#like ive seen her and shes seen me but we never made eye contact it was always from the back or side
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killjoy-prince · 9 months ago
my brother has been dating this girl for almost 7 months now and we've yet to be properly introduced and tbh i kinda wanna keep it that way just to see how long i can go
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lesbianlenas · 20 days ago
there is this one girl in my class and she is so beautiful i wish it was possible for girls to love other girls in a romantic way 😔
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thebigqueer · 6 months ago
literlaly terirble night last night
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a-pute11as · 5 months ago
r has a hidden relationship with one of the team physios, but texts from an unknown number reveal she's being used and alexia isn't happy about it.
warnings - 18+ MDNI suggestive smut themes, stalker texts, angst
words - 2996
part 2
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my phone pinged. 
unknown number : she’s taking advantage of you, she’s done this with other people and she knows you’ll say good things about her to other staff so she’ll keep her job 
i furrowed my eyebrows, surely this wasn’t a text for me? the number wasn’t saved in my phone and i had no texts from them before.
me : i think you may have the wrong number 
i shut my phone off without thinking about it much after that, i knew it wasn’t for me but i very much felt sorry for the person it was intended for. 
i pushed myself up off the sofa to get myself ready for the evening training session, as nice as it was to train when it wasn’t as scorching hot, though i still preferred morning sessions. i stepped into my bathroom, standing in front of the mirror to slick my hair back into a ponytail, doing the same hairstyle i did most days. all of a sudden a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as i began brushing my hair, causing me to smile at the contact.
“we could do this every morning” she whispered before placing a peck on my neck, instantly having a calming effect on me, though it didn’t last long, “if you changed clubs”.
my face dropped and my body tensed up, she knew how much i hated this conversation and yet she never saw how ridiculous it was to ask me to leave a club like barcelona just for a casual fling to become something more. 
“mhm” i couldn’t say anything more, no matter how many times i tried, she would never actually listen to the words that were leaving my mouth. i was constantly fighting a losing battle.
“don’t be like that” she said, dropping her arms from me and stepping back. “this is my job just as much as it is yours, why should i risk my career so you can play football for another year at the ‘best club in the world’ before you go back to a half decent club”, her argument was stupid, but the audacity to use air quotes when referring to barcelona as the best club in the world stung. since we met i would always talk about how playing for barca was my dream, and how excited i was to be living that everyday, she knew exactly what this club meant to me. 
she leant against the bathroom door, staring me down, waiting for me to fight back and challenge the hurtful words she spewed at me, but she made it clear that she didn’t respect me and i was getting tired trying to gain a half-arsed apology from a person like her. 
“ana” i took a deep breath “if that’s how you feel then that’s okay, but i won’t be looking for a transfer just to please you” i sighed, continuing to put my hair back, “you know what this means to me”.
she rolled her eyes, “im not doing this, it’s always about what it means to YOU and never to us” she dramatically flung her arms in the air but i knew to stay quiet to avoid the same fight repeating itself. “you’re going to put me in a bad mood for work again, and don’t you dare think about going to isabel for a massage during recovery” with that she picked up her bag and left for work. 
peace and quiet, finally. 
i finished getting ready before grabbing my bag and heading down to my car, normally i’d go to training with keira, but she’d been out all morning so i assumed i’d be meeting her there. as i sat in my car i checked my phone, assuming it would just be a couple of texts i wouldn’t need to pay any mind to. 
unknown number : this is y/n, isn’t it? 
me : yes? why? 
unknown number : i know you’re with ana, she’s taking advantage of you. you aren’t the only person she’s with and she’s done this with multiple girls before you
my eyes widened.
me : who is this? how do you know this?
unknown number : i’ve been watching you, ive seen you leaving training together. i hate the way she looks at you and the way she touches you during recovery, it makes me sick.
i know she doesn’t give you what you deserve. i wouldn’t keep you hidden like this. 
i could give you so much more, i’d never hurt your pretty heart like this. 
i sat in my car, not wanting to move, i couldn’t care less about it being Ana or that i was receiving slightly stalker-like but somewhat hot texts from a random person, but i did care that i’d been used for someone else’s advantage. i knew i couldn’t let it go on any longer, not just so it would benefit her career and ruin mine. i swiped onto ana and i’s messages.
me : i’ll talk to you after work but we aren’t doing this anymore  
ana : don’t be like that, it was just a silly argument this morning, i’ll talk to you at work
me : can you read? i said after work. we aren’t doing this anymore, find someone else. 
i closed my phone and blasted music as i drove, assuming it would help re-centre my focus before i got to training, i couldn’t have something like this affect my performance. as i pulled into the car park i took a minute to collect my thoughts, somehow i had to remain professional but how could i when all that was swirling around my mind was finding out i was being fucked over and stalked in the same day. 
i finally got out of my car, grabbing my stuff as i headed towards the door. 
“alanna! stop ignoring my texts” i heard a small shout from behind me, i knew it was ana but i wasn’t about to give her the time of day. 
“what’s that about?” cata asked, standing at the door, clearly waiting for me to catch up to her. 
“we were sleeping together, not anymore though” i said blatantly, i had mentioned i was seeing someone but i never gave any more details than that, the only person who knew the true picture was keira but that was only because we lived together. 
“woah, i didn’t expect that” cata said, standing still for a moment, assumingly trying to process the information, as i continued to walk to the locker rooms. she quickly caught up to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, “im here if you want to talk about it, but not if you wanna test out your advanced spanish, thats way too painful” she added, with a small laugh, causing me to laugh too. 
we walked into the changing room, which was already filled with our fellow teammates, i quickly greeted them before heading to my cubby to put my stuff down, giving myself a minute to sit down and check my phone.
unknown number : you look so good today. dios mios the things i’d do to you… 
i quickly looked around the room to see if anyone was on their phone, no one was, all the girls were engaged in conversations with each other or had already left to go to the training pitch. i put my head in my hands for a minute, my attempts to refocus had failed. i wanted to wait until i was the last one in there, either so i could scream or cry, with no one else around. 
“habla con ella ale, tu eres la capitana” cata mumbled, trying to be quiet enough that i wouldn’t hear, but she was never very good at being quiet. 
“no quiero hacerla sentir peor” alexia mumbled back “nosotras no estamos tan cerca después del incidente” she added. 
the ‘incident’ was a very drunk champions league after party, which ended with alexia and i finding our way to the club bathroom to make out. we somehow made it back to her flat together, and whilst we didn’t sleep together, we certainly got close to, so close that we woke up naked. i didn’t regret anything about that night, not the drunken flirting, the incredibly close dancing or the bathroom make out session, i didn’t even regret making it back to her flat and taking off each other's clothes before we passed out. i regretted how i dealt with the situation, but i knew alexia held that same guilt too. 
they continued mumbling between themselves as i reached for my phone to text this unknown person. 
me : can you send me some kind of proof? for some reason i believe you, i just want to see it with my own eyes
moments after i hit sent, a phone within the locker room pinged. alexia’s phone. i didn’t think anything of it, she was one of the biggest names in women’s football, her phone was constantly going off.
as i put my phone back into my bag i noticed cata had left, leaving just me and alexia alone in the locker room. she was stood in front of me, maybe 6 feet away, one hand rubbing the back of her neck as her eyes darted about the room, making me realise just how awkward the situation was. then the realisation hit, this was the first time we had been alone in a room together since the incident, at least we were fully clothed. 
“ale, you don’t have to do this” i said, standing up so there wouldn’t be the awkward tension that happens when someone is looking down on you.
“i’m your captain, i should be here for you if you need someone to talk to” alexia said, meeting my eyes. 
whilst things had been awkward between us for the last couple of months, we actually hadn’t seen each other much, i was back home, playing a couple of games for england but ale was representing spain in the olympics, so we never really got the chance to talk about things. 
“it’s just something personal, honestly it means nothing, you don’t have to worry about me capi, i’ll be focused” i awkwardly shuffled the bracelet around my wrist and forced a smile. 
“i’m not worried about you being focused nena, y/n im worried about you being okay”
my name rolled off her tongue like it was made for her to say, so perfect and effortless as if english wasn’t her second language yet it was like hearing an angel. she never really knew the soft spot i had for her. before that night, we were close, of course people thought we were together and some of the girls would joke about it, but in reality we just enjoyed each other’s companies. she made me a better person and i challenged her in every aspect, especially when it came to who could cook a better paella. it was always her, but i enjoyed teasing her about it. 
��someone i trusted was using me, that’s all, it was nothing serious but it just hurt so i’m in a bit of a shit mood, so if you’ll excuse me i’m going to train” i said, adjusting my socks as i headed towards the door. 
but all it took was one very quick, and smooth, movement from alexia for her to be standing in front of the door.
“who” she asked so simply yet her eyes had shifted, they seemed darker, the eye contact she held was so intense yet i couldn’t escape it. 
“you wouldn’t know them” i said, my breath hitched slightly, realising how close we were stood to each other, yet i don’t think she realised. 
“ahora no es el momento de ser terco” she responded, huffing at me slightly “give me a name”. 
“i’m the stubborn one?” i questioned, my eyebrows raising as i got irritated “you wouldn’t know stubborn if it hit you in the face. you’re so much more stubborn than me, everything happened and every time i tried to make things right you ignored my calls and my texts, i had to show up to your door just to be told you wanted space. i flew to france to watch you play and all the other girls came over but you, that hurt ale because the only person i really wanted to come over was you” tears threatening to spill from my eyes as i spoke “you are so stubborn alexia putellas, i tried to fix this but you were the one stopping that, so don’t act like you want to protect me all of a sudden” i added, tears now rolling down my face.
alexia took a step back and took a minute before attempting to speak, but i quickly cut her off. 
“please, just go out to training, i’ll be there soon, i just need a minute” i said, with that she walked out the door leaving me in the locker room alone. 
i took the time to compose myself before heading out to train, putting on a very fake but very convincing smile. at this point i needed the distraction and being on the pitch would offer me a retreat. i quickly apologised to pere blaming my lateness on a personal emergency before joining my group for training. 
and to my joy, the distraction did work. by the end of training i was genuinely smiling and laughing as if nothing had happened at all. we all headed inside to recovery where i promptly made my way over to isabel, another team physio, knowing exactly how it would make ana feel. surprisingly, i was feeling extra flirty today, even if it was superficial.. 
“how can i help y/n?” she asked, as i perched myself on the edge of the table. 
“my thighs please, they’re feeling quite tense after training, so i definitely need your magic hands to do some work” i said with a small smirk, laying down on the bed. i glanced over at ana who was working on cata on the table next to me, her face already showing the effect i was having. 
“i can definitely put my magic hands to work” isabel said with a wink, before getting to work on my legs. 
throughout the massage i showered her with flirty compliments, telling her good my legs felt after she worked on them and how she was the best with her hands. she knew i was doing it to rile up ana, yet it didn’t stop her in returning the flirty comments back to me. 
“jesus ana, that hurts” i heard cata remark, turning my head to see a red mark on her leg where ana had gripped it too hard. 
recovery was quickly over and surprisingly i felt a whole lot better. something about purposely making the person that used you intentionally angry felt like a release.i packed my things up and changed back into my normal clothes before heading out to my car, i hadn’t even made it half way across the parking lot before i heard my name being called. 
“don’t walk away from me when i’m talking to you” ana called out, causing me to pause where i was standing and turn around. 
“ana, i’m not doing this in public” i said, i wanted this to be over and i definitely didn’t want it to happen in front of my teammates. 
“i told you i wouldn’t be impressed if you went to someone else in recovery, and i specifically said not isabel, so why are you acting like a whore now?” she questioned, raising her voice so anyone close by could hear. 
“a whore?” i questioned, before shaking my head to refocus on the actual situation “i’m not doing this here, you can call me when you’ve calmed down” i added, turning around to walk away.
all of a sudden i felt a hand grip my arm and pull me back, making me lose my balance slightly, ana had gripped my arm so tight that her nails were beginning to grip into my arm. 
“let go of me ana, you’re making a scene” i said, my chest getting heavy as i became aware of the amount of people who were around us, tears instantly started to form in my eyes as my anxiety increased. 
“i’m not letting you leave until we talk about this” she said, refusing to let go of my arm. 
“get off of her” mapi said, quickly dropping her bag and running over to us. the other girls, who were leaving training at the same time, weren’t far behind her as they all instantly diverted their attention to the situation. 
ana was quick to drop my arm when she saw the attention she had gathered. 
“this isn’t what it looks like, we were just having a conversation” ana said, trying her best to defend her actions. 
“i think it’s best if you leave” cata said, before taking me by the shoulder and walking me towards my car. 
whilst there was some distance between us, i could still hear a few of the girls interrogating ana, and she wasn’t doing a good job at defending herself. 
“hey it’s okay, why don’t i come round for a bit and we can just sit and chill for a bit” cata said, giving me a reassuring smile, causing me to nod in response.
before getting in my car i looked back at ana to see a very heated conversation between her and alexia. 
“you’ve taken advantage of her for too long now, go and pack your stuff, you won’t have a job to come back to” alexia said, her voice as clear as anything. 
her words repeated in my head, i could’ve sworn i heard those words recently to describe this whole situation. the messages from that unknown person said i was being taken advantage of, the exact thing alexia said. 
any spelling/grammar mistakes, please let me know x
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jihyoruri · 1 year ago
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 UNEXPECTED kim minjeong x reader
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↳warnings: yn is a member of ive and is described as a loser a lot (like they keep coming for my girl)
for all the years that minjeong knew her ex girlfriend, she never knew the girl had a sister until after they broke up, which is insane when she thinks about it more and she still hasn’t met the girl till this day.
she remembers it like it was yesterday, on the first of december is when the hit girl group ive debuted, yes a lot of people raved about the two ex iz*one members debuting but what made more rave was the girl that looked almost identical to jimin and it wasn’t an exaggeration they had the same last name and some unreal similarities between the two girls that even had minjeong asking jimin as she seen the new idol but the only thing jimin responded with was a laugh.
it was later revealed that the girl was in fact jimin’s little sister which brought a lot of shock to the world including minjeong and a little bit of betrayal, it was weird that jimin never mentioned her little sister, even when they were dating but she never pushed on it not wanting things to become more awkward than it normally was with them lately.
it’s been almost three years and minjeong has had interactions with almost all of the ive members but she’s never had a single interaction with jimin’s sister who she learned name was yn, well not until today.
all four girls sat around each other in their own worlds with their faces in their phones, there’s comfortable silence in the room that jimin breaks.
“my sister is coming over to pick up something.” the leader says grabbing all of the girls attention, “she’ll probably stay for a couple minutes as well.” she says her eyes still on her phone while the other girls look at her like she told the most shocking news in the world.
“wait, we’re actually going to meet your precious little sister?” aeri asked, this was big news for the other girls, jimin never brought her sister around she never even talked about her, “are you being for real?”
“yeah… she should be here in like a minute.” jimin now looking up from her phone and looking at the rest of girls like they’ve grown two extra heads, “is that a problem?”
“no!” minjeong cuts in, “it’s just you never talk about her, you never even told me about her we were dating.” she says before wincing at her words both aeri and yizhuo cringing as well as awkward silence fills the word at the topic of the girls past relationship.
“well… who cares that’s the past.” jimin says looking off to the side, “just don’t jump on her guys, I know my sister and you guys are really intense sometimes.” she says and rolls her eyes at the offensive looks she gets from her members, “she’s quiet and shy and can be weird sometimes, she’s kind of a loser, like mega loser, so please give her some space when she comes in.”
loser? she doesn’t look like a loser from what ive seen minjeong says to herself, she was kind of nervous when jimin said yn was coming over but if yn really is how jimin is describing, then there’s no need.
the girls nod their heads at the leader and silence takes over the room again but not for long as a knock on the door interrupts the silence.
jimin jumps up from the couch she was on and walks over to the door opening it immediately, minjeong hears a soft voice and jimin’s laugh before the door closes.
jimin walks back to where the girls were sitting but this time with someone behind her, minjeong feels something happen in her stomach when she lays her eyes on the girl, she’s on the taller side and pretty lanky but her arms show a slight tone to them she watched as the girl she pushed up glasses up the bridge of her nose looking down at the ground not making any eye contact with girls.
“this is yn,” jimin says putting her hand on the taller girls shoulder pushing her slightly to showcase her to her members, “my baby sister.” she says teasingly patting yn who still looks at the floor.
“fix you posture and look up,” jimin says to yn who immediately straightens up and looks up at the rest of girl showcasing her heart stopping face, aeri whistles quietly earning a nudge from minjeong who can’t seem to take her eyes off the girls face as well.
“im gonna go find what you want, so just sit with them while you wait,” jimin says before sending the girls a warning look before heading to her room.
yn stands awkwardly, while aeri clears her throat, “you can sit between minjeong and I.” she says pushing minjeong over and patting the spot between them.
yn puts her hands in her jean pockets and slowly walks over to where minjeong and aeri are sitting and sits between them, she talks out her hands from her pants and plays with the rings on her fingers and looks down in her lap and minjeong can’t help but let her eyes travel down to the girls toned hands.
“so…yn.” aeri starts, “this is our first time meeting you isn’t that insane?.” the girl says trying to start a conversation but there wasn’t a single thought in her mind as well, just like minjeong her eyes are fixated on yn’s rings.
yn is silent for a second and minjeong shifted uncomfortably in her seat, feeling a strange mix of curiosity and nervousness as she stole glances at yn. despite jimin's description, there was an undeniable allure to yn's demeanor.
“uh, yeah.” yn responded, now getting bored of her rings, she focuses on a keychain of saturn on her pants playing with it, “jimin never talked about you guys much as well.”
“oh really?”yizhuo cuts in with a offended tone, “I’ll talk to her about that.” she says obviously just wanting to troll the leader she gets up, “you should come too aeri unnie,” she says grabbing the other girls attention that was still on the quiet girl.
“uh, sure…” she says getting up and leaving both yn and minjeong on the couch, “I’ll be back.” she says before walking off with yizhuo.
silence fills the room again and all minjeong can do is look at the girl who’s attention is still in her lap, losers shouldn’t be this attractive is the only thing she can say to herself, she’s happy that yn is so in her own world to not notice her staring.
at least that’s what she thought, minjeong quickly turned her head around when yn looked up and turned her head to make direct eye contact with her, she got that feeling in her stomach again, this is embarrassing.
yn stared at her for a second before turning her gaze back to the front and leaning her head back letting out a sigh, minjeong hears her mumbling to herself about how long jimin takes with things.
she awkwardly cleared her throat, “jimin unnie is always taking long right?” she says to the girl who just nods and brings an arm up to rest of the back of the couch.
“so um,” minjeong starts, “isn’t it weird how I was literally jimin’s girlfriend and still never knew about you.”
yn lifted her head back up and looked at minjeong, “jimin had a girlfriend?” she asks bluntly there’s silence before she quietly laughs at the look on minjeongs and it was the first time the other girl has seen her smile since she came in here, it was cute.
“I’m joking,” yn says now looking to side, her demeanor automatically going back to the way it was before, she scratches the back of her neck and angels it in a way that minjeong can see the tattoo that peaks out, “I knew about you, not much though.” “you like tattoos?” minjeong asks, causing the girl to look at her again, “sorry, I noticed the one on your neck.”
“uh, yeah.” yn responds looking down again, “I have more, I can strip and show you the rest.” she says causing minjeong’s face go red.
“sorry,” she laughs awkwardly, “that was a joke, a horrible joke to say to your sister ex.”
oh yeah, for a second minjeong forgot that yn was jimin’s sister, because of how hypnotized she was by the girl, “no, it was funny.” she says moving closer to yn who immediately noticed and tensed slightly.
minjeong felt more confidence, realizing that she was the one in control in this situation, “from the looks of you, somethings telling me you get a lot of girls and guys ”
“uh,” yn says glancing at minjeong before looking back down, “no, not really.”
now this shocked minjeong, why does nobody want the attractive losers? the quite ones are the best she’s never had one in her lifetime so far, but yn is making hard not to want one.
“so, you’ve never been in a relationship?” minjeong asks.
“unbelievable.” she says leaning closer to yn, who fidgets with anything she can at the girl’s closeness.
“I should give you my number.” the girl states which causes yn to just nod, “if that’s what you want, can I ask why? she responds.
minjeong holds her hand out and yn grabs her phone from her pocket and gave it to the girl who added her contact and gave it back, “making new friends is good, sometimes they can lead to more.”
yn awkwardly laughed at the last part and put her phone back in her pocket.
minjeong opens her mouth to say more but is cut off by the footsteps of her members.
“found it!” jimin says walking into the room and aeri and yizhuo trail behind her, it’s a old dsi animal crossings game. “why did you need this?”
yn gets up immediately and takes the game out of jimin’s hand, “I found my old dsi, and I want to play on it, for when yujin unnie yells at me for having my face in my other games for too long.” minjeong couldn’t help but frown realizing that this means that the girl is leaving now, she waves at yn along with the other girls.
“you’re such a dork,” jimin laughs while yn makes her way to the door, “you’re not gonna say bye to the girls?”
“oh yeah, bye.” she says before immediately leaving.
jimin closes the door and looks at the girls, “well, that’s my sister.”
your awfully attractive sister, minjeong says to herself, of course she would find herself being attracted to her exs sister, this was definitely unexpected.
she knew how messy a situation like this could be, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
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stellar-skyy · 1 year ago
Sir/Ma'am PLEASE I need the readers reaction to furina's announcement you have made ur fic my roman empire.
RUIN — Furina x reader.
i. SUMMARY: The aftermath of Furina's announcement. (Sequel to Court Gossip.) ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Arguments, crying, brief use of pet names (darling, dear). iii. NOTES: Angst, hurt with no comfort, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 1.7k words. iv. A/N: I think this the best compliment I've ever recieved omg... I truly did intend to make a happy conclusion to this but the angst. It was too tempting... there might be a part three coming :3
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The trip from the Opera Epiclese to her home was a whirlwind. Furina’s mind began to stray as soon as she stepped behind the curtains, with Neuvillette’s hand resting on her back the only sensation grounding her. He was kind enough to accompany her to her residence, opening the door and allowing her to trudge inside.
“Lady Furina?” He asked carefully, watching from the doorway as she kicked off her shoes. Usually she would wait until she was alone to begin shedding her layers of clothing, but Neuvillette had seen her in worse states.
“What is it?” She tugged off her gloves and laid them on the coffee table, pausing to pick up the photo frame in the centre. She stared at her own grinning face, chin hooked over her lover’s shoulder. Her finger traced their face, delicately, like the glass would shatter with any harsher touch.
Neuvillette paused. “Would you like me to stay?”
“Whatever for?” She giggled, like it was a silly proposition. “And shut the door behind you, you’re letting the cool air out.”
He obliged, before continuing. “I know that wasn’t an easy announcement to make, and you must be very stressed by what you’ve been through this past day. If this situation is weighing on you, I am more than happy to stay and talk to you. Especially if I can bring you some sort of comfort.” Silly Neuvillette. She wasn’t the one who needed comforting.
“But, it’s a Tuesday, isn’t it…” Furina murmured, half in a daze. “It’s Tuesday. I cook dinner on Tuesdays.”
She blinked. “You can’t stay, it’s Tuesday. I have to get dinner ready for my darling when they come home.”
“…Very well.” A pinch had formed between Neuvillette’s eyebrows, a distinct sign of an incoming migraine. “Will you be alright?”
“Oh, you worry so, Monsieur Neuvillette!” Furina feigned a laugh, like she was still onstage performing for Fontaine. Something painful sparked in her chest, as she wondered when her own home became a performance. “I will be perfectly fine!”
The sound of a key turning in the lock made her flinch. Neuvillette moved away to let in her partner, who scarcely gave him a glance as they entered.
“Furina,” They called, in lieu of a greeting.
“Hello, dear,” Furina said chirpily. It sounded strained. “I’m about to start making dinner. It’s going to be your favourite tonight! I thought I would surprise you.”
“Ahem. I believe it is time to take my leave,” Neuvillette cleared his throat. “Goodbye, Lady Furina.”
She hummed a goodbye, still turned away from the door.
“Furina,” her lover repeated, stressing the word.
“It’s been a long day, a-and I thought we could eat and then—”
“Furina I was there.”
She turned slowly, letting both the plates and her fragile grip on normalcy go. They were standing tall, eyes red and rimmed with tears, and Furina resisted the urge to rush over and smother them in kisses until their face split into a grin.
“Ah. I’m sorry dear.” Sorry. It was too simple of a word to try and mend what she had broken.
There was a beat of silence. Their eyes never left her own. “What for?”
“…What do you mean, ‘what for’?”
“What are you sorry for?” They asked, the barest touch of anger in their tone. “Are you sorry you told them I was unimportant? Are you sorry for what they said about me? Or are you sorry that you got caught?”
“I—I don’t understand,” Furina’s face felt hot. “You know I’m sorry for…”
“I don’t think I do,” They snap. They finally break eye contact with Furina to take off their coat and lay it over the back of their chair. “I thought you would be sorry for saying those things, but if you were actually sorry, you wouldn’t have done it.”
“Darling, I know I have hurt you, but it was a mistake.”
“Mistake?” A huff left their lips, incredulity marring that beautiful face of theirs. “I’ve made mistakes. I haven’t stood in front of the opera and told an entire crowd you were worthless.”
“I-I understand that mistake is a rather silly word, but there isn’t anything else I can say! I certainly don’t think you’re worthless, you’re… you’re everything.” Everything was a silly word too, when she was thinking of the only person to strip back her layers and see her for herself.
“Do you actually love me?” The words hit her like a shot to the chest. “Or was that a ‘mistake’ too?”
“Of course, I love you!” The mere thought of not loving them sent her head spinning. “I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I can’t imagine a world where I don’t!”
“Then why?”
“I had no other choice! They would have said—”
“Let them talk! Who cares about what they think?” They scoffed, hands curling into fists.
“I do! I have to!” Furina’s voice cracked, her composure crumbling with each second they spent looking at her with disbelief in their eyes. “Do you seriously not get it? My reputation is important!”
“More important than me?” They asked.
Furina was silent. The word yes hung between them like a noose around both their necks.
“Yeah… I don’t know why I expected anything different,” they said hollowly.
“Darling…” Furina croaked out, moving closer until they were eye-to-eye.
Her face was wet. When did she start crying?
“I’m sorry for hurting you.” Furina stressed. “I’m sorry for being cowardly. I’m sorry I put their opinion over you. I’m sorry, darling.”
It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. She would never be the attentive and loyal partner they deserved, and they would never be passive enough to be content falling into the shadows. The two of them were doomed to stay trapped in this painful dance, stumbling between Furina’s work and their own feelings towards each other, until one trips over their own feet and sends them falling to the ground. It was a performance of tragedy; one that would leave both in ruin.
The hopelessness of their relationship was not lost on Furina, but it was drowned out by a deep and unshakable longing—to be touched, to be held, to be loved, by them and only then.
Before them, Furina had never met anyone she’d willingly let herself be ruined by.
“Please,” Furina whispered, clasping their hands in hers and pressing them against her lips. Between each kiss to their knuckles was another whispered promise. “I love you, darling. I swear I love you.”
“I… I love you too,” they said shakily, squeezing her hands. “I—I don’t think I can see you right now. I just—I just can’t.”
Slowly, they let go of her and turned to pick up their coat. “I’m going out. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
“Darling, please…” Furina clutched around the edge of their clothes, grasping at any part of them to frantically try to keep them from slipping away. “I’m sorry!”
“I know you’re sorry,” they sighed, carefully untangling from her desperate hands.
“Tell me what to do!” She begged. “Please, just tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it. I need to know how to fix this. Tell me what will make you stay.”
Something hollow crosses their face. “I want to stay. But I don’t think that would be good for either of us. You said it yourself, you have to care about what they think.
“You can stay. We can simply keep it under wraps.” Furina traced her thumb along their face, committing each mark and curve to her memory.
They laughed wryly, without a trace of humour. “We tried that, didn’t we? How well did that turn out?”
Furina brought her hands back to her lips, brushing a kiss over every patch of skin she could reach. Her words were quiet, barely a murmur into their hands and barely reaching their ears. “We’ll do better this time, won’t we? Just… please don’t leave me, darling.”
They gently shifted their joined hands down so they were looking straight at Furina again. They leaned forward, close enough that she could feel their breath on her cheek, and for a moment it seemed they were going to kiss her. Their lips paused, about a centimetre away from hers, and began to speak softly. “I’ll put it this way. If you can look at me in the eyes and tell me that you can be in a public relationship with me, without it negatively affecting your work, your reputation, or either of our wellbeing, then I will stay.”
And oh, if that didn’t feel like they had dug a knife into the wound and twisted. Furina bit back the protests threatening to spill over, promising them that of course, they would be her top priority, and it wouldn’t be a problem at all!
Because they weren’t wrong, were they? Furina de Fontaine, Hydro Archon, surveyor of justice. Someone like her could never survive in an ordinary relationship, not without a nation’s worth of eyes keeping an eye on her every move. That was no way to love someone. Perhaps it was for the best, to turn her back now and save them the heartbreak that was to follow; to end it when they were still so in love and spare their inevitable drifting apart.
Furina’s grip on their hands loosened with each passing thought, while they stared back at her with hope in their eyes. It was a look so raw, so painfully tender that she almost fell apart. Such hope would only destroy them if she entertained them with wishful thinking.  
She couldn’t allow herself to destroy them. They were simply too precious to treat so carelessly.
And so—
She let them go.
Their expression fell, and her hand slipped away from theirs. Without another word, they shrugged their jacket over their shoulders and walked away. Unlike Furina, they didn’t stop to look at the photos, nor the shelves covered in an eclectic selection of books taken from two individual’s tastes. They didn’t stop until they were already halfway through the door, hand clasped firmly around the handle.
“Goodbye, Furina.”
Furina waited for the door to close and the footsteps outside to fade, before she collapsed to her knees and let herself fall apart.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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thevestigeofvanillaan · 1 year ago
nerdy!kyle x popular!reader.
content: female reader, smut, "y/n", talking through snaps (snapchat, partial)
pervy nerdy kyle🤝slutty popular y/n
ive been inspired by @bro-flov-ski (go follow!) so here's this..
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you had him in a choke hold. he couldn't breathe in your presence. as you walked past him in the hallways with your little skirt hiking up, your coy smile, and eye contact; he held his breath.
kyle let out a big sigh when you turned the corner, stan asks "dude why don't you just ask her out? you guys snap all the time and she clearly has a thing for you."
"are you crazy?" kyle looks at stan with wide eyes. "someone like me could never be with someone like her. she probably likes some jock or something." his phone buzzes and he's excited at the noise, quickly checking it and smiling when he sees your name on the screen.
"don't look at me like that, we only snap because that's what girls do." kyle shoves stan in the shoulder before walking into chemistry.
he was shocked to see that you moved your seat next to where he'd been sitting. you sat so pretty, your thighs looking so plump for him and your breasts so close to slipping out of the tight shirt youre wearing. he almost instantly felt hard at the sight of you, on your phone not even recognizing his perv ass staring at you as he made his way to his seat.
you look up in surprise when you hear the chair being pulled next to you. "oh, hey kyle didn't see you there." you smile pretty at him, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you stare at him with a face full of lust.
"hi y/n." he mumbles briefly, taking a seat.
the bulge in his pants was too obvious, he knew that. you thought it was so cute though, that he couldn't help himself around you. it even turned you on a little.
in front of your whole class, he was rock hard at the mere sight of you. how cute, covering himself with his jacket. "what do you have to hide, ky?" you giggle.
he looks at you with a nervous expression and you only laugh harder. he was so precious. you crossed your legs and used the one higher to graze his leg with it. you watch him avoiding your gaze, refusing to look at you, looking at anything but. you watched as he bit his lip and sat up.
poor thing was probably so desperate for you then. "im sorry, that must be so hard for you.." you say quietly as you rub his leg with your foot, going higher up with each graze.
you could hear his breath hitch and his lips quiver slightly and decided that was enough teasing.. for now.
later that day when you were home you decided kyle had you on delivered for too long and sent him a more.. bold snap of you.
you were in a tank top and panties and decided to take a mirror picture for him. you added a caption saying "wydd".
he responded quickly once you'd double snapped him. although, he took a minute to respond. must have been looking at the picture for an extra minute, you figured.
you were surprised to see his snap being a mirror picture of himself, shirtless in gray sweatpants which make it easy to see the imprint in his pants. it was captioned "thinking about you".
that was the boldest thing you'd seen him do. turned on by this, you respond with a picture of you with your tongue out. captioning it "yeah? what kind of thoughts? dirty ones?".
again, quickly responding. it was a picture of him with his tongue out too. captioned "would it be weird if i was?".
"it'd be hot" you respond. "what kind of dirty stuff are you thinking about kyle?".
"idk.. fucking you?😂" (unironically using the laughing emoji is such a nerdy kyle thing btw).
"felt so bad for you in chem today, wish i could have helped you with that.."
"oh yeah?" the snap was a picture of him and you could tell he was doing things off camera.
so naughty of him, but it was so hot to you. this nerdy boy being so desperate and hard for you.
you send a picture of you cupping one of your breasts through your thin tank top. "yeah ;)."
"maybe you could help me next time?" he replied about two minutes later after having you on opened. must've been looking at the picture pumping his cock, so desperate for you.
the truth was that you were desperate for him too.. teasing yourself wishing it was his fingers instead of yours. you couldn't get off to the fact that he wasn't the one touching you, you needed him, bad.
the next day was a friday and school went on as usual until chemistry when you saw kyle again.
when you saw him already sitting down as you walked into the classroom suddenly the air felt thicker. you wanted him but you had to keep your cool.
sitting right next to him, he stares. blatantly staring directly at you with a cocky grin. you'd never seen him like that before.
"hey." you say trying to sound casual.
he chuckles softly, still smirking at you while shaking his head slowly, looking down "hi.".
oh his laugh. his little breathy chuckle. it was so attractive.
"wanna hang out after school?" you asked. what was the worst that could happen? it's a friday and you wanted to see if those texts would go through in person..
his eyes dart to yours and he looks serious before he laughs softly. "naughty girl, aren't you?".
"what? no!" you shake your head and laugh. "i mean only if you.." you make eyecontact again and both laugh and look away awkwardly.
"don't be afraid now," he starts to play with one of the bracelets he was wearing. "i won't bite you unless you want me to."
you laugh and cover your smile and the teacher begins the class finally.
the time after school rolls around and you decide to text kyle when you got home. "still down to hang out?"
he responds quickly. "yeah, my place?" he says.
"sure," you send. "can i head over now?"
when you got there you knocked on the door and a couple seconds later there was kyle standing at the door, inviting you inside to his home.
making casual conversation as he leads you to his room, your pinkie interlinked with his.
"yeah" he responds and sends his address and you drive over to his house which isn't that far from yours.
you giggle as you sit on his bed next to him, as close as you could be. his thigh against yours.
"so what do you wanna do?" he laughs almost awkwardly. he was so handsome as you were looking into his eyes. his beautiful eyes which spoke to yours.
you laugh at what you were about to say. "i think you know what i wanna do.." you smile down and use your pinkie to draw pictures on his knee.
"oh do i?" he smirks.
"mhmm.." you mumble and your faces get closer when you slowly move to straddle him, him guiding your hips to the right place as you slowly begin to grind against him. you could feel his hot breath against your open lips and your eyes flutter shut as your lips make contact with kyle's.
they meet again but with more passion and for longer this time and both of your breathing gets heavier. your grinding becomes more synchronized and everything becomes unreal.
his hands traveled your body, trying to memorize every curve before tapping your thigh softly. "can i?" he asks, playing with the hem of your shirt and you nod into his neck with a hum, still grinding against him.
he takes your shirt off and you lift your arms so he could do so easier, quickly moving your hands to either side of his face before kissing him passionately.
he hums into your mouth in pleasure of his cock being dry humped, especially by you.
this felt like a dream.
"please.." you mumble quietly into his ear. "ill be a good girl, need you so bad, ky.." your hands caress his chest and his head falls back before he nods with a soft chuckle.
"okay, okay.. it's okay baby. im not going anywhere, okay?" he hushes you, holding your hips to slow you down so he can give you what you want. "you want my cock?"
you nod. you wanted it so bad. you were so wet already he didn't even need to do anything to prepare you.
he helped you take off your skirt after you got off him and he laid you down on his bed gently, placing a pillow behind your head and upper back to ensure that you're comfortable.
unzipping his pants and taking out his cock and teasing his own tip with his thumb as you watched intently. mumbling as you rub your thighs together, he rubs them and gently moves them apart. "hey, hey.. it's okay. you ready?"
"mhm.. please, ky." you practically whine and he lines his cock up with your entrance before slowly sliding in.
"fuckk.. you're being such a good girl for me, huh? that's it doll, just like that f'me.." he groans before he whimpers softly when his whole length is inside of you. his whimpers.. they were addicting.
you whine at his noises and the feeling of him stretching you out so good with his fat cock..
"you okay?" he asks, moving a chunk of hair put of the way of your eyes so you could look into his eyes. "look at me, doll." immediately you look up into his pretty eyes. "you ready for me?"
you nod.
"no, no baby. you gotta tell me you're ready.."
"mm ready ky.. please." and he thrusts hard into you, making you gasp and moan loud. he laughs and continues thrusting into you at a pretty fast pace, groaning at the feeling of your tight wet walls clenching around him.
wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, scratching at his bare back, definitely leaving red scratch marks but you hadn't cared. not when he was making you feel so good..
his voice, the things he was saying, the situation, him.. it was all so much and it got you so close so fast.
him too. he was ready to crack so soon. but he wouldn't cum before you would..
fucking hard into you as you moan out his name in pleasure. "fuck!– ky, im gonna—."
"you are?"
"mmmhmmm.." you can't help it, you were so close.
"fuck baby me too.. where–" you cut him off.
"in me please ky i need you to fill me up so bad i need you.."
and with that both of you were reaching your climaxes together.. loud moans and heavy breathing filling the whole room before almost silence falls apart from the breathing.
he laughs when you two make eye contact and you smile. "what?"
"nothing.." he laughs again.
"no! what?" you giggle and sit up, backing away from him.
"nothing! i just never thought i would have ever done that with you.." he responds.
you couldn't help but smile at him.. "me either.."
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24kmar · 10 months ago
Hiii! My bad i sometimes write like people can see inside my head to know what i mean 💀
The fight where tashi got injured and they grew apart from patrick yk?
Thank you and sorry!
Lmao dont worry love 🩷
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𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋 (A. Donaldson, T. Duncan)
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: Can i ask you for some challengers angst? Where reader used to be with the group but the fight happend and they run into eachother in a coffee shop or something and they talk normaly.Then they ask for her number so they van talk more and the reader denies because she is much happier without them?Kind of when you let go of a toxic person.Thank uu
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𝑶𝒐𝒉, 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎.
"Y/n/n!" You hear someone shout. A name only a certain group of people would call you.
Turning around, thats where you saw art and tashi. You never thought you'd be without them. But after what they did to patrick, you couldnt be friends with them. To much toxicity to handle.
"Art, tashi, hi." You breath out, not expecting to see them. Here, out of all places. Today out of all days.
"Its been so long." Tashi sighs hugging you.
"Yeah we havent seen you since..." art pauses awkwardly, bringing up the elephant in the room.
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"Why are you doing this!" You yell at tashi, walking up to her and art while they're practicing.
"Doing what?" She spits out turning around to face you.
"Shutting patrick out!" You yell out frustrated.
"Y/n/n-" art starts, but not finishing as you cut him off.
"No, art." You turn to look at him briefly, then looking back at tashi "You're being so unreasonable, what the fuck did he do?"
Met with no answer, you got even angrier
"Answer me!" You yell out frustratedly
"Y/n/n-" art starts, getting cut off by you again
"What? Art. Literally what?!" You spit out, turning to him.
With a guilty look in his eyes he speaks, "were not trying to shut out patrick" he says softly, trying to reach out to grab your arm. To which you pulled away, "Really!? Cause to me it seems like you're ignoring him! When he did absolutely nothing! Whos next? Me?"
A question that was met with silence.
"Whatever" you scoff, walking away. Never seeing them again, ignoring every attempt they made to contact you.
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"How have you been?" Art asks
"Ive been" you pause letting out a breath you didnt know you were holding "good, what about you?"
"We've been good" tashi smiles softly.
"I know, ive seen you guys win" you chuckle "im proud".
You had missed this, missed them. But you knew you couldnt go back to them. The dynamic extremely toxic. And still being friends with patrick, it wouldnt be fair. To either of you.
"We miss you" art sighs
"We should really reconnect" tashi speaks with a sad tone. They both missed you. They realized they fucked up. Like royaly fucked up.
"Guys i-" you start
"We used to be such great friends, and now we need that more than ever" art tries to reason
"I cant." You out, harsher than you intended.
"why?" Tashis brows furrow in confusion
"What we had was nice, yes. But, it was toxic." you chuckle breathly "Me and patrick are still close, i cant do that to him."
With a sullen look on their face they nod.
"I wish you guys well." You smile softly walking out of the cafe. This was it, the closure you needed. The end of your friendship.
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matthewloverr · 1 year ago
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rock me
matt x blake sanders (fem reader)
summary: when out with some friends at a bar a band is playing, the guitarist catches you eye. feeling bold you decide to approach him, one thing turns into another.
warning: low key age play, fingering, kissing, swearing, underage drinking
me and my friends alanna, brynleigh and emerie heard there was a live band playing at some shitty bar near where we live, he decided if we wanted to risk being kidnapped or killed being there so late at night but we had nothing better to do.
we began getting ready, i chose to wear something more casual because we’ve never been to this place. i wore a black camisole that showed off my red lacy bra under it and low rise jeans and kept my hair straight. before leaving i slid on some bracelets and a necklace and out we went.
the walk was sketchy but thank god our dorms were only two minutes away, as soon as we approached it we knew exactly what we were getting into. they didn’t even card us at the door which wasn’t the worst thing because even though the legal drinking age was 21 me and the girls were still 19, close enough ?
we grabbed some beers from the bartender and were talking for a bit just about school and other boring stuff, i was so caught up in the conversation i barely noticed the band playing. i looked over to see and my stomach did backflips, there was a tall brunette with broad shoulders dressed in a black muscle tank and black pants, i watched his rings as his fingers moved up and down the electric guitar.
i was so fascinated i didn’t even notice him staring back, we made eye contact and she just shot me a quick wink, i just stared down at the half empty bottle in my hand trying to hide my smile. they finished up their song and the drummer announced they would be back. i couldn’t wait.
i was laughing with brynleigh while alanna and emerie were talking to two men who maybe looked around 30 trying to get free drinks, that’s when i felt a presence behind me. i turned to see who it was expecting some weird old guy and i was met with the same boy i saw on stage, he completely towered over me and when i went to turn to brynleigh she had made her way over to alanna and emerie leaving just me and this man.
“hey im matt” he spoke and shot me a quick nod.
“blake” i replied giving him a warm smile.
“i like that name, how old are you?” he questioned me.
i looked around pursing my lips trying to hide my smile, i knew i should lie and say im 21 but he didn’t look much older than me. “im 19, you?”
his eyes widened a bit “you know you’re too young to be here”
i just took a sip of the beer in my hand ignoring his comment “you never answered my question”
“22” he said leaning his elbow against the edge of the bar, his eyes were so beautiful i could stare at them all night.
“not that far off” i replied shrugging my shoulders.
he just smirked at me before he leaned in to my ear so he could whisper but i would still hear him over the trashy radio music they played.
“come to the bathroom” he whispered, and with that he turned to walk and i quickly finished my beer and followed behind him.
this man could literally tell me to rip my clothes off right here and i would and i didn’t even know him.
as soon as we entered the one stall bathroom he locked it and immediately crashed his lips onto mine, the kiss was messy and rough but i didn’t care i mean he was literally the most sexiest man ive ever seen.
he scooped me up putting his hands under my thighs and i wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands tangled in his hair. he slowly started walking towards the sink and placed me on it. my legs immediately spread so he could come between them, he ghosted his fingers over my clothed heat.
i gasped into the kiss and i could feel him smirk against my lips. i lifted myself up so he could slide the jeans off my hips and down to my knees, he just stared at the black lacy underwear and i internally thanked myself for not going with the granny panties.
he moved his kiss down to my jaw and then my neck, he sucked and slightly bit down on the spot under my ear that made me melt under his touch. he kept doing that making sure my neck was marked up and he slowly moved his fingers under my panties.
he moved his fingers through my slick folds pulling back out from my neck. “already so wet and ive barely touched you?” he said with a smirk on his face, a pink blush flew across my cheeks and nose feeling slightly embarrassed.
“you’re so beautiful you know that” he spoke again this time going back into my neck and rubbing his fingers in circles against my clit. i bucked my hips towards him laying my hands gripping against the sink dying for his touch.
he must’ve got the message because a second later he slipped a finger in and a low moan fell from my lips, i felt his finger curl inside me before he added another one. he just kept his motion and pressed his forehead against mine.
he quickened his pace and i could already feel the knot in my stomach forming. my hands gripped on the sink so hard my knuckles turned white. my brows furrowed and my mouth agape.
“i can feel you clenching, let go baby”, his words sent me over the edge and i threw my head back and spread my legs impossibly further apart, a loud string of moans and curses slipping from my mouth. he kept pumping his fingers in and out and let my high ride out before removing his fingers and licking them clean.
i just stared in awe at the man, his chest was heaving up and down and he just stood and admired me. i jumped off the counter and started pulling up my jeans before someone started banging on the door.
“yo matt, you’ve got five minutes to get out here” a voice yelled from the other side of the door, it sounded like matt but not quite it.
i looked at matt and he just rolled his eyes with a smile on his face, i placed one last peck on his lips.
“here’s my number, call me when you get home tonight” he said as he handed me a peice of paper with 10 digits on it. i took it and stuffed it in my back pocket as i grabbed my phone that had fallen down to the floor.
he opened the door and out with both went, i saw all my friends faces as they saw me and him walk out side by side and him pull me into a side hug and place a kiss on the top of my head before heading back stage.
“okay what the fuck just happened” alanna asked me with excitement in her tone.
“honestly i don’t even know, and ive only had one beer” i said chuckling and throwing my hand to my head.
“well you’re in luck” brynleigh spoke before she turned around with a black platter full of tequila shots. “the bartender thinks that’s you’re boyfriend so free shots on the house !!”
my eyes widened and a big smile grew on my face. we each grabbed one cheering and downing them, all of our faces contorted with disgust and we all laughed.
we drank whatever was left in the tiny cups and danced to music while i was busy eyeing matt. i now realize where he got the skills for what had just happened in the bathroom.
the bar was closing and me and the girls were shit faced so we decided to walk back to our dorms, i shared with brynleigh so alanna and emerie said their goodbyes and went to their dorm. i sunk into my bed and remembered the piece of paper in my pocket.
i quickly pulled it out and carefully entered the digits into my phone and named the contact “guitar matt”, i sent a quick message saying i was home and immediately passed out not bothering to look at the message he had sent.
the next morning i woke up and my head was pounding, i realized i still had my shirt and bra on but i must’ve kicked my jeans off in the middle of the night. i grabbed my phone and saw he had texted me. last nights memories flooding my head. i clicked on the message as my eyes scanned what he had said.
“im in town for a week, can’t wait to see you again ;)”
a/n: sorry yall this song plus guitar matt is actually stuck in my head, also this is the only part ! (unless yall want another part cause im low key in love with this ;)) ok bye love you !!
comment to be added to tag list !!
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blue-sadie · 2 years ago
So i've seen this edit about quaritch and spider with that song "oh i love it and hate it at the same time, you and i drinking posion from the same vine" and just image it; reader who has an avatar and neteyam as her mate and she told everybody that her mom was na'vi and her dad was an avatar. When lo'ak and neteyam went to save spider they see reader in her human form and she thinks neteyam is dissapointed in her. Her avatar dies and she has to live with neteyam in her human form. The reader thinks he hates her or smtg. I thank you very much if you could write my ideea or just react <3
Sorry this might not be exactly what you wanted but I hope you like it 😁
Our Love Is Pure
Neteyam x Human Reader
Summary: sometimes our thoughts get the best of us causing us either failure or fortune
Warning: music = lyrics, reader death (kind of)
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3rd person pov
Neteyam watched the horizon hoping and praying to see Norman's helicopter but every time he does his heart just breaks all over again.
Telling myself I won't go there Oh, but I know that I won't care
You saved him, you pushed him out the way and took the bullet, the bullet that would've killed him but it killed you instead.
He held your avatar as it died he pleaded and begged for eywa to give you another chance you deserved it while he didn't he should have protected you he should have taken it not you.
With each day passing no news or sight of you, his heart arches more and more he struggles to look after himself but what he didn't know it was the same for you.
Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt This lust is a burden that we both share Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer Souls tied, intertwined by our pride and guilt There's darkness in the distance
It took norm days just to get you to speak but with each word becomes more shakey, what is supposed to happen between the two of you.
You never really hung out with him in your human form mostly because of safety reasons would he still want to be with you.
Those thoughts were clouding your head most of the day you would spend in your room staring at the way norman says your eyes get duller by the day, your skin has become paler and your body thinner because of the lack of food and water.
From the way that I've been livin' But I know I can't resist it Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Norman didn't know what to do he didn't know if contacting neteyam would help or just make it worse but what pushed him over the edge is when you came stumbling into the kitchen bearly holding yourself up.
You collapsed and he caught you before you hit the floor you blacked out, that was his breaking point they put you onto one of the med beds attaching an iv to your arm and made sure you were stable.
And once they knew you were safe he contacted jake to let him know about the situation and jake could almost say the same was happening there.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
When jake finally told neteyam what happened with you neteyam finally expressed emotion other then sadness and finally did something other then stare out into the open sea.
He tried to get on his ikran but his father and mother tried to stop him and reason with him to stay.
He finally burst and let his emotions out shocking his parents screaming at them that he needs and too see you and how he would be dead without you
Tellin' myself it's the last time Can you spare any mercy that you might find If I'm down on my knees again? Deep down, way down, Lord, I try Try to follow your light, but it's night time Please, don't leave me in the end
He yelled about all the times you were there for him and now he's gonna be there for you, his parents let him go because either he was going back.
The ride was long and terrible his lack of food and sleep was making his ikran nervous and almost crash afew times.
He finally felt relieved when he saw his home land in the distance and he spoke to himself praying that you would hear him, I'm coming baby hold on.
There's darkness in the distance I'm beggin' for forgiveness (ooh) But I know I might resist it, oh Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time You and I drink the poison from the same vine
He dodged the floating rocks and ignored as some ikran riders tried to talk to him as they flew past he didn't care all he cared about was you.
When he landed he could tell something was off when norman came running at him and telling him you need him.
He didn't even let norman finish and dashed into the lab his eyes widening as he saw the many scientists crowed around you.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time You and I drink the poison from the same vine
His heart clench and his body began to sway with dizziness he already lost you once and he wasn't gonna lose you again.
He crouched at the head of you bed looking down at your face you and your avatar were almost identical.
He slowly and softly caressed your small face with his fingers as he spoke to you as tears streamed down his face, baby please don't do this to me I can't lose you again.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
He sat there even after the other scientists left he sat there staring at you his hand clenching yours He was to scared to let go.
To scared to lose you, it only took 2 hours before you woke you your face twisted in confusion as you felt someone holding your hand.
It took you a couple minutes to open your eyes but when they did they filled with tears, neteyam tried to hug you but all you did was push him away.
He felt rejected and hurt in till he heard you speak "why are you here" you sniffled he felt confused.
"W-what do you mean baby" he murmured trying to think of reasons you would rejected him.
"Neteyam my avatar is dead" your voice was strained and raspy "what does that have to do with anything" he asked sitting beside your bed.
You didn't know if was joking or just trying to fool you "n-nete i-" "do you think I'd just leave you because your avatar is dead".
It was like he could read my mind, I looked away from him ashamed "yn I fell for you, your beautiful personality not your body" he murmured caressing my face and bringing it to look at his.
"I fell for your clumsiness, your idiotic ideas that always get us into trouble I fell for you" his words drew a quiet giggle from you making him smile.
"I feel for your mind and heart"
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giorno-plays-piano · 1 year ago
Thorns In His Mouth
Part VI
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Pairing: fae!Steve Rogers x reader
Warnings: obsession, dubious consent, minor character death, drugs (neither reader nor Steve are involved), slight eating disorder, mentions of tumor, high tech elves.
Words: 1.3k
Summary: Maybe it was a good idea to chat with a waitress a bit more once she brought you your order. Perhaps she could at least tell you with whom you should speak because you simply couldn’t force yourself to look at others, most of them already high, shouting something loudly or laughing or weeping. You could constantly hear the flapping of someone’s wings, weird whispers and noises, and the sound of boots and hooves that made your hair stand on end.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V
You stared at the earrings, dumbfounded. Did he say "we"? Was Steve going to look for that elf together with you?
Apparently, you just voiced your thoughts absent-mindedly because Steve murmured something and took you by the arm, moving to the café you despised with all your being.
It was much quieter inside tonight, though. There were only a few fair folk, and they were all silently eating or drinking something: the noisy company doing drugs and who knows what else yesterday was nowhere to be seen. Thank God.
As you fell on your seat, Steve taking a place on the other side of a minuscule plastic table, a familiar fae with bright pink hair approached you two. She threw a quick glance at you, pursing her lips at the sight of Steve, but then vanished to the kitchen without a word, probably to bring you the same sweet cupcake she had given you yesterday.
Staring at the elf with furiously bleached hair, you stilled, not knowing how to start a conversation with him again. What could you even say? Why did he want to accompany you on your quest? He had nothing to gain from it. Even the earrings you had given him he returned back to you, and you've never had of any fae returning human gifts. Granted, you weren't a big specialist, but it seemed strange, nonetheless.
Why was he so invested in your search?
The question was probably written all over your face because Steve gave a shaky laugh and rubbed his eyes tiredly as if he had a hard time explaining his reasons.
"I'm a former High elf, too," he started, watching confusion forming on your face while he gave you an unhappy smile. "I held a very high position at my court. Probably among the highest, compared to the others' here. Thus, I'm a Watcher. I watch over the exiled fae and elves, help them when I can, control them so they won't do anything stupid, and end somewhere worse than here. I keep in contact with humans, those who know who we are, and see that everyone abides by the rules. I'm the most useful companion to you if you want to find someone."
His words took you aback. This malnourished, anxious elf with his badly bleached hair and unnaturally long limbs was the most powerful of the exiled fair folk? Truly? Could you take his word for it? Oh, he did mention fae couldn't lie, but it was hard to believe he was telling you the truth.
For a second, you felt a little disappointed. You imagined someone like Watcher to be alike a fairy prince from the fairytale, magnificent in his glory, tall and strong, impeccably built, with his hair shining stunningly in the moonlight as he sat a top of his giant war horse. You did not, by any means, expect to find a Watcher to be a man looking like a 90s model addicted to heroine.
"But why do you want to help?" You asked very carefully, masking you disappointment not to offend him. "I imagine I have nothing of value to give you in exchange."
Suddenly, he smiled, albeit sadly.
"You needn't give me anything. I already owe you for what you did for my kin."
Again, a mystery. You were getting tired of his inadequate responses.
Seeing you bewildered, Steve continued, "You wept when Julius died. You regretted him leaving. Nobody else would do it for him, but you did, and now he's where he should be, at peace. If not for you, his journey would be... an arduous one."
His words made you silent, and you immediately forgot all the questions you were going to ask him. He had said something similar yesterday, hadn't he? Something about it being good that you cried at the sight of Julius' body, although you couldn't even imagine what good did it do to the dead elf. Was Steve talking about a reincarnation or something? Or Julius' spirit returning back to his homeland? You had no idea, but at the memory of a dead elf lying breathless on the sofa your anxiety rose again, and you clutched the pearl earrings in your hand until it started to hurt.
"Why wasn't it enough that you cried for him?" You asked out of nowhere, still searching for some proof Steve was tricking you.
He sighed, "I didn't cry."
Didn't he? You couldn't remember, his face but a blur after you had run up the stairs and collapsed outside of an abandoned factory.
No, you couldn't remember him crying.
"He was one of us," Steve muttered, accepting a black CD pack from a waitress who appeared out of nowhere, leaving a plate with you cupcake quietly on the table before she left without a word. "And I will miss him, but neither my folk nor me weep like you do. Unless on a very special occasion, a death of our beloved or a child, perhaps. But you... you humans know a great deal about compassion and sorrow. Your tears weight more than mine."
His words struck you to your core, and for a few seconds, you just sat there in silence, staring at the distressed - or rather just ancient and rugged - black leather of his jacket. No one had ever said anything like that to you. On the contrary, your therapist mentioned many times it's not healthy to be overly sympathetic and sensitive, to the point when someone's troubles made you troubled. You had to learn to keep your head cool, he said, because no one would profit from your worry. If you wanted to help someone, you needed to stay sane and safe first.
And here he was, this strange, somewhat scary and somewhat beautiful elf, telling you Julius got to his safe place because you had cried for him.
"It's strange, how your world works," you murmured, directing your gaze to the very same leather jacket as if you were talking to it.
Steve gave a laugh, shifting in his uncomfortable plastic chair while a fairy waitress stared at him intently behind his back, her hand resting on a bar counter.
"No stranger than yours." He smiled and made a small gesture with his left hand you barely registered, and the waitress abruptly turned away from you two with a blank expression on her face. "Then it's settled. I'll bring you to one more of my folks today, and you'll tell him your story. He's not a drug addict, by the way."
It was a very nice addition, you shrugged and bit into your cupcake that tasted as heavenly as yesterday. Were you going to develop diabetes if you ate it every day? You hoped not, although it was a small price to pay for the life of your mother.
"Actually, I wanted to mention it the last time. Do you know anything about our kind? Anything at all?" The elf asked nonchalantly, tucking a strand of hair behind his perfectly human ear. Seeing you froze, he chuckled, "It's fine. I'm with you. But it'd be better if you knew at least the basics, so I recommend doing some reading and using my advice for now."
"Of- of course," you immediately answered back, stuffing the rest of the cupcake in your mouth and hurriedly wiping your lips. "I'd be very grateful for any advice!"
He liked what you said. His face lit up, the corners of his big mouth turning upward. Before you had a chance to say anything else, he's already at the door, leaving a five dollar bill on the counter and motioning you to follow him God knows where. It's still a bit scary, to go after a strange, twisted but still weirdly attractive creature who moved with such grace even with his oddly long limbs and whose hair looked a little otherworldly despite the cheap bleach he used. But you're alone in this unfamiliar world without him, and you didn't think twice before you jumped off your seat, handing the waitress one more five dollar bill and running after Steve.
Part VII
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild @toodlesxcuddles @shygardengalaxy @heimtathurs @moonlightazriel @tsujifreya @lilithmoon92 @greenowlfactif @minshookie29 @nina2697
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angelsunoo · 2 years ago
Can we get riki x reader argument with happy ending pls we love angst guys 😍
HI ANONNNNNN im currently on a break (or we could say inactive lolol) rn, but i could push this in!!!! I love angst too btw MY BIAS YALLLLL
+ school just started again sooo ive been really busy
ARGUMENT / n.rk.
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PAIRINGS bf!riki x reader
GENRE requested, angst, fluff YUHHH
ABOUT you had an argument with your boyfriend.
WARNING swearing, argument. Reader is a bit possessive. All of these are a work of fiction. Ignore the cringe ass usernames in Twitter 😰
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It was 7:30 pm. You were up scrolling thru twitter, frowning at every post that bitch made. Why the hell is she acting like Riki is her boyfriend?
You had a scowl on your face. 'Why are u so cute'.
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They went on an arcade together. You audibly scoff. He declined your offer to go out with him just to be with that?
Honestly. That's ridiculous. Maybe I should unfollow her. She doesn't deserve my follow.
While you were thinking about ways to murder her, you were unaware that someone just arrived home.
"Hey, Y/N. " you jolt, nearly throwing your phone in the air.
"What the fuck.. " you curse out, placing your hand on your heaving chest. "Don't you know how to knock?" Your eyes widen. You didn't expect to sound so harsh.
"Oh, sorry if I surprised you." He rubs the nape of his neck. Your frown deepens. That's all he has to say? Ugh.
"You went to the arcade with Lei?" You crossed your arms, still with frown displaying your face.
He doesn't answer for a while, he was pulling out the tickets he earned from playing. He got a cute plushie too.
"Uh . Yeah." He casually says, still not giving you eye contact.
"Riki, look at me."
He looks at you with a confused look. "Why do you sound mad? Did I do something wrong?"
"Yeah. You did." You roll your eyes. Wow, does he really not see what's going on?
"What did I do?" He approaches you. He places his hands on your arms. In attempt to soothe you.
You backed away, causing him to let go of you, while your arms remained crossed. "You chose her over me."
"What do you mean?" He asks, with confusion. "Are you jealous I went out with her?" He shoots you a playfull grin, that was quickly removed by your hard glare.
"I'm not joking, riki." You cross your arms. Can't he read the room. You were genuinely upset, and it made you more upset that he failed to notice it. He doesn't respond, and stashed his tickets in a drawer.
"Hello???" You call out, peeking over to what he's doing. "Stop ignoring me asshole."
"What? I'm the asshole?" He glared back at you. Your eyes widen.
"Oh! So you're the one who's mad now." Your tone was a bit higher and harsh. He turns to you, mimicking your actions from earlier, crossing his arms.
"Literally, give me a break Y/N." He says, "She's just a friend. Why do you worry so much?"
"Excuse me? I'm no way near 'worried'." You retort, making air quotation marks with your fingers. "I'm just upset you declined my offer to go out!"
"Oh, then fucking swallow your pride and accept the fact I said no to you! You can't stand it it when someone refuses you, can you? You're being all bitchy to me this late at night." He raises his voice, his tone now also becoming harsher. "She's just a friend. Please don't make me say it again.." He walks away angrily. Leaving you in shock. You didn't mean it that way.
You're just....
"Riki! Come back here!" You shout. He doesn't reply and slams the door behind him. You feel water start to form around your eyes. You never seen him this furious to you.
Now you worry how you're going to sleep at night without his warmth radiating beside you on your bed.
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You could barely sleep at night. Why?
1. You couldn't sleep without him
2. You feel guilty for being a total bitch last night.
3. You are worried of where he might have gone. Did he go to his friend's place? Where did he sleep?
4. Your worried on how your going to talk to him the next day.
This is bad.
Maybe I should text him?
You open your phone, a bit hesitant to text him. You were really ashamed of what you did last night.
Maybe I should just talk to him in school.
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You arrived in school, nervously tapping your foot on the smooth marble floor.
Your eyes searched for him.
"Oh riki..." you whisper, your tone being impatient.
After a few minutes of waiting, you finally spotted him, walking with his older friend, Jungwon.
You suddenly feel shy to approach him, the image of his angry face still stuck in your mind made you feel so guilty and ashamed.
You realized your mistake. You shouldn't have been too dramatic yesterday. Riki can hangout with anyone he likes.
But to admit, his words kind of hit you too.
You gave up the idea of talking to him. You feel to ashamed to face him.
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Riki on the other hand, is dying to see you again. He misses your embrace and your kisses.
He felt really bad for what he said and he wanted to apologize. He saw you earlier, you looked somewhat nervous? He was going to approach you but you just suddenly left. He thought you didn't want to see his face.
"Yo Riki!" He turns to see who called him, it was jake.
"Oh hey hyung." He said. Jake raises his brow, a bit confused with riki's unusual attitude.
"Hey, what happened?" Jake asked, caressing riki's back slowly.
"I.. I had a fight with Y/N. I said really mean things to her and now I don't think she wants to talk to me," riki says so nonchalantly, but in actuality, he wanted to scream and cry right on the spot.
"Well, you should talk to her," jake says, and riki rolls his eyes.
"Are you serious? I literally told you she didn't wanna talk to me."
"Nuh-uh! You said 'I think'. So means you're not sure if she wants to talk to you or not."
"It's just that... It could've gone a different way. Maybe If i didn't scream at her then maybe she wouldn't be mad at me?" He says unsurely, not knowing what to do. He misses you so much and just wished he was hugging you right now.
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It was lunchtime, you said to your friend that you can eat alone. You placed your food tray with a heavy heart.
"Gosh, this day can't get any worse." You mumble, feeling no apetite to eat your food.
While you were busy playing with your food, you didn't know that someone sat infront of you.
"Hey, y/n. " you removed your gaze from your food to look who just sat infront you.
"O-oh! Riki..what you doing here?" You say trying to act casual, but he was able to see right through you.
"Why? Can't I sit with my girlfriend?" He playfully smirks at you, once he saw your red and flustered face.
God, y/n. Why are blushing at that?
"You've been playing with your food," he points out, "why don't I feed you, hm?"
You knew by his tone that he was teasing, and decided to play along.
Finally, he's yours again— I mean-! He has always been.
The end
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jazzmckay · 3 months ago
started davg today! haven't made it very far but im enjoying it :>
commentary and screenshots below, including ~female presenting n*ps~ lol
spoilers, obviously
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my girl fuckin blinked right as i took the shot cant believe this shit. get a load of her tits tho
im playing a female qunari rogue with the shadow dragon backstory. playing a they/them calls to me SO hard, and i will 100% be doing that in my second playthrough. i just already had an idea for this character and was gonna do it in dai but never got even close so! now shes a rook instead lmao
speaking of they/thems, i chose my first lavellan for the inquisitor and did a TERRIBLE job of making them in vg's character creation. someday ill redo them while having a dai screenshot as reference bc this feels like it doesnt look like them at all. mostly the eyes and cheekbones are super wrong, alas, i was getting impatient to actually start the game by this point, id already been in cc for a million years. i also couldnt find the option to choose their class so theyre listed as a hunter instead of the keepers first whoops
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my first choice was to beat up a whole bar instead of talking things out :)
my second choice was smashing every pot i came into contact with
tevinter is absolutely gorgeous. im enjoying the wilderness and fade stuff that comes after too, but i hope it isnt too long before i get to see more big active cities. all the magic built into the architecture, sometimes in ways that feel so modern while still being medieval fantasy, is fascinating
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a good boy.... best boy. so cute
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always love murals and statues and shit in these games. l o r e
im still struggling to get a hang of the controls--there are so many attack styles that i can barely keep it straight, before even getting into the abilities. i do enjoy this kind of combat a lot though. it reminds me of witcher 3 combat, which i really love, its just gonna be a hot minute before i'm no longer bumbling around like a dumbass lmao
the solarric really be solarricing dude love them sm. doomed yaoi... also there's already so much to pick apart with solas gosh. AND even tho ive only seen their outlines, ghilly and elgar look super cool. im looking forward to learning more about the connection with the darkspawn. have been curious about that since playing return to ostagar in origins and seeing what looked like a darkspawn-made altar to ghilan'nain
favourite status update ive gotten so far:
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i'm digging neve the most. i feel like im betraying an old friend when i support her over harding but :( neve
also since im playing a female rook, the party feels SO "varric and the girlies" right now. ladies ladies ladies. full squad of women constantly since varric got stabbed (lets go doomed yaoi lets go). we love to see it. and theyre all so pretty ;w; harding sitting on the couch with her legs tucked up all cutely.... girl thats illegal. i wanna scoop her up into my strong arms
(theyre also cool characters, i just got distracted with queer thoughts sry)
had to stop right after the ogre fight. looking forward to whats coming up next!
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urfavdilemma · 2 years ago
Just A Project | IV
Nathan Prescott x Reader
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Warnings: none really, this is basically jus filler
Words: 644
I’m finally in my dorm hall, completely exhausted, I miss my bed. As I’m walking down the hall I pass Dana’s room, and hear her usual music playing. “Hey, Y/N!” I hear Dana call, and I turn around, walking to stand in her doorway. “What’s up Dana?” She's sitting on her bed, legs criss crossed, in one of her cute pj sets. She always looks effortlessly pretty. “Come in, sit!” She invites me into patting the space in front of her on the bed. I accept the invitation, I always enjoy our chats.
As I sit down in front of her she speaks, “How have you been girl? We haven’t spoken in a while.” She isn’t wrong, recently she's been kind of distracted with her new guy friend, Trevor. “I’ve been pretty good, Dana. How about you? You know, with Trevor and everything.” She smiles. “Oh, Y/N, Trevor is great. He’s different from everyone else. And I enjoy hanging with him and his skater friends. No drama.” I smile, I’m glad that she's happy. Dana’s had it rough, freshman and sophomore year, everyone was convinced she was a whore just because some stupid jock made a comment about how she dressed. She only managed to get past it around a year ago. I was there for her through it all, because I know Dana. She’s been one of my best friends over the past few years, I have her back and she has mine.
“I’m so glad you’re happy, Dana. Trevor seems like he's really good for you.” I tell her honestly. Her smiles widen, “Thanks, Y/N. That's sweet.” She reaches out grabbing my hand and holds it between hers. “Oh, I heard from Kate that you got paired with Nathan for that project thing.” I sigh still with a small smile on my face. “Yeah, uhm, you know I’ve never really talked to him before today and to be honest, he’s not that bad.” I look down feeling a bit naive about my quick judgment about Nathan. I raise my eyes to try and see her reaction and she’s smiling.
“Oh my god!” I look up fully at her outburst. “You’re totally blushing, Y/N!” My eyes widen and I go defensive. “What? Am not!” I am… I wouldn’t go as far to say I have a crush on him but after today I think I definitely feel something for him. “Liar, you so are!” She laughs and rubs my hand that she’s still holding. “Don’t worry Y/N/N, I won’t tell anyone.” I smile at her, “Thanks.” We’re silent for a moment before Dana speaks up. “But for real, I get it, Nathan isn’t a bad guy. Not that I’ve seen at least. His dad is the fucked up one. And Nathan only gets seriously angry when someone genuinely deserves it. Even if sometimes he goes too far.” She speaks kindly.
I think over her words, they make sense. I mean yes I’ve seen Nathan get a little intense, but at the same time, Nathan does have genuine friends. Including Dana, which can only be a green flag. I let out a sigh. “I guess I should give him a genuine chance. He seems nice enough.” I say, making eye contact with Dana. “You should, I mean, you never know what could come out of it.” She smirks and gives me a wink. I let out a groan as blush came across my face once again, and pulled my hand away from her dramatically. She laughs wholeheartedly and I stand up from my place on her bed.
“Well, I am in dire need of a nap.” I start to back up and Dana stands up and attacks me with a hug. We giggle together and she lets go. “Bye, Y/N.” I walk out with a, “Bye, Dana!”
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goldenmagnolias · 2 years ago
lost in the labyrinth of my mind
pairing: OC High Lord of Dusk x Archeron!Sister
summary: Reverie Archeron has always been different. Different in a good or bad way depends on who you asked. Now a High Fae, and with another war approaching she tries to be as helpful as she can around Velaris and with her baby nephew, but at a High Lord meeting, the countless dreams she has as a child and the feelings that are not quite hers suddenly make sense and things become something that she never could have seen coming.
a/n: the plan/outline regarding this chapter was completely different but I ended up liking this too much to scrape it. so ophi and ria haven’t met properly just yet. but we do get a small glimpse into something very important and ria does meet someone.
masterlist // ao3
The first thing that came back to Reverie’s awareness was more of a sensation. Something singing inside of her chest, weaving itself around her heart.
Then the scent of Opium poppies mixed with strawberries and sandalwood, invaded her senses.
Much like the scent that she would dream while walking on those now so familiar clearings. That would get stronger when she approached the canopy of orange trees.
She slowly felt more awareness coming to her, she was laying down in something soft. There were muffled noises, voices speaking close to her but it was like she had her head underwater. Everything was murky.
She felt a familiar hand clutching her own, she knew that was Nesta’s — whose fingers were tracing her knuckles, in a nervous manner.
A hand moving a strand of hair from her face, Elain.
And she could feel Feyre’s presence both physical and close to her mind.
“She’s awaking.” Feyre’s voice was the first one she heard properly but it was the raw worry in it that made Reverie open her eyes. Eyes that met her sister blue ones but also the ceiling of the winter palace.
Not the time to pass out Reverie, she chides in her mind.
‘I’m afraid, that was a fitting situation,’ Rhysand’s coice comes in her mind, but he’s not on her line of view.
“What happened?”
“You fainted.”
“No not that. Rhys said fitting situation.” Reverie says sitting up with Elain and Feyre’s help. “What did he mean?”
Feyre’s eyes moved towards Elain and Elain looked at Nesta.
“Guys, you three are freaking me out a bit.” Reverie says quietly, eyes darting between her sisters.
“Um… there’s a situation.” Nesta begins.
“A situation really?” Elain asks their eldest sister.
“How you you put it then Elain?”
“That it was her magic reacting.”
“Reacting to what?”
“A mating bond.” Feyre says quietly.
And the silence that follows is deafening. Reverie isn’t sure if she heard it right.
“you’re apparently mated to the High Lord of Dusk.” Gwyn says when she realizes no one did elaborate.
Reverie blinks once, twice, thrice, “The what from where?”
“Apparently, besides the whole Kochei thing. Kallias was contacted by the High Lord of Dusk, who’s court had been trapped by magic for over a 700 years.” Feyre says, “you started going pale the second we could feel his magic.”
“Oh?” Nesta says, “that’s your reaction “oh”?”
“I didn’t think I would have a mate,” Reverie says quietly, “I mean yeah, there were the weird dreams in places I never saw but I thought it was my head trying to comfort me after everything, not a mating bond. And now?”
“Well the High Lords are meeting.” Elain says, and Rhys, Azriel and Cassian’s absences make sense. The other two were probably there to keep the united front and to watch over Rhys.
“Shouldn’t you be there Fey?”
“I am. In a way.” She says, tapping her temple. “They’re discussing the basics of what we know. Vassa is explaining what she knows and Jurian is being Jurian and glaring at everyone.”
“That tracks.” Lucien comments.
“Lainey?” Reverie calls turning to Elain.
“Did you see anything regarding this or him?”
“No.” Elain shakes her head, “but his cousin had to drag him to the meeting when they decided it was for the best to give you some air.”
A knock on the door stops any comments anyone else might make, and Vivianne enters the room, letting out a relieved sigh when she sees Reverie awake.
“Oh good, thank the mother, you’re okay.” she then moves handing her a large mug. “Hot chocolate.” She says when Reverie frowns before accepting the mug, “obviously with added cinnamon.”
“Thank you, Viv.”
“No problem. A little pick me up after fainting is good. I wasn’t sure if you drank alcohol so sweet it is.”
“Good choice.” Elain says with a smile, brushing Reverie’s hair down.
“Now… Feyre, would you tell Rhysand to tell him about her being awake.” Vivianne says, “he looked like he was going to have a heart attack.”
“already done.”
“Territorial Males.” Vivianne says with a dramatic sigh, “they turn into such mother hens.”
Elain snorts while giving Lucien a pointed look.
“Anything you wanna say, Blossom?”
“No dearest, nothing.” Elain says with a playful smile.
Nesta rolled her eyes at the two but Reverie could see the happiness in her eyes at their sister happiness, as Nesta unconsciously kept tracing Reverie’s knuckles.
“Will any of you grace me with the knowledge of his name at least? Or will I be in the dark?”
“Ophiuchus.” Feyre says.
“Like the constellation?”
“Family tradition, I’m afraid.” A voice joins the conversation and a girl with curly jet black hair and silver eyes, makes herself know, with a quick dip of her head in green. “I’m Ayla Hesperus. Ophiuchus’ cousin, and his second.”
“Reverie Archeron.” Ayla finished with a smile, “quite the myth all of you. Even with so little time with our court being able to contact the outside world again, the stories have already reached us.”
“Ophi almost fainted when we crossed the threshold into the palace. You can ask Lady Vivianne, he all but froze.”
“Just Vivianne, Ayla.”
The jet-haired woman nods but continues to look at Reverie, who looks at her, her curiosity getting the best of her so she has to ask.
“Does your court holds a clearing, a large one by a cluster of mountains. That has a canopy of orange trees by a lake?”
Ayla’s eyes widen. “You saw Euryphaessa.” She says slowly, “it’s our capital.”
“Well, if my dreams are anything to go by it’s beautiful.” Reverie says shyly.
“It is.” Ayla says with a smile. “Well, I just came to check on by. Taran deal with Ophi. I come here and see you’re okay by myself and he stays and pays attention on the meeting. Males I tell you, sometimes… by the mother. I will see you soon.”
And with a dip of her head she leaves.
“Did she just confirm I dreamt about a place that I’ve never been in or even knew that existed?” Reverie asks after a beat of silence.
“She did.” Lucien nods.
“Did any of you have that?”
“Dreamt of the night sky but not something specific.” Feyre says, with a pensive look.
“That’s nowhere near as specific, though.” Elain comments.
“Yeah, fair point.” Feyre says, “everything will be fine, Ria.”
“We are in the middle of a war, Fey.”
“Don’t do that to yourself.” Gwyn says, with a serious tone.
“Do what?”
“Try to push the idea that you can be happy away from your mind.”
Reverie sighs but nods under the gaze of the red headed Valkyrie and of her older sisters.
“It will be alright, Reverie.” Vivianne says comfortingly, “if it gives you any piece of mind, he’s very much a respectable male. And very very handsome.”
Reverie just nods stressing her lower lip with her teeth, but her cheeks flush slightly, the first action results in her gaining a squeeze on her hand from Nesta.
“Are we to stay here or go to the meeting?”
“Staying here is better.” Feyre says, “at least for now.”
Vivianne promptly brings a lot of finger foods and drinks for the other’s when it’s decided that they’re staying in the room.
Elain ends up settling on redoing Reverie’s hair as Nesta and Gwyn tell Vivianne about the Valkyrie training.
“Your mind is away.” Elain says quietly.
“I’m a tad bit overwhelmed.” Reverie says back in the same tone. “And a bit embarrassed.”
“Whatever for?”
“I fainted Lainey.”
“The amount of magic that swirled around the room? It would be weird if you hadn’t.” Elain says.
“Maybe… is it stupid that I’m also nervous?”
“No no it’s not,” Elain says with a shake of her head. “It’s normal I’d say. Me and Lucien met under different circumstances but I do believe that nervousness is about normal when it comes to a mating bond. People just react to the nervousness in different ways.”
“You mean you hiding from him, Feyre throwing a shoe at Rhys and Nesta aggravating Cassian.” Reverie teases.
“And you fainting.” Elain teases back.
Reverie gives her a tentative smile.
“What’s really on that head of yours?”
“You’re a Seer, Nesta is Lady Death and a Valkyrie, Feyre is the Cursebreaker. I’m just me. What if that’s not enough?”
“It will be. You’re enough Reverie, more than enough” Elain says, adamant tone in her voice, as she finishes her hair, “and you never know. Things change with time. We did so didn’t we?”
“Okay.” Reverie says, letting out a breath. “That’s a good point. More than a good point actually.”
“Oh I know I’m brilliant,” Elain jokes practically preening in delight making Reverie laugh.
taglist: @imma-too-many-fandoms
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sportsbianism · 11 months ago
Hey peru travel advice if u got any?
please have fun there in the greatest country of south america a very beloved nation 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
try the anticuchos they're amazing. try the lucuma ice cream from the street vendors!!!!! try a pisco sour, try choclo with queso fresco, try lomo saltado, chicha morada, emoliente, ceviche, picarones, papa la huancaiya, tacu tacu, chachangas, etc etc just eat lots of everything nothing is bad. go to a fruit market and try cherimoya. there's also a lot of chinese and japanese and italian food there that has been peruvianified, it's great. the food in peru is fucking amazing, try everything.
when i went i had the massive advantage of staying with and being shown around by my mother's friend who was born and raised in lima, and i was just a teenager so she basically planned everything and i just did whatever she told me to do haha. so im not gonna lie i never really had to do research or worry and idk exactly like .. i can't give the most amazing tips. she took us mainly to educational places like museums, historical sites, churches, at one point she took us to a dairy farm outside lima where they made queso fresco. we also visited a trout farm. like any place you'd expect a class of eighth graders to take a field trip, that's where we went haha. it rocked.
i can say definitely visit the smaller museums and smaller archeological sites. there is a national museum in lima that documents the civil war of the early 90s that i highly recommend. idk if you'll be in lima or huancayo or nazca or macchu pichu or what but wherever you are there are incredible archeological sites to visit nearby. it's not just macchu pichu.
i can also say, we took buses to travel everywhere, including long distances to other cities. we went to small local bus depots and i was usually the only person on them that wasn't from peru. i found that traveling this way was very cheap, and i saw extraordinary scenery, and there were sometimes good food vendors on the bus, or on very long distance drives, the driver would sometimes stop at a good restaurant that was very cheap. i loved it. one time going back from huancayo to lima, the bus did break down a bunch of times delaying our trip by several hours, but even that was one to the most extraordinary experiences of my life. driving through those mountains and forests, down into the vast desert and towards the coast, during the most beautiful sunrise ive ever seen in my life, made the inconvenience and discomfort more than worth it. these long distance buses are usually pretty nice, too, they're very similar to an american greyhound. so i would really recommend that especially if you know someone there or are balling on a budget.
on the practical side of things, do not drink or brush your teeth with unboiled tap water. you'll get sick. my friend didn't drink any but brushed her teeth with it, and she got sick as a dog and couldn't come to nazca with us.
also, peru has very strict wildlife exportation laws, so be cautious about bringing home any souvenirs made out of wild animals or wild animal products, bc they will probably be confiscated from you when you get back home. alpacas are domesticated so you're good there.
also i think you should buy a huge bottle of vanilla from a local market bc the vanilla there is delicious
it's been my observation that peruvian culture is very kind and polite. ppl don't make a lot of eye contact but everyone is really cool. idk if you're fluent in spanish or anything but don't be nervous about trying to speak it if you're not that good, and try to be very kind to ppl, bc there's a really generous and welcoming spirit, ppl will be kind to you.
if you need a doctor, just go, bc it's super cheap, like twenty bucks for an appointment.
don't worry about the elevation. just drink a lot of water and bring some excedrin. don't be a weenie it's a once in a lifetime experience!
i love peru so much it's very close to my heart. im so glad you're going, please tell me how things go!!!!!!!
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