#like in the extra thing they put at the end in the english version when talking about the blog shadow has
caracolcondiarrea · 3 months
Obsessing over the Legend of Zelda before going to Japan was my canonic event
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Dungeon Meshi Information Sources
Dungeon Meshi has several worldbuilding details and extra comics in different publications and I think they get pretty hard to keep track of so I wanted to make a guide and explain what is what for people that maybe want to look into it themselves!
The Main Information sources are:
Daydream Hour 2-5: Sketch compilations and extra comics by Ryoko Kui with commentary, which can be found on EH Scans blog translated, and also in mangadex in between the manga chapters (The first daydream hour isn't dungeon meshi related)
The Complete Daydream Hour: Or more specifically "Ryoko Kui Doodle Book Daydream Hour" Released in january 2024 it still hasn't been fully translated into english. This version compiles extras and sketches from daydream hour 1-5 along with new content. Some of the exclusive comics have been translated and can be found on reddit and bato.to but the full thing is yet to be translated.
Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: The Adventurer's Bible (2021): A guide by Ryoko Kui that compiles information about the characters, monsters and the world. An official english version is available. It was released in february 2021 and has information pertinent for up to chapter 71 from the manga. It contains extra comics for all the main characters and for all the human/demi human races. The extras that talk about side character's backstories are from this book and the characters section has been translated by EH Scans (Also on mangadex)
Delicious in Dungeon World Guide: Adventurer's Bible Complete Edition (2024): Released in february 2024 and still untranslated, this version of the Adventurer's Bible has information updated for the end of the manga, there's even more extras and lots of comics about post-canon. Some of them are being translated and posted into reddit but I haven't seen them anywhere else. The raw is available on bato.to
Manga and Ryoko Kui's Blog: Some of it are from the manga itself, like Monster Tidbits and other Harta Magazine Extras (Where dungeon meshi is published) and also from the author's own personal blog. Lots of the drawings in her blog were deleted with the publishing of the complete daydream hour but you can still see what was unpublished using the wayback machine.
Blu-ray: With the release of the second bluray its clear that there will be extra content with each new one, there's "what if" extras and cover art by Ryoko Kui, you can check it the cover and info in the tag here.
I hope this helps somehow! It was pretty confusing for myself when I first started looking for more extras after finishing the manga.
The things I post here are all based on one of these and I try to put in the tags what the source is!
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vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Sam's version)
(Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: age gap (?) reader is 19 and Sam is 24 a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Tara :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you since you were 4, when Tara and you were in the same class for the first time. You were also her neighbor, but she never knew before that.
You were her little sister’s friend. Best friend, even. When Tara wanted to play, it was always you she wanted to play with. And Sam always accompanied her, so she saw you a lot too.
Then, when she was in age to want to have some money, she babysat you and Tara’s other friends. You were always so nice and sweet, always smiling, and opened to hugs.
She liked you a lot. Out of all of her sister’s friends, you were her favorite.
Sadly the time you spent together came to an end when she ran away.
Even if she didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to see each other a lot more, because your parents had found a new job, and you moved out of Woodsboro a few months after her.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as your eyes met each other’s, both of you knew who the other was.
You chuckled in surprise, while Sam looked at you with wide eyes at how much you had changed.
"Oh my god..." she murmured "What are you doing in New York? It's really far away from Woodsboro"
"Oh yeah, my parents got a job here, a few months after you left... We never really moved again after. What about you?"
"We needed... fresh air. A new start. Away from Woodsboro and Ghostface"
You had heard about the recent Woodsboro murders, but couldn't believed all the rumors about Sam being the real mastermind behind it all.
"Of course, I understand that" you said with a light smile "You should take off your jumper, you're going to catch a cold..." you continued, taking off your hoodie and handing it to her "I don't know if it's the right size, but at least it'll keep you warm"
Sam gave you a thankful look, and put on your hoodie. It smells like her... she thought.
You smiled, and hugged her without thinking about it. You had missed her a lot more than you would ever admit.
"It’s so nice seeing you again…" you said quietly, as she hugged you back
You stayed like that for a minute, silently enjoying the hug, until you got interrupted.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
You broke the hug to look at the person, who appeared to be Tara, your childhood best friend.
"Y/n?" she smiled as she saw you and opened her arms for a hug
You gave it to her happily, holding her extra tight. Then, you discussed a bit, trying to catch up on each other’s life.
“Oh, I wanted to ask you, would you mind giving me your number? So we can talk” Sam suddenly asked you... a little nervously? You weren't sure.
You nodded and took her phone when she handed it to you, before putting your number in it. You gave it back to her with a big smile.
You were more than happy to see the Carpenter sisters again. Especially one of them.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Since you gave Sam your phone number, you hadn’t stopped talking. Every day as soon as you woke up, you started texting. You just had so much to catch up onto!
When you weren’t in class, you made a habit of going to the café where Sam was working. Your excuse was that it was always calm, building a good atmosphere to study there. The actual reason was to see her more.
When she was on a break, she would come to your table and either start catting with you, or just keep you company when you were actually working. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the serious look you had when you were concentrated.
She enjoyed your presence in the café. She was glad you chose to sit there to study, for when she had finished her shift, you could spend more time together. She would often walk you home, to make sure you’re safe.
Sometimes you were with Tara, studying together at the café. Sam loved her sister, but in those moments, when Tara and you were laughing together, so close, while she was behind the counter dealing with rude clients… she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache.
You knew that feeling damn well, every time a client was trying to flirt with Sam. Or at least it looked like they were flirting to you. And every time you had to slap yourself mentally, not understanding why you felt that way.
The answer would come a bit later.
You had planned a movie night with Sam at your apartment. You were alone and bored, and she has nothing better to do as Tara was doing homework with the twins.
You were happy to have that moment with her, but also nervous. The time you had spent together since you met again only brought back feelings you thought were just a stupid baby crush. Turns out it isn't just a baby crush. You had a crush on your best friend's sister.
This whole situation gave you anxiety. What you didn't know was that you weren't the only one.
Sam also had a crush on you. Her sister's best friend. Her sister's crush. She always had known Tara had a crush on you, she even thought you would be together at one point.
You would have made such a cute couple. That's what she had thought for a long time. Now she just can't help but feel an ounce of jealousy thinking about it.
And then the guilt strikes. Tara loved you, she couldn't do that to her... And even if she didn't, you were just so much younger than her... 5 years can be a lot, especially since you were young.
But again, imagining you with someone else made her jealous.
She was lost, and torn between telling you how she felt or just trying to forget her feelings.
"What do you want to watch?"
Your voice made her snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh uh... I don't know... Why don't you pick something?"
"Hmm... Okay! There's this movie on Netflix that I wanted to see..." you said, sitting on the couch next to her -at a reasonable distance- and turning on the tv.
While you looked for the movie on Netflix, Sam couldn't keep her eyes away from you. You were just so pretty...
She had trouble concentrating on the movie, often distracted by your presence next to her.
You could feel her eyes on you as the movie played. It wasn't the first time you caught her looking at you, but every time when you looked at her, she had looked away. You had figured it would be the case this time too.
You were wrong.
When you looked at her, her eyes were still on you. At this moment, you were like frozen in place. She had never looked at you like that before.
She had the look you gave her when she was not looking. In love.
While you were gazing into each other's eyes, you both got closer and closer to each other, to the point you could kiss her if you wanted to. And you wanted to. So bad.
"Can I... can I kiss you? Please..." you asked quietly, almost pleading her to let you kiss her
She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek to keep you close. Kissing you felt so right... as if your lips were made to be kissed by hers.
But again, Tara loved you... and Sam felt like she was betraying her sister.
She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm sorry I... we shouldn't have done that..."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You thought she liked you back...
Your pain must have been visible on your face, as Sam was quick to talk again.
"It's not against you Y/n... I... I really like you but..." she sighed "Tara has a crush on you since forever... I can't do that to her..."
"What...? Wait... What?" you started, surprised
You never knew Tara had a crush on you. You only ever saw her as your best friend and thought it was the same for her.
"Sam you can't just- you can't just put her feelings above yours... I mean- I understand it's going to be difficult for her... But it's not like we chose that... I- I love you Sam... And Tara's my best friend, her well being is important to me... But seeing you without being able to tell you how I feel or kiss you... it's torture"
As you spoke, you asked yourself if it wasn't too much. Scare her away was the last thing you wanted. But everything you said was true.
Sam was looking at you, mouth agape, clearly not expecting that. She didn't expect you to like her back, let alone make her a whole love declaration.
She wanted to give in and take you in her arms and kiss you again and tell you how much she loved you. She wanted to be as honest with you as you were with her. She wanted to love you openly.
But there would be consequences. Tara would be hurt. Tara would feel betrayed.
But again... you were right. She couldn't put Tara's feelings above hers all the time. She loved you just so much... She wasn't sure she would be able to recover if she didn't give it a shot.
She cupped your face with both hands and kissed you again, more confidently, more passionately than before. She loved you, she wanted that kiss to happen. She wanted you to happen.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Telling Tara about your relationship was harder than you thought. It never seemed to be the right moment.
Now you saw the hints of her crush on you. You saw the smiles, the looks she gave you, how her tone slightly changed when you were alone.
Both Sam and you were trying to find a good moment to tell her, but it wasn’t easy. And the more you waited, the more difficult it would be to tell her. You had to find a way to tell her quickly.
The whole situation was giving you so much anxiety…
“How are you?” Sam asked as you close your apartment door
“Tired… You?”
You took off your shoes and hung your jacket, before sitting on the couch next to her. She pulled you on her lap and wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Her warm embrace helped you relax a bit, as you nuzzled your face against her neck.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other in a comfortable silence.
When you pulled away, it was to kiss her. You’d wanted to do that the whole day and couldn’t even tell anyone about it. About her. About how much you loved her.
By the way she kissed you, you knew she felt the same.
Even if she felt bad for her sister, she couldn’t stop herself anymore. Now that she has had the chance to kiss you, she never wanted to stop. She felt so at ease when she was with you. She could be herself without the fear to be judged.
“I love you so much…” she murmured, her grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly
“Me too Sam… I love you too”
You kissed her again, arms around her neck, before hugging her again. You closed your eyes, relaxing in her arms once again.
You had been so stressed for the past days that you had trouble sleeping. But like that, in her arms, it only took you a minute to fall asleep.
Sam didn't notice right away, and started talking to you while rubbing your back.
"... Y/n?" she eventually asked as you weren't answering her
She moved slightly to get a look at your face, and her lips curled up into a soft smile as she saw you were asleep.
"You really were exhausted, hm?" she murmured, kissing your temple softly
She then hesitated before carrying you in her arms, careful not to wake you up, and made her way to your room. She laid you on your bed, putting your blanket over you.
"Goodnight angel..." she whispered before kissing your forehead
She was about to leave when she felt you grab her shirt.
"Don't go, please..." you pleaded quietly
You needed her right now, needed her arms around you, her oh so comforting warmth as she held you close.
Sam bit her bottom lip, thinking, but it didn't take long until she gave in and slipped under the sheets next to you. She couldn't resist you -and she didn't want to be away from you.
She wrapped her arms around you, letting you snuggle up to her.
"Goodnight Sammie..."
Your voice was barely audible, showing how tired you were. Sam smiled at your words, the nickname provoking her cheeks to turn a bit red.
"Sleep well" she said back, kissing the top of your head, before closing her eyes
Having you in her arms like that was just so relaxing. She felt like she was in heaven. The thought of waking up next to you made a smile creep up to her face, and was the last before she fell asleep as well.
The next morning, you woke up in her arms. It had been the best sleep you had in days. You didn't even want to move, you felt so at peace in her arms...
You eventually opened your eyes to see Sam was already awake, a smile on her face.
"Good morning" she said before kissing you
"'morning" you said back, smiling as she rolled on her back, pulling you on top of her without breaking the kiss
You were both in your own world; nothing else mattered at the moment, to the point none of you checked your phones. If you did check your phones, you would've seen tons of missed calls and texts from Tara.
She was worried for her sister didn't come back at their apartment -naturally because she was with you all night.
After some more kisses, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Sam
"What do you have?"
"I have... eggs, bacon... bread... Uhh... yeah that's it" you let out an awkward chuckle
"Eggs and bacon sound nice" she smiled
You nodded, and put the bacon in a pan to cook it.
While you were waiting in front of the stove, you felt Sam's hands snicker to your waist. You turned around, and she took the occasion to kiss you.
What you didn't know was that Tara had decided to come to your apartment -as you weren't answering her calls and texts, and currently had a clear view of the scene through your kitchen's window.
She couldn't see who it was, but the scene let little to the imagination; you were clearly kissing someone. So that's why she wasn't answering... she thought
Clearly enjoying the kiss, Sam lifted you up to sit you on the counter, hands on your hips, her lips still on yours.
If Tara felt her heart sink at the sight of the kiss, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.
Her own sister was making out with the girl she has had a crush on for years.
She was mad for it seemed not to be the first time, considering the way you were holding onto each other. Which meant you lied to her.
But knowing you, maybe you just had a hard time telling her. It had always been that way; every time you had bad news to tell her, it took you weeks because you knew it would upset her.
That thought calmed her down a bit.
When she looked at the window again, she saw you smile at Sam just the way she smiled at you. You were in love, that was certain.
You seemed happy. And deep down, that’s what Tara wanted. Seeing you happy.
So she turned around and walked back to her and Sam’s apartment, thinking ‘maybe, in another life, we’ll be together…’
[Tara's version]
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hobunaga · 1 month
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UPDATED VERSION, thank you @guzhufuren for the additional info!!!
my friend wanted me to make a chart of, Meet you at the Blossom, characters and what their relationship is. Now I don't know everything, I don't even know if I got the names correct but I hope this clarifies a little what is going on here.
here are some clarifications(careful, spoilers)
Xiaobao's parents: Xiaobao's dad found Xiaobao's mom wandering around town one day and assumed she was the daughter of a wealthy family and had lived a really sheltered life(she is). He got her drunk, they slept together and he took responsibility by marrying her and taking care of her.
Tong'en: Now I don't know for sure if she loved any of the men that I attached her to, but they were in love with her so I kinda just added it in case her feelings were genuine or if she was only doing what she had to to survive. The only person I can confirm she truly cared for is Zongzheng Qiyuan and they had a brotherly and sisterly bond only.
Xue Xiaoyu: Now ya'll might be wondering why she has a red line towards Xiaobao and it's kinda given that she has a big crush on him. Her cousin however is his true love so I think she'll put on her big girl pants eventually and move on. Her brother is Xue Lianyu, Xiaobao's best friend. She is also the cousin of Huai'en.
Que Siming and Jinbao: They have 2 names cause in the extra I read, they had changed their names at least once. Jinbao was originally known as Wang Erhu and Que Siming was called Yue Siming. Que Siming was most likely adopted by the doctor whom was caring for him after his father was sentenced for treason and Jinbao was sold to Xiaobao at a young age.
Jinbao and Zhao Cai and Que Siming: Similar to the Xiaobao, Su Yin, and Huai'en jealousy trope, Que Siming's jealousy is mainly centered around Jinbao and Zhao Cai's relationship. Now I don't know if Jinbao has a thing for Zhao Cai, but Jinbao maybe masturbated to Zhao Cai once??? or Zhao Cai ran into him while he was masturbating??? I don't know... if someone can interpret this scene let me know because English is not my first language.
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Zhao Cai and Medicine Girl: In Jinbao's side story, Jinbao Marries a Wife, it was stated that Zhao Cai was in a heated relationship with this medicine girl and frequently went out to see her during the time Xiaobao was still sick with the cold needle poison. I don't know if they end up together at the end but it was the only relationship that was mentioned in the story for him.
Shaoyu and Su Yin: So apparently there is a one sided interest in their interactions according to the awe inspiring @guzhufuren . When I read it, I wasn't sure how to exactly interpret their relationship but I can see it now that Shaoyu is just as obsessive and possessive as his older brother is. Good luck getting away, Su Yin!
Shaoyu and Huai'en: Half brothers with a somewhat refreshing ending in the live action that hints that there is a possibility of them bonding later in the future. Now I'm not sure which woman mothered Shaoyu, but I'm going to assume it's the ex empress which makes them half-brothers(well Tong'en only birthed one child so it's a given). Now usually if the mother loses the favor of the emperor to even be demoted out of being empress, that must mean that it heavily affects Shaoyu's standing as crown prince as well. Luckily no other princes were mentioned so it's more likely that Huai'en won't compete for the throne and Shaoyu will still inherit it.
The Zongzhen 4 brothers: Now they're just fucking insane and the only sane one is Zongzhen Qiyuan. Even the emperor is a little cuckoo but hey, that's what stress does to you right? They need to sit down, relax, and chill a little. I'm so glad two of them greatly support Huai'en's decisions.
ps: I'm sorry if I got the names wrong or I didn't name a few of the characters. Either way, I think this is the relationship chart?
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depressopax · 9 months
HII could you maybe write something for Berlin like HCs being in a relationship with him, maybe with connections to the new show or sm.
(Im actually so glad I found someone who writes for this fandom bc there’s literally no one nearly 😭)
Berlin - Relationship headcanons
Thank you for the request!! <3 I'm happy to see more LCDP fans here omg 😭 Hope ya like it! :)
Smut version can be found here
Pairing: Berlin/Andrés de Fonollosa x gn!reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): Spoilers for LCDP. Cuss words, Berlin being a bit possessive, reader uses they/them pronouns Words: 1145 Summary: Being in a relationship with Berlin would include…  English is not my first language - lmk if there's any spelling mistakes so I can improve my writing! &lt;3
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Being in a relationship with this man would be a roller-coaster of emotions…
But you can’t really complain!
People see him as “cold and self-centered”, which is partially true.
BUT when he’s in love, it’s like his whole personality changes.
You are his whole world, and he will do everything to put his ego aside, and show you just how loving he can be.
And boy, he succeeds… 
When he first saw you, it was love at first sight, or at least for him.
He would find out everything about you, what you like to eat, what hobbies you have, and the places you like to be at.
He would just wait for you to approach him first, but it wasn’t that easy…
After a while, he stopped being stubborn and started talking to you.
Berlin would make sure you fall for him, and that would be his biggest goal.
He would take you on extraordinary dates and totally spoil you.
He prefers calm private dates, but wouldn’t mind going to a bar/nightclub if you like that.
Despite his sophisticated looks, he knows how to party. (That one scene in Berlin when he’s at the punk club LMAOO)
Seeing you hyped up makes him happy, so how can he not love partying with you?
The two of you having lazy mornings together. Berlin is a night owl, and getting him out of bed in the morning is a challenge.
He’ll also never let you leave bed. - “Just 5 more minutes, love! - “Are you gonna leave me, all cold and lonely in bed, huh?”
Berlin wouldn’t give up his flirting until you fall in love with him. 
Once that happens - he won’t shut up about you
Like, EVER.
He would drive Sergio and his other friends insane with how much he talks about you, telling them a bit too much about his love life… 
Berlin is the cheesiest guy you’ll ever meet, tbh.
And he takes that as a compliment.
He would write you love letters, send good-morning AND goodnight messages to you, and bring you flowers every now and then. 
Berlin is a man with many talents, and he loves impressing you, especially with his singing
Cheesy as it sounds, he even sings you serenades to express his love and devotion.
You’d have to put up with his weird and impulsive ideas.
Whether it’s planning a spontaneous trip, a heist, etc…
He needs someone to tell him to calm the hell down lol
As seen in the show, Berlin is very passionate and a bit unpredictable.
Being in a relationship is no exception.
Everyday with him is like an adventure, and he knows how to spice things up to not end up like a “boring couple”. 
His goal would be making sure the honeymoon phase never ends. 
He would make sure to tell you how amazing and good-looking you are EVERYDAY. 
He is not afraid to argue with you, but would rather admit he is “wrong” rather than have you be mad at him for too long. 
He’s not always good at reading your emotions and knows what you’re feeling, but tries to. 
It breaks his heart to see you upset, and will try to make you feel better. 
He can be rather possessive too. If someone stares at you for a bit too long, or flirt with you, he’s not afraid to show them that “you are his”.
He’s extra protective of you when you are around his friends. He wants to make sure you feel safe, and also that no one tries hitting on you…
Especially if you are shy, he’d be very close to you, smile at you when you talk and laugh extra loud if you say something funny. 
He makes sure your friends like him. 
He wants to make a good impression on everyone, but especially when it is your friends and family. 
Big fan of PDA. He’s a man that is not afraid to kiss you in public, and he practically never lets go of your hand when you’re outdoors together. 
When cuddling, he prefers being the big spoon. 
One of Berlin’s love languages is touch.
He enjoys having his hand on your thigh, giving your shoulders soft massages, and forehead kisses. He’s the type of guy to kiss your hands, too.
If you have long hair, he tends to fidget with it, running his fingers through it, stroking it away from your face and even braiding it.
Berlin definitely treats you like a god/goddess. 
But the relationship would also be challenging from time to time.
Berlin being a criminal does bother you.
Your fear is for him to get caught and end up in jail.
He’d have to reassure you a lot that he won’t get caught, promising you that he will be fine.
But don’t worry, he makes sure to keep that promise. 
His pet names for you: (My) love, honey, babe… 
His phone is full with pictures of you and you’re definitely both his home- and lock-screen. 
He has lots of money, and spends them on you, whether you like it or not. 
Berlin enjoys luxury and wants to give you a luxurious life.
His dream is to travel and see the world with you by his side.
If you don’t speak Spanish, he would offer to teach it to you. 
He is very overprotective and makes sure you keep a distance from his work. 
But he does enjoy impressing you with dramatic stories about his heists.
During his most difficult and dangerous heists, he will think of you and keep on fighting so he can come back home to you. 
When he’s away for a longer time, Berlin makes sure to text and call you with regular updates. But in all honesty, he just misses your voice.
Like I said earlier, he is an unpredictable man, and if someone is mean to you, yikes… - “Just drop it, Andrés!” “No, babe… I’ll have a ‘chat’ with them…”
Remember the throwback scene of Berlin and the man that made fun of his bow tie? 
Let’s just say, whoever insulted you will return to you and apologize, trembling and crying from pain and fright.  
…Berlin would just return to you with a smug smile, pretending like nothing happened… 
And act all clueless when you confront him about it. 
With you, Berlin is soft and passionate, but others view him as your “scary boyfriend”, a title he accepts with pride. 
To summarize… Despite Berlin's cold exterior, he is the complete opposite with you. He has so much love to give, and isn’t scared to do so. He will make sure to worship you and make sure you feel loved. All he wants is to spend his time with you, and give you the passion, excitement and devotion you deserve. Being together with him is definitely not boring.
I have such hate-love relationship to Berlin bruh 😭 Andrés in Berlin >>>>>>> LCDP
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I'm under your spell // Nikolai Gogol
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pairings... Nikolai Gogol x Reader
contains...! fluff! gn!reader, knocked out reader
I apologize for any mistakes in advance - english is not my first language!
Extra: I was listening to Bring me the Horizon - Follow you when the idea popped up in my head. Take a listen to it, it's pretty nice. ♡
Hope you enjoy! xx
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You woke up in an unfamiliar bed. The last memory you remembered was when you were in Sigma’s casino, playing poker with some drunk folks. You won the last round, and everyone around you lost all their money. And that’s all, you can’t recall a single motion after that. 
The moment you tried to sit up, you noticed that your clothes had been changed to some nice and cozy pajamas. Your head hurt so much, it felt like a hundred needles were stuck in your scalp. You turned to your left and noticed black and white striped pants placed atop your own clothes on a chair. 
That’s when another memory popped up in your mind: you went to the casino with Nikolai. He was the one who came up with this whole game-night idea. “Yeah, that’s right…” you hummed to yourself. “The only reason I agreed to this was because I wanted to confess to him…” You buried your blushing face in the blanket. In the very same moment, you felt something strange wrapped around your forehead. Bandages? You tapped the fabric carefully; now it was obvious that it was bandaged. 
“What the hell happened?” It was absolutely annoying, not remembering a single thing. A worn-out sigh left your mouth while you buried your face in the pillow. Your eyelids got heavier, and slowly, you fell asleep again. 
“No, no, she’s still asleep.” you heard someone talking not too far from you. “I told you, I can take care of her!.. What do you mean I can’t even take care of myself? Don’t joke around, I’m the clown to make puns like this, not you!” You yawned without a sound and rubbed your eyes but the other person in the room noticed it quickly. “Gotta hung up, Sigma.” He threw the phone on the pile of clothes. “My dear Y/N, how are you feeling?” He sat down on the edge of the bed. It was Nikolai. But… Why is he here? And where the hell am I by the way?
“I… I don’t know. My head hurts so much, but…” even talking felt inconvenient. “Hah, what happened?” 
A well-known goofy smile spread across his face. “Well! Quizz time, dove! Which version of the story is true?” He looked relieved that you were awake and hearing your voice put him in a better mood already. “Sigma’s version was something like, hmm, some customers were so jealous of you winning all the matches they accidentally dropped a bottle of wine on your head.” He mimicked Sigma the whole time, even distorted his voice to sound a bit like him. “The better version is mine, of course. Some customers got so mad at your impressive talent in poker that they wanted to destroy your knowledge as soon as possible and hit your pretty head with a bottle.” At the end of his monologue his face became distorted. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to get his cool again. “So!” He placed his gaze on you, forcing a foolish smile on again. “Which one do you believe is the truth?”
“I think it’s somewhere in between the two.” Your voice was still creaky but somehow you felt a little better since you knew he was here. He looked pretty much unsatisfied by your answer but it wasn’t the right time for him to persuade you why his version was the real one. “Um, could you tell me where am I?” You tried to sit up but the pain was unbearable and some solid whines left your mouth. Nikolai unconsciously placed his hand on your chest and pushed you lightly back in the bed. His whole upper body was above yours.
“Don’t!” His eyes widened from the worry. “You’re at my apartment…” he muttered lightly and retracted his hands. 
“S-so this means y-you changed m-my clothes?” your face turned cherry red from the thought that Nikolai may have seen you naked. 
“Of course, I couldn’t leave you in those wine soaked clothes.” He smiled self-confidently and didn’t even realized what his words meant to you until he noticed the embarrassed look on your face. His eyebrows frowned before he bursted out laughing. “My, my, you know I got my magical cloak for a reason, do ya?” He placed his palm on your blanketed thighs. “I didn’t see anything.” His eyes were as gentle as ever. “But I can mention that it’s pretty difficult to dress someone down and then back up blindly.” His giggles filled the room. 
You playfully pinched his thighs while a warm smile spread across your face. The discomfort you felt before just disappeared. You didn’t even notice that you fixed your gaze on his face, your eyes exploring every small detail. All of a sudden, Nikolai laid his head down on your legs while a huge, relieving sigh left his mouth. “I’m glad you’re better.” he hummed into the blanket.
Your face flushed again and you felt some comfort and safety wash over you. “You worried a-about me?” every word you said felt insecure. It wasn’t so frequent for Nikolai to worry for someone. Of course, he had human feelings, but he defended himself from these kinds of feelings. 
“Mhm.” He buried his face into the sheets, making you feel even more nervous. “Another quizz! Why do you think I took you to the casino yesterday?” His voice wasn’t as cheerful as before; it was more likely shy now. 
“I don’t know? You told me you wanted to have fun and mess a bit with Sigma, as usual…” You finally felt enough strength in you to sit up, pulling your legs out from under Nikolai’s head. Quickly, he slid up next to you, slightly pushing his body against yours. Your heart skipped a beat from the unexpected closure. His eyes were filled with excitement, but somehow bittersweet. 
He took down the card from his eye to get a better look at you. “Well, surprise! It was all made up! So… do ya wanna know? The real reason?” he leaned really close to your face, his breath brushing your cheeks as he spoke. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
“I would like to.” you couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind. The tension between you two was palpable from the first time you met. Was he maybe feeling the same thing you were? 
“Excellent! Excellent!” He clapped his hands like a little child, but then his expression changed in the blink of an eye. He looked more serious than ever. “To tell you the truth… my head is haunting me nowadays, and I can’t really express this weird feeling, since I haven’t had something like this before.” There was a sense of vulnerability in his eyes. He held your hand gently in his. You made him feel like it was okay to let his guard down and trust someone else for once. “Sometimes I feel like I can’t even breathe when you’re away and it’s strange, ya know? I feel like you could drag me through hell and back, I wouldn’t mind at all, as long as I could hold your hand in mine. It’s crazy, ain’t it?” He laughed to himself. You looked into Nikolai’s eyes, and saw a mixture of emotions that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
You were speechless, unsure how to answer to his sudden revelation. The man you were secretly in love with had just declared his own love for you. “What do you mean?” Your hands were sweating, and your heart was beating loudly in your ears. The way he looked at you made you weak to the core. 
“You really don’t get it?” He sighed, his gaze never missing yours. He squeezed your hands and gave you a light peck on your lips, causing your heart to race even faster.
“W-what?” You couldn’t decide at this point if you were awake or still dreaming. You were sure he would never confess his feelings to you. 
“I’m saying I’m under your spell, dove.” He tugged a strand of your hair behind your ears to get a clear look at you. “I think I could sacrifice my freedom if your arms were my cage.” He whispered to you with some bitterness in his voice. “It feels weird, ya know?”
You couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through your chest at his words. You leaned in and gave him a soft, tender kiss in response to his words. 
“Yes, I know.” You murmured to his lips, savoring his taste on yours. And then all the energy you had before left your body. Your head fell to his shoulders. His hands wrapped around your body and pulled you into his lap, worried. The atmosphere around you felt too comforting, you felt vulnerable in his arms. 
“Are you alright? Do you feel dizzy, angel? Oh my, my, should I call Sigma?” He was troubled by your well-being so much that he even forgot that you did not answer his confession properly. 
You took a deep breath and tried to regain your composure, but the sensation of his warm embrace made it difficult to focus. “No, no, Kolya, it’s okay. It’s just so relieving; I wanted to confess my feelings towards you yesterday too.” You lifted your head and looked directly in his eyes. It was written all over his face that he was surprised by your words, even though he already sensed it. You have never seen him blush like this before. He tightened his arms around you, and buried his face in the careen of your neck. 
“I’ll never let you go, my precious little dove.”
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dittydipity · 1 year
what is kagepro? - a quick guide
you may be seeing the word "kagepro" around a whole bunch, especially during august, but what the hell is it?
you may have heard or seen something from kagepro without realizing it! you know that vocaloid song, kagerou daze, about the kids who get hit by a truck and are stuck in a timeloop of saving each other? that's actually one of the songs from kagepro.
kagepro, short for the kagerou project, is a series created by vocaloid composer jin (also known as shizen no teki-p). it's a mixed media series that has music, manga, an anime, movie, a radio talk show, books, etc but i’ll try to keep it simple!
basic premise: people who die on 8/15 are taken to another world called the kagerou daze and if they return to the real world, they will have gained a “snake ability” that will turn their eyes red when used. a group of teens that have these abilities form a little gang but are thrown into an endless timeloop.
if you want to get into it, there’s a bunch of different ways you can do it, but do keep in mind: each form of media is NOT just a different adaptation of the story.
kagepro is a timeloop story, and each form of media is actually a different timeline (or “route”). the music videos, the anime, the manga, the books - each one is only a piece of the whole story. that’s why many people may have seen the anime, mekakucity actors, and gotten super confused because the anime is actually one of the last routes haha.
but the order of media that has been generally agreed upon to be the most coherent is music videos -> manga -> light novels -> anime
a lot of kagepro media, esp the light novels and manga, are hard to find since they’re almost entirely out of print, but there’s translations or e-book versions of them available, or if you skip them there’s summaries that people have made. you can also ask me if you want :]
music videos
i’ve actually made a couple playlists for the songs! one is in release order and the other is in story chronological order (mostly).
release order: - i tried to get all the original ia/miku versions of the songs with the original pv if there was one - a couple might be a little out of order since some songs came out together in the same album
this is the order that fans got the music, so if you want to try to figure things out and put things together the way we did you can go with this order!
chronological order: - tried to grab some english covers where i could, but if you don’t like eng covers there are plenty of noneng covers or you can use the videos from the other playlist. there's plenty of really great covers out there! - exceptions to the “chronological”: children record acts as the cover/opening song for the series and summertime record is the ending song for the series - some songs aren’t in here bc they’re not part of the music route (they’re mostly from the newer albums and are kinda like ‘epilogue’ songs after the ending of the anime/good ending or are songs made for the anime)
if you don't want to go through all the media yourself, here’s a video explaining the whole story by breadbox/david toth! he also has other really great kagepro videos
[a bit of an extra] a very common misconception about the story/mechanics: people do not have to die in pairs or with somebody else on 8/15 to enter the daze. i didn’t realize this myself until super recently
all in all, the kagerou project is a story about finding strength and support from the people around you, moving on to look towards the future, and overcoming trauma.
there’s definitely other people who have also made guides or summaries or videos that are much better and cover much more than i did, but i hope this was a decent introduction!
feel free to reach out and/or ask me anything! i'm sure there are also plenty of people who would be willing to help newcomers understand kagepro as well :]
happy kagerou day!
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
German Dark Knight quests
This is an English translation of the German script for the level 45 and 50 dark knight quests (and some extra bits at the end), meant as a supplement to the translation of the Japanese script found in this and this post showcasing the large differences between Japanese and English Fray’s characterisation. Since haillenarte mentioned in their posts that the German script usually stays closer to the Japanese script than the English script does, and I can’t read Japanese but can read German, I decided to check out the German version and translate it for comparison.
UPDATE: Please check out my translation website! I have the entire dark knight questline translated on there, including an updated translation of what’s in this post, as well as many other scenes from the rest of the game.
Since the English script is already in the other posts I won’t put it in here too, but I will separate it into the same blocks as the other posts for ease of comparison. I’m also sticking to gender neutral pronouns for the WoL, though German is a highly gendered language so all the screenshots of the German script will reflect me playing as a male au ra. It’s been a hot minute since I formally studied German so if you spot any glaring mistakes by all means correct me!
Level 45 quest - What must be said
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Fray: It’s your life and it ends again every minute... I’ve been thinking again about what you told me about the voice. Fray: Someone is trying to get through to you. Someone who needs your protection. But we don’t know any more. Fray: We have to perform another ritual as soon as possible. Maybe that will give us a clue about who the voice belongs to. Fray: After all, the voice resonates within your heart. Do you have someone you want to protect? More than anyone else? Fray: ...Sorry. I don’t feel very well lately... I’m alright. I’m just a bit tired. Fray: So, when you’re ready, we’ll perform the next ritual. Fray: Show me what you’ve learned. I’ll wait for you at Moraby Drydocks.
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Fray: Do you remember? The sea... Fray: I told you before that I went on a journey once. With someone who... A terrible danger awaited us at sea. Fray: I wanted to stop them. But we’d already drifted too far apart. There was no stopping them from getting on that damn boat. Fray: It was like I was dying. They were the person I wanted to protect more than anything in the world. But my words didn't get through to them. That's why I'm...
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???: What’s that? Isn’t the Maelstrom there to help us? ...I’m in need, goddammit! Styrnlona: The Maelstrom isn’t responsible for that. You should turn to the Yellowjackets when reporting something like stolen wares. Demanding dealer: The Yellowjackets... Before they get around to my case my newborn son will be an experienced sailor! Perhaps even admiral! Styrnlona: Hey, you! Aren’t you [your rank at the Maelstrom] [Name]?
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Strynlona: You did us all a great favour when you defeated the primal Leviathan. The citizens of Limsa Lominsa are forever grateful. Demanding dealer: Whaaaat? There’s a real hero standing before me! Demanding dealer: You’re a godsend. I’m in a real bind and need help. Demanding dealer: A nasty Qiqirn has stolen all my wares! [cry] What do I tell my clients? [sob] I’m going to lose my good name as trader! [sniff] Fray: Do you remember what I told you last time? You can’t help everyone. You can’t carry all the world’s suffering on your shoulders. Fray: The Yellowjackets will take on his case soon enough. You should worry about your training as a dark knight instead and find a worthy opponent. There’s more important things at stake... Demanding dealer: Don’t leave me high and dry! If you don’t help me, no-one will!
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>Yes, or nobody will help him.
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Demanding dealer: You’re truly a hero! Thank you! Demanding dealer: The Qiqirn that stole my wares has to be some kind of leader or chief... It’s bigger and stronger than the others.
>No, I can’t help everyone.
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Demanding dealer: But... didn’t you just say you were looking for worthy opponents? Demanding dealer: The Qiqirn that stole my wares is a real big guy! Bigger and stronger than the others. A leader or chief, I would say.
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Demanding dealer: I saw it walking towards the salt strand, the Qiqirn have a camp there. Please bring my wares back! Fray: It always ends like this... When nobody wants to help, the heroes have to go... You'll never become a dark knight like this.
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Fray: Cut that thieving Qiqirn down to size. Doesn’t matter how pathetically it begs for mercy. It shouldn’t have stolen the merchant’s wares... Fray: We’ll use the opportunity to prepare the next ritual. Show me everything you’ve learned as a dark knight.
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[Duty battle dialogue] Fray the Dark: There’s quite a lot of them... This’ll be a right bloodbath. Fray the Dark: Now we just need to get the wares! Fray the Dark: The wares are definitely in this chest...
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Fray: We... have the wares... [groan] Bring them to the merchant... [huff] Fray: Me? I’m just a bit... exhausted... [groan]. Go ahead, I’ll be right behind you... Fray: Bring it to an end...
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Demanding dealer: Hello, hero! Do you have my wares? Demanding dealer: Yes, that’s the stuff! Thank you, thank you. Let’s see if everything is there. Demanding dealer: Nooooo! In llymlaen’s name, I can’t sell these like this! Demanding dealer: Those Qiqirn put their dirty hands all over everything! I can’t offer this to my customers! Or even worse, they’ll demand a discount! Demanding dealer: What should i do? It’s the end for me! I’m ruined! I can say goodbye to that vacation in Costa del Sol... Demanding dealer: I know! I’ve got a hero standing right in front of me! You’ll deliver me new wares in a snap! Demanding dealer: The skin of a dangerous monster... A treasure from a trap-filled ruin... A lock of hair from a primal...
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Fray: ENOUGH!! Fray: Does it ever end? Is Eorzea populated entirely by children? Can nobody do anything on their own anymore? Does everyone have to keep begging the heroes for help? Fray: [Name] is also just a [your race]! With their own feelings and interests. Axe blades and thunder magic also hurt them! Nobody thinks about that, huh? Fray: We keep fighting for other people... Like back then, at open sea, against that watery primal... Fray: “We’re not chosen! Let the chosen one fight!” - Pah, you’re just hiding behind those words! What are you doing for Eorzea anyway? Fray: If you lot didn’t keep bringing in your troublesome business [Name] would’ve long since been a more experienced dark knight! Ugh, for real!
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Demanding dealer: Who just blows their lid like that? I’m terribly sorry, adventurer... Styrnlona: What the... [Maelstrom rank] [Name], your anger isn’t entirely unfounded, but... Styrnlona: ...A short walk sounds like the right thing to cool your head. Have a good day.
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Fray: That just had to be said. Don’t you think? Fray: Seriously, such an ungrateful lot...
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>All that matters is the voice.
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Fray: Right, the voice. You can’t ignore it. That would mean ignoring your own existence. Fray: I even know who the voice belongs to... Fray: But I can’t tell you who it is. You have to find out yourself. Fray: Well, let’s continue. Stick your hand out...
>I want to become a real dark knight as soon as possible.
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Fray: You’re already a real dark knight, [Name]. The dark power, that’s real. Fray: But remember what I told you in the Brume? That you have to face your feelings if you want to walk the path of the dark knight - if you want to survive it? Fray: You’re not at the goal yet. There’s a place in your heart you still haven’t reached. But the voice will help you with that. Fray: Well, let’s continue. Stick your hand out...
>You’re completely right. It had to be said.
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[Fray makes a surprised gesture] Fray: You also think I’m right? That’s great, [Name]! Fray: I know it’s not in your nature to lash out like that. But you can rest easy leaving that to me. Fray: I’m glad you’re finally realizing it... Fray: More important right now is that you find out who the voice belongs to. And what its true meaning is. Stick your hand out...
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???: The weak call for you, [Name]. As they always do. ???: They call, they scream, they wail... So loud that you can’t hear your own voice... The pain... The anger... The sadness... Nobody wants to hear about those. ???: But you. You will listen to it. ???: You hear my prayers.
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Fray: [Name]. Fray: You heard the voice, right? Fray: You don’t have to tell me what you heard. But I’ll ask you one thing: Are you prepared to give up everything to answer that voice? Fray: Your status, your fame, your fortune - everything? Only after losing everything will we have the freedom to do everything. If you’re willing to do that, then... come with me! Leave this Eorzea! Fray: Here you will never be able to fulfil your purpose. To be truly free. Here you will forever have to concern yourself with others. But if you turn your back on Eorzea - you can go your own way. Fray: You don’t have to answer right now. Meet me at the usual place when you’re ready. I’ll wait for you.
Level 50 quest - The knights’ core
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Fray: [Name]... There you are again. I was already expecting you. Fray: ...Ugh... We don't have much time left. We have to travel again soon... Or it'll be too late. Fray: Too late for you... You don't understand it yet, but I want to help you. I'm starting to doubt whether you're really prepared... But we'll see. Fray: We'll meet at the Gates of Judgement. Call my name and I'll come.
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???: That voice! Isn't that [Sir/Lady] [Name]? The hero of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? Brave knight: Forgive me. I belong to Lord Drillemont's troops from Whitebrim Fort. Everyone in my regiment knows your name. Brave knight: It can't be a coincidence that I meet you here. It's the Fury's work! She wants you to help us. Nervous knight: A bit to the south from here lives a crowd of Gigas. They've been showing themselves in the region increasingly often and frequently raid caravans. It’s likely they intend to expand their territory. Nervous knight: The troops at Whitebrim Fort are well armed, but the Gigas are numerous and better suited to the cold than us. Nervous knight: They're better organised than other Gigas too. If we can disable their commander their advances will likely cease for now. Brave knight: Indeed. Our commander underestimates the danger and refuses to send troops. Please, won't you help us and hunt down the Gigas commander? Coeus the Loudmouthed, they call the beast. Then our problems will be solved.
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Durendaire knights: Please help us. Durendaire knights: What could be more important? Please help us! Nervous knight: Thank you! You’re a hero! Brave knight: We believe we have a trail. Follow us!
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Fray: That’s enough.... That’s.... ENOUGH!!!
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Brave knight: That’s the place. We believe Coeus the Loudmouthed will come through the pass. Did I mention he’s always accompanied by his two bodyguards? They of course also have to be defeated. Brave knight: Keep watch a little further down the pass. The leader of the Gigas won’t be long. May the Fury preserve you!
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Brave knight: You’ve defeated the Gigas’ leader! Thank Halone and you! Brave knight: That should stop their advance. We can easily deal with the few remaining unorganised Gigas. And if not, we know who we can ask. Brave knight: You have our thanks. We will inform Lord Drillemont of your deeds. Brave knight: And our comrades will hear of your heroic deeds too! They’ll all look up to you, if they don’t already. Brave knight: The troops at Whitebrim Fort can use any boost to morale they can get. Your willingness to help us will bring new courage. Brave knight: That reminds me... Could you perhaps autograph my shield? My name is...
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???: March, march! Return to base immediately! Brave knight: What happened? Why the rush? Capable knight: Orders from above. Lord Drillemont heard that we’re working with [Name] and ordered us to return immediately. With them in custody, in fact. Brave knight: In custody? What’s the meaning of this? Capable knight: There have been... accusations. People are saying they’ve been spotted in the Brume... speaking with the corpse of a convicted heretic. Capable knight: I don’t believe it of course, but we both know how serious such accusations are.
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Brave knight: Surely someone is trying to play us for fools... I mean, speaking with a corpse? Do they take us for idiots? Capable knight: Have you heard the accusations, [Sir/Lady]? They... have a certain weight, since they come from Temple Knights. Capable knight: It might be necessary... Ah, purely as a formality of course... To ask you to remove your weapon.
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Fray: Ha, ha! “Remove my weapon”? After what happened in Ul’dah? Are they out of their minds?
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Fray: Tomorrow will be the best day in your life, [Name]. Your breakfast will taste better than any meal you’ve ever had. Fray: That is, when you finally manage to look the truth in the eye. [Name], get ready for the evacuation of your soul...
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Fray: You know already. You know whose voice speaks in your heart. You know who has to shoulder more suffering than anyone else in the world... You know who you have to save! Fray: Don’t act so surprised. Of course Fray was stone dead, right from the start. But you wanted it to be different. Fray: A sword, a crystal... All that was missing was a teacher. So you made yourself one. Fray: The soul crystal of the Dark Knight, in which all his experiences were stored. Your aether and repressed feelings... The pain that you locked deep inside your heart... All that suffering that you have to endure as a hero.... The fear that the Champion of Eorzea is not allowed to show... Those are the ingredients from which you made a new Fray. Fray: A mentor who could show you the feelings slumbering in your heart. Who could express these feelings for you, like you never could. Fray: You still don’t want to believe it, but you can’t deny it. You can’t deny what we have achieved. Fray: Haven’t I been good to you? I’ve given you a choice that none of your so-called friends ever gave you. Your so-called friends in the Scions or the Eorzean Alliance. Fray: The choice to say no. To not help. To think of yourself. To save yourself. I’ve given your innermost desire to say no a voice, and made sure you heard it too. Fray: Open your eyes! Look at me! Are you seeing it now? I... am you!
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[Fray takes on your name] [Name]: Everything that happened until now was your story... [Name]: ...And everything that happens from now on is mine!
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[Duty battle dialogue] Dark shadow: Fight me! As hard as you can! You can’t kill me, no matter how hard you try. Dark shadow: You can’t defeat me. I’m a part of you. Drillemont: [Name], I’ll help you! You helped us in our greatest time of need too. Dark shadow: Help them? Bet they’ll have to save you again?
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Dark shadow: I... we were so close...
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Dark shadow: That is exactly the problem! Dark shadow: Do you even know how ridiculous this struggle must look to the others? Dark shadow: Free yourself from the pain!
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[Battle over] [Name]: After a battle everything else in life is turned down in comparison - you can deal with anything. [Name]: I made you strong. I have... given you all your strength... [Name]: Recognise the irony of your existence: Your strength is the cause of your pain. It makes you a hero, and as a hero you’re doomed to suffer.
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Knight: [Name]! We’re with you! Cenota: [Name]! Believe in yourself! Believe in us! Clotairion: We know who you really are. Don’t forget that!
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[Name]: They stand at your side... while you carry their pain. [Name]: But that’s what you want, isn’t it? You want to suffer. You’re always looking for someone whose pain you can carry. That’s your nature. [Name]: The nature of a dark knight. It’s your fate. Nobody will ever do it better than you... [Name]: You seek this pain. You seek that suffering. [Name]: You’ve brought the last offering. So take this reward... [Name]: [Name]... [Name]: [Name]... I’m the part of you incapable of being a hero. Hide me. Deep in your heart. [Name]: I will speak to you again. Because I know you’re stronger than me.
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[Name]: What belongs together comes together. [Name]: I’ll return back into you and give you the power to protect the world. I’ll cry your tears. I’ll carry your burden. I’ll be your rage. [Name]: Let’s go on a journey together again.
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Capable knight: We have you back, Halone be praised! For a moment there I thought we’d lost you to your innermost demons. Capable knight: I don’t really understand what happened here, but Lord Drillemont doesn’t seem too angry. Fortunately nobody was permanently injured... Capable knight: First up I’ll make sure Fray’s body is given an appropriate burial. Capable knight: And you? Are you sure everything is okay? You were a little... confused. But what am I implying... Forgive me, my lord. And farewell.
Notes and commentary:
"Das ist dein Leben und es endet jede Minute aufs Neue” is a quote from the German dub of Fight Club apparently, though I never watched it in any language so I have no idea what the context is.
German has formal and informal pronouns, but the only character in these quests to use formal pronouns for your character is the capable knight. That said, everyone still speaks fairly politely to you except Fray, who speaks so casually to everyone it crosses into being rude and overly familiar.
Personally I like German Fray a lot. They feel like the best of both worlds, keeping the emotional vulnerability of Japanese Fray while adding some of the bitter anger English Fray has. They also have a certain awkwardness to them that is really endearing, and which I’m not sure really comes across in just these two quests even with the lame breakfast oneliner. The lv35 quest has this exchange which I really like.
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>That voice I heard. Who is speaking to me? >Why were you being accused by the High Tribunal anyway? Hmmm? -->Wild playing and endangering the elderly - shouldn’t that be punished severely? (This is the excuse the temple knights used to take away the old woman’s granddaughter)
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Fray: R-really? But things like that just happen when kids play... Fray: A-haha, I get it! You made a joke! You really got me there. Seriously though, what do you want to ask me?
What stood out to me about German Fray next to the English one (and my limited knowledge of the Japanese one) is that they’re a bit of a jokester, though it doesn’t really show in the last two quests because they’re getting desperate. When you free the prisoners from the Amal’jaa in the lv40 quest duty, the enemy yells “You’ll pay for this with your blood!” and Fray responds “Send me an invoice!”
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There’s also the exchange with Fray when you learn what happened to the old woman whose grandchild was taken in the lv30 quest, which in English goes like this
Fray: They might spare the girl, you know. Leave her with a few scars and a lifelong lesson. Fray: ...Or, we could beat every single one of them within an ilm of their lives and rescue the girl. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? [You nod, and Fray smiles] Fray: I knew you would.
and in German goes like this
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Fray: Are you the dark knight that will stand up for this old woman? Think about it carefully, since it might cost you your head. Fray: Think about the enemies you’re facing, and the wounds they will inflict on you. Think about how you could just turn around and go lie in a warm bed, and nobody would suspect you. [You nod, and Fray smiles] Fray: I feared as much.
In the Japanese and English versions (and French, since French drk is just a direct translation of the English one) the original Fray legitimately lost his trial by combat, but in the German version the trial was rigged. The Ishgardian Citizen describes how Fray was winning until Halone herself struck him down with a pillar of fire - someone in the audience mumbled that it looked suspiciously like a Flare spell cast from the direction of the jury, but naturally the citizen immediately reported that heretic to the inquisition for doubting Halone’s judgement. The reason I even read the German version was because I got mad about translators making some shit up wholesale, but I have to admit I do like this particular thing that translators made up wholesale.
It also turns out Fray writing in the quest journal is unique to the English version! I really missed their commentary when I checked the German journal and it just wasn’t there. Another win for making shit up wholesale I suppose.
I’ve been told the scripts for different languages of the game are written concurrently rather than first in Japanese and then translated, so it’s not entirely fair to claim any one of them as the original that the others are unfaithful translations of. Even if that’s the case I still don’t think the different language scripts should be so wildly different in meaning from each other, but putting that aside I do like having these varying takes on Fray to rotate in my head and I wouldn’t have any complaints if the way they were implemented was through supplementary material like short stories or a manga or something.
I also think each version of Fray has something good going for them, and that they become better when put next to each other. I like how the English script has even your repressed feelings be so repressed that they cling to their front of smug superiority and righteous anger until the very end, and only manage to really express themselves in the journal where nobody would ordinarily look. I like Japanese Fray spilling their whole entire heart out and sounding permanently on the verge of crying from how desperate they are despite their imposing appearance. And my personal favourite is German Fray for how much they feel like genuinely just a regular person who’s in too deep and has no choice but to keep doing what they think is best.
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
Delulu anon here:
I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to letter on face. I guess, for me personally, face ended with Set Me Free pt. 2 and signified his journey ending in this both triumphant but also angry way. Very poignant. It felt less like a "Oh, look, I'm magically better now" and more a "fighting is the only thing I can do now, I tried nice and look what it got me". To me, it signified the fact that healing isn't linear nor pretty, nor does it always end in a neat bow. It's his chrysalis moment, and also one of the best songs in the BTS catalogue.
The English version of Like Crazy and Letter are more an encore or addendum, in my personal view.
I'd contrast Face and its structure with D-DAY (whilst also flipping out over the fact that every album BTS has delivered in Chapter 2 has been an absolute experience), which ends on the very much softer note of Snooze and Life Goes On. Especially LGO (Yoongi's Version) feels exactly like how you interpret Letter.
In all honesty, both of us are probably right, and I'm usually someone who doesn't subscribe to any of the theories claiming a BTS song is about another member. It feels a bit cheap, because BTS are individuals with a lot of complex emotions that exist outside their relationship with others. I've seen people claim all sorts of things, and Letter is that one exception where I don't disagree.
Initial Ask
Hi lovely,
Ugh, yes, yes, yes! I agree with what you’re saying, so beautifully put! I too feel like set me free was the ‘end’ leading into MUSE’s ‘Rebirth’. And ‘Letter’ like an addendum, yes!
I think that’s why Letter isn’t on streaming platforms and a hidden track. That in itself is so telling. It’s not really part of the flow of the songs. To me (very simplified):
Face-off : Jimin kinda internalising his ‘issues’
Dive: being submerged in the overwhelming emotions?
Like Crazy: using unhealthy coping mechanisms and the push pull battle of not caring and caring too much?
Alone: the consequences of his ‘like crazy’ actions or realisations setting in
Set Me Free: overcoming, f*ck it attitude, leaving the sh*t behind, shedding the ‘filth’
Rebirth: self explanatory?
Showtime: he’s ready to take on the world with his new outlook on life, himself and people
SGMB: in love with love, love of people, his members, his fans, happy and want to be people’s happiness. In love and what’s people to enjoy love too.
That is a very rough & shallow summary (many have done interesting and thought provoking theories & analyses of FACE) but to me ‘Letter’ is more like ‘I can’t not do this for someone who’s been there holding my hand through this journey. I want to thank them, acknowledge them and continue to promise to them. They were a hidden part of this journey, an undercurrent’ his letter to him, his song to him, shared with us but not in the same way as FACE & MUSE. Not on streaming platforms for any and all. Memorialised in hard copy only. The lyrics needing extra scrutiny to read them, embossed not with ink. Embedded deep but still not straightforward to see.
I totally get you when it comes to always having their work attributed to the ‘ship.’ I don’t buy into a lot of it either.
BUT Letter speaks for itself. It’s not like ‘I wonder’ where Hobi collaborated with JK for them to make a lovely song. It’s not like how JK is their go to guy for guide recordings to be used by a different vocalist later on. In my opinion.
I like the way you think anon! I like that you are able to look at other members work and the topic as a whole, many focus on the two and the two only but I appreciate people who look at things wholisticly 😍 Yes I get you with the ending on a more mellow note like Yoongi’s DDAY with snooze and his cute version of LGO. Definitely
I really really really don’t like when anything and everything is brought back to their relationship and their relationship only. It’s demeaning. It’s like if anything a woman does was always brought back to her husband or her boyfriend you know? They have worked so so hard for very long to be whole, rounded, talented INDIVIDUALS. The experiences and stories they have to tell are not just one thing, their relationship. They don’t pick every song for their careers, every outfit, every prop, every scene just to highlight the man in their life. Honestly that would be scarily unhealthy and I’d suggest therapy.
I think a lot of the connections people make are what I like to call ‘cute delulu’ and what are these sites for if not to have a little fun with our chosen spaces/communities/fandoms. The majority of the time it’s just for fun and I enjoy it with us (even though I’m bad at instigating it😅).
It’s if people completely refuse to appreciate the actual art and intent and only want to use it for ‘ships’ that it’s saddening.
Thank you so much for the folllow up. It was lovely and I enjoyed it
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aihoshiino · 7 months
Hi! I really love hearing your thoughts about Ai *^* It makes me appreciate her character a lot more <33 Can I ask what you think about the special Chapter 100.1?
thank you so much anon! ‪‪❤︎‬‪‪❤︎‬‪‪❤︎‬ Ai really is such a special character to me that anytime I hear people say my rambles have made them enjoy her more, I go hogwild lol...
For folks who aren't familiar, this special chapter is a little four-page story Mengo wrote and drew for volume 10 called Artificial Girl! As it was a volume extra we don't currently have an official English release of it yet, but Ai's Fanclub included it in their TL of the series back before we had an official release and you can read it here!
To answer your question tho, anon: I really like it a lot! It's just a little snippet of a story - actually in hindsight, it's kind of a prototype of Mengo's Interlude stories, huh? - but there's a surprising amount of meat to chew on if you take a moment to think about it.
The first thing I really enjoy about it is that we get an outsider perspective on Ai in a way we very rarely do in the main series. Almost all the characters we see having Thoughts and Opinions about Ai are part of her private life and while they might still be infatuated with her public image, they're people who see her outside of work and have enough insight into her off the clock to start empathizing with her as a regular person.
Artificial Girl, by contrast, is a bit more akin to 45510 in that it's from the POV of a person entirely beguiled by 'Ai of B-Komachi'. I mentioned it previously in the context of the Da Vinci interview, but we so rarely get looks at Ai in 100% work mode, so getting a peek at that through the eyes of a character who only knows her as the inhumanly perfect idol was really fascinating.
I also think the brief exchange Ai and the cameraman have is very telling. It highlights an important part of the 'lie' that is Ai of B-Komachi; in many ways, she is a performance put on specifically to respond to the desires and expectations of the people around her. When someone places a new one onto her, she incorporates it into the whole as easily and smoothly as if it were always there, because that's what people want to see.
It's also probably totally accidental, but reading it in hindsight, I was struck really strongly by some Ai/Hikaru parallels I wasn't expecting. Ai's "Then, let's make this the 'correct' answer." vs Hikaru's "Is this right? Is this the right lie to tell?" - it just had a bit of Resonance, yanno? Something about the way that the two of them were, at the end of the day, just two hurt people desperately trying everything they could think of to perform versions of themselves that could be 'worthy' of love.
This is also totally off topic but because of the title, every time I read it I think of the IOSYS song Artificial Children… I'm not into Touhou at all but the song kept popping up in my fandoms when I was younger and to this day I'm still really fond of it… looking at the translated lyrics, you could probably wrangle some really tasty Ai & Hikaru connections out of it :9
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vynegar · 7 months
lost in translation (ch 11, part 1) + some misc observations
a (non-exhaustive) list of differences i noted down for the translation of chapter 11 (part 1) while watching the chn and eng versions side-by-side. previously i did the same thing for chapter 9 and chapter 10. this also includes random comments and observations i had during this chapter.
disclaimer: i am not fluent in chinese, so keep in mind that there will be mistakes. feel free to let me know if you have questions, concerns, or comments. any alternate translations are my own, and are often especially literal (to show the difference between eng/chn).
Overall: Still nothing I’d consider egregious (ruinous to plot or character). Some omission of noncritical phrases in Chinese, like before. One thing I noticed more of is that the phrasing in English sometimes makes a line ambiguous or confusing, while the intention of the sentence in Chinese was much clearer. I have a few examples of these below; usually you can understand it using context clues, but I’m curious to know if other people noticed the issues when just reading in English. There were also some word choices that just felt a little… awkward? (It’s not here, but a few times when the word “grunt” was used…)
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This may be a reference to Jerome's "preoccupation" with his age, like when he wanted to be called an older brother rather than an uncle (see my prev chapter translation comparisons). However, on second thought, this entire thing of his may be another nod to the idea of the pursuit of eternal youth and longevity? But honestly this is just a thought that crossed my mind, I don't really think that's the intention of the writers.
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Based on the Chinese, it seems like Reina is older and Matthew is the younger brother.
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The English could be interpreted as a hypothetical question, while the Chinese has Matthew directly saying that Vyn is unwanted. (Upon rereading, this is very minor and I would have left this entry out, but I already had the screenshot so I'll just put it here anyway.)
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The Underling refers to Matthew using the suffix for people like presidents of companies (as he is a businessman). (Nothing wrong with the translation here, just again pointing out extra info that can be gleaned from the Chinese text.)
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Marius refers to Matthew also with the same suffix.
This section also contains some references to Marius's previous stories:
Vyn was threatened with being locked dark space, which echoes one of Marius's childhood experiences (mentioned in his "In the Darkness" SSR and his blossom personal story, chapter 4)
Marius still can't hold his liquor, which we first saw in "Fabulous Feast" SSR
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Ideally, this fear can extend into another thing --
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"Of your own accord" gives the feeling of doing something of your own initiative, and voluntarily. The word used in the original text also implies that the thing was done secretly and/or without permission.
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That last sentence felt like a mild warning, in which I could hear several inexplicably complicated emotions.
So the "complicated emotions" are on Vyn's side, not on Rosa's.
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Rosa paints a very specific simile here but I'm honestly not quite sure what it's supposed to imply or if it's referencing something so I'm just going to put this here for reference. The literal translation says it's as if Marius "has hung a ring of keys at his waist and then forcibly drank 5 kg of puer tea".
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[...] Even from the other end of the call, you can feel the embarrassment quietly spreading.
Not necessarily wrong, but the English sentence could almost be interpreted as the embarrassment is spreading throughout the phone, which doesn’t make sense and could cause a moment of confusion.
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Dr. Richter, you haven’t chosen to believe anyone either, have you?
Note that in Chinese it’s not specified that Rosa is referring to “them” (the suspects in the case). It could usually be interpreted that way from context, but using “anyone” preserves ambiguity in Vyn’s response (i.e. it’s possible that Rosa or NXX are included in those that Vyn says he doesn’t trust).
(Sidenote: The beginning of the chapter emphasized the role of surveillance on NXX’s current actions. Therefore, Vyn might not trust anyone, or he might simply be saying what he wants other people to believe. It’s interesting to note that Marius, on the other hand, openly told Vincent in 11-08 that Rosa is the only one he trusts. Which, again, is likely influenced by the possibility of surveillance.)
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After all, there is no way to detect psychological damage. Sometimes the parties involved are themselves not even aware of it.
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By the time your mind has caught up with the situation, you had already placed yourself in his way without a moment’s hesitation.
I probably made more changes than necessary or literal, but it was to convey the feeling more. Then again, this may be one of those lines that seem fine to other people and I'm just stuck on my own knee-jerk impression of the English translation.
I think the English tries to convey "不暇思索地" with the phrase "you find yourself". However, this combined with the opening clause gave the impression that Rosa got caught up in the flurry of confusion, then just happened to find herself standing between Vyn and Darius. In Chinese, "不暇思索地" means something like “without thinking, without hesitation, without a second thought”. It adds a sense of instinctive protectiveness to Rosa’s action, which comes across in later lines of the English translation but I felt was lost in this line. This line was one of the most character-relevant issues I noticed in this chapter.
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He looks over at you with rather undisguised astonishment.
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Afterwards, he leaves them with a half-true threat.
Adds a little more playfulness to how he's threatening them with a lawsuit from Rosa.
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If she were truly just a perpetrator, they [people online] would have pixelated the photos to prevent anyone from coming after her.
Subject issue, since it wasn’t explicitly stated in the sentence and it’s implied from the previous line.
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Yeah, but I don’t want to answer that directly to your face just yet.
Probably nitpicky and most likely doesn't matter, but I’m going to point out the details since this seems like a foreshadow-y line.
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Then he releases his foot and smiles seemingly gently at the young man.
Most of the time the “seemingly” can be (and is) left out in translation, but I think it’s better to keep it here since Vyn probably isn’t actually being gentle.
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Look man, we didn’t do anything. We’re not gonna go asking for trouble.
Contributes to the idea that Luke’s best course of action is just not getting involved this whole incident and continuing with his work.
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…No, even names that haven’t been carefully considered can bear meaning.
Thoughtful = “having a lot of thought put into it” would be fine here, but I feel that the more colloquial interpretation of thoughtful (“kind, compassionate”) would be strange since giving Albie a name is itself said to be a kind action. In Chinese, the word used specifically means carefully considering, deliberating, etc.
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...you never directed your thoughts toward that direction.
Actually, I don’t think this would be considered an error in translation. I think the metaphorical phrasing is just almost opposite between eng and chn so it stood out to me. In chn it's more like thinking further in that direction; in eng, it’s more like finding a new position to position yourself, then view the situation and do your thinking from that angle.
I also have an analysis post about Albie's name which also involves comparison across eng/chn! Anyway, thanks for reading this far and feel free to let me know your thoughts ^^
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screemnch · 1 year
The Pathologic Russian and English analysis: Bachelor Daniil Dankovsky Part 2.
I've decided that whenever I go to have my psychiatric evaluation, I'm gonna show them these series of mini-essays. The things we do... Anyway, here's the second half of my prickly prick analysis, this time from our precious miracle worker!
As the Changeling: the Bachelor in this campaign is actually a lot more consistent in between the English and Russian versions - he’s a lot meaner, condescending and all we know and love him for, so to speak. In terms of formality, he almost always refers to Clara using the informal “you,” which is understandable - she is a child, and someone who he doesn’t hold in high regard. His mannerisms, unlike in the Haruspex run, don’t change halfway through the narrative, which can be attributed to many different things - the fact that in the Haruspex run Eva survives and so Dankovsky never has to deal with the guilt of her death, for example. Or maybe the idea that he constantly treats Clara’s abilities with scepticism and doesn’t see her as crucial to the fulfilment of his plans, almost viewing her as disposable. Whatever it is, the manner of speech is very similar to how it is in the first half of the Haruspex run - you’ve got your little filler words, diminutives, rough words and an informal but deliberate sentence structure. There is a lot more frustration in his dialogues with Clara, which can be explained by the idea that he is literally out for blood for half of the game.
Overall, I was a little sad to see how many dialogue options just lead to the exact same thing via different routes, so there won’t be as many notes here as I’d like there to be. That being said, I’ve already started gathering material for the Changeling section of the analysis. Additionally, with the repetitive nature of Clara’s campaign, I’d like to preemptively say that I’ve done my best to put these in chronological order, but I make no promises on accuracy. That being said - here are some things that I wanted to specifically point out.
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This line is just… Riddled with curious differences. For one, instead of psychics, Dankovsky says that it’s bad enough that half the town is, specifically, “telepaths” which is… Interesting. And incorrect, which is probably why they changed it when translating. He then goes on to say “And those that aren’t, are extrasensory!” which is much closer to “psychic” than “faith healers.” In Russia, the term “экстрасенс” (read quite literally as “extra-sense”) refers to a person with any kind of psychic ability. Though you’ll mostly find it on shitty TV shows nowadays, and it feels a bit anachronistic to use it here, the term was first used in 1979, so hey, it could potentially make sense? Finally, the line itself is riddled with exasperated little words, which makes me really happy that I pointed it out when looking through the Haruspex dialogues. The last sentence especially conveys a certain urgency that kinda seems gone in the English version. There’s no presumption. Adding the whole “I presume” was probably a way to try and emulate this urgency in English, but it ended up being more of a “wow, the Bachelor is expecting people to do as he says” which is true, but the focus of the sentence is on the “can.” Something more like “Does that mean you can do this?” And also they cut out the exclamation mark in the first sentence, which I guess just doesn’t work in English orthography.
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I… Don’t know what to think of this translation. Let’s be transparent here - the closest way to properly translate the last sentence in this line is to face the facts that Dankovsky would sound like the crazy beggar woman from Sweeney Todd - “Diabolic, diabolic…” he says. And while imps and devils can very well be used as curse words in Russian, this, surprisingly, is not one of those instances. In this case, I imagine the translators chose to go for the most straightforward translation. Like having someone say “Damn…” and the translation being “This displeases me greatly!” Which I think is hilarious, but also hopefully helps bridge the gap between the two versions.
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Ok. What the fuck. This is the line in the Changeling route where Clara has to stay overnight at the Stillwater and the Bachelor is all like “Eva’s probably going to hand herself in to the inquisitor and we’re gonna go and save her tomorrow” except take a look at the Russian version. See anything different? See the exclamation marks? I feel like the translation team was so hellbent on making Dankovsky the prickliest prick on the block, that they forgot that he actually gives a damn about Eva. Like, there’s an urgent tone, and air of accusation in the way these sentences are formulated to portray someone who actually cares about the fate of the person he’s been living with for the past week. The Bachelor in Russian isn’t taking no for an answer in this case, because he actually cares. English Bachelor? Honestly, sounds like he’s pissed at Eva for trying to help him. Do not appreciate.
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I feel it’s important to emphasise the difference in sentiment here. The way this line is said in English sounds very distant, indignant. It’s something I’ve found with a lot of Bachelor’s lines and I’m beginning to suspect that it may just be because Russian is my native language, so I just see it as more personal, but idk. In the English version it feels like the Bachelor is just considering the possibility of saving a person (which, by the way, with how much of an ass Daniil has been to Clara is a very interesting 180) but in Russian he sounds a lot more determined, a lot more focused on the “saving” part. In a clunkier, but more literal translation, the line would be “If not Simon, then I’ll take at least you away from this miracle-rich hole.” He’s still caught up in Simon’s death, and he feels like it's his duty to help at least someone out of the place that has done nothing but get in his way (when he arrived here expecting it to help him) so uh… Once again coming for the head of whoever said Dankovsky has no heart.
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So uh… See, it’s funny because… Well, in English this string of dialogue doesn’t exactly make sense to me. What’s not to get, Clara? The Haruspex has a bone to pick with the butchers, which might interfere with the Bachelor’s plans. The wording is pretty clear too, so where does the confusion come from? At this point Clara has most certainly seen a butcher, she knows what he’s talking about. But then if you think about it, the Russian phrasing of that last sentence is wildly different. See, the original phrase is “He’s not impartial to butchers too,” and let me tell you something fun about that choice of words. See, while being “not impartial” to someone may mean that you have your own agenda you’re trying to push, it does not imply having any sort of issues with the person. In fact, most Russians would use the words “not impartial” when talking about a romantic inclination. And while I’m not saying it’s the intention of the writers, by any means, but uh… When interpreting this interaction as Dankovsky saying something easily misinterpretable out of pocket and Clara just raising her hands and saying “I refuse to comprehend whatever you’ve just told me,” it makes a bit more sense to me personally, than Clara simply not being able to follow along.
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In terms of being “as close to the original as possible” this line is probably one of the most far out lines. There are some lines that are translated word for word, and then there’s… This. Don’t get me wrong - that doesn’t mean it’s bad. I can actually understand exactly why these changes were made - it’s so that I would get to talk about them! The biggest difference would be in the way the Bachelor refers to Burakh in this line. In the Russian version he uses the word “леший” (Leshy) which is a word some of y’all may know from games like Inscryption and Cult of the Lamb. Leshy (quite literally means “of the woods”) is a mythical creature in Slavic folklore - an entity of the woods, the master of the forest, an overall neutrally aligned one. In some stories he confuses travellers and leads them in circles or abducts children, while in others he is a benevolent but protective figure that will help those who treat him with respect. I won’t go into too much detail, because this is Pathologic, not mythology hour, but I still think it’s a fun little tidbit of knowledge, considering who the Bachelor is talking about. That being said, in the English version he calls him a “sod” which is at least tangentially related to greenery and the like, which I think is funny. The other differences in this line are mostly in regards to sentence structure and don’t change the meaning much, so I won’t wax poetic about them.
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I’m having a goddamn aneurysm. I’m shaking, crying, losing my mind. Why did this have to be translated like this? It’s just literally “My god!” in Russian. You can say that in English. You’re allowed. Or maybe like “Dear god!” If you wanna keep the faux shock element of the word. Why blimey? Why? I don’t get it. Someone please explain. Additionally, the whole “look who’s here” has a more condescending vibe of “Look who’s  decided to grace us with her presence.” So yeah. The prickly prick factor is back, babey.
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The Bachelor is a lot sassier in this route. I didn’t see it as potently in the English version, I guess, because in Russian the overall vibe of this line is “A little bit… After all, you’re the only sinless person we’ve got.” Which I feel communicates both the jab, the Bachelor’s resentment towards Clara and how fed up he is with her literal “Holier than thou” rhetoric.
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The Bachelor rejects the notion of love winning if the polyhedron is preserved. However, in the Russian version there is no “you lose” in this line, which I feel gives a different vibe to the interaction. In the English version it feels a little weird - why is the Bachelor trying to convince Clara to go with his plan by telling her that she loses? Is that meant to be effective? Who knows, but in the Russian version the actual phrasing is closer to “we win from you” which can mean two things: the first one being the whole “we win and you lose” interpretation. The other is - we win at your discretion. We win in your game. And I don’t know, I’m writing this at 2 am, but I feel like the other interpretation makes more sense for someone trying to be convincing.
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I don’t understand why this was translated the way it is. I also have no recollection of when in the game this takes place and the dialogue itself offers very little context. The line itself however is… I don’t get it. I’ve always seen the word “darling” as a term used to either someone very close to you, or in an ironic sense. The term Dankovsky uses here, however is “cute creature” (cute being the literal meaning of the word, but in combination with the “creature” thing, it’s more akin to “dear” or “sweet”) which is a term of endearment used, at least from what I understand in literature, in reference to an innocent, gentle, feminine person. Some writers use that epithet to refer to their muse. It does not have the same vibe as “darling”; it's a lot more delicate, as if you were referring to a flower. And I don’t see where they got “darling” from that. Additionally, this is the only instance in which the Bachelor refers to Clara using a formal version of “you.”
And that’s about it for the Bachelor in the Changeling route. The main differences between this and the English version come from two factors: the specific words used, and the lack of exclamation marks. No kidding. The way Dankovsky refers to some things was just translated in a way where it conveys the purpose of what he’s trying to say, but the vibe becomes completely lost. It was interesting to see just how superstitious Daniil’s manner of speaking gets when he’s talking to Clara, given his scepticism - he refers to mythical creatures, silver bullets, and even his defence of the Polyhedron is a very… Spirited one. In other instances, the difference in terminology lessens whatever emotion the line is trying to convey. That, and the overall “tamer” use of exclamation marks removes a little bit of character from the Bachelor. He comes off as a lot more composed in English, with occasional outbursts of frustration. Just like in the first half of the Haruspex campaign, the Bachelor in the original version is a lot more impassioned, whether the emotions he is communicating are disgust or sympathy, conceit or regret. I mentioned it earlier, but it does really feel like in trying to make Dankovsky seem like a cold, pragmatic asshole, the translators accidentally took the bite out of a lot of his lines.
That being said, I want to make it clear that I’m not bashing the translation in any way. Most of these differences come from heavily made decisions, opting for either translating things literally, or trying to convey the essence but losing a few things on the way. Translators always have to deal with that choice. Even with the little experience I have with translating myself, I can understand that a lot of these things potentially could not have been translated any other way. You wouldn’t want to have to play a game where every dialogue option is followed by a footnote explaining what this specific choice of words means, and how to properly interpret them - the player’s experience is a part of the game’s design. How you understand the dialogue is also a part of the narrative, especially with how much deception is woven into the story. With all that in mind, I still feel it’s important to eventually illustrate exactly what the differences are, because not only do the way certain phrases are translated shine a new light on the author’s intentions, but additionally - some people might never find out otherwise. So uh… Yeah. Coming up in maybe yet another month, if not more - The Haruspex as seen by the other two Healers.
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acoraxia · 7 months
My knowledge of fyss!Kui Mulang is not the best because since the fyss version is in English and the book is extra dense with many characters with different names, it has not been easy for me. I know more about Jttw!Kui Mulang. Jttw is easier for me because there is a version in my native language. But about Kui Mulang and his wife, Kui Mulang kidnapped his wife against her will. He also does not hesitate to hurt her If she does something agaisnt him. Furthermore, the moment Kui Mulang is caught, he betrays his wife and tries to put all the blame on her, saying that she was the one who seduced him.
Many fsyy characters have different names. So I think that's why not many recognize Azure Lion. He was part of the Jie Sect but is later turned into a mount when he loses. I think lmk is not taking fsyy as a prequel to Jttw like New gods. However, I feel like it gives more depth to his character? You know, imagine fighting on the side that accepts you because the other side doesn't really like your kind (from what I understand, there may be good reasons as well as discrimination against the Yaoguai) and then you're humiliated into being the mount of an immortal. And many centuries pass, and you gain respect and connections, but they still don't see you anymore than that. He also becomes very angry when he is not invited to Xiwangmu's peach banquet. I'm not saying this to defend him, but the topic of the Yaoguai and how they are perceived is interesting.
this person is answering questions about fsyy. It's the only blog I've found, so they might be able to give you the info you want to know about fsyy!Kui Mulang. I hope it helps you a lot if you ever need it! :)
I'm sorry if I send a lot of asks to reply. I tried to send a response to my ask but apparently my reply is too long??? I'm still not very familiar with Tumblr
Checked my inbox after me and my sib discussed media and honestly it made my mood go from “aw” to “OOOH” so quickly haha
Fyss!Kui Mulang will remain a mystery for a while… we gotta accept this fate my friends. At least until I do a little digging and end up launching him on top of my faves like I did with Erlang and Red Son— AHEM anyways!
I did not know he tried to victim blame his wife.. what the HECK dude… what is wrong with you… my guy.. my dude! What the heck!
Also Yaoguai were always very interesting imo… like at some point it makes you wonder if the hate and judgement they get is justified or not. Yes there are yao that eat people or kill them and do things that aren’t great but what of the ones that are just living? The ones who fight on the side of “good”? Makes you wonder about it. (I did learn that yaoguai stands for creatures that stand outside the natural order/cannot be explained. Which is fun!) Kind of interesting how he was turned into a mount… hm. That’s.. certainly something! Especially for a sentient being capable of thought and speech as eloquent as any other immortal he comes across!
I kind of wish they’d taken fyss as an inspiration ngl.. they did show the Nezha and Ao Bing fight scene but it was obviously shown as more aggressive (in the book, Nezha just smacked him while Ao Bing was the one who launched the first attack—meant to he comedic but also horrifying moment for the Ao family) and it’s funny how they introduced Nü Wa.. because they’ll have to address which version of her it is (in some myths she is the Jade Emperor’s daughter (fyss iirc), in other’s she marries her brother—options!) —but! Anyways, this was a fun read
Definitely makes me think about Azure Lion and Kui Mulang’s characterizations… hm hm hm
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spinningbuster98 · 1 month
Metroid Other M Part 1: Baby, you mean the world to meeee!
Ok. We’re doing this
So first off I want to get a few things out of the way right now, establish a few ground rules so to speak
Number one is that I wanted to adress immediately the whole thing about this game’s original japanese script being so much better than the english localization.
That’s not as true as you think it is
I’ve seen some fans in more recent times trying to reevaluate Other M, claiming that all the issues with this game’s story are due to the shitty english translation that we got, and that the japanese original is pretty much a totally different story. I’ve seen fans take umbrage with Other M’s detractors, claiming that their criticisms of it are unjustified because of this
Let me just say that I have absolutely zero qualms with the people who like this story, at the end of the day it’s all harmless fiction and people shouldn’t get put on a cross just for liking something that the majority happen, as I’ve seen happen a lot of times in the Metroid community for years in regards to this game and Federation Force
However at the same time I do take issue with the idea that all of the criticisms levied against this game’s story are unjustified
This video contains a fan translation of the japanese script. Of course, since it was made by a fan and I don’t know japanese, there’s the definite possibility that it may be completely off. However this is all we have and this story’s defenders generally seem to refer to this translation so I’d say we’re on even ground
I haven’t watched the entire thing, but I have watched most of the important story beats plus some extra stuff
The Japanese script is indeed overall better than the English one for a number of reasons
Samus’ monologues appear to be less...”sappy” for lack of a better word. Her prose seems to me to be more sober, less prone to trying to sound weirdly poetic in her choice of words, it reads generally more down to the ground and to the point, not too different than Fusion’s. This is already better than the english script, which is further helped by the japanese voice actress being genuinely very good, sounding very professional and sometimes even a bit assertive, which is miles better than the constant monotone of the english version. I feel really bad about Samus’ english voice actress because she was MADE to sound like that by the voice direction, so it’s not her fault, but the end result is still an absolute boring slog to listen to
There are several points in the japanese script that were altered for the worse in english which I will point out when I notice them. We can see an example here: during the flashback Samus claims in english that she liked being called Lady by Adam because it sounded “delicate” which makes little sense given that she’s lamenting about how weak she felt during her days in the army. In the japanese script however she straight up says that she hated being called Lady specifically because it made her feel weak. This same issue was present in Fusion’s script: in english she says that being called Lady by Adam felt “dignified” but in japanese she apparently says that she hated it, implying that Adam liked to egg her on in a friendly and playful manner.
Unfortunately, the japanese script doesn’t fix the most egregious issues with this story, as I’ll show you later down the road. It doesn’t fix this story being bootleg Fusion. It doesn’t fix the questionable relationship between Adam and Samus and the way he treats her. It doesn’t fix Samus being borderline useless in this story and accomplishing and learning nothing throughout it. It doesn’t fix the supremely rushed ending.
So keep in mind that when I’ll start criticizing this game’s story, which I will do. A lot. I’ll be taking into account both scripts whenever I can.
Lastly there was one other thing I wanted to adress: despite my feelings for this game I will try to be as objective as I can. Other M has been the subject of hatred and vitriol for years, and deservedly, but some of that hate has spiralled out of control at times, causing people to either come up with criticisms that don’t really hold up to scrutiny I believe, or pass around stories about this game that are pretty much untrue yet are passed around as if they were
The main one is the whole “Other M tried to render the Prime games non-canon”
That’s not true, though I can’t really fault people for believing that because so did I once. First off Sakamoto’s interview where he supposedly said (unfortunately I can’t find it) that was, to my knowledge, mistranslated. He apparently stated that he simply didn’t take the Primes into account when writing Other M. That is certainly irresponsible from a writing standpoint, but doesn not necessarily mean he considered them non-canon. In fact it was Sakamoto’s idea (along with Tanabe’s) to place those games between Metroid 1 and 2 in order to ensure their canonicity!
Tumblr media
(Unfortunately that link doesn’t work for me, but for what it’s worth I remember reading that translated interview before)
(I also want you to understand that I’m not defending Sakamoto for the sake of it or because I’m a fan. I don’t care much for the man himself, I care only about the stuff he makes and about getting things about as right as possible, trying to avoid misinformation whenever I can. I’m going to absolutely eviscerate the story he’s written, but I want to do this the right way)
This seems to line up with what former Retro Studios developers have said in recent years about initially developing Prime 1 as a quasi-reboot of sorts, only for them to later get the memo from Nintendo that it was gonna be actually canon
Other M doesn’t have any actual references to Prime’s story, but that doesn’t mean it treats those games either, if we were to follow that line of logic than EVERY mainline game treats Prime as non-canon, because 2D Metroid never explicitly references Prime, with the closest it ever got being Proteus Ridley in Samus Returns
Fusion was developed in parallel to Prime 1, yet contains absolutely no references to it despite Prime 1 even having an unlockable Fusion suit. You’d think it would’ve been easy to sneak in a quick reference to Tallon IV or Phazon during one of Samus’ monologues
Zero Mission only features superficial references, such as some music tracks and Mecha Ridley being a homage to Meta Ridley, but it’s nothing concrete, even though they could’ve had something like a post credits scene or some unlockable images featuring the Pirates escaping from Zebes and winding up on Tallon IV as described in Prime 1′s logs
Other M is similar: it only has superficial references to Prime in the form of the first person view mode and the Seeker Missiles. 
Mainline Metroid and Prime may be canon to each other but they are seperate storylines, made by completely different teams. They don’t reference each other in particularily complex ways in order to to step on each other’s toes, it’s just that Prime’s chronological placement makes it more easily justifiable for it to not reference stuff
And lastly no: Other M’s inconsistencies are not aimed at disregarding Prime’s existence. Other M’s issues concern the 2D games as much as the Primes, and even those issues that create inconsistencies with Prime specifically are not as damning as you’d think
For instance: a lot of people focus on Samus saying that this was the first time she’s ever taken orders from a CO since her army days, saying that it ignores the events of Prime 3 where she takes orders from Admiral Dane
That’s true!
Wanna know what’s also true?
That Prime 3 ignores Fusion, where Samus said that her mission on the BSL is her second time ever taking orders from someone, the other being when she was under Adam, yet here she is taking orders both from Dane and the Aurora Units
And honestly if we’re talking about inconsistencies then Prime actually fares worse than Other M in some aspects by sheer virtue of the big Metroid Prime creature plot hole being pretty much unsolvable and making zero sense with all of Metroid lore, which is much worse than Samus being overly depressed or being super scared of Ridley now for some reason
This isn’t me shitting on Prime by the way: if I were to choose between those games and Other M I’d absolutely go with the former because, unlike the latter, despite their issues they also add a lot to this universe’s story and lore and overall feel like they have their own place and importance
I’m just saying that if one wants to shit on Other M it has to be done by the book. What will follow in the next videos will be my thoughts and my thoughts alone, undoubtedly influenced by fandom content to an extent (because no one’s an island and we all have an effect on each other’s thoughts), but still mostly the result of my experiences and reasonings on this game
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
Oh now I'm very curious about the serial Luigi-variant adopter Mario AU :D
So it all starts with Gooigi.
Mario is introduced to Gooigi after being rescued from the painting in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Luigi explains it by saying, “this is Gooigi, a goo clone of me made by the professor by accident (I think it was an accident). He’s slowly been gaining sentience and I can put my consciousness into his body. Any questions?”
Mario has many but this isn’t the weirdest thing they’ve dealt with and he decides it would be best to just move on and rescue the Princess.
At the end of it all, Mario is very persistent about Gooigi coming home with them. Luigi is attached to him, Mario is attached to him, and they both wanna see what he can learn to do. Gooigi seemingly likes them back, and generally tends to follow Luigi around and copy him, and he’s even started doing the same thing to Mario!
E Gadd allows it, but they have to send him monthly progress reports. Mario and Luigi immediately agree.
Little brother 1 is acquired!
Gooigi adapts to his new home life very easily. He’s not capable of feeling bored, so he often ends up just standing around. He likes to copy the things Mario and Luigi do, even if he doesn’t understand it. He’ll sit and watch tv with them, he’ll pretend to read a book, things like that. Gooigi likes easy, repetitive tasks and takes a liking to cleaning and gardening!
The next to be acquired are the baby versions of themselves.
I imagine that Mario and Luigi are not native to the magic universe (also known as the Altworld). They’re from a different universe (the Earthworld), and fell here one day. They were already adults when it happened, and while they feel more at home here than they ever did in the Earthworld, they still wish they could’ve said goodbye to their friends and family.
Anyway, timeline shenanigans, alternate dimensions, and outright time travel lead to them traveling with their baby selves. Just as Mario and Luigi had no way to return home, it’s discovered that their baby selves will also be unable to return home.
Of course Mario and Luigi adopt them! They can’t think of any other way to handle the situation, of course they adopt them!
Little brothers 2 and 3 acquired!
The first thing Mario and Luigi do are give the littles new names, since having multiple Marios and Luigis has already gotten confusing. The littles help pick their new names, and they settle on Mateo and Louis.
Small children need a lot of love and attention, so their lives start to revolve more around Mateo and Louis. It’s a huge change, much larger than Gooigi joining them, but they’re happy!
Mateo and Louis adapt to this new situation really well, all things considered. The main issue is they have trouble communicating with people other than their brothers. Being the children of Italian immigrants to the USA, Mario and Luigi spoke Italian at home and learned English through TV and preschool. Mateo and Louis aren’t quite school aged yet, so they speak almost exclusively Italian. Fine for Mario and Luigi, not so fine for everyone else.
Mateo and Louis greatly enjoy going on adventures, but Mario and Luigi stick to the less dangerous ones for the littles. For the more dangerous ones they get close friends to watch them (people like Peach, Daisy, and sometimes Peasley). Mateo and Louis don’t understand the difference between a normal adventure and a world-saving quest, and often get upset when they don’t get to come with.
Still, the arrangement works and overall everyone is happy!
Finally, it’s Mr L.
The incident with Bleck happened a few years back. At some point Bleck reappeared with Tippi (apparently he was now in therapy), and overall the Mario Bros are now on good terms with most of Bleck’s team. Mario is very cautious about Nastasia, though.
Anyway, Mr L and Luigi get split one day after Luigi goes and tests some modified power ups from E Gadd.
He tries a bee shroom that gives him an extra set of arms, a super bell that makes him a catboy, a fire flower that made him a fire bender, and finally a double cherry that gave him Mr L.
Seconds after becoming his own separate person, Mr L immediately tried to beat up Luigi. He lost that fight. He then tried to fight E Gadd. Luigi bested him again. Mario came to pick up Luigi and Mr L tried to fight him too (he lost).
Seeing little other option, the Bros took him in, and Mr L only agreed because he didn’t really know what else to do (and because Luigi promised to help him get revenge on Dimentio (who’s already dead so he doesn’t really need to keep that promise)).
Mr L doesn’t take the situation well, and actively attempts to cause problems for everyone. He just found out his entire life is a lie so he’s acting out like a rebellious teenager.
Dealing with him is extremely difficult, and there are several occasions where Mario and Luigi debate keeping him there at all.
Then one day Peach hosts a private go-kart competition with her friends. Mario and Luigi love these competitions, and she knows they need a healthy way to get out some of their frustration.
Anyway, they leave Mr L alone with his go-kart for literally five minutes and when they come back he’s already torn the thing apart. They’re frustrated at first but don’t want to deal with it. They just let him do that for a few hours.
They come back and Mr L is the happiest he’s ever been, and eagerly talks to them about the modifications he’s making to his kart.
As it turns out, part of Mr L’s issue is that he didn’t have a goal in life anymore. His purpose was to serve the Count, but now that everything he’s ever known is gone, he didn’t know what to do with himself other than antagonize his ‘brothers’.
They let him do whatever the hell he wants with the go-kart, and begin encouraging him to get more hobbies too. Finally he’s opening up to them, isn’t antagonizing them as much, and starts to work on becoming his own person.
Brother 4 acquired!
Mr L bonds pretty heavily with Mateo and Louis, and ends up becoming the primary babysitter whenever Mario and Luigi go out and do stuff. Fine by him, he’s content to have a few helping hands in his workshop (the garage), even if said helping hands are loud, gross, and pull his socks down when they’re bored.
He also works on distinguishing himself more from Luigi. He grows his hair out longer, changes up his jumpsuit, stuff like that.
90% of the family au is pretty much “how do Mateo, Louis, and Mr L end up different thanks to the different circumstances?” Which is one of my favorite things to explore! Plus there’s plenty of wholesome family moments (like the littles coming to Mr L’s room to sleep) and hilarious sibling shenanigans (the time Mateo, Louis, and Gooigi tried baking cookies while the other three were out of the house).
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my notes from r.f. kuang’s talk about yellowface in edinburgh last night (31/5/23)
observation: why does everyone talk like they’re on tiktok all the time?
rf kuang: english-chinese translator, author and scholar. doing a phd at yale.
walking on to the theme tune from succession
said the best compliment about yellowface she’d received was a comparison to succession in that it was completely addictive and unbearably sweet
what was the idea for yellowface?
god called, i answered (laughter)
process was different from writing fantasy, in fantasy its a lot of zero drafts and like a sculpture coming out from a stone
she wanted something different after the sheer concentration babel took
says pandemic books all a) come out late 2022/early 2023 and have something deeply Wrong with them and have some unhinged quality
the book came ‘fully formed’
thinks this is normally a phrase
book came from conversations about the racial identity in the publishing industry especially in late 2020
timeline: george floyd murder -> protests -> talks about improvement in industry promoting diversity especially for black people -> publishing started promises about putting more bipoc writers on their lists but editors started offering black authors positions even un-agented (red flag) and now they’re being ghosted by editors and publishing houses and because of exclusivity clauses they’re extra fucked over. everything they did was performative
she wasn’t sure how ruffled feathers were at Harper Collins when she originally put it out
her agent immediately called her when she sent it over because she was worried she’d ruin her career by burning bridges in publishing that she needed
sent it to second readers who were more litfic than her agent who was fantasy and it worked: they loved it
quote: seems like everyone in the industry was on a masochistic streak when they published it
wasn’t until the NYT did a profile about the book and had a conversation with her agent about it and they took one quote from her at the end and it was ‘does becky even like us’
q: character questions: june and athena
june: ‘i know june, we all know june. i’ve been dealing with june for years’
diversity critic who thinks only bipoc writers got their jobs because they’re bipoc and not because they have any skill at writing. says that june was ‘super easy to write’ - thinks there’s something about characters like amy from gone girl, like june, like female characters from gone girl knock offs with the word girl in it. she has a voice like sitting in the pub with your meanest drunkest friends and they’re criticising everyone you know 
misogynistic and violent voice - are we all misogynists for enjoying this voice? no but assuming that is worst reading of yellowface and other versions of this voice
ire dealt towards not the women but instead the roles women take and fulfils the rage and condescension for the way women try and be the ‘perfect woman’ by fitting in boxes
june is out of line a lot of time but she’s right about some things - she understands the issue in the publishing industry but uses that to benefit her instead of fixing the problem
athena is dead for nearly the whole book, she’s a ghost. died by choking because: rf kuang is terrified of choking to death, choking is the form of death that robs you of your voice, you can’t call for help and athena can’t tell the end of her story because she’s (dead) robbed of her voice so other people tell her story
we only see athena mostly through other people’s perceived biases about her; no one even liked athena. a lot of people have a parasocial relationship with athena in the book
athena liked making herself the only one in the room - she didn’t want other asians criticising her or having other opinions or experiences from her
a lot of her own representation of asians is problematic and the question that gets asked about her is how do you deal with someone from your own community who is working as a identity broker
mentioned female chinese writers during the cold war who wrote about how good america was and served as soft power; even being sent on tours and funded by the state department because their experience as immigrants made america look very good against china
athena also writes about pale east asians but wants to take the credit for writing for all asians - she’s a cultural broker - wants to be the asian person to ‘explain’ being asian to liberal white people
rf kuang also wanted to explore why people do doomscrolling when they could do something they enjoy more like reading a book; what captures our attention about these scandals and people when we all hate it so much?
describes her father as having the diction of a ‘jane austen character’ and reading animal farm as a child and not understanding why people were so upset about these pigs
learned a lot of english from movies and ended up obsessed with the words ‘the force’ from star wars and when ‘chance’ is mentioned in Prince of Egypt
loved reading so much, had books in the bath, even read the back of shampoo bottles when there wasn’t anything else to read
next book?
taking a break to do exams and get married next year so katabasis has been pushed back to 2025 - about two phd students who go to hell to bring back their advisor so he can write them job recommendations - likes writing about teacher-student relationships (as seen in the poppy war and babel) and katabasis is about what happens when the trust there is violated. its her first love story and described as “a ‘light’ book about very dark stuff”
what’s is like as a multilingual writer?
multilingual writers have a thing of being able to bring a new perspective into the language they’re writing in
many things taken for granted in english as fact isn’t true objectively
‘time is money’ is deeply rooted in anglophone capitalist culture for instance
people move through the world differently depending on the language they speak: metaphors, concepts of time and space, imagery etc.
nabokov is partly an incredible writer because he’s a russian native speaker but writing in english so he lends a new perspective to the english language
does she know the answer to: who is allowed to write about suffering?
things like that are on a case by case basis and not all or nothing in reductive terms like june and other characters in yellowface seem to think
questions like this need to be solved in a seminar room not on a twitter thread
kuang personally treats it as making sure her ancestors are properly remembered, their stories told and preserved rather than being consigned to oblivion
treats it with an incredible amount of respect when she takes in her family’s stories rather than the more cynical opinion of diaspora writers accused of just repackaging trauma to sell
could june be redeemed?
anyone can be redeemed if they try but june personally would need someone she respected to come into her life and tell her what she’s doing is Wrong and one of her critical flaws is that she’s isolated from everyone etc.
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