#like sorry dad ive talked to these people for a year or more in most cases also I'm almost an adult fuck off man
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sage-is-in-fact-very-tired · 3 months ago
✨️jazz hands✨️ wow I wish I could just I don't know, fucking finish my milk in piece without it all being linked back to me wanting to play on the computer. like yeah guys good association its definitely true for sure guys you're so fucking smart huh, not like I maybe, I dunno know, just wanted to finish my milk and also get things done on the queue. not like thats a thing I could do. nope not at all for sure you're so smart thinking you know everything going on in my brain
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08melancholie · 5 months ago
(Just a warning, non-con is mentioned in this but I’m not talking about it in a graphic way)
I wanna yap, and you’re the only person I know who will most likely agree with me, so get ready
Okay so I wanna talk about how people use that news paper clipping (will add it below)
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If you can’t read it, the basic summary is Micah and his father killed a farmer and his wife. Micah the second(I’ll just call him Micah the second) was 38 and Micah was 17 years old, from what we know from the game and Micah literally saying it himself that his father was a bad man, and we have no idea what his mother was like, maybe she was mistreated by his father, Left or was bad too. Anyways back to the original conversation is that no 17 year old is gonna kill someone without being influenced to do it, obviously Micah the third was pressured by his father to kill people. He says it himself, “my daddy said sympathy is for the weak” so his father most likely groomed him into crime (or whatever word you use for that) and his brother Amos luckily got away from that mess and started a family. It’s obvious that Micah the third was influenced by his father.
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off topic I wanna talk about his relationship with his brother
Micah brother doesn’t exactly hate him, and something I wanna talk about is that Micah is atheist and Amos is Christian, Amos had the chance to change from being a outlaw but Micah didn’t because his brother didn’t want Micah near him anymore. So Micah continued on the outlaw path, I wish we knew more about the bell family.
And last but not least, I wanna talk about some of the narcissistic people in the fandom and how stupid they sound.
“Micah is a grapist” The thing is, we don’t know that and nobody in the fandom knows that he is or isn’t, it’s not confirmed and it’s a theory. Also we don’t know if he actually did it with Jenny, he could’ve been lying just to gain attention and we don’t know if it was non-con or not. “His looks give off pervert vibes” that’s a bit odd to say considering his actor looks like him? It’s really rude to say too, it’s kinda sad how Peter got death threats and people say “That’s how you know he plays good as a villain” that’s how you know people are too sensitive to be playing a game about outlaws
Yet again, they don’t call out any other characters for it? Like Dutch, bill, and Javier and harass people for liking Micah.
“Micah’s racist and you support his actions!” That’s the way Micah was brought up, although it’s still wrong and nobody supports it. Do they support Arthur killing people? No I don’t think they do
Sorry gang I had to yap
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more after the cut <3
Firstly, I do absolutely agree on Micah's upbringing. I have a brief post on it already ("Upbringing.") and I very much think that his dad set him up for failure very early on, giving him no chance to pick his path himself.
Amos and Micah were both influenced by their father as all three did crimes together, but Amos was lucky enough to get himself out of it, while Micah sadly couldn't. That's the very reason I think Micah ended up killing his own father; never having a chance to choose his own path.
Now, I don't blame Amos for disliking Micah, but I wish there was just a little sympathy he had for his brother, because he himself was in Micah's shoes for a good portion of both of their lives.
Unrelated: I find it very interesting Amos is the only on here that has his own name, and isn't Micah IV or something. Do you think this also influenced something between the two of them, that made them more distant? I know I would be pissed if my brother got his own name, while I had to continue family tradition. Just a thought.
Now, the Jenny Kirk situation is very tricky; we don't get much information about it. All he really says is that he 'had her', said she was a 'dirty little thing', how he felt for Lenny because he 'got her before he could', and last how she 'might have been carry Micah IV.', but that's really it.
We don't get anything else from Micah about it, or in the game in general. That really means it's left for interpretation of the fandom, which we know most will say that it was a non-con situation. Now—maybe a little controversial—I don't think that he necessarily assaulted her. I mean, he isn't ugly to everyone. Let's talk camp interactions; he fake-flirts with Susan Grimshaw, who plays into it. Would she be doing that if she thought him unattractive? I don't think so. Then again, I do wish we had some confirmation on this, like with other characters (Colm, Dutch etc.)
While on topic of that, I want to mention another thing. Whether or whether not Micah is a rapist, I think the fact that Dutch is confirmed to be one in RDR1 is just wayyy too overlooked, while everyone makes their speculations and accusations on Micah through a singular interaction with him. In RDR1, when Dutch is being described, one of the names is 'rapist' and I wish that more people talked about that, and not so much Micah's that isn't even hinted at to be an assault. But, to each their own.
Small edit: This was still wrong of Micah, considering Jenny's age. It's not exactly known, but she was very young (17-21) and absolutely out of his age range. Even if consensual between the two of them, it was very prominent that she was way too young to have sex with him, and that's on him as the older one in the situation.
Another small edit: I've since changed my view on the Dutch thing, as in him being a rapist. Before this post I hadn't yet played RDR1 and believed what I was told happened in the game. After playing RDR1 and talking to people about it, I'm in a very lukewarm spot just like with Micah where it's up to interpretation, but I personally believe it may not be true.
Peter Blomquist getting sent threats was proof he could play an amazing villain, and it makes me pretty sad to think people don't know how to separate the character from his actor. It was pretty immature to send him literal threats, and I still sometimes see comments on his instagram, which is just insane. It's been years, and we still act this immature?
As far as Micah's racism comments go, the root is most likely also his father. But, I can't much excuse him there because I myself grew up around some very vulgar language about people of color. Not to forget, with me being Croatian, I was around when people still talked ill of Serbs because of the war. But, even as a very impressionable kid, I was able to grow myself out of it. I never spoke ill of Serbs or people of color. (Briefly while I was still around 12, but I feel that can be overlooked.) I think it's possible to change your views, and this is one of the few things where I can't much find a way to defend Micah, but I'll take into consideration his upbringing and the fact that during the Western times, a heap of people were practically all racist.
They may see themselves as vigilantes, but everyone in the gang is a bad person, that has done/is doing bad things. Micah is a bit more ruthless, that much I'll admit. But again, another ideal of his fathers and how he was brought up. "My daddy always said, sympathy is for the weak." He says even more lines like these, spreading his fathers' bad teachings because that's what he knows. But, I do find it very intriguing that he still spreads his fathers' word, even after killing him himself. Oh, Micah; my fellow daddy-issue-haver.
Yapping session completed chat, also good morning!!! I just woke up and saw this long ass ask and immediately rose to my feet. I love yapping with you guys <3
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jacks-little-jacky · 11 months ago
Heyheyhey!! Anon here again! Do you mind writing a scenario in which Jack’s crush absolutely adores adopting children (I’m not talking about one or two, I’m talking about an ’army’ of them, like, 6/7) ?
Like, those kids are incredibly fond of him to the point that in the future they accidentally call him ’dad’? (maybe you can end it with some smut, with Jack offering them another sibling 👀) (IM SO SORRY, THIS HAS BEEN ON MY MIND FOR SO LONG AND I’VE BEEN MEANING TO ASK FOR A LONG TIME, BUT IVE NEVER MET ANOTHER JACK SIMP BEFORE— I HOPE I CAN REQUEST AGAIN SOON, I ADORE YOUR WRITING!!❤️❤️❤️)
The Littlest Army | Jack x Reader
Okay so I ADORE Dilf! Jack. Sorry that this took so long but I'm getting back into this blog and I hope the quality is to your taste. Bon appetit.
Warnings: inappropriate use of children (Jack throws them), NSFW Under The Cut! Everything above is pretty SFW, breeding kink/unprotected yee-hawing, mention of pregnancy, I tried something new so idk
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Jack has never seen this coming.
Never, in all of his 28 years of living has he seen himself as a father figure. Sure, leading a Squad that accepted 15-year-olds sometimes made him somewhat of a caregiver. More or less.
He didn't see himself as the domestic type. He could handle the young recruits, they were his subordinates after all. Of course, they were teenagers, but there still was this distance. Professionalism, as little as Jack would bring it with him at least.
Jack wasn't one to settle down, have children and drink tea in his little cottage by a lake. No, that wasn't him. Or so he thought.
Until he met you.
A pretty thing, how couldn't he notice you? Always smiling, waving at the Magic Knight with the two little bundles next to her knees.
He never meant for this to happen.
But the preparations for the Royal Knights Exam came up and everbody was oh so busy. So busy that the Captains would come from their high horses and take over the boring patrols and mediocore missions so their knights would have further time to train.
And Jack always was a working bee, anything that was preventing him from sitting hours in his office going through reports and filing documents about broken equipment and whatnot was good to him.
Really, with the way he was patrolling almost each day the cities around his base location he shouldn't be suprised he picked up on people there. He wasn't unobservant, he just didn't care most of the time.
But after almost two weeks he knew the names of the baker and the lady who spilled coffee in a rush on him. He knew the names of some children he saw running around, learning them from their mothers yelling after them. The names of some of the nuns taking care of the orphans too.
And of course, you. Sweet, temptating, captivating you.
Always running around, helping the nuns. Always running around, bumping into him. Always running around, never leaving his mind.
It was unfair. A sick kind of joke the universe played on him. But how was he supposed to resist? Resist you and your kind smile, your little giggle, and the way you'd bat your eyelashes at him. The way you silently pleaded for him to take the cookies the kids made for him.
And he did, lowering on his knees slowly while staring into your eyes. His golden eyes only leaving your captivating eyes when his knees hit the ground and he redirected his gaze to the actual kids around him.
They were loud, tugging at his robe and shoving the cookies almost into his face. He cracked a little smile, before giving in and laughing. Ruffling their hair and taking cookies, biting a chunk off and praising how good they were.
Asking if they had any help. Which of course, he knew they had. His eyes darted to you when they started laughing, telling him about how you helped with the baking but they did all the decorating themselves! Such proud little bundles of joy, cheering your name.
It made something in his stomach churn.
The way your proud eyes sparkled, the way your plump lips spread into this stupid smile that had his heart aching. How you watched over them, even with him near.
At first, he didn't think he'd ever have a chance. With how much you helped the orphanage, Jack's working theory had been that you were in training maybe. Although you didn't wear the robes, the way you'd almost always be there when he passed on his patrol and the way the children often referred to you as a big sister or mother figure was evidence for itself.
He often wondered, about the two bundles that would always be around you. If those children were just especially attached to you, or if they even were your own in a way.
And of course, you two got talking. After all the kids were amazed to not only see a Magic Knight but a Captain regularly patroling their place! And you were just making sure, that he wasn't a danger to them, or that they didn't bother him too much.
Just making sure. Definitely not being interested in the tall commoner yourself. No, that would be ridiculous.
It didn't take long for Jack to figure out that you were not really one of the sisters who worked at the orphanage. But your two adoptive kids were close friends with some of the kids there. So they'd get to see their friends and hang out and you did your part in the community. You just liked kids, helping them and being around them.
Something Jack, oddly enough, has come to appreciate more and more with every visit he paid you guys.
He soon found out that you didn't only have two kids, but four. A ridiculous amount if you ask him, not that you do but he tells you that anyway.
Oddly enough, with his attitude, you would've thought he'd start backing off. The subtle flirtatious, the little touches that lingered a bit too long. A single mother wasn't held in the highest regard in the Clover Kingdom. You didn't care, of course, you chose to take in these kids and were planning for more.
But Jack did not back off. In fact, he slowly started seeing why you liked these brats so much. Even if it was just because they never failed to make you smile in a way that nothing else could at first. Still, he worked himself up with these children. From the little awkward encounters at first, he worked his relationship with these kids up to ruffling their hair and occasionally carrying them, throwing them up, and catching them. You had to reprimand him multiple times that it was dangerous. What if a little one slipped from his hands and got hurt?
It didn't stop it though, even if he wanted to listen he couldn't with the way he got begged by some of these brats. The little ones loved sitting on the shoulders of the tall man, he just... wasn't refusing it. And of course, you did not miss the way his eyes hushed to catch yours each time, silently seeking approval.
Neither of you could really grasp it.
Jack felt a pull towards you and he couldn't resist it. And although you denied it, you could feel it too. The way your eyes would meet although you weren't even talking with each other, the way you'd know when he'd come by each day. How he'd make the kids laugh and amaze them, acting, unlike his brash and brutal reputation with the little ones in your care. The way his tongue would brush against his lips whenever he heard your little laugh.
You were irresistible to him. And so was he. It was like there was an invisible string connecting you two. It wasn't visible, hell it wasn't reasonable, but there was this clear pull toward each other and you could only try to resist for so long.
So long. Until it snapped.
Lips crashed into yours, you weren't even sure how or why it was happening but you found yourself in the arms of one of the most powerful men of the Clover kingdom.
The children's laughs and yells from playing some game faded into the background as your fingers dug into the fabric of his robe. His big hand was caressing your cheek and fingers tangling into your hair. A gasp crawled out your throat at the sensation of his teeth nibbing onto your lower lip.
It was warm. So warm.
Your breath was heavy after your lips separated, feeling like he had just kissed the air right out of you. A smile spread onto his lips, that wide, proud smile that just promised trouble.
"I figured...", his raspy voice spoke up. His face was still so very close to yours that you could feel his warm breath hitting your lips. "What?", you asked. The smile creeping on your face couldn't be more obvious. "Figured you might... need... some help with your kids?" Jack suggested in a hushed voice.
"I'm quite alright with them.", you stated amused. Jack's teeth bit down onto his lower lip ever so slightly, a gesture you probably would've missed if not for the close proximity. "But... I might need help when I get the next ones....", You whispered.
Jack's eyes visibly lightened up, the golden pool of honey gazing down at you. "Even more?" He asked, voice quiet with disbelief. "Of course. I still have plently room in my heart. And at home. I want a big family, so beware...", you whispered.
Your heart was pleading he'd be fine with it. Knowing his reputation, he probably wouldn't be. But Jack had surprised you more than once already and you'd hope he would do it again now too. You wanted him, but you still had your priorities. Your family, and the wish to extend it was more important than a little crush.
Even if it didn't feel like just a little crush.
You could hear the tall man gulp quietly before placing his lips upon you again, the kiss was shorter, softer. Your lips responded softly to his, mind easing a little that he wasn't running.
"I might have to start numbering them if you get any more..." Jack joked quietly against your lips and it actually made you laugh. He wasn't against it, he just found the amount of children one woman would adopt ridiculous. Like everybody else, just that he was offering to try it. With you. All of you, even the family.
Jack was a ridiculously good partner. The reputation he had was nothing like how you knew him. Yes, he was a little crazy, a brute but he also was the best guy you've dated.
He cared for the kids, to the point the name "Dad" slipped more than once before it really was official. When it was, your children were almost happier than you. They liked the captain, loved how he'd take them on little trips whenever you needed a pause. Or the way he made their mother laugh so cheerfully at his jokes, although they didn't always understand them. They will, when they're older, you tell them.
After you and Jack became official you adopted two more children and they were the first ones to meet Jack as their Dad, not as the awkward man stumbling out of their home half-dressed some mornings. He was a bit scared at first, own children, adopting them with you and being their legal guardian from day one felt... odd.
He never saw himself there. He thought it just was not for him. Until you.
Jack even suggested tying the knot before you, if you'd like that. He loved your kids like they were his own. Hell, they were his now. And if he rushed away after a meeting just to pick them up from visiting friends or anything he was used to the stares. After all, the magic knight captains weren't exactly unknown.
The children weren't home, it was a rare day that the house was so quiet. Your little bundles of joy were at a birthday party with some of the children which gave you the rarer occasion of relaxing with your boyfriend.
Boyfriend. It still gave you a tingling feeling to think about it. How far you've come with him. It did not feel like you two had been together for that long, but you have.
A while back he was just a stranger doing his patrol and now he was the legal father of two from your six children. And that was only legal, the others still called him Dad. You never had thought this could happen, that you'd end up in bed with Jack the Ripper. Your back pressed against his chest as you cuddled up on the bed, spooning.
His fingertips ghosted over your hips. You couldn't remember a moment in the last weeks when you could just lie down with him and relax without anything interrupting you. As you closed your eyes you decided just to relax and ease into the touch, you deserved it. The gentle touches, the way his hand was brushing over your side and stomach.
His slender fingers traced your figure so delicately but with just enough pressure to spread pleasurable tingles across your body. The way he increased the pressure, kneading your flesh softly before his fingers continued his mindless search, fingernails sending goosebumps all across. It was causing your mouth to let loose the softest moans. His hands were warm and big, and he knew just where you liked to be touched, how you liked to be touched.
One of his hands crept up your stomach, cupping one of your tits and gently kneading there too. The sensation causes you to buck your hips back into his, your ass rubbing against his growing erection. The deep rasp of a low laugh was ringing in your eyes. His lips nipped and kissed at the nape of your neck. His lips turned up into a cocky smile as he heard the little muffled sound spilling from your lips.
Jack was slow, taking his time. No matter how often his hands would explore your body, he'd never tire of it. Although there was a thought stuck in his head. How you'd look with his child, how happy he could make you.
He bit his lip a little, trying to imagine how it would be for the little ones to get another playmate. And how you'd look, plump tits full of milk and your body getting more plush and soft. How happy he could make you, picking out names and going shopping. Having a little girl or boy that looked just like you running around the house.
And of course, he thought about how it would be to make this theoretical child. Definitely one of his favorite parts of this idea.
How your tight cunt would squeeze around his cock for everything he got. How it would be to go in raw and feel your sweet walls engulf him, squeeze and milk him. How you'd moan for him, how nice and deep he'd fuck you. Nice and deep, he would make sure it takes.
You turned your head to face Jack, your lips puckered a little and Jack did not waste a second to give you the kiss you silently asked for. His breath was heavy, his nose nuzzling against yours as he was claiming your lips with eager. It was one of the things you loved about Jack, his eagerness, his need to please. He wasn't a man who half-assed.
"I have an idea...", he mumbled with his mouth close to your ear. "Oh?" Your voice was a little amused as your hand reached back into his hair. Another sloppy kiss was shared before Jack laughed against your lips huskily.
"How about another brat, keke?" His question was voiced with lust, tone sultry making it oh too obvious what his intentions were even before he ground his hard cock against your ass. Your lips turned upwards in a little grin as you pressed back against him. "Oh?", you asked before laughing a little, "I thought I was insane for building a little army, as you have put it?"
"Let's make it a strong one." He whispered to your ear, his hands wandering to places they wouldn't belong in any more public space. "I promise I'll give you a strong addition.", he purred in your ears. A wide smile crept over his face as your sweet moans reached his ears. His fingers shamelessly toying with your clit. "I bet your brats would like another sibling."
"They probably would...", you agreed between heavy breaths. Your lips crashed against his again, your kisses eager and sloppy. Jack couldn't help but grin against your lips at the way you moaned into the kiss, his fingers wandering lower. Your slick collecting on his fingers before he pushed inside.
Jack's fingers were long, strong, and precise. His ring and middle finger worked on easing in and out your tight entrance, curling them to reach just the spot that had you bucking back into him. His thumb was still drawing sloppy and lazy circles on your clit while his mouth nipped and kissed on your throat, leaving little hickeys and marks.
He was impatient, hungry for you. His soft pace soon turned sloppy and fast, his cock rubbing against your ass through his pants. He responded to your moans with his own, your kisses getting messy, lips smashing against each other urgently.
His cock was throbbing in his pants, straining against the fabric and begging to be freed. To be engulfed in your sweet, slick walls instead of this fabric. His tongue was pushing out his mouth to get a taste of you, sweet, slutty moans that matched yours rolling off his lips.
"Can't wait to fuck you." He whispered shakingly, the pace of his fingers was still going, it was messy but unrelenting. "Then don't," you moaned against his lips.
In an instant, his hands retracted from your pants. His tall body crept over you, not even a minute after your clothes were discarded on the floor while Jack was making quick work of his own clothes. It was hot, and your vision was blurry, not like Jack felt any different from you. His vision was blurry and the only real point of focus was you.
Naked, spread out for him. Just for him. Ready to be devoured.
There was this insatiable hunger Jack felt every time he looked at you. It wasn't that bad at first, but it was there. But once you let him have a taste there was no turning back, he was hooked. Hooked on your body, your love. Hooked on you.
He grabbed your hips, pulling you closer with ease to align his length with your entrance. A gentleman, he teased you a little first, making sure his cock was covered in your juices and you were whining with your hole clenching around nothing for him. Such a gentleman, sinking his cock in slowly, making you feel every inch.
"Take me like a good girl, yeah?" He cooed at you, his lips turned upwards in a huge smile when he saw your face. You were so cute, red-faced, and heavily breathing. How could he ever resist you?
Your cunt was gripping him tightly, so tightly it was melting parts of his brain. He was only sinking in fully once and he already felt drunk off your pussy. Your sounds the sweetest thing he has ever heard.
He was breathing heavily, slowly sliding out and in, creating a rhythm that made you mewl with pleasure. Jack's eyebrows were furrowed as he tried his best, his very best not to lose his mind with the way your walls were pulsating around him and he could swear it was hypnotic or something. His kisses were sloppy and messy, hot breath coming out in short bursts.
It wasn't long after that the slow work-up did in fact not work for you two. Your sounds were loud enough to alert the neighbors, it was a good thing the kids were out. Jack couldn't control himself with the way he was fucking bullying his cock into your soaking cunt, loud squelching noises accompanied by the sound of his tight balls smacking against your ass over and over.
Your moans were lewd and loud, spilling into each other's mouths as your kisses were messy and full of tongue. Each thrust, each kiss full of lust, of desire for one another. The Captain rocked his hips into yours over and over again, his leaking cock nuzzling against all those places that had you in ecstasy. The heels of your feet digging into his lower back, trying to push him deeper.
It was almost animalistic, the way your bodies moved. His thrusts were sharp, hard, and fast. The sounds of your moans vibrating from the walls, the creaking of the bed, and the headboard slamming against the wall mixed with your voices creating a symphony of sin.
"I'm close, so close", you whined against his lips. Jack's grip on your hip tightened, his rhythm changing just a little to adjust his hip to slam in deeper, harder. Your fingers scratching his back and tugging at his hair was causing him to moan loader, to fuck into you more eagerly. His eyes were darting between your pleasure-struck face, a sight for the gods if he could say so himself, and the creamy white ring that built on the base of his cock.
"Good girl, such a pretty thing.", he praised between shaky breaths. A big grin plastered across his face, and one of his hands came up to cup your cheek. He made sure you'd look at him, basking in the sight of how flustered you got. Chest heaving and teary-eyed, a sight he'd never forget. His thrusts got harsher, forcing you to look at him while your face twisted and contorted in pleasure. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter, until it couldn't hold.
A loud moan escaped your lips, thighs shaking violently as your pussy clenches tightly around his length. The sensation was too much for the tall man, his moans becoming slightly more high-pitched as his hips stuttered, rhythm losing as he fucked himself into you more desperately. You were gripping him so tightly, your cum running along his length and dribbling down your legs and he couldn't compose himself. His hips rutted and ground into you with carnal need, chasing his high until he was spurting hot, sticky streaks of his release.
The tall man was still grinding his hip against yours after a few seconds, letting his orgasm wash over him before his arms gave out. He let himself fall on you, not his entire weight at once but he still wanted to stay there, on top of you, close to you, inside of you.
"Bloody hell", he laughed quietly, breath heavy as he peppered lazy kisses to your cheek. "You think it'll take?", he asked after a moment, rolling over and wrapping his arms around you. "I think it's a little early to say", you replied amused. Jack nodded understandingly.
"Then we should just keep repeating this until we have confirmation."
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laithraihan · 9 months ago
Would you be comfortable sharing any personal info (age, profession, relationship status, etc...)? Completely understand if you're not but it's always really interesting learning about the lives of ppl I admire. Again, if that's not something you wanna do it's totally understandable! I love your art!!
Ah thank you so much 🫶 and sure I dont mind sharing some stuff but to be very honest Im not an interesting person, so I'm sorry in advance for disappointing you.
So I'm a woman (or something like that) even though I use a male pen name for art, Im 22 years old, 151cm (4'11"), the eldest daughter who has two teenage siblings who are both taller than me and make fun of me for being short. I do not have a profession and I do not go to school due to a disability I will not disclose. Im a lesbian engaged to a butch, we've been together for almost 4 years (our anniversary is in August)
My favorite season is winter because all the bugs are dead and I despise summer because the bugs are alive. Im also really scared of butterflies for some reason. Im scared of winged bugs in general. Ive never seen a cockroach in my life but I'd probably kill myself if I saw one. I really hate bugs. The winters are harsh here but I like walking outside when theres light snow falling at night. Im also a bit obsessed with Christmas lights but I dont celebrate Christmas, I dont follow any religion in general but my family is Muslim so Ive been raised with that. If I could just put Christmas lights in my room all year then I would do that. They look really pretty.
About my ethnicity I think everyone knows Im Algerian already, well Ive only been to Algeria once when I was like 8 years old so I dont really remember anything. All I know is that my uncle would keep telling my dad that I convinced him to stop smoking and that he's eternally grateful for that but I literally cannot remember what I did or said back then so I just pretended I knew what he was talking about. Anyway. Id like to go there again one day. I most likely will go soon in the future so it makes me happy to think about it.
My first language is French and Im somewhat fluent in English but it needs more work. Whenever I speak English I have to think harder about the words that come out of my mouth and I start saying things that dont make sense. But my pronunciation is good so other people just assume Im fluent. Also I understand Derja (Algerian Arabic) when people talk to me out loud but I cant form sentences and respond back so I just answer people in French. I know how to read Arabic script and I understand basic words but again I cant form sentences. As for Japanese I can only read Hiragana and Katakana and a bit of Kanji, and my understanding of the language is worse than Arabic, so I practice by translating Japanese song lyrics, reading news articles and talking with Japanese users online
Honestly I dunno what else to say, I dont really have any special skills or anything like that. Unless you count memorizing all the metro stations in Montreal but thats only because I had to use public transport all the time when I was a kid because my parents never felt like driving me to my appointments. At that point I probably visited every single station because I had to go to many random places. I dont have a drivers license but I prefer walking to places in general even though there are no stores near my neighborhood, but I think it's better for me because I get to walk more. I think I really like the idea of travelling in general but I dont have friends for that, my parents also wouldnt allow me to hang out with friends so it's a bit unfortunate
Oh and lately Ive been enjoying making eggs for some reason, I think Im good at doing that. But I only cook whenever Im hungry and I rarely feel hungry so I dont cook many eggs. I also dont like cleaning dishes so I avoid making huge meals in general. I dont really eat much in the first place but I still like food. I really like going to restaurants too. I just like going outside in general. I like listening to music and talking with people, normal stuff like that. Im running out of things to say so I'll probably just stop there.
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graylinesspam · 3 months ago
My favorite thing about my white middle aged dad being a star wars fan is that he sees me as an authority on most star wars stuff. He was a fan when he was a kid then fell out of interest immidietly after the prequal hype wore off.
He still considers himself an expert on all things Yoda/Qui gon since those are his blorbos. But i've been a fan since i was 5. I made him watch the prequals over and over until he "lost them in the move" so he could get a break. I watched clone wars when it came out. I watched the first season of rebels when it came out. I made him watch both..many years later. I made him start reading the books.
I spend all my free time reading and writing about Star Wars. Even when I took four years off for highschool and he was the only one watching rebels. He still defered to me on star wars cannon. He listens to and respects my opinion above all others. He fact checks facebook videos and random red pill posts by asking me about them.
And that means that i get to micro dose him on the way chiller, way cooler veagly progressive version of star wars that i've dug out from among the legends meterials and personal interpritations of canon.
And hes progressed so far as a student that hes starting to independantly have observations that ive seen the fandom have and discussed already. And all i can thing is
"Yes good" * in the palpatine voice*
This man will have in person debates about Star wars with other grown men and be like. "Sorry but i've read and watched more star wars than you've bothered to think about in your lifetime." And "the moral of the clone wars era is obviously about how political conflicts are a smoke an mirrors show performed by the ruling powers to trick the public into sighning away their own right and autonomy in exchange for a safety that doesn't exist. It's about fear tactics and fascism."
Mostly he just likes to talk about his blorbos tho (who doesn't) and come up with batshit theories about where the background characters went after the jedi purge. Hes real into rael aveross rn.
My least favorite thing is that he has a horrible taste in ships and keeps trying to put my lesbian baddies with their respective guy that's just there. Hes a Din Bo shipper which is a sin i cannot forgive.
I did tell him that people harcore shipped Cody and Obi-wan tho to which he replied. "*shrug* ....Cody could do better."
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graciegoeskrazy · 1 year ago
Hey i was wondering if you could do a matty fic where his daughter comes out as trans to him and the boys? Or if you are not comfortable writing for trans people like just coming out as gay?
figure my heart out
Matty Healy + Queer!Teen!Daughter!reader
Warnings: coming out, a lil yelling
A/N: Hi!!! Okay so I was writing something similar but then I put it down but then I saw this request and RAN TO MY COMPUTER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE ASNCONTINUED WRITING BCUZ I GOT EXCITED. A sorry and thank you to the anon who requested this! I felt like I wouldn’t do it justice if I did it with transreader and as a bisexual with a similar coming out experience this was easy peasy lol. None the less i love and appreciate you and I hope u enjoy! I really really really really really like this one and I’m proud of how it turned out. Enjoy!
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The epitome of a perfect night. Driving in your girlfriends new convertible with the top down while blasting Lana Del Ray and giggling and smiling like nothing else in the world matters became a wonderful feeling of pure bliss. You wish you could stay in that moment forever. Endless talking about the things the people who piss you off in school talk about, or airing out your problems to her because sometimes it feels as if she is the only one who listens. There was no one word for that feeling. All you knew is that you craved it. You needed it like a an IV through your arm, supplying nothing but joy and love into your life. You didnt just need her but she needed you too.
Yes it was a secret, but it was a beautiful one, Sure, sometimes you wanted nothing more than to parade through town with your hands intertwined and boat to everyone around you that she was your girlfriend, but this secret needed to stay hidden. Not just for her, but for you too. You were n stranger to the things your father has said online. He was Matty Healy, if the guy wasnt known for his music, he was for sure known as the man who makes homophobic jokes on stage everynight to a sold out crowd. The man has been cancelled and apoloized more times than you could count. Even though everytime he says he’s not against anything of the sort - ad you whole heartidly believed that - would it be different because you were his daughter? Some days that thought was just a quiet whisper in your head, and some days that voice grew louder until it grew loud enough to keep you up at night. But you always came to the same conclusion. He would love you no matter what…right?
Any and all thoughts surrounding it came nowhere near crossing your mind while you were at your girlfriends. After singing your hearts out and getting lost but not caring at all on the drive, you both decided to head back to her place since her tank was running low. It was there you fell asleep in her arms. Not thinking. Not caring. Not paying attention to anyone else in the world but her. And most definitely not thinking about you 11 pm curfew.
To June’s parents, you were just a friend sleeping over. A best buddy who helped their daughter get through her high school years. Nothing more than a nice, kind, good girl with good morals. And that was true. They just didn't know about the part where you make out with their daughter every time you’re under their roof. Same with you dad. They were downstairs, absolutely clueless of what was happening above them when a loud flush they made woke you up. You jolted awake and as a result of sleeping so close to your girlfriend, woke her up too. The blaring light on your phone read 1:07.
You scrambled out of bed and started packing up your bag without saying a word to June.
“What’s happening?” She said, still half asleep.
You turned to her, suddenly becoming more gentle. “Go back to bed. I missed my curfew, my dad doesn’t know I’m here. If I don’t leave he’s gonna get suspicious as to why slept over during a study session.”
She smiled at you, pulling you in for a kiss. “You’re just a very determined student.”
You fell into the kiss, and let go with a smile. “Bye.” You said. She winked and watched you walk out the door. “Text me when you get home please.”
You turned back and winked, shutting the door.
The drive to your house was uneventful. Yeah sure, you missed your curfew, but it wasn't like your dad was the type of helicopter parent to make sure you were home exactly by 11. You hadn't even received a call or message asking you where you were. If anything he was probably fast asleep along with the other members of the band. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
When you walked into the flat you shared with your dad and your uncles, it was dead silent. You could hear the silent snores coming from Mayhem on the dog bed in the living room and the crickets outside. You were in the clear. You walked very carefully heading up to your room. Before you could even make it to the 2nd step. You heard a voice. Stern and loud.
“Y/n Healy.”
It was your father. Of fucking-course. As you slowly turned around you were met with him standing in the dining-kitchen area. A light turned on and revealed his full frame along with Ross, George, Adam, Carly, and Jamie. All sitting down at the table except for your dad, standing above them all. He slowly walked towards you as you stood still staring at him. You closed your eyes and let out a shaky breath, followed by a “Shit.”
“Where were you?” Your dad asked sternly. To which you replied, “Nowhere.” It was clear he was PISSED. He only spoke twice and it was evident you were in for something. He never spoke this way. Never to you at least. Until now. He raised his eyebrows, giving you a second chance. You sighed again, looking down and toying with your fingers. “I was with June.” You said shyly.
“Tell me the truth.” He said. His tone softened just a hair.
“That is the truth-“
“Tell me the whole truth.”
You dad knew you like the back of his hand. You were him. A literal miniature version of Matty Healy. Therefore he knew when you were lying. Not that you did it often, you were a very trustworthy kid. Never lied, never got grounded. (Ok so maybe not a literal miniature Matty)
You shrugged, “I was just with June.”
He raised his voice again, “Stop lying to me, y/n.”
“I’m not lying!” You raised your voice this time.
“Your hand twitches every time you lie.”
You were taken aback. Shit, I thought I grew out of that. You just scoffed. “No, it doesn’t.”
Adam spoke up and pointed to your hand and it’s movements. “Boom. Twitch.” You gave him a look.
Matty ignored him and stayed locked in on you. “In all of your years of existence on this earth, you’ve never lied to me.” He said, a little more gentler this time.
“And, I’m still not. I’m telling the truth-”
“But you’re not telling me the full truth.” He was very good at this whole parenting thing. He put his hands on your shoulders. You didn’t reply, just sighed and looked down. After a moment, he continued. “You’re grounded.” You head shot up. He walked back to the kitchen and started refilling his drink. You followed in suite.
“What! For what?”
“For lying.”
“I’m not lying! I’ve never even been grounded in my life.”
He shrugged, “There’s a first time for everything.”
You could not believe what you were hearing. “C'mon Dad! George, help me out.”
George was ethier high of drunk or both because he seemed to be enjoying this little argument way to much. “I’m on his side for this one, babe.” He said.
“What?! You guys, I'm not lying.” You said, gesturing to the group.
“You’ll be ungrounded when you tell me where you were.” Your dad said from the kitchen.
“I was with June! How many times do I have to say that?!”
“Doing what?”
Your eyes widened and you stuttered a bit. The group must have noticed because that to them was a giveaway that something more was going on than you cared to share for. “Nothing! We were just hanging out!”
“Your hand twitched again.” Adam yelled.
You turned to fully face him again. “I’m about to murder you.” You said.
You dad came back around and with a solum look, but a hand over your shoulder. “Look, I’m not gonna get mad. Whatever you’re hiding, it’s not worth getting grounded over. Tell me what’s going on - the truth - and all let you go. Okay?”
You couldn’t do it. There were so many possibilities of what could happen from this moment on. None of which you wanted to explore. You rolled your eyes and headed back to the stairs, whispering a faint, “Whatever.”
Your father followed behind. “Y/n Healy, tell me NOW-“
“I was on a date with June!” You yelled.
“We went on a date! Ok? We went on a date then went back to her place and watched TikToks for an hour before watching New Girl reruns and having awesome sex. I lost track of time, I tried to sneak in so none of you would find out, and so my secret would stay secret.”
The room was quiet. Only the sounds of Mayhem and the crickets like you heard before. Tears were falling out of your eyes and you were heaving pretty heavily.
“Is my hand shaking now?!”
Everybody remained quiet and still, not daring to move. “Jesus.” You said as a final goodbye, before walking up the stairs to your room as fast as you could.
A few minutes after they heard the door slam, Ross spoke up. “You fucked up bro.”
Matty shook his head. “It’s not my fault.” He said in defense
“Mate, you just forced your daughter to come out to you.” George yelled.
Marty liked back at the stairs. A single tear falling from his face as he does so. “Shit.”
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mikoriin · 3 months ago
hello hello! im interested in watching some new anime this year and my fave animes r sailor moon, madoka magica, and ouran high school host club. i especially love a silly funny slice of life show. what r the top 3 youd recommend as fitting the bill?
okay so out of all the anime ive ever seen, know, or like i think these animes would maybe fit your fancy:
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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spoke about it in my last ask so u can find more info there if u havent already seen it, but please anyone reading this, if u havent seen this anime please PLEASE go watch it. trigger warnings for the things i discussed in the last ask i answered, but it is beautifully animated, it crafts a deep, meaningful, and impactful story about breaking down the patriarchal ideals of what it means to be a "prince" and "princess". how society tries to assign us these roles based off of our gender or sex, and how they affect both men and women in terms of toxic masculinity, and how young girls and women pay the price for it. it is often told in heavy symbolism and metaphors or through a fairy tale like lens, but it all has a purpose. theres a ton of symbolic meaning in it that i still dont understand, even after my most recent rewatch. its stunning, and its queer as hell! directed by none other than kunihiko ikuhara, if anyone is familiar with any of his other popular works (such as the sailor moon R movie, yurikuma arashi, and penguindrum)
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HEAR ME OUT i ADORE clannad it is one of my top 5 animes ever and it is BEAUTIFUL. its two seasons total, produced by kyoani, and it is funny, charming, beautiful, and tragic. the second season is its most acclaimed, because After Story is just....breathtaking, but the first season rly starts off good too. the humor is so fucking good, i found myself laughing my ass off all through both seasons and it reads as a harem, but it doesnt follow the exact same harem tropes because the main guy has always had eyes for one girl since day 1 so....sorry ladies this is nagisa's house. also it is based off of an old 2000s otome game so thats why too. but clannad follows the main story, nagisa's route.
the story is essentially about a high schooler named Tomoya Okazaki who hates his dad, the town he lives in, and himself. and on the hill going to school one day he meets a senior, Nagisa Furukawa, and she's talking to herself to calm herself down because she's afraid to go back to school. tomoya overhears and it kinda...resonates with him. so he basically says theyll do it together. and so kicks off their story, about how nagisa's passion to follow her dreams before her senior year is over warms up tomoya's frozen heart and they fall for each other. it has a good cast of characters, like the girls in the cover shown and more, and its a slice of life, drama. beautiful 10/10 definitely recommend. get ur tissues ready tho i will warn u, i stayed crying like a baby lolol
3) Cardcaptor Sakura
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another magical girl series if u havent already seen it! a classic among the magical girl genre, i offer you CLAMP's probably highest grossing series, cardcaptor sakura! i grew up on this anime, and im talkin GREW UP i was 9 when i watched this anime in japanese on youtube in 3 parts lmao (i was not fuckin with that 4kids dub ngl) and i adore this anime. granted it is a CLAMP creation, therefore there are some Questionable things in there, but the story, art style, characters, and magic are rly fun!!! plus....SYAORAN LI UM HELLO??? MY SON???? total tsundere brat, but hes a dream boat too yknow????
i wassss going to recommend Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as my third ngl, because it does have sakura and syaoran as their main protagonists in trc, as well as many other clamp characters (mcu who?) buttttttt tsubasa is always a shot in the dark to recommend to people because 1) the anime sucks. if u want the true, authentic story u gotta read the manga. i am rolling around in my grave for all eternity until tsubasa gets a manga-faithful anime adaptation....and 2) not a lot of people like tsubasa because its unnecessarily convoluted lolol there are definitely gripes i have with certain aspects of its story, but i adore that manga with all my being it is sooo so good.
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months ago
hi cas
update, he told me that i was going to get people killed & myself if i got in a car. so.
my other friends know and they have told me that he's being an asshole, but my girlfriend is where im worried. the guy and I got into a fight during lunch and I yelled at him. She said i shouldnt have done that and I agree, but she also said I should forgive him.
the thing is i dont think im going to at all becuase this condition effects my entire life, its a living nightmare sometimes.
I would walk away i think, but we've been dating for over a year and I would say that I am in really in love with her.
We've never gotten into a fight before etheir really and I know their meant to be health for realsionship but this seems BAD.
to be a bit petty the bitch doesnt even have his licences yet but claims to know more then me somehow.
I grew up on cars my dads and engineer and has been quizzing me pretty much everyday since i was 13. Ive wanted to drive since i was 8 years old and not being able to do it now is really upseting to me but thats one of the only things that my condition effects
sorry for misspellings and if nothing makes sense, i dont have it in me to care right now.
Hi hon!
I think it's time for you to sit down and set firm boundaries.
Say exactly how you feel and what you need, and what will happen if your boundaries are broken. Then if they're broken, you can feel okay about walking away.
Also when you set those boundaries, I think it could be nice to remind your friends that YOU know your condition most, and you're not going to do anything stupid. But also if you're actively in danger you obviously won't be mad at them for saying something. But there's a difference between you talking about ideas for things to do in the future and like...ignoring medical advice. But they also need to respect that this is sensitive and you'd rather not talk about it unless you bring it up or you're actually in danger.
Sending love!
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miguelmeiai · 7 months ago
Life is Strange - What if Esteban hadn't died? - Part IV
Esteban and his sons are by the fire. They are eating marshmallows. The wind blows gently. The atmosphere around them is soothing. The sound of the crickets, the water, and the leaves can be heard. ─ Dad, why did my mom run away after she gave birth to me? Was it because of me? Daniel's eyes become watery. ─ No, Daniel, that's not it. It's just… she was unhappy with her life. It's not your fault, Daniel. Maybe I, as her husband, could have done more to… ─ Dad, it's not your fault that that selfish woman decided to abandon us for no reason. ─ I know, Sean, but I was her husband, I shoulda… Sean looks at Daniel. ─ Promise to me we won't talk about this ever again! ─ Come on, Sean! ─ You two, please, don't get into a fight! We came here to relax a bit.
─ Dad, I deserve to know about my mom! Why does Sean forbids me to ever ask about her? ─ I do that to protect you, Daniel, but you're so heard-headed. ─ Okay, Sean, enough. He is only nine years old. ─ This is so unfair. Why do we need to care about her and pity her? Dad, I remember all those nights you stayed up and crying because of her when she left us. Don't you remember how much you suffered because of her? ─ Case closed, Sean! God teaches us to always forgive people, regardless of what they have done. It was hard for me to accept the truth about what happened, I even doubted many times if I could handle all that, plus take care of you and Daniel. Daniel yawns. ─ I think I'm going to sleep. I'm so tired from all that walking. ─ I imagine so, son ─ Esteban laughs. ─ But I kinda have to pee before I sleep. ─ Hm, you can pee behind a tree. But please don't go very far, or else you'll get lost. ─ Okay, dad. Daniel gets up and search for a place to pee. Esteban looks at Sean. ─ Sean, we need to talk. You have been acting so immaturely and aggressively with Daniel. What's happening? ─ Dad, you only stay by Daniel's side. And the lame excuses are all the same. Esteban sighs. ─ I know teenager years aren't the easiest. I know you might be stressed out. I get you. Daniel has been complaining about you. ─ Complaining about me for what? ─ He wants your attention. All you've been doing was pushing him away when he needed you the most. He almost got hit at school and he tried telling you, but you didn't listen. ─ I'm sorry about that, really. ─ I know you hate to babysit him, but listen, Sean: having a brother is one of the most amazing gifts God can give us. ─ But dad, I do love Daniel. It's just… he is annoying sometimes. ─ You were annoying too sometimes when you were younger. Yet I didn't push you away. Sean sighs. ─ I get it, that. I promise I will try to get closer to him. ─ You know your behavior directly influences his. You are his role model. ─ I know, dad, I know. You have been saying this to me like every day. Daniel comes back. ─ Woah, Daniel, you really took a long time to come back. ─ I got distracted by some cute dogs. Esteban laughs. ─ Great, little boy who never runs out of energy. Now it's time to sleep. Daniel lies down on the floor and shortly after falls asleep. Esteban looks at the stars and Sean looks at his phone. As he is about to text his friend Lyla, it runs out of battery. ─ Fuck, my phone ran out of battery! ─ Take it as a positive thing. It feels good to be disconnected from everything and just seize the moment sometimes. That's why we came here, right? ─ Yeah… They both lie on the grass and look at the clear sky filled with stars and a crescent moon. ─ Another thing I enjoy about the wild is that we can see way more stars. Sean looks at his dad and notices he already fell asleep. ─ Dad… you must have been tired as well. He yawns. ─ I think I'm gonna sleep too. Sean closes his eyes and begins having a nightmare about him and his brother at the front of their house and that same police officer from the previous day. Dad comes, and the police officer shots at him, instantly killing him in front of them. Anxious and highly emotive, Daniel accidentally activates his telekinesis powers and ends up killing the cop. Sean and his brother run away from the city as fast as they can, afraid of the police.
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amiableness · 8 months ago
hi love, the struggle with motivation and wanting more interaction is so real.
im def always posting with the hope that i can build a little community of ppl who enjoy my writing and maybe want to chat with me about it (and anything under the sun rlly) but personally, it’s so crucial for my motivation that im prioritizing my enjoyment over what i think ppl will like. like in general, less ppl are gonna read lilyxreader than jamesxreader, but i love lily so im gonna keep writing for her! it’s a hard mindset to get into though. especially bc notes give me so much serotonin
another thing i find motivating is that each time i post, it seems like my blog grows a little more, so hopefully by just posting we get to connect with more ppl who will want to talk to us lol
but i think it’s most important to do whatever is best for you! breaks can be good when u need them, i mean ive taken years off multiple times🫣 or if you need to bounce ideas off of someone i’m here (and i’ve been thinking of dad!james all night) anyway sorry for rambling so much i may have gotten carried away haha
babe! when this came in i was literally thinking of your james fics! im so desperate for that man.
i feel that too, everytime i post a fic i hope that my blog grows a little bit more and so does the people i interact with. i love the idea of someone sending me a message to talk about my works or literally just to chat. that motivates me quite a bit honestly.
i used to write for OBX and then i took quite a while off and obviously now im here, so i think i’ll always come back to writing. but i for sure need someone to bounce ideas off of, so expect me in your dms!
thank you for sending this 🤍 it helps a lot :)
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yokakaiju · 11 months ago
doro modern(?) au
i am so tired while writing this, so apologies if some of it doesnt make sense bleh.. i will happily answer any and all questions to the best of my ability tho!!
okay so ngl... it's really not that different from canon i think? i really don't know much abt my own damn au atm cause i mostly think of it during work and for some reason i literally NEVER write anything down?? idk why???
this shit is all 100% subject to change later btw:
• genuinely just abt everything that took place in doro takes place in the past during this au, but not in the same way or with the same characters. ik some stuff 100% wouldnt make sense because of this, BUT BLEHH ILL FIGURE IT OUT LATERR!!! literally jist like.. remove everything involving aikawa and risu and replace it with violent social unrest or smth idk yet...
• ne way, this takes place 100 years after the kaiman holey fight, but in this au it wasnt our kaiman
• the sorcerer and human world have been permanately sealed off from each other since hole fight
• humans at this point dont necessarily believe sorcerers even exist anymore due to this, but the older generations (the few people who live to be like 80-100+) are still somewhat afraid of them and think that some may still be in hole (they are)
• abt hole and this is gonna need a lot of reworking, but like.. idk. basically some humans worship hole as a modern god, taking everything that happrned as absolute truth and churches sprung up around holey, worshiping large statues made of his bones and stuff. the statues do still work as they did in base doro, but they arent as widespread anymore? theyre way more popular with older people and thr newly religous folk, but most people see them as some sort of novelty at this point and they arent widely owned outside of churches and hospitals anymore
• the refuse lake also is back kinda? but its mostly a normal lake now, but the water is still extremely tar like in some parts so its still gated off
• in the socerer world, all information regarding humans and the hole have been banned from being spoken about or learned by the general public. personal doors are also prohibited to be used/learned to be used and anyone who CAN use them that uses them unsanctioned will face capitol punishment or smth. really only the devils and en family know abt hole and shit (theres more people of course, but these are details idk yet)
• n e way, in modern era nikaido and aikawa (sigh we will get to him last...) work together at the hungry bug still
• nikaidos story is literally almost exactly the same. she is still being pseudo hunted by the en family because they got word of a time traveling socerer like howveer long ago and are trying to hunt her down in secret (they dont know its her directly tho)
• kasukabe/haze is still just chillin tho. he is nearly unchanged, still wrote books on socerers (however they were written more historically for a while, then eventually he met haru and they became research/science based) snd took ai as an appretenice, but his work outside of human medicine is thought of as crackpot conspiricy talk or entirely fictional. him and haru are stil married/divorced, haru is also atill a devil and he still has a skin door to the sorcerer world
• ive had some ideas abt shin, mostly that his mom was killed alongside his dad after someone tipped off the  militia that there was somehow still sorcerers in the hole. they investigated their home for a bit and caught her using a door, so they raided the home and slaughted his family in front of him. from there shins story doesnt change much at all rn tbh
• the en family is still highly regarded and very opressive in the socerer world. they dont destroy schools anymore because duh no black powder, but they (with some devil influenece as well) heavily regulate what is taught. resistence against the en family, namely trying to learn about doors and hole, are cruely punished to show they arent fucking around, despite them still having acess to the hole and knowing (somewhat) the true events of what lead to them being separated
• i havent put much thought into the fate of the cross eyes in this au yet, but ive had some ideas? they arent the cross eyes (yet) but, they (our commanders + natsuki and risu) were low ranking memebers who are part of a resistance against the en family that attempts to fight their opression/censorship of history and some higher ups (not the commanders rn) are even trying to figure out how to make a door to the hole or smth
• this is abt all i have rn (im also super tired writing this ugh), so sigh... aikawa time i suppose... this part is gonna be long and confusing and 99% of everything ive talked abt so far was stemed from this, so heres a barely tldr tldr becase im probably making a seperate post when im not so tired. okay TLDR: ai was always disallusioned with being a human becauee his grandpa told him about sorcerers and magic and shit, so he fully bought into hazes entire catalouge of books taking thrm as gospel. eventually he meets haze and works under him, getting close enough to see some of his studies on sorcerer corpses. due to the corpses having smoke/black powder and were killed with hatred for their fellow sorcerers (they were killed by the en family), it starts to slowly affect ais young brain and the seed of a new hole have been planted blah blah, anyway he starts having horrific nightmares from the pov of hole from over a century ago and starts hearing shit cause hes already really mentally unwell. pretyu much from here it goes thr same as base doro for rn. he begs haze to help him become a sorcerer, he has all his plans snd shit tk make it work with the "fresh corpses" (either murders or bodies provided by haru) haze has access to, but haze refuses. ai just gets worse as time goes on, but him being a little emo freak he never actually vocalizes it, but as per cannon he decided to just force hazes hand. one night haze and ai were illegally hunting for potential relics of hole or the events surrounding that around the older parts of the refuse lake whrn ai ended up throwing himself into the tar. however instead of throwing himself in the refuse lake cause he needs a corpse he was compelled by hallucinations or smth to throw himself in. haze saves him and ends up doing the surgery om him blah blah literally its not that different from here, ai still "dies" and is buried he was also made of the 9(?) corpses so hes till got all his heads ans shit. when he rises this time tho instead of going to the sorcerer world he goes to haze again immediatly and begs him not to tell anyone. from here on haze hides him ot smth since he looks so different now no ones gonna recognize him or whatevs
this aint a fuckin tldr whoops. anyway uh.. ill make a seperate post abt aikawa/kai/EVERYONE ELSE IN THERE later cause i fell asleep twice writing that
please ask questions if you have any!! i will work on this more as time goes on i imagine and ill try to start actually writing ny ideas down now
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foxymoxynoona · 3 months ago
miss foxy
im so sorry for this but i just don’t know who else to talk to. im so ashamed and i cant even talk to my best friend about this bc this is too humiliating. i can’t stop the tears. im not expecting any advice here, i just need to get this off my chest.
i just got off the phone with my brother. said he was in big trouble.
turns out he cheated on his wife two years ago… with a 21 year old. my brother was 33 at the time. it was her student, he was a professor
now he’s in big trouble bc the the girl’s fiancé found out about it and now he’s threatening my brother. the fiancé is a cop. he’s been calling my brother non stop.
im so scared for my life and my family. what if the fiancé hurts us?
but what hurts me the most is… my brother going after a 21 year old. his own student. there’s so many things wrong with that. i even called him a predator on the phone. i got so hysterics because i just couldn’t believe my brother would do this.
the cheating alone was bad, but had he cheated with someone HIS OWN AGE i probably would have forgiven him at some point and wouldn’t be this hurt because his marriage had been on the rocks way before that (his wife had fallen out of love with him not long after their wedding, but that’s another story altogether that involves my mother). i know that’s no excuse, but it doesn’t change the fact that the cheating wouldn’t have made their marriage worse.
it’s him doing it with a 21 year old. His student.
he’s exactly the kind of monster ive always loathed. my own brother. i looked up to him all my life. he gave up his opportunity for a masters degree abroad to stay here and take care of us when my dad died 13 years ago. he broke his back to make sure we didn’t go hungry bc my mother is a SAHM. he made sure all of us went to college. he took care of everything. he paid for everything.
but now… now the way i see him has changed completely.
and i just don’t know what to do. i just don’t know what to think.
im just so torn. on the one hand im scared also for my brother’s life and reputation (bc he said it’s more likely for the fiancé to hurt my brother’s reputation than our lives or his life), but on the other hand im like… you deserve that. and that’s not even the worst thing you deserve.
my morals are warring with my love for my brother. i just… i just can’t look at him the same anymore. i’ll always see him as a predator from now on. but on the other hand, should i help him get out of this situation? or should i leave him to deal with it all alone? bc i fucking doubt his wife would want to help him. his wife had checked out of their marriage a long long time ago. my brother even said that when his wife found out about the cheating a year ago, she didn’t even react.
im sorry. you don’t need to respond to this. i just truly needed an open ear to pour this all out to. and im sorry you happened to be the unlucky ear.
just. why couldn’t he have cheated with someone his own age.
why did he have to be a predator
i always warn my female friends against men like him. i just never thought my own brother would be one of them
I'm so sorry to hear you and your family are going through this. It's so difficult to reconcile the behaviors of people we love. There's just no good or easy answer, no playbook on what to do, because you have to just do what feels best to you with the knowledge that he's put you in a position where probably nothing will feel "good" or right, because you can't go back in time. I hope in time he can reconsider his actions and you at least get the peace of mind of seeing introspection and regret and an attempt to make amends, but even in that instance it's up to you who and in what terms you allow someone back into your life based on context and behavior and your own feelings, but take care of yourself and I hope things settle down for you all <3
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Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago 😭
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ☝
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character: I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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its-koili · 1 year ago
hey guys. sorry for being gone for so long. heres an update
(tw for: mention of violence / gore, general distress, mental health issues)
(tw below)
basically i had a huge mental health crisis. i was having 24/7 constant rolling panic attacks from may of 2023 to january of this year. my last big meltdown was in early february. been processing a lot of CSA trauma and some recent trauma that ive gone through. i think i talked about my panic attacks before leaving social media but idk i dont remember. isolated myself from absolutely everybody.
the main thing that made me leave was that while i was keeping up to date on the g3n0c1d3 (censoring bc idk how tumblr is about it), and when i was looking in the replies / related of the awareness videos, i came across 4 accounts dedicated to using gore for clicks / shock. not videos of the g3n0c1d3 (thank god bc of how they were using the vids) but of unfortunate every day situations and cam footage. like, the kind of stuff you could see on liveleak back in 2010. just out in the open on twitter. they all had usernames like "(insert number here) ways to die)". they were all content farms for click/ad revenue. it was too much it was a huge trigger and i had a full on meltdown. the bluecheck ppl on twitter were using the replies of the videos people uploaded for raising awareness to upload mindless g0re for money. the fact that peoople have 0 compassion for human life sent me into a spiral that i couldnt get out of. (i reported 3 out of the 4 accounts i was able to and 3 got taken down but 1 is still up and it odesnt seem to be uploading the hardcore g0r3 anymore. so thats good. but that was one of the reasons i left social media. ive been keeping up to date w the news but thats it. i left my socials entirely and ive only been on my phone to look up recipes or to use my computer for media research groceries and gaming and shows
that was the main thing that pushed me to leave. i just couldnt take it anymore. during the start of my crisis last year, i was planning on taking a small break, but all of that pushed me over the edge and i dropped everything. after that, my issues got worse and i dont remember most of it. thankfully. but i couldnt bring myself to talk to anybody. i isolated myself and just. laid in bed. but im doing better so i guess thats good
on another topic ive beeen nervous to post this on main but during all of this (ive talked abt tihs a little bit on my priv before i left) i found out that im a system a long while back. my dad (one of my abusers) had/has DID and it terrified me to think that i could be anything like him. i also knew cereal abuser who pretended to be a system to get away with stuff/abusing their friends (and then years later admitted that they werent a system and siad that systems are fake.) LOTS of tears. lots of crying over this. was in denial for a few weeks. cried some more. then eventually came to terms with it.
i dont want to post abt my system online too much bc i dont want to act like this is some fun trendy thing bc its not. it makes day to day living very hard (some lighter/funnier issues that make it hard are: arguing with an alter bc YOU dont know where THEY put YOUR MEDS, not being able to cook because one alter can and the other cant, your art style not being consistent because their styles are different). i dont want to really make it a massive part of my identity online bc its not a big deal! theres just Multiple Little Guys in my brain. so. im a system! im the same but....this explains why i dont remember talking to certain people SUIDHUFHX. i always felt bad. makes conversing with online friends hard especially if icons/usernames are changed. ill make a separate post about this someday thatll go into detail a bit more.
i went years thinking it was just "kinning" but it wasnt lol. it turns out that your personality completely shifting, tastes in food / music / art / media changing, the way you walk / talk dress changing, and having complete memory blackouts when you """"kin shift"""" isn't normal. /lh (dw ive had a lot of time to come to terms with this)
but basically right now ive been spending time getting to,,know myself?? iive been using simplyplural for myself for several months and im uncovering a lot of my memories / trauma ect bc alters can write down what they need to in the chat. so i can go back later and read it. its been v helpful!
i will not be coming back just yet. i have no interest in using social media rn or drawing or writing unfortunately. ive been working on my original stuff here and there but i havent been drawaing fandom stuff bc im not hyperfixating on a fandom.
also. some things have come up. im not going to say anything until the party in question is stable/safe/comfortable before i even suggest anything for context (i dont plan on talking abt anything at all unless they start talking publicly). right now i am helping someone through abuse. their wellbeing is my #1 concern. i'll think about other things after im sure theyre okay.
i dont really have any resolutions as to how things are going but i do feel better and im not having as many panic attacks. i dont really know where im going with this now sorry. just trying to brush over the basic topics before i go. idk if anybody remembers me bc ive been gone for so long so idk if im just talking into the wind but if i am thats fine honestly this is helping me reorganize my thoughts (i type these vents out a lot on docs so i probably wont remember posting this hiudhvu)
other than that. i dont draw or write anymore. i think in the past 6 months ive drawn like....5 things. its. weird. im completely disconnected from fandoms now. coming up to a full year of not having a hyperfixation at all.
my bday was on the 6th. im 27 now im very old (everybody forgot it asides from my husband (and the people he reminded) n my abuser). ive been trying to cook and bake more and ive been playing video games again. planning on getting back into drawing soon and working on my original stuff. when i come back im planning on redesigning my profiles and updating my social media bios and stuff bc theyre so old. also ill make a section on my carrd for my system. there you go theres some positivity to the update nxfjdfjh. sorry if i dont seem very enthused im very tired so typing has been a chore hfuidshuifv.
sorry that this was a lot or if it seems disjointed i was trying to put down as much into this as possible without making it too long
bye!!! see u all soon!
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another-trans-puppygirl · 7 months ago
I have been out for 4 years and never gave myself the space to express myself properly so i am making it for myself today
(first vent post so apologies for messiness lol)
tw// r*pe, transphobia, parental trauma, not sure what else but idk its heavy for me so just heads up
since i came out my life has changed insurmountably and it has all been terribly overwhelming. ive never really been one to use social media aside from horrifically embarrassing teenage shitposting, so ive just sort of let it all mount up and carried it around. i have a couple of transmasc house mates who i am terribly grateful for and consider them to be family but it has ultimately been terribly lonely not being aroud or talking to other transfems.
i will almost definitely talk about it in more detail on here at some point, but to keep things simple for now, i had very little control over how i came out to my family. it just sort of got revealed to my mum who insisted that my dad and brother (who didn't live with me, messy divorce) would never accept me and otherwise she was very unreactive initially. she feigned support whilst keeping it a secret from everyone in our immediate family but told lots of her friends for about 3 months but had expressed very negative views of trans women before so it felt very false to me. in january 2021 she decided she didnt support my "decision", as well as shouting at me for not telling her i had been r*ped and blamed everything on my dad. i didnt feel safe in her house anymore, so even though it was the middle of a covid-19 lockdown in the uk i had to take all of my belongings with me across almost the whole of england to get myself back to my uni campus. it was easily the worst day of my life and the hardest thing i ever had to do and i havent spoken to her since. i broke my collar bone as a young teenager and carrying all my stuff like that has made it hurt all the time, and i find it so hard not to think about it all whenever the pain is really bad. i was at university for animation, something i had always wanted to do my entire life. i could not bring myself to go to classes for the entire year so i deferred to the next. then i still couldnt bring myself to come in for most of the year. for some reason they didnt kick me out despite my attendance so i tried again the second year, and it went better but i was still really disappointed in myself. in my third year, things got complicated. i started to try really hard and believe i might be getting somewhere. i was the only person in my whole course that was doing traditional animation, my course was advertised as supporting traditional animation but i was not given a tutor so i was totally alone to try and fit my assignments to my limited skillset and resources. i had some ideas for projects i was really passionate about and started to develop and then it happened again and i got overwhelmed and decided i really couldnt do it anymore so i stopped going entirely. during this time i have also wrestled with the fact that i knew deep down that i am a lesbian. recently i have given up fighting it and have accepted that i am a lesbian, i think being on estrogen for one month as of today has played a big part in that, as it has rekindled my emotions and i just cannot fight that feeling anymore. but it has also brought on a terrible loneliness that i think i was suppressing beforehand too, and it has just made me feel incredibly lost. i am really happy somewhere in there about it, but it is overshadowed by a terrible sadness that i have let myself hide away this whole time. it has filled my heart to the brim with love and i feel like i have nowhere to put it and i just want to scream. i have been so scared to say any of this anywhere to anyone for fear of burdening people but i cant keep it inside anymore so i want to shout about it here because i have nowhere else to do it. so if youre reading this i am sorry for taking your time, just know it means the world that anyone even knows any of this and that bending your hypothetical ear will hopefully ease the load even if just for a moment.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 years ago
hm. ive thought im possibly autistic before, and i have almost a blackout on the bingo, (just one i couldnt mark, the "even if you know they don't care" phrasing in the one about infodumping, if i know someone doesnt care abt what im talking abt id rather die than speak. or i keep starting a sentence, but they keep replying to other people and not me? guess ill die repeating the first few words/(sometimes i drop it and stop trying to say it. but it's still there rentfree in my head for HOURS.)).
i researched everything i had or thought i might have so fuckin much at that time. (4ish years ago. my focus at that time) i almost made my summer project for a credit about autism, i was looking at articles so much. (some were nd author 4 nd readers, but theres way too many allistic article writers and not nearly enough neurodivergent ones.). its hard to express certain things in the questionnaire [especially since i answered "how i feel today" when i took it, i took it before seeing the "answer like its your worst case day" post about diagnoses, but also symptoms no questions talked about]
yet?? the time i tried getting diagnosed, they said "no autism! just depressed" even tho so many of my traits are neurodivergent related symptoms and nowhere near depression related symptoms
(tbf, i now, few years later, think its adhd, not autism. which also fits most of my symptoms convergently, and my dad thinks he might have too but wont test, so genes fit that as well. so "no autism", but ALSO NOT "just depressed". also also i had a friend in middle school diagnosed with adhd, she shared her meds with me once, (dont remember context for why), and they helped. they worked as they were meant to. dont allistic people usually get high off adhd meds though? either way, i had too much going on that WERENT typical depression symptoms, that i included on the questions, for it to "just" be depression.)
...shit, do anons still have a character limit?
Hi there,
I’m not sure what question/advice you’re trying to ask, but I agree that there needs to be more neurodivergent writing.
I’m sorry if this didn’t answer your question. Feel free to send a message if you’d like.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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