#like it genuinely makes me so !!! happyyy
softplushiee · 2 months
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aauuuuhh qiu’s reaction to the mc using ms and mr <333
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he’s talking like there’s two lily seconds haha
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coolspacequips · 2 years
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some sweet little kissie hances that i’ve been doodling on this weekend.... i think lance would constantly be stopping to land smooches on his man. love these two bffs (best boyfriends forever)
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elfdyke · 1 year
it really reeeeally gets to me how you can be so terse and 'annoyed' with lae'zel in her act 2 romance scene bc it fits so well for the shadowheart origin imo...
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LIKE IDK 💖 smiles. i think they have such a weird way of loving each other but in the end there is genuine love and care there
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also this.. 💖 shadowheart playfully being mean to lae'zel EEP idk its just so her it makes me happyyy this scene makes me feel so insane ive replayed it way too much
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miceonvenny · 4 months
Spoilers below!!
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Stop cause their friendship(debateable) is so cute man. i love their stupid banter, their bickeringggg for two people that hate eachother they sure get on well i wanna see them happyyyy
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Honestly, only one thing to say to this one, and it's damn.
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When I tell you, I almost crieeeddd😭😭😭
But in all honesty, I knew this was coming, and I don't mind. I'm satisfied - more than satisfied, actually. These two books have actually... wow, I've genuinely never felt this way towards any fic before. I actually sat staring at my notification bar, waiting for gmail to pop up(only to be disappointed because it's just something irrelevant, like my accounts being compromised or smth😒), and when it did today, I actually squeaked. Not kidding, btw, I squeaked and physically reacted. Lock me away. But enough about my obviously worrying mental health!
This fic. This series, M&M. I'm so happy I found this when I did.
Allegory, if you (somehow) see this post, I just wanna say: Thanks for the ride, and I wish you well!
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shiibaroll · 9 months
I am OBSESSED with your stringless AU I love dad Spamton I love the swatchton baby Raster I am foaming at the mouth I am taking this AU and cramming it in my mouth and eating it like cheezits
This is all complimentary by the way I don’t mean to sound like a feral beast but the swatchton and the lil baby and… it’s so perfect I am losing my mind. I love your blog
I hope Raster loves the tiny Cungadero
im so glad people like the guyssss it makes me so genuinely happyyy
i need to post more here on tumblr so im using this opportunity to post some ACTUAL BABY raster drawings + a silly one i made for twitter last night
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if i remember ill post some raster comics i have lying around later but thats all for today heheh
also yes raster did love the cungadero :3
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angelicyoongie · 6 days
hi ^^
I'm finally more concretely baaaack!! & I finally found time to properly dedicate to your amazing work!!
how are u doing? summer basically finishing so I hope you'll enter last days of summer/early autumn well rested, healthy & w/ no regrets <333
I finally caught up to Abundance & i'm soooo happyyy, i've missed this fic soo much xd
every ch left me w/ so many thoughts, sooo much excitement & just an overall sense of satisfaction at how smooth & rewarding your writing style & narration style are!
so i may ramble a lil bit abt it now if u don't mind XD (u don't have to read all of it or reply btw, no pressure ;D )
1st of all i wanna recognise how usually it's harder to keep tabs on multiple characters, even more if they are all important & heavily involved in the plot (esp in ff that are poly or w/ multiple different kinds of relationships & relations between characters ) but you've done nothing but a great job at handling this! each character gets their time, their moments, their own space & pace for development & involvement in the plot & it all feels very balanced!
definetely not in order '^^
i also wanna scream at the idea of the pack-mark?? i thought i loved already the hybrid concept but this just elevated it o the next level! & the difference in the mark being platonic or romantic & it being also different from the concept of mate-mark?? i can't wait to see how this puzzle piece fits into the canines arrangement in the future
returning to the 1st point, to strenghten my love w/ your writing style there's also the way u write the mc!! istg i'm this close to start crushing on her instead lmaoo. no but the way u wrote her feels way more natural & genuine than an air-head type or a perfect-never-makes-mistakes literal angel type, she feels like an actual proper developed character that is human & obvi makes mistakes but that is also a good person that has a pretty strong sense of responsability/duty, is very mature & level headed (finally an mc that doesn't behave/think like a 12 y.o lmao). i love how even tho she still learning & doesn't know everything already, she always tries to take the better choice either based on her judgement or by seeking to learn more abt the hybrids by asking them directly, w/out shame or fear to ask them abt themselves & hybrids in general.
wrds cannot emphasize enough how grateful i am that she’s not simply just flustered all the time & getting ping-ponged by the guys, she is her own person 1st & takes srsly her own responsibilities & actually wants to treat them as just any other human person while also accommodating & recognising their diff hybrid needs instead of just being all a condescending “omg, they’r so hot, omg their so cute” all the time. she wants to learn & respect their natural instincts & doesn’t fault them 4 having them but also wants them to wrk through the ones that may be harmful to others around them.
onto the last point above, i can't help but appreciate the constant in the story of hybrids not being able to simply wish away their strongest instincts or miraculously gain control over them simply bc of their love 4 mc’s .NO, there is an actual learning curve & episodes of dealing w/ shame,guilt & sense of helplessness, of predators feeling uncomfortable at feeling or having felt certain instincts as their relations w/ the preys change & evolve( as an example)
but at the same time in the build up of the story, the hybrids instincts are never used as plot device to excuse/justify actions that cross the limit (incidents/hybrid on hybrid crimes, agression, violence & the fact that even tho jin & jk were in rut/pre-rut, they were still adamant abt respecting mc boundaries & consent & not " get their way" & simply blame it on “instinct”bs .-. that was refreshing to see lmao)
in your wrld building, i really love how u handled the characterisation of the roles of prey & predator in hybrids & didn't go w/ just usual/easier expected stereotypical depictions. even tho there’s a difference between predators & prey, they still clearly have a consciousness & an important inner emotional reaction at seeing 1st person the reality of prey hybrids, they’s not just animals & they’s not just jerks/assholes, they are actual ppl that had each their own struggles, traumas & lessons & that up until now where only used to relying on their pack to survive or themselves (case of rogues etc) & drive off anybody else to stay safe but not all of them would go out of their way to hurt prey hybrids, it depends on the personal level & not all of them will be swayed off their feet & fall head over heels for the 1st prey hybrid they interact w/, w/out even getting to know them & later trust them & develop normally a closeness to them.
talking abt trust...
after the nth hurt, esp the predators(namjoon,jimin) have learned to surround themselves w/ walls & to not get attached easily & it’s very interesting to see their different inner fights in trying to let go of that while also struggling w/ the need to still feel safe & in control, 2 things that ‘till now they got by keeping to themselves & to their packs.
& although there have been multiple instances in which nj starting doubting mc or started feeling that safety slip away & started pulling back, or jimin & the others were in denial to their own feelings & pull to get closer to other hybrids outside of the pack & lower their guard, after a pretty difficult process & many mistakes it’s slowly starting to happen!! at a pace that i’m sooooo glad u actually took time & effort to develop in a way that feels very natural & curated! i’m sure that it’s not easy to write like this at all & every ch is different & sometimes the wrds don’t feel right or they don’t come etc but i’m just so incredibly happy that u continued to persevere through that in this fic bc the results are a damn masterpiece!!
i nearly lost my mind at your description of nj inner turmoil w/ primary colours(blue & yellow) that clash & then merge into his confused uncomfortable state (murky green) . i literally kept re-reading that part bc it was just sooo pretty 😭
...tumblr doesn't have yellow so let's just pretend XD
& the subtle hints & nj fear of repeated rejection? i’m not sure if maybe i’m interpreting it wrong & it’s not smth that he already had to deal in the past but i’m looking forward regardless.
& the way no part of the plot gets neglected?? hello? bc while all of this is going on w/ the hybrids, mc’s life outside of this bubble is taking turn after turn w/ her wrk & it’s getting sooo interesting,soo intriguing w/ all the dots connecting & the mystery getting bigger & more rabbit-holey😍😍😍
& can i just say that i never trusted hajoon from the beginning?!!! his reaction to mc saying they don’t investigate money laundering bc it’s more of a “officer/investigator” job & him finding it amusing almost like he knows she’s technically already doing that w/ the other company but she just confirmed that the law firm can’t find the necessary info by themselves so other ppl get involved like investigators & informants …. & then the overlap of the 2 cases?? the cliffhanger?? the 3 names popping up again?? & she might have fallen into a trap & just fed hajoon the ones that might have worked w/ her to testimony against the shady company involved in hybrid trafficking... or actually hajoon found a way to frame those 3 to make it harder 4 their testimony to be believable in case they get involved to help mc w/ her case against Lim's. or maybe it's smth else entirely & i'm off my rails XD
we still don't know that much abt hajoon or mc's informant & there's always the possibility of a mole being at the law firm, maybe even somebody that knows mc closely, doesn't attract much attention & regularly looks through files,appointments & schedules😳 now i'm just freely speculating off my head XD
lastly bc i don't wanna exaggerate w/ the walls of rambling (might be too late tho so srry abt that😅), i'm absolutely knees deep infatuated w/ the little details/quirks/facets of personality u give each hybrid:
namjoon's intimidating edge being softened thanks to his clumsiness & puppy-like moments, jin's softer & more attentive way of subtly asserting his role as alpha/hyung, tae's simple often straightforward natural sweetness & inclination of being curious & playful, hobi's unexpected strenght & comforting sweet personality that often acts as a damper in intense moments, jk's perseverance towards more indipendency & his struggles w/ self-worth, jimin's stark contrast between how he carries himself in front of others & his own inner insecurities & fears of abandonment, yoongi's new perspective on love & it simply adding up not substracting at admitting his crush on jin & helping jimin accept his own changes in his emotions & feelings toward the other hybrids.
i have soooo many more but i don't wanna push it😫
in the end i just hope u had lots of fun & feel proud of how this series is turning out! obvi as always no pressure & make sure to take your time & continue writing when & as long as it feels right^^
hello!! thank you so much, i'm doing well 🥺 i hope the beginning of autumn is treating you well too! i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to this ask but the truth was that i didn't want to share it just yet, lol 😭 this ask arrived in my inbox just as i was trying (and failing) to begin writing for abundance again. i kept psyching myself out, thinking that my break had been too long and i wouldn't be able to capture the essence of the characters anymore – so what was even the use of trying if i was only going to fail? but then this popped into my inbox and it just made me feel so.. seen. you pointed out and acknowledged so many aspects of the story that i love and feel proud of, and it was truly the boost i needed. i've been coming back to this almost every day as i've been writing, so i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖💖
i will say that having eight main characters is a puzzle that doesn't always line up, but i do try my best to make up for it whenever i can! if a character isn't very prominent in one ch, it's likely that they'll get more attention in the next or that i'm "saving" them for a bigger scene that needs more build up. but i'm glad you think i'm going a good job at juggling all of them, tysm :')
i always try to think of ways to add a little something extra to my stories, something that makes it feel like it's not just a direct copy of every other fic in that trope. dividing the boys into predator/prey packs and giving them different marks (platonic/romantic) was such a 'simple' but effective way of introducing a lot of drama and conflict into the story. i'm a slow burn girlie at the end of the day and i knew that the pay off of all of the packs becoming one would be that much sweeter if they actually started off truly disliking each other and not just becoming lovey dovey after two chapters.
i'm honestly so ecstatic that you love the MC so much, that makes me so happy!! it's taken some trial and error, but i've tried my best to create a MC/reader that makes realistic choices and is someone that the majority might be able to see themselves in. she's not perfect, she makes mistakes and she feels horrible when she does, but she also tries to fix things when she messes up and doesn't just expect them to work out on their own. it just doesn't make sense to have an MC that knows everything about hybrids when she's never owned one before (or really had any interest in them) so part of the challenge for her is to actually learn about their needs in relation to who they are as people and not just assume that she knows best because she's fully human.
thank you!! i've really tried to balance the human and animal part of them as much as possible in this fic. they may have instincts and knee-jerk reactions to situations that are fueled by their animal DNA but that doesn't mean that their human brain completely checks out. it was important to me to show that much like the MC, hybrids can have prejudice too, and that they can learn & grow over time. i'm so happy that you pointed out the fact that their instincts are never used to excuse their actions – that was one thing i didn't want to happen. like i said, they're just as much human as they are animal, so it's not a valid reason for them to ignore morals or boundaries.
yes! i didn't just want to slap a predator label on some of them and go "okay, you guys are scary and mean" and make the preys meek and docile for the entire story. they still have individuality and personality regardless of if they're classified as predator or prey. they have all had different experiences that have shaped them into who they are but that doesn't make them heartless or incapable of change. the predators have never noticed how much their biology affects prey hybrids until they met jinkook, so it makes sense that their guilt would eventually catch up with them when they stop thinking of the preys as competition that needs to be eliminated.
trust is a big part of this fic and it manifests in so many different ways! they're all finally beginning to open up and understand that they're safe, and i think it's especially satifisfying to see namjoon and jimin finally let their walls down :') there were times that i was worried i was going to slow but i really do think that this pace was necessary - there was just too much that needed to be unpacked and adressed for it to happen any sooner. and no, it has definitely not been easy, but it does feel more than worth it when i get such a lovely review as this 😭
i'm so happy you pointed out that scene with joon, bc i really liked using the colours to represent his emotions!! and you're not interpreting it wrong, it's definitely a big fear for him!
i know that most readers are only here for the boys and not so much the mc's work, but i really do think it adds to the story! there are some connections coming up that have been slowly been hinted at throughout the story so far, so i'm excited for that to come together soon. hajoon is very sus and you're right in not trusting him 🙈 i'm not going to say what it is exactly, but you are indeed on to something regarding the case 👀
i can't have my babies be one-dimensional! i put a lot of thought into making sure that each character had its own strengths and weaknesses and how that would affect them in different ways. truly, thank you so much for recognizing all of the hard work i've put into developing the story and the characters, it means more than you know 😭
i cannot thank you enough for leaving me such an incredible review/comment, it has made me cry (happy tears!) every time i've looked at it and it has helped me remember all of the things i loved about writing the story. i'm truly so so grateful 💖💖💖
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italeean · 1 year
hi! for the tickle match-up event, - a few of my hobbies are tennis, playing guitar, taking walks, and writings fanfics :) i like the quiet, sweet foods, and watching sports
im also a switch
and i'd like to choose the mha fandom!! with a platonic relationship, and a male character
(hope i included everything u needed) - have a good day/night!!
Hello my dear, thank you for participating in my little event 😸❤️ I was genuinely surprised by how quickly you sent in a request, it made me so so so happyyy 🍡 *hands you some dango*
🔮 So... for the match-up, your pair is... DEKU 💚💚
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• He can be cheerful and smiley, but he's not excessively loud or all over the place like other characters • He's perfect to take long walks, and he'd be able to carry on an entertaining and relaxing conversation while doing that • I think he'd also be a fan of watching sports with you... maybe he'd even keep notebooks of his favorite teams and athletes like he does with quirks • He'd also be a good tennist, I think. Maybe a bit clumsy at the beginning, but he'd learn quickly!! • He'd probably tickle you as a "punishment" for laughing at his clumsiness; obviously he'd be playful and goofy, he knows you'd never laugh at him • He'd probably use his quirk by mistake a couple of times, which would result in a destroyed ball and an embarrassing green bean rambling 1000 apologies per second • I also see you two taking lots of strolls in the park and enjoying the view • Then he'd be delighted if you played the guitar, maybe while you take a break from the walking... and he might even offer to buy you ice cream for playing the guitar so well!!! • He'd tickle you because he wants to hear you sing after hearing you play! (He's totally the type who'd say something about you having a melodious laughter) • Let's be honest, he'd offer ice cream to all his friends • He'd totally offer to carry your guitar if he sees you struggling while walking. After all, it's his duty as a hero to preserve everyone's happiness and well-being, including the ones of  your back and shoulders hehe • You could try to tickle him lightly, just to make it more difficult for him to carry your guitar
�� Tickle scenario: "I'm sure Djokovic will win this time!" You said as Deku turned on the TV and tuned it on the tennis channel. It was always a pleasant time when the two of you spent your evening watching sports and commenting the performances.
"No way! Federer is much more experienced and his technique is perfect, besides, based on his current physical conditions..." You couldn't help but chuckle as he rambled about his theories. You felt honored to be friends with such a precious boy who always knew how to make you laugh.
However, things were different this time. There was a serious bet going on, and the stakes were high, very high. Deku had bet on Federer based on a calculated, deep study of data and statistics, while you had chosen Djokovic based on... well... a gut feeling.
You both laughed it off as the match started, your eyes fixated on the screen as you two munched on some candy.
The match was long and nerve-wracking, as you both expected from the two titans that were challenging each other, but alas it came to an end...
And that ending taught Deku to never underestimate the power of a gut feeling.
"Ha!!! Take that! I knew he'd win!!!" You celebrated as Djokovic raised his cup high in the sky. Deku, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded. "How..? I was so sure... it's impossible..! Based on their recent performa- WAH!! N-no wait!!!"
Too late, you were already on top of him, cracking your knuckles. "No can do, a bet is a bet and now you gotta pay!" With that battle cry, your hands finally found the poor boy's torso and attacked mercies. Squeezing his hips, poking his sides, scribbling on his tummy, spidering on each one of his abs, and even swirling a finger inside his belly button every once in a while, just to entertain yourself with the squeal that left his lips every single time.
"NAHAHAOHOHOHO THIS IHIHSN'T FAHAHAIR..!" He kicked and squirmed, but to no avail, as you targeted every sensitive spot you could find. "This isn't fair? How so?" You asked as if you weren't wrecking the life out of the poor green bean.
"B-becahahause he wahasn't suppohohosehed to wihihihin..!" He whined, his laughter toning down a little as you targeted a less ticklish spot in a sudden moment of mercy. "Yohohou prohobahahahably cheatehehed..!" He joked, not knowing he was about to face the consequences.
"Now you really asked for it, prepare to die!!" You exclaimed as you went for his death spot... or at least tried to.
Something took a firm hold of your wrist, and you barely managed to catch a glimpse of Deku's Blackwhip before the world turned upside down and you saw the young hero's face smirking at you.
He didn't even waste any time to think of a good comeback sentence. He just went for your death spot before you could even think of retaliating. "NONONOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAIHIHIT!!!" is all you managed to say before he unleashed his counterattack, or as he liked to call it, his Tickle Monster Quirk.
The rest of the afternoon went on accompanied by the sounds of your laughter, and ended with many doubts about who had effectively won that tickle war.
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soldofficial · 16 days
AH YOU HAVE TUMBLR, HELLO!!! I dont know if you'll even see this, but I wanted to say that your content is amazing, and you genuinely make me so happy- just how accepting you are, and how in one video, when talking about a trans woman, you wore "girlie clothes" like a skirt and you had your hair down- IT MADE ME SO HAPPYYY
I hope I'm not being weird 😭 it just makes me feel really good to see any kind of representation, or just anything "out of the norm", such as dudes wearing skirts or dresses
I hope u have a splendid day <33
HI! I'm always so happy when someone appreciates the outfits I wear in my videos. I am such a big believer in the fact that any person should be able to present themselves as they like. My videos are getting seen by a LOT of people now days, and I get so much negativity just for having longer hair (I'm sure you can imagine it gets even worse whenever I wear something like a skirt too). So to see things like this - people appreciating me wearing skirts and letting me know that it does matter - is very valuable to me 😊
And I hope you have a good day too ❤
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aannonn · 11 months
[jshk] Chapter 107 thoughts!
CHAPTER 107 FINALLY RELEASED!! I haven't thought of making an post about my thoughts to it but eh- here we are xD
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sharing this moment because tsukasa getting punched in the face is something we never saw before and i love it
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I love how patient and welcoming Tsukasa is with Baby Nene…
And, dang- It even feels like Tsukasa and Nene's personalities have been switched- Baby Tsukasa was so patient and kind and calm, while Baby Nene is being so impatient and irritating and energetic xD
Meanwhile; Older Nene is calmer, more mature (and immature at times…) and patient, while older Tsukasa is more chaotic, manic and impatient lol
I really love this stark contrast between their personalities and it just forces the idea of ​​how similar they both are. They are both chaotic in their own way and I love them❤
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It seems to me that he made the situation worse by entertaining her.. Don't worry Tsukasa, u got this!
I usually dislike kids for various reasons, but I can't help the fact that seeing kids being as excited and energetic as Nene is right now it's adorable and so comforting- lol
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Done. Just like that. I know I'm like- way super mega extra more powerful than her but like- No. I'm done. I hate kids. - This panel Tsukasa in a nutshell.
Alr but Nene playing around with the Koku-Joudais is so cute-- Poor Koku-Joudai though lol
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This. This right here. Is what made me incredibly happy. I love this panel. My favorite panel of this chapter now.
They both love singing. They both know how to sing. their VA's know how to sing. And they are both singing together.
Genuinely can't wait for the anime to finally have its reboot some day.. And see those panels getting animated! AAAA
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Nene looks like she's softening towards Tsukasa.. That's good. Does this mean they will have a good relationship in the future? (That is, if Nene remembers what happened when she turned into a child)…
Maybe. All that’s left is to wait and dream.
My second favorite panel for sure. Tsukasa just looks so calm and at peace, while Nene looks like she's fascinated to finally get to know this side of Tsukasa that she's never even heard of.
They're both just enjoying each other's company and, of course, loving singing Over The Rainbow together...
Those are the little things that makes this whole panel be my second favorite.
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thats not how you should hold kids-
uhm okay
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She's here, she's there, she's everywhere! (who understood the reference? lol)
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Nothing much. I just love this side eye that Tsukasa is throwing at Mirai.
Idkk its just- He looks so cool lol
Poor Nene tho- Seems like Kou influenced Tsukasa to hold kids like that xD (Tsukasa is a lil' bit more brutal about it though...)
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Once again; Nothing much. Mirai just looks really cool.
On a damn cliffhanger.... Dangit >;(
Oh well... Can't wait to wait a whole month just for the next chapter... Yippie....
Welp! Atleast my school ends in november, so that's a win! >;)
My final opinion about this chapter; Easily one of my favorites. I love them both and they seems to genuinely enjoy each other's company (atleast at near the end lol).
Platonic TsuNene is one of my favorites dynamics, and I love the big-brother-little-sister vibes this whole chapter gives us lol
Once again, as always, excited for the next chapter! >w&lt;
Though, I hope u enjoyed reading it just as much as I did!
Cya ~ !
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Lil' reminder; Feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts into it! Just be nice and respectful about it, please.
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churrothezanyrabbit · 7 months
does anyone else get super excited when someone wants to draw/make fanart of smth you made and/or your oc/persona/etc. or is it just me
or is it cuz i’m autistic
istg i get so happy and excited when i see fanart n stuff and im like “OH MY GODDDDDD YAAAY” and get all stimmy and excited and i just jajjsjsjsj
like this same thing happened when there was a bit of fanart for my yan. mortimer au
amxjw#s eee i love it
i genuinely love when ppl make art or praise my stuff that i make it makes me so happyyy jajzhsh2
keep doing it waaaa
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g4b13-blog · 1 year
hai haiiiii langgaaa, this would be the first time that I'll be writing a letter for someone that's not blood related to me (as far as I remember) that's whyyy don't judge🙄🙄🙄
This "present" is divided into three parts and that would be:
-this letter
-the plushie
-and me🫶😙😎🤸🤩
The same with the letter that you have given me on my birthday, I'd like you to play some music while reading this letter din. The only difference is wara la ak flowers yana nga ighahatag☹️😣😔. Buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I have something else
Like this
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orrrrr this kay bawal pa man ada😣😔
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I'm going to start the "actual" letter with the experiences that I had when I was starting to muster up some courage to make a move on you way back when we were on 12th grade.
To tell you honestly, I was very hesitant to make any moves kay I believed that I'd never have a chance on you. But on april of 2022 can't remember what was the exact date basta april HAHAHAHA, tigda ka utro nag pop-up sakon "People You Might Know" sa epbiiii and I somehow took it as a sign na from God😭🙄🥹I remembered that for the nth time gin cancel ko ngean akon friend request sa imo pero by that timeee I was literally still attracted to youuu, so before I sent another friend request gin stalk ko muna ikaw🫣🤸🫶 and after stalking your acc, I decided to send another friend request to you.
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After that I actually didn't expect na nga igaaccept mo pa akon friend request kay siyempre nakapira na ak baya send, more like I expected nga madudunot nala akon name sa imo friend requests HAHAHAHAHAHAHA TvT
Moving on na sa part wherein nagkakameda na kit slight interactions sa school. During this timeee I was thinking if mag papansin na ba ak sa imo, I mean dire papansin nga like papansin na mairas ha, like papansin la ba nga somehow ipafeel ko sa imo akon presence that's why I started na mag tambay tambay sa iyo room and adto nga akon pag comment sa story ni yanna HAHAHAHAHAAHA, and things happen naman la and the interaction that we had san nag himo kit ribbon made me feel genuine happiness that I haven't felt for a while na. Every time that I saw you sa school you never cease to captivate me with your beauty, every time that I saw you, you made me fall for you and as I got to know you more, I slowly realized that there's no going back with the decisions that I'll be making.
soooo balik kit san akon ginsend na friend request sa imo over a month na. FINALLYYYYY, after how many attempts made by yours trulyyy🤩🤩🤩 on 22nd of Juneeee (gin search ko kun how makita kun when gin accept an fr), gin accept mo na akon friend request🤩🤸🤩🤸🤩🤸🤩 I was genuinely happyyyy by that time, and as far as I remember after that day like san nagkita na kami nira ei sa school the next day, I shared it to him while showing him how excited and happy I was, pero iya ak sadto gin yaknan nga ayaw daw masiyado paging happy just because gin accept mo akon friend req TvT, but still I was sooo happyyy that daaay.
I'm not going to tell you all of it kay instead nga maging birthday letter ine bangin mahimo pa nga wattpad HAHAHAHAHAHAHA chz
maybe you're wondering why I chose the music photograph by ed sheeran🤔🤔 honestlyyyy it was hard for me to choose a music that I'd play on this letter kayyy there's a lot to choose from. Buttt while I was writing this letter and planned the things that I should do for your birthday, I happened to hear photograph na gin papatukar ni ate gee ann sa ubos while she was cleaning, and I sat for a while and listened to it and somehow made me feel like this is the perfect song for this, kay aside from the lyrics itself, I also remembered that you're fond of taking some photos to turn it into memories that you could cherish for a lifetime. Before you came, I didn't gave that much of importance sa pag para take pictures, but somehow you showed me the importance of it.
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I know that I've told you this plenty of times already pero I'll never get tired of telling you this. Your existence in my life is one of the greatest blessings that happened to me, you might think that I'm just exaggerating things here or that I'm just sugarcoating some of it to make it sound sweet, but to tell you honestly you've brought a lot of changes into my life, the kind of changes that helped me develop into a better version of myself, because of you I strived more to be a better person not just for myself but also for those people around me, and for that I want to express how thankful I am to you. We have been through a lot of things already, may it be good times or bad times, and somehow we were able to make it through those times together. And with all my heart, I wish and praaay that we can make through all of this together and be both successful in our own careers and still be together. From the very bottom of my heart, I loveeeee youuuuu so muchhhh langgaaaa.
I saved this 2 photos for the last part because this are one of the very first photos that we had together.
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I would never forget our very first laag together, at first I was worried that you might turn me down once na magkita kit in person, I was afraid that maybe I'm not good enough for you, or maybe we'd have an awkward time together. These were some of the fears that I had in my mind when we first met in person, I had my doubts to myself and thought that I was just not fit to be with you. Fortunately you were able to prove me wrong, you were able to remove those fears and doubts that I had in my mind. After all of that time that we had, Our first meeting became a part of my core memories, memories that I could cherish for a lifetime. You have become a very important person to my life and I'll assure that it'll be the caseee may it be 1 year, 3 years, or a decade from now.
Before I end this not-so-long birthday message I would like to tell you this again, whenever you feel like no one is on your side, as long as I'm alive you'll always have someone that you can lean on. I'm always here for you no matter what happen and remember that I'm proud on all of your achievements, may it be big or small. You deserve to be treated right, my langga, you deserve the genuine and faithful love, you deserve the kind of love wherein you'll never have doubts. This might put pressure on you, but I pray with all of my heart that this relationship of ours will last for lifetime.
Once again, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST LEI🎉🤟😚❤️ and for the nth time, I'd like to tell you how grateful and lucky I am to have you in my life and always remember that you're more than enough for me langga. I hope you achive every goals that you have in your life. I Loveeee youuuu so muchhhh, alwaays, my langgaaa.🥺😙 🫶🎉🤟
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nagimayo · 1 year
8, 12, 20 for the enstars ask game !!
8. what is your favorite song?
ugh that's genuinely so hard bc i am extremely autistic about music and this game has SO many good fucking songs... that being said, it's also my favorite Eden song, Deep Eclipse~ 💜
12. what was your favorite event?
so it hasn't happened in global/engstars yet but i am eagerly anticipating the Numbing Noir Neige event, i am violently obsessed with everything about that shuffle event and unit. song slaps. story slaps. UNIT LINEUP SLAPS!!! concept? gothic death themed song with a french title? it's for me. i am going to get the highest possible score i can and my wallet will cry. january 2024 i am watching you
20. what are your favorite 3* cards?
oooo ok that's really fun, here are some that i like a lot:
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and then it's from ! but as a flautist it just makes me happyyy. fingers on the right keys and everything, my king
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star-drip · 1 year
i need to ramble about aiden and emerson again because OH MY GOD maybe im just attention starved and that's why i think about this shit but omgg😭 i never stop thinking about them
first of all, the idea of clean, healthy emerson is honestly the most adorable thing ever. once she actually makes an effort to change, she honestly loses some edge and smiles more and AH it's cute asf. when she's healthy and actually wants to stay clean, she just genuinely tries to live life and be happy and it's just so cuteee and it makes me so happyyy. 😭😭😭
BUT WHAT REALLY GOT ME is that aiden fucking stayed at her apartment during the worst of the drug withdrawals and took care of her??? he literally just could not stand the thought of her being alone during that shit, so he literally lived with her for like a week and i need someone like that goodbye
but it also made me so sad, because he felt really guilty since he is a drug dealer himself and has given her heroin for FREE many times. and even tho she mainly bought from someone else, he low key blames himself for her addiction getting to that point, and that makes me depressed asf like aiden nooooo 😭😭😭
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brb ur lil speech has actually motivated me to go into some ppl asks and finally tell them that i like their stuff.
also special shout out to @byyourside28 's pirate fic. when i first saw the title i genuinely was like "WTF" but then i read it and it's so good????? 🦦
AWWWWW. THIS MAKES ME SO SO HAPPYYY ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you’re amazing for doing this. I promise you you’re gonna make some really fantastic writing so so happy. also FUCK YEAH. Queen goddess magical @byyourside28 Tia is amazing. And y’all have no idea what she did today to help someone out. She’s a literal Wonder Woman. We all love her. 🩷🩷🩷
pirate matty forever and ever.
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colth0und · 2 years
hi i found your music on youtube and i rly rly like it!!! my favorite is “little heart” cause i feel like i can relate to it so much 🥺 are you comfortable with sharing abt ur reason to writing it? if not it’s okay 💕
oh omfg hello! that song is so extremely old and while i plan to redo and release it eventually like, officially with some other older songs, i have to say i'm a little embarrassed that you ended up stumbling across such an old recording LOL
i'm always up to answering questions abt my music tho!!! especially my newer music but that's not what you asked so- ANYWAY little heart specifically is from when i was younger and a decent bit less mature, so my apologies if this sounds a little bit like that, heh-
pretty much, it was about an ex of mine who dated me despite still having a crush on someone else, and when that person reciprocated the feelings said ex claimed that he never felt that way for me and just kinda.. left me feeling like ass when he went off to date that other person
i was rly upset by it, plus i wasn't in a very good place mentally, and so i wrote that song! and i'm pretty much over it now (and i mean, it's been Years so like.. i'd hope i am lmfao-) but it still is one of my earlier songs that i'm actually happy with, that i still like to mess with today, sometimes!
if you'd like to hear my newer music btw pls check my youtube topic, spotify, or bandcamp (or just look up "colt ryder stone" tbh you can find me like.. on a lot of services, idk the specifics off the top of my head)
sorry this got kinda long, anon, but thank you for asking!! it always makes me rly happy to see ppl interested in my music! i literally am always the most hyped person for my own new releases so genuinely this ask made me so happyyy
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 years
Scar has genuinely helped me overcome my speech problems.
I’m dyslexic, along with being autistic, so certain words are VERY difficult for me to pronounce. I often get mocked by my classmates and professors because of the way I speak, which hurt me DEEPLY, until I started watching Scar
Him stumbling over his words and not being able to say things, with people calling his words “Scar-isms” made me realize that it’s ok to be that way! It gives me so much confidence to know that other people are like me, and that you just need to own your flaws.
He just makes me so happyyy
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