#like little bugs in a science experiment
fennekuuu · 11 days
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i always end up sending characters i like to the backrooms
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courfeyracs-swordcane · 4 months
Hm. Ari Finch ballad brothers was NOT supposed to have this much in common with me gamers what the fuck
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etanow · 3 months
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The Experimental Monster Laboratory, or Monster Labs, is a TADC AU where the cast is in the physical world! Sorta..
C&A Research Facilities is one of the cornerstones of the science and medical worlds! They do everything; funding research, manufacturing equipment, and research into the known and unknown in an effort to understand everything. To the public, that is.
They experiment heavily in everything, from hiring literal Gods on earth to manage the more ..sensitive divisions; mixing machine and magic, technology and the supernatural, genetic experimentation, you name it, they’ve probably done it! The world outside may not know anything of the advancements they’re researching but there is little C&A Labs won’t allow in the name of progress in understanding and cataloging everything in their universe. Our story takes place in one of the more private residencies deep in C&A, belonging to Caine; a minor God with mysterious origins, unknown limitations, and boundless enthusiasm for learning everything he can about his little science friends.
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╰┈➤ Content
╚═ Unnamed fic (Coming soon...) ╚═ Bubble can cook?? .
╰┈➤ Asks
╚═ Does Pomni act like a zombie? ╚═ Is Zooble's Demon Snake Leg happy? ╚═ Gangle is in a Situation.png ╚═ Gangle's temperament ╚═ Has Ragatha ever shocked anyone? ╚═ Gangle love RAAAH ╚═ Do Caine and Ragatha fight over Pomni? ╚═ Why did Gangle summon a demon? ╚═ Why does Pomni wear a bell collar? ╚═ Kinger's eye ╚═ What if there was a baby crying? ╚═ Death trauma [Gangle and Pomni] ╚═ Kinger has ONE hobby outside of Bugs ╚═ Is Zooble protective of Gangle? ╚═ What happens when you touch Pomni's brain? ╚═ JAX DATED SOMEONE?? ╚═ What does Jax do? .
╰┈➤ References
╚═ Intro Cards ╚═ Height Chart Lineup ╚═ Zooble Demon Snake Leg Intro Card /j ╚═ Queenie ╚═ Gummigoo ╚═ The Sun Room ╚═ Logo .
╰┈➤ Arts
╚═ First ML AU Post ╚═ Second, exploring outfits ╚═ Design sketches part 2 ╚═ Pomni + flower language ╚═ Showtime + Ragapom doodles ╚═ Jax not practicing lab safety ╚═ Abstragedy cuddles ╚═ Raga doodle ╚═ Ragapom doodle ╚═ Jax and Meadowsweet ╚═ Pomni staring out a fake window.png ╚═ [Gives pomni flowers] ╚═ more doodles ig
╰┈➤ Misc.
╚═ Caine Lemon Rant [Animatic] ╚═ Zodiac signs?? ╚═ Caine gets called a Tumblr Sexyman and cries ╚═ Bubble Looksmaxxing ╚═ Jax wants to take ketamine with you (Romantically) ╚═ Caine eats a lemon [Animatic] ╚═ BUNNYSUITSSS ╚═ Magma doodles ╚═ Magma doodles part 2
╰┈➤ Pomniverse
╚═ Wonderland and Zombni are friends :D
╰┈➤ Boundaries / Q&A
╚═ Any story plans? I'm not sure yet, currently writing a fic and several comics on the way.
╚═ Any boundaries? None, so go crazy! I am OK with gore, NSFW, angst, violence, etc, just be sure it is tagged/TW'd appropriately as not everyone is OK with that content. I'd also like to see please LOL
╚═ Can we create fanart/fics/content? Can we dub or fancam? Yes of course!! Please tag me, I'd love to see all of it! I'm tracking the tag #TADC Monster Labs AU for other's content
╚═ Is NSFW allowed? Yes, both art and fic, so long as it's marked appropriately I'd very much love to see!
╚═ Can I ship the characters, self-ships, or OC x Canon? Yes, ship away! Just be aware the only au-canon ships are Caine/Pomni, Ragatha/Pomni, Gangle/Zooble, and PAST Ragatha/Jax.
╚═ Can we make OCs? Go on ahead! Here is a PSD file for the blank template and the PNG can be found here.
╚═ Who are you?
✦✧ Hi I'm Audi! 26, she/they. Full-time office worker, I do art in my free time. ✦ My current interests are TADC, RWBY, Looney Tunes, and Trolls. ✧ I draw using a custom PC, a Huion Kamvas 16 (2.5K), and Adobe Photoshop. Currently learning to use Procreate. ✦ I do not RP and this isn't an ask blog, asks interacting directly with characters will probably not be answered. ✧ Asks are not guaranteed to be answered, sorry if yours isn't but please don't spam/send multiple times! ✦ Commissions and requests are not open at this time, thank you. ✧ My main tumblr is Audi-art. My Twitter is Hammerspaced.
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
Mad Spring - sour gummies, you feral little goblin. Tangfastics. Airheads. Sour Patch Kids. Like High Summer, you choose fruit-flavored gummy sweets, but you pick ones coated in Pain Sugar. It isn’t enough to just get sugar: you’re chasing a different Sensory Experience (TM) than the rest. And that’s great.
Warm Spring - white chocolate, ruby chocolate, pastel mint drops, cotton candy, bubblegum. Marshmallows. Sweet, creamy, usually pastel. You have no particular objection to floral tastes like lavender and rose. You may be able to appreciate Turkish Delight.
Midsummer - tropical fruits: chewy and slightly creamy in pastel colors. Starburst/Opal Fruit, Creamsicles/Solero. Maoam strips. Cream sodas. Skittles, despite being jewel-toned, are in this season. Coconut and pineapple flavors go here. Also the home of chalky-type sweets like Love Hearts/candy hearts, smarties (usa) and You may be also able to appreciate Turkish Delight.
High Summer - Gummy bears and chewy, jellyish, jammy, gummy, springy in bright jewel tones. Gummy worms and jelly snakes, jelly babies, jelly beans, Haribo. Clearer and gummier than Midsummer.
Autumn Night - darker and more complex sweetness, often including an element of burning or alcohol, or another challenge. Cherry cordials, marzipan, champagne truffles. Also home of burnt-sugar tastes: maple candy, bonfire toffee, candy corn. Also home of matcha; red liquorice; red bean paste. When people bring you sweets from other countries, they’ll choose unusual local delicacies. You almost certainly were fascinated as a kid by lollipops at the science museum sold with real bugs in them.
Autumn Salt - peanut butter and peanut brittle, salted caramel, toffee, butterscotch. Toffee popcorn, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Snickers, Daim. If nobody has any nuts, you’ll choose chocolate with nuts, crisp or crunch over other things. Sweet just isn’t enough.
Winter Spice - herbal, spicy and medicinal sweets, usually hard old-fashioned sweets. Red-hots, burning cinnamon, chilli - eucalyptus, root beer, menthol; sarsaparilla. Hard candy, generally: old fashioned ‘boiled sweets,’ things that look gorgeous in glass jars. Parma violets. Fisherman’s Friends. You’re the only person who would eat a gingerbread house after decorating it. You’re also possibly a ghost, or used to be a Mad Spring. It’s also about the SENSATION.
Midwinter - dark black Licorice. Salty? Sweet? saltlakrids? Allsorts? Australian? You might like other things too, but when your loved ones are in another country, they go to the licorice aisle and get you the weirdest local variant they can find.
Long Winter - true chocolate, basic chocolate stuff: M&Ms. Dairy Milk. Hershey’s Kiss. But also home of fudgy tastes and sugar-on-sugar in a long slow sauce. Marshmallow, Handmade fudge, Phish Food ice cream.
Cool Winter - naturally, the homebase of minty tastes. peppermint wheels, York’s Peppermint Patties, After Eights. Also orange - chocolate orange - and, oddly, pixie sticks/sherbet and other sweet things that involve eating simple flavored sugar.
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 5 months
Traits they would want in a partner:
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Senku Ishigami
(This unedited so dont @ me)
Firstly. IF you ever manage to get into a relationship with the man known as Senku Ishigami you probably deserve some kind of award for having to deal with this man’s crazed scientist bullshit every day. He literally doesn’t change one bit, he's still the same Senku that’s blunt, mean, hates physical affection and mushy words. The reward for the least romantic boyfriend goes to *drumroll effect* SENKU!
Senku probably prefers someone that’s he known for a really long time I’m talking since he was at least in junior high but the further back the better and if you were in the science club with him back in high school fantastic. Meeting new people is one thing but actually having romantic feelings for them is a whole other ball game. It’s easier and less work when liking someone who already knows him inside out and vice versa instead of having to do the whole cliché ‘get to know each other’ façade over and over again.
Also, I feel like Senku has only had like maybe 2 crushes in his entire lifetime: one was some famous scientist he saw on tv talking at a press conference at the head of the table in a room full of men and the other one was in his first year of junior high when he was bested at a mathlete competition (in his defense he pulled the most brutal all-nighter the night before while working on some insane project and messed up the placement of a decimal point) by a girl who wore the chunkiest pair of glasses known to man. He quickly got over both as he had learned that realistic the possibility of this famous scientist (who was also married) falling in love with a prepubescent boy was damn near impossible (and illegal) and the girl he liked in school ended up coming out as a lesbian when she and another girl were caught kissing each other's cheek during break time.
Senku probably likes individuals that are independent and self-sufficient like Kohaku (girl boss!!) People that are clingy and to needy are not his forte’ and makes his face sneer or deadpan brutally. He doesn’t like physical affection or words of affirmation on most days he’s more of a quality time (slaving over more experiments with you doing physical labor) and gift giving (making you little trinkets from his science experiments). I mean it’s pretty obvious remember that one episode where Senku’s own dad was about to give a long emotional speech on the record but stopped because he knew Senku would ew at it. So if you’re somebody that thrives off of praise and attention then *opens the door* please see yourself out respectfully because this man is not going to give it to you. You'll be like a little dried up cactus begging for attention.
Senku likes cleanliness and organization. Senku himself is very clean and hygienic. People that are not are usually big turn off and and an even bigger *thumbs down* for him. He’s also organized despite how his experiments and projects seem to be all over the place they’re not. He knows exactly where everything is, the exact millimeter of, every beaker, of every pipette, of every pencil. It's called organized chaos. If one thing is moved without his consent or worse, his knowledge the entire room is thrown off and he has a hard time finding anything for the next 12 hours.
Personal opinion here but I feel like Senku has as dislike for bugs. Like sure. Bugs are cool to explore and on a scientific level sure but anything other than that he’s not really cheering for joy about it. I also feel like he despises getting sick, like literally any type of sickness whether it’s the common influenzas virus or even a slight stomach bug. He’s miserable and irritated and it takes a really long time to get better because although the scientist in him tells him he needs to rest the stubborn workaholic in him tells him he’ll be fine to do a few minutes of work (which ends up turning into hours-please make this man rest🙏🙏). So if you’re the type where you’re unhygienic to the point of constantly being sick or attracting like actual bugs then either you’re going to have pick up the slack on your hygiene or leave realll quick.
Senku also likes people that smart either intellectually or when they’re witty and have a sharp mouth. If they can understand and even better add in their own input when he’s going on and on about different types of minerals sharing his excitement when they make a scientific breakthrough in the stone world he thinks if he didn't believe marriage was a social construction he'd get down on one knee with some sparkly rock he *borrowed* from Chrome's rock collection. Now even if his partner isn’t all into the science *blah blah* cells *blah blah* quantum mechanics and Schrodinger's equation a partner who is sharp on his mouth will suffice jussst as well. It's makes him snicker the tiniest bit turning his head away so no one can see the grin covered on his mouth covered by his hands. People who are blunt and not softspoken are a *big thumbs* in Senku’s book why would someone who has something to say not say it? A waste of time in his head.
Senku likes a willingness to learn even if it's just about they like every now and again. He knows that science is a high broad topic that covers from up into the vacuum known as space or as to the deep as the aquatic volcanoes known in the deep blue ocean. And he knows about it all in that gorgeous brain of his. In Senku's mind everything thing revolves around science, walking-the physiology of cells to tissues, tissues to muscles and neurological brain activity to make voluntary commands, art- the primary colors created by the art starting from things like mud, bugs and fruits, oh chemicals- easy it all starts with the period table of elements starting from hydrogen all the way down to Ogganseon. Anything you like any hobby you enjoy has to involve some kind of science and if you ask some him some questions about how it works or at least how it originates he knows that somewhere in you have the curiosity of a scientist.
Likes athleticism....maybe? Honestly, I'm kind of unsure about this one because on one hand I can see him liking people that are athletic and physically fit not because he thinks that being skinny is better or anything like that but because he can definitely use you like a horse (do yall know like those short mini scenes between the episodes where Senku like dresses up as different jobs imagine him as a farmer with a straw hat on his head in overalls a piece of straw in his mouth and a riding crop in one hand whew😩😩😩) for a lot of physical labor don't worry he'll return your hard work with a treat of your choice but be prepared he will complain about your laziness and wanting to help 'humanity' but on the other hand I could see him liking people that get winded and red faced after walking up stairs or carrying a bucket of water just like he does (extra points if it's a guy like him) because if you're both low stamina and low endurance you can't tease him about his athletic abilities. So a tie maybe.
Lastly, LOVES a strong will and determination he knows that starting the stone world back to modern humanity from scratch is no easy feat hell even he has made a few mistakes while trying to figure himself out. But what he does know is that science is filled with trail and error (mostly error) and it takes a loooot of time before you actually get what you're looking for so if you're the type to give up easily after failing once or twice and turn your back to his goal of turning the world back into the modern society he once had then....I'm sorry to say it probably won't work out for you there's only so many motivational speeches this man can give before he gets annoyed and just lets you give up without any reassurance (don't worry he doesn't take it personal), besides he still has people like Chrome, Sukia, and Kohaku to help.
@instanthideoutsalad I know you said you wanted Soft Boyfriend Head cannons of Senku but I'm so uninspired with those at the moment so please accept my humble offering of this drabble I made🙏🙏🙏🙏. I swear I'll do it soon it soon. 😪😪
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akai-akai · 3 months
okay so I've ranted about my "Simon Riley is a Dork" philosophy, now I bring you...
John MacTavish is a NERD.
I see how he's often pinned as the rambunctious "airhead" of the team, and that may be true to some to degree but he's not STUPID.
Listen, this man is a demolition expert. That involves all kinds of maths, measurements, electrical work, mechanics, technical shit I'm not well-versed in, etc. Demolitions experts have to be pretty damn smart to be considered experts.
I think Johnny was 100% a robotics kid growing up. Maybe even dabbled in coding and mathematics club. I seriously think he was one of the nerdy kids in highschool/secondary school.
And though that part of him is still very much there, it's quieter now. Shrouded by professionalism and experience and maturity. But then, sometimes when he's had a few too many drinks, or if Simon plucks just the right strings, he'll go on these long tangents about the different mathematics, or about this robot he built by hand in highschool by himself in his parents' garage-turned-robotics-lab— the garage lab that he accidentally set on fire and blew up a can of old hairspray his sister had left on his desk. (He totally wasn't using it as a blowtorch to kill some poor unsuspecting bug, his sister just left the spray there and he didn't notice it. That small burn scar on his left hand is completely unrelated.)
And of course, Simon will sit quietly and patiently, watching the way Johnny's eyes light up and his face gets more and more expressive, arms and hands moving wildly, animatedly. He's so passionate, it makes Simon's eyes soften with affection.
And when Johnny's especially focused on the blueprints in front of him during a mission, clock ticking and pressure weighing down on him, he's a sight to behold. Somehow, that's when he works best. Brows pinched, lips pressed in a tight line as his brain works over the details, pieces a plan together as he mutters under his breath, pen scratching on the paper, recites numbers for the other team members to remember. And then his brows smooth out and he gets this giddy look as things click together in his mind and his head snaps up and he gets to work— John knows to let him take the lead here, and quietly notes to himself that John MacTavish would make for a great Captain down the line.
Sometimes when he can't sleep or his mind's a little too loud, he'll sit up at the little desk in his barracks with the dim lamp illuminating a worn-out blue sketchbook, pencil eraser trapped between his teeth as he scans his old notes and sketches and unresolved equations. Mundane math and physics that doesn't take a lot of mental power, but still relaxes him nonetheless.
In addition, he'd be good at sketching. Specifically blueprints and modeling. Dimensional stuff and perspective. Finds a quiet corner somewhere on base— usually that old tree out by the dirt track— and sketches away models, some of which are totally unrealistic but he doesn't care. He'll sketch a giant sci-fi atomic canon model with realistic mathematics and semi-viable science behind it if he wants to.
When he needs to memorize a new model, he'll draw each individual piece, each little working part as if he's dissecting it and mapping it out in his brain. Sometimes when Simon flips through Johnny's sketchbooks, he'll find 10+ pages filled with the same model, over and over, and it's like he can see every thought process, every reasoning, every time Johnny clicks something together in his mind.
Johnny is brilliant. He's a scientist, an expert in his field. He's a total nerd and I love him for it.
(His average shower thoughts are either complex science that would give the average person a migraine, or Simon's eyes. No in between.)
This time, the tables are turned. Johnny will be mid-ride on top of Simon in bed, purposely distracting himself in his mind to hold off his own release (bc it's a competition and he'll be damned if he finishes first) and then suddenly he'll remember a bomb blueprint he was deconstructing the previous day and he'll plop down, sitting up stock straight as he curses and something makes a PING! sound in his brain and suddenly he's leaning over while Simon raises a questioning brow, hands still firmly gripping Johnny's hips as he snatches his notebook and pen from his table side drawer, flops the book unceremoniously on top of Simon's chest, hunches over, and begins writing and muttering to himself.
And Simon just waits, halfway between disgruntled and amused. Just sorta resorts to grinding his hips upward— to which Johnny firmly plants his hips downward, keeping them still, and Simon just sighs and waits some more.
Simon's in love with this idiot, don't let him fool you. I love them a healthy amount.
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
hello hello hi ! i hope you're doing well ! may i request a miles!42 and hobie with like a butterfly mutated reader (masc) ? ironically he's more bug than beauty and has alot of features that he tries to hide (antennae, long ears and :3 mouth that opens up to a long tongue to suck up food ? he has teeth too but theyre sharp with fangs in the splatoon inkling way. skin is like a bug's sort of hard and exoskeletonly and bro is just really fluffy. like his wrists and neck have fluff)
reader is a result of like a weird science experiment gone wrong so he sort of feels like an alien trying to fit in whenever his features pop out. he just wants to live an ordinary life but somehow keeps on gettinh pulled in the middle of every superhero fight there is :'). also ! ARTKIDDD
im sorry if the req got really specific to work w aha :') hope you have a good one !
hobie brown and miles42 with butterfly mutated boyfriends !
huge fan of these mutated readers, i am however a tmnt man so (i fuckin see you btw, my most active friend and that tmnt blog)
separate, established relationships
warnings: nah
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader, miles morales!42 x masc!reader
requests: check out my guide/masterlist
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
we all know hobie’s a massive fan of making a statement, so he thinks that you look absolutely incredible with your mutation
will likely go through a phase of insisting you should embrace it and flaunt it, he’s gotta be told a few times that you just wanna live an ordinary life
sounds a little boring to him, but whatever suits you, y’know?
he’s not the guy to go to however for tips on how to blend in, do not ask
you’ve got a butterfly mutation, he’s got a spider mutation- he calls you the bug boys sometimes when he’s feeling hyped up and you can feel how you wanna feel about that
if you ever tell him about your mutation, about the experiments and such, it just fuels hobie’s habit of antagonising authority n all that
you’re like walking proof of the government taking advantage of the people through the systems they put in place to protect them but in reality are just some form of propaganda to give the public false hope and sense of security
yeah, hobie wasn’t surprised when you told him
not too pressed over it either since it’s been and done, no point in getting worked up over something thats irreversible and apart of you now
feels disrespectful to even feel bad to a degree
of course he feels bad that you were experimented on, but he’s not gonna say anything about your actual mutation
does however have something inappropriate to say about ur tongue im sorry
yknow what hard skins good for ? drawing on, let him please
yknow what fluff around you ur neck and wrists is great for ? hobie and his desperation for contact, ur mad comfy dawg
he likes to wear his studded collars and wrist bands in the same places as your fur sometimes, matching innit
hobie absolutely recognised how badly you want to have an ordinary life, so can honestly empathise and sympathise when you somehow manage to find yourself sucked into every super scrap in the city
he can try diverge the fights, but can’t promise a thing since they tend to be unpredictable
hobie’s plenty happy to diverge from large crowds with you if it helps you stick out less, he’ll navigate for the two of you and somehow come up with insane routes to get to where you need to be
will diy you clothes tailored to your mutation, shirts with holes in the back for your wings just so they don’t have to be uncomfortably folded under clothes n stuff
i feel like with society going up in flames, standing out is something you generally wanna avoid in earth42, just doesn’t seem so safe
so miles definitely goes the extra mile (ha) to make sure you’re not gonna stick out too much
if you’re smaller than him he’ll for sure lend you certain things to wear if they cover you up well enough, he knows just about every nook and cranny in the city to hide in whenever your features decide to make a guest appearance
like if you’re ever just walking down a street then your antenna poke out, he’s very fast to act and doesn’t make a big deal out of it
now you either just chill in an alley together or start making your way home through the intricate backstreets miles can effortlessly navigate
he appreciates your mutation though, it’s one of them things that he can silently admire and daydream about instead of worrying about the future
realistically ? you could be a result of a really shitty human experiment gone wrong at oscorp, god knows they can take advantage of the people without a spider-man to protect them
if you ever reveal this to miles, he’s obviously upset, but it’s probably predicted at this point
i imagine in his universe that they’re a force to be reckoned with
asks his mum to make things for you sometimes, to help you feel better about your appearance and to help hide certain features that you wanna
can completely understand your desire to want an ordinary life, he does too
he’ll help you achieve it, it’s one of his dreams and he can only hope to share it
your mutation takes time to get used to but it gets to the point where miles simply won’t bat an eye at your mutation, he treats you like any other person in the world except he loves you- wants so badly for you to feel normal if that’s what you want
in the least condescending way he will insist from time to time for you to stay home, just for your own safety if he starts to notice a particular rise in stats
he completely understands your desire to just blend in, but it’s not worth it if you’re genuinely at risk
he gets into the habit of doodling butterfly features on scraps of paper, on the back of his hand during classes- you’re on his mind a lot
says that he’s indifferent towards ur fluff but then he’ll fix it up for you after putting a shirt on and it’s a lil outta sorts
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry this is kinda brief and not great, i’ve been out of it for the longest time but i’m tryna provide 💪💪
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bughugz · 8 months
DNI minors, zoos, pedos, transphobes, homophobes, racists, detrans, eating disorder blogs, self harm blogs, cishet men, 'men dni' blogs, ableists, blank and ageless accounts there's probably more if any of these things are you or you give off a not good vibe or whatever i'll block you
hiiiii i'm rory you can also call me bug, bun, or worm! it doesn't much matter to me which of these you use for me i'm a 20 year old 2spirit gnc trans man i only use he/it pronouns (on t!) please perceive as like effeminate boyish and creaturelike with some sprinkling of cultural and spiritual context to confuse the masses i'm also neurodivergent and chronically ill please be patient with me and maybe use tone tags
i'm very non monogamous and don't really label my sexuality i'm simply attracted to gender fuckery usually very t4t and i love woman and nonbinary people in a very queer way i have a big masc lean on here it's very faggy i mostly post transmasc for transmasc content
feel free to flirt with me and be like gross and horny i love attention my dms and asks are open i love interacting with y'all but consent is valued i have a life and i will not tolerate disrespect you can also send pics if you ask nicely and i might send back i may however also choose not to respond to your advances please do not act entitled i don't make a habit of creating close personal relationships on the internet and i don't owe you anything if you really want my attention or just like my content ... tip me! my venmo and cashapp are both $bughugz
i'm basically a subby bottom bitch boy the vast majority of the time i would not feel comfortable domming most people i'm just occasionally feral and sadistic will dom bottom if i feel like it i find more power in being the one receiving sooo do with that what you will
kinks & limits + terminology and names you can use for me + some stuff to get to know me outside of kink below cut:
key to my heart as a sub is petplay (mostly bunny sometimes puppy) but here is a way too long list of other things i like and may also post about in no particular order:
intox (420!)
cnc (might include uncensored use of the word rape)
overstimulation / edging
bondage / restraints
praise / degradation (not of looks)
impact play
breeding (not pregnancy)
biting / scratching
marking / bruising
free use / public play / anonymous sex etc
group sex / gangbangs / spit roasting etc
objectification !!!!
limits ie things i won't be posting about or engaging in for my safety and comfort but to each their own
abdl / ddlg / other variants
race play
detrans / misgendering
body mods ie play piercing
any sorta of burning or just open flame
if you're curious to know more of my thoughts on something that is or is not here send me an ask or dm!!!
terminology and names you can use for me include:
chest, tits, t/dick, cunt, hole (bunny, puppy, or boy prefixes are fine ie puppycunt, boytits, bunny hole)
bunny, puppy, mutt, bitch, angel, baby, good boy, love, slut, whore, (fuck)toy, pretty boy, sweetheart etc
i also like masc compliments and being called pretty!you can definitely ask if you wanna call me a particular pet name i love them and most are fine but i do not like little one, the word girl, or princess !!!
get to know me outside of kink:
i'm an herbalist and i love plants and ethnobotany especially
i'm in college slowly working towards an environmental science degree
i love bugs and crystals and anything miniature
i like cozy games and fashion and books
i'm a fiber artist and like to experiment with lots of different mediums and styles
i like to roller skate badly
exploring in nature is one of my favorite pastimes whether it's tide pooling or admiring all the little things in a small stretch of forest
this is 100% a horny blog and i will be spamming my silly horny and sometimes non horny thoughts so often that you might hate me not great with words mostly rambling. but please don't hesitate to try and befriend and get to know me and ask me about any of this stuff i like dms just so long as you're respectful i do have social anxiety so i may not dm first!
pics of me are tagged #wormy pics
audios of me are tagged #wormy audios
original text nsfw and sfw is all mostly lumped into #bun ramblings
asks are #wormyasks
anons: 🌸, 🦊, 👾,🪼,💀
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obsessive-valentine · 10 months
I just adored your mad scientist hc post and was wondering what their life would be like. Like would y/n go to school? Would they be allowed friends? Would the scientist ever seek out a mother figure for his child? (Or make one himself???) I'm srry if this is a ramble I just love platonic yandere fics lmao.
Platonic!Mad-Scientist + Experiment!Reader (PT2)
We love rambling around these parts anon, the best ideas come from conversations ❤️
Some world building of life after escaping the lab with platonic mad-scientist. TW brief mention of murder
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Life would be pretty simple in the little terrace house on the quiet part of town, the house is kept clean and homely a very harsh contrast to the office he lived in for most his life back at the lab. He still collects specimens, making his home office like a little museum - he also still fiddles with things making odd inventions from the locals scrap.
In fact that’s how you both have become beloved members of the community, he offered to fix something for a neighbour and did such a good job people sought him out. He also makes things for you, like how you loved music so he’d fix up music boxes or how you loved a certain animal or bug that he made a little mechanical figure of it that swam/flew/walked.
He wouldn’t see the point in letting you go to school though, despite how friendly the people are, mostly because he’s smarter than any teacher they have; he’s practically a genius when it comes to math, science and history. But it’s also because he doesn’t want you becoming to independent.
Despite not going to school you’re still seen by the towns people-very often- when you tag along with the scientist when he’s running errands or shopping. You’re always well dressed, good manners and happy so there aren’t any suspicions, if anything, admiration for such a dedicated father. Most of your ‘friends’ are the older people who run the shops, there’s not many opportunities for you to play with other kids your age and he makes sure of that.
Definitely takes you to the pictures and restaurants often, probably a weekly thing or more. I mean he’s basically retired due to being payed plenty during his days in the government labs, so aside from small favours for the towns people and personal hobbies (dissecting and mechanics probs) he really is just a house father; leaving ample amount of time to take you out on cute little evening dates.
Because he’s so dedicated to your upbringing it’s very unlikely he’ll become romantically involved with a woman and no chance he’d seek it out for himself. He might if it benefited you but truly doesn’t believe you need anyone but him, he’s incredibly smart and not just book smart but emotionally evolved with you, there’s nothing he can’t do that a mother would do for you. He himself isn’t interested in romance but I wouldn’t rule it out completely, just unlikely.
You both spend most mornings doing school work together then he lets you have free time as he cleans or cooks, then in the afternoons he’s usually in his study fixing, building or dissecting and recording in one of his thousands of accumulated note books. He doesn’t mind you sitting with him while he does this or even better helping. After this sometimes you both go into town or if it’s a quiet day you both stay home and cook dinner.
At some point you’re sent to bed, he sticks to a strict bedtime only to be broken on birthdays or holidays. He will tuck you in and read a chapter from the book he bought not so long ago. He doesn’t sleep as much as you, usually he returns to his study or sometimes he sneaks out and gets rid of a certain problem person that’s been a bit rude to you or him, he only tolerates stuff from his darling child who can do no wrong, other than that he does have a bit of a temper. No one will miss a ill-mannered person anyways.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Just went through all your genshin android doll au and now I'm. Thinking.
A reader who works with young kids in some capacity, maybe a teacher. Buys a second hand Albedo bot (because lord knows they dont make enough for a brand new one) with some bugs. It's not quite "isolate you from friends and family" levels and more... Clinginess. Anxiety when you need to leave for an errand. But he needs to stay home while you're still fixing him up with YouTube how to videos, just in case.
He has many quirks still remaining by the time hes able to join the classroom, but they're completely harmless. His tendency to make too much or too little eye contact, trailing after you like a duckling for the first few weeks, rocking and clicking his tounge(? Voice box?). But these are all traits you've seen before in your own kids, and his body language isn't something that needs to be fixed. It's helpful for some of your students to open up and express themselves, when they see an adult figure like them.
But of course, he still gets rather lonely. He wants to take care of you when your home, it's how he keeps your attention. He gets irritable if he's idle for too long. So you pick up a Klee model since he gets along so well with kids, and they're both models approved to used in classrooms. She's more then energetic enough to keep him busy, and they get along like bread and butter. Or a house on fire. You still have to buy second hand after all, and Klee came with some fixations. But thats nothing an equipped science bot can't handle, Albedo keeps her satisfied with science experiments. You buy another fire extinguisher just to be safe.
It isn't until you're fixing up a Albedo you got at a steal (free99) from the seller who gave you Albedo and Klee that you realize you've become somewhat of a hobbyist. This one will probably be your last permenant bot, considering his higher needs, but you've gotten quite good at fixing up quirky models. This Albedo reverted to his beta personality that had been left in some forgotten folder, and no one could quite get him to go back. But thats not your goal.
You patch some of the more... Aggressive tendancies and bugs, and leave the personality itself in tact. This gains you quite a bit of favour with your new companion, and he's quick to fall into your daily life. He exhibits some... Jealous habits with your original Albedo, picking on him and trying to one up him any chance he has. But thankfully Klee and the classroom is something they can both agree on, so it rarely extends past an (usually) innocent rivalry.
Sorry for the surprisingly long ask, but androids are one of my favorite tropes!! And Albedo (and his double) are one of my favorite characters... Please enjoy my ramblings
tw - unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, all albedos ini this scenario are extremely questionable.
dkljfdkdjksdjfksfsdjfsj i have not touched the sex doll au in a hot minute but i think albedo's 'beta' personality would probably have been developed and refined as an attempt to give one of the child-friend robots a bit of an edgier personality before immediately realizing that that's,,, just not a great idea and mellowing him down into our current and well-loved albedo. needless to say, when you get him in the same room as his replacement, he's less than pleased - as is your first albedo, your original companion, as he's intent on reminding you as often as he can. still, you're his precious master, and he's fond enough of klee, so he bares with the unwanted company, makes-nice with your first albedo droid, helps around your classroom, tries to prove that he can help you the way he's supposed to, too, even after the dozenth time you turn him down. you say you just doesn't feel right to sleep with the same android you bring to work everyday, but he has a feeling it might have something to do with the rip-off you keep so close to your side, the flawed copy who can't seem to go a minute without your attention. you refuse to believe him, but he swears that he's seen his copy drop that innocent mask, spare a smirk over your shoulder as you compliment him on another day of keeping your classroom relatively un-wrecked by grade-schoolers, slip into your room tonight after klee's powered down for the night. clearly, he's not the companion you deserve. clearly, teyvat made a few mistakes when they took his programming and butchered it.
and, while you might be too oblivious to see it, it's clear to him that your little family could do without a duplicate.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Bonus Poll
Not a single Luffy ship got past the second round, so we still gotta decide which one was the most popular of the 2 that made it to round 2.
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LuSan art by @supernaturallyginger. Check out the original post here!
CobyLu art by @aroacejay. Please check out the original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Sanji x Luffy:
I don't think anyone is gonna bother denying the fact that WCI is literally just the plot of an otome isekai shoujo manga/manhwa. MC (main character) is treated like trash by family except for the 1 dead mom and 1 nice sympathetic supporter that can't do much of anything to help. MC escapes only to find themselves in an even worse situation somewhat of their own making, only to be swept off their feet by the ML (male lead) and saved, full damsel in distress style. Dramatic love confessions, crying in the rain, betrayal from an arranged marriage, it has it all.
Dude Luffy loves Sanji so so much like WCI is the best example and like you don't even really need to see the love as romantic if that bugs you but dudes. The first words out of the Luffys Shadow Possessed Oars was yelling for Sanji. He just loves Sanji so much and Sanji loves him too
The WCI arc in itself is mega SanLu propaganda. Luffy invaded an emperor’s territory, completely crashed a wedding, went up against Sanji’s evil science family, and got nearly beat to death by Sanji himself all in order to get Sanji back. Sanji offered his life to Kuma at thriller bark so Kuma wouldn’t kill Luffy. He pushed himself for 2 years all in order to get stronger FOR Luffy. Sanji feels sorry when he isn’t useful, the whole reason why he used the raid suit those few times was because he was thinking about getting stronger for Luffy, but realized that he didn’t want to become an emotionless monster like his family. Sanji broke down in tears at WCI when he tried to get Luffy to go away by fighting him. And then broke down in tears again when he ran back to Luffy and told him he wanted to go back home to the Sunny. No matter what Sanji cooks, Luffy always likes it and is proud to have him in his crew. Sanji is also one of Luffy’s “wings”, as stated by Robin! They’re both just so sweet and clearly care very deeply about each other.
Luffy saving Sanji on whole cake island got to me
[Insert everything that happens between them during WCI] how could I see luffy yelling about how he won't eat anything and will starve- LUFFY OF ALL PEOPLE- unless Sanji comes back and not ship them at LEAST a little. "Without you I can't become the pirate king" absolutely devastating cinema. Then Sanji laying out everything, in tears, and Luffy accepting it all and just saying, "well that's who you are" poetic. Final wci thing: luffy hearing judges bs about sanji and going "whyd he start listing all your good point" true love. This seems one sided but Sanji is also just as bad. "Which version of me do you prefer" anyone? They care SO MUCH about each other. Also Luffy loves to eat, Sanji loves to feed people, they're meant to be.
*gestures at the entirety of WCI* I mean that’s Love, they are Ride or Die, Luffy cannot become the pirate king without Sanji, whether that means physically because he needs Sanji’s support or just because being the pirate king means Luffy has everything he wants and what he wants is Sanji or both. And Sanji loves him just as much back! He’s his sun he’s his world…Luffy jump and Sanji’s too busy skywalking to bother asking how high. I just love them sm
Oda himself wrote the propaganda for this, Whole Cake Island just cemented lusan as canon. "I can't become Pirate King without you!" <- that's love baby
Propaganda for Luffy x Coby:
The first characters in the series who ever met and the first characters we as an audience met. Luffy is the whole reason why Koby is the character he is now and was the first to experience the “Luffy Effect”. Luffy is happy whenever he hears about Koby’s accomplishments and fully believes in his dreams even when Koby is a marine. Koby holds a very obvious bias towards Luffy (even if he is a pirate) and is the reason he learned to keep an open mind about pirates and the navy and what the meaning of Justice is. Koby’s admiration and flustered nature towards Luffy can definitely be interpreted as a crush. Koby is very ride or die for Luffy even in the face of people drastically more powerful than him (Akainu).
Coby is beyond gay for Luffy and he was the first person Luffy traveled with.
they are cute
Coby literally gets heart eyes and can't stop himself from piping up every time Luffy comes up in conversation that boy is SMITTEN. I don't know if Luffy understands but he knows Koby is one of his and that's good enough for me.
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cyberluvzu · 2 months
Hi! Could you do some head canons for dating x-virus?
X-virus x reader
- Likes to keep you around when he's working in the lab
- Calls you his "little assistant"
- Might give you a little job here and there, never something too dangerous
- Washing lab equipment, measuring different things, stuff like that
- Definitely has a gas mask just for you
- Just likes to keep you with him
- Especially if he's working long hours
- You can be quiet, talk, or do whatever. He's just happy you're there with him
- Absolutely collapses into bed with you after
- Honestly I feel like he'd do that no matter what
- He works hard, ends up burning himself out and just wants to sleep in your arms
- He would definitely get you little gifts
- Would get you a stuffed animal to keep you company when he's busy
- One of his main love languages is gift giving
- Also quality time with you
-He would show you cool science tricks
- If you aren't already interested in science, Cody will make sure you are now
- Tells you little science facts every now and then just to info dump
- If you have an interest that somehow has a science aspect to it, Cody is ON IT
- Learns everything about that subject just to tell you and see your reaction
- Like a certain type of bug or animal?
- Here's a billion science facts about it
- He also likes to listen you rant about your interests while he works
- It's like white nosie to him, your voice calms him
- But when he really needs to focus he will ask you to shut up 😭
- Or asks you to help him with some other task to keep you busy
- He also really likes to just be in your general vicinity
- Just being in the same room as you for a while is enough for Cody
- He also gets paranoid about you getting sick
- Mega germaphobe
- He'll make you wash your hands 24/7
- He just doesn't wanna see you get sick
- Also doesn't wanna get sick himself, but it's mostly to keep you healthy
- Likes to watch you sometimes
- Mentally takes notes of little things you do
- He thinks it's cute that you have your little quirks
- Pretty observant
- Really likes learning about you
- He's just curious about everything you do
- Smiles when he thinks back to the little habits you have, the way you smile, laugh, look, your touch, literally anything about you and he's smiling
- His mind drifts off to you while he works, but then quickly gets focused back on work
- He has a hard time expressing how he feels so he'll show it to you in his own little way
- Running his hand through your hair, asking you to keep him company, including you on little experiments
- Doesn't wanna cross any boundaries you might have, but is also too scared to ask you about anything
- He just waits it out until you try things with him
- He just awkwardly pauses if he wants to do something to you, debating on doing it
- He's a little (a lot) awkward
- Not in like the "omg I'm so awkward guys" way
- More in the "I'm gonna stay in this corner the whole party" awkward (real)
- You get him to open up a little and he's all yours
- He likes who he likes, and keeps a small circle of people
- Doesn't like going out on dates where there's a lot of people
- More of a picnic in the park kind of guy
- Library dates, museums, slender forest, places like that
- Doesn't wanna worry about other people interrupting
- He just wants to be with you, his little lab assistant
- Sometimes he can be a little neglectful to you if he's really focused on work
-If you tell him that you feel ignored, he'll snap out of it and pay more attention to you
- Or if you don't tell him, one day he'll be like "Hm, I haven't really seen them in a while"
- And then it hits him like a freight train
- He feels bad about it, tries to finish his work ASAP to go check on you
- Doesn't address it directly if he's the one who notices it first
- Just gives you more attention, tries to remember to check up on you, and take breaks
- He's given you full permission to remind him to take breaks
- Likes hearing it from you, makes him feel better for some reason
- After the first time he forgot to pay attention to you, when you first started dating, he started to include you more in his lab experiments and keep you with him more
- He just gets really into in his work
- You'd probably have to remind him to eat and drink
YOU'VE AWOKEN MY CODY OBSESSION AGAIN. I love him sm and more content of him is NEEDED. X-virus fans are BEING STARVED. 😭
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Tumblr Fic List Part 1
Hi everyone! With AO3 currently down, I thought I'd remind you all that almost all of my fics are also available to read right here on Tumblr! For years I've had the habit of cross posting just about everything so if you're looking for a particular fic, you should be able to find it on good old Tumblr.
I tag all my fics with: Precious Posts so you can also use that to find anything newer I haven't added here yet.
This is all my older fics, from my Masterlist. When I get a little more time I'll do a part 2 with my newer stuff.
To Teach a Robin to Cook: Jason teaches Damian how to cook
Baby Bat Vs the Evil Librarian : Steph and Damian take a trip to the library
Grayson’s Guide to Robin Boys Movie Night (IMG): The list of rules Dick wrote for movie night
Guide to Robin Boys Movie Night (FIC): Dick decides to write some rules for movie night, the other Robins have opinions
Movie Night: The Mummy: Jason does not like bugs
Movie Night: Cheeto Bomb: Dick thinks Jason planted a Cheeto bomb in the DVD player. Jason insists otherwise.
Lost Boy: Tim’s mad at Damian (again) and takes a walk to cool off
Fireworks: The Batboys attend a fireworks show for the 4th of July and Jason has flashbacks. Angsty
Baby Teeth: Bruce notices that Damian has lost a tooth, and decides to play Tooth Fairy. Fluff pure and simple.
Talk Yourself Out of This One: Dick get’s kidnapped and is forced to wait for help to arrive.
Kidnapped With You: It’s all Jason’s fault. Or is it Damian’s? Either way both managed to get kidnapped and now have to get along until Batman arrives
Misplaced Mail: Tim decides to go to college and doesn’t tell the other Robin boys.
De-Aged Tim: Timmy gets shrunk down to a six year old and Damian has to help him get back to normal.
Magical Mix Up: Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all get body swapped. Will they fight or get along long enough to fix things?
Lights Out: Jason finds himself in a situation when Tim passes out on him while his chest taser is still on
The Hunt: Bruce and Damian go on the search for a missing remote
Prank War: It’s Batboys vs Batgirls
Something in the Tea: Damian drinks hallucinogenic tea and can’t escape the visions of what he wishes his family would be like.
Party Chaos: Duke just wants to survive this party, unfortunately for him the rest of the Batboys are at the party and intent on causing trouble.
Trust: DickBat era fic where Damian gets into some trouble after a fight with Dick.
Karma: Damian’s got the hiccups so Dick tries to help him out on patrol.
Comfort Sweater: Damian get’s caught stealing one of Dick’s sweaters.
Play Lessons: Mindless Fluff as Dick and Dami play Cheese Viking together
Burdens: Written for Dynamic Duo Week 2016 day 6: Leave Me Alone
Discovery: Dick and Damian do a science experiment with Geodes
It’s Called a Hug: DickBat era. Damian doesn’t understand that hugs aren’t just a reward for good work.
Like Any Other Kid: Damian can’t stop having nightmares, finally he decides to go to his father for comfort.
Nightmares and Dreams: Bruce has a nightmare that Damian’s still dead and decides to check up on his son.
Cuffed: Dick and Tim end up handcuffed together and have to rescue Jason
Chosen: Based on a HC where Damian has trouble believing Bruce really wants him.
Album: Tim’s looking through one of his old photo album’s when Dick and JAson find him.
Father Time: Tired from the night before Bruce decides to stay in bed all day. His children decide he needs company.
Favorite Colors: While Dick and Damian are shopping for a new hoodie for Tim Damian makes an interesting purchase.
Lost Not Gone: My version of Damian’s reaction to Tim’s ‘death’
Super Sleepover: Jon sleeps over at the manor
Father Daughter Dance: Bruce and Cass go to the Ballet
Learning to Ride: Bruce teaches Jason how to ride a bike
Adoption: Alfred pushes Bruce to adopt Tim
If I Live to See the Dawn: Jason’s hurt and Damian’s got to get him home
Learning to Ask: Dick takes care of an injured Bruce
Heartbeats: Takes place between Batman Rebirth issues 16-17 and follows Bruce taking care of his kids
Target Practice: Damian and Steph play laser tag
Anxious Heart: Damian deals with some latent fear toxin, Bruce helps him out
Art Show: Tim runs into Damian while going to see one of his photos on display
Family Attire: Dick and Damian go clothes shopping. DickBats era
Unintended Consequences: In trying to hide his own illness Damian ends up getting Tim sick
Always Interesting: Cass buys a waxing kit and all the boys want to try it
Not a Burden: Tim gets hurt on patrol and doesn’t want to bother the family
With Love and Patience: Dick muses over taking care of Damian, there may also be suspenders involved. DickBats era.
Long Overdue: Jason offers to take Damian on patrol with him
Some Kind of Normal: Sometimes Bruce forgets just how young Damian is
Trapeze Training: Dick takes Damian out on the trapeze
Sick Day: Bruce is sick and Damian wants to make sure his father gets proper rest
Haunted Manor: Damian and Jon explore a haunting in the manor
Checking In: The batboys start to worry when Bruce is out of town and hasn’t contacted anyone in a while
Preserved Heartache: Damian sees a video of his own death
Hugs and Cookies: Dick brings a ‘get-along’ rug for the holidays
Like Old Times: Bruce and Dick on a stakeout
Safety Net: Snapshots of Damian learning to trust Dick
Irritating: Damian picks on Dick
This Stupid Family: First person pov. Jason’s little brother’s realize he too is a little brother and act accordingly.
Then and Now: Bruce dealing with Jason’s death juxtaposed with the family now
In Charge: Jason and Bruce make lunch while Alfred is out. Robin!Jason
A Little Craft Project: Damian asks Babs for help cheering Dick up
A Bad Night and Good Tea: Bruce can’t sleep, thankfully Alfred’s there to help
To Pass Through this Night: Dick died during Forever Evil. His brother’s find out and help him deal with it.
Faking It: Damian fakes being sick, Dick reacts to it. DickBats Era
Dreams of Wires: Damian’s feelings on the chip his mother put in his spine
Don’t Get Sentimental: Tiger takes care of Dick
Robin in the Batcave with the Rope: Damian get’s kidnapped by the Riddler and Scarecrow and forced to play clue
Breathe In Breathe Out: Damian gets buried, Dick worries Part 1 2 3
This Weight Off Of Your Shoulders: Damian gets sick, Alfred takes care of him
After Everything We’ve Seen: Dick finds Damian curled in the corner of the couch
Bone Tired: Dick is tired, Bruce is there to help him out
Just to See You: Temporary blind Damian, Big brother Dick
You Won’t Wake Up Alone: Dick knows he’s about to die, he just doesn’t want to do it in front of his little brothers Part 1 Part 2
First Breath After A Coma: Dick ruminates on his death, Damian’s, and all the terrible things that have been happening lately. Angst, no fluff
Your Job or Mine: Bruce gets hurt, Dick takes care of him
New to This: Dick’s getting used to his new busy life, and learning to take time for Damian
Accustomed to Standing Alone: The first time Damian’s kidnapped as a civilian
Bleeding Heart: Damian finds a dying doe and sits with her, Dick helps take care of the rest
Sun Spot: A lazy day with Dick and Damian
Of Baskets and Braids: Dick can’t sleep so he goes to find Bruce, and they get lost watching Youtube videos
As the Years Go By: Dick is growing up, and Bruce isn’t really sure how to deal with it.
A Bird in the Hand: Damian gets turned into a robin…for real. Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Those Days We Miss: After Damian picks a fight with Dick, he ends up kidnapped and pretty sure no one is going to come for him.
Stay Here, With Me: Damian gets soaked on patrol, and as a result he ends up sick. Rest and medicine should help, but Damian finds himself getting worse and worse. Thankfully he’s got Bruce (and later Dick) to help sort things out.
You Always Bring Me Home: When Batman is caught by an explosion he calls the person who can always find him, Alfred.
The Care and Yeeting of Robins: Bruce comes home to find Jason in his bed. Jason refuses to move, so Bruce does what he has to in order to stand his ground and decides sleeping on the floor is the only option.
Flash/Prompt Fics:
Damian and Tim: That’s Not a Dog
Dick, Damian, and Cass: No, no, it’s okay, I’ll be your bridge. You can walk all over me
Damian and Dick: I stabbed my last twelve brothers. Why should you be different?
Jason and Steph: Not only am I a late bloomer, I’m late for everything
Young Dick: Not only am I a late bloomer, I’m late for everything
Steph and Damian: I stabbed my last twelve brothers; why should you be any different?
Tim and Damian: Would you mind not setting my stuff on fire every time you get angry
Older!Damian: I find this to be highly illogical, incredibly ridiculous, and absolutely irresistible. Let’s play
Damian and Alfred the Cat
Tim and Damian: Damian attempts to irritate Tim
Tim and Jason: Tim’s tired and saying weird things
Batman Voice: Damian’s got a ‘Batman voice’ and it comes out at the best of times
Shrunken Sweater: Bruce’s sweater has shrunk to the perfect size
Being Sick is Stupid: Robin Dick and Bruce fluff and minor sick fic
Damian gets tricked into sleeping
Dick and Damian angst-fluff
Long Fics:
Super City: Damian and Jon on an adventure in Metropolis
Losing You: Dick loses his memories of Damian and the two try to deal with it while going after the villain responsible (plus Tim and Jason get to help)
Finding Us: The sequel to Losing You. Explores Jason and Tim’s relationship to the Batfam
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Random Facts About Galileo
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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All Children Dorothy Marie
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A/N: The first time I ever heard of Galileo was through a children's book called “Os to, Oskar… for evigt” by Bjarne Reuter, which translates to “Us two, Oskar… forever”. It is about a boy that finds a lion in his bedroom, called Oskar. The lion teaches the boy about the stars and eats his licorice, and soon the two become very good friends. I don’t remember how it ends, but whenever I hear the name Galileo, I think of a boy watching stars with a lion while eating candy.
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Warnings: None💜
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It is very obvious why you and Donnie decided on the name Galileo for your first born son. Named after the Italian philosopher and physician Galileo Galilei, and one of Donnie’s greatest idols. This set in motion a theme of names, that all of your children would be named after - historic people of science.
Galileo, nicknamed Gali, is the child with the longest age gap to his youngest siblings, being five years. Now, this comes with its pros and cons. But in Gali’s eyes, it mainly had its cons. He loves his sisters, but damn, could they be annoying. It could be very frustrating at times.
That is why Gali’s bedroom isn’t next to his sisters. The hallway of you and Donnie’s family, is located on a built in floor above the living area. One that Donnie made himself, and purposefully designed so that you and your husband's bedroom was placed between Gali and his sisters’ bedrooms. That at least brought a little more peace, but not always.
Gali had a strange relationship with messes. If it is a mess he has created, usually in his room, he would have no problem with it. He could have his floor littered with clothes, toys or whatever, and he wouldn’t have a problem with it. But was it a mess someone else had created, he couldn’t stand it. He wouldn’t be able to find these things, and oftentimes causing much stress. Which is one of the many reasons why he hates it when either you or Donnie tries to clean his room.
At Gali’s 15th birthday, he was gifted a weapon from Splinter as per tradition in your wonderfully special ninja family. He was given a jumonji yari. A spear-like weapon with three blades at one end. Splinter had decided on this weapon, due to more than just Gali’s personality. As your son grew older, it became evident that he had strong physical resemblance to his father - tall and lean, made for such a weapon.
Gali HATES being interrupted. If his hiding in a far corner of the lair, reading a book or playing a video game, it’s best to just leave him alone. He’s hiding for a reason. If only his sisters could just learn it…
You and Donnie had always seen the development of your children's knowledge as something important. But you also knew that knowledge came from experiences. Therefore you would often bring your children to April and Casey’s farmhouse, spending family time together along with teaching your kids about the outside nature. That was something Gali always looked forward to. Even before the birth of his siblings, Gali would learn about the forest with much enthusiasm. You would never forget the day you sat outside with your newborn twins, when your 5 year old son came running, wanting to show his sister the bug he and your husband had found somewhere between the trees. It was adorable to watch!
It was Gali who came up with the idea of the Big Siblings Club, which Romeo and Joan happily took part in. That involved hanging out every once in a while, and rant about their younger siblings, or generally just doing activities that excluded their younger siblings.
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janitorboy-writing · 3 months
My Jay, Nya, Pixal, Zane, Kai, and Lloyd Headcanons about their expertise in STEM
I was struck by inspiration and I just had to write it down. It doesn't help that I'm taking a programming class and have a bunch of STEM friends and family, so I was given plenty of ideas
Please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes. I forgot to switch my keyboard from Portuguese to english
He is good with circuits and hardware
If he had the funds and motivstion, he would have been an electrical engineer, or at least become certified as an electrician
He practically already has the experience since he always tinkered with circuits and wires as a kid
His parents would always have him fixing the toaster, fridge, TV, basically any electrical appliance at home
He never had once touched a computer program until he came across his first computer at the junkyard
After tinkering with it and booting it up, he began to mess around and trid his best to understand the programs in it
He understood a little, but he wasn't a pro at it until Pixal came along (she taught him about different programming languages and the fundamentals, and he found out he's not into programming as much as he is with messing with circuits)
He does know mechanics and car stuff thanks to his dad, but he's more interested in wires and circuits
She definitely has a certification as a mechanic
Thanks to Kai, she had the time to study for a technical education
She also knows enough about electrical engineering to make all the cool cars and mechs
She didn't know very much about programming but she was very interested in it
She went to the library and read outdated books on programming (the local library near their village isn't the most well funded)
Hey, at last she grasped the fundamentals even though she learned an ancient language that most programmers don't use or learn anymore
When Pixal joined the team and started to teach her about programming, she was ecstatic
Now all her inventions could be more modern!
She is just like her dad, so robotics and computer science are her thing
She does know a bit about everything since she has an entire database in her head to glean info from
Still, programming is her favorite thing and the thing she considers herself the best at
She leaves vehicle maintenance to Nya and any circuitry to Jay
When Jay, Nya, or Zane aren't around, she handles all the things they handle even if she doesn't enjoy it as much as programming. Someone has to be there to take care of all their tech
Whenever there's a bug she can't seem to fix, she explains her code to Zane to help herself think
Zane listens and i happy to be helping his gf <3
When Zane isn't there, she talks to Nya, her bestie, instead
When neither are there, she talks to Jay
Jay only listens since he's not very experienced with programming, but he does try to help from time to time
Zane doesn't consider himself to be an expert in any tech related field
Like yeah, he knows basically everything and can do it all, but he's not very interested in them
He will fix cars or fix a line of code, but only when it's necessary or if he's asked to
Unlike the others, he doesn't spend his free time inventing or tinkering with anything
He's mostly meditating or hanging out in nature
He likes plants, like, A LOT
Plants, cooking, and animals are his expertise
He also knows a lot about herbs and tea, so he's basically the team's medic
Pixal is his medical assistant just like he is her programming assistant <3
Zane and Cole go out on walks and hikes a lot, and they drag Kai along just for fun
He knows a bit about mechanic since he sometimes helped Nya with her homework and projects
Him and Nya know exactly what they're talking about when Jya asks him to bring her the thingamabob
Kai had to teach Jay what the hell a thingamabob and a doohickey is so Jay could actually help Nya
In return, Kai learned some of Jay's weird names for tools like the thing and thingamajig
If things are really dire (like none of the team's inventors and Zane are with them) then Kai will try to fix a vehicle
50% chance of failure, 49% chance of success
The 1%? Who knows
It explodes
Like Kai, he knows a bit about mechanics, if not more because he spent a lot of time with Nya when he was younger and when nobody knew he was the green ninja
He has more success fixing vehicles than Kai, so Kai is always the last resort
Lloyd also knows about plants and herbs since he read about them after Wu was gone
Someone had to take care of all the plants for Wu and Zane after the merge happened
Lloyd also knows a bit of programming and electrical engineering, though it's not very useful
He could tell you what a variable is but he cannot write a program to save his life
He can tell you what XOR does, but he can't build a circuit
Due to his interest in video games, he's been trying to learn programming, but due to everything that happened in his life, he hasn't learned much
He's still trying, and that's what matters
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Awh! Baby Yuebei loving dinos is everything to me!
Now I wanna see her family take her the dinosaur exhibit at a museum or science center or something. The science center near me has a whole exhibit for all things dinosaur related including fun interactive learning activities for little ones like fossil ecivission in rubber sand and life-size dinosaur animatronics in fake habitats we can walk through. I can't remember the rest rn, my favorite exhibit is the astronomy room! It's so dark in there, whole different vibe from all the others. But the whole building is like a science playground, the cubs(stoplight trio included, tho Redson is probably too much of a know-it-all to let himself enjoy it) would get a kick out of it. I can already imagine which exhibits some of them would enjoy.
yes! since Yuebei Xing as a character is tied to skulls and bones, I figured it would be cute that she'd have an interest in beings mostly know through their bones.
I know some larger museums have big sand pits to emulate excavations, like the one in New York. The zoo-aquarium in my granddads town has one of those walkable habitats too! The water/fake swamp was actually an aquarium for brackish water fish!
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Now I'm loving the idea of Wukong letting the cubs go on a Museum Day to Megapolis, and ofc little kids love Natural History cus thats where the dinosaurs are! Tang pouts and wants to come along too - until Pigsy points out that he's a grown man that can pay his own ticket.
Wukong gets MK and Mei (and Redson since he's been pretty much adopted into the squad) to help bring the kids around to all the exhibits. When Wukong gets too tired to run around (especially cus of his condition), the Stoplight trio take over cub-wrangling duty while Wukong chills at the museum's cafe. Mei and MK treat it like a super-dangerous mission and try their best to engage in what's caught the cubs attentions. MK noticeably blanks in fear when he sees a model of Carboniferous bugs. Redson is a bit of smarty pants, but he's interested in the provided literature/the more obscure creatures on display. Tang is barely any help with babysitting since he gets as easily distracted as the cubs! XD
Yuebei is having the time of her life. Can't keep still for a moment - there's so many things to see and touch! And if there's an excavation pit - she's jumping straight in like a fox. No regards for her nice clothes, she's covered in sand and clay within seconds. Just absolutely feral over these bones.
Mei, pointing to a model: "Do you know what that is Yuebei?" Yuebei, holding a plush dino: "Ty-ranno-saur-us rex!" Mei: "Omg you're so good at this! What about that one?" Yuebei: "Pterro-dact-ill!" Mei: "Yup! Pterodactyl! It's a pretty cool dinosaur huh?" Yuebei, suddenly very serious: "Not dinosaur." Mei: "Huh?" Yuebei: "Not dinosaur." Red Son, reading a museum pamphlet: "She's correct. Pterosaurs are a different branch of archosaur separate from Dinosauria. It's like comparing snakes to lizards." Mei: "Omg! You're so smart, baby girl!" Yuebei: "Thank." (*smug "I know" face*)
If Macaque is around post S3, he helps out with wrangling the kids, but he'd quickly get over-stimulated by all the sights and sounds - so MK would take over for him so dear bama/baba can sit down with Wukong and de-stress. Wukong and Macaque might just wander off into the quiet art gallery if it's nearby (usually is in my experience) and poke fun at the historic art.
The Eclipse twins I feel are more into the astronomy side of the museum (hard not to since Space) and demand that they stay for a lecture on objects in the solar system. And if there's a planetarium - oh boy you know the cubs (and the grown-ups too) are gonna be entranced by the projections of all the stars and planets.
Wukong, pointing to a star: "Hey I know that guy! We fought one time!" Tang: "...what?" Wukong: (*pointing to Zeta Piscium*) "Wood Wolf of Legs; Revati." Tang, gasping: "The Yellow Robed Demon." Wukong: "Yeah!" Luzhen, in baby babble: "He's very far away." (*tries grabbing for the projection of the star*)
The gift shop is decimated. XD
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