#like if I was a dude and started losing my shit on this very nice mentor because he's trying to make me use a different tool
rhythmic-idealist · 5 months
Walked away to have a frustration cry at work again. Anyone have any good casual suggestions on how to introduce a good moment to drop "this isn't a woman thing btw it's an autism thing"
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dantakeyoman · 2 years
pls part 2 to neteyam defending you 🫡🤍 but this time i'd love a continuation to motherly neytiri tending to reader!! and her hinting at the fact she had seen them and their son share a kiss after trying to find out all the commotion once hearing overprotective jake lose his cool at ao'nung!
Jake Is Pissed At Ao'nung, and Neytiri Talks To You About Your Kiss With Neteyam After All the Commotion (SFW)
Part 2 of "Neteyam Defending You"
CW: my dude Jake goes crazy, starts talking really freely to the Olo'eyktan, Neytiri is so nice and caring, best wing-woman ever, jake x reader (platonic; father-daughter-ish)
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"What the hell is the matter with you, boy?! I oughta fight you right now!" Jake shouted as his eyebrows furrowed, the boy doing his best to try and understand the angry, English words.
Jake always switched to English when he was mad.
It was instinct, and English had more expressive cuss words than Na'vi anyway.
"Mawhey, My Jake," Neytiri whispered, quietly stepping in front of her husband and resting her hands on his chest, her eyes flicking to the crowd of village people that started to form.
"Please. The people are watching."
The entire Sully family stood behind you and Jake, on one side of the walkway, while Ao'nung, his friends, and the rest of the Metkayina stood on the other.
It looked as if both sides were warring.
"Let 'em watch. This shit needs to be dealt with," Jake growled, carefully moving her out the way and getting ready to scream at Ao'nung some more.
"What seems to be the problem here?" Tonowari asked calmly, him and Ronal breaking through the crowd and stepping to the front.
His tone was calm, but you could see on his face that he was clearly angered with the fact that his on was injured, and the outsiders shouting at him.
"The problem here? I'll show you the problem," Jake whipped his head over to you, giving a firm nod.
You nodded back with a sigh, stepping in the middle of the clan divide and lifting your arms, putting all of your injuries on display.
The Metkayina gasped, and Neteyam had to be held back by Lo'ak and Kiri.
He hadn't realized the extent of the damage when he was carrying you, but looking at it now, he should've hit Ao'nung twice as hard.
You had hand-shaped bruises all over your arms, and one on your ankle from Ao'nung's demonstration.
Your face had a large bruise on it's right cheek, and a bloody nose from being dropped on your face.
And the statement piece of it all, the nasty, pillow-sized bruise on your side, which was leaking blood from Ao'nung's toenails.
"Your words. Treat these Forest people like brothers and sisters. I don't see this shit as very familial," Jake spat, pointing roughly at Rotxo.
"That little shit managed to squeal about everything done to (y/n). The grabbing! The kicking! THE KIDS DROPPED HER ON HER FACE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!"
Your breath hitched, silently thanking Eywa that the Metkayina did not have good English.
Ronal and Tonowari quickly turning to their son in anger, their gaze practically burning holes into the boy.
"Is this true?" the two hissed, no longer masking their rage.
And the look of absolute fear on his face was the icing on the cake.
It almost made you feel sorry for him.
"ANSWER!" Tonowari shouted.
"YES! It's true!" He admitted, hanging his head.
The entire crowd gasped, and Tsireya did her best to hold back tears as she looked at your injured form.
You were a very nice girl, and an incredible friend. You didn't deserve this in the slightest.
She could not believe her brother for doing such a horrible thing.
"My kids come back to me nearly everyday talking about how this kid is constantly harassing them-." "He calls us all freaks," Tuk sadly chimed, glassy eyed as she tucked her face into her mother's side, Neytiri taking deep, full breaths to keep her composure.
"But for the sake of peace, I let it slide. Well all that stops tonight! I want it to be made perfectly clear that if your son, or ANY of his little friends so much as lift a finger to ANY of my children, they will have to answer to me!" Jake finalized, resting a hand on your shoulder at the word children.
It almost brought you to tears.
You felt so loved, and protected, and safe. It me your heart swell with joy.
"Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, sir!" Rotxo and the other boys frantically agreed, terrified that, not only did they witness Toruk Makto's anger, but were the direct cause of it.
Everyone turned to Ao'nung to hear his response, but he stayed silent, dazed.
"SPEAK, BOY!" Tonowari shouted once again, pushing the boy forward with his staff.
"Understood!" he cried, turning his gaze down to the floor.
"Good," Jake huffed, un-puffing his chest.
"You have brought shame to this family. Go to the marui. You are grounded," Tonowari glared at his son, pointing his staff back to their home.
Ao'nung nodded, quickly turning around and speed-walking over, Tsireya following behind, ashamed.
Jake scoffed at the display, before turning to you with a softened face. "Now you. Are you okay? Wanna go get patched up?"
"Yes, sir," you nodded with a smile, quietly wincing from the pain of your bruised cheek.
"If you would accept, I could heal your daughter for you," Ronal stepped forward, apologetically bowing.
"I believe your family has done enough for tonight. I will handle this," Neytiri glared, stepping in front of you.
Ronal clenched her jaw, but nodded, turning around to follow her husband home.
"Come, child," Neytiri smiled at you, carefully taking your hand and leading you to the marui, Tuk and Kiri following close behind.
They entered, and the boys tried coming in after, but Neytiri stopped them.
"We must talk. Alone," Neytiri knowingly looked up at Jake, who nodded.
"That's alright. I gotta talk to these two, anyway," he agreed, resting his hands on the brothers' shoulders and leading them to a more secluded part of the island.
When Neytiri turned around, you were already sitting down, Kiri preparing the salves for your bruises.
She walked over and sat criss-crossed in front of you, picking up a special leaf to clean off your blood.
"My (y/n), are you alright?" she calmly asked, lightly swiping the blood from your nose.
"Yes. It looks worse than it feels. Truly," you assured, the loud wince you let out when Kiri touched a bruise quickly debunking your statement.
Neytiri sighed, carefully lifting your arm to wipe the blood from your side.
She needed to lift your spirits.
"You know," she started, a smile growing on her lips. "You and Neteyam remind me of me and his father when we were young."
You practically choked on the air you were breathing, the coughing fit you were sent into not feeling the best on your ribs.
Though it seemed like perfect entertainment for Kiri and Tuk, whose uproarious laughter could be heard from the next marui.
"I am serious," Neytiri politely laughed, halting her swipes on your side with a smile so you could catch your breath.
"He may not act like it, but your father used to be just as reckless as Lo'ak, maybe a little more."
"Really?!" Tuk asked, amazed.
"No way," Kiri scoffed with a smile.
Out of all the times he had scolded that boy, he was just as bad.
"But he was strong. He had a strong heart. No fear. Almost never hesitating to fight if needed," Neytiri continued, starting to smooth the salve over your rib.
"I see this in Neteyam."
She glanced up from her work, looking you in the eyes.
"For me, I was always calm. I wasn't as quick to fight as he, but I was still strong, and determined."
She looked back down.
"I see this in you."
Your cheeks turned a dark blue hue, despite the splashes of purple and red alredy there.
"The Great Mother knows all, and I feel she did not make this resemblance for no reason."
Was she saying what you think she's saying?
"Neytiri, what are you-?" "I am saying you and Neteyam have my blessing," she smiled.
Your breath hitched.
"Oh! I didn't....we weren't.....I wasn't-!" "No sense in denying it, (y/n). The whole clan saw you swapping spit with the boy as you came over," Kiri shrugged with a smile, teasingly poking you in the cheek, wary of your injuries.
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands, embarrassed.
"Oh, stop," Neytiri chuckled, tucking a stray braid behind your ear. "I think it is cute."
bonus !!
Jake sat down on the sandy shore, Neteyam and Lo'ak sitting on either side of him, concerned.
"You two listen, and listen good," he started seriously, his tone leaving no room for games.
The two nodded, and the man continued.
"I want you two to watch that Ao'nung kid, and his little group of friends, too. Be nice for the sake of peace, but keep your heads on a swivel. If they say anything to your sisters or (y/n), you tell me, I'll sort it out."
Jake did a quick perimeter check, making sure no one was listening in.
"But if any of those little shits so much as touch a hair on their head, I give both of you full permission to beat the living shit out of each and every one of them. Don't worry about the repercussions, I'll take the heat. But that's gonna be the new protocol from now on."
The two boys nodded firmly, giving their father a serious look.
"Understood," Neteyam agreed.
He was glad his dad was giving him permission, but to be honest, he was going to end up doing this anyway.
Today, he made a silent oath that he was never going to let you get hurt on his watch ever again.
"Alright," Lo'ak smirked, cracking his knuckles with his fist.
"And as for you," Jake started up again, turning to Neteyam.
The boy gulped, bracing himself for a scolding of some sort.
"Who taught you how to kiss like that?" his father smiled, giving his son a proud pat on the back.
"Oh, yeah! Those two were going at it! They were like-." Lo'ak jumped up from his seat, hugging himself and making kissing noises.
"Aye!" Neteyam waved off with a smile, that familiar heat rising to his cheeks.
Jake chuckled at his boys' antics, throwing his arms around each one and pulling them into a hug.
This was what a family was for. Protecting one another, caring for one another, healing one another.
Jake had no doubt in his mind that his family was, and truly is, his fortress.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Dude every time I read Tairn’s insults or snarky remarks about anything and everyone, I cackled every time.
Could you do one where Tairn chose reader instead and reader, Xaden, Sgayel, and Tairn are just shit talking about everyone with their minds through out the day? I would love to see more of Xaden and Tairn bonding over being grumpy together lol
I have a really bad habit of when someone pisses me off I just insult them in my mind and I could just imagine Xaden accidentally laughing out loud at the insults causing the reader to also laugh lol
Shit Talking
Xaden x reader
A/n: this idea was sm fun to write. Also this is very heavy on Dain hate, bc I hate him.
Warnings: none
Sitting in history class waiting for the professor to start, you reach out and tap on Xaden’s mind. “Morning grumpy! How are you?” You don’t know who the huff came from, Xaden or Tairn.
“You’re too joyful for the morning.” Tairn deadpans. You chuckle to yourself and hear Sgaeyl chuckle as well. “He’s right.” As you were about to scold them for being old grumps, you hear the classroom door opens. Dain and the professor walk in.
“What’s wrong?” Xaden asks feeling your annoyance at Dain’s presence. “Dain’s observing class today.” You hear all three of the groan. You slap your hand over your mouth to keep from laughing too loudly.
Dain sits down at the front of the class and you relay that to the others. Sgaeyl laughs, Tairn lets out another annoyed groan, and Xaden laughs out, “Loser.”
As class goes on the four of you continue to talk about your fellow riders. It’s also rare Tairn and Sgaeyl are so vocal about other dragons. Or speak to you and Xaden when they don’t need to. It was nice and it felt normal in an odd way.
At Battle Brief you so badly wanted to sit with Xaden, but you had to stay with your squad. This time you feel Xaden tapping on your mind. “Hey sweet cheeks.” You feel your face heat. You turn slightly in your seat and see him hiding a smirk behind his hand
His eyes quickly dart to you, then back to the professors at the center of the circular room. “Aetos is particularly talkative today.” You mentally groan, “I know, his voice is so grating.” Another huff from Tairn has your eyes rolling.
“Wingleader,” you jump in your seat a little, shocked by Tairn addressing Xaden. “I think we should just be rid of him.”
“Mmhhmm, for once I agree with you.” “Now, now my mate, behave. We know he and his dragon are pompous but leave them be.” Sgaeyl chastised. Your heart skipped a beat. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. You had this full feeling in your chest. Like you were about to burst that the people your closest with were getting along.
Walking to dinner alone you hear Xaden in your head again. You pause for a moment at the intrusion and continue down the dimly lit stone hallway. “Are you heading to dinner?” “Yeah, are you there?”
Xaden steps in front of you from a shadowed alcove off the hall. You have to lean your head almost all the way back to see his face. He’s so gods damn tall and you love it. “Hey beautiful.” The corners of his full lips turning up, brushing lose hair behind your ear. Caressing your cheek, moving to hold your chin with his thumb and forefinger.
You smile up at him, fluttering your eyelashes. And out of nowhere you both burst out into a fit of laughter. You love Xaden’s laugh, it’s loud and untethered. Like he doesn’t have a care in the world for a moment. Grabbing on to each other for balance as you wipe at your eyes, calming down. Xaden pulls you into him kissing the crown of your head.
You start walking down the rest of the hall toward the dinning hall. You break the comfortable silence between you, “I had a good day today, thank you.” You feel Xaden stiffen next to you. “Why are you thanking me?”
“Because, you and Tairn, and Sgaeyl made today fun. I liked that all four of us were talking. It made me happy.” Outside of the large doors Xaden stops. You don’t notice until you were two steps ahead that he wasn’t with you.
Looking back at him, his face set in contemplation. You open your mouth to ask him what’s wrong when he says, “That makes me happy. All I want is for you to be happy. And I’m glad I could give you that today.” You close the distance between you, wrapping your arms around his middle and burying your head in his chest.
Xaden wraps an arm around your shoulder bringing his other hand up to cradle the back of your head, stroking your hair. You stay like that for a few more moments until footsteps and a scoff interrupt. You both look to the source of negativity and see Dain. “Get a room.” Disgust at your affection is clear in his voice. He walks in the dinning hall as you and Xaden look at each other and laugh.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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melodic-haze · 5 months
YK HOW CLORINDES BUTTON IS FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE ON HER UNIFORM RIGHT. Then imagine reader noticing it and just tearing it apart and suck her tits. That’s a need fr 🤤
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Clorinde x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Nipple obsession 🫶, she gets kinda perved on a lil bit but that's just people looking at her and her whoreass fit like!!! What!!!!!!!, idk what else ngl
☆ — NOTES: Dude how the fuck do her clothes even work. Like I've been staring at it for a while now like what. How???? Anyway it's 1 am sorry if it isn't coherent
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Clorinde's buttons are fighting for their lives and so am I
"Appropriate uniform" my nonexistent left NUT how the HELL!!! Is that allowed!!!!!!!
No but seriously it must be such a struggle to watch her walk around like that. Like what. What why what
You couldn't help but stare at your lover's chest—more specifically, her button-up that was practically struggling to hold on.
She lifts her head to look at you with a light smile on her face, temporarily pausing her movement to put on her shoes, "Yes, my dear?"
You cleared your throat as you leaned on the wall, looking at your eyes still locked onto that same spot, "Do you not get.. you know, a clothing violation or something?"
"Why?" She tilted her head in what is indesputably, undeniably real confusion, "I do not see why I would."
She probably feels it though. Or at least you'd assume so, with how tight her clothes seem to be on her.
"..Nothing. Just, um," you scratched the nape of your neck sheepishly before shaking your head and forcing your eyes on her own, "good luck at work today."
She nods and says her goodbyes before leaving out the door.
When you're outside, for some reason you can't help but notice that people are staring at her awfully lot!! It could be because like she's the Champion Duellist so obvs they'd be in awe.........but it doesn't seem like they're in awe for that reason, with the way they look at her restricted chest when they're close enough. Is it just today that they're noticing this?? Or is it just today that YOU'RE noticing them looking at her??????
Whatever it is, it's pissing you off a little (a lot)!!! She has the audacity to say she doesn't know what you're on about when she's being gawked at bc of the same reason YOU were gawking at her for
By the time the day ends you're about to lose it (I would personally 🫶) so you're waiting in your room for her before she comes back, all oblivious to the MANY stares she's had and the. Wardrobe malfunction that was going on there. The moment she gets back, dude POUNCE HER because I fuckin would 😭😭😭
Don't give her time to even think of anything—not like she'll need the time, she'd abandon all trains of thought for once the moment you're both in the mood. Kiss her HARD, she'll happily let you and your tongue lead like a familiar dance between the two of you
What ISN'T familiar, though, is when you grasp onto the opening part of her button-up and tug on it. And not tug on it normally like you would to suggest that she takes her clothes off, nonononono I mean FORCING IT TO SPLIT
She breaks the kiss to ask you what you're doing and that you're putting a LOT of force into-- OH SHIT IT POPPED OPEN!!!! The buttons didn't really need any encouraging by that point but with your help it popped off to god knows where 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but colour her SURPRISED she did NOT expect you to do that
Or did she
Anyway she's quite literally about to complain to you, saying that that was her clothes you JUST ripped open what the heck!!!! But then you kinda easily shut her up the moment you tug her bra down and start paying attention to her tits
Bite em hard, suck em real nice and leave a VERY obvious mark on them so that she thinks twice about wearing things that will DEFINITELY expose her at any given minute. Play with her nipples too, and don't forget to give attention to the neglected side❗️❗️
She'll shut up real quick if you pay SOOO much attention to them, pulling you in even further via holding your head closer to you. She'll even comb your hair too, if you have any :3 though she might accidentally tug on them if you do smth that particularly gives her a shock lol
Atp rip her tights for access too, she won't even care anymore now that you've ripped her shirt open 🤷‍♀️ she says she has more anyway what's one loss gonna do?? Rip it and massage her clit as you don't stop spoiling her breasts, sucking them as if something's gonna come out if you persevere hard enough, and I promise she'll be breathing so fucking heavily as she begs you for more. More of what? She can't even clarify, the ever so composed Duellist is at an utter loss!!!!!
Plunge your fingers in and you can feel how wet she is, how Easily your fingers just slip into her and move in and out, how her folds practically flutter around your digits from every lick and suck of her nipples like a bitch starved AND possessed
If you curl your fingers a certain way and suck on her tits at the same time too???? Oh FUCK you're ripping out SUCH a huge orgasm from her that has her bucking her hips and grinding them into your palm and you need to fuck her through it!!!! Fuck her through her high and bring her down......and even after that she kinda don't gaf if she's absolutely dirtied her attire atp or made a mess as she drags you off for more, hat probably on the ground and forgotten
She'd care when you're like DONE done though, with her sighing in such a way that you do feel like you should probably help bc you DID still rip her shit apart 😭
But yeah dude everyone can stare all they want but only YOU get the privilege of going feral and tearing her clothes apart just to touch her and taste her in any way you can. Mark her up so that underneath her clothing, as embarrassing as they are, are all the proof that everything under the fabric?? That's all for you babe 🙏🙏
It was the day after, and you were looking at her and her clothing once again.. along with everyone else's looks on her, once again more filled with a mix of filtered lust and quite a bit of jealousy from some of the women due to how form-fitting her attire was.
She did say that she'll make a note to buy some looser versions of her outfit, but...
At the end of the day, it was Clorinde's decision to wear what she wants to wear. And it's not like it's ever hindered her work before—if anything, the fact that it's the way it is probably helps with her mobility somehow, especially when such a chest is sure to be a nuisance when she moves around so much.
..You can't really help but feel a bit jealous of your girlfriend, though. Or maybe possessive?maybe, but such a word feels like you want her all to yourself.
(You do, but still.)
But then you realise that maybe such worries are unfounded after all, especially when you overhear someone speaking of a dark mark on her neck, which she describes as a nasty bite on patrol.
You know it wasn't some random bite though, and it seems that she knows full well she's lying, especially when she sees you and gives you a small smile before pretending to scratch her neck to reveal that dark mark you had inflicted.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hi! I love the way you write. could you do something in which peter thinks he has no chance with reader as himself so he flirts with her as spiderman but eventually she finds out
*cleaning out my inbox*
sitting in a lawn chair on the roof of your building, spider-man sitting on the ledge, swinging his legs as he spoke, you listened to his rambling about an old woman he helped today.
it's been the dozenth time you've met up and talked, caught by him one afternoon when you were hiding away. you'd been healthy friends since, mostly surface value and mostly him venting, but this time was different.
spider-man didn't get personal, and you understood why, but since he didn't, you didn't. spider-man is talking animatedly but all you can think about is peter parker, sometimes life just wasn't fair.
you were caught when you didn't laugh with him at a joke, he tilted his head, 'you're quiet today, you doin' alright?'
you shrug, you feel emotionally numb.
'stuff at school, it's dumb. everything is dumb.'
spider-man adjusts himself, 'wanna talk about it?'
'i don't know, have you...' you pause to collect your thoughts, clearing your throat you start again. 'have you ever tried to make a move on someone but, like, telepathically?'
'ugh, i don't know. like, hey, if i stare at you enough and say 'ask me out' on a loop in my head, they'll catch the hint and do it.'
spider-man thinks about it, 'i think my version of that would be hey, if i avoid eye contact and pretend you don't exist, maybe you'll get a crush on me and ask me out, or avoid me forever. i'm okay with either.'
you laugh, you feel like he opened up to you, and he's the city's hero, maybe you can open up too.
'well, mine's name is peter parker and i'm pretty sure he has no idea i exist. i mean, not that i've actually tried to talk to him before, because he seems very nice but he also makes me super nervous and i think i would lose all ability to speak.'
spider-man has wide eyes, 'so, yeah. i guess when he didn't notice me for the millionth time today it clicked that the ship has sailed and i have to move on. shit sucks, dude.'
'no! no, no, no, you can't give up! he likes you too! i mean, what if he likes you too?'
'he doesn't know i exist, it's fine.'
'he knows you exist! i'd put money on the line he was doing that thing where he pretends you don't exist because he thought he had no chance or knew he'd fumble the bag so he deemed asking you out worthless!'
your eyes narrowed, 'i'm worthless?'
spider-man clutched the sides of his mask, his voice coming out squeaky. 'you're such a girl! you only hear one thing!'
'you called me worthless.'
'no, i said that i thought i had no chance and embarrassing myself just to get rejected would be a terrible waste of my time.'
you should be more focused on his switch from third to first point of view, but you crossed your arms instead.
'so... i'm a waste of time?'
spider-man groans, it's dramatic. in one motion in tugs his mask off and peter parker revealed.
'you're not a waste of time,' he gestures between yourselves, hinting at all the hours you've spent together, 'obviously.'
'and i'd really, really like to take you on a date.'
you hum, 'is this the part where i avoid you forever?'
a shy smile, 'i hope not.'
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sweet-evie · 3 months
Satoru & Suguru defending Shoko like…
I have so much brain rot about this, so hear me out and take the imagine/scenario... 😭
TW: Sexual harassment
This also may or may not be inspired by a recent real-life experience of mine where a bunch of guys harassed my friends and I at a bar, but thank God three gentlemen on the opposite table existed and were kind enough to tell the others off and walk us back to our car in the parking lot just to make sure we were safe.
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✨ masterlist ✨
Shoko has scary dog privileges... Her "scary dogs" in question being Satoru and Suguru.
The trio had just finished their festival food.
Satoru wanders off to find shaved ice and some crepes, Suguru excuses himself to go to the bathroom, and Shoko willingly stays at their outdoor table, smoking her cigarette while keeping an eye on her friends’ things.
A guy approaches with ill intentions.
He’s hitting on Shoko, trying to engage her in conversation. At first, Shoko entertains him and participates in the casual talk, but when the guy invited her to come spend time with him and his friends (there were 5 other dudes standing not far away, grinning and hollering at their friend).
The guy hitting on Shoko is like, “I promise we’re cool.”
Shoko says ‘No.’ The guy was flirty about it at first, but when she expresses that she’s waiting for her friends, the guy keeps pushing and starts to try and touch her inappropriately. He tried to slide a hand around her waist and Shoko slaps his hand away. He pushes and pushes and leans closer and Shoko’s getting very uncomfortable, but she plays it cool.
Shoko is calm, collected, and plainly tells him something along the lines of, “You’re making me uncomfortable," "Please stop," "Thanks for inviting me, but I’m waiting for my friends. Nice talking to you.”
Unhappy, the guy explains that he’s going to lose a bet to his friends, and grabs Shoko’s arm. He’s manhandling her from the seat, pulling her up, ready to drag her towards his groupies. She struggles and tells him ‘No’ firmly.
People are starting to look…
Suguru is back, sees Shoko’s predicament, and acts immediately.
The guy looks older, a little bulkier, but Suguru isn’t fazed. He closes the gap in three strides, separates Shoko from the stranger and puts himself between her and him. He was just glaring menacingly at first, but the stranger is cocky and flashes a smile.
“This your girl or something?”
“No, she’s not. But even if she is, it’s none of your business. She told you ‘no.’”
Shoko is now just standing casually behind Suguru, taking another drag from her cigarette. There’s tension, and it looked like the stranger was raring for a fight. He’s sizing Suguru up. They’re about the same height… Maybe the other guy was four inches shorter. His friends are closing in now too, subtly.
Suguru looks calm as ever.
“What if we just took her and leave you for dead?” One of the guy’s friends pipes up, grinning and cracking his knuckles, rolling his neck. “Bring it on big boy, I got a black belt.”
He throws experimental aerial punches that look absolutely ridiculous.
Suguru looks dreadfully bored, but he’ll let them talk for the fun… well, until Satoru shows up anyway.
“Five against one, what do you say?” One of the other guys sneered.
Shoko snorts. “If only they knew. Can’t we just go?”
“Satoru should be back any minute now.” Suguru grinned.
“Having one of your other friends won’t save you.”
A guy throws a punch that Suguru effortlessly blocks, dodges, and counters against. It’s at this moment, Satoru shows up with small bags of kikufuku in hand, and he looks surprised for a second, before his face breaks into a shit-eating grin.
“I leave you alone for 5 minutes and you get into a fight.”
“Not like you would have stopped it.” Shoko deadpans. “And they were harassing me. Suguru stepped in before they could.”
“Huh…” Satoru dropped his bags on the table and sauntered up to the ongoing one-sided scuffle between Suguru and four other guys. 
It was a poor match-up. Suguru was alone, but the rest of the men were clearly outmatched. Tired of the bullshit, Satoru uses Amplification Blue to manipulate a pocket of space, pulling all the strangers away from Suguru, sending them crashing against each other. Disoriented, one of the guys get up and try to challenge them again, but Satoru steps up with hands in his pockets and slams his foot into the guy’s face.
Kinda like this...
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He was trying to stand, but Satoru kicked him down before he could. One of them tried to touch him but failed (for obvious reasons)...
“That’s for harassing my friend. Can’t even defend yourselves against one guy." (He means Suguru) "You’re embarrassing.” He glowers at Shoko’s assailant over the rim of his glasses. “Think twice before trying to commit a crime, will you?”
SaShiSu, how I love you~ 💔
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rory-multifandom-mess · 5 months
My Thad Headcanons
Because I'm so totally autism about him, you have no IDEA
I took this from a fic I read, but Thad runs warm. By this I mean his cooling system likes to malfunction every now and then and he has to throw himself into a bunch of icepacks until it works again. If he overheats, he’ll shut down so it systems can cool down much like a phone would
He's self conscious about his sharp canines, but not in the sense that he’s constantly thinking about it. It’s more like a “if i look at myself in the mirror and see my smile, I’m going to remember they’re there and be like ‘oh. that’s not right.’” Because of his insecurity with his sharp teeth, he refuses to go to the dentist
The fact Uzi had a crush on him before meeting N absolutely flew over his head (he’s stupid)
He likes girls AND boys
Ever since the fight with J and V in the pilot, he coughs up oil on occasion. Basically; Worker Drones are stupid and don’t know anything about their own anatomy, so instead of trying to fix the internal damage, they just welded his wounds closed, so now he’s just perpetually internally bleeding
He heals pretty quickly and has a high pain tolerance (entirely because he’s a sports player, and also he heals quick because of the fact he runs warm)
Sometimes he’ll get nightmares about the attack with V and J and also when Solver yonk’d his ass in episode 2. These fucked him up for a little while after and he couldn’t sleep very well, but they’re not as big of a problem anymore
His room is usually surprisingly neat and full of trophies and medals and other various sports memorabilia
Gets really competitive during football matches, but has really good sportsmanship <3 like he’ll be screaming shit during the match and then he’ll lose and to the other team he’s like “good job guys you absolutely rocked it out there, but we’ll beat you next time i’m sure of it >:)” he likes a lil friendly competition
Thad and Lizzy are twins but he’s younger than her by like 2 minutes. She teases him for this. In retaliation, he teases her because he’s taller (by 1 inch)
Sometimes they get in trouble for ‘bullying” each other, but every time they do, Lizzy just says “Siblings are fair game!” and Thad nods
I think he says “no problemo” a lot. He also says other silly phrases like "Okie Dokie Artichokie" and calling things "Rad" and ironically saying" tubular." Lizzy says "This isn't the 80's" and then he responds with "Well the 80s were sick as heck dude so I don't care"
He's a morning person
Listens to highly energetic songs without paying attention to the lyrics, so he’ll listen to the most like. Innapropriate songs without even realizing it just because they’re bops
Gets dating advice from Ron (the drone at the door from episode 2 for those who forget the bg characters)
Yk how people will throw food like popcorn into the air and then catch it in their mouths? yeah he’s really good at that
Sometimes when he can’t sleep he goes out and plays basketball by himself. tires him out so he can eep
Has a nice singing voice, but he doesn’t think he does (i’m projecting)
He doesn’t like to swear, but sometimes jokingly says “I will swear word at you” to his friends
If he’s holding something, he’ll start idly just flip it in the air and catch it over and over. subconsciously too, he just does that
He also plays Soccer and Basketball
Sometimes when someone grabs him unexpectedly, he’ll flinch a little (thanks solver). This usually only happens if he’s been spacing out or doesn’t see the person who grabbed him at first
Chill until someone messes with Lizzy. Then he will fight. Though she’s one of the popular girls so it doesn’t happen often
Weak to flirting; he gets flustered easily. Yet he’s a total flirt when he likes someone and is comfortable enough around them
I like to think Thad gets hurt a lot because he’s a fucking football player and usually he doesn’t get it fixed because it’s normal, but Lizzy and/or Uzi will yell at him to get it fixed because it could fuck with the strength of his casing
One time Thad said “Bite me” to Uzi and she just looked at him like a smug cat while he had a moment
Sometimes he’ll try to hide in his collar when he’s flustered (it never works)
He, Lizzy, and Doll were a trio of best friends (Until Doll's Solver infection started getting really bad and began distancing herself from the other two)
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helluvapurf · 4 months
*deep breathes* Sooo, those last couple mins from the latest "Full Moon" ep... lets talk about that🍵🍵
Welp, here it is folks... the ep that finally gave us that hyped up "Asmodeon crystal" exchange teased at in the S2 Pt. 2 trailer. And... hooooo boi, I have formed so. many. thoughts. upon rewatching that scene a few times. Some that are... kiiiinda on the rant-y spectrum the more I lingered on 'em, so how bout I share them here lmao
Fair warning in advance, this maaaaay not be particularly "nice" to Stolas in these rambling thoughts, so if anyone out there's a big Stolas(+itz) fan... yall might wanna skip reading ahead- lol .w.;;
Okay, so to start things off on a (semi?) positive note, the animation & lighting here is quite beautiful to look at. The glittery curtains, the shine in Blitz's eyes throughout his shifting emotions, even the shots of that one broken chandelier (which I thiiink might've been the same one him & Stolas played under as kids?) was a neat bit of symbolism ngl.
Props to Brandon Rogers as well for his voice-performance on Blitz here cause... gawd did it hit me in the heart how much hurt you feel from his yelling ;-;💔
Curious to see more of the use of Blitz's new Asmodeon crystal in future adventures (esp from that one shot in the trailer w/ him using the portal effects against the DHORK crew), it looks cool~ ✨👍
....ummmm, ok I think that about covers my positives atm. Onto the problems I have with this exchange:
Stolas... okay, you were this close to actually doing a good job ending the Full Moon deal. Admitting to how "wrong" the transaction part of their dynamic was, allowing Blitz more "freedom" via-the crystal (that could also help avoid any legal issues that the Grimoire gave), even wishing him good luck with his I.M.P. business as the night drew to a close... ...buuuuut then Stolas just had to muddle everything up by his whole "even tho you don't have to be with me, I want you with me if you want it~🥺" ...which honestly came off selfish to me than anything else?? Like, dude... if you really ARE regretful of how long you let this deal go for, and truly DO want to let Blitz go... you CAN'T throw in such sappy, lovey-dovey words on top of that?? Otherwise, how can one blame Blitz for getting as confused & flustered as he was throughout that convo... you've basically just sent even more mixed-messages in the grand scheme of things, my dude-🤦‍♀️
"I have wanted you for SO long, the fact that you couldn't believe that I might have these feelings about you, that your first instinct is that its always about sex..." ...Ummmmm Stolas... did you seriously forget HOW this whole deal of yall's started?? 🤨 Waaaay back in the initial-series pilot, to the first official ep, and pretty much the majority of Season 1:
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As far as I checked, Blitz wasn't the one who kept making everything about sex... that. was all. YOU. 😒Heck, literally one of the first things you told Blitz upon reuniting as adults in "The Circus", was that you expected he wanted to "ravish" you-
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-so like, get outta here with the whole pushing-the-perv-responsibility-bs onto Blitz... you ain't helping your case >>
Finally... like, it was already getting bad enough by the point of Blitz begging & pleading out of fear he'd lose his livelihood without the book, AND not being allowed space to breathe after getting further pushed away (and thus, more pissed off-)... but THEN on top of all this, Stolas just haaaaad to throw in this lil gem: "Blitz... I think so very highly of you. I didn't realize you think so low of me..." ...Stolas, with all due respect... stfu with that lousy, last-minute uwu-ing self-pity party crap😑Just because you TRIED to show more attentive care & concern post-"Ozzie's", outside of the typical bedroom stuff... that ain't gonna prove shit if you're not gonna be consistent with it. Where was that "high opinion" of Blitz during the two of you getting stuck in the sitcom set during "Seeing Stars", when Blitz was having that panic attack performing live, where all you ended up doing was... just hitting on him/praising his bedroom skills again?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Like... couldn't you have just, I dunno... TRY to actually cheer him up/comfort him like an actual friend, would? Encourage him on his jokes, "just be yourself", promising another way out of there on his own merit... literally, anything could've worked fine and it wouldn't have come off so skeezy imho >>;;
...*sighs* so, yeah... thats basically what I had to get off my chest regarding the ending of "Full Moon". Honestly, had the writers actually committed to Stolas cutting off Blitz (even if harsh), giving the crystal with no strings, then going about their separate ways afterwards, I would've been totally fine with the scene tbh. But all this... odd lowkey-blaming of Blitz thrown in, the sappy words, and Stolas not once actually-apologizing during all this (Like, literally I checked and the only utterance of "sorry" seemed to come from Blitz's end before he got kicked out... for what, I dunno- 🤷‍♀️). Sorry for the length btw, but hopefully that about covers my thoughts on the matter-
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octuscle · 11 months
Support dude, it’s me again, Mike. I hit you up so much I feel like I should pay you. And hey if you need that, I’ve got you just tell me. I owe you a shit ton, dude. Since you last helped me, Jack and I tied the fucking knot (and had a hell of a honeymoon haha hadn’t gotten so many noise complaints since high school) and I even moved into his place. Real big and nice like, would make a suburban man cream his pants and even a socialite would do a double take. For as filthy as he can be with me, big boss knows how to fucking live.
But I wouldn’t be hitting you up if everything was all sunshine and rainbows, eh? (Though one of these days I might convince Boss to let you in on our thing for a night or two, just to say thank you if that’s a thing you wanted wink) One of the neighbors apparently doesn’t like it so much when I invite some of the guys at work over for our, let’s call em team bonding events. He bitches and moans about how loud and rowdy we get and how it’s ruining the value of the neighborhood. I almost kicked his ass the first time he came by all bossy and shit, but Boss told me he was President of their HOA or whatever the fuck and that I couldn’t. So I’ve been trying to ignore the prude but if he comes over and ruins another good night I might lose my cool and I don’t wanna let down Boss like that.
Any way you can make the neighborhood meet our lifestyle choices better, dude? I don’t wanna give up this lavish living so soon, it’s nice as hell. But I don’t want it to change me. I wanna change it! Ain’t no reason we can’t live it up without being able to get down if you catch my drift. Can you help me?
I have not invested so much time in my favorite customers, so that you now become adapted suburban bourgeois. So it's time for me to take care of your neighbor. He may be the president of the HOA, after all. But that doesn't give him the right to regulate your private lives. But I could add a little spice to his.
Actually, the boring buffer is not a visitor to the gym. Thank God. So at least you have peace from him there. But today he feels like working out his muscles. And of course, when he enters the locker room, you run right into his arms. And the slimy ass-kisser can do nothing but shake your hand in a friendly way, as if you were best friends. Oops, sorry that your towel slips down.
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Normally you are hard as granite when you come back from training. At the sight of your neighbor, the 8 inches dangle limply between your legs. He still seems impressed. To warn your man, you send him a quick message about what to expect during his workout. And write him that you are already preparing everything for dinner at home. "Everything is fine, stallion! daddy wont b disturbed during his workout. Ill b home in 2 hrs"
Your neighbor is blocking the very stations where Jack wants to work out. He has memorized the gym rules and points out every pissy infraction to your husband. In the beginning. But the more Jack sweats, the more musk he exudes, the hornier your neighbor gets. And slowly he starts to change. Actually, sleeveless tops are not allowed in the gym. You both don't care. And your neighbor now too. With the white wifebeater he looks almost like Jack's gym buddy. And he's starting to smell like one, too. It's hard to believe that just a few minutes ago he was the overgroomed suit guy. His armpit hair is sprouting. He obviously hasn't been to the barbershop in a few months either. He stops regimenting your husband. The two of them start working out together as if they've been doing it forever. Steve (your neighbor) can't get enough of having Jack's sweaty workout shorts hanging in front of his face during the bench press. His bulge gets bigger and bigger. And the damp spots in his shorts aren't just from sweat. Jack asks if it's not time to go to the locker room. Steve replies that he was already afraid that Jack wouldn't even ask.
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"is it k if i bring a pal 2 dinner" texts Jack. "he 1't want much mor then ur cum and mine." "then he shud bring big appetite" you reply. Shit, this time when Steve shakes your hand, nothing is limp between your legs. Enjoy the evening with the president of the HOA to the fullest!
Pics all found @thelockerroomblog
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mariaofdoranelle · 5 months
The Booty-Call Dare
Written for @throneofglassmicrofics, prompt “Impress”
I got the idea for this after an incredibly unproductive conversation at a bar lol
Warnings: language, sexual themes (but SFW)
Words: 963
You’re just proving my point, Rowan texted her in response to a selfie Aelin sent of herself eating pie.
“What’re you smiling at?” Lysandra teased from the other side of Aelin’s living room, which caught Elide’s and Fenrys’ attention.
She immediately wiped it off her face and gave an eye roll before giving her attention back to Rowan.
It has strawberries in it, Aelin texted back, defensive of her dessert choices. It counts as fruit.
Nice try. There was a brief pause before he sent, What’re you up to?
Not much. You?
She needed to cut this conversation short before Fenrys complained that she wasn’t focused on Girls’ Night—no one could pinpoint exactly how he started attending, but he was a constant in her monthly-ish reunions with Lysandra and Elide.
In response, Rowan sent her a picture. It was a mirror one, just the curves of his biceps and shoulders in front of rows of dumbbells.
A gym pic.
Are you trying to make me feel bad for all that pie I ate? What the hell was she supposed to say?
His response came lightning fast. I thought it counted as fruit.
“Holy shit,” Elide said from behind Aelin, right before snatching her phone and zooming in the picture. “He’s so trying to impress you with these.”
“Stop it,” Aelin hissed as she took her phone back.
It wasn’t a show-off picture like the ones Fenrys posts, it was casual. Rowan must be so oblivious he had sent her a not-so-friendly reminder of his very tanned biceps.
“What?” Lys asked.
“Rowan DMed her a gym pic!”
Fenrys choked on his pie.
Aelin crossed her arms, ready for it. Her friends had a problem of constantly reading too much into Rowan’s behavior when he was just being a good friend.
Fenrys held both hands up in surrender. “Look, I can’t see through a dude’s heart, but I know when he wants his dick wet.”
Sometimes, Aelin wondered if things wouldn’t be different if she hadn’t been in a relationship when they met, in college. Still, she was glad for what they had now. “Rowan wouldn’t risk our friendship for a hookup.”
Fenrys sighed, a faraway look that indicated that he was in Philosopher Mode. “Having female friends is like raising chickens. Even if you never eat them, at some point you’ll look at them while you’re hungry and wonder.”
“Very well, then.” Aelin raised one brow up. “We’re friends.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And you don’t think of me romantically.”
“No, ma’am.”
“But if I invited you to my bedroom…”
“I’d be there in a heartbeat. So would Rowan.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Alright?” Aelin was confused, Fenrys never gave up like this.
“Alright,” he confirmed. “Call him now. Prove me wrong.”
Lys and Elide cackled, then started a chorus of Do it! Do it!
Never one to back away from a challenge, Aelin squared her shoulders and unlocked her phone. “If I win, you’ll be demoralized and drop this subject forever. And if I lose…?”
Lys rolled her eyes. “You’ll fuck Rowan. I think this is a win-win scenario for you, Ae.”
But would she? She didn’t have much time to think about it, given the speed in which Rowan took her call.
“Hey, Fireheart.”
Her friends would mock her endlessly is she described Rowan as anything close to cheerful, but after being best friends for so many years, Aelin learned how to pick apart his undertones of grumpiness and yes, this was a happy one.
“Buzzard, hi.” The messy background noise from the call indicated that he was still at the gym. Good. She’d win this bet more easily if he was busy when she made the proposition—an idle brain is Hella’s playground. “Are you busy tonight?”
“Depends. Why’d you ask?”
“Um…” Aelin got up and paced around her small living room, and her friends watching on the edge of their seats didn’t help at all. “This might seem out of the blue, but I was wondering if you were up for… some Netflix and chill. You and me.”
This pause that felt like a lifetime was probably Rowan rewiring his brain after his best friend threw herself at him. Then, “Sure. There’s this new horror movie I thought you’d like. Or you wanna watch Gilmore Girls again?”
He didn’t want this. Rowan didn’t want it so bad he failed to recognize her proposal for what it was. The desire to hang up on him and disappear forever was overwhelming.
“No, not Netflix and chill. Netflix. And chill.”
A pause. “I’m confused.”
“I—“ Aelin pinched the bridge of her nose. This was harder than she thought. “Do you wanna bang?”
Rowan’s deafening silence was all the confirmation she needed.
“Fuck, um—“ Aelin grimaced. “I’m sorry. This was so stupid of me—“
“NO!” he interrupted. “S’okay. I— Um— Can you meet me in an hour? My place? Yours? D’youwannagrabdinner?”
“Um…” From the way her friends were grinning, Aelin’s blush must be visible from outer space. “Your place. I already ate. See you in an hour.”
Aelin mumbled an unintelligible goodbye and hung up.
“I’m not even surprised.” Fenrys had a triumphant smirk on. “He’s doing cartwheels as we speak.”
Lysandra, the traitor, was laughing. “He’s setting off fireworks!”
Ellie’s eyes went wide. “Did he ask for that hour to shave?”
Aelin was frozen in place.
She had just scheduled a hookup with her best friend.
“Should I call him again to cancel?”
“Do you want to?”
No, she didn’t.
She had just potentially murdered their friendship, and Rowan seemed to be okay with it.
Aelin peeked under her shirt, cursed and ran to her room.
“I’m wearing granny underwear!”
If Aelin was about to ruin their friendship, she’d do it right.
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
I couldn’t tag the people in bold, sorry!
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bl00dlight · 3 months
Question for the Culture...
Some thoughts on s2, Aemond needing mothers milk, alicole pussy rubbing, the Greens writing & characterisation.
After some consideration, I think the reason way the brothel scene is so jarring is because we've spent so little time with Aemond as a character, and S1 purposefully set up this very real mystique around him - espeically regarding duty, having disdain for Aegon's depravity (and literally being above it himself?) Etc, that we didn't get to see the process of what actually led Aemond there as a character. I actually do think it's because we are getting so few episodes that they are bypassing the very needed character progression that Aemond 10000% needs. It feels out of character because the show has set up a character which was exceedingly adverse to that behaviour. And you can feel the shift in his character, this season. To me he feels completely different, which shouldn't be the case just yet since like... Luke supposedly died only two weeks prior to the start of the season. We didn't get to see his progression into going from Alicent's #1 ride or die, to being her biggest hater? Nor did we see his progression into why he was even at the brothel? The leaks spoke about Aegon taking him to Cock Inn during B&C and well, we know that was the case because the Madam mentioned that. But? Why would they not show us that? Why would they not show us Aemond's progression into making that decision in the first place and the after effects leading him to returning back there? I think the scene was within his characterisation but like... not out of the blue. It felt like something we needed to see unfold. Because also, now all of his mystique is shattered. Like those are such STRONG choices to make him a milk drinking, fetal position, mummy's milkers ass bitch straight off the bat. Like??? Considering that two weeks ago he was like "Bro I am so much better than Aegon. I don't do that depravity shit. I'm dutiful, I should be King cause my brother is fucken gross and weak." Well? Okay... now Aemond is objectively grosser and weaker. Which was likely always the case, but it's something that should have been developed and revealed with time? They inadvertently destroyed the idea of his "mask" and his character being a massive antagonistic force that parallels Daemon. Because we've spent 10x more screen time with Daemon and we know underneath he is also fragile and vulnerable. We know that his dependence on Rhaneyra is significantly more complicated than it being about ambition. But it's not shown yet, he still actively is maintaining this incredibly antagonistic mask that makes him more elusive to the audience. We don't truly know his true intentions, his true vulnerabilities yet. So his actions come across as significantly more threatening, for all we know he could truly just be that malevolent while at the same time - we have seen glimpses which prove otherwise, that he is vulnerable and does desire love, comfort etc. But we don't quite know what that vulnerability truly is yet.
But with Aemond it's fucking beyond on the nose having him laying in an older woman's lap, drinking MILK and having his head patted while being cooed upon. Like okay so now we know exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. And he loses all complexity (currently) because we've not been shown the progression of this drastically opposing character choice. We've gone from a dude who was licking his lips at the sight of Daemon slicing and dicing Vaemond, who was posting up to his kid nephews and literally denouncing Aegon for his sexual depravity - to homeboy needing mummy's milk straight off the back, no inner conflict shown. It would've been nice to SEE him actually struggle with this level of vulnerability. It would've been nice to see his character unravel to the point where that scene didn't feel like I've just skipped several episodes of characterisation. And yall can say what you want, but I am right on this. It would've been far more compelling for them to keep his mystique for longer, to keep that vulnerability of his hidden and watch him struggle with it. Because now I know exactly what the fuck he is thinking, exactly what is wrong with him. There is no ambiguity left in his motivations nor whether or not his whole black leather edgy boy thing is a mask. Because now we know it's a mask, so all of his choices don't feel as.... threatening? They feel more like an angry teenage boy who needs a hug. Which is totally fine, but it's more intriguing if it weren't so explicitly shown to us that's what he is. I'd rather that be woven into his character and his of mask edgelord666 not be so suddenly stripped from him? Because now I know he isn't a raging psychopath, now I he isn't driven by his chaos. With Daemon, he still gives the impression he genuinely might be unredeemable. And that should be the case with Aemond.
And while we are here, I fucken hated the line of the brothel Madame reminding him of the smallfolk.
1) What authority does she hold over him to essential give him council or reprimand him on his behaviour. Why does she have the confidence to council him in the first place given she is in a position of vulnerability. That's the paradox, he could absolutely have her killed or hurt her and face zero consequences. So what gives her the security in knowing he wouldn't respond negatively to being counciled on the political repercussions of his behaviour? Why have they not SHOWED US their dynamic? Because I'm going into this knowing Aemond is about to commit mass genocide against the smallfolk? So unless that comment was just a throwaway liner to set that up, why would she feel compelled to be direct in that way? Why would Aemond a man who actively does not give a SHITTTTT about the lives of those below him, let a brothel Madame get away with saying that? And since he did let it slide, WHY???? Show us WHYYYY he would accept that advice?
2) If that line was used as a recalling to Aemond potentially feeling regret for the choices he is about to make, then just cut the cameras. Cause I think that would be an absolute waste of his characterisation. Everyone already feels bad about the smallfolk. They are really hammering it home. Even Otto gives a shit about them. The last person I want to see care is Aemond. Because it just doesn't make sense, why the fuck would he care? He has no reason to care given the role he plays in the war.
I want to use Cersei Lannister as a point that you don't need to implement a sense of societal empathy for your antagonist to have softness within them. Cersei is like number 1 bad bitch, doesn't give a fuck, is a number 1 hater and will straight up blow a bitch UP. But we see glimmers of softness with her children, with Jamie and even Margaery. And I think that just makes her so much more intriguing because we know something else resides within her other than malevolence but we the audience have to watch her go through the motions of it.
So far I've seen Aemond go through ZERO motions and I've seen the writers play their cards already. I hope I'm wrong. But we have 6 episodes left of s2. And so far, I've learnt so little about him as a character, while also knowing exactly what his core wound is.
I'm a tad worried for s2, and I'm a tad worried that the short season lengths are forcing the writers to speed up the way they allowed these characters to develop. There have been some incredibly strong ass moments, like Otto being THAT bitch and telling Aegon what's good. That was unbelievably incredible. Literally the entire scene between Daemon and Rhaneyra. IMPECCABLE character work, IMPECCABLE acting 10/10. Oh and everything Helaena at the moment is also beyond perfect. That funeral scene was harrowing.
But the downsides have been huge. To me, Aemond is drifting into a territory which is making me kinda not enjoy his character so much. Cause now I know what's good, he doesn't compell me right now. Knowing what lies beneath the surface isn't always a good thing, espeically given he has had like maybe 40 minutes of screen time overall in the series. And Alicole suffers the same fate. It was implied in season 1, 100000%, but uhhhhh its jarring because we never got to see HOW it unfolded. The process that lead alicent and criston into this very complex reltionship. It feels like they've been fucking for years, yet it's been like two weeks on canonically? Oh and having the green siblings not interact after B&C is diabolical. That is fucking lazy writing. Sorry. Because they haven't mentioned the fact Helaena has had neither Aegon nor Aemond acknowledge her. Which again, feels so fucking out of blue? It doesn't even have to be a whole process, it could've been one scene where one of them attempt to comfort her and fail because they fundamentally don't know how to display that level of kindness towards one another. It's that easy. Oh and Daeron? Fuck off. That was an ABYSMAL way to introduce him. Why does Otto need to remind Alicent that she has another son? What grandfather says "remember that third son you've always had and have forgotten about for the past 6 years? *wink, wink*" Like fuck off.
I think they are suffering from too many ideas all at one. And trying to rush major character arcs in order to get to the dance. But what makes GRRM writing and works so interesting and what made GOT (early seasons) so good was the fact they took time to develop the characters and show those lengthy discussions/character interactions. It's ABSOLUTELY insane we haven't seen the green siblings interact properly and may not at all. There is no reason for that, you can't put it down to "dysfunctional family dynamics" if you don't SHOW us the dysfunctional family dynamic and the siblings failing at communicating. B&C would've been the perfect time to show the audience WHY they can't comfort each other and HOW their family system has failed them. It's so deeply unbelievable to me and getting the actors justify it as it being a poor family dynamic is LAZY. Show the audience. Don't have your actors tell us.
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rr311 · 1 year
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⇨⚠︎︎ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 !¡⚠︎︎⇦ fingering, oral, MANHANDLING, bottom!reader, top!toji, top!gojo, top!sukuna, black!reader
𝐀𝐍. dude. episode two…had my toes curled and backed arched. Mappa is feeding us good with Toji content 😩
- 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐱
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Being rivals with Fushiguro wasn't all that fun you would say.
It would always be insults thrown at one another, gun fights, physical fights, arguing and overall a bunch of nonsense. But…you do kinda have to admit this little rivalry you both have does cause some sexual attraction between you both.. you'll be lying if you didn't say he was an attractive guy with that slutty waist of his. Toji can say the same for you, you’re an very attractive women with a nice ass- in all truth be told he might've taken a peek or two whenever you guys were fighting but you don't know that and he's gonna keep it that way.
You and Toji were yet in another fight. Apparently says someone put a bounty on your head worth millions, of course he wasn’t gonna kill you because if he did he wouldn’t have anyone else to fight :( or fuck for that matter…You were first to swing which he of course dodged it by grabbing your wrist flicking it downwards an attempt to break it but you were quick enough to get your kick in kicking him good in his mouth, you scoffed feeling his hand release from your wrist towards his mouth stumbling back to recollect himself, he wiped his thumb across his bottom lip looking down to see faded blood on the skin, he scoffed. "You doing okay over there? It was just a small little kick. It couldn't possibly have made you stumble back like that, yeah?" You teased with a raised brow, he grinned wiping his mouth clean, "Shouldn't have done that.” You scoffed standing back up getting into your fighting position, "Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, Fushiguro.”
You shouldn't have said that.
Almost in an instant he struck back, it was so fast you barely had time to react. It was swing after swing you couldn't get any of your attacks in, when he saw an opening he smirked swinging his punch towards your face perfectly hitting you in your mouth making you stumble back cussing under your breath wiping your mouth with your sleeve, before you know it you felt him push you against the old table pinning you against it with your chest laying on the surface hands pinned behind your back. You growled trying to get out of his hold pulling as hard as you can but due to Toji being more bigger and stronger than you it was no use. But that didn’t make you give up you kept trying to get your hands free, even lifting yourself up only to get slammed back onto the table with a grunt freezing in place feeling his clothed member push up against your butt with his chest on top of your back,"What happened?" He teased, you scowled trying to get your hands free again but from the tight hold he has on you, you didn't get anywhere. "Let me go Fushiguro." You struggled to say holding back an obvious moan when you felt his member rub more against your ass, he raised a brow catching the slight struggle of the sentence. "Ha? You sure you want me to let you go?" He said with a low voice, you hated the fact that you clenched around the air feeling butterflies enter your stomach.
Shit are you getting horny during a fight? He smirked upon hearing you stay quiet before he bucked his hips more into you slighting, grinding his dick against you hearing the choked moan leave you, “I think i got my answer don't you think?" He purred as you 're starting to lose focus by how good this feeling was, you 're supposed to be fighting not being horny! But shit you couldn't help it, him having you pinned like this with him behind you made your body hot. "You know, i will admit you look pretty hot like this, being pinned with me behind you practically giving me a chance to do whatever i want with you." He whispered, you groaned at the slight dirty words that was said, you were like a prey that got captured by the predator who was hungry for you..starving for you. Toji looked down at you with a lustful gaze and smirk on his face.
You jerked forward feeling his hand go to your ass, trailing his fingertips down to the hem of your pants, before he moved any further he leaned towards your ear, "You want this?" In an instant you nodded your head, you couldn't take this anymore you wanted him inside you right now. “Yes. please i want you inside now." You whimpered, you didn't care if you took a 180 turn from your mood you wanted to be fucked. Again. When he heard the green for go he roughly tugged down your pants along with your panties exposing your lower half to him, he ran his hands to his pants pulling his pants down along with his boxers taking his dick in his hand slowly stroking himself with small groans leaving his mouth, You started to get impatient from the long wait, you whined from the emptiness and cold as you backed your hips back against him. He chuckled, "So impatient," He groaned, "Finna ruin you baby." Almost immediately when he got done prepping himself you felt his tip enter your hole, you breathed in letting your head relax on the table with moans leaving your mouth feeling him push more lengths into you, gripping your waist pushing you all the way down on his dick moaning loudly in response clenching your hands into fists. He smirked feeling you tighten around him,
"You're gonna wish you kept that mouth shut princess"
Being Satoru’s rival was extremely annoying.
And you being short tempered with him knowing that was just the extra spice to end it all, everyday he would always test you on your worst days, pushing you pass your limits with the right amount of his bullshit. Sometimes you wished and prayed he wasn't the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer because if he wasn't you would've kicked his shit right about now but unfortunately he is the strongest in the world and if you even tried you would’ve gotten denied instant with his force shield fuck thing that let’s nothing touch him unless he turns it off. Another part of being his rival is that you two have history...you know THAT kind of history, till this day tension is still there between the both of you which obviously pissed you off even more.
maybe because you haven’t been laid in awhile?
You both were training together since you guys had an upcoming mission with the 1st years to collect Sukunas finger.. and the training wasn't going as plan as you thought. You were out of breath as you tried to keep up with Gojo, at this point he didn't even have to train he was literally the strongest fucking sorcerer!.
You growled under your breath as you moved your eyes around the training room to see if you can find the bastard. "Come out Satoru! I don't have the fucking time for this." You snarled feeling your blood start to boil, you again scanned the area to see where he was before abruptly moving your head hearing him chuckle somewhere, "Aww come on (Y/N), getting mad already?" He teased, before you had the chance to respond you felt him push you to the ground pinning your hands above your head looking at you through his white hair with a grin.
You scoffed at the sneak shot trying to move from under him only for him to tighten his grip, "If you calm down i'll let you go." You glared at him with a scowl, "Fuck you.” Satoru raised a brow with a small pout, "Hey now, that was mean." You only continued to glare at him trying to yet get from under him, he had your arms pinned to the mat with him hovering over you staring at you through his bangs with those... beautiful stupid blue eyes. You couldn't help but feel vulnerable under him- to be honest it was kinda hot having him stare down at you like that, you groaned in defeat giving up your fight since you're literally getting nowhere. He hummed spotting the change of mood, "Hmm? You done fighting doll?" Here he goes with the nickname.. that stupid nickname that always made butterflies appear in your stomach, you continued to glare at him but soon widened your eyes feeling his knee push up against you, "Now now...what's with the glare (N/N)?" He questioned pressing his knee more into you, you choked a gasp feeling his free hand trail down to your stomach lifting your tank top to reveal some bits of your stomach placing his fingers against your skin. Revealing the past hickeys he left on you two weeks ago.
He grinned seeing you start to give in to him by the way your body is reacting to him, like always "You look so vulnerable under me..giving me the chance to do whatever to you." He mumbled, you hummed in response clenching and unclenching your fists as his knee moved. You were starting to forget you were supposed to be training and not being horny but honestly you weren't complaining...not one bit. it's been two weeks since you've gotten laid.. even if you two are. "Rivals" it doesn't take away the fact of how fine he is- i mean you say you don't like him but in reality it was a lie. You two may have history but shit..right now you didn't care for anything you were too focused on the pleasure you were receiving, you needed him again- fuck you we’re desperate for him, “You know (Y/N), been wanting to shut you up for past week." He said and you furrowed your eyebrows
"What?" He chuckled lowly, trailing his fingertips down from your stomach to the hem of your pants playing with it, "Every time you would talk shit towards me l've been wanting to shut you up hint to why i haven’t been fucking you. And now.. here we are, all quiet now huh?" You hated how he was right but also pissed that, that was the reason why you haven’t gotten laid. You were dead silent as the pleasure kept coming, your mind wasn't even focus on that it was focus on wanting him to do something, "Satoru please do something.” You quietly groaned trying to get some friction in your lower area, he raised a brow biting the inside of his cheek seeing how desperate you're becoming, “You want me to do something? After how mean you were treating me?" He questioned, you whined in frustration,
"Toru please? I’m sorry just please do something. I miss you." Satoru hummed with a smirk “Aww you miss me?” You nodded squirming under him like a desperate puppy. “You want me to do something?" In an instant you nodded your head again bucking your hips up against his knee, fuck..the faces you’re making is making this more difficult for him. How could he deny you when you look so desperate and cute like this? He smirked, "Okay then.” You watched as he unpinned your arms, digging into his pants pocket to pull out his blindfold. Before you could question him he was already tying the blindfold over your eyes as you were now facing darkness.
You jerked forward feeling his warm hands slide down your stomach to the hem of your pants pulling them off along with your panties exposing yourself to him, you felt a chill go down your spine feeling the cold air hit your pussy. He cussed yo himself feeling his pants tighten at the sight of you, “Such a pretty pussy..” He smirked starting to rub you, you let out a breathy moan feeling his fingers rub against your folds. "You got hot just by my knee being pressed against you?" He teased feeling how wet you already were, you groaned in embarrassment but got choked up with a gasp feeling one of his fingers slide into you pumping it in and out, "You're tight too hm?" You balled up your fists as you felt him pump into you over and over again having nothing to grip on. He watched as his finger slid in and out of you perfectly feeling his dick get hard, fuck he wanted to taste you so fucking bad. He cursed under his breath, taking out his finger replacing it with his tongue flicking against your folds as you jerked up from the sudden surprise, he smirked against you feeling you grip his hair as you moaned out his name bending your knees up. "Fuck Toru.." You squeezed your eyes shut focusing on the rhythm of his tongue tugging his head down more into you, he gripped your thighs groaning at the taste of you coat his tongue.
“I’m gonna ruin you.”
"Damn you Ryomen.” You hissed, feeling his sharp black nails dig into your neck as his hands were wrapped around your throat, Sukuna chuckled dangerously low staring into those (E/C) eyes of yours, “You decided to leave a scar on my face. I'm only doing you a favor my Akuma” He smirked, you snarled under your breath feeling his nails dig deeper into your skin prickling some drops of blood from it, "Bastard." Sukuna sighed staring at you with a lazy gaze, "Are you done throwing these pathetic insults?. It's only making you weaker than you already are," He was really testing your mood right now, you're only weak because you had just gotten some bits of your power back and in that process it makes you weak which he obviously took advantage of, "I'm only weak because i got some of my power back, i'm pretty sure if i wasn't right now i would've kicked your ass right about now Sukuna." He tsked, "Tch, watch that mouth of yours." You glared at him, "Or what? Gonna kill me? Well guess what genius i'm as powerful as you..you can't kill me even if you tried." You whispered staring straight into his red eyes as they stared back into yours with a glare,
You were playing a dangerous game with him while being useless right now but you didn't give a damn, he was testing your limits and you were sick of it. You know how Sukuna is..a sadistic demon that gets what he wants all the time, he could only take so much before he actually does something that you wish you would've kept your mouth shut but for you? You were also a curse..you could get away with anything when it came to him. He couldn't kill you or hurt you because you could just regenerate just like him, plus he never has intentions on hurting you. That’s why he barely does anything to you unless you test his limits and that's what you're doing right now. Messing with his patience, you knew when he was gonna explode and the timer was ticking by the second ready to explode.
"You’re playing a very dangerous game while being weak right now.” He mentioned and you scoffed, "Even if i am weak i'll speak my mind if i have to.” He raised a brow, “You just never shut up do you?" He whispered lowly removing his hand from your neck finally freeing you from his hold, now moving his hand to be placed on the side of your head as he leaned forward to the point you felt his breath hit your lips, you continued to maintain that eye contact with him watching him closely, reading to see what he's gonna do. You've been in this position with him before it's nothing new and it'll always..work. Real story short you and him have some tension, sexual tension to the point it causes you both to go at each others throat till you both give in honestly, at this point he should just ask you to be his Queen but of course since it's Sukuna he'll never ask such a thing. Your breath hitched as you felt how close his mouth was to yours, any minute the gap between you both would close.
He smirked seeing your eyes move between his eyes and his mouth, "You gonna keep staring or actually do it?" His voice echoed, you scoffed, "Shut up." You mumbled before closing the gap between you both, sooner or later it was gonna lead up to this again but for now you're just gonna enjoy the moment. The kiss was rough yet nice feeling him instantly slide his tongue in making you moan wrapping your arms around his neck as he smirked into the kiss trailing his hands from your waist to your ass picking you up with no problem wrapping your legs around his waist as he pressed your back against the wall. You softly groaned into his mouth feeling him pull back leaning down to attack your neck with his marks, "Just like that kuna..” You let your head fall back against the wall feeling his fangs slightly bite your skin, he chuckled feeling your hands move up to grip his hair,
He moved from your neck kissing down towards your exposed shoulder blade then to your open breast leaving hickeys along them, you arched your back feeling him squeeze your ass. "Stop teasin." You scowled seeing him pull back from your breasts to look up at you with messy hair and a devilish smirk, “You love it when i tease you.” You rolled your eyes, “I admit i do but right now i want you to fuck me..it's been too long Kuna." You teaseling whimpered in his ear soon smirking hearing him growl gripping your thighs, "Now you want me to fuck you?" You nodded with a fake pout looking into his red eyes, "Please?" He stared into your eyes before he scoffed before backing up to bring you to the bed which you secretly celebrated to, "I'm not going easy on you." You rolled your eyes in response trailing your hands to his hair tugging it down harshly leaning in hovering your lips with his.
“Do your worse.”
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eyeofnewtblog · 1 year
Things that happen at work:
Got hired by a trucking company doing admin to safety stuff.
My new boss, in the interview: I’d love to have you start on *specific date* so that we can do the on boarding stuff, but we’re going to have the Driver Appreciation BBQ literally the day after and I want everyone to meet you.
Me: That’s honestly a good plan. I’m completely available for whatever happens, what time do I need to be there?
My actual second day of being hired and going through the whole set up of Driver Appreciation BBQ Day:
*chopped four onions for burgers and sobbed in the break room*
My boss: *lightly supervises but is honestly a Party Queen because she’s a Hispanic mom and is used to throwing parties for 100 plus people in her own backyard let alone a work bbq, you don’t even understand she literally looked at the corporate list of supplies and was like “nah, too much. Mmm. Maybe. Hm. Not enough.” AND WAS EXACTLY RIGHT she owns her own bouncy house, she’s got this shit on lockdown, ok?
So like two hours into this polite bullshit introductory hell scape (I am fine with meeting new people in large groups but I hate meeting people in “sterile corporate” settings, like, if I’m going to remember you, it’s because you did something actually meaningful or interesting, NOT because you shook my hand for five seconds and said you go by Steve or Becky…)
Me, to EVERYONE because my job is to Hand Out Shirts and Lunchboxes: Hi! I’m the new girl from Safety! Who are you exactly? Please don’t expect me to remember you, I’m terrible at putting names and faces together, but I’m sure we’ll talk again soon! What size T-shirt do you want? Here’s your lunch box!
Me: *finally gets a break and sits down to eat some honestly decent brauts and potato salad, deliberately choosing to sit next to one of the drivers that’s been at the company for a while* Hi, how’s it going? I’m the new safety girl!
Older driver whose name I don’t know YET: I’m doin’ pretty good with all this free food. So, you gonna stick around after the little one comes along, or are you gonna leave us high and dry like the last one?
Me, honestly pretty angry but trying to be cool: Not pregnant, just fat.
*very very very awkward silence, like this dude knew that he fucked up, but also the way my body is shaped I really don’t blame him for thinking what he did*
He did actually apologize right then and there, and honestly the entire way he went about everything was from a genuinely good place, and I personally thought it was funny after it was all said and done. Verbal on the spot forgiveness type stuff.
Guess who fucks up the very next day by UNINTENTIONALLY losing a very important document of the exact driver who “insulted” me?
Yeah. So. I spent my entire first week on a brand new job searching through three giant filing cabinets and 20 years worth of documents for ONE fucking medical card. I didn’t find it. Believe me, I looked at every single piece of paper in those cabinets, I have no fucking clue where I put it.
The driver was really nice about it and we had a good laugh about him putting his foot in his mouth and me swearing up and down I didn’t do it for revenge.
Honestly I have no idea how any of this will turn out, but every one seems nice so far so I’m really hopeful.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
love all your thoughts on eridan so much!! ive had erikar as a passive concept in my head since i started slowly rereading homestuck, bit i never invested as much thought into it...it makes a LOT of sense.
very curious on your thoughts on eridan and nepeta, if you have any? i dont really see much around of the two of them and how they may act around each other (most likely because, iirc, they have basically no substantial interaction in the comic....) but its a concept ive twisted around in my head a little.
Hahah, one of my friends is a Nepeta roleplayer, so we have hashed this OUT. Basically, I think if they talked a bit more, under the right circumstances, they might try pitch for a bit, but resolve to normal friendship. TL;DR, at the end of the day, they just don't really have anything to particularly hate about each other, or to particularly love, but I think they'd make for really good friends actually, if Eridan gets his shit together and Nepeta comes out of her shell a little more. She might wind up having to play auspice for him because... he has a lot of problems... and as a Heart player, with more proximity to him, she'd realize "oh, wait, he's not that bad, hes just mentally fucking ill," and there are people on the team who would not give him that kind of grace.
Flushed is pretty canonically off the table - despite having hit on her several times, Eridan seems to have accepted the rejection, and Nepeta herself comments that it always came off as "cr33py and insincere", which it probably was - he's clearly not over Feferi, and has a kind of "please god anyone would be fine I just don't want to be alone" vibe. Nepeta is definitely looking for more sincerity than that, and although Eridan's Type is very much cheerful, bubbly, nice girls (what he thinks Feferi is), I think they're pretty incompatible overall.
His antics and Emotional Issues would probably be super taxing on Nepeta long-term, he'd wind up in a million fights with protective Equius (Eridan is a crazed murderer even just objectively), and he's really not a particularly kind or pleasant person.
Meanwhile, although he's basically willing to go along with anything that'll get him attention, I think he'd be very puzzled by Nepeta's expectations that he do Romantic Things, or otherwise adhere to certain romantic tropes and social norms, which he can't do; when this inevitably leads to hurt feelings, his response to perceived danger is "fight," so he'd probably end up making it worse. So! Flushed is flushed. Down the load gaper, I mean.
Trying on pitch, I think if Nepeta was already a little bit out of her shell - say, Equius has died, or she's otherwise locked in a SGRUB dungeon with him, or something like that - she and he would come to blows over Eridan's performative casteism. Nepeta's the anti-casteism troll, after all, and if she's worked up enough, she's quite spirited and opinionated, and Eridan is down for anything, so it would be something I can absolutely see forming.
Actually, hilariously, when my friend and I RP'd this out, Nepeta wound up with a pitch crush, and Eridan wound up with a FLUSHED crush, because he was THAT BAD at differentiating between good and bad attention. Nepeta was totally floored, she was like, dude i was calling you stupid and terrible??? how the fuck did you interpret that as FLUSHED??? and eridan was like i dont know... maybe... i might have mental illness......
The problem is, I don't see their pitched dalliance lasting, for two main reasons - the first is that Eridan wouldn't hate Nepeta long-term, even if he can work up some caliginous energy because he's desperate; she's too genuinely nice and kind and he loves nice and kind people. Similarly, Nepeta wouldn't be able to hate Eridan the more she got to know him - since he's kind of the least casteist highblood, despite his initial impression, she would lose her fundamental reason for opposing him, and would instead start going "oh god, hes so traumatized, he's like that because he's really messed up inside."
The second is because I think they're dangerous for each other, physically. Eridan is a volatile highblood with severe emotional problems and a bodycount in the thousands, and Nepeta is very reckless in the face of danger; I can genuinely see them going a little too hard and Eridan getting a bit of a highblood buzz and winding up severely injuring Nepeta, which he would feel completely fucking terrible about, and then not allow himself to ACT like he feels terrible about it. Even if they stay in the relationship, it would kill his vibe, since when he isn't on an outright murder spree, he doesn't want to hurt his friends ("wwhat kind of friend wwould i be"). And that's not even factoring in how much EQUIUS would flip out over it.
I also don't think Nepeta is particularly equipped to deal with Eridan's problems, even if she does recognize and sympathize with them more than most on their team. Although she'd have more success than others, I think it'd leave her exhausted, because Eridan is exhausting. A Heart player obsessed with true feelings and sincerity and genuineness is just a bad match for the kid who's 90% façade.
So, ultimately, I think they'd resolve to really good friends, and Nepeta might wind up being a middle leaf for Eridan in an auspicetism situation, since Eridan... tends to draw aggro, and Nepeta at least would care about him enough that she doesn't want to see him get killed (even in the comic, as Nepetasprite, she expresses sadness that Eridan is dead, although she doesn't seem to know about his murders).
Eridan is also a roleplayer, lest we forget, and if Nepeta is able to draw out rare flashes of genuineness, they do have a bunch in common - she could commiscerate with him over the thrill of the hunt (although she'd have to be careful not to get too into the weeds about the, uh, Troll Murder aspect), RP with him (in a safe environment), or gossip about romance. They're both pretty painfully sincere people at their core, so while I ultimately don't see them being particularly romantically compatible, I do really love the idea of them being close friends. If only Eridan didn't always make things Fucking Weird.
And also since I really love pitch FefNep, Nepeta becoming friends with Eridan would help fuel her hate dates with Feferi - ":33 < do you even realize how messed up killing lusii fur YOU left him???" "W)(at would you )(ave preferred, t)(at my lusus went )(ungry and krilled everybody? 3X0"
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gnomishcunning · 6 months
You asked someone to bite the bullet and ask abt Zevlor w a bratty partner and i am here, ate the bullet fucking whole dude. Thoughts and hcs for zev with a bratty reader? 🎤🎤🎤
shoutout to like, the eight of you who showed up in my inbox to ask. please consider this response the consolidated answer.
nsfw below the cut! MDNI
CW FOR: my headcanons bout zevlor's sex life, kink discussion, bdsm, d/s dynamics, sadomasochism, manhandling, breathplay implications, subdrop & domdrop discussion
so i mentioned this in my previous post, but for anybody who didn't witness it - i don't think bdsm is a lifestyle thing for Zevlor. he's been taking care of people his entire life, and while he adores taking care of his partner, he needs to be able to express vulnerability and relax, too.
subsequently, bdsm shenanigans are a special-occasions sex thing, maybe once or twice a month. one of you is going need to broach the subject about a session and from there, requests and preferences for the evening will be laid out, with a safe word agreed upon like, a week beforehand. for the record: he can and will be testing if you remember it
now, onto the good bits
a bratty sub and zevlor's general disposition as a dominant is effectively an unstoppable force meets immovable object hostage scenario, in the hottest and most erotic way possible
let me make this clear: he's never not dotting on you. he's kind and patient. he'll help you through your struggles and work with you to live up to expectations.
but the sweetness you've come to expect from the paladin you've fallen in love with has been put on the backburner. a better word now is mercy, because he will not let you get away with shit.
He's your Commander. it's his job to take responsibility for you and your actions, and he's going to insure you understand the full ramifications of your misbehavior
he tends to meet misbehavior with a funishment to fit the crime.
are you mouthing off? he's going to take away your ability to speak, whether that's through his fingers, his cock, or a gag. are you
ignoring him? he'll put you in a position where it's physically impossible to ignore him, whether it's bondage and shibari, or a blindfold to insure the only things you can focus on are his voice and touch.
denial is a regular tool in his arsenal. you need to behave nicely, or at the very least, submit to the funishments if you want to cum. zevlor's spent decades in tightly-wound control of himself. combine that self-restraint with the way he adores knowing how to please his partner, and he is very capable of bringing you to the very edge of oblivion, only to let it fade off and leave you frustrated.
overstimulation is another tool he utilizes, but in a very specific manner. he isn't the type to immediately increase the speed or strength of his ministrations after you'd cum, it's just...
he's relentless. he lets you cum, brings you down with a few sweet kisses, pets your thighs for a moment, and then... starts up again. he'll ring as many orgasms out of your body as he can manage, and he's not above using magic in the bedroom to make it happen. specifically: lesser restoration (and lay on hands) is among the paladin spell group (at least in 5e). have fun with that.
assuming his partner is a masochist 'corporal punishment', as he affectionately calls it, is on-board for either accidentally disobeying his orders, or playfully, purposefully disobeying. he's kind of the exact opposite of a sadist, but he enjoys the noises you make if you like it, so he's willing to compromise
he usually prefers to put you over his lap for the sake of spanking. he'd introduce a riding crop, after a very long and careful conversation about using said implement.
he'll always have you count. hells help you if you lose it
punishments, like. proper punishments, the type that make you consider the ramifications of your behavior, are only implemented after a very long and careful discussion where you communicate your desire to experience said ramifications.
unfortunately for you, he's creative, and punishments fit the crime. he's undoubtedly had some drill sargent experience, that'll rear it's head here
if you mouth off? be prepared to write lines, a dozen or fifty or a hundred
'I won't whisper filthy things to my Commander in public. I won't whisper filthy things to my Commander in public. I won't whisper filthy things to my Commander in public-'
lazying around when you promised him you'd be busy will be met with playful sparring sessions to "Get your reflexes back on track, love."
usually ending with you pinned to the ground by a hand at your throat (in a good way, you'd usually get fucked there)
if you're just being an obstinate fuck in general?
there's a wooden stool in one corner of your apartment. he can and will put you in time out, forcing you to just... sit there, and think about your thoughts, while he reads on the couch across the room, maybe enjoying a glass of while. look at you! you could've been snuggling with your hot tiefling bf, but no. you acted foolish and now you're in time out. think about what you've done.
regardless of the nature of the session, Zevlor has some staples: his mouth will inevitably find its way onto your body, whether he's teasing you with gentle kisses or bringing you over the edge with his mouth.
he still likes leaving marks behind since you can't tell me he isn't the lightest bit possessive, and it's his primary reason for never bothering with a collar. what could a little band of leather say that the ring of bruises around your neck already doesn't?
ultimately, zevlor's not really a brat-tamer. he's a brat handler. he feels no need to tame you, not when he knows you melt so easily with his attention and his touch.
now, in terms of aftercare...
zevlor's the type of dom to check in constantly, before, during and after - making sure you remember safeword, if what he's doing is okay, if you need a drink of water. this type of behavior occurs more constantly with a bratty partner, since the dynamic can sometimes obscure actual feelings and brats have a tendency to be a threat to their own health.
zevlor can also go from hot commanding officer to loving, doted partner in an instant. they're two different sides of the same coin.
his approach to centering his partner after a session is very sweet and tactile. he'd use soft praises, sweet words, and gentle touches to lure you back into your own body from that weird, floaty, no-thoughts zone of subspace.
if he'd realized it helped, he'd 100% start purring (another tiefling headcanon i'm fond of). it's deep and brassy and incredibly comforting
now, the side-effect of being in charge of legions of soldiers (including fresh and nervous recruits) is that zevlor's very efficient and effective at helping and managing the emotions of others, even if he tends to get swept up in tides of his own.
between that and how intimately he'd know the wants and needs of his partner to even safely enact a d/s dynamic (in his mind), zevlor's pretty damn good at picking up when you'd be heading into subdrop - whether it's mid-session, somewhere in the midst of aftercare, or even the day after.
managing subdrop is basically aftercare+, with the addition of insuring his partner he's a constant, constant presence. he loves and adores you, he's not going anywhere, and there's no reason to be ashamed of your desires, when they're mutually agreed-upon and enjoyed by both.
it's worth noting that zevlor's susceptible to domdrop. everyone is, but him especially - he feels his emotions deeply, especially in regards to taking care of others. he'll safeword if he's feeling overwhelmed or too out-of-control in a situation - his communication skills are too good for him not to, but. afterwards?
be prepared to put the bratty persona aside. be there for him. snuggle, reassure if you can manage words, just do everything you can to communicate how much you love him. making him focus on you, just you, is usually an effective way to interrupt the anxiety-depression-shame spiral
just keep an eye on him day-after, since the moods might linger. make sure to show him some extra affection, and maybe surprise him with something nice.
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyyy! How are you doing? Can you do a story where the female reader accidentally turns Minho on? Thank you
I'm doing good thank you for asking, and of course I can :))
Back on my Minho grind, lmao. Idk why I struggled with this one so much, but I must've rewritten it like seven times, bro.
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SUMMARY: See above. Reader is a Runner. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas. You and Minho have always had a tense relationship, but when you guys work in the Map room together, you start to wonder if there's something else. Especially when you get a new kind of reaction out of the Keeper. Kinda enemies to lovers if you squint a bit.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, spice and suggestive content, dumb teenagers and dumber teenage hormones
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"Bro, I'm telling you, there's nothing new."
You hate nights like this. It consists of you and the other Runners meeting up and spending hours looking and comparing maps. Once a week.
Every week.
For as long as you've been there. Well, since you became a Runner at least.
And you've been there long enough for it to not be that big of a deal if another girl were to show up.
But tonight is different. It also happens to be Bonfire night. It happens occasionally that Greenie day and the meetings fall on the same day. Most of the Runners left early to go celebrate.
And you did, too, a couple of times. Joining in on the celebrations and congratulating whatever poor Greenie on losing to Gally in the ring.
But you felt bad, so you started staying.
Minho always stayed. It didn't matter what was going on outside; the boy had a job to do, and God dammit, he's going to get it done.
You don't know why you felt bad- or even why you feel bad now. It's not like Minho has ever actually been nice to you. He doesn't take you as seriously as the other Runners and it's not uncommon for him to blatantly ignore you.
Which is shit because the Keeper makes for some great eye-candy.
"I don't care," Minho huffs as you sit with your legs on the table, leaning your chair back, shuffling through numerous sheets of paper. "If you wanna leave, then leave."
"Dude, we've been doing this for literally hours." You try to reason with him but it's not going well.
Minho has been worse as of late. With the exploration of the outer sections coming to a close and the sinking realisation that there isn't actually an exit to the Maze- his bitterness is becoming exponential.
"You can leave." He simply repeats.
You don't understand Minho's problem with you.
In reality, Minho doesn't have a problem with you. All of his extra criticisms and harsh nature comes from a place he doesn't quite understand. You're the only girl in the Glade, and even if everyone else got used to you, he never did. He's had a thing for you ever since he saw you. How could he not?
Which is bad.
Because it's distracting.
So, you can imagine his dismay when Alby suggested you be a Runner.
You pout, letting your feet hit the floor and walking over to Minho. You lean in front of him and across the table, having to stretch further to try and grab more papers that are scattered across the table.
Obviously, this was an incredibly innocent action. You were literally just trying to do more work, but Minho's entire body freezes.
His eyes flicker to your ass as you bend over against the poor wooden structure. It doesn't help that you're still wearing your tight running clothes that leave very little to the imagination. The fabric clings to your ass, and Minho suddenly feels like a complete creep. You mumble something to yourself when you can't reach, but your tone and the lack of coherency just makes Minho's breath catch in his throat.
Ah fuck.
You stand back up, tilting your head slightly as you try to understand whatever pattern Minho swears there is.
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. The problem here is that Minho is just as sexually repressed as every other boy in the Glade, but his one-track-mind and work ethic makes it seem like he isn't.
But he is. Boy, he is.
You say something. He doesn't even acknowledge it as he just blankly stares into space, questioning his existence for a second and silently praying that he can keep himself from being... physically affected.
"Hm?" He looks at you, concern written on your face. Suddenly, he crosses his wrists, dropping them to his crotch. You obviously were not going to look, but as his pencil scatters to the floor and you watch him visibly cringe, your eyes flicker down and then back up. "You good?"
"You sure? You ignored me, and now you're acting kinda weird."
"No, I didn't. I mean, I didn't ignore you, I was just thinking, okay?" Okay, so he's panicking. He doesn't really want to get caught because that's just going to make things incredibly awkward. He's literally your boss, and with the way he treats you, there's no way you like him back.
"What did I say then?" You cross your arms, looking down at him. He's acting super weird all of a sudden. He seems almost flustered and embarrassed, and with his hands covering up his dignity; you have your suspicions. It's not like it's the first time here you've accidentally given someone a boner. And it's not like it's hard to tell.
If you catch some of the boys on a bad day then they'll get hard if you so much as look in their general direction. But Minho?
Always calm, always collected, always in control, Minho?
It's actually kind of entertaining watching Minho's confidence slip away. He's so cocky and self-assured all the time, and you've, what? Leant over a table? And he's lost all capability? Incredible.
You do admire Minho. For many reasons, mostly including his job- but also his self-control. The boy is athletic and confident and bold, all traits that you're attracted to and have been ignoring. But this is now a form of amusement, especially after being stuck in here for hours.
"You don't know, do you?" You ask after an embarrassingly long pause.
"Uh, yeah, no. I don't know what you said. Sorry." He adds the 'sorry' after you raise your eyebrows at him, and it is very clearly reluctant.
"Sorry you didn't hear me or sorry you were staring at my ass?" You cross your arms as you turn to sit on the edge of the table. Your expression is testing as Minho drops his head forward, hiding his face in his hands.
"I, uh, I mean- shit," he grumbles.
"Wow, okay," you scoff, "I was joking, but I guess you really were just staring at my ass."
"I didn't mean- I couldn't help it, alright?"
"That's bullshit, we both know you are beyond fully capable of controlling yourself," Minho suddenly feels like he's getting lectured. But he's your boss, and he really doesn't know how to feel about the sudden shift in relationship dynamics.
"Yeah," he sighs, "you're right, but you- you're just-" You stand up straight, stepping towards him with fake understanding. He shuffles uncomfortably as you stand in next to him, enjoying the newfound power. "You're hot, dude, what am supposed to do?" He sighs, giving into defeat since there's no good way for him to get out of this.
Minho's forward nature shines through, and the compliment actually takes you by surprise. "You think I'm hot?"
"Everyone here thinks you're hot."
"That's not what I asked."
"Yeah," he basically spits out, "I think you're hot. But I also think you're one of the best Runners I've got, and I'm your Keeper, so..."
"Wait, have you been being a dick to me because you're attracted to me?" Minho's guilty expression says it all. "Holy shuck. You have!"
"Alright, alright- slim it," he warns.
"How many times have you criticised me because you actually wanted me?" You lean further forward, one arm on the table, kind of trapping him.
"Listen, don't start-"
"Or the amount of times you've ignored me because I looked too good?"
"Hey!" Minho snaps, even his ears are burning now, "Quit it, alright? I get it. If you're just gonna be a slinthead about it, then go. I don't have time for this klunk. And you might not like me, but I was always respectful and gave you the same workload as everyone else. I can't help being attracted to you, (Y/N)."
His words sound suddenly sincere, like he's been dealing with this on his own for a while now.
"I.." You start, but your words get trapped in your throat, "I never said I didn't like you." You avoid his gaze as you kind of stand to the side of him. There's a scratching scound as he turns the wobbly chair towards you, his attention now peaked at your sudden bashful tone.
"So you like me?"
"I didn't say that, either, just... you're a good-looking guy, Minho. I'm not mad at you 'cause that'd make me a hypocrite." Minho's hands graze your hips, sparking a flame in you but making you flinch. So, he immediately moves away again.
"You think I'm good-looking?" Minho definitely does not need the ego boost, but then again, neither did you.
"Shut up, okay, you're being honest, I'm being honest. It's not a big deal."
"Okay," he holds his hands up, feigning innocence, "guess we're just two attractive people sitting in a room together then, huh?"
You scoff, shaking your head, "No, we're two people who are attracted to each other sitting in a room together. There's a difference." You meet his eyes, and the tension suddenly feels very thick.
This time, Minho puts his hands on your waist with more certainty, and you move closer, swinging your leg over his, straddling him. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that Minho is your boss, or that this could make things awkward working. You just want to feel good, and Minho's flustered confession is making you feel pretty decent all on its own.
"Bold, hm?" Minho mutters, your noses brush, and your foreheads press together. You can feel his breath on your lips, and you never expected this to happen when you came to work during the Bonfire.
"Learnt from the best," you almost speak into him, earning a chuckle. "Is that okay?"
"Mhm," he leans in, finally forcing months of frustration into you as your lips connect. His grip on you tightens and it barely takes anything for Minho to be hardening under you again. Your mouths move in unison, his tongue brushing against your lower lip.
You slip your tongue under his, making him hum as you buck your hips against his. Your hands come to the back of his neck and into his hair, taking the opportunity to ruin his permanently perfect hair style.
He pulls away, panting slightly, "Wait, what does this mean?" He seems anxious, but he's still trying to move under you. You've never seen him like this before, and deep down, you know all you want is to see it again.
"It means I want to fuck you." His body physically reacts to your boldness, almost whimpering under your touch.
"Yeah, alright, I'll take it," you're back on each other in seconds. Having a friends-with-benefits situation with your boss is probably not the best idea, but damn, is it hot.
Friction starts to pick up fast. His hands are under your shirt, papers are flying everywhere as you use the table to try and stabilise yourself and a string of unholy gasping and faint moans is escaping the private place.
That's until there's a cracking sound. Both you and Minho fall in a heap on the floor as the shitty chair breaks, one of the legs snapping off and sending you plummeting. You land next to each other.
"Gally's klunky shuckin' furniture," Minho complains.
And you just laugh.
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Not going to lie, lads, this was, for some reason, a complete struggle. Idk why this one was so hard and took me so long, but here it is, and I don't even think it's good lmao. Definitely not my best work, but I'm trying my best.
I hope yall kinda almost enjoyed it :)
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