#like lucario is fine because he's so short
thatlesbiancrow · 1 year
went to watch a video i thought i hadn't seen before and... yep... i guess ive seen it before!
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wish i knew people were replying to me lol. they're all from 2 years ago and i wish i could tell some people they've made some incorrect assumptions. there are like multiple people going "oh humanoid pokémon have ALWAYS been a thing! you're like the people that bla bla bla" bro i didn't like them back in gen 1 either! i don't like those designs! lucario is like the most humanoid i can go tbh (and gardevoir before it became clear that she had weird legs)
i think this was also made out of frustration of how in swsh all three starters were very big and more humanoid. most of the time i just avoid pokemon i dont want to use, but it sucks disliking all the starters so much i just box them. in scarlet/violet the humanoid starters dont bother me as much because i have an option to choose something else without boxing my starter!
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A Little Ghost in a Bowtie (@livmadart's Phantump Conan AU)
(Chapter four of four!) (Prev) (Ao3 link)
Ah. So that is why the pidgey thought they’d be able to get more information from Conan. Conan wasn’t just a bystander, an invisible pokemon that happened to witness the crime, he was the victim. Phantump was ghost type, and while ghost types often weren’t actually ghosts… in this case, the old legends proved to be true.
Heiji had run into a few ghost types born of human souls before, but usually those were old ghosts, with decades or longer experience as pokemon under their belts. The one in front of him, just a meter away, in pokemon terms he couldn’t be more than two months old.
Wow. Wow. Heiji could barely imagine.
It didn’t seem like Ran-chan knew- how could she? It’s not something people really think about anymore, and she wouldn’t have introduced him so cheerfully if she’d known… Heiji imagined for a second what it would be like, to die, and come back- only to watch everyone he loved mourn him… he imagined what it would be like to lose Kazuha, only for her to be right next to him and never know…
Well. Since it was him, he’d know, but if he didn’t have his ability…
Darn. He did not envy Kudo- or, Conan? He’d seemed happy with the name when Lucie had called him that- Heiji would have to ask his preference later.
“My memory after that is a little foggy, b’cause, y’know, head trauma, but I remember them mentioning that poison made by their organization, and then they left me there. And now I’m here,” Conan was still talking, and Heiji managed to just barely comprehend his words through his own imaginings.
“...Ah, I… see.” Lucie managed, apparently dealing with her own feelings on the matter. Conan looked at her for a moment, before sighing.
“Pidgey didn’t tell you who I was, did she?”
“No. No she didn't,” Lucie said, short and terse. Heiji wondered if he would have to stop her from finding that Pidgey, and beating her up for not giving them all the vital information.
“Whoops, I guess,” Conan shrugged, unconcerned. Heiji supposed that apathy was a coping mechanism.
“Hattori-kun? Are you alright?” Ran-chan asked, cocking her head in concern.
Heiji looked up- he’d become so focused on the pokemon’s conversation that he’d completely forgotten he’d been talking to someone too- frick. It happened every once in a while, and was always a little embarrassing to explain. Not only that, he supposed his face may have shown a little of the many emotions he was currently feeling.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, totally fine,” He forced a smile on his face, mentally shaking himself off, and grounding himself to the moment.
“So, did you get what you needed?” She asked, offering him a wry smile.
“Oh yeah- I mean, yes. Yes I did,” He did his best not to look at the ghost of her best friend sitting in her lap.
“Well that’s good- I want to be of as much help as I can but… Well, Hattori-kun, I’m not going to tell you to stop investigating, because I know Shinichi wouldn’t have listened to me either, but, maybe be careful about all this? Don’t… Don’t bite off more than you can chew. For everyone else’s sake as much as your own.” Ran-chan squeezed her eyes shut, and held Conan closer to her. He was shaking- and he put his head down, curling his tail over his eyes.
Heiji gulped, taking in the weight of her words. Don’t end up like Shinichi. It was the opposite of what everyone had told him for so long, but they hit him right in the heart like no other message like it had. He could see exactly where being a reckless idiot had landed Kudo and for once… Yeah. He didn’t want that.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he won’t get into anything too bad,” Lucie growled, placing a paw on Heiji’s head.
“Well, it looks like your Lucario is on it!” Ran-chan laughed, standing up. “You’ll have to let me battle her sometime!
“Yes please, Heiji, can we do that?” Lucie barked happily, lightly cuffing him over the head as he stood up too.
“Maybe next time we’re in Saffron,” He said, in response to both of them.
“Hey, Conan,” Lucie called to Conan, who was still held firmly in Ran-chan’s grasp. “You’re a wild ‘mon, right? Meet us outside, there’s still some stuff we’d like to discuss with you,”
“Uh, okay?” Conan warbled, confused.
“Well, Hattori-kun, it was nice to meet you- though when we see each other again I’d like it to be under happier circumstances,” Ran-chan said, a light smile on her face.
“Yeah, it was nice to meet you too,” he said, and he really did mean it. She seemed very nice- the sort of person Kazuha would be fast friends with.
He exited the agency with Lucie in tow, letting the afternoon sunlight fall on his face. He took a deep breath, and let it out. That had been… a lot.
“You said there’s more you wanted to talk about?”
Both Heiji and Lucie jumped this time. They leaned against each other to let the adrenaline pass as Conan faded into visibility in front of them.
“Does terrifying people just come naturally to ghost types??” Lucie hissed, taking a few steps back.
“Uh, I guess?” Conan blinked, as though seriously considering her query.
“Nevermind that- do you mind if we walk while we talk? I don’t want Ran-chan to think we’re just loitering outside,” Heiji said, sighing at Lucie’s words.
“I don’t mind- it’s not really like I have anything better to do,” He said, voice dry. “Though I’m mostly going to be talking to Lucie, anyway,” He sighed.
��Not exactly,” Heiji shrugged, starting off down the sidewalk. Conan paused, hesitating before following.
“It’s part of the reason we wanted to leave to talk to you more,” Lucie growled, a toothy grin splitting her muzzle. “Heiji can-”
“I can understand pokemon, yeah,” Heiji cut her off. She took a light hearted swipe at him, but it was worth it.
“You can-” Conan cut himself off, his blue eyes blowing wide. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I don’t really know why, it’s just something I’ve always been able to do,” Heiji shrugged nonchalantly as Conan put a nub of a hand up to his chin, thinking hard.
“It makes sense- since Lucie said that you came to the agency off of a tip that I was there, and that I would be able to tell you more about my case- but you couldn't have known to do that unless you also heard and understood that tip,” Conan mumbled to himself. It sounded… really eerie, with his whole echoing little kid voice thing he had going on. Heiji could say one thing though, he was definitely a detective.
“That’s right,” Lucie cut in. “Usually while Heiji is questioning people, I question local pokemon, and then we share notes!” She grinned. “It’s a system the police wish they could have,”
“The police don’t have my ability- most people don’t have my ability, so technically the things I learn from it I can only use as a framework since they’re not permissible in court,” Heiji sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Skill issue,” Lucie shrugged.
“Not entirely true, pokemon testimonies have been used in court cases before- especially in cases of ghost types like me, testifying at their own cases,” Conan started, “There’s just a lot of hoops you need to jump through in order to make it work, including finding multiple different avenues of determining testimony, and seeing if they all match up to determine what the pokemon is actually saying, so I mean, you could,” He said, flicking his tail absentmindedly.
“Been doing research?” Heiji raised an eyebrow.
“...Yes,” Conan sighed. “Listen, if death can’t stop me, bureaucracy won’t either,”
Heiji found himself laughing, despite the dark nature of the joke. Lucie was also snickering a bit, and Conan was smiling, so he didn’t feel bad about it.
“Speaking of that,” Lucie said, expertly steering conversation both exactly where they needed it to go, and to the most uncomfortable topic. “The men who killed you- you said you saw them again?” Lucie continued onwards, completely ignoring the concept of tact- though, that might be best for everyone for now.
“Oh, right,” Conan nodded. “I saw them on a train- Ran’s dad's friend was getting married, so they were taking a bullet train to Ecruteak. Those two guys just happened to be there- so I listened in on their conversations,” He said, floating a little ahead of Heiji and Lucie so he could face them while they walked.
Man, invisibility must be nice. Not that Heiji was willing to die to get it, just… it would be nice.
“That’s when I heard them mention their codenames,”
“Gin and Vodka, you said?” Lucie confirmed.
“Right- and I also heard them talking about how there was a bomb on the train, which is why I didn't follow them off at their stop,” He said, his eyes going a bit darker there at the end.
“Wow, yeah that’s a good reason,” Heiji nodded.
“Yikes,” Lucie agreed.
“Luckily I was able to cause enough of a ruckus to get the bomb out of the train in time, but it was close there for a second,” He breathed a latent sigh of relief.
“That’s… yeah,” Heiji just nodded. He wasn’t sure how else to respond to that.
Heiji was a good highschool detective, sure, but he was starting to see why Shinichi Kudo was hailed as the best of them. Heiji had dealt with homicide after homicide, theft after theft after assault- but he’d never dealt with terrorists; never dealt with bomb threats, never dealt with syndicates, and never dealt with his own death. Kudo had seen and dealt with all of that, and just got up, and kept going.
He had died, and had still gotten up, and kept at it.
Heiji was a little mad at how much he respected the heck out of him for it. This was supposed to be someone he hated. But, well… It was always the name he’d hated- hated how it loomed over him, it was that reputation and the legend surrounding him that Heiji hated. But the person?
Heiji hated the name Shinichi Kudo, but he didn’t hate the name Conan; and he didn’t think Conan hated it either.
“Hey… Conan?” Heiji asked.
“Yeah?” The little ghost looked up at him, blue eyes shining in the sun.
“Do you… do you want me to tell her?”
Conan froze, staring at him. Slowly, he lowered his eyes down to the pavement. His nubs came to rest on that bowtie of his around his neck- and Heiji didn’t have to wonder who gave it to him.
“...No, I don’t want you to tell her,” He sighed.
“Why not?” Lucie asked, and Heiji elbowed her, just barely missing impaling his arm on her chest spike.
“She’s been through enough- she doesn’t need to go through… this too,” He said, his voice coming out in an echoey, pained keen.
Yeah. He’d been broken down, but he just… kept getting back up. Heiji really did find himself respecting this little, barely two month old pokemon.
“Well then… I guess I won’t,” Heiji sighed, putting his arms behind his head. “She told us to be careful, and we will, but I’m seeing this through to the end. And hey, maybe you will get to testify in court one day,” Conan snorted, but he raised his head, so Heiji counted it as a win.
“If you ever need anything else, you know where to find me. I’m a bit personally invested in this one, if you can imagine,” Conan smirked at him, and Heiji wondered if he’d made this many dark jokes before he’d died, or if this was a recent thing.
“Aaand we’re typically hanging around in Goldenrod if you ever need anything,” Lucie said, patting Conan on the head with a paw. “Just ask any pokemon, and they’ll tell you where to find us!”
“Thanks… I think I’ll take you up on that,” He laughed, and started drifting off back toward the agency.
“See you later, I guess,” Heiji said, sliding his hands into his pockets.
“Yeah, don’t die before I see you next!” Conan laughed, before fading away.
“Yeah, I’ll… Do my best,” Heiji responded, not sure if Conan was still there or not.
“So… feel like heading home and getting a lecture about running off to another city without permission?” Lucie asked.
“... Y’know what? I kinda am, actually,”
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satoaiandsonaze · 5 days
Here's Part 2 of my short story for Negaishipping Day!
Where we Find Ourselves Today: Part 2
Iris's POV
As I rush into the gym from the front entrance, I'm still wondering why I'm hungry right now. Little did I expect to find my raven-haired Alola Champion friend standing in the front entrance with his Pikachu on his shoulder and his Lucario standing by his side. "Ash?" I shout with confusion, stopping dead in my tracks. Emolga leaps from my shoulder, as Pikachu leaps from his Trainer's, snuggling cheeks. Ash then turns to me with a weak smile, which concerns me. "Are you okay?" I ask with a worried expression. "Yea, I'm fine," he says. "How 'bout you?" "I'm okay," I say. "Kinda hungry, but okay." Hearing me say that made Ash's smile look bigger and stronger. "Good." "How so?" "Drayden told me everything." Hearing that made me realize what he meant; Drayden told Ash what happened to me after I got crushed and mocked by Cynthia in the last tournament. I immediately feel my face getting warmer, and my stomach starts loudly. Knowing Ash heard my stomach growl was making the red in my cheeks deeper!
Ash's POV
I tried hiding my embarrassment with my hat, but after hearing her stomach rumbling, I take a quick peek, and I see that Iris is just as red as I am. "How about we talk over some lunch?" Drayden suggests. "Sure!" The two of us say at the same time, with excitement. After 20 minutes, Drayden, along with his own Haxorus and Druddigon, deliver food for both us and our Pokémon. After 30 minutes of eating, I was confused when I heard Iris say...
Iris's POV
"Why do you still care for me, Ash?" That question came out of my mouth after letting my worried emotions go overboard. Ash was confused, but that's just him; That's just my raven-haired friend. I was expecting more confusion to come out of his mouth, but instead I heard, "Because I like you, Iris." That shocked me, and when I looked at him, Ash did not have a confused look, but instead a sympathetic smile. "You mean, like as a friend?" I ask. "Nope," Ash responded. That made me blush. Does that mean Ash has a crush on me? Ash Ketchum, the delusional asexual Alolan Champion/World Monarch himself, has a crush on me? "But why? Do you not recall our past?" I asked in shouting tone with tears starting to roll down my eyes. "I teased you a ton, I'm not strong enough, I'm a coward, and I...!" I was about to go on until I'm interrupted hearing Ash shouting at the top of his lungs. "Shut up, Iris!"
That's Part 2 done! Now, for Part 3!
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indigo-flightly-falls · 9 months
Newsies Unite! AU
Uhhh woe, Newsies and Pokémon crossover AU be upon you.
little snippet I wrote about Sparrow meeting Race, Spot, and Albert :D
"Hello?" Sparrow asked in the general area of the desk in front of him, looking for the person to let him get to his dorm. "Is anybody there to help a lost, new student?"
A slight bang from behind the door on the back wall alerted Sparrow to the location of a person, but he wasn't moving. If somebody was making him wait, he'd wait for them.
"Sorry, sorry!" An adult man dressed in an purple and orange suit walked out the door, with messy hair and a charmander by his side. "Things got a bit switched around in the storage room, and I forgot there were more students arriving today."
"It's all good." Sparrow waved his hand, smiling. "I just need to get checked in so I can actually get to my dorm and unpack."
"Thank you for understanding." The trainer sat at the desk, and turned on the computer to check the logs. "Name?"
"Alex Widdow." Sparrow said. "I have two eevees and a taillow."
The man (Sparrow finally got around to checking his nametag, which read Fenris Wized) typed a few things into the computer, before nodding at Sparrow. "You're in dorm B4, which is on the second floor of the dorms building, and your pokémon are confirmed to be yours. Welcome to Aeos Island, trainer."
Sparrow nodded his head, a huge grin covering his face. He had finally made it.
Now to hope and pray that his dormmates would be nice.
"B8, B6, ah, B4!" Sparrow had been walking down the hall, because for some reason the smaller numbered dorms were farther towards the end of the dorm building. But it was fine.
The doors on the right side were purple, while the ones on the left were orange, so Sparrow was left standing in front of a violet door with a number and a letter on it.
All that was left to do was open the door.
It opened with a small creek, and showed a scene of chaos before him.
Sparrow stood in the doorway, watching as a jolteon of all things had jumped on top of a teenager with brown hair, as a ginger haired trainer (probably the jolteon's owner) cackled at the chaos. On the couch across the room, a short teen with black hair was watching with a look of disappointment.
The person on the coach noticed Sparrow standing awkwardly in the doorway, and apparently decided to take pity on him.
"Race, Albert, cut it out. We've got a new roommate."
The two involved with the chaos of the jolteon, glanced over at Sparrow. The ginger quickly stood up, calling the jolteon back to its pokéball, and turned to face Sparrow.
"Greetings, sorry you had to barge in on that." He said, glaring at the others. "I'm Racetrack, although you can call me Racer like the others. That's Albert, and the short and murderous one is Spot."
Sparrow huffed a laugh. "I'm Alex, although I prefer to go by Sparrow." He paused, before adding onto his sentence. "Although I'll take any bird themed nicknames."
"Ah, a nicknames guy. Jack's goin' to have a field day." Spot commented, getting up from where he was sitting.
"What pokémon do you have?" Albert asked, sitting up and shaking his head to get his hair away from his face.
"Two eevees and a taillow." Sparrow said, grinning. "Basic, but leafeon and vaporeon are pretty decent when you get them."
"Another eeveelution appreciator." Racer said approvingly. "I've got a jolteon, a zeraora, and a raichu!"
"Speedy electric types?" Sparrow noted. "Good idea."
"I've got a flareon, a torchic, and a fennekin!" Albert called from the stool he had taken a seat on. "Fire types somehow seem to gravitate towards me."
"And I have a garchomp and a lucario." Spot added, causing Sparrow to stare at him.
"How the fuck did you catch a garchomp?"
"Hey, you mentioned the one eevee is named Rapid, but what about the taillow and the second eevee?" Racer asked, petting his raichu from where it was sitting next to him.
Sparrow mentally froze for a second, before putting his hand in his hands.
"You guys are going to call me crazy, but I've had these two for almost three months now." He started. "The taillow is named Spot and the second eevee is named Racer."
Racer and Spot both stared at him for a second, causing Sparrow to shrink into the cushions of the couch.
"Well, fate is real and it has brought us together." Racer said with a chuckle. "Was there a reason or...?"
"That's the funny part!" Sparrow laughed, "I dreamed of fighting with somebody named Race, so I thought it was a badass name and modified it."
"Can you see the future?" Spot asked.
"Nope, I just have weirdly good name picking skills."
tags: @trenchcoatsbi (phil here you go. thank you for putting up with me live-asking my brainstorming :D ) @thenopequeen
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lost4pandora · 2 years
This is something I wrote a while ago and was previously posted in a private server. The gist of it is if Player was basically a Lucario. That's it. That's the story. It's also written in the second person because my brain said to.
In Which You Have Four Different Panic Attacks For The Same Reason
A search and maybe rescue mission, that's all this was. If only you knew how much more difficult it would be.
Four had headed into a dungeon alone some time ago, since it was his Hyrule and it would be best if he went in to check it out. You weren't sure why Time agreed to let him go on his own, but you supposed you shouldn't be too worried. As small as he was, he packed quite the punch.
But he had been gone for over six hours, dungeons took maybe two at most depending at what pace you set yourself at. But even then, it shouldn't take this long. So you were tasked to go look for him along with Wild.
You see, though your time with the Chain was short, you've proven yourself to be invaluable with your innate ability to track down any person or object. The Chain wasn't quite sure how you accomplished such a thing, but if they were to ask you where something or someone was, you'd almost be guaranteed to find it faster than any of them. You were a living compass, a pathfinder, the guiding North star. It definitely influenced the nickname they gave you, which was Compass.
They weren't wrong, but if only they knew how you truly achieved such a skill. Aura wasn't a power known to this world. It existed, yes, but the populace wasn't aware of the power it held and the concept that it could be used. It's a secret that you would rather keep to yourself, for the greed of men has killed many for power like this. Though perhaps you would one day tell it to your new friends. You knew they were good people at heart, despite what some might tell you.
Their auras were so unique, so distinct that it was no wonder that you were able to keep track of them so easily. Hell, you even managed to track down Wind who found himself on the other side of the Hebra Mountains. It was a good thing you did too, or else the poor boy would have likely froze to death. Time gave him a good scolding for it that day.
So that's why you were here. They figured if anyone could find Four, it would be you. You wouldn't lie, you were touched at how much faith they put in you for this. Though they were good natured, the world hadn't been as kind. It taught them not many could be trusted as that trust they gave had only hurt them in the end. So you swore you would do everything in your power to make their jobs and lives a little bit easier in whatever way you can.
You stepped into the dungeon, torch in hand and raised it high to give you some semblance of what you were looking at. Well, you could see fine, the torchlight was more for Wild, not that he knew that. Or anyone, for that matter.
The room was large, and the remnants of monsters hung in the air. Four had definitely been here, you could feel the lingering trails he left behind. You were wandering in, signaling Wild to follow. He nodded and trailed close, keeping watch for any leftover monsters or traps Four might have avoided or missed.
But then you stopped, staring blankly into space with your mouth slightly ajar.
You… you were feeling that, right?
You weren't crazy?
Because you swear that you could sense Four… in four different places.
Have you finally lost it? After all the adventure and becoming the fabled Guardian of Aura, is this really where you were going to dive off the deep end?
"-mpass. Compass! Hey!"
You snapped back into reality, blinking rapidly before locking eyes with Wild. He seemed worried, looking over you for any other problems.
"You zoned out worse than I do. Are you okay? Do we need to go back?" Wild had asked, glancing over you worriedly.
You shook your head. "No, it's just… I don't know how to put it into words."
Wild seemed to look in understanding. "Don't try too hard, it won't do you any good."
You nudge his arm with your elbow as a friendly gesture, smiling awkwardly. "Thanks, I appreciate the concern, but um… there is something wrong."
"What is it?"
"I don't know where he is."
Wild blinked. You didn't know where Four was? And you were quick to add.
"I mean, I know he's in here, I can feel it in my gut. But I can't tell where, my mind just gets fuzzy and it feels like I have a-" you groan and raise up your hands to rub your temples, "-headache."
Oh, great, you have a headache. That's definitely helping you and Wild right now. You groaned and buried your face in your hands, shaking your head.
"I'm sorry, I'm not being helpful," you said, looking over apologetically. "I don't know what's wrong…"
Wild shakes his head, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't be sorry, it might be the dungeon messing with you. I've seen it happen with the others sometimes."
You nodded and kept trekking on, determined to find Four despite the initial problems, so to speak. Wild didn't argue or protest, and simply stuck close to you as you walked the path deeper in. There weren't many traps, or monsters, it was a quiet journey to the end.
You perked up when you felt someone approach, turning to see the multi-colored tunic of a certain blacksmith. Sighing in relief, you and Wild jogged over to him, calling his name as he turned his attention toward the two of you.
"Wild? Compass? What are you two doing here?" Four had asked.
"You were gone for longer than expected, we got worried and came to look for you," you explained, nodding at him.
Wild hummed in agreement. "We got concerned when we entered and Compass couldn't seem to pick up on where you were."
Four's eyes widened a bit at that, looking over at you, who was rubbing your neck sheepishly. "Really? You couldn't find me?"
"It was really weird, I couldn't tell where you were," you admitted, "It's almost like… you were in multiple places at once? Oh, that sounds dumb, doesn't it?"
Unbeknownst to you, Four had paled just the slightest amount at the phrase, his eyes shifting through a specific set of colors before fading back to a soft honey brown. Though he was quick to shake it off at a moment's notice to avoid suspicion.
"That's odd, are you sure you're okay?" He asked, gingerly moving his hand up to adjust the green band on his forehead.
"I think I would be better if we left this dungeon. I'd like for this headache to not become a migraine," you answered, rolling the joints in your shoulders and neck. "I'm also guessing you made it to the end of the dungeon? Did you find anything worth your while?"
Four shrugged. "Just some rupees and an item or two. Nothing great but still useful."
Wild seemed content sitting back and letting you and Four speak, since he had other things on his mind. But decided to speak out, "We should head back, before the old man sends someone after us next."
You and Four nodded, motioning to head out of the dungeon from whence you came. Leaving you to think about what exactly happened, and you weren't going to let it go for a while.
Perhaps you could ask Wolfie for cuddles to get your mind off of it.
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gremlinandacrow · 1 year
Current Pokemon X Team (And My Interpretations/Headcanons)
Sakura (Fennekin) [Level 27] (He/Him?)
Calm Nature, Very finicky The first Pokemon of the team, but not the “leader”. To Sakura, his trainer leads everyone on the team. He’s also not that bold or brave or hasty to be one. Currently he’s one of two unevolved Pokemon, which is fine with him. Being a Fennekin is all he knows. While he will never admit to it, he fears evolving. It’s a massive change that he wants to prevent for as long as possible. His trainer hasn’t had an issue with Sakura wanting to evolve, which the fox Pokemon feels relieved with.
Faraday (Pikachu) [Level 26] (She/Her) Serious Nature, Proud of her power Formerly an Alpha Pokemon residing in Santalune Forest, Faraday goes with the flow. When she was caught, many of the other Pikachu challenged her as a way to say goodbye. She sees herself as the muscle of the team, or at the very least a mentor and training partner. To her, life is a series of lessons, and she wants to teach any new friends and allies everything she knows! Recently her trainer found a Thunder Stone, but she doesn’t want to evolve just yet. The team is still very inexperienced, so Faraday wants to wait until they challenge a few more gyms!
Indie (Lucario) [Level 27] (He/They) Hardy Nature, Alert to sounds Indie, short for Indigo, is a very reserved Pokemon. They don’t make it a point to stand on the frontlines, rather they have his friends fight with them. The young Lucario’s aura senses are very...Overwhelming, to say the least. It’s partially the reason why they’re so quiet, because they’re unfortunately overstimulated by the aura of their trainer and teammates. Battling somewhat aids him, but Indie still needs to learn and experience their power.
Peony (Floette) [Level 25] (She/They) Quiet Nature, Quick to Flee Out of all the Pokemon on the team, Peony is the least willing to battle. From protecting her flower to being really small, they can make a numerous amount of reasons for not fighting. In a way they’re like Indie, which the two do have a slight bond over. In all honesty, she wants to go back to Route Four and relax in the peony flowers again.
Cascade (Wartortle) [Level 26] (He/Him) Impish Nature, Likes to Relax An easygoing Pokemon, he’s probably the most flexible out of the entire team. If he’s needed for a battle, he’ll fight. If he’s needed as a backup, he’s fine with that. If he isn’t needed for a battle, Cascade will welcome that descision and relax in his shell. He was one of the Pokemon gifted to his trainer by Professor Sycamore, which did somewhat confuse Cascade at first, but he was impressed with said trainer’s prowess. Faraday is a close friend of his, as both love battling more than their teammates and share a love for rainy weather. He carries around an Amulet Coin, treating it as a cool medal for being Faraday’s “best apprentice”
Boreas (Amaura) [Level 25] (He/They, Transmasc) Quirky Nature, Nods off a lot Before joining the team, Boreas was...Hm...They can’t remember. One moment they were experiencing a chilling tundra, and the next he was standing in a weird place with creatures he never saw before. They’re still getting used to their new environment, especially since it’s much hotter than their old home. Their friends Cascade and Indie are helping him out though! The two are teaching Boreas things like “What a PokeDex is”, or “What an Alert Ribbon means”. He’s doing his best, and that’s what matters! Still, it’s really weird how they got here so suddenly.
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llndeasjourney · 3 years
(@ask-blind-eevee) The young, blind eevee looked at the human, or at least tried to, she ended up looking the opposite direction, "I heard you can understand pokemon, that's a unique ability, I've only met one other human with that ability... How are you able to understand us?" Aura asked Llndea
That is correct little eevee
Llndea smiles as he turns the eevee around to face him
I would show you why but it seems like your eyes don't work that well, I do hope you've been managing well I know being blind isn't easy. But back to the question, I think the reason I can understand you guys is because of the fact I have a lucario spike and some fur on my hand
Llndea holds up a gloved hand the aforementioned spike poking out of it as of it looking as if it was apart of the glove
I've been trying to figure out how it got there my whole life....the others think I was injected with some lucario DNA or something I dunno.
??: About that I think I know a place where you can look for info about that
A short redhead women was walking over to where the trainer was getting the attention of the others nearby
Llndea: Chryil! What do you mean by that? And what brings you here?
Chryil: I got this in the mail for ya
The female hands Llndea a piece of paper:
Tumblr media
Llndea: A ball? Isn't that one of those round toys you bounce around?
Chryil: No, it's an even where you meet people and dance I looked into it and it seems like you could get some info on your hand so I already made arrangements for you and your team
Llndea: W-Wait? Dance?! I've never danced before!
Chryil: You'll be fine. Besides this could be a real opportunity to get out and make more friends
Llndea: And what about Team Evol?
Chryil: Don't you worry bout them! We can handle things in town, even then it's not like their after us anyway.
Llndea: .......ugggg alright fine! We'll go...but if anything happens you better call me!
Chryil: Yeah yeah I will now come on I got Jerry and Kerri making your outfits they should be ready for ya by now
Llndea and Co will be attending the event
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secret-engima · 4 years
Coyld you do more on We are (children of the sun) the Pokémon AU With Prompto being the Pokémon Noctis befriended a few days into his journey?
Uhhhhh had to look that one up but SURE? I can try at least.
-Noctis didn’t expect to find a Pokemon this interesting only a few days into his journey, but here they are in the desert around Hammerhead, doing minor Hunts (this crossover still has normal FFXV animals so don’t worry they aren’t hunting pokemon) while they wait for Cindy to finish fixing the Regalia, when he hears the sounds of some kind of pokemon fight. Noctis pulls out his sword and flicks a glance at Gladio and Iggy, who ready both their weapons and their pokemon companions. Noctis doesn’t have one yet, because it’s traditional for the Prince of Lucis to catch his first pokemon on his journey. He’s TRAINED with many types of pokemon in preparation, and studied what felt like the entire Pokédex a hundred times besides, but none of them were his to keep, so interrupting a pokemon fight could prove ... dangerous.
-They round the corner and find that a pack of Houndour have managed to corner another Pokemon, snapping and snarling at it, biting and harassing with teeth of fire as it huddles about an inch off the ground, curled up in a position that is purely defensive.
-Psychic type then, a frightened, badly injured one to not just teleport away. Noctis yells at the Houndour and Gladio and Iggy back him up while their Pokemon (a Lucario named Dancer and an Audino named Rosemary respectively) run off the Houndour with their greater experience.
-The Psychic the pack was harassing looks, if anything, even more frightened by the arrival of humans. Noctis inches closer to it and it tries to levitate away only to falter and fall back down into a curled up position with a faint hiss of breath. Noctis has never seen one like this before. A little human-like and a little feline, only an inch or two shorter than him, with extremely short, fine fur that’s a very pale white-lavender under the blood and a dark gold tail. It’s a pretty distinctive looking pokemon, even when most pokemon are pretty wild looking, and Noctis makes little shushing noises as he tries to get close enough to use a potion on it.
-One bright blue eye opens and glows and before Gladio can finish shouting a warning Noctis is- elsewhere.
-Noctis reels under the force of the mental impressions, but he’d always clicked most with Psychic types rather than the more traditional Dragon of the Lucis line or even the unexpected Fairy type like his dad, and so he reaches out with his magic and pushes back the tide of pain and abused memories (this pokemon had escaped humans, very abusive ones) with a ripple of calm-safe-gentle-sunlight-happy-easy. The Psychic pauses and Noctis feels confusion press up against his mind. This one isn’t used to humans being able to talk back like he does. Noctis smiles, “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. Can I help?”
-A raw fear that reminds him of being eight and attacked by a lab grown pokemon driven mad by Niflheim, then a trembling sort of agreement. Noctis takes absolute care in applying the potion, watching the cuts and bruises and lumps fade from the pokemon’s body. “There,” he murmurs when he’s done, “better?”
-It blinks at him. Then suddenly uncurls and shoots up into the sky so fast the wind knocks Noctis over. Well, that was about the best he could have expected he supposes. Pity he didn’t get to scan the poor thing with the Pokedex first. That will probably be the last time he ever sees it.
-Except it’s not.
-Except the pokemon decides to follow them.
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ofieugogyshz · 4 years
Fic;; Memories: Riolu II
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: None
Summary: Another call done, and another moment spent being assessed by your newborn Riolu.
Takes place sometime after this fic. | Which is preceded by this fic.
(Series Masterpost)
Lance and I had talked for a long time. I listened as he shared some updates about his job, his training, the clan, and I shared with him updates from my journey. My heart would lurch in my throat at times when I looked at him. And I'm sure he knew it, too, because my emotions could be read like an open book. But whenever he got me talking about something that happened over here, I would forget about my feelings for just a moment, caught up in whatever the topic had come to. The only thing I didn't share with him was updates about the Riolu that my friend, Blaze, had gifted me. Lance had remembered however, and asked me about it.
I had it sitting behind the chair, but it poked its head up every so often to see who I was talking to. When the phone call ended, I hung up the receiver, letting out a huge exhale.
<<Your heart went really fast! You were really nervous, when this conversation started. But now you're fine. Why is that?>>
At least, that's what I think it wanted to say. It was hard, sometimes, to communicate with it through our bond. It was only a few months old, and still learning how to read me.
The inquisitive stare it gave me was more than enough to set my cheeks flushed.
"A-ah, that's-- that's because--!"
<<He is my namesake, right? Daddy's trainer said he was naming me after an awesome person that you loved!>>
I felt my face burn so hot, it must've been red like a Charmeleon. My voice cracked, nearly shrill from the embarrassment.
"Th-that's!!! It-- I-- He--- Oh, it's not any of your business, Riolu!!"
<<I thought I was named Lance.>>
I felt like crying. This was going to be so embarrassing and difficult to explain.
"Y-y-you a-are, b-b-b-but--! I, uh…" I couldn't help but fumble around with words, embarrassed and ashamed at myself for being unable to say the Riolu's name, seeing as it was named after my crush. It tilted its head at me, unable to understand the mixed up emotions within me. The internal struggle. I don't blame it-- I couldn't either.
<<Did you want to rename me?>> It sounded dejected.
"Oh." That hadn't occurred to me. Officially, we couldn't overwrite the information for a Pokemon's name if it was registered to a different trainer. For some reason, the system that the PCs, Pokedexes, and Pokeballs all shared didn't support that. (Of course, that didn't stop many trainers from referring to our Pokemon however we saw fit.)
"I… Hm." I had never thought about it. I loved nicknaming Pokemon, and that was partly why my Riolu had been nicknamed at all. And I didn't want to offend my friend, who had gone through all the trouble of finding one who felt right for me.
<<You calmed down?>> Riolu tilted its head the other way now, still struggling to understand me.
"It wouldn't feel right. I'm sure Blaze meant good when he named you that, and not just as joke between friends. Your namesake is… an amazing trainer. He's very compassionate towards his Pokemon, and --basically-- a hero. He helps stop crime or other bad things from happening, and he's very sweet, and surprisingly patient, and I think he's understanding, too. He's," and I let out a short laugh. "He's been determined to help me think better of myself, too. Someone like me, who can't even…" I stopped suddenly, letting the sentence taper off. I let out a huge sigh, fighting the impulse to finish that sentence.
<<Are you dating him?>> It was a very innocent question.
"WH-WH-WHAT?!?!?!?" I screamed, earning a few rude stares from others in the Pokemon Center. I devolved into completely incoherent babble for a moment.
"I-I-I--aha...ha-- h-he-- n-n-n-no…!!---m-me?? Hahaha--" I flailed, waving my arms wildly before screaming into the palms of my hand. My face felt hotter in that moment than any fire Pokemon I had ever trained. I groaned, whimpered, whined --even a shrill, squeal-like sound--, unable to coherently give this tiny, relatively newborn Pokemon an answer.
"W-what makes you--- wh-where w-w-w-would y-you-- w-why??!?"
My brain had short-circuited, but, somehow, Riolu had sensed where I was trying to go between all the stammering and stuttering.
<<Pika told me. She said you have a crush on him. That you want to go on things called 'dates'?>> There was a pause. <<What are those?>>
I turned around to look at my Pikachu, who turned away from me, whistling.
"P-Pika….!!!" I made a fist, shaking it. Some of it in anger, more of it in flustered frustration.
<<What is dating?>>
I buried my face in my hands again, this time a muffled scream held within them.
"I-it's…." I let out an annoyed sigh. It was a struggle just to even speak the words, especially right after your own Pokemon asked you about your crush. "It's w-when y-you… y-you really like s-someone. And t-they do too. L-like you, I mean. A-and y-y-y-you… Y-you b-both…." I let out another muffled scream, this time out of frustration. "W-Why do I have t-to tell you any of this a-anyways?!?!"
Riolu sulked, flinching back a little. I immediately felt bad, sensing its recoil from the shout.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that--I mean, I don't know what I meant it like, but-- n-no no no, umm…. Pika!" I turned around to my Pikachu. She was still pretending not to be involved, flinching when I suddenly called her out. "Y-You explain it, you brought it up!!!!"
Pika let out a sigh of relief. She must've thought I was going to punish her somehow, but at the moment, I wouldn't've been able to think of anything even if I wanted to. She turned around, hopping up onto the seat, and began explaining in her own Pikachu language whatever Riolu was asking of her.
I sighed, and picked at the dead-ends in my hair. I couldn't understand the exchange, but I could sense the growing curiosity from Riolu, as well as the feeling of its curiosity being sated.
I wanted a relationship. I wasn't going to lie about that. But I messed up when I was a kid, and I'm pretty sure I had that avenue closed off because of that immaturity. I still had a crush on him, and I was lucky. He still let me talk to him. It hurt, sometimes, talking to him. I wanted to tell him again that I liked him. I really, really liked him, like a whole bunch more than back then. Now we had a good friendship. I knew more about him than when I had blindly charged ahead, led on by a silly notion of how I thought dating worked. I was scared to lose that friendship with him, if I blurted out my feelings once more. …..Hell, I'm sure it was obvious that I still liked him, no matter how hard I had tried to quelch those feelings. Except, now, instead of a forced notion of what kind of person I should like, it felt more natural. I wasn't liking him because I thought he'd make a good boyfriend. I was liking him for him. Something I was convinced no one would like me for.
We had a more natural relationship now, as friends. ...Well, as good of one as I could manage while freezing up whenever we talked, blushing madly, until I could forget for a moment during a conversation that I had a crush on him. It was hard.
"Emotions suck," I muttered.
<<I want to meet him.>> The thought came unbidden, and it took me a moment to realize that it was Riolu who thought-- well, felt-- it.
"A-ah, I-I don't think we could do something like that!!"
<<Why not?>>
Why not? Why not indeed. "B-because! H-he works! And-- And he has the league!"
<<But I want to know his feelings for you.>>
At that comment, I felt myself freeze up, like I was made of ice. I felt so cold, scared of that notion. Of finding out if the answer had changed in our few years' friendship. If it was completely hopeless. But at the same time, my face had heated up. Because what if it was changed…. What then? What do we do then?
I felt a gentle tugging on my hand. I looked down to see Pika and Riolu looking up at me, concerned.
"O-oh. Sorry if that alarmed you."
Riolu felt confused. It didn't know how to interpret that or my emotions.
<<You felt really scared. It looked like Thunderbolt!>> Riolu told me, waving its arms as it described the aura wave to me. I pet it gently on its head, a quietly confused noise coming from its mouth this time, rather than our bond. “Ri?”
"If you want to understand Riolu better, you might want to try asking the Sinnoh Champion, Cynthia, for advice. She has a Lucario."
"Y-yeah, m-maybe. I'll try that."
That was the last thing Lance and I had talked about, before we ended our call.
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infini-tree · 4 years
FANFIC: return
Summary: To make a long story short, they made it back to Piqua with nothing but half-empty satchels and the word of an explorer who had risen the ranks at a supernatural pace that they were not at fault. 
Let’s skip forward by just a bit, though. (Piqua Mystery Dungeon)
A/N: While technically I do have a drabble in the works set before this, chronology is my enemy, so you get this first. This is also related to against all odds (1 + 2)-- you can see the related links on those fics for additional context to this one.
Did you know serperior had arms, because I sure didn’t.
“So, what now?”
“What do you mean, what now?” The abomasnow’s needles flattened, grimacing at the damage to an outer wall of the guild-slash-school. “You can go home.”
Between coming back, finding out that there was another one of his students had come from the future, and a near-death experience, he was ready to root himself into his house and never come out. 
“Home?” Harold mumbled, before looking at George. It was like the idea never crossed either of their minds. After what seemed like an eternity of running, it must have seemed stranger than any of their comics.
Then again, he thought wryly, they should have known it would have happened.
Between the clamor of older guildmembers trying to do damage control with limited success, teachers panicking, and students whispering, the gasp from a few paces away was near inaudible.
George was the first to notice, and he nudged the mareep insistently.
Just across the street was a serperior, lucario, and ampharos, the latter of which was holding onto a mareep that was more fluff than creature. 
He looked over to Harold. Spitting family resemblance.
None of the adults made a move. It was like they were afraid that if they acknowledged what was happening, then the illusion would break and their children would disappear. Or run away if they pushed too hard.
But the mareep from across the street had no such qualms and wriggled out of her mother’s arms and bolted straight for them. Her breath hitched, eyes teary. “H-- Harold!”
And for the first time in a long while, the boys run towards home-- their home, their family. That was enough to spur on a chain reaction of the remaining three to run to their children as well, scooping them up with watery eyes and making sure they were alright and alive and safe and well, and oh, we were so worried--
Krupp couldn’t help but look down to his feet. He shouldn’t be... here. Looking. Even if it was happening in the middle of Piqua in broad daylight, he felt like an intruder. Besides, his job was done. The abomasnow took a few steps back and to the side in an attempt to escape.
But the lucario’s aura sensors flicked up. “Don’t think you can escape that easily!” he joked, making his way over. He winced as the serperior shot a glance at him. “Uh, poor choice of words.”
“What Moby meant to say is, thank you.” The serperior made her way forward, and her next words were tremulous. “Thank you, for bringing them back.”
The most the abomasnow could muster up was a nod and a strangled noise that hopefully sounded agreeable.
“I knew all those times the boys were complaining about you was just a bit of tall tales on their part!” The ampharos let out a high laugh. “There was one they were really up in arms about-- Barbara, do you remember?”
The serperior-- Barbara-- shook her head.
Krupp couldn’t help but grind his teeth and glance at the boys. “Really now?”
George only shrugged playfully. Harold raised a brow in faux-smugness. 
Ugh, things were a lot simpler before the whole fugitive business, and their parents were still looking at him like that. So he stuffed down the literal pages of complaints he had about them he had always wanted to field to them, just this once. 
“Oh, they’ve been...” Nuisances. Aggravating. On my last nerves. “Something. I know they’re, uh... trying their best.”
“Mind saying that a little louder?” Harold said.
“And are pushing their luck.” He let his gaze turn sharp for a moment.
Between the commotion and the whirlwind conversation between the others, it was clear that Krupp was at his tipping point and was close to being overwhelmed.
“Would you like to have dinner with us, then?” the ampharos-- Grace, Harold’s mother, asked.
“Um, no, thanks but... no.” He floundered around for a moment, breaking off from the group, perhaps a bit too eager. “I’m-- I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, mom,” Harold said hurriedly, somehow more fearful at the prospect of having his principal-slash-guildmaster home for dinner than being hunted down. “He said that he doesn’t really eat?”
The ampharos stared at her son, then to the abomasnow, and back to him. “Really now?”
“Something about how technically he’s one degree of separation from an actual tree, so he doesn’t need to eat as often,” George explained. “It was pretty sunny out, so yeah!”
“I see, I see,” Moby’s tone was curious, but he shot a quick glance towards his wife, clearly unsure. “I suppose that makes sense.”
The serperior’s pace had slowed down by a tick, causing her to lag behind. 
George, of course-- her perceptive, clever boy-- was the first to notice. His brow knitted together in worry. “Mom, what’s wrong?”
“I had nearly forgotten-- it’s been a long day for all of us, even moreso for you boys,” she said with an even smile. “I’ll need to buy an extra special surprise for dinner, we can eat all together and make it a whole event-- if that’s alright with you, Grace.”
The ampharos lit up, quite literally, as the orb on her tail let out a quick flash. “Oh, that would be lovely! Maybe an evening picnic, perhaps?”
Barbara shot a glance at Moby, who gave a nod. 
“Well, since we’re all in agreement.”
“What’ll the surprise be?” George asked.
The serperior patted him on the head. “I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise!”
“I think I’m nearly at my limit for surprises, mom,” he joked.
“Can you at least make room for a few more? For me?”
The snivy laughed before nodding.
“You can go ahead-- you still need to get yourselves readjusted to both being home, and your treehouse.”
And at the latter, the boys jumped to action. “Oh man, you’re right!” George gasped. “How long’s it been?”
The snivy didn’t receive an answer, since Harold was already running.
“Hey, wait a minute--”
Just like that, the rest of the group was off. All of them, except for Barbara. The serperior made her way over to the abomasnow, tilting her head. 
Krupp couldn’t help but cross his arms defensively on instinct as he braced for whatever she was going to say.
Was she going to call him out on his little quip about them pushing their luck? Has she connected the dots? He vaguely wondered if George got his general whip-smart and clever demeanor from her side or the lucario’s. 
“Photosynthesis, huh?” Barbara said after a moment, quirking a brow. “You must have been under a lot of strain if you were just relying on that for energy.”
Scratch that, it might have been better if she were calling him out on whatever slight the boys vented towards her. He looked away as the needles at his hackles flattened. “On some days supplies were low. It was... better than the alternative.”
“I see.” Another pause. Her gaze lingered on the needles on his arms. It was subtle, but there were brown needles nestled among the usual green. In some areas, bark-like skin that was never meant to be seen peeked through the clusters. “In any case, thank you, again. That must have been a difficult decision.”
“It really wasn’t.” In terms of practicality, whatever powered his counterpart made him more durable as well. Besides, it was the only decision he-- both of him-- would accept, and they were exceedingly stubborn in that regard.
Barbara tilted her head again, but let the subject lie. “Well, the offer’s still open, if you ever change your mind.”
“I have, um--” his gaze flickered over to a blue-eyed octillery near the school. “Prior engagements. I’ll be fine.”
“Oh,” she mumbled before seeing the general direction his eyes travelled to. “Oh...” The serperior shot a smile at him, making her way past him and towards the direction of the marketplace. “Well, in that case, I shouldn’t keep my family waiting, and I suppose you shouldn’t keep her waiting either.”
The abomasnow let out a little huff. And there was the family resemblance, right there in the remark and smile.
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saywha413 · 3 years
More bad writing by me :D 
I imagined a proposal scenario for our favorite gays
I included the entire past fic, so you can skip it if you’ve already read it.
Also posted on archive of our own, so you can read it there too
20-year-old Goh was sitting at his desk, working hard (or was he hardly working 😏). He was writing a bunch of notes from his research on eevee and their evolutions. While he was proofreading it, the memory of his boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, asking him on their first date popped into his head…
It was a gorgeous day in Kanto. The sun was shining, the pidgey and spearow chirping, and the aerodactyl in Cerise Park sleeping. Professor Cerise let all the researchers have the day off, so they were all in Cerise Park. Chloe and Chrysa were watching an improvised game of soccer by the Pokémon and talking about the latest Pokémon Food Contest, Ren and Professor Cerise were hanging out with Goh’s other Pokémon. Suicune even appeared, it sensed something special was going to happen today and wanted to see it. Goh and Ash were sitting (closer than just friends would be) above all the others and talking. Eventually they fell silent and just watched the others. “Hey Goh?” Ash asked out of the blue. “Yeah?” Goh turned his head from the scene below. “I know we’ve done lots of things together, and even done date-like things, but never really gone on a date, so will you go on a date with me?” Ash gushed. He noticed the huge blush on his and Goh’s faces when Goh responded, “Of course I will!” He tackled Ash with a hug. The two research fellows were completely unaware that all the people and Pokémon in Cerise Park had witnessed what just happened. “I should go get cleaned up,” Ash stated. “Ok, I’ll pack a lunch or something…” Goh walked to the kitchen while Ash dashed to their shared room. Chloe, seeing an opportunity to tease them, followed them inside. She walked into the kitchen and greeted Goh who was making sandwiches for him and Ash. He got some donuts and drinks, as well as Poké Food for all their Pokémon. “You excited for your date?” Chloe teased, a huge smirk on her face. “What?!” Goh’s face turned bright red. “No I’m not.” He stated. They had been friends long enough to know he was lying instantly. “Stop teasing me!” He shot a glare at Chloe. She just laughed it off, teasing Goh was both easy and fun.
As Chloe walked up the stairs to Ash and Goh’s shared room, she wondered how she could tease Ash. His dense brain probably wouldn’t understand any of it. She knocked on the door and was answered with a “Come in!” She plopped on the bottom bunk and calmly stated “You and Goh make a cute couple.” Ash blushed a little and responded with “Thanks.” “Where are you taking him on your date?” Chloe innocently asked. “Oh. I don’t know.” Ash shrugged. “You don’t know?!” Chloe deadpanned. “I figured Goh would know what to do and where to go…” Ash packed up the last things he would need and said bye to Chloe. Chloe rushed out to Cerise Park and asked all the Pokémon and researchers, “Who wants to follow Ash and Goh on their date?” She was met with a various amount of grunts, roars, and other Pokémon noises. Chrysa agreed, she wanted to see the date for herself, but the Professor and Ren politely declined. Soon Ash and Goh left with the lunch and their main Pokémon (Pikachu, cinderace, lucario, sobble/drizzile/inteleon). They didn’t notice the two girls following them and the dragon or the ghost or all the various other Pokémon. The research fellows walked to the Cerise park and set out all the food, even the food for the Pokémon, and they let the Pokémon go free and walk around. They didn’t notice that Professor Cerise and Ren had left earlier or that suicune was still there, just watching from a different spot. Ash, being Ash, was shoveling food into his mouth while Goh was eating at a normal pace. Ash was so focused on food and Goh was so focused on Ash that they didn’t notice Chloe peeking at them from behind a tree, or that lucario and the others had come back to see the date from behind a bush. Soon there were only a couple donuts left and all the sandwiches were eaten. Ash took one and turned towards Goh. “Do you want some?” He held the donut close to Goh’s mouth. In response, Goh blushed and stuttered out, “A-are you sure?” Ash just smiled, so Goh took a bite while still blushing. They (again) were so focused on each other they didn’t notice Chloe or Chrysa squealing because of how cute it was. “Where do you want to go next?” Ash asked Goh. “I don’t know, just walking around is fine.” Goh commented and Ash agreed, so they left the Pokémon in Cerise Park unaware of the big group following them now.
While they were walking Goh spotted a vulpix, which he didn’t have, and ran up ahead and tripped. Just before he landed on his face, someone caught him. Goh looked up and it was Ash. “Are you ok?” Ash was holding him bridal-style. “I’m fine. Thank you for catching me.” Goh was blushing very hard now and Ash (behind dense) didn’t understand. He put Goh down and they kept walking. Soon they passed a clothing store. “Come on,” Goh insisted. “Let’s check it out.” “But we look fine!” Ash protested, but it was too late. Goh dragged Ash in by the hand. The store was empty at this time, and the cashier was playing something on his rotom phone. (Note: I know nothing about clothes and wear pjs all day so this part will sound a little weird) Ash was looking through the Pokémon clothing section, maybe he could find something pikachu or the rest of his Pokémon would like, then Goh called him over to the changing rooms. “Try this outfit on,” he insisted. Ash went in and soon called out “Are you sure this will look good?” “Just show me!” Goh pushed. When Ash came out again, he was wearing a simple black t-shirt and some blue jeans with a belt that had a small lightning-bolt shaped buckle. “So, uh what do you think? How do I look?” Ash glanced very nervously at Goh. “You look handsome.” Goh immediately responded. This caused Ash to blush even harder than he was before. “Now you pick me an outfit!” Goh jumped up and down a little. “Ok! Give me a couple minutes.” While Goh waited he was staring out the window and swore he saw a dragonite and a girl with magenta-colored hair on his back. “Is that Chloe and Ash’s dragonite?” Goh thought to himself. “Nah it can’t be.” he dismissed the earlier thought, not knowing that it was right. “Ok I’m back!” Ash handed a small pile of clothes to Goh. While Goh was changing, it was his turn to ask “Are you sure this will look good?” Ash replied, “I’m sure it’ll look great!” When Goh came out he was wearing a dress with a pikachu and scorbunny pattern. (But the pattern is pretty small if you want to draw it) “How do I look?” Goh asked, more flustered and nervous than Ash. “Beautiful.” Ash simply replied. They stared at each other for a while and had their fingers laced together. Right when they were about to kiss, a voice from outside the changing rooms yelled “You better not be smoochin’ in there lovebirds!” This made the lovebirds research fellows even more bright scarlet than they already were and Chloe, Chrysa, and the Pokémon laugh outside.
Ash and Goh left the clothing store wearing their new outfits and walking back to the Cerise Lab. They were (again) holding hands and chatting about random things. “Do you remember that time we were on that slowpoke island?” “I’d rather not think about that.” When they made it back it was almost night and the sun was setting. “Do you want to watch the sunset with me?” Ash asked, though it was kind of unnecessary because they were already walking towards a bench. When they sat down, the research fellows spent more time losing themselves in each other’s eyes than actually watching the sun set. Their fingers still laced together, they brought their faces closer. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Ash gently asked, almost whispered. “I think we’re thinking the same thing…” Goh whispered back. When their lips met it it invoked a new feeling into both of their hearts: love. They held that position for a minute, but that minute drifted into two, then three, until they broke it to breathe. “I love you Goh.” Ash kissed his cheek. “I love you too Ash.” Goh kissed him on the lips again. Both the research fellows knew that this was only the beginning as the journey continues… 
(The people and Pokémon in the lab saw the kiss, Chloe and Chrysa were fang irking and Ren and the Professor both were a lil surprised but not a lot. The Pokémon all had different reactions)
He blushed remembering that day, but his thoughts were interrupted by a small sound. “Meww!” He jumped up and woke his sleeping Pokémon, cinderace, inteleon, and thwackey. “C’mon guys!! Mew is in the area!!” Goh ran through his lab and grabbed a single Pokéball. When he checked himself in the mirror, he remembered when Chloe insisted on braiding his now very long hair (she had cut hers recently and missed braiding hair) and he wasn’t sure if he liked the braid. Ash had come in and commented that it looked good on him, and now Goh has Chloe braid it every day. He looked at his fingernails, which were painted the same shade of blue as his eyes today, and remembered something similar had happened with those too. Chloe had cut her nails too short and insisted on painting his instead. He, again, wasn’t sure if he liked it, but Ash did, so he kept repainting his nails. The last spot his eyes fell on was his earrings. He had a small red stud and a keystone earring the same shade of blue as his eyes that Ash had given him(I tell you I really like “Hiding in Public” by Negira1239… The earring bit is my favorite :D). He shook himself a little, what was he doing? He had to find mew! He and his 3 Pokémon ran towards the entrance. “What are you doing?” His lab assistants Chloe and Horace looked at him with confusion, they weren’t used to seeing him run around like this. That was more of an Ash thing. “I heard mew and I’m going to catch it!” “With that?” Chloe pointed to the single Pokéball in his hand. “Yup. Okbye!!” He sped out the door before they could ask any more questions. 
When he reached the forest behind Cerise Lab (It’s actually in Galar, they named it after professor Cerise) mew stopped and looked at him, as if to challenge “Come on! Throw that Pokéball!” He simply stated, “Look mew. I don’t want you to stay in a place you’re unhappy. So,” He held the Pokéball out to mew. “If you want to join me, you can. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Mew, who was touched by the speech, placed its paw on the Pokéball and then 1, 2, 3, “Mew was registered to your Pokédex!” Goh jumped up and cheered with cinderace, while he received high-fives from inteleon and thwackey. Too bad Ash couldn’t be here to see this, he had to battle someone….This gave him an idea! “Come out mew!” Mew popped out and Goh asked it, “Can you teleport me and my Pokémon to Wyndon Stadium?” Mew obliged and in a flash, they teleported what would have taken about an hour or two to walk. He put mew back in its Pokéball and entered. (Note: In my universe Ash swaps all his Pokémon, except pikachu, around to better combat your team. He also switches between singles and doubles. This makes him the hardest champion and, some people even say, the hardest trainer to beat in the world. Also, all his old Pokémon evolved, like bayleef to meganium and bulbasaur to venasaur, etc. For instance, you have a charizard and flareon, he uses samurott and blastoise. He also uses megas, z-moves, AND g-max, but only one per battle.) This time, Ash was in a double battle with dracovish and samurott against a centiskortch and mudsdale. “Use fishious rend on centiskortch!” Ash commanded. “Dodge it!” The challenger tried to combat it, but centiskortch was too slow and got knocked out. Then, Ash commanded samurott to use its signature move on mudsdale and quickly finished it. The challenger was upset, tears forming in their eyes, but those tears quickly faded when the champion held his hand out. “Thank you for the battle,” he commented while shaking their hand. “You have impressive talent and great Pokémon, I’m sure we’ll face off again soon.” The challenger shook his hand with a new, confident, expression. “I’m sure we will!” Goh ran over to his boyfriend and shouted “ASH! I CAUGHT MEW!” Ash hugged him around his waist and spun him around. “I knew you could do it!”Ash congratulated. Then Ash kissed him. (on the lips) The crowd and announcers and people watching from their homes gasped. They knew that the champion was dating someone, but he was very private about it. People had predicted that he was dating the performer Serena or gym leader Misty. Some people guessed he was dating the Island Kahuna Kiawe or Gladion, who people weren’t sure what he did, or maybe even Professor Gary. No one had ever thought of the regional professor of Galar.
“Come on! I have something to show you!” The champion dragged the professor away, by the hand, leaving all the Pokémon behind. “Can you watch our Pokémon? Thanks!” Goh called to the bewildered challenger still on the pitch. Ash took Goh to a secluded part of the park nearby, where no Pokémon or people other than the 2 of them were in sight. “Goh.” Ash stopped walking and turned to face him. “We have been friends and boyfriends for a long time. You are the most important thing to me, and the love of my life.” Ash got down on one knee. “Goh, will you marry me?” Goh, who was blushing madly and had happy tears in his eyes, enthusiastically tackled his fiance with a hug and responded with, “Of course!!” Little did they know, all the legends and myths were watching over them, and Dialga knew they would have long and happy lives. Together.
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Vanguard Descends
Chapter 30 Sanctuary Town In Peril! Aichi Returns Home! Part 2
Aichi’s current team
Level 65 Ahmes (Gallade) psychic/fighting
Close combat
Solar blade
Swords dance
Future Sight
Level 65 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 63 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 64 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 70 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow claw
Kai sweated nervously facing down Ren. He honestly didn’t know if he could win, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying. Ren brought out his Pokémon quickly. They moved so fast it appeared like they were teleporting to his human eyes. He heard five loud thuds looking over to see all of his Pokémon except Overlord knocked out. Overlord stubbornly clung on holding back Junos’s blade. Kai activates his mega bracelet evolving Overlord into its mega x form.
“Overlord use fire blast!”, Kai ordered as Overlord shot a massive blue flame at Ren’s Pokémon.
Due to the amp of Ren’s power it only left a scratch. Kai snickered at this.
“My battle against Kyou proved skill can still triumph, but it seems like everything I have still isn’t enough against him after all that training!”, Kai thought, remembering back to the day Ren changed.
He walked in to see a young Tetsu fall over with his Pokémon. Kai quickly ran over to his aid.
“Don’t you get it, you're utterly helpless against what I am!?”, Ren said, condescendingly.
“Just because you beat him doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk! What the heck happened to you?”, Kai replied, angrily.
“Why don’t you tell him Tetsu?”, Ren replied.
“Ren’s gotten stronger. So strong it’s scary...”, Tetsu replied.
“I have been reborn as the ultimate being!”, Ren said as someone walked up behind him.
It was a man in a black suit with a red A. He had red eyes and hair like Ren though his was short and slicked back.
“You always were. But, now you’ve finally realized your place and purpose.”, the man said.
“You! Katsuki! What have you done to Ren?!”, Kai questioned, angrily.
“It’s Mr.Suzugamori to you child.”, Katsuki replied.
“With this power Team Asteroid will easily be able to conquer Kakusa and the world! Doesn’t that sound fun Kai? It’s a whole new and bigger challenge! I know how you love those!”, Ren said as his eyes had rainbow spirals.
“Do you even hear what you're saying?! It completely contradicts everything you’ve thought till now!”, Kai replied.
“I was a fool then! I have seen what I must do now!”, Ren replied.
“We’re gonna battle and I’m going to defeat you! And return you to normal!”, Kai said as he raised a Poké ball to Ren who growled angrily.
“Fine then I guess you just need a demonstration then!”, Ren replied.
They battled and like you may have guessed he didn’t stand a chance. Kai backed away a bit before he noticed Ren falling over. Kai quickly ran to catch Ren as he fell.
“I have gotten so much stronger... Isn’t it great?”, Ren said, tiredly.
Kai sent Ren down against the wall as he glared up at Katsuki.
“So, what will you do?”, Katsuki questioned, with a shit eating smile.
“I’m leaving! How about you Tetsu?”, Kai replied, before turning to Tetsu.
“I won’t abandon him.”, Tetsu replied as he looked down at Ren.
“Perfect, you made the right choice.”, Katsuki said.
Kai looked away walking out without facing them.
Flashback end
“That day I lost my two best friends...After that I went back to my hometown Sanctuary town where I met him again...I honestly hadn't thought much about what I did for him back then.”, Kai thought as he imagined child Aichi for a moment.
“You live in this town and yet you haven’t heard of him. He’s that weirdo who talks to Pokémon. Sendou Aichi.”, Izaki explained.
“Sendou Aichi...”, the brunette murmured looking over noticing the Ralts beside Aichi.
“It’s that kid.”, he thought.
Ahmes looked at the brunette recognizing him.
“Ralts…(That’s…)”, Ahmes said.
Aichi’s eyes widened in realization, also recognizing the brunette.
“You...your…”, Aichi trailed off.
“Can’t anyone talk to their Pokémon?”, the blond questioned.
“It’s different with him, it's like he can actually understand what they're saying.”, Izaki replied.
“Really?”, the blond questioned shocked.
The brunette’s eyes widened a bit hearing their eyes before glaring at Aichi who flinched.
“Just like him…”, the brunette mumbled.
“Your…”, Aichi trailed off.
“Hmph I guess that loser gave up.”, the brunette said referring to Morikawa.
“Loser! I’m not a loser!”, Morikawa denied.
“Losers forfeit.”, the brunette said.
“He had to his Pokémon was in critical condition.”, Aichi said.
“Fine then go Nido-“, Morikawa was saying as was cut off.
“No! Nidoking can’t fight anymore if you push it any harder it could die.”, Aichi replied.
“Then, I’ll just catch another one!”, Morikawa said as the air around them became very oppressive and cold.
“No. You. Won’t.”, Aichi said sternly, glaring at Morikawa emphasizing every word as his eyes flashed with the rainbow spiral again. They could swear that there was a faint blue aura around him not unlike a psychic Pokémon.
“If you want to battle someone, battle me.”, Aichi said as everyone minus him and the brunette gasped.
The brunette focused on the younger boy who turned towards him who’s eyes returned back to normal as soon as they changed. As Aichi snapped back he suddenly realized what he said the aura disappearing as well.
“Ah! Why did I say that? His Pokémon is fully evolved.”, Aichi thought.
Flashback end
“I realized he had the same sort of powers as Ren. I didn’t really understand how then. But, I didn’t want to fail him. Not like I did with Ren.”, Kai thought.
“We did it...WE DID IT!”, Aichi cheered, raising his hands in the air as Kai silently recalled Overlord.
“Hmph. I guess you did. Let’s go Miwa.”, Kai replied simply walking away coolly with Miwa following behind.
“Wait up, Kai!”, Miwa said as he followed Kai.
Aichi smiled brightly as he watched on.
“U-Umm I would like to battle you again someday if that’s alright.”, Aichi said.
“We’ll see…if our paths cross again.”, Kai replied simply.
“They definitely will become a great Pokémon trainer like you. The very best like no one ever was!”, Aichi replied.
Kai smirked at the answer, not saying anything more.
Flashback end
“Perhaps I lost on purpose in our previous fight because I didn’t want to push him to look for power. Only to be consumed by his own. I want to beat Ren. Not only for him, but so Aichi never has to use that wretched power.”, Kai thought.
Aichi turned to Ahmes with a smirk.
“You will no longer stop me, Ahmes. I am your new master and you will all obey me without question.”, Aichi commanded.
His Pokémon flinched feeling the order wash over them. Compelling them to obey. He started laughing maniacally as the murky blue aura surrounded him.
“Good. Hehehaha! Finally! I told you I would take control, Aichi. Now...what should I do first?Oh, wait I’ve gotta get my badge.”, Aichi said to himself; strangely talking in the third person.
With Kai and Ren…
“W-what the heck!?”, Kai gasped, seeing the screen showing what happened in the water gym.
Kai and Miwa were completely stunned.
“It’s about time. I’m surprised it took so long to take over him.”, Ren said as they turned to him.
“What did you do to him?!”, Kai questioned.
“It’s not what I did. It’s how he was made.”, Ren replied.
“Made?! What do you mean made?”, Kai questioned, in confusion.
“As I said Aichi is just like me. He was created to fulfill Team Asteroid’s goal of world domination.”, Ren revealed as the two gasped.
“What the heck are you talking about? You can’t make someone!”, Miwa denied.
“Team Asteroid’s science is the greatest in the world. Team Asteroid’s top scientists made both of us. Is it even that crazy considering Mewtwo exists? But, Aichi ended up disappearing. We now know from monitoring you guys who took him.”, Ren explained.
“Why did he change?”, Kai asked.
Flashback end
“I was scared when I saw him like that. I thought I had already failed, but he came back.And unfortunately I failed him again...the one who reminded me of why I became a trainer. It was seeing his strong bond with Ahmes that reminded me.”, Kai thought.
“Looks like you truly are no more than a mere Durant to me Kai.”, Ren said.
“What are you going to do?!”, Kai questioned, worriedly.
Ren just laughed as he put his hands behind his back smirking.
“You know in all my time of taking over the various towns and cities in Kakusa it was never personal. Whoever I’m going to enjoy terrorizing the hometown of 003v. He’s been such a thorn in our sides, but after I finish burning his little town to the ground. I will turn him back into who he’s meant to be, permanently.”, Ren replied.
“I won’t let you-“, Kai was saying before he was cut off frozen by psychic power only able to watch.
“While, I do have no more interest in you. You have caused me quite the frustration after you left Team Asteroid. So, you’ll get a front row seat perfectly helpless and only able to watch while I break him.”, Ren said, menacingly.
Kai tried to move, say something, do anything, but he was caught. Overlord pushed Junos aside, charging at Ren.
“Shoo!”, Ren said as he flicked Overlord sending it crashing to the ground instantly falling out of its mega form knocked out.
Ren entered the town as Misaki and Kamui glared at him.
“I’ve got your little friend. Now, I going to use you to lure 003v here.”, Ren said as he hoisted them up into the air with his psychic energy stopping them from moving.
“What’s next master Ren?”, Asuka asked.
“Where’s the Sendou residence?”, Ren asked, with a sinister smirk as Kai, Misaki, and Kamui gasped in horror.
In Gold Maine city…
“Aichi what are you doing you can’t go yet?”, Takuto questioned.
“I have to.”, Aichi replied, resolutely.
“If you go now you’ll lose.”, Takuto replied.
Aichi threw out Soul Saver as he still held Alfred and he got onto Soul Saver’s back who now had a proper burdle and saddle to ride. He looked back at Takuto.
“If I don’t go now everything you have done for me will have been for nothing. I can feel it, he’ll turn Sanctuary town into a visual of hell just to torment me. And...I’ll snap.”, Aichi replied as he had rainbow spirals in his eyes.
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nimarkiva-stuff · 4 years
Fan-art Writing
So, I absolutely love one of @blasticheart​‘s characters, a Pokemon Trainer OC, and really wanted to have him meet the Trainer OC version of myself that I do for @nimarkiva-the-pokemon-trainer​.
.....except it’s pretty violent based on the premise of his character, so I can’t really post it on that blog, I know full well there are a lot of kids who visit that one.
Oh, right, I have an art blog, too. Deeeerp. So, fan-art for @blasticheart​ beneath the cut. There is violence, and it is Pokemon themed. Not for kids. Murder mention and attempt.
It was late on a lazy Friday afternoon, and Dit was looking forward to a challenge. He hoped there would be a good battle today since no one had contested him yet. He bounced a pokéball in his hand, grinning as he thought of what might come if he was patient. Hopefully it was a Pokémon battle that he could win. If not win, at least enjoy. He loved a good fight.
His gaze swept across the park at the edge of the woods, lingering on a particular trainer who was out with her Pokémon. The tattooed woman was leaning on a cane and had a Haunter with her, as well as a Lucario. Now that was a fight! The trainer looked fairly unassuming. She had shoulder-length gingery hair that was bleached blond at the tips, and looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She was dressed fairly nondescript- t-shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. The wooden cane in her right hand was clearly for the pronounced limp she walked with. The human stood at about five feet and ten inches, rather tall, but at the same time a bit stooped because of how she leaned on the cane. The stocky human had a large tattoo of a purple Sharpedo and plumeria blossoms on her right arm, visible because of her short sleeves. Her glasses were simple, black rectangular frames that suited her.
The trainer didn’t look like much. She honestly could have passed for any adult woman on the street. But he of all people knew how looks could be deceiving, didn’t he? And she did have a Lucario with her, not to mention a fairly large Haunter who looked like he could give anyone a run for their money. The Ditto looked at his reflection on the shiny pokéball in his hand. She’d be a challenge- and depending on what she had in her pokéballs, it was a match which could genuinely go in favor of either of them.
He decided it was worth a shot. Win or lose- though he hoped win- it promised to be fun. Dit made his way to where she was playing with the Lucario. The trainer would toss a ball, and the Lucario would deflect it back to her with a shield of Aura energy, angling it to make sure she could catch the bouncy rubber sphere each time. It was both a game and a practice in precision. Dit could definitely appreciate training like that.
“Yo, Nim, heads up!” the Haunter told his trainer when the young man came over.
Dit paused for a moment. Another Pokémon who could speak in a human language? Well, now that was something. He gave the woman and her Pokémon a toothy grin when she focused on him. “You wanna have a Pokémon battle?” he asked eagerly.
Nim blinked, looking a bit surprised. The Lucario beside her looked up at the trainer, then back at Dit. He wasn’t so sure about this one. Not because he was afraid of a fight, but more because something was…off. And it was going to drive Lucas nuts until he figured out what it was. Something in that smile, and the look in his eyes.
“Can’t really see a reason to refuse,” the woman said with a shrug. “Three on three, or six against six?”
The tall trainer waved her question off. “Nah, five on five,” he said with that same toothy grin.
Nim raised one eyebrow. Odd, but she’d go with it. “Sure,” she said. “Not going to lie, I’m going to bring out some of the big guns- there’s a space in the woods which is a lot better for that kind of battle, got a concrete wall and is away from people. That work for you?”
Dit rubbed his hands together. Oh, that worked, he had some big guns of his own. “Bring it on,” he told her with a smirk.
Lucas decided he definitely did not like that smile.
“I’m Dit. So what do you do?” Dit asked as they hiked to the location of the practice arena.
“I’m Nim, a teacher, and I run a Pokémon rehabilitation house for those who have gotten injured or abused,” Nim explained. “You?”
“I battle,” he said with that same creepy grin. “A rehab house? Sounds cool.”
That actually was true. He did like the idea of that sort of place, since he knew how many needed it. The Ditto could also see how she cared for those who were with her. Each of the Pokémon at her side showed all the signs of being loyal as well as happy to be with the human. Good health, too, the Lucario’s fur was sleek and well-groomed while the Haunter was particularly solid, instead of being more wispy like an unhealthy ghost type tended to look.
The area Nim had in mind for their battle was a small arena, sunken a few feet into the ground with a concrete wall holding the dirt back. When they had reached the spot, well away from bystanders who might not want to be hit by stray attacks, Nim pulled a pokéball out of her pocket.
Dit whistled when she summoned a Necrozma. That was unexpected. He watched as she crooned over the big Pokémon, stroking its arm and whispering that it was a good boy. The Necrozma made a happy sound, wrapping one big hand loosely around her for a moment. Then it squared off in his direction.
“Nacho, I choose you,” she said with a quirky little smile.
The Pokémon Trainer grinned as he pulled out the pokéball containing a Metagross. But before he could say anything, he was interrupted by two newcomers stepping out of the woods- Rocket grunts. “That’s a nice Necrozma,” one of the men said with a smirk. “Be a pity if something bad happened during a fight.”
The transformed Ditto growled. He did not like Team Rocket at all. Using a small arena like this as a hunting ground to try and steal Pokémon, because it was out of the way? Dirty and low. But his normal method of dealing with them wouldn’t work- there was a human here he didn’t want to needlessly kill. He was about to summon another member of his family out of their pokéball to fight when Nim snapped her fingers.
“Lewis, my darling boy, you know the drill,” she said with a grin.
The Haunter smirked before vanishing into the earth with a swirl of smoke at her feet. Dit watched, amazed, as he rose out of the ground behind the Team Rocket members a few seconds later. The Haunter hovered above them, a sphere of dark energy forming between his hands. “Cannon ball!” he said, diving downwards and hurling the shadow ball between the grunts at the same time.
The two humans fled- that was not what they’d been expecting at all, given the appearances of the Haunter’s trainer. Nim had chosen to go straight for them instead of Pokémon battling with them. That was terrifying to the Team Rocket goons because it meant she was not about to put up with their attempt.
But the attack had some unexpected side effects as it had been a particularly powerful one. A chunk of loose brick spun towards Dit and Nim. The Ditto was in the act of dodging when Nim raised one hand towards him.
Crackling blue energy shielded the Pokémon trainer, causing the rubble to bounce back towards Nim. She didn’t shield herself in time. That was one of her faults as well as something which made her good at her job- the woman focused on others first, sometimes at cost to herself. It hit, hard, on her bad right leg just above the knee. There was no blood, but the impact could be heard. The woman went down with a strangled shriek of pain, kneeling on the dirt of the arena.
“Oh hell- Nim, I’m so sorry, I overdid that,” Lewis said as he rushed to her side. “You ok, Boss?”
She nodded, blinking tears out of her eyes and swallowing hard. “I’ll be alright,” the woman gasped. “You ok, big guy? Lucas, Nacho? No one injured? Dit, what about you?”
“I’m fine,” he replied, looking at her in surprise. “That was Aura, wasn’t it? I didn’t know humans could do that.”
“Some can. It’s really rare,” Nim said as she struggled to her feet.
Lucas immediately handed her the cane which she had dropped, while allowing her to lean against him. “Take a moment, Mother,” the telepathic Pokémon said quietly. “You need to rest.”
Mother? Another surprise. This human could not only manipulate Aura, but one of her Pokémon thought of her as a mom. Dit was interested in the trainer. It seemed that like him, she thought of her team as family. The Necrozma, Nacho, moved so that Nim could sit on his hand and take the weight off her bad leg.
“Hey, Dit, raincheck on our battle?” Nim asked tiredly. “I need to get home and have my Medicham, Misha, help me out with this, I think I messed something up in my leg again when that rock hit.”
The Ditto was disappointed that he wasn’t going to get the battle he was hoping for, but he did understand. “I will hold you to that raincheck,” he told her with that creepy grin which kept setting Lucas on edge.
Nim gave him a little pained smile back, waving to him. “You betcha. You want to stop on by tomorrow, my house is the big lavender colored one with the stone wall around it and the barn in the back, on the other side of the overpass heading out of the west side of town. You can’t miss it, ask about Nim’s place and anyone can point you my way.”
Dit nodded. He could remember those directions. “See you tomorrow,” he said with a wry chuckle, pocketing the pokéball in his hand and walking off.
He was mulling over a plan for the battle against her when he realized something. Had he been a character in an anime, there would have the lines accompanying the blip of shocked realization coming from the back of his head. The Ditto’s eyes went wide when he realized that a human who could use Aura would also be able to sense it…
…and had to know his secret.
The Ditto swore at that. He looked around, but the park was too populated for him to do what needed to be done. It would also be dangerous to try and attack the woman in her own home. She took in sick and wounded Pokémon, there were likely many who would defend her without hesitation. He also had seen three of her team- a trainer like that surely had a full battling team of six heavy hitters, seeing as she had asked if he wanted a larger battle.
No, he’d have to kill her in a spot where she was vulnerable and there weren’t other people around to witness it. Preferably caught off guard so that she didn’t summon the Pokémon who would defend her. Dit really didn’t want to make too big a deal of this since he already didn’t like the idea of killing a rehab worker. But he also didn’t trust she wouldn’t snitch on him to Officer Jenny.
The overpass was the perfect place. He had flown there after seeing that the woman was walking. Even on her bad leg, she was still making her way home on foot. Dusk had fallen in the time it took her to make her way across the city, which was perfect for what he had in mind. The Haunter and the Lucario were nowhere to be seen- likely recalled to their pokéballs. Dit was a bit confused at that. He’d thought for sure that the two of them would have been at her side to help her walk. Well, a stroke of luck for him.
He shifted back to his human form, leaning casually against the metal rail which blocked the sidewalk from the street. The protective rails on both sides of the path also meant that the trainer could only run in two directions. Dit was pretty sure he was faster than Nim as he watched her hobble up to where he was waiting, hood raised over his baseball cap to hide his face.
“Hey, Nim, I’m actually a bit sorry about this,” he said, stepping forward to block her path. “You seem like a nice one.”
Nim leaned back in surprise when Dit’s arm suddenly shifted to that of a Scyther’s bladed claw. She threw up a shield of Aura energy in the nick of time, blocking the blow. Her cane dropped to the ground with a clatter, forgotten as she tried to defend herself. The human stumbled back from the force of his attack and raised her hands.
“Hey, Dit, come on, you don’t want to do this,” she told him. “Let me take some R&R time, we can have a proper fight tomorrow.”
The woman was surprisingly calm. Dit supposed that was good. He preferred she try talking him out of it instead of trying to fight back, which could be messy and obvious. It wasn’t like he was going to trust her no matter what she said- but letting her talk gave him time to get closer. “Like I said, you seem nice,” he repeated.
He easily grabbed the front of her shirt with his hand, raising the other arm up. The stance was oddly intimate since he held her close without room to get away. Even if he could not shapeshift, in the form of his previous trainer he was so much stronger than the disabled woman. It would be so easy to just snap the human like a twig. He didn’t like it, but it had to be done. The human had to die for him to feel safe.
“Don’t make this any harder than it has to be,” Dit said quietly.
The Ditto paused when he felt something press against his stomach. “Got something in your pocket? You can’t be that happy to see me,” he told her with a little smirk that didn’t make it to his eyes- he wasn’t pleased to have to kill a human who took care of Pokémon in a rehabilitation home. Nim snorted, still oddly calm. “Yeah, no, it’s not what you think. Put me down so I don’t have to see Reba and Remy gut you. This is my favorite jacket and I don’t want to ruin it. I also don’t want you to get hurt, I get why you’re doing this.”
Dit looked down and saw two knives were pressed against his abs, each angled in a way where they could be slashed in the opposite directions after piercing skin and muscle. That would certainly do a good job of opening him up. The knifes melded into the wrists of two arms, a bit of pink drip at the connecting point looking quite familiar to the shift point of his own arm at the moment.
The knife wielders stood up behind Nim, keeping the blades pressed at his stomach in warning. They were clearly twins, a brother and a sister, and had been crouched behind her. Dit wasn’t sure how he had not noticed them until he saw that the pokéballs on Nim’s belt were all attached so that they angled backward. The two Dittos had likely been summoned to her side when she stumbled away from him. He hadn’t seen them because they were hidden by her own body when they kept low behind Nim.
Now that was extremely sneaky and clever. But such a plan meant the human had thought she would be attacked. He didn’t like that one bit. Dit’s day had gone from bad to worse now that Nim had backup and his idea hadn’t worked like he’d expected.
“How’d you do that?” he demanded irately, leaving his arm raised. They currently had a bit of a stalemate, and he was not about to give that up. Even the smallest advantage was better than nothing. If Nim had planned for this, she’d likely planned for other things, too.
“The phrase I said,” Nim explained. “When I talked about fighting tomorrow? Reba and Remy, my R&R duo of Dittos. The pokéballs are facing backwards, they popped out on their own when I called for them. You were too busy trying to carve me like a turkey to notice others like you, dude.”
“If you know what I am, then you know why I’ve got to do this,” Dit said as he tightened his grip on her shirt, his face close to hers.
Nim snorted. “What, you think you’re the first Pokémon to do something like this? Lemme guess, you offed your trainer for some reason. I’m guessing…you cut his throat? Nah, too planned, it was probably in the heat of the moment…ooh, you didn’t stab him in the back, did you? Break his neck? Come on, Dit, give me some details.”
The Ditto trainer was a bit unnerved by how nonchalant she was. His expression dropped when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Distraction. She’d been distracting him and was fighting dirty. He’d seen this move earlier.
“Vibe check,” Lewis said as he swung the trainer’s wooden cane at Dit’s head.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dit woke up in a soft bed, with the blanket tucked around his shoulders and a throbbing headache. He sat upright in alarm, throwing off the blanket in the same motion and staring at the unfamiliar surroundings. The female of the Ditto twins was sitting near the doorway, looking at him over sunglasses.
“You’re a pain,” she muttered as she regarded him. “Nim said we couldn’t leave you there. Try and kill my trainer again, and so help me, I will make you regret it.”
The Pokémon trainer growled at that. He was about to say something snarky in reply when Nim poked her head in the doorway to break it up. “Reba, c’mon, be nice. Good to see you’re awake, Dit, I thought Lewis had seriously scrambled something up there when you were out the entire night. You should come get some breakfast.”
“Why should I trust you?” Dit demanded.
Nim shrugged. “Ok, don’t, then. It’s no skin off my back. By the way, this is yours. There’s bacon, eggs, and toast in the kitchen if you change your mind.” The human tossed a pokéball to him. Dit caught it, fumbled the sphere, and blinked when he saw the name written on it. This was his pokéball. Nim must have taken it while he was unconscious. It would have been something very useful to have against him if she had wanted to have an advantage.
Instead, she had given it back.
Reba scowled at him before following after the woman. Dit had to wonder where her twin was. He definitely did not want to try anything in Nim’s home unless he absolutely had to, not after seeing how she had planned the night before. But he had to kill the human somehow to protect his own secret.
Dit walked down the hall to the kitchen, following the smell of cooking food. It did smell awfully good. Nim was at the stove, and Reba was at her side, shifting to a Meowstic. The Ditto trainer decided to sit at the table, which was set for several Pokémon and two humans if the silverware was anything to go by. He’d bide his time until the right moment presented itself.
“So how did you know?” Dit asked. “I’m real good at keeping my secret. What tipped you off, and how did you plan for my attempt at killing you?”
Nim snorted. “Oh, you are good, I’ll give you that. I figured it out when I felt your Aura, and you said five against five for a fight…you’re a Ditto, and there were all the signs that you took over the team you were part of. So why would you do that? Duh, you look like a trainer…probably your trainer. How do you avoid a human trainer ratting you out as a thief and a fraud? Easy if you could take his face because he’s dead. And you’d do that if you killed him, probably. If you’ve killed before, you might be willing to do it again to keep your secret, and you’re no dummy, you had to know what me being able to use Aura meant. So, planning ahead with Reba and Remy about where you were most likely going to try and kill me. The overpass seemed like it’d be the best spot if you were plotting a murder.”
Dit swallowed hard. He definitely was sure he could not trust her enough to let her live now after hearing that. This human was dangerous, and killing her was the only option he could see. “So what do you want?” he asked slowly. “Blackmail?”
The human rolled her eyes. “Absolutely not. I don’t want anything, except maybe for you to stop trying to kill me. You seriously think you’re the first Pokémon to kill their trainer? Bad trainers exist, and I know it, I get to look after the ones who were mistreated. I’ve got a Greninja with a scarred up face and a missing arm because of bad humans, and a midnight form Lycanroc with PTSD from the same situation. Their trainer gave them up to a Pokémon Center before turning himself in for Pokémon abuse, pretty messed up and in need of hospital care. You are not the first Pokémon to retaliate, Dit, and I don’t blame you for killing someone who abused you. Now, you want breakfast? I messed up the eggs, so they’re scrambled, that ok?”
The trainer tilted his head. “You are way too calm about this,” he told her suspiciously. “Did you call Officer Jenny on me or something?”
“No, I just don’t like seeing Pokémon mistreated,” Nim said. “You know, that being the reason why I run a rehab house for them? Things are never black and white, either. This is not my first rodeo when it comes to Pokémon who did stuff most would consider to be really bad. You have your secrets, and I have mine.”
“…who have you killed?” Dit asked, eyes narrowing.
“No one, yet, I’ve had my coffee this morning,” the tattooed woman replied with a laugh. “Seriously, we’re cool and I won’t rat you out. I don’t think you just go around randomly killing people. Probably just the ones who need to go or figure out your secret. I’d prefer not to be on that second list is all.”
“And why should I trust you?” the Ditto asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in the chair.
Nim put one arm over her stomach. She rested her elbow on it to tap her chin with one fingertip. “Hmm, let me see,” she said with an exaggerated air of thoughtfulness. “I had your pokéball, and gave it back instead of using it. I didn’t let Reba and Remy gut you. I could have taken you straight to Officer Jenny, but instead I let you sleep off a clonk to the head in one of my guest rooms. I’m making you breakfast even after you tried to kill me. If I meant anything bad, dude, I had hours to pull a stunt and loads of opportunity.”
Dit mulled it over. She had a point. But that still didn’t explain why Nim hadn’t done any of those things. That made no sense to him unless she wanted something from him. “No really, what do you want?” he demanded.
The woman shrugged. “Why does everyone have to want something? I mean, I’d like to not have you try to kill me again, isn’t that enough? Last night was a close one even if I was ready for it.”
He was reminded about the two Dittos she had when the woman said that. “Your Dittos talk and can pass as human, like me,” Dit said. “What’s up with that?”
“Rescued from Team Rocket labs,” Nim told him simply. “Same as Lewis.”
“I don’t trust you,” Dit said firmly.
“I figured,” Nim said as she put a plate full of food in front of him. “And it makes sense. Humans probably always want something based on the ones you’ve likely met- and why would anyone trust a murderer?”
Dit gave her a skeptical look. “You said it. So. Why don’t you want anything, and why do you trust a murderer?”
“Technically, murder is one human killing another,” Nim mused as she sat down at the table. “Yours is just self-defense. You have to watch your own back, right? And what would happen to your Pokémon family if you were caught? It’s not just what would happen to you. I get it. I’m not condoning it or saying it’s a good thing, but I get it. And no, I prefer not to know your kill count, I don’t need to know as long as I’m not on the list.”
The Pokémon put both hands on the table and leaned forward, getting uncomfortably into her space. “How do I know you won’t betray me?”
Nim sighed. “Well, I’m not sure what to tell you if I haven’t convinced you yet. Tell you what, you eat breakfast and follow me. If I try anything, you get to do what you feel you need to do.”
The woman’s two Dittos shifted at that, to their own chosen human forms. The brother was quiet, gesturing wildly that he did not approve of that, while his sister spoke for both of them. “No, we won’t let you!” Reba said. “You can’t do that!”
“If I expect him to trust me, I’ve got to show some trust in him,” Nim reminded the Ditto twins.
“…you have one day to convince me,” Dit told her, going against his better judgement. “Then I’ll do what I have to.”
“Deal,” the trainer agreed, holding out her hand. “Hey, if your head is hurting from getting clonked by Lewis, I’ve got a few things from the Poké Mart to fix you up.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dit had a bit of a scare when Officer Jenny came to the house after breakfast. But it soon became apparent that she was there for other reasons- Nim hadn’t called her, nor did the trainer say or do anything to reflect that her life was in danger. The police officer was there because a Pokémon needed to be dropped off into Nim’s care. She didn’t even notice Dit.
Nim went about her day after getting the new Pokémon settled in, which involved taking care of a lot of other Pokémon who were housed in the barn behind her home. There was also a great deal of grocery shopping. The human made good use of the day being Saturday to get her errands done. She had plenty of opportunity to try and rat Dit out. Considering her life was on the line, he expected her to try and get some help from outside sources.
Yet she didn’t.
It was confusing. She even did nice things for him- not an attempt at bribery, but just because she could. When Nim had stopped for lunch, she bought him a burger and fries as well, tossing the bag to him. It wasn’t something done as an afterthought, but instead a genuine gesture of intentional kindness.
Nim excused herself to her room when they got back to her house, saying she was tired and needed to sleep a bit. Running a lot of errands like that was hard on the disabled trainer because of how much it hurt her to walk. Dit was skeptical about the fact that she was supposedly taking a nap. Surely she wasn’t planning on sleeping while someone who wanted to kill her was in the house?
He waited until she was snoring- it had to be an act- to slip through the partially opened doorway. The woman’s room was simple, and none of her Pokémon team were with her. He’d watched her put the pokéballs on the kitchen table before going to lay down for a nap. She had also told the others to give him space. The woman was completely defenseless, a lonely huddled form sleeping under a blanket.
“Too easy,” Dit muttered as he shifted his arm. He raised the Scyther claw blade high, bringing it down sharply.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dinner was good. Nim had made a solid meal of roasted vegetables, twice-baked potatoes, and steak. Her team was still uneasy around Dit, but Nim seemed pretty comfortable. Either she really did trust him, or she was a helluva good actor.
“I was going to kill you while you were sleeping,” he told her nonchalantly as they ate.
Nim tilted her head, ignoring the way her Pokémon stiffened and glared at Dit. “Oh? So what changed?”
“You snore, do you know that? Really loudly, too. I thought it had to be a trick. But you were actually asleep. I wanted to kill you, I could have, and yet…you decided to trust me,” Dit said thoughtfully. “I guess I can try trusting you some. But seriously. You betray me, and I will kill you. Don’t think that I won’t just because you do a good thing with this house of yours.”
“That’s fair,” Nim mused. “Thank you, Dit, for giving me a chance. So, I still owe you a Pokémon battle. Want to come back tomorrow and try that again?”
Dit was hesitant to leave, concerned for what she might try to do when she was out of his sight. But, against his better judgement, he decided to give the woman a further chance to prove herself as being trustworthy. Nim had shown trust in him in spite of all she knew he had done. Not to mention what he had just told the woman he’d nearly done to her.
“Sure,” he said slowly. “A battle after breakfast?”
“You are so on,” Nim told him. “Bring your A-game, because I won’t settle for anything less.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Ditto didn’t sleep well during the night. There was too much on his mind. If he had judged the human wrong, there was a lot on the line. And if he had made a bad decision…Dit would definitely be kicking himself for it. He found himself hoping he wouldn’t have to kill the woman, not after she’d given the appearance of trusting him.
Nim was waiting at the house the next morning. A quick look around before he had made his presence known showed that it was safe. No Officer Jenny, no police force Arcanines, no police detectives there to take him into custody. Only a smiling woman who had made an extra helping of breakfast just in case he wanted it when he arrived. The food wasn’t drugged. She made no move to attack him, and even knowingly turned her back to Dit repeatedly in a show of trust.
Maybe she genuinely meant what she’d said after all.
“Gonna see if you’ve got what it takes to beat me?” Dit asked as they stood in the practice arena in the barn after having breakfast with Nim. He stood in a prepared stance, pokéball raised and at the ready. It was time to see what Nim’s team was made of. The Ditto may have had a hard time trusting her, but he was always ready for a Pokémon battle, and Nim promised to be a challenge from what he had seen of her and her team already.
The woman snorted as she raised a pokéball of her own on the other side of the open space. “Bring it, Pinky,” she told him with a smirk.
“Oh, you did not just go there!” Dit retorted back. “It is definitely on now.”
Maybe, just maybe, he could trust her. A little. He’d still kill her if he had to in order to keep himself safe. If it came down to the human or him, he was going to take care of himself. Dit had to look out for himself and his family.
But it was starting to look like knowing this human might actually be fun.
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unmeisenshi · 4 years
👁‍🗨 (For ALL muses!)
Introspection: ACCEPTING!
👁‍🗨 - What is a secret that your muse hasn’t told or is hiding
(Dis a long one, so hit that read more for all of it!)
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The Marowak never kept many secrets.  One he did keep, however, was him missing the human world.  While he did say he was fine after his little incident with Arceus, him seeing his mother again jostled his memory a tad, as he remembered his family and friends.  Even if he can’t return, Zane would do anything to at least go back for a day and say goodbye.
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A secret Solaris holds close is one of not ever wanting to find a mate.  When asked, he usually responds that he “isn’t looking,” but it goes deeper than that.  Due in part to his bullies really cementing that thought into his head, and due in part to his busy work.  He’d rather wait until he’s settled down first before, so as to not have a repeat disaster with his mother and seeing his own father devastated.
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Florence harbors a great love for her mother, but buried deep beneath that is a slight hatred.  It stems only from her mother’s selfish decision to kill herself.  In Florence’s mind, had her mother not fallen down the cliff then the Umbreon wouldn’t have gone through the hell she did with her father.  It’s not a great train of thought, and she’ll never show that side of herself.
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A rather funny secret, but Avett is terrified of needles.  He’s able to use them on his patients, but when it comes to one on him it’s a different story.  The mere thought of a needle piercing his skin is enough to make the Machop almost pass out.  Avett had a terrible experience with needles, in which he foolishly reached into a sharps dispenser as a child, resulting in a rather bad illness because of it.  Since then, the Machop is careful even around needles he uses.
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Beck’s secret is more of a fear that has yet to be shown.  He’s afraid of heights.  A rather normal fear for one to have.  He’s had it since he was a kid, having to ride in an airplane.  He decided to look out the window and immediately got sick to his stomach.  Luckily the fear hasn’t shown itself to the team, but should it ever come that the team needed to climb to high heights, they may not find Beck among their party.
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Vance has an unhealthy affinity for spicy foods.  Much like one would have for sweets, the Lucario will absolutely go ham on anything with spice, from spicy curry to whole tamato berries.  He has it more under control now as an adult, but on the odd occasion he would sneak into the kitchen to eat spicy foods.
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A darker secret from the wolf.  When he first arrived in Flora, he was shortly with a small pack.  His time was short lived, as the pack often raided and ransacked small villages of their food.  Sometimes the others would resort to violence and often times kill the villagers.  It never sat well with him, and is why he left that pack all those years ago.
Angel’s biggest secret is one from the scientists who created her.  She always said she was mistreated, but never to the full extent.  She was abused, often times left without food for days on end.  She was beaten and berated.  Back in her mind she never liked the scientists, but a small part of her brain was hardwired to always have love for them, as they were her creators.  
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halorocks1214 · 5 years
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Long explanations are long so of course, they’ll be under the cut. I don’t have the energy to make a masterpost like I did with my other big art/outfit post so separate DA links will have to do!
Champion | Partners | Casual
Pretty much everyone will be confused about who this is, Pokemon fans and my followers alike, so to keep it simple: I have drawn her before (and I oop) and any fic I’ve written with the Original Work tag on AO3 is about her or at least involves her as a major character. You don’t have to check them out, but I’d be extremely moved if you do!
Now, onto the Pokemon parts of this post. A lot of general stuff is (vaguely) explained in my AO3 series summary so I’m gonna keep this short and just explain the art above
Champion Outift
Got it in Kalos. The only real difference from when she first wore it outside her limbs and eye would be her hair. She had extremely short hair during her journey. Take the pigtails away and keep the two bangs around her face and boom
She keeps her Keystone as an earring since her two strongest/closest Pokemon can Mega-Evolve. The Z-Ring and Dynamax Band came later during their respective journeys. I also imagined that the Dynamax Band is slightly larger than the Z-Ring due to the need for more energy and etc. etc. etc..
When going to a new region the only couple of old things she takes with her are One of her strong, older Pokemon as a backup (usually Luke), her Keystone, and the Eon Flute. You know, if the giant catastrophe that always happens strikes before she can form a genuine team
Not much else to say, really. She wears this when needing to make an appearance or when she needs to fight the Pokemon Villain of the week, etc.. I just really like this outfit and the ref is probably the best art of a human I’ve ever made so
She loves all her Pokemon equally, but if she were forced to only keep a handful, she would definitely pick these two
Luke was given to her during that Gen 6 subplot. I headcanon the other Lucario to be named Lucas. Ellen and Luke had similar problems Mega-Evolving like Korrina did, but it was because Ellen wasn’t really digging having a Lucario on her team and Luke was kind of putting her on a pedestal (due to her unique aura that attracted him to her in the first place)
But it’s all fine and good now. Luke is easily her strongest and most trustful Pokemon that she’s come to appreciate greatly, and while Luke still thinks highly of her, he’s learned to just see her as an equal partner (that needs a good ass-kicking every once in a while, Christ woman)
Kiirus came from that subplot in ORAS when you and Steven go rescue it from the evil team. Ellen was going to catch it in one of the special pokeballs Xerneas created for her to help keep all the Legendary/Mythical Pokemon safe, but Kiirus saw right through it and knocked the pokeball away. It was insistent on being a full-time partner
Ellen was nervous at first. These Pokemon were ridiculously powerful, and she was worried about having such power on her team. Through the conversation with Steven (and Kiirus not letting her leave the island until she actually caught it), she took a deep breath and caught Latios in a normal pokeball
Don’t tell Steven, but that Eon Flute has saved her life more than she’d like to admit (don’t worry, he already knows)
Alola and Galar are the two journeys she’s been since Hoenn and, well, a lot of shit that went down (her missing limbs and other small stuff)
She has decided to use them as incognito outfits for when she wants to hang out in a region without anyone bothering her. Her Champion Outift is pretty flashy so it’s honestly the only one she needs to wear in public. Her rivals know about the secret outfits and know better than to spill the beans
However, just like back at home, her limbs and eye are a dead giveaway to who she is, so, again, just like home, she uses a special contact and special covers over her limbs to hide. They aren’t foolproof and can be seen through (her fake leg/foot is bigger than her real one after all), but she tends to move fast enough and/or gets peoples’ attention away from those areas so they never notice 
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moonvalecrossing · 5 years
Now here's something I haven't asked you in a long time: a "Fav and Least Fav" ask related to Pokémon. Favorite and least favorite Gym Leaders of each type they specialize in? Kahunas and Trial Captains will count, but if one ends up as your fav/least fav, I'd suggest separating them and the actual Gym Leader that's your fav/least fav of their type. Also, Bede and Marnie's statuses as Gym Leaders will count too, mostly just so Piers can have some competition with his sis. :P
Alrighty. Time to sit down and tackle this!
Normal Type- Least Favorite: Whitney. WHITNEY. That damn Milktank. I’m sure she’s killed many a Nuzlocke team. And yet still has the gall to cry like a baby when she loses. She also comes across as one of those vapid dumb and pretty trend girls. “Everyone was into pokemon so I got into it too!” I really think skill is the only thing they care about when they hand out the title of Gym Leader sometime because this chick really doesn’t seem to be the type who’d normally get this type of authority.
Normal Type- Most Favorite: Cheren. He is adorable baby husband. Though mostly it’s really cool to see another rival become a gym leader like Green did. I just wish they’d kept his glasses instead of for some reason swapping them to Bianca for some reason.
Fighting Type- Least Favorite: Korrina. Her character art bugs me. Is she seriously supposed to be wearing skates and also doing fighting moves? I can’t even stand on four wheel skates without nearly breaking every bone below my waist. And you’re telling me this girl runs around doing axe kicks on roller blades??? No thank you. Also she hoists a Lucario onto you. I like raising my pokemon from their earliest point and you go and make me have to take one because I’d feel bad if I didn’t since it wants to come with me now.
Fighting Type- Most Favorite: Brawly. Mostly because he’s hot. Slightly because his gym is actually a gym with workout equipment in the remake and I find that amazing and hilarious.
Flying Type- Least Favorite: Skyla. Partially because of her anime counterpart. Mostly because I hate her design. Why are her wrists so thick on those gloves? Why is she wearing boots, a cropped jacket, those weird gloves, and what look closer to boxer style panties than shorts underneath a bunch of bondage-y belts? She looks like a generic anime waifu more than a pokemon character. Like a Mega Man OC. Of one of those weird dating games where the women are just objects in female coded human form Skyla’s a humanized seatbelt.
Flying Type- Most Favorite: Falkner. Because Kahili isn’t a gym leader. Congrats, Falkner. You cute little bugger. Also he’s the only notable male flying type trainer.
Poison Type- Least Favorite: Prepare the flame shields. I don’t like Roxie. Small children as Gym Leaders bug the hell out of me. I see Gym Leaders as characters with high authority in the pokemon world. I hate the idea of kids who look like they’re only a few years out from learning the alphabet and basic mathematics having any kind of power in a region. The only exception I have is Galar because the gym leaders feel less important since they’re merely sports celebrities. ...Also I hate Roxie’s Pebbles Flintstone hair. It makes her look even more like a baby to me.
Poison Type- Most Favorite: Koga. Despite the fact I still think that he and Sabrina had their gyms switched, he’s still my favorite. He even became a member of the Elite 4 and left the gym to his daughter. I find that sweet.
Ground Type- Least Favorite: (Actually Hapu, because of reasons stated above for Roxie, except even more because this kid is a freaking KAHUNA. Why is this little mud farm girl chosen to be the KAHUNA of a whole dang island and one of the most important people in Alola? Surely the Tapus could find someone better, but then again the gods must be crazy.) Clay. Because he looks like a Texan Business Tycoon. And I’m a left-leaning American. That should probably explain things well enough. Because boy howdy do I not wanna open that can of worms. Maybe if I ever get to the point of fighting him in Black Version my opinion will change. But like I said. My real answer is Hapu. Clay just has the misfortune of being next at the bottom of the line.
Ground Type- Most Favorite: Giovanni. Because he is my mafia husbando and I am a garbage human. Have you seen a picture of the man in the “How I became a Pokemon Card” manga? Hot damn. And his newer pokemon cards? HOT DAMN.
Rock Type- Least Favorite: Gordie. This Ronaldo Fryman looking fucknugget with accessory tips from Bling Bling Boy on Johnny Test. He looks like one of those smug basement dweller types who’d call me a FEEEEEMALE if I turned him down for a date. Also his official art does the same thing I hate about Diantha’s. His knee faces more inner-forward but his foot’s pointing outward. Unless that picture’s drawn with him in mid dance spin, dude’s ankle is broken. At least he looks kind of cute when he doesn’t have his hair styled back in that douchey style. I feel like he’d yell about feemales again if I told him I thought his mom was hot. Also he’s not wearing socks with dress shoes and that should be a criminal offense.
Rock Type- Most Favorite: Roxanne is super cute. Even if she’s skirting the line of young people in positions of power she actually looks like a mature person who was ahead of her age level in school. However I will object to the idea of her being a teacher in any shape or form like in the anime. This person hasn’t even struggled through the mental ravages of puberty aint no way she should be allowed to be a teacher.
Bug Type- Least Favorite: Burgh, if only because people use him as a stereotype a lot and I hate that. Toxic masculinity is bs. MEN CAN BE FABULOUS WITHOUT BEING GAY. That said, his pants and shoes are a color crime.
Bug Type- Most Favorite: Guzma is the equivalent of a Bug Type trial captain and you will never convince me otherwise. I- what- you’re really gonna fight me on this? Fine. Bugsy. Bugsy is my precious bug-catching child. Precious baby.
Ghost Type- Least Favorite: Acerola. I’ve already stated why I hate kids in power like this. Plus I just. do not like. characters with the bubbly personality and the cat mouth. I instantly know I’m going to dislike a character the moment I see that damn catmouth. I’m not coming up with a non-trial alternative for this one. I am either neutral to or love the other ghost trainers.
Ghost Type- Most Favorite: Morty. Because 1. He’s hot. 2. He’s got a sweet scarf. 3. Agatha’s not a gym leader. :P Morty has a very nice design. After the remakes came out anyways.
Steel Type- Least Favorite: There’s only like two of these. I don’t hate Jasmine at all but she’s the only other actual gym leader of the Steel Type. So we’re gonna use Molayne anyways. Mostly because his stick-ass gangly legs give me the creeps.
Steel Type- Most Favorite: I’ve never met him but Byron looks like a miner hobo and I dig that. Plus he made Roark and Roark’s hot. (Then why isn’t Roark my favorite rock gym leader? Because not all my favorites can be because of my asexual thirst.)
Fire Type- Least Favorite: Blaine always makes me think of my grandfather and I am not that fond of my grandfather. Even though Blaine seems much much nicer and friendlier a grandpa than my actual grandfather.
Fire Type- Most Favorite: Flannery’s design is adorable and I love it. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also the kind of outfit my more pro-fire trainer would wear.
Water Type- Least Favorite: Marlon. Don’t get me wrong. Marlon’s hot. But he gets to be least favorite for lying about being a tan boy. Seriously look at that tan line around his swim suit that pastey white skin does not do his design favors.
Water Type- Most Favorite: Wallace. This one is pure thirst. Pure. Thirst. Wallace is a babe. I love everything about this fabulous bastard. Especially his hat and scarf in the remake. Especially the remake. Babe.
Grass Type- Least Favorite: Milo. I’m starting to feel like the people who design and did the art for some of these newer characters don’t know how bulkier people’s legs work. Because Milo and Gordie’s legs just look really, really wrong. These characters do not have ankles their calves just end at flat feet. Also milo’s leg is doin that broken ankle thing too. Other images don’t make them look as bad, though. Other than that I hate characters who have no whites to their eyes. It’s freaking creepy and Milo’s baby face doesn’t help. And I can not figure out the design of this guy’s eyebrows either. I know he has them but they don’t look like the anything but exist to blend with his bangs.
Grass Type- Most Favorite: Erika. I like her design a lot. I guess some of the weeb in me still exists deep in there.
Electric Type- Least Favorite: Sophocles. I just don’t like his design. At all. Only other arguments I could give are the kid with with Clemont again. That and his jumpsuit.
Electric Type- Most Favorite: Lt. Surge, Volkner, and Elesa are are great. But Elesa wins because Lt. Surge is a paranoid soldier who makes getting to him a chore and Volkner looks like he takes the same brooding pills they fed to Cloud after Final Fantasy Advent Children turned into into the broodlord. Also ‘urgh need actually challenging opponents’ characters bug me, regardless of how attractive they are.
Psychic Type- Least Favorite: Tate and Liza. But this time the main reason ISN’T because they’re babies. No, no. That’s a big reason, but even being psychics can’t save them. They have a BIG problem. The main reason for these two is that their gym team is garbage. Emerald and Black2/White2 not counting in this because of the remake being their current gym team in my eyes its just a damn solrock and lunatone! I love me Lunatone, don’t get me wrong. But damn, kids. How are you actually gym leaders with a team of pokemon that is barely suitable for the gym trainer in the first gym of the region? The only starter that can’t hit you with a super effective move is the fire starter. Being a double battle only means that I can get rid of your pokemon faster because I get to use TWO pokemon moves on my turn.
Psychic Type- Most Favorite: Olympia. Her design is absolutely beautiful. I want her dress. I want her cape. She is the black and silver space queen and she WILL BE RESPECTED IN THIS HOUSE. Even if whoever did her art doesn’t seem to realize dresses don’t slip into the navel or hug into the crotch hole. Surprised whoever drew it didn’t also add the camel-toe since they think fabric works that way. If I were her I’d strangle someone with one of those magical floaty ring bracelets. Space mom aint having non of your objectification shit.
Ice Type- Least Favorite: Candice. You live in a winter town. Your gym is an ice slide hell. Put on some goddamn pants and a coat. I’m not gonna give you any sympathy when you end up with the worst cold ever.
Ice Type- Most Favorite: Melony. She is adorable and has actual weight to her. And she loves her kids. And holy shit look at her she’s actually dressed for cold weather and ice unlike nearly every other goddamn Ice Gym Leader besides Pryce.
Dragon Type- Least Favorite: Claire is an arrogant b-witch who cant accept defeat and is worst that whitney because at least Whitney gave you your earned badge when she stopped crying like a baby. Claire refused until you did some ‘trial’ and still didn’t think she’d have to give you the badge until granddad dragon master told her to stop being a child. Also she gets more least favorite points because she’s what has prevented me from talking about how much I hate Iris here. That’s right, Claire. I dislike you so much you get MORE hate points because you prevent me from hating another character more than you.
Dragon Type- Most Favorite: Raihan is a babe and the most challenging Gym Leader I’ve ever faced. Bonus points because technically I wouldn’t call him a type-based gym leader but a strategy based leader because he focuses on weather more than dragons. Plus his “Leader Challenges You!” post makes him look a little wild.
Dark Type- Least Favorite: Marnie. Because I wanted to see her brother again so I invited him to the Championship thing and Marnie freaking cockblocked me by beating her brother in the first round. LET ME SEE YOUR BROTHER, MARNIE.
Dark Type- Most Favorite: Piers is my husband and Marnie’s just gonna have to deal with it. :P He’s super cute and his worrying over Marnie in the post game was the cutest damn thing. Plus young Piers in his rare league card is so precious and gives me life. It’s gonna take a lot of work for any other dark type trainer to top Piers.
Fairy Type- Least Favorite: Mina. I hate Mina. Lazy/Unfocused/High artist characters piss me off. Alo Mina should have been a normal type trial captain because of smeargle and the fact that Ilima has pink hair and the same huge buggy-like water eyes Valerie has. Mina even dips her damn hair in paint like Smeargle does with its tail. Mina couldn’t be assed to have an actual trial the first time around. Second time around she just made you go collect something from people you already beat.
Fairy Type- Most Favorite: Bede. If you can’t look this beautiful sparkly eye angel of a child in the eyes and find him amazing once he becomes Opal’s apprentice, you have no soul and should probably get that looked at.
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