#like if you can just give your kid an ipad and have them watch unboxing videos all day that's gonna keep their attention longer than tv
3spurrrr · 1 year
Are they iPad kids? But I don't think I answer the question properly or consistently lmaoo
Yuuji: yes. Minecraft let's Plays all day. Is addicted to those tiktok reddit stories with the game play background.
Megumi: ....yes but watches things like Vsauce, lemmino, occasional reddit ice berg stories etc. Video essays, political commentary all that jazz
I mean... come on. His dad was deadbeat toji u think he didn't just give him an iPad as a kid to shut him up. Why do you think megumi is so tense all the time bro found 4chan and subreddits way too early...
Secretly loves those reddit stories too but thinks ALL of them are fake lmao
Nobara: she would much rather call a friend and talk and stuff. Maybe will put on some reality TV or a mukbang cooking videos or those jungle building a house out of mud vids
Gojo: YES ahhahahahahahahaha
I feel like he lives on twitch and I can see him being a gamer in his off time. He would much rather have someone around tho to talk to. Would love to sit around and gossip about dumb shit.
Would love storytime vids, also those mud house wilderness vids. Hates interviews and anything megumi watches lowkey
If u r dating him check his twitch for half naked gamer girlies :/
Geto: doesn't give a fuck tbh. Can sit down in silence, with a friend, with any type of yt video as long as he gets to eat the food he is good lmao. I think he likes music and just has music playing in his house a lot and eats while thinking about his life and his fucked up philosophies
Shoko: def a nobara type too. Heavy on the mukbang cooking vids. Occasional megumi educational video influence. Loves trashy reality TV for some reason but she is wasted all the time so it checks out lol
Yaga: yes... hhahaha I can see him loving Gordon Ramsey or those village cooking videos. Watches a bunch of diy videos on how to make plushies and some more videos on panda related things :)
Nanami: no. He reads the newspaper and just relaxes like meditating or something. I don't think he touches his phone for entertainment. Reads the news and some other articles on cultural shit and that's it. Gives major dad vibes. Lmaooo imagine him being like a top player in candy crush hahahahahahha
Utahime: bestie eats in silence with a book on her lap or gojo randomly talking shit in her ear
Doesn't touch digital things cuz she knows a lot of it is cancerous
Maki: kind of. She is obsessed with different health videos on how to get your body strong and martial arts, kinesthetics videos. I can't see her being obsessed with watching things tho. She is so busy with training and probably opts for quick meals or meals where she is with friends. Girlie is mindful and whatever
Panda: hahaha yeah hahaha But I feel like he loves his phone, is def a huge gamer
I think he might be a mix of everyone on this list
I can see him consuming all kinds of media, even unboxings and asmr videos and literally anything hahaha
Inumaki: yesssssssss definition of iPad kid lmao. He is very much like yuuji and gojo
Gojo, panda, yuuji and him play games on voice chat A LOT
Noritoshi: no. Look at him bro... he barely opens his eyes
Mai: is constantly on gossiping websites and spreads misinformation on those sites lmaooo
Yuutaaa: mf eats with his demon gf and just talks to it randomly. Watches a lot of movies and shows soooo probably an iPad kid? He is way too traumatized to not be hahahaha
Mahito: watches human rights violating porn all the time and lives on the dark web
Sukuna: honestly, he is an iPad kid in a non modern way. Would want someone to be infront of him and perform for him. Like singing, dancing etc. Even though it's sukuna I think mans is incredibly cultured and has a taste for those finer things
Choso: no. He probably just talk to his brothers all the time cuz they are inseparable. Also he has so much in his head to think about kinda like geto. If you suggested something to watch or showed him the internet he'd enjoy and find some niche. I think he is really into music and would turn into a micro celeb music critic
Toji: nah, his phone is blowing up with new job offers and he goes home to just sleep for a sec or have hot sex with a chic for money cuz bbygirl is just sometimes a whore.
If he did have the time to be online he'd be a slight mahito and then go and kill people who he thought took it too far. Other than that maybe also obsessed with half naked gamer girls on twitch and building mud houses videos
Todo: YES. He watches that idol girl all day everyday and God forbid he misses an episode
I don't think any of them like those crime podcasts and videos cuz it's death around them all the time and most of the mystery deaths in jjk world is probably because of those curses and what they do for a living
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mizgrownnonsense · 2 years
I have no children yet, but here’s what I’m thinking about kids and media:
0-5ish: No media, unless it’s together or a trusted adult is helping them pick and keeping an eye on duration. Maybe they have a little mp3 player for their favorite songs (music should be a human right)
Justification: I’ve watched so many toddlers fall down unboxing video rabbit holes on YouTube and it freaks me OUT. I want media to be part of our shared family culture, not a way to check out and go numb. I’m aware that this is a lot more work, and plan to put that work in.
5ish-8ish: There is now an iPad, with some age-appropriate streaming services for movies and shows and some (offline, obv) games Maybe some pre-downloaded favourites and home movies, too. No YouTube at all. The iPad does not have a passcode or time lock, so it isn’t a scarce resource, but we keep an eye on usage and encourage alternatives if they start zombie-ing.
Justification: At 5, kiddo should be able to practice regulating their own attention span and explore media choices more autonomously—within certain parameters. The kid-eating YouTube algorithm is still hard-banned, and there are no messaging/social media/online gaming options. This is about them exploring media independently from us, but not using technology as a conduit to other people just yet.
8-12ish: kiddo gets a phone for direct messaging/calling with friends and family ONLY. The older and dumber the phone the better. Some closed-circle social medias (like Marco Polo) ok. This phone will be checked by parents periodically (sorry) but always with advanced notice and a conversation about what we might be looking for and why.
Justification: This is a good age for texts from grandma/cousins and the ability for them to explore the world and be able to text/call back for help. Obviously, they’ll want to send goofy messages to their friends, too, and that’s great. However, I don’t want them to develop an “audience” yet, so social media is out, and I still want to keep an eye out on how people interact with them, working together to recognise and set boundaries around this kind of communication. Checking their phone is mainly to enforce which apps they use, since they’ll be encountering more social pressure to join social media (and defy rules) around that age. I won’t read my kid’s messages unless I have a concern about their or one of their contacts’ behavior, and if it comes to that, looking at their messages is something I’ll do WITH THEM. We’ll have a conversation about my concerns, what I’m looking for, and what to do about it together.
10-12ish: Some multiplayer games okay, but with oversight around who they interact with and guidance about how to navigate uncomfortable interactions. YouTube is finally available, but with conversation about the ideas they encounter there. I won’t like this, but I can’t keep them off Minecraft forever.
13 ish-17ish: Parental controls off their tech, and a baseline of phone autonomy: no check-ins unless something seems seriously wrong; all check-ins with conversation. Encourage kiddo to manage screentime within other responsibilities and goals, check in if screens become a numbing reflex. Only big rule: MAINTAIN ANONYMITY (no real name, selfies/ vlogging, or identifying details) in any open-form social media. Advise them to be aware of social media that gives them a sense of an “audience” and council them to set boundaries with how they interact with that idea (ie: you don’t owe strangers interactions or energy, you are allowed to make mistakes, you are allowed to change your mind, grow, and change. You do not need to have an opinion on everything, especially if you haven’t had time to think it over, and you can/should block anyone who makes you feel unsafe). Here, I’ll also inform them about para-social relationships and how to navigate those.
Justification: god, I wish the adults in my life at that age told me the same. I cannot tell you how I wince when my full name still pulls up deviant art posts from my teen years on google searches. I have become so much kinder to myself since I let go the idea that I owe a vague internet audience my take on every new thing. Even if the internet wasn’t full of people who could exploit your personal information to harm you (for whatever reason), it does you no service whatsoever to put your most vulnerable developmental years under a public spotlight.
18: Full technology autonomy. Hopefully I’ve prepared kiddo to navigate it well, and left the door open to come to me if they ever need more help/guidance. Good luck, kiddo.
Posting for peer review: what do y’all think?
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
what is your opinion on maribat
you do you, honey!
but i don't really see the appeal of it tho
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#like i was talking to someone in the maribat fandom and asked them some stuff about it but i (personally) wouldnt like it#first off: i don't really like crossovers (unless it's a really good premise)#second off: i don't really like mlb like i thought it was kind of cool when it was still in its first season and i was a child but now...#mlb's plot and animation is just not interesting to me? no hate to ppl who like it but i think it isnt anything i would sit down to watch#i think crossovers also are just written by ppl for themselves and if it appeals to someone else that's an added bonus#but i respect y'all if you like it that's not what im saying at all#it's just REALLY not for me#imo children's animation's quality has been going down in the past few years bc of the rise of streaming and yt kids content#like if you can just give your kid an ipad and have them watch unboxing videos all day that's gonna keep their attention longer than tv#not that im saying childrens animation was better when i was a kid it's just that there seems to be less new and good kids content#like check out the list of animated shows that came out in 2020 and see which ones you watched or have heard of#like hey guys have any of you heard of 'doug unplugs'?#like at if you compare it to 2006 the list is literally twice as long and it really makes you wonder doesnt it?#i do like animation tho dw i prefer traditional but i will give my life for the dragon prince and the winx club seasons they did in 3d#sorry about my rant about the decline of animation im back#no but im not a fan of mlb im sorry lads youre gonna have to live with that knowledge now#and it was to be expected that folks would start doing crossovers to the dc fandom#but the fact that it's so fucking largescale just baffles me#it's better than batcest but it also feels like such an isolated community bc i havent come across much maribat on tumblr#while batcest is pretty spread out here unfortunately#if youre a batcest shipper and youre reading this tag i just want to know why? like in a nice way why? pls tell me?#but kiss kiss#general consensus: you do you babes but i dont really care for it#still think everyone should just do what they want#do what you want!#maribat#bataranswers#batman#anon
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aperfectsummerrae · 4 years
Growing Together
INVOLVED: Summer Sanders, Ellie Rose, and Wynter Sanders TIME FRAME: Sunday, April 5, 2020 LOCATION: Summer’s Loft; Los Angeles, California SUMMARY: Beginning to pack up their things to move, Summer and Ellie have a conversation about Erica, which in turn makes Ellie very emotional. 
Summer walked into the loft with a stack of boxes under her arm and extra duct tape. Humming, she moved to place the boxes on the table before she looked to Ellie, “any luck finding a couch?” she asked as she began to set up the boxes.
Ellie shook her head at Summer. “No, I am still looking but no worries I’ll find something,” she told her easily. She looked up at Summer moving to her for a kiss on her lips. “I can’t believe we are doing this,” she chuckled to her lightly.
Summer frowned slightly at Ellie’s words but she nodded, “I know you will baby,” she said easily as she moved to set up the next box. As Ellie moved for her, Summer kissed Ellie’s lips back lovingly. “Me either,” she smiled, kissing Ellie’s lips once more, “but we are,” she said with so much glee. “And once we finish packing up all the essentials here, we move to your place and do the same, then we… we unbox everything in our home.”
Ellie wrapped her arms around Summer and she smirked at her. “Mhm,” she said to her sweetly. “I can’t wait,” she told her honestly, “it’s like a dream home, you know,” she confessed to her sweetly before she laid her head on Summer’s chest. “I am so in love with that kitchen,” she added.
Summer smiled at Ellie and she stopped fooling around with the boxes to wrap her arms around Ellie. She let out a hum as she swung her braids out of the way some. “I can’t wait either baby,” she said looking into Ellie’s eyes. “It’s pretty damn awesome,” she chuckled as she held Ellie close. “I honestly saw myself living in this loft for a few more years,” she admitted as she looked around a bit, rubbing Ellie’s back as Ellie’s head rested against her chest, “but I’m glad to be branching out with you,” she said sweetly. At Ellie’s mention of the kitchen, Summer smiled and she said, “I’ll try not to burn it down,” with a chuckle.
Ellie nodded her head at Summer, she could understand that considering she knew she hadn’t planned on leaving the apartment she was in anytime soon. When she did, she knew it would be a house that she moved to, but a 3 million dollar one, not as much. “So am I, I never pictured getting an apartment with someone I was dating, let alone a house,” she told her. “Things are different with you Summer,” she told her. “Now I’m picturing kids running around the back yard,” she said softly as she pulled away from her moving back to the iPad she had for a second. Butterflies still filled her stomach and her chest still burned when she spoke of her future with Summer in any form. “I love you,” she breathed as she moved for her purse without a second glance trying to find the pen to her iPad.
Holding Ellie close, Summer let out a hum of content before she began chuckling a bit. “I’ve lived with a partner before but yeah… buying a home,” she said smirking, “that’s a big step,” she admitted with a smirk. “Things are definitely different with you,” Summer said, co-signing Ellie before she grew quiet, listening to Ellie speak about children. Her heart fluttered and she smiled. “How many kids?” she asked sweetly as Ellie pulled away. “I love you too,” she said softly, looking at Ellie with soft eyes as she pulled the hair tie from her wrist and pulled her braids back into a ponytail.
At Summer’s words Ellie melted into a puddle of goo, she found her pen and looked at her. “3 or 4,” Ellie confessed to her sweetly, “as many as you want,” she said pushing braids out of her face and over her shoulder as she looked back down at the iPad, avoiding Summer’s gaze.
Summer set up the next box before she moved into the kitchen with a small one and sat it on the counter. At Ellie’s answer, Summer stopped short, looking over at the girl with a smirk. “As many as I want, huh?” she asked softly as she began to pull plates down from the counter, wrapping them up in bubble wrap before placing them into the box. “Well we already have one,” she said jokingly, referencing her sister.
Ellie chuckled at Summer’s words and she nodded her head before she said, “that is true,” jokingly. She gave up on the couch for now and decided to help her with the kitchen, Ellie began to take China down to assist Summer.
Summer looked at Ellie, smiling a bit, “just a pain in my ass,” she laughed softly. As Ellie began to help her, Summer leaned down and kissed Ellie’s forehead. “Thanks baby girl,” she said in a soft tone before she said, “so, uh…” she paused for a moment before she just asked, “have you talked to Erica?”
Ellie chuckled at Summer. “Our pain in the butt, I love her,” she smirked to herself. At Summer’s question she shook her head at her. “Yes,” she said softly as she continued to assist her with dishes. “She kicked me out of her house…” she breathed defeatedly and she licked her lips and turned her back to Summer as she grabbed another dish down.
Summer smiled a bit, “ugh, I love her too,” she said gently, looking at Ellie. Grabbing a few more plates, she wrapped them up in the bubble wrap. “Wow,” she said softly, pausing to look at Ellie. “I’m sorry,” she said gently, she honestly could not stand that this relationship was breaking the bond between two sisters, but she was going to be selfish and choose herself because Erica truly had no right to be upset with them. “I feel like with time… things will get better.”
“Mhm,” Ellie said, pushing it aside before she told Summer. “We really don’t have to talk about it babe,” she said easily to her. She grabbed some cups and placed them near Summer. “I am a good sister and I never ask Erica for anything,” Ellie carried on despite, “now she acts like she can’t give me her blessing when I need it the most,” she told her. “The bitch slept with my fuck buddy,” she barked angrily. “I forgive her for shit all the time,” she snapped. “We don’t have to talk about it,” she told her angrily again as she sat more cups beside Summer.
Summer looked at Ellie as she said she didn’t want to talk about it and she nodded slowly, “okay babe, we don’t hav--” she trailed off as Ellie handed her a few cups, still talking about it. Growing quiet, Summer listened to Ellie as she vented and she nodded along, just wrapping items one by one as she did, carefully placing them into the box. As Ellie snapped, Summer turned to Ellie, placing her hands on the woman’s full hips. “Breathe baby girl,” she said softly.
“It’s not fair,” Ellie said looking up to Summer emotionally. “Doesn’t she know I need her now more than ever. I am scared. I have never done this before and what if you start to hate waking up to me in the morning?” she said her voice croaking, “or I can't satisfy your every need. I can’t tell you that. I am supposed to go to her,” she said as a tear fell.
Summer held Ellie by her hips, holding her steady as she spoke and as Ellie grew emotional, Summer was taken back a bit. She shifted her weight, clearing her throat a bit as she hoisted Ellie up into the counter. Stepping between Ellie’s thighs, Summer said, “babe, I’m not going to just wake up and not want to be with you anymore,” she said softly. “I love you and you don’t have to satisfy my every need,” she told Ellie in a soft tone. “We give and take, we satisfy each other,” she said gently before she added, “I’m sure she’ll come around,” gently. “She’s your sister and she loves you,” she whispered, rubbing Ellie’s thigh gently.
Ellie looked at Summer, biting her lip as she wiped her tears, allowing Summer to pick her up and place her on the counter. At Summer’s words, she nodded her head at her. Knowing what Summer was saying was probably very true. She closed her eyes softly sighing out and she said, “okay,” to her quietly.
Sighing out, Summer stroked Ellie’s cheek and she said, “I’ll try and talk to Erica again.” She did not want to because at this point if Erica didn’t want to be her friend, she wasn’t going to fight her on it. They were too grown for the games. However, for Ellie’s sake, she would make another attempt at reasoning with the woman.
“Don’t bother,” Ellie told her honestly after the conversation they had it was no point for either one of them to try. “Just leave it alone,” she shrugged softly.
Summer frowned at Ellie and she wrapped her up in her arms, hugging her close. “Baby girl,” she whispered softly. She rubbed Ellie’s sides before she pulled away, kissing Ellie’s lips. She knew Erica would come around eventually, but she hoped that it happened sooner than later.
Ellie hugged Summer back gently. She was bummed about everything with her sister but she never let people dictate her life for her. Never. “It’s fine,” she told her quietly.
Summer pulled away slowly and she said, “I love you,” before kissing Ellie’s forehead and helping her down off the counter. “All of this is just a transition,” she said, “a new stage in life…”
Ellie nodded her head at Summer as she pulled her down off the counter and she said, “I love you too,” not having much else to say. She looked at the box and then at Summer before she tucked her bottom lip into her mouth.
Summer sighed as she looked at all the boxes around them before she said, “you know what we can do this later,” as she pulled Ellie close, walking them out of the kitchen. “Let’s just relax a bit, watch a movie,” she said gently as she sat down on the couch, pulling Ellie down into her lap. Grabbing the remote, she handed it to Ellie, “whatever you want to watch,” she said sweetly.
Ellie looked up at Summer again as she pulled her with her, she nodded at her words. “Okay,” she told her as they moved for the couch and she sat back against Summer as she pulled her into her lap. Ellie grabbed the remote and nodded her head as she searched for something and when she came across Child’s Play, she stopped sitting the remote aside as she moved Summer’s hands to her stomach, lacing their fingers there.
Summer watched the screen as Ellie picked a movie and Summer was glad that she kept the lights on. Sitting back, she allowed Ellie to move her hand to her stomach and lace their fingers. She let out a hum, biting her lip a bit as she situated herself to be able to hid behind Ellie’s shoulder. She was not a fan of scary movies.
Ellie watched the screen as the fictional doll murdered various people, she licked her lips and held Summer to her. Her eyelids felt heavy now, she was getting tired easily, the older movies were long and in her honest opinion boring. Ellie's eyes closed for a moment but she opened the back up not wanting to fall asleep.
Summer sat there, eyes closed as she hid behind Ellie’s shoulder, not really wanting to watch the scary flick. Every so often she would open her eyes and look at the screen only to close them back and try not to jump so that she didn’t startle Ellie.
Wynter walked through the front door with a hum, dropping her bag down at the door as she did. She kicked off her sneakers and let out a deep sigh. She had spent most of the day at her friends house and now she was tired.
Ellie's heavy eyes continued to watch the TV she felt Summer shifting behind her but she didn’t look back or say anything. Instead her eyes stayed focused on the TV until they closed for the final time.
Summer felt Ellie’s body relaxing against hers, but she absolutely knew the woman couldn’t be sleep, not with this scary mess playing. As Wynter walked through the door, Summer jumped slightly and she said, “holy shit,” with a shocked expression, gripping Ellie’s hand a bit. “You scared me,” Summer said to Wynter as her chest rose and fell rapidly.
Wynter looked at Summer and she smirked, “I scared you?” she questioned as she stepped forward a bit more to see the TV, “ah,” she said with a nod before she looked at Summer. “Scary-cat,” she teased.
Ellie felt Summer jump and she shifted, opening her eyes at the woman’s words to Wynter she looked at the young girl and then the TV. She looked at Summer and said, “hm?” easily to them both.
Summer looked at Ellie as she woke and she said, “nothing baby,” as she grabbed the remote turning the TV off. “Let’s lay down sleepyhead,” she said to Ellie with a smirk as she tried to play off being scared, scowling at Wynter.
Wynter laughed softly, shaking her head at Summer. “Mhmm,” she said as she moved over and began to set up her bed for the evening.
Ellie rubbed her sleepy eyes and she nodded her head at her, the woman. “Okay,” she told her as she moved to stand up on her feet. She tiredly drug herself up the steps and towards Summer’s bed where she fell face first on top of it.
Summer squinted at Wynter before she turned and patted Ellie’s butt as she moved up the steps. Summer watched Ellie fall into the bed and she chuckled. “Well that’s one way to do it,” she said as she quickly rolled Ellie over, pulling her pants off of her, letting them fall to the floor before she reached under Ellie’s shirt, pulling her bra off of her expertly. “Okay, under the covers,” she said as she slapped Ellie’s ass.
Ellie hummed against the mattress as Summer undressed her, she poked her bottom lip out. She was so tired all of sudden as she unhooked her bra and smacked her butt telling her to get beneath the sheets Ellie crawled to her side and got under the covers moaning out in appreciation. She was going to sleep like a baby tonight, and without Summer’s head, magic.
Summer watched Ellie crawl under the sheets and she smiled as he undressed herself and pulled over a large t-shirt. She turned off the lights for their level and crawled into bed with Ellie, wrapping her up tightly. “I love you,” she whispered into Ellie’s ear before kissing her shoulder, trying not to be afraid of every noise Wynter made downstairs.
Ellie pulled the covers up to her neck getting comfy before Summer moved over to her, wrapping her up. “I love you too,” she mumbled with closed eyes.
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