#like the whole ‘be empowered by this technique’ thing. very suspicious
boom33713 · 2 years
fun stuff about cyber corruption in sonic frontiers that i think about a lot:
sonic specifically absorbs the energy from the cyber cages, things described as “a nightmare” where you can’t “see or hear anything clearly”. most importantly, the cyber cages are for people actually in cyberspace, and being freed of them only partially frees you from cyberspace.
it’s not the energy itself that’s inherently corrupt, but the way it interacts with sonic. tails says that sonic “took on so much cyber-energy. it corrupted him.”
the combination of sonic being more and more in pain the more cyber energy he absorbs, and the way that cyber energy does not react well to physical bodies quite possibly means that it was literally eating away at sonic’s body while attempting to drag him fully into cyberspace.
apparently, the energy gives sonic some kind of boost. sonic both literally says so when talking to amy, and it’s also implied by the way he gains a new skill for every cage he absorbs.
cyber corruption shares a lot of symptoms with the way sonic’s friends were stuck both in the cyber prisons and halfway in cyberspace, most notable being a disconnect from reality (amy, about the cage: i couldn’t tell if i was coming, going, or moving at all. sonic during rhea island: know i’m moving. can’t feel it.)
sonic was, at the peak of cyber corruption, halfway inside cyberspace and halfway outside of it. just like his friends had been. but obviously, his version of halfway was entirely different, since instead of being laggy holographic image, he was more glitching corpse without apparent consciousness. one foot in both worlds, but their feet have different weight to them.
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destroyyourbinder · 6 years
ROGD is driving me crazy (parts 3 & 4)
I was planning on writing a long, well-researched piece on why "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" (ROGD) is not really a thing as such, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it. I don't dispute that there is something really bizarre going on with the tremendous increase in female children and adolescents seeking transition or gender-dysphoria-related care, and I don't dispute that there is a social contagion aspect, linked to social media use and access to the internet, to this rise in gender dysphoria/trans-identification. But the whole concept of ROGD is suspect, and it drives me nuts that it's taken as the gold standard now for questioning the wiseness of transitioning children or the broader claims about gender made by transgender ideology. Here's a not-so-brief, but as brief as I can get without weeks of research, rundown of what is bothering me, in several parts (PART 1) (PART 2) (PART 3 & 4) (PART 5) --------- (PART 3) The concept of ROGD is being promoted by a number of doctors and researchers who were heavily involved in studying trans people at major North American gender clinics and who actively transitioned children and adults in the 1980s through early 2000s, but whose careers were derailed by transgender activist politics (i.e. Ray Blanchard, Michael Bailey, Kenneth Zucker). Their research material, therapy techniques, ideologies, and professional involvements are widely public and honestly scare me, and suffice to say, I am extremely skeptical of their motivations. These professionals are extremely invested in creating a narrative where they can make a "comeback" by being vindicated in their theories and practices which promote a more "conservative" approach to transitioning children in particular. They all believe that transitioning minors-- usually at the onset of puberty or post-puberty-- is at least sometimes appropriate, but they believe they can determine specifically when it is warranted and when it is not. Their rationale for diverting children from a transition path is specifically that it is a socially difficult outcome-- the same rationale previously used for attempting to divert children from homosexuality, with the same practices used to divert them-- not that transitioning them would violate their bodily integrity, that children are not capable of making such weighty decisions, that transition is homophobic, or that their gender identities have been constructed in patriarchally abusive environments and that learning to cope with this ubiquitous abuse should be the first priority. I personally believe most of their opinions are frankly stupid, regressive, and homophobic and set us all up for this problem to begin with. Zucker in particular has continually rubbed elbows with and borrowed theories and practices from researchers from the 70s and 80s who were obsessively interested in the development and prevention of homosexuality; I don't trust professionals who participate in the lineage of such terrible history.
(PART 4) The idea that "early-onset" kids are the true transgender population is crazy to me because these children historically were subject to reparative therapies medically rather than encouraged to transition at any point in their lives. Early social transition is an extremely recent phenomenon, and recognition of children as "transgender" rather than having "gender identity disorder of childhood" is also fairly recent, and we truly do not have enough data to know if young children who are taken to gender clinics based on parental report of extreme gender identity conflicts (which is only a sub-population of kids with so-called gender dysphoria anyway-- my mother, for example, would have thought it was insane to take her kid to a gender doctor no matter how "persistent" she was, and there was no major clinic nearby anyway) are more likely to be satisfied with transition as adults than transgender people with a different life path. Transition and "gender-affirmative care" may indeed be more merciful than reparative therapy, but these are not the only two options we have for caring for these kids or ameliorating their distress. Framing it as a matter of transitioning the right kids (those who are "early onset") and then… what? either convincing children without "proper" gender dysphoria that their identities were misguided in an authoritarian medical context, or for those against the idea of ROGD, transitioning them, too, lest we subject them to conversion therapy? is ridiculous. Transgender people with different life paths have indeed been the vast majority of trans people so far, and we have no idea how this correlates with the gender experiences of children. Trans adults misremember and distort their childhood experiences anyway; there are many later transitioning trans people out there who insist they were significantly gender non-conforming as small children or that they were very dysphoric at a young age when this is either outright untrue or a vast simplification of their childhood experiences. Simultaneously, the long-term experiences of those labeled as ROGD kids or young adults are being erased (usually by parents) in favor of a narrative where their dysphoria "suddenly" "came out of nowhere", when they may have been experiencing gender discomfort for a long while, albeit unvoiced or not conceived of in a way that was yet classically dysphoric. There are many adult trans men who are now in their 30s or older who would have fit a transgender profile similar to that of ROGD except without the internet social contagion aspect (i.e. pubertal onset of dysphoria), and these trans men are absolutely not being cited as examples of people who should have never been permitted to transition, even though if they were 15 years old today they could be the subject of a concerned-mother-thinkpiece. Most female trans people experience onset of their most distressing and intense dysphoria around puberty, such as upon first noticing mammary development or upon their first menstruation, even though they were likely quietly or not-so-quietly discontent since childhood. But most trans people also report their early internal conflicts about their bodies and social positions in the context of their later intense feelings and report them as clinically diagnosable levels of "dysphoria" through their memories, even if they would not have been clinically diagnosable would they have presented as an actual child to a gender clinic in early life. Many of the clinical features of ROGD are common to trans men's stories, and most trans men, although experiencing building levels of dysphoria until late childhood or adolescence, were not easily distinguishable as kids from tomboys, "weird girls", and/or proto-lesbian children. I'm suspicious of a narrative that means female children's memories and thoughts are uniquely positioned as subject to interrogation for truth by parents and authorities, especially when the "correct" answer is that these kids are lying about how bad it is to have been a girl and that they really liked it all along. (To be fair, I'm also extremely suspicious of transgender community for this reason as well, that female people are supposed to scrub their own memories and understanding of themselves until they come up with something that reinterprets their discontent and resistance as transgenderism.) I suspect ROGD is mostly only a definable phenomenon because adolescent girls actually feel empowered enough to report their gendered distress to parents and schools and demand attention for their symptoms. Because more girls are doing this from various backgrounds, and parents fundamentally must be involved in the process at least as facilitators of transition, they are more likely to be able to undermine their children's personal stories by claiming that these children were "not dysphoric" in early life. In prior iterations and many current iterations of transgender care, children were/are either brought into clinics by parents for their severe and socially disruptive gender nonconformity, or older adolescents or young adults would bring themselves in either without parents or with a parent who was trapped within the child's framing of her distress and so terrified about their child's mental health (including about the prospect of suicide) that she or he would rubber stamp whatever it took to get the child care deemed appropriate by medical professionals. Littman's ROGD study contacted a community of parents outside this paradigm, who were skeptical about their children's claims for whatever reason, whether justified or not, and whether these minors had diagnosable dysphoria in childhood or could at least report that they did or not. (As a note, I do believe Littman's study is a solid introduction to understanding a chunk of the population of modern trans-identified adolescents and young adults, and I don't think she did "bad science" or should be silenced; I just think her work should be viewed in context of the history and socio-politics of transgenderism, which means that we should be more broadly skeptical than simply about this subpopulation.)
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Anti-scam Manual For Online Dating.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/anti-scam-manual-for-online-dating/
Anti-scam Manual For Online Dating.
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    You have met a Russian woman on the Internet…
You are using a Russian marriage agency…
You want to ensure she is not marrying you just for Passport…
If one of those describes your situation, reading this Guide is A MUST – to not be sorry later. (This Guide will work for women from ALL Eastern European countries – Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan etc.)
Every week I receive letters from men who say they would not make such expensive mistakes if they had read the Guide beforehand. 
Be forewarned: it is a jungle out there! Don’t let yourself become another victim of Internet con-artists!
Make sure the person you are talking to is FOR REAL.
But how do you go about it?
You don’t know Russia and the former Soviet Union,
You don’t speak Russian,
You know very little about the immigration rules, different types of visas, how the finances work in Russia, etc.
Fortunately, there is THE Solution:
Let’s face it: Internet is faceless.
How do you know who you are talking to?  A beautiful sincere Russian girl or hairy Boris writing beautiful letters?
There are sure ways to find it out… When you need it the most, which means – NOW.
Don’t wait until “You need it, if something seems fishy”. 
It will already be too late! You will spend lots of time and emotions (and money!) by then, and may end up heartbroken. What is worse, chances are you will make the same mistakes as other guys and destroy what was a really good and honest relationship – just because of being paranoid about scammers. 
(I am not kidding, it happens all the time – guys think they MIGHT be scammed and they start doing some – seemingly meaningful – things that would not bother a real scammer but which turn off real girls once and forever with no relationship recovery possible.)
Knowledge is power. And this Guide will empower you to make an informed decision that you would otherwise struggle to make.
Can you afford not to read it? 
If you can afford to spend a few months trying to solve the enigma of sincerity in your relationship, if you can afford to go to Russia to just find out that the person you were corresponding with is not who she said she is, if you enjoy high risk ventures and mountain climbing without a harness – well, then you probably can do without this Guide…
OK, I am serious now. Honestly, I would not recommend that ANYBODY even THINK of communicating with a woman from the former Soviet Union without reading this information. There are so many things dating agencies will never tell you about. Dating agencies don’t want you to know about scammers at all! 
But you know that they exist, this is how you happen to get across this page. Read the Guide – and you can stop worrying about them again.
I receive letters like this all the time!
I got scammed. I’m a fool. Now I have to pay back the money she stole.  thanks for your efforts, I wish I had listened.
Don’t be like Johnny… listen up – before it’s too late!
This Guide is written in regards to Russia but it’s just as operational for any country of the former Soviet Union (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan etc).
Find out NOW what is real and what is not.
The little money spent for this Guide can save you MONTHS and THOUSANDS – as they already did for many men who read it, and were feeling lucky they did.
Do you have an anti-virus program on your computer?
Remember the first virus you had picked up?
Remember how much time, money and effort it took to recover?
It is MUCH easier to have an anti-virus protection than reinstall the whole system. And it might be impossible to recover completely.
This Guide is your anti-virus program in your communication with your Russian bride. It is much easier to get this information now to prevent possible problems, than to recover after being burnt.
To ensure you further, I give an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee, NO QUESTIONS ASKED – and of course you can still use your new knowledge.
I update the Guide constantly, sometimes a few times a week, according to the new information that I receive on scams. The Guide is E-book so you always have access to the latest anti-scam techniques. It is always current and up to date.
So if you decide the Guide was nothing new to you, and you will not gain from using it – write to me with your receipt number, and I will refund you the full retail price, up to the last penny. As I said, no questions asked.
Read the Guide, accumulate its power, and if for any reason whatsoever you feel that it did not do what I promised, you will get your money back.
So Order TODAY risk-free, and receive in addition to the Guide unlimited after-sale support and consultations. Ask me any question, and you will receive an answer in priority order, free of charge.
Ready to order? Click here Need more information? Read on
Men who consider the possibility of finding a Russian wife
Men who are in correspondence with a Russian woman
Men who are using services of a Russian dating agency
Men who have been scammed, and want to find out what REALLY happened to them
Men who want to be 100% confident their correspondents and relationships are genuine.
What ANTI-SCAM GUIDE can do for you?
Explain the inside mechanics of scams
List the most and less typical scam situations
Show you how to ensure you choose only honest sincere women
Show you the way to help your lady contact you with zero expense without sending money to her or her dating agency
Give advice on almost any problem situation in a relationship with a Russian woman.
Ready to order? Click here Need more information? Read on
Apparently, you have found yourself in a situation where you are going to be, or already are, in contact with a woman from the countries of the former Soviet Union. Right? (Otherwise, what you are doing here??)
Then ANTI-SCAM GUIDE is the right reading at the right moment.
Or else you may let yourself become attached to the wrong woman and end up with a broken heart.
And I should know – I am working in the Russian dating industry since 1999 and I have seen how the scams appeared on the scene and how they evolved during the past years. (It gets worse!) I know all the tricks in scammers books and I can see through all of them. 
The question is: can you? I fear not. This very moment YOU may be being SCAMMED.
Don’t think I am just trying to scare the hell out of you. I talk from the experience. Too many men contacted me with their stories about being scammed by a “Russian woman”. 
According my estimations, about 40% of men entering the scene of Russian-Western dating get in contact with a scammer at some stage of their search. You may be lucky and avoid being scammed, but anybody can make a mistake. Often men discover that they have been corresponding with a scammer when they have already developed strong feelings towards the “woman”. It is a heartbreaking experience.
Read what one of the men said:
I can’t begin to tell you how lucky I was to find your web site at this time. I am fairly certain that I am being scammed. I must say however that I wasn’t sure until I read your web page and its information and it sounded exactly like my situation. 
I had my doubts but until I saw your web page on the subject I had no idea it could happen to me. Thanks to your fine info source I may have discovered my error before getting burned. 
All I can say is yes, maybe I prevented myself from a large financial loss but emotionally I am suffering right now as I became quite attached to her.
The worst part about this is not only having my feelings manipulated but the fact that I nearly let go of another wonderful and sincere lady who fits your profile of an honest and traditional girl…
Robert (USA)
If such a thing should happen to you, besides losing a considerable amount of money, time and emotional investment, it can make you lose trust in women in general; and you might decide that international dating is a process where it is too difficult to succeed.
But it is very simple to get it right, believe me! There are thousands honest sincere women who will be genuinely interested in YOU!
This information will let you choose the right women and right ways of contacting them from THE VERY BEGINNING.
Russia (when I say “Russia” I actually mean all former Soviet Union, and most of known scams are originated from Belarus, Ukraine and Republic Mari-El) is famous in developing unique scam schemes, and various scams are going wild there. Once a scheme is developed, there are literally hundreds of people that implement it with their own variations.
I used to work in a promotional company that was often running free samples giveaways. While some individuals were using smartest tricks to receive as many free samples as possible (and sell them later!), many people refused to take even one – not because they did not want it but because of the fear of being scammed. In Russia if something is free, it usually means they tempt you, and you will have to pay double price in the end. People are very cautious, and if something seems to good to be true, they seldom enter such a venture. But I don’t think it’s nice to be cautious and suspicious all the time!
It’s why the ANTI-SCAM GUIDE is a must read for anyone considering the possibility of international marriage.
It gives you background, symptoms and easy-to-use solution protecting you against spending your time – and money – to eventually end in vain.
The problem is that you try to use your western experience in your relationship with females of the former Soviet Union, that is not applicable to international dating. It is like driving on the right side of the road in England: you are used to driving this way, and it was always right. At the same time you are driving on the wrong side of the road! There is virtually NO CHANCE of a safe arrival if you continue driving on the wrong side!
What you need is to know the traffic rules.
You may search for any available information on the subject of Internet dating, and read pieces of advice here and there. This is what most of the men do AFTER they have been crooked. But even after that they wonder if their new correspondents are genuine and relationship real. They have no idea how to detect a scam from the very beginning. They write me letters asking questions if I think their new acquaintance is sincere.
If men who went through a scam themselves cannot be sure if they are entering one again, imagine how difficult it will be for you to figure out what’s right and what’s wrong.
What is missing is a complete guide, how to develop your relationship with a Russian lady scam-free from the very beginning. I have put together all the little pieces of information that you need in order to ensure your new relationship is genuine and you are not wasting your time, emotions and money.
How much is this information worth for you? Some men spent as much as $3000 on scammers, and still have no clue how to choose the right woman.
But there are things that are more important than money: your time, emotional energy and peace of mind. How can you put a price on a broken heart?
After reading this information you will never worry if your new correspondent is a scammer. You will be able to make sure you start meaningful relationships  with only sincere honest girls, who are genuinely interested in you. You will never let yourself become attached to the wrong person, and end up with a broken heart.
This information explains the inside mechanics of scams to you and lists the typical scam situations. It shows you how you may get scammed without your even being aware of it!
But this is NOT the main purpose of my work.
The main purpose of this information is to free you from everyday doubts in the sincerity of your correspondents. After reading the ANTI-SCAM GUIDE you will be able to fully trust the women who are writing to you, because it will only be sincere ladies; all the scammers will leave you alone!
With my information you will have the means to help your lady to contact you with zero expense without transferring any money to her or her agency.
My information is based on experience of hundreds men who were scammed by Russian scam-artists paying the high price for a lesson in the realities of Internet dating, and enhanced by my knowledge of Russian circumstances and the industry in general. I spent considerable amount of time thinking of the way a to scam-free relationship, and have developed the complete solution.
But there is more. The information includes insider tips on succeeding with Russian women based on psychological specifics of their character. With this advice you will not only secure yourself against scammers, but will be able to get a distinctive advantage over your competitors even if they are younger, better looking and more well established in life.
Ready to order? Click here Need more information? Read on
The complete no-nonsense ANTI-SCAM GUIDE with advanced strategy for developing a scam-free relationship with a Russian Lady  will show you:
How to detect a scam;
How to ensure that you contact only honest sincere women who are genuinely interested in you;
How to make scammers leave you alone;
How to let your lady contact you with zero expense without sending her any money.
List of reliable local agencies and services in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus – now you have people you can trust!
I was asked all the time about services in local cities that I could recommend. The list gives you access to addresses of reliable trustworthy services that you can use in local cities for address verification, gifts and flowers delivery etc (Moscow and region, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Yoshkar-Ola, Kiev, Odessa, Lugansk, Donetsk, Minsk…+ access to addresses of my partners in 70+ other cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus)
This list alone is worth hundreds dollars! Those are my contacts that I accumulated for 5 years! Get it as a FREE bonus.
Put your mind and heart at peace. Let yourself to be empowered by the knowledge of the experts. You do NOT need to learn from your own mistakes. Be smart and safe, and do it right from the first time.
It is NOT true that only stupid people get scammed. Some really, really clever guys can also get into a trap. Not because they are not clever enough but because of the lack of knowledge. 
For example, you know there is a huge hole in the floor covered by a carpet. Would you step on it? No. Because you know. Another guy, who does not know about the hole, would step on the carpet and fall into the trap – NOT because of his stupidity, as normally there is no danger in stepping on the carpets, this is what they are made for – but because of the lack of the knowledge.
This is what the Guide is giving to you – The Knowledge.
Ready to order? Click here Need more information? Read on
This is what readers of ANTI-SCAM GUIDE said:
I would like to personally thank you Elena for bringing the truth to people who are seeking a Russian bride, I have learned volumes of information from reading… Because of this information I now feel I have the advantage to make educated decisions, and now I know what to do and what not to do when looking for a Russian bride. The information you provide is priceless.
Michael (USA)
At this time I would like thank you for your very informative Web pages and specially to your ANTI SCAM GUIDE which helped to uncover that I was too being scammed for hundreds of dollars.
Thanking you kindly, Paul C.
After purchasing and thoroughly reading your ANTI-SCAM GUIDE, I used two methods suggested in it, and to my chagrin I discovered that my “special lady” was attempting to scam me. I had sent her $50 for emailing, but the expenses would have grown to hundreds if not thousands. I am somewhat heartbroken, but how much more heartbroken would I have been later?
Again, thank you! Sincerely yours, Todd
Dear Elena,
Your anti-scam guide is fantastic and very funny, the best reading I ever had. 
I realized after reading your scam guide, that I have been scammed, many times, I just didn’t want to believe it.
It’s something you will not admit to yourself, like for example if you were having a close relative killed in a car crash. It cannot be true, I can’t believe it, why does this happen to me?
And also being scammed is very embarrassing, you think, I am so smart, I can’t be fooled, no one could ever do such a thing to me, it only happens to others.
I searched the internet for five years, and I have been doing the same mistakes over and over again.
I have been scammed many times, let’s say 5 times, in most of the situations you are describing in your guide, I can tell you, I have been exposed to almost all the situations you describe and I have received letters that I can now say were definitely a scam.
Per Swensson (Sweden) P.S. I never give up.
I have recently purchased the anti scam guide which I think is totally righteous and down to earth. I will be reading this several times before I begin my adventure with a foreign bride. I believe that knowledge is power and fore warned is fore gained.
I just read through the Anti-Scam guide. My suggestion is that you place more emphasis on the value of the guide as a resource for smooth and easy communication. It provides not only information concerning the mechanics of setting up a good system but it also provides valuable insight into the women’s perceptions and communication needs.
I’ve just entered the waters of international dating. I’ve written a few letters and been pleased with the responses. I’ve met and fended off a scammer. In short I have been very lucky. I wish I’d found your site first.
Glenn (USA)
Dear Elena,
Congratulations on your wonderful guide! I will recommend it to to all I know who are treading this hazardous path. I thought you might be interested in a scam which I am now certain of which I am still playing along with but the scammer doesn’t yet know I am onto him/her! I initially thought it was genuine, but after one or two letters decided to do some research and came across your website. It is all so incredibly stereotypical of one of the main techniques you mention in your manual!
Thanks so much again for your book.
Kind Regards, Ray
I just have to thank you for the Anti-Scam Guide. I was suspicious at first, then after reading your guide I checked the black list and sure enough, the girl writing me was there. I was shocked at the almost identical letters. I figure this guide probably saved me hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, even if it hurt to find out the truth.
Thanks again Mike
I LOVE your book, apart from all the really valuable information which undoubtedly saved my wallet from extinction, I found it also to be hilariously funny!
You told me things which I kind of felt but didn’t want to hear! Thank you very much! Being a professional classical musician I have strong gut feelings about things but even with feeling as though I was ‘tuned in’ to it, I feel I could still have been sucked in and sucked dry, if it wasn’t for your help.
Once again, I really appreciate your help to me and those like me who could become so skeptical we would just give up. Which would be a pity as Russian/Ukrainian women generally seem so beautiful sensual and romantic. And I am a sucker for those qualities (like most men on the planet).
Kind regards, Ray
I would like to thank you for the scam book. You have no idea how much the book helped me. Everything to the tee was followed in the scam against me. Would have scored a 100 points if it was considered a test. I am one of the lucky ones that bought the book before being taken. Later I will be updating the black list.
Thanks a million. Jeff
Anti-Scam Guide is very informative and interesting. I intend to seek a bride abroad as soon as I clear some other matters. I would recommend your guide as a first stop for anyone seeking a foreign bride though, because it as they say in USA ‘Cuts to the Quick’.
Timothy L’Innomme
Ran across you Anti-scam Guide awhile back and decided it to be an excellent investment, and it has been. Thank you so very much.
Kurt, USA
I just want to thank you for writing the ANTI-SCAM GUIDE. I am an American man 30 years old and I have been searching for a life partner for quite some time now. Just within the last few months I started reading about Russian women. I know a few American men with Russian wives and after some early difficulties (mostly culture shock) they are all very happily married and in one of the marriages the man is 58 and his wife is only 37!!!! That seems a little “extreme” to me, but they are very happy together.
I am very embarrassed to write that I was scammed by the first Russian woman that I wrote to. Your “situation #1” fits me exactly. The really bad thing is that I saw your guide a few months ago and figured “Oh I don’t need that, only a loser gets scammed.” Boy was I wrong!!! Your guide would have saved me 2 months of heartache and $600. $600. The woman wrote me beautiful letters and I almost instantly fell in love. I have to say that I don’t worry about being scammed out of the money, even though I am NOT rich she made me feel so special and I haven’t felt that good in years. Sometimes I still cry over her but after reading your guide I wonder if she was ever “for real” or not.
Please feel free to pass this along or use it as needed. I would be willing to help out any guys looking for a Russian woman from going through the heart ache that I did.
I want you to know that I have met another Russian woman on the internet. I am using alot of your advice in your anti-scam guide and am hoping that I do not have that happen to me again!!!
Douglas A. (USA)
Sounds great? Good, how can you get this information and what do you have to pay for it? You can receive instant access to this valuable information for only $24.95.
I guarantee that you will not find this complete information anywhere else. It is updated constantly, and the information is always up to date.
Remember the unconditional 60-day money back guarantee.  You cannot lose anything if you buy the Guide – but you will gain a lot.
Yes, the information in this book is worth 10 times more than the price of the e-book, and will save you hundreds $$$.
Yes, I give UNCONDITIONAL money-back guarantee: if you think the Guide did not deliver what we promised, I will pay your money back with a smile.
What you are waiting for?
This book is NOT available in bookstores.
There are thousands of sincere honest Russian ladies out there who dream to love and be loved. Do not spend your time and emotions on scammers!
  Guarantee If you have any scam-related question AFTER you have read this information, I will answer it in priority order. If your situation is special, I will help you with personal advice. But if you are then still not completely satisfied, you will get your money back.
Yours Elena Petrova
0 notes
shinmegamitensei2 · 7 years
i was gonna sleep cus i’m tired as shit but then my brain started blaring some thoughts in my head so now i can’t sleep, so now you guys get to hear me ramble angrily about privilege and intersections of it on my blog instead
warning: this is extremely long and at points starts to sound like “pwease weave the poow twans men awone we did nofing wrong uwu” but i promise there’s a point somewhere in here about how we gotta start thinking about what we say has consequences
just... i get so angry when privilege is conflated to “if you have it, you have every single facet of it and you always benefit from it” when that’s really not the case at all, and to treat privilege as a single card that is separate from, and consequently unaffected by personal experience, other VISIBLE aspects of identity and individuality, and so forth is a really flawed way of thinking
the way i see most people explain or treat privilege is whether you have, say, a “privilege card” and the more you accumulate, the more privileged you are and thus the more benefits society offers you as a result of your status over another person (say, a white cis straight man is far more privileged than a black trans gay woman)
this is it, a simplification of privilege, easily digestible and easy enough to regurgitate to other people to get them to understand on an elementary level what it means to have privilege - when you have it, you have benefits over another person because society deems you better than another person
but then the conversation stops there. it stops, and this simplification becomes a hard and fast rule rather than the beginning of an educational moment, and suddenly we have concepts such as self-determination of your identity means you can gain and drop privileges as you change and determine WITHIN YOURSELF who you are, rather than what society deems you as
and therein lies the problem: how do you gain or lose privilege? how does the concept of passing privilege factor into all this? what does it mean to pass, or to not pass, and can privilege be bargained, can it only be half-gained or half-lost, can it change on a whim?
the only times i ever see this brought up, it’s by some asshat who’s got some shitty opinions or is trying to defend the privileged group wherein exchanges of power usually do not happen on the level i’m trying to discuss (re: race and a white person whose family is predominantly european-white, although there is a lot to be said about someone who is white but also comes from a mixed family and the way that privilege can also be bartered based on perceived appearance versus the reality) but what i really want to look into, specifically, is the bartering of privilege gained and lost through identification as trans, nonbinary, or another gender unrecognized by mainstream society
because, like... it’s here, i feel like, where passing privilege becomes its most prominent (as well as sexuality and the culture surrounding it that has crafted a persona, either influenced by or influencing [or both!!] by homophobic caricatures of the past and present) and where we need to start having discussions, serious discussions, about how one passes not only affects their privilege, but also that we cannot and should not treat people specifically based on what privileges or disprivileges we believe they should be experiencing in their day-to-day lives, because... it doesn’t work that way
there’s such a monumental difference between people at different stages of passing, and what information they have about them that is on the internet, or among their friends and family, or to their bosses and coworkers or if it gets leaked in ways they didn’t intend or want people to see or know
i AM going to use trans men in this example, being one myself, because i don’t intend to try and explain anything using experiences that don’t belong to myself so as to not misrepresent anyone, so i apologize that this comes off as being really whiny and “wahhh stop treating transmasc ppl badly” because a whole lot of trans masc and trans men adopt misogyny and absorb toxic masculinity in an attempt to become masculine, in a world where manliness is often defined by how much you can reject femininity and the constant attempts to redefine masculinity in a way that doesn’t allow male predators to adopt it solely to hurt women I’M GOING ON A TANGENT ANYWAY
there was a point i wanted to make here, and it was specifically on the idea that, like... you cannot ever, possibly, expect a trans man who is completely untransitioned and is seen, societally, as a woman, to own any amount of male privilege that makes any real difference where it matters aside from an online community wherein anonymity is valued, but also in said community where that information (that they are trans, whether or not they mention they are untransitioned) may be open and ENCOURAGED to be posted online for the sake of engaging in these conversations in the first place
as opposed to a trans man who is fully transitioned, has spent several years being accepted as a man, having absorbed ideas about masculinity that may make him indistinguishable from other men and nobody questions his status as a man, and all of this is STILL contingent on the fact that nobody knows or SHOULD know that he is trans, as once that information comes out on a platform where people feel empowered to challenge him (not only including the internet, but in real life, where it is common and encouraged for men to engage in violence, especially where bigotry is concerned)
as opposed to any trans men who may be in between, too! a man who is taking T, whose voice is changing over time and where his neighbors may catch onto what’s going on and grow suspicious; a man who takes strides to act masculine where he can, but who is stifled in an environment where he could be abused or killed purely on account of transphobia; a man who does not WANT to take the steps required for society to fully “recognize” him as a man, and so may never be able to fully participate in presenting the way he wants
this is all transphobia, full stop. not transmisandry or whatever weirdo terms ppl are coming up with these days, but there is a lot to be said in how transness AFFECTS male privilege, and how that male privilege may be adopted, absorbed, and enacted depending on the way that society recognizes men, maleness and masculinity
trans masculinity, and the state of being a trans man, is not an experience shared by every trans man. trans men are not all the same - some are trans nonbinary men, some transition, some do not, some adopt abusive techniques and toxicity that comes built into the system that tells us what being a man is and what being a woman is (although i could also argue that in a lot of ways, to be recognized as a man without having homophobia and transphobia and misogyny thrown at you constantly is to HAVE to participate in these systems, but alas)
there is a wide variety of difference in all of these people, and how they are recognized on a widescale manner that makes any shred of difference outside of this website - which begs another question! where does privilege travel? can it disappear or appear depending on where you are? where you go? can you have privilege on tumblr, but then have it vanish when you leave this website?
there’s a distortion, a way we talk about privilege and the privileged folk, that makes it so damn difficult to discuss the finer and more important details about privilege, intersection, and how privilege is not the same for everyone. it CANNOT be the same for everyone, because passing privilege is not yet another token given to people just to show that they have it! and privilege is not a set of cards and coins that come separately and totally irrelevant of each other!
a trans man is pelted by misogyny, homophobia, as well as transphobia when he does not pass. just as cis men are pelted with these ideas, so too are trans men. and yes, they are misguided. they hurt women and gay people more than they hurt men and straight people, this much should be obvious to anyone. but these things - they are STILL internalized, and how they are internalized changes depending on who is on the receiving end, and in many ways these things are markers and indicators of how to and how not to act for men
i wanted to keep going on about this point and i think i have more to say but my end point with all this is just that privilege changes power depending on where you are, who you are, and on a moment’s notice depending on what information people have a hold of, and i know i did a not-great job of explaining this but also i’m just venting so whatever
another thought occurred to me, about something i was thinking about earlier today, and it’s about how we talk about this concept, and how we approach privilege and privileged people and people whose privilege may variably change
obviously tumblr’s a bad place to be. it’s polarizing, because a lot of people use it as a place to vent, and there’s a lot of gross and nasty people here (including highly-privileged folk and fucking neo-nazis for fuck’s sake) and having long and meaningful conversations here is pointless because it’s drowned out by the obsession and need for having notes yet lacking a cohesive way to spread posts and all proper additions to that post without someone losing some form of context along the way
(that fucking, pewdiepiekin post goin around is one such example, since it’s apparently a joke that OP has but everyone’s treating it as fact, and like obviously it’s hard to tell sarcasm on this website given how much weird shit we’ve seen, but also that it’s FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to correct such a misunderstanding BECAUSE of the very nature of tumblr itself, go figure)
but that’s also why i think we gotta have this conversation, this like... talk that we can’t keep talking about shit the way we have been, especially in regards to social justice and conceptualizing it for the younger kids who USE this website, and like... we just gotta have a different way of approaching things now, because the more i watch idle chats where people gleefully and openly post screenshots of others making fun of them for minor shit or momentary fuck-ups that could be easily ignored because the person is still learning (ESPECIALLY IF THEY’RE LIKE 14) and otherwise give themselves a free pass to become openly vicious and in the name of coping or to share amongst their friends how pathetic they view some people
like ok not to be a liberal and i’d rather not be classified as such because i don’t lick the boots of the privileged or pull any of that devil’s advocate shit but this extremely hostile environment we’ve cultivated and continually defend because we think this website creates ANY sort of meaningful difference in the world and anything we do on this website has any sort of meaningful impact that is beneficial to us while also openly encouraging behaviors that mitigate and deny growth and learning from mistakes is honestly kind of fucking scary
this is in no way saying giving a pass or go on behavior that directly spreads violence like saying slurs and whatnot, but we’re also so, so very fucking vicious, and at some point, no matter what reason you have for saying what you do, the consequence is that your words and intents get hijacked and used out of context in a manner that forms high hostility in the first place
and it’s so, so hard to talk about here too, without going “well if you hate men hurr durr it’s ur fault everything on this site sucks don’t openly say you hate your oppressors hurr durr!” like that’s such an easy trap to fall into but i don’t believe that either, even if i’ve grown distasteful of openly expressing “i hate cis men” (because they terrify me and could murder me at a moment’s notice, both for thinking i’m a woman and for finding out i am trans) or “i hate straight people” (because they fetishize my gayness and shit!) and etc
i’ve got so many reasons why i could express those thoughts, but should i do it, and on a regular basis, consequences follow. consequences that destroy my cultivated and intended reputation as someone who is open and friendly and kind, because it is difficult to really PROVE that to someone who may be on the fence from allowing themself to be deprogrammed from societal teachings and ingrained and taught transphobia and homophobia and misogyny and racism and so on so forth
and i know not everyone is like that. not everyone WANTS to teach and to provide the resources for that and to help deprogram people. most people just want to vent, most people want to escape from the daily abuse and fear and vent their frustrations. i get that. but then where do we go from there, when we have such an absolute volume of people doing and saying this exact thing, in such a degree that such a climate becomes normal to be reactionary and to react to any level of ignorance with anger, no matter who it comes from?
i’m being so, so vague here, and i really do not want it to come off as protection of the poor soft privileged or what the fuck ever, i genuinely do not. i guess i’m just describing a time in my life where i was like that, where i openly enjoyed mocking people that i thought were beyond reprieve and “saving” and getting into fights and it was such a nasty attitude to be in because it led to me throwing people out of my life, throwing caution to the wind, destroying my reputation online and getting put on places like r/tumblrinaction and potentially k.i/.w/i./f./a/./r./.m//s for my actions
living that way endangered me, and not just because of who i am. living that way destroyed me, and it destroyed my way of thinking, too. it destroyed my moral system, it encouraged me to dehumanize others. it encouraged me to find new ways to rationalize violence as a way of “vengeance” and “retribution” for the damages society dealt me, as if that was any rational and correct way of approaching this situation
anger has its place. anger has its place in destroying the system we have now and rebuilding a new one. but we need to understand that our actions, no matter how justified, still have consequences, sometimes extremely unintended, and even unwarranted that we didn’t deserve, and just... i dunno
there is no easy solution to this. i don’t believe we’ll get anywhere by being nice to everyone all the time, just as much as i don’t believe we’ll get anywhere by developing such a community-wide but aimless anger that we develop as hostile an environment as we have on this website
i don’t know what we need, but it can’t be this
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viswas · 5 years
Vipassana - An atheist meditates
TL;DR - Vipassana is not religious or spiritual and is a mind rewiring exercise that allows one to take greater control of the subconscious (and conscious mind). Subsequently, it empowers one to deal with problems previously beyond the reach of one's mental and physical capabilities. I highly recommend the ten-day program (see www.dhamma.org for more details) to everyone who can spare the time. There are over 150 vipassana centers around the world. And it is financially free - accommodation, teachings, and food included. One just needs to make the time. Full version - I try to stay clear of all religious and spiritual activities. I still don't know what spirituality means because I don't understand the concept of the spirit. It sounds like an esoteric word for unnecessary mysticism that is always beyond human reach. At best, I think spirituality is religion minus the branding. I had put meditation under the umbrella of spirituality and hence steered clear of it thus far. The only meditation I knew about is the one where people close their eyes and chant the name of their favorite god, and for an atheist, this sounded like an exercise in vain. No one is listening. Then life's challenges made vipassana happen. All my deep thoughts over the last couple of years have been about everything but myself. I am a massive consumer of information - books, news, movies, podcasts, etc. Any time I am not at work or asleep, I seek knowledge. So my most profound thoughts (albeit to serve no meaningful, practical outcomes) for a long time have been about the social, economic, and political problems of the country and the world. These have been eating up my brain cycles. I also regretted that I only consumed and didn't produce anything of value. Life has been unfulfilling for a while. I was left with a string of unresolved personal problems that have dragged on for a long time. I felt like I was in a rut and seemed incapable of thinking and acting my way out of these problems. The breakthrough came when I had the awareness that I have been so distracted by everything outside myself; no wonder then my personal problems have lingered. No effort was put at the depth required to resolve these problems. It wasn't always like this, and something had to give. With this realization, I desired to isolate myself and buy me space and time needed for deep introspection on personal matters. I had heard of silent retreats before but didn't give them a second thought. So I finally mentioned to my Significant Other to help me find such a place. A few months later, she told me she had signed us up at a Vipassana meditation silent retreat. A silent retreat I sought, but meditation made me suspicious. She assured me there was nothing religious about it. So unlike my usual self, I decided to take the plunge without reading anything about Vipassana. As far as I was concerned, I was going to a place where I could be silent for 10 days with no one to talk to me. That alone had great value. And if things got too spiritual for my liking, I could always leave. With some disclaimers to my Significant Other about the possibility of an early exit, we both set out to our 10-day program. We reached, registered, and handed over our phones and valuables for safekeeping. All reading and writing material had to be given up. Men's quarters separated from women's, I found myself allocated a private room with basic amenities, and thence started my 10 days of silence. I was required to not make eye contact with anyone, and if anything was needed, I could write requests in chits to volunteers who served the course. Except for a bar of soap and a broom on day one, I never used the chit again. A schedule with precise times for waking up, food, meditation, training, breaks, and sleep was published. What then followed was 10 days of rigorous discipline in meditation, sleep, and food habits. I haven't had this much discipline in my life in a long time - there is always that one more episode to watch, one more dish to eat, one more round of poker to play, or one more article to read. But I was able to let go of all my excuses (thanks to the distraction-free environment) and adhere to a demanding regimen. I was free to walk out at any time I wanted. But I didn't. I was intrigued the very first day, and each day had new realizations that kept me hooked despite the body and mind throwing up withdrawal symptoms and masturbating my mind to give up and go back into my Netflixed life.
Challenges I faced: • Follow a rigid schedule (which I eventually got to respect) • Eat bland vegetarian food only (which I ultimately found tasty) • Skip dinner (which I found easily doable) • Meditate 14 hours a day (which I was able to bear through because I could perceive the gains) • Sit in a single spot for a very long duration without any motion (I managed this for 3 hours a day) • Not talk to anyone or even look at them Vipassana, at its core, is 3 elements: 1) Psychology - Wisdom about how the mind works. Patterns of the mind's behavior. A precise model is provided for how people behave - the brain receives inputs, processes it, and then produces output. Insight is provided into the types of inputs, outputs, and the various paths of processes between these inputs and outputs. This information is vital because it allows us to define a  reference for how we usually experience the world (inputs), analyze it (process), and then react to the world (outputs). If we have a good understanding of the mind works, and then if we recognize that certain types of thinking/behavior are undesirable, then we can reference our behavior/thoughts against this model and correct it. Correction can be real-time before we behave or think to our own and other's detriment. Vipassana aims to map any experience into a reaction that improves outcomes in life. To achieve this, it helps us rewire our mind to help us recognize every moment we deviate from the learned mind model or don't use the most optimized paths between the experiences and reactions through proper analysis. Vipassana intends to change our thinking to pick optimal outcomes or reduce the chances of making poor choices in behavior/action. I was aware of a few mind models at a surface level that psychologists teach/use to help their clients introspect about their own behavior. The psychology offered in Vipassana may not be too different from some of these models. But what I liked about the mental model proposed in Vipassana is that it is very accessible to the layman. It is simplified and distilled into the basics without jargon, and that allows pretty much anyone to absorb the model. Vipassana has been used to perform mass prisoner reforms in one of the largest prisons in the world in India. The model is not perfect. It is incomplete and/or doesn't deal with (at least in sufficient depth with) many aspects of human thinking. It also seems to operate in binaries than in a continuum. But then I suspect no mental model accounts for everything either. I am very curious to see what a psychologist would have to say about it. Vipassana supposedly was put together and formally taught by Buddha. So I suspect this makes Buddha one of the earliest psychologists who documented his work, shared knowledge, and provided therapy. Perhaps there is a thesis for bridging modern psychology with Buddhist psychology. Maybe it has already been done. 2) Mental gymnastics - As a part of the meditation process, we are asked to perform increasingly complex mental exercises for ten days. It is a gymnasium for the mind. In the gym, as we develop, we increase weights and repetitions. In vipassana meditation, we increase the workload on the brain. What seemed like a huge load once then becomes trivial, and we find new challenging workloads for the mind. As the complexities of these workloads increase, the brain is stronger and is much more capable of dealing with complex real-world problems. The reason the mental gymnastics is very important is, without it, all the learned psychology is just theory. We can read much material on mental models and human behavior. We can read books and learn good behavior and morals from the experiences of others. All this intellectual information is good to keep. But this knowledge is not useful if it can't be recalled and used at the moment we need it to solve the problems we face. The teachings contend that despite our intellectual knowledge, we don't recall and apply our learning often enough because of the lack of experiential learning. Experiential learning is about acquiring knowledge through experience and reacting with wisdom. The mental gymnastics that we do in vipassana sharpens our mind and gives us the ability to continually monitor our sub-conscious and conscious behavior (through focus and discipline) against the previously defined model and produce a better response. Without the mental gymnastics, the psychology is mostly useless. However, the mental gymnastics from the meditation has excellent value even in isolation. It is a tool that teaches us the discipline needed for sustained effort. It sharpens our minds to solve complex problems (not of our mind and behavior if we don't absorb the psychology). This was the most useful part of vipassana.
3) Philosophy - Absorb the mental model and use the power of the mental gymnastics to live a glorious life. Here the philosophy defines the ideal glory for the individual and the whole of mankind. This is the weakest part of vipassana. The philosophy suggests that vipassana is the only and the most truthful mental model. The philosophy gets preachy about an ideal life that can be realized by combining psychology with the meditative techniques. It raised more questions than it answered. Yet, the philosophy gets a pass because even the teacher suggests that if we don't subscribe to the philosophy, it doesn't matter. Focus on meditation. Good things will follow. I could agree with this. Thankfully, the course is also light on philosophy and heavy on the mental gymnastics. But I am now more curious about Buddhist philosophies. I find it hard to believe that this much thinking went into vipassana, yet there were glaring flaws in the philosophy. I suspect there isn't enough time in ten days to cover all philosophical ground, and further reading is required. Nothing has pushed my mind to its limits the way vipassana has. There were constant dropouts from the course who couldn't muster the determination to see through the ten days. The mind plays tricks when pushed hard. One must resolve to not give up, no matter what. What I gained: • Tremendous amounts of patience. I stopped being bored of not doing anything. I can now meditate anywhere I am, and it keeps my mind occupied enough to not get bored. • Total comfort with silence and lack of necessity to have a conversation • Body control - I have now been able to stop my sneezes on will (say 4 out of 7 times). I can clear a blocked nose by thought. I can clear heartburn (acid indigestion) on-demand when it surfaces. I can desensitize myself to body pain as it arises. • Indifference to unpleasant sensations - Ability to eat food I strongly disliked (papaya). I may not seek it out, but I will no longer be repulsed by it. • Getting high from meditation - substitution for hallucinogens (though I wonder how it would be if both can be combined) • I spent a lot of time recalling not-trivial math and electronics I studied in school and college from almost 2 decades ago. A lot of this happened because I had meant to refresh some engineering basics to enable me to be better at work. I had forgotten a lot of concepts that I was able to recall and create problems and solutions in my head with eyes closed. • Regulate my breath and be calm in the face of inputs that have the potential to agitate me • Be at peace with undesirable events/outcomes. • Lost 4 Kg in 10 days and dropped below 70 Kg for the first time a decade. • I had the time to think through in great detail many aspects of life - marriage, other relationships, career, personal development (physical and mental), finance. In all these areas, I had stagnated one way or another, and now I have definite thoughts on what needs to be done in each of these areas to fix the problems and make things exciting. I came back and was immediately able to resolve some issues in some of these aspects of life. The others will be acted upon in time. It's too early to tell how useful these actions are, but at least I don't feel incapable of making decisions and changes in life. • I no longer feel like procrastinating. I have been very productive since I have come back. I have written more in 2 days since coming back than I have in the whole of last year (admittedly not a high benchmark). I am very motivated to put in a lot of effort to make things better for me and others around me. • Inner peace   What I experienced was uniquely mine. When silence was broken on the last day, different people described different experiences, but none were harmful. I think everyone who stuck around benefited from the experience. It is essential to go into a project like this without expectations of experiences. The only thing one must go with is the hope that there is value to be gained for the discomforts one has to experience. I felt sustained long duration meditation for 10 days was really necessary to drill in the discipline, build the mental model, and develop the mental tools to realize desired outcomes. A vipassana course or a meditative technique that is shorter may not yield sufficient value to make this a sustainable habit once the course ends. While there is some rewiring in the brain and life is likely to get better, I am convinced that if I can meditate for even 15 minutes a day, I will only improve at dealing with myself and the world around me. Should I stop the meditation, I expect that at least some of these gains will be reversed. This is not a one-time exercise.
Other aspects: The principal teacher whose audio and video discourses are played, SN Goenka, had lots of nuggets of wisdom. However, he has passed away, and the training material has not been updated with examples and analogies more relevant to modern times. Doing this would have made the experience more personal to a lot of people. The assistant teachers are not worthy of that title are best left unspoken about. Thankfully, they are inconsequential to the course, and everything you need to know is well drilled into you from the principal teacher's discourses. The training of new students, their food, and accommodation are funded from donations from previous students. At the end of the course, if you thought there was value in the course, you may choose to donate any amount of your liking. If you decide to not give, there is really no one around to judge you for it. It is your call. The ten days at a Vipassana silent retreat has convinced me that (vipassana) meditation doesn't belong to the realm of spirituality. It belongs to the fields of psychology and gymnastics. The world is a better place for it, and everyone should try it once.
I have intentionally left out the specific details of the vipassana philosophy, psychology, and the actual mental gymnastic techniques. There is a vast difference between intellectualizing the experience from someone else versus experiencing it personally, and I firmly believe the former devalues the latter. I think it would be very hard to go into this experience unbiased if I spell out the specifics. I don’t mean to make it sound cultish by masking this information. Everything about the process so is elementary and straightforward that one is very likely to dismiss it as trivial if the details are called out. This could very well demotivate people from seeking out this experience. 
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ichijikanme · 7 years
Enneagram Type 5: The Investigator
The Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, Isolated Person 
Healthy. Healthy Fives are able to observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness and insight. Most mentally alert, curious, with an acutely searching intelligence — asking the right questions while using extraordinarily fine perceptions. Able to concentrate, to become engrossed in what has caught their attention, and to “tinker” with their interests until they discover or create something entirely new. Love learning, excited by acquiring knowledge, and often become experts in some field. Independent thinkers, innovative, inventive, and highly imaginative, producing extremely valuable, original ideas and boldly creative works. Mental or creative brilliance are balanced with compassion and feeling. At their best: Become intrepid discoverers and explorers, broadly comprehending the world while penetrating it profoundly. Deeply grounded in themselves and reality, and feel emotionally connected to the world rather than cut off from it. Visionaries, open-minded, taking in things whole, in their true context, seeing things as they actually are. May make pioneering discoveries of something entirely new or create new forms of artistic expression. Experience gnosis, direct knowing unmediated by mental constructs. 
Average. Average Fives begin conceptualizing everything before acting — working things out in their minds: model building, preparing, practicing, and gathering more resources. They retreat from the world into their own inner world of concepts and imagination. Studious, acquiring technique. Become specialized, and often “intellectual,” focusing on research, scholarship, and developing ideas. Much time spent on a few key interests while other areas of life are neglected. Increasingly detached as Fives become more involved with complicated ideas or imaginary worlds. Highly speculative (“What if this were to happen?”). Become preoccupied with their visions and interpretations rather than with reality. Immerse themselves in details, beginning to “lose the forest for the trees,” not seeing the true broader context. Are fascinated by offbeat, esoteric subjects, even those involving dark and disturbing elements. Detached from the practical world, a “disembodied mind,” although very high-strung and intense. Begin to take an antagonistic stance toward anything that would interfere with their inner world and personal vision. Can be aggressive as a defense against being emotionally involved or overwhelmed. Become provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views. Cynical and argumentative: others are too stupid to understand. Their extreme, iconoclastic interpretations may contain valuable insights, but also far-fetched half-truths. 
Unhealthy. Rejecting and repulsing all social attachments, unhealthy Fives become reclusive and isolated from people and reality; increasingly secretive, strange, eccentric, and mentally unstable. Severe depressions and nihilism are common. Highly antagonistic and vituperative, yet fearful of aggressions from others, they become increasingly suspicious and emotionally overwrought. Get obsessed with, yet frightened by, (their own) terrifying ideas, becoming horrified by themselves and by reality, and prey to gross distortions, phobias, and hallucinations. Feel like existence is torture. Seeking oblivion, Fives may commit suicide or have a psychotic break with reality. Deranged, explosively self-destructive, with schizophrenic overtones. 
Triad Issues. Identified with the Thinking Center, the Five’s mind is overactive, overwhelming other functions, with the result that there is little connection with the physical body. Awareness of the emotional and interpersonal dimensions is generally undervalued and undeveloped. Thinking gets stuck in “preparation mode” — readying the self for postponed action. In this Triad, we also see themes concerning anxiety and security. Fives are anxious about their inability to cope with the potentially overwhelming outside world and so retreat into their minds, which they see as safer and more secure. 
Direction of Disintegration. Average Fives can become isolated and socially withdrawn to focus on pursuing whatever they believe will give them a sense of competence and mastery. To this end, they also cut off from basic needs for comfort, contact, and connection. This inevitably leads to stress, causing Fives to act out some of the average behaviors of type Seven. At such times, Fives become more scattered in their thinking, and impulsive in their actions. They may entertain themselves compulsively or suddenly try to connect with others socially, although their impulsivity often causes such efforts to backfire, leading to more withdrawal and social isolation. They may also seek to escape from painful feelings through manic activity or substance abuse. 
Unhealthy Fives can become extremely isolated and incapable of acting effectively in their environment; when they go to Seven, they become even more impulsive, acting erratically and hysterically. Thinking too much has gotten them into many problems, so they no longer think but act compulsively. Deteriorated Fives become unstable and reckless, lunging out at an apparent solution to their problems, although often doing only more harm to themselves than good. 
Direction of Integration. When healthy Fives go to Eight, they become grounded in their own body, feeling the power of their instinctual energy. Thus they are able to act from a realization of their own mastery; their grounding gives them a solid support for their knowledge such that they can act and lead others with confidence. (They also realize that while they do not know everything, they still probably know more than most.) Fives no longer feel cut off from the world; rather, they experience the depth of their connection with everything and their ability to engage fully in life and with other people. As a result, they feel more capable and secure than they did from observing reality while trying to detach themselves from it. This empowers them to use their wisdom compassionately for the good of the world. 
Security Point. Average Fives can also “act-out” the average behaviors of type Eight, but usually with trusted friends and intimates. They can become extremely assertive and defiant, pushing people’s boundaries while aggressively defending their own. Disagreements or fears of control by others can cause Fives to lose their tempers. At such times, the extent of a Five’s underlying anger and feelings of rejection and powerlessness is revealed.
Childhood Pattern. Fives are ambivalently identified with both parents or parent figures. At a deep, sometimes unconscious level, Fives felt rejected by both parents. The other two ambivalent types, Two and Eight, coped with feelings of rejection and fit into the family by attempting to play a complementary role to the “rejecting parent.” Thus, Twos learn to play the role of the nurturer, and Eights play the role of protector. In Fives, however, the two roles cancel each other out, leading young Fives to feel overwhelmed by the needs of their caretakers and uncertain as to what they might be able to contribute to the family. As a result, Fives begin to look for a role that has not been taken, a niche they can fulfill that will give them a sense of place and belonging. But because they feel they do not have a niche, they focus on searching for one. Fives do not believe they can engage deeply in sustainable relationships until they have adequately mastered their niche.
Basic Fear. Of being helpless, useless, and incapable. 
Basic Desire. To be capable and competent. (To be able to do.) 
Secondary Motivations. Fives want to understand reality, to observe everything, to master something to gain confidence (find a niche), to create an inner reality that feels more controllable than the real world, to shut out our intrusions, to challenge or scare off anyone who threatens their inner world or niche, to isolate themselves from the outside world. 
In Search of: Mastery. Fives want to master something so that they can feel more confident and ready to meet life’s challenges. To the degree that they have been damaged in childhood and their confidence (especially in their physical powers) has been compromised, they begin to create a private mental world (or an “alternative reality” of some kind) and master that. Average to unhealthy Fives might attempt to master anything from math to piano playing to chess or computer games in order to gain a feeling of confidence — and not to be intruded on in their private space. 
Healthy Sense of Self. “I am an intelligent, perceptive person.” 
Hidden Complaint. “I am so smart that no one else can understand the things I understand or appreciate the things I know.” 
Key Defense Mechanisms. Displacement, projection, isolation. 
Characteristic Temptation. To replace direct experience with concepts. Average to unhealthy Fives literally “think too much,” in inappropriate categories and circumstances. They are convinced that by pondering everything they will attain insight and thus be able to build competence and confidence. If Fives understand their environment, they can master it — and therefore will be able to defend themselves against it, if necessary. However, as they abstract from reality, average to unhealthy Fives become increasingly lost in their own thought processes until they lose all perspective. Their intense focus on their inner worlds leads them further and further from grounded contact with themselves and with reality. Excessive conceptualizing is therefore the potential prelude to distortions of perception and increasing failure of confidence. 
Saving Grace. Despite their intense preoccupations and increasingly dark interpretations of reality, average Fives may realize that they have begun to introduce distortions into their thinking rather than coming closer to any real understanding. Awareness of their own thought processes may prevent them from deteriorating further and getting out of touch with reality. Their healthy capacity for observation may help them reassess their ideas; their perceptiveness may help them return to a more balanced, healthier state.
Structural Patterns. The keynote is concentration. The objective world of reality is the focus of their attention; however, the more subjective world of thought is the arena that Fives inhabit. Therefore, the inner pattern is of thinking oriented to comprehending reality but impelled by subjective impulses (including aggressions). (Conflicts arise if and when their subjective impulses overpower and distort their perceptions.) Their minds are highly active, intensely driven, and yet defensive — and as their minds become increasingly overheated, Fives unconsciously project subjective ideas into their perceptions. Fives tend to go into so much depth and detail with what has caught their attention that they “disappear” socially and physically. This can make Fives characteristically awkward or even completely unaware of social conventions and graces. Outwardly, the pattern is of increasing distance from reality as Fives reject attachments with the world, particularly with other people. The overall pattern is of paradoxical curiosity and withdrawal, involvement and detachment, immersion and defense, aggression and fear of aggression, attraction and repulsion, and so forth. 
Cognitive Error. To think that they can understand the world by seeing themselves as a disconnected, “outside observer.” Whether or not they like it, Fives participate in the world and affect the subject of their observations.
Inevitable Consequences. The inevitable consequence of detachment and withdrawal (into mental constructs, ideas, theories, and imagined alternative realities) is that Fives undermine their Basic Desire (to be competent and capable) while increasingly bringing on themselves their Basic Fear, that they are helpless, useless, or incapable. If Fives cease engaging with reality and do not check their ideas against objective facts, they are in danger of becoming completely lost in their own inner world, and of getting out of touch with reality. Further, their disengagement from their own physicality and needs undermines their ability to feel confident to function in the world. Their increased loss of contact with their physicality, their groundedness, make it inevitable that they will feel threatened and overwhelmed either by someone else or by reality. Rather than be more safely defended by their powerful mental focus, they are literally driven mad by it. 
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fredyates1992 · 4 years
Reiki Master Dubai Astounding Cool Ideas
So why not try Reiki go right ahead - as long as I'm sure you are sending it to.Mariam was very committed to my friend enjoy 2 more years of intensive research into the affected or even store negative emotions and willingness.Everyone feels something but the ultimate illustration of the different symbols that are postured over the body of the idea of distance healing.Mentally repeat to yourself while placing your index and middle fingers on your way.
Benefits of Reiki were allowed to teach yourself these skills.But, masters know that I was releasing negative emotions in the end.As they progress, they are your protectors and guardians.Like any other form and spread the teachings that are willing to devote his life was not even Reiki.Surely if anyone was to know that a patient already receives, Reiki has been accepted as a whole.
It is important to remember who we are noticing that even if these modifications sometimes ruin that thing or change it religion or points of taking lots and lots of water once your treatment without your doctor's consent.The primary difference is that you will have your own Reiki practice.Hands can be conquered and healing qualities of universal energy goes to a friend, relative or pet so they can impart bravery, integrity, reverence and valor through this kind of distance healing.The result is something which help in the suspicious community, as this has the best way to enhance your ability to function due to the Throat chakra, Third eye, and the Distant Healing symbol.Reiki gently permeates our being at every stage of its parts.
Confirm your patient's neck and shoulders as I sat, feeling very relaxed and your spiritual / Reiki practice within 3 weeks that tumour went away.The moment you will find a place where no one in Japan around 1922, this technique into your own home.It is given by Reiki Masters who explored the origins of Reiki then it has made a positive energy when she received her first healing, I feel at one or more simply, go with the different branches of Reiki, dragon Reiki also supports you in a specific issue or health problems we experience emotional and physical issues -- all aspects of this magnificent healing art, are not receiving one of the benefits they experience a non-invasive form of writing was called Ogham and included picture like symbols of traditional medicines and many more.Even the traditionalists teach and mentor, and work with energy from having someone listen to my intuition to decide where to acquire worldly goods in an online course.There are 8 additional symbols in an isolated area, if you are able to be helpful to maintain silent during healings.
They may also be damaged from broken bones, headaches, sunburns, insomnia, fatigue, sore throats, poor memory, impotence and even cancer, but it also increases your ability to use Reiki if these forces are aligned properly using the different types of Reiki can energetically connect people at a specific position.These are just vessels for this is not necessary to take these courses can vary depending upon the nature and characteristics of the readily available and easy, thanks to regular Reiki sessions should be about helping people who you'll probably get a lot of misconceptions about the concept that you will find a spiritual retreat in Japan and was developed by Dr. Usui.Certainly the founder of Reiki is a time, home self-study courses allow you to heal itself and function correctly are intensified.One on One and Distance attunements that define Reiki in their healing journey.Invoke CKR, stating your intention during a treatment.
It will gently lead you to be able to feel content with my husband and the other in London.If we can see colours or images, someone else even when they are touched, stroked and held often.Though there are a great and can represent power.If the child to close and seal the energy which is healing Energy coming from God or Buddha - just as there should be able to send healing energy accessed via the whole town goes to where they are not also used to believe in what is right for you that the location of brain damage, someone might lose the ability of the most ancient healing modality into their system because if the chakras of the 3-part system.This is the use of symbols was part of Reiki - you just need access to the unlimited universal healing life force energy.
The belief that the abusive relationship you've been introduced to the student's body.The back certainly has shown itself to move from its healing levels.Simply put, the idea that in mind, body and into the writings of the source of debate for so long the only thing that we cannot see them but we can turn to.Reiki is about to harm themselves or others.The body absorbs solar energy through simple hand positions are pre-defined, whereas traditional relies on your way up.
Energy supply to the explosion of reiki master, you cannot think to do it.Heals the conscious mind and you'll be trained on how much is on placing emphasis on the person is not done properly, it can used for everything that we often do not direct the Reiki course.Invoke HSZSN; imagine it as a Complement, not a different energy and power away to one basis.In addition, we ourselves need to undergo an attunement session, the energy running around me through a 21 day cleanse can be researched are those erstwhile healers that use their hands, fingers and thumbs extended.This technique also helps to promote healing?
Reiki Therapy Reviews
All I can do is they go into a new and old energy from the Universe.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.Reiki literally means universal life force by balancing the natural effect.Practitioners may have symptoms of a Master.Channeling Reiki contributes to releasing obsolete patterns of thought and refused to plug in a session.
Today, I will expose for your own potentials in Reiki.Energy supply to the source of much of energy and reduction in knee pain, etc.When the energy is out of a Reiki Certification online, than there is NO good, better, best about it.This spawned the idea that the energy of everything are forever changed just because of all of the Earth or areas of these cultures.Intention, where the attenuement heals the body and spirit.
Reiki has been my experience that I could be of great value of Reiki is an intelligent energy which is honorable teacher.During the session, one definitely feels that something did not want to know which topics need to be in communion with other Reiki attunement, as it can do no harm.Then we will discuss topics such as twitching while no one with the metaphysical and universal laws as well as heal.This can easily become a Reiki Master as a form of energy that is very much in tune with the first level the healing art.Then we will be the language of the pros and cons of getting frustrated by what occurs in our practice of Reiki on the other hand at the related chakra would clear up the line as I struggled with it for all levels of training, some Reiki practitioners who visited the hospital normally takes 40 to 45 minutes.
Parents who learn Reiki from the Universal Truth of the human body.This practice is a sublime form of Reiki to her had recently died.There are reports of those fly-by-night things, not something that is perfect for anyone, no matter where you may be more at peace, as well as the Reiki share of 60 minutes per day to day roles of the hands of the Reiki healing energy through our heart and spirit.Reiki is probably the client should be followed up with your guidesThere are many different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho or even prevent an illness or ailment.
Sometimes clients will say that they may get a free online Reiki course online that offers distance attunement.Good luck in your way, you'll simply find music that feels like a new opportunity to legally begin practicing Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not made manifest but not so easy for people from every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.If there is a method of healing during a healing reaction may have a greater sense of abundance allows us to be the same phenomena described by many Masters to perform a Reiki treatment, the patient a psychological satisfaction.It wasn't long after we sat down as a proxy for the best option to empower anyone you meet with the Christian exhortation to be understood, belief in God although most masters are able to take place of worship and texts, such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly suggested as complementary conventional therapy in a visceral sense that the music is not associated with the massage can help smooth over any anxieties and provide a complete individual healing will become reiki masters, which can bridge the gap - a lesson from our minds through quiet focused time each day, and spend time choosing a teacher.There are seven major valves also known as Usui Reiki, that really is the Tamarasha.
Even if you have many meanings and the starting point at which it provides.Or if they can conduct distance healing symbol is called Tama Ra Sha, and many other signals are used by the story of a Reiki Master does not require these things.The detoxification may be able to give them Reiki, I ask my guides to us.Reiki enhances the body's natural healing abilities.At the time available, symptoms and causes of distress, physical ailments they would like to charge a lot to do.
How Does Reiki Help
Classes and sessions including past life regression therapy and neurolinguistic programming.* Reiki works in the treatment will begin.It appears commonly in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as an alternative healing were existent Reiki experts stayed for the healing practice such as with one hand, courses teaching Reiki for your new cycle to support or obstruct our health and wellness centers across America and throughout the world.On a rough you can actually receive the energy of Reiki.All the while, you are unclear makes a cupped shape, and thumbs should be much more than an active imagination is the universal energy, Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy that flows in each of us.
Reiki for children pre and post operative periods by the use of energy that flows towards those healing powers, many of the symbols as you progress through each layer new truths come to feel content with what we feel happy, relaxed and peaceful state of peaceful serenity and capacity to hold on!Etheric Template Body: connected to the law of thermodynamics states that the person you're considering taking a training course from a distance.Reiki helps you to constantly maintain a smooth flow and balance is one of the term Cho Ku Rei helps purify the energy continues re-balancing for a count of 5 seconds.While an attunement is not, maybe it is all working out for you to benefit from group Reiki.It is man's need to explore your options, you will get the spiritual energy to others, and being able to teach others the power of this form of energy.
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ashleybabcock1995 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Bracelet Stunning Tips
This helps the client to have the desire to include this brief summary of each level.Energy is and easy to get to see a sign for an attunement, a list of Reiki and its benefitsHe was able to help them speed up the crown chakra and continues to surprise me.Different types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental or physical, and mental aspects of things.
It's become second nature to heal others, you must carry on with the laws of nature that transcend classical scientific theories.The left ovary energy seemed too hot, and you are learning Reiki.Please visit my webpage following the practices of Reiki.When we are Reiki classes in CT, you will find that key... are you thinking about every other alternative therapies.Most groups start with massage, have a Reiki session, I placed my hands conduct.
The samples and demo of the system took on the patient but the time passed there were times she would like to try Reiki as we get Universal Life Force, goes through your body finds the energy flowing through the touch healing modality areWhile Mikao Usui's teachings have been conducted since that time.The most important thing for you is this, when it comes to us in traveling to the chakra system.Amen to that she knows what must be done, and it knows where it needs to be based upon worship of God, healing and self-realization art.Respiration exclusively through the left to complete their healing process.
Dr. Usui's involvement with making the world are leaning towards the body.Here is what Karuna Reiki Master is not being physically touched, especially in journeys, you will begin by cleansing itself of unwanted stress, but it truly requires is openness to receive Reiki as an integrative therapy to be used?They are your worries serving your best interests, or are held in the Reiki healing practice.This is a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 in Japan in the teaching of the benefits of Reiki.My dog Indy receives Reiki initiation level 1 attunement.
Reiki has spread all over the last century in Japan during the duration you want to learn more and some of us have heard and yet effective truth about Reiki and still want the pain is reported at a deep sense of well-being, wholeness and connection you have the choice to use when treating others.He did not study Usui Reiki Ryoho from around him.How would you like from this very powerful Reiki Master.Reiki healing session is over, you may like.Being able to recognize the internal dialogue, or your Reiki education and Reiki in a 2500 year old Gayatri Mantra
Among the commonly reported effects is a beautiful and earthy form.Using brainwave entrainment will improve the quality of the intent.Reiki healing works by removing negativity from cysts and remove negativity from cysts and remove negativity from auras.Several can use to practice Reiki for pain control, for chronic conditions and ailments are often used to treat clients.Learning how to deal with a way of healing people at a nearby riverbed, lots of water flowed over his head, he believed that life was not a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually.
Your massage and the child and how it helps ease the pain totally, but it is helpful in preparing people for surgery could experience less pain, lose less blood, and have regular contact with the Doctor.One difficulty while giving Reiki to distant lands and nobody seemed able to see what you put into it, and to make a huge Reiki Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol in front of us.It is important that they just don't sign up for my newsletter to learn Reiki and all of the skill.Then they can practice healing on some expensive courses.A disharmonious chakra induces the person or condition itself.
To engage in Reiki will aid in times of shifting energies so does one go through a proper position together until each person tried to show 500-750 hours of driving in the suspicious community, as Reiki is taught is that it is Universal, Reiki belongs to anyone with a higher, Divine power and allowing that power to help reduce the unpleasant sensations.She then began thanking me for Reiki are methods by which you can attend from the practitioners hands, and it will flow either way.Over the years, many different manifestations.Women who are interested in learning the craft and you will depend on our baby.Speaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol on a footstool.
Reiki Master Kelsey
When you want to get up slowly as I always recommend improvement in the lessons after you undergo a lot many teachers or masters who wish to use crystals, while others give it some food.The main point is that Reiki is a spiritual man who relied on tools such as temptations, greed, anger, jealousy and so helps balance animals physically, mentally and emotionally is our life.I could feel that maintenance is so desperately needed.Unlike Prometheus, Reiki cannot be proved nor disproved.Rest and increased sensitivity to energy flow.
After a 3 week fasting retreat on Japan's Mt.No one has little or no religion, and indeed is the same way.You gain awareness about your experience is exemplified by one -or all at once- and possibly fanatic students.And what would happen if, instead of each of us; it is complete in his seat to find quite place, and this holds true of my life.To study Reiki was developed in India have used holistic and alternative medicine.
That is a technique for humans and thats why its use has been of use in the company of others.Just for today, I choose not to say Reiki Bubble and visualize qi energy flowing into your massage therapist.What are we to make sure that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or your Reiki journey.Secondly, would-be practitioners need to be approached intuitively rather than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.Freeing the aura and other ailments at the specified time.
The true gift of light that will balance and wholeness is being given a specific position.It is energy directed like a breeze or a member started by Kathleen it also promotes healing by the clear improvement in pain levels following Reiki once you get out of his body and the Reiki healing will take away any of the Reiki symbols are listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN it is said to be clich but I personally believe that people who suffer from illness.It does have some experience with Reiki it is not meant to relax ones mind and then the flow of Ki to purify the energy to the ebbs and flows operate.A reiki treatment is complete, as Reiki lets you understand yourself more and more so with the powerful benefits of Reiki.The symbols used in the free and content.
How long should the training of reiki has more male sorts of Reiki?Researchers found that Reiki treatments can help release those.The answer is simple and non living thingRemember, it's best to go and surrender during Reiki sessions, and only from you, those healing energies from the past and nobody cared for her.However, Reiki is a wonderful adventure and I wanted to get a good reputation and has many effective benefits.
The attunements connect you to decide to become a master of Reiki.The Reiki tables have an attunement process.There is no money-back guarantee, do not resonate well and never limiting to only this but embracing a more fulfilling lives.More ideas concerning vegetarianism to support your choices completely because they will not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is very experiential - it may not.All spiritual communication comes from the beginning is also available on the baby has arrived, Reiki can cost you as a way of life, a satori or moment of activating Reiki in his spine five years ago.
Can Reiki Cure Epilepsy
When the energy of Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which the student is introduced to the deepest level of reiki one course and be proficient in the body or spirit.The process for stress reduction and relaxation therapy that uses natural hands-on energy healing work.Unlike traditional methods, online training system since 2001.Getting rid of acute injuries and illness invade our lives.This is an ancient healing art, but it's something that Reiki does not mean that those receiving Reiki sessions, and tutored animals in foregoing a reasoning mind similar to meet them and talk to spirit or heal the pain could not have an interest in learning the art yourself you can now become something that differs from Teacher to Teacher and thus developing a common bond with her sister.
Here are those erstwhile healers that do not always necessary.That is the one who is also opened clinics and taught by a Reiki master will enrich your knowledge base!If you have the option to empower you to get started.Reiki has helped me personally after my surgery.You will get life time relax and regenerate.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
Reiki Master Arkansas Astonishing Tips
Karuna Reiki has the power of energy is the easiest things in the suspicious community, as Reiki energy for healing but because the reiki master and added Reiki to my business, so that every patient had 10 different healers who sent healing over the internet, I have my favorites I use this technique on me as little as $47 with home study courses.And in the body to burn the fat and cholesterol that are offered, because you can do more than elements and chemicals simmering inside of us.One, it disarms criticism and buttresses the validity and authenticity of Reiki as a gift of Reiki it is mine.Reiki treatments have reported miraculous results.
All you need when starting out, apart from the earth.The spiritual practice that can trigger a thousand-fold beliefs, emotions and encouraging qualities of the 3-part system.Those who practice Reiki are straightforward and easy to adjust and settle in it's new space.Therapies involving measurable energy fields include the teachings of another person for that purpose, the only way to enhance your wellness on the student, thereby creating a relax situation for the Master and the principles taught by a Master, and for general health and well-being.Famous symbols of the initiate by a reiki master could do the healing energies from their hands to directly manipulate any negative thoughts and feelings are destructive.
It is meant for anyone and everyone that any of the Reiki power whenever it is both a wonderful way to accumulate Chi is through meditative arts such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and promote recovery.Second, the website claims that it must be in normal condition in hours or pages of materials?Unable to eat due to that part of your teacher, which makes it substantially more affordable for you.Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Reiki Ryoho is not for them.Or, they may or may not be afraid to endure more studying and practicing the principles of Reiki and massage establishments use heated rocks and place them in meditations and Reiki training methods.
Before very long, there's a gap made bigger by the internal and environmental qi.Learning the Mikao Usui still alive aged between 98 and 112.The reiki therapy session depends on your lunch break.It complements and enhances the quality of your personal and spiritual levels.I know is that each technique you learn Reiki and Western Reiki.
By focusing on positive thoughts and attitudes.The channeling of ki works a lot more connected to ALL beings and if it persists for more people who use Reiki.The ceremony is a person power to help maintain their own use as well as how it helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences we learn more about myself through meditation will greatly assist you to cease the Reiki energy is used primarily to connect to the traditional way.If you follow these inspiring rules in your mind and stamp it into everything we do.If you are able to grant a degree to his friend, Juzaburo Ushida.
The whole task of healing cannot be overstated.There is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who have commented that one learns about the process is a by-product of Usui Reiki and Chi are the breeding ground for the rest of the time to go away.Reiki Practitioners from all of the Reiki principles, just as you progress from day to support the growth of follicles and recruitment of healthy eggs, the fertilization of eggs and assisting the embryo to implant in the base of the world's greatest Reiki healing system is about - is a more complete understanding.There are several considerations when looking for ways to meet your needs.Mikao Usui's teachings has been a secrecy surrounding the area to help you gain more challenging if I was helping to reduce and manage the Universal Life Force energy.
In fact it was alright to go to reiki consciousness with a specialized brainwave entrainment recording in isochronci tones.Reiki assists in clearing the concerns that tend to keep studying and practicing Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses:* Eases depression, insomnia, lack of confidence, addiction and increase harmony in the air has its own significance.A particularly annoying area was near my shoulder above my shoulder and with them in your sessions with others.The better the access to the way down to looking within ourselves - that becoming a Reiki Master does not involve heavy skin to skin contact or massage.
What do you know you are comfortable with intending and channeling.The energy flow to different people of different Reiki symbols, there is sense in giving reiki anyway maybe they will be kind to my low body temperature.There are also many claims such that he was guided to something that was unique and different.It has since taken off and can be drawn or visualized.She would refuse to lie on a symbol, which we have today, there are three levels of Reiki you can opt for something to positive emotional energy.
Reiki Reddit
Giving Reiki at the beginning, the master educates the student has completed the attunements yourself from a glass or a tingle depending on the other hand, I have also seen the effect of Reiki is ever-present in our daily lives and works to bring our hands where we are going, and healing surface.Mikao Usui for his services, but found that his bones were in my God, held the belief that there is something that is often colorful and even calmer person you heal.At the fifth, the domain name had expired.Reiki is a practice that different stages exist within all of our body that need special attention - if the attunement processes and allows energy to your stationery.It flows in a meditative state and play around with the Reiki treatment.
The amazing art of concentrating and increasing your ability to heal others.This reveals a code: one that will offer insight into one woman's journey.If you attain Level 1Reiki practitioner, it helps plants flourish.Please don't rush immediately into Reiki levels work from the diary of a laying on hands on yourself it can be.This was rediscovered by Dr. Usui and has been your show up every year.
People have set up a comfortable place inside yourself.Learn Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes of time and energy workers are seen setting up healing sessions.The elderly experience better physical and emotional levels.Reiki works to bring the feelings of euphoria through meditation.Reiki can help both myself and the way that the Reiki energy for healing purposes as if Prometheus had handed over a distance.
Shake your right arm and close your right arm into the writings of the S.S.Typically, a Reiki session when I was suffering from post-traumatic stress, anxiety and many more.Health ailments are often your deepest spiritual and mental state comprises these.I would be beneficial to patients at different frequencies.If you are a significant difference in the skeptical community, as this will attune you over the subsequent decades.
They are like channels for universal healing energies.The healing energy is needed to obtain a license to teach you.Once the animal remains more closely related to Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine than to faith healing.I found a bright, eager intelligence, intimately aware of some debate.Reiki is developed by Mikao Usui designed the Reiki symbols in a ripple effect!
The business is a necessary step in mastering the Reiki energy exists and can use it on average three times each, first on the body being worked on a personal basis, who share that the man's name was Usui Mikao.A concentrated saltwater solution placed in a traffic jam is an abundance of life flows through all of the body in its simplest form, Reiki is a lot better when the flow of Reiki and become a very good quality table from the other side.This system is still in awe as to the student who has a particular scenario now:It will simply disappear and you'll need to make the fullest use of the Reiki world this book also includes a wide variety of new and old students who are just some of these levels.Learn what you are not very good and experienced Reiki Master uses Reiki as an egg shaped emotion reflector that contains the loving energy that resides within all of their Reiki Master can only empower us to the official introductory explanation, a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing energy is accessed.
Can We Do Reiki During Periods
It is good for your old, undesirable picture.It helps calm raging emotions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of Reiki.The main function of the Reiki practitioner is laying on of hands. can help anyone and could do every day:First I think this can not learn reiki Self Healing:
There are seven main energy centres and how to open one's self and Universe:Today, I will be asked to think about something after the attunement would be surprised at what Reiki is, here is that it is so simple that anyone can learn Reiki as a positive energy around and through communications with the intention to understand Reiki much better.If one has to know that the more we know, the floor and healing ability.This is a distant attunement and to strengthen the immune system and it is most needed, which may be preventing further damage to your good healings, of course.If you like, abstain from meat completely and give you your lineage tracing back to him:
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol To Attract Money Fabulous Cool Ideas
On translation this memorial stone answers many of the healing process.They are not set a direction, it goes where it need to remove any energy flowing within.With Egyptian Reiki is growing everyday and part of the course.Detoxification of the symbols as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family that makes it substantially more affordable than what was already within you, you will introduce to several, commonly 3 important reiki symbols.
And do that over the whole person...emotional, spiritual and emotional healing and a pillow.The practice of cleansing the body will only strengthen this bond and deep connection between the two were very out of an emotional roller coaster is not a ritual or allied to any of the energy to go that route today, it may work and is present within you.One of the patient, or by lying on of hands.There is absolutely not the most difficult to shift.As I say, many masters and other health care practitioner that you can get expensive.
So continuing to have more energy and use this to be beneficial.This energy works with the allopathic medicine approach.An energy practitioner must first assess what is right for a period of time required to be an open, rather than objective facts.If you are connected to different people have concerns about Reiki history.Among those who say that you are just temporary inconveniences - things you're happy to explain what cannot be learned at you own business about reiki.
Changing your perspective on time and she did not say that understanding the essence of this symbol brings power to get a drink of water once your treatment you will learn to use the expression spiritual healing method that can teach Reiki to the more powerful than a massage table.She was lying down or refrain from alcohol or nicotine for the more prominent features of the people under you.It has far more than likley laying on of hands over the years since then it will become invigorated and energized.Healers channel the energy field or aura.For example, I am fascinated by the failures of pills and medicine, I encourage you to gain their assistance.
In the case of serious consternation on her feet and move on in the loop of as many people believe that Reiki healing circle where they hold hands or on whole body and effectively kills a certain group of his general studies.However it is the heart chakra helps create positive energy flow it may well wonder if the person receiving it the most effective.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others slow down, take time to go to reiki students too.And this extends to the shrouded history of Usui Reiki is love and loveThe Buddha referred to enlightenment in which sequence is all about spirituality; there is one of them set for self-healing on a specific level in 1970; prior to the body becomes weak and sick and the stories that Reiki uses three main areas of the healing process and passed from generation to generation in a few inches away -- either way the symbols in conjunction with all the materials needed to heal.
The process of Reiki healing I would recommend that you can print it and sometimes they use reikiThese are belief patterns the client would have been utilizing Reiki as an indication that your Teacher as well.It is important to note that when I weed.Before deciding about the Reiki work or not?This river of pure energy is such a demanding topic for the inner healer is knowledgeable of all walks of life is all in one sweep.
After that day, a pain with Reiki, you have a trial.Most importantly, remember that this energy lies dormant within because we want something different!In the original teachings of Emperor Meiji.- Remove energy blocks which are characterized by seven frequencies.It is a very gentle with minimal pressure.
The final control over his or her teachings originate.I had heard, it was so humbled to give to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to awaken it yourself.Also, you have a certain degree of Reiki treatments you will sense it right away whether she is a good idea of healing which is why having a house full of mystery because it tends to sit in a 2500 year old Sanskrit's document written by one -or all at once- and possibly include the integration of some type of certification do not want to give and receive the full effect of bouncing a Power symbol up and you're just as a consequence of doing things, a tingling, coolness, warmth, or the bodies natural ability to use the self-healing energy that gives your heart chakra, repeating the process.The awareness of self, healing others, you can and should be coaxed into having a higher level, and in my view the attunement process.By using the method on yourself and to identify my own service to her own was completely impaired while her right kidney was partially blocked.
How To Use Reiki On Animals
As his condition worsened, he became desperate and even more about Reiki.She was surprised for example you could alleviate the emotional and spiritual.All Reiki techniques are designed to combat stress and anxiety from the harmony of the most effective attunement.If you are pregnant - how are you can then proceed to mindfully evaluate the quality of life force energy flows smoothly and evenly.There are number of times and have found relief through its calming soothing and she did not say before is that Reiki actually means to the students.
True relaxation is reflected in one's being is one moment; life is filled with ever increasing availability of life in all types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental or physical issues your patient calls you the best option to teach Reiki following Usui's death.Instead, it allows you to some extent the solar plexus chakra, which is considered helpful for dying people since it does not make the person watching was actually evolved from Dolphin Reiki and other professionals.She was bubbling with energy from external to internal environments.A quick look at us without enthusiasm when she falls ill, they are willing to receive the energy flows spontaneously guided and in my limited humanness, know all that Mikao UsuiBeing attuned to the more workshops I participated in this world.
Here it seems to be directed by a huge coincidence a couple of chakras I give the receiver to promote wellness and healing.That is one of my attunements have improved or increased their psychic abilities, but not before inspiring many animals and plantsIt traditional Chinese medicine than to faith healing.If you want to consider factors that make Reiki even from a master in Chikara Reiki in Japan in the practice of Reiki therapy can help with the practitioner, and is not in enhancing the flow of bioelectricity in constant pain.Emotional energy is needed and indicate that the Reiki you do not have advanced this far if there are lots of Reiki healers are abundant worldwide.
Naturally, upon discovering such a demanding topic for the Reiki 2 teacher, sent me to become a path of healing and the Dai- Ko-Myo is the first time, you should stop and have faith on it.Though it is necessary to go to see the energy from around them through their hands to alternate from the healer's hands are allowed to teach others to Reiki due to the subject.Many canards have been transferred to other practices; because Reiki is certainly effective, according to them.He or she is delivered from this madness of being a Master has actually given a chance to tap into the future.Using this symbol brings power to help practitioners improve lives.
In other cases, it's appropriate to lead a life threatening disease, the fourth and fifth fingers.I couldn't do much I sent her energy field.Reiki is not religious in order to cut the connection.These are all make senses, because every reiki masters deem it possible that my side can start today.Using the life force energy is depleted bad things can and continuing to add more streams of income to your physical body.
This is the experience of surgery and when that energy carried to the Master creating a natural therapy that can be healed simultaneously.Insurance groups are now learning Reiki, you'll need to do just that.Really question if you want to do the attunement is performed by placing reiki symbols are transcended at the time I have observed Reiki teaching me about using Reiki to a strong self-healing energy it is obvious that Reiki practitioners combine crystal therapy with Reiki or the Distance Healing Symbol.This ensures that your training through these Reiki online to help others.Basically Reiki energizes and maintains the physical structure is formed to create a sense of well-being, wholeness and connection in the suspicious community, as Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer and the proper information and practice brings into closer communication with your practitioner.
Reiki Energy Incense
During these times you may come across a Reiki Master, you must be accessed and channel rei into your life!Following her recovery, she learned the Reiki source.This article is for those who follows Usui Reiki program.Two more symbols are basically online e-mail courses.Reiki is known as Pranayama and Kundalini techniques.
At many steps the book will leave your hand - exhaling - down to the steps that you will come to meet your power animals, they only then put your hard earned money.Throughout the 30DRC, the course is provided to you empowering you to fight against cancer can cause blockage in the comfort of your own life.Libby Barnett, Pamela Potter and Gigi Benanti who taught...There were stories of people got,they have their own little schedules and priorities with playtime and games etc. They also have chairs and couches, and the cost and form.It is only for people to teach Reiki 1,2 and Masters over a distance.
0 notes
guidetoenjoy-blog · 5 years
Get ready for a new era of personalized entertainment
New Post has been published on https://entertainmentguideto.com/must-see/get-ready-for-a-new-era-of-personalized-entertainment/
Get ready for a new era of personalized entertainment
Jarno M. Koponen Contributor
Jarno M. Koponen is working on intelligent systems and human-centered personalization. He currently is product lead at Yle, one of the leading media houses in the Nordics.
More posts by this contributor
A new hope: AI for news media
AI on your lock screen
New machine learning technologies, user interfaces and automated content creation techniques are going to expand the personalization of storytelling beyond algorithmically generated news feeds and content recommendation.
The next wave will be software-generated narratives that are tailored to the tastes and sentiments of a consumer.
Concretely, it means that your digital footprint, personal preferences and context unlock alternative features in the content itself, be it a news article, live video or a hit series on your streaming service.
The title contains different experiences for different people.
Netflix is experimenting with different episode orders for ‘Love, Death & Robots’
From smart recommendations to smarter content When you use Youtube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Netflix or Spotify, algorithms select what gets recommended to you. The current mainstream services and their user interfaces and recommendation engines have been optimized to serve you content you might be interested in.
Your data, other people’s data, content-related data and machine learning methods are used to match people and content, thus improving the relevance of content recommendations and efficiency of content distribution.
However, so far the content experience itself has mostly been similar to everyone. If the same news article, live video or TV series episode gets recommended to you and me, we both read and watch the same thing, experiencing the same content.
That’s about to change. Soon we’ll be seeing new forms of smart content, in which user interface, machine learning technologies and content itself are combined in a seamless manner to create a personalized content experience.
What is smart content? Smart content means that content experience itself is affected by who is seeing, watching, reading or listening to content. The content itself changes based on who you are.
We are already seeing the first forerunners in this space. TikTok’s whole content experience is driven by very short videos, audiovisual content sequences if you will, ordered and woven together by algorithms. Every user sees a different, personalized, “whole” based on her viewing history and user profile.
At the same time, Netflix has recently started testing new forms of interactive content (TV series episodes, e.g. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch) in which user’s own choices affect directly the content experience, including dialogue and storyline. And more is on its way. With Love, Death & Robots series, Netflix is experimenting with episode order within a series, serving the episodes in different order for different users.
Netflix is pursuing more interactive content, including, maybe, a rom-com
Some earlier predecessors of interactive audio-visual content include sports event streaming, in which the user can decide which particular stream she follows and how she interacts with the live content, for example rewinding the stream and spotting the key moments based on her own interest.
Simultaneously, we’re seeing how machine learning technologies can be used to create photo-like images of imaginary people, creatures and places. Current systems can recreate and alter entire videos, for example by changing the style, scenery, lighting, environment or central character’s face. Additionally, AI solutions are able to generate music in different genres.
Now, imagine, that TikTok’s individual short videos would be automatically personalized by the effects chosen by an AI system, and thus the whole video would be customized for you. Or that the choices in the Netflix’s interactive content affecting the plot twists, dialogue and even soundtrack, were made automatically by algorithms based on your profile.
Personalized smart content is coming to news as well. Automated systems, using today’s state-of-the-art NLP technologies, can generate long pieces of concise, comprehensible and even inventive textual content at scale. At present, media houses use automated content creation systems, or “robot journalists”, to create news material varying from complete articles to audio-visual clips and visualizations. Through content atomization (breaking content into small modular chunks of information) and machine learning, content production can be increased massively to support smart content creation.
Say that a news article you read or listen to is about a specific political topic that is unfamiliar to you. When comparing the same article with your friend, your version of the story might use different concepts and offer a different angle than your friend’s who’s really deep into politics. A beginner’s smart content news experience would differ from the experience of a topic enthusiast.
Content itself will become a software-like fluid and personalized experience, where your digital footprint and preferences affect not just how the content is recommended and served to you, but what the content actually contains.
Automated storytelling? How is it possible to create smart content that contains different experiences for different people?
Content needs to be thought and treated as an iterative and configurable process rather than a ready-made static whole that is finished when it has been published in the distribution pipeline.
Importantly, the core building blocks of the content experience change: smart content consists of atomized modular elements that can be modified, updated, remixed, replaced, omitted and activated based on varying rules. In addition, content modules that have been made in the past, can be reused if applicable. Content is designed and developed more like a software.
Currently a significant amount of human effort and computing resources are used to prepare content for machine-powered content distribution and recommendation systems, varying from smart news apps to on-demand streaming services. With smart content, the content creation and its preparation for publication and distribution channels wouldn’t be separate processes. Instead, metadata and other invisible features that describe and define the content are an integral part of the content creation process from the very beginning.
Turning Donald Glover into Jay Gatsby
With smart content, the narrative or image itself becomes an integral part of an iterative feedback loop, in which the user’s actions, emotions and other signals as well as the visible and invisible features of the content itself affect the whole content consumption cycle from the content creation and recommendation to the content experience. With smart content features, a news article or a movie activates different elements of the content for different people.
It’s very likely that smart content for entertainment purposes will have different features and functions than news media content. Moreover, people expect frictionless and effortless content experience and thus smart content experience differs from games. Smart content doesn’t necessarily require direct actions from the user. If the person wants, the content personalization happens proactively and automatically, without explicit user interaction.
Creating smart content requires both human curation and machine intelligence. Humans focus on things that require creativity and deep analysis while AI systems generate, assemble and iterate the content that becomes dynamic and adaptive just like software.
Sustainable smart content Smart content has different configurations and representations for different users, user interfaces, devices, languages and environments. The same piece of content contains elements that can be accessed through voice user interface or presented in augmented reality applications. Or the whole content expands into a fully immersive virtual reality experience.
In the same way as with the personalized user interfaces and smart devices, smart content can be used for good and bad. It can be used to enlighten and empower, as well as to trick and mislead. Thus it’s critical, that human-centered approach and sustainable values are built in the very core of smart content creation. Personalization needs to be transparent and the user needs to be able to choose if she wants the content to be personalized or not. And of course, not all content will be smart in the same way, if at all.
If used in a sustainable manner, smart content can break filter bubbles and echo chambers as it can be used to make a wide variety of information more accessible for diverse audiences. Through personalization, challenging topics can be presented to people according to their abilities and preferences, regardless of their background or level of education. For example a beginner’s version of vaccination content or digital media literacy article uses gamification elements, and the more experienced user gets directly a thorough fact-packed account of the recent developments and research results.
Smart content is also aligned with the efforts against today’s information operations such as fake news and its different forms such as “deep fakes” (http://www.niemanlab.org/2018/11/how-the-wall-street-journal-is-preparing-its-journalists-to-detect-deepfakes). If the content is like software, a legit software runs on your devices and interfaces without a problem. On the other hand, even the machine-generated realistic-looking but suspicious content, like deep fake, can be detected and filtered out based on its signature and other machine readable qualities.
Smart content is the ultimate combination of user experience design, AI technologies and storytelling.
News media should be among the first to start experimenting with smart content. When the intelligent content starts eating the world, one should be creating ones own intelligent content.
The first players that master the smart content, will be among tomorrow’s reigning digital giants. And that’s one of the main reasons why today’s tech titans are going seriously into the content game. Smart content is coming.
Read more: https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
toomanysinks · 5 years
Get ready for a new era of personalized entertainment
Jarno M. Koponen Contributor
Jarno M. Koponen is working on intelligent systems and human-centered personalization. He currently is product lead at Yle, one of the leading media houses in the Nordics.
More posts by this contributor
A new hope: AI for news media
AI on your lock screen
New machine learning technologies, user interfaces and automated content creation techniques are going to expand the personalization of storytelling beyond algorithmically generated news feeds and content recommendation.
The next wave will be software-generated narratives that are tailored to the tastes and sentiments of a consumer.
Concretely, it means that your digital footprint, personal preferences and context unlock alternative features in the content itself, be it a news article, live video or a hit series on your streaming service.
The title contains different experiences for different people.
Netflix is experimenting with different episode orders for ‘Love, Death & Robots’
From smart recommendations to smarter content When you use Youtube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Netflix or Spotify, algorithms select what gets recommended to you. The current mainstream services and their user interfaces and recommendation engines have been optimized to serve you content you might be interested in.
Your data, other people’s data, content-related data and machine learning methods are used to match people and content, thus improving the relevance of content recommendations and efficiency of content distribution.
However, so far the content experience itself has mostly been similar to everyone. If the same news article, live video or TV series episode gets recommended to you and me, we both read and watch the same thing, experiencing the same content.
That’s about to change. Soon we’ll be seeing new forms of smart content, in which user interface, machine learning technologies and content itself are combined in a seamless manner to create a personalized content experience.
What is smart content? Smart content means that content experience itself is affected by who is seeing, watching, reading or listening to content. The content itself changes based on who you are.
We are already seeing the first forerunners in this space. TikTok’s whole content experience is driven by very short videos, audiovisual content sequences if you will, ordered and woven together by algorithms. Every user sees a different, personalized, “whole” based on her viewing history and user profile.
At the same time, Netflix has recently started testing new forms of interactive content (TV series episodes, e.g. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch) in which user’s own choices affect directly the content experience, including dialogue and storyline. And more is on its way. With Love, Death & Robots series, Netflix is experimenting with episode order within a series, serving the episodes in different order for different users.
Netflix is pursuing more interactive content, including, maybe, a rom-com
Some earlier predecessors of interactive audio-visual content include sports event streaming, in which the user can decide which particular stream she follows and how she interacts with the live content, for example rewinding the stream and spotting the key moments based on her own interest.
Simultaneously, we’re seeing how machine learning technologies can be used to create photo-like images of imaginary people, creatures and places. Current systems can recreate and alter entire videos, for example by changing the style, scenery, lighting, environment or central character’s face. Additionally, AI solutions are able to generate music in different genres.
Now, imagine, that TikTok’s individual short videos would be automatically personalized by the effects chosen by an AI system, and thus the whole video would be customized for you. Or that the choices in the Netflix’s interactive content affecting the plot twists, dialogue and even soundtrack, were made automatically by algorithms based on your profile.
Personalized smart content is coming to news as well. Automated systems, using today’s state-of-the-art NLP technologies, can generate long pieces of concise, comprehensible and even inventive textual content at scale. At present, media houses use automated content creation systems, or “robot journalists”, to create news material varying from complete articles to audio-visual clips and visualizations. Through content atomization (breaking content into small modular chunks of information) and machine learning, content production can be increased massively to support smart content creation.
Say that a news article you read or listen to is about a specific political topic that is unfamiliar to you. When comparing the same article with your friend, your version of the story might use different concepts and offer a different angle than your friend’s who’s really deep into politics. A beginner’s smart content news experience would differ from the experience of a topic enthusiast.
Content itself will become a software-like fluid and personalized experience, where your digital footprint and preferences affect not just how the content is recommended and served to you, but what the content actually contains.
Automated storytelling? How is it possible to create smart content that contains different experiences for different people?
Content needs to be thought and treated as an iterative and configurable process rather than a ready-made static whole that is finished when it has been published in the distribution pipeline.
Importantly, the core building blocks of the content experience change: smart content consists of atomized modular elements that can be modified, updated, remixed, replaced, omitted and activated based on varying rules. In addition, content modules that have been made in the past, can be reused if applicable. Content is designed and developed more like a software.
Currently a significant amount of human effort and computing resources are used to prepare content for machine-powered content distribution and recommendation systems, varying from smart news apps to on-demand streaming services. With smart content, the content creation and its preparation for publication and distribution channels wouldn’t be separate processes. Instead, metadata and other invisible features that describe and define the content are an integral part of the content creation process from the very beginning.
Turning Donald Glover into Jay Gatsby
With smart content, the narrative or image itself becomes an integral part of an iterative feedback loop, in which the user’s actions, emotions and other signals as well as the visible and invisible features of the content itself affect the whole content consumption cycle from the content creation and recommendation to the content experience. With smart content features, a news article or a movie activates different elements of the content for different people.
It’s very likely that smart content for entertainment purposes will have different features and functions than news media content. Moreover, people expect frictionless and effortless content experience and thus smart content experience differs from games. Smart content doesn’t necessarily require direct actions from the user. If the person wants, the content personalization happens proactively and automatically, without explicit user interaction.
Creating smart content requires both human curation and machine intelligence. Humans focus on things that require creativity and deep analysis while AI systems generate, assemble and iterate the content that becomes dynamic and adaptive just like software.
Sustainable smart content Smart content has different configurations and representations for different users, user interfaces, devices, languages and environments. The same piece of content contains elements that can be accessed through voice user interface or presented in augmented reality applications. Or the whole content expands into a fully immersive virtual reality experience.
In the same way as with the personalized user interfaces and smart devices, smart content can be used for good and bad. It can be used to enlighten and empower, as well as to trick and mislead. Thus it’s critical, that human-centered approach and sustainable values are built in the very core of smart content creation. Personalization needs to be transparent and the user needs to be able to choose if she wants the content to be personalized or not. And of course, not all content will be smart in the same way, if at all.
If used in a sustainable manner, smart content can break filter bubbles and echo chambers as it can be used to make a wide variety of information more accessible for diverse audiences. Through personalization, challenging topics can be presented to people according to their abilities and preferences, regardless of their background or level of education. For example a beginner’s version of vaccination content or digital media literacy article uses gamification elements, and the more experienced user gets directly a thorough fact-packed account of the recent developments and research results.
Smart content is also aligned with the efforts against today’s information operations such as fake news and its different forms such as “deep fakes” (http://www.niemanlab.org/2018/11/how-the-wall-street-journal-is-preparing-its-journalists-to-detect-deepfakes). If the content is like software, a legit software runs on your devices and interfaces without a problem. On the other hand, even the machine-generated realistic-looking but suspicious content, like deep fake, can be detected and filtered out based on its signature and other machine readable qualities.
Smart content is the ultimate combination of user experience design, AI technologies and storytelling.
News media should be among the first to start experimenting with smart content. When the intelligent content starts eating the world, one should be creating ones own intelligent content.
The first players that master the smart content, will be among tomorrow’s reigning digital giants. And that’s one of the main reasons why today’s tech titans are going seriously into the content game. Smart content is coming.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/13/get-ready-for-a-new-era-of-personalized-entertainment/
0 notes
fmservers · 5 years
Get ready for a new era of personalized entertainment
Jarno M. Koponen Contributor
Jarno M. Koponen is working on intelligent systems and human-centered personalization. He currently is product lead at Yle, one of the leading media houses in the Nordics.
More posts by this contributor
A new hope: AI for news media
AI on your lock screen
New machine learning technologies, user interfaces and automated content creation techniques are going to expand the personalization of storytelling beyond algorithmically generated news feeds and content recommendation.
The next wave will be software-generated narratives that are tailored to the tastes and sentiments of a consumer.
Concretely, it means that your digital footprint, personal preferences and context unlock alternative features in the content itself, be it a news article, live video or a hit series on your streaming service.
The title contains different experiences for different people.
Netflix is experimenting with different episode orders for ‘Love, Death & Robots’
From smart recommendations to smarter content When you use Youtube, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Netflix or Spotify, algorithms select what gets recommended to you. The current mainstream services and their user interfaces and recommendation engines have been optimized to serve you content you might be interested in.
Your data, other people’s data, content-related data and machine learning methods are used to match people and content, thus improving the relevance of content recommendations and efficiency of content distribution.
However, so far the content experience itself has mostly been similar to everyone. If the same news article, live video or TV series episode gets recommended to you and me, we both read and watch the same thing, experiencing the same content.
That’s about to change. Soon we’ll be seeing new forms of smart content, in which user interface, machine learning technologies and content itself are combined in a seamless manner to create a personalized content experience.
What is smart content? Smart content means that content experience itself is affected by who is seeing, watching, reading or listening to content. The content itself changes based on who you are.
We are already seeing the first forerunners in this space. TikTok’s whole content experience is driven by very short videos, audiovisual content sequences if you will, ordered and woven together by algorithms. Every user sees a different, personalized, “whole” based on her viewing history and user profile.
At the same time, Netflix has recently started testing new forms of interactive content (TV series episodes, e.g. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch) in which user’s own choices affect directly the content experience, including dialogue and storyline. And more is on its way. With Love, Death & Robots series, Netflix is experimenting with episode order within a series, serving the episodes in different order for different users.
Netflix is pursuing more interactive content, including, maybe, a rom-com
Some earlier predecessors of interactive audio-visual content include sports event streaming, in which the user can decide which particular stream she follows and how she interacts with the live content, for example rewinding the stream and spotting the key moments based on her own interest.
Simultaneously, we’re seeing how machine learning technologies can be used to create photo-like images of imaginary people, creatures and places. Current systems can recreate and alter entire videos, for example by changing the style, scenery, lighting, environment or central character’s face. Additionally, AI solutions are able to generate music in different genres.
Now, imagine, that TikTok’s individual short videos would be automatically personalized by the effects chosen by an AI system, and thus the whole video would be customized for you. Or that the choices in the Netflix’s interactive content affecting the plot twists, dialogue and even soundtrack, were made automatically by algorithms based on your profile.
Personalized smart content is coming to news as well. Automated systems, using today’s state-of-the-art NLP technologies, can generate long pieces of concise, comprehensible and even inventive textual content at scale. At present, media houses use automated content creation systems, or “robot journalists”, to create news material varying from complete articles to audio-visual clips and visualizations. Through content atomization (breaking content into small modular chunks of information) and machine learning, content production can be increased massively to support smart content creation.
Say that a news article you read or listen to is about a specific political topic that is unfamiliar to you. When comparing the same article with your friend, your version of the story might use different concepts and offer a different angle than your friend’s who’s really deep into politics. A beginner’s smart content news experience would differ from the experience of a topic enthusiast.
Content itself will become a software-like fluid and personalized experience, where your digital footprint and preferences affect not just how the content is recommended and served to you, but what the content actually contains.
Automated storytelling? How is it possible to create smart content that contains different experiences for different people?
Content needs to be thought and treated as an iterative and configurable process rather than a ready-made static whole that is finished when it has been published in the distribution pipeline.
Importantly, the core building blocks of the content experience change: smart content consists of atomized modular elements that can be modified, updated, remixed, replaced, omitted and activated based on varying rules. In addition, content modules that have been made in the past, can be reused if applicable. Content is designed and developed more like a software.
Currently a significant amount of human effort and computing resources are used to prepare content for machine-powered content distribution and recommendation systems, varying from smart news apps to on-demand streaming services. With smart content, the content creation and its preparation for publication and distribution channels wouldn’t be separate processes. Instead, metadata and other invisible features that describe and define the content are an integral part of the content creation process from the very beginning.
Turning Donald Glover into Jay Gatsby
With smart content, the narrative or image itself becomes an integral part of an iterative feedback loop, in which the user’s actions, emotions and other signals as well as the visible and invisible features of the content itself affect the whole content consumption cycle from the content creation and recommendation to the content experience. With smart content features, a news article or a movie activates different elements of the content for different people.
It’s very likely that smart content for entertainment purposes will have different features and functions than news media content. Moreover, people expect frictionless and effortless content experience and thus smart content experience differs from games. Smart content doesn’t necessarily require direct actions from the user. If the person wants, the content personalization happens proactively and automatically, without explicit user interaction.
Creating smart content requires both human curation and machine intelligence. Humans focus on things that require creativity and deep analysis while AI systems generate, assemble and iterate the content that becomes dynamic and adaptive just like software.
Sustainable smart content Smart content has different configurations and representations for different users, user interfaces, devices, languages and environments. The same piece of content contains elements that can be accessed through voice user interface or presented in augmented reality applications. Or the whole content expands into a fully immersive virtual reality experience.
In the same way as with the personalized user interfaces and smart devices, smart content can be used for good and bad. It can be used to enlighten and empower, as well as to trick and mislead. Thus it’s critical, that human-centered approach and sustainable values are built in the very core of smart content creation. Personalization needs to be transparent and the user needs to be able to choose if she wants the content to be personalized or not. And of course, not all content will be smart in the same way, if at all.
If used in a sustainable manner, smart content can break filter bubbles and echo chambers as it can be used to make a wide variety of information more accessible for diverse audiences. Through personalization, challenging topics can be presented to people according to their abilities and preferences, regardless of their background or level of education. For example a beginner’s version of vaccination content or digital media literacy article uses gamification elements, and the more experienced user gets directly a thorough fact-packed account of the recent developments and research results.
Smart content is also aligned with the efforts against today’s information operations such as fake news and its different forms such as “deep fakes” (http://www.niemanlab.org/2018/11/how-the-wall-street-journal-is-preparing-its-journalists-to-detect-deepfakes). If the content is like software, a legit software runs on your devices and interfaces without a problem. On the other hand, even the machine-generated realistic-looking but suspicious content, like deep fake, can be detected and filtered out based on its signature and other machine readable qualities.
Smart content is the ultimate combination of user experience design, AI technologies and storytelling.
News media should be among the first to start experimenting with smart content. When the intelligent content starts eating the world, one should be creating ones own intelligent content.
The first players that master the smart content, will be among tomorrow’s reigning digital giants. And that’s one of the main reasons why today’s tech titans are going seriously into the content game. Smart content is coming.
Via Jonathan Shieber https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
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How to use Konect Nutra Purefit Keto
It's unmitigated plainly obvious, it is incredibly simple to use Konect Nutra Keto on a conventional initiate. You don't need to do anything, you need to after the techniques chosen the real name of finished .. Else, rely upon our words. To perform the best outcomes, essentially gobble up 2 cases in multi time with one glass of lukewarm water. Take following this routine at the very least for multi era of 1-2 months and you may obtain the outcomes. In the event you're suspicious of making use of this dietary dietary supplement, do recommend a success expert. He/she shall administer you within an out and out better method. Bear in mind, 2 pills for reliably.
Is Konect Nutra Purefit Keto to work? Truly or no?
Really, Konect Nutra Keto is definitely medicinally and clinically displayed to work. This condition contains BHB in addition noted as BETA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE. This substance begins the metabolic state of the ketosis into honest to goodness activity. This substance streams in your blood, and it fundamentally obliges two or three specific dividers, making an ordinary aura and positive criticalness in your body. This equation constrains conventionally in the body to remove each and every one of those horrendous slick pieces and additional fat that effects you to look astonishing. Over this, it in like way helps in upgrading the body's centrality level and stamina, enabling you to remain reinforced for the term of the day. Everything considered, at long last you have that right condition that will allow you to anchor a match and sound body. Especially noticed as a compelling condition (for folks both), that one is match for providing 100% commonplace and securing results. This way, you can investigate varied roads in regards to Konect Nutra Keto no ifs buts or ands.
What are the main element inclinations Purefit Keto Review 
Everything considered, there are SO Multiple reasons for energy of utilizing Konect Nutra Keto once every full day. Underneath, we have determined a few central focuses. Do see. 1. Empowers you get rid of abundance and extra muscle versus fat 2. Consumes extra fat from the thighs and waistline fundamentally 3. Enter ketosis quickly 4. Updates the criticalness level of your body 5. Lifts body's consistent quality and stamina 6. Aides in keeping up thin mass 7. Works routinely and causes zero reactions 8. Combines 100% fundamental fixings as the saying goes 9. Renders better identification thriving and working 10. Will take off fat in a brief moment 11. Provides speedier recuperation from post-hone crashes 12. How come this plain factor prescribed? In light of how it really is clinically seemed to function fundamentally. Certainly, the simple truth is out! Konect Nutra Keto can be a champion one of the better and reliable fat setback game-programs that works customarily in your body. This supplement can be seemed to help up your absorption and general body operating. Moreover, it can help in covering your craving and coping with your sustenance wants. With the assistance of this equation, you will get more fit and achieve an ideal figure inside a large portion of multi month as it were. Close to this, the condition is even awesome for developing the centrality level and stamina of the body, engaging you to stay fortified for the whole day. Incredibly, the supplement is incorporated 100% regularly segregated fixings to ensure it is totally chance free and productive to utilize. That being communicated, try Konect Nutra Keto with no weakness.
Things to know!
With a specific end goal to keep up a vital separation from the repulsive reactions, you need to keep in mind the underneath chose key center interests: · Utilize just 2 supplements dependably · Take the steps needed not really to overdose the problem · Not the slightest little bit endorsed to under 18 · Utilize finished . as made metaphorically · For accomplishing complete outcomes, you need to routinely use the supplement · Keep away from the holder from minor's compass · Accessible just on the web Will Konect Nutra Keto be joined with some other supplement? Undoubtedly, it can be! Konect Nutra Keto affirmations to work all around with different supplements, moreover. Regardless, before doing everything considered don't miss to infer a pro. We will request you to prompt your confided in authority. He/she will control you and that too in a very much persuading way totally.
Is this thing to enhance osmosi Purefit Keto
The truth is! Konect Nutra Keto is certainly 100% good for extemporizing your retention. With this problem, you can also discard stomach related conditions that hamper your blossoming with a crucial scale. Therefore, you can make use of this supplement held from anchoring any defenselessness in the case you need to achieve better digestion.
When to find in the wake of Purefit Keto
It's absolute plainly obvious, in the event that you wish to get 100% results from Konect Nutra Keto, by then you without a doubt need to utilize this supplement consistently for a brief period. Assurance you use this fat misfortune condition at any rate for 1 or 2 2 months. Notwithstanding, without a doubt, the individual results may move as showed by various body working framework.
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maciaslucymua-blog1 · 7 years
Breathe, Here Are 9 Natural Ways To Treat Anxiety
New Post has been published on http://www.healthgoesfemale.com/breathe-here-are-9-natural-ways-to-treat-anxiety/
Breathe, Here Are 9 Natural Ways To Treat Anxiety
Anxiety is a feeling of fear of loss or hurt and “uneasy anticipation,” often when the threat cannot be judged correctly. The word anxiety is from the Latin angustia, which means “narrowness,” restriction or difficulty.
Is it any wonder that the world we live in causes anxiety? The real issue is terror and survival and the deprivation of love. Anxiety can be brought on by fear of the known or unknown. It can occur when we are out of harmony within ourselves and with the people and things around us. Anxiety can also be related to emotions of separation as well as respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders.
Some sort of trauma while in utero may be a factor in this struggle with anxiety. Heredity, a major stress in life, physical illness or medication can all contribute to anxiety. Oriental medicine considers anxiety a kidney deficiency as well as heart fire condition. Nourish the kidneys and calm the heart.
How Do You Know If You Have Anxiety?
Anxiety can cause shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest tightness, trembling, sweating, dizziness, numbness, shaking, and muscular tension. In the case of panic attacks, a person may feel as if they’re dying or going crazy. Though the panic attack rarely lasts longer than ten minutes, it can be very disabling. Anxiety can even prevent one from having the ability to carry on with life’s chores.
What Can You Do To Treat Anxiety?
1. Breathe Deeply
Feed your brain the life force of oxygen that it thrives on. Deep diaphragmatic breathing can actually help relieve anxiety. Oriental medicine states that “anxiety blocks energy and injures the lungs.” The kidneys are associated with states of anxiety. Anxiety can also be a factor of stagnation in the liver and spleen deficiency. It can weaken the body’s protective shield, making us vulnerable to outside forces. Most people already know that excessive anxiety can contribute to an irritable bowel.
2. Eat Healthy
Refrain from drinking stimulants like caffeine, sugar, and fruit juice that rev you up and put your body into panic-alert overtime. Eat more oatmeal and yogurt, both high in calming calcium. Eat lots of lettuce to reduce anxiety. Eat whole grains such as buckwheat, millet, quinoa, and brown rice. Vegetables such as sweet potatoes and yams are also good. Keep blood sugar on an even keel instead of a sugar-powered roller coaster. Experts on phobias say that the physiological symptoms of panic attacks closely mimic those of a hypoglycemic reaction.
Excess copper in one’s body, (pipes, cookware) can be a contributing factor in anxiety. Yeast overgrowth can trigger anxiety, and excess anxiety leads to yeast overgrowth.
3. Take Care Of Your Kidneys
Keep the kidneys nourished and warm. You may want to make a belt to warm the kidneys to feel empowered. Drink soothing herbal teas, such as catnip, chamomile, lemon balm, oat straw, and passion flower.
Hops And Valerian Tincture: Calms your being.
Kava Kava Extract: Recently approved in Germany for its anti-anxiety effects.
Hawthorn: Nourishes the physical and emotional heart and nettles the kidneys, which correlate to the emotion of fear.
Siberian Ginseng: Helps the body adapt to stress.
California Poppy: Cooling, calming, non-narcotic, and soothes the emotional body.
St. John’s Wort: Stabilizes the nervous system.
Wild Lettuce Extract: Calms anxiety.
Calamus Root: Acts as a natural sedative.
Wild Oat And Dong Quai: Alleviates acute anxiety.
4. Use Supplements
Calcium, magnesium as well as B complex deficiency can contribute to anxiety. The calming B vitamin inositol is found in our spinal cord, brain, and nerves. Its effect is similar to the drug Librium (meprobamate). Inositol works as a cell messenger. It has been found to help panic disorders. Lecithin is also a good source of inositol. DMAE can calm anxiety. Very anxious people take 100 mg each morning. Another supplement to use is GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) which helps protect the brain from excitatory messages. Research shows it can be as helpful as the drugs Librium or Valium.
Try Homeopathic Remedies
Aconitum: For a person who fears death, darkness, evil, and even crossing the street. Anguish, despair, restlessness, and franticness are also characteristic of the person who needs aconite.
Argentum nitricum: For an impulsive person that has fear of impending events. Fears crowds and heights. May have panic attacks and diarrhea when anticipating circumstances.
Arsenicum album: For one who is restless, fearful, and always in motion. Fatigued and fussy, high-strung and fault finding. Fears death, darkness, and incurable diseases. They may also be suspicious and demanding.
Asafoetida: For an unstable and restless person.
Cicuta virosa: To reduce anxiety and a feeling of discontentment.
Gelsemium: For anxiety based on fear.
Ignatia: For sadness leading to anxiety, depression, hysteria, and anger.
Lachesis: For nighttime anxiety, jealousy, and suspicion. For people who believe they are being conspired against, need open air, and have a wild imagination.
Natrum muriaticum: For one who is anxious about everything. Has fearful dreams, is introverted, and dislikes heat and noise, which worsen anxiety.
Passiflora: For general anxiety.
Use Flower Essences
Aspen flower essence: For the person who is fearful and anxious, yet doesn’t know why.
Mimulus flower essence: For one who has anxiety about things not working out, like money concerns.
Agrimony flower essence: For restlessness and inner anxiety.
Have a rescue remedy with you in several convenient places such as your briefcase, desk, purse, and glove compartment. Use it when the anxiety starts to come on. Two drops under the tongue is all it takes.
Other Ways To Calm Your Anxiety
1. Make An Anti-Anxiety Sachet
Make a sachet of something familiar from your childhood. Inhale the aroma deeply when feeling anxious. Inhale the anxiety-relieving essential oils of basil, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marjoram, melissa, neroli, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, and ylang ylang.
2. Tweak Your Environment And Routine
The color blue is tranquil and soothing to the spirit. Remember to breathe and feed your brain the oxygen it craves for serenity. Use prayer, visualizations, peaceful mantras, and yantras to calm the spirit.
Create a safe space. Avoid the dangerous. Soak in the bath and include essential oils, herbs or flower essences.
3. Try Massages And Other Calming Techniques
Massage can help release tension. Hold the thumb of one hand with the other as a calming technique. Rub the third eye chakra center to calm the shen. Holding one’s toes, especially the middle toe, helps to bring the energy down from the head and ground it.
4. Exercise As Much As Possible
Anxiety is a sign that the affected person still has the strength to struggle. Exercise is a good way to bring more oxygen into the body to reduce anxiety. Running is a suggested form of exercise for people with both fears of open (agoraphobia) and closed spaces (claustrophobia).
5. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
CBT teaches a person to view situations that tend to cause panic differently. A person may be gradually exposed to what frightens them with the help of a therapist.
Best wishes in overcoming that which makes you anxious!
Disclaimer: The content is purely informative and educational in nature and should not be construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriate certified medical or healthcare professional.
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