#like just the way raven wants to be the complete opposite of her mother but ends up looking almost exactly like her
cometblaster2070 · 1 month
something something but the utter poeticness of raven looking exactly like her mother and hating every second of it and apple not looking like her mother and resenting it so horribly.
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Damian Wayne x reader
Black cat x orange cat relationship
What happens when you and Damian get turned into cats for a day
Word count: 631
Warnings: Cute
Of course you and Damian both had to be turned into cats accidentally by Raven. She was trying a new spell, Gar distracted her and it went sideways. Damian was turned into a black cat and you were turned into an orange cat. Fitting. Luckily it would wear off after a day.
Damian, as a human or cat, was very reserved. He wanted his own space, isolated from everyone, peace. Unfortunately for Damian you were a very affectionate person. You would cuddle with Gar, comfort Jaime when he was homesick, reminding Raven she’s cared for.
Damian was the only person you couldn’t show affection. It was almost like he was allergic to it. But you were going to fix that.
As cats, if Damian was somewhere, you were right there with him. You loved it. He hated it.
Throughout the day he would try to avoid you, but you didn’t accept the hint and stayed near him anyways.
One would think Damian hated the affection you gave him, but that wasn’t the case. He kind of liked it, but he just didn’t know how to react to it. In the League of Assassins his mother never hugged him, his grandfather never asked him how he was, or ask how his day was going. But you did. You always checked up on him. Even though he acted like it annoyed him, deep down he really appreciated it.
Damian would never admit this but he got jealous when Gar would transformed into a cat play with you.
As previously mentioned, you were attached to Damian at the hips. Even when he tried hiding on top of the fridge, poof, there you were. He actually got startled by you and fell. Luckily for him, he still had his ninja agility even as a cat.
You and Damian were playing with yarn, well Damian was. No body knows what you we’re doing. Damian pushed his black yarn ball left and right between his paws. When he look over at you, that’s when he saw. You were completely entangled in purple yarn. He couldn’t help but snicker. Thankfully Raven was there to set you free. Sadly for you, she took the yarn away from you. When Damian noticed you pout he kind of felt bad. In no way was he going to give you his yarn to get tangled in, but he just his paw on you and you immediately felt better.
At one point during the day you thought it would be fun to pounce on Damian and tackle him. He just let you.
Damian was on the couch just sitting there, watching everyone. Even as a cat Damian was still intimidating. You could tell he was tense.
You sat on the opposite end of the couch. Damian didn’t know why considering how you’ve been all up on him since you two got turned into cats. He wanted you near him. As if on cue, you made your way towards Damian and rubbed your head against him. You could feel him relax from your touch. And you laid by his foot until you fell asleep.
That night Damian went to his room. Of course, you followed him. You laid on the bed just watching him. He was on his desk just looking at his thinks. He leaped down by his easel. He knows what his next painting is going to be. Being a cat for a day has really given him some inspiration.
When he was done looking around he saw you fast asleep by his pillow. He decided to join you. He laid there, cuddling with you, slowly drifting off to sleep. And that's how you two were in the morning, as humans. Starfire was sure to take a picture to send to Dick.
This was just a cute little blurb I thought of in the shower... I just wanted it to be something sweet. ☺️
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What happens in the cave, stays in the cave | Jon Snow x Jeor Mormont daughter!Reader
Summary: You and Jon spend the night in a cave
Word count: 1.9k (it was originally a blurb, I guess I got a little carried away...)
Warnings: light smut
Request: Can you do Jon looking for the Lord Commander of the Night’s watch’s daughter after she gets taken by the wildlings. When he finds her, he help her escape and they hide in a cavern, the same cavern Ygritte and Jon went to in the show  
A/N: I don’t know if this will be geographically correct, but let’s pretend. 
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While Beyond the Wall in search of the missing Benjen Stark with the other Crows, you had managed to stray away from the group and get taken by a group of Free Folk.
Your father, Lord Commander of the Night Jeor Mormont, was furious and immediately accused an old ‘friend’ – also called the King-Beyond-the-Wall – to be behind this. It was wrong of him to be making blind accusations, but it was his precious daughter that had been taken and, it turned out he hadn’t been completely wrong.
The men who had taken you hadn’t known your identity, they just wanted you for some…personal fun. It’s only when they brought you to their King that Mance Rayder recognized your mother’s eyes and decided to keep you hostage. The man has had a bone to pick with your father since his days among the Night's Watch – an old conflict between the two men.
The moment your disparition had been confirmed, Jon didn’t think twice and offered to go search for you. Although nothing was his fault, a part of him felt guilty. He should have kept a better eye on you. Jeor had been hesitant to send him, not particularly trusting of Jon or his intentions, but he wasn’t blind and knew the young Crow would be the only one who would protect you and your life before his.
It took Jon three days to find the Free Folk’s campment – to get to you. After evaluating his options, Jon infiltrated the Free Folk, telling them he had deserted the Night’s Watch to become part of the Free Folk. His plan would have worked if Mance Rayder hadn’t recognized him as Ned Stark’s bastard son, which got him captured too.
‘’You’re an idiot, Jon Snow,’’ you had told him when he got thrown in the tent with you, tied up. ‘’I’m flattered that you came to rescue me, but now we’re both gonna get killed.’’
You didn’t get killed. Mance had other plans for you. You’ll be heading to the wall via south along with the wildlings and serve of money of exchange when they invade the north. According to Mance, the Lord Commander won't care much about Jon Snow, but when he will see his daughter tied and with a blade pressed against her neck, he'll let them pass.
Mance's plan wasn't foolproof though. While they were on the move toward the south, you and Jon managed to free yourself and get away.
You and Jon had been on the run for hours, running through the snow-y mountains in the opposite direction of the Free Folk, and your legs were aching from all the running, threatening to give out.
And they did, as you tripped on a rock and fell on the snow covered ground. You cursed and tried to get up, but your body was exhausted.
‘’Jon!’’ you called, panting from running, feeling your heart hammering under your thick layers of wool, leather and fur.
Before you, the raven haired man stopped in his tracks. He looked over his shoulder to see you on the ground. ‘’You alright?‘’
You nodded. You weren't injured, just tired. ‘’I need a break. My- my legs can’t carry me any farther.’’
There was no way you'll be making it to Castle Black before night. Castle Black was hundreds of miles away. It's impossible to make that distance by foot before nightfall.
Jon looked around and nodded. ‘’Okay. We’ll take a break.’’
You didn't stay put for long. The area was safe for a short break, but not for a full night. You needed to find a place to hide away. A nook between trees or–
‘’Y/N! Where are you going,’’ Jon hissed, going after you like one would follow a running child. ‘’Seven Hells…’’
In the distance, you had spotted an opening in a mountain – a cave. It would be perfect to shield yourself from the wind and biting cold. Perhaps you could even make a fire.
Within the cave, Jon kept calling your name as you followed along its jagged walls. You ignored him and kept going, suddenly feeling a strange warmth the farther you went in. A frown creased between your eyebrows. You were in the coldest part of the north beyond-the-wall, warm air was impossible.
Your feet came to a halt and a grin curled on your mouth when you found a waterfall cascading down into a hot spring, explaining the warm air. You had never been to a hot spring, but you had heard of them. According to the men who had traveled beyond-the-wall, they were very rare and the only sources of warmth in the north.
‘’Jon! Come and see.’’
‘’No more running like that. I promised your father I would– What’s this?’’ he asked, looking around with a deep frown.
‘’A hot spring,’’ you explained. ‘’We’ll stay here tonight.’’
It’s been months since Jon had spent a night without wishing for an extra layer of fur to cover himself. Even in Winterfell, some nights were so cold that the warm water running through the pipes wasn't enough to keep the chambers warm. On those nights, Jon was thankful for a fireplace in his small bedchamber. He’s been missing the luxury of it on cold nights in the Night’s Watch’s bedchambers.
Eyeing the hot spring with envy, you reached for the buttons of your coat, undoing them and letting it fall off your body and to the ground, then proceeded to take off your boots, only to be stopped by Jon.
‘’What are you doing?’’ He gulped, getting more uncomfortable at each layer you were peeling off.
You rolled your eyes and continued undressing. ‘’Bathing. This is probably the only time I’ll see a hot spring. I intend of using it.’’ Slowly, you unlaced your pants, pausing before pulling them off. ‘’And you should too,’’ you added with a flirty smile.
When your pants hit the ground, Jon tore his eyes off of you. He wanted to see – he was dying to see what you looked like under your clothes –, but he had to resist the temptation or he would get as hard as the rock around you and break his vows.
‘’I-I’m good,’’ he replied, trying to find interest in the jagged rock walls.
You took off your last clothing item, standing naked while Jon still had all of his layers on. A snicker left your lips, seeing him purposely staring at a wall. ‘’Do I make you uncomfortable, Jon Snow?’’ you taunted, stepping closer to him.
Since his arrival at Black Castle, you suspected him of having an eye on you – like most men who were residing there. That’s what happens when you’re the only woman on land. Jon was different. He didn’t look at you like you were a piece of meat to empty his stones to. He wasn’t gross like them. He was kind and humble, honorable and loyal, charismatic – and he genuinely cared about you.
You weren’t indifferent to his dark curls and gray eyes, or that soft smile he kept just for you either.
‘’It’s polite of you to look away, but I would much rather you had your eyes on me. Perhaps not just your eyes.’’
Jon groaned, your suggestive words putting images in his mind and sending unwanted blood rushing south. ‘’Seven Hells…’’
You moved to stand before him and pressed your hands over the fur of his cloak, gliding them down to the leather that covered his chest. ‘’I want you, Jon Snow.’’ Your eyes flicked to his, the desire in his gray irises mirroring yours.
‘’We shouldn’t.’’ His skin was starting to feel clammy, plausibly from the heat coming from the spring. Was it really the spring, though? ‘’I've pledged my life to the Night's Watch, to your father. If I give in to my oath-’’
As much as you loved him for his loyalty, it was getting in the way of your sexual desires and starting to get on your nerves.
‘’You vowed to take no wife, hold no lands, father no children – I know the Night’s Watch’s oath,’’ you said with a little annoyance in your voice. ‘’It doesn’t say anything about having some fun.’’ You inched a little closer again, kissing his cheek and jaw as your bare body brushed his clothed one, trying to make him give in. ‘’If it makes you feel better, you can tell yourself we’re doing it to keep each other warm.’’
His forehead was prickling with sweat and the tent in his pants was getting difficult to conceal, difficult to fight.
‘’I can’t take what’s not mine.’’
‘’Then make me yours,’’ you replied simply, taking a fist of his fur collar and pulling him down so your lips could brush. ‘’Make me yours, Jon Snow.’’
Jon gave in – finally –, bending the rules and crashing his lips against yours in a searing kiss. He was putting so much in jeopardy – his honor and position in the Night’s Watch, your future by taking your maidenhood, his Lord Commander’s trust –, but the guilt was quickly replaced by fire in his blood.
His hands joined yours, unbuckling and untying, pulling and pushing at his clothes until he was completely naked too.
Women had never been a major interest for him. Back in Winterfell, although he was a Stark by blood, people saw him as a bastard above all and, no women wanted to fuck a bastard. They wanted Robb, who was, by name, more reputable, or even Theon Greyjoy.
You were the first woman who didn't care about his name, the first woman who ever wanted him.
Without breaking the kiss, you explored Jon's body, pleasantly surprised to find a decently muscled body and broad shoulders, all acquired through training and sword fighting. You wanted to kiss him all over, touch him all over, but the hard and uneven rock was starting to hurt your feet.
‘’Shall we get in the water?’’
As expected, the water was warm and agreeable, a contrast to the biting cold you’ve been living in all of your life. You let the water submerge your body up to your shoulders, covering you like a blanket. Only, that one was completely transparent.
You reached for Jon, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him again, deepening the kiss as you felt his strong arms circle around your back and pulling you against him, your naked breasts and peaked nipples pressing against his chest. The mix of inexperience and touch deprivation elicited a moan from his mouth and made his cock twitch, feeling a woman's body against his for the first time.
You chuckled, but didn't pull away. Instead, you rolled your hips, feeling his erect cock brush your folds, and he moaned again. ‘’You like what I’m doing, Jon Snow?’’ you murmured, twirling a wet curl around your finger.
In response, he grasped onto your hips with a vice-like grip and grinded his erection the same way you had teased him, his cock almost entering, but not quite. You whimpered softly, pulling on his hair as your eyelids fluttered. Fuck. He needed to be inside you – now.
‘’Two can play this game,’’ Jon teased, the waterfall behind you falling as a white noise, giving a romantic ambiance to the underground hideaway.
‘’Haven’t we played enough already?’’ you asked, looking into his gray eyes and running your hands along the muscles of his arms, moving onto his chest and abdomen next, and then back up his chest and shoulders. Using his shoulders as leverage, you curled your legs around his waist, causing the water to swish from the movements. ‘’I want to get to the finish line.’’
Taglist: @taylordaughter  @gillybear17 @liltimmyst @eos-princess   @Kaitieskidmore1 @instabull  
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones taglist: @anastasiaxsworld @lollypopcrazylover @fin-never @dkathl @ayamenimthiriel @nerdy4itall @rraindrops @glors3 @beelanie @hc-geralt-23 @sweetybuzz25  @uniquenightsheep @kaywsworld @i-yam-awesome @caspianobsessed @kelssssxd @dilfsarebetterthanyou @missyviolet123 @leakycauldrns @brezzybfan @khaleesihavilliard @vexedvalerie @lollaa-puff @my-dark-prince @chevelledahuman @caspianobsessed @ayamenimthiriel @yor72 @mirandastuckinthe80s @newtsniffles @cleverzonkwombatsludge @justaproudslytherpuff @ren-ni @green-lxght @anginoguera @bubblebuttwade @comicsol1999 @rockerchick05 @baelavelaryonwp @tnu-ree @beccawinter @alexisabirdie @persage @hayleighloatx @kindaslightlyacidic @perdynerd @elsyyie @puffycreamcakes  @thirsty4nonlivingmen  @naty-1001 @xannybabyxx  @katiepie67 @kjones375 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl   @queenofshinigamis @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @Wehi02 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz   @cayleecook38 @yoyopolloobamadaddy @hayleighloatx @vane1999-blog @smptxx @fairyfolkloresposts @yassi-world @todaywasafairytale07 @ESobilal @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @Katelyn15m @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @beggarsnotchoosey @vainillasmil157 @kizzyxren @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @Harryshousewhore @kodzuvk @tnu-ree @omgsuperstarg @futuregws @blackravena @ashlatano7567 @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @uh-no-actually @secretsthathauntus @lemiqa @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @hc-geralt-23​ @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @mouldyfrog @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @drusillaravenclaw @softtina​ @jelly-fishy-babie​ @evesolstice @Thelilacmourning
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Vanessa ives - where we meet at a ball and she ask us to dance, she never got our name and follows us home to find out we are the daughter of Evelyn Poole. So we start seeing Vanessa behind our mothers back and maybe if you could add some smut between us and vanessa?
Forbidden Love- Part 1- Vanessa Ives
A/N: Hey @wandamaximoff2823 thank you for your request, I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've been really struggling to get back into writing but better as never I suppose 😅, anyway I hope you enjoy this and that it was worth the wait.
Warning(s): Scars, smut, mentions of neglect/abuse.
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I was never one to be interested in the intricacies of the aristocratic ways of the upper class but mother had asked me to be here and what ever mother asked you to do was never a simple request but a very firm order.
I entered the lavish estate of a Mr Dorian Grey, unescorted of course, how scandalous. A butler or perhaps he was a servant came and took my cloak and directed to me where all the fuss and chatter was coming from, so I followed the sound of champagne induced laughter and discussion of who owned the most properties in the countries, which took me to a grand ballroom which was filled to the brim of upper class Londoners, an orchestra and the walls were completely lined with portraits, show off.
I weaved my way through the large doorway that lead into the ballroom a feat which would have been easier if everyone was deciding to take up the space. I'd originally dressed to blend in and not draw in to much unwanted attention, who would have thought that wearing dress of gold and white (the opposite of what my mother would have ever approved of) would have caught so many stares and glances.
A server came to me with a tray of champagne and though I was usually partial to a class or two I knew I had to keep my mind as agile as possible for the task my mother had sent me to do. I was told to not get to close to Miss Ives but just enough to use some effective Nightwalker magic on her mind, this should have been Hecate's job not mine but apparently according to mother "Hecate had her own tasks" I would have used the chores or enslavement but I'd rather not have a gash from the tip of my cheek to my chin so I kept my mouth shut.
For a moment as I was thinking a man approached me and I could already smell the alcohol from a mile, this would be wonderful not, I snarled for a moment at the thought but as the man was now in reach of me I returned my face to its natural composure.
"What's a charming dove like you doing all alone and without a chaperone?" This man, who looked old enough to be a someone who should start writing their will, asked me. Who looked like the usual upper class prick, my least favourite kind of mortal irritation.
"That is none of your concern sir, now if you wouldn't mind walking off to go and compare your assets, though I'm sure yours are lacking by the looks of things, with the other gentlemen I'd be most thankful." I said the man with my best 'I'm super important' voice but when the man didn't leave I know that my word choice may have been a little too much.
"How dare you speak to me in such a way," The man snarled at me and was quick to grab my upper arm harshly and with so many people in the room it would be easy to not notice or ignore what he was doing. "Now judging by your dress I'd say your still a maid, so why don't you be a good little heiress and have a drink with me on the balcony," Damn this dress I just wanted to wear something that was the opposite of the scars on back and now I was being mistaken for a maid because of it, just fabulous.
As more time passed and I hadn't responded, the man's grip on my upper arm was becoming painfully tight and even for someone like me, I couldn't hold back a wince.
"Ah cousin," I heard a feminine voice call out and upon hearing the voice my head turned abruptly to the direction of the voice and then I saw her. She had raven black hair, sky blue eyes and pale ivory skin and was wearing the most fabulous black and red dress I'd ever seen and she was walking over to me. Well that's half a job done and half a job failed.
Once she stood by my side she began to speak again, "Thank you for keeping my cousin company Sir," She spoke to the man who still had his hand on my upper arm, "But now that I am here I believe she is no longer in need of your company," Her voice which originally was soft and compliant of any woman in this room and now become more natural almost steely.
I could feel the man's grip tighten and I knew who was about to say something but for whatever reason after he made eye contact with my ravenette saviour he let go of my arm completely and walked off without another word. My first reaction was to rub at my arm, even if I knew it would heal within a minute or two.
"I Apologise for the cousin lie but I can tell when a woman is uncomfortable." She spoke to me with a kindness I knew would be there if she knew who I actually was. "My name is Miss Ives," She spoke again with a slight bit more formality, extending out a hand for me to shake and suddenly I was grateful to the creme gloves I was wearing because if I weren't she'd probably be able to sense exactly what I was.
"No apologies needed, It's a pleasure to finally meet you Miss Ives." I spoke with the same slight formality as she but then I soon thought of the implications of my words and I began to internally kick myself for making such a slip up, my mother was going to kill me if I messed this up.
"To finally meet me?" She looked at my with a smile and odd confusement in her expression. "Why have we been intending to meet one another before today?" She asked me curiously with a slight chuckle to her voice which was somewhere between being eerie and joyful.
"Not at all, I simply meant that," I paused for a moment to think of a better excuse for my slip up, "I've heard your name on people's lips before, it's nice to put a face to the name, Miss Ives." I said coming up with something that I thought was a decent enough excuse that would hopefully appease her curiosity.
"Oh, I didn't know I was a topic of gossip," She spoke again and though she was trying to feign ignorance I could tell she had noticed my slip up by the way her eyes looked at me and how her pupils darkened with triumph at her victory.
"Well anyway would you care for a dance?" She asked me her tone lighter with an undertone of something that was perhaps mischief, as she gave a slightly bow and extended out hand, facing upwards, to me.
"Well people do like to talk," I was very quickly scanning the ballroom for a quick escaped to the exit and when I found it I took my chances, "I must be going Miss Ives, good evening." I said the formal goodbye and quickly left through the small gap that had been left to the exit and retrieved my own cloak and quickly began to set off back up to the manor we were staying in that was slight ways away.
As I walked under the nights dark sky at a brisk pace, I thought of how I knew my mother would be anything but pleased at what she would see as a display of my incompetence at not completely her 'simple' task but I also thought about how what she didn't know couldn't hurt her, a policy I very much enjoyed using with my mother. Though if she were to ever find out I knew I'd probably be crucified upside down with no last words being allowed.
Not long later I made up back to our home, a manor that was slightly outside of central London. I walked up the stone steps that led to the large front doors which i opened with a heavy gust of wind which came when I turned my wrist in just the right way and I walked inside oblivious to anything else as I took my cloak off and threw it somewhere I didn't care to check.
As I walked further into the foyer at the front of the manner, I started ragging the gloves of my arms and unpinning the mass of my that sat atop my head. It felt euphoric when my hair cascaded down my back because finally all the weight was off the crown of my head and sighed out in a pleased way not caring for all the bobby pins that were fall the marble floor and making a clattering sound.
For a moment all I thought I could hear was the clattering of my bobby pins on the floor, which was a lovely relief because it meant that my mother possibly my sisters weren't in the manor or they were at least asleep, either way I was happy to not be bothered by any of them.
As I just about started to walk up the overly elaborate staircase upstairs, I heard a bang and then a mumble and quickly whipped my body around to the direction of the sound which just happened to be the front doors and then I saw her, Vanessa, well this is just fabulous.
"Miss Ives, what on earth are you doing here?" I asked feigning confusion and innocence as I walked down the few steps I had just walked up. I then walked over to where Vanessa was, in the middle of the foyer, taking in her surroundings of the dark and quietly frankly disturbing manor.
"You never told me your name," She began to say, the meaning behind her voice was obviously detached from what she was saying to me as she was to focused on surveying her new surroundings. "What possible reason do you have for being here?" She asked me finally making eye contact and her steely gaze was hardened and distrusting.
She must be able to feel the aura of the manor, Hell she probably had a pretty good idea about who lived here which meant she probably knew what I was. "Miss Ives I know how it may look but..." I began to say to Vanessa before I heard the creaking of floorboards coming from upstairs and as the noise grew closer the sound of footsteps accompanied it.
A horrible sense of dread filled my chest because I knew that it was just the wind or if it was a person, as I suspected it was, it wasn't one of my sisters, it was my mother. I didn't have much time to think and I'm not sure what compelled me to do it but I quickly faced Vanessa agin and twisted my wrist in her direction and a gust of with pushed her against one of the far walls and quickly I consumed her in enough mist to make her invisible.
Just as I turned back around to face the staircase but before I was able to regain my composure, my mother was at the top of the staircase in one of her robes and her hair pinned. "Oh mother, hello," I spoke trying calm my voice down as to not give anything away.
"Y/N you've returned, I assume the task I sent you on was a success then." She phrased it in a way that anyone would think it was meant as a question but I knew she didn't mean it as one, she never did.
"Yes mother," I spoke with my head bowed, lying through the skin of my teeth, praying she wouldn't notice my lie. "Lucifer's bride had a bit of a manic episode at the party and fainted," I explained to my mother whilst trying to come up with a believable lie, we were expected to refer to Vanessa as Lucifer's bride, the thought always made my skin crawl but I'd never let it show.
"Good, I'm pleased to hear," I eternally sighed of relief when my mother spoke like she had know idea that I had lied to her and I was grateful for it. "Well I shall retire for night now," She then finished saying as she walked back the way she came and the sound of her footsteps soon disappeared completely.
Once my mother was gone I couldn't even give myself a moment to enjoy my victory as I know Vanessa was still stuck the wall and covered in mist. I quickly ran other to where I cast her off and released from my nightwalker magic, to which she fell from the wall gasping for breath.
"Miss Ives," I quickly got down on the floor as she was still gasping, "Miss Ives you must leave, if my mother or sisters find you here you will never leave," I tried to encourage her off the floor and I eventually got her to her feet but she wasn't leaving. "Listen, I understand your in shock and still recovering but you have to leave right now," I kept urgently encouraging her to leave but it wasn't quite working. "Vanessa!" I shouted her name and this finally snapped her out of wherever she'd been in her head, she made eye contact with me once before running out of the manner and disappearing and all I could do was finally sigh in relief. What a night. __________________________________ So I've had to split this request into two parts because it was getting a little long. Anyway, thank you all for reading, I hope you all enjoyed and until next time fellow readers.
Tag List @ateliefloresdaprimavera @cissyenthusiast010155 @multifandomfix @multimilfs
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Rosemary’s Mother
Part 1 of ?
Rosemary Winters (RE8), Lady Dimitrescu (RE8)/Larissa Weems (Wednesday)
Notes/warnings/summary: Why do these two women have such a stranglehold on me? When is Gwen going to be cast as Lady D? IDK but here in this house both mommies are alive and well and mothering…as it should be.
Alcina woke in darkness her eyes could not penetrate. “What? What is this?” She felt herself floating in a void. Then she remembered. “He killed me! That stupid man thing!” “Where am I?”
Then she remembered her daughters and she felt her grief wash over her. She felt like she was drowning! “Bella!” “No!” She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was in some sort of disembodied conscious state.
He took everything from her. She was just a well of sorrow. Why was she here? Where was she? What was she? “Mother Miranda?” She must be trying to resurrecting her. She tried to reach out somehow into the void. Then she felt it; another presence. “Who’s there? Mother?
No, not Miranda. It felt like fear. It was timid, but curious; reaching out to her as she tried to reach out to it. “Hello? Who are you?” One of her daughters? Her heart leapt at the thought.
She felt a sort of buzzing; an electrical current flowing around her. She felt herself coming together in the void; her physical person; she was back in her body.
She turned around seeing a dim light coming from behind her. There was a small child silhouetted in front of her. A small, dark figure facing her. Alcina bent double to try and be closer to the child’s level.
“Hello, sweetling,” she said gently. “Are you alright?” She received no response but she continued to feel fear emanating from the girl. “Come here to me, sweetling. Come to mother,” she coaxed.
Suddenly she felt herself being pulled away; they were both being pulled in opposite directions from one another. “No! No! Rosemary? Come back to me child!” She was enveloped once more by darkness, and she awoke in the rubble of her home. “Rosemary?”
Larissa made her way down the main staircase to the entry foyer of Nevermore Academy where she found her prospective student standing and gawking at the architecture around her. She could see the lower body of her mother waiting just outside the door. “She must be even taller than me,” she thought to herself.
“Good morning, Ms. Winters, is it? I’m Principal Weems.” The girl spun around. “Good morning, Principal Weems, I’m Rose and this is my mom, Lady Dimitrescu,” she gestured toward the headless body outside. “Good morning, Lady Dimitrescu, do please come inside,” she called.
The woman bent down a good ways to clear the seven foot entryway. “Good morning, Principal Weems,” a stunning raven haired woman said as she appeared inside draped in a floor length white gown with a black dahlia pinned above her bosom on the left. Larissa immediately liked this tall and stunning woman.
She smiled brightly at her. “My, it isn’t often I find myself looking up to someone. What a refreshing change.” The lady smiled at her in return. “You’re a lovely, petite flower.” Larissa caught the gagging face Rosemary made out of the corner of her eye and smiled even wider.
“My office is just upstairs, shall we?” She turned and led the way, falling into her well worn speech about the schools history and some of its most notable alumni. Lady Dimitrescu enjoyed the ample view while following along behind; suddenly her daughter’s choice to tour the school was a little less irritating to her.
Larissa told them a little about the variety of “outcasts” enrolled in the school; some of them common, some rare, and a few entirely unique in their abilities. Alcina discovered that Rose had been honest with her when she’d told her mother she thought she’d find the guidance she felt she needed here.
It did not entirely placate Alcina’s worry that her daughter wanted to break free from her. The notion did not sit well with her at all. Her three older daughters had always been completely devoted to their mother. The four of them were very alike in their desires, hungers, and basic needs. Rose was very different from her mother, and Alcina had changed many things about the way they lived their day to day life in order to better cater to this daughter.
But she never expected her daughter to want to live away from her, especially not so soon. Rose said she wanted someone she could learn from, who could help her be more in control of her powers, and Alcina did not seem to be able to help satisfactorily.
Alcina was frightened of losing Rose, the way she had her other daughters, but she wasn’t prepared to say, “I don’t want to lose you.” That was too vulnerable, so instead, she resorted to being extra irritable toward her while simultaneously endeavoring to spend every second in her immediate presence as they prepared to come to Nevermore for their visit.
But this woman in front of her gave off the impression that she’d encountered all manner of young people with all sorts of abilities and she seemed unruffled; entirely in control of herself and her school. That confident air coupled with the elegance of the woman’s dress and appearance caused Alcina to briefly entertain the thought, “If I were ever to allow anyone to act as a caregiver to my child, it would be someone like her.”
Unfortunately, that thought was immediately followed by, “Of course, the only person I want caring for my little girl is me,” and her eyes narrowed in a possessive, almost aggressive, way. She gritted her teeth as Larissa turned back to them. She gave Alcina another of her warm, beautiful, smiles and said sweetly, “Here we are,” as she opened the door for them to step inside.
“I see your prior education has been entirely home based?” Larissa said as she reviewed Rose’s file. Alcina started to speak, but Rose interjected, “Yes, my mother is very…protective, but she’s done a fantastic job so far.” Larissa smiled, “I agree. Your exam scores were impressive. You must be very proud of her.”
Alcina smiled at Larissa’s complimentary tone. “Yes, she’s all I have left, and I am proud of her.” Concern creased Larissa’s brow, “Yes, I saw in Rose’s background file, you mentioned that her sisters had passed away. I’m so sorry for you loss. It must be very difficult for you, especially with Ms. Winters getting older and beginning to express a certain independence, as they inevitably will do.”
Larissa saw the look of worry on Alcina’s face. Rose reached out and took her hand. Alcina lifted her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it before looking at her daughter with an almost pleading gaze. “Of course, I’m sure that independence in no way interferes with a child’s love for their parent,” Larissa offered. “Of course, I’m still entirely devoted to mother. It’s just that I have certain abilities now that I don’t feel completely in control of and since I can’t seem to find a way to be rid of them, I would at least like to feel in charge of them.” “Well, I’m confident we can help you with that, Ms. Winters. That’s the whole purpose behind Nevermore Academy. We strive to offer a sense of belonging and security as we help students understand and control their unique abilities.”
“Shall I have you take a tour of the grounds and facilities, Ms. Winters?” Larissa called her assistant on the phone and a young lady arrived shortly after. “Ready?” she asked Rose brightly. “May I accompany them?” Alcina asked. “Oh, yes, of course,” Larissa said.
Their tour guide was a bubbly young blonde girl. Alcina found her enthusiasm a little trying, but she appreciated how warm and friendly she was being toward Rose as she led them around explaining the purpose of each communal area.
Rose seemed to really enjoy the company of someone her own age and it caused Alcina to worry that Rose felt she was missing out on things by living alone in a house with just her mother and a handful of servants as company.
A big part of Alcina wanted to grab Rose up and run away with her; lock her inside their home and never allow her to see the light of day again. But the rest of her wanted to see her daughter happy, as she seemed to be right now.
Enid left the pair standing in the quad as she went to fetch Principal Weems when they’d finished their tour. The pair seemed fine when she left, but by the time Larissa stepped into the grounds she was startled to find two of her male students cowering before an enraged looking Lady Dimitrescu. She towered over them menacingly and as Larissa walked quicker towards them she saw the largest set of claws she’d ever seen extend from one of Alcina’s hands.
Larissa broke into a run. “Lady Dimitrescu!” she called breathlessly. Alcina turned toward Larissa, her eyes glowing angrily and Larissa stopped in her tracks. She noticed the students running in opposite directions from behind Alcina.
“Mother! Stop it right now,” Rose shouted. Alcina turned, apparently startled by her daughter reprimanding her. Her claws retracted. “Did you know there were young man things here,” she asked Rose? “Yes, mother, I knew it was a co-ed school.”
“And you expected me to allow you to stay here with them?” Alcina was yelling at her daughter loudly enough for most of campus to hear. “Please, Lady Dimitrescu,” Larissa tried to intervene.
Alcina turned back toward her and her eyes began to glow again, but this time Larissa stood her ground, determined to help Rose. “Can we not discuss this back in my office so we don’t embarrass Ms. Winters in front of her peers?”
Alcina turned back to her daughter and saw tears brimming in the bottoms of her eyes. Her demeanor changed immediately. She went to her daughter, scooping her up into her arms, and cradling her against her bosom like a small child. She placed a kiss in the girl’s hair.
“Please don’t cry, sweetling, mother is sorry.” Larissa was relieved to see Alcina’s anger gone. She gestured for them to return inside. Larissa smiled slightly at the sight of the girl’s face still buried in her mother’s bosom, but she was also concerned about the dynamic between them.
Larissa felt they could both benefit from some time spent apart from one another. She was no novice at dealing with helicopter parents. However, the height, glowing eyes, fangs, and four foot claws were a tricky combination. Larissa would have to tread lightly.
After managing to deposit Rose temporarily in the care of her would be dorm mom, Larissa led Alcina back into her office. “Lady Dimitrescu, you frightened my students with your behavior earlier. The two young gentlemen may have been a little overly friendly toward Ms. Winters, but I assure they are harmless.”
“I did not raise her to take a liking to man things and I did not realize they would be present here.” She stopped as she noticed Larissa appearing to hold back a chuckle. She scowled slightly. “What is it? What’s so amusing?” “I’m sorry…really. It’s just…” “What?” “Well, I don’t know about you, but whatever intentions my parents may have had for me in that regard, they were entirely unsuccessful.”
Alcina raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What about you? Did you develop an interest in the sort of people you were ‘raised’ to like?” “That was a long time ago…but, no, I don’t suppose I did.”
Larissa smiled at her. “I think that’s often the case, but I can assure you, we have strict policies here against boy/girl mingling in their dormitories. Each dorm has a teacher who resides there, and they watch their assigned students like a hawk. I will, of course, make you aware of any policy violations Ms. Winters may make.”
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Hello Miss Raven! I'm not sure if you're up to date with Vil's bloomquet birthday story, but apparently he doesn't know much about his mom and it doesn't seem like he want to find out about her either. What do you think about Vil's mom and what are some of your speculations to her lack of appearance in her son's life?
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I haven't gotten the chance to take a look at Vil's new birthday vignettes to work on a belated birthday fic until just recently! I wasn't expecting to get lore about his other parent, so it was a pleasant surprise.
I heard a lot of fan speculation that perhaps Vil has a sour relationship with his mother or that his mom is actually dead, but I personally don't think either of those is true. It's totally within the realm of possibility for him to just be estranged from his mom without being resentful of her. I also feel like there's just not enough information right now to claim she's dead?? Lack of identity is not equivalent to death. From the way Vil speaks about his mother (birthday interviews are completely voiced), he doesn't appear to harbor any ill will toward her; Vil is very passe about the situation and doesn't express an interest in learning more about her, which is valid.
Based on that information, I get the sense that Vil's mom was the type of person that wasn't involved in her child's life (the opposite of his dad, really). I don't really blame her for that, honestly??? I imagine it must be very tough dealing with a big celebrity for a partner (no matter how loving Papa Schoenheit may be). It's stressful dealing with paparazzi, constant gossip, and comparing oneself to the models/celebrities that no doubt populate Papa Schoenheit's glamorous world. Maybe it's even a case where Mama Schoenheit wasn't planning for a baby or didn't want to raise a child. Maybe there were marital issues surrounding her lack of commitment to Vil (again, believable given how committed Papa Schoenheit is), or Vil's birth gave her more stress than she could handle. There many reasons why a parent may not want the family life and thus leave it of their own accord. Now, think what you will of that, but 💦 I think it's better that Vil never knew his mom rather than grow up with a parent that may not be dedicated to raising him to be his best self. (NOTE: this is ALL speculation; we don't know a lot about this topic so I'm just rambling about potential ideas for where this could lead.)
Vil, for his part, is happy with his dad, his friends, and his career, so he doesn't seek fulfillment in knowing about the other half of his lineage. Sometimes, like Vil, you may not be curious, or you may not want to reconcile with that part of you. (It's like how some adopted children may want to meet their birth parents, while others don't or would rather not know.) That's okay, and we should normalize that!!
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mendes-bae · 2 years
A fair exchange – epilogue
series masterlist ; part seven
Part seven summary: the war is over, maybe it's time to look forward.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x (F) Targaryen!reader
Warning: incest, .
This is not the true ending of The Dance of the Dragons, it's just a reinterpretation ⚠️
Author's note: I want to thank everyone who read this fic, you have no idea how much it means to me. Thank you for every ❤ and every comment, it melted my heart. See you very soon on the blog with new stories 😊
ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! this is my first time writing a fic in English, so beforehand, i'm sorry 👀
All the rights belong to the showrunners of HOTD and George R.R Martin, author of Fire and blood & Song of ice and fire series ‼️
Word count: 1075
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Five years after Rhaenyra I's coronation — Lys Island.
Aemond watched the twins Jaehaera and Jaehaerys play with Velarys on the seashore, while Aethan and Khaenys built sand castles a few yards away with Maelor.
The exiled prince watched his wife enjoy herself, with coastal wind blowing the skirt of her linen dress and salt water splashing her skin making it glow, happier than ever.
After Queen Rhaenyra issued a pardon, they both decided to leave the capital with the little children of her late sister, because without Helaena and Aegon the little ones had been left orphans. Every night when the children were tucked in, Aemond remembered his wife's words when they placed their nephews and niece under their protection: "In the past I lost two children, and these children have lost their mother, it is our destiny to be together."
Aemond couldn't help but feel the same way, he loved sweet Helaena's children as if they were his own and just thinking that they might be alone in this world made him shudder.
He could watch them run, listen to them laugh and scream for hours. Khaenys was so similar to her sister Ellarys that sometimes he could swear he could see her reflected in the little one, they both had a sweet and innocent personality that characterized them. His older brother by only one year, Aethan, was a curious child, who liked to play pranks on his sister but when the little girl shed a tear, he was the most protective ser in the Seven Kingdoms. They were both very close and it was something that made him happy because he had not been able to have that closeness with his own brother.
Jaehaera looked too much like her lovely mother while her twin brother was the complete opposite, he could fight with sticks alongside his cousin all afternoon pretending to be knights in shining armor. On the other hand, Maelor was a special case, as Velarys had formed a great bond with him.
The boy was only months old when his mother died and the war ended. When they adopted the little ones, Maelor cried for her mother's breast but the only thing the couple could do to calm his hunger was to give him goat's milk, however he refused it. For a while, Velarys and Aemond thought the baby was starving, but suddenly milk gushed from the Targaryen princess's breasts and they knew they were expecting Aethan. Velarys nursed the child as if it were her own, for which their relationship became extremely strong and the moment Maelor began to crawl he followed her throughout the small house they had been able to build.
They lived on an islet in Lys, a small island off Essos. There was no civilization around, a little piece of paradise just for them. If they looked across the Narrow Sea to the horizon, they could see Sunspear's shores in Dorne.
They had to navigate their small boat to get supplies in the nearest city, only a few kilometers away.
They lived on what they could catch in the day and what the merchants in the port paid them. It wasn't much and they didn't have a palatial life, but they had everything they needed to have a happy life.
Rhaenyra knew of the existence of their children and how her sister was, so very often, ravens would arrive with letters from the Queen and with small bags of gold that Velarys kept but never used.
Velarys often wondered if he had done the right thing in leaving Westeros, but each time her children hugged them and spoke tenderly to them, she was convinced that she had saved them from a life surrounded by greed.
"Mommy, look what I found" Khaenys said, running in her bare feet towards her mother.
Aemond walked up to his family.
"It's a turtle... maybe one day it will grow as big as Vaghnar" she exclaimed looking at the small animal.
Velarys, who was paying full attention to her now, laughed at the idea of her little four-year-old daughter.
"Of course, love" the princess stroked her soft hair.
The girl looked excitedly at her mother and ran to her brothers to show them her great find. Aemond wished that they could continue to be children longer, he loved the mischief that all of his children shared and feared that they would eventually lose it.
○ ੭ 𓈒 ˙ 🐉🐉🐉 ˳ ⊹ ˚ 𝅄
When Aemond awoke to find his wife not beside him in bed, he was concerned. He got up with a naked torso because he used to sleep without a shirt due to the heat at night. He looked out the window and saw the dragon with green scales under the cloud line, on its back Velarys Targaryen. He had always loved seeing her hair fly in the wind and watching her thighs cling to her dragon's body, she looked powerful and imposing.
She no longer rode her dragon as often as before, in fact Vaghnar was the one who visited her on the small island they lived on. As far as he knew the beast flew from Sothoryos, the continent teeming with wild dragons and such creatures that his eyes saw only on books pages.
When Vhagar had died at the queen's command years before (punishment he had accepted for Lucerys' merciless death), Vaghnar left the island and was not seen for weeks. Velarys did not blame him, she understood well what mourning was.
One morning when Velarys awoke she saw her dragon asleep on the shore. The princess walked up to the animal and caressed it gently, he looked peaceful. Vaghnar opened his eyes and looked at her, giving her permission to ride his back. Velarys accepted the dragon's terms, he had always been a free beast.
Aemond walked to the shore when dragon and rider landed, Velarys smiled at him and waved goodbye to Vaghnar as she did not know when she would see him again.
"Good morning" Velarys said when she was in front of her husband.
"Good morning, my love" Aemond replied, taking her by the waist and hugging her against his chest.
Aemond kissed her forehead and smell her perfume, enjoying her company.
They were embraced watching the sunrise, and both wanted to feel this peace for the rest of their lives because they had already suffered enough, the little paradise could guarantee them that and they were not thinking of giving it up never in a million years.
The end.
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@mynameisbaby9 @princessmiaelicia @sustisama @deeeeexx @zverea @daddysfavoritesexkitten @tempo-rary-fix @stargaryenx @filmelunar @yor72 @remuslupinwifee @fuckinglittlekitten @may-machin @kaitieskidmore1 @zillahvathek @marvelita85 @25falsafielisa @solacestyles @polireader @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @loomipee @leoramage @iiamthehybrid @darylandbethfanforever9 @bregarc @justpassinbxx @sandronebabyy @ms-dont-care @julianaaleticia @nctma15 @isaxbella749 @maviee @gimalo135 @fedeffy @ladywin17 @tivedetek4869
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Okay so, one thing I will say about the possibility of Summer willingly working for Salem: I hope they don't just do it to make Raven look like a better mother than she actually is.
I have long been of the opinion that Yang disowning Raven and cutting her out of her life entirely will be CRITICAL to her developing into a healthy adult. Ever since we learned about Raven, her arc has been building up to the realization and acceptance of the fact that Summer Rose was her real mother all along, and that she shouldn't waste her life chasing the toxic relationship Raven offered.
Point is, if Summer has thrown her lot in with Salem, it needs to have been out of love for her daughters, an impulsive and foolish decision made to keep her babies safe.
The best part of the juxtaposition of Summer and Raven is how it turns the age-old "wicked stepmother" trope on its head by having the stepmother be loving and kind while the biological mother is cold and heartless.
(That, and Raven's arc concluding with her realizing that she can't use her Semblance anymore because she burned all her bridges and nobody wants her in their lives anymore, and being forced to live with that knowledge, would be the perfect comeuppance for how willing she's been to sacrifice all her loved ones, up to and including her own daughter, just to save herself. Especially if she's given multiple chances to redeem herself and screws up every chance until everyone's just too sick of her nonsense to give her a twenty-third chance she doesn't deserve.)
as far as yang’s relationship to raven goes, i don’t get the impression that rwby as a narrative has any interest in resuscitating raven’s motherhood—i mean, she flat out admits that she wasn’t kind to yang when they met and later whispers “i’m sorry” right before taking off again, lmfao. but equally i’m not sure i would agree that complete estrangement is really the healthiest goal for yang; it’s a pendulum swing to the opposite side of the spectrum from where she started and i think restricts her ability to meaningfully process the complicated feelings she has about her mother. there is a very wide band of grey area between emotional dependency on a bad or absent parent and full no-contact estrangement and—speaking here from the perspective of being inside that middle zone—i think partial estrangement is usually the better option, except when the parent is actively and viciously abusive to the point that no form of contact is safe.
with a parent like raven—who is absent and unreliable, not abusive—there can a lot of emotional value in just accepting the relationship as a distant one with minimal contact. and with yang being someone whose biggest emotional problem is bottling up things that hurt her, i think full estrangement stands to harm more than it helps because it puts a solid barrier in front of her feelings toward her mother. even if in practice she never sees raven, leaving herself the option to do so will make it easier to air those feelings out.
i also do not think that anything raven has done demands narrative retribution versus the compassionate framing given to, say, cinder fall or salem; she’s a bandit who abandoned her kid and her cause because ozpin molded her into his spy while she was a teenager or in her early twenties and then she couldn’t cope with the horrors she discovered or the personal threats salem is implied to have made to her. as reasons for being a deadbeat mom go that is a… fairly understandable one, and i do not think there is anything uniquely or egregiously more awful about walking out on your family than other kinds of wrongdoing—and certainly in terms of material harm it isn’t even close to the worse thing raven “some people?? pillage defenseless villages and leave the survivors to the grimm?? to cope??” branwen has ever done in her life.
anyway to the actual point:
summer rose working for salem stands to be compelling in a lot of ways, but the one that appeals most to me is a scenario where she didn’t choose it for her daughters. what have we been told about summer? she was the best of the best. the living ideal of what a huntress should be and an amazing mom—and then she took off without telling anybody where she was going to confront salem by herself, which, reading between the lines? summer rose got put on a pedestal and subjected to such intense pressure that she burned out and attempted suicide by pointless heroic sacrifice—either because she actively wanted to die or because she believed she had a responsibility to throw her life away for the cause.
and then salem offered her a way out.
now—from salem’s insistence that ruby be kept alive, and from her reaction to yang identifying herself as summer’s other daughter—i think it’s fairly clear that, whatever the exact circumstances are, there IS a standing agreement that salem will avoid harming them to the extent possible. but my personal hope is that the decision to join salem was one summer made for herself, to save herself from being the Sacrificial Hero, because she could not live like that any longer. this would be congruent with rwby’s thematic stance on heroic selflessness and self-sacrifice as a corruptive force and introduce layers of emotional messiness that appeal to me, in that summer can love her daughters with everything she has and yet leave them behind because she herself has been driven to an emotional brink where if she doesn’t escape by joining salem she is going to get herself killed on purpose, and the betrayal experienced by her now grown-up children when they learn this is mediated by their own experience of the same pressures that pushed her to that point (and presumably by the revelation of salem’s actual plan being less “nihilistically torch the world” and more “lure the gods back to defeat them once and for all so that this can finally end”).
insofar as there is a comparison to draw between raven’s abandonment and summer’s it’s one that removes summer from her supermom pedestal and renders her in a more flawed—and thus more human—light. not the good mom who died and the bad mom who left but two mothers who chose to leave their children for similar reasons and will likely differ in how they handle the inevitable reunion. (if “red like roses pt ii” is anything to judge by, summer is desperate to give her daughters the kind of explanation and closure yang wanted and didn’t get from raven, and has little if any desire to make excuses. that’s where the true difference lies.)
and i think rwby is doing something more interesting here than simply flipping the wicked stepmother trope upside-down. why is the stepmother wicked? why is the mother good? how do cultural narratives about motherhood create these categories? summer rose is the good stepmother, but she is also the absent mother; she left ruby around the same age that raven left yang, but yang’s memories of summer as her own mother and the presumption of summer’s death give ruby a fundamentally different experience of not having a mother. and likewise a significant amount of yang’s abandonment trauma has less to do with raven than it does her father’s secrecy and refusal to talk to her about it, which allowed the pain and confusion to fester. it’s all wrapped up in the storytelling themes and the reality is that mothers are just people who cannot be neatly reduced to fit inside fairytale archetypes.
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xoxochb · 14 days
Heyy :)
I would love to ask something for Connor with a Hecate!reader. I don’t really care whether it’s a headcannon a fic a blurb or something else. Whatever comes to mind!
Have a great day :D
⋆·˚ ༘ * I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones ‘cause blue's your favorite color
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warnings: none
pairing: connor stoll x daughter of hecate
summary: based on the title lyrics
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you lay on your bed in cabin twenty, your cat, raven, tucked into your arms, something only she allowed you to do, and perhaps a certain son of hermes but you were unsure why she liked him because the only other person she did like was you
speak of the devil- you hear him arguing with one of your siblings at the door of your cabin, you assume your sibling won’t let him in because last time he was standing in the hecate cabin he almost killed everyone
“let him in” you yell due to your bed being on the complete opposite side of cabin
you sit up when you hear a sigh from your sibling, a large grin making its way to your face when you see your favorite boy making his way to your bed
when he reaches his destination he gasps as the sight of your cat in your lap, and he gently picks her up
“my child! how I missed you” he fake pouts and pets her softly
“she’s not yours, idiot” you roll your eyes
“well she only likes me and you, so technically we’re her parents”
you blush at his words, and then take back your cat, “what’re you doing here?”
“I want to see your book, the one about crystals and stuff” he says like it’s the most obvious thing ever
but it is because you had promised to show him yesterday
“oh! yeah, let me get it” you hand raven back to connor before getting up from your bed, walking over to your bookshelf and grabbing your book, then making your way back to your bed where you find connor sitting
you take a seat beside him and open up the book, “alright let’s start at the beginning”
you begin looking through the book, showing the boy different crystals and stones, but he stops you when he sees a certain stone
“I like this one” he says pointing to it
“you like sapphire stones?” you inquire
“blue is my favorite color” he nods
you make a mental note of this and then go back to your book, and that’s what you did for the rest of the afternoon
after sunset connor leaves your cabin, and your mission is on: you’re going to find him a sapphire stone
you don’t know how, or even where to get one, but you’re going to try
you may wonder: shouldn’t the hecate cabin have them? that’s a great question, you’re unsure why but it’s one of the only stones your cabin doesn’t have
the first thing you do is ask around your cabin, but none of them had any with them. now you need to find a new plan, and that requires burnt offerings.
you didn’t usually pray to the gods, but tonight you needed it, so you sneak out of your cabin after curfew to ask a favor of your mother
once you burn your offerings- peanut m&m’s- you begin to speak: “I don’t even know if you’re going to hear this but I’d really like your help. I need a sapphire stone, preferably tonight if that’s possible. I don’t ask for much, I don’t ask for anything actually, but I really need this stone, it’s important to me”
you sigh and look up at the stars above, then looking back down when you see your fire has been put out
perhaps your mother is here! no- she wouldn’t be here.
you get up from the grass and make your way back to your cabin when you’re stopped by a tall figure
“I heard I was urgently needed?” they say- a female voice
“mother?” you ask
“that would be me, my child” she comes out from the darkness
you try to say something but all that comes out it stuttered words, nothing real
“a sapphire stone is what you need, yes?” she conquers a blue stone into her hand, then taking your hand and placing it in your palm
“yes! yeah, for my- uhm… friend” you manage to say
“a friend? you run around all night- forfeiting your sleep for someone who is just a friend?” she gives you a confused look
“yep…” you let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in “well if you don’t mind, I’d really like to get some sleep in”
“yes, of course my daughter, I hope you sort out your friend situation” she smirks and with a snap of her fingers she’s gone
after a moment of shock you go back to your cabin and fall into a deep slumber until morning
in the morning you wake early even though you got maybe at least two hours of sleep.
you get up quietly, trying not to wake your siblings, you finish your morning routine and make your way to hermes cabin, but not without grabbing the stone first. once you arrive you peek in the window to see if connor is still there, but before your eyes can adjust to the darkness of the cabin you hear a voice speak
“do you always do this?”
you scramble away from the window only to be met with said boy
“holy gods of olympus, you scared me! don’t do that!” you give him a light smack on the head
“you’re the one who’s being a pervert” he points out
“no, I wasn’t. I was seeing if you were in there before I knocked on the window!” you roll your eyes
“why are you here so early?” he asks
“I’ve got something for you” you say, and he goes to say something but you stop him, “but I’m not sure if you’re worthy of it”
“yes! I’m very worthy, can I see?” he nods his head rapidly
you sigh and stuff the stone in your pocket so he doesn’t see, “nope”
“that’s not fair. what do I have to do to be worthy?” he asks putting air quotes around the last word
“apologize” you cross your arms
“for what? I didn’t do anything!” he says in disbelief
“for calling me a pervert, you weirdo!” you smack him again
he sighs and thinks for a moment before taking a step closer, cupping your face in his hands and capturing your lips with his
when he pulls away he speaks, “is that a good enough apology?”
“I suppose so” you mumble, blushing
you reach into your pocket and take out the stone, taking his hand and placing it in his palm
“a sapphire stone?” he beams
“yep. I had to talk to my mom to get it-”
“your mom?!” his eyes widen
“yeah, I asked my siblings but they didn’t have any, so I asked my mom and she came to me, I was up almost all night but I think it was worth it” you explain
he doesn’t say anything, but instead he pulls you in for a bone-crushing hug
“have I ever told you that I really really like you?” he mutters into your shoulder
you fake think for a moment before responding, “no, I don’t think you have”
“then I’ll have to show you” he picks his head up from your shoulder and captured your lips once again
and if it was relevant- you’d say it was better than the first
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ovrtersballad · 2 months
"It's okay."
The scene looked like the opposite of okay really. It's more akin to a flash flood had swept through the place, claiming no short amount of people's lives. A creature of the sea, bound up like this, like a piece of entertainment, & treated less like gum off the bottom of one's shoe. Unaccusable for even a land dweller to be treat this way, but one of her own seas?! Suzanne would never let it stand. Leviathan wouldn't let it stand
"It's okay." And that woman, who but moments ago spoke when venom towards the humans, she spoke to Yiska more ccalmly. Voice but still distorted slightly from her semi-prime, but the difference was still clear. Raven dark hair had certain locks that glowed a deep blue, eyes once dark as oxyn had the same deep blue glow, lips once pale now were a sea green, gills present on her neck, & colorful scales of a mixing blue & pink color were there to her arms & just under her shirt. This woman was less of a human now, much more of the sea.
"Yiska..." She spoke the other's name, & it was like being summoned by a god, or a parent calling out to their child. Slowly her arm extended forward, a quite offering.
"Your name, it is Yiska, remember?"
Unprompted asks // always accepting
She did not know how many moons had passed since she was stolen, did not know what her elders or siblings thought about her kidnapping yet each day she prayed. Prayed for the ability to return home, to be freed. She missed the sea, missed the smell of salt and feeling of her siblings beside her. It was because of that that she had gone agents orders.
When she had seen the other woman all she could think about was home, was family. This woman was safety and comfort. Everything in her screamed out to the other. The water lapped at her feet through the rags she wore for she was in her "owners" care, but this was not enough. Even with the feeling of home being dragged to her it felt like she was still so far away.
"It's okay."
It wasn't, no..it hadn't been okay. She had all but lost hope, her name was all but forgotten and hope had almost left her.
"It's okay."
Again the woman spoke and this time she understood that it would be okay.
A sob left her lips as she held the woman's hands in her own, head bowed much like she would with an elder. With family, and how could she not be her family ? How could this woman not be her elder ?
Leviathan, father, mother, creature , ancestor. She had heard tales of their father , their creation from his actions. All her youth was filled with stories of their ancestors existence and respect was given. She may not know this woman but she was family.
"Your name, it is Yiska, remember?"
Yiska felt another sob leave her as she was finally free, as the pain stopped and the music of the sea was finally loud enough to hear. Her voice no longer hurt yet the pain was not gone completely.
She was free but all she longed for was comfort, was the warm embrace of home.
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" Elder please....take me home....I want to go home...."
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fatedefyd · 1 year
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   @stxnekxng​​ foretold :  
The very air crackles with an energy most never experienced, even as segments of the rocks roll across the trembling earth, the very nature seems to want to flee from the pressure slowly weighing down. Then all but one trees explode, splinters flying everywhere but avoiding the princess and her son. In a specific pattern forming like an outline of the surrounding area as the trees snap, bending downwards as the echoing boom echoes through the sky. The speed of sound being broken and only just not catching up. The unmistakable rush of heat washing over the lady. 
A staff slams into the ground inches from her injured frame, a tail gently wrapping around one of her bloodied hands, the long limb alone is strong enough to help the woman at least sit up, the iconic outfit of blue, red and gold blown harshly by the wind, missing the top. Clearly having arrived in a hurry if he'd forgone wearing the armor. The edges of the earth cracking as be slowly tilts the end of the staff up at the demon. Scarlet gold eyes snapping back over his shoulder to gaze to the wounded mother, her son not far. A familiar cloud currently had the boy rested upon it, unconscious but alive. The same could not be said for the fool in front of the woman and the golden simian having placed his smaller stature between her and the enemy. Even as his piercing gaze lands on her, his gaze softens as the tail pulls away. Slowly grapping the ends of his cape before turning to her, placing it over her as he speaks. 
"Concern yourself no longer with the rat. I will deal with it." Even as the demon (what an ill advised moron) points at the simian, laughing about his smaller size and half dressed state. Insults thrown out that it wouldn't take any enhanced hearing for Iron Fan to hear the gritting of teeth behind closed lips. The winds scream as they part in an instance and blood splatters everywhere. Having been in front of her one second, on the opposite side of the demon the next. The lower jaw of the demon slowly being crushed in a blood soaked claw, the demon turns, about to try and stab the immortal. Who simply watches the metal scrape against his chest, a very thin line of blood slowly being drawn before his foot kicks at their knee, a horrid crack as they go down shrieking ( more so gurgling on their own blood ). Raising his foot before stomping down on their throat, the body spasms before another crunch of bones rings out and the demon gives one last gurgle as his body writhes in the echoes of life before fading from this plane of existence. 
A single huff of an ember from his jaws, the corpse ignites. Slowly moving away from it and heading back to the woman. His clean claw gently extending to her. "Let's get you home."
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         It was a simple trek to the neighboring town  --  the very same one that Iron Fan had held such an odd bond to since her rebellion against the heavens.  She had gone to drop off warming statues for the oncoming winter, with the aid of her son during one of his occasional visits.  Once the task had been complete, the mother had decided to walk the rest of the way home ; to enjoy the changing scenery, greens turning to vibrant yellows and oranges. 
         ... And then they were ambushed.  Not surprising, though mildly unpredicted given the time of the year.  Red Son had been quickly incapacitated through a pinpoint blow on his neck, and Iron Fan barely had any time to register the rodent-like demon’s tail whipping at her, lashing and succeeding in wounding one of her eyes.  The confrontation, however, was over as quickly as it had started. 
         Through her unharmed eye, raven-haired mother takes note of the trembling terrain  --  she barely had enough time to shield herself, though it seemed it didn’t matter in the end.  The princess shouldn’t have been as surprised as she was to see the monkey king make an appearance, but... then she’s covered with his tattered, worn cape, and she watches on as the adversary’s blood is swiftly painting the ground like a overblown balloon.  Iron Fan had never had the opportunity to see the simian slay another before her eyes  --  and she is grateful that her son had been spared the shocking fashion that the golden monkey uses in his tactics.  In the conflict she looks for her son, and is given a sliver of relief when she finds him floating safely on a cloud not too far off.
         Scarlet eyes dart back as a deafening cracking echoes through the worn-in path, her kneeling form freezing as Wukong makes swift work of the enemy while in his rage.  As the faint scent of burning flesh begins to rise, she almost doesn’t register the hand he offers her.  Lashes flutter, bewildered as they trail up his half-dressed form.  There is no hesitance or fear in her gaze, just.. astonishment. 
         After what felt like eternity, one of her finely-clawed hands finally reaches for his own, the other holding on to the cape that he had offered her moments earlier.  Even when she rises, matron keeps his hand held in hers  --  as if he would leave just as quickly as he had arrived, and as a physical reminder of the life-ending conflict.  Tense form slacks after a minute of pondering, nodding in agreement with his earlier statement. 
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   ❝ when we get there, you’re taking a bath. ❞  She says, making an attempt to distract her thoughts with lighter humor to contrast the morbidity of the event.  ❝ i don’t want blood on my brand-new carpeting. ❞
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Dance Lessons | Harry James Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 12200 words (Yes, really. Do you ever just start to write a little oneshot and then it turns out as a fic with over 10000 words?)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tension but no smut, fluff, slight angst, slow burn i guess
Summary: Harry asks you to teach him how to dance for the upcoming Spring Ball.
a/n: Set in Harry’s sixth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (The beginning is inspired by this oneshot)
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Not many could say that they had faced Voldemort more than once and had survived, but Harry Potter was one of the few lucky ones that had gotten away every time. And if that wasn’t enough, Harry had defeated horrifying creatures, had broken into the Ministry and had saved the wizarding world several times – more or less accidentally, but hey. He had dealt with Umbridge and fought Death Eaters.
To the world, he was a hero, he was the Boy Who Lived.
So yes, his record of fighting the evil was quite impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But there was one thing he knew he would never impress anyone with and that were his dance skills.
Because Harry Potter couldn’t dance for shit.
Everyone who had watched his poor attempt at a waltz at the Yule Ball knew it had been an embarrassing disaster, and a blessing when he had stopped – merely for Parvati Patil’s feet.
Everyone who had watched knew that Harry Potter had never before set foot on a dancefloor. And you had watched. You had watched with great interest because secretly, you had wished for him to ask you to the ball. But when there had been only two weeks left and Dean Thomas had asked you after Transfiguration class, you had said yes.
There you were, sitting with Dean beside Seamus and Lavender as well as Ron and his date Padma, your eyes glued to the raven-haired boy getting terribly out of step. You watched, of course, under the pretence that you found it disgracefully hilarious.
Harry had never thought about asking you to the Yule Ball, if he was quite honest with himself. He had been after Cho, and he waited way too long to ask her, so she was already going with Cedric. And you had a date with Dean.
As good as Harry was with fighting the dark and the evil, as bad was he with social interactions. He had no problem producing a Patronus, but he was absolutely useless when it came to talking to girls.
You were the opposite.
Yes, the boggart may had made you faint in front of your whole class, but on the other hand, talking seemed like the easiest task in the world. Whether it was a chat with a teacher or speaking to strangers, though you did not thrive off of that.
There was one other thing that made you stand out to the other girls (and boys) in your year: You knew how to dance, from a simple disco fox to a more complicated waltz.
So, when Professor Slughorn announced a Spring ball for the students in sixth and seventh year, Harry knew you were his only chance if he did not want to make a fool out of himself again. He asked you (after a whole week of practicing in front of the mirror), with heated cheeks and a fast-beating heart, if you could teach him how to dance.
You felt a bit taken by surprise by this request, but agreed, nonetheless.
Friday evenings, eight to nine o’clock, were now reserved for your weekly dance lessons.
Looking at Harry’s history, it should be no big deal to dance with a girl when you had already come across the most dangerous things existing in the wizarding world. He should not be nervous; what was the girl teaching you how to dance against gigantic spiders who saw you as their dessert?
Well, everything.             
The thing was, Harry could prepare spells and charms, he knew what he had to do when he was faced with a Dementor or a Boggart. His mind, however, went completely blank when it came to you, like his nerves were on fire. To say he was nervous was an underestimation.
Harry ran his hand through the mess of black locks in a rather useless attempt to flatten them. They jumped back up immediately as he let go, pointing in every direction but the one he wanted them to. Stupid genes.
Sometimes he wished he had inherited his mother’s hair. It would have been fun to be mistaken as a Weasley and he could pretend he and Ron were actually brothers.
To keep his hands busy, Harry smoothened the plaid shirt he had thrown on before darting another glance at the clock over the door of the abandoned classroom on the fifth floor. 8:01 o’clock.
His fingers drummed against the wooden desk he was leaning on to release his excited tension, which only worked until the door opened, and he jumped up into a straight position.
You stepped inside, a vinyl clammed under your arm and an apologizing smile on your lips.
“Sorry I’m late, Snape held me off,” You said, placing your bag on the table Harry had leaned on previously.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. Uh, are you alright?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah. I mean Snape just almost failed my assignment, but I found a new song to dance to, and I’m pretty sure you’ll like it,” You said as you rushed over to the old vinyl player in the corner and unwrapped the black record.
Harry followed your every movement. You could feel his eyes on you and bit down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling.
“It’s a bit slower than the other one, so it will be easier for you to follow,” You added and pulled the vinyl out, stroking a streak of Y/H/C hair behind your ear, your back still facing him.
When the record was placed correctly into the player, you turned back around and led Harry by the hand to the middle of the classroom. This simple touch alone made Harry’s head spin, and it did not help when you placed his hand onto your waist.
“Are you ready?” You asked and he nodded. “Good, follow my lead.”
There was nothing but admirable beauty, the way you moved to the soft piano music filling the room, Harry thought, and he hated himself for not realising sooner. You were like a sunset, and he was afraid to look right at you because what if you saw all the feelings swelling in his heart that dared to overspill at any moment.
You had been right, he adored the music you had brought with you, but he adored you even more.
You thought he looked at his feet because he was afraid to mess up the steps.     
“Hey,” You said softly, taking the hand from his shoulder to lift his chin. “Eyes up.”
“Yes. Right. Sorry.”
A sheepish smile spread over his face and your heart beat hectically against your rip cage as his emerald green eyes met yours.
It took Harry a great deal of strength to not break out of the dance routine he had so intensely studied and kiss you. But your hand slipped away from under his chin back to his shoulder and the moment was lost, like so many others.
Staying professional was not so simple for you either, as much as you liked to deny it. You liked Harry, more than friends should like each other, but who could blame you? Harry was very handsome, with his messy hair and those green eyes, he was sweet and caring, and he was dancing with you in an abandoned classroom, his hand on your waist.
Looking at it from this angle, there seemed to be no reason as to why you were so careful to deny your feelings.
Well, there was one problem: You thought he wanted to ask Cho to the ball to make up for the Yule Ball.
Harry was pretty oblivious when it came to love. Neither had he thought about you as more than friends before sixth year, nor had he realised that the feelings he had felt for Cho two years ago were similar to the ones he had for you now, though they were much more intense.
The worst part was that you two had been friends for three year and since then, you had spent a week of every summer holiday at the Burrow. Harry knew you; he knew that you liked his crappy jokes and his sarcastic comments, but never before had his stomach tingled when you laughed at them. Never before had there been goose bumps all over his skin when you hugged him. And to hell, never before had he acknowledged how goddamn beautiful you were.
“You’re getting really good.” You ripped him out of his thoughts.
“Oh. Really?” He asked.
It would be brilliant if he could dance without thinking about it all the time, fearing he could step on your feet.
“Yes, really,” You replied, grinning.
“Well, I- I suppose I have a good teacher.”
The piano music faded out and you stopped in the middle of the room, slipping your hand out of his. It was a good excuse to turn around and start the vinyl again, so you did not have to answer anything.
Harry stood there for a second, gulping and scratching his neck. He should not have said that.
What he had said flattered you, but it was only a knife dressed like compliment, stroking over your heart to stab you right after. All of this was amicable, temporary, fickle. All of this was for Cho.
You sat the needle back on the record.
“What’s it called? The song, I mean,” Harry asked quietly.
“‘Il Reste du Temps’. The rest of time.” You walked back up to him and took his hand, leading you two into the dance. With his hand on your lower back, he pulled you a bit closer than last time.
“So, there are only two weeks left. You have asked Cho by now, I suppose?” You asked to remind your thoughts of reality.
Harry narrowed his eyebrows, not sure how you had come to the conclusion he still liked Cho. She was great, for sure, but she wasn’t you.
“Oh. Uh, not really, no,” He answered. Your heart jumped.
“Well, you should hurry up. You don’t wanna wait until last minute like last time.”
“I- yeah, I mean, I don’t- I don’t want to go with Cho.”
You stepped forward even though you were supposed to draw back and stomp on his left foot. His hand around yours clenched for a second at the sudden pain.
“Shit. Sorry.” You quickly brought you two back into the right footstep order. “You’re not asking Cho?”
“No. I wanna- No.” Harry stopped himself from talking any further. He couldn’t ask you. He just couldn’t.
“Well, who do you wanna ask?” You said.
Maybe it was Ginny. She was gorgeous, phenomenal at Quidditch and in the Slugclub. Nothing you could say about yourself.
Harry opened his mouth and stammered. “It’s, uh, you know…some…girl.”
Oh yes, great save, Harry, congratulations, He thought to himself, couldn’t be any vaguer, could you? For Merlin’s sake, look at her, she is completely confused.
You were pretty even when you were confused, with your eyebrows drawn together over your eyes curiously inspecting him – Stop.
“Ah, okay. The lucky girl’s a secret,” You said, laughing lightly. It was definitely Ginny.
“No, I mean, she’s –” 
“It’s not my concern who you’ll ask, Harry,” You interrupted to calm him down. “As long as you ask her.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that. You really saw them just as friends.
The two of you danced for a while and Harry tried to memorise every golden speck in your dark eyes, every freckle, every curve, just so he could imagine you instead of the person he would dance with in a fortnight. If he would even go. Because what point was there to go to a ball if the one person he wanted to dance with more than anything else would not be there with him?
You tried to enjoy the closeness while it lasted. But the voices crowding your mind all shouted that he would never see you the way you saw him. That his face would never be so close ever again. That his hands would never rest on your body the way they did now, and never with any other intention than for the sake of learning how to dance, learning how to impress Ginny or whoever he would ask.
“Have you – have you asked anyone yet? To go to the ball with you?” Harry disrupted your thoughts and pulled you back into reality.
“No. I don’t even know if I’ll go,” You said and Harry’s heart dropped. “I mean, I’ll come to watch you dance, that’s for sure.”
Now his heart was way up in his throat, beating like hell. He swallowed and forced himself to answer. “No pressure then.”
You grinned at his comment. “Oh please, you can dance better than most of sixth and seventh year combined by now. You remember the spin I showed you last time?”
Harry nodded. He lifted his left arm and put a little pressure on your waist. You performed a small twirl before he caught you again, hand on your side. He smiled proudly.
“Really good.” The music stopped and you looked at the clock on the wall behind Harry. 8:57 o’clock. “I guess that’s it for today.”
Harry smiled sadly but you thought it was just your mind, playing you a trick. You packed the record back into the cover while Harry shouldered his back bag, handing yours to you. Then he held the door open for you, and you stepped out into the dimly lit hallway.
Harry had already pulled out the Marauders Map to check if the way back to the Gryffindor tower was clear. You weren’t technically allowed out after nine p.m. because of the new safety measurements, but it was part of the charm.
“Filch’s down on the first floor and Snape’s in his office,” Harry informed you.
“Okay.” You nodded.
Quietly and side by side, you two walked back to the Gryffindor tower. There was plenty of silence to break, plenty of time to ask you to the ball, Harry thought. But he was too afraid.
“It’s not that easy, alright?”
“Bloody hell, you spent every Friday evening with her! Half of our year thinks you’re secretly doing it in that classroom.”
For that, Ron earned a jab into his ribs. The two made their way through the masses of students down the last staircase to the Great Hall.
“Ow! It’s not my fault, you can’t open your mouth.”
“Oh, I can’t open my mouth? Have you asked Hermione yet?”
Harry was sure this would shut Ron up, but he was wrong.
“I asked her six weeks ago and she said yes, mate.”
Harry stopped in his tracks, stunned. “Wot?”
“Merlin, do you ever listen to me?”
Ron shook his head, walking to breakfast. Harry needed a few seconds before he could move again, then he caught up with his best friend. He was about to say something back when Ron’s sister Ginny interrupted them, wrapping her arms around both of Harry and Ron’s shoulders.
“Morning boys,” She greeted them enthusiastically.
The ceiling of the Great Hall was covered in a pale blue and yellow, the upcoming sun shining golden through the high windows.
“So.” Hermione poured both of you a glass of pumpkin juice. “How was it yesterday?”
“Mhm?” You looked up from your toast.
She sighed as if her question was rather obvious. “The dance lesson with Harry?”
“Oh.” You shrugged. “Normal.”
“So, nothing happened? Nothing you want to tell me?” She asked further.
You eyed her suspiciously, but she kept an innocent face expression.
“It’s not like we could do much besides dancing.”
Lavender beside you snickered and Parvati snorted into her coffee.
“Believe me, there is a lot you could do in that hour besides dancing,” Parvati said.
“God, no! Have you met Harry?” Lavender said bemusedly. “Like he's the type to have secret sex.”
“Still waters run deep,” Parvati replied, a smug grin on her lips. “Don't they, Y/N?”
Hermione crunched her nose at the suggestive tone as you narrowed your eyes at the two girls, shaking your head.
“Yes, keep making fun of my non-existing love life.”
You grabbed the strawberry marmalade, determined to ignore any topic concerning Harry. While you had lain awake last night, you had decided to bury your feelings for him all together and get over it. This would be easier once your dance lessons came to an end and the ball was done.
“Well, it does exist for everyone else,” Lavender interposed.
“And it would exist for you, too, if you would finally do something,” Hermione said, leaning forward.
“What?” You asked. “I mean, yeah, I like him, but he is definitely not into me like that. And I can't force him to be.”
Hermione groaned, and Parvati rummaged through her bag, pulling out a piece of parchment and making some space on the table.
“Okay, let’s see,” She began, “He asked you to teach him to dance. Big step for him, you know that. He always stares at you during Quidditch instead of the Snitch. Wood would've killed him by now. He always sits beside you. He definitely smelled you in Amortentia, regarding how he looked at you during that class. And since then, he looks at you like you’re the only person in the room. He –”
“He does not,” You said, grabbing her wrist to stop her from writing any further.
“Yeah, he does,” Lavender argued. “Look!”
You turned to spot Harry alongside Ron and his sister Ginny coming through the doorway, and for one second, your eyes met. Then Ginny said something, and Harry looked at her, laughing.
You sighed and stuffed the rest of your toast down your throat to get rid of the sour feeling twirling and burning in your stomach.
“Well, Ginny’s pretty funny,” Hermione tried.
“Yeah, she’s funny and pretty and she likes everything he likes.”
“None of that matters because he fell in love with you and not Ginny,” Lavender said, smiling brightly.
“He did not – not what you said.”
“He did! The list doesn’t lie.”
Parvati waved the parchment through the air, and you snatched it out of her hand, drowning it in the pumpkin juice before anyone could read it. Hermione curled her lip as she watched the paper soaking up the orange liquid, sinking to the ground of the jug.
In the same moment, Harry, Ron and Ginny reached your table, and to your surprise, Harry really did sit down beside you, your knees touching shortly while he climbed over the bench. The sudden touch sent sparks through your body and filled you with a comfortable warm which was quickly extinguished by Ginny sitting down next to Harry.
You didn’t want to be jealous.
There was no need to compare yourself to Ginny, you were two completely different people. But hearing her talk about Quidditch to the guys and seeing her flicking her beautiful hair over her slim shoulder made it so obvious how perfect for Harry she was. You couldn’t compete with that, in fact, you didn’t even want to compete with that.
No, you would get over your feelings and maybe ask someone else to spend the next Hogsmeade weekend with you. Those evenings with Harry, those moments too good to be true would stay somewhere deep down in your heart, locked away from the real world.
The weekend left as fast as it had come, and soon enough Harry and you both found yourselves in your day-to-day school life, studying for an upcoming Charms test and writing essays for Snape and McGonagall.
There wasn’t much time to think about each other, yet Harry managed to glance up from his homework a few times to stare at you opposite from him, snuggled into an armchair while flicking through a book. He noticed that you captured your tongue between your lips or mouthed single words to yourself whenever you were so deeply sunken into thoughts that you forgot the many people around you.
The latter found Harry very impressive because he was never that relaxed if more than three people were with him. Your lips on the other hand found Harry... well, much more interesting than his homework was the least to say.
Every day he woke up thinking that today, he would ask you. But whenever he came close to ask, he changed the topic or was distracted by friends and classmates.
Even Ron had given up with his jokes by now, which was a very bad sign and a nonverbal way to say, Man, you fucked up.
You had decided to make the last of your dance lessons a memorable one. An hour of pretending, of being close to someone you know you would never be this close to ever again.
Therefore, you had asked your older sister to send some of your favourite records from home, which you were now sorting through in the abandoned classroom. It was ten minutes to eight and you were sipping a butterbeer to cool your nerves. All those times before you had been as calm as ever, but today you were on the edge.
The door opened and you turned to find Harry in the doorway, hair messy as ever.
“Hi,” He said and the corners of his lips jumped up into a lopsided smile.
“Hey. You’re early.”
“Could say the same about you.”
“Yeah, you could,” You mumbled, pushing the needle of the record player down onto the vinyl.
Classic music filled the air and you walked over to Harry to lead him to the middle of the room after he had dropped his back bag to the floor. With the high heels on your feet, you were almost eye to eye, your nose at the height of his lips.
For a wonder, he did not need your instruction to place his hand on your waist and pulled you much closer than usual.
Harry felt his heart beating in his throat. Being this close to you was galvanic, every nerve was burning, and then again, for the first time in two months, he was able to close his eyes and let himself sink in, to melt with the music, to feel the tact pulsating through his whole body. It was what you had tried to teach him all along.
And yet his tongue was tied. He just had to ask. Would you like to go to the ball with me? One simple question. You had told him yourself to not wait until last-minute to ask, and now with every minute, every hour, every day passing it felt more ridiculous. He had known that he wanted to ask you and only you to the ball, but every time he thought about forming the question, his mouth failed him.
Your eyes lay calmly on him, tapping his shoulder in time to the music while secretly trying to remember every little detail of his face: His prominent eyebrows curved over his emerald green eyes, his flushed cheeks and the dimples created by his light smile lying on his lips.
Harry had become, for lack of a better word, quite fantastic at slow dancing. There was confidence in the way he moved through the room and held onto you, mingled with a certain elegance and appreciation of the art he was participating in. A good teacher, he had called you. Well, regarding slow dances, yes.
But there was one other thing he had yet to learn.
“You’re really good, you know that?” You said, and his smile brightened.
“Yeah? Or are you just saying that because it’s my last lesson?” He asked.
“No, I mean it. You know, I wrote my sister last week and she send some of my vinyl discs from home,” You told him as the music slowly faded out and let your hand slip from his shoulder and hand to turn to the record player, not noticing how his fingers lingered a moment longer on your waist.
Harry watched how you sorted through the discs, not able to make use of their names in any way. The only record he had come across before those dance lessons had been one by a singer named Bonnie Tyler, who Aunt Petunia secretly listened to on repeat during the summer when Uncle Vernon went grocery shopping or mowed the lawn.
Harry wasn’t a big fan, which was pretty much the only thing he had in common with his cousin Dudley.
“Here. To dancing and a nice Spring ball.” Harry snapped out of his thoughts. You held out a bottle of butterbeer, which he took and snapped its bottle top off, regarding for a moment to say something along the lines like To you, for teaching me how to dance or To us, but that seemed a bit too much.
Therefore, he went with a simple “Cheers” and touched glasses with you.
While he took a big sip in hopes it would make him braver, you decided on a turquoise and pink coloured disc with a man dancing on the front, the words Footloose in ornate writing covering its front. He couldn’t help but notice the grin you tried to hide, as if knowing something he didn’t.
“What’s that?” He asked, leaning against the table beside you and putting his beer aside.
“That’s what the cool kids dance to.”
You placed the needle onto the record. Drums began to play a fast rhythm, mixed with an electric guitar, and you slipped off your high heels, now only in tights. Harry watched with fearful curiosity how you snapped your fingers in time, bopping your head with closed eyes to internalise the music.
Every movement of your feet, your hips, your shoulders was nonchalant, effortless and... well, simply cool.
“Come on!” You said loudly over the music, waving Harry closer.
“No, no, that’s –” He shook his head, heat flushing his cheeks, and crossed his arms.
You danced up to him, grabbing him by his hands and pulling him to the middle of the room.
Harry had improvised a lot when it came to fighting evil. His whole trip to the ministry had been decided because of his gut instinct, because he had thought he knew what he was doing. Well, that was probably a bar example. He had made everything worse back then.
But everything he had done to fight off the hundreds of Dementors at the Great Lake, or the creatures in the maze two years ago, or Voldemort at the graveyard, every single thing had been purely and spontaneously improvised.
Now, he wasn’t sure if he was that good at improvising dance moves, but you had other plans.
“Come on, don’t you trust me?” You said as his fingers clenched around your hands, unable to let go, like a man clinging onto a life buoy in the middle of the ocean.
And Harry wanted to say back that of course he trusted you, more than he probably knew himself, but all that came out was a “Yeah” which sounded more like a laugh than an actual word because of the grin stretched across his lips.
“Just dance the way you dance when no one’s watching,” You said.
“I don’t – I don’t do that,” He admitted, feeling how his cheeks burned under the unbelieving look coming from you.
“Okay, then close your eyes and just – just do it. Here, I’ll do it, too!”
You closed your eyes, smiling brightly, and slipped your fingers out of his, twirling on the spot like you usually only did behind closed doors, and clapping your hands in time with the music.
Harry couldn’t rip his gaze off of you, the way your body moved without any shame, your ridiculous head banging while acting like you play the guitar – air guitar, that’s what it was called, he had seen Dudley and his friends doing it, but never with so much... passion?
You were quite passionate about dancing, much more passionate than you were about school or Quidditch, and it fascinated him. How you could let loose, could forget what everyone thought of you, and he wanted to feel it too, wanted to not think that everyone was judging him.
So, Harry closed his eyes, concentrated on the beat of the music and your hands clapping, and then he did what you had been doing: Moving his arms, his legs, his feet, all a bit offbeat, all much less cool than what you did, but it had the effect he had wished for.
He forgot. Forgot about everything going on, everything in the past, everything that would come. It was like the music had deleted Voldemort from his mind. There was only his body and those absurdly freeing dance moves he would have been ashamed off any other time.
But not with you.
“Hey, you’re doing it! You’re doing it, look at you!” You shouted over the music, and Harry ripped his eyes open in the same moment as you grab his hands again. He slowed his legs.
“You said you wouldn’t look,” He said breathlessly, very aware of his fast-beating heart.
But if he was honest, he did not mind that you had seen him. If he could choose any of his friends to watch him dance like this, it would definitely be you.
“I had to, I’m sorry!” You laughed, and the song came to an end. “Oh, I have something even better, you’ll like that!”
You hit him friendly in the chest and rushed over to your pile of vinyl discs, wrapping the Footloose back up and pulling out another one from a white and pink packaging with two people on the front.
Harry would’ve never believed that dance lessons would be more exhausting than Quidditch training, but he had soon been disabused. He took a huge sip from his bottle of butterbeer and watched how you placed the needle on the disc before reaching for your own bottle.
“‘You broke my heart – ‘cause I couldn't dance – you didn’t even want me around!’” You were mouthing along the words the singer was speaking in an overdramatic seriousness, holding your bottle like a microphone. Harry was grinning at you, afraid of what would come next. “‘And now I'm back – to let you know – I can really shake 'em down!’”
The music dropped in, and you shook your hips, hands on your black skirt.
“Now don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Dirty Dancing,” You dared as Harry stayed at his spot, and he shrugged helplessly.
You shook your head at him with a smile on your lips, placed your bottle away and pulled him away from the table until you two were almost as close as in your usual dance lessons.
“Okay, like this.” You grabbed him gently by the waist and pushed him a bit down so his legs were slightly bent. Harry’s heart jumped at the unexpected touch. “Good, yeah, look at what I’m doing.”
Your grip became firmer, circularly moving his hips like you did. His eyes jumped up between your face and your waist, and he tried his best to copy your movements while calming his heart speed down.
“Yes, good! Now, your upper body, look at me – yeah! Good, eyes up,” You reminded him, and he glanced at your face, his cheeks flushed.
“Is that okay?” You asked, stepping closer so your hips almost touch, and he nodded. You took his hand, placed it on your lower back, and wrapped your own arms around his neck, just like Johnny and Baby had done it in the beginning of Dirty Dancing.
“That’s good!” You encouraged him, and he grinned at you, his face bright red. “You know, in the movie, they have another dance with a lift.”
“You’re not gonna make me do that, are you?” He asked.
You shook your head, laughing. “No, definitely not without training and a mattress,” You said, slowing your hip movements. “Maybe after the ball. I mean –”
The words had just slipped out of your mouth without thinking about them before. But Harry smiled, brushing a strand of hair out of his forehead, while I’ve Had The Time Of My Life began to play, and Bill Medley’s voice filled the room.
Harry felt like he was on fire. If you wanted to continue the dance lessons next year it must be because you liked him. In some way, you liked him, and it was very hard for him to concentrate during this dance. And training on a mattress would not make that easier – Stop it, stop it, just answer!
“Yeah, okay,” He said, and your heart jumped up in excitement. You smiled back at him and grabbed his free hand with yours, leading you back into a simple dance routine fitting the music. Harry followed almost effortlessly, only shortly glancing at his feet.
“I’ll have to demand payment if we keep doing this.”
“What kind of payment?”
His hand on your lower back pushed you a bit closer, you were almost chest to chest. Was he... flirting with you?
Whatever it was, it made you speechless, and in a moment of incautiousness, your eyes fell down to his lips. You held your breath for a second as you looked back up into his eyes, slowing your movements. He returned your gaze, but just as you were about to gather all your courage, his eyes shifted to the door of the classroom, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
“What?” You asked, turning around.
“Filch,” He said and not far down the hall, you heard the meowing of Mrs. Norris.
Panic flared up inside of you as you saw the clock on the wall: Half past nine.
“Argh, fuck.”
You let go off him and rushed over to the table with the record play on top, shoving your vinyl discs into your schoolbag and collecting your high heels in a hurry.
Outside in the hallway, the scratchy voice of Filch mixed with the clicking of his cat’s claws on the stone tiles. Harry had grabbed his bag from the floor and fished out his Invisibility Cloak. As you turned around, he had reached you and enveloped you two in the cloak, standing almost as close to you as a few seconds ago.
“Have you found someone, Mrs. Norris?” Filch’s voice echoed through the hallway. “Is someone out of bed at night?”
“We have to get out,” You whispered, not very keen on getting detention any time soon.
“If we open the door now, he’ll know someone disguised is there,” Harry answered.
“How often have you snuck out of bed at night?”
The corners of his mouth twitched upwards into a lopsided smile.
“Enough times to know what to do.”
The scratching on the classroom door reminded Harry that, despite the fact that they were invisible, it was still pretty obvious that someone had been in here. Harry flicked his wand at the ceiling light right in time – the candles went out and the two of you were coated in darkness just before Filch pushed the door open and the light from his lantern fell onto the stone floor. You held your breath, hoping he would leave again.
Unfortunately, Mrs. Norris’ red eyes scanned the room and the greyish cat walked up to you as if she could actually see you. Instinctively, you wanted to move backwards, but Harry’s arm wrapped around you, holding you in place. You looked up to him and he slowly shook his head.
Mrs. Norris eyed you for a few more seconds before she suddenly jumped onto the table behind you, walking up to the two almost emptied butterbeer bottles and bumping her head against them.
“Oh no.” Your voice was no more than a whisper. “I didn’t –”
Harry placed his hand over your mouth, forcing you to keep quiet.
“Sorry,” You mumbled.
Filch had turned away from the other side of the room he had inspected and was now walking over to his cat. With his arm around your mid, Harry pulled you two quietly away from the table he was now inspecting. You weren’t entirely sure whether it was the panic of escaping Filch or Harry’s chest pressed against your back, but the butterflies in your stomach were jittery as though they were on drugs, and your heart beat unbelievably fast.
Harry felt your heartbeat. He felt the pulsating blood in your veins on your neck where his arm lay, reaching up to your mouth. You were barely breathing, and he figured it was because he was holding you like he was about to kidnap you.
“Run when we’re in the hallway,” He whispered, eyes steadily watching Filch, and removed his hand from your lips to grab your free hand. You nodded shortly. Fortunately, Filch had left the door open, and in one swift motion, Harry had steered you outside.
Fingers still interlocked with yours, he began to run, you by his side. And despite the fact that you two had almost been caught, despite that you had been interrupted when he had felt most confident, despite the ruined moment, he felt light and free and happy.
You were clutching your shoes, slithering over the cold tiles in your black tights, and Harry, looking at you, almost missed the last step of the stairs leading to the portrait of the Fat Lady. He held onto you as he staggered, and you giggled breathlessly, pulling him back up.
“That – stupid – fucking – cat. Can she see through your cloak?” You asked.
Harry shrugged and ruffled through his messy hair.
“Don’t know. I think, but I’m glad she can’t talk,” He said, and a grin spread over your lips, which he returned.
He caught your eyes, looking at you like before, like there was something he needed to say – the tingling feeling in your core got overwhelmed by heart-racing panic and because of some sour mix of uncertainty and fear, you slipped out from under the Invisibility Cloak, taking a few steps away from Harry.
Not a second later, he emerged as well, fighting to keep the smile on his face like his heart hadn't just sunk so deep he wasn't sure if it was even still connected to his veins.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Yeah!” Your voice was too loud, too squeaky to convince him. “Yeah, I – I'm sorry, it's just been a long week and I'm really tired. I'm gonna – gonna go...”
You gestured to the portrait behind you, avoiding his eyes, and turned to escape the situation.
Harry stared at the spot where you had vanished into the common room, his fingers clenching around the fabric of his cloak before tossing it to the ground. It didn't give the satisfying sound he had wanted to make, so he sent a “Fuck!” after it.
“Young boy, that is not a very appropriate language, now, is it?”
His eyes flew up to the Fat Lady, who had apparently watched with great interest. “Besides, what are you doing that late out of bed? I mean I know it gets later on Fridays for the two of you but it's later than usual today –”
“Chinese Fireball.”
“I just don't know what you are doing during that hour. There are rumours, for sure –”
“I told you the password, now will you open the fucking portrait? Chinese Fireball.”
“Oh, fine.” She let the portrait swing forward. “I'll find out by myself... maybe visit some paintings down on fifth floor...”
Harry ignored the Fat Lady.
He also ignored Ron calling after him from the sofa in front of the fireplace, as well as Hermione's questioning look and all the other people staring at him as he darted through the common room and up the stairs, slamming the door of his dorm shut behind him.
He ignored them because the only person he wanted to be seen with had just left him standing in the hallway and he wasn't even sure why.
The first time you saw each other again was three days later in Potions. You had ignored him on purpose, which you knew was obvious to him: Leaving the Great Hall whenever he stepped inside, sitting as far from him in the common room as possible, avoiding his eyes... that did not leave that much room for speculations.
You didn't want to hurt him, you really didn't, but you couldn't be friends any longer, especially not after last Friday. You weren't even sure what exactly had happened – had he really flirted with you or had that been your imagination? Probably the latter. He had asked someone else the ball after all. Right?
Parvati nudged you with her elbow, and you snapped out of your thoughts, noticing the hole in your parchment created by your quill. The two of you sat in the far back of Professor Slughorn’s class, who was in the middle of telling one of his anecdotes instead of teaching about Veritaserum.
“What’s going on?” She asked in a hushed voice. “You’ve been weird since Friday.”
Lavender, who sat in front of you, turned around. “Is it because of – you know?”
She gestured towards Harry in his usual place diagonally across from you. You sighed, placed your quill aside to rub your hands over your face and shrugged. You had also avoided any questions from your friends about Friday, mostly because you could not even answer them yourself.
“I thought he would ask you,” Lavender whispered while throwing a quick glance at Slughorn to make sure he was still occupied with his story. “Didn’t he?”
“No,” You mouthed. Parvati shook her head.
“Man, you’d think he had grown a set of balls after all. If it turns out he just used you to look good in front of Ginny, I swear to Merlin –”
“Well, that’s what it looks like, I mean, he had enough time to ask you,” Lavender said.
Before you could reply anything, Parvati had grabbed her wand and leaned forward. In the next second, the blue Jobberknoll feathers on Harry’s desk burst into flames with an ear-piercing noise.
Both Harry and Ron jumped up, startled from the sudden explosion, and Hermione let out a little shriek as one of the sparks got caught up in her locks. Snickering came from the Slytherin table, and Crabbe and Goyle were stupidly grinning.
“Was that you? Stupid tosspot, I’ll shove that feather up your –,” Ron swore loudly, fists high and ready to walk over to the Slytherins, who had gotten up as well and were throwing insults through the room.
“Calm down, m’boys, no need to get abusive.”
Slughorn stepped between the two fronts while both Harry and Hermione pulled Ron back down onto his chair. With a wave of Slughorn’s wand, the feathers stopped burning and were as good as new.
“Have you gone mental?” You asked during the turmoil. Parvati shrugged and innocently shoved her wand aside.
“You’re my friend and if he hurt you, he’ll get what he deserves –”
“He didn’t hurt me!” You whispered angrily. “I was the one who panicked, I ran away that evening because I was afraid of what he would say! Not Harry. I left him like the idiot I am even though he – he was super nice and said he wanted to learn more –”
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
“Sorry, Professor, I was just –”
“Talking to Ms. Patil, I noticed. Could you still answer my question?” Slughorn eyed you, and so were all the other students.
“Uh...yes... if you could repeat it? Sir.” You said, and once again snickering echoed through the classroom, the loudest coming from Pansy Parkinson.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Parvati reaching for her wand again, and you quickly pressed her hand down to the table, awkwardly smiling at Slughorn.
“I asked if you could tell me anything about the usage of Veritaserum in court,” He kindly repeated and you straightened your back, ignoring Hermione’s raised hand.
“Well, the potion is strictly banned by the British Ministry of Magic, therefore they don’t use it during interrogations and such, which is also because, like any other potion, it’s not infallible. But I read that in some Asian countries, the accused can choose if they want to take Veritaserum before they give testimony. Unfortunately, in some courts they give the accused failed Veritaserum in order to alter the given testimony fraudulently.”
You had never read about that, you were – ironically – making it up, but Slughorn didn’t seem to notice.
“Very well, that’ll be five points for Gryffindor,” He said. “That reminds me of –”
As Slughorn fell back into his old habit of telling personal stories during class, you sank back into your chair and stared at the chapped top of the desk for the rest of the lesson.
Only the bell ripped Slughorn out of his monologue, and over the rustling of chairs, he told the class to read the next chapter of Advanced Potion Making until Wednesday.
“Courtyard?” You asked Parvati as to where to spend your free lesson.
“Yeah, but I got a question about that graded essay from last week. Just go ahead, I’ll catch up with you,” She answered and made her way to the front. Alongside with Lavender, you were one of the first to leave the Potions classroom.
“I wish I hadn’t picked Arithmancy,” Lavender complained.
“You can sleep longer on Thursdays, remember?” You said as you reached the entrance hall. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”
Lavender began to climb up the stairs to the third floor, and you walked down the hallway. It was freezing cold outside, but the courtyard was beautiful during every time of the year, especially in the early mornings when the sun melted the iced-up grass and you could share a hot chocolate with your friends on one of the benches.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait!”
You turned to spot none other than Theodore Nott running up to you, his Slytherin scarf loosely around his neck.
“Hi,” He said as he had reached you.
“Uh, hi. Can I help you?” You asked.
“Actually, yeah. I wanted to ask if you have a dance to spare at the Spring ball? I mean, I know you’re going with Potter, I just wanted one dance with someone professional –”
“I’m not going with Harry,” You blurted out. Theodore narrowed his eyebrows.
“What?” He asked, a bemused smile on his lips.
You gulped and shook your head, crossing your arms. “I’m not going with... anyone.”
“Oh. Well, then,” His body relaxed visibly, and he raised his eyebrows, “do you wanna go with me?”
You opened your mouth, an agreement already on the tip of your tongue, but you knew that was just out of desperation and not because you actually wanted to go to the ball with Theodore.
“Hey, you know what, no pressure at all, okay?” He said, placing his hand on your shoulder casually. “I’ll be at the ball anyway, so if you want to dance then, I’m free.”
You nodded. “Thank you, Theodore. I’ll think about it.”
“You can call me Theo. Only if you want to, obviously.”
A grin crept upon your face. “Yeah, I’ll – I’ll think about it.”
Whatever Harry had felt the two days prior, it was nothing compared to the sour feeling circulating in his stomach now, like some dragon-creature spitting fire and tearing at his entrails with sharp claws. Inside of him, everything was clenching and itching, but on the outside, he was numb.
Like his brain had been disconnected from his muscles, wherefore he was only able to stare at Theodore Nott and his stupid, complacent grin and his hand on your shoulder while he asked you to the ball.
This wasn’t fair. How come everyone else but him was able to do it, how come everybody else had managed to find a date, when – to be honest – he had been provided with one of the best initial situations? How come the only thing he was apparently fit for was getting himself into trouble and escaping death every goddamn year? Harry had kind of forgotten about all that was to come, all that Dumbledore had told him, and the memory Slughorn was still tending like dark secret simply because of you.
The worst thing wasn’t that Theodore Nott had just asked you to go to the Spring ball with him. No, the worst thing was that you had agreed.
The only thing that was left for him was to run, which he did now: Up to the Gryffindor tower, tossing his back bag into a corner and grabbing his Firebolt from under the bed, then back down to the Quidditch pitch in record time.
Flying was one of the most freeing activities known to Harry, especially in the cool, fresh morning air with no one else around. High above the frozen grass and the wooden stands, much higher than probably allowed without any teacher near by, Harry paused to watch the sun over the Forbidden Forest.
He wondered if you had ever flown before, if you knew how brilliant it was to hover a thousand feet above the ground, far away from all the problems. Far away from Ron asking what the bloody hell was wrong with him. Far away from Hermione telling him that it was his own fault for waiting so long but that you surely weren’t interested like that in that tosser Theodore (though she would probably word it much more formal).
Time was relative up here, Harry had noticed over the years, so he closed his eyes and shut the world out for a moment. Saturday was still light-years away anyway, so –
“Harry, is that you?”
He almost fell from his broom.
With his heart still beating way to fast and adrenalin pumping though his veins, he turned his broom around to find no one other that Luna standing inside commentary box and waving up to him. Oh well. So much for being alone.
He steered his Firebolt down to the blonde witch and landed beside her.
“What are you doing her, Luna?” He asked as climbed from his broomstick. “Don’t you have classes right now?”
“Oh, yes. But I saw that you are sad so I asked Professor Sprout if I could go because I’m not feeling very well,” She explained and sat down on one of the benches.
“You lied to a professor?”
“Oh, no,” She said, looking at him with her dreamy blue eyes. “I don’t feel well when my friends are sad.”
Harry didn’t know what to reply to that, so he simply sat down next to her. Luna had such a strange, but calm energy, like a pulsating, pink bubble inhibiting her, and if you were lucky, she let you inside this bubble and you could shut the world out for a moment.
“Harry, why are you sad?” Luna asked softly after a while.
“Because... because I like someone who doesn’t like me back,” He said.
Luna placed her hand upon his, and he saw that she had painted her fingernails in every colour of the rainbow. Though that was probably Ginny’s work.
“I think Y/N likes you very much,” She said. Harry scoffed.
“Not the way I like her,” He said. “She just agreed to go to the ball with Nott. I saw it. She looked happy. And when I wanted to ask her last week, she ran away.”
“You know, first I thought you wanted to go to the ball with somebody else,” She said. “I thought maybe you wanted to ask Cho again and wanted to prepare this time. And maybe Y/N thought so, too.”
Harry looked up at the blonde girl.
“She did ask me if I was going to ask Cho,” He said, remembering one of the dance lessons.
“And did you tell her that you actually want to ask her?”
“No,” He admitted, burying his face in his hands. “I panicked... and now it’s too late.”
“No, it’s not. You should still go to the ball, and then you should tell her,” Luna said.
“How? I can’t do it when we’re alone, I certainly can’t do it when there’s a hundred people around,” Harry said miserably.
“Well, then don’t.” Luna shrugged. “If you want her to be with Theodore –”
“I don’t want that,” He interrupted her. “Of course, I don’t.”
“Then go to the ball and tell her. I know you can do that.”
Saturday evening came around faster than you liked it to. Over the last four days, you had noticed Theodore’s eyes on you more than once during the meals or potions class, but it did not cause the tingling feeling in your stomach you would like his looks to cause.
If anything, you felt a pressure to talk to him and to spend time with him because you would go to the ball together. But you did not give in to that pressure and avoided him as much as possible, which led to you often leaving the potions classroom as one of the first.
To be honest, you were much more concentrated on Harry.
Harry who did not sit beside you during meals anymore. Harry who did not look in your direction but rather stared at his plate. Harry who looked like he had just lived through a very miserable week.
And you knew that was because you had left him standing in the hallway last Friday night. Maybe he had figured that you had feelings for him and that was his way of dealing with it: Distancing himself from you.
You wished you had not run. You wished you could’ve stayed in that abandoned classroom forever, your favourite song playing and his arms around you.
“What eyeshadow should I use?”
“The darker one.”
You snapped out of your thoughts, looking up from where you sat on the floor in your puffy, ankle-long purple-pink dress. Parvati held out her eyeshadow palette, eyebrows raised as she sceptically eyed you. Her black hair was still wrapped around a dozen curlers. Lavender had spent all morning on them.
“Yes, the darker one,” You said. “Brings out your eyes.”
Thankfully, that answer seemed to satisfy her enough to not ask how you were doing. She and Lavender had already asked that over a million times, but you had reassured them that you were totally okay.
Parvati turned back to face the mirror.
“When did you want to meet with Nott?” Lavender asked. She kneeled in front of her trunk, pondering whether she should wear black or silver heels.
“Half past seven,” You mumbled, picking at the tulle of your dress.
Theodore had held you back yesterday after Defence against the Dark Arts to tell you that he would be at the Great Hall at 7:30 and that you were welcome to eat dinner with him and his friends – which included people like Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson; people you usually avoided by all means, people that had laughed at you for tripping over the last step of a stair, for not knowing an answer to one of Snape’s stupid questions, or for simply being Muggleborn.
You had never been less interested in going to a social event. All you wanted to do was lay in bed under your blanket and erase the last week out of your mind.
“Oh, come on, darling, we talked about this.” Lavender came over and squished your cheeks, brushing away a tear. “Today is not the day to sulk about some guy who doesn’t return your feelings. Today is your day, and you’re gonna have fun with us. Don’t let some guy ruin that. Okay?”
You sniffed and nodded, not able to answer because she cupped your cheeks so solidly. Lavender smiled and kissed your forehead.
“That’s right,” She said. “We’re gonna have some dinner and dance a bit and if by then you still feel bad, we can go back to our dorm.”
“And if Harry dares to talk to you, he’s gonna know what’s it feels like to be kicked in the balls with a heel,” Parvati added dryly. You laughed.
The Great Hall was decorated with yellow, pink and purple banners, and the four long house tables had been exchanged with much smaller, round ones scattered where the staff table usually stood, on each of them a vase filled with rosa tulips and white daffodils.
The ceiling did not mirror the night sky outside but a beautiful, orange sunset lighting up the dance floor in the middle. Opposite from the many tables, on the other end of the hall, Slughorn had organised a stage with a cover band. Next to the stage hung a long parchment onto which everyone could write requests.
You spotted your Potions teacher, dressed in a bright green suit, next to Dumbledore, his robes a terrible pink, both of them writing down their song requests.
“A Galleon that Dumbledore is a Spice Girls fan,” Lavender said grinning as she had followed your eyes.
“Bet,” Parvati said, grabbing three drinks from a passing waiter. “Here. Cheers.”
The three of you clinked glasses and took a sip of the red punch – it tasted strongly of various fruits, coconut, and bitter alcohol.
You let your eyes glide further over the hall and the people that sat together in groups around the tables, some of them already eating. Secretly, you were looking for Harry, though you only discovered Ginny in between Luna and Hermione, all of them chatting happily, and a few tables behind them, Theodore.
He waved as he saw you, gesturing to come over. You forced yourself to smile and wave back at him.
“I’ll see you later,” You said, chugging down the rest of your drink.
“Tell us if he’s being an asshole,” Parvati said. “Or really any of them.”
“And have some fun,” Lavender added.
You took one last look at your friends – Parvati in her silk, almond white, slim dress, and Lavender with flowers in her hair, their arms linked together – and swallowed thickly before turning and making your way through the crowd towards Theodore, though you made sure to give the table with Ginny a wide berth.
“Hi, Y/N,” Theodore greeted you, pecking a swift kiss on your left cheek. His eyes, however, were gliding over the room filling with more and more students. “We’ve already ordered some drinks, come on.”
You took a step back after the kiss, blinking quickly, then noticed how the other people around the table were staring at you:
Pansy and Daphne eyed you and your dress dismissively, and Blaise sipped on his wine, eyebrows raised. Only Draco was slumped in his chair and chewed on a gum, not wasting a single glance at you. He looked as uninterested in this Spring Ball as you felt.
An hour ago, you sure as hell wouldn’t have believed to relate to bloody Draco Malfoy.
“Uh, hi. I’m Y/N,” You said, forcing a smile on your face and holding out your hand towards Pansy, as she sat closest to you. “I like your dress. Matches your earrings.”
That compliment seemed to leave a mark. Her judging look softened and she shook your hand.
After introducing yourself to everyone (well, except Draco, who had only shortly nodded at you), you sat down in between Theodore and Blaise, and ordered something to eat.
Pansy and Daphne were huddled together the whole time, giggling and pointing at others, while Draco raised a complaint about every meal on the menu or really any other small inconvenience that had the unfortune to be spotted by him (“I can’t eat that, it has tomatoes in it. Nothing on here is gluten free. I’ll write father first thing in the morning. Pansy, will you shut the fuck up for a second? That’s not even a real band. God, I hate this place.”).
“He’s a whiny bitch most of the time, but his family has a great holiday chalet in France,” Blaise said to you after Draco had shot you an annoyed look for asking if you should ask the band to play a different song. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be friends with him.”
“I hope you choke on that disgusting wine,” Draco muttered, and you chuckled.
“Sure, darling,” Blaise replied, sharing a look with you. Until now, Blaise had surprisingly talked the most with you, and it turned out he wasn’t half as bad as you had always thought he would be.
Theodore on the other hand had only occasionally asked you how your meal was and how long you had planned to stay. His eyes had not held contact with yours for longer than a second and were still searching for something in the crowd, which was – by the way – having fun on the dance floor while you had not moved in almost an hour.
It wasn’t until a particularly beautiful girl from Ravenclaw strode past your table that Theodore hooked his foot around the leg of your chair to pull you closer and placed his hand on your upper thigh, giving you his full attention for the first time that night.
“Have I told you that you look very pretty tonight?” He asked, his dark eyes meeting yours.
“Er – no,” You said, darting a confused look towards the Ravenclaw girl.
“Well, you do,” Theodore went on and turned your head back to face him by stroking his thumb over your cheek before pressing his lips onto the skin beneath your ear. They felt chapped and not pleasant in any way. You cringed.
“Uh, sorry, but that’s maybe a bit early, don’t you think?” You said, drawing back and shoving his hand from your thigh.
“She’s gone anyway, Theo,” Blaise said. You did not understand.
“Who’s gone?” You asked, looking back and forth between Theodore and the others, who all seemed to know something you didn’t. Pansy giggled.
“Nothing,” Theodore said. His sweet voice had turned bitter, and you felt like that was your fault. He stood up. “I’ll get some more punch.”
The band segued from an upbeat song into a much slower one, and the light of the candles magically dimmed.
“Do you want to dance maybe?” You asked Theodore as a way to make up for your rejection, but he had already pushed past a group of chatting seventh years, not turning around.
You sank back into your chair, picking at the tulle of your dress again. Was it too early to tell Lavender and Parvati that you wanted to go back to your dorm?
“Girl, if I were you, I would get out of here as quickly as possible,” Blaise said. You looked up at him. “He’s not worth it. And he’s not here for you. So don’t waste your energy.”
“But he asked me to the ball,” You said weakly.
“Did he? Or did he just ask for some time with you to make his ex-girlfriend jealous?”
“He – well – he…”
But Blaise looked at you and you knew that he was right, that this was never about you but some other girl. It was always about some other girl.
“Excuse me, I’ll get some fresh air,” You said and made your way through the tables towards the doors.
The last time, everyone had watched him. Now it was Harry’s turn to watch everyone else try their best on the dance floor. He wasn’t sure what was worse; to be laughed at by the others while stepping on Parvati’s feet every other second or to watch not only Hermione and Ron but also Ginny and Luna, as well as Seamus and Dean dancing closely, arms around the other.
They all had no idea what they were doing, Harry could tell, but they were having fun anyway. He had never seen Hermione this happy.
“Oh, flashback.”
Harry looked up. Parvati sat down next to him on the chair that Ron had left over half an hour ago.
“Yeah,” He mumbled, taking another sip of butterbeer, and turned back to the dance floor right in time to see Dean kissing Seamus passionately in the middle of the room.
“And you are not dancing because…?” Parvati asked. Harry crossed his arms.
“If you’re here to make fun of me or to blow up my butterbeer, feel free to fuck off.”
Parvati chuckled. “Sorry about that. But seriously, why are you sitting here miserably after all those dance lessons?”
Harry tried to make out if she was actually serious or if this was her way to revenge herself for the Yule Ball.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked. Parvati narrowed her eyebrows, now visibly puzzled.
“No, I’m genuinely asking –”
“Well, it’s not that fucking easy to slow dance if you have no date, is it,” He said crossly.
Parvati gaped at him, but he was certainly not in the mood for this. It had cost him all his strength to not look for you in the crowd all evening, he did not need reminding of you not liking him back by Parvati.
Before she could say anything else, he placed his butterbeer bottle on the table and darted outside, hands shoved deeply into the pockets of his suit and eyes directed to the floor.
Harry’s feet guided him towards the courtyard. The music played by the band wasn’t as loud out here, and the cold night air was lively in contrary to the sticky, perfumed air inside the Great Hall.
He kicked some of the grass away and walked towards the bench underneath the willow, watching how its branches weighed in the wind and thought how you were probably having as much fun as his friends, or maybe even more, considering Nott was infamous for snogging in various broom closets.
Harry’s stomach turned at the thought of that. He wished he had a time turner to make it right.
The moon stood high on the deep blue night sky, illuminating the courtyard you had unconsciously walked to. Grey clouds had approached, and tiny raindrops were falling to the ground, steadily drumming onto the roofs of Hogwarts.
On your way out of the Great Hall, you had caught a glimpse of Theodore sticking his tongue down the throat of that Ravenclaw girl, but to be honest, it didn’t matter that he was making out with someone else. It would’ve just been nice if you could have had a forewarning.
You thought you were the only single soul wandering about, then spotted a figure sitting on a bench. You were about to turn and search for some other place to wallow in your feelings, when you recognised the messy hair.
Maybe this was the time to make up for running away. Maybe this was the time to be honest.
Harry looked up when he noticed someone coming closer, the tulle of your dress rustling over the wet grass. His heart jumped and he forgot to breathe for a moment.
“Hello,” You said, voice echoing over the empty courtyard. “Can I sit?”
“Of course.”
Harry scooted to the side to make some space for you. You sat down next to him, leaving maybe a hand width between the two of you. The wide branches of the willow guided you from the cold rain.
“You weren’t dancing,” You said, staring at the grass instead of his face.
You would understand if he did not want to talk, if he just walked away. He didn’t owe you an explanation for why he had not asked you to the ball or why was sitting here instead of inside with Ginny or whoever he had asked.
“You weren’t either, were you?” Harry replied. “You and Nott.”
“No, he’s busy with someone else, so… no. Not dancing.”
“Oh.” Harry shuffled. His knee bumped against yours. “Well, he’s an idiot then.”
You smiled, not moving your knee away from his.
“Yeah…but I don’t mind, really.”
“You should,” Harry said, and he meant it. No one should be treated like that. “If anyone should be dancing, it’s you.”
You looked up at him. Harry was already watching you, and it filled you with warmth despite the freezing cold. There wasn’t a single sign of hurt on his face, just a soft curiosity lying in his green eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, “for running away last Friday. I had to sort out some things.”
“What things?” He asked quietly.
“Some…” Your heartbeat sped up. Be honest, you told yourself. “Some feelings.”
“Oh.” Harry tried to figure out what you meant by that, but the way you looked at him made his mind go blank. “You mean you…”
“I really like dancing with you,” You said. Harry felt his heart beating faster than ever against his ribcage. He wondered if you could hear it. “And I wouldn’t have done those lessons with anyone.”
The music from inside the Great Hall was growing louder, overshadowing the rain; someone must’ve opened the doors to let in some fresh air. The band was playing a slower, French song and it stung in your heart. It was one of your favourites.
When you turned back to Harry, he was standing up. For a second you thought he wanted to leave, to go back inside, then –
“May I have this dance?” Harry held out is right hand, and you did not have to think twice if you should take it or not.
He helped you up from the bench and led into the middle of the lawn, the rain still pattering onto the grass and the stone tiles. It smelled strongly of petrichor, and you thought that this was much closer to spring than the decorations in the Great Hall.
Harry’s hand found its place on your back, pulling you closer to him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, tapping his skin with your finger in time to the music out of habit, and met his eyes, reflecting the moon light in them.
Had you ever told him how beautiful he was?
The two of you moved, swaying back and forth. Harry realised that he did not even need to concentrate on the steps, he knew them by heart. The closeness of you took his breath away, the way your fingers held onto his, the way there was little to no room between your torso and his. You were smiling at him, despite the cold and the rain. Harry felt his stomach tingling.
“What’s it called?” Harry asked quietly, not wanting to drown out the music.
“‘Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’. I’ll leave you words,” You translated, having memorised the lyrics in your mind. “I’ll leave you words underneath your door, underneath the singing moon. Near the place where your feet pass by…hidden in the holes of wintertime and when you’re alone for a moment.”
You paused and Harry’s eyes fell to his feet, not able to take your gaze any longer. There were words on the tip of his tongue he did not dare to say – afraid, to ruin the moment. He wanted to stay here forever.
“Eyes up,” You said, placing your hand underneath his chin to lift his head up.
More French words reached your ears; Harry figured they were the same sentence repeated over and over, but even if he had been able to understand French, he wouldn’t have been able to translate them because of your hand still resting under his chin.
“Kiss me whenever you want,” You whispered. “Kiss me whenever you want. Kiss me –”
And then, Harry let go of his fears and kissed you.
After all it still took you by surprise how he loosened his fingers from yours to cup your face, pulling you as close to him as possible, until there was no space in between, noses bumping against each other. Both of your hands slung themselves around his neck, caressing his skin and driving up through messy hair.
His lips matched yours, gliding smoothly over one another, smearing your lip gloss everywhere until all you tasted was strawberries and sweet alcohol. With his chest against yours, Harry was glad to notice your heart beating as fast as his did, though that was also because he really needed to breathe – not that he wanted to, he would have been totally okay with never breaking away from the kiss if it was always going to feel this soft and freeing.
It was you in the end that had to carefully pull his face away from yours, heavily breathing in and out. You brushed his wet hair out of his forehead and let your fingers slide over his temples and cheeks down to his neck.
“That offer,” Harry began breathlessly, tucking a strand of hair he had accidentally drawn from your pinned-up hair behind your ear, “about continuing the dance lessons…that still stands, right?”
Your lips curved upwards into a smile. “Of course.” 
“Brilliant,” Harry said, mirroring your smile before leaning down again to close the gap between your lips.
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emmy-renee · 3 years
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬' 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐���𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒓
𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑩𝒖𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒓 † 𝑲𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒋𝒊
♚-𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 ♝-𝑭𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ✯-𝑺𝑭𝑾
↠ 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈
↠ To say you were excited upon hearing about the arrival of your new sibling would be a massive understatement. Your mother held your small hands in anticipation for the reaction you were going to give at any possible moment. Not too long after having the message replay in your mind over and over again, a giant smile formed on your face. Squeals had filled the entire room as little you had jumped up and down with pigtails bouncing along. "Really?!" As the little demon continued her small celebration, the two adults shared a thankful look before sighing a breathe of relief.
↠ During the pregnancy of her mother, (Y/N) helped out any way she could. As (Y/N)'s father went out and about to find a decent human soul for his darling wife, the young one was the one to do the house chores; cleaning the house, watering the plants, and making sure that her mother was comfortable at all times. Catering her needs, fluffing her pillows.
↠ You were very strict during this time, too.
↠"(Y/N) dear, I really do think I should at least take a walk aroun-" "NO!"
↠ Once he came along, you just stared at him in awe once he was born. Of course fat tears rolled down your cheeks the second your father had handed the infant demon to you. You promised to always be there for him that day.
↠ Crow was your nickname for him.
↠ You insisted on being there for his first everything
↠ It were those moments you cried harder than your mother
↠ Someone was being a prick to your dear brother? You were there in a flash. Someone thought they could beat him in a fight? You were there to hear the stories. From then, you taught him not to take crap from other demons. You two were extremely close to say the least. He looked up to you and like a good sister, you made sure to set a good example.
↠ Troublemakers. Partners in crime. Comrades. That's how beings would describe the two of you. Some would laugh at memories when they encountered the both of you, while others would shake their heads in dismay and irritation. But it wasn't like either of you cared about what they thought.
↠ Sneaking cats of different breeds and ages was a constant game you two played in the early mornings or late nights getting you both caught red-handed on the sixth or seventh time
↠ Complete opposites if I may add. You were outgoing, bubbly, and optimistic. Brother dearest was well reserved, cocky, and prideful.
He was a definite Momma's Boy
↠ Sparring, play fighting, and silly little arguments were much too common not that either of you had to complain. You two made it an unspoken rule to only keep these 'interactions' to yourselves. So when your mother would fuss when you came back home with cuts or bruises, you would respond "I tripped and fell" or "I didn't look where I was going". Then of course Crow would walk in giving you one of his famous cocky ass smirks to which you would return with a glare.
↠ Fast forward when you were in your early four hundreds. You wanted to travel on Earth to different countries and cities. Of course the second you told your brother about this, he replied "(Y/N) why do you bother to travel among those petty humans?" sigh "You wouldn't understand."
↠ You thought it was out of character for him when he ran to you on the day of your departure. You were shocked, but a small smile came across your features when you wrapped your arms around him in a bone crushing hug.
"Wow, is the infamously conceited Crow crying?" "Your just in a state of denial, (Y/N)."
↠Letters were sent on a daily basis by ravens. You wrote to him about the things you learned, the sights you've seen, the people you met. Some of those letters included your recent knowledge about the humans you lived among, affairs and scandals you were involved in, and the number of times you had faked your death so townspeople wouldn't suspect what was truly going on with you.
↠ A few more centuries had passed since you had last spoke with your little brother. It wasn't until one sunny day on your trip to Belgium a raven appeared flying swiftly through the air your eyes went wide with shock.
↠ Once the envelope was in your hands, there was no hesitation when ripping it open. You recognized the neat handwriting immediately and started scanning the page for any possible answers to why he hadn't responded the the thousands of letters you sent. Instead, you found something else.
↠ You learned that he had made a contract with a young boy and now went by the name 'Sebastian Michaelis'. He had written about his current profession of being the butler to the bratty young earl, how the job would be worth it for his soul. Sebastian made sure to include his fellow coworkers and demanded how you got along with the pest of humans who 'seemed to never do anything right.' The only one he did seem to tolerate that was mentioned in the letter was the former head butler of the Phantomhive Manor, Tanaka.
↠ It certainly had been quite a long time since the siblings had seen each other in the flesh and since you happened to be close by- Why not take a detour and pay your little brother a visit?
↠ Not too long after running from country to country with bags in hand, she had finally found herself in the London capital. Carriages and people filled up the stony sidewalks and streets, children were running around, and to (Y/N) it seemed like a nice environment overall.
↠ After asking a few people for directions, you soon found yourself standing in the front gates of the Phantomhive Manor. You had checked your human appearance before in the window of a shoppe back at the capital, yet you were unsure if he would recognize you. Either way, every demon had their own scent and aura to be told apart from other demons so maybe there was a slight chance he would know?
↠ (Y/N) was still thinking over the options leaving and coming back to visit another time, or turning into her demon form until the demoness realized she was being tackled to the ground be another being.
↠ A small 'oof' escaped her lips once her back had made a harsh impact to the ground. Her arms had been pinned to her sides as she struggled to move. "What are your intentions with the young earl?" is what the voice above you asked. Once she actually took the time to look above, her face was filled with both shock and irritation. "Sebastian?!"
↠ Once he heard your voice his own face was filled with shock as his arms let go of your arms. "(Y/N)?"
↠ You were happy to see your little Crow, but now was not the time for smiles. Your face twisted into a pissed off expression and you threw one of your bags in his pale face with such force. "You bastard! I come over for a surprise visit after centuries and this is how I'm greeted?!" He really didn't know what to say as he stood up. "I certainly apologize about my behavior, dear sister. It's just that you-" he cut off looking you up and down with your arms crossed and glaring look "It's been a while." He did show a little bit empathy. "I know you want to forgive me." he said with a smirk. "Cocky bastard, get over here!" you shouted with open arms. He gladly excepted the invitation and you two there in each other's embrace.
Sebastian literally had to tell you to put him down once you starting picking him up from the ground
↠ Once that was done and hellos were exchanged, he offered you to come to the manor which you happily excepted. As you two made the way to the front doors of the Phantomhive manor, Sebastian asked about your travels, how many different humans you've met, any souls you've eaten which you gladly answered.
↠ You noticed a young boy with an eye patch and blue hair with an impassive look on his face. "I'm taking this is the one you work for?" you asked with a raised brow. "Ah yes. Hello young Master." he greeted. "I thought you said you worked for an earl, not a pirate." you whispered to your brother's ear as he let out a snicker. Ciel just gave you a glare. "Sebastian who is this?" he demanded. You gave him a sweet smile as you gave a dramatic bow, making your brother give you an eye roll. "Pleasure to meet you Earl Phantomhive. My name is (Y/N)." you said with a smooth voice. "I do apologize on behalf of my sister. Seems she has taken the time for a family visit. I do hope that is alright." Ciel just gave you a look as your rose to stand up straight again. "I suppose she may stay as long as she causes no trouble."
↠ Honestly Ciel was amazed by the fact you were the complete opposite of Sebastian. He along with the servants did actually mistook you for being the younger one only to dismiss it when the two of you broke out in laughter. Surprisingly Ciel took a liking to you and offered you a job at the manor which you gladly excepted.
↠ Sebastian won't admit it, but he likes the time he gets to spend with you. From meeting each other in the kitchen as the sun rises, exchanging greetings when one of you is to bring tea to the young master, or whenever another servant makes a giant mess. You come in handy once those morons think they can lay a finger on the young earl, and not to mention the fun of having your brother fighting by your side brings a smile you your face.
Not to mention the look he gives you when Ciel compliments your tea instead of his is absolutely priceless
↠ Remember the little cat thing you two did growing up? Yeah that certainly is something that picked up once you started working there.
↠ As one of your big sister duties, its your job to take care of your little brother. And that includes finding the perfect someone for your sibling. Eventually you did find out about the nun and circus performer, in short telling him "I do hope you realize that one day you just might have to take up the parenting role, Sebby." The demoness does in fact think that it's quite the sight to see other women being flat out rejected as the two of you are out for errands. If she does however, spot a lady wanting Sebastian for other intentions, (Y/N) just hogs up her brother's attention with the most ludicrous questions. You just want the best for your brother, and he does too. Surprisingly he gets extremely protective of you if you're within a five mile radius of any man who wants to court you.
↠ Especially if Finny or Bard start falling for you
↠ If it was Bard, Sebastian probably found out when his sister and co-worker were cooking. A nice spring day as birds chirped and the sky was bright without a cloud in sight. You had decided to make pancakes for everyone including Pluto, and made the batter into many different shapes to shake things up a bit. Sebastian had just finished preparing Ciel's breakfast as he walked past by Bard and (Y/N) when he unintentionally read the low-quality chef's mind.
"God she looks so cute."
The butler whipped back his head to see Baldroy with a light pink dust on his cheeks as he watched you flip the pancakes with such adoration. It wasn't until he felt the burning sensation of staring the chef turned his head and assumed he was staring into the face of death. He just quickly cleared his throat and began to work on something else as the butler smirked and walked out of the room with his head held high. (Y/N) just thought Bard had done something embarrassing.
↠ It was a particularly warm spring day as the roses blossomed and birds flew in the air. You and Finny had been pulling the weeds starting to grow and were having a fun time doing so. You both had gotten dirt on your faces and clothes, the tattered gloves had been thrown to the side and (Y/N) cracked a few jokes as he responded with the cutest laughs. Sebastian had walked by to ask if you wanted to join him and the Young Master in a recent case when he walked in on the scene.
"She's so beautiful."
Sebastian immediately told him to go water the roses farthest from his sister and Finny quickly nodded his head. You gave that damn butler a look to which he just nonchalantly shrugged.
↠ Your abundantly wrong if you think he wouldn't pull 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒅
"(N/N) remember you said we could go pick up the Young Master's tea together?"
"Apologies Baldroy, (Y/N) gave me her would she would accompany me dusting the shelves."
"Finny what have I told you about interrupting a conversation between me and my dear sister?"
©𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐲.𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫.𝐜𝐨𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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angelisverba · 3 years
thinkin’ bout you
in which harry owns a flower shop and has a major crush on a girl who comes in to buy flowers every once in a while (and he’s too shy to ask for her number) 
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word count: 17.3k
paring: florist!h and y/n
warnings: just some pinning and lustful yearning. m for mature...
author’s note: i’ve been working on this forever. not to pick fav’s but i think florist!h comes second to sl23... hes just so.......well, you’ll see!!
*    *    *    *    *    *
When Harry was given the option to go on a playdate with his car-loving and dirty-nailed schoolmates or spending the weekend at his nan’s house, he would often pick the latter. 
He preferred to spend his afternoons frolicking with her Siamese kitty in her wild-flower filled garden, sunbathing in the open grass, or napping on a quilted blanket under the large, round oak tree, with the kitty nestled into his tummy, keeping him warm. When he woke in the arms of his nan as she carried him inside the house for a glass of cool lemonade, he bore a band of pink sunburn over his button nose, and the blue and white striped Mickey shirt was sticking to the areas where his furry friend had provided an extra heat. 
So, it was safe to say that from the start, Harry’s tastes weren’t what could be considered ‘average’ or ‘normal’ or ‘straight’ for a heterosexual male of his age in current society. 
Not that he ever valued those opinions, but their impressions rang in the back of his loving head when the women who he brought to the comfort of his home made hurtful ‘joking’ comments on how ‘peculiar’  his choice of decor was or giving him prolonged strange looks before shaking their heads and yanking their clothes off so that they landed in a forgotten heap in some unimportant corner of his room. 
Granted, he still got a good shag, but it wasn’t enough to fulfill his desires regarding any actions associated with relationships. He wanted someone warm and soft and kind. Someone who wouldn’t judge his home, his music choices, his clothing, or anything else about him. A girlfriend, not a fuck. 
Long ago, he’d stopped caring about what others said about him. Adopting this mindset had given him some of the happiest and healthiest moments of his life (albeit occasionally, doubts merged with the ghastly shadows of his loneliness). Business at his flower shop increased as his charm increased with positivity, and a new life within him bloomed like a baby rose bud when he accepted that being single was okay. The ribbons of his bouquets bouncing with an added umf and the mist that landed on his skin when he changed the water in the flower buckets only enhanced the golden hue of his skin. 
Harry even took to renovating his home a bit. 
 Coincidentally, his apartment was located on the floor above his flower stop, and contained a significant amount of singular flowers in vases or bouquets in empty corners to prove it. An array of pastel colors smeared on the once blank walls. Bambi pink in his bedroom, sage green in his kitchen, and a French blue in his living room. The couch was a suede papaya three-seater with black and white checkered pillows, and the coffee table was an emerald-tiled piece standing on top of a geometric lavender carpet, a soft contrast against the dark oak of his floorboards. Harry’s taste in pop-culture, art, and literature was displayed on the frames hanging off his walls. Pictures and posters of his favorite pieces like Matisse’s Blue Nudes and Goldfish and The Dance II. An enhanced, enlarged photo of maraschino cherries and a raven haired pin-up girl. Another glass table by the end of the couch held a silver candlestick and a small statue.
Sometimes, the miniature Greek statue he bought at a thrift store of a man with his nakedness pure and unobscured to the viewers' eyes made his dick bloat against the seams of his pants. If he stared at it for too long, his eyes drawn to the softened cock between thighs that looked so flesh-like even though it was carved out of some clay or ceramic material, his mind would travel to sensual, honey-red places that he hadn’t been in so long. Harry’s imagination explored- as cheesy as it sounds- the sexual aspects of the male genitalia, and therefore his own sexual expeditions and how much he missed giving or receiving a good fuck. More often than not, he ended up with himself in his fist, forehead sparkling with perspiration under the candle lights in his room as his thighs and abdomen clenched with every buck of his yearning hips. 
The doorknob of his room was in the shape of an eye, the iris colored a brilliant blue. His king bed- no, frame, just a minimalist white base, pushed up against the wall with two tables on either side, both of them loaded articulately with vintage trinkets and ceramic ring trays shaped like seashells to hold his jewelry. His bedsheets were a stylish combination of pastel colors; lilac comforter, mint and sky pillows. Previously, they had been snow white sheets with strawberry print, but a woman he brought over said they looked like the sheets her five-year-old niece had. 
He changed them the week after that.
On the windowsill, a pot in the shape of a white, blue-eyed kitty with vines of string of hearts kissing the floor. A mirror in the shape of a heart with a pink trim besides the lightswitch, above his brown dresser. In the corner, a bookshelf stuffed with books that spilled over the seams, and perpendicular to it, the home of his pet chameleon, Owen (he wanted a cat, but when he went to the pet store and saw the dehydrated creature, he couldn’t leave him there). A 16 x 16 x 30 inch tank filled with a branch that cut across halfway. It was full of all the things he might need, maybe even too much of it, but it didn’t matter because when Harry was home Owen spent most of his time hanging off the collars of his shirts or snuggled in the ruffles of his hooded sweatshirt on his shoulder. The small, color changing friend adored his owner, and only morphed into a mild red color when Harry didn’t feed him more mango. 
The renovations occurred in his bathroom; a cherry-red covering the walls because it looked boring before (at least in his opinion).  The gold piping of the sink accentuated nicely with the darker color, and the sun seemed brighter when it streamed in through the window above his ceramic claw-footed tub. Owen particularly liked the misty showerhead stall in the corner, and as long as he kept his eyes to himself, Harry didn’t mind it if his green friend wrapped around the showerhead and enjoyed the mimicked tropical atmosphere. 
For awhile now, it had been just him and his chameleon (and maybe his mum’s cat if she was going out of town and needed a sitter) but he didn’t mind it. 
He got to meet new people everyday within the parameters of H’s Garden, and they all tended to overshare when it came to buying a bouquet. ‘My wife just had our son, want to see a picture?’ or ‘my boyfriend and I have our anniversary on Saturday’ and even ‘my sister had plastic surgery so me and my dad need something that says ‘congrats you look like Kim Kardashain now’ how ‘bout it?’ 
Stories ranged from sweet, to grotesque, to sad, to funny, and sometimes even evil- Harry didn’t like customers that gave flowers as a ‘fuck you’. He thought it was a waste of beauty and sacrifice. Flowers were living things that had their lives cut short in order to provide momentary satisfaction and life long memories to the receiver, not bitter feelings of revenge. Although it was still business, it pained him that such a pretty arrangement be misused. It was one of the cons of his work. He created what he considered to be masterpieces, and had no control over where they would end up, whether it be as a centerpiece for a candlelit dinner, or in the trash after the apology for a strong argument hadn’t been enough. 
However, Harry couldn’t deny that he didn’t love his job, because he did. 
When he turned 16, he’d determined that he wanted a peaceful life with a job that wouldn’t bore him. He wanted to be as stress free as possible, with his spirituality as a prominent highlight in his lifestyle. When he turned 18, he had determined that he wanted to be a florist, and began to save up to open his own shop with the occasional help of his friends and sister. He refused to take anything from his mother because he wanted to be the one giving her gifts and money and everything good after all of her sacrifices in raising him. Call him a momma’s boy. Harry loved his mother. 
Online seminars and college classes became his best friend, teaching him everything he needed to know about accounting, stocks, and how to keep his business going. He was a businessman first, florist second. During the slow seasons (the start of winter and an awkward half-week between summer and spring) he relied on his investments to triple-ensure that he had enough money to stay afloat. 
On his 22nd birthday, as a gift to himself, he signed the lease to the building that housed all of the pretty plants in temporary buckets full of flower food and water, and hired a graphic designer to design the cursive, golden letters that spelled out the name of his shop above the front door. 
 Now, three years later, he lived as happy as can be. 
And he wasn’t lonely anymore. 
Well, if you wanted to be technical, his relationship status was still a checkmark over the box labeled ‘single’, but his heart couldn’t be fluttering any harder at the sight of one of his regular customers, and she was there, creeping around in his brain to keep him company. 
She was the complete opposite of every girl he’d ever been with. She was sweet, kind, funny, and didn’t judge him for the way he dressed, or his profession. In fact, they bonded over things that previous women had… slyly berated him for. The color of his nails, the lace of his collar, the pattern of his flared pants,  and even the sheep on his baby blue sweater vest.  
She stole his heart the moment she walked through his door with a soft smile on her face, a sparkling gleam in her warm eyes, and placed it in her pocket the moment she said, “it smells lovely in here!”
Harry, awestruck and blushing because well, she was pretty and wore a shade of purple that somehow made her hair look so soft. Two strands of hair were pinned at the back of her head, essentially keeping the rest of it away from her face save for the few baby wisps that rested gently against her cheeks like a lover’s caress. The stuttering, stumbling cupid’s-bow-struck fool replied with, “thank you. It would be my pleasure to help you with anything you’d like,” and that had been his name, signed on the dotted line of a soul contract. Only she was not the devil. She was an angel. 
But even then, it wouldn’t matter. If she was the devil, if she was an angel, something in between or something new entirely he wouldn’t care because he was half gone for her already. 
“In that case,” she smiled, and Harry’s heart sang a melody it never had before. It was like the sun beamed from the spaces between her teeth and tickled the fuzzy spot beneath his earlobe. She had the most amazing voice, tranquil and clear and ethereal. “I just moved into a new apartment and wanted the place to feel like home. I thought maybe flowers would give it a little life.” 
He vividly remembers that the color of her cheeks changed to that of what is called a ‘blush’, but he didn’t know if it was a trick under the light, or a product of his wistful imagination. Her fingers gently skimmed the petals of a rose from it’s bucket near her hip, and one of the straps of the tote bag on her shoulder disrespectfully dropped away from her shoulder. He wanted to simultaneously rush over and fix it for her, and yell at the inanimate object for not being grateful of the fact that it had the opportunity to cling to her shoulder.
But, before either of these inner-conflicts met a sound resolve, her delicate fingers righted what was once wrong, and Harry cleared his throat, embarrassed because he’d stared for a little too long. He wanted so badly to ask for her name and how she liked her eggs in the morning, but instead he said, “there’s nothing like a bit of something pretty to brighten your day. Did you have something specific in mind?”
He hoped that the meaning of his words wasn’t caught on her, or that would be totally embarrassing and ‘loser’-like. 
When she walked out the door with a content smile on her lips, his own heart was beating faster than the flapping of a hummingbird’s tender wings. He was sure that he had never laid eyes on a pair of lips like hers, neither the feeling that blossomed in his chest at the thought that she might be smiling just for him to see and enjoy. 
Of course, it was a silly crush. One that clawed and gripped onto his sweaty palms with no sign of letting go. Maybe, Harry thought, it was because he hadn’t wet his wick in so long, and the interaction he’d had with her had sparked irrational, poem-inspiring feelings within the love cavern of his ribs. Because how could he fall head over heels with someone he didn’t even know? Surely, the swarm of hormone-pumped butterflies in his stomach was the beginning of a dead-end infatuation. 
Harry went that entire day, appalled at the apparent angel he had the fortune of being in the presence of in her short fall from the tender heavens. He wondered where she placed the flowers she bought (an arrangement he was particularly proud of, full of lilac, delicate stems of lavender, and puffs of baby’s breath wrapped with a white bow) and where that tiny extension of him was. At the entrance of her home, right below the place she rested her hand against as she tugged her shoes off? At the center of her table? Maybe besides her bed? Where she would see the purple petals and white of him as he wrapped it every time she woke up or went to bed? He hoped- as much as it was a romantic thought- that it wasn’t the last one. He’s been so awkward, so pink. A blush on his cheeks he hadn’t remembered being there since the time he yelped, startled, at the unexpected pain of a tattoo needle, the artist pointedly peeved. Acting like such a boy. 
Right before crawling up the steps of his apartment, heart still bleeding with love-blood from the deadly tip of Cupid’s arrows, he made himself a mini version of the bouquet he’d made her, and placed it at the center of his tiled coffee table. 
A few days trickled by, and the memory of her face drifted in and out of his mind like a giant sway of fabric slowly billowing in the wind. He was just so… struck by a slab of awe, stunned by her kind of beauty. Natural, the kind that hooks you in it’s purity, like the golden beams streaming in through transparent curtains on a warm spring afternoon. 
Her strawberry lips curved elegantly under her nose, and displayed a smile that leaked some sort of heady drug into the air because the air was sweet when he breathed it in. And when he handed the bundle of flowers over to her, the pads of her delicate fingers skimmed the rough ridges of his knuckles. He wondered immediately what kind of moisturizer she used, and if it smelled like honey or lavender or peaches. She smelled sweet. Sweeter than all of the flowers in his colorful soul shop put together. The colors that belong to her, on her person and worn by her, were more captivating than any of the tones that painted the petals on his plants. 
Owen got a kick out of this whole ordeal, though. Harry’s passionate mood had him divulging in munching and nibbling on things that tasted the way he felt; ambrosial, fresh and pure. It resulted in the purchasing of endless amounts of fruit, with many bites given to the tiny chameleon. Mangoes, strawberries, oranges, grapes, pears (Asian pears, if the store carried them, they were Harry’s favorite), peaches and guavas. The sudden craving for fruit might be explained as just a casual craving, but deep deep down inside, Harry knew that it was because he wanted to replicate the feeling that coursed through his golden veins when she giggled at something she happened to find funny. 
He wished that he had caught her name. The girl had paid in cash (and left a five dollar tip Harry fawned over), so he couldn’t have read it on her card, and he was halfway between charming and awkward that he didn’t even think of asking for it until the minute the door closed behind her, bells tinkling in announcement of her exit. He wished for a hundred different things, but he was not the type to live in regret. Not anymore. So after about a week of floundering in her memory, he meditated for an hour, tropical incense on one of his bedside tables, and cleared his mind as best he could. 
The next morning, he did the same thing. Woke up with heavy limbs, plopped himself down on his blue mat and stretched in various positions, his white boxers hanging low on his hips. His lips and eyes were sticky with sleep, and the back of his nose ached with cold air that he must’ve breathed in throughout the night after forgetting to close the window (again) but the pleasurable twinge of stretching aches between his joints were the perfect way to start his day. They urged his mind to transform into the still surface of water, clear and collected from any unproductive-pinning thoughts towards a girl he would most likely never see again. 
Even his clothes reflected his refreshed mindset.
Harry donned his favorite pair of flared  trousers in an earthy brown color, nestled snugly on his slender hips and around his thighs. The tight fit accentuated the way his back tapered into his waist, glutes shapely and sculpted. A maroon sweater vest that had a teddy bear embroidered on the middle of his chest, the small latte-toned stuffed animal seemingly childish, but on him it only directed attention to the spotlight daze of the velvety heart sheltered underneath his breathless plate. Underneath, a mustard long-sleeve shirt with tiny cherries printed on them. Some straight, some tilted or lopsided. His shoulders and biceps were hidden in the floofy bunches of cloth, anonymity given to the true thickness of his ink slathered skin. 
He looked like a corduroy dream. A thick milkshake of patterns and colors, but he managed to pull it off.
A tiny gold hoop on his right ear gleamed under the morning sun coming in through the windows and a pearl necklace rested against the downy skin of his throat. Slender fingered tipped with a coat of pure white, with his ring fingers accented in a shimmery pink. Chunky rings adorning the base of his digits; a silver rose, a band of dancing teddy bears (a running theme with him), two gold rings with his initials H and S on one hand, and a simple ruby stud from his graduating class. 
He looked good, he knew that he looked good, and was ready to begin a bright, healthy, non-pretty-girl-thought-polluted day. Even the old woman had pinched his cheek whom he had been assisting- a regular-had said he looked like a proper ‘nice boy’ along with ‘when are you going to her a lovely girl to help you run this place, Harry?’. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he had momentarily sworn off women until his broken sentiments healed, and they had a long way to go. 
In the middle of wrapping a smashing set of tulips and fern stems with a cherry red bow, the bells adorning the top of the door frame dinges, announcing the entrance of another pleasant customer and giving passage to a gust of chilly air. Harry looked up to greet the customer with his usual pleasantries of ‘welcome! I’ll be with you in a moment!’, but the words died on his throat in a desperate hussle, just as the little mermaid had given up her voice to meet her gallant prince.  
It was his own personal little slice of heaven presented to him on the black and white checkered floors of his shop. Hair loose against her shoulders again, eyes cast downwards to inspect a bucket of fresh daisies that tickled the space above her bare knees. How she could wear a skirt in this biting weather, he didn’t know, and it partially prevented him from continuing his pursuit of admiring her because the first thought his caring mind jumped too was, ‘is she cold? And if so, does she need a sweater? Because I will gladly give her one.’ His second thought, however, was ‘how could someone be that beautiful?’. The third was something along the lines of ‘all my yoga has gone to shit, and I’m okay with that’. 
He cleared his throat, tightened the bow around the stems of the flowers in his hands and said, “I’ll be with you in a moment, love!” His head bowed, looking at his work because he wasn’t sure he could afford the medicals for the paralysis that was sure to take over his meek self if they made eye contact so soon. Harry needed a moment of homeostasis, his soul adjusting to her dulcet presence. 
The woman he was assisting, Edna, spoke, drawing him out of his daze, but he had been so deeply in thought that he had not heard what she said. 
“What was that?” He asked her. He grabbed Kraft paper from the roll by the register to wrap up her arrangement. 
“The girl. You like her?” She was smiling at him, wagging a finger the way his nan used to do when she caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. “Don’t lie to me, I recognize that look. I’ve given and received that look many times throughout my life.” 
The woman was not wrong. With age, comes wisdom, Harry thought, smiling to himself at being caught. A dimple carves itself into his cheek, nestling onto the space above the corner of his mouth as if he had no choice in the matter. The apples of his cheeks were shadowed with a dusky pink, and the tip of his nose was twitching like a rabbit when it stood on its rear and sniffed the air, only he was coy after just being caught and wanted to avoid the question as much as possible. 
“I’ve got no idea what y’talking about,” he chuckled, keeping his voice low so that the intriguing stranger in the store didn’t hear that their topic of discussion was her. He moved over to the register to ring her up, and even slid in a discount he applied to customers he liked. 
“Next time I come in,” Edna said, passing Harry her debit card, “I hope to hear that you got her number, dear. Don’t let these opportunities pass you up. Life is short. And who knows? She could be the one.” Harry gave her the card back after charging her, and handed her the flowers, too. All the while Edna was grinning at him, shaking her head like she knew something he didn’t. 
“Take care, Edna. And don’t forget to change the water every 2 days with the flower packets I placed at the stems,” he reminded her, sweetly wiggling his red-lacquered nails at her retreating woman as butterflies awakened in his stomach in a furious flood of nerves. The girl was looking around, her hands hovering over the up-turned faces of a bundle of lively sunflowers, browsing and quietly humming to herself as she waited. 
There was no backing out of this, even if he wanted to. And he didn’t! He didn’t want to back out. The girl was a customer, and he would have to approach her no matter what. But she was so pretty it was also intimidating. He doesn’t remember ever being this nervous while approaching someone, especially one he harbored feelings for. His heart was pounding so loud, he was sure it was audible. 
“Hello,” he wanted so badly to add ‘love’ at the end of his greeting. “Are y’finding everything a’right?” He asked her, his hands wringing themselves, palms moist with sweat from his unyielding need to impress her. The pink tip of his tongue poked out to swipe across his full bottom lip, and soon after that his teeth sunk down into it, nibbling with uncertainty. Harry made sure that he was standing straight, body aligned to face hers because in that psychology course he took once, he learned that it was a subconscious tactic to engage interest and pleasant replies to attempts at wooing another. 
At the sound of his voice, the girl jumped, startled at the sudden vibrations of Harry’s husky voice. Her delicate feet, he noticed, skittered on the floor from her tiny jump, and her doe eyes widened, shouldered rising and falling at a quicker pace than before from the new rush of light fear. When she realizes that it’s just him her hand flattered over the base of her neck and her collarbone in attempts to soothe her racing heart. 
“M’s sorry,” he whispers, his hand clamping over his mouth, and then lowering to his chin when he speaks again, “didn’t mean to scare y’love.” This time he can’t restrict himself. It comes so naturally, like the endearment was meant for her, and when a flush covers the bridge of her nose his first instinct is to coo at her for looking so cute. The second is a surge of guilt for having scared her to such an extent. 
“It’s okay,” she says, a little out of breath. The blush on her face was partly because she was embarrassed at her own reaction, while the other was that she had let herself act so freely and uncoordinated in front of someone that looked like him. Handsome and sweet and eyes so green they refreshed you upon first glance. Like the cool burn of water going into a mouth that had just chewed a stick of minty gum. “I want to buy these flowers.” 
God help him. Her voice alone was enough to make him melt. The lilts and melodies of her voice swarming all four of the ventricles in his heart with warmth, and every blood cell that passed contained a glowing heat, buzzing with her energy. 
She points to the sunflowers, her gaze lingering on them with longing. A soft smile toying on her mouth, and Harry could see the tendons in her throat stretch as she inhaled to add another thought to her sentence, “Do you sell vases by any chance?” The girl looked at him shyly, her eyelashes almost twinkling as she blinked, and his heart soared, “I had a really nice one in the shape of a big Coca-Cola bottle, and I accidentally knocked it over, so now I have nothing to put them in.” 
Harry is incredibly enamoured by subconscious gestures that take over her hands as she speaks, fiddling as if the vase she spoke about was in her hands, all in one piece before it was broken. He’s quiet throughout her tiny ramble, listening and taking note of her enticing antics. She’s looking down at the floor or the flowers or her hands, and when her eyes dance over to his steady gaze, “I’m rambling aren’t I?” she murmurs bashfully. 
“No, no it’s a’right. I can look in the back for something if y’like?” He suggested, arrowing a thumb to the ‘back’ he mentioned. “Did y’want anything in particular?”  
“Oh, I don’t wanna be a troubling customer!” She squeaked, concerned with becoming a nuisance she didn’t want to be. 
“Y’not a bother, love. M’promise. I’ll go look f’you. What color did y’have in mind?” He asked her, tone calm and soothing to reiterate his sentiment. She was not a bother. The only thing about her that bothered him was the fact that he did not know her name, and even that was his own fault for not asking her. 
His hands rest on his hips, tattooed cross momentarily hidden by the bunch of his sweater vest  as he waits for her to respond, his eyes locked on her mouth, her own tongue subtly licks her lips, adding a sparkly sheen to it that only drove him crazy. Ever the jilted fool, his mind jumps to what it would feel like to kiss her, or what it would feel like if she kissed him in other places. What fruits she tasted like, and what kind of kisser she was. A timid one? With a patient mouth waiting to be broken open with the force of his own? Frugal? Opening her mouth and giving him everything she had to offer. 
“Something pink, please. If you have it.” That smile again. One that told a million apologies it didn’t owe, with her eyes pinching at the corners with whatever nonsense culpability she felt. Her voice was sweet, Harry thought, like wind chimes on a summer morning. 
Feeling guilty for allowing such dirty thoughts to gallop through his mind when she was so… so pure. Like an angel. Even her way of presenting herself was shy and sweet, yet he was thinking about kissing her. Was that perverted? She was a customer he had seen twice, and his mind was already running wild with luscious assumptions; a sunday topped with a red cherry of sensuality. How awfully dirty of him. 
But! But those were not the only thoughts he had. He wanted to ask her what happened to cause her to drop her vase, and where she had bought it. If it was vintage, considering it was a Coca-cola bottle, and if she had any accidents while cleaning up the mess of broken glass. He wanted to hear her thoughts. No, better yet, he just wanted to hear her talk. He wanted to get to know her. To know if she was as nice as she looked. 
“‘Course,” he mumbled, his eyes shamefully downcast to the floor. “Be righ’ back.”
Harry stalked off to ‘the back of the store’. Truth was, there was no back of the store containing vases. There was only a small closet with boxes of items he might need around the store, like flower food, rubber bands, and decorative paper for the bouquets. A crate of bottled water for when he got too lazy to climb up the back stairs and into his home. 
His home. 
Plucking the keys from his pocket, a ring that held a ceramic swan his closest friend Mitch had gifted him with a humble admission of ‘saw this at a thrift store and thought about you, H, I had to buy it’, and five keys: one to the front door of his shop, one to the cash box in the register, one to the mailbox, another to the front door of his apartment, and one to his car. The one to his front door was painted at the head with pastel pink nail polish, so it was easy for him to pick out when he was dead tired after a long day of being on his feet (spunky shoes that he liked to wear sometimes didn’t help ease the ache on his back, and neither did his posture). 
The back door that led to the stairs had locks on both the inside and the outside. A deadbolt and chain on matching sides of the door to ensure comfortable sleep at night, and peaceful work time during the day. Not having to worry about curious children opening doors or nosy customers relieved him. It was a little amatuer, but the door made a loud noise when opened because it wasn’t quite level, and he had a tiny key so he could lock it from the outside, too. 
A loud shucking noise resonated through the store as he pulled the door open, and then again when he closed it behind him. The delicacy of his dainty yet large hands were nearly comical around the tiny golden pin stud that hung from the chain, almost slipping from his hands with nerves as he slid it in place. Harry didn’t think that she was nosy or anything like that, bit if he was going up to give her a vase of his own personal collection, he didn’t want her to find out and feel even more intrusive that she already did. 
He was a huge giver, and upon hearing her say that she broke her flower pot, his mind was already thinking about the perfect one to replace it. It just so happened to be sitting on his shelf with a bundle of dying lavender. Climbing up the stairs (the ache in his thighs was a mere twinge compared to what it was when he first moved here), Harry huffed and thought to himself all the ways he could ask for her name and number. 
Listen, I really like y’and would like to have y’number?”
Do y’wanna have my number so we can go out sometime if y’feel like it?”
“Is it alright if I get y’number so we can go out sometime?”
“Hey, love. What’s y’name?”
Nothing’s making sense to him. The pick up lines he had stored in his head for the rare times he would flirt with a girl were slipping from him. None of them seemed worded right to use with her. Too abrupt or too brisk. Not sweet enough. He wanted to treat her gently and to be worthwhile of her time. Plus, it also had to be smooth enough that it made her forget she was paying him for flowers or it would be awkward. He was a twenty-six man for crying out loud, not a twenty-one year old smile at the bar looking for a good time. This wasn’t a ‘good time’. This was… a courting. An inquiry to a relationship. A rose rose in a candlelit room. 
Harry opened his front door and moved in a quick jog to a table besides his hi-fi that held a translucent pale pink glass, fat at the base before twirling and widening a few inches at the lip. An image of a nude mermaid puffing out at the front like an engraving. Cuddling it into his breast, he grabbed the lavender, speed walked back to his kitchen where his toe banged against the metal of the trashcan as he pressed on the lever to open it. He hissed fuck under his breath and shucked the dead lavender into the bag before turning back to his door, closing it behind him, but not locking it because he didn’t want to keep her waiting. His feet moved quickly down the stairs, the one hand not holding onto the vase cupping a hand over the side of his hips that held his keys so they didn’t make much noise. 
The button on the chain slipped from his fingers a few times from their repeated clamminess, and when he was ready to finally twist the knob, he paused to take a breath and collect himself. Harry ran a hand through his hair, fixed his collar, and dusted off his pants legs. He wanted to look perfect for her. 
“Don’t be stupid,” he murmured to himself. He had a good feeling about this. About her. And if he messed this up because he looked bad or said something weird he would kick himself into a muddy ditch. 
Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and calmly walked back, “I’ve got the last one,” he said, tapping the tip of the vase with his pointer finger. It was a lie, right through his teeth, but he was happy to tell it in return for the way she was looking at him in that moment. His eyes rounded out as he approached her, like the curves of hearts that made up the heart-eye emoji, or the puppy-dog face. Just another physical display of his growing affinity towards her. 
“Oh my god!” She said,  “It's so pretty!” The trapped crystals in her irises twinkled with bewilderment at the treasure Harry’s presented her with.  She’s got a smile on her face, and he can’t help but think, ‘wow, she looks like a freshly bloomed white lily’. 
There’s a vintage print hanging in his corridor, a ‘flower language chart’ with different types of flowers and a sentence beneath them describing the messages they send. For example, red carnations= my heart aches for you. The description beneath white lilies reads ‘my love is pure’. 
She asked him if it wasn’t too pricey, and he made up some fake sale he had going on about a hybrid BOGO in which if she bought an arrangement she would get a vase included in her purchase (he added “I’ve got a shipment of new ones coming in an I need the space cleared out before they get here” just to make sure his fib is believable.) And he explains this so shyly. Harry can’t keep his eyes locked on hers because she’s staring at him with an intensity that lets him know she's really listening, and it makes him squirm.  The tips of his fingers tap against the vase, and he’s tripping over his tongue, which is ridiculous because he already talks so slow. 
“I guess I was right in waiting then,” she said casually, waiting for Harry to finish ringing her up. 
His finger froze over the touch screen of the sleek, modern device (he wanted nothing but the best for his store) and listened to the exciting roar of blood through his eardrums at her words. I guess I was right in waiting then? What did that mean? That she was planning on coming back to see him and didn’t? Of course, it could also mean that she was going to buy something else somewhere else, but he couldn’t stop the vine of ripe hope that swelled around his chest. And she looked so apprehensive while saying it. As if she was walking on glass and was looking for cracks as she stepped. As if she was waiting on him to catch on to something.
Harry cleared his throat and looked at her through the corner of his eye, trying to be as discreet as possible as his fingers continued their deliberate work on the screen, “What d’you mean, love?”
“I was going to stop by sooner, but I just got in my head about it,” the girl shrugged, and adjusted the ends of her cardigan so they wrapped around her torso. She had a different bag this time, one of those reusable market bags that was made up of holes, and it was filled with two books and a can of green tea from the vegan store down the street. Harry thinks he can make out one of the titles on one of the spines, which looks suspiciously similar to something that he has on his own shelf. 
“Why would y’get in y’own head about coming to m’flower shop, hmm? It’s hardly that intimidating,” he chuckles to play off the dashes of pink and red that are painting themselves across the bridge of his twitching nose, “I don’t bite, either.” 
And he hopes that his wistfulness isn’t meddling with his vision because he swears that he can see a matching reaction on her own doll face. “I know! I know, it’s just that I can’t help it sometimes. Talking to other people makes me nervous.” 
Harry could coo at her right now. He doesn’t, though. He nods and smiles at her before reading her total out to her, “That I get, too. But y’doing just fine with me, love.” 
Waiting patiently as she digs through her bag for cash, he tries to not stare. However, it’s impossible. His eyes had a mind of their own dragging against the forces of his will to feast on her image again. Her hands and the tip of her nose. The base of her neck and gentle swell of her clavicles. The swoops of hair that hung in a curtain from her shoulder as her head tilted in search, and the how her teeth bit down into her lip in concentration. Harry counted the amount of times her eyelashes met her waterline in those few seconds of comfortable silence. Three. 
“I thought I had cash on me today,” something in her bag clicks, and she pulls out the rectangular card Harry’s become familiar with, holding it out to him between two deft fingers, painted with red hearts on a white base. “I guess I used my last twenty at the organic food store down the street,” she said. 
“It is pretty easy to get lost in there, isn’t it?” He took her card from her, and tried not to make it obvious that he was eager to read her name off of it as he inserted it into the machine. The embossed letters into the plastic read y/n y/l/n, and when he turns back to look at her, he can’t help the smile that spreads across his boyish features.
Y/n, y/n, y/n.
This is what it must feel to be let in on a secret that’s worth millions of dollars. It must, because Harry’s heart is soaring with a closure he didn’t know he needed. Y/n, y/n. Her name tickled him. Stroked him. Lathered him with the honey smoothness of the beeswax shampoo he bought at that fateful organic store. It was a fitting name. Sometimes, one could tell a person ‘you know, I actually thought you were a Amy or a Jessica’, because their looks and style just didn’t match the strength or modesty of their name. But not y/n. It fit her like a glove. There was no other way to make sense of the way Harry’s brain was thinking. The name was her. 
“What?” Her lips quirk up into a smile and her eyebrows dip in confusion. Why was he looking at her like that? Did she have something on her face? Here she was, opening up to a cute stranger and she had something on her face? This, she thought to herself, is humiliating. Her finger dusted off non-existent crumbs from the corners of her mouth, “do I have something on my face?”
“No! No, no.” Harry’s careful beam simmered down from it’s previous brightness, and his hand nervously filed through the swoop of chocolate curls sitting on his head like a cinnamon roll. “I just think y’name is pretty thas’ all.” 
He murmured the last part so that it was practically incoherent, and lowered his gaze as a searing heat stretching like saran wrap around his head and the divot on the nape of his neck.  Oh, God. He was fucking blushing. Great Harry. A normally favorite among the ladies had been reduced to murmurs and thick, uncoordinated movements. 
Like dropping her card when she piped up again. 
Voice as small and quaint as his had been, "you think my name is pretty?” Her fingers are wrapped around the frail straps of her bag, tight enough that her knuckles were white and Harry was scared that she’d bury her fingernails into her palm. 
“I think y’very pretty.” He whispered back. He can’t even bear to look at her in fear that he’s totally fucked himself over once and for all. His logic was this: what girl wants to be told by the guy they’re buying flowers that they’re pretty after he reads her name from her debit card? Especially one who (if outside female sources are to be believed) dresses “the way my mother did when she was a girl in the seventies”? Jesus, fuck. He must’ve looked ridiculous. 
Harry opened his mouth to backtrack and apologize for being so unorthodox in his workspace, a breath sitting on his tongue with words ready to spew out, but the bell began to chime and it yanks his head from the register to the front and instead he said, “welcome! I’ll be with you in a moment.” 
Flustered and full of regret, the flower connoisseur returned his wired gaze back to y/n, who… was smiling at him? The kind of smile that said ‘oh my god, I can’t believe you just said that. Now please say it again’? Was he… dreaming? Did he have to pinch himself in order to verify that he wasn-
“Thank you... what’s your name?” Y/n looked at the card from his hands and sunk her hand- carefully, as to not get her fingers stuck in any of the tiny holes- and there was another clicking noise before she took her hand back out. That angel-like smear of girlish happiness was still on her, decadently radiating positivity and secret affection. Goodness leaked from the seams of her bones; through the cracks of her breastplate, radiating from her chest to Harry’s. He could feel it now. He could feel that his previous assumptions about her nature were true. She was altruistic and tender, like the inside of a bird’s wing. 
“Harry. M’name’s Harry.” This time, he didn’t hide his happiness. Even his eyes shone with a heightened, clear and sparkly shade of liquid evergreen. The joy that bounced inside of him like ricocheting metal balls in a pin game machine. His slender hand, fawn-skinned and graceful like the legs of a deer, stretched out between them. His mother had taught him that along with the first introduction of his name, a handshake must be present, always. Dipping his head slightly, and his words spongy with love-ditz, Harry rumbled, “Nice to meet you, y/n.”  
She placed her hand in his, and was practically swallowed by only his palm. He curled his fingers around her, thumb and middle finger overlapping around the clammy center of hers. So she was nervous, just as he was. Y/n was trained on their embracing limbs, and he could feel a spot on his neck where the skin palpated from the rush of blood as she observed their entwined digits. Their hands moved up and down, up and down between them for longer than necessary until her chin twitched back up to meet his, and she blinked mawkishly, slowly, like the videos of rehabilitated barn owls Harry sees on his Instagram. 
Then, suddenly, as if she remembered she was not the only one present, y/n jolts upright and shakes her head dazedly. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Harry. I like your nail color,” she added. 
He’s cheesing. A shit-eating grin too big for his face and it carves dimples into the flesh of his cheeks. His name on her tongue had never sounded so appealing, like it was made for her and only her to say. Not even the turtle-doves that cooed outside his window in the mornings sounded as beautiful as she did saying his name. And she complimented her nails! She hadn’t scrutinized him like others had, instead, she displayed her admiration for them. No one- well, actually he can’t say that without offending Mitch- no female of his age had ever received him with such open-mindedness as hers. If he didn’t have any self-restraint, he would giggle. Instead, Harry pulled his hand back so that their perfect moment wasn’t sullied with bouts of bad timing, “thank y’love. I like yours, too. You’ll have t’come over sometime and paint mine, yeah?” 
Y/n laughed, and he breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t been too bold, “I’d love too!” With glee frozen on her, she turned to look over her shoulder at the customer who was browsing the flowers Harry had in buckets, “I don’t want to hold you back from a customer for so long. I’ll stop by again soon, Harry. Thank you so much for your help.” 
The moment her hands reached for the wrapped bundle of sunflowers and the mermaid vase, a metaphorical grey cloud of rain and thunder manifested in the space above his head, and blocked all of the sunshine from spanning across his toned, lithe body. Did she really have to go? He wanted to whine. Maybe even wrap himself around her ankles like a child that refused to leave the park. They were only just getting to a mutual spot of comfort! Forget the other customer, he wanted to shout. Harry would kick them out and flip the sign to ‘closed’ if it meant only a few more minutes in the presence of her candy-coated charisma. 
But he knows that’s unrealistic, and settles with, “it was my pleasure, y/n,” a flirty wink (at least he hopes it is), “I’ll be waiting f’your next visit.” His taffy lips wrapping effortlessly around his smooth words, fueled by her welcoming receptiveness to his advances. It would be easy to be himself in the future, a little smoother and eloquent in his language and feeling. He was usually clear with what he wanted from anyone, and made it a pleasurable experience in all aspects for both parties involved (once it was three). Harry wanted to sweep her off her feet, and he wanted it to be an enjoyable experience for the both of them. Revel in that feeling of blooming emotions in a new relationship. A healthy one, in which he wasn’t receiving back-handed compliments all the time. 
He wasn’t superficial enough to push anyone off the table based on looks alone, but it did help that y/n had the disposition of an angel. An ethereal voice, supple lips that looked so silky and soft they had to feel that way, too, and hands that felt so tender in his. Perfect for holding on a late night stroll, or over the center console of his car when -if they go out on dates. 
What really hooked, reeled, and sinked him, though, was the fact that she was so nice to him. From the start, she’d been nothing but polite and sweet with him. Don’t even get him started on the way he swooned at the tone of her voice when he said that her name was pretty! So quiet and velvety, careful and calculated like she wanted him to know that it was okay. That she wasn’t thrown off by his comment. He nearly toppled over, clutching his heart with his legs jutting straight up into the air like a frightened goat. 
It wasn’t until the bells stopped ringing the sad notice of her exit that Harry realized he passed up the perfect opportunity to ask for her number, and as he kicked himself over it, he walked with the perfect customer service face he could muster to help the other person in his store. 
Harry was having a shitty morning. 
Not the kind of morning where every aspect of his routine is a terrible mishap, but like the water being too cold and the stove not working or the bottle of oat milk in the fridge being empty so he couldn’t make coffee. No, everything was fine and rolling smoothly, as it should. 
His water was the perfect temperature and ran down the toned bumps and divots of his muscles like the relaxing thrums of a lover’s caress in the midst of prowling heat. As soon as it hit his back, he released a sigh of contentment, his shoulders hunching and head rolling back and his hands roamed his shoulders and the back of his neck, rubbing away any aches that existed. The branch of eucalyptus that hung from the golden pipe of his showerhead fused a thick minty scent into the steam that fogged the glass wall, and the calming aroma helped the tendons loosen like the deflating limpness of untied shoelaces. He spent a few minutes just standing there, inhaling and exhaling deeply and feeling his lungs open and stretch beneath his rib cage. 
It almost made him wish that he’d opted to use his tub for a hot bath instead. 
He was able to cook an egg just fine on his stove, with dashes of Everything Bagel Seasoning with a side of avocado and a slice of toasted cranberry walnut bread, the same thing he had every morning. The carton of oat milk was brand new from his trip to the market the day before, and his coffee tasted the same as it always did. But… he was just... sad. An melancholy soreness that eroded against the insides of his body, consuming him slowly but surely and leaving him with a lost feeling of emptiness and unimportance. 
He thinks he might know why he’s feeling this way. 
While he’s stirring his scrambled eggs, he’s wondering how y/n likes hers. Over easy? Sunny-side up? Scrambled, like him? Did she even like eggs in the morning? What did she eat in the morning? He knows that some people ‘aren’t hungry’ in the mornings, though that’s only because they’ve gone hungry in the mornings before for an extended time period, and after so long of not feeding their growling stomachs, their brain discontinues the signals of hunger. Harry hopes that isn’t the case with y/n, and that she’s eating the proper three meals a day every day. 
And while he dipped a mini vegan chocolate croissant that he got at Whole Foods, he also wonders what she likes to dip chocolate croissants into, or if she even likes chocolate croissants. If she was a person who likes sweet treats, like strawberry tarts with powdered sugar over them or something lighter, like fruit cut into small squares in a bowl. When Harry was younger and would visit his nan on the weekends, she would pick fresh strawberries from her garden and cut them up for him when he’d woken from his nap. Sometimes, she would even sprinkle half a tablespoon of sugar over them. He wonders if she’d ever eaten strawberries like that. 
It’s been a week and a half, he still hasn’t seen her, and his heart is yearning. 
Harry knows he’s not in the correct headspace to assist other people with a cheery disposition about an hour before opening time, and decides it’s best if he writes a note on the door about how the shop wouldn’t open that day because he didn’t want to taint the reputation of his business by snapping at a customer for the only bundle of sunflowers he had, or dissolve into a puddle of love-sick tears in the middle of ringing someone up. Though really the notice just says ‘H’s Garden will not be opening today. Sorry for the inconvenience!’ followed by a frowning face and a lopsided, filled-in heart. 
Harry drags his feet back up the stairs, his lower lip jutting out in a discreet but depressing pout, and grabs Owen from his tank so that the chameleon could curl into the shoulder of Harry’s hoodie while he moped on the couch to sappy rom-coms that would only make him think about her more. At least there was someone there with him, even if his small green friend only used him for mangoes and papaya. They sit together for the entirety of Romeo + Juliet, and when it’s over, Harry’s sniffly and standing up to return Owen to his enclosure and to clean because the riotous emotions that whirl within him are too much to process while sitting down. 
Cleaning wouldn’t help him solve his problems, but it would help him cram all of his worries into a tight corner at the back of his mind- sort of like when dirty laundry began to overflow in the hamper and it requires extra force to shove it all in, only to come all back out like a memory sponge. His tormented thoughts on y/n could be compared to a dramatic inner monologue, very similar to how Romeo feels about his Juliet. But, soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and y/n is the sun. Harry has the play on his book shelf (the one with the side-to-side modern English translation because he was never quite gifted in the English department) and as he reaches for a bandana to tie his hair back, he finds himself resonating with a particular line: parting is such a sweet sorrow.
There was no need to change any of his clothing, since he was already dressed in one of his more impromptu outfits; grey sweats and a white t-shirt that read ‘women are smarter’ in black across his chest. He tied the red bandana into a knot at the back of his head, and lifted it over his chin so that it settled on his forehead, sweeping his hair back with a final push back. It doesn’t get in his way when he crouches to clean his various tables, spraying cleaning products with his shirt pulled over his nose, another organic product that’s supposed to be less harmful and smells like cinnamon and sandalwood. His shoulder blades begin to ache because he’s being a little more aggressive than he has to be, but the green tiles were sparkling so he was content. 
He washes the dishes, mops the kitchen floor, vacuums the carpets, cleans Owen’s habitat, and tidies the mail that piled up on the table when he finally calls it quits. Scouring his brain for something to do, to keep him busy- his brain busy, Harry settles on the floor with his back to the edge of his bed. He’s shirtless now, and is in need of another shower but he’d rather not because he knows he might end up crying over the possibility that he’s scared y/n off. There’s a book in his hands and a Frank Ocean record playing softly in the background that mentions something about ‘I've been thinkin' 'bout you, do you think about me still?’ and it’s not helping his case at all.    
It’s no use. 
There’s a plague of darkness buzzing like cicadas in his ears. He fears rejection and criticism. That maybe, she was only pretending in order to make the situation more pleasant so it ended sooner. Most of all, he feared that it would always be this way. That he would never find someone who embraces who he is as a person. Always met with mean side-eye glances or second looks of displeasure and confusion. It isn’t always that way, though, because then that would mean he gets absolutely no action, and that isn’t true. 
Harry is very… well-educated in matters that concerned sexual intercourse, but it was always a one-night stand ordeal. It was never ‘I really like you we should go out sometime’. In fact, he noticed that only time his approaches were well received were those in which he was dressed in a calmer manner. Simple, solid colors with sneakers or a t-shirt. Girls would flirt back, make good conversation, allow him to buy them a few drinks, and when he’d take them to his apartment they’d ask why he lived on top of a flower-shop, and if it was his sister or female-friend’s palace that he was crashing. Sex would ensue, but his heart wouldn’t be as present and engaged as he wanted it to be. 
Wrong. It was always so fucking wrong, and God, if he didn’t get out of this apartment he’s going to breakdown and cry and there’s no one to call to come over because Mitch is on a trip with his girlfriend, Sarah, and his other friend Jeff is on his honeymoon in Sweden. They were the only two on his mental speed dial list during the rare occasions he had a crisis, as they were the two that Harry had ever really opened up to. Mitch was a bit closer to his heart. They’ve known each other since their school days and practically grew up together (at one point they had small crushes on each other, which were confessed years down the line). Jeff was the owner of Winsome where… where y/n had mentioned spending her last twenty dollar bill. He didn’t have an issue opening up to them. He liked opening up to them, but he didn’t understand why they were the only two that ever truly opened their arms to him. 
A walk, he decided, would help him… air out his brain. Calm down. Breathe a little deeper, a little easier. 
He threw his white shirt back on, and a forest green sweatshirt that donned the emblem of the school he went to earn his business degree that fit him wide around the shoulders and felt like a marshmallow. Putting on a pair of beat up shoes, he shoved his keys into his pocket, hobbling and nearly losing his balance because he was moving way too fast. The door closed behind him with a slam, and even though he was still wearing the bandana around his head, wispy stray curls framing his face in a wild mane, his distress palpable through his appearance, but he doesn’t care. He just needs to get out and feel the cool air against his skin. 
There’s a backdoor behind the stairs that will take him to a small alleyway that leads to a back parking lot where other shop owners that live at the top of their stores on the same side of his street parked their cars. He unlocks it from the inside, and throws his shoulder into it, desperate to her out. When it shuts behind him, he doesn’t turn back because it’s the kind to lock from the outside when closed. His fingers curl into the ends of his sleeve so that the tips of his fingers (nails now changed to a sparkling silver color) are the only parts of his hands visible. 
Rounding the corner, he whistled the cheeriest tune he can muster. His lips are puckered and his cheekbones high with the extension of his mouth. He’s not very happy on the inside, though he remembers reading something somewhere that if you pretend to be something long enough, you’ll eventually become it. If he pretends to be happy, then he’ll actually be happy. 
Harry rounds the corner of the parking lot and turns on to the main street. It’s only two in the afternoon, so there's people crawling in and out of shops anywhere. He even sees a man and a woman peeking into the window of his store, and he would feel bad if he wasn’t in a shitty mood already. He’s so out of it, that he nearly yells ‘get your hands off my windows!’. He doesn’t though, because for a moment the woman becomes y/n and the man becomes him, wrapping a ringed hand around her waist and whispering in her downy ear ‘they’re closed, darling, let’s go somewhere else’ and she straightens dejectedly, pouting playfully and standing up and her tippy toes so that she could press a quick kiss to his lips. 
That image fades though, and the couple continues with their stroll, hand in hand, and his heart is wrenching, writhing and trying to yank itself free from it’s place in his chest because it hurts too much to stay. 
Cars whizz past, and he skirts in and out of people on the sidewalk, keeping his pace fast and focused. There’s no intended destination, he’s just moving with the intent to forget the pretty girl who haunts him. Her voice is all he can hear. Her smile is all she can picture. And the rest of her is all he can imagine, which is exactly what hurts the most. Imagination only goes so far, fulfils so much with uncertainty of what the truth was and what wasn’t. Harry could imagine her with her feet up on the lip of a bubble filled tub, a glass of wine in her hands, but then…what kind of wine did she like? Or did she even like wine? And did she even have a bathtub to stretch out in after a long day? 
He curses the crimes he may have committed in past lives to deserve this torture. This unbearable pain that felt like he was being dunked in a slow-acting acid. He can do nothing about it but keep walking with labored will power. He passed his shop, and a bakery and a small thrift store that sells used clothing for way too much money. At the propped open double-doors of Jeff’s Winsome, he decides to talk in and browse. There’s so many items that smell good and taste good, that it was fun to just walk in and look. 
“Back again so soon, H?” 
Spinning on his heel, Harry comes face to face with Niall, a brunette, fit, Irish bloke with a chummy smile and a killer sense of humor. The two have brokered a sort of friendship, considering the amount of time (and money) that Harry spends there. Niall has even started calling him ‘H’ in silent homage to his flower shop. 
“Y’know I can’t stay away,” Harry attempted to joke, his lips pulling up in a weak smile, “plus, I think I needed s’more of the peppermint essential oils f’my diffuser.” 
“‘Course ya do! You're worse than the bloody vegan mums that come in asking for gluten free baby powder!” Niall cups a hand over his mouth and loudly whispers to so that only Harry catches his verbiage. There was a woman in the back of the store, looking through soaps in the limited kid’s section, the same exact kind that Niall was speaking about. “Go on and look around then, I’ll be here when you’re finished.” He said. 
Harry only nodded his acknowledgement, and moved in between wooden walnut shelves. The entire store had a caramel brown color scheme, with only the inventory adding color to it. Macramé potted succulents and plants added to the natural, outdoorsy feel. Winsome had an interesting mix of smells from all of the aromatherapy based products it housed, but it only added to the appeal. 
Currently, he held a packet of four lip balms that advertised to be ‘100% all naturally derived ingredients with no artificial additives' infused with ‘healing power of crystals’, two of them ‘citrine cherry' flavored, and the remaining ‘garnet guava’. The brand name is something in Italian that he can’t read, packaging thick and a triangle made of arrows in the corner signaling it can be decomposed and/or recycled. He had the same exact ones at home, only they were all misplaced and- 
A small, timid voice called his name from behind him, and he froze. He knew that voice. It was the same one he had repeated over and over in his head for the past week, waiting for her promised arrival with a hopeful heart. 
His eyes go wide with recognition, body still and stiff like a deer caught in headlights. His heart begins to rump at a furious speed, loud in his ears like a million stampeding hooves. The packaged products in his hands shake, and then she speaks again, “Harry, is that you?” 
Is this really happening right now? He’s embarrassed at having been caught with lipstick in his hands of all things, but he can’t put them back now. It was too late for that. He lets them hang at his side, and turns around. He hopes there isn’t perspiration dripping from his temples because all of a sudden he wants to yank his sweater off. 
Harry turned, slowly. He feared that if he moved too fast she would fly away like a startled dove. 
“Y/n…” He’s breathless, but he manages a pitiful quirk of the corner of his mouth, which he licks over right after, “hi.” 
She’s wearing a dress this time, frilly at the hem which fell just above her knees. It’s pink and covered and lined with blood red trim at her forearms. A string of pearls glistens at the base of her throat, and her lips are covered in a sheen of lipstick. Her hair, however, is a tousled mess, pieces of it framing her face and untucked from her bun as if she had been jostling around. Her cheeks are flushed with the cold, and clearly that thin beige cardigan hanging off her elbows is doing nothing to keep her warm.
Y/n smiles at him, with the same shakiness, “f-for a second I thought I was talking to the wrong p-person.” 
 It’s quiet again, and they’re both fidgeting. Y/n’s knees knock together as she shifts her weight from foot to food, and Harry idly rubs his finger under his nose and sniffs boogies that aren’t there. She’s staring at the ground and rocking back and forth on her heels and he can’t think of anything to say because he’s so paralyzed by the fact that she’s actually standing in front of him, and looks as gorgeous as ever. Had he somehow manifested her presence? 
While she’s hiking up the ends of her sweater so that they’re situated properly on her shoulders, he says the first thing that comes to his mind. “Aren’t y’cold?”
Her head snaps up and she peeks at him from under her lashes while flattening a hand at her thigh, “a little bit.” 
Harry watches her tuck her hair behind her ears and wonders if she came walking from her apartment again. In the cold. Dress as she was. Not that he had a problem with the way that she was dressed! He understood that sometimes when people grew bored they used the smallest occasions to dress up and have some fun and get out of their homes. He did it too, sometimes. To clear his head. Hell, isn’t that what he was doing now?
“D’you need a ride home?” He stumbled over his tongue to backtrack, not wanting her to think that he was a wierdo or anything like that, “t-that is if y’walking, I wouldn’t want you to get sick or anything like that. S’bit chilly out today.” 
Y/n smiles shyly at him, a blush on the highest points of her cheeks, and rubs the side of her face against the fabric of her cardigan, “thank you, for the offer, but uhm… it’s my friend’s baby-shower-gender-reveal thing today and I came with my other friend to some last minute gifts and some flowers. I was going to buy some stuff from here because she’s crazy about the whole ‘no preservatives’ and all but, and I was also going to stop by your shop to buy some flowers, but I saw you were closed so I…I’m rambling again.” She sputtered out the last bit, and pressed the tips of her three middle fingers to her lips to stop the words from coming out. 
Harry smirked at her antics, but it’s more of a repressed smile, and the rest of his humor gleamed in the sea-glass of his eyes like a message in a bottle. 
“S’alright, love.” He’s still holding the lip balms in his hand, and he can feel the moisture that’s collecting on his palms dampening the Kraft like material as he gestured to her dress with the tip of his chin. “Y’wearing pink. I take it y’want the baby to be a girl?”
“Actually, I know it’s a girl. She told me,” y/n pips, shrugging smugly. 
Harry laughs at her this time, “Did you finish with all your purchases here? I can make an exception and open up f’you.”
“Oh, Harry, I don’t wanna bother you! Because if this was your day off then-”
He lifts a hand to get her to stop, and uses the opportunity to twist around and put back what he had in his hands. The conversation is flowing so smoothly now, that all of his previous worries are gone. He can only focus on her and the way her eyelashes fluttered and the crystalline sparkly in her voice. 
“Y/n, it’s fine. D’ya finish here? We can head over to the shop now if you’d like.” Harry points a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of the door. 
“Uh, no. I just got here so I still have to go grab some things,” she said, pushing her hair past her ears again. He thinks that she can probably tell the disheveled state her hair was in, because she begins to pop off a pin in her hair to readjust it. He doesn’t mind it, though. He thinks she looks cute. Angel-like. 
He nods, rolling his hands into fists within his sleeves so that the cuffs hang over his knuckles, and tries not to trip over his legs as he backs away. “A’right. I’ll wait f’you in the front, then. Take y’time, love.” 
“‘Kay,” she gleams at him, biting down on her bottom lip, and Harry turns away fully before he starts whining about how cute she is or before there’s a dent in the heather grey fabric of his sweatpants.  
At the front, Niall has his chin at the palm of his hand, and as he gets closer, Harry lifts his head to see that the brunette is wiggling his eyebrows mischievously. There's a shit-eating grin on his face that clearly points to a mountain of teasing in the near distance. 
“A little love-struck, mate?” He said, as soon as Harry was within hearing distance. At least he had the decency to keep his voice down, he thought. 
Harry flips him off, “oh, bug off.” 
Silver glitter sparkling on his nails, and his gaze strays to the floor, bashful of how clear his affection was. He turns to rest his bum against the counter and pulls out his phone to appear busy as he waits for y/n, mindlessly opening Instagram to have something to do (and to stop him from glancing at her ever two seconds).    
“Yup. I knew it. Have y’asked her out yet?” Niall doesn’t stop to let Harry refute his question, “y’know she comes in sometimes, after stopping by your place? And she just will not stop talking about how nice yeh were to her.”
Harry’s head snaps up from his screen so fast, something at the back of his neck creaks with the force. Instagram is long forgotten.
“What? Are you fuckin’ with me right now?” He doesn’t mean for his words to come as aggressive as they do, but the thought of her speaking to someone else about him is… well, it’s thrilling. 
Alarmed, Niall’s hands come up near his face in the motion of surrender, “no, man! Dead serious. Think she likes yeh, honestly.”
He can only say: “Fuck me.”
Niall is about to respond when a quiet voice breaks their stares, “I’m all finished.” 
“Already, babe? I’ll rig ya up, then!” 
He’s quick to slide the few products over the scanning square, and y/n and Harry stand beside each other silently, their height difference laughable. Niall’s gaze flickered between them with no commentary, and his lips pucker with a wiggling smile when he finally announces her total. A bit too much for a small changing blanket, oatmeal-based baby lotion, pacifiers with a lavender infused towel attached to ‘aid with goodnight night’s sleep’, and a bamboo hairbrush with a tuft of soft bristles. 
Nonetheless, she provides the money with a pleasant smile. Harry can see a bit of tightness around her eyes that suggests discomfort, but he doesn’t say anything. Niall hands her a paper bag with her purchase, “there yeh go! Have a good day now, y/n! And be good, to Harry!” 
Harry’s eyes widen at Niall’s last comment, and it takes every bit of self-restraint in him to not reach the other counter and whack him in the back of the head. Instead, he shakes and ducks his head in near shame.
Y/n, however, quips back with “I’ll be nice only if you’re nice,” and bumps her shoulder against his before walking towards the door, looking over her shoulder at Harry who’s smiling wide now, and trailing after her with no regard to Niall at all. 
He shouts something after them about being rude lovebirds, but Harry doesn’t care. He’s floating after this heaven-sent like cartoon characters being led to a freshly baked pie with their nose on the scent. His rump high in the air like the Lorax disappearing into the light in the clouds, utterly ignorant to everything else. 
When they’ve both stepped outside, they speak at the same time, 
“Let me just-”
“Do y’wanna put-” 
Harry and y/n giggle at each other, 
“You go first.” 
“Y’speak first.” 
And then they laugh again. Harry pretends to zip his lips and throws away the key, and she says radiantly, “I’ll drop this off in my friend’s car really fast and we can walk to your flower shop.” 
Watching her approach a car parked two spots away, a girl with blue, pink, and brown hair leans over to the passenger side, seat belt straining against her throat and when she sees Harry, she waves and it makes y/n push her back to her spot behind the driver’s  side. Whoever this girl is, she and Niall have to meet, seeing as they can’t mind their own business. He chuckled and waved back, that girl laughing along with him and it made y/n cover her face with her cardigan covered hands. 
“I’m sorry about Charlotte,” she said when she got back, “she doesn’t know how to mind her own.”
“A bit like Niall, it seems.” Harry said. He waits for her to catch up before beginning to walk down the street. Side to side, shoulder to shoulder. They’re so close, Harry can feel the warmth of her body heat through the fleece of his sweatshirt. It’s cold, and she’s still this warm? 
“Maybe,” her eyebrows raise, and her head tilts towards him, “they should meet.” 
“Tha’s exactly what I was thinkin’!” His voice rises with his excited agreement, and the tip of his nose wiggles as he scrunches his nose. 
As they get closer, to H’s Garden, Harry reaches into his pocket for his keys, fingering through them so that they wouldn’t have to stand in the cold for so long. He didn’t want her to get sick. 
“I’m sorry, Harry. I feel really bad about this,” she whispered beside him, looking up at him with doe eyes as she worried her lip between her teeth, the sheen of gloss adding an extra allure to her image at that moment. “It’s your day off, and I’m bugging you.” 
They stood in front of the door now, underneath the green umbrella cover that extended from the top of the door and down the side of the window. Harry waited for her to step into the little alcove created by the indent of the door before stepping in after her and jiggling the key into the lock. He resisted the urge to pull his lips down into a cooing frown at the look on her face. She really was worried about disturbing him. If only she knew that he spent the entire day moping (and nearly crying) over her. 
He sucked on his teeth, “oh, love, please worryin’ about it. Don’t wanna see that frown on y’pretty face anymore okay?” His confidence was slowly coming back, “s’not my day off, I just didn’t feel like speaking to customers today.” 
Shrugging, he opened the door, and took a step back to allow her to step through first. Y/n ducked her head as she passed him with a murmured ‘oh, okay’, and he followed right after her, wanting to get away from the cold too because he knew that his nose was probably pink at that moment, but what he didn’t anticipate was for y/n to stop right after breaching the threshold, and bend over at the waist to pick something up from the floor, causing Harry to bump into her at such an awkwardly sexual angle with all of his momentum. 
Considering he was half twisted away from her and in the middle of pulling out the key from it’s slot, the amount of force in Harry’s push from behind was enough to cause her to nearly fall forward, a surprised whimper slipping from her lips. Harry, determined not to see her fall, lets go of the key and reaches out just in time to grasp her hips on either side, pulling her back towards him mid-fall so that she doesn't collapse on her face. 
However, in the midst of all of this Harry forgets himself and uses a bit too much force. Not to mention, the implications of their position makes him hyper aware of every single place their bodies touched, her small frame against his lithe, tattooed body. 
This moment only lasts for a few seconds, but he can feel everything. 
He can feel the easy give of the skin of her hips underneath each finger that touched her, the softness of the flesh on her thighs against his sturdy knees. The fabric of his sweatpants is suddenly non-existent, and it’s almost as if he felt every taught tendon of her legs, frozen with efforts of helping catch or brace herself. The heat of her groin is flush against his, and it makes him want to scream with a sudden sensitivity. Her ass is practically seated on him, full and malleable against the points of his laurel covered hip bones. Harry’s semi-hunched, as her weight also pushed him back, and the position is doing nothing to help his frenzied mind settle. He feels like shit because he’s being a horny, pubescent kid instead of asking her if she’s okay, but then y/n moves back into him to straighten fully and their centers grind. Her dress is semi-bunched at the halfway point of her bum, and he can feel heat emanating from her, radiating back on his bloating cock. He has to stifle a moan when she pushes herself up with the tips of her fingers. 
Just as quickly as it started, it’s over. Y/n is dusting her bum off so that her dress falls and covers her modesty, and she’s beet red in the face, not looking at him. Which was fine by him, he was too ashamed to look into her eyes. 
He clears his throat (something he’s doing a lot around her) and asks if she’s okay. 
“Yes. Yes, I’m okay. This was on the floor,” she squeaked, holding up a neon yellow notice sheet in her hand. That damned thing was what caused all of this?
It’s a notice from the delivery men that said, ‘sorry! We missed you!’ with a time and date messily scrawled on the dotted lines. Harry had forgotten that he was getting a shipment of several plants that morning. 
Cursing, he takes it from her, “t-thank you. Now how ‘bout those flowers?”
It’s awkward, obviously, but y/n is severely silent. Harry’s still stuffy in his pants, but he ignores it and doesn’t add any fuel to the fire because there’s more pressing matters at hand than a boner. Y/n is the most quiet she’s ever been around him, considering all of her word vomits and ramblings, and he’s suffering. Definitely beating himself up in his head for having ruined the moment. He held onto her for a second too long, frozen. She must feel so embarrassed, and he was self-endulging like a fucking asshole. 
Harry asks her questions on what flowers she’d like, and she answers by pointing or bringing a stem to him, laying it on the counter without a word. A mixture of dahlias and baby’s breath with a handful of feverfew to make the pink in the dahlia’s stand out. He lays them out on his work table, cutting the ends at an angle where they need to be cutted and laying them out on a sheet of clear, dusty rose paper. Three packets of flower food are strewn at the corner, and y/n busies herself by fidgeting with them. He grows concerned when he makes a comment on the kinds of ribbons he had stored and she doesn’t say anything. Not even a nod or a hum. 
Eventually, he decides he’s had enough of her neglect, and pauses his work to devote her some attention.  
“Love, I’m sorry about what happened,” he said softly, trying to catch her eyes, “I know it probably made y’uncomfortable, and I didn’t do much to make the situation better, but I just didn’t wanna see y’fall.”
Y/n’s head is already dipped, so he can’t see her face, but when her shoulders begin to shake, he knows he’s utterly fucked. She starts to sniffle, and his eyes go wide. The paper crinkled as he set down the baby’s breath he’s holding in his hands. He hates seeing people cry, not because he didn’t know how to deal with it, but because he often ended up crying along with them. Also, he just didn’t want to see her cry. Harry wanted her to be happy, glowing, and smiling. Not dull with dollops of woeful distress in liquid form.
He rounds the corner and spares a look out to the street, wanting to make sure that there is no strange onlooker eavesdropping on their interaction. His hand reaches out to stroke her back or shoulder comfortingly, but he thinks better of it and drops his arm. She most likely would not like to be touched, considering what just happened between them. He drops his head, seeking face-to-face interaction, and speaks as gently as he can, “y/n, what’s wrong?” 
She avoids his search, and turns the other way while sniffling, “you probably think I’m weird now or something after that.” 
“No!” Harry exclaimed, jerking his head back as if he’d been struck, and her words practically had. He can’t believe that she would think that and even go as far as verbalizing her thoughts when he worshipped the ground she walked on and didn’t even know her that well, yet. “No, no. I don’t think that. Y’tripped, that’s all. Happens to everyone. If anythin’ I’m the weirdo for grabbin’ y’the way I did, and I’m really sorry about it.”
Y/n dig the heels of her hands into her eye sockets, “that was so embarrassing, I should’ve told you I was gonna stop or something. I always embarrass myself in front of cute boys and I never know what to do. I just-” 
Harry interrupts before she can dig herself further another hole. He highlights a segment of her words, dropping everything else in hopes of changing the conversation and taking her discomfort away, and mostly because he was bursting with relief and happiness. She had said that she thought he was cute, just how he thought that she was adorable, and nice, and everything good. They were on the same level, their minds in sync. Did that mean…
His voice is airy and light because of what she had just admitted, “y’think I’m cute?”
She stills with awareness of what she’s just said, and a puppy-like noise seeps from the back of the throat before her hands sink further into her eyes, embarrassed. Harry tenderly wraps his fingers around her small wrists and pulls her hands away from her face, murmuring about ‘don’t rub y’eyes anymore, love, y’gonna hurt’ with nothing but kindness. A millisecond of distraction speeds through his mind at the softness on the inside of her wrists. 
There’s a trickle of blubbering in her part, her bitten lips bumping against each other as she attempts to backtrack, “I mean- I- I-”
Harry decides that it’s now or never. It was a bit inconvenient, perhaps, but with her revelation his confidence soared and he was more prepared now to ask than he ever had been. So, he goes for it, “can I have y’number?” 
A moment of semi-uncomfortable silence as the unknown tips the scale. Would she say yes? Would she say no? His head was spinning and he hoped his nose didn’t start bleeding or something because y/n nods slowly, smiling, and then, “okay.” 
He’s elated. He was the polar opposite of what he had been that morning. If only Owen could see him then. He doesn’t waste any time reaching into his back pocket and handing her his unlocked phone. They don’t share any words, only coy glances and flirty quirks of the lips as the tips of her fingers move on his screen. Harry can’t believe that he’s finally getting her number, after nearly a month of pinning. 
When she’s finished, she clicks it off and sets it next to him with an added pat to the back of his suspiciously clean white phone case while he’s tying the flowers together with a loose rubber band at the ends to attach the food packets. He’s fine with working in silence now that she's not crying anymore. He throws occasional glances in her direction, and catches her watching his hands while fiddling with her own. Her brows were furrowed and her mouth was twitching. 
“Will you text me?” She asked him. 
He’s careful not to bruise any of the petals as he sets them down again, pausing with his ministrations to pick up his phone. He wiggles his eyebrows at her and types a quick ‘Hi. It’s Harry :)’. He hits send, “until you’re sick of me.”
“I don’t think that’s possible.” She shakes her head, and Harry’s reminded Rachel McAdams in The Notebook while she’s in complete denial of her feelings for Noah. The comparison makes his heart flutter, considering the romance of the onscreen couple. “How much do I owe you?” 
Harry waves her off, “it’s on the house.” She begins to argue, but Harry stops her before she starts rambling again, “y’better go or you’ll be late, love.” He holds out the arrangement to her, tufts of baby’s breath poking out from between the vibrant dahlias like fluffy clouds, the feverfew looking like miniature white daisies in the center. 
She looks at it, and back at him before huffing, “fine, but you’ll have to let me return the favor.”
“Of course,” he smirks, “with dinner, maybe?” 
They’re both gleaming at each other now, “okay.” Y/n takes a step back, her body half twisted as she walks away, but it remains like that for a moment as her eyes rake him up and down, a murmur following, “bye, Harry.” 
His veins charge with electricity, and his dark taffy lips part at her actions. Had she just checked him out? He doesn’t recover quick enough to return her goodbye because the previous swirl of arousal in his navel was bristling back to life at the implications of that look. Calm, slow, steady, and her eyes remained doe-like and innocent. 
She had to have known exactly what she was doing, whispering his name the way she had, looking over her shoulder and under her eyelashes the way she did. Deviously provoking his thoughts to begin a new with a reinspired fervor. The space in his underwear was growing tighter by the second, a blissful ache swelling. 
Before any other customer stepped in after her, Harry locked the door, and jogged up the stairs to prepare himself a nice, hot bath, simultaneously cursing and thanking the stupid fucking delivery men.  
Harry can’t stop thinking. 
Obviously, this is a huge issue for him. He was constantly thinking, and well, who wasn’t? The process of thoughts wisping around in his brain was one that he often put an unnecessary amount of energy into because he had no one to filter these thoughts onto, releasing them through a conversation to prevent the exhaustion of his brain and heart. A prime example of these mishaps being the depressing slump that occupied his demeanor that very morning. 
This was different.
As soon as the apartment door was shut behind him, Harry pulled the suffocating sweatshirt off of his upper body, fingers hooking in at the collar and yanking it off with a swift tug. It landed somewhere on his kitchen floor, and he didn’t stop to take note of its final destination. Instead, his legs instinctively took him to his bathroom. 
Chest heaving, Harry walked to the small window leaking sunlight and rolled the stick between his fingers to close the blinds. His thumb dipped into the waistband of his boxes and dragged them down lopsidedly, the tiger tattoo roaring as it became exposed. When the blinds are fully closed, the white extension clangs against the shutters from his aggressive release. His body was slowly being consumed by a raging fire stoked by the illicit images his brain conjured of the innocent, unsuspecting y/n.
His inner turmoil consisted of guilt for using her image that way and justification from the conspiring rake of her eyes along the upper half of him that was visible behind the counter. He was so fixated by her, that her look alone felt like a tempting caress along his skin. And it all happened in a matter of fucking seconds. That’s how gone he was. That’s how fucking gone he was. Harry guesses that the easy excitement also had to do with the fact that he hadn’t gotten laid in a while (he only ever gets lucky when he goes out to the bars with Mitch or Jeff, and they’d been gone for a significant amount of time) and the strong affinity he had for the girl who bought flowers from him.  
Explanation or not, he had to do something about the problem in his pants. He was painfully hard, and when he shucked his pants off fully, his underwear dragged with the movement and pressed against the tip of his swollen prick. A darkened patch of moisture bloomed where the head was, and he saw stars at the short pressure. He wouldn’t take his pants off just then, though. He liked to stall his pleasure as much as he could so that when he finally did cum, his stomach muscles contracted and his toes remained curled for more than ten seconds. 
He twisted the golden knobs of his tub so that the water would come rushing out at a borderline scalding temperature, and opened the small cabinet above the toilet for a bottle of almond and coconut shea butter bubbles. He uncapped it and bent over the edge of the tip, the cool, porcelain lip touching his crotch and provoking a choked whimper to leave him. Jerking his hips back, he poured the soapy liquid into the spot where the water cascaded, and retracted his hand when the beginning of froth formed along the surface. 
The heady sweet smell permeated the air with the rising levels of bubbles, and Harry couldn’t wait any longer. Because he liked to torture himself, he closed his eyes and slowly dragged the hell of his hand over the outline of his cock, a groan ripping though the silence. It’s so painfully good, that he does it one more time, and he jolts forward. He removes his hand, slips his thumbs underneath the waistband of his boxers, and lugs the fabric down his hips at an excruciatingly slow pace. The head of his member smearing precum all along as he moves and when he gets caught in the ripples of his boxers the muscles in his thighs flex at the ripple of pleasure that zips into his nerves. 
“Fuck,” he hissed under his breath. His mind was a spinning vintage reel of slideshow images of y/n. Y/n on bruised knees, her mouth wide open and her own drool on her tits, the tip of his cock flat on her tongue as she pleads with weepy eyes for him to cum down her throat. When he finally springs free of his underwear, a hefty slap rings out as his dick collides against his abdomen, right on the space underneath his belly button. 
There’s a stripe of liquid on the trail left by the mushroom head of his prick, and Harry’s eyes roll to the back of his head, throat straining as he hovers over the bathtub. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s ever been this hard over a girl before, and it’s driving him crazy. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to last as long as he usually does. As he swings a leg over the edge of the tub, the hot water encasing his calf, he’s thinking about how soft she is. The inside of her wrist and the palm of her hand. If she’s that soft on an external part of her body that’s used everyday, he can only wither away at the idea of what the inside of her thighs feel like. 
Bubbles are swarming up now, swathing his thighs and buttocks as he sinks into the sloshing water. When he’s completely seated and satisfied with the belly-button level of water, he clumsily throws a hand in the direction of the knobs to shut them off, and reclined his head against the curved end of the tub with his eyes shut. 
He hikes up his knees so that they’re resting against the porcelain walls, and mindlessly ruts up into the water at the filthy images he’s picturing, white foam collecting in sparse clouds over the math on his chest. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him. It’s as if his body is being transported back to the moment his hips clashed with y/n’s. At the recollection, his mouth drops and his eyebrows pinch in a silent moan. The feel of her flesh underneath his fingertips has him bobbing in the water, and the next ideation has him gripping the base of his cock. 
Vividly, he pictured her on all fours, keening back onto him as her pussy enveloped him in warmth, a warmth that is almost replicated by the temperature of the water, dripping and making a mess of him but what’s turning him on most of all is the easy flushness of their bodies. He had felt the way her bum gave way under his hold, and he imagined the bounce of her flesh as he thrusted into her. 
He moaned a broken call of her name with his eyes still shut, and heard the trickling of water as his fist rolled up his stiff prick, squeezing at the tip so that a few more droplets of precum dribbled out. With his thumb, he rubbed over the red mushroom head and lathered it in slow, leisurely circles, a throb pulsating with the beat of his heart as he returned to flicking his wrist over himself. 
The way that he looked at him and the sound of his name on her lips seared into his memory. Airy and willowy, similar to it resonated in his brain with the fantasy of sinking into her for the first time, stretching her and having her preen and arch with desperate whimpers of his name for more. Harry considered himself to be ‘well-endowed’ and his size was a factor of what sent him careening over the edge as girls mewled over his size after he’d bottomed out. He wanted y/n to mewl under him, both of them falling apart at the seams at the mutual pleasures because if Harry’s this broken over just the thought of her, then he’s sure he’s going to lose himself beyond recognition after he’s buried himself into her velvety walls, slick with her arousal and so fucking warm. 
Just as she had been earlier that day. There had been two layers between them- the fabric of Harry’s pants and her panties- yet, he was still able to feel an immense heat from the apex of her thighs against his cock. He needed more than this. He needed her, not just his hand driving him closer to the edge. 
His jaw clenched as he bit back on a particularly loud moan, for no reason other than he enjoyed self-sabotage from time to time, and the speed of his jerking hand increased. His other hand gripped the side of the tub, and his legs flexed as he began to thrust up into his own fist, a trail of bubbles sticking to the tanned muscles. The cut rectangles of muscles of his abdomen glistened like freshly chopped cubes of apricot with the droplets of water that remained clinging to him. His breath came in labored, strained puffs as the palm of his hand twisted, tightening at the tip and loosening at the base. 
For a moment, he paused and cupped his balls, massaging them as the fantasy in his head continued. His mouth wrapping around y/n’s nipples, her eyes glazed over from previous orgasm that he wanted so badly to give her. She’d whine something soft and quiet to match her personality, ‘please, Harry, please I want more. Need another Harry, please’, and he’d speed up the movement of his hips, driving deep into her and cooing into her ear about, ‘c’mon, darling. Give m’another then. Y’want it so bad, yeah? Give me a’fucking ‘nother’, and she’d release a peircing moan that explodes in his eardrums while arching into him. She’d squeeze impossible tight around him, gushing with her own cum. 
The water in Harry’s tub sloshes around his ankles, and the muscles of his abdomen clench so that he’s closing in on himself, sputtering on an outrageously loud cry that he can’t contain and his hand increases the speed of his filthy ministrations because he’s right on the edge. He’s about to fucking cum and the back of his eyelids burns with the possible variances of y/n’s face in ecstasy provided by him with his nose deep in her cunt, lapping at the sweet honey that spills with every whimper of, ‘please let me cum, Harry. I’ll do anything, I’ll be good, please let me cum. 
He tensed violently, his face contorted painfully as white ropes spurt from the tip of his cock over his fist and onto his chest, blending with the white almond foam. His feet are braced against the edge of the tub and his head falls back and his stomach tenses even further, the final leaks of his cum dribbling out. 
With the fuzziness that comes after an orgasm, his body melts back into the water that’s still warm, and his jerks with a pant as he allows his softening prick to sink into the water. The head on his hair is matted in a chocolate smear across his forehead, and his lips are a raging heart of cherry blossoms, parted with arduous gasps of recovery breath. His hands fall into the water at his sides, and with the lapping movement of the liquid against his sensitive member, he ruts into nothing again. 
Reclined with his eyes closed and heartbeat slowing, Harry murmurs a final, “fuck me,” at the extreme sensations that had raked through his body. 
Somewhere in the muffled distance, his phone dings with the notification of a text message, and with a tired noise of resentment, he sits up and reaches for his sweatpants that lay in a messy puddle besides the tub. His fingers drip darkening spots onto the grey material as he rummages for his phone, and then he finally clicks it on...
It’s her name, lighting up his screen, and the text reads: 
y/n <3 : so… dinner? 
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever crushed on a girl this hard before because even though he’s just completely physically spent himself, there’s something stirring in the depths of his tummy just at seeing the heart she put next to her name. 
He couldn’t be happier. 
*    *    *    *    *    *
and here he is!! what do you guys think?? pls pls pls leave your feedback in my askbox! i’d love to hear your thoughts! and if you really really loved it, don’t be afraid to press that reblog button <3333
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lily-drake · 3 years
Fantasy/Twin AU
Sorry for being late and not posting for a bit. Was a bit burnt out and had writer block. I will go back to write the other days soon though. Also, sorry, I suck at writing wing aus, this is my first time doing it.
Earth J-236, an earth full of mystical life.  An earth where everyone is born with wings.  Your wings represented who you are; well not really, but that’s what people believed.  If your wings were bright and colorful then you were obviously an amazing person, but if your wings were darker or had little color, then you have great evil in your soul.  Marinette was born seconds after her twin, Damian.  It takes a few years before your wings fully grow in, usually to about 6.  But with the accelerated growth serums used in their artificial wombs, it took them till they were three for their feathers to sprout.  Damian’s were black like their father’s with subtle hints of red like their mothers.  Marinette’s were pure black, devoid of any color, and her mother was so proud of that.  She was the League’s charm, for it’s believed that anyone with pure black wings was pure evil.  Her only purpose being to protect her brother, nothing else was more important than her brother’s safety.  She would die for him, because if he died she might as well have died as well as her only purpose for living would be gone.
Damian glared at his sister, his wings ruffling in annoyance.  She was hovering close to him again, and she never said anything to him ever unless she was completely sure they were alone.  He did not believe that his sister was or could ever be, “pure evil” just because of her wings.  In fact, her mannerisms are the exact opposite of what people believed.  She, in her own ways, is caring, sweet, and protective.  He had seen, and helped, her nurse a baby bird that had fallen from its nest back to health.  She would often place little things around the base for only him to find such as some extra baklava, a throwing knife, a drawing of someone, beads, or other random objects.  Grandfather had always been extra hard on her, making sure she wouldn’t betray them, she wouldn’t become “evil enough to lose herself”.  Sometimes she would sneak into his room at night, and it tore him apart to see silent tears run down his little sister's face as small black raven feathers fell onto the floor from her days worth of training.  He had been learning how to fly, her wings had been clipped every two or three months so she could not leave the base.  She had learned long ago to control her facial and wing expressions, but he could always see the droop in them and the sad shine in her eyes as she stood on the ground while he was in the air.
Marinette looked up and watched as the fiery Phoenix flew through the air setting Nada Parabat aflame.  She didn’t feel much as she watched her grandfather get blown up.  She only felt great anxiety and fear as she could not find her brother.  She loved her brother, and if her job was to cause chaos, she would make sure she could prevent it from hurting him.  Grandfather had told her about how cursed she was, it’s why they had to be extra tough on her, and she understood that.  They couldn’t have her hurting anyone they needed, only the people they wanted gone.  She was angry at grandfather yesterday for taking some of her feathers for failing a task, this must have been her fault.  She didn’t want to hurt her brother, her wings had only proven nothing but destruction.  She had to leave now, then she could go where no one else was, and she wouldn’t have to hurt anyone else.  So like a coward, like the disgrace she was, she ran.  She kept her wings tight against her back making sure that no one could grab them as she ran.  An arrow hit one of them, but she didn’t have time to think about the burning pain as she ran and ran and ran farther and farther and farther away.  Tears ran down her cheeks as she silently prayed that her brother would be okay.
She didn’t know how long she ran, but she knew it must have been a really long time as she had just collapsed from exhaustion in the woods.  She looked back at her wings and slowly and carefully spread them out and hissed in pain from where the arrow had pierced her left wing.  Drops of red slowly dripped down her feathers and dropped on the ground.  She quickly closed them and made sure they were as small and put away as possible.  She looked up at the trees made of brass with different colored jade leaves.  Pearl-like apples growing on a few.  She watched a baby griffon follow it’s mother in the distance, turtle ducks waddling to a pond somewhere nearby, deer nibbling on plants, she could hear the rustling of leaves and branches from unseen creatures and everything was getting more blurry and dark.  She was cold, it felt very cold.  She slowly unwound her wings from around herself and closed them tightly around her, but that didn’t stop the chill that went deep down to her bones.  She was a failure, a mistake, she would only cause harm.  Here she wouldn’t be able to do that, and if she died here, then no one would be hurt by her again, and wasn’t that such a nice thought.
Tom and Sabine had finally been able to hire some trusted employees and explore places in Tibet.  They had made lots of money over the years with their successful bakery, and they thought now was a better time than ever to go on a real honeymoon as they hadn’t been able to afford it before when the bakery had first started.  It was during one of these forest explorations when they saw a trail of little drops of blood and felt they needed to follow it.  What they discovered broke their hearts.  There lying on the cold forest floor was what appeared to be a child hugging their very black wings around them.  They knew of the rumors and myths of black winged people, but they did not care.  They believed that their wings were not what made them evil, but rather situations put into their lives.  Sabine quickly checked for a pulse, and though it was slow she sighed in relief when she felt it.  She quickly handed the small unconscious girl to Tom and they both quickly went to the nearest hospital.  How could someone leave such a small child all alone to die like that?  It looked as if she had been injured if the dried blood on the small fragile wings said anything.  And worst of all, upon closer examination, they had been clipped, recently too.
As soon as they arrived they carried the small girl to the front and demanded that they take her in.  They waited until the doctors were done and gave them permission to visit claiming to be the girl’s adopted parents.  It wasn’t technically a lie, they would be soon even if Sabine had to force it to happen.
When Marinette woke up she knew something was off.  She was under a blanket, she’s never been given a blanket before.  The sent of bleach and chemicals were everywhere and it hurt her nose.  There was a beeping noise next to her that was giving her a headache.  She didn’t know where she was, and that was bad.  She opened her eyes a small fraction so nobody could see she was awake and looked around as much as she could.  The entire room was white and there were bright lights.  There were two strange people waiting in chairs near where she was laying.  She wondered if they were the ones who brought her here.  Slowly she opened them up all the way and silently sat up.  It’s best to make no noise, then she wouldn’t disturb anyone.
“Oh sweety, I’m so glad you’re awake.”
The woman said in a cheery and relieved manner, but she just continued to watch and study them silently.  Her wings felt stiff against her back, though she made sure they didn’t move or give anything away.
“How are you feeling dear?”
Silence greeted them, and her face remained as impassive as ever.  They wanted something, why else would they save a freak like her?  What were they aiming for here?
“Did your parents hurt you?  If so, we can take you away from them.”
Marinette’s eyes widened only a fraction.  These were randoms, innocents if you will.  They obviously had no idea who she was, and they seemed unafraid of her and her wings.  Did they not know how dangerous she was, didn’t they know that black wings meant she was cursed?  The man and the woman looked at eachother and spread their wings.  Marinette was shocked, but she wouldn’t show it.
The large man had light brown eagle wings while the small woman had white and black woodpecker wings.  She wanted to reach out and touch the feathers, but then something bad would happen to them, so she held her hands together.
“We don’t care what your wing color is.  Your wings don’t define who you are, it’s what you do with your life that does.  Can we please help you?”
The woman said sincerely as she gripped the man’s hand in hers.  She felt a pull to them, something telling her to accept.  She didn’t want to hurt them though.  But maybe she could protect them?  Maybe she could find a way around her curse and make sure they don’t get hurt?  Slowly she nodded and they both looked so happy when she did.  She hoped that she wouldn’t hurt them, they didn’t deserve to be cursed.  Maybe if she didn’t touch them things would be ok.  If she didn’t let them touch her then it wouldn’t spread.  She could do this!
Apparently she couldn’t do it because this is a very affectionate family, and the first thing that happened before they let her sleep on their —super fluffy, pure Heaven— bed was give her a hug.  She had made sure that her wings were tucked under her clothes and tight against her back the entire time though.  So they didn’t touch her wings, so maybe that meant they wouldn’t be cursed.
It was strange, because the next morning they went to a courthouse, and she was adopted.  She hadn’t said anything throughout the entire event, she just watched and observed what people did.  They stayed in Tibet for another few days before they flew to Paris, France.  This was supposed to be her new home.  The city of light and love.  Maybe here, it would stop her curse.  It was so bright that it had to block out her darkness.  She still always carried one of her knives with her, she felt naked without one.  Tom and Sabine seemed to understand somehow, and said that it was her business and that was enough for them till she was ready to talk about it.  It was strange not to be interrogated for now wanting to tell someone something.
Marinette had lived with the Dupain-Chengs for about a year now.  It was strange really, they were honest business people and their joy was always sincere.  They didn’t question much of what she did even though it was probably weird to them.  They didn’t punish her for messing up like the league did, and they never went near her wings without permission.  They never plucked her feathers, and they would often ask if they could preen her wings.  She would refuse every time, but she would often wonder what it would be like to have someone else touch them.  Think of what it would be like if she weren’t cursed.  When it was time for school she would always wrap them around herself then tape them so no one would see or be able to touch them.  Things were finally going well, she couldn’t risk it now!
There was a blonde brat that liked to act like she was above her, and because her wings were always hidden with no explanation she made sure everyone knew that she was “wingless”.  She didn’t care though, being wingless was better than being evil winged.  She never really said anything in class or to other students, she never gave much reaction keeping her stoic face up.  The brat left her alone soon after for being a, “ridiculous!  Utterly ridiculous freak.”  And nobody was the wiser.
Being Lady Chaos was….the best thing that ever happened to her if she was being honest.  Even with pure black wings, people still thought she was a hero.  She never flew, she was scared she’d fall and die.  She was never allowed to fly before, and even if she technically can do so now, it’s not worth the risk.  Her partner though, Mr. Bug has gold, red, and black wings.  He can fly through the air with ease she wished she desperately had.  Sometimes after patrol she would go to the very top of the Eiffel Tower and just stretch her wings out as far out as she could.  She would close her eyes as the wind blew past her and ruffled her feathers and pretend that she was soaring through the air.
Year three of living with Tom and Sabine she was comfortable talking to them more, and with Plagg there to control her chaos she finally let them touch her wings.  It was strange really, she never took care of her wings, never cared enough to.  When she first felt the hands on her feathers she had to will herself not to draw them back for fear of them plucking or ripped out.  But Sabine’s hands were so gentle and smooth that they seemed to move on their own and go closer to her touch.  Sabine would smile and hum as she gently preened the dark raven feathers that were soft and smooth.  Maybe she could finally tell the class that she wasn’t wingless soon, and maybe they would be okay with it.
No, they would not as she learned from listening to her classmates talk to the new student, Lila Rossi.  To them Lady Chaos was the only good black winged person because she was chasing after Mr. Bug to earn his affections.  Lady Chaos was obviously evil before she met Mr. Bug and she would always be evil no matter what she did.  Marinette felt nauseous that she ever thought about telling them the truth.  She had never felt more betrayed than she felt now, because she had given them her trust, and they broke it without even knowing it.  After that day, she made extra sure that her wings were hidden and wore a bit thicker clothing just in case.  Tom and Sabine are a little worried about it, but she calmed them pretty quickly.  She was fine, it wasn’t like they were all great friends to begin with.  That’s probably why everyone sides with Lila and decides that she’s a terrible person.
She had tried leaving her past behind, pretending that she didn’t hurt and kill people.  Pretend that she wasn’t a weapon.  She tried to push it far away, but it wasn’t enough.  It was never enough.  She had abandoned her brother.  She betrayed the league.  She did unspeakable things to please someone who would never care about her, just her use.  The city of lights seems duller than usual, it was probably her fault Hawkmoth came to be in the first place, afterall she was cursed to bring ruin everywhere she went.
Lila and Chloe thought it would be a great idea to bring everybody to the Crime Capital of the World for their senior trip.  Probably to watch people flounder and worry when things go wrong, which they definitely would.  She had stopped Hawkmoth a month before the trip, but Mr. Bug took all the credit for it. The arrogant self centered bas*.  Adrien kept giving her side glances that always made her feel uncomfortable and slightly disgusted.  During school he would try to touch her with every chance he’d get.  He almost discovered her wings at one point.  She couldn’t do anything about it before because of the stupid your-rich-so-do-whatever-the-heck-you-want treatment.  Now that Adrien’s family fortune is gone, and people don’t trust him because of what his dad did, so he has to be more careful.  He now kept some distance, which she was extremely grateful for.
She would have broken his hand, she had imagined it plus other things more than once.  But then Tom and Sabine would get in trouble by Gabriel for her actions.  They didn’t deserve that, they had been nothing but good to her since they found her abandoned in that forest.
She would be fine though, as long as Lila had a grip on his arm and she was in the back, away from him.  She listened to their tour guide, Richard Grayson, talk about the history and importance of WE.  The architecture was brilliant really, and you couldn’t blame her for having to draw and sketch it.  She often thought of Damian when she sketched.  She used to leave drawings for him around the base, little things that expressed her adoration for him without getting too close.  She wondered if he was still with the league, had he escaped, did he die?  She hoped that wasn’t the case, she hoped that he would be alive and well.  Bright orange and white wings nearly slapped her in the face if she hadn’t stopped right before the movement had occurred.
“Oh my gosh!  I’m so sorry Marinette!  Sometimes my wings just spasm out of control like that!  I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Marinette just silently rolled her eyes and took a few steps backward and watched the class glare at her waiting for her to comfort the liar.  She would never lower herself to do that.  She was still an Al Ghul afterall, even if she did leave it behind when she fled.  She was thankful when lunch came, she waited far away from the line and watched silently from a dark corner to make sure no one would hurt her.  Then she felt it, a hand touching her back feeling for something.  She quickly and instinctively grabbed the arm and twisted it behind them pinning it behind their back at a painful angle.
“Ukhti, let go.”
Marinette knew that voice.  She remembered that name and she could feel her heart stop.  The lunchroom was silent as they watched the small bluenette silently and quickly release the “Ice Prince”. Everyone watched with bated breaths to see what would happen next.  The boy’s wings were ruffled in agitation and fear.
“Where are they?”
He demanded.  Marinette knew what he was talking about, she simply wrapped her arms around herself and turned her head away definitely.
“Why are you hiding them, Malak?  Please.”
Marinette could feel her wings moving in defiance to what her brain was saying.  They wanted to be shown, they wanted to be touched by her brother again.  She looked down and slowly uncrossed her arms from her body.  Damian gently took her hands in his and looked directly into her eyes.
“Everything will be ok, Taw'ami.”
She slowly nodded and with shaky fingers reached under her hoodie and began to slowly unwrap the tape that kept her wings confined.  When all the tape was in her hands she hesitantly removed her hoodie and let her wings unfold from around herself and into the open.  She had made shirts that let her wings slip through slits in the back that were tailored to her wings specifically and were most comfortable.  Damian marveled at how big her raven wings had grown and how shiny they were.  He reached out a hand slowly and gently ran his fingers down the inky black that was her wings.
Shouts of fear and accusations were thrown at her, mostly from her class.  She didn’t listen though, she just observed.  The tour guide was coming over now, probably to kick her out.  He had such lovely wings though,  they were a deep navy blue that looked similar to black with dark red and light blue running through them.  They looked so well kept and soft.
“Damian, what’s happening?  Who is this?”
“Grayson, meet my twin sister, Marinette.”
“You have a twin?!”
Richard exclaimed loudly, drawing even more attention.  The insults and jeers stopped after that.  She looked over at the class and smirked when she saw their shock and confusion.
“Yes, keep up.”
Damian said brusquely.  They must know each other well then.
“Come, we must take her away from these imbeciles and take her to father.”
Damian grabbed her wrist and tugged, her quickly falling into line like she used to when he did this.
“Now tell me Ukhti, have you been taking care of yourself?”
She nodded as they came to an elevator and walked into it with Richard right behind them.  Marinette felt her feathers fluff up nervously.  She wasn’t in control of them right now, and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Damian ran a hand gently down her right wing trying to smooth it down.
“Things will be fine Marinette.  Just watch, father will be glad to meet you.”
She looked him in the eyes and squeezed her hands together.
“No, I have not told him about you.  Things will be fine though.”
He seemed to understand her weird way of communicating, she still didn’t understand how he did.  Richard cleared his throat and both turned to look at him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but um…I’m Dick, I’m Damian’s, and yours I guess, oldest brother.  It’s nice to meet you.”
He spread his wings in a welcoming way that meant and showed safety and peace. Her wings involuntarily rose up as well to reciprocate his greeting.  When the door to the elevator opened again she quickly forced her wings to hide on her back trying desperately to keep them from sight.  Damian didn’t seem to like it, but he just grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a large office room.  The plaque on the door read “CEO Bruce Wayne”.  Their father was Bruce Wayne?!  She couldn’t go in there, she couldn’t curse him and ruin his life.  No, she had already messed up at the league, and she was just barely not messing up with Tom and Sabine, she would definitely ruin Bruce Wayne’s life, and she would not allow that to happen.  She tugged at his grip desperately trying to get away.
“Marinette, stop.  Your wings are not cursed, that was a lie.”
Marinette shook her head and kept trying to escape the iron-like grip.
“Do you not trust me anymore?”
She froze at that and quickly shook her head.  Of course she trusted him, it was her that shouldn’t be trusted.
“Good, because we’re going in now.”
And that was that, because the door was now open and she was being dragged into the office room where their father and another boy with large bags under his eyes stared at them.  Damian puffed up his chest and feathers letting his strong, big, and brilliant wings rise into the air.
“Father, this is your daughter, my twin, Marinette Erebus Al Ghul-Wayne.”
They both stared at her in shock and Marinette slowly and cautiously raised her despicable black wings into the air.  Both stared at them in awe before looking back at her, but she didn’t meet their eyes.  She didn’t want to see the disgust and hatred in their eyes.
After a few moments she looked up and saw their wings greeting hers like Dick’s had.  Their father’s wings were a mix of black and dark grey alternating the color in each row of feathers.  The other boy’s were black at the top and slowly turned to red at the bottom.  But they were welcoming her openly, so that must mean something!  Well, it was time to get to know her father, she guessed.
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leonaluv · 3 years
Will you be famous? Legacy ?
Choose a between 1- Hwasa blond phase arc - 2 Hwasa black hair queen
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Pile one - Your effect (Hwasa effect)
"Everything you touch sells out " You will most likely be noticed by your personality being down to earth. You could have many opportunities 💫 to become famous or after you go viral then you will have so many options. Do something new 🤹🏽‍♂️
Like Hwasa after you go through a lot of hardships in life you will be rewarded nicely.
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A specific person will help you out it could be your partner in life and help you live out your passions. Your relationship will stand out and people will love that dynamic. It could resonate with a lot of people. Either a romantic partner or best friend becomes a dynamic duo. Since the two of you will be the exact opposite of each other . Your beauty, looks, attitude, the way you carry yourself will make everyone aware of you. You're just built differently
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Restaurant /Bakery business can become well know for or just the way you enjoy food 🍕. Makes people want to go out and buy that dish. Going back to that beast boy and raven image - a song pop in my head 😅 " Tonight I want to show you off , don't have to worry about the finer things in life, I'm coming for you , your all I need, to make my life complete your the beauty and I'm the beast ". Wait he says beat 💀 but still, Nicki says beast in her rap. It goes with the lovers card dancing together like their painting " last dance " meaning till death take us.
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Tarot cards : queen of pentacles (reverse ) , 7 of cups, six of pentacles (reverse) the lovers, knight of wands, ace of hearts ❤️
Pile two - " It girl / It boy"
You will be recognized in your career field and receive what you always needed. Just like pile one become famous due to getting the credit you deserved.💕
Experience in your childhood might have direct you to write about your childhood. Release a comic or book base on that experience. Talking about how your hardships and what you had to go through in life. Being a speaker over those subjects on how to overcome it and reach success.
Being a mother/parent figure for your community or others everyone could feel close to you in some way. That can also be your impact on others like the mother they never had.
Your the one who tries to get everyone together but also making sure everyone is comfortable. Spontaneous and adventure nature for some people that won't kid you will be the fun aunt or uncle 😋.
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In terms of looks late 30s, 40 or 50 the way you always smell good, look presentable and dress up nice. People are going to appreciate that and love your style. Live life according to you nothing spirituality or religious motivated. " Do what you want to do there are no rules " - Micheal Jackson love who you are that is how you attract others who love you too 💌.
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Other stuff key point to fame
Traveling, photography, leader, and doing something mundane - like for those that are spiritual will be something ordinary that will make you famous.
Tarot cards: ace of wands, four of wands, and the chariot reverse / justice,
For fun 🎢
Short reading - fame in itself can be an illusion just a lot of people know you and watching your every mood 😩. Now you can't go to the grocery store, but the cool thing is you will always know people who love you. Want the best for you no matter what you do 💕
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