#like she knows he's not great and not always just but he's her FRIEND she RESPECTS him and there's a history there
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Also, one poet may well write some thoughtless, drugged out poem with zero intention behind any choice, but the anti intellectual mindset of "then we shouldn't do analyses" means you're suddenly cutting yourself from the ability to understand every other poet who ABSOLUTELY depends on you having critical thinking and analysis skills to understand and appreciate their poem!
Also poetry, like art, really suffers in this argument, because a LOT of it is context dependent... and the context of a sickly noble poet of the 18th century is VERY different from yours.
Let's look at Keats for my example, the opening of Ode to a Nightingale.
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness,— That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease.
Do you know, 21st century tiktok gooner that you may well be, who Lethe is? Or what? What does Lethe-wards means??
Well, assuming you know what Hemlock is, you know we're talking about poison (from a plant that is native to Europe btw so you can already tell it's not a south american poem...), of emptying opiates down your gullet.
Lethe is the daughter of Eris, the greek goddess of strife. Lethe meanwhile is the personification of forgetfulness and oblivion.
Matches much better with "drowsy numbness" now, eh?
But Lethe isn't just a person. She's a river. One of the five rivers of the underworld. The shades of the dead had to drink from her to forget their human lives.
So like, frankly it doesn't really matter if Keats was high as a kite while writing out his envy of a little fleeting bird... He's using terms and expressions that you have to learn about and study in order to appreciate what the poem is trying to express.
The lack of curiosity behind the argument is saddening. Not only would you understand poems more, or art, you get to DISCUSS them. And maybe you were forced to discuss some dull stuff with people you don't like at school, but wouldn't you want to learn more about the badass poem Ozymandias, and discuss it with friends? It's anti-military, and much like Dune, a warning against men of great power, and the pointlessness of their earthly rule.
You can hear it read here by Mr. White of Breaking Bad himself
And THEN, because you now know it's a poem from Percy Shelley, you can appreciate this mini plot twist in ALIEN COVENANT
And you can also appreciate the irony (and dark future) of the Watchmen character who dared call himself Ozymandias!

Because culture always calls back on itself, and knowing the history and logic and meaning of the Ozymandias poem leads you to having a better and deeper understanding of recent, contemporary media that in turn calls back to it!!
Have some culture, baby!!

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pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x actress!reader
word count: 5.9k words
summary: in which, after knowing of him for a while, you finally meet eddie munson at a movie premiere
warnings: explicit language, some fluff, smut (18+), fingering (f!receiving)
author’s note: yes this is very much inspired by the harry styles song. i had this idea like a year ago and then i left it unfinished for months upon months but it’s finally finally done now so enjoy<333
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“Aside from Steve, is there anyone else I’m going to know at this premiere?”
Maybe you should’ve asked Melissa that question before you were on your way to the theater in West Hollywood where the movie premiere was taking place. That would’ve given you more time to mentally prepare if your publicist’s answer was no; which would mean that you’d have to have a fake smile plastered on your face during most of the night.
You slightly shifted in the backseat of the car you sat in with Melissa on your left. You were trying not to move too much or even get comfortable in your seat during the drive for fear of somehow messing up the simple black dress you were wearing. Tonight didn’t even really matter for you, you knew that. You were only going to this premiere to support a friend, and the red carpet walk you’d have to do would be a quick and very unimportant one, but you still felt the need to make sure that you were perfect.
Melissa started listing names you quickly recognized, people you’d worked with before or had a handful of passing conversations with. “Oh, and Eddie Munson is gonna be there as well.”
“Oh,” You said, looking down at your dress and smoothing out a non-existent wrinkle. You cleared your throat and attempted to act as nonchalant about it as possible. “Oh, cool. Why is he going to a movie premiere?”
“His band worked on the soundtrack for the movie.”
You nodded at that. “Oh, okay.”
“You two should try to get a picture together. That would be really great,” She said, taking a quick glance at you before going back to look at her phone. “After the interview thing, people would love seeing this.”
You more so saw that whole situation as “the interview incident” instead of simply “the interview thing.” It was only a few months ago when you had to do some promotional interviews for a movie you filmed earlier in the year, and you had been randomly asked about your favorite music. You talked about Corroded Coffin’s latest album and you specifically mentioned Eddie’s great songwriting and voice. You went on something close to a ramble about him and his band and then regretted it immediately when you were done because you knew that you probably sounded something equivalent to an obsessed fangirl. And, of course, none of it got cut out of the video.
And then, about a month later, Melissa sent you an article about an interview Eddie did where he mentioned one of your movies and also said that you were one of his favorite actresses. You felt entirely indifferent about the article because it just seemed way too coincidental to you. You knew that his publicist and Melissa were a part of the same firm, so it made sense that they would wanna do something to potentially “stir” something up.
You let out a sigh. “I know that you told his publicist to have him mention me in his next interview.”
Melissa only shrugged in response. “He and his band have gotten so big in the last year, and you’re getting really big right now too. This could be a great moment.” She took another look at you and smiled. “Just saying.”
You knew that in the grand scheme of things, she only wanted what was best for you, and you appreciated that; it was why she’d been your publicist since you had started your career in your teens. But, that didn’t mean that you liked these kinds of curated moments, pretending and staging friendships or even relationships— it all just felt so dumb to you, and it was your least favorite part of your job. But, you still always found yourself listening.
“I’ll try,” You ultimately told her. “No promises, though.”
When you made it to the theater, it was a sea of people and cameras, loud voices and bright flashes; none of which necessarily fazed you anymore. In the beginning, you had loved this kind of thing because it all just felt so magical and surreal. You’d get excited and nervous jitters at the “glamour” of it all. Now going to any event only felt like putting on a show; it somehow felt like more of a performance than actually doing a scene in front of a whole production crew of people.
You followed Melissa and listened to her tell you what the plan of action would be for the next half an hour until the actual premiere started— you’d take some quick pictures, and then she’d introduce you to “a few very important people that you should build some sort of a rapport with;” the director of the movie and a few of the executive producers. You nodded along to her words, understanding that you’d need to turn on your charm during those brief introductions, while your eyes were focused on the red carpet just like almost everyone else’s was— looking at Steve and the female lead of the movie, walking the carpet separately and then also taking a few pictures together.
You smiled a bit at seeing Steve because, more often than not, it was nice to see him. The first big movie you did was with him; a romantic comedy that you now saw as way too cheesy, but you still had the fondest memories of it. The two of you didn’t talk or see each other as often as you did back then during filming and during all of the press that was done for the movie, but you’d still always consider him a good friend. One of your first real friends in the industry, even though everyone had always tried to say that it was more.
You then noticed Eddie and his bandmates. He looked nice— a simple black suit with a white button-up underneath, a bowtie that you couldn’t help but think was insanely cute, and his long curly hair mildly tamed in a way that looked effortless.
Almost too abruptly his eyes met yours. Instead of immediately looking away and avoiding his gaze, you gave him a small smile and nod, and he did the same; that was the extent of the nonverbal interaction. Seconds later, you were being ushered along by Melissa and you pulled your eyes away from Eddie and focused on what she was telling you.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
In your mind, an entire hour was more than enough time spent at the after-party.
You’d been in enough conversations with unfamiliar faces, introducing yourself and attempting to make new “connections” with people, as per Melissa’s request. And you also talked to a few old friends, accepting invitations to get lunch sometime soon and “catch up about life.”
You were ready to finally head home for the night, and you tried to spot Melissa among the small crowd of people to tell her just that. Maybe you’d even say a quick goodbye to Steve and congratulate him one more time on the movie; which you had actually really enjoyed.
A tap on your shoulder grabbed your attention and you turned your head. You weren’t entirely sure who you were expecting to see, but it definitely wasn’t Eddie Munson.
“Hey, I’m Eddie,” He said and extended his hand toward you, which you took after only a millisecond of awkward hesitation.
“Hi,” You responded softly, suddenly feeling so nervous for some reason, and then said your name as well.
You had come to the conclusion early on in your career that you shouldn’t meet people that you admired or were fond of because nine times out of ten they actually turned out to be assholes. You only knew about Eddie from afar and you honestly wouldn’t have minded keeping it that way. But, that wasn’t the current set of circumstances you were in, so you had to completely throw that mindset away.
“I didn’t know your band worked on the soundtrack until tonight. The songs you guys had in the movie were great,” You told him, voice coming back to life. “I really love all of your music, honestly.”
“Thanks,” He smiled at you. “I love your stuff too.”
You gave him a small shy smile as you shook your head. “It’s okay, you don’t have to do that.”
“No, I’m serious,” He told you, and he actually sounded like he was being honest. “That Indie film you did last year was really great.”
It was hard to hide the immediate shock you felt at his words. “Oh, okay, wow, thank you…” You shook your head again. “Sorry, I was just so sure that your publicist told you to say that in your next interview or something after the interview I did came out.”
“Oh, yeah, she did, but it didn’t feel right saying that without seeing anything of yours, so I watched a bunch of your stuff.”
Hearing him say that warmed your heart a bit and you had to pull your eyes away from his in response at first— he saw your movies and actually liked them. And then you thought about something.
“Oh god, I hope you didn’t go too far back in my filmography.”
He smirked at your sudden shyness. “Don’t worry, I didn’t watch that Disney Channel Halloween movie you did when you were, like, seventeen.”
“Good,” You told him, laughing a bit.
Before either of you could say anything else, a photographer was walking up and grabbing your attention.
“Hi, can I get a quick picture of you two?”
You both nodded and stepped closer to one another; Eddie placed an arm around your waist and you did the same to him. You told yourself that everything about this moment was completely and utterly innocent and friendly, even though having him this close to you felt too nice.
When the photographer walked away after saying a quick “Thanks,” you pulled away from each other and you pretended that you didn’t immediately miss his warmth.
“Can’t wait to see that circulating everywhere tomorrow,” You said.
Eddie laughed a bit. “Our publicists would be very proud.”
“This just might be able to get me out of going to this annoying event tomorrow,” You responded and then noticed his eyes becoming fixated on something behind you. You tilted your head at him. “What’s wrong?”
His gaze met yours again. “Do you wanna meet the other guys? They keep gesturing to me.”
You glanced behind you and noticed his two bandmates standing maybe fifteen feet away from you both. They were waving wildly at Eddie and then immediately stopped and attempted to look as normal as possible when you looked at them. You laughed as you turned back to Eddie. “Yeah, sure, I’d love to meet them.”
He waved them over and then looked at you. “I should probably warn you that they still get starstruck over almost any celebrity they see, so yeah… They might be a little intense, at first.”
“That’s how I was in the beginning too. Until I realized that most people you meet suck anyway,” You said with a shrug, and then realized your words and immediately felt like an idiot. “Oh, um, not you, though, you’re cool.”
He let out a quiet laugh at how flustered you became. “You’re cool too.”
Instead of responding with an awkward “Thank you,” you turned your attention to the pair now walking over to you both.
“This is Gareth and Jeff,” Eddie said, pointing out each of them, but you already knew who was who. That was probably the funniest part about meeting other “celebrities;” introductions felt unnecessary but they still always just seemed like the normal thing to do.
You smiled. “Hi, I’m–”
“Oh, we definitely know who you are,” Jeff interrupted, which made you laugh a little. “That movie you did last year was so good. We watched it a bunch of times when we were on tour a couple of months ago. It’s awesome to meet you.”
“Thanks so much,” You said. “It’s great to meet you guys too. I love your guys’ band.”
“My personal favorite of yours is that romcom you did with Steve Harrington. I forced them to watch it at least three times,” Gareth jumped in. “Oh, we also just met him too. He invited us to his house for the after-party he’s having. You’re coming, right, Eds?”
He nodded at the question. “Yeah, sure.” You then felt his eyes land on you. “Are you going?”
If it had been anyone else asking you that, it would’ve probably felt easier to say your initially honest answer of “No.”
Steve found any and every reason to have a party, but you had to admit, at least tonight’s made sense. When you talked to him earlier in the night, he mentioned it to you, like he always did— invitations were always extended to you when he saw you or knew you were in town— but you hadn’t actually been to one of his parties in what felt like forever. It just had never truly been your thing.
Now that you knew Eddie was going, though, you actually wanted to say yes to the invitation for the first time in a long time. And right then you decided not to think about what exactly that meant.
Ultimately, you nodded. “Yeah, I was planning on going to it. At least, for a little bit.”
It almost felt funny how much things had shifted in the past ten minutes. You had been so ready to leave and head home for the night, and in a way you still were, but now you also wanted to do something different— something you hadn’t done in a while.
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“You actually came for once,” Steve said in your ear when he pulled you in for a hug; it was the only way to be heard over the loud music. He squeezed you tight and you could practically hear the smile in his voice. “See, and this is why I always invite you to everything, because I knew you’d eventually say yes again.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s how probability works,” You told him with a laugh before pulling away and moving to the side a bit so that he could greet Gareth, Jeff, and Eddie.
Everything moved quickly after it was decided that you’d be going to the party too. You finally found Melissa because she had your phone and small purse that couldn’t hold anything more than just your wallet. She didn’t question you on the fact that you were going with Eddie and his band, but you could tell that she knew that you were going because of him; she had known you long enough to read you pretty well. You had a feeling that you’d get a phone call from her in the morning, asking all of the questions that she couldn’t right then.
The four of you left the party together and made the near-hour-long Uber ride to Steve’s huge home in Malibu. In your eyes, it was a classic celebrity house party— loud music, varying degrees of famous people, and the faint smell of weed. You were almost too easily reminded of the last time you’d gone to one of his parties; the abrupt offer of something much stronger than weed from a random guy and your immediate no, and you left after saying quick “Hi’s” and having brief conversations with a few people you knew.
This was not at all your scene and it never entirely had been; not even when you had been a teenager that was abruptly thrust into this world. You were scared of doing something to ruin everything that you’d worked so hard to have. Everything you did was judged, no matter what, so you always felt that there was no room for you to not be perfect.
This moment was different, though. You were pushing yourself out of your typical comfort zone, and right then you didn’t want to even inwardly admit why you were doing it.
“So, what are you like at this kind of thing?” You asked Eddie as you both watched Gareth and Jeff immediately join the hordes of people in the living room.
“Depends on the party,” He answered. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to ‘Hollywood parties,’ but the guys love dragging me to them.”
“All of these parties are basically the same; equal parts mundane and very ridiculous,” You shrugged, and then realizing he was like you when it came to parties made you think of something. “Is it okay if I show you something that’s away from all of this?”
Eddie nodded. “I’d love that, actually.”
Without thinking too much, you grabbed one of his hands and led him away from the living room.
You knew Steve’s house pretty much like the back of your hand; it was too nice not to. One of the first few times you’d been there— at a different party of his that you had forced yourself to go to before you realized that he wouldn’t feel offended if you said no— you walked around for an hour simply exploring all of the spots you hadn’t been to before.
There were a few guest rooms that had balconies with such nice views of the ocean in the distance and a game room that had a pool table in the center and some vintage arcade-type games tucked into the corner.
And then there was your favorite spot in the house; the theater room, where a few sets of couches faced a huge projector screen that at most times was playing random cartoons instead of movies.
When you found the remote hidden within a heap of blankets, you turned on the projector, which brought some light to the room. A random episode of Tom & Jerry started playing, and you decided to leave it going, but just turned down the volume a bit. You offered one of the blankets to Eddie, which he accepted, and then you grabbed another and wrapped it around your shoulders. You two made the silent decision to sit on the couch all the way in the back.
It was quiet for a moment and then Eddie was saying, “So, you and Steve dated, right?”
That question didn’t necessarily surprise you, but it still made you a little annoyed; more so at yourself than at Eddie.
This wouldn’t even be a question on anyone’s mind if you had done things a little differently five years ago when you and Steve did that infamous romcom. Pretty much everyone thought that you and him were dating during that time and rumors circulated because of that. And since they were never outwardly denied— a decision that Melissa and Steve’s publicist thought was the best— they continued to circulate until a year later when Steve actually did get a girlfriend.
You shook your head at his question. “No, we’ve always just been good friends.”
Eddie nodded understandingly and a silence lingered between you two for a moment, and then you felt the need to explain further.
“He was kinda my first friend in this ‘world,’ actually,” You continued. “Before the movie I did with him, I had just been in a bunch of small things that didn’t really matter. But, after that romcom came out, that was what kinda really pushed me into all of this. There were so many more eyes on me so suddenly, and it was really fucking weird at first. He grew up in all of this, so he knows ‘how it works,’ I guess, and aside from Melissa, he was the only person that checked in about how all of this fame shit was treating me.”
“That’s really nice,” Eddie said softly. “I couldn’t imagine going into all of this alone. I don’t think I’d be able to do any of this shit without Gareth and Jeff. Don’t tell them I said that, though.”
You laughed a little. “Your secret’s safe with me. You guys grew up together, right?”
“Yeah, this small town in Indiana,” He answered. “We met in middle school.”
“That’s really nice too. I wish I still had friends from that long ago,” You told him. At this point, it was even hard to remember the friends you had in middle school and high school before you moved to California in the middle of your Sophomore year with your parents. It honestly felt like an entirely different life you had lived.
“When did you move here?”
“When I was sixteen. It was kinda my birthday present actually. I had been begging and pleading to do this since I was thirteen, but my parents weren’t fully on board until I got a little older,” You answered, shifting slightly and adjusting your blanket. “It was kinda like how a kid begs for a puppy for Christmas.”
“Your puppy was Hollywood,” Eddie concluded, giving you a small smile.
“Exactly,” You nodded and then stopped abruptly. “That probably sounds stupid.”
He shook his head. “No, it doesn’t. You knew what you wanted. I think that’s pretty fucking cool.”
“A lot of people thought it was the opposite of cool,” You said, thinking about the things that the kids in your grade and old friends had said to you. “I was always so quiet and kinda shy, still am sometimes, so nobody understood why I wanted to get into acting.”
“Why did you?”
There was a long-winded explanation you could’ve given him, but it felt like too much for this moment.
“I could just see it,” You ultimately answered with a brief upturn of your shoulders. “Weirdly enough, the thought of acting never once scared me. It always just made sense.”
You wondered if you were being too vague, if you should’ve just told him about those times in the mirror where you would recite monologues from your favorite movies and then eventually ventured out to random ones that you found online.
You didn’t need to explain further, though, because Eddie nodded. “I get that. There was this moment when me and the guys performed at our eighth-grade talent show. It was terrible, I’m honestly glad there’s no video proof of it circling the internet right now. But still, after that night, I just knew that that was where I always wanted to be. Onstage. Performing. I felt it.”
“Exactly,” You said as you nodded at his words. “It’s a feeling. And I have no idea how to fully explain it because it feels so hard to put it all into actual words, but yeah, it’s a feeling.”
It felt so refreshing having this conversation with him. You couldn’t remember the last time you had talked so easily with someone you just met— you’d had conversations like this with Steve before, even though he couldn’t fully get it because he was quite literally born into this industry, and you’d even had this kind of conversation with Melissa, but she could never fully understand what you meant either.
Eddie was different, though, obviously so, and it didn’t even matter that you two were in different parts of this fast-paced industry— music on one side and acting on the other. It felt like two sides of the same coin; different, but somehow you two could so easily relate to one another. Any and all initial awkwardness you had felt when you first talked to him back at the after-party had so effortlessly faded away as you learned just how similar you two were.
“Okay, I have a stupid question,” Eddie said after a moment.
You had no idea what he was about to ask, but you couldn’t help but smile anyway. “I love those.”
“Feel free not to answer and tell me how much of an idiot I am for asking this,” He started and even in the semi-darkness you could see the redness starting to tint his cheeks, which only further intrigued you about what he was going to say. “Are, um, doing sex scenes weird?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at first; a soft one that surprised you as much as it made Eddie’s cheek turn an even deeper shade of red.
“Nevermind, nevermind.”
“No, no, it’s okay. Honestly, that’s not a stupid question,” You told him and then thought about how to answer it. “They definitely intimidated me at first. The first time I had to just kiss someone I thought I would immediately fall in love with them on the spot.” You remembered the first on-camera kiss you ever had to do. It was for a stupidly bad teen movie and kissing the guy felt awkward until it didn’t, and then it simply felt like what it was— acting. “But, it’s really not like that at all. Everything just feels so fake and staged and you do so many takes of that one thing from a bunch of different angles, usually, that it all really seems like nothing after a while. And it’s pretty much the same way with sex scenes.”
Eddie nodded. “Okay. That makes sense.”
“Sorry, am I ruining movies for you?” You asked, mainly joking with your words. Once you had learned the logistics behind everything, it did slightly make things feel less “magical” to you. It was hard to watch movies now and not think about how certain shots were set up and what specific angles meant.
“No, I’m loving this peek behind the curtain,” Eddie said, playfully smiling at you, and that made you want to tell him more.
“Okay, so it’s all just so mechanical. Like, choreography pretty much.” You shifted so that you were a lot closer to him. You let your blanket fall off your shoulders as you reached out to grab Eddie’s hand and place it on your waist. “So, they’d tell you to put your hand there and I’d put my hand on your cheek.” You moved to do exactly that. “But not too high because then the camera wouldn’t be able to catch your expression. And then I’d lean in, tilting my head in a slightly awkward position, and we’d kiss.” You didn’t move to do that, even though you were surprised by how much you found yourself suddenly wanting to. “It, um, feels so unnatural, but it looks great on camera. And then with a sex scene, it’s kind of the same thing, except more… movement, obviously. And more directions to make sure everything looks okay on camera too.”
Eddie nodded understandingly again as his hand on your waist mindlessly moved down and settled in a much more comfortable position on your hip. In turn, your hand dropped from his cheek to the curve where his neck met his shoulder, pressing softly into the collar of his white shirt. You didn’t realize it at first, but you were practically in his lap now, and surprisingly enough, it didn’t feel weird or awkward; it felt okay, comfortable even.
With your explanation over, it would’ve made sense for you and Eddie to pull away from each other, but something had silently shifted in the past minute. For some reason, it didn’t feel right to go back to sitting on your different parts of the couch, wrapped up in separate blankets, after being this close to one another.
The warmth radiating from the hand on your hip and the rest of his body felt a thousand times more comforting than the blanket had. You pushed yourself closer to Eddie, settling in his lap completely, straddling his waist, and smiling at the soft sound he let out as you did so. Both of his hands took hold of your hips and gave a light squeeze that made a warm feeling settle in the pit of your stomach.
A part of you could recognize that this entire moment, this entire night, didn’t make sense. But then, at the same time, it definitely did— all of this simply felt inevitable. Something equivalent to this moment had been building from the moment you mentioned him and his band in that stupid interview all those months ago and when he then returned the compliment weeks later in his own interview.
So what was there really to do aside from lean into the inevitable?
And you also didn’t want to think too much at all.
What you wanted to do was kiss him. Honestly, you found yourself wanting to be as close as you possibly could be to him in this huge but quiet room.
Instead, though, for the time being, you softly said, “I have a stupid question too.”
Your hands resting on his shoulders moved to the nape of his neck. The thought of his music was suddenly on your mind too and it was the one thought that you didn’t want to push away.
Eddie smiled a little. “Yeah?”
You nodded. “That one song you have.” You didn’t even have to say the name for him to know which one you were talking about. “Is it really about…”
You trailed off with your question and Eddie finished it for you. “Cumming?”
You gave him another quick nod. “Yeah.”
If he could ask you about sex scenes, then you could ask about something somewhat equivalent.
The speculations about what the song was about were there the second it came out, but like most musicians, Eddie never outwardly confirmed nor denied song theories to pretty much any of his songs.
“Oh, I don’t know,” He said, another teasing smile tugging at his lips. “Anyone can see it how they want to. Everything’s up for interpretation.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him. “Thank you for that interview answer.”
Your gaze settled back on him and you got the sudden urge to run your fingers through his hair, his mop of curls that still looked so effortlessly perfect, so you did. His sigh in contentment was immediate as your fingers twisted in his curls, not at all tugging or pulling, although you were fairly certain he wouldn’t have minded that either.
“Can I please get a real answer now?” You asked softly and Eddie didn’t hesitate to nod.
“Yes, it’s about that. But, more specifically it’s about the girl. Making her come,” He told you as a hand pulled away from your hip and instead slipped beneath your dress, traveling upward along the outer part of your thigh.
“Oh, really?” You said, trying your hardest to feign innocence and nonchalance, even though his words made you want to explode and you could feel something stir deep inside your stomach. You slowly shifted in his lap, spreading your legs a little further and silently telling him where you really wanted his hand to be.
Eddie picked up on your not-so-subtle hint and his hand finished its journey up your thigh and settled at the waistband of your underwear. “Mhm.”
Silently, he slipped past the thin barrier and you sucked in a quick breath when his middle finger started teasing your already slick folds.
“Shit, you’re soaked,” He whispered, and all you could do was hum in response.
One of his fingers slipped inside of you and your eyes squeezed shut and then you couldn’t hold back your loud moan when he immediately added another.
“Eddie…” Was all you could manage to say in the quietest voice as your eyes slipped shut and you focused on the feeling of his fingers inside of you, somehow quickly finding and hitting the most perfect spots.
“God, you feel so good. You’re squeezing my fingers so tight,” He said, voice low as his thumb found your clit.
Your head tipped back as another soft moan fell from your lips and Eddie’s mouth immediately went to your now-exposed neck. He nipped and pecked at the soft skin, leaving marks that you were certain would be there later and would be a bitch to cover up, but in that moment you couldn’t find it in you to care in the slightest.
You couldn’t even find it in you to feel embarrassed about how quickly and easily he was able to bring you so close to coming on his fingers. Your heart hammered in your chest and your stomach twisted up in knots as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge.
Slowly, you grinded down against him so that you could meet every thrust of his fingers. You started practically riding his hand and the low sound Eddie let out as he watched you made a small smile tug at your lips.
“Fuck,” He groaned, his other hand squeezing your hip and slightly guiding you. “You’re so perfect.”
You let out the softest sound. “I'm so close.”
“Yeah, you’re doing so well for me, sweetheart. Come on. Come for me,” Eddie whispered, pulling away from your neck because he wanted to watch you come undone on his fingers.
And you did. With his thumb expertly circling your clit along with one particularly rough thrust of his fingers, hitting a spot that made you see stars, you were pushed over the edge. Your eyes screwed shut and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming.
Eddie continued fingering you through your orgasm, waiting until your soft moans faded out and your quick breathing became a little more steady before slowly pulling his fingers out. It was hard not to whimper at the loss of contact as your eyes opened again and you looked at him.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what the song’s about,” He said with a teasing smile on his face as he licked his fingers clean, which was quite literally the hottest thing you’d ever seen.
And it was then that you realized that you hadn’t even kissed him yet, and you further realized that you needed to change that immediately.
You leaned in and met his lips in the messiest kiss. Tongues clashed and when you tasted yourself on his mouth, you couldn’t bite back your moan.
Eddie’s hands went to your hips and then circled your back to pull you impossibly closer to him. You wished there were no layers separating the two of you; not your dress and not his suit, nothing.
“I need you,” You said the three words in between quick kisses.
“Here?” Eddie whispered against your lips, which made you remember exactly where you two were and pulled you out of the lust-driven haze you were in.
You parted from Eddie, leaning back a bit and meeting his eyes. “I’m friends with Steve, but I don’t know if our friendship is on that kind of level, so no definitely not here.”
He laughed a little at the playfulness in your tone. “We can go to my place. I’m only like thirty minutes from here.”
“That sounds perfect,” You smiled at him and then kissed him one more time before shifting off of his lap and then standing up to readjust your dress on slightly wobbly legs.
The party was still in full swing when you and Eddie emerged from the theater room and headed back into the living room, so no one took notice of you and him slipping out the front door.
Eddie’s hand found yours as you two waited for the car to come and he didn’t drop it once you two were settled in the backseat, sitting as close as you possibly could be.
The smallest part of you wondered when some sort of logical thinking was going to settle in. You never did things like this; it was rare that you simply even kissed someone that you just met, let alone did anything more. However, you realized that you couldn’t remember the last time you felt this comfortable and okay with someone new either, and that made you understand that this was the logical thing to do. Everything about this moment simply felt right.
“What are you thinking about?” Eddie whispered to you, mouth right at your ear.
“You,” You answered, voice matching his soft tone, and the smile he gave you in response was probably the sweetest thing you’d ever seen.
#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson smut#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson x you#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson x fem!reader smut#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x female reader#stranger things fic#stranger things smut
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fire in my blood, steel in my spine.
pairing: cregan stark x fem!reader
summary: in the harsh, frostbitten lands of the north, you, the fierce valyrian-blooded wife of cregan stark, find your world unraveling with the return of arra norrey. pregnant with your first child, your strength is tested as arra’s presence stirs doubt and jealousy, threatening your place as lady of winterfell.
warnings: angst, heartbreak, jealousy, pregnancy, emotional turmoil, mild suggestive themes.
author notes: hi! in this one-shot, i picture the reader as having valyrian blood running through their veins, but without the signature silver hair or purple/blue eyes like the targaryens. however, they do speak high valyrian and ride dragons just like them. of course, this is an imagine, so feel free to picture the reader with any appearance you like. as always, enjoy and happy reading!
“do you think the babe will have your eyes?”
cregan’s voice rumbled low, a rare softness threading through it as he rested a hand on the swell of your belly. the fire crackled in the hearth, his calloused fingers traced absent circles over your gown, and for a moment, the world felt warm, safe.
you tilted your head to meet his gaze, your dark hair spilling over your shoulder like ink against the pale furs.
“i hope they have yours,”
you murmured, a faint smile tugging at your lips.
“grey like the north, steady and strong.”
he chuckled, a sound that vibrated through you, grounding you.
“strong, aye. but they’ll have your fire, i reckon. that valyrian blood of yours, it burns brighter than any hearth.”
you wanted to hold onto that moment, to bottle it and keep it close. your hand found his, pressing it tighter against your stomach, where the babe stirred faintly.
“a wolf with dragon’s blood,”
you said, your voice teasing but laced with pride.
“the north won’t know what to make of them.”
“nor will i,”
he admitted, his grey eyes softening as they held yours.
“but i’ll love them all the same. as i love you.”
the words wrapped around you like a cloak, and you leaned into him, resting your head against his chest. his heartbeat was steady, a drumbeat against the howling wind outside.
but the peace shattered when the doors creaked open, a servant stepping in with a hesitant bow.
“my lord, my lady… arra norrey has arrived. she’s in the great hall.”
the name hit you like a gust of winter wind, sharp and unyielding. cregan’s hand stilled on your stomach, his jaw tightening almost imperceptibly. you watched him, searching his face for a crack in the mask he wore so well.
you asked, keeping your tone even despite the sudden knot in your chest.
“i thought she’d settled in the mountains.”
“so did i,” he said, rising to his feet.
his voice was clipped, not cold, but distant like he was already halfway out the door.
“i’ll see what she wants. rest, love. i won’t be long.”
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, firm and fleeting, before he left. and as the door shut behind him, you felt it, the first splinter in the foundation you’d built together.
arra norrey was no stranger to winterfell.
she was a ghost from cregan’s past, a woman of the north with wild auburn hair and a sharper tongue. she’d been his companion in youth, a friend, a whisper of something more before you’d swept into his life like a storm from the south. the youngest daughter of a valyrian line, your black hair and fierce spirit had captivated him, binding him to you in a way that felt unbreakable. or so you’d thought.
you didn’t mind her shadow at first. you were secure in your place, in the way cregan looked at you, in the child growing inside you. but when she swept into the great hall that day, her presence was a tempest you hadn’t braced for. she was all sharp edges and familiarity, her voice cutting through the air as she greeted cregan with a smile that lingered too long.
“it’s been years, cregan,”
she said, her tone warm, almost possessive.
“the north hasn’t changed, but you… you’ve grown into it.”
you stood at the edge of the hall, unnoticed at first, watching as he returned her smile, not the one he gave you, but something softer, older.
“you’ve not changed either, arra,”
he replied, and there was a flicker of something in his eyes you couldn’t name.
affection? it clawed at you, that uncertainty.
she barely glanced your way, her focus locked on him. and as the days bled into weeks, it only grew worse. she found reasons to be near him, of bringing tales of the mountains, offering to scout with him, brushing his arm as she laughed at some shared memory from a time before you. you told yourself it was nothing. you were his wife, carrying his heir. but every touch, every glance she stole, chipped away at the steel you’d forged around your heart.
one afternoon, you watched from a window as they stood in the courtyard, her hand resting on his arm as she spoke animatedly. he didn’t pull away. he laughed, a sound that once belonged to you alone and the sight twisted something deep inside you. your hand pressed against your belly, where the babe kicked harder, as if sensing your turmoil.
“i don’t know what to do, sara,”
you confessed one evening, your voice trembling as you sat with sara snow in the quiet of the godswood, the air was bitter. sara, with her dark eyes and gentle demeanor, had become an unexpected anchor in the storm. she carried no judgment, only understanding.
she tilted her head, studying you.
“you’re his lady, his wife. she’s a memory, nothing more. why let her haunt you?”
you pressed a hand to your belly, feeling the faint kick of the life within.
“because he doesn’t see it, the way she looks at him, the way she tries to pull him back to what they had. and i… i feel like i’m fading. like i’m not enough.”
sara’s hand found yours, her grip firm.
“you’re more than enough. you’re valyrian steel in flesh, stronger than she’ll ever be. but you’ve got to tell him, not me. he’s a man, thick as they come sometimes. he won’t know unless you make him see.”
“i’ve tried,”
you whispered, your voice breaking.
“but every time i look at him, i see her shadow behind him. i see the way he softens when she speaks, and i wonder… did he settle for me? did he choose me because i was here, because i was convenient?”
sara frowned, shaking her head.
“you think cregan stark, lord of winterfell, would marry a woman out of convenience? he chose you because you’re a force, a flame in this frozen hell. arra’s a spark that’s long gone out. don’t let her make you doubt that.”
you wanted to believe her, but the doubt had taken root, spreading like frost over glass. that night, when cregan slipped into your chambers, his hands cold from the yard, you couldn’t meet his eyes. he sensed it, kneeling before you as you sat by the fire, your hands folded over your swollen belly.
“what’s wrong, love?”
his voice was gentle, but it broke something in you.
you said, the name tasting like ash.
“she’s everywhere, cregan. every time i turn, she’s there, pulling you away. and you let her.”
his brows furrowed, confusion etching his face.
“she’s an old friend. she means nothing—”
you snapped, your voice rising despite the tears burning your eyes.
“don’t tell me it’s nothing when i see the way she looks at you, the way you smile at her. i’m your wife, cregan, carrying your child, and i feel like i’m losing you.”
the silence that followed was suffocating. he reached for you, but you pulled away, the ache in your chest too raw.
“i thought i was your fire,”
you whispered, your voice cracking.
“but maybe i’m just the shadow she’s casting.”
he stood then, his expression hardening not with anger, but with something deeper, something pained.
“you think i’d choose her over you? over our family?”
his voice was low, strained, each word deliberate.
“i’ve been a fool not to see it, how it’s hurt you. but you’re wrong, my love. you’re everything.”
you wanted to believe him, but the wound was too fresh, too deep.
“then why does it feel like i’m fighting for you?”
the words slipped out, fragile and broken.
“why does it feel like i’m begging for a place that should already be mine?”
he didn’t answer right away. instead, he turned and left the room, the door closing with a soft thud that echoed in your bones. you sank into the chair, tears streaming down your face as the fire dwindled to embers. the babe kicked again, harder this time, and you pressed your hands to your stomach, whispering apologies to the life you carried, for the fear, for the doubt, for the cracks in the love you’d thought unbreakable.
the next morning, arra was gone.
you heard it from the servants first, she’d been sent back to the mountains, her horse saddled before dawn. the news came like a cold wind and unexpected, and you stood in the courtyard, watching the empty space where she’d last been. the snow crunched under your boots, your breath clouding in the frigid air.
when cregan found you, he looked weary, his eyes shadowed with something you hadn’t seen before, regret, perhaps, or resolve. he stopped a few paces away, his cloak dusted with snow.
“she’s gone,” he said simply, his voice rough.
“i told her to leave. for you.”
you stared at him, your heart pounding.
“because i saw it, how she looked at me, how it tore at you. i’d never dishonor you, never let anyone come between us. arra… she was a piece of my past, a friend i thought i could keep at arm’s length. but i was wrong.”
he stepped closer, his hands reaching for yours, and this time you didn’t pull away.
“i should’ve sent her off the moment she arrived. i was blind, and i’m sorry.”
tears spilled down your cheeks, hot against the cold.
“i thought… i thought you regretted me,”
you admitted, your voice trembling.
“that i wasn’t enough. that she was the one you wanted, deep down.”
he cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears, his touch warm despite the chill.
“regret you? gods, no. you’re the fire in my blood, the steel in my spine. i’d burn the north to ashes before i let you doubt that. arra was a memory, a ghost i didn’t bury well enough. but you… you’re my life, my heart, the mother of my child.”
you broke then, a sob escaping as you fell into his arms. he held you tight, his warmth seeping into you, thawing the ice that had settled in your chest.
“i love you,”
he murmured against your hair, fierce and unwavering.
“only you. always you.”
you clung to him, the weight of your fears lifting, replaced by the steady beat of his heart against yours. the babe kicked between you, a reminder of the life you’d built, the love that held despite the cracks. he pulled back just enough to look at you, his hands framing your face as snowflakes caught in your dark hair.
“i’d fight the world for you,”
he said, his voice low but steady.
“every inch of it. you’re my lady, my wife, my flame. no one else.”
you reached up, your fingers curling into his cloak, pulling him down until his lips met yours. the kiss was desperate at first, all the pent-up fear and longing spilling out, but it softened into something tender, something sure. the cold faded, the shadows retreated, and all that remained was the heat of him, the strength of you, and the promise of what lay ahead.
as the snow fell silent around you, you rested your forehead against his, your breath mingling in the frozen air.
“i believe you,”
you whispered, and it felt like a release, a weight you hadn’t known you carried.
“i love you too.”
he smiled then, the one he saved for you alone, soft, unguarded, and full of the north’s quiet strength.
he said, his hand slipping to your belly.
“because this little one needs us both.”
and in that moment, with the wind howling and the world vast and wild around you, you knew no shadow could dim the fire you shared.
[the end]
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My Talker
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary: You love to talk but some people don’t wanna hear it.
Please request any ideas!

The small beach house was buzzing with chatter and laughter, a mix of loud voices and clinking bottles. It was a Kook party, but this wasn’t the usual wild rager that went on until sunrise. This afternoon, it felt more laid-back, a chill vibe where everyone was just hanging out. Rafe had dragged you along, promising it would be fun, and of course, you agreed. You didn’t mind going with him to his parties or events—it was reassuring to know he wanted you there, by his side.
You and Rafe hadn’t been dating for long—just four months, to be exact. Yet, in that brief time, you’d grown as close as two people could possibly be. He’d let his guard down around you in a way that few ever saw, revealing a side of him that was soft, sweet, and gentle. Despite how different you two were, it just worked. You were the talker, and he was the listener—exactly how he wanted it to be.
Rafe loved listening to your rants and random stories. It was one of his favorite things about you. The way your voice was soft yet serious, no matter what you were talking about, always drew him in. He could never get enough of hearing you speak.
✧* ✧*
���— so I was standing in line, and the lady in front of me had, like, I don’t know, maybe five items, and I swear it took her like thirty minutes—” You were in the middle of telling Rafe about your grocery store adventure without him. He was stretched out on his bed, propped up on his elbow, watching you as you sat beside him, legs crossed. His left hand absentmindedly traced circles on your thigh as he nodded along, fully engaged in your story.
“Was Linda the cashier?” he asked, and immediately, he saw your eyes light up. That simple question showed you that he was listening, that you weren’t just rambling on, even though you kind of were. But Rafe would never interrupt. “Yes! So then—” You chuckled, and Rafe smiled, gently squeezing your leg, his attention completely on you.
✧* ✧*
Rafe stood behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist as he chatted with his friend. You silently watched the conversation unfold between the two men, your gaze lingering on him. Soon, a small group of people gathered around, most of whom you didn’t know. While it might have been uncomfortable for some, you saw it as an opportunity to meet more people to talk to.
“Don’t you teach little kids how to surf?” one of them asked. Rafe gave your hip a gentle squeeze, and you smiled brightly.
“Yeah, it’s so much fun! Do you guys surf?” you replied. The girl nodded, smiling, and you continued, “It’s such an amazing hobby, like being one with the water. It’s kinda cool.”
Rafes lips turned up into a grin hearing the excitement in her voice. She had been dying to talk all night and now was her chance.
“Actually, the other day this one kid like totally belly flopped in the water. He had the biggest red spot on his back after and—” you rambled on, glancing around at the faces in the circle. Most of them looked interested, nodding along, but when your gaze passed over the two girls sitting nearby, your heart sank.
“God, does she ever shut up?” one whispered, and the other laughed.
The words hit you like a punch to the stomach, and suddenly, all your confidence seemed to vanish. You cleared your throat, your voice quieter now. “Uhm, s-sorry...the kid ended up being okay. But surfing is great, you guys should really try it.
Rafe frowned, glancing down at you as you stared at the floor, your usual spark gone. The rest of the group hadn’t noticed, and the conversation resumed, but Rafe couldn’t shake the confusion gnawing at him. You never stopped a story halfway, especially not before getting to the good part. He leaned down, his mouth brushing against your ear as he whispered, “You okay, pretty girl?”
You gave him a weak smile and nodded, but it didn’t reach your eyes like it normally did. His heart clenched at the deflated tone in your voice.
“What happened?” he asked, his protective nature starting to build, already suspecting that one of the Kooks had said something.
You looked up at him, trying to shake it off. “I’m fine, Rafe. I promise. No one wanted to hear my silly story.” You waved him off, but the way you said it made him freeze. Why did you think that? Why the hell would you ever believe that?
In a split second, he pulled his arms from around your waist and took your hand, guiding you outside to the quiet patio. His frustration was clear in his quick, purposeful steps, his grip tight around your hand as if he needed to keep you close.
The cold dusk air hit you both as you stepped into the dim light of the patio, and Rafe turned to face you, his jaw clenched. “Why would you think that?” he asked, his voice sharp but laced with concern. “You think no one cares about what you have to say?”
You looked up at him, unsure of how to respond, your eyes still heavy with the weight of their words. Rafe’s gaze softened, “Baby, why would you think that?” He asked again this time softer as his right hand pulled you in closer to him. Your sad doe eyes looked up at him.
You walked into his chest, burying your head there. Rafe sighed, his arms wrapping tightly around your back, pulling you even closer. For a few moments, neither of you said anything, just standing there in the quiet. Then, you finally spoke, your voice muffled against his shirt, “These two girls were laughing when I was talking. Not only that, but I’ve been hearing people say around the island that I’m annoying because of how much I talk.”
Rafe’s breath hitched slightly at your words, but he immediately tightened his hold on you, his grip becoming possessive. His chest rose and fell as he exhaled sharply, clearly frustrated. “Don’t listen to them,” he muttered, his voice low and intense. He pulled back slightly, just enough to tilt your chin up so he could look you in the eyes. “You’re not annoying. Not even close. Those people don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You could see the anger flashing in his eyes, a protective fierceness that only surfaced when it came to you. He cupped your face with his hand, his thumb brushing gently over your skin. “If anyone has a problem with you, it’s their issue, not yours. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel small, especially not over something as stupid as talking too much. You’re perfect just the way you are, got it?” His words were fierce, but there was a tenderness in his tone that made your heart flutter.
His mood softened as a smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Seeing it, Rafe's expression lightened, and he couldn’t help but smile too. “Besides,” he murmured, his voice low and sincere, “I love hearing you talk. It’s my favorite thing about you.”
His face moved closer to yours, his breath warm against your skin as he whispered, the words lingering in the air. A bright smile spread across your face, and you let out a soft chuckle. “Really?”
Rafe nodded, his expression casual, as if his words held no weight. But to you, they meant everything. Grinning, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to his lips, your heart fluttering as the moment settled between you.
Rafe gave a small smile, the protective, fierce edge softening into something more gentle. With his arm around you, you both stood there in silence, the moment stretching on as the world outside continued to turn. But right there, in his embrace, you knew you’d be alright.
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MORE THEN JUST BUSINESS — mark grayson x reader
Y/N had always admired real estate. From the glossy magazine covers to the sharp business deals, everything about it fascinated her. She spent her days attending classes and reading about the industry, all while envisioning herself working beside the biggest names in the business.
But being just a few blocks away from a successful real estate agent like Debbie Grayson, Mark’s mother, made her dream seem closer. Much closer. Debbie had become a mentor to Y/N, offering advice and sharing stories about how she’d built her career from the ground up. In return, Y/N did her best to help out whenever Debbie needed a hand with anything, whether it was organizing papers or running errands. It wasn’t long before they spent more time together than just business.
Every afternoon, Y/N found herself at the Graysons’ house, often perched on their porch with a cup of coffee, listening to Debbie’s advice about selling homes, the importance of staging, and the strict, complicated regulations that governed the market.
“You have to know the area like the back of your hand,” Debbie would say. “Every neighborhood has its quirks. You need to know where the best schools are, what the local market is like, and how to sell the house with its unique charm.”
Debbie’s passion for real estate was infectious. Y/N could see herself thriving in the industry, her own future just as bright. They laughed together, shared stories, and Y/N soaked in all the lessons.
Then, of course, there was Mark.
Mark Grayson, Debbie’s son, was quiet but kind, a bit reserved but thoughtful. Y/N didn’t see him much at first; he was often off with his own set of friends, busy with school, or simply keeping to himself. But as Y/N became a more frequent guest at the Graysons’, their paths crossed more often.
One evening, while Y/N was on the porch with Debbie, sipping lemonade and listening to one of her many insightful stories about the importance of curb appeal, Mark came out with a basketball in hand.
“Hey, Mom. Y/N,” he greeted, his voice soft but warm.
Y/N turned, offering a smile. “Hey, Mark! You going for a game?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Just shooting some hoops.” He paused, glancing at Y/N. “You’re here a lot, huh?”
She laughed, feeling the flush of embarrassment creep up her neck. “I guess so. But mostly for the great real estate advice,” she said, nudging Debbie with her elbow.
Debbie chuckled. “Well, she’s got a lot to learn, but she’s coming along great.”
Mark raised an eyebrow. “Real estate, huh? You thinking of following in my mom’s footsteps?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, actually. It’s always been my dream. Debbie’s been helping me a lot.”
“That’s cool,” Mark said, then glanced at the basketball. “You want to come shoot around? It’s a great way to clear your head.”
Y/N hesitated for just a moment before nodding. “Sure, why not?”
The basketball court was just a few steps away, and soon they were both laughing as they took turns trying to make shots. Mark’s easygoing nature made Y/N feel comfortable, and before long, they were talking about everything and nothing—real estate, the future, and how they each saw their lives unfolding.
“Sounds like you’ve got a good plan,” Mark said as he grabbed the ball from Y/N and tossed it in the air with practiced ease. “So, when do you officially start selling houses?”
Y/N grinned. “Well, I still have to pass my exam, but I’ll be ready.”
“Debbie’s been really good to you, huh?”
Y/N nodded. “She’s amazing. I don’t know where I’d be without her. She’s been like a second mom to me.”
Mark smiled, his eyes softening. “She’s a good one, alright. She’s always been there for me, even when I didn’t realize I needed her.”
As the sun began to set, they continued their game, laughing, exchanging stories, and slowly getting to know each other better. Y/N realized that she liked Mark more than she had anticipated. He was down-to-earth, humble, and so different from the typical high school jock.
Over the next few weeks, Y/N’s visits to the Graysons’ house became a regular occurrence. Every time she was over, Mark seemed to pop in unexpectedly, joining them on the porch or offering to help her with her studies. They found themselves bonding over things that were completely unrelated to real estate—like movies, their favorite bands, and their shared love of cheesy pizza.
One afternoon, after a particularly lengthy chat about market trends, Y/N stood to leave, gathering her notes and heading for the door.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up,” Mark called from the living room. He was standing there, his hands in his pockets, his expression serious but warm.
“Yeah?” Y/N asked, turning back to him.
“I was wondering… if you ever want to take a break from all the real estate stuff, maybe you could join me for a coffee sometime. No work talk. Just… you know, a little fun.”
Y/N blinked, surprised but pleased. “I’d like that,” she replied, smiling.
And so it began—the first of many coffee dates, casual hangouts, and, slowly, the growing connection between Y/N and Mark. As she continued to learn from Debbie, it was becoming clear that there was more to life than just business. There was also the possibility of something special, something that could develop alongside her career. And she was more than willing to make it happen.
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hi gorgeous i hope ur having a great day <3
i come bearing a request hehe
so james and fem reader are best friends and she loves him and doesn’t know what to do with it cause obviously she thinks he doesn’t like her back even tho anyone with eyes can see he’s lovestruck for her, and one day she’s talking with remus about how much she just wants james and how she cant risk telling him and stuff and JAMES overhears this conversation and is literally SPEECHLESS and cue the confessions and fluff
Thanks love!!
The fire in the Gryffindor common room had burned low, casting long shadows across the stone walls. You sat curled in the window seat, your knees drawn to your chest, watching the first snow of winter dust the Forbidden Forest in quiet white. Behind you, the portrait hole creaked open, but you didn’t turn—not until you heard the familiar, hesitant clearing of a throat.
"Mind if I join you?"
Remus’s voice was soft, careful. You nodded, scooting over to make room as he settled beside you, his long legs folding beneath him. For a moment, there was only the crackle of the dying fire and the distant howl of the wind outside.
"You’re in love with him."
It wasn’t a question.
Your breath hitched, fingers tightening around the edge of your robe. You didn’t answer. You didn’t need to.
Remus sighed, running a hand through his already-messy hair. "How long?"
"Years," you whispered. The admission felt like pulling a splinter from deep under your skin—painful, but freeing. "Since third year, maybe. I don’t even know when it started. It just... was."
A log shifted in the fireplace, sending up a shower of sparks. Remus studied you, his amber eyes too knowing, too kind. "You’ve never told him."
You laughed, but it came out hollow. "What would be the point? James Potter doesn’t see me that way. He can’t."
"Because of Lily?"
"Because of everything," you said, voice breaking. "He’s James. He’s brilliant and brave and—and golden, Remus. And I’m just... me."
Remus opened his mouth, then closed it again, his brow furrowing. For the first time, he looked almost frustrated. "You really don’t see it, do you?"
"See what?"
"The way he looks at you."
You froze.
"The way he always saves you the seat beside him in the Great Hall," Remus continued quietly. "How he remembers your favorite flavor of every sweet at Honeydukes. How he hexed Mulciber last year for daring to smirk at you in the corridors." He leaned forward, his voice dropping. "Merlin, the poems, darling. The rose petals. The way he—"
A choked noise from the staircase cut him off.
Your blood turned to ice.
There, halfway down the steps, stood James.
His face was pale beneath his tan, his glasses slightly askew, as if he’d stumbled to a halt mid-step. His knuckles were white where they gripped the banister, his chest rising and falling too fast.
He’d heard.
Oh Godric, he’d heard everything.
For one endless, suffocating second, no one moved.
Remus stood, his chair scraping against the stone floor. "I’ll just... give you two a moment."
You wanted to beg him to stay. To fix this. But before you could speak, he was gone, the portrait hole swinging shut behind him with a finality that made your stomach drop.
James didn’t move.
Neither did you.
Then, all at once, he was there—kneeling in front of you, his hands hovering just above yours, trembling.
James breathed, and your name on his lips sounded like a prayer.
You couldn’t look at him. Couldn’t bear to see the pity in his eyes. "James, I—"
His fingers brushed your chin, tilting your face up until you had no choice but to meet his gaze.
What you saw there stole the breath from your lungs.
There was no pity. No discomfort.
Just wonder.
"All this time," he whispered, his thumb tracing the curve of your cheekbone, "I thought I was the only one hiding."
Your heart stuttered. "What?"
James let out a shaky laugh, his other hand coming up to cradle your face. "I’ve been in love with you since third year. Since you hexed Snape into next week for insulting Remus. Since you laughed at my stupid jokes like they were actually funny." His voice cracked. "Since forever."
The world tilted.
"You—" You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. "But the rose petals—the poems—I thought—"
"I was trying to tell you," he admitted, cheeks flushing. "But every time I got close, I—" He huffed, frustrated. "I panicked. Because what if I ruined everything? What if you didn’t—"
You kissed him.
It wasn’t graceful. It wasn’t planned. But the second your lips met his, something inside you clicked into place, like the last piece of a puzzle finally finding its home.
James made a noise against your mouth—half-surprise, half-relief—before his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer until there was no space left between you at all.
When you finally broke apart, his forehead rested against yours, his breath warm on your skin.
"So," he murmured, grinning that stupid, beautiful grin, "does this mean I can finally take you on a proper date?"
You laughed, tangling your fingers in his hair. "Only if you promise to keep the rose petals."
James kissed you again, slow and sweet and perfect.
And outside the castle, the snow kept falling, covering the world in quiet, gentle white.
#marauders era#james potter#james potter x reader#harry potter x reader#james potter x fem!reader#james potter x y/n#james potter x you#harry potter#james potter drabble#james potter fluff#james potter blurb
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Long-term commitment – Futakuchi x reader wc 1024 – f!reader, brother!Aone
Futakuchi couldn’t really put into words why he had such a huge crush on you. You were his best friend’s sister, similar to your older brother in your calmer nature.
Perhaps it was because one of Futakuchi’s favourite things in the world was your laugh. It rang so much louder than your usual timid voice, making his heart skip a beat as he listened to the sound like it was the bells at his own wedding.
And being the one who made that laugh happen? Jack-fucking-pot.
So he would always invite himself to Aone’s house when they were in high school, hoping you would be around for dinner. It was a long-term commitment to him, getting together with you. You were the only woman he ever fell for, so he knew he had to go slow.
Of course, he still treasured his friendship with Aone, which held strong even years after high school. It wasn’t all just for you, even though it might… seem that way…
“I was thinking of getting some flowers for my mom, but I don’t know which ones,” he thought out loud one day, sitting on the bench after a game with their municipal volleyball team. Aone was drinking from his water bottle and nodded for him to continue. “What’s your sister’s favourite flower?”
Aone eyed him for a second before shaking his head, making Futakuchi feel quite sheepish.
“Who’s your sister bringing to that family thing you guys had? She never talked about going on any dates, right?”
Aone sighed and shrugged, not particularly updated on your love life and preferring to eat his lunch in peace.
“Your sister just opened her new cafe! I happened to walk by this morning. Maybe we should go there, show our support.”
Aone pinned Futakuchi with a stern look and pointed down the street. “You should go.”
Futakuchi couldn’t believe the blunt answer and just sounded an awkward squeak in response.
“I’m not stupid,” Aone mumbled.
“Could I get a double burger and a large soda?”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled affectionately, putting the lid on a cup for a finished order as you turned around. A chuckle, Futakuchi thought, that’s not enough. “I thought you two might come around soon with some ridiculous order-“
As your eyes found a lone Futakuchi with a cheeky smile, you leaned silently to the side to check that your tall brother wasn’t hiding behind his friend. “It’s just me.”
Without answering, you walked to the end of the counter to hand off the order to the waiting customer, telling them to have a great day before moving back to the register where he waited. “I didn’t think you liked coffee.”
You spoke politely, with a soft smile that made Futakuchi crave more, greedily. “Wait,” he said, feigning surprise and putting his hands on the counter so he could lean over and look around the station. “You mean you actually don’t sell burgers here?”
A laugh slipped past you, but you covered your mouth. “Not many cafes do, I think.”
He smiled, cheeky as ever. “My bad. I got distracted.”
“Coward,” Aone grumbled into the phone the second Futakuchi picked up.
The brunette scoffed, making sure it rang clearly. “I’m working on it!”
“You spent an hour bothering her at work and still didn’t ask her out.”
“I’d like to think I was good company, anyway,” Futakuchi argued, exasperated but knowing he couldn’t argue much with Aone. If anyone stunted his attitude, it was his best friend.
“You get one week, and then I‘ll tell Koganegawa to shoot his shot.”
Futakuchi stared at the phone in his hand, which beeped rhythmically.
“That bastard hung up on me,” he whispered to himself in disbelief. The audacity.
Meanwhile, Aone was smiling as he hummed and watered his plants. It’s fun to instigate some drama every once in a while.
Futakuchi Kenji was not a coward.
But as of late, he sure was a simp.
As he entered your cafe, his breath hitched hearing you laugh well at something another customer said, waving your hand as if they had you laughing for hours.
“Y/n,” Futakuchi said, just loud enough that he was sure to get your attention, but not so loud that he would be yelling. “What’s up?”
You cleared your throat and wished the funny customer goodbye before moving to the register. Futakuchi sent the customer a look in passing before giving you his usual mischievous smile. “Back again?” you asked, smiling sweetly like you didn’t have his heart in a chokehold.
“Enough with the applause, I’m just a normal guy,” he cooed, as if paparazzi were snapping photos when he made his way to you. He leaned on the counter to be even closer as you laughed and almost let his eyes fall closed to enjoy it. “Everything alright here?” he asked instead.
You nodded, looking over the tables filled with the miscellaneous students, gossipers and business folks. “I’d say it’s perfect.” Your eyes travelled back to his again. “Now that you’re here too.”
Not many people could make Futakuchi blush. He looked down as if that would hide it when his ears were just as red. “That’s good.”
You tilted your head. “Can I get you anything?”
“A normal coffee and…” He leaned back up on his hands. “And a date.”
To say you were surprised… would be a lie. Your brother was not always the most subtle. Still, you couldn’t stop smiling at the fact that he finally asked. You chuckled happily and nodded, tapping on the screen of the register.
“One coffee. How would you like the date?” you asked. Futakuchi felt the constricted air in his lungs finally escape and was replaced with butterflies waving around his stomach. The cheeky look was back on his face as he gestured to show he was thinking about it.
“There’s a fair out by the beach? Friday night, if you’d like that.”
With a decisive nod, you agreed. “Perfect. I will get you your coffee now, then.”
“Thanks, pumpkin.”
He’s about 20 minutes late to work now, and he couldn’t be happier about it.
requested by @cottonlemonade for my event, anything for you <3 this is the last request, thank you to everyone who participated!! and thanks to @dira333 for inspiring the ending<3
#anything for you#haikyu#haikyuu#haikyu x reader#haikyuu x reader#fanfiction#haikyuu x you#hq x reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyu fluff#hq#futakuchi#futakuchi kenji#futakuchi x y/n#futakuchi x you#futakuchi fluff#futakuchi x reader#kenji futakuchi#aone#takanobu aone#haikyuu aone#hq aone#aone takanobu
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anobrain x art donaldson au
a/n:: tw for drugs/alcohol abuse mention, descrption of preexisting injury, art is just really sad to be honest, age gap but nothing crazy! gonna make this 2 parts :)
once upon a time, art donaldson had it all. a great tennis career, a best friend he'd known for a decade, a girlfriend with an even more promising career than his own. he'd been on the straight path to success, with a 4.0 gpa at stanford and a sure spot in the US Open.
that was all before. before the injury that rendered his shoulder useless, before his girlfriend left him for his best friend in the world, before he dropped out halfway through his senior year of college and went from a household name to a bad example.
he'd moved back to his hometown after everything to clear his head. one year, to get his life back on track, turned into two. then five, and then next thing he knew he was 30 and living off of the remains of his sponsorship savings paired with mediocre income from selling party drugs to rich kids with daddy's credit card.
that was where he met you. you were different from everyone else he'd sold to. he never got the impression that you had daddy's money, or that you even had parents, to be honest. you had the sort of face that could be in a magazine, but an air about you suggested that you'd never cared, or maybe even noticed.
monthly meet ups in his car turned into weekly, and you seemed to linger a little longer each time, like you'd rather be sitting in the passenger seat of his car than anywhere else. you seemed perpetually stressed, lips bitten raw and shadows under your eyes each time he saw you. he found himself, stupidly, wanting to fix it. you seemed worse than usual when he finally let himself ask.
"are you alright?" you seemed to bristle at the question, avoiding his eyes and straightening your shoulders, "yeah, i'm fine. why?" "you just look tired," he shrugged, lighting a cigarette and cracking the window, "you always look tired, i guess," "how sweet," you mumbled, but your posture relaxed slightly, "just have some shit going on, i'll be fine,"
"like what?" he couldn't help himself now, you had him. "working a lot, trying to make rent and my roommate just told me she's moving so i have to find a way to cover her half, too," he was surprised you were even telling him any of this, "it's not a big deal," he wasn't sure where it came from, what fucked up part of his mind, or if it was his compulsive need to fix things, but the words spilled out of his mouth quicker than he could think, "do you need some help? i could pay it this month, help you get on your feet,"
you went tense all over at that, shaking your head before you could even consider it, and opened his car door, "i don't need a hand out, jesus. you barely even know me," and then you were gone, the crumpled $50 in the cupholder the only evidence that you'd ever been there.
he knew what it was like, to feel like some charity case, really. but he did know you. he knew you were 22, and that you'd moved out as soon as you turned 18, and that you had a roommate you borderline hated and an ex you definitely did. he knew your favorite color was purple (you had a streak of it in your hair and you almost constantly wore a dark purple sweater), that your favorite band was the 1975 (you put them on every time the two of you smoked in his car), that you worked at a coffee shop in the mornings and bartended in the evenings.
he knew you wouldn't let him get close, despite your odd sort of friendship you'd formed over shared, messily rolled joints and cheap cigarettes. he knew you were scared, for whatever reason, and that you never seemed to be completely comfortable. he just needed to learn how to fix it, that was all.
the next week, he pulled up to your usual meeting spot, despite never receiving a text from you asking him to. and there you were, purple sweater and cutoff shorts and threaded converse, climbing into his passenger seat with an apologetic smile. "hey," you said quietly, and he knew immediately something had to be wrong. your voice was hoarse and raw, and your eyes were rimmed red with smeared mascara, but that small smile stayed on your lips, just for him. "hi," he held out the joint he'd rolled just for you, smiling slightly as you took it, "what's wrong?"
it all came out in a mess after that. all the walls you'd seemed so hellbent on keeping up crumbled, your shoulders shaking with silent cries as you pulled your knees into the seat, teary gaze focused on the view outside the window. he wasn't sure what to do, he just knew he needed you to stop, to feel better. his hand went to your knee, rubbing circles into the skin, shushing you gently. "just talk to me," he murmured, "what's going on?"
you finally caved, telling him all about how you’d fallen behind on bills and your roommate moved out and you’d have to move back home if you didn’t figure shit out real quick, how you were terrified that you were failing at life when you’d just barely gotten started. he’d listened to every word, his chest aching for you, wishing he could take it all away, or at least some of it.
“you’re not failing,” he said softly, reaching out to hold as much of you as he could across the console, “you’re gonna be okay, alright? everybody gets a little behind sometimes,” “it’s not just a little behind, art, i’ve got no savings and no plan and my job is shit-“ you started up rambling again, your voice shaky. “hey, hey, look at me,” he tilted your chin up, brows knit in concern, “i’ll help you sort it out, okay? we’ll figure it out,”
“i can’t ask you for help, it’s hard enough i’m sitting here crying to you,” you sniffled, “i didn’t mean to drag you into all this, you’re just so sweet,” “you might be the only person in the world who thinks i’m sweet,” he smiled slightly, brushing a piece of hair from your face, “why don’t you just stay with me tonight and we’ll sort this out in the morning, yeah? if you need to move back home i’ll help you,”
“are you sure i wouldn’t be overstepping?” you asked, more timid than he had ever heard you. “of course you wouldn’t be overstepping,” it was ridiculous, the thought of you inconveniencing him in any way, “buckle up, kay? you can sleep in my room and i’ll take the couch,”
the ride to his apartment was quiet, but not awkward. it never seemed to be uncomfortable between the two of you, just static silence filled with occasional glances and shy smiles. “it might be a little messy,” he laughed apologetically as he unlocked his front door, despite knowing he preferred to keep his space clean. you glanced around as he walked you inside, and he was struck by the intimacy of seeing you in his space, surrounded by his things, like you were truly a part of his life.
"it's nice," you finally said, gazing out the balcony window, "how long have you lived here?" his mind fleeted back to memories of a younger version of himself, full of ambition, hopes and dreams that never came to fruition. "uhm, about five years," he cleared his throat, suddenly all too aware of the space in the room that you occupied, of the way he'd chased the feeling of being known only to struggle with the idea of you knowing him, "do you wanna smoke before i head to bed?"
he was grateful you agreed, glad to have something to do other than watch you trace the lines of his life throughout the apartment, but he wasn't sure this was much better. you sat across from him in the windowsill, your eyes hazy and soft as you exhaled smoke, and he thought in this light you looked more and more like someone he could fall in love with. but that was insane, and he'd only known you for a few months, and you were probably unavailable, he reasoned with himself. that didn't stop him from watching your every movement, entranced by the way the smoke cast a veil over your features, by the simple motion as you passed him the joint.
"you can borrow some clothes if you need to change before bed," he offered, voice thick, "i'm sure i have something," "i'd appreciate that, thanks," you gave him a small smile, following him to his room hesitantly, eyeing everything like you needed to commit it to memory. he'd never regretted anything more when you emerged from his bathroom a few minutes later, his old stanford shirt hanging loose on your frame, brushing your thighs as you walked. he nearly choked, his eyes going anywhere but to you, terrified of what he might say if he lingered. he was grief stricken for a life that didn't exist, seeing you in that tattered red shirt. he could've been the sort of man you deserved, could've been someone you'd be proud of, good enough to get you out of any problems and into the safety of a nice life. his eyes were stinging, and he blinked tears away, clearing his throat.
"well i'll- i'm gonna go to the couch," he gestured awkwardly to the living room, "there's a white noise machine on the nightstand, if you need it," "i think i'll manage without it, but thank you," you laughed, and he wished desperately to eternalize this moment, "thank you again, art. for everything," "it's really no problem," he ran a hand through his hair, anything to distract himself, "i'll be in there if you need me, okay? goodnight,"
he almost couldn't tear himself away, but he forced himself out to the couch, eyes lingering on the doorframe despite you being long out of sight. the mental image of you curled up in his sheets was enough to keep him awake for what felt like hours, his jaw tight, head clouded with bad judgement. he'd finally started to doze around 2am when the floor creaked slightly, and he looked up to see you only feet away, tip toeing through his hallway. you were so beautiful that way, totally oblivious to his gaze, all alone in your head as you snuck back to the windowsill, a cigarette between your fingers.
"leavin me already?" he asked, smiling to himself as you jumped, startled by his voice cutting through the silence. "sorry, i didn't mean to wake you," you frowned slightly, "not leavin, just couldn't sleep 'nd needed to smoke," "it's okay," he waved a dismissive hand, stretching before coming to join you, "can't sleep either. d'you want me to make some coffee? "i can do it, feel bad enough stealing your bedroom. might as well make myself useful," you looked hopeful, eager to help, and his chest warmed at the thought of you wanting to do something for him.
so there you were, in his kitchen, humming to yourself as you steeped coffee in his french press, looking like you belonged there. he'd never realized how lonely he'd been until you came into his life, taking up empty space he'd once been content to leave hollow. he could get used to it, he thought, and that terrified him. the idea of doing anything to run you away, to disrupt this relationship, friendship, whatever the two of you had, he couldn't take it.
you settled onto the couch next to him, sipping your coffee, watching as the sun slowly rose through the curtains. "did you think any more about what you're going to do?" he asked after a bit, disturbing the peaceful silence, "about your apartment, i mean," "i think i'm gonna move home," you sounded so disappointed, it made him sick, "maybe that'll give me a chance to save up, get my bearings and just restart," "ah," he busied himself circling the rim of his mug with his fingertip, his mind racing with thoughts on how to fix this, how to take all your anxieties and pass them on to himself, "and you're sure that's what you want?"
the story was all too familiar to him, a mirror of what he'd been through years prior, bringing all the memories to the surface once again. maybe your fall from grace wasn't as high as his, but he was sure it would scar just the same. "i don't think anyone wants to move back home, but i don't know that i have much of a choice," you shrugged, "i'll get used to it," "you could stay here until you're back on your feet," the offer hung in the air again, just as it had last night, "i mean it, i don't mind at all. you shouldn't have to move away just because you're having a hard time,"
"art, i can't ask you to let me move in here," you frowned slightly, "it's so nice of you to even offer, but i need to figure this out on my own," "you're not asking," he said it like it was simple, and he supposed in his mind, it was, "i'm offering. i wanna help you, and i'm telling you is not an imposition, okay? or i can just pay your rent, whatever you owe. we'll call it an early birthday present,"
"i can't let myself be in debt to you," you said quietly, looking anywhere but his face, "don't you see that? this isn't just some casual amount of money, this is a lot for me, and i appreciate you but it's just too much," "you wouldn't be in debt to me, okay? what can i say to make you see that? i want to help you, i'm not expecting anything in return, just let me be there for you," "i'm not gonna let my dealer pay my rent, art. let's be serious about this,"
that stung, just as much as if you'd slapped him. "right, yeah. i'm just your dealer," the words felt bitter on his tongue, like his body was rejecting the very thought. "that's not what i meant, art, i'm sorry," you reached for him as he stood from the couch, your hand cool against the flushed skin of his wrist, "i'm not good at this, i don't know how to just take help from people, okay? i'm sorry, please come sit back down,"
"i'm not good at this either," he sighed softly as he sat back beside you, eyes trained on your fingers still lingering on his arm, "i just- i hate the thought of you struggling, okay? and i could have this all wrong, so please tell me if i'm overstepping, but there's something more here," he gestured between the two of you, "don't you feel it? if you don't, just tell me and i swear to you i'll never overstep again,"
you hesitated, the tension between you palpable enough that art could feel his heart racing, could feel his face flushed in anticipation, preparing himself for rejection. "yeah, i feel it too," you finally said, "that's part of the reason i can't just accept handouts from you, i don't want anything we might have to be built on me owing you something," "i would never make you feel like you owe me anything," the very idea of it was ridiculous to him, "you know me better than that,"
"i can't afford to chance it, art," your voice sounded so small, then, and the idea that you'd been through this before finally occurred to him. this wasn't the kind of hurt that just materialized itself. "okay," he finally sighed, raising his hands in mock surrender, "will you at least stay here while you work things out with your parents to move back home?"
"i'm starting to think you just want me in your bed," you smiled over at him, and the relief he felt was a rush, like he could breathe again now that you'd relaxed. "maybe," he laughed softly, "just wanna know you're safe, that's all," "how come you didn't tell me you went to stanford?" you asked curiously, tracing your fingers over the hem of the t shirt he'd given you. "oh, uhm- didn't seem important," he shrugged, any relief he'd allowed himself to feel immediately replaced by shame, "it wasn't a big deal,"
"i couldn't sleep, so i looked you up," you said, tone casual and light, the opposite of what he was feeling, "you were famous, art," "i wasn't famous, i just played tennis," he said quickly, "and it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, so that's why i didn't tell you-" "i'm just asking," you laid a hand on his shoulder, looking over his flushed face, "most guys would've bragged about that," "i don't have a fuckin' thing to brag about," he shook his head, "i'm sure above all the articles about my success you saw the articles about my failure,"
"who cares about failure?" you rolled your eyes, "i read that you had an injury, and then i stopped reading to give you privacy," he glanced over at you then, the sincerity in your voice striking him, "yeah, i had surgery on my shoulder," he admitted hesitantly, "had a really bad breakup, kinda lost my shit. dropped out and moved home," "oh, art," you said softly, "i'm so sorry,"
"don't-" it came out sharper than he intended, "please don't feel sorry for me," "i don't think it's fair for you to try to fix me but i can't even feel sorry for you," he knew you didn't mean anything by it, but it unsettled him nonetheless, his jaw clenched as he bit at the inside of his cheek. "my entire career, my life, going out the window is not the same as you having to move back in with your parents," he knew as soon as he said it he'd gone too far, could tell from the way you jerked your hand away from him, your eyes steely.
"i didn't say it was," your voice was level, like you'd closed yourself off, "i need to go, i have a shift later and i should call my parents," "you don't have to go," he hated how he was immediately pleading, "let me drive you, at least," "i'd rather walk, thanks," you disappeared into his bedroom, returning in your own clothes, the stanford shirt folded neatly on his bed. "thank you for letting me stay here," the words sounded difficult for you to form, "i'll just call you later or something," "i'll pick you up from work," he offered, looking up at you from the couch as you lingered by the door, "i'm really sorry-" "don't apologize," you shook your head, "you were right, it's not the same thing at all,"
he watched you go, as he watched most of the good things go from his life, complacent and sidelined. he ran the conversation back in his mind, combing through all the chances he had to fix it, to explain what happened and why he was so touchy on the subject. he'd just have to work harder next time, have to figure out some way to keep you.
#challengers#art x reader#challengers 2024#art donaldson#art donaldson fic#art donaldson x reader#mike faist#artdonaldson#art donaldson smut#art donaldson x you#art x reader smut#art x you#challengers fic#challengers x reader#challengers smut#art donaldson au#anobrain#art smut#art donaldson moodboard#challengers movie#atlantic city story
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Black Dahlia - 44. Unexpected Reunion
Summary: Dahlia's Squad and Bodhi are dragged into their first assessment for RSC. Land Nav. And just her luck she'd end up with not one, but two people she would like to be as far away from as possible. A/N: This is going up while I'm travelling for a week away for my birthday, so not sure if I will have reception or time to check my phone before I don't have it. But I can't wait to come back and see your comments and asks! Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist | Links | Tumblr Community
My eyes fly open, jolting back as someone moves something away from my face. I squint at the bright morning light, shielding my eyes I look up to see our RSC teacher Professor Lee backing away as he approaches Liz who lies on the ground next to me. My head feels foggy as I sit up and take in my surroundings. We’re in the middle of the forest, somewhere definitely close to Basgiath as the foliage is similar.
”Let me guess, RSC?” I ask Proth as I reach out to him.
I feel agreement flow through the bond. “Yes, something I hope you can over come quickly. A waste of time if you ask me.”
”Why is it a waste of time?” I ask, as I push off the ground, dusting grass and dirt off my flight leathers.
”You only need it if you don’t stay seated. Or we somehow get separated, which has never happened.” He growls in annoyance.
Noted. Don’t leave my dragon. Something that’s already been drilled into us. Though you never know what could happen. I look to my left seeing Kai, Austin and Bodhi waking up as well. My eyes widening as I take in the squad next to ours. You have to be kidding me. Dain and I lock eyes, both of ours narrowing at each other. Great. On top of being stuck out here for up to two days, I had to spend it with him. And work with him. Movement next to him catches my eyes and I can’t help but smile slightly at Imogen who pokes her head around him as she assesses the area. I hadn’t had much to do with her, but the interactions I did have with her were good. I could see myself getting along with her.
”Well, look who we have here. Haven’t seen you two in a long time.” A deep, but somewhat familiar voice drawls.
I turn my head to see two squads of infantry cadets, my blood running cold as I recognise the one speaking to Dain and I. Despite how much time had passed, there was no denying who stood in front of me. Ethan Caldwell. The boy who had thrown that rock in that clearing. The actual reason my mother was dead. This day was just getting better and better.
”See you took after your father in infantry.” Dain says through pursed lips.
Dain and Ethan were never close, always butting heads as kids. So I know his displeasure is not due to what happened that day. But mine definitely is. He was my friend up until that point. At least I thought he was.
”As did you two. Though I’m honestly surprised after that little incident.” He drawls as he turns his attention to me.
My hands tighten into fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hands as I stare at him. I would enjoy nothing more than running him through with one of my daggers, but I don’t think it would go down to well if I took out a cadet from another quadrant in front of two Professors.
”Everything ok?” Liz asks as she steps closer to me.
”Fucking fantastic.” I growl out as I hold Ethan’s stare.
”You sure? You look like you want to murder him.” Bodhi adds as my squad gather behind me.
”Trust me, that’s not even the start of what I want to do to him.” I say as I tear my gaze from Ethan and look at Bodhi.
There’s no denying the worry in Bodhi’s eyes as he looks at me. But he clearly understands this is something I can’t talk about right now. And honestly didn’t entirely want to. Though there was no stopping Ethan from spilling what he was referring to. I just had to hope that he kept is damn mouth shut.
”What the last thing you guys remember?” Kai asks as two healers cadets walk around handing out a small ration and water. Which I’m thankful for seeing as I hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday and it was now the morning.
”Walking to dinner from the gym with Dahlia.” Austin says as she opens her water skin.
”Yeah, the last thing I remember is heading there with Kai.” Liz adds.
Seems we were all taken after we left the gym. They had definitely been watching and waiting. Maybe that’s where Garrick and Xaden ended up? No, third years didn’t go through this. Their equivalent was being sent to an outpost to assist.
”Sorry for the abrupt change in scenery, but welcome to your first land navigation exercise of the year.” Professor Lee starts as his eyes scan us. “In the last two weeks, we have hopefully taught you how to read a map and survive. And now you get to put those skills to the test, and seeing how well you can adapt to working with other cadets you have never worked with before.”
Two squads of infantry, two quads of riders, two healers and a scribe. All of whom have never worked together. This was going to be interesting.
”For this exercise there will be two maps, two teams, but you will work together as one cohesive unit. Aetos, your squad-”
”Which one?” Dain and I say perfectly in sync as we cut off the Infantry Captain, causing all the riders to look at us in shock. Almost surprised with how in sync we’d been, even down to the tone in our voice. Perks of being twins I guess.
”Of course they sent you two together. Second squad-”
”Which one?” We both ask again in sync, Dain turning to glare at me as Bodhi and Imogen snicker behind both of us.
”You’re both second squads?” She asks, looking annoyed.
Professor Lee chuckles as he steps forward with two maps clutched in his hand. “Yes and both from the same wing. Dahlia, you’ll be with third squad.” A blonde haired infantry cadet raises his hands. Thank the gods I wasn’t with paired with Ethan. I step forward and take the map from Lee. “And Dain you’ll be with second squad.”
“Excellent. We’ll see you all tomorrow afternoon.” The infantry captain says before turning and walking away from us with Lee and leaving us on our own.
”Oh, and just to make it more fun, there are other groups out here with you.” Lee adds as he turns back to us. “You are also not allowed to mount your dragons. But they are hunting the other groups, and their dragons are hunting you. Best work together so you don’t die.”
And with that, we’re on our own. The infantry, healer and scribe cadets look pale now Lee has mentioned the role our dragons are playing in this. Two days to find our extraction point and not get burnt my another dragon. Oh and add the fact I’ve got Dain and Ethan to deal with. What could go wrong? Oh wait, everything.
”Did he just say we could die?” The scribe squeaks out as they clutch their satchel.
”Sure did. Kinda part of being around dragons.” Imogen says with a smile, though it does nothing to ease the now petrified scribe.
”Don’t listen to her. You’ll be fine.” Dain says as he tries to ease the scribe’s nerves.
”Don’t sugar coat it Dain. You know very well how deadly dragon fire can be.” Ethan snickers as he eyes Dain and I.
”Pretty sure we all do. So lets get to work and get moving.” Bodhi says sternly, ending the conversation. I’d almost swear he was innistic with how he could read situations.
”Good idea. Dain give me your map.” I say as I hold out my hand towards him.
”You have your own map. You don’t need mine.” He tells me as he puffs out his chest.
”Well aware, but I wouldn’t put it past them to give us different maps or do something to confuse us.” I tell him as I cock my head at him.
He grumbles but quickly hands his map to me so I can lay them out next to each other. We all gather around to assess the two maps, and it’s immediately clear our maps are completely different. Our extraction points are in the same spot, but the markings and layout of the maps are completely different.
”Well look at that, you were somehow right.” Ethan says smugly as he looks up at me.
”Yeah, she generally is. Without her we wouldn’t have won war games last year.” Austin snaps at him, causing him to glare at her.
Great we were already at each others throats. This was going so well.
”Let’s figure out where we are and get moving then.” The blonde squad leader from infantry commands as he cuts off the bickering that was definitely about to start, all of us nodding in agreement. We needed to win this.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94 @the-fandom-ness @fan-of-many-bands @awkardnerd @heeseungthel0ml @acourtofsmutandstarlight @fairchild06 @freyagallileaevans @pit-and-the-pen @hannraumari @elliot-rain @thestarseternaal @stupid-and-contagious01 @hyperfixation-train-station @lxnvmvrzx @thebreadisthetruevillian @red0202 @fangirling-galore @craftytrashprincess @taliyahvermillion @xadenswhore @fenixyrie @lagrandeourse @hellodarling1357 @iambored24601 @thegiftofacreativemind @fanfictionjunkie1112 @mysticalfuncollectorus @ohlookitsasinglepoeceofpopcorn @emoravenwolf
#fourth wing#fourth wing fanfic#the fourth wing#fourth wing imagine#garrick tavis#garrick tavis imagine#the empyrean#fourth wing x reader#garrick tavis x reader#garrick tavis x oc#garrick tavis x dahlia aetos#dahlia aetos#dain aetos#bodhi durran#imogen cardulo
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hello hon, how are you doing? if you're taking requests please i need to read a slow burn about jim tds x reader. large age gap, smut, whatever you wanna add!!!
Hello, I’m going great thank you :) and of course!! I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you were expecting but I hope you like it!! 🤍
The Teachers Possession- Jim TDS
Teacher!Jim(45) x Student!Reader(18)
Plot: When starting a new high school English class Y/N has been looking forward to, she meets a teacher who overtime begins to grow intensely obsessed with her. He craves every little of her, and daydreams of her to an unhealthy extent… which later leads to him risking everything to have her.
Content: age-gap, smut, extreme obsession and possessiveness, perverted and addictive thoughts and behaviours, masturbation (m), leg kink, kissing, unprotected pv, oral (f), desk sex, dub-con, online stalking, semi-public sex
(Because we don't know Jim's last name in The Delinquent Season, we're just gonna say his last name is Murphy in this scenario.)
Starting my final grade of highschool and second semester, I was placed into the advanced english class I’ve been meaning; and was excited to do.
The first few days were normal as they were just introductions and getting to know the classroom. The teacher had an unusual way of teaching and introducing. He was older, tall, fit, and uncomfortably observant. Eye contact felt like your eyes were melting when you looked at him. They were eyes so gentle, yet so terrifying.
I always found him quite alluring looking–different for sure–unlike others who either are all the way or not at all for him. I thought he was quite interesting with how he taught and talked.
After those few days, He stood in the front of the room with a paper gripped in his hand, and his eyes scanning over the room. Everyone became quiet and turned forward.
“Okay,” He pulled the paper up closer to his face. “I have made a seating arrangement.”
Kids groaned and complained to their friends sitting next to them. And Mr Murphy began pointing to seats, assigning them to peoples names. I sat waiting for him to call on me, and when he did, he held a long stare and pointed to the table directly across from his.
I grabbed my bag and moved to the front of the room at that one desk where you were so close you could read every sheet of paper on his desk. His eyes followed me to the desk, glued to my legs.
At first I did not like sitting so close to the front, or to the teacher, but as a week passed I hadn’t cared anymore. I was first in line to get the assignments, and always the first hand, and person he saw. To others it appeared I was the only person he saw. I personally had not noticed how much our eyes would meet during class, or how filthy his thoughts of me were.
When class began, he added to the lecture he gave yesterday. But his gaze would continuously turn to me and my sweet legs. Beneath the desk he would watch as my thighs shuffled and lifted. Deep in his mind–behind his knowledge of literature–were thoughts and fantasies of how good my little legs would look wrapped around his waist, and how my soft, pink lips would feel on his skin…
Nearing the end of the class while everyone began to pack their things, I took my time in finishing my assignment. I hadn’t been too worried about packing up before the bell as I hadn't had anywhere to be during my lunch break, nor anyone to meet up with.
When the bell did ring, kids ran from the room and crowded in the hallway. And before I was about to leave as well, Mr Murphy stopped me and called my name with a friendly smile.
“Y/N, stay for a moment.”
I paused with my bag on my shoulder and stood in front of his desk. “Oh okay” I grinned back at him and looked down into blue eyes.
My Murphy leaned back into his chair and exhaled, “How are you finding the class so far?”
“Good, good. I love writing so,” I chuckled.
He nodded, “That’s good… I’ve read some of your pieces, you are very talented.” His eyes trailed from my eyes, to my bare legs, “You have a gift.”
I blushed and my legs crossed while standing before him. “Thanks…”
His stare didn’t move from my legs as they shuffled, and as my dress slightly ran up my thighs. He nearly groaned to himself as his mind, and imagination ran into a vivid thought of me beneath him.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about your writing,” His eyes snapped back to my face and he cleared his throat. “Your style… is so different. It goes against the normality of basic literature, but flows much better than the rest.” I smiled, flattered by his praise, “Incredibly unique you are. But definitely in a good way.”
“Thank you sir,” My cheeks went hot and pink, “I try.”
“You’re welcome,” His voice was gentle but firm. “You can go now.”
I nodded with my lips flattened and turned towards the door across the classroom. He stared, admiring the back of my dress and body. His sigh was heavy as he fell back into his chair, still his eyes not being able to pull away from my legs, thighs, and the little bits of my plushy bottom peeking out from underneath.
For the remainder of the day he was nothing but eager to be home, and alone. The tension from his fantasies and lust-filled thoughts soon became too hard to hide. His final lesson was spent sitting at his desk while he taught. He hadn’t dared let his secrets be revealed. Not until he could be alone.
And when he was, arriving to his house as soon as he could after that final bell, he slammed the door to his home and quickly walked up the stairs to his empty bedroom. His pants were eagerly kicked and pulled off, and his hard cock was held tightly in his hands.
Thoughts of my thighs around him, and my moans, filled his mind while he forcefully fucked his fist. He could just imagine the way my soft lips would feel wrapped around his thick cock; sucking him eagerly while on my knees.
He clutched tight and groaned as his cock rapidly twitched in his hand. With such vivid fantasies he couldn’t last more than 5 minutes. His breath came out hot and heavy making the air feel thick. He moaned deeply while his cum shot from his pulsing tip, the relief and satisfaction rushing over him from head to toe.
I on the other hand had not suspected there could be such tension between my teacher and I. I was completely clueless; naive to how he would act around me or while alone. An innocent mind as my own wouldn’t be able to comprehend such filth, and perversion that lived in Jim’s mind. And as time went on–day after day– the worse, and more obsessive he got. The sessions he had late at night became far more frequent, his phone filled with every photo of me he could find off social media, and his screen each night was soaked in his hot cum as he would finish on a photo of my ‘pretty, pretty face.’
It was an addiction he began to stop feeling guilty about. But it wasn’t just an addiction, he had fallen in love. A type of love he had never experienced, nor felt for anyone ever before. I was the one he wanted all to himself, the girl–if she loved him back– would do absolutely anything and everything for.
That next day at school while I entered his classroom, his eyes immediately darted from his computer screen to me, and my perfect legs that were hugged tightly by my thin leggings. I grinned to Mr Murphy as I came in front of both his and I’s desk.
“Good morning.” He spoke, and grinned in response to mine.
“Morning.” I set my bag down onto the floor next to my chair, and bent forward to dig for my books. I had not done it intentionally of course, but in his mind it really was.
Quickly his eyes glanced back to the kids who hadn't been paying attention at the back of the classroom, then while not being watched, he looked straight between my legs as I bent further and further to the deepest part of my bag.
Through the thin fabric he could see everything. My curvy butt and hips, and the outline of my plump pussy fully on display for him. He roughly grabbed at his pants and squeezed his cock beneath his desk. And before I were to stand back up he quickly grabbed his phone with his free hand and zoomed the camera in to take a picture. Just as he did I stood back up with my books and he was relieved to have been able to save this moment forever in his photo album.
As the class went on, in between his sentences I would notice his eyes meeting mine continuously. Like magnets being pulled closer and closer together. Again it was nothing I over thought about. I liked the attention, and thought nothing unusual about it. He would look at all his students this way, right?
But he hadn’t. No other woman, student, or being would ever be looked at the same as he looked at me. It was a look of adoration, and seduction; hidden beneath his pearly blue eyes. How truly alluring they were…
“Y/N.” He called on me.
“What?” I looked around the room, then to him.
“Tell everyone about your essay topic–and pay attention,” His gaze turned to the majority of the class. “This is what gets you a good grade on exams, and written assignments,” He pointed. “A real, intriguing paper.”
”Oh, um…” I froze while the students and Mr Murphy starred, awaiting my answer. Near the beginning of the class we were given the task to write an essay on how we believe that cruelness and discrimination can be cured within our society. Where, “I wrote about how though selfishness and tactlessness are unpleasant traits, they are what could reduce the amount of hate as people would be caring more about themselves rather than degrading and discriminating against others who are different.”
Mr Murphy shook his head and grinned to himself, “Brilliant…Different,” His tone got louder. “But new, different perspectives is what makes your study interesting. No teacher will find excellence in those who all say what they should believe, rather than what they truly believe.” He paused for a moment while his eyes scanned around the room to all the careless students. “Anyways, brilliant thought Y/N. Moving on.” He turned his back to the room and began to scribble onto the whiteboard behind him.
I was slightly embarrassed being called out in front of the class, but flattered to receive such praise from the teacher everyone called picky, and ‘hard to please.’ This class, being one I craved to do well in, and enjoyed, felt much lighter knowing I had the approval of my teacher. It made my stomach flutter.
After class, just as the bell rang, all the students ran from the classroom before Mr Murphy could say another word about. the homework assignment I hadn’t cared for so I didn’t try to escape it, or him.
Again I took my time packing and getting myself ready to go. I felt an unusual, but pulling energy between Mr Murphy and I. I could feel his eyes glaring like he was looking through me. It made me feel as if I couldn’t leave; his eyes holding me hostage. And with the classroom now being empty, the tension was stronger than ever.
Before I was about to leave, throwing my bag over my shoulder, Mr Murphy stood from his desk chair and came around his desk to me. Slowly his tall figure began to overlook me, my head rising higher the closer he got. My body felt heavy, as though it became filled with sand.
I looked up into his eyes and his large hand reached out to me. He slowly stroked my hair, and his fingers intertwined with the silky strands. My body weakened before his touch and I saw the hints of lust hiding beneath his eyes.
I hadn’t known what to say, or if I should say anything at all. But the energy between us spoke louder than any word ever could. And when his hand went from my hair to the delicate skin of my cheek.
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispered with admiration, and his thumb lightly traced over my bottom lip. But then suddenly he pulled himself away from me. He cleared his throat and took his hand from my cheek. “I have a meeting to get to. See you tomorrow.” I froze in my spot and my eyes followed him as he quickly walked past me and out of the classroom. My gaze lingered to his tall figure as he disappeared into the crowds of students in the hall.
I didn't know what to feel besides confusion. It took me several minutes to pull my attention back into focus to leave the classroom. And when I did I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall for the remainder of my lunch break.
The feelings running through my mind and body were too much to handle. I was overwhelmed with both feeling flustered and unsettled.
Jim on the other hand looked as though he was fine but on the inside while sitting at his meeting felt his blood going cold; feeling both terrified and aroused. He wasn't able, nor did he care to pay attention to what any of the other English teachers had to say.
As school ended and I was on my way home the image of Mr Murphy and I wouldn't leave my mind. It didn’t feel right, but it didn't feel wrong either. The best option I had was to ignore it; push it deep into the back of my brain.
I wish I could say it worked, but of course it had not. Both Mr Murphy and I shared the experience of not being able to get off of one another's minds. From the very moment it happened to late at night when we both lied in our bed with two completely different thoughts, and ideas of each other…
Jim lied on his back holding the phone screen close to his face. He stared intently at the picture of my plushy butt and round, beautiful looking pussy; roughly beating his cock. He groaned heavily as he imagined just how good it would feel to pound his cock deep into me. Shoving, and forcing in every inch until I stretched painfully around him. There was nothing he could ever want more, and nothing that could stop him from making me completely his. He made it his mission to get what he wanted. No matter what was to happen, I would be made all for him.
So that next day–when English was my last period–he gathered himself and patiently waited until that final bell rang and the school would be empty.
“Y/N.” He called out to me firmly as I was about to leave the classroom. I stopped just in front of the door and turned to him.
He stood by his desk, with his hands in his jean pockets; an unsettling look held deep in his eyes. “Close the door.”
I closed the door behind me slowly and my body felt cold in fear. “A-Am I in trouble?” I asked with my voice quiet and fearful.
Mr Murphy grinned and lowered his head. “No,” He looked back up to me. “Not at all.”
I felt relief wash over me and my blood returned back to my face. Still I was nervous as to why I was made to stay here, but how bad could it be if I wasn't in trouble?
“So why did you want me to stay?” I asked delicately while slowly walking towards him. His gaze lowered and softened the closer I got to him.
“I just want to be with you…” He paused, admiring me with his eyes. “Do you know how perfect you are?” He said suddenly.
I blushed; going a deep red, and my heart sank into my stomach. “N-No”
My Murphy took long steps towards me, and our bodies became just inches away from each other. His hand came down to my face, and his rough skin caressed my cheek lovingly. My eyes and legs fluttered to his touch. I couldn’t look away…
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…” He whispered while his thumb rubbed over my lips. “No one could ever love you more than I do.”
“Really?” My eyes were big, and filled with submission looking up to him as his other hand came to my face. He didn't say anything, but lightly rubbed my soft cheeks with his thumbs. I’d been so lost in his gaze that I hadn't noticed his face coming closer to mine. Not until he pulled my face into his and kissed my lips.
I froze as he kissed me, but the more he did, the more right it began to feel. I kissed back and felt the tension rising between us. My hands ran up his neck, and his glided down my sides to my hips. He pulled me tight against his body; not leaving an inch between us.
He lifted beneath me and sat me down onto the edge of his desk. Our lips had not separated, but became more sloppy and intimate. And his hips leaned in between my legs to press tightly against me. He groaned into my lips, and I felt a hard poke against my clothed pussy.
On the inside my heart was pounding against my chest, with anxiety but also the adrenaline of need and excitement. Mr Murphy’s rough hands squeezed at my hips, and his fingers dug into the sides of my pants. He pulled me in closer to him as he eagerly jerked my pants down over my thighs, and legs.
Once he began, he couldn't stop himself. Jim’s hands caressed every inch of my bare skin that he could. It made him painfully hard, feeling just how real and soft I was.
His lips kissed down to my neck while he desperately undid his belt, pulling it from his pants. It hit the floor with a clang, along with my panties that he ripped from my legs. He then pulled his lips away from me and straightened himself. I looked up to him with submissive eyes while he quickly took his cock from his pants. My eyes glared down at him, and I felt fear run through my body. There was no way that could fit in me.
He rubbed his wet, pink tip along my sensitive, virgin pussy. I looked back up at him and he groaned at the sight. It didn't feel real at all. He needed to give himself reassurance, something to prove that it was and not again one of his fantasies.
With one quick movement he thrusted his hips and shoved his cock deep into my small hole. I whimpered loudly and my skin stretched. Mr Murphy groaned deeply, feeling me squeezing around him and he began to pull back. He looked me in the eyes while he forcefully thrusted his thick cock into me again. I bit at my lip and moaned with both pleasure and pain.
His hands gripped onto the desk and his hips began to pound faster, and harder into my tiny pussy. My whimpering and moaning got louder as I felt such things I’ve never had before. And Jim felt as though he was gonna finish already. With the obsession he's had, and the fantasies he's created, there was no way he could last alone, so how would he while inside my real pussy.
Mr Murphy couldn't pull his eyes away from between us. He moaned at just how good it felt and how cute my pussy looked, swallowing his every inch.
“You like that?” He huffed and grabbed my face. All I could do was moan and nod. “Oh you’re such a good girl.” He thrusted harder, making my eyes widen and my lips gasp. The look on his face was feral and demanding as he beat between my legs. “Fuck….I’m gonna cum,” He panted; I grew louder with high pitched moans. The sounds of both him and I, and the slapping of his cock in my wet pussy, filled the darkening room.
Jim grabbed beneath my thighs and pulled me in tighter against him. His cock sunk deeper into me and he held my legs up, spreading them as far as they could go. I couldn’t look away from what he had been doing to me. It all happened so quickly, but felt unbelievable.
My whimpers became more desperate for him, and my eyes returned up to his. With that, as his eye met mine he groaned and shot his thick cum into my cervix. I watched him, and looked deep into his eyes while he came in me. Something about it just made me crave more.
He gasped and panted, slowly thrusting and emptying himself into my tiny hole. And when he pulled out I felt a wave of emptiness… but it soon filled as he quickly fell to his knees, forcefully spreading me to fuck me with a tongue.
My whole body shivered as I felt his wet tongue overstimulating my sensitive clit and hole. I cried out a sweet sound that rehardened his cock. He could’ve never expected me to taste such a way, and the way those blue eyes looked up to me while he licked in such delicate circles made my legs shake.
I was soft on his tongue, and so sweet. Beneath the desk and began to again forcefully beat his cock in his hand. He moaned and whimpered into my pussy, while still managing to lick profusely.
My teeth clenched down onto my bottom lip and my fingers held tightly onto the wooden desk. I was so lost with my eyes disappearing into the back of my head, I hadn’t noticed Jim cumming again and again. And for me, I could feel my body becoming overwhelmed with the intense, tight feeling both his cock and tongue had caused me. My body grew hot and my legs shook and shot up. His tongue with a great speed licked, and sucked at my clit, and thick amount of wetness spread onto his face and my inner thighs.
Those beautiful lips of his glistened with my wetness as my stomach turned and ached with pleasure. He could feel me pulse against his lips, and his tongue slowed and eased with my orgasm as it faded away.
He pulled me through it all and it had been the best thing i'd ever felt and done. And for him, he could say the same as his cock dripped and fell weak. Mr Murphy stood back to his feet and tucked himself back into his pants. He leaned into me and kissed me gently, making me taste myself on his lips. “Oh I love you,” He moaned between breathless kisses.
And what felt almost instinct, I said, “I love you too.” And grabbed his hair pulling his lips down harder against mine.
”Why don't you let me drive you home baby,” He panted and just barely took his lips from mine. “And I’ll tell you just how much I need you.”
#cillian murphy#cillian x reader#cillian murphy x reader#cillian murphy x y/n#jim the delinquent season#cillian x fem!reader#cillian murphy smut#cillian fanfic#cillian fic#cillian murphy fanfiction#the delinquent season#jim x reader#teacher x student
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would that i

18+. mdni. smut!! tommy hagan is mean and there is slight homophobic language! no use of y/n!
part two to this fic! can probably be read on it’s own but p1 will help you understand things!
would that i - hozier because i think steve used tommy as a scapegoat for never being himself and now he doesn’t have to <3
HIHI! i’ve been away for a little while and i apologise tremendously! this is a part two which seems completely out of left field but i found it half-finished and really liked it!! i’m hoping to start posting this multi-part eddie fic i have been working on but i want at least a couple parts solidly finished beforehand because i know exactly what i’m like lol
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
as to be expected, tommy has no interest in steve. three years of friendship washed down the drain for no good reason. on reflection, steve doesn’t really count what tommy and he had as true friendship, they were just using each other.
he was too terrified to be alone while tommy saw that and took full advantage, milking his credit card along the way.
he’s got you now, he supposes. finding solace in your house, away from the judgemental glares and snickering whispers of his teammates and friends.
robin seems to be warming up to the idea of having him as a constant presence in your house, though it’s slow and longwinded. steve had found that she was nothing like tommy, she couldn’t be bought with pizza or gifts but not with lack of trying.
you sit now on the couch, your head in some book with your legs strewn over his lap as the tv plays sunset avenue loudly. he’d never take someone like robin as an avid soap opera watcher, but then again, he shouldn’t be either.
“donna should’ve left him years ago,” steve adds, a comment that was supposed to stay tucked away in his mind.
you look up slowly, robin’s head turns, confusion plastered across your faces.
“what?” you laugh, placing the book down on your lap.
he just shrugs, eyes darting between both pairs of baffled eyes, “david’s an asshole.. she should’ve left.”
“no no, i got that, i’m just- you watch this crap?”
he shrugs again, “yeah,” finding great pleasure in the way he had finally gotten robin to crack a smile, “my mom used to watch it.. what’s the big deal?”
you look to robin, a knowing smirk on your lips before picking up your book again.
robin just grins, “oh steve harrington, i think we might just be friends.”
and thus, a weekly tradition was born.
he and robin would settle in for their fill of second-rate acting every tuesday at eight on the dot.
he lets her know that her opinions are trash and she kindly tells him to fuck off back to the barn he was born in. they were two peas in a pod really.
steve appreciates the newfound friendship. it’s comforting in ways no one else had ever been. he just hopes robin sees it that way too, he’d had his fill of one-sided friendships to last a lifetime.
steve hadn’t really left your side since the night he tumbled down your staircase and proceeded to confess, rather terribly, that he was practically in love with you.
he doesn’t mind, he likes spending time with someone who actually likes him for once.
even now, as steve attempts to settle down for the night, you’re restless, sat at your vanity rooting through your makeup.
“so i’ve been thinking,” you did a lot of that, most of it nonsensical.
“hmm?” quirking his brow, always a little worried for what was about to blurt out.
“i think you should let me put eyeliner on you,” spinning around to face him with a maniacal grin, the pencil already poised in your hand.
there was one outcome here, and it absolutely involved you jabbing a pencil into his eye.
“do i get a choice?” he asks naively, knowing the answer was certainly a no.
you shake your head, smile stretching from ear to ear, gesturing for him to scoot back. eddie wore eyeliner, and those guys on your posters. is that why you wanted him to? to be more like them?
steve swallows that thought, pummels it down until it’s but a quiet whisper. he liked you for you, surely you felt the same.
“if you really don’t want me to, i won’t,” sensing his apprehension, you were pushy and stubborn but not cruel.
he blinks, who would ever see? maybe you’d tell robin, but she certainly wouldn’t care, in fact, she’d probably think he were cooler. “i wanna make you happy,” smiling softly, “and if putting eyeliner on is what makes you happy then.. do it.”
your eyes light up, coming to stand between his knees, “you’re sure?”
steve nods his head, lying back on your bed as you get up to straddle his waist, black kohl pencil in hand.
your thumb delicately holds the skin down, allowing the pencil to line his waterline. it stings for a second, an unfamiliar feeling of a pencil jabbing his eye.
“babe ow,” exaggerating greatly. truthfully, he enjoyed the attention, the focused look on your face as your tongue peeks out in concentration.
“shut up,” moving onto his other eye without much warning, his right eye blinking rapidly. “okay,” you smile, “sit up.”
he does as he’s asked, like always. holding onto your hips as he shuffles, keeping you steady on his lap.
“oh my god,” gasping once his eyes meet yours fully, “oh my fucking god,” swooning over his forced makeover.
“you like it?” he asks innocently, none the wiser to how he actually looked.
your hands grab his cheeks, shifting on his thighs with excitement, “i love it,” gazing deep into his soul, “i just wanna kiss you.”
the side of his mouth quirks, snaking his arms around your waist, “you can always do that.”
“i know,” gladly connecting your lips, a softer appreciation for the intimacy you got to share now. nothing felt rushed or scary, you were able to enjoy each other without fear of getting caught.
he keeps your body pulled tight to his, laying you back onto the mattress as he crawls on top, his hands sliding underneath your shirt. steve hadn’t realised how much he appreciated having sex in a bed and not his cramped car.
your fingers brush the falling tendrils back from his face, interwoven into his hair with such tender loving care that it sends shivers down his spine.
they hover over his scalp, tracing gentle patterns to the sensitive skin, “you’re so handsome,” mumbling into his mouth, “i can’t believe you’re my boyfriend,” lifting your back from the mattress to allow him the space to tug your sweatpants down.
“it should be me saying all that,” steve marvels, admiring the curve of your hips, the way your thighs fit him so perfectly between them. “you’re too good f’me,” saying so earnestly, he should be thanking the gods you ever looked at him twice.
“stop it,” you hush, interlocking your lips once more in a bid to stop him rambling on and ruining the moment.
steve sighs faintly, ridding himself of his shirt, giving you free reign of the delicate skin of his neck you loved so much. your lips find it first, peppering short kisses in the crook between his neck and collarbone, only for your teeth to graze the skin soon after.
he enjoyed seeing your mark on him, violet and maroon splotch’s that meant he was yours.
his hips grind down mindlessly, rutting desperately against your soft thigh.
“we have to be quiet,” you mutter into his collarbone, cradling the back of his head in your hands, the feel of your thigh brushes against his ribcage as you shift beneath him.
“i know,” he breathes, fumbling with his boxers in a desperate attempt to tug them down and feel you.
“fuck,” almost growling as you bite down onto your bottom lip, “i can’t stop looking at you,” admiring his focused expression, the charcoal lines you’d painted below his eyes.
“don’t,” fisting his cock, gliding his piece between your slick folds, “keep your eyes on me, darling,” nudging inside, his leaking tip just barely sinking into your cunt before you’re clawing desperately at his clammy neck, gasping into his ear.
“sh-shit,” speaking in shuddered breaths, praying you won’t wake robin next door. on occasions, he missed the backseat of his bmw, for this very reason.
he hadn’t heard you so loudly in months, the filthy, x-rated shit you used to growl only came out in whispers now. alas, his back had finally recovered after those weeks of trying to manoeuvre around the tiny backseat of his car and the faint scent of sex had faded.
your delicate fingers stroke his jaw, panting in succession with his hips. he can see the exact moment the idea springs into your mind, moving your thumb to the plump skin of his bottom lip, itching for him to catch on.
steve does, always one to please, you especially so. taking your thumb between his lips to suck gently on the digit, he can feel you practically convulse in response. clenching around him, keeping him so tightly wound inside you.
“holy fuck,” releasing the most animalistic growl alongside your wretched smirk, ogling his face, tracing the curve of his lips with hooded eyes.
taking his sweet, sweet time tonight, hips rocking at a astonishingly slow pace, hoping to keep you concealing your sweet moans for just a little bit longer.
adoring the way you keep your eyes trained on him, humming in appreciation when his tongue dances around your thumb.
your other hand brings his face closer, sliding your thumb down his plump bottom lip to replace it with your lips instead. groaning into his mouth when his hips still and his tongue runs the length of your bottom lip.
messy and slow, just the way steve liked it. he wasn’t opposed to the hard and fast dynamic you shared either, but this way he could truly feel you, admire your curves and your warmth as it deserved.
“can’t believe you’re mine,” he grumbles through shared kisses, fingers groping at your doughy hip.
the bed frame creaks as he moves again, disregarding how obvious the sound was to stay in this very moment. he wants to swallow you whole, sucking and nibbling ravenously at your jaw, trailing down to your neck. a safe haven for him to whine loudly.
“ohh yeah, fuck- all yours,” reassuring him of what he already knew.
steve shifts your legs, pressing down gently on the backs of your knees to allow himself further, deeper even. your eyes rolling into the back of your head when his cock nestles into your sweet spot.
“shit baby, feels so fucking good,” murmuring through gritted teeth, his pace faltering as you rut back against him.
he feels so obscenely close to you, connected in such a way that’ll leave your souls entwined forever.
you’re close, steve can feel that much. no need for desperate gasps when you made it so obvious every time. you become accustomed to a person’s body when you spend every waking moment with them.
“give it to me honey,” he pleads, unrelenting with his strokes, desperate for you to come undone beneath him before he lost it all completely.
your whines become frenzied mewls, panting and sighing into his neck.
steve’s arms tremble, succumbing to his own climax, especially when your thighs spur him on, entrapping him inside, your cunt clenching, tumbling over the edge with a chorus of pleas and utterances of his names.
“ohh yeah- oh fuck yeah,” pumping thick ropes of cum into your hole, a decision he’d probably come back to regret. that didn’t matter now, not with you so placid underneath him, clutching onto his damp skin like you’d never let him go.
he all but collapses, chest to chest, both heaving against one another. you sigh wearily, running your fingers along his shoulder, right up to his cheek, “i don’t think we were very quiet,” chuckling into the warm air.
he shakes his head, “that’s your fault,” brushing the wisps of hair from your sticky forehead, admiring your spent state.
“i love you, steve,” saying it aloud for the first time, exasperated but wholly true nonetheless.
steve chokes on his tongue, the words had laid dormant for months now, only they fail to form at the most crucial time. dumbfounded by your admission as if it weren’t obvious.
he coughs up a reply, cradling your jaw in his palm, “i love you too.. i really do,” slow brushes of his thumb on your skin, proving his full adoration of you.
your smile causes his heart to thump, “i know.. but you gotta get off me so i can shower,” gently pushing his dead weight away, rolling out from underneath.
his heart full of love and affection, you were everything to him and you hadn’t a clue.
steve awakens to your alarm blaring, the weight of your body keeping him anchored to the bed. he peers over your lifeless body to the clock, 7:32 it reads.
he was late.
he peels your arm from his side, rolling out of bed to slam his fist on the frankly grating clock. you grumble in response, reaching your arm out for his hand, “don’t go,” murmuring into the pillow as you come around.
“honey, i’m late,” he coos, pulling his sweatpants on, the remnants of your makeover smeared all over the pillow. “i’ll see you later, okay?” leaning over to place a gentle kiss to your forehead, receiving nothing but a soft hum in response.
he hadn’t thought any more of his face until he busted through the locker room doors, receiving ten-fold the usual stares he’d get.
they all snicker amongst themselves, elbowing one another as his heart sinks to his ass. dating you was one thing, wearing makeup was an entirely different thing.
steve wants to die, far more than he usually does at this time of day. shoving himself into the far corner in hopes that they’d leave him alone enough to allow him to scrub at it.
“are you wearing eyeliner?” jason perks up, grimacing right in his face. never subtle nor ever caring to be.
steve shakes his head, his fingers trembling as he drops his bag on the bench, wondering if it’d be easier to just sprint out of here before tommy clocks on.
too fucking late.
tommy rounds the corner just as he takes off his shirt, a littering of violet markings scattered across his neck and collarbones. in any other circumstance, he’d show them off, be proud to be claimed by you.
but not now. not as tommy whistles, scoffing to himself, “holy shit, what’re you fucking a vampire or somethin’?” the quip leaving his lips before he has time to spot the dark rings around his eyes.
“fuck off,” steve retorts, pulling his jersey over his mop of hair, he’d had no time to style it this morning, treasuring his time with you instead.
“you wearing makeup?” tommy punches his shoulder, far heavier than steve could brush off as just playful banter, “my god, steve.. she’s turned you into a fucking queer,” his words snide and venomous.
a tongue so heavy and harsh, steve was genuinely surprised that that was the worst he’d said.
though it doesn’t lessen the sting, watching the locker room erupt into laughter at his expense.
tommy doesn’t deserve a reaction, knowing full well that any retaliation would end in a bloody nose and a busted lip.
everything was new to steve, being the laughed-at rather than the laugher. now he understands why eddie hated him, why robin wasn’t interested in friendship or why people seemed to turn the other way when he was coming.
it’s dreadful, the whirling nausea in his stomach and the flaming hot feel of his cheeks. nothing could’ve ever prepared him for being on the receiving end of tommy’s abuse.
he barges past, desperate to just get their mandated practice over with and get the hell away from them all.
he hadn’t understood it until now, how scared he must have made people feel, how dreadful he must have made their lives- your life.
and eddie’s.
steve didn’t deserve you at all, nor the kindness of your friends or your forgiveness for that matter. you deserved better, someone who wouldn’t get uneasy over eyeliner or kept you a secret for the first three months of your relationship.
steve knows now that he wasn’t ashamed of you, he was scared.
scared of tommy and his poisonous tongue, his teammates beady, judgemental eyes that saw him- saw you- as less than.
he can’t face you tonight, unworthy of your warm bed and gentle embrace. questioning whether he had the gall to ever face you again.
music thumps from below, showing no signs of stopping. a few months ago steve would have been right down there with them all, probably letting his mind wander back to you, just like it was doing now.
he doesn’t like being here much anymore, the boys were too loud, too boisterous for steve to settle properly. the smell of stale beer and shoddily rolled joints lingered in every room, miles apart from your cluttered yet tidy house
he misses your bed, with the clean blankets and the fresh sage and lavender you kept in vases around your room.
he misses you.
screw it.
if he wasn’t going to sleep well here, he might as well go back to where he belongs. shoving clothes into his bag without a second thought, he practically lived with you anyway, his own drawer full of clothes and other random shit he’d accrued.
the clock reads 1:31, you’d probably be asleep but he’ll try his luck either way, the spare key tucked under the doormat if you really didn’t answer.
sliding down the stairs and out of the door before anyone could notice him and poke fun at his co-dependency issues.
it was only a short walk to your place, one he’d done a thousand times by now. passing other students just getting back from the bar or the library, paying him no mind, not like they used to.
steve prefers it this way, without the notoriety that came with being tommy’s lapdog.
tommy upset a lot of people, so in their eyes, steve also upset a lot of people.
he supposes that’s fair, he’d never tried to intervene or stop tommy’s behaviour, a willing participant just by being there.
he’d got his comeuppance though, what with being shunned by his basketball teammates and now becoming bullied as opposed to the bully.
fortunately, there’s no time to stew on what his karmic punishment may be, sidling up the cracked path to your front door in record time.
much to his surprise your light is on upstairs, a faint orange glow from behind the curtain. it settled his raging heart to know you were only seconds away.
rapping his knuckles lightly against the door, hoping he’ll catch your attention and not robin’s. he could pelt pebbles at your window he supposes, truly old school romance. but he’s not sure how much you’ll appreciate that.
the thought is futile anyway, he can hear your feet shuffle and creep down the stairs, flickering the lights on as you go.
inching the door open to peer out, not expecting steve on the other side, “steve? what’re you doing here?” though you don’t sound angry, or even slightly annoyed for that matter. you look relieved that he’s here, after what was clearly a restless night for you too.
“sorry, i tried.. i missed you too much,” pathetically shrugging his shoulders, “-is that my shirt?” knowing full well that it was.
your head dips, becoming immediately bashful, “yeah, i missed you, i’m sorry,” pulling at the worn hem, weary eyed and full of sleep. “come in, it’s cold,” tugging him inside by the hand and locking the door behind him.
steve glances up the stairs, he knows the drill by now. traipsing after you like a little lost dog, he can’t help but let his eyes trail down to your thighs, his favourite tattoo of yours, a snake that wrapped around your leg peeks out from under his shirt.
“and my boxers?” reaching out to brush his hand over your thigh, resisting the urge to pinch and grope like he really wanted.
“sorry,” flashing a smile over your shoulder, “i told you i missed you,” hushed whispers as you pass robin’s room, her soft snores heard from the hallway.
“stop saying sorry, i like it,” he mutters, clicking the door closed. back in his domicile, a wave of comfort washing over him immediately.
“then good,” cradling his cold cheeks, “i’m glad you like it,” placing a soft, docile kiss on his lips, clutching onto his hip, desperate to keep him close after a torturous twelve hours apart.
steve hums in appreciation, relishing in the moment, wafts of coconut from your shampoo fill his nose as his chin settles on your head.
“i don’t think i like sleeping without you anymore,” he’s laughing but he’s deadly serious, he felt empty without you, like a piece of himself was missing.
there’d never been a time that steve had thought he’d become one of those unhealthy co-dependent people, but now he understands it completely. wanting to share your company constantly, missing your adoring touch and sarcastic jokes at his expense.
“mhm, you don’t have to,” swaying in the low light, where the edges of you are a little fuzzy but his brain is still too amped up to sleep.
“did i wake you up?” steve asks, lingering hands on your back before breaking apart.
you shake your head no, kicking your obnoxiously cliche bunny slippers off under the bed, “i couldn’t sleep.. something was missing but i’m not sure what,” cracking a smile, tucking yourself into the soft blankets.
ridding himself of his sweatshirt and jeans before crawling on in, right next to you. at peace once more, fatigue seeping through his veins.
“how was your day?” he asks, settling in to his rightful space.
your eyes roll back, “same old.. i passed that report i was worried about though, what about you? you look exhausted,” jutting out your bottom lip.
steve mumbles some half-assed response, something about a long day and being tired but you’re too wise to his tricks, tilting your head when he doesn’t answer your question.
“what happened?” settling into the bed next to him, “was it tommy again?” pulling the blanket tight around your shoulders, peeking inquisitively over the pillow.
steve hums, staring at the ceiling, “i forgot to take that makeup off last night,” shrugging, because to most it wasn’t a big deal but people like tommy and jason aren’t in the 90s like the rest of humanity.
“and they had a problem with that?” you ask, rather naively, because what other reaction would they have?
“mhm,” he nods, swallowing his hurt, “tommy said some shit.. brought you up, it’s just- stupid, they’re stupid,” not seeing the need to repeat what he had said verbatim but hopefully saying enough for you to understand.
he can’t see you though he can hear the blanket ruffle, “what’d he say?”
steve doesn’t want to repeat it. he’s said some stupid things throughout high school but that wasn’t him anymore.
“he.. he called me a- babe i don’t- i’m not saying it,” turning to face you, pleading with you to understand. “he said you made me.. gay, alright?”
your brow knits together, doubtful that it were just annoyance and not pure wrath, “what a fucking-,” stopping yourself from saying anything else, that wasn’t the intention, “did it upset you?”
steve contemplates for a second, truthfully, he hadn’t really been able to really articulate his feelings. he wasn’t upset that he’d been called that, more so upset that someone he once called a friend could think so little of him over eyeliner.
“i don’t know.. i’m not gay- i mean, i don’t have any problem with it, it’s just-,” he sighs, struggling to find the right words, “i dunno, he just said it so.. so angrily.. like it’d be the worst thing in the world if i was.”
you exhale, not meeting his eye, “tommy’s just.. jealous, he’s intimidated by anyone that isn’t like him,” a concentrated look settles on your face, “he doesn’t have a job or a girlfriend, i mean, he’s barely gonna graduate.. it’s no surprise he’s pissed off that you’ve grown up without him.”
it’s undeniably the truth, and yet it still hurts.
this stemmed from tommy’s inability to grow up, and his raging jealousy towards anyone who was actually comfortable enough to be themselves. steve knows what tommy said to you, visiting the bar where you work just to try and get into your pants behind his back.
he doesn’t hate you, he hates that you don’t care what he thinks of you. and neither does steve. anymore at least.
“you’re really good at this,” he snickers, reaching over to stroke your cheek, “i don’t say it enough but i really appreciate you.”
your smile creeps onto your lips, eyes creasing as it grows, “you say it, don’t worry,” leaning into his soft hand, “or you show me, at least,” feeling your smirk against his palm.
“oh yeah? how do i do that then?” letting his own lips quirk up.
“hmm lots of ways,” dismissing him with a shake of the head, “like when you kiss my head every morning before you leave orrr..” failing to turn this conversation around, “when you make me cum three times before even thinking about yourself.”
that was honestly just his duty as your boyfriend, your pleasure is paramount and seeing your eyes roll back and your thighs start to tremble meant the world.
his chuckle bellows, louder than intended. “i’ll always make sure you cum first, don’t worry,” gaze flickering back to the ceiling, contemplating his next words. “even when we’re old and gray,” he’d been thinking it for a while, you deserved to know too.
“oh?” yawning through your words, “are we going to get old and gray together then?” as if it weren’t a certainty.
steve hums, unsure of how much detail to divulge, “oh yeah, i’ve got this all planned out,” his tongue clicks against his teeth, “you just have to agree.”
you laugh sleepily, talking into the soft pillow at this point, “and you think you’re gonna tie me down?”
he pauses again, “hmm no, i know i’m gonna marry you,” waiting for your reaction to his outlandish claim, though it doesn’t come.
steve looks over, finding your eyes pressed shut and your mouth slightly open, soft snores floating out and into your room.
“goodnight then,” reaching over to press a gentle kiss to your forehead before flicking the lamp off and settling in.
he would die a happy man if he got to talk nonsense with you for even one more night.
eddie was hesitant to invite steve, it was his birthday after all. he understood, it’d take a while to earn his trust and respect, that was fair.
but you were insistent, pestering eddie until he crumbled and said steve could join you all at the bar. so long as he was nice and didn’t bring any trouble.
easy enough.
steve keeps with you mostly, trailing around after you like a lost puppy dog. fetching drinks and accompanying you to and from the bathroom. fulfilling any and all boyfriend duties.
“i’m just going to get another drink,” standing from the booth to shuffle over his legs, “stay here, i won’t be long,” patting his shoulder rather patronisingly.
oh no.
robin was in the bathroom, you were going and the two guys that eddie had arrived with were in a heated game of pool inside. leaving him no choice but to talk to him.
“you’ll be okay, won’t you?” already walking off, leaving him with really no other option but to make awkward small talk with eddie.
steve can sense how painfully awkward this was about to be, neither of them wanting to acknowledge the other without you here to mediate.
no doubt some cunning plan of yours to get them talking.
he determines that being the one to break the silence is the better move, clearing his throat before speaking, “so.. you having a nice birthday?”
“mhm,” short and curt, exactly as he expected. “i’m glad..” clearly struggling to be nice, “glad you could come,” his eyes flicker to the stone floor, “you’re not so bad, actually.”
steve almost falls out of his chair.
he doesn’t know what to say, eddie had never been so polite, “th-thank you,” eddie already thought of steve as a loser, he didn’t need to make it any worse.
eddie offers his cigarette carton out to steve, an olivia branch of peace or something. at least that was how steve saw it. it’d be rude not to take one.
“thanks,” he hums, lighting the cigarette himself before offering his lighter out.
it’s peaceful, and far less awkward than it had been just twenty minutes ago. maybe they could be friends, they had a common interest after all.
“you know i used to overcharge you for weed, right?” eddie chuckles, taking a drag of his cigarette, narrowed eyes focused on steve.
he just sighs because yes, you had explained in great detail that thirty dollars was nowhere near the correct price for a gram of weed. “yeah.. she told me,” smiling back through his embarrassment.
“sorry dude,” he shrugs, though it sounds completely insincere, “but you deserved it,” stubbing out the embers of his cigarette.
“yeah, that’s fair,” he’d done far worse, he’s sure.
just as they collapse into laughter, you and robin swan back through the door, carrying a tray of what looked like tequila.
“absolutely not,” eddie cries out, watching robin grin as you hand them out.
“it’s your birthday! don’t be so bor-“ interrupted as the door swings open again, a chorus of voices steve unfortunately recognised following suit.
tommy, and his new lackeys stumble in, catching sight of your little party immediately.
“this is sweet,” he mocks, “where was my invite, stevie? i thought we were best friends!” his tone patronising and his eyes narrow and dark, just as they were in the locker room.
steve doesnt meet his eye, his didn’t deserve that respect. “we should go..” finding your infuriated gaze instead, noticing your clenched jaw.
this wasn’t a fight worth having.
tommy’d win whatever happened.
“leaving so soon? but we just got here!” sneering at your silenced group, “c’mon man, where’s your hospitality?” swaggering over to the table, an overbearing grin that steve wants to wipe right off of his face.
he won’t. of course.
this is eddie’s birthday and tommy’s thoughtless stunts won’t get in the way of him becoming friends with your friends.
but eddie’s up before steve can do anything about it, fist drawn back until it quickly meets tommy’s nose, a loud crack and a guttural groan follows.
tommy grabs his nose, only to pull it back stained red, “what the fuck man!” staggering backwards like he didn’t deserve that and worse.
eddie turns, entirely unfazed by his actions, “i think we should go home,” finding each of your eyes. he didn’t look ashamed, or even slightly concerned about the blossoming bruises on his knuckles, instead, he was proud.
steve can’t sling his arm around him fast enough, stumbling out of the bar in sheer shock that that had really just happened. someone had finally shown tommy hagan up.
“thanks man,” steve mutters into his ear, watching as you and robin attempt to hail a cab.
eddie claps his hand against steve’s back, shaking his head slightly, “that wasn’t just for you,” his eyes trained on your back, “but her too.”
their shared affection for you had been their means to come together, steve can recognise that eddie only ever wanted what was best for you. and now he thinks that eddie might just see that he was worthy enough to be that.
#steve harrington#steve harrington fic#steve harrington smut#steve harrington angst#steve harrington x reader
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Beyond Plus Ultra! – The anatomy of falling in love
Chapter 10: A Legendary Showdown: Soobin vs. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
wc: 4075 words + texts

The manga shop was comfortably warm, almost a welcome escape from the oppressive heat outside. The old fan in the corner hummed, lazily pushing the air around, but it was doing little to stop the summer warmth from creeping in. Soobin was behind the counter, pretending to be deeply invested in sorting through the same stack of manga he had already arranged twice. In reality, he was just counting down the minutes until she arrived.
Y/N had texted him yesterday. She was coming.
That single piece of information had turned him into an absolute disaster. Not that he wasn’t already one, but now his thoughts were running at the speed of light. She was coming. On purpose. To see him –and probably buy manga, sure, but Soobin chose to ignore that technicality.
A loud crash from the back table startled him.
“Dude, are you serious?!” Sunghoon groaned, rubbing his forehead where a dice had been violently thrown. “That was a sneak attack, you little—”
Leehan shrugged, completely unapologetic. “You said you could dodge anything.”
“I meant in-game, not in real life!”
Hueningkai was too busy laughing to offer Sunghoon any sympathy. “I don’t know, man. That was a natural twenty right to your face.”
Soobin barely registered any of it. His hands were clammy, and he wiped them on his jeans for what felt like the hundredth time. How was he supposed to greet her? Act cool? Would she start talking first? Maybe he should just play dead.
The bell above the door jingled.
Oh god.
Y/N walked in, and Soobin was immediately doomed.
She looked effortlessly cool, as always. A loose blouse, a tiny silver necklace, and a tote bag slung over her shoulder. And next to her—
Soobin swallowed thickly. He wasn’t sure if that made this situation better or worse. Jungwon was one of the only people in Y/N’s friend group who actually acknowledged Soobin’s existence, he was the student body president after all. He had a weirdly perceptive look in his eyes, like he knew things. Dangerous things. Things that involved Soobin turning into a malfunctioning robot whenever Y/N was around.
“Hey,” Y/N said, stepping closer to the counter. Her gaze found his, warm and easy, like it wasn’t single-handedly destroying his entire nervous system. “Told you I’d be here.”
Soobin opened his mouth. Nothing came out.
Cool. Great start.
“She did,” Jungwon added, smirking slightly. “Pretty sure she even set an alarm.”
Soobin was still buffering.
Jungwon’s words barely registered because Y/N was standing there, looking too good for a casual manga shop visit, and Soobin had absolutely no plan for how to handle it.
She set an alarm?
To come here?
For a moment, all he could do was stare at her like she had just confessed a deep dark secret.
“I'm Jungwon, by the way” Jungwon introduced himself with a smirk, clearly very amused by the whole situation his best friend created.
Soobin, very much not good, cleared his throat and attempted to gather his scattered brain cells. “Yeah! Yes. I mean—I know, how could I not know! Well, you're the student body president. Uh… I'm Soobin.”
Jungwon snorted “Yeah I know, how could I not know?” he glanced in a suggestive way at Y/N.
Soobin was actively malfunctioning.
Luckily, the chaos at the back table saved him from further embarrassment.
���Bro, I swear to god—”
Soobin barely had time to register the warning before Sunghoon came barreling past the bookshelves, dodging imaginary attacks from Leehan, who was still rolling dice like his life depended on it.
“You can’t just roll dice at me and call it combat!” Sunghoon yelped, holding up his arms defensively.
Leehan, calm and composed, adjusted his glasses. “I believe you’ll find that in certain D&D homebrew campaigns, dice-throwing can be considered an offensive attack.”
Sunghoon shot him a glare. “Yeah? Well, I’d like to report you for dice abuse.”
Y/N laughed, and Soobin swore it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
It also had the unfortunate effect of making Sunghoon and Leehan notice her.
“Oh,” Sunghoon blinked, straightening. “You’re—”
“Y/N,” she introduced herself, shifting her tote bag higher on her shoulder. “And you must be Soobin’s very professional colleagues.”
Sunghoon smirked, clearly already loving her energy. “I like her. You can keep her, Soobin.”
Soobin choked. “What—? No—I—”
“I mean, technically, I invited myself,” Y/N mused, eyes twinkling. “But I do like the idea that Soobin has any control over this situation.”
Jungwon nodded seriously. “He doesn’t.”
Soobin shot him a betrayed look.
Leehan, ever the logical one, stepped forward, pushing his glasses up with an air of academic curiosity. “I assume you’re already acquainted with manga culture, but have you ever engaged in tabletop RPGs?”
Y/N tilted her head. “You mean like D&D?”
Hueningkai, who had been suspiciously quiet until now, perked up immediately. “OH! If you’re interested, I have a whole character sheet template I can send you! Also, a guide to class selection, a breakdown of optimal stat distributions, and a personal ranking of every spell in 5th Edition—”
Y/N blinked. “Wow. You’re… really prepared.”
Hueningkai beamed. “I just think it’s important to be thorough!”
Soobin sighed. “We created a monster.”
Y/N grinned. “I admire the commitment. I might have to take you up on that.”
Hueningkai’s entire face lit up. “Really? I could help you build a character! I have a whole system based on personality archetypes and—”
Leehan clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Kai, you’re at a ten, and we need you at a five.”
Hueningkai deflated slightly but still looked thrilled at the idea that Y/N might actually want to join a campaign.
Jungwon, still watching all of this with pure amusement, crossed his arms.
He had known Y/N for years—long enough to predict her every move, long enough to know exactly when she was genuinely enjoying herself and when she was just being nice.
And right now?
Right now, she looked genuinely, stupidly happy to be sitting here, talking to Soobin and his nerdy little cult.
Jungwon smirked, leaning against the counter. “Wow,” he mused, “you’re really enjoying this, huh?”
Y/N glanced at him, grinning. “Obviously. This is fun.”
Soobin, who had been trying to recover from the last ten minutes of social chaos, nearly fell over.
Fun? This?
The disorganized nonsense that was his entire social life?
Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. “Okay, hold on. You actually think we are fun?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. Why? You don’t?”
Leehan adjusted his glasses, looking at her like she had just claimed the Earth was flat. “From a statistical perspective, it is unlikely that someone with your social affiliations would actively enjoy sitting in a manga shop with a group of individuals who spent the last thirty minutes debating whether elves or tieflings make better rogues.”
There was a pause.
Jungwon blinked. “Dude. What did any of that mean?”
Hueningkai turned to Leehan, eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Wait, what’s the probability of her liking us?”
Leehan thought for a second, then nodded. “Low.”
Jungwon burst out laughing. “Wow. Brutal.”
Y/N tilted her head. “But it’s happening, so wouldn’t that make it a hundred percent?”
Leehan blinked. “…Huh.”
Sunghoon smirked. “Damn. She got you there, bro.”
Y/N turned to him, eyes twinkling. “So what about you? What's your deal Sunghoon?”
Sunghoon cracked his knuckles. “I'm the most well-adjusted person in this group”
Soobin immediately choked on air.
Leehan snorted. “You’re kidding, right?”
Sunghoon frowned. “Excuse me?”
Hueningkai clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Hoon, you had a phase where you spoke exclusively in riddles for two months.”
Sunghoon gave in “Alright, alright! That was a social experiment. But I do have two main pillars of personality.”
Hueningkai held up a finger. “He is basically made of horror movies and ice skating.”
Sunghoon nodded proudly. “Exactly. Two equally important, equally dramatic worlds.”
Jungwon raised an eyebrow. “That’s a weird combination.”
Sunghoon shrugged. “Is it? I mean, if you think about it, both involve extreme precision and sudden death.”
Y/N, completely unfazed, nodded. “That’s fair.”
Soobin’s jaw dropped. “You’re agreeing with him?”
“Of course,” Y/N said, completely serious. “Have you seen the falls figure skaters take? It’s basically Final Destination on ice.”
Sunghoon grinned. “You get it.”
Hueningkai sighed dramatically.
Sunghoon continued “Y/N, please tell me you have a favorite horror movie. I need this information for research purposes.”
Y/N pretended to think. “Hmm… I could go classic and say The Thing.”
Hueningkai gasped. “Oh, she’s good.”
“Or I could be controversial and say Hereditary is overhyped.”
Sunghoon placed a hand over his heart. “Oh my god, I think I love you.”
Soobin choked. “SUNGHOON.”
He only shrugged. “What? It’s a perfectly normal response to finding someone with good taste.”
Leehan pointed at Y/N. “Okay, real test: if you had to survive a horror movie, which one would you choose?”
Y/N grinned. “Easy. Shaun of the Dead.”
Sunghoon slammed his hands on the table. “YES.”
Hueningkai snorted. “Oh my god, he’s imprinted on her.”
Jungwon frowned. “Wait, let's go back for a minute. Like, do you do ice skating like, professionally?”
Sunghoon crossed his arms. “Yes. I have dedicated my life to the ice.”
Y/N grinned. “That’s so sick.”
Sunghoon nodded. “Yeah. It’s basically anime in real life.”
Leehan sighed. “You cannot compare real-world physics to anime physics.”
Sunghoon scoffed. “Okay, but have you seen Yuzuru Hanyu jump? That man has Goku energy.”
Hueningkai nodded seriously. “I once saw a video of him mid-spin, and he fully left this dimension.”
Soobin put his face in his hands. “Oh my God.”
Leehan glanced at him. “What Soobin? Would you prefer Taehyun being here and showing all his ‘cool’ magic tricks?”
Jungwon gasped. “Taehyun? As in Kang Taehyun?”
“The very same” Hueningkai began “He saw a video of Chris Angel when he was 11 and his whole life changed. The video was like his own personal Hogwarts letter”.
Sunghoon nodded. “Yeah. He is a wizard”.
Leehan adjusted his glasses. “When you say it like that, statistically speaking, I am the most normal one here.”
Sunghoon scoffed. “Bro. You spent an hour last week explaining how fish communicate through electrical pulses. TO A WAITER!”
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “Wait, really? That’s sick.”
Leehan matched her enthusiasm “Yeah I know!”
Y/N continued. “Do you study fish?”
Leehan, perking up immediately, straightened his posture. “I am a marine biology major. My primary focus is aquatic life, and my secondary focus is educating those who are ignorant of its wonders.”
Sunghoon sighed. “Here we go.”
Y/N grinned. “Educate me.”
Leehan’s eyes lit up. “Did you know that a group of goldfish is called a ‘troubling’?”
Y/N gasped. “Wait, really? That’s so dramatic.”
“Yes. But not as dramatic as mantis shrimp, who can punch at speeds so fast they boil the water around them.”
Hueningkai clapped. “FISH FACTS! FISH FACTS!”
Soobin, who had been suffering in silence, pinched the bridge of his nose. “Don’t encourage him.”
Y/N, completely entertained, ignored him. “Give me another one.”
Leehan nodded. “Did you know that sharks existed before trees?”
Y/N and Jungwon gasped. “NO WAY.”
“Yes,” Leehan confirmed. “They are one of the oldest surviving species. Evolutionarily speaking, they are perfect.”
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “Soobin, control your fish man.”
Soobin, exhausted, sighed. “You think I can?”
Y/N, thoroughly entertained, turned to Hueningkai. “Okay, what about you?”
Hueningkai brightened immediately. “Oh! I’m a simple man, really, I love tabletop RPGs, Star Wars, pandas, and I have a spreadsheet ranking every single Pokémon by battle efficiency.”
Jungwon blinked. “Every single one?”
“Every. Single. One.”
Y/N gasped. “Do you have a tier list?”
Hueningkai grinned. “Oh, absolutely. Want me to send it to you?”
Y/N, delighted by his enthusiasm, nodded. “Yes. Immediately.”
Soobin, watching this unfold, was still struggling to grasp reality.
Because here was Y/N—his crush, his beautiful, confident, way-out-of-his-league crush—sitting here, completely at ease, fully engaged in a heated discussion about Pokémon stats with Hueningkai like it was the most natural thing in the world.
And Soobin?
Soobin was falling apart.
He had already accepted that he liked her—had already spent far too many nights staring at the ceiling, thinking about her laugh, the way she spoke, the way she looked at him like he was actually someone worth looking at. But this? This was different.
Because Y/N wasn’t just laughing along to be polite. She wasn’t just humoring his friends.
She was fully involved, meeting Hueningkai’s nerdy enthusiasm with equal energy, debating stats, mentioning battle strategies, keeping up in a way no one outside their group ever did.
She fit.
And that scared the hell out of him.
Soobin had spent his entire life separated from people like her—people who belonged in bright places, surrounded by crowds, effortlessly making friends wherever they went. And he?
He had always been comfortable in the background, just being there.
But Y/N…
Y/N made him want.
Want to sit closer. Want to talk to her for hours. Want to believe—just for a second—that maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t too far away after all.
But that was ridiculous.
Because Y/N wasn’t like him.
And yet, here she was—laughing at Hueningkai’s ridiculous Pokémon rankings, arguing with Leehan about the science behind fish migration, teasing Sunghoon about his horror movie knowledge like she had been part of their group for years.
Soobin’s chest ached.
Because he knew—deep in his bones—that this wasn’t just a crush anymore.
It was something bigger. Something dangerous.
Something he had absolutely no idea how to handle.
Jungwon, clearly noticing Soobin’s internal suffering, smirked. “You okay over there, buddy?”
Soobin glared. “I’m fine.”
Jungwon nodded, fake sympathy written all over his face. “Yeah, yeah. You’re totally holding it together.”
Soobin looked away. He was not holding it together.
Jungwon, for his turn, was having fun, despite having officially entered another dimension.
One moment, he was just tagging along with Y/N in order to support her on the difficult task of asking Soobin to Jay's party. The next?
He was witnessing the nerdiest conversation known to mankind.
And the worst part?
Y/N was keeping up. Big time.
“I still can’t believe you know that the smallest adult fish is a Goby,” Leehan was saying, shaking his head in absolute disbelief.
Y/N grinned. “Please. I grew up watching Blue Planet. Attenborough taught me well.”
Leehan visibly lit up. “A woman of culture.”
Hueningkai gasped. “Wait. If you watched Blue Planet, then you must know about—”
“THE SARCOPHAGUS FISH.” Y/N and Leehan said at the same time.
Soobin immediately face-palmed.
Sunghoon, adjusting his chair like he was getting comfortable, crossed his arms. “I would like to officially state that this conversation is going in a direction I respect.”
Jungwon, meanwhile, was just sitting there, entirely lost. “I’m sorry. The what fish?”
Leehan, looking dead serious, leaned in. “The sarcophagus fish. A terrifying deep-sea creature that literally eats the bones of dead whales that sink to the ocean floor.”
Jungwon blinked. “Okay, but why do you know that?”
Leehan scoffed. “Why do you not know that?”
Jungwon opened his mouth, then closed it. He had no response.
Y/N, meanwhile, was completely in her element. “Honestly, the deep sea is basically cosmic horror, just underwater.”
Sunghoon nodded approvingly. “Okay, she gets it.”
Jungwon turned to Y/N, narrowing his eyes. “Since when are you this much of a nerd?”
Y/N gasped, placing a dramatic hand on her chest. “Excuse me? I’ve always been a nerd. I just hide it better than most.”
Hueningkai nodded wisely. “She’s one of us.”
Leehan adjusted his glasses. “And what else do you hide, Y/N? Any niche obsessions we should know about?”
Y/N smirked. “Oh, I have plenty.”
Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? Hit us with one.”
Y/N leaned forward, eyes glinting mischievously. “How emotionally stable are you?”
Leehan, unfazed, answered, “I once watched a documentary about orcas hunting seals for sport and didn’t blink.”
Hueningkai grimaced. “That’s concerning.”
Sunghoon shrugged. “I cry at Your Name every time.”
Y/N grinned. “Alright. Let’s talk about Clannad: After Story.”
The reaction was instant.
Hueningkai let out a strangled wheeze. “OH GOD—”
Sunghoon groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “You’re EVIL.”
Jungwon blinked. “Wait. What’s Clannad?”
Hueningkai pointed at him dramatically. “DON’T WATCH IT. IT WILL RUIN YOU.”
Sunghoon shook his head. “You ever just watch an anime that makes you question why you exist? Clannad does that.”
Hueningkai shuddered. “Nagisa deserved better.”
Y/N nodded solemnly. “Tomoya deserved better.”
Soobin, who had been silent for too long, finally spoke. “The Dango Daikazoku song still haunts me.”
Y/N immediately whipped around to face him. “THANK YOU.”
Soobin, feeling strangely accomplished, smirked. “That song plays and suddenly, I have tears in my eyes.”
Y/N clutched her chest. “Right?? It’s like an automatic pain response.”
Leehan, watching Y/N and Soobin go back and forth, tilted his head slightly. There was an ease in their conversation—a rhythm that felt practiced but wasn’t forced. Like they had been doing this for much longer than they actually had.
Leehan blinked at that. He wasn’t the type to overanalyze social interactions—unless, of course, something stood out. And right now?
Right now, Soobin looked different.
Sunghoon, pretending to fiddle with a dice in his hand, noticed it too. The way Soobin softened just slightly when he looked at Y/N, the way his voice took on a tone Sunghoon had never heard before.
There was something very obvious happening here.
And yet, no one said a word.
“Alright,” Leehan said, shifting gears, “I assume you’ve seen Made in Abyss?”
Y/N’s entire expression darkened. “I don’t talk about Made in Abyss.”
Soobin nodded grimly. “That anime isn’t a show. It’s a threat.”
Hueningkai shivered. “The stuff of nightmares.”
Leehan sighed. “Ah. The most devastating film ever created.”
Y/N locked eyes with Soobin again, the same understanding passing between them like they had lived through war together.
Jungwon smirked.
Hueningkai observed them quietly, biting his lip to stop himself from smiling.
Leehan hummed, mentally filing away this new information.
Sunghoon just leaned back in his chair, watching them like he was watching a particularly interesting horror movie plot unfold.
Soobin, either oblivious or in deep denial, ran a hand through his hair. “Okay, Y/N, if you had to pick one anime that ruined you forever, what would it be?”
Y/N answered instantly. “Grave of the Fireflies.”
The table fell silent.
Hueningkai covered his mouth. “Oh.”
Sunghoon muttered, “Okay, that’s certainly not an anime. That’s trauma.”
Leehan nodded. “Ah. The most devastating film ever created.”
Soobin, watching Y/N with new levels of admiration, felt his heart skip a beat.
It wasn’t just that she liked anime. It wasn’t just that she could hold her own in nerd-level discussions about Pokémon and existential horror.
It was that she got it.
She got all of it.
And Soobin had never met anyone like that before.
“You know…” Soobin said, tilting his head. “You’re kind of ridiculous.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
Soobin shrugged. “For looking like you belong in some magazine cover, but actually being a complete nerd.”
Y/N grinned. “Like I said. I hide it well.”
“Yeah you do” Soobin replied
Sunghoon looked between them, narrowing his eyes.
Hueningkai subtly glanced at Leehan, who was already making calculations in his head.
The chemistry between Soobin and Y/N was so obvious it was almost comical.
But none of them pointed it out. Not yet.
Y/N grinned. “You sound impressed.”
Soobin met her gaze, warmth spreading in his chest. “I am.”
Sunghoon fake gagged. “Oh my god, Soobin, did you just flirt?”
Soobin choked. “I wasn’t—”
Y/N, completely unfazed, smirked at Sunghoon. “Oh? You can dish it out but can’t handle it?”
Hueningkai snickered. “Sunghoon, you just got Uno-reversed.”
Sunghoon grumbled, crossing his arms. “Whatever.”
Jungwon leaned forward, resting his chin in his hand, and smirked. “So… Y/N.”
Y/N, still enjoying Sunghoon’s suffering, barely looked at him. “Yeah?”
Jungwon tilted his head, his expression far too knowing. “Are you gonna invite them to Jay’s party, or do I have to do it for you?”
Y/N froze.
She had thought about it, of course. She had thought about it from the second she realized how much she actually liked hanging out with them. But saying it out loud? Actually inviting them? That was different.
Because what if they said no?
What if she had completely misread everything—what if they were just being nice to her, entertaining her presence like some kind of strange social experiment?
She liked them.
She liked all of them—their chaotic conversations, their stupid jokes, the way they made everything feel like some kind of unhinged fever dream.
But more than anything, she liked Soobin.
And this was his world.
His friends.
If they didn’t want to go, if they didn’t want her there, then maybe she had been too forward this whole time.
“I was going to invite them eventually,” Y/N muttered, pushing down the nerves creeping up her spine.
Jungwon chuckled. “Sure you were.”
“No but seriously, you guys should come to the party next weekend.”
Hueningkai blinked. “I’m sorry. We should what?”
Leehan pushed up his glasses. “Did you say party? As in… a real one?”
Sunghoon narrowed his eyes. “With… people?”
Y/N smirked, already amused. “Yes, Sunghoon. A party. With people.”
Soobin’s entire brain short-circuited.
He had barely been keeping it together during this entire interaction, but now? Now he was fully spiraling.
Because this wasn’t just Y/N casually hanging out at the shop.
This was Y/N reaching for them.
And, if he wasn’t losing his mind, reaching for him.
Hueningkai frowned, turning to his friends. “Okay, what’s the protocol here? Do we accept? Do we reject? Do we need a training montage?”
Sunghoon looked genuinely concerned. “I feel like this is a setup. Like we’re being pranked.”
Leehan, ever the scientist, tilted his head. “I would like to formally request more data. What does this party entail?”
Y/N, pretending not to be internally screaming, kept her voice light. “Food, music, people hanging out, some drinking, but nothing crazy. Just a big summer party.” She tilted her head. “You’ve seriously never been to one?”
Hueningkai whispered, “I don’t think we were meant to.”
Leehan nodded. “Statistically, the probability of us attending such an event was previously nonexistent.”
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. “Well, consider the probability changed.”
Sunghoon raised a hand. “Wait, wait. Let’s back up. Why would we go to a party thrown by one of the most popular guys on campus?”
Jungwon smirked playfully “Did you hear? We are the most popular people on campus.”
Y/N shrugged, keeping it smooth. “You should go because I said so.”
Hueningkai’s eyes widened. “That’s… a compelling argument.”
Sunghoon scoffed. “Okay, but what’s in it for you?”
Y/N, without missing a beat, met Soobin’s gaze.
That hesitation, so small no one else noticed—except Soobin did.
She wanted him there.
Not just them. Him.
Soobin swallowed hard.
Y/N, casually brushing past it, leaned back and stretched. “It’d be fun. And, honestly, I wanna see how you guys act in the wild.”
Hueningkai gasped. “We’re like science experiments to you??”
Y/N grinned. “Oh, absolutely.”
Sunghoon sighed dramatically. “Great. We’re a project.”
Leehan adjusted his glasses. “You do realize the moment we arrive at this party, we will immediately bring down the overall cool factor.”
Y/N laughed. “I’m willing to take that risk.”
Hueningkai frowned. “Okay, but how do we actually… party?”
Jungwon snorted. “Oh, this is gonna be good.”
Sunghoon sighed, accepting his fate. “Fine. I’ll go.”
Hueningkai hesitated, then nodded. “Yeah, I mean… it could be fun?”
Leehan exhaled. “I already know I’m going to regret this.”
And Soobin?
Soobin, who had been trying to pretend like this wasn’t a personal attack on his sanity, had no choice but to go along with it.
Because, statistically speaking?
There was zero chance he was saying no to Y/N.

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profiles: d&d saturday mass group | bling bling losers
author's note: HI!!! okay so here’s a loooong update i hope you guys enjoy it! any thoughts on what’s gonna happen next? thank you so much <33 also i made a playlist for Beyond Plus Ultra! – The anatomy of falling in love, you guys can check it out here if you want hehe
taglist: @heejamas @mingyustar @wintereals @mimimiloomeelomi @wonderstrucktae @delirioastral @gomdoleemyson @i03jae @irishspringing @bunniwords @kirbrary @sirenla @saladgirl @beomieeeeeeeeeeees @uvyuri @imlonelydontsendhelp @haechology @sanriwoozzz @stormy1408 @soobinieswife @ijustwannareadstuff20 @soobskz @jkeydiary @imnotsureokay @nyanzzn @lostgirlysstuff @lilbrorufr @beomgyusluver@lveegsoi @pagesoobinie @catpjimin @t-102
#txt au#txt#txt fluff#txt x reader#soobin#choi soobin#txt x female reader#txt smau#soobin smau#soobin x reader#soobin x you#txt fake texts#txt imagines#soobin imagines
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Author's note:
hello! this is a part ii of 'what a fool'
i would like to clarify, i'm used to writing angst so probably most of my stories are gonna be angst and underlining that this is just a story! also, for a reference go watch Sidemen video 'Do all the Sidemen think the same' Heated edition.
content warnings: angst, swearing and fluff!
i'm sorry if there are some mistakes because English is not my first language. Please do not copy my story to other platform. I worked so hard on this.
btw, enjoy!
It’s been three months since the great tragedy in Greece, and Y/N was still having a hard time going to work. Seeing Harry at every shoot—and trying to avoid him—was pure hell for her.
James, your best friend and the only person who knew about what had happened, helped you during shoots. Well, at least for a month.
Josh had picked up on your behavior—going home quickly after shoots, avoiding being in the same room as the boys since Harry would be there, and skipping pub hangouts. Before Greece, you were always up for a night out with them.
Noticing the change, Josh asked Y/N for a one-on-one meeting. You finally told him what had happened in Greece. He understood and assured you that he wouldn’t tell anyone. Instead, he offered to personally organize your work schedule.
Overwhelmed with gratitude, you sobbed, thankful for him—because that meant you could still keep your job.
And of course, Tobi noticed your bloodshot eyes during one of the shoots and asked James about you. However, since James was terrible at lying—and because he trusted Tobi the most out of all the boys—he ended up telling him the truth.
Y/N was mad at James for a little while but eventually understood his reasoning. In the end, she decided to tell Tobi everything herself. He listened to her story and gave her some great advice.
Harry on the other hand was acting nonchalant whenever Y/N was on the set. He tried to talked to her once but when he had the time, she was already gone. Harry didn't want to approached James as he was scared James was gonna yelled at him.
Y/N trusted Tobi and Josh. They had made things easier for her—especially during the Cheap vs Expensive shoots. Josh arranged for her to be the camerawoman for the other team, keeping her away from Harry.
She was so grateful to them.
Well, until today.
Y/N was on set, prepping for the final MoreSidemen shoot. It had been a long day, especially since Simon had planned six videos to be filmed in one day. While the boys were in the break room, the production crew was busy setting up.
You, Kon, and James were discussing camera placement for the last video of the day and who would be operating which camera. In the end, you and James were assigned to the main camera.
You sighed as James gave you an apologetic look.
“You good?” he asked as you tied your hair into a messy bun. You nodded, trying not to let your emotions show. Operating the main camera meant you’d have to look at Harry.
“It’s just been a long day. I hope this last video runs smoothly,” you said, hoping for the best.
James studied your face. Ever since Greece, he could sense a change in you—like you were more guarded. He didn’t like it. He wished he could do something to help.
But he couldn’t.
“Are we ready to start?” Simon asked.
Both you and James nodded in response.
“Yes, boss. Everything is ready. We can start now,” you replied.
Simon went to gather the boys. As they passed by, you tried to look busy, helping James adjust the camera. But little did you know, a certain blonde boy had been stealing glances at you the whole time.
“Welcome back to Sidemen: Agree or Disagree!” Vik announced.
Harry and Ethan cheered, yelling, “Yay!” as the rest of the boys clapped.
“Alright, first question, please! Let’s get right to it,” Vik said, turning to Fin to read it out loud.
“People should be required to pass a parenting test before having kids,” Fin read aloud.
Immediately, the boys began discussing and arguing, splitting into agree and disagree sides.
You and James giggled quietly, amused that they were already so fired up over just the first statement.
Y/N noticed that Harry, JJ, Tobi, and Vik sided with agree, while Ethan, Josh, and Simon leaned toward disagree. You tried not to be judgmental, respecting both perspectives—though, deep down, you found yourself siding with Ethan, Josh, and Simon just a little bit.
After the boys settled their argument, Fin read the next statement.
“I could survive in the wild for a month,” he announced.
“Can we get, uh—can’t we get, uh—what’s… what’s the wild?” Simon asked.
You instinctively zoomed in on him with the camera.
Fin clarified, “A forest in the United Kingdom, with no civilization for about eight miles.”
With that, he began the countdown, and the boys scattered between Agree and Disagree.
Josh and Harry confidently stood in Agree, while JJ, Tobi, Simon, Ethan, and Vik went to Disagree.
The discussion quickly turned into a debate, with the usual back-and-forth. Then, out of nowhere, Vik switched to Agree.
“Absolutely not!” Simon exclaimed, pointing at Vik in disbelief.
Tobi and Ethan immediately chimed in, fueling the argument further.
Watching the chaos unfold, you and James couldn’t help but laugh. You remembered so clearly—the Sidemen Camping video. It was pure hell.
You also remembered how attractive Harry looked that day—the way he was completely unbothered by the rain, effortlessly chopping wood with an axe. And then, as if the universe was testing you, he suddenly took off his t-shirt, going completely topless because it was soaked through.
Oh, you had definitely rewatched the edits on TikTok more times than you’d admit—secretly agreeing with most of the fangirls.
As the boys argued, Harry kept stealing glances in your direction. James noticed but decided to brush it off—after all, both of you were operating the main camera. 'He’s probably just looking at the camera' James thought.
Meanwhile, Harry defended his stance, explaining exactly how he would survive in the wild. Midway through, he shifted from Slightly Agree to Agree, prompting the boys to reset their positions once again.
“It is acceptable to sleep with work colleagues,” Fin stated the next query, making your eyes go wide. Who the fuck came up with these questions? You hid your face behind the camera, feeling James beside you, just as shocked. Noticing your tension, James saw your jaw clench.
“What do you mean?” Josh asked Fin.
“Have sexual intercourse with people you work with,” he replied.
You glanced at Harry, who was looking down, avoiding your gaze, while Tobi crossed his arms, trying to hide his emotions. You hated being in this situation, yet you couldn’t run away—you had to remain professional.
The seven Sidemen began taking their positions between Agree and Disagree as your gaze followed Harry. He was still looking at the floor, trying to avoid everyone’s eyes—especially yours—until he finally glanced up and saw you across the room. After a brief hesitation, he walked over to Agree, joining Simon and Josh, who stood at 'Definitely Agree.' Meanwhile, Ethan, Vik, and JJ positioned themselves at Disagree, while Tobi slowly made his way toward Agree.
You and James glanced at each other, trying to act as if nothing had happened.
“I really want to stay in the middle, man,” Ethan said to Josh and Simon.
“What do you mean, disagree? I mean, if your work allows it,” Simon argued.“Actually, yeah…” JJ muttered, starting to walk over to Agree, while Ethan remained hesitant.
“If the work allows it,” Simon repeated, but Ethan still looked uncertain.
“You know what, actually—it depends on the company. If you’re working at a massive bank” Harry chimed in, glancing at you.
You caught his gaze but quickly looked away, trying to avoid his stare. As the boys’ debate grew more intense, you felt suffocated, struggling to hold back your tears.
“I’m going to the toilet,” you whispered to James, who only nodded, watching as you quietly slipped away, not wanting to make a scene.
While the boys were still arguing about the prompt, Harry noticed your figure slipping away. A wave of frustration hit him—frustration at himself. Why couldn’t he just tell you the truth? That he did remember that night in Greece. The talking, the holding hands, the dancing and the kiss.
It was the night he finally got the girl he had a crush on.
As they watched you leave, Josh and Tobi exchanged a knowing look. They both understood why you had left—after all, they had discussed the situation privately. Josh sighed, while Tobi shrugged sadly.
Harry, oblivious to their silent exchange, suddenly found the courage to go after you.
“C-Can we cut for a minute?” he asked Fin and the boys.
“Sure, mate,” they all responded, allowing him to leave.
Without hesitation, he took off after you.
Josh and Tobi were surprised by the youngest Sideman’s sudden action, yet they couldn’t help but feel proud. 'At least he’s finally going to talk to her' Josh thought.
James, also caught off guard, felt a sense of relief.
They needed closure.
Y/N leaned against the sink, trying to compose herself. You put your hands on your face and started to cry, feeling suffocated as your chest tightened—until you heard a knock on the bathroom door.
“Go away, James,” you sniffled, your hands still covering your face.
“Actually, it’s me,” Harry said softly. His presence surprised you, leaving you unsure whether to let him in or not.
“I’m not going anywhere until you open the door,” he added, as if reading your mind. You sighed.
Y/N opened the bathroom door, allowing Harry to step inside as you grabbed a tissue.
“What do you want, Harry?” you asked, avoiding his eyes. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him—not in this state.
Harry gazed at you, guilt written all over his face. He knew he was the reason you felt this way.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Great! Never felt better,” you replied, rolling your eyes before finally meeting his gaze.
His tired expression and the guilt in his eyes were undeniable. Yet, despite everything, you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he looked.
‘Why does he have to be this beautiful?’ you thought, but you quickly shook your head, trying to push those thoughts away.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I do remember that night. B-but I—I was scared. I was scared of losing you as a friend, a-and I don’t know…” he trailed off as you waited for his next words.
“I feel like you’re this gorgeous girl, and I don’t deserve you. A-and I feel intimidated by your relationship with James as well. That night… I remember everything. I remember your laugh, your warm hugs, your smile, your touch, and your kiss. I’m just… a-a coward,” he admitted.
“I am so, so sorry, Y/N,” he whispered, reaching for your hands. You didn’t pull away, which, for Harry, was a small relief.
“Why didn’t you say anything before, Harry? Why now?” you asked quietly.
The blonde boy shrugged. “At first, I thought it would be weird because we work together… and I’m technically your boss,” he replied.
You let out a small chuckle at his statement.
“But after coming back to London, going back to work, and seeing you again… it just made it harder to ignore my feelings for you,” he admitted.
Your heart thumped. Did he just confess his feelings? you thought.
“Yes, I just confessed my feelings for you,” he said with a smile, stepping closer to you.
“Stop reading my mind, boss,” you giggled, not stopping him from closing the distance between you.
“I forgive you,” you continued, “but it’s going to take some time for me to fully let you in. And you have a lot of dates to convince me.”
Harry grinned. “Okay. Dinner tonight?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes.” Then, without thinking, you pulled him into a hug.
“Lots of dinners,” you giggled against his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around you.
"I’m sorry I was a jerk,” he murmured, resting his head on top of yours.
You nodded and looked up at him. “A cute jerk, though,” you teased.
He chuckled, his gaze soft as he wiped the lingering tears from your cheeks. Slowly, he leaned in.
Your heart raced as you closed the distance, pressing your lips against his—those soft lips you had missed so much.
When you finally pulled apart, both of you grinned.
“Come on, let’s get out of here. They’re probably looking for you, boss,” you said, pulling him along.
“Yeah, let’s go. By the way, it smells in here… did you poop before I came in?” he joked.
You gasped and slapped his arm. “I did not!” you exclaimed.
He laughed as the two of you walked out together, hand in hand.
As the two of you stepped out, you froze. Standing not too far from the exit were all the Sidemen boys, James, Kon, and John.
You and Harry exchanged a glance before looking back at them.
Suddenly, they all started clapping, while JJ stood there, completely confused.
“Finally!” Josh, Simon, Tobi, and Ethan exclaimed in unison.
“Did you guys make up?” James asked hopefully.
“Did I miss something?” JJ asked, still confused.
Both of you laughed at their reactions before nodding at James, who immediately pulled you both into a hug.
“Thank God!” he exclaimed before letting go.
“I couldn’t stand watching you two any longer,” Ethan chimed in. “One of you had the ‘I want to murder you’ look, and the other had the ‘I love you, please forgive me’ look.”
Everyone chuckled at his comment.
"We’re good now, guys. Josh, you don’t have to schedule me separately anymore,” you said.
Harry gasped. “Wait… is that why I never saw you on my team?”
You nodded, giggling, while Josh raised his hands in surrender. “I neither confirm nor deny,” he replied, not wanting to argue with the youngest Sideman.
“Oi! Who else knew?” Harry asked, turning to Josh, who was already walking back to the set to finish the video.
“I knew, Bog. She told me,” Tobi chuckled, grabbing Harry by the shoulder and ruffling his hair.
Simon and Ethan’s eyes went wide as they gasped in unison.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” they both exclaimed.
You shrugged. “Simon, because you weren’t observant enough. And Ethan, because you were too close to Harry.”
Both of them mumbled, “Fair.”
With that, all of you headed back to the set. As you walked, Harry grabbed your hand and smiled at you, and you smiled back.
“Let’s finish this video, okay? I’m starving,” he said.
You nodded as he let go and returned to his position, ready to wrap things up.
Okay, are we ready? Next statement,” Finn said as the boys took their positions.
Across the room, Harry looked at you and smiled. You smiled back, feeling a sense of relief—you finally had the closure you needed.
After all, that was all either of you ever needed.
Author's note:
Thank you so much for reading these fics guys! I would like to thanked @sdmnpact for encouraging me to write again and I did said it was going to be 3 parts but I thought, 2 parts are okay.
And I did gave you the happy ending and I think it is well deserve.
I will write more Harry fics and probably gonna start about George as well but stay tune!
#harry lewis#harry lewis imagine#harry lewis x reader#harry lewis fic#harry lewis and reader#harry lewis x yn#sidemen imagine#sidemen#george clarke#imagines
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his loss
– pairing | wanda x kid/daughter reader
– synopsis | you're wandas kid/daughter from a previous relationship. today you can't help but wonder why you weren't enough for your father to stay. mama wanda comes to the rescue.
– warnings | depression, self harm (nothing too graphic), blood, hateful thoughts, fluff
– word count | 855
– you're not alone. if you ever need to talk, my dm's and asks are open. you're more than enough.

You know those days where you feel really good, life is great and you’re on top of the world and then suddenly it hits you that it was too good to be true and everything falls apart? This is how you’re feeling these past few weeks. Depression consumes your entire being, it hits when you least expect it.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You have been clean for 11 months. You had ups and downs but you stayed strong for the sake of your mom. She’s your best friend and your everything. She found out you were hurting yourself when you were only 13. She was devastated but after a lot of talk, you both decided it was best for you to go to therapy, and you have been going ever since.
Tonight your mom was out doing grocery shopping, meaning you were alone in the house just waiting for her to come back. You looked at the calendar and noticed that today, a few years back, you had seen your father for the last time. You were little, you could barely remember him at all, but deep inside you missed him, you longed for a connection with him. It hurt when you saw other kids growing up with their dads around, you wished you were in their place. Not that you didn’t love your mom, it’s the complete opposite; you just couldn’t understand why you still felt this way towards him after so many years.
You were starting to feel a little anxious, thinking why he left you. Did he ever want you? Weren’t you good enough for him? Were you a mistake? Every bad thought that could possibly exist was running through your head. You needed a relief. You knew your mom would get mad but that’s the least of your worries right now.
You went to the bathroom and started looking for the little hidden place where you keep your blade. You didn’t care about the pain or the mess you were doing; you just wanted relief. The physical pain couldn’t even compare to the mental turmoil you experience every day.
It was like time stopped. You heard a knock on your door, pulling you out of your trance and making you panic. You didn’t have the energy to even try and clean everything up, you just stayed on the floor, waiting for your mom to find you in that state. “I’m in the bathroom, mama!” You yelled, hoping she would hear it, you didn’t want to delay the inevitable.
Wanda enters the bathroom and her smile fades, you can see the tears in her eyes making you feel worse than you already are. “I-I’m sorry mama. I t-tried, I really did.” You started sobbing and Wanda didn’t hesitate to run to your aid. “Shh, I know baby. I know, it’s okay.” She whispers while pulling you into her lap, cradling you like a baby. She was talking but you were too focused on the way she was brushing your hair and the way she was rubbing your back in a soothing manner to even pay attention to the words coming out of her mouth.
“Y-You’re not mad?” You asked, you were sure she was. “Of course not, my love. You are so strong. I know you tried and that’s all that matters. Healing isn’t linear and that’s okay. We all have our days and I know how today affects you, I should have been more attentive. I’m sorry that I was gone for too long.” She kisses the top of your head and squeezes you lovingly.
“You can always count on me, okay? I want you to know that you have a friend in me. I’m your mother and your best friend for life.” She cups your face and rubs your cheeks softly. “I’m so proud of you, baby. Relapsing is part of the process of recovery, and you will have these kinds of days, but the important thing is that you understand that you’re not alone, alright? You’re the best person I have ever known my entire life. I know that you miss him, but he doesn’t deserve you at all. It’s his loss, not yours.”
You smile amidst tears, you genuinely couldn’t have asked for a better mother. She knows you inside and out and she really is your best friend. “T-Thank you mama. You really are the best mother in the world.” Wanda couldn’t help but smile as well, scrunching her nose and rubbing it on yours. “You are my everything, my sweet girl. Now, how about I help you clean yourself up, change into pj’s and maybe order some pizza to watch a movie?” You nod, just wanting to be near your mother.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. I will always do my best to protect you and make sure that you’re safe and okay. I’m so proud of being your mom, you have no idea. We are together in this, alright? Always and forever.” She says while lifting her pinky finger up, smiling.
You smile back and link your finger with hers, mumbling. “Always and forever, mom.”
#– vex writes#marvel wlw#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x kid reader#wanda maximoff x daughter reader#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#wanda marvel#wanda mcu#wanda maximov#wanda x reader#mommy wanda#wanda x you#wanda x y/n
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What once was
Female reader x Jax Teller
Smut/ some explicit language
This was my first project in a very, very long time (like years😂). Please be kind🩷
“Oh come on y/n! You have to come with me, it’ll be lots of fun. I promise!” Your best friend Becca said. For the last week she had been trying to convince you to go to a party with her. At first you thought it might be fun, blow off a little steam from your recent breakup. But then she told you whose party she was talking about. “Absolutely not. I haven’t seen him in a month. No call, no text, no nothing. I don’t think I can handle seeing him.” You sighed, opening the fridge to grab a beer. “I know, I know. But maybe what he needs is to see you to realize his fuck up.” Becca replied standing up to grab the beer from your hands. She set it on the counter next to you. “I can straighten your hair and you know the way you did your makeup always drove him wild. You told me a hundred times yourself! Get all dressed up and make him realize what he’s missing out on.” She smirked at you, “You know word on the street is he won’t fuck any one after you. Whatever you were doing to him, it must’ve been close to heaven” You looked at her, flashbacks flooding back of those long nights with Jax. “I guess I could use a night out. Even if I do see him.”
After an hour of makeup, hair and picking out an outfit you were ready. “ I don’t know about this, Becca. I’m nervous to see him.” You said, leaning against the bathroom counter. “Oh please, one look at your ass in those tight jeans and he’ll come crawling back.” She countered, winking at you. “I need a beer before we go, to calm the nerves.” You said, standing up straight, walking toward the kitchen. “Yeah, but take it to go. I got a man of my own waiting for me there!” Becca yelled to you. You grabbed another beer out of the fridge, popping the tab and taking a nice big swig. “Who the hell are you seeing? Someone from the club or just a friend of theirs?” You questioned, walking back to the bathroom. She smirked at you, “You’ll never guess who. I ran into Jax’s friend, Opie, at that fundraiser Gemma through. We got to talking and well, one thing lead to another. I was scared to tell you because he’s so close to Jax and didn’t want to hurt you.” You leaned against the door frame, “ I wouldn’t be hurt by that. I’m happy for you. Opie is a really great guy.” “ I think so too. We’ve been hanging out for a couple weeks now. He seems to really like me.” She said, fixing her hair in the mirror. “Well come on then. Let’s get you to your man.” You smiled at her, turning towards the front door.
You took a deep breath as the car pulled into the lot, already filled with bikes. “Here.” Becca said handing you a joint she pulled from her purse. “In case you need a break or something.” “Thanks,” you smiled, grabbing it from her. “I just hope he’s okay with me showing up.” “Look I wasn’t going to tell you this because I swore I wasn’t but I think you need to hear it. Jax asked me to bring you here tonight. He wants to talk to you. I think he really misses you y/n. He hasn’t been himself. I don’t know what truly happened between you guys, but I don’t think breaking up was the answer. I think he knows that too.” Becca confessed. “W-what?” You say, looking at her. “Just trust me, okay? Everything will be okay. I promise.” She said smiling at you. Becca opened the door and turned to look at you. “Let’s go have some fun!” You take one more deep breath, processing what she just said. You opened the door and joined her.
The walk up to the door of the clubhouse felt like the longest walk of your life. Becca opened the door and the familiar smell hit you. Cigarettes mixed with weed and booze. Rock music played loudly throughout the whole club. “Come one, let’s go to the bar and get a drink.” Becca said grabbing your hand to lead you through the crowd. “Well I’ll be, if it isn’t y/n.” A familiar voice said you as you got to the bar. You turned to face her. “Hi Gemma.” You smiled sheepishly. “You’re a look for sore eyes. How ya doing sweetie?” Gemma asked. “I’ve been okay. Becca brought me to have some fun” you replied. “Good. You deserve some after what my son has put you through. He never did have any sense when it came to women. I’m glad you’re back around.” Gemma said, leaning to give you a hug. “Oh, uh, I don’t think I’m ’back around’. Just for tonight.” You say. Gemma grabbed her drink off the bar and looked at you, “You haven’t seen him yet have you?” You shook your head no. “Well before you decide to leave tonight, maybe just go catch up with him.” “I don’t know Gemma, I don’t think I’m really what he wants anymore.” You say turning towards the bar. “You think about it y/n. Now I’ve got some business to attend too. Find me if you need anything sweetheart.” Gemma said, turning to walk towards her husband. You turned back to Becca, “Let’s order our drinks.” “Will you order mine? I’ve gotta pee.” Becca asked. “Yeah but don’t leave me for too long, I’m nervous as is.” You replied. “Yeah yeah. You’ll be fine.” Becca said, walking away.
You ordered two beers and leaned up against the bar, waiting for them. You feel someone come up behind you. A scent you’re all to familiar with fills your nose and you freeze. “Y/n.” He says, voice hoarse, like he had been smoking too much. You turn, taking him in. Blue eyes, long blonde hair, the white shirt he wears beneath his kutte, tattoos, all of it. He looks just as handsome as you remember. “Hi Jax” you breathe out. “How, uh, how have you been?” He asks with a hint of nervousness in his voice. Something you’re not used to. He usually spoke with a sort of cockiness or confidence to you. “I’ve been… okay” you reply, with it sinking in that Jax is really in front of you. Close enough to touch, but you don’t dare. “You mind if we go outside for a little bit?” Jax asks with longing in his eyes. “Um, yeah I guess we can.” You say, looking down at the floor. Being this close to him has brought up feelings, feelings you thought you had pushed out just enough not to be affected by them. But you don’t want Jax to realize you’ve been missing him ever since that night he left. Jax nods and turns towards the door. You follow behind him, thoughts of what Becca and Gemma said to you not long ago.
The cold air hits your body. Goose bumps pepper your skin. Or maybe it was because of the fact you and Jax were alone for the first time in a month. He sits down at the table and you slide into the seat in front of him. He looks at you, his eyes glimmering from the telephone pole lights. You stare into his eyes. Thoughts of that night pour into your head. Confusion, hurt, anger, everything comes back up. You pull the joint Becca gave you out of your purse. “Got a light?” You ask. Jax silently pulls his lighter of his pocket, flicking it. You lean over the table and light the joint. You take a drag, looking over at all the bikes. “Thanks.” You say blowing out the smoke. “Y/n,” Jax finally speaks, “I owe you an apol-“ You cut him off “Don’t Jax. What happened, happened. You don’t owe me anything. You didn’t feel the same, it’s okay.” “That’s not true. I- I don’t know. I made a mistake. I fucked up.” Jax admitted. Words you’ve craved to hear for so long, but can’t quite believe them. “How can you say you made a mistake but didn’t even try to text, or call, or hell I don’t know, show back up?” You say, your voice cracking at the end. Tears come, but you won’t let him see you cry over him. “I wanted to, believe me, I wanted to like hell. But I didn’t think you’d want me too. I figured you hated me.” Jax said, reaching across the table taking the joint from you, fingertips grazing your hand. The slight touch made you shiver. You looked into his eyes, watching him take a hit. “I never hated you Jax.” You whispered. Just as Jax opened his mouth to speak, Becca walked out of the door. Opie following behind her. “Y/n, you okay to find a ride home? I’m gonna take off with Ope.” She said to you, smirking. “Yeah, I’ll make sure she gets home safe.” Jax says, looking at you. “Thanks, man.” Opie says, slapping Jax’s shoulder. The couple walk off and the two of you are left alone again. “She seems happy around him.” You say looking back over to Jax. He nods, putting out the joint in the ash tray. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He says, standing up. You stand up, following him to his bike. Jax silently hands you his helmet as he throws his leg over the bike. Putting on the helmet, you are suddenly nervous again. Getting on the bike you wrap your arms around his waist. The closeness making your heart skip a beat. He turns the engine on, and off you go.
The vibration of the bike courses through you. Had this been a month ago, he’d be taking home to take what was his. Gripping your thighs at every red light, kissing on your neck as you unlocked the door to the house. But this is now, and you no longer belonged to him. You felt your heart ache realizing that. You are no longer his. You blink away the tears swelling up.
He pulls into your driveway, cutting the engine. You step off the bike, taking off the helmet and handing it to him. You didn’t want him to leave yet. That much you knew. “Wanna come inside for a beer?” You asked, praying he would say yes. Jax looks at your front door with a look on his face you can’t quite read. “Yeah, I’d think that’d be nice.” He says, putting down the kickstand. You walk up to the house and unlock the door. You look at him before heading in. The both of you make your way to the kitchen, like you’d done a hundred times before. You open the fridge, taking out two beers, sliding one across the table. “So how did Becca convince you to come tonight?” Jax questions, opening his. “I don’t really know if I’m being honest. I wasn’t going to.” You reply. “I’m glad you did though. It’s nice seeing you again.” Jax says looking up at you. Your breath hitches a bit, you take a swig of your beer. “Look y/n, earlier when I said I fucked up, I meant it. I haven’t been the same since. It’s like I can’t focus.” Jax confesses. You look down unsure of what to say. Jax puts his beer down and walks around the table, stopping in front of you. “Y/n, please look at me.” Jax pleads. You look up and catch sadness in his eyes. “Jax I- I don’t know what you want me to say. I’ve missed you? Is that what you want to hear? Okay, I’ve missed you like hell. I love you? I still feel the same.” You say, not holding back the tears anymore. Jax reaches up to your cheek, wiping the tears with his thumb before fully resting his hand on your cheek. The other hand wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer. “I’m so sorry baby.” He whispers. You look deep into his eyes, sensing the genuineness behind his words. Jax leans down, lips brushing against yours, breathing the same air before finally crashing into a kiss.
It’s a desperate, longing, passionate kiss. He stops to look at you, partly still scared you didn’t mean those words you had just said. Full of confusion, lust, and desperateness, you grab the back of his head pulling him for another kiss. The kisses become sloppy and full of hunger. He lifts you onto the counter, hand pulling at your hair and the other roaming around your body. The spark that had laid dormant for so long had come back into a full fledged fire. Heat spreading across your body. “Take me to the bedroom Jax.” You say breathless. Without a word he carried you to the room you had once shared. He lays you down on the edge of the bed. He stands up straight, and takes off his kutte. Followed by his white t-shirt. He kneels down, unbuttoning your jeans. He slides them off, taking his time. Kissing the top your thighs, a familiar throb rushes down to your pussy. He stands up again, taking off his own jeans. Leaving him in only his boxers, but it’s not enough to hide his now very erect cock. He stands you up, taking off your shirt. You stand there in the black lacy bra and panty set he had always loved. You didn’t think he’d actually see you in it tonight, but thankful now you had put it on anyways. Pure lust had taken over his eyes now, a hunger. “On the bed.” He demands. You follow as instructed, getting on the bed laying down with your legs parted just enough. He crawls on the bed after you, parting your legs enough for him to settle between. “You look so fucking gorgeous, baby.” He growls in your ear before, slamming another kiss onto you, hands reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. The throws it to the side before moving his mouth down. You arch your back as his tongue swirls around your harden nipple and let a moan slip. He grins at the sound he had missed for so long. His hand finds its way down your now soaking panties. “You’re so wet from just a little kissing?” He teases in that cocky tone you had grown so fond of. He rubs the fabric in a painfully slow manner before you decide enough is enough. “Take ‘em off Jax” you beg. “There you go baby, tell me want you want. Use those words.” He says, grinning up at you. He hooks his fingers on the side of your panties, ripping them off. “Let me look at you baby.” He says spreading your knees. Your wetness glistening from the light coming from the bathroom. “Mmm, so wet for me huh?” He says moving to kiss the inside of your thighs. Your breathing becomes deeper the closer he gets. He stops right before he gets to where you need him the most. “You sure you want this?” He questions. “Please, more than anything in the world.” You moan back. With that, he dives into your cunt.
His tongue moves against your clit making you shutter with nothing but pleasure. He laps you up, taking in the taste of you. You feel his stubble on your thighs, his fingers going in and out of you, him sucking your clit. It becomes to much, you can feel your climax building. Your moans become louder, and he reaches up to grab your hand. “That’s its baby. Cum for daddy, I wanna taste it again.” With the simple command, you let yourself come undone. Jax making sure he licks up every last drop of you. Without anytime to recover from what just happened, he takes off his boxers and settles between you again. “I’ve missed you so much, y/n.” He whispers in your ear, pushing into you. The feeling of being stretched around him and the weight of him on top of you is almost enough to come undone again. He starts out slow, thrusting in and out of you, teasing you at times with just the tip until he slides it fully back in. “J-Jax” you moan out, nails digging into his back desperately, like you might loose him after this. “I’m right here baby, I ain’t leaving you again. I promise.” He says, grabbing your hand again, moving it above your head. He speeds up his pace, not having you in so long is making him close. “I love you Jax.” You breathe out, making him quicken his pace even more. “I’m so close” you moan out, walls tightening around Jax’s cock. “Cum for me baby, I wanna feel it.” You let yourself come undone again, Jax leans down and kisses you through it. Jax can feel himself coming undone too, his thrusts becoming sloppy. He spills his seed inside of you, “I love you so fucking much y/n.” He whispers as he collapsed on top of you.
The two of you just lay there, his dick still buried in you. You softly rub his back, slowly coming down off your high. “I meant it y/n. I’m not leaving you again. I was an idiot. I can’t live without you.” Jax says planting a kiss on your cheek. He slides himself out of you and rolls to your side. His arm snaking around your waist, pulling you closer. For some reason a bit of sadness creeps into you, remembering the night he left. “Why’d you leave?” You whispered. Jax inhales deeply, “I didn’t want to drag you into all of this shit. This way of living. I loved you so much, I didn’t want to hurt you.” “But you did hurt me Jax. The night you left me. It hurt so fucking bad.” You said. “I know baby. I’m sorry. I regretted it the moment those words left my mouth. But I couldn’t take it back. And then Becca started coming around more for Ope, and every time I saw her, I thought of you. She would talk about you all the time, and I realized just how stupid of a decision I had made. I would get drunk all the time and mom started worrying. She came to me one night and told me what she thought and that’s when I laid it all out to her. She told me that it wasn’t up to me to choose your life. And if you had chosen me, that was your choice. She told me to talk to Becca. I waited a week and then asked her to bring you here one night. She told me that you weren’t dealing with it the best and I felt like shit.” Jax finished. You laid there for a minute soaking it all in. “I’m glad she convinced me to go tonight.” You finally said. “If you hadn’t I was going to show up here tonight anyhow. I couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve missed you so much.” Jax said, moving your face to look at him. “This will never happen again y/n. I swear.” “Promise?” You asked. “I promise baby.” Jax whispered, moving to kiss you.
The two of you lay there, holding onto one another. Silently thanking God for allowing each other to come together again. Jax fell asleep, tucked up beside you. You laid there awake thinking things over. Not sure how to take anything. Only knowing that you loved him. And making a mental note to call Becca the next day to thank her for dragging you to that party.
#jax teller#sons of anarchy#soa#charlie hunnam#jax teller smut#jax teller imagine#smut#jax teller fanfiction#jax#Jax x female reader
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I am at this scene right now in my rewatch and it is DESTROYING ME like it always does.
Because one of Kerry's defining motivations is searching for family. Wanting to belong, to fit in somewhere, and to be loved. And she tries this in a number of ways, including trying to find her birth parents, her numerous failed attempts at entry into the ER found family unit, arguably her whole ambition that gets mistaken for pure Machiavellianism (that is a Much longer story).
Here she is literally trying to hire a father figure. She says she loves Lawrence like a father. In her mind this is the best thing ever to happen. She's still suffering from a completely self-caused social backlash (one of very few) in that deal she made with Romano, and here she can do what she always thought she could do but has never worked before and never will again: use her power to get people to love her! Her deal with the devil was worth it because now she can hire her dad! He can work with her! And now she isn't alone! She has someone in the building! Who cares about her!
And he says so. That is a huge deal. He tells everyone who will listen how great he thinks Kerry is and he tells her all the time he thinks she's amazing. He tells her fun little stories of their time working together. He compliments her intelligence and her leadership, and he respects her policies (even the goofy badge idea). Some of that is just to cover when he forgets things and needs her to focus on other stuff, but even then he means it. After years of constant mockery and constant rejection. Mockery and rejection from the people Lawrence is now praising her to. You can practically feel how elated she is to have him there through the screen. She has someone to talk to, someone who is always happy to see her. She really is just so happy. It's everything she ever wanted, going back to when she first hired that PI. She found a parent.
And then it crumbles. And she fucking grabs at the vanishing particles, the way she insists that no, it isn't possible, he isn't sick, he doesn't have to leave, please, don't make him, she needs him, please. Then, because the writers hate her and me and human decency, there's the knife twist that she has to fire him and he storms out on her. She is forced to wreck this relationship just like she has wrecked all her other ER relationships.
ER is supposed to be a found family. It hasn't been for Kerry, until Lawrence. Now she behaves exactly like the loved ones of patients who are going to die. Telling their clearly dying family members about miracle cures, telling them to hang on just a little longer. She can't let go. Because she was happy. More than that, she doesn't want to be alone again.
The suicide element, just as Kerry is working herself up about clinical trials and hope is a brilliant piece of writing. It is also fascinating given that Kerry is someone who is (or at least will be, I will probably write much more on this when I get to s8e1 because holy shit) periodically suicidal. Also the fact that the end of Lawrence's speech is "nobody coming to see me." This is also hell for Kerry. She understands this.
So the "I'll come and see you" is 1) True. When Kerry finds the woman she thinks is her mother in the nursing home, she cares for her arguably too well, beyond the woman's wishes. She sits by her bed. Talks to her. Spends every moment she can with her. Despite all evidence that woman: doesn't know where she is, who she is, doesn't know Kerry is there. Kerry will show up no matter what. 2) in Kerry's mind, enough. One person made all the difference for her these past couple episodes. Just to have one person there is a game changer.
There's something horribly ominous in the way the last scene of the episode isn't this scene but Jeanie packing up. I think it's supposed to be ending on a happier note, but it drives home that Kerry also lost HER ONE OTHER REAL FRIEND THIS EPISODE. She is now very isolated. She'll be pretty much alone facing the paradigm shift of season 7 (for the aftereffects of that, see my comment on s8e1).
In conclusion: The show loves to torture Kerry Weaver because it thinks it is either funny, moral, or standard-trope-so-who-cares to torture the neurodivergent lesbian, but this was actually very well done so it gets a pass. The tragedy here is peak.
#character analysis#meta analysis#irene's signature “this was supposed to be one paragraph and now I could submit it for a grade” type of post#but seriously I hate this show sometimes how dare they make my precious cry#a rare example of when the show torturing Kerry is actually very sound storytelling and not done just to make Kerry suffer Just Because#(most examples have some justification but could be scrapped in context of the overall gratuitousness---this could not)#The Themes#The Loneliness#my poor darling#I want to hug her through the screen#she was so close to achieving her Big Character Motivation#my precious girl#this scene also made me cry but it made Kerry cry which is WORSE#she actually doesn't cry that much#she even only does the “super scarily quiet voice break” once a season or so#and here she starts sobbing and oh no my girl I want to say it gets better but it doesn't bc it gets worse#Anyway if you follow me for House MD you should watch ER for Kerry Weaver#I have posts comparing House and Weaver that hold up pretty well#Completely different show vibes but if you like your blorbos emotionally devastated yearning for any semblance of love and self defeating#Trying to hold their emotions/vulnerabilities/queerness far deep down inside until boom! Trauma explosion So Many Dead
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