#like ok ok. sure. all the shit that happened yeah we've all heard of it
woolydemon · 1 year
it's so funny I made the klapolly mutual law autisms post bc of a fic I read that was described exactly how someone complained abt it in a rb of that post akdhckcjckcj
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thoseboysinblue · 9 months
I Kissed Someone New Last Night
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Christian Pulisic x reader
You visit your best friend, Christian, in Milan after a break up.
Word count: 4150+
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of weight loss, mentions of death of parents
Song Inspo: Kelsea Ballerini's Penthouse (Healed Version)
Requested: No
"Come to Milan" he pleads with you through the phone, "I'm worried about you, y/n."
"Christian, you know I can't do that," you frown at him.
"Please," he says quietly, "you've lost too much weight, you're not taking care of yourself, and no offense but you kind of look like shit," he tries to lighten the mood just a bit.
The truth is, there is nothing stopping you from hopping on the next flight to see your best friend and both of you know it. You broke off your engagement a few months ago, after finding out your fiancé was cheating on you. You also recently quit your job because no matter how hard you tried you always were bumping into him and you desperately needed a fresh start.
You had considered moving to Florida to be closer to Christian's family, the only real support system you had left. And even though he was far away, Christian never failed to be there for you through every heartbreak you had endured in your short life.
The night your mom died when the two of you were in high school, he dropped everything to be by your side, staying with you through all of it, holding you when you cried, staying strong for you when you completely fell apart.
He flew home as soon as he heard the news of your father's passing a few years later, and again, he was your rock. As everything in your life seemed to crash down, he was the constant, steady presence.
His family had welcomed you with open arms, including you in their holidays, family vacations, and trips to visit Christian and watch him play. They always made sure you felt like you had a place to call home. In recent years, you had opted to go to Christian for holidays so that he wouldn't have to spend them alone, the two of you setting about creating your own traditions. That was until your ex came along and you felt like you should spend holidays with him, but it broke your heart knowing Christian was spending them alone again.
Christian never really liked your ex, he couldn't put his finger on exactly why, but something about him made his guard go up. And it broke his heart when he found out he was right all along, maybe if he had said something he could have spared you the heartbreak, but you seemed happy and he wasn't going to interfere if that was truly the case.
"Come see me, I'll take care of you, I'll feed you pasta and let you get drunk on Italian wine. We can see the city together, I haven't gotten to do much exploring yet. It will be good for you to get away, take a break, get some fresh air, come on y/n, please?" he continues to plead with you.
"Ok" you whisper and you see his face light up, immediately grabbing his laptop and searching for flights before you have a chance to change your mind.
"How soon can you leave, looks like I can get you on a flight tonight, or tomorrow," he grins into the phone.
"Christian, you don't have to do that, I'll book something," you roll your eyes at him. He never failed to be generous and take care of you, whatever you needed, you didn't even have to ask most of the time.
"Nope. Not happening. Tonight or tomorrow, y/n? You better give me an answer or I'm closing h my eyes and clicking on whatever I land on," he chuckles.
"Fuck it, tonight," you grin at him, the first genuine smile he's seen from you in as long as he can remember.
You have to admit that the thought of landing in Italy tomorrow morning to spend however long you wanted with Christian makes you a little dizzy.
"Ok, pack your bags sweetheart, I'm sending you your boarding pass now," he smiles at you, "fuck I'm so excited to see you, it's been ages since we've gotten to spend time together."
"Christian, I just saw you this summer in Florida," you chuckle at him.
"Yeah, but that was less than 24 hours and you had the dickhead with you so it doesn't really count," he huffs at you.
"Christian this boarding pass says seat 4C, you did not just book me a first class ticket did you, you jackass."
"I sure did, because I can, and because I wanted to, and because there wasn't much left on the flight anyways. Now, get off the phone and start packing. Call me when you leave for the airport. Love you, y/n."
"Love you too, Chris." you shake your head at him before you hang up.
A few hours later, you have taken care of anything that might need your attention in the next few weeks since you were unsure of exactly when you would be back. You had packed and showered, and were set to leave for the airport. Making one final check that you had everything you needed, you call Christian, who answers sleepily, "I'm headed to the airport," you smile, even though he can't see you. "Ok, I'll see you in the morning," he says through a yawn, "safe travels."
"Thank you for this" you whisper but you can hear him snoring through the phone so you quietly end the call, after whispering another "love you."
You phone dings when you turn it off of airplane mode and you look down to see a message from Christian.
Christian: ciao bella 🤌🏻 there will be a car waiting for you to take you to my apartment. I'll be in training when you land, but should be home when you get there. Can't wait to see you 🫶🏻 Love you.
Y/N: oh god, am I going to be subjected to your attempts at learning Italian?
Y/N: thank you for the flight and arranging the car. I'll meet you at home. I can't wait to see you either. Love you, Chris 🫶🏻
Christian: do not insult my Italian, y/n. On my way home now, see you there 😍
When you arrive, he is waiting outside for you, pulling you into a warm embrace. It feels like he might crush you, but being in his arms heals your soul just a tiny bit.
"You've bulked up," you chuckle, your head resting against his chest. "You're skin and bones" he whispers leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
"Come on" he says retrieving your bags from the car and thanking the driver, waving off your attempts to help carry your things.
He leads you inside his new apartment, sitting your bags just inside the door before intertwining his fingers with yours, "let me show you around," he smiles at you adoringly.
He leads you from room to room, letting you know his plans for each of the ones that aren't quiet fully furnished yet. He grabs your bags as you follow him up the stairs opening the door to what you presume is his bedroom.
"Christian, this is gorgeous," you say taking in the room, the view out of his window to die for.
"It is," he smiles, never taking his eyes off of you.
You and Christian always share a bed when you are together so you aren't sure why it makes you slightly nervous to think about staying with him now, but it does. Your stomach flips as he moves your bag into the walk in closet, sitting your toiletry bag on the bathroom counter.
"Are you tired?" he whispers tucking a loose strand of hair around your ear and settling his hand on you jaw, smiling a the way you lean into him and shake your head, your eyes already a little brighter.
"Hungry?" he grins when you nod.
"You feel up to going somewhere, or do you want me to cook here, or we can order in?"
"We can go out, but can I have a few minutes to freshen up? You know I always feel gross after a long flight."
"Of course," he smiles, leading you into the bathroom, grabbing a towel for you and turning on the shower.
"Thank you," you whisper, wrapping your arms around his waist, "for everything," a couple of tears slip from your eyes which you try to hide from him but he definitely notices.
"Always, y/n" he breathes out, kissing you on the forehead.
After your shower, you wrap yourself in a towel, walking into Christian's room so that you can grab some clothes out of your suitcase. Christian is sitting on the bed when you walk out of the bathroom and his heart sinks when he realizes just how thin you've gotten. He knows it's just from the stress, and that you tend to lose weight when you are dealing with heavy emotions, and that you always return to your normal with a little TLC, usually from him.
He doesn't say anything, he knows he doesn't have to, you can read perfectly well the look of concern on his face.
"I'll be fine, Christian," you whisper as he nods.
"I know you will be now," he offers you a weak smile, but the look of concern is still evident.
You quickly get dressed, noticing that Christian has already unpacked your things and placed them on the empty shelves in his closet, your heart fluttering at the kind gesture.
"Come here" he gestures, patting the empty space on the bed beside him.
You waste no time in climbing over him and tucking yourself into his side, your head resting on his chest as he scratches your back.
"You know I'm here for anything you need, right? Forever." he speaks quietly.
You nod, allowing the familiar sound of his heart and his scent to wash over you. You never feel more cared for than you do when you are wrapped in Christian's arms, his warm embrace always soothing you, no matter what is going on in your life.
"You sure you don't want a nap," he asks quietly, a small yawn escaping his lips.
"We can nap if you are tired, Chris," you whisper.
"That's not what I asked," he chuckles.
Your stomach rumbles loudly and he kisses you on the top of the head, "food first, then naps."
He takes you to a small restaurant close to his apartment, filling you with as much pasta as you can hold before you make the short walk back to his place.
Once you arrive back at Christian's, he closes the room darkening shades in his living room and the two of you settle down on the couch to watch a movie.
Before long, you fall asleep wrapped up in Christian's arms and he does the same. You aren't sure how long you've slept when you stir slightly, waking Christian up.
"You ok?" he whispers into the dark, a sigh escaping his lips when you nod and nuzzle your face into his chest. You let out a giggle when his stomach rumbles, "you can't be hungry again, Chris."
"I'm starving, actually" he chuckles when you move slightly allowing him to stand up and pull you to your feet. He makes the two of you a sandwich, both of you eating before heading up to get changed for bed.
You wander out of the en-suite bathroom in Christian's room after finishing your skincare to find Christian sitting in the bed, already under the covers.
You give him a hesitant look, chewing on your bottom lip, "you sure you want me to stay in here, I could stay in the guest room or..." you trail off as he stands up and makes his way over to you wrapping you in a hug.
"Why wouldn't you stay in here, we've been sharing a bed since we were kids, y/n," he says quietly his hand stroking your back.
"I don't know," you whisper, "I just wasn't sure you wanted me in here."
"Of course I do," he says taking your hand and guiding you towards the bed, "but only if you want to be in here. I can definitely get you set up in the guest room if you would feel more comfortable."
"No, this is fine," you offer him a smile, your moment of anxiety passing.
"You know, I think my parents always thought we were up to something when we kept sharing a bed when we got older," he chuckles, "led to me getting the talk from my dad on more than one occasion."
"No, really?" you groan, your cheeks painted with embarrassment as you try to hide your face with your hands.
"Mmmhmmm" he laughs pulling your hands from your face, "I think they were worried that we might figure out that one of us is a boy and the other is a girl when we were younger, but as we got older, I think there were secretly rooting for it."
"I figured they would eventually put a stop to it, but I guess they trusted you far more than the trusted me," he grins.
"Guess we've disappointed them then," you chuckle tucking yourself into his side as he kisses the top of your head.
"Sleep well, y/n, wake me if you need anything," he whispers as he turns off the lights leaving the two of you wrapped up in nothing but the darkness and each other's arms.
The next several days in Milan Christian works to improve your mood as much as he can, enjoying when he catches flickers of you returning to your normal self.
You wake up early with him, enjoying quiet mornings before he has to leave for training. He even asks if he can bring you along for a few sessions giving you a chance to catch up with his old Chelsea teammates. You spend afternoons wandering the city and learning Italian with him. Evenings, which he knows you typically dread, are spent, snuggled up together watching movies or binge watching some of your favorite series.
Being constantly surrounded by Christian's presence is working wonders for you, you can feel yourself healing from everything you've been through the past few months. During a face time with Christian's mom she mentions that she can tell both of you are in a better place mentally and physically and that she's glad you are getting to spend some time together.
You cannot deny how much you enjoy being with him, here in a safe bubble, seemingly protected from the outside world. And Christian, he's enjoying your company more and more each day. Things are seamless and comfortable between the two of you, conversations are easy, and the silences are never awkward.
He has been thrilled to have you with him as he embarks on a new season with Milan. You've been able to travel to away games with him and we're blown away on your first trip to the San Siro.
One particularly warm evening after a match, you walk out of the bathroom in a pair of pajamas that show far more skin than any others you've worn around him. You pretend not to notice the way his breath hitches in his throat when he sees you and the way his eyes follow you as you slip into bed next to him.
"You ok?" you whisper, resting your head on his chest noticing the way his heart is hammering away.
"Couldn't be better," he sighs, trailing his hands over the exposed skin on your back and shoulders noticing when your skin erupts in goosebumps, a reaction he's not used to from you.
"I've got the next couple of days off, I thought we might take a little trip to Lake Como tomorrow, have some lunch, see the area," he says quietly, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"That sounds nice," you whisper, turning to place a kiss to his chest.
"And I have a surprise for you tomorrow night," he smiles as you turn to look him in the eyes, resting your chin on his chest.
"You know I hate surprises," you grin, a glint of playfulness in your eyes.
"I know, but this is a good one, and you're not getting it out of me," he grins back at you, tickling your sides and making you squeal.
"Now, let's get some sleep, we have an early morning tomorrow," he says, reaching to turn off the light and gesturing for you to turn on your side so that he can be the big spoon.
"Good night y/n," he whispers, "love you," as he places a feather light kiss on your shoulder, so light you almost don't notice it.
"Good night, Chris, love you too." You whisper back to him, intertwining your fingers with his.
The next morning, you both wake up early and have a quick breakfast before leaving for the day's adventure. Lake Como is more beautiful than you could imagine and you share a lunch that borderlines on romantic at a small cafe that overlooks the lake.
"I can't believe we are here," you nudge him with your shoulder as you walk down a small path towards the waters edge.
"I'm sure you could sweep some lucky girl off of her feet here," you chuckle at him noticing the way his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.
"Probably, but that's not what today is about is it," he rolls his eyes at you, "today is about me and you spending time together, not me scoping out potential date spots."
"I know, but what better place to fall in love than Italy, Christian," you say, twirling yourself around in front of him, missing the absolutely smitten look on his face.
"Maybe," he shrugs his shoulders, his eyes never leaving you.
"Are you going to tell me what this surprise is?" you ask him, looping your arm through his and resting your head on his shoulder. Noticing the way his skin reacts to your fingers tracing over his skin.
You like Kelsea Ballerini right?" he asks, as he rests his head on the top of yours as you both of you stare out over the water at the colorful houses dotting the horizon.
"I do, her new album is practically an anthem for my life right now, why?" you breathe out, shuddering as his arm wraps around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
"She's playing at the stadium tonight, and I might have gotten tickets for us," he says lowly, tilting his head up so that he can look you in the eyes and see your reaction.
"Playing at the stadium, as in your stadium? In Milan?" you nearly squeal, turning to fully face him as he nods.
"Thank you," your voice comes out low, barely above a whisper as tears well in your eyes, "for this, and for everything, you've always been the one person I could count on no matter what, and I honestly don't know what I would do without you."
You press a gentle kiss to his cheek, lingering a bit longer than normal as you notice him swallow dryly.
Leaning back slightly, you take in his features, suddenly mesmerized by his beauty. You've always known Christian was attractive, that much was obvious to you, but Italy has done him a world of good. His summer tan has lingered a bit longer, freckles dancing over his skin, and his eyes seem a bit brighter and more full of hope than you've seen them in a while. You catch your gaze lingering over his lips, noticing how soft and plump they are and wondering what they might feel like pressed against your own.
Christian has been your best friend for as long as you can remember, there isn't a single core memory of yours that doesn't involve him, being here with him the past couple of weeks, his patience, support and attentiveness have healed parts of you you didn't know needed healing.
Part of you never thought it was possible to develop feelings for him beyond friendship, and yet, when he's looking at you the way he is at this very moment, it makes you wonder if there couldn't be something more there.
"You're staring," he whispers, enjoying the flood of color that rushes to your cheeks.
"Am I not allowed to stare at my best friend? You're kind of beautiful you know?" you say, your eyes never leaving his.
"You're the beautiful one," he whispers, leaning down and glancing at your lips, almost as if he's thinking of kissing them before kissing the tip of your nose.
You turn, facing the horizon again as his arms squeeze your waist. "I love it here," you breathe out, feeling him nod as he rests his chin on your shoulder, but you aren't quite sure if by "here" you mean your actual location, or if you mean in Christian's arms.
"We should go," he gives you a gentle squeeze and slides his hand into yours.
The car ride home is quiet, he can tell you're lost in your own thoughts and he'd give anything to know what you are thinking about as you stare out of the window. Truthfully, he's a bit lost in his on thoughts as well, trying to come to terms with everything he's been feeling over the last few days.
Back at his apartment, you start getting ready for the concert, Christian ordering dinner for the two of you to eat as you get ready. You pick out a flowy dress, something that accentuates your best features, wanting to look pretty for yourself, and you catch yourself thinking that you also want to look pretty for him. You want him to be proud to have you with him, not that he's ever made you feel otherwise.
Once you are finally ready to go, you walk out of his bathroom about the same time as he walks out of his closet, also dressed and ready to go. You both silently stare at each other, soaking one another in before his lips curl slightly at the edges as he makes his way over to you.
"You look beautiful as always," he smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek, dangerously close to the corner of your mouth.
"So do you," you blush slightly at his compliment as he takes your hand and leads you to the car waiting to pick you up.
The concert is amazing, Christian never leaves your side, and most of the night he has one or both arms wrapped around your waist.
As the first notes of "Penthouse" ring out around the stadium he moves so that he is standing behind you, both arms around your waist and his chin resting on your shoulder as he gently sways with you to the music.
Tears well in your eyes at the words that seem so very personal to you, a few spill over as Christian grips onto your hips turns you around. He brings his hands up to cup your face as he brushes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs as the music fades out.
You're staring at each other, both of you knowing exactly what is coming next, as she belts out the healed version of "I kissed someone new last night, and now I don't care where your sleeping baby," Christian presses his lips to yours.
The kiss is soft and slow, and without a moment's hesitation you grip your fingertips into his t-shirt as you melt into the kiss; his lips slotting perfectly against yours, just as you had imagined they would. Suddenly, it feels like all of the pieces have fallen into place.
He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours, "I love you, y/n" he says quietly, only loud enough for you to hear. A couple of tears fall from your eyes, as you nod and say "I love you too, Christian."
"No, baby, I need you to understand what I'm saying. I'm in love with you, I am desperately in love with you," he says as he bumps his nose against yours.
"I know, and I'm in love with you too," you grin, a squeal escaping your lips as he picks you up and spins you around.
"Stay in Italy with me, I can't bare for you to leave me," he says as he pulls you closer to him, burying his face into your neck, "we can both start over here, and we can start building a life together," he says hesitantly, searching your features for an answer he is hoping will be yes.
You nod and he crashes his lips back to yours in a much heavier yet still reserved kiss considering you are in public.
"So you're staying," he mumbles against your lips.
"I'm staying" you grin, "until you're sick of me."
"That's never going to happen sweetheart," he smiles sweetly, "never."
Tag list:
@chelseagirl98 @neverinadream @masonspulisic @pulisicsgirl @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @nyctophilic0vitnir @lunamelona @tall-tanned-tattoo @lizzypotter14
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hello :) how are you ? i saw that you followed me, thank you by the way ! may i request a adhd!reader x thomas fanfic please ? They have a telepatic link together. She is mejack. Being in the glade wasn't easy for her because of the works, she needed to focus and being fast and it exhausted her also some gladers wasn't very nice to her so one day she has a ouburst and yell across the glade. Thomas her boyfriend was the first to comfort her.
sorry for my english im french
Hey! I'm doing pretty well, ty for asking
Yeah I looked at your page and saw maze runner, teen wolf, and taylor, so I absolutely had to follow ❤
Thanks for the request, I hadn't gotten to explore the telepathy thing from the books in my fics yet, so that was fun to write. Hope you enjoy!
Calm and Storm
Thomas x adhd!fem!reader
Set during tmr (movieverse)
Notes: I am not personally close with anyone with ADHD, so representation of ADHD in this fic is completely research-based, like my fic Tides which had an autistic reader. Let me know if anything should be changed.
More notes: I also added an emotional empathy-type bond on top of the telepathy thing. Canon divergence where Thomas is in the Glade for at least a few more weeks before everything happens i.e. Teresa coming, the Grievers attacking, all the stuff. it happens later.
Warnings: language, minor injuries, some asshole men and suggestive comments, I feel like it's not written that well :( hopefully it's ok
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You remember the first time you met Thomas.
"And in here, we've got the Medjacks." Newt's voice floated in from the entrance.
You'd missed seeing the Box come up, cause one of the Gladers was sick and needed to be watched.
You turned and smiled at the new boy. "Hey, I'm Y/n."
You're a girl, you heard.
"You've got some stellar observation skills there," you said, smirking.
Thomas had looked surprised, and Newt looked between the two of you, confused.
"Uh- Y/n, what?"
...did Newt not hear what the Greenie said?
"Um... anyway, you here for a crash course on Medjacks?" You decided to just continue and skip over that weird exchange.
Little did you know that was the first of many telepathic conversations to come.
You found out about your mental link with Thomas the next night.
When he was stuck in the Maze with Minho, you'd called out to him in your mind, and been stunned when he responded.
After confusedly realising that you clearly had some sort of mental connection, you stayed up all night talking to him and supporting him.
Holy shit, I just killed a Griever
What the shuck? How is that even possible?
I ran and baited it until it was crushed between the walls.
You must've looked pretty strange that night, alone in the Medjack hut making hand gestures and facial expressions to nobody, and pacing around the room restlessly.
What're you doing now?
I'm with Minho, we need to get back to Alby.
Okay. Stay with me, alright? Just keep updating me.
Sure, oh- ohhhh shit!
What? What happened?
I just heard another Griever, I don't think I can kill another one, holy shit, what do we do-
Thomas! Calm down. Breathe. Focus on my voice.
Minho- Minho's saying something.
Okay, good, just follow him.
You realise you can feel emotions through the bond too, and Thomas' fear is spiralling straight into you.
Yeah, I'm here. Just say anything. Tell me about anything, just distract me.
Okay, you keep following Minho alright?
Yeah yeah, just talk to me so I don't hear the Grievers as much.
You got it.
You try to channel your own emotions too.
Hey, when you get back, I can ask Frypan to make pancakes.
There's pancakes in this place?
Only for special occasions. We put the good fruits on them and everything.
You mentally push as much comfort as you can through the bond. It feels weird, and you don't know if it works, until-
Hey, Y/n, is that you?
I can feel like... calmness, or something. Are you doing that?
Shucking hell, it actually worked.
You just keep talking all through the night.
When he gets back, the two of you sort through how the bond works.
Basically, you can talk to each other through telepathy, and also send emotions through sometimes.
Usually, the emotions won't go if you don't push them across on purpose.
But, if it's strong enough, like Thomas' fear from that night, it'll be felt by the other person.
Having that bond brings you closer to Thomas, and before you know it you're practically attached at the hip.
You trade little jokes with each other during meetings and meals, and sometimes you chat while you're working.
It's a few weeks after Thomas arrives in the Glade that you start dating.
Boys had always tried to hit on you, cause you know, you're shuckin' pretty (and also hot, obviously), but you were never interested in any of them.
Until Thomas.
You started crushing on him when you became friends and got to know him better.
He makes you laugh, and his smile is intoxicating, and he has an insane knack for remembering the little things you mention in conversation.
Things you'd only mention once, for half a second, like bringing up the little flower garden by the lake.
But he still remembers.
And that's how he confessed his feelings to you.
You can still feel the nervousness coursing through the bond from him as he handed you a bundle of white flowers, smiling shyly.
Then you felt joy, both his and yours when you told him you liked him too, and you had your first kiss.
Aside from casual conversation and sharing emotions, the connection also helps you a lot, cause Thomas can feel when your frustration seeps through the bond, and he can come over to look after you.
As a Medjack, the work isn't always the best - sometimes it feels like you're fighting your own brain to do your job.
Most of your work includes sitting at a table in the Medjack hut and repetitively making cures for various ailments and injuries.
You often feel restless sitting at that desk, finding it hard to force yourself to stay seated and focus on the task.
That's not to say you're bad at your job.
You make the most effective hangover cures the Glade has ever seen, and you can bandage a wound faster than both Jeff and Clint.
You just hate doing one thing for too long.
Oftentimes you'll impulsively switch to rolling bandages halfway through mixing fever medicine, or you'll be constantly fidgeting during the Medjack segment of council meetings.
Essentially, being a Medjack can be a lot sometimes.
Like today.
Most of the Gladers are good guys, but there's still a few that you loathe to treat.
There's a Builder, Derek, a grade-A asshole who can never stop sending you that smarmy, suggestive grin and making obscene comments about you and Thomas, as well as outright insulting your work.
Unfortunately, Derek is clumsy as klunk, and is always getting cut up on sharp pieces of wood.
He thinks being littered with scars is cool, and wears his stupid shirt with the sleeves obnoxiously cut off, because apparently having scratched up arms from being unable to stay on a ladder is a good look that must be shared with the world. (or just wear a singlet bro, you didn't have to cut up a t-shirt).
Anyways, Derek is once again injured, and is yelling at the Medjack hut from where he and another Builder are working on the council hall.
"Oi! Can we get some help over here? People are injured!" His grating voice cuts through the peace of the hut.
Clint looks up in concern. "Shuck, must be bad. Y/n, let's go take a look."
You take a breath to steady yourself. You've had a rough day already, dealing with some difficult Gladers, and having to treat Derek might just push you off the edge.
Plus, you only got like, two hours of sleep last night, so you're pretty exhausted.
You gather some supplies and rush out of the hut to where Derek is waiting.
He's sitting calmly on a rock, legs visibly uninjured.
Even Clint's annoyed at this point. "Couldn't've even walked to the hut?" he mutters.
There's blood dripping from Derek's shoulder, which; how do you even get injured there.
Medjacks treat all patients with care, you tell yourself, gritting your teeth.
"I'll take Derek, you take care of John," says Clint, clapping a hand on your shoulder. He leaves to grab a needle for stitches.
You nod gratefully; Clint's probably remembering your many rants about Derek in the huts.
You carefully examine John's sprained wrist, grabbing supplies to make a brace before bandaging the injury.
"Hey Y/n," calls Derek. "Any chance you can hurry up with that? I need some help here."
Clint must be stuck in the hut with something.
"Just. Wait." you say stiffly, through clenched teeth.
At this point, you're about one more comment away from taking a swing at Derek.
You feel your anger start to build as Derek steps closer.
Shuck, you're mad enough to alert Thomas.
It's fine, you send back.
"Seriously?" Derek's leaning over John's wrist right now, inspecting your brace. "It's just a sprain. How is this taking so long?"
"Dude, back off," says John.
You ignore Derek despite being ready to punch him. "You should ask Frypan for ice later," you tell John. "Don't work for at least the rest of the day okay? I'm gonna bandage it now."
"That's how you're leaving the brace?" Derek stares down at your work.
"Look, do you wanna do it?" you huff, before berating yourself for giving in and speaking to him.
"I guess your hands are busy doing other things for Thomas to practice doing actual medical work."
You stand abruptly, hands clenched furiously.
"What is your problem?" you exclaim. "Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone!"
"Woah there," says Derek, laughing a little. "Chill out girly."
You're actually seething by now, and-
Hey, you're okay. What's wrong?
Nothing. It's fine.
You can almost hear him sigh half-fondly and half-exasperatedly through the bond. I'm comin' out of the Maze now. I'll be at the hut in two minutes.
"Uh- hello?" Derek waves his hand in your face.
You shove his hand away before bending to bandage John's wrist.
"Finally," says Derek when you're done. "Can you do my shoulder now?"
"No," you say flatly. "It's a minor cut. You can wait for Clint."
"Hey, I'm pretty sure it's your responsibility. I'd prefer to wait for Clint, too, but I-"
"Shucking hell, enough!" you shout, voice rising quickly. "Can't you just leave me alone, you piece of klunk! God, you're always looking for someone to bother, finding some way to annoy someone. What, do you just want attention? Please just get out of my face."
The Glade seems frozen, with people looking up from their work to watch.
Then a soft voice breaks the silence. "Hey," says Thomas. He comes up behind you and gives you that signature grin.
"Derek, a pleasure as always." He flips him off with one hand, using the other to take your hand, and you let him lead you into the Medjack hut.
"Clint," says Thomas. "There's a dickhead outside who needs stitches. Is it okay if you..."
"Oh shuck, sorry." Clint grabs the needle and thread he'd initially come in from. "Got distracted," he explains.
You snort. "I get that."
Clint leaves, leaving you and Thomas alone.
You take a seat on one of the beds, and he sits facing you in a stool.
He gently kicks out a leg, nudging you in the shin.
"You alright?" he asks.
"Yeah," you say. "Just- you know."
"Just what?"
You sigh, scrubbing your face with a hand. "That was embarrassing."
Thomas looks at you incredulously. "Are you kidding? Everything you said was more than valid. Derek's just a horrible person, don't let him make you feel embarrassed."
"Yeah... but everyone was watching."
"I'd watch too. I'd watch the strongest, coolest, prettiest person in the Glade ripping into this sorry excuse for a human."
You huff out a laugh at his dramatics. "Thanks."
"Hey, c'mon." Thomas pulls you into a hug, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Wanna have dinner in the flower field today?"
"I'd love that," you reply, grinning.
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Heyy I'm loving the diversity of readers in my asks lately. Thanks for sending this one ❤❤
Also, I know my tense is messed up in this one. I usually write in present but idk this one's just funky. Hope it was alright.
In general I'm a little unsure about how this fic turned out, I feel like the writing wasn't really good. This weekend was pretty hectic and I didn't get in the flow of writing :((( idk I hope it was still an enjoyable fic.
Anyway, is asshole Derek based on someone I know? nope just an oddly specific OC. in other news I have a family friend I always have to see at get togethers who loves making his furniture from scratch and can never stay safe while making his fucking chairs and lets us know proudly every time he has to go to the ER. he's a douche not a misunderstood hot guy trust me on that
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whywhaatt · 1 year
write some angst. huge sad angst. argument? sure! fucking idk make me cry. any cc, idc, just make me sad.
we got some sad shit baby💪💪💪
"You need to leave." (big t x reader)
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words: 1.368
a/n: ok so basically... i just got drunk, then when i was sober i wrote how i was thinking. sorry if its hard to read but have fun :)
warnings: alcohol mention + use, yelling, and a whole lot of cussing
Tanner is getting on my god damn nerves. Last night, I spent the night alone in my apartment and dressed for a date that did not happen. Every text and call I send him I get no answer. I can't tell if I'm supposed to be upset, worried, or pissed off but somehow I'm feeling all three.
For context, we've had this date planned for a couple of weeks. It's already been postponed due to my job or random things Nick asks him to do. And after 3 weeks, we finally both had a free day to have a simple and good date.
15 missed calls, 50+ texts, and 10 hours later I just parked my car in front of Tanner's house. I've gotta calm down. It could've been a mistake, a stupid mistake at that but we all mistakes. No what am I thinking, he deserves to get yelled at. So many thoughts are going through my head. At one point I'm pissed off, but on the other I don't know what happened.
I grab my shit, locking my car behind me, and walk up to the front door. Giggling at the "gay" welcome mat, I ring the door bell... no answer. Okay? I'll just ring it again... no answer again. What is going on? Nick's room is right here, at least he should be able to hear it.
I'm calling Nick.
"Hello?" He picks up the phone.
"Hey Nick, I'm outside. Can you let me in?"
"Yeah sure, one sec" He hangs up. A couple of seconds later, the door opens. A simple "thanks" comes out my mouth all muffled as I shove past Nick to walk towards Tanner's room. Isaac sitting on the couch, looks up and let's me know Tanner's still asleep. Great. Just great... I don't want to wake him up in a bad mood.
Whatever. He deserves it. I need to know what happened. I slam open his door to see him laying in bed sound asleep, with alcohol bottles covering his desk and his sweatpants on the floor next to the bed. His room's a mess, well when isn't it really? The only time its considered to be clean is when you clean it.
He must've heard the door open, cus he slowly wakes up and turns over to see me standing in his room.
"Baby, w-what are you doing here?" he asks so innocently.
"What am I doing here?? I should be asking what you're doing here?" I'm basically yelling.
"What do you mean?"
"What do I mean?!? What do I- uh. I can't with you. We had a date planned for last night!"
"Wha- OH!! Baby, baby please come here. Please come here I'm so sorry."
'No- No absolutely not. What did you do last night? Tell me."
"I-I was drinking with Isaac and Yumi. We played that stupid truck sim game and streamed. Then I just drank and watched anime until I passed out I guess." He admits. What. The. Fuck. I must've said that out loud cus Tanner immediately started to apologize again, "I'm so sorry baby, I completely forgot. Please let me make it up to you".
"No, I'm going home. You better find a way to make this better" I say as I walk out his room and closing the door behind me. The guys must've heard it all happen, cus I could feel Isaac and Nick staring at me as I walk out the front door. I didn't say a word, I just kept my head low and kept walking towards my car. Once I got in my car I just needed to scream.
Okay, that's a little bit better.
I got home and immediately turned my phone completely off, tossing it on my night stand and not looking back. I just need to do something else, get my mind off of what just happened. I need a drink. I grab some alcohol from the mini fridge I keep next to my desk. It's a vodka kind of day.
5 shots in...
10 shots in...
20 gulps in...
fuuuck. maybe i should've stopped like 20 sips ago. were those even considered sips? they were too big to be sips. my brain is fuzzzzyyy.
i gottta admiT what i said to Tanner was fuckked up, but i don't mean any of it. I should text him. N-NO!! I'm not texting him.
But I miss him, no I dont. fuck im crying now. ok this is happeninggg. I need to lay down. go lay on the bed. okay. im on the bed now.
knock knock knock
what. what the fuck was what.
knock knock knock
there it is again. am i dying? fuck. is that god? it's getting louder
knock knock knock
oh wait. its my frontt dooor. silly me. i'll go open it. come on body get up. one steep at a time.
"Baby. You scared me." oohhhh iits tanner.
"H-H-Heeeeeeeyyyy Taaaannnerrrrr" wait no i'm mad at him. actually, i'm just falling, oh shit.
"Oh my god, let's get you in bed. Come on" heee says while catching me, he's so strongg. i can feel his muscles, oh my god.
im laying down now. in my bed, i don't remember getting here. oh yeah Tanner.
"Y-Youu, youung sir, you neeed to leave" i slur outt, hehe.
"I'm not leaving you like this"
"Buuut. I'm mad at you a-a-and so you need to leave."
"Just go to-"
I woke up in pajama's and a massive headache. What the-
"Are you okay?" Oh. I remember now. I shake my head yes and sit up to see Tanner sitting on the foot of my bed. God, I'm regretting a lot of shit now.
"Baby... I'm so sorry. Can we talk about this? I need to apologize a lot." He says, so quiet it's basically a whisper. He looks up at me meeting my eyes. Was he.. crying? His eyes were all puffy and his hair was all messed up.
"Look, I fucked up. I know I did. But, baby, please forgive me for it. This is the first date I've missed in the forever the fuck long we've been dating. You didn't deserve that. You don't deserve that. I tried to think of all the things I could buy you, or do for you, to make up. But truthfully, the best option was being here for you and letting you know I care.
"I know you don't want to hear this right now, but I love you. I love you so fucking much. At the end of the day, I would choose you over anybody. Please, baby, just forgive me so I can forgive myself." Tanner whispers, a few tear leaving his eyes.
"It's sad, the first thought I had is that you were cheating on me. Then I thought you died, or just decided you hated me. I spent all of last night on the couch crying in the outfit I would've worn. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I just let my emotions get the best of me. You just... You really scared me. I thought I lost you." I confess. I can't make eye contact with him. I close my eyes as streams of tears run down my face and onto the pillow I've been holding. I feel the bed shift and I think Tanner got up and walked away, but suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me.
For the past 30 minutes Tanner and I have been doing the 3 C's: cuddling, crying, and comforting.
"Relationships are hard" I think aloud.
"Yeah but we make it work." Tanner says, kissing my neck. My head is still pounding from all the alcohol I had, I can imagine Tanner was feeling the same when I yelled at him. To whoever said relationships were supposed to be easy, fuck you. It's hard to put your total 100% trust and love into one person all the time. And on top of that, you get that back. Plus work, or school, and making sure you're still taking care of yourself.
"I'm glad I have you" I confess.
Today was a long ass day.
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a/n: this one is shorter, but i honestly cried while writing it. sorry if the drunk part is too hard to read!! requests are open so do whatever you will with that information. love yall, and thank you so much for all the support
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canirove · 1 year
Best friends… forever? | Chapter 26
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"Finally!" Mila says, letting herself fall on the bed. "I thought we weren't going to make it."
"Same" Rúben says, lying next to her. "We should have chosen Ibiza instead of Croatia for our holidays. Less trouble."
"Ibiza is boring. And seeing our luck today, I'm sure we would have had the same problems" she laughs.
"Probably, yes."
"I'm gonna text my mum and tell her we made it safe and sound. What was the Wifi password?"
"Luka Modric ten, the L and M with capital letters, the ten with numbers."
"That guy got so excited when he recognized you. Rúben Dias, oh my God!" Mila says, typing on her phone. "You always are so cute with all the fans."
"Because I am cute" he says, hugging her the same way she always hugs him, with an arm and a leg over her.
"You actually are, yes" she says, turning her head to kiss him. "Oh, wow."
"That good was that kiss?" Rúben laughs.
"Idiot” Mila chuckles. “I was talking about my notifications, they are going wild. I have like... twenty missed calls from my agent. A few from yours. And so many texts from... Literally everyone."
"That's odd."
"Very" she says, her phone ringing on her hand. "Oh, remind me to change my ringtone. I hate it."
"But I picked it for you!" Rúben says.
"Exactly" she smirks. "Hey, what happened?"
"Finally, Mila! Where the hell have you been?" her agent asks her over facetime.
"Having a really bad day. Our flight from London got delayed twice, then we missed the car that was driving us to the town where we are staying, the one we managed to get had problems with a tire... We literally just made it to the house."
"And why was your phone turned off?"
"Oh, that's another problem we've had. Our data isn't working, I'm using the house's WiFi."
"Then you have no idea about what is going on."
"Did something happen?" Rúben asks.
"Yeah, just a little something like The Sun posting a video of you two kissing at the Etihad."
"They what?" Mila and Rúben say at the same time, sitting up on the bed.
"What you just heard."
"Holy shit" Mila says.
"How has it been? Too much chaos?" Rúben asks.
"Not really. Most people have had the same reaction we all had when you told us: it was about damn time. I've been discussing it with your agent, and we think it's best if we say nothing. There are no bad reactions beyond the tantrums from your fans who hate Mila, and it hasn't made it to many other news outlets. I'm sorry to say this, but you guys aren't interesting enough."
"Shame" Rúben laughs. "So we just... Keep going with our lives as if nothing happened?"
"Basically" Mila's agent shrugs. "Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want to keep things quiet for a while, do it. If you want to post each other on social media like you always do, keep doing it. And if you want to make it Instagram official, we aren't stopping you either."
"Ok" Mila sighs. "But do we know who sold that video?"
"No idea, they aren't saying a word. Did you see anyone that day after the game? You are inside, and Rúben still is wearing his kit."
"Oh... Oh!" Mila says, hitting Rúben in the arm.
"Ouch! What now?"
"Sasha?" he asks.
"She saw us kissing! And she had her phone on her hand, she dropped it, and that's how we noticed her. We didn't see anyone else, just her."
"Why would Sasha sell a video of us kissing?"
"Maybe because she hates me? And now the paparazzis waiting for us outside the restaurant when we went out with her and Jack, make sense. She looked that good on the photos because she knew where they were!"
"Wait a minute" Mila's agent says. "Sasha as in Jack Grealish's girlfriend? You think it was her?"
"Mila, that's... That's crazy. She would never do something like that" Rúben says.
"Well, she's my number one suspect."
"I'll make some calls tomorrow and see if I can find out anything else. For now, you guys just enjoy your holidays, don't let this ruin them for you."
"We will, don't worry" Rúben smiles.
"Good night, guys."
"Bye" Mila says, hanging up. "But I'm telling you, it was her."
"And I'm telling you it could have been anyone. We were a bit busy in case you don't remember, and someone could have walked behind us and we wouldn't have noticed. We didn't notice her until she dropped her phone."
"That's true" Mila says, biting her lower lip.
"Listen, why don't we eat something and go to bed, uh? You must be exhausted."
"I actually am, yes" she sighs. "A good night of sleep will definitely do me good."
"And it will make you stop with all these conspiracy theories."
"It is not a conspiracy theory."
"Isn't it?" Rúben asks, arching an eyebbrow.
"Shut up" she replies, putting her hand on his face. "Ouch!"
"I'm hungry and you taste too good" he says with a mischievous smile, grabbing her hand and starting to bite her little finger.
"You are crazy, Rúben" Mila laughs.
"For you? Yes, I'm totally crazy."
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"Mila, what are you doing?"
"Breakfast!" she says, showing Rúben the pan where she is cooking.
"And your clothes?"
"What do you mean?"
"You are only wearing your knickers."
"When there are 40° outside at 9 a.m., these are considered clothes."
"If you say so..."
"I do" she says, flipping the omelet she's making while humming some random song. Humming while moving her hips from side to side, and making Rúben feel... Things.
"Do you still believe it was Sasha the one who sold the video?" he asks, trying to think of anything but Mila's butt.
"After watching the video a few times I'm convinced it was her."
"Yep" she says, picking a plate from the cupboard next to her head, stretching her body in a way that makes Rúben start to feel a bit uncomfortable with his.
"I just don't see the reason why she would do it."
"She's always disliked me and wants to ruin my relationship because she's unhappy on hers" Mila says, turning to look at Rúben, the plate covering her chest.
"You should put on a t-shirt on or something."
"Why?" she laughs, going back to her cooking. "We are alone, this is a private villa. And besides, you always walk around just on your boxers. Why can't I do the same? Why are your boobs allowed to be seen and mine not?"
"Because yours are way more interesting to look at than mine, and they can cause an accident."
"I have to disagree with that. People online go crazy when you show them. They call you Booben for a reason."
"They do what?" Rúben laughs.
"You didn't know?" Mila says, putting the plate with his breakfast in front of him. Even on holidays, he still eats the same.
"I did not."
"Well, now you do. What do you fancy as a drink? Juice or water?"
"Rúben... Hey" she says, clicking her fingers in front of his face. "My eyes aren't there."
"I told you your boobs were more interesting to look at than mine" he smirks.
"You should be used to them by now."
"I don't think that'll be possible. Ever."
"This is going to be my outfit this summer, so..." she says, picking up a couple of water bottles and her breakfast and sitting next to him.
"I'll have to try, then" he sighs.
"Good. If you show your boobs, I show mine too."
"Seems fair" Rúben laughs. "But even if I try my hardest, seeing you like this may have its consequences."
"I may not be able to keep my hands from you for too long. Especially if you start moving your hips the way you were a minute ago."
"Who? Me?" Mila says, taking a bite and trying to hide a smile. By now she knows perfectly well how much Rúben likes her hips and her butt. If she wants him to do something, she knows exactly how to motivate him.
"Yes, you. So stop teasing me" he says, threatening her with his fork.
"Ok. I'll tell my inner Shakira to chill."
"Good. But she can come back after breakfast if she wants."
And she did. She came back after breakfast, and a few more times through the day.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
I still remember watching episode 1x11 for the first time years ago and remember this one scene that made my heart dancing (oh, I'm still in love with it). Yes, McDanno one.
I'm sorry, I know that the episode is supposed to be about girl named Erica and her (murdered) husband Jake Harris and Erica's rocky relationship with her mother-in-law but... Oh, look:
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Nancy Harris: Jake and Erica met six months ago and three weeks later they were engaged.
So we've got our boys talking with Erica's mum-in-law and she hates Erica and she says these words above and then...
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Then Danny's response is (this is an exact quote!): So you don't believe in love at first sight? (no, please, it can't be just "Danny and his sarcasm", not in this moment).
And here is Steve's reaction (oh, of course that he reacts):
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Steve looks at Danny, immediately after hearing his question. And it's just a moment, it's like a one quick heart-beat but Oh My Gosh.
I bet that Steve and Danny thought about the same. About each other. Cause it's so much about them! Oh, pre-Danny Steve and pre-Steve Danny, yes, they could be like "Love at first sight? Nah, maaan, no way, I don't believe in this shit!". BUT. But boom! 2010 came and THAT happened:
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What I once interpreted in my comics as:
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(yes, that's definitely what I heard from their hearts)
I'm billions percent sure that Danny talks with Nancy in a very serious way and that his question is damn serious and sincere too. Well, I think that it's both - a question to Nancy and Danny's expression. I can see Danny's surprise (like "Oh... You DON'T? You don't believe in that, huh?") and I can hear his "You know, I, um, personally disagree. It, it happened to me so... It's not a bullshit, I think".
And of course that he means Steve. Cause it's about love and Steve... Steve is Danny's first (real) and only love (if we're talking about his romantic life). And vice versa.
All these girls were just an escape, a mistake. Yes, Gabby, Melissa, Lynn... They were adorable and good-hearted and loved by boys in some way - but it wasn't romantic. It wasn't THAT. Boys loved them like you can love someone for being a kind good person/human being, a good friend-like person. But it was never that kind of love (and f.e. Melissa knows that so well, so painfully well). And it was never at first sight.
And yes, I'm thinking about Cath and Rachel too. I know that many of you won't agree with me - and that's totally ok! But I think that Steve never loved Cath. Maybe once he tried but deep down he knew he couldn't. And Rachel? It was she who started it. She saw a handsome cop, she hit his car and then, as Danny once said: somehow things happened. Somehow they got married. I'm sorry but it doesn't sound like "oh that was so great" to me. Danny's words, the way how he describes it as "things happened"... There's nothing romantic there. There's nothing joyful. And Danny sounds like "You know, I met her, she seemed to be nice, we met again and somehow I thought: Why not?".
But oh, Danny felt that it's not good. In one of the episodes he confessed that he wasn't even sure about marrying Rachel. And though I remember about his anxiety, oh *high five, Danny! yeah, anxiety is a bitch* - I don't think that it was caused (only) by anxiety. I think that deep down he didn't want it, he wasn't sure about his feelings. He didn't believe in "happily ever after" with her. Well, to me it's meaningful. And when in 6x11 Danny admitted to Steve that deep down he didn't want any therapy with Rachel, he didn't want to save his marriage - this is what looks like "I always felt that I didn't love her".
Yes, I think that Danny couldn't love Rach. He tried but he "only" could love her as a friend (in the beginning) and as a mother of his daughter. It's not only because of the awful way Rachel and her damn mother treated Danny. It's not only because of Rachel hating Danny's job/passion. It's not only because of Rachel cheating on Danny with Stan (ok, I can't be that sure but, well, I've got the feeling) and her post-divorce behaviour (using kids as tools to hurt him). I think that even in the beginning, when all seemed to be ok, Danny always felt that he and Rachel weren't a real thing. They weren't meant for each other. They didn't even understand each other. When Gracie came to this world... He stayed for her.
Gracie. She was the only love caused by this marriage. And after divorce it was all for Gracie and thanks to it... Danny came to Hawaii and found his destiny, his beloved one - beloved at first sight.
It's Steve. Thanks to Steve Danny believes in love. Even in love at first sight. And Steve can finally have it all too, thanks to Danny.
And I love that after the talk with Nancy we have the scene at the office where... Danny talks with Steve about Nancy and about his own ex mother-in-law. Cause it's... You know, moment ago he thought about real love and about Steve so now he needs to talk about his old life with Rachel and her mother to... To show the contrast. To Steve and to himself. To show the difference between "I was so miserable" and "now my life is so great". Between "It was a mistake" and "YOU are my love, babe".
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But of course they're both such walking disasters so their feelings stay in their minds and/or sometimes are expressed but "the receiver has no idea". And someone should make the first step... So, as always, they try to focus on their case.
And THIS case. Gosh. I've recently rewatched this episode and now I see how much McDanno-ish this episode is. Yes, it's about Erica and Jake, the "Beauty and the Beast" (but I don't mean it literally, Jake isn't a beast, he isn't worse than others, he just got this role in the show and ok, I get it, I get the point of the story). And there is also the case and the killer. And other tragic stories (I mean other couples-victims). But the more I watch it, the more these stories look like a background. And this background gives us McDanno and their romantic story.
I shared my thoughts about the famous Garage Scene so now I'll confess that I think that Danny and Steve are truly touched by Erica's and Jake's story. And I bet that it's hard to focus on the case cause there are many moments shouting "You know well what Erica is feeling now".
Let's start with Jake. Boys are cops, Danny is such a detective so they should think about all possible scenarios. "Erica only wanted Jake's money, she didn't love him and his face" is just one of them. Oh, I bet that Lenkov wanted (again, hell) to show Danny as "only pretty things man" but Scott was amazing as always and he showed how complex and great Danny is. Danny doesn't laugh when he sees Jake's photo. Yes, he makes a comment but - BUT! 1) He's detective at work and he needs every scenario and he knows people well, he knows what many people may think about guys like Jake, duh, he's not an optimist - he knows that world is cruel, that people are cruel, that "happily ever after" happens very rarely, oh, he's bitter sometimes, isn't he and 2) Danny cares about people's hearts, about all what is inside - he knows well that "outside" is just a surface 3) Danny knows that love is love, you can fall in love with anyone - even with Steve McGarrett ;)
So boys do their job, talk with Erica and... when they see how devastated she is, how ANGRY when she thinks that they think she didn't love Jake, how HAPPY when she talks about Jake and their moments, how she believes in love...
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They feel her, don't they? ;) They know. They know she really loved Jake.
And when Jake is found dead...
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They can imagine the pain. They know that in their case it would be the worst scenario. The death of Yin means the death of Yang. And they're sorry, they're sad that Erica's and Jake's story has no happy end. Look at Danny's face. Look at Steve, the way he is hugging Erica - like a brother who KNOWS and cries with her.
Ok, now let's see what else we have in this episode...
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Danny and Steve arguing in front of the motel. Why does it remind me of them arguing in the garage? ;)
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🎶Sexy eyes🎶 and the TENSION. Yeah, when you think about your love at first sight all damn day and suddenly you hear "one more lonely night for me"... Yup, you can be frustrated.
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McDanno behaving like "Oh, honey, why aren't you wearing the ring? We're married!". "I know, babe. I love you, babe. We're married forever, babe. It's just... My goofy fingers". "Babe". "Oh, ok. I'll wear it for you, fuck my goofy fingers".
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Mr and Mr McGarrett-Williams vibes.
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I know that it's their case. I know that these wedding rings belonged to the victims. I know that the background is sad and tragic. BUT wedding rings. Wedding rings and McDanno holding them together. Just look at that scene and for a while don't think about the context.
This episode is like "He is my One and Only, my love at first sight and my love forever. This man - yes, that's the one I really want to marry". It's like showing their beginning ("When Danny met Steve", rom-com, 2010) and "what should be in the end: happily ever after, so damn married").
Ok, now you can call me a weirdo 😆
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dorizardthewizard · 4 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 22 - 24
Episode 22:
Yeah Thran, you SHOULDN'T be there! Why are you with the Pirates in the first place other than you knowing the plot needed you to help out there?
I'll always love how that memory wipe device is literally just the one from Men in Black
Honestly can't believe the Xenons haven't scored yet
Oop! Spoke too soon!
WHYYYYYYYY DID YOU LEAVE SHARKY'S CAMERA INTACT!!!! He was snapping with that thing all the time, I don't believe the Pirates would fuck up that badly. Even if Harris's cat hadn't found it, Hush Sharky could've just woken up, seen the pictures, assumed he'd had his memory wiped (in season 1 Aarch seemed to have the common knowledge that Pirates do that), or he'd had a fun night lol, and then published the photos anyway! He would've spun some made up story from them! WHY IS CAMERA
YESSSSSS MEI!!!!! epic goal
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fsdkjfsdkjdfs look at this
Yeah with Vega controlling the team Paradisia girls they do feel more like androids, even if they're not supposed to be. How much of this is control and how much is their own free will? Spooky
THRAN IS ON FIRE! YOUR DEFENCE IS TERRIFIED! 🎵 Ok I guess it would be their attackers, but he's going on the offence too because he's just that cool in this match
Holy shit 4-1? Man they nerfed the Xenons. They were running circles around the Snow Kids in the first half they should have scored more than one goal then
Aww another respectful handshake between D'jok and Luur
Nork: Artegor, what are your impressions of the match? Artegor: Excuse me, but I think I have to go join my friends!
Awwww Artegor has come so far since season 1
D'jok and Mei holding hands...... not sure how to feel about this........ I will reserve judgement for now
Thran being the one to fall asleep this time I love it
Sidney and Harvey reunion! Peace and love <3
Nothing like a bit of clubbing to celebrate a victory, would be a bit weird with your parents there though LOL
Sinedd's parents live so far out they've never heard of the GF stars? Sounds a bit hard to believe in this universe I mean, I don't really care about irl football but I still know who Messi is. Also Maya STILL hasn't spoken to D'jok LMAO
Why the fuck would Adim and Aarch being in a relationship mean the Snow Kids could get disqualified. Literally the only case I can think of where they could have accused Adim of favouritism is letting them form a team way back in season 1, what else could she have possibly done to help them win? Some guy on the news accuses them of cheating, but WHAT does cheating in Galactik Football even mean????
LIKE. Look I hear all sorts of accusations of corruption and rigging every world cup but usually people actually have something to point at – poor ref decisions, easy matchups, whatever! There was none of that for the Snow Kids, I know it's supposed to be ridiculous that this is going on, but idk it just doesn't feel that believable to me as this huge deal and not like, a bit of drama that will blow over once the next scoop comes out. Sure they might lose some fans but there's no real risk of them being disqualified because for that you need concrete proof of favouritism.
Clamp spitting fax!!! Exactly my thoughts
Callie is throwing SUCH shade at the Aarch Adim scoop hahaha
Mark is having his romeo balcony moment but much more emo. It's so dramatic but whenever this happens in shows I always end up thinking about how they can't have known each other that long to be so in love 😂
RIP Brim Simbra. Didn't even get a funeral eulogy
Side note Dame Simbai's flux society shades are swag
Episode 23:
Whyyyyyyyy does Aarch have to quit because of this?? This is all.... so sudden! We've got like 3 episodes left after this one and we're having Aarch quit? Right before the FINALS? And why would you not at least discuss this with Rocket first before springing the surprise that he's gonna be the coach now in front of everyone???
It's NOT the only solution Aarch this is so dumb 😭😭 It's not like they even went for an arc where he realises it's time to pass on the baton and settle down into a new life of whatever, it had to be with the drama
I do like that it didn't end in Adim quitting her position though
And now they're throwing in like two lines about Aarch being happy about his decision and moving on, but there was no build up or arc about him needing to quit coaching!
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Work it, Magnus. Of course Artie and Bennett can't stop themselves from cracking up hahaha
Clamp getting the recognition he deserves <3 Sorry Aarchtegor fans, he was not included in this goodbye speech. We can't have it all
Ooooo Tia's dad mentions he's the ambassador of the Obia moon, not specifically Akillian. Was Obia mentioned specifically prior to this season I can't remember
Geez Sinedd is the spitting image of his father
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Hey check it out, this is almost a looping gif! This is not sped up, the animation really is this goofy 😂
Sooo this flashback thing Maya communicates to Sinedd's mother through mind-meld confirms D'jok and Sinedd used to be friends, which is something we'd been wondering about for a while. It would make sense why Sinedd is so hung up on their rivalry.
I headcanon that he got jealous of D'jok's life (having a parent, being really good at football etc.), feeling worse about himself, especially with him never getting an adoptive family. Maybe he even was the first to start playing football, but felt like D'jok was surpassing him and this was another thing taken from him. So he starts putting down Micro-Ice so he can feel superior and challenging D'jok, who eventually ditches him. It's an interesting dynamic, would have been cool to see some full flashback scenes about this.
Yay more Elektras water skating!
Awww rip Elektras :( Their friendship and support of Yuki is so cute I love them
Bwuh???! Where on Akillian did Rocket get the idea to recruit Sinedd back??? Like sure the audience knows he has the potential to develop into a nicer person and actually work in a team with the Snow Kids, but Rocket doesn't! Like, in my head I'm imagining they had interesting interactions in season 2 during the whole Netherball thing, but we were never shown enough of that on screen for this to make sense.
Like. With Aarch gone Rocket seems to think they need a change? HOW DOES THIS SOMEHOW CONNECT TO GETTING SINEDD TO COME BACK??? And so close to the final? Changing things around like that last minute is crazy. I just... SINEDD COMING BACK TO THE SNOW KIDS AFTER THREE SEASONS SHOULD BE A BIG DEAL WHY IS IT SO RUSHED 😭😭😭 I mean I know why it's rushed, the showrunners knew they probably wouldn't get renewed so tried to tell as much of the story as possible, that's just how it is unfortunately
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BWAHAHAHA why is Sonny just hiding directly behind Magnus during this call instead of... anywhere away from the camera ahahahaha that's so stupid Sonny there is NO NEED stop being so dramatic
Rocket (to Sinedd): We need you to beat team Paradisa, you can make the difference!
Again, WHAT DIFFERENCE? Why is he so sure they need an extra player all of a sudden, are team Paradisia THAT good? The Snow Kids have been training hard with this lineup and they're two-time champions. Sinedd is a great player sure but... WHY.
On the other hand Rocket is the first guy on the show to be like: hm... maybe we SHOULD have at least one substitute for our team huh?
Rocket: Deep down, you're a Snow Kid too. Rocket: You come from Akillian, and you've mastered the Breath
UHHH, HAS HE? I'm pretty sure he left before he even got to use the Breath, actually
Sinedd is so quick to consider this offer FSDJKDFSKJDFS THIS IS DONE SO BAD I'M SORRY 😭😭 Like the concept is fine, I really like that it's Rocket calling him back (as someone who also needed his team to bring him back once) but it's just... the pacing is so bad and Sinedd's development was so all over the place that it just doesn't seem believable that he would take up this offer right now, especially with D'jok on the team
Episode 24:
Callie I know it's for your “a day with the Snow Kids” report but maybe at least knock first?
Neither Mei nor Tia are morning people lol
Oh of course Mark has a cup of tea for breakfast XD Or maybe it's coffee, idk.
The way Rocket bats the camera away 😂 Isn't it weird to do this report right before the final, and broadcast it live? Aren't training sessions supposed to be more secretive at this time?
Aw Sinedd's sister is cute
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Micro-Ice: Yeah well, Tia is by far our best captain in ages, because D'jok- D'jok: Oh, yeah?
Besties! <3 No I still haven't forgiven how quickly D'jok was accepted back into the team <3 Also yeah D'jok wasn't a great captain <3
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Callie why are you sitting like that. Rocket get her a chair
Oh wait there is a chair
Aww Lun-Zia's little high-five with Luur. Fun training session!
Wow we really sped through Sinedd meeting his real family huh 😭 And just like that, he's back with the Snow Kids because his little sister wants to see him play. Let me guess, Rocket didn't discuss this with the others first?
This is making me want more sports with the flux. Just imagine, galactik volleyball! I have a whole AU in my head and I will draw it one day I swear ToT
If Sinedd isn't a hologram, then why does he spawn into the holo-trainer like that? They've done that animation a couple of times in this season and it doesn't make sense considering how we've seen the holo-trainer work before. It's not them teleporting in, the holo-trainer manifests itself around them and... wait, how DOES the holo-trainer work? My brain hurts just thinking about it
Oooooh Rocket didn't discuss this with anyone and just gets Sinedd to join in the middle of a practice what a surpriiiiiise, there is no way this could go badly whatsoever /s
D'jok accepts that Sinedd is back way too quickly, I get that he messed up too but he immediately switches to “ok you're on the team, but remember you're a substitute, bitch <3” (Mark: Well thanks)
I'm still sad we don't get a scene of Sinedd leaving the Shadows, I mean the guy played with them for yeeeears they must have had SOME sort of connection. He calls them family earlier!
I like this sequence where Sinedd's flux keeps switching between the Breath and the Smog. I imagine that with the Smog being so powerful, and it lending itself to Sinedd's emotions more, it's gonna be hard to give it up.
Bennett is once again trying to find the location of a bomb hahaha
I was about to comment on how cute it is that Aarch can finally spend more time with Norata but JUST as Aarch starts relaxing, Clamp tells him there's a multi-flux bomb on Akillian LOL. Guy can't catch a break, he really didn't sign up for all this shit
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Stickronpa - Prologue part 2
-We all looked at Purple and then in the direction they were looking... It was a dark blue stickman... Was he... Purple's father...?-
???:"Um... You...? Here..?"
-He looked at Purple with a cold stare, he then looked at all of us and saw them hiding behind Yellow.-
???:"Hump, still being weak like before hun?"
-He crossed his arms staring at us coldly, Green didn't like what he called them...-
Green:"Nice to meet you.... I'm Green, Ultimate Musician... And you...?"
Indigo:"Indigo is my nickname, and I prefer to be called that! But others also call me Regular Blue, and my Title is the Ultimate Champion!"
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Indigo:"I see you haven't changed a bit since the last time we saw each other...."
-Purple was silent...-
Indigo:".... How is your mother..?"
Indigo:"I never heard from her again... How is she...?"
-Purple kept silent...-
Purple:"s-she is...."
-I looked at Green, he looked nervous too... What happened between this family...?-
Purple:"She.... She's fine! And-she's doing very well..."
-I felt that they wanted to cry...-
Indigo:"Ah.... Good for her..."
-He looked to the side and then walked away. Purple started to hyperventilate and Green tried to calm them down.-
???:"Hey, are you ok? If you need it, there's a kitchen in this place! I can get you a glass of water!"
Green:"Thanks for the offer, but who are you?"
-This woman in purple had appeared. She smiles nervously.-
Night:"Oh! Sorry about that, I saw his friend like that and got worried. But in the end, my name is Night, and I'm the Ultimate Spy!"
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Red:"Wow!! Are you really a spy??"
Night:"Well, more or less, I've just been hired by a worldwide protection Agency! The last thing I remember is getting me ready for a mission, but other than that I'm kind of new to this kind of business!"
-She kept a firm and motherly posture, shouldn't she be an Ultimate sister, mother or guardian?-
Night:"But in the end, I was serious about it! They need water to calm themselves down better..."
-She puts her hand on Purple's shoulder gently, Purple seemed calmer...-
Purple:"T-thank you...."
-She smiles with a thumbs up. That other Stick person approaches her from behind.-
???:"Miss Night, I see you're settling in!"
Night:"Yes doc. The better we get to know each other, the better it will be for us to work together to find a way out of here!"
-Were they some kind of doctor?-
Smoke:"Good to know. I'm Professor/Doctor Smoke, I'm the Ultimate Scientist."
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Yellow:"Are you a Scientist??? Wow amazing!!"
-Yellow starts acting like a fangirl, Even though we've just met them.-
Blue:"Nice to have a scientist here with us, huh?"
Green:"Yes, that can be of great help!"
???:"I don't see how he can help anyone! We're stuck, stuck hear??"
-We turn to face a stickman with a red scarf.-
???:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you... I just want to make sure everyone is safe and free!"
Red:"very considerate of you!"
Blue:"Yeah, but how could you do that?"
???:"I promised all Stick people in the world that I would protect them! And that includes all of you!"
-Protect all sitick people?-
Freedom:"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Freedom guy, many call me Free, I'm the Ultimate Freedom Fighter!"
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-Night stared at him, what was she thinking...?-
Red:"What does that mean?"
Freedom:"this title I believe was given to me for my accomplishments in freeing Stick figures from slavery several years ago!"
Red:"How horrible!! Who would do that??"
-He was silent, facing the ground and clenching his fists tightly...-
Second:"..... You're kidding, right?"
Freedom:"Oh... You... You must be the type that has a "nice" Creator."
-He sounded a little....cold...-
???:"Don't care about him..."
-I jumped, where did he come from??-
???:"Hahaha, I'm so sorry Kiddo! But don't care much for him! He hates Creators, but don't feel so bad!"
-He spoke in a youthful tone, but clearly he was much older than he sounded...-
Sombra:"Oh! Where were my manners?? My name is Sombra, I am the Ultimate Shadow Storyteller!"
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-He looks at Freedom Guy with a smirk on his face. Do they know each other? That's what it looks like because Freedom snorts and walks away from us.-
Red:"Do you tell shadow stories??? This is so cool!!!"
Sombra:"Yup Kiddo! It's more of a hobby than a profession! Sometimes I enjoy telling stories to an audience, tales, fables, folklore, legends and stories! It's very captivating and catches the attention of many!"
-He said with a big smile on his face. He was charismatic but something about him made me...uncomfortable....-
Sombra:"Well it was nice meeting you kiddos! See ya soon!"
-He says goodbye to us. I look at Yellow, she was counting who was present among us in the hall.-
Yellow:"14... There are 14 of us here..."
-Everyone looks at where red is getting ready, one more person had entered the room!"
???:"I see I'm not alone in this place..."
-It was another one in orange, like me and MT! But... Younger, and... With hair?-
Orange:"But what- what the fuck is that on your head??"
Orange:"Stick figures don't have hair!!"
Night:"I am proof of that..."
-Blue was almost laughing.-
Dusk:"Let's get this over with, my name is Dusk, I'm the Ultimate Prodigy."
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Sombra:"By the way, I know very well that there are Stick people who have hair! It's just unusual! But not impossible!"
Orange:"I've never seen anything like it!"
Second:"Well... It's nice to meet you!"
Dusk:"I'm not sure about you..."
-huh? what is that supposed to mean?-
-Before I could ask anything...-
-The door opened with force and everyone turned their attention to the entrance....-
???:"How long ago Orange..."
-A woman in white... MT knows her...?-
Orange:"I should already suspect!! You who brought us here!!"
???:"~Wah Orange! How can I be if I have no idea how I got here either?~
-She spoke in a sympathetic tone, but that only seemed to irritate Orange.-
Orange:"Don't come with your tricks you bitch!! I know you're behind this!!"
-I couldn't believe it... Until she opened a sly smile....-
???:"I don't need to hide anything, but it would be fun..."
Orange:"I know you're behind this!!! This is one of your sick little games!!"
???:"Oh, how I wish..."
-She laughed, her laugh made me shiver...-
Eraser:"Well, if I'm going to be stuck with you useless people... I better introduce myself. I'm White Silver! Better known as Eraser, the Ultimate Manipulator... ~Nice to meet you...~"
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-her voice shifts between that deep, intimidating voice to that soft, docile voice... It give me the creepys...-
Orange:"Just admit it!! You who brought us here!!"
Green:"Calm down Orange! We don't know that!"
Blue:"Yeah man! Calm down!"
Eraser:"I already told you, idiot! I have nothing to do with it!"
Second:"If... If you don't have then who–"
-I couldn't finish my sentence before the lights went out.-
-I felt Red grab my arm in fear.-
Yellow:"What's up??? blue?? Green??"
Blue:"I'm here Yelly!! Don't worry!"
-We all got close, and then the lights came on the stage.-
???:"Oh! Everyone is here at last!!"
Chosen:"Who are you??"
Freedom:"You who trapped us here??"
???:"We can say yes! It was me! And no, she has nothing to do with it!"
???:"ish! You're annoying, old man!!"
Orange:"OLD MEN!!???"
-We looked at the stage which was surrounded by smoke.-
???:"I was waiting for you, you know? It took a while for everyone to arrive that there was even part two!! Haha ha!!"
-W-what were they talking about...?"
???:"But finally everyone is in one place!! Because now...."
-Whoever was on stage took a long pause... And then...-
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???:"I! I'm your host!! responsible for watching you participants!!"
Red:"Participants?? Is this some kind of game??"
Blue:"Who put this brat as a host???"
Monostick:"Brat??? HAHA!!! I have no age, gender and much less sexuality!!! I am Monostick!! And yes small reddish!! This is a game!! A really fun one that I'm sure You Will love!!"
Dusk:"And what would it be..?"
Monostick:"A killing game, of course!"
-Everyone stops in shock... They... They can't be serious... Right...?-
Blue:"Hehe... Hehe... You... Are you kidding, right..? This is some silly prank isn't it?? HUH???"
Monostick:"nope! I'm 500% sure it's a killing game!"
Yellow:"What the fuck?!"
Green:"what the fuck in deed!!"
Sombra:"Let me guess... Do you want us to kill each other...?"
Monostick:"Yea!! You're so smart you'll get a cookie!!"
Smoke:"And why would we do that...?"
Monostick:"Simple! To be able to be free!!"
Monostick:"You must have realized by now that you are trapped in this place, with no exit, no windows, no outside communication! You are trapped!! At least..."
Indigo:"At least what??"
Monostick:"At least until someone commits murder!!"
-W-what!? T-that will never happen!! Nobody would agree with that!!-
Eraser:"What would the rules be?"
-Everyone looks at her...-
Orange:"You're not thinking about-"
Eraser:"To participate? Why not? ~Maybe it will be fun...~"
-Those who were close to her moved away, they were sure to be even more suspicious....-
-I felt a pain in my chest, why.... Why is this happening???-
-Where are we??? What happened for us to be here??? Why??? why??? why???-
-Red hugged my arm shaking with fear... I was also very afraid... Hyperventilating... In Panic.... In despair....-
Monostick:"Now! I'll explain the rules! To be able to receive your freedom, You can kill at least two people and not get caught after a trial!-
Monostick:"Yea! A trial takes place after an investigation once they find a body! After half an hour of investigating for clues, you will be taken to the trial ground! Where would you survivors point fingers at who you think is the killer!"
Sombra:"What if we don't get the right one...?"
Monostick:"Hihihi! Then everyone but the killer will be punished! And the killer can go! But if you get the right one, only the killer will be punished and the rest of you will stay here until another murder happens!!"
Dusk:"And what kind of punishment would that be...?"
-Monostick paused for a long time with an evil smile...-
Monostick:"An execution!"
-Everyone is in shock... Everyone in complete disbelief...-
Monostick:"Now that everyone knows about the rules, I hope you make good use of everything here, at least until a murder happens... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"
-And then.... They disappeared laughing Machiavelliically...-
-The hall was completely silent... I was in Panic and Red was squeezing my arm in tears...-
Indigo:"One more reason not to trust anyone..."
Chosen:"That's what that freak wants with us... That we don't trust anyone..."
-everyone looks at each other...-
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-they were looks of distrust... fear, seriousness... despair...-
-All those looks were too much... I... I couldn't take it.... I wanted to scream but... But... I just...-
-I... blacked out...-
-This was the beginning of a life of despair... Fear and mistrust... A life I wasn't ready for...-
-Even with my friends... I can't take it all...-
-I can't... Can't... I can't... I... Can't... I... I..-
End of Prologue
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[To be continued..]
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seiwas · 8 months
THE SHADOWBAN IS GONE MY QUEEN IS FREE!!!!!! Anyways I forgor this happened but reading all the sleepover asks made this memory resurface again (also iris wtf was ur story that was so cute y'all were crushing hard 😭 and niku oh my god your story *head in hands* )
Ok so in short: my previous childhood friend turned relationship turned ex cheated on me 1 month after he went abroad (damn what a headline)
So here's the tea, we've known eachother since we were preeschoolers, he's a year older than me, we became friends soon after that and he is the textbook definition of a gentleman. Like literally the grenenst green flag out there. Neon green. Fast forward to 7th grade, he confessed during a christmas party at his place. He took me out to his little garden and sat on one of the benches and yeah. Now lil old me was also crushing hard but was too pussy to fess up so when this happened ofc I said yes. A small voice in my mind I thought he was joking cause let's face it 7th grade me wasn't exactly the prettiest rose in the bush ok It's kinda lopsided and a bit uneven but at least I was funny. I was fully expecting it to last like 2 weeks. A month at most. But I said yes anyways cause I wanted to give it a chance. It lasted almost 5 years.
He was my first everything, and overtime we grew closer and if we weren't joined at the hip before we sure are now. Fast forward to highschool, he's in his last year and will be graduating soon. He decides to go abroad and ofc I support him. We'll make this whole ldr work. No it didn't work LMAOOOO after he went abroad we started texting and vidcallibg but that lasted 2 weeks. I kept trying to get trough to him but he didn't answer, not even a read.
Now one day I decide to call him cause it's been 2 weeks since I heard anything from him. And to my surprised he picked up, but it wasn't him that spoke. It was another girl. I told her that I'm his girlfriend and asked her if he was there and she just hung up. My heart dropped. And that's how I found out he was cheating 😃👍 and to make it worse he cheated on me 3 months before our 5th aniv <3 3 months before CHRISTMAS <33333333
Not long after that happened the girl found me on instagram (I think via my ex) and dmed me telling me the whole story. About how they met at a house party, got shit faced, made out, and hooked up. When she asked if he was single he said yes so she was basically lied to. She left him after our convo so good for her I hope she finds someone better.
Cue a montage of desperate texts and many phonecalls I declined from my ex who tried to make excuses on how he was drunk and it was an accident. I ignored all of em and blocked him when he didn't stop. I went by to his parents place to drop off his things and his parents didn't know yet so I told them, legit broke down in front of his mom and she called him and yelled at him on the phone shdjhffh 💀 I'm still close with his family (esp his sisters) cause well we've known eachother since we were kids, I'm basically their daughter at this point. And thankfully they're also mad at him and idk what happened after that but one of his sisters told me he's "all on his own now" so I guess they cut all contact from him? Or cut his funds? I'm not sure.
But yeah end of story, I think this is my juciest life story yet. And what's the moral of the story? No matter how neon the green flag it only takes one switch to make it blood red *eats snacks* anyways how are you sel :D
midi!! hello again!! 🥹 & yes omg i’m so happy the shadowban is gone pls 😭
oh my god midi you sent such a long story and i feel bad for not responding in equal length but i’m literally just 😦 at everything 😭😭 idk what to say oh my god??? i can’t believe he did that… literally what the fuck. and i’m so so so so sorry that you had to go through that, that young also 😭 what he did to you is so shitty i hope he got what he deserved for it 😭 i’m also glad that the girl reached out to you to talk about it.
i can’t even imagine how hard it must have been, especially since you’ve known his family since forever too 😭 it’s good that you were able to confide in them about it 😭 i feel like that type of relationship is so rare despite everything that’s happened, and it’s so refreshing to see that you’re still close to them.
& that’s so true!! i think there are certain lines that shouldn’t be crossed and are completely unsalvageable once they are.
thank you for sharing this midi omg i feel like it’s super personal, i’m touched that you’re trusting this with all of us here 😭 i hope YOU’RE doing better now 🥺 esp with your current partner!! i can see that u’re very much in love & am so happy that they’re treating you the way you deserve to be treated 🥺
i’m doing great 🥺 so thoughtful of you to ask!! i was kinda hesitant to go out today bc my bf wanted me to join him and his friends (but i kinda felt bad bc i wanted him to have his own time w them 😭 idr the last time they were all together without me for their boy time yk? they definitely don’t mind having me around but i kinda wanted to give them that space)
but!!! i’m really glad i went still 🥹 lots of laughs and talks and eats for the entire night!! one of the newer gf’s was there too, and bc she isn’t really as close as the rest of us (context: i’m one of the older gf’s ahsbhaah i’ve been w my bf for like 5+yr and have known these boys since hs too haha) i guess she still felt kinda nervous!! but she was really making an effort to get close to me (asking abt makeup!! and she even asked if she could braid my hair 🥺 most of my friends are guys so talks like this r pretty rare for me lmao) it was so sweet 🥺
my heart is very full rn!! i love friendships 🥺 i think it’s especially sentimental rn bc we’re growing w each other as life goes on!! how our conversations have shifted along with where we are in life 🥺
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nyx22-blogs · 1 year
𝔸/ℕ: ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕐 𝕍𝔸𝕃𝔼ℕ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊 𝔻𝔸𝕐 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼𝕃𝕐 ℙ𝔼𝕆ℙ𝕃𝔼. 𝕀 𝔸𝕄 𝔻𝕆𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕄𝔼𝕋ℍ𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝔼𝕍𝕀𝕃. *𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕒𝕨𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕝 𝕝𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣* 𝕀 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕒 𝕍𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝔹𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕖𝕤 𝕓𝕔 𝕚𝕗 𝕀 𝕘𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕒 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕕𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕝. 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖'𝕤 𝕥𝕨𝕠 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕘𝕦𝕪𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕝𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘. 𝔼𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪!
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
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Valentine's day. A day of love and celebrating that special someone in your life. Well that's how others viewed it. You on the other hand viewed it as a day of disgusting PDA and soppy couples. Sure, you were mostly sour because you didn't have a lover..or a Valentine to begin with, but still..it sucked.
But at least you had a sort of friend to wallow in self pity with. Your roommate, Bucky Barnes. Your very attractive roommate. Stop it y/n! After his girlfriend Dot broke up with him he just hated Valentine's Day as well, at least he gets it.
You were currently on the couch watching a horror movie and eating some of Bucky's snacks when you heard the door slam. Must be Bucky you thought and continued eating the chips he bought.
"Whatcha doing Barnes?" You said as you turned around to see where the hell he was.
"Nothing." He grumbled
You sighed and turned the TV off and set your his snacks aside.
"Ok grumpy pants what's wrong." You said walking up to him in the kitchen
"I was walking from work and I saw Dot and-" He sighed turning around
"And her new fling?" You said a little angrily.
You hated her with a passion. How could such a cruel person hurt someone as sweet and caring and handsome as Bucky? Yes...you developed some sort of feelings for this idiot but he's your roommate. It's stupid and it's never happening.
"Didn't really look like a fling to me.." He said meekly
"I thought you were over her though?" You said..heart slightly panging with jealousy. Some Valentine's Day this was turning out to be.
"I am." He said as if he were staring the obvious
You looked at him thoroughly confused before interrupting talking to him.
"What? What the hell is wrong with you? You're acting all hung up over this girl but you're completely 'over her'." You said slightly mocking him. "Barnes I don't think you know what being over someone means so let me-"
"Okay! Okay hold on a minute you didn't let me finish!" He said with a slight chuckle. He placed his hands on both of your arms, gently caressing them before looking at you. He licked his lips for a small second before speaking.
"The only reason I was ever upset about seeing Dot and her boyfriend today isn't because she was with him..it's because I wasn't with you." He said lowering his head down as if he were embarrassed.
"W-What..? What?! James Barnes I swear to God you'll be the death of me. You could've said this sooner! We've been roommates for how goddamn long and I could've been kissing you this entire time but no you decided to keep it to yourself!" You said with a huff at the end.
"I- so you wanted to kiss me this entire time huh?" He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. Dammit.. probably shouldn't have said that. His goddamn ego's going to burst.
"You know what Barnes...yeah I want you to kiss me. Right now, make my Valentine's Day better. You said, your confidence slightly wavering.
"Oh I'll kiss you doll, don't you worry about that. Just let me do this properly. He said and you giggled nodding. "Ok..Y/N Y/L/N, ever since I moved in with you you've been the funniest, sweetest, prettiest and overall most chaotic girl I have ever met. Will you be my Valentine doll?"
"Yes, Bucky Barnes I'll be your Valentine." You said smiling as you wrapped you arms around his shoulders and his went around your waist. You both stayed there hugging for a good few minutes before he tilted your chin and and kissed you. You both stayed there kissing for quite while until you started laughing.
"What is it sweets?" He said chuckling a bit, confused why you were laughing.
"Nothing nothing...it's just that one minute I'm hiding and eating your snacks so you don't make me buy more and now I'm your Valentine and we're making out in the kitchen." You said
"...I'm still gonna make you buy more." He said, his lips quirking up ever so slightly.
"Bucky! It's cold!" He looked at you disapprovingly
"You're the one that keeps finishing the snacks doll."
"Fine, I'm only going if you give me your hoodie then. It's too cold for anything I have to wear." You lied. You had so many warm hoodies. You just wanted his.
"Hmm...ok I'll let you wear mine, I should probably come with you too then huh?"
"Aww..so we can spend some time together?"
"No so your clumsy ass doesn't fall in the snow with my sweater on." He said laughing and running away from you.
"Barnes!" You laughed, chasing after him.
*P.S. you, very badly, stole his sweater that day. It was very warm and he loved how you looked in it. You cuddled with him the rest of the night*
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You and Bucky loved Valentine's Day. Sure it sounded soppy but it truly was a really fun day. You both had a tradition, baking cakes using his mother's old recipe. They always tasted so amazing and you both had the best time doing it. You and him were both getting ready to go to the store to get everything now.
"Hey sweets." He said hugged you from behind and giving you a kiss on your cheek.
"Hmm hey baby." You said turning around to hug him.
"You ready to go to the store love?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah c'mon."
As you both walked to the store you made little detours here and there. You both passed a fair and pretty much spent around 2-3 hours in there.
You and Bucky walked a few blocks, close to the grocery store until you stopped Infront of a huge fair.
"I didn't know they were doing a fair here." You said smiling. You hadn't been to one since you were a kid and you missed them a lot.
"Wanna go in sweetheart?" Bucky asked, already knowing the answer.
You giggled and you took each other's arm, leading one another into the fair.
He won you an adorable stuffed bear with a bunny onesie and you held on to it the entire way back.
*A/N: Sorry to interrupt lol, the bear with the bunny onesie is actually inspired by a stuffed animal my friend got me for a bday and she's just too cute to not include in this story so here is a pic of my stuffed animal lol. You can continue now :>* ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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And then you guys passed this new 40's themed diner that Bucky had been talking about for weeks. And you guessed it..another detour.
"Mhm, doll this tastes exactly like how my ma makes it..even a bit better really" He smiled as he took another bite of it.
You giggled and took another bite of the pie. "Hmm I'm not sure how she'd feel hearing that James." You said teasingly and laughed when his eyes went wide. "I'm kidding I'm kidding."
After a while you guys came out the diner and made your way to the grocery store for the ingredients to make the cake.
You turned around quickly when you felt someone squeeze your butt gently.
"Bucky!" You shout-whispered, a blush forming on your face.
"Yeah honey?" He laughed and pulled you in closer as you two continued walking
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You two had arrived back and finished making the cake. It tasted exactly like how his mom made it and you loved every bite of it. You both cuddled close that night...maybe even did something a bit more. 😏
Sooooo???? Do we like or no? Do we feel single or no?
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vonlipvig · 1 year
Ranking the Not For Broadcast epilogues from happiest to bleakest, in a completely subjective and possibly contradicting fashion, because Man Some Of These Are Bad In Wildly Different Ways:
(Below the cut, because obviously, spoilers)
The 'Actually Good' Tier:
An Accord: My first epilogue, and to me, the canon ending in my heart. This one truly has it all--the truth has been exposed, democracy has been restored, and of course, the team is back together again. Maybe politically it doesn't sound quite as immediately great as the next one, but it's a step in the right direction, and c'mon, seeing Jeremy and Megan fills me with absolute joy.
A Brighter Future: PM Katie Brightman would have my vote for sure! Universal Basic Income, 4-day workweek, climate change being taken seriously, territorial independence, and more? Yeah, sign me up! Also, it seems to be set in a distant future, since this is Katie's third term as PM, which means it's really been working! Only thing bumping this one down from the top is that Jeremy is dead, so it's a rather bittersweet victory for everyone.
A New Leaf: Hey, Bannon! You're alive! Regardless of whatever ordeal he's been through, it's great to see him back (and finally as an anchor! Took the gang going to jail for it to happen, but oh well lmao). This one is pretty similar to the last one, with Katie being the frontrunner, and we have Julia being put to trial, which is deserved. Pretty alright, as endings go.
The Middle Ground: What is the most neutral ending doing this far up? Well, it gets Worse lmao. But yeah, this one is honestly a bit similar to An Accord, expect that poor Jeremy isn't offered his job back. Still, we've got democracy being respected, the news are showing the Actual News, so in my book it's pretty alright as well!
The 'Hmmm' Tier:
A Renewed Mandate: Here it starts to get a bit...hmm. Julia gets reelected, which...I wouldn't have, personally, but hey, that's democracy for you (unless there's trickery going on which oof imagine). But at least it seems that things are not as terrible as they could be. Sure, it seems Advance is really going for that 'we're all one territory' shtick, but it looks like at least other countries are choosing to join? Idk, still a bit too imperialistic for my tastes, but it does get worse.
Julia's Judgement: You might be asking 'why is this one so low?', right? Bannon is back, democracy is restored, Julia's facing criminal charges, all seems ok. Yeah, NO, that Hamilton-Mann guy is about to be president, and sorry but that seems MISERABLE. I mean, at least people had the right to CHOOSE but uhhhhhhhh, yeah no, have you heard that guy speaking? Scary stuff.
All Fall Down: This one and the next one are the hardest to place in this list for me, because they're...bad, clearly, but how bad is hard to ascertain. This is the one where the country is reduced to just a heavily fortified Territory One, and in one hand, I'm sure they're having a bad time due to the war and all, but hey, at least the other territories are finally taking back their rightful independence. But yeah, not a great time for the citizens of T1 who didn't even ask for any of this.
Inevitable Advancement: This one's funny, not even gonna lie. Sure, everyone is sterile, population numbers are dwindling, everyone is stuck with this terrible government with no possibility of an election...but something about Julia going 'MESSAGE TO ALL CITIZENS: PLEASE FUCK' just sends me into hysterics.
Under New Management: I don't care that there were elections here, this one just sucks ass. The CH1 team just gets fired and replaced, and holy shit, 'how many guns are enough?'? THIS SUCKS GET ME OUT OF THIS TIMELINE. Megan looks so gorgeous tho, mwah.
The 'What the Fuck Oh my God' Tier:
Chaos Reigns: This one's pretty bleak, not even gonna lie. The country is in shambles and nobody is safe, but at least Megan's out there doing her best to keep the people informed (possibly with Jenny helping her out? I can dream). Still, it seems like everyone is fucking miserable, so it lands down here in the terrible tier. I can't tell if it's bleaker than the next ones or not, because they're very different types of bleak (and anyway, the next ones hurt me personally lmao).
A Better Jeremy: LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY! I don't care that this one and the next one might seem like happier futures at first (cause we all know how much Megan and the rest can act like everything's fine when it clearly isn't fine at all), THIS ONE IS SO EVIL, Julia's like 'look we brainwashed and tortured this guy until he became a hollow shell of his former self!' and everyone has to be like 'YAY! SOCO!' like HOW FUCKING EVIL AAAAAAAAAA.
Wacky Fun: THE EVERYONE IS DEAD ENDING! All your faves died horrible, violent deaths (and some of them had to watch as others died!), there are no news anymore, the country is probably as fucked up and in disarray as in some of the others, and the only thing you can watch on TV is the most unhinged and manic children's programming. Still, this one has Geoff Algebra suffering, which is better than most of the epilogues here can offer.
Changing of the Guard: Nope nope nope nope. Fuck the military dictatorship ending. Worst possible outcome, you can't change my mind. Bad.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
27. “What happens if you say Beetlejuice three times?” 
Ok but like this with Rhett and the kids!?
I wanna make this happen!
AAAAAAGGHHH!!!! Babes, I just watched Beetlejuice the other night along with Casper and was like IT'S AU TIME!!!!!! (lol)
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Moving into a new house was always weird when you were growing up, but moving into a house you guys would only use a few months out of the year? That was equally weird. Why Royal had insisted you guys drive 33 hours from Wyoming, all the way through Tornado Alley, through the frightshow that was Detroit, Michigan and all the way out to Connecticut with Rhett and the kids, was completely beyond you.
"Alright, I think this is the last one," Rhett said, bringing in the last box.
"I hope so," you told him. "We've been here for three days, doing nothing but unpacking and I'd like to take a day to rest before we have to go back on the road again."
"Oh believe me, we will," Rhett said. "Mark my words, those little ghouls will be sleepin all the way there, I'll make sure of it."
You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what Rhett was talking about. Hannah and Maeve had been perfectly behaved the whole way out, but the minute Tatum and Tanner had begun to play the "stop-hitting-yourself-game" had been a different matter. You didn't fail either, to remind Rhett what would happen if he dislocated his shoulder trying to discipline the boys in the car.
"Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Daddy!!! Look what Tatum and I found upstairs!!!" Tanner shouted excitedly, his twin following closely behind him.
"Holy shit," Rhett chuckled. "What'd you two little ghouls find upstairs?"
"Just this."
Rhett took the worn out looking piece of paper from the four year old's hands. "Huh, that's weird," he remarked.
"What's up?" you asked him.
"Beetle-guys, bio-exorcist and spirit exterminator," Rhett read. "Never heard of'em."
You looked at the paper yourself when it suddenly hit you, your eyes going wide. "Rhett?"
"Yeah darlin?"
"Um......I......thank God you don't know how to pronounce that."
"What?" Rhett said. "It's not like I was sayin Beetlejuice."
"RHETT SHUSH!!!" You hissed, pressing a finger to his lips. "You don't wanna say it three times, believe me."
"What happens if you say Beetlejuice three times?"
"RHETT!!!" you nearly screamed through your clenched teeth.
"Ok, ok," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I didn't say it.....we good? We cool?"
"For now," you answered.
A scream tore through the halls followed by terrified, clunking footsteps as you two took off and bolted up the stairs where you found Hannah and Maeve, running from the attic with all the color drained from their faces.
"Girls, what's going on?! What happened?" you asked them.
"Tatum and Tanner summoned a ghost!" Hannah blurted out.
"And he scared me!!!!" Maeve bawled, her arms coiling around her father's waist.
You and Rhett threw open the attic door, the sound of the boys laughing along with another laugh that was a little bit more maniacal than theirs.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!!" Rhett exclaimed.
Neither of you had any idea what you were looking at, a giant hole that had opened wide in the floor while a huge, striped worm zipped in and out of it with two little blonde headed boys on its back. The other that was with them was none other than that familiar green-haired, bug-eyed little cretin in a mismatched striped suit......Beetlejuice.
"Oh........that's why you don't say it three times," Rhett said.
(Babes I might just do a part 2 for this but if I do I might have to rewatch the movie, lol)
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silverislander · 11 months
i've been thinking a lot recently abt how different my current job is to my first job and how much more i like it and why, and it really just comes down to like. basic humanity. at the hardware store, it was a really intense "time to lean time to clean" mentality, we weren't allowed to chat with the other cashiers even during slow days, we couldn't get caught reading/drawing/goofing off while on cash, we weren't even allowed to leave the corral. at the supermarket, we're expected to take our time w the customers and talk to them. the managers and other departments come out when they're bored to come chat w us! i read the local paper during slow hours and draw in between customers, and its great! everyone is also just really nice and friendly which is fantastic, i can't name one person over there i don't get along with
and i happened to remember the first meeting i had to go to for the hardware store lmfao. i showed up in uniform bc there was no indication that it was a meeting instead of a regular shift, we were basically told to go stock the shelves/face items for an hour (? still not sure why. they did this to all of us and it did Not need to be done) and while we were paid for that time i was NOT trained for it, so when customers came up and asked like "hey wheres the plumbing section" i had to go "um. i don't know :) let's go find someone else" and had no way to deal with it when they inevitably got really fucking mad w me for not being able to help them
and then when the meeting finally actually started, it opened w the manager going "ok i heard some of you had some things you wanted to discuss!" and a couple of the other cashiers reading off a list of issues they wanted to address. none of which were actually addressed. it was shit like "when you guys come down to customer service and immediately disregard the policies we've just explained, it makes us look like the bad guys and gets us treated very poorly by future customers" "ok well are we supposed do about that :)"/"you need to give us our breaks on time. if managers have to be in charge of telling us when we're allowed to go on break, they need to make sure they're not hours late when doing that" "well we're really busy so sometimes we forget but i guess we'll try :)"
... yeah. if i had been a little bit smarter at the time, i would have realized 2wks in that this was a baby union, we were being exploited and i was abt to have the shittiest fucking summer lmao
#this is a bit of a long pointless post but i was thinkin abt it the other day and just laughing#like... dude. how did i not see that as an insane red flag#those are all issues that continued throughout the summer btw :) none of it ever got fixed we were all miserable#they also had a rule that if you saw someone stealing you were supposed to CHASE THEM and i mentally checked out of that job right there#i am not going to put myself in danger over a fucking power drill or a garden light. bye#like. if someone is stealing they can just fucking have it. i hate it here anyway idc if i get fired for it#levi.txt#like seriously i am So much happier at the grocery store. this is worlds better#theyre both minimum wage theyre basically the same job (cashier) but its not even comparable#i feel like a person. i dont dread going into work. i feel like if anything happened the other employees would have my back#and so would the managers!#we have a fucking code name to say over the pa in case someone is sexually harassing you! manager AND security will show up!!#and you can LEAVE THE CASH to go calm down and take a breather when that happens!!#at the hardware store it was just. if you want to radio a supervisor abt it you can try but it might take them 15mins. if they show up#in the meantime you cant make that person leave you alone. and theyre going to know exactly who you called and why#also just on a personal note. grocery store is doing wonders for my social anxiety. its like a vr simulation for social interactions#you effectively cant fuck up the interaction too bad people will at most think youre kind of funny and then move on w their day
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apricusnights · 2 days
Chapter Thirteen: Worlds Apart.
Location: Council Hall, Capitol Square.
Larsen: "I told you this was a fucking stupid idea, but you all just decided to go ahead with it anyway!"
Ciar: "I assure you I had everything under control."
Cheshire: "Doubtful. You've been blaming the incompetence of the Bureau this entire time, but it was YOUR building, YOUR security that didn't live up to expectations."
Fisher: "The Bureau were handling things outside of the building. You'll have to forgive us for not anticipating the walking war machine that showed up."
Styles: "Like the one you've got under your thumb that you can just call in whenever you like? I don't think any of us fucking approved that last time I checked!"
Xanthos: "Perhaps we should all take a minute to.."
Larsen: "To what? Why are you even here, why did we agree to let you stay on this damn council. That whole checkmate bullshit was partially thanks to you trying to play with things you couldn't control!"
Lowell: "If I may interrupt, does anyone know the location of Lucianna or Merek? I haven't heard anything from them recently."
The spot usually reserved for Lucianna's hologram activated though in her place was Brother Julius.
Julius: "You'll have to excuse me; I've been rather busy as of late."
Styles: "Fuck off back to where you came from. Just because you're calling yourself the High Priest doesn't mean you're a council member."
Julius: "Perhaps that could be rectified. If you would consider my application to join the council in Sister Lucianna's place until she returns."
Lowell: "Do you happen to know where she is?"
Julius: "Unfortunately no, I am aware that she decided to take a sabbatical. I wasn't told anything else."
Fisher: "I highly doubt that.."
Julius: "Hmm?"
Larsen: "She said you're a lying sack of shit and everyone here knows it. Let me save you the trouble, your application is denied. Get the hell out of my sight."
Larsen slams his fist down and deactivates Julius's hologram.
Lowell: "Well..this has been productive..."
Several days later.
Location: Evergreen Theater, Evergreen Basin.
Lye: "Ok, you've been off this entire day. This is easy mode; we've done this play at least a dozen times. What's bothering you?"
Amias: "Most of your family is supposed to show up for this one remember?"
Lye: "What's the problem with that? Is Dad hassling you again? Listen, it's just his way. Least he hasn't challenged you to a fight or anything..yet."
Amias: "Lye, it's your brother. You know how I feel about Van. I try not to let it get to me, I know everything happened a long time ago. I know you're trying to move on but I just have this urge to punch him in the face every time I see him."
Mel: "Hun, a lot of people have that urge. Van has a punchable face."
Lye: "Not helping Mel. Listen, I understand where you're coming from.."
Amias: "Do you? I had to listen to everything. I can't count how many times I heard you almost having a breakdown while you were staying with us. I wanted to borrow a hatpin from my sister and jam it through your brother's eye."
Lye: "That's oddly specific. A hatpin?"
Amias: "You know she's a fashion designer. Plus have you seen a good hatpin? Those things are basically weapons."
Lye: "It's sweet that you were willing to maim my brother for me but I'm just asking you to put up with him for a little bit of time. He's..kind of trying his best these days."
Amias: "Yeah fine, I'll try and ignore him but if he makes one stupid remark.."
Lye: "It'll be fine, nothing is going to happen."
Mel: "Ok ok, places people. We're gonna run through it again from the top! Ready? Let's go!"
Location: Smokey Gardens.
Lazuli: "So you think the templars are still looking for me? Even after what happened a few weeks back?"
Styles: "Not as actively, pretty sure the shitbags have other things on their minds now."
Cordelia: "Probably best to keep you hidden out here for a little while longer. Least until we deal with the situation involving Julius."
Lazuli: "You really think he's just taken control? Would it have been that easy?"
Cordelia: "He was in the High Priestess's ear for who knows how long. He's probably brainwashed the entire templar order if our information is correct. I doubt any of this was easy, he likely worked years to get to where he is now."
Styles: "Piece of shit thinks he can just step in like that and nobody will care. Even tried to join the fucking council last meeting. I don't think you're very high on his priority list, but he'd still love to be able to control that power of yours."
Lazuli: "I don't even know how my power works. I can't control it, it just happened."
Cordelia: "I know someone who might be able to help you with that, but we can't risk it until Julius is dealt with and the right people are in charge of the church again."
Lazuli: "One last thing I've been wondering. Since I don't have a lot to do out here, I've been watching a lot of programs. Does anyone know what the deal with that white rabbit symbol popping up everywhere is?"
Styles: "White Rabbit?"
Lazuli: "Yeah, it flashes for a split second if you're paying attention.."
Styles: "Show me.."
Location: Guardian District.
Marigold: "This whole fuckin city was already a powder keg, seems like someone just cut the fuse shorter."
Miranda: "The council is blaming each other for what happened at the art exhibit. Cheshire and Ciar were arguing after it ended and almost came to blows. We need to figure out how to at least solve one of our problems."
Aryl: "Which one? Julius? The traitors? The masked man and Chimera? The fact that every other kingdom out there is practically pointing arsenals at everyone else?"
Marigold: "Everyone except Crepusculum that is. They've been more than happy to just supply anyone who comes knocking and has enough money to throw around."
Aryl: "You think they have something to do with..anything going on?"
Marigold: "Maybe but considering they aren't actively making any moves and are currently a little too cozy with the mayor, it's best to leave them for later."
Miranda: "They are currently considered an ally and we don't have many of those left. I don't want to risk pissing off one of the most technologically advanced places in the world just because of a hunch."
Aryl: "So what do we focus on?"
Miranda: "Julius, I already have a plan in motion, but I can't say anything about it. Never know who might be listening in, even here."
Marigold: "Hey Aryl, don't you have another date with Amelia coming up? Where you takin her?"
Aryl: "Uh she wants to go to some karaoke bar in the Diamond District..but I don't sing.."
Miranda: "Most people that go to those places don't sing. Don't sweat it, just try and have some fun. Forget about everything going on for a night if you can."
Aryl: "Yeah..guess you're right."
Location: Aurora Vale.
Laurel: "And explain to me again why we're on this case? This seems like a bounty hunter job.."
Donovan: "Aw come on sis, aren't you the least bit interested in this? It's unique!"
Laurel: "It may be unique, but I don't really know if we're equipped to handle this."
Blaine: "You act like we're even gonna find the guy..is it a guy?"
Catalina: "Dunno, but they robbed one of my shops and nobody robs a Darling and lives to tell the tale!"
Blaine: "Ohhh I like you!"
Donovan: "Little dramatic don't ya think?"
Laurel: "Everybody shut up, look.."
Laurel points to a monitor as she plays back security camera footage.
Blaine: "What the fuck is going on?"
Donovan: "Are they..singing?"
Catalina: "Look, pause it..right there. Person in the hooded jacket..."
Laurel: "How are they only there for one frame.."
Donovan: "And why is everyone else acting like they are in a musical or something?"
Laurel: "Did anyone interview them after this happened?"
Catalina: "Yeah, they said they didn't know what came over them. They don't even remember seeing anyone else walk into the place."
Laurel: "Well, Donovan did say this was unique. Let's get out of here, I wanna check the footage from one of the street cameras if we can get access to them."
Location: Upper Docks.
Larsen: "How long was she out there for?"
Viridian: "Patrol found her drifting, no clue how long it's been. She's a prison transport ship. She's got the Réunion flag flying."
Larsen: "Anyone left aboard?"
Viridian: "Apparently she was only carrying one prisoner. Crew is deceased, prisoner is currently missing. One of the lifeboats was gone."
Larsen: "An entire ship just to transport one prisoner?"
Viridian: "I got into contact with Réunion authorities. They refuse to disclose much information other than the prisoner is apparently referred to as "The Conductor".
Larsen: "The fuck kind of name is that?"
Viridian: "No idea, we don't have information in our systems and like I said, Réunion isn't really that willing to play ball."
Larsen: "Well isn't this just the cherry on top of the shit sundae.."
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drowninginredink · 6 months
If ur not up for your blog to become a discussion hub you can delete this ask but notthatalex' analogy of "but for some reason, people are really scared to roast you, excluding you entirely from that dynamic" I don't think quite makes sense. Within a friend group there Will be healthy boundaries. So therefore there should be some too when we joke to an audience. People roast and joke their friends because they know each other, have given the ok and know they dont hold ill will - if that isn't the case there's a clear problem that should be ideally addressed! Comedians like the ones in Smosh have a platform which I think is ok to demand it to be used responsibly. There's a difference in making a joke where the punchline is "get it ? it's a gay guy, that's funny on its own" and making a joke that happens to include gay guys/their experience for example. Also as much as we want them to, jokes can't exist in a political void. It's already been well documented that memes, jokes, comedy can be absolutely used as a propaganda tool and that some "jokes" are actually meant to represent the creator's political stance. A good example from not too long ago is Sacha Baron Cohen who lately appeared in the news for his Zionist beliefs, while he's built his career around making fun of "arabs" that people have been giving him the benefit of the doubt for for years saying it's "satire".
I mean my intention was never to be a discussion hub, but only because I never expected anyone to care enough about what I have to say to send me asks. So sure, let's do this!
But yeah, I would say I'm a bit more in favor of restricting comedians than Alex, but I think what you're saying is kind of misreading him. He made it pretty clear that there are good jokes and bad jokes you can make about anything. And my biggest opinion is, aside from the fact that yes, "I'm a gay guy and that's funny on its own" is problematic... It's also not funny. If you ask me, the biggest thing that makes something funny is surprise. And bigoted jokes are hacky. They're not creative. "Haha this group is bad/weird" is a thing we've all heard before. It's not unfunny when my family makes a joke about Chinese people eating dogs because it's racist, even though it very much is, it's unfunny because I've heard that joke a million times.
But I think the friendship example is actually perfect because roasting a friend requires knowledge of said friend beyond hacky stereotypes, so it's going to have to go beyond easy bigoted jokes. Again, I do agree with Alex in the sense that you can joke about anything, but you've got to do it well. And again, bigoted jokes just aren't funny. They're all overplayed. The only reason people find them funny is because they agree with them.
And yeah, it does suck to be the person in the friendgroup who feels like they're being treated with kid gloves. It's all about knowing people's lines. I know seeing the TNTL roasts of Angela made me so uncomfortable at first because I basically am Angela and the particular points they were hitting are things I'm super sensitive about. So if I were her, I would have felt like absolute shit. And then I saw her say how much that made her happy because she felt seen, and how it meant so much to her. And that's made me actually really embrace that view of it and encourage my friends to roast me like that. Because you know what? This is who I am, and I do want you all to see me in my cringe glory. Because being cringe is a good thing. So like, to me, that's what Alex is saying. You've got to know the lines, but imagine how it'd look if they never went after Angela.
Also I don't exactly keep up with Cohen, but I have seen... Whatever the name of that movie was over my brother's shoulder and needless to say, it was a yikes and I don't know how we let anyone who made it say he was at all progressive. I mean, to be fair, of course it was a yikes. If my dad likes a thing, that's always a red flag.
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hyenadon · 11 months
woke up at 2:30 yday sent an email to my managers wish I could fall back asleep but i'm thinking abt a few things
1) my mom (not my biomom, my real mom) realized she might be autistic and i'm like. yeah. yes. we've been telling you. Babe. No shit. I've known you since I was like 13 or 14 and you've been so deeply autistic that whole time. Babes. Hon. Being super good at masking doesn't make you not autistic. You're just good at masking. MOM YOU ARE SO AUTISTIC. MOM. YOU CRY AT NOISES. MOM. MOM. MUMMA. YOU ARE SO INCREDIBLY AUTISTIC. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MUMMA GIRAFFE. YOU ARE AUTISTIC. YA DUMMY. I LOVE YOU.
2) people tend to not believe me when I say I might be autistic or have adhd but I really have been doing the research. I've done my raads-r, ive done my cat-q. I've also talked to multiple liscened therapists and theyve said like "hmnnnn sounds like adhd or autism" And along with that it seems that I have a *lot* of the comorbidities that show up with autism. I have tummy issues, I have recently discovered that I have FUCKING GOD DAMN SEIZURES, maybe epilepsy, And my mom, who is a literal goddamn autism researcher, said "yeah that happens a lot with autism". And my biological parents have heard me describe how I feel about like, eye contact, and communication, and always feeling like i'm not communicating Good Enough, and my BIOLOGICAL PARENTS. the worst people on the earth. The folks that don't *listen* at all. Even they have said "are you sure you aren't autistic?" like. if even THEY can notice that I might be autistic, I feel like that's enough.
i'm tired of talking about how autistic I am but just like a reminder about how I genuinely might have epilepsy- in the past month both times i've felt this weird have been right when theres been a thunderstorm or a tornado and everyone I know who has migraines or seizures tells me that thunderstorms are a huge affector.
also I think i'm having super quick hallucinations. They are very easy to dismiss and toss away as not-real, but like. god I need to get to a doctor as soon as possible. i am seizing. i'm puking so hard my nose starts bleeding. i'm motherfucking hallucinating. thats not okay. (at least the hallucinations aren't super scary. Last one, a few minutes ago, was a gianr tarantula crawling across my windowsill, and I stared at it and thought to myself "that is not real".) but heres the thing. It's still scary even though I know its not real. it's scary *because* its not real.
and my dog can smell it too, i'm pretty sure. No, i'm very sure. Koda has done this a few times before, she starts chewing on my hands, nosing at my face, nipping at me, whining, yelping. And it's only been in the summer, during a storm, during a time of stress. All of the symptoms are there and Koda knows them.
it just uhm. fucking blows. bc Im p sure i fit every diagnostic criteria for epilepsy and then most criteria for autism or adhd. i can deal w the autism or adhd but the epilepsy....i feel so sick lately and I keep snapping in and out of concuousness wnd falling asleep in the middle of sentences its not ok i need to se doctor so soon anywau goodnnitut
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