#like the ones who see a random road and can tell you where it is within seconds
mhedusard · 2 days
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Backstory :
Paloma is born to Travel. That's only a natural conclusion for the 9 years old child who traveled accross her original World as for long as she Can remember. It was Always the same routine.Arriving to a city or into a place with nobody living. Playing with the kids she encounter or arguing with them before never seeing them Again a few days After and going back to the road.
One of the big advantage to have both of her parents being passioned archeologists who didn't minded bringing their daughter to their Big expedition.
This with one of those Big expedition where began her biggest adventure.
It began like any other day. Moving away from her parents too busy talking about some Tower to notice Paloma's disaperence. The kid having fun as Always,exploring the forest while playing around with a stick as if it was her mighty Sword. Until she noticed that she was gone too far, had no idea how to go back and that the only thing close to her was a tower.
The biggest tower she ever Saw. It was the type you Saw in those Epic story she liked where a heroic knight in shining armor was ready to slay the scary dragon that kept a helpless princess and a gigantic treasure inside. The kind of story where Paloma Always Saw herself as the héroïne.
However she didn't realize that she was actually gonna encounter an actual dragon of steal.Nor that while trying to escape she would trigger a dusty old mirror that would transport both of them into a Magic realm.
Personality :
Paloma is a free spirit. She likes to think that everything Can be turned into an adventure where she’s the heroine.
This Can be entering into a cave she found in a forest to see if a treser is hidding in the deepths or running After a random cat she saw near a shop to see if it will lead her to a spooky place with a Monster to slay.
Sometimes she Can be so focused in her little adventures that she would often forget to take mind of other people's emotion, reflecting her general lack of empathy.
She has a strong dislike of people in twisted wonderland trying to order her around or betitling her games. She will let none of those wizards thinking that they Can tell her what to do and is determined to show them who the true boss is!
But at the end of the day she IS a kid.
A kid propulsed in an unknow World
A kid that try to hide behind her obnoxious attitude that she is as much scared as she is amazed by this New world.
A kid who sometimes wander if her parenrs are still waiting for her in the woods where they lost her.
A kid trying to act like a mighty hero because she Seek this strenght and bravery that they have
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Her Loyal sidekick as she likes to call them. They are the first one to actually take her seriously despite her young age and listen carefuly to what she suggest. They even agree to play along her little game even when they are Bad at pretenting.
Other infos:
She is based on Pascal from tangled
Nicknames: Shrimpy(Floyd), Petite Filoute (Rook), Toad (Ruggie)
Talent: hide and seek + multilingual
Best subject: Music
Club: Horse ridding club
Hooby: Sewing, music, Cooking, adventure , playing Chess.....
Likes: Travelling, Exploring
Dislikes: Orders, not being taken seriously
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Sorry if some sentences are weirdly phrased!
Credit templates: @/ai-kan1
Tags: @twtysevapr
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a-tiny-sloth · 1 year
actually my cishet guy trait is that i'm like one boring afternoon away from becoming one of those geoguessr guys
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pankowblues · 1 month
Road Mishaps
not proofread
summary- drew comforts you during your pregnancy
warnings - throwing up, motion sickness, pregnancy
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You and drew just had an interview and you were 6 months pregnant with a baby boy. You guys announced that you guys were dating ever since photos of you guys got leaked on the internet.
“Okay, where do you want to go? Home?” Drew says as he buckles his seatbelt
“Yea sure I want to get this dress off me” you say tugging on my dress a bit
He smiles “And what’s wrong with the dress huh baby?” He says teasingly while driving
“It’s sooo uncomfortable”
He chuckles, he can tell that you’re craving something comfortable over anything else right now “If you feel so uncomfortable then why did you wear the dress in the first place?”
“Too look good duhh” you say like it’s obvious
He grins, he glances over at you while driving “Babe, you don’t need to try and look good. You look good no matter what you have on, you know that”
That’s when you start to feel yourself getting nauseous from the baby and motion sickness and you feel the urge to throw up “hey drew”
He hears the sound of your voice and can tell that the tone has changed, he quickly glances at you to see your facial expression to see you looking uncomfortable “Yeah babe?”
“pull over hurry up”
He sees the urgent plea in your voice and he immediately pulls the car to the side of the road and stops the car. He turns and faces you “What’s wrong babe?”
You open the car door and put your head outside ready to throw up “This his baby is making me feel nauseous again”
He quickly unbuckles his seat and gets out of the car to go around to your side. He rubs your back gently as you put your head out of the door, ready to puke.
You make a few gagging noises but still not throwing up, tears well in your eyes from frustration cause you want to throw up but it won’t come out.
He kneels down on the side of the car next to you and keeps rubbing circles on your back gently as he watches you get frustrated at the fact that you can’t throw up.
“drew I can’t” You say as a few tears fall down your face
He feels bad when he sees the tears fall down your face, he gently rubs your back trying to comfort you as much as he can “Just try to breath babe. Take deep breaths. Try to relax”
You breath and take a few breaths and you finally relax waiting and that’s when you push his legs backwards as you throw up so you don’t get anything on him
He watches as you finally throw up and he’s glad, at least this way you can start feeling better, he’s so focused on making sure you’re okay that he fails to realize that you pushed his legs out of the way to avoid getting puke on him.
“Omg drew ew I got it on you”
He finally looks down and realizes that you did in fact get puke on him, although you were trying your best not to “Nah it’s okay, it’s not a biggie babe”
“What do you mean?! That’s disgusting. I’m so sorry”
He continues rubbing your back, unbothered by the fact that puke is on his pants “Babe, it’s not like it’s the first time it has happened. We’ve been through a lot, you throwing up on me isn’t new”
You grab some paper towels from the glove box and clean his blue pants trying to get most of it off.
He laughs, he finds it sweet that you are trying to clean his pants off when you’re the pregnant one who just threw up on the side of a random road* “Babe, it’s seriously fine”
“I just don’t want you driving home with my puke on your pants*
He smiles, amused by your determination to clean up the mess that you made “I’m fine babe, I can handle driving with my pants stained with your vomit”
That night you both went home with pants with puke on them and a happy stomach. You wouldn’t stop apologizing the entire night but drew finally shut you up with a kiss.
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tag list: @0xstarzx0, @wearemadeofstardust0, @rafecameroncoke
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starrystevie · 2 years
"i need a favor."
it's simple enough for steve to hear even over the loud music in the club, and it definitely grabs his attention away from where he was staring blankly into the dancing crowd. he pulls his eyes to the person standing in front of him, gaze trailing over their form before settling on their face. he's cute, steve thinks, with his curly dark hair and big brown eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. he's cute enough for steve to listen to whatever favor he could possibly need.
"umm, hello to you too?" steve says it like a question, his eyebrows quirked up and a smile pulling at one side of his mouth. "what kind of favor might that be?"
the stranger smiles and sits in the seat next to steve, setting his beer on the table beside steve's nearly finished jack and coke. he's closer than he was before and steve can appreciate his face even better this way.
"it's my ex. you see," the stranger slings an arm around the back of steve's chair, pulls himself close so that he isn't having to scream as loudly over the booming club beats. "he's here and i knew it would be stupid to think i wouldn't run into him in the only queer club around, yet here he is. and here i am."
"is there supposed to be a favor in there somewhere?"
the stranger grins and steve suddenly gets the feeling he's a bird who's been cornered by a cat.
"well, i was hoping you might be able to help me. he knows i have a... weakness for pretty boys and you just happen to be the prettiest one here."
steve's heart thumps in his chest, strong and impatient as he watches the neon lights flash off this guy's teeth. he always thought he was the smooth one with all his charm and charisma, but this stranger was sitting next to steve like it was any other day and not like he had the possibility to turn his world upside down.
"help you how?"
the stranger's grin grew wider and his eyes not so subtly flicked down to watch steve's lips. "kissing would be a good start, then letting me drag you to the dance floor so he could see us. and maybe if you're feeling a little crazy, we leave together, make it seem like you're coming home with me. he's watching us right now, you know?"
steve gives him a blank stare as he tries to not let it show just how much fun he thinks it all could be. he's there alone, anyway, trying to drown his loneliness in his friend jack daniels, so what's stopping him from playing a little bit of pretend?
"and what's in it for me?" is what steve finally gets out, his breath stuttering minutely in his chest when he feels a palm cover his leg.
"what do you want?" the fingers squeeze around his knee.
it makes steve stop and think for a moment. he thinks long and hard about material things like at least 3 drinks bought for him or dinner after they escape together or paying his cover so they can get in to the bar down the road that plays shitty music but has a good atmosphere. but there's one thing steve could really use, something he doesn't get the chance for, something that this random guy's money wouldn't have to cover.
"an adventure."
there's no way to tell who moves first, whether it was steve fisting his hand into the guy's hair to close the distance between them or if it was the firm pull on his leg that turns him towards the stranger. it's messy, right off the bat, with a tongue pressing insistently against steve's lips that he's happy to meet with his own. the hand on his leg is a grounding touch that keeps steve from floating away, warm and strong and there.
the man's other hand wraps awkwardly around to rest on steve's waist as to bring him in closer and the force of it has steve stumbling out of chair and settling instead on the guy's lap. two hands wrap around his waist now and his own go back into the guy's hair, threading through the stands and holding on firmly.
"okay yeah, you were definitely the right choice for this, holy shit," the guy breaks away to catch his breath and grin at steve who sends him a grin in return. "you are so..."
he doesn't finish, lets his lips say the words he couldn't as he connects them with steve's once more. it's hot, both in temperature and otherwise. steve can feel a bead of sweat start to roll down his back as they kiss and roll against each other for lord knows how long. one of the stranger's hands comes to rest just above steve's ass and it has him pushing back into the touch before he can tell himself to stop.
"dance. we uhh," steve says breathlessly as he pulls away from the man. his eyes are hooded and his lips are slick and kissed red, the flush on his face visible even under the dark club lights. steve thinks he might already be a little bit in love. "you said we have to dance."
the hand that was trailing down to his ass makes its way to it's destination and presses firmly, so steve follows, lets himself be manhandled until they're sitting chest pressed to heaving chest.
"sorry sweetheart, you aren't moving anywhere just quite yet."
lips connect to his jaw and it feels like it's exactly where he's supposed to be. steve pushes into the man's space, gets them as close as possible to savor the moment. he doesn't get to have fun, not much anymore at least, with his job keeping him so busy he hardly even gets to see his friends. it's nice to push every real life responsibility to the side and be in the moment with a random man from a club.
"so what does he look like, your ex?" steve mummers against his ear, low and sultry. "is he looking at us now?"
he feels the man chuckle against him before kissing his way up his neck. "he's pretty standard looking, don't think i could describe him to you if i tried."
"okay but," he's cut off by lips pressing quickly onto his own before steve pulls away once more. "i need to know who i'm putting a show on for."
the man sighs, rests his forehead against steve's collarbone for a beat before biting at it playfully. "let's just say you're putting on a great show regardless of who it's for."
steve pulls back even further, watching the man roll his eyes as he tries to follow him with his mouth. "and i thank you for that, but really, where is he?"
the man pauses and every bit of confidence that was on his face melts away until he looks younger, looks almost nervous. he sighs again and drops his hands from where they were kneading into steve's sides before running them through his hair with a sad sounding chuckle.
"he's nowhere."
now it's steve's turn to pause. his thighs that were clenched so tightly around the man's legs release and he slumps down with a frown pulling at his mouth and arms crossing over his chest.
"i just," the man winces, face crinkling up before settling back into something more neutral. "you're like insanely hot, which i'm sure you know, and i needed something so i could talk to you so-"
"so you lied? there's no ex?"
"... there's no ex."
steve's done more thinking in the last 30 minutes than he expected to in the entire evening. he didn't come out to a gay bar to think about anything and yet here is, contemplating a fucking pros and cons list about where to go from there. does he yell, punch him for lying, storm out and end up back home all alone in a empty apartment? it would serve the guy right, letting him stew in his guilt for lying so he could make out with someone.
"i'm steve," he says after making up his mind, hand extended out in front of him.
the stranger grabs it shyly, shaking his hand up and down slowly while he stares at steve. "i'm eddie?"
"is that a question?"
"no, i'm just-" he cuts himself off and shakes his head as if to clear it, pinning steve with a confused glare. "you're not mad?"
"mad, no. at least i don't think so. confused as to why you think you couldn't just talk to me, yeah."
the man, eddie, runs a hand down his face and pulls it away with a cheeky grin that makes steve smile at him back. "i'm sure you've looked in a mirror! you know why i couldn't just talk to you!"
it has steve laughing, full belly ache inducing laughing, in eddie's lap in a gay bar on a night that he planned to waste by being drowned in self-pity. he doesn't think he's ever had a weirder night and it's funny. he lifts his leg and stands up, watching the smile disappear from eddie's face to be replaced with a frown. he reaches down and grabs eddie's hand, pulling him to his feet and watching a beautiful smile spread back across the other man's face.
they're the same height, he realizes, as he presses his mouth to eddie's ear.
"i think you owe me a dance. and," he pauses, looks eddie in the eye and lets his hand travel to eddie's ass to pull them as close as possible. "-an adventure."
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 6 | ‘Til We Meet Again ft ITZY.
length: 14k words ✦
ITZY & Male Reader.
genres: blowjob, oral sex, sixsome, hard sex, handjob, anal, creampie, bit fluffy, voyeur, facial
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"Huh? U.S.A?" Yeji asked, puzzled, standing by the glass door that led to the Jacuzzi, one side of her face illuminated by the sun, "Why?"
Chaery had gathered the girls in the living room for something that in her own words, was something of the utmost importance. They all thought it was something related to her or the group, or something more delicate like some family stuff, but everything had resulted in her telling them what you told her the day of your 'date'. All of them were gathered there, some sitting on the sofa and others, like Yeji, standing.
"Is he going on vacation or something?" Ryujin asked, seeing Chaery while hugging her own legs attached to her body, at one end of the sofa.
"Uhm… yes," Chaeryeong nodded, "but not exactly," she sighed, going to sit on the edge of the sofa with her gaze lost to the floor, "Noze has her eye on him, I think he'll leave with Aespa."
"WHATT?!" they all yelled in unison, with faces ranging from astonished to disgusted.
"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe," Chaery sighed, "but that's what he told me."
"God, he must be fucking stressed carrying all that pressure," said Lia, who was eating a green apple while cutting it into pieces with a knife.
"I'm not surprised Noze has her eyes on him," Yuna said, taking pieces of the apple from Lia as she cut them, "his work is impressive."
"That's true, but has he even seen the girls in person?" Yeji asked, going to sit next to Ryujin, who spread her legs to rest on top of Yeji's thighs.
"Obviously not," Chaery replied, "he's been busy with us all this time, this has to be a manager-nim thing."
"Fuck, I almost forgot he's close with Noze," Yeji clucked, "that's what we get for not pretending to stay stressed and irritated all the time, manager nim realized how helpful he was to us with his services. "
"Now those bitches are going to take him away," Yuna said with a disgusted tone, then spoke with a piece of apple in her mouth, "it's not fair."
"It certainly isn't, but it's not like we can do anything about it," Lia said, eating the last piece of apple, "it's still a job for him, after all, and it would be a great opportunity," they all nodded in agreement. 
"We can't do anything," Yeji reaffirmed, "however, we can do something for him in the meantime..." her face lit up with a mischievous smile.
The tide at your job had been pretty flat that week, you took the whole weekend to be home, rest, and hang out with Chaery again on Sunday. This time your date had no interruption or inconvenience, you took her to your apartment, you had a nice lunch, you played board games and you watched random videos on Youtube until the time to take her back to her house came.
The road was undoubtedly a moment that you were going to treasure for many years, driving at night with Chaery, listening and singing your favorite songs, among which Ne-Yo's Because of You stood out. Your eyes were fixed on the road, but every moment you turned to see her you were met by a beautiful and happy face illuminated every few seconds by the streetlights. Few moments in your life had been as happy as that, she made you feel comfortable, she made your heart feel in the place where it always wanted to be, and you didn't know where all that wave of emotions and feelings was going to end, but what if you knew it was that you were willing to do whatever it took to not let it die.
However, the week following your second date with Chaery had started out anything but calm. It was Monday at 8 in the morning when you received a message of what you considered at that moment, it was Lucifer himself going for your neck: Noze, and she told you something that left you completely paranoid and lunatic for the rest of the week. The first had been a message of encouragement, telling you that you had been doing an excellent job and that she was certainly impressed, but the second was that there was one more test to pass.
That was not what made you paranoid, it was the fact that she told you that during that week a mystery client was going to visit the spa, she did not tell you who she was, or what day she was going, she just dropped that bombshell on you out of the blue, so that you could decide how to process and cope with that information.
As expected, you didn't swallow that information well at all. Throughout the week you seemed like a complete lunatic always looking to give the best deals and overexerting yourself with absolutely every single client that came with you. You were sure that it had become something strange for someone, but in your paranoia for not knowing who it was or receiving any kind of clue, you never thought about it.
That same week two separate clients arrived that made your head ache when you came home later. Kim Taeyeon, and Red Velvet's Yeri, both SM idols, labelmates with Aespa. In your head it was them, they had to be, you also thought it would be too obvious from Noze, but that didn't stop you from behaving like the lord of sex himself when the two of them presented themselves before you with their towels wrapped around their incredibly hot bodies. You did not know if they were the mystery clients, but what you were sure of was that they had left your spa room well satisfied and de-stressed. Yeri even allowed you to eat her tits as a thank you.
Friday finally arrived, that day when you knew that all your worries had disappeared and your mind would go to a completely different plane. That morning you did not stop looking at your phone, waiting for the long-awaited message that certainly did not take long to arrive. You got Yeji's text just as you were clocking in at work. She told you to go home as quickly as possible after leaving the spa, and also to bring a backpack with clothes to spend the whole weekend.
At that point you didn't even care if you passed the test or not, you were so stressed and tired that just thinking about spending the whole weekend with your current favorite girls was like a sunny day after the storm. You completed your day satisfactorily, a fairly normal day considering what you were used to lately, where more and more famous idols arrived, and you signed your departure time at the reception before collecting your things and driving directly to the girl's house.
You expected to notice something strange when you arrived, but curiously everything seemed too quiet and in order, you even noticed that the surroundings of the house were better cared for and maintained than before, they had cleaned up dead leaves, bushes and weeds, which before made it look like the house in the middle of a Silent Hill forest. There was also no trash of any kind, and all the walls had had a fresh paint job.
After parking the car and you got out to go inside, that's when you noticed the first big difference. Behind the glass door was a sky-blue rug that stretched in a path and around one of the hallways leading upstairs, suspiciously too similar to the same kind of rug you used at work. You frowned in confusion, and followed the path until you reached the corridor where it turned, meeting a pretty woman with shiny hair.
"Good afternoon sir," Lee Chaeyeon said in a polite and calm voice, dressed almost exactly the way the receptionist at your spa would dress, dark blue button-down scrubs and pants from the same color, "it's good that you have arrived."
"Uh… may I know what you're doing and why are you dressed like that?" you asked with a frown due to the confusion. Chaeyeon's hospitable little smile disappeared for a moment, she sighed.
"Please play along, the girls put a lot of effort into making something nice for you," she said, smoothing her uniform down with her hands and standing upright, hands behind her back. You already had an idea of what it was all about.
"Oh, okay okay," you nodded slowly, and then cleared your throat to face her again, "Good afternoon miss," you said back, and Chaeyeon returned to character.
"You have an appointment with the five hostesses of this establishment," she said, "may I take you to your room sir?"
"I'd be delighted, miss, please," you replied, smiling back at her.
"Follow me," Chaeyeon turned and started up the stairs, and you followed her.
You reached the second floor and immediately turned to take the following stairs to the third, the carpet continued to mark the way up there, you turned through a couple of corridors, until you reached the door of a room that you already had more than familiar with. It was the spa room.
"Are you going to join us, miss?" you asked, when she stopped in front of the door next to you.
"The hostesses did this between themselves exclusively for you, I have no place there," she said with her hands clasped on the pit of her stomach, "besides, I agreed to do this because my little sister asked me nicely, and I see how happy you make her. "
"Thank you so much, I'm sure it meant a lot to her," you smiled.
"Don't you dare leave without saying goodbye to me, okay?" she broke her character once more and grabbed you by the shirt to give you a little kiss on the lips.
"You know I never would," you winked at her.
"Yeah, you'd better," she let go of your shirt, and put her hand on the doorknob to open it wide, "your room, sir," Chaeyeon smiled, and took a step back.
The girls were waiting for you inside, standing side by side in nothing more than a sexy uniform black lingerie set for each of them, and both the bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings were see-through. The door closed behind you, and you were left alone with your five hostesses. The first one you saw was Chaery, who winked at you with a small smile on her face, you smiled back.
"All in us! Hello, we are ITZY," they greeted at the same time, making their typical hand sign before a bow.
"Hi!" you greeted back making a small bow, "thanks for having me."
"Thank you for coming to take our services, sir," Yeji said, hands clasped at her crotch.
"Should I explain what today's session will consist of?" Lia asked, looking at Yeji, who nodded, "Okay, we have a total of 4 stations, first we'll give you a handjob, then a blowjob, then you'll have access to our pussies, and finally we'll end with anal."
"I'm more than happy with that," you replied, scrutinizing the girls' bodies one by one, each one looking utterly hot and irresistible with the pieces of lingerie on.
"Should we start then?" Ryujin asked, clearly eager to get her hands on you.
"Yeah, undress him girls," Yeji ordered with a nod to you, and just like a pride of lions, they began to surround you as they undressed you.
Chaery made sure to take her place in front of you, making sure your eyes were on her as you pulled down your pants and she took off your shirt. You wanted to kiss her, but she stopped you.
"Nuh-uh," Chaery put a finger to your lips, pulling you back a few inches from her face, "you're not supposed to kiss me, darling, not yet at least," she giggled, then knelt down in front of you along with the other girls and they lowered your boxer shorts with a single pull.
"Lie here, sir, face down," Yeji said, the girls stood up, and when she removed the towel covering the mattress, you saw the same damn hole from last time there. It was that again.
"Oh shit..." you muttered, and took a few steps forward to stand next to the bed, you stared into Yeji's eyes for a moment, and she couldn't help but flash an evil smile. You did as you were told, and lay face down on the bed, making sure that your cock and balls had gone through the hole.
"Go ahead girls," Yeji ordered, and you watched as Lia and Chaery crawled under the bed.
"Don't worry darling, we're not like Yeji, we'll take good care of you," Lia said, and Yeji frowned, not expecting that roast. You smiled, holding back a laugh.
You didn't have time to say anything when you felt the first hand wrap around your still flaccid cock, and seconds later, another one went to your balls to cradle and massage them slowly and carefully. You didn't know whose hand each hand belonged to, but you did notice an obvious difference in the treatment they gave you compared to the one Yeji gave you. Despite trying to be careful, Yeji simply could not put aside that rudeness and coarseness that characterized her, instead, Lia and Chaery being the ones who appreciated you the most, made their hands feel as if they were lined with the softest of wool.
The hand around your cock began to move slowly, gradually making it completely hard while the other hand was replaced with a mouth, which doled out little kisses and licks on your balls. You felt how they switched places when you felt a different hand around your cock, but you also stopped feeling the kisses on your balls. Now one hand was holding the base of your shaft with two fingers while the other moved slowly from the tip to the middle.
The hand that was stroking you separated and immediately after you heard a spit, that hand returned to your cock, and began to spread saliva as it moved with more and more intensity. You gasped, already starting to feel tingles all over your body. There was another change, and now you felt the other hand move much faster than the other, which returned to your balls to squeeze and caress.
Your slippery cock was already throbbing between hand and hand, and your constant panting let them know they were doing an outstanding job. Soon the delicacy disappeared, and the two of them just concentrated on making you feel your best with quick and precise movements whose main intention was nothing more than to make you release a thick and powerful load.
You no longer even bothered trying to guess who was masturbating you at what time, you just closed your eyes, clenched your fists and pursed your lips between small grunts as Chaery and Lia gave you one of the best handjobs you could ever receive. Your blood began to pump towards your cock, and you saw fit to let them know you were about to cum.
"Girls, I'm so fucking close," you said against your clenched teeth, and soon you felt a pair of tongues press against the tip of your cock as they used their hands to stroke it quickly.
A few seconds passed when between frantic strokes your load began to shoot out in thick spurts against the tongues of Lia and Chaery, who took turns taking a little more of your cum each, as you moaned loudly since they continued moving their hands rapidly through your orgasm. It wasn't until your cum stopped coming that they stopped, and you let out a deep breath.
Lia and Chaery came out from under the bed, and you saw them with their mouths and chins smeared with little strips of white liquid, which they wiped away with the backs of their hands.
"Was the first phase satisfactory for you, sir?" Lia asked, licking her lips, "you came a lot."
"Fuck… yes, yes I did," you sighed, feeling your cock still throb slightly.
"Then you'll enjoy the second phase even more," Yuna chimed in, exchanging knowing glances with Ryujin, "could you stand up over here sir, please?"
"Sure, but could you give me a second? I need a breather," you propped yourself up on your elbows, then ran a hand through your hair.
"Sorry sir, breaks have no place in this spa," Ryujin said with a false wail, "as you understand, we have limited time," what a fucking liar, you didn't have limited time, they didn't even count the minutes.
"... As you say, Shin Ryujin," you said after a little silence as you sighed, then got off the bed, and stood in the middle of the room. Lia and Chaery stepped back with their hands clasped across their bellies, giving way to Yeji, Yuna, and Ryujin, "Wait, can Yuna be in the middle?" you asked before they crouched down, not wanting to give Yeji the spotlight you knew she wanted.
"Uh… sure, sir," Yeji snorted, trading places with Yuna.
With their positions established, the girls got down on their knees in front of you. Ryujin on the left, Yuna in the middle, and Yeji on the right. Yuna started taking your semi-hard, still slippery cock and brought the tip of it directly into her mouth, without any kind of foreplay or warning. She sucked just the tip, swirling her tongue around it and moving her lips just the necessary inches until your cock returned to full hardness.
Ryujin and Yeji got in on the action too, with wet little kisses and licks on either side of your shaft as Yuna took more and more inches of your cock into her warm mouth. You gasped, placing each hand on Ryujin's and Yeji's heads as your erection slowly filled with their saliva. Yeji moved to your balls, and Ryujin followed seconds later, each taking one of your balls into her mouth to apply slow sucks and licks that made you gasp for breath.
Yuna deemed it the opportune moment to take more than half of your shaft into her mouth, you locked gazes with her, and she gave you a mischievous wink before beginning to slowly pump her head. Meanwhile, Ryujin and Yeji were making sure your balls were really drenched, also using her tongues to stimulate them and the back of your shaft as Yuna moved her head back with each pump.
It didn't take long for your mind to completely weaken thanks to the deadly combination that was playing with your cock at that moment, Yuna had improved a lot since the last time she gave you head, and Ryujin and Yeji knew more than well how to use their abilities, that never changed.
Yuna continued to pump her head faster and faster for a few long seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth, grabbing your cock at the base to press it against your abdomen and kiss the back of it.
"Do you like it that way, sir?" Yuna asked seductively, rubbing the tip of your cock up and down before joining Ryujin and Yeji in licking and kissing your balls and the rest of your shaft.
"I don't have to answer that question, brat," you gasped, as the three of them coordinated to lick you from base to tip, where they met to swirl their tongues in a triple kiss with your cock in the middle. You moaned out loud, tensing your entire body at the whirlwind of pleasure you were experiencing.
"Actually yes," Ryujin said, as Yuna and Yeji kissed with your dick between, "otherwise we'll have to change the method, sir," she gave a mischievous little smile.
"Don't you even fucking dare," you growled, your breath getting heavier, "yeah, I love it that way, just keep going."
"Oh of course daddy," Ryujin didn't mind going out of character just to tell you that, and in a slight act of selfishness, she took your cock and removed it from Yuna and Yeji's mouths to now take it inside hers.
Ryujin brought her lips almost to the base of your cock, and started pumping her head frantically giving you a messy and extremely rough blowjob, but it still felt so fucking good. You moaned, holding Ryujin's head while Yuna and Yeji just watched intently as she devotedly slurped your cock.
"Hey! Don't be a selfish bitch!" Yeji protested, as Yuna sucked and licked your balls and Ryujin pretended not to hear her, "I want to too!" You couldn't help but smile for a moment, knowing that you had done well not to leave her in the middle.
After a few seconds Ryujin gave you a short deep throat, which made you growl and throw your head back, at that moment, she finally took you out of her mouth to give someone else's turn. Yuna tried to take you again, but Yeji was faster and she directly caught you with her mouth without even grabbing you first.
Already having you inside her mouth, the first thing Yeji did was take you directly to her throat, keeping eye contact with you at all times while her nose rested against your pubis. She showed no gag reflex, and after a few long seconds, she took you out of her mouth with a strong gulp of air as she furiously masturbated you. While Yeji rested, Yuna took the opportunity to suck on your dick for a few seconds, but soon Yeji stopped her to replace her mouth with hers.
"Daddy, are you going to paint our pretty faces with that delicious fucking load?" Yuna asked with a sexy and innocent tone seeing how you had your mouth ajar as you panted, "I bet you must be very close," she also didn't mind breaking her character at that moment.
The overload of stimuli didn't allow you to answer Yuna's question, just like Ryujin, Yeji was sucking on your dick frantically with long and quick movements of her neck, letting the saliva spill from her mouth straight down her thighs. Yuna was certainly right, you were too close to cumming, but you didn't have enough mental strength to announce it out loud, so you just made a hand sign that Yeji immediately knew how to interpret.
"Oh yeah, daddy is going to paint our pretty faces," Yeji stated, pulling you out of her mouth and placing her hands on her thighs with her tongue sticking out. Ryujin did the same as Yeji, and they both came together towards the center while you quickly stroked your cock in search of your orgasm.
"Huh? He's not your daddy, fucking sl-" Yuna was about to complain to Yeji, but at that moment she was interrupted by the long and thick strips of cum that came from your cock. She completely forgot what she was going to say and joined Ryujin and Yeji to receive your load, which you distributed between each of their faces between loud moans.
You made sure that their faces were painted with your cum as evenly as possible, most of your load falling on their tongues and noses. Once you had emptied your balls again, the three girls swallowed the accumulated cum on their tongues and plunged into your cock to leave it clean and shiny, taking turns taking you inside their mouths.
"Oh god, I'm going to miss swallowing your cum so bad, sir," Ryujin said, wiping her chin with the back of her hand, giving you a mischievous smile.
"You..." you looked at Yeji, "did you really call me daddy?" you asked with a teasing smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about, stop slandering me," she huffed, licking her lips to get to her feet.
"You called him daddy indeed," Yuna said with a hint of jealousy.
"Shut up, slut," Yeji snapped, "you two," she pointed at Chaery and Lia, who had been watching the whole thing in utter silence with thighs clenched together and legs twitching slightly. You already knew them well enough to know how horny they were.
"You don't even have to say it," Lia interrupted, taking a step forward and pushing her to get in front of you. Chaery rushed in to join too, and nudged Lia away with her forearm only to cup your face in her hands and kiss you first, "Agh I almost did!" Lia complained, somehow knowing that this was going to happen.
You wrapped your arms around Chaery's toned little body, still covered by the sexy, tight lingerie set she was wearing that you were eager to take off. She moaned against your lips as you shared a fiery kiss, your hands caressing her back and then down to her ass, giving each cheek a hard squeeze. You felt another set of hands on Chaery's body, but it was just Lia, who was helping you remove all of Chaery's lingerie while you focused on her lips.
When Chaery's body was naked in your arms your hands went to her ass once more, only to bring one hand between her buttocks and rub her pussy and her butthole with your two fingers. Not wanting to be left out but wanting to help both of you, Lia took your cock with one hand and began to rub it up and down against Chaery's pussy, which felt extremely wet. It took her a few long seconds, but finally your cock was fully hard again, your tip moving up and down between her folds.
"Okay stop, please fuck me honey," Chaery begged, rubbing her thigh between your legs.
"Yeah, go ahead sir, it's time for you to enjoy your next station," said Lia who was now standing behind you, giving you a little kiss on the shoulder blade.
"God, am I in heaven?" you asked, looking at the ceiling, and then meeting Chaery with a smirk.
With your arms around Chaery's body, you lifted her up into the air causing her to wrap her legs around your torso, and you sat her on the lower edge of the massage bed. Chaery spread her legs wide and leaned back with her elbows resting on the mattress, she watched you intently, as you took your cock and slowly rubbed it up and down between her folds, and with a subtle movement of your hips forward, you slid your cock inch by inch into the pussy you were lately addicted to.
"Fuck!" Chaery moaned, pursing her lips and throwing her head back, "I'm the one in heaven," your cock completely disappeared into her folds, you gasped, feeling the silkiness of her pussy walls caress your shaft from every angle.
"Hey, stop making me jealous, I know his dick is amazing," Lia said, climbing onto the massage bed with Chaery to sit behind her and caress her hair while watching how you were balls deep inside Chaery.
"Hey, don't be jealous darling, you'll have some dick soon too," you winked at her and she blushed, then concentrated on cradling Chaery's face in her hands as you held on to her waist and began to rock slowly back and forth.
"Fuck, I wish I could go with you on that stupid plane," Chaery moaned, watching your cock slide all the way in and out of her pussy. She leaned her back against Lia's abdomen, letting her play with her tits and her pretty nipples. You brought a hand to her face, inserting your two fingers, with which you were rubbing her pussy before, into her mouth.
"Quiet sweetheart, just enjoy the moment," you said, biting your lip as she sucked and licked your fingers into her mouth. You rested your free hand on her left thigh, squeezing the soft flesh between your fingers and giving her pussy faster and faster thrusts.
"Sweetie, please fuck her with all your might," Lia asked you, her mouth agape, her brow furrowed with excitement and her cheeks flushed, "my pussy is dripping and I need something inside me as soon as possible," you looked into Chaery's eyes, her expression imploring you to fuck her like you always did, with love and sensuality, but Lia was right, and you didn't want to keep her waiting so long. 
"I'll take you home later, baby, don't worry," you winked at her, took your fingers out of her mouth and clung to her tight waist with both hands. Chaery held on to Lia's thighs, which were now on either side of her body, and she pursed her lips to stifle a loud squeal as you began pounding her pussy fast and hard.
Chaery arched her back and covered her mouth with her hand, moaning against it as you pumped in and out of her pussy harder than any time you'd fucked her before. A small bead of sweat ran down your temple, which then fell on your cock and joined the rest of the fluid inside her pussy. It was obvious that she wasn't used to that roughness because at first she had a small wince, but as the seconds passed her face relaxed and turned into one of pure pleasure.
Lia kept playing with Chaery's tits while she shook in her arms with each of your thrusts. You brought both of your hands from her waist to hers thighs, pressing them back and using all your mileage to fuck her as hard as you could, making the bed shake as well. Chaery tensed her thighs under your fingers, and also slightly lifted her pelvis in an omen of what would be her imminent orgasm.
"That's it honey, don't stop," Lia gasped as well, then leaned forward to help you rubbing Chaery's clit with her index and middle fingers, while your cock hammered into her pussy, "your girlfriend is so close to cumming, drive her crazy."
The word 'girlfriend' made you and Chaery blush in the midst of all the frenzy, you and she stared at each other, and it only took a slight nod of your head for her to explode around your cock. Her body went crazy between spasms and screams, you considerably lowered the pace of your pumping, and she, despite writhing in Lia's arms, sought every possible space to look into your eyes while her orgasm passed.
"I never thought I'd see Chaeryeongie being fucked this hard, what an accomplishment," Ryujin said from the corner of the room next to Yeji and Yuna, who were watching everything between small smirks.
"So girlfriend huh?" Yeji teased, raising an eyebrow, followed by a giggle.
"Shut up bitches," Lia snapped, laying Chaery down on the bed and then getting off, standing facing the opposite edge, "if you want to tease him, do it later, I need that cock inside me."
You had a hard time getting the blush off her cheeks, Chaery just kept looking into her eyes, and when you got out of her pussy, you couldn't help but stand next to her and lean down to kiss her forehead.
"Awww!" Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna said at the same time, putting their hands to their mouths. You didn't know if it was genuine tenderness or just trying to get on your nerves. You rolled your eyes, and went to stand behind Lia.
"Hey, you look like an idiot," she said, looking at you over her shoulder, you were still blushing, and with her right hand she gave you a small slap on one of your cheeks, "you make it very easy for them."
"Do I need to remind you that it is your fault?" You pressed your erect cock against her lower back, and she leaned her torso onto the bed, pressing her chest into the mattress and leaving her juicy ass exposed to you.
"I'm not to blame for anything, I was just stating the obvious," she said, "now put that dick in there, you're torturing me."
"And I would keep doing it if it wasn't for the fact that I’m crazy about you," you took your cock and rubbed it a few times between her buttocks, brushing your tip against her wet pussy.
"Wait, you wha-" you didn't even let her speak as you slid with one firm thrust inside her, "Oh fuck!" she moaned, clutching the sides of the bed, and you gasped as you felt her silky smooth pussy again.
"Exactly what you heard, don't ask," you said, brushing her blonde hair off her back and tucking it behind her right shoulder, allowing you to see every inch of her pretty back.
After doing that, you placed your right hand on her lower back and after a few seconds letting her ass rest against your pelvis, you began to move your hips back and forth slowly, stretching Lia's walls with every single inch of your manhood, she looked over her shoulder at you and moaned, as she felt your cock caressing her inside.
"So you're crazy about me huh?" she asked between moans, with a seductive and sexy tone before biting her lower lip, "it's because I'm the only one who treats you like the sweet boy that you are and not like a sex toy, right?"
"You're not the only one, but fuck yeah, and I love that," you gasped, looking into her eyes and then watching as your cock disappeared between her round buttocks.
"It's because you're the sweetest boy ever, honey," she pulled her back up to press against your chest, you wrapped an arm around her neck to hold her upright, and she turned her head to meet your lips.
"You telling me that only turns me on more, Julia," you gasped mid-kiss, moving your hips faster and faster and causing your pelvis to slam into her ass with each single pump.
"Then you should fuck me like only you can, honey," she moaned, biting your lower lip and holding on to your forearm with both hands as you pounded into her pussy.
You pulled away from the kiss and put a hand on her back to lean her body back against the bed, then grabbed her left leg and pulled her knee up onto the bed. She stared at you, and you gave her left ass cheek a spicy spank that made it jiggle like jelly, Lia moaned louder, and then put your right hand on her waist to fuck her now with all your might, pumping your cock in and out of her dripping pussy from that hot new angle.
Chaery, who had her head on the side of Lia's, turned to cup her face with both hands and kiss her, Lia muffled her moans against Chaery's lips, and you gave her ass another hard spank that made her squeal. Second by second your body began to fill with a light layer of sweat due to the intense movements of your hips. Seeing the hot scene of Chaery and Lia sharing a sensual tongue kiss made you grunt with pleasure, which instinctively led you to spank her other butt cheek.
Lia's ass was full of bright red marks on both sides, and just like Chaery a few minutes ago, she was holding on to the black-haired girl with both arms while you pounded her pussy at full throttle. You could have been watching them kiss all day, but you needed to make Lia cum as soon as possible, and in order to do that, you grabbed a handful of her blonde hair in your dominant hand and yanked it back, pulling her away from Chaery's lips and making her scream.
Lia's entire body began to jerk with each slam of your pelvis against her ass, and once again she clung tightly to the side edges of the bed. Your hand went to her waist as the other continued to pull back her hair, and it wasn't long before Lia smacked the side of the bed hard as her orgasm electrified her from head to toe.
You released her hair, letting her seek refuge in Chaery as you now clung to her waist with both hands, very pumping slowly in and out of her pussy as she sailed through her orgasm with intense spasms and shrieks. Her silky pussy choked your cock with her tight walls, and you had no choice but to pull out of her before you came.
"You're both going to get my load, come here," with your cock in hand, you stood on the side of the bed, Chaery and Lia's faces just below, one with her body to the right and the other to the left. They both stuck out their tongues, and after a few seconds of rapidly rubbing your cock, you came all over her pretty, exhausted faces.
You made sure that most of your charge landed inside their tongues, intentionally feeding more of it to Chaery, who gobbled it all up as did Lia. The rest of their faces, from their noses to their cheeks were covered with thick white liquid.
"Thank you for thinking of both of us, you're so sweet, honey," Lia told you with a smirk and then she winked at you.
"Why don't you help each other to get clean?" you asked, looking at Chaery, who bit her lip and nodded.
They both settled so that they were kneeling on the bed facing each other, and in a scene that you were sure would never be erased from your head, they began kissing and licking each other's faces to clean and share your cum between their mouths.
"Damn, that's fucking hot, I'm not going to lie," Ryujin said from behind you, "but it's about time our client got their last station, girls," she waved at Chaery and Lia, who glared at her before helping each other off the bed and going to rest.
"Sir, I hope you don't mind that my two colleagues are inexperienced in anal," Yeji said standing next to you, already completely naked with her lower back resting against the edge of the bed and a bottle of massage oil in hand.
"Not at all, it'll be quite fun," you smiled, watching as Yeji was joined by Ryujin and Yuna, also stark naked next to each other.
"Do you need to get some rest, sir?" Yuna asked, standing in front of you and caressing your shoulders, "you look quite exhausted."
"Fuck, I am," you sighed, looking at your limp, fluid-soaked cock.
"How about preparing us for what's to come while your cock rests for a few minutes?" Ryujin said, spreading out a large towel on the floor and getting down on her hands and knees on it, with her ass facing you.
"That's not a bad idea at all, actually," Yeji said, shoving the bottle of massage oil into your hand and then moving closer to your ear, "you know what to do, big boy," she whispered, and went to get on her hands and knees next to Ryujin. Yuna followed them, landing on Yeji's right.
You knelt behind them, Yeji's ass just in front, Ryujin's on the left and Yuna's on the right. You opened the bottle of massage oil, and in a patient job, you began to lubricate each of their asses as best you could, leaving the three pairs of buttocks shiny and slippery.
"I'm," you said, giving Ryujin a very hard spank making her moan, "gonna start," now the spank went to Yeji, who let out a small squeak, "from left to right," the last spank went to Yuna, who just looked over her shoulder at you and frowned in pleasure, "understood?"
"Yes sir!" They all said in unison, all three leaning on their forearms with their backs arched and their asses perfectly raised and appetizing to you.
With that being said, you started with the fun part. You filled your fingers with oil and started dilating her buttholes one by one, Ryujin took it perfectly like the good slut she was, you used three of your fingers at all times with her, and you were surprised how easy it was to get her used to it. Yeji was already more than an expert at it, so you didn't have to spend too much time with her. The real challenge for you was Yuna, who wouldn't stop complaining and whining when you were only using one finger, with the passing of the seconds she gained confidence, and you ended up using three fingers with her as well as with the other two. She had been the one who had complained the most, but for some reason you felt that she would end up enjoying it more than Ryujin.
"Alright, are you ready, fucking slut?" you asked Ryujin, kneeling behind her with your already fully hard cock between her buttocks.
"I'm always ready for your cock, daddy," she winked at you, and rocked her ass from side to side, playing with your cock.
You put a hand on her waist to keep her still, then with your free hand you took your cock and positioned the tip of it in her butthole, rubbing it a few times before pressing forward with your hips. Ryujin tried to play tough when your cock began to slide into her ass, but when half of it was already inside her, she couldn't help but groan with a little squeal of pain.
"You said you were always ready, right?" Yeji teased, playing Ryujin's chin with her fingers, "take that cock, you fucking bitch."
Ryujin seemed to take that as a challenge, as her countenance completely changed to a serious and concentrated one.
"Put it all inside me, now," Ryujin ordered, looking into your eyes.
"I'm certainly not going to say no," you said, and with your hands on her waist, you drove the rest of your cock deep into her ass with a single thrust. Ryujin growled and clenched her fists, her eyes closed and her face wrinkled.
"That's a good girl," Yeji said with a wicked smirk.
Wanting to test her, you started pumping in and out of her butthole, not too fast but not too slow either, just at the perfect pace to start warming up as she got used to having something so thick inside her ass.
"Oh my fucking god," Ryujin moaned through pursed lips, "it hurts, but I have to admit this feels good."
"You'll feel even better when the pain goes away," Yeji assured.
"It's already going away, actually..." Ryujin stared into your eyes as you began to pump your cock slightly faster in and out of her ass, your hands gliding in circles on her butt cheeks between little squeezes, "and fuck, I can understand why you love it so much."
"And you enjoy it more when someone else plays with your pussy..." Yeji gave a mischievous smile, reaching under Ryujin's body and reaching for her pussy, rubbing up and down her folds before inserting her two fingers inside her.
"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me!" Ryujin dropped her face against the towel, and soon began to whimper with her two holes being fucked faster and faster.
It didn't take much effort for you and Yeji to work together and drive Ryujin crazy. You spanked her again, and then planted your feet on either side of her knees, now hammering her ass up and down with strong pumps, while Yeji finger-fucked her pussy with frantic movements of her wrist.
From that position it was easy for you to lean forward a bit to grab fistfuls of Ryujin's hair with both hands, pulling her head back hard. She started moaning like crazy, and for the first time in your memory, you had managed to make her cry with pleasure.
"Come on bitch, cum on daddy's dick and on my fingers," Yeji said in Ryujin's ear, pumping her fingers rapidly in and out of her pussy, while you kept a firm grip on her hair and a constant aggressive pump against her butthole.
Ryujin squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on her own pleasure, letting herself be carried away by her body until she was completely still and silent, a fact that preceded the strongest and most violent orgasm you had seen her have since you knew her. You released her hair, letting her face fall back against the towel. You didn't notice it at first, but once her orgasm passed and you came out of her ass, you saw that the towel under you, Yeji's hand and wrist were completely drenched from a Ryujin squirt that you couldn't see.
"Holy shit, you did like it, right?" you asked amused, with your breath agitated while you looked at Ryujin and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye, with her eyes full of tears and her messy hair.
"Yeji had a lot to do with it... but fuck yeah daddy," she closed her eyes, concentrating on regulating her breathing and swallowing hard after you'd destroyed her ass.
"Speaking of Yeji, are you ready, ma’am?" you asked, looking at her.
"Actually, I think I'll give my turn to Yuna," Yeji looked at her as she just looked at you and Ryujin with a worried face.
"Oh yes? And why is that?" you asked, you didn't expect Yeji to give her turn to anyone.
"Our pretty maknae must try getting fucked in the ass, right?" She cocked her head at her looking at you, "I wouldn't want to make her wait that long."
"Mmm, I understand," you nodded, looking at her with some suspicion before looking at Yuna, "are you ready, princess?"
"Not quite, but if you promise to be patient with me, let's do it," she sighed, and you were about to kneel behind her to take her like that, but she stopped you, "uhm… I want to see you, can I?"
"Of course baby," you let her roll over and lie on her back, spreading her legs wide for you and playing nervously with her hands on her chest.
"I know it's easy to say, but you need to breathe really well and relax," Yeji said, lying on his side to Yuna's side, leaning on her elbow.
"You better not say anything, okay? You make me more nervous," Yuna said, taking a deep breath, watching you position yourself between her legs with your cock in your hand.
"Hey, just trust me, you'll like it," you told her with your free hand resting on her flat, toned abdomen, "here I come."
You repeated the same as with Ryujin, pressing the tip of your cock against her butthole and pushing forward as slow and steady as you could. Yuna let out a small cry when only your tip was inside her, and she placed a hand on your lower abdomen to stop you.
"Fuck, it feels so different to your fingers," Yuna was already starting to breathe harder than normal, "be careful."
"I'm being careful, Yuna," you said, looking into her eyes, "you're too tense, calm down."
It was a constant tug of war for a few minutes in which you were extremely patient, but thanks to your perseverance, soon your cock was completely inside Yuna's incredibly tight ass. Every single inch.
"Oh my fucking god," Yuna clung tightly to your wrist, still assimilating that she had something so big up her ass, "Oh my fucking god!" she screeched, bringing her other hand to her mouth.
"The hardest part is over, pretty girl," Yeji affectionately caressed Yuna's hair as a reward, "now just enjoy it little by little."
And she certainly did. You placed one of her hands on her waist and the other on her hand, holding her firmly to give her confidence as you began to move slowly in and out of her. Her grimace was one of pain at first, and at a certain moment you thought she was going to tell you to stop, but just like Ryujin, the pain disappeared as soon as she expected it, that's when she realized that your cock was hitting sensitive places for her that she would never have known she had until now.
"Fuck daddy..." she moaned through her mouth, gasping as she watched your cock move in and out of her butthole faster with each passing second, "I didn't know this was going to feel so fucking good!" she arched her back slightly, and you let go of her hand to now place both on each side of her small waist.
"I told you," Yeji said with a giggle, giving Yuna pecks on the temple and discreetly playing with her tits and her pretty nipples. At first it was just that, but as you fucked Yuna's ass harder, her hand discreetly went down from her tits to her abdomen, finally reaching her wet pussy, that's when you realized her true intentions.
"You're fucking amazing, Hwang Yeji," you just said with a laugh, before concentrating on frantically pounding Yuna's tight ass.
"Oh yeah? Why am I amazing?" she asked, bringing two fingers to her mouth and then taking them to Yuna's pussy, where she rubbed her folds and also began to rub her clit little by little. You didn't even answer. The reality was that Yeji had given her turn to Yuna just to make her cum quickly so that you wouldn't have time to cum. She was making sure that she herself was the recipient of your load.
"Don't fucking stop daddy!" Yuna moaned loudly, going crazy as your cock hit every sensitive spot inside her ass and as Yeji knowing her so well also rubbed her pussy in a way that was perfect for her liking, "I can't believe how fucking good that cock feels inside my tight little ass!"
Yeji went from rubbing her pussy to now taking those two fingers inside her, she had no mercy on her, moving her wrist as fast as she could to fuck her pussy while you complemented your thrusts with two hands on the maknae's neck. Yuna's face was completely distorted with pleasure, and she could no longer even produce a sound from the firm grip of your fingers around her neck.
You didn't think it was possible, but Yuna's ass tightened even more around your cock, you growled, and squeezed her neck harder as you and Yeji fucked her two holes as fast and hard as you could. Yuna clung to both of your wrists, and seconds after her orgasm hit her as hard or even harder than Ryujin. Her entire slender body jerked and she began to spasm violently beneath you, Yeji immediately pulled her fingers out of her pussy, letting you slowly fuck her through her orgasm.
"That dick sure is magical, huh?" Yeji teased, kneeling to one side of you and reaching between your legs to cradle your balls and squeeze them gently as you gave Yuna the last few thrusts. You removed your hands from Yuna's neck, letting her take a long breath of air.
"Fuck... I really regret not trying this sooner," Yuna moaned under her breath, watching your cock come out of her ass, "I might develop a fixation now," she looked into your eyes, biting her lip and giggling.
"Then I hope my cock will always be the owner of this tight little ass," you slumped forward in front of her, placing your hands on either side of her head to place a small kiss on her lips.
"Of course, daddy," she agreed with a smile, "I was all yours before."
"Blah blah blah whatever," Yeji said from the side of you, "it's my turn daddy."
"He's not your daddy!" Yuna exclaimed with a frown.
"Aha, whatever you say slut," as you knelt up Yeji put her hands on your shoulders and pushed you back, you fell backwards out of the towel, and like a skilled cat, she straddled you, pinning you to the ground, "hope you don't mind me taking control this time daddy."
"Not at all, but you have to stop calling me that before Yuna scalps you," you laughed, placing your hands on her waist.
"Gosh," she snorted, rolling her eyes, "you're so boring," Yeji planted both feet on either side of your hips, cupping your cock with one hand to straighten it up and press it against her butthole. Within seconds she was completely impaled on your cock, "Oh fuck yeah honey," she moaned throwing her head back with a sexy smile and eyes closed.
You both moaned in unison, and instinctively your hands went to her perky tits to cup and squeeze them hard. Yeji began to move her hips slowly up and down, hitting your pelvis hard with her ass every time she pushed down. She placed her hands on the sides of your abdomen, slightly digging her nails into your skin and staring into your eyes before beginning to move faster.
"You should be up more often," you gasped, as you stared at each other with lust and desire, "you look fucking sexy being in charge."
"True?" she tilted her head, tossing all her hair to that side to lean her body forward and start to give you little kisses, "I don't know why they say I have delusions of grandeur," she murmured between kisses, as she bounced faster and faster against your cock.
"I won't comment on that," you smirked, bringing your hands to her buttocks as her hips rocked up and down harder than she had a few seconds ago.
"Yeah, you better not do it and give my ass that fucking load," she said pulling away from your lips to look into your eyes, mere inches from your face. She pulled you out of her butthole, only to turn her back to you and get into the exact same position, only this time you got a better look at her pretty buttocks.
Yeji impaled herself on your cock again, which you saw disappear between her buttocks straight to the bottom of her ass. She rested her hands on your thighs, and in a matter of seconds she resumed the hard bouncing of her ass against your pelvis. The room was filled with the sounds of meat colliding, and you graced it with sharp spanks to each of her buttocks, which made her squeal and dig your nails into her thighs.
You were already conditioned by your turns with Ryujin and Yuna, so you weren't going to be able to hold your ecstasy for much longer, especially considering that Yeji was putting all of her soul and dedication into jumping on your dick. You weren't sure how close she was to her orgasm, but you wanted to make sure, and in order to do that, you grabbed her shoulders to make her lean back, she rested her hands on your chest, and all her hair fell in your face, but you didn't care.
"Huh? What are you doing?" she asked between moans, but you didn't answer, and you brought a hand between her legs straight to her pussy as she continued to jump frantically on your cock. You decided that the best thing was to give her her own medicine, so you rubbed your fingers a couple of times between her folds, feeling how wet and lubricated she was before putting your two fingers inside her pussy, "Oh you motherfucker!" she complained, yelling at the ceiling.
Then a fierce war began between you, her jumping as hard and rough as she could on your cock and you moving your wrist as fast as you could, fucking her pussy while your cock did wonders in her ass.
"Two can play the same game, whore," you smirked, holding onto her waist with your free hand.
"You cheating bastard!" she whimpered, clearly going crazy with pleasure but not wanting to lose her pride.
"Shut up and cum with me," you growled, squeezing hard around her waist and pumping your fingers in and out of her pussy.
Despite being stubborn, Yeji took each of your orders always and without question, so it took a few seconds until she exploded against both your fingers and your cock. Her nails dug even more painfully into your chest, and her shrieks were so loud that even Yuna and Ryujin to one side of you covered their ears. Just seconds after Yeji reached her ecstasy you followed her, and without announcing anything to her, you planted your feet on the floor and gave her ass a hard upward thrust, starting to shoot all your thick load inside her butthole between loud moans.
"Holy fuck yes!" she growled, feeling her ass being filled with your cum, "give me all that load, fuck!" she dropped her back against your chest relinquishing control to you, which you used to move your hips up and down while letting every drop of your seed inside her.
Seconds ticked by, and as your ecstasy wore off, you pulled your cock out of her ass so that all of her cum poured out in a thick waterfall.
"Girls, come clean up," you said to Ryujin and Yuna, who got up quickly to do your bidding, they got down on their hands and knees, leaning forward between your legs to collect all your accumulated cum on your pubes and still pouring out of Yeji's ass, which they also kissed and licked without hesitation.
"Fuck, be careful, I'm still very sensitive," Yeji complained, grabbing both of their heads.
"I would have loved to have that load for myself, but you're a fucking cheater," Ryujin said to her, and Yuna nodded.
"Oh come on, you're too whiny!" Yeji defended, sitting on your abdomen, "you have to wake up, that was a very obvious dirty move on my part!"
"And that's why daddy paid you back, you fucking bitch," Yuna said and then looked at you, half dead and gasping for your own breath, "oh god, we drained him to his very soul," Ryujin, Yeji, and even Chaery and Lia across the room laughed at your condition.
"I'll take care of him today, get off him you whores," Lia said, standing to one side of you, "it's not optional, it's an order," you were used to Lia giving authority over everyone else, but not Yeji, who got off of you in a matter of seconds. You looked up at Lia, dazzled by her figure and how fucking sexy it was to see her act like that.
"And why you?" Ryujin asked, wanting to challenge her with no argument, just wanting to annoy.
"And who will do it, you?" She raised both eyebrows, "You're a fucking nympho, Yeji is extremely rude and carefree, Chaery will have him for the rest of the week to herself like she deserves, and Yuna couldn't even take care of a helpless little bird without it dying the next day."
"Hey! It wasn't my fault what happened to Tango!" Yuna complained, crossing her arms with a frown.
"Say it several times until you believe it," Lia laughed, and then squatted down to look at you, "come honey, let's take a bath," you didn't have the energy to say anything, but you were more than happy to have arms as safe and warm as Lia's caring for you.
Later that night, after taking a nice and peaceful bath with Lia, you all gathered in the living room just to chat and drink hot chocolate in comfortable pajamas, you didn't talk at any time about your trip or anything like that in order not to get sad on a weekend that was supposed to be your potential farewell, instead you just dedicated yourselves to coming up with funny topics and getting to know a little more about each of them and about yourself.
However the night ended quickly for all of you due to how extremely tired you all were, only you, Chaery and Lia were left.
"Uhm... I know that wasn't in your plans, but can I sleep with you?" Chaery asked, sitting across from you two, she was wearing one of your t-shirts and pajama bottoms just like Lia.
"Of course, but he will hold me at night," Lia clung to your arm, leaning into your shoulder.
"But that doesn't mean you can hug me," you winked at Chaery, who gave a charming little smile.
"Then come on, I'm dying of sleep," Chaery was hugging a cushion, which she put next to your pillow to lie on.
You settled on one side of Chaery, your head resting on your pillow as did Lia, who turned her back to you and snuggled her whole body against yours, you lay on your side, pressing your chest against her back and hugging Lia's soft, warm body with your arms. Chaery also lay on her side, and you felt her snuggle against your back and then hug you tight.
"I love you girls so much, really," you murmured loud enough for both of them to hear, "you're amazing…"
"We love you too, darling," Lia turned her face to place a peck on your lips, "rest well."
Chaery didn't say anything, but you were sure she was pressing her flushed face against your back. In this way, you three cuddled close together, and with the wide blanket up to your shoulders, you fell asleep peacefully and calmly.
The next morning your body completely lost track of time. You woke up alone on the sofa, with the sunlight filtering through the wide windows and disturbing your vision when you opened your eyes. A few minutes passed before you could finally open your eyes normally, you sat up, letting the blanket fall into your lap to reach over and pick up your phone from the floor. There were no new messages, but it was 1:12 PM.
You stood up and went straight to the kitchen to drink a glass of water that refreshed your dry throat, after that you went to the bathroom, not finding any of the girls on your way. You brushed your face and teeth, and when you went out to the living room again you went to the window that led to the jacuzzi to slide it and go outside. That's when you knew where the girls were.
The residential area in question was quite calm and quiet, so you could easily hear how a few floors down near the entrance how the girls were giggling and splashing the water over and over again, you couldn't see anything from that balcony, so you immediately went down to the pool.
You expected them to be playing in the pool in a healthy and innocent way, but you didn't even know why you expected such a thing from them. The five of them were in the pool, completely naked, playing with a volleyball and some pool toys.
"Oh, look who's awake!" Yuna announced as she noticed your presence while you were standing at the edge of the pool, with your hands behind your back and looking at them with an amused expression.
"Come here right now!" Yeji invited you, waving to them.
"Do I have to be completely naked too?" you asked smiling, looking first at Chaery and Lia, who nodded to you discreetly.
"I don't even know why you're asking that, idiot," Ryujin said, a large water-spewing rubber shark in hand.
They all had their eyes fixed on you, and you had no choice but to happily give in to the social pressure they exerted on you. You quickly undressed, and took a few stepping steps to join them in a splash that splashed them all and made them whoop in celebration.
Your games started out innocent and quite funny, you joined them in their game with the volleyball, making teams of three at all times. You, Chaery and Lia against Ryujin, Yeji and Yuna. Everything was going as normal, but in a pool with 6 naked and wet people things started to heat up much faster than you expected.
You and the girls were kissing intensely and passionately in the same circle where Chaery stayed by your side at all times. You kissed each one of them, but in a matter of seconds couples began to form in every corner of the pool, Ryujin tried to convince Chaery to go with her for a second while you stayed with Lia, but Chaery flatly refused, clinging to your body with arms and legs, so Lia went instead.
Things got intense next, the girls were touching themselves underwater, and Chaery was slowly masturbating you, while she was giving you little pecks on your neck and you were playing with her ass. Everything was going downhill, destined to become one big orgy, but something happened that you would not have imagined under any circumstances. You heard the gate beep several times, the same beep it made when it was about to open.
The gate began to open, and you tested all your agility to get out of the pool as quickly as you could without breaking your neck in the attempt, you managed to get out, but when you were about to grab the towel to put it on, you saw someone standing in front of the gate out of the corner of your eye. You were screwed, and trapped. But it wasn't the fact of being trapped that screwed you the most, it was the who. Noze.
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She looked as beautiful as you remembered her, this time she wasn't wearing a hat, but her hair loose with bangs that suited her quite well. She was wearing a long-sleeved black polo shirt with white patterns and dark brown pants. You didn't have time to see her in detail, because all you saw was her astonished face.
You were all completely paralyzed and surprised by the unexpected situation. The gate began to close behind her, and when you finally reacted and tried to put the towel on your hard cock it was already too late, because she had taken the phone from her and had taken a picture of you unawares.
"Fuck, please delete that!" you begged, putting on the towel and covering your erection with your hands. Your cheeks felt too hot, and to your right, in the pool, you heard the occasional giggle. What a fucking shame you were going through.
"Mother of God, Jiminnie is going to love you," Noze stated, biting her lower lip and giggling. You grunted bitterly knowing that you couldn't do anything, and brought both hands to your face to rub it a couple of times. The girls had also come out of the pool in a way that was too serene, and had sat on the nearby beach chairs, not caring to remain completely naked in front of Noze.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked confused, unable to even meet her eyes out of embarrassment, "why didn't you text me?"
"Well, the girls' manager told me you were here and you hadn't left yet, so I figured this was a good time to come over," she looked back down at your cock, then back at the naked girls with hungry eyes, "but my calculations were off, apparently."
"And what about the message?" You raised an eyebrow, taking a few steps towards her, "I've been waiting all week for a measly message in the midst of fucking absurd paranoia."
"The news I have for you isn't the news you give out in a text message, boy," she crossed her arms, daring to stand very close in front of you, "SM approved you, you're going on tour with us," she said, looking into your eyes. You instantly felt a headache, and that the world began to spin around you. You already knew that this would be the most likely, but still you could not believe it.
"Oh... well, that explains everything," as you said that, Noze's phone started ringing with multiple notifications one after another, she checked the messages, and smiled as she watched a chat.
"Congratulations, the girls approve of you too, pretty boy," she laughed, still looking at the screen of her phone, which she showed you after a few seconds.
It was a group chat where she and the girls from Aespa were. Noze had sent the photo that she had taken of you to the group telling them that it would be their toy for the tour, and the reactions were not long in coming. Ningning just responded with some: "🤤🤤🤤🤤". Winter made a joke about how big your dick was and how it could perfectly break her in half if you wanted to. Giselle asked if they really had to wait for the tour to start before they could try you out, and Karina just commented that she was genuinely impressed.
"At least Winter is funny," you sighed, resigned to all that lay ahead.
"Everyone is in their own way, don't worry about it pretty boy," Noze winked at you and patted your shoulder, "anyway, I gotta go, I'll see you Monday morning at 10 am to sign all the paperwork and meet up with the girls," she started to turn to leave and walk towards the gate, "I'll send you the location as soon as I get home," you stared at her leaving, and just as she was about to leave, she looked over her shoulder at you, bit her lip, and blew you a seductive little kiss.
You remained completely still, with your eyes lost and your arms crossed, there was silence for a few seconds, until suddenly the girls burst into cheers from the other side of the pool towards you, applause, shouts of encouragement and so on, all of them managed to transform an awkward moment into one that managed to make you smile broadly.
They infected you with happiness very quickly, and it was then that you realized that this was a huge opportunity for you and your professional career, but that also made you think that this would be the last time you would see them for a long period of time.
"Wooooh!" Lia yelled at you, "that's my boy!" all her faces were illuminated by a smile of genuine pride, but among all of them, Chaery looked the least happy. She cheered and applauded you just like the others, but you could clearly tell the difference in mood.
"Why don't we go to the living room? I have the perfect way to celebrate this," Yeji said with an innocent smile, and after drying off, you all went to the living room.
While there you all sat on the sofa still extended after you had slept there. Yeji reached for the remote control of the TV, and after a couple of buttons and selected options, she began to play a very detailed recording of your session from the night before, with cameras from all possible angles.
"What the fuck?" you said, with your mouth ajar. You looked at the girls, who were just as shocked as you.
"I thought after my session you'd want to see yourself getting fucked too, so there you have it," she said with a giggle.
As expected, the sparks were lit in the blink of an eye, and you were all turned on from your little interrupted pool session, but this time there was absolutely nothing stopping you. One thing led to another, and you all ended up fucking like rabbits, all with each other.
After an intense session of unadulterated sex of about two hours, you all took turns bathing in pairs, Yeji bathed with Yuna, Lia bathed with Ryujin and you bathed with Chaery. You were all completely fresh now, damp hair and comfortable clothes, and even though you wanted to stay another night, it was time to go.
You were in the parking lot outside the gate, right next to your car. You already had your backpack on your back, and the girls were all gathered a few meters from you, the only one who wasn't was Chaery, who was waiting next to you. It was already afternoon, the wind was blowing pleasantly, and the sun was beginning to hide behind the mountains.
The first in line was Yuna, who looked at you with a small affectionate smile.
"I don't even know what to tell you, oppa…" she started looking into your eyes, "I think I should just say thank you," you smiled, and so did she, "thank you for teaching me so many things about my body that even I didn't know. And… uhm, I'm going to miss you so much," she wrapped her arms around you in a warm hug that you gladly reciprocated.
"Take care of yourself princess, please don't do anything stupid and don't kill any other little birds," you teased, and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Hey!" she complained, and you pulled away with a giggle. Next up was Ryujin. You crossed your arms, and raised an eyebrow as you stared at each other.
"Well?" you asked.
"Well what, fool?" she was also crossing her arms, imitating your expression.
"Don't you have something to tell me?" you cocked your head.
"Mmmm, yes, I'll keep the sweater you left here the first time you stayed over," she said with an innocent little smile, and you had no choice but to hug her yourself. She returned your hug with pleasure, and you knew perfectly well that she was going to miss you too, it didn't matter that she didn't tell you.
"You better not fuck any other asshole in my absence, baby," you murmured in her ear in your embrace.
"I won't daddy, I promise," she murmured back to you, and you broke away from her to go to the next one, Lia.
"God, I'm going to miss you so much darling," Lia hugged you immediately, burying her face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around her, imbuing her with your warmth before she looked up to see you from her, her hands on your chest, "Please eat well and sleep well, just stay healthy, okay?"
"I promise I will, Julia," you gave her a peck on the nose, "thank you for being so kind and attentive to me from the beginning, you're a wonderful girl," you said, looking straight into her eyes. Lia blushed.
"And you're a wonderful boy," she pursed her lips, and just then her eyes turned teary, "Ahhh god! I didn't want to cry," she complained, and you laughed, wiping her eyes before her tears fell, "please call me often, don't you dare forget my existence, boy."
"What are you talking about? That will never happen, always keep an eye on your phone, okay?" you cradled her face with both hands, and gave her a little kiss on the forehead.
"I will," she nodded, and she released you to go to the last girl, Hwang Yeji.
"Ever since I saw you I knew you were a born fucker, look where you are now," she teased, and they both laughed, "enjoy, ok? an opportunity like that doesn't fall from the sky."
"Oh believe me, I'll really enjoy it," she spread her arms wide, and you went straight to hug her tight.
"You might enjoy it, but they'll never fuck like we do," she said into your ear, followed by a giggle.
"I have no doubt about it," you laughed, "take care, boss, I hope you treasure those recordings well."
"Yeah yeah, now go away, my baby is patiently waiting for you there," she pulled away from you, and jerked her chin at Chaery, who was dressed and ready to go with you, two large bags to one side of her and her hands clasped on her belly. You walked towards her, and you stood in front of her.
"Ready to go, honey?" you took her from her hands and gave her a little kiss on her lips.
"Of course I am," she agreed with a little smile of pure happiness.
"Then get in the car, I'll put this in the trunk," you said, taking the bags from her. She nodded, and you went to store her bags while she climbed into the passenger seat.
"Bye girls, we'll be in touch, I promise!" you said, saying goodbye one last time before getting in the car and starting it.
"Bye oppa!" they said goodbye in unison, waving their hands to you.
You pulled the car straight onto the road, and looked at the girls one last time before driving away, away from the house and soon out of the suburbs, Chaery holding your hand the entire way to your apartment.
That night in your apartment, after unpacking Chaery's things, showing her around the house, making dinner and watching a movie, you two were ready to sleep peacefully in your bed, which you found extremely surreal, since you never thought that a kpop idol would ever be lying in that bed, and certainly not one as famous as Chaery.
"Honey, I have something to tell you…" Chaery said, her chin on your chest and one of her hands timidly playing circles on it, "well, I think it's pretty obvious, but I'd like to make it clear."
"Oh yeah? The what?" you asked, patting the back of her head, she hadn't even said anything when her cheeks were already red with embarrassment.
"It's just... you really drive me crazy, really," she said, still avoiding your gaze, "I like you, a lot... and I already know everything your job entails, that's why I'd like you to be honest with me if you ever develop feelings for... you know, one of the Aespa girls."
You also blushed before Chaery's words, and you were stunned.
"Chaery... we feel the same way," you said, "I like you a lot too, I don't think there are words to describe how happy you make me," you started giving her little kisses on her face, "my heart belongs to you, to no one else, and none of those girls will be able to change it."
Chaery's face turned into an adorable pout and a pair of teary eyes, she was about to burst into tears, and you were ready to snuggle her.
"But please, promise you'll tell me if it happens," she said, two tears already rolling down her cheeks.
"I promise to tell you darling, but it won't happen, trust me," you gave her multiple pecks on the nose, and wiped away every tear that ran down her cheeks.
"Thank you so much sweetheart, it's just that I'm madly in love with you and I don't want to let you go," she sighed, finally calming down and wiping at her own eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, silly," you snuggled her against your chest and placed a long kiss on her lips, ending with a peck, "let's sleep, okay? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, me too," she agreed, leaning her cheek against your chest and closing her eyes, "rest well, darling."
"You too, darling..."
From the next few days, you and Chaery spent the rest of your remaining days in Korea together, living as a perfectly functional and happy couple in everyday life. Living together was always a typical problem that many couples faced, but the chemistry between the two of you was more than perfect, you complemented each other perfectly, and Chaery was simply the most tender, empathetic, loving and understanding being in the world.
The day on which your flight with Aespa was scheduled began like any other. You and Chaery were doing your usual routine, a healthy and nutritious breakfast adjusted to your tastes while watching the news and ready to go to the airport, but the routine was interrupted by an anomaly, constant horns from a car in the street below your building. You two exchanged confused glances, and you went to look out the window.
"Should we go downstairs? He won't stop honking," you said to Chaery, "maybe it's another Noze master move and that car is from SM."
"I highly doubt it, honey, but let's go," she sighed, and you packed up and put everything in order in the living room and kitchen before going downstairs, suitcase in hand and backpack on your back.
As you got downstairs and were walking slowly toward the waiting car parked at the curb, the tinted pilot's window rolled down slowly. And you three burst out laughing. It was Chaeyeon.
"Did you order a personal driver, sir?" Chaeyeon teased with her hands on the wheel.
"Not really, but I appreciate the gesture," you laughed, "are you seriously going to take me to the airport?"
"Well yes, what do you think?" she saw you with a poker face, wanting to tell you that you were an idiot without telling you that you were an idiot, "get that thing in the trunk," she said, pressing the button that opened it.
You left your suitcase inside the trunk and got on the passenger seat, Chaery got on the back seat, sitting right in the middle so she could see you both.
The way to the airport was one of the situations in which you had felt the most anxiety in your entire life, you did not stop asking Chaery if you had not forgotten anything at home, and making up to four verifications that all your documents were in order. When you arrived at the airport the atmosphere became heavy and sad. Chaeyeon helped you get the suitcase down from the trunk, while you and Chaery were standing on the sidewalk holding hands.
"Time will pass faster than you think, my love, you'll see," you assured, rubbing the back of her hands with your thumbs, and once again, Chaery was crying.
"Please be careful, honey," she clung to you in a tight hug, "you're one of the most beautiful things that's ever happened to me, just don't forget about me," she said against your chest.
"That won't happen babe, you have my word," you said, cradling her face in your hands and giving her a little kiss on the lips, "You take care of yourself too, and take care of the apartment and the car too, okay?"
"I'll take good care of everything, I promise darling," she nodded confidently, taking a small step back away from you, "go, I don't want you to miss your flight for me," she wiped away her tears.
"Okay," you smiled and nodded, then looked at Chaeyeon as you picked up your suitcase, "'you can stay in my apartment with her if you want."
"That's good to know," Chaeyeon smiled, reaching out to give you a warm and loving hug, "take care of yourself donkey, we'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too," you gave her a peck on the cheek, and then parted ways with your suitcase in hand, walking towards the airport entrance. You looked back once more, with only a face in your line of sight, you waved for a second, and finally turned your back on the Lee sisters, heading into the airport and going straight to catch your flight. It was then that you couldn't help but shed a couple of tears.
Everything in your documents was perfectly in order, you passed all the controls faster than you thought, and in a matter of a few minutes you were boarding the plane. Your seat was nothing more and nothing less than first class, which certainly surprised you but didn't make you complain either. You walked through the plane, until you finally reached the first class floor. You went through a couple of doors, and when you got to your corresponding row, you were faced with the four wolves sitting together around your seat, all four of them staring at you from head to toe.
"Welcome to our world, sweetness..." Karina said, and then all four of them giggled.
Spren Notes:
Well, with this first part of the series we say goodbye to ITZY for a long time :'). Honestly this was a pretty wild and crazy ride, but it's definitely been fucking fun. Thank you very much to all of you who follow this series and show your love continuously, I hope you enjoyed this last piece!
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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kedreeva · 1 month
You're sort of one of the kindest people i know on tumblr, so. um. i had a question.
how do i deal with it all?
right of the bat i will tell you i am a minor and my parents are zionists, so i have no income of my own or anything i could donate. everytime i post a single fundraiser that reaches my inbox and is vetted, i get 4-5 new fundraising asks for palestine.
most of them are unvetted, but i keep thinking that if i can't donate i should at least have faith in people and reblog the fundraisers even if they're unvetted, possibly that they're actually new and need as much help we can give, however, there's a possibility they are scams, and i don't want to draw away the attention vetted fundraisers might get.
how do you decide where to help out and how to live with your decision?
I have a policy that when it comes to asks (or messages) that solicit money or other actions (like boosting posts) I don't respond to or even publish asks that come from anyone that has never spoken to me before that moment, and that's a policy that has been in place for many years now, and is unlikely to change largely because the majority of asks/messages that are requesting money or to visit a blog post/their blog/their website are scams (or more often several years ago, led to virus infections on your computer!). My blog is, as it has stated at the top for over ten years now, a personal blog, not a fundraising/signal boosting/vetting blog for spreading donations- there ARE blogs like that, and people can choose to interact with those blogs or not, but my blog isn't the place for it and that's a hard boundary I enforce for my own well being. Tumblr is my place to rest and recover, however I see fit to do that.
A random ask to my inbox asking for money, regardless of what it is for, is (in my view) equivalent to a cold call from a stranger soliciting money. It's not about faith in people, it's not about right or wrong, it's not about can or can't. This is my home, and I don't answer the phone to unknown numbers. I will help friends/family/people I know personally (or parasocially, if I like them or recognize them), obviously, but that's a bit of a different horse.
As for how I decide where to help out, if I have the ability (funds, spoons, time etc), I will seek out information on the best place to donate that can do the most with the money to help the person/people/cause that I want to help. It's the Food Pantry Equation: I could spend $5 on groceries at retail price to donate, and maybe get enough for 1 meal for 1 person (though in this fuckoff capitalist hellscape, I'm not sure $5 would even buy a whole meal), or I could give $5 directly to a Food Pantry organization, who buys in bulk and knows where to get stuff cheap, so that my $5 can help five people or ten people or whatever. I also do my best to participate in fandom events that raise money for good causes; stuff like the fanworks charity auction I helped run to donate to a wolf sanctuary, or stuff like Fandom Trumps Hate (another charity fanworks auction event). Those kind of events are generally open about where the donations go to, and have done research into organizations to ensure the gathered money goes to good charities.
Like with the above, however, it's different if I know the person. If my neighbor comes and asks for a cup of sugar or my friend needs help moving or whatever, I'm gonna give them what they need without the middleman because we have that relationship already established. Donating $5 to a food pantry would probably help more people by numbers, but helping my neighbors and friends and family etc builds community in a way giving $5 to a random stranger on the phone soliciting money cannot, and even in a way donating $5 (or $5 worth of food) to a Food Pantry cannot. It's also usually a matter of one and done, as well as semi-transactional the way any relationship is a give and take; I can give my neighbor some sugar, and down the road they can return the favor the next time I'm in need of help. I help my friends move and I know whether or not I ever move, myself, that they would do the same for me if they're able. You can't say this about a random ask on the Internet and you likely won't ever be able to say it for most charities unless you somehow end up in their exact area of expertise. So it's different.
I feel like you should also learn about Tim Wong, the guy who basically single-handedly repopulated the Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly out in California. The lesson his story can and should teach is that... sometimes it can do more good for the world to care Very Much about one specific thing, and put your heart and soul into it, than it does to spread a little bit of care over a lot of things.
So, I guess what I mean to say here is... don't feel guilty about what you cannot do. There's no guilt in that. When you are ready and able to help, you can always go and look for a good way to do so (and what you end up helping may not always be the thing you think it will be), but you don't need to feel pressured by telemarketers or charity donation calls from strangers while you're trying to eat dinner. Especially if they don't even know who you are, either.
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luvxkdrama · 2 years
— destiny
pairing : chishiya x reader
warnings : mentions of blood and guns
word count : 1.2k
summary : He finds you unconscious at the place where he usually stays
a/n : season 2 spoilers (mentions of Chishiya’s past)
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It was another successful game for Chishiya, who was now on his way back to his place. Although he solves the games easily, they tire him a lot so afterwards he wishes nothing more than to fall into the arms of Morpheus.
As he was walking down the road, he noticed small stains of blood that lead directly to his hiding place. It didn’t faze him, however he was intrigued where they possibly came from.
Chishiya slowly went up the stairs and the cold air was filled with a strangely familiar, floral smell. However, he couldn’t really tell where he knew it from.
When he entered the dark room, he slightly flinched at the sight in front of him. Blood was dripping down your arms and legs while you were laying unconscious on his mattress. Chishiya could tell you were asleep but your heavy breaths indicated that the wounds didn’t let you rest peacefully.
“Well, that was certainly unexpected.” He commented and was about to leave the room when he suddenly noticed something.
The room was swamped in darkness but thanks to the moonlight, he perceived a shiny bracelet on your left wrist. Chishiya frowned at the accessory, remembering how he gave the exact same one to his lover before he joined the Borderland.
It was a gift for your one year anniversary so he wanted to find something special and unique. Chishiya found a beautiful bracelet and when he went to buy it, the seller told him there were only two bracelets like this in Japan so your boyfriend knew he found the perfect gift.
Chishiya rolled up his sleeve and looked at his wrist which had the exact same bracelet that he saw on you. While he was carefully analysing them both, Chishiya suddenly felt a gun against his forehead.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, weakly seeing the person that was crouching down in front of you.
“I can ask you the same thing. That’s the place where I usually stay at.” He chuckled, amused by the situation.
Your heart skipped a beat after hearing his voice that was strangely familiar to the man you fell in love with, before you were thrown in this horrific world. Without wasting time, you reached to grab a flashlight and gasped when you recognised Chishiya.
He was blinded by the sudden light so you caught him off guard when you threw yourself in his arms, making you fall on top of him while his back hit the ground.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” You sighed, burying your face in the crock of his neck.
“Y/N?” He whispered, finally recognising your voice.
Chishiya ran his fingers through your hair and took in your floral scent that made him feel at home.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He said, gently grabbing your face in between his hands. “You should be in our house, peacefully reading your favourite book or dancing to the random songs you hear on the radio, not here brushing against death in some stupid games.” He groaned, not bearing the thought of losing you.
“I’m sure I’ll be safe now that I’m with you.” You smiled at him and leaned in to connect your lips together.
He wouldn’t admit it but you knew he missed you as much as you did by how firmly his arms were wrapped around your waist.
You completely forgot about your multiple wounds until Chishiya’s felt something warm and wet dripping down his hand and he immediately remembered the state he found you in.
“Wait here.” He helped you lay down on the mattress and went to grab the first aid kit he found in a store, while you turned on the small lamp you brought with you.
Although Chishiya saw your whole body more than once, he couldn’t help but get flustered at the sight of it after you took off your shirt that was practically soaked in blood and your pants.
“When does your visa end?” He asked while cleaning up the wounds.
“In three days. Today’s game was a mess that’s why I have a blood everywhere. The group against which my team was playing would throw the most random things at us and fight with us afterwards. Only three people out of 16 survived, so it’s honestly a miracle I’m now here talking with you.” You softly caressed his cheek.
“From now on, we’ll participate in games together. If one day, only one of us will have to survive, it will be you.” He seemed completely calm as such words rolled out of his mouth.
“We both know how much smarter you are than me so there’s a much higher chance that you’ll finish all the games. I want you to go back to the real world and start a family like you’ve always dreamed of. I’m sure you’d find someone that would fill your life with love.” Your own words hurt you but at the same time, you truly hoped the best for him.
“I don’t want to finish my life with someone else, I want you.” He protested and went back to clean your wounds in silence.
You noticed his bracelet and smiled at the fact he brought one for him as well in order to have matching accessories.
When you first started dating, he wasn’t fond of physical touch or matching couple things but with time he changed, after realising how safe and loved he felt in your company. Chishiya also realised how pleasant someone’s touch can be and how his death didn’t scare him if it meant the person he loves would survive.
Now, one of his hands gently caressed your skin to take your mind away from the wounds that could possibly be hurting you.
“Your wounds aren’t too deep but you have to rest a lot for them to heal quickly.” He put the first aid kit away.
“Thank you, doctor.” You chuckled and planted a soft kiss on his lips once he came back.
“I’ll bring you something to eat.” He was about to get up but you quickly wrapped your hands around his wrist.
“Stay here with me, we’ll eat later.”
Chishiya couldn’t resist so he laid down next to you on the mattress, being extremely careful to not hurt you. You couldn’t help but put your head on his chest and intertwine your legs together. Your sudden clinginess made Chishiya smile and he gently ran his fingers through your head, knowing how much it helped you to fall asleep.
“I love you.” You whispered, slowly drifting off to sleep.
His soft kiss on your head spoke a thousand words at once and you knew it was his way of saying it back.
As long as you had him by your side, you believed everything will be alright.
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Choose a Side
The Bradfords Series Masterlist (4/?)
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!cop!reader
Summary: Lucy asks for your opinion on a date, not expecting you to take sides. You do choose a side, but not the one she thinks.
Warnings: fluff, banter, grumpy!Tim
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
A/N: There are two random references in this (an Eric Winter movie and a previous Tim fic). Which is completely irrelevant. Enjoy.
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The station is quiet when you walk through, but you know better than to get comfortable in the calm moment. It’s not superstition for you, just that you know the people you work with, and even if there aren’t many calls, it still won’t stay quiet for long.
“Hey!” Lucy calls behind you.
You smile at her interruption and stop walking so she can catch up to you. As she approaches, you notice that she’s looking over your shoulder.
“Is Tim with you?” she asks.
“No,” you answer, “he’s helping Angela with a case. Do you need him?”
“What I need is a second opinion and I do not want his.”
“Okay,” you drawl. “What’s up?”
“So, I’m going on a date tonight.”
“Please don’t say it’s with a cop,” you murmur.
“With a firefighter.” Lucy stops and tilts her head to ask, “Is it really that bad to be with another cop?”
You raise your hand to her arm and smile. “Lucy, I’m kidding. Tell me more.”
“His name is Alex. He’s been a firefighter for a few years since he got out of the Army. We actually met while playing tug-of-war and he was super flirty, but apparently he actually likes me!”
You ignore the odd way they met and choose to say, “Don’t sound so surprised he’s interested. When’s the date?”
“What date?”
You and Lucy look up together, wide-eyed at the sight of Tim approaching. He furrows his brows and keeps his eyes on you rather than looking at Lucy.
“I’m cheating on you?” you try.
“What date?” Tim repeats, completely ignoring your attempt to remove suspicion from Lucy.
“I have a date,” Lucy admits, “with a former soldier who is now a firefighter.”
“Killer turned arsonist. Way to pick them, Chen.”
“You were a soldier,” you point out.
Tim turns his chin toward you long enough to argue, “And you used to be nice to me.”
“Tim," you warn.
“Didn’t your last boyfriend leave you so heartbroken you bought jewelry from the evidence room?” Tim asks.
“I bought that because I like it,” Lucy defends, crossing her arms across her chest. “This is different.”
“Which station does he work at?” Tim inquires.
“Does that matter?”
“Yes,” you answer, with Tim. You frown as you add, “Sorry.”
“29,” Lucy says quietly. She raises her voice and glares at Tim to challenge, “Do you want his shoe size and social security number as well?”
“Lucy, some of the stations are known for having firefighters that are terrible people. Trust me, I’ve met more than my fair share on calls,” you explain. “Tim’s just trying to look out for you on that one.”
“Oh, so you’re taking his side. That’s great!”
“Lucy,” you reply with a laugh. “29 is a good station, right down the road, so we would know if it wasn’t. They’re good people.”
“As good as firefighters can be, you mean,” Tim adds. “What’s his last name?”
“Tim,” you chide. ��That’s none of your business.”
“There can’t be that many guys named Alex at station 29.”
Tim pulls his phone from his pocket, and you snatch it out of his hand.
“If you call Nell to ask about him, I will take Kojo and Lucy to the station on my lunch break to hang out with firefighters.”
Tim shakes his head before he turns to face Lucy.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working instead of talking about date night outfits?” he asks.
“Oh, outfits!” Lucy exclaims. “We didn’t get that far!”
“Nope,” Tim interrupts. “Get to the shop, we’re going on patrol.”
“But I never got a second opinion.” Lucy pouts as she looks toward you, and you smile.
“Lucy, it sounds like you and Alex get along really well. You should go, have fun, and just see where the relationship may be able to go.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Lucy says, raising her arms to hug you.
“Boot,” Tim barks when the hug lasts for a second too long. “Shop.”
“He’s so grumpy today,” Lucy whispers in your ear as she pulls back.
Tim nods at you before he turns to follow Lucy to the garage. You look down at his phone in your hand and smile. He’ll realize before he leaves and come back for it, and this time, you will let him know that you really did pick a side.
“I need that,” Tim says as he returns.
You tuck his phone behind your back and use your other hand to grip the collar of Tim’s uniform and pull him closer. Face-to-face, you look into his eyes before you speak.
“Don’t look into him,” you demand.
Tim’s brows pinch before he asks, “What do you mean?”
“Tim Bradford, if you start a fire just to meet Lucy’s date, it will look like you care about her. A lot.”
Tim clears his throat softly, then nods once. “Can I go now?”
“Sure,” you agree, smiling as you release his collar and step back. “But she’ll tell me if you interrogate her in the car.”
“Why does it matter who my boot dates or when?” Tim inquires as he straightens his shirt.
“I don’t know, Tim. Why does it?”
Tim grumbles as he takes his phone from your hand.
“I love you,” you call after him.
“Not as much as Alex, apparently.”
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“This is by far the most illegal but sweet thing you’ve ever done,” you tell Tim. “Pretzels?”
“It’s not illegal,” Tim argues, extending his hand for a snack. “We’re just enjoying a date night. What’s wrong with that?”
“The fact that we’re not just enjoying a date night. Tim, you’re watching someone else’s date.”
“You can’t say you’re not interested.”
“I can,” you argue, lifting your phone. “I’m watching a cheesy romcom about a widower who owns a restaurant and coaches little league but falls in love with the woman who wants to buy him out.”
“Riveting,” Tim mumbles, turning back toward the restaurant. “Where’d she go?”
The back door behind you opens before Lucy slides into the car. You offer the bag of convenience store snacks over your shoulder, and she accepts it to look for her favorite candy. Which, of course, you bought for her. Uncomfortable with Lucy's presence, Tim shifts as you pause your movie and remove the earbud you’d been using to listen to it.
“How was the date?” Tim asks.
“You tell me, it seems like you saw just as much as I did,” Lucy responds.
“Sorry, Lucy,” you interject.
“It’s okay. I mean, if he was a serial killer or something, I’d be glad you’re here.”
“That’s what I said,” Tim defends.
“But he wasn’t.”
“Told you,” you tell Tim. “She can take care of herself. Besides, Alex is a sweetheart.”
“You’ve met him?!” Tim asks loudly.
You nod and take a bite of your snack before you explain, “On a call this afternoon. Nell attached me to it.”
“Oh, so I can’t call Nell, but you can?”
“I asked her to watch for an opportunity,” Lucy says.
Tim shakes his head and throws his hands up. “I give up. Lucy, do you want a ride home?”
“Your home or mine?”
“You’re not spending the night.”
You chuckle in the passenger seat at their bickering. Tim doesn’t look at you this time, too focused on the road as he pulls out.
“How was it?” you ask Lucy.
“It was really good. We’re going out again.”
“When?” Tim asks.
“Don’t answer that, Lucy,” you suggest. “We can talk tomorrow.”
“Right,” Tim scoffs. “And she was worried about you picking sides.”
“You know, you could just say it,” Lucy tells Tim, leaning toward his seat.
“Say what?”
“I love you. Trust me, you tell me once and you’d feel so free. I love you. That’s all it takes, Dad.”
“The guy in your movie didn’t have to deal with this,” Tim mumbles.
“He actually did have a kid,” you say as he approaches a stop sign.
“Wait, what movie?” Lucy asks excitedly.
As you begin explaining the plot to Lucy, Tim shakes his head. You know he cares, and when you get home and kiss him, maybe he’ll reconsider simply admitting it.
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mattslolita · 9 months
meet me at our spot - c. sturniolo ( 002. )
warnings ; drugs, alcohol, stoner!chris , riding, hair pulling, smut
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do not interact if you're a minor!
"can you kiss me more? we're so young boy, we ain't got nothing to lose."
"wait, i'm coming with you."
your own words surprised you — you really didn't know chris like that, and you had barely only met him tonight; but honestly? genesis was right — you needed to have some fun and if hanging out with a random drug dealer ( who was cute as hell! ) was your ticket to that, then so be it.
chris grinned at you, holding his hand out towards you — you accepted it with a smile, as he hurriedly pulled you next to him.
you held his hand close as you both weaved throughout the drunk bodies, the loud music and smell of weed encasing the whole home. you followed close behind chris, and as you both had made it downstairs, you caught sight of genesis and hunter, who had his arm wrapped around the girl.
as if sensing your look, genesis looks towards you, a huge grin forming on her face at the sight of you with chris — she raised her solo cup up to you in approval followed by a wink, causing you to roll your eyes playfully and wave her off.
chris's hand found its way to your waist as he guided you out the door, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach at the feeling — you both walked a short distance away from the house where his car was parked, and he opened up the passenger door for you.
you thanked him and slid inside, and he quickly went around the passenger side, slipping in. he let out a sigh and ran his thumb across his nose, and you looked at him curiously, turning to face him a little. "chris, what music do you like?"
chris then looked over you, a small grin taking over his lips. "i like a lot of people, to be honest. did you want me to play some music?"
"yeah, i'm finna put you on," you grinned, and chris shook his head with a small chuckle.
you went to grab the aux cable as chris put the car in rear, his arm going to the back of your seat as he pulled out of the parking space — you felt a warmth encompass your cheeks because of how attractive he looked in that moment; the veiny arms, the way his arm gripped your seat so tightly, it was turning you on.
chris began driving down the road, and you were still scrolling through one of your playlists, then you smiled once you had finally found a song — a second passed by and you set your phone in your lap as big poppa by the notorious b.i.g began playing softly.
"i love this song," chris grins, one hand resting on the wheel as he drove, the other one coming to rest somewhere on the counsel.
"me too," you agree, "so tell me chris, how long you been slanging?"
"probably bout almost a year," chris shrugs and you hum in response, "i mean i smoke alot and i always had good product, so i figured why not make some money?"
"no yeah, i feel that," you nodded, leaning more towards his side of the car.
a comfortable silence passed between the both of you, and you found your gaze occasionally wondering over to chris periodically — his eyes were still red being that he was still high as shit, but you thought it made him look even better; his brunette hair slightly hung over his eyes, but you could still see the crystaline of them clearly as he looked ahead.
chris's hand on the counsel came to rest on your thigh, but you didn't even flinch — in fact, you leaned into his touch as he drove on. you turned to look out of the window, and chris couldn't help but sneak a glance at you whilst you were unaware of it. you hummed to you know how we do it by ice cube playing in the background now, chris beginning to rub gentle circles around your thighs.
"hey, can i ask you to do something for me?"
chris had already successfully given the person their drugs, so now he had the both of you parked on a hill overlooking a view of the city — you had your legs propped to side while you faced him, and chris was leaned back in his seat, rolling yet another blunt.
"yeah, what's up?" he asked you, his eyes still trained on rolling the paper between his fingers. you watched as his tongue glazed over it to seal the other side, and you bit your lip to keep from sighing.
"so like," you began, holding your phone in your lap, an embarrassed smile taking over your features, prompting chris to look at you with a raise of his eyebrows, "i've deadass never smoked before."
an amused expression paints his face as he holds the blunt in his hand, licking his lips. "never? even with your friend who does it all the time?"
"never," you said, feeling your cheeks heat up at the way he was looking at you, "would you be down to teach me?"
"yeah ma, i got you," chris agrees, nodding his head in your direction.
you grin as your hand finds the orange lighter on the counsel, holding it up towards chris — he holds the blunt up to his lips, and you flick the lighter on, the flame touching the end of it as you pull away, watching as chris inhales, then exhales the smoke.
kiss me more by doja cat and sza began to play in the background as chris smirks at you, and you grin at him anticipation. "alright, you try holding it, like this."
chris turns the blunt the opposite way of him, and you take it and hold it in your own hand. "how do you like, do the inhale thing? that probably sounds dumb as fuck, nevermind."
"nah, you're good ma, there is a certain way you're supposed to inhale it," chris explains, how eyes low and hooded, "breathe it in slowly, then exhale."
your eyes stayed glued on chris's as you brought the blunt up to your lips and inhaled slowly like he said, the end of the blunt lighting slightly, then you pulled it away and exhaled, smoke coming out of your nose; you coughed just slightly, and chris is grinning at you proudly.
"look at you, already doing so well," he rasps, causing you to clench your thighs together, "now let's hit this shit together."
you giggle and pass the blunt back to chris, watching as he throws his head back, his brunette hair swaying slightly as he puts the blunt to his lips, exhaling the smoke and shaking his hair again — he was making you so hot and bothered, even though you had barely known him.
you both passed the blunt back and forth a few more times, giggling aimlessly about nonsense. you were becoming more and more comfortable around him, but there was still something you really wanted.
when chris handed you the blunt again, and idea popped into your head — you looked over at chris lazily, a grin overtaking your features as you bite your lip at him.
"what you lookin at me like that for, ma?" chris asks you, a lazy smirk on his lips.
"i wanna try something," you giggle, sitting up in your spot, "if you're down to let me."
"what's up, then?"
you hold the blunt out to chris and he takes it with a confused expression, as you pushed your seat back, preparing yourself — he watched as you carefully climbed over onto his lap, smoothing your dress being that it rode up when you sat down on him.
a low grunt escapes chris's lips, as he reclines his seat so that you can have more room on him — taking the blunt from his hand, he watches you with hooded eyes as you inhaled, then blew the smoke in his face, a smirk residing on your lips.
"that was hot as fuck," he rasps, as you giggle at him, moving slightly.
chris's hooded eyes stayed glued to yours as he rubs his hands up and down your sides, coming to rest on your hips — you bit your lip as you moved up and down on him slightly, emitting a low groan from him.
"don't do that, ma," chris growls, and you could feel the wetness pool your panties.
"why not?" you ask innocently, bringing your face down to nibble on his earlobe, "am i making you feel some typa way, chris?"
without warning, chris grabs the back of your neck and pulls you forward, crashing his lips onto yours — his are warm and soft, and you kiss him back hungrily, having been waiting for this moment all night.
chris's hand move down to grip your ass and at this you let out a small moan, allowing him access to slip his tongue into your mouth — you grind down on him, trying to gain more friction from your movements.
"fuck, chris," you say, pulling away from him breathlessly.
you and his lips are both swollen and red, as he looks up at you with his hooded eyes, and you feel the wetness pool in your panties even more.
"what ma, tell me what you want," chris breathes, and in response you grind down on him again, causing another low growl to emit from his lips.
"i wanna ride you," you say finally.
"come on baby, let me take off this pretty little dress, then," chris says.
you remove your hands from the sides of him momentarily, as chris's hands wander down to your sides and pull the dress up over you, revealing your black bra and black lace panties — chris reconnects your lips, and you continue grinding down on him, feeling your panties leave a small wet spot on his sweats.
pulling away from the kiss, chris goes down to nip and suck at your nipple, whilst pinching and kneading the other causing a moan to escape your lips. "please chris, i need you already."
he watches you with hooded eyes as his hand travels down to your panties, feeling the wetness of them when he slips one finger inside of them.
"fuck baby, you're so wet for me and i haven't even touched you yet," he groans, "take these off, ma."
you do what he says and lift yourself slightly to pull your panties down while chris works at pulling his own sweats down — your eyes widen slightly as his boxers come off too, revealing his long cock, the pinkish tip dripping with precum already.
chris's hands move to your waist as he grips onto you tightly, helping you to sink down on him — a lewd moan escapes your lips as you sink onto him, his cock stretching your walls.
"you're so big, fuck!" you moan out, as chris attaches his lips to your neck.
"c'mon baby, start moving for me," chris says against your neck, sucking on your sweet spot harshly.
after adjusting to his size you began to move up and down on chris slowly, his hands guiding your hips as he let out a low groan.
"shit, you're so tight, baby," chris breathes, his hand going down to your clit, rubbing circles around it, "go faster for me."
you speed up your pace, throwing your head back in pleasure in the process — your hand goes up to grip at chris's hair, tugging on it slightly, which caused a moan to escape his lips as he continues rubbing your circles around your clit.
"you feel so good inside me like this," you breathe out, bouncing up and down him, your pace having sped up, "fuck, i'm close."
"i'm close too baby, cum all over my cock," chris groans.
you feel your high approaching you, your mind clouded with pure euphoria as you throw your head back, feeling the familiar feeling in your stomach build up — chris continued his movements of his fingers on your clit as you begin bouncing up and down sloppily, your arousal releasing on his cock as you let out a pornographic moan.
chris continues helping you ride out your high, but then he suddenly lifts you off of him and encompasses your lower stomach with warm, wet spurts of his cum.
both of you are now trying to catch your breaths, and you couldn't help but look down at chris's fucked out face — his hair hung low over his eyes, and they were once again still red from him still being high as fuck.
you climbed back over to the passenger seat, feeling a slap against your ass as you do so, causing you to give chris a playful glare as you sit down. "bro, seriously?"
"it was in my face, ma," chris smirks, as he grabs a napkin and hands it to you, "my bad by the way, i just didn't wanna y'know..."
"no you're good, i'm on the pill anyway," you waved him off, wiping your stomach with the napkins, "thanks."
"of course," chris says, handing you back your dress as well.
you slipped the dress back over, furrowing your eyebrows once you realize you didn't have your panties on. you looked around for them, your head feeling slightly dizzy as you were high as shit too.
"chrisss, where are my panties?" you said giving him a goofy smile, and he raised an eyebrow at you.
"they're somewhere around here," chris rasps, "wait, let me see..."
both you and chris went to look at the back of the car but end up bumping your heads, causing you both to burst out laughing — you were both high as fuck, and just got done fucking, and now you were both laughing hysterically at something so stupid; you definitely liked chris.
after the whole ordeal, chris was driving you back home. you both sat in a comfortable silence, his hand rubbing circles around your thigh again as you hummed to the lauryn hill song in the background.
he pulled up to your house and parked right in front, and you looked over at him to see he already had his own eyes on you.
"i know we barely just met and all ma, but you seem so cool," chris admits, rubbing his thumb across his nose, "can i have your number?"
"yeah, for sure," you smile shyly, handing your phone over to him, "it was cool hanging with you."
"which part the smoking, or the sex?" he grins, and you slapped his shoulder playfully, causing him to laugh.
"i mean, all of it was pretty good i can't lie," you admitted with a small shrug, a small smile playing on your lips, "maybe i should go to parties more often if you finna be there."
"you know we don't have to just hang at parties, right?" chris says, "you can just come chill with me any time."
"i'd like that," you smile, as he hands you back your phone, "goodnight, chris."
"i'll see you, ma," he nods to you, his hand on the steering wheel while he rubs his jaw slightly with the other one.
you exit the car and almost lose your balance ( you were still weak in the knees, go figure ) — chris watched you as you went all the way up to the front door of your house, unlocked it, and stepped inside.
and only then, did he pull off, causing your heart to ignite.
heres pt.2 finally baefys, sorry it took so long. do we want a pt. 3, or nah?💌
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
Prompt requests: 1) Price x Reader - abandoned farm / waking up in a random room with no idea who/where/why/how you got there 2) Soap x Reader - forest / dealing with strange natural (or not-so-natural) phenomena 3) Ghost x Reader - the only other car in the abandoned parking lot / being followed
1k game here
i went ahead and just did one of these! i've got several requests in my inbox still, but i might come back and add another one you had later :)
1.7k of your ex-boyfriend ghost catching up with you. no smut!
The car's been tailing you since you left work.
It's a discreet car, and you probably wouldn't have even noticed it if you hadn't run several errands before starting to head home. The driver isn't even trying to be subtle - he never parks more than a spot away from you and he never lets another car get between you and him on the road.
You already know who he is. You hate to admit it to yourself, but you know.
Ghost always was possessive. It's not a leap to think he'd be pissed at the idea of anyone getting close to even your car.
Plus, he probably wants you to know he's following you. He always was a sadistic bastard, always liked the see the pain he was causing.
There's no one you can call for help. You didn't rat him out the first time you ran, and you're not going to now. There's no way you could get the police to keep you safe without telling them all about Ghost and his secrets, and you'd be better of just surrendering to Ghost's wrath at that point.
You take a deep breath and tighten your hands around the wheel.
You can't get help.
You can't run - he's tailing you too closely for that.
You can't fight - you don't keep your gun in your car, and you've never been a match for Simon hand-to-hand.
You pull into a dark parking lot, one that's almost entirely empty save for a few people waiting at the bus stop. You take a few deep breaths as you pull to a stop as far away from the bus stop as you can, trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable confrontation.
The car parks a spot away. Just seconds later, he's climbing out of the driver's side and striding towards you.
You knew it was him. He'd never send a henchman after you, even all these months later with so much distance between the two of you.
He's clothed entirely in black - like he always is on the job, apparently black hides bloodstains best - and comes to a stop right in front of your window, so your just staring into a wall of darkness.
You roll the window down, the awkward silence heavy.
The first thing you notice when he ducks down is that he's wearing the mask. Not the one sewn onto a balaclava, but one with the skull pattern printed onto the balaclava itself.
"Get out," he grunts. His first words to you in nearly a year and they're a command.
You scowl. This is exactly why you ran in the first place.
"No." You try to infuse as much confidence into your voice as possible, but you know you fail.
He huffs. "Love, c'mon, I'm not playing games. Get out of the car."
You shake your head, gripping the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white.
"No! I don't have to listen to you - especially when you've been stalking me all day-"
He sighs loudly, and before you can complain he's reaching through the window and opening the door for himself, quickly ducking into your car.
"Hey, stop!" You try, batting away his hands when he unbuckles your seatbelt, pulling you up by the waist until your standing unsteadily against him. "You have no right-!"
"Baby. Shut up." He growls, reaching around you to tug the key out of the ignition, the hand around your waist affording you no wiggle room.
"Don't you tell me to shut up!" You complain, pushing against his chest as he starts to nudge you in front of him. "I haven't had to deal with you in nearly a year and the first things you think to say to me are an order and shut up? Fuck you, asshole!"
There's a low chuckle at your back, and he turns you around to pin you to the car. Your breath hitches as he presses your chests together, ducking low enough that you can't look anywhere but his eyes.
"I missed you," he says, low and secretive.
God, you wish you could hate him. Everything would be so much easier if you hated him.
"Let me go," you say, forcing sternness into your voice.
"I'm serious," you try, pushing at the center of his chest. He only uses the pressure as an excuse to lean closer, draping himself over you.
"I'm serious too, love. You're never leaving my line of sight again."
You shut your eyes against the wave of longing that brings. He used to talk like that all the time, back before you realized how deep he was in his life of crime.
Gonna keep you forever, love.
Might chain you to the bed. Keep you safe at home, make sure I always know where you are. Little fuckdoll waiting at home for me, hm?
Never letting you leave me. Never.
I can't stand to be apart from you, love. It feels like I'm missing a limb.
You can't leave - you know that, don't you? I'll hunt you down, baby. This isn't a relationship you can get away from.
Simon was always a little possessive, a little controlling. Sometimes it got you off, and sometimes it scared you. In the weeks leading up to your escape, it did a lot more of the latter.
"We're broken up," you say on an exhale, looking back up at him. He's tugged the mask up to his nose, and his warm breath ghosts over your face. "I left you. We're not together anymore, Ghost."
He nearly flinches at that name, stiffening against you. "Don't call me that."
You don't correct yourself, and one of his hands comes up to collar your throat.
"I'm not joking. You don't call me that, understood?"
He applies just the slightest bit of pressure on either side of your neck and you fold like wet cardboard. Nodding quickly and taking a big deep breath in when he stop squeezing.
"What do you call me?" He bites, leaning closer until you're almost brushing noses. You try to flinch back but can't make it very far. "Say it. What do you call me?"
"Simon," you blurt out, nearly a plea. You haven't been near his intensity in so long, it's hard to handle now. You drop your eyes shamefully, unable to look at him.
"Good girl," he purrs, hand moving upwards to cup your chin and tilt it up. You can't help but meet his eyes, and the softness there nearly breaks your heart. "I'm never Ghost for you, only Simon. You got that?"
"You hunted me down like a dog."
He smiles at that, leans close enough to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. "I got you back. You're the one who ran away, love. It's a scary world out there, I can't leave you all alone."
"I don't need you to help me."
"You will. You'll need me again. Everything will go back to just how it was, and you'll see how good it is again. I'll take care of you."
That makes your heart beat a little faster, makes your breath quicken.
The first few months with Simon were... well, not heavenly but certainly good. Things were at their best when you first moved in - when he was still eager to dodge work for you, and when you didn't realize how violent "work" really was. Things only started getting bad when you started putting the pieces together.
"You can't protect me from your world, Simon," you whisper, tilting your head towards him just enough to bump your foreheads together. That's the whole reason you had run in the first place - nearly getting kidnapped and having a gun held to your head had been more than enough to scare you out of his world.
"I can," he growls, pressing closer to you. "You just have to let me. You didn't know before, but now you do. Now I can make sure you know how to keep yourself safe when I'm not there."
"But I shouldn't have to!" You exclaim, tears welling in your eyes. Why can't he just understand? "I don't want to always be looking over my shoulder, always waiting for someone to hurt me, or to hurt you-"
"That's not going to happen."
"You don't know that!" You explode, shoving at his chest as he tears slip past your waterline.
"I do," he snarls, the first hints of anger painting his words. "I can keep my woman safe. I can keep what's mine safe."
You sniffle as you look up at him, bottom lip quivering.
You're not even sure what to say at this point. What else is there?
He seems to realize you've run out of words and deflates against you, curling both of his arms around your waist and holding you as close as he can while resting his chin on top of your head.
"It'll be okay, love," he comforts, swaying side to side. "I get why you ran, alright? I know you were scared, and that's my fault. It won't happen again. But it's time to stop running and to come home. You know that's where you're meant to be."
You sniffle against him, blinking into the dark fabric of his shirt.
"You scare me," you confess quietly, safe without his eyes boring into yours.
He only stiffens for a moment, then goes soft against you again. "I know."
One hand moves up to pet over your hair, stroking across your head in the exact way that always makes you feel a little loose limbed. It works now, and you give him a bit more of your weight.
"You're scared because you're smart. I'd be worried if you weren't scared. I shoulda known before that I couldn't keep my job from you, and that's on me. If I had told you, you might not have run."
"I would have."
He snorts, tugs a lock of your hair. "Shush. I promise, things will be different this time. Better. All cards on the table."
Your hands tentatively wrap around him, linking at the small of his back. You've always loved how big he is compared to you, how protected you feel in his shadow.
Even now, knowing what you know, you still feel that way.
It's that thought that has you finally breaking down, leaning into his hold and squeezing him tight to you.
"Oh, love," he sighs, squeezing you as tightly as he can without hurting you. "It's alright, you're okay. Just get it all out. Everything's going to be alright."
As much as you hate it, you think he might be right.
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bbina · 6 months
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after spending the whole night with the guys, it was time to go home
“are you riding with us?” you hear sungchan ask, referring to him and eunseok since you guys did carpool on the way to the place the guys decided to meet
you glance at wonbin who was busy chatting with shotaro. wonbin feels your gaze and turns to you with a smile. that was the only answer you needed
“i’m gonna go with wonbin” you say absentmindedly
“ah, okay” sungchan says, patting your shoulder before he going to eunseok to probably tell that you wouldn’t be going home with them just yet
from your peripheral vision you see wonbin holding his hand out and just like a magnet, you instantly gravitate towards him.
“another late night date i assume?” shotaro teases, nudging wonbin with his elbow. wonbin laughs, pushing shotaro away as he blushes a bit. (he’s legitimately down bad im ctfu)
“hope you don’t mind i steal him again” you poke your tongue out at shotaro before wrapping your arms around wonbin’s, snuggling to his side as you patiently wait for them to finish chitchatting
shotaro laughs, before shooing wonbin away.
“you can keep him all you want”
you grin at shotaro before he says his goodbye to wonbin. he was probably gonna ask to ride with the rest of the guys, most probably ask eunseok to drop him off but you didn’t care as long as you were with wonbin
“sorry bout that, we were just talking about random shit as if i don’t live in the same building as him” wonbin chuckles, fishing for his car keys (more like shotaro’s) as you two walk to the parking lot.
wonbin clicks the unlock button on the keys. before you could grab the car door, wonbin himself opens it for you.
“my baby should never open her side of the door on her own” he jokes, winking as you sit down on the passenger seat with a laugh.
“god you’re insufferable” you giggle, watching him jog over to his side of the car before he turns the ignition on. you feel your cheeks start to hurt with the way you’re smiling so widely. who knew you and wonbin would ever be like this
“but you like it” he claims. which was true, you do like this side of wonbin that only you get to see. to the others he may seem a little mysterious and nonchalant, but to you? that’s a whole different story
“so, where to?” wonbin asks, as he backs up on the parking lot. his other hand on your head rest as he turns around to see where he’s going. you feel yourself blush at the sight. one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your seat as he meticulously gets out of the tight parking space.
there goes the butterflies in your stomach again. they’ve been at it for a while now. ever since that one date where he got you ‘just because’ flowers. you try to ignore those weird fuzzy feeling you get whenever wonbin’s around but lately, it seems to be impossible
“anywhere really” you say, not caring where the road takes you two. the night was still young
“i’m glad i met you, y/n” wonbin starts softly, a smile creeping up his face. stealing glances here and there as he once again drives you around the streets of seoul
“we met during freshman year” you point out, holding in your laugh as you remember how you initially met the boy beside you.
it was just like yesterday when you all were just freshmen in highschool. all fresh out of middle school as you all adjust to the new life of being a highschooler.
that year you weren’t classmates with neither eunseok and sungchan. they were classmates in another section so that meant you were alone during your first year.
that’s how you met wonbin. you were in the same class at him and you two got paired for a research paper in science together. a subject you weren’t really the brightest in
it was after school when wonbin first approached you. you were waiting for eunseok and sungchan to come pick you by the hallway when wonbin approached you for the first time.
“hi” he said so softly that you almost didn’t hear it. you looked at him in surprise, is this the first friend that’s not sungchan that you’ll ever make?
“i’m your partner–”
wonbin wasn’t able to finish his sentence when eunseok and sungchan arrive. the first thing eunseok heard out of all things was “partner” and instantly, his overprotective brother mode just switched on
“partner?” eunseok raises an eyebrow at the kid who seemed to be around his age in front of him. “you and my sister?” he pushes on, using his height as an advantage to press on the poor boy in front of him
wonbin visibly gulps and turns to you with nervous eyes. a little call for help as you’d like to think. even if the situation was funny, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for your new… friend
“eunseok quit being a dumbass he’s my partner for a paper we’re doing in science” you roll your eyes as you pull your brother away from the now shaking wonbin. poor boy must’ve been shaken up from the sudden interrogation from a guy he didn’t even know, who seemed to be in a different class in a new environment
“science? oof. good luck with her, kid” sungchan makes a sour face, teasing you. you let out an irritated sigh before smacking him and eunseok.
“what was that for!?”
wonbin can only watch the three of you in amusement. you, his classmate having this power against the two twin towers from another class
“anyway kid, i was just joking around back there. i’m eunseok, what’s your name?” eunseok brushes his wrinkled uniform before holding his hand out for wonbin to shake
“i’m wonbin” he mutters, shyly taking his hand
“nice to meet you wonbin! i’m sungchan!” sungchan greets, also holding his hand out
“don’t mind them. they’re practically my brothers and we’re all attached by the hip.. anyway! about our paper, we can talk about it tomorrow or i can give you my number and we can talk about it later tonight?” you suggest options since you can’t really do much now that eunseok and sungchan has arrived
wonbin hears sungchan mumbling about already giving out numbers on the first meet, earning another smack from you
“or he could join us to eat right now. i’m starving and i’m craving for ramen” eunseok proposes, having enough of prolonging the after school meal you three had planned all day.
even if wonbin wanted to decline initially, who could say no to food?
“that sounds better! that way we can get to know him too!” you cheer as you throw your thumbs up in front of wonbin
“what do you say, wonbin?” you ask, waiting for his response
“i’m cool with that” wonbin smiles at the three of you. you all cheer as he tags along with your group for the first time. who knew during the first day of classes he’d already find himself a group of friends (or acquaintances for now)
and after that, the rest was history. your little friend group, backstreet boys was formed.
who knew the same boy you were partners in for a class back in freshman year would turn out to be your partner again a few years later.
“i’m serious! who knew you’d be this important to me..” wonbin mutters the last part hoping you wouldn’t hear it but unfortunately for him, you heard it
“awweee is this wonbin finally admitting he likes me?” you jokingly coo, reaching over to pinch his now blushing cheek.
wonbin scrunches his nose as he leans towards your touch
“so what if i do?” he banters, turning his head to look at you with lovestruck eyes before turning his attention back at the road ahead.
“of course everyone likes me, it’s me, the song y/n. the one and only”
“that’s not what i meant” wonbin interjects and it made your stomach drop
your eyes widened as you retract your hand from his cheek. does he mean it like that?
“.. oh” you laughed awkwardly, caught off guard at the sudden shift in the conversation.
“yeah..” wonbin murmurs. of course you’re song y/n. the song y/n that ultimately stole his heart amidst the chaos and uncertainty of your arrangement
the song on aux suddenly plays k. by cigarettes after sex. the soft, slow mellow ambiance of the song changing the atmosphere inside the car. it was now a silent car ride heading to who knows where. wonbin then reaches his hand towards yours, intertwining them as he rests his hand on your thigh
“think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else”
wonbin sings along to the song. stealing glances here and there til the song finishes.
you’re not dumb. there was a nagging feeling at the back of your head on where this was going and you didn’t like it one bit. you thought about this for a while now. sure, you’d be beyond happy that you and wonbin would become official. disregard the whole fake dating set up and make it real once for all but it’s just unfair for wonbin.
it’s so unfair.
you both knew what you two were getting into and the last thing you wanted was to actually catch real, genuine feelings for each other.
unlike with sungchan, the feeling of being with wonbin was just different. so different that it genuinely scared you to try anything real. maybe it was the close proximity during the trip that made you daring back then. knowing that by the time the trip was over, you and wonbin were also over. like you two didn’t share those quiet moments, those kisses, those lingering touches, intimate moments with wonbin that are now a distant but fond memories
what you didn’t expect was the arrangement to continue on. you didn’t have a back up plan when you initially made this pact with wonbin and now you’re seeing the consequences.
it’s not like you didn’t fall for wonbin along the way. you definitely did at some point, but to refrain yourself from making the same mistakes you did with sungchan, you chose to suppress the feeling. the feeling wonbin makes it feel like you two are missing puzzle pieces, the feeling wonbin makes you feel so secure in yourself, the feeling wonbin makes you feel that it’s him that you want and no one else
you can’t hurt wonbin. you couldn’t hurt wonbin. you can’t be with wonbin
with a fake smile, you gently squeeze wonbin’s hand. as if it’s a sign that everything will be alright. you’re hoping that wonbin wakes up from his little dream with you in it soon. it can’t end like this.
not like this.
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between the lines ★ long way home
⤷ from what started as a simple arrangement to hide your feelings for a certain someone by getting into in a fake relationship soon turns into a tangled mess. in which some things are hard to tell when you can’t read between the lines
 ˗ˏˋ prev | next  ˎˊ˗
★ notes .ᐟ im pissed the fuck off bc my plane just left me so enjoy the next two chapters because i know i will
★ taglist .ᐟ @callanton @annswwa @renjuneoo @pinkraindropsfell @lecheugo @ilovejungwonandhaechan @ahnneyong @haechansbbg @snowyseungs @sseastar-main @odxrilove @leeknowarchives @onlywonb @wonychu @leehanascent @jaeyunsb @au-ghosttype @revehosh @keilovr @kyusqult @dreamyyyz @ether-yeol @yangasm @qwonbani @starwonb1n @ffixtionista @daegale @scrumptiousloser @seunghancore @marksluvs @wonbinfiles @ohmykwonsoonyoung @reenfluffmarshmallow @bunni @artstaeh @yizhoutv @sie17136 @koeuh @07yujin @poollabug @vernonburger @dutifullyannoyingfox @000rpheus @wccycc @sunus-sun @highhjime @chweverni @toosspicy @heartlvrrss @s9nwoo @yoursyuno
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sk3tch404 · 5 months
Late Night Hanma Blurb
A/n: Thought abt this during an itty-bitty road trip today. Smoker Hanma does smth to the chemicals in my brain. Forgive me for any lengthy bad writing. I've had a long day and I just wanna yip yap about one of my fav crazies 🙇
CW: Hanma can give two shits about your lung health but chooses not to when he feels like it, intimidation, threats of forced drug usage, sometimes forced participation in violent activities, thoughts of lovers suicide/murder(?), and whatever other yappin I put in here.
Hanma who smokes a fuck ton and doesn't mind giving you the good ol' second-hand effects of it, but absolutely detests you doing it on your own.
He snatches the stick from your mouth and holds it up and away from you with a small grit in his teeth. Hanma glares down in some curiosity but clearly squints in irritation.
"The hell is this? Don't tell me I'm being a bad influence on you now. If I catch you with one of these again, I won't let you off the hook so easily. You got it, Y/n?"
When you retort, telling him it's no different from when he does it and it is your own choice whether he likes it or not, he merely scoffs with a tilt of his narrow head. Throwing down the cigarette, the sound of his sneaker stomping and scraping it out against the pavement echos through the air with an annoying presence. Shuji demands the rest of your stash with a looming stare that can only put you into a state of sinking discimfort.
"Come on, don't be stubborn. Ya know, if you wanna do it so bad, why don't you try the whole pack? Mine too since it's a shitload better than that cheap stuff."
Reluctant on suffocation and early lung cancer, you begrudgingly hand over your smokes to him. Hanma smacks down on the box with an evidently loud shot of noise and slides it out of your palm--- pocketing it. He stretches out narrow smile as he leans down towards you.
"See, now it ain't so hard to listen."
He's still ticked off by the fact you think you can do whatever to your body without his permission, but since Shuji is so generous, he'll let you learn from your mistakes. See, he can be nice.
Don't test him though. Next time you're caught defying his selfish wishes, he's beating you down with degrading language and probably also beating whoever was involved. The convenience store employee that sold you the cigs, vape, or maybe even chewing tobacco? Yeah he's taking out his held back frustration on them. Bro is jumping over the counter and tearing their shit up.
Avoiding him because of his brutal and honest-to-God psychopathic personality? Now that's just cruel. Shuji is dragging your ass by the back of your shirt and pushes you to his motorcycle. The leopard print on the back of the bike makes you wanna barf every time you see it, but you got to keep it down if you wanna have enough energy to deal with him. He'll take you out no matter where you are at in that point of time and make you remember who he is; who you think you're messing with.
"Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you? Aim for the nose. That's easy for amateurs like you. Actually, lemme show you how to really deliver a jaw breaker-"
Yeah, he'll show you just how bad it can get with some random thugs on the street. You should be grateful with how gentle he's treating you. Instead of ending up with facial fractures, you have nice dates and thoughtful gifts. He's even teaching you a few tricks. How lucky can you get?
"I'm all done. Shit, I'm starved. Let's go grab a bite to eat, kay?"
Hanma thinks the only way you'll ever keep paying attention to him is if he keeps you and your actions in line. If you go off doing your own thing, his usually unmoving heart can't just stand there and watch you slowly leave him. Despite the negativity be brings into your life, he actually gets really fuckin anxious when he doesn't know or understand what you're doing. It's so troublesome how you make him feel. Yeah, being bored as shit is bad, but seeing you, the only thing that could ever bring him down to his knees unwillingly, slip away with nothing but disdain for him? Fuck no. He won't accept it. Shuji would rather kill you and then himself than have to bear the strange feeling of pain, or what other people call heartbreak, by his lonesome self.
Should he ever say he loves you, that would be the point of no return for the both of you. His hands have you tight in his clutches. No way out, no way back in for anyone else.
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bokettochild · 11 months
Social Butterfly
Sometimes I just want to touch on the fact that Legend is not, in fact, the worst possible human being
He has friends
He has so many friends!
"No, Time, don't shoot that Dodongo! No, yeah, that's my old friend Demitri! He totally is chill and won't keep attacking if you stop hitting him, guys. Wait you want proof? Okay! Hey, Dimitri! It's Link! Yeah, see? Told you!"
Or you know, there's also Ricky and Moosh. Twilight is over here complaining about Wild's choice in steeds and Legend is sitting there wondering if now would be a bad time to mention that he got carried around in a murder-rabbit's front pocket, or that yeah, he's ridden bears too, but his flies.
Oh, the robbers who are holding them up on the road? The other heroes are all preparing for a beat down but Legend just groans and starts chewing out Ghanti because, seriously girl? You've filled the quota for how many times you can rob me this year! Find another sucker!
And when they run into the actual goddesses? Legend greets them all so chill, just a "hey, Din! Long time no see, how's things with the circus troupe? Nayru, how's Ralph doing? Did he finally master a spin attack or is he still struggling with that? No? Aw well, sucks to be him! And hey, Farore! Yeah, I'm going okay, how are you?"
Meanwhile the other heroes are just...okay, yeah, this is happening. Legend's friends with the goddesses and some strange animals. But then there's the witch girl who keeps running into them, seemingly targeting Legend? And every sage seems to know this guy, but there's like.....14 of them? And no matter where they go, it's just like "Hey, Vasu! Got any bigger ring boxes in? No. Aw well, I have some duplicates to trade." The librarian? The random seed farmers? The village mayors? The soldiers?
Legend knows literally everyone. The heroes can't even keep track of the names but they still keep coming. Legend finally starts telling stories of his adventures and the amount of people he names is just confusing. "No, no, Syrup is the old witch and Irene is her granddaughter." "Who's Rosa? Oh, she's a pop-star I dated this one time." "Raven? Oh, well, he's sort of a hero but not a chosen hero and he looks like Time but minus a decade and most of the trauma. Also he's my ancestor. Anyways..."
He just...knows everyone.
No one is sure how to reconcile the wary and guarded hero they know with the apparent social butterfly he just has to be to know all these people!
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 8 months
Never Have I Ever (Part 2) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Civilian Contractor! Reader (Callsign: Dove)
Length: 3.1k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only
Warnings: Female Reader with a Callsign, but no Physical Description or Name; Not Necessarily Healthy Decisions/Coping Mechanisms; Shy! Reader; Slow Burn; Coworkers to Friends to Lovers; Oblivious Idiots; Excessive Pining; Suggestive Humor
Summary: Hangman and Dove move into some more awkward topics as they continue Dove's challenge.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Master List
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# 13 - Ridden a Motorcycle
Stepping out of her apartment building, Dove paused when she saw Maverick waiting for her instead of Hangman in his truck. 
“Hey, Mav,” she greeted him, raising an eyebrow when he offered her a helmet. 
“Hangman looped me in about your challenge to yourself,” Maverick explained as Dove took the helmet. “And I thought I would offer some help.”
“Thanks, Mav.”
Dove put the helmet on and nervously climbed onto the back of the Kawasaki. Looking around, Dove turned back to Maverick. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.”
“That doesn’t really make me feel safe!” Dove yelped as Maverick drove down the road. 
“Why did you have Maverick drive me to Target?” Dove asked Hangman as they walked inside together. “I’m here at least once a week.” 
“We’re stocking up and looking for some inspiration,” Hangman explained, leading the way. 
“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this trip?” Dove sighed, following behind him. 
They worked clockwise through the store. They spent some time in the food section, picking out a few items for inspiration before moving onto the beauty section. Dove was looking at the hair dye options when Jake dropped a box into the cart. Looking down, Dove raised an eyebrow.
“Are you trying to tell me something, Hangman?” 
“You can wax whatever body part you want. You haven’t ever waxed . . . something before, right?”
“No, I haven’t. And I’ll just leave it there,” Dove replied, turning back to the hair dye options. Picking up two bottles, she showed them to Jake. “Should I do blue or red?” 
“You’re going to dye your hair?” he asked, sounding a bit concerned.
“Just temporary. This stuff is spray-on and it washes off with a shower.” 
“Then red. The blue is too . . .” Jake trailed off, meeting Dove’s gaze. “I don’t want to be rude.” 
“I’ll just get red then,” Dove agreed, placing one bottle in the cart and the other back. 
# 14 - Bought a Pregnancy Test
Jake and Dove slowly walked down the ‘family planning’ aisle. Dove forced herself to stare straight ahead as she and Jake stood side by side in front of the shelves. She leaned forward, grabbing a random pregnancy test before tossing it into the cart. 
Jake didn’t comment on her choice.
# 15 - Bought Condoms
“What size should I buy?” Dove asked Jake.
“What are you talking about?” 
“The condoms.” 
Jake turned to Dove, who refused to meet his gaze. Clearing his throat, he rubbed his cheek, trying to find a way out of the awkward question. 
“Just buy whatever size you’ve bought before.”
“I’ve never bought them before, that’s why I suggested it,” Dove pointed out, causing Jake to clear his throat again.
“Well, just buy a size that one of your exes wore. Just to get it over with.” 
“I don’t remember what sizes they wore,” Dove lied, but not in the way that Jake assumed.   
“Why?” Dove replied defensively. 
“You have an almost perfect memory,” Jake stated calmly, causing Dove to grow sheepish. “How much was your bill at the Hard Deck yesterday?”
“It’s unimportant.” 
But $16.53 kept flashing in her mind. 
“Just pick one.” 
“I’m not going to just pick one. It’ll just go to waste.” 
“Alright, let’s not overcomplicate things,” Jake sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. Glancing over at Dove, and causing her to turn away from him quickly, Jake leaned down, grabbed a box, and tossed it into the cart. “There. Done. Let’s move on.” 
They got to the self-checkout area and they were about to start scanning when Dove let out a groan. 
“I forgot to get milk.” 
“I’ll go grab it,” Jake offered, stepping back. 
“Well, you’re buying me condoms,” Jake mused, causing Dove’s cheeks to warm. “I think I can return the favor.” 
Dove nodded and swallowed thickly before going back to her scanning. She moved through the items before she picked up the box of condoms. She had told herself and Jake that she wouldn’t look, but her impulse control wasn’t what it once was these days. 
“That was a bad idea,” she cursed herself, scanning the box and tossing it into her shopping bag. “A dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb idea, Dove.” 
Jake eventually caught up with her and they walked out of the store together. Putting the bag into the back of Jake’s truck, Dove walked around and sat in the passenger seat. Jake placed the milk carton down beside the bag and quickly grabbed the box of condoms and shoved them into his pocket. 
“You just had to open your mouth in front of the condoms,” he scolded himself, closing the trunk. 
# 16 - Bought a Lottery Ticket
“Why are we stopping at a gas station?” Dove asked Jake as he held the door open for her. 
“Well, I assumed that you’ve never bought a lottery ticket before.”
“No, I haven’t,” she admitted quietly. 
Dove walked over to the clerk and bought a random lottery ticket. After grabbing it, Dove and Jake headed back out to the truck. 
“You think you’ll win anything?” Jake asked as he started the truck. 
“No. I'm not usually lucky,” she replied bluntly, tucking the ticket into her purse.
“You never know,” Jake returned, causing Dove to look over at him. “You could get lucky soon.” 
“Maybe,” Dove agreed quietly. 
# 17 - Tried Baby Food
“If anything, this should be the safest food you'll eat all day,” Jake stated, opening the jar of baby food. “And it’s apple flavored, so it should taste just like applesauce.” 
Dove pulled out a spoon and scooped out some baby food. Bringing it to her mouth, she tasted it tentatively for a moment before shrugging her shoulders and nodding.
“Yeah, just like applesauce. It’s weirdly smooth though.”
#18 - Waxed
“If this burns my skin, it’s on your head, Seresin,” Dove warned Jake, applying the wax to her thigh.
They were standing in her bathroom together and Dove had changed into a pair of gym shorts while Jake heated up the wax for her. Holding out her hand, Dove thanked Jake when he handed her the paper strip before placing the paper down on top of the wax. Turning back to him, she gripped the flap, took a breath, and yanked the strip. 
“What? What?” 
Dove hopped on one foot and eventually balanced herself on Jake as she looked down to see if her leg was actually on fire or not. Jake held her right hand as Dove poked at the now irritated skin. 
“You still have two legs,” Jake remind Dove, causing her to scoff.
“Why don’t you try some then if it’s not so bad?” 
# 19 - Waxed Someone Else
“Just put it on my leg,” Jake sighed, pulling up his shorts a little more. “Tit for tat.” 
Dove placed a heavy glob on his thigh and spread it around. Picking up another strip of paper, Dove pressed it down onto the wax before looking up at Jake. She grabbed the flap and offered him a smile. 
“You need a countdown, Lieutenant?” 
With how they were situated, Dove was sitting in between Jake’s legs as his leg was resting on the edge of the tub. And the way that she was smiling at him and the way that she let his rank slide off her tongue . . . he forced himself to look up at the ceiling.
“Just pull it.” 
# 20 - Left a Negative Review Online
“You know, I didn’t actually rip your leg off.” 
“Still, we have to warn people. Don’t need anyone else getting skinned alive,” Jake replied, accepting a bag of ice from Dove. “Grab your phone.”
“To take a picture of you being dramatic?”
“No, to write a bad review. That shit’s horrible!” 
“It was only seven dollars. What did you expect?”
“Just write a bad review,” Jake sighed, sitting up as he rested the bag of ice against his red skin. Looking up at Dove, who made no move to grab her phone, he tilted his chin up. “You’ve never written a bad review before have you?” 
“Of course, I have!” Dove protested, folding her arms over her chest. When Jake stared her down, Dove winced and turned away.
“Grab. Your. Phone.” 
Dove sat down beside Jake and pulled up the product that they bought. Glancing over at Jake, she turned back to her phone and typed out a review.
Wax was a bit difficult coming off.
“Even when you’re writing a bad review, you’re being nice,” Jake sighed, causing Dove to sour.
Wax felt like you were ripping your skin off. Leaves an angry red rash behind. And it reduced a big tough naval aviator to tears.
“I didn’t cry!” 
“I could see tears,” Dove replied, laughing as Jake tried to snatch her phone. 
Leaning away from him as he pressed up against her, she held her phone away from him. Managing to hit the post button before he could grab it, Dove turned to Jake, who was a lot closer to her than she was expecting. And Jake, in turn, seemed to realize how far he had leaned over, pretty much pressing Dove against the arm of her couch. 
“Well,” Jake stated awkwardly. He scooched over to the opposite end of the small couch and cleared his throat. “I have a couple more ideas.” 
“Alright,” Dove agreed quietly, slowly sinking back into his seat. 
# 21 - Watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians
“I can feel myself getting dumber,” Dove commented, frowning at the ridiculous scene. 
“You want to switch to something else?” 
“Wait, I want to see how Kim flips out first.”
“So, you like it?”
“You’re the one who had it under their recommendations,” Dove pointed out, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
# 22 - Watched a Horror Movie
“This is more like psychological horror than jump scare horror,” Jake replied as Dove hugged a throw pillow, staring at the screen. 
“That can be worse,” Dove stated quietly. 
“Phoenix liked it.” 
Dove groaned and held the pillow to her face. Jake reached for a handful of popcorn and leaned back in his seat. The movie progressed and Jake could feel Dove getting more and more on edge with the direction that the movie was taking. And when it got to the truly creepy scenes, she winced and hid her face in the pillow. 
“Well, you’re watching half of a horror movie,” Jake commented, earning an indignant look. Rolling her eyes, Dove turned back to the screen out of spite
“You’re such a—” 
The jump scare, of course, flashed onto the screen and Dove jumped a bit. She didn’t scream or anything excessive more than a gasp, but because she had been kneeling, she fell over and landed on his thighs. Jake winced and Dove quickly apologized.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake assured her, wincing a bit as she slid off of him.
“Do you need more ice?” Dove asked, causing Jake to momentarily panic.
“For what?”
“Your wax burn?” Dove suggested, like it was obvious.
“Oh . . . no, I’m fine.”
# 23 - Pressed Every Button in an Elevator
The elevator bell dinged overhead and Dove grit her teeth together just a little bit more. The doors held open for a moment before closing again.
“If we ever make it to the bottom of the building, Hangman, you have a five second head start before I kill you,” Dove warned him.
“You’re not a very patient person.” 
“For murder, I am,” she replied, shooting him a look.
Jake offered her a smile that had earned him a lot of sharp remarks over the years, but with the way that Dove was glaring at him, the edges of his smile softened. She tried to look menacing, but she only managed to appear about as threatening as a kitten. 
“Where are we going anyways?” Dove sighed, turning back to the door. 
# 24 - Snuck In to See a Movie
“Jake,” Dove hissed to him as he led her in through the side entrance to the theater. “What are you doing? We’re too old for this shit.” 
“No one’s even going to be in here. Come on,” Jake insisted, grabbing her hand and tugging her into the theater closest to the door. “I mean, how many people are going to watch this movie? It’s been out for weeks.”
“I don’t know.” 
“In the middle of the day?”
“If we get kicked out and banned, it’s your fault,” Dove hissed as they took their seats. 
The movie started and after a while, Dove actually relaxed and started to watch it. They walked out together along with three other people and headed out to Jake’s truck.
“That wasn’t too bad for a free movie.” 
“No,” Dove agreed, hopping into his truck. “I mean, Jon Hamm makes every movie better.” 
“You like Jon Hamm?” Jake asked, climbing into the driver’s seat. “Really?”
“Isn’t he a little old for you?”
“And a little too famous for me,” Dove scoffed, putting her seatbelt on. 
“Doesn’t he look too much like Cyclone for you?” Jake continued, starting up the truck. Turning quickly to Dove as realization struck him, he asked, “Is that why you’re so nice to Cyclone? Because he looks like Jon Hamm?”
“He’s our boss, of course, I’m nice to him,” Dove snapped, leaning back in her seat. “And besides, Cyclone doesn’t smile.”
“You like a guy who smiles?” 
“I like a guy who actually drives instead of holding me hostage in a parking lot.”
“Picky, picky,” Hangman joked before driving off.
# 25 - Taken a Coin from a Fountain
“Are you kidding me?” Dove hissed to Jake, who shrugged in response.
“Just do it.” 
“Why not?”
“It’s wrong, Jake.” 
“What? It’s just a coin. Look, that dime’s barely even in the water. You can scoop it up easily,” Jake insisted, pointing at a coin. 
“Someone made a wish and put it in there. We can’t just take it.” 
“They won’t know.”
“But I’ll know,” Dove replied, causing Jake to groan. 
“Why does it matter so much to you?” 
“Because why?”
“Well,” Dove sighed, looking away from Jake. “My parents divorced when I was a kid and they always met at the local mall when I would switch parents. And my dad always gave me a coin to make a wish while we waited for my mom and . . .” 
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” Jake stated as Dove turned her back to him. “We don’t have to do it.”
“Even if I was just lying?” 
“Even if . . . you were lying about that?” Jake demanded, causing Dove to smile proudly. 
“Yeah. Well, my parents are divorced, but the rest of it was bullshit.” Nudging him on the arm, she laughed. “But I thought you of all people wouldn’t fall for the whole ‘divorced parents’ sob story.” Smiling to herself, she folded her arms over her chest. “Maybe I’m a better liar than I thought.” 
“So, you’re going to take a coin then?”
“No, it’s still wrong, Jake.” 
“Here, I’ll throw one in and you can pick that one. I don’t mind if you crush my dreams,” Jake offered jokingly, pulling out his wallet. He grabbed a penny and tossed it onto the edge of the pool. “There.”
Dove huffed and looked around before bending over and grabbing the penny quickly from the water. Turning back to Jake, she handed the penny back.
“What did you wish for?”
“That I don’t fall for your little stories again,” Jake muttered, causing Dove to grin. 
“We pulled the coin out, so your wish isn’t going to happen.”
Jake sighed and shook his head, earning a smile and giggle from Dove in return.
# 26 - Committed a Federal Crime
“Jake, this isn’t a crime.” 
“You’re taking my mail. It’s a federal crime, Dove.” 
“You handed me your mail key.” 
“Sneaking into the movie theater, taking a coin from a public fountain, and now you’re stealing mail? Where will it end?” Jake listed dramatically, causing Dove to shush him. 
“Here’s your mail. All two envelopes,” she replied, handing over the key and mail.
“You have to open it.” 
Dove huffed and rolled her eyes, opening one of the envelopes begrudgingly. Pulling out the paper inside, she turned to Jake.
“Did you want to upgrade your WiFi?” she asked sarcastically.
# 27 - Licked a Bar of Soap
“When I said that I could eat, I wasn’t referring to soap,” Dove replied, opening the box. 
“The rest of the squad is coming over soon. I told them to bring food.”
Dove stuck out her tongue and licked the bar of soap before wrinkling her nose and walking off to the bathroom to wash out her mouth. 
“You pick the dumbest ones,” she huffed.
# 28 - Had an Anchovy
“They’re not that bad,” Bob stated, ignoring the disgusted looks from the rest of the people in the room. “What? They’re not.”
“Let me just get this over with. If the taste doesn’t kill me, the smell will,” Dove sighed, grabbing an anchovy from the tin and shoving it into her mouth.
She wrinkled her nose in disgust but swallowed it like a champion and quickly reached for her drink. Sliding the tin over to Bob as she took a few gulps, Dove finished her drink and hiccuped. 
“You can keep the rest, Bob.”
# 29 - Been Given Flowers
“Sorry, I’m late,” Rooster stated, sliding into Jake’s apartment. “Have we voted yet?”
“Not yet,” Phoenix stated, shaking her head. 
Rooster set the grocery bag down on the countertop and turned to Dove, who sighed when she saw the look in his eye. 
“Please don’t tell me that you brought more fish.”
“No, but have you ever been gifted flowers, Dove?”
“Not that I can think of, no. Why?”
Rooster pulled out a small bundle of yellow flowers wrapped in plastic and handed it to Dove. Her eyes widened and she took the small bouquet in her hand, staring down at it curiously. She sniffed the flowers before turning back to Rooster.
“Any time,” Rooster replied with a wink before moving to walk around the kitchen island. “Excuse me, Hangman.”
Rooster passed by Jake, completely ignoring his death stare, and grabbed a plate. Phoenix got everyone’s attention while Dove quietly placed the flowers down behind her. 
“Alright, where are we going to go for our team vacation? Vegas? Or the lakehouse that Bob found?”
“Vegas,” Rooster quickly voted. 
“Lakehouse,” Hangman immediately challenged. 
“Something tells me that I should crack open a beer,” Coyote sighed, walking to the fridge.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Playing in the rain
𖤐Pairing: Father! Price x Mother! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, language, good father Price, daddies girl, kissing, married couple, children, kissing, parents flirting,
𖤐Summary: It's raining in Manchester and Iris wants to go play outside
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Iris stayed home from school today, the roads were closed due to flooding and some buses couldn’t get to students to pick them up.
Iris watched as the water droplets fall on the window and run down them like they were racing each other. Her mother Y/n was in the kitchen fixing Iris a grilled cheese as she also was holding baby Beau to her chest as she fixed lunch.
“Iris baby, do you want soup?”
“No. Just the grilled cheese,” Iris says, still looking out the window.
Y/n looks up and sees her daughter watching the rain. Y/n remembers a time where she use to enjoy the rain.
“Iris, why don’t you get changed into some better clothes and go grab your raincoat and boots?”
“Okay, mama,” Iris gets off the little seat next to the window and heads upstairs to her bedroom to change like her mother had asked her to.
Y/n places the freshly made grilled cheese on a plate and pushed it on the counter to where she knows Iris will sit. And right on time, Iris comes down raincoat and boots in hand and she climbs on the stool to eat.
“When you get eating I’ll help you put everything on, and we can head outside.”
“Okay!” She sounded excited. “Mama, will you joy me on playing in the rain?”
“I wish I could baby, but I have to keep Beau with me and so I also make sure he doesn’t get sick, but I think daddy is coming home soon, maybe he’ll join?”
Iris just smiles at the mention of Price coming home.
As Iris was eating, her mom eating as well and trying to make sure Beau was still asleep, Iris would tell her mom about random things that happened at school.
Like a kid starting a food fight and milk landed on her.
Or the time where the teacher yelled at everyone for no reason.
And the time where Price ended up picking Iris up a bit early to have lunch together.
Y/n knew the first two were just fake, she wanted to make her school life seem a bit interesting but the last one, may be true. Y/n has even gotten phone calls about Iris's school for not showing up to school when Price would have to drop her off at school. And comes to find out Price thought maybe him and Iris should do father-daughter days.
Even before Beau was born. Nowadays, Iris is attached to Price and Beau is attached to Y/n.
Y/n bent down helping Iris put her jacket on and making sure Iris put the right boots on the correct foot. Once Y/n opened the front door Iris darted out and started to splash in puddles as Y/n was under the awning watching her daughter play.
She splashes and kicks the water up, she then sees mud at the edge of the driveway and puts her hands in it, squeezing the mud between her small fingers and laughing before finding a big puddle to clean her hands off the best she could.
Soon a black chevy impala pulls into the driveway, Iris immediately knew who it was and ran to the driver side door when the impala stops.
The door opens and Iris is greeted with a deep thick accent. She's then picked up by her father, he kisses her cheek and set her back on the concrete.
"What are you doing at out? It's raining," Price says, bending down to Iris's level, he was letting himself get wet just to listen to his daughter.
"It looked like fun to play in the rain, and mama said we could come outside," Iris tells her daddy.
Price looks at his wife standing under the little roof above the porch as she smiles and gently pats Beau's back.
"I see, why don't I join my baby girl?" Price says as he removes his gear but was left in his tight dark green shirt, his famous bucket hat, his camo pants and boots.
He watches as Iris jumps in puddles and splashes Price, he does the same but make sure it's not a lot to completely cover her cold water. Price then picks up Iris and he tilts his head back catching water in his mouth and Iris follows his lead.
Y/n smiles at her husband and daughter. "Alright I hate to ruin the fun, but why don't you both come in and warm up before you both could catch a cold," she says as Price smiles and walks under the roof and kissed Y/n's lips as they all walked into the house together.
Y/n rubbed a towel on Price's head as he lets out a loud dad sneeze. Scaring Y/n but also making her laugh.
"You sneeze so loud."
"I can't help it," he sounded stuffed up.
"You're sick aren't you?"
"Must've been the rain," he sneezes.
"Well, you didn't have anything protecting you from the rain like Iris and she's not even sick."
"True, true," he sniffles and Y/n sits next to him on the bed.
"You're a good father."
"And you're the best mother." Price leans in and kisses Y/n's lips.
"And you probably just got me sick as well," Y/n says with a smile.
"That's fine, then I get to take care of you, like you do with me," Price smirks.
"Do you two always kiss each other?" Iris's small voice was heard from their shared bedroom doorway.
"Get to bed, young lady," Price says. Iris takes off down the hall giggling making Y/n and Price laugh. "Yes, I do kiss you whenever I want to."
"You are such a flirt," she pushes his face away.
"Only for you," his arm wraps around her waist pulling her close to his chest. Iris came back and looked at her parents, Y/n on her husband's lap as they were talking, Y/n spoke about early today and Price looked at her like he could listen to her for HOURS.
Iris knows her parents love each other very much, Price felt like someone was watching him and his wife, he looks passed Y/n for a few seconds and saw Iris. He motions for her to 'come here' which she follows and crawls on the bed with her parents.
Price pulls her into his side as Y/n moves some of Iris's hair from her face as Y/n was still talking.
It was around eleven at night and Price was still up watching some of the Bluey cartoon, Y/n was asleep her head resting on Price's chest, her arm draped over his stomach as Iris was asleep cuddled up to his arm. He hasn't moved for 3 hours.
Which is also the reason he can't sleep, he doesn't want to wake his girls up and has to deal with two grumpy girls on his hands, he knows that lesson, and is probably the only trait Iris has picked up from her mother. Don't bother sleeping women, they want their rest.
Price yawns closing his eyes but his eyes shot open feeling Y/n move around thinking it might have been his doing, he bites his bottom lip and watches her just roll over on her side facing away from Price.
Price let's out a soft sigh before turning to look at Iris his eyes met with Iris's blue eyes.
"Daddy...why aren't you asleep?"
"I just can't."
"Do you want some milk?"
"Yeah, mama gives me milk if I can't sleep."
"I guess," Price yawns, Iris gets off the bed and Price gently moves his arm from his wife's grasp and followed Iris to the kitchen. He pulls the fridges door open as Iris climbed on the counter to get a glass which Price ended up getting her off the counter and putting her on the floor and poured his own glass of milk and then giving the gallon to Iris and helped her pour her own glass.
They both stayed in the kitchen for some times now before heading back upstairs. Price checked on Beau and he seemed happy as ever, and follows Iris to her bedroom tucking her into bed and kissing her temple.
"Can you tell me a story?"
"Okay...like what, baby?"
"Like...how you and mama met?"
"Didn't I already tell you that story?"
"Maybe...but I wanna hear it again," she smiles up at him.
"Okay, okay, I'll tell you it."
Y/n woke up to an empty bed, no husband and no daughter. She yawns and rubs her eyes before removing the covers off her body and heading down the hall where she could hear John's deep thick accent voice.
She stops and leans against the wall just outside of Iris's bedroom listening in. Then she realized he's telling Iris the first time her and Price met. Her heart clenches when Iris was asking questions about if he thought it was love at first sight?
"Yeah...I think so," Price says with a smile. "If it wasn't love you and Beau wouldn't be here with us, enjoying life together."
"Would Beau and I be with different parents?" Price didn't know how to answer that.
"Umm~ y-yeah," he stutters. "Anyways...good night baby," he kisses her forehead.
"Good night, daddy." Price turns off her lamp and gently shuts the door and saw Y/n. "Jesus! I'm going to put a bell on you," he says holding his chest like he was going to have a heart attack.
"That can be arranged," she grabs his shirt leading him back to he bedroom.
"Oh fuck."
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Steve being a hidden nerd in certain ways (ei: sports, camping, outdoor stuff like camping & vegetation/botony, bugs, animals & shit) the kids losing their collective mind as Steve tells them about it. Maybe on a camping trip or something???? I especially want Hop to be impressed.
This is maybe my first request that didn't have some kind of romantic relationship Steddie. They do have a little flirty moment, but beyond that, I liked the idea of just everyone loving Steve and being so intrigued by his knowledge of all of this random nature stuff. Also, no research was done here. Like, zero. I don't know what is true and what isn't so assume none of it is. This is fiction based on fiction and we're here for a good time. I've never been to Yosemite, but it is on the list for me and Liam to go! - Mickala ❤️
No one expected Steve to actually want to go camping. Sure, he wanted an RV, wanted to go to National Parks and see mountains and lakes and rivers, but they assumed he’d just want to stay in the RV.
They hadn’t expected him to bring tents.
They hadn’t expected him to suggest sleeping in the tents.
“But…we have an RV,” Mike said, suddenly no longer interested in their trip to Yosemite.
“To travel in. But we won’t all comfortably sleep in it. It’s made for five people at most.”
And that was that. The only people sleeping in the RV were Hopper and Joyce and Max and El, and everyone else was sleeping in tents.
The entire drive there was filled with arguments over music, arguing over who got to sit where, and Steve’s “fun facts” about the land they would be staying on.
He had apparently done quite a bit of research, or he had been hiding a whole wealth of knowledge from everyone.
His fun facts were actually interesting, and everyone quickly tuned in when he started telling them about how the mountains could be dated because of the type and color of the rocks, and how much of the sequoias had been destroyed over the last couple of decades and what they were doing to preserve what was left.
When they arrived, everyone stared in wonder at the meadow in front of them, the mountains as the backdrop to a beautiful sunset.
It would still be light for close to two hours, so they didn’t rush to set up the tents. They went on a short walk along the road they took to the campsite, Steve pointing out different types of plants and birds as they went.
Everyone was in awe of his information, but no one was as surprised as Hopper.
“Where did you learn all this?” he asked on the way back to the campsite as the kids raced each other ahead.
“I went to camp once when I was seven and then I was obsessed with nature. My parents wouldn’t let me go back to camp, but they let me get books and movies about plants and animals. In high school, I took geology and almost had a perfect grade. I just like this stuff,” Steve shrugged.
“So you only went to camp once? Is this your way of going to camp?” Hopper asked casually.
He didn’t usually ask questions that didn’t tell him something he absolutely needed to know.
“I guess. And to spend time with everyone. I like when we can all be together without hell surrounding us, ya know?” Steve admitted.
Hopper’s hand rested on his shoulder and squeezed in silent agreement.
Putting the tents up had been relatively easy, especially when Steve managed to show them a trick he taught himself when he was young and wanted to set up a tent in his backyard but never had anyone there to help him.
No one commented on how sad it was, but Steve realized it after he said it.
As everyone got their sleeping bags and lamps set up in their tents, Steve found a large rock along the edge of the creek in the meadow and sat on it, watching as the sun finally sank behind the mountains.
“Hey,” a voice startled Steve.
He relaxed when he turned to see that it was Eddie.
“Mind if I sit with you for a minute? Kids are being a bit too much right now.”
“Go ahead,” Steve gestured to the spot next to him. “Not exactly a comfy seat, but the view can’t be beat.”
“Oh, so you’re rhyming now?” Eddie teased as he nudged Steve’s shoulder.
“Not on purpose,” Steve laughed. “It’s pretty great out here, though.”
“Yeah it is. You did good, Stevie.”
Steve looked over to see Eddie already smiling fondly at him.
“Yeah. And, for what it’s worth, I think it’s pretty fucking cool that you love nature so much. Nature isn’t really a good friend of mine, but it’s pretty nice to hear about it from you.”
“I’ll make an explorer out of you yet, Eds.”
Eddie looked at him with a look he hadn’t seen on anyone before, at least not towards him.
“Maybe you will, Stevie.”
Eddie only sat there for another minute before excusing himself to check that none of the kids touched his brand new acoustic guitar.
Steve sat there until it was completely dark around him, watching the land in front of him shift ever so slightly as the breeze picked up and the cicadas started their nightly song.
Robin sat down next to him, rested her head against his shoulder and sat with him in silence for a few minutes.
“It’s good to be out here. I don’t think Max ever expected to see mountains like this. She keeps asking when she can climb them,” Robin whispered.
“She does remember her legs aren’t at 100% yet still, right?” Steve asked.
“I think she’s willing to give it a go anyway. What’s the point of being here and surviving everything if you can’t even try?”
Steve nodded.
“Wanna come tell us more about the trail we’re taking tomorrow?”
“You guys wanna hear about it now?”
“Yeah. We like that you’re passionate about it.”
Steve felt his cheeks heat up at the words.
“Okay then. If you guys don’t mind. There’s supposed to be a specific type of rabbit who burrows along this specific trail during the summer and they can grow to be nearly two feet long.”
“That sounds terrifying. Come tell everyone about it,” Robin said as she got up and offered him a hand.
He took it and made his way back to the group.
Everyone listened to him talk about their plan for tomorrow, not interrupting when he got sidetracking talking about the type of trees they would see and what kind of flowers tended to bloom during this particular time of year.
When Steve and Eddie slipped into their tent an hour or so later, they could have stayed in their respective sleeping bags.
But Steve was still too eager to talk about things, so Eddie sidled up next to him in his sleeping bag and held his hand while he talked for another hour about the waterfall they’d be seeing and the type of fish that would most likely be in the river.
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