#like maned lionesses
bywandandsword · 11 months
The amount of nonbinary people I've encountered that in some way relate their gender to deer is not insignificant, and I wonder why that is. Everyone always talks about nonbinary people and frogs but i think there's something here with the deer
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midnightmah07 · 30 days
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Kyra is a retired name now I wanna give her a new name and I'm going crazy bc idk what
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Folk were really into the post I made about Tandie, the zoo lion with a (then) undergrown mane due a period of time on testosterone blockers. He's having quite the glow up this summer.
Did you know that manes are hormone dependent in both sexes of lion?
Let's talk about maned lionesses!
To recap the previous post quickly: the existence of a mane, and it's color, appear to be pretty heavily androgen-dependent. Neutered males or males put on testosterone blockers, like Tandie was, will drop their manes - but like Tandie, if taken off the meds, it will generally grow it back. Darker manes are indicative of higher testosterone levels, and long/lush manes are generally a good signal of a male's fitness and mate quality. Females seem to show a preference for males with longer, darker manes and other males will preferentially avoid scuffles with them. (Yes, as many comments have pointed out, that means Scar was actually a hunk. Do with that as you will.)
The fascinating thing about androgens being linked to manes in lions is that it goes both ways - females with higher levels will also grow manes!
Mane growth in females lions is most commonly seen with elderly animals who have stopped cycling and are basically in lion menopause. And they have to get pretty old for it to happen - captive lions generally only live into their late teens and early second decade, and most of the maned ladies I know about started growing manes around like, seventeen.
Not all old female lions grow manes, but some of the career cat people I've talked to said it happened to about a quarter of the females they've worked with over the years. Which... is an interesting contrast to the news articles about Zuri, who we'll meet in a bit, that breathlessly reported in 2022 that her mane growth "left scientists baffled."
Old lady lion manes are just... precious. They grow in first at the chest and then around the sides or on the back of the head, but they don’t normally get the length, density, and connectivity seen in the mane of an adult male. It leaves the lionesses manes kind of awkward, in the way I associate with very young males, and they're absolutely adorable. Prepare yourself for the photo spam.
I have to start with Daisy, because she's the only maned lioness I've had the privilege to meet in person.
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I don't know exactly when she started growing her mane, but she was over 20 years old when she passed in 2019 with these luscious locks.
Here's another female at the same facility, named Adeena. On the left is a photo of her from 2021, on the right is from this spring (I think she's mid-sneeze in the photo). She turns 20 in October.
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If you've heard about maned lionesses before, it’s probably because of Zuri, at Topeka. She’s the most recent one to get media coverage and she went a little viral.
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(Just a side note here, but I have some strong feelings about knowledge loss in the exotic animal management world due to political/philosophical schisms. This is one of those topics where it's clear: Topeka told a reporter that the zoo had “never" heard of this happening before, but it's common enough to be well known as a thing in other sectors of the exotic cat world. There's so much expertise and knowledge being lost due to infighting between accrediting groups, and it drives me up a wall).
Anyway. Zuri had one of the best manes I've seen on an elderly lioness. It grew long and lush and she totally could have done shampoo commercials. I mean, look at this.
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Zuri lived with her sister, who didn't grow a mane in her old age. Here's the two of them together, Zuri on the left, Asante on the right.
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We don't completely know what's going on with these golden girls to cause them to grow manes. It's theorized to be related to the end of estrus and higher levels of androgenic hormones, although it's not clear if that's just due to lower levels of other hormones during "meownopause" or if there's something else also going on.
There was some speculation with Zuri's mane growth that it was caused by the death of the male she lived with, in some biological need to "take over the role." The zoo dismissed that idea pretty quickly, and it makes sense, although there is one other instance where I've heard of that happening before.
The cat people I've talked to say that older lionesses who grow manes don't tend to act differently - they're not taking over new social roles in their prides or anything. Sometimes they can be less active, or be a little more nervous around males, and want to be left alone more, but it was emphasized to me that those behaviors could also just be associated with the fact that manes tends to develop in elderly lionesses.
The mane growth can happen pretty quickly, as we saw in the photos I've posted of Tandie over the last year. Here's Bridget, from the Oklahoma Zoo. The left photo was taken in March of 2017 and the right in November - look how much hair she gained over six months!
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The zoo did some research into what might have cause Bridget's mane growth, and found that she had elevated levels of androstenedione, which is a hormone that can be converted by the body into either testosterone or estrogen, depending. In AFAB people, it's known to have a masculinizing effect. The zoo theorized that this was the cause of her mane growth, and that the elevated levels might have been caused by a benign tumor. Fascinatingly, though, blood draws revealed that her testosterone levels were the same as her mane-less sister, Tia.
Tia is on the left in the photo below, Bridget and the beginnings of her mane are on the right. Bridget was 17 when her mane started growing in.
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I don't think there's any formal hypothesis that there might be a genetic component to lionesses growing manes in old age, but it's interesting to note that one of Tia's daughters, Zari, also grew a mane. (And she grew it young! It started around age 13, interestingly, also right after their male died). She's on the left in the photo below.
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And to circle back around to where we began: Tandie is related to a number of maned ladies! His father, Xerxes, was Bridget's son; Zari was Xerxes' half-sister.
Here's a few more beautiful maned ladies to leave you with. In order, Ngala, Pepper, Skye, and Dandy Lion.
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Next up, and last in this lion mane series, is the story of five younger lionesses in Botswana who not only have manes but also express a range of masculine behaviors.
A huge thanks to all the folk who shared photos of and stories about their golden girls for this post: M. Townsen, S.W. Simpson, E. Day, S. Cook, M. Stinner, M. Paul, K. Vanaman, D. O'Halloran, R. Simpson, D. Souffrant.
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ssaltlicker · 1 year
Seeing how this website interprets biology is a fucking trip. The see-sawing between “sexual dimorphism isnt real” and “sexual dimorphism is actually very set in stone and black and white” and “anyone who doesnt fit into a calculated average isnt actually ____”. Its amazing.
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mommyclaws · 9 days
Butch Goldenflower who looks like a maned lioness listen to me
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 5 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader)
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Underage smoking, underage drinking, implied ED
Part 1// Part2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
School trips were never really your thing. Sure it was good to be out of classes but to you it just seemed like an extension of school and honestly you’d rather be anywhere else.
One of the teachers thought it would be a bright idea to take you all out of school for a week to spend it in a forest ‘immersed in nature’. Possibly their tactic to get everyone to stop being at eachother a throats especially after the whole Cady incident a few months back.
It didn’t help that your best friends Janis and Damien both ended up getting sick at the last minute so couldn’t come with you , now you had to stay in your shared cabin alone. At least you didn’t have to room with a random person the whole trip, small mercies I guess.
The coach drive there was boring. You sat near the front, making sure to put your bag on the seat next to yours so nobody tried to sit with you. Of course Queen Regina and her minions took ownership of the back of the coach, that’s why you decided to sit upfront. Best to stay out of the firing line.
It’s not that you hated Regina, you understand why she’s the way she is. It’s a smart move to position yourself at the top of the food chain to avoid being mauled. Your tactic has always been to just steer clear of the food chain entirely which has worked so far.
The coach finally comes to a stop after a few hours and everyone shoves their way off and mills around in groups before a teacher starts to call out names and lodge numbers so people can go and unpack.
As soon as you turn the corner you hear Regina’s shriek of horror.
“Eww, what the fuck are these. I thought we were staying in chalets”
You roll you eyes. The cabins were clean, neat, maybe a little rustic. Of course Regina would still have to be dramatic about it.
“I’m sure forcing us to stay in one of these is some form of neglect.” She snarks at Mrs Norbury as she takes her hot pink suitcase over to her accommodation.
Luckily you get assigned one of the cabins at the edge of the forest, it’ll be quiet. Unfortunately it’s the next cabin over from the plastics. Not that they’ll even notice you there, I’m not sure any of them even know your name. It feels safe to be invisible, if not a bit lonely.
Once everyone is settled, a teacher comes round to each cabin explaining that tonight you can just get settled. No hiking or activities today, just a campfire and dinner later. That suits you perfectly. You sit on the creaky bed in your cabin, pull out your Switch console and start to get lost in a game. Hours pass before dinner call and you make your way, alone to the campfire.
You sit on your own, out of the way of all the different high school cliques. At this point you wish Janis and Damien were here. It feels vulnerable sitting alone.
To distract yourself you watch the other groups like a documentary maker. Noting the way they interact, the tension between them and the clique next to them. However nobody quite catches your eye like Regina.
She’s like a lioness. She has this invisible hold over everyone. They can all fuck about in their own groups but as soon as someone steps a foot out of place she roars and swishes her mane and everyone scampers back to obedience.
Currently she’s sitting at a bench with Gretchen and Karen, they’re talking enthusiastically about their plans for the trip; makeovers, cabin decoration, girly shit. Regina seems zoned out, she’s been pushing the same bit of food around her plate for a good 15 minutes. Every few minutes it’s like she’s trying to solve a puzzle, rearranging everything until teachers tell us to go back to our cabins and rest for the evening. You’re not sure you saw her eat a single thing, the food is probably not up to her standards.
Regina stands and suddenly seems snapped out of her trance, flashing a grin and summoning Karen and Gretchen back to the cabin with her.
You follow, a good distance behind. No point getting too close to danger, and slip back to your Cabin unnoticed.
There’s not much to do alone in a forest so you end up putting on a movie and start a new page in your sketchbook. Janis and Damien are the only ones to know you draw. That’s how you ended up speaking with Janis in the first place. If that news ever got back to Regina she’d probably have something to finally pick on you for, but so far you aren’t even on her radar.
You lose a lot of time sketching out some of the trees you can see out of the window, lots of tall, looming pines fill the page, you start to sketch a lion between the trees.
Eventually darkness creates a blanket around the forest. There’s a soft glow from many lamps outside of cabin doors, but past that, the forest seems endless in the dark. It’s 10:30pm. Teachers are fast asleep. Students definitely are not.
You hear snickering coming from the plastics cabin. Their lights are still on, not that you care at all.
Since all the teachers are asleep you decide that it’s probably safe to sneak out and have a cigarette. You stand down the side of the cabin so that your silhouette is obscured slightly by a bush and hunt through your pockets for a lighter. Finally you light the cigarette, trying to blow the smoke downwind, away from the teachers window.
“Karen! Fuck! Would you just stop puking, shut up!”
You watch from the shadow as Karen falls out of the door and begins to heave into the bush next to their window. Gretchen follows quickly, shaking Karen by the shoulders, desperately trying to get her to shut up so they don’t wake anyone. Regina steps out too, slightly loosing balance and nearly falling down the steps after them.
Clearly they’re all drunk. Someone must have snuck alcohol in.
Regina tries to keep a composed look but you see panic flash across her face briefly as her eyes scan around them, watching for any witnesses. You stay completely still against the cabin wall.
Karen finally stops for a second and they grab her by the arms to try and get her back inside. Their balance isn’t very good either and on the way in Regina’s foot connects briefly with a terracotta plant pot which wobbles for a second and then crashes to the ground, smashing over the front step. A sound that cuts through the night air.
The light to the teachers cabin flicks on.
You quickly drop the cigarette and stomp it out before silently scrambling back into your room, making sure the door closes soundlessly, watching intently through the window.
Mrs Norbury storms over to the plastics lodge, already suspecting they caused the noise.
You can’t make out exactly what’s being said. There’s a lot of shouting, from both parties. Then Mrs Norbury leaves, and the plastics light goes off too.
You quickly get into bed. It’s unlikely anyone will check in on you, but you decide it’s time to sleep anyway, it’s late, and drift off to the sound of the wind through trees. The wind sounds faintly like a roar.
In the morning you shower and begin to get changed when there’s a knock at your door.
“Regina will be rooming with you for the rest of the week, make sure she doesn’t try sneaking out.”
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evkemart · 8 months
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This is it, the big one. Huge sequence for the lovely @ tawnyscrawnyleo ! This lioness seems to just get hungrier and hungrier every date... Eventually the need for Quantity overtakes Quality.
I also wrote a story for this, find it in the show more! Though I think it's best read on my FurAffinity ;3
Soft notes of piano dance through the air as you settle in at the table, across from your date. Her sparkling red dress matches well with the gleams of light you catch from her sharp fangs. The conversation is slow and steady, interrupted only by sips of wine and tastes of appetizers. As the night stretches, so do your dates orders, plates slowly becoming more abundant; an extra side order, a refill of buttered bread, another bottle of wine. Slowly but surely the lioness completes it all, leaving you to watch as she works through the high class spread. She's sat back and sighing contentedly when the bill arrives, her dress pulled slightly taut around the middle. The only thing that interrupts your enchantment is being handed the check- and realizing this may not be the best place to satiate a girl with such an appetite.
Sat under the warm lights and ambiance of the restaurant, your date smiles up to you. Once again the lioness has dressed up for the occasion, smiling up to you and brushing away errant locks of mane. Less jewelry accents her figure than before, rings having become too tiresome to remove from her rounding digits. By the time the waiter comes around, she's already hungry, with a stacked order to prove it. Her ramble of platters and pots and dishes entirely dwarfs yours, and it's not long before the table is buried in a delectable, steaming feast. The pace at which her deft, pudgy paws go between foods is impressive, whole loaves of garlic bread and glasses of wine sacrificed to her muzzle. She looks so cute eating that you don't find yourself minding when you miss the chance to try appetizers, group snacks no match for her hunger. Thank goodness the bread sticks are unlimited…
Helping the lioness from your car, all the way into the diner is becoming more and more of an arduous task. Her once fanciful gait has slowed into a powerful, proud waddle, the best of her curves wobbling with every methodical step. Despite how much effort it takes, you still make sure to show her a good time, as you often do! Dates becoming purely meals is nothing new to your relationship, but the scales have been tipping in more ways than one. Her gut has grown alongside her average order, both of them totally absorbing your attention, to the point that you forget to ask for any food for yourself! Thankfully, the hedonistic lioness before you had ordered more than enough for two- or a family, for that matter. Between bites (and belches) she encourages you to try the occasional greasy diner dish, and while certainly you got your fill, it was more like having popcorn for a movie. Stacked sandwiches, warm drinks, breakfast platters and more slowly dwindled in population until there wasn't an occupied plate in sight, the meal punctuated with the purr of a burp from the other side of the table. You can't help but smile at how cute and satisfied she looks.
You've been here a while- at least an hour or so. Your thinly veiled excuses to leave the house for food have dwindled, now a mutual agreement to heave the lioness to the nearest fast food joint in order to let loose. She's done just that, fur slick and marred with the grease and debris of her gorging, an uncountable mass of calories processing away in her belly. And what a belly it is, pouring out in front of her and dominating the space between you. The table creaks and crackles beneath the weight of her upper tummy, struggling much like the bench under her. There's little attention to petty details from the lovely lioness, who is entirely preoccupied with the greasy feast. Burger after stacked burger are devoured, with breaks rarely afforded for glugs of soda or labored wheezes for air. The employees are staring, other customers gazing at the display- but who could blame them. You're staring too. It's barely relevant when a nervous fox comes to set down another oily bag of sandwiches, more for the immense pile. The purrs and wheezes from the massive lioness, the complaints of effort from her belly, make you all the more sure you came to the right place. You'll have to take her here tomorrow, too.
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starless-nightz · 4 months
Lioness! reader who is very tall and muscular, because of it she is often used as a jungle gym by the children.
Lioness! reader whos the one who trains the children at the House of the Hearth, she teaches them how to hunt and how to protect themselves.
Lioness! reader who is very protective of the children, she is practically their mother, and she would never let anything happen to them.
Lioness! reader who is a loving mother, but when angry the children are more scared of her then Arlecchino, which Arlecchino agrees with.
Lioness! reader who sometimes turns into her lion form and lets the children ride and pet her, but she isnt afraid to warn them what they shouldn't do with her sharp teeth.
Lioness! reader who picks up the children by the scruff of their shirts with one of her hands with ease.
Lioness! reader who has long, fluffy hair that is similar to a mane, and she lets the children style it and braid it.
Lioness! reader who teaches the children how to roar, tho only she is able to roar correctly.
Arlecchino and lioness! readers child, like all lion cubs, is born with a spots on their body, a bit darker then the babys skin tone, but as the baby grows the spots fade.
Arlecchino: This is my wife [Name], from now you adress her as mother.
Lioness! reader: [standing straight with a netrual expression]
Children: ....
Children: fluffy ears and tail....
Arlecchino: NO PUT THEM DOWN.
Lioness! reader looking confused as she holds a child by the scruff of their shirt, the child giggling.
Child #1: Who do you think is scarier, Mother ir Father?
Child #2: Of course its Father-
[Angry lioness! reader walking by]
Child #2: I stand corrected....
Little! Lyney: Mother, why does the baby have spots?
Lioness! reader: All cubs are born with spots, they will eventually fade away.
Little! Lynette: .....
Little! Lynette: The baby looks cuter with spots...
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karlachismylife · 4 days
[redacted] || The Queen of the Clan pt.3,5
CW: brief description of animal genitalia, brief description of animal sex (basically it's boys being hyenas, greetings and fucking, nothing too explicit). Still, this is NSFW and I WILL block every ageless blog (as well as minors) interacting with it, so please, put your age in your bio/pinned post. I feel sad when I have to block people :(
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No one dares to stop him as his huge shadow stalks through the darkness of the night savanna. Even alone, Ghost is a formiddable presence, forced down the ranks by cruel laws of nature, but persevering and thriving against the odds - a lioness on her hunt strays away from him, preferring not to pick up a fight that might end with her jumped by a clan - a small, doomed without a female leader, but tight clan.
It still feels like the ground, cooled off by the night, burns under his soft paws, as he flies through the tall grass and bush, whipped by the shame of being caught, a dark missile set on a clear target - as he approaches the den they use during their out in the wild missions, he whoops, warning his clan of his arrival.
When he gets no immediate response, he slows down, raising his voice - a uniquely his, haunting, rumbling at the lower notes sound cutting through the air over the ochestra of cicadas. Finally, two voices respond - Captain somewhere on patrol, leaving two fluffy muppets to welcome his Lieutenant back. A softer, melodic call coming from Kyle gets overridden with quickly approaching whooping that even in the animal form sounds heavily accented - just one Scot's tongue seemingly built differently (specifically to get on Ghost's nerves).
Johnny almost rams Ghost's side, barely braking himself like a cartoon animal, dust clouds up in the air and deep traces where his hind paws dragged along before finally stopping. He lines up against his Lieutenant, lifting a paw impatiently - his thick member proudly erect, and Ghost would never be able to answer the question if Soap is just that eager to demonstrate submission to him or he's just getting horny from the sight of the dark-furred mountain with a blong mane alone. Earning a nip meant to keep him in line, Johnny shoves his muzzle into Ghost's crotch nonetheless, deliberately ignoring that the dominant hyena didn't even move his legs to accomodate such greeting - and then suddenly pauses.
Lifts his wide head, fluttering his big round ears, whines quietly, then, when Ghost stays silent, repeats in a more demanding tone - and by the time Gaz finally jumps out of the bushes gracefully, Ghost is already being full-on harassed by Johnny, who pays no mind to the bites and paw slaps he recieves from his bigger mate and keeps sniffing at his mane, going as far as to chomp on Ghost's nape and chew on on his light-coloured fur.
If they weren't out in the middle of savanna, Simon would've already shaken his animal form off and pinned Johnny down, but instead he has to fight off his Sergeant, who uses his height to his advantage as he escapes Ghost's grip and avoids being held like a guilty pup in the terrifyingly massive jaws capable of biting through a giraffe's thigh bone.
Of course, Kyle comes to his support, distracting Ghost by a quick greeting and using that same hind leg he lifted for him to push Ghost's snout away. He smells it too: the sweetness, the tanginess, the womanhood that lingers on the dark fur, something their Lieutenant clearly wants to hog for himself, as Soap tells Gaz in short, sulky whoops, getting smacked with Ghost's long tail in the face for the slander. He ain't hogging nothing, he just doesn't want to be their chewing toy for the night, even if he brought the smell that all of them already memorized from short encounters with the soft, plump, so perfect for cuddling in a pile and laying big heads on her lap, girl...
No matter how strong Simon is, being jumped by two muscle-packed hyenas isn't an easy fight to win, and after several more minutes of wrestling he finds himself pinned down on the ground by Soap's weight, as the chonky hyena plops on top of his superior officer and nuzzles into his mane with pathetic, needy whines, already grinding into Ghost's back, humping his poor tailbone like it's just a pillow for him to satisfy the need caused by a female's scent etched into his lover's hide.
Gaz keeps himself together just about as poorly, stuffing his wide nose between Ghost's ribs and inhaling with low wheezing howls. He's not rutting into Simon directly, but he's one hot-running furnace pressed up to the big hyena's side, leaking onto his fur and licking at the scented mane and Ghost's ears - well knowing that is makes his Lieutenant softer and more pliant.
It's no wonder that by the morning Price finds them in their den in a messy, sticky pile, paws entangled and traces of seed and saliva smeared on their sides, as if they were too exhausted to clean up even as they fell asleep. But even in the thick, musky mix of his subordinates' smells, he picks on the faint, delicate, sweet note - and immediately pinpoints it as the reason two Sergeants couldn't keep their paws off Simon.
Surely, after such an action-packed night Ghost won't mind being woken up by long, wet tongue of his Captain licking him clean thoroughly.
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Part 3 | Part 4
Series masterlist | Main masterlist
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Tagging: @elaineiswithyou-blog @creepingeva @my-halo-is-a-little-broken @sillymanjaro @ihatethinkingofnames10 @ravensfeatheruniverse @yaminax @ljh861 @darkangel4121 @ginger-n-coco @grey-shadow6475
So yeah, I guess these [redacted] parts (I just can't come up with as much spots-related puns and names as I'd like) will be a reoccuring thing, because writing fluffy hyena boiz is fun. Hope you enjoy these just as much as the main parts! Also I am accepting requests for this au, they might even get into the main storyline, so feel free to send in ideas!
you can ask to be added to the taglist under series masterlist post
Also maybe vote here for a little drabble?
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headcanons about leona's nature as a lion
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ok sooo..let's talk more about leona's appearance and body because i want to do this so bad
leona's design is really really beautiful because there's alot of things that are basically in the real life lions, such as how his lashes are very long and him having this mascara around his eyes i guess? just like real lions
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and there is really lions wich have mane in gradient color, leona has some red hairs if you didn't notice, lions have gradient hair just like that!
and about his lazines, if you actually search you will find that lions in general are very lazy and just sit around and sleep until the lionesses bring them food, it is in his nature man (beside having trauma and not giving a shit to try and do something in his life) 😭☝🏻
Also, I've always wondered, animals have a tail to help them walk and balance, so if we cut off his tail or if Leona's tail is injured, will he be unable to properly walk anymore (not just him but all the beastmen in general)? Or is it just for design's sake, as you know the human body is designed to be able to balance and walk without a tail
I think no one noticed, but his hair is exactly like lions mane, he has long strands and shorter strands like lions, and his smile (obviously) like cat's mouth
and i believe that leona can see in the dark like cats, and if he saw something nice or pretty or he feel danger, his pupils will dilate, maann i want to see this so badd i think he will look super cuteeee🥹
He also has a very strong sense of hearing and very sensitive ears. I can see Leona acting very violent if anyone touches his ears
another funny information, lions sleep 21 hours a day, leona is just being so accurate to his species
Also regarding Leona's combative nature, lions like to fight in general to prove strength and control so I can see why Leona decided to become dorm leader, He also doesn't mind students fighting in the dormitory as long as they don't cause annoyance to his ears and he is able to sleep
and the so obviously one, he likes meat soo much, i don't think i need to explain it
In addition, lions are animals that have methods of physical communication that are considered developed in the animal world, through licking, rubbing their heads, smelling, and nuzzling or whatever, i can see leona being very physically active around his partner (if he has one) and showing love and affection by licking their ears or face or wrapping his tail around their waist or arms or whatever, trying to be as much close as possible to their body, leona will melt if you pat his head and play with his hair, don't question it
leona will be extremely happy if he saw you coming to see him while carrying food, Cats in general always look expectantly at those around them and have a hunting instinct. They will always expect you to come carrying a good meal or a trophy, this will make them trust you and respects you more
cats in general will die to smell their scent on their partner, Leona will not mind stealing his clothes by his partner because he will enjoy smelling his scent on you. He will even become more intimate and say that he wants to sleep with you or take a nap as an excuse just to be close to you and smell his scent on your body
I imagine Leona has a rough tongue, I mean, not exactly like a cat, but a little rough texture, not like a human tongue
i also believe that he has a barbbed d-*shut up*
done, i might write part two of this if i have ideas, give me your opinion on this✨
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wooahaes · 4 months
the (not-so-subtle) doting kind
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pairing: non-idol!mark lee x fem!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
warnings: food mentions. mark being a very doting bf on his gf's bday.
word count: 2.4k~ dont look at me when u compare this one to all the other bday fics
daisy's notes: what if i want him :(
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For whatever reason, your birthday wasn’t a happy day for you… So Mark resolved to treat you normally. And if “normally” involves him doting on you the way he does when you have bad days, then so be it.
He tucked stray strands of hair away from your face when he saw you begin to stir. He’d say one thing to you, just to show you that he remembered. So he leaned in, lips pressing against your own. “Good morning. Happy birthday, baby,” he said, voice still a little hoarse from sleep. “Are we still going to get breakfast?”
“Mmhm.” You drew him back in for another sleepy kiss, only to draw him closer. You snuggled in, eyes fluttering shut as you dropped your head into his shoulder. “Morning…”
He giggled. Most mornings, he’d tease you a little with some sort of “my sleepy girl,” but he settled in instead. He peppered your skin with kisses, just to hear that slightly-annoyed groan as you finally opened your eyes. His lips pressed against yours one final time before drawing back. 
“Good morning,” he said again, thumb grazing the apple of your cheek.
Despite the slight annoyance at being woken up fully now, you sat up and stifled a yawn. The moment you went to move out of bed, you felt Mark’s fingers poke into your sides. You let out a strangled grunt, playfully shoving away at his hands as he giggled. He came up behind you, pressing a long kiss against your neck before moving to search through the closet. It became obvious soon enough what he was doing, always trying to find a way to tease you to make you smile. Eventually you swatted him away from you, and he laughed that goofy laugh before getting dressed, too. He kept waiting around, watching you as you looked through your options before settling on something. Of course, it was one of the things you owned that Mark didn’t have something he could use to match with you… But he could improvise. He stood back, watching you (half-admiring, half-studying) before going into his side of your shared closet. 
When he stepped out in a patterned shirt that mainly featured the same color as the shirt you were wearing, he saw the way you gave him a little once over before going back to packing your things into a bag. “You look cute.”
Mission accomplished. Mentally, he put a little sunglasses emoji guy right next to the thought. 
After a quick breakfast out, the two of you ended up wandering around the mall for the day. He held your hand the entire time, always pointing out something cool or something he thought you’d look good in. Today was your day, which meant he couldn’t play. You wanted something? He was already getting his card out. He’d been saving specifically so that he could spoil you on your birthday, and he was intent on carrying that out.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said with this cute smile, “I got you.” 
It always earned some sort of playful eye roll or snort as you thanked him, always drawing out the words to tease him. He was obvious, but that was fine with him. What was the point of days like birthdays and holidays if he couldn’t spoil you a little? He carried your bags for you, too, ever the gentleman. Yet he was the one who slowed down, hand holding yours tight enough to tug you back, when the two of you were outside of a toy store. He pointed out two little lion plushies right next to one another.
“Babe. Baby.” He didn’t take his eyes off of them. “It’s us.” 
You’d giggled a little over it. “Pretty sure those are two male lions, Mark.” 
He turned back to you. “What?” Then he looked at them again, fully registering the bright orange manes that both of them wore. “Right. Still… We could still find a lioness. C’mon.” He tugged you toward the entrance, only to stop. “Unless you don’t wanna—”
“We can go places you wanna go, Mark,” you said, already making your way into the store. “Let’s go find a lioness.” 
You’d been insistent on paying for and carrying that bag, and Mark let the issue drop. Gentlemanly as he was, his hand was getting a little tired carrying all your bags… and it’d be rude to turn it into an issue when it wasn’t. You did end up taking the bags from him when you stopped to get lunch, saying you would go get the table while he grabbed the food. When he asked you to pick a place, you’d just shrugged it off.
“You know what I’ll eat,” you said. “Just pick somewhere.” 
Again, he’d almost pushed back on that. Today was your day, even though you weren’t treating it like anything special. But he knew how you felt, and he bit back any disagreement. He looked around the food court, picked two places, and asked you to pick from those under the guise of him being indecisive. You hummed to yourself, genuinely considering the two options before picking, and then left him standing there as you went to snag a table for the two of you. He went off to order your food, and soon enough he was sitting across from you, listening as you rambled on about something that happened at work the other day. Eventually, you pushed the conversation onto him as you nodded along to his own stories… all while sneaking little pictures of him. He smiled for them, and eventually got you to squeeze into frame so he could snap a picture of the two of you together.
The rest of the day was scaled toward him. You would push for him to pick places to go, things to do. The bookstore the two of you frequented became one of your stops, and he saw the quiet way you bought a book he put back alongside with another bookmark for him (sometimes he lost them, but he’d always take extra care when someone gave him one) without saying a word. A few other stores, too: you’d ended up buying him a few things, insistent on carrying his bags for him with this knowing smile that told him you knew exactly what he’d been doing all day. 
Then when you were leaving, Mark saw it. The way you’d been walking a step ahead of him for a minute, talking about finding a place to sit for a few minutes before you actually went back to the car. You’d slowed to a stop outside this chocolate place the two of you had sampled forever ago, watching in the window as a tall, handsome man was making them in view of anyone passing by. The guy looked up, flashed you a smile, and then went back to his work. Mark slowly made his way over to you, watching the magic happen for himself.
“We should get a box,” he said after a moment. He looked at you, practically glowing with excitement. “We can split it, if you want?”
For a few seconds longer, you just watched the man on the other side of the glass continue to work. Then you met Mark’s gaze, genuinely smiling that same smile he fell in love with years ago, and nodded. “I’d love that.” 
The two of you went into the shop, picking out flavors for your big box of chocolates. When Mark paid this time, you didn’t push back or question or tease him. You just leaned against him, still smiling that pretty smile, and thanked him in a soft voice that felt so genuine this time around. He tucked the box into one of the bags he was carrying, pressed a kiss against your cheek, and took your hand again as you left.
By the time the two of you got home and started sorting through everything you’d bought, it was late. When Mark looked up, asking if you felt like going back out for dinner, you’d shaken your head. You had sprawled out along the couch at that point, visibly sleepy from the long day as you abandoned the work of sorting out new clothes to be washed. He just crawled over to you, pressing his lips against yours.
“You wanna go take a bath? I’ll order dinner when we get out.” He pressed another kiss against your lips. “We can watch movies,” another kiss, “and then bust into those chocolates,” and another, “and it’ll be fuckin’ great, baby.” 
You agreed to it all too easily. The two of you ended up snuggling in the hot water for a while, talking about whatever came to mind. By the time the two of you were cuddled up on the couch again, dressed in matching pajamas (“Because we’re cheesy like that, you know?” was what Mark said to you when he bought them forever ago), he’d decided to apparently kill you with a thousand more soft kisses. The jerk was giggling the entire time, too, squeezing you in his arms and he peppered said kisses alongside the side of your neck—right where you were tickling, he’d learned back when the two of you were first dating.
“Mark!” You’d squealed at one point, nose crinkling as he mumbled something about how cute he found you. “You can stop. I know what you were doing today.” 
“What?” He played dumb. “Appreciated you? I’m always appreciating you, baby,” he giggled, kissing the spot where your neck met your jaw. “I’m lucky to have you, y’know?”
With a sigh, you pulled away from him. Ah. Shit. You’d been planning for a serious talk, then. “I mean it,” you said, taking one of his hands within your own. “I know what you were doing. And… I think it was really sweet.”
Wait, what? His voice grew softer now, heart racing in his chest. “So you aren’t mad?”
“I…”  You trailed off, turning away. “I thought I would have been. But… I dunno. I think when you walked up to me and said something about buying that box of chocolates, it just kinda hit me that you weren’t just spoiling me today because it’s my birthday. You were doing it because you love me.” For a moment, you tried to blink back tears. “I mean… I know you love me. And I knew that on the birthdays before—but I always kinda pushed people away because I felt like I wasn’t worth it.”
“You are, though.” The words fell from his lips before he could even think twice. Maybe if he did, he would have apologized for interrupting you, but some things were just too vital to hold back. “You’ll always be worth it, y’know?”
The tears you’d been fighting finally ran down your cheeks, and you nodded. “You made me feel special,” you said. “And not just because it’s my birthday, but because you actually care.” 
Something ached deep within his chest at that. Did that mean you had people who didn’t…? Yet he left the question unsaid. How long had he been dating you, and he still didn’t know everything he thought he should? Not because you were supposed to bare your soul to him—never that. But because he was your boyfriend, he felt that he should have noticed sooner. You told him that your birthday hadn’t been a happy day for you in a long time, and he’d accepted it at face value without pushing. If you wanted to tell him, you would, and he would listen the same way you always cared and listened to his problems. The same way you did today when you pushed him to open up, to talk, to share the day with you so it wasn’t just him doting on you endlessly. 
“Hey…” He reached up, wiping your tears away. “I’m sorry I went behind your back to try and spoil you today.”
You stared at him. “Mark, it’s okay—”
He shook his head. “I should have asked you first,” he said. “But I like celebrating you. You know I was kind of a mess when we first met, but I wanted to be better for you. Chenle can tell you how bad this place used to be,” he chuckled, hoping that you would laugh or giggle or something too. “So I like getting the chance to celebrate how much I love you. You still make me wanna be a better guy, y’know?”
Sniffling, you dove forward to hide your face in his shoulder. He just laughed softly, rubbing circles onto your back as you cried. He loved you, and he knew how easily you could get emotional in vulnerable moments like this. Always diving forward and hiding your face because no matter how many times he told you it was okay, you’d be embarrassed that you were crying on him when you were supposed to be happy. 
“We can have more days out like this, if you want,” he said, hand cradling the back of your head. He drew you back, just so he could see your face, watery eyes and all. “Today just needed to be perfect because I think you’re perfect, even with all the imperfections we both know we have, we’re kinda perfect together.” He paused, wondering if he’d talked himself in a circle again before settling on something simpler: “I just think you’re really cool.”
That had finally earned a laugh out of you, so endeared to him and the way he spoke. “Yeah?”
He nodded eagerly. “Yeah!” He smiled at you. “You’re pretty sick. I love being your boyfriend, y’know?”
You just drew him in for a quick kiss after wiping your face with your sleeve. When you pulled back, you just smiled at him. “You’re pretty cool, too, y’know.” With a clumsy kiss against the side of his mouth, you finally drew back and out of his lap. “Thank you for a really fun day, by the way.” Snuggling a little closer to him, you rested your head against his shoulder. “I had fun. I always do when I’m with you, but you know what I mean.”
He just chuckled, turning his head so that he could kiss the top of yours. “Yeah, of course. Happy birthday, baby.” He snuggled in for a cozy night with you, head resting against your own. “I love you a lot. Let’s do something cool next year, alright?”
You just let out a soft chuckle, too. “Alright.” You shut your eyes. “If it’s with you… I’ll always be happy.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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segasys · 6 months
slugcat designs!!!
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Individual refs under cut [+design notes]:
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Monk: no scars, strong, tail naturally curls. Survivor: don't worry about scar placement [nose scar always], hair doesn't have to cover eye and can face either side. Hunter: like a maned lioness, bioluminescent green marks, rot and scar placement doesn't matter.
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Gourmand: loaf of bread, tail curls like cinnamon roll. Artificer: scar placement doesn't matter [except for eye of course], sharp. Rivulet: "throat sac" expands when holding breath, opacity doesn't matter, bioluminescent [?pending].
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Spearmaster: thin, long limbs, some bioluminescent spots. Saint: holds tail like squirrel, oriental dragon like, fur colour can change with season [? pending].
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paracosmic-gt · 1 month
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My Gender is Their Gender
People forget the true definition of xenogender, which is a gender that cannot be described or experienced or fully explained by humans. And while this often leads to hoards, as people try to capture their understanding of their own gender. But for me, it’s been slimming down instead of gaining, turning to one point.
My gender encompasses the gender experience of animals, most specifically, the animals I am as a nonhuman. Parts of my gender are obvious, I wear brown feathers like the mallard, I avoid the mane when I can. But underneath there is this iceberg. The xeno part of my gender that I can only describe as the gender an animal experiences. A gender I in a human body will never fully quantify.
Lets for example, take the bird. Humans like to make it simple, applying their gender norms to them, female takes the eggs, male fucks off. And yet male emus are the most devoted fathers, female cuckoos abandon their clutches for other hens. Okay then, maybe males are big and flashy, and females are brown. And yet, a large majority of bird species are not sexually dimorphic. Femininity and masculinity encompass and share so many aspects that they don’t exist. And the “social construct” aspect of gender is exposed, and the rules break. Human gender means nothing to an animal.
The lioness who hunts for the pack grows a mane, the mallard who cares for the chicks grows in their iridescent colours.
And that, in some way, is me. Femininity, nullness, neutrality, transness, binary. All of it, in all its wonder, and all of it that i cannot handle to think of, is mine. I’m a female animal and that basically just means nothing and I love it. It fulfills everything neutrois and nonbinary is meant to be. I feel so gendered, it’s just in a way that humans don’t understand.
I’m brown like the mallard. It makes me female and yet it just doesn’t. and I have nipples on my belly like a lion and a lioness. None of it means anything and all of it is everything. It makes me want to chirp loudly with joy.
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ttkinnie · 28 days
Tokyo Revengers characters as animals 💖 (for no reason)
Kazutora: let's start with the most obvious one, our resident tiger. Which is funny considering he gives 0 tiger vibes. Or maybe rescued declawed tiger from an abusive circus. Wait a sec... Hanma and Kisaki have a circus theme going on... why did I never notice this? This starts well. Saddest tiger pic I could find
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Baji: A black gray wolf of course. 'nuff said
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Chifuyu: A cat. Kitty kitty meow meow. Not crazy enough to be orange, but he's gotta have green eyes and a kind face. This tuxedo:
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Koko: Talking about cats, here he is. Most obvious choice I've ever made. Black cat of course, very fancy, will knock shit off the counter and eats only the most expensive wet food
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Inupi: second most obvious one because you've gotta pick the race of the dog too. I say he's the only serious golden retriever you've ever seen.
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Takemichi: A mouse. He is squeaky and scared, looks like he eats cheese. Very cute. Big eyes.
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Hinata: A doe, beautiful and kind but will ram into you if you touch her loved ones
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Naoto: a buck because I am unoriginal. he does give off buck vibes tho
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Hanma: I know the official art makes him a caracal but I love being contradictory so maned wolf it is. Plus look at its long legs and creepy demeanor, it's him
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Kisaki: Listen, I am not the most partial person when it comes to him. He's my little meow meow, I wanna put either cat or bunny ears on him and squish his cheeks. But! Let's be honest, that boy is a snake. The deadliest snake in the world, the saw scaled viper, not the most venomous but highly aggressive. He eats mouse Takemichi for breakfast. Also look at its scales, they remind me of his adult hair.
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Mikey: A honey badger, small and cute but will bite your balls off and kill your family for fun.
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Draken: A lion, beautiful mane and a symbol of strength. Lives among a tribe of lionesses (lucky him)
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Mitsuya: I do not like spiders. At all. But an animal literally producing silk is the only choice for Mitsuya. However I am not masochistic so i won't put a spider image, just the web
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Taiju: Great white shark. Very smooth skin. Anyone who tells you they have sandpaper skin is lying.
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Hakkai: A seal, same eyes, same innocence, favorite prey of the great white shark
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Yuzuha: An orca, beautiful but deadly. Only predator of the great white shark. Also eats seals but let's not comment on that. I support women's wrongs.
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Pah-chin: it's too cliché to put warthog here, so i won't. He's a cane toad, one of the stupidest animal on Earth, one of their most common cause of death is eating shit they shouldn't because they stuff their mouth without thinking. They also hump anything, including dead animals from another species, and lay their eggs anywhere, which leads to a high mortality rate among their offspring. Why did I give so many facts? I don't know. Look at it.
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Peh-yan: A tarsier. it's the eyes.
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Sanzu: Arctic hare, crazy eyes and a gift for divination if you can understand his language
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Senju: a cutie baby. Bunny x2, will kick you.
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Takeomi: a rat. I am not a hater, rats can be cute, but this guy definitely gives off rat vibes
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Wakasa: So very pretty. White leopard of course.
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Benkei: A bull. I always thought his tattoos were a bull, but I was wrong I just looked it up. Still a bull.
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Shinichiro: This one was though, but I'd say a koala. I'm partial about it, but I feel like he would give his children poop to eat, and their reproductive habits are also not a good look on them.
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Emma: Japanese dwarf flying squirrel because I play favorites and that's the cutest little furball ever. it looks like it's wearing eyeliner
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Izana: Another small but deadly thing, the Australian box jellyfish, found notably along the coast of Malaysia (I feel so clever right now)
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Kakucho: Fiercely loyal dog, he's a Rottweiler. Don't tell me Izana and him don't have some kind of puppy play going on.
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Ran: Secretary bird. Canonically hates Kisaki which explains why he stomps snakes to death. Wears killer eyeshadow and looks like they hate your fashion style
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Rindou: Did you know a group of male Pacific tree frogs is called a chorus? me neither, which is why Rindou is a Pacific tree frog. Peace of music, yeah
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Mucho: Polar bear, cold and aggressive. Plus arctic hare and polar bear, there's a theme
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alwayscorvus · 7 months
What are lions truly scared of
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What are lions truly scared of
half-lion!Jing Yuan x malereader, fluff
Jing Yuan resembled a lion in many ways.
Lions stood out with their bushy mane, one that was incredibly similar to Jing Yuan's. Long, thick, messy. Extremely difficult to control.
Lions weighed around 420 pounds*. Known for their massive build. Their mass and strength allowed them to hunt and fight for their pride. Exactly as in case of Jing Yuan who had a powerful physique, which made masculinity radiate from him. By his very appearance, Jing Yuan woke awe and fear in eyes of his enemies.
Lions were "kings of the jungle". They kept watch over other animals. Just like Jing Yuan, who ruled Xianzhou Luofu thanks to his role as one of leaders.
Lions mostly didn't raise their offspring, leaving that to lionesses to do. Despite this, they always protected the youngest ones. Maybe that's why Jing Yuan often put off teaching Yanqing and preferred not to assign him difficult tasks through which he could get hurt.
Lions were known for performing outstanding hunts. Choosing right time, adjusting their attack tactics and observing their prey for a long while. When working as a team and carefully following tasks instructed to them, lionesses were able to knock down a giraffe that greatly surpassed them. Perhaps this is why Jing Yuan was such a great strategist. His skills worked well both in chess and on battlefield. Man didn't act by impulse, he thoughtfully chose his next steps. He knew that not all attacks should be responded to, and even if, it wasn't necessary to do that immediately. Sometimes it was better to wait for the right moment. Slow action and "patience" also allowed Jing Yuan to not get too much tired...
Lions became exhausted easily and run only on short distances. So you could say that Jing Yuan had in genes this laziness and dullness which he was always showing.
That's why it wasn't surprising when, during transformation of some of Luofu's residents, Jing Yuan was one of them.
Yes, at some point the nation over which Jing Yuan held custody began to change. At first Xianzhou Luofu was just an unusual and wonderful place inhabited by many different species. The most popular of them were of course Foxians, Vidyadharas and Xianzhou Natives. The last one were previously famous only for their long-living. They didn't show any animal traits in their apperance. Over the years, however, this began to change. Mutations weren't common, but despite that, in some individuals they suddenly triggered the appearance of parts unusual for human body. Tails, horns, extra ears, claws, scales, anything that just referred to animals that Natives personified.
Because of that, an already perfect image of General was enhanced by a pair of white lion ears and a long, swift tail.
However, that was not what caught your attention. Rather it was a Jing Yuan's strange behavior.
At first, you thought you only imagined it or that it was just a pure coincidence. Over time, however, you found that Jing Yuan was really avoiding you on purpose.
At Louofu celebrations, by the time you were able to push through the crowd to where Six Charioteers were standing, Jing Yuan had always managed to change his position. Leaving behind only sight of departing shadow and ruffles of his robe waving in the wind.
When you visited Divine Foresight for business matters, you could never find Jing Yuan. When you asked about him, you were told that man had left only seconds before you arrived. Or even better, that at that day he wasn't there at all. And you could have sworn that behind the closing door to one of the back rooms, you saw a long, white tail frivolously levitating in the air.
However, you got really fed up with all that when Jing Yuan sent his representatives to consultation with you instead of showing up himself.
You also like Jing Yuan belonged to long-lived species. Although you didn't reveal any additional features in your appearance. And in look were no different from an ordinary person (well, maybe not counting large build in form of broad shoulders and above-average height). But elephant blood flowed through your veins.
As a result, you and your family became famous for your divine memory. Because of which, male line of your dynasty from generation to generation served rulers as consultants and "treasurers of knowledge". Though this didn't happen often. Because your services were extremely expensive. And also because you have lived in a grudge against Six Charioteers since ancient times. Precisely, since a few centuries ago one of former rulers made a decision completely different from your suggestions. That offended your pride deeply. However, your helping still took place in special circumstances.
One could say that due to the long life span, there weren't many of your "generations". But unfortunately, because of your genes, you were the target of so-called "poachers". They were eliminating you because of highly paid commission. You were valuable, your knowledge was precious. And it posed a great threat to others. That forced you to start new generations. By holding sensitive information from many years, your grandfather and later also your father lost their lives. Only you remained. And it was you who held the duties of "treasurer of knowledge".
You did it with extreme diligence and were respected by many. That's why you decided to take advantage of it.
When stellaron crisis hit Luofu, and you were once again asked to share your knowledge by Jing Yuan's subordinates. You gave an ultimatum.
General had to personally show up.
New deals, raises, promises of extraordinary rewards couldn't bribe you.
What's more, enough was enough when, after "agreeing" to your terms, another broker appeared at the meeting instead of Jing Yuan. Explaining himself with General's "illness".
To some, your attitude could seem trivial. But you really needed to find out why the head of Xianzhou Luofu had been avoiding you like a fire for years. Was there something wrong with you? Did you offend him with something? But how were you supposed to do that if you had never even seen him in person. Exactly. You had never had the opportunity to even see Jing Yuan with your own eyes before. You only knew his appearance and character from stories, paintings and your own analysis. That additionally kept you motivated in holding on your decisions.
And that's why you left the meeting room with a bang. News about your grudge immediately reaching General.
Jing Yuan realized that he had crossed the line. And that if he really wanted to get answers for his questions, he had to meet you in person. Not hologram, not anyone else, but he himself. If you would grant him another chance at all….
Your curiosity, however, worked in his favor. A week later, Jing Yuan showed up at your residence.
You found him sitting on a mat in your office. At the sight of him you instantly froze for a second. He looked even better than they described him, though perhaps not as majestically... Did you imagine that or did he really give off a vibe of shy and lost? Hunched, he looked around the room with hesitation. Avoiding your gaze at the same time. You didn't know where the great, famous, well-respected general had gone.
You took a seat on the other side of the table. And you took a closer look at him.
Fluffy white ears lay flattened on his head, and eyes that still avoided your face were squinted. With your memory, you returned to books about lions that you had been browsing, wishing to learn more about Jing Yuan.
Similar symptoms occurred in cat family when they were scared of something. But what could a brilliant General be afraid of. Stunned, you looked around to the sides, but you didn't see any threat behind your back.
-So how can i help the famous Jing Yuan? - you asked almost amused.
-Nameless... Is there anything I should know about them regarding the history of Xianzhou Luofu? Something that could prevent success of our cooperation? Can they be trusted?
You smiled at this.
-Why don't we start with what we agreed on in the letter first? - you recalled your conversation that you held after the last insult.
Man pulled a book from behind his bask and slid it timidly towards you. You grabbed it and opened at the page pointed by bookmark which surprisingly matched the patterns on Jing Yuan's robe.
You read the subject and then next few lines.
"What are Lions scared of?"
"Lions have only a few predators to fear other than humans."
Not that.
"Lions are not really scared of elephants. But elephants are the only animals they really try to avoid. [...] Lions show elephants respect that they deserve. Lions know that they will not defeat an elephant alone, because elephants are too powerful and massive for that. "
You smiled even wider and came up with another idea.
-What would General say about changing our agreement? I wouldn't want to drain Luofu's treasury that much... You have nothing to be scared of General. Although your ears could "suffer" a bit under new rules -you suggested playfully.
Jing Yuan rapidly raised his head. For the first time you could sink into his golden eyes. Nevertheless, you were greatly distracted from this astonishing view by naughty tail, which also rose to attention and flicked in the air.
After a moment, Jing Yuan burst into laughter, and his confidence returned. He nudged his head over the table towards you.
-What are u waiting for?
You also responded to the remark with laughter and slight disbelief.
Several decades of waiting, and everything could be solved in a few seconds.
You lifted your hand up, over Jing Yuan's mane. You hesitated for a moment, but then excitedly ruffled lion's ears. Soft to the touch. Fluffy as a cloud. Pleasantly cold after traveling outside.
And those purrs... Almost cat-like purr that came out of Jing Yuan immediately right after your gentle hands began kneading his ears in not so gently way. You could hear it more often.
And what's more, you could probably even fall in love with it.
made while listening to AREZRA "Goodbye"
*~190 kg
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Leona, Floyd: Feud within the Family
They caught him mid-yawn in the initial art 😭 I SAID THIS TO SOME FRIENDS (not even in a thirsty way, just a casual comment) AND THEY INSTANTLY JUMPED ON ME OTL (if any of them are reading this, yes, I am calling your asses OUT for bullying/j)
I thought the Groovy was of Mufasa, Sarabi, and baby Simba but apparently it’s adult Simba, Nala, and their daughter, Kiara?? 😭 Most animated lions look the same to me, so I never would have caught that… Anyway, L*ona looks absolutely unhinged and super smug there… Bro looks like he’s talking down to someone groveling at his feet for mercy—
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Leona turned away from the call. Cool, nonchalant—theoretically, anyway.
He pretended to be absorbed in a stone bust of the King of Beasts. The meddling source of the sound (unfortunately) followed him, much as he tried to shunt it out of his ears.
Leona sighed deeply.
Aaaah, what a pain in the ass. I’m really not in the mood for seafood.
A growl threaded through Floyd’s voice as he stomped over, thrusting his face into Leona’s. The lion beastman groaned. He recognized that fire in Floyd’s eyes all too well.
“Quit runnin’ away and fight me already,” Floyd gruffly demanded.
He had been tailing Leona all day, pelting him with the same challenge over and over—alas, to no avail. Now he had the third year boxed in a dark, isolated corner. Floyd gleefully gnashed his teeth, raring to go for a scrap.
He won’t take a regular old ‘no’ for an answer. If it’s come to this then…
He’d lead his pursuer off the beaten path.
“Hmph, how rude,” Leona grunted, at last granting the eel his attention. “Can’t a man appreciate the arts without being accosted? I’d rather not be bothered while I’m in the middle of browsing.”
“You? An art aficionado?” Floyd scoffed in disbelief. “Fat chance, Sea Lion-senpai. You’ve never been into that stuff. It’s not nice to lie to your juniors like that.”
“Then you don’t know me as well as you think you do,” Leona drawled, his voice as smooth as liquid velvet. He took to telling untruths so easily, it was an innate skill. “I’m a prince with refined taste. Can’t you tell I’m over the moon and stars to be at this exhibition?”
Floyd deadpanned. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep standing up just like Jellyfish-chan.”
“Nonsense. I’m absolutely thrilled. In fact, i can hardly contain my excitement. It’s taking every ounce of my energy to not talk my classmates’ ears off about the illustrious history of Sunset Savanna.”
“Yeah? Prove it, then.”
Tch. Should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy. Leona grimaced internally.
He was careful to maintain his relaxed poise as he gestured to the painting that was mounted along the wall. “Take a look at that.”
“Huh, what is it?”
Underneath a cornflower sky and thin, cottony clouds, was a red-maned lion and his lioness. Between them, a mandrill cradled a wide-eyed cub. The composition made it clear: it was a painting of a family.
“One of the great kings of the past,” Leona simpered, irony oozing from his every word, “and one of the great kings of the future, if that furball is anything to go by. The parents must cherish their child a great deal. Spoiled and pampered like that… surely the cub will make for a splendid ruler.”
“Ehehehe~ You sound so salty there, Sea Lion-senpai.” Floyd leaned closer, taunting him. “Reciting sappy stories like that don’t suit you.”
“So I’ve been told.” Leona folded his arms and snorted. When he beheld the painting, disgust and envy curled in the pit of his stomach. “… Reminds me of my brother. His life’s always been one big fairy tale—and now he’s got a wife and a kid of his own.”
“Heh. So Sea Lion-senpai definitely feels like the odd one out.”
Leona glared at his junior. “… You don’t have a lick of tact, do you?”
“Ahahah!” Floyd cackled, all too carefree. “What’re you so mad about? ‘S not a bad thing.”
Leona watched him with a wary eye. Floyd paced lazily, as though he were a lion himself. Stewing in the shade, waiting for his next meal to skitter into his waiting paw.
“Who wants to fit in with family? That’s boring. It’s better to just do what you want and be yourself. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
“I hate it when people say Jade and I are the same or they mix us up. Jade’s Jade and I’m me. Two different people.”
“I’m sure your dear brother would shed a tear hearing you talk like that.”
Floyd just shrugged. “I don’t get it. You wanna be like that? It’d be weird.”
“But it’s not about fitting in,” he wanted to snap. “It’s about wanting to shine, to stand out, to be seen. For that moment out of the shadows and basking in the sun.”
They look at me, but they don’t see me.
They never will.
People played in the daytime while sleeping through the lovely night. In the savanna governed by the sun, shadows were scorned and casted aside.
Leona’s throat dried. The moisture gone, as if hungrily devoured by his King’s Roar.
He forced his voice to come again, snarky and sarcastic.
“Hmph, I never said that. You slimy bunch grew up at the bottom of the sea, where the light cannot touch. I’d think you understand what it’s like clawing and kicking and fighting every day to survive.”
And just barely making it out in one piece.
His hand drifted toward the scar over his left eye.
“… Anyway, I wasn’t askin’ for your advice. You should stick to annoying that octopunk.” Leona smirked. Again, concealing. “Keep it in the ‘family’, you know.”
Floyd stared at him intently. Then he let out a burst of laughter. “You’re a riot, Sea Lion-senpai! I don’t even feel light fighting you anymore. It’s just as fun to shoot the shit with ya.”
“That so? You flatter me. Surely there are better conversationalists in Octavinelle, with all those silver tongues.” Leona made a shooting motion with his hands. “You should run back to your school of fish to compare.”
Another fit of sporadic giggles. When they, at last, died down to an eerie quiet, Floyd’s whisper was as loud as a shout in a cavern.
“At the end of the day… we’re both beings that lurk in the dark~”
Leona grunted. “… Who needs the light anyway?”
Deep down, he knew the truth.
It was him who needed that light the most.
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