#like last time i met them i got to talk to the whole band for a couple minutes but this time i barely got a minute in edgewise
For the concert asks: 13 and 24?
Ahh, thanks so much for asking, JoAnne! :'D
13. Have you ever had a backstage pass?
Um, hmmm...no? Well, wait, maybe...okay, well, there was that time where I had a VIP package/meet-and-greet and got to meet Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart (as much as I love this question, I unfortunately don't feel like rewriting it because I've already written about that experience!), and then, well, right before the pandemic, because I was a member of Thunderpussy's fanclub, "Club Pussy," through their app, my best friend and I got to go to The Showbox before the concert started and we got to meet 3/4 members of Thunderpussy! It was kind of endearing because the first member we talked to was the drummer, Lindsey Elias, and after we chatted briefly and she moved on, my best friend leaned toward me and said something to the effect of, "Okay, so...who was that?" and I was like *facepalm* "That was the drummer!!" and they were like "Oh shit, really? I had no idea. Oops." (They admitted to me then they weren't so great at remembering musicians' names and putting those names to faces.) So after that, I pointed out the other members and told my friend their names so they'd know and be prepared...and then when I finally got the chance to talk with my favorite member of Thunderpussy I was the unprepared one (she started talking to me pretty much as soon as I put a chip in my mouth, sigh 😞). But anyway...that was their little pre-New Year's Eve concert party that they offered to fanclub members if we gave them our name and anyone who'd be joining us, which is how we got in once we got there. So technically there wasn't any backstage pass involved, and we didn't get to meet them in any more of an intimate capacity than in the bar area of the venue before the show, but that was totally fine with me (although it was kind of awkward since I don't drink, and Thunderpussy weren't going to not drink but, meh, it was still fine). I don't need to meet my favorite bands, anyway, but when I have the fortunate opportunity to do so, I don't care if it's meeting them in the venue bar area or before a show for a brief meet-and-greet or at their merch table* or what - if the experience ends up being good (which, in the case of Heart and Thunderpussy, it was!!), I'll be grateful for even 30 seconds of their time to get to tell them how meaningful their music is. :')
24. Who is an artist you think everyone should experience live at least one?
Heeheehee, I was hoping someone would ask me this one! :D I'm gonna go with The Black Tones, first and foremost! They may be mostly known locally, but they deserve to be known by such a wider audience - their shows are SO MUCH FUCKING FUN EVERY SINGLE TIME! And I've seen them live 3 times now, and while during the third (and most reccent) time that I saw them I got the impression that they're afraid to bore their local fanbase, I would like to say right now that their shows could never be boring, which is why I'm happy to see them live again every time I possibly can! Everyone needs to see their live shows at least once (but then they'll probably want to see them more than once!). :'D
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steviescrystals · 5 months
guys things are happening
#so i met this girl at work last summer and we clicked right away and we were super close for a while#and it was really only a few months but i considered her one of my best friends#and then both of us got promoted to basically shift leads and right after that things just got really weird between us#i never figured out what exactly happened but it was just like tense and off which sucked bc the time before that was so much fun#but i just pushed it aside bc i still wanted to be friends with her and i was hoping it would just pass i gués#and THEN a couple months later she got promoted to store manager which was… shocking#i want to make it super clear i did not want to be manager and i truly was not jealous of her job#but i just did not think she was the right choice for manager bc after working super closely with her for months#i had seen her do sooo much shit that was either not allowed or just like not correct and straight up kinda dumb??#but none of the higher ups knew about it bc i would always help her fix her mistakes bc she was my friend and i wanted things done right yk#so anyway she became manager and our friendship just got even weirder bc suddenly she was my boss and i did not think she was a good manager#as much as i still loved her as a person she just got on my nerves a lot at work bc of the way she was running things#THEN a month after that annual company wide layoffs happened and i got laid off 😍 which i have vented a ton about on here bc it was awful#and the one bright side to it was that i thought maybe our friendship could start to go back to normal now that we didn’t work together#but instead she pretty much stopped talking to me completely aside from sending me a tiktok occasionally#so i was like okay this sucks but oh well i’ve got my own shit to deal with now that i’ve gotten laid off so i’ll just give her space#and tbh i was just hoping a band we both like would go on tour soon or something so i’d have a good opportunity to ask her to hang out again#BUT THEN she texted me a few minutes ago and turns out she just got fired???#which does not happen often at that job btw there’s very low turnover i think only like 2 people got fired the whole time i worked there#usually layoffs are the only time people end up leaving#and it’s weird bc i spent all that time thinking it was a bad choice for them to make her manager and she wasn’t doing a good job#but i’m still somehow surprised???#and i feel so guilty bc i talked so much shit about the whole thing with one of my other friends bc her management pissed me off so bad#and it’s not like me talking about it with someone who didn’t even work there caused her to get fired but i still feel so bad#like yeah i do think she shouldn’t have been manager in the first place but i would never wish that on someone yk#so idk i’m just like in a very weird headspace rn!!#vent#lj.txt
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urbanfiltered · 1 year
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
I keep imagining the first time Luke and Mr. D met after Luke's hickeys/scratches went viral
here is how i think that conversation played out (suggestive content ahead):
"shit, five star, your dad is calling me," luke mumbled, eyes wide as he looked down at his phone. "he never calls me."
connor snicked from his bunk in the tour bus, "well, given that the whole internet is talking about you right now after the show you gave them last night, i'm not surprised."
"ha!" travis exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "put it on speaker. i wanna hear him yell at you."
you rolled your eyes, "he's not gonna yell at you."
luke turned to you with hopeful eyes, "you think so?"
"well, he's probably not gonna yell at you," you scrunched your face up, rethinking your words, "like 55% chance he won't yell at you."
"i don't like those odds, babe."
"answer the fucking phone, luke."
luke clicked the green button on his screen, chewing on the nail of his thumb. he rolled his eyes, pressing the speaker button as travis kept egging him on. chris and clarisse opened the privacy curtain of chris' bunk to listen in on the drama.
"hey, mr. d," luke cleared his throat, ignoring the quiet giggles from the boys when his voice cracked. "what's up?"
"is my daughter with you?"
"say no," you whispered. so you were wrong about the odds. your dad was 100% about to yell at luke and you selfishly didn't want to get your ass handed to you just yet. you were going to avoid your dad's calls for as long as possible.
"uhh... no?"
"oh jesus fucking christ," you sighed, smacking your palm against your forehead, "that was soooo convincing."
you heard your dad type on his laptop before shutting it. there was some background noise that subsided after you heard the shut of a door. it seemed like your dad went into his office to get some privacy.
"hey, kid," your dad said, no doubt addressing you now.
"hey, dad," you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, leaning down to speak into the mic of luke's phone. "how are you?"
"don't start with me," he said, "would it kill you both to not do whatever it is you do that results in those pictures? pictures that are all over the internet by the way!"
a snide remark was on the tip of luke's tongue, because yes, it would kill him to not do the things that resulted in the pink marks on his neck and the healing scratches on his back, but that didn't seem like the right response.
"dad, you never had an issue with them taking their shirts off during shows before. and luke has gone out on stage like that before."
luke cringed, remembering one too many instances where he'd gone out on stage with hickeys all over his neck. it felt like a lifetime ago now, as if ever since you walked into his life that past version of him was someone he didn't recognize anymore. he much preferred remembering the name of the girl who left him marked up, especially preferring that it was only you who did that to him.
"that was before he started dating my daughter!" he replied, "i don't want to know anything about your relationship, but i'm in an unfortunate situation where i happen to manage the career of your boyfriend's band so i have to deal with it sometimes. so for the love of god, please please, stop."
"i'm so sorry mr. d," luke mumbled, "i completely forgot about them and by the time i realized, it was too late."
you could practically see your dad pulling at his hair, a habit he had when he was in stressful or awkward situations. he didn't speak for a good thirty seconds and then he sighed, "just keep your goddamn shirt on."
luke gulped, "got it."
when your dad ended the call, the entire bus erupted in laughter, including you. luke's face was as red as a tomato as he groaned and buried his head in his pillow. your shoulders shook as you giggled, laying on top of him. he instantly turned his body to wrap his arms around you.
"that wasn't so bad," you cooed, running your fingers through his curls, "and that was a shit apology, baby. you were smug as hell on stage when people pointed out the scratches."
"i wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions," he said, "i was caught up watching people connect the dots that my girlfriend is not only hot but a fucking animal in be--"
"okay, that's our cue," travis cut off, closing his curtain. connor followed his head, popping in his airpods. clarisse sent you a wink before she disappeared behind the curtain with chris.
"i'll stop leaving hickeys on you," you kissed his face, enjoying how flustered he got. "but i can't promise too much on the scratches."
"i'm gonna stop taking my shirt off at shows, i think," he mused, toying with the hem of the shirt you wore. "i don't think i can take another surprise call from your dad. i think it took years off my life."
"your fans will be highly disappointed," you teased, leaning over to his ear, "but if you're gonna keep your shirt on, does that mean hickeys on your abs is fair game?"
luke licked his lips, tugging on his own curtain to give you two some privacy, "absolutely."
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
You had dragged Daryl along to something you liked last month, so now it was his turn.
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To anyone around, including yourself it was clear you stood out from the crowd.
Inbetween the mass of black on black, spiked everything and the odd masked figures in red boiler suits your bright blue jeans and simple bright teeshirt.
Daryl had come along to your weekend event last month, so now it was your turn to join him to a concert.
"What's with the masks?" You were settled against Daryl's side, not entirely sure what to make of the group before you.
"Really, ya haven't paid any attention when I showed ya who we're seein' tonight?" Daryl, all decked out in his usual looks of heavy boots, black trousers with chains hanging off the belt loops and a black shirt that hugged his form ever so perfectly. It was printed with the picture of a blonde woman that you didn't recognise.
"Hey, Dixon!" A man's voice had you both turn and look behind you, where a bearded guy in a beanie walked up with two women in super gothy outfits, their makeup extreme but flawless.
You had never met Daryl's friends before and in all honesty you felt intimidated by them.
"Oh my god you brought your girl, finally!" One of the women gestured excitedly and hopped over to introduce herself, perfectly manicured hand outstretched for you to take. "Hi! I'm Viv, that's Sammy and Jesus." You shook everyone's hands and introduced yourself as well before Daryl did his rounds and gave everyone the biggest bear hugs. "Hey, hun." "How's the apartment lookin'?" "Tell yer mom I'm sorry fer not comin' over ta cook with 'er."
It was weird to see Daryl be so social. Normally he'd be the quiet one when you went out together, but now he was all smiles and talk.
"Gotta rep the guesting band, I see." The Jesus guy tugged on Daryl's shirt, staring at the print, while one of the girls chimed in. "You gotta know by now Dee's got the biggest crush on her." The three laughed as Daryl dismissed the comments, all while you stood by and listened to their banter. Who did Daryl have a crush on? What?
"Here, in case Daryl forgot to give you some." Sammy extended her hand to you and handed you a clear plastic baggie with two foam earplugs in them.
"Ah, crap.." Daryl rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously as he accepted a packet himself too. "Yer a lifesaver, Sam. Thanks."
You waited close to the front of the line for some more hours, having ordered food with a large group of people that all seemed to become friends at that moment.
Once the doors to the venue opened up you followed Daryl like a lost puppy, stuck to his arm in fear of getting lost in the sea of the dark clad people.
"Come on, Dixon, get your ass in gear!"
"Yeah, man. Barricade's gonna be full at this rate." His friend had already moved further along as you and Daryl put your stuff in a locker. "Go ahead. Takin' it easy with this one." Daryl's hand found your hair and ruffled it softly, much to your annoyance. But you appriciated his concern for you and was willing to not go full out.
You followed along with the stream of people and ended at the bar off to the side of the venue.
"One beer, and one--" Daryl gave you a look, and saw you just looking around the place, taking everything in. "And a Redbull, please."
By the time you had your drinks and the crowd had all settled in, the local opening band had started their first song. Daryl's beer was gone fast, kindly waiting for you to finish your overpriced can before slowly easing you into the crowd.
Every tine you stood still for a moment you took a peek at the stage, seeing the band perform the songs was something entirely different than hearing come from Daryl's huge sound installation at home.
Daryl was keeping a close eye on you the whole time, not caring much for the small band on stage. He was enjoying how curious you were. Less how easy it was to lose you in the crowd if he wasn't holding your hand.
"Yer havin' fun?" Daryl stood behind you with his hands loosely on your hips, you had found a spot closer where you could see the stage nicely.
You gave him a nod, resting your head against his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to your hair. "Good, gotta lemme know when's gettin' too rowdy for ya, 'kay?"
"Promise, Dee." You turned to give him a quick kiss, laughing at how the previously considered scary people were all chanting along to the pop songs the speakers played between bands.
You were checking a few messages while you waited and hadn't noticed Daryl taking out his phone too until it was in front of you and his chin was resting on your shoulder. You looked up to see yourself on his screen, he was taking a selfie with you. Next to you he stuck out his tongue as he pressed the capture button and held it as he went to smooch your cheek.
He watched the short looping video back and added a caption before sending it off.
'Girlie's first metal gig!' He addded under it with a little black heart emoji.
The crowd around you cheered and hollered all of a sudden, making you look up and seeing the first members of the next band come onto the stage, waving and getting ready to perform.
You watched the stage didn't notice how giddy Daryl had gotten behind you. Most of the band had gotten onto the stage and an eery tune started playing that had part of the crowd whistle and cheer.
Suddenly a loud, distorted voice called out from the speakers.
More howls and whistles surrounded you as the eery tune continued.
Spots beamed to the centre of the stage as a gorgeous woman appeared as the band's instruments joined the tune, starting the song.
Behind you you felt Daryl's body jerk against yours as he raised a fist and joined the crowd in cheer.
His body stayed pressed againts yours with his arms around you, hands resting on your hips and stomach as he swayed you along the tunes of the first song.
As the band played on the crowd got more rowdy, jumping around and bumping into each other making you stagger in Daryl's grip.
Daryl kept being your shield as the crowd's shoves got worse. "Ya wanna move?" He tapped your arm and pointed off to the side where you could suddenly see a wide open space inbetween the few people that separated you from it.
Over the intro tune of the song a large hole had formed in the crowd, a few people in the middle bouncing around as the lyrics went on.
With your lack of answering, Daryl just kept up holding onto you and kept his gaze between you and the pit.
The second the woman's voice went from a distorted speaking to a loud growled singing the crowd surged into the large open space, almost taking you and Daryl with them.
You didn't know where to look. The gorgeous frontwoman on the stage before you, or the massive swarm of people throwing themselves around next to you.
You peeked behind you at Daryl, who was staring, mesmerized by the woman leading the band. One arm stayed around you to ward off the thrashing crowd while the other one was raised above you in cheer.
The crowd bounced in unison making you want to join in, softly bopping to the beat on the balls of your feet. You knew nothing of the song so you went along with the crowd, much to Daryl's enjoyment as he joined in as well. You blended with the crowd now, barely noticing you were slowly moving around the floor agsin in the moving sea of people.
It was only when the band's set ended that you realised you had moved a lot closer and further off to the centre of the crowd.
Daryl had his face buried in the crook of your neck the second the band was off the stage, nuzzling against your skin and squeezing your soft thighs. "Yer havin' fun. S'good." His mumbling tone was barely audible over the waiting time music and the crowd's chatter. But you recognized the tone, he was getting high on your enjoyment. You could already tell that of the next band didn't interest him enough you'd be dragged into the nearest bathroom stall to show you just how much he loved seeing you enjoy yourself.
You found it cute how a big grump like Daryl got off on something as soft as seeing his girlfriend happy.
The intermission was a nice time to mellow out a bit before the headliner got on stage and quickly check your messages. This time it was your turn to send out a snapchat to your friends, showing them you were still alive and breathing.
A selfie of you in the dim lights with Daryl nuzzling your hair, and a simple text that read "having fun!".
While you sent away your snap and went to respond to a pauzed conversation from earlier the stagelights moved as the headliners entred the stage.
You scrambled to put your phone away with how wild the crowd got all of a sudden.
Almost immediately after the members got on stage a guitar rhytm set in and thr crowd moved around you, so much it made Daryl move along and before you knew it there was another empty space in the crowd.
Right next to where you stood at the edge of it.
The drums kicked in, joining the guitars and right next to you there were people running in circles in the open space.
Daryl had let go of you for a moment to look into the pit and right at that moment the song started in full blast. Daryl's arm got grabbed by someone passing by and got yanked into the whirlpool of people. "Sorry!" You heard him yell, leaving you on your own off to the side against his will.
"Daryl?!" You called in shock and backed up when a guy ran too close past you, stepping into another person's side.
"Ah, I'm sorry.." Your fun was gone in an instant and the guy saw it, carefully patting your arm and offering to shield you from the rowdyness of the pit. A careful nod was all you needed to share before going back to watch the band play and glance to your side whenever Daryl passed by.
You listened to the song and followed Daryl's movements, watching him throw himself around with a wide smile on his face.
With the song nearing its end the pool mellowed out and Daryl came back to you, panting and smiling, placing a soft kiss to your cheek before grabbing you in both his arms and pulling you into the still active pit, making you let out a yelp.
He moved along with the stream of people that ran in circles again and stepped back into the crowd after making two rounds, ending up almost at the centre front of the crowd.
Daryl's plan worked, snow standing close enough to his friends at the barricade. He whistled and saw Viv turn and reach out her hand to you.
"Grab, I'l follow." Daryl took the hand you didn't reach out with and you were pulled to the front with ease, quickly being squeezed between the two girls on the front row.
The view from your new spot was amazing, no heads blocking half of the stage, no shoulders moving just an inch to blind you entirely or needing to stand on your tiptoes to see.
You watched all the members perform up close, unable to resist the urge to photograph them all. It took you a moment before you noticed you recognised the song they were playing. Daryl had played it foe you, all those years back when he first got into this music.
You had heard it so often you could even hum along to the words, nodding to the rhythm. The girls beside you caught on quickly, smiling and nudging you to guide you along, showing you the 'proper barricade etiquette' as they called it.
Viv had your hand in hers, raising them together as the song ended and howled out in cheer along Sammy at your other side. Behind you Daryl, and beside him Jesus joined as well, Daryl's chest pressed against your back.
The music was loud, the crowd wild but the energy was one you never thought you'd welcome, there on your spot at the barricade of a heavy metal show.
Once the last song of the night ended you felt the cool air return around your body with the crowd leaving the hall.
"Think you swayed her?" Jesus asked Daryl. The two walked just a few steps behind you, watching you chatting happily with the two other girls beside you when you three suddenly made a turn towards the merchandise stand.
The men watched you all point out different things on the wall. "Course I did. 'S a lil' rebel, tha' one. She jus' gotta figure tha' out 'erself."
Jesus and Daryl caught up with you all, Daryl snaking his arms around your waist as he got to you. "Did ya find somethin', hun?" His chin rested on your head, taking a look at the wall for himself too as you waited for the person in front of you to finish their purchase.
"That one's pretty!" You pointed at one of thr shirts off to the side, having Daryl steer you towards the available salesperson.
"Girlie wants tha' second one op there." Daryl pointed at the shirt you liked, and moved on to some others as well. "Tour shirt in ..two XL, an' I'll take tha' last one down there."
The guy gathered all Daryl's choices and gave him the total, which Daryl happily paid before you joined your friends again off to the side.
"Always spending money, how much did you get this time?" Jesus crossed his arms as he raised a brow at Daryl, who showed him the bag with the three shirts. "Ain't much at all. Where's the girls?" Daryl looked around to find you and the others but you were nowhere to be found.
"They kidnapped her to the bathroom, probably lockers too." Jesus held out his pack of cigarettes in offer. "Smoke? I'll text them we're outside."
Daryl nodded and accepted the smokes, following his friend outside and smiling at you making new friends.
At the bathroom sink you were splashing water in your face to fully cool down and waited for the other two before heading back.
"They're outside already." The informafion came at the locker where you had left your jacket and bag, where you had told yourself earlier to try and have fun and not to worry so much.
With your jacket on and bag slung over your shoulder you left the venue to meet back up with the boys.
Daryl welcomed you by pulling you into his side. "Ya calmed down after all tha'?" His sweet smile leaked some smoke before blowing the remainder out over your head.
"Hmhm! I had more fun than I thought." You nuzzled his jacket and looked back at the friend around you. "It was really nice to meet you guys, too."
It was true, you did enjoy the event and were sure you'd be joining Daryl more often now.
With a last round of goodbyes you and Daryl left to catch the last train home, spending your late night moments almost falling asleep against him.
"C'mon. Yer takin' a shower with me 'fore we go sleep. Yer gross." Right, Daryl's after show routines, you almost forgot.
It was clear to him you were extremely tires so he made sure to treat you like a queen as he cleaned you up and dried you off, carrying you to bed and laying down with you, holding you close.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 7
Hello! I am really chugging along with this story I have 5 chapters done (including this one). It was supposed to be 4 with 4 on the Harrington Pattern but somehow, I got an extra chapter here and only 3 on The HP. Still not sure how I did that.
Here we have Chrissy because sometimes you just need another omega friend who gets it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve came home and flopped face first on to the sofa. He wanted to call Robin, but he knew she was hanging out with Vickie tonight. So he had been given a replacement handler for night as management wanted eyes on him because there was always some kind of drama at these things.
It wasn’t a date date, but now they were on the same page, there was major cuddling to be had.
He rolled over and threw his arm over his eyes.
After a moment or two of serious moping he opened the clutch to get his cell phone out. But stopped when he noticed the sparkle of the diamond. He pulled it out instead and held it up to the light. In his minds eye he could see Eddie smiling at him as he handed the lost diamond back to him.
Steve sighed heavily. He had met a lot of alphas in his line of work, but none of them had the effect on him that this one did. Yearning didn’t even begin to cover the depth of emotion ripping through him in that moment.
He rolled off the sofa and wandered into the kitchen, his heels clicking on the hard surface. He really should have taken off his shoes at least. He sighed heavily and grabbed his phone from where it was charging on the counter.
He swapped it for his burner client phone. He unlocked his personal phone to see a sweet picture of Vickie and Robin cuddling together on Vickie’s bed.
He smiled at the absolutely giddy expression on his best friend’s face. It also hit him with a longing he didn’t want to name. He could. He just didn’t feel like sobbing in his kitchen on a Saturday night.
Steve removed his shoes, kicking them off to the side so he wouldn’t trip on them in the morning and then wandered to his bedroom, eyes on his phone.
He unclasped the dress and like he told Eddie it would, it slid to the floor in a graceful heap. All he was wearing now was the gold thong he had worn under the dress. He shimmered out those as well.
He then carefully removed the remaining diamonds in his hair and put them in his jewelry box. He paused with the last one. The one he had been hold onto this whole time. Eddie’s diamond.
He went digging through his vanity until he found a small felt bag that had once contained a small bottle of perfume. He put the diamond into the bag and hung the bag on his vanity mirror.
He went to his closet and rifled through it before finding the pajamas he was looking for.
It was a pair of soft, light grey, satin pants and button down shirt. He never undid the buttons though. He pulled on the pants without underwear. He didn’t have the energy to go hunting down a pair just then. Then he pulled the top on.
He flopped on his bed and wiggled happily at the silky slide of the pajamas on his bare ass. He was still scrolling through his contacts, trying to find the right person he could talk to about this. And then he hit on the perfect person.
He hit dial and waited until it rung through. “Chrissy!” he greeted warmly.
“Steve!” she cooed. “How was the gala? Tommy has been raving for months that you got to go and he didn’t.”
Steve chuckled. Tommy wanted to go because his favorite band was Corroded Coffin.
“Senator Lombard was a wet blanket,” he pouted. “Another alpha was just being nice to me and he got super territorial.”
“Bleh!” she hissed in sympathy. “Who was your handler tonight? I heard you gave Robin the night off.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, she finally asked Vickie out and I didn’t want her to wind herself up and talk herself out of it. Again.”
“Oooh,” Chrissy said. “I get that. She just doesn’t believe what a catch she is.”
“The dilemma of the century,” Steve agreed. “To answer your question, it was Troy who was handling me tonight.”
Chrissy blew a raspberry. “Troy isn’t the bottom of the barrel, but he’s definitely the scum on bottom of the barrel.”
Steve shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “He did his job, Lombard was put on my pre-check list and he got me home in one piece.”
“So why are you really calling me, cher?” she asked after a moment of silence. “Alpha prostrating is stupid but nothing you haven’t handled before so what’s on your mind?”
He flopped on his stomach and ran a hand through his hair. “You remember I told that the senator was pissed because an alpha was nice to me?”
“Sure,” Chrissy said. She paused for a moment. “Oh! Were they cute? Is that what’s got your panties in a twist? Super cute alpha was sweet to you and now your ovaries are ready to explode?”
“Tommy’s going to kill me,” Steve moaned.
There was silence on the line for a beat too long and Steve pulled his phone away from his ear to make sure the call didn’t disconnect.
“Wait, Eddie Munson was your hot, nice alpha who made your client so jealous and possessive you put him on your pre-check list?” This was said a question, but to Steve it sounded more like a statement. One he couldn’t refute.
Not that he wanted to. Eddie was hot.
“Yeah,” Steve said around biting his thumb. “I had diamonds in my hair and one of them must have fallen because suddenly he was handing one back to me.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy cooed. “This sounds like an ice cream and wine girl talk. I’ll be over in ten, sweetie!”
Steve let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, babe. See you soon.”
He rolled over on his back and clutched the phone to his chest. He couldn’t wait to tell Chrissy all about Eddie. He kicked his feet in the air as he giggled.
Steve paced back and forth in his front room as he waited for Chrissy to come over. It wasn’t as though she lived far away. She lived like two floors below him.
She was younger than he was by about two years. Like Tommy and Carol everything was happy town with her boyfriend Jason until she presented and was found out to be infertile.
Jason and his parents fought hard to have her put in the Church to be a celibate nun. But thankfully for Chrissy her dad had more sense. Not her mom though. Her mom had gone so far as to drive her to the local nunnery and drop her off.
But after a talk with the Mother Superior and a call to her dad, they made the arrangement that Chrissy would finish up her schooling at the nunnery and then when she turned eighteen she could choose to stay or take one of the other two options.
When Chrissy chose Starcourt, the money was split between the nunnery and her dad.
Money that he then put aside in case she just wanted to walk away from escort business and live her life. The money would be used for whatever she wanted and that included school.
As far as her mother was concerned, Chrissy was still at the nunnery and was just refusing to see her.
Steve thought it was delicious revenge.
The knock came part way through his revery. He leapt over the sofa and ripped open the door.
“Well someone is comfy,” she cooed. As if she wasn’t dressed similarly. She too was wearing fuzzy pjs. But hers were bright pink and had a horn on the hood of the top.
Steve tugged the hood down over her eyes and teased, “And aren’t you the cutest thing?”
Chrissy blushed and pushed on him playfully with her shoulder, her hands were full of ice cream and a bottle of wine.
Steve grabbed the wine. “Cupcake prosecco? Looks yum!”
Chrissy grinned and held up her other prize. “Cookie dough!”
Steve kissed her cheek and led her inside. “You’re the best, sweetie. You didn’t have any plans for tonight?”
She shook her head. “Nope, no clients either.”
Steve reared his head back. “Uh oh, that doesn’t sound promising. Is your handler, Amy not scheduling you right?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I think it’s because I’m nearing the end of my contract and because I have money waiting for me, management is thinking I’m going to bail so they’re trying to stave of the inevitable.”
“Boo,” Steve hissed. “They shouldn’t be allowed to that. Plus, I thought you were staying?”
Chrissy blushed. “I am!” she insisted when he raised an eyebrow at her hesitation.
“Uh huh,” he teased further. “Sure sounds like it from here. You got someone who you want to snuggle up close with when you retire?”
Chrissy ducked her head. “Not anymore.”
Steve was almost to the sofa when that brought him up short. He frowned at her a moment before his face cleared with understanding.
“Don’t say it...” she warned.
He pouted. “But I thought that’s what this was about; us both complaining about our lack of love lives and eating and drinking our feelings?”
Chrissy sighed. “I hate it when you use puppy dog eyes. It’s too fucking effective.”
Steve grinned. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, baby...” he sung at her.
She giggled and raced him around the sofa to nab her favorite spot on the far left side.
“You cheated!” he squealed. He set the bottle on the coffee table and padded into the kitchen for a bottle opener and two wine glasses.
He popped the cork and poured their glasses. “Spoons!” he said as he was most of the way sat down.
He put the wine glasses on the table and dashed back to the kitchen Chrissy’s giggles fast on his heels. He grabbed the spoons and raced back.
“Tada!” he cheered.
Chrissy set the tub of ice cream between them and dug in.
“So Eddie Munson, huh?” she said around her spoon.
Steve took a large sip of his wine before he he told her about his night. “Like I knew he was hot before now. With Tommy and Dustin both being fans it was hard to not see the guy everywhere.”
“But he’s hotter in person?” Chrissy prompted.
Steve blushed and swirled his drink thoughtfully. “I guess. But he’s so sweet and funny and yeah it doesn’t hurt that his legs look like they could go on for miles in those tight leather pants. That his chest feels out the even tighter see through mesh top he was wearing...”
He buried his head in his hands. “I was lucky wearing scent suppressants is required for each job otherwise the whole fucking gala would have been able to smell my reaction to him.”
“Ooh...” Chrissy said. “I bet you got a little wet for him, too, didn’t you?”
Steve brought his knees up to his chest and scooted away from her.
“Oh my god!” she giggled. “You totally did. This strong, hot alpha made the Steve Harrington wet.”
“I take it back,” he huffed. “You can go away now.”
Chrissy slapped his knee. “I will not! It’s a little...” she pursed her lips trying to find the right word. “Spicy.”
Steve covered his face again. “Oh god.”
“Stevie!” she said gently pulling his hands away. “It’s not a bad thing. I know it’s hard when most of our job is about sex, but babydoll...the fact that you can still have that reaction to a hot alpha means you’re not dead inside, okay?”
Steve sighed. “But I made my client mad at me,” he whimpered.
Chrissy set down her wine glass and moved the ice cream to the table. She scooted as close to him as she could. “No you didn’t.”
He turned his head away from her, but she grabbed his cheeks and gently brought them around.
“You did nothing wrong,” she insisted. “I mean it. Eddie was the host and the two of you were only being friendly. Yeah, you got hot and bothered under the collar for this alpha, but it was up to the alpha you were with to decide how to behave and he chose to be territorial and rude. You aren’t his property. You aren’t anyone’s property, babe.”
Steve nodded. He let out a low breath. “The way Eddie smelled, Chrissy. I had never smelled any alpha like it before. It was warm and spicy in the Christmas way and not the spicy as in a burning mouthfeel way.”
She opened her mouth to reply when he suddenly shifted gears. “So tell me how long you’ve had a crush on my best friend.”
Chrissy went bright red. Scarlet even. “Like forever. Which is decidedly unhelpful. Like I know it’s impossible while she’s still your handler, because Starcourt would never let a handler date a former escort. But she’s so funny and sweet and smart...”
“That you just want to eat her all up?” Steve teased.
She swatted him playfully. “You’re just saying that to get back at me for the wet comment.”
He raised his eyebrows suggestively. She hit him again and he yelped in protest.
Steve picked up his glass and drained the rest of the liquid. He poured himself another glass and held out the bottle for Chrissy, but she shook her head.
“One glass is enough for me,” she muttered.
After a moment of swirling his wine Steve said, “Stay. After your contract is paid in full, Chrissy. Just stay. You love it, even if Robin Buckley was an option, you know you would be happier here than anywhere else. You shine as an escort, sweetie.”
Chrissy picked up her glass and downed the rest of her wine. “Fuck it. Yeah, I’m going to stay. I do love this job. It’s amazing.” She looked at the bottle a moment. “And what the hell, pour me another!”
Steve cheered and emptied the bottle into her glass. She laughed as it almost splashed over the top.
“To being Starcourt escorts for life!” he said as he raised his glass.
She clinked her glass against his. “Here, here!”
They gulped down their drinks and dug into the ice cream again, laughing and talking.
Steve smiled. Maybe tonight wasn’t the disaster he thought it was. He was so glad to have a friend like Chrissy.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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See you again
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(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC)
Summary: Your girlfriend surprises you with tickets to see your favorite band, Corroded Coffin for your birthday. You and her spent one magical night with the lead singer over a year ago before they made it big. Will he remember you? (He definitely will.)
Warnings: 18+MDNI M/F/F threesome, OC and reader are in an established queer relationship, spit kink, choking, Dom!OC, Switch!Eddie, Sub!reader, nipple play, unprotected sex, G/G, reader is described to be a bit more shy and has a few moments of self doubt, Oral (F & M receiving) and I think that’s it? If I missed any please let me know! WK: 6.2k
A/N: Okay this was based on a request by @melodymunson for a rockstar!eddie threesome, I know you said you wanted them to be besties but I kind of took some liberties and then it just got away from me and I made lore lol. Potentially might write a prequel about their first night together if anyone is interested in that! Also the top right photo is supposed to depict my OC. Reader has no descriptions besides the outfit she is wearing. Feedback is greatly appreciated!🖤 Read the prequel here.
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You eagerly waited in the line to the venue to see your favorite band. You have been a fan since they were still pretty underground, only playing in small bars for a few 100 people and haven’t gotten the chance to see them…see him since they got a record deal and made it big. The first time you saw them the lead singer and guitarist had you transfixed. You felt like a creep because you only knew his name since he said it on stage and yet you couldn’t stop thinking about him when you had your hand between your thighs at night. You went to several shows after that, never having the nerve to talk to him but always making lingering eye contact that you couldn’t tell if you were imaging or not.
Eventually you met your girlfriend Chloe at one of their shows and you and her immediately bonded over your mutual crush on the frontman. It didn’t take you long to realize you also had massive crushes on each other and the rest was history. You weren’t like Chloe, you never would have talked to her if she hadn’t approached you first. She was bold and confident and you were more shy and reserved despite the way you dressed insinuating otherwise. So when she told you at the last show you guys had gone to that she was going to just walk up to Eddie and ask him if he wanted to fool around with you guys you felt like you were going to pass out.
“Come on baby, we have talked about and fantasized about this so much. You might not want to believe it but I see the way he looks at us, I don’t think he would turn us down and even if he did that’s the worst that could happen.”
But he didn’t turn you down, his voice squeaked when he answered her and it made you feel a little better knowing he was nervous too. The three of you spent what was one of the best nights of your life together in the back of his van right outside the bar. Afterwards he told you over breakfast at a local diner that they had gotten signed very recently and would be moving out to California in the next week. You congratulated him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you parted ways and you haven’t seen him since.
So when Chloe surprised you with the tickets for your birthday, making a whole big thing of it, driving to the city and going shopping for new outfits. You were both equally nervous as you were excited. It’s not like there was even a guarantee he would see you or even recognize you but the possibility had you clenching your thighs thinking back to that night.
You made sure to get there early so when the doors opened you were able to rush to be directly up front against the bar. As people flooded in, you really looked around and realized how big the place truly was.
“This is crazy, I can’t believe how popular they are now. It was only a year ago when we saw them in that tiny bar in town.”
Chloe looked over at you and smiled “I know, it’s like they blew up over night! I’m excited to hear them play some of their new shit live!” She put her hands on your hips and got close to whisper in your ear.
“Plus… I don’t hate the idea of seeing Eddie again…”
You put your arms around her neck and bit your lip, looking into her pretty crystal blue eyes “I know, I don’t either”
You giggled, twisting some strands of her dyed cherry red hair at the back of her neck around your fingers before your face fell. “He probably won’t even see us though, even if he did, who knows if he would even recognize us at this point? I’ve heard his songs on the radio and seen his pictures in magazines. He's probably been with tons of girls since then.”
Little did you know Eddie had already noticed you. He was standing off to the side of the stage absentmindedly watching the local band that was opening for them tonight when saw you standing right in front with your girlfriend's arms wrapped around your shoulders. He felt his pants getting tighter just knowing he was in the same room as you. With the venues and crowds getting bigger and bigger he wasn’t sure he would ever see you again. But there you were looking pretty as ever in a tiny little leopard print top and a tight leather skirt with studded belts layered on it and he suddenly felt extremely nervous to go on stage for the first time in a while.
He thought about you as much as you thought about him. He thought about Chloe too, but he thought about you just a tiny bit more. He had seen you at his shows several times, way before he ever saw her. But he was always too nervous to talk to you. You truly intimidated him with your sexy little outfits, the way the black make-up was always perfectly smoked around your eyes making them pop, those glossy lips he wanted so badly to feel on his skin. You always came alone until one day you didn’t, you showed up with this gorgeous girl that was almost as tall as him, with cherry red hair and beautiful blue eyes that sparkled as she looked down at you. When he saw her wrap his arms around you and kiss you he was so disappointed he felt like his heart was going to fall out of his ass.
But then your girlfriend started making eye contact with him when he was on stage, looking him dead in the eyes as you swayed your hips against hers and she placed innocent seeming kisses on your neck when the look in her eyes was anything but. She would wink at him over your shoulder while she grabbed your ass and at that point he knew she was definitely teasing him. Even though he was pretty much positive that was the case, the small chance that it wasn’t was enough to deter him from approaching you in fear of coming off as a creep.
That night when you both walked up to him and pretty much straight up asked him if he wanted to fuck even with all of the crazy new experiences he’s had in the last year that was still the best night of his life. It played on a loop in his mind more often than he’d like to admit so the fact that you were standing there front and center at his show felt like the universe was blessing him and there was no way he was going to pass that up.
After the opening band finished there were people all over the stage, switching out instruments and equipment to get ready for CC to come on. The lights lowered and you felt butterflies in your tummy at the prospect of seeing Eddie again. When he came out you felt like you would’ve dropped to the ground if Chloe didn’t have her arms around you. He was always beautiful but now? He was otherworldly. If the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt and had added several tattoos to his chest since you saw him last wasn’t enough already he was wearing fucking leather pants that looked like they were painted on his body, a bit of eyeliner smudged around his eyes and his hair was styled to perfection.
As soon as he stood center stage, directly in front of you he made eye contact with you and smiled a big goofy smile at you. You felt like the butterflies in your stomach were going to explode. You looked back at Chloe with a flustered look on your face.
“You saw that.. right?” You gulped.
“Oh yeah, I saw that. I knew he would remember us, how could he forget? Especially you baby, you’re just so pretty.”
She smoothed some of your hair that was out of place and cupped your jaw. You leaned into her hand, she had this way of making you feel all fuzzy and warm with just her words and a simple touch and you felt your nerves calm slightly. It was short lived though, Eddie’s voice came through the speakers and flooded your senses.
“Hey everyone! You ready to fucking rock this bitch?!” As he played the first few chords of the first song everyone cheered, including you. As he played through the first songs of the set you were in absolute awe of him. You felt so proud of him, of all of them, seeing them in this environment. The way he worked the crowd, looking so natural up there, dominating the room with his presence. You couldn’t keep your eyes off him, bouncing between the way his fingers were working the guitar to the way his lips looked when he sang, wet with a mixture of spit and sweat. It made you think about how his hands and mouth felt in other places.
It didn’t help that he couldn’t keep his eyes off you either. He kept making eye contact with you and winking, standing directly in front of you with those fucking leather pants that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. His cock looked so big you literally wanted to pull his pants down right there and suck him off in front of everyone.
“He looks so fucking hot” Chloe whispered in your ear while leaving a few warm wet kisses along your pulse point causing you to subconsciously lean your head back on her shoulder grinding back against her and letting out a little whimper.
“Yeah…” you sighed “He fucking does” you looked back up at him and he was looking directly at you with a lust filled gaze as he sang. Chloe was still kissing your neck and knowing her she was staring back at him with the same intensity.
She was whispering dirty things in your ear while her hands roamed your body, leaving small wet kisses on your cheek and jaw. Eddie was up there, unable to take his eyes off the two of you, thrusting into his guitar and practically making out with the microphone. All through the show they continued their back and forth teasing, with you caught in the middle of it, just trying to stay standing upright at this point.
After the current song ended he bent down to whisper to one of the security guards, you watched him tilt his head towards you, and he sent you a wink before standing back at the center of the stage.
“Alright guys, this is gonna be our last song of the night!! You guys have been so awesome, thank you for coming out!!”
Halfway through the song the security guard Eddie whispered to approached you. “He wants to see you backstage.”
He opened the gate just enough for you both to slip through it. You heard a few girls making jealous comments and throwing insults your way but you genuinely couldn't care less at this moment.
You followed the guard backstage, with Chloe behind you as they finished up their final song. You stood off to the side as he thanked everyone and wished them a good night when he noticed you. He immediately started walking towards you, time felt like it was going in slow motion and your head was spinning the closer he got.
He walked right up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders and beaming at you.
“Hi princess” He pulled you into his arms and enveloped you in everything Eddie. His sweaty bare chest was pressed up against your cheek and he smelled so fucking good. Like sweat, cigarettes, a hint of weed, and a cologne that smells more expensive than the one he wore last time you saw him.
“Hi Eddie” you wrapped your arms around his waist and sighed, slightly muffled by the way your face was shoved into him. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders and locking you close to him, he rests his chin on your head so he can look past you at Chloe.
“Hey pretty boy” you heard her say as you felt her come up behind you and reach past you to run a finger along Eddie’s jaw before cupping it in her hand. “Did you miss us?”
He bit his lip and nodded, but Chloe wasn’t having any of that. She shoved her hand into his hair and pulled hard, causing him to let out a sexy groan that made you have to hold back a whimper of your own.
“Words babe, I wanna hear you say it” The way she was talking to him had you already feeling fuzzy and you knew it wasn’t going to take much for you to be in that fucked out headspace she always puts you in.
“Y-yeah I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you after last time… we didn’t exchange numbers or anything so when I saw you two standing out there I thought I was dreaming again.”
“Again?” She cocked her eyebrow at him “Have you been dreaming of us honey?” She was fully pressed up against your backside now, with Eddie still caging you in from the front.
“Fuck yes I have” He groaned “How could I not?” He tilted his head so he was looking down at you “You’re the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen…”
You looked up at him through your lashes and brought your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling a lot less nervous now that you know he’s been thinking of you.
You got up on your tiptoes so you could whisper directly in his ear.
“We want you Eddie… take us to your dressing room, please?” You flicked your tongue out and licked behind his ear, sucking a little while you rubbed your hands down his chest.
“Fuck. You guys are going to kill me. I’ll do you one better though, take you to my way too fancy for me to comprehend hotel room and fuck you on the big king sized bed… All. Night. Long.” His hand came up to the nape of your neck and squeezed, this time you couldn’t hold it back, you let out a little whimper.
“Oh yeah? All night pretty boy? You think you can keep up with us?” She grabbed his chin, squishing his cheeks together and shaking his head from side to side a little. Seeing the way Eddie submitted to her was driving you insane, thinking back to how dominant he was with YOU it was so sexy how easily she could turn him into putty in her hands.
She brought her lips back to your neck, kissing and licking while she looked over you into Eddie’s eyes in that way that drove him absolutely crazy.
“Fuck. Alright. Let’s fucking go before I lose my mind start fucking you right here.” He let go of you and you immediately missed his embrace, but he grabbed your hand, dragging toward the back exit and to the car he had waiting, pulling Chloe along behind you. 
The short drive to his hotel was a blur, you were sandwiched between them in the backseat, two sets of hands and lips roaming your body. They were grabbing at your chest, your thighs, kissing and licking on your neck leaving marks and love bites, you were completely at their mercy. When the car started coming to a stop you all practically jumped out, giggling and smiling at each other as you started running hand in hand towards his room.
As soon as the door was shut Eddie was on you, he grabbed your face in his big hands and ran his thumbs over your cheeks, his rings were cool and it felt nice on your heated skin “You are so beautiful.” He smiled down at you and then kissed you way more gently than he had in the car, he kissed you like you meant something to him and it was confusing and a little scary but it made your insides feel like they were on fire.
“Okay I get it, you guys are obsessed with each other and that’s very cute and all but I want you both on your fucking knees. Now.” Chloe was standing a few feet away from you, with her hands on her hips and a fire in her eyes that went straight to your core. You kicked off your boots and slid down to your knees without hesitation. It took Eddie’s brain a second to compute not only that this was actually happening right now but how hot your dynamic was. The way you immediately submitted to your girlfriend made his cock even harder than it already was and he wasn’t even sure how that was possible at this point.
He stood there dumbfounded for a second before she walked over to him and grabbed his jaw in her hand, pulling his face close to hers. “I told you to Get. On. Your. Fucking. Knees.”
He stared at her with wide brown eyes before kneeling down next to you.
“Good. You gonna be a good boy for me? I’ll only let you touch my girl if you’re good.” She was bent down to look him directly in the eyes, seeming even taller than she already was and he kind of felt like he was going to bust in his pants right now.
“Yes, I’ll be good. Promise.” He was looking up at her with those pretty doe eyes, driving her crazy.
“Good boy.” She ran her thumb over his bottom lip and he lapped his tongue over it before taking it into his mouth. “Very good boy.”
You squirmed in place, shoving your hands between your legs and squeezing as you watched them. You were honestly so horny at this point you needed one of them to touch you before you exploded. The way Chloe was talking to him was so fucking hot.
“Mmm and we have my good girl too” she said as she looked over at you. “Are you gonna be a good girl for me and Eddie tonight honey?”
“Yes I wanna be good” you bit your lip and nodded eagerly.
“Good. You can start by getting those hands from between your thighs, I didn’t give you permission to do that.” You stuttered out an apology and rested your hands on your lap.
“I’ll let it slide just this once, because my baby is just so eager huh? Want us both to fuck you so bad don’t you?”
“Yes, I want it so bad, been wanting it so bad. I need it.”
“Look how pretty you both look on your knees for me.” She brought a hand to each of your throats and applied just the right amount of pressure. “Take each other's clothes off.”
She didn’t have to tell Eddie twice he practically ripped off the leather jacket he put on in the car and then turned to you and undid the tie at the front of your top.
“Fuck, no bra sweetheart? Are you trying to kill me?”
You bit your lip and nodded “I was hoping that maaaaybe we might see you, I didn’t see any point in wearing it if you were just going to take it off.”
He groaned as he pushed your shirt off your shoulders before leaning in to kiss your neck, making his way down to your chest. But before he can get very far he’s yanked back abruptly by hair.
Chloe towered over him, blue eyes boring down into his.
“I said to undress her, I didn’t give you permission to kiss her, did I?” She gave his hair another tug, causing him to let out a pornographic sounding moan.
“Naughty boy. Open.” He obeyed immediately, sticking out his tongue and looking up at her through his lashes. She let some drool slide off her tongue and onto his and he swallowed without hesitation.
“Now stop being a brat and take her clothes off like I fucking told you to. You can play with her when I say you can.”
“Shit, fuck, yeah okay.” Eddie felt like he died and went to heaven and even more so when his eyes wandered back to you. Your bare chest rising up and down with every breath you take, leaning back on your hands and stretching your legs out in front of you, you bend your knees slightly so he could see up your skirt. There was a little wet patch on your red lace thong and he wanted nothing more than to just bury his face there. You could see the look in his eyes shift then, the entire night he’s looked at you in awe but now he’s looking at you like he wants to destroy you and you want nothing more.
He leans forward, not taking his eyes off yours and starts unbuckling the belts layered on top of your skirt. He’s doing it slowly, like he’s playing with you already despite Chloe’s protests. When the final belt comes off he pulls down the zipper on your skirt before taking it off entirely, leaving you in just your thong.
“God damn baby, look at you.” He smirked at you, running his hands down your calves, the touch sending electric shockwaves up your legs and straight to your pussy. He brought his hands all the way up your legs before looping his fingers in the band of your underwear and pulling them down your ankles.
“Fuck. Look at that pretty pussy, I can see how wet you are from here.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. “Your turn, lean back.”
He assumes your previous position, legs outstretched, weight supported on the palms of his hands as he leans back. You don’t waste any time leaning forward and undoing his belt before hastily undoing his pants and pulling them down his legs. You could see the outline of his cock in his boxers, leaving nothing to the imagination. Long and thick and so fucking hard, a little wet patch forming on the gray fabric. Your mouth watered at the sight. You ran your hands down his chest to his hips before pulling his boxers off. His dick bouncing out and landing on his stomach.
“Fuck. God.” You groaned. “I want you in my mouth so bad.” You looked over to Chloe with pleading eyes, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked, legs spread.
“You wanna suck him off baby? How about this, since you’ve been such a good obedient little girl for me tonight you can suck his dick while I eat your pussy. How’s that sound?”
“Yes. Please.” You whimpered, she knew exactly how that sounded to you, fucking amazing.
“Okay baby girl, get on the bed, hands and knees.”
You stood immediately, walking over to the bed and getting into the position she asked. You faced them with your back arched so your ass was in the air and stuck your tongue out. A little bit of drool dripping onto the bed. Like a toy, waiting and ready to be played with. Eddie was the first to approach you, cupping your face in his hand gently before grabbing your chin roughly between his pointer finger and thumb and squishing your lips together.
“Look at you, such a good girl, you just want us to treat you like a little fuck doll, huh?” Your eyes rolled back and you moaned, this is what you fucking wanted.
“Yes, please please.” You weren’t above begging at this point. The tension has been building since you saw him on stage and you can’t take much more of them not touching you in some capacity.
“No need to beg doll, I’m gonna give you exactly what you want.” He let go of your chin and held his palm out in front of your mouth. “Spit.”
You grab his hand in both of yours, looking him straight in the eyes as you lick across his palm before spitting on it. He groans, bringing his hand to his cock and stroking it a few times. You felt the bed dip behind you, familiar hands running along your ass before placing a rough smack there causing you to yelp. You looked over your shoulder to see your girlfriend sucking her fingers into her mouth. Her tits on full display, big and full with the prettiest pink nipples you loved to suck.
She brought the fingers in her mouth to your dripping folds, running them up and down your slit. You sighed in relief at the feeling of finally being touched. She inserted two fingers deep into you while making eye contact with you in that way she did that made you feel like you were going to melt. You felt a large hand grab onto your hair, pulling it to turn your head. Eddie was looking down at you with equal intensity, still lazily stroking his cock.
“Eyes on me baby. Stick your tongue out.”
You stuck your tongue out and he slapped his cock against it a few times, but it wasn’t enough, you were tired of the teasing so you took matters into your own hands and wrapped your lips around his head. You swirl your tongue around it a few times before taking as much as him as you could down your throat.
“Holy fuck! O-oh my god, your mouth is so fucking good.” He grabbed onto your hair and tugged, looking down at you with hungry eyes as you began to bob your head up and down on his cock. Chloe continued to move her fingers in and out of you, bringing her thumb to your clit causing you to moan around Eddie.
She suddenly removed her fingers and you whined in protest but you didn’t have to feel the loss of her touch for long because suddenly her tongue was licking a stripe from your hole to your clit before circling it with her tongue and sucking it into her mouth. You pulled off Eddie’s cock to moan loudly at the feeling.
You looked back at her for a moment, she was on her back, one arm wrapped around your thigh, her other arm is out of sight but you can tell by the way it’s moving that she’s touching herself. Fucking god, they’re going to be the death of you.
You turned back to the naked metal head standing over you and looked up at him through your lashes. “Fuck my mouth Eddie, use me.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He mumbled before grabbing back onto your hair, shoving his cock all the way down your throat. He pulled back almost all the way then repeated the action before he started thrusting in and out of your mouth, using your throat just like you asked.
Chloe was still devouring you from behind, circling two fingers around your hole before inserting them, curling them and hitting that perfect spongy spot inside you. Between that and the way Eddie was looking at you while he abused your throat you felt yourself getting close already.
“You gonna cum already baby?” She mumbled against your pussy. “I can feel you tightening around my fingers.”
“You’re already gonna cum? You like us using you like this huh? Getting your pussy eaten while I abuse this little throat of yours.” Eddie started thrusting faster and Chloe sucked harder on your clit and that’s all it took. His words and the feeling of them all over you sent you over the edge. Rubbing back against Chloe’s mouth and moaning loudly around Eddie’s cock you felt white hot pleasure run through your entire body.
He releases his grip on your hair, letting his cock slip out of your mouth while Chloe kisses up your spine before flipping you over onto your back, straddling you and kissing you roughly. She tasted like you, the cinnamon gum she always chews, and you could slightly taste the strawberry chapstick she put on earlier that night. It was intoxicating. She lifted one of your legs and sat between them so she could rub her pussy against yours. She started slowly grinding on you but quickly picked up the pace, humping against you hard and fast. Both of your tits bounced with each thrust and you reached up to grab onto hers, squeezing her nipples between your fingers. The room was filled with the sound of your moans and the slick noises of you rubbing against each other.
“God damn, you guys are so fucking sexy.” You tilt your head to look over at Eddie, he’s standing there naked and tattooed, his dick hard and throbbing while he strokes it.
“Get over here pretty boy, come fuck our girl while I sit on her face” our girl, you liked the sound of that.
She rolled off of you and pulled your head into her naked lap, reaching down to take both your tits in her hands before roughly pinching your nipples.
Eddie came over and got on the bed between your legs, looking down at you like prey. “I’m going to fucking destroy this pussy princess.”
He leaned down and kissed you rough and hard before sitting up and grabbing his cock to position it at your entrance. The stretch of him pushing inside you was delicious, he thrust in and out a few times before pushing himself all the way in, his hips against yours and his balls touching your ass.
“God damn you are so fucking tight.” He started fucking into you hard and fast, unable to pace himself. “You feel s-so fucking good, being such a good girl for us.”
Chloe positions herself so her legs are on either side of your head and her pussy is directly above your mouth and you take the hint right away. Grabbing onto her thighs to pull her to your mouth and licking a stripe up her pussy before shoving your tongue inside her, fucking her with it.
“Mmm fuck baby, your mouth always feels so good.” She moaned as you wrapped your lips around her clit. Leaning forward she resumed playing with your boobs, tweaking and pinching your nipples, landing a slap on them here in there causing you to yelp and moan into her each time. She started riding your face, and you let her decide the pace, just holding onto her thighs while you let her use your tongue.
Eddie brought his thumb to your clit and started rubbing circles on it while he continued to pound into you, letting out moans that you wanted to record and listen to over and over again like your favorite song. You felt him lean forward and you couldn’t see but you could hear them making out above you. Chloe’s pace picked up and so did Eddie’s. The circles on your clit got faster and you could hear them moaning against each other's mouths. You were close. So so close.
“Oh god baby, I’m gonna need you to come soon because I’m not going to last much longer between how tight you’re squeezing me and the view I’m looking at I’m going to fucking explode any second.” He grabbed your legs and held onto them by your thighs so he could change his rhythm and hit the exact right spot that had you seeing stars. You writhed underneath them both, moaning and meeting Eddie’s thrusts best you could with your limited movement. Seconds later you felt him spilling inside of you just as Chloe’s movements in your tongue increased in speed. You leaned up slightly to wrap your lips around her clit, sending her over the edge. She moaned loudly, throwing her head back, as she continued to rub against your mouth while she rode out her high.
Eddie was completely fucked out, he pulled out of you and watched his cum drip out of your pussy down your ass and when he looked up he felt like he was about to get hard again already. Chloe was riding your face, her head thrown back, hand in her hair, skin flushed. She looked absolutely mesmerizing.
Once she came down scooted off your face to come lay down beside you. “Fuck. That was so hot.” She was panting as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders and placed a kiss on your cheek. “You are such a good girl.”
Eddie came and laid on the opposite side of you and wrapped his arm around your waist nuzzling his face into your neck. “The best girl.” He said.
You sighed in content and giggled at the praise.
“Happy Birthday, sweet girl.” Chloe leaned over and kissed you softly.
Eddie sat up abruptly next to you. “WHAT!? It’s your birthday!? Why didn’t you tell me!? We could’ve done something to celebrate!”
You looked over at the clock, it read 2:37AM “I mean it’s not my birthday anymore, and I’m pretty sure we just celebrated, several times.” You laughed.
“Okay technically we kinda celebrated. But you know that’s not what I meant, I meant actual birthday stuff. Like cake and singing happy birthday and all that. You deserve that.” He pouted.
“Eddie! It’s fine, this is all I wanted. Chloe surprised me with this trip and this is more than I could’ve ever asked for on my birthday.” You smiled at him and ran a reassuring hand down his arm. “Plus you didn’t even know it was my birthday, how could you? Don’t feel bad silly.”
“Okay well still!! I want to do something for you. This is the last stop on tour and we are playing two more shows here in town. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow.” He put his hand over yours, smiling hopefully at you.
“Eddie… I- We-“ you struggled to find what to say.
“Eddie, baby, we would love that. But, we spent all of our cash on this trip and we only have money for gas and food on the way home. We weren’t even going to stay tonight since we couldn’t afford a hotel and you so graciously let us stay here. But we really can’t afford to stay here another night. I’m sorry.” Chloe spoke up for you, not in a controlling way, she just knows sometimes you have a hard time telling people no. Especially when you don’t want to.
“No, I mean stay here with me in my hotel. We can do whatever you want tomorrow, and then I’ll take you out to a nice fancy dinner.” Fuck, did he really want that? It honestly sounded amazing, but you didn’t even have extra clothes. There was no way you were going to go to a nice dinner with a newly famous rockstar in the clothes you wore all night.
“Eddie I’d really love that, and it’s so sweet that you want to do that for me but we don’t have extra clothes, and I’d feel bad just imposing on your space and having you spend your money on us.” It hurts you to say no to him, you can see his face fall a bit before it lights back up in a smile.
“Sweetheart, listen… I have so much money now I don’t know what to do with it. I’ll take you guys shopping, you can get clothes for the next few days and something pretty to wear to dinner. Pleeeeease??” He sticks his lip out and puts his hands together like a kid on Halloween begging for one more piece of candy.
“That sounds fucking amazing honestly, I’m in. Let him do this for you baby, he wants to and you deserve it.” Chloe looked over at you both with a Cheshire Cat smile before placing a kiss on your forehead. “I know it’s hard for you to let people do things for you, but if you can’t do it for you, do it for me? Because I really fucking want the rockstar Eddie treatment for a day.”
She wasn’t wrong, he’s practically begging to spoil you, it wouldn’t hurt to let him, would it?
“Fuck it. Okay. You can take us shopping and to dinner but I’m going to suck your dick so good and fuck your brains out after. As a thank you.”
His dick twitched at the thought. “Fuck princess, you can’t talk like that you’re going fo get me going again.”
“Who said I wasn’t trying to do exactly that?” You bit your lip and moved your hand to palm his now semi hard cock.
“Yeah? You wanna go again?” He looked like he just won the lottery.
“Hell yeah we do pretty boy, I specifically remember you saying something about ‘fucking us all night long’” Chloe was climbing over you, straddling your lap as she reached out to grab Eddie’s throat. “Did you not?”
“Fuck yeah I did.” He grabbed her face and pulled her into a rough kiss.
Yeah, this was definitely the best birthday of your life, the best day of your life in general honestly and tomorrow was probably going to be even better.
Tagging the bbs who seemed like they wanted to read this: @eddiemunson95 @rip-quizilla @the-unforgivenn 🤭🖤
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grimesgirlyxoxo · 2 months
You belong to me
Jealous negan x f!reader
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Summary: From the moment you arrived to the sanctuary, Negan couldn't take his eyes of you, he wanted you all for himself but your shitty boyfriend was in his way.
Notes: age gap, season 7-8 negan, cursing, gore, no smutt for now probably in part if yall want, sorry for the grammar it sucks i know, English isn't first language.
P.S.: if you are a male or a genter neutral person comment if you want a story involving your pronouns. And also its my first fanfic :)
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You and your boyfriend of five years were hunting for food in the middle of the forest. You hadn't eaten for a whole two days, just some nuts and water from the river. It was getting harder and harder for you, each day passing with a new challenge.
He was mad at you for no reason, like it was you, the reason the apocalypse started. You tried to comfort him as usual but he was getting colder than the last time you tried.
"Hey" you tried to grab his shoulder, you were walking behind him. Now you felt his grip around your wrist throwing out aggressively from his shoulder.
"Don't fucking touch me." He said shouting at you, his eyes in the path. He was too ashamed to look at you.
"Why are you acting so weird? This isn't you anymore. When this damn apocalypse started you distant your self from me. You haven't touched me for months, you haven't kissed me , hugged me anything. Just tell me what's wrong?" Your both hands were crossed. You stopped waiting for an answer.
"You are the problem. You are bad luck. You are the reason my parents are dead. I should've saved them first and leaving you behind. But you wanted to be my priority." He got closer to you, his hands point at you like you were the problem for everything.
"I didn't say you shouldn't save them first, I knew how to defend my self and your car had plenty of space for all of us. You could've wait or something" you said, feeling proud of yourself.
After these words came out of your mouth he didn't talk to you, he didn't even look at you. He was too embarrassed or angry, who knows.
All of those where true. The day of the downfall, sirens were beeping like a crazy maniac dude. The dead infested Mike's(bf) childhood home, located in Virginia, the place we were staying for holidays.
Mike when he saw the dead bodies walking around, eating whatever they could find outside, every human, no matter skin, gender or how they look, he panicked. His mind blurry, he saw me in the end of the hallway and grabbed my hand to get quickly to the car. As we went downstairs we could hear his parents shouting in pain. Walkers bit them. They were everywhere in the house, he heard their screams but choose not to save them...
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The sun was setting slowly, leaving behind a beautiful pink colour in the sky. You looked up, your mind wondering off, nostalgic memories spinning around. The family table filled with goodies after the church and the afternoon sitting around eating lunch, every Saturday day you and your girlfriends going to a shitty club ,your annoying boss and the moldy kitchen maybe not your job but you preferred spending your time there than finding somewhere to sleep.
One particular moment lived in your head forever, how you met him, every time he was mean to you you would remember the first time you saw him. It was love at first sight in a concert of your favourite, (your band choice), loud music was fading out in the moment, everything went slow surprisingly, feeling the lights on you and him, hopping he felt the same.
Your thoughts were so strong that your hearing faded, your eyes focused in the sky and your feet couldn't feel the ground, it felt walking in the clouds.
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You lost your balance suddenly, falling in your butt, your back was in pain so is your leg but way worst. Your leg was trapped in a rusty bear trap. You shouted your boyfriend to help you out, trying to focus your eyes on him through your tears.
"Whya re you just standing there?! Help me!" You said loudly.
His gaze wasn't on you but behind you, you recognized a familiar sound, it was the dead. Since they rised from the ground, your peace was lost.
Some excuses were mumbled from his mouth, leaving you behind running. That's it... Your fate was accepted. Your life would disappear slowly each bite they took.
Closing your eyes and thinking your loved ones, if you would find some of them in the afterlife. Crying and whimpering from the pain, you heard several gun shots, a group of five men were behind you killing the dead.
"Someone help her! Take her to the sanctuary" a bald man said firing the gun.
Someone rushed removing the trap from your leg and carrying into his arms. You were in and out of consciousness. Battling with the urge to close your eyes but failing.
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"Goodmorning sleepyhead" the first words you heard as soon you woke up. Your eyes slowly scanned the white, hospital looking room. Your head turning slowly to the man's voice.
You felt his mysterious aura. Something about this man attracted you. It grew an unusual interest on him. You wanted to know him better. Your eyes met his, you couldn't take your eyes off his, dark brown like wood, like the coffee you drank every morning at six to keep you at work.
All black outfit, but his leather jacket popped out more. Strange things about him. He was sitting in a chair, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire was resting to his shoulder, you could see blood stains on it, damn.
"I- where am i?" You asked confused looking around
"Home" he said smiling, laying back to his chair spreading his legs a little.
"The... There was a man with me. What happened? Is he dead?" You asked suspiciously. You kinda hoped he died after what he did to you but some part of you want him alive.
"Is he your boyfriend? Husband? Brother?" Before he says more possibilities you cut him off and answer "boyfriend. of five years". His eyes looked down and later up raising his eyebrows slightly.
"And he hasn't put a ring on you yet?" He was suspicious
"He isn't ready.. he wasn't , I better say"
"Bullshit" he lets out a scoff while getting up. "Living here is simple. You work of me and i guarantee food and protection do you understand? We live here by the rules. You break one ,you have to be punished by me. Anything you make, anything you do , any move you do it belongs to me. You belong to me" he said pointing his finger at you. "Do you understand?"
You nodded in response, you looked down to your hands, he was demanding, he wanted everything, everything belonged to him even you, something you found ridiculous even you didn't claim to belong only to your boyfriend but the opposite, you claimed him.
"Good girl, I love when people listen to me" he said pointing lucille to your direction. "Get up, lets see, can you walk?" He asked putting down lucille.
"I don't thing so" you responded, your tone a little cold.
It felt like it had been ages since you moved your body. Slowly your body rested on a wooden table leaving the touch slowly and quietly. When you think you could walk with no problem, you lost your balance in result of falling in the wood floor.
A weird sensation was around your waist, it was his arm grabbing you and making sure you won't drop down. He was quite strong for his age leaving you a surprised look.
He pulled you back, still his hand there.
Without a warning, his face was closed to yours when you turned to look at him. Your lips almost touching. You noticed his eyes, making it hard to not look away. A smile curled up on his lips driving you crazy and nervous. He noticed you blushing growing ths smile on his lips.
"Do I make you nervous darling?" He said, his voice deeper than usual, melting your insides. Your legs too weak to respond to the ground, trembling. You were shaking, how did he do that. Every minute he looked more handsome and charming than the last glance.
*No no no I have a boyfriend that I love dearly and wouldn't look romantically another man*
"Fuck.." you let a sigh. "My leg still hurts"
"Rest for now. Untill then I will find something you will be useful at" he said putting you down to the bed and left slowly, gazing upon you one last time before closing the door.
From then on his obsession with you was born. His mind full of you , nothing else. Making it hard to focus on everything he does. He wanted you for himself. He had to get rid off your stupid boyfriend but how.
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Author note: Hey sorry if this chapter was small but I wanted to see if people were interested more. Let me know guys!!!
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topguncortez · 1 year
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Forth Times a Charm | Jake & Y/N Seresin
Jake & Shy Wifey Masterlist | Opposites Attract Masterlist
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synopsis: The three times Jake asked Y/N out, and the one time he didn't. AKA, the story of how Jake met Y/N
word count: 5.4k
warnings: cursing, mentions of past abuse, Jake gets his heart broken a couple times
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— — — — — — — — —
The First time: The Bar.
The bar was packed for a Friday night. It was most of the young pilots' first night in Miramar and they wanted to celebrate before Monday rolled around. Jake had heard about the legendary Hard Deck from some of the pilots he worked with Lemoore, but it was better in person than they could ever describe. He walked through the doors and his chest immediately swelled with pride and confidence. His whole career he had dreamed of being here in North Island and getting a shot at winning that first place trophy and becoming a part of a legendary band of brothers: TopGun Graduates. 
“Whew! You smell that Bagman!?” Jake’s friend Javy said, clapping both hands down on Jake’s shoulders, “Smells like jet fuel and first place to me!” 
“In your dreams, Machado,” Jake smirked and the two of them ventured into the bar. 
Automatically, Jake got stares and flirty glances from the women in the bar. He plastered his megawatt smile on his face as he walked over to the bar top. He knew he was handsome; perfect blonde hair, green eyes, and a chiseled jaw. The khaki uniform on his body only added to the appeal and made the muscles in his arms bulge just a bit more. Jake leaned against the bar, waiting patiently for the dark-haired female bartender to come around and take his order. 
The bar was loud, a bit too loud for her liking. The only reason she even agreed to come out to the bar on a Friday night was because it was her friend Megan’s bachelorette party. But Y/N could think of a thousand other things she’d rather be doing than leaning against a sticky bar top waiting for the bartender. She gripped her ID tightly in her hand, knowing she was going to be asked for it. It helped hide how badly her hands were shaking. This was not her speed at all. 
“What can I get you?” The bartender asked and Y/N lifted her eyes up from the dried water ring on the bar. 
“Oh uh. . . A Shirley temple please,” Y/N blushed and the bartender nodded, quickly making the mocktail, “Thank you,” Y/N said and went to hand the card to the bartender but the woman shook her head. 
“I know your mother,” The woman said, “On the house.” 
Y/N nodded and took the drink in her hand and made her way back to the table of her friends. She stopped in her tracks noticing the group of khaki-clad men all around them. Now this was one of the things Y/N had been preparing herself to deal with. She knew that there was a new class of pilots coming in, her dad had been busy preparing all week for it. She knew most of them were harmless and would back off when she said her last name, but some were just too pesky and annoying to even take the hint. 
“Oh, there she is!” Her friend Ashley shouted as she walked over to the table and set her drink down, “This is Y/N, she’s single, fellas.” 
“Thanks,” Y/N muttered as she sat down on the stool, “Hi,” She gave a small wave and blushed. 
Jake’s eyes scanned the pool table, mentally figuring out the best chance for his next shot. He had made friends with a few of his classmates already; a fellow cowboy named Cerberus and his WSO Beuter. Beuter was very talkative, already talking about how he had been studying the manual for the F/A-18, and Jake could tell that Cerberus wanted to punch his WSO in the jaw. Jake was happy that he didn’t have a backseater anymore for that very same reason. WSOs were smart but lacked all social skills. 
“Hey, table of babes at nine o’clock,” Javy said, nodding to a table full of women that were being hit on by some pilots, “Damn, look at that blonde.” 
Jake made his shot and then looked up at the area Javy pointed out. There was a beautiful blonde sitting at the table talking to a pilot named Yale, whom Jake went to flight school with. She had gorgeous blue eyes and a tan that made her look like she was kissed by the sun god himself. She had high cheekbones and a gorgeous smile. Jake looked at his friend, who looked like he could start drooling over the girl. 
“Rock, paper, scissors,” Jake said, holding his fist out and Javy looked at him. The pilot glanced back towards the woman and then at his friend, before holding his fist up. 
“Rock, paper scissors!” They both said at the same time, hitting their fists against their palms. 
“Dammit!” Javy exclaimed as Jake’s paper covered his rock, “Asshole.” 
“Find a new dorm to sleep in tonight,” Jake smirked and shoved the pool stick into Javy’s hands. Javy grumbled as Jake ran a hand through his hair and walked over to the table. He was practicing what he was going to say to the blonde in his head, all prepared to tap her on the shoulder and drop some stupid line. But all that went out the window when he saw her. 
His mind went blank, and it was like everyone in the bar disappeared except for her. He stood frozen in his spot as he watched her climb off her stool and walk towards the bar. No one at her table seemed to notice her slip away, but Jake did. He watched her sit at the bar, letting out a sigh and leaning her chin on her hand. Penny, the bartender, walked over to her and placed a red drink in front of her, and Jake snapped out of his daze. He shook his head and made a beeline toward the girl at the bar, completely forgetting about the blonde. 
“What the fuck?” Javy mumbled watching his friend push through the crowd. 
Y/N thanked Penny as she set another Shirley Temple down in front of her. Her fingers found the straw and stirred the red drink around in the glass, letting out a sigh. She was feeling overwhelmed at her table with all the pilots around. Megan had ordered a round of shots and they all started getting rowdy. Y/N knew she was going to have to drive them all home later, and drunk people made her anxious. She didn’t want to go too far away in case they needed her, but she needed to take a breather. 
“Darlin, I can’t help but notice,” A voice said from beside her. Y/N turned her head and noticed a blonde pilot standing next to her. He had the greenest eyes she had ever seen like echeveria plants, “That I don’t think you have my number?” 
Her eyebrows furrowed and she took a quick glance over her shoulder before looking back at the pilot. His name tag on his chest read ‘Seresin’. 
“Are you talking to me?” Y/N asked quietly, not trying to embarrass the pilot in case he got the wrong person.
“Sure am, sweetheart,” He smiled. Gosh, his smile was so bright, she thought. 
“Are you lost?” Y/N asked again and Jake chuckled. 
“No, sweetheart, I am certainly not lost,” Jake said and sat down on the barstool next to her, “I’m Hangman, but you can call me ‘your man’.” 
She let out a giggle and covered her mouth with her hand at his pickup line, “I’m Y/N.” 
“A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Her blush was beautiful as she tried to hide the pink that was arising on her cheeks, “What brings you here, tonight?” 
“My friend,” Y/N pointed to the table, “Megan is getting married next weekend.” 
Jake’s eyebrows scrunched at the sight of the girl. She looked hardly old enough to drink, let alone get married. He turned back towards Y/N, “How old are you?” 
“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to ask a woman her age,” Y/N quipped, “But I’m twenty-one. And you?” 
“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to ask a man his age,” Jake fired back and Y/N blushed again, “Twenty-three, soon to be twenty-four. So tell me, sweetheart, what brings you to North Island?” 
The two of them lost track of how long they sat at the bar, getting to know one another. Y/N didn’t say a whole lot, but sat and listened intently to Jake talk about himself. He talked about growing up in Texas, winning prom king (which he didn’t think he’d get), getting to the academy, flight school, and the mission that solidified his chance to get to TopGun. He also talked about what kinds of music he likes, how chili has no beans in it, and that the Astros were going to sweep the world series. 
“I feel like I’ve been talking this whole time,” Jake said as he took a sip of his lemonade. He hadn’t had a sip of alcohol since Y/N said she doesn’t drink. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Y/N said and set her water down, “I’m just not as interesting as you.” 
Jake scoffed, “I bet you are plenty interesting. What do you like to do for fun?” 
Y/N sucked in a breath, “Well, I like to garden. I have this huge garden at my parents’ house, with both flowers and vegetables. My mom and I sell the vegetables at the farmer’s market on the weekend.” 
“That’s really cool, Y/N,” Jake said and placed his hand on top of hers, “Hey, this might seem a bit forward but. . . Can I take you out sometime?” 
Y/N’s eyes widened and she looked at Jake. Every part of her body was screaming “yes” but a small voice in the back of her head told her “no”. Her father had warned her about the pilots that came into the Hard Deck, they had one thing on their mind, and that was to release some steam. Y/N slowly retracted her hand from Jake’s and he frowned. God, she had known him all of about three hours and hated to see a frown on his beautiful face. She held her hands in her lap and smiled shyly at Jake. 
“I’m not sure that is a good idea, Hangman,” Y/N said and shook her head, “You’re here for school and should focus on that,” Jake wanted to interject but Y/N stood up from her chair and looked at her watch, “I should gather my friends. Thank you for the drink, here let me-” 
“No need to pay, sweetheart, I got it,” Jake said and Y/N nodded. 
“Well, have a goodnight Hangman, and good luck with everything,” Y/N said and gave him a small wave before walking over to where her friends were. 
Jake didn’t know much about a lot of things, but he did know that he was head over heels in love with Y/N Parker. 
— — — — — — — — —
The second time: The Farmers Market. 
Two weeks. Two entire weeks. 14 long days, Javy had to listen to Jake grumble about the shy girl at the bar. He loved his best friend like a brother, he truly did. Jake had been there for Coyote through thick and thin and was one of the only people that knew almost everything about him. But Javy could not stand Jake’s mopey behavior any longer, and he was starting to believe that neither could Cerberus and Beuter. 
It was Javy’s idea to go to the local farmers’ market. They had a small kitchenette in their shared dorm room, and he had become the main cook for all four men. He loved going to the farmer’s market back home in Georgia, finding all the unique recipes and fresh produce. Jake stood next to him, his hands in his pocket, and looked around at the busy crowd. Cerberus had ditched them and went to look for a little keepsake to send back home, while Beuter had found some artwork to look at. 
“It’s hot,” Jake complained and Javy looked over his shoulder, “I want to sleep.” 
Javy rolled his eyes, “So which one do you think would taste the best with a stirfry?” He asked the vendor, ignoring Jake’s whining. 
Jake didn’t want to be standing in the hot California sun while Javy looked at various homemade sauces. He wanted to be in his bed, enjoying his morning off and being in the air conditioning. His body ached from spending hours sitting in class and being in the air. It also didn’t help that his sleep schedule had been royally fucked since coming to TopGun. Even though he was an officer, they treated them like they were plebs all over again. But Jake knew that being the best of the best didn’t come with a fair and easy ride to the top. 
“I’ll take two of these, thanks,” Javy smiled at the vendor and handed him some cash for the two jars of sauce, “How about you go find something to send to your mom?” Javy said to Jake and the blonde glared at him, “Dude, it’s been two weeks and you haven’t seen her. She was probably just visiting the area, get over it. You missed your chance. There are a thousand other women in the-” 
“She’s here,” Jake said, cutting Javy off. 
“Buddy, take a hint she turned you-” 
“No,” Jake said, and grabbed Javy’s jaw, turning him to look across the blocked-off street to another vendor, “She’s right here.” 
“Well holy-” 
Jake didn’t stick around long enough to hear the next word out of Javy’s mouth as he made his way across the street and over to the small booth that she had set up. She had a wooden sign on the front of her table that read ‘Y/N’s Flowers’ and a wide array of flower arrangements as well as fresh vegetables, no doubt from the garden that she had told Jake about. He always imagined it was just a small garden, but by the sight of the flowers on the table, he clearly underestimated her. 
She looked gorgeous, wearing a pair of overalls with a black tank top underneath. Her hair was pushed back with a white bandanna, some strands falling to frame her beautiful face. She had a gentle smile on her face as she talked with some elderly woman who had a handful of tomatoes. Y/N looked the most comfortable that Jake had ever seen her. Sure she had somewhat grown comfortable in her conversation with Jake at the Hard Deck, but here, she looked totally calm. Totally at ease as she tilted her head back in laughter and thanked the woman for her purchase and turned to help the next customer in line. 
Just like the night at the Hard Deck, Jake was frozen in his spot. It wasn’t until he saw Beuter walk over to her, and lean his hand on the table, giving her a sleazy smirk and no doubt a pick-up line. Jake felt the odd feeling of jealousy course through his veins as he straightened his shoulders and walked over to the table. Her eyes danced from Beuter over to Jake, and he watched them light up. 
“Hey,” Jake smiled at her, and she nodded, “Can she help you Beuter or are you just here to be annoying?” 
Beuter scoffed, “I am here to look at these amazing cucumbers.” 
“Zucchini,” Jake corrected and Y/N glanced up at him with a shy smirk, “Cucumbers are bumpy, zucchini are smooth. Ain’t that right, sweets?” 
Y/N nodded, “He’s right. B-but we have cucumbers. There are some sliced ones on the other side with some homemade ranch from another stand.” 
“I’ll pass,” Beuter said shortly and walked away from the stand. 
Jake had to tell himself to not grab Beuter by the collar and make him apologize for putting a slight frown on Y/N’s face, but he also didn’t want Beuter hanging around for much longer. He watched her for a moment as she straightened up some of the flower arrangements and put out some more vegetables. 
“What can I help you with?” She asked and Jake blushed, being totally caught off guard. 
“I uh. . .” 
“Y/N,” an older woman who looked exactly like Y/N, walked up to them, “Why don’t you go take a break? Mr. Morris has those almond cookies you like, and someone said that there’s a new food vendor. You’re always trying something new.” 
“Mom, I need-” 
“Nonsense, I got it,” Her mom looked up at Jake with a smile, “Clara Parker, nice to meet you,” She held her hand out and Jake mentally slapped himself for not introducing himself earlier. 
“Jake Seresin, nice to meet you ma’am,” Jake nodded, “What do you say, Y/N?” 
Y/N looked up at Jake and shook her head, “I’m sorry, I can’t.” 
Clara let out a sigh as she watched her daughter walk away from the stand and go towards their truck parked in the lot. She looked back at the blonde boy in front of her, who had a dejected look on his face. She gave him a sad smile and picked up a bouquet of flowers. 
“She’s shy. Timid, like a dog who’s been kicked one too many times,” Clara said and adjusted the flowers in her hand a bit, and set them in a mason jar, “You seem like the type who has patience.” 
“I am, ma’am,” Jake said, “That’s the second time I’ve asked her out. I met her at the Hard Deck the other night.” 
“I’m aware,” Clara chuckled and placed a brown bow around the mason jar and tied it, “I know the owner. I also know when my daughter gets scared of her own mind.” Clara picked up the jar of flowers and looked it over, “Cowboy flowers,” She looked at Jake, “Sunflowers, orange roses, red carnations, and baby’s breath.” Clara handed Jake the arrangement and his jaw dropped. 
“Oh, I didn’t-” 
“I know. But my daughter’s love language is through her flowers,” Clara smiled, and Jake took the flowers from her hands, “I’ll tell her that you liked them.” 
Jake nodded and walked away from the booth to go find his friends. 
— — — — — — — — —
The Third time: The Beach
The breeze felt nice as it whipped past her. It was that perfect mix of not too hot and not too cold to enjoy sitting on the beach. Y/N sat in a beach lounge chair, watching as her friends splash and play around with a group of aviators that had the day off. Her friends all picked their skimpiest bikinis knowing that the beach was going to be full of eligible men. Her friend, Emily, had picked out a suit for Y/N to wear, but it was far too revealing for her to be comfortable. So, Y/N sat under the beach umbrella in a longueur and read her book, occasionally peering over the top of it. 
“Y/N! Come join us!” Allison called from the water, an aviator wrapped his arms around her and walked her backward into the water. 
“Yeah, Y/N!” The aviator called and flipped Allison over in the water, making her squeal. 
Y/N giggled at her friends. She never once felt out of place with them. She never felt like they were her friends out of pity or that she was bringing the group down. They made her feel comfortable, never pushing her out of her comfort zone and standing up for her when needed. Y/N got her joy from watching her friends have fun. 
“I’m fine with my book!” She shouted back to them, holding up the beat-up copy of ‘The Fault in Our Stars’. She didn’t care how cliche it made her look, it was her favorite book. She basically knew it by memory now, her favorite passages had been highlighted and doodles covered most if not all the pages. 
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?” She jumped and looked up to see Jake standing right next to her. He was shirtless, showing off his toned and tanned abdomen. A pair of pink board shorts were on his lower half, exposing his muscular legs. He looked like a Greek god who just fell from the sky. His green eyes were locked on the ocean in front of him, while Y/N was practically drooling over his body. 
“Oh,” She blinked a couple of times, snapping herself out of a daze, “Yeah it is.” 
Jake smirked, knowing she was totally checking him out. He decided to keep the comment to himself and sat down on the sand next to her. Y/N turned her eyes back to her book, trying to control the blush that was creeping up her neck to her cheeks. They both sat in silence, as Jake laid back on his towel, stretching out to get the perfect tan. Every so often, Y/N would steal a glance at his glistening body. 
‘Stop staring at him!’ Her inner voice scolded. She was never one to ogle men like this. She left that up to her friends, who seemed to have that role covered. But there was something about the fine male specimen laying next to her that had her questioning her morals. 
“Oblivion is inevitable,” Jake muttered. 
“What?” She asked, snapping her head towards him. He had his sunglasses on, and she couldn’t tell whether his eyes were opened or shut. 
“August,” Jake answered, sitting up, “When he tells Hazel he loves her, he says ‘oblivion is inevitable-” 
“I know,” She cut him off, “It’s my- uh, my favorite part.” 
Jake smiles at her, looking into those soft eyes he had been seeing in his dreams. He stood up, brushing the sand off his behind, before holding his hand out to her. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him confused. He huffed and reached his hand out more. 
“C’mon,” He nodded his head towards the ocean, “You look like you need some sunlight.” She blushed but then looked down at the towel that was covering her body. Y/N shifted in her seat, holding the towel closer to her body, scared of letting it fall, “Y/N, I’m going to give you 10 seconds to stand up before I lift you up.” 
“Jake,” She sighed, “I can’t. I-” 
“Are you naked?” 
“Do you have a swimsuit on?” 
“Yes but-” 
“Can you swim?” 
“Yes, but that’s-” 
“So you have no excuse,” Jake said, and held his hand out more, “C’mon.” 
Y/N clenched her jaw, and removed the towel from her body, showing off the baby pink two-piece that by coincidence, matched his board shorts. But Jake wasn’t paying attention to the matching colors, he was paying attention to how beautiful she was. Her body was perfect. Her skin was perfectly sunkissed from years of living in California. The light color of the swimsuit made her beautiful skin glow. She wasn’t the pencil-thin models that are all over the coast. 
Y/N could feel Jake’s eyes taking her in, making heat rise in her body and the need to cover up rise in her mind. She went to reach for her towel, but Jake stopped her, grabbing her wrist. 
“You’re beautiful,” Jake said, looking right into her eyes, “Everything about you is beautiful.” 
All she could do was nod, and bite her lip. She held her hand out to Jake, who took it without hesitation. But it was only for a split second before he jerked her hand and threw her over his shoulder. Y/N let out a squeal as she braced both hands on his strong back. The sound of her precious giggle filled his ears as she ran towards the ocean, holding her securely by her thighs. 
“Plug your nose!” Jake called out, before tossing her gently into the water. The smile never left her face as she surfaced, and quickly jumped onto Jake, pulling him down with her. 
The two of them splashed around, playing in the water, and eventually joined in on Y/N’s friend’s game of two-hand touch football. It wasn’t until about an hour into playing the game, that Y/N realized, none of Jake’s friends were there. But it didn’t seem to bother him as he was laughing and joking with Emily’s fiance, Sam. 
When the sun started setting, Jake asked Y/N to join him for a walk along the sand. She had slipped her white cover-up over her body and had her hair piled in a bun on top of her head. The sky was a gorgeous color of pink and oranges, the summer sun still giving off warmth. The beach was much quieter now that most of the families were gone, and Y/N’s friends had disappeared into the Hard Deck for a drink. 
“Thank you,” Y/N said. Jake turned his head to look at her, “For the uh. . . for saying that I uh-” 
“For saying you’re beautiful?” Jake asked. Y/N nodded, looking down at her feet. Jake stopped walking and grabbed her hand, turning her to look at him, “Anyone who doesn’t say you’re beautiful is wrong. You are beautiful. Inside and out. I’ve never met someone quite like you, Y/N.” 
His green eyes were looking right into hers. Y/N could see the specks of gold that floated around in his irises. She always believed that eyes were the gateway to the soul, and looking into Jake’s eyes, she could see that his words were true. And everything in Y/N’s being was telling her to step forward and kiss him. 
But there was also that small voice in the back of her head that was telling her to run. Run as fast as she could away. That the man standing in front of her was going to do nothing but break her heart into pieces. Memories of the past flooded her mind as Jake’s hand moved to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb over the apple of her cheek. She sucked in a deep breath as he leaned his head down. It was as if a magnet had been placed between them, her body moving into his.  His lips barely ghosted her’s when she took a step away from him. 
“I can’t,” She whispered, closing her eyes to hopefully hide the unshed tears. 
“Please,” Jake begged, “Just one date. Just one. Let me show you that I am not-” 
Y/N shook her head and looked up at Jake, “No, Jake. Th-this isn’t- we can’t. I-I can’t.” 
Jake had never felt heartbreak until this moment, as Y/N completely stepped out of his grasp. She whispered out a rushed apology before taking off down the beach. Jake felt like running after her. Jake knew that he should probably run after her. But his heart was in pieces, and all he could do was stand there in the sand, watching the girl he had fallen for, walk away from him. 
— — — — — — — — —
The One time He didn't ask: Graduation
Jake usually felt joyous when it came to graduation day. To him, graduation always symbolized the next step in his career. From the Academy, to Flight School, and now TopGun. Normally, Jake would be the first one up, going to get a fresh haircut and a shave, before spending hours doing his shower and hair routine, all to make sure his uniform was perfect and his medals were shined. 
But today, all Jake felt was dread. 
It wasn’t that he wasn’t looking forward to his next assignment. It was the fact that he had let the woman he saw his whole future with walk right out of his arms. His mind for the last two weeks had been consumed with Y/N. Her giggle, the feel of her skin under his fingertips, the scent of her perfume mixed with salt water. He also couldn’t get the way her eyes filled with fear and the way her voice cracked when she told Jake that they couldn’t date. He realized that someone, somehow, hadn’t shown her the proper way to love. 
Jake had always believed that women needed to be treated with the utmost respect. He couldn’t even fathom someone treating his sisters like anything but a queen. It made his chest ache and his heart hurt just thinking about how someone could’ve mistreated Y/N. A person, who was too soft for the world. A person, who could see no evil. A person, who could love even when hurt. 
“Yo, we gotta bounce,” Javy said, standing in the doorway of Jake’s bedroom. 
Jake blinked from staring down at his white dress shoes to looking up at his friend, “Yeah, I’m up.”
Javy nodded his head, watching as his friend arose from his bed. Jake ran a hand through his hair, and grabbed his cap that was sitting on his dresser. Javy placed his hand on his friend’s chest, stopping him in his track. Javy had seen the shift in his friend over the ten weeks of being on North Island. He hadn’t pried too much into it, but he knew it had something to do with the girl he met at the bar on night one. 
“You good?” Javy asked. 
Jake nodded, “I’m fine.” He plastered on his infamous smirk, “I’m ready to find out who won and get my trophy.” 
Javy rolled his eyes, “Bullshit. We both know Dragon beat you.” 
“Over my dead body,” Jake chuckled. 
And Javy was right. Admiral Kazansky had called Dragon’s name for the winner of the TopGun trophy. She had a bright smile on her face and basically ran up the stairs to take the trophy from Iceman’s hands. She held it high above her head as the class cheered. Jake had to admit, he first doubted the female when he saw her, but she quickly proved her worth. He glanced over to where Bradley Bradshaw was sitting, seeing that stupid mustache and lovesick look on his face. 
When Iceman dismissed the class, Jake was the first to stand up and walk right to the open bar, Coyote and Cerberus hot on his heels. Jake tried his best to keep the fake smile on his face. He stuck by Coyote’s side, letting him do most of the talking to the admirals and other officers. Occasionally, Jake would give them a tight lip smile and thank them for their congratulations on graduating from TopGun. Though he wished he finished first, he glanced over to see the young female with the large dragon tattoo on her back holding the trophy pose with the trophy and talking to some reporters and officers. 
“I’m gonna take a break,” Jake said to Javy. Coyote nodded and watched as his friend walked out of the small garden at the O Club. 
Jake sat down at the quiet bar, and ordered himself a glass of whiskey. He never realized how alone he truly was in the world until he saw all his co-pilots’ parents, spouses, and partners. He had reached out to his parents, but they decided to invite his sisters over instead. 
“Hey Donny, can I get a Shirley Temple?” A female voice said next to Jake. He looked up, seeing the girl he had been chasing after for the whole 13 weeks, “Long trip, sailor?”
Jake scoffed, “Something like that.”
Y/N nodded and sat down on the barstool next to Jake. He looked up at her, taking in the sight of the cute white sundress with flowers on it. Her hair was curled to perfection, and the faintest amount of makeup was on her face. 
 “I’m sorry I ignored you,” She said, laying her hands flat on the bar top. She had been going over what she was going to say to Jake when she saw him. Y/N had basically got the script down to a T. . . but now everything had been thrown out the window. His scent was intoxicating, and it was making her brain go haywire. 
“Don’t need the apology, sweetheart, my ego has been bruised enough.”
“Well then… let me make it up to you?” Jake looked up at her, his brows furrowed, “G-go out with me? I-I mean only if you want-“ Jake cut her off by placing his hand on hers. She sucked in a breath as he turned her palm and intertwined their fingers.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, sweetheart.”
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taglist: @damrlova @shanimallina87 @phoenix1388  @mygyn @cherrycola27  @yanna-banana @seitmai @topgun-imagines  @bradleybeachbabe @na-ta-sh-aa @startrekfangirl2233 @xoxabs88xox @atarmychick007 @lunamoonbby  @sophiaslastbraincell @bradswolfe @fandom-princess-forevermore @angelbabyange @callsignharper @dempy @lovelywiseprincess @krismdavis @eternallyvenus @dakotakazansky @pono-pura-vida @callsignharper @callsignartemis @starberryhorse @daggersquadphantom @gspenc
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xzinbdg · 1 month
- i can see right through
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʏ/ɴ ᴍᴏᴠᴇꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇʀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀᴘᴀʀᴛᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ɪꜱ ᴡᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴜᴘ ʙʏ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴀꜱꜱ ɢᴜɪᴛᴀʀ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴅᴏᴏʀ.
written part: 547 words
warning: reader jokes about "killing herself", reader has a panic attack.
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checking your self one last time in a mirror you walk out your door and you see him. wonbin in plain black shirt, plain black pants but for some reason he's the most attractive person you have ever seen. "hi, did you sleep well?" he says "h-hi" you want to kill yourself on the spot for stuttering "i slept fine...how about you?" he gives you a slight smile "i was to excited to sleep" "excited? about what?" you give him an confused look. "about our date" he sends you a wink and starts walking to the elevator. you however stand there for a minute processing what the hell just left his mouth. you walk to him and the two of you go into the elevator. "you're a bit red, are you okay?" he asks with a smirk "ahh..hhaha I'm fine" you say turning your face towards the wall. it was a bit awkward in the elevator but as soon as you sit in the passenger seat of his car, he plays some chill music it's all good. the two of you talk the whole way to the cafe, just asking some questions to get to know each other better, wonbin telling you some stupid jokes that he learned from eunseok, it was a very fun ride. after about an hour the two of you arrived at the cafe, it looked very cozy from the outside and inside. the both of you placed your orders and meanwhile you wait the talking resumed. you got your orders and both were amazed at the quality of drinks and cakes. you had a good time, that was until you saw a familiar face enter the cafe. it was taesan with the girl that he cheated on you that's now his girlfriend, sullyoon. your face changed instantly from a happy one to a terrified one, you started having trouble breathing and got really hot in seconds. "is everything alright?" asked concerned wonbin, he noticed that you couldn't really speak so instead he tried to make you calm down. he gently took your hands massaging them with his thumbs "breathe with me yn, please" he started the "inhale, exhale, inhale...." and after a while you calmed down a bit. "thank you...i saw someone that...i really didn't want to see.." you said quietly just enough for him to hear "was it the guy you told me about?" ah that's right you did tell him about that, you nodded and that's when she saw you, sullyoon saw you and started waving to you with a smile. you waved back. it's not like the two of you are or were friends but you weren't strangers either and she never knew that you were with taesan. you saw her saying something to taesan and that's when your eyes met his. they were still the same, so nonchalant like he didn't have a care in the world. you broke the eye contact quickly and looked at wonbin. wonbin's eyes are beautiful. they're the same color and shade as taesan's but they hold so much life in them, you can tell when he's worried, when he's happy, when he's sad or angry and right now all you can see in them is just how much he cares about you.
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a/n: things are about to get a bit more serious but don't worry not for long! also HERE is a reference to what wonbin was playing (check the lyrics 👀) also why did I lose like half the words.....anton is saying "you have a hot single wonbin in your area" and yn is saying "all i saw was love"
genre: smau, crack, strangers to enemies to lovers, boy next door!wonbin, neighbors au, band au
pairing: guitarist!wonbin x reader
taglist: @p-d1ddy @icyona @pxnklover @pinklemonade34 @cherrytaesan @soheendo @jiaisfox @i03jae @yoonyunsoob @wonychu @nujeskz
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tarotomorrows · 2 months
WE GOT THE OG 5 IN THE HOUSE!!! This is part of my Inside Out punk au. Their band name is Harmony! So let me introduce their roles and how they came to be. PART 2
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Our 3rd member is Fear! He joined Joy and Sadness’s clique way back in their 7th grade year.
He is the only band member who didn’t join already knowing how to play an instrument. In fact he actually started at the artist and would often make designs for the band’s potential logo and was very keen on staying out of any potential limelight. Although during the 8th grade talent show Joy and Sadness needed someone to play the guitar as Joy was planning to do some acrobatics/dancing choreography while singing and didn’t have the stamina to play and sing at the same time. Fear knew how much this meant to the two and had seen them practice for weeks and with only 2 weeks left he pushed his own fears aside and offered to learn the chords to the song to help the duo out. In the end he liked playing so much that he continued even after the show and with enough practice later on joined as the 3rd member.
During their time on the tour Joy forced them all into. He was the first to deny and the most out of it while on the trip. In fact he it got so bad it would interfere with playing which would upset Joy and the others but as time passed on it only seemed to bother Joy in the end.
He missed home and he didn’t ask for this but didn’t want to start conflict so in an act of desperation to feel heard he confided in Sadness about his true thoughts on the matter which sparked the ignition for Sadness to really have a talk with Joy about the stakes this whole music career dream has gotten them into. Once it was announced by Joy that they would be returning home he was ecstatic he didn’t care why he was just glad they were. Right? I mean what does it matter if the reasons are known…
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Next is Anger he’s the teams killer drummer and owner/designated driver of Bing Bong! (The giant mini van the crew uses to travel in, who Joy named Bing Bong because of the silly sound the horn makes).
He was the fourth to be recruited to the team. After getting sent to detention for one of her senior pranks Joy met Anger in detention where she over heard the accidental killer rhythm he had going with his shoe and pencil tapping. Joy asked if he played he gave a simple eyes roll, which was good enough for Joy. She begged him to join and he proposed she couldn’t do anything in the world that would make him join her crazy idea. In the end Joy proved him wrong by breaking both if them out of detention and also returning the item he had stolen from him that he fought trying to get back (the whole reason which got him into detention his drumsticks). Reluctantly out of the honor system and due to a possible charming face he caved and became the band’s official drummer.
He may or may not have had issues with the whole unorganized and possibly dangerous on the road tour trip but he had faith in Joy’s judgement and the strength and bonds of the rest of the group. However the more and more the trip dragged on the more and more he started to realize just how far apart they actually were…
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Last but certainly not least is Disgust! Although not a band member she is still an important asset of the crew as their manager. She handles finances,bookings, and how their brand is presented and NO, She will not be dressing in rags (aka how she refers to the punk/alt aesthetic) but she will deck herself out in her own uptown style.
She was the last to join the crew. Although friends with everyone since sophomore year she never partook in any of their “rough housings” she called it. She never saw the appeal in getting all sweaty and lugging around heaving metal equipment but one day Joy asked for her help to organize the flyers for the show they were doing for the Senior Festival.
Getting to talk about how amazing her friends were and how she’s affiliated with them and getting to look pretty while doing it. Now that was something she could do not to mention managing the funds for new equipment and getting to style them with awesome costumes for when they started doing shows outside of school. She loved everything about it the generosity, hanging out with friends, and the popularity…
During the trip she was the second to snapping, Fear obviously was the first. During the trip she did her best to manage the finances with the best odds she could, it started off alright but of course later on their lack of funds lead to more cramped nights sleeping in the van. It came to a point where she started to up-sale some of their merchandise in hopes of allowing the everyone to eat a full meal or have enough gas. After the fateful night Fear confided with Sadness, Disgust, overhead their conversation and grew livid, she could live with Joy’s delusions but blind ignorance towards other people’s own well being was not on the table. She swore that night that if Joy couldn’t see that this was beyond hopeless she was gonna knock her around and make her see it. That fateful evening when dinnertime arrived Disgust did more than just expose Joy’s selfishness but also how morally and emotionally taxing this dream of hers has been on all of them and what she’s had to resort to doing to meet ends meet for everyone. In the end Joy stormed off which is what prompted Sadness to have that heart to heart later on in the night.
In the morning after Joy announced about them going back to Anderson Falls a huge relief was lifted off their chest. Well some relief she still felt horrible about how Joy had treated them. However she wasn’t going to apologize for what she said to her, you don’t say sorry not for being right at least. So she vowed that until Joy owned up to her mistakes back home they’d keep the pleasantries to a minimum and distance herself as far as she could. It’s not like she had to try very hard as Joy had already began to stop talking or listening to her. Which is fine she can wait till Joy’s ready to be a grown up, she can patient I mean that’s all she’s ever given anyone. She can keep waiting, it doesn’t matter how long it takes…
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transforgaytion · 3 months
If you're still doing the "I wish" prompts, what about those really big eggs? I think it's emu eggs I'm thinking of. Plural :)
-always- accepting "I wish" prompts! (these are now accessible on my blog by clicking the "wishing curse" folder, and will be tagged with "wishingcursetf" ! Really? Is the first thought through her mind. Why on earth would someone utter those words in that order??? Who on earth desires emu eggs??
But before she has much time to react, she begins to feel the first subtle signs of the curse reacting. At first it's just a very very slight bloating feeling. Nothing is visible from the outside yet whatsoever. And at the mall of all places, on a busy Saturday afternoon...Nowhere to hide... How big are emu eggs again? She wonders to herself. To her shock, before she has time to leave the food court, the person who'd initially wished -kept talking-. "Yeah, I wish I had at least a dozen of 'em. Emu eggs, I mean. I wish I had some ostrich eggs too I guess, but I do like emus better as a whole, so I'd rather breed them than ostriches-" .... She pauses to process what she's just heard. How likely is it that at this mall she's stumbled across a wishful EMU FARMER. Wait a damn minute, did he say over a dozen???
Oh god. And with the size of them...this was about to get bad. The band of her jeans began to feel a bit tight against her stomach. They weren't loose jeans to begin with, but she knew what this meant.
She stood up from her seat, grabbed the trash from the table, and begun to quickly try to make an escape. If she could at least make it out to her car-...
"hey! What're you doing here?"
Are you -kidding-?
"Oh, sorry if I startled you!" her most recent ex continues as he looks at her, gauging how she's been doing since the breakup.
It was a smooth breakup, almost more of a break than an actual ending point for the relationship. But her ex didn't know about her curse. She wasn't cursed until two months ago, and they broke up around 5 months ago now.
"No, that's okay... I'm so sorry, I really have to go-" she started to try to exit the conversation, making it a point to apologize later, but she felt a very slight tug on her sleeve as her ex carefully got her attention as she moved to leave.
"Sorry, I just...it's been a while...you don't have a couple of minutes? I promise I won't take up too much of your time, I just-..."
The look in his eyes was so....so sad. So pleading. And he wasn't a bad guy, it's just...
"Look, I'm so sorry, I -really- have to go..."
The look on his face almost broke her heart. But she didn't have a lot of time to pay attention to her heart as her loose t-shirt was beginning to brush up against the skin of her stomach as it was slowly starting to protrude now.
"Wait!" he called after her as she tried to run. Her center of balance was already being thrown off, so she was already struggling to run like she would have been able to an hour ago.
She pants as she runs for the exit door, feeling more bloated than ever.
Once the automatic doors finally slide open, she's met with a terrible realization.
It's community day.
The whole town is in this mall parking lot, complete with food trucks from out of town, live music, the WORKS.
She slowly made her way through the crowd, resisting the urge to put a hand on her stomach to help her balance as she moved quickly through the people to the other side of the parking lot.
She'd actually parked on the other side of the mall entirely, but she got so desperate to leave that she'd gone for the first available exit.
She felt the fabric of the t-shirt starting to get tight around her slowly inflating stomach.
It felt so heavy. So hard. After last time, with the real babies, surely these eggs wouldn't be harder to birth, surely....
She clicks her car key fob a few times, listening through the noise from the community festival to try to hear her car's horn.
She can see it lighting up across the parking lot now, now it's just about making it over there.
 It's 8 rows over, she counts.
The t-shirt was starting to ride up. If anyone saw her, they'd definitely think she was pregnant. She wasn't pregnant yesterday. Word would get around that something's wrong with her if she wasn't careful.
She passes between cars, avoiding any people she sees, pulling her shirt back down over her still expanding bump.
It wasn't lumpy like she was afraid eggs might make it, so there must've been fluid in there too. It looked almost exactly like a typical human pregnancy, but perhaps shaped slightly differently?
 Either way, her shirt is slowly riding up her stomach higher as she continues to navigate the maze of cars, and her bra is beginning to feel tight.
She can feel her nipples getting so hard and rubbing up against it even with how hot it is outside.
She makes it to the car, -finally-, and turns the key in the ignition before pulling the front seat up as far as it'll go, and letting herself into the back seat.
She locks the door, and tries to breathe a sigh of relief. She feels huge now that she's sitting down, and she knows she's still growing.
Emu eggs. God. Why???? This curse was awful. There's no telling how many times she'd have to endure this.
They said ostrich eggs too...how big were those again?
She pulls the t-shirt off as it's now barely a bra functionally, her stomach too large to contain within it anymore.
She breathes in as her chest increases in size, causing her to rather desperately start moving to take her bra off, as the straps are starting to cut into her shoulders.
It has to start soon, right? The actual contractions have to start soon, she feels like she looks very due.
She finally gives in and lets herself run her hands along her stomach, rubbing it for comfort as it continues to grow.
"A dozen...." she says aloud, trying to keep herself calm.
At least this usually doesn't hurt as bad as real pregnancy would. Eggs should hopefully be even less painful than last time this happened.
Suddenly, as she's finally being able to relax a bit, she hears a loud sound against the car.
She looks up to see her ex, gently knocking at the driver's side window to see if she's in the car. He's really not a bad guy at all, something must be really bothering him for him to be this persistent, but damnit...now is SO not the time, she thinks.
It's not long before he notices her in the back seat. He glances from her face down to her stomach and then back.
She winces. He looks shocked. This isn't good.
"Oh my god!" Even though it's muffled, she can still hear him.
"Let me in, I can help!" he says, after watching her continue to rub her own "due-with-twins" sized belly.
She ignores him at first. She doesn't need help. He's not even supposed to know about this.
"I...I just saw you...how did you hide-...? You know what nevermind, I can still help! Please...?"
What on earth was his deal. And why was he being so-....he was willing to help after looking at her like this??
He tries the car handle, but only once.
It's locked.
her stomach is still growing. It's now taking up her entire lap. It's incredibly obvious how pregnant she is.
Physically, her body never 100% got the memo that the pregnancy was egg based, so she does feel her breasts get heavier and heavier, filling with milk no doubt.
her nipples are finally growing too. Preparing for feeding babies that will never drink from her.
Her ex is looking around now, contemplating if he should call for help. That'd be bad. She really doesn't want to be experimented on or something.
She just wants to lay these eggs in peace.
"Please..." he asks again. On any other guy, this level of persistence would NOT be a good look. But she knows he means well. She knows he's worried about her.
He looks around again, and while he's looking like he's about to go running to beg for medical assistance, her stomach finally, after growing to a size so large she can barely reach around it, finally clenches tight with her first contraction.
When it stops, she looks up and finally meets her ex's eyes. He froze when she clearly contracted, looking like he's feeling her pain with her.
She made a split section decision at that moment and reached up and unlocked the car door. She did her damnedest to scoot over to make room for him to sit beside her.
"Get in and close the door, quickly!" she spat at him in a hushed tone.
He moves quickly, getting in beside her and slamming the door and then re-locking it.
"Okay, what can I do? How can I help? Are you in any pain?"
She is baffled. Why'd she break up with him again? She would be able to recall if her entire mid-section wasn't getting tighter and tighter and oh god-, tighter, tight enough that it starts to hurt, and then it goes even further, it's so tight, so hard, it's squeezing her inside out, it's-....it stops.
"I....you weren't pregnant an hour ago, were you." her ex says flatly. She shakes her head slightly 'no'.
"Is it normal babies?" he continues. She nods 'no' again.
"Eggs." She interrupts. "it's eggs."
"Oh!" he exclaims "Well, at least eggs aren't that bi-"
"Emu and ostrich eggs...." She clarifies. He freezes.
"Do-...do you have any idea how many?"
She feels the telltale sensation of her cervix slowly beginning to open around something.
She answers through gritted teeth as her stomach contracts again "uhh...at least a dozen, probably more...."
He looks shocked. He looks around the car. The running car.
"There's barely room back here...how are you going to-....uhh...okay, hold on."
He unlocks the door, and she moans as she tries to protest through the contraction but instead it just devolves into a groan.
He gets out of the back seat, climbs into the front seat, adjusts it for his legs, and re-locks the doors.
"I know you probably can't buckle a seatbelt back there, but I know a place close to here where it'll be really quiet....you'll have room to spread out and be safer there. Can I take you there?"
"oh god.....-" she murmurs as her cervix stretches around her first emu egg, "yes, god, it's happening fast, please...." she doesn't even know what she's begging for.
He puts the car in reverse, and she can tell how carefully he's driving already. Precious cargo and all.
He manages to get out onto the highway, and begins heading out of town. She feels fear for a second, before all her attention is back on her stomach. it's clenched down so hard she can't breathe. It doesn't hurt like it -should- if it was a 'real' non-curse related pregnancy, but it's clenched so -hard-.
He pulls off into a large field, off the main road enough that it's got no eyes on it at all.
"Come on, let me help you" he says as he climbs out of the driver's seat and opens the back door. "Can you walk? It won't have to be far at all, there's just nowhere for you to give birth in that backseat."
She barely nods, and then both her hands hold the sides of her massive stomach as it contracts again, pushing the widest part of the first emu egg into her cervix now.
When it subsides, although moving feels -very- odd, she does manage to step outside. The relief is instant.
She falls into a squat as soon as the car doors close. She can't control it, as soon as there was space, she felt herself squat.
But, oh- pants....
"I, I think I'm pushing, but I-" she babbles. he takes the hint, pulling her pants down gently but very effectively.
"I'm going to pull down your underwear too, okay? Then you can push." --------- part 2 soon if you like my work you can support me at https://ko-fi.com/transforgaytion 
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omiiomiaaus · 1 year
Under the desk | choso
I have a bad habit of complaining about how bad my works are so I’m gonna stfu and just start saying “enjoy” | content banner by @cafekitsune
Not proofread, MDNI, giving choso head, afab!reader, no talking just porn lol, head spinning i just love choso.
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Crawling under choso’s desk while he’s gaming and placing yourself between his legs with the way he’s manspreading. You place your hands on his thighs, rubbing your fingers against his muscles and Inching slowly towards his bulge.
You pull his pants down and he shifts in his seat as the cool air makes contact with his dick. Hands readjusting his underwear band, folding it under his balls.
You retract your hands and bring them to the floor, keeping you balanced. Everything you’re about to do only requires your mouth anyway.
You lick his cock while it’s soft, like its a cold scoop of ice scream on a hot summer day. Taking it in your mouth and feeling it get harder and harder every time you bob your head up and down.
Sucking on his fat tip feeling his precum slide onto your tongue. Then deep throating him as far as you can go, nose touching his pubic bone. Dark brown, and thick pubes cushioning your face.
Hearing him hiss at the sudden feeling of you taking him whole, your tongue sticking out and curling on his balls.
His fists are gripping his controller so hard he can’t even feel his fingers. You’re literally a leech on his cock, but he tastes so good it’s addicting, you can’t let him go.
He can’t help but buck his hips up when you reach your hand to give his balls a squeeze. The vibrations from you moaning around his dick makes him throw his head back, completely forgetting he’s in game with his mic on.
His mouth is open and his eyebrows are furrowed together, eyes shut tight. Sharp inhales and exhales are the only thing leaving his mouth when he frantically reaches for his headset, muting the mic. He takes them off when he hears his teammates start to whistle and howl at his obvious pleasure.
Now you’ve got his undivided attention. His hands come to tangle themselves in your hair, gripping at your scalp.
He slowly starts to face fuck you, moving your head up and down his length with his hands.
You take all of him in your mouth again and he takes the opportunity to hunch over and push your head down even further.
Choso is far from quiet... baby is letting out the most beautiful short breathy moans that fade into whimpers. The kind that go into your ears and straight to your core.
You grind your hips down for some friction but were unsatisfied when you were met with nothing but air.
Choso peeks down at you with a dazed look. He’s too focused on the feeling of your wet mouth around him to use his words, but he brings his foot between your thighs, offering his shoe to you.
You lift yourself over it, moving your hips down again and sucking harder on his cock out of pleasure. The sensation of his rough shoe against your clit was heaven, seeing him fucked out in pleasure made you squeeze tight around nothing but air, the absence of his dick inside you only causing your hole to ache.
The feeling being empty was not what you were focusing on though, this mans face was beautiful and the way he was looking at you could make you finish right there with no penetration at all.
You take one last dip of your head, licking up the wetness from the base of his dick to the pink swollen tip, swirling your tongue around the little slit that was drooling out precum.
You release him and come up to his face, he whines at the loss of contact, bringing his hands up to your face and staring into your eyes while he’s panting like he just ran a marathon.
He’s always been so sensitive
You give him a slow kiss on the lips, settling yourself on his lap.
“Please fuck me” he says barely above a whisper. he wanted you to take control, and you will for your good boy.
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iateyourparents · 11 months
fOoL fOr YoU | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x singer!fem!reader
summary: fate has its own ways to connect people who are destined to each other, even after breaking them apart at some point in life.
warnings: kinda short, use of y/n, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry but english is not my first language)
an: songs used here are fOoL fOr YoU by ZAYN, My stupid heart by Walk off the Earth. Album used in here - Lover by Taylor Swift.
pictures are from pinterest:)
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“Come on guys, let me hear you! I know you like this one!” you said to microphone before continuing the song “Cause I’m a fool for you and the things, the things you do…”
You heard crowd clearly and loudly singing with you your debutant song and you couldn’t feel more proud.
Even though since realese of this song you made two whole albums it still was most of your fans’ favorite song, and to be honest, it was yours too.
It was song about your teenage love, how you felt about that one boy that you aren’t even in touch anymore. You wrote fOoL fOr YoU while you still were a lovesick teenager but before you were able to present it to your former muse from these times, you were broken up.
Then, years later you met that amazing man, Charles, who took you under his wings becoming your manager and helped you with realesing your debutant single - fOoL fOr YoU.
And that’s how you became pretty famous and now, here you were playing all around the world for your “we’ll never be the same again” world tour, promoting your newest album.
“Alright, that was so good! Thank you!” you took a break to take a sip of water and then you were back in front of the chanting crowd “Okay, so I wrote this one about my ex who was absolutely awful experience but also taught me a lot.”
You could hear loud screams from a crowd which already knew what song you were about to sing so you just laughed and started singing, crowd following also started shouting lyrics.
“My stupid heart don’t know, I’ve tried to let you go so many times before…”
After few more songs you bided your goodbye to the crowd promising you will be back someday and you got off the stage and met Charles on backstage.
„How was it?” you asked with smile, sipping water.
„That was great!” you could say he was proud „And you were worried you wouldn’t be able to play on arenas.”
„That’s a big step!” you defended yourself with smile „I can’t wait to take a shower, I stink.” you grimaced.
„I won’t disagree.” he laughed and hugged you „Go relax a little before we have to go to tourbus.”
„You too Charlie, I know that you are secretly almost ripping off your hair.”
Now you were supposed to head to Los Angeles where you would play two concerts and then you would have a month long break before starting last part of the tour - Europe.
You were currently sitting at the vanity in your changing room. Your make up artist, Sarah, was doing your make up for your last performance before a break when Charles came into the room.
„Hi” he started.
„Hi Charlie, what’s up?” you could tell he had some offer for you.
„What do you say, you, me and your band go to some club after you come off the stage to celebrate successful tour?”
You looked at him in the mirror and smirked at him.
„Sounds great to me.”
You and your crew sat in some club. You weren’t drunk but it felt good to feel more easy with alcohol in your system after stressful couple of weeks.
„My forever favorite moment is when this one fan threw his boxers on scene and they landed perfectly in front of y/n. Her face was priceless.” Mark, the drummer, laughed. You loved talking about memories from the tour but that memory actually was traumatizing since it was the first time ever when something like this happened.
„I felt attacked.” you joked and took a last sip of your sweet drink „I’ll go order next one. Somebody wants something?”
You heard chorus of no’s and assurances that they have almost full glasses so you just walked towards the counter and waited for a bartender to end taking someone else’s order.
„Your concert was awesome.” you heard next to you. When you turned to the side you saw someone you thought you would never see again in person.
Infamous ghost hunter, your ex and an old muse of yours.
Cole Brock.
Or rather, Colby.
„Thank you” you smiled „Fancy seeing you here.”
„I live in LA.” he explained „I liked this one song, what was it? Fool for you?”
You smirked and shook your head „Yeah, I like it too.”
„So, was I good muse?” he winked and you laughed. Of course he would know it was about him. You’re pretty sure that when you were together you were sometimes telling him parts of this song.
„Excellent, thank you.”
„I’m always happy to help, so if you will need some new music, here’s my number.” he handed you a piece of paper with some numbers.
„I’ll make sure to call if i’ll need anything.” you winked at him and he laughed.
„I hope so.” he looked behind his back where a blonde boy, Sam, called him „I have to go but i’ll be waiting for your call.”
If some days later you actually called Colby, nobody have to know. And if that meeting ended with him tangled in your sheets, also nobody have to know. And if this was more than one time occurrence then also nobody have to know.
And if your next album called ’Lover’ was about him and everyone knew it was about him, then it’s okay.
And if you both tattooed ’fOoL fOr YoU’ on your hips on the day of your wedding, then it’s great even if everybody knows.
You two really were like lovesick fools.
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werepuppy-steve · 5 months
strawberry wine
real life has got me feeling stressed and uncertain so, naturally, i started thinking about a previous fic, which can also be read here
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The kitchen’s dark, save for the light above the sink. Steve is elbow deep in soapy dish water when the radio on the china hutch behind him clicks on, a soft country ballad trickling into the quiet space. Arms wrap around his waist and Steve huffs a laugh as he reaches for the dish rag to dry his hands.
He turns in Eddie’s arms and is met with an expression that’s so open and full of love. It still catches Steve off guard sometimes, still not used to being loved by someone who proudly shows all of his emotions on his sleeve.
Eddie takes Steve’s hand in his as they sway in the dim light. Steve buries his face in Eddie’s shoulder and closes his eyes, letting him take the lead.
I still remember
When thirty was old
My biggest fear was September
When he had to go
The lyrics are like an arrow in Steve’s stomach. He grips Eddie’s shoulder tighter and presses closer to him as they continue to sway in the slow circle. Eddie just rubs a soothing hand up and down his back.
A few cards and letters
And one long distance call
We drifted away
Like the leaves in the fall
Doesn’t mention the tears seeping through his shirt or the way Steve’s shoulders wrack with silent sobs. Eddie presses a kiss above his hair and holds him tighter while he croons softly.
Strawberry wine and seventeen
The hot July moon, saw everything
My first taste of love
Whoa, bittersweet
“I don’t want you to go,” Steve admits against his shoulder, feeling a bit like a child throwing a tantrum. He thinks he’s allowed to be a little selfish when it feels like his whole world is being ripped away from him.
Robin’s transferring her community college credits to a state school after her gap year ends and the kids are a month away from graduation and starting their own college journeys.
Corroded Coffin’s been noticed. Their gigs at The Hideout have been growing ever since Eddie’s name was cleared and the murder charges were dropped and there was an actual scout at their last one. Talked to the band and showed them a pretty picture of fame and fortune.
And a way out of this cursed town.
And Steve? Steve has no idea where he’s headed in life. He gave college a try three separate times after Vecna and dropped out each time after a semester. Too stupid to understand what his professors were talking about and unable to keep up with the workload while also working full time.
What good is he if the world isn’t ending? If he isn’t being the protector, the body they need when shit goes sideways (it always goes sideways.) His parents were at least kind enough to pay off the mortgage and cover the utilities for at least a year before they fucked off to God knows where, but once that’s up? Family Video only pays so much and he’s definitely not being paid to drive the brats around every weekend.
“I know,” Eddie says, because they’ve already talked about it. The band’s been invited up to Chicago to meet with label executives next month to let them hear some samples of their music, and that means the possibility of signing a contract and finally getting their big break.
Steve is so, so proud of him.
He’s also so, so lost.
They’ve stopped dancing. Eddie is still running his fingertips along his spine comfortingly. Steve sniffs and pulls back just enough to look at him. His boyfriend has opted for a flannel over a band t-shirt today. Steve fiddles with the collar and doesn’t meet Eddie’s concerned eyes.
“But you have to go.” He sounds like he’s trying to convince himself. “I can’t hold you back from something you’ve waited your whole life for.” He gives Eddie a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “Corroded Coffin is your baby.”
Eddie cups his face and frowns. “You’ll always come first, you know that, right? Even if I’m on the other side of the world, as soon as you say the word, I’ll come right back to you.”
Steve does know that, and it scares the absolute shit out of him. Being loved so completely and unconditionally. It’s been almost three years and he’s is ashamed to admit he’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Eddie to wake up and realize he could do so much better than a washed-up has-been who peaked in high school.
For him to realize that Steve Harrington isn’t actually a good dude after all.
But he wants this thing with Eddie to last longer than three years. He wants forever with him and he can only hope that Eddie wants the same. So he swallows down his insecurities and self doubt and leans into Eddie’s space, pressing their noses together and taking the lead of the dance this time.
“I promise not to call too often, then.”
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taglist (mutuals lmk if you want to be added!): @yournowheregirl @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @vecnuthy
@tboygareth @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual
@theheadlessphilosopher @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie
@corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd @sidekick-hero @simplebtromance
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silencesscreams · 1 year
high infidelity
peter parker x f!reader
you know there’s many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough.
warnings: college!, cheating?, toxic relationships, drinking, kissing, making out, SMUT, dirty talk, a bit of degradation, teeny tiny bit of angst, choking, oral ( f. receiving), no use of protection (please be careful and use protection irl), nicknames like princess or baby, cuddles, aftercare??
an: this happens after the whole nwh incident, so they are both 18+ AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE COLLEGE! + PETER
it was 6 in the morning, you were brushing your teeth as your phone started to ring.
‘chris <3’ was written on the screen, along with a picture of him sticking his tongue out, that goddamn photo, it mocked you. you eyed your phone for a while before picking up, you had a fight last night, you didn’t remember the reason though. probably something you said, you hadn’t been seeing him in person for a few days now, you had been spending the winter break at your grandmothers. going back to uni on that same day you fought. chris studied there too, but he was on another level. he had come from dozens of private schools, uniforms and everything else in the deal, his acceptance was guaranteed on his last name. maybe it all was just a game for him.
“hey, did i wake you up?” he questioned, once you put the phone on speaker.
“hi chris. you didn’t, is everything alright?”
“yeah, just wanted to check in. you haven’t texted me since that talk we had” it wasn’t a talk. it was him screaming on the phone with you, like you had killed his entire family and burnt down his house, when you had just told him you felt sorry about not getting accepted on the internship at the stark industries, and talking about how peter parker, a guy in your hall that had gotten accepted when he was in high school.
“yeah… sorry about what i said, i know how you feel about me being friends with guys and all. and we never even really talked babe, he was just my biochemistry partner last semester.” you apologized, not wanting to discuss this at the time, maybe you’d just let it go. it was no use anyways. the relationship had been falling apart for a while now.
“it alright. just don’t do it again. ‘gonna get breakfast at the diner with lucas and the boys, so ill talk to you later, alright? text you when i get there.”
“sure” you replied as he hung up. maybe you should break up, just rip the band aid off, you know? it was clear that it would happen sooner or later. it was stupid to keep it like that, all the fighting was just idiotic.
when you got to the chemistry lecture, you got to your usual seat, middle row third seat. you spent a few minutes biting the inside of your cheeks while checking your phone from minute to minute. you hated when he did that. you couldn’t quite find a way to finish your relationship and not end up being crucified, you felt in high school again. all the parties, homework, relationship issues. you could feel so impotent around him, like everything you say is wrong and he’ll always know better than you because he went to ivy-
“hey, y/n, right?” you heard a male voice say, turning around to face yourself with peter parker.
“y-yeah. peter?” you replied, looking at him smiling.
“that’s me. is this seat taken? its always nice to be around a familiar face so…” he asked, pointing to the seat on your left, that was occupied by your backpack.
“oh, right, no its not taken!” you answer quickly removing your things from the chair so he can sit down, trying to be as nice as possible. he quickly sat down, eyeing you in awkwardness.
“hear you applied for the stark memorial thing, that’s nice of you!” he smiles, taking out his notebook. “sorry, uhm, i forgot my pencil… so could you maybe…?”
“oh sure! absolutely!” you had gotten lost in your own sea of thoughts smiling at him. ever since you’ve met peter you’ve felt something about him. maybe now your relationship is almost over you could maybe have a shot, you don’t know at what, but you could.
mid presentation, peter slips you a note. something he was afraid to say, but felt the urge.
‘wanna go to a party next week?’
you look at him, right next to you with an intrigued smile.
you write, and quickly give it back to him.
‘john’s, first floor of your dorms building. it’ll be around nine, i can bring you as an extra if you’d like.’ when he gives it back, you immediately feel bad, having to turn him down like this.
‘sorry peter, just remembered i’m going out with my boyfriend that night. its our anniversary, so sorry. would love to go, though!’ you give the note back with an empathetic smile. you can see that he feels a bit embarrassed, you hate it.
for the rest of the lecture he’s absolutely quiet, you can feel him eyeing you, some sort of feeling you couldn’t quite decipher.
as the teacher started to close up, he gave you a piece of paper.
“my number, if you ever need it. feel free to text.” he smiles at you, picking up his bag and leaving. maybe you should text, just maybe.
it was around half past eight when you realized something, your boyfriend wasn’t coming. in fact, he stood you up.
‘fuck you chris. this is it.’
well, you needed to text him something, maybe it was the heat of the moment, or just an impulsive thing. you only realized what you were doing when peter picked up.
“hello?” he said over the phone.
“hi peter, its y/n, is that invite still up?” in the past week, the two of you had been talking a lot, mostly texting. you met up in a starbucks twice to work on homework, but that was mostly it. sure, you’d developed a small crush, but you still had a boyfriend. but maybe that wasn’t the situation anymore.
“y-yeah, can i pick you up? is everything alright?”
“sure. ill be ready in five, see you soon.” you hang up, deciding it is go time, no matter what was going to happen after, this was your shot at it. maybe you could have some fun. he was always fun.
a few minutes later, you were locking you door as he waited for you to go with him.
“hope you didn’t have to cancel with anyone for this, sorry for the mast minute call.” you apologize, putting your keys in your purse.
“oh its fine dont worry, i wasn’t planning on bringin anyone else.” he smiled at you, while walking. you could tell he’d sprayed on some perfume and that his hair was still damp, you found it sweet he put effort in to getting ready for the night out. “what happened to your date with chris?” he questioned, almost puking the words out, he seemed nervous about it.
“oh, hm, i guess i got stood up. sorry, that makes you seem like a second option, but i truly wanted to go so i remembered and i dont want you to-“
“its alright, y/n. i get it, hes an asshole for standing you up like that.” he interrupted your blabbering.
“yeah, i guess he is.”
“what do you want? on me, please!” he says loudly, ao you could hear him through the music, he took a sip out of his beer, staring at you.
“just a shot! i hate the taste of beer, no offense though!”
“nome taken, sweetie.” he looks over your shoulder, and you can see a frown forming on his face. “you wanna go somewhere else? i dont feel like this’ll go well.” he says, his voice a bit lower now.
“what do you mean?” you say, so you turn around and you see him. chris. casually smoking, with a girl by his side and his free hand on her thigh. “seriously? fuck him.” you mutter, looking over at peter.
“no, its fine, dont worry about me.” you smile, the shots are delivered and you quickly take one. the taste of vodka and a bit of lemon going down your throat, burning hot. you can see through glances they have started to make out, he probably didnt notice you yet, so he’d come up with some excuse later.
but peter needed to make sure he did.
“hey, wanna go dance? fuck chris, lets have some fun, alright?” he said, taking you by the hand to the dance floor, with a dozen bodies moving to some song you didnt quite recognize. his breath hitched over your neck as you moved with him, your arms over his neck and your hips swaying to the beat. if you ever had a doubt he was into you, that was quickly offset by the way his eyes roamed your body. focused on every inch of you. god, he loved that dress.
“your boyfriends staring…” he whispered into your ear, nipping at it.
“oh, im sure hes not my boyfriend anymore. besides, we should put on a show for him, shouldn’t we?” you smile at him, turning around and starting to grind against him. you could hear him whisper curses, and you knew you both were in for one hell of a night. you could feel him grow through your dress, eager for more, but tonight, you were having the urge to tease him (more than you already were).
you never did that to piss off chris, you did it because you wanted peter. because peter parker was just perfect for you. maybe that was how you knew this wouldn’t ever be a one time thing. as the music was fading to its end, you turned to him, looking him in the eye.
for a moment there, you got lost in him. you forgot what you were about to say. his eyes had a bit of green in them, you had never realized that, maybe because you should’ve let yourself get lost in him before.
“y/n” he calls, pulling you from your thoughts.
“yeah?” and then you realize. he was staring back, and he was close. god, was he close.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” you are both quickly interrupted by chris, trying to push peter away from you, but he was faster, dodging him.
“id ask you the same, christian. you bailed on me, what’d you want me to do, huh? stay at the restaurant? waiting patiently for you to finish fucking some other girl, and eating appetizers? because that’s the ideal night! we’re over and you know it, leave me alone.”
“and so you cheat on me with this dick because i bailed on you once? really? fuck you y/n!” he says, screaming at you, his voice was louder than the music.
“i’m cheating on you?! I cheated on YOU? chris, for the past four months you’ve ditched 15 dates, a total of 5 dinners, two breakfast occasions and 8 lunches in the dining hall, honestly, where were you? why couldn’t you just send a fucking text? what? were you just too busy in bed with some other girl? because you sure as hell are missing tons of classes, there’s gotta be an answer right? fuck you chris. just leave me alone.” you scream back, if this was the last time he screamed at you, you sure as hell wouldn’t take it all in. he makes his usual, but more extreme, i want you to die face and walks away, slamming on to you purposefully as he walks.
in a matter of seconds you see peter punching chris, and you’re instantly shocked because you never saw peter as a guy who fights, and you were two times more shocked once you se chris falling to the ground.
god, was peter hot in that moment. he ran his hand through his hair.
“come on, lets get out of here.” he says, his eyes a bit darker now. and you were in, you were in for all of it.
“sorry, i know punching exes is more of a 5th date kind of thing.” he says, hissing as you put his dominant hand in a bucket of ice.
“i’m okay with it.” you said, leaning against the cold tiles of peter’s bathroom wall. after the ‘fight’ you needed to take care of him, and so you decided to kill two birds with one stone, going back to his place.
“just to clarify, i don’t usually get in to fights. ever. but i don’t know, him slamming in to you like that? god, y/n, he’s such an asshole.” peter said looking at the door to his room, seeing it quickly open and close, it was his roommate.
“can i talk to him for like 5 minutes tops?” he asks, his brows furrowed. you nod, smiling at him.
he leaves the bathroom, closing the door after him. you could hear him whisper to his friend.
“please, steven just leave for a few hours just do me a favor, man!”
“who do you have here? please don’t tell me its chris’s girl because he’ll kick your ass” there was a pause. “you are so dead.”
“they broke up, please let me try please!”
“i’ll sleep at carson’s, but i swear to god, if it goes bad for you i’m not covering for your ass.”
“fair enough! thank you thank you thank you!” you giggle at his excitement, so you hike your dress up, and continue sat on the bathroom floor, making sure he could see a glimpse of your underwear once he walked in.
peter was sweet and perfect for you, but you never imagined yourself in that situation, and to be fully honest, you were loving it.
when he walks in to the bathroom again, you try your hardest to not blush because damn it, all he said was “hi” and you’re 3 seconds away from taking off all of your clothes and kissing him.
he sits next to you, eyeing your thighs. he wonders if you were dressed up like that once you called him, or if you had changed to see him. he surely hoped that dress was for him, because he was so jealous of chris in that moment. every day he was jealous of chris, not because he felt inferior, because chris could see you like that. because chris could hear you moan his name. peter never wanted someone so bad in his entire life.
“it was just steven, you remember him right? from biochem?” you nod, staring at him for a while now.
“do you, uhm, need any more ice?” you ask, looking at his red knuckles, trying to focus on something else (which obviously doesn’t work).
“why’d you call me?” he asks abruptly.
“why did you call me ?”
“because i could trust you, i guess, i don’t know.” you answer, feeling a bit ashamed.
“why’d you leave him? i mean, after all this time? you knew about all his bullshit didn’t you?”
“peter, once you just appeared back into my life i took it as a sign, i mean, staying with him was killing me. you know him, right? you went to school with him”
“yeah i did, but it just doesn’t make sense to me, what are we? i’m not just someone you can call when your boyfriend’s not around, i’m sorry to be rude but i’m not that guy, y/n, and if that’s what you’re looking for, i don’t want it.” “peter. i want you okay? you’re the only person i want, the only person i’ve wanted for a while now. he never loved me enough, hell, he never loved me. i don’t want him, i want you. please, just believe me in me, please.” you say quickly, trying to get all your feelings out, though they could never be translated to words, he stares at you, wondering what to do next. and so he kisses you.
it starts off as a soft thing, a delicate and sweet kiss. you part your lips, waiting for him to reciprocate. and so it turns into a passionate and messy kiss, your tongues intertwining and you could taste him, you could taste his minty breath. you could taste peter fucking parker. and with that, you don’t waste any time.
your hands drift off to his hair, tugging on it, kissing him desperately. you feel his hands roaming your waist, he starts kissing your neck, nipping at it, whispering onto your skin.
“you have no idea for how long i’ve wanted you, fuck…” he whispers, helping you up and bringing you towards his bed, hands on your ass and not stopping his kisses on your neck, he sits you on bed, his knee aiming towards the inside of your thighs, he takes his shirt off and his jeans had already fell to the carpet, you couldn’t help but smile, he was so pretty.
“i saw what you did there, don’t think i didn’t notice.” he says, referring to the was you looked in the bathroom.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about” you whisper through a moan, as he starts kissing your chest, pulling your dress down and unclipping your bra.
“don’t lie to me, you know better then that…” he says, looking at you with those eyes, he quickly starts sucking onto your left nipple.
while he works on your tits with his mouth, his right hand is headed towards your lace panties, only playing with the hem of it.
“that alright, princess?” you nod a yes in answer. “i wanna hear you say it.” “fuck, yes, its great, peter… please.” you answer in the midst of moans.
“good. do you like this? did you get what you wanted, huh?” he asks, kissing your thighs, everywhere but not where you most needed him, he was teasing you.
“y-yeah, i wanted you so bad, please.” you say, hands trailing off to his hair again, you could feel your panties getting wetter by the second, and he knew that too.
he takes them off slowly, teasing you more and more.
“so wet, all for me, baby?” peter asks, kissing the inside of your thighs, making sure to leave marks.
“ yes, pete, all for you, please…” you nod, desperately, needing him more and more.
“what’d you want, huh? tell me, y/n.” he asks, looking at you with doe eyes, spreading your legs for him to see more. he was loving to see you like this, he needed it again and again every day and it was only just beginning.
“i… i need you to touch me, please, taste me, please” you ask, feeling your face getting hotter, his hands roaming your waist, you can feel your stomach sink with need.
“that was all you needed to say, smart girl” he answers, licking a broad stripe from top to bottom, he tasted all he could. “you’re so pretty honey, so fucking pretty"
peter inserts a finger in, causing you to moan, you could feel his grin over your clit. sucking on to your bud, you couldn’t believe you’d spent all this time without this side of him. as he stretches you out, inserting another finger, you feel as if you touched heaven and came back. you had never felt this way, with anyone. it was him.
“fuck!” you moan as he brings a third finger into the equation, his mouth and hands working together, just for you.
“peter i’m so close please” and just with that, he stops, leaving you empty and eager for more. and just like that he’s on top of you again, kissing you eagerly, making you get a taste of yourself. his dominant hand on your neck, squeezing it softly, just enough.
“you’re so fucking hot” he whispers against your lips, you can feel his grin on your skin as he kisses your neck again, nipping and leaving marks all over. your pussy aching for him, you needed him inside you so so so bad.
“peter” you whisper, trying to get his attention, though he seems very entertained by your neck and how mane hickeys he could leave.
“yeah?” he immediately stops, looking at you, his brows furrowed.
“i need you inside me. i need your dick.” you say, getting more red, his lips swollen and pink, he looks beautiful. his hair messy, you wanted him so bad.
“yeah? you need my dick?” he asks, teasing you, a smirk forming itself on his face.
“please, peter. i need you so much” you say, nodding with your words. he looks at you with his eyes shiny. he takes himself out of his underwear, you’d already seen his bulge but you still were surprised. he starts aligning himself to your hole, tapping his tip on your clit, teasing you.
“so pretty like this, all for me” he says, slowly pushing in, “fuck…” he sighs, you moan trying to adjust to his size. he feels like heaven inside you. he starts thrusting lightly into you.
“harder… please i need you so bad, please, peter.” you say, looking at him over you with doe eyes, a smirk forms on his face, hearing you say those words.
“thats all you needed to say, princess.” he says, slamming into you quickly. You moan out unrecognizable words, a mix of “fuck” with “ohmygod” and “peter”. he was so fucking good, slamming into you, whispering curses, using his free hand to stimulate your clit. you were almost there, reaching your high, as you started to clench around him.
“no, don’t. not yet.” he says firmly, still pounding into you.
“please…” you ask, looking at him with those doe eyes again.
“no.” he answers again. “i want to cum with you.” he slams into you again, harder this time. picking up his pace, when suddenly his right hand is on your neck, squeezing it slightly.
“this okay?” he asks, you nod a yes. he’s pounding into you, you’re loving it. he has the power over you and you have to admit, you’re more turned on now than you ever were in your relationship with chris. you weren’t going to be able to hold back any longer, scratching his back with your nails, leaving marks all over.
“please, peter, i need to cum so bad please!” you beg, he looks at you with green eyes, brows furrowed.
"please princess, please cum for me." he says, his thumb not stopping at your clit, as you’re moving your hip with his. it takes no more than a few seconds until you're reaching your peak and moaning loudly. it's different from anything you've ever felt and you're trembling, moaning into peter's shoulder and leaving little crescent marks on his back from your nails. you could feel him twitch as you clench around him, his cum leaking inside you, carrying you through your high.
“fuck, so good all for me. my little slut.” he whispers while grunting and squeezing your neck more and mora tightly. your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape. God, was he good.
as soon as he finished, he dropped over you, his sweaty body coverings yours. you feel incredibly empty when he pulls out and lays beside you.
“you were so good.” he says, getting himself together and snuggling himself beside you. “i’ll clean you up in a bit, can we just stay like this a little?”
“sure.” you say, smiling, knowing it wouldn’t be a one time thing.
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