#like once: teacher noticed i was struggling with something. instead of helping they just looked at me and left
aristia-pjoheadcanons · 5 months
hi✨adore your thoughts and headcanons to the moon and back with how detailed and in character they are. dark!percy has always been incredibly alluring and fascinating, so I was wondering about your presentation/analysis of him. if you're comfortable (if not, it's totally okay and just ignore it!), could you write percy and child of any "dark" like hades, or hecate, nyx (or whoever) god, who understands how scary and tough it can be when you and your powers are so destructive, and they help him to kinda adjust to this side of him and understand that he isn't a bad person for that (cause this guy already has a lot of self hatred). maybe kinda chaotic dumbass enemies to lovers? sfw or nswf - whatever works for you. sorry for this ramble! just so many thoughts about him...
hope you have a good time of a day🤟
DARK!Percy headcanons
authors note: Can I just say, I've been WAITING for a question like this. More Dark Percy headcanons everyone!! plss!!
warnings: mentions of abuse & neglect, suicidal and intrusive thoughts, impulsive thoughts, mentions of eating disorder, chaotic family life, Gabe Ugliano...
okay, this is a mixture of headcanons of his CHILDHOOD but also an ANALYSIS of DARK PERCY.
cigarette burns from Gabe. Not just because Gabe did it, some of Gabes older friends (a long time ago, before the lightning theaf book) told Percy to come closer and burnt it into his forearm. Gabes eyes turned into shock but then he poked a tongue in his cheek and scoffed in laughter, giving Percy a judgemental look - *its a classic look, the type of look you give someone when you're looking down on them.
Percy would be so angry at Gabe, sometimes he would snap and tell him to shut up because Gabe would watch TV late in the night and fall asleep with the TV on until morning. At some point, Percy opened the door and screamed on the top of his lungs to shut the fuck up, slamming the door, sleep deprived and exhausted, locking the bedroom door bc he was scared Gabe would do something - and sobbed loudly. He was just a kid, but he already learnt how to fight. Sally tried to give reassurance but Percy wouldnt open the door. The incident was deemed "nightmares" on Percy's part, and Sally let him sleep in her bed.
Sally and Gabe never shared a bed. Gabe snores, sometimes even has nightmares, other time she would bother Sally about a new babyboy they could have, as if Percy wasn't good enough to be his son.
One time Sally asked Percy if he ever wanted siblings. the truth is, yes, but with Gabe Ugliano? no way. fuck no. He said no in a really moody and almost bitchy way, and walked out of the house and went to school.
Percy had the habit of keeping his shoulders scrunched up when he slept. He still does, but he doesn't understand why his body tenses up when he sleeps - Gabe isn't there anymore.
He also had the habit of lowering his head, shoulders and hunching when he walked - but once he met Annabeth over the summer he kept his back more straight - and never hanged his head when he walked. He noticed and felt more relief.
When people asked what he was doing for the summer, weight was lifted off his shoulders when he said SUMMER CAMP - finally he had something to do during summer! Every kid in school went somewhere nice, now even Percy does. He felt like he could finally share a bit of the same intrests as everyone else. He could actually tell people about his summer.
You know when the teacher forces everyone to tell a little bit about their summer - now finally percy could say confidendtly he did somethign fun instead of making something up.
struggles with anger, but understand it got so bad he broke his own first laptop 3.5months of having it - he broke the screen in half with his bare hands. He regretted it so much and hid it but his Sally found out.
Regrettfully, this made Percy believe he would always ruin/sabotage things for himself, and that he doesn't deserve nice things. Letting his mother buy his clothes, never aksing for new clothes... whats the point?
Besides, Gabe was stingy with his money. Gabe even refused to buy shampoo which is stupid cause its cheap asf - but Gabe wanted the feeling of control.
the dynamic of the family and house changed. The living room was Gabes, not Sally and Percy's spot. Gabe even took Percy's side of the couch and his spot at the dining table. Percy stubbornly refused to move, but Gabe is scary and big for his size so he did it to be civil for his mother. He felt like he lost something that day.
When Gabe was out late, Percy would lock the door and put the chain on. Gabe would unlock the door and try to get inside, but the chain stopped him. Gabed huffed in frustration and Sally had to get up and open the door - which burned Percys heart because he realized that nothing could keep Gabe out.
Percy would generally be a very bitter person to be around, people would shy away from him and sometimes stop talking when he tried to join in.
self image, self-confidence and self respect was low. But actually scratch that, his self respect was high. he put boundaries down pretty fast with other people because he knew everything that gabe did was no, and everything that sally did was yes. but at some point he disliked Sallys touch just slightly bit, because he knew Gabe had held her hand earlier.
he would talk to sally for hours on the couch, but as soon as the door clicked opened he walked to his room and closed the door. He didnt want to be near gabe. but then gabe started to trash his room, and percy was basically forced to sit in the living room.
he felt like he was playing "family" or pretending everything was okay, as if Gabe wasn't neglectful, but he felt sick.
At some point Percy's anxiety and stress because to normalized within himself that he nowadays cant tell what anxiety even is - and he would sometimes even say hes never had anxiety, because its basically been with him from such a young age, he cant tell the difference.
pretending to be "family" was even worse walking around the mall with sally and gabe. gabe was just this big giant slob of goo that would follow everywhere, and gabe would even huff and puff shamelessly if they were taking too long. gabe even got angry if sally found something nice for herself, he was possesive.
started taking only an apple with him to lunch, 1. he thought he was fat. 2. gabe wouldnt buy anything he liked and they had to stick with the basics. 3.his lunch was embarrassing even though everyone ate cafeteria food.
he got so happy the first time he could bring something "normal" to eat or if he got money to buy lunch, his reason being that he could finally "blend in" insteading standing out as a "freak".
he has a burn mark on the backside of his ankle, near his achillies, burn himself bc of Gabe.
hates it if someone traces the cigarette scars on his arm, even hates it if Annabeth does it - he still struggles with his self image and probably wont like that part of himself until he grows old and gray.
one time he vented to someone about his childhood and they stopped talking to him. never spoke ever since, was afraid that someone would use it against him. hasn't even told his mom or sally half of the things Gabe said or did to him/behind his back.
one time gabe pissed on the clothes percy was wearing but blaimed it on percy. ofc his mother believed percy but it was still shameful for percy.
in second book of sea of monsters, a kid asked if percy let his mother buy his clothes - actually stopped letting his mother buy clothes for him after that.
he would naturally adopt people that were outcasts and be a friend - because people were rarely there for him when he needed it.
needs validation, but couldnt get it from school. his friends would praise him but he could barely accept those compliments because at the end of the day he was still a loser too.
his mother would be his studdy buddy, and tried to help percy with homework - but still found everything hard.
gabe got angry with percy would "dirtying everything" but Gabes the only reason why his mom has to clean daily.
Dark Percy would definitely develop from a young age, but it became a lot more present behind the scene of the books.
he desires comofort, safety and a space where he can be himself without having to walk on his toes around the place.
Honestly, NSFW
He suppresses his moans because he was used to being quiet when he was around Gabe.
He has jacked off quietly, watched any videos quietly, no sound and even with headphones get sscared that someone might hear.
One time he stayed up late bc of whatever reasons and his stepfather Gabe yelled "GO TO BED", the next morning Gabe complained about how loud Percy was when Percy was away at school (this was early middle school, school wasnt that far away). And his mother Sally defended him and said she believes that Percy goes to bed when he should/when she tells him to, this made Percy feel bad so he went to bed on time every since, or at least tried too. If he ever stayed up, he learn how to breathe quietly too.
The feeling of shame for touching yourself, feeling pleasure, and arousal was strongly in him from a certain age - Gabe's influence for even trying to be HAPPY or LAUGHING with his mother made him feel shame for any good feeling sexual or not.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Recom!Miles x Na’vi!Reader x Spider (Platonic)
Summary: Spider finally had enough of Quaritch’s oggling and decided to help encourage his advances towards the reader, he has a ship, and he’s determined to let it sail. Warnings: Brief mentions of abandonment/murder/existential crisis, Swearing Word count: 1.8k
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It was different, being accepted into Na’vi society. He was so used to being the bad buy, the killer among men, yet now he’s just..him. After becoming a recom he felt as if he did not belong, a human mind in an aliens body is something he had to get used to. He definitely had a lot of existential crisis up until now.
The last fight he had with Jake Sully in the reefs left him severely wounded and he had to retreat back to base to seek help, his men where gone and his morale was becoming low. Luckily his son, Spider, decided to join him. His reasoning was that while the Sully’s where kind to him growing up (especially kiri who he will miss dearly) he cant ignore the fact they never went after him when he got kidnapped by the RDA, he cant ignore how Neytiri was so willing to kill him after he showed the family nothing but loyalty and he cant ignore how he felt as if he never belonged with them as human. 
So there they are, holed up in the Tawkami Clan, learning their way of life and becoming part of the people.
Surprisingly they where quick to welcome them in despite them not having a good history with men kind, Spider said they where a peaceful clan with a persistent quest for knowledge and lore keeping, they were studious and make it their mission to preserve Eywa’s ecosystem. ‘So they wanted to study me, the human turned Na’vi, how could I say no to being the centre of their learning’
Quaritch was certainly liking the attention from the people, back at base he was oggled at yes, but for different reasons. Usually the looks he received where ones of admiration for his effort in the war all those years ago, or was disgust for his newly blue tinted skin. In Greenhome it was of great wonder, oh how her yellow eyes looked into his in fascination while talking about his past planet Earth, how she spoke about the plants and the forests of Pandora with great love, how-
‘’Hey man, you good?’’
Spider waved a hand in front of his face and looked around to see what could be stealing the man’s attention, once his sights fell on the beautifal Na’vi woman picking some fruit not that far away he smirked cheekily. ‘’You know you could always go and talk to her right? She wont bite’’. Quaritch blinked and scowled, grabbing his son into a headlock and rubbing his knuckles along his head at lightning speed. Spider laughed loudly and struggled in his fathers hold, wriggling and shouting for help, and when help did come the blue mans grip became limp embarrassingly fast.
‘’And just what do you think you’re doing to him hm?’’ ___ pried the boy gently from Quaritch’s arms and placed him on the floor to run around ‘’hurting children is not something we take lightly you know’’
Well shit.
The recom felt his face flush a cute lilac shade, it spread from his nose and across his cheeks, even going to the tip of his pointed ears. How did he become so weak in the presence of a lady? The old Quaritch would have never blushed at the sight of one. But then again he isn’t the man he once was. If ___ noticed the fluster of his face she didn’t mention it, instead she grabbed the hand that was rested on his lap, intertwined their fingers and pulled him towards the fruit she was picking. 
‘’Come, I will show you how to pick yovo fruit’’ she spoke in English. Spider has been a fantastic teacher.
If the purple on his face could become any darker, it certainly has. Her hand was so warm and small…
Spider could only follow and wiggle his brows to the man discreetly. He is determined to get this ship going.
Standing at the base of the large bush ___ started to show him how to pick the berry’s, ‘’they are delicate and must be handled with care, you must not squeeze them too hard when picking’’ she picked a couple of them into her hand, threw some into the basket with the rest and gave some to both boys. Spider lifted his exopack and quickly devoured them, sliding the mask back on and chewing loudly ‘’these are good’’ he stated matter of factly with a mouthful. The outside of his lips turning purple from the pigment.
___ giggled at his antics and looked to see Quaritch’s reaction, he rolled his eyes at the boy and slowly munched on a berry. Once deemed not poisonous (he has trust issues ok) he threw the rest into his mouth. ‘’Yea, these are fucking fantastic’’ the woman could only smile in glee, happy to share more of her planet with him.
That smile..it sent his heart beating incredibly fast. He was falling in love and he knew it. How couldn’t he? When she was just so gentle and sweet with his son, when she was one of the first to help them get comfortable within the clan. He needed to invite her out, fast. He wasn’t the only one with eyes on her. He mused, eyes glancing at a small group of hunters around a fire, some of which turned their heads away quickly as they got caught.
‘’I was uh wondering’’ he coughed. This is gonna be a pain in the ass.
‘’would you like to come out with me tonight?’’ Spider swallowed the last of the fruit and blinked up at his father, smiling wide. Finally. It’s not like he’s been waiting for months.
___ blinked in surprise, not expecting this sudden offer. She wondered if he was finally asking her to be mates. Could you blame her?  A 9 ft 5’’ Na’vi warrior, recently accepted as part of the clan and was a fantastic hunter. And those muscles…
Eywa give her strength.
Her tail swished in gradual hope ‘’yes. Of course I would Miles’’ she grinned, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth in sweet shyness, the same purplish hue coating the recoms cheeks starting to spread across hers. 
Quaritch let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Fuck, why was it so hard to ask for one simple thing. Never in his life has he felt like this, not with previous hookups, not with past girlfriends and certainly not with Paz – the deceased mother of his son.
‘’alright sweetness, meet me here tonight, after eclipse’’ ___ could only swish her tail at the nickname and nodded oh so cutely. Picking up her basket she patted Spider on the head and bid them a good rest of the evening, needing to go back to her chores. 
Miles Quaritch, former human, now Na’vi, was the ultimate womaniser. He puffed his chest out and smirked to himself. He deserved a pat on the back.
Like two peas in a pod, Miles Socorro read his mind and pat his lower back (the only part the poor kid could reach)
‘’well done dad, well done’’
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The sun hid behind the planet known as Polyphemus and casted darkness, but Pandora never truly sleeps.
Two blue figures where seen jumping across branches and leaping from root to root, the bioluminescent glow of the moon never ceased to fascinate the man who has never known fresh air and real plants. He looked around in awe at his surroundings and himself, lifting his hands in front of his face and taking note of all the little white dots speckled across his skin. 
___laughed joyfully and turned around ‘’Miles come’’ she beckoned him to carry on, wanting them to get to their destination as soon as possible. The recom dropped his hands and sprinted to catch up with the female, her being much more experienced with the terrain and therefore had the upper hand in their little race. 
On the way they both came across fan lizards and proceeded to disturb them, watching the light of the animal as they flew cross their faces and up into the air. Giggles sounded out throughout the forest, joyful laughs and quick inhales of breath as they finally arrived to where ___ wanted to take them. 
The tree of voices.
Both slowly crept towards the sacred space, their steps leaving glowing footprints in the grass. The tree shone beautiful pinks and purples as the hanging branches swayed ever so softly in the wind, it wasn’t the only thing that took his breath away.
There she stood, with the biggest grin on her face, eyes twinkling in the light of their surroundings and tail swinging happily. She moved to the centre of the tree ‘’this is Ultral Aymokriyä, the tree of voices’’ she whispered softly, ‘’you are a man now Miles, one of the people, you are able to hear our ancestors’’ she grabbed his hand and brought him closer to a cluster of hanging branches and connected her queue to them, inhaling as the voices of the past filled her ears.
Quaritch followed her actions and his pupils dilated at the newfound sounds, he never really believed in Eywa before, taking it up as some sort of false goddess. But this, this proves whatever he thought was wrong. ‘’They live. Within Eywa’’ the woman facing him sensed a change of air and looked up as atokirina fell slowly to land on their shoulders. She gasped and disconnected her queue, never has she thought that the great mother would bless them both tonight.
This is a sign.
Miles looked towards the atokirina and then to the love of his life and decided that she was the one for him. He walked closer to her until they where chest to chest and grabbed her face in his overly large palms ‘’___. Now that I am one of the people I am able to choose a mate’’ he felt her tense under his touch and looked straight into her eyes to look for any uncertainty ‘’you have helped me and my son in a time of need, despite us being humans, you have seen past our faults and accepted us into your arms with love’’. ___ started to tear up, not expecting this heartfelt speech.
And in such good Na’vi, thank you Spider.
‘’___.. oel ngati kameie”
The woman suddenly took his face into her own palms and connected their lips, it was soft and sweet. Both leaving them breathless and wanting more.
“Ma Miles, I see you’’
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Just couple of bushes away, a little boy with blue stripes was caught lurking, watching the two blue aliens as they confessed their everlasting love. He held his breath and lifted his mask, wiping a singular tear from his eye.
His ship has finally sailed.
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neteyamsyawntu · 1 year
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Breed Me
Dom!Neteyam x Na'vi!Reader
✨Friendly Disclaimer: The content of this story contains aged-up characters! If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to click or scroll away. The last thing I want is for anyone to read something they are uncomfortable with, however if you decide to interact with any negativity, you will be blocked from my blog as a result.
Synopsis: The Sullys have returned to high camp after the long battle with the sky people, one member of the family in particular sticks out to you as you rekindle your 'friendship' with the mighty warrior. NOT PROOF READ
Warnings: 🔞MINORS DNI🔞
SMUTSMUTSMUTTYSMUT, P in V, fingering, mentions of creampie, breeding kink(obviously), friends to lovers, Dom!Neteyam
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After so many years of fighting struggling to survive against the RDA forces the war had finally ceased and the sky people would leave Pandora for good. The battle had occupied a large portion of your life. It had all started at the age of 14. While you weren’t much of a fighter you did help forage for natural supplies through out the forest. Before you knew it you were saying goodbye to the Sullys. 
It pained you with a heavy heart to watch Toruk Makto pass the mantle of Olo’eyktan to Tarsem. Although Tarsem was a worthy leader, nothing about this situation felt right. You felt anxious, unsure. At the moment Tarsem raised his knife, showing it off to the clan before him, you quickly looked away before you could witness the cold stone impact Jake’s chest. Your eyes fell on Neteyam in that moment. The oldest of the Sully’s children, who was once meant to take up the role of Olo’eyktan once his father had relinquished his role. You instantly noticed his eyes were meeting yours at that very same moment. The two of you were close friends, although in the later years you found it hard to share any time together due to the constant training and ambushes that Neteyam attended with his father. Yet as kids you two were inseparable. Despite his constant absence in your life, he always made it evident that you were still on his mind. Whether is was small looks from across high camp or small tugs at your tail as he walked by. As the two of you grew up, you couldn’t help, but notice how well Neteyam’s body molded into that of a young man’s.
You soon began to yearn for the fleeting touches. Feeling a surge of serotonin once you felt his familiar palm envelop your tail. These fleeting moments is one of the things you would miss most. His eyes held so much hurt as he stared into you in that moment, begrudgingly moving from his spot when his family made their descent toward their ikran, only breaking the stream of contact when you were too far out of his line of sight. 
After their departure you found it hard to acclimate back into everyday life, much like the rest of the clan. Everyone desperately tried to adjust to their new Olo’eyktan. You soon found your comforts with Mo’at, helping her with small tasks through out the day, weaving her baskets for all of her herbs and ingredients. In return Mo’at taught you uses for certain plants you had never considered in the past. As you grew into a young woman, Mo’at tasked you with becoming karyu (teacher) for the children of the clan. Teaching them how to forage as well as crafting and weaving. Things that would prove helpful to the clans way of life. You found great pride in knowing the skills these children would hone early on would prepare them as fine members of society later in life. You’d even grow to care for them as if they were your own children. The prospect of mating always lingered over your head, but no one really peaked your interest, despite the numerous courting gifts you had received in the past months. It just never felt like the right time, instead using your students as an excuse to prolong the inevitable. 
Now with the strenuous battle finally at a close, life became so much more easy. You felt as if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. The day was as normal as any. You were sitting with your children in a circle. Your class having grown to 12, ranging in ages from 4 to 9. You all were practicing your carving techniques when the screeching of banshees echoed through high camp. Your ears flicked quizzically, having assumed it must’ve been a hunting party, but hadn’t they returned yesterday? Then the roaring of cheers from the clan members brought you out of your train of thought. “What’s happening karyu?” One of the small children asked eagerly, eyes trained on you awaiting an answer. “I’m not sure, come. Stay close to me children” you calmly implore to the group, getting to your feet. Cautiously making your way through the crowd, your students immediately link hands with each other to prevent anyone from getting swept away in the chaos. 
As you proceed through the crowd with your students right on your tail, you begin to hear excited yips and various cries of “Toruk Makto!”, “it’s the Sullys!”, “The Sullys have returned!”. Your heart caught in your throat, could it really be? After all this time? They had returned. It had been nearly 6 years since their initial leave, for a while you had lost hope you’d seen any of the Sullys again. Hearing the cheers around you, the youngest of your group, Koa suddenly burst with excitement, “Is it true? Is it really Toruk Makto?” She squealed, tugging at your hand now very excited to rush to the front of the crowding clan members. You had told the story of Toruk Makto to your students as a way for them to understand the importance of its history. While most of the older children had already heard the story, some even having faint memories of him when they were younger: to the youngest of the group, the 4 - 6 year olds, the tale was fresh and exciting. Koa in particular often asked you to retell the story to her personally, as well as your own stories of the mighty Jake Sully as Olo’eyktan. And occasionally you couldn’t help, but pepper in your own adventures with his eldest son.
“I don’t know- please Koa slow down!” you urged as Koa began dragging you along through the commotion. You tried desperately to stay with the rest of your group, Koa’s hold slipping from your fingers as she slithered through the crowd effortlessly. “Koa!” You called after the na’vi child, yet to no avail as she now had her sights set on the possibility of meeting her idol. Before she knew it, her feet halted in nearly bumping into the leg of a na’vi she hadn’t seen before. A young man, with intricate tattoos decorating his right arm and the side of his face. Koa stood in shock, mouth slightly ajar unable to speak. Suddenly your voice broke through the crowd, as you stepped forward with the rest of your class, “Koa please you can’t be running… off” your voice trailed as you noticed who the youngling was standing before. You took in the sight of your old friend in front of you. The immediate change you noticed was his height , meeting that of his father, perhaps even a hair taller. Your eyes wandered to his broad shoulders, noting the new tattoos as well as much more prominent tight muscles underneath them, making you swallow a bit at the sight.
“Hello little one” he chuckled down at Koa who quickly retreated to your side, clinging to your leg which drew his gaze up to you. “Y/N?” He said with widening eyes studying your matured features himself; from your plump breasts down to the curves of your waist. He’d be an idiot to say the sight of you didn’t take his breath away in the slightest. The sound of your name bringing you out of your thoughts, blinking rapidly, “I see you.. Neteyam te suli tsyeyk’itan” you gesture with the greeting to him in the process. Neteyam raises a brow, letting another chuckle slip out, “So formal” he stated, giving his ikran a pat on the neck before stepping forward to meet you, raising his fingers to his forehead sending the same gesture back to you. Taking in the sight of small children clinging to you, his eyes glancing over each individual face before meeting your gaze again, “So… which one is yours?” He asks somewhat hesitantly watching you closely for your response. 
“All of them” you state plainly not truly understanding the question. A sharp sting spreads through Neteyam’s chest, taken aback at the words, taking in all 12 of your students once more, “Oh… it seems that Eywa has blessed you and your mate with many beautiful children” Neteyam cleared his throat trying to wrap his head around the (absurd) number of kids encompassing your legs. You blinked for a moment before letting out a sudden laugh, moving a hand up to quickly cover your mouth as Neteyam eyed you quizzically, “They are my students, Teyam- and… I am not mated”.  You don’t fail to notice the how the last part of your statement catches his attention, ears perking slightly. You could almost swear he looked… relieved? A small blush played across your cheeks at the idea. It was at this moment that Mo’at broke through the crowd, almost instantly, capturing Neytiri in a firm embrace, before moving to greet each one of her grandchildren individually. Once reaching Neteyam she eyed the two of you studiously for a moment before embracing her grandson “welcome home, child” she smiled warmly,“Y/N, make sure the children find their way to their parents”. She says before making her way over to Jake, to guide the rest of her family to their hut. Some of the kids let out an agitated whine hearing they’d have to go home, the loudest coming from Koa. You really were like a second mother to all of them,“Hush now, I don’t want to hear any complaining” you say leaning down to take Koa into your arms, balancing her on your hip.
Neteyam watched how you handled the kids so naturally, his heart nearly skipping a beat. As you started to make your departure, a hand quickly came up to grasp your free arm, directing your gaze over your shoulder to Neteyam, “Will I see you at the feast?” He asked eagerly to which you offered him a playful smirk, “if that is what the mighty warrior wants” you muse before his hand fell from your arm as you walked away with your students following closely behind, Neteyam’s gaze falling to the sway of your hips as soon as your back was turned. 
Later that evening the clan was celebrating the return of the Sullys around a raging fire. Na’vi danced as music sounded throughout high camp alongside that of cheers and laughter. The clan was so lively, your heart warmed as you made your way toward the party. You dressed yourself in a sheer lilac loincloth, decorated with pearl colored stones and beads. Your top resembled a similarly colored array swaying beads, woven in individual lines, reflecting that of beaded fringe, hanging over the swell of your chest, just barely covering the underside of your breasts. Catching sight of your students dancing with each other and some with their parents you smiled endearingly, making your arrival on the scene. Scanning the crowd, your eyes landed on Neteyam who was conversing with a group of males, some old friends, laughing and shoving each other playfully. Chuckling at something one of the males had said, rolling his eyes at the whatever foolish comment he had made, Neteyam found himself locking eyes with you as he looked up. His smile slowly fading, his jaw now hanging daftly before quickly excusing himself from the group, making his way to meet you in the middle of your path. “Y/N you look-“ Neteyam paused trying to find the words trying not to sound too straight forward, “-nice” he stated, mentally kicking himself after the fact. Was that really the best he could come up with? You rolled your eyes playfully, nudging his shoulder, “hush- come on let’s sit, I wish to hear about what the mightyNeteyam has been up to all this time” you giggle, before leading him to a semi-open spot for the two  of you to catch up.
Neteyam proceeded to tell you every detail of Awa’atlu, and how he and his siblings adapted to the Metkayina’s way of life before being discovered by the RDA a couple months into their stay. He marked how the next few years were strenuous, constantly fighting back the RDA forces, until they had finally won. You listened intently, as he finished his story, your eyes falling to a cyan colored female sat against Lo’ak’s chest, encompassed by his embrace, “and her?” You asked nodding in the direction of the two “Ah- that is Tsireya, she was our teacher during our Uturu. She was meant to become Tsahìk of the Metkayina, but she relinquished her title after mating with Lo’ak. Decided she wanted to come back with us to the forest.” You smile fondly at the couple watching as Lo’ak’s fingers danced across the skin of Tsireya’s arm, “They seem to be perfect for each other, I don’t think I’ve ever seen your brother so calm”. Neteyam nodded in agreement as he began to watch the two with you, before releasing a heavy sigh, “You should’ve seen the commotion they made. Her parents were furious that she had mated with an ‘outsider’, even though we had passed our iknimaya at this point. But they held their ground… I don’t think I’ve ever been as proud of Lo’ak as I was in that moment I watched him stand up for his mate against the Olo’eyktan.” Neteyam smiled, his gaze softening as he reminisced the scene.
You turned to him with a tilt of your head, “and what about you? I don’t see a pretty ocean girl wrapped around your arm”. Neteyam merely scoffed rubbing his temple with his fingers, “Have you met my siblings? There is no way I could let them out of my sight for an instant. I kind of just… forgot” Neteyam responded trailing off at the end. You let out a defined ‘HA’ not believe any of the words he was feeding you, “you mean to tell me out of the 6 years you were gone, not a single ocean woman peaked your interest?” You asked quizzically, leaning back on your palms. Neteyam scanned you with a cocked brow shifted his weight to look at you directly, “And what about you? All this time and you claim not to have a mate yourself”. You scoffed looking off into the fire, becoming mesmerized by its dance, “I’ve thought about it yes, but ever since your grandmother graciously gifted me the task of teaching the younglings, I’ve found myself…caught up. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop the suitors though,”. “You sound as if it bothers you that men are interested in you. Multiple men by the sounds of it” Neteyam smirked mockingly. You groan throwing your head back at his jab “It’s not that… they are only interested in me because they see how I handle the children. Like I’m something they can easily breed.” Neteyam tossed this idea around in his head for a moment sweeping your body with his eyes, before continuing to press the conversation further, “Isn’t that what you want?” Your head swiveled from its reclined state to shoot back up to him, your eyes threatening to pop out of their sockets at his suggestion, “you think I want to be bred?” You shot at him slightly offended, though the idea wasn’t completely off the table,for the right person, not that you would admit that. Immediately Neteyam noticed his error, quickly jumping to defend himself and fix his mistake “No! Nonono, I didn’t mean- sorry I only meant children, don’t you want children? Your own children?” Neteyam emphasized, breathing a little heavy as his heart rate had picked up due to the embarrassment of the brief misunderstanding. A growing blush becoming evident on his features. 
You laughed at his uneasiness, pushing his shoulder playfully, “Easy there, mighty warrior there are no hard feelings. But to answer your question, yes I do want children of my own eventually, but I will not throw myself at the first male who looks at me nicely or gives me flowers”. Neteyam considered this for a moment mentally scratching flowers off the list of potential courting gifts. At that moment you found yourself distracted as Koa leaped into your arms seemingly from nowhere, “Karyu! are you having fun?” She beamed, playing with a strand of your hair absentmindedly. You giggled wrapping your arms around the small child securely, “I am having the most fun, now that you are here..” you smiled leaning down to whisper not so secretly as you made eye contact with Neteyam, “Toruk Makto’s son is soooo boring” you smirked. Koa giggling wildly, leaned into your chest, hiding bashfully from Neteyam with her hands covering her face. Neteyam faked an offended expression , clutching his chest, “Boring? I am Neteyam, the mighty warrior! How can I be boring?” He boasted puffing his chest theatrically, earning louder giggles from Koa at this display. You watched as Koa got more and more flustered, hiding her face in your chest. “I think someone has a crush on you, Teyam” you muse, giving the child gentle strokes along her back.  Neteyam smiled softly leaning down to your chest in attempts to catch Koa’s gaze, only causing the child to lean away shyly. “Do you think I am boring little one?” He asked, his voice low and gentle. Your ears flicked at the sound. He was so close… too close, you could feel the heat of his breath play across your skin, your heartbeat beginning to pick up. Koa quickly noticed the change in your pulse looking up at you curiously, “Karyu, your heart is loud, are you okay?” She whimpered concerned. Neteyam eyed you with cocky smirk painting his features, taking in your flustered appearance, “I think Y/N needs a change of scenery” he hummed.
Rising to his feet, Neteyam extended his hand for you watching carefully as you placed Koa on her feet before taking his offer, rising up to meet him, “Do you mind if I steal your karyu for a while? I think she is feeling a little over whelmed from all of the festivities.” Neteyam asked Koa giving her a gentle look. His grasp on your hand having yet to waver. Koa debated the question for a moment, before smiling brightly, “Ok.. feel better Karyu!” She called as she ran off toward her parents. You giggled shaking your head as she left before turning your attention back to Neteyam, “You’ve just returned home, yet you seem eager to flee again?” You say cocking a brow. Neteyam grinned at this, his gaze floating over the members of the clan, “I’m glad to finally see all of my old companions, but I long to be in the forest again. Would you accompany me?” Neteyam admitted eyeing the dullness of the rocks that hid the clan’s residence. “Took you long enough, I was beginning to wonder if you had lost your desire for the forest” you hummed matter of factly, before making your way to the opening of the cave, Neteyam following closely behind you “I don’t think I could loose my love of the forest even if I tried.” He stated, calling for his ikran as you did, the both of you mounting your respective banshee hastily before racing off toward the forest. 
The sounds of laughter echoed off the trees of the forest as you two dismounted your ikran. “You cheated!” Neteyam chuckled, pointing an accusatory finger your way. You feigned shock at his statement, “Cheated? Me?? No mighty warrior, I fear you have grown rusty in your time with the sea people. Perhaps you would do better at a swimming contest?” You nagged sticking your tongue out at him. Neteyam laughed at your child like mannerisms shaking his head, “I think you are spending too much time with your students, they are starting to rub off on you.”. You scoffed smacking his chest playfully as you walked ahead of him, your tail brushing against his leg as you passed by, “I think you are just a sore loser” you quip, throwing him a smirk from over your shoulder. Neteyam eyed you wildly, the sway of your hips, the way your tail teasingly swished back and forth. He was completely enthralled by you. Continuing on your path, admiring the bioluminescence around you, a familiar tug on your tail pulled at your attention.  
Halting in your tracks, you raised your tail in defense as you looked back at Neteyam with a grin spread across his face, “Don’t start what you can not finish Nete.” You tease, beginning to circle the man as if he were your prey. Neteyam followed your movements with his eyes carefully as you made your way around his backside, lunging for his tail that Neteyam quickly swiped out of your reach, “I can finish it…,but I don’t think you have what it takes to properly take me on” he shot back at you, successfully grabbing your tail a second time as you made your rounds, using it to pull you into him, your back pressed flat against his chest, “Do you think you could take me, Y/N?” He purred into your ear, nuzzling its shell with his nose. You gasped surprised to feel how hard he was against your plush ass, pondering his proposal, simultaneously feeling heat spread between your legs. Melting against his touch you gently let your head fall against his shoulder, as Neteyam dragged his nose down from your ear to your neck, peppering wet kisses along its surface. His hands caressed the skin of your hips, allowing his nails to indent your skin as you rocked your ass against his clothed cock, “Mmm is this what you’ve been waiting for, yawne? Waiting for me to finally return home, just so you can have me all to yourself?”  He hummed against your neck, bringing his kisses up to your jaw as his hands fiddled with the hem of your loincloth. You mewled against his touch, reaching behind you to grasp his hips and pull him further against you, desperate for friction. 
“Answer me sweet girl…” he ordered, lightly pulling your earlobe between his teeth. You whimpered as heat rose to your face both in arousal and from embarrassment of how easy it was for your body to succumb to his advances, “Yes.. I’ve only ever wanted you, Nete” you admit, arching your back to grind your ass harder against his cock, praying that it would somehow graze your clothed folds. Neteyam chuckled in a low voice, biting his lower lip as he watched you, “That’s my girl… look at you, pushing your ass onto me so eagerly. You really want this cock that bad baby?”. You nod breathless as you start to feel yourself loosing any sort of restraint. Neteyam groaned in response, gently smacking your thigh to bring your consciousness back to the forefront, “Spread your legs for me baby, let me stretch you out first”. Following his request without hesitation you widen your stance, wrapping your tail around his thigh, making sure to keep him close to you. Lifting his left hand to slide beneath your loose fringe top Neteyam began massaging your breast, rolling his thumb agonizingly slow over your stiff nipple, while his other hand ventured past your loincloth, swiping a digit past your already lubricated pussy lips. 
“Eywa, you’re such a little slut aren’t you? I’ve hardly touched you and already you’re so wet. Practically dripping down your leg. All for me?” Neteyam groaned pushing his middle digit passed your lips into your sopping cunt. “Oh! Fuck yes” you moaned finally being granted the touch you’ve been craving. Neteyam leaned his face into the crook of your neck as he pumped his finger in and out of you, listening to the sweet sounds that shamelessly fell from your lips. “Tell me pretty girl, did you think of me while you touched yourself? Did you imagine those feeble little fingers of yours were mine instead?” He hummed in your ear, inserting his index finger alongside his other digit, massaging the roof of your cunt. Your mouth hung open in ecstasy at the stretch, continuing to rub your ass into his hips, grinding yourself onto his fingers in the process, “Y-yes.. so many times. I’d imagine you taking me completely… bending me into whatever position pleased you…Fucking me until I can’t feel my legs” you whine out, cupping his hands that worked on stimulating your body with your own, encouraging his movements. “Shit.. you missed me that much huh? I’m glad you did not forget about me while I was gone. Is that what you want babygirl? You want me to use this pretty lil pussy?” Neteyam growled into your neck, dragging his fangs across the skin, before closing his mouth around your sweet spot, sucking hungrily on your neck. You yelp out adding pressure on the hand that toyed with your pussy, begging for more, “Please ugh.. I’m all yours Nete.” Turning your face to make eye contact with him from over your shoulder, you move a hand to cup his face, “I want you to mate me Teyam- make me yours… breed me. Please…” you beg, your eyes never straying from his. Your words awoke a deep hunger in Neteyam, which became evident when he devoured your lips the instant the plead left your mouth. As your tongues danced together, Neteyam removed his fingers from your core, much to your displeasure, moving to focus on untying your loincloth. When the lightweight fabric fell silently from your body, Neteyam turned you around to face him fully. His eyes were completely mesmerized by your body. Staring into his eyes you reach up to the back of your neck to untie your top, but Neteyam stopped you, grabbing your wrist gently, “Leave it on… I want to hear those beads smack against your skin, while I’m fucking into you.” He purred, releasing your wrist, running his fingers between the loosely hanging fringe of beads to rub his thumb across one of your nipple.
“How about you take off my loincloth for me instead?” He offered the ultimatum, to which you gladly complied, reaching your hands behind him to work on untying the offensive undergarment, your gaze never leaving his for a moment. His own hands wandering to cup the swell of your ass, gripping the flesh of your cheeks spreading them apart to hear the faint sound of your pussy lips separating, earning an eager whine from you in response. His tail swished behind him at the sound making him desperate to sink his raging cock into you all the more sooner. The garment fell from his hips, allowing his cock to spring up free of its restraints. You gawked in awe at his size feeling a strange mix of excitement and anxiousness arise in the pit of your stomach. “You like what you see, Y/N?” Neteyam chuckled, noting your obvious staring. You looked up at him with a cheeky smirk, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I have no idea how you managed to hide this from me all those years ago.” You mused, licking a stripe up the tip of his nose, “It wasn’t easy… your body always had its way of calling to me. I was half relieved when my father became more strict with my training.” He hummed, leaning forward to rub your nose gently with his own, eyes heavy with lust as he stared into you. You laughed at his confession cocking your head to the side, “So you were avoiding me” you accused dragging a hand down his chest and his toned abs before wrapping your nimble fingers around his throbbing length, stroking him slowly. “Mmm…To stop myself from pinning you down and fucking you mercilessly; yes I avoided you.” He breathed, moving to recapture your lips with his own, kissing you heatedly. 
Pulling away from the kiss you tighten your grip on his cock as your eyes met his again, “So what’s holding you back from doing it now? Cant handle me baby?” You tease impishly. A low growl rumbled from Neteyam’s chest at your words, as he hastily grasped your thighs lifting you into his arms, pressing you firmly against his chest. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, giggling at his eagerness. The tip of his cock teased your cunt, the preexisting slick making it easy to caress from your clit to between your lips as he walked you to the trunk of a tree, cementing your body against its mossy surface with his. “Be careful what you wish for, yawne” he groaned, ensuring that his tip was lined up with your entrance, before reaching behind his head, to grasp his kuru, pulling it forward waiting in anticipation as you copied his movements. The two of you watched as the tendrils of your queues explored each other, before finally embracing one another, sealing your bond. You looked at each other with lustful, dilated eyes, Neteyam’s hands moving to pull your ass cheeks apart once more, giving him better access to your soaked core. The anticipation was killing you, “Please Neteyam, you’ve kept me waiting for too- Ah!” Your plead was cut short as Neteyam finally caved in to his urges, burying his cock swiftly inside your throbbing pussy. The pleasure that was emphasized from tsaheylu only made Neteyam more desperate to pound into senselessly, despite this he held onto whatever restraint he still had, allowing you to adjust to his size. You swore you had nearly been split in half, almost nervous to look down at your stomach, knowing that there’d have to been a prominent bulge now poking out. 
Neteyam leaned his forehead against yours, breaths heavy as his nails left deep indents in the flesh of your ass while he teasingly began stirring his cock inside of you. “Fuck baby you are still so tight for me… did my fingers not stretch your needy little hole out enough? You just needed to be filled by this fat cock… didn’t you darling?” Neteyam grunted, lifting your hips to withdraw himself from your cunt momentarily, before selfishly plunging back into you in a heartbeat. You screamed out at his sudden harshness, arching your back in ecstasy as his cock hit the exact spot you needed it to. “Right there baby? That’s where you want it?” He confirmed, feeling how you craved for him to repeat his actions through the bond. “Please fuck yes Teyam, I need you so bad” you whine, trying your best to grind your hips against him, attempting to massage the spot with the tip of his cock yourself. “Shhh my love, let me take care of you.” He growled pulling his hips back enough to drive himself back into the place you desired most “Oh fuck, I can’t wait to stuff this pussy with my cum.. I just want breed this pretty pussy over and over until you can’t take another drop and your legs are shaking around me”. 
Your head fell back against the tree, completely overtaken by his naughty words gripping onto his shoulders for dear life as Neteyam finally found his rhythm, fucking into you with sharp precise thrusts. “Fuck! Oh Tey I’m so close” you whimpered, chest heaving as your core tightening in response to each of his thrusts. “Haah.. you’re milking my cock so well, love. Go ahead, cum for me”. Practically releasing on command, you drench his cock in your juices, moaning out as you road through your orgasm. Neteyam steadied his movements to a halt, allowing you to catch your breath. Slowly coming down from your high, you quickly clung to your mate, as he stepped away from the tree, lowering you to lay against the mossy forest floor. “Teyam?” You mewed as he took one of your legs over his shoulder, pressing the other firmly to the ground next to you, before shoving his cock back into your sensitive cunt without warning. Neteyam began fucking mercilessly into you, just as he said he would, coaxing out loud wet noises from your dripping cunt. You cried out breathlessly, reveling in the feeling over being overstimulated. “Taking me so well baby…such a good girl” Neteyam moaned, pressing sloppy open mouth kisses on your calf as he pounded into you. You moaned with each thrust, fisting the moss helplessly beneath you for some sense of stability. “Oh shit, I’m gonna cum- open up wide for me baby. I want you to take every fucking drop.” Neteyam groaned, his thrusts boarding on messy, raising your leg from his shoulder holding it in the air, pushing your legs wider in the process as he shot his load into your womb. 
Exhaustion began to take over you, your body felt limp and weak. Focusing your eyes on Neteyam who own gaze bore into you, somewhat disassociating as he steadied his breathing. Just as you were about to speak, Neteyam shifts his weight to hook his arm under you, rolling you over onto your stomach, rough needy hands lifting your hips into the air ready to line up his already hardening cock back into your abused cunt, “Neteyam wait- I need a minute” you begged, face pressed into the ground as you tried to search for stability in your wobbling knees. “I already told you, yawne… I’m gonna breed this pussy until you're completely full of my cum. I want your womb to be full of my seed. Go ahead, catch your breath, love” he purred lovingly stroking your spine, sliding his cock along your lips, “you said you didn’t want to feel your legs after right? Hold on tight, yawne”. 
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So I think I got a little carried away, but I guess that's what I get for writting about one of my actual kinks so... WHOOPS oh well.
I've been making good progress with chapter 4 of ASSDWD I'm so excited to share it with all of you! Thanks to everyone who has been showing support for the series, however in the meantime; I hope you enjoy this lil one shot
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946 notes · View notes
piichuu · 1 year
WARNINGS: this is a mess, reader has social anxiety (social anxiety is different for everyone so i’m sorry if this isn’t relatable), gn!reader, fluff (kinda)
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oikawa tooru does not find it difficult to speak to others. is a stranger suddenly talking to him, asking for directions? he’ll try to help while also asking if they’re new in town and how long they’ve been there. does a kid want to be taught how to play volleyball? he’ll ruffle the kid’s hair and turn into a teacher in an instant, but that kind of teacher all the kids love, of course.
he used to not understand those who struggled to speak, because how hard could it be to open one’s mouth and just talk? but his perspective changed when he met you, one of the most shy people he had ever met in his entire life.
he often saw you alone during class, not speaking a word to anyone and when the teacher would ask you a question, you’d always whisper that you “didn’t know”. you would always stare off into the distance as your friends were talking to one another and he often noticed how you were picking at your nails or biting your lip so it began to bleed. you weren’t simply just shy, you were anxious as well.
you never seemed to hang out with anyone after school. when class ended for the day you would always put your earbuds in, putting music on as you began to walk home. oikawa would always notice the way your jaw would relax just like your shoulders as soon as those earbuds were in so everything else was drowned out.
during class, he continued trying to talk to you. he’d ask if he could borrow your books since he always forgot his at home and sometimes he’d sit down beside you just to whisper about how boring class was. you would always just give him a slight nod before looking towards the teacher, not wanting to get told off.
he didn’t know how he would ever be able to have a full on conversation with you. you always began to fiddle with your hands when he spoke to you and your voice would always come out shaky. he didn’t know if you were uncomfortable because of him or if it was like this with everyone, he still couldn’t fully understand you. why were you always getting so nervous around others?
one day during class, he got the shock of his life when he heard your soft voice ringing in his ears. he had instantly turned around to catch eye contact, but you had immediately looked away. “can i- can i borrow a pen?” you asked and oikawa tooru had never felt so relieved about bringing a pen to class for once because he handed it to you with a proud smile on his face as you let out a quiet “thank you”. were you finally warming up to him?
the two of you didn’t speak for the rest of the class. oikawa tooru was simply more than happy to just have heard you talk to him first. he couldn’t help but smile to himself when he saw you look away as to not get eye contact and how you were nervously fiddling with your hands. but in all honesty, he would prefer to hold your hands instead so you could take your nervousness out on him and play with his fingers.
he kept looking at you from afar. during lunch he would notice how you would always cover your mouth when eating and that you would do the same when smiling. when you were standing by the locker to get something you would always make sure that those who had lockers beside you weren’t there so you got your space. whenever a teacher wanted to talk to you, your eyes would widen and in some cases would even tear up.
you never cried in front of anyone, but he could on many occasions see when the stress of being around others became too much and you would tear up in an instant. there was even one time when he was on his way home and saw you further away, wiping tears off your cheeks. he’s never wanted to run towards anyone more than he wanted to back then, but he realized that you may just want to be alone after such an overwhelming and draining day.
he remember every single detail of when he confessed his feelings to you. as the two of you weren’t actually friends, he thought it might be weird, but he wanted you to know of his feelings and he wanted to see how you would react.
oikawa tooru wrote a small note where he had told you that he liked you and thought you were cute, he then slid the note into your locker and as soon as class was over and you were gonna open it, he stood from afar to watch you as you first saw the letter.
he was pretending to mind his own business by getting a book out of his locker, but when he glanced over at you, he could see your big eyes and how you were staring down at the note as if you were reading it over and over again. he had put his name at the end of the note so you would know that it was him, and when you finally looked towards him, he was the one to instantly look away.
his heart was beating out of his chest when he felt your presence beside him. you were holding the note in your hands and were looking down at it as he looked back at you. you had taken a deep breath and he could feel his cheeks heat up so much that they almost seemed to burn when you finally opened your mouth to say something. “i…i like you too,” you whispered and even though there were plenty of people by the lockers who were speaking loudly, he could hear you clearly and he has never smiled as much as he did at that moment.
you seemed to want to run away after speaking, but he was quick to grab your wrist and make you stay. “maybe i could take you out on a date then? like…dinner or maybe the cinema?” he asked as he held your wrist loosely. you nodded your head and the sweet smile you gave him almost caused his knees to buckle.
you ended up going on a cinema date. that way, you wouldn’t have to feel pressured to talk, but he would still be able to ask you about the movie afterwards. he had been smart enough to choose the movie ‘scream’ as he had been talking to his friends who kept telling him that horror movies are the best movies to watch with someone you like, especially if they get scared easily. iwaizumi had told him not to expect too much though, and oikawa listens to his best friend, so he tried not to have too high expectations.
he could see that you got scared every once in a while, but you never held his hand in fear like he had hoped, but he had also noticed how your hand on occasion moved towards his but stopped itself when you realized what you were doing. he had eventually intertwined his fingers with yours, loosely holding your hand so you could let go if you weren’t comfortable, but the two of you stayed like that the entire movie.
when looking over at you, you had the cutest smile he’s ever seen on your face. in that moment, he wanted to just kiss your cheeks until you were giggling and leaning into his touch, but he couldn’t do that, not yet.
as the movie continued, you jumped in your seat every time there was a jump scare and when you had done so, you would always look around in the cinema to see if anyone had noticed. oikawa slowly began to notice how your hand started to sweat and the unsure look you wore on your face when a group of girls were laughing. he knew it wasn’t because of you, but he quickly understood that it was probably what you thought.
he squeezed your hand and lowered his voice just so you could hear him. “do you wanna get out of here?” he asked and you looked back and forth between him and the giant screen before nodding your head and allowing him to lead you out of the entire building and out to the street that was unusually quiet due to the time of day.
oikawa was still holding your hand when he dared to ask you what was on your mind and when he finally heard you speak about that you struggle with social situations, he slowly began to understand that talking isn’t as easy for everyone as it is for him. you didn’t open up to him fully about it, you didn’t go into detail about anything, but he still knew and that’s when he decided that he’ll be the one person you never have to feel nervous around. he wants to be a sort of comfort for you.
it didn’t take too long before he finally asked you to be his partner. the two of you were at your place, sitting on the couch in the living room when he was finally brave enough to ask you if he could be your boyfriend. you said yes and even though you were still awkward around him, he knew that he loved you, no matter your struggles. he was going to make sure you never had to worry about asking him something or talking about the things you loved.
the two of you haven’t been a couple for long now, only a month but oikawa wanted you to meet his friends, but he was ready to leave as soon as he saw you feeling uncomfortable.
you’re at iwaizumi’s place. he’s prepared dinner for all of you and some snacks as you’re by the kitchen table, playing board games.
your boyfriend has his fingers intertwined with yours the entire time as you’re sitting beside each other at the table. he looks over at you every once in a while to make sure you’re doing okay which you were, but suddenly something seems to strike your mind and he notices the way you bite your lower lip and begin to look around the room.
he starts to yawn, looking over at his friends. “i think it’s time for us to leave, i need to have energy for practice tomorrow,” oikawa says as he begins to stand up, flashing you a sweet smile as you look up at him and slowly begin to stand up as well. iwaizumi sighs but smiles at the two of you, well, mostly you. “alright, it was nice to meet you y/n!”
you and oikawa then leave the house to go towards his car where the two of you sit down as he places his hand on your thigh, squeezing it. “i hope it was okay that we left,” he says and you nod, putting your hand above his so you can hold it. “it was. i don’t know why i keep getting anxious, they were all so nice.”
he puts one of his hands on your cheek and smiles softly. “it’s not something you can control, maybe we’d just hung out with them for too long, but now we can just go to my place and be alone for the rest of the night with no one else,” oikawa kisses your forehead, causing a smile to spread over your lips as well. “can we go buy snacks?” “of course we can buy snacks.”
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finnzhal · 8 months
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@eduardo200012 asked.
I can ask Kalim and Jamil with a male reader who is cursed to turn into a tiger until he marries his true love
FINN's response.
ILY FOR REQUESTING A BUNCH. This one isn't so angsty , it's more funny to me ^^; Although , I'm not quite sure what you want me to write it as specifically and I didn't turn them into marrying but a kiss instead ( reference from Tiana ) . . So this is only a headcanons + Drabble , I'm so sorry if that isn't what you asked for :(( UPDATE: I'M SO SORRY I JUST REALIZED I SAID LION INSTEAD OF TIGERR HUHU
Mentions : Drink spiking, angsty(?)
Little summary : You're friends with Floyd and you always go to the mostro lounge to hang out, you might grab a drink or two but you know Floyd would do something sketchy on your drink and you usually ask for Jade to do your drink . . But of course , Jade cannot be trusted also and he too puts something in your drink for "fun" just like Floyd said but you don't have to know what they did and you slept fine the entire night . . Until you woke up itching in your fur , you for real thought someone put you in a furry suit until you look at yourself in the mirror, you ran towards the twins fast.. you struggled running in all fours and you look like those my little ponies who tried standing up on two feet ... It took you a whole 30 minutes just for the twins to not know how to help you.
You guys started dating a few months back and students hated how affectionate you guys are, most of the time it's Kalim who shows the most in public . Of course he'll stop if you're uncomfortable with it and just give you affection when you guys are alone
So the moment he saw a tiger running around the hallway looking like the tiger is trying to find something or someone.. he immediately runs towards you wondering why a tiger is running around
The twins explained what happened to Kalim and.. It took him a whole hour to understand what the twins said before turning back to you and pampering you
But then again he compliments how you look, in every form. He loves you and will always compliments your appearance. ( He's the type of dude who is willing to love you even if you were a worm- )
He couldn't stay with you the whole day because of school and Jamil insisted him to attend classes, he asked for you to just wait in his room just to rest and he'll try to find something to somewhat get out.. of that form ?
Poor Jamil who's gonna complain about Kalim not paying attention to the entire class just because of you, don't be surprised that he barged in the room after the school ends. Just you and him alone once again
He didn't even care about your fur going to his mouth as he kisses every part of you until your lips, a big poof sound came in.. he opened his eyes, noticed your form back. He smiled gleefully while you were screaming about how you're naked infront of him
"Baby, my kisses are a medicine! Let me kiss more of your boo boos"
it didn't took long enough for Jamil to realize you're missing and some random tiger were running away from the Twins are the same day, he confronted the both of them to realize you're the lion.
He gave it his all not to create chaos just because of it not until he got the answer of "we don't know how to get [name] back to their human form" from Floyd. Another scolding for endless of hours, threatening to report it to the teachers.
Before he did, You put your paw on top of his hand as if you're telling him not to.. and so that's what he did. He decided to stick with you in some tiger form
He wasn't as affectionate as Kalim and only thinks logically, reading every book just to get back to your form. He was worried it wouldn't come off or worse
Of course he couldn't abandon Kalim or his classes, he insisted you to come with him but you didn't.. you were anxious about your appearance and it made his heart broke. He let you be in his room after he gets back
The only affection you can get from him was cuddling and words of affirmation, he was trying to console you after school. Cooking you food while he tries to find what you need to get you back
As he finished cooking for you, giving you food in bed. Each day you were more and more insecure about what's happening to you, He's trying his best for you and he didn't want you to feel this way in or out of tiger form.
He kissed you on your lips after his words, he raised an eyebrow wondering how it felt like a human's lips before opening his eyes. He pulled away after he noticed you naked infront of him, giving you a blanket before you panic
For a minute, he chuckled at himself.. "after weeks of trying to find a serum, a kiss is all that it's needed.."
© Don't steal people's works.
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bugs1nmybrain · 5 days
Could you possibly write Professor Aizawa x college student reader, where UA is a college instead of a high school?
Teacher's Crush - Professor!Aizawa x College Student!Reader ☆ Part 1
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Warnings: No smut but nsfw, fem-reader, Professor x student, age gap (readers in early 20s, Aizawa is 30), no sex and cliffhanger, unrealistic confession, not proofread
Notes: OOF. I questioned if I should do this because it is admittedly a guilty pleasure, but it feels taboo?? Then I remembered some of the somno and dub-con stuff I've written and humbled myself down. Fiction is meant to be fun. You're in luck! The recent chapters of MHA rekindled my Aizawa fixation a bit. Very excited to write this.
I plan to make a part 2 of this that will include ooey gooey SMUT. There's just a lot that has to build up to their relationship.
The College won't be UA itself but an out of canon school. Any MHA students will not be included. Aizawa is an English teacher because I noticed that he likes reading in Vigilantes so maybe he has a secret passion for it.
Notes About Reader: Fem-reader, Honor student, shorter than Aizawa, curvy, early 20s
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College had its challenges, but overall, you were an A+ student and even better, a teacher's pet. Or..professor's pet?
Professor Aizawa had a soft spot for you. One that he was ashamed of. But the thing was, he couldn't help himself be completely enamored by his favorite student. You were responsible, kind, humble, smart, and reliable. A brilliant student, he could tell from your essays and comments in class. A mind of your own. That's not to say that you were flawless. Sometimes, you'd make a grammatical mistake or two, but he ignorantly disregarded them (which he did not do with the other students) because he enjoyed the appreciative thanks you gave him on the school website when you got a perfect grade.
It's a good thing he was respectful, because you also waltzed into class with little slutty skirts and tops that conveniently showed off your waist and tits. Like today. Yeesh, playing the schoolgirl angle up much?
"Who can tell me the cultural significance of this week's reading?"
Professor Aizawa glanced around to the sounds of crickets. Even you weren't speaking up, though you did seem to have a peculiar look on your face. He wondered how your expression would shift.
You jolted up and redirected your attention.
"What're your thoughts?"
"Oh, well, I assumed it was important because it showed the socioeconomic struggles of people in the real world in this time period and what they did to make ends meet."
"Great work. Sharp as always, Y/N."
You smiled at him with what seemed like a blush. This was regular lately. You always dressed nice, but lately, your outfits were more revealing, and you became more flustered at his praise. You were so cute.
He wanted you so bad.
And so did you.
Professor Aizawa was one of the younger instructors at this school, though still well older than you. But with his sluggish looks and broody attitude, you'd think he was older than 30. You weren't the only one charmed by him. You heard some students joke about who had the biggest dick out of all professor's and how Aizawa was easily on the top. You wondered how true that was...
He gave you looks that he didn't to the others and you weren't stupid. The As you recieved seemed undeserving at times, but he'd marvel at your work. You caught him peaking when you'd lift up from a chair and your body was on display for him. How soft his tone was with you, and an underlying lust from both of you.
"It's 4pm. Class dismissed." As everyone began gathering their supplies, Aizawa stood from his desk and came over to you.
"Y/N. I'd like to speak with you once everyone's left," he said as if it wasn't an option.
"Wha-what's wrong?" You panicked. You became anxious whenever you suspected you've done something wrong. Especially from Aizawa.
"Don't stress, just stay seated and wait for them to leave."
You nodded sheepishly. Aizawa stood by his desk, trying to keep distance between you and him. You didn't know what on earth was wrong and to upset your favorite professor would hurt you for the rest of the semester.
The rest of the students left, leaving the empty noise between you and Aizawa. He stood seated on his desk with his hands figeting with each other.
"You always tell us to get off the seats," you joke, not remembering that you may be in trouble right now.
"This is my desk. Those chairs are the schools."
"Right. I'm sorry, sir."
Mm.. you were too much for him.
"Why-why, uh. Did I miss an assignment? I did have a busy week so I'm not sure."
"No. Nothing like that. Your grades are perfect, one of the best in my class and I wager the rest of your classes, right?"
"Well, I'm not the brightest in CIS, but I have an A."
"The A is what matters. You seem pretty hard on yourself, I've come to notice."
"I-uh. Hm?"
"I have to pay attention to all my students to make sure you're all living up to your potential. You're talented, and you have a promising future. You're really not an English major?"
"No. I don't read as much as this class has me."
"You seem to like movies based on your personal essays. Film studies have similar elements, you know? But I'm sure you're going to do great things with your degree."
"Thank you, Aizawa. Um. You're much nicer to me than the others, I've noticed," you laugh nervously.
"Is it that obvious?"
Aizawa chuckled softly. The first laugh you've heard from him. You weren't sure if Aizawa was even capable of humor.
"Well it's because I.."Shota stammered, realizing he really didn't have a solid reason for keeping you behind. He figured just having a reassuring peptalk could win him moments with you. But you were catching on.
Shota's gaze zoned out on your breasts without thought. He admired your short stature and full features more than he should. It felt wrong. You were his student.
"What's that?" You asked.
"I suppose I just see you as a model student."
"Thank you, Professor Aizawa."
"Of course. I was wondering if perhaps you'd be interested in doing a work study as my personal teaching assistant."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. You'd recieve hourly pay and it's part time. I think you're smart enough to handle it."
"I mean, yea! I would love that. I've been trying to get work study for a while but I've had troubles."
Well, this was convenient he thought, considering it was spur of the moment. "I'm glad to hear that. You'll do great and I look forward to working with you."
While you were still here, Aizawa thought of another way he could capture your attention. Your outfit was a problem and it made him feel in checkmate. His cock would grow in his pants just at the sight and the filthy thoughts he had. Though it was against his personal beliefs on the matter, it could be worth it to scold you.
"You know...Y/N. Your sense of style is rather revealing as of late."
"I'm not mad. It's just that the students, especially the boys, might have a hard time focusing in class."
Aizawa eyed you with a faint look of wanting, as if he was trying to signal to you his intentions. He's already accepted he's borderline fucked if you two got together. Would he risk that? With the submissive and hungry pout you gave him back, though...hell yea he would.
"Am I being dress coded?" You perk up playfully.
"Mm..well, maybe you should show me if that skirt passes your fingertips, hm?"
You couldn't believe what was happening. You halfway doubted he was actually trying to make a move, but you realized that he was angled in a way to conceal his crotch from a boner.
"I- um!" You blushed and cracked a smile. You got up and started to check the fingertips, but Aizawa snickered again.
"I wasn't serious about that," he smiled at you, shamelessly looking you up and down. "Y/N, I'm really proud of you. So responsible, smart, attentive. Always in the front of my class, giving me a gorgeous smile. Are your clothes maybe a call for my attention, too?"
It's like he caught you like a deer in headlights. You stammered and looked down at the floor, in disbelief of what he was saying to you. You felt a tingle in between your legs, and Aizawa noticed your squirm.
"Come here," he looked at you with a motion of his pointer finger. So you obeyed and stood in front of him. "Do you have a crush on me?"
He got you.
You felt heated and panicked, worried this would be a problem. By how he spoke, it seemed thay he liked you too. But this was wrong, right?
"I..I mean, you are my favorite professor."
"Uh-huh..that's good to know,"he smirked, encouraging you to say more, but you kept quiet. "Is that why you're always nearly the only student to stay for extra lessons? With your smarts, you certainly don't need them."
"Well, it always helps to stay on top of things," you bluffed.
"That also explains you staring at me in the halls and through the teachers lounge window?"
Did he really notice that? You thought.
"..maybe. I'm sorry, Professor Aizawa.." You spoke in shame.
"It's alright, kitten."
"This is very inappropriate," he remarks, as if you were the one who approached him.
"Well. Yea."
"Mhm. Are you able to keep a secret for us? Do you want that?"
You stared at him with huge eyes of excitement. You swore you must've been dreaming. You soon felt a calloused hand brushing up again your hand.
"How rational do you think this is?" You giggled, moving closer to rest your forehead on his.
"Not very. But it's not rational to force these things away, either." He sighed in relief, feeling his heart become warm. "Would you like to go out to dinner with me? Out of town, ideally."
"Yea. That'd be very nice."
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kywaslost · 1 year
Hi there! This is my first request here and uh.. I really like your stuff... 👉👈..
I was wondering if it would be okay to ask for your interpretation or a story thing on erasermic (accidentally) adopting a very shy, and light self harming/deprecating deaf kid?
If it's not too much to ask!! I don't know how to do this I don't wish to over step ^^'''
Thank you ^^
You’ll Fit Right In - EraserMic
A/N: Man I am such a sucker for erasermic comfort!! So, hello! I’m really glad you like my writings! And I’m so glad you requested this because I love writing for erasermic but I basically trauma dump in every erasermic fic I post (including the one I’ve been working on in my free time…). I hope you really like this one!
Warnings: bad childhood, sh, self-deprecation
Aizawa and Hizashi weren't planning on adopting another child. They already had Shinsou, afterall, and Eraserhead was listed as one of Eri’s guardians, so she was around from time to time. But they couldn’t resist bringing you into their home.
You had a past much like Eri’s, except instead of being experimented on by a group of villains, you had been experimented on by the Commission. They wanted to try and create the perfect hero, but in the end they only messed up your quirk and caused you to go deaf. Hizashi and Aizawa were on the team that was sent in to rescue you. If you were honest, the only reason you went with them was because Hizashi knew JSl, and he was able to communicate with you way better than the Commission ever could.
When the two heroes found out you had no remaining relatives, they immediately asked for adoption papers. You tried to tell them that they didn’t have to keep you around, but they wouldn’t have it. They explained that they didn’t want to throw you to some foster home who didn’t know how to care for you, and that they already had experience handling situations like this.
So here you were, living with Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Shinsou, with the occasional visit from Eri. As expected, there were some bumps and setbacks. You were very shy, and meeting so many new people at once stressed you out. You went from living in a small, sectioned off room the size of a storage closet to a house with your own giant bed room that you could decorate any way you wanted. You sat down every meal with your new family, and eventually you had to get to know them.
Aizawa was the first one to notice your scars. You were sitting next to him on the couch as he graded papers. You had a cat in your lap, petting it gently as you read a book. Some would say Aizawa looked over at the wrong time, but he’d argue otherwise. The cat in your lap was pushing up the hem of your sleeve, and the teacher beside you could see thin, angry, red lines along your arm.
It startled him at first, and then it didn’t. He should have figured you would result in something like this. He tried so hard to make sure Eri didn’t harm herself, but he never thought to talk to you about this unhealthy coping mechanism. Shouta gently took your hand with his, turning it ever so slightly to get a better look at your wounds.
His touch caught your attention, and when you looked up at him, he looked at you with something between worry and distress. That’s when you realized that he had seen your arm. Tears immediately welled up in your eyes.
‘Y/N,’ Aizawa signed to you. ‘Let me help you. Tell me what’s wrong.’
You sniffled, then wiped your eyes with your other sleeve. ‘I’m not worth your time.’
You could have sworn Aizawa’s eyes glowed red for a split second. Now he’s angry with you, you thought to yourself. You’ve surely done it now. You wanted to look away but Aizawa began signing again. ‘That’s not true, Y/N. You are worth our time. We want you here.” His thumb lightly grazed your cuts again. ‘Please, let me know when you feel like doing this.” Shouta’s hand stalled for a moment. ‘I struggled with it too, when I was in high school and I lost someone very close to me. I know how to help you, you just have to let me.’
You may be very shy, but so is Aizawa. And you may be a bit self deprecating but so was Shinsou, and Aizawa and Hizashi could help with that. And for your unhealthy coping mechanisms, all three of them had dealt with. You just need to let them in, let them help you, and you’ll be alright in the end :)
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00belle00lovely00 · 4 months
okay- okay- I'm shy to ask this but- got any headcanons for CraftyCorn×KickinChicken? it's just- these two has something special I promise you I'm not insane trust me gurl-
B E S T I E.
Opposites attract, you guys. Maybe not like Dogday and Catnap in that sense, but LITERALLY in their social status and personality are they opposites.
Kickin would've totally heard from someone else that Craftycorn had a crush on him, which in this case she didn't YET, but BECAUSE of that fact he would play all high and mighty and say that he would act "hard to get". So at the end of the day, he would go around and try to send indirect pickup lines, hoping she would get nervous and ask if he was serious only for him to reject the thought of it. BUT INSTEAD. Craftycorn is completely confused by the comment and thinks it's just a playful joke from Kickin. Then she attempts to laugh it off to not make the situation awkward for herself, AND GUESS WHAT. JUST BECAUSE OF THAT ONE ACT, JUST BECAUSE SHE GIGGLED TO IT. HE INSTANTLY CRUSHES ON HER. AND NOW DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, BECAUSE HE TOLD THE ENTIRE GROUP HE WOULD BE ACTING HARD TO GET.
I'll never stop head canonizing Craftycorn doodling the people she crushes on.
A very nice thought I would get from these two is Craftycorn asking Kickin if she'd like to hold his hand. At first, Kickin dismisses it, then reluctantly agrees, only for Crafty to witness how downright NERVOUS this man got. Like- we are talking about taking feathers, sweating beads dripping down his forehead, and even getting chicken skin WHILE BEING A CHICKEN. As she notices it, she attempts to comfort him and check if he is all right but just makes matters WORSE.
Picture this: The whole group are in a basketball competition on the beach/backyard of someone's house. Kickin's team are all struggling to keep up the energy. So, noticing this, Bobby brings in the idea for the ones not participating in the game to be the cheerleaders. That of course, one of them being Craftycorn. She declines the offer, once, twice, even so many times because she is too nervous to do such a thing. But once she decided to do it, all Kickin had to hear was "Uuuh... go team, go?" from Crafty and INSTANT WIN. INSTANTLY.
Let's all just agree that this is not looking-for-attention artist x looking-for-attention superstar.
Whenever there's a group activity, Craftycorn would usually invite everyone over to her house to do arts and crafts. She is somewhat of an art teacher for all her friends. That included Kickin, but due to his pride and wanting to heavily impress Crafty with his skills, he would deny any help and try to do EXTREMELY difficult art pieces. Which, obviously always ended up a crappy mess. Soon enough, when Kickin feels like giving up on his masterpiece and downright frustrated by not catching Crafty's interest, Crafty decides to step in and help him little by little. Soon enough, Kickin finds out that this is a much better way to catch Crafty's attention and finally enjoys doing something together.
Hoppy wouldn't leave him alone the moment she found out he liked Crafty. And the same thing would go for Craftycorn with Bobby.
Craftycorn, as a way to show her appreciation to others without saying words out, would usually go around and paste stickers to the things she likes. Now just imagine Kickin's shock the moment she begins to put stickers ALL around his body.
Craftycorn rarely gets angry at people, not because only is she soft-spoken, but she is rather very collected with her emotions. But when she gets ever so PISSED with people, she begins to regret it rather instantly. Sometimes she would lock herself in a room, and not come out for DAYS. This of course made Kickin very worried about her. Instead of going downright bursting into the door, he promises Crafty that he will be sitting at the other end until she is ready to come out. For a few bunch of minutes, there's a bit of a comforting silence until Craftycorn decides to open the door and let him inside. Now let's be honest, both of them are terrible at speaking their feelings out. Maybe Crafty is much more open about it, but it was clear she didn't want to make things worse than they already were, so they majorly only hold hands and stick together, the silence much more comforting than they thought it would be.
Let me make this easy for you'll to understand what I mean: Crafty + papercut = Kickin instantly falling into panic mode.
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tyarichtofen · 1 year
William Afton x Reader.
The Piano Teacher. - Masterlist
Warnings : very shitty smut, praise kink and a little age gap-
3.4k words
William Afton was your pianist teacher, first it was lessons with few other people with you, but since you had struggle with concentration and focus on work with a lot of noise around you, you'd ask Mister Afton if he would teach you during off hours. To your great surprise he accepted. He said he saw true talents in you and he wanted to expose it, he was willing to help you with as much as he had for you to accomplish. It first took you back, William seemed to be the kind of distant man that didn't care for anybody except for himself. You couldn't deny that you enjoyed his true him, he made you feel special. And you figured he could use a little company since he divorced his ex-wife just months before. It also happened that he took his youngest son, Evan, to attempt your study. The boy looked a lot like his father but, for a strange reason, he seemed to be scared of anything and everything. He was still adorable, and you even taught him some notes, when his father wasn't looking you'd make grimaces at him, easing the strange tension the boy had. The session after this one, William told you he noticed it, and find it very cute of you. He also added that his son liked you, which was pretty rare.
You could qualify yourself as his favorite very quickly, you knew he liked you, he didn't had such a problem to demonstrate it to you. Your presence was welcomed, he made you feel wanted and safe. He also quickly found nicknames to you such as "doll", "darling" and "love" which, the first time, had your heart beat increase and your knees buckling. You were scared he called every girl that way, but he quickly hushed your overthinking when you saw him interact with few of his others students, confirming that he was actually a man that kept his distance most of the time. You were good audience and always liked to see him perform, being a visual learner also made it a great practice for you to look at his skilled fingers caressing the piano -sometimes wishing that it was you instead- and today was one of this day.
'So, what do you think of it ? You like it ?' He asks not hiding his excitement to hear your answer on the song he just made you listen to and he composed himself day priors. Sometimes William reminded you of a child wanting to know everyone's opinion about his little drawing, it was cute to see him having this much infatuation for his artistic project. He once confessed to you that you were the first one to hear his songs, and it was your opinion that imported him the most.
'Yes, I definitely do sir.' You chuckle behind your hand and looks up at him. He could write a song about making pizzas that you'd love it, everything William wrote was so him, it breathed in his spirit so you could only like it, and it was no wonder he started to become famous.
That was something that started to worry you, the fact that he was becoming famous. Well, it wasn't that you wanted to gatekeep his talents and qualities, of course not. You wanted to gatekeep him.
There was a deep rotting feeling in the pit of your stomach each time you knew he was gonna perform. The feeling kept you awake, thinking of how easily one of them could flow over his arms and spend a part of the night with him, the thought only making you wanna puke.
He made all these girls laugh and smile. He made them look at him. William Afton was a brilliant man. He excelled in everything, when somtehing touched even his fingertips it became gold, he was a good pianist, compositeur and quite the singer (but few, if any, knew that. William sang on really rare occasion, you asked his youngest son if it happened frequently at home and he happily confirmed), had an exquisite humour and was overly charming. You couldn't think of a reason for them to not be attracted to him. He was the center of their attention during only 2 hours, maybe, but for you it was 2 hours too long.
'Mister Afton,' You started, not sure of the end of your sentence actually.
'Yes, darling ?' He filled the silence you let install after a few seconds, letting you know you had all his attention.
'Do you...' Do you like me too ? Do you want to hold my hand too ? Do you want to kiss me too ? Do you feel those butterflies too ? Do you feel jealous over random people too ? Do you crave me too ? Do you need me too ? 'Do you have a concert tonight ?' Was the words that escaped your mouth, your eyes still boring on the black and white touchs in front of you.
'No, I don't, why ? You want me to stay with you a little more ?' He was so utterly nice to you. Usually you had your lesson, you'd talk a little and that was it he could go anywhere else he would have wanted to, but he stayed with you. He spent hours and hours, continuing to teach you or just talking with you, sometimes he'd bring something to eat with him. It made you sick to your stomach to know a man, the man you longed for was so nice to you.
'Please.' You bargained under your breath, just for it to be enough for him to hear.
He suddenly lifted your chin up to look at him with a hand cradling your jaw. 'Could you say that again ?' He smirked and your head felt dizzy at the slight proximity he offered you, but you craved it.
'Please.' You repeated, this time much more audible. His other hand made contact with your cheek and your eyes felt close with comfort.
'Good girl.' He whispered and you wanted to talk his words back at him, but you restrained yourself from it, not wanting to waste this incredible moment. His thumb drawed circle on your skin and you felt his gaze on you, but you were more than okay with it. That's what you desired after all. You wanted him to be like this with you, and he wanted that as well. 'Is it okay if I kiss you, love ?' He said and you had to bite the inside of your lip to stop yourself from dumbly smiling.
'Yes, please sir.' You opened back your eyes and instantly made eye contact with him.
'William.' He said and you stared at him incomprehension written on your face. 'When we're alone, you will call me William. Is that clear ?' It felt more of a statement than a question and you nodded in compliance, actually very pleased of the fact. He smiled in return and it was his turn to nod albeit more sharply than you did.
He was so nervous.
He swallowed back the lump that had formed in his throat and wondered during a small second if you could feel the moist in his hands from his nervousness. The thumb drawing circles at your skin stopped abruptly, his other hand that was cradling your jaw now slid at the expanse of your throat but mister- William brang it to your side instead, rather than take ahold of it at the moment. Slowly, your hands found place at his shoulder and arm, your fingers grazing the texture of his clothes.
You shut your eyes close when you felt him lean over you, and in an instant your lips met. At the first contact, your fist balled the fabric of his shirt, taking a groan from the man above you. He pulled you closer to him, your chest almost flush against his and you yelped in his mouth at the action. He took this opportunity to let his tongue penetrate you, which you happily complied. He was eager, but still patient because it was you. Not a random girl attempting his shows, not another student, but you. His hand brushed your hair back, and pulled your face closer to his, not wanting to let you go. The more you kissed and the more possesive of you he became, which just contributed to the fire that litted up in your lower stomach.
You parted after a moment and the vision you had of him was delightful. His lips were slightly swollen, and his shirt crumpled from the movements. His cheeks were red from the raw pleasure he felt, and you only wished for him to kiss you again. Or perhaps you wanted more, surely you wanted more. His hand fell at your clothed thigh and his fingers deepened in the flesh there, just like he could read in your mind and that took a moan from you.
'Is that okay with you ?' He asked, panting a little from the kiss, ever the gentleman he always has been with you. You nodded eagerly in agreement, but that didn't seem to please him enough. 'Ah,ah,' He tsked playfully at you. 'With your words little one.' He commanded, a smirk at his lips and you had no choice but to oblige.
'Yes,' The word left your lips above a whisper and his hands quickly found the hem of your pant, sliding them off from you easily. His middle finger trailed along your slick pantie and you let out a shameful whine, taking a chuckle coming from deep in William's chest.
'What do we say ?' He teased, his fingers pulling the tissue of your garment a little, waiting for your answer.
'Please.' The word left you instantly not even wanting to have the time to think them, the shame you could have felt was long behind you.
'Please, what ? What are you asking for I don't understand, love.' He smirked devilishly, trying as hard as he could to keep this faux-innocence in his voice. Your eyes never leaved his playful mistreatments while he, on the other hand loved the way your face flushed.
'Please,' A shaky sigh from embarassment left your lungs. 'Please touch me.' You begged to him, while his hand found comfort between your legs, his movements coming to an abrupt, and unwanted from both of you, stop.
William didn't think he would ever have the chance to hold you in this position. He didn't think you'd accept to be his. You consumed his every thought and although he imagined having you like this almost every nights, the reality was far much pleasant. He had to pose for an instant to just look at you, devouring you with his eyes only, for him to realize it was real, finally real. Goosebumps trailed around his body, trying to control himself at the sight of you being such putty in his hands.
'But I am touching you, aren't I ?' His voice was sly and his lips were barely touching the shell of your ear. A shiver ran through your whole body and your thighs instinctively made contact together, enclosing his hand between them. He didn't try to hide the chuckle your actions took from him, making you squirm just a little more.
'Please,' You continue to beg and your voice sounded almost pathetic but the fragility it held made his pant tighten. Your eyes dart down at his lips tugged in a pretty smirk and even though you're seated you felt your knees buckling under his powerful gaze.
'You're just so pretty.' He coos, his face finding place in the crook of your neck where he pecks kisses and hum, savoring your perfume. One of your hands find place in his hair, pulling him more against you, and you can feel the smirk against your tender skin.
After a few seconds of his tender kisses, he suck on a little patch behind your jaw, taking an audible surprised gasp from you.
'Do you want me to stop ?' He asks gently, his face still hiding in the crook of your neck and his voice hoarse from excitement when stopping his bold actions.
'Just the opposite, please.' It was now your turn to smirk, your fingertips tracing along his neck. William shuddered and his actions were directly more insistant. He sucked some spots and you were sure they would be bruised before tonight. The more he kissed at your skin the more you relaxed, your legs slightly decontracting his hand from the hold it had. He hummed in acknowledgement, letting his hand slide a little higher, his fingertips touching you almost where you wanted, needed him the most.
The whine escaping you barely made him lost his calm, wanting nothing more than just put you on this piano and pound in you until he was milked from everything he ever had, but William didn't. He knew it was worth the patience just to hear you beg and see you squirm a little more, at least a little more. You had to please him, he knew it, he always knew it. You were in his every dream, his every thought were about you in a way or another, he didn't care because it resumed to you and he needed nothing more.
Those thought rambling through his head made him just more messy, his tongue ravaging every centimeters of your mouth. Your brain was short-circuiting enough but when his hand took ahold of your neck you thought you would lost it. You couldn't even form a moan and the sound that came out of you was a high-pitched groan.
'Tell me, love.' He almost teared the last piece of cloth covering you between, his voice altering between pants. 'Have you touched yourself before ?' He forces your legs to spread more, but you gave yourself to him right away, eager for his fingers inside you. 'Have you touched yourself thinking of me ?' His middle and ring finger went through your wet slick and the noise was embarrassingly obscene.
He covered his fingers with your juices before teasing at your entrance. 'I believe I asked you a question, dear.' The hand that lingered around your neck squeezed slightly, just enough for him to pick your attention once more, your eyes rolling in the back of your head at the sentiment of him manhandling you so easily.
'Yes, yes I did.' You shut your eyes, your voice coming out a little louder than expected. His fingers eased themselves inside you, you whimpered when they filled you entirely. His being much larger and longer than yours, but the hot burning desire the same.
'You're taking it so well my love.' He whispered, his hand no more squeezing but instead caressing your skin. It set your whole body on fire and you had trouble focusing on any of the things he did or said. 'Go on, continue.' His hand found comfort in the middle of your back for you to take support on his strong arm while his other lingered between your legs. The small touch of his cold hand on your back bringing you back on earth.
'I- I imagined walking on you touching yourself,' Your voice was higher than usually, he just wanted to feel you squirm around his fingers and under his gaze, making you feel small and pathetic but you loved it. You could feel the muscles of his forearms flexing with his fingers not daring to move inside of you, and you inhaled a shaky breath before continuing. 'And we'd kiss and, you'd praise me, you'd say you always wanted to do that with me...' You ended with a little huff, savoring the way his eyes fluttered close, strands of his hair falling a little in front of his forehead.
'Can I move or you don't want to ?' He looked down at the mess between your legs and his fingers coated by you. Your heart was beating so fast inside your ribcage you thought he could hear it, you wanted to moan so bad just because of his voice and the gentleness it held to it asking for you if you're sure.
'Please, William.' You urged him a little by lifting your hips up and he had to suck in a pathetic whimper at the hear of your voice saying his name. He started slow, thrusting his fingers in and out of you gently, testing your reactions.
'Yes, you're doing so well darling.' He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and peppered small kisses everywhere he could reach. The praise sent a direct shock in your core and you tightened around his slender fingers. 'Fuck, you'd feel so good around me.' The curse tore a moan away from you. 'If you keep making those pretty noises, I won't be able to hold back.' He grinned against your neck and you felt your heart doing looping inside you.
'Then don't.' Came out your teasing voice. He all but groaned when he sped up his movements, enjoying the pathetic whines you made in response.
'I did it.' He started. 'I've always looked at you in a way even I can't put words on it. The way you make me feel, love... It's indescribable.' Your eyes strained at the tented bulge in his pants that gave light twitches at his words. You moaned at the sight, your insides bargaining to feel it, tightening around his fingers more than before. You panted at the frantic pace set up by the man above you, and before you could think again his lips covered yours in a sloppy kiss. You let yourself melt in the hotness of his tongue on yours, the obscene sound you made the only sign of existence in the room.
William was no longer himself. He couldn't bring himself to tease you anymore it was too much, even for him. His thumb came to rest at your clit and drew circle matching his frantic pace inside of you. You pushed him away from you by his shoulders, wanting to look at him. His eyes instinctively went to his hand occupied between your legs. The sounds your mouth made, the sounds your body was making, everything, it was all too good.
'William !' You cried out, your legs starting to shake. His hand slid away of your back and he settled it on your lower stomach. His hand just went faster in between your legs and you shook so uncontrollably that you had to ground yourself with something, you roughly grab his shirt, just above his chest. It felt like your hands were made to belong on him, your touch overwhelmed him, it was becoming too much. His middle and ring fingers dipped impossibly too much inside you, his fingers benting against your swollen walls, and the hand that lingered patiently at your lower stomach pressing mercilessly. Your head rolled to the side from pleasure, a silent gasp escaping you once again and your jaw held open as you rode out of your pleasure, coming undone around William's fingers.
Too good- too much- he couldn't hold it back anymore. 'Fuck, love, fuck,' William came in his pant unashamedly, his hips thrusting in the air begging for some sort of frictions. His moans covered yours for a second and you felt like coming again, tightening around his fingers that didn't leave your core one last time. Your eyes darted down to see the wet patch in his pants, a shudder coursing through you and the want to lick it almost unbearable, but you controlled yourself, at least for this time.
It took both of you a little time to come down of your highs, panting loudly in each others embrace. Your hands let go of the fabric covering his chest, coming to cover his sides instead, pulling him flush against you. His hand thrusted one last time out of you, tearing a painful moan of overstimulation out of you this time. William rubbed his fingers over his pant, in a vain attempt to clean them, and carried you to pull you in his laps, not bothering to put you back in your clothes.
'You did well my darling, I love you so much.' He confessed rassuringly, laying his head over yours that was against his chest. You could feel the low grumble from his chest when he spoke and his heartbeat incredibly soothing, you felt like you might drove off right there and now in his comfort but you found the force in you to respond back one last time.
'I love you too, old man.' You smiled against him, thightening briefly your hold around him, and hoping you won't ever wake up of this dream.
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So I made a sequel to this post, and it looks like there will be another part after this! These boys are too much fun to leave alone, thanks once again to @thediktatortot
Part 3! Part 4! AO3 link!
Steve dearly wished that whatever God he pissed off in his life time didn’t have such a fucked up sense of humor. 
Their plan worked flawlessly, with a roar Billy punched his way through the head of the first demodog at their door. The next one was deflected by Tommy and the baking sheet he’d found in the teacher’s lounge, making it easy prey for Steve and his nailbat to pick off. Eddie and his spear shredded through the demodog that leapt at him, and Billy crushed it’s head with his foot for good measure.
They were out, and they were moving, tossing or killing anything that came their way. There were dozens of the damn things, but they were making progress.
Until Tommy tripped.
Steve saw it in slow motion, his heart seizing up in his chest as he heard the yelp, saw the creature with it’s teeth around Tommy’s ankle. He was struggling against his own demodog, the thing was bigger than the rest had been and even with Billy’s help it refused to die easy. 
There was no way he’d be able to reach him before they did.
“Tommy!” He screamed through gritted teeth.
Tommy’s wide eyes found his and Steve heart tore itself in half as he smiled at him. Tommy wasn’t the brave in the face of danger type, he wasn’t trying to reassure Steve. He smiled like that when he was scared and nervous and didn’t know what else to do. He’d done it on the first day of kindergarten and the first day of highschool and Steve wanted to throw up at the sight of it now.
But then a leg was blocking his view, a black jean clad leg.
“Get the fuck up, Hoops, if you die like this they’re gonna think I killed you and I’ve outgrown my whole ‘wanted for a murder I didn’t commit’ phase.” Eddie drove his spear into the the demodog on Tommy’s leg, holding his shield up to keep the next one back.
Tommy looked up at Eddie like he’d seen an angel, almost immediately scrambling to his feet, only to fall back down with a curse.
“Can’t!” He hissed.
Steve slammed his bat into the demodog he and Billy were fighting, half paying attention to it, half to Eddie and Tommy. He knew better, he really did, but his instinct to protect overrode his common sense as it so often did.
“Duck!” Billy shouted, catching Steve’e ear but not his attention.
Steve did not in fact duck, catching the overgrown demodog’s back leg straight to the dome. He briefly had the thought that it wasn’t really a true Hawkins Adventure until he’d gotten some sort of head injury.
The thought immediately rolled into getting the hell out of the way as Billy snagged his nailbat from him and swung for the fences. 
The smart move would have been giving it to him in the first place, as the creature’s head went sailing down the hall as if it hadn’t just been attached to a living creature. 
“Head in the game pretty boy.” Billy pulled Steve to his feet, “Nobody dies today means you too.”
If he’d known Billy any better he would have sworn the tightness around the edges of his eyes was concern. But to the best of his knowledge, Billy tolerated him out of necessity the same way he tolerated most things. 
“Can’t have me bringing down the mood.” Steve agreed, noticing that Billy’s hand was still lingering on his forearm where he’d picked him up.
Billy noticed at the same time he did, pulling away almost as though burned.
“I’m not explaining to any of those kids that you bit it.” Billy shook his head, “Easier just to keep you alive.”
While not the warmest declaration of care Steve had ever heard, it was something at least to show that Billy Hargrove had a heart in there after all. He would probably have given him more shit, if they hadn’t been needed elsewhere.
So instead he nodded and turned back to where Eddie was keeping a smaller and smaller perimeter around he and Tommy.
“Them too.” Steve rushed towards them.
“Them too.” Billy agreed.
“You know, if you wanted me to carry you, you could have just asked.” Billy teased as he carried Tommy down the broken rib cage of Hawkins’ main road.
Tommy had his arms crossed over his chest, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Billy bridal carried him as though he weighed nothing. His ankle was in pretty bad shape, would need stitches at the very least, but they’d wrapped it as best they could using the flannel Eddie had been wearing. It wouldn’t solve much, but it would hold until they got somewhere safe and that was all they needed.
“I’m not a chick, Hargrove, I’m not looking for some big strong man to save me.” Tommy rolled his eyes.
“C’mon, you telling me this beefcake doesn’t have you swooning at all?” Eddie chimed in, grinning like a loon, “All the work of saving our asses, and not even a flutter?”
Tommy rolled his eyes so hard Steve’s own did the same instinctively. 
“You saved me.” Tommy asserted. “Shouldn’t you be pimping yourself out here?
“You’re right! I was the daring knight in shinning armour for this rescue, I should get the damsel! How about it Hagan, you free tonight?” 
“Do you ever stop yapping, Munson?” Billy’s slow, heavy glare rested on him.
Eddie kept smiling like he couldn’t feel it at all, “Nope!” 
“Steve, put a muzzle on your pet freak, would ya?” Tommy groaned, the pain making him more irritable than was already native to him.
Steve hardly heard the conversation, his focus moored on the walkie talkie he’d just barely managed to scoop up on their way out of the school. He’d dropped it on the way in, and it looked like it had been stepped on, but the damage was mostly cosmetic. It was still receiving a signal, he just had to hold it in just the right position.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m nobody’s pet.” Eddie pouted, “Pets take a certain amount of love and patience and feeding and no one has shown me any of that, so I’m staying feral thank you very much.”
“I’m showing you patience, I’m showing you a lot of patience.” Billy grumbled.
Eddie’s grin was back just like that, “You gonna love me and feed me too, cause I’m not really opposed--”
“Guys, shut up.” Steve hissed, the walkie cutting in on the corner of a conversation.
“--eam. Repeat Team Macho Man, do you read?”
“Yes!” Steve almost shouted into the receiver, “We read, we’re here!”
It sounded like Dustin on the other end, which immediately waylaid one of Steve’s biggest fears.
“Oh thank-- okay guys so the plan changed. Find somewhere to hole up for the night and we’ll regroup in the morning.”
It was as good a plan as any, and honestly at this point with how far South their original plan had gone, he was sure they needed the time to work on a new attack plan. 
“Rodger that, any injuries on your side?” Steve asked, knowing Dustin would hear the underlying question that he couldn’t bare to ask.
“A couple, but nothing life threatening. You?”
“One,” Steve said until Eddie nudged him and he remembered his own bloody head wound, “Er, two, but nothing life threatening here either.”
“Good.” Dustin sounded as relieved as Steve felt, “Then get your asses somewhere safe. See you in the morning.”
“Yeah, see you in the morning.”
Steve took a deep breath and let the knowledge that his friends were alright soothe the remnants of anxiety clustered in his chest. They were alright, they were all alright. 
“Okay, now that Mama Bear is soothed, where are we going?” Billy caved in the moment of peace, “I’m not carrying Hagan all over the town so it better be near by.”
“Thought you were enjoying carrying me, Hargrove.” Tommy smirked.
“Never said that.”
“Didn’t have to.” Tommy grinned salaciously.
Steve watched Billy visibly think about dropping him and decide against it. 
“Keep talking shit and I give you to Munson.” 
Tommy narrowed his eyes, “You wouldn’t.” 
“I wouldn’t carry you either.” Eddie made a face, “Pretty sure you’d end up in the creek. You could swim next to us, like our own personal Hasselhoff. Hey, you guys think demofish are a thing yet?”
Steve winced, picturing all manner of deep sea fish he’d learned about in high school. Along with his already tumultuous relationship with water, the visual had his hands going clammy.
“No one is tossing anyone into anything cause Hagan is gonna be a gentleman, isn’t that right?” Billy asked with that menacing edge he seemed to be able to produce on the fly. Coming out of Steve that same sentence would have sounded like a nagging mother. 
Sometimes he envied Billy his role in their group. Just a little.
“I can’t promise anything.” Tommy muttered, “But I’m trying.”
That seemed to soften Billy a little, though only by fractions. He wasn’t the type to drop his guard all the way for pretty much anything. But in the middle of the multidimensional warzone Hawkins had become, one would be more likely to draw blood from a stone.
“‘Preciated.” Billy murmured in response, catching Tommy’s attention, “Now where in the fuck are we going?”
“How about Mel’s?” Steve suggested.
“The convenience store off main?” Eddie asked, poking his head around Tommy and Billy so he could see Steve.
“Yeah. It’s got bars on the windows, a security door, food, drinks--”
“Cigarettes.” Billy added, nodding along as thought his alone made the place viable.
“And booze.” Tommy pointed out, “I could use a shot. And so could this fucking bite, it itches.” 
“Might have to cut it off.” Billy said stoically, his poker face cracking at the look of sheer offense Tommy shot at him.
“No the fuck we will not.” 
“Seems like a good place to set up shop.” Eddie drummed the tip of his spear on his chin, full body wincing as he realized what he’d just done.
“Never been so happy about the idea of a wetnap bath.” Steve winced in sympathy for Eddie as he wretched.
Billy laughed so hard he almost dropped Tommy.
They made it to the convenience store with relative ease. Sure they had to fight a creature they had no name for to get inside, sure Tommy had puked when they realized the piece of meat Billy threw to distract it had been someone’s leg, but all told, it went better than Steve had thought it would.
Now they were barricaded inside, with Steve and Eddie rounding up ‘dinner’ while Billy tended Tommy’s wound.
“Never would have clocked you for a nurse, Hargrove.” Tommy said through his teeth as Billy dabbed blood away from the bite on his ankle with a surprisingly gentle touch.
“You’ve never talked to me before today for more than five minutes.” Billy muttered, pressing the whiskey and water soaked rag delicately against the outer edges of the wound.
Tommy groaned, his head tilting back as he tried to breathe past the sting of it. Billy handed him the bottle of liquor without looking. 
“Fuck, thanks.” Tommy spun the top off with one move, a practiced flourish that he’d done a hundred times as a party trick.
“Mmmhmm. It’s gonna need stitches, but you’re lucky.” Billy pinched the side of Tommy’s foot, all but ignoring the indignant ‘OW!’ the action produced, “Doesn’t look like it fucked up any nerves or tendons or shit. Hit the bone though, that’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
Steve had seen Billy drop into this a couple times before. But the vertigo that had hit him the first time Billy helped him close up his wounds rather than causing them was still unmatched. Out of all of them, Billy was undoubtedly the closest thing they had to a field medic. 
“Thank you, doctor Hargrove.” Steve smiled a little at Billy, not entirely surprised when the ghost of a smile met him back.
He crouched down and let his bounty sprawl out in the space beside them. He’d grabbed as many things that were as close to actual foods as he could find. Canned chili, Vienna sausages, spam, even canned veggies. Eddie, of course, had gone the opposite route and rounded up as much junk food as his arms could carry.
“There was a generator when I poked my head in the back,” Eddie popped back up as soon as he set down his haul, “It’s getting dark and as much as I’d love to have a romantic candle lit dinner with you guys, that’s more of a third date kind of thing.”
“I’m pretty sure this counts as a third date,” Steve glanced over at Eddie, “If we’re going by Upside Down related bullshit.”
“We’re on our third, Sunshine and Flash Thomson are still new. Ish.” 
“Why does he get a comic book character and I get ‘Sunshine’?” Billy groused, “And this isn’t a date, Munson.”
Eddie sauntered on towards the back, “Why not? The adrenaline, the bonding, the fear of fucking it all up, it’s got the right vibes.”
“You haven’t been on a single date have you?” Tommy asked at the same time Billy said, “Because I have higher fucking standards for my dates.”
Eddie just shrugged his shoulders vaguely and disappeared around the corner into the back.
“God he’s fucking weird.” Tommy muttered.
“He grows on you.” Steve shrugged.
“Like mold.” Billy agreed.
Ultimately, Eddie did get the generator running, and they managed to heat up their food on the little radiator Billy found tucked behind the counter. Steve never would have thought of that, even presented with the same options, wouldn’t have managed to heat the food as evenly as Eddie and Billy had even if he did.
Now their bellies were full, and they were passing around a bottle of raspberry vodka that Billy had deemed ‘too sugary’ to clean Tommy’s wound with.
“So,” Tommy interrupted the mostly companionable silence they’d been sharing for the last few minutes, “You guys have been stuck hiding out from monsters before, what’s traditional to pass the time?”
Steve breathed out a laugh, rolling his eyes while Billy took the bottle from Tommy to down another swig.
“Usually we take watches, but nothing followed us in here. Probably still should.” Steve answered.
“Okay, should have been more specific, what do you do that isn’t boring as all fuck?”
“In my experience, usually the paralyzing bone deep fear keeps it from being too boring.” Eddie shrugged, “But this is a pretty nice set up we’ve got going, spoiled punk like you could call it boring.”
Tommy threw an M&M at him, which Eddie caught in his mouth. Billy applauded and Steve couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer offense on Tommy’s face yet again.
“I was going to ask if anyone wanted to play a drinking game like a normal bunch of dudes but I should have fucking known better.” 
“Hey you’re not normal anymore either.” Eddie argued from around his misbegotten treat, “When that bite scars, you’re not gonna be able to just explain it. That puts you right at the weirdo table with the rest of us.”
A look passed over Tommy’s face a little too fast for Steve to catch, “You… all have scars?”
Billy grunted but Tommy’s eyes were on Steve. 
“Yeah.” Steve nodded, “Plenty.”
Eddie lifted up the bottom of his shirt to show off the scars the demobats had left him. They hadn’t healed smoothly, the skin there largely being grafted from his back, which while also having suffered damage, wasn’t as gnarly to look at as his sides were. Eddie didn’t seem too put out, though Steve knew him well enough to know how well he could lock down his insecurities. 
“Stevie’s got matching ones, but these are from like six months ago.” Eddie let his shirt back down, “Bats.”
Tommy looked a little queasy, still hadn’t blinked since Eddie had lifted up his shirt.
“Didn’t get bats. Liquid people monster.” Billy’s voice was tight with emotion he would sooner die than show in front anyone else, “Fucked me up pretty bad.”
That was an understatement if Steve had ever heard one. Billy had been in critical condition for three weeks, and then spent the next eight months recovering. They still didn’t know everything going on with him, other than that in addition to super strength, his blood was now basically battery acid. 
“No scars?” Tommy asked, though his voice was much softer than Steve was accustomed to hearing it.
Billy sighed, sitting up to strip off his top. He only hesitated a moment before he was pulling it up and off of himself.
In the center of his chest was a dent with tightly stretched pink skin across it. The skin was almost shiny and so thin when he breathed Steve could easily see the bones through it. On either of his sides, the skin was similar to Eddie’s though the wounds were single points rather than jagged collectives. Some of the musculature on his left side was also concave, missing where it hadn’t been able to heal properly. 
Steve heard Tommy’s intake of breath, knew he was comparing what he saw with what he knew Billy had looked like before. To Steve surprise he wasn’t recoiling in horror, wasn’t spewing venom to cover for the fear it must have seeded in him.
“Well shit.” He whispered, “Should I ask what the other guy looks like?”
Billy laughed, softly at first before it seemed to take root and he couldn’t stop. He tilted over, laughing so hard tears formed at the corners of his eyes. 
“What?” Tommy asked, when it was clear Billy wouldn’t be able to answer him, “I know I’m a riot but I’m pretty sure I’m not that funny.”
“The other guy was a four-story tall melted people monster that got taken out by a little girl and an assload of fireworks.” Steve explained, “Billy looks way better than it did.”
“Hey Munson, you want to pass me back that bottle?” Tommy shuddered.
“Yeah, take a double man.”
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antianakin · 5 months
What would Sabine be like if she had fallen to the dark side and became a Sith?
This is a little bit of a weird question because I requires I pretend Sabine is actually Force sensitive and even CAPABLE of becoming a Sith which means looking more at her character in the Ahsoka show which I personally find to be wildly OUT of character.
The short answer is that the Sabine I consider to be the REAL Sabine, the BETTER Sabine, just quite simply doesn't have the ability to "become a Sith" because she isn't Force sensitive at all.
The less satisfying answer is to look at the Ahsoka show and what they did with her and say that, given all the fucking parallels they made between Sabine and Anakin that Sabine would likely end up looking a LOT like Anakin if she became a Sith. Or Kylo Ren, perhaps, constantly trying to measure up to a different Sith she's glorifying despite the fact in terms of sheer power she'll NEVER measure up and that constantly fucks with her head and shaves off little pieces of her every time she thinks about it. Oh man, there's a weird AU. The only "official Sith" I know about that's around at this point in the timeline is SNOKE, so like... an AU where Snoke ends up finding and brainwashing Sabine instead of Ben Solo and THAT'S why she's acting so fucking awful in the Ahsoka show, she's being slowly poisoned by the Dark side now that she's starting to touch the Force and is consumed by her own grief and anger, a perfect target for Snoke to take on as his apprentice. Guess I saved Ben Solo and Luke's Jedi in this AU haha. Lol get wrecked evil Sabine, Finn and Rey will EAT HER ALIVE.
But what I THINK you're asking is like... if Sabine were still in character and somehow also Force sensitive, what would happen if she were somehow pushed far enough to go evil and become a Sith. Which is hard, because I don't believe for a moment that Kanan would just ignore or not notice that Sabine was Force sensitive given how quickly he figures it out with Ezra. Which means, while you can go a little ways through Sabine's backstory without the Force sensitivity changing all that much, once Kanan gets involved, everything changes. Now Kanan HAS a student he's already trying to teach before he even MEETS Ezra, which means he's likely gone through a lot of his own journey as a teacher with Sabine instead of going through it with Ezra. Unless of course we presume Sabine refuses getting taught at all for whatever reason and then gets jealous when Ezra comes on and says yes to the training she rejected, which is what pushes her to darkness.
But I actually LIKE Sabine in Rebels, I LIKE the arc she goes on where she learns to face her fears and be merciful and patient and compassionate even towards those who have done her harm. So even if I put her in a situation where she IS Force sensitive and rejected Kanan's training and starts getting jealous of it all, I have a hard time believing it would push her enough to cause her to go full Dark side rather than a scenario where the rest of the Ghost crew realize she's struggling and work with her to help her figure out the real underlying issue so she can get better. And I dunno maybe she DOES accept Kanan's training this time and she and Ezra just end up training TOGETHER. Maybe she ultimately recognizes she doesn't truly want to be a Jedi, but she does want to know how to use these abilities so she has some extra tools in her belt when fighting the Empire. And of course then all of the parallels with Tarre Viszla and the Darksaber become even MORE stark if she's legitimately Force sensitive and gotten more literal Jedi training.
So I dunno, if I'm going to push Sabine into the dark I feel like I have to go back to prior to her meeting the Ghost crew and say that the Empire somehow figures out she's Force sensitive while at the Imperial Academy and she gets thrown to Vader and the Inquisitors while very young and she ends up one of the Inquisitors chasing down the Ghost crew or something. I can't imagine she'd end up feeling all that much different from the other Inquisitors we meet though: angry, cruel, competitive. She's not special, she's just broken.
So yeah, I feel like I can't take true canon Sabine from her days in the Ghost crew and make her go dark. We see her go up against some gnarly stuff, we see her struggle a lot with fears and doubts and pain and loss and overcome it EACH AND EVERY TIME because she does actually RESPOND to the support she gets from the other Ghost crew members and she learns to be better every time. She learns how to trust Hera and be patient, she learns how to be merciful and compassionate to her enemies with Fenn Rau, she learns how to face her fears rather than bottling them up and refusing to acknowledge them with Kanan, and she learns how to make a selfless sacrifice with Ezra. I truly don't see a Force sensitive Sabine somehow being so different that she COULDN'T still overcome those struggles with the same support. Much like with Obi-Wan and a lot of other real Jedi characters, I just don't find it realistic to see this version of Sabine going dark at all, I think it requires breaking her character too much and ignoring too much of what makes her who she is.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 8 months
Reminders of Her -Sashnetra (Part 2/3)
From the poll I posted a couple days ago, this is now going to be split into three parts instead of two! Here's part one if you missed it.
Thank you to @puppywritesthings for being my temporary beta for this chapter
read on ao3
Sasha didn’t see Anetra in class for the first few weeks. Instead, a tall blonde named Marcia brought Jace to and from class. Sasha assumed that Marcia was Jace’s other parent, while Anetra would be busy with work and unable to take him. 
At the end of the class, all the parents lined up in the studio behind their respective children. Sasha held a stack of papers and placed them on the fold-out table her teaching assistant had set up. 
“We’re having our photographer come in next week and take pictures for our programming. So I need parents to sign these releases so he can take pictures of the kids,” she explained as the parents started filling out their paperwork.
Except for Marcia and Jace, they stayed put where they both stood. Jace looked up at Marcia, and they shrugged “I’ll talk to her about it. Maybe she’ll let us take it home for your mom to sign.”  they said to reassure him. 
Sasha walked over to them with a copy of the release in her hand, “Did you not want to sign this? If not, it’s not going to upset me or anything.” she said.
“Oh, I would love to, but I can’t. I’m not a parent or guardian,” they explained. They looked at Jace, “Why don’t you wait in the lobby while I talk to your teacher?” 
Jace nodded, “Okay, Auntie Marsh.” he said before walking out of the studio to sit on the bench near the door. 
Marcia turned their attention back to Sasha, “Anetra has been a single mom since Jace was born. We’ve been close friends for years, and I’m just trying to help her whenever I can.” they explained. 
“Really? I didn’t know that.” Sasha said, her tone softening. She’s seen single parents struggle to balance everything outside the dance classes. “Could she come in any other time? I’d love to tell her how well her son is doing in class.” she smiled, glancing at the curly-haired boy in the lobby. 
Marcia nodded, but their eyes seemed apprehensive. “I can ask her tonight, no problem.”
As Sasha greeted parents and kids coming in for the pre-ballet class, she felt her heartbeat quicken when she saw Anetra walk in alongside Marcia and Jace. She hoped that this might mean she would get to see Anetra more often.
“You needed me to sign something?” Anetra asked her, eyes looking anywhere except in Sasha’s.
“I do. Would you like to stay for the rest of the class to watch? I’m sure Jace would love to show you what he’s learned.”
Anetra took a deep breath, “Of course I can.”
During the class, Sasha stole glances toward the observation room to seek any look she could get at Anetra. She noticed that Anetra’s eyes never left Jace during the class. Towards the end, she and Marcia looked at each other, and both smiled at the woman enjoying watching her son dance.
Sasha just remembered about the photographer in the studio with them when it was time for the group class photos. Once the children were allowed to break apart from being lined up for the posed group photo, they ran to their parents. 
Anetra was kneeling as Jace ran into her open arms, “You did so good, J. I’m proud of you.” she said as she ran a hand through his curls. 
“Do you think she’ll come back next week?” Sasha asked Marcia quietly as they both stood a few yards away.
“I don’t think she would ever want to miss seeing her son so happy in your class.”
Anetra returned during the following week’s class without Marcia this time. She even kept coming to class with just her and Jace. 
Sasha continued to sneak glances at Anetra’s astounding facial expressions during class. It was the only time that Sasha saw her face change from her usual bored expression when talking to the other dance moms.
A few weeks into her seeing Anetra during classes, parent volunteer opportunities opened up for the season. Parents of older children already in the studio signed up immediately for the ‘good’ spots (like selling T-shirts and organizing bake sales). 
This meant the only spots left were the more mundane tasks, like organizing the music library and measuring for costume sizes. But Sasha was pleasantly surprised that Anetra’s name was first (and only) on helping Sasha organize the costume closet. 
Anetra came into the studio in the late morning on a weekday when there were no classes. She arrived alone, the first time Sasha had seen her without anyone else. 
“You didn’t bring your son?” she asked Anetra as she led her to the costume closet in the back of the building. 
“No, I dropped him off at my dad and stepmom’s house earlier. He loves going over there, they spoil him every time they see him.” Anetra said with a slight smile. 
After about an hour of creating a plan to organize the closet, the two women found themselves in light conversation as they worked.
“What do you do for work?” Sasha asked from the corner of the costume closet that she was working on. She showed Anetra how everything got organized by style, size, and color. 
“I’m a medical coder for a neurologist's office,” Anetra said as she folded tights from her side of the room.  “It’s boring, but it pays the bills.” she shrugged. 
“How did you get into doing that job?” Sasha asked. If she was being honest, Sasha had no idea what a medical coder was, but at least she could try to make conversation about it. 
Anetra softly sighed as she moved the pile of tights into the storage box. “It was never my original plan. I was training to be a professional in taekwondo, but then when I found out I was pregnant, I had to throw away that plan.”
Sasha moved to sit closer to Anetra, placing spare hangers on the rack. “That must have been a hard decision to make.”
Anetra nodded, “At first it was. But I’m really lucky I had Marcia my dad and stepmom, and my other friends to help me out.” she said with a small smile. “I didn’t want to believe this when I was 21, but Jace is the best thing to happen to me.” 
Sasha gave her a warm smile, “He is a special kid.” 
“Even if he looks nothing like me.” Anetra laughed, as the two continued to work and chat throughout the rest of the afternoon.
Cleaning the costume closet soon became Sasha’s favorite chore to do in the studio. It wasn’t because it was something that she liked doing, but it was the only time she could spend with just her and Anetra. 
But the closet was nearly fully organized after a few weeks of Anetra coming to the studio alone to help on various days. Despite being great for the closet, Sasha still wanted to spend time with her. 
As she waited for Anetra to arrive to help do the last-minute touch-ups on the closet, Sasha was racking her brain for another volunteer opportunity for her and Anetra to do together. 
“When’s the last time we waxed the floors?” Sasha asked out loud as Kylie was doing computer work from the other side of the small office. 
“You know we have a guy that comes in to do that,” Kylie responded without looking away from the screen. 
Sasha thought for a moment, “Well, what about-” before she was cut off by the blonde turning around. 
“You know you can hang out with her outside of here, right?” Kylie suggested and ignored the look of shock that Sasha gave her. “I’ve seen you two in that dusty old closet, it’s okay if you want to be friends or something more with her.” 
“Something more? What do you mean by that?” she asked but heard the electric bell on the lobby door chime. “She’s here, I gotta go,” Sasha said before bolting out of the office. 
After a few short hours of finishing the costume closet, Sasha and Anetra stood in the doorway, admiring their hard work. Even if Sasha knew it would look trashed again in about six months. 
“I’ll see you in class next week, okay? I’m glad I could help you out with this.” Anetra smiled and started to turn to walk back down the hallway. 
“Wait a moment,” she said and saw the younger woman turn around. “Are you free on Saturday?” she asked, trying not to not choke on her nerves. 
Anetra looked surprised, “Oh, was there something I missed from the calendar you gave us? I thought the recital practice was the week after next.” 
“It still is, don’t worry,” Sasha reassured her. “I meant just you and me this Saturday.”
“As in, like a date?” Anetra asked for clarification. 
Sasha nodded after a moment. She didn’t plan for it to be called a date, but maybe being something more could be a good thing for them. “Yes, like a date.”
“Let me find a babysitter first, then yes.” 
Sasha only had a couple of small dates with Anetra before the recital season kept her busy. But after the winter recital was over and the pre-ballet class finished its last session before the small in-class celebration, Sasha’s attention flew back to Anetra. 
The two had met with each other at least once a week. Sometimes they would be with each other’s friends, other times it would just be the two of them alone. 
Sasha enjoyed spending time with her new friend but noticed something was slightly off about Anetra. 
“I need a favor from you.” Sasha walked swiftly into the studio office, sitting in the rolling chair opposite Kylie. The computer screen showed the edited pictures in a programming book from a few months before.  
“Do you find it weird if a woman in her twenties doesn’t have social media?” Sasha asked. 
She tried asking Anetra for her Instagram (or any social media), but the younger woman would change the subject. She couldn’t ask Marcia or any of Anetra’s other friends since she didn’t feel that close to them yet. 
“Depends, is it your new little date friend?” Kylie asked with a lifted eyebrow, already knowing the answer.
“Yes, it’s Anetra. But I looked up her name on everything, and I can’t find her.” Sasha said as she watched Kylie type on her phone for a moment.  
“Found her.” The blonde said as she turned her phone screen to Sasha to show the Instagram profile. 
She squinted at the screen, looking at the username, “But I tried that one.” she sighed, pulling out her phone to check again. 
Kylie tilted her head, holding out her hand for Sasha to pass her the cell phone “Let me try something.”
“Okay, but I don’t think that-”
“You blocked her.”
“What? Why would I block her when I have never met her before?” 
Kylie shrugged, passing back the phone, “No idea. But I unblocked her for you.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” She smiled as she pressed the follow button, before scrolling deep into Anetra’s profile. 
Soon she was looking at a picture of a younger Anetra, in a taekwondo uniform, with bright red hair.
The image of the younger woman with cherry red hair stayed in her mind for the rest of the day, wondering where this sense of familiarity came from.
Had she and Anetra met before?
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a-mere-dream · 1 year
how about instead of returning to the sect after finding the qiu manor in ashes, yqy runs off to become a dilf, pushing back his reunion with sqq by a number of years?
"Remember, parent-teacher meetings are tomorrow," Shang Qinghua said.
"Thanks for telling me, Shang-shidi," Shen Qingqiu ground out. "I never would have remembered it on my own."
A blatant lie, and they both knew it. Shen Qingqiu had been looking forward to this once-yearly event with all the enthusiasm of a man send to die.
In his opinion, it was one of the most asinine, useless, irritating days of the year; parents who thought to tell him how to do his job as Peak Lord, or those who came all the way to Cang Qiong Sect and then spend not a second asking after their child, instead choosing to spend their time trying to make Connections.
But no, Shen Qingqiu couldn’t just run off, because the Sect Leader never felt bad about levering their power to keep him on Qing Jing. "The shipments of paints will unfortunately be delayed, but if you make nice with the parents of that-and-that kid, I'm sure I can do something to help you," pah.
This year he had picked up three new disciples too. Siblings, though they did not look it. A moment of weakness; there had been something in the way they had been standing, that reminded him off... No matter.
*  *  *
He had been able to keep himself from spending time with the parents for most of the day simply by instructing his eldest disciples to lead them around while he stood to the side, loftily waving his fan and emanating an aura of You are not worthy enough to talk to me.
This did, unfortunately, bring with it the fact he couldn’t take out a book or sketching pad lest someone take that as an opportunity to strike up conversation with him. And so he had spent the day watching the people around him.
Most of it was a familiar sight; dolled-up men and women swanning around, flaunting their wealth and ignoring their children. Their robes cost as much as the yearly budget for paper, and that was without even speaking of the various trinkets they decorated themselves with.
One man stood out; his robes were old but well taken care of, patched up with so much care the stitching was near invisible. He hadn’t been able to do much about the washed-out colours, though.
He was surrounded by the three new disciples, each clamouring for his attention, pulling him to and fro to show him the best places on Qing Jing. He ooh'ed and ah'ed at all the right moments, an indulgent smile on his sun-worn but surprisingly youthful face.
He was holding something at his side; something thin and long, wrapped up in rags to obscure it from the world.
The girl--Wen Ming--pulled at his free arm, and without needing any more words, the man swooped her up to sit on his shoulder. He didn’t struggle in the least, acting like she weighed nothing at all.
Shen Qingqiu's eyes were drawn to his biceps without his consent.
... Strong.
The moment he noticed what he was doing, he hurriedly averted his eyes.
It was that moment, when he was silently berating himself, that the man chose to come up to meet him. His voice was a warm, low thing; combine it with the faintly familiar (and outrageously handsome) face he had, Shen Qingqiu was ashamed to admit he barely heard a word he said in favour of listening to the comforting rumble.
A sentence ended in an upward turn of his voice, snapping Shen Qingqiu out of his haze. "Could you repeat that question?"
The man smiled. "I was telling Master Shen how glad I was that Xiao Ming, Yuan'er, and Xiao Wei seemed to be doing well. I was wondering if next year I could be allowed to bring their siblings up to meet them? They miss them dearly."
Shen Qingqiu blinked. "More children?" slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
Luckily the man didn’t take offense. "Yes," he said, sounding immeasurably fond. "Six permanent siblings, and a dozen or so that only stop by every once in a while."
Did this man have an addiction, or what?
... Shen Qingqiu was tempted to agree, if only because it'd be really funny to see those men and women having to deal with what he was fairly sure was a bunch of former street children.
Enter a comedy of errors where Shen Qingqiu refuses to admit he wasn’t listening when Yue Qi introduced himself
They converse through letters, somehow still not learning of the other’s identity, and grow fond of each other
One drunken night, Shen Qingqiu writes a letter where he proposes the man marries him so Shen Qingqiu doesn’t have to deal with raising the children anymore, so he can just teach higher level skills
Yue Qi agrees
It is only halfway during the wedding preparations that they realise who the other is
The children had figured it out before the two even met each other for the first time, but thought they just didn’t like to talk about it
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magpiefngrl · 10 months
Hi magpie! I’m curious: when it comes to original stories, what’s your approach to writing characters? Do you need them to feel them "alive" before you can dive into the story or do you prefer discovering them as you go?
Hey lovely! Thanks for the fascinating ask!
Creating characters in itself doesn't feel very hard for me. When writing fanfic, I'd come up with secondary OCs as needed (from Esther and Dawn in 9 ½ Days to Hush, darling's Nariyoshi to Amy in The Gift) without it seeming a struggle. I wanted a character, bang--there she was. I can't say as to how great they were, but I had no trouble in creating them.
Main characters are different: there's a lot more at stake. They need to carry a novel. This is one of the things that fanfic does NOT prepare a writer for. In fact, it can be detrimental for one's craft. Because the question isn't just to come up with a new character's looks and personality, but also to make them compelling enough for a reader to follow for a few hundred pages. The question is how to make a character that readers will like or even love--or love to hate, if she's the antagonist.
I'm predominantly a pantser. In the past, I'd get a burst of inspiration, start writing and come up with a character and a story. I'd discover the character the same way I discovered the plot. The character took shape as I was writing and their quirks or personality became slowly apparent. In between sessions, I'd spend some time thinking about their backstory. A vibe, a grasp of a character is enough to propel me to write them and flesh them out as I go.
Also, finding the right name is incredibly crucial for me. Not kidding. It's like a magic spell. Once I find the right name for the character, they come alive.
Lately, though, I've been trying to write an original romance, but I have stalled while figuring out the two main leads. I suspect the main reason for the block is the pressure of knowing this is something I'll want to publish: lots and lots of self-doubting and hesitation, which doesn't make for a fruitful writing session. This ask is actually a good reminder that I'm in a decent place to write them and I shouldn't let my doubts undermine my self-confidence. I should just plunge in, as it were.
Things that help me to get a feel for a character and things that don't:
I find character questionnaires absolutely useless. Knowing someone's favourite cookie or the name of her fave teacher does not help me in any way figure out how to write her better. If I need such a detail, it'll come up when writing.
Backstory is super important. This will shape the character and will inform their choices. I spend a lot of time thinking about that.
Because I figure out the characters as I write them, instead of questionnaires or lists, I might try writing a throwaway scene, as I call them. These are little scenes that aren't meant for the novel--they're just to get a feel for how the characters act on page. Often AUs. They're like fanfics of my OCs. Once I wrote a scene where my two characters find a baby on their doorstep in a contemporary setting. It was a short thing but it was illuminating to see how they both dealt with an emergency. The new valet was something similar. It's why I love prompt challenges, and I believe writing scenes like that makes for a better story, even if it feels at first glance that you're procrastinating.
On the topic of how to introduce a character and make them likable, or at least interesting, I pay attention to how characters are introduced in other media. Esp TV as it's easier to notice it there. I'm absolutely enamoured with how C-dramas introduce characters. I've learned loads just by seeing how Nirvana in Fire introduced Prince Jingyan.
ask me about writing
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cemetery14 · 4 months
me comparing akashi to billie songs : )
the time has come for me to rant about why almost all of my akashi playlist is billie eilish, sometimes im bad at wording my thoughts and i just wanna go "yknow that one billie eilish lyric? yeah thats him"
idk why i just really relate music to whatever in into at the moment, like obsessively
a couple are just gonna be vibe based but some will also be very detailed 0_0 im just gonna go in order of my playlist
i dont need to explain myself on this one but,,, he literally had a "nah im gonna be the bad guy" moment
Tumblr media
"I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you'd think And if I'm being honest"
akashi winning everything and being perfect at everything and realizing that it brings him no joy
"It might've been a nightmare To anyone who might care"
"Nobody even noticed I saw them standing right there Kinda thought they might care"
'kinda thought they might care' this song really makes me think of akashi in teiko and realizing that none of the miracles care about him the way he cares about them, and none of them tried to help him if anything they made it worse
"I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter"
"And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know 'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down"
"If I knew it all then would I do it again? Would I do it again? If they knew what they said would go straight to my head What would they say instead?"
i love that last line for him 'would i do it again' 'what would they say instead' if only they knew how fragile akashi was would they have treated him differently? would akashi have wanted them to treat him differently?
"I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for"
"Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real Just something you paid for What was I made for?"
akashi struggling with his own identify after being used by other his whole life
"I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday, I might"
"When did it end? All the enjoyment I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend"
akashi going from loving basketball to just seeing it as another thing he needs to win at
"Think I forgot how to be happy Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for Something I'm made for"
this song makes me think of akashi and mayuzumi :>
"I'm getting older, I think I'm aging well I wish someone had told me I'd be doing this by myself There's reasons that I'm thankful, there's a lot I'm grateful for But it's different when a stranger's always waiting at your door Which is ironic 'cause the strangers seem to want me more Than anyone before"
i bet akashi has a hard time making friendships with people his age, or just friendships in general
he deals alot with people older than him, like teachers and im sure his dad already had his talking with business partners and such
"Can't shake the feeling that I'm just bad at healing And maybe that's the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed Which is ironic because when I wasn't honest, I was still being ignored (Lying for attention just to get neglection) Now we're estranged"
neglect neglect neglect akashi is a victim of neglect, GIVE HIM ATTENTION OR HES GONNA ACT OUT
"Things I once enjoyed (ah-ah) Just keep me employed now Things I'm longing for Someday, I'll be bored of"
akashis love for basketball being twisted into just another thing hes expected to win
"I'm getting older, I've got more on my shoulders But I'm getting better at admitting when I'm wrong I'm happier than ever, at least that's my endeavor To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure 'Cause to be honest, I just wish that what I promise Would depend on what I'm given (not on his permission) (Wasn't my decision) to be abused, mmm"
'im happier than ever at least thats my endeavor to keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure'
THIS LINE AAAAAAAAA this is how i would describe akashis character post birthday over, i just think it perfectly encapsulates him and how hes doing
"They're gonna tell you what you wanna hear Then they're gonna disappear Gonna claim you like a souvenir Just to sell you in a year"
akashi being taken advantage of
"I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't un-believe it I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't be repeated I'm overheated"
kinda vibes based but it makes me think of akashi and how he constantly has to be ON for interviews or just interacting with people he knows since hes extremely popular and how overwhelming it must get
"Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? (No) Had to save my money for security Got a stalker walkin' up and down the street Says he's Satan and he'd like to meet I bought a secret house when I was seventeen (Ha) Haven't had a party since I got the keys Had a pretty boy over, but he couldn't stay On his way out, made him sign an NDA, mm"
"You couldn't save me, but you can't let me go, oh, no I can crave you, but you don't need to know, oh-oh"
"At least I gave him somethin' he can cry about I thought about my future, but I want it now, oh-oh-oh Want it now, mm-mm-mm You can't give me up"
"Did I take it too far? Now I know what you are You hit me so hard I saw stars Think I took it too far When I sold you my heart How'd it get so dark? I saw stars Stars"
vibes based but like, heavy vibes
being rich and popular at such young age like EVERYONE knows akashi, having rapid success at such a younge age must be crazy
i also have I Didnt Change My Number, Therefore I Am, and You Should See Me In A Crown but those are mostly vibes based
i love you should see me in a crown for akashi, pretty boy on a power trip <3
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invisibleraven · 2 years
'' just something small. '' '' something small? this must have taken hours... '' for Rulie?
Also for @innytoes who requested the same prompt and pairing!
When Julie was young, she remembers her teacher telling her the story of the Thousand Paper Cranes. She latched onto the idea that folding the small paper cranes would grant her a wish, and she immediately checked out every book on origami from the library to learn.
"Oh, and what will you wish for mija?" Rose asked with a chuckle as she watched Julie struggle through the first few attempts.
Julie looked up at her, wide eyed and smiling, "A puppy!"
Rose had ruffled her hair, pressing a kiss to her temple, and gently reminded her about Carlos' allergies. Julie frowned, but shrugged, wondering if maybe she could wish for a unicorn instead and kept folding. That year she made almost fifty cranes before getting tired of it and distracted by other things.
Every year though, she would fold a few more, just a mindless fiddling with paper, and her answers to what her wish would be would be jokey. A million dollars, the new iPhone, a kiss from her favourite boy band member.
Then when Julie entered high school, her wish changed. Because the origin of the story reared it's ugly head, as Rose was diagnosed with cancer. And Julie's wish turned to making her mami healthy once more. Her family humoured her, helping her folding their own cranes. Even Rose's brittle fingers helped, slowly folding the paper during her chemo treatments.
It's when she was folding them during band practice that the guys caught on.
"Hey Jules, whatcha doing?" Luke has asked.
Julie had explained, citing the story she had been told as a child, trying to ignore the way their faces fell. "I know it's stupid," she said quietly. "But... I can't do anything to help her, and this makes me feel better. So let me live in ignorant hope, just for a little while."
"Can you teach us how to make them?" Reggie asked, plopping himself down next to her. "We love Rose, least we can do."
So Julie spent a painstaking afternoon trying to teach them how to make a paper crane. Luke fumbled through it, all of his results crumpled and clumsy, but Julie appreciated his effort. Alex did better, but kept getting paper cuts, and cursed as he smeared a fine line of blood on yet another crane, apologizing to Julie. She assured him that it was okay, and she'd rather him not bleed out over this.
Reggie proved quite adept at it, becoming a pro over the space of the afternoon, grinning when Julie praised him. "We'll get to a thousand in no time darlin', you and me," he promised her. Not noticing how her face flushed at the endearment or how she scowled at the other two boys when they snickered upon noticing it.
Julie didn't have time for crushes, not when her mom was so sick. But her traitorous heart didn't care, always pounding away whenever Reggie granted her a crooked grin or a wink. Or when he called her darlin', it almost made her swoon the first time, and now she lit up like the fourth of July whenever he did it. Which he did... a lot.
Time went on, as it must, with Rose growing more weak and frail after every treatment, but the doctors were hopeful, saying the prognosis was good, they just had to stay the course. And Julie kept making cranes. Boxes upon boxes of them. Her family tapered off, but whenever she found herself feeling restless or hopeless, she would take out the small square of paper and fold it, making dozens without even thinking.
The day of Rose's last treatment, Julie couldn't find her boxes of cranes anywhere. She had wanted to gather them all together, make a final count and hope and pray that they had reached the mythical thousand. Finally she went out to the garage and stopped at the sight.
Hung from the ceiling, the rafters, the loft. Everywhere there were strings upon strings of paper cranes. A garland of them encircled the piano, looping around the railing of the loft stairs, littering the coffee table. And right in the middle of it, counting under his breath, was Reggie. He turned and smiled at Julie, the brightest thing in the room, despite it being a sea of white paper cranes.
"Oh hey Julie! I just finished counting and we reached one thousand!"
"D-did you do all this?" she asked, twirling around to take it all in.
Reggie blushed at that, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, well yeah. Just something small to celebrate Rose being done chemo. Plus I wanted to make sure that I didn't need to fold any more cranes. The boxes totaled somewhere in the nine hundred range."
"Something small?" Julie questioned. "Reggie, this must have taken you hours."
He shrugged at that. "You know I'd do anything for you Julie."
She rushed into his arms at that, whispering her thanks into his chest, uncaring that she was surely soaking his shirt with her tears. But given she heard him sniffle as he told her it was nothing, she didn't think he cared either.
"Let's make that wish, okay?" he whispered, and they did, silently, but the words were clear and loud in their minds.
They didn't break apart until they heard Ray calling for Julie to come on, and she pulled Reggie with her, despite his protests. Not letting go of him, not for anything. He made them all laugh with his jokes as the last bits of chemo dripped into Rose's veins, held Julie's hands in his as Rose rang the bell signaling that she was done.
And after they were all back home, Rose settled in and urging them to let her nap, well maybe Reggie pulled out the origami flower he had made to ask Julie out for a movie.
Julie blushed and accepted, knowing that maybe Reggie thought the smallest gesture wasn't a lot, but to her, it meant the world.
In the end their wish came true, Rose went into remission and stayed there. How much of it was due to the studio full of paper cranes was no one's guess, but they kept each and every one of them regardless. And when Julie walked down the aisle to Reggie many years later, each of them carried a paper crane on their person, a wish for a bright and happy future secured in that small piece of paper.
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