#like some on my ankle were visible and she asked if they were all about that depth and whatnot and i didn't look closely and said yeah
uh oh the post-psych mood crash
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His Second Chance
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Everything was groggy when you finally came back, a sting in your neck making it painful to move.
Ignoring the pain the best you could, you looked around, only to see you were back in Miles' room.
But, not really. This wasn't your world.
Once it hit that you didn't wake up back at home, in bed with your Miles you sat up quickly, trying to move out of bed only to see your hands were tied and your ankles.
They weren't tied harshly, like the one who tied them with care, careful not to hurt you even when you moved around but strong enough you couldn't get out.
"What- what the fuck…" you muttered, trying to pull your hands free or get the knots undone before you heard a chair squeak and you froze.
"Don't worry about it. Can't get 'em off. Stop trying."
You turned your head quickly to Miles' chair, the back turned to you as a familiar deep and stoic voice spoke.
"Won't know if I don't try." You quipped back, trying to make whatever light of the situation you could, at least try to get you and Miles out alive.
And you could swear, you heard almost a chuckle come from behind that chair, quickly ended by the one sitting in it.
"...Why are you here?" He asked, quickly getting to the point as you scoffed.
"You're the one holding us here? We just wanna get home." You put it bluntly, going back to working on your toes as he wasn't looking.
"No." You could hear him say, the chair turning around as you worked faster before he saw.
"I mean, why are you here?" He asked, demanding as the chair finally turned.
You couldn't help but freeze as you saw his face.
It was Miles.
Your Miles.
But, not really. This Miles was visibly different and you could tell. This Miles was cold. This Miles just stared at you instead of smiling like yours did.
He was not your Miles.
Your Miles was knocked out somewhere, and needed you to get out of here.
"How are you here when you're not even supposed to be breathing?" This Miles brought you back from your shock, watching the confusion and realization sink in.
This was his world. The world where you guys disrupted the canon. The one with no Spider-Man.
So now you were forced to look at his suit, a suit similar to one Uncle Aaron wore when he was dubbed the Prowler.
"I'm not…we're not supposed to be here." You muttered, looking at everything and how similar it was to your Miles' room, down to every last picture of both of you in every same place.
"But you are." Miles bluntly reiterated, staring at you, his eyes going over and over your face like he was trying to find any similarities and any differences, he found all of one.
"You're the Prowler…? You can't be- you can't be the Prowler." You denied, stumbling over your words out of shock and shaking your head.
"Wanna know how I became the Prowler?" Miles somehow was amused by your shock and confusion, standing up to walk to you.
You couldn't find it in yourself to back away as he leaned down to you on the bed, his face close to yours as he stared into you.
"Because my dad died. And you died. Know what it's like to watch your girlfriend crushed to death with your dad on TV?" Miles muttered, his gaze never leaving you.
"And finding your body under all that?" Miles kept going, watching every reaction you did, your eyes darting around as you took in the new information.
"Now you're back…" Miles muttered, a small smirk can't help but to make its way onto his lips as he kept thinking of all the possibilities, the second chance he had now in his grip.
"Looking just as pretty as the day you left." Miles complimented, his smirk only growing as he used his fingers to pull your chin up to look at him.
"You think I'm gonna let that go?" Miles chuckled, amused at how you wanted to just leave, because he wasn't gonna let you.
"Miles. I'm…I'm not your (Name). I'm sure she loved you- but I'm not her." You tried to explain, shaking your head.
"But you are in some multiverse way. Right?" Miles laid the sarcasm on, his smirk slowly leaving as he heard how much you denied.
"Please. Just let us go home. I'm sure I loved you as much as you did me here, but you're not my Miles and I'm not your (Name)." You shook your head, a plea to understand.
"So please, let us go home." You begged one more last time as Miles just now stared at you, face blank the more you went on about leaving him.
"...How come he gets to have you and everything while I'm stuck here with what could've been avoided?" Miles scoffed, his hand making its way onto your cheek, feeling your skin he hadn't felt in so long.
"It doesn't work like that." Miles muttered, staring into your eyes, his hand lingering before he pulled away, turning his back to you and to the door.
"Miles! Please, just let us go! I- we don't belong here!" You yelled after him, desperate for him to understand as he activated his mask.
"You did once before. You'll do it again...But he won't."
Miles out on his glove, his mask over his face as your pleas fell onto deaf ears as he walked away.
He wasn't losing his second chance.
Not to that Miles, not to anyone.
You weren't leaving him again.
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luveline · 21 days
I would love to see Derek with a super confident sunshine gf but May be she gets super shy and flustered when he compliments her or makes a dirty joke and just like the first time it happens and Derek is so taken aback by her shyness bc he's used to her being chatty and confident
“Hi, Dr. Reid.” 
Derek knows it’s gonna be a good day when you come in already flirting. 
“Hi,” Spencer says. “Want a bagel?” 
“Thanks, handsome, but I already had breakfast.” Derek leans back in his chair to watch you, and you see his moving, turning your attention to him with an equally brilliant smile. “Hi, Agent Morgan.” 
“You can call me Derek, baby.” 
“No, I don’t think so,” you say lightly. You pull your pea coat tighter against yourself and give a breath. “Is it cold in here today, or is it just me?” 
“There’s a problem with the radiators,” Spencer says. “They sent out an email this morning to dress warmly. It’ll be fixed by tomorrow, apparently.” 
“Oh. I didn’t see. I don’t think I’m dressed for the cold,” you say, looking down at your short heels. “I would’ve worn sneakers like you, Spence.” 
“I brought some extra socks?” Spencer says. 
“Well, keep me a pair in case I need them?” you ask. 
“Sweetheart, if it’s warming up you need, you come straight to me,” Derek says, his tone warm as his promise, “I’ll find a way to keep you comfortable, that’s on my life, don’t waste your time with anybody else.” 
He doesn’t mean it to sound so heavily sexual, but he absolutely did mean for it to be an innuendo. Regardless, he isn’t expecting this —you look straight to Spencer like you want to check he’s heard it, and you fluster hard, fisting the strap of your purse where it’s snug over your shoulder, a small smile playing on your lips. 
“Okay,” you say shyly, nodding, looking at the space to the left of Derek’s shoulder. “Won’t waste my time.”
He doesn’t know what to say. You’ve always been sweet like that, your sunny disposition drew him to you like a moth to a flame, and yet Derek can’t recall ever having made you fluster so quickly, and so visibly. 
Derek suspects he’d find neck hot under his hand with a flush if he touched it. laughs loudly, pen in his hands wagging up and down as he fights the urge to say anything else and prolong your agony.  
You give a soft laugh, flustered, embarrassed and breathless, tapping his ankle with your shoe. “That was a bit mean.” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, sorry Spencer has to be here to see it, “I was kidding.” 
“I know!” You also give Spencer a sorry look.
Spencer, while sometimes slow to pick up subtle social cues, thankfully gets the idea and stands up from his chair. Derek follows suit, though he doesn’t scarper for the kitchen. 
“That caught me off guard,” you say, laughing again as he offers his arms to you. 
“What happened?” He tugs you forward. You tuck your arms behind his neck to kiss his jaw, the morning hello.
“You said it like you were bossing me around!” you defend yourself.
“And you liked that?” 
“Stop, stop,” you laugh. “I wasn’t expecting it. You never boss me around. You’re nicer than anybody gives you credit for.” 
“You think so?” he asks, still teasing, but also vaguely smug. To get to hug you in the office, arms on your waist, prettiest face ever made, Derek can’t help himself. “I really will keep you warm. I’ll get you a heater.” 
“You’re my heater.” 
“I’m hot-blooded.” 
You part ways with mutual reluctance. “You’re something, Derek.” 
He enjoys making you laugh, and the shy tilt of your head as you’d recovered, but he’s much happier when you’re bundled up at your desk with a hot cup of coffee and his promised space heater plugged in at your feet, chatting across the way to him about what you want to do this weekend if he doesn’t get called away. 
“Maybe we can buy a couple of DVD’s and you can warm me up all weekend,” you suggest, an attempt to pretend you aren’t bothered by his comment anymore, that it had been a momentary lapse in judgement. 
Derek’s content to give you anything you ask for. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatever you want.” 
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suna rintaro here. my girlfriend, y/n, is being distant today and i don't know why. let me tell you about what happened.
we were supposed to have our separate zooms with her on my lap, but she left to a different room near the very beginning. she tried to play it off with "i have a pop quiz and i need to focus. can't have my grade drop just because i can't focus on your lap with your zoom in the background," but we all know that that is absolute bs. she could've focused on my lap just fine, and we all know that failing a 10-point pop quiz from chiahara-sensei happens to the best of us. and if you're wondering, i am the best of the best.
then, after we both finished our annoyingly long 1.5 hour lectures, (well she claimed hers was in fact a 40-point pop quiz/test but it def wasn't) she refused to cook together. she said something like, "rin, you burned yourself last time, remember? go sit down," but that, too, is bs. yes, i spilled hot water on my sweats last time i tried to make pasta, but it was on my knee, so it wasn't like it was a big deal anyways. i don't know why she kept making excuses.
then, after we finished eating the meal she cooked without me, she had the audacity to get on a zoom call when i didn't have one. and after that terrible offense, she refused to sit on my lap for it AGAIN. she said that inuzuka-sensei was always more strict about what we wore in zooms, and i wouldn't get away with no shirt on like soma-sensei let me. when i told her that her body would block mine, she said that my chest and shoulders would still be perfectly visible. then, she guilted me by saying that she didn't want other girls to see my "perfectly toned abs," as she called them. AND THEN she had the impudence to TEASE ME and LIE TO ME by telling me my cheeks and ears were getting red! couldn't believe her.
then, after all our classes were over, she refused to cuddle with me because APPARENTLY her friend's sister a block down rolled and sprained her ankle, and that it was getting pretty bruised and swollen. she also added that her friend didn't have any advil or experience in injuries, and apparently she was asked to bring some advil, a compression bandage, and a couple ice packs. when i told her that her friend could just buy some and that she could get her own ice pack, she tried to get out of it by telling me that her friend's sister was only 5, was bawling her eyes out, refused to be left alone but also screamed louder when she was picked up, and that we also had a lot to spare because we have a ton of supplies in the closet because of my constant volleyball injuries. again, absolute bs. her friend could just go grab everything herself. what did it matter that the kid was crying? fuck kids! do you know how funny those youtube videos of kids getting hurt and crying are? people enjoy them for a reason. it's because kids are annoying as hell and it's fun to watch them get injured. im subscribed to like 10 of those kinds of channels. her friend is literally getting free entertainment and y/n obviously just wants to watch the free entertainment WITHOUT ME because she'd rather be with her stupid friend than me.
all in all, please help. i don't know why she's so distant today. is she mad? please give me tips!
@.su.rin post made at 4:16pm
comments: @.y/n.l/n: HELP WHAT IS THIS @.y/n.l/n: for the record i got an a+ on that so it was worth it @.y/n.l/n: love u always rin <333 @.su.rin: reply to @.y/n./l/n- ik that u hate me its ok
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HAI EMMY!!! i've always wanted to send this request since it's been on the back of my mind for a while now;;
i just wanna know how kita shinsuke would act if he had a crush. likeeee would he be straightforward about it, or would he shy away from his feelings, OR OR OR IMAGINE IF HE BECAME ALL CLUMSY BECAUSE READER HAS SUCH A SOFT SPOT IN HIS PURE LITTLE HEART. AUGUAHAHHUH he's so cute and pinchable it hurts.
you don't have to tend to this request right away, of course. ^^ I JUST HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AND PLSPLSPLS DO STAY HYDRATED!!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜
*sneezes* you got me in my feelings mate 🥺❤️❤️ also this is pre-timeskip bc I needed the boys for support dont @ me
Because kita shinsuke- the man, the myth, the love of my life and the reason I wake up in the morning…
Is SO. DANG. BAD. when it comes to having a crush, because all his steadiness and confidence and grounding is completely gone, and he turns into a mess. With most feelings, it’s easy for him, the love he feels for his granny is complete adoration, his teammates are admiration, and you… he doesn’t know what you are, because you feel different than he is used to.
All his ducks were lined up if anyone were to ask how his emotions were sorted. Then you came along out of seemingly no where.
He doesn’t know what happened; he’s known you for years, you’ve been in similar classes and know each others name, but then you started showing up when Suna Rintaro came along, even sitting quietly at practice while the second-year played. While people noticed your arrival- namely the twins- Suna would immediately shut them down with a snap of his fingers and a dominating “absolutely not.”
From then, Kita just assumed you were off limits. Not that he had specific feelings for you regardless, but he kept his distance just in case.
One day, Rintaro fell at practice and twisted his ankle, and while you had indeed helped him to the bench and laid ice on it, your scolding was just a loud hiss as practice continued.
He… liked, that you weren’t going to sugar coat the magnitude of injuries.
After that, for some unholy reason, you’ve absolutely plagued his mind.
His serves are off, he’s working harder and harder in practice as if to impress you, talking more in class for you to hear his voice. He tries to find shoes to make him look taller, shirts that tone him a bit more, he tries to style his hair a little different, anything and everything to be more visible to you.
All that seems to do, however, is make the twins notice him.
“You could be a long lost twin,” Osamu snickers on a rare day you’re not at practice, taking a sip from his water. He raises his hands in defense when Kita shoots him a small glare, “I’m serious! Cant say I don’t appreciate the style but… why?”
“Because captain’s in looooove,” Atsumu sings, dramatically resting his head on Kita’s shoulder. Kita blinks down unamused at the blonde, but everyone sees right through him as his back tenses and eyes blow out slightly. His cheeks give a small flush, and he’s so full of it, it hurts.
“Being in love implies that there’s a two party consent,” he defends. “I have absolutely no indication that she has any feelings other than platonic for me.”
“Not true! Suna’s in love with you!”
“See? The love Suna has for me, is not part of a two party consent. Not quite the same as being in love.”
Kita ignores the completely offended middle blocker, giving Atsumu a small shrug of his shoulder to make him raise his head. The setter does, but not without continuing the conversation, “come onnnn! What have you got to lose by confessing? Huh? Plus you gotta be in love, because you’re so nervous for those feelings to not be mutual, if you weren’t you wouldn’t care!”
And gosh, he does have Kita there. Why do you make him so nervous? Truly! Maybe it’s his fault, perhaps he sees you as a fond younger class man, despite being in the same years… in… fact you may be older than him? But that’s beside the point,
“You know Kita-San, I’ve never seen you so… out of it,” Osamu continues. “You’re usually like, cold and stoic and straightforward-“
“Benched me three practices ago when I kept fooling around,” Suna snickers.
“Yeah! Now you’re smiling at your phone and laughing more during drills at our crap and just… happier. It’s strange.”
A thick brow cocks in confusion for Osamu’s words, “im… I didn’t think those were bad characteristics to have?”
Finally, to mend the situation, Aran sighs and stands up to clap Kita on the back, “I think what our eloquent second hears are trying to say, is that she’s good for you… maybe you pursue something with her and get some answers.”
Maybe he should.
Kita thinks he should sleep on it.
But in fact, all Kita does is toss and turn. All night. Thinking about all the outcomes if he does, or doesn’t, confess to you and how you may or may not feel about him in return.
In fact, Kita spends the whole rest of the day thinking and day dreaming about you and the mere idea that you could return any of the affections he could share. He shambles uncharacteristically like a zombie, a complete 180 from his usual composed self.
With all love in the world… you’re ruining his life.
He’s barely able to comprehend his movements, if he didn’t have a team relying on him, he’d immediately try to go home for the day and shake whatever remnants of you are on his mind.
His team, who look at him with cocked brows as Kita enters the gym with a massive, book in his hand; and listen… he doesn’t really know where he got it either.
But it has your name on it. He can’t remember if you left it, or forgot it, or… honestly, he may have stole the thing on a subconscious whim to talk to you.
Either way, he’s got it and not you.
“Whatcha got there, cap?”
“Her book,” he says flatly. “She… left it on her desk… I think. She needs it for her homework.” He looks at the second year who’s glancing back up at him with sharp eyes. “I was wondering if you could bring it to her on your walks home.”
“Or,” Suna says, hopping back onto his feet once his shoes are tied. “You could return it, and maybe then tell her how you feel?” He takes out his phone and immediately, his fingers start to fly.
“Oh… I’m not sure about that-“
“Too late,” he says indifferently. “I already texted her that you were on your way; she was on her way here after digging for it, so,” he claps his captain on the back. “Have at thee.”
Kita sighs in defeat, “remind me to force a phone-ban when I get back.”
“That’s my captain,” Suna teases. But he does send Kita an encouraging push on his back, and the captain takes a deep breath before shuffling out.
And his thoughts of what to say run over and over and over and over again, creating a string of words to fire out at anything and everything you could say.
He just wants to confess at this point. He can’t go on being so stiff and distracted; he needs you to either like him back, or reject him.
That, of course, dissipates when he sees you on the other end of the hall.
Your face brightens up as you see him, bouncing relieved on your toes and he approaches with his usual small smile.
“You are a godsend,” you praise, and Kita’s ears turn hot pink at your words. “I just completely blanked on grabbing it, thank you, thank you.”
“It’s no trouble,” he assures. He then swallows thickly as he continues to watch you place the book in your bag and then trying to make your way to the gym to watch Suna and the boys.
He, subconsciously, steps in front of you.
“I… think you look pretty today,” he says, gnawing his lip and keeping very intense eye contact with you. You tip your head and, in an attempt to ease his nerves, crack a joke.
This, evidently, was a bad idea.
“Huh. Am I not pretty everyday?”
You almost hear the whimper in his throat, and before you can tell him that you’re just joking, the word fountains turn on and he’s off.
“Of course you are! It’s just that today in class, I couldn’t stop glancing over at you and the way you were chewing on your pen- because even though that’s bad for your teeth it made you look positively focused and your eyes were kept on the board and no one else and I couldn’t help but look at you because I like the way you look when your focused, I like the way you look when you do anything-“ he takes a deep breath while you blink in surprise.
“-And I don’t know how to stop liking the way that you look but the way that it’s making me feel is making me feel confused and almost a little frightened because I’ve never had these feelings before but apparently Suna has similar feelings and according to Atsumu that’s normal to have feelings that may be unreciprocated-“
“-But he’s the one that encouraged me to do this because I’ve been such a fool with everything I do because I can’t stop thinking about you and Atsumu said that it’s easier to get an answer rather than guess and-“ there’s small snickering around the corner, and the shy, rambling Kita snaps back to his usual composed, captain form, “atsumu, I hear you over there. 50 push ups and 3 laps around the court when I come back to practice!”
“Suna’s here too!” A voice whines.
“Then both of you! OUT!”
There’s a dash of sneakers down the hallway. He takes a deep breath and finally looks back at you, completely flushed and out of breath from the past minute and a half.
He clears his throat before he cards his hair back, “for… for reference, I have no desire of pursuing a relationship with Suna.”
You blink. Then, you snort to try and hide a giggle.
Then, you’re laughing, you’re laughing straight into his face and clutching your sides, and he could almost cry from embarrassment, swallowing thickly and looking down the hall where the twins were hiding.
“I understand,” he says quietly. “I do hope you continue to support our team-“
“Kita-San,” you say, trying to gather yourself. You reach for his hand, which is clammy and he feels bad for, but you don’t seem to mind. “I’m laughing because I like you too; I’m always staring at you too, Mr. Perfect, even when you do see it.” You plant a small kiss to his knuckles and he nearly faints.
“I was laughing, because Suna is basically obsessed with you, I tease him for it constantly on our walks home; just the idea that you had to clarify to me that you were indifferent towards that was just silly.” He opens and closes his mouth like a fish to try and reply, but you shake your head with a smile, “I like the way you look. I like the way you put your heart and soul into everything you do. I like the way you always have some money incase someone needs something for the vending machine.” You beam up at him, and he feels like he’s floating, but he finally cracks a smile back, and when you open your palm in an attempt to initiate hand-holding, he laces his fingers with yours happily.
As you walk down the hall, only the sound of footsteps ring through the air, and kita is happy, he’s thrilled that not only do you feel the same, but you had no judgement towards him. You liked him for all the reasons he couldn’t see, and that meant the world to him.
Then, you hum, and he casts you a look.
“Is it really that bad to chew on the end of your pen?”
“Horrendous,” he chuckles. “The enamel of your teeth wears down.” You laugh and shake your head at the silly fact.
“But that’s okay,” he continues. “I like when you do it. It’s endearing.”
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heartsoji · 1 year
suna rintaro here. my girlfriend, y/n, is being distant today and i don't know why. let me tell you about what happened.
we were supposed to have our separate zooms with her on my lap, but she left to a different room near the very beginning. she tried to play it off with "i have a pop quiz and i need to focus. can't have my grade drop just because i can't focus on your lap with your zoom in the background," but we all know that that is absolute bs. she could've focused on my lap just fine, and we all know that failing a 10-point pop quiz from chiahara-sensei happens to the best of us. and if you're wondering, i am the best of the best.
then, after we both finished our annoyingly long 1.5 hour lectures, (well she claimed hers was in fact a 40-point pop quiz/test but it def wasn't) she refused to cook together. she said something like, "rin, you burned yourself last time, remember? go sit down," but that, too, is bs. yes, i spilled hot water on my sweats last time i tried to make pasta, but it was on my knee, so it wasn't like it was a big deal anyways. i don't know why she kept making excuses.
then, after we finished eating the meal she cooked without me, she had the audacity to get on a zoom call when i didn't have one. and after that terrible offense, she refused to sit on my lap for it AGAIN. she said that inuzuka-sensei was always more strict about what we wore in zooms, and i wouldn't get away with no shirt on like soma-sensei let me. when i told her that her body would block mine, she said that my chest and shoulders would still be perfectly visible. then, she guilted me by saying that she didn't want other girls to see my "perfectly toned abs," as she called them. AND THEN she had the impudence to TEASE ME and LIE TO ME by telling me my cheeks and ears were getting red! couldn't believe her.
then, after all our classes were over, she refused to cuddle with me because APPARENTLY her friend's sister a block down rolled and sprained her ankle, and that it was getting pretty bruised and swollen. she also added that her friend didn't have any advil or experience in injuries, and apparently she was asked to bring some advil, a compression bandage, and a couple ice packs. when i told her that her friend could just buy some and that she could get her own ice pack, she tried to get out of it by telling me that her friend's sister was only 5, was bawling her eyes out, refused to be left alone but also screamed louder when she was picked up, and that we also had a lot to spare because we have a ton of supplies in the closet because of my constant volleyball injuries. again, absolute bs. her friend could just go grab everything herself. what did it matter that the kid was crying? fuck kids! do you know how funny those youtube videos of kids getting hurt and crying are? people enjoy them for a reason. it's because kids are annoying as hell and it's fun to watch them get injured. im subscribed to like 10 of those kinds of channels. her friend is literally getting free entertainment and y/n obviously just wants to watch the free entertainment WITHOUT ME because she'd rather be with her stupid friend than me.
all in all, please help. i don't know why she's so distant today. is she mad? please give me tips!
@.su.rin post made at 4:16pm
comments: @.y/n.l/n: HELP WHAT IS THIS @.y/n.l/n: for the record i got an a+ on that so it was worth it @.y/n.l/n: love u always rin <333 @.su.rin: reply to @.y/n./l/n- ik that u hate me its ok
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kaziwi · 1 year
Hellooo!!! may I request a luffy, zoro, and law with fem!reader whos rlly shy and she will just will throw gifts or little notes that say “love u” at him and runs away or hides 😭
separate pls but also if u don’t wanna do all three u can do one! whatever works for u❤️
Shy Reader Who Gives Gifts/Notes To Them
Hiii!!! Thank you for being my first ask!! I couldn't really think of any ideas for Luffy, so I just wrote for Zoro and Law. I apologize for the long wait and I hope you enjoy!
Character(s): Zoro, Law
WC: 1.4k
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You've had the biggest crush on Zoro for longer than you can remember. The Strawhats had saved your island and invited you to join along, and with this HUNK of a man there who could say no.
You wanted to talk with him so bad, but he was always training and it was just so awkward...you didn't wanna risk a conversation that was mostly silent.
After going to Nami for advice, you decided the best way to communicate would be little notes! Nothing could go wrong...right..?
"321...322...323..." Zoro was in the crows nest, training as per usual. Right now he had so many weights on his back while doing pushups that he couldn't even look up from the floor. He heard the door to the crow's nest creek open, but he didn't have the strength to break his workout and look up to see who it is.
"Oi, who's there?" He asked, but got no reply. He heard someone walking towards him, but couldn't make out who's footsteps they were. The person came close to him, then ran back to the ladder and climbed down the crows nest. Zoro thought it was a bit weird, but maybe it was Chopper dropping off some water, or Usopp searching for Luffy in their daily game of hide and seek. Whatever he thought, as he finished his workout. When he finally put down his weights, he noticed a small note taped onto one of the weights.
"Love u"
Zoro looked at the note like it was in another language. Whatever, someone probably left it as a joke. He went back to training, crumpling the note and throwing it to the corner of the crow's nest.
He thought that would be the last he thought of the note, but that was before he found 4 more in the past hour. Each had the same words, "love u", and it was starting to piss him off. Of course he appreciated the gesture, but he was confused on who in the crew would leave him these notes. Nami???? No, she wouldn't, and if she did she'd charge him for it. Luffy?? No, his handwriting isn't even legible. This was going to bother him all day, so he decided to catch the culprit in the act.
He decided to lay on the side of the railing and take a short "nap." It took about an hour, but he soon noticed someone's presence approaching him. Quietly, the person crept near him and placed a small note on the ground next to him, but just before they turned to walk away, Zoro grabbed their ankle and pulled them down. When he opened his eyes, he never expected to see you there.
"Y/N??? Oi are you ok?" Zoro hastily helped you up. "Shit I am so sorry."
"Its fine.." you quietly reply, he had caught you in the act, you had no idea what to say. It was quiet for a few minutes till Zoro spoke up.
"So...you were the one leaving those notes...right?"
"Yeah..it was me.." you mumbled, looking down at the ground. You were finished, he knew, he probably thought you were weird now and would never want to-
"Next time...sign your name.." You looked up at him, a glimmer of hope in your eye. His face was visibly flustered as he said, "I'm glad those notes were from you ya know, anyone else on this ship leaving them would be weird..."
"Okay...I'll make sure to sign my name next time.." You said, still intrigued by his flustered face. He noticed you staring and quickly walked away, covering his face. You kept leaving notes for him and even small gifts too, and even though you always ran away immediacy after, you always made sure to sign your name.
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Your captain was THE Trafalgar Law, like how could you not have a crush on him????
You were a good crewmate and did your job well around the ship, but whenever your captain praised you or tried to have a non-work related conversation, you just got so flustered you couldn't handle it.
Approaching him directly about your feelings wouldn't work...but you had another idea up your sleeve....
Law stopped looking at his clock a long time ago, all he knew was that it was late. He had stayed up late reading a new textbook he picked up at the last island, and the last time he checked the clock it was about 2:19 am.....but that was awhile ago. He swore he was going to go to sleep soon...he just wanted to read about 1 or 2 or 5 more chapters.
Knock Knock
Who the hell was knocking at his door at this hour??? Probably Bepo with a random nightmare he thought as he shuffled towards the door. Law opened it expecting a crying polar bear, but was shocked to see no one was there. He stepped out to see if someone could be down the hall, but his foot was met with a small box. Law picked up the box and looked around the hallway....no one was there. He shut the door to his room and examined the box. It looked.....normal..
Law slowly opened the box and found a small plush of a polar bear. Oh my god???? He loved it???? He examined it more and could tell it was obviously hand made. The stiches weren't perfect, but he could tell whoever made it put a lot of thought into it. He didn't know why someone would make him this, but he didn't really question it cause even though he loved the gift the textbook was calling his name.
Throughout the next week Law would receive a total of 23 gifts. Some being a small note attached with a piece of candy and others being big extravagant displays. He wanted to confront the crew about it and ask whoever it was to stop.....but in all honestly he loved these small gifts. Each one had their own thought to it and the person who gave them obviously knew his favorite things. He wanted to figure out who was giving these to him so he could thank them...and hopefully return the favor.
Law decided the best course of action was catching them in the act...so he set up baby Den Den Mushi's around the Polar Tang that would hopefully catch the perpetrator in the act. He waited till the next time he got a gift to check them, and when he was met with a box of chocolates at the foot of his door, he knew it was time to check.
Your plan had been going perfectly. Throughout the week you had been leaving Law little gifts, hoping that it would catch his attention. Everyone noticed the captain's mood boost throughout the week, so it was obvious your efforts weren't to waste. You wish he knew it was you though....but you never thought you'd have the courage to tell him.
You started to make your way to your room after dinner, when Law stopped you. The rest of the crew had left the kitchen, so it was only you and him.
"Um..is there something you needed captain?" you asked. Why had he pulled you aside?? There's no way he knows about the gifts right???
"Yes actually, I was just wondering when did you learn to sew?" Ok so he definitely knew. No, you could still save this.
"Sewing??? What are you talking about??? I can't sew-" You were cut off by Law shoving a baby Den Den Mushi in your face. He didn't have to play it for you to know you'd been caught.
"I just don't get it, why did you give me all those gifts. I appreciated them of course, but what was the occasion??" Law asked.
"I just wanted to show my appreciation towards you captain...and show how much I care for you.." you sheepishly say, looking down at the floor.
"Well....I'd love to return the favor...maybe I could take you out to dinner at the next island.." You looked up at him, your eyes sparkling. His face was clearly red, and seeing you staring at him made him even more flustered.
"Sure...I'd love that.." you said, letting a smile slip from your lips. Seems your efforts paid off...and it only took a few of sewing classes to do so.
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marlynnofmany · 6 months
Always Bring A Flashlight
“This delivery,” I said, trying to hold my feet stable on the uneven ground, “Would have been a great use for the hovercycle.”
“Yes it would,” Blip agreed. She pushed the hoversled along with me, having just as much trouble with the criss-crossing tree roots that made up what passed for a road here. Her clothes for today were the type that fit closely and displayed muscle, leaving her natural frills as the only things waving in the breeze. Or maybe they were waving with frustration.
Normally she and Blop would have done a delivery together, but he’d sprained his shoulder trying one of Wio’s impossible puzzleboxes. He knew full well those were meant for people with tentacles instead of arms. Now he was recuperating on the ship, while we pushed a sled full of packages over some very treacherous footing. No, I wasn’t bitter about that.
“Have we tried hooking the bike up to a sled before?” I asked, stepping over a python-sized root and walking down one the size of a playground slide. “I know it would take some quick work on the brakes to keep it from crashing into anything, and you’d need somebody to ride along and steer, but it seems doable.”
Paint piped up from where she was riding on the front of the sled. “Oh, like when we did that one rush delivery with you running and pulling it!”
I chuckled, slipping just a little. “Yep, like when I was a sled dog. But with less of a risk of spraining an ankle.”
Blip said, “Pretty sure Captain Sunlight declared it too risky for regular deliveries. The hovercycle’s for small packages, not whole piles.”
Paint clambered over the stack to look down at us. Her orange scales were bright in this foresty dimness. “But it’s all tied down so well.”
I craned my neck up. “Are those rated for sitting on?”
“Hm. Probably not.” She climbed back to the front where the brakes were. She was a little small to be of any help in pushing, but she made a good lookout.
Like now. “Hey, what’s that?”
I peered around the side of the package stack, but didn’t see anything other than giant trees and a ground covered in roots. Plus the occasional white marker attached to the trunks so offworld courier crews didn’t get desperately lost. It was all very shadowy and green. “Where?”
“There’s misty-looking stuff in the distance,” Paint reported. “Steam? Fog? Poison gas?”
Blip groaned. “I hope not.”
I thought back to the briefing for this location. “There wasn’t anything hazardous in the report. No predators of note either.”
“Good,” Blip said as the mist grew thick enough to spot in the shadows. “That means probably nothing will jump out at us when the visibility’s egg-dark.”
“Probably,” I agreed. “Are we still going to be able to see the pathway?” The white marker sticks were kind of far apart. I didn’t like our odds if we missed one.
“So far,” Paint said from the front of the sled.
We pushed on. The fog thickened faster than I expected, and I found myself struggling to make out the root shapes before I needed to step on or over them. “Paint? Are we going the right way?”
“I think so?” she said, a faint distressed blur in the darkness. “I don’t suppose either of you brought a light?”
“No.” I sighed. “Just my communicator, which isn’t going to do us much good.”
“I’ve got one!” Blip said, tugging at a pocket that I hadn’t realized was there. “It’s the kind that doesn’t make your eyes adjust, too.” With a quiet click, suddenly everything was vivid red.
“Ow,” I said on reflex.
“Perfect!” Paint exclaimed, setting the brakes and climbing over the boxes again. Her scales were as red as the boxes, though Blip looked black like the roots underfoot. While they handed the light off, I checked my own hand out of curiosity: red too, though not as bright as Paint.
“Twist it to adjust the focus!” Blip called. We were in shadow again, now that the light was on the other side of the stack.
“Got it,” Paint said. She fiddled with it for a moment, then sent a beam of red lancing into the mist with much less scattering in all directions. “That way! A little more to the left!”
Blip and I resumed pushing. We had to rely on Paint completely, but it worked.
She sounded delighted. “We’ll be there in no time! Onward!”
It was then that I realized what all this reminded me of, and I nearly fell over laughing. They of course demanded to know what was so funny.
“Another legend from my planet,” I said, wiping away tears. “Paint, I got to be Balto last time. You get to be the hero today!”
And then I sang Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for my alien coworkers, and they were honored to be part of it.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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probably-writing-x · 1 year
Curtains Closed - Part 2
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Warnings: I dont thinkkkkkk there's any?
Author’s Note: I love writing this concept and I loveee writing requests so please let me know if you'd like more parts of this or if you have any other ideas <3 Love you all x
You were sure that your reflection would start morphing if you stared at it anymore, or at least the small part that was visible in your compact mirror. Your makeup was still flawless, your hair still not even a fraction out of place, your outfit still hugging your body in the exact way it had done when you’d left. But now, sat in the car just before you had to leave, you wanted nothing more than to go home and change it all.
You should be high on life. You’d just won Best Actress for your role - a role you’d poured your heart and soul into. The film was a success, your name was in the headlines, everyone adored you. But as you were sat waiting to go into the after party, you couldn’t think of anything worse than having to celebrate your success alone.
“Are you ready to go honey?” Your assistant asks from beside you, offering you a smile.
She came with you everywhere, and she’d taken the plus one seat at the Oscars now that Drew wouldn’t be using it.
Drew. You hadn’t spoken to him since that day at your apartment, not even crossed paths once. You’d heard he’d been doing okay, and his film with Emily came out last week.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ready,” You smile, taking a deep breath and stepping out of the car.
Vanity Fair was plastered along one wall of the red carpet, cameras lining up along the other side with their flashing lights, a sprinkling of celebrities across the carpet already.
You’re instantly whisked onto the carpet, told to stand in front of the sign and smile. You’d changed out of your lavish Oscar’s dress for one of the same colour, this one simpler, a silk dress that fell around your chest and hugged into your waist, dropping down to your ankles with an extremely low cut back.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Over here!” Strangers’ voices call out to you from all different directions, all accompanied by the flash of their cameras.
You know how to pose by now, looking over your shoulder, moving your dress in the right way, look left, look right, go back to the front, change pose. It was all relatively routine to you at this point.
“(Y/N)! Over here! Look this way!” Another few voices shout and you try to keep your smile just as wide, knowing all of them wanted to capture the perfect shots of the lead actress of the year.
Your assistant comes back over to you and leads you over to the interviews, a row of filming cameras and people with microphones all waiting to hear from you.
“So, congratulations (Y/N), all of us here are so happy for you. How does it feel to officially be an Academy Award Winner?”
You take in a deep breath and smile, “You know, it’s just beyond words. I am so so grateful, I just feel like I’m living in a dream!”
The interviewer smiles and proceeds with their next question, “So who are you going to be celebrating with tonight?”
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Um, you know, I’m here with my assistant who is literally with me through everything, so I’m very happy to be sharing this with her. And then I’ll be celebrating with my family and my close friends as soon as I can.”
“That’s great, (Y/N), thank you! Have a lovely night.”
You move onto the next couple of interviews and they all ask you similar questions, about the film, about how amazing it was to win, about who you’d be celebrating with. The latter always brought the same sickness to your stomach. When Drew first saw you act, he told you he knew there’d be a moment when the world saw you in the way he did - and he told you he’d be there to cheer you on from the front row. But you were on the stage tonight, and his seat was re-named.
“I think Madelyn has just arrived,” Your assistant comments, “I’m going to head in but it might be nice for you two to get some photos together.”
“Sure, I’ll see you in there!” You encourage and she disappears.
You glance around at the carpet and catch sight of Madelyn just arriving. She’s wearing a black floor length dress accented with thin feathers and she looks as elegant as ever. Her face brightens up as soon as she sees you.
“Oh my god (Y/N)!” She squeals, extending her arms to envelop you in a hug, “Oh my god I am just so so so so so proud of you.”
“Thank you!” You respond, squeezing her a little tighter, “I’m so glad you’re here, I needed to see you tonight.”
“Girl, I gotchu, don’t worry,” She squeezes your arm, “I will warn you though, in about ten seconds I think you’re about to see somebody you really don’t want to see…”
Her words trail off into the ringing in your ears as you see who had just stepped out of the car behind her. His tall frame fitted into an all black suit, with just a small white trim along the button line of the shirts. His hair is buzzcut short, his eyes as piercing as ever when they are so harshly focused on you. And they are. As soon as his eyes fall to you, it is impossible for them to leave. The whole world around you seems to stop completely, all the sound drown out, everything else a blur but him and his face and his eyes and… him.
“Are you going to be okay?”
"Yes, yeah, of course," You cough a little, "Why wouldn't I be?"
And then you see. On the other side of the car, Emily stepping out. Her hair is fixed perfectly in a messy up-do, a short dress accenting her long legs and the perfect curves of her body. Perfect.
All of the reality comes tumbling back to you, washing over you in rushes of excess noise and bright lights and people shouting. You feel like you could sink into the carpet beneath you.
"(Y/N)," Drew says, now walking the short distance over to you, "Um, hi."
"Hi," Your breath catches in your throat, "How ar-"
"Hey honey, let's get some photos done," Emily cuts in, hurrying over and linking her arm with Drew's, "Oh, hey, (Y/N), didn't even know you'd be here."
You fight back any hatred from your words, "Yeah, yeah, sort of comes with the win I guess."
You can feel Madelyn smiling from beside you. Drew is still yet to take his eyes away from you, his lips slightly parted as if on the cusp of saying something.
Emily moves her hand and links her fingers with his, pulling both his and your attention to the point where their hands intertwine, "Come on babe, they need to get my good angle."
There's never a good way to describe the feeling, is there? How your heart feels like it tears in two and completely stops, all at the same second, all with no warning. How your hands feel like they lose all feeling but your body suddenly feels hyperaware of everything. How your brain loses all focus and your eyes cease to work but you can still note down every detail of exactly what is happening in front of you. How your worst nightmare is playing out right there, but you can't bring yourself to look away.
Drew doesn't say anything, simply nodding and following behind her as she drags the pair of them to stand in front of the cameras. You watch the photographers start snapping the shots and feel the tears start to bubble in your eyes, threatening to spill and expose how you felt for the headlines - fanning a fire you had tried to put out.
"Oh no you don't," Madelyn squeezes your hand, "You're not crying for him tonight, today is your day."
She grips your hand tighter and the pair of you walk in towards the party, forcing against every instinct in you to not look back at the sight of your worst nightmare playing out in front of you.
It's a little later into the party and you've done everything in your power to try and not think about Drew and Emily. Luckily, you'd been busy all night with people wanting to congratulate you on your win, thanking them and laughing when they say they want to be with you in your next project. It is at least an hour later when you see him again.
You're at the bar, waiting for the bartender to bring you your order, taking a minute to breathe amongst a lot of posing.
"Excuse me mate, can I grab a beer and a glass of water, please."
You'd know the tone anywhere. The same voice that made you weak at your knees, made your heart race.
He leans over the bar waiting for his drinks, glancing right until his eyes fall on you, "Hey."
"Hi," You respond, just as the bartender comes back with your drink.
Drew looks at you and then down to the glass in your hands like he can't manage to keep eye contact for too long.
"I should go," You say quickly before all of the air feels knocked from your lungs.
Drew stretches out a hand and wraps his fingers around your forearm, "Please don't."
There's a pleading in his eyes that laces his words, echoing in the slight furrow to his brows. When he sees you don't resist his touch, he relaxes, but his hand doesn't move just yet.
"I didn't get a chance to say it earlier but congratulations, really, I-" He stops himself, "I know how much you deserve it, and I just wanted you to know that I'm... I'm proud of you."
You let out a shaky breath, but draw your shoulders back and try to inject some confidence back into yourself, "Thank you, I appreciate that. You always did tell me it would happen eventually."
Drew lets out a raspy laugh, dropping his hand from your arm to drag it over his short hair, "Yeah, well, I believed in you," He stops, "Still do."
There's an ache in your heart to reach out for him. To tell him about the new coffee shop in New York that you've fallen in love with and how you want to go to Italy for the summer, how you wished you were reading more recently and how you aren't sure whether to take a new TV role. You went to tell him all the big and all the small, all the bad and all the good and everything in between. You want him to know you like he did last year.
In the silence, he glances down and looks at your drink, "They didn't give you ice."
"Oh, yeah, no, it's fine," You shrug, "I don't mind."
He frowns a little and takes it from you, "Sorry, do you mind putting some ice in this?"
You hover beside him at the bar, scanning your eyes down the lines of his side profile. As much as he didn't know it all, he did know you. He always would.
"Here," He gives you back your drink, "You never were good at sending food back."
You stop yourself from smiling too much, biting the inside of your cheek.
"I wanted to say to you too," He chews at the inside of his lip like he does when he is nervous, "Me and Emily-"
You put up a hand to stop him, "I don't think you need to tell me, Drew. If you're happy, that's great. But it took a lot for me to get over you, and I don't know if I can do all of that again so-"
"We're not together."
The words stop you in your tracks.
"We're not dating, we never were, we never will be," He states, clearly like he wants to make it certain that you hear him, "The producers said it would be a good idea to spark some rumours to promote the film, I didn't want to do it but..."
"You're not dating?"
"No, god no," He shakes his head aggressively, "After you and I split up she mentioned something about there being something between us, but I told her that I was waiting for you, and she understood. We're just friends, and I don't want it to be anything more."
You fight back another smile, feeling a little bit more like your boyfriend was stood in front of you - the boy who knew you.
"I told you I'd wait for you, (Y/N)," He shrugs his shoulders like its the easiest thing he's ever said, "I meant it."
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Gustav Klimt's The Kiss in My Stand-In
I received an ask a couple of days ago about what Gustav Klimt's The Kiss painting might mean in My Stand-In (which is something I've been thinking about ever since I briefly reacted to it all those episodes ago) and decided to answer that question in a separate post. So, here I am.
I will first describe the painting (since it isn't that visible in the images I have from My Stand-In) and then dive into the stories behind the possible sources of inspiration for the painting before I get to the significance it might have to the series.
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The painting depicts a man and a woman who are tightly embracing each other. The man has one hand around the back of her head while the other is on her cheek. She has one arm around his neck and the other hand resting on the one that's cradling her face. Her eyes are closed and the man is kissing her on the cheek. They're kneeling on a bed of colorful flowers (well, at least we can see that the woman is kneeling).
The man has an ivy wreath on his head while the woman has flowers in her hair and around her neck. They're both wearing yellow/gold garments. The man's garment is decorated with rectangular shapes in black, white, and silver. The woman's garment is decorated with circular floral patterns, curvy lines, and some small squares and rectangles. The patterns on the woman's garment include red, green, and blue hues. The woman also has golden ivy hanging from her ankles.
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Now that I've gone through that, let's look at the possible meaning of The Kiss.
I've never heard of this before, but just like Anon wrote in the ask that made me write this post, The Kiss seems to have been connected to Orpheus and Eurydice (at least according to Wikipedia, but take that with a grain of salt because there are no official sources to support this) and showing the moment right before he loses his love.
To summarize the story of Orpheus and Eurydice: They were married, Eurydice died due to a snakebite, and Orpheus went into the underworld to get her back. Orpheus was told to not look back at Eurydice as they walked out of the underworld. He couldn't hear her footsteps behind him, looked back (either out of his own longing or thinking he'd been fooled by the gods, I've heard of both versions), and she was sent back to the underworld forever. This led Orpheus to swear off women until the end of his life (which includes a couple of different endings, one of them being that he's ripped to pieces, lol).
I don't know if art historians have actually made this connection, but (in my opinion) it could make sense. Orpheus couldn't hear Eurydice's footsteps because it was her soul/spirit that walked behind him. She wouldn't get her body back until she came out into the light. And in the painting, the woman actually looks like she's translucent (just like it says on Wikipedia). But also, the meadow she's kneeling on ends abruptly behind her feet, which could indicate a way to the underworld, and the golden ivy around her ankles might be keeping her "chained" there.
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I'll get into what this might mean in My Stand-In in a moment because I have another connection to write about first. And that's the story of Apollo and Daphne, which an art historian/author argued is the case.
To summarize the story of Apollo and Daphne: Daphne was more interested in hunting and exploring forests than getting married and having kids (which her father initially wanted for her). So, when Apollo fell in love with her and started pursuing her, she fled. She eventually reached the water where her father resided and cried out to him to destroy her beauty. That's when she turned into a laurel. Even as a tree, Apollo vowed to honor her forever.
If The Kiss was inspired by this story, it would be a depiction of the moment Apollo kissed Daphne, right before she turns into a tree. However, there are no official sources to support whether this story was Klimt's inspiration or not.
But let's say that both versions are valid. How does that relate to My Stand-In?
Both myths are about transformation in some way. Orpheus and Eurydice's myth is about death and rebirth (although it doesn't get as far as an actual rebirth), while Apollo and Daphne's story is about a metamorphosis.
If we look at Orpheus and Eurydice's story in particular, the big strokes are similar to Ming and Joe's. They were in a situationship/relationship, Joe died, and Ming has been searching for Joe ever since.
If we look at Apollo and Daphne's story, certain things are similar to Joe and Ming's. First of all, there is the transformation where Daphne turns into a laurel and Joe transmigrates to another body.
Second, considering what we've seen in the trailer for the series, I'm sure Ming will chase Joe as much as he possibly can now that he's (almost) sure Joe 2.0 is "his" Joe, which feels similar to Apollo chasing after Daphne. I also feel like Joe will continue to refuse Ming for as long as he possibly can, which is similar to Daphne running from Apollo and rejecting his advancements.
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With that said, including The Kiss in Joe's home decor was a great choice (besides fitting with his color scheme).
But, what might The Kiss mean going forward? Let me speculate for a moment.
Considering the myths and how Eurydice didn't come back to life while Daphne didn't change back to a human being (even if she had wanted to), I feel like that's telling of Joe's fate in My Stand-In. I don't think he will get back into his former body because there is no turning back. Just like with Eurydice and Daphne.
I would be really surprised if the series chooses to transmigrate Joe back into his own body because I don't see this story having a "fairytale" ending. That's not the vibe I'm getting. A happy ending (which is possible) is another thing entirely, btw.
Instead, I feel like we will get Ming chasing Joe (like Apollo chased Daphne), just like I mentioned above, and Ming trying to honor Joe as much as he can (like Orpheus swore off women after losing Eurydice or Apollo vowed to honor the laurel tree).
This also falls in line with the idea I've personally had about this series for a few weeks now; that one of its major themes is about second chances. Joe got a second chance at life, Ming is getting his second chance with Joe and to not fuck it up this time, Joe is getting a second chance at having a family (Joe 2.0's mom), etc.
But, I could be wrong about all my speculations. And I'm excited to find out how wrong I am, lol.
The Kiss is said to weave together themes of love and the cycle of life and death. That seems very fitting for the series. And, as an artist, I love that art is so prominent in (particularly) Joe's home.
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wandanatsbaby · 9 months
Hey saw that you were taking requests for Lexa so here i am ! could you write smth about soft lexa and an oc or freader grounder that is really pretty and like soft for a grounder ? thankksss :))
Soft Grounder
Pairing: Lexa x Reader
Warnings: none
Lexa watches on with a smile as the night bleeders braid your hair and put little flowers in it. She has a small smile on her face as she watches you interact with them envisioning your future and wondering what you would be like if you both had kids.
Walking up to lexa with a smile you wrap your arms around her as no one is looking and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Good evening Heda.”
“Good evening Hodnes. Join me for lunch? The sky crew will be joining as well.” You nod and follow beside her as she leads you to the dining area. You look around and give Clarke a small wave as you see her sitting with who you recognize as Bellamy.
Lexa pulls out a chair for you at the head of the table and then makes her way to the other end. You never liked having to sit far from her but you knew it was tradition for the Commander's partner to be at the other end.
The night went on pretty smooth with everyone talking and chatting but throughout it all you could spot Bellamy giving you weird glances and whispering stuff to Clarke which made you nervous.
“Bellamy, is there a problem?” Lexa asks as she had seemingly noticed the looks and whispers.
“No Heda I just-”
“Just what? You’ve been giving my wife weird looks all night and whispering to Clarke. I'd like to hear what you have to say.” You send an uneasy look to Lexa not sure you want to hear what the boy was saying about you.
“I was just saying that well. Ive never met a grounder as sweet as her I mean the other day I say her with one of the guys at a stall and she was very sweet.”
“Excuse me. Do you happen to have any more of this?” you asked, pointing to the object you wanted.
“sha hang ona” (Yes hang on) The guy pulled more of the material out and looked at you expectedly.
“What would you like? I have some medicine that Nyko gave me. I also have some jewelry.” The man just politely asked for one of the rings on your fingers but you just gave him a smile and handed him two rings and a bag of different medicine that Nyko had given you. The man tried to deny it but you insisted but ended up walking out with the object you had wanted and a bird that he said was made by his wife. The bird now sat on a stand in your and Lexas room.
“Is there a problem with that?” Lexa started standing up at this point ready to defend you by all means.
“Lexa its okay. Calm down.” The girl did not even spare you a glance as she stared the boy down and you watched him visibly gulp as he shrunk a little in his seat. Clarke trying to control her laughter beside him
“NO! Of course not! I mean its amazing how she acts with Night bleeders. They all looked so happy the other day when she was playing with them”
“Kwin (Queen) Y/n will you please come play with us?” Aden asked as the other children gave you pleading looks. Will a laugh you agreed and ended up chasing them through Polis as many people watched on with small smiles as well.
As you were chasing a younger girl she had ended up tripping on a rock and landing on her knees. She let out a soft cry before covering it up.
“Oh no ash are you okay?” you asked the young girl as you crouched in front of her. You could see the tears in her eyes and the way she tried to hide them. She nodded slowly and looked at you. You attempted to help her stand but quickly swept her into your arms at the sounds of her cries of pain and quickly took her to Niko’s tent to get her seen.
She had made you promise not to leave her until she was allowed to go back to her room with the other Night bleeders and you gladly accepted. You ended up being there for an hour as she had a sprained ankle and needed some rest. You then escorted her to her room and gave her a small kiss on the head.
Lexa turns to Clarke now wanting to know if this information is true.
“Is this true wanheda?” Clarke gives a nod and a slight laugh while looking back to Bellamy's shaking figure.
“Yes Heda its true.”
“Very well then. Just know if anyone were to ever threaten her or anything it would be against the rules and you would be killed immediately.” Bellamy Gave an Immediate nod and gave you a small apology as he continued to eat.
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blues824 · 2 years
⚡Can I request vice dorm leaders with a female zenitsu s/o
⚡Her being the cowardly simp (her being in a all boy school is like a dream because someone has to Marry them eventually )
⚡Imagen during a overbolt they fain and the Vic dorm leaders are panicing until they see them standing up. But more calm and is that thunder?
⚡Then seeing then defeat the overbolt litany in their sleep and after that they wake up and prazes them because they think they defeated the overbolt.
⚡(them being confused and trying to explain that she did that not them but they are to busy simping and asking them to marry them )
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My first Vice Dorm Leader request! School has been absolutely hectic, but I am better from my illness. Thanks for your support!
Also, I don’t exactly know if Ruggie is the Vice Dorm Leader, but I included him anyway because he deserves it. And I didn’t include the Ignihyde dorm since Ortho is basically a child and the request calls for a ‘significant other’.
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Trey Clover
It’s known all around the campus that you are a coward and a simp. After Riddle’s overblot, you started crying and chasing after Trey, yelling about how you only had so long to live before you die and you were gonna die alone and blah blah blah. 
However, what you didn’t know was that when Riddle overblotted, you passed out as you typically do in the face of danger. Trey was gonna rush over to you, but then you slowly got up. He heard thunder in the sky and turned to see you, who had lightning bolts coming from around you. Your aura had a calm yet intimidating feeling, and your eyes were glowing.
Once you snap back to reality, you are confused as to why Riddle was almost burnt to a crisp. Trey stared at you in awe and congratulated you on defeating the Heartslabyul dorm leader. You were so confused and tried to explain that you did not defeat anyone.
When you learn about how students can accumulate overblot, you become a tad more serious. I mean, with your constant nagging about how you don’t want to die single, it could cause extra stress for Trey. As a result, you changed your habits to be a bit more helpful.
As for your demon slaying abilities, Trey stands impressed. You are always downplaying yourself when you are in fact a great swordswoman. He also notices how you breathe a certain way when training and it seems to unlock powers? He would definitely ask you a few questions about your abilities.
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Ruggie Bucchi
“Sometimes you gotta beat the ladies off with a stick. Back woman! Back, I said!” - Ruggie.
But anyways, you constantly chase him around campus and cling to his ankle while whimpering and whining about how you were gonna die alone because of your job as a demon slayer as well as the overblots happening. He’s kind of flattered, kind of annoyed.
When dealing with Leona’s overblot, you pass out from fear. Ruggie is almost about to laugh until he sees you get up with the angriest look on your face. Your eyes were glowing and you had an entire thunderstorm surrounding you. You steadied your breath and struck without hesitation. Leona obviously had to be hospitalized for sustaining many injuries, but you did it!
After Ruggie gave you your due congratulations, you looked at him with the most confused look on your face, which caused him to be confused. You tried to tell him that you didn’t do anything and that there was no way that you could do anything like that.
He notices that after the overblots, you turn more serious. You try to be as helpful as you can with Ruggie’s tasks, even offering to get some of them completed for him. When he jokes around asking you what you want him to do in return, tears start slipping. Real tears. He panics a bit and pulls you into a hug.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he is visibly scared to make you angry. He thought the women from his homeland were scary… but none of them have ever slayed demons for a living. Once he caught you while you were training and you were so quick and efficient with cutting through a tree with your nichirin sword… he almost passed out from shock.
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Jade Leech
He finds you interesting, not gonna lie. Not all humans are courageous enough to go up and cling to him like a koala. He finds it amusing how you cry and wail about how you didn’t want to be single for the rest of your short life as a demon slayer.
What he didn’t know is that there were other kinds of demons in Twisted Wonderland. Demons that took the form of overblot. When Azul overblotted, he was genuinely concerned for both his boss and you when you passed out. Then lightning started striking around you and you rose, with eyes glowing and a scowl on your face. You nearly cut off one of Azul’s tentacles.
After you wake up, you are very confused when Jade bombards you with a bunch of questions about what just happened. You told him that you had no idea what he was talking about, but that just made him confused as well. Eventually, he just dropped it.
He notices that you become more solemn and sober when it comes to everyday life. You lay off the whole “PLEASE MARRY ME, JADE.” You turn to dedicate yourself more to your studies and often find yourself volunteering at the Lounge on especially busy days.
As for your demon slaying abilities, you offer to demonstrate them at the lounge as a limited-time show to help profit and customers. Jade can be seen slacking as he stared in awe. You looked so beautiful as you used your blade and your agility to quickly strike through wooden blocks and old leather seats. 
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Jamil Viper
He finds you annoying. You are like a second Kalim: someone he has to look after so that neither of you get into any trouble. He hates how you hold onto his ankle while ‘asking’ him to marry you because you don’t want to die alone. Although, he does get very flustered.
When Jamil overblots, he at first wants to abduct you away from your friends and kind of play yandere and darling. Of course, you passed out due to the extreme amounts of fear you felt. Then your real beast came out. The whole lightning show and everything.
Once Jamil recovers, he asks what the heck happened back there. He’s super intimidating in the way he drills you with questions, too. You start tearing up and telling him that you don’t know what he’s talking about. He immediately feels bad and pulls you into a hug.
After this all blows over, he notices that you seem to be a bit more mature. You often volunteer some of your free time to help Jamil with managing Scarabia as well as helping with Kalim. While the former appreciated it a lot, he thought it was very suspicious.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he’s seen them up close. Hell, that’s why it took him super long to recover. Getting struck by lightning and a sword right after is not fun, you know. However, he finds it interesting that for someone as cowardly as you would pick an occupation as deadly as killing demons.
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Rook Hunt
Boy does everyone hate the both of you. You both are insufferable, to say the least. However, when your affections turned towards each other, everything became fine. You two are perfect for each other, if I’m being completely honest (which I am). Y’all probably have promise rings or sum.
When Vil overblots, Rook immediately rushes over when you pass out from fear. He holds you in his arms, trying to protect you from the Roi du Poison. Then he sees lightning appear around your body. He places you back on the ground and your eyes open, and they’re glowing? He sees you get up calmly, unsheath your nichirin sword, and attack.
Once everything settled down, Rook immediately bombarded you with too many questions to count. He’s speaking at a rapid fire pace in both French and English and you are just sitting in the infirmary with your head empty. You try to explain that you didn’t do anything, but the French hunter wouldn’t let you get a single word in.
Once the peace is (temporarily) restored to NRC, Rook notices that your affections seem to be less enthusiastic. You keep a bit more to yourself. When he asks you, you tell him that you’re terrified. Anyone could overblot, and you didn’t want to be a part of the problem. He holds you in his arms and whispers to you that it’s all gonna be okay.
Rook is smitten by your combatant abilities. While he’s more skilled with a bow and arrow, you are skilled with your breathing technique as well as your sword. You both train together as a way to spend even more time with each other.
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Lilia Vanrouge
He finds your sentiments greatly amusing. He giggles like a young schoolboy because he’s utterly smitten with you as well. He will often cling onto you right back and answer your whines with whines about how he wants to marry you someday as well.
When Leona overblots and you pass out, Lilia immediately is concerned. He rushes over and tries to wake you up. When your eyes do open, they’re glowing. You’re noticeably angry, and there’s lightning striking all around you. With a scowl on your face and absolutely no hesitation, you land Leona in the hospital.
Lilia is sitting by your side until you wake up. He won’t ask anything because you seem to be confused as to why you are in the infirmary. He’s a former general, sometimes it’s better if soldiers forget what happened. 
Afterwards, you are a bit more responsible. You volunteer your demon slaying abilities to help Malleus’ guards. Lilia is definitely happy about this arrangement because it means more time spent with you, but on the job you don’t mess around. It makes him sad to see the light in your eyes slowly disappear day by day.
Speaking of your demon slaying abilities, Lilia will definitely help you train! He will also have Sebek and Silver go up against you and maybe learn a few techniques that you learned. You tell them that back in your world, you would use different breathing techniques to aid you in battle. Lilia is impressed by your level of skill, though.
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Choices, Choices (Maria Hill x Reader)
Summary: Part 2 of Kiss or Kill
Words: 923
Warnings: Language, violence?
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife17​​ @red1culous​  @aaron-despair​​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne    @everything201197​
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Maria’s grasp on the grip of her sidearm was firm, knuckles nearly white with tension as she crept through the uncomfortably silent HYDRA base. They’d received intel that it was teeming with scientists and soldiers alike in another pathetic attempt to recreate the beauty of the Super Soldier serum but she hadn’t seen another soul since infiltrating the base.
At this rate, she was beginning to wonder how accurate their information truly was.
Nearing what was supposedly central command, she inhaled deeply. She’d been off for weeks, ever since you’d pinned her to that damned wall and kissed her like lives depended on it. And maybe they had. If she’d been caught by some of those monsters roaming about, she would’ve been killed on the spot – or worse.
But now she couldn’t get it out of her fucking head.
She’d hoped this would redeem her dry spell but it seemed she would be leaving here empty-handed as well. As she stepped to the door keeping her from command, she paused as a cheerful whistle met her ears. It sounded oddly familiar and her heart dropped into the pit of her belly.
There’s no way.
Shoving it open with reckless abandon, Maria was baffled and furious simultaneously at the sight of your grinning countenance. A slew of motionless bodies were littering the floor, most of their chests still visibly rising despite the vague appearance of lifelessness. You were leaning against the edge of a desk, ankles crossed as you languished against it nonchalantly.
“Why, hello, agent,” you purred, gleefully clicking your tongue. “I wondered how long it’d take you to get here. I was starting to worry you’d dismissed my helpful tipoff.”
“I- you-” Maria sputtered, brows furrowing with frustration. “That’s not possible. Agent Romanoff…”
“Followed a clue I left for her. And then subsequently found all the others I just so happen to leave out in plain view for any halfway intelligent agent to put together. Really, your people should never assume it’s that easy to uncover things. I understand most of HYDRA is run by morons but there were far too many coincidences involved here,” you replied patronizingly, smirking at the fuming brunette. “Aw, there’s no need for such dramatics, you sweet little mouse. You simply stumbled into this cat’s trap thanks to a deadly widow. You are the Jerry to my Tom, if you will.”
Shoving away from the desk, your expression grew somber as you stood before Maria.
“I asked you here for a reason,” you admitted, all the teasing gone from your words. “Your appearance at the party has painted quite a target on your back. The heads of a few ugly organizations have put a price on your head and if you continue chasing down this path, they will call for the hit.”
“I can handle myself,” she contended, her glare faltering under the concern shining brightly back at her. “SHIELD –”
“Cannot protect you,” you muttered solemnly. “Your life is contracted. They will hire only the best and they will buy or murder the people closest to you. You may not fear them now but you should.”
Hesitating, Maria studied the tightness of your features, the tension of your form as your eyes darted about attentively. “(Y/N)...”
“I am a pawn in many games,” you shrugged, unbothered by the notion of being caught in the webs of horrible men and women alike. “Until I am no longer of use, they will keep me on the board at the cost of any lives they deem inconsequential. Nothing about my life is as black and white as your organization believes it is. Their house of cards must fall, but I will be the one pulling it. So stay out of my way.”
“I can’t let you keep hurting people,” Maria argued weakly. “People will die.”
Cupping her cheeks firmly, your look was fierce and blatantly terrified as you stared at the stunned woman helplessly. “You will die, Maria! And I won’t fucking let that happen. Please, stay away from this.”
You let one hand fall to her waist as you dragged her close, mouth harsh and unforgiving against hers though she returned the embrace with similar fire as her shock dissipated into something deeper. Something she couldn’t deny.
If you were anything in this world and in this lifetime, you were selfish. You always had been. You would sacrifice the things that didn’t matter to you to keep those you did care about safe without hesitation or thought. The world itself could burn as long as your world remained.
And you would not let her gamble her life for others. Not when she meant so much to you.
Tugging a syringe from your pocket, your eyes fell open as you pulled back, forehead resting against hers. Panted breaths passed between you, Maria’s eyes soft and trusting.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, wetness pooling in your waterline as you jabbed the needle into the side of her neck and pressing the plunger, wincing at her gasp of betrayal and pain, watching the light of consciousness fade from her crystal eyes. “I know you won’t let this go. But you have to.”
Catching her sagging body, tears dripped down your cheeks as she went limp in your arms. You held her tight, lifting her with ease and hurrying from the command center.
“When it’s all over, I’ll make this right. I promise,” you pledged, kissing the crown of her head. “You may hate me, but you’ll be safe. That’s all that matters.”
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avvail-whumps · 7 months
ok so my mind right now is going brrrrrr. Don't blame for the thought but like. What if Leo was a female. Like imagine fem!Leo having that dreaded feeling that you get when you start your periods. And then they're like scared of how to tell Roy about this and then the awkward thing going on. Like cmon. Would Roy actually get her some chocolates or make it worse for her? :)
we’re gonna give fem!leo the name leona for the sake of this but yesyes anon gender swaps love it 🫶
Leona remained curled up on the bed—her bed?—in this room she was so unfamiliar with. She would admit, it was a much needed upgrade from the horrible basement she had spent so long confined in. At least the sunlight on her face was a glorious change. 
But still, she had a glaringly obvious problem that she didn’t know what to do about. 
Aside from her broken ankle, Leona knew her period had started. Just after everything that had dragged her down, something like this was the cherry on top. She had taken so many painkillers that the usual twisting pain in her stomach was faint and in the back of her mind. But she knew it. 
She’d checked and she’d already managed to bleed through her clothes. 
Maybe it was the added stress that had caused her such a heavy flow, but she felt awful. More awful than she had done so far. How was she supposed to tell Roy about this? She highly doubted he was the kind of person to have any pads or tampons in his house - not if he had a frequent girlfriend, but even then, who would want to date that lunatic? 
After minutes of contemplating and growing increasingly uncomfortable without any support, she forced herself to grab her crutches and check the bathrooms. Her head swam a little as she did. Even with the painkillers, there was still a lingering dizziness in her skull.
It brought her out in a hot flush just to hobble over to the bathroom, where she awkwardly balanced on one foot to search the cupboards. She softly bit her lip, muttering under his breath in desperation. 
“Please, come on…” 
Her eyes flickered to the door, paranoid she’d heard a noise, but continued sliding shower stuff out of the way to see if there were any miraculously tucked away. Leona grew increasingly frustrated, a dreaded feeling pooling in the bottom of her stomach. She wanted to cry. This wasn’t fair. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Roy about this, knowing he would more than likely torment her further than he has done already, but she couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. 
“There’s blood on your bed, lion.” 
Leona almost toppled over at the sudden voice by the bathroom door, and her head whipped around to meet Roy’s eyes. He approached her before she could find her footing properly, his fingers sweeping under her chin and tilting it so he could get a good look at her face. 
“Did your wounds reopen?” He asked in a murmur, making her heart race in her chest when his eyes flickered briefly over to the bathroom cabinet. “What are you rummaging around for?” 
Leona’s lips wobbled open. She sucked in a sharp breath when he tilted her head to the other side, frowning slightly to himself. 
“I…” Her throat closed up. How could she say this? “I was…I need some…”
His brow raised, his eyes trailing over her body. “Words, pretty girl.” 
She squeaked slightly when he spun her around, and his head tilted as something caught his eye. He hummed to himself, before an expression of realisation flickered on his face. Leona’s own went completely red in humiliation. 
“Oh,” Roy deadpanned. 
Leona hadn’t checked to see if it was visible. She could only assume what he was thinking right now, just waiting for him to say something embarrassing or taunt her. He pushed her back, patting her shoulder. 
“Yeah, well, I don’t have anything for you to use,” he shrugged, seemingly unbothered by the prospect. She wasn’t sure what was worse, the fact that he didn’t seem to care and might leave her to bleed through all of her clothes, or the idea of him ripping into her for something she couldn’t control. 
“But, it’s just…” She trailed off, swallowing the lump in her throat. She felt icky and in dire need to scrub herself clean. She needed something. “I-I can’t just leave it.”
“I know,” Roy chuckled, like the idea was funny. “But there’s nothing here. Do I look like someone who would need them, lion?” 
She went quiet again, and her eyes dropped to the floor. Her fingers tightened around the crutches, her back feeling constricted and her face feeling flush. Being kidnapped was one thing, but having to deal with this at the same time? With nothing but painkillers to help her get by? 
She winced slightly when Roy’s hand pressed against her forehead, before it softly trailed down her cheek and brushed over her bottom lip. 
“Alright,” he smiled, only cruel in her eyes. “Just because you’re pouting like that, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll run you a bath so you can clean yourself up for a bit. I’ll drive into the city and buy you enough pads to last you.”
Leona’s eyes lifted up just a fraction, glancing up at him through her eyelashes. Just the sound of the word bath and her heart soared into her throat like a cloud. Roy gently tapped her chin. 
“I’ll have to keep you down in the basement again,” he murmured shortly afterwards, and it took seconds before her heart was slamming into the bottom of her stomach again. 
Her lips curved into a desperate frown. “No, please…” 
“Do you want them or not, lion?” The mercenary warned, and she swiftly shut her mouth. He seemed to find that amusing, and tucked some of her hair behind her ear like she was a delicate glass doll. How was such a cruel man capable of touching some like that? “I’ll be a few hours tops. Maybe a little more - you can cope until then, right? I’m sure you can use some tissue paper while you’re waiting.”
Leona had already thought about that. Although not the most comfortable option and a terrible one, it was worth putting up with it if he would get a load of proper products in return. Even if she had to spend another horrible minute in the basement. A few hours would probably feel like a few days. 
She slowly nodded her head, and Roy patted her cheek. “Good girl.” 
He leaned over the bath, turning it on. Leona watched curiously, biting the inside of her lip as she stared at the fresh water starting to rise. She watched as Roy rolled his sleeves up, offering her a brief glance. 
“I’ll change your bedsheets,” he told her, and she tore her eyes away from the water with a small wince. “Get you some fresh clothes. I know you don’t want to go back down there, and I know it was part of the deal that you wouldn’t have to. I’ll make it comfortable for you.” 
Leona slowly nodded her head, before her grip tightened on the crutches once more. “Tampons…” 
She dropped her gaze in embarrassment. “I prefer tampons over pads.” 
Roy was silent for a beat of a moment, before his lip curled into an amused smirk.
“Regular?” He guessed, and she shyly nodded her head. 
Although she had been terrified to be locked back in the basement, she suspected the chocolates that the mercenary gave her hadn’t been as normal as she’d thought. She briefly remembered feeling all drowsy as the man lifted her up, bundling her up in his jacket and comfortably laying her down on the basement mattress. 
When she next woke up, Roy aided her ascent back up the stairs, and the bathroom had enough packs of tampons to last her months. 
She didn’t want to be here that long.
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sea-owl · 6 months
Oh my goodness - I just fell down the rabbit hole that is the spouses friend group au (and the soulmates addendum). After they are all together do they let their tattoos out to be visible more? Or do you think there just isn’t much of a change (Anthony can be found in a suit or mostly covered whether he’s at work as a lawyer or having a picnic in the park or now that Polin is together, Colin is constantly ripping off his shirt to show of his matching back tattoos with Penelope)? (Also mini request for you to add to ao3 to put it in order? I was mostly following it and you don’t have to if you don’t want to but I’d love to read it all in one spot ❤️❤️❤️)
I forgot about Spouses Friend Group! I should add more to that au it was fun.
I feel like, at first, not much does change because a lot of the tattoos the spouses have do have personal messages, and their partners would respect that.
There was one time though that the Bridgertons were playing with their younger cousins, and the younger cousins had gotten new temporary tattoos they wanted to try. Eight different phones pinged, asking if they were really cheating on Sophie with another tattoo artist. How could you?!?!
The Bridgertons are so confused because they never got a tattoo?! Their lovers are the rude ones, knowing full well any tattoo they get appears on their soulmate! After some back and forth, they realize that oh, it's the temporary tattoos.
The spouses are calm now, but do add in post script that if any of them get a tattoo that is not from Sophie, they are dead to them.
As they get closer and become more serious the Bridgertons all notice a new tattoo on them.
Anthony was getting dressed one day when he noticed two small bees on his chest, right in the spot Kate got stung. They were sweet looking and appeared to be dancing.
The day Sophie went to visit her old tattoo master Benedict had this weird feeling to check his back. He did, and Sophie's prized Cinderella tattoo, the first one she ever designed, had been added to. A hand, one that looks like it would belong to the prince, was delicately touching the glass shoe now as if to cradle it.
There's another butterfly added to Colin's back, it's bigger than the others and the wings are all words. Reading it he realizes it's his love confession to Penelope.
Daphne noticed on the back of her hand where Simon's sleeve is a homey looking building was added, a prominent Daphne laurel tree was beside it.
There's a new flower in the garden Eloise noticed. Tied closely with the twin flowers, taking a closer look, it's the very first flower Phillip ever gave her.
The musical notes that Francesca and Michael dubbed their song were added to the half sleeve.
Another bird appeared on Gregory's ankle, one to join the uncaged bird in flight.
Hyacinth noticed the diamonds had now had an addition as well. Laying next to the diamonds as if it had just been unearthed was a crystallized style hyacinth flower.
As for the AO3 request, I'm honestly not sure how well this AU would transfer over without me doing rewrites like. Maybe one day.
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joshslater · 2 years
Dark Fields
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
Of course I've heard of dark field generators before, in the same sense I've heard of general relativity. Some Spanish chick whose name I'm always forgetting was awarded the Nobel prize in physics for it, if I remember correctly. Lots of media circus around her, calling her "the new Einstein" and stuff. It's apparently a big deal to get a Nobel prize on your own, and she was like 30 or something. Dark field theory had something to do with all the dark matter in the universe no one could explain before, and while it took like 70 years from Einstein's theories to GPS navigation it only took a few years until dark field generators were put into satellites instead of gyroscopes. They kind of latch on onto the underlying fabric of space, or whatever nonsense it has been dumbed down to for us rubes.
I was quite surprised to hear from Scott that he had gotten some kinky gear with dark field generators integrated. On one hand it makes sense that new technology trickles down into porn very quickly, but on the other hand it felt like too advanced stuff to put into a butt plug or whatever it was integrated into. Scott wouldn't say, but asked me to come over on Friday to try it out. He didn't have to bribe me with such bullshit. I'd be there anyway if he asked.
He opened the door almost as soon as I knocked on it. He was visibly excited and obviously couldn't wait to put whatever plans he had in motion. "This is going to be so sick!" he said not really addressing me while we walked to his living room. There was a big cardboard box on the table and a pile of bubble wrap on the floor. He was just about to grab something out of the box when he looked back at me. "Oh! You still have clothes. You need to get naked. Completely naked." This really felt more like a science experiment than what we usually got together for on weekends. He wasn't trying at all to be sexy, but there was something charming in his childlike enthusiasm and I was getting real curious about what he had gotten his hands on.
"This is as naked I can be," I said dropping my jockstrap on top of the other clothes in the corner of his couch. "Try this. Should be your size," he said and handed me a black jockstrap in a material I couldn't quite identify. Some sort of latex, but heavier. It wasn't very flexible so it took some wiggling to get it on, but once there it did indeed fit me very well. "And this one," he said and handed me a pretty substantial collar. It felt very different, more like neoprene but still much heavier than expected. This wasn't the first time I'd had one on, so I knew how to adjust it to fit comfortably for a longer time. The fastening mechanism was a simple belt with holes punched out. No locks or anything. "And these. Put them just below your knees. Almost done," he said and handed me two smaller versions of the collar in the same material. I did as he said and secured them both just below the knees. "Finally these around your wrists," he said as he pulled out the two even smaller version of the same thing. I quickly secured them around my arms, now familiar with how they felt to work with.
"So what is this? Have you bought some hooks or something to tie me up to?" I asked, moving around a bit to test how it felt. The restraints felt strangely heavy to wear. "No, even better. I told you already." He grabbed his phone off the table and unlocked it. "Make a heroic pose for me." I wasn't sure what he meant, but I placed my feet a bit apart turned my chest a bit. Before I could finish posing he swiped something on the screen and everything just froze. I could still move my head, my fingers, my toes, and so on, but each of the black restraints were firmly locked in place.
"What the fuck!" There was some flexibility in the padding of the restraints, but otherwise there was no give at all. I understood why the leg restraints shouldn't be by the ankles. Like this they, together with the rest of the restraints, fully took all of my weight. I could relax all muscles in my body and still be pretty much in the same position, save for the chest that rotated back a bit.
He was grinning from ear to ear. "Dark field generators, as I said. How does it feel? Any straining?" I tilted the foot that wasn't fully planted up and lost contact with the floor on that side, but didn't just fall to the side, held in place as I was by the restraints. "It's actually almost comfortable."
"Great! I'll be back with some gear. Clamps and oils and vibrators and shit. The charge should hold until Sunday, easily."
Well, I did know what I walked into. Kinda.
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