#like obviously it's part of evillious as a whole
Hi so is it okay to read novels and start from lust arc, then gluttony arc ect. Instead of reading pride arc novels first? Because my friend wants to read the novels but the time line is confusing for her and I know know in which order I should tell her to read the novels because I don't want her to get even more confused than she already is.
It's "okay" in the sense that this is a fictional series meant to be enjoyed casually and no one should be shamed about their choices regarding how they consume it (even if I do think it leads to a lesser reading experience), but if your intention is specifically to make the series less confusing then I personally think you're going about it the wrong way.
Issues with the timeline aside, Evillious as a series has a lot of concepts and worldbuilding to learn. Who certain characters are, how magic works, how demons work, the nature of the world, its countries, etc. The Daughter of Evil series (the Pride novels) introduces these concepts gradually. The plot of Cloture of Yellow can be easily described as "Fantasy French Revolution with some magic elements on the side"; the demons are barely even mentioned in them. It's mostly a political and character drama. Wiegenlied of Green, being an alternate perspective of Cloture, is able to explore more of the worldbuilding and fantasy concepts while still having the familiar setting and characters (and mostly being a romance, besides). Praeludium and Praefacio are then able to take the same setting and characters in a new direction that introduces yet more mechanics and character development for the bigger players in Evillious overall (like Elluka and Irina, the demons, etc).
The Lust novel then assumes you are already familiar with these concepts and just drops you immediately into how HER works, demonic contracts, etc.
To put it another way--the Pride novels prime you for the rest of Evillious. You build upon the foundation of your knowledge as you go. Like, I'm not going to judge someone who skips them because they find them boring or just aren't interested but I personally don't find "this book is a prequel to X" to be so difficult a concept that it's worth going out of order.
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picturejasper20 · 3 months
I found a pretty good character analysis of Vlad's character on Danny Phantom subreddit from user RagnarDethkokk that summarizes his character pretty well and it mostly gets well the point of his tragedy as a villain in the show. (It is from around three years ago)
¨When I watched the show as a teenager back in the day, I didn't look too far past the cartoonishly evil figure that is Vlad in the show. But with the benefit of time, there's a lot I picked up on that I wasn't seeing before. Though Vlad is obsessed with Maddie, along with gaining power and control, at his core it seems what he really wants to be loved and to have a family. Throughout most of the show he shows this by wanting to adopt Danny as a surrogate son so he can teach him and shows genuine happiness the few times Danny pretends to accept him. Also with his surprisingly touching relationship with his cat Maddie. He primarily used his powers evilly, for selfish gain, but the strange thing is he really didn't need to (at least, not past maybe gaining some seed money for his own company.) Based on his lab, ghost portal, cloning experiments, and the equipment he provided to both Valerie and later the Masters' Blasters, he's clearly a genius and a highly competent inventor and engineer. When you take away the ghost powers, he's basically a more suave version of Elon Musk who really likes the Packers. He blames Jack for the accident that caused his powers, when he really should have been thanking him (something he finally does acknowledge in "Phantom Planet.") Obviously, it has more to do with the fact that Jack ended up with Maddie, whom Vlad deluded himself into thinking he had ever had a chance with, ghost accident or not. Thing is, I know what it's like to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back (sadly most of us do.) It really does poison you and the way you treat people (especially the one who "stole" them from you) but ultimately it's on you to move on and recognize that you have to look for happiness elsewhere. Therein lies the true tragedy. If he could have found it in himself to let go of the woman who didn't love him back, he would have had an amazing and fulfilling life. He's a silver fox billionaire, it's not like his dating prospects would have been lacking. He could have easily had a family and children of his own, if he so wanted. More to the point, he also would have been a welcome and happy part of the Fenton family as well. All Vlad ever had to do was be the guy Jack Fenton believed he was (right up until the final act of "Phantom Planet" anyway,) and he would have been so happy. He'd have had two best friends, and visits from "Uncle Vlad" would have been relished by both Jazz and Danny. He could have provided mentoring and positive role-modeling to both of them, for Jazz's school/career ambitions and Danny's superhero life. And he even acknowledges all of this (not in so many words) in "The Ultimate Enemy", where it's shown that both by losing his ghost powers (although personally I really think it was less about simply not having them and more about not using them to be a selfish asshole) and caring for a Danny who came to him willingly, Vlad realizes his mistake. I think this proves that the spark of "Vladdy", the guy who Jack Fenton thought the world of and would do almost anything for at the drop of a hat, was still buried deep in there the whole time. Side Note: Someday, I would love to see these characters revisited in a live-action adaptation, but with more adult tones. And if they did that, I personally, would prefer a genuine arc for Vlad that shows him coming to his senses and becoming a valuable and beloved member of the family rather than his megalomania and cheesy villainhood ultimately resulting in him ending up alone and adrift in space, hated by everyone on Earth including the people he cares about the most. It's a fitting ending for a tragic figure, but I think in general it'd be interesting to see a version of the show where all of the recurring ghost figures are less 1-dimensional generic evil props and more complex characters, with the chance to dive into their backstories and either eventually find a way they can co-exist with humans or be helped to move on intead of just repeatedly "getting banished to the ghost zone until next time, DANNY PHANTOM!" ¨
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hampink · 8 months
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Kingohger G Rosso Show #3 Summary (1/2/24 & 1/3/24)
i went to see the g rosso show with @valentinezlove! recap/summary on the whole show + my thoughts below~ ❤️🤍 (warning: spoilers, really long)
SPOILERS AHEAD for basically the whole plot of the g rosso show (though i left some stuff out) i believe this show is going to be livestreamed at some point so pls be aware if you're going to watch that and don't wanna be spoiled!
also, despite seeing this show TWICE i am so bad at remembering things and get distracted way too easily. i left out details and scenes im not confident in my memory abt😭 also this recap is a personal account so its probably jeramie heavy and there Will be giramie ramblings from my annoying ass
the show starts with kamejim scheming evilly, as kamejim does. he calls forth grodie (!) to do his thing, and he appears as a recording on the big screen. grodie begrudgingly brings some dead sanagims back to life and he's like “ok go crazy/好きにして” and then kamejim orders them to go forth and destroy humanity/the whole planet. the sanagim are about to attack the audience on the front row when suddenly we hear giras WAHAHAHA and the five kings, gira, himeno, yanma, rita and kaguragi descend onto the stage!!
cue really epic fight
at this point i was like ah i see i guess jeramies coming in the middle of the show… but then NUH UH. SUDDENLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES A SPIDER DROPS DOWN FROM THE CEILING ON HIS WEB IN THE AUDIENCE!!
the first time we saw the show on the yan/hime/gira day, our seats were a bit further back so when jeramie came down it was in a perfectly clear view in front of us!!! i SRSLY GOT JUMPSCARED I THOUGHT I HAD A HEART ATTACKK on the 3rd we were sitting really close to the front so i kept looking behind us in anticipation when i knew jeramie was going to make his appearance eheehe..
also when jeramie appeared he said “otto! dont forget about me!” and gira was the first to go “jeramie! you came!” 🥺
anyway they finish beating up the zombie sanagims and kamejims all like fufufufu i am cooking up an evil evil plan to destroy this planet Best Beware u silly kings and then disappears
after the fight the kings convene and discuss what they should do abt kamejim and the new super villain threat that is the galactinsect king and the jesters. but how could they ever beat them? what power is possibly strong enough?? wherever will we find a source of such power?
suddenly kaguragi goes aha! and he begins to recount to everyone an old myth he’s heard about a village back in toufu
apparently theres a 2000 yr old legend that a comet once fell near a village and it left behind an object the village ppl called the "star drop" (星の雫), which looks like a magical orb
the village ppl have kept the star drop for generations and legend has it that the orb has mysterious powers to grant anyone a wish, perhaps we can use it to defeat kamejim
upon hearing the wish part the kings all go WHAT!! and lean in with interest except gira who doesnt react and just kinda stands there (he doesnt seem that interested …?)
the spotlight goes onto yanma and we hear him monologuing abt how he wants to use the wish to make his super computer (i think its hilarious he never gives up on this)
the spotlights goes on himeno and she says she wants a cure all that can cure any wound (🥺)
the spotlights on rita and they wish for a super deluxe limited edition something something moffun 
the spotlights on jeramie and he says, in a very dramatic voice, この2000年生きる語り部が知らない伝説なんて、気に入らない、気に入らないぞ!💀 (a myth that I, this 2000 yr old storyteller has never heard of? i don't like that!)
we dont get to see what gira thinks regarding his wish 0_0 and technically jeramie too bc THAT WASNT A WISH KHGDDDH and also kaguragi because obviously we can never look into his mind hes sussy! (more on dat later tho….)
unbeknownst to the kings, kamejim was hiding and listening in to their conversation the whole time. an orb that can grant any wish…? interesting…
cut to the team arriving at the secluded, very hidden away village. its full of old looking tombs and temples overgrown with vines and such
suddenly from the audience a bunch of people come in parading one of those long dragon puppets and doing a festival-like chant. apparently this dragon is a symbol of the village spirit/guardian born from the comet myth. i think???? i cant remember this part really well because Both times i saw the show i was ALWAYS distracted by gira playing with the dragon really cutely in the background (he’d ruffle its hair or pat its head and the actor would hit gira on his head not to touch it and he would bow in apology😭 🙏)
also upon arriving the village jeramie says "in all my 2000 yrs of living, even i never knew about this place" (i love how they bring up his thousands of years wandering as a cryptid and how much he loves chikyuu and knows it so well,,)
they meet the village elder, whom kaguragi greets but instead of welcoming his king the elder yells at all of them to go home, you shouldnt be here and theres no such thing as the star drop here!! leave us be!! the myth that theres a power that grants wishes here is just that, a myth!
and the teams like zamnnn so we went all the way out here for nothing…? yanmas like kaguragi im gonna beat the shit out of u and in the end everyones like Welp i guess we should go home and everyone except jera start to exit the stage. gira is like wait guys are u sure!?! and watches them go off one by one. in the end jeramies like come on now and either drags gira away or on the show i saw on jan 2nd he casually gently pushes gira on the chest (?) WOULD BE BETTER IF I DREW IT TO EXPLAIN BUT IT WAS CUTE😭)
and then jeramie leaves the stage too but then a few seconds later he walks backward and reappears from the curtain and goes な~んてね (just kidding/as if)
he says “honestly, those kings really cant read between the lines huh? this village is obviously hiding something they dont want us to know”
and so jeramie alone walks in the other direction and leaves to the right of the stage
~the middle of the night~
the village elder is sneaking about, two other village men join him, theyre all whispering very discreetly
the elder is like “are they gone yet?”
“sir yessir theyve gone.”
elder says smth like “good! we cant let any of them get their hands on the village treasure that weve guarded for generations''
the elder decides to go to the tomb to ensure the star drop is safe
cut to jeramie sneaking around trying to find where theyre keeping this dang orb. while he’s looking for it he suddenly hears footsteps, turns out its yanma and himeno who ALSO came back to sneakily look for the orb themselves , jeramies like oh crap seems like theyve caught on as well, he goes to hide behind a platform and this part is absolutely ridiculous like whats wronggg w him tbh
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like at first when jeramie goes to hide he lies on his side and had his whole one leg up before belatedly putting it down. yanma and himeno are fighting above him and each time they get closer jeramie would flinch dramatically and at some point hes just striking different poses 😭😭😭 also the one i saw on january 3rd when yanma and himeno get way too close to jeramie, yanmas actor accidentally hits jeramie with his sword probably bc he didnt know what improvised pose he’d be in lol…
we cut back to the elder at the tomb, he says some spell in an unknown language and the tomb opens up and reveals the orb (sitting on a pedestal) he goes to take it but doesnt realize that rita was standing there the whole time
the elders like “what are u doing here!!” rita says something abt how they can tell when ppl are guilty of hiding something/lying 👁👁
then suddenly gira waltzes in and is all like “wooow the stars are so pretty…. wait rita? and elder? hi!! man the stars are just so pretty out here i that i got lost wandering around, can u show me the way back? wait a minute whats that youre holding? :0” (note: GIRA WHO LOVES STARGAZING REALLLL)
ritas like anyway whatever give me that orb, and lunges at the elder to grab it
at this point himeno and yanma arrive to the scene and himenos like that orb is MINE!! and they all fight over it 
rita ends up getting it and IMMEDIATELY they wish for “moffuns warmth” and then moffun actually appears fr on stage 😭😭 while rita is busy going crazy over moffun and hugging it the elder chants another incantation which appears to have reversed the wish and moffun goes away.  yanma gets a hold of the orb next but right at that moment jeramie swings by on a cord and snatches it from him!! 
jeramie lands on the ground, orb in hand all pleased with himself but then.. someone sneaks up from the shadows behind him and its kaguragi!!! and he has his sword to jeramies neck while hes backed against a wall and jeramie goes otto~ (it was sexy as hell tbh)
so kaguragi has the orb now and hes like “so it seems the myth is true. thank you everyone for confirming this for me”
everyones like kaguragi... could it be…? u were just using us to get the star drop yourself this whole time!!!??
and kaguragis like maa maa dont worry abt it (FORGETTING A LOT OF DETAILS HERE but something abt how if a village in his country has been keeping an object so powerful it only makes sense it should be in his hands or something , maybe?)
but anyway no one wins this round because THEN suddenly kamejim appears and takes the hot potato orb from kaguragi 
and hes like ufufufu and then uses the star drop to make his super evil plan to destroy the planet come true, and when he says his wish suddenly the orb starts going crazy with an immense dark force , its glowing purple and its all crackly like a thunderstorm is inside it, the ground shakes and everything around them starts falling apart
the elders like nooooo and tries to take the orb back but kamejim flings him away and the elder is knocked unconscious
in the end, gira manages to get a hold of the star drop but he struggles to keep it still in his hands bc of the wild dark energy, gira tries to repeat the incantation he heard the elder say earlier but it isnt working, then gira is like “i have no other choice!” and it looks like gira holds the orb close to his chest and the stage goes dark as he screams and then a few moments later he reemerges as…… ~Dark Gira~ 
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Gira is silent for a moment but then he growls in a rlly low voice “i am the tyrant king… and i will destroy this planet!”  and starts blindly attacking everyone
evil gira doesnt do the classic evil laugh at all… hes eerily silent and mostly growls and groans a lot. he moves creepily like hes possessed, sometimes he crouches rlly low as if hes on all fours like a wild beast, he pounces on kaguragi and pins him to the ground like a predator 😱 (it was scarYyyy). his evil voice is also super super deep (huge win for the actual!evil tyrant gira enthusiasts…)
everyones like gira whats wrong with you!! gira snap out of it!! dont you recognize us?!?! but it seems gira has completely taken in the dark energy of the orb into himself
giras so powerful in this state that he defeats all the other kings. jeramie was the last to try and fight gira and smth ppl pointed out that Indeed i noticed was true on my rewatch is that evil gira mercilessly went for jeramies bugnarak arm 😭(AAAA)
in the end everyone can only lay defeated on the ground. jeramies dramatic ass says “ah, is this how the story ends? what a tragedy..” 
the curtain slowly closes on evil gira standing alone center stage as he once again yells “i will destroy this world…!”
later, kaguragi, yanma, and rita gather together to reassess their plan. himeno joins in late, she just got done treating the elders wounds. he should be fine, and jeramie is looking after him now.
(note: i was internally screaming at this. ever since ep 42 when himeno was taking a look at injured racles and went “jeramie” and jeramie immediately knew to Web up his wounds i was like oh… theyve done this before. himeno and jeramie have been spending time tgt treating ppl/himeno has been teaching jeramie things and vice versa OOUGH MY BELOVED HIMENO AND JERAMIE FRIENDSHIP. JERAMIE NURSE IN TRAINING REAL) (also fuel for my 1677282 different headcanons regarding jeramie and how he deals with his own injuries... himeno getting mad at this 2000 yr old spider w 2000 yr old habits and teaching him how to take care of himself..)
rita is like no wonder the village ppl guarded the star drop so fiercely… 
its a great, dangerous power that no one person should wield..
ah… so the myth is actually a burden/responsibility kaguragi let his ppl carry for 2000 yrs…. kaguragi wanted to help his own ppl, not selfishly use the wish for himself..
yanma deduces that the orb takes on the intense feelings of whoever makes a wish, and to cancel out the dark energy in gira right now, they need a feeling thats more powerful than That
but what?? from where and how?? 
then suddenly, evil gira reappears, still possessed by the dark energy
himenos like i know!! surely his feelings for us kings/our memories together as his friends are stronger!!
(the kings look at the audience)
OF COURSE!! we’ll use the power of everyones emotions here!! everyone, lend us your help, at the count of three, everybody shout gira’s name!!
whenever the audience shouted giraaaa, he gets hit with a sparkly effect, its working!! yanma goes hypeman cheerleader mode and is like CMON IS THAT ALL YOUVE GOT!! SAY IT LOUDERR
and we shout gira a couple times and finally we shout the incantation (it was rlly cute and sweet sobs)
a transition, gira is back to normal. the orb is also back in one piece
jeramie conveniently comes in after the whole thing all “ah, is gira back to normal already?” 💀💀 tuxedo man meme ass…
anyway now that they have the star drop again hot potato is BACK on and they fight kamejim for it one final time.
gira chases after kamejim and theres a funny bit during the chase where kamejim goes into the audience and gives the orb to one of the audience members and hes like “that persons holding it” and giras like oh sorry excuse me! could u please give me that orb? KHAHSHSJSN
then FINALLY once they got the orb back, they manage to actually destroy it for real so that smth like this never happens again. and thus the kings save the village from ruin! the elder is thankful to kaguragi and the others for saving them but ah… now this village no longer has a legend of its own. but then jeramie says “but we have rewritten it by creating a new legend! the story of the six heroes who saved this village!” our 思い (feelings) will be a new legend~
jeramie has this long winded ass curtain closing speech, going on abt probably the power of friendship and 思い and stories that we have to 心に刻まないとね♡ (carve it into our hearts) . i didnt see it on the show i saw but yes, this is where the infamous giramie hug happened :') the one i saw on the 2nd, jeramie said this while putting his hand on giras shoulder and leaning into him, on the 3rd he put a hand to his heart and looked into giras eyes…or visor. he titled his head all cutely and shit too ARGGGHH
and of course jeramie finishes the entire show by going …とさっ♡ (or so the story goes) and since gira and jeramie are standing next to each other center stage the curtain frames the both of them right before the show ends... aaa...
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G ROSSO WAS SO GOOD AND FUN AND CUTE, HIGHLY RECOMMEND! if you can, def tune into the livestream theyre doing at some point which is gonna feature the non suit actors in the show!!!
thanks again @valentinezlove for going to see both days w me~ because these days had the special stage greeting from the actors (and thats a WHOLE NOTHER THING IVE MADE SEPARATE POSTS ABOUT), there was no after show handshake with the suit actors but i still got to shake kuwagata-ohgers hand walking into the venue ;7; i will never emotionally recover...
(also i pulled jeramies trading card twice thank you shugods for looking out for me ahsjkd!!!)
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daydreamer3469 · 4 months
Levi x Fem!Reader
Summary - Levi is gone, what shall you do??
Content Warning! - Illness, Prostitution, Throwing up, Perverts, Blood,
Authors note! - I wanted to write a little story so my blog didn't look so empty, you know? Anyway, this is my first post, and this will NOT have a part two because it sucks! + Found the art on pinterest, I'm not sure who the artist is sadly. (I started writing this a whole year ago, I finally got back on Tumblr to finish it, but not really.)
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You had no idea what to do, and you were doing worse than ever. You weren't physically fit, and you certainly weren't cut out for stealing. It's not like you knew how to do it in the first place. Levi never taught you anything.
You sat in an empty, but spotless, house. You were in the habit of cleaning; it was practically rent when you lived with Levi. So, at least you had the cleanest house in the underground!
Oh how you miss him...
You obviously missed Farlan and Isable, but Levi was special. You knew him for a longer time, and he saved you. He even kept saving you, providing you with food and care, but not for free. You knew a great deal about medications and illnesses.
Your mother was a doctor, a good one at that!
Though, she was at the brothel when she wasn't treating patients. She met Levi's mother there. They worked together and were good friends. Your mother took you to her work since she couldn't leave you at home all alone. Fortunately for you, you didn't have to witness any of the dirty work; you just had to hear it.
Levi was ill and pale at the time, while you just appeared only slightly better. When your mother worked, you were in a small practically empty room with one bed; you had always assumed it was an extra room they very rarely used.
But you and him always sat in that room, on that bed. In almost complete silence, just the occasional sounds of the ladies working.
You were both just too shy to start a conversation but the company was nice. Though to you, it felt like you silently knew each other.
So when Levi's mother became ill, your mother was quick to offer aid. She visited the Ackerman's house frequently, bringing medication and other supplies to try get rid of what was slowly killing her friend. She took you there with her, not that you mined. You enjoyed getting to see your mother at work. You wanted to be like her, so you observed and watched.
As a result, you got to see Levi more. He didn't go to the brothel every day as you did, only on occasion. So it was nice to see your silent companion more often. It was also adorable to witness him do his best to assist his mother.
He was definitely a mama's boy.
But sadly, your mothers care wasn't enough, Levis mother came to realize she was wasnt going to make it. She asked that your mom stop coming to her house and wasting her medication on a lost cause.
No one even knew what illness she had.
Your mother grieved for a short while, but she had to keep going.
You didn’t see Levi for a while, it made you sad but you had hoped he was doing alright.
After a while your mother was killed while in cross fire from a few gangs fighting. It devastated you. You were now all alone, in the poverty stricken streets of the underground. The only thing you had going for you was your knowledge on medicine.
One day you were in some alleyways looking for scraps of food, anything was everything to you at that moment. You were in your early teens and vulnerable.
“Hey pretty thing, what are you doing here digging through garbage, don’t you think you’re to cute for that?” Your eyes widened and you quickly turned your head to the sound. Unfortunately for you 2 older guys were standing in the alley way, looking at you like you were prey.
You gulped and stepped back, getting ready to run. Only for your back to hit a wall.
You were cornered.
“I-I… leave me alone!” Your eyes were wide with fear, you didn’t know what to do, or what to say.
“I like them scared!” One smirked evilly while walking towards you. As they got closer the more you lost hope. You could’ve done something, fight, or at the very least try to run. But you were too scared, every bone in your body was frozen, you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even fight, you were so sickly and malnourished, you were practically skin and bones.
You closed your eyes as they got closer, trembling. You waited for something to happen. Getting grabbed or even stabbed, you didn’t know. But you waited.
Though, it never came.
You heard a noise but didn’t dare open your eyes. Until it stopped, you were breathing heavy but you could still hear footsteps getting close you. You peeked a eye open and gasped slightly when you saw a familiar face.
“L-Levi?!” Your eyes widen in shock, you couldn’t believe it. You thought you would never see him again. “Are you okay?” He looked concerned while scanning your body, a faint look of relief washed over him.
He looked better than the last time you saw him. His face was healthy and his body too. Unlike you.
You blush from embarrassment, he’s doing so much better than you were. “Yah I’m okay…” you look up at him again, he was cleaning the blood off his knife. But the most noticeable thing was the cut on his arm. Your eyes widen again.
“Your arm!” You rushed over to him and looked at his arm closer. You didn’t care about the situation anymore, you just wanted to treat the wound. “Oh it’s fine, nothing deadly.” He spoke while eyeing the wound.
"Kenny will be pissed though…" He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "It might get infected! Then you'll have to amputate it… or even... you'll get sick and die!" You rattle on about the various possibilities.
While you were talking, you missed the expression of fawness in his eyes, or was it familiarity? Whatever it is it helped him relax, now letting you hold his arm to examine it.
After a little pause, you elevate his arm above his heart and instruct him to keep it there. He looks at you puzzled, but he does what he is told. "We need to stop the bleeding, uhhhhh… um this could work!" You lean down and begin ripping the bottom of your tattered dress.
You begin wrapping it around the wound and tying it tightly. "That should be good until you get some water to clean it with.." You take a step back and sigh confidently at your work. He glances at you, baffled, then at the makeshift bandage.
"You didn't have to do that, it would have been fine…" he mumbles and lowers his arm. "Keep it up! It slows the bleeding!" You scold him but start coughing. You clear your throat and resume speaking more gently. "It's not that deep so no dangerous blood loss should happen." You smile gently and look him in the eyes. "Thank you for saving me Levi, I'm forever in your dept." 
He looks at you for a moment; no one in the underground was this nice and kind. In his perspective, you were oddly nice to him.
"I-It was nothing… no need to praise me." He mumbled and glanced down to the ground. It felt awkward since you didn't know what to say. "Well, I'm glad to see you're all right. After… you know… I was always worried about how you were doing." You blushed because this was the most you'd ever said to him. You were quite shy.
He didn't say anything and just stared at you. You assumed that making small chat irritated him. "I'll stop bothering you now," you said as you began to move around him, smiling. He just stood there watching you walk out of the alleyway.
"Hey," he spoke suddenly, making you turn towards him. "I want you to meet Kenny..."
That's how you officially met; he practically took you under his wing, if that's how you want to put it. He looked after you, fed you, and even comforted you when you had nightmares. Even when Kenny left, he made sure you could eat.
Through the years Levi managed to start a gang. It was small but the people were trust worthy and good at what they did. You were only really close to Farlan and Isabel other than Levi though. All the other members treated you well and with respect they sometimes even saw you like a little sister.
Farlan was like a sweet big brother, Isabel was like a sister you could gossip to. You’d stay up at night just talking about things like what you’d do if you were above ground, or how the boys (Farlan and Levi) were so annoying sometimes, but most importantly you talked about boys~ she even knew about your little crush on Levi, she wouldn’t stop teasing you ever moment she got.
Which is why it was so devastating when they went missing. The remaining gang searched for them for a while, not allowing you to go with them though, no matter how much you protested.
After a month of looking, all hope was lost. Some of the gang stopped looking and tried to get back into the swing of things without their boss. Some even kept looking, for your sake.
But no matter how long it takes or how dark the path may become, you will never lose hope in finding Levi, Farlan, and Isabelle. You refuse to believe that they're truly gone, clinging to the memories of your nights spent whispering dreams and secrets. Every day you search for clues, driven by the love and camaraderie you shared. The streets you walk, the shadows you pass—they all hold the promise of reunion. One day, you will see their faces again, hear their laughter, and feel their presence beside you. Until then, hope will be your guiding light, unwavering and steadfast, leading you back to your family.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
aita for maybe kinda sort of causing the apocalypse??
ok so its a really long story but basically this summer i (12f until a couple days ago) and my brother (12m until a couple days ago) went to stay with our grunkle for the summer and it was really fun!! i got to make all kinds of new friends and help my brother hunt monsters and i loved staying there!! but then summer was ending and we had to leave and my friends werent going to be able to go to our birthday party and i also found out high school was maybe going to be really bad?? and then WORST of all my brother wasnt even going to be coming home with me!! he wanted to stay there and take on some apprenticeship with our other grunkle (he was kind of in some weird nightmare dimension for most of the summer?? so we didnt get to meet him through most of it but it turns out he wrote this book my brother really likes) so id have to go home all alone and i basically was going to lose everything
and the problem was that the end of summer also seemed really bad for everyone?? our grunkle was going to get kicked out of the house slash gift shop and the gift shop was gonna close AND my one friend had to go to music camp and it sounded like she really didnt wanna go to music camp and my other friend had to go on some trip with her boyfriend but it also seemed like she didnt wanna do that?? and my brother would probably miss me too if he only got to see me every summer, right?? so obviously we just needed more summer!!
and i didnt really know how to do that but when i heard that my brother wasnt going home with me i ran off into the woods because i needed a moment and i maybe kinda accidentally grabbed his bag instead of mine because they looked similar but i probably could have looked closer or not run off in the first place. and while i was there this guy came up to me and said he could help!! and i thought he was this time traveler guy we met a while ago who kinda wanted us both dead for a while because we maybe sort of ruined his life over some petty argument but its okay because we got him out of time jail AND got his job back AND gave him pretty hair!! so i thought it wasnt that weird that he was offering to help because he doesnt hate us anymore right??
so he asked for this weird nerdy thing and by then i realized i had my brothers bag and my brother loves weird nerdy things so he might have had it! and i didnt know what the weird nerdy thing did but i should have not given it to the guy because it wasnt even mine to begin with and that was stupid but i did give it to him because he promised more summer and more summer would have fixed everyones problems!!
but when i gave it to him he immediately threw it on the ground and smashed it which okay maybe thats just part of the process but he was also laughing really evilly and then also revealed that he was actually this demon guy we knew who was trying to end the world and that the thing i gave him was the thing stopping the world from ending?? and since i gave it to him the apocalypse was my fault right? like it wouldnt have happened if i was just reasonable about the whole thing or if i just didnt give him my brothers weird nerdy thing so the whole things basically my fault
we did stop the whole thing but really by we i mostly mean our grunkles because they tricked the demon guy into going into one of their heads but not the one he wanted to go into and then our other grunkle made our first grunkle forget everything and it was really sad but the apocalypse ended AND we got our grunkle to remember everything so its all okay now!! and our birthday party went well and my friends were able to make it and my brother decided to go back home with me so everything should be fine right??
but i still feel really bad about it because i like. basically caused the apocalypse just to get my own stupid way and i could have not done that and the whole thing is my fault and people could have DIED just because i couldnt accept that people might not want to do everything with me so im ta right???
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renthony · 2 years
i want to chime in as another person- my mind was changed on NPD years ago but it was only because of like, real human people talking about their actual experiences that helped me realize it was not The Evil Disorder (TM) in the same way that I realized ASPD wasn't THe Evil Disorder (TM). I guess I was maybe more likely to realize something was up because i also hit a bunch of the diagnostic criteria for it but like, when literally all you hear is "narcissist just means someone is a self centered asshole" it's hard to realize that that's not actually what it is at all.
and they for real taught us that shit in school. we had a whole discussion about the myth of narcissus and how obviously that hurt ~everyone else~ more than narcissus, even though he literally starved to death and turned into a flower. it took me until i was like 17 and someone else went "hey thats kind of fucked up" before i was like oh yeah. that was probably not something he did for fun huh
idk where i'm going with this but i respect the hell out of you being willing to brave the internet goblins and be like "stop being an asshole about ppl with npd" because its gotta hurt way more when people are being an asshole about something you actually got. i made like one or two posts ages ago about the "narc abuse" ableist bullshit and i remember it being enough of a headache even when it completely and totally was not personal for me bc i do not have it
oh uh idk im sure you know this but for the people in the back sitting around, aspd is antisocial personality disorder and people with aspd are also not evil malicious serial killers in waiting or whatever the ~common interpretation~ is and people with aspd are just as capable of being good friends and normal ass people who don't run around cackling evilly or whatever and kicking puppies, just like anyone else. but buying into ableist mythology about people's diagnoses is absolutely going to cut you off from other regular people who are just living their lives and is also associated with higher rates of violence against other people :,) bigots kill
To be honest, a large chunk of the reason I get so vocal about NPD is because of how bad the ableism has wormed its way into my head. It's pretty much a daily occurrence that my housemates have to remind me that asking for help isn't manipulative and that I'm not being an evil little monster just for needing reassurance. Anti-cluster-B ableism curls up in your head and feeds on all your insecurities and struggles and it's so, so goddamn hard to deal with.
I can't ask for help getting out of bed on high pain days without getting paranoid that I've somehow manipulated my husband into being my reluctant servant. Doesn't matter how many times he reminds me that he's here because he loves me, and how helping me out of bed is an expression of that love. The internalized ableism still makes me so deeply fucking afraid that I'm the shitty one.
I have a daffodil tattooed on my head as part of my big floral scalp piece, and it's for Narcissus. Ovid's version of the story is the one that's always stuck with me the most, where Narcissus is tricked into his downfall by Nemesis. His worst crimes were "rejecting proposals from people who felt entitled to his body" and "being kind of an asshole, which is something that literally everyone is guilty of at times."
In the end, Narcissus didn't waste away because he was too self-absorbed for anything else, it happened because he was treated with trickery instead of compassion.
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stunfiskz · 1 year
how do you think Jevil and Rouxls would interact. Like I imagine that Jevil would annoy Rouxls to the point of screaming for the fun of it and Rouxls would CONSTANTLY be sick of his shit
i need you to know that opening this ask made me grin evilly like that one gif of the grinch. i have SO many thoughts about them but haven’t posted about before because it solely exists within my head so thank you for enabling me to ramble about this.
first off, whenever i think of these two’s dynamic pre-jevil-goes-fuckin-coconuts i think of this image. 
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also just for a small bit of context/rambling, i feel like rouxls was probably still a young low ranking servant at the point they knew each other. there’s a piece of dialogue he has at some point about feeding lancer, “is this what it means to be high ranking?”, which makes me think he was NOT in a high position of power at ALL before he was given the role of duke of puzzles. and i really don’t think he’d had that role for that long, considering the roles were switched around by king after he’d imprisoned the other 3 kings, an action that he did because of the knight’s influence. so yeah. however long it’s been since the knight opened that fountain, likely (which can’t be THAT long. i’m willing to say like a few years at the longest.). but obviously jevil was the court jester at the time, as well.
but, yeah. i definitely think jevil would annoy the HELL out of rouxls. despite that, i think rouxls would still be happy around him, to have that attention… i don’t think he’s ever really been the type of person to have a lot of friends. or friends. he gets on peoples nerves a lot. so even if jevil annoys the shit out of him he’s happy to have him around because he’s someone who does actually like being around him.
jevil would absolutely play pranks on rouxls constantly. i think he’d first started mostly because he thinks it’s funny when rouxls gets mad (which to be fair it kinda is, considering he can’t ever really look that upset with his whole permanent grin situation), but then grew to also just think it’s fun to be around him. but god yeah. dropping dark pennies down his throat while he sleeps. doing that one nutella kitchen tiktok thing. putting ketchup in his shampoo that ends up dying his hair pink for like a month. rouxls does not have a moment of peace when he’s around jevil.
i also feel like they’d probably feel at least a bit connected by the whole “regularly discarded from the deck” thing. of course, i could also see rouxls getting jealous over that, since jevil at least sometimes gets to be a part of the game, while he’s literally useless.
okay, and so this is another oddly specific headcanon, but i imagine that jevil’s actually really good at math- probably the fact that he introduces his fight as a “numbers game”. and i imagine that rouxls fucking SUCKS at math. i think that that’s maybe part of the reason he sucks at making puzzles, since making & solving them generally requires some level of mathematical thinking. regardless i can absolutely imagine some sort of scenario where that comes up and it’s very much the energy of “sobbing at the table while your dad is trying to help you do math homework”
but, yeah, also on the detail earlier about rouxls getting jealous and feeling completely useless… definitely think that’s like a big issue he has, whether he likes to think about it or not (he doesn’t.) i feel like a lot of his desperation to follow the orders of a ruler stems from that desire to be needed by SOMEONE. so i feel like he definitely did not take jevil’s imprisonment well. one of the only people he’d only ever felt wanted to be around him and well… 😬
well. those are my ideas for them based off of the insane little interactions inside my brain. i don’t necessarily believe this is canon at all i just think it’s fun- more of the “playing with barbie dolls” idea of engaging with them than from an actual analysis standpoint. but yeah sorry for rambling LOL just excited to share my thoughts for them since i sometimes feel kinda embarrassed posting this sort of more self indulgent stuff XD
ANYWAYS ALSO ONE MORE THING you didn’t mention them so i won’t go into it here but. seam 100% thinks it’s the funniest shit ever &  just sits back and watches the chaos unfold whenever they have to deal with these 2 at the same time
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere would be bright and happy, if not for the dark vignette effect and messy scribbles on the outer edges of the image. Gendaen's eyes are blacked out with a scribbled rectangle. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID] fanart for @mtqcomic!
I've been trying to draw something for this comic for like forever but I keep messing up TwT
This took forever to make but I'm pretty happy with it! It's not perfect but I had a lot of fun making it so I'm gonna count that as a win :D (I think Tumblr might've ate the image quality a little though...)
Here's a version without the vignette and messy scribble effects because I also really like this one!
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[Image ID: This is a tall drawing of Eth and Gendaen from the Mysta's Terrarian Quest Tumblr Webcomic. The top half of the image shows Eth sitting alone on the edge of the Fountain of Purity in the crimtained Green Citadel, his head in his hands and surrounded by glowing golden leaves. The atmosphere is dark and gloomy, and red light shines down from the top right of the image. The bottom half of the image is upside down, like a reflection of the top half. The bottom half shows Eth and Gendaen discussing one of Gendaen's blueprints on the edge of the same fountain, except the Green Citadel had not been crimtained yet. The atmosphere is bright and happy, and light yellow sunlight is shining from the bottom right of the image, where the top right would be if the image was flipped the right way up. The mountains in the background are blue and green and birds are flying in the distance. The two halves of the image are separated by a glowing white line. End ID]
Anyways here's an obligatory long post warning plus spoilers for the comic because I'm gonna go on a LOOOOOONG rant about this comic >:) *rubs hands evilly*
I've been wanting to talk about this comic for like a LONG time now but I've been saving it for when I finally posted a piece of fanart to go along with it. Now that I finished the art though, I'm free to yeet all of my brain thoughts onto a tumblr post!!!!!
Okay, first thing, LORE. LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE LORE (sorry I like lore haha)
There's so many cool things going on here! You've got the whole thing with the Crimson obviously (plus the other evils but they haven't really appeared all that much yet aside from the Corruption), but then there's also the Order-Dryad thingy and the whole thing with prophecies and Destiny and of course the whole Gendaen mystery.
Speaking of Gendaen, he's a really interesting character! He hasn't appeared all that much, but he's one of the main sources of motivation for Eth! I have a few – well, more like one big convoluted and probably incorrect one – theories on what happened to him, but I wanna talk about everything else first :)
Mysta! I like how resourceful she is, and how she uses all sorts of weapons in combat! You never know when she's going pick up a random lampost or something and bonk someone over the head with it ^^ That said, I'm really curious about the whole thing about the "powerful soul". So far Mysta has done some pretty incredible things with soul magic, and it's logical to assume that they'll get more insane later on in the comic. I wonder if it will play an important part in finding Gendaen? Since she was able to sense the "undetectable watcher" who I assume is Zaïl on page 205, there is the (although rather unlikely) possibility that one day she'll get strong enough to sense wherever the heck Gendaen went.
Also, Zaïl is cool :D They seem to be sent by Yele to keep an eye on Mysta? Most likely to update her on Mysta's progress, probably. Anyways, they're cool, I love their color scheme (and design in general), and I can't wait to see them show up again later in the comic :)
Yele! She's really cool, and her beef with the Order is very interesting to read about! Also, page 173 was hilarious lol *rainbow sparkles and confetti rain down from the sky* More on her later in my conspiracy theory hehe
Eth. Eth. This guyTM. I saved him for last because WOAH there is a lot to say about Eth (plus this is where I start talking about my conspiracy theory lol). First, epic special agent war commander guide. Amazing, 100/100 idea, I love it :D Though the comment on him being "equal parts ally and enemy" is very intriguing... According to his character sheet, he's unnervingly loyal to the Order of Learning, which is a very interesting trait to single out, as it seems like it's a core part of his character. Soooo conspiracy theory time! Finally! (I've held onto this for so long oh my goodness it's probably incorrect but it's very fun to think about >:) )
So I think the Order of Learning might be evil.
*vine boom*
Okay okay okay I'm gonna explain I promise, but like, a super-powerful government organization that also controls knowledge? That's a little suspicious not gonna lie. Very Suspicious. *amogus music plays*
Maybe it's just because the Sumeru Akademiya just happened in Genshin Impact when I made this theory (yeah I like genshin please don't judge) but I feel like I don't really trust the Order? Like it's hard to explain. So you know how so far all the lore documents are canonically stuff from the Order's archive? Well one of the most important things I learned from social studies class is how to analyze sources for reliability (teachers are you proud of me) and right now I see a bunch of different sources from ONE perspective which may very well be biased, especially after what Yele told us about the "accidental" Dryad genocide which I think might not be completely accidental? Like, how convenient is it that you just "accidentally" committed genocide on the species meant to guide the Heroes of Terraria and then just conveniently replaced them with your own Guides? Like, they didn't even apologize for it either! Something fishy is going on here cmon. Maybe they want to be able to control how the future of Terraria turns out through the Heroes? IDK just something to think about I guess.
Going off of that, it may be possible that the Crimson isn't entirely evil evil. Like obviously it's bad to humans and eating away at the purity and whatnot but so far we've met several Crimson demons and only Malvox seem to be outright malicious; the other ones feel like they're just doing their jobs (especially the Imperator guy – give xem a break XD). Nelun Soma'o even had a whole conversation with us (AND answered our questions!!!! Eth take some notes please) before he officially challenged Mysta to a duel(?) If anything, they feel kind of like half mentor half rivals testing Mysta's strength than evil world-conquering warlords. Like yknow how in Pokemon you battle with people to grow stronger? Kind of like that. An antagonist but not necessarily a villain. They're just trying to exist, yknow? I do wonder what their perspective on all of this is... what's their half of the story?
Speaking of Nelun Soma'o, that lore bomb he dropped about Gendaen is really interesting (and also what started this convoluted conspiracy theory in the first place haha). So yknow how on page 229 he said that the Crimson didn't do anything to Gendaen? Well, so far he's been pretty friendly all things considered, and we don't really have any reason to distrust him, as he pointed out. Just the fact that he's leading the Crimson, and he said that "each of us fights to help someone", which is very very interesting for someone the Order deems to be evil evil. So that got me thinking, if the Crimson wasn't involved in Gendaen's disappearance, who else could? The Corruption is nearly nonexistent, the Hallow is still sealed away, the Gloome has long since been neutralized, and it's certainly not the Dryads since they're still recovering from "accidental" genocide. Oh wait, there's a super-powerful government organization that controls all knowledge who could conveniently kidnap Gendaen and just not tell Eth about it! Oh wow! I do wonder if this means we'll have to bust Malvox out of nonexistence prison though, since it seems to be the only one that might be able to tell us what happened to Gendaen since if the Order did it they're definitely not going to help us find him. Maybe Gendaen found out some terrible secret about the Order or he was starting to doubt them so they decided to take him out of the equation. Eth is not having a good time though, someone please go and give him a hug :(
Speaking of Eth, as I said earlier, his unnerving loyalty to the Order and his idolization of them seems to be a core part of his character. If the Order is indeed evil in this hypothetical scenario, it's possible for Eth to be a mislead protagonist like Zuko from ATLA. His heart is in the right place but he's helping the wrong people kinda thing. Additionally, this might mean that we'll eventually get a separation arc where Mysta does something not in accordance with the Order's will or something, and Eth's loyalty to the Order wins against his loyalty to Mysta and he becomes an antagonist. Yele could even step in as a mentor so that Mysta gets both Order guidance and traditional Dryad guidance! And then Eth somehow finds out what happened to Gendaen (Zaïl maybe? Subterfuge and cool spy stuff), maybe we get a dramatic emotional reveal scene where he is shocked and then starts to question everything the Order has ever told him, and then he either finds some way to contact Mysta or just rescues Gendaen by himself and rejoins Mysta, now fully against the Order. Plus we can get a cool reunion scene, both with Eth and Gendaen and Eth and Mysta! Yele would definitely distrust him at first, because what if this is a ruse from the Order and Eth is like double-agent-ing or something but then she sees Gendaen and goes "oh wait he's serious about this isn't he"
I'm probably wrong about all this (it's my first time making a theory out of anything plus this is super convoluted and there's a high chance that I'm connecting dots that doesn't exist), but it's still very fun to think about! I might've missed some stuff since I've been thinking about this for a very long time so I probably forgot to add some things, but either way I'm very excited to see where the comic goes! :D
Great comic, if you haven't read it go read it, it's very very good and I like it a lot :) *insert a bunch of sparkles here*
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olddirtybadfic · 5 months
You Got Played: Bandit Keith Howard Must Die Inside (Part Five of Five)
In which I turn a Yu-Gi-Oh fic into a cheesy teen movie (that most teens wouldn't even be allowed into without a fake ID).
Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here. Part four is here.
This fic contains: Teen!me laboring under the delusion that Bandit Keith is the same age as Yugi and company; song lyrics inserted into the prose; mpreg (bonus “even pregnancy of the male variety does not work that way” content); Bandit Keith being a prick; all the characters are kind of idiots; author’s notes to give track listings; cheating; terrible OC; terrible OC slut-shames Kaiba; Noah Kaiba somehow being alive and bizarrely invested in his brother’s romantic life; Yami/Atem is corporeal for some reason; artistic liberties taken with medical technology
Meanwhile, Kyra had her own plan.
Kyra didn’t care that Keith had sex with Kaiba; hell, she had cheated a few times, too. But for Kaiba to just steal Keith from her like that—that was completely unacceptable by her standards. She wasn’t going to let any trenchcoat-wearing, Blue Eyes White Dragon-loving freak steal her man.
So that afternoon, when she spotted Kaiba walking down the street, little brother in tow, she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into an area surrounded by bushes and trees. Mokuba saw her grab Kaiba and followed them.
“What the hell?!” Kaiba exclaimed. As Kyra stopped dragging him, he tripped and ended up on the ground. Kyra looked down at him as if she was an arrogant princess and he was a lowly peasant.
‘No matter what you do, He’ll never wanna be with you. He’s into what he’s got (and that’s me), He loves me, He loves you not.’ (author's note: He Loves You Not - Dream)
Kaiba got up, brushed his clothes off, and glared at Kyra.
Kyra had heard Kaiba’s outburst about Keith cheating. She didn’t appreciate Kaiba’s attempt to get his man back.
“What is your problem?!” Kaiba shouted.
“I don’t appreciate you moving in on my man,” Kyra said, evilly, yet seductively.
“What?! He cheated on me with you!” Kaiba retorted.
Kyra shook her head. “Kaiba, you’re so wrong, you’re right. Don’t you realize that Keith never thought of you as a boyfriend? He looks at you as a whore.”
“Don’t call me a prostitute.” Kaiba’s voice got low and threatening, which would be pretty freaking scary if he snuck up on you in a dark alley. “I don’t go sleeping around with everyone and I didn’t get paid for what I did.”
“Well, I’m not gonna let a whore like you steal my boyfriend just because your damn condom popped!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, maybe you should because I had him first!” Kaiba retorted.
“That’s a heaping pile of bullshit! I had him first! I’ve had him for a whole month!” Kyra shouted.
Kaiba’s eyes went wide. Kyra sensed weakness and went in for the kill.
“So, how long have you been dating Keith, Kaiba?” Kyra asked.
Kaiba said nothing.
“Come on, Kaiba, tell me how long you two dated!” Kyra pressed, still smiling evilly.
“That is none of your business, Kyra,” Kaiba growled.
“Why don’t I go ask Keith myself? I’m sure he’ll be happy to tell me how long you two dated. Or should I ask Noah? And he’ll surely want to hear what you did with Keith after he tells me, won’t he?” Kyra taunted.
Kaiba turned red. “Do not test me, Kyra.”
“Then tell me how long you and Keith dated, damn it!”
“We dated for two weeks. Then he started to ignore me.”
“I knew it! I knew he couldn’t have been with you for that long! He only stayed with you long enough to get in your pants, which, since you’re such a whore, obviously wasn’t long!” Kyra laughed evilly.
“Hold up!” Mokuba walked into the clearing. “I don’t know much about this whole situation, but it seems like you two are getting mad at each other for no reason. I mean, you didn’t know that Seto was dating Keith. And Seto didn’t know that you were dating Keith. It seems to me that the real bad guy here is Bandit Keith. He played both of you like Nintendo 64.”
Kaiba and Kyra looked at each other, in silence, for a moment. Finally Kaiba spoke. “What do you propose we do about it, Mokuba?”
“I propose that you play him back.”
A few minutes later, Keith was walking through the park when he saw the most repulsive thing ever (in his opinion).
Kaiba and Kyra were French-kissing on a bench.
“What the fuck is this?!” Keith shouted when he saw them.
Kaiba and Kyra looked up at Keith, then turned back to each other and continued kissing.
“Don’t you turn away from me!” Keith pulled Kyra off of Kaiba. “What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend, Kaiba?!”
“We’re kissing. Couldn’t you tell?” Kaiba deadpanned.
“Kaiba, there are a million other girls in Domino. Why’d you have to choose my girlfriend?!”
“He chose me because we’re both tired of getting played by you,” Kyra answered.
“What?!” Keith tried to play dumb.
“Don’t act like you don’t know, Bandit Keith. You made both of us believe that we were the only one you were dating. You just wanted to get in both of our pants and feel like you were some kind of sex king for it,” Kaiba said.
“But why are you complaining, Kaiba? You know you liked it,” Keith said, trying to grab Kaiba’s butt again. Kaiba not only pulled away violently, but kicked Keith off of himself. Keith grabbed Kaiba and, before Kaiba could do anything about it, he began to kiss Kaiba on the lips. Kaiba pulled away and spat on the ground.
“You taste like shit!” Kaiba shouted.
Keith only laughed at this. “I love it when you’re nasty, Kaiba. You’re so sexy when you’re mad.”
“Then I must be really sexy now, because you’re really pissing me off!” Mokuba had to hold Kaiba back before Kaiba could cause any bodily harm to Keith.
Then Kyra turned to Keith. “Y’know, you’re a real pig. First, you cheated on me. Then, you tricked Kaiba into sleeping with you and you treat him like a cheap whore. Then you plan to dump him when he’s having your kid. Pardon my French, but you’re an asswipe!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, you shouldn’t be complaining either. You’re a whole lot hotter than Kaiba, so I’ll always come back to you,” Keith said smugly.
“Not this time, Keith! You know that little thing between you and me that’s called a relationship? Yeah, about that: it’s over!” Kyra shouted.
Keith’s jaw dropped at least two inches. Kaiba walked over to him.
“Bandit Keith, if you play with fire, you just might get burned,” Kaiba said.
After Keith had walked off, stupefied by what Kaiba and Kyra did, Mokuba, Kaiba, and Kyra shared a victory high-five.
“That was so great! You two really put Keith in his place!” Mokuba cheered.
“We sure did,” Kaiba said.
“Kaiba, I’m sorry I called you a whore. I didn’t mean it, you’re really not a bad guy,” Kyra said.
“It’s okay,” Kaiba said. “And I’m sorry I almost stole your boyfriend.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was dating me.”
As Kyra turned to leave, she said, “And you’re not a bad kisser either.”
Kaiba blushed. “Thanks.”
Later that day, Kaiba was walking down the street, alone. He was happy that he had put Keith in his place, but he was sad that Keith wouldn’t ever want to be with him. A part of him hated Keith and wanted him to drop off the face of the earth, yet another part of him wanted Keith to come back and take responsibility for his actions.
“What am I supposed to do with his child? I can’t raise it all by myself,” Kaiba thought. “And why would Keith want to do what he did? Why would he just take my virginity, then dump me like that? How could I be so stupid?!”
‘How you gonna up and leave me now? How you gonna act like that? How you gonna change it up? We just finished making up. How you gonna act like that?’
Kaiba reached his home. He went up to his room and lay down.
‘How you gonna act like we don’t be making love? You know we be tearing it up, breaking stuff, and getting rough. How you gonna trip, How can you forget? How you gonna act like that?’ (author's note: How You Gonna Act Like That - Tyrese)
Mokuba went into Kaiba’s room. He found Kaiba lying on the bed, staring into space.
“I can’t believe Noah was right, Mokuba. I acted like such a pompous idiot. He kept trying to warn me and I wouldn’t listen,” Kaiba whispered.
“Seto, you’re not an idiot. You were just being protective of your boyfriend because you loved him. It’s not your fault that Keith was a low-down cheater. You deserve someone better than him, anyway, so forget about him,” Mokuba said.
“But how can I forget about him?! I’m having his kid!” Kaiba growled.
“Don’t worry, Seto, we’ll figure something out. Everything will be okay,” Mokuba said, hugging Kaiba.
Noah heard their conversation and entered the room. “Are you okay in here?”
“Noah, you were right. I should’ve listened to you when you said that Keith was cheating on me. I’m a jerk,” Kaiba said.
“No, you’re not a jerk. I didn’t want to be right. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I only wanted you to be happy,” Noah said.
Kaiba’s exhaled heavily. “Thanks,” he said, starting to smile again.
“But you say you’re having Keith’s child. How can you break up with him?” Mokuba asked.
Noah took a second to recover from this shocking news, then he responded, “He can’t, Mokuba. I’m going to go to Bandit Keith and force him to take responsibility for what he did.”
“You can’t do that, Noah. He’ll only end up cheating again,” Kaiba said.
Then, Mokuba thought of something that changed everything. “What if it’s not Keith’s?” he mused to himself.
He didn’t realize that Noah had heard him. “What did you say?”
Mokuba realized that he had said it out loud. “Uh, nothing?”
“It’s okay, Mokuba, he’d find out sooner or later, and I’d rather it be sooner than later,” Kaiba said. “I did it with Yugi, too.”
Noah stared at Kaiba in shock. “Did it ever occur to you that it could be Yugi’s child?”
“No, it didn’t. Because I started getting the symptoms after I did it with Keith. It couldn’t be Yugi’s kid,” Kaiba stated.
“Well, just to be sure, I’m taking you to the doctor to find out,” Noah said.
Due to amazing advances in technology (and the fact that this is just a fictional story), a machine had been invented so an expectant mother could tell who the father of the child was. All they would need was a sample of Yugi’s DNA.
They had their sample; it was a few strands of Yugi’s hair, taken from Kaiba’s trenchcoat. They knew it was Yugi’s hair because it was tri-colored and they made sure it was Yugi’s and not Yami’s.
“I’m telling you, it’s not Yugi’s child. You’re wasting your time, Noah,” Kaiba said, as they went to the doctor.
“I just want to be sure, Seto,” Noah said.
After the test, the doctor showed them the results. “Seto Kaiba, I have determined that the father of your baby is Yugi.”
“I knew it,” Noah thought.
“I can’t believe it,” Kaiba thought.
That night, Kaiba reflected on the events of the day, as he lay in bed. He had put his cheating boyfriend in his place, successfully broken the news about his situation to Noah, and found out who the true father of his child was.
“But will Yugi even look at me after I ran off yesterday? I bet he’s already moved on. He thinks that it’s Keith’s child. He probably thinks I’m a freak. That Blue Eyes underwear was a little weird,” Kaiba thought.
As Kaiba drifted off to sleep, he thought, “Where do I go from here?”
The next evening, Yugi decided to go to the park to listen to music. It was a nice, quiet day. The setting sun painted the sky brilliant shades of red and violet. Yugi listened to his portable tape player, admiring the nature while running through the park.
Kaiba, who had decided to stop moping around the house and go outside, was walking through the park, too. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the sunset that much.
It was getting dark. Yugi was wearing black as he walked toward Kaiba. Kaiba didn’t see Yugi and Yugi wasn’t really watching where he was going. The two ran smack into each other, knocking them both over.
“Oh, crap! I’m so sorry, Kaiba!” Yugi exclaimed, running over to help Kaiba up.
“Yugi, we’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Kaiba said, smiling as he got up.
“I keep knocking you off your feet,” Yugi commented.
“In more ways than one,” Kaiba thought silently. He said out loud, “Yugi, I have to tell you something.”
Yugi looked up with interest. “So do I.”
“I love you, Yugi,” Kaiba said quickly.
Yugi stared at Kaiba. “That’s certainly different.”
“If you don’t love me back, I’ll understand,” Kaiba said, turning away.
“No, I do. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I love you, too,” Yugi said.
“Really?” Kaiba asked.
“Really,” Yugi answered.
Yugi and Kaiba hugged.
“Yugi, I have something else to tell you. I’m pregnant with your child,” Kaiba said.
“But, I thought it was Keith’s child,” Yugi said.
“No. I was wrong. It’s yours,” Kaiba said.
“Then, maybe we can get married,” Yugi said.
They sat down on a bench.
“Do you wanna listen to music?” Yugi asked.
“Sure,” Kaiba answered.
Yugi took out the tape player, put a tape in, pressed play.
As they listened to the music, Yugi remembered something that had happened in PE class. “Remember in PE when we had to learn the tango?”
Kaiba chuckled. “It was disastrous. The teacher paired us up and I was too tall to dance with you properly.”
“And I kept stepping on your feet,” Yugi added.
They listened to the music for a while. Suddenly, a song came on that got their attention.
‘Watch the band, Through a bunch of dancers. Quickly, Follow the unknown.’
“Our song is playing,” Yugi joked. “Let’s dance.”
“You think our dancing will be any better?” Kaiba asked.
“Well, I’ve gotten taller and I’ll try not to step on your feet,” Yugi said. “Let’s try the tango.”
“You don’t wanna do such a dance with me. I can’t,” Kaiba said.
“You’ll be fine,” Yugi said.
They began to dance. Kaiba was surprisingly good at it.
“You’re really good at this,” Yugi said.
Kaiba smiled. “Thanks, Yugi.”
They continued to dance in the final twilight of the setting sun.
‘Courage, my word, didn’t come it doesn’t matter. Courage, couldn’t come at a worse time.’ (author's note: Courage - Sarah Polley (I heard it in an episode of Charmed))
Moral of the story: If you're going to two-time a guy, make sure he's not better at card games than you.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 10 months
@valeriele3 x Ikemen! Core fae
I felt wind against me and the feeling of a falling from a swing, it brought dread but the fall was quick to stop as I fall into someone arms.
When I wake up in another different space. I meet with memorizing orbs that seems to be full of life and stars. "We meet again." The fae who was holding me in a bridal carry says as he put me down in the white space.
"you could continue to carry me you know." I don't know where the shamelessness come from as I said those words to them. They look at me and chuckle before they nodded their head and scoop me up to carry me again
"ah?" I felt my cheeks warming up as the fae smile brightly and spin me around. Each step the white space slowly gain color. Before long the whole place become an odd place. Almost like an adsorb and drugged dream. The sign of the big doll instead of a mountain made me realize it is the world inside the jewel in Mika eyes!
"the white space is too blank." The fae says as they walk with me still in their arms. "Is Mika and Kuma here?" I cannot help but ask as I look around through being careful to not fall off from their arms. "Do you want to meet them? Through I thought it would be another plan for another day." They stood above the shoe of the mountain size doll and i can see from here, few people in the other side of the island.
"the cats and the gems are in the other side." They pointed out looking at the group in distance gaze before looking at me. "We can have some fun day with them next time. Since you already agreed to the question earlier." They give a close eyes smile that seems full of mischief. Before he slowly back away giggling evilly.
"hey what's up with you --" I worriedly ask them but they free fall with me still in their arms. "Holy --" my eyes widen out of fear I grip on them tighten and closing my eyes I scream. "Ahhsjxbkaz.."
"you can open your eyes now." I heard them say and I followed the gorgeous person words and found myself in a place that is dark place but there's a glowing tree. A gigantic tree. "Sorry I have to put you down for a moment." They apologize before putting me down. They walk a bit closer to the tree and reach out for something. As they did something I can't see clearly I look at the tree in wonder..it seems to control to make many branches and bloom yet some branches rotten and fall off..
"this is Yggdrasil." I heard them says already quite close to the said tree. "Since you already know about the gallery. That place is about the alternative universe world inside a gem but those gems are fruit of Yggdrasil. They only become beautiful gems when they become a stable world. Or been shared to more than one mind." Their voice seems to gets further from me as I watch them poke the tree for some weird reason. "Your story you wish to write and will write are all in this tree. That morpho will come picking them up once you start to share them." They chuckle.
"won't he get mad if we're here?"
"it's not like he could do anything about it. Beside this is a part of my punishment." They seems to be finish with the stuff they were doing before coming back with a bottle. "What's.... Oh wow this look like albedo in a jar from genshin impact!" I held the jar with small figurine of sleeping pinky inside. "Did you make this?"
"...oh." they look at me oddly before as if questioning why I dont know what I'm holding st the moment. making me wonder if they give me a bomb or something. "That person. There's no way to return him as him before. Cause he become separate and that's his wish." They began before giving a charming laugh as if they just checkmate someone. "Obviously nothing is impossible for me as long it's something I want to do. Thought it's not the real deal. Inside that bottle is a "clone" of that person you mourn and followed." They point at the bottle I'm holding. I froze and look at the container and realize how the pinky really do look like that person. "It's not the real deal. But maybe he will become a real deal like he did to bee. You ask to borrow. Then here you go." They seats besides me and stared at the tree.
"69% percent of the ability is given to Bee
31% is given to his next incarnation or the next reset to be able to protect himself from the danger of the world of twist.
95% of memories have been stored by the time keeper. 4.9% is given to the next incarnation.
0.1% given to bee for the parting memories and goodbye.
49% percent of his soul have return to the Yggdrasil but the 51% is missing. Probably been with the time keeper or with the world that watch his world. I don't know for now. What you held is a copy of when his 100% in his prime but it's just a copy. Not china product but. You probably get the point." They explained before they take a deep breath after the long speech. "Besides. Isn't it great. Because you and the die hard fan of his. There's branches of possible worlds he existed. It's growing in this very tree and one already been in the gallery. The world you made is what I meant." They boop my nose.
"w...what really?" I never think of that. At most part I think it's a fanfic of a fanfic but it seems it become a canon alternative universe. "Hmm." They nodded.
"---??" I heard someone calling for someone, the fae look up and seems to realize something in slight surprised and shock "Huh... What is that person doing here..." I was curious who they meant but when I turn around I only seen someone wearing long black pants before the fae push me to the ground and wave their snap their hand and we teleported away from that place.
"...huh. that person. Is up to some complicated things. I was hoping they don't dragged one of them in the mess." The fae seems to be in slight worry. "What's wrong? Who was that? Was that..."
"no. It's one of the illusion from the world of Mikejima. His world is close in the tree of Yggdrasil.. the Kohaku of his world...." They pause for a moment..
"well. It's not like it's someone you should be curious about. Once the story of the multiverse DF. You probably know them.....it's dangerous through cause you probably would be a fan of some concerning people from his au and some other stuff. That is the bad mistake you can do." They added. They suddenly felt depress when they heard a sound. "Times up."
"time up indeed!" You heard familiar voice of the twins but the view before you slowly disappear as two neon colored twins black flip toward the fae and soon pulled them back. "Time for work! Time for work!" Was the last thing you hear with the hopeless wave of the fae.
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collymore · 2 years
Even some of the Windsors must feel embarrassed by this pretty ghastly, daily sycophancy!
By Stanley Collymore       Have the British peasants and       their kin in their genocidally       evily acquired dominions       like delusionally perceived Terra       nullius Australia where the very       clearly indisputably indigenous   Aborigines, have unmistakably       continuously been living for in   excess, totally of 60,000 years       and eons, prior to any bloody       white man or his woman, did       even know, where this island       continent was really situated       or essentially it even existed;   evidently too the controlling       toxically white interlopers in       New Zealand clearly in spite       of Jacinda Ardern's, brilliant       and suitably commendable,       efforts to essentially rectify       past and very malevolently       evil, egregiously wrongs to       clearly indigenous, Maoris.           Actions for which Jacinda Ardern     and her democratically elected   government are evilly, rather       vitriolically; repeatedly, and both       publicly and very unwarrantedly       abused, and visibly vehemently       condemned; most ironically so       in happily vile, imperialistically   minded Britain by an innately       ingrained surfeit of distinctly       brain-dead discernibly quite       utterly sick, evidently racist,       white supremacist, Karens;       ostensibly clear Gammons       and sadly, unquestionably       like-minded, authoritarian       and hereditarily rightwing       vilely acquired dosh MSM.         Additionally, hypocritically white   implanted Canada and likewise   significantly, sturdily distinctly   racially-infested KKK USA; seriously haven't all of these aforementioned,     among them, not had enough yet       of these uselessly braindead but   basically absolutely inordinately   hereditarily and distinctly vilely   monetary inherited, massively   privileged, self-entitledly cons.   Indisputably, quite noticeably     William Windsor, consistently       and ancestral too adulterous       social climber now his lawful       stepmum Ms Camilla Parker       Bowles, quite ostentatiously       her skinny, younger version       Kate Middleton, ludicrously,       and so pathetic in extremis   vaingloriously all the same,   sickeningly flaunting, their       dubious, acquired wealth.           All this, rigidly and attendantly   happening while clearly most       of a distinctly laughably and   unmistakably, clearly ludicrously,       fatuously fawning and evidently   obviously gullible and basically     easily brainwashed country of     plainly delighted to be British       and automatically in this sick       class structured dismissively       of them, viewed as plebeian     subjects never ever citizens       society; is undeniably quite   unnecessarily clearly on its       knees and in stark poverty       because of these Windsor       scum and their egregious       highly supportive slapper       Karens; lousy, cuckolded       and risibly azoospermiac     Gammons fathering kids       they never, or can't ever       sire, and rightwing Nazi       MSM totally predictably       on the Windsor payroll.           (C) Stanley V. Collymore       7 December 2022.               Author's Remarks:       Quite self-evidently, the Daily Mail and similarly too other hardcore rightwing and basically essentially entrenched Nazi media scum are obviously desperately scraping the very bottom of the barrel, literally and crucially specifically expressly distinctively where rather distinctly Harry and Meghan are concerned. Literally, unquestionably throwing everything but the obvious kitchen sink at the both of them.   Why? Because literally despairingly the toxically evil, racist clowns that so calamitously infest Buckingham Palace as its hired stooges in close league with their odiously Windsor instructing bosses are indubitably, collectively, rather petrified about what Harry and Meghan might say.   Intensely, quite similarly inherently and unquestionably, truly terrified; the Windsors are characteristically and significantly crucially alarmed that if the general public, as apart from the intelligent members of it and few in number who evidently discernibly know, what this sham, odious Windsor Klan are actually like already; really discover, how these Windsors and their palace stooges really operate, then the whole absurd institution they're crucially an integral part of, will inevitably come crashing down!   And inevitably, no more distinctly undeserved cushy positions being passed off dishonestly as working jobs; but most impactful, and also crucially to them no more free for all taxpayers money.   Consequently the Windsors, along with their noxious Palace stooges, who've collectively, so egregiously and ongoingly from the very onset of her appearance with Harry have been dishonestly and lyingly quite racially and malevolently, liberally briefing on Meghan with the Daily Mail and other Nazi, rightwing, as well as enthusiastically ingrained and intrinsically racist media just because of her ethnic origin and skin colour being distinctively an African American; are desperate now in their earnest and fervent quest by desperately leaning on their plethora of fawning media friends in a frantic, desperation, bid to wildly discredit Harry and Meghan even before a word has actually been said!   Seriously, if ever there were guilty consciences these are undeniably classic examples of them, literally what the Windsor mafia Klan and their toxic, racist ilk are doing!
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myonepiece · 3 years
rayleigh sauna oneshot
description: rayleigh jacks off in the sauna because i'm not in the mood for actual sex 😅
warnings: nsfw, smut, nsfw, smut
a/n: i'm listening to the hamilton soundtrack while writing this
*rubs hands together evilly
*afab reader (assigned female at birth)
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it wasn't uncommon for rayleigh to visit y/n, or take her out for that matter. this time he had plans to bring her to one of those fancy saunas. they happily made their way to the island, chatting along the way and watching y/n fall even more for the older man who's charms knew no bounds.
they had to separate of course, a few flirtatious words were exchanged over the idea of y/n joining rayleigh on the men's side, but in the end the two said a temporary goodbye before the split. while rayleigh respected y/n immensely, he couldn't help but allow his mind to wander to what she could be doing, what could have happened if she had in fact joined him.
rayleigh changed into a simple towel, tied loosely around his waist revealing the v-line that's quite uncommon for a man of his age, sculpted to perfection with a torso that just made y/n want to run her fingers long the defined lines leading lower and lower to the happy trail tempting her to something so delicious.
being, well, silvers rayleigh, rayleigh was able to snag two of the private rooms. same as all of the other, same high wooden fence and clean tiled floor, multiple hot baths, the works- except the private rooms were a bit smaller, and obviously private. rayleigh walked nonchalantly out of the dressing room, smiling softly when he heard the splashes from next door, made by y/n getting into the pool.
walking past the fence to the pool, something caught his eye- a small crack in the fence. well, not small per say, because he was able to make out the form of y/n relaxing in the steamy tub. he swallowed thickly and his eyes narrowed, the gentleman in him told him to go to the hot water waiting for him, to forgot what he saw because y/n didn't know he had seen her- but he is a pirate, and that part was telling him to stay right there where he knows he wants to be, what y/n doesn't know won't hurt her, she likes you too... the scoundrel won.
he gulped, as if realizing what he was about to do and accepting it. the towel hanging around his waist had already shifted, a tent forming around his length. his hand reached down, cupping his member through the cloth while his eyes drank in y/n's form. her breasts had sunk beneath the water, but the tops of them had somehow, erotically so, been large enough to crest the water leaving so little and so much to the imagination- and oh how happy rayleigh was to imagine it.
rayleigh groped his package, massaging it as his breathing grew heavy and he eyed y/n like she was prey. he used his free hand to rip the towel off of him, discarding it somewhere on the ground before going back to tend to himself. his large hand wrapped around his shaft and he let a rope of spit drop down to act as lubricant. he began pumping his cock keeping a moderately slow pace in order to savour the moment.
his eyes flicked back to y/n's form through the crack, more than happy to see she had grabbed the soap and stood up, revealing more of her deliciousness to the man watching through the fence. rayleigh licked his lips and smirked malevolently, moving his hand a bit faster and gritting his teeth to muffle a grunt. he watched her hands delicately swipe the soap along her body, imagining her hands trailing over his muscular body.
it was tantalizing so, how she cleaned her soft breasts in a groping motion- he'd gladly do the same for her. he could picture it: y/n sitting on his lap, shirt thrown across the room and perfect boobs on full display right before his eyes. he grabbed onto one of the fleshy mounds, his lips attaching to the other and sucking sweetly on y/n's skin eliciting heavenly moan that made rayleigh's hip buck.
the vein on his hard cock grew more prominent with each pump. he imagined y/n slowly sinking down onto his large member, moaning wantonly as it split her open, her arousal dripping down onto his crotch. his hands grip her hips roughly, slamming her down onto his cock and then thrusting up into her heat.
his hips rut against his hand that strokes his dick, precum dripping from the dark tip and dropping onto the tiles of the sauna floor- except for the little trickles that smear onto rayleigh's hand making it glisten in sin. the sauna's heat runs down rayleigh's toned body, mixing with the lust induced perspiration, it runs down his his neck, dipping in between the lines of his abs and loosing some in his happy trail of white hair, continuing on down his thighs tensed as they moved forward and back creating more friction for rayleigh's cock.
his breathing is heavy, quick, his eyes have glazed over and his jaw fallen slack. he brings his other hand to his cock, now pumping the appendage with both hands a lewd, firm slapping sound can be heard faintly.
rayleigh see's himself pushing y/n over back onto the bed, towering over her before he slams his cock back into her pussy and falls onto her propping himself up on his forearm above y/n's head and repeatedly thrusting into her.
his jaw clenches trying to stifle the grunts falling from his lips as he can feel the knot building, a heat rising and spreading towards his dick. he observes y/n running her hands over her figure, smearing the soap around as if she knows rayleigh is watching and is putting on a show for him. he thinks. of her tits bouncing beneath him as she grabs onto his biceps for dear life, the bed moving beneath the two as rayleigh's thrusts drive it into the wall.
his thrusts become sloppy, hopelessly desperately thrusting into his hands imagining they're y/n's warm pussy, sucking him in and taking his whole length. his hips begin to falter and he sets a wider stance to get a better angle, he creates a circle with his joined hands, pounding into it chasing his high. a series of grunts escape from his throat, only slightly muffled as he stops focusing on silencing himself and more on how intoxicating y/n's hands would be caressing his body.
"rayleigh? is that you?"
shit.. he spares only a glance through the crack seeing y/n stand up out of the water and look at the fence, before stepping out of the bath and walking over. his eyes return to his cock, deliciously sliding through his hands, his thighs tensed as he's lowered into almost a high squat- he has to finish before y/n finds him. his balls slap against his hands and at this point rayleigh would find it surprising if y/n didn't find the crack and peer through to see him jacking off. oh god... just thinking about it makes rayleigh feel his dick twitch, such an erotic thought, having y/n find him like this.
he's right on the edge, and y/n is a few feet away walking along the fence; rayleigh's jaw clenches and he grits his teeth in a snarl-like expression throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut as warm ropes of cum shoot from his cock landing on the tiles. his mouth opens in a silent grunt-moan and his hips jerk forward twice more before he stills. his chest heaves violently and he opens his eyes partially, looking to the crack in the fence to see you grabbing your towel off one of the benches.
he straightens back up with a red blush dusting his cheeks, then he grabs his towel bringing it to the floor and quickly wiping up the cum.
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takamishinko · 3 years
could I pls request the bakusquad with a close FTM friend . their friend is pretty insecure about his chest . he’s also insecure about what people would think of him being trans . how would the bakusquad react if someone Mineta said something nasty to him ? if you’re uncomfortable w/ this request , feel free to ignore it , I don’t want to make you uncomfortable
have a wonderful day / noon / night 💞
sure u can! hope u have a wonderful day/noon/night too :)
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a/n: this is my writing content for ftm readers i hope i don't offend anyone!
pronouns: he/him, ftm!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of pre-transition, transphobic phrases, sexual harassment, and mineta
you were pretty close friends with the whole bakusquad, close enough to the point where they would not hesitate to throw hands if someone messed with you. they know about your situation and they completely accept you for it. 
they all took the news better than you expected. mina was super excited when you first came out to her and even though she had a big mouth she kept yours a secret because she knew how important this was to you, plus you might have not been comfortable about others knowing about it yet. sero was super chill about it and kirishima called you manly right after you came out to him. kaminari on the other hand was having an internal war with himself since he thought you were both pretty and handsome before and after. last but not least, bakugou hit you with a "ha? i don’t care as long as you’re still strong." after you told him.
all the reassuring comments your friends gave you made you feel a lot better about yourself. you had also told some of your other friends in the class like midoriya, uraraka, iida, and asui. they all supported you and since class 1A is pretty open about subjects like this you had nothing to worry about. 
however, just because most people have reassured it didn’t mean that you’d just suddenly  feel better right away. in a way you still felt different. you were still insecure about what other people around you would think about you, especially your chest area since your hero costume made them very obvious that they've gone through transition before. harsh comments from insensitive bastards still scar your mind deeply. their hurtful words pierced through your heart and mind.
"you'll never be a real boy."
"you're not normal." 
words like this break you down bit by bit and destroy your self esteem until you're left feeling worthless and defeated. people like this played a big role in why you never confided anyone in your secret. you feared that they would repeat these words, especially your dear classmates.
after school,  sero, kaminari, kirishima, and bakugou had left to do some training while you, mina, and some other people had stayed behind to help clean up and chill in the classroom. it was a nice way to ease yourself. mina was cheerful and funny teasing uraraka about deku, while you and tsuyu were chattering about the test that you took and guessing what mark you both received. 
you decided to stay behind a little in class after everyone returned to the dorms. you hummed while watching the sunset. it was a good environment to do some studying in, quiet and peaceful, seeing as there was an important test coming up.
you were just about to start packing up after finishing the last question on the review page until you saw a short purple figure pop up next to the door. it was mineta, the class pervert that everyone tried to stay away from. you didn't like mineta obviously, no one did. you didn’t exactly want to talk to him but you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he wasn’t here to be grotesque.
why was he just standing there eyeing you up and down? an uncomfortable pricking sensation washed over you so while packing up, you decided to speak to break the awkward silence. "hello mineta, can i help you?" 
mineta wore a smug look before the corner of his lips lifted into a snide grin.
"hey~ d/nnn." he mocked, holding the last letter of your previous name.
your heart fell into your stomach at his words. why the hell was he bringing up your deadname? you balled your shaking fists and tried to calm down before you mauled the smug grape with your quirk.
"it's y/n, and if you don't have anything to say i wanna go back to the dorms." you speak with feigned courtesy as you finished backing up, scooting out of your chair.
"alright alright y/n whatever. say~ what are you doing by yourself all alone in the classroom at this time. perhaps you were waiting for someone?" mineta sing-songed while walking closer to you.
"i was just trying to get some homework finished,” you grit out. “do you mind moving? i would like to leave-" 
before you could even finish your sentence you see drool coming out of minetas mouth and his hands doing the signature grabby grabby while his eyes practically drowned in your chest area.
"you’ve probably got a nice pair of boobs huh? even if they’re flat." 
mineta mentioning that certain body part broke you. the tears immediately started to accumulate under your eyes, on the edge of spilling. you could've easily pushed mineta away due to how much smaller he was than you, but you didn't have the strength to. you felt even weaker than him and didn't have the will to fight back, your limbs being reduced to jelly. you felt helpless.
mineta on the other hand felt powerful, someone like you with a strong quirk being reduced to something akin to a quivering rabbit gave him a sick sense of pleasure. just when mineta was about to place his hands on you a certain spiky haired blonde rushed into the room and lifted mineta away from you.
"OI SMALL FRY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR HANDS GOING HUH??" bakugou snarled at the midget followed with a strong blast.
kirishima, kaminari, and sero quickly ran into the room. mr. aizawa followed up upon hearing the commotion. his eyes scanned over your distressed form before looking over at a shaken mineta. he assessed the situation and let out a sigh, hands pinching the bridge of his nose.
"mineta, my office, right now." he spoke, voice lacking any sort of amusement.
"b-but" mineta stuttered out.
mineta froze at the tone of mr. aizawa's voice and left the room with him, his head down. before aizawa left he gave you an apologetic look and told you he'd come back later to talk to you. kaminari followed them out to listen in.
kirishima grabbed your arm gently and sat you down on the chair. "y/n you okay man? he didn't touch you anywhere right?" he questioned worriedly.
"i’m gonna turn that guy into a cocoon, i swear." sero followed up.
you were incredibly surprised at what just almost happened. you almost got harassed by a midget grape but thank goodness your friends were there to save you from him.
"thanks guys." you muttered out while wiping away stray tears.
"of course man! we're always here for you, bakugou heard mineta all the way from across the hall when we came back to grab our stuff and immediately rushed over! you should've seen him, it was like he was running for his life!" kirishima said, chuckling. 
bakugou rolled his eyes. "shut up shitty hair, he's in need, of course i’m gonna sprint over. if he ever says that shit to you again, i’ll beat that little fucker up again. 
"well you won't have to worry about that anymore because i went to eavesdrop and mr. aizawa said he’s under house arrest for a long time for attempting to sexually harass a classmate." denki’s cheery voice rings out as he walks into the classroom while pointing finger guns at all of you. 
your eyes lit up from hearing the good news.
"hey y/n if anyone messes with you be sure to let us know ok?" sero smiles as he puts a hand on your shoulder.
"you're like a brother to us and we won't hesitate to fight anyone who dares to do something like what mineta just did." kirishima spoke, grinning.
"you're perfect just the way you are y/n, and we love you for that! who the hell cares about what others think of you. just be yourself and everyone else will love ya." denki followed up with a smirk.
"dunce face is right, don't worry ‘bout anyone else, not even us if you don't want to. if you're still feeling down i can blast dunce face if you want." bakugou said while chuckling evilly. 
the room filled with laughter at kaminari’s protests.  thanked your friends for being there for you. you couldn't have asked for a better friend group than them. after a while, the five of you walk back to the dorms. you smile to yourself while the other four bicker and laugh, you wished to live in this moment forever.
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minshookie · 3 years
CEO!BTS Reaction to:
You flinching during an argument.
| !warning! | violence, unhealthy relationships, abusive relationship, yandere Bts, choking and sexual topics 18+, dubcon, oral [fem receiving & giving], strong language [Jimin has a potty mouth!!!] rough play.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
| Requested [requests open]
A/N | the amount of time I’m taking to get these request done correctly is embarrassing i apologize. I hope you don’t mind that I turned this into a whole reaction and that it’s not fluffy...lmk if you’d like me to change it I certainly will.
Forgive me for mistakes, though this is edited.
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Kim Seokjin...
“Ok well what was that out there?” He spoke ominously back turned to you. “I- we-.” Laughing at your lack of response, he cut you off. “You fucked up that’s what it was hun.”
“Come sit on the desk, I want to see you apologize for making me look like an idiot.” He spat the last part like it was disgusting on his tongue. Already in deep trouble you decided to follow directions for once.
Turing smoothly in his office chair, you could see the resentment in his eyes. “Go on.” You swallowed thickly, his angered glare drying your throat. “I’m sorry for....correcting you during today’s meeting.” He scoffed, “there was nothing to correct!”
“Jin you can’t always be right, if you took that agreement, you’d never hit anything close to pro-” “who’s the boss? Hm? Who’s name is on this desk you have your tight ass planted on?” Mistakingly you let your eyes roll out of pure annoyance.
“Well excuse me?!” He leans forward quickly out of his chair, causing you to fall opposite of him. Pens poke at your back, his name plaque digging into your arm. Evilly he grins in enjoyment. “Found your place yet?, you seem afraid...afraid I’d hit you?” Wide eyed you nod, trapped like a mouse under its predator. Every inch of confidence stripped as he glared deeply into you. “Good.” Before you could even process his statement, you were harshly distracted by his rough hand landing across your cheek. Your head turns the other way as your right cheek tingles and burns. Chuckling he grips your chin forcing you to look at him.
“Find your place, and if you’ve forgotten it, I can help you find it...just like that,anytime.”
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Min Yoongi...
Watching in envy, you pushed miscellaneous papers into the shredder. What a bitch! You saw her watching Yoongi all day just waiting for him to go to his office. So she could prance in there, thong up her ass, low cut shirt...the works.
“Yah! Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Jumping in fear , peeking down you found out what you’ve been shredding. He shoved you to the side turning off the shredder. “All those papers we needed for next week’s evaluation and review meeting...” you looked from the shredder back to him shrugging nonchalantly. Already having Somebody in your boyfriends office flirting him into hard on, the last thing you need is more work. “We’ll go fucking print some more of them.” He demanded his face stiff. Jin never liked you, maybe you’ll have Yoongi fire him.
You walked holding the last remaining sheet fully intact for reference, did Jin really think you were going to the copy room? What a dunce. Ignoring the meeting in progress light you pushed the heavy door open. “Hey y/n I’m sorry we’re in the middle of something.” You could tell he was just laughing at something a tint of red on his cheeks. Him kicking you out...this should be the other way. This hurt. “Me?” You gasped. She turned her silky hair fanning. “Y/n when we’re done I’ll come find you Alright?” She spoke a little above a whisper.“Don’t speak to me.” You glared at her walking further into the office. Obviously she’s confused about her rightful place, and Yoongi is too.
“You, get out.” She stretched her eyes looking back and forth from you to Yoongi. “Now.” “Min you can’t let her kick me out.” She scoffed, “I’ll speak to you later alright.” He smiled warmly,She got up storming from his room. “Yoongi what exactly was that?” He sat back in his chair. “A meeting.” “A meeting with what her left tit?” He closed his eyes harshly at your vulgarity. “No a meeting with your colleague about her position.” He offers the seat in front of him, gladly you take said offer.
“But what you did was uncalled for.” Laughing he leaned forward onto the table. He beacons you to follow, leaning forward you fall right into his trap upset he gripped your face making your cheeks squish. “Don’t ever come back in my office acting this way again, understood?” Nodding the best you could. “Huh? Understood?” “Yeah!” He let go leaving a ache in his wake. Before going back he reached for you again instinctively you pull back as if he was going to strike you. “Hm, I don’t treat you that harsh but I will...keep testing me.” He finished, only coming close to fix your hair.
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Kim Namjoon...
Another day held the same daily routine, wake up Joon, cook breakfast, clean get dressed and head to work, work, eat lunch in Joon’s office, work,go home, and restart.
Today Joon had lunch delivered, practically throwing his money like confetti paper, much to the delight of his employees. Both of you sat on the floor of his office, enjoying the home style take out in silence. Without noticing all your attention was being absorbed by your phone. “What’s so intriguing kitten?” Your fingers stopped in their place “just texting a friend.” You looked at him through your lashes before going back to typing. He closed his take out container, he finished his meal and sneakily proceeded onto yours. Surprised by your lack of protests he spoke again.
“Oh yeah? And whose this friend?” He mumbled still chewing. “Someone I might know?” You nodded in response, unsatisfied he got up going to wash his hands in his office restroom. “Their name would be helpful y/n.” Just from his tone alone you could tell he was nearing impatience. “He works here, I’m just helping him...explaining how the log in system works he’s locked out at the moment.”
Joon no longer cared for their name and you knew it. “Oh ‘he’?” You nodded, he came drying his hands with his initialed towels. “New guy...Choi?” You looked up fully for the first time in a while. “Yeah, Soobin.” He nodded,Sitting in his desk turning to some papers. Nothing left to say you looked back down at your massages. “I’d like you to eat though, I don’t want you going hungry.” He ordered you around like a father and you obeyed.
Chewing, you almost choked as Soobin sent a joke that you weren’t ready for. Joon raised a brow, “a funny one huh? Let me see.” He looked down at you hand out flat. Your eyes went doe, there is no way your letting Joon read this vulgar joke. Soobin would be out of a job just as quick as he got one. “C’mon let me see, don’t make me take it.” Maybe he’ll laugh about it too, you gave up the device.
At first he squinted before his eyes grew wide. “ ‘This copy machine looks like the one from those cheesy office pornos....let’s make one?’ Y/N this is who you’re waisting your time on?” Rolling your eyes you went back to your meal, annoyed he didn’t find the harmless joke amusing. “Joon he was joking, it’s not like he knows I’m dating someone.”
You felt wind brush past you and a crashing sound occurred from behind, startled you made eye contact. “I had half the mind to throw that piece of shit at your head.” His angered expression taking you aback, you must’ve forgotten Joon is the extremely jealous type. “Go get it, bring it back to me.” Slowly turning trying not to take your eye off of him, you retrieved the shattered phone. Harshly he took it from your hands. Tapping before turning it to you, “block him.” You flinched at his sudden hand movement. “Don’t flinch away from me, block the bastard, before I’m the one bending you over the copy machine.”
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Jung Hoseok...
Slouching in the pool chair you observed as the other women splashed and paddled around like children. You don’t usually go to these types of things, and neither does Hoseok. But this time it was important, he was here solely to kiss butt with his new business partners.
He practically forced you to put on your swimsuit, fully planning on walking you around like a show dog for the evening. Crossing your legs you brought your straw to your lips. You’d planned on getting in the pool, but apparently you weren’t good enough for the other wives...or affairs in the pool at the moment.So to spare the embarrassment you decided to watch.
“Enjoying yourself?” Hoseok came behind you patting your head softly. “Hm I guess.” You placed your drink away. “Hobi I’m ready to go. home.” You pouted, his hand still on the chair he came to your side. “Home? We’ve just got here an hour ago.” Nodding at his true statement you turned to look at him. “Yeah...and now I’m ready to go home.” Rolling his eyes he squatted to your level. “C’mon baby, go make a friend in the pool, splash around yeah?”
“No, I’m tired.” He groaned putting his head on your shoulder. “Y/n, boo don’t be a brat, you wanna go inside, wanna find a bed for you?” “Hm will you stay with me?” He looked over his shoulder, “ah Bruce wants to talk cuts and coverage a bit more, I can show you to a ro-” “nooo hobi!”
Panicking he pinched you to lower your volume. The party in the pool ceased and all eyes were on you. You’d learned how to cheat the system,It usually didn’t take much pouting from you to get your way. “c’mon get up.” He pulled me roughly by my forearm almost making you trip over your feet. He pulled you into the spacious home, up the stairs and into a hall. “Here let’s go in this room hobi.” You could tell by the look on his face hobi didn’t come to rest.
“Do you get off on making me look like an idiot?” He spoke close to your face. “Hey, I told you i wanted-” he covered your mouth with his large hand. “I don’t give a fuck what you want, now shut up and get in that fucking room.” Meekly you followed his order. “I’m sorry hobi.” “Ah I said shut up!” You stood in the middle of the decretive room, “down.” Down on your knees before him he looked down disgusted.
“Now make my cock hard so I can teach you how to use your loud ass mouth correctly.” Hesitantly you leaned forward, he groaned loudly reaching for you making you backwards in response. “Quickly, and don’t you dare run away.” He grabbed your hair, now under his full control.
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Kim Taehyung...
“Mm how does it feel being my right hand lady?”
“Well seems like I’m on top of you right now.”
“I love how smart you are baby.”
Taehyung had recently promoted you to his secretary, now you can’t help but be in his office all day. Dreamily he looked up into your eyes as you straddled him. “Round 2 huh?” He huffed making you giggle, “let’s not indulge Taetae.” You nipped at the shell of his ear, he gripped your ass tightly. “What else do you have to do, I distributed your work along all the employees you’re here to have fun!”
“Well the phone has been ringing like crazy let me answer at least one call!” You climbed off, your skirt still scrunched around your waist your panties to the side. “Ahhh the baby wants to feel like a big woman go on answer.” Smiling with accomplishment, you picked up the phone. “Hello this is y/n y/l/n, answering for Kim Taehyung.” It was actually another secretary on the line you took notes as he spoke. You felt so responsible you knew Taehyung would be proud, you looked over to see his approval only to find him not there.
Confused you held conversation, until you felt something warm glide along your thigh making you Yelp. “Ah I’m sorry, Mr Lee, repeat that?” In fear you looked under your desk, mischievously Taehyung winked at you. You went back to the conversation, as he lapped your heat. You were already so sensitive you wouldn’t last a minute more of this. “Stop it please Tae.” You hissed pressing the phone to your chest. He did the opposite, penetrating you with his longest digit. Curling his finger and assaulting your clit, if the lewd sound of slurping could be heard by you you knew it could be heard over the phone. Quickly you hung up, very upset you squeezed his head between your thighs.
“Cumming baby?” “No, quitting.” He pulled back confused “what?” You fixed you panties, pulling your skirt back over yourself. “I asked you to let me do one thing, and still you couldn’t keep off of me.” He crawled from under your desk. “Who was on the phone?” He asked dryly, you looked over your notes. “Mr Lee.” “Oh, he calls everyday for his boss they have nothing to offer so we have nothing to give.” You nodded making a note to avoid his calls. “Anything else?” He shook his head going back to his desk with a deep sigh.
Oh good grief, you huffed falling back into your chair, you’ve gotten upset with him and now he’s going to mope around. “TaeTae, please understand I do actually want to work, we’ve talked about this.” You spun your chair to look at him, he looked at you inquisitively. “Maybe you should go back downstairs, I don’t want to distract you.” You could feel your eyes stretching. “Tae! No it’s not that serious.” “No no, your cubicle is still empty, the largest one.” You crossed your arms. “You’ll get the raise you just won’t be here honey...maybe I’ll offer the position to Sana.” He turned from you to go in his computer. “No, I’m not going.” “Bye Y/n see you tonight.” He mumbled nonchalantly.
“No Taehyung.” He gave a grim chuckle. “Stop being hard headed, go fetch Sana for me will you....love you.” “No kim Taehyung, this is MY job!” The phone rung and you picked it up, “hello this is-” He came pulling the phone from you slamming it to hang it up you flinched harshly. “Y/L/N, I won’t ask you agin, get out or do what I promoted you here to do.” He looked into your eyes devilishly. You complied removing your skirt, playtime was over, you sadly knew your place. “Perfect girl.”
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Park Jimin...
“I’ll beat your ass come here. Now.” You stood in his office doorway, fear quaking over you. “Y/n...now.” he leaned on his desk looking you up and down. You walked in to what seemed to be your demise. “The door, close it, lock it.” “Mr Park please.” He got up walking behind you and slamming the door before walking in front of you again. “Where the fuck! Were you.” You looked at him, head fogged unsure of an answer. “I-I Mr Park...I’ve been here at work since 3 AM actually...before you got here.” He laughed lightly.
“I didn’t want your schedule, I know your damn schedule, the meeting today’s meeting.” You toyed with your fingers, “OH...oh Mr Park I forgot you needed me I’m sorry h-how did it go?” “We fucking lost the deal, the information you dug up is what we needed and you were somewhere in LaLa land.” He dug his hands into his hair. “C‘mere.” He sat on the leather couch that decorated his office. “Please Mr Park, I’ll stay late and I’ll beg for another meeting date.” He shook his head “no, c’mere.” You stood still pleading with your eyes. “I’ll drag you by your cheap blow out, bring your ass here.” You shuffled to him, he pulled your dress bending you over his knee.
He pulled your dress up, “Mr Park what will your wife say?” You began to tear up, why would he choose you to give his violent love to. “Ha, she’ll say “fuck me harder” later tonight why?” You shook your head refusing to respond. “Look into the mirror.” You obliged. He pulled his hand up just stoping before it hit you causing you to shudder a jerk violently. “ Do you fear me y/n?” You nodded almost sobbing. “I’ve trained you well...head up...be a big girl.”
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Jeon Jungkook...
The whole building was draped in a gloomy mood as Jungkook stalked about looking for something to nitpick. Earlier today you and Jungkook had a falling out on the way to work about how close you were getting with one of your male coworkers. And said coworker that just happened to be your cubicle neighbor. He rounded your area multiple times, chastising said coworker, sending him on errands and putting him down again and again.
Seeing how it was affecting the newbie, you finally turned to Jungkook. “Mr Jeon, can I speak to you.” “No.” He turned quickly before going back to chastise the frightened employee. “Slip up again, and I’ll make sure you’re looking at a deep fryer for the rest of your life Kang.” He whispered just loud enough for you to catch it.
“Mr Jeon please, for a minute.” He clears his throat leaving your area. Your face grew hotter by the minute, you got up going to talk to your distraught friend. “Hey, listen he’s all bark and no bite what do you need help with?” You smiled warmly remembering how it felt to be new in a place like this.
“Well every time I answer the phone and start the question pro-” a heavy hand lands on his and your shoulder “who said this was a social hour y/l/n” a sigh came from deep inside of you. “ Damn it Kookie-” “who? Excuse me?” His eyes widening. “Jungkook- Jeon- I’m sorry...I’m sorry Mr Jeon.” He eyed the two of you “hm...kang get to work, y/l/n you too.” He began to walk away. “Y/n I’ll send you an email, I really need help on this.”
“Email her I dare you.” You spun in your chair “Mr jeon please! He’ll never get better if I don’t.” He rolled his eyes taking off his glasses, “what was he trained for if he can’t use the damn computer?” Everyone in the office was watching the dispute. “Pft I was trained on any of this! I had you holding my hand the whole way why can’t he?” He started waking the other way, his face glowing crimson. “Get in my office, now y/n.” You sat turning to your work. “No Jeon. I won’t.” “Y/n you can come to my office, or clock out and go home for the rest of the damn month.” All eyes on you like this was some cheesy tv drama, you got up following him.
Once in the safety of his four walls you stood hands on your hips “why kookie, why you being a Jackass?” He turned to face you, anger evident. Swiftly he pulled you by your shirt “talk to me like that outside of this office space the way you did today one more time, and you’ll be begging me to fire you. Yeah?” You nodded earning a open palm slap to your cheek, “yeah? Open your slutty mouth like you did for Kang, am I understood?” “Yeah kookie.” Another slap, your cheek began to burn. “Yes Mr Jeon.” He lifted his hand making you flinch in his grip. “Lovely girl, now get out there, and leave Kang alone or else.”
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tinypurplewizardfan · 3 years
My (long) character read on Veigar
The lovely @veigarthevile was interested in my longer take on Veigar's psychology, so here's my attempt at putting it into words!
Disclaimer: this one talks a lot about mental health, yet there's very little actual diagnoses in here. This is because 1, I'm not qualified, and 2, mental health is more like a ball of yarn- if you label one thread and start to pull it out, you're going to uncover this whole tangled not of stuff that's related but doesn't quite fit the definition of that single string. (As someone with mental illnesses that don't fit neatly into little boxes, this concept matters to me quite a lot! So that's where I'm coming from.)
And oh boy, Veigar is certainly one big tangled mess of everything. TL;DR: on the bottom.
1. The trauma
Obviously, very obviously, all that Veigar is now stems from his trauma at the hands of Mordekaiser. This experience shaped him so profoundly that even to his own mind the questions of who he was before are ones he can't reconcile with. Mental illness and trauma, in messing with how you think, really really messes with your perception of yourself. On this same core layer is what the trauma was- his official bio states he performed "many grisly enchantments against his will" including powering up Mordekaiser or "terror for terror's sake". He was forced into doing a lot of unspeakably awful things with his magic.
Let's remember that Veigar came to Runeterra to a. help people with b. his magic, both of which he strongly identified with. And during his imprisonment both of those pillars of identity were ripped from his control.
His inner morality wants him to be a good person. His actions tell him he is not. This contradiction tore him apart then, and it still tears him apart now- he just buries it underneath so many layers that he doesn't have to confront it on a daily basis.
2. "I AM EVIL!"
Logically, if a person who claims to be good does unspeakably awful things, what is the conclusion? That the person is both evil and a liar. And Veigar, who is very intelligent, came to this conclusion rather quickly.
This is how he tries to reconcile the contradiction. It only makes sense, after all- if he wasn't evil, he wouldn't have done those things. And since he did really, really bad things, he must be incredibly phenomenally evil. If you asked he could probably draw you and appropriate proportionality graph.
Of course, this conclusion doesn't take into account the little tiny whispering part inside him that still doesn't want to do evil, the barest little ember of a conscience that managed to smolder through all the trauma.
A cold, crazy, murder-loving Veigar is certainly a valid potential characterization, but my favorite take is that he never broke. Mordekaiser did not succeed. Despite it all, he never came to enjoy what the tyrant made him do.
And he hates this.
Veigar's current identity hinges so hard on the idea that he's evil that any threat to that idea he sees as a threat to himself. Which means he's very, very defensive about it to the point of utter comedy. The subtlest implication that he might not be as evil as he thinks he is sends him into a flying rage.
Because of that tiny little do-gooder voice inside him is constantly whispering doubts back at him, he's essentially in a pissing contest with himself. Every little thing he does is "evil" and "maligned"- from evilly pouring his coffee to listening to evil music to perfecting his evil walk -as a kind of "gotcha" to an imaginary audience. See, he really is evil!
From an outside perspective, of course, this kind of behavior makes zero sense. Every thing he does has to have an "evil" reason to justify it, which can lead to some very strange leaps in logic to cover his bases. This is where the bulk of his cartoonish tendencies come from.
4. The superiority complex
The other place it comes from is his superiority complex.
To revisit his logic, because Veigar did a great amount of unspeakably awful things, he's really really evil. He's very effective at it. He's extremely confident in his magical abilities, a remnant from his past self that's able to exist without too much conflict in his psyche. Although, instead of confidence in his ability to help people, that's now turned into the idea that he's really, really good at burning the world down.
Except for the tiny stupid little voice that's undermining all his efforts.
It's a classic superiority complex. He's insufferable because he's the best at magic and he knows it, and he's overcompensating hardcore to cover his other doubts. Which means he's competitive and petty as hell when it comes to any and all things magic.
5. The inferiority complex
How can an inferiority complex and a superiority complex exist within the same person? The implication of a superiority complex is that it's an inferiority complex dressed up a little. But the superiority complex is surrounding his evil in regards to his magic. The inferiority complex is around his horrible perception of self-worth. See, he found another contradiction that he's more openly chewing on to distract himself from the earlier stuff on this list.
The question of whether it's better to be feared than loved would probably break him. Everyone hated Mordekaiser, Mordekaiser controlled his empire primarily through fear, and Mordekaiser was very powerful and very scary and the abuser. Therefore, if Veigar wanted to become similarly evil, he'd want everyone to hate him, right? And he certainly feels that he is the most despicable being on the face of Runeterra due to all the things he's done.
But at the same time, logistically, being a little nicer. . . makes more sense?
The village mooks he's conquered are much more willing to comply to his whims if he only threatens to burn down their house first instead of actually doing it. His reign prospers more when he cleans the bandits up off the roads so trade runs smoother. It's also much easier to steal what he needs from the townsfolk if they aren't already on high alert from previous terror. Yes, sure, he could go about it the fearsome and hard way, but that would simply take so much more effort that it isn't really worth his time.
(And doing things this "easy" way makes him feel better, but that's not something he would ever admit, not even, and especially not to, himself.)
But then nobody hates him. Even though he should be hated. Even though he deserves to be hated, because he is evil.
An ideal situation for him would be to both be feared and loved, even if he'd vehemently deny the love part, but that balance is notoriously hard to strike. Because he thinks he's so inherently hateable he often leans too hard into "being loved" territory with his actions on accident.
6. Short jokes
We've finally reached the more outer layers. I hesitated to put this one on here because "iS tHaT A ShOrT JoKe?!1??" is what Veigar's personality is commonly reduced to. Believe me, that pisses me off to no end. . . but it is important to acknowledge that he definitely has a complex around his height as well.
The reason he's so bothered by his height is that it goes back to the idea of people not acknowledging that he's evil. He needs that strange kind of reassurance that he is a threat, but his height is something that prevents people from taking him seriously in this way. It causes them to underestimate his power and even his intelligence and maturity, which given the fact that he's incredibly smart and has Seen Some Shit, is the ultimate insult.
(I mean, have you seen how fandoms treat short characters? I'd be mad about it too.)
Veigar has 99 problems and his height is about half of them because it's practically a bright neon sign pointing to his deeper insecurities that people readily exploit.
6. The good
So far all I've talked about is the angsty bad, but a person's problems like this don't exist in a vacuum of all other personality! He had good days as well as the bad days, and passions and drives outside of his messy mental health. These are things that are less based on canon and more rooted in my own personal view of his character, especially influenced by his Legends of Runeterra lore:
Primarily, I think magic is his special interest! He's clearly very talented at it and he's spent a lot of time tinkering with it and seeing what it can do. Now that he has more control over his life, he's constantly pushing the boundaries of what he can do with his abilities and is constantly becoming stronger as a result. Ask him about his latest discoveries and he'd be more than happy to talk your ear off about it. Those who know him well often use that strategy to disarm him when things get stressful.
(He's on the forefront of magical innovation, and if he ever found a way to get involved in any kind of magical academia I think he'd be happy as a clam. In another life, I could see him as an avid researcher but begrudging professor for a university.)
A side hobby he has is reading. I imagine he collects (steals) books from whatever regions he conquers. Books on magic are always a treat, even if he already knows everything that's in them already- the repetition of the facts is soothing (neurodivergent gang represent). He also likes nonfiction books about the natural world quite a lot. His least favorite books are sappy heroic fiction books, although he does have one favorite where the villain wins in the end.
He also likes the arts and supports them heavily. Fashion, music, and drama are things he likes and sees as important. It's canon that he had bards and other artists as minions and friends. I imagine one of the first thing he does after conquering a new village is sending his bards in to spread the enrichment of the arts his terror through writing and song.
The people that could be considered closest to him are those that not only respect his need to be seen as a villain but also play along with the act. In turn, he's very tolerant of their eccentricities. A lot of his minions are misfits from the rest of society, from theatre kids to gender nonconformists to others with untraditional life paths. He also likes witty, dramatic people- his favorite humor is improv-y jokes, especially if he gets to fully embody the role of the mustache-twirling villain without having to justify anything or do anything actually harmful.
His least favorite people are those that don't take him seriously, those that try and poke at his main insecurity (not being evil enough), and, finally, incessantly naïve, chatty, cheery people. That last one isn't related to the first two and isn't a product of any sort of trauma- it just really grinds his gears when people can't shut up and can't get it through their thick skulls that the world is a difficult place sometimes.
Could Veigar be redeemed? For my character read of him, yes, but it would take a LONG time and a LOT of effort, something no one has any reason to give him just yet. Getting him to work through the trauma he's been letting rot on him for thousands of years would require superhuman patience and understanding- and that's not accounting for the process of getting him to open up in the first place. Anyone coming at him with the explicit goal to redeem him is going to get reduced to atoms the moment they open their mouth.
But the possibility for his redemption is a very real one.
Veigar can't reconcile the idea that he could potentially do good in the world when he's done such horrible stuff in the past.
But deep down he still has a conscience, and he spends most of his waking hours stuffing said conscience into a sack and lighting it on fire, with hilarity ensuing.
He's overcompensating for his insecurities with his magic, the one somewhat stable constant in his life.
Stir this cocktail with a surprising sense of self-loathing
Sprinkle in just a touch of height insecurity
And you've got our only marginally stable wizard friend! Don't push on any one thing too hard or things start to fall apart.
But this doesn't mean he's all angst all the time- he has good days and passions and interests and hobbies and even some friends if you look hard enough.
Redemption? Sure- but good luck.
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
Part 8 of the series Vacation
This is a TICKLE series
PLATONIC Avengers x reader
Warnings: Mentions of separation anxiety.
Summary: Y/n has a lot of fun messing with Bucky and Steve under Wanda’s magical protection, but what happens when Wanda and Vision have date night, leaving Y/n at the cabin unprotected from the vicious super soldiers?
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Steve had carried you up to your bed after the two of you made up. You nearly fell asleep in his arms with your head on his shoulder. He was careful to not wake Natasha when he laid you down. The last thing you remember is Steve kissing your head before you fell asleep. 
  Is this what it is to be unconditionally loved by someone? No matter how mad you made them, they’d still be willing to forgive you the same day, and love you the same, if not more. When you were in the HYDRA base, you expected that was what your whole life would be. Never escaping, ruled by the evil that killed your mother for falling in love with you and wanting a better life for you. You knew if you tried to get away, they would kill you too. 
You remember spying on Captain America one time. He was wearing regular clothes, a hat and sunglasses. He was with Natasha. Your job was to find out what they were doing. You never would’ve believed that man would become like a big brother, father, uncle, or best friend to you. You never knew how to properly describe what he is to you. He is just… Steve. You knew Steve wouldn’t hesitate to lay down his life for you. You would do the same for him. 
You knew Steve’s heart. You knew he missed the past. You knew he still missed his mother. You knew he had struggles that he kept to himself. You knew he was pure, and a good man. You wanted nothing but for him to be happy. 
You heard your name being whispered and felt yourself being shaken softly awake. 
  “Hmm? What?” You mumbled confused. 
  “Open your eyes!” The voice whispered. 
You knew exactly who it was. You opened your eyes to meet the all-too-familiar warm, brown eyes. 
  “Peter?” You asked. “What do you need?”
  “Let’s go swimming!” Peter whisper-yelled. 
You rolled over and saw the clock read 7:02 a.m. A morning swim sounded nice, and it was beautiful and sunny outside, the birds were chirping and you could see a slight breeze blowing through the pines out the white paned windows. 
  “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.” You whispered. 
Peter smiled and left the room. 
You hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to change into your swimsuit. After you changed you brushed your teeth and made your way downstairs. Peter had towels and sunscreen ready for the both of you. 
  “I’ll make us some iced coffee. You better put sunscreen on, Peter Benjamin!” You scolded. 
  “Yay coffee! And I wiiiill-uh!” Peter groaned. 
You chuckled and pulled out the ingredients for the drinks. You were surprised that you and Peter were the only two awake. A lot of times, the adults woke up before you. 
  You brought the glasses of iced coffee out to the pool deck. You walked up the steps to find your best friend lounging in a lounge chair with his favorite pair of sunglasses on (that Tony gifted him with). 
  “Peeeter? Did you put sunscreen on?” You asked, suspiciously. 
  “Yes I did!” He nodded
You picked up the sunscreen only to find out it was a brand new bottle… and the seal was yet to be broken. You smirked and walked over to him, towering over him. 
He slightly pushed his sunglasses down to peer over them at you. 
  “What Y/n/n?”
  “Don’t you “Y/n/n” me, you liar!” You exclaimed dramatically, holding the sealed sunscreen to his face. 
Peter smiled guiltily with a blush. 
You dug your fingers around his collarbones and neck to tickle him. 
  “AHAH! Y/N! Nohhohoho!” Peter began, kicking frantically.
  “This is whatcha get!” You teased in a cute voice, projecting your adoration for him. 
He was too cute for his own good. 
  “Y/n! Plehehehease! I don’t want suhuhunscreehehen!” Peter cried through his ticklish agony. 
You switched to scritching around his belly button, making him scream. 
  “You better wear sunscreen or I’m gonna get Tony!” You warned. 
Peter’s eyes went wide at you. 
  “OKAY! OKAHAHAY! I will! Plehehehease stohohop tickling!” He whined through his laughter, obviously threatened by the thought of you getting Tony. 
You ceased the tickles and began opening the bottle of sunscreen, grinning to yourself over what just happened. 
  “I’m going to get you back for that miss Y/n.” Peter said, sitting up on the edge of the lounge chair. 
  “No Peter! You can’t!” You whined. 
  “And why not?” 
  “I made you coffee!” You argued, pointing over to the glasses with the cute swirly straws. 
  “Oh alright. You’re safe... for now.” 
You furrowed your brows at him with a smirk. “Stand up.” You ordered. 
Peter did as told and you began spraying his back and shoulders with sunscreen. You reached up to rub extra on his upper back and shoulders where he most often burned for extra protection. 
When Peter had all his sunscreen on, he grabbed the bottle to help you. He sprayed your tummy and rubbed it in, but made sure to make it tickle by digging his fingertips into the skin. 
  “Hehehehey! Yohohou said I wahahas safe!” You giggled, flinching away. 
Peter smirked evilly. 
  “I’m just trying to help you! Gosh!” He fibbed. 
You rolled your eyes and finished applying the sunscreen. 
  You and Peter spent the next twenty minutes sunbathing by the pool, drinking the refreshing iced coffee and letting the sunscreen set in. Peter had tanned so much over the trip. Tony was right to be so strict about Peter wearing sunscreen because of his skin. Your skin was glowing too, and you felt extra confident in yourself. Luckily, being surrounded by such encouraging and accepting people really helped you feel good about yourself. You had been degraded a lot growing up by the people at HYDRA. They always wanted you to feel weak, so you’d do what you were told. They sucked. However, you always knew you were beautiful, because your mother always told you so, and instilled that in you. You missed her, even though you were so young when she passed. You were glad Bucky was such a good father and that he was in your life. You always felt it was a miracle that Sam spotted you that dreadful morning. Here you were now, enjoying a beautiful vacation with a family to call your own. 
   It was now July 1st, and this was your last week here. Steve’s birthday and the Fourth of July was just three days away. There were big plans for the week and you still felt you had plenty of vacation left. 
 You and Peter finally jumped in the pool, doing flips, splashing each other and laughing. You had some random, deep conversations, but you also found yourselves laughing so hard your abs ached. You floated on your back, looking up at the blue sky through a semi-circle of pine tree tops. It was so beautiful and you could smell the evergreens in the fresh, mountain air. 
  You and Peter were soon quietly laying on pool floaties, sunglasses on. This lasted for a while, until something felt different. You felt like you were floating, not on the water, but… above the water. You and Peter opened your eyes to see you were six feet above the pool. Familiar red magic surrounded you. 
  “WANDA!!” You and Peter screamed in unison, before being dropped and flipped into the water. 
You came up from the water and you both couldn’t help but laugh. 
  “What was that for?!” You asked. 
  “Breakfast is ready!” Wanda cheered, turning and going back inside. 
  “That was fun!” You and Peter said in unison. 
 After you and Peter got out of the pool and dried off, you went to your rooms and got ready for breakfast. 
  You walked into the kitchen to see everyone awake. 
 “How was your morning swim?” Wanda asked with a smirk. 
 “It was quite relaxing… until… you know.” You answered with a smile.
Wanda patted your head and placed your plate in front of you. It was your favorite breakfast and you were hungry after swimming, so you dug in. 
  Steve plopped down next to you and gave you a loving smile. You returned the smile with a blush. He rubbed the middle of your back lovingly. 
  “When did you two make up?” Bucky asked before taking a bite of his food. 
  “At like midnight.” You said. 
Steve nodded. 
  “Yeah I got up to use the bathroom and I heard Y/n laughing. I thought “Dang! It’s too late for all that!” said Sam, sitting across from you. 
You and Steve laughed. 
  After breakfast, everyone had spread out and was doing their own thing for a while before it was time to get ready to go down to the town to have lunch and go to some gift shops. 
This was the first time you had really been alone for the trip, so you were just kind of exploring the cabin. You opened the closet by the front door and found things that made your heart soar! Bubbles, jump ropes, hoola-hoops, and a big bucket of chalk. You grabbed the bucket of chalk and slipped on your flip-flops. You went out the door and found a shady spot in the small looped driveway and began drawing all kinds of doodles. You were actually working pretty hard on them and wiped some sweat off your forehead from the heat. 
  “What are you doing out here, kid?” Sam asked, walking down the porch steps to you.
You gave him your bubbly smile and showed him your work. 
  “Oooh you found the sidewalk chalk!” He said. “I’m impressed! These are cute!” 
  “Thank you!” You exclaimed. 
  “Mind if I join you?”
  “Please!” You answered. 
You and Sam drew, laughing and enjoying each other's company. 
  “Now let me show you something we used to do when we were kids.” Sam started, taking what he knew was your favorite color. 
He began swirling the chalk in circles, until it created a thick layer of chalk on the ground. 
  “Okay, now watch.” He said, and then pressed his whole hand in the chalk, coating it. 
You smiled wide. “That’s such a good idea!”
Sam made his hand print on the concrete and you did the same, dipping your hand in it, and placing your hand print next to his. Sam dipped his hand in it again, this time placing his print on your shin. 
  “Hey!” You giggled and placed your print on his arm. 
Sam laughed and poked your sides, making you squeal. You placed your print on his shirt. 
  “Oh it’s on!” Sam challenged and you both began racing, swirling all different colors of chalk on the ground and covering each other in chalk, all while laughing up a storm. 
  Bucky opened the door and walked out to find you two. Purple chalk in Sam’s beard, blue and pink chalk in your hair, orange chalk on Sam’s face, yellow and blue on your face, and your clothes looked like the rainbow. Bucky’s mouth hung open. 
  “What in the world?” Bucky blurted. 
  “Hi Daddy!” 
  “Uhh hi Y/n…” Then, Bucky smirked. “Hi Sam!” He said in a teasing voice, obviously amused to see Sam in such a childish state.
  “Hey.” Sam said seriously, waiting to be teased to the ends of the earth by Bucky. 
Bucky, however, wasn’t going to tease him. He thought it was really sweet how big, tough Sam could be a kid with you. You loved that too. 
 Wanda walked outside to see the scene, a giant smile on her face. 
  “Smile you two!” She said, holding her phone up to take a bunch of pictures, which you and Sam had fun with- making funny faces, throwing up peace signs, and hugs. 
  Steve walked out to see what was going on and his contagious laughter rang throughout the cabin. He had never seen Sam like that. Sam just rolled his eyes and laughed with him. 
 Tony and Peter soon walked out. 
  “Oh sweet! Chalk!” Peter cheered, running down the steps to draw something. 
  “You guys better be hosed off before you come inside dragging chalk all over the place!” Tony scolded. He really just wanted an excuse to spray you with the hose. 
You and Sam walked over to the hose and Tony followed, a mischievous grin on his face. 
  “I can do it myself!” Sam snapped, taking the hose and spraying himself down. 
You felt like messing with Tony, so the perfect idea came to your mind. 
  “I’m just going to go inside like this.” You shrugged, walking towards the house.
  “Uh! No ma’am!” Tony scolded. 
  “Yes sir, I am!” You replied, giving him a playful look before running toward the front door, flip-flops flying off. 
  “Y/N! NO!” Tony yelled, chasing you around the yard. 
You giggled as you ran and would squeal any time he got close to catching you, but you were doing good. Natasha made you run almost every day. 
Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Peter laughed as they watched the chase. 
It had been too long and Tony decided to call for backup. You stood in the middle of the yard, away from Tony. Your heart sank with nervousness. What was he going to do? 
  “Cap! Help me get her!” Tony shouted. 
Steve bit his lip with a grin and started slowly walking down the steps, cracking his knuckles. 
You curled in on yourself where you stood in the grass and screamed. Steve started running toward you. You knew you were done-for, but you ran anyway, circling behind the trees. Tony stayed behind catching his breath. 
Your feet slammed against the grass and you could hear Steve close behind. You stopped and turned around. He was right there and reached out to grab you but you dove between his legs and came out the other side, and barely made it, much to your surprise. You got away. You launched to your feet again and sprinted, but this was Captain America. Next thing you knew, you felt his arms snake around your waist, making you scream again and you were lifted up in his arms. He laughed evilly. 
  “Got her, Tony!” Steve cheered. 
  “Thanks Cap! Hold her down for me?”
  “Why of course!” Steve answered, a teasing tone in his voice. 
You just took the time to catch your breath because you knew you wouldn’t be breathing much longer. Steve laid you on the grass. 
  “I must say, Y/n, that was very good! You’re a good runner, and you dodged me! I’m impressed!” Steve praised you. 
That made you really happy. He was impressed with you!
Steve saw you smile at that and tilted his head and smiled back. He saw how much his approval meant to you and he noted that. He used that as a reminder to keep that in mind. 
    “That’s the last time you run from me, Y/n/n!” Tony said, towering over you and wiggling his fingers at you. 
 “I’m sorry, Tony! Plehehease dohohn’t!” You begged. 
 “Too late!” He said, and immediately began dancing his fingers around your belly, causing you to burst into your belly laughter, making Tony and Steve both smile and look at each other over how cute it was. 
Peter who was drawing with the chalk looked up with a smile at Tony tickling your tummy and he got butterflies and blushed. He knew what you were going through, that’s for sure. He decided it was probably a good time to go inside and get ready to leave. 
 “I’m gonna… go inside.” Peter said to Wanda, slipping past her. 
 “Probably a good idea.” She giggled, rolling her eyes. 
Steve laughed along with you as he held you down to let Tony tickle you. Tony was now squeezing your sides and you were laughing like a maniac. 
  “Plehehease let mehehe gohoho, Steve!” You squealed, dying for him to let you move. 
  “Okay, if you say so!” Steve responded, releasing his grip on your wrists and joined Tony in tickling you. Steve dug one hand into your belly and the other in your armpit while Tony continued tickling your ribs and sides. 
 “NOOOO! AHAHAHAHAHA!” You screamed. 
The feeling of being tickled by two people at once was like torture, and all you could do was squirm and laugh. You couldn’t admit you were actually having fun. Once Tony’s hands found their way to your knees, and Steve’s to your neck, you couldn’t stand it any longer. 
  “STAHAHAHAP!” You cried, making Tony and Steve laugh. 
  “NO!” Steve teased, and he and Tony continued, making you think they weren’t going to stop. 
  “PLEHEHEASE!’ You squealed, finally making them stop. 
  “Well that should teach you.” Tony smirked. 
You blushed at him with a playful smile, sitting up in the grass. 
  “My hands are covered in chalk now!” Steve laughed. 
  “Looks like the Care Bears threw up on us.” Tony chuckled, standing up, pulling you up with him. 
  “I have an idea!” You perked up. 
Next thing you knew, you, Tony, and Steve were standing on the edge of the pool. 
 “3...2….1!” You counted down, and the three of you jumped into the pool, laughing and splashing each other. 
  Everyone was getting ready to go to town. You were now showered and dressed, standing on the back porch practicing braiding Thor’s hair while Natasha did yours.  
  “Am I doing this right, Nat?” You asked her, showing her the progress you made on Thor’s long, blonde hair. 
Nat looked over your shoulder. 
  “Hmm, you’re getting there. It’s a little lop-sided.” Nat smirked. 
  “I’m gonna restart it.” You said for the fifth time. 
  “I’m sure you’re doing a lovely job, Y/n.” Thor encouraged. 
 Suddenly, Tony stepped out on the porch. He was nearly ready and you could smell his cologne. You liked that smell. 
 “Hey Nat, you’ve got a call from Barton.” Tony said, holding up his phone. 
 “Oh okay, I’ll be right there. Thor, can you finish her hair, please?” She asked, stepping inside. 
 “Of course!” Thor said, standing up. Your progress on the new braid fell from his hair. 
 “Aww. That one was looking straighter!” You whined. 
Thor chuckled and began running his fingers on the nape of your neck, collecting your hair. It made you shiver and scrunch your shoulders. 
 “Does that tickle?” He asked with a smirk. 
You got butterflies and blushed, but you nodded. 
 “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” He asked, sarcasm in his voice. 
You rolled your eyes and let him finish your hair. 
When he was done, he picked you up and threw you high in the air, making you shriek. He caught you and you giggled. 
  “Tony, I want to talk to you about something.” Bucky said, walking into the kitchen where Tony was. 
 “What’s up?” Tony asked, filling up everyone’s water bottles. 
 “Well, with everything that happened with Y/n the past few days… I was thinking she really needs social interaction with kids her age.” Bucky suggested. 
 “Oh, definitely.” Tony replied, giving Bucky his full attention.
Tony had suggested this before, but you had said you really wanted to be homeschooled. You wanted to be home with the Avengers as much as possible. You really hated being away from them. 
  “Y/n has bad separation anxiety… but as her dad, I just can’t let that rule her life. I want to help her overcome it.” Bucky explained. 
  “You are absolutely right, Barnes.” 
Steve, who was leaning in the doorway, entered the kitchen. 
  “It has really taken a bit of a toll on her.” Steve added, catching their attention. 
  “I just don’t know how on earth we’re going to get her to do it.” Tony said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to force her into anything.” 
  “But at the end of the day, we can’t just sit back and let her continue to be taken over by fear.” Steve sighed. 
  “That’s why I was thinking we don’t send her to school. We get her involved in some extra-curricular activities. She’s way too talented to not be!” Bucky said. 
Steve and Tony agreed. They actually felt excited about it. They wanted Y/n to be happy, and to start developing more of her own life. 
  “I think we should get her to try a few different things, and let her pick the things she likes best.” Bucky added. 
 “That is a fantastic idea, Buck.” Steve smiled. 
 “Alright, we’re all in agreement. We’ll talk to her when we get home, and this Fall, we’ll get her started.” Tony concluded, patting Bucky’s back. 
The three grinned at each other. 
 “Alright, everyone in the van.” Tony urged.
Steve and Bucky climbed into the backseat of the van, leaving a space between them. You looked at them, and then looked at Wanda and Vision in the middle seat. 
  “I’m going to be smart and NOT get myself trapped between you two.” You said to Bucky and Steve. 
  “Awww really? We weren’t gonna do anything!” Bucky whined, sarcasm evident in his voice.
 “Yes! You can sit with us!” Wanda cheered happily. 
You smiled brightly at her and Vision. Vision leaned over and lifted you into the vehicle and placed you in between him and Wanda. You giggled at that. You loved Wanda and Vision. They always looked out for you, and you knew Vision would always be an ally to you. If it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have gotten to experience Asgard. 
  “Aww come on!” Peter groaned, standing outside the van when he saw he was going to be stuck between the two super soldiers. 
They chuckled.
  “I don’t think we’re very popular amongst the kids, Buck.” Steve smirked. 
  “Sorry Peter.” You apologized. 
Peter dramatically sulked his way into the seat. He didn’t actually mind. He enjoyed playing around with them. 
  Pepper and Tony got in the front and Natasha, Sam, and Thor took the other car. 
  Tony put on his music and everyone in the car was jamming and having fun. You were watching the pretty scenery out the window in front of you when suddenly you felt thirty fingers (5/30 which were metal)  fluttering around your neck. You squealed and scrunched your shoulders up. 
  "What?" Bucky teased. "You thought we wouldn't find a way to get you from back here?" 
Bucky, Steve, and Peter were all giving you little tickles on your neck and shoulders. You were red, gasping for air as you cackled. 
  "Silly girl!" Steve chimed in. 
  "Oh, do you guys ever quit? Let her be!" Wanda hissed protectively. Still, she couldn't help but smile at your state. 
  "I guess they tickle her because… it is quite adorable." Vision grinned. 
Vision’s statement made you blush more. 
  "STAHAHAP!" You cried as they continued to torment you. 
Just when you thought you wouldn't be able to take it anymore, you felt a pair of hands leave your neck. You immediately knew they were Steve's.
  "BUHUHUCKY! STAHAHAP!" Steve shouted. 
You felt the other two pairs of hands leave your neck.
 "IHIHIT'S NOT MEHEHE!" Bucky cried. 
You looked back to see the three of them in stitches, clutching their torsos and squirming. 
Something red caught your eye, and you looked down to see Wanda's fingers wiggling, the scarlet magic dancing around her hands. 
You smiled wide and turned around to watch the three superheroes in ticklish agony. Pepper and Tony saw what was going on and were cracking up themselves. 
Steve, Peter, and Bucky (much to his dismay) begged and begged for Wanda to stop. 
  "No more torturing poor Y/n! Deal?" She asked. 
 "DEAL!" They hollered. 
Wanda ceased her magic and grinned at you. 
  "Thank you, Wanda!" You smiled. 
 "You're welcome." She said cooly. "You want to know how they felt?" 
 "Yes… I MEAN NO!" You answered, realizing what she meant. 
Next thing you knew,  the ticklish sensation was now going through your belly, and you'd never felt anything quite like it. Sure, when Steve would tickle you, you'd feel his fingertips wiggling into your ticklish spots, making you laugh so hard you could barely breathe, or when Bucky would squeeze your thighs in just the right way, you'd cry with laughter and thrash around, or when Peter would blow a raspberry on your neck and you'd feel the ticklish buzz all the way up to your ears- this was different. It tickled deeper, and you felt that you'd collapse into madness before too long, or just straight up pass out. You'd be surprised if any of them dared to tickle you in front of Wanda again. 
Wanda saw your reaction and knew to let up. 
  "Do you know what that feels like?" You asked her, residual giggles pouring out of you. 
  "Yes. I based it off how I'd feel when Pietro would tickle me." She answered with a fond smile. 
  "Ooooh you poor thing!" Peter said sincerely. 
Wanda laughed. 
"I think the magic makes it… a little worse." She smirked. 
 All the Avengers wore hats and sunglasses in an attempt to not draw attention to themselves. Thor even wore Earth clothes. Tony had F.R.I.D.A.Y. monitoring to make sure no one or nothing could take pictures or record without permission, in order to protect Peter's identity. People may be suspicious of him being Spider-Man, and walking around in the suit wouldn't help with drawing attention either. Needless to say, you all were safe and free to have a normal day at the town. 
After lunch, you and Peter ran ahead of everyone into the first gift shop. The gift shop looked like a cabin and there was lots of lake and forest themed stuff. There were tons and tons of friendship bracelets, t-shirts, hoodies, little knick knacks, and more. Tony let everyone get pretty much whatever they want. You and Peter picked out various bracelets and necklaces, and even got matching tie-dye shirts. 
 As you all walked around town into the many different stores, Bucky gave you a piggy-back ride. You were quite grateful he didn’t get tired, because your leg was bothering you a bit. Bucky didn’t set you down until you were at the snow cone stand. Everyone got their favorite flavors and you were sitting at the picnic tables, enjoying the shade of the umbrellas. You sat in between Bucky and Sam. You were feeling playful and you knew you could mess with Bucky, Steve, and even Peter, because you had Wanda to protect you. 
You smirked to yourself and reached up and ruffled Bucky’s hair. He smiled at you a first, but then you did it again. He raised his “claw’ but stopped when Wanda gave him a look. He sighed and you giggled to yourself. This is going to be fun. You squeezed Bucky’s thigh under the table, making him slam it on the bottom of the table with a loud BANG! You laugh hysterically as everyone else was confused about what just happened. 
  “Y/n stop!” Bucky urged.
You figured you’d give him a break and mess with someone else. Everyone finished their snowcones and began walking to the next location. You were going to walk next to Peter and maybe mess with him, but you soon found yourself being lifted up high in the air. You didn’t even flinch as this was a common occurrence. Steve placed you on his back to give you a piggyback ride, not knowing he just made himself your next victim. You slipped your hands to his ribs and scribbled. Steve let out a loud laugh and nearly dropped you.
  “HEHEY! NOHOHO Y/N!” He shouted through his laughter while you couldn’t help but giggle. 
He attacked your knees and shins the best he could while you held on. 
  “Steheheve nonono!” You giggled, but he kept going. “WANDA!” You shouted, catching her attention. 
Steve slowly stopped tickling, locking eyes with Wanda. 
  “I’m normally up for a fight… but I'm on vacation.” Steve huffed. 
Wanda smirked at you and you grinned back. She was letting you get your revenge and you were having a field day. You reached up and scribbled all over Steve’s neck and ears, making him scrunch his shoulders up and cackle. 
  “Ahahahaha! Alrihihight, thahahat’s enough!” Steve declared, prying you off him and setting you down.  “Go get someone else, would ya?” He said, gently pushing you away. 
You laughed at him and skipped into the store. Steve shook his head with a smile.
   “Y/n come here! Do you like these, sweetheart?” Bucky asked, standing in front of a display for really cool friendship bracelets. 
You gasped. “I love them! Can we get matching ones?” You asked him. 
  “That’s just what I was thinking.” Bucky grinned happily and picked out two to go check out. 
You went with him to the check out and you were so excited for the bracelets, but your mission wasn’t over. You had to get as much revenge tickles in as possible before Wanda’s protection from them was no longer over you. So, as Bucky was talking to the lady at check out, who was very cute, you snuck your fingers around his waist and started tickling him. 
Bucky’s eyes went wide as he was reaching into his wallet, and he tried his best not to squirm and laugh. You were having trouble holding in your laughter yourself. The clerk was very confused as she couldn’t see you tickling him, because the counter was tall, blocking the view of Bucky’s belly. She tried to make conversation with Bucky who was frozen in ticklish agony and would be so embarrassed to break out into laughter in front of her. This was too good, and pretty mean, but you couldn’t resist. 
  “Have a nice day!” The pretty lady said with a smile. 
  “You too.” Bucky managed to say cooly, with a smirk. He grabbed this little bag with the bracelets and turned around in your arms. You ran outside and he followed quickly after you. 
  “OH YOU LITTLE- THAT WAS HUMILIATING!” Bucky thundered, but he couldn’t help the smile creeping on his lips. 
You clutched your torso in hysterical laughter. 
  “OH I’M GONNA-” Bucky snatched you up in his arms baby style, and lifted your shirt up a bit, the cold metal fingertips slowly slid across your belly. He was ready to give you the biggest raspberry of your life, but was soon cut off by your cries for help.
Wanda looked over and instantly shot tickles at Bucky and he collapsed into laughter, and set you down. Wanda ceased her magic and you got away. 
  “How fair.” Bucky grumbled sarcastically. 
You struted back over to him with a mischievous smile. Bucky sat down on a bench and had a little bit of a nervous look on his face. Were you coming back to tickle him some more? You weren’t. You came back because you were ready to wear your new bracelet. 
  “Let’s wear our bracelets now.” You said sweetly. 
  “Okay.” Bucky smiled at you adoringly. 
He got the bracelets out of the bag, and you tied his on his right wrist first. He was now tying yours on. 
  “Do you like it?” He asked. 
  “I love it.”
Once he had it tied on you, you were ready to go, but he yanked you very close to him by your wrist, making your eyes widen in surprise. 
  “Don’t think I won’t get you back for your shenanigans, Y/n, because I am going to.” He warned through gritted teeth. 
You gulped. He pulled you closer and placed kisses on your cheek making you giggle. You got butterflies at the thought of his revenge, but you knew it was worth it. Bucky stood back up, towering over you, and you were on your way. 
You figured Peter would be your final victim of the day, but you saw he was having such a good time with Tony, and you didn’t want to interrupt that. Peter had practically been glued to Tony’s hip all day. You saw he was happy and maybe he just needed Tony right now. Plus, you were saving your future self from a third person wanting revenge. 
  When it was a time to leave, you stood behind Steve as he climbed in the van and you rapidly poked his sides. 
  “Y/N! NOHOHO!” Steve yelled as he quickly got into his seat. 
You giggled, and then found yourself being scooped up into Vision’s arms. 
  “Are you having fun tormenting Steve and Bucky, Y/n?” Vision teased, holding you baby style. 
You nodded, making Vision chuckle. He sat down in the van, still holding you. 
  “You know, Y/n, Wanda can’t and won’t protect you from me.” Vision said in a teasing tone you don’t hear often enough. 
Wanda smirked at him. 
 You smiled up expectantly at him. He scribbled into your tummy and you curled in on yourself and began laughing and squirming, but he held you still in his arms. Wanda giggled at the sight. 
  “I bet that tickles, doesn’t it?” Vision teased through his smile. He had never tickled you before, because he figured you got enough from everyone else. You were very flustered, but were really loving this. Vision plopped you down into your seat, giving you a few more pokes with a chuckle. You blushed, residual giggles pouring out of your smile. You definitely felt closer to Vision after that. 
 You all had been back at the cabin for about two hours. You, Wanda, Natasha, and Pepper lounged in the sun by the pool for a while and now you were inside changed. You sat on your bed reading when Wanda came in all dressed up. 
  “You look so pretty!” You gasped.
  “Thank you, Y/n! Listen, I came here to warn you.” She whispered. 
You dropped your book and sat up. 
  “About what?” You asked nervously. 
  “I’m not going to be able to protect you tonight. Vis and I are having a date night.” She said with a grin. 
  “No! You can’t! You have to stay!” You begged. 
She rolled her eyes. “Y/n, we’re going!”
  “Oh alright… have fun then.” You sighed with a smile. 
Wanda ruffled your hair lovingly and left. 
 You grabbed your book and a flashlight off the nightstand. You were going to hide in the hall closet and read until she got home. It’s not that you were scared, but you felt way too bashful to face Steve and Bucky. You knew if they got a hold of you they’d not only tickle you, but tease you into oblivion. So, you got comfortable in the upstairs hall closet ready to hideout for the night.
  “Where’s Y/n?” Steve asked, walking into the living room. 
  “Hiding.” Bucky answered. He didn’t know where you were hiding, but he knew Wanda was gone for the evening, and wasn’t there to save you from the soldiers’ wrath. 
  “Hiding? Why?” Tony asked, sitting next to Peter on the couch watching a movie.
  “She’s scared.” Bucky smirked. 
Steve chuckled and crossed his arms. “Huh. I’m gonna find her.”
He began searching the downstairs of the cabin, not finding you anywhere, so he decided to check the upstairs. 
You were lost in your book when you heard footsteps. Your eyes widened and your breathing quickened. You quietly turned off your flashlight and held your book to your nose. The footsteps got closer and you squeezed your eyes shut. You knew the footsteps, too. Steve. 
Suddenly, the door swung open and the light flicked on. You looked up at Steve. You gave him your famous puppy dog eyes. 
  “Hello!” You said to him innocently. 
  “Well hello Y/n/n! Enjoying your book? Tell me, honey, why are you hiding in the closet?” Steve teased. 
  “I just like it in here. It’s nice and quiet!” You shrugged. 
Steve tilted his head at you and raised an eyebrow at you. 
You couldn’t look him in the eye. You screamed when he snatched you up. 
   “NOHOHOHO STEHEHEVE DOHOHON’T!” You squealed, curling in on yourself. 
   “I’m not even doing anything!” Steve laughed.
   “But you’re gonna!” 
   “Awww Y/n! You know me too well!” Steve teased. 
  “I see you got her!” Bucky said, entering the hallway. 
  “You know, I think you guys should just let me go.” You shrugged.
  “And why would we do that? After what you pulled today?” Bucky seethed through gritted teeth.
  “Steeeeve don’t do it pleeease? I just wanna read my book!” You whined, leaning in to give him butterfly kisses on his eyelashes. This always melted his heart. 
  “Awww. Maybe we should just have mercy on her.” Steve supposed, returning the butterfly kisses and pressing his nose to your cheek. 
  “Oh you are such a chump! Snap out of it!” Bucky ordered, snatching you from Steve and throwing you over his shoulder, carrying you into the room and throwing you on your bed. 
  “I gotta say… you had me there, Y/n! But not anymore!” Steve teased. 
Bucky immediately attacked your belly with raspberries. You squealed and laughed and pushed at his head, but he wouldn’t let up. When he finally did, Steve grabbed your ankle and pulled you toward him, making you yelp. He shook his hand into your tummy and you belly laughed your heart out. Butterflies always swarmed into your stomach when Steve did this. He just laughed at you as he sent you into ticklish agony. Bucky laid down on his side next to you, propping himself up on one arm and danced his fingers around your neck while Steve continued to shake your tummy. 
  “It’s so easy to tickle you to pieces!” Steve teased, making you blush. 
  “Aww look at her blush!” Bucky joined, sitting up and pinning your arms above your head. Though you put up a fight, he got them down and dug in your armpit. 
You screamed with laughter. 
  “Get her feet, Steve!” Bucky demanded, now, digging into both your armpits while you trapped his hands by throwing your arms down. Classic.
  “NOHOHOHO!” You shouted, while Steve put your ankles in a headlock. 
Bucky ceased his tickles to hold you down. 
  “Y/n I have a question for you.” Steve stated, that teasing tone never leaving his voice. 
  “What!” You spat, catching your breath. You couldn’t hide the smile on your face that said you were having fun.
Steve shook his head and shrugged at your sass. He slowly dragged a single finger up your foot from your heel to your toe. You giggled and flinched. 
  “Does that tickle?” He asked. 
  “Yes.” You said unamused. 
  “Okay, and what about this?” 
He scribbled his hands across both of your feet and you screamed and laughed and kicked. 
Bucky just laughed at you and began tickling your ribs. You went crazy with laughter and began begging for mercy. 
  “Should we stop, Buck?”
  “Yeah let’s stop.” Bucky chuckled, letting you go soon followed by Steve. 
You caught your breath.
  “That was mean.”
  “You asked for it.” Bucky shrugged. 
  “I always ask for it. I don’t know why.” You admitted with a blush making them smile. 
  “When will you learn, Y/n?” Steve teased, rolling onto you and attacking your neck with raspberries.  
You were laughing, enduring Steve ticklish raspberries when suddenly his raspberries turned into laughter, and of course that still tickled you. 
  “Are you torturing my Y/n/n, Steve?” Nat quipped, as she squeezed his sides. Steve collapsed with laughter next to you.  
 You sat up and watched her tickle Steve. She finally let up on him and he sat up with you, wrapping his arm around you. 
  “My Y/n/n!” Steve claimed. 
  “Uhhh no! My Y/n/n.” Bucky said, taking you from Steve. 
You looked at all of them. 
  “First one to bring me a bowl of ice cream loves me the most!” You challenged. 
Bucky dropped you on the bed and you watched them all fight their way out the door.
You laid back on the bed, rolled your eyes and smiled. You loved them more.
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