#like show up on my doorstep or smth
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wolfhard13 · 2 months ago
but just imagine Kenma Kozume being so needy that he comes to you first and initiates physical contact by wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing himself completely against you while burrying his face into your neck muttering, "baby please" and it completely distracts you from whatever your doing and all you can think about is the hard on thats being pressed into your ass and him slowly grinding himself onto you and he's so fricking horny that he doesn't mind being vocal about his needs and wants just this one time
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localgardenweed · 10 months ago
I get so randomly scared to order things from like regular people cause like i cant let my tumblr icons know where I live what if they come and get me and kidnap me WHAT IF THEY WERE RIGHT AND THEY WERE ALL 40 YEAR OLD MEN OUT TO GET ME AND SELL ME ON THE DARK WEB
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aangelinakii · 6 days ago
I would like to request smth from your word prompt list for Dick and short fem!reader please 🥺!
Hoodie, peaches, cupcake - these are the chosen words 🫶
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— someone's home early!
summary : baking on your own becomes baking for two when your boyfriend comes home early from his patrol shift. (spoiler! dick just can't help himself)
note : this was my first word prompt request so i hope it lives up to expectations !!! <3
note 2 : i noticed halfway the tenses change ? i think ? so that's just my bad
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valentine's day could be going a lot better.
everybody knew friday nights in gotham city were the worst in terms of crime; after a long week, who wouldn't want to wind down with a pint at the bar? the only issue was that those people tended to drink a little too much, and the group of bats you knew so well had to be the ones showing up at commissioner gordon's doorstep with drunken bastards ready to sit in a cell for the rest of the evening.
not to mention the sick creeps who went around mugging happy couples on street corners — probably sad they didn't have anybody to spend this lovely day with at home, so they went out to ruin it for everybody.
and for that reason exactly were you staying home, cooking up a fresh batch of cupcakes for your boyfriend to come home to.
as well as the fact your boyfriend was one of those bats saving the city right now.
after a few years you should be used to it, but you couldn't deny, even as you swayed your hips and hummed to the playlist you'd put on, that you wished dick could be home for at least one valentine's day.
usually he was free during the day, but you had to work, so when you had a free evening, he was out hopping rooftops.
although he'd promised to bring back dinner on his way home from patrol, you wanted to surprise him with something nice and sweet; vanilla and raspberry cupcakes, with a homemade pink buttercream icing. even if you didn't finish them all tonight, there would be enough for dick to pack up and swing by the manor tomorrow for the rest of his family.
you were just finishing up the batter, vanilla with flecks of ripe red raspberry, the sleeves of your hoodie (stolen from dick's side of the closet, of course) rolled up just past your elbows, because any lower and it would come spilling down your forearm, and pouring it into the muffin liners sitting in the tray, when a sound came from one of the rooms further in your apartment.
movement stopped immediately, causing some batter to go astray, and your ears sharpened to listen up.
a glance at the clock on the oven said it was only about ten, which was too early for dick to come back on a friday.
carefully, quietly, you lowered the bowl of batter back down onto the counter and reached into the knife block.
of course, there was the chance your boyfriend was home, sliding in through the window left unlocked in your bedroom.
but what if?
this was gotham, after all. better to be safe than sorry.
edging closer and closer to the closed door of the bedroom you shared with dick, you raised the knife, clutching it to your chest for safe keeping, the handle and your hands disappearing as the tucked sleeves finally came undone by the crook of your elbows.
at this point, you were about to speak, about to call out, but your voice caught in your throat — would it be wise to announce yourself, putting yourself inevitably in danger?
gathering all the courage you could muster to your chest, one of your flour-covered hands shakily pulled itself away from the handle of your hastily-chosen weapon and reached out towards the handle. you'd just open it and see, that's all. easy as pie.
but whoever was on the other side had the same idea, and got to the door first, creaking it open, and you had no choice but to freeze.
black and blue lights up the room — mostly because the light from the living room is reflecting off the lycra fabric — and a bated breath runs from your throat.
"happy—! uh..."
when you finally find yourself back on earth, feet firm on the ground, eyes searching the handsome intruder, you realise dick's back from patrol — early. he's barely had time to pull off his domino mask or nightwing attire; his charcoal locks are frizzy at the top, where usually they would be coming down in perfect waves. but something out of the ordinary you notice is the bouquet of red roses under his arm.
"thanks for the, uh— present," dick chuckles, forced awkwardness coming out comical as he reaches out for the knife in your grip with his free hand. "always wanted one of these."
he looks down at the kitchen knife, weighing it in his hand before cocking it back and tossing it into free space, where it flips once, twice in the air before landing safely in the grip of his palm once again.
"you—" with a frustrated groan you reach forward and lightly shove dick in the hard bicep, narrowly missing the plastic packaging encasing the roses in their bunch. "you scared the shit out of me."
with a hit like that, dick's sure he could handle anything you throw at him, and he just lets out another bemused chuckle. "forgive me," he smiles. "happy valentine's day, my love." and he holds out the bouquet to you, its cover matching the valentine's spirit with red and pink hearts dancing around in a chain pattern.
looking at your boyfriend standing there, messed hair and utterly boyishly charming grin, half-dimples etching deep into the corners of his mouth, earnestly offering you the richest red roses you'd ever seen... maybe you can find it somewhere in yourself to forgive him.
what am i saying? you definitely can.
without another moment to lose, you leap forward, engulfing dick in a warm hug, one that's been waiting all day to be given. he only reciprocates with one arm — you can hear the plastic rustling against the back of your head — as he doesn't want to risk nipping you with the knife.
burried in his chest, the skin-tight fabric of his suit, your voice comes out a muffle. "oh, i've just missed you all day."
but dick could navigate you like the back of his hand.
his cheek squishes against the top of your head as he sinks into you. "i missed you, too, peaches," he sighs against your hair.
another few, tender beats pass, and you find yourself pulling away, hands finding the base of the bouquet as you do so, eager to get them out of their casing (as cute as it is) and into a vase with some water.
dick follows close behind as you walk through the flat back to the kitchen. "what have you been up to, sweetheart?" he asks as he slots your ex-weapon back into its block on the counter behind you, taking in the bowl of pink mixture and baking tray.
"doing some valentine's baking," you return, laying the roses carefully on their side whilst you search the cupboards for a vase large enough. with a glance back at him, finding he's removed his mask, which seems to cause a physical reaction somewhere beneath your ribs, you continue. "want to do the honours?"
behind you, dick lets out a small exhale. "honours? i don't know, i don't want to ruin them."
finally you find something that might work, and you place it beside the roses as a reminder, because your attention has landed on your boyfriend now — the crook of his nose and parting of his lips are much more important to be looking at.
"don't worry, i've already made the batter, so you won't ruin them," you smile, taking a step towards him and pulling up behind him, cheek leaning against the bulge of his tricep. "all you have to do is pour an equal amount into each case. if i've made the batter right, then nothing will happen to them. it'll be my fault if anything."
when he peers down at you, smile barely visible at his lips — but you know it's there — he carefully reaches out for the bowl, and you bring your hand over his on the spatula, hovering for safe keeping.
you'd think he'd be more mindful of listening to your advice — pour an equal amount into each case — but he can only watch you, and how careful and loving you are with him, and he's sure he wouldn't rather have any other valentine to come home to.
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forsaken-headcanons · 3 days ago
i forgot to add my lil name on my first headcanon so ill do it here, hehe...
mostly preforsaken or smth idk...
- Househusband John Doe and Corporate wife Jane, to me it just... makes sense.
- Back in college, Noli was the chill guy meanwhile 007n7 was his computer nerd friend who follows him around and doesn't speak often.
- 007n7 lives in the middle of nowhere because he's afraid of being discriminated due to his wrongdoings (and he was REALLY confused when coolkidd showed up to his doorstep).
- Although liking fried chicken, Shedletsky actually gets scared whenever he's using a pan to cook.
- Chance likes trinkets and has little trinket shelves
- Guest 1337 enjoys baking
I cant really think of anything else anymore,
- silly anon
We love a househusband.
Unless you've already made a headcanon with your anon name before, "silly anon" is unfortunately taken. I'll put you under "silly anon 2" for now but you can always choose another anon name.
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trancylovecraft · 5 months ago
I've been thinking about the blood of an unwilling covenant constantly since I first read it and just wanted to tell you, also saw you mention that you probably weren't going to explain the situation with F/Ns parents in fic and wanted you to know I am VERY curious as to what their deal is
EGEGHJIRUGHRHGUI IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED THE FIC SM!!! I'll be happy to answer, Mostly because if I do a one-shot or smth on it, it may be a while-
OK SO. Before I explain I suggest you read the translation of The Official Blue Exorcist Side Story: Bloody Fairytale. You can find a translation here done by @29rynoah which I have read sEVERAL times over. I highly recommend it as it's one of my favourite stories from AOEX.
However if you wanna skip that, Tis cool.
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[F/N]'s mother is Maria LaMorte from Bloody Fairytale, Who had given birth to [F/N] during her imprisonment within The Vatican.
[F/N] herself is probably the oldest of the exwires, Her birthday being sometime within early January.
Now here's the million dollar question, Who is the father?
Shiro Fujimoto.
During the events of Bloody Fairy-tale- Maria is in the middle of completing her rather grandeur goal of trying to turn the town into naberius' and other adjacent creatures. Of course, This doesn't go to plan though, When Shiro and Johan show up unexpectedly within the invasion.
Maria of course, As the story goes, Plays the victim and pretends that she had no idea what's going on.
Shiro, Johan, Maria and the rest of the townspeople barricade in the church as normal. The story continues on however there's a switch in the story.
Shiro approaches Maria who is leaning over on the balcony. Of course, Shiro keeps up his demeanour, Already aware of Maria and her intentions. They get to talking and Maria herself is attracted to Shiro despite not recognising her own feelings.
Though, Maria herself DOES recognise seduction as a way of manipulating others.
So of course one thing leads to another and suddenly you have the both of them climbing out of the same makeshift bed. Maria came out of this with much more complicated feelings than she had thought she'd have.
But on the other hand?
Shiro himself is at the point in his life where he's much more dark and gritty than the one we see raising the twins. This is an average thing for him, He's a player, He sleeps with women left and right. He knew very well that this was an attempt to manipulate his feelings.
But to be honest? He doesn't care.
The story plays out like normal afterwards. Shiro exposes Maria's plan and she gets sent off to the Vatican for Life imprisonment. Shiro and Mephisto get in the car and they drive off as normal.
However this time, Maria comes out of it pregnant with [F/N].
She was born almost one year before The Blue Night within a holding cell in The Vatican. Her birth was completely unexpected from both the guards as well as Maria, Who was one of the rare cases of not showing at all during a pregnancy.
[F/N] was born fragile and weak, Both doctors and guards believing she would die soon after birth. And on records? That's how it went.
According to The Vatican, The baby died a few hours after being delivered. Shiro was told of the baby's existence while he was caring for the twins.
Of course, At this time he's a different person from who he was a year ago (Post-Blue Night) and now feels shocked and a bit of regret for not knowing of [F/N]'s existence.
However, There wasn't much he could do now.
The baby had died, He couldn't change that.
However despite what the records have said. Some of the staff that were employed to help deliver the child had sworn that they saw a tall man carrying away a baby in his arms. His identity unknown, Hidden by the darkness of the night.
[F/N] was left on the doorstep of the youth centre in Japan without a single note or any clue as to where she came from. The youth centre, After having no parents claim the child, Took her in and raised her within the adoption system.
It's still unclear where her penchant comes from, Though the leading theory is the mixture of demonic influence from both sides of her parents (Maria's being her association with undead demons, Specifically Kin of Astaroth. Shiro's being the fact that he's a clone as well as a bit of satanic influence lingering on him. So much so that in some aspects, You can consider [F/N] somewhat related to Satan in a sort of 3rd parent situation.)
Perhaps you can even consider her not entirely human. Though, That part is up for interpretation.
But as it stands? Her two birth parents are Maria LaMorte and Shiro Fujimoto.
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heyhilana · 2 years ago
Heyy!! I'm such a huge fan of your Javier Peña works and I was wondering if I could ask for a smutty fic request where he's had a huge crush on you for the longest time but could never do anything about it since you had a bf.
What he didn't know was that your bf was an ass and he finds out he hasn't been taking care of you properly if yk what I mean ;).
I had this idea from a quote: "If he doesn't wanna make you feel pretty, I'll show you how fucking pretty you are." or smth like that.
Ofc the details and everything is up to you! I just really loved the main idea and figured you might as well :)
If it doesn't interest you it's okay,
Thanks xx
Hi lovely! Thank you so much for your request and I had a blast writing it. Javi is one of my favorite characters to write for and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed it. As always, I’m a softie for Javi, so Javi being a softie goes hand in hand and I slightly apologize for the length since I tend to go overboard <3 Drink some water so you can be healthy (that also goes for everyone reading this lol)
Summary: A fresh break-up with your boyfriend drives you to your childhood friend Javi’s house to escape it all. But your forever home is found when you realize how relieved you feel after the fallout and how safe you feel in Javi’s presence.
A/N: Hi lovelies! To note before I get to my thank you’s, in this story, there is the use of disposable cameras, so this story does not have a certain time it is set in. I figured it would be easier to not have one so there would not be any discrepancies with time frames. Also, reader is wearing a dress so sorry to those that don't like dresses :( But yeah, dress made sense for this, and I didn't put in that the reader was wearing a bra because well, be free. :) But moving on from that, I want to say thank you all for taking the time to read my stories, request or not. To still see notis popping up every time I log in is a dream come true. I write on and off since inspiration will strike, and then I’m back to my usual writer's block. But every time I come back for a spell, I feel so much love, and I just want to say thank you <3 I hope this proves my love for you all, but drink water and enjoy yourselves! Hugs and love :)
Pairing: Javier Peña x f! reader (I'm pretty sure there's no use of Y/N here)
Warnings: (Hey, this is a ride in itself) 18+ for starters <3 Finally some protected sex because safe sex is great sex, kids. Oral f!receiving, biting, love bites, hickeys, fingering, small handjob, and so much Spanish you would think I'm a native speaker, but alas, I just use translators baby :) All translations will be put at the end!
Word Count: 8k (Need I say more about my word counts LMAO)
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(this man is so fine)
You knock on the door, heart beating out of your chest. It was second nature to arrive at his doorstep after a particularly interesting day. Javi answered and opened it, curiosity radiating on his face. But before he could say anything, you walked in.
“Well, come in.” Sarcasm drips in his tone as you set your bag on the coffee table. 
“When have I ever asked to come in?” You point out and sit on the couch, enveloping you with comfort.
“You stopped doing that after I let you in the first time.” He sat down next to you after he locked up, turning down the sports game he had on the tv.
“And you do the same at my house.” He shook his head as he turned his body to face you more.
“Fair enough. But I thought you were going out on a date with Angel?” 
If everything went to plan, you would be returning to his place to finish it off, but fate would intervene in the adventures of your love life.
“Uhm…” You couldn’t find the words to say what happened, making Javi more confused.
“Hey, talk to me. What happened?”
“I broke it off.” You got out, and his face changed. 
You knew this would go one of two ways, either with the both of you going through the ritual to get you through the breakup or him going to your exes’ place to beat the shit out of him. You had to talk him out of it multiple times, but when you would see your exes in passing glances, you could tell they were spooked, to say the least.
“What? Are you okay?” He moved closer to you to see if you were okay, but despite the normal ache you would have in your heart, it just wasn’t there.
“I’m fine, Javi. I just found out some things today and I had to take care of it.” If anything, you felt annoyance and regret for that relationship, but not pain.
“What did you find out?”
“You know Valentina? Valentina Perez from two towns over?” You asked, yet when you thought about it, who couldn’t forget her? On the other side of town, she was on her way to greatness, and most men fawned over her. You wouldn’t be surprised if you saw her in a magazine one day.
“Yeah, I know her. She went to our middle school right?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“What does this have to do with her?”
“Well, I went to the store this morning to pick up some groceries. I was going to go to the one closer, but they were out of the oil I needed. So I went to her town because I knew that store had what I needed. But, just as I was going to cross the street, I saw Valentina with Angel. And not in a friendly way because they were holding hands, and he was kissing her cheek.” Javi’s jaw tightened, and his hand curled into a fist. But he refrained.
“What happened next?” He gritted through his teeth.
You knew he was fuming, given that he never liked Angel from the start when you mentioned that Angel wanted to take you on a date. Hell, he practically tried to talk you out of it, but you didn’t budge, making you both keep quiet on your respective opinions as you knew it wouldn’t end well. After all, how could you forget your last conversation about Angel?
“I’m telling you he’s no good for you. He’s terrible!” He wouldn’t dare raise his voice at you, but you could tell he was holding back.
“You don’t even know him! Only stories, Javi. Angel has shown me how much he cares about me and makes an effort.” You reasoned, but it fell on deaf ears, given Javi’s one-track mind regarding your choices in men.
He pinched the skin in between his brows, taking a deep breath. “Escuchame. I don’t know him personally, but everyone else that does tells me the same thing. He is not who you think he is and he’s just lying to you. I don’t want you to have to find out the hard way when you don’t deserve to.” 
He wasn’t wrong, given that many men in your hometown disliked him, but he was different with you. It didn’t matter who protested. It was what he showed you. That was what mattered in your heart.
You sighed, feeling yourself getting nowhere in this conversation. “Why do you care so much Javi? Why do you care so much about who I date when I don’t do this to you?” 
It was true, given that you kept some opinions to yourself about his extensive dating history, no matter how much you didn’t like them. Why he couldn’t do the same for you was infuriating.
“Because I love you. You’re family, and I won’t sit back and watch you make a bad choice when you can do better.” He was at his wits end, which you could hear in how he said he loved you. But it didn’t feel right. With the way he said family. Although you knew it was said out of comfort and not ill intention, the way it tugged on your heartstrings in an unpleasant chord when it shouldn’t have done anything but reassure you was strange. 
“What’s better for me then since you have all the answers?” His lips were pressed in a firm line before he spoke, trying to choose his words carefully before he couldn’t think.
“Anybody else! It’s not that hard to find one.” You rolled your eyes at him. Not that hard, he says. If it were so easy then this conversation wouldn’t be happening now.
“You judge every guy I pick so it’s clearly not that easy when you make it your life’s mission to find something wrong with them!” 
“But I was right about all of them. Miguel cheated, Wilmar lied about everything, and Jesus did both. They were terrible for you, and so is Angel. He’s the worst out of all of them.” You hated his knack for laying things out in a way that made your point seem mute.
“You being right about them is not the point. I don’t know why you can’t be happy for me and give him a chance when he hasn’t done anything wrong. Those three had red flags as soon as I met them. Angel hasn’t done anything of the sort and you know that. Please, Javi, give him a chance or at least be polite to him if you have to see him. I don’t expect you to like him just like I don’t like your girlfriends, but I don’t need constant criticism. Can you do that?” He wanted to object, but you could see the resignation to this conversation. 
“I can do that.” You were relieved, but that feeling over his words still left you puzzled. 
“Thank you. I love you.” Your I love you’s you shared with each other were nothing that crossed your mind for more than a second. But this one was different in the higher octave in your tone, the way it strummed a new chord with your heartstrings. Surely you just imagined it, just the heat of the moment that would soon cease to cross your mind by tomorrow.
“I love you too. I only do this because of that.” He opened his arms up to you, and you hugged him, his cologne filling your nostrils and washing your nerves away. He felt like home, and not in the way you felt when you were kids. The hugs you shared were out of comfort because you were each other’s safe haven. It was the kind where you didn’t want to let go because this was where you belonged, not for a second, minute, hour, or a day. But long-lasting.
You were brought back to reality when he touched your knee, the touch sending electricity through you. “I saw them and turned around to return to my car, but she saw me. He didn’t since he didn’t run after me, but she called me when I got home and told me everything. She told me when they got together, how she didn’t know I was in the picture, and how he was with her because...” The words were stuck in your throat as you knew what would happen to Javi.
“Because what?” He was strained, and you were sure his blood was boiling red hot.
“Because he’s engaged to her. He proposed to her two weeks ago, the same day he canceled our bowling date. So I called him shortly after and blew up on him about everything I learned and how I felt overall. He swore that she was lying and that she was jealous over what we had but when I wouldn’t believe him, he told me that I deserved it because I didn’t do what he wanted.” His eyes widened before they narrowed, and his look screamed infuriated.
“I’m going to go over there and-” He shot off the couch, but you pulled on his hand.
“There’s no need to finish that sentence or hurt him so stop!” You pleaded with him, but he was seeing red and Angel’s face as he wanted to morph it into something unrecognizable.
“He needs to be taught a lesson. He hurt you, so I’ll be back.” He pulled his hand out of your grasp and walked to the door, but you got up to pull him back. 
“Javi, please wait! Stay with me and forget about him. I won’t stop what you do in the morning but can you stay with me tonight like we normally do?” He knew what you were doing, but he could never say no to you when you gave him those eyes to stay. How could he say no when his heart yearned to be in your presence?
“I’ll stay for now. But tomorrow is different.” Somehow with the softness in his eyes, you knew he would listen to you in the morning.
“I can deal with that. But I’m not as heartbroken as I thought I would be.” You were somewhat dumbfounded by your lack of heartbreak, albeit happy that you wouldn’t spend your days crying. However, curiosity took up your thoughts. The nagging question of whether you were in love with him clouded your mind until Javi grabbed your hand.
“He still deserves to pay.” He rubbed your hand with the pad of his thumb, relaxing you and sending electricity through you.
“I’m not saying he doesn’t, and hopefully she’ll leave him too and he won’t have either one of us. But when I think about our timeline, it was bound to end anyways. He didn’t want to buy me flowers, he always prioritized work or rather, her over me. I would try to plan things and there was always an excuse. And…well I can’t say it now.” You turned away and walked back to the couch, embarrassment making the heat rise to your cheeks.
“You’ve already said a lot just now and you’ve told me everything growing up. What’s more going to do?” He asked as he sat back down next to you.               
“I can’t, Javi. It’s weird to say that to you.” You looked away and were sure you would die of embarrassment any minute now.
“Hey, mirame,” He asked, and you brought your head back up. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. I share everything with you and you do the same so what’s different now?” 
“Sometimes you’re a little too honest when you could leave some details out from your dates.” Countless dates he told you about ended with your wishing that you could erase some of the details from your head and the occasional pang in your heart that didn’t seem to dull with time.
“I’m never a person to leave out details,” His tone made you laugh, and the smile that followed on his face made you feel warm again. “Pero dime. I’m sure it can’t be worse than what you’ve already told me.” Oh, how he would be proven wrong.
“He never made me cum.” In all the times you’ve surprised Javi, you never expected his eyes to widen that much at your confession.
“Not once?”
“Never. I would always fake it and then finish when I got home.” The sigh he let out as he ran his fingers through his hair was surprising, given that you didn’t think it would phase him this much.
“He was that oblivious then.” The more he tried to think the opposite, the more you hated bursting his bubble.
“It’s not so much that but he just…didn’t care about it? It was more so “I want to get off, so I will,” and then I would be there waiting for it to be done at times.” The confessions kept flowing out, and the more you spoke, the more Javi was taken aback.
“Jesus. It’s a fucking requirement for who you’re sleeping with to cum.” Although it was certainly not the time for feelings to arise, it didn’t stop you from pressing your legs together absentmindedly. “I’m sorry, Bonita, I just have to ask…why did you stay for so long? You were with him for what? 2 years?”
“Almost 3 now that I think about it,” You sighed at the time lost, time wasted over someone who was never worth it in the first place. “But I don’t know, I think I stayed out of convenience, not so much out of love because when you put so much time in, you’re willing to stick it out longer than you should. He might’ve done the same, but thankfully it’s over now. I don’t feel so used anymore.” Relief washed over you to know that breaking up with him was the best thing you could’ve done for yourself after avoiding it for so long.
“You never deserved that. You’re worth so much more than what Angel gave you.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, but embarrassment wasn’t the culprit. Instead, the butterflies swarmed through your stomach in a surge.
“T-Thank you, Javi, but you don’t have to say those things to make me feel better. I’m okay, really.” You gave him a warm smile, but you could see his eyes were serious.
“I’m not just saying it to make you feel better, Bonita. I’m saying it because I mean it. You’re everything he never deserved and you deserve everything you want out of a relationship.” His tone was more soothing than ever with you, softer than anything you could remember in all the times he comforted you and showed care for you. 
Suddenly, the question that had popped into your head from the time you were teens to when you graduated high school, and in recent years reared into focus again. Is he in love with me? You had done everything you could think of to answer your question, studying his behavior, asking specific questions to gauge his thoughts, and even getting involved with your cousin’s love of tarot cards to get a sign. Blame the teenage hormones that got to you. Still, you were too afraid to ask and almost certain that it was the bliss of a teenage crush that would misread actions and words as affirmations of love. It only increased ten-fold at your graduation when he pulled you into a small corner as everyone was finding their families to have some alone time.
“Javi, where are we going? We have to get to our families.” You asked as he led you to a small area near the back of your high school’s football field.
“We’ll find them in a minute. But I know I won’t get much time with you later, so I wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you.” You were happy from the day itself, but hearing him say he was proud of you made you grin.
“Aw, Javi, I’m proud of you as well. We did it and now we get to start our new lives.” You could see the energy shift in Javi after what you said, puzzling you.
“Yeah, the future is near.” He looked away from you for a moment before you grabbed his hand.
“Hey. Are you okay?” You asked, and he forced a smile for you.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“Are you lying?” You raised a brow at him, and he sighed.
“Maybe a little bit. It’s just…when you think about the future you think about losing people to new jobs, new people in your life, even moving away from home. All those things happen and it’s scary.” Laredo was all you both knew, and sometimes it was hard to let go and move on to get to do something else with your lives, but you didn’t know until now what that made him feel.
“Hey, no matter what happens, I’ll be right by your side, okay? No matter where we go, who we’re with, or what we do for a living, I’ll drop everything to be there for you.” His smile was genuine this time as he pulled you into a hug. You rested your head on his chest as he rested his head atop yours.
“And I’ll do the same. I love you.” You could hear the falter in his voice, awakening something in you that was threatening to leap out of your throat.
“I love you too. Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked again as you pulled out of his embrace. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Also, you look really nice. I like what you did to your hair.” He moved you off-topic, and although you wanted to press more, you let it go.
“Thank you, Javi. I was hoping it would look okay on me.” You smoothed out your hair.
“You look more than okay. Mucho hermosa.” There was a glint in his eyes you hadn’t seen before, maybe something you hadn’t noticed. But how he looked at you made you feel like no one else was there. That you were alone but together in the other’s presence, that nothing could go wrong in the little world you created.
“T-thank you, b-but we should get going. I’m sure we need to take some photos.” Suddenly it felt harder to breathe, the need to say everything and anything simultaneously consuming you until you found an exit because you knew what would happen if you didn’t.
“You’re right. Let’s get going.” He led the way, and you took a deep breath, hoping you could hold it together for all the pictures. When you walked around from the fence and up the street, your families were waiting for you.
“¡Ahí tienes! no sabíamos dónde ustedes los dos.” Your mother and Javi’s mother were crying to see you both in your cap and gowns. Both families came around to hug you one by one and congratulate you.
“We wanted to wait until some people left.” You lied, and they seemed to either buy it or not care as they took out their cameras.
“That’s fine. But take a picture together!” Javi’s mother asked, and you both got closer, and he wrapped an arm around you, which satisfied both of your mothers.
“Nuestros bebés.” They said in unison. You both looked at each other and laughed, knowing they kept their promise to cry at your graduation.
“Javi, get behind her!” Your mother asked him. You were surprised, not thinking they would ask him to do that pose.
“Si! Wrap your arms around her.” His mother agreed, and he was puzzled now.
“Are they trying to make us look like a couple?” He asked you as he got behind you and wrapped his arms around you. The move alone made a swarm of butterflies go through you, but you maintained your composure.
“I wouldn’t put it past them.” You answered as he moved his head down more for the camera.
“Mija, necesito que sonrias.” You smiled for them, and the way Javi’s head was just above the crook of your neck was comforting. All the hugs you had culminated into this, even if it didn’t mean what you wanted it to mean. But to have him like this, you wouldn’t change anything.
And maybe that was why even when you moved out, you made a copy of that photo and kept it in your living room. Sure, memories could’ve been kept in a box, and there were other photos to use, but that photo was deep in your heart, the way he was deep in your soul.
With those memories that came flooding back, the question was imprinted into your mind, and you realized that this time, it wouldn’t leave until you got your long-awaited answer. “J-Javi? I feel like you’re leaving something out.”
“I don’t want to overwhelm you so soon.” You shook your head in response to him.
“Digame. Te prometo que puedo tomar lo que me digas.” You wanted, no, needed to hear what he had to say, whether it was good, bad, or indifferent. You would regret it if you let it go like you did at your graduation or every other instance where the question popped into your head.
“You mean everything to me, and I promise I’m not just saying that. You remind me of this quote I would always hear. Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte.” Tears welled in your eyes, your answer finally in reach and not just a dream that would never leave your mind. 
“Javi, I never knew you felt that way.” You admitted, feeling your heart practically surge out of your chest. 
He wiped your eyes and then held your face with one hand. “I’ve felt that way for a long time, and it never stopped. I’ve always wanted you to be happy even if it was not with me, but now that I have my chance I’m taking it. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, Javi. I realized I loved you a few years back and it hasn’t changed for me since then.” He was surprised, and you wondered how he couldn’t see after all these years that you were irrevocably in love with him.
“Since we were teens, but it hit me at our graduation. Since then, I always had a little bit of hope but with who you were dating, I always pushed it down.”
He pinched the skin in between his brows with his other hand. “I never would’ve dated those girls if I knew you felt the same way. I always wanted you, and I want you right now.”
“And I want you and only you.” 
Time stood still after that. The admission out there, hearts on the line, a breakup was long forgotten as he never made you feel what Javi made you feel. The list could go on with how Javi treated you miles better than any guy you dated: safe, loved, cared for, appreciated, and special. But the energy had shifted, the air grew thicker, tension rising between you of a “Should we, should we not?” that seemed to blur the already thin line of friends to lovers you hadn’t realized was eroded. But that question was answered when he kissed you, gentle at first yet firm. 
You could faintly taste the whiskey on his lips, making you want more as it tasted better on him. His cologne was a little faded, but you could still smell it, which gave him a huskiness that you loved about him. You brought your hands up to his hair, finally raking through his curls as you had dreamed about doing for years. His other hand moved down to your body and slowly inched to your waist, careful not to overstep as you were still testing the waters. But you didn’t need to try anything when this was safe, exciting, and taking up your thoughts so that it would be all you would think about for days. You pulled a little on his hair, making him groan against your lips.
“Something you like?” You asked in between the kiss.
“Possibly,” Javi murmured before biting your lip, making you moan. He smiled against your lips when he heard you, and you knew that Javi would enjoy every bit of seeing what other sounds he could get out of you. 
“A little noisy aren’t we?” He pulled back to brush the hair out of your face, and you rolled your eyes.
“I can keep quiet.” You tried to be serious, but he didn’t buy it.
“You’re not going to because I want to hear you, and I’ll get it out of you.” His confidence surprised you.
“Who says you’ll get it out of me?” You asked, but he didn’t answer, instead opting to kiss you again and, in the middle of it, tugging on your lip before biting again. You moaned again, and he smiled, knowing he had proved his point. But that was forgotten soon after as his kiss made you feel drunk. If there was ever a time when you accidentally kissed him before this, you probably wouldn’t have waited this long to kiss him. The urge to keep going was igniting more as each second passed, and you knew it wouldn’t cease fire until your deepest desire was fulfilled. 
But then it increased ten-fold when his tongue pressed against your parted lips, making a shiver run through you. You opened them up without hesitation, allowing him to dive in just enough to experiment with you. With that, you could taste more of the whiskey, and the smell of his cologne intensified, making you clench your legs further, trying to quell your desire. But Javi felt your legs move and opened them up by pushing his hand down from your waist and between your legs, prying them open. His hand rested between your thighs, gripping a little, making you clench around nothing, given that you were wearing a dress and you could feel him fully. Oh, how badly you wanted him to remove the rest of your clothes so you could feel him skin-to-skin.
Perhaps your senses were overloaded, but his smell was intoxicating, his taste was addicting, to touch each other was electrifying, to hear how breathless he was as he kissed you, and to see how much he desired you was everything to you. With each second that passed, you craved more, and so did he, surprising you based on how he pulled you into his lap with one swift pull on your leg. His hands trailed up from your hips to your waist, holding you up as you grinded on his lips slowly.
“You’re a fucking tease.” He muttered, trailing his lips down to your chin and then jaw.
“What am I doing?” Your faked oblivious nature earned an eye roll from Javi.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” His voice had dropped an octave when you grinded more, his dick growing and grazing you when you couldn’t wait to pull him out of his pants.
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, looking at him as you further tangled your fingers into his hair.
“Never.” He kissed down to your neck, making you suck in a breath. Sensitivity increasing with each kiss, you knew he was reaching your sweet spot. And once he did, the sound he elicited from you made him twitch in his pants. He wanted more out of you, to give you everything you didn’t have with Angel. He wanted to worship your body, learn every inch of you, and memorize each crevice to shower you with love. There would never be another day where you felt that you were simply there while those you were with did their business. Every day would be a day where Javi could tangle himself into the sheets with you, let your wanton sounds fill the room along with his moans and grunts, and fill you up with each climax in every position he could do with you. He had you in his grasp, and he was wrapped around your finger.
Javi sucked on your sweet spot, making you whine as you tried to get used to his kisses. He was leaving a hickey, and while you usually didn’t like them, the thought of hickeys or love bites lined on your skin, a reminder of your desires manifesting into reality, made your core begin to throb. And thankfully, he didn’t stop at one. He made his mark and kissed it one last time before grabbing your ass and smacking it. It caught you off guard, and the sound you let out let him know that you enjoyed it.
“Do you want to take this to my room?” He asked.
“I’m sure. Take me there, please.” Javi smiled at your answer, grabbing your hips and getting up so he could carry you to his room. He kissed you briefly as he found his way to his room, kicking the room open before letting you down onto your feet again. He pulled off his shirt before helping you pull down the straps of your dress. He loved this color on you, complimenting your skin perfectly no matter how much you said it was a simple dress. But to take it off of you, to see the way it draped off of your breasts, falling down to the floor and drinking you in, Javi knew that he would never get tired of the sight.
Immediately, he bent down to your chest to place more hickeys on you. He wanted the reminder just as much as you did, to wake up the following day and look at his form of art on your body. He left another, and another, making a little trail that he could trace with his finger when the sun would bathe his room, and he would wait for you to get up. Finally, he reached your breasts, and his breath hit your nipple, making it hard for him.
“I take it you’re sensitive here?” His smirk let you know that he knew the answer, but you wanted to play coy.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Just maybe you say,” He trailed off as he licked your nipple before putting it in his mouth, keeping eye contact with you as you moaned. He swirled his tongue around, making goosebumps rise. He hummed as your head rolled back, the vibrations making you ruin your panties little by little. You put your hands in his hair again, tugging as he moved to the next one to give them equal attention. 
How did he make this so hot, turning you on before he even got to your core, where if you were lying down in bed you would be taking control and putting him inside you yourself. He was completely different than all the men you had been with. Rushed, lack of effort, lack of attention to your needs. But Javi paid close attention to you, seeing that if you liked the way he licked or nibbled on your nipple, he would do it again and again and again. His attention to you never waved, only it increased as he moved from your breasts down to your stomach, peppering kisses that made your heart skip a beat.
Javi reached for your panties, dragging his hands to their hem and looking at you to give the okay. You wanted him to pull them down, but you suddenly felt bad. “Javi, I want to make you feel good as well.” He got up and cupped your face. 
“Déjame cuidarte. Te daré todo lo que te mereces.” Your heart melted, and your core ached at those words, but it didn’t shake your guilt.
“But-” It was on the tip of your tongue, and Javi knew what it was.
“Cariño, you are beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful to me.” He reassured you before he planted a kiss on your cheek.
“How can you say that when this is your first time seeing me like this?”
“Yes, this is my first time seeing you naked, pero, amo todo de tí,” He kissed your forehead first. “Amo tu frente, ojos, nariz, mejillas, labios, mandíbula, cuello, senos, estómago, caderas, muslos, pantorrillas, tobillos, pies.” He kissed you all the way down your body, touching you softly and finally kissing his hand to place onto your feet. “Y lo que aún no he explorado sé que me encantará es tu culo, y tu coño.” Javi kissed your clothed core, making you tense a bit. 
You nodded your head and allowed him to pull them down, and you saw his mouth water when he could see your wetness pooling. You stepped out of your panties and spread your legs a little, allowing him to swipe a finger up your slit to gather your slick, putting his finger in his mouth and tasting you. The look that he gave you of pure adoration and attraction made you weak at the knees as he wasted no time in diving in with his mouth, tongue spreading your lips, and getting up everything he could in your slit. You were caught off guard by how he moved his hands up to your ass to keep you in place as he got up everything he could. But then, he latched on to your clit and sucked, licked, and hummed, making you moan his name like a chant that wouldn’t end until you came.
“Javi, fuck that feels really good.” You praised, tugging at his hair again as he hummed louder and sucked more feverishly. Pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, cloud nine, all the words you could think of couldn’t compare to how this felt. You were surprised you could think at this point given how the pleasure was building in your stomach at top speed, and when his skilled fingers pressed in between your folds and into your dripping core, you were gone. Matching pace with his mouth, taking his time to find your spot, and then hooking on to it repeatedly, the curl beckoning you to gush on his fingers. You didn’t need him to ask you, and before you could register what was happening, you came hard. Walls pulsing, clenching around Javi’s fingers. clit throbbing, overstimulated, yet you couldn’t pull off as he rode you through your orgasm. The hairs on your neck stood high as you slowly descended from your high. How you were still standing was a mystery, but you were grateful when he finally pulled you off to pick you up and lay you on the bed. 
“God, you taste so fucking good.” He whispered as he kissed your hips before diving in again. His hands hooked onto your hips, allowing your thighs to press against his head as he lapped up everything. You gripped his sheets, whining as he fingered you again while licking your juices. He swapped between licking it off his fingers and pushing his tongue in to get it faster. You started to rock your hips against his mouth to get what you wanted, and he could feel his dick getting rock hard over how needy you were for him.
“Javi, fuck I-please don’t stop!” Your mind failed you at making a coherent and complete sentence, but he knew what you needed as he focused on sucking your clit and fingering you again. Your overstimed clit made you whimper, but it soon turned into praise for Javi as he brought you to your second orgasm, making your roll your hips and your legs shake as it hit you again. Harder than before, your eyes rolling back as he never lost his grip on you. Two orgasms in a short time, yet you still needed him inside you. Your vision cleared up when he pulled up from your thighs and you saw your slick lining his lips. He licked it up before kissing you, your hands trailing down to help him out of his pants.
“I need you. I really fucking need you.” You whispered against his lips. Your fingers fumbled with his button, but you got it unhooked, one hand holding himself up as he tried to get them off with your help. He stood up a bit to fully get those and his boxers off before climbing back on top of you. Your hands found their way to his dick after you spat in your hand, and you stroked him slowly, feeling the veins you wanted to feel against your walls. He sucked in a deep breath as you stroked from tip to base, kissing his jaw and neck. It was a little hard to wrap your hand around his dick, given his above-average girth, but it was something you would enjoy as he got deep inside you. His tip was curved as well, giving you an idea. You swiped your thumb over the tip, and the coating of pre-cum made your mouth water as you wanted to taste him, let him cum down your throat, and let his moans fill the room. Your fantasy made you focus on the tip, going faster and your thumb circling around the tip as he let out a gasp.
“Fuck, baby. J-Just like that.” He rasped out, letting his head fall and bite your neck. You kept pace, knowing you had him right where you wanted him. He was unraveling for you as you did for him, and perhaps you would make him cum from a handjob alone before he could thrust deep inside you to give you what you both desired. But he moved your hand away and moved up, to which you looked down and saw how painfully hard he was.
“If you keep going like that I’ll cum on your stomach.” He admitted, and the vision of him spilling on your stomach was making you burn red hot.
“Well, now I know what to do in the future.” You smiled, and he kissed you again, reaching for his condom. You watched him put it on, rolling it down and seeing the way it fit him, stretching for him as you were going to do for him. With it on, he slotted himself between your legs, letting the tip rub on your lips. It made you roll your hips so the tip could slip between your folds, knowing that your clit was overstimulated to the point where every touch would make you jolt. His tip brushed against your clit, and you moaned into his mouth while your kiss got very messy, very fast. Needing to hear your moans again, he matched your rocking to keep brushing against your sensitive clit, the sensation almost too much for you.
“You’re so wet, hermosa. Did I do this to you?” He asked, pulling back where you could see the smirk lining his lips and for him to see your reaction.
“Y-you did. Fuck, please don’t stop.” You stammered out, the ability to speak fading further away.
“I need to feel you baby. I need to feel you cum on my dick.” He took his hand and swiped up in your slit, gathering your slick on his fingers and stroking himself with it, making sure he could slide in without a hitch. He stroked himself while looking at you, and to see how badly he wanted you was still unbelievable. He noticed your nervousness and stopped, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Hey, there’s nothing to be nervous about. If you want me to stop, I will.” He reassured you, still giving you an out knowing that this was a lot to take in.
“It’s not that. I really want this but Javi…your gaze, it’s intimidating.” You admitted.
“Baby, I’ve enjoyed looking at you before this happened and now. I don’t mean to intimidate you, but remember, it’s just me. Nothing’s really changed, okay?” It was partly a lie to say nothing changed when you were just given two mind-blowing orgasms, but Javi knew how to make your heart melt even when it was racing out of your chest.
“I know. But…he never looked at me like that.” His face changed when he said it, wanting to give you everything you deserved as you deserved to feel desired, wanted, and beautiful. 
“If he doesn't wanna make you feel pretty, I'll show you how fucking pretty you are.” His tip was still near your hole, making it easier for him to slide in, causing you to gasp and clench around it. Your hands moved up on his body, hooking onto his back. He felt perfect inside you, filling and stretching you out more than you could imagine. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He moaned out as he finished filling you up, inch by inch. Still comfortable inside you, yet the stretch was something you would never get enough of. He let you adjust, kissing your forehead again to give you time. 
“You feel so much better. Please move,” Javi moved right away, slowly pulling out and pushing in while you pulsed around him each time. You wrapped your legs around him and scratched his back, making him moan. You wanted to leave marks on his back as he wanted to leave love bites on you.
“That’s it, baby. Scratch my back and leave marks on me,” He sped up, letting the sounds of how wet you were for him fill the room. You scratched his upper back a little more, making him fuck you harder. His curved tip brushed closer to your spot, and when he decided to thrust up into you, you were pleasantly overstimulated. 
“I told you I was going to get more sounds out of you.” You rolled your eyes as he laughed, but you were rolling your eyes back when he continued to fuck you. Yet, he was not rough with you. He moved his hand to go underneath your neck and bring you closer to him, the other holding him up so he would not have too much of his weight on you. Javi made sure that you were enjoying yourself, his tenderness evident. Patience, tenderness, and love were evident, especially when you looked at him and saw how he looked at you with adoration, lust, and love. You were aglow in his gaze, not intimidating once you got used to it, and you never wanted to leave. 
But those three words were lodged in your throat, threatening to come out despite your efforts to suppress them. The nerves were rising, but you blurted it out faster than you could’ve covered it up. “I love you,Javi.”
“I love you too. Always have, always will.” Javi didn’t break eye contact as he said it, and you could see he was serious. He leaned down to kiss you again, pouring all his love into it. It felt different at this juncture, but you were willing to continue down this path with him for as long as you could.
But what you couldn’t hold on to was your composure once it started to build in your lower stomach, the tension increasing with each thrust and your previous orgasms playing into it. Javi could feel you tighten around him more, which made him leave your lips again so he could watch you cum. He moved his hand away from your neck and between you both, slipping his fingers right to your clit and rubbing small circles to inch you closer to your release.
“You’re doing so good baby. I’m so proud of you.” He praised, and your whine in return made his tip twitch. You kept pulsing, legs tightening around him, letting him know you were close. “Cum for me baby, please. Make a mess for me.” 
You scratched his back hard, cumming all over just as he asked you to do. It was intense, your legs feeling like jelly and goosebumps rising by the second. And to see the way you threw your head back in ecstasy ignited something in him. He had to fuck you through it, had to make you feel everything all at once because your pleasure was all he cared about. But alas, you came down, completely spent after all he did. But if he asked for another, you would do it all over again, loving the way he would watch you cum for him with absolute attentiveness.
Thankfully, Javi moved his hand away from your sensitive clit to hold himself up, knowing his climax was near. You could feel him lose control, seeing how he bit his lip and how he wanted to savor each moment with how good it felt to feel your pulse around him. He was in a state of ecstasy as well, and he never wanted to leave it.
“F-fuck, I’m getting close.” He thrusted faster, desperation taking over to cum deep inside you. 
“Please cum for me Javi. Soy todo tuyo.” Those last three words pushed him closer to the edge.
“Mi mente, cuerpo, y alma es tuyo.” Javi barely got it out before he came, grunting as he spilled inside the condom when he would much rather spill inside you. His thrusts were rough, needing to have every inch deep inside you. You pulsed around him to overstimulate him, to which he was not surprised when another drop of cum shot out in response to your actions.
You could tell he was tired, so you held him close, allowing him to rest a little on top of you so he could catch his breath. Your hands went up to his hair, playing in it as he rubbed his thumb back and forth on your hip. Skin-to-skin, completely bare, but not just in the physical sense. It was in every sense as you had previously shed all your layers with him, letting him see the deepest parts of you as he did with you. This was simply the final layer, but it was the most fitting after developing everything else with him over the years.
"If you keep playing in my hair like that I'll fall asleep on you." He mumbled, eliciting a laugh out of you. You both stayed in that position briefly, the closeness comforting you and reminding you that this was not a dream. 
Sadly, he did get up to pull out of you, throw the condom out, and get some towels to clean you both up. He wiped you down first, removing any sweat and cleaning up the wetness between your thighs. Once he wiped himself down and put them in the bin, he got right back into bed with you and pulled you close, allowing you to rest your head on his chest.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, a hand rubbing your back. 
“I’m feeling pretty good. How are you feeling?” 
“Amazing,” He admitted, making you laugh. “But are you okay with everything that happened?”
“Of course I am. I wouldn’t have done any of that if I didn’t feel right about it. But are you okay with what we did?” You craned your neck up to look at him.
“I am, but I just want to be sure. You know I love you.” To hear him say it with a different meaning brought a smile to your face. 
“I love you, Javi.” Your tiredness was hitting you hard, your voice much softer than before. You moved your head back down to lay on his chest comfortably.
“And I love you, mi flor. I’ll take you out this weekend.” 
“Are you asking me on a date?” You asked as he drew circles on your back.
“Yes I am.”
“Then ask me properly.” He moved back so he could face you properly.
“Will you go out on a date with me this weekend?” He asked, and you loved the fact that he asked you properly.
“Yes I will, but we don’t have to go out this weekend since I know you have work. We can always go the following weekend.” You didn’t want to strain him, but he didn’t have it.
“I’m taking you out because I want to. You deserve to be shown off and treated right, so I’m taking you out this weekend.” You admired his insistence, even though there was stubbornness laced in.
“You’re so bossy all the time.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“It’s not bossy if you like it.” He shot back, and you would never admit that he was right.
“Maybe I do.” You tried to play it off, but there was no use.
“Just maybe? Because just a little earlier you liked it when I-“ You shushed him with a kiss.
You pulled back and rested your head back on his chest. “Don’t finish that. Just go to sleep.” 
“I will, but I find it funny that this was a complete change from our usual breakup routine.” The realization hit you since this was a complete change. 
“Yeah it is. But I think I like this one more.”
“Well there won’t be another routine after this.” Oh, he was certain of it.
“And you’re so sure of that?” You challenged, but he didn’t back down.
“Positive.” Without saying it, you knew that he was not planning on going anywhere, and neither were you.
“Of course you are. But goodnight, Javi. I love you.” As you closed your eyes, you slurred your words, but you knew you were safe.
“I love you more. Goodnight.”
Escuchame - Listen to me
Mirame - Look at me
Pero dime - But tell me
Bonita - Pretty
Mas hermosa - Most beautiful
¡Ahí tienes! no sabíamos dónde ustedes los dos - There you are! we didn't know where you two were.
Nuestros bebés - Our babies
Mija, necesito que sonrias - My daughter (this is the direct translation but can also mean darling) I need you to smile.
Digame. Te prometo que puedo tomar lo que me digas - Tell me. I promise I can take what you tell me.
Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevará toda una vida lograr olvidarte. - It took me an hour to meet you and only one day to fall in love. But it will take me a lifetime to forget you.
¿Cuando? - When?
Déjame cuidarte. Te daré todo lo que te mereces - Let me take care of you. I'll give you everything you deserve.
Cariño - From my understanding, it can mean a lot of things, but it is mostly a term of affection, like cute or sweetheart.
Pero, amo todo de tí - But I love everything about you
Amo tu frente, ojos, nariz, mejillas, labios, mandíbula, cuello, senos, estómago, caderas, muslos, pantorrillas, tobillos, pies. Y lo que aún no he explorado sé que me encantará es tu culo, y tu coño. - I love your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, jaw, neck, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, feet. And what I haven't explored yet I know I'll love is your ass, and your pussy.
Hermosa - Gorgeous
Soy todo tuyo - I am all yours
Mi mente, cuerpo, y alma es tuyo - My mind, body and soul are yours
Mi flor - My flower
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skullcfusher · 11 months ago
Ok guys I tried 2 hold back but too bad I'm posting headcanons🙌
I am going to tell u about Kate and Toby cause I love them ok. They are soooo sibling guys plz they play fight like hell and argue like siblings and they do shit for each other like siblings ok I DON'T MAKE THE RULES (I did actually.)
So with the small stupid comic I posted yesterday if u can even call it that, I think Tim owns this truck right and it's a beat up 2 seater ok and Tim drives and Brian is the passenger princess and then Toby and Kate are the two freaks who have to sit in the actual truck bed and they are actually so funny back there. I think Toby is actually a smart guy he just doesn't show it well okay because look at him, and Kate didn't even finish middle school cause she was RLLY young when slender got to her and so she's just actually not the sharpest tool in the shed okay she's a creature and I like to think Toby teaches her stuff so like imagine they are in the truck bed ok "Kate.. Kate.. Kate dude.." "Toby shh.. shut tf up" "no Kate dude look.. look at that caterpillar it's really cool it's actual-" "I don't care about that Toby shut up" and he's like "Ohhh okay so god forbid I try to teach you smth." And she's like "Shut up before I push you out of the truck" and he's like "Omfg fine good maybe I'll die this time and you'll be stuck doing a mission with Tim and Brian ALONE you freak" and they just continue to bicker. Tim and Brian don't really like Kate they think she's a monster and don't like her cause in my mind she's the person who tormented them and brought them to Slender's doorstep basically and so they just rlly don't like her LMFAO and I don't blame them either but Kate doesn't really talk to people until Mr. Tobias comes around ok like she lives in those dirty ass mines and hasn't changed her clothes like ever ok so Toby shows up and is like damn bitch you live like this!?? And he immediately starts giving her stuff like clothes he can't fit anymore, maybe a mattress and lots of food and just random shit to do, he convinces her to come around to the proxy cabin more and more and smth I thought would be funny is if Tim and Brian come home from whatever and they just see Kate munchin on a sandwich like it's the best shit she's ever had in her life (it probably is) and Toby is just chillin with her and Tim and Brian are like "what the fuck get out?? Why is she here??" And Toby is like "Dude relaaaax she's not even doing anything" and Kate gives ZERO fucks LMFAO SHE'S LOVING THAT SANDWICH SOO MUCH SHE DOESN'T CARE WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND HER LMFAO. Following proxy shenanigans I like to think Kate and Toby wrestle a lot, you can't put a boy who can't feel pain and a really strong girl next to each other and be best friends and them not fuckin duke it out ok I like to think Nina visits the cabin one day and she opens the door and sees Toby fly over the couch and watch Kate jump after him and they are Rollin around on the ground fighting and Nina is like freaking out "OH MY GOD R U GUYS OK IS THIS THE VIOLENT SLENDER SICKNESS Y'ALL TALK AB" and they stop and look at her like ??? Huh CAUSE TO THEM THEY ARE JUST PLAYIN (I don't blame Nina either like Toby's bleeding from his nose and Kate has a busted lip LMFAOA and they've got like scratches all over)
Ok so I wanna touch on angst cause it's not head cannons unless we're kinda sad actually so like Slender def punishes his proxies ok like when they do smth wrong like fuckin up a mission or like commiting friendly fire on another proxy, so when Kate gets punished I like to think Toby will sit with her and hold onto her while she's freaking out cause it's not just like ohh she's kinda sick no like her fingernails tore off from her tearing at the ground she's screaming until her vocal cords can't make anymore noise she's losing it and Toby sits with her like if she just needs smth to lean on, if she needs something to grab or even something to hurt he's holding onto her like she's gonna die like he already lost one sister ok he's not losing this one too LMFAO and then after it passes I like to think he bandages up her hands, similar to how Toby's mom used to bandage his hands after he chewed his skin off yk?? Ok that's all for this post perhaps goodnight fellas
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surreal-duck · 29 days ago
Tumblr user surreal-duck can I see your ocs I miss them
HI LORE i. miss them as well and rly should do smth w them again one of these days. but ur in luck bc i was sweeping thru my old internship doodle files and theres a good chunk of these i finally have reason to show LMFAO
anyhow these r mostly from the magical girls story ive been rotating in my brain for like? 4 or 5 years now?? but specifically the two mentor figures + the opposing antagonists (id posted the first two before on this blog but not the rest bc favoritism) these were frpm around 2022-23 so 👍
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these r nikolai (red) and olivia (blue) !!! theyre childhood friends and formerly trained together under the same mentor before they got dragged into a larger, sinister plot/organization and nikolai defecting from them and just general disastrous yuri breakup dozens dead many injured etc. olivia was overly devoted to their mentor and turned a blind eye to the truth of what they were doing convincing herself that shes in the right for doing so! and the shock from nikolais abandoning her festered into immense hatred and theyve been at each others throats ever since <3 now nikolai has a mentee of her own that she simultaneously uses and sends off on missions to lowkey sabotage that organization. said mentee is the lil phantom thief girl ive drawn here and then but i honestly have no clue if ive posted her all that much either. anyways throughout the story they kinda bite each other and also kiss at some point but not before trying to slit each others throats and gouge their eyes out. the usual routine
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heres brook and kane!!! brook is the main four's mentor, and old friends w nikolai. theyre somewhat of a secluded and otherworldly being living quietly among humans as an apothecary in the woods, and assists/watches over the gang!!kane along w olivia is one of the subleaders of the evil organization seeking to revive a fallen god to bring upon a new order upon the world but honestly hes not all that into it. he hates the world anyways and is bored all the time even with his extra and dramatic attitude so wouldnt it be kinda fun to bring it to ruin and renew it from there. at least til the magical gang kinda manage to make him come around and he becomes a key ally for them!!! plus he has beef with nikolai since who knows when and before his reformation she kinda would send her little mentee on "errands" to ruin each of his plans. and because of such she happens to run into the main gang often before they eventually befriend her as well (but not without heck of a lot of conflicts on their end too). post reformation though he kinda just pops by now and then with some new intel for them to use + becomes utterly smitten at first sight when he met brook and is now in fervent pursuit of them even with their indifferent ass. brook takes advantage of this by making him do near impossible errands for some rare ingredient or another but somehow he always comes back to their doorstep with the biggest smile on his face bleeding from every part of his body and cheerfully handing them the coveted item. and many such cases. they go drinking w nikolai the same night and vent to her how he would not leave their ass alone and she just laughs at him
and here is a pretty old chart also my old art kinda hurts/outdated designs and is missing my girl olivia but things r generally like this. plus some refs i never ended up finishing and now kinda dont like so i will redo that yet again at some point maybe lol
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also some old marilanis while im at it bc i crave yuri and none of my ocs are exempt from this
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sanriokamabodo · 2 years ago
college!bf douma
A/N: im struggling w writers block + had a heavy day so i decided to write smth i conjured up instead of a request!i will be back in business soon my sweets!heehee<3 if y'all want a part two feel free to ask djdjd
CW's: hes kinda sleazy in the beginning, reader sucks at math. suggestive themes>:) douma is goth in my college au bc i said so. the day i proofread is the day i die!
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A psychology major with a minor in religious studies. Doesn't practice any religion himself but finds the subject interesting nevertheless.
Barely studies but somehow manages to pass with flying colours.
That one hookup you regret with all your might, let me elaborate;
Douma tutors math and it's no coincidence he slept with majority of the people he tutored.
No, you're not an exception. Cute try though!
Something about Douma's piercings, his choppy hair that he probably cut himself and his 'don't give a fuck' attitude managed to dissolve your IQ and last bit of self respect around him.
He knows how to give you just enough attention to keep you interested, but little enough for you to purposely screw up your math tests for an excuse to see him.
Yes, he mocked your intelligence by asking if rats ate your brain or whether you were just born this stupid, but the way he ruffled your hair as he fake-pouted at you made something bubble in your stomach.
It's no surprise you ended up with Douma in the men's restroom, a hand smacked tightly over your mouth that day.
You weren't allowed to ride the high of having hooked up with the hottest guy on campus for long.
Throughout the night you were bombarded with messages from your friends, all of them being about Douma. Why didn't you tell them? Was he good? ... Was he big?
You thought your heart was going to thump out of your chest. Sweaty hands refreshing the messages five, ten, twenty times.
This had to be a sick joke, right? Was this Douma's true nature?
About to throw your phone away in defeat, it vibrated once more. You didn't want to look but curiousity got the better of you.
[Douma, 11:06]: I think we need to talk.
Your chest thundered with anger at the message.
[Y/n, 11:07]: You think!?
[Douma, 11.07]: I know you don't owe me anything, but can we please meet somewhere?
[Y/n, 11.08]: I don't feel like showing my face today, thanks:)
We're you being dramatic? Maybe a little. But you were an introverted person. Being known by everyone on campus wasn't on your to-do list, and the reason why just made it that much worse.
[Douma, 11.08]: Text me your adress, I'm coming over.
[Y/n, 11.09]: No.
[Douma, 11.10]: Please, give me a chance to set things straight. I'll fix it, I promise.
You pondered for a moment. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen? You texted him the address of your dorm and within an hour you heard a knock on your door.
Opening the door Douma stood on your doorstep, looking rather apologetic. You waved him inside, a thankful smile grazed his lips.
"I like what you did with the place."
"Shut up."
"Fair enough." He nodded.
"I did tell my friends we hooked up." He said, making you scoff. He threw his hands up defensively, before you could say anything.
"But! But! I didn't want them to tell everybody else..! They know I like you... a lot."
A small blush across up your cheeks at the sudden confession.
"You like me?"
Now you've done it, Douma started rambling.
"I get really fucking dumb about crushes. I wanted to text you all the time but I didn't want to come across as creepy. I thought we could just... hook up and I would forget about my stupid little crush and of course it just made me like you even more, because c'mon you're hot as fuck." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically. "So what I'm trying to say here is that I would really like to make it up to you because I'm really fucking sorry and I would also really, really like to take you on a date and have a fresh start, please?" A shy smile painted his features.
You laughed. You were stupid if you were to deny him like this, especially considering you really liked him too.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
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ohmygraves · 1 year ago
let me share a bit of my self insert details for cod, since i figured out i can write smth while i think about how to continue the other wips i have
with callsign "rookie", a first generation immigrant. they're the youngest between all the 141, and was recommended by laswell. still, their rank is definitely under both soap and gaz. a non-binary person, though don't mind any pronouns.
here's a few sketches of them (i made it to my likeness because, y'know, "self" insert)
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the change in haircut is intentional as it should reflect my continuously changing hairstyle since my hair is a dumbass who can't make up its mind in how it should present itself.
i made a "relationship chart" to explain the dynamics of rookie with the other members of 141
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gaz ⇄ rookie
gaz and rookie i'd imagine to be some kind of the ride or die best friend, which unfortunately often happened because rookie has the worst kind of luck, but just good enough that they get out of danger somehow in the last second. the kind of best friend that you could understand being so close because you'd known eachother really well. it's probably the case of them being quite similar in age (rookie is still younger though), so he took pity of them at first and happily accompany them everywhere. he knows how anxious it can be to be around something so unfamiliar and scary, and he understands how it feels to be frustrated knowing that you can't save everyone (he hopes that rookie can be more mature but for now he'd gladly sigh at their naivety).
soap ⇄ rookie
maybe because i view soap to be slightly older than gaz i feel like soap and rookie are more like siblings? i feel like if soap became best friends with rookie, he'd be too much for the poor lad. soap as best friend is a good trope but he's a wild card that he could show up at your doorstep either with a bong or a shovel, and i'm not sure if rookie can handle all that. he's a good friend, sure, but one that gaz hope that won't influence rookie too much because what is he going to do with not one but two soap at the barracks?
that being said, i think that soap treats rookie like somewhat of a younger sibling that he gets to pick on from time to time, but in a nice way. like he'd wear their stuff that he found on the laundry, strutting a booty shorts (and killing it) while he makes some coffee for himself as rookie hunts his head for sports since all their clothes get stretched because of him. or the one that tells them that price likes spicy in his sandwich causing rookie to witness price choke on a sub slathered with hot sauce, getting them in trouble. he takes advantage of their naivety in a funny way and he teaches them weird things. definitely gets him in trouble with ghost though because of that.
price ⇄ rookie
now don't come at me for being so overrated, but i see price as a father figure. if activision don't want me to commit fatherless behavior, then they probably shouldn't make him so dad material in the first place. that being said, i like to think that when price sees rookie's files and do a small "interview" with the lad, he feels like he was responsible for a new teammate. like mama hen finding a kitten and taking care of it like a chick.
he understands that rookie is very, very new to everything, and that's saying it lightly. being the youngest of the group, an immigrant, not to mention very naive made him pity the newbie, which of course made him go "dad mode" and teach them things from time to time. he has definitely been called "dad" by accident a few times by rookie, but he didn't seem to mind. didn't seem to enjoy the fact that soap's influencing them to act up too at times.
ghost ⇄ rookie
now ghost is my favorite (obviously), so this might be long. in general, ghost didn't like how inexperienced rookie is. they're in 141, working as an sas soldier, and they're going to fumble on their guns like an idiot?
preposterous, why did laswell let them in the team?
it's not like he has any say in it, and unfortunately he had to mentor them and make sure they're doing a good job (read: babysitting, as he would say), and it didn't make him feel better about it. sometimes i want to see him just grab the poor newbie and just scream at their face like "what do you want!? i can't believe someone is this bloody fucking incompetent, you might as well be a sea cucumber!" like this man would not hesitate to insult the newbie to the point that they're crying.
and he should be. he's not going to put his life in the hands of some dumbass who can't shoot right half the time.
of course, it'll take a long, long time for him to acknowledge their skill, even getting a small "passable" from him is worth celebrating. literal years to be close to him, share the fact that they're both fatherless people who used to live in an abusive household and maybe he'll start to acknowledge them (anything that's beside work ofc). little affirmation that they've gotten this far somehow even after such horrible things happening to them.
i only ever pair rookie with ghost and soap (or both of them together as a throuple) romantically, gaz is more platonic and price is more fatherly.
i know this is a different post from what i normally would post but if you're all interested in getting to know rookie more, feel free to interact. my askbox are open for requests or something a bit more casual, don't be shy. i don't bite.
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boogiewoogieweeb · 8 months ago
would LOVE to hear about the ned quits the navy one 👀👀
hi kay! thank you for the ask!
it's more of a nebulous, 100+ bullet point listicle of an au than an actual wip at this point, but i'm more than happy to yap on about it:
it's essentially a ned-centric post-rescue joplittle au in which ross ex machina saves a handful of the expedition survivors (including some of the mutineers). it mostly follows the show's timeline, with some self-indulgent exceptions regarding canonical character death (jfj doesn't die, for instance. he and francis had their 'wedding night' scene, but francis couldn't go through with it, and jfj is not quite as scorbutic in this au).
aboard the investigator, ned learns that jopson survived being abandoned, and has to wrestle with his conscience. he tries apologizing to jops, only to be soundly and coldly rebuffed in the attempt. this shakes ned to his core, and he questions the purpose of his own survival. things only get worse for his mental state when he overhears francis tell jcr that he feels personally responsible for what happened to the men after he got captured by the mutineers.
this makes ned question his entire naval career, and what it means to be a good man. after some soul searching, and further developments once they reach ye olde england (including an inquest by the admiralty; and sending francis money on the condition of anonymity to help pay for jops' recovery), ned decides to quit the navy and start a shipping venture of his own with the help of his (legendary) brother, james, and some rich benefactors thanks to his connection to lady jane.
things go moderately well. james invites ned to come live with him for a spell, their business grows lucrative, and ned slowly relearns what it means to be, if not happy, then at least content. until a very angry jops shows up on his doorstep one day and goes, "so. it's come to my attention that it's not captain crozier, but you i have to thank for funding my recovery". this leads to them having it out in the foyer, with jops angrily telling ned he doesn't need his charity, and ned replying even more angrily that it's not charity; but he had to do things behind jops' back because he knew jops would never accept his help otherwise.
eventually, jops asks him why he's so deadset on helping, and ned - without thinking - blurts out: “my heart stopped beating the day i left you behind, and only restarted when i learned that you’d survived. but by the time i could tell you so, however, you already hated me. and now, all i have left is my ability to care for you from afar.”
they're both stunned into silence by the admission. ned, in a near panic, hastily tries to salvage what little dignity he has left by vowing to stay away from jops forever if that's what he truly wants.
but instead of turning away in disgust, jops breaks down right in front of ned and simply says, "it would've been easier for both of us if only i was capable of hating you."
smth smth emotional catharsis. and then james little - gay legend that he is - walks in on them having their heart-to-heart, takes one look at jops and goes, "oh, this explains so much about why ned's Been Like This™ since he got back."
cue happy ending, applause, etc.
and yeah, that's basically ned quits the navy in a nutshell! i'd be more than happy to share the full bullet point list on here for anyone who'd like to know more.
once again kay, thank you for picking my guilty pleasure au to ask about! i hope you enjoyed learning more about it 💖
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roomofshroom · 2 years ago
kyman headcanons part 2 !!!! SFW (cartman oriented!!!)
since yall liked my kyman headcanons so much i thought id give it another try and write down sum more ! :D
part 1: here
cartman would plan little fucking schemes to see if kyle really loves him (text him from a fake instagram profile, pay a girl to make a move on him, shit like that)
motherfucker craves attention so much, so he like pretends he's sick or dying or that something really serious happened to see if kyle comes running to him
kyle quickly realizes this is not a one time thing and is really annoyed w him but manages to come running everytime cartman pulls something like this, eric always treats him with a big smile when hes at the doorstep ("you came! :D " "ofc i came you said ur fucking mom was dying?! where is she?" "oh she just went shopping" "so you made it up?! you know how fucked up that is?!" "technically, my mom IS dying, we are ALL dying every second of every day ever since we were born, kHAL...")
cartman uses like an unhealthy ammount of emojis in every message, sends shit ton of tiktoks, reels, youtube shorts and has a completely different types of conversations w kyle on every social media platform all at once (like on instagram he's venting to him about how he doesnt feel appreciated enough by the world while hes sending him memes on discord and streaming himself playing fall guys or smth i dont fucking know)
kyle's style of texting is very simple, he doesnt like long messages, he doesnt really send memes or tiktoks or anything but he religiously watches everything eric sends him, responds to him asap and writes medium sized messages with emojis because cartman is super fucking clingy and goes on a rampage if kyle doesnt respond for more than 3 hours or if his response isn't "enthusiastic" enough (*eric sends a meme of cats with a "this is so us" comment* kyle: <3 eric: do you hate me? kyle: no wtf i dont??? why? eric: idk just seems like you hate me)
cartman hangs out w kyle's mom and makes kyle's mom unknowingly share embarrassing details of kyle's life just to tease him w the information later, they also look through baby pictures together
eric and kyle's mom love gossiping together and they watch say yes to dress together and critique the dresses ("the mermaid style dress with HER LEGS!? i thought she'd wanna show them off!" "yes, such a shame, wasted potential")
sometimes cartman just goes to kyle's house solely to hang out with his mom ("oh hey cartman, i wont be able to hang out today, i need to-" "no worries, I'm here to watch tlc w your mom")
cartman's love language is words of affirmation, obviously, and he makes kyle say everything he loves about him at least twice a week as a "communication exercise, so that their relationship stays good and they both feel appreciated" (its honestly just a way for eric to get praised, he loveeees that shit)
he knows kyle's love lang is acts of service (hes known him for years, kyle didnt even need to tell him) so while he's at his house he'll wash the dishes and fold his clothes but he won't admit to it, he actually hides it and feels embarrassed, kyle just knows ("hey, did you clean my room while i was downstairs?" "no?" "look, its clear you did, just say so" "i don't fucking know what you're talking about, khal" "...thank you, eric" "...shut the fuck up, jew, as if I'd touch your dirty ass room")
cartman's actually very shy with showing affection when its just two of them and when kyle says something sweet unprovoked, cartman usually blushes and shuts him down, turns it into a joke or straight up ridicules kyle ("you're actually very pretty, cartman" "yeah, you're pretty too... pretty gay, HAHA")
kyle's shy with showing affection in front of others and cartman fucking takes that and runs with it sometimes, doing everything to make kyle uncomfortable, he's being all lovey dovey infront of kenny and stan to see kyle cringe internally and awkwardly smiling on the outside to 'not seem like a bad boyfriend' (cuz when he once couldn't take it and told cartman to shut the fuck up, cartman got fake sad and stan came to kyle afterwards and gave a speech about "sometimes having to put up with stuff you don't like to make your girl, uhm sorry, to make your... significant other happy")
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myfaveisfuckable · 8 months ago
Played the amazing Alex Borstein, Susie Myerson has possibly the biggest dick in show business. This woman, working as a janitor at a comedy club in New York in the 50s, decides to become a manager for a future famous comedian, having no prior experience with managing or comedy. Throughout the series, there are the three moments that defined her brass balls the most. The first is telling a famous comedian who recently hired her as a manger to get fucked after the famous comedian insulted Susie's friend and client. This comedian was so famous that Susie basically could have just gone and personally crapped on everyone single doorstep in the industry and come away with more favorable results. The second instance was she was literally kidnapped by some Batman the Animated Series looking goons who were paid to intimidate her onto leaving the managing business. Her big dick energy manifested when she smooth talked her way into befriending the goons through shared shitty childhood experiences AND THEY TOOK HER TO THEIR HOUSE AND INTRODUCED HER TO THEIR FAMILY. She probably could have gotten away with fucking their wives but I digress. The final time was during the series epilouge. Susie has made it famous and rightly becomes obsessed with fancy birds. The final scene involves her and her first client/friend sitting, watching jeporday together, each in their own homes across the country, after a conversation with her friend who had just sent her a beautiful parrot.
* it's spiritual
1. The confidence. The badassery. Played by Lucy Lawless, who radiates BDE herself. Partially responsible for my bisexual awakening.
2. She has THE big dick energy. Like, the entire show is about her adventures with her (implied) girlfriend Gabrielle after she quit being a mercenary (or smth similar). She is so badass, and there's even a beauty pageant episode where she discovers one of the other contestants (she's trying to prevent assassinations bc politics) is (heavily implied to be) biologically male, and they ask her to let them at least let them quietly withdraw instead of revealing "the truth about them" (it's unclear if they're trans, a drag queen, or something else) and Xena is such an ally about it. In a show from the 1990s. She takes absolutely no shit while being absolutely amazing nearly all the time
* it's spiritual* it would be canon if it were up to me
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ahqkas · 9 months ago
hihi again!! sorry for the lesser and later replies huhu
YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT!! ron, harry and hermione will always have friendship goals <33 ron would be hyping harry up and backing him up if he needed it, while hermione is trying to pull them away so they wont stir up trouble and get expelled,, but is willing to hex them too HAHAHA,, but i think that mattheo would simply scoff and roll his eyes and mutter abt 'these gryffindor pests arent worth my time' or wtv HAHAHA.. omg im thinking of golden trio vs slytherin gang WWOAH
ooh thats such an interesting hc! i see it, especially with the narcissa part <3 she would make sure mattheo is okay and comfortable, maybe even treat him as draco's brother at this point 😭 while lucius in the bg is panicking if what their doing is right since he doesnt want to let down his lord's son frfr !! plus imagine the dangers when mattheo gets angry at the malfoys HELPPP
i actually see mattheo spending the holidays at hogwarts more often maybe, and sometimes go to draco's manor bc lucius insists (bro wants to get in mattheo's good side) !! im rlly curious though, in ur hc how do ppl perceive mattheo? are they not scared of him being the riddle after coming back and forth at the orphanage? :thinks:
mattheo's mother, hmm.. i honestly didnt rlly think about his mother, and i agree that i dont rlly see bellatrix as his mom 😭 but to be fair, i do see his mother as someone anonymous-- someone who left his life out of fear yk i hope youre taking care of yourself!! rest well, too <33 - c: anon
hermione would be so done with both of them 😭😭 yk in the 6th film how they were practically obsessed with draco and their theory how he was the half blood prince , they’d be like that with mattheo for some time in their lives , “he’s bloody trying to kill you, harry!!! i can see it, hermione can see it (she obviously can’t), why can’t you see it ????” ron would have this one sided beef w mattheo, always glaring at him in the hallways after getting over his fear of you-know-who’s son (the start of 3rd year)
and u can bet they would be absolutely convinced mattheo was the one who opened the chamber of the secrets , his place maybe even above draco’s on their list of suspects
PLEASE lucius would be panicking sm after something angered mattheo he’d praying for his life that voldermort won’t show up at his doorstep 😭😭
i think people were intrigued by mattheo when he first started his academic journey at the hogwarts. “we’ll have a riddle in the castle starting this year. do you reckon he’s like his father?” “who??? you-know-who’s son??!” after all, you can’t be that scared of a kid who’s life circled around an orphanage and his father was gone for 11 years yk . sure, they’d avoid him & his presence and move out of his way but they wouldn’t be trembling out of fear either . the fear would start maybe around the 2nd year bc of the chamber of secrets yk they’d think he has smth to do with it , i have to explore this hc more thooo 😭 what about you? what do you think?
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todayisawthewhxlewxrld · 9 months ago
I keep having dreams of kittens, I think it's a sign to get one. Who knows, maybe it's telling me that a kitten will show up on my doorstep or smth. Lord please make a kitten show up on my doorstep, I want one so freaking bad please save me.
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My landlord doesn't allow pets, but does he really have to know? 🙄 We've got 3 geckos too, love my babies to death. I actually need to order some worms because I don't like supporting petco and petsmart, every time I go in there I see the beta fishes in the cups and most of them are unhealthy so it makes me sad and guilty ☹️ Plus I've seen malnourished geckos in there too, IM A PETCO AND PETSMART HATER IDC. They can suck my toes and eat a butt SMH.
Anyways fact remains that I need to order some worms for my precious angel babies, my beautiful well behaved (is Macaroni really behaved tho??? Still got that grudge of my son biting my neck 😔) ((just kidding, besides that incident he's a sweet boy who doesn't know how to shed properly so I'm constantly having to soak him in warm water))
the cat distribution system will pick u… trust🤞🤞🤞
no yeah pet smart is horrible ! i need them out of business NAOW
it’s ok one time my bearded dragon bit my pinky 😞 like why would u betray me like this i feed u crickets n worms…. i thought we had something special…? HELPP maybe he just likes the baths 😊😊😊
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potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year ago
i am going to dump a bit of lore on your doorstep (by copy and pasting smth i wrote on discord a few days ago) so i can give context to something i have drawn
disclaimer: it may be long and wordy. but thats what its all about baby
"in short i finally figured out how Arthur gets their name.
so to preface this i must offer. context. be warned this is gonna be one of those Rambles.
before we begin, i am debating on whether or not i should keep the 'arthur possessing gidget' thing, change it to where they possess chip (?), or get rid of it... my reasoning being: i think it makes more sense for arthur to be closer to chip especially cuz they end up as siblings in the end, ALSO i dont remember why gigi had to be the one that was possessed and i think the story would work just fine if it was somebody else.
in fact itd probably work even better with chip not only bc the theming of Being In The Wrong Body and everyone claiming u r somebody youre not works even better if its with chip, it also works cuz chip in the story is frequently like... whats the word. overlooked. or not taken seriously.
but anyways:
two, there is a plot point sometime during chip & gidget's stay in the castelle manor in which everyone but chip is trapped inside a dream by moonlight (in the waking world they are all asleep & cant wake up) bc she is searching their dreams in order to find Arthur (and kill them)
hopefully that doesnt sound. too convoluted. ah. anyways. something something chip teams up w arthur to enter their dreams and wake them up. i think.
i think probably arthur was either forced into going w chip or he agreed relunctantly, but (assuming he is still possessing someone) chip asks arthur if they can see his real face. and he agrees but in a way that makes it clear he is Lying
they wake up in (.....i dont think i have a solid name for this place yet. i think i called it Space 2 in my lore doc for the bit but i think itll be called 'otherside')
and Arthur just looks like a weird version of [whoever they were possessing at the time.] chip comments on it and art's like 'oh you mean my REAL REAL face yeah ok let me. um.' (they change into an exact copy of chip.) 'Better?'
at this point it is becoming clear that arthur might not have a 'real face,' but chip doesnt know that yet
meanwhile there is some chatter between the two, w arthur passively explaining who Midnight and Moonlight are. ALSO there is a fun fact i think about moonlight canonically having a preference for Women & that Arthur's pre-death appearance was modelled after the first human woman. i think. at one point they get onto the topic of art and chip asks Arthur if they like to draw, in which they respond: 'no.' Riveting.
something something climactic point where arthur breaks down and finally admits that they dont have a body, dont have any of their powers, and they cant even remember what theyre supposed to look like. he says that he feels useless!
& then chip says something like 'you dont have to have powers to like. create stuff.'
and then they draw together :]
chip agrees to help give him a "new face" so to speak by drawing him a FURSONA (it is a JACKRABBIT with a RAINCOAT AND UMBRELLA and an EYEPATCH and like. epic scars. and two swords. and a pet dolphin & demon wings. and other convoluted detailed design elements akin to that of a sparkledog) which they lovingly name 'Arthur.' (maybe w a last name like 'skullcrusher' or soemthing)
and arthur like draws his own version of that. which is Close to what Arthur's design is currently. & he's like 'yeah. so um. uhh. close your eyes i cant do it while youre looking.'
(chip puts their paws over their eyes.) 'um ok! what are you doing?'
'im gonna show you the real me.'
& then he looks like the character he drew."
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