#like the show was fine and i honestly think the viewing order i got was pretty great if anyone wants a reccomendation
new-bird-song · 2 years
My main takeaway from kaleidoscope (netflix) is that i want to watch leverage again
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hwere · 3 months
Sydney and the winds of change.
Expanding on some thoughts of mine that I mentioned here.
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Syd and Tina:
Starting with them ‘cause their friendship fills my heart with so much love and warmth.
Tina’s initial stance of animosity towards Sydney derives from the fact that not only she’s used to being the only woman in the kitchen, but the same generational fear as Richie: of being replaced by someone new, younger. When Syd arrived at The Beef, the crew viewed her as one of Carmy’s peers. While the others (Ebra, Marcus, Sweeps, etc.) seemed curious about her, Tina braced herself for the worst; she treats Sydney harshly because she believes that Syd – young and a professional chef – will either replace her or look down on her.
Sydney, though, viewed all of them as equals (except for Carmy). That is why it is so beautiful to watch Syd disarm Tina by complimenting her food and encouraging her to do better in the kitchen, instead of joining the dick-measuring competition. Syd showed Tina that there’s no need for competition; there’s room for both and they can be friends who uplift and inspire each other.
Later, we see Tina outright saying this to Ebra when he came back to the restaurant after going AWOL due to his insecurity regarding the school; passing down the lesson.
Syd and Marcus:
Their friendship has a different vibe since they’re closer in age.
Marcus feels inspired and supported by both Syd and Carmy to chase his dreams, to put himself out there, to experiment, to learn and to fail/make mistakes. Which is only possible because Syd’s goal and mindset is to provide this type of environment in the kitchen (“I think this place could be so different from all the other places we’ve been at. But, in order for that to be true, we need to run things different”).
In turn, he inspires her to be more considerate (“There was just a hat in it?”) and calm/patient (that’s the way he carries himself in general, which makes his outburst after being rejected so much worse), showing to her since The Beef that she’s no longer alone in her garage running a business all by herself, she has people to rely on now and that is fine to accept/ask for help.
Syd and Richie:
I do feel at times that he’s a bit of a misunderstood character. Of course, there’s no excuse for his actions towards Syd – that’s not even up for debate. His apology to her, as he did to Natalie, is overdue.
Like Carmy, he’s dealing with a lot: the end of his marriage and being a co-parent; the suicide of his best friend (which could be seen as some sort of betrayal, made worse by the fact that Michael left the shop to Carmy, not him); his creeping fear on being left behind, on old age and aimless existing under capitalism and all its implications (“I'm about to have this kid. I don’t wanna be wrapping up sandwiches for the rest of my life”).
He can be a massive asshole when he wants, but he’s not a bad person at his core (his strongest features are his love and loyalty). Most important: he can change. Watching him stepping up to offer Sydney help, after Carmy got stuck in the walk-in, meant a lot to me, honestly. He still has a long, long way to go, but he’s finally trying and opening himself up to learn (which doesn’t mean the road there will be clear and linear, as we glimpsed in the trailer).
It was Carmy’s idea to send him to Ever, but his growth was only possible because of Sydney’s positive influence all around them.
Syd and Carmy:
Then, there’s everything between her and Carmy. How they mirror each other at times; their parallels; yin-yang and all that jazz (I’m not about to recapitulate the entire show). The man said so himself and I couldn’t summarize better, “I couldn’t do it without you. I wouldn’t even wanna do it without you. You make me better at this.”
He wasn’t lying, though.
If Sydney never came back, of the two, one: either he wouldn’t even try to open The Bear – just use the money to improve The Beef (after all, his dream was to open a restaurant with his brother); or he would try, but for obvious reasons it wouldn’t be the same thing – with Syd around he didn’t think twice before slipping back to his old mentality and persona, imagine if she wasn’t around at all?
Carmy has spent far too many years working out of spite, chasing the approval of his brother, centering cooking as his life (something something porcupine dilemma something something the Berzatto curse). Sydney reminded him that there’s more to cooking than this (“I’d look at them like they were competition, like I’m gonna smoke this motherfucker / […] the deeper into this I went and the better I got. And the more people I cut out, the quieter my life got” vs “You love taking care of people / It is a partnership agreement, so that you can push me and I can push you”).
He gave her a second chance with The Bear and has been pushing her to be a better chef since before they met (“it was Carmy’s”) and also be more patient (both directly “Chef, it’s not ready yet” and indirectly [as in dealing with him and his bullshit]). But like Richie, he still has a lot of work to do with himself (as someone with similar mental issues: you have to put in the work to become better and you have to find healthy ways to cope with yourself and the world around you; mental illness explains some things, but doesn’t excuse them).
For their partnership to become perfect, they need balance.
And lots of love.
Sydney Adamu:
As to what makes Sydney so beautiful as a character: she’s so human and alive on our screens. She’s awkward, bit of an asshole/messy, creative and funny; eager and talented, but still harbors insecurities; isn’t afraid to speak her mind or stand her ground when necessary; although she doesn’t shy away from arguing/bickering, she’s not a conflict-driven person; her initial reaction is always to shut in, but if you know how to approach her, she’ll open up to you (as we saw so many times with Carmy); and she, overall, has such a beautiful heart (“Why can’t we put everything that we have into everything that we can?”).
As the seasons progress, we watch all those characters (both main and secondary) evolve and unravel right in front of our eyes. To me, that’s the beauty of The Bear and Sydney is right in the center of it.
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twost3ps · 3 months
I love guitarhero, mostly thanks to you! But now I have to ask. What would guitarhero’s first fight would be? I’m all in for the sweetness, fluff, and romance. But they have got to have a sort of quarrel at some point. Unless it’ll never happen, thats fine too!
That is such an honor rfiycbyfeyicbeficyb AUYWUYAWFGuyaG
But man that’s actually a hard question…
I’m not sure but they do quarrel quite a bit. Still a definite believer that Adam is a brat who is madly stubborn and crass, and while Micheal is pliant to most of Adam’s wants and opinions he does put his foot down from time to time. Every couple is bound to argue but that’s honestly something that makes any relationship stronger- working around problems.
But they’ve had fights before
Short answer:
In eden their first argument would have about the value of life. In heaven, it was to do with Adam's abandonment issues because of Micheal's work
Long answer:
For me, their first ever argument, not even as a couple just in general, was the value of life in Eden/earth. I kinda explored that in one of my other posts, but to keep it short- at some point Micheal had looked at what was ‘mortal life’ as inferior. The way angels and humans inherently view life is vastly different, for me personally. And when Micheal found himself in the garden and finally met Adam, who he thought as a miracle by god, he still didn’t value the other life in there as equally. Adam definitely got mad when Micheal would scoff at and ignore the animals who were trying to capture his attention. Adam was really soft to all the animals- closest thing he had to children back then (his little babies) They get into a couple more arguments about it till Adam put his foot down. He felt it on a level unfair that there was a clear bias to him and the other life and that Micheal’s behavior and Micheal tells him he is unable to understand the connection because he just doesn’t feel it. Then it’s this whole thing of Adam dragging Micheal everywhere and showing him the wonders of life, and like really showing him. Making him wait and watch. It’s a lust for life kind of thing. The valve of the living experience and Micheal slowly comes to understand lol
In heaven they would quarrel about like general stuff that couples do but-
I think their first real genuine argument up in heaven would probably have to do with Micheal’s responsibilities and Adam’s relationship insecurity.
Micheal is a man dedicated to order. He willingly takes on more work so that peace is kept, especially because he thinks its HIS duty. Mainly a mix of Lucifer’s fall with the apple and the fallout of it- Micheal felt as the eldest sibling, being Lucifer’s closest twin (or triplet but that’s for another time), and being ones of the few guards of eden, in a way the fall was kinda his fault. And while waiting for Adam to get into heaven, Micheal took on some of Lucifur's old responsibilities and additional duties that had been created because of the fall.
Anyway tldr: the fall caused Micheal to become very work active as a way to cope with the loss of his brother. He feels the need to constantly work to keep peace and also to never think about his personal failures lololol (if I don't think about it its not there mindset- very counter productive lol) He just wants that CONTROL
When Adam finally gets into heaven, that's finally when Micheal halts some of his duties. He makes time out of his schedule just for Adam. I mean, yes, Adam has training with Micheal so that he can be supervised, but Micheal makes REAL time just to have personal one on one time with him. There is though, that nagging part of him thats yelling at him to work.
And it stays like that for a while till finally more winners come up into heaven and there is a steady growth of the birth rate at Earth. Then the work is stating to pile high and Micheal is actively being called in. He falls back into his older routine, of working and working. Old habits die hard and he adds on more work than he really needs to. It's all about having that control bby. And while Micheal is attempting to do work, his personal time with Adam lessens and lessens. He thinks it's fine because a long time has passed and Adam has assimilated pretty well into heaven by then and what he's doing is benefiting Adam's descendants.
As for Adam, he definitely has relationship issues- specifically abandonment issues. With Lilith and Lucifer obviously and a bit of Eve (cuz of the possible infidelity thing and I don’t think she’s in heaven). Micheal had been his rock. The one part of Eden he still had. He also Adam's break. As a winner, Adam was relieved of his earthly duties. He was free to chill and relax (training was Micheal's idea, but Adam had the freedom to refuse) Relaxing is his time with Micheal because it's how he relaxed in eden. And now that Micheal was going away more, he felt scared. He afraid of being tossed to the side again and this made Adam more clingy. Whenever Micheal would tell him he’d have to leave, he’d try to cling on to him and tell him that he could just do it later. Both are emotionally constipated so instead of talking it out immediately they let that stuff marinate and build up, expecting the other to address it.
It all blows up when Micheal is called in for this very important project and Adam is trying to make excuses for him to stay. This has been going on for a while and both of them just snap and words are thrown around. Neither of them have ever had a fight like this before and it ends really badly.
Both stop talking to each other for a while, but it's obvious it's taking a toll on them.
Micheal has buried himself in his work, and despite his dedication, he's become very sloppy.
Adam hangs around in their old hangout spots but clearly wants no one around. He's a lot more quiet but very heated when he actually speaks.
Even when they see each other in training, they actively avoid each other. Adam even dropped out after some point.
It's until Gabriel intervenes that he forces the two to talk it out.
It's rough, and ends in tears and stuff. All that jam.
Adam comes to understand that Micheal has a life outside of him. That while he is granted a life of leisure, the other angels have their duties that they must attend to as well. It hurts, but still. But he also gains comfort knowing that Micheal would not willingly abandon him for his work. That what he's doing is also for both of their families.
Micheal is confronted with the fact that just overworks himself. That he puts too much time in trying to take control that he's losing control of himself and the relationships he has (his work has not blocked his relationship with Adam but also with his siblings) He also comes to the realization that Adam still needs him, not just to guide him, but also be there for him.
Both are also coming to the understanding that they really need to talk about how the fall and eden in general affected them. They work it out. It forges a deep bond between them because they both now that they understand and relate to one another URGWIEGFKWEUBHo
Theres also like, a bunch of other issues that they address as well
This argument also might pipeline to why adam gets into heavenly politics. It was a way of him getting directly involved with his descendants but also to watch over Micheal, because if that man is going to try and listen to anyone its gonna be Adam. Of course theres more to it than just that but thats a part of it.
ALSO im so sorry to the the ppl who have sent me asks Ive just been crazy sick and delirious. But i really wanted to answer this question lol
I'll be answering the ones I don't have any sketches for maybe 2day or tommorow. For the other asks im so sorry but i wanna draw them ,esuFwejvfejwyv
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eightmagicballs · 1 year
Filthy Reins Fix
Okay nerds, here's the skinny.
(long story short yes you can have nicer reins no it's not a simple or perfect fix)
Reins ingame (kinda), yay (kinda)!
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@studiosweetpeacc has been kind enough to let me upload the bridle that they made and I've been using to figure out reins since I was too lazy to make my own :') All LODS (but there is some clipping around the noseband at the lowest LOD bc I clearly can't decimate to save my life), base game swatches & gold versions HERE. You will also need the Invisible Reins fix I made for these reins HERE otherwise the default reins might clip through.
Just drag and drop both the bridle file and the invisible reins file into your mods folder, and you're good to go!
Note: These reins are always permanently visible. It does look a bit janky, but from what I've seen, it's better than nothing, and it'll do for now until I can muster the strength for the proper fix that's needed. Please bear with me until then :')
For the CC makers, read on to see how to apply this absolutely rancid addition to your fine work!
First, download this folder. It's got two packages, reinsinvisible.package (to hide the default ones) and a reinsOnly.blend file. You need the invisible reins in your mods folder to stop the default reins from clipping through yours.
Open the file, and import your finished bridle.
Delete the bone_bone_shape.001 layer and the rig.001 layer, you don't need them.
The reins UV map is sitting in the 'Bridle' section of the map, this is where they'll get their textures from, not the reins section. Make sure you move the reins UV islands out of the way, you'll be rearranging them with the bridle UV islands later.
Make sure both your reins and bridle layers are in Object Mode
Click the reins layer, and then CTRL/Cmd+Click your bridle layer (order doesn't matter)
Make your your mouse is on the view that shows the reins & bridle on it, then right click and select 'Join'.
They will now be on the same layer.
Now you can rearrange the UV islands as you see fit, and it's pretty much standard operating procedure from here on out, except you've got extra parts to your bridle mesh now.
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This here is the Rein bone that originally attached the reins to the noseband. That sticky-up bit is what keeps the reins attached to the bone. It's honestly not hugely noticeable in-game, unless you're looking real close. When you're making your own reins (which I recommend as this mesh has been beaten into submission, and it shows), use this reins file as your base for copying weights, etc. Any change will work, but your must have this sticky up bit that connects to that little blue thing as its what attaches the rest of the bridle to that bone and stops your reins from floating off when the horse turns its head to the left or right.
Okay, I think that's it.
I did say that this was a filthy fix.
If I can be of any help if you do decide to add this to your bridle mesh, please let me know. AND DON'T FORGET: you need to include the Invisible Reins package with your cc otherwise the default reins will clip through yours.
I do plan on making a better fix to this, especially since I'm after recently learning that there might be a source horse rig hidden somewhere, as there's a sim rig that is in fact capable of making overrides to every sim rig in the game (adding bones, etc). It's very exciting news if this is the case, as it means that it might be possible to add bones for things like martingales and stirrups as there are people who have added things like tails to sims already.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hihi!! in honor of the upcoming holiday season could i request a skz reaction to you inviting them to meet ur parents? i miss them :((
stray kids when their s/o invites them to meet their parents
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is so nervous but like... why? he's literally the best guy on the planet to introduce your parents to. he is well-behaved, respectable, responsible, admirable and he has extreme amounts of overflowing charisma. mothers love him. fathers respect him. what's not to love? but we know channie, and channie gets himself worked up about these sorts of things. which is only natural; it is a big deal! he just wants to make a great first impression and, of course, he does. you know he has nothing to worry about because your parents would love him regardless.
lee know
minho has a... spikey personality. not everyone gets him. but he knows which bits of himself to show off in order to make a good first impression. like most introverts, they'll show off their best qualities first so that you warm up to them and then once you're invested in them then they'll start showing their weird-ass personality in full swing. that's what minho plans on doing with your parents, just as he did you 🤧🤧 so romantic. honestly though, it works like a charm. minho is naturally charming and respectable no matter how crazy he is on the inside <3333
oh my gosh when i tell you that all mothers absolutely ADORE changbin. are we even surprised? nope, i didn't think so. he makes a very good first impression no matter who he speaks to, so meeting your parents is like a walk in the park for him. he will totally bring some homemade snacks with him he got felix to make them, but your parents don't need to know that, which seems to impress them. overall, changbin is just amazing. he knows what is appropriate to say and what isn't, and he makes both your parents laugh a lot! he's just so easy to love.
he's nervous for sure but also pretty damn excited. needs a whole-ass month to mentally and emotionally prepare for this experience. hyunjin's very first instinct is to get your parents flowers and chocolates, which is a very good start. when it comes to actually interacting with them, he might be his shy, cute self to begin with, but they can tell he is eager to talk to them. and after a couple of conversational cues, hyunjin will slowly start to loosen up and be comfortable with your parents. it goes really well, and he realises he had nothing to worry about!
he just embraces the situation as much as possible. he views it as kind of a big deal but he doesn't let nerves get the better of him, so he wants to enjoy the first time meeting your parents as much as possible. sure, he has butterflies about it, but he doesn't really let that affect him and potentially spoil the moment. he strives to make an enjoyable atmosphere and actively makes your parents laugh as much as possible. it's always good at being humorous with parents, he finds. so copes quite well!
is a nervous wreck. will ask you a tone of questions beforehand. it's like he has to know everything about your parents before he has even met them. "what's your mother's maiden name?" "what does your dad do as a job?" "are there any topics to stay away from? politics? religion? the barbie movie coming out in 2023??" he literally interrogates you like he NEEDS to know everything. he wants to be perfect and know how to act perfect even though he literally IS perfect and doesn't even need to change anything about himself in order to be liked.
a tad scared but plays it cool. you know what he's like; he'll pretend that everything is chill and fine even if he's freaking out on the inside. he has nothing to worry about because your parents get to see what a polite, genuine young lad he is and can see he's trustworthy just by his general demeanour and the way he treats you. at the end of the day, who isn't gonna like kim seungmin?? exactly. he leaves your parents' house feeling refreshed and welcomed into the family. a success indeed!
oh bless him... he's super intimidated. he stays up all night, restlessly trying to prepare and run through different conversations to have with your parents. he doesn't want to come across as shy or, heaven forbid, anti-social. but when the occasion comes to it, he only speaks when he is spoken to and is very to himself. i feel like after a bit of encouragement from you, he will slowly relax a bit and feel more comfortable to talk more directly and meaningfully with your parents. just give him time and he'll be fine.
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bluegiragi · 2 years
Oh bestie you can’t just say “they’re all switches (with personal preferences)” and then not drop the details 👀👀 also does this mean you’d ever draw bottom!Ghost and top!Soap??
(nsfw warning: explicit talk about sex)
I think that Ghost, Soap and Konig are pretty flexible in the roles they play within their polycule, but certain traits remain consistent throughout. Also please note that this is all headcanon, and just how I see these three.
Ghost is in a lot of ways just a dominant person. By nature of his past, he enjoys having control, and exerting that control. Which isn't to say he doesn't also enjoy surprises (he's learnt to roll with the punches) but it does mean that I see him as a very focused top and a very domineering bottom. He's definitely more comfortable being the top in almost all situations, but he loves Johnny too much to deny him anything, and I think he'd dangle the prize of getting ridden over Konig like bait. He definitely gets off to the idea of using people for his own pleasure (especially when it comes to Konig, who is so needy and eager to please, without the coy brattiness of Soap). As a top, he really gets off to seeing how much Soap or Konig want him, and takes a lot of pleasure in pushing them to their limits (with consent of course).
Soap is a brat through and through when it comes to Ghost, but Konig brings out the bully in him a little. He likes to tease and flirt and push and pull - the game of it is fun to him and seeing Konig be so plaintively desperate for him in ways that Ghost just isn't does it for him. But Ghost is truly his kryptonite. I love reading fics by whisperwarm and prettyunhinged because they write their dynamic pretty much exactly how I imagine it - just constantly starving for each other, knowing they push each other's buttons that nobody else can. In the same line, captaindominoes is stellar at portraying how they're the only one for each other. Soap is loud as a bottom and a top (he sort of never knows how to shut up) and i think he's open and affectionate as both. And he's got a MASSIVE manhandling kink. He also definitely gets a lot of pleasure from seeing how much he's wanted (he probably tests this out most on Konig though, Ghost can only take so much before his self control runs thin.)
Konig is such a submissive and I can't wait to get to the actual nsfw part of this comic miniseries so I can start showing that, but I also think his feral' mode is interesting. I think it only comes out in flashes of confidence so things like crazed quick fucks post-mission while he's coming down from an adrenaline rush would be on the table. Fighting Ghost also gets him going (to his own partial mortification). Something about him just gets under his skin, in a way that irritates, intimidates and turns him on in no specific order. Part of it is probably the fact that he views Ghost as a superior in almost all senses - he definitely has a massive praise/degradation kink (i think he gets off to both honestly). And on average, Soap is sweeter on him while Ghost never really lets him forget who's top dog (which is fine with him). Konig and Ghost definitely butt heads sometimes and I won't lie, a sly hatefuck after a botched assignment isn't exactly out of the question, but I think at the end of the day Konig craves his approval, in one way or another. As for Soap, in contrast to Ghost, Soap is Konig's VERY assertive boy next door, but what if the boy next door also had a box of handcuffs (and other things) hiding under the bed. They're honestly just very sweet together - they're both very attentive and vocal and honestly I think Ghost would get off to just watching them.
I don't know if this answered your question but I just wrote like way too much on these three (and yes I'd definitely consider drawing top!soap and bottom!ghost at some point)
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ahungeringknife · 10 months
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slightly new and improved Writeblr intro
About me
I'm bb (bibi, and BB are fine but not Bb, that's a writing signature not mine), 30+, queer, she/they, and I like to write.
My fave genres are fantasy, scifi, and romance. Sometimes with historical fiction and slice of life thrown in too.
I have a probably unhealthy amount of OCs and I want all of them to kiss.
I write both fanfic and original stuff.
I mostly post my own writing, writeblr games, and posts that give me crazy OC thoughts to be tagged. I don't reblog a lot of writing advice or self deprecating writer posts because honestly? Couldn't be me.
I did a HUGE writing challenge this year that was an attempt to write 365 1-shots. One a day. I failed but that's okay. I wrote like 200 of them and that's great and I'm proud of myself.
This is a side blog. I follow from @xaz-fr
I love asks and tumblr messages. I do writeblr games but I could really use some writeblr friends to tag in the ones I do get :,D
I'd love to look at your stuff. You should def show me your writing in a reply or reblog :3
Main tags (that aren't WIPs)
#365 - the big year long project. It has some original stuff, and some fanfic. Lots of adult themes. Lots of original spooky stuff. Lots of 'horror and love are the same thing actually'. Things that are Very Adult are posted on AO3 with a link.
#Fey Alliance - catch all tag for my main setting, the Fey Alliance
#rattling - headcanons, world building, story thoughts, character questions, commentary. Mostly any original posts that aren't writing.
The Zealous Servant - Dark high fantasy with lots of magic, necromancers, gods, and political drama. The main character Spayar needs to help his friend the crown prince kill the entire royal family before they turn around and do the same to him in order to claim the throne. Very queer, and is written for an adult audience not YA.
Entropy - My main fanfic WIP from the Destiny 2 fandom. Follows my OCs on their journey to bully the fuck out of Shin Malphur; resident Worst Guy Ever. Along the way he gets a hot girlfriend and I force him to have some actual friends because his lone wolf shtick is tired and stupid lol.
Lonos [working title] - This is a backburner one I need to really hash out a bit more. So I'll probably be posting a lot of rattlings about this one. Vaguely middle eastern appearance in setting about a traveling circus where all the players are also mercenaries for hire. Post a massive plague that wiped out almost all the magic users on the continent and the ones that are still around are viewed as cursed or unclean. (I swear I had this idea before the panny :,D) Gonna be a big long gay slow burn. For adult audiences.
Witchbane - Another backburner one I need to churn out some rattlings about. Steampunk set in a country called Ravthica where everyone thinks magic isn't real. When Spencer's parents go missing he's got to start believing in magic real quick when the hag that lives on his family's property tells him witches kidnapped his parents and the only way to get them back is to kill them. But witch hunting isn't exactly easy and he needs the help of some Wild things to find the witches that want his family and their witch hunting dogs all dead. For YA audiences.
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anonymous-rendezvous · 11 months
An Unconventional Relationship
💛 Luca Kaneshiro x GN!Reader
✦ — Written by Mod S 👿. Beta Read and Edited by Mod I ✨.
✧ — Contains: Humor, strangers to friends to ???, & open ended
✦ — Word count: 3.3k+ | Ao3
Based on these prompts - "You're lucky you're cute." "Wait, you think I'm cute?"
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The sun is just beginning to dip below the horizon as you take your usual route home after work. “Hmm, maybe I should order something for dinner…I don’t feel like cooking, plus I’m pretty sure I still have to do the dishes. Ugh, curse you past me!” You trudged your way down the street, practically sulking as you walked. This was virtually routine for you at this point: getting off work, walking home, debating about dinner, sleeping, repeat. It was a pretty average life, and you accepted it wholeheartedly; the motions and all.
Well, it had been pretty average until a fairly strange encounter happened; the monotonous routine led you to make a very unusual… friend(?) roughly half a year ago. You can still recall the night vividly; the events playing through your mind are more similar to a show than an experience that had happened to you.
You had worked overtime resulting in you leaving work much later than you normally did. The moon was already high in the sky as you attempted to rush home. That was cut short when you were suddenly pulled into an alleyway; a knife pointed right at your neck. Like any sane person, you were about to give the person all your money, until – inches from your face – you see your attacker get punched straight in the jaw. The force sent him tumbling further into the alley. Hardly having the time to process anything, you didn’t notice that the nice stranger had proceeded to pull you away, two people dressed similarly to bodyguards rushing past you towards the mugger.
“Are you okay?” With the moment of calm, you took in your savior’s form. Broad, blonde, a very expensive-looking suit and matching hat that almost hid his lavender eyes from view, and from what few words he spoke; an Australian accent.
“U–um…” You quickly collected yourself, looking down to take a deep breath before thanking the stranger. “Yes, I’m fine. Uhh, thank you for that, by the way. You sure got a punch on you.” Before you can mentally smack yourself for being so awkward, he laughs, causing you ease.
“Well, thanks! I pride myself on my good punches! Oh, but do you need a ride home? Don’t want you to get mugged for a second time tonight. Lots of unsavory characters walking around during this time.”
“Really? Well, sure, a ride would be nice! Although, in exchange, I’d like to know the name of my savior.”
He takes off his hat, and brings it to his chest, letting you see his face without obstruction. “Heh, I can’t give you my full name, but you can just call me Luca, okay?”
You accepted his generous offer, and he did, in fact, drop you off safely. Ever since then, he’d occasionally pull next to you in his very expensive-looking car to check up on you. Hell, sometimes you’d run into him on your later shifts, and every time he’d offer to take you home. In his words, “To make sure you don’t get mugged again, you know?”. Honestly, you have no clue why he cares so much about you. He dresses so expensively, his car looks like it costs more than your entire life’s savings, and he has what you assume are bodyguards. He seemed like someone very important. So why is he constantly coming back to check on your safety?
This question loops back into your brain again as you walk, so much so you don’t even notice the car that pulls next to you. It’s not until the person rolls down their window and calls, “Hey!” that you snap back to reality, head-turning quickly as they stop. You notice there are two people in the car, and they look very similar to the same bodyguards who were with Luca the night he saved you. “Heya, you're the Boss’s friend, right? He wanted us to come pick you up.”
“Pick me up?” You blink in confusion, shuffling closer to the car and leaning toward the window in order to talk clearly. “For what? I don’t remember us making plans or anything…” You rack your forgetful brain for a moment, but nothing comes up. Hell, you’d have probably made a memo on your phone about something like this.
“He made dinner plans so he could talk to you. Said something about feeling bad that he hasn’t had the time to properly talk to you.” The bodyguard has to hold back a laugh at the face you make, waving their gloved hand in front of your face to get your attention again. “He also wanted to make sure we tell you that you don’t have to come if you have prior plans.”
Shaking your head, you respond, “He’s very lucky I don’t have any plans. I’m not gonna turn down a free meal. I’ll meet up with him.” Lowering your voice to a mumble, you speak aloud to yourself, “Lucky too that I had no clue what to eat today…” With your confirmation, you hear the car unlock and, with slight hesitation, you slide into the back seat. As soon as you're all buckled in, they take off.
It’s not long before you realize the car is heading toward an area of the city that you rarely go to. Looking out the window, you watch as the car moves through the richer part of town. Fancy hotels and lights everywhere, you even pass a fountain show going on outside. When the car suddenly stops, your eyes move to the two bodyguards in the front seat, who are already getting out. You scramble to reach for the door, but before you can grab the handle, one of them has already opened the door for you.
“Don’t worry, I got it. My partner here will show you to the Boss. I gotta park the car, then I’ll be in there as well.” You give them a nod as you get out, patting yourself down to look more presentable; and to shake off your embarrassment. Looking up at the restaurant, your jaw almost drops at just the exterior. Suddenly, you feel like you might need more than just a pat down.
Now listen, you've been to some pretty nice places before. However, this part of town is way too expensive for you to even think about coming here too often. So when you take in what you know to be the most expensive restaurant in the city, your nerves start to settle in. You're brought out of your thoughts by the car starting and taking off down the road as the other guard calls to you. “Please, this way. The Boss will be super happy to see you. And don’t worry about being underdressed. I’m sure the Boss doesn’t care.”
Pouting a bit, you begin to follow them. ‘Yeah, but that doesn’t mean the other people won’t think that…’ Preparing yourself for the telltale heat of judging stares, you keep your head down as you follow the guard inside. Eyes only watching the nice red carpet and the backs of the movement of the bodyguard's brown dress shoes – preoccupying your eyes with the stitches in the leather. It’s not long before you arrive in the section where Luca is waiting, only looking up when the guard announces so. “Here we are.” You look up and take in your surroundings, eyes widening at the amount of gold detailing in the room. The lights are warm and dim to give the space a sophisticated yet cozy atmosphere. Something you take in almost immediately is that there is no one else in this section of the restaurant, the only one being the person your gaze falls onto next. As soon as Luca hears his guard talk, he sets his menu down and gives you one of the most infectious smiles that you’ve ever seen. Your lips barely refrained from smiling just as widely, settling on a small polite smile and a wave.
The blonde opens his arms in welcome from his seat, energy radiating from his voice. “I’m so glad you could make it! I was so worried you’d have other plans since this was pretty sudden on my part. Next time, I promise I’ll get your opinion on future hangouts first.” Before he puts his arms down, he beckons you to sit, the chair across from him being pulled open by the bodyguard. “Come, sit. We can order and then finally have a proper conversation.”
You take the invitation, even if you are a bit nervous about what exactly is going on. After you sit and are pushed in, thanking the guard as they make their way to stand behind Luca’s seat. Picking up the menu, you immediately try your best not to physically cringe at the prices. Flipping through the pages, you go all the way back to the appetizers – probably the only thing you can afford on the menu. Luca seems to notice, and he tilts his head, voice laced with confusion.
“Oh, are you not hungry? Hm?”
Looking up at him, you give a nervous smile. “Uhh, well, everything here is pretty out of my usual price range. The only thing here that I can really afford is a soft drink and a small appetizer…” You’re about to wave it off as fine until he puts his hand up, stopping you from continuing.
“Oh! Don’t worry about that. I invited you so I’ll be paying. It’s the least I can do for springing this on you. So order anything, I got it.” He smiles, then looks back down at the menu.
Okay, now you're really suspicious. No one this loaded just… does this. Or if they do, they have a catch. Forcing your expression to remain neutral, you decide you’ll ask when dinner arrives. Even if this is immensely suspicious, he doesn’t seem to have anything malicious planned. Although you haven’t known him long, nothing has really set off immediate red flags in your mind. He’s been super kind and if this is a kidnapping or something, he wouldn’t go through all this trouble. He’d have just done it by now – he’s had more than enough opportunities. Taking a deep breath, you settle on a meal and let him talk you into sharing a bottle of some high-class wine with him. When the server arrives to take your orders, you notice the other guard has returned from parking the car, making their way to Luca standing behind him next to the other one. You're too busy giving your order and feeling nervous about the establishment, that you don’t notice how uneasy the server is; constantly looking to the side and shifting nervously. He scurries off pretty quickly after your orders have been filled, and before you can ponder it, you’re pulled into a conversation with the blonde. 
Luca lets you talk about your life first, and you're surprised at how intently he listens. It’s not like you lived anything remarkable as he must have, but when he listens to you speak, you see the genuine spark of interest in his eyes. The wine arrives in the middle of your story, and you're about to thank the person, but they leave so quickly that you barely have time to. Maybe they saw you talking and just didn’t wanna interrupt or that could just be how the service is here. Either way, you finish talking about yourself before turning the questions back to him.
When Luca starts telling you what he does, you make sure to give him the same level of attention he gave you. He tells you how he’s the owner of a casino; explaining that they have passed it down to him through the family. Well, that explains why he looks so expensive. The bodyguards are still a bit weird to you, but you’ve heard that children of rich families tend to get kidnapped so that could be explained away. After he talks about his family business, you are actually glad he starts to talk about his hobbies and interests. The longer you talk to him, the more you realize just how down-to-earth he is. Admittedly helping you calm down as the minutes roll by.
The food gets to you just as he finishes talking about how he used to surf, and you can’t help but express how talented he seems to be. “Wow, you have so much skill under your belt. If you didn’t own the casino, you’d still be set for life.”
Luca laughs shyly, sipping at his wine. “Well, most of it my parents had me take classes for. They wanted me and my sister to be prepared, you know?” He sets his glass down and gestures to your food; changing the subject. “I hope you enjoy the food, by the way! That looks really good. I might have to get that next time I come here.”
You chuckle, picking up your utensils. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you my premium review of it after I’m done.” He laughs and follows suit in your actions. You both dig into your food, and you have to hold yourself back from letting out a noise of delight. This food was unlike anything you’ve ever had, really tasting like the high price it was. Being so engrossed by the food, you almost forget what you wanted to ask Luca, your brain circling back to the suspicions you had earlier. You wait a little while, but when you think enough time has passed, you call the blonde’s name. “Luca?” He pauses in his sentence, looking at you with concern at the seriousness of your tone. 
“Y–Yes? Is something wrong?” His lavender eyes scan over you, trying to get any hint as to what might be bothering you. 
“No! It’s nothing wrong, per se." You immediately reassure, seeing how he physically deflated. Luca perks back up, a look of anticipation on his face, encouraging you to continue, "I have an important question to ask you." He gives you a firm nod. Seeing his silverware down to give you his full attention. “Okay, this is gonna be a very uh… interesting question, but I have to ask. Is this like some sort of, uhhh, fancy dinner to win me over for favors? Like… convincing me to be your sugar baby or something?” The blonde in front of you seems to choke on a breath, one guard coming up to pat his back. Glancing at the three people in front of you, you realize there's a look of shock written across each of their faces. When Luca gets over his coughing fit, he looks back up at you, starting to chuckle, believing you're joking. He stops, however, when he takes in your serious expression – worry in your eyes – and quickly explains himself.
“No no no! This is nothing like that!” He’s a bit frantic with his tone, waving his hands in exaggeration as he speaks. “I just wanted to have a genuine conversation with you. I…” He pauses for a moment, brows furrowed as he thinks over his next words. “I’ve felt bad that I’ve never gotten to talk to you properly all those times I would pass you and say ‘Hi’.” His gaze re-meets yours across the table. “This is just a normal dinner with a friend, I promise.” 
With a sigh, you cross your arms, “You realize how…” you struggle for the right word, “odd that is right? Like, you look like you own a private island and seem very comfy in places like this.” One of your hands gestures to the lavish restaurant around you. “I’m just a regular person you saved once from getting mugged. I'm nobody. What reason would a rich person like you have to constantly come to talk to me if not for some other motive?” Honestly, you almost feel bad about the way you're interrogating him. Though this is something to be questioned, and as nice and sweet as he is, it’s still good to have a sense of caution. Especially with the wealthy. 
Luca’s silent for a minute, seeming to think over what he wants to say; eyes downcast, staring at his half-finished food. It’s only a few silent moments until his lavender eyes look back up at you, their determination shocking you. “Because you didn’t treat me like that when I helped you.” You blink for a second, confused, tilting your head as he continues to speak. “Well… how do I put this… You just seemed like a nice person who wouldn’t judge someone no matter their status, so I wanted to get to know you? I–It’s honestly nothing like a ruse or a scheme. Trust me, being in this business, many people do try to deceive me. I’m an excellent judge of character because of that, and you just seemed very kind and down-to-earth. It gave me the push to try to befriend you.”
As he speaks, you can feel warmth start to pool in your cheeks, causing you to look away, not expecting that answer. After a moment, you let out a deep breath and then turned your gaze back to him. “Well, honestly, that’s pretty surprising." You say with a light laugh. Slouching back into your seat, you continue. "I’m sure all of this is normal for you, but maybe when we hang out in the future, these places–” your hands raise to gesture around the restaurant once more– “are not really casual for people like me.” 
His eyes seem to light up a bit, a small crooked smile on his face. “So… you still wanna try to be my friend?” 
You have to hold back a giggle at how closely he resembles a puppy at this moment. Uncrossing your arms and picking up your utensils as you return to your meal. “Mhm, you're not a bad person. I can tell that you really are interested in my life, and if you did have any bad intentions, you would’ve done something by now. Plus, you’re lucky you’re cute. Hard to say no to the puppy dog eyes you’ve been giving me.”
He hears his guards snicker behind him, but chooses to ignore it as his cheeks begin to flush. “You think I’m cute?” He watches as you laugh, smiling at him as you take a bite of your food.
“Mmn, this is really good. Do you wanna try some? I can give you a bite.” Luca pouts a bit as you change the subject, but nods nonetheless. He’s happy as you converse for the rest of your meal, talking about nothing and everything. It’s refreshing for you and him, as you act like equals. Feeling like friends.
The pair of you stay for a while, but eventually, you do tell him you have to work the next day. He, of course, offers to take you home, especially since you’d both had a bit of wine. With the moon smiling in the sky as the four of you leave the restaurant, and the surrounding street was lit up by dazzling lights. The bodyguards escort you to the car, giving them your address. The trip gives the two of you a chance to continue talking. Luca couldn’t help the smile on his face, content with just listening to you speak, and this time remembering to give you his number so you could make future plans together. It wasn’t long before the car pulled up to your home. Luca, ever the gentleman, helped you out and up to your door. When you finally say goodbye and wave them all off, you feel warm, and you’re sure he shares the same sentiment.
To Luca, this experience feels like a blessing to him. To have a normal conversation – a normal friend – in his unpredictable life. And to you, this was an exciting change to your routine; being able to make such an excitable and interesting new friend. You only saw good things ahead, and you hoped that it’d continue to get better from here.
It could only get better from here. Right?
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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kissingkiszka · 6 months
The Sweet Symphony - Chapter Five: Pool Table Trouble
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Jake Kiszka X Reader series
Words: 4.5k+ (they’re gradually getting longer)
Summary: After attending the Starcatcher album release party, you and Jake feel a certain kind of tension lingering in the air, one that grows deeper over a game of pool.
CW: MDNI, 18+, SMUT, p in v, sexual tension, drinking, cursing, jealousy, fighting, playing pool, suggestive touching, flirting, teasing, use of pet names, praise k!nk, hickeys, degradation k!nk, finger!ng, fem receiving oral, fluff, i think that’s it?
I honestly think this might be one of my fav chapters! Enjoy :)
Jake’s POV
I had been at the venue for a few hours now, impatiently waiting for y/n to show up. I couldn't wait to see her. I had been thinking about her ever since our breakfast the other day. The event started 30 minutes ago, and people were still piling in. I had already hung out with a few fans, but nothing major had happened yet. And that's when it felt like time had stopped. There she was. It was just me and her. I needed to show her a good time tonight, to show her I'm in this for real. I'm truly into her. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing thigh high black boots, a black faux leather miniskirt, and a black lacy bra top. God, I just wanted to take that top off of her. She looked so breathtaking with it on, but I know it would look even better on my bedroom floor.
You notice Jake across the bar. His wandering eyes are accompanied by a large smirk. He's wearing black dress pants and only the last three buttons were buttoned up on his dark blue dress shirt. Three necklaces hung from his neck, decorating his open chest.
"It's nice to see you y/n, you look...so gorgeous."
"You look pretty fine yourself, Kiszka," you slightly readjust his chains, goosebumps forming from your touch on his chest.
A smile begins to grow on his face.
You see his eyes trail down your body, stopping near your chest and traveling back up meeting you at your eyes.
"Would you care for a drink? it's on me." Jake asked.
"Of course."
You walk over to the bar, Jake leading you there. You felt eyes all over you. We're you that big of a deal? You really never had this much attention before. You stand at the bar, waiting for someone to take your order. As you're about to speak, you are cut off by the man next to you.
"She'll have an old fashioned."
You were shocked at his memory from the other night, but your mind got the best of you. The bartender walked away and he turned to you with an impressive look on his face, almost like he was waiting for some praise on what he just did.
"I actually wanted a lemon drop martini."
A look of worry came over his face until he heard a chuckle escape your lips.
"I'm just joking Jake, lighten up."
He snapped back to his regular demeanor, and you notice he couldn't take his eyes off of you. You continue to take a look at him and your eyes are stopped by his waist. You see an outline of his growing hardness through his pants.
"My eyes are up here, y/n"
"So are mine, Jake." You mocked back to him.
Just then, a man who looked similar to Jake grabbed his shoulder and yanked him up towards the stage. He gives you a small wave as he follows behind his brother.
In the distance, he mouths to you "I'll be right back." And he disappeared from your view.
A few moments later, the lights went dark. Fans gathered around the small stage. When the lights turned back on, the 4 boys were standing there. The crowd cheered, and Jake gave you a subtle wink.
As you see Jake up on the stage, you can't help but let your mind wander. The opened button down shirt revealing his smooth chest made you want to know what your skin would feel like pressed against his.
The boys begin to talk and introduce themselves.
the man who previously dragged Jake up on stage grabs the mic first. "WHO'S READY TO HAVE A GOOD NIGHT?"
You remember hearing that he had a twin brother, but you couldn't remember if it was him or the other long haired boy beside him.
He handed the mic to Danny. You had recognized him from the FaceTime call the other night. "We worked so hard on this album and we hope you all enjoy it as much as we do."
"We're so glad you guys get to be the first to hear it! Let's get this show on the road!" The other sibling with long hair leaned on and spoke on the microphone. He clapped his hands together and the music began to play. They all looked so similar despite only three of them being related.
As the music began the boys dispersed back into the crowd, and Jake met back up with you.
"You aren't much of a talker." You welcomed Jake back over.
He lets out a little laugh, sitting down at the bar. You join him, sitting on the barstool next to him.
"I've never really gone out of my way to be the front man, my brother usually does that for me."
"Well, I still think you should speak up more, you have a very attractive voice, Jake." You take another sip of your drink and notice a smirk appear across his face.
"You have a very attractive voice too, y/n." He reaches over, moving a strand of hair from your face. He admires you for a moment. "I'm just letting you know, somebody is gonna have to steal me away. We have to do individual press interviews. I'll be thinking about you the whole time though."
Jake motions over to the bartender.
"I'll have a Jack Daniels please." Jake notices you're getting low on your drink. "and another Old Fashioned for my date please."
Your eyebrows shoot up and you look over at Jake with a wide grin across his face.
"Date?" you questioned.
"Well, what do you want me to call you?" he asked in a condescending tone
You had thought about it in your head, you didn't quite know what you would call it. I mean, you're two grown adults with each other at an event. I guess that's what you would consider a date?
"Yeah I guess I'm your date. If you want me to be."
"Why wouldn't I want a gorgeous woman as my date?"
He stares at you again, his eyes not leaving you for even a millisecond.
A bodyguard taps him on the shoulder, whispering in his ear that somebody from the press is there and it's time for him to be interviewed.
"I'll be right back, love." With a little squeeze of your thigh he was off and you were left alone sitting at the bar.
You sat there wondering what to do while he was gone. There wasn't much to do other than wait for him to return back. As your eyes wander across the room, you notice a long haired man that was up on stage earlier in the night. He began to approach you.
"What are you doing here all alone?" He questioned.
"Just waiting for someone, and you are?" You had recognized the man from the band but didn't know who he was.
"I'm Sam, I play bass and keys for the band."
"I'm y/n, it's nice to meet you." You reach out to shake his hand, and his large hand has a firm grip around yours.
"You want anything? A drink? It's on me." he smiled, but you politely shook your head no.
"I already have one, thanks though."
It was obvious there was a sort of tension in the air. "How are you enjoying the album so far?"
"It's good, I've never listened to you guys before." You politely smile. "I mainly came here for someone else."
"Well, that someones a bit of an idiot for leaving such a pretty girl here by herself." he cocks his head to the side. "Where is this supposed date anyway?"
As he says that, you see a figure coming up behind him. An arm wraps around Sam. It's Jake.
"So, Sammy, I see you've met my date." He grabs your hand, interlocking his fingers in yours. "I wouldn't be doing that if I were you."
"You brought her?" Sam's eyebrows jolted up in shock. "This is the girl you've been obsessing over?"
Jake's cheeks got bright red. "What's that supposed to mean, Sammy boy?" his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinted with anger.
"Well, I never expected you to bring such a babe as your date."
"I don't know if you have the privilege of calling her that, seeing how you just met her a few minutes ago." he started to raise his voice.
"And how long have you known her? A week, maybe? Huh, Jakey?"
You watched as Jake's jaw tightened and his fists clenched. Jake was fuming, and you loved it. You loved seeing him get so possessive and defensive over you. It was even turning you on a little bit. He opened his mouth to defend you, but you cut him off.
"I don't see how this is any of your business, Sam." You grab Jake's hand, pulling him closer. "And by the way, I think it's time for your interview. Bye, bye, Sam." you whip around, pulling Jake with you.
After Sam is out of your vicinity, Jake turns to you. You can see he's still livid from what just went down.
"Im sorry, I didn't know it was gonna get like that."
"Its okay, I dont blame you." he runs his hand up and down your thigh in a forgiving manner. "Sam knew what he was doing." he paused for a moment, thinking. "But you should know, that while you're my date, you're mine. no one else's."
You were shocked. You didn't think he had this kind of side to him. As you continued to drink through the night, listening to the music, and carrying casual conversations, you couldn't stop staring at his lips and thinking about the various things he could do with them. Jake brought you over to the rest of the band to finish out the night together.
"For those who haven't met her yet" Jake shoots Sam a snarky look, "this is my date, y/n."
Danny's face lit up. "Its nice to meet you in person, and not just over facetime."
Josh smiles, bringing you into a warm embrace. "Make sure Jake treats you right. If not, call me up. I'll whip some sense into that small brain of his."
You laughed, nodding your head.
"Trust me, there's only one brain between the two of us. And we all know who got it." he laughs, pointing to his temple.
Friendly conversation continued for a while longer before Danny invited you for a quick game of pool. However, Sam stayed silent as he sulked at the bar.
"Me and Josh versus Jake and y/n." Danny hands you the cues and returns to set up the table.
Jake turns to you, whispering in your ear. "Are you any good?"
Josh clapped his hands together, signaling for the game to start.
"I don't know, I haven't really played before." You smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't be too mad.
"Don't worry, I'll guide you through it." Jake led you up to the table, ready for him to break the balls.
As he leaned over the table, you watched as his shirt tightened, his back muscles peeked through the fabric of his shirt.
He lined up his cue with the balls in the middle of the table. Bringing his arm back, he struck dead in the middle of the white ball, hitting it directly into the tip of the triangle. A solid red ball hit into the back left pocket. He followed through and slowly brought his body back up with an impressed look on his face.
He walked beside you, waiting for you to compliment him on what he just did.
"Are you ready?" He asked in a self-assured manner.
He had a confident look on his face. He knew what he was doing and you could tell. The way he carried himself was attractive, and you couldn't help but wonder how confident he would be in other situations.
He pulled your waist closer to him with one hand, directing you on where you need to stand. He slightly bent you over the table, making your mind go crazy.
"So, put your left hand at the top of the stick directing where you want to hit the ball," You feel his body against yours, mirroring you. "And your right hand should be bent right here, this is how you'll hit the stick forward."
You were barely doing anything, just letting him take control of your body. Your mind was focused on other things...
Like his cock pressed against your ass.
You knew he could feel it too. When he pushed himself forward to hit the ball you could feel a thrust onto you, letting you let out the faintest whimper.
Oh my god.
You hope he didn’t hear that.
You couldn't take this. You needed him badly. You shook your mind out of it and realized that the ball hadn't gone in.
As soon as you both stood up you heard Josh scream immediately. "Aw man. Better luck next time! Now it's our turn."
As Josh and Danny prepare their game plan, you take a seat on one of the bar stools, Jake standing behind you.
You look back at him. "Sorry I didn't get it in, I was a little distracted."
"By what, darling?" He pushed your hair back behind your ears.
"Oh, nothing." You nodded your head, half embarrassed and half turned on.
"No, I think it was something, y/n, I heard the noise you made when the ball was shot."
Your face went red.
He lightly pulled your face back, making you look directly at him. "But I would be lying if I said I wasn't distracted either, so what was it?"
You sat there in silence not saying anything.
"That's okay" he leans down to your ear so only you can hear. "You may not have gotten it in, but I know I will later." He walks away with a chuckle leaving you there dumb founded.
Jake's POV
I walk away from her with my cock still throbbing. I needed to play it cool, but now I know she feels what I feel. I know she wants it as bad as I do.
As I walk towards the boys, Josh pulls me next to him.
"Are you going to at least pretend like you're not busting in your pants over her?" Josh grabbed my shoulder, whispering into my ear.
I hit Josh in the stomach taking my pool stick. I took a good shot getting the blue ball into the right pocket giving y/n an easy shot for her turn. I motion her over so she can go. She still looks flustered, but I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on.
"Remember what I told you, y/n." I remind her, making her flush even more.
She took the stick and was trying to see how to line up her shot. I wanted her to do it on her own so I didn't intervene just sitting back watching her. She looked sexy in her outfit tonight, that leather skirt hugged her in all the right places, but it wasn't covering much. As she bent over the bottom of her ass stuck out of her skirt, her lacy thong poking out.
I don't know how much more I could take. She knew what she was doing, she looked back to see if I was watching.
"Am I good Jake?" She asked innocently.
Fuck, all I could do was nod. She turned her head back around, beginning to take her shot. She hit, and somehow it went in. She was jumping for joy and dancing around, cheering for herself in a tipsy manner.
She came over pushing the stick into me, "Try and top that, Jakey." I grabbed the stick that was pushed against my chest. Her hand trailed down on me letting go of the stick, getting lower until she lightly brushed over my cock.
With that she walked back to the bar stool with a smirk. She knew what she was doing, and I had no problem with it.
Half an hour later, and the game was over. Danny and Josh won due to the fact that they were mostly sober. You would be lying if you said you didn't drink a lot. But you were fully aware of what was happening.
The night was full of sexual tension, everyone around you had seen what was happening between you and Jake. the touching, the flirting, the teasing, it was all too much. Even though it was you and Jake against Danny and Josh you and Jake had some type of competition going between the two of you. It had just built the tension.
The night had ended and people were clearing out, slowly but surely.
"Well, I think it's about time we head out." Danny picks up his car keys, dangling them in the air. "Coming, Jakey?"
"I'm gonna stay back here with y/n for a little bit longer." Jake slips his dominant hand around your waist, slightly gripping you. "Might stay the night." He gives you a certain suggestive look.
"Okay, you two have fun." Josh playfully pats you on the back as he passes by. He leans in your ear and whispers. "Remember what I told you!"
As you hear the footsteps walk away towards the door, you hear a shout in the distance. "Make smart choices, kiddos!" It was Josh once again.
You turned back to Jake to laugh at his twin's funny comment, but he wasn't laughing. Infact, his eyes were full of lust. The hand that was once on your waist was now gliding down your backside, traveling lower, and lower. He begins to give you soft, light kisses, eventually picking up the pace to hard, rough kisses. However, he quickly pulls away before anything can get serious.
"So, you wanna tell me what really happened between you and Sam?" He stepped closer, his eyes unforgiving.
"Nothing happened, Jake. Trust me."
"I don't know, you seemed pretty happy over there with him."
"Yeah, he was nice. I was just trying to get to know him."
"Don't make me have to find out for myself. Just tell me, it's the easy option."
"I promise you, nothing happened!" You began to raise your voice.
"Don't raise your voice at me, you little brat." He takes a step forward, and you take a large step back. "I guess I'll have to fuck the answer out of you."
Just then, you tried to take another step back, but you bumped into the pool table instead. He takes another large step towards you, his body towering over yours. He lightly, but forcefully pushes you into the table. You were speechless. Although your panties were already wet before, now they were soaked. He hoisted you up onto the table, your legs dangling off the side. At a slow pace, he began to spread your legs.
His large hands slowly run up your thighs, leading to your throbbing core.
"Already so wet for me? Huh, darling?"
All you could do was let out a small whimper.
"Use your words, y/n." He commanded as he pulled your panties down to your ankles.
You couldn't manage to get anything out. You squeezed your thighs together, needing friction.
"I said use your words. Spit it out, princess."
"What if somebody sees us?" You stop him before he begins to spread your legs even farther.
"No one's here. So, tell me." He continues, starting to lift up your skirt just a tiny bit.
"I'm so wet for you, Jake."
"That's right, only for me." He lowers his face, so his eye view is right against your pussy. He takes you all in for a moment, admiring his view. He looks up at you with beady eyes, waiting for a sign of your approval.
You give him a frantic nod, needing him immediately.
He begins to trace his huge fingers over your slit. They glide smoothly from your wetness.
"So, so wet baby, I can't wait to taste you."
He slowly brings his finger over your clit rubbing it in slow circles. You couldn't help yourself and let out a moan. He looks up at you with satisfaction, he knows he has full control over your mind and body.
You begin to moan louder and louder as he circles your clit faster.
He pulls his hand back. "I think it's about time we see what that beautiful pussy tastes like."
His large hands grips at your inner thighs, his head going down, disappearing between your legs.
His tongue finally made contact with your folds.
"Jake, your tongue feels so good." you practically crumble under his touch, right then and there.
His tonguey makes its way to your clit, swirling back and forth.
"Jake!" You cry out. Your hands fly to his head, clutching onto his hair.
"You like that, sexy mama?" He asks, his mouth full of your slick.
A small "mhm" was all you could manage to get out. A special kind of heat was building inside of you and needed to be released. "Jake, I'm about to-" you whine.
"Not yet, sweetheart." He pulls away from you. He wipes his mouth and gives you a seductive smirk. Sweat is beading at his forehead. Strands of his long hair stick to his forehead and neck.
He begins to unbutton his pants, his large hard cock slaps against his stomach as he pulls it out. He runs it up and down your folds, teasing you even more.
"I want you to tell me who this dripping wet pussy belongs to." He says, still teasing you.
"Please, Jake." You whispered. "Please."
"Hm?" His demeanor made it seem like he wasn't going to let up anytime soon.
"You, Jake. It belongs to you." You moaned. "Only you."
"Good girl." He groaned. As soon as he said that, he slipped his pulsating cock into your sopping cunt. "Oh fuck, y/n."
"You're mine." He moans through gritted teeth as he moves in and out inside of you.
His nose crinkled and his eyes squinted as he went deeper and deeper inside of you. He throws his head back, a loud moan escaping his lips. He brings his head back up and bends down. His lips meet your neck, and then travel to your chest. He's leaving hickeys all over your body.
"You're marked as mine now." He smiles lovingly, but at the same time he had a dark manner to him. His fingers dig into your hips as he continues to pound into you.
Your eyes squint as you let out a loud moan that fills the air. "Jake."
Jake grabs your chin, holding your face steady. "Open your eyes, sweetheart. I want you to see me while I fuck you stupid."
You opened your eyes to see his deep brown eyes staring into yours. He was taking you all in. His motions started to become sloppy, as he continued to fuck you.
"y/n" he cried out, throwing his head back once more. This time you felt him come undone inside of you. You felt yourself fill up with his load. "Come for me." He kept going until you released as well.
The waves of fire begin to form in your lower stomach. You squeezed your eyes shut, beginning to see stars.
"Fuck!" You whimpered, finishing all over his cock.
You certainly didn't expect this to be how your first time with him would go, but you weren't disappointed by any means.
He collapsed onto the pool table right beside you.
"That was...amazing." He sighed, catching his breath. "You were...amazing."
You watched as his chest slowly rose and fell.
"I hope you know that I don't want Sam. I only ever wanted you." You told him, watching as he began to stand back up.
"Oh, I know." He chuckled. He made his way over to the bar, grabbing a clean rag. You continued to lay there as he wiped you down. "I just wanted an excuse to fuck you. Plus, now you know you're mine."
"I know it was our first time together but..." You nodded in agreement. "It was perfect." You slid your thong back up your legs.
"Hell yeah it was. Almost as perfect as you." He held out his hand for you to take, stabilizing you on the ground. Your legs were still quivering, but you managed to walk.
He continued to hold onto you. "What do you say we go back to my place and get cleaned up?"
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@gretnavannfleet @pattypanini @mar-rein12 @terry-66
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sp-by-april · 26 days
Anything for my mutuals!! ilu dude 🥰 Human Kite x M!Reader, Voyeurism with some virginity and a soupcon of dubcon!! ORDER UP
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Human Kite x M!Reader
[Order At The Smut Cafe!] [Kyle Broflovski Master List]
My relationship with Human Kite… Wasn’t really a relationship. I was the new Hero in town and we kind of ran in the same circles. To be honest, at first, I was more into one of his friends.
Then we spent more time together. We made a good team. We’d even patrol together when either of us got bored.
It didn’t hurt that he was pretty hot.
Then we started hanging out as civilians. Sometimes I thought that maybe he was into me, but then he’d say something that completely dashed any hopes. It was always hard to figure out what was going on in his head.
Well... It used to be.
One night I was naked in the privacy of my bedroom. I was really amped up from absolutely crushing Professor Chaos, and I had to get that energy out somehow, you know?
So I’m on my bed, I have some great porn on TV and I’m stroking myself nice and slow, you know? Really building up to it.
I reach over to my nightstand to grab some lube so I can really have a good time. But in the mirror, just past my nightstand, I see something odd. Human Kite was on my neighbor’s roof. He was watching me. I had my window wide open since it was an unseasonably warm summer night, so he had the perfect view.
Honestly, it really turned me on. I grabbed the lube, drizzled on my cock slowly, and tossed it on the bed next to me.
I started to slowly stroke myself again, and I made real show of it. I imitated every solo video I’d ever gotten off to and I was fighting with myself not to come just from knowing he was watching me.
Occasionally I would glance over to make sure he was still watching me, and he always was.
Until I was almost finished. I didn’t see him. Confusing. Maybe he realized staring into guy’s windows wasn’t very heroic and left?
There was a thunk! On my roof.
He lowered himself down from the roof and swung into my window.
He stood right next to my bed and stared, “You knew I was there,”
“I – Uh – Yeah,” I stammered, I wasn’t really sure what to do in that situation.
He unbuckled his Kite from his back and it dropped onto my floor, “You knew I was watching you and kept going,”
“You watching me...” I suddenly throbbed in my hand, his line of questioning was turning me on more, “It was hot,”
He smirked as he pulled down his hood, and his red curls bounced, “Come here,”
I’m not sure why, other than I was only thinking with my dick, but I got on my knees and crawled towards him at the side of my bed.
“Good boy,” He began to strip out of his superhero suit, “Turn around,”
“Wait – I” I protested.
Then I watched him unveil his cock. He looked good. He was thick and sticky with enough precum to make it obvious he’d been turned on for a while. It looked so good I wanted to run my tongue over every vein.
“Wait what?” I asked as he grabbed onto my shoulders and forcibly turned me around.
“I’ve never… You know,” I hated to admit it, but it was a milestone I hadn’t hit yet.
I may have imagined what it would be like to have him fuck me, I never thought it would be like this. I wanted him but fuck, the size of him alone worried me.
He sighed and grabbed the lube off the bed next to me, “You’ll be fine,”
“But –” I was interrupted by a wet drizzle on my ass, “I don’t think we should –“
He hummed softly as he rubbed the head of his cock right against my hole, “Just relax,”
He grabbed my shoulder and then squeezed inside of me.
The pain quickly dissolved into pleasure as his hips started to shift into me. I started moaning right away.
“Fuck,” He leaned over me and kissed my shoulder, “You feel even better than I imagined,”
For just a moment, I thought that he’d take it easy with me. I relaxed.
Then he started to speed up and thrust harder.
His hand ran down my back, to my hip, and slid around until his hand was on my cock. He began to stroke me impossibly slow while pounding me like there was no tomorrow.
I listened to him groan in my ear while he treated me like a kind of plaything and I had never been more turned on in my fucking life.
I had a familiar tightness in my lower half that was unbearable. The pressure had built up to the point that I couldn’t contain it anymore. My eyes rolled back and a loud, trembling moan spilled out of me as my hips jumped. He kept stroking me as I totally erupted, my dick pulsing intensely while I coated the bed in milky ribbons.
Then he thrust into me hard. He groaned so low and deep that it was almost a growl and I could feel every inch of his impressive cock pumping me full of hot, sticky spurts.
He panted as he quickly let me go, pulled out, and started getting dressed.
“Come on,” Human Kite said flatly, “We still need to patrol,”
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ryndicate · 2 years
How bad do you want it? ⨳ Ichida Ryuken
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"Then you know what to do."
notes: for @semisgroupie 's what's done in the dark collab! I've finally written something for bleach and I couldn't be happier to be writing about daddy Ishida >:3
warnings: uneven power dynamic, abuse of position, reader is given multiple outs aka consent, unprotected sex, public/risky sex
By expanding you are agreeing to viewing adult content and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
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Whispers have been echoing around you since you arrived at work this morning, early but not so bright at a severe three in the morning. 
"Have you seen next week's schedule?"
"I haven't had a day off in three weeks."
"At least you don't have four back to back doubles. I've done nothing but work and sleep for god knows how—"
"Ma'am!" The youngest nurse in the lineup, Sachi you think, pops up from her seat after catching sight of you frowning at your boards. You turn to see her pacing towards you and grimace. 
You had seen the schedules too and were feeling the drain the same as everyone else. A few staff members from your department had been transferred last month with no replacements in sight.
"Can you please talk to Dr. Ishida," she all but begs you, her voice carrying enough to draw some of the other nurses towards you, their expressions taking on a hopeful outlook. "If anyone can convince him to hire more nurses it would be you."
Too late to escape, you try to ready a smile as the other nurses chorus at you, anxiety climbing.
"He always listens to you! It's probably because you're so good at your job."
"Yeah, I couldn't even get him to order new pens."
"He's so curt with everyone else."
"It wouldn't hurt to try, right?" Sachi throws on her best puppy eyes for good measure and you feel your willpower splinter. "Worst he could say is no?"
"Fine," you sigh, the pulsing of a new headache sounding like the last nails in your coffin. "I'll ask him after my shift today; he's got surgeries for most of the afternoon and a consultation in the evening."
Everyone relaxes measurably, breaking off one by one to get back to their duties and thanking you in hushed tones as the man in question appears around the corner.
Dr. Ishida Ryuuken barely gives you a cursory glance before breezing right past and you stiffen, making a show of studying the papers in your hand until he's gone. 
It's right to feel intimidated; tall and fit with vibrant snowy hair and a sharp jawline, he's incredibly handsome, barely looking a day over thirty despite having a teenage son. Quiet and icily strict, he’s a talented and sought after doctor despite losing his wife all those years ago. You could hardly imagine a man as cutting as him to even have had a wife, but you've never married so you guess you don't understand what it's like to lose a partner.
"Wouldn't hurt him to be nicer though." You rub your eyes, mumbling the words under your breath before glancing over your shoulder to make sure no one heard you. 
It’s a long day, like always. The work is hard, but in the end it’s good work. Infected stitches, bed sores, endless looping conversations with worried patients… someone has to do it, right?
You’re standing in the nurses bathroom exhausted, starving, and making a small attempt to wash some of the day’s grime away while you work up the nerve to go back upstairs to your department head’s office. This is honestly the last thing you wanted to do today, but you’ve been here longer than the rookies who swarmed you this morning, and honestly? They’re right. If they tried to talk to Dr. Ishida, he would have sent them running with their tails between their legs. You, on the other hand, have a little more backbone than that.
Feet still sore from the day you take the elevator up, thankful to find it empty and silent, and make your way down the familiar path to his office. You pause outside the door at the sound of muffled voices coming through the door. You check your watch. It’s nearly eight; you thought he’d be done with his consultation by now. There’s no way it would have run this long. Listening intently you try to make out the words.
“Sir, it’s the board of directors again. They’re trying to schedule—”
“Tell them I’m not here.”
“They’re not going to believe that.”
There’s a beat of silence and you can almost feel the undoubtedly stormy glare roiling behind his glasses.
“Then tell them to contact me during my operating hours. I’m off duty. They can leave a message like everyone else.”
“Sir, it’s the board.”
There’s more silence, and you step back from the door quickly when you realize their conversation is over, trying to appear unassuming. 
Ishida’s haggard looking aid doesn’t spare you a glance as they leave, and suddenly you feel less pessimistic about your own job.
The door is ajar so you tap your knuckles on the door, peeking in.
Dr. Ishida looks up from his desk, eyes still sharp, but some of the severity dissipates as he realizes it’s you.
“What is it this time?” He goes back to the papers on his desk. He’s aloof, bored, but with no direct dismissal you gather your nerves to do what you came for. You leave the door open to make the point that this won't take long.
“The nurses are still having a hard time since the transfers finalized,” you start, haltingly.
There’s several long moments of silence and for a moment you think he’s going to ignore you indefinitely before he looks up, raising an eyebrow at you.
The dry expectancy of his tone has heat rising beneath your collar, but you grit your teeth and work up your customer service smile from the days you worked retail to put yourself through nursing school. You never thought that experience would actually be useful, but here you are.
“Well, I understand how important your time is, sir, but we were hoping you might take some time out of your busy schedule to hire some additional staff to help balance the workload.”
As much as you try, there’s no curbing the biting undercurrent to your words. You’ve been in this position too many times to not be tired of it, and today you really just want to go home.
The good doctor turns his chair to face you, and his now piercing stare is enough to whittle away at your faltering confidence shakily propped up by indignance. You find your feet shifting as you try to ease your discomfort as he looks you over.
When he doesn’t say anything you’re getting ready to turn and stalk out of his office, but he finally speaks.
His voice is smooth now, nonchalant. “How important is this?”
“It would really help, sir,” you sigh, meek and defeated as he moves his chair a few feet back from his desk, the wheels giving a light squeak as they catch on the carpet. He leans back in it, crossing his arms. There’s an intensity in his eyes now that's different, an unspoken dare.
“Then you know what to do.”
There's that moment of resistance, there always is, where you simply maintain his stare with the blankest expression you can manage. But you inevitably crumble.
With a silent sigh, you reach for the hem of your scrubs and pull the colored pattern over your head. You're reaching for your bra when you pause, remembering the door is still open. 
Your hands drop and you're turning when Dr. Ishida's voice quietly rumbles across the room.
"Leave it." You glare at him and he stares back, immovable. "Unless you're done here?"
There it is, your best chance at walking out. Ignoring his bait you swallow your biting retort and unhook your bra, heat rising beneath your skin as he eyes your exposed tits, already hard from the scrutiny. You don't give him much more time than that, kicking out of your shoes and shoving your scrub bottoms off before coming around the edge of his desk.
You're left in nothing but a simple pair of gray cotton panties. Trying to hide your nerves, you lay yourself over his desk, nipples tightening painfully against the cold wood, hips raised and jutted out, displaying your ass for him.
You inhale slowly as he trails his hand up your outer thigh, skimming over the curve of your ass with such a gentle touch that it’s almost too sensitive. It makes you want to shy away, but you know that would only displease him, so you bite your inner cheek and steel yourself.
“Laundry day?” Ryuuken hums idly, sliding a finger in the band curving your left cheek and letting it go with a soft snap.
“With respect, fuck you, sir,” you sigh wearily, not in the mood for his brand of teasing today.
There’s a single note chuckle behind you, and you hate the way it sears against your skin like a brand, goosebumps rising down your spine in anticipation as you feel him move closer behind you. Instinctively you raise yourself to the balls of your feet as you feel his erection against your ass.
“Good girl.”
He’s amused now and you want nothing more than to hiss at him like a disgruntled cat, but your anxious eyes keep flickering to the open door, the risk of someone walking past keeping you silent.
Ryuuken rolls his hips into your ass a few times and smoothes a palm up your back, apparently content with taking his time.
“Will you hurry up?” you finally hiss, shuddering as his fingers make a third pass up and down your spine. You can feel the uncomfortable wetness growing between your thighs, the damp patch against your entrance sticking to your pussy. 
His hand immediately wraps around the back of your neck, effectively scruffing you, and you can’t help but let out a little squeak of surprise. He presses more tightly against you, leaning down to put his lips by your ear.
“Be quiet or get out,” Ryuuken murmurs, soft and dangerous, but the apparent lust roughening his tone is like little sparks bursting in your gut. You go limp, resigning yourself to his petting, arousal building like bubbling pressure in a coffee machine. 
You’re a hot flustered mess by the time you hear the clink of his belt, and you can’t help the tiny moan of approval as he finally tugs down your panties. The ache between your thighs has you biting every ounce of self restraint to keep your hips from arching towards him, letting him press on the small of your back and bump your feet into his preferred position like you wouldn’t have done it yourself given the chance.
A mewl is on the tip of your tongue, half choked as you chew your lower lip, at the feel of his fingers swiping through the slick you’ve accumulated. It receives a low hum of approval before his fingers are replaced with the blunt tip of his cock.
There’s a fog swirling over your mind. You can’t remember hearing the sound of a condom, but the heat and warmth of him slowly sinking into you is enough to send any worries of that flying from your mind. Your knuckles are white on the edge of the desk as you chew on a whine; his girth is something you’ve always reluctantly referred to as perfect, just enough to leave you full without making you grit at any pain, but his length always has you holding your breath because it never seems to end. He gives a little sigh behind you that has your mind fill with fluff, crackles of electricity sparking like exposed wires through your nerves.
“Breathe,” Ryuuken instructs calmly, and you hiccup, drawing in air like you just remembered how. “Again.”
There’s tears threatening your lashline as he stills, and you want to growl and posture at this stupid, sexy, rude as hell doctor being kind enough to give you time to adjust, but the alternative isn’t worth it. Knowing him, he’d rub it rather smugly in your face just how much you’re dripping all over him. So you sniffle instead, and tip your hips up just a little more, moaning in your throat as it has him pressing tighter against the front wall of your pussy.
One of his hands is stroking over the fat of your ass almost absentmindedly, as your pussy ripples around him at random, finally growing impatient for more stimulation. As if sensing your frustration, his grip moves to your waist and you curl a forearm under your cheek, ready to muffle any sounds if you need to.
His thrusts are quick and dirty right from the start, and your teeth are making divots in your arm before you know it. You get the sense that you’re not the only one stressed from today’s workload; it’s as if he’s trying to slam every ounce of pent up frustration out through your cunt. The unbreaking pace is mind-numbing and your eyes glaze over as he strikes deep in your core. 
Ryuuken’s grunts are quiet but they bathe over your ears, causing your pussy to squeeze down on him, and the hand supporting the brunt of his force flashes back to grab his wrist as you feel pleasure curl so close to the surface that you’re sure you’d crumble if it didn’t peak. He shakes his hand out of your grip and you almost sob, but he’s tugging your hips back further off the desk and reaching under you, the tips of his fingers brushing over your clit and your whole body locks up as your orgasm rips through you. 
His breathed curse falls on deaf ears as you ride out the blissful storm, extended by the way he savagely pulls you back on his cock, jerking into you unevenly, frantically, and you taste iron and salt as he sinks deep and grinds.
He’s still for a moment, breathing hard before his cock slips out of your cunt, and you feel warmth spilling down your thighs. One of these days you’ll have half a mind left to pay attention when Dr. Ishida Ryuuken loses his composure, but you’re too preoccupied with riding out the final aftershocks as he straightens his clothes behind you and smoothes his hair down.
Only then does he slide your panties back up your legs, making sure they’re firmly in place. There’s the soft sound of rustling fabric and finally your awareness rouses. You raise your head to see the office door closed, and your discarded scrubs sitting on the corner of his desk. 
Ryuuken watches you silently as you redress, offering no words, and you don't need them. You've been here before; you did what you came for, and he got what he wanted. Words weren’t necessary. Words complicate things.
He opens the door for you as you slip on your shoes. “Until next time.”
Something indescribable brightens inside you at Ryuuken’s words, and you give him a searing glare. In return you receive a small smirk, and he closes the door behind you with a light click.
As you walk down the hall, you tell yourself it’s only to gain favor with your employees, to help everyone out. That it’s altruism in its finest for you to pimp yourself out to the head of the department. That it has absolutely nothing to do with how well he fucks you and sends you on your way with shaking legs and a dripping cunt. Absolutely nothing at all.
Sachi is sitting at the nurse's station when you get down there, and you belatedly realize she was one of the nurses working double today.
“Oh, your arm!” She gasps, peeling out of her seat and dashing for the first aid cart. “I hate it when patients bite.”
You look down to see the mark on your arm; it’s bleeding, barely, but the crescent shape is like a ghostly reminder of his smile right before he closed the door in your face, and your heart jumps against your wishes.
Your glare returns in earnest.
Damn him.
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© All rights reserved to @ryndicate. Do not modify, translate, or repost.
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warsamongthestars · 5 months
Honestly you are so right. I never thought about it like that.
Having recently rewatch TBB from their introduction episode in TCW, i kept going "what the hell".
Admittingly, i did NOT like them at first. I enjoyed the other clones, but i just.. couldn't care until after s1 of TBB and even then, only S2 made me fall in love and S3 made me dwell deeper.
But rewatching TCW episodes... i can see why. Its not just that its different writing, that whole episode was INCREDIBLY cheesy, they were cheesy. And whats funny is i don't think they're too bad after their introduction episode.. but its like. They all fit into their sterotypes first episode, but TBB actually gave them personalities i feel, so when rewatching their introduction... it feels.. Not super iconic, sorry if that is an unpopular opinion.
Like their poses and first fight is really cool, but the whole conversation they have not only implies what you said, but also comes off as "edgelord 10 y/o boy who has watched way too many adventure movies". Which i get they were trying to be show offs as well as show the audience they are extreme.
But it just.. comes across as goofy to me.
and to be clear, i know star wars in general can be seen as cheesy, I'm not knocking down cheesy-ness, and i love most TCW episodes new and old, but i think thats why it bothers me ? I don't remember feeling "oh thats cheesy" in a negative light in any other episode, even with other series.
Sorry that this got long !!!!!
Damn, first ask. XD
Thank you for that! But uh...
... The irony here is that I have to disagree. I liked them in TCWs over TBB, and I wanted to see more of what the TCWshow's BBs had to offer.
I went the old fashioned way of watching TCWs (For the clones, I don't care that much about Jedi stories), and by the time I reached S7, they were announcing TBBshow. I had the build up from that, to reach the momentum and when I made it to the Bad Batch Arc, it was like falling in love with clones all over again.
Cliche in function, yes, by all viewing they fullfill their cliches.
But let me point out something that occurs in character writing--How the character acts to their friends, will be different with how the character acts to their coworkers, and how they act to their own families, to how they act to strangers. This is part of how you create a 3-Dimensional Character.
So my interpretation is different. Here's how my thought process went.
What we saw in TCWs, was merely how the BBs act when acting under officers (Coworkers) they didn't know (Strangers).
( Wrecker starts enthusiastic but "dumb" muscle, but as the Arc went on, he actually mellowed out. Showing that while he's excitable, he's not actually as excitable as what he introduced himself as. He's clever not "dumb muscle", he's multi-capable (he's the second pilot of the Marauder), he's in more control of himself than anyone on the team (hence that when he lifts Jesse up, Jesse is fine afterwards, when by that point we've seen that he lifts ships--he could've easily hurt Jesse but he didn't))
Given they don't look or act like clones, and looking and acting like clones is expected in their position or risk removal, they were effectively playing themselves up as their "cliches" in order to sell their skills and avoid unnecessary or even dangerous questions.
( Hunter is constantly snarky and never directly answers anything about "who you report to" or "how many missions you were on". But at the start, he was promoting the hell out of his unit's capabilities. )
The Bad Batch were a series of characters that bounced off each other beautifully. Its something everyone noticed about them.
(From Crosshair using Tech's shoulder as a mount, to Wrecker tossing Hunter up, to Hunter and Crosshair's subtle backing each other up, to Wrecker quoting Tech. )
Their group dynamics are part of their greatest strength as a set of characters.
With the introduction of Echo, who unlike in TBB, Echo was enthusiastic and clever and crafty, with a playful sense of humor (not unlike how he started as a character in TCWs).
You've got an excellent addition to a group that already has strong character dynamics.
Echo, having been an Audience Surrogate Character for Clones in TCWs, would've easily been the main POV of whatever BB show came out of TCWs. Because he can ask the questions the audience would ask, and Echo is a familiar character with years of backing that the audience would be familiar with.
So you're right, in my book, about TCWshow. Though how I view how right you are is different because of my subtext.
The Bad Batch Arc of TCWs was a Good, if a bit trippy, Start, and not a finisher for the team. After all, all introductions tend to be rather clumsy (just ask TCWs' pilot film).
Which laid in the implication that we're going to Get that Finisher. And the journey.
But when we hit TBB... Then turned the nuance surface of TCWs Bad Batch, and either cut it out, or dumbed it down, or in two cases, changed it entirely.
( TCWs Hunter was a snarky worrywort who let his brothers do the actions while he stays in the corner, but he's dragged out because he's the "Sergeant". TBB Hunter is a stoic quiet type who wants order and control. TCWs Hunter and TBB Hunter are two entirely different characters. In fact, if I may speculate fan wise, TBB Hunter would be the kind of person that would cause TCWs Hunter to Shutdown... and we have evidence of this from TCWs; where Rex gets into Hunter's face, and Hunter shutsdown entirely until after the scene change. )
( Wrecker got dumbed down. That Explosive Enthusiasm he played up, became his defining feature (They effectively pulled a misfandom on their own original creation). While they did show he does have vulnerabilities and some of that TCWs cleverness... it often got overshadowed. )
( They removed Crosshair and broke the group dynamic, destroying the strongest part of their characters, which was their interactions with each other. )
( Echo went from Enthusiastic, Clever and Humor, to Just Bitchy. They didn't bring back his other facet at all. And mid way through TBB, they removed his character--effectively making anything about him a moot point. It nullified his introduction into the BBs )
( And I'm not going to go into a tyraid here about Omega. )
And suddenly, there wasn't any nuance anymore, because the BBs acted the same everywhere they went. There wasn't any developments, because the BBs didn't discuss anything for the audience to know.
Maybe a dramatic glance in the distance--but that's more Cliche than their character archetypes. Character Archetypes, no matter how obvious, can shift and change as they Develop.
But there's no character developing in TBB that doesn't involve how the show broke what made them strong characters to begin with.
Its like trying to make a house, but the foundation is the ceiling and attic, and the "ceiling" is the 3000 tons of solid fucking concrete.
The story, which was about how the Empire rose from the Republic, was literally elsewhere, so there was nothing that spurred the characters to do anything that involved the plot.
Now as you can prolly guess by this point, I'm very very keen on Character Driven stories, and I pay attention to character. While I treat all things as a "fan-fiction" (Given that fan-fiction shows the effort it takes to create a story or create anything), when it comes to officially published stuffed--so with teams, and a budget, and hired people to do the work--I expect the "fan-fiction" to go up in quality, to follow the format and standard set up and simply either stick to it or surpass it.
I think TBBshow was too clumsy, too fragmented, and far too shiny, for what it had. Having a small part of the metaphorical quilt work, doesn't subtract from the fact that the rest of the quilt is full of holes.
Have small good points, I'm afraid, doesn't make up for the fact that it was overall, a poorly written show that bites its prior series' hand.
It just means that, now, you have to steal the good points to add to whatever BBsquad exists in one's mind.
You take the part of the quilt that works... and make your own Quilt, and damn whoever fucked up the first job.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Jeannie in a bottle (2)
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Summary: You’re out of the bottle. What now?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x genie!Reader
Warnings: magic, mentions of entrapment, genie!reader
Jeannie in a bottle masterlist
<< Part 1
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“Hmm…you look much better in that outfit,” Dean purrs as you get comfortable in the backseat. He watches you in the rear-view mirror, smiling to himself. “Pink suits you.”
“I hate pink,” you grumble. “I only did it to appease you. It’s kinda part of the deal, ya know. I didn’t want to change clothing. That fucker turned me into an obedient bitch.”
“Why didn’t you obey his orders?” Sam asks. He looks at you in the backseat, wondering which spell the bastard used to entrap you. The hunter hopes he can help you.
“Well, that creep used a spell to turn me into his dream girl. A genie like the one in the show. But there was a catch,” you chuckle. “Fucker forgot to read the fine print.”
“Let me guess. Everyone but him can rub the bottle,” Dean asks. “Right? You’ve been waiting for me to free you, sweetheart?”
You smirk at Dean. “The spell he used turned me into a genie and banned me into the bottle, but he’s the only one who cannot free me. If he tries, the bottle hurts him. Or rather the spell.”
“Awesome,” the hunter chuckles. “I’m her hero, Sammy. And I got three wishes. Hmm…I need to think about all the things I want.”
“Dean, remember. We don’t get good things just like that,” Sam warns. Spells, curses, and all the things they encountered over the years always have a catch.
“He’s not wrong, Dean,” you start coughing. You feel a little light-headed and, your body starts to dissipate again. “No! I didn’t say a thing…please!”
“Sweetheart? Genie!” Dean jumps out of the car to reach the backseat. He opens the door and grabs your fading hand. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t break the rules,” you whisper as your body turns back into pink smoke. “I’m sorry…you need to find out on your own…”
“Nooo! Sammy help me!” the hunter panics. He tries to grasp for you, but you are already gone. “She’s back inside the bottle.”
Dean looks at the golden Arabian-styled genie bottle. He carefully picks it up to look it all over.
“I think she wanted to tell you to not use your wishes. Something is fishy about all of this, Dean. Let’s go back to the bunker. I can call Rowena, and maybe…” Sam sighs deeply, “Crowley can help us too.”
“Crowley? Why?”
“First, the guy at the store didn’t look like he was using magic all the time. I think he made a deal to get her into the bottle.”
“A bad deal,” Dean grins. “He cannot free her. You think he made a deal with Crowley or one of his minions?”
“Uh-Sammy…can you drive? I’ll stay in the backseat and make sure the bottle doesn’t get damaged. Drive carefully.”
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“Shut up, you sonofabitch!” Dean growls at the shop owner he has restrained to a chair in the dungeon as the man tries to break out of the handcuffs. “You won’t get out of these. So, stop!”
“She’s mine! You can’t have her. You won’t have her!”
“Listen, you sick creep. She won’t be yours. You entrapped her inside a fucking bottle. Do you honestly believe she will fall in love with you after you stole ten years from her?”
“I don’t want her to love me,” the shop owner grins. “It’s enough to know that she’s mine. I own her. No one will ever free her.”
“We will see.”
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“Rub it, rub it. Free her,” Dean singsongs as he rubs the bottle again. “Come out, sweetheart. We go that bastard in the dungeon.”
“Dean—” Pink smoke fills Dean’s room as you finally are free to leave the bottle again. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” he says as you stretch your body. “Uh-I didn’t know if genies eat. I made you a bacon burger and got a beer or juice for you.”
“I don’t know either,” you answer honestly. “It’s been ages since I got out of the bottle. I spent my days hammering against the walls of the bottle. It felt like I’m trapped in a nightmare.”
“Damn, that’s awful,” he drops his eyes and shakes his head. Dean realizes having a genie is not like in the show. “But don’t worry. We are on it. Sammy called two…” He wrinkles his nose, “Let’s call them allies. We will find out what that bastard did and free you.”
“Even if you can free me, Dean,” you sniffle, “I lost ten years of my life. I was trapped in a nightmare and couldn’t get out. There is no life I can come back to. Everyone moved on.”
“I’m sorry,” Dean softly says. “Especially for the stupid things I said about the wishes and crap. I had this fantasy about Jeannie from the show, and then you appeared out of nowhere. A real-life genie all for myself. I didn’t know you were entrapped and now I feel like the most awful guy ever.”
“It’s fine,” you sit on Dean’s bed and look around his room. It’s the first time you are in a normal room after years of entrapment. “I’m glad it was you who freed me. Not some creep.”
“Or someone wanting to abuse your powers to take over the world or shit.”
“That’s against the rules! No making someone fall in love with you. No taking over the world. No killing people. No committing crimes. No asking for superpowers.”
“Whoa, a lot of rules,” Dean flashes you a smile. “I guess you won't make me a superhero then.”
“You are already a hero. Aren’t you?” you pat his thigh. “Even I heard of the infamous Winchesters. And, I believe in you. If anyone can help me, it’s you and your brother…”
>> Part 3
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poelya · 2 months
a lot of the discussions around the acolyte feel very reductive and boring for me, particularly when it always boils down to that argument between mae and osha when they're children: "the jedi are good!" "the jedi are bad!" and how either of those perspectives mean the show is any good or not.
frankly, i love the jedi. love 'em, but i could not care less what the hell a story has to say about them if it's an interesting well-told story, and if it makes sense. the acolyte is an origin about a dark sider, of course it doesn't paint them across as great, but I also don't think making five jedi extremely flawed counts as the show saying "el em ah oh! yeah they all deserved to get got!" like girl check your reading comprehension for a min...
anyway, I think the most interesting thing about this show to me is how it's typically the Jedi who break the rules and act like they're above the council, that fuck up in drastic ways. Indara is the sole voice of reason, initially, on Brendok, wanting to only perform a wellness check and abide by the Council's decision of "no, they're fine, we're not messing with another culture because we respect their privacy and we're not taking two eight year olds from their mother" - a decision that Sol ignores, because of his own attachment. Torbin also ignores the Council's decision for his own benefit, in an effort to prove the vergence existed. and then of course, Vernestra - I'll admit, I haven't read any of the books with her in it, so I don't know anything abt her besides she's aroace and gifted kid burnout rep - is so focused on the Jedi's political enemies, that she decides to purposely act without the Council's knowledge, and later continue the cycle began by Indara and the others, by covering up what truly happened across the series.
The Brendok team's choices, and Vernestra's, by ignoring the Council and acting out on their own by believing they know what is best, winds up having drastic consequences and making the Sith stronger. By comparison, earlier in the season, we had Jecki and Yord, both of whom are described as by the book and "Jedi-Jedi" basically in various interviews/articles about the series, and I think honestly, they do embody the best things about the Order.
When confronted with the possibility that the person he grew up with, loved, was close friends with, potentially murdered another Jedi Yord likely knew and respected alongside Osha, and is given irrefutable evidence that Osha is guilty (seeing as he doesn't know Osha and Mae were twins) - he lets go of his personal feelings on the matter, and does what he believes is right. He doesn't let his feelings for Osha, or their bond, cloud his judgment. And even Jecki is presented routinely as level-headed, and her initial criticism of Sol lingering on the past and Osha is proven correct: Sol does struggle with attachment, and specifically attachment to Osha.
In my opinion, the show has a lot more to say about Jedi who think they're above the rules of the organization than it does the Jedi as a whole. A lot of what that Senator says is just condensed anti-Jedi rhetoric, certainly, but his statement about what happens if someone with that much power snaps and no one can stop them is simultaneously a wonderful bit of tragic foreshadowing of Anakin, and returns us back to the initial thesis that Aniseya gives the girls: this is about power, and who is allowed to wield it.
The (main) Jedi we view in this series, beyond Jecki and Yord and initially Indara, believe that they are above the rules. That they know better than the Council does, or the rules that are in place for a goddamned reason, because unchecked the Jedi could be extremely dangerous, that's what happens when you're basically demi-god levels of powerful.
And that belief gets a lot of people killed. Just like it will again, a hundred years from now.
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heretherebedork · 11 months
Here we are, almost at the finish line, and for the life of me I still don't get it. They are all messed up, confused, broken people. So... Why so much Top hate? I mean, even if we considered what he did cheating, since when is cheating a high crime in bl? That have been actual crimes committed by characters in this show and that's apparently fine. So why can't Top shake whatever image people assigned to him 9 episodes ago?
I dunno. Honestly, I like Top more now than I did at the start but I'm still not super attached.
Top is interesting but I feel like a lot of that interesting is being held back for some reason?
But I will be clear that a lot of BL fans absolutely consider cheating to the be the Pinnacle of Worst Things Possible in most shows and most relationships. Cheating has long, long been a high crime in BL and is the cause of like 90% of miscommunications in shows based on misunderstandings and assumptions of cheating.
But in the context of Only Friends? Top's biggest issue for me isn't the cheating, it's that he... has this air of trying to be perfect all the time in a way that doesn't work and I don't find that interesting, honestly?
He and Mew spent the first half of the show basically trying to act out their own little romcom of a BL that didn't really fit the energy everyone else was bringing or that I was expecting from the show. And I now struggle to see how Top fits into the world and into these relationships.
Top has spent most of the series sort of... outside of everyone else and not just as in the actual friend group. He's the addict who basically claims to instantly shake his addiction, he's traumatized but in a way that doesn't seem to affect him too badly (the scene of not wanting to take the sleeping pills anymore was good but I need more than that), he's a top tier guy who doesn't do serious relationships but he only has one ex we hear about or meet and Boeing is the best trash ever but I can see why you might not wanna pursue a longterm relationship with him.
My views on Top have changed but at the core I just don't find him to be a super interesting character. He has had good scenes (all my favorite scenes of his are with Boston and Sand) and I wish we'd gotten more of him with the other characters and less of him with Mew. He plays off everyone else so well in terms of being more fully realized as a character.
I dunno. I'm not invested in TopMew as a couple because I think they were presented and then proceeded in a way that doesn't fit with the vibes of anyone else but also in a way that feels... shallow.
I could not explain to you why Top loves Mew. I couldn't explain why Mew loves Top. Because their love just feels like it was written Because They're A Branded Pair Of Actors.
I am struggling to put more words into this.
But definitely part of it is that Top is written as a kind of foil for Ray as well but in order to fulfill that role he has to be what Ray isn't while also being what Ray is (just like Boeing and Mew) and that means he has to have the addiction and the trauma but he has to have gotten past them (like Boeing has morals and understands maturity but has gotten past that and gone right into being trash but trash with morals).
There's a lot that goes into what makes people dislike characters or find them to be ones that just aren't as engaging or interesting and I think the show did Top and Mew a bit dirty in the relationship development by having them both trying from the start because they started trying before they got to know each other and then the show kind of FFed their getting to know each other bit while showing us deeper moments with the other couples.
Or at least that's how it felt to me.
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deathofpeaceofmiiind · 8 months
high infidelity | twenty five
You’re the king baby, I’m your queen. *Noah’s POV* “So where are you taking me?” I looked over at Ellie and just smirked, not daring to tell her where we were going. I kept my eyes on her for a little longer than I expected, I couldn’t help myself. She had her hair in a sleeked back ponytail, black ripped skinny jeans, white tank top and her signature checkered vans. The past 24 hours with her have been absolute heaven. My home has been such a safe space for me and having her in it made it feel complete finally. She was so patient and understanding with me last night and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. Sex with her felt like a drug I wanted to use for the rest of my life. Between last night, this morning and fucking her quickly in the shower before we left the house, I still couldn’t get enough of her right now.
“I’m not telling you.” I replied as I backed out of my driveway and headed down the street. She crossed her arms and I could feel her eyes on me. “Great, I’m gonna end up on the news. Newsflash, Canadian women missing in the Hollywood Hills.” I was having a hard time holding my laughter back at how dramatic she was being, “do you really think I’m taking you somewhere to murder you?” “I don’t know, Noah Sebastian…are you?” She sarcastically replied. “Ok fine, I’ll ruin the surprise. I wanted to order from my favourite sushi place, and take you to my favourite spot in the city to have a little picnic. I figured since most of our time has been taken up with my shows, we deserved another quiet night together before you leave.” 
She leaned over the console and kissed my cheek, almost making me run through a red light.“That sounds great. I’m sorry for accusing you of murder.” “I am capable of it but I’ll save it for another day.” I winked. She just rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand as she looked out the window. I felt my heart skip a beat over how happy I was feeling right now. The windows were down, music was playing, and the sun was shining, making Ellie’s dark hair shine. I don’t think it could get better than this.
We left the restaurant with enough sushi to feed an army and headed over to White Point beach. This place was so special to me for so many reasons. I got a lot of my writing for the death of peace of mind done here and it was just my escape from the pandemic. It was the one place I actually felt my nervous system calm down. I’ve tried chasing that feeling elsewhere and honestly, I never found it until I met Ellie. “Wow…Noah.” Ellie paused, putting her hand over her mouth as she admired the view in front of her. I wasn’t sure what her reaction would be since she was also surrounded by beaches and mountains at home but she still looked awestruck. The beach had a hill that towered over everything, giving you the perfect view of the ocean and an even better view of the sunset. “This is my hiding spot.” I replied turning off the car and locking my fingers with Ellie’s. “I’ve never shown anyone this spot. This place has given me more peace than therapy ever has. I just wanted to show you it cause … well because you give me the feeling this place does.” “Noah…” She whispered as tears filled her eyes. She took her seatbelt off and grabbed me by the back of my neck, guiding me to kiss her. I pressed my mouth to hers, wrapping my hand around her throat the longer we kissed. The kisses were so soft and gentle, giving me time to taste the strawberry flavour from Ellie’s lip gloss. We pulled away and she smiled so sweetly at me, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I just sighed deeply, this girl was something else.
I came prepared and grabbed blankets, a cooler and hoodies out of the trunk before we headed over to the beach. Ellie raised her eyebrows at me as I walked past her and found my normal spot was free. I laid the blanket down, Ellie put our food down and sat beside me. I pulled out two white claws, giving one to her as we dove into our food. “Who knew you were such a romantic.” Ellie smiled before taking a bite of her sushi. “This is better than any expensive restaurant.” “Good, I’m glad.” I replied, not taking my eyes off her. “That’s one of the biggest reasons why I love you.” She face flushed a little as she met my gaze, “what do you mean?” “I guess what I’m trying to say is that, you’re probably the first woman I’ve ever won over by being myself. You don’t have unrealistic expectations because of who I am, so I never felt like I needed to hide behind a mask.” I stuttered a little near the end, I was trying to tread lightly and not offend her by any means. “Noah, I fell for you because of your heart, and who are you are as a person off stage. Your band, your success, any money you make from all this comes secondary. Sure I met you because of your band but in another life if I just met you on the street and didn’t know who you were, I’d still be here ridiculously in love with you.” “Ridiculously huh?” I joked, nudging her arm. She smiled at me as I got closer to her, caressing her cheek and kissing her again. I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to be all over her right now. Not even in a sexual way, just affectionally. My heart felt like it was going to burst because of her. “I love you Ellie.” “I love you more.” After we finished our food, we got cozy and watched the sunset together. The sky was so beautiful and reminded me of cotton candy with the shades of pink and blue. Ellie was nuzzled against my chest, listening to the sounds of seagulls in the distance along with the sound of each other’s heartbeats. I didn’t want this night to be over. The sun began to disappear and the sky glowed a dark blue, all I could see was Ellie’s bright eyes piercing through the darkness. As we got to the car, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, it was Jolly. “Hey man, we’re thinking of hitting up the pier in 30. Last night for Matt, both Nicks and Bryan in town. You two want to come?” “Hey Ellie do you want to head to the pier?” She just nods, polishing off her white claw before getting into the car. I pouted a little bit hoping she’d just want to go home, but this could be fun as well. I should also be thankful my friends love her as much as I do and want to include her in things. Before I got in the car I went to text Jolly back but I opened my conversation to Nick, taking a deep breath before I started typing. “I wanna marry this girl.”
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