satoaiandsonaze · 7 hours
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My last post for toady will be this! I hope all of you Negaishippers out there in this vast world of ours enjoyed a fantastic 14th Negaishipping Day today! This ship is the absolute best, and will forever and always be my favorite Pokémon ship EVER!!! Let's continue to preserve this ship, and who knows; If we're lucky, this ship may become canon for the Pokémon anime! But however you enjoyed this day, I wish you a happy Negaishipping Day! Negaishipping 4eva!
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satoaiandsonaze · 7 hours
Same! I really wished they interacted. However,...
It probably would've happened if Iris won against Cynthia in the first round. She then would've battle Ash in the semifinals, and lost in the greatest way possible with a final clash between Haxorus and Mega Lucario. Then, she would've spent quality time with Ash and Goh in the episode before the finals, and signed Goh off with her "Best Wishes" farewell, along with Ash. And then, she would've joined Ash in the locker room before the match, where she would not only reunite with Dawn and Piplup, but also met Chloe and Eevee for the first time ever! If Iris met Chloe, it would be an amazing friendship to watch while they watched Ash beat Leon! Think if the potential we were robbed of!
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Hi @moonxpalace , this is a part of an interview from Iris' VA
I wished they interacted too, what do you think?
(Maybe the translation is a bit inaccurate)
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satoaiandsonaze · 8 hours
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Silly sonaze doodle to brighten your day!! <3
I got the pose reference from Pinterest but it flopped to hard, at least the general artwork looks good lol
The colour pallet was also from Pinterest, titled ‘Lilac Fumes’ and I’m obsessed with the name, so that’s the official title of this piece >:)
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satoaiandsonaze · 12 hours
You know what, Screw it! I'm going back to my old name on my previous profile!
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satoaiandsonaze · 13 hours
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Tarlusx77 submitted: She blushed at Ash’s first peace offering too. XD
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satoaiandsonaze · 14 hours
Part 3 of my Negaishipping Day short story!
Where we Find Ourselves Today: Part 3
Iris's POV
Holy shit! Did Ash just tell me to shut up?
Ash's POV
Oh no! I just yelled at Iris, telling her to shut up! I needed to fix this then and there, but I still kept a stern look on my face. "I know, okay?" I begin. "I know you teased me a bunch, but you're not weak; You are strong enough! You're a champion, a Masters 8 member, and a Dragon Master! You're strong enough for me!"
Iris's POV
I'm strong enough for him?! He sees my strength, and that's why he likes me?
Ash's POV
I wasn't done yet! "I honestly missed traveling with you! You told me you loved traveling with me when we parted ways in Kanto, remember?" "Yea, I remember," Iris said. "Well, I loved it, too!" I said. "I already began to have feelings for you when we were traveling together, then they rose higher when I learned that you became champion, and they went even higher when you and I both were declared to be in the Masters 8! Since the beginning of our journeys together, my feelings for you have done nothing but rise!"
Iris's POV
"What about when I lost to Cynthia for the first time? Did you still have feelings for me?" "Of course!" My raven-haired friend said. "That Aura I felt when you were hurt by that loss has stuck with me from the very beginning!" Aura? Must have been Lucario's doing? Either way, my eyes began to fill up with tears, but not tears of sadness.
Ash's POV
After seeing that, I noticed that Iris was beginning to cry, but Lucario and I both knew she wasn't upset with me, but happy instead. "Thank you, Ash," Iris managed to say. "That's just what I needed to hear!" She then looked up to me with a smile about as goofy as mine! And I smiled back, of course! "Honesty like that deserves a reward," she said. "Oh? What kind of reward?" I ask. "Close your eyes." I do as Iris told me. "Open your mouth slightly." I do as she says, and the next thing I knew was...!
Drayden's POV
At one moment, I'm sitting down and listening to the confession Ash made to my student. Then, the next, I see her kissing the Monarch of the World Coronation Series! Me, my Pokémon, Iris's Pokémon, and Ash's Pikachu were all shocked to see this crazy turn of events!
Iris's POV
I remove my lips from Ash's with a smile, and Ash is shocked af! "You know what, Ash?" I ask. Ash then turns to me. "I like you, too!"
Narrator's POV
After 15 minutes, with another kiss in between, Ash gets up. "Hey, Iris. How about we train together?" Iris gets up as well. "Training?" she asks. "Yea," Ash said. "I'll help you get ready for the next Masters 8 Tournament! That way, when the time comes, you'll beat Cynthia for sure this year!" Iris blushes with a smile. "Alright, let's do this!" she then says with determination!
Ash's POV
Well, a fruitful past, and this is where we find ourselves today! As long as I love her and she loves me, life is just fine for me!
Iris's POV
Well, a fruitful past, and this is where we find ourselves today! As long as I love him and he loves me, life is just fine for me!
Finally finished! Happy Negaishipping Day!!!
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satoaiandsonaze · 15 hours
Here's Part 2 of my short story for Negaishipping Day!
Where we Find Ourselves Today: Part 2
Iris's POV
As I rush into the gym from the front entrance, I'm still wondering why I'm hungry right now. Little did I expect to find my raven-haired Alola Champion friend standing in the front entrance with his Pikachu on his shoulder and his Lucario standing by his side. "Ash?" I shout with confusion, stopping dead in my tracks. Emolga leaps from my shoulder, as Pikachu leaps from his Trainer's, snuggling cheeks. Ash then turns to me with a weak smile, which concerns me. "Are you okay?" I ask with a worried expression. "Yea, I'm fine," he says. "How 'bout you?" "I'm okay," I say. "Kinda hungry, but okay." Hearing me say that made Ash's smile look bigger and stronger. "Good." "How so?" "Drayden told me everything." Hearing that made me realize what he meant; Drayden told Ash what happened to me after I got crushed and mocked by Cynthia in the last tournament. I immediately feel my face getting warmer, and my stomach starts loudly. Knowing Ash heard my stomach growl was making the red in my cheeks deeper!
Ash's POV
I tried hiding my embarrassment with my hat, but after hearing her stomach rumbling, I take a quick peek, and I see that Iris is just as red as I am. "How about we talk over some lunch?" Drayden suggests. "Sure!" The two of us say at the same time, with excitement. After 20 minutes, Drayden, along with his own Haxorus and Druddigon, deliver food for both us and our Pokémon. After 30 minutes of eating, I was confused when I heard Iris say...
Iris's POV
"Why do you still care for me, Ash?" That question came out of my mouth after letting my worried emotions go overboard. Ash was confused, but that's just him; That's just my raven-haired friend. I was expecting more confusion to come out of his mouth, but instead I heard, "Because I like you, Iris." That shocked me, and when I looked at him, Ash did not have a confused look, but instead a sympathetic smile. "You mean, like as a friend?" I ask. "Nope," Ash responded. That made me blush. Does that mean Ash has a crush on me? Ash Ketchum, the delusional asexual Alolan Champion/World Monarch himself, has a crush on me? "But why? Do you not recall our past?" I asked in shouting tone with tears starting to roll down my eyes. "I teased you a ton, I'm not strong enough, I'm a coward, and I...!" I was about to go on until I'm interrupted hearing Ash shouting at the top of his lungs. "Shut up, Iris!"
That's Part 2 done! Now, for Part 3!
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satoaiandsonaze · 18 hours
A small story to contribute to Negaishipping Day! @moonxpalace & @cadygroves , your gifts were amazing! Mine may not be amazing, but I'm contributing to our sillies too!
Where we Find Ourselves Today by @satoaifan4eva
Ash's POV
It's been 3 years since the Masters 8 Tournament where I became the new Monarch of the World Coronation Series. But for each of the three tournaments we held every year, I never got the chance to battle against my Dragon Master friend. No matter how the bracket turned up, Iris always ended up facing Cynthia and losing to her. Evry time I watched Iris struggle against Cynthia, some unfamiliar Aura arose in me when I saw Iris's tears the first time we were in the Masters 8 Tournament together. I'll never forget how sad she was, how heartbroken I felt, and how guilty I was for not hugging her but instead just standing in front of her next to Goh with some lame smile on my face. Why did I just stand there? I should've hugged her! "I think it's time for me to tell her how I felt that day!" I say to Pikachu on my shoulder and Lucario standing by my side. Both of my Ace Pokémon looked at each other with a determined smile on both of their faces. "Alright, time to telk her everything," I said as we rushed to the airport.
Iris's POV
I've faced Cynthia in the Masters 8 Tournament 4 times and I've never beaten her! But last year was the worse, as I only knocked out 2 of her 6 Pokémon, while she demolished all 6 of mine! She wasn't even on the brink of losing and yet she still Mega Evolved her Garchomp and destroyed me with a Draco Meteor! And to make it worse, after the battle, she didn't thank me for a great battle, but she mocked me for my performance! Never in my life had those words from the one Champion I looked up to the most stabbed at my heart worse than any other time in my life! Every day after that, I barely trained or ate, and spent most of my time sitting on the radio tower of Opelucid City. But today, I felt something. "What am I feeling? I haven't been hungry for awhile, and now I'm hungry?!" Emolga than looks at me with a smug smile. "What's with the smile?" I asked, very concerned. My phone then starts ringing, and I immediately pick it up. It was Drayden, Opelucid City gym leader and Opelucid Academy president. "Yeah, Drayden?" "You have a guest waiting for you at the gym," I hear the gruff voice of my mentor saying. "Really?" I ask. "Well, I better hurry then! Thanks, Drayden!" I hang up, and I dart down the tower without Officer Jenny seeing me.
Ash's POV
As I arrived in the Opelucid City, I could feel a miserable Aura all over the entire city. Everyone was completely bummed out about watching their Unova Champion getting demolished by Cynthia. I couldn't help but feel sorry for everyone. I too felt that Aura when I watched that tragedy happen right before my very eyes. As I quickly and quietly walked past the folks of the city, I made my way to the Opelucid City gym. A small smile immediately spread across my face, as so many heartwarming thoughts began to race in my mind. This same gym was the one I ran into, eager to see my childish Unovan friend, only to learn that she was the new Champion of Unova. This same gym was the one where I battled her, and learned that the little Axew she had that Pikachu and I traveled with was now a fully-evolved-and-fully-powered Haxorus. Thinking all these feelings made my heart race and my cheeks feel warm, as they were turning bright red from blushing. Lucario could see it, and he knew what it was about. Once last time, I darted into the gym with glee, but this time, all I saw was a group of Pokémon training with each other. Among the crowd I noticed one Pokémon that looked very similar. "Leavanny!?" I shout with a shocked look on my face. The fighting stopped, and the one Bug Pokémon that was good at making clothes with String Shot and leaves looks at me with a confused look on its face. I had a Leavanny back at Professor Oak's lab, and I was a little baffled why I though it was here. But before I asked any more questions, I hearda voice that gave me the truth. "This Leavanny actually belongs to Iris," I hear a gruff voice saying. "I get you may be confused, since you have one, too." Eventually, I found the owner of the gruff voice I heard. Drayden, the Opelucid City gym leader appeared from behind Iris's Dragonite, holding his own little Axew on his arms. "Iris caught a Leavanny?" I say, surprised. "Cool!" "Actually, she raised it from a Sewaddle all the way to a Leavanny," Drayden said. "She told me she wanted to learn from you and try out different ways to win." Hearing that made me blush. "BTW, where is Iris?" I ask. "I'm not sure," Drayden said. "I saw her at breakfast, but then she just disappeared." Hearing that, I realized what was going on. "I'll call her," Drayden said, pulling out his magenta Rotom phone. "Yea, thanks," I say with a sad look on my face, while hanging my head down.
Well, I need to cram this into multiple parts, actually. But don't worry; I'm posting this whole story today!
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satoaiandsonaze · 20 hours
We finally made it! Our 14th Negaishipping Day!Let's all have some fun today!
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Happy Negaishipping Day, guys!! 💕🍎🌺
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satoaiandsonaze · 2 days
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satoaiandsonaze · 2 days
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I'm calling it Sonadowaze
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satoaiandsonaze · 2 days
Just thought I'd do this because I'm bored af rn!
Thinking about the Pokémon Iris would have if we knew she extended her team in the anime, and here's what I came up with.
Pokémon we've seen in the anime and on her team:
Haxorus, Excadrill, Dragonite, Emolga, and Gible that she would evolve to Garchomp and obtain a Mega Stone for it.
Pokémon we've seen in the anime but not in her team:
Goodra, a Pokémon Iris probably caught not long after she became the Unova Champion. It was seen in her return episode along with Gible and a shot of Clair as well.
Pokémon she probably caught outside of screen time in the anime:
Hydreigon, because she tamed Shannon's Hydreigon in the episode where she, Ash, and Cilan visit the Village of Dragons, and seems to have connections to the Deino Evolution line. Druddigon, because Clair has one as well, except Iris's would be normal colors and not shiny (I also kind of hate the Shiny Druddigon's colors). And having both a Hydreigon and Druddigon as well as Haxorus means that Iris would have all three of the Psuedo Dragons of Unova.
Pokémon she should've caught in the anime:
Shiny Lapras, because both Lance and Clair have a shiny Pokémon added to their Dragon entourage, so why shouldn't Iris? She has a Lapras in the BElW 2 games, and it would help Iris conquer her fears of Ice Types. And later, she might go to Circhester and have Melony help Iris obtain Max Mushroons for Lapras to reach it's hidden Gigantamax powers. And the purple Lapras just looks plain cool.
Pokémon I PERSONALLY think Iris would have:
Leavanny, because Leavanny is normally an agile Pokémon, and it would help Iris learn how to use Ash's wild battle tactics. Archeops, because Iris has one in the BW2 games, and I think Iris having a revived Jurrasic Pokémon would be so cool! Dragalge, because this Kalos Pokémon would be a fun story for Iris. Dragalge's first form, Skrelp, is a Poison and Water type, so Iris would be against catching one, but Ash would probably convince Iris to catch one anyway. She would then do it, and when Skrelp evolves into Dragalge, Iris learns that when Skrelp evolves, it loses its Water type and turns it into a Dragon type, leaving Iris feeling very silly and stupid, and this would definitely be something Ash would tease for her.
Last category on this list. Since Ash and Iris are extremely close to each other, Ash would probably let Iris borrow some of his Pokémon. Here're a couple I KNOW she would ask Ash to borrow:
Snivy as fully evolved Serperior, because as a Snivy, Iris has battled with Ash's Grass Snake Pokémon before, and it is probably the one Pokémon in Ash's BW team that is the most connected to her Trainer's Dragon Master friend. If and when Snivy becomes a fully-evolved-and-fully-powered Serperior, it would most likely be one of Ash's strongest Pokémon ever, and Iris would love to battle with it! And surprisingly, Lucario as well, because Iris is most likely interested in Ash's Aura Pokémon after most likely watching Ash's entry battle against Raihan, and then watching his battle against Cynthia in the semifinals of the Masters 8 Tournament in the series. Lucario would also sense - with his Aura - that Ash trusts Iris and would be willing to share his Aura with her. And maybe at one point, Ash might even let Iris use Lucario's Mega Evolution powers as well! Who knows?
Well, that's all I got! Glad I could get this out of my brain and share it with you. If you have any other ideas, let me know!
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satoaiandsonaze · 4 days
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a stained glass living room design by Harris Armstrong
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satoaiandsonaze · 4 days
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Got this mask done today, it was painful lol so have a preview.
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satoaiandsonaze · 5 days
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satoaiandsonaze · 5 days
Am I the only one who recognizes that Iris is the only girl Ash traveled with who said that she LOVED traveling with Ash? I thought about this time and time again, and I realized that every other girl said they were simply glad to meet Ash and simply enjoyed traveling with him, but Iris said she loved it! She's not afraid to express her true feelings towards Ash, and that helps boost Negaishipping quite a bit!
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satoaiandsonaze · 5 days
Omg, just kiss already! 🙄🤣💙💜
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they're so sillyyyyyyyy
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