#like it was an ego thing combined with a clawing my eyes out I’m a prodigy and nothing is interesting anymore thing
zukkacore · 3 months
The thing abt Jace hireling au that people have to understand. Is that Hireling Jace is actually way more of a cunt to gorgug about being a barbificer than even Porter is, but he has no idea he's being more of a cunt than Porter b/c he's genuinely trying to be supportive in his own way bc he thinks people deserve the right to fuck up their own lives. He's like. Well. I may have decimated my own life slowly killing myself to hack it in this this very rigorous int based class i was NOT fucking prepared for and everyone thought i was crazy for doing b/c i was so naturally gifted at what I already had going for me and why fuck up a good thing. But like. It's your life lol. He would sign Gorgug's MCAT if asked but he would be a total bitch about it, but it would fuck with Porter's business and he thinks thats funny
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bordysbae · 2 years
“He’s my ex, we broke up for a reason” for Ethan
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i decided to combine these requests! hopefully that’s okay with both of the anons who requested these, i’m so sorry if that’s not what you wanted :)
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ethan edwards x reader
please read this: i do not know much about type 1 diabetes, so if ANY of the info in this story is incorrect, PLEASE let me know so i can fix it to be correct! <3 UPDATE: i changed part of the story (a small small bit, might even go unnoticed to some re-readers) due to some incorrect info on diabetes!
word count: 1.0k
it’s been 2 months since you and ethan broke up, and you’re finally okay enough to start going out again. ethan broke up with you out of nowhere, and it seriously broke you.
for the first month after the breakup you avoided anywhere and anyone that could possibly lead you to even a glance of him, but you’re finally branching out, and going to a party. you’re really only going since majority of your friends, who happen to be ethan’s teammates, wouldn’t stop begging you to come. but you’re actually excited, who cares if you see ethan? it’s time you show him what he missed out on.
“does this shirt make me look like a slut?” your roomate ella asks you. “no not at all, it makes you look really good!” you smile, looking her up and down. “okay good, luca is gonna be there” she smirks. “you and luca need to get together already jesus, i cant keep dealing with having to leave the apartment every time he’s coming over at like 10:30” you roll your eyes playfully. “well, we both know where you used to go when luca came over. speaking of which, is he gonna be there tonight?” ella asks, obviously talking about ethan. “i don’t know and i don’t care. he’s my ex, we broke up for a reason.” “yeah, a reason which you still don’t know of. you guys at least need to talk about it” “yeah yeah whatever” you say as you put your hoop earrings in your ears.
you both arrive at the frat house filled with the smell of cheap cologne, sweat, and alcohol. “hey y/n! i’m glad you made it!” dylan calls out as you shuffle around the already drunk crowd. “hey duker!” “oh hey ella! luca was wondering if you were coming, i last saw him in the kitchen.” “oh shush dylan, don’t tell her that. you’re just boosting her ego even more” you chuckle, earning a soft shove from her. “i’m gonna go find him and maybe grab a drink too, you okay to stay with dylan?” ella asks you, and you nod as an answer before she slips away into the crowd. “so um, is he..”“yeah, he’s here.” dylan says giving you a small pitiful smile. “don’t give me that pity smile dylan, i’m done with all of the pity everyone’s given me these last couple months. i’m over him.” you say. “i know i believe you, but you haven’t seen him since he ended things” “so? what has he changed or something?” “well no..” “exactly dylan, so it’s fine” “you’re right sorry” he says meaningfully, understanding of your attitude. that’s what you loved about dylan, he was the only one who always understood your feelings and never blamed you for distancing yourself from everyone completely. “THERE SHE IS! the myth and the legend!” you hear luke shout as he wraps his arm around your shoulder. “hey luke!” you smile. “cmon i gotta get another white claw, the cooler is outside” he says as he leads you outside, dylan following at your guys’ side.
you greet some of your other friends on the way to the porch, dylan and luke greeting people on the way as well. you get outside and there’s barely anyone there, so you finally get the slightest bit of quiet from the loud blaring music inside. as luke and dylan are trying to find good white claw flavors, out of nowhere your head begins to feel empty, and your hands start to shake slightly. you feel a little dizzy, and grab onto the wall as you begin to feel your legs getting weaker. “y/n? what’s going on?! are you okay? dylan help her up!” luke calls out, as they both rush over to help you stand up straight. “shit, i know what this means, she’s low. go get ethan, he knows exactly what to do!” hearing his name brings you back to reality, “what?! no no no please don’t get ethan!” you cry out. “luke don’t listen to her, go get him!” dylan yells as luke rushes inside to go find your ex-boyfriend.
your head is still spiraling and your now sitting against the wall, as ethan comes rushing outside. “y/n, here eat this!” he says as he shuffles through his pockets. you look at him with a confused face, as he pulls out a small fun-sized bag of m&ms from his wallet, your favorite candy. “ethan why do you-“ “shhh, we can talk about this after you’re stable, eat them.” he says, handing you the bag. after a few minutes, your blood sugar is back to normal and you now realize that it’s just you and ethan outside. ethan sighs and sits down next to you, fiddling with his fingers. after a few moments of silence, you break it. “ethan, why do you still keep m&ms in your wallet?” you ask softly. “just incase you ever need them.” “but i haven’t seen you in two months, there’s no need to keep them there. don’t they get stale?” “i switch them out every few weeks, just incase i ever run into you again” he admits, looking up from his lap and turning his head to you before starting up again, “it became a ritual for me when we were dating, and i just kept it going. i still care about you y/n, so so much.” he sighs.
“why did you break up with me?” you ask, afraid of what he’s going to say. “because i was scared. the draft was coming up and i wasn’t giving you the attention you deserved, so i got scared you’d leave me, so i ended things first. i regretted it more than anything but you shut yourself away, and i knew it wasn’t my place to barge in and beg for you back. but never in those two dreadful months have i not thought about you, y/n.” “i miss you too, e.” you admit. “i miss you so much more” he says, entangling your guys’ hands together. “can i kiss you?” he asks you softly, brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “absolutely” you say, as you both lean in.
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dujour13 · 2 years
24. Evil
*Big spoilers* for the game main quest in this one.
More adventures in the Abyss thanks to @starlightcleric's Owlcatober 2022 challenge. The rest on AO3.
Siavash left the House of Silken Shadows in stunned silence.
When they reached the Nexus, their guardian angel was already gone. In the absence of the Hand’s luminous vigilance, the camp was like a shadow world, dark figures moving aimlessly in the twilight. Without a word, Siavash dropped his pack at the mine entrance and walked as far as he could down the ledge across the cliff face until he reached a dead end and sat down with his back to the stone, dully staring at the bleak sky and Ishiar’s dark waters below.
He passed a hand over his eyes. He felt so desolate there weren’t even tears.
Part of him wanted to push the dark thoughts away, but he owed it to all the people he’d betrayed to face the whole horrible thing, so he steeled himself and lifted his mental eyes to confront the demonic shadow that now haunted his soul—or that had been there all along. Those surges of rage you experience? That’s the other half of your soul manifesting itself, not yet fully aware, not yet fully awakened. What had Areelu done to him? Who was he, really?
It felt like he was looking down on himself from far off, disconnected from his life, from who he’d thought he was.
No longer so innocent and joyful, his memories began to take on a sinister cast. Refusing to sit still, making life hell for his parents and teachers, started to look more demonic than charming. The cheerful, friendly youth now seemed narcissistic and fickle. His accomplishments as a diplomat were no more than games of insincerity, manipulation and lies. What he had done to Kristov was worse than just selfish, it was cruel. Worst of all, his wild, irresponsible Crusade, leading people to destruction, a bunch of drunken Crusaders charging to their death. He should have sent the teenagers right back to the safety of their orphanage. And the mimics were all fun and games until someone sat down and got munched. Galfrey was right about all of it. The guilt felt like a cold claw that had seized his heart and just kept squeezing it tighter and tighter.
How foolish he felt, too, for his recent bravado. Thinking he commanded the power of Elysium, when it was the Abyss all along. You’re worse than Baphomet, Deskari, and all the other demon lords combined, Mephistopheles had said. Pretty spot on. And like a buffoon he’d told the Archdevil to get in line.
And this wound, that ached like he would split in half. Areelu had been on the cusp of explaining it when Nocticula stopped her—why? She said they needed a champion, not just a key, to close the Worldwound. Whatever that meant, he pictured Areelu bent over him with hooked surgical instruments, clamping the wound open so she could carefully implant corruption into his heart like grafted tissue. He was no different from Suture.
“We’re practically brothers, you and I, eh chum?” the dretch had grinned with its hideous mouth stretched wide.
It was an ugly mirror.
What could he even say to the Merry Band now? How could he lead them, how were they to escape the Abyss? Not to mention Woljif…
Who was suddenly there at his side.
“Hey chief.” Woljif sat down next to him, but Siavash didn’t even look up.
They were quiet for a few minutes. Woljif’s tail swiped back and forth, sending gravel off the ledge. At last he looked over and said gently, but with a wry twist to his mouth, “Kinda smarts when you show up with horns and everybody turns their back on you.”
Siavash finally lifted his head. He looked at Woljif sadly in the gray light.
Woljif just raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“Maybe I’m not as brave as you,” Siavash sighed.
“Ha, right.”
“Woljif, how do you do it? My fragile ego takes a blow and all I can do is sit here and stew in my guilt and misery.”
He shrugged. “Dust yourself off and come up with a new plan.”
Siavash rubbed his eyes and stared out at the bleak sky.
“I gotta go,” Woljif said, rising.
“Wait, stay with me.”
“Nah, I gotta report back. Everybody’s worried. You know, the Hand’s the only one who took off. Never trusted that guy.”
“What are you going to tell them?”
“You’re fine. Need a handkerchief?”
* * *
On his way back up, Aivu bounded down to meet Siavash and nearly knocked him flat.
“That dumb old angel doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” she said, nudging him up the path faster. “He was boring anyway. That one time I drew a happy face on his helmet, he just wiped it off.”
“I’m so glad you’re still here, Aivu.” He threw his arms around her neck and buried his face in her soft, sweet-smelling scales.
“Don’t be silly. You’re my friend.”
Their other friends were waiting. Siavash took a deep breath as they gathered, and said grimly, “Demonic though it may be, I intend to use this power to finish what we started. I’m going to Colphyr, and I’m going to stop the flow of Nahyndrian crystals through the Worldwound once and for all. But first, I’ll find a way back to Golarion so any of you who wish to can go ho—”
“There’s no time for that,” snapped Regill. “Colphyr is our first, and only, priority.”
Siavash looked around at all of them. “I understand if any of you want to leave. You’ve done enough to be heroes thrice over, all of you.”
“Did you take a blow to the head?” Seelah asked, staring at him. “Nobody’s leaving.”
Lann shook his head. “I’m the last guy to judge somebody for looking like a freak experiment.”
“Thanks, Lann.”
“And by the way,” the mongrel said, human side of his face in a crooked smile, “some good did come of that bender I went on at the Bad Luck. Met an airship captain. I bet she can get us to Colphyr.”
“But what about all these freed slaves?” said Arueshalae. “We can’t just leave them here.”
Siavash nodded. “Any volunteers to stay and hold down the fort?”
No one budged.
“Greybor, I’m paying you for this.”
“Fair enough,” grunted the dwarf. “I have things to do in the city anyway.”
“Very well.”
“Thank you. I know you’re not happy about it, but that doesn’t change much, I suppose. There’s no one I trust more. Uh, go easy on them though. They’ve been through a lot.”
He turned to the others. “Ember, you too. You know how to look after people better than anyone. Camellia, you can lend a hand with the healing.”
“I will stay,” Trever volunteered. “Done fighting.”
Regill wasted no time taking stock. “The Hand purified the source, so we’ll have enough water,” he said, “but there is not enough food for this many, and you will have to pay for the airship, probably quite dearly.”
At this, Lann bowed his head. His lips were pressed together, both hands balled into fists. From the tone of his voice, it was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to say: “Fine. I’ll stay. I can help scavenge.”
“No, I need you, Lann,” said Siavash.
“Then how are we going to—"
“Hang on.” Woljif vanished for a few moments and came back with a couple of small, heavy sacks. “Courtesy of Sarzaksys.”
Regill accepted them with a stern nod.
“Glad to have me around now, aren’tcha Uncle Regill?”
“Get rested and packed, everyone,” said Siavash. “And… thank you, all of you. I don’t—”
Seelah patted him on the back hard enough to stop him mid-sentence. “Enough speeches. Save your breath for the victory song.”
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
longing stares ; august walker x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count — 5,515 words
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
warnings — SMUT, unprotected penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), handjob, degradation? angst?? fluff? swear words, august talking down/shit about another boy, window sex
pairing — august walker x fem!reader
summary — in which august walker made the mistake of hurting the love of his life — thinking he had the upper hand, but in reality it hurts him even more than he cares to admit.
a/n — DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18, so this was inspired by this post, but i wanted to twist it up a bit to fit the song that inspired me to write,,, so i hope it turned out alright :> feedback is very much appreciated! 
tagging — @cruelfvkingsummer​
masterlist | series masterlist
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The pencil that he balanced between his fingers snapped into two as he saw a sleazy employee's frail hands touch her shoulders affectionately. At first the Hammer found it foolish when Sloane told him his personal office would have two-way mirrors for walls; but now he was more than thankful for it as he was sitting down behind his desk because it allowed him to watch the scene unfold without them knowing about his intense stare at them. His piercing gaze would have buried this son of a bitch who dared touch what’s his as she was burying herself with work.
Well, what was his to be more accurate. But his brain couldn’t fully absorb that fact as his fingers were hastily sending a text to Benji that he was sending someone over to his department and to keep the idiot busy for as long as it took. Leaving his phone on the table, he didn’t bother to wait for a reply as he sauntered over to the outside of his office and opened the door as he called out, “Jonathan, Benji needs you in his department. Something about a malfunctioning gadget.” The brunette pointed to himself as he wondered, “Me? My name’s Joshua.”
“In case I haven’t made it clear, I don’t care about your name, John, I just need you to get over down and check out the malfunctioning device — and I’m not talking about your brain.” Y/N gasped out loud at what August said, for it was unusual for him to talk shit about others; she could only watch Joshua as he excused himself to go to the 30th floor where he was being called for.
Once he vanished within her line of sight, she brought her eyes to look at August who had a stern expression on his face, “You, in my office. Now.” As his voice left no room for questions, she stood up from her chair and entered his all too familiar work space. “What the hell was that about, Walker?” Her hands rested on her hips as she raised her voice at him once he came in too after closing the door to give them privacy. “What was what, princess?”
He mimicked her by placing his hands on his hips too; but he didn’t have the combination of a frown and pout that she had, instead there was a smirk on his lips. “You don’t get to call me that,” Even though she loved the way the nickname rolled off his tongue and how it was reserved solely for her, she now hated how it just served as a reminder of their past, “Not anymore, Walker. So cut the shit and answer my question”
Bobbing his Adam's apple up and down, August was cursing with how cold and serious she was being. “I didn’t like the way he was getting too close with you,” There was no reason for him to fabricate a lie so he decided to just tell the truth. “Well that’s rich,” She scoffed as she crossed her arms against her chest and looked at him with disgust, “You decide you don’t want me and yet no one else gets to have at least a chance with me?”
His brain interpreted what she said differently as he slowly moved towards her, speaking dangerously low, “Yes, princess, that’s exactly what it means. No one in this fucking world gets you, because you’re all mine. I don't care if they're a rookie in the CIA or some royalty. They will have to kill me before they get to you.” If it were someone else, they would have shivered in fear once they were backed against a wall by a trained, skilled CIA agent who has planted his hands on the wall by her torso, caging her in. But not Y/N because she knew two things — one, he would never harm her, not in a way she wouldn’t enjoy. And two, she was his weakness. 
“I’m not yours, Walker,” From a venomous tone she shifted to a calmer one which surprised the man as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “You made it extremely clear that night about how what we had doesn’t mean anything to you.”
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It was a miracle that August managed to open his apartment door as his focus was on leaving his marks on her neck. “Hated seeing him so close to you,” He growled without his lips leaving her skin as his foot closed the door. Lifting her up over his shoulders made her squeal, more so when he smacked her ass while he effortlessly brought the two of them to his bedroom. Y/N bounced slightly as she was dropped on his comfortable mattress.
Large hands ripped her dress in two and revealed the black lingerie set she had hiding underneath her office clothes. “You trying to kill me, princess?” August husked out as he tore his own dress shirt off before spreading her legs, thumb rubbing against her clothed core, “Princess, you’re staining through the thin cloth.” Sliding the cotton material off of her, he brought it to his nose and smelt her arousal before throwing it off the bed. Every time they ended up in his place, he sneakily hid her underwear so he could jack off to them when they aren't together.
Y/N gasped out as she felt his moustache tickle her skin as his lips left kisses on his ascent to her. A toothy grin was plastered on both their faces. His fingertips graze the under band of her bra, “As much as I love this bra,” August unhooked it and threw on the floor as his lips enveloped her breast as his hand grabbed and played with the other, “I’d rather see your body in all its glory.”
Her hands tangled in his hair as she arched her back, feeding more of her flesh to him. “Fuck bear, more please,” She moaned out loud when his tongue drew circles around her nipple before biting on the pebble. Pulling away from her tit, August smirked at her blissed out state as he undid his pants, sliding it off him as his cock sprung out. “And why were you going commando today, bear?”
Kissing her lips passionately so her smirk would be wiped off, he rubbed the tip of his cock on her slit, “Because I wanted to tease you at work,” Her mewls of need fueled his ego, her hands were clawing at his ass as she was trying to guide his cock in her hole. “What’s the magic word, princess?”
“Please! Please bear, need you so bad,” As soon as she whined out the final word August slid his cock right in her; velvet and warm walls welcomed his cock by gripping onto him tightly that it made him struggle to thrust in or out of her. Her grasp on his ass didn’t take and if anything it made her just dig her nails againdt the skin even harder, which only added to both of their pleasure.
Ruthlessly, August ripped both her hands from his plump ass to lay them above her head, his hands forbidding her to move them around His other hand lifted her leg, resting it on his shoulder, which allowed him to reach even deeper. “You like how deep I can reach in you?” Each word was accompanied by a harsh thrust to every word; her moans brought pride to his chest for they both knew he was the only one who could pleasure her this well. 
“Tell me, princess, tell me how much you like it when I fuck you,” The vein on his neck became even more prominent as he growled at her. Feeling the vibrations of his growl against her lips just made her glaze even more of her juices in his cock; a firm swat on her thigh had her focusing on his command, “You fuck me so good, bear,” She gasped out when his cock poked her sensitive flesh which made her an even more out of focus, “Only you can make me feel this good, bear. Want no one but you.”
Her words paired with the way her walls clamped down on his cock pushed him right over the edge; both of them gasped out when August pulled out of her cunt and let go of her hands. Before getting to question what he was up to, he leaned down until he was face to face with her cunt, quickly inserting his tongue on her pussy.
“Oh fuck, please bear, please rub my clit,” Graciously, his thumb rubbed on her clit as his other hand jerked his cock off while he shook his head side to side, driving his tongue even deeper in her. “Cum for me, princess,” Convulsing upon feeling the tremors of his words on her mound, she could only grab onto his head to grind her closer to her as she relaxed her body as she came.
“There’s my good girl,” He praised her while lapping her juices and drinking it all up. Opening her eyes once she felt herself significantly calmed down, she whimpered upon seeing his cum-covered moustache and red cock that was red and aching to cum. Sitting up, she moved closer to him and wrapped one hand on his balls while the other stroked the length of his cock, “Coat me in your cum, bear. Please, bear?” The innocence her eyes held contradicted the way she spoke and jerked him off sultrily — which made him throw his head back as he spilled his cum on her hands. 
Giving kitten licks on the tip of his cock prolonged his orgasm as he stroked her hair lovingly; once he let out all of his cum, Y/N licked some of the cum that spilled between her fingertips. Smiling widely, she looked up at him and opened her mouth to show how she had drank up all he had to give. Patting her head gently he praised her again, “Such a good girl for me, princess.” He kneeled beside her before taking her in his arms before collapsing beside her, August cuddled her close to him as she moved around to face him. Her finger was tracing over his jawline as they both silently cherished the post orgasmic haze they both were in. He loved being with her this way — loved the way their bodies worked in tandem. But they weren’t just a great pair in bed, Y/N was one of the few capable and intelligent employees Hammer has met. Though he often displayed a tough exterior, he could easily show her as well a vulnerable side of him.
There was an instance wherein she accidentally barged in on his night of wallowing in self-pity with the intention of fucking so she could release tension, she was instead faced with a sorrowful August. That night, she made it clear to him that he didn’t have to open up to him if he was uncomfortable. She just wanted to be there for him, even if they just both drank in silence, just so he wouldn’t be alone with his thoughts.
He did end up letting her in and voicing out what was going on in his mind. Upon taking it all in she made it clear that he wasn’t the villain he made himself out to be. “You are not defined by what you have done,” Concern was laced on her voice that night as she held her face with gentle hands, “You were asked to do so in order to guarantee the safety of the whole damn world. If anything, it’s us who doesn’t deserve you.”
Just as he was about to rebut what she said, Y/N sweetly pecked his lips to shut him up right away, “Never talk shit about yourself, bear. You’re a great person and I would be more than glad to help you realize so.” From then on every time he entered his office there would be a sticky note taped on his desktop screen where she wrote something great about him.
“What are you smiling about?” He wondered as her lingering hand settled on his cheek, rubbing the prickled skin. “Just thinking about you,” Her vague answer just had him even more curious than he already was. It wasn’t unusual for the two of them to be quiet after sex, but there was something about the way she was looking at him and the way her touch seemed gentler, softer.
“What about me?” It was a rhetorical question, he didn’t expect any answer from her. So imagine his surprise when she mindlessly confessed, “I love you, August.” 
Sitting up against the headboard he stared at her with bewilderment evident on his face, “What the fuck did you say?” Clutching the blanket to hide her nudity, Y/N could not help but feel vulnerable and exposed as she sat up to level with him, “You heard me, August, loud and clear. I told you I love you.”
It was like a dagger pierced through her heart as he rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed as he rummaged through his drawers and grabbed a tank top and sweatpants, “I call bullshit on that.” Offense and hurt overcame her entire being as she hastily dressed herself up as well, “And why do you call bullshit on that?”
“Because it’s not real!” He shouted as he turned to face her shocked face; he has never raised his voice to or in front of her. Part of her was terrified — she didn’t know what he would do in a confrontational situation like this. Sensing her startled state, he then spoke in a lower tone, “The love that you feel for me, isn’t real. It’s just in your head, you’re just coming down from your high.”
Enraged she chewed him out, “Why are you invalidating what I feel? I know in myself that I love you!” Shaking his head no, August crossed his arms as he challenged, “We’re just friends! Fuck, we’re just colleagues!”
As soon as the words left his lips he could see the effect it had on her for her tears were threatening to leave her eyes and it caused him to feel as though someone had squeezed his heart roughly. “Do friends do what we do?”
Her weak voice made him feel even more bad than he already was but he still couldn’t stop himself from being an ass, “Friends with benefits do.” She smacked his chest as she yelled out in frustration, “I’m not just talking about the sex, idiot! I’m talking about whether a friend comforts you everytime you feel pity for yourself? Would a friend clean up your bruises and cuts after a hard mission? Or when I make sure you have enough homemade meals, what am I to you then?”
“Nothing,” The way he said it so casually and without a second thought should have scared her; and it did, “It doesn’t mean anything to me. You’re not mine nor are you my girlfriend.” That was the final nail in her coffin — the rude awakening that while she was out here going out of her way to make him feel loved and appreciated but he would never do the same for her, or so she thought.
“Okay then,” She shakily sighed out, “I’ll see myself out.” Bending down to grab her discarded purse but not before saying, “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Walker.” Not bear or August, he called her what everyone else did. It was a painful reminder of something he had lost and not appreciated enough. It was for her own good, he thought, she doesn’t deserve to be with a monster like myself. 
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His hands abandoned his position against the wall as he recalled his harsh dismissal of her, “We aren’t together, in any shape or form. You made it very clear that night.” Taking advantage of the gap he created between them as he stepped back from her, she walked away from his office before he had a chance to say anything. Sitting down on his office chair he banged both his fists on the desk, which made all the objects in it jump slightly before coming back down. Deciding that he had enough for the day, he hastily collected his belongings before exiting the office to head home. 
As he got on his motorcycle, he remembered how firm her arms clung around his waist every time she rode with him. She feared falling on the vehicle and despite August’s repeated promises that he wouldn't ever let that happen to her; secretly, he loved it when she pressed her frame firmly against his back. It made him feel loved and appreciated — and that wasn’t the only time or her only way to let him feel so.
Turning off the engine as he parked, he trotted up to his apartment and once the door opened he took in the messy state of it. Ever since her exit, he neglected to take care of it because he wasn’t impressing her anymore. Besides, he fears that once he does organize his flat he just might find more relics of their shared time. 
Quickly showering the day’s dirt, he then laid down on his bed with a hand behind his head as subconsciously — or purposely if his brain decided to torture him as well — his would often replay what happened during these quiet, lonely moments of the night. And without fail, it always gives him the urge to smack himself for breaking her that way. Truth is she was everything he wanted and needed. Upon meeting her, he knew he wanted to change for the better just so he would be deemed worthy enough to be with her. There was something about her being magnificent in her own account that made him feel inferior to her.
It also didn’t help that he had never been in a serious relationship before; he often went for hookups and one night stands since his fear of commitment did not allow him to easily open up to anyone. But with her it was as if it was his instinct to tear down the facade he displayed to the world. “I love her,” He came to that conclusion and it shook him to his core.
Before closing his eyes to enter a state of unconsciousness, he then decided that he would confess what he felt to her, beg for her forgiveness, and ask for a chance to start a relationship with her. “Gonna do whatever it takes,” He promised to himself with a smile before pictures of him with Y/N clouded his dreams. 
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The moment he stepped foot on his floor, he noticed how Y/N wasn’t in her cubicle. Maybe I’ll talk to her after work, he thought to himself as he entered his office and busied himself with work.
Y/N knew it was an atrocious idea — one that could backfire in her face — but something about yesterday’s encounter with August fueled her to do so. It was nearing four in the afternoon when Joshua stopped by her cubicle to ask her once again if she wanted to hang out with him; in all fairness, he was a nice guy. But once you’ve had a taste of gold in your life, you would never settle for a nickel.
“So Y/N, I was wondering maybe we could grab dinner after this? I know this great restaurant that just opened a couple blocks from here,” The brunette nervously suggested as he leaned against her post. Not sure if August was seeing the whole exchange, she decided to stand beside him as she trailed her hand to his forearm as she sweetly smiled at him, “Yeah? What do they serve?”
Cue Joshua nervously rambling about the menu and ambiance of the restaurant as a Hammer prepared to nail down his mark on his woman. The moment he saw the sleazy boy once again drop by her cubicle, he was closely monitoring the situation and was more than displeased to observe how his woman flirted back at him. The fucking audacity you have, princess, He thought as he sauntered over there.
Gasps were emitted from both Y/N and Joshua when August stormed in to interrupt their discussion— pushing the brunette away as he pulled Y/N in for a searing kiss, ending their conversation. With his hands pressed against her cheeks, he poked his tongue on her lips as he demanded she let him in; and he could not help but smirk when she rested her hands on his arms, not pushing him away and instead feeling more of him, while she parted her lips to welcome his tongue without hesitance. 
Pulling away from their kiss, August placed a few more pecks on her lips before placing an arm on her lower back before arrogantly turning to Joshua, “Sorry pal, I don’t think the memo has reached you, so I’ll just make it crystal clear for you — Y/N is my woman so you better steer clear from here unless you want an excuse to use your health insurance.”
Nervous gulping down and walking away from her cubicle was how Joshua rescinded to the situation; while August led Y/N into his personal office despite the gasps and stares of the other employees. Right now, he didn’t give a damn about their gossiped hunches for his princess tested his patience.
““What the hell was that about, princess?” He angrily asked as he turned to her with a stern expression as he rested a hand on his hip. Opposite him was a smirking woman who threw him the same answer she was given when they talked, “What was what, Walker?”
Realizing how the tables have turned, he exhaled through his nose in order to remain calm before huskily explaining how he saw things, “What were you thinking when you grazed his arm,” To emphasize, he ran a hand in her forearm to reenact how she sensually touched the other boy, “But you know what I find the most interesting? Was the way you eagerly kissed me back; do you know what that was all about?”
His breath touched her cheek having walked up right in front of her; this distracted her for a bit as her brain scrambled to formulate an explanation for her actions. “Well?” August lifted a brow as he slightly moved his head, prompting her to answer the question.
“I don’t know what that was, bear.” Despite her timid answer, he heard it loud and clear. But what really pleased him was the fact that she didn’t use his name rather she used the nickname she graced him that one time Y/N poked fun about how hairy he was since he refuses to shave his chest hair and moustache.
“So you had no idea as to why you touched him like that when you know for a fact that you belong to me,” He clarified to her as he tilted her chin up with the other hand that wasn’t resting on his hip to get her to look at him. 
“How many times do I have to make it clear to you that I do not fucking belong to you; that is what you said to me, right?” Her bold facade quickly disappeared as he grabbed her arms, walking towards the window. Making her turn to face the window, he pressed her cheek against the glass window, “Well I’m gonna fucking remind you that you belong to me and only me.”
Rough fingertips lifted her skirt, leaving the velvet bunched up around her waist, and ripped her panties to shove it in her mouth, “Don’t need you speaking if all that’s gonna leave your dumb mouth is you don’t belong to me. You’re not gonna speak unless you state my claim on you.”
A muffled whine was all she could let out as she nodded when her pussy welcomed two of his thick fingers that were ruthlessly slamming in and out of her. His other hand creeped towards her clit as he alternated between rubbing and pinching on the hardened nub. “Can you feel your cunt dripping? This is how your body reacts to me because you want me so bad.”
With the hand that was previously on her nub, he tore her blouse open and fondled a breast, “Such a naughty princess, not wearing any bra,” Pulling on her nipple elicited a prolonged moaned as she rested her forehead against the window, “Were you planning this the whole time?”
The answer she let out was obscure with her mind fuzzy from the way his fingers were hammering in and out of her mercilessly while he helped her remain on her feet by having a firm hold on her boob. “You’re still the needy princess I know you are.”
August smirked at how she let out a pathetic moan when he pulled his fingers out of her for it proved he was right. Palms resting against the cold glass, she turned her head around and watched as he lowered his zipper to pull his cock out. “Do you even deserve to have my cock?”
Nodding her head and up down was all the response she could give him as he continued to degrade her, “I don’t think you do,” To amp up his teasing, he rubbed the tip of his cock from her clit down to her opening multiple times; causing her legs to shake in need as she moved her hips towards his tip. “You’ve lost your princess privileges the moment you talked to him,” He whispered, lips pressing against the shell of her ear.
One of her hands left the crisp window and instead sought out for the warm hand that was in her boob, clawing onto him desperately to let him know how badly she still wanted him in any way she could have him. The sting of her nails made him smile wickedly as he took pity on her and slid his whole length in one go, “That make you happy, princess?”
The side of her head leaned against the window but she still managed to nod as she was extremely thrilled for having him inside her. Blindly, her other hand left the window as she searched for his vacant hand and collapsed them together. Even though her eyes were closed as she was blissed out with the way he was pounding in and out her hole without a care; August however felt touched that there was this part of her instinctively reached out to hold his hand affectionately.
He guided their entangled hands down to her stomach so he could press her back firmly against his front, “Never forget that you belong to me, princess.” It was in that moment that his wide tip grazed her g spot so she could only mewl and nod weakly as her overwhelming gratification blocked out her senses. 
Coughing up a bit once he pulled her panties out of her mouth, her shoulders then bore the weight of his arm, “Tell me you’re all mine, princess!” He demanded as barked it out on her before biting the shell.
“I’m all yours, bear!” She gasped out when he repeatedly hit her g spot every time his cock entered her. Her velvet walls were now making it harder for the Hammer to nail her for it clung to him like glue to the point that it was almost choking his cock, almost triggering an early orgasm from him. Wanting to focus on something else, his mouth peppered kisses on the skin of her shoulders and neck with the full intention of leaving dark, purple bruises so people knew she was off limits.
Y/N never felt this simulated in all the times she slept with August; the way his cock rummaged her hole with vigour and determination made her buckle her knees, the feel of his rough facial hair prompted her to push her neck more to his lips while her feeling his hand firmly against hers made her feel loved. In the haste of a moment, she let out a confession of, “Missed you so much, bear.”
Feeling his heartbeat increase at her confession, he snapped his hips faster to drive his cock even harder to her, in tune with the way his heart beat against his chest, “Really though you didn’t want me anymore.” He couldn’t take the way she sounded so broken — what made it worse was that he made her feel this way, and he vowed to himself that he wouldn’t cause her to feel that way again.
“I’m so sorry, princess,” Hearing him apologize, she turned her to face him again and was surprised when he kissed her lips softly — in contrast with how he was driving her cock in and out of her roughly — before letting his lips rest against hers as he continued to speak, “Never gonna let you go, never gonna hurt you.”
“You promise, bear?” Her small voice made her seem even more vulnerable than she already was; meanwhile August nodded fiercely as he kissed her once again. “I promise, princess,” That promise left his lips repeatedly against her lips.
Unvolutaringly clenching her walls on his cock, she moaned out loud against his prickly lips, “I’m so close, bear. Please let me cum.” And that reminded him how he was in charge and still has to decide if she gets to cum. 
“I think I can grant you one princes privilege, what do you think?” His smirk widened upon seeing her pleading eyes looked at him and moaned in agreement. Still holding onto her hand with one of his own, the other went to graze her cheek as he coaxed her, “Cum for me, princess; let me feel how much you missed me.”
He then drove his cock deep in her to the point he repeatedly bumped her g spot which set her orgasm off — she screamed out loud as her hand squeezed his hand so tight yet it didn’t have any effect on him. Loving the way her walls immediately relaxed their grip on his cock, he took advantage of it by chasing his own orgasm.
“Take my cum, princess,” He breathed out and felt his thrusts decrease their pace while they still had the same vigour. Stilling as he shot loads of his sperm, he pressed her against him needing her to ground him back. With a kiss on the side of her temple he let out, “I love you so much, princess.”
Despite her brain being a fumbling mess, she caught on what he said and pushed herself off his cock and turned to look at him, “What?”  Her fingers were busy lowering her skirt and trying to make her blouse look presentable as it could be while August tucked his meat back in his pants so he could hold both her hands.
“I love you,” He reiterated before taking a deep breath, “I love you and it scared me to find out how strongly I felt for you — because this was something I have never felt for anyone.” A breathless gasp was all she could let out upon being presented with this information.
Sensing her confusion, August placed a kiss on the back of both her palms before speaking once more, “I know this is a lot to take in, but maybe we can take it one step at a time? We go out on actual dates so you can also let me prove to you how much you mean to me.”
Her eyes were searching for any indication in his that he was just pulling her leg, “I know I haven’t shown you exactly what you mean to me — and that is due to my stupidity and immaturity — but if you let me, I will treat you like the sublime and divine being that you are. Spending those days without you made me realize the vital role you fulfilled in my existence.”
Her lips broke into a smile as her heart fluttered at what he said; Y/N lunged to him, wrapping his arms around her neck as she kissed his lips passionately. The Hammer was more than happy to reciprocate the passion she had for the kiss as he wrapped his thick arms around the middle of her back. 
“Does this mean you’ll take me back?” It was shocking how soft the tone of his voice was when he asked this to her as they pulled away from the kiss. Bopping his nose with a finger, she smiled at him before nodding, “It means exactly that, bear. I love you and you have me now. Officially, that is.”
Loving the sound of that, he pecked her lips once again and pulled away with the widest grin his lips had ever made, “I love you more, princess. You always were officially mine, you just didn’t know it yet.”
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glitchnovax · 4 years
From Smirks to Chains
• Genre: Smut/nsfw (Mafia! Dazai x Reader)
• Word count: 2K
• Trigger Warnings: bondage, slight voyeurism
Ok so this my first proper fic so don’t judge me too harshly-
Might open requests if enough people actually like my fics/if I actually feel like writing more
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You didn’t mean to end up like this. To have your hand in his hair, limbs a mess, lying there dunk off him. But who could blame you? Who could possibly blame you for surrendering to the bandaged Port Mafia executive?
It wasn’t unusual to be tempted during work, but this time Dazai simply couldn’t wait til the two of you were alone. Dazai smirked at you, his half-lidded eyes darkening as he imagined every little thing he planned to do to you to make you scream his name.
But that would be for later, right now he needed to break you down, and right in the middle of a port mafia meeting no less. At the back of the room, you tried to focus on what Mori was saying but you just couldn’t ignore the way he gazed at you. He refused to draw his attention back to the meeting, “I just can’t hold back anymore darling” his breath was hot against your ear sending ripples down your back. Your breath hitches and you freeze. You knew exactly what that meant. His smirk grew as he leaned back, fingers gliding up your inner thigh, under your skirt. He knew the risk of getting caught but his thoughts were too clouded with lust to care. “Dazai.. please not now- aH” your hand flinches over your mouth, face heating up as you feel his fingers stroke against your underwear. A few mafioso turn their heads toward you but quickly glance away once they realise what caused your squeal of pleasure.
“Something wrong my love?” Dazai’s voice was low and dripping with ego. Bastard. You bite your lip hard to conceal a moan, worried that if you even open your mouth to answer you’d alert the whole of Yokohama as to what Dazai was doing to you. Burying your flushed face in his neck, he hits the perfect spot making you wince “mmh, Dazai- AH! please.. stop-“ Subconsciously grabbing at his suit, you glance up at him as he pulls you onto his lap, his eyes were filled with desire and he was still wearing his signature smirk “Not until I’ve gotten exactly what I want”. He groaned as you tugged at his tie, only subtly grinding into you, but still enough for you to crave more. “Dazai, I want to leave…I want you” Twisting your waist to face him, you got goosebumps purely from seeing the lust in his eyes. You pull on his tie drawing his head closer as you locked your lips with his, kissing him over and over, rougher, deeper, biting his lower lip as he tried to pull back for air. It was his turn to let out a moan “Level E, you know where” that alone sent a shiver down your spine “I’ll only be a few minutes behind you, love” he continued, giving your underwear a final rub before his fingers left your body regretfully.
Pushing yourself up with the back of his chair, you suddenly became aware of just where exactly you were. Your mind had been too fixated on him that you’d completely forgotten about the fact that you were in the middle of a meeting. Your legs shook, still weak from what had just happened. You didn’t look back but as you slipped out of the room you were sure Dazai was smirking in that way he always did, that stupid smug smirk that could make you melt simply by glancing at it.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Dazai slammed you against the wall of the port mafia torture chamber and you hear the chains clink around your wrist as he turns your neck black and blue. He lifts his dazed head back up to your eyes. You moan into his lips as he slips his tongue in, kissing you rougher only to pant heavily as he pulls away “out of breath already, Dazai?” you smirk. Big mistake. He presses you harder against the bricks, lips travelling down your collarbone “Darling we’re only just getting started” he groans, voice seeping with lust.
Dazai’s right hand becomes tangled in your hair while his left snakes down your waist, making you shiver. He unzips the back of your skirt before gliding his fingers round your hips and down to your underwear “D-Dazai.. please” you moan, already weak as he rubs up and down your clit “hmm you provoked me, now I get to tease you, this is my revenge” you can feel the vibrations of his voice in his chest as you arch your back, the chamber echoing with your moans. The chains clash against the cold bricks, marking your wrists as you tug at them, craving his touch, and longing to be closer “now now my love, don’t go breaking those chains in excitement. So desperate. Only I get to decide what happens to you and when” Dazai tosses his coat to the blood stained stones.
Kissing your waist the entire time, he loosens his tie and undoes only two buttons on his shirt, taunting you, drawing you in more “Dazai…mm-“ his lips are back on yours and his fingers fall to just above where you want “if you really want me, you’re going to have to beg, show me what you want” he lowers the chains so you’re almost straddling him, but doesn’t let you free. As your legs wrap around him, you feel something twitch against your inner thigh. As you try to pull yourself closer, he pulls away “what did I just say? Beg.” His fingers toy with your hair as he slowly grinds against you, never fully allowing you to get close enough “Dazai, please, you’re the only one I want, I want you, I need you, please-“ your breath hitches as the chains fall to the floor, and you in turn fall into Dazai’s lap, fully straddling him, hissing as the feeling of his hardening cock between your legs “see? that wasn’t so hard was it love?” His hips grind up into you as his pants tighten even more finally allowing him to hit right where you need it.
You unbutton his shirt, moaning and panting down his chest as you pressed your forehead against the crook of his neck as he quickened his pace. Your hips unintentionally buck as he thrusts deeper and deeper, longing to get rid of the rest of your clothing “quite vocal today aren’t we darling?” He breathed, trying his best to keep himself together. The combination of his perfect thrusts and dirty talk he knew you couldn’t resist, made the knot below your stomach twist and turn. He pulls your waist in closer and you wrap your arms with bruised wrists around his neck, the pleasure and pure dirty adrenaline overriding the pain. The marks on your neck and chest were another story, those would tell every mafioso that you were his, and his alone. And if that didn’t work, well he’d have to show it up front, to their faces.
Dazai’s pace slowed as one hand brushed up your leg to the knife holster around your thigh, a secret only he knew about. The dim light danced along the blade as it slid up your outer thigh “Dazai ah- what...what are you-“ you were out of breath and delirious from pleasure as you felt the knife slash through the last bit of fabric you were wearing “there, now we have one less issue” the knife clinked against the ground as you look up to see Dazai looking a mess and yet, still beautiful as ever. It was only you that could do that to him, only you that could bring him to such a vulnerable point. He smirked despite his breathlessness “my my, look how drenched my dress pants are, what have you done?” Ignoring his pride, you hastily pull against his belt buckle, your thrusts quickening “how desperate you are…” he snickers before inhaling sharply himself as he felt you tighten around him “You’re not doing too well yourself love” You panted, wincing as you adjusted to his size.
His eyes were as dark as the locks of hair fell over his face, sweat already dripping down his neck. As he began biting down your neck, your left hand clawed as his back while your right slid up his toned core, pressing down on his chest. Dazai leaned back slowly as you pinned him down, letting you watch as his chest rose and fell shakily, flinching at every slight movement of your hips. His eyes never left yours as your bodies almost fall to the floor in desperation, your lips finding their way to his bare neck, longing to add your own marks “Ready, love?” His voice makes you melt, feeling of the groans in his chest “Only if you think you can take me” Fuck, just listening to your voice combined with the view of you on top of him could bring him to his limit right then and there, however he wouldn’t be so quick to give in.
He thrust hard, exactly where you wanted, over and over til you saw stars. His fingers danced their way down your waist, every stroke making your shiver, until he pulled you forwards as his hands grabbed at your ass, making you moan and whimper even louder. As you moved to his rhythm, one hand gripped his side while the other wandered across the chamber floor stones until your fingertips brush against a steel chain that had long been discarded, only to feel Dazai’s hand top yours. He thrusted deeper as he yanked the chain away “did you honestly think you could get the upper hand on me simply because you’re on top? I’m fucking you, I’ll ensure you remember that” He managed to gasp out between moans, surprisingly keeping his composure despite the state he was in “I- FUCK-“ you winced as his hips jerked you forward, you knew you couldn’t keep this up much longer. He tossed the chain over the back of your neck and before your delirious mind could register his movements, you found the metal clasped around your throat, not tight enough to choke you, but enough for him to pull you forward at his will.
“Fuck, fuck, Dazai I’m almost- Ah-“ you were both panting heavily, his moans and yours laced together with the chain clinking in your ear “Mmm you’ve been so good to me today darling- HH- just- a little longer- AH-“ He tugged on the chain while you tugged on his hair, each of his thrusts grazing that sweet spot, making you drag him in further, feeling you’re bodies slap against one another recklessly “Fuck, Dazai…I’m so close.. please-“ God, he loved to hear you whine, it made him feel so good knowing that he was the only one that could make you moan like that, that his name was the only one you’d scream like that, that he was the only one that dragged out your desperation like that “mmm I know doll, just look how fucking wet you are… because of me” He finds that perfect sweet spot thrusting up into you, panting as he watched the shocks of pleasure run all through your body. Fuck he was so good. It would only take a few more perfect, rough jolts of his hips and you’d be done for, but it all came crashing down in a matter of seconds as you felt his fingers brush against your waist, making their way down your inner thigh, hovering dangerously close. He stroked your clit exactly the way he knew you liked it “fuck, Dazai-“ you let out a loud squeak, arching your back violently.
Through glazed eyes you could see his jaw clenched, abs contracting as he fucked you mercilessly. The second his gaze met yours, you hit your limit throwing your head back only to feel the chain clash against your glistening core. Dazai continues to fuck you through your orgasm as your legs shake around him, until he himself caves.
He whimpers slightly as you collapse into his chest, arms wrapped under his and both your legs and his intertwined. Breath still heavy, he runs his still slightly shaky fingers through your hair, gliding down to the chain still lazily draped around your neck. He pulled it aside as it fell to the ground. “Fuck…” he breathed as you pulled yourself off him, only to fall at his side. Wrapping your arms around his torso, you rest your head against his chest, listening in silence as his heartbeat begins to slow “How are we going to explain this mess to Mori?” Your sparkling eyes gazed up at him concerned. He chuckled “The way you worry is adorable, my love” he floats his void-black coat over the two of you like a blanket “We’ll figure that out later, for now, there is no Mori, there is no mafia, there is only us” And in that moment, that was truly how it felt. You catch a glimpse of that signature smirk as you lightly press your body into his.
“I love you”
“I love you too”
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Sweet Tooth
Paring: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Summary: Sheriff, you and his sweet tooth.
Words: 2.2k
Warning: Smut, weird smut, mushy smut, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Goddamn you all! I didn’t know I’d be writing another Bodecker after finishing SMS but damn are you all relentless. Here is your soft!chubby!sheriff. Combining two requests here. Hope you Hoe-deckers like it.
You drove to your fiancé’s house, smoothening the dress once you got out. You had put a lot of time in styling your hair today. Lee would be meeting your parents for the first time, and you were already nervous about it. Your father had not been happy to know that you were marrying a man who didn’t even bother to ask his permission. Things only went south when you pointed out that the only permission he needed to marry you was yours.
You were hoping your mother would mediate the meeting tonight and were glad your brother couldn’t make it, because that meeting would have spelled disaster. You were only doing this tonight because it was customary to do so, and because you couldn’t put it off anymore. Earrings dangling in your ear, you bounced inside the house.
“Lee, I’m here.” You said. You loved his house, with the fluffy rugs and candy wrappers between the couch cushions that crinkled when you got handsy over them. This would soon be your home too; you’ll be moving in your stuff in the next few weeks. Navigating the hall, you reached Lee’s bedroom and saw the door ajar. He was standing in front of the mirror, looking at himself. You don’t think he had even noticed you walk in, so intensely did he stare at his reflection.
“Honey?” You called and his eyes met yours in the mirror, sadness floating in them.
“Why are you marrying me?” He asked.
You tilted your head, not knowing what was going on.
“Lee? Hon, what’s wrong?” You asked as you saw him looking in the mirror again. You had never seen him look so vulnerable, and the look in his eyes tugged at your heart. You set your bag down on the table and joined him in front of the mirror, holding his hand. His face was flushed, and you felt like he was seconds away from breaking down.
“Why are you marrying me?” He asked again and you breathed deeply.
“Because I love you.” You answered him, putting a hand on his cheek. He leaned into your touch, nose bumping your palm.
“How can you love me? I mean, look at me!” He exclaimed, pushing away and spreading his arms, showing his body. “You deserve someone handsome, someone who doesn’t have a lump of mass hanging on his front.”
Your exhaled, finally understanding the situation. It was not the first time his insecurities had come into play, but so far, they had been well hidden and rare. You’d see him tighten his hold on your hand when you’d walk across other men in parks, or how he would tighten his belt more than necessary when meeting your friends. You would see him throwing away his chocolates and candies, trying to be like ‘other men’.
You knew you would have to deal with this delicately because Lee was a proud man. He had a hard exterior that shaded his soft inside, and one wrong move could bruise his tender ego. Pursing your lips at him, you deliberately moved into his space, letting your body rub against his soft belly. Yours arms wrapped around his neck and you pulled him down, letting your mouth meet his in a deep kiss.
“Lee Bodecker, you are the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. I love you because you carry a blanket in your car because you know I get cold easily. I love you because you massage my feet after I remove my heels. I love you because you carry me in your arms wherever I wish. I love you because you kiss me in a way that gives me a taste of heaven. I love all of you Lee, including this mass of lump as you called it because its you.”
He sagged against you, heart right below your ear as his arms circled you, pulling you harder into him and his head resting on yours. You let your hands run through his hair, caress his head then back and in the end squeeze his butt. That got him to laugh a little, and if he sniffled you didn’t mention it.
“You love me then, even if I eat enough candies to stick my teeth together?” He asked.
You looked at him with a smile that made his heart flutter like an excited butterfly.
“I love you for it. I’d much rather you eat those sugar lollies if they keep you from the bottle. Not to mention you have by far the most deliciously kissable lips in this fucking town.”
His lips began twitching, eyes returning to their mischievous glint that you loved. He bent down to give you one of those delicious kisses, his mouth tasting of chocolate. You moaned and ground yourself against him, his bulge hardening against your thigh. Pulling away he growled, his teeth sinking into your bottom lip and you squealed, the taste of him and blood filling your mouth.
“What will your papa say when he knows you’re marrying a man who’s had you in every possible position before marriage, eh?” He teased and you pulled on his collar to lick his neck.
“Don’t worry, we’ll tell them we’re marrying because I comprised your virtue.”
He started laughing, a happy laughing that made his belly jiggle. Kissing your nose, he cupped your face, running his fingers through your now ruined hair.
“And what if your mommy finds me…lacking?”
You could feel how much it bothered him, the thought of your parents. He had been trying to learn everything about them, to earn their approval despite you telling him it didn’t matter. But you would be damned if you let anyone make the love of your life feel inadequate.
“Lee, I’m marrying you, not their opinion. They can pronounce you the Devil and I will sin the rest of my life away so I make way home to hell and you after I die. I love you my dear, with every last part of me.”
Love and passion rose in you like a giant wave and you impulsively tossed away your earrings. You neared him, his face a look of awe.
“You know what, we’ve put off this meeting for months. Maybe a few more days won’t hurt.”
He kissed you hard, humming in agreement and picking you up by the waist and carrying you to his bed. Your bed.
“How can I ever thank you for being in my life” He murmured, and you smirked.
“You can start by worshiping the lumps of flesh on my body” You said, letting your dress fall away to reveal your bare body. His eyes darkened and he unbuttoned his shirt, unveiling what was to you a body made to provide comfort and pleasure. You fondled him, carefully, softly, teasingly. He worshiped you and later that night you showed him how much you appreciate him.
You writhed, moaning as Lee’s tongue weaved magic between your legs. Whoever said marriage got boring after a while had never met Lee Bodecker. The noises he made turned you on almost as much as his tongue thrusting in your heat and you clawed at your husband’s back, fingers tangling in his hair.
“Oh god, oh fuck Lee!” You shout and fell off the cliff, heat bursting from you. Lee lapped at your juice, slurping like a man thirsty in desert. You panted with a satisfied, completely sexed up look on your face. His chin was dripping with your essence and you clenched around nothing.
“Fuck!” Lee suddenly exclaimed, looking with wide eyes at your still drenched pussy. You jumped up, wondering if you got your period but found no blood on your thighs.
“What?” You asked and Lee stuttered, running a hand through his damp hair.
“I uh, I lost the jolly rancher.” He said and you blinked.
“I lost the jolly rancher. Inside you.”
You struggled for a moment to understand what he said before screeching. You jumped off the bed and started bouncing on your toes, trying to dislodge the candy from your cunt.
“What the fuck Lee! Why would you put a candy in me? Get it out. Get it out!” You shout and you husband paced around you, trying to bend his head and see if it fell out of you.
“I like the taste of it on you!” He said in defense and you growled in anger. He looked at your helplessly, watching you jump and bounce until he finally took your hand and tugged you to a stop.
“Lay back on the bed, let me search.” He said and you shot him a look before doing as he said. Spreading your legs his fingers probed your entrance, wiggling inside you. You suppressed a moan, reminding yourself that this was not for pleasure. Your spongy flesh within quivered at his touch and you ground your teeth, curses hissed at him from between them.
“How deep are you?” He asked in frustration, eyes level with your most intimate part. You almost suggested he should go get his flashlight when his fingers brushed against a small object inside you. Carefully plucking it between his thumb and finger, he pulled out the wet candy and showed it to you triumphantly.
“You bastard, what if we didn’t find it? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it would have been to ask a doctor to remove it!” You complained but Lee didn’t give a fuck. His eyes heated over, becoming almost liquid as he pinned you down with his stare. You whimpered pathetically when he placed the candy before his lips, tongue coming out to swirl around it and then popping it in his mouth, licking his fingers clean of the remaining juice.
“They can make as many new flavors as they want, but god if the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted is you.” He bent over you, mouth meeting yours and his tongue transferred the candy to you, the flavor of it mixing with the natural musk of you and Lee’s lips. You moaned indecently, anger dissipating as heat bloomed between your legs again.
God bless the moment you agreed to marry this horny bastard.
You thought you were being sneaky, but your husband was not a Sheriff for nothing. He could smell a lie from miles away, and as he glared at you with folded arms you felt like a child being scolded.
“Did you steal from me?” He asked again and you shook your head like before, widening your eyes in a show of innocence. He raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced.
“I’m sure you must have forgotten.” You commented and Lee banged his fists on the table.
“You know I count my candies! You stole them. I left 9 in the drawer, now there are 6.” He accused and you stood up, mimicking him and banging the table too, angry as well.
“You can’t prove shit! What’s your evidence?” You countered and Lee growled. He came around the table and tugged you to his chest, eyes gleaming dangerously.
“I know that when I leave home you drink my juice and top the rest with water. I know when you tamper with my secret stash because you fucking left bite marks in the chocolate bar. You are a shitty criminal my wife.”
He glowered at you and you finally pouted in surrender. You hugged him, letting your ear rest over his heart. One finger tracing patterns on his chest you peeked up at him, eyes wide and innocent.
“You always eat them alone. I want some too, but you are bad at sharing.” You said. Lee looked down at your thoughtfully, a snort escaping him and he nuzzled your head. Rocking you in his arms he lifted you on the table, grabbing your knees and spreading them apart, stepping between your open legs.
“You insane woman, I’m sharing my life with you. If you wanted my candy you only needed to ask.” Saying that he brought out a candy from his pocket and unwrapping it popped it in your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks as you sucked on it, a moan escaping you at the tangy taste and Lee’s eyes darkened with lust, knowing that expression from when you suck on him. It was stupid really, but he felt jealous of the candy in your mouth. He licked his lips as he watched you suck, pants tightening.
It was like you could read his thoughts and you giggled. Pushing the candy to one side of your mouth so your cheek bulged out, you pulled Lee into a kiss, his tongue quickly sweeping inside to lick at the sweet.
“You don’t need to be jealous Sheriff. These candies may be tasty, but lord knows my favorite lolly lies in your pants”
Drabbles Masterlist
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shatterinseconds · 3 years
thank-you kiss
Julance ‘21 day 7: au of choice (Pjo au)
“If we survive this, I’m going to kill you,” Lance grumbles. His shoes scrape against the ground, kicking up dirt as he goes. 
His body aches from being thrown against the wall during their last monster attack, and what’s left of his shirt hangs in tatters off his broad shoulders. He’s been thrown, clawed, and almost stabbed at throughout this entire quest. And yet, they still haven’t reached the end.
Keith whips his head to the side. “It’s not my fault we walked into a chimera’s nest.” 
While Lance looks destroyed, Keith has fared no better. His hair is in wild disarray--half in and half out of a ponytail. Blood from a rather nasty cut that will definitely scar has dried on his cheek, and he tries to hide a slight limp from what is definitely a sprained ankle. 
But if they eat any more ambrosia, they will burst into flames.
“You're the quest leader so yeah it is,” Lance stresses, poking Keith in the chest.
Technically, it’s the labyrinth’s fault for changing corridors on them but that isn’t important. Keith should have been watching where he was going. Maybe they should have been leaving a trail of breadcrumbs--though with their luck as demigods, that would lead a horde of monsters directly to them. They would just be providing a free buffet if anything.
Of course Lance’s first genuine quest gets him a) stuck with Keith as their quest leader since he got the prophecy and b) forced them to venture into the labyrinth. The only nice part about all of this, that was a great way to inflate Lance’s ego even though he knew it would happen, is that Keith picked him first with no hesitation. 
Pidge is their third and final party member, but in all the confusion of navigating the maze, they got separated from her. Luckily, since she’s smarter than both of them combined, she’s been leaving white chalk ‘x’s on the wall for them to follow--and the labyrinth has been behaving for now.
Basically, a lot has gone wrong, and Lance is grumpy. Understandably so.
Well, not everything has gone wrong at least. They found what they were tasked to get, which was Ares’ spear--currently strapped onto Keith’s back. Lance almost laughed when he found out Keith’s first quest was to basically just run an errand for his godly parent. Though, if Aphrodite ever wants to send Lance on a quest to retrieve whatever she’s misplaced, he is all for it. Then he can drag Keith along through the smelly sewers of New York.
Did he mention at one point on this quest they had to trudge through sewers? Because they did and he’ll be throwing out his shoes once this is all over.
“I just wanna find Pidge, go back to camp, take a nice long bath to get this goo off me” --it’s saliva; it’s one hundred percent disgusting chimera saliva-- “and not have to think about you for the rest of the night.”
Keith raises an eyebrow, the corners of his mouth twitching. “You think about me often?”
“Only when you’re being irritating,” Lance easily responds.
“Which is ninety percent of the time according to you.” Cocking his head, Keith smirks a little, almost too proud of himself for thinking up that rebuttal. 
Lance is not amused. He opens his mouth but snaps it closed when his eyes catch onto a fluttering shape near Keith. Whipping out his bow, Lance notches an arrow directly at Keith’s head before he shifts his angle slightly to the side to kill a Stymphalian bird behind him. Keith doesn’t even flinch when the arrow passes directly by his ear, fluttering his hair. The monster explodes, showering them in dust.
Those birds usually travel in groups, so Lance’s nocks another arrow just in case others come to avenge their fallen one. Keith has his own knife out now, hand gripping the hilt tight. Senses on high alert, both of them scan the area, slowly pressing their backs up against each other. After a few moments pass and Lance’s heart begins to calm down, his muscles loosen when no other monster comes to attack them. The bird must have gotten lost just like they did.
Turning around to face Keith, Lance says, “You can thank me later. Preferably on the mouth.”
Rolling his eyes, Keith twirls the knife in his hands before trudging forward again. “You can ask me to kiss you like a normal person, you know.”
“Oh, but this is more fun. Your face gets all scrunchy; it’s cute.”
And there it is, Keith’s scrunchy face where his eyebrows furrow and the bridge of his nose wrinkles. “You’re cute when you’re annoyed too, even when it does look like you just got run over by an eighteen-wheeler and literally smell like shit.”
“Wow, why do I have feelings for you again?”
“Asshole.” Keith lightly shoves Lance in the shoulder. 
Lance chuckles as he pretends his body isn’t currently screaming in soreness from such a tiny tap. “So are you going to kiss me or not?” He drapes himself over Keith, legs purposefully buckling and body going rubbery. “I’m fading fast, starting to see the light. Only one thing will save me but he’s too much of a stick-in-the-mud to help me.”
“Drama queen,” Keith mumbles with a smile. Wrapping his arms around Lance’s waist to support him before Lance accidentally drags them both down to the dirty ground, Keith leans in to kiss him. It’s a little rushed and messy, but it’s also exactly what he needs. Lance doesn’t even mind the thin layer of grit that covers their lips. Yum, monster dust. Lance’s grin remains wide.
“And you say you aren’t romantic.” Lance steps back from Keith’s hold, quite pleased with himself. Finding reserve energy within him, he holds his bow up like a baton and says, “Alright, let’s finish this!”
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mach-speed-spin · 3 years
Character Design Analysis: Ryuga
Last time I covered Kai Hiwatari (https://mach-speed-spin.tumblr.com/post/659341701330157568/character-design-analysis-kai-hiwatari) so now I’ll do a metal saga character. It’s the Dragon Emperor himself
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His hair is mainly white with a red section on his left side. The fact that Ryuto has his red hair on his right side shows that it’s meant to symbolize the spin direction of the bey
He wears a crown with a dragon design on it. It looks ike a tiara but the wiki calls it a crown so I’m going with that. Historically, rulers seeked to legitimize their rule through status symbols, such as their clothing. Ryuga is really commited to his Dragon Emperor thing (in the manga he’s actually an emperor. In the anime it comes off as just his ego)
He has a jacket that he wears like a cape. The fact that he doesn’t get a new design in Fury is interesting, since most major characters from Fusion did (except benkei, Tsubasa, and Yu, but Fury didn’t care for them). The cape ties in to the crown in theme. Ryuga is the *self proclaimed* Dragon Emperor. The cape is a reminder of that. It’s not an actual cape, but it might as well be one. With Ryuga, particularly in Masters and Fury, his ego is completely unchallenged (except for that part of Fury). Ryuga sees himself as invincible and he won’t let anyone forget that
He wears a black and gold top. It doesn’t mean much other than showing off his arms, but it fits better with the red/orange aura he has in Masters and Fury than his purple aura in Fusion, so I wonder if this was on purpose
He keeps L-Drago in a gauntlet on his left arm. It’s golden and has a dragon design, much like his crown. The following is just headcanon but it looks pretty heavy. I imagine a normal person would struggle to carry it around all day
He has a launcher on his belt. Nothing notable about it other than it being on his left, while Gingka’s is on his right.
His pants and boots are fairly unremarkable but they’re practical, which makes sense when you consider his “training” in Fury
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Ryuga’s purple aura in Fusion worls well with the white of his hair and cape, but looking at it now, the red hair and gold on his top and crown look out of place
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The red and gold go much better with the fiery aura he gets later on, and the white that went well with purple also looks good here. It almost seems like this was planned from the start
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When he gets possesed by L-Drago, he turns into this. It’s meant to look like a dragon-human hybrid but comes off more as a goblin. His hair and nails become longer and he rips his top. His eyes glow red and his teeth get sharper. All of this was meant to make him look more monstrous, but I want to point out the purple marks on his face
Those don’t make him more monstrous. They just look like an easter egg to original series fans who liked Kai. But like Kai’s facepaint in G-Revolution (I cover than in my kai analysis), they look like claws. It’s like L-Drago has his claws on Ryuga and is holding him
He also loses his cape. His crown and gauntlet stay though. Now, the crown and gauntlet look to be made specifically for the Dragon Emperor, but the cape was definitely Ryuga’s own doing. The golden jewelry was the sign that he was the Dragon Emperor. The cape was the sign that he saw himself as the Dragon Emperor. This was the only time in the series he lost his cape, except for the battle with Nemesis, which was the only other time he lost a battle. Ryuga’s cape is a sign of his ego, not his power like the crown is. A humble Dragon Emperor would have the crown. But only one who wants to show off has the cape
If there’s one word to summarize Ryuga, it’s ego. Massive, unchallenged ego, that is somehow justified. When he says he’s the stongest, he is. The main parts of his design signify one of three things. L-Drago’s left rotation (hair, belt, gauntlet), his status as the legitimate Dragon Emperor (crown, gauntlet), and his status as the self proclaimed Dragon Emperor (cape). So Ryuga is a combination of ego and power. He always has power, but on 2 occasions, he let go of his ego
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
since i am obsessed <33333 with the sternclay fill you did for this prompt, can you do 57 with indruck nsfw?
Here it is! Note: this mentions mating talk.
57: we’re fighting over the last box of half-off valentine’s day chocolate and end up in a “who has it worse” battle
This is it. Duck’s new low. Standing under the high ceilings of Wal-Mart at two in the morning, trying to decide if his dignity can take the hit of someone seeing him scale the shelves to grab the lone leftover bag of valentine’s candy.
Fuck it, those are Ghiradeli caramel squares, he deserves them after today.
Just as he’s choosing his foothold, a large, feathery shape rounds the corner. It figures that the one other customer in the store would need to be in the exact same place as him. He’ll just wait the mothman out.
Duck’s mostly used to seeing random monsters around town; back in the fifties, an interstellar gate opened up in Kepler, making it the home of a small population of cryptids know as Sylphs. When he was younger, he hated the fact he grew up in such a weird-ass place, but these days his brain barely differentiates them from the other Keplerites. They come to the national forest where he works, order their dinners in line ahead of him and, apparently, come to big box stores in the dead of night.
“Ah, excellent.” The mothman chirps, grabbing the bag of caramel squares from the top shelf.
The antenna-topped head swivels, owl-like, and red eyes regard him with surprise, “Yes? Oh, apologies” he tucks his wings in “I didn’t mean to block your way.
“That ain’t it. I was gonna buy that.” He points at the bag.
The creature cocks his head, “But it was still on the shelf.”
“Yeah, because we ain’t all seven feet tall. I was about to grab it.”
“It’s not my fault you’re short.”
Duck bites back an unkind retort, sighs, “will you just give me the damn bag?”
“Absolutely not. I’ve had a very bad day and this is my conciliation prize.”
“You’ve had a bad day? I went out to a singles night for the first time after gettin dumped a month ago. Figured I’d finds someone to take home, but not a single fuckin person OR Sylph was interested. If anyone needs that candy, it’s me.”
A haughty flick of antenna, “I see your disappointing evening and raise you a reminder that it’s been five years to the day that anyone’s wanted to touch you.”
“Please, this town is crawlin with monsterfuckers, you can’t find someone to mess up those pretty feathers, that sounds like a problem with your personality.”
The mothman chirrs, annoyed, “There’s no need for such remarks. Wait, what was that about my feathers?”
Okay, so maybe Duck has jerked off to mothman porn once or twice. Or a few dozen times. He’s not about to admit that here.
“Uh, I, uh, fuck, I don’t not know, fuck-” he grabs for the bag, hoping to distract the Sylph. It works, but the mothman simply raises it above his head. Duck growls, too committed to his bad idea to back down now, and jumps for it.
A toothy grin, “Since we’re speculating, maybe everyone you encountered tonight was simply in search of a taller partner.”
“Fuck you, I’m five six.”
“What was that? It’s rather hard to hear you down there.”
“That’s it fluffball” He jumps again, fingers grazing the bag before it’s passed to the mothman’s upper set of hands. Mid-leap, he can tell he’s going to fall on his fucking knees, and a broken bone is the last thing he needs. His body acts on panic and wraps his arms and legs around the only stable thing.
“What in the world are you doing?” The mothman trills, lower hands catching Duck’s legs so he doesn’t slide straight to the floor.
“Tryin to get what’s mine.”
“This is ridiculous.” He keeps the candy out of reach as Duck tries to climb him.
“I know, but I ain’t about to let you win.”
They stop grappling and stare at the beleaguered employee at the end of the aisle.
“Please just get out. Don’t even worry about paying for that, it’s like two bucks and that is not worth dealing with you for.”
They both mumble an apology. Then he lunges up, snatching the bag while his opponent is distracted and bolts for the door. He’s without his car, so he’s half a block from the store when a shadow glides overhead and drops down in front of him.
“That was rude.”
“So was insultin me.”
“You started it.” The cryptid looms over him, “and you only have minor ego bruising to blame for your short temper and poor judgement. I spent the entirety of my day arguing on the phone with government officials until one of them finally listened to me about a dam bursting north of here. I, I deserve something nice.” The last part is said more softly, as if he’s not sure he believes it. That slaps Duck back to his usual sensible state.
Duck sighs, reaches for the cryptid’s arm, “Look man, how about we-”
When his hand makes contact the mothman purrs, then flattens his antenna. Duck runs his hand up the smooth chitin, making the purr double in strength.
“I, I apologize. I didn’t even know this could happen with a human so I did not check the futures for it.”
“For what?”
“I, my kind use playfighting and chase as a mating ritual. Which, combined with those gentle touches just now, means my body thinks you’re a potential partner.”
A thrill creeps up his spine, and he pets the Sylph once more just to hear him purr, “So, uh, what should I do?”
“I suggest you take the candy and” he shudders, “walk home, and we both pretend this never happened.”
“What happens if I run?” Duck sets his hand on the down of the cryptids chest, shivering as it sinks into the fluff.
The mothman looks at him, confusion warring with desire on his face, “I chase you. And since I foresee you asking, if I catch you I will take you then and there unless you tell me not to.”
“Got it.” Duck steps back, smiles when the cryptid tries to follow his touch and then catches himself. He could just walk home and wolf down his hard-won candy. But they’re right by his shortcut through the forest to his house and no one has wanted to chase him for months…
He takes off into the trees.
For the first few yards there’s no sound but crunching leaves and his breathing. Then soft, determined wing-beats glide through the treetops. The canopy is thick here and no one but him knows this path, so he likes his odds of making it home. He even knows where the most troublesome roots are so he won’t trip and lose ground.
Duck’s nearly home when nature betrays him; a deer springs across his path, startling him and sending him to the ground. He scrambles up, listening for signs of the Sylph’s location, but the wingbeats are gone. Did he give up? Is he lying in wait up ahead? Did Duck actually lose him?
The questions spin through his mind as he scans the treetops. There’s nothing, only shadows and bark.
“You know” a voice lilts, coiling around him, “I’d think someone who worked in the woods would know many moths excel at camouflage.”
Red eyes appear in the branches to his right. He gets out a single “fuck” before the mothman swoops down and knocks him into the leaf litter. The candy hits the dirt a few feet away as he’s roughly rolled onto his stomach.
“Holy fuck.” He pants as clawed hands undo his pants and push his shirt up his back, “holy fuUUUuuck, oh christ that’s good.” He rests his head on his forearms as the mothman drags his tongue up his back again.
“Mmmmm, what a lovely little mate I’ve caught.” One set of hands pulls his pants and boxers to his knees while the other caresses his ass, “all dressed up too. I cannot imagine why others passed you up tonight but I am glad they did. Hmmm” claws prick his inner thighs as they’re pushed as wide as they’ll go, “you’re a bit aroused already-”
“Wonder why.” He teases.
“-but I ought to make sure you’re ready to take my cock.” A long, flexible tongue traces circles on his folds. He groans, pushes his hips back in hopes of getting more. The Sylph grants his wish with a purr, thrusting his tongue in hungrily. Duck moans, then snickers into his arms.
“‘At’s ‘o ‘unny?”
“F-feathers, ticklish.” Is what he manages to get out before the tongue curls and finds his G-spot, making it impossible to focus on anything but the being behind him. But the Sylph only gives him a minute of delicious sensation before pulling back.
“There, now you’re ready. I, ah, I suggest you hold on.”
“To whatAHFUCK, fuck, jesusfuckingchrist” his fingers dig into the earth and dead twigs scrape his knees as the Sylph grips his hips and shoves in all at once. The upper set of hands drops to either side of his head as the cryptid hunches over him, snapping his hips while sharp trills and chirps fill the air.
“That’s it sweet one, goodness, years without a partner and the first warm hole I can catch is a tight one, I, I do so love fucking humans for that reason alone, but you, you feel exquisite, ohyes, yesyesyes” he chirrs triumphantly and Duck moans; he’s never been able to feel a partner cum like this. When he glances down his torso, he’s surprised to see the droplets shimmering in the moonlight as they drip down his thighs.
“That was fuckin incredibleAH!” He’s flipped onto his back, the mothmans body blocking out the sky.
“Did you think we were done?” He’s grinning again, the expression as charming as the starlight on his feathers.
“Kinda? Not, uh, not that I mind if you wanna go again.”
“I do.” The cryptid lifts his legs, removing his shoes and clothes as he adds, “again, and again, and again. After all, look how much it likes you” He adjusts so Duck can see his dick. It’s not the size that startles him; it’s the series of ridges on it and the fact that it’s fucking pulsing like it’s got a mind of it’s own.
Duck spreads his legs, “Only it likes me?”
“I’m beginning to share it’s opinion” The tip presses in and the purring intensifies, “though I must say you’ll need to be far more polite and submissive a mate to make up for your--ohgoodness--earlier behavior.”
“Yeah?” Duck smirks, dragging his hands up the soft feathers of his chest, then glides them out to stroke his inner wing “how’s that for a start?”
The Sylph’s chirrs change, growing needier the more Duck pets him, “So very good. No, no one has touched my wings in years.”
Duck studies their sheen, the little speckles of grey and white, and digs his fingers deeper, “Damn shame.”
A soft trill accompanied by three demanding thrusts and then cum spills into him once more.
“Heh, you like when I compliment your feathers? Ohfuckyes” He moans as the Sylph starts thrusting, slower than before but made far more obscene by the sound of his cum being fucked back into Duck’s body.
“I, I do.” He drops his forehead to rest above the top of Duck’s head, “it’s been so long. As you said, this town is full of people who would gladly take a werewolf to bed but have...reservations about one such as me.”
“Their loss” Duck nuzzles the ruff of feathers around the Sylphs neck, runs his hands greedily along his wings, “these alone are so fuckin gorgeous there oughta be a line of folks beggin for the chance to mess ‘em up while they ride you.”
The mothman whimpers, chirps when Duck leans sideways to trail kisses along his right wing. His hips are moving lazily in time with the roll of Duck’s own and he sighs with every thrust, as if Duck is his favorite place to be.
“Got some broken feathers.” He murmurs.
“A peril of fast flights and living alone. It’s better if someone else pulls them free and grooms them for you.”
“I could do that.”
A hungry moan as the mothman noses his hair, “You’re making me wish I hadn’t caught you so soon; had we played longer, my ovipositor would have joined the fun, and you’re so wonderful a mate I ought to lay in you.”
“Jesusfuck” Duck fists his hands into his chest feathers, bucking his hips.
“Oh, do you like that? The thought of being a handsome little hole for me to stuff my eggs in?”
“Yes, holy fuck yes.”
The thrusts turn demanding, “Just one more way in which you’re perfect. You’re strong, you’ve a lovely shape” one hand runs possessively across Duck’s belly and chest, “and it only takes a little bit of vigorous fucking to make you well-behaved and willing to be properly mated.”
“Fuck, fuckin christ that’s goodOH, ohfuckrightthere” one of the ridges is catching his dick, pushing him towards orgasm, “please don’t stop, don’t you dare fuckin stop-”
“Never” it comes out in a growl, “I want to see you be a good little human and cum on my cock while I fill you up. Oh yes, yes” he smiles down at him, “it seems you’re about to oblige meAHhnnnn, goodness you tighten so nicely when you finish” he speeds up, jostling Duck as his climax renders him limp, “yes, yes sweet one hold out just a moment, nnnf, oh, ohyes” He spills into him, Duck’s body unable to contain it all and sending it running down the cryptid’s shaft and the humans thighs. Then the mothman eases out with a low chirp and sits back on his heels.
Duck flops his arms about until he finds plastic, pulling the bag of candy to him as he sits up. He yanks it open, undoes the foil, and freezes. The cryptid isn’t looking at him, isn’t making any noise. He’s just hunched forward, antenna flattening.
“You okay?” Duck finishes freeing the chocolate square.
“Yes” there’s a sniff, “yes I’ll be fine.”
“That ain’t quite what I asked.” He holds the candy out. Antenna twitch, but the mothman keeps his head down.
“I apologize, I, I meant to wait until you left but I, I got overwhelmed. You were so sweet, you let me do all that and I, I don’t even know your name.”
“That’s an easy fix. I’m Duck. It’s a nickname.”
The cryptid finally looks up, takes the offered treat between his claws, “I’m Indrid.” He pops the candy in his mouth and chews miserably.
Duck pulls his boxers on to avoid getting any more pine needle pokes on his ass, then scoots closer, “So, uh, Indrid. Is there somethin special we need for groomin your wings? My place makes the most sense as a next stop, but if there’s a special tool might be better to go to yours.”
Indrid blinks, cocks his head, “You...you want to groom them? I, I thought that was just dirty talk.”
“Can be. But I was serious; now that I got a taste of those wings, I wanna touch ‘em whenever you’ll let me.”
“This is the least likely timeline.” Indrid whispers to himself
“What’d I do in the other ones?”
“Thanked me for a good time and left.”
“See, I thought about that” Duck tentatively moves forward, smiles when Indrid allows him into his lap to stroke his face, “but then I thought, ‘this fella’s fuckin mind blowin in bed, but I wanna get to know what he’s like the rest of the time. Can’t do that if I up and leave.” He offers another chocolate. Indrid eats it out of his hand, then wraps his wings around him.
“I, ah, there’s a special oil for my feathers.”
“Should we go get it?”
“We could. Or” he smiles, hopeful, “we could go to my place tomorrow morning. After we rest at your home and you let me buy you breakfast.”
Duck kisses his fuzzy cheek, “Yeah, let’s do that.”
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gwennavierre · 3 years
So I was going to try drawing a mini comic for this but it was getting too long and typing is easier at the moment. This is my submission for Marichat May, Day 8: Princess and Knight au, but with a twist.
Marinette wasn't scared, but she couldn't deny her nerves were on edge more than usual.
She had been hired by the King to protect the Prince about a year before, when the kingdom started being attacked by an unknown force which turned citizens into monsters.
Two vigilantes had shown up shortly after, who conveniently had powers to purify the effected people. No one knew much about them but a few were convinced they were responsible for the attacks. The gold and food and praise they got after defeating a monster was a very good incentive, after all.
The king himself bought into this theory, and had promised a hefty reward for the capture of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Marinette scowled silently as she stood in front of Prince Adrien's large door. The king had made her and Chat's job that much harder. Trying to save someone who turns around and tries to trap you is frustrating.
Of course, the king didn't know the woman he hired to protect his son was one of the vigilantes he so mistrust.
Letting her mind drift to happier thoughts, Marinette made note of the shadows and noises around her. Nothing out of the ordinary. The little creature who gave her the ability to transform gazed up at her from a pocket on her waist, smirking at the love-sick sigh that escaped her chosen's lips from time to time.
Marinette was thinking about her past year watching over Adrien (while also protecting the kingdom from the unusual attacks). She had grown more than fond of the boy, but knew better than to entertain the idea of bringing her feelings up to him.
Inside the room, Prince Adrien was pacing in front of his open window.
"It's a bad idea, kid."
"I know, but I'm tired of being cooped up in here!"
"You're only supposed to transform for an attack, and nothing is attacking right now!"
"Since when are you the responsible one?"
Plagg thought to himself that it was since he found out his chosen's knight was also his vigilante partner. If she came in to check on him and found him missing, she'd most likely transform to find him and then the kingdom would start to panic... he wasn't sure what else.
"Just... listen to me for one, ok kid?"
Adrien frowned at the magical being. For a moment Plagg thought he had gotten through.
"Just a short run then. Plagg, transform me!"
Plagg groaned in frustration as he was sucked into the magic ring on Adrien's hand.
A few seconds later, Chat Noir stood in Adrien's spot.
"Ha! I won't be gone long, and no one will see me since I'll blend in with the dark!"
He started for the window, intent on jumping out of it, when he felt his legs tighten and buckle underneath him.
A loud crash echoed throughout the room as he face planted onto the stone floor, his chin cracking unpleasantly. He winced in pain and tried to move his legs.
The belt around his waist that acted as a tail had tangled around his ankles, causing him to trip.
"Dang it, Plagg!" he yelled, just a bit too loudly.
Marinette could hear quiet muttering behind the closed door. She knew by now that Adrien had a tendency to talk to himself. She found the quirk... endearing.
Tonight, though, it almost sounded like he was arguing with himself? Then a muffled shout and a crash that sent the hairs on her neck to rise.
Grabbing her sword and sprinting the few feet to the door, she burst through it, ready to defend her pri... THE prince... with everything she had.
Looking around the room, she saw his empty bed, the empty chair by his desk, and... an open window! That must be how the intruder got in!
Her eyes continued their sweep of the room and finally fell on the last thing she expected.
Chat Noir, face down on the stone with his rear in the air, tail tightly wrapped around his legs.
He moved his head as best he could to meet her confused gaze, trying to work out some sort of excuse for this whole situation.
"The one and only." He tried to smirk, but his bruised chin and ego made it difficult.
Marinette didn't seem amused.
In her head, her thoughts raced... why was Chat here? Was there an attack from a monster? Was someone really trying to hurt the prince and he came to help? Does he have to look that pathetically adorable in that position?
But most importantly
"Where is the prince?"
Chat blinked. "What?"
"Adrien! Where is Adrien??" She knew her voice sounded desperate but she didn't care. If Adrien was hurt, she would be devastated.
Oh, also beheaded for failing to protect him, but that wasn't her main concern.
A sheepish look spread over Chat's face and she could see him pondering how best to answer, which made her even more nervous.
"Oh no... oh no oh no oh no... he's gone? Why didn't you help him? Did someone kidnap him under my nose? I have to get him back! I have to-"
Chat carefully untangled his belt and moved to a sitting position while listening to his faithful knight verbally beat herself up.
He knew her view on the heroes was favorable so wasn't worried she'd turn him in.
But could he tell her he... well, Adrien... was fine?
Standing up and gently rubbing his chin, he made up his mind.
She continued rambling, looking out the window onto the countryside that stretched behind the castle, searching for any sign of Adrien. She never expected anything to actually happen to him!
"Marinette, hey. Look at me."
She did her best to meet his request, her eyes still darting over the room to the window. It was now or never.
"Adrien is fine. I promise."
"Then where is he?? He would just leave like that... not without telling me first or letting me come with him to protect him and oh, no, what if he got tired of me being around him and that's why he left and he actually hates me-"
Chat had placed two black gloved fingers on her lips to stop the spew of words.
Marinette tried not to blush. She knew her kitty had a crush on her hero self, but her heart was for Adrien, even if she wasn't of noble blood.
Chat let out a chuckle, which only got louder as it made Marinette's cheeks darken with a combination of nerves and embarrassment.
"I'm fine, Marinette. I simply wanted some fresh air, but my kwami... that is, the creature who gives me my powers, had other ideas and tied up my legs."
He grinned devilishly as he watched her expression pass through a huge range of emotions.
Finally settling on relief, Marinette flung her arms around him, startling him into a blush of his own.
"Oh Adrien... don't scare me like that again!"
She felt him stiffen and quickly pulled arms away, her eyes avoiding his.
"Um, sorry, I was just... happy that you're OK. And shocked that you were Chat Noir this whole time." She smiled kindly at him and he returned it.
"Thank you for not turning me in." He laughed nervously. He wouldn't put it past his father to throw him in prison for being Chat Noir... or worse...
Marinette booped his nose with her index finger.
"Of course, chaton. And tell Plagg thank you for not letting you go out tonight for a joy run. The guards are everywhere out there and without a monster to distract them, you may have been caught." Her voice was lower, her eyes misty at the thought of losing her best friend and her prince in one fell swoop.
When she met his eyes again, she frowned.
"Chat? Adrien? Are you ok?"
"How did you know my kwamis' name, Marinette?" His voice was barely above a rumbled whisper, but her widening eyes told him she had heard the question.
"Oh! Your what? A cwonny? I.. I don't know anything a-about those! Ha ha!"
They both knew she was a terrible liar, but this took the cake.
"My Lady?" Voice hopeful, scared, shy... Marinette couldn't remember a reason why to try and deny him the answer anymore.
"Yes, Kitty. It's me."
Before she could finish the last word, Chat had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. Now she was the one to stiffen at the unexpected contact, but she quickly relaxed and melted into him.
"I guess you really didn't need my protection after all, did you?" She giggled.
He laughed in response, running his claws through her hair, relishing the feel of her in his arms.
She looked up into his face, and like a magnet, he felt drawn to her.
His lips were a breath away from hers, his eyes closed in anticipation.
She moved to close the gap between them.
But her chin bumped into his where it had cracked onto the floor earlier and the next thing she knew, Chat was hissing in pain.
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biznichwrites · 4 years
Giyuu Kinktober 2020, Day 3: Power Bottom/Service Top, Spanking
"Tomioka, you have to top your wife now and then!" Despite the eyepatch it was clear the corners of both Kyojuro's eyes crinkled with laughter. The blonde's hand clapped against Giyuu's shoulder. 
"Excuse me?" Giyuu could feel his lip curling at the accusation. 
"Well I heard our wives talking and yours mentioned she rides you all the time-" 
"That's none of your business." Giyuu sneered as he pushed the other retired pillar's hand from his shoulder. 
"Well it was my wife's business." 
"I'm leaving." With that Giyuu walked from the Rengoku estate, not looking back on his trek home. 
"Dear?" His wife's voice echoed through the quiet home as he stepped inside and left his shoes at the entrance. As she made her way to her husband she found him frowning in a way he hadn't since the slayers had been disbanded. "Is there something wrong?" 
The man chewed his lip nervously, glancing to the side. He knew it shouldn't bother him, women do talk amongst themselves, but to have someone hold it over his head wasn't pleasant. 
"Rengoku, he heard of what you and his wife spoke about." He hoped that he didn't have to say it out loud, at least to spare himself the embarrassment. 
"Uhh… About what exactly?" Her head tilted in confusion and he couldn't find it in himself to be upset with her. She clearly hadn't meant anything negative by it. 
"You… Being on top. Intimately." It was clear to him she felt guilty from the way she looked down at the floor where her toes curled with anxious energy. 
"I wasn't trying to make you look bad. It was… She was explaining a new thing they did and asked if I had tried it and-" her hands twisted the yukata under her palms. "One thing led to another when she asked what we did and I just told her I was on top so you didn't have to do it. It's not that I think you can't - just you hurt your back and your arm so I didn't want to make you have to do all of that."
Subconsciously his left hand went to his right arm, or rather what was left of it. Figures that Rengoku would hear half the conversation and become overzealous. One part of him felt bad that his wife was so anxious, the other part felt as if a gauntlet had been thrown - his silent competitive side wanted to show her she was wrong. He was just as able to take the lead as she had.
"Bedroom. Now."
"Wait - but?" Her confusion overtook her guilt at the moment.
"Get in our bed." His tone didn't leave much room for question. 
"Giyuu-" Her gasp filled the room, followed by a harmonized moan and groan between the couple. His hand left her hip, leaving a small bruise with the grip he used to pull her down onto his cock, before circling to her back and pushing her chest flush against his own. 
His feet planted themselves on the ground, firm and steady, before lifting his hips and bucking into her heat. Just hearing her gasp so close to his ear sent a shiver down his spine. 
"Don't move." It was a simple command, one telling her he was the one in control this time. Still he sealed the statement with a slap to her ass before groping the flesh. 
"Giyuu, oh god-" The way she clung to him spoke volumes, especially as she held on to the man as he bounced her body forward with each thrust of his hips. 
But he was still bothered. Despite being in control she was still on top, even if she was completely submissive to him. A simple roll of their body's had her on her back, the first time since they'd been intimate. 
It took him a moment to gain his bearings, to decide what to do, but he settled on light rolls of his hips into her. He couldn't get as close as before, only depending on one arm to balance him, but he found himself enjoying the way her breasts bounced at every snap of his hips. 
"Can we- I wanted to try-" His wife's cheeks were flushed, blushing heavily with both their activities and embarrassment. 
"Hm?" His hips arched into hers, waiting for her answer. 
"Doggy style?" Her eyes looked into his after a moment, timidly gaging his expression. His hand found her breast, squeezing it in his palm. Lingering he thought, holding her gaze before pinching her nipple.
"Flip over then." Giyuu balanced on his knees, watching his wife turn to her stomach and lift her hips, keeping her head against the bedding below. 
It was a blessing she couldn't see his reaction, especially when he caught a glimpse of her slick core. His eyes lingered, jaw going slack unconsciously as he looked at her in such a submissive position. 
However the flush on the right side of her ass grabbed his attention. Even if he wanted to be back inside her as soon as possible, he had to admit a few more slaps to her ass couldn't hurt. 
With that his hand came down on the left side of her ass in succession, watching it jiggle beneath his palm. In combination with the soft moan she muffled against the futon she made his cock pulse. 
"Look at you…" A groan echoed in his chest as he positioned his cock before pushing back into her heat. Glancing down he could see her slick glistening on his cock when he pulled out. Absently he realized he had never really seen something so arousing - his wife beneath him, whimpering and needy for his cock, wet enough to make a mess of herself. 
Something inside him took over, seeing her giving in to him. Just knowing she was at his mercy lit a flame within him. Another smack landed against her ass before he leaned over her, covering her back with his chest. 
With his hand free from balancing he used his fingers to twist her clit in tight circles, soaking up the cries and moans she let out. 
"Giyuu! Gods , please!" her body attempted to bounce back into his thrusts but he was unrelenting, leaving her trembling under him. 
"Is that it?" As if her gasping for breath as every shift of his hips didn't tell her what he needed to know. She liked this, loved it even. 
"Yes, yes." Her hands clawed at the sheets. "Giyuu, I'm gonna-" 
From his position over her he could see her lips parted to pant and a trickle of drool coming from the corner of her mouth. Had he not already been close before, that would have been enough to drive him to the edge. 
"Then cum for me."
Never before had he heard her cry out in pleasure like this, so loud and unending. As if she had been desperate for him to take control all this time and never spoke a word about it. 
He can't deny liking it as well. It was a welcome change to feel her so close, not to mention the way her every reaction stroked his ego. It made his climax all the stronger, making his eyes flutter closed as he felt his cock pulsing. Subconsciously he knew Rengoku was right, he should have been on top more. 
All he can do is make up for lost time. 
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chubbyreaderchan · 4 years
Self Indulgent | Sesshomaru x chubby!Reader | NSFW
Warnings: Smut for smut sake! She/her pronouns
Kinks: Masterbating, biting, growling, breeding, also slightly inhuman penis cuz shhh
Summary: Sesshomaru catches his mate masterbating because she was much too shy to ask him to play with her. He shows her that he’s willing to take her any time she is in need. Reader-chan is also from Kagome’s time cuz yeah. 
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   They had been walking for ages, it seemed. It was clear now, that even little Rin was exhausted. Luckily, despite his seeming annoyance, Sesshomaru always listened to (Y/n). Even if he’d never admit it, he valued her thoughts and opinions, always listening to her concerns. It was earlier than usual that night when Rin finally fell asleep and (Y/n) praised the gods that she had found a hot spring near their campsite. A perfect part of her own plans that night. A night alone was what she needed.
     It had been a while since she indulged in any self pleasure, so she was needy to say the least and she was simply too shy to even ask Sesshomaru for anything like that. Despite being his mate, she just felt like he’d see it as disrespectful and find her disgusting for asking for such a thing. It was often Sesshomaru who would initiating sex rather than the other way around. This would be the first time she had touched herself since meeting him, as well. He had a high sexual appetite, he was not afraid of taking her as needed but for some reason lately it had been a dry spell. Perhaps because he was so close to finding Naraku. That was okay, however, she didn’t mind one bit. 
“I’m going to bathe before bed, my love” She said softly to Sesshomaru, smiling. She looked him over for one last time to help her with her fantasies in a moment.  “I might soak a while...” Sesshomaru nodded slightly. “Be safe.” He said softly, he would only say such things when Rin and Jaken were asleep like they were now. She smiled and nodded at him. Once she was past the trees she slipped from her clothing and folded them neatly in a pile. Perhaps she would play first and then bathe so she can clean herself off before she cuddled up to Sesshomaru. She smiled as she laid her soft towel down on the ground then she laid herself on top of that.
Meanwhile, Sesshomaru’s eyes were on the sky watching the stars. Completely lost in thought that was until the wind shifted. He took in a deep breath and froze. A familiar and intoxicating scent filled his nose. What was she doing? He sniffed again. She was still alone but he could smell her sex in the air and it was intoxicating. Without thought, Sesshomaru stood up and wondered through the woods. There he found his soft and round mate, eyes shut and fingers swiftly rubbing her warm folds. He said nothing for a moment, enjoying the sight of his mate bare and ready for the taking. 
(Y/n) began rubbing her chest and squeezing her nipples between her fingers. Lightly pulling her self into a deeper aroused haze. She shifted her thighs slightly, rubbing her own warm core slightly from the bit of friction. A soft moan escaped her lips as she imagined Sesshomaru doing this to her breasts. Then her fingers slid down her soft body and found her little bundle of nerves between her legs. “Ooh, god” She moaned softly as she rubbed the nub slowly. Her fingers dipping into her hole and she began thrusting her fingers into herself in a slow manner.
“What are you doing?” His voice wasn’t angry or upset. Just a question. Quickly she removed her hands from her warm body flipping and trying to cover up from his golden eyes. “S-Sesshomaru... I was just...” 
“If you wanted to indulge in pleasures why didn’t you say so?” He walked forward to kneel in front of her. His hand went to her cheek, lightly brushing her face in a loving manner. His eyes were soft, despite a deep desire in them. 
“I was scared you’d think less of me...” She felt her cheeks warm up from his touch, still trying hard to hide her body from his gaze. It didn’t matter, the smell of her was driving him mad despite the rigid coldness to his demeanor. 
He growled, vibrating her slightly. That moan wasn’t enough for the demon lord’s ego. His tongue moved from her hole to the nerves at the top. He licked it and then looked up at his woman, her eyes were shut. He growled again and bit the clit gentle, yet sharp enough to cause her to open her eyes and look at him. Sesshomaru sucked on her clit and pulled off with a slight pop. Sesshomaru’s eyes were dark with need and his lips glistened from her wetness. “Look at me.” he demanded. “I wasn’t you to see the pleasure this Sesshomaru can give his mate whenever she is in need.” The only thing she could do was nod, her body was long gone to pleasure and her lower lips tingled from both desire and the slight venom that existed naturally in the demon lord’s saliva. Thank the Gods she was becoming more immune to it. The first time he licked her she was numb for a week. 
Sesshomaru scoffed. “You’re my mate. If you desire me you have to tell me. It’s my responsibility to take care of those desires.” He removed his hand and began removing his kimono. He placed the clothing aside. “It has been a while my mate... forgive me” Her eyes widened. She had never heard him ask for forgiveness from anyone before. But she hardly had time to acknowledge it before Sesshomaru grabbed her thick thigh and spreading her for his view. He pushed her leg practically to her head. His once soft gaze turned into want, he craved her so badly. Her smell was so sweet and drove his hunger. He leaned down and lightly licked up her slit tasting her. He grumbled low in pleasure. His warm tongue pressed against her slit again enjoying her taste. He moved his hand from her thigh, knowing she would hold herself open to him. The clawed hand trailed down his mate’s thigh to her labia so he could pull her open more. His tongue dipped in lapping at her hole. A soft moan finally was drawn from his curvy woman. 
Her eyes were now fixed on his as he went back to licking her clit. His tongue knew her like he knew his swords. It was second nature now to what pleased her. Long slow licked followed by quick ones against the nub. Her moans were much louder and she preyed they weren’t loud enough to wake Rin or Jaken. Then she felt it snap. “Ah!” She moaned and reached her peak, Sesshomaru sucked her clit through the rush of pleasure before his tongue dipped at her hole again to drink some of her up.
Then in a much to quick to register moment, his hand was at her thigh and his shaft was laying against her folds. He hadn’t entered her yet knowing how difficult it is for her to take it quickly. His cock was larger than a humans, big but it wasn’t impossible. It was pale and long, tapering slightly at the end. His cock was human like in some ways while others it reminded one of a dog, even bulging with a knot at the base, it was fairly large in this form but not horrible, of course. However, his dog form she had seen it once but only for a second before he turned back and took her. His dog form was giant and the knot was even bigger than what one would expect, large in a disproportionate way almost. She often wondered if it was a family trait or because of his power or both. 
 “Now,” He said darkly, nails digging into the plush flesh of her thigh. “Let us practice asking your Lord for your desires.” Her eyes widened. He never teased her like this. Why was he being cruel tonight? He rocked slightly, the underside of his cock, the knot bumping her already twitching clit. “W-what?” She was confused, brain foggy still from the orgasm. 
“Ask me. What does my mate want from this Sesshomaru?” His eyes looked her over, with a serious face. He looked just as cold and menacing as he did before ripping an enemy to shreds. He rocked again, pressing harder against her. “You need to learn to ask or you will go without... I will not take the blame next time I find you indulging yourself” 
“Sesshomaru...” She whined. “I want to have you.”
“Have me? You already have me, my little human.” He grumbled out a soft growl. He squeezed tighter to her leg, knowing he would leave bruises on her. He loved marking her as his, despite his own permanent mark and his scent on her was practically enough to keep male demons away from her, the other marks where for his own visual pleasure.. Her face was flustered and she was nervous under his gaze. Sesshomaru made a note to tease her more often. 
“I want you in me... I need pleasure. Please.” She begged. “I want to be full of your seed. I want to give you a baby” What did she just say? Her mind was fuzzy and didn’t realize she had admitted to one of her secrets. Sesshomaru growled in pleasure. “Hm. I’ll give you a child if that’s what you want my mate.” the tip pressed against her wet hole. She relaxed herself knowing that she needed to be really relaxed when he first enters her. He grunted, sliding in nice and slow. Her face crumpled into a slight look of pain. Then he was in as deep as his knot would allow. His hips began shifting back and forth. Stretching her carefully. Her body was so comfortable against him. Soft plush combined with the warm silk of her insides. She was perfect for him, despite being human and even... fat. He grumbled. The last person to insult her like that ended up dead. 
“All you have to do is ask, my mate.” He grunted softly his hips picking up pace. He paused a moment to lift her ass easily off her towel, holding her with ease. He chuckled remembering the first time he did this to her and her panic about her weight. She may as well be a feather to him with his power. His member now drilled down into her, his eyes on hers as she moaned for pleasure. The pained look now gone, relaxing into him. He thrusted into her harder now, her body molding to him once again. She wrapped the leg that wasn’t held around him sighing softly. “Sesshomaru...” She moaned his name, looking into his intense golden eyes. He leaned down capturing her lips against his own. A moan allowed his tongue to dance with hers. His tongue was as sweet as honey and tingled against her lips. He pulled away, letting go of her thigh and letting the leg join the other around his hips. He pressed a kiss along her jaw line, kissing and sucking at the warm flesh. Leaving spots against her skin. “Sesshomaru... I love you” she moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, her finger tangling into his silky hair. It was so special, only she can touch his hair. Tangle it.... pull it. He growled in delight at the tingling feeling of her fingers pulling the strands. “I love you too” He said softly, a rare admission of feeling from the great demon lord. Her body froze, tightening around him as she came on his member. He growled the tightening pulled him into his own wants. Sesshomaru bucked deep his knot stretching her and pushing in deep as he filled her with his thick seed. It always hurt a bit but after a moment she was fine as he pumped her full. 
It would be a good while before his knot deflated however, so he pulled her close, flipping to his back to hold her close. “I will sire many pups with you, (Y/n)...” His claws gently ran over her back. It caused goosebumps to rise on her skin as she felt comfortably full of him. His face buried into her hair living in her scent. Sweat and sex and just her natural smell. She smelled so sweet. “You don’t have to be shy, my mate.” He said repeating his earlier point. “What’s the point in choosing you as mine if I can not give you what you need?” He pulled her up kissing and squeezing her body against his own. A soft pop and his member finally deflated out of her, a bit of his essence dribbled out of her. 
“I’m sorry, my darling...” She whispered, cuddling the cold demon who to her was so warm. “I think I learned my lesson...” He grunted in soft agreement, kissing her again. “I want to give my seed the best chance. You can bathe in the morning...” he mentioned suddenly. 
She nods, laying her head against him still wanting to cuddle him. “Will you hold me tonight?” she said softly. 
“When have I not?” 
She simply smiled, eyes growing heavy against him. “Let me dress you...” He said helping her into what he knew she called “pajamas” and lifted her b bringing her back to the campsite once both were dressed. He laid her down and pulled her close.
Her eyes fluttered shut and just before she fell asleep she felt Sesshomaru’s hand against her stomach. “You’re going to be beautiful carrying my pups” His lips pressed against her temple as she fell into comfortable sleep.
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firefly464 · 3 years
The Gilded Cage - Chapter 9
hehe i’m very excited :) also thank you pami for doing write time with me that was super poggers and awesome you’re so cool 
Written in collaboration with @pamiiap​​ :D Thank you @tea-with-veth​ for beta reading, and editing :D
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Three days. That’s how long Eret stayed with the computer. Three days of nothing but staring at the same screen, desperately trying to test out different commands to see what would work. Three days of sitting in a dark, cold room, with nothing to keep him warm. 
Over the past three days, Eret had barely slept. 
He’d lingered there for hours, the clicking of the keyboard and flashing of the screen filling his senses. All he could think about was this could be his way home. A way to end this and leave it all behind. Maybe he could wake up and it would all be a dream. 
A dream.
Dream was his friend. Dream was…
Dream was.
After hours of clawing at the keys for an escape, he hesitated for a moment. He curled his hands into fists and relaxed them, trying to release the tension he had. 
Instead of typing commands, he typed:
If anyone is reading, send me something
A sign, preferably
Tell me I’m not alone
Give me something
The shaking in his hands slowed, the edges of his vision melted away. He watched as his world faded into darkness.
“Hey, chat!” He says, on impulse. “How’s it been? Feels like forever.”
“Sorry for the long hiatus, life’s been throwing curveballs at me.” He continues.
Don’t worry!
You’re fine!
Its okay :D
“I hope you guys have been alright. Don’t know what we’ll be doing with this stream so I’m going to start a little poll in the chat here…”
Time melts away as he talks to his stream, he knows that. That’s how streams usually go. It happens in a blur, the eyes of thousands of people aren’t on him anymore. The stream has ended.
He falls into nothingness.
Journal Entry #1
I found the Console, still can’t get back home yet though. I’m still unsure on how it works, but I know, I know, that I can get home. It’s kind of like a command block, you can input code but it needs some sort of activation key to trigger it. Haven’t found that yet.
I’ll update this as I find more information.
Journal Entry #2
Text commands seem to work, more extreme commands need the trigger. I really should make some sort of command list, that might help. 
Journal Entry #3
I’ve made a list on a separate paper. I’m running out of space.
Journal Entry #6
What could the trigger be? I need to find it.
Journal Entry #8
I haven’t slept in three days. I need to head back.
Journal Entry #9
Nothing new as of the moment. I’m going to start working on a trigger to activate this thing.
Journal Entry #10
I wonder if I could undo whatever Dream did to everyone’s memories? I wonder if I could make it so that they didn’t hate me anymore. 
Journal Entry #13
I can’t sleep. 
Journal Entry #15
Going home back again. Bad’ll still have muffins, I hope. (If George didn’t eat them already)
Journal Entry #16
George ate my muffins. Prick >:(
Journal Entry #17
Packing for another trip to the Console today. Bad made extra muffins to compensate for the atrocity that happened yesterday. (Sidenote: George had his muffin privileges removed for a day)
Journal Entry #20
Bad’s worried. I wouldn’t blame him. I don’t think I can blame myself either. I have to get home.
Journal Entry #24
I’m here. Glad no-one’s tampered with my list. I’ve been gathering some redstone supplies to try and make a prototype trigger.
Journal Entry #27
I’ve tried several combinations of levers and buttons and redstone but nothing seems to activate it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
Journal Entry #28
Nothing’s working.
Journal Entry #30
Can’t sleep again.
Journal Entry #32
I don’t think I’ve eaten. 
Journal Entry #33
I have to go ho back. I need to be more careful, George and Bad are getting worried. I don’t want them to be worried about me. They don’t even know me.
Journal Entry #34
Do I even know them?
Journal Entry #37
I won’t go to the Console for a couple of days. That might calm them down.
The weather’s getting warmer actually. I think spring might be almost here. Not sure if seasons might not work the same.
Journal Entry #38
George says it’s already mid-spring. I didn’t realize I’d been here for so long
Journal Entry #???
I want to go home. 
Eret closed the small book with a sigh. Ever since he had found the console several months ago, he had tried to do his best to keep a record of what he found. 
However, the journal had quickly turned into a place for him to pour his emotions, rather than document his findings. All of his actual records were with the console itself, where he could better keep track of them. 
He placed the small book in his bag, before swinging it over his shoulders. He needed to go back. Even if everything about the small, dark room made him want to scream, it was his only hope. His only way of potentially returning home. 
Gently, he pushed back the small curtain that separated his room from the rest of the community house. Even after several months of staying here, he still hadn’t bothered to make an actual room. After all, it wasn’t like he had a ton of free time. 
Almost all of his time was spent either at the console, or digging out tunnels underneath L’manberg. God, he hated those tunnels. 
As he gently stepped out into the main room, he quickly glanced around, checking to see if the coast was clear. 
It wasn’t as if he didn’t trust Bad or George, in fact it was quite the opposite. He just… He hated making them worry. He knew how much his frequent visits bothered both of them, and so lately he had begun trying to quietly slip away. 
He was almost at the front door of the community house, when a voice called out to him. 
He froze. 
Maybe, if he kept walking, whoever it was would just… let him go. Maybe he could pretend like he didn’t hear them, and he could just move on with his day. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to figure out the best course of action. 
“Eret? Are you alright?” 
He slowly turned around, trying his best not to grimace when he saw Bad standing at one of the other doors. 
“Hey…” The word sounded forced, even to him. “Uh, I was just… um…” 
Bad’s face fell ever so slightly as he noticed the small bag slung across Eret’s back. 
“Are you going to the forest again?” Eret tried his best to ignore the way that Bad’s voice was tinged with a slight disappointment. It would only make him feel guilty. 
“Uh, yeah…” 
“Were you just going to leave again? Without telling anyone?” Although there was no accusation in his tone, the words still cut deep, acting as a harsh reminder of his own actions. 
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy that was swirling around him. “I didn’t want to worry you guys anymore… I left a note upstairs though, I swear!” 
That was a lie. There was no note, there never was a note. But if claiming that there was helped to ease Bad’s worries, then that was what he was going to do. 
He could tell that Bad didn’t believe him. Although his friend would never actually call him out on it, he could still tell from the way his shoulders slumped ever so slightly, or the small frown that crossed his face. 
“Ok… Well, before you head out again, me and George were hoping to give you something,” Bad’s voice was filled with a forced cheerfulness, complete with a matching smile. 
Eret’s head shot up in disbelief. What on earth did they possibly have to give him? They had already done so much to help him, what more could there possibly be? 
Tendrils of guilt began to worm their way through Eret’s mind, reminding him of all the ways his friends had helped him over the past months, and all the ways he had failed to return their kindness. How was he supposed to accept yet another gift? 
“I really don’t need anything, you guys have already done enough for me,” he protested, knowing full well that nothing he could say would actually dissuade Bad. 
“Nonsense, this is something that we wanted to do for you. Hold on, I’ll go get George. Don’t go anywhere!” he cried out, already rushing out of the building. 
Eret let out a long sigh at the final sentence. Of course Bad didn’t trust him to not run off. 
Why would he?
Despite every instinct in his body that was telling him to run, Eret found himself rooted to the spot where he stood. When Bad returned nearly 10 minutes later with George behind him, he had hardly moved. 
“So… What exactly is going on?” Even to his own ears, his voice sounded forced and strained. 
“Well, George and I were talking,” Bad started, already rummaging through one of the many chests that lined the walls, “and we realized that you’re going to be king soon, right?” 
Eret couldn’t help but flinch at the reminder. To him, the title of king was nothing more than a reminder of what he had lost. A reminder of the pain he had caused for his friends. A reminder of the pain that he would continue to cause. 
But still, he couldn’t let his own reluctance show. If he remembered correctly, becoming king had meant a lot to his alter-ego. Hell, he had gone so far as to betray his friends, just so that he could secure the crown. 
And so he forced a smile onto his face, doing his best to swallow the bitter taste in his mouth. “I mean, yeah. I’m pretty sure it’s not going to happen for a while, but… yeah that was the idea. Why?” 
Bad’s grin grew wider, his face alight with barely contained excitement as he continued searching through different chests. Even George, who rarely showed any outward excitement around Eret, had a small smile on his face. 
“You’ll see, it’s a surprise. I just gotta find it first” 
“I uh, I think it's hanging up downstairs,” George interjected, already moving towards the stairs, “I can go grab it, hold on.” 
He was gone only for a few moments before he emerged at the top of the staircase, holding something behind his back, hidden from Eret’s line of sight. “Do you wanna explain what it is?” He asked, his question clearly directed at Bad. 
Bad nodded, then turned back to Eret, pride showing in his eyes. “Well, we wanted to get you something nice for your coronation. I know it probably isn’t going to be for a while, but you’ve seemed really stressed lately, and we wanted to do something nice for you!” 
George grinned, revealing a long, extravagant coat from behind his back. “Sapnap and Punz helped out with collecting dyes as well.” 
The silk coat was a deep shade of crimson, embellished with gold accents. It felt nice to touch but it was also durable. The inside of the coat was lined with an insulating fur that pokes over the collar, making the inside of it warm. 
He glanced up at both George and Bad, his brow furrowed in slight confusion. “Wait… Wait is this… What?” 
“It’s a coat! I know it gets cold at night so we made you this. Not to mention, a king should look the part.”
Tears started to form in his eyes, threatening to spill over as he gently took the coat. “Thank you” He forced out, unsure of what else he was supposed to say. 
“Go on then,” George said. “Put it on!”
Slowly, he took off the tattered L’manburg uniform, bloodied and stained with dirt, and put on the new coat. It felt… different. But, a good different. 
“Thank you.”
Several days had passed since Eret had last left the community house. Several days since George and Bad had gifted him the red coat. 
George could tell that their friend's absence was starting to chip away at Bad, his worry festering underneath his skin. By the third day, George had had enough. 
He quickly packed two bags, complete with everything that they would need for a long journey. He might not have known where exactly their friend had gone, but they knew the general direction. That would have to be enough. 
“Hey Bad!” He called out, his friend quickly coming down the stairs of the community house. 
“Whats up?” 
“Come on, we’re gonna go look for him.” 
Neither of them had any idea what they were looking for, all they knew was that it was somewhere in the eastern dark oak forest. They had spent nearly a week searching every nook and cranny of the woods, never finding any trace of their friend. 
That is, until they stumbled across a pathway. The dirt had been worn down, leaving a trail that they could follow.
The path had led to a small clearing, with a dark building in the center. 
Both George and Bad had recognized the strange material almost instantly. Bedrock. Eret had somehow found a building made of bedrock.
What the hell. 
The area surrounding the building was devoid of any human life, the only exception being a lone horse that was sleeping in the warm sun. 
“Well, I think we found him…” Bad’s voice was filled with concern. 
As they stepped into the strange building, they saw the room completely empty except for a machine in the middle. And unconscious at the desk, was…
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Taglist :D (feel free to send me an ask if you wanna be added) @hismilw @violet--majesty @chiera99 @koi-boye @waffle-time-god @miss-oleum @porkgavo @crafted-dreams​ @harley-the-pancake​ @lemonaid-ruru  @g3rmpy​​ @somethingtocrowabout  @bee-tubbo​​ @firepowder​​ @jayebird ​ @rayjayo  @carry-on-my-wayward-why​ ​ @echo-delta​ ​ @star-fruit23 ​ @brieflyburningbaguette 
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 4
Slightly late for @marichatmay day 4, yesterday was kind of a long day and this chapter just kept getting longer. Oops. Ft. real cats, and a nod to Star Wars day (belated May the Fourth be with you). Enjoy!
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Chapter 4: In which the flirting continues and an attempt to break up is thwarted. Again.
Marinette almost turned around the moment she saw Chat Noir standing next to the café, looking at the cats on the other side of the window.
Well, had it just been her partner, she would have walked straight up to him without a second thought, and diligently sat through their date, only to apologise at the end of it, saying that she’d fallen in love with an image, and that she didn’t think they belonged together.
What (for ‘who’ was a little presumptuous a pronoun) stood in front of her was a figure in a cardboard rendering of Chat Noir’s suit, complete with paper bell, tail, and cardboard baton. She would have forgiven its use as a disguise, even though the details kind of defeated the purpose, had the reflection of the headpiece’s eye hole not revealed that he was actually transformed underneath.
Nope , she thought at the sight. Can’t do this, nope, nope, nop-
“Marinette!” Chat Noir spotted her just as she was about to leave, and started enthusiastically waving at her.
She plastered a smile on her face, and clutched her purse as she made her way towards him. Kwami, give me strength . She wondered if ridicule was a good enough excuse to break up with someone. It wasn’t very nice, but she was getting desperate for an excuse.
“Cardboard Noir, I presume?” Her voice had an exasperated edge to it, which Chat didn’t pick up on.
“The one and only!” He twirled around to give her the full 360° view of the costume. She could tell that he was grinning under the helmet.
“To what do I owe the… pleasure?”
“Anonymity, obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “Wouldn’t want this date to finish in the tabloids, am I right?”
Sure, because somebody in a piece of cardboard is so much more inconspicuous than somebody who might be wearing a Chat Noir cosplay in a cat café , she rolled her eyes as she saw people passing by and doing double takes as they walked past him, but kept her point to herself.
“How... thoughtful of you.” She smiled slightly tensely.
“Isn’t it?” Chat Noir extended his kraft paper-covered arm and she took it awkwardly for the couple of steps that separated them from the café’s door.
Chat hurried forward to open the door for her. “After you, my… Princess.” He bowed.
She bit back a smug smile as the bells jingled above her head. The nickname "my Lady" would totally have been justified in this situation, yet he’d refrained from using it. She deduced that it must be too attached to Ladybug; maybe there was hope that he still had a crush on her alter ego. She could work with that.
She walked into the shop, and almost tripped on an orange tabby cat who’d apparently been making the most of the sunspot on the other side of the door. It looked up at her indignantly even as she petted him to apologise, but didn’t move.
Behind her, a grey sphynx tried to make a run for it, but Chat picked it up and closed the door before he could cross the threshold.
“Hi there! Welcome to the C afé des Chats . How can I help you today?” A woman emerged from the back room, wiping her hands on her cat-themed apron. Her name, Cathy, was embroidered on it.
“Hello! Could we get a table for two, please?” Marinette smiled.
“Of course! Pick a spot!”
Marinette looked around the room. Apart from a small group of friends sitting near the window, and who were too engrossed in laughing and taking pictures of the cats to acknowledge their presence, all the seats were empty.
“How about that table over there?” Chat leaned towards her ear and pointed towards a cozy booth at the back of the room. She jumped slightly at the sudden proximity. He didn’t notice, as the cat in his arms started meowing, and Cathy came out from behind the counter to take it in her arms.
“Oh, let me take Yoda off your hands. Did he try running away again?” She cradled him, the cat purring as she did.
“Yes, I feel like he might take after his namesake and like the outdoors more.” Chat joked.
“Maybe I should have picked another name for him, then. It would save me a lot of time looking for him around the neighborhood.” Cathy laughed. “I’ll let you two get installed, I’ll be right with you.”
The pair made their way towards their table, Chat letting Marinette take the couch while he pulled out the chair facing her. He sat on the very edge of his seat, the cardboard taking up most of the space. They both picked up the menu, and ordered their drinks (and a lightsaber-themed pistachio éclair for Chat), when Cathy came around.
Marinette tapped her fingers together as they waited, trying to find a conversation topic. She decided to acknowledge the smaller elephant in the room.
“You know, I think we’re okay now, you can take off your costume.” Marinette pointed out. He looked like he could fall off his chair at any moment.
“Are you ashamed of me?” His hand flew to his chest, almost knocking his paper bell off.
“Me? Never!” she scoffed.
“Good, because this isn’t coming off anytime soon.” Chat Noir crossed his arms over his chest. She could tell he was smirking under his headpiece.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that…” It was Marinette’s turn to smirk, as Cathy arrived and put down two cups of hot chocolate, and Chat’s pâtisserie, in front of them.
“Is that a challenge?” Chat’s eyebrow shot up, and he turned towards Cathy. “Excuse me, Ma’am, would you happen to have a straw I could use?”
The lady blinked at him a couple of times, perplexed, before realising he was serious. “I probably do, let me go check in the pantry.”
“You’re not seriously doing this.” Marinette facepalmed.
“I’m just showing the one thing you should know about me if you want to date me; I don’t back down from challenges.” He thanked Cathy, who’d returned, and started poking a hole in his headset.
Trust me, I know that , Marinette sighed. “I take it back. It’s not a challenge. Just take your… mask off, and enjoy your order. Please?”
Chat Noir squinted at her suspiciously. “You pawmise that you’re fine with this?”
“Absolutely. I just want you to be more comfortable.”
“Fine.” He took off his headpiece, making his hair stick up from static electricity.
Marinette stifled a giggle.
“Nothing,” she cleared her throat, pulled her phone out and snapped a picture, before showing the screen to him. “I just like what you did to your hair.”
“Ah, yes. Beautiful,” her partner laughed. “I wonder what Gabriel Agreste would think about it.”
“I actually think he’d love it. It kind of looks like his haircut.” Marinette snorted.
“Yeah, that won’t do.” Some colour drained from his cheeks as he shook his head and tried to flatten his hair. The real bell under his costume jingled as he did so.
Marinette was about to ask why he seemed so upset about the comparison when a black cat jumped up on their table, looking at Chat’s éclair with interest.
“Hey, Chat Noir? Looks like you have some competition for your tea…” She took a sip of her hot chocolate and sighed happily as the rich aroma hit her taste buds.
“What?” He stopped wiggling around, his hair having regained its normal appearance. “Oh. No, no, kitty, this isn’t for you.” He slid the plate away from it. The cat tilted its head and meowed. “Being all cute won’t work on me, I’m cuter. Meow .”
“Hmm, I’m not sure about that.” Marinette stroked the cat’s head, making it walk towards her and purr. “This one is pretty adorable. Pincushion,” she read off its tag. “How original.”
“You’re not even saying it’s a claw-se call? You wound me, Marinette.” Chat gasped, before taking a bite of his éclair. “You know, I’m not sure I could be with someone who doesn’t think I’m cute.”
Marinette rolled her eyes affectionately. “Kitty, I think you know very well what I think,” she replied, putting a hand over his on the table. He gulped down the rest of his éclair, and stared into her eyes.
Pincushion meowed again after what she knew was too long for friends to gaze at each other, and Marinette jolted, feeling herself blush. Why had she done that? She should have just gone with it, it would have made everything easier. You know, Chat Noir, I definitely don’t think you’re cute. Let’s get the bill and be on our way…
Chat Noir cleared his throat, and waved towards Cathy. “Well, this was nice, but it’s getting a little late, isn’t it? Could I have the bill, please?”
“Yes, you’re right, we should probably get going… Wait a second, what do you mean could I have the bill? We’re splitting this.”
“No we’re not. I ordered the most.” Chat shot her a pointed look.
“Fine, then let me pay for my own drink, then.”
“Meow way! I invited you! I meant it when I said my treat!”
“Yes, but…” Marinette scrambled for an excuse, cursing her brain which had decided to notice that Chat’s cheeks seemed quite pink, and that she thought it looked good on him, especially combined to his slightly dishevelled hair.
“I’ll tell you what; if you really think I don’t owe you anything, then just consider this an advance for my birthday. You can pay me back in macarons.” Chat’s eyes lit up hungrily as he interrupted her.
“Your birthday?” Marinette tilted her head quizzically. “Is that soon?”
Chat froze in his seat. Ladybug had warned him about this. They weren’t supposed to share anything about their personal lives, with anyone. Just in case it landed in the wrong ears.
Besides, his birthday wasn’t until September. Which, since he’d invited her on this date, she could interpret as him thinking their relationship would last that long. Which he really hoped it wouldn’t (the romantic one, that is - he still wanted to be friends with Marinette behind the mask).
“Erm, yeah, it’s… Next week?” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. That seemed alright in terms of timeline.
“So soon…” Marinette trailed off, looking at the empty cup before her. Her partner’s birthday seemed like something she should know, yet as much as she raked her brain, she couldn’t recall a single conversation they’d had on the topic. “Does Ladybug know?”
“Oh, no. I wouldn’t want her to make a fuss.” He waved her concern away, and swiftly stole the credit card machine from Cathy as she returned with it. He tapped his card on it, looking Marinette straight in the eye as he did.
“Chat Noir!” She cried out indignantly. She’d been too engrossed in the consideration that she couldn’t decently break up with him now when his birthday was just around the corner, to anticipate his next move.
“Sorry, Princess.” He smiled smugly as he thanked the café owner and took his receipt. “In my defence, it makes me feel better about eating so much when I came over to your place for lunch, when I’d only brought a flower as a present.”
Marinette held his gaze for a bit, and, seeing his earnestness, she sighed. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” He nodded, and then turned towards Cathy, who was awkwardly shuffling next to their table.
“Is everything alright, Ma’am?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to intrude, but… are you really Chat Noir?” She asked hopefully.
“See, the costume is inconspicuous!” Chat Noir exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at Marinette. “I mean, yes, I am.”
“I’d totally understand if you said no, but would you mind taking a picture with some of the cats? I’m happy to keep it to myself, and not put it up with the other cat pictures if you’d prefer, it’s just that I’m such a huge fan…”
“I’d love to!” Chat Noir jumped to his feet and started peeling his disguise off. “Would it be okay if my… Marinette was in the picture with me?” He winced at the formulation of his question. He wasn’t sure if it was worse than if he’d called her his girlfriend.
“Yes, of course! Here, let me grab Yoda, and maybe Pincushion and…”
Marinette didn’t have time to explore the warm feeling Chat calling her “his” Marinette, in a very excited and pure way, had elicited in her chest, as Cathy shoved a cat in her arms and pushed Chat next to her on the couch. She grinned for the photographer, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.
“Purr-fect!” Chat beamed as Cathy showed them the picture.
She melted a little at how happy he looked, chatting away to figure out a way to get a copy of the picture. I can’t hurt him, not now , she thought as she nodded along and gave her number to Cathy so she could send her the shot.
What she could do, though, was try to figure out a birthday present for him. Something useful, that he’d be able to keep when she broke up with him after they broke up, probably a week after she gave it to him.
She thought about it all the way Home.
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mythicamagic · 4 years
19 for spots to kiss?
19: a kiss on the side of the neck.
This is a continuation of prompt 29 which you can find here: link
Rated too hawt for tumblr bc smut so again, it’s under the read more line. 
Kagome eyed him with confusion. Since when had the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru deigned to proposition her with anything? She'd had scattered conversations with him since returning from her era but they weren't exactly 'friends.'
Still, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued.
"I'm listening."
His lips twitched. "Clearly you are dissatisfied with your first sexual experience. I, therefore, extend the offer to bed you."
Kagome choked on her own spit. "E-excuse me?!"
"You are excused."
"No, I mean- why would you ever offer me that?"
He looked rather magnanimous, sipping his saké with relaxed features. "No reason. I desire company tonight. If you are not averse to it, then accept."
He said it so simply. As if he extended such offers every day. Maybe he did. He had the looks and status to do so.
Sesshoumaru's mouth turned down. "This one does not offer such things easily."
Kagome jolted, wondering if he was a mind reader. "O-of course not," she took a moment to steady herself, considering. "But don't you hate humans? I mean, I know you don't hate all of us, since you care about Rin and Kohaku. This is another thing entirely though."
Sesshoumaru inspected perfect nails boredly. "By no means will I ever revere humans as a whole. However, 'hate' is a strong word. Putting that aside, my business is not with the human race tonight, it is with you," his attention slid back to her. "And past interaction between us hints to me that we would be...compatible in the bedroom."
Kagome felt faint. Like those swooning women in period piece movies. Except she wasn't swooning from any crush, more like her corset was too tight.
"Oh really?" she said thinly. "What tipped you off? The arrow I sent to your face?"
His brow rose as he gave an indulgent chuckle, "power calls to power. You were a brat- but so was this one, to an extent. I desire strength, beauty and will. Are these not qualities you possess?"
Heat bloomed upon her cheeks and Kagome reeled. She couldn't believe she was seriously considering it. Inuyasha would be hurt if he found out. Kagome frowned and curled her hands resting upon her knees into fists. 'It's not as though he has any say in this.'
There was one thing still bothering her though. "If I agree to this, would it happen just once?"
Golden eyes visibly darkened as a foreign expression tightened his jaw, muscles becoming tense. Kagome almost thought she'd angered him before a velvety tone revealed his true emotion; "this agreement may happen as many times as we wish. Over a period of time. Weeks, months if need be."
He was hungry. She realised. Into it. Into her? "S-slow down! We don't even know if we'll enjoy it enough to do it again yet!" she squeaked. "Besides...a secret fling, no strings attached…" Kagome had never thought she'd be the type. "Using you for pleasure, is that really fair to you?" she murmured.
Sesshoumaru let out a noise of frustration, and she found her vision swallowed by silver as her back hit plush furs, sinking into their cloud-like softness as he bent close. His body had never been so near. She could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
"Must you be so vexing?" dark tones purred, a nose grazing hers. "This arrangement is mutually beneficial. We both take. Moreover-" claws skimmed Kagome's waist- her damp sweater clinging to her frame. She shivered violently, heart stuttering. "I am a demon. There is no danger of wounding me emotionally- for I am beyond your reach. So be selfish. Greedy. Be every ugly thing you have repressed, miko- for it can exist here without repercussions. That is what it means to indulge baser urges."
Inexplicably, tears pricked Kagome's eyes again. It was the strangest thing anyone had ever said to her. But wonderfully attractive. She wanted it. She wanted to massage her wounded ego with wicked lips and all the licentious attention he could offer.
Carefully, as though raising a tentative hand to a wild animal, Kagome lifted her palm. Touching his striped cheek and feeling its warm smoothness, the contours of his handsome face- she exhaled in a rush, acknowledging the true weight of the action. "So it's...it's just casual?"
Pale, long lashes slid half shut. Sesshoumaru leaned a little closer but ultimately waited for her to make the first move. "Just casual."
Kagome nodded slowly and brought another hand to his shoulder, feeling the muscle there, before hesitantly pressing a kiss to the side of his neck.
She felt him swallow against her lips. Those claws at her waist bit in through the thick material. Lifting her head- Kagome accepted his heated kiss, falling deeper into the mass of endless furs.
They were not gentle nor sweet that first time. Rather, there had been an endless blur of fangs scraping, sinking into flesh- nails dragging and lips colliding in desperate fervour.
Kagome's legs locked around his waist, back arched and chest bared when she surfaced a moment from their lust ridden haze to note the bizarreness of watching Sesshoumaru lick and suckle at her nipple. She tangled shaking hands in sublime hair and rocked her hips needily against his.
"Do it now- don't mess around," she grit out, soaked from a few ministrations of his fingers. Kagome never thought the day would come when she'd dismiss foreplay. But the demon tortuously undid her, cruelly denying her by coaxing desire higher and higher- her thighs were hitched up over broad shoulders as a sinuous tongue lapped and roved and played inside her.
Kagome choked and sobbed her rapture, trembling beneath him as she came against his mouth.
Blue eyes flashed then and the miko yanked her legs away, squirming and righting herself. Sesshoumaru blinked- before he was shoved back. Kagome stood with him, placing a hand on his chest.
"You said I could be selfish," she grit out, red-faced. "Why didn't you just take me as I asked?"
His lips- covered in a faint sheen of her juices- curved up at the edges. He licked them slowly, slit pupils dilated. "This one also said our symbiotic relationship would benefit me as well. I am also allowed to be selfish."
Growling, Kagome grabbed his shoulders for leverage, dragging him down to her mouth and kissing him hard. She bit his bottom lip and sucked, tasting herself lewdly. Sesshoumaru shuddered and panted, cock straining against her.
The miko pushed herself up on her tiptoes and wrapped both legs around his waist, forcing him to stagger back just as the carriage lurched mid-air from a harsh gust of wind. This resulted in them careening back- Sesshoumaru landing against the shutter that burst open, letting cool night air swamp their rutting bodies. Hands scrambled and pushed clothing aside- the demon sinking inside her with some difficulty despite how slick she'd been rendered.
Twin groans were stifled in each other's necks. Kagome had never once been so overcome with lust that she disregarded everything- didn't pause to shut away the chilly draft, didn't wait to ask permission to begin- her hips greedily moved of their own accord. She sank herself down on him and let out a keening noise, mouth falling open.
"C-call my name," she blushed, gritting her teeth. "Please say my name."
His hands locked beneath her thighs to keep her in place, back against the partially open shutter. Sesshoumaru hissed and snarled, his own hips undulating with hers.
Cruel lips pressed against the hollow of her throat. "Kagome," he breathed and kept on repeating it like a mantra.
Something wounded and fragile unfurled within her heart.
It wasn't like how it had been with her ex. In fact, Kagome wagered the powerful thrusts and erotic graze of sharp teeth had ruined human men for her forever. Only demons would likely satisfy her now unless she wanted a life of paltry blunt canines and smooth nails with no dark aura to latch onto. His youki practically drowned her, seeping down her throat and causing her to choke and push out holy powers.
Hands scarred with marks from archery slid over his chest, leaving trails of steam. Sesshoumaru groaned- gaze flashing red, and their harsh, frantic movements combined with lusty cries reached a crescendo. He pushed her down to the floor and slammed inside her to the hilt. Kagome threw her head back, screaming.
The rest was mildly difficult to remember. She was fairly certain, however, that golden eyes had been surprisingly gentle when he'd caught her glazed blue gaze once more. It was only later, when he dropped her off at the edge of Inuyasha Forest, that Kagome pointed out his missing earring.
Sesshoumaru had hummed, removing his remaining pale one and handing it over to her.
Kagome understood what it meant. An agreement, a promise that this was theirs; and theirs alone.
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