-hearted conversation about it with him and offer their reassurances... With Mikey of course adding his own two cents on the matter in his unique Mikey style, which usually involves poking fun at his brother in red and causing Raph to go from broody to enraged in record breaking time. Just how it should be.
– Not only is Raph A-okay with crying himself, but he’s often first on the emotional support committee to offer the shoulder of comfort to his friends, amazingly enough, and he’s actually pretty decent at it too. Though, not for absolutely everyone; he has his limitations when he knows someone’s really just blubbering for attention.
– He wasn’t always so accepting of shedding tears, though: as a very young Turtle Tot, he often thought of it as being too ‘babyish’ for him to do and thus despised it whenever something happened to cause him to tear up. 
– It took Master Splinter a rather surprisingly lengthy amount of time to change his perception of crying. No amount of explanations on how it was a perfectly natural expression of emotion would sway his son. 
– It got so out of hand that Raph would be in utter denial about crying right in front of his father, even while the latter would be staring at his tear-stained face directly in front of him. “M‘not cryin’,” the little Turtle would sniff. “Cryin’s fah sissies.” 
-- Splinter could only sigh and shake his head as he knelt down to embrace his son. When could he feel that Raphael would not fight the closeness, he’d give him the same lecture again, and Raph would finally succumb to his emotions and sob into his father’s robe whilst Splinter comfortingly rubbed his shell.
-- He could only guess that his words finally got through to his son for ever since that day, Raph’s entire attitude had altered for the better on the subject.
BONUS EXTRA EXTRA FEMALE READER OR S/O EDITION~ (Can also use an OC/FC insert if you wish, up to you)
From the moment you entered the Lair, you could clearly see something was up; Mikey was nursing an obvious wrist injury with a bag of frozen peas and hovering around Donny’s work area, complaining about the swelling to the purple-banded Turtle, who appeared to be paying little attention towards his ‘younger’ sibling as his back was turned.
"Hi, (Y/N).” 
You visibly jumped at the voice behind you and briskly turned, only to meet Leonardo’s placid form, and he swiftly apologized for the start. 
After the formal greeting, you gestured with a thumb in confusion at the former scene with an added, “Do I want to know?”
The leader’s facial features altered to a more serious aspect. “The end result of testing Raph’s patience,” he offered, which instantly had you more than a little concerned. Sure, Mikey could come off as being annoying, but to go so far as to physically harm him? 
“Are you sure it’s not worse than ‘just a sprain’?” You overheard the injured brother asking Donny, whose focus remained on a contraption of sorts you couldn’t quite make out on his desk.
“Yes, Mikey, you’ll live,” he responded with just a hint of weariness. “But no swinging your nunchucks around for a coupla days,” which was met with a typical whine in response from his patient. 
“It’s really not as bad as he makes it out to be,” Leo then added, turning your attention back towards him. Though you didn’t express it, you were grateful to hear the good news.
"Where is he now?” 
“Topside most likely.” Of course. It didn’t surprise you in the least that Raph had chosen to head there and you quickly set a course for the surface. “Need an escort?” The leader in blue offered, to which you politely declined. You knew he needed no further explanation. 
As you pushed back the manhole cover and made your way towards the nearest fire escape ladder, you were unable to put aside the various speculations as to why your special Turtle would hurt his own brother... Well, you would be kidding yourself to say you didn’t have at least one very plausible theory in mind, but as you neared the top of the ladder, the guesswork was instantly dropped and replaced with trepidation for you knew how Raph felt about injuring family. 
To put it simply, you were going to be dealing with a very dejected Turtle, and true to form, as you peered over the top of the building, the iconic emerald green hide and red mask tails met your sight. 
This was Raph’s favorite spot to gather his thoughts after all, so it was a no-brainer decision to begin the search there, and it was clear as day that it was exactly what he was doing for he made no effort to acknowledge your presence as he remained seated against the wall in a slouching position and gaze locked out front. 
As expected, he appeared to be moping. “Hey, Raphie,” you greeted, clambering over the wall. 
You were unable to tell if he had been aware you were nearby for he made no prior indication but instead merely replied with a gloomy, “’Sup, Kiddo?” No movement whatsoever. 
It amused you whenever he chose to refer to you by that nickname, especially since you were both the same age, but as you ambled on over towards him, you were left anything but amused as your former notion was set in stone when you caught the telltale signs of wet stains under his eyes. “You okay?”
It wasn’t the first time you had witnessed ‘ol Red crying, but it didn’t prevent your heart from breaking all the same. Something about seeing the bullheaded bad boy in tears left you in a real state of dismay, so without invitation, you seated yourself next him, affectionately leaning against his side, but before the consoling could begin, you had to gently ask, “You wanna tell me what happened?”
“Ugh, it was so stupid! Mikey wouldn’t quit goin’ on n’ on about beatin’ me in the Battle Nexus tournament and kept rubbin’ it in our faces about becomin’ the champ,” he exclaimed with shockingly little provocation, sniffing loudly. “I jus’ got so sick’ve it this time, an’ it’s not like we neva duked it out before or nothin’ but... I went too far this time, (Y/N), ya know?” 
He still refused to look at you as he began to wipe away some fresh tears that were forming in his eyes.
Your assumption had been correct all along; you acknowledged full well how Mikey’s triumphant achievement grated on Raph’s last nerve and how the orange-banded Turtle would seek out every opportunity to gloat about it in a bid to purposely provoke his ‘older’ brother. “Well, you know Mikey, Raph,” you said, not quite sympathizing with the actions he took, but rather offering some support. “He tries to get under your shell on purpose.”
"Yeah, I know, but... Dat’s no reason ta clobber the guy. Not like that, anyway” You noted how his voice gradually lowered grievously and you couldn’t stop yourself from placing your head on his shoulder. 
“No, it isn’t, but...” you knew you were grasping at straws by this point, but still offered, “They say it’s not as bad as he makes it out to be.”
He sighed dolefully. “I lost control again, (Y/N),” and you could feel the vibrations beginning to surge through him. “No matta what I do, I jus’... I jus’ can’t...” He trailed off, wracked with emotions as he covered his face with one hand and allowed the tears to fall, a cough slipping here and there.
You heart bled for this boy, and more than anything right then, you longed to relieve him of the pain, so you did the only thing you could think of: be right there by his side, comforting him through the breakdown. “Oh, Raph. It’ll be okay,” you calmly whispered, slinking an arm around his carapace and shoulders, bringing him closer and lightly squeezing his bicep with your free hand. “It’ll be okay.”
He leaned into the much needed support and continued to allow his misery to flow forth. You didn’t mind in the least for it was exactly what he required in order to heal, and you would be there for him every step of the way.
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WOOT, that’s Turt number two completed! Sorry it took a little longer than expected; I still feel rusty with sentence structure and all and am not entirely pleased with the outcome, but I did feel an improved ‘flow’ from the first so maybe things are slowly coming back to me? Or maybe it was the scenario; it felt more natural o write than Leo’s... Maybe cause Bloo Boi’s my fav Turt and I felt added pressure with his?
Oh well, Donny Boy’s next~
Thank you all so much for the read and hope you enjoyed~ :D
~Drag0n Mistr3ss’ Random Fandoms*
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starsmuserainbow · 4 years
So, okay, finally finished what I’ve been working on. In case you’d like to know what it was, it’ll be shown in this post, though for now, here’s a summary and a cut because this’ll be long, and have some images too.
In short: I have picked a few possible faces that I might pick as (real life-) Faceclaims for my muses. Not that I intend to use them much or at all, but I thought it’d be nice to at least for once try and see which faces I would be picking if I were interested in doing so.
I would appreciate hearing other’s thoughts on the matter, though if you don’t want to, that’s okay too of course.
Once more - this post is long, and has a batch of images.
Like said before the cut - this whole thing is not about anything that’ll be a prominent thing on my blogs. I did this mostly for the sake of being able to compare it better, and thought it’d be nice to share it and maybe even get some other opinions.
I’m not gonna name the faces I picked, because I don’t need it to show up in any search and I also don’t see a need for it. If you want to say something to a specific one, you can always go by the order that they’re appearing in this post or, like, describe something of the pose or the picture or whatever. (Example of the first option here, like, ‘I like Starfire #1′ or the likes.)
These edits are not done that well, some at parts a little better or worse than others. I just did them because I was hoping to be able to decide better when the colors actually fit. After each pic, I will list some of my thoughts, probably some pros and cons of the face, that I see, too.
Okay, with that said, on we go!
First off:
I actually had a lot of difficulty to find anyone for her that I’d even consider, more so than for most others. Maybe I’m just feeling too attached to her, but I think I’m just in general having a biiiiiiig difficulty to attach animated/drawn characters to people.
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I did this one a little earlier than when I actually looked through databases for FCs - she here was my choice because on some other pics she has a really wide smile, which is like mandatory for Starfire to have. I didn’t find a good enough pic of her with her smile though, so I took this one and made it instead, and, idk.
+ wide smile + eyes are not too small-ish
- feels kinda too old for my liking? - not that long hair - I think I checked where she appears in and there’s no appearance, look-wise, anywhere that I could use
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Two pics here, glued together so it doesn’t take up too much space, and as you can see I’m not all too constant with colors. And with one of those I actually recolored the dress and her necklace to, to more Starfire-y colors, but yes, you can see that.
+ princess-y attire + better hair-length
- I think where these pics are from is an older thing so the quality probably is bad - I don’t really like her smile all that much if I’m honest
While the next two still are Starfire, they are also Blackfire (you’ll see), so I’m gonna call the next part:
Starfire & Blackfire!
So, if you know the cartoon, you know that in there, Blackfire is basically a recoloring of Starfire. With those next two, I tried just that too, just, with different pictures of the actress.
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Saw her in something I started to watch, and thought she might work for Starfire. And since I felt that she could work that way too, I did a Blackfire-version too.
+ She’s black, which I know many people feel like is a must for an actress for Starfire, or probably any tamaranean. For me personally, though, that doesn’t really matter, I’d recolor whoever I pick into orange skin anyway. + She can at least kinda fit for both parts, as you can see
- I might end up connecting her to that thing I started watching too much, I tend to do that and it’ll be hard to really feel her as my muses then - dark/black hair is a hassle to recolor into something even faintly as bright red as I’d need it for Starfire
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I knew her name still from FC ideas, or fancasts or however it’s called, that people did a longer time ago. I looked her up, and picked some pictures to use.
+ eyes nicely big-enough + expressive face + the hair is long enough to work + the pic I did for Blackfire totally - yes, simply because of it being done in/surroundedby nature - reminds me of the Poison Ivy I once did stuff with both on Starfire and Blackfire, I miss those interactions (or the mun/muse) a lot and just absolutely love that the pic feels like a little like a hinted remembrance for those
- She is, or was, a pretty common pick for stuff in general I think? - I don’t think I found a specific appearance of hers that could work well for my purposes
And that’s done too. Now, which you can probably expect to come next:
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Found her only through a database, just like with Starfire #2 and probably most that are still going to follow, and I felt like her features worked kinda at least.
+ Features (face, eyes etc) kinda work for Blackfire + She’s black, for the reason for this being a + see above
- she’s a model; meaning I can’t exactly pick a movie or w/e and have the same looks in all scenes of those to use - dark/black hair, like said, is a hassle to recolor properly as you can see
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This was a name I found on someone’s fancasts, and I looked through the appearances of the actress to find sometihng that could work. And I only just now realize that on the right pic, I made the hair too blue-ish, but oh well.
+ Her face and eyes kinda work + the clothes (at least in those two pics) are things I could see Blackfire at least accept wearing
- black hair - the eyes are a little small - the medium this appearance is from is old I think, which means bad quality of pics
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I think she’s from a rather well known thing, but I myself don’t know about that so at least I don’t have the problem of associating her to that role.
+ Face and eyes work, at least in these two pics + Clothes work for Blackfire + Her hair is more ‘sleek’ than some of the others in the pics I found, meaning not as many sticking-out hairs to recolor
- In some pics of her I could absolutely not see Blackfire, so I guess it depends a lot on the pose or expression which might mean she’s not that good a fit after all - Comes from a rather well-known thing so even if I myself don’t connect her to it, many others might and I know that when I feel like that I can’t enjoy the FC as much
To finish with the royal siblings, next comes:
Okay, before I get to the pics, lemme just say that oh boy. I seem to have a very mixed idea for him, or maybe that came to be from how I tried to not take someone too old-ish for when Ry’s supposed to be younger than Starfire and Blackfire. Well, you’ll see what I mean - on we go.
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I had the idea of this guy saved for a while already before actually looking for FCs, mostly because the hair just fits pretty well and at that time I looked more for that than an actual face I could accept.
+ the hairstyle fits well + the face is kinda ‘long-ish’ which I feel would be a good thing for Wildfire
- I don’t like his face that much, at least not for Wildfire - He doesn’t quite ‘feel’ right
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Something very different from the one above, as you probably noticed. This is one of 3 somewhat younger ones I picked, because like said earlier he kinda should be a bit younger than Starfire and Blackfire.
+ hair is okay-ish + medieval-ish attire probably could work well for mimicking Wildfire’s usual clothing
- He’s only in an episode or so playing this role, I think the role has like 3 different actors or so over the time whenever he appears as young - This is one of like two or so pics in total I found of his appearing and idk, on both he doesn’t quite feel right, a little too ‘stiff’ or ‘serious’ idk (though I guess Wildfire is that too at times, idk it’s just hard to explain)
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Another one of the younger-ish picks.
+ I like the hair + I think I’m good with his face
- idk how big or small his appearance here is - picture search for the actor’s name is kinda confusing me because on some I think ‘yeah he’s a good fit’ but on some I think ‘what? how could I pick that, no’
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Yes yes, I know, those are many, and I’m sorry. I just couldn’t quite decide and made a few. Besides, it isn’t really that much more than for Starfire or Blackfire when you count those that I did both with too.
+ face can work I think + looks younger
- the hair isn’t quite as long-ish as I’d like it for Wildfire - I don’t think I could find any appearance of him in shows etc that I really could use, look-wise
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And the last one for him.
+ face is ‘long-ish’, which I kinda feel helps + I like his face better than #1
- the first pic looks like he’s a good fit, but on the one on the right it doesn’t quite feel that much like a fit - I’m not sure if he’s from too known stuff as well
Next up:
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This is not really meant as honest consideration, she is feeling too old for what I’d like to see in Starlight - but I had to do an edit of this pic because this kind of blue is totally what Starlight will love to wear eventually (always with other colors too but, yeah) and so I think this one could actually work for a older-ish Starlight, like teenage or something a little further than that
(Also I just need to say that this is probably the best likeness to how I actually imagine Starlight’s hair that I managed to create)
+ hair was nice to recolor + I like her face
- (feeling) too old for how Starlight is at the moment - I think she too comes from a well-known thing
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Please ignore how much I failed at the hair here.
+ the face kinda works + she already has a colorful streak or two in her hair, which could be useful
- from an old thing I think - I’m not sure if I’m completely happy with her face-features
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While I do know the show she’s from, it’s luckily been too long since I watched it for me to actually feel her that connected to the role there. Also obviously I did her hair too rainbow-y here, but, yeah, it does well enough for the idea.
+ I like her face + I’m pretty sure she wears some really nice colorful things throughout the show, and even changes style eventually which means a nice variation
- From a well-known thing - I think by now she is a singer of sorts so maybe too many can’t quite connect her to something else
Okay, since I didn’t do Galfore (honestly I don’t think I could ever find someone fitting even only somewhat), there’s only one left, so you can probably guess who comes now:
It was a little surprising that I had a rather quick time at finding possibilities for him, and while I’m not 100% sold on either of them, I feel like it was the easiest for him out of all my muses.
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I’m running out of things to say to each pic before doing the pro and contra thing.
+ ‘square-y’ face in the way I feel I’d need it + ‘small’ eyes, as in narrowed a bit
- the hair isn’t quite perfect since Moonshot has a bit longer of a hair and more... more messy - I don’t like his face in some of the pics a picture-search gives me
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And another one.
+ face and eyes again fit to what I’d be looking for + a good amount of the pics of a picture-search actually are ones I can see working
- I think he’s from something well-known again - and again the hair with the same reasoning as above, but tbh I don’t think I even can find anyone completely fitting anyway
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I feel like the options I have for Moonshot are all rather similar. Oh well. I mean, that’s kinda the point, right?
+ face works I think + many pics of the result are ones I can see work
- comes from a rather popular thing as far as I can tell - in some angles, or maybe simply at another time of the actor’s life idk, the face doesn’t look that fitting anymore
And that’s it! I kinda doubt anyone actually looks as far as here, though if you do, thank you!
I’d appreciate hearing opinions, if you can see any of them work or not and maybe why. You could even name me other options if you want to.
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overzne · 4 years
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      there’s  been  a  mystery  afoot  in  changwon  ,  south  korea  for  what’s  going  to  be  three  years  on  august  17th  ;  a  question  that  seems  to  have  so  many  answers  yet  none  at  the  same  time   ---   what  really  happened  in  the  kwon  household  on  that  gruesome  night  ?  a  blazing  house  fire  that  consumed  three  people  whom  where  still  inside  ,  yet  the  younger  three  children  were  in  no  harm  ,  just  pain  from  losing  their  loved  ones.  citizens  in  the  area  who  heard  about  the  news  were  also  devastated  about  the  news  and  gave  their  condolences  to  the  last  of  the  kwon  family.  their  parents  were  very  respected  people  simply  due  to  their  contribution  to  the  community  and  their  passion  towards  their  kids.  yet  when  a  leak  from  the  police  station  revealed  that  the  father  of  the  home  was  found  with  twenty  one  stab  wounds  repeatedly  in  the  chest  ,  and  the  mother  already  being  deceased  from  blunt  force  trauma  ,  those  same  people  started  to  see  those  kids  in  a  different  light.  instead  of  letting  them  grieve  ,  conspiracy  theorists  took  to  the  internet  to  give  their  take  on  the  incident.  some  wrote  about  the  eldest  woman  doing  the  evil  deeds  while  the  twins  had  no  idea  what  went  on.  others  speculate  maybe  one  or  both  of  the  youngest  children  planned  it  themselves  ;  very�� few  believed  it  was  all  of  them  and  quite  many  brought  up  the  eldest  son  ,  which  gained  them  crazy  looks  as  he  died  in  the  fire  as  well  . . .  until  word  got  around  that  his  body  was  nowhere  to  be  found.  for  now  ,  the  theories  have  been  a  popular  forum  but  like  all  things  ,  it’s  traction  began  to  die  down  and  slowly  went  from  a  wildfire  to  a  hushed  whisper.  the  kwons  are  now  trying  to  balance  life  after  loss  ,  still  maintaining  their  sanity  one  day  at  a  time.  but  one  member  of  the  family  have  decided  to  take  matters  in  their  own  hands  ,  and  soon  a  NEW  theory  was  posted  revealing  everything  that  took  place  inside  the  home  ,  but  are  people  gonna  take  it  serious  as  it  tarnishes  the  kwon’s  family  name  forever  ?
UNDER  THE  CUT  ,  you  will  be  introduced  to  the  last  three  standing  family  members  of  the  kwon  residence.  if  you  wish  to  plot  with  any  of  them  ,  please  like  this  post.  tw :  vague  mentions  of  child  abuse  /  pornography  ,  drug  abuse  ,  violence  ,  homophobia  ,  attempt  sexual  assault  /  suicide.
#  FILE  NUMBER  ONE  :  KWON  JUNHEE  ,  age  30.  (  seo  yeji  fc  )
originally  the  second  born  child  now  taking  on  the  role  of  the  eldest  &.  the  parent  of  the  younger  twins  ;  a  very  dedicated  mystery  crime  novelist  who  often  spoke  about  wanting  peace  and  happiness.  the  public  loved  her  stories  ,  but  it  was  something  about  her  recently  released  book  back  3  years  back  before  the  incident  that  drew  in  more  eyes.  ❛  ESCAPE  FROM  HOME  ❜  was  a  tale  about  a  young  woman  named  son  eunbin  who  lived  a  happy  life   ---  or  so  it  was  described.  then  suddenly  she  wakes  up  in  a  cold  sweat  and  all  hell  begins  for  the  rest  of  the  book.  the  uniqueness  and  detailed  descriptions  left  many  people  speechless  and  they  yearned  to  know  the  truth  behind  it  yet  got  no  answers  as  junhee  stated  she  was  not  going  to  say  anything  until  the  time  was  right.  in  april  of  2020  ,  a  follower  of  her  instagram  page  released  a  screen - recorded  video  from  a  live  the  author  did  confessing  that  the  book  was  inspired  by  true  events  in  her  own  life.  it  baffled  the  people  of  changwon.  a  lot  of  people  refused  to  acknowledge  it.  after  all  ,  she  described  the  parents  in  that  book  to  be  MONSTERS  ,  absolute  scum  of  the  earth.  the  father  was  the  worst  of  all  as  the  mom  would  sometimes  help  but  neither  had  a  good  enough  redemption  arc.  not  to  mention  the  main  character  soon  found  tapes  upon  tapes  of  her  being  molested  as  a  child  from  ages  eight  to  ten  by  close  colleagues  of  the  family  being  hidden  in  her  father’s  office.  and  what  about  the  acclaimed  suicide  attempts  ?  there  was  no  way  in  the  world  it  was  all  true  ,  but  it  was.  a  gossip  site  let  it  be  known  that  junhee  was  indeed  admitted  into  a  rehabilitation  center  far  from  home  once  hitting  the  age  of  22  for  unknown  reasons  ,  two  years  after  the  twins  were  born.  she  ended  up  saying  herself  that  she  couldn’t  watch  not  just  one  ,  but  two  children’s  lives  be  destroyed  by  those  evil  people.  so  she  tried  to  smother  them  ,  but  when  caught  by  her  mother  they  ended  up  arguing  and  eventually  things  got  too  overwhelming  as  she  then  tried  to  hurt  herself  with  a  kitchen  knife.  now  the  THIRTY  year  old  woman  says  she  has  changed  from  who  she  was  eight  years  ago.  she  made  sure  the  twins  were  happy  and  tried  her  hardest  to  protect  them.  she  still  writes  ,  and  has  an  up  and  running  bookstore.  due  to  her  brother’s  absence  she  had  to  take  the  role  of  running  the  family’s  business  which  she  took  ,  not  before  firing  those  who  were  close  to  her  parents  and  running  it  her  way.  can  be  described  as  alert  ,  calculated , nurturing , organized  &.  reserved.
#  FILE  NUMBER  2  :  KWON  TAEYEON  ,  age  20.  (  hwang  yeji  fc  )
the  first  born  out  of  the  bundle  of  twins  ;  a  ray  of  sunshine  and  the  golden  child  that  captivated  everyone  with  her  adoring  smile  and  contagious  giggles.  she  was  like  bubbles  being  blown  on  a  hot  summer  day  in  a  sundress  ,  a  piece  of  candy  so  sweet  that  you’d  get  a  toothache.  taeyeon  wasn’t  afraid  to  be  herself  in  front  of  anyone  ,  not  even  her  parents.  which  is  where  her  downfall  began.  her  interests  in  boys  stopped  faster  than  her  playing  with  dolls  did.  her  eldest  brother  was  the  first  to  catch  on  after  he  caught  her  watching  some  very  dirty  videos  at  age  13.  he  explained  to  her  that  while  he  had  no  problem  with  it  ,  their  parents  might.  she  was  aware  of  that  being  possible  ,  hence  why  she  pretended  to  like  boys  in  the  eyes  of  the  others.  besides  that  ,  taeyeon  was  the  perfect  kid.  incredibly  intelligent  ,  and  very  athletic.  truth  be  told  ,  she  favored  her  father  over  her  mom  since  he  was  always  at  her  games  and  showered  her  with  attention.  this  alone  started  countless  arguments  with  her  brother  as  he  for  one  did  not  like  him.  she  assumed  it  was  jealousy  from  not  being  dad’s  favorite  as  their  father  did  quite  purposely  ignore  him  for  her.  she  was  15  when  she  fell  for  her  close  friend.  they  were  spending  the  night  after  a  big  game  win  and  wanted  to  spend  more  time  together  over  the  weekend  since  it  was  the  end  of  the  season.  one  thing  led  to  another  and  their  lips  connected  in  a  sweet  kiss  only  to  be  interrupted  by  her  mother  walking  in  on  them.  quickly  she  left  and  taeyeon  assumed  she’d  just  keep  quiet  about  it.  sadly  that  wasn’t  the  case.  one  evening  when  she  was  cleaning  up  her  room  ,  her  father  busted  in  and  confronted  her  about  the  kiss.  no  explanation  was  good  enough  as  it  resulted  in  her  being  smacked  in  the  face.  things  only  got  worse  when  he  tried  to  force  her  into  a  relationship  with  a  close  guy  friend  she  had.  thankfully  he  understood  her  situation  and  didn’t  try  to  do  anything  which  just  pissed  the  man  off  more.  so  he  took  matters  into  his  own  hands  ---  or  rather  a  colleagues.  after  getting  out  the  shower  ,  she  walked  out  into  her  bedroom  and  was  met  with  an  unknown  man  waiting  for  her. quickly  she  caught  on  and  tried  to  run  back  to  the  bathroom  but  failed.  he  was  quick  ,  and  managed  to  gain  control  just  as  fast.  however  ,  her  twin  and  older  brother  heard  her  screaming  and  immediately  ran  to  the  scene  where  they  stopped  anything  from  getting  too  far.  since  then  ,  taeyeon’s  trust  has  been  messed  up  ,  even  causing  her  to  break  ties  from  her  girlfriend  before  hitting  17.  she  had  to  move  rooms  because  it  scared  her  to  be  there  and  nightmares  crept  onto  her  like  a  ghost  in  the  night.  she  was  paranoid  ,  it  showed  on  the  outside  ,  too  whenever  someone  she  didn’t  know  approached  her  too  friendly  or  came  off  as  strong.  she  couldn’t  function  properly.  so  junhee  decided  to  give  her  some  sleeping  pills  that  she’d  been  using  to  help  her  sleep  better  as  she  felt  like  that  could  be  part  of  the  reason  she  was  always  on  edge  ,  too.  so  she  did  ,  but  soon  that  became  a  danger  to  her  as  well.  at  some  point  junhee  took  the  younger  off  the  medicine  but  that  didn’t  stop  her.  taeyeon  wanted  to  sleep  for  as  long  as  she  could  ,  for  she  never  wanted  to  wake  up  to see  the  face  of  her  demon  ever  again.  thankfully  her  older  sister  caught  onto  this  similar  behavior  and  managed  to  stop  her  before  things  got  worse.  since  then  she’s  been  okay  but  she  sees  life  in  a  different  light.  now  she’s  studying  childhood  education  and  works  at  an  ice  cream  parlor.  she  can  be  described  as  guarded  ,  sentimental  ,  understanding  ,  finicky  and  doubtful.
#  FILE  NUMBER  3  :  KWON  TAEHYUN  ,  age  20.  (  choi  yeonjun  fc  )
the  other  half  of  the  twins  ;  the  softie  out  of  the  two  who  was  an  elder’s  favorite.  taehyun  was  the  kid  who’d  you  see  running  from  their  parents  while  giggling  ,  the  child  who’s  face  would  be  covered  in  candy  but  would  say  if  asked  if  he  had  any.  he  always  managed  to  put  a  smile  on  someone’s  face  ,  except  his  father’s.  the  young  male  never  knew  why  his  own  parent  couldn’t  quite  look  him  in  the  face  but  shook  it  off  because  his  mother’s  attention  made  up  for  it.  because  he  was  a  momma’s  boy  ,  he  would  do  anything  to  make  sure  both  her  and  his  sisters  were  okay.  though  perhaps  his  way  of  helping  is  a  bit  messy.  when  getting  old  ,  he  would  notice  how  his  older  brother  and  sister  would  come  home  sometimes  late  at  night  when  everyone  was  sleeping  (  as  he  was  a  night  owl  )  and  the  elder  boy  was  covered  in  bruises  and  blood.  he  remembered  overhearing  how  his  brother  told  his  sister  that  he’d  kill  anyone  who  hurt  her  ,  but  neither  of  the  males  expected  her  to  yell  out  “  what  about  their  dad.  ”  it  struck  him  at  that  point  that  it  looked  like  he  wasn’t  the  only  one  who  got  weird  vibes  about  the  man.  so  taehyun  took  it  upon  himself  to  becomes  his  sisters’  bodyguard.  he  would  stray  them  away  from  harm  and  make  sure  they  were  happy.  they  were  attending  one  of  taeyeon’s  games  when  a  strange  guy  approached  junhee.  the  boy  could  sense  she  was  uncomfortable  and  he  immediately  butted  in  ,  telling  the  older  guy  to  buzz  off.  when  she  asked  why  he  did  ,  he  explained  that  he  was  going  to  protect  her  from  everyone  ,  including  their  dad.  it  brought  tears  the  girl’s  eyes  to  hear  such  words  so  he  knew  it  had  to  mean  something.  but  it  started  to  happen  all  so  fast.  while  learning  how  to  fight  ,  his  older  brother  noticed  that  the  kid  was  good  ,  but  he  never  expected  that  if  he  was  angry  that  things  could  end  badly.  he  remembers  when  a  guy  tried  hitting  on  taeyeon  while  she  continuously  told  him  that  she  was  fine  after  the  near  assault.  so  to  make  him  listen ,  he  punched  him  once  ,  then  twice  and  repeated  the  process  until  his  knuckles  were  as  red  as  ketchup.  taeyeon  had  to  interfere  ,  screaming  at  him  to  stop  and  let  it  go  as  she  was  scaring  him.  that  was  when  it  was  revealed  that  taehyun  was  slightly  derailed  as  he  admitted  that  he  was  gonna  kill  the  guy  for  messing  with  her  ,  and  he’d  do  it  to  anyone.  even  their  father.  from  that  day  forward  ,  taehyun  was  more  attached  the  girls  ,  being  by  their  side  like  glue.  this  was  the  start  of  him  finding  out  what  happened  to  the  girls.  on  a  faithful  night  ,  he  did  end  figuring  it  all  out.  but  it  hurt.  it  hurt  because  these  were  his  own  kids  he  was  putting  through  hell  and  back.  the  videos  ,  the  pictures  ,  the  vulgar  messages   ---  it was  just  too  much.  how  strange  of  a  coincidence  was  it  that  the  night  he  figured  it  out  was  august  17th  ?  just  hours  before  the  fire  started.  he’s  been  reclusive  ever  since.  he  sees  countless  psychologists  and  counselors  but  all  say  the  same  thing.  taehyun  tries  to  move  on  ,  tries  to  forget  but  he  can’t.  now  at  20  ,  he’s  unemployed  as  junhee  is  afraid  of  him  going  since  he’s  not  exactly  stable  yet.  he  can  be  described  as  derailed  ,  vengeful  ,  friendly  ,  and  apologetic.
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nightstung · 4 years
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     ( anya chalotra, cisfemale, bisexual, she/her ) rome welcomes NETHYRAELYSS ‘NETHYRA ENDSETTER’, an ORIGINAL DRAGON. they are 25/5,000+ years old and have been in the city for 4 MONTHS. they are known to be PROTECTIVE + ABRASIVE, which makes sense because they’re CONFLICTED about the marriages. i heard they’re betrothed to AMY ADAMS, GUGU MBATHA-RAW, RACHEL MCADAMS, ANY 35+ FEM FC - a HUMAN.
      a bitch is excited !! this shit is happening !! okay freaking out aside, i’m admin grey & this here is my first char ( of probs many ), nethyra ! she’s def drogon from game of thrones but like ... make it pretty ... so without further adieu ~
in a land of dragons.
nethyraelyss and her several siblings were ‘born’ the day the earth experienced a huge tremor and its crust cracked open, exposing a number of eggs all a various shade of hue.
nethyra and her twin brother’s egg was a warped color, half black and purple and half ( color tbd by mun ).
the eggs’ colors matched the scales of its dragon/s. for nethyraelyss, she was a impossibly midnight hue, with purple managing to peek through in certain lighting. because of such, she was deemed ‘the midnight dragon’ out of her ‘siblings.’ 
nethyra and her twin were ever close as they grew up. in fact, the clan believed in loyalty to one another first, anything else second. the twins got up to their mischief as all dragons would, creating havoc, humoring human lives, having their fun. 
but dragons were supposed to age out of this wild youth. nethyra’s brother did. however, she did not. nethyra became known for her reckless ways and her selfish pursuit of entertainment. it wasn’t that she sought to hurt her kind, but she felt like something was always missing in her life. boredom crept in and made her starve for all else. 
eventually, realizing she was a risk to them all, nethyra’s twin and her siblings betrayed her. it was around the very late middle ages when this happened. when dragons were told in every tale. they enlisted the help of a witch and pushed nethyra into a deep slumber like death, far beneath the earth’s crust. 
when she awoke again, it was 8 years ago, in the midst of war. her brother had finally freed her from her hibernation, in hopes she’d ‘come to her senses’ and help him and the dying members of their family. and while she did help in some ways, it was more or less because her wrath saw no end to its claim. 
tw death. nethyra burned battles to the ground in her anger and pain. but even she couldn’t stop the death of her original siblings, watching as they fell one by one. and despite their betrayal, she fell into anguish because of it. especially when she watched her twin brother seemingly die on the battlefield. 
she flew away from the scene, fighting throughout the world in her misery and her anger. she became known as the ‘nethyra endsetter’ for her ability to cause panic on any side of the war, due to the fact that she didn’t play favorites when she destroyed. 
which is why she got injured about a year ago. nethyra almost met her own fate but was thankfully taken in by a young ( ish ) werewolf. said werewolf dragged her to the pack and helped her recover from her wounds. it was only then that nethyra realized whose pack it was. an original werewolf’s. namely, the one with the fabled human lover. 
nethyra thought him and his pack foolish for trying to create peace and saving all lives, regardless species. but over time, the dragon watched as the pack’s deeds were done, and how the werewolf’s human lover fought beside him in an act of love despite the backdrop of hate. and it very slowly changed her view of the world and her hand in its affairs, not that she would admit it so openly. when the original werewolf planned on making the sanctuary in rome, nethyra followed - for better or worse - as a faithful friend of his. despite being conflicted about marrying an enemy, or officially ‘settling down.’
the light of the horizon.
nethyra was a brat that never grew up, until she had no one else left to take care of her mess. when her siblings died, so too did most of her selfish ways and her ‘thirst for fun,’ which is how the original werewolf and his pack managed to convince her to start looking for a deeper connection to this world than simply creating chaos. 
she’s sharp-witted, sarcastic, teasing, venomous. she can be your friend one minute, and knock you down a size or two the next. she’s also very guarded because of her family’s betrayal and because of the trauma she faced on the battlefield after barely waking. regardless of her ways, nethyra deeply loved her family and genuinely cares about her people. so to see them fall was a sight that brought her melancholy and guilt. 
even in their ‘human skin,’ dragons can manipulate fire. nethyra is known for hers, particularly because of her chaotic soul and rage. 
in her dragon form, nethyraelyss is a giant amongst dragons. so too is her twin brother. original dragons are the size of mountains. paired with their strength, their power, and their near invincibility, the sight of one on your enemy’s side would make anyone fearful.
nethyra just actually wants love and acceptance and family and she’ll never fucking say that but rip she does. 
she is bisexual, biromantic.
she currently works as a TBD. 
whispers of new faces ( wcs ).
her twin brother 
the werewolf that saved her after her injuries ( on the main )
dragons she knew before her ‘long slumber’ 
enemies of hers during/after/before the war ( maybe one that killed her sibling/s )
people who hate her because of what she’s done 
friends / acquaintances 
her neighbor here in rome 
someone who wanted to be married to her but they weren’t paired 
exes / ex flings 
someone who broke her heart long ago
current flings / one night stands 
loyal followers of hers? they act like she’s some kinda god like they did in olden days
unrequited crush on her 
someone she is protective of for w/e reason
or w/e your damn hearts desire pls msg me w/ ideas!
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mountphoenixrp · 4 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                     Amari Hotaru, who is known by no other name;                                     a 22 year old son of Susanoo.                        He is a swimming instructor at Zero to Hero                                              and host at Sakura.
FC NAME/GROUP: Yeo Changgu/Yeo One (PENTAGON) CHARACTER NAME: Amari Hotaru AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 22 Years/March 27, 1998 PLACE OF BIRTH: Shodoshima, Japan OCCUPATION: Swimming Instructor at Zero to Hero/Host at Sakura DEFINING FEATURES: - Somehow almost always smells like the ocean. - Tall, tanned, fit, and smiley :)
PERSONALITY: Boyish, friendly, upbeat, and kind, Hotaru is a reflection of all the love he was given growing up. The easiest way to explain it being that his mother, uncle, and aunt had poured so much love into him, that at some point, all that warmth and tenderness brimmed over and spilled out into the world in the forms of compassion and care. He’s a whirlwind of joy, excitement, and best intentions. If someone were standing in the park with a “free hug” sign, not only would he take a hug, but he would join them in offering free hugs himself. If someone was caught in the rain without an umbrella, he would hand his own over to them, no problem. If someone showed up at his door in the middle of the night with nowhere to go, you bet your ass, he would take them in, and give them his bed in a heartbeat. Some would say that he’s a bit of an extreme altruist, others would call him extremely naive.
Despite the fact that he’s almost exasperatingly positive about everything, he can be just as insufferable when his feelings are hurt. He’s got a little flair for the dramatics especially when his feelings are hut. If it’s sunny out and there’s a sudden downpour, chances are Hotaru had his heart broken again. Or he watched another tragic show or movie. But he bounces back fast. Never one to dwell on his negative emotions for longer than a couple of days unless he’s really hurt. He’s an expressive person, an open book, wears his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see. He’s a little lovesick too. Love crazy at times with how he has a new(unrequited) crush every other week despite his better judgement. And a little chaotic with some of the poorer decisions that he makes. Overall, he’s a good person, but a little bit of guidance wouldn’t hurt him either.
HISTORY: tw: mentions/heavy implications of chronic illness, mental illness, and suicide.
Hotaru’s childhood had been a happy one. He had grown up healthy, taken care of, and though he couldn’t have everything he asked for, he knew he was loved. Now that he’s older, he can appreciate how lucky he was. He was given more than what some others get. Yet, that doesn’t change the face that there’s still a handful of things he wishes could’ve been different.
Though his mother did have a presence in his life, she wasn’t the one who raised him. As soon as he was born, she had given him over to her adoptive brother and his wife. The reasoning behind this decision only ever being hinted to him through cryptic words that skirted around the entire truth. It wasn’t until Hotaru was well into his teens that he learned why exactly.
“Your mother… Isn’t well, Hotaru…” his uncle had explained to him when he’d asked the first time. “She’s doing her best to get better, but right now she can’t take care of you… Hopefully when you’re older and she’s feeling good again, you can go on to live with her.” And that was that.
His uncle and aunt had taken him in without any fuss though. They treated him like their own, but made it clear to him that they weren’t taking his mother’s place in his life or trying to keep him from her. He was allowed to see her most weekends and she visited him as frequently as she could during the summer and winter.
Years later, when Hotaru is ten, the offer to live full-time with his mother arises. Naturally, Hotaru is eager and excited. He jumps on the opportunity without really thinking about it. Not that he doesn’t love his aunt and uncle, but his childhood wishes to be with her as much as possible finally comes true. Just as naturally, his aunt and uncle are apprehensive, but they’re supportive nonetheless. The couple couldn’t be any happier for the mother and son duo and wished them all the best.
Come the next summer, Hotaru’s mother whisks him away from his hometown and out to her modest apartment in Tokyo. The city is very different from what he’s used to, but with his mother by his side, he adjusts to everything well. The next few years are happy ones. He makes so many good memories with his mother that at times, he can hardly remember any of the heartache and pain that comes next.
He’s thirteen, when things start to change. His mother’s mood shifts and Hotaru finds himself helplessly watching as she withdraws from the world and him along with it. When he asks her if she’s alright, she dismisses his concerns with a gentle smile and a ruffle of his hair. “I’m alright,” she would say or, “Don’t worry about me, I’m just a little stressed.” Every time she does, he so desperately wants to believe in her words, but he knows deep down that there’s something she’s not telling him.
Around the same time, his powers start making themselves known, but he brushes them off as coincidences and they’re more or less shoved to the back of his mind. He has other things to worry about and worry he does. Between then and now, things get progressively worse and worse. It’s not until he gets his uncle and aunt involved that things improve again, but the relief and happiness is short lived.
He’s fifteen years old when he comes home from a swim meet, his aunt and uncle in tow, the older couple chatting with him about school and congratulating him on the silver medal he wears around his neck. When he calls out into the apartment to greet his mother and receives no response, but he dismisses it. Figures his mother is still resting in her room. But there’s an unnerving stillness in the air, like the calm before a storm, and Hotaru can’t shake the feeling that something’s wrong. He tries to keep his cool though, chuckles a little nervously when his aunt and uncle give him a worried look before going off to check on his mother.
The couple watches as he disappears around the corner and over to her bedroom calling out for her once more before he stops mid sentence and something thuds to the ground. They glance at each other. The scream that they hear next is so loud and so heart wrenching and so pained that it stuns them for a minute before they’re rushing after him.
The scene that they come across next is surreal. Hotaru collapsed to the ground in a fit of inconsolable tears and anguished cries hunched over his mother’s lifeless body. For as long as they’d known the boy, he’d never made a sound so heart breaking in his life. It shakes them up even more. Outside, thunder cracks in the distance and there’s a sudden downpour, but the only storm they can focus on is the whirlwind of grief that comes next.
After the funeral and his mother’s cremation, Hotaru moves back home and he isn’t himself for a long time. Years of counseling, therapy, and the support of his family help him along the way and he’s better for it, but there’s something fundamentally different to him regardless.
On his eighteenth birthday, his aunt, uncle, and a few friends gather together at the beach to celebrate. It’s a happy occasion, but he can’t help but wish for his mother’s presence there. The very same night, after returning home for the evening, his uncle pulls him out to the back porch and hands him one last gift. A modest sized box with an elegant looking envelope on top. There’s a bit of weight to it and when he opens it, it reveals a series of black journals. He flips the envelope over to see it addressed to him with his mother’s handwriting on the back of it. The young man looks up in confusion and his uncle explains.
“She wanted you to have these when you were sixteen, but we thought that it would be too soon after…” he pauses, eyes glossing over with tears that he does his best to blink away. He clears his throat, “I’m not sure what’s in the journals, but she wrote them all for you to read when you were old enough to understand… But read the letter first. There’s something important in there that she wanted you to know, I think.” He wishes the demigod another “happy birthday” before going to bed for the evening.
Hotaru sits there in the dark for a while, twirling the letter by its corners tentatively while he debates opening it like his uncle insisted. It’s a while before he can muster up the will, but he eventually does and the contents of the letter leave him speechless. He’s not sure whether the line of, “You’re a demigod, Hotaru,” holds any truth to it at first, but his doubts disappear when he manages to stop a sudden rain shower with nothing but a wish. Of course, he repeats it a few times for good measure, but the action confirms his mother’s words to be true.
After putting himself through university and earning himself a degree in honor of his uncle and aunt’s wishes, he was finally able to set off to the place his mother encouraged him to go to in her letter. He’s twenty-two when he arrives at Mount Phoenix and despite not knowing entirely what he’s there for, he’s looking forward to the new atmosphere and learning more about this side of his heritage.
PANTHEON: Japanese CHILD OF: Susanoo POWERS: Can summon and control storms for a short time. They are particularly powerful near oceans and salt water restores their energy.   STRENGTHS: He’s compassionate, kind, and caring, a good swimmer, all around good human. WEAKNESSES: Attractive people, sad animes, his own emotions, a little chaotic, cares a little too much sometimes.
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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@monsieur-de-paris​ said:  1, 3, 38
The Be Honest Meme (Still accepting! Already answering 1, 3, 31, and 38)
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1. What would prevent you from following someone?
I answered this already here. :)
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
Ooh, I have a few. In no particular order:
- Blogs where the rules, muse info, and mun info are not easily accessible. If I have to click around various moving icons to find what I think a rules page should be, I’m less inclined to want to engage. I prefer rules on pages (and linked in a pinned post) to a google doc but I can use either. I just hate when the blog layout is so stylized that this information is not easily found.
- Replies with gifs. I’m not terribly picky about icons (especially for canon characters. And for OCs that don’t use a canon FC, I understand that it can be difficult to have enough icons with their expressions), but I dislike gifs in replies just because it causes my feed to load slowly.
- Writing styles that are just difficult to read. Double small text, multiple spaces between words, etc. I prefer third person past tense for my own writing but I won’t hold anyone to that, but I need to be able to read posts and replies.
- Self-deprecating attitudes when it comes to writing. It’s hard to be confident all day, every day, in your skills and portrayal but I see more and more blogs insisting they’re terrible to the degree of “I don’t know why people stick around for my trash writing but thank you!” It’s your muse and your interpretation. Own that shit! Because no one will be a bigger cheerleader for your muse and your writing than you. 
- Shyness in being afraid to reach out. Approaching new people is not easy, but the more you don’t even try to send memes, reach out in messages or discord, or find some other way to interact, the less likely you’ll get interactions. It’s flattering to be approached, for sure, but the trend of being so shy and afraid of others to reach out needs to stop. We’re all nerds writing about fictional characters we love. 
- Sending anon hate. I don’t think any more needs to be said about this.
- Unless the muse is a Danganronpa canon character, automatic friendship and knowledge about my muse without plotting first. I know there’s the various memes that go around to the likes of “We don’t need to write our characters meeting for the first time!” or “Let me know straight up if our characters can ship!” I like growing those bonds throughout threads, especially if I’m writing with a canon character from a different fandom. Everyone portrays their muses differently and my muse may not react the same way to one portrayal of a muse versus another. Of course, chatting OOC and plotting can help streamline this process along but it’s more of an annoyance when it comes out of nowhere, because first meeting interactions aren’t terribly popular.
- When muns tag long IC posts with a trigger warning (specifically because it’s a long post). For me, my favorite type of long post to see on my dash are long IC posts, in contrast to images, gifsets, memes, etc. I get it if long posts just make the feed more difficult to load, but why should writing length be a trigger?
38.  What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
This could go two ways, being new to RP in general or being new to Tumblr RP. So I’ll try to go over both!
- If you’re interested in playing a canon muse, know that muse and their fandom very, very well. Play their games, read their books, watch their shows. If it’s a popular fandom, you will likely be interacting with other muses from that fandom who will expect it from you. If not, you might just sell other muns on checking out your fandom by your portrayal!
- Unless you’re confident you can handle it, do not take on too many muses at once. Doubly so if you’re in a popular fandom(s). Keeping up with threads, sending asks/memes, doing promotion, queueing content...that all takes a significant amount of time, not to mention writing for several different characters and voices. Start with one and see how it goes, maybe try a test muse here and there (maybe with a meme prompt?). If you’re able to keep up with it all, then make a second blog or add more muses. It’s easy to get overwhelmed fast when you’re just excited to RP for the first time and want to try everything all at once.
- Lurk. Lurk where you want to be roleplaying. If that’s tumblr, go through the applicable RP tags for your intended blog (Are you indie or wanting to join a group? What about fandom? If you’re writing an OC, which sorts of fandoms or mediums do you want to write them in?). Get a feel of not only what muses are out there, but some of the more accepted conventions of tumblr roleplaying: see how others set up their about pages, their rules, their verses, etc. Find out how people are interacting (plotted starters? memes? spontaneous asks?). It’s easy to sign up for an account but I’d recommend spending some time researching how different platforms approach roleplay. When I started on tumblr for both indie and group RP, accounts like @rpedia​ were very helpful.
- Decide, at least to start, what your rules, limits, and interests are. Maybe you’re underage or just not interested in smut, make sure that’s in your rules. Maybe there’s a fandom you don’t want to interact with, make sure to list it. Are you only interested in one-liner responses or do you want to write multiple paragraphs (or both!)? How quickly do you want to respond to threads? And if you want to participate in shipping, that’s a whole different set of things to consider. Before jumping into the tags, threads, and reaching out to people, having at least the beginnings of your rules, your muse info, your mun info (age and mun name/pronouns as the bare minimum), and possibly your verses should be available for potential partners to peruse. 
- But still be flexible. Your rules can change and your interests can change. This happened to me with my shipping preferences and I’ve updated my rules over time to reflect that. I’d also add ‘Be open-minded’ to this as well: interact with muses from other fandoms and OCs. Try new friendships and possibly romantic relationships you might not have considered for your muse when you decided to write them. I’ve found that being open to all sorts of interactions brings some fantastic muses, writers, and often friends into your life.
- Do not be discouraged when you’re first starting out and don’t have too many interactions. Especially if you’re writing an OC, a canon character in an unpopular fandom, or you’re just plain new to the RP scene (in general or on any platform). It takes awhile to appear in the tags and to grow your network. Post drabbles, post headcanons, follow accounts you want to write with, and don’t be afraid to reach out to potential muns. For the most part, many of us are very easygoing because we know what it’s like to start in this hobby!
- If someone says they do not want to write and/or ship with you, do not take it personally. They may not care for your muse, your fandom, your writing style, your portrayal, your content, or just the ship in general. You, the mun, are writing your muse the way you want to and there’s nothing wrong or bad about it, but it might just not work for the other person. There are always plenty more people to write and ship with. But there’s no use getting angry, begging for them to change their mind, or worse, slander them on your writing platform (or off it). Just take it in stride.
- And most importantly, read (and watch and play, but especially read) and write. It is very easy to get writer’s block or just feel like you cannot match someone’s length. But I suggest writing something you want to read, and how to do that is to read something you want to read and practice, practice, practice. I find movies, TV shows, and most games can give great plot ideas, but when it comes to putting those ideas into words? Nothing beats the written or audio word. You don’t have to immerse yourself in anything particularly highbrow that’s found in a lit class, either. Just indulge in writing styles, plots, and characters that inspire you and your muse, and then just write. Drabbles, headcanons, replies, starters, writing frequently keeps you in good practice. That might be every day, that might be every week, but the more you keep doing it the more it’ll improve. And then it’ll feel less like a chore.
- But that being said, take a break when RP is more of a chore than it is fun. You might be burnt out on a variety of things, but don’t forget to tell your partners!
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Flora Azalea Devereaux
FC: Charlize Theron Age: 30 and up Status: Switch Fav kinks: TBT Bio:
triggers: Cult Life, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, drugs/Alcohol, Adultery, overdose, Death.
Flora Azalea Devereaux was born in New Orleans to Owen and Magnolia Devereaux, on May 23rd. The second child of four kids and certainly the one that had the biggest dream. She wanted to be a country star, she wanted to share her gift with the world. It wasn’t her only dream, she also wanted true love. She imagined her prince coming along and they would share love’s first kiss, she wanted love and prayed for it. However, when you grew up in a church like Precious Glory Ministry. Love and dreams weren’t high on the list, not in the eyes of Pastor Gregory Stone. Pastor Stone considered himself God’s prophet and interpreter of god’s will.
The parishioners had roles and those roles were god’s command. Men worked in the fields, built homes, and took wives. The women served the men by cooking, cleaning, and bearing their children. Pastor Stone was allowed to sleep with any wife he wished, no questions asked. The children treated him as a second father and follow his commands without question. As the church grew, Pastor Stone moved them to bigger land in the middle of nowhere- away from prying eyes.
People started to pull away from the ministry, families leaving in the night and others told to leave and never come back. Owen and Magnolia were planning to leave for years, saving money, hoarding provisions, and planning their escape. It was Pastor Stone’s interest in Flora and Rose that finally set things in motion. Flora was fourteen and Pastor Stone turned his attention towards her particularly. Flora felt very uncomfortable with his advances but knew if Pastor Stone wouldn’t take no for an answer. His words, “But God wants me to have you,” were burned in her brain. The night before Pastor Stone took Flora as his new wife, The Devereaux’s fled and left no trace.
Shreveport, Louisiana. A small farmhouse with just enough lands for a family to build a life. It took some time but The Devereaux found a new church to call home. Flora’s life change drastically, she finally had a chance to follow her dreams. She started to sing in the church choir and one of the churchgoers happen to be in the country music business. He told her about a band he was putting together and they needed a lead singer. They were looking for a younger sound and Flora had what they were looking for. When they hit the road, Magnolia tagged along and took Rosie with her. She wanted to spend some time with the band and make sure Flora felt comfortable. A few months in she headed back home and left Flora in the new chaperone's hands.
Paul and Avery became her best friends, they were a couple years older and treated her like a kid sister. They were extra protective of her, once they realize just how innocent she truly was. “You never snuck a drink, not even once?” Avery asked in disbelief. Flora explained that she didn’t lie, cheat, steal, or do anything the lord frowned upon. She believed in preserving her body with prayer and being optimistic about the people around her, “Oh Paulie we have so much work to do.”  Flora stood her ground for some time but decided the Lord would forgive her. She prayed about it and decided to try drinking and smoking, which was the start of it all. 
After a year, the band finally had a huge break. Baby Girl broke charts and thrust the band into the public eye. Their first huge event was a country music festival in Louisiana, Flora was excited because that meant her family could come and see the band perform. The set was a hit and Flora met many people but only one stuck, a man by the name of Russell Fabray. He was charming, handsome, and older. They spent the whole after party talking before slipping away. Against her better judgment, she slept with Russell that night, behind the garden. Russell assured her that everything would be alright. “We’re going to marry and no one has to know.” And she believed him.
During their first tour, Russell would come out to meet her. They would spend every minute together between rehearsals. When Flora found out she was pregnant, she called Russell and that is when he told her about Judy and his family. Flora was pissed and she avoided him for a while but he worked his way back in. He surprised her on tour one night and they decided to continue seeing each other.
Flora bought the place next to her parent’s house, wanting to be close once the twins were born. She continued to tour while pregnant and decided to distance herself from the party scene. The withdrawals were hard and she came clean to her family, telling them about her drinking and drug problem. Marmee helped her get clean and went with her on the remainder of her tour. A lot of arguing but Marmee held strong and Flora stayed clean, unlike her friend Avery who never slowed down. One night after a show, Avery went out to a party. Paul and Flora opted for sleep, “Sure, thank you for everything.”
The next morning, Paul and Flora got the news about Avery. After a night of partying she went back to her hotel room and overdosed. Before she took her life, she wrote down everything on her mind- which broke Paul and Flora both. Avery wrote a song for them and told them to go on and take a piece of her with them. The song was kept secret and Flora kept a copy with her as a reminder.
Sugarland took a long break, neither of them had much inspiration to continue. Flora got a chance to bond with her new family. Twins were hard work at home and she couldn’t imagine newborns on the road. Avery and Daniel Fabray, they were perfect in every way and Flora’s motherly instincts kicked in. She needed to keep them safe from the world- even if her own world crumbled around her. She got back into drugs and booze to cope, “You will not keep them on teet I hope.”
“I have a problem but I’m not stupid.” Flora had switched them both to formula, keeping her children safe and clean.
Three years they stayed away from the stage before coming back. Paul and Flora were both heavy into drugs and booze at this point, but it didn’t impact their ability to perform. They continued to write music, tour, and grow into superstars.
It was hard being a mom on the road with a boyfriend who didn’t seem to care enough. He refused to divorce his wife and Flora was tired of fighting, so, she just used him for sex. This is how they ended up with a third child and more obligations that attached them. They had full-on fistfights when both were drunk and on the sauce, moments that Flora was not proud of. She knew her kids saw it and it affected them a lot but Flora is proud to say she never once hit her children. Russell on the other hand did and that is when she beat the living snot out of him.
One night the fighting got worse and the police were called. Flora and Russell were both arrested and Marmee kept them in there. She took care of the kids and bailed them out in the morning, and that is when Flora decided to get clean and kick his sorry ass to the curb.
This meant Sugarland was taking another break. Paul got married, got sober, and started his own family. Flora stayed in Louisiana, checked herself into rehab and got clean.
Two years later, Flora and Paul were back in the studio. She wrote ‘Stay’ and confessed all in an exclusive interview with the morning show. She laid it all out on the line and was transparent about everything, no scandal if you admitted to it. The secret had been well kept, the family knew about it but kept it hush-hush. Russell and Flora were always honest with the kids, they knew everything anyway. Hard not to when your parents fought about it all the time. After the interview hit, she suffered a lot of backlash but things turned out okay in the end.
Flora used religion to help her through, going back to church with new eyes. She hated what she had become and she had a lot of apologizing to do. She got her chance when Judy Fabray came to her door and invited her in. They talked a lot and bonded over Russell Fabray, “I take responsibility too, I knew about you and I kept seeing him.” Turned out that Judy knew about her too but said nothing, afraid of the shame it would bring. 
Over the next few years, Russell continued to show up in her life. She had just relapsed and she was feeling needy and there he was. By this time he was divorced, so she didn’t feel horrible about jumping him. “Get out,” But he didn’t let him stay longer than the weekend, “The kids are coming home for vacation and I don’t want you near them.” Both of them had been snorting and shooting back drinks all day. So when Flora told Russell to leave he snapped and beat the hell out of her. While she came in and out of consciousness, he forced himself on her before running away. She laid on the floor for twelve hours before her daughter Avery found her and called for help.
Flora went back to rehab and this time she stayed clean. She was stronger and ready to live her life and it got better. Russell got a five-year sentence for his crimes, she wished it was longer but she’d take it. She could truly focus on her career now, clean, sober, and she could do it with a friend.
Paul had come back into her life and asked if they were ready to kick things off. “Baby, let’s do this.”
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arnorcttos · 5 years
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( ludovico tersigni + 22 + muse 59 ) isn’t that apollo amoretto over there? i heard HE joined faction: nomads after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip to terrorize his peers. hopefully they fit in there – they’re ADROIT, but also INDELICATE. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine. ( james, she/they, 20, EST )
okay hi i’m james and this is my baby apollo, who is actually a brand new spankin’ muse of mine so !! we’ll see how this goes b/c i’ve literally never rp’d him before !! and i’ll b frank. his background is inspired by logan in veronica mars. sue me. actually don’t i’m already in college debt but sudfjkfg PLEATHE plot w/ him. leave a like. two likes. that’s not even possible. i may change his fc in the future b/c like ... i’m currently making his gif icons as i go and to b frank ,,, it’s rly hard sdjfkgh but i love him. so we’ll see. sdjnfkmgh
a e s t h e t i c s
fingers across keyboards and piano keys, m&m’s scattered, vintage gaming consoles and tangled wires, worn vans and broken skateboards, banging of drums and splintering drumsticks, deep rhythms beating with your heart, the hum of a hefty computer and the buzz of a monitor, green text against black screens, unruly hair unkempt, flannels filling closets, bloody baseball bats, posters lining up and down walls, loud punk music shaking the walls, glares and whispers, the suffocation that comes with loneliness, pills rattling in their bottles, unmade beds.
general info !!
full name: apollo casimir amoretto
nickname(s): caz, polly, lover boy, 2000 (b/c of his screen names lmaoo)
b.o.d. - january 31st, aquarius boi
label(s): the escapist, the hellion, the insurgent, the netizen, etc. etc.
height: hitting 6′0″
hometown: west ham, kansas !
sexuality: bi...? fucking. it’s pride month ofc he’s bi.
his stats are TBD but his pinterest is HERE !
biography !!
cristian amoretto and camilla silvestri had a romance that could be described turbulent at best, and down right explosive at worst
cristian, a native italian actor whose career began before he could walk, and camilla, the daughter of two italian immigrants with big dreams in a small town, met on the set of a coffee shop. their love story began quickly, dating within only a few months of knowing each other and engaged before the year was up
camilla walked down the aisle 6 months pregnant with lil’ baby apollo, who was then born in west ham, kansas, aka the town that camilla’s family had settled in
was raised primarily by his mother and grandparents! his father was often off shooting movies, leaving camilla to take on the role of stay-at-home mom despite her own dreams of making it big as an actress
apollo grew up as a huge momma’s boy -- i mean, god, he just really loved this mother, y’know? his relationship with his father was much rockier because of his ... lack of being around.
when his grandparents died around the age of eight, that’s when things got...worse. it felt as if camilla’s parents were the only barrier between camilla and cristian’s budding wrath.
it became more apparent that cristian was not meant for the family life, his anger quick and his fists quicker, stinging words and venomous glares. a control freak who couldn’t handle camilla being an independent woman.
this wasn’t apparent to the neighbors, or much of the town in general, because the amorettos were such a prominent family up in their mini-mansion in oak ridge -- it was hard to imagine that their life was anything but exquisite and dreamlike.
this was, of course, up until camilla filed for divorce and a restraining order in the same day, face bruised and nearly unrecognizable. she, obviously, got custody of apollo.
at this point in time, apollo was fourteen and...pretty stoked for them to get away from his father. they holed up in southside and life continued as normal. for the time being. gossip swarmed apollo at school surrounding the circumstance which was annoying, to say the least. it led to him becoming withdrawn from the other students, not getting the whole ... gossip appeal.
in hindsight, they should’ve moved out of west ham. death threats in the form of letters and the eerie feeling of eyes constantly being on them came to a halt on apollo’s graduation day: the day that his father also, coincidentally, murdered his mother.
for making me miss out on years of my son’s life, was cristian’s excuse as he was escorted from the bloody crime scene at their apartment and into the police car.
obviously, cristian was convicted and sentenced to prison. apollo still has dreams about testifying in court against his father.
and then apollo became known not as the son of two celebrities, but the son of a murderer. total bummer !
became even more withdrawn and almost dropped out of college a few good times! the only thing that kept him rooted to west ham was his band.
and now he can’t leave, and he’s surrounded by people who all look at him weird and he feels like they’re all expecting him to be like his father, and he’s not, but god -- when people expect you to be one way, it’s so hard to act otherwise. it’s just not a good time !
pretty much why he went on the service trip tbh ... like, y’know ... if ppl want to believe that he’s just as bad as his dad then damn ! he was gonna wreck sm havoc on the trip, just being an absolute nuisance. 
personality !!
his main focuses are computers / video games, drums / his band, and like ... skating ... vaping ... gamer things, y’know.
from a young age he’d always been very fascinated by video games, and being the Rich Boi (tm) that he was, ended up with a whole lot of them to play, on a whole bunch of consoles.
but like ... he’s a PC guy :/ he may have a super rare nintendo 64 console or two but nothing can beat his dual-monitor set up with his hand-build computer !
he also got real into hacking, y’know, just small things like watching security cameras in different cities and occasionally changing his grades b/c like ... who wouldn’t ? also ... cheated in dark souls. fucking loser.
his favorite games to play were always multiplayer games online like WoW and overwatch so !! he’s pretty fucking mad he can’t play them anymore. like. so mad. genuinely furious. he’s been trying to hack his way into like ... wifi or something dumb, ever since they got stranded in new west ham, but he’s had no luck !
he joined a band in high school because he was angsty and young, and like, turned out to be really good on drums ?? they had like ... some real big jimmy eat world / green day / say anything / old school fall out boy vibes. just a whole bunch of ‘fuck the government, fuck the authority, anarchy, rebellion, revolt revolt revolt’ angry rock music that got a buuunch of noise complaints during practice.
his role in the band was essentially the ~nerdy~ one, because he was a gamer, but like he was also Edgy and Angry and wore all black like Constantly (he still does who are we kidding)
probably paints his nails black and has a nose ring b/c gamers can be edgy too !!
huuuuuge junk food junkie. like ... he will consume Everything and Anything unhealthy. has a huge sweet tooth, he can’t remember the last time he’s drank straight up water.
but like ... he’s a loner pretty much. only friends he really bothered keeping were his bandmates and like ! half of them went missing along with the rest of the town so ! he’s feeling a lil’ lost
but not lost enough to do Nothing, y’know ?? coming back to west ham to an empty town awoke his little baby survivalist in him, probably due to a lot of survival games he played online, and he immediately took over his old home in oak ridge ! it was pretty much rotting there with his dad in jail, but not anymore !!
has also probably broken into a few homes already tbh b/c he’s just. ruthless. impulsive. if it feels like the end of the world then he’s yolo’ing, he’s peace-ing out, u cannot stop him.
uuhhh so he’s got this fucking...pomsky, right? her name is tulip. she was camilla’s before she passed away and like, what is apollo gonna do, huh ? put the dog in a shelter ? hell fucking nah. that’s his dog now.
unfortunately tulip isn’t the most .... tough looking dog. apollo set up a bunch of fucking speakers around the property of his dad’s house and plays large barking noises whenever somebody gets too close, just to ward off intruders, but like ... there’s no fucking big dogs man. it’s just apollo and tulip.
this isn’t like a Personality Trait but idk where to put it so ! apollo’s on antidepressants b/c like ... y’know ... the whole dad-murdering-mom thing sort of fucked him up a lot ! they make him feel pretty blah and diminished his sex drive so like ... hook ups aren’t really an option for him atm !
besides that he smokes a lot of weed b/c self medication
he’s ... sort of an asshole. like ... he can be rude and he doesn’t have much of a filter and i don’t know if there’s any softness left to him ! he just really misses his mom and his bandmates and has a lot of wishes involving changing the past and he reacts badly to things because he’s so defensive and on edge constantly.
he misses twitter the most, tho.
no but he’s just like. .. sad gamer boi ... a man and his dog ... who also carries like five knives on him and definitely knows where his dad kept his gun.
like he’s not socially awkward or necessarily Bad with people .. he’s just bad with people :/ doesn’t try hard enough ! is a little too apathetic ! chaotic to true neutral
wanted connections !!
i envision his band to have like ... four or five members including him. two guitar electric guitar, one bass, one drums / keyboard, any of them singing idk that’s not important. and since two of them have Disappeared, i’d like the One (or two) that Remains ! anarchy boys !
generally .. anybody else who is tryn to survive, that maybe he can bond with or completely clash with ??
i’d love enemies, just ppl he Refuses to get along with or they are just on bad terms for whatever reason
people he’s trying to not ! not get along with ! but it just doesn’t work out b/c like ... lbr, apollo’s pretty bad with other people.
just any falling outs.
uuhh ... maybe a few somewhat-friendships ! like... awkward acquaintances
ppl he knew primarily from high school / haven’t spoken to since
maybe one or two ppl who’s soft towards him or he’s soft towards or vice versa b/c like ! i’ll b real .. it’s pretty nice to have !
ex-flings, ex-somethings, ex-gfs, bfs, anything from the past.
hookup gone bad b/c he couldn’t get it up b/c antidepressants be like that (this is based off of a true story can we get a sad yeehaw in here)
gaming pals from before no wifi.
skater buds. vaping buds. b/c i can confirm that apollo owns like three juuls. stoner buds.
someone he’s like ... hesitantly forming an alliance with b/c sometimes it’s easier when you have someone on ur team ! b/c then drama when one of them betrays the other uwu
somebody trying 2 break into his house b/c u Know it’s got some good shit in there but he’s just like ‘alexa play dogs barking audio’ and then ur muse is like ... there’s no fucking dogs
juul pod dealer. that’s all.
i’m down for anything rly !! pleathe hmu !!
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⌜   LYRICA OKANO, GENDERFLUID, SHE / THEY / HE   |   nightmare by halsey, sanguine, the stepford child   ⌟    ⏤   blink and you’ll miss MORGAN ANTONIA STARK, the TWENTY TWO year old child of TONY STARK & PEPPER POTTS ! they’re an UNDERGRAD student at paragon academy, and i’ve always found them to be pretty SELF SACRIFICING & SELF MADE, though i’ve heard that they can also be really INSCRUTABLE & OBSTINATE. i don’t think getting their way is a smart thing to do - everyone knows that their power is GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT & LATENT EXTREMIS VIRUS. you can check out their pinterest board HERE or their stat page HERE ! 
i am MONUMENTAL with a heart of glass,      and hands made of stone. ( touch me ). touch me.
SECTION ONE OF TWO : BULLETPOINT HISTORY trigger warning for infant sickness & ( teen ) pregnancy
march 30th, 1996 ; morgan antonia harold stark enters into the world by c section at exactly 6:59 am, three weeks before their due date. like most parents in their position, tony and pepper like to joke that morgan couldn’t wait to see the world - it adds a touch of humor to otherwise stressful memories, of a difficult pregnancy and extended time on bedrest. it brings a chuckle, no matter how small, even during those early years.
they’re a sickly child. it seems predetermined. anything that could be wrong very often was ; starting with influenza contracted aged six months, which leads into an extended stay in the icu due to contracted pneumonia. there’s something wrong ; a genetic condition, a primary immune deficiency that means anything they can catch, they do. their parents do their best to make sure that they’re kept up to date on their vaccinations, that they stay away from crowded spaces during cold season - but they contract meningitis when they’re five, and the resulting virus very almost kills them. treatment, after, is rigorous. neither tony nor pepper want to lose them.
by extension, they’re also a very SHELTERED child. their parents are over protective by nature, and they allow it, no matter what seeds of resentment begin to grow, in those earliest years. they know that they only want the best for them, that they only want to see them right - they know that their father isn’t scared of anything as much as he is afraid of losing any of them, and they know that their mother isn’t all that different. they wish that things were different, but they settle into a routine, regardless. 
to the outside world, the stark’s are the perfect family. they’re rich. they’re genetically blessed. they have EVERYTHING they could want, and they never even have to think about it. morgan is a shining jewel, from the moment that they turn around on their way into a convention center, hand in daddy’s, and wave. every so often, a story will run in the tabloids surrounding the stark kids - when the paparazzi come searching for photos, morgan always plays up for the camera. when they’re old enough, they seem to have a natural born talent for knowing what to say. they’re a stepford child in a stepford family, and they never let the image slip.
they do everything, to be perfect. to never let their parents down. to be everything that they WANT them to be, and then some. they’re in a dozen clubs. they’re on a dozen teams. they excel in school with god given talent, and they seem to be surrounded by friends, at every turn. they’re well behaved and well spoken, they know exactly how to act - and yes, over time, they become quite self obsessed. they’re told all the time how beautiful they are, how intelligent, and they have a neverending stream of people to keep them on their toes. in school, people below them think that they’re quite rude. that they’re a bitch, a rich, spoiled, stuck up kind of bitch - but the truth is, they just don’t think. they don’t go out of their way to be anything, really, and that thoughtlessness follows them.
they only let themselves slip when teenage hormones come into play. they'd never really acted upon the feeling, deep down, of pressure - they had never done anything to step over the line. there were expectations upon them and there were things that they had never been allowed to do because of who they were, but they loved their parents, and they let them have that control on their life ; they STILL did, even as they began to rebel. by day, the perfect child. by night, a steady descent. it was so painfully easy for morgan to find the party scene, and begin experimenting. alcohol and drugs, sure, but the real problem came when morgan began to discover her sexuality. they just wanted to know what it felt like, the first time that they strolled up to a boy at a party and kissed them. they just wanted to know what it felt like, the first time that they led someone upstairs. they just wanted to try it.
and then the strip turned pink. they were sixteen. they were no longer PERFECT. even if they never said it, morgan felt as if they could feel the disappointment, radiating from their parents. they scrambled to know what to do, and for a chunk of those nine months, struggled with the idea of growing up and letting go. they did what they thought was right, they found a willing family, a perfect one, and they made all the necessary arrangements to hand the baby over when the time came. and then their pregnancy got difficult, and on bedrest, they spent a lot of time simply... talking to their bump. and when they woke up after their c section, and were offered the chance to see their kid - they didn’t want to let it go. they didn’t want to say goodbye.
virginia marie stark, soon to be known as gigi, wasn’t always wanted. but all of a sudden, she was. and morgan wasn’t letting her go. 
they were terrified of disappointment, of being seen as a failure. they never told their parents that - they just moved themselves and gigi out of home, eight months after her birth, and pushed away the people they should have stayed closest with before they had the chance to do it to them. they felt like it was easier. actually, it was worse.
and they grew up. as out of bounds as it had once been thought to be - they did it, because they had to, because they realized that they could. 
im going to include the like, long ass actual wcs at the bottom, but : the father of morgan’s kid is MOST wanted, right now ! my personal favorite way that the connect could go is that gigi’s father is actually someone who was teenage morgan’s closest friend, someone who she experimented with, who she was wholly comfortable with. they probably have suspicions, but maybe don’t realize even now ! 
past flings from their teen years are ALWAYS wanted, especially since they were something that morgan really indulged in - but i’m also completely open for current flings, or more recent exes. love ? in this economy ? nah
( similarly, more info down below ) i wld love the prospective parents of gigi that morgan disappointed bc that was a dick move on all parts and wld be such juicy drama, now
definitely wld love an ex group of “”best friends”” who , y’know - were just a rich kid squad causing trouble, that morgan lost contact with / got ostracized from upon her teenage pregnancy
genuine ! friends ! made ! in ! the past ! six ! years ! the first GENUINE friends morgan ever made - preferably people she didn’t know before, but who they met and got super close with upon moving out of the fam home
oh also their older siblings - there are two spots and i wld LOVE to see them snagged because... also... drama
i think it makes most sense for morgan to be living off campus, so a roommate wld be neat - they could be one of her genuine friends, or they could b someone that they dont really know that well. open to anything ! 
MORGAN STARK, our LYRICA OKANO fc, is looking for a EX FLING / ONE NIGHT STAND / FATHER OF HER CHILD connection who looks like ALEX FITZALAN, CHANCE PERDOMO, FINN COLE, DREW RAY TANNER / PLAYERS CHOICE, who is 21 - 23. you DO have to contact prior to applying at PARABCLLUMS or DISCORD. ( one word : yikes. the thing is. the father of morgan’s kid doesn’t… know that they’re the father of morgan’s kid, though they absolutely COULD have their suspicions. i think there’s like… a bunch of directions in which this could go. once upon a time, morgan was… only the prime and proper kid of tony stark and pepper potts, and yeah - her fall from grace came in the form of a teen pregnancy. she was rebelling, and that led to her becoming a bit of a party girl. she made mistakes. she dated around. she had one wrong one night stand, and she ended up pregnant [ later giving birth to virginia marie stark, also known as gigi ]. her life was completely derailed, and when she chose not to put her kid up for adoption, it seemed only to get worse. she had no desire to derail anybody else’s life, too, so she never did. no matter what rumors were thrown around by friends or by tabloids, she never said who the kids dad was - and it really could have been anyones. a best friend. an otherwise enemy she made one bad call with. a friends boyfriend! someone she shouldn’t have been with, someone she felt something for… as i said. limitless potential. we can talk ! )
MORGAN STARK, our LYRICA OKANO fc, is looking for a JUNO STYLE connection who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE, who is 30+ YEARS OF AGE. you DO have to contact prior to applying at PARABCLLUMS or DISCORD. ( i don’t know what to call this. basically : when morgan was sixteen, she got pregnant. it was a scandal perfect for tabloids all across the world, and nothing could have outdone it - except for when she disappointed the prospective adoptive parents of her kid by backing out, upon gigi’s birth. all the way along, they would have been given the impression that morgan was going to hand over the baby to them. all the way along, she DID intend on doing so. things only changed when gigi came into the world, and morgan continues to feel horrific about what happened to this day… though she’s not really good at expressing that. )
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
I was a guest on @cerealsensei and @theanticool‘s podcast when this story broke a few weeks ago so I’m tapped out on it overall but I do have some thoughts I guess:
1- The Consumer ALWAYS wins
It may pain you (and me) to say that but it's true. If flyweight could move numbers, we'd still have the division in the UFC. Consumers, the folks who don't read stuff like this or spend hours watching podcasts about MMA but put money in the sport, never seemed to gravitate to 125 lbs. Now we can debate the hows or the whys (and I have in the past on here) but that's irrelevant now. The division didn't draw and couldn't draw. The UFC once felt safe enough to make their SECOND every FX show be built primarily around the start of the flyweight division. They once liked Mighty Mouse enough that he was their Go To draw for Fox. Others have pointed out that we're in the era where content trumps names---and the UFC thought SO little of what flyweight did bring that even in an era where nothing matters, Flyweight had to go. Think about that. Flyweight was in my opinion a bit too soon for its time (the UFC rolled it out RIGHT as they were still integrating 135 lbs and 145 lbs) and their fanbase which was still getting used to this sudden influx of smaller guys had a tough time grasping that. This, in turn, was made worse by....
2- Mighty Mouse didn't kill the division....alone.
Demetrious Johnson may be the best pound for pound fighter to ever do this wacky sport. That never mattered. It never WILL matter.  Greatness is subjective and greatness doesn't always correlate to a financial payoff in the long run. Demetrious Johnson was probably the worst of the four choices the UFC could've gotten out of their opening tournament with Joe Benavidez, Ian McCall, Demetrious and Yasuhiro Urishitani. He was already slightly unpoular for wins over Kid Yamamoto and Miguel Torres and his run through the tournament saw him beat Ian McCall twice, once in controversial fashion, and then beat Mighty Mouse in a fight that Toronto soundly booed. When he became champ, it went from "The fans will eventually like him" to "the fans will get used to him as champion" to "Well he saves shows" to finally "WeIp we're stuck with him so shut up about it!" Demetrious is in many ways a victim of what he is; an average dude who happens to be really undersized and really amazing at fighting. I always found Demetrious to be poignant talking about fighting but he never struck me (or I guess anybody else) as the sort of personality who can carry a weight class. I remember one instance where he said Dave Sholler told him he should open up more and act like how he does when the cameras aren't on him and his first "joke" to Ariel Helwani was about how the only people who fight after hours in Vegas are him and people who beat their wives. It was cringy which I guess is sort of Johnson's overall problem with fans. He was cringy to some, obnoxious to others, nerdy to most and sort of unwanted to the party by all. It was a bad marriage and no attempts could save it. They went to Washington to try and spotlight him and it fell on its face. That's painful.
Now we can address the help he had in killing this thing. The UFC didn't promote it well and then got frustrated/complacent with Demetrious Johnson. It might not have saved anything but maybe a bit more effort would've helped on the back end. They could've tried and gone down swinging but they didn't. They accepted their fate pretty quickly with this division and decided to just ride the wave until it crashed. We as fans are responsible for not vehemently pushing him the way we rally around other guys. Demetrious Johnson is our Guillermo Rigondeaux which is unfortunate because while I see a ceiling for Mighty Mouse that limits him, he shouldn't be on the same level as the dude who made "HBO executives throw up in their mouths." Demetrious' finishing rate is among the best in the UFC, especially recently, but we sort of neglected that. We also never appreciated how busy he would be while other fighters and champions disappeared for months on end. There's a value to that. Also let's not act like a lot of us didn't groan for hours on end whenever Demetrious was announced as a headliner. We were unfair to him. The MMA media which took time out to remind the world of how small or skinny or how unpopular he was didn't help either. They helped wheel the narrative along. If the head of the division is so X, Y and Z then who is he beating? They must suck too, right? And then there are dudes like John Lineker, Ian McCall, Brandon Moreno, Luis Smolka, Brad Pickett and countless others who would get a little buzz and then either get hurt, lose right after or just disappear entirely.
3- Remember the humans here.
I hate to be all "Think of the children!" but a large number of pro fighters just lost their jobs. That's a part of the fight game of course but most of them are losing these jobs due to how tall they are (or aren't). Men with families/bills/homes so on so forth are now out of work and that's awful. These are real life humans having to lose their opportunity to make money to support themselves. There's no easy fair and simple way to write that off as a minor casualty of MMA's realignment.  Take it one step further, the UFC is essentially telling smaller dudes that they don't want them anymore. Fighters in turn can look around the market and see that the other top two orgs may not be interested either. Bellator has shown zero propensity to find a way to get a 125 lb male weight class going (and I'd imagine Coker sat in those meetings and heard what was said/saw numbers) and the PFL I don't believe has a long term focus there either. Not every fighter dreams of having to fight overseas to make ends meet---so there's a good chance this move will cost MMA talent over the long haul. A lot or a little will be the question I guess but neither one is a very glamorous concept. Less fighters in the sport is a bad thing.
4- The allure of the TV fighter is gone
Even if Demetrious Johnson's numbers had shrunk to an insane degree on Fox, he was still a reliable and proven attraction. Even if audiences sampled him and decided "No thanks!", they were still getting a number out of him. In the content driven era of the ESPN deal, Mighty Mouse being able to fight a few times on ESPN Would be a pretty value draw or so you'd think. Unfortunately I think we can safely say that the draw and appeal of the free TV fighter is dead. That's a bad deal for guys who can't move numbers on PPV but can draw audiences to TV (Frankie Edgar, Donald Cerrone come to mind). Demetrious Johnson wasn't needed in an era where over 40 shows a year are going to happen. The flyweight division, home to anywhere from 30 to 50 fighters, wasn't needed in a year where the UFC will need over 20 fights to fill in the spaces they occupied. Everything is expendable currently or perhaps that's always been the case all along. This also begs the question as to whether or not ESPN had a hand in flyweights going away. Fox wanted flyweights (or encouraged it at least) and they're gone as we enter into 2019. Is this an ESPN mandate?
5- The Flyweight Division will exist in MMA so let's see who supports it.
It's fair to say that the end of the flyweight division in the UFC sucks. I would say it. It's unfair to act as if it's going away forever. In the United States, this is a dead deal. Flyweights aren't going to get picked up for a flyweight division if the leading organization in the world tried and failed. Most MMA organizations attempt to bastardize UFC ideas that work, not latch onto the failures. That said, the regional scene will be flush with flyweight fights so go out and support those orgs. Be one of those guys who hypes up Tachi Palace or a Titan FC or an LFA. If you've got a subscription service to a Fight Pass or DAZN or ONE and a flyweight fight is on, go and check it out. Don't get mad because the UFC did what you all wanted them to do and now you gotta find something new to be pissed about. If the flyweights mean that much to you then make sure to go out of your way to see them. MMA on a grander scale has never been more accesable if you want it to be.
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emmelinevxnce · 6 years
"It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for;                    I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill."
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⤷ ( jinx. pst. twenty-three. she/her. incest, eating disorders, self harm. ) wands at the ready, EMMELINE VANCE has joined the fight! the TWENTY FIVE year old works as a AUROR, but spends HER/THEIR time fighting for THE ORDER. EMMELINE is known to be RESILIENT & HARDWORKING, as well as OVERTHINKING & JUDGEMENTAL. ( fc: jessica henwick )
i’m jinx, i’ve been playing emmeline for over four years now i think? & i love her! this is long, beware, but i’m excited to be here !!
⟶ pinterest • biography ( to give a quick overview )
under the cut: abandoment mention, death mention, suicide mention, abuse mention
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: : Nikita Mears ( Nikita ), Misty Knight ( Luke Cage ), April Ludgate ( Parks and Rec ),Peyton Charles ( iZombie ), Prue Halliwell ( Charmed ), Jessica Jones ( Jessica Jones ), Sun Bak ( Sense8 )
under the cut: abandoment mention, death mention, suicide mention, abuse mention
Emmeline definitely comes off as a bit of an asshole/hardass, she was a prefect in school and she was gald to be so because she knew she held a position of power without abusing it to hurt people and she knows in times like these, that’s important. She wouldn’t say she’s a good person, mostly due to self esteem issues, but she wouldn’t say she’s a bad person either. When it comes to herself, she has a ton of insecurities, learned not to let them keep her from speaking up through years of building herself up. Not to let them fuck her up because in the end she is the only one she’s got.  People leave, and it hurts, but always expecting the worst, preparing for it, is better than being blindsided by it. Emmeline learned that the hard way when her mother, who she took care of for years even through the abuse, left Emmeline the minute she could. If her own mother left her, what would stop anyone else from it? In school, the first few years it was hard, she was constantly forcing herself to speak up but didn’t do so effectively until she got those positions of powers. One thing Emmeline ALWAYS did was stand up for other people. For herself? Not so much. Something she still struggles with now but in a less insidious way.
Speaking of her mother, halfway through her sixth year her mother left, leaving her to handle all the affairs, bills, etc. Definitely went through a stage after her mother left in her sixth year where she was lashing out at everyone around her verbally and probably didn’t apologize for it but showed she was apologetic in her actions, how she talked, and is really bad at apologizing for her own shitty behavior. Due to being a Scorpio & her upbringing, she’s bad at apologizing when she ACTUALLY does something wrong due to the shame she feels, thinking she’s acting just like her mother. She justifies it a lot, but also beats herself up about it. Emme really has grown a lot as a person since then and will continue to do so. Still, will OCCASIONALLY drink, if ever but has never smoked or done drugs in her life. She really hates being out of control in any sense, especially because of how her mother was drunk, and when she does go to events, gets really gets sort of appalled by people getting plastered and associates it with her mother. Emmeline is judgemental, but she’s able to challenge those judgements with logic, still, she’s quick to judge.
She’s so grateful for the few friends she has, especially the ones that keep her in line and challenge her. The ones who show her kindness when she needs it and she doesn’t even know she needs it. If you have Emmeline as a friend, you have Emmeline as a friend for LIFE. She’s loyal to the core, she will fight by your side ( something she’s excellent at doing with a wand ), she will die for them and show a softer, sillier side. It’s still extremely hard for her to open up and most of them didn’t know about her home life in school ( most still don’t to this day, as she hates sharing it ), though for the first six years of Emmeline coming to school, there were definitely bruises, scars, and things that could tip them off that something wasn’t quite alright. But she never ever wanted to talk about it because the pity she got after her father ended his life made things harder tenfold. She doesn’t want to be pitied, seen as weak or anything of the sort, especially by people who’s opinion she actually cares about.
Showed kindness to younger students and played wizarding chess with them, especially the ones bullied. The ones she notice may have bad home lives and no one to be there for them. Angry, is just one word to describe how she feels about the fact that Dumbledore probably knows about a majority of the hurt / bullying that goes on in and out of Hogwarts and doesn’t seem to do a damn thing about it – so she figures taking matters into her own hands by at least doing something is worth a try.  It would be awesome if she had a chess partner or someone she played chess with though that was her own age. Her father played chess with her growing up, and it’sA HUGE PART of the reason why she makes an excellent strategist for the Order and why she’s an excellent dueler now.
Emmeline blossomed her seventh year being Captain of the Dueling Club. For the first few years of Emmeline’s life at Hogwarts, she was very shy, very to herself, due to the trauma of losing her father, but when she discovered her gift with dueling it helped bring out a side of Emmeline that she didn’t even know she had. To say she’s gifted would be an understatement in this area, and it’s not just natural talent, it’s hardwork, it’s dedication, it’s the fact that she feels powerful and like she can take on all of her demons when she’s wielding a wand. It’s that with having such an ability, she saw a way out of her horrible home life & a future. Something a girl who’s used to just surviving never thought she’d be able to have, It was that, combined with the fact the world was so horrible that Emmeline realized she wanted to be an Auror when she heard of the profession. She’s willing to die to make the world a better place, a part of her wants to hunt down every dark wizard that’s made this magical world WORSE and Albus Dumbledore has already approached her about joining the Order after graduation.
IF I had to pick a label for her, it would be The Dark Knight. THE DARK KNIGHT label fits Emmeline Vance because whatever it takes to make the world a better place. Each of the character influences above have bent, broken, or disregarded the law entirely to help their friends or the people in need move forward and succeed. To get what they deserve. The LAW has never helped Emmeline, it has never been on her side, it has never saved her from the hurt she’s experienced when it should’ve – so she doesn’t believe in it. Even with her being an Auror, Emmeline hopes to be able to take advantage of that power to do more than what the law dictates.  Working within the SHADOWS comes naturally to Emmeline having to be a shadow in her own home for several years, learning the benefit of quiet survival. Of quiet rebellion & quiet living. She likes to work behind the scenes to do what she needs to in this war because that’s going to be a way she survives it. It’s the way the people she cares about & those who deserve it might as well. She doesn’t like any of the attention she may get just for doing the right thing because, in her mind, doing the RIGHT THING shouldn’t be praised – it should be the standard.
This isn’t to say that Emmeline is a paragon of righteousness – maybe of her own brand of it, yes, but she doesn’t always do the right thing. Sometimes, Emmeline can do the very wrong thing thinking it is the right thing – much like many of the characters above. There’s a guilt that comes with it, one she suppresses because it’s not helpful, though it comes POURING out into the same fuel that caused her to fuck up in the first place.  There is a cost of working in the shadows, of being so self sacrificing but she’s willing to pay it if means the world is better, lighter, happier, more equal. Her life, in the grand scheme of things, means nothing compared to the good she can make by sacrificing everything for it. Even her life.  Emmeline is a fighter, a survivor, and everyone’s survival looks a little bit like death sometimes. She is not afraid to embrace the dark, to become the dark, if it means the world gains a little light.
random factz:
emmeline CAN EAT. she loves food and eats as much of it she can. her favorite food is strawberry cheesecake.
does a really good impression of mcgonagall!!!
emmeline’s sexuality is confusing, she’s probably pan/bi but all she knows is she’s not straight and is sometimes interested in sex. regarding their gender, emme has never connected to either gender, of course because it’s the 70′s, she doesn’t know of a term for what that is. frankly, she has better things to think about than something like that but the idea of talking about it is strange to her, weird. self conscious, especially. since she’s a survivor at heart, she’s learned to compartmentalize these feelings & thoughts, and will just push it away for another time when she can actually have time to think about it. to unpack it. 
emmeline speaks french and english!! she’s not connected to being part chinese at all as she really didn’t get really any education from her family about it and tbh lived in a very white area and sort of assimilated to it. she has small memories, does go to/has gone to chinese new year events and has TRIED, but feels disconnected in everything besides the food. regarding this though, her dad’s from a v important pureblood family in china, he anglonized & changed his last name for Dorcas’ and his families protection ( there was a HELLA lot going on ) & so they could start fresh somewhere.
is still learning how to be a proper human and not just survive. NEEDS HELP!! lord knows she’s got an interesting fashion sense so she tries to stick to basic colors and neutrals and some NICE BLUES.
her favorite color is tardis blue and she LOVES doctor. she does have a scarf like tom baker’s.
that’s it thank you for reading1!!! if youd like to plot, like this ill come bother you!!
wanted connections: 
give me her auror partner! or some auror partners! mentors in the auror department!
people emmeline mentor/do rounds with while in the order! 
ex flings maybe??
ex something?? emmeline is difficult but i could see her being in love/having feelings for someone given the right circumstances etc. i doubt they’d be a thing now but angst! it could be angst! emmeline probs could’ve fucked it up/broken ur characters hearrt!!
ministry shit!! emmeline working with other ppl!!
friends from school!!! give me some friends!!!
rivals!! emmeline loved dueling and tbh she’d need a hella good person to rival her tbh? 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
So I hope you’re feeling better, and have managed to cool down finally.  A year or two ago, the A/C in my apartment kept going out, to the point where finally they had to just replace the whole unit, and there were days when the temp inside would hit nearly 33 degrees (according to Google’s conversion chart.)  As someone also very much built for colder climes, I was about ready to murder someone, but that would have required too much movement and energy expenditure.  So I know just how indescribably miserable that feeling is.  (Frankly if I ended up in Eur at any point, I would probably also cave and buy some sort of A/C, too.  Give me cold over hot any day.  I can always add more layers, I can only take off so many.)  Also, I hope you’re feeling better in general after therapy, and that it was at least helpful and cathartic, if super difficult and heavy.
I’m sorry your game turned out disappointing.  I’d seen a few memes pop up on Facebook with no real context that now make a lot more sense.  I think sometimes a sequel that just doesn’t quite live up to expectations can be worse than if it’s just a trainwreck from the start, because you can visualize how it might have been if only…
I did have one more thought on the HP front (oh god, why?  how?  I was never really even in that fandom…)  I can’t remember enough details right now to be certain if Durmstrang was more generically Eastern European coded or if it was more specific to certain countries, but I thought it wouldn’t necessarily be entirely out of the question that Noah could be a student there.  Chris in Beauxbatons is a no- brainer.  And Hale is already a British last name.  Basically, what I’m saying is Tri-Wizard Tournament, except they’re fucking.  (Which given what little I know about the HP fandom, that is probably not the first time someone’s said that…)
And I see we’re just going right for the feels with that flashback, huh? XD  Why do I have the feeling that there’s going to be a corresponding scene in the current timeline as a callback that will just make it hurt even more?  (My heart says Stiles or Malia singing it to Ben, my head says anything is good, really)  And now I can look forward to imagining John’s ghost lovingly Gibbs-smacking the three of them upside the head any time they start getting angsty about how the other two feel.  Do you have any FCs for (young) Claudia or her father (I think there were already at least a couple different actresses, so I consider her fair game)?  Or Julio?  And having a visual for him now makes me think of the flashback in Ch.6 where he was treating their injuries, wondering if he and Mieczyslaw ever did go to have a “chat” with Elias, if there was a specific event that lead to that particular incident between Chris, Noah, and Elias, and where Peter was during all that (and who kept him from “helping” his father with his visit)?
Oh, one more for the sibling prank pile: when I was in high school/college, a lot of times when I’d be over at this one friend’s house, we’d be downstairs playing video games with her little sister and/or brother (by which I mean, they would be playing GoldenEye or Perfect Dark, and I would just be dying a lot because I’m beyond terrible at FPS), if we were playing music “too loud” (usually No Doubt or Garbage, or later on, AFI), her older brother would go upstairs to his room and start blasting Queen or Pink Floyd at top volume to try and drown us out, like some kind of Stereo Cold War (instead of using headphones, or asking us to turn it down, or something else logical.)  It definitely made for some interesting mash-ups, and I always had to fight down the urge to ask him “…you know we like those bands, too, right?  Like, if you’re trying to dissuade us or irritate us, you’re doing it wrong…"  Long story short, I could totally see Stiles and Jackson doing something like this, until one of their dads gets so frustrated they start blasting some of the most teenager repelling music they can think of to make them stop.  Peter: “You think this Spice Girls mix is painful?  Keep it up and you’ll learn that I know where Chris keeps the Nickleback CDs he doesn’t think we know about.”
This was originally gonna be part of my review, but I wasn’t sure how long it might get, so I saved it for one of these.  So I know in a previous chat you mentioned Peter’s wedding day was one of the happiest of his life, and I know Chris calls them his husbands, while Noah said Peter’d been “practically proposing”, so I was wondering would they be considered engaged at this point, or actually married (like, werewolf married or something)?  Because I am entirely here for some kind of ceremony once shit calms down a bit.  I can’t see Peter resisting the chance to get both his boys into fancy suits to show off just how lucky he is.  And they could work all the kids into the ceremony in different roles, all of them dressed up, too, but allowed to style it based on their personality and preferences.  Think about all the photoshoot opportunities.  Not sure who would be the best choice for officiant, because I’m not sure who may or may not have popped up by that point in the story.  I feel like the most appropriate setting (based on present knowledge) would be the Nemeton.  Second option would be the back yard of the house once it’s been rebuilt, depending how far in the future that is and how long they want to wait to make it official (Or other locations, what ever feels the most right.)  Imagine Melissa (lovingly) roasting the everloving shit out of them in a speech.  T H E  D A N C I N G…  Just, like, a huge celebration of the fact that they made it through.  And don’t forget the honeymoon…  Them at very least getting a room in some super luxe hotel, even if they don’t want to go too terribly far away because of the kids.  Champagne, huge shower stall and Jacuzzi tub, giant bed with 1000ct sheets, balcony with a hot tub, just, like, all the nicest, fanciest luxuries.   (And because I apparently can’t get enough of them teasing Peter to distraction)  At the end of the night they all stumble into the bedroom, and get Peter sitting down on a chair or bench facing the bed.  They loosely tie his wrists behind him with the tie he’d been wearing, and slowly unbutton his shirt and slide it down to wrap around them as well (they all know it hasn’t a chance of holding him, that’s not the point) before backing away out of reach and going to work on each other’s suits.  Eventually they’re down to just their necklaces, dress shirts, and an extra surprise they had made for their husband; matching Chantilly lace panties specially handwoven with a triskelion pattern (I was thinking maybe out of lilies-of-the-valley, because for some reason I felt like Peter was a May baby, and that’s the birth flower for that month, and also I feel that would curve into the Hale spirals fairly easily and nicely.  And while I like the idea that it’s traditionally black, this one has a lovely blue shift threaded through it that would look AMAZING on them), and featuring thin triple side ties made from silk in shades of blue to match their eyes (‘cause maybe he won’t rip it if he can just untie it?).  Peter’s brain would just keep blue screening and rebooting as he tried to process everything, while they turn and crawl up the bed (giving a hell of a view as they go), turning back to him as they lean up against each other, trying to mock pout through their smirks like “Won’t you join us, husband?  It’s lonely up here without you."  His shirt just ends up confetti sized shreds of white cotton (or silk?) floating gently down to the floor as he surges up the bed at literal supernatural speed so fast he almost bounces off the headboard, trying to figure out a way to tackle both of them at once.  (…Holy shit, I cannot believe I just actually wrote all that out.  Apologies if it went a little far, as per usual, I may have gotten carried away.  In my defense, speculating about it kept me from murdering the guy who decided to open and start "testing” our dog whistles because he insisted the last one he got didn’t work, so.)  Actually, that also reminds me, we know that Derek has a triskelion tattoo, do you think Peter does as well?  Or gets one at some point?  Do you think Noah or Chris would ever get one, as a sign of pack loyalty, since the Hales are the ones that took them in when their own families cast them out?  (And also, that’s definitely a mark that’s not going to fade away, but also does not carry the risk of accidental turning.)  Where would any of them have/get them?
And re: review responses, etc.  Don’t worry if you don’t want to reveal too much ahead of time.  I generally figure a lot of what I mention is stuff that has a good chance of just coming up later in the story.  I’m equally happy with the previews we do get and with waiting patiently (I swear I can) for things to be revealed in future chapters.
Oh, and the cosplay!  (Sorry, meant to mention that earlier but I got…distracted…)  If you do ever get the chance to do that one that would be amazing!  By the time I got into TW I wasn’t getting to cons very much any more, so I’ve never really seen anyone cosplaying any TW characters, at least obviously.  And we so rarely got to see any of Peter’s beta shift as it was.  I will say that the Hale boys are some of my faves for fandom inspired fashion (basically where it’s not specifically a costume and most regular people wouldn’t get it but I know.  I’ve done it with a number of characters over the years.)  I have several henleys in colors that feel appropriate to the show’s wardrobe, that if I’m in the mood I’ll pair with some dark jeans and boots or black chucks.  It lets me express my fannish inclinations with less risk of anyone getting all judge-y about it.  I, however, can’t get away with wearing them with quite as few buttons done up as they do, there tend to be laws about that sort of thing.  I also have a cute floral dress that works really well for a Lydia inspired look, and plans for similar, slightly more obvious, versions for Raven (Teen Titans) and Black Canary, should I ever manage to get to a convention again (I’m much more prone to costumes that are adaptations over exact accuracy.  Nobody wants to see me in a spandex suit, not even me.)  But yes, full support and encouragement on the cosplay!  That look is definitely one that would catch attention.
Final unexpected segue: Many, MANY years ago we carried a product at work that was an anti-mating spray (yes, that’s spelled correctly).  It was intended for unspayed females that went into heat to help keep interested males away.  Many were the customers that bought it without paying attention who thought it would help with grooming.  I just thought it was one of the funniest things I’d ever heard of, and that was long before I knew anything about omegaverse fic.  Can you imagine something like that in a traditional a/b/o story? XD  I still think about that product every so often (no idea if they even still make anything like that), and wanted to share the hilarity.
Wow, just realized that it’s like 3am.  Jesus, I’ve been rambling a while.  But I think that was everything?  Anyway I’m going to attempt to go to bed, and pretend I didn’t just write more almost porn.  (There’s a quote from the movie Noises Off! [another fave, highly recommend if you’ve not seen it], where a character is referring to her ability to remember lines, and says “Well, it’s like a slot machine up here.” *gestures vaguely at her head* “I, I open my mouth, and I never know what’s going to come out; three oranges, or two lemons and a banana."  And I feel like that’s an accurate description of my posting style.)
For the FC I do, for teenage Claudia: Davina Claire (but imagine the brown eyes)
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For Adult Claudia the actress Joey Honsa: 
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And for Claudia’s dad (I’m not awake enough to copy Miech’s name fully): Gary Oldman
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And Julio Delgado: Santiago Calbrera
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Fucking tumblr... I had entire sections typed out during work but my phone freaked out and now it’s gone and I can retype it all over a again... am angry >:( 
Anyway, yeah I’m doing a lot better, ac’s on, I got drinks and shit. And I’m trying to rock my Reese’s pieces tank with Harry Potter booty shorts.
I’m gonna try and answer the most important things I wrote down and work from there. 
And now I can look forward to imagining John’s ghost lovingly Gibbs-smacking the three of them upside the head any time they start getting angsty about how the other two feel.  
There was a lot of Gibbs-smacking back when John was watching over them. Although he made sure to never freak out Chris and instead go for the ‘abby kisses’ on the temple and forehead whenever Chris did the right thing or was particularly vulnerable.
I also have this headcanon that John took care of Allison and Jackson for the first week or two because Chris just couldn’t. He felt alone at almost 18, just went through pure hell to deliver two babies he doesn’t really know. He loves them, he does, he’s just-, he doesn’t know how to feel. So John steps in and teaches him how to be a parent. It takes a bit of time but by the time Jackson and Allison are a week old, Chris is fully on board and would die for them in a heartbeat. And John just looks at him with this pride in his eyes and kisses his forehead. “I’m proud of you.” It’s the first time Chris hears that from a father figure.
And having a visual for him now makes me think of the flashback in Ch.6 where he was treating their injuries, wondering if he and Mieczyslaw ever did go to have a “chat” with Elias, if there was a specific event that lead to that particular incident between Chris, Noah, and Elias, and where Peter was during all that (and who kept him from “helping” his father with his visit)?
This I will address in the prequel, and maybe a very short teaser flashback.
And I was going to close this story with a wedding, a honeymoon, and a pack run at the end. ^^ And holy shit the panties idea is fucking golden.
I could not focus on my work today XD. What an image please do give me more if you think of them ^^. It’s a lovely idea to have Chris and Noah dressed in lacy triskelion panties while having Peter ‘bound’ in a chair. They’re making out, they’re all having fun. And Peter’s hard, like he’s trying so hard to be a good boy for them but holy shit if they keep making out like that, all bets are off. What a fantastic image. Although probably not the best when trying to work XD. (I don’t mind.)
Actually, that also reminds me, we know that Derek has a triskelion tattoo, do you think Peter does as well?  Or gets one at some point?  Do you think Noah or Chris would ever get one, as a sign of pack loyalty, since the Hales are the ones that took them in when their own families cast them out?  (And also, that’s definitely a mark that’s not going to fade away, but also does not carry the risk of accidental turning.)  Where would any of them have/get them?
He do! All the Hales do, it’s a coming off age thing for the wolves and some humans get them as well to show solidarity with their wolf siblings.
John had a tattoo on his left pectoral. His wife Kathryn had hers on her right shoulder. Nathaniel had one between his shoulder blades out of solidarity to his wolf brethren. (He was born human). Talia had hers on the right side of her abdomen just above her hip bone. Merlia had a tramp stamp triskelion. Peter has his over his heart. (The top of the spiral can be seen peeking through some of his deeper v-necks.)
 Laura had hers on her left shoulder. Derek has his between the shoulder blades in honor of his oldest uncle. Chris gets his on his left pectoral after he’s had his youngest child. (In honor of John) Noah gets his on his right pectoral as a mirror image after he’s had his youngest twins. (They talked about it before hand where they’d get them.)
Malia gets hers on her left wrist. Stiles on his right wrist in solidarity. Both of them on the inside. Jackson gets his just below his right collarbone. Allison gets hers just below her left collarbone. Ben gets his on his left arm when he’s old enough.
Not sure about the others but it’ll come to me.
Can you imagine something like that in a traditional a/b/o story? XD  I still think about that product every so often (no idea if they even still make anything like that), and wanted to share the hilarity.
I am wheezing. That’d be so fucking funny XD Anti-Alpha! Alpha be gone! Spray the horny away! (Okay I’ll stop.)
But now I am imagining Stiles making a prank like that where he just gives his pops (Noah) a spray bottle for christmas that says: Spray the horny away! And has a photoshopped picture of Peter on it with a red cross through it.
They have a good laugh about it.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
i'll wait for you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea
Alias: Aali Age: 27 Gender: Female Personality: I like to think I'm pretty easy going and easy to get along with. I make a lot of jokes and may or may not send you lots of memes and cat pictures once we build up a decently familiar relationship with each other. I like having someone to chat with on and off through the day, and I love swapping ideas, music, inspiration, etc. I get anxious if I feel like I'm always the one starting convos, so I appreciate a partner who isn't shy either and enjoys chatting as well. About Me: Hmm, let's see. I've been RPing in and off for like 14 years now. I'm currently on a site I love, but I'm looking for a private buddy (or several) to explore some different character ideas and plots I've got rumbling around in my mind and to keep my muse up. I almost exclusively RP original characters in a supernatural setting, though I'm willing to push my comfort zone every once on awhile for the right plot. I like my stories dark and angsty, pushing characters to the very limit to see whether they rise or fall. I like to balance this with a healthy dose of dark humor and occasional moments of light to break the tension. I like going in with a rough plot idea, but keeping things very loose so that the characters themselves are the one driving the ship. I need a partner with strong willed, fully formed characters who can surprise me and push the plots in new directions. Basically, partner is the operative word there. Do you like to use messengers to chat? Yep, I'm on discord in my phone on off throughout the day. Basically, I might not always be able to respond immediately but I'll get back to. How long have you been roleplaying? 14 years or so About Roleplaying What is the plot (or plots) that you'd like to play out with someone? Alright, so I have a semi specific sort of plot that I'm going for, and this is what I have for it so far: In a deeply forested area in the southern United States, a group of over 100 people has recently cut off contact with the outside world. Even before this, rumors have been swirling about them for quite some time, whispers of cult hidden in plain sight, spiriting away friends and family members, never to be heard from again. What no one knows is that there is something far more sinister at play then religious zealotry. Long story short, a cult that is slowly upping the ante on their fanaticism runs off and creates a forest commute, only to unearth some sort of supernatural being or curse along the way that starts eating them from the inside out. This is a horror heavy plot, with room for both psychological horror and more straightforward gore and violence. Character A (my character): A troubled mercenary sort, hired by a local to find a family member who had ran away with the cult. Still recovering from a traumatic, supernatural experience from her past, she soon finds herself trapped within the forest right along with the group, outnumbered, facing something far worse than a charismatic, slick tongued cult leader. Character B (your character): Whatever you want! Really, the only thing I want is that they're attached to the cult in some way. Either a high ranking member, the person my character is looking for, the person who asked for her help in the first place, or hell, maybe even the cult leader themself, trying to stay afloat but slowing losing their members to some hideous force. Really make it your own. That's just the beginning if what I have so far, but I'm totally into the idea of multiple characters, intervweaving plots, all kinds of fun stuff. I would definitely like to play with the more human, sinister side of a cult like power dynamics, strange rituals, emotional manipulation, as well as supernatural horror, and I kind of see this as a slow build from one to the other. Hell, there's room for romance, friendship, and everything in between. My goals are kind of lofty lol. How often do you generally post? I'd say once a week would be a safe bet, but more or less depending on life. I think it's all about communication, and I will be open with you if you're open with me. I absolutely adore rapid fire, but very rarely have the time for it anymore. That said, if it happens from time to time that'd be lovely. How much do you generally post? 600 words or so would be my average, I suppose, but I can write much more or less depending on needs. I can be wordy, for sure, and i really like exploring the internal side of characters along with the physical. You'll definitely be getting a peak into my characters head. Do you like to write in first person or third person? Third Who are your favorite playbys (PBs)? I don't have a super strong preference any one way. I prefer not just having a slew of models though; I like fcs with something quirky or interesting to look at about them. I'm cool with no fcs either. What playbys (PBs) do you hate? See above. What rating are you comfortable with? 3/3/3 How do you feel about writing out graphic scenes such as violence, drug use, and sex? All about it. All three will likely feature heavily in this plot and my writing in general, particularly violence and substance abuse. As for smut, I only really feel the need to write it if it's something that progresses the character relationship or dynamic. I'm just as soon to fade to black if it's smut for thr sake of smut, but I do see the importance of exploring it in certain instances as well. How do you want to be contacted?
Anything else? I might, just maybe, be open to discussing other plots involving similar themes (cat and mouse, toxic relationships, residual effects of trauma, manipulation, etc.), but please don't contact me if you just want me to play a dude for a fluffy romance. I have no problems playing any kind of character, but too often I find the plots I'm searching for ignored and something not even in the same ballpark thrown at me instead. I want something with teeth.
0 notes