#like insane levels of tension
ichosetenderplaces · 20 days
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Housed In Her Silence
A part two to Held Therefore Unaccountable, but can be easily read alone.
Emperor!HybridPiglin!Technoblade x !General!RabbitHybrid!Reader
You've been at your Emperor's side for months. He was right when he said you were better served under him. Being his right hand has led you everywhere he goes, right by his side. But, the constant presence of closeness seems to be ramping up to something you will continue to deny yourself...right?
Now Playing: Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier & Bear McCreary  Taglist: @segnoblade @wingedghostpepper @lissthatskiss Words: 2.5k
To all things housed in her silence
Nature offers a violence
A lunge. A thrust. A parry. Swordplay has always been an intricate dance of skill. And for someone like you, it is something that must be perfected. Your speed is your only advantage against enemies like the one in front of you. Cutting down another soldier barely gives you pause, you continue on to the next furthering the front line onto the enemy. The battle has gone on for hours and yet your men never stop listening to your orders. 
Seeing the gates of the newest castle you're invading fills you with a sense of relief. A sentiment the soldiers seem to agree with as they cheer and surge on with a burst of energy.
You’ve been traveling for months. Reaching the end of the continent and uniting the land under a sole Empire is your Emperor's goal. Emperor Technoblade, a man you had only heard whispers of before the war, is now someone you have been beside for months. Your loyalty to him is stronger than any pledge you could have made to your old King. 
The bear that keeps to his own line
The wolf that seeks always his own kind
The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds
The parent forced to eat its young before it grows
Technoblade is a man forged in an unforgiving environment. One of harsh mountains and constant blizzards. He is a man who stands out amongst his men and the snow. His hair and tall stature give off an air of intimidation to anyone who dares look him in the eye. 
He began his conquest by killing off rich nobles who stole from the orphanage he had grown up in. And then he just kept going. His former Kingdom being established as a vast Empire under his rule.
To others he is a conqueror. But to you, he is your Emperor, your War General. He is the man you stand behind in every battle, always watching his back. And in turn, he watches yours. 
Every bird, gone unheard
Starving where the ground has froze
The winter sun rise, red on white
On a night only a few weeks ago, you had gotten curious of your emperor’s reasoning for trying to unite the continent under his rule, and with only a small pause he had told you.
“Resource’s, a united standard for law and living conditions, and…it is easier this way.” 
Staring across the fire at him, you had been confused by his answer. Easier? He has been on this conquest for years. His only small pause being the retirement of his best friend. How could fighting for years be easier than just becoming allies with neighboring Kingdoms?
“I would end up fighting them down the line eventually, getting it out of the way now to live out my life in relative peace is the best option.”
Adding another log to the fire, you nodded at his words. There were not many other Kingdoms on your continent, but the distance was large in between the two. Your Kingdom had been one of the few left to travel to.
And with this final castle fallen, your Emperor had completed his goal.
Like blood upon the snow
Like blood upon the snow
Blood stained everything within the castle. The King and Queen had attempted to flee but were caught before they could make it. 
You watched as they were dragged into the throne room, your Emperor atop their throne. After months of this routine it is easy to tune out the hysterical rulers in front of you. Luckily, it is done without any issues. And finally, finally the fighting is over. 
The ground walked herе is a wonder
It ceases nеver to hunger
You’ve ordered your soldiers to set up camp. Looking upon the tent both you and the Emperor share fills you with warmth. The memory of the day he had asked and the days following have done nothing to fight against your crush against the man.
Another day and night of traveling. Your bones were weary but it meant nothing to the soon relief of another castle captured. It has only been a few small weeks of serving directly under the Emperor. And he was right, you truly were better served under him. You had never received such good treatment from your past King. You are paid, fed, clothed, and housed all under his order. His soldiers, even the newest ones, receive much of the same treatment. Knowing this does nothing to rid the thankfulness inside your chest at his generosity.
You had been making your way to the ration tent when he had found you. 
“Come with me, I wish to discuss something with you.”
“Of course, Sir Imperator”
Leading you away from the ration tent, he fell into step with you. He has always been a bit of a silent man to those who don’t know how to read him, but you have been by his side for a few weeks. Fighting, arguing, discussing, you have learned to pick up his small mannerisms. And right now, you know from the stiffness of his back and the twitch in his large hands that he is nervous. Realizing this only causes you to become nervous yourself. This is not a rarity, for him to ask you to come discuss something in his tent. It is practically a part of your routine now. You order your soldiers to set up camp and only a few hours later are you seated across from him at his desk. 
Pushing the tent flap open, he leads you into his tent. You subtly ignore his sleeping area, for too much daydreaming has led you into thinking about just how plush those pillows are, and how feeling him at your back would really feel. He sits behind his desk and you move to sit directly across from him in a chair you have a sneaking suspicion is only meant for you. But to you, that's just your delusion thinking. 
He seems hesitant to start talking, and his hesitance reminds you of the first time he asked you to call him by his name when it was only the two of you. So, to spare him you begin talking. 
“You said you wanted to discuss something with me?”
“Ah, yes, I was just uh”
You can see the nervousness at full force. You never see your Emperor like this and a cruel part of you wants to see more behind your conqueror for an Emperor. But, you know better to antagonize him. 
“Is everything alright, Technoblade?”
He clears his throat and seems to give himself some resolve before speaking.
“Yes, something has just come to my attention, is all.”
Cryptic as ever, you’ll give him that. He continues on seeing your confusion.
“Due to your late arrival to my forces your tent is stationed quite a ways away from mine. Seeing as you are my right hand, it would be more appropriate for you to be closer. However, moving any of the tents would be a massive pain. So, I am offering you a space inside my own tent.” 
You blankscreen. Slowly digesting his words. He seems to take your blank look as confusion and refusal, because he begins to ramble. 
“Y-You wouldn't be in my bed of course. You would take the space my old right hand used to occupy. You see, we shared a tent due to the same reason, ahah.”
Snapping out of absolute surprise, you quickly stand. 
“Ah, um, of course. I would be honored. When would be a good time to move my things?”
He seems surprised by your agreement and a rare smile takes his face. 
“Now would be best, I will send a few men with you to help take down your tent and some to bring your stuff here.”
“Okay, thank you, Techno.”
The rare nickname catches him by surprise but you stand and turn away too fast to see the small blush dusting his scarred cheeks.
And all things nature's given
She takes all things back from the living
The soldiers are celebrating around a large bonfire. You will soon join them but you always reconvene with Technoblade first after a victory. You step into your shared tent to see him already looking at the paperwork from the kingdom you’d just conquered. He sees you enter and it is a practiced routine of him waving to your chair and you sitting right down into it. You reach for the report on the Empire’s losses. The conquered kingdom had fought hard against your forces but the Empire is a force of nature that must be bowed to. Still, the number is startling and it tells you exactly why the man in front of you is more quiet than usual. But, you know he has it taken care of. The soldiers bodies will be recovered, possessions and all, and will be sent back to the family. 
I've walked the earth and there are so few here that know
But, you also know that their deaths weigh on their Emperor. No matter how many he has lost to his cause, he remembers their loyalty to him. He has always stressed to his soldiers that not only should they celebrate their victory, but should also celebrate the lives of their comrades that have fallen.
How dark the night
And just how cold the wind can blow
I've no more hunger now to see where the road will go
The raising cheers from the drunk soldiers lost in victory hits both your ears and you both incline your heads to the noise. He raises a brow at you, and you cannot help the small snort at the gesture. 
“Let them celebrate Techno, they have more than earned it. If anything, you should be out there too. There is always another time for paperwork. Right now, we should be celebrating our victory with the men who got us here.”
He takes in your words and stands.
Surprised, it takes you a second to stand and catch up with him leaving the tent. He watches you scramble after him with a small smirk and lifts the tent flap for you. You send him a questionable look but he just gestures you forward. You walk out and he soon matches your pace towards the fire. You both know better than to over indulge like the soldiers in front of you, but, you both still grab a drink. Many of the people around you do not notice their Emperor’s presence, too lost in their drink and their victory. You find a small bonfire with no one around it and gesture to it. He sees it and changes direction to it. Finding a spot, you sit down and cradle your drink in your hands, staring into the fire. 
I've no more kept my warmth
Than blood upon the snow
You have long since accepted what has gotten you to this position. By Technoblade’s side, you know nothing else could make you as fulfilled. And yet, you do wish for more. Fighting the urge to stare into his deep red eyes has gotten harder by the day. 
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
The blood you have shed of other men and women will never wash off your hands. You know this, and slowly, you have stopped caring about it. 
Your indifference is not lost on him, but he knows it is necessary if you wish to continue beside him. And you have shown him your loyalty, you have given him everything you are. He has accepted it all with hidden eagerness. Technoblade knows the man that he is, and for it, he is relieved to see you stick by his side until the end of his conquest. 
It's not my arms that will fail me
But this world takes more strength than it gave me
You are both lost in thought. He casts a quick glance over to you to see you staring into the fire with a far out look, and he takes the opportunity to subtly take you in. Your hair has grown long and your ponytail is often quite tangled by the hours of fighting. He has refused to let you out of his sight on the battlefield, a sentiment you both seem to share if the constant presence at his side is any indication for it. 
The trees deny themselves nothing that makes them grow
No rain fall, no sunshine
No blood upon the snow
The cold is biting and even with the roaring fire you are gathered before, you shiver. Embarrassed, you avoid the look Technoblade gives you. What you don’t expect, however, is to have his deep red cloak draped across your shoulders. You make a move to protest but the immediate warmth that seeps into you makes the sound die at your throat. 
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
The blood you have shed is nothing but a passing thought as you stare up at him. His small smile you land on, and it makes the corners of your lips tug up in a reflection of his own. Your blush has not gone away at all and you hope he thinks it's the warmth from the fire. He sits back down but your eyes have not left him. They are questioning, confused, and hopeful. 
To all things housed in her silence
Nature offers a violence
This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. But, damn it all, you’ve been fighting for months. Being at his side is torturous in the best of ways. The cloak around you gives you confidence as you stand up. He watches you stand with a confused look, but you don’t care. You could be killed for this, you could be tossed inside a dungeon to rot away, but you don’t care. You stride over to him and stop in front of him. You are not much taller than him when he is sitting down, but you still look down to look him in the eyes. Thank god for the alcohol, no way would you be this crazy without it, the cloak, and the dancing you’ve both been doing around each other for months. You’re sick of it and you’re gonna make sure he knows. 
Bending down, grabbing the front of his poet's shirt, you abandon all logical thinking, and slam your lips onto his. It lasts barely a second before you’re wrenching yourself back, cursing your stupidity. But, it doesn’t last long. Just as your hands are letting go of his shirt he stands faster than you’ve ever seen. Your mouth makes the words to apologize, but his hands grab onto your waist and you stumble backwards into the snow. He lands on top of you, and the only thing past your tunic protecting you from the bite of the snow is his cloak. But you can’t pay attention to that, because he’s on top of you, staring down into your eyes, and your face is on fucking fire. Before you can do anything he’s already kissing you. Your eyes are quickly shut and you kiss him back. And it's all you’ve ever wanted. 
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mice-ducks-and-blots · 10 months
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Fellas is it gay to plant a whole like REALLY HUGE road of flowers exclusively for your enemy. Flowers that, canonically, will wither and die if you don't tend to them for a SINGLE DAY. mAY I ADD that earlier in the story Blot states something like "the falls are ROMANTIC in a way, especially with a full moon in the sky >AND MY WORST ENEMY APPROACHING<"
Like I'm sorry I held it for too long and I need to say it. I am a firm believer that Mickey and Blot have the same as whatever it is that Basil and Ratigan got going on
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Listen, if and when we get a Luigi's Mansion Movie I don't want to hear a single pop song. I can grit my teeth and bear it in The Mario Bros. Movie, but the soundtrack for Luigi's Mansion had better be filled with so much creepy piano and dissonant chords and tremolo played on so many strings in such a minor key that Danny Elfman would be like "tone it down a little."
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chaotic-trav · 4 days
Merthur is what bakudeku wishes it could be . I said what I said
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davey-in-a-minivan · 8 months
sophiegeorge vibes
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this one is for @mongreldyke <3
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charliemaybeghost · 1 year
the way crowley looks at him when he's eating in s1 e1 is so much like the way they look at him in Jobs basement. The intense focus.
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stormyoceans · 11 months
Oh delicious delicious rivalry and Mork is insane for touching Day's face like that right before Day's relatives salad and you just met dude leave it for the bed bdbdijid idk what i am saying this trailer destroyed me
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AND AND sorry i know this is already way too long but let me just say im actually so excited to see some animosity between them at first because these days there are a lot of shows where the story starts with the characters experiencing attraction or love at first sight or with one of them already in love with the other so THE SLOW BURN HOE IN ME JUST CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORKDAY GOING FROM STRANGERS TO RELUCTANT CARETAKER/CARE RECEIVER TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS
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cogcltrcorn · 1 year
"old guard spinoff" this, "old guard spinoff" that. and when there are kenstewy parallels in logan/frank. then what
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reegahearth · 1 year
Its weird to say because Frieza saga is so hyped by the community but I really think the writing quality of that arc is very underappreciated for how well everything is executed.
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"In the day time, I'm Andres, just a normal guy with a normal life, but there's something there is something that nobody knows, that I have a secret"
"It's Berlin-"
Perfect, anon! As long as we're watching Disney anyway.
#the whole berlin thing is so annoying#but what's more annoying to me personally is the gradual watering down of Pina's writing (at least regarding lcdp)#I know he's not writing prestige tv and I'm not saying only 'violent' writing is good#and it's not even particularly about Violence or the lack of it. vol 1 was the most violent and the worst writing of his I've seen lmfao#it got insanely stereotypical with his main characters losing their edge#Martín becoming a big no revenge softie in the span of one season#Bogotá becoming a twitter ally#whatever the fuck is happening to Berlin now lol#like compare all of this to the first part of lcdp which had this cold sharpness to it. genuinely uncomfortable scenes that left a bad taste#in your mouth even with no violence#and it was pretty balanced! it did have its fair share of heart and laughter and love and nice vibes#but it was sharp and the characters seemed very real and multidimensional and people seriously capable of harm#they were actual hardened criminals. which is the only thing that makes sense lol. '#naive characters like Rio who were in for the fun of it got the biggest reality slaps because doing crime on that level wasn’t a joke lol#and that's what gave the show actual tension#and made it fun to watch#now it has this disney element where I just can't believe any of them lmfao. sure we don’t know much but on the very least I don’t believe#Andrés. He's barely a character here. he's like the criminal version of ted lasso#which sure. a show like that could work fine on its own#but remember when the original network was negotiating with Pina on whether a character like Berlin was even appropriate for tv and#swallowable by audiences because how paradoxical and perverse he was?#now he's ladybug
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lakecoded · 2 years
my toxic trait is that as soon as a slow burn couple gets together i get bored lol
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casdeans-pie · 2 months
The truly insane levels of sexual tension if Dean had been in a situation where he needed to pull Cas's angel blade out of his sleeve to help them escape somewhere. Their wrists have been tied together by whatever monster-of-the-week caught them, so Cas can't catch it falling or reach into his own sleeve.
But Dean can.
Dean's fingers graze the back of Cas's hand and glance off his wrist as he reaches in. They hold really intense really weird eye contact the whole time Dean slides his hand slowly up there.
The moment is just. so much.
Anyway Dean slides the blade free of Cas's sleeve while both of them forget how to breathe, Cas's eyes flutter shut on their own and break the eye contact, Dean uses the blade to cut loose their bonds, they save the day, and the first thing Dean says to Cas when he hands his Angel Blade back is "So how does it work anyway? One second there's nothing there and then, bam, angel blade in my hand."
Cas does his best to explain pocket dimensions, angelic intention, extensions of the angelic being... and Dean clicks his fingers like he's got it. He proudly announces, "It's a Mary Poppins bag."
Cas feels like he's had conversation whiplash and manages a confused, "What?"
"Your sleeve. It's like the bag from Mary Poppins."
Cas just had one of the most profound and intimate experiences in his angelic existence and Dean is making silly pop culture references about his sleeve and Cas has never wanted to kiss him more
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astonmartingf · 2 months
f1 grid x driver!reader . . . gen z f1 driver ranks previous crushes in f1 in a new tiktok video that sends fans in a coma /real
amgf well well well, guess who's back (hopefully) uhm i'm enrolled and officially an intern 😀👍 we love to see that, i made this before hungary i think? but yeah, i have too many drafts and no will to write, i'm blaming the new season in wild rift 😋 and because i've been busy with the internship thingy... a lot of seminars and preparations to do sooooo i hope you enjoy this like always
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yourusername uploaded a new video
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. . . view 736,937 comments
user73 hello? came running from twt, everyone talking about this
user62 i thought people were making a big deal on twt like usual but this is actual next levels of insane
user32 yn was bored with summer break and decided to break the internet and possibly the team's pr manager
user50 i relate because i too am not immune to blond hair and blued eyed men...
landonorris i think you forgot to message one more driver on the grid...
→ yourusername you're right @/yukitsunoda0511 i had a crush on you before 😌☝️
→ landonorris i meant a british driver on the grid...
→ yourusername alex is already there???
→ landonorris a mclaren driver perhaps.....
→ yourusername oh my gosh you reminded me!!!! i definitely had a really tiny crush on mclaren @/carlossainz 😋🫶
→ yourusername look lando i specifically said in the second slide that if you're not there then i probably hated you, people said you have poor reading comprehension, didn't think it'd be true 🫤
user38 cleared lando fr!!!!!!
user93 no charles leclerc, max verstappen, daniel ricciardo? fraud 🤥
→ user05 wtf not everyone likes them????
→ user17 y'all it's not that deep, this is yn's crush ranking why are y'all projecting////
georgerussell catching strays on a post about you having a crush on alex before????
→ yourusername oh well... i say it the way i see it and i see the way you look at alex 🙄🙏
logansargeant well well well
→ yourusername shut up logan 🙄
→ oscarpiastri no... but this is interesting ✍️ ain't it @/logansargeant?
→ yourusername shut your traps, i didn't give y'all exclusive content for you to run your mouth online
→ user48 honey i fear you're already running your mouth enough 🥹
user72 is no one taking about the mick one???? like??? i'm thinking about their f3 and f2 moments now and i see it
→ user49 OMG!NNN exactly! i get it now, the tension when they're together
jensonbutton reading your message at 2am asking for permission is not something i expected, my question though is... am i p1?
→ yourusername technically you're p-last atm but considering you're my first f1 crush i guess you're p1
→ jensonbutton i see... one rank higher than @/nicorosberg 👍
→ nicorosberg is this what catching strays mean @/yourusername?
→ yourusername yes 😭
dennis_hauger this is not what i said to you, i'm about to sue for defamation
→ yourusername you can't do that, i need a wag to bring for races
→ dennis_hauger i'm racing too?
→ yourusername and?
user85 mr dennis hauger??? did we miss three chapters here?
→ user69 no!!! they've been going at it since the beginning look up the 2022 f2 season
→ user03 there are various compilations in youtube and in yn's youtube channel !!!!
mickshumacher what is this? this is not what you sent me?
→ yourusername is it slander yn day? i'm out here airing my business and y'all say i'm a fraud istg
→ mickshumacher hahahahahaha but i agree with everything you said, i felt the same way
→ yourusername hello? when was this?
→ mickshumacher probably three, four years ago? same year with you, things didn't just work out
→ yourusername dang so you could've been my wag? ngl glad it's not you 😂🫵
→ mickshumacher i agree, who would want to be with you atp
→ yourusername slander and defamation?????
→ mickshumacher well who doesn't have a wag now? exactly, not me
yourusername wow i made this so we could have fun, but now everyone is just making fun of me, might as well delete this before the PR team sees this 😮‍💨
→ user52 noooooo please keep this up
→ user17 this is actually very slayful if you!!! don't ❌❌ let 🫵 the haters 🤡😈💩 stop 🛑✋ you
→ user28 this is actually what we want this summer, i'm begging 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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j-psilas · 1 year
Will we ever get anything quite like Code Geass again?
I don't think it's possible.
Code Geass is Japanese nationalist propaganda disguised as a global political drama, disguised as a military mecha show, disguised as yaoibait, disguised as a teen melodrama, disguised as a high school romcom, disguised as a Pizza Hut commercial...
...except those layers aren't layers at all, but are instead comingled in a giant snake ball of insanity.
The lead writer, Ichirō Ōkouchi, only ever worked as an episode writer for other shows prior to Code Geass, and never took the helm of an anime series ever again. And it shows. [EDIT: Several people have pointed out his other lead writing credits to me. So I misread Wikipedia—sue me. I maintain that this guy is a better episode writer than he is a lead writer.]
The minute-to-minute pacing is impeccable from a mechanical standpoint, with tension and stakes rising to ever-higher peaks, balanced out by the slow simmers of the b-plot and c-plot. It keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat at all times. Meanwhile, the large-scale plot is the most off-the-wall middle school nonsense I've ever seen, continually surprising the viewer by pulling twists too dumb to have ever have been on their radar—and therefore more effective in terms of raw shock value.
"Greenlight it!" was the mantra of this anime's production. It must have been. It has, in no particular order, all of the following:
Character designs from CLAMP, the foremost yaoi/BL group in Japan at the time—for characters who are only queer insofar as they can bait the audience, and only straight insofar as they can be more misogynist to the female cast.
Speaking of the female cast, hoo boy the fanservice. We've all seen anime girls breast boobily, with many cases more egregious than Code Geass, but there's something special about it happening immediately after—or sometimes in the middle of!—scenes of military conflict and ethnic cleansing.
Pizza Hut product placement everywhere, in every conceivable situation. High-speed chases, light slice-of-life scenes, intimate character moments, all of it. Gotta have Pizza Hut.
The anime-only Pizza Hut mascot, Cheese-kun. He wears a fedora.
The most hilarious approximations of European names—which I would love to see more often, frankly. Names like, I dunno, "Count Schnitzelgrübe zi Blanquezzio."
A depiction of China that is wholly removed from any modern reality, with red-and-gold pagodas, ornamental robes, scheming eunuchs, and a brainwashed child empress. There's a character named General Tsao, like the chicken.
Inappropriate free-form jazz in the soundtrack, intruding at the most unexpected times.
A secret cabal not unlike the Illuminati, run by an immortal shota with magic powers, holding influence all across the world, at the highest levels of government. They matter for approximately three episodes.
An unexpected insert scene of a schoolgirl using the corner of a table to masturbate. She's doing it to thoughts of her crush, the princess Euphemia—because she believes Euphemia to be as racist as she herself is, and that gets her off. This interrupts an unrelated scene of our protagonist faction planning their next move, which then resumes as if uninterrupted.
Said schoolgirl, in a fit of hysteria, threatens to detonate a worse-than-nuclear bomb in the middle of her school. She then goes on to develop an even more destructive version of that bomb, and become a war criminal, in a chain of cause-and-effect stemming from the moment she finds out that Euphemia wasn't actually that racist.
A character called "the Earl of Pudding."
A premise that asks us to believe that the name Lelouch is normal enough that he didn't need to change it when he went into hiding as an ordinary civilian. "No, that's not Prince Strimbleford von Vanquish! That's our classmate, Strimbleford Smith."
The collective unconscious, a la Carl Jung, within which the protagonist fights his villainous father for control over the fate of humankind. After this is over, the anime just keeps going for about ten more episodes.
An episode in which a mech tosses a giant pizza.
A gay yandere sleeper agent who can manipulate the perception of time.
Chess being played very badly, even to the untrained eye. Lelouch frequently checkmates his opponent by moving his king. This goes hand-in-hand with the anime's crock of bad chess symbolism.
A fictional drug that can most succinctly be described as "nostalgia heroin."
Roller-skating mecha in knightly armor, and some of the most sickass mecha fight choreography that I've seen.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. This anime is what the average Westerner in 2006 thought anime was, and it was made in a confluence of factors that cannot be replicated. I've never had so much fun watching something that I found so... insulting. Repugnant. Ridiculous. Baffling. I love it sincerely.
Catch me cosplaying Lloyd Asplund at a con sometime, or maybe even the big gay loser himself, Lelouch vi Britannia.
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ivysangel · 4 months
imagine the sexual tension between you and college au!jason and y’all finally take care of it during a one-night stand at some random ass party and the TENSION ONLY GETS WORSE ⁉️ like first y’all were ignoring how bad y’all wanted to fuck each other and NOW you have to act like he wasn’t just devouring your pussy a few nights ago
tutor!jason who your teacher sets you up to study with twice a week since he's acing the class. the first time you meet, it's in the library, and you almost sit down next to a different guy because jason doesn't look at all like the type to know the ins and outs of gothic lit. if he wasn't nose-deep in mary shelley's frankenstein you would've assumed he was a jock doing recon and looking for some pussy.
but he's not; he's actually really kind and smart and also really fucking hot. your tutoring sessions go on longer than scheduled because you spend more time staring at him than you should. you're actually kind of embarrassed about it until you catch him staring at you one day with a familiar look, one you'd given him many, many times when he wasn't looking.
from then on, things are pretty tense between you two, not in an angry kind of way, but more of an unprecedented level of horniness kind of way. and the growth of your friendship is temporarily stunted because of how badly you want to fuck each other.
but it all comes to a head at some dumb frat party. you're a little buzzed but still lucid enough to know that jason's out of place in this environment. he hates frats, hates the culture around it, hates the fact that he gets mistaken for one so often.
so why the fuck is he flirting with some random sorority girl who's trying way too hard to keep his attention. you're thinking to yourself, "he's not gonna fuck you." but you're not actually 100% sure about that, so you find your way over to him just in case.
his attention immediately shifts to you and little miss greek row makes herself sparse when she realizes his eyes are locked on you and only you.
you're making conversation, but it's kind of awkward; you were clearly green with envy over the prospect of him fucking someone else despite having no claim to him or his dick, and now you were just hitting him with a "sooooo fancy seeing you here!" and he's just looking at you; peering down at you with this look in his eyes that just so dark. unlike anything you've seen on his face before. and then he's finishing off his drink and asking if you want to go somewhere quieter.
ok, so boom. he's leading you up the stairs and into an empty room, and if either of you were sober or not blinded by an intense need to fuck the other, you probably wouldn't have hooked up on some frat guy's unwashed sheets.
and using "hook up" is generous because you're the only one that got anything out of it. he was pretty much hiking your dress up to eat you out before the door was fully closed, and he continued to stay there, between your legs, with his mouth sucking on your clit until someone knocked on the door and killed the vibe. #jasontoddcertifiedmunch
you thought the tension before was bad, but it gets so much worse. you start skipping your tutoring sessions, and the few you do show up to end early because you can barely look at him. you can't get the image of him licking his lips after eating you out out of your head, and it was beginning to drive you insane. 
he was also going insane, but for a different reason. while you were scared that it ruined your friendship, he was craving you more and more with each passing day, wondering where you'd be if you'd gone all the way. he was on the verge of knocking out the teeth of the asshole that interrupted you and shooting you a "u up?" text in the middle of the night.
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i-eat-mold · 13 days
i actually think the average skk fan pipeline is fucking hilarious. first you see a bunch of people on the internet talking about how canon they are and how they are pretty much a couple and you see a ton of fanart. but then you watch the skk episodes in s1 and s2 and you’re like ok there’s def some tension but they literally hate each other what? where do people get all this shipping from? and THEN you read the lns and you’re like ok holy fuck holy shit. ok there’s smth here. you start reading into it, their relationship is insanely complex and they deeply care for each other but they also had their downfall and nothing will be like it was again even though at some point they were the closest souls on earth, connecting to a level beyond comprehension as true soulmates. and then every time you think about them or re-consume a part of the media they’re in, you read more into them and next thing you know it’s been years, youve gradually but certainly completed your descent into madness and you have a tumblr blog strictly dedicated to these two idiots, and 90% of your mutuals are just as insane about them as you are
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