#like oooh girl that was spooky
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 2 years
The tv trope of “Badass Rockstar Only Makes Cool Music Because They’re Sad And Starts Making Exclusively Boring, Sappy, Singer-Songwriter, Sugar-Water Music At The End Of Their Arc” drains my life energy. You can be happy and keep your taste in music. I still really like My Chemical Romance. I'm more likely to listen to them when I am happy and just sit there in the vibe
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raelorens-grimoire · 2 years
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Vampire Vibes
Really hoping things start looking up bc i hate it here. we need a plague or something
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bragganhyl · 24 days
One thing to know about me in the context of engaging with bee gee three is that I keep forgetting that my lad's weapons emit sunlight
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goldenkid · 3 months
my latent rtd haterisms emerging after that season finale
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soupdwelling · 2 months
the sheer amount of trauma gwen has gone through compared to the other characters (that we know of) in protocol so far is crazy like in archives they were all kind of dealing with the whole worm situation in season one (martin did get locked in his flat for two weeks and the others didn’t) BUT it was still a threat they were all generally aware of and affected by. GWEN on the other hand has so far had to deal with fucking mr bonzo, learning that she might be indirectly responsible for a gruesome murder, getting chased down by a tattoo gun-wielding fear avatar-thing?? AND is now getting terrorized by [ERROR] apparently and we’re ONLY 21 episodes in. meanwhile sam celia and alice are dealing with mild anomalies like ooooh spooky cases weird drowning person magnus institute oooh!! gwen is in the TRENCHES dude give a girl a break
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
OOOH!that ghost kid thing with the digital circus performers was amazing!!! I cant resist but ask.but can you make a headcanons of the performers would react if spirit kid Y/n is more absent today and suddenly after a while appear with more blood than usual..static noise around them..and points at the group and is like “I know who killed me now…” and poofs again away?? they found out who but as like a scare they prank the characters by making them think maybe one of them did..
I feel evil so- XD
Hope u have a good day!!
I'm glad you liked the hcs! Spooky season may be over, but I'm definitely not done writing spooky content 👻
He blinks, and then immediately turns directly to Gangle.
"Oh Gangle, I knew it was you all along. Tsk, tsk." He shakes his head, putting on the cheekiest grin as the ribbon gal cries out that she didn't do anything.
He knows you were just pranking all of them, although he does wonder who really murdered you and how you figured it out.
Given how much you've been disappearing lately, he's sure that it's only a matter of time before your spirit moves on.
Or maybe...you were cursed to forever live inside this game since you had no body to return to.
Then again, he's not sure if any of them do...
All he knows is that during the times he does see you with the group, you seem happier (although the blood and static noises are still prevalent and aren't any less unsettling to see/hear).
Maybe you've already made peace with your existence after solving this huge mystery, content with making dark jokes to cope.
At first she's happy..
Then she's utterly terrified once it sinks in that you didn't specify who exactly murdered you.
All you did was point to the group like you were accusing one of them before disappearing for the remainder of the day.
This poor jester can't remember anything for the life of her....so she can't help wondering if she might've been your killer.
You did arrive not long after she did.
After Jax points this out, she's 100% convinced it was her.
Maybe she unknowingly killed you while wearing the headset and this was some sort of eternal punishment.
It's a thought that keeps her up all night (not that she needed sleep to survive, but she was quite exhausted in the morning).
You do end up visiting her to say it was just a little prank. It wasn't anybody in the group and you didn't mean to freak her out this badly.
That brings her a lot of relief.
Although she's not a fan of your morbid humor (not that she'll say anything about it, though).
The second you vanish after revealing you knew your killer, everyone looks at each other in confusion
"Th-They didn't say who, though, did they...?" She mutters.
"Right, because they know it was you, Gangs." Jax remarks, causing her to freeze.
She's outright horrified he would even remotely suggest that.
Poor girl's scrambling to justify how she couldn't have possibly killed you when she's been stuck in the game longer than you.
Imagine her awkwardness as Jax openly states that he was in fact kidding around..
He also expresses his doubts she'd even be capable of murder...as he recounts her crying over accidentally stepping on a digital ladybug.
She's not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not.
Gangle only fully calms down once you go to her personally and reassure her you were just pranking the group.
Although you'll haunt Jax as payback for trying to throw her under the bus.
They just turn to the group and sigh.
"Okay, who did it? Because they've officially given me the f***ing creeps popping in and out like that."
She's strangled Jax on a number of occasions, so they are very much capable of committing violence...
But she has her doubts since you still hang around the group.
Alongside Jax, she quickly sees through your little joke and rolls their eyes when you admit that it was indeed a prank.
She can tolerate your dark humor, knowing you can't help it given your "spooky" theme.
They suspect Caine murdered you since he seemed most alarmed by your arrival. Plus you never spoke to him much.
But no, he actually helped you track down your killer--who abstracted the second they set foot inside the game and got thrown into the cellar.
Zooble never thought she'd see the day where they were actually impressed at Caine's actions.
Like Pomni and Gangle...he's probably gonna overthink it and grow distrustful of the others, wondering who did it.
You seemed quite confident and serious in your confession---and scary as hell, too.
He proposes they all discussed it at the dinner table and hold a vote on who to cast out (sorta like a certain video game with a name that sadly slips by him).
Ironically, he refuses to say anything and just....stares uncomfortably at Gangle the entire time.
But before any of the talks could end in fighting or her getting sacrificed to the Gloink Queen...you show up again, looking calmer and less bloody than before.
When you reveal it was just a little prank, Kinger sighs in relief.
"Good heavens, you nearly gave me a second heartattack, [y/n]! Why didn't you just say so?"
"...thought it would be funny."
"......AH!! GH-GHOST!!!"
"Aaaand there's "heartattack #2, ladies and gentleman," Jax shakes his head, kicking his feet onto the table with an amused smile.
She's genuinely happy to hear that you knew who your killer was...
Although before she can ask you who, you disappear without warning.
Judging from the way you acted, you were accusing one of them...yet you didn't signal out anybody in particular.
She knows that she couldn't have possibly done it.
So she spends most of the day trying to calm down Pomni and the others (but mostly Pomni) who think they might've somehow accidentally killed you.
It begins to stress her out a little, so she searches for you, and you prank her with something silly.
After making her laugh, you use that opportunity to explain that you were joking with the group earlier, reassuring her that it wasn't any of them and the killer had already abstracted.
Her face falls flat as she realizes you just wanted to see how they would all react.
"[Y/n], that's just...mean." She frowns. "Pomni was freaking out all day, you know."
"Tell her I didn't mean any harm...I guess..nobody here understands my humor."
"I mean I do, but dark humor is more Zooble's and Jax's shticks."
"....true. My bad, Rags."
".....it's okay, dear." She sighs, unable to stay mad at you forever. "I'm just glad you didn't drive yourself insane trying to find them."
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ri-afan · 1 month
By the way, when ghosts and Ancients appear, should there be any visual effects and sensations? Like Frostbite? A drop in temperature? Surfaces becoming crusted with ice?
For example, a headcanon on Danny who is a cosmic Ancient, an eldritch, a cryptid, a ghostly entity. How would all of this affect him showing up next to a human?
(By the way?)
Oooh 😯 Should there be? Probably not, it would take away the whole invisibility sneak thing they got going on.
But in charged situations? If they want to tip over a bit more to spooky? If it’s just spooky for humans but it’s actually more of a ghost greeting? Hell yeah, I’ll ascribe to it. It can even be tweaked with the emotion they want to enter with, like if they’re pissed or if they are trying to calm things down or if it’s relatively neutral. Coin toss/dice roll on whether it’s different for all, similar based on core type, same for type but application is different based on strength, or just boiled down to general ghostliness.
(Or is this all based off auras and if so, can ghosts physically manipulate theirs and what’s the effects of that? Or does Everyone have one and ghosts/effected people are the only ones who can see/manipulate theirs? Oof, idk. Too many thoughts in the head!)
For one we know/could squeeze into the idea naturally from the show: Clockwork. As Ancient of Time, Clockwork likely messes with time on arrival. It’s probably the least hassle for Clockwork if it’s pausing time than anything else, hence the medallions when the ghost goes to people to pull them out of the pause. (And easiest to keep track of/not melt peoples minds with.)
For Danny… If it’s not a drop in temp because of the whole ghostly/ice core phenomenon and assuming you don’t want two of the same with Frostbite… and you want to go cosmic/space… maybe there’s auditory/speaking issues, like gaps and suppression, or a slight feeling of breathlessness because space is a vacuum? (Isn’t space cold too? Could be an interesting bait and switch if people kept thinking Ice and he pulls up one day with the power of the sun and manipulation of space.) Or if Danny is made an Ancient of Space it could also be feeling an odd pressure, like if you’re temporarily feeling too big or small in your body. Or or! Feeling gravity more or less than what you should be at the time.
If not a space/cosmic thing and you’re going with Phantom being a spirit of Protection then I would have it add a layer of feelings/reactions (specifically not changing any other feelings or otherwise altering minds) based on where the human would fall on his scale of morals: too much on the bad side and you feel trepidation and apprehension, in the good side you may feel safety, courage, or whatever. (The human’s placement on the scale would not be a conscious thing and the deciding factor is more multifaceted as Phantom grows. So long as Phantom is strong and resolute in his morals, you could probably use the reactions to gauge other people.)
Now, Danny-as-human Danny? I’m a sucker for either he’s just Some Guy or Predator Instinct, but it’s not sudden or a big rush of adrenaline. It’s something uncanny for sure because you look at the guy and you don’t know what’s wrong because visually there’s nothing wrong, but the vibes are off. (😅 scary dog vibes but the dude is like a retriever or shepherd or something — scares off the creeps at college parties and he’s long since stopped questioning why he’s invited to the parties. If he’s aware of it, he’d be the guy that sits next to or walks by a girl and then reveals that she was being stalked by a creep but it looks like he’s gone now, so have a nice day/makes sure you are safe and aware)
Like a Big Cat: it’s a predator and can kill you easily and maybe without meaning to, but also… they’re big kitties and you see videos of humans booping their snoots, holding their murder mittens, petting them and whatever. Those zookeeper-class of folks who understand the risks and works with the animals instead of against them. Some people can’t shake off that prey instinct but others are there despite it.
Hit or Miss whether aliens/super powered folks will feel it (looking at the Justice League for crossover fans) for the Human-Danny, but I’d say it’s rare for anyone to be immune to Phantom Effects.
Hope this was to your satisfaction cause this tickled my brain nicely
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jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Writer's Note: Happy almost Halloween, y'all! I wanted to post some drabbles for spooky season this year just cuz I'm working & it's been hard to write my fics. BUT I'm gonna try to post at least one oneshot for Halloween & I'll be posting a JJK drabble too. Enjoy! -Jazz
“Y/N, come oooooon!” he whined from his bed. “If we’re late, we’re gonna miss out on all of the candy the villagers are givin’ out!” 
You rolled your eyes standing in your shared washroom connected to your shared bed chambers. You had your own bedroom located in the girls’ cabins, but Luffy insisted on moving you into his bedroom so he could be closer to you. “Alright, alright, hang on,” you sighed, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. “Lemme just add this and…done!” 
You smiled at your costume for tonight before turning to the bathroom door where you could hear Luffy whining and groaning about Zero beating him for the candy. “Alright, you big baby,” you giggled. “You ready to see my costume for tonight?” 
“Oooh, wait, wait!” Luffy excitedly protested, seeming to forget about the candy already. “Lemme guess first. Hmm…you’re a ghost!” 
“No,” you giggled. 
“A vampire?” 
“Ooh, ooh, I know! You’re one of those bunnies I see around this time of year with the ears and those fishnet stocking things!” 
“Not even close, babe,” you laughed. “I’ll give you a hint: it has to do with water.” You could practically hear the gears in Luffy’s head turning. You stayed away from the door, hidden behind it. “You’re a mermaid,” he guessed. “No…a fish? No, no, a pirate!” 
“Close!” you replied, and opened the door to the bathroom where you jumped out into the bedroom where Luffy said. “I’m the best pirate and captain in the world!” you giddily said. “Ta-da! I’m you!” 
Luffy’s wide grin fell when he got a look at you and your cosplay of him. You had on the cut-off shorts, slides, and even an exact replica of his straw hat. You adorned an open, red vest that made your skin pop and applied a bandeau bra that matched your skin tone and kept your breasts secure. You even got the X scar on his chest down to the T, applying enough purple and red makeup to make it appear as real as possible. You wanted to really gag him with this costume. 
And you did, though his awestruck expression made you nervous. “Do you…like it?” you carefully asked. 
Luffy ticked his eyes up to yours and instantly, his mouth split into a humongous grin that brightened the room. “Like it?!” he practically screamed. “Y/N, I love it! I mean, look at you! You’re me!” He began to laugh his hysterical, contagious laugh, a hand on his belly. “You look so, so good! You’ve even got the hat!” 
You melted at his reaction, glad he loved it and glad to have gotten the reaction you were fishing for. “I figured I could do something different,” you said. You smirked playfully at him, placing your hands on your hips. “Guess that means I’m the captain now.” 
Luffy’s laughter immediately stopped, a fire flashing behind his eyes that excited you. “What’s wrong?” you giggled. “Don’t like that idea?” Slowly, he shook his head, not even speaking. The excitement inside of you continued to grow, making your stomach flip. “So what are you gonna do about it?” you challenged. “You wanna fight about it?” 
Yes, Luffy did want to fight about it, but not at all in the way you were thinking. His way of “fighting” meant having you on your knees with your ass hiked in the air and your straw hat nearly falling off of your head as your boyfriend snapped his hips behind you again and again, plunging his cock deeper inside of your sobbing, wet pussy with every single second that passed.
“What’s my name?” he asked. “Who’s making you feel this good?” 
His hand looped around to grab your chin, folding it firmly. You could hardly form a coherent sentence with how hard his hips were thrusting into you, giving you blinding pleasure over and over again. “God, Luffy!” you shouted. 
Luffy wasn’t pleased with that. “Uh-uh, baby,” he grunted. “Wrong answer.”
He shifted his hips to hit your G-spot, emitting sounds from you that came from the deepest parts of your chest as you were plunged into otherworldly pleasure.
“Captain!” you whined, finally catching onto his game. “Fuck, captain, you make this pussy feel so good!” 
Luffy grinned and let you dig your face into the mattress again as he pounded your pussy from behind. “That’s right,” he chuckled. “I’m the captain. I’m your captain, the one and only.”
“What the fuck are you wearing?” he asked, looking absolutely befuddled. 
He sat in his private training room on a bench while you stood in front of him, your hands on your hips and an excited smile on your face. You stood in your Mortal Kombat cosplay which consisted of a very skin-tight outfit with little to be hidden––a stretchy bodysuit that you paired with fishnet stockings and high-knee boots that you felt like you could kick someone with.
“It’s my Halloween costume,” you giggled. “You like it? I thought the bodysuit was a little see-through, but…” 
You turned around, picking with your bodysuit which kept bunching up in your ass. Though the wedgies pissed you off, your ass did look amazing in the costume. You felt like the sexiest ninja alive. When you turned back to Zoro, you noticed how red his face was and the weird look in his eyes. “What?” you asked. “You don’t like it?” 
He shook his head and turned away, busying himself with cleaning his weights. “I didn’t say that,” he grumbled. 
You smirked at him and leaned against the bench he sat on. “So you do like it?” you chuckled. “You like seein’ me in this, hm?” You took a seat next to him, crossing your fishnet-clad legs over one another. Zoro barely took one glance at you, though it was more for his sake than yours. If he were to take another look at you, there would be nothing stopping him from bending you over this bench and fucking you right out of this costume. 
“I didn’t say that either,” he grunted. “I’m just thinkin’ about how cold you’ll be. That outfit is only coverin’ so much of you.” He got up from his spot, holding a dumbbell in his hand that he went to place on the rack with the others. 
“Uh-uh,” you replied, not buying his nonchalant attitude one bit. “So should I change?” He didn’t respond or look at you, which made you smile from ear to smile. You knew you were getting to him. Zoro was never a man to voice his arousal or flustered feelings too often, but his body language spoke volumes. “Here, maybe this will change your mind about it,” you giggled. 
Out of your belt, you pulled out a fake sword that glinted in the light. “Look-it! And no, it’s not real.” Zoro turned to you and his eyes widened an inch at the sight of the sword in your hand. He walked towards it with heavy footfalls from his boots and examined the sword. “It damn well looks it,” he commented, in awe at how real the fake sword looked. “Just don’t pull this out at the party. You might make the wrong impression.” 
“Guess I’ll have to leave it here then,” you sighed, placing it on your lap. You looked up at Zoro who was still staring down at the sword. You could almost feel the temptation radiating off of him. “You can touch it, you know,” you purred. “But only if I can touch yours.” His emerald eyes met yours, noticing your change in tone and the shift in the air. 
You took his hand in yours and placed it on the sword, causing him to glide a finger over hilt. You then stood up and pressed your lips against the thick column of his neck, smiling at his hitched breath. You then pressed your tits against his big arm, giving him a feel of what he’d be missing if he didn’t admit how much he loved this outfit. “Pull it out for me,” you whispered against his ear. “We can have a sword fight.” 
He practically shoved you aside as he walked away from you as fast he could while you hysterically laughed at your goofiness. “You’re fuckin’ ridiculous,” he sighed. And ridiculous you were…but so was he. He wanted to kick himself when he realized how hard he was for you. “Goddammit,” he muttered, picking up at his sweats. 
You noticed immediately. “Wait…are you hard?”
Zoro was still turned away from you and went to clean his other exercise equipment, but you stopped him by jumping in front of him. He glared at you, wondering what else you were planning. He didn’t at all expect you to grab a handful of his hardened cock, emitting a groan from him. “You are!” you laughed. “So you do like the costume!” 
Face beat red and clammy, he batted your hand away. “Shut up,” he growled. “What the hell were you expecting walkin’ around in that? It’s like you planned this from the jump.” Silence swelled around you and he raised an eyebrow at your wordless response. “Didn’t you?” he demanded. 
Now he was getting it. Once again, you pressed yourself up against him and this time, he didn’t shy away. “You know, if we’re going to a party, I’m gonna have to move around in this.” You placed a hand on his broad chest, admiring the taught skin and tatted ink across his big pecs. “Think you can help me test that out in twenty minutes till the party starts?” 
A fire flashed behind Zoo’s eyes as he gripped your ass in one hand, both cheeks fitting in his palm. You whimpered at the rough contact while his fingers on his other hand toyed with the zipper at the back of your costume. “I can do that and more, mama,” he growled. “Now how the fuck do you take this shit off?” 
Thirty minutes later, you found yourself on your back, still in your costume, with Zoro on top of you and fucking you into the mattress below in your shared bedroom. The bed was rocking like a damn ship on a stormy sea with how much hard he was fucking you, your legs up and on his shoulders while his thick cock plunged in and out of you. “Z-Zoro!” you whined through pants and moans of pleasure. “We’re gonna be late!” 
Your man shook is head above you, his face red and beads of sweet cascading down his handsome face. “I don’t give a fuck,” he grunted. “Should’ve known better than to have teased me like that. Now you’re gonna take all of this cum, mama.” 
And you did. You weren’t too happy when he got nut on your costume and laughed about it. 
He didn’t say anything for at least ten minutes. You thought the man was dead. 
Ten minutes before, he was fine. You had pulled him away from his duties in the kitchen whipping up dinner before the big Halloween bash that the island you and the crew were currently relaxing on was throwing. Dinner that night consisted of clam and salmon fettuccini with buttered rolls, salad, and pumpkin and ghost-shaped cookies for dessert. Your man really knew had to throw down in the kitchen, which is why he is the chef of the crew. 
Sanji was quickly to abandon his cooking to attend to you––his love; his beauty; his one and only. You stood in the middle of the kitchen with him, giggling as he ran his hands over your sides in your fluffy robe. “You sure dinner won’t burn?” you curiously asked.
He shook his head, practical hearts in his eyes. "The sauce is simmering and I just put the rolls on,” he replied, his hands still roaming. “The food is fine, my love. Now, what it is you wished to show me?” 
He took your hands and pressed a heated kiss to them, always the one for physical touch as his love language. Lucky for him, it was yours too. You stood up on your tip toes and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck, causing him to shiver. “I have a surprise for you,” you whispered. “It’s right under here.” You toyed with the tie of your robe, smirking up at him. 
Sanji’s mind began to run wild with all of the naughty possibilities of what could be under your robe. Were you naked? Or in a cute little set of lingerie that adorned your skin and made it look soft and supple? When you finally yanked on the tie and let the robe fall, he was floored. None of his fantasies could’ve prepared him or had matched up to what was actually under your robe though. 
When he saw you in your angel costume, he just about died a thousand times standing there. “Ta-da!” you sang. “It’s my Halloween costume for tonight’s bar crawl after dinner. Nami picked it out for me. You like?” You twirled for him, causing the fake, fluffy white wings taped to your back to flutter behind you. 
Sanji didn’t know where to look first. You filled out the white corset bodysuit you wore quite nicely, your luscious breasts pushed up against the bodice where fake white feathers traced along the top as well as around the hem of your stockings that looked so damn good on your legs. You paired glittery, silver heels and a fluffy fake halo with your outfit along with a white collar where a silver heart dangled cutely around your neck, nearly smothered by your gorgeous titties the way Sanji wanted to be.
You looked absolutely ravishing. 
Sanji didn’t even realize he was standing there, mouth agape and completely frozen. Noticing that your man’s brain had begun short-circuiting, you stepped up to him and snapped your fingers in front of his face. “Sanji, baby?” you asked. “Sanji, can you hear me?” 
That’s when he finally blinked and a trickle of blood ran down his nose. A nosebleed. You barely reacted, having become used to your boyfriend popping nosebleeds when it came to you and your sexiness. He covered his nose immediately, luckily stopping the blood from spurting out all over you. “Hang on one moment,” he said, his voice muffled by his hand clapped over his mouth. 
When he ran out of the room to assess the damage, you held your stomach in hysterical laughter. That was one of the reactions you were expecting. Minutes later, he came back, nose clean and free of blood “Damn, baby, you popped a nosebleed for me?” you laughed. You went up to him and wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body into his. 
He held onto your hips and pressed himself farther into you, making you gasp. Mostly because of the very real, very hard bulge he was now packing in his pants. That was another reaction you were hoping for.
“That ain’t all I’m popping right now,” he playfully whispered against your ear. He pressed a soft kiss there before moving down to your neck, littering your skin in kisses as he did compliments. “You look absolutely amazing, my love. Ravishing, even. No–angelic! Beyond heavenly!” 
Now he was yelling. “Okay, Sanji,” you giggled, stopping him from alerting the crew. "I get it.” He pulled away to look down at you, his gaze full of adoration and love that made you melt into your heels. “You are the prettiest angel I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he sighed. “I must be in heaven right now.” 
Your hand trailed down to grab his hip, your fingers sneaking under his shirt to press against warm, bare skin and toned muscle. “Not yet,” you purred, “but later.” Sanji shuddered at your touch, pressing his bulge into you fully. “Why later?” he questioned before pressing the slightest kiss on your neck. “Why not now?” 
His lips worked your neck as he began to slowly grind into you, emitting a soft whimper from your lips. His big hands toyed with your hips, running over the fake feathers there. “S-Sanji,” you stuttered, “the dinner–“ 
“Is fine,” he growled against your neck. “I know my cooking, love, and I know it won’t be finished for another twenty-five to thirty minutes. We have plenty of time for that.”
He then pulled away and took your hand, a love-drunk grin on his handsome face that you couldn’t ignore or deny. “Now, my pretty little angel, off to your bedroom so you can take me to heaven.” 
And when Sanji took you to his bedroom and slid into your pussy for the first time that night, he could practically see the pearly gates opening for him. Your fake halo and wings shook the harder he fucked you, one hand groping your naked breast while the other gripped your calve.
“Fuck, Sanji!” you shout to the ceiling, seeing stars behind your eyelids as his cock head glides against your G-spot. 
Sanji grinned down at you, his gorgeous body coated in a light sheen of sweat and his smile love drunk. “That’s right, angel,” he moaned as he kissed your foot hiked up near his ear. “Take my cock. Let me take you to heaven too.” 
Girl, you practically saw Jesus when he was done with you. 
“What’s under the robe?” he asked, squinting confusedly at you. “You’re showering now? I thought you wanted to go to this stupid ass party.” 
He sat on the side of his bed in a white tank top that hung loosely on his body, exposing his tatted skin and hard pecs that you love to suck on. You stand in front of him in your fluffy bath rope despite the white stockings underneath. The smile you wore faded at his sour attitude and your hands fell from the flap of your robe.
“Look, if you’re gonna have that attitude, you can stay home,” you scoffed. “I’d have no problem picking up a guy to dance with me in this little get-up.” 
You twirled around to stalk toward the bathroom, missing Law’s glare directed at the back of your head.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked, fire in his eyes. You scoffed once more, annoyed. You knew he was never a party person, but he also knew Halloween was your favorite holiday. The least he could do was act excited for Luffy’s Halloween party. 
Supposedly, it was taking place on the Jolly Roger ship in the middle of the ocean and every single one of his friends (which were a lot) were invited, including you and Law. You wanted to look extra cute and sexy tonight, mostly for your man. But so far, he was coming off like he didn’t deserve any of that.
You turned to him, sniffing rudely at him. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” you muttered. 
In a poof of nothing, he was gone from his spot on the bed and suddenly standing in front of you and the bathroom door. When you turned around, you nearly slammed into him. “Hey!” you shouted, glaring up at him. But Law could glare like it was his profession, making your stomach flip. 
“Don’t play with me like that,” he demanded, not even having to raise his voice. “Now what did you mean by that? And what’s under there?” He cocked a pierced eyebrow at your robe, giving you the impression that he would take it off if you didn’t. 
You rolled your eyes, but disrobed yourself anyway. There, you revealed your costume to him––a sexy, slutty schoolgirl outfit with a white top tied at your midsection to show a sliver of tummy and low enough to show off your cherry red bra underneath and a blue plaid mini skirt that stopped at mid-thigh and hiked up slightly in the back, barely covering your asscheeks where matching red lace panties were.
You glared up at Law. “There,” you scoffed. “Happy now?” 
Law didn’t answer. He was too busy running his eyes over your tits which practically spilled out of your bra and how you filled out the little school skirt. “It was gonna be a surprise, but then you decided to be a grump and ruin it,” you blandly continued. 
You watched his face for a reaction, but it was completely blank. Then again, Law had a poker face that he could’ve been born with. “Where…are your pants?” he carefully asked.
You almost laughed at the randomness of his question. Was he dumb? “In my drawer,” you replied. “Pants would’ve ruined the outfit. That’s why I’ve got stockings.” You pointed down at your skintight, white stockings that Law thought were absolutely adorable and wanted by his ears while he fucked you stupid in your school skirt. 
He was still quiet, giving you the impression that he was criticizing your costume. It made you nervous. “So do you like it or…?” Still, he said nothing. But when you went to close your robe again and forget about this whole party, he put a hand on yours, stopping you. “You sure you have to go to this stupid ass party?” he asked. 
“Law,” you criticized him, “it’s not–“ 
“Because I think it’d be may more fun for you to stay here and let me fuck you in this,” he continued without missing a single beat. You paused, blinking at him. “W-What?” you dumbly stuttered. 
You now noticed how hooded and dark his gaze had become. He stepped toward you and you instinctively stepped back. “You heard me,” he softly growled. “You talkin’ ‘bout meeting some stranger to spend time with at this party just to spite me, when in reality, they’d have no idea what to do with this.” 
He took another step your way and you stepped back, ending up falling into the bed back first. You gasped as you tripped backwards and Law immediately found his perch above you where he stooped down to run his lips over your breasts. “Stop,” you softly whined. “C’mon, Law, I have to–“ 
Your words died in your throat, replaced with a broken moan as one of Law’s skillful hands traveled down between your thighs to rub your pussy through your panties. He did it slowly; deliberately; taking his sweet time getting you wet as his lips kissed your neck.
“Could he do this?” he asked, still referring to that imaginary guy at the party you probably wouldn’t have met tonight. “Could he make my naughty girl feel like this?” 
He nibbled at your earlobe, causing you to gasp. “Answer me,” he demanded. 
“No,” you whimpered. “Law, please.” He knew exactly what you were begging for, but he wasn’t going to give it to you that easily. 
“No, he couldn’t,” he agreed. “And other than a punishment, I think you need some reeducation.” He then rolled off of you, standing before you in all of his big, muscled glory, his cock hard beneath his sweats. “If you wanna be a naughty girl and dress like this, it’s only fair.” 
So when he sat down on the bed and patted his lap, you absolutely knew what time it was. You ended up missing the party. Your ass stung too much from Law’s big hand spanking it to walk, your body ached from his rough fucking session to move, and your school skirt was stained with his cum as he pumped his cock all over your ass as he fucked you out of three orgasms. 
And you loved every second of it.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
Seriously. He’d been playing poker with his crew for an hour and lost three rounds because he kept staring at your fine ass from across the bar. 
He just couldn’t get over your little Halloween costume. It looked as if you were a sailor judging by the blue mini skirt that barely covered your plump asscheeks, striped low-cut top where he could just make out the red lace of your bra underneath, suspenders, and sailor hat tipped low over your head. You were standing by the bar laughing with Nami in her mermaid costume, and Robin in her skin-tight cheetah costume that Sanji was all over earlier. 
Shanks felt like a old pervert watching you, especially with how his body reacted to the sight of you. His heart thumped and his cock surged in his pants, desperate to feel you. Why the fuck did you have to come here dressed like this of all places? Sure, it was a Halloween party, but it still wasn’t fair! Did you realize what you were doing to him?
“Damn, Shanks!” Yasopp laughed along with Shanks’ crew. “You’re losin’ everything!” Shanks came back to reality, realizing that one of his mates won and took his share of coin, emitting laughter from everyone surrounding him. “That’s the fourth round in a row,” Yasopp pointed out. “You losin’ the magic touch, Captain?” 
Shanks didn’t have the energy to defend himself or even give a shit. Not when he could hear your gorgeous laughter from across the bar. At this point, his cock was ready to rip a hole through his pants with how much he was chubbing against the fabric. He stood abruptly, causing Yasopp to look at him like he was crazy. “Just hold my spot,” he said, barely even sparing his crew member a glance. “I’ll be right back.” 
Yasopp noticed his captain’s hyper-fixation on a particular point across the bar and turned to see who exactly Shanks had his sights set on. As soon as he saw you in your sailor fit, it hit him. “Ohhh,” he said in realization. He smirked up at Shanks knowingly. “Alright then. Just try not to scare her off.” 
Shanks didn’t even give him an answer. He just downed a shot to give him some liquid courage and put on the charm that he knew was there beneath the butterflies you gave him. They, however, only gave him a harder time, fluttering about in a frenzy the closer he got to you. He could smell your perfume now, giving him some very horrible, dirty, nasty visions that he couldn’t wipe away the harder he tried. All he could do was act like you weren’t getting him hard when he finally approached you and the girls.
“Hey, you,” he smoothly said, already putting on as much of the charm as he could while tipsy. 
You turned around to face him, holding your rum punch. The glass was stained with your red lipstick that he desperately wanted to see around the head of his cock. “Shanks!” you happily said. “You finally took a break from poker to be with us freaks?” 
“More like with one freak in particular,” Nami giggled, giving Shanks a knowing smirk. She knew exactly what he was here for, as did Robin. “We’ll just leave you two alone,” the black-haired beauty said with a sly smile. “We’ll be playing pool if you need us, Y/N.” She gave you a wink before walking off with Nami, leaving you two alone. 
You gave Shanks an apologetic smile. “Sorry about them,” you sighed. “They’re very protective.” Your eyes darted to the left while you sipped on your drink. You appeared shy and almost nervous around him. Unbeknownst to you, it made him feel a lot more confident despite his horniness. 
“As they should be,” he replied. “Especially in that little get-up.” He nodded at your costume, emitting a cute little giggle from your lips. “So you’re a sailor? I didn’t realize they made skirts that short for ‘em.” 
“Yeah,” you said, almost shyly. “Figured I stick to a sea-based aesthetic for my Halloween fit this time around. The skirt was a little too short for my liking, but Nami insisted I wear it.” You picked at the skirt, trying to tug it down over your luscious thighs that Shanks pictured licking on. “Is it too much?” you asked, second guessing. 
Shanks wanted to do everything in his power to make sure you didn’t second guess shit about yourself. Didn’t you realize how fucking sexy you were? “Not at all,” he replied. “You look perfect in it.” You smiled lightly at his compliment, making him feel like he won the fucking lottery. “I’m sure all of these other drunk, horny bastards would agree with me,” he chuckled. 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “What, you’re seriously tellin’ me you ain’t notice all the eyes on you since you walked in here?” he asked. Even he noticed it, especially from Sanji’s perving ass. He made Shanks’ horniness look tame. 
“Well, they’re irrelevant anyways,” you said, your pretty, brown eyes trailing down to stare at the floor. Shanks raised an eyebrow at your response. “And why is that?” He asked, his interest piqued. 
“Because they’re not you,” you murmured. 
Shanks heard you. It was impossible not to with how close he was to you, even over the music and loud chatter in the bar. He was initially shocked by how bold of a statement that was, especially from you, but then he grew even more insatiable for you. Now that he knew that the feeling he felt for you was mutual, he was more than ready to stop the flirty shit and get right to having his tongue down your throat; his hands on your ass; his lips on yours. 
But he wanted to hear it again, louder this time. No more of that shy shit. So he stepped closer to you until his chest was right in your line of sight, blocking out everything behind him so you couldn’t escape him. “Sorry, what was that?” he whispered. “You’re gonna have to speak up for me, darlin’. It’s too loud for these old ears to pick up your pretty voice if you’re talkin’ low.” 
He could how your body reacted to his words––your breath hitched; your teeth sunk into your bottom lip; your eyes grew hooded as they peered up at him through your lashes. “I said because they’re not you, Captain,” you softly replied, your voice taking on a more seductive tone that Shanks noticed immediately. 
Yeah. He was definitely fucking you. He’d take you out for the finest lobster dinner and a nice walk on the town later, but right now? He needed to feel you squeezing around him and your soft, pretty voice letting out those moans he knew were inside of you. 
“So you wore this for me, hm?” he questioned. His fingers toyed with your skirt, making your breath hitch again. “Interesting. Maybe we can discuss more about this over a walk?” You looked up at him, your lips still caught between your lips. You didn’t nod or even say yes. You just took his hand when he offered it and let him lead you out of the bar into the night. 
Moments later, under the starry sky and in the quietest part of town, miles down away from the bar, you and Shanks find yourselves together with his cock buried deep inside of you and one hand pinning your thigh up against his hip while his other hand had your wrists pinned against a brick wall. Soft moans and gasps left your lips every time his cock slid inside of you, stretching out your wet walls, while he groaned at the feeling of you wrapped around him.
Your soft hands gripped his shoulders as his hips nailed into yours, your nails digging into his broad shoulders. You were doing your best to keep quiet, but it felt so good that you just couldn’t. That made him want to cum faster than he planned. “Sorry we couldn’t do this in a nicer place, sugar,” he groaned. “You just look too damn good to pass on.” 
His hand slid down under your teeny, tiny skirt to grip and toy with your ass, your panties at your ankles. A shuddering moan escaped your lips as his pelvis rubbed against your clit, sending shivers throughout your body. “Fuck, I don’t care,” you whined into his ear. “Just don’t stop! Please, Shanks!” 
Shanks pulled away to look down at you, his body pinning you harder again the wall. “That’s not my name, darlin’,” he sternly said. “Correct yourself or you’ll be missin’ out on an orgasm tonight.” He slowed down his thrusts and he swore that your soul nearly left your body.
“Captain!” you shouted to the starry skies. “Please make me cum, Captain!” He smirked happily at your reaction and his cock surged in response. “That’s much better,” he chuckled. “Now cum on this cock, sugar.” 
And you did, right at the same time he burst inside of you, leaving cum dripping down your thighs only covered by the skirt he pulled down for you. The panties though? He kept those. 
“Is this you coming out as a slut?” he curiously asked. “‘Cause you didn’t have to go through all this trouble, doll face. I already knew.” 
He stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth while you stood behind him in the Halloween costume that you were very proud of. You made the outfit and did your makeup yourself. But his reaction sucked all the joy and excitement out of you instantly. 
You smacked him upside the head, earning a glare through the bathroom mirror. “Dickhead!” you shouted, irked at him trying hard to peck at your nerves. “It’s my Halloween costume! I’m Harley Quinn!” 
You decided to go for the Harley Quinn outfit from the Batman animated series, with the red and black checkered jester one-piece and hat with the cute little pom-poms that dangled from either side of your hat. You paired it with some heeled leather boots and Harley’s mallet which you painted during your downtime. You also did your makeup, painting your lips red and wearing a mask over your eyes that Harley often wore in the show. 
You felt cute and sexy. Sexy enough to seduce your clown boyfriend after a night of trick-or-treating…but of course, he had to be a dick and ruin your plans for role-play sex. He turned to you now, standing big and tall so he practically blocked out the sink behind him.
“I don’t know who that is,” he deadpanned. “And were you in my makeup again? ‘Cause that red lipstick looks awfully familiar.” He squinted at your lipstick, running a hand over his blue facial hair. 
“No,” you sighed, rolling your eyes behind your mask. “And she’s from Batman. You know the DC comics?” Buggy still stared at you like he had no idea what you were saying. Then a light flickered behind his eyes. “Ohhh, nerdy shit,” he snickered. “Figures as much.” 
He turned back around to the bathroom mirror, nearly dripping toothpaste on his wife beater than he filled out completely. Seriously: Buggy is huge. Anytime you stood near him, he made you feel like an ant (which also turned you on). “Says the guy who walks around in clown makeup,” you retorted. “The only nerd here is you, Buggy.” 
He smirked in the mirror as he spat in the sink bowl and then dabbed at his mouth with a towel. “And yet people still tremble at the sight of me,” he cockily chuckled. He turned back around to face you, his eyes trailing over how your body filled out the jester suit. “So now what? Am I supposed to fuck you or something?” 
You scoffed at his brazen words, planting your hands on your hips. “Oh, my God, you’re horrible,” you groaned, frustrated. “You’re supposed to take me out trick-or-treating!” 
Buggy’s eyes widened at you and your plan. ”In that?” he asked, surprised that you even came up with such an idea. You nodded, not at all piecing together how much the suit stuck to your form. It left nothing for imagination, your titties and ass pushing against the fabric. “In that suit, you’d be getting more than just candy, sweetheart,” he chuckled, turning back around to fix his ponytail. He took the aqua-blue locks out of his hairband, letting it fall down his back. 
You glared at him, wondering why you even tried in the first place…until an idea came to mind. You smirked at him as he continued to ignore you and prep himself. “Oh, I bet I would,” you purred. “All the fathers out there, especially, will probably be very happy to see me and give me every single bit of their candy.” 
Buggy stopped moving entirely, leaving his hair out of its ponytail. “Maybe Shanks would appreciate my costume a little more, you think?” you asked. “Maybe I should see for myself.” 
You turned to walk out of the bathroom, a giddy smile on your face as you laughed to yourself. That smile fell from your face the moment Buggy’s disembodied hand zoomed across the room to wrap around your throat. It squeezed, hard, emitting a gasp from you as you struggled to breathe. Buggy’s heavy footfalls thudded behind you as he came up to you.
“Say that again, slut,” he growled. “You know damn well that redheaded bitch couldn’t do shit with you. You’re way too much of a deviant little cockslut for him.” 
His hand squeezed your throat tighter, making you squeak out a noise between a gasp and a whimper. His other hand slid down between your thighs, feeling the heat radiating there. “Admit it,” he demanded. 
His grip loosened, giving you a chance to breathe. And be a fucking brat. “Not until you admit how much you love this costume,” you weakly shot back. 
Buggy pressed himself against you, giving you a feel of his hard-on that slid against your lower back.
“Maybe,” he sighed. “After I’m done fucking that mouth until this makeup runs.” He turned your face to his and ran a thumb over your lips, smudging your lipstick. “Maybe then I’ll love this stupid costume even more.” 
A devious glint appeared in his eyes, giving you a taste of what was to come next for you.
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artdcnaldson · 4 days
halloween is coming soooo...who do you think the boys dress up like? i get vibes of like art as an akin skywalker and patrick as like something dumb like a bottle of ketchup or something. and if they want to like match they'll be like beevis and butthead. and if they were young in modern times i feel like art would be thor and patrick loki....guys....also i'm blanking on my girl tashi😩😩😩 please help i need to know what you think she'll dress up as like <3
Oooh like 2006 era hmmmm
I think Art and Patrick are wearing slutty, slutty matching costumes. Like Angel and Devil or Cop and Prisoner and shit like that.
GOD you know what actually. Walk with me. Their go to is fucking Bedsheet togas and laurel crowns they made out of hobby lobby fake foliage and gold spraypaint. They decorate themselves with random gold body paint and it gives them an excuse to be hot and shirtless.
Tashi is harder for me too like I think she likes actual scary costumes, or super low effort but at least spooky themed. So like a black dress and a witch hat, or she'll buy a ghostface costume (this is so hot to me... tashi duncan ghostface... mmmmphhhhh).
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
I haven't seen many horror films and would like some recommendations. What are some must-watch horror movies for someone new to the genre?
oooh this is such a fun question but so hard 2 answer bc horror is like. such a versatile genre & where u should start depends a lot on like what type of movies u enjoy/what ur looking for….
like if u want sci-fi/alien horror then the obvious place 2 start is w alien (1979) and aliens (1986) (there are other sequels as well but the first 2 are the best) & then also the thing (1982) and its prequel film that came out in 2011 (also titled the thing). AND of course the fly (1986) is a must-see...and if u want something more recent nope (2022) or no one will save you (2023)...both a little more artsy and slow-moving than the 80s recs on this list but very very good <3
if ur interested in slashers then again start w the classics scream (1996) is SO fun it deserves its spot in the horror hall of fame...i know what you did last summer (1997) is also a fun & slightly older slasher; cabin in the woods (2011) is great if u want some meta-slasher-horror; ready or not (2019) isn't necessarily a conventional slasher but i'd still include it in this category & it's one of my faves
if found footage is ur jam PLEASE start w creep (2014) probably my fave found footage horror film ever...but also i'm not a huge found footage fan generally speaking lol. that being said the blair witch project (1999) is of course the classic here but it's not my personal fave; other good options if u want something genuinely freaky/scary are the bay (2012) hell house llc (2015) and gonjiam: haunted asylum (2018)
if u want like possessions & demons etc then. start with jennifer's body (2009) if u want horror-comedy it is SO fun & a staple of the genre atp but if u want something scarier then it follows (2014) is a popular one. there have also been a lot of good possesion movies coming out recently i thought smile (2022) talk to me (2022) and when evil lurks (2023) (<- literally JUST watched this one today lol) were all quite spooky
& sort of possession-adjacent but if ur more into hauntings, ghosts, etc then start w the babadook (2014) or his house (2020) both SO good. also the shining (1980) is a classic & la llorona (2019) is a personal fave of mine (NOT. the u.s. 'curse of la llorona' movie. the guatemalan one.)
if u want witches then start w the craft (1996) another sort of fun one <3 or if u want a classic then hungry wives (1972). the love witch (2016) if u want a visually beautiful & less scary one; the witch (2015) if u want a scarier one.
if u want eerie fantasy-horror then the company of wolves (1984) or tale of tales (2015). if u want a creature feature then blood red sky (2021) for vampires, ginger snaps (2000) for werewolves, and a quiet place (2018) for like post-apocalyptic creature invasion horror.
& SPEAKING of post-apocalyptic. if u want zombies i could make a whole separate post but. START w train to busan (2016) & seoul station (2016) the dynamic duo <3 & then if u want some classics from the genre of course night of the living dead (1968), dawn of the dead (2004...i haven't seen the original one u could watch that one too tho...), and 28 days later (2002). raw (2016) if u want an artsier one, the girl with all the gifts (2016) if u want a fun spin on zombie apocalypse, cargo (2017) if u want 2 cry. & if u want something funny then PLEASE watch zombie for sale (2019) or anna and the apocalypse (2017) or one cut of the dead (2017)
if u want kind of a slower-build psychological thriller then the invitation (2015) is one of my faves, but mother! (2017) is also good if u want an artsy pick & gerald's game (2017) and lyle (2014) are good as well
and then just a grab-bag of horror movies that didn't fit perfectly into any of these categories: barbarian (2022) if u want something really scary, piggy (2022) if u want slow-building horror, midsommar (2019) if u want sunshiney culty a24 aesthetic, us (2019) if u want something that'll freak u out & is slasher-adjacent, get out (2017) if u want slow-build thriller vibes, and teeth (2007) if u want teen-girl horror classic.
bear in mind that many of these films overlap between the categories i've divided them into 4 this answer, as is the nature of horror...if u were asking me 2 just like. force myself 2 choose a top 10 horror movies 2 introduce someone 2 horror w no preference 4 genre or vibe...i think my list would probably be (in no particular order):
alien (1979)
2. the fly (1986)
3. jennifer's body (2009)
4. ginger snaps (2000)
5. train to busan (2016) (<- pains me 2 say bc seoul station is my fave zombie movie of all time but if i had 2 choose just one zombie movie 2 introduce someone 2 the genre it would be this one...beginner zombie movie...)
6. scream (1996)
7. his house (2020)
8. barbarian (2022)
9. creep (2014)
10. us (2019)
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alterchaos · 2 months
Not so long ago in a spooky haunted castle there was a group of friends out to enjoy the...movie set? Wait...CUT! Cut! Let's roll that back! Ghosts surely aren't real, except, maybe the ones haunting our past mistakes...
inspired by: SONIC X EPISODE 19
(cn: part of this chapter was drawn before being finished in written format)
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Amy breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of their approaching friend, “Oooh…She’s just running away from some ghosts…
The boy and the hedgehog joined their friend, screaming as they worked to flee the terrifying spirits chasing them from behind. After a few moments, Amy took note of a side room they could duck in quickly approaching.
“Quick! This way!”
The trio of friends threw themselves to the side just as the ghosts attempted to swipe. They tumbled down a few steps before landing on the stone, cold floor of the castle’s inner chamber. The three of them gasped for air a few moments until all fell quiet. Chris pushed himself up onto his feet, regaining his stamina.
“Phew! I think…I think we finally lost them…”
The girl with the fluffy, golden hair flipped onto her back, gasping in shock as her eyes focused on the strange sight above her, “G-G-Guys…I-I think we have bigger things to worry about!!!”
The older of the Thorndyke siblings followed his sister’s frightened gaze, equally shocked as his eyes fell upon the sight of their friends and family trapped between some dark, purple barrier and the ceiling above. He locked eyes with his worried mother a moment before shifting his gaze to meet Sonic’s, equally as worried for their predicament.
So that was where they’d all ended up.
“H-How did they get up THERE!?”
“That’s easy…”
The Thorndyke siblings watched in horror as their pink friend turned her head, her eyes now reflecting those of the psychotic ghosts who’d stolen their friends. Her mouth cracked into an equally unsettling smile as she tilted her head in a creepy and unnatural fashion, her quills turning upward slightly as large, dark claws broke through the tips of her gloves.
Amy dropped her hammer as the siblings screamed.
“EVE, WE HAVE TO MOVE!!!” Chris tried to pull his sister off the floor and away from the possessed hedgehog but it was no use.
The little girl froze, unable to will herself to move as her precious friend lunged at her. Claws stretched wide, she grabbed the small girl by the collar of her dress, paying no mind to the boy next to her as she dragged her along in malice. Her back hit the far wall with a loud crash, as the possessed hedgehog continued to pin her there with her elbow.
The small, winded girl continued to stare at her friend with wide, terrified eyes, confused at what the spirit within meant.
She threw the girl to the side in one, swift motion. Eve tumbled a few feet backward, skidding to a halt near the far wall. Apart from a few bruises and scrapes, she was uninjured, though she didn’t know how long that would last as her friend approached her once more, cornering her like prey. Amy’s body knelt down, the pink in her now-rounded irises glowing with hatred and a thirst for vengeance.
Eve brought up an arm, shielding herself as the spirit laughed menacingly, preparing to strike.
Just as her hand went to strike, Chris grabbed hold of it, using its momentum to throw off her attack. He tumbled on top of his friend, his wrist bending unnaturally as the ghost fought back, wrangling Amy’s hand free.
He didn’t give up though, continuing to wrestle against the hedgehog’s immense strength despite his sprained wrist. Whether through sheer willpower or Amy somehow fighting back against the spirit, Chris managed to force his way between her and his sister, their hands locked in struggle as they stared each other down.
“Enough…You want to hurt my little sister?”
Chris threw his arms up with all his strength before letting go of her hands, throwing Amy’s body off guard. Though it felt wrong, he took the opportunity to punch Amy in the face, knocking her backwards and giving him the chance to rise to his feet. The ghost jumped onto the hedgehog’s feet, crouching down like an animal ready to pounce. Chris took a readied stance, pointing to himself with a thumbs up for a moment as he stared the spirit down with fury and determination.
Though worried for his friends’ safety, the blue hedgehog couldn’t help but smile proudly from above as he watched his dear friend stand strong, fearlessly defending his little sister without hesitation. The blonde woman next to him watched the hedgehog a moment before looking back to her son with wide eyes.
He’d grown so much in such a short time.
How had she missed it?
Amy’s body continued to lunge in a similar fashion, though now targeting the boy who had landed a hit on her. She would have to take him out first if she wanted to reach the small girl who was now running to the large hammer on the ground. She grabbed the handle, attempting to lift it to no avail and resorting to dragging it along the ground slightly with each tug.
“C-Come on! If only…If only I could throw it up there…”
She continued to tug, useless to the battle at hand.
“...I could break the wall and release everyone!”
But she was weak.
Amy landed a slash on Chris’s right arm, causing him to stumble and cry out in pain. She then grabbed him and threw him into the far wall, his forearm meeting the full force of the impact under his weight with a loud crack.
Her body turned back to the frightened girl and began approaching, a sinister series of cackles escaping her. She paused, however, as the figure of a bruised, spiky-haired boy slid into her path once more, now holding his fractured arm with care.
“F-Family…is supposed to BE THERE for each other!!! A-And I…I REFUSE TO KEEP ABANDONING MINE!!!”
The girl clutched the hammer close as tears began falling from her eyes, her mother above watching in a similar fashion as she recalled the disappointment in her daughter’s voice over the phone.
That was why he’d been so upset…
Lindsey clenched her fists in frustration, guilt crossing her expression.
Of course she’d missed it.
She’d always missed it.
Even now as she tried to include them both following the world-wide discovery of Sonic after his fight with the evil Dr. Eggman…
The girl continued to clutch the hammer for support as she watched her brother fight tirelessly to protect her with wet eyes.
Both Thorndyke kids’ eyes widened at the sight of their possessed friend, trembling as a few tears fell from her eyes. She suddenly gripped her head as she stumbled away from them a few steps.
She continued fighting it another moment before throwing Chris aside and lunging at Eve in a swift motion. There was nothing the girl with the golden hair could do but shut her eyes as she prepared to meet her fate.
This…was the end…
The girl slowly opened her aqua eyes just in time to feel the hammer be yanked from her grasp. She looked to Amy, a sincere yet still-creepy grin crossing her muzzle as she momentarily regained control. The sight made the girl’s skin crawl though she listened at the hedgehog’s painfully forced words.
“...Q-Quick! Take…cover!!”
Eve ducked and covered her head as Amy used the last of her consciousness and momentum to launch her hammer at the ceiling barrier. She smiled weakly before losing herself once more.
But it was too late.
The ghost fled his vessel as it attempted to save the barrier, Amy falling to the floor unconscious as a result. Everyone who was captured fell the short distance, bracing for impact.
All, that is, except Sonic.
The spirit barely had a chance to react before the hedgehog’s emerald gaze locked on in fury, revving into a spindash and attacking over and over with his unrelenting wrath. The ghost screamed with each rapid strike, unable to maintain its physical form for much longer against such power.
The ghost smiled.
The perfect vessel.
It entered the hedgehog’s mind, ready to consume such raw strength as its own.
Darkness surrounded the spirit…
It should have been comforting…
And yet…
Glowing eyes pierced the spirit, shaking it to its core.
The ghost fled the hedgehog’s body before he even had a chance to process its entry. He continued to attack, the spirit relenting and disappearing from the scene. Sonic landed with a resounding huff, quelling the boiling rage within him as the ghost’s presence vanished. He quickly turned to the direction of the unconscious hedgehog with panic.
The famous actress ran to her injured son, embracing him much to his dismay, though he was too exhausted to fight against it.
“I know…I’m sorry…I won’t act so recklessly again…”
“I’m proud of you, son.”
Chris’s eyes widened.
“W-What? You aren’t upset with me?”
“No. You’ve grown up so fast and I…I can’t wait to see how you continue to grow…both of you…I know I’ve missed so much but I…I hope I can-”
“Of course you can…” Chris smiled, releasing a few tears, “...Mom.”
Eve smiled happily as Ella placed a tender and knowing hand on her shoulder.
Chartreuse eyes slowly blinked open, meeting those of an emerald hue.
The blue hedgehog quickly hugged her in a trembling embrace, his typically cool demeanor slipping as panic overtook his voice.
“Amy, thank goodness you’re okay…”
The pink hedgehog blushed, having never seen such a side to him before. Sonic equally realized his slipup, his face turning bright red as he frantically scooped the pink hedgehog into his arms like any other friend and smiled comically.
“UUUUH! Y-You did great out there, Ames! You really showed that ghost who was boss! Heh heh heh!”
“Y-Yeah…” She looked to the bruised and battered Thorndyke siblings, a deep and unsettling wave of guilt washing over her.
Sonic noticed her shift in demeanor, “Amy?”
She continued to stare at Chris, watching as he winced in pain from the small fracture in his arm, “I-I…” She fought back a few tears.
Sonic followed her gaze, smiling gently when he realized what had to be going through her mind, “Hey…Chin up, Ames. He’ll be okay.” The boy in question turned to face the duo, having realized he was being stared at, “Chris is super strong, after all.” He offered the pained boy a wink, Chris returning one of his own with a sincere smile. Amy smiled tiredly before shifting her gaze from his and turning back towards Sonic’s chest to hide her face.
Sonic turned to the group, offering his most-joyful demeanor to help lighten the mood, “Come on, gang! Let’s head back! I’m starved for more of Ella’s world-class chilidogs after all that!”
Ella chuckled before offering a flashy smile, “As soon as I find some staff and get these kids bandaged up, let’s have ourselves a real family meal made by yours truly!” She looked to the closer-than-ever siblings with a warm smile as they checked each other over for injuries, “I think we’ve earned it…”
“Oh! I would love to help, Ella!” The actress's eyes sparkled in anticipation, “I can make the kids’ favorites just like I used to!”
Chris and Eve began to sweat, preferring not to remember how their “favorites” turned out last time.
Ella knew better as well, “Er…yes…well…You can be my official assistant! Every great chef needs one, Lindsey! Ha ha ha!”
Lindsey gasped, “You. Are. Absolutely right, Ella! It’ll be just like when we were kids!” Her eyes sparkled more.
The Thorndyke siblings wiped the sweat from their brows, safe for now.
Tails began to drool just thinking about it, “Man, I could really go for some more of your mints…”
“...We’ve gotta work on your diet, Lil’ Bro…” The pair of brothers took up the rear as the group exited the castle chamber.
The young fox blushed, “I-I eat other things too!”
“Yeah…a small meal and five empty mint tins is not what I would call ‘healthy’...”
“Oh and like ten chilidogs is?”
“Hey! At least it’s actually food!”
The human girl helping her brother along up head giggled at their banter, none of them aware of the ghosts appearing behind them as they left.
“Fools…ghosts. Don’t. DIE.”
The malevolent spirits laughed, though none ever dared to challenge the hedgehog or his comrades ever again.
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mitsuyafics · 8 months
Black Magic
female reader
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character : Mitsuya Takashi
Note : the start of my fantasy au for many characters of Tokyo Revengers
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    You just moved into a new town. The town itself was small, and a very colorful place, but something felt very off to you. As a witch, the aura of the place felt.. so dark. so.. eerie.
You used spells to unpack all your things, and made sure your familiar, a black cat named Chifuyu, was comfortable.
"Chifuyu! I'm going to find the nearest witch shop, Do you wanna come ?" You were running low on a lot of materials needed for spells, and with all this energy you knew there had to be other beings in this small town. You used a spell to change your violet purple eyes to a normal color. Chifuyu climbed up your robe and onto your shoulder, sitting perfectly.
You smiled at the cat, "You really like it up there, huh?"
"Cats like high places." He responded sassily.
"Cats also don't speak, So shut up." You replied back and smirked.
You entered a small store on the far end of town. You could feel the magical energy radiating off the building.
"Hello miss! You must be the power I felt. Is there anything specific you need?" A man, who looked just a little older than me, asked. He looked soft and had very purple hair with these puppy eyes.
"I just need some essentials for some spells. Whats with the energy in this town? I feel something so.. dark.."
"So I wasn't the only one who felt that? Damn.. I was hoping I was just imagining it." He sighed, picking stuff off the shelf behind him for you. "I honestly dont know what it is.. maybe someone else came in the town? When you entered I thought it was you, considering I felt your energy, but I can tell being this close to you, it isn't you."
"Then what could it be?"
"That question is what scares me the most."
"So.. You don't know?"
"No clue. Nothing has visited this town for years. Why now?" He handed you your items and you paid him the amount.
"Well.. I'll be here to help if nothing else. Here's my number and address for if you find out anything." You smiled and waved as you walked out the door.
He was really cute, you hoped you'd be able to see him again soon.
A knock was heard on your door as you shuffled into the living room.
"Hello..?" You asked the person before seeing who they were.
"Hey miss. I realized when we met at the shop we never exchanged names, I'm Mitsuya by the way."
"Oh, hi again Mitsuya. I'm Y/n."
"A pretty name for a pretty girl" He smiled so cutely, you felt your heard beat faster.
"So, what are you doing here?"
"I came to get to know you better."
"Oh! Okay. Come on in!" You left Mitsuya in, and walked into the kitchen.
"Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Juice?"
"Just water will be fine.”
You nodded as you placed a cup in front of him with telekinesis and started on your cup of coffee. You poured him water as you finished your coffee and turned towards him. His eyes were wide as he watched the scene play out.
"That was impressive. Teach me that someday" He smiled.
"Sure! So.. What type of magic do you major?"
"Elemental. For you I'm guessing Telekinesis?"
"And a small amount of necromancy"
"Oooh, so you're truly a spooky witch, huh?" He sent a smirk your way.
"I guess you could say that, but I'd watch who you tease. I control life and death mister elemental bender." I smirked back.
He raised his hands up defensively, "Okay okay I got you" He laughed.
The two talked and talked for hours, getting to know each other better and becoming really close. It felt nice to both of them, to have a witch/warlock who they could talk to about magic.
"It's getting kind of late.. I should go.."
"Mitsuya It's 12:37am, just stay the night. I'll sleep on the couch."
"What? No way. I'll take the couch."
"I'm not letting my guest sleep on the couch." You argued.
"Well I'm not taking your bed." He argued back.
"They why don't we share my bed? It's big enough for us both and we don't need to argue." His face went up in flames as he tried to calm himself.
"Yea.. Sounds good."
The two piled into your room, laying down and talking about dreams.
"Yes?" You asked with closed eyes.
"I'm really happy I met you. I never knew it be so fun to meet someone like me"
"I'm happy I met you too, Mitsuya."
"I.. I know we just met a few days ago, but I feel like I've known you forever.. I.. I think I might have feelings for you.."
Mitsuya turned away from you, scared of your reaction to the sudden confession.
You, on the other hand, were on fire. Your whole body felt hot.
no reply.
" 'Suya look at me.."
He turned around slowly on his other side.
"Y-Yes?" He asked, avoiding your gaze.
You softly placed your lips on his, cupping his face lightly.
"Y-Ya... Y-You could've warned me" He mentions after.
You smiled his way, "Sorry. I just wanted to kiss you. I feel the same way.."
Mitsuya started to smile, before grabbing your waist and kissing you once more.
This one lasted a bit longer as you guys were comfortable in each other's presence.
After pulling away, you cuddled into his chest, enjoying his sweet scent.
"Goodnight, 'Suya~"
He blushed lightly, "Goodnight N/N..."
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liketheletter-l · 1 year
(Leo doesn’t sleep for a week. Leo gets really good at chess.)
ao3 link!!
NIGHT 1, 2:02am
By the time the digital alarm clock flashes 2am, Leo knows what kind of night it’s going to be.
He actually flopped into bed at 11, which could be described as unthinkably early—at least for Leo. But after his Thespian meeting (wherein Sara Burnett got that look in her eyes like she was going to freaking maul Caleb for the role of VP—that girl’s got capital-i ISSUES) and a quick afternoon study with his Physics group (before he even got there, they unanimously decided Leo’s doing the presentation, UGH, the pitfalls of being so charming and beautiful), Leo had pretty much nothing but homework to do until evening. 
And video games. Lots of video games. Why would he do homework when he could grind out Mario Kart drills until his eyes bleed? Serious question.
Maybe he should pick up another club, though. Just to fill that Sunday 5pm-ish slot. Why not? Leo likes having free time, sure, but he hates being bored. He could take up fencing or something. God, that would be so cool. Or maybe he’ll just text Andre. Or Levi. Or Damien.
Having tossed and turned in bed for the past three hours completely restless, eyes burning, Leo can accept it’s just a No-Sleep kind of night. He can take the L on this one. And he would like the record to reflect that he REALLY DID TRY, Mikey, so no more Dr. Feelings trying to wheedle an admission of ‘poor self-care’ out of him. That’s downright laughable. Poor self-care? Leo’s nighttime routine is twelve steps and that’s JUST for his skin, not even counting hair. 
So, yeah, Leo feels justified in giving up tonight. He’s booooored. 
Extracting his legs from the snarl of sheets and blankets, Leo gets out of bed and immediately trips on his backpack. And then his swim bag. And then all the outfit rejects from this morning, including a pink knit vest and those pants with all the buckles (he keeps wanting to wear them but they tragically don’t look right with any of his outfits—SO FAR, he’s not giving up on them yet.)
“Eugh, who put these here,” Leo jokes under his breath, righting himself super gracefully and Definitely Not banging into the wall hard enough to wake Donnie. Nobody saw anything, so it basically never happened.
The red glow from his LEDs casts all his green clothes black, like little mounds of shadow on his floor. Spooky. (In the way that makes him confront that he really should clean his room.) His bedside lamp chases it away, though, dousing the room in warm light.  
Leo kicks aside a paper plate with crumbs and one of Raph's textbooks (oh that’s where that is, geez, he was tearing apart the house for it on Friday, Leo should really hide it in Donnie’s room) and makes his way to the door. Absentmindedly, he feels up on his head for any wayward curls and tucks them back in his blue silk scarf. 
Their apartment is nice and cozy at night. Mikey used to be real scared of the dark when they were little (well, so was Leo, but even the CIA couldn’t get that outta him) so they put up kiddie nightlights in every outlet down the hallway. And then they just never took them out. When Leo was ten or so, he used to try and hop from one pool of light to the other. Undisputed champion of “nightlight hopscotch” over here, five years running, no paparazzi please!
Oooh, maybe there’s a hopscotch club. Would that be too lame or just lame enough that it circles back around to being cool again? Post-post-ironic?
Leo shuffles down to the ground floor, careful not to slip. Fuzzy socks + hardwood floors = waking everyone up by eating shit down three flights of stairs, nooo thank you, that has happened before and he was not fond of it. Sure, he escaped with just a couple bruises, but his pride still has not recovered.
Holy shit, his thoughts are all over the place. Oof. Yeah, Leo’s really not sleeping tonight. 
It’s one of those times where his mind just keeps spinning and spinning with no end in sight. He calls it Beyblade Brain. Other people probably have different, lamer names for it, but that’s really how it feels; just sort of gears whirring and clicking and thoughts cartwheeling about. Y’know, regular stylez. 
That’s how Leo knows not only is he NOT sleeping tonight, he’s gotta find something to do. Being bored is already the worst thing maybe ever, but bored when he’s Like This is basically freaking torture. Seriously. 
Oh, someone’s awake. 
A slice of cold light from the half-open downstairs door trips up the steps in chunks. Either someone is in fact awake, or Dad forgot to turn the lights off when he went to bed: both equally possible.
Leo doesn’t bother to be quiet when he slips in. Dad sleeps like a rock even during midday naps (jealous? Yes, Leo is jealous, thanks for asking) so smack-dab in the middle of his REM should be no problemo. 
It’s not Dad, though—it’s Donnie, clearly also not in sleep mode, twists up in a messy bun and glasses low on their nose, bundled in the weighted hoodie Raph got them last Christmas. They’re spreading almond butter on a sleeve of saltines one by one.
“Why don’t you ever just take the crackers and the almond butter with you?” Leo asks, in lieu of greeting. “It always takes you, like, a million hours to get all of it on there, and then you’re balancing forty-five saltines face-up on a huge platter instead of—I dunno, a regular-sized snack plate?”
Donnie looks up long enough to roll his eyes as Leo skirts past him to the coffee machine, but otherwise turns his attention back to his task. “You should know better than to suggest I partake in regular snacking, Nardo.”
Fumbling in the cabinets for his fancy Starbucks Veranda blend, Leo scoffs. “I just think there’s a less dramatic way to eat crackers. Myyy bad.” The coffee filters cling to each other stubbornly, even as Leo tries to wriggle a finger in and separate one. He growls in frustration—on GOD, he’s lobbying for a Keurig. Starting TOMORROW. This is fucking ridiculous. This is straight-up clownery.
A purple-gloved hand darts into his vision and swipes the filters. Leo turns to see Donnie pull one off with insulting ease. And again, he’s wearing gloves! How is that fair!
“I’m not thanking you,” Leo says, in an attempt to humble the smug smirk off Don’s face. It doesn’t work. Obviously.
“Fine. You’re not welcome. See if I ever help you with anything again.”
“Uh-huh.” Knowing full well that Donnie loves being needed too much to ever make good on that threat, Leo turns his attention back to his coffee. He dumps some grounds into the filter, about halfway to the top. And then he adds some more. And then a little more, just for good measure. He likes his coffee full of sugar and caffeinated enough to give an elephant heart palpitations.
Oooh, Dad will probably agree to a Keurig if he thinks it’ll discourage Leo from drinking entire pots of coffee in the middle of the night. Of course, it will not, but that’s still an argumentative point in the Keurig’s favor. It would be nice to make just a CUP of coffee instead of having to make a whole POT, Leo will say, as earnestly as he can manage. Hook, line, and sinker. Too easy.
“You’re not sleeping,” Donnie says, not a question but an observation.
Leo flicks the coffeemaker on and spins around, clocking Donnie’s raised eyebrow. “Neither are you, hermano.”
“True, but unlike you, I do intend to go to bed at some point. Likely soon.”
Stretching his arms over his head, Leo leans back against the counter. Faced with Don’s total lack of judgment or well-intentioned but anxiety-slash-guilt-inducing worry, it’s a little easier to admit: “It’s a No-Sleep night.”
Donnie nods, and resumes laying out their crackers on a tray. They must have been in the workshop before getting a snack; they tend to be more sensitive about touching food with their bare hands when they’ve been elbow-deep in circuits for several hours. Hence, the purple latex gloves. 
It was actually Leo who got a pack for him first, back when they were kids (and partially as a joke to be honest), but then Donnie started wearing them all the time. Said they helped with feeling like his hands are too dirty to touch certain things, even after he’s washed them. And with the added benefit of preventing bad texture-issues. Yeah, Leo’s a genius, best brother ever, hold your applause.
Donnie finishes making their snack. Their face relaxes, content. 
So obviously, Leo decides to be a problem. He heaves a big, dramatic sigh, and drapes himself across the kitchen island, whining, “I’m boooooored.”
“Ack— Leo, get off!” Donnie complains, moving the tray to the other counter, rescuing the few stray saltines that have migrated dangerously close to the edge. He turns and fixes Leo with a glare that could melt steel. “Is it your personal mission to find any semblance of peace I create and obliterate it into shrapnel?”
“Literally yes.” Leo flings out an arm, blindly reaching to poke Donnie or tug on his hoodie or something, just to be annoying. 
Donnie smacks his hand. “Go find someone else to bother.”
“It’s the middle of the night!”
“He says, without a hint of self-awareness.”
“Oh, I’m plenty aware.” Leo scoots his back further up the counter, squinting against the fluorescents. He’s gonna do a back walkover off this kitchen island and/or die trying. “I’m aware that I have a shitass ugly stupid sibling who doesn’t appreciate me.”
“That’s one out of four correct.”
“You haaate me, you’re praying on my downfall.” Fully upside-down now, Leo reaches for the ground. He’s totally got this.
“Two for two. Good job.” Ouch, okay. “And I see you gearing up for a back walkover; just know you’re going to break your leg against the fridge. Also, your coffee’s done.”
“Aw, sweet!” Leo loses concentration for half a second, and his hand slips. Before he can brain himself on the hardwood, though, Donnie’s arms are under his shoulders, hauling him upright. His legs slip off the counter and land hard on the floor. Ow fuck that’s going to bruise. “Owwwwww.”
Even though Donnie’s face is upside-down to Leo when he cranes his neck back, the contempt is clear as goddamn day. Probably visible from space. “You’re an idiot,” Don informs him. One of their twists slips loose, dangling down over Leo’s face, and he bats at it like a cat.
“Owww, I’m grev-i-ously injured, Donald.” Leo pouts. “Help me up.”
“It’s grievously.” Without warning, Donnie stands, dropping Leo back down on the cold floor. It knocks the wind out of him. Don steps over his broken, shattered, betrayed body and retrieves their tray of saltines. “And remember, I’m never helping you again. Because you, dear Leonardo, are ungrateful.”
Leo scrambles to his feet, because he wants company way more than he wants to continue this bit. “Wa-wa-wait, hold up.” Adjusting his hair again, Leo worries at his lip. 
Donnie’s stopped in the doorway, looking back at him impassively, but he knows he has about—ehh—five seconds (give or take) to come up with an excuse for them to spend time together. Either that, or resign himself to a night spent losing at Bedwars half a million times. (At least with Donnie on his team, he actually stands a chance.)
“Do you wanna play video games?”
Don’s expression doesn’t change, but he shifts on his feet a bit. “I’m in the middle of something right now.”
“Oh.” Cool, cool. That’s cool. Leo totally gets it. It’s just that if being bored when he gets all spinny is the Worst Thing Ever… being alone probably takes silver. 
All the same, Leo forces himself to smile. Because he’s a good brother and he gets that Donnie has way more important shit to do than, say, lose to Leo in Mario Kart. “Gotcha. Have fun, mellizo.”
A beat of silence. Leo stares at the pictures on the fridge to avoid meeting Donnie’s eyes. 
There’s Miguel winning his most recent gymnastics championship (for about the millionth time), holding up a trophy with a thousand-watt smile. Raph and April before their orchestra concert, both in black suits. Donnie, dangling his gold AcadDec medal over a dozen of the same kind, grinning smugly. One of Leo himself, bowing to accept Best Solo Acting Performance at NY-freaking-TF last year. Oh, that was nice. That was a fantastic day. Some of the people from school were sooo mad because he was only a freshman, but—
“I’m not using the desktop in the Lair.” Donnie’s looking down at his tray when Leo turns. Even though his intonation hasn’t changed, as monotone as ever, Leo can hear the implicit lead-in. And sure enough, “As long as you don’t distract me, I won’t mind if you use it while I’m working.”
Fucking around on the big three-monitor desktop and distracting Donnie while they’re working? Win-win! 
Leo feels his face split into a shark-like grin. “Moi? Distracting?” he chirps, and Donnie’s ensuing eye-roll is so worth the smack upside the head he gets. 
“Don't make me regret this,” Donnie warns, with no real heat. 
“I don’t know why you would say that. I have never done anything wrong in my life,” says Leo solemnly.
NIGHT 1, 3:12am
Leo is losing his goddamn mind.
“I need a different game.”
Bathed in purple and blue light from the LEDs, hunched over with their hot metal tool thingy about four inches from his comically oversized safety goggles, Donnie squints at his circuit board and says, “You keep saying that and yet, you keep losing. Basic statistics indicate that the game is not the problem.”
Leo stares at the GAME OVER screen that’s been flashing since he rage-quit Overwatch five minutes ago. Ow. 
Okay, so. Okay. That. Um. Ouch.
Normally it doesn’t bother him. When things bother Leo, he’s typically really good at shoving down the hurt into a tiny little space that he imagines is like, the bottom left-hand drawer of his heart. And then locking it. And throwing the key into a volcano.
But, um. When he’s lost at, like, four hundred different fucking games in a row in front of Donnie, who’s standing over there making their own custom circuit boards, it kind of. Sort of. Hits a little hard. 
Jeez. He’s being such a baby. It’s not Donnie’s fault that Leo isn’t— 
“You’re just jealous ‘cause you don’t see my vision,” Leo says quickly, stopping that train of thought in its tracks. And then exploding it. “This is actually a gambit I’m doing. This was part of my plan all along.”
“Uh-huh.” Donnie doesn’t even dignify that with an eye-roll. They lean towards their work at almost an entire 90 degree angle (they’re gonna have back problems by age twenty, Leo keeps saying), and make a low, unhappy sound in the back of their throat. Setting down the coil of metal, Donnie snaps at the adjacent table, sound muffled by their gloves. “Hand me that IC.”
“Don, buddy, you gotta use more words than that.”
“Integrated circuit,” Donnie says, impatient. He points to a square thing that looks a little spider-like, with a bunch of thin metal prongs coming off of it. “That.”
“You’re literally closer to it,” Leo complains, even as he’s rolling his chair over. He ferries the weird little gadget an entire six inches from the desk to Donnie’s hand. And then he just sort of… watches.
Don adjusts his goggles and tucks a stray twist behind his ear. He sets the hot tool on a stand and picks up a smaller tool nearby, one that’s black and rectangular. Slotting the gadget Leo handed him into the mouth of the smaller tool, he delicately aligns it with the circuit board and then presses down, the mouth segment retracting in with the pressure like a stamp. 
Abruptly, Leo realizes, he wants to know what that tool is called. 
It’s on the tip of his tongue. What’s that? But when he tries to ask, his mouth won’t make the shape of the words. 
Leo sort of… hears the exchange in his head, how it would go. What’s that? And then Donnie tells him, it’s a [insert-nerd-sounding-thing-here.] And life goes on. Leo’s picked Donnie’s brain about plenty of times before, so it doesn’t make sense, but for some reason…
Well. In his mind’s eye, he sounds like a little kid. Just sort of… hovering. Asking annoying questions and doing nothing with the answers. 
Why is he—? 
Wow. This is. This is really stupid. Is he actually getting a little choked up because he doesn’t know the name of Donnie’s weird stamp tool?
It’s dumb but Leo still just… really wishes he knew what it was called. And the hot tool. And the—the gadget Leo handed Don, dammit, it was… it was something-circuit. How did he already forget?? They said it like four seconds ago. God. Wow.
“Can I help you?” Donnie asks dryly.
Oh shit. Leo’s been staring for an aaawkwardly long time. 
He should really go back to his own desk. He’s got a mug of coffee going cold. 
Instead, Leo puts on a smile that feels a little weak-kneed—he hopes it doesn’t come off that way. “Just enraptured by your nerd shit, ‘Tello. Don’t mind me.”
Donnie searches his face, brows furrowing. “Are you being sarcastic right now?”
That is. That is a great question. 
“Nah,” Leo decides. “I really—this looks, I dunno. It looks cool.” A little heat prickles at his cheeks. He sounds so fucking stupid and he’s so fucking weirdly nervous. This is insane. Literal clownery. 
One of Donnie’s painstakingly maintained eyebrows quirks up in an insulting display of skepticism. “It looks… cool.” They set down their tools and spin fully in their chair to face Leo. “You, Hamato Leonardo, think that me soldering a DIP IC—that’s an integrated circuit of the Dual Inline Package variety, a logic gate, in particular—onto my build to improve my Boolean Logic implementation for a custom asymmetric encryption algorithm, is. Cool.”
Hitting Leo with that many nerd terms in a row is fucking evil. 
But the worst part is that it’s not, right? Donnie isn’t being evil. They aren’t even really trying to show off, at least not right now, not to Leo.
“...Yeah?” Leo manages.
The flat look Donnie levels him is par for the course, but it still needles at the thrashing, tender thing in Leo’s chest right now. “That seems unlikely.”
It’s out of Leo’s mouth before he can stop it. His voice sort of bends mid-syllable, whiny and vulnerable and Not At All Chill. Cover. Cover cover cover. 
“Like…” Leo swallows, and then forces a corner of his mouth up into a smirk. He can’t quite meet Donnie’s eyes, so instead he looks up at some of the Jupiter Jim posters on the wall. “Y’know. I’m a—a shape enjoyer. Little squares go brrr.” 
Wow, Leon. Reeeally going for the fuckin’ Oscar here.
Donnie says nothing for a second. Two, three, four—
And then abruptly, they yank their goggles down around their neck to better fix Leo with an unreadable stare. A sharp one. One that pierces through several layers of skin. Leo swears he can actually feel it: epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous, all crumple inward like tissue paper. 
“Are you angling for a favor?” 
“What? No!”
“Are you sure?” Donnie leans back in his chair, crossing his ankle over his knee, all narrowed-eyed suspicion. “Because lately you’ve been very vocal in your dislike of quote-unquote ‘nerd stuff.’ So I can’t think of another reason for the total about-face.”
Leo guesses he has been ramping up the teasing recently, but he didn’t— he wasn’t trying to—! Augh. 
What Leo tries to say is Don, I really do wanna hear about your work. But it comes out as: “Maybe I’m taking an interest in circuitry. Maybe I’m coming for your brand. You never know, Don-Tron—I gotta keep you on your toes.”
The joke—or whatever the fuck that was—does NOT stick the landing. Five-tenths deduction. 
Donnie raises an eyebrow, half-lidded eyes forming the signature portrait of disbelief and contempt he perfected years ago. “Oh, I’m terrified.” And then he clarifies, “Sarcasm.”
Well. Alright.
Now is the time to brush it off. Now is when Leo rolls back to the desktop and pours himself another cup of coffee, finds another game to lose at; now is when he laughs and waves a hand dismissively. 
But. For some reason.
He can’t let it go.
There’s a complicated sort of tugging in his chest. A two-finger pinch to the tender flesh of his heart, and a rising heat pricking up his neck, his cheeks, the tips of his ears. 
“I mean, I don’t think it’s that ridiculous,” Leo finds himself saying. 
Donnie doesn’t look at him. “That you would take up circuitry?”
Thin wisps of smoke curl off the hot tool as Donnie presses the metal to it again, movements precise, practiced, skilled. 
“Well. You’d need to start with electronic fundamentals, and then move onto schematic diagrams, component functionality, PCB design principles, etcetera. Circuitry as a hobby requires a wealth of background knowledge in many fields of science—digital logic, electromagnetics, semiconductor physics—that you aren’t interested in.”
A slightly hysterical laugh bubbles up out of Leo’s throat. “Who—who says I’m not interested in that stuff?”
Donnie looks at Leo like he’s insane. “Um, you?” 
Leo’s mouth snaps shut. Ah. Well. Can’t argue with that.
Just barely, Donnie sighs.
It might not even be a sigh, it’s literally just an exhale, could have just been an oddly sharp breath. All the same, Leo has to avert his eyes. Up. Back up to the poster. Jupiter Jim 28 and ½; Sub-Galactic Cruise. Cinematic masterpiece.
“Nardo, if you really want to take up circuitry, heaven knows I won’t stop you. I mean, it would be nice to compare notes.” Whatever Donnie’s working on makes a little snap, almost inaudible over the skepticism in their tone. Mm. Poster. Cool poster. Wow, this poster sure has a lot of bright colors.
“But based on your last, say, one hundred comments about the areas of study it’s tightly interwoven with, it’s statistically improbable that you’d enjoy it. That’s what I was saying. Academically-based hobbies don’t typically capture your interest the way that phys-ed or arts-based hobbies do.”
Donnie’s just stating a true fact, here. There’s a very trackable throughline between all of the things Leo’s gotten passionate about before, and it doesn’t include anything that could be considered, like, generally scholarly or intellectual.
So yes. We’ve established: true fact.
What Leo can’t figure out is… why it feels like an insult.
Leo doesn’t tend to spend his free time on especially cerebral activities, that’s basically old news, so even if he seems to be physiologically interpreting it differently, there is really no reason at all that he should feel so… mm. Hurt. 
A sudden, horrible burst of shame wracks through him out of nowhere, like being doused in ice water, and Leo shivers despite himself.
The foggy glow of the desktop’s screen loses its halo as Leo blinks away the accumulated glaze in his eyes. He reorients himself: three identical screensavers of some mountain scene, two Jupiter Jim posters above the desk, and Donnie, looking over at him.
Leo clears his throat, tries to untangle the knot in his chest. He pictures it smoothing out to un-creased rope. Not a single mark. Like it hadn’t been there at all.  “What’s up, Dee?"
Squinting uncomfortably, Donnie clears their throat. “Are you alright?”
Despite feeling raw, exposed, peeled back to muscle and sinew, Leo summons a smile out of thin air. (He didn’t win that acting award for nothing, after all.) “Right as rain, Don-Tron. Just having a bit of a… y’know.” He makes a vague gesture with his hand. “Thoughts goin’ all around and around.”
“Ah, Beyblade Brain,” Donnie hums. They reach for some small, cylindrical object, and it’s then that Leo decides to turn away so he doesn’t have to keep looking at things he doesn’t know the name of. 
Leo rolls his chair back to the desk. Mkay. No more hurt feelings. Done. Over. It’s getting annoying. 
No new notifications on his phone. His family’s faces grin up at him from his lockscreen, along with Hello Kitty and sparkle stickers he added in Picsart, plus Meryl Streep photoshopped into the background. Eugh, is it really not even four yet? This night is going by agonizingly slowly. Blowing out a breath, Leo wiggles the desktop mouse—ah, server timed out. Figures. Whateeeever! He’s done with FPS anyway. 
Leo picks up the Sparkle On! mug (Raph’s) and chugs his long-cold coffee, overly-sweet to the point that his teeth throb a little, until only grounds cling to the bottom. A ring from where he spilled a bit down the side is drying tacky on the desk; Leo scoots forward and scratches at it with his thumbnail.
The pot’s maybe a third of the way full of cold gross coffee. That’s, what, two cups? Either he downs it all right now (bad idea, might be funny) or pours it in a jar to put over ice tomorrow morning (good idea, booooring). 
Yeah, is that even a question?
Leo picks up the pot, tilts his head back, and—
Donnie snatches it from him.
“Heyyy, come on!”
“As much as I want to see you get karmically punished for your stupid decisions,” Donnie deadpans, “if you chug this, you’re going to vomit, and then I’m going to vomit. So, do it or don’t, but if you do, I’m going to wake up Raph.”
Hmmmm. Leo does some mental math: Raph, grumpy from being woken up at 4am, plus Leo making Donnie sick, plus Leo making himself sick, plus Leo chugging an entire pot of coffee in the middle of the night…
“Ughhhhhh, you’re such a snitch!” But he stands anyway, grabs for the pot and when Donnie raises an eyebrow he says, “Oh my god, I’m not gonna do it. I’m putting it in the fridge for tomorrow.”
“Get me a juice while you’re up there?” 
Leo rolls his eyes. “Uh, no. Never. Fuck you.” They both know he’s going to.
“You first.”
Donnie kicks him.
“Owww Donnie! I’m telling Raph, you GREV-I-OUSLY injured me—”
NIGHT 1, ???am
Unsurprisingly, Donnie’s head starts dipping around 4:30. They just aren’t built for all-nighters. Unlike Leo, who is clearly the pinnacle of evolution. 
After many threats of bodily harm, Leo finally wrestles Donnie into brushing their teeth, putting their hair up, and taking off their makeup, just in time for them to collapse face-first into bed, snoring like a freight train in the way they SWEAR everyone lies about. (Which, like, come on. Okay, Mr. Records-Everything, suuure, claim every single person who’s ever shared a room with you is full of shit. Leo and April, yeah okay. Mikey, sure. But Dad?? RAPH??)
Leo takes a shower, plays some solitaire, folds about half his laundry (which really goes to show how desperate he is for activity), sews up the torn arm of Raph’s teddy bear that he’s been meaning to get to for a month now, runs on the treadmill, slogs through tomorrow’s homework, and drinks another half-pot of coffee.  
And now he’s cleaning his closet. Leo doesn’t know what time it is, but it’s late (early?) enough that the honking on the streets outside is more frequent, commuters driving into the city pissed off to be at work at the ungodly hour of… whatever. Whichever one it is. It won’t be long before the faint grey wash of cold morning light filters through his window, and Leo will have to actually like, get ready for school, but for now, he’s splayed out on his blue rug surrounded by knick-knacks and clothes he really should give away.
With a sigh, Leo leans forward and drags out YET ANOTHER short sleeved blue button-down. This is the eighth total (and the fourth in that near-identical cornflower color) but—he can’t help it! They’re so versatile! Pop one on over a long-sleeved turtleneck or under a knit vest or a sweater or a denim jacket and BAM; sometimes he threads a bandana through the collar and ties it in a bow—like an ascot kind of thing—and it’s sooo cute— 
But he does have four of them. And they are, legit, the EXACT same color. And Leo’s not sure he can hear the words “rampant consumerism” or “shopping addiction” out of Don’s mouth any more times before some fratricide occurs. 
Into the donation pile it goes. (He’ll only part with two of them, though: the one with the scratchy sewn-in tag and the one with a Kool-Aid stain along the row of buttons. The other six are for safe keeping.)
Considering it’s… whatever time it is, Leo feels pretty okay. His hands are shaking, but if they don’t always do that then it’s a pretty near thing, with all the caffeine he drinks, so y’know. Not super worrying. And he does feel sort of sick. Which is annoying but again, par for the course—like, c’mon; this specific kind of sleepless early-morning nausea is basically an old friend of Leo’s. A kind of shitty friend, sure, but still. 
The next thing Leo pulls out of the closet (lol) is an extremely cloudy gallon Ziploc bag—jeez, this thing must be ancient. Leo turns it over in his hands, plastic crinkling under his fingers, to try and make out the shape of whatever’s inside. Finally, he gives up and opens the slide-zip top:
Chess pieces. 
Oh. Oh wow, these ARE ancient.
Nostalgia floods Leo’s chest with warmth. Man, it’s been forever since he thought about chess. Dad tried to teach them all when they were really little—so little it must have been right after they moved, long enough ago that the memories flicker faintly at the back of Leo’s brain, just a few snatches of sensation:
Running his nail down the wooden ridges that made up the Knight’s mane. The soft plunk of the felt bottoms hitting the board. Dad’s warm hand covering his, showing him in a tactile way—the only way he ever really learns things—how all the pieces moved: Pawns one-space forward, Bishops diagonal, Knights in an L shape (the main reason he remembers Knights being his favorite piece).
Leo reaches forward to sift through jackets and scarves, tossing a couple of unpaired sneakers to the side, until finally he’s able to excavate the accompanying chessboard. 
It’s just like he remembers it. Heavy, sturdy beige-and-brown checkered wood. Leo rests it on his lap, glides his fingertips down the side. 
He sort of remembers the rules, still. 
Remembers how most of the pieces move, at least? He can’t totally recall what the King does, but he could Google it. And, y’know, while he’s there, get a refresher on the rest of the game. And he could play some online, against the computer, only he could follow along with the physical pieces, because feeling them in his hands helps him think. Already, Leo can imagine the gears in his head clicking and whirring as he surveys the board.
Hold up. When did he decide he’s going to learn—or, re-learn—chess?
Leo. Does not know. Really, his brain gets ahead of him sometimes. But he doesn’t even bother tracking the thought process back, because it just… feels right. It makes sense.
It makes him excited, actually. 
To have something to sink his teeth into. Something to focus that fizzy, spinning thing in his brain towards, something he can funnel all this excess energy into. He can get into it, learn all the terms and the fancy moves, get the full scope of it under his grasp until he can win again and again and again.
And it’s going to be awesome. It’s going to be fun.
i've never posted fic on tumblr before so this is a first for me O.O anyway this is set in the universe of @tangledinink's BALLER fic "I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now?" so i HIGHLY suggest you check that out if you somehow haven't!!! usually after writing a neat 5k in like 5 days i'd be conked out for the forseeable future but somehow this fic is giving me MORE energy ??
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floydsmuse · 14 days
Megs........I'm afraid the Ben Mears thoughts/thots have already struck (lol).
-You love to tease him while he works on his book. You'll go up behind him and kiss his cheek, reaching inside his shirt to play with his tit. Sometimes he has to swallow a moan when your fingertip is gently swirling around his nipple. Drives him absolutely feral (lol)
-Weekends, especially in the fall, mean that you two get to cook not only for yourselves, but for the whole household. Father Callahan will insist on making a manhattan while he chops the veggies you and Ben harvested from the backyard garden but after the last time that happened, you've told him absolutely not
-You guys adopted Mark and Baby Randy not long before you and the gang officially moved into the house to start a monster hunter's coven. You have a little chalkboard in the kitchen that has the date, everybody's names, time out and time in and where they're at so you can keep track. Half the time there's a lewd message written on the board for someone which always makes you laugh
-You and other members of the household always get super advanced copies of Ben's books when they're done. You, Bonnie Sawyer and Mabel Wertz were reading it one day and the squawk you let out when you read the sex scene (you and Ben were the main characters, lol) nearly woke everybody in the house. Mabel then proceeded to tell you "you think that's kinky honey, you should've seen what girls did in my day" (lol)
-It was a "guys hunt" kind of a night so all the men in the house were out on a hunt and they managed to track down a pretty nasty beast lurking near the edge of town. You got a text from Matt Burke and it was Ben, Mark, Father Callahan, Mike Ryerson, Nolly Gardner, Corey Bryant and Parkins Gillespie all standing on the stone wall, weapons in hand raised over their heads making Tusken Raider noises
-Ben's a VERY dirty boy when he comes home from a hunt. You had to fill the bath with fresh water at least twice in the same night and scrub him down but that makes for some very kinky shenanigans in the bath and in bed afterwards
-Worlds biggest snuggler. He absolutely has to snuggle you when the snow starts to fly, whether it be on the bed or on the couch under a huge pile of blankets. 90% of the time he sleeps naked unless Baby Randy wakes up and decides to waddle into your bedroom for morning snuggles (lol)
-Morning sex too is fuckin amazing!!! Mr. Mears is the master at morning sex. He's very gently manhandling you so you fit perfectly beneath him, sliding in and out to draw out all those moans he loves hearing. He's definitely got a praise kink and a gigantic breeding kink too but that's another story for another day (lol)
Megs m'dear, I fear I will be insufferable at Halloween and it's showing already (lol).
hehe Mary! i’m always up for some thoughts/thots! 🤭 especially about our boy Ben :))
oh how i’d love to tease him while he works on his latest book 🥴 he tries so hard to concentrate, but when he becomes vocal, that’s when you know that he’s about to give into you ;) oooh! there’s just something so cozy about cooking during the fall and i really love the idea of Ben harvesting his own veggies 🥰
having a chalkboard to write everyone’s names and messages on is soo cute :,) also you and him adopting is absolutely precious! the book with the sex scene that features you and Ben as the main characters?! omg i can only imagine what goes down in the bedroom between you two 🫠 and the fact that it’s published for others to read is just soo 🤭 Ben is such a little slut!
oooh! this man hunt sounds like fun! but also super spooky 🤭 hehe i’d love to help Ben wash off in the bath :)) and ahh the kinky shenanigans!! i love it! oh he’s for sure a good snuggler 🥹 loves to hold you super close, run his fingers through your hair, and keep you nice and warm especially during when wintertime rolls around. baby Randy coming in to cuddle with you both is just so sweet too 🥰
morning sex?? YES pls!!! Ben having a praise kink and a breeding kink??! god this man is going to be the end of me 😵‍💫 i need him bad!!!
thank you for sending these in darling <3 i too will be insufferable when salem’s lot comes out 😌
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msweebyness · 1 year
Class of Villainy & School for Monstrous Youths- Scared Straight
Hey ya’ll! This is a fun little idea I had! First things first, I want to tell you about a special project Sparky and I have in the works for after Mirrorverse is complete: a mega crossover of all our major AU’s, ie Class of Heroes/Villainy, School for Monstrous Youths, Creepsters and Ghoul Squad! This is a separate AU from that, but here’s the gist: What if…the heroes met the monsters beforehand? They end up telling them about their villain selves, and the monsters suggest they send them by for a little visit. Here’s what comes of it. (As always, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!)
As the villainous classes approached the gothic castle that strongly resembled their school, they were feeling pretty smug. When those insipid ‘hero’ counterparts had informed them that they had OTHER counterparts in this world and that they were interested in meeting the dastardly teens, they knew they had to check it out. Another group of spineless do-gooders to lord their superiority over…or so they thought.
“What do you think those imbecilesss were sssnickering about?”, Jafardrien sneered to his companions as Kimton and Ivan Oogie pushed open the massive dark wood doors.
“Who knows? But whoever these new goody-good counterparts are, they’ll be no match for us, my friends!”, YzAlya boasted, her head held high as the other villains agree.
The villains started as they turned to see the Adrien of this universe, smiling at them in a rather…creepy manner, “We’re SO glad you guys could make it!”
“Sssooo, you’re me? No offenssse, but you don’t look like anything ssspecial.”, Jafardrien snarked, earning chuckles from his friends.
The other Adrien just kept smiling, ignoring the comment before he spoke again, “Well, no need to hang around in the doorway! My friends are just DYING to meet you!”
The villains scoffed, and started down the main hall, with no idea what was awaiting them within the school. Average Adrien laughed softly, a slight sinister note underlaying it. His friends were about to teach these villains a lesson they would never forget...
As they continued down the main hall, the villains noticed the lights were getting progressively dimmer. 'Oooh, spooky.'
But at that moment, from the shadows somewhere behind them, a childish, unsettling giggle echoed through the previously silent space. The evil teens turned to look in all directions but spied nothing, continuing on their way...only for the laughter to sound again just moments later...this time even closer.
"Alright, who's there?!", Mari DeVil demanded, hands on her hips. Only to jump with a yelp when she felt coarse fabric brush against her hand. "What was that?! Something just touched me!", her friends all looked at her skeptically, but still, her partners moved closer.
The devilish fashionista felt the brush of cloth again, this time against the side of her arm, and she turned to glare at the only member of the group who happened to be made of cloth, "Ivan, knock it off!"
The boogeyman looked at her incredulously, "Ah'm nowhere close ta you!", only to be met with a fiercely irritated glare from the girl.
"Well, something made of cloth keeps touching me, and it's getting-"
"Peekaboo.", said a cheerful and creepily childlike voice from behind the fur-coated vixen, causing her to jump and shriek, whipping around to see what looked like...her, but stitched together of gray fabric and with large blue buttons for eyes. The smile on her stitched lips was not comforting in any way as she peered at the villains.
With another creepy giggle, she spoke in the manner of a demented toddler to her captive audience, "Hiiii. Do you wanna play a game with me?", she asked, producing three large needles from her pocket, which she aimed at her neck, causing each villain in the group, but particularly Mari DeVil, to feel an uncomfortable sensation in their own necks.
"I...think we'll pass!", the fashion maven said quickly, before she ushered her fellow villains down the hall, to a cheery "Bye bye!" from her ragdoll counterpart, followed by the sounds of her skipping away in the opposite direction.
The villainous group then ducked into a room on the right side of the hallway, eager to be separated from the disturbing doll. But when they filed into the room, it was completely dark...bar for the pale glow of eerie blue candles. Though it appeared they were the only ones in the room, they could all feel a...presence. Something else was there...
The villains all shivered as something icy whooshed past them from behind, sending a chill down their spines. They whipped around to look, but the space was empty. They felt the same sensation sweep behind them again, only to yield the same results when they turned.
"Okay, something is in here!", YzAlya said firmly, only to yelp when something brushed the back of her neck...something that felt like soft but ice-cold fingers...
"Alright, what was that?!", the young sorceress demanded, whipping around to look in all directions...only to feel that chilling touch from behind once again.
She quickly turned around and found only a bare wall looking back at her...for only the briefest of moments before the room was shaken with a thundering "BOOOO!" as a terrifying specter with glowing purple eyes phased through the solid surface in front of her. The wicked potions expert let out an ear-piercing shriek before bolting for the door, her friends close behind.
They walked down another corridor, allowing themselves to regroup after their ghostly encounter. But this only lasted a moment, as the lights in the hall suddenly went out, forcing the villains to feel along the walls and floor to find their way.
As he moved slowly down the hall, Honest Nino felt his foot brush against something on the floor. Bending down to pick it up, he brought it into the light from Mireides' crackling hair...only to let out a loud shriek that was echoed by his friends when he found himself holding a green-skinned, severed arm.
"Holy shit!", the fox hybrid cried as he dropped the arm to the floor, only for a set of bizarre noises to hit his sensitive ears: heavy, stomping footsteps and a deep, guttural growl.
"Umm...guys? I think I know who the arm belongs to...", Madame Sabrina squeaked, pointing shakily at something in the distance. The other villains turned to look, seeing a tall, green-skinned, dead-eyed figure that was missing an arm stomping towards them menacingly. The electrodes sticking out of the sides of his neck were giving off loud and bright sparks of electricity, some jumping dangerously close to the villains.
It was then that the creature caught sight of the goddess of death's flaming hair, and his heterochromic eyes dilated in sudden fury as he began to shake.
"Fire....BAD!", the teen Stein shouted in an angry and distorted voice, picking up a chair by the entrance of the classroom and hurling it at the villains. "BAD!", before following it with another furious roar. The villains didn't waste a second and hightailed it down the hall.
Moments later, having managed to evade the enraged Franken-Teen, the villains found themselves next in an old, grand banquet hall, with all the drapes pulled closed. The entire room held an almost deathly chill as the villains moved further within.
Juleficent's hand jumped to where her scepter should have been when something suddenly swooped behind her head...only to find it absent. DiabLuka jumped when something dark and small whizzed by in front of his face. He could have sworn it felt like a leathery wing.
The dark fae twins and their villainous companions jumped with a start when two ear-piercing shrieks suddenly echoed through the eerily quiet hall. The noise had come from above them, so they turned their heads toward the ceiling. To their relief, the only thing that they saw upon inspection was a pair of harmless looking bats, peering at them through the darkness.
Shaking their heads to clear their minds, the diabolical twins focused their eyes ahead, ready to move on through the school...when they each felt a strong and icy grip clamp down on their shoulder. Turning around and taking defensive stances, they felt their blood run cold at the sight that greeted them.
Two tall, deathly pale figures with glowing eyes the color of venomous mercury and taunting, cruel grins accentuated by dagger sharp fangs. And from both these fangs and their tinted lips dripped a deep, red liquid that smelled disturbingly of copper...
"Welcome to our school.", the female of the two said, her eyes gleaming even brighter as her ice-cold hand moved from Juleficent's shoulder to brush her cheek.
"We just love to have new blood in these halls.", her brother chimed, staring straight into DiabLuka's eyes in a way that made the evil rocker's skin burn. Those words were all it took for the villains to make an attempt to bolt for the doors...
Only for the vampiric twins to already be there, smiling at them mockingly.
"Do you really think you can run away from us?", the vampiric goth mused, looking at the villains condescendingly. They quickly turned for the other exit, only for the two vampires to meet them there once again. No matter where they turned, where they tried to run, the blood-drinking teens were always ahead of them, laughing wickedly.
"We're as swift as shadows in the night, you'll never outrun us!", the vampire Luka taunted the villains as they made one last dash for the doors. Deciding they had frightened them enough, the two allowed the villains to make their escape.
The group burst through the large set of double doors and found themselves running through the night air...until they realized they were now in the shadows of a dense forest. The only illumination came from the moonlight filtering through the leaves of the trees.
As they moved through the thick underbrush, the teens couldn't help but feel as if they were being...hunted...stalked. Something was in these woods and was watching them very closely. Kimton felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he swore he heard something growling in the bushes off to his side.
Continuing through the dark trees, the villains had just managed to somewhat calm their nerves, when the woods around them suddenly shook as a thundering howl ripped through the previously quiet forest, ringing in the ears of the wicked adolescents and rattling the branches of the trees.
Hearts hammering in their chests, the classes of villainy looked up, towards the source of the sound, and were met with the sight of a tall, fur-covered figure with glowing golden eyes standing above them on a rock.
With a loud, blood-chilling snarl, the creature leaped down from the stone crest and landed a couple meters away from the villains, the crouching position of his muscular form reminiscent of a wolf ready to pounce on a hapless deer, his eyes still glowing like lamps as he stalked slowly through the shadows towards them, growling all the way.
Trembling like a leaf, Kimton made to reach for his silver hunting knife…..only to find that, like Juleficent's scepter, it was gone. When he looked back up, his reaching for a weapon seemed to have enraged the wolf, because he suddenly lunged out of the darkness, tackling the hunter to the ground with a furious growl, his eyes glowing brighter than ever before.
"You think you can kill me, bitch?", the werewolf snarled, the only response he got from the villain being an ear-splitting shriek. Which only grew louder as the monster's razor sharp teeth suddenly moved towards his throat, keen on ripping it out...only to stop. With a barely traceable move, the wolf boy released Kimton and disappeared into the woods, leaving both the imbecilic hunter and the other villains baffled and more than a little terrified.
With the young hunter still trembling from his near experience of being a werewolf's dinner, the villains exited the forest and found themselves in a field of tall grass in the sight of a nearby greenhouse...but once again, they clearly were not alone.
Jafardrien, Cosetteweather and Simon Frollo jumped as something moved very quickly through the grass directly behind them, accompanied by a bizarre hissing sound, like an entire chorus of snakes. Lady Chloe and Reshma Hook did the same a moment later as the grass around them rustled and brushed their backs.
All around the villains, almost impossibly fast, an unseen creature blazed through the tall grasses of the field, stirring up unsettling rustling and always, that strange, strange 'hisssss.’
"Okay, I swear, if that is some giant-ass snake, I am going to lose it!”, Honest Nino squeaked, his eyes darting around rapidly in fear.
"I'm pretty sure snakes don't have feet, which I’m definitely hearing!", Maxdrome countered, though you could hear how shaken he was in the pitch of his voice.
"Well then, what is it?!”, Madame Sabrina demanded, just as whatever reptilian beast was hiding in the grasses brushed along past Alix Khan, sending the tigress into a snarling defensive stance.
"Okay, who or what is there?!”, she growled angrily, sweeping the area with her eyes, "Come on!", but the only response she got was another wave of rustling, just to her right, and the ever-present hissing noise reaching a crescendo.
To her left. To her right. Behind her. In the distance. Right in front of her. Whatever this creature was, it moved astronomically fast, dizzying the hybrid’s senses. It was everywhere at once, but at the same time it was nowhere at all!
Suddenly, the hissing sound was less than an inch away from Alix Khan, and when she looked at her friends, she saw them watching something behind her with rising horror. So she turned around to look..
And looming over her with curved fangs bared and reptilian blue eyes shining with malice, scales gleaming in the light of the moon, was a creature with a writhing nest of venomous snakes in place of hair, all letting out the same vicious, deafening hiss as the girl herself. The tigress couldn't hold back the terrified scream that escaped her lips, nor could her friends as they rushed to avert their eyes and flee the creature's territory.
"Over there!", Mylensula shrieked, pointing to the greenhouse, hopefully a safe haven where they could get their wits back.
Though it took them a moment with their eyes covered (they didn't want to become statues), they managed to make their way to the greenhouse. Pushing on the cold glass of the doors to open them, they entered the circular building…and found themselves in nothing short of a jungle, twisted and ridden with all manner of bizarre flora. And what’s more…they could swear that, though they had no eyes, these monstrous plants were all watching them, tracking their every move.
Slowly making their way forward, the villains could swear they heard something creeping along the floor behind them, but when they turned to look, they saw nothing and kept going.
Only for a certain sea witch to let out a sudden shriek as she felt something grab her tentacles, quickly winding through them and holding her in place. Her friends turned to look in alarm, seeing her completely entangled in vines. Ivan Oogie, Juleficent and YzAlya had quickly moved to try and help her, only to find themselves entangled similarly, along with the rest of the villains, in a matter of moments.
From somewhere in the darkness above them, a soft, peaceful voice began to sing…
“The gentle breeze….stirs the leaves…”
The entangled villains looked frantically around for the source of the eerie melody, but the higher level of the greenhouse was so shrouded in darkness that they couldn’t make out a thing.
“And stirs my soul…my heart deep inside me…”
The haunting tune continued as the villain still couldn’t trace its origin…and the vines wrapping around them were starting to grow thorns.
“Sense my worth…as one with earth…of greater whole all connected as one…”
As the final words of the unsettling song floated through the air, the villains finally caught sight of something in the shadows of the mangled treetops. A pair of glowing green eyes with unsettling yellow sclera, twinkling as they peered at the group on the ground through an opening in the thick leaves.
“Do you like my garden?”, a mellow, almost musical voice echoed through the greenhouse, as the vines around the evil teens grew even tighter, “Because my darlings seem…curious about you…”
The villains heard rustling above them and saw the leaves part to reveal a girl who seemed to be just as much a plant as anything else in the room, eyes still glowing and smiling with an eerie serenity as the vines on her arms and legs wound through the branches of the trees, creeping down towards them.
With a laugh that almost sounded too pure, she suddenly vanished into the trees, right in front of their eyes, and the vines loosened enough for them to start pulling free.
After he managed to free himself from the grasp of the vines, the teen boogeyman quickly moved to assist his still-ensnared scallop...only for something with immense strength to strike him down from behind, the sea witch crying out his name in alarm as she watched her beloved crash to the ground.
Coughing up a bit of blood (that had definitely squashed a few of his bugs) from the blow, Ivan Oogie managed to, despite immense pain, turn himself around in a sitting position….to find himself looking up, up, way up at an enormous figure, cloaked completely in shadow, apart from the menacing, almost crimson gleam in his dark eyes and the pale moonlight glinting off his, not so much fangs as tusks.
The hulking monster’s stone expression didn’t change as he spoke with a thick Russian inflection:
“When a bug is bad…you crush it.”, before he lunged forward, his fist plunging downward, straight towards the boogeyman’s skull. The villain managed to scramble out of the way just in time, yelping in fear at the cracks that split the cement ground under the abominable teen’s fist. Unfortunately for Ivan Oogie, he wasn’t quick enough to dodge the yeti’s next blow, which slammed into his chest and sent him flying to the ground once more. He was left gasping for breath, his eyes wide as the monster approached him once more.
“Spookums!”, Mylensula shrieked, trying frantically to disentangle her tentacles from the vines that still held them tight, “Get away from him, you half-witted brute!”
Suddenly, from the darkness above them once more, sounded a familiar, harmonious voice:
“Now now, my love, let’s not be too rough with our guests…”, the plant girl’s words scolded gently from somewhere unseen, punctuated by another creepily angelic giggle, “They still have to meet the rest of our friends…”
The mountain of a monster nodded and receded into the darkness, leaving the young boogey broken on the floor.
With the sea witch supporting and fretting over her wounded beloved, the villains quickly bolted from the greenhouse as the plant girl's ominous laughter echoed behind them, eager to leave the monstrous lovebirds behind. They ran alongside the edge of the school, aiming to stay in the shadows.
Suddenly, in the darkness behind them, a loud THUD sounded. Something had alighted behind them, and the wicked friends whipped around as quickly as they could. But they were only fast enough to catch a fleeting glimpse of another huge creature, this one with unnerving pale yellow eyes, before it alighted into the air with a mighty bound, and disappeared over the rim of the school’s high walls.
The villains waited in place for a moment, expecting the creature to return. When it didn’t, they took a collective deep breath and continued in their way, carefully edging along the wall.
A minute or two later, they heard the same sound as before, this time much closer than it had been the first. When they turned this time, they were able to get a good, full look at the monster. A hulking mass of muscle, just like the yeti before them, their haunting yellow eyes peered out at the villains from behind their wild, dark hair, holding a look that was playful and yet deeply feral.
Just as the villains had turned around to try and run, the towering sasquatch had vaulted over their heads, landing right in front of a trembling Doctor Cabello, and seizing the hoodoo expert by the throat, lifting them up in the air.
“Go ahead and try to run. Wherever you turn, I’ll be there.”, the monster growled, squeezing tight before dropping the witch doctor to the ground and vaulting back up over the wall.
With the voodoo doctor still shaking like a leaf, the villains quickly threw open a set of wooden doors and raced back into the school, finding themselves in the empty auditorium. The room was totally dark except for a single spotlight shining on the stage, which they slowly made their way towards, though they kept bumping into chairs. Fishing out her spare cellphone, QRC shone the flashlight app around the room, illuminating a path for the villains to follow. But as she swung the beam around, it caught on something that gleamed white on the ground. Moving closer…it was a bone….and then another…and then another.
All around them were a bevy of small bones. They all appeared to belong to a humanoid of some kind, but they gave off a strange…energy. Suddenly, from the darkness around them, an adorably deranged laugh sounded, echoing several times over. At the same time, all of the bones began to rattle on the ground, drumming out an ominous beat.
At that moment, they rose from the ground and shot toward the stage, assembling themselves beneath the spotlight. With a blinding flash and another maniacal giggle, a skeletal girl with an impossibly wide grin appeared on the stage.
“SURPRISE!”, she trilled, making a number of the villains jump, giving a twirl and laughing once more. Before leaping gracefully from the stage and disappearing into the darkness.
A mere few moments later, she appeared once again, with a shriek of delight, mere inches away from the candy queen’s face, who let out a yelp of shock.
“Tag, you’re it!”, the skeleton giggled, booping QRC on the nose, making the villain racer squeak in fear. Not wanting to engage in any sort of game with the creepily cheerful girl, the villains turned and fled down a side hall.
With the gleeful giggles of the skeleton still sounding in their ears as they fled, the villains found themselves now in a small alcove that almost resembled a cave one would find within a mountain. The stone walls became massive slabs and stalactites hung from the ceiling.
But the most defining feature was a large pile of what appeared to be small stones from this distance in the center of the central chamber. An ominous air hung about it, as if something was waiting for them to try and approach.
Taking the flashlight from QRC, Kagami Yu was the first one bold enough to approach the pile…which upon shining the beam over it, was revealed to be gold and jewels. Seeing the temptation in the eyes of the pirate and crab-hyrbid, the other villains gave them warning death stares, they didn’t know what could be guarding this hoard.
Inching closer and closer, the general moved the flashlight over the massive mound of treasure, only for the beam to catch on something… different, when she was only a foot or so away. A pair of glowing, reptilian green eyes, glaring at the gathered villains with an ethereal rage.
Draped over the pile of gold was a snarling dragon with bronze scales and gleaming golden claws, her keen eyes never leaving Kagami Yu, tracking her every move. Slowly stalking further down the pile to be little more than an inch from the villain, she said only one thing, in a voice that carried an ancient, powerful air:
“Leave now.”
Kagami Yu could only squeak as she and the rest of the group turned and hightailed it without a second thought.
Fleeing down a side hallway in the cave's wall, the villains next found themselves in what appeared to be a laboratory with a very old-age, steampunk design. Unsettling creaks and wafts of boiling hot steam sounded from the outdated machinery at random and startling intervals, and in the center of the room was a rusted old work table.
On the surface of that table laid a boy, made entirely of copper. His mechanical eyes were wide open but dark, he appeared to be powered down at the moment.
Despite the threatening atmosphere hanging about the room, Maxdrome couldn’t help but approach the table out of curiosity. Looking down at the old-world mechanized version of himself, he tentatively reached out a hand, touching the cool metal of his hand.
Instantly, the lights of the robot’s fiberglass eyes snapped on, and with a sharp ‘whirr’ his head whipped around to face the evil machinist, looking him dead in the face. Slowly, the light in his eyes turned a deep red, as he suddenly jerked up from the table.
“Intruders on the premises.”, he grated out in a strangely echoing and monotone voice, “Commence termination protocols.”, and with that he lifted his arm, aiming what appeared to be some kind of built-in plasma cannon straight at the villains.
Firing off shots with alarming speed, the villains just barely managed to dodge the orbs of energy, one of which exploded into a blinding flash that left the villains scrambling on the floor. When their sight returned, the robotic boy seemed to have vanished without a trace.
“Wh-where did he go?”, Kimton stammered, his eyes as wide as saucers.
“Don’t know, but good riddance!”, IsmaScar responded, “Let’s bolt!”
Not wanting to be there when the mechanical menace returned, the villains quickly moved on to the next room, which ended up being a sandy expanse that resembled the interior of a pyramid. Moving deeper into the room, they noticed the wall was covered in hieroglyphs, and the few that Maxdrome recognized did NOT mean pleasant things. When they could just barely see the light from the corridors opening, they noticed two massive shadows, one on each wall. Upon bringing the flashlight for a better look, they were revealed to be twin sarcophagi.
Not wanting to risk disturbing whatever was in the massive, elaborate coffins, the villains quickly moved to back out of the room…only for Jeanatoa to trip over a small cat statue, landing with a loud crash.
In less than a second, waves of scarab beetles scuttled across the floor, crawling over the villains as all the sand in the room began to swirl ominously around their feet, rising higher by the second.
From the sarcophagus on the left, a loud roar of fury, demonic in every sense of the word sounded. Moments later, an enraged and echoing voice boomed from the sarcophagus on the right:
The villains trembled, frozen with fear as the lids of the tombs slowly opened, allowing two mummy girls to step out and slowly turn to look at the villains with rage-filled, glowing and dead eyes.
Turning to look at each other once more, they began murmuring in ancient Egyptian and making ominous gestures with their hands. The sands around the villains began to rise higher and higher, until they were completely surrounded and unable to see beyond the desert cyclone.
ZoeHans and Lady Chloe huddled close together, only to be wrenched apart when a hand grabbed each of them by the throat, finding themselves looking straight into the luminous eyes of the mummy sisters.
“You have made a grave error, mortals.”, the first mummy, who was holding Lady Chloe, intoned, her voice as regal as it was terrifying.
“Kneel before us or die by our hands.”, the mummy holding ZoeHans snarled, squeezing the princess’ throat tighter.
When the villains didn’t make any move, due to being petrified with fear for their friends, the mummies scowled, seeming to see it as a sign of disrespect. Dropping the two female nobles, they began to utter a terrifying Egyptian chant, the sands and dark shadows swirling around them. Not willing to stick around to see the results, and seeing the door was not blocked by sand anymore, the evil teens quickly bolted from the corridor.
Screaming as the haunting voices still carried ominous Egyptian chants behind them, the villains ran blindly for a distance until they suddenly found themselves beside what appeared to be the school's pool, though it more closely resembled a large lagoon.
The water, though oddly dark, looked clean, so a few of the villains went down to splash some on their faces to help calm themselves. LeOnDine in particular dropped to her knees and looked at her shaking reflection in the water. Only to jump back with a yelp when she swore she saw a second pair of eyes staring back at her from within the depths.
“What’s wrong with you?”, Kimton asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl who just forced a smile and turned back to the water as the villains regrouped on the shore.
Dropping her head down so she could take a deep breath, the redhead regrouped herself…only to hear a bizarre bubbling sound, then see a shadow slowly looming over her. She slowly lifted her head back up…and shrieked at the sight of the scaly, seaweed-draped creature with the razor-toothed smile and glassy eyes.
But when she blinked her eyes and her friends looked over, the monster was gone…
“Alright, WHAT is your problem?”, Kimton demanded, looking at his loyal companion in annoyance.
“Ondine, dear, is something there?”, King Marc asked in a much gentler tone, after shooting the hunter an equally annoyed look.
“I-I don’t kn-know…it was h-here and th-then it-“, the redhead started to stammer out, her eyes the size of saucers.
“Uh….guys?”, Jeanatoa squeaked, pointing to the large cluster of bubbles that had suddenly began to gather on the water’s surface. Before the villains could even fully react…an ENORMOUS creature with a long neck, grayish-blue scales, razor sharp teeth, a tall crest down its back, and a thrashing tail emerged from the water, letting out a deafening roar as the waves set forth by its entrance drenched the screaming villainous teens.
The villains ran, nearly trampling each other, as they scrambled to get away from the monster, leaving the pool atrium and emerging back in the hallway. Getting their breath back, they continued on their way...until they were given pause by the sight of a rather...unusual gargoyle.
Suspicious and more than a little creeped out, the King of Hearts slowly approached the statue, which bore a disturbing resemblance to the mad monarch. But when he reached out to touch the stone sculpture, its eyes suddenly snapped open and a granite hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat before he could react.
Before the alarmed poison king could rush to help his beloved, the gargoyle suddenly alighted into the air, still holding a trembling, squeaking Nath of Hearts.
“You are not welcome here, evil one.”, the creature rumbled out in a voice like crashing boulders, his vice grip on the young king’s throat growing even tighter. Too tight for the other boy to even choke out a response.
All of a sudden, with absolutely no warning, the gargoyle dropped the villain, who crashed to the ground with a loud thud, before swooping upward and out of the school through an open window.
With the King of Hearts now slightly limping from the impact of the drop, his fair beloved supporting him, the villains continued down the high-ceilinged hallway...until a large shadow swooped over their heads. Looking up, they saw nothing but the high-arched ceilings, so they continued on their way…
Only for the shadow to swoop over them again, this time from behind. The eyes of the wicked team darted around frantically, trying to track the shadowy creature as it swooped overhead, back and forth, left and right, but it was simply too fast.
Then suddenly…the shadow stopped moving, and all went quiet. Until the Poison King heard an odd, soft fluttering behind him. Like the beating of a butterfly’s wings.
Turning around slowly, he was met with the ghastly sight of a creature with grey wings, six raised arms, massive and glowing green eyes, twitching antenna and a frantic grin. Before King Marc could scream, the monster beat him to it, releasing a deafening, high pitched trill that followed the villains as they turned to run once more.
Surrounded by the echoes of the moth man's terrible shriek, the dastardly teens bolted down a narrow side corridor, quickly finding themselves in near pitch darkness. With a flashlight leading the way, they made their way down the hall, which seemed to get narrower and narrower by the second.
Simon Frollo shuddered intensely…he could swear he felt something watching him from the darkness, incredibly intently. Several times, he would turn around and swear he saw a large, glowing eye…only for it to disappear a mere second later, making the villain wonder if he was beginning to go mad.
But slowly, the other villains began seeing the eye too. Everywhere they looked, it would be there for only the briefest of moments, driving them to the brink as they felt their every move being tracked.
After a brief while, they all stopped seeing the eye, and their nerves began to calm as they continued down the hall. But it was then that Simon Frollo felt a hand on his shoulder. Knowing he was at the very back of the group, he slowly turned around to look…
And was met with the sight of a tall, startling figure, grinning creepily as he stared at the young minister with his giant, single, gleaming eye. Simon Frollo shrieked and bolted in front of his friends at alarming speed, though they quickly followed.
With the young minister still murmuring about demons, they continued making their way down the corridor, and while it got thinner, they were relieved that they could now see somewhat clearly as the walls were now lined with torches.
Only for that comfort to turn to terror as the flames of the torches suddenly roared and engulfed the sides of the hall, leaping and snapping at the villains from all sides.
Lacey Gothel squeaked as she swore she saw a demonic, grinning face in the flames off to her side, but it quickly vanished. Only to reappear again everywhere she seemed to look. Doing her best to ignore it, she and the other villains quickly continued forward down the hall, avoiding the flames all around them as best they could.
Only to be forced to stop in their tracks and yell in shock when a massive column of white hot fire leaped up in front of them. Their horror only increased when a creature, seemingly one with the column and made of pure flames herself, emerged and gave a thundering, demonic shout which blended into the roar of the fire. The villains all screamed, feeling as if they were looking upon a being from hell.
Almost as suddenly as they had appeared, the tower of flame receded, and the flame girl disappeared, allowing the villains to run further down the hall...until they reached a dead end… at the same time they heard something approaching from behind. Eerie groans and heavy shambling footsteps sounded from the direction in which they had come.
Slowly turning to look, they were met with the sight of a harrowing figure, rotting arms outstretched and eyes dead and cold behind her tangled ginger curls as she lumbered towards them, moaning all the way. Turning back to the walls, the villains desperately looked for some kind of exit.
But in the moments they were distracted, the zombie girl seemed to have moved much faster than should be possible for her sort, as Madame Sabrina felt a cold hand brush against her back, and turned, trembling, to see the undead monster right behind her, growling as she said only one word:
Suddenly, a brick beneath Maxdrome's hand sank into the wall, opening a dark passage, which the villains quickly ran into, eluding the zombie girl. At the end of the dark hall, they found themselves in what appeared to be an abandoned classroom. Hoping to get a moment’s respite, they sat down at the rickety old desks, breathing heavily and gathering their thoughts. But then…
“What the hell isss going on?!”, Jafardrien cried, his friends wondering the same thing as the desks suddenly took to the air, all of them surrounded by a bizarre blue aura.
‘Are you enjoying our game?’
MimRore blinked in confusion. The voice had sounded in her mind, and it was identical to hers…but it wasn’t.
Suddenly, that same voice filled the minds of all the villains:
‘You all have been the most entertaining of guests. Your shrieks are the music to our ears.’
Shaking with confused terror, they turned to the front of the room to see an otherworldly being floating in front of them, her silvery hair floating around her head and her eyes lit with the same blue glow as the one surrounding the villains. She smiled serenely as she began to spin and jerk them around in the air, giggling malevolently.
All of a sudden, the desks were lowered to the floor, and the extraterrestrial girl had vanished from sight. Bolting out of the old lecture hall, and still a little dizzy, the villains emerged near what appeared to be the entrance to a set of catacombs. As they tried to decide whether to enter, they suddenly felt a strange sensation around their feet. Looking down…they all cried in disgust as they found their legs buried up to their ankles in a gelatinous blue ooze that almost seemed to be moving about on its own.
“What on earth is this?!”, Mylensula screamed, shuddering at the feeling of it sloshing around her tentacles, “It’s disgusting!”
Mari DeVil squeaked as she saw more of the bizarre guck dripping down from the ceiling and oozing over the walls.
Suddenly, all the goop began to move at once, rapidly gathering into a cluster right behind Mireides, who could only shudder in revulsion as it took the shape of some kind of being. The goddess almost puked as two goggling eyes and a drippy mouth with an oozing smile formed on the creature. It reached out a slimy arm toward the flame-haired girl, who dry-heaved as it managed to touch her before quickly darting away.
But the creature didn’t follow. Instead, she oozed toward a hole in the floor, which they dropped down into, leaving a glistening trail of slime in her wake.
Trying to keep themselves from fear-vomiting, the villains quickly bolted through the entrance of the catacombs, finding themselves entrenched in shadow. From somewhere in the distance, a low growl sounded. Looking around, the villains could see nothing but the sound continued to grow louder…
Before it was replaced with an echoing roar that shook the ground, and they were suddenly able to spot a pair of feline eyes, watching them like a hawk through the darkness. Slowly, the creature that bore the eyes began to stalk forward, revealing the form of a giant creature resembling a black-furred mountain lion as it stepped into the light.
Before the villains could make any attempt to either escape or placate it, the big cat lunged with a feral snarl, moving straight for the king of the Savannah, who managed to dodge being tackled, but not the creature’s claws, which left bleeding gashes on his arms.
IsmaScar could only tremble, unable to move from the pain as the creature prepared to lunge again…only to give him what almost looked like a smirk, before receding back into the shadows.
As the enormous feline suddenly stopped its attack, the villains fled deeper into the catacombs, suddenly finding themselves in a series of winding corridors...a maze. Like one ripped straight from an old movie, old wet stones and lit by torches.
With Cosetteweather taking the lead, they slowly began to make their way through the winding corridors, hoping to find an exit as quickly as possible.
But after a short while had passed, they began to hear unusual noises. The sound of hooves pawing sharply at the ground and an angry sort of snort…getting closer and closer to where they were by the second. Something else was in this labyrinth…and it didn’t seem to want them there.
Trembling with fear, Cosetteweather lead her friends around the next bend…only to find, standing less than twenty feet away, a monster, with gleaming horns and eyes that seemed to be glowing blood red…and very angry as her hooves pawed at the ground.
Before the dastardly gang could fully process what they were looking at, the minotaur suddenly gave a loud bellow of fury and charged straight for them, Cosetteweather barely being missed as ZoeHans yanked them out of the way.
“WOAH! Look, just calm down, alright?! We’ll get out of your maze, just chill!”, the sheep hybrid gasped out, though this only seemed to infuriate the creature, which lowered its head and prepared to charge again.
Only for the walls of the maze to suddenly shift, separating the villains and the bull, which did not seem to take this very well at all while the group of friends heaved a sigh of relief.
Still hearing the enraged snorts of the minotaur, they were, thankfully, able to quickly find an exit. But when they emerged from the maze, the room they ended up in was completely coated in what appeared to be giant spider webs.
“Oh my god, EWWWW!”, Madame Sabrina cried, “What the hell could have made webs this big?!”, the redheaded diamond enthusiast demanded, looking around the room in disgust.
“I’m not sure, but I’d rather not find out!”, Lady Chloe answered her friend, shuddering as her arm brushed against one of the webs.
The rest of the villains agreed, and tried to move through the room as quickly as possible…only to find the sticky nets of thread getting denser and thicker, to the point they were impossible to avoid, and the villains became entangled.
Reshma Hook could only whimper as she heard a strange scuttling noise above her head, knowing that those multiple tapping limbs likely belonged to whatever had made these webs.
Looking around cautiously, she spied nothing…until she turned back to face the front and screamed at the top of her lungs, suddenly face-to-face with a girl with six glowing red eyes, razor sharp teeth and six limbs that were pawing at the air, hanging upside down in front of her face.
The spider girl only laughed as the pirate whipped out her cutlass, slicing herself and her friends free of the webs as quickly as she could.
Eager to get away from the arachnid girl, the villains fled deeper into the catacombs, ending up in the massive concert hall that laid at its heart. The air in the room was thick with dust, and the only light came from flickering old spotlights near the ridiculously massive stage. Dead in the center of the rickety structure was a massive pipe organ, surrounded by unearthly violet candlelight.
Moving further inside with trepidation, the villains looked around the spacious room, getting the feeling once more that several sets of eyes were watching them. At that moment, a thunderous musical note sounded through the room, rattling the walls and ceiling, as well as the bones of the vile teens.
Looking back at the stage, now sitting at the seat of the organ was a dark figure, clad in a sweeping black cloak, half of his face concealed by a gleaming silver mask. They turned to face the villains, his masked eye glowing with otherworldly energy.
“Looks like y’all have come to the end of our l’il show…”, the ghostly musician said in a honeylike voice that projected through the entire room. With a sweep of his cloak and a roar from the candles, he suddenly vanished from the stage…
…Only to reappear right behind Jeanatoa, who gave a loud shriek as the phantom’s booming laughter filled his ears.
“But now it’s time for the grand finale!”, the monster said grandly with a dazzling smile, “Come on out, ya’ll!”, before he disappeared with another sweep of his cloak.
The collective heartrate of the villainous gang skyrocketed as the phantom's maniacal laughter filled the room as his friends gradually revealed their presence. They had been waiting for the villains to give them one final spook...
"It's been so much fun playing with all of you. Won't you stay a little longer?", Maridoll chirped as she appeared suddenly behind Mari DeVil, still holding her needles as the fashionista shrieked.
YzAlya let out a high squeal as she once again felt the sensation of soft, icy fingers on the back of her neck and the chilling voice of SpectrAlya whispered "Boo..." in her ear.
"GRRRRRAAAARRRGH!", FrankenNino roared as he lurched after the terrified fox hybrid, his electrodes giving off waves of sparks.
The dark fairy twins cried out in terror as a familiar pair of bats swooped over their heads with deafening shrieks, before shifting into the vampire twins who hissed at them in malicious glee.
Kimton shrieked as a golden-brown-furred wolf the size of a small cow leaped from the darkness and pinned him to the ground, its teeth bared in a snarl.
From the shadows to her side, Alix Khan heard a familiar hissing sound and only managed to jump out of the way with a shout at the last second to avoid the snapping jaws of a flurry of snakes and the mocking smile of the girl they were attached to.
Mylensula could only squeak in fear as she was, in the blink of an eye, bound once again in vines like iron chains, as a distortedly sweet voice hummed a familiar song, getting closer by the second.
Ivan Oogie trembled as a massive hand clamped around his throat, lifting him up in the air, finding himself staring into the stony eyes of the yeti once more
“Bug not get away this time.”, Ivan Bumble growled menacingly, squeezing the boogeyman’s neck tighter.
Doctor Cabello yelped in pain as they were knocked to the ground, a giant foot planting down on their chest as Denisquatch smiled eerily at them from above, pressing down and limiting the voodoo mystic’s ability to breath.
QRC squealed as a bony finger tapped her on the shoulder, whipping around to see SkeleRose with an eerie grin, waving her own severed hand at the villain.
Kagami Yu was direly wishing for her sword as DracoGami slashed at her with a mighty roar, forcing her back into a corner.
Maxdrome yelled in frustration and terror as none of his hacking mechanisms worked on the robot firing plasma bolts at him, cursing steam-powered technology for being so simple and yet complex.
Lady Chloe and ZoeHans screamed and panicked as they were overtaken by scarab beetles, the laughter of the mummy sisters mocking them from somewhere unseen.
LeOnDine shrieked in terror as a scaly hand from the fountain in the center of the room reached up and grabbed her ankle, no doubt about to attempt to drown her.
Nath of Hearts cried out when he was suddenly snatched up into the air by the stonefaced Nath Goyle, a crushing grip around his throat once more.
King Marc screamed and cried as MothMarc swooped down only inches from his head over and over, giggling mockingly at the villain’s fear.
Simon Frollo curled into a fetal position and whimpered as he saw a familiar eye watching him from the nearby shadows.
Lacey Gothel screamed as the face of Flamecey taunted her in the torches around the room, moving quicker than a wildfire spreads in a dense forest.
Madame Sabrina threw whatever object she could get her hands on at the approaching Zombrina, but nothing seemed to deter the girl from her set path.
Even MimRore’s giggles seemed a bit nervous as AstraRore slowly hovered toward where she was standing, knocking things out of the way with her telekinesis.
Mireides was barely holding back their vomit as a familiar blue goop gathered around their feet, a watery giggle filling her ears as the substance rose higher and higher.
IsmaScar jumped as the huge cat from before leaped out in front of him, growling menacingly as it approached, its eyes challenging him to try and fight back.
Cosetteweather screamed as she barely managed to dodge the minotaur that charged straight at them, its horns leaving gouges in the wall.
Reshma Hook wailed as she was suddenly wrapped in webbing and drawn up toward the ceiling, a grinning Spider Resh slowly creeping towards her.
Jeanatoa covered his ears as the phantom’s haunting song filled his mind, singing about how the villains had no chance of surviving this night.
As the monsters closed them in from all directions, the villains all simultaneously reached their final breaking points. The screams they released filled the room to the brim. Many of them were crying and they were so engrossed in their terror that they didn’t notice the monsters all suddenly retreat back into the darkness, the only thought in every malicious mind being escape. Which they did as they bolted through the large oaken doors that had suddenly appeared, shrieking all the way as they ran as far as they possibly could from the darkly palatial school.
When they were certain that the villains were long gone, the monsters emerged from the shadows once more, exchanging looks and processing the nights events…before they all began to laugh. Loud, booming, joyous laughter that filled the space vacated by the screams of their wicked counterparts.
“Dudes!”, FrankenNino cried as he doubled over, “We got them SO good!”
“Did ya’ll see the looks on their faces?! They thought we were gonna kill ‘em!”, OperJean guffawed, slapping his knee.
“Okay, that was WAY more fun than I thought it was gonna be!”, Ondine Blue admitted, petting her boyfriend and IsmaCat’s heads before they shifted back into their humanoid forms.
After their laughter died down, bearing proud grins, the assembled monster students turned to look up at a small, eye-like creature that had served as the surveyor of their spooking work for a certain group of ghoulish heroes...
"So...how did they do?", Average Adrien asked the Ghoul Squad as they appeared before the monster classes through a viewing portal. The phantom, werewolf, vampire, stein, mummy and witch exchanged looks before they prepared to pass their judgment…
This is one lesson the villains will never forget! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! And keep a lookout for a fun prequel and sequel to this story from Sparky!
(The song MyLeaf sings is Emma’s Song from Power Rangers Megaforce. I felt it could be suitably creepy in this scenario!)
19 notes · View notes
beesmygod · 2 years
I'm glad you watched another playthrough of the devil in me bc sgfs run made it look so bad I wondered if he had missed some absolutely crucial game choice but no I guess it really is just like that
the shit makes no sense. im going to "spoil" it rn but like. you can't spoil this game. theres no twist theres just a fucked up guy who walks at you. the killer was killerman. you win prize money.
like lets do a quick list of what was good ("good") and what wasnt. most of these are just going to be moments or isolated plot elements
it wasnt as accidentally funny as their previous games. accidentally funny i mean.
it had the audacity to end with someone picking up the h.h. holmes mask (not a thing that exists btw. no one is making these except like custom on etsy. its so fucking suspicious) like "oooh hes going to do it agaiiiin!" but he got chopped up by a boat propeller. no he isnt
the areas and parts where certain players were "supposed" to die were REALLY telegraphed and detrimental to the pacing of an already artificially bloated plot
why was there a dog that hated the murderer living on the island waiting to bite the shit out of him. whose dog was that. why was there dog. cheap emotional fodder tossed in at the end.
the opening kill is legitimately unpleasant to watch. they forgot that the kills are supposed to be gruesome and not stomach churningly sadistic or remind me of holocaust movies
the characters are genuinely awful and boring people who hate each other. not a single lifeline to be had. even the dog shows up too late for you to establish any kind of friendship
the reason why no one has cell phones is because a guy who is tricking them into taking his place as the murder victims just takes them as part of the "experience". they're a fucking film crew lol. theres no way
i legit thought it was going to end up being a team of people bc he was somehow everywhere at once doing the slow jason walk
instead it's one man, an ex-FBI agent who was abused by his mom and gets talked into doing serial murder by the single lamest serial killer monologue ive ever heard in my life. its just a guy who decided to try something different one day. and then i guess he built a murder hotel after faking his death so he could do more murder. this sucks. i dont care about this.
the plot elements are completely random. the animatronics made out of PEOPLE (they apparently did not get the news that they were beat to this idea by a solid near decade) have nothing to do with anything at all. not h.h. holmes, not murder hotel. they're just there for no reason. they barely even get used.
and they had the audacity to show him MAKING animatronics OF THE 5 FILM CREW MEMBERS after they arrived on the island. this game takes place over the course of one day. he did not do this. there is no way. this game stretches the player's suspension of disbelief too far.
the writing on the mom and the serial killer is pathetic lol. its rough to see evil attempted by people who can only conceptualize it in terms of physical violence
oh great another taxidermy guy. thanks
it was just some guy
the ending is so bad that its ballsy. it cuts to a news reporter talking about how they are still finding bodies in the hotel where 5 person groups were tricked into staying so that they could be murdered. the ppl watching the report are interrupted by their friend who tells them her viral video won a contest (dog its 2022 lol) and the prize is that 5 of them get to stay in a mysterious hotel owned by a man with the same name as the guy they were just talking about.
then it zooms into the email the girl got telling her that she won and that one image of h.h. holmes is just in the window
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did he make the little graphic announcing she has won? did he deliberately include himself? did he not notice somehow that he was in the picture. did he set up a timer and run up to the top floor so he could be very spooky and mysterious
HOW could he POSSIBLY afford another murder house. the invoice for the first one on the private island is IN THE GAME and its an eye popping amount. he does NOT have another house like where is he getting the money? or getting it zoned? or tricking ANOTHER construction team into building death traps that are suspiciously like the ones on the news
theres a part where a woman is stuck in a closet having an anxiety/asthma attack and the scary murder man gives her her inhaler. for some reason. this is never explained
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why did he have ultra specific recordings of his mom commenting on what time he arrives and what page of his baby book he looks at. or what time it is.
theres phonographs and creepy music playing everywhere and no one turns them off like "what the fuck!!!" they're just like ooooh no im being menaced SSOOOO much
why was one of the crew members friends with someone who was strangled by "the campus strangler". as far as i can tell this adds nothing to the story, it just freaks her. as the player i dont care bc the the killerman just finds this out somehow and finds a copy of the paper where they used a photo taken of her, her friend and the strangler. guess which one is the strangler:
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how could they identify his fake dead body from "dental records". they explicit say this. did he fucking glue a set of teeth into the guys mouth. is he toothless throughout the whole game. is he wearing fake teeth. im laughing just typing this up. what the fuck
he pulled an hh holmes on the construction crew after they built a hh holmes themed murder hotel for him.
the murder counter. why does it exist. how does it know to update.
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im now thinking about how funny it is that he put in a 4th digit. get real dude! no WAY
the director being baited into an obvious trap with cigarettes like he was being hunted by wiley e. coyote was insane. my dude you are being murdered. you know you are at this point. why did you go into the room with only one entrance!!
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it was just some guy
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