#like idk people took pictures of him up close when he was lying on the ground with a broken leg and after the accident that killed sic
moonshynecybin · 7 months
I think a lot about how vale would rather k*ll himself than cry in front of a camera, like nobody ever saw that man shedding a tear. he really wants to be THAT though guy 🤨
i get it thoughhhhhh!!!!!!! like imagine EVERY aspect of your life since you were literally a TEENAGER has been exposed to the public for consumption and interpretation and worship and ridicule!!!! imagine loving the place you're from SO much, but refusing to live there for yearssss because you get mobbed by press and fans who want a piece of you. literally every time you step foot in the country. every time you go on a date —or simply dare to exist in public— there are news articles and pictures in the tabloids and people commenting on social media....
like after #TAXEVASIONGATE he felt the need to build a self-sufficient ranch slash mansion where he can practice privately (no paps !) and where he only invites people to come to him if they wanna hang out. like NAUR he wouldnt want to afford people any access to his soft little underbelly and the things that make him feel vulnerable, because he knows that they will be broadcast with a MEGAPHONE to every person with an internet connection on earth !!!! (which even HIS FATHER DID TOO). like. it would color a person's relationship with their emotions in all contexts of their life methinks !
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clxja16 · 2 years
Our Life
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Pierre Gasly x Reader
Genre: established relationship, parents au!, dad Pierre
Warnings: angst, yelling, arguing
Word Count: 1.5K+
Author's Note: I realize this is probably the most I have ever posted here. and this is probably the first time I have two different 'on-going' stories out at the same time. well I had this idea for a while, except it was with Charles and I can't keep posting things with Charles man. but this concept works with Pierre so yeah. I don't think there will be a part two, unless you guys absolutely beg for a part two but there's a happy ending so yeah. also Idk if this is a fear for a lot of people or if im just being irrational, because its definitely a fear for me lol. anyway enjoy reading, pls let me know what you think.
“If I want my son at the race then he will be at the race,” Pierre spoke loudly as he tried to get his point across to you.  
“Pierre, he’s only 10 months, I don’t think a race track when cars are flying past is the best idea for him,” you matched Pierre’s volume, you couldn’t understand why he just wouldn’t get it.  
“He can wear a headset, just like all the other drivers' kids do, I want my son at the race with me,”  Pierre wouldn’t let it go. 
“No Pierre, I don’t want him there, and I don’t want all the media with pictures of our son, we’ll be…”
“You don’t have to come this weekend, but my son will be there this weekend, nanny can come with him.” 
“Pierre you’re not getting it, I don’t think that's the best environment for our son, right now, maybe when he’s a little older.”  
“y/n what do you think is gonna happen to him?” 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head at this point, “anything could happen to him, I don’t wanna risk it.” 
Pierre sighed, running his hands through his hair, “he’s coming to the race this weekend, he’s my son…” 
“OUR SON,” you shouted at the top of your lungs, cutting Pierre as the tears finally escaped you, “he is our son.” 
The sound of the baby crying coming through the monitor stopped you from continuing on.  You and Pierre both sighed, knowing that you’re shouting at each other is what woke him.  “Let me…” Pierre spoke up first.  
You waved your hand to dismiss him, “I’ll get him.” You quickly exited your shared bedroom with Pierre and made your way to the nursery, wiping away the escaped tears.  Down the hall, before you entered the nursery you took a deep breath, calming your racing heart.  
“Hi boy,” you spoke softly to the crying baby, picking him up.  You held him close to you, afraid that he would be taken away.  You closed your eyes, breathing him in, your perfect son. You cradled him in your arms, rocking him back to sleep.  You watched him sleepily yawn, he had his father’s eyes. Eyes you loved very much.  
“Dear,” Marta called out to you.  Marta was an older woman that Pierre hired as a housekeeper to help around the house.  Marta didn’t have any kids, her husband had died many years ago.  She became a mother to you, since your mother wasn’t anywhere near.  
“Marta,” you sighed, “I’m sorry, did me and Pierre wake you?” Because it’s only Marta by herself, Pierre had her move into the downstairs bedroom, it’s especially helpful when Pierre is away during the season.  
“Don’t worry about me, I can sleep plenty when I’m no longer here,” Marta smiled, taking a seat next to you in the nursery, “what’s bothering you?” 
You shook your head, as you smiled at your little boy in your arms, “Pierre wants to take the boy to Monza this weekend, and I don’t think it’s a good idea.”  
“That’s not it,” Marta said, as she gave you a look.  A look a mother gives when she knows her child is lying. 
You felt the tears begin to well in your eyes, “he’s our son.” You whisper into the night, like the words are a sin.  You look up at Marta, meeting her kind eyes, her eyes telling you to continue you on.  “He’s our son,” you speak a little louder, as the tears fall, “he’s not just Pierre’s son, he’s my son too.”  
“I see,” Marta hums, nodding her head, “and? Why does that bother you?” 
“He’s all I have left Marta.” You pulled the baby closer to you.  “He’s all I have.”  You took a deep breath, closing your eyes.  You breathed him in, you burned this moment to your memories.  You treat this as if it’s your last moment with your son.  You opened your eyes looking at Marta, “He’s all I have.  You know, when I got pregnant, it wasn’t planned.  It was an accident, me and Pierre had only been together for just under two years.  But we said we were gonna do this, we were gonna have this kid and raise him together.  Pierre makes more money than me.”  You took another deep breath, trying to gather all your thoughts.  “I had a good job, a place of my own, but there was no way I could raise a child by myself, and I couldn’t expect Pierre to move.  He lives in Milan because it’s best for his career, he was set up already.  I gave up all that I had, so he could be in his son’s life, and maintain his career.”  
“You regret that?” 
“No, no, never, Pierre is so good with him.  He’s such a good father,” you smiled at the thought of Pierre with the boy.  “But I’m so scared Marta.” you felt guilty for even speaking your feelings aloud.  “Everything belongs to Pierre.  I live in Pierre’s house, I drive Pierre’s cars, I fly on Pierre’s dime, I am completely dependent on Pierre.  We’re not married, I own nothing, all I have is this boy, and Pierre has all the power to take him away.”  
“You think…” 
“I know,” you spoke quickly, “I know Pierre wouldn’t just randomly kick me out, but that doesn’t mean I don’t fear the possibility.”  You felt the hot strikes of your tears, “If Pierre doesn’t want me anymore, I won’t have anything.  I have no money to my name, I have no job, no place to stay, I have nothing without Pierre.  If he decides he no longer wants me, I have no way to support myself or go back home.” 
“That possibility scares you?” 
“It does, and everytime we argue, he reminds me of that possibility, by saying ‘my son.’  He’s not his son, he’s our son, our child.  Both mine and his, our son, together.” 
“Oh dear,” Marta sighed, as she stood, pulling you close to her standing figure.  
“Is it wrong to be scared?” you asked as you silently sobbed, holding your son closer to you.  
“No dear, it’s not wrong to be scared, it’s the world we live in.”  Marta said, as she held onto you tightly, wishing she could take away your fears.  She wondered where in her lifetime did she go wrong?  Why do the women of today have the same fears as the women of before? 
Little to your knowledge, Pierre had overheard your conversation with Marta.  And he thought how could he be so stupid?  How did he not realize how damaging his words were?  How did he not realize the weight they carried?  How could he allow this to happen?  He mentally slapped himself over and over again for not realizing his mistake.  Our son, the boy, was your’s and Pierre’s son.  
“Pierre, where are we going?” you asked as you sat in the passenger seat, as Pierre drove.  
“To do something I should’ve done a long time ago,” Pierre said, as he pulled into a parking garage.  
“Isn’t this your lawyers’ law firm?” you asked, as Pierre parked the car.  
“Yes,” Pierre answered, as he made his way around the car to open the door for you.  
“What are we doing here?” 
“You’ll see,” Pierre said, taking your arm, as the two of you walked into the building lobby.  You silently followed after Pierre, as he made through the lobby, up the elevator and to his lawyer’s office. You watched him exchange a few words with the man behind the desk, before the two of you took a seat, opposite of the lawyer.  “I’m sorry these changes are a bit spur of the moment, but it’s something I should have done a long time ago.” 
“Since the house is paid off, it was actually really easy changes,” the lawyer spoke before setting down paperwork before you and Pierre.  “I’ll just need you both to sign on the line, and initially at the tabs.” 
“Pierre what is this?” you asked, picking up the paperwork before.  
“I’m putting your name on the house,” Pierre said, as he signed his set of paperwork.  
“What?” you asked, as you threw the papers back on the desk, as if they were burning your hands.  “Pierre this is a big thing, that’s your house…” 
“Our,” Pierre said, correcting your statement.  The one word had you shutting your mouth.  
“Our house,” Pierre said, as he set his paperwork and pen down, “We have a son together, and our son needs a home.  We need a home for our family.  This house can be our home, together.  y/n, I should have done this when you gave up everything for me, for our family together.  I am sorry this is so late, too late, but I want it to be our home together.  This is our life together, none of this mine anymore.”  
You couldn’t wipe the smile from your face even if the devil himself appeared before you.   You signed away at the line and initialed at all the tabs.  You were so grateful that Pierre was willing to share his life with you.  “You know, you could’ve just asked me to marry you,” you joked as you and Pierre made your way back to the car.  
“I am, I’m just going to do it right,” Pierre smirked at you, “plus it actually doesn’t cost money to add someone’s name to the deed of a house, when the house is paid off.”
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 27 days
gruvia drabble
author’s note: HI!!! ok so im here. im risen. im inspired. here’s something FUNNYYYY about the inspo for this… so its based off of a theory from an anti gr*via post LMAOOO this feels soooo bitchy but i swear to GOD it is not a call out it is just genuinely something that gave me inspiration. so basically an anti said that gray doesnt actually have feelings for juvia and he is just saying that he does because he feels indebted to her for saving his life. sorta kinda something like that. im not gonna go back and look bc tbh i may have blocked the account? JFJDKDJDJ idk. anyways. here’s this. you’ll see where my heads at in a sec bc ur probably like “ok so how tf is that gonna be a gruvia fic” just WAIT ok my gears are turning. this one is a lot longer (and possiblyyyyyy OOC but in my defense!!!!!!!!! picture how gray would act if he were in an established relationship with juvia. like boyfriend girlfriend. for six months.) than it should have been BUT lets call it even for my million year hiatus. ENJOY BABIES!
Although Juvia had hardly gotten any sleep this past night, rolling around in her sheets all night with excitement, she certainly walked with a spring in her step when she eagerly made her way to the local convenience store.
She would’ve been lying if she said she hadn’t thought about setting up camp outside the little shop that night so that way she could hold those glorious, glossy, pieces of paper bound together by glue as soon as physically possible. Fortunately, she was reasoned with when Gray quickly pointed out the ridiculousness of the notion after she had brought it up to him as a genuine idea.
Making sure to get up bright and early the day of the big release would do. As long as she would be the first person in the store with the very first copy of that week’s edition of Sorcerer Magazine in her hands, she would be content.
Naturally, Gray initially rejected the idea. It was so completely and irrevocably unlike him. An interview about himself, just him, was a tall order, but an interview with him and Juvia, as a couple? There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell. For Gray, opening up to the people closest to him was hard enough. Even finally getting the nerve to ask Juvia on a date was something that took a great deal of time and effort. Things so personal like this were hard for him.
All these years in Fairy Tail, and he’s hardly spoken more than a few sentences to Sorcerer Magazine, let alone sitting down for a tell-all interview.
Unfortunately for him, his enthusiastic water mage was over the moon when Sorcerer Magazine reached out to them for an interview.
Public displays of affection were never Gray’s strong suit, and after finally realizing his feelings for Juvia, he still isn’t a fan. As much as he would deny it, he had become quite a softy with Juvia behind closed doors, but as soon as those doors open, he retreats back to his shell-like and cool exterior.
Even after a good six months of dating, Juvia really didn’t mind. It’s not like he acted like he didn’t know her. They went on dates, they were finally an official item, and he would even do subtle things like resting his hand lightly on her leg under the table at the guild hall or give a “Love you, see you later” loud enough for Happy to hear even knowing he’ll snicker and tease Gray about it for the next few minutes.
All in all, they were both content with the amount of their relationship they let others see.
So something like an interview with a very popular magazine would certainly throw a wrench in all of that for Gray.
But Juvia begged, and begged, and begged, and finally, once they came to an agreement about the types of questions they would answer and the depth of their answers, Gray agreed to the interview. After all, it would make her happy, and he was comfortable enough with himself and his self esteem at this point to be able to do this for her.
Juvia was elated with how the interview went. Of course, she had done most of the talking, but she was happy to do so. She tried her best to hold back on doting too much as to save Gray some embarrassment, and she thought she mostly succeeded. Even when questions got a little personal, like asking about how Juvia got the scar on her side (of course, with her new stripping habit when in battle, her scar is easily visible for large enough periods of time), she answered as succinctly and lightly as possible while still giving an honest answer.
So to say the headline that Juvia saw that morning plastered on the front of that cold and stiff magazine was horrifying was an understatement.
“Gray and Juvia: Girlfriend or Guilt Trip?”
Juvia wasn’t sure how many times the clerk at the store had asked “Miss? Are you alright?” before her consciousness finally came back into this orbit. She blinked for the first time in what may have been minutes, and looked up at the clerk. Without giving a reply, she looked back down at the magazine, and saw the picture they used, which was Juvia clinging to Gray, wrapped around his arm.
Gray’s face in the picture became warped by a water droplet hitting the cover, and then another droplet, and then another. It wasn’t until she looked back up at the clerk who looked even more concerned than before that she realized those water droplets came from her eyes.
“Sorry.” She quietly said as she handed the magazine to the cashier so he could scan it, handed him a bill of some value that she wasn’t entirely sure of, took the magazine back into her trembling hand, and left the store without getting her change.
Juvia got back to her apartment even quicker than she got to the store that morning. Every part of her mind told her not to do it, not to read the magazine, but then why did she buy it? Her brain screamed at her to put it down, not to go to the page of that article, but then why did her fingers frantically flip to page 14, just as instructed on the cover?
Each word was not only a dagger to Juvia’s very soul, but also a twisted reasoning and explanation, that Juvia fully believed by the end of her read. She couldn’t quite make the words into sentences or the sentences into paragraphs but as she buried herself in her covers, some phrases repeatedly burned into her mind and punched her in the gut such as “clingy”, “desperate”, and “leech”.
The worst part of it all weren’t the attacks at Juvia, but it was what this all meant for Gray. He was trapped.
He was her prisoner.
A prisoner that was bound to her out of a crippling feeling of guilt and sense of responsibility.
She may have been in her bed writhing in agony and mortification over these words for hours until a bang on her apartment door jolted her back to reality.
“Juvia? You in there?” Said that voice she knew all too well. How could someone’s voice be both such a comfort and a misery? She needed to hear him more than anyone at this moment and yet, she couldn’t bear to hold him hostage for another second.
She hoped if she said nothing, he would go away. But this was not the case.
The door slowly opened. “Juvia? Are you here? I’m coming in.” She winced as his voice got closer, now coming from her living room.
Her apartment wasn’t very big, so he found her in her bedroom in the next few moments. All Gray could see was a lump that was seemingly her body, crunched up into a balled up position, bound under her covers. Not even her face was out.
He stood in her doorway, not wanting to fully intrude “So you are here. Good.” He said calmly. “I was kinda’ worried when you didn’t meet me at the cafe this morning like you said you would.” Juvia then remembered they had plans to get breakfast together, bright and early, so she could gush about their big debut as a couple. Those plans changed
“Oh.” She said softly. “Juvia is sorry Gray-sama.” She tried to speak as clearly as she could knowing her voice was muffled underneath her blanket. “Juvia didn’t feel well this morning.” She lied.
“Oh.” Gray replied. He took a step into the room. “You sick?” He stretched his neck over her a bit to see if he could get any sort of glimpse at her face, but to no avail.
“Yes.” Juvia sniffled, using her congestion from her tears as fuel for her lies. “Juvia thinks it’s just allergies.”
Gray raised an eyebrow. Something was off. “Allergies? Since when do you have allergies?”
Juvia remembered in this moment that lying was not one of her strong suits. She was far too unapologetically herself to ever lie about anything, and she was just plain bad at it. To say she doesn’t have a good poker face would be putting it lightly.
“Well— Um—!” The pitch in her voice jumped with nervousness. “This spring has been a really brutal one! Pollen has been all over the place, and it’s driving Juvia crazy!” She finished with a fake sneeze, sealing her fate.
“It’s November.” Gray said, dryly.
Juvia’s face lit up a red so bright, she was sure she was glowing from underneath her covers.
After a few more moments of no response as Juvia tried to think of her next plot, Gray spoke again. “And I know you wanted to see me at the crack ass of dawn so you could show me the newest Sorcerer Magazine edition.” Gray sat down at the edge of her bed. “Even if you were in an accident that tore off all your limbs, you would’ve been at that cafe, magazine in hand, ready to explode from excitement. There’s no way some sniffles would stop you.”
There was another pause. Juvia meekly responded. “Well. Since Juvia’s body is made of water, it’s actually impossible for me to have all my limbs torn off.”
Gray barely let her finish the sentence. “Juvia!” He snapped back, fed up with the antics.
“And what does it really matter?!” Juvia erupted from her covers, finally revealing her swollen eyes, puffy and blotchy face, and ratted hair to Gray, whose eyes softened with concern. “It’s not like Gray-sama wants to have to wake up at 7:00 AM to meet Juvia for breakfast anyway! Just for Juvia to show you a magazine that I made you be apart of against your will.” Her eyes were welling with tears.
Gray was taken aback. His eyes widened with surprise and confusion. “Well-“
“Don’t deny it.” She cut him off. “We both know it’s true.” Tears dripped down her hot cheeks. “Just like it’s true how Juvia clings to you, and suffocates you, and even forced you into a relationship.”
“Whoa!” Gray sat up straight, and turned himself more to position himself facing her on the bed.
“And I always thought Gray-Sama just finally let Juvia in.” She interrupted him again, and gripped the sheets of her bed within her fists. “But it’s got nothing to do with that.” She looked down and gritted her teeth.
“Gray-sama feels indebted to Juvia since Juvia saved his life.” She clenched her eyes shut, and felt tears melt from her eyes in pools.
Her tense body jolted and almost instantly released tension as she felt Gray’s sturdy hands grab onto the sides of her arms, clutching her.
Juvia opened her eyes and looked up to find him just an arm’s distance’s length from her, staring at her with so much intent it almost looked like anger.
“What the hell are you talking about?” His voice is low and gravelly. Juvia was glad her eyes would cloud with more tears so she didn’t have to see his dark eyes piercing into her. She looked away.
“The magazine.” She pulled one of her arms from Gray’s grasp and pulled the magazine in question out from under the covers where it rotted away with her minutes ago.
Shamefully, she held Sorcerer Magazine out to Gray who promptly took it from her hands. She was brave enough to watch his face as he first locked eyes with the cover, but wasn’t brave enough for anything else. She saw his scowl quickly scan the bold words and looked back down as she squeezed her eyes shut.
This was it. The end. He would see those red capital letters shouting at him, telling him “Run!”, and he would heed the advice. Of course he would. The magazine was right, after all. He would turn to page 14 just as eagerly as Juvia did and read, in gruesome detail, the truth of their relationship. At least after all of this, he would finally be free from her venomous clutches. He would be absolved of all guilt, now that the article plainly told him the truth of their situation. He would no longer have to pretend-
Juvia’s cruel daze was broken by the sounds of Gray tearing the magazine in half.
And then another half, and then one more half for good measure.
“Gray-Sama!” Juvia exclaimed, shocked.
“What a load of shit.” Gray said plainly, but with distinct irritation in his voice.
“But! You didn’t even read the article! It explained how-“
“I don’t give a fuck.” He interrupted and finally made eye contact with her once again once the magazine was finally in enough pieces to do no more harm.
“Well, you should.” Juvia looked down at the shards of Sorcerer Magazine.
“And why is that?”
“Because it all made sense. From start to end. Our relationship. I clung and clung and clung to you, and when I saved your life, you had no choice but to break for me. You felt like you owed me something. And that debt was big enough to do something as crazy as convince yourself that you love me.” Although Juvia explained the situation plainly and logically, her own words were like poison in her mouth, as tears had no choice but to fill her eyes again. She looked up at Gray who was at a loss for words.
This was good. There was nothing left to say. She smiled softly at the thought of their departure, and thus, Gray’s freedom. She knew she needed to swallow her tears, so she did.
“It’s ok.” She shook her head with her smile still curled through her lips. “You don’t have to force yourself to do this anymore. The debt is repaid. These last six months Juvia has spent with you have been filled with enough love to keep me content for a lifetime. We can go back to being friends, and we can both be happy.” Juvia paused and watched Gray’s brow furrow.
“Thank you for everything, Gray-sama. Loving you this closely for this long has been everything Juvia has ever wanted.” She closed her eyes, and a single tear crept through. She smiled thinking about how even though they won’t be together, she will love him for the rest of her life, and that was more than she ever deserved.
“That’s enough.” Was all Gray said as he used one hand to pull her head directly towards him onto his shoulder, and he wrapped the other around the middle of her back. They were positioned awkwardly because of how they were sat on the bed, but Gray didn’t care or even notice.
“Have you officially lost your mind?” Was his next question, and his tone was still low, but a bit softer.
“Eh?” Juvia was at a loss for words. How did she en up in his arms?
“I knew this stupid interview was a bad idea.” He grumbled, talking to himself, but obviously for Juvia to hear. “It’s a magazine. Of course they would twist our words into whatever made for a juicier story.”
“Juvia,” Gray cut her off and sighed. He grabbed her by her shoulders, putting her back at arm’s length, and looked directly at her. “Here’s the truth.” He said certainly. Juvia’s eyebrows clenched with confusion.
“I’m not with you because I feel like I owe you anything. I’m with you because you’re clingy, you’re relentless, and you’re obnoxious about what you want, which is me.” Gray was serious. Juvia looked down in embarrassment.
Gray gently swept her bangs out of her face, and his hand traveled to her cheek where he cupped her face. She had no choice but to look back at him.
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way.” He finally smiled, and Juvia’s heart oozed.
“What?” She whispered.
“You’re the most passionate, determined, loyal, genuine, kind person I’ve ever met in my entire life. You were the person who showed me that not only did I deserve love, but I was capable of loving. After all the people I lost, I had walls on top of walls on top of walls. And one by one, you broke each barrier down with a smile in your face.” He used a thumb to swipe away a tear, and Juvia let out a chuckle.
“Never in my life did I think I would think about stuff like romance or love. I was too scared. Now I think about having an actual future with somebody. And I know for sure that somebody is you.” Gray was saying things that Juvia only heard in her wildest dreams.
“Really?” Juvia grabbed onto the hand that held her face.
Gray nodded. “The way you’ve loved me has showed me how to love, Juvia. It took me awhile to get that, but I got it.”
He paused. He looked at the shred of magazing beneath him. “Not only is the person who wrote this article too stupid to know that I would never do something I don’t want to do or be with someone I don’t want to be with, but they’re also too stupid to know that you are the best thing in my life. A ‘guilt trip’ couldn’t be further from the truth.”
Juvia smiled, and instinctively her hand reached down for her scar, remembering how her sacrifice to save Gray’s life was what brought forth that term. Guilt trip. Gray took note of her hand placement, and knew she was thinking about this.
“Yes, you saved my life, and that may have been the moment that changed everything for me— for us, but not because I felt like I owed you, but because seeing how close I came to losing you made me realize that life is short. And up until then, I had spent all that time pushing everything off when I should’ve been letting you in. That moment made me finally realize that.” He looked at her deeply. “And I know I love you.”
“I love you too, Gray-sama.” Juvia finally allowed herself to melt in his arms, and he wrapped her up in his warm embrace.
“Y’knowww~” Juvia almost sang. “Saying you see a future with Juvia is practically the same thing as a proposal.” She snuggled closer into him.
“Alright, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Gray reflexively replied.
Juvia giggled and nuzzled even further into Gray’s chest. “Thank you, Gray-sama.”
Gray and Juvia held each other for a little while longer as the discards of Sorcerer Magazine crumpled and bunched up within the covers where they sat, but they didn’t care.
They let the words be buried beneath them.
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so, i was thinking about tate fitting into the yandere trope (more than he already does lol) and being extremely obsessed with reader and when he decides to tell her about his feelings she tells him she's already in love with someone else. tate doesn't accept that, cause if he cant have her, nobody else cant
oh, i had fun with this one. hope you like it :)
His Obsession
Tate Langdon x f!reader
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warnings: murder, torture, hints of smut, hints of suicide, stalking, very bad obsession (as the title says lol), abusive relationship, manipulation, idk what else
summary: since the moment he saw you moving in, tate knew you were going to be his. no matter what.
word count: 2.5k
Tate watches as you flip through the pages of your magazine. You’re lying on your bed, music blasting in your ears. Even if he was visible to you, he doubts you’d even know he’s there. You’re too busy looking at pictures of clothes and celebrities. You hum along to the song playing, your voice soft like velvet. What once made his invisible heart race now makes him sick. He feels a tear roll down his cheek as he watches you. How can you be so content? How?
He’s been watching you for months, half of it without your knowledge. He knew the second he saw you moving in with your family he needed to have you. He remembers watching you unpack boxes, making what used to be his room now yours. Within the first week of you being there, he warned every other ghost in the house to stay away. You are his, only his.
The first time he revealed himself to you, he pretended to be the boy next door. He remembers the look on your face as if it were yesterday. You stared at him with a look that made him almost feel as though he were alive again. It was like heaven. You let him hang out with you in your room, the connection between the two of you forming immediately. He remembers how easily you opened up to him, and how within only a week you wanted to be his friend. It went just as he planned.
On Halloween he took you out to the beach, it was the best night of his life. He often thinks back to how that night went. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore as you opened your legs for him for the first time. You were so willing, it almost made him angry. But he knew it must’ve been hard to resist him for that month before Halloween, so he gave you a pass on it.
He remembers everything about that night. The way you told him he was the sweetest boy you’ve ever met, the way you looked at him as though he was the only boy in the world. Even though he was the one who kissed you, you didn’t object for one second. In fact, you were the one who laid back on the towel and started to slide your pants off. He remembers how gentle he was with you, how he almost let it slip that he was in love with you. The way you made him feel that night was a feeling he never felt before in life or death. You were so warm, so tight. He could barely contain himself. It was everything he had dreamed of and more.
After that night, his obsession only grew. Suddenly, almost every time the two of you saw each other, you had sex. He thought you were in love with him too, so he let it happen. At least, that’s what he tells himself. Each time you came on to him, he felt like he was floating. You wanted him. You wanted him to do things to you that were special, that made two people as close as they could be. It felt like an honor.
“Oh Tate,” you’d moan. “You’re perfect.”
He would look at you, no matter what position, and think about how lucky he was to be with you. You were the girl of his dreams, his obsessions. He loved you more than anyone. If he could, he would die for you, he would kill for you. Both without a second thought. Even now, he still would.
Right now, he wipes the tear that fell down his cheek and reveals himself. He walks over to you, tapping you lightly. You flinch, but once you realize it’s him you smile and take off your headphones, patting the spot next to you on the bed for him to lay.
“Have you been here long?” You ask.
Tate shakes his head and gets onto your bed. “No, not really.”
“Oh, that’s good. All I’ve done today is be lazy. I actually thought about calling you but then my mom gave me this to read,” you say. You turn your head and he watches as you really look at his face. “Were you crying?”
“No, just allergies,” he lies.
“Are you sure?”
He nods. “I uh just came here to talk about what you said last time we saw each other.”
“Yeah...” you say, your smile disappearing. “I’m really sorry for that, I just thought you should know about him.”
“Who is he?” Tate asks. He doesn’t know whether he wants to cry or kill somebody. Perhaps he wants both.
“Just a guy from one of my classes. I don’t really know how it happened, we just clicked. Don’t think this means I don’t want to stop talking though Tate, of course I still want to see you. I just think we should strictly only be friends, nothing like what we were doing,” you answer.
Tate scoffs. “What we were? I thought we were in love, I thought you were my girlfriend. You told me you loved me.”
“And I do love you Tate, just not in the way you love me. You’re like my best friend, of course I have love for you,” you reply, only making the anger build inside him.
“You don’t hook up with your best friend,” he says. He stands up, his anger taking control. He runs his hands through his hair, he needs to calm down. “You told me you needed me. You told me I was your perfect boy. How is that friendly?”
You sit up, looking ashamed. “I don’t know. Maybe I thought I was in love with you but then I met Jake.”
Tate takes a deep breath before climbing back on the bed and taking your hands in his. You look him in the eye, guilt all over your face. He can’t help but want to kiss you. He wants all of this to be some sick joke, he wants you to take it back. How could you have him convinced the two of you were in love for months then one day say that’s never what it was? How could a person do that? More specifically though, how could you do that to him?
“I’m sorry Tate,” you mumble. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
“So, take it back y/n, forget about this guy and stay with me. I want you to be mine, forever, I can’t ever just be your friend,” he replies.
You shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. “That can’t happen, it would never work out.”
“Yes, it would. Y/n, I will never let anyone, or anything hurt you, I’ll love you till the end of time I swear,” he argues. He lifts one of his hands and gently wipes a tear from your face. “Please.”
“Tate...” you whisper.
He doesn’t think before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. He needs this, even if it’s the last time it ever happens. It’s no surprise that you don’t push him away, he knows you can’t help yourself either. Your lips move slowly against his. Both of you are crying now, your tears mix. But after only a few minutes he pulls away.
“You want me too, you know you do deep down,” he mumbles.
“It wouldn’t work, we’re not a good fit.”
“Your mind has been poisoned by that other guy; did you tell him about me?”
You nod.
“He just wants to turn you against me, he’s jealous of what we have,” Tate whispers.
His eyes are soft, tears still streaming down his face. He almost lets out a sob when you reach out and touch his face. Your sweet hands could never hurt a fly. He wraps his arms around you and pulls your body against his in a hug. It’s comforting, he loves how warm you are. He can hear your heart beat, it’s beautiful. He lies the two of you back down on the bed, his head resting on your chest.
“I can’t keep fighting without you,” he says.
“I know,” you reply. You move your fingers through his blond curls, he feels at peace.
“You make the bad thoughts go away, you make me feel normal,” he continues in a soft tone. “If you leave me, I don’t know what I’ll do.”
He looks up at you and sees how hard you’re trying not to cry. It pains him. He moves on top of you, his face hovering over yours. Your eyes are full of so many emotions, Tate can’t read them all. He leans down once again and kisses you. There are so many emotions flowing through the both of you and they all come out in this kiss. But this time, it becomes more than just a kiss.
Soon enough the two of you are doing what you do best, and even though he’s hurt Tate still can’t get enough of it. He slides inside of you gently, just like the first time. You drag your fingernails across his back, your head thrown back. Tate loves the expressions that form on your face, so fucking pretty.
He leans his head down so his lips are right next to your ear and whispers under his breath, “No one will ever make you feel as good as this, never.”
You don’t reply.
The first day you bring that guy over Tate watches darkly from the shadows. He hears what you say to him, the same things you used to say when the two of you were together. It makes him sick. He thought you changed your mind, but the day after everything went down you went back to your previous choice. You want Jake, not Tate. But he’s not going to let that happen.
When he goes to use the bathroom Tate strikes. He knocks him out with one swift blow to the head and drags his body down the stairs and into the basement. He ties him up in a chair and takes his phone, quickly texting you saying he had to go home early. Tate knows you won’t go down into the basement; it’s always scared you. He’s glad.
The guy, Jake, wakes up after ten minutes. He starts screaming, but his mouth is duct taped shut. He wiggles in the chair, it amuses Tate. He moves so fast the chair almost falls over, that’s when Tate emerges from the shadows. Jake stares at him, his eyes wide.
“I bet you’re wondering why you’re here right now,” Tate starts, Jake tries to rip out of the duct tape. “I can understand wanting her, I want her too. She’s the prettiest, sweetest, most wonderful girl I think either of us will ever know.”
He walks close to Jake, his dark eyes locked on him. “Only one of us can have her though and it’s going to be me. You see, once she starts to realize you aren’t returning her calls anymore, she’s going to be upset, and she’ll run back to me so fast you’ll just be a bad memory.”
Jake squirms in the chair as Tate walks back into the darkness. He returns within seconds though, a bloody stained hammer in his hand. The boy in the chair screams into the duct tape, it almost makes Tate smile. He walks to him again, stopping only a foot away.
“She’s mine, and you’re going to die with that thought in your head.”
With that, Tate starts to smash the hammer into the other boy's head, the sound of his skull cracking like music to his ears. He doesn’t go too hard though, no. He wants him to suffer. He smashes his kneecaps, his elbows, all while the poor boy is still alive. But when he gets too close to being dead Tate stops and drags his body outside, being careful so you won’t see. He throws the boy's body over the fence into Constance's yard, his spirit won’t even be able to reach you.
After he’s done, he cleans himself up and returns into the house, a smirk on his lips. You’re his again, he knows it.
“Tate, can I ask you something,” you speak.
The two of you are in your bed again, you’re lying on his chest. It’s been a week since he killed your boyfriend, and so far, he thinks he’s gotten away with it. The boy’s face was too mutilated to identify at first sight, and besides that Tate hasn’t heard his identification on the news or from you. He thinks it may be his perfect crime.
“Anything,” he says after a few seconds.
You sit up, covering your chest with the blanket. You look nervous. “Um, I know this may sound crazy but, did you kill Jake?”
“What?” Tate replies. How did you find out?
“That body in Constance’s yard, it was Jake,” you answer.
“Why would you assume it was me? Of course, I didn’t kill him that would be crazy,” he lies, pretending to be offended at your accusation.
“You were the only one who had a problem with him Tate, and you live right near my house. Listen I won’t- I won’t turn you in just tell me the truth,” you explain.
Tate sits up too and looks you in the eye. “Why does it matter? You’re back with me y/n, and since he’s been gone there haven’t been any issues between us. I thought you were happy.”
You scoff and get out of bed. “Tate you killed an innocent boy!”
“So what? We are happier without him; we are happier together. Whether I killed him or not those are the facts.”
“Are you serious?” You ask, a horrified expression on your face. “Did you do this so I would fuck you again?”
“No!” he exclaims, getting out of bed on the other side. “I did it so we could be together, I did it because I love you y/n. I love you way more than that jerk ever could.”
You pull on a t-shirt and underwear before heading toward the door. “This can’t be happening.”
Tate quickly pulls on his boxers and follows you. You’re about to open the door but he slams it shut with his hand. He towers over you from behind. He can see your hands are shaking, you’re afraid of him. He can’t have that.
“I’m not going to hurt you y/n, I would never hurt you,” he says softly.
“You’re a killer.”
“You love me, and deep down you’ve known what I’m capable of.”
You begin to cry. “How could I have been so stupid?”
“You aren’t stupid,” he tries to comfort you. He wraps his arms around your torso in a tight hug.
“Yes, I am, I fell in love with a monster,” you mumble.
Tate holds you close, his lips kissing the top of your head. It’s all coming together, he thinks. He knows you’re going to kill yourself soon, you can’t handle this. Once you’re dead he’ll finally be able to tell you the truth of this house. But by then you won’t be able to get out.
If he can’t have you, no one else will.
why did i just realize this can kinda be a prequel to a cruel punishment???
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grievedeeply · 2 years
ok, i have a VERY weirdly specific scenario i thought of which i thought would make a great imagine.
hear me out, maybe the reader has a sort of scenario the same as arisu after the queen of hearts game where he’s in the bar with karube and chota, except maybe its the reader saying her last goodbyes to karube who she dated before the games?
idk if that’s not what type of request you’re looking for, just a weird scenario i thought of!
this has me shaking and crying and punching the air. karube has been one of, if not my favorite character, in the entire show, so this punched me in the gut 😭 thanks for the request and for breaking my heart anon.
if you want extra heartbreak listen to this playlist i listened to on repeat while i wrote this. it's my own so i'm biased but i think it fits with this :"( edit. i wrote this entire thing and then tumblr deleted it soooo forgive me if this is bad
gn!reader | tags: @hawkins-hs @energeticsirens @fiona782 | join my taglist!!!
tws: a lot of angst. main character death, bittersweet ending. no pronouns used but reader has long hair and karube says beautiful
your happy ending — karube daikichi
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your heart had felt empty for a long time.
though, you would be lying if you said that you didn't let out a sigh of relief when mira died. not because you wanted her to. no matter how cruel she was.. no one deserved a death like that. not even her. a part of you felt like she was a victim too. if you were honest with yourself.. she probably was. even though it felt good to be free of the hell you found yourself in for so long, you thought of her. kyuma, too.
you remembered chishiya, who had gotten shot twice trying to protect the people he cared about. he wouldn't have done that before. he was so.. different. things had changed within him. he was becoming even more difficult to read.
you thought of arisu, who stood shakily next to you, holding usagi's hand in his own. the two of them deserved their own happy ending— and you were certain that they would get it now.
a happy ending.. right.
you wouldn't be getting one of those.
you were unlucky. you knew that. you felt it from the moment you had your first coherent thought.
but he was.. he was lucky.
he was your good luck charm. your sweetheart. he was your everything, and now he was gone. you could only picture his beautiful face in your mind. his smile and his generous heart lived on only in your memories.
you wouldn't get your happy ending with him.
the world was cruel. you were well aware of that fact, too. the universe always took the kindest people first, and you wished that it were you instead of him that had died that day.
you looked towards arisu, and somehow, you could tell he was thinking about him too. karube and chota, both. they were his closest, most trusted friends. they died.. and he lived. he would have to live with that guilt for the rest of his life. no matter how many times you reassured him that it wasn't on him, he wouldn't listen. he was too stubborn.
"now, all surviving players will be given a choice." the voice had sounded like nails on a chalkboard now, but still, you looked towards the sky and paid attention. "please select whether you will accept permanent residence in this land, or if you will not." the voice rang through your mind, and you let out yet another sigh of relief.
"i.. don't think i'm going to." you spoke up, turning your head to look at arisu and usagi. his grip on her hand tightened and you felt a pang in your heart. you could only wish that things were different.
"i.. don't want permanent residence." usagi breathed out, a warm and gentle smile on her lips as she stared at arisu. he repeated her sentence back to her, with an expression on his face that you could only assume was similar to hers.
you felt as though time had stopped for a moment.. and you closed your eyes.
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"are you sleeping?"
you blinked a few times, trying to force your eyes open. you recognized where you sat. it was karube's couch. one you found yourself visiting more often than you'd like to admit. his apartment was a safe haven for you. he had told you once to come whenever you like, and you took his words literally, even if he probably didn't mean it at the time.
your eyes focused, and you looked around. everything was the same. the tv that sat in front of you, the messy kitchen in the corner of your eye. what was happening?
you turned your head, expecting to be met with the door that had led to the balcony, but you were greeted with something much better.
your boyfriend's face.
he had a playful smile etched across his face, and your expression softened. your eyes widened. you felt the urge to reach out for him. was it a dream? was he still with you? "come on, i don't have you speechless already, do i?" your boyfriend's voice rang out as clear as day in your ears, and you let out a shaky breath. was this a dream? a nightmare? a game to physiologically torture you?
"daikichi?" you finally uttered his name, and he nodded. he was just as beautiful as the last time you'd seen him though.. this time he had something of an ethereal glow. you were probably imagining it, too focused on his presence to care about things that didn't make sense.
"oh, daikichi.." you hummed, gathering the courage to reach out for his hand. your fingers didn't move right through him, no. you were met with skin. he was really there, sitting in front of you with that same grin he wore on his face every day.
you could feel tears well up in your eyes at the sight of him, the realization of him being real sinking in after a few moments. "i've missed you so much." you lifted his hand to your lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it gently. it felt as though he would break. "mm. don't want blurry vision." he chuckled, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs, "i missed you too." he chuckled, quickly taking you into his arms after looking into your eyes for a few seconds.
you sank into his touch, your arms easily wrapping around his neck as they had done so many times before. this couldn't be a game, you told yourself. he was really there in front of you. you pulled away from the hug after a few moments of sitting in silence, your eyes closed as you took him in.
your gaze flickered back and forth between his lips, and he raised an eyebrow, "come on. kiss me."
you leaned towards him suddenly, pushing him back against the couch. you pushed yourself up, your hands resting on either side of his head. you admired him, taking in every detail of his face. his smile, his eyes.. everything. after another few seconds, you pressed your lips to his. his hands rested on your waist, holding you tight. it was almost as though this would be your last kiss. you didn't think about that. he was real, and you would enjoy the moment. he squeezed your sides, humming contently against your lips.
he pulled away first, easily slipping his hand to your face. he brushed your hair behind your ear, "so beautiful." he hummed, looking to be in a daze as he stared up at you. you only laughed, nudging him playfully as you sat back up. you pulled him up with you, enjoying his touch for as long as you could.
"i don't want this to end." you told him, and suddenly the smile on his face was replaced with a frown. small, yet noticeable. "what's that look for?" you asked after a moment, and he pursed his lips.
"you have to let me go." he spoke, his eyes meeting yours. "what are you talking about?" you laughed breathlessly, furrowing your eyebrows. "you know." karube replied without missing a beat, gesturing to his neck. "no.. no." you whispered out to him, your throat feeling dry. "it was over, daikichi.. it was over." you continued, shaking your head.
"i know, baby," he muttered, taking one of your hands in his as a way to attempt to comfort you. "but you have to let me go." he spoke again, and you shook your head. "i can't. i can't.. i can't just let you go. i can't do it." you countered, and he let out a sigh, squeezing your hand.
"you remember our first date?" he asked, seemingly out of nowhere as he noticed the tears forming in your eyes. you nodded, blinking a few times. why would he bring it up now? "remember i took you to the movies.. i even did that stereotypical movie date move," he chuckled, removing his hand from yours to wrap it around your shoulders, repeating what he had done on your first date together.
"you were so into it that you accepted my offer for a second date." he laughed to himself, squeezing your shoulder with his hand, pulling you closer to his chest. "and i remember this time.. i was so nervous. i never went to fancy restaurants so, i.. i remember putting on that suit and staring at myself in the mirror, telling myself i looked really stupid in that suit." he continued, his voice lowering to a soft whisper.
"then i got there and your eyes nearly popped out of your skull." he nuzzled his head against your own, and you rolled your eyes. "no, they did not. i just said you looked good." he laughed at your words, but shook his head. "you should've seen your face, baby. i swear, your eyes were so far out of your head. your jaw was on the floor."
"oh, come on." you muttered, forgetting entirely about what had happened before. "it was not. you just have a massive ego."
"one that you fueled with that expression." he shrugged, lips pressed together in a smile. you rolled your eyes, and you fell silent.
"i don't.. want to let you go, daikichi."
"i know you don't." he took in a shaky breath. "if it were up to me.. i'd keep you here forever and we'd live in our own little world."
"why can't we do that?" you asked, a frown forming on your face as you looked up into his eyes. the look in your eyes was nearly enough for him to start crying himself.
"it's not your time yet." he replied. "you have a whole life to live. and.. when it's over, i'll be right here." he hummed as though his words were some that were spoken every day, and you pulled yourself out of his grip to look at his face.
"i can't just let you go. i can't do it."
"i'm not asking you to forget about me. about us," he said, "the live we could've had." he looked away from you and out the window, reaching into his pocket.
he pulled out a small box, and you furrowed your eyebrows. he turned his attention back to you after a few seconds of contemplation.
"i had everything planned out," he whispered, opening it with a bittersweet smile. inside was a ring.. a beautiful one, one that you assume he'd picked out himself. "i had this entire proposal planned. it was gonna be at the bar. obviously." he shrugged. "where we first met. i had a speech. i was ready and willing to confess my love to you in front of all of those people." he laughed breathlessly, blinking a few times.
"the marriage? i had the perfect image in my mind. i would've had two best men.. because i knew i wouldn't be able to pick between chota and arisu," he laughed, "and i would be wearing that same suit that i wore when you fell in love with me."
"oh, please."
"what?" he chuckled.
"i didn't fall in love with you when you were wearing that suit."
"when did you, then?"
"right when i met you," it was your turn to shrug, "i saw you behind the bar and thought to myself.. i have to try. i have to get his number or something. you asked me for mine first, so i didn't have to." you laughed at the memory.
you remembered how he looked that day. you remembered his smile as you walked into the bar, directed right at you. you could feel your heart skip a beat at the sight of him.. and it was then, you knew.
"you really wanted to marry me?" you spoke up again after the room fell silent. "of course i did." karube replied without hesitation. "you were the only one for me. and you still are."
"but you still have to let me go," he continued with his previous conversation. "i don't want you to forget all of that. i always want you to think of me and get all flustered.. have that same silly grin on your face like you always did when you saw me." he chuckled.
"i want you to feel okay moving on. you deserve to.. to live a happy life with someone else. you don't need a dead boyfriend holding you back from that happiness."
you had nothing to say to that.
"you promise me that you'll at least try? i want you to be okay with someone else other than me." karube continued even with your lack of a response, and you nodded wordlessly.
"good," he pulled you close to press a kiss to your forehead. "and when the time's right.. i'll be right here waiting for you." he reassured you with a smile, and you found the strength to return it.
were you foolish for believing he was alive, even if it was for a split second?
"you'll have your happy ever after." he whispered, taking your face in his hands. "i promise." he chuckled, noticing your worried expression. "i'll find you again, baby. i will." karube reassured you with a gentle smile, and all you could do is nod.
you took his hands in yours, leaning forwards to kiss him again. he met you in the middle, his eyes closing as soon as your lips touched his. you melded together perfectly.. in every way. he was your soulmate. there was no erasing that.
you wouldn't ever be as happy with anyone else as you were with him. you knew that. but he wanted you to feel okay moving on, and you knew that, at some point, you would be.
he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
"i love you." he whispered.
"i love you more."
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your entire body was sore. you noticed that as soon as you opened your eyes and were met with the blinding lights of the hospital room you laid in.
the silhouette of a nurse stood next to you, and she greeted you with a warm smile. "how are you feeling?" she asked you politely, looking up at the screen in front of her to check your heart rate before returning her eyes to you. "everything hurts." you mutter, and you earn a laugh from her. "we can take care of relieving some of the pain but.. for now," her smile turned into a bittersweet expression.
"i am sorry for your loss."
you felt a pang in your heart at your words, and you finally looked into her eyes. you felt so weak. so.. frail.
"he had this," she held a small box in her hand out to you, "in his pocket. the paramedics insisted you have it." she whispered out to you. "he seemed like a kind young man."
"he was." you cut her off before she could say anything else, taking the box out of her grip after a few seconds of staring at it.
"i'll.. leave you alone. press this button if you need anything, okay?" her voice was kind, and you managed to send a small smile her way before she shut the door to your room behind her.
you knew what it was. you had seen it..
you opened the box and the same ring karube had shown you was inside. you couldn't help but to laugh, letting your head fall back on the pillow for a moment. you forced yourself up again, taking it completely out of the box.
"yes." you whispered to the sky, slipping the ring onto your finger with a bittersweet smile.
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junkdayz · 15 days
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reader x Femboy Dosie (Purple Kiss)
College!AU, Roomates!AU, some Smut!
(lowkey gave up on this and idk why)
Tags: male reader, gay sex, genderbent, femboy, male on male, breeding kink, CMNF, (lots of) cock stroking, creampie, passionate sex, ass sniffing, quickie, (a little) rimjob, switching
It was a placid Friday evening. My roommate dosie and I were spending it the way we always did: sitting on our couch with our feet on the coffee table. I was watching TV, while dosie was scrolling on his phone while toying with short black hair.
His girly hairstyle was the first, but definitely not the last, of his many feminine features. When I moved in with him, he instantly noticed I was surprised by the fact he looked more like… well, a girl, than a boy. He was a “sissy”, he’d explained, the bovine equivalent of a femboy.
I also use the cowboy emoji a lot, but that’s unrelated , he’d said.
“Wanna hang out tonight?” he asked.
I opened my mouth to answer, but before any sound could escape it, my phone buzzed against the glass surface of the coffee table. Beep-beep-boop! It chimed. dosie recognized the custom sound for chaein, the girl I’d been dating for the past two months.
“You’re still seeing her?!” He asked, bewildered.
“Of course, why do you sound so surprised?”
“She checks on you once every two weeks. Don’t you think that’s… suspicious?”
“She just wants to take it easy, man. When we started dating she had just broken up with her long time boyfriend.”
Beep-beep boop! I grabbed the phone. chaein wanted us to dine at a really fancy restaurant tonight, and she wanted to do it with a beautiful red dress she’d bought that day. It looks beautiful, doesn’t it? I better it’d look even better on my floor…
“Pfft.” dosie scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“It isn’t nice to peep at other people’s screens. But since you have, I suppose you can guess I’m gonna need the apartment tonight.”
“Yeah, sure. You’re gonna need it alright, just like every other time you spent a fortune to take her out and she refused to come in.”
“I’m not denying she’s a high-maintenance girl, but she’s worth it. Have you seen her?”
“Oh, I have.” He said through his teeth. “I’ll just go to the club with my friends, you have fun here.”
The disapproval on dosie’s face turned to pity when he came back to find me lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling with my hands joined at my chest. Catatonic, almost.
“I take it she found an excuse not to come in, uh?” He said, sitting by my side. “She’s just leading you on, sweetie.”
“No. She just… didn’t feel like it was right, yet. I just have to try harder.”
“Man, I may be a cow, but you’re the one getting milked here.” He sighs. “No matter how shittily she treats you or how many times I warn you, you’ll never give up on her, right?”
“Let it be known I did not want to do this, but my hand was forced.”
He offered me his phone and I got up to a sitting position to take it. The screen was so bright it took me a second to focus those splotches of color into a picture, but I wished I hadn’t done it. Because it was a picture of chaein, with her ex-boyfriend, having a coffee at the place where dosie worked as a waiter. It was followed by a second picture of them extending over the table to kiss.
“I think I’m going to cry.” I said, tears already streaming down my cheeks. “I’m a moron, am I not?”
“Oh, sweetie,” dosie said, caressing my back and patting my thigh. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but… you had to know. You are such a great dude, I know you deserve a woman who will give you all you deserve and more.”
“Thanks… really. Thank you.”
“You deserve a woman who’ll love you. Or… you know… maybe not a woman.”
“What do you mean?”
He scooted closer to me, so close I could feel the air exhaling from his snout. “Maybe… a guy could be good for you? A femboy, even?”
I looked into his eyes, which were as big and pleading as a puppy’s trying to get picked out of the litter.
“I like you, more than chaein ever could. I’ve liked you for a long time, and I know I could treat you the way you deserve. I know you could treat me the way I deserve, as well, and I’d never take advantage of you..”
I can barely parse the words coming out of his mouth. First, chaein cheated on me, now my best friend is trying to date me. I feel like a boxer that took one too many blows to the head.
“dosie, I like you too.” I say, and he lights up. I wince, knowing what’s next. “But just as a friend.”
“But–but–” he staggers as I take his hand off my chest and hold it gently. “No buts. It’s fine. It’s cool. I’m sorry for pushing it on you right now. It was pretty scummy of me, that’s true….”
“Woah! Calm down.” Now he was the one crying. I took a tissue out of the box on the table to wipe away his ruined makeup. “You’re not garbage, and I’m very flattered you like me that way. It’s just that I’m not gay, you know?”
“I–I know. It’s just that I had to shoot my shot. You understand, right?”
“I do. Wanna watch trashy 2AM reality tv and eat ice cream to feel better?”
He nodded.
And so we spent the rest of our night cuddled up together on the couch while we both could still feel the grooves of our tears on our cheeks. He used my chest as a pillow, which made me think about how we were always touching and holding each other, almost as if we’d already been a couple the whole time. It certainly wasn’t a level of intimacy I could have mustered for anyone except him. He was very special to me, and I did like him a lot.
But liking him was only one part of the puzzle, right? If we started dating, I’d have to do much more than just hang out with him, or hold his hands, or even kiss him. I would have to love him the way he wanted and deserved to be loved, and I didn’t know if I was capable of that.
dosie had fallen asleep on me and was drooling all over my shirt. I chuckled quietly, not wanting to wake him up, and gently lowered his hand on the armrest so he could use it as a pillow. But as I was about to step away, he tugged at my pants.
“I’m here, if you change your mind. I’ll always be.”
And with that, he drifted back to sleep.
The following days, I couldn’t help but gravitate to him more and more. I always found myself stealing glances at him and wanting to be as close to him as possible. I laughed and smiled at everything he said even when it wasn’t funny at all. Most importantly of all, I wanted to touch him. My fingers itched to run through his hair and trace circles on his skin. I wanted to hold him tight to myself and feel his head on my chest just like that night. I wanted him , and I wanted his body, that fat plump ass even.
And so, the next time we were together watching TV, I asked:
“Would you like a foot massage?”
He looked surprised, but quickly went “Why not?” And hoisted his feet on my lap.
I caressed and worked the skin, even reaching under the stirrups of his white socks.
“Oh, I needed that. Work sucked today.” He said, then cooed in appreciation of my massage skills.
“Anything in particular that bummed you out?”
“I’m gonna be extremely petty and tell you… there’s this girl who always orders the biggest, sugariest frappé we have. Every day. And she’s so thin! It’s so unfair, dude.I have to work so hard to look the way I do while Miss Sweet Tooth gets to have her frappé and eat it too.”
“I’m sure she didn’t look even half as good as you do.”
“Oh.” He raised one eyebrow. “And how are you so sure?”
“Because you’re vastly prettier than ninety-nine percent of women in circulation. Much prettier than the bitch I used to date, that’s for sure”
“You’re damn right! But I never thought I’d ever hear you say it.”
“I can be a bit slow sometimes. But I always get there.”
“Oh, do you, now? Words are cheap, mister. Actions are more important.” Having said that, he picked the remote off the coffee table and let it fall theatrically out of his hand.It rolled under the table. “Oops, I’m so clumsy”
He kneeled down and went on all fours to pick it back up, giving me a perfect view of his bubble-shaped ass. His slutty jeans shorts wrapped around it with vacuum tightness, and only the bottom curve of his cheeks peeked from under the blue fabric. Blood rushed to my crotch and my pants tented as my cock grew to full mast. Without even thinking twice, I raised my hand and slapped his ass as hard as I could, making his entire body jolt.
He crawled out from under the table with the corner of his black lips raised in a sly smile. “That wasn’t very straight of you.”
“Maybe I don’t feel very straight.”
I spread my legs to show him how my hard cock was tenting my pants. His eyes went wide seeing my raging erection, and he slid over to me so he could caress my inner thigh and whisper into my ear.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Say it with more confidence, buddy. If you flip flop and break my heart after this, let’s say it won’t be the only thing that’s broken after I’m done with you.”
I laughed. “Yeah, I want to–”
My phone chimed. Beep-beep-boop . Beep-beep-boop. Beep-beep-boop .
I picked it up to silence it, but in doing so the notifications popped up on the screen anyway.
It was just a moment of weakness. I was actually telling him to never see me again. I tried to explain it to your sissy cow bitch. He said I don’t love you as much as he did. You understand what he’s doing, right? He’s pushing us apart because he’s envious of me. Of us.
Please forgive me.
“That’s not true.” dosie said, looking at me with pleading puppy eyes and lowered ears. “I would never sabotage you. Please don’t listen to her. Please–”
“dosie, I know. Don’t worry.”
I dropped my phone on the rug and myself onto my beautiful roommate. My face met his as we had our very first kiss. I pulled him by the waist so that his tongue could have free rein in my mouth. He explored it eagerly, as if he wanted to taste every corner of it. We only unlocked when we couldn’t breathe anymore, a single bridge of saliva connecting my lips to his snout.
“I love you.” I said.
“I love you too.”
“You are beautiful to me… and to everybody else, hell. I just couldn’t see it before. Now, will you turn around for me?”
He did so without a word, putting his elbows on the armrest, chest down, ass up. His breathing was short and ragged, and his whole body shook ever so slightly, eagerly awaiting my next move. My heartbeat drummed in my ears. This was the moment of truth. I’d thrown myself into it headfirst, and if I ended up hurting him, I would never be able to forgive myself.
I grabbed his shorts and pulled them down, revealing the cutest, pinkest asshole I’d ever seen and a fat plump round bubble booty. Under it, a plump, smooth taint, from which hung his ballsack. His testicles were huge and filled it perfectly, shaping it into a tasty-looking peach that made my mouth water. His cock sprouted from it, a half-hardened and still glowing slab of shining dark meat. It surprised me to find out that dosie was more hung than me. It surprised me even more that it just made my cock even harder, so hard my head spun. I didn’t simply want him, I needed him. I cursed myself for not realizing it earlier.
“I’m sorry, that part of me isn’t very cute.” dosie apologized. I spent so much time basking in the beauty of his cock he must have thought I was hesitating. “Never mind what I said before, it’s okay if you wanna stop now. Just—“
Not wanting to hear him be self-conscious even for one more second, I dived forwards and wrapped my lips around his testicles. They easily slipped through my eager lips and inside my hungry mouth.
“Oh my god!” dosie bellowed, and then began groaning and moaning as I sucked his balls and milked his fat, throbbing bull-cock. I only took pauses from painting his cumtanks with my spit to tongue his asshole open.
“Stop, please, stop! I’m gonna…”
His sack tightened and his cock quaked as piping hot cum sped through his shaft and shot all over our couch. I’d stopped pumping him, but dosie needed more stimulation to truly enjoy his orgasm, and so he rutted with my hand-hole, making me spurt precum in my boxers as I observed, as if hypnotized, his balls slapping against my fist each time he thrusted in.
Having fully emptied himself, dosie breathed heavily to replace all the air he’d expelled with his pleasured moaning. His ass was still high up in the air, spread wide, and his asshole winked at me, beckoning me further, murmuring that it was my turn to feel good.
I was so excited I fumbled my belt buckle over and over, and it took all my concentration to undo it and let my trousers ball up to my knees. My cock had never been harder. Waves of excitement ran down my taint and up my spine. Every fiber of my body burned with the desire to make dosie mine. And so I mounted him.
“Please make me into your slut.” dosie begged while my cock prodded his entrance.
"Even better. I’ll make you my boyfriend." I say.
The tension in the air was palpable, a heady mix of desire and something more tender, something that made my chest ache with an unfamiliar longing. I could see it in Dosie’s eyes too—that same mixture of want and uncertainty, as if we were both standing on the precipice of something that could change everything.
When Dosie turned around, offering himself so openly, I felt a rush of emotions—desire, yes, but also a deep, aching need to protect, to cherish, to hold this moment in my heart forever. I stepped closer, my hands trembling slightly as they hovered over Dosie’s exposed skin. There was a part of me that wanted to take, to lose myself in the pleasure that I knew awaited us, but there was also a part of me that wanted to savor this, to make sure that every touch, every movement was filled with the care and affection that I felt but couldn’t quite put into words.
My hands finally made contact with Dosie’s skin, my touch gentle at first, almost hesitant, as if I was afraid that this moment might shatter if I wasn’t careful. But as I felt Dosie shiver under my touch, heard the soft intake of breath, something inside me shifted. I wanted to make this good for Dosie, to show him just how much this meant to me.
I leaned in, pressing my chest against Dosie’s back, my lips brushing against the nape of his neck as I whispered, “You’re incredible, you know that? I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you right now.”
I guided my cock between Dosie’s ass cheeks, the thick, slick shaft sliding easily into the tight, inviting space. I let out a low groan as the tip of my cock brushed against Dosie’s entrance, the friction sending jolts of pleasure through my body. It was a different kind of intimacy, one that spoke of trust and desire, and I couldn’t get enough of it. My grip on Dosie’s waist tightened as I increased the pressure, grinding my cock between those soft, firm cheeks. The slickness from the water and the previous encounters made every movement smooth and fluid, a rhythm that built in intensity with every passing second. I pressed my lips to Dosie’s ear, my voice low and rough. “You feel so good, Dosie… I can’t get enough of you.”
Yet there was a vulnerability in my words that surprised even me, a raw honesty that I hadn’t intended to let slip, but now that it was out in the open, I didn’t want to take it back. I wanted Dosie to know just how deeply I was feeling this, how much this moment meant to me.
As my hands traveled down Dosie’s sides, feeling the way his muscles tensed and relaxed under my touch, I felt a surge of something close to tenderness. I wanted to make sure that every moment, every touch, was filled with the depth of my feelings. This wasn’t just about desire—this was about connection, about the unspoken bond that had been building between us for so long.
I positioned myself behind Dosie, my hands gripping his hips with a firm yet gentle hold. I could feel the tension in my own body, the overwhelming urge to lose myself in the heat and pleasure that awaited, but I forced myself to go slow, to make this as good for Dosie as I could.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” I whispered, my voice low and rough with emotion. “I want this to be perfect for you.”
My breath came out in ragged gasps as I felt Dosie press back against me, the heat of the moment pushing us both into a frenzy. The tension that had been simmering between us finally erupted, and my control slipped as I gripped Dosie’s hips harder, pulling him closer, aligning our bodies perfectly.
With a deep breath, I pushed forward, sliding my massive cock into Dosie’s tightness, the sensation almost overwhelming as I felt his body clench around me. The slick warmth of the shower only heightened the intensity, and I couldn’t hold back a groan as I began to move.
“Fuck,” I breathed out, the word almost lost in the steamy air around us. The sound of our bodies coming together echoed in the small space, a rhythmic, wet 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 as I thrust into Dosie with increasing fervor. The noise was lewd, almost obscene, but it only drove me further, the primal need to claim, to possess, overtaking me.
Each thrust was accompanied by the slap of skin against skin, a sharp, 𝙎𝙈𝘼𝘾𝙆 as my hips met Dosie’s ass, his bubble butt bouncing back with every powerful movement. The wet, rhythmic sounds filled the stall, merging with the groans, moans, and the steady stream of water cascading down our bodies. My body was on fire, every nerve ending alive with pleasure as I continued to drive into Dosie. My hands slid down to his waist, gripping him with bruising force as I quickened my pace, the rhythm of my thrusts growing more frantic. 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙋—the sound was relentless, a testament to the urgency that neither of us could deny.
I could feel Dosie’s body trembling, the way his muscles tensed and relaxed in time with each thrust. My own breath was coming out in sharp, uneven bursts, my heart hammering in my chest as I lost myself in the feeling of Dosie wrapped around me.
With every plunge, I could hear the slick, wet noises of our bodies sliding against each other, the 𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙋 𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙋 of my balls against Dosie’s cheeks as I drove deeper. My foot found purchase on the cold tile of the shower wall, giving me extra leverage to drive into Dosie with even more intensity. My hips snapped forward in a rapid, demanding rhythm, each thrust pushing Dosie forward against the shower wall with a muffled grunt.
I slowed my pace, my breathing evening out as I focused on the sensation of sliding in and out of Dosie’s warmth. I gripped his hips, my thumbs massaging the firm flesh as I thrust steadily, each movement deliberate and deep. As I continued, my pace quickened once more. My breath caught in my throat as I picked up speed, the water from the showerhead creating a misty veil around us. My balls slapped against Dosie’s ass with a wet slapping sound, his fat cheeks jiggling with each thrust. “FUUUUUuuuuuck!!~” I groaned, my voice echoing in the shower. My hips snapped forward with renewed vigor, driving my thick cock deep into Dosie. “Take my fucking dick, bro~”
Dosie couldn’t help but shiver, my every move felt so tempting yet so affectionate. With every touch, every soft brush of my lips against his ear, Dosie felt loved, cherished, even worshiped. Whenever I praised him, he felt his hole twitching uncontrollably. There was something so sexy about the way I was pressing our bodies together, teasing his hole with the tip of my slicked cock in the best possible way. It hadn’t even started yet and Dosie was already weak on his knees, my cock felt so close yet so far. It was intoxicating, he felt like he needed me more than ever now.
As if I could hear his thoughts, I increased the pressure against his hole. It was finally it, Dosie’s nails dug into the wall with anticipation as he felt my cock slowly entering his most sensitive spot. His flesh parted while I made my way into the Korean bimbo, until my cock, still slick with saliva, was finally fully inside. Dosie’s breath caught in his throat, and he let out a desperate moan: he felt so full. Actually, he hadn’t had anything this big for such a long time that he needed to adjust to the size. But what truly mattered was that we were finally forming one, we were more intimate than ever.
This wasn’t only about some sort of primal instinct; it was about a connection. Something so strong that Dosie couldn’t quite put words on it. But whenever I caressed his waist, or kissed the back of his neck, or even praised him, he was shivering uncontrollably. This moment meant so much more than a hookup session to Dosie, and he was glad that I felt the same. Dosie started to relax under my gentle touch, nothing mattered anymore except the overwhelming urge to get fucked by me as soon as possible.
“It’s perfect,” Dosie whispered with a pleading tone. “Please, fuck me more. I want you so bad.”
To show him how much I actually wanted this, Dosie pressed his back against my chest. Forming one was not an option anymore; our bodies aligned in the most perfect way as if we had always been made to work together. I felt Dosie’s breath becoming shaky, and the grip on his waist growing stronger: it was finally about to begin.
The next second, my massive cock was rearranging his guts. The shower stall was invaded with a bunch of obscene sounds that made Dosie’s head spin: our moans, our wet skin coming together at each and every thrust, my balls slapping against his juicy bubble butt, my chest laid flush with his back. My lips were just short of his ear. I hoped its larger size would make it even easier for him to hear me moan straight into his brain as I chanted his name over and over and over. I pounded him hard and rhythmically until the muscles of my thighs hurt, and then I kept going, because I would not let my body stop me from showing my utter and total dedication to him. I know it couldn’t have been that long, but it felt as if I’d been breeding him for hours by the time I was truly too spent to keep going. My cock was aching to burst.
“Please cum inside,” he begged, “please never let me go.”
How could I say no to him? How could I not hilt myself down and explode against his prostate? I desperately poured my love for him inside of his body. Even though my brain knew it was impossible, my heart wanted to impregnate him. I inundated him with my love, and then we collapsed, exhausted. Our bodies tangled together on the couch, and we exchanged our I love you ’s once more.
But the day was still young. As soon as we recovered our forces, we had sex again, over and over. I tasted his dick and he tasted mine. We jerked each other off as we kissed deeply. I slammed his ass over the coffee table and had him ride me like the sissy he was.
The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and yet, amid the raw, primal passion, there was something profoundly tender in the way I held Dosie. Every thrust, every movement was infused with a deeper, almost reverent connection. I could feel it in the way my hands gripped his hips, in the way my breath hitched when I felt him clench around me.
As I continued to move, my pace became more deliberate, more thoughtful. The sheer pleasure of the moment was undeniable, but so was the profound sense of closeness that we shared. It wasn’t just about physical gratification; it was about something much more intimate, something that transcended words.
The warmth of the water cascading down our bodies created a veil of steam around us, a misty barrier that seemed to amplify the intimacy of the moment. My hands slid over Dosie’s skin, tracing the contours of his body with a reverent touch. Every caress, every stroke was a silent declaration of how much I cared for him, how much I wanted this to be more than just a fleeting encounter.
My lips brushed against the back of Dosie’s neck, leaving soft, lingering kisses that spoke of my deep affection. I could feel the tremors that ran through his body, the way he shivered with every touch, every kiss. It was as if my touch was awakening something deep within him, something that had been waiting to be touched, to be cherished.
I leaned in closer, my breath hot against his ear as I whispered, “You’re incredible, Dosie. You make me feel things I didn’t know I was capable of. I want you to know that this moment, this connection—it means everything to me.”
As my cock slid in and out of him, each movement was met with a mixture of passion and tenderness. I could feel the way Dosie’s body responded to me, the way he arched his back and pressed his ass against me, as if trying to draw me deeper. It was a dance of desire and devotion, a rhythm that was both urgent and patient.
My hands traveled up to his chest, feeling the way his heart pounded beneath my fingertips. I could sense the vulnerability in his body, the way he gave himself to me so completely, and it only deepened the connection between us. Every gasp, every moan was a testament to the trust we had built, to the bond that had grown between us.
The sounds of our bodies coming together, the wet, rhythmic slaps and the gasps of pleasure, were a soundtrack to our intimacy. But beyond the physical sensations, there was an emotional undercurrent that made this moment truly special. It was the way we communicated without words, the way our bodies spoke to each other in a language that was both primal and deeply emotional.
I could feel Dosie’s body trembling, his breaths coming in short, uneven bursts. The pleasure was almost overwhelming, and yet, there was a sense of peace in the way we moved together. It was as if we were creating something beautiful, something that transcended the physical act and became a celebration of our connection.
Every thrust, every movement was a testament to how much I cared for him. I wanted this to be perfect for him, to show him just how much he meant to me. As I held him, my grip gentle but firm, I could feel the way his body relaxed under my touch, the way he let go of any remaining tension and allowed himself to be completely present in this moment.
The intimacy we shared was more than just physical—it was a profound connection that spoke of trust, love, and vulnerability. As I continued to move, my breath ragged and my body slick with sweat, I could feel the way Dosie responded to me, the way his body seemed to melt into mine.
In that moment, everything else faded away. It was just the two of us, lost in a world of our own making, where nothing else mattered but the way we felt about each other. The pleasure was intense, but it was the emotional connection that made this moment truly unforgettable. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word was a reflection of how much I cherished him, how much I wanted this to be more than just a fleeting encounter.
The rush of emotions was overwhelming, a tidal wave that crashed over us, pulling us deeper into the shared intensity of the moment. It wasn’t just the physical sensation of being inside Dosie that consumed me—it was the sheer emotional flood that accompanied every movement.
As I moved inside him, each thrust felt like a declaration, a desperate plea to merge our souls as completely as our bodies. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, a rhythmic drum that matched the urgency of our coupling. My breath came in ragged bursts, each gasp a testament to the depth of my feelings. The steam from the water enveloped us, creating a cocoon that seemed to amplify every sensation, every touch. It was as if the world outside had ceased to exist, leaving only the raw, pulsating connection between us.
Every inch of Dosie’s body felt alive under my touch. My hands, now slick with sweat, slid over his skin, tracing the contours of his body with a reverence that spoke volumes. The way his muscles tensed and relaxed, the way he responded to each caress—it was like discovering new depths of intimacy with every movement. My fingers grazed his sides, skimming over the wetness, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his chest.
My kisses traveled from his neck to his shoulders, then down to his back, each one a silent vow of my devotion. I could feel his shivers, the way his body responded to my touch with an intensity that matched my own. Every moan, every gasp was a thread in the intricate tapestry of our shared pleasure. It was as though we were weaving something together, a fabric of emotions that was both exhilarating and profoundly intimate.
As I continued, I felt a surge of urgency, an almost frantic need to express every ounce of my affection. My movements became more insistent, more driven. There was no plan, no thought beyond the immediate, primal urge to give myself completely to Dosie. Each thrust was a burst of emotion, a declaration of how deeply I cared for him. I felt my control slipping, but it was liberating, a release of every barrier that had once held me back.
My hands gripped Dosie’s hips tighter, pulling him closer, driving deeper, wanting to lose myself entirely in him. I could feel the way he clenched around me, the way his body seemed to ache with the same urgent need that drove me. The pleasure was almost overwhelming, a storm of sensation that swept us both away. I could feel every shudder, every tremor, each one a reflection of the connection we were forging.
It was a dance of passion and vulnerability, a heady rush of emotions that left me breathless. The way Dosie’s body moved with mine, the way he seemed to lose himself in the moment, it was as if we were creating something sacred together. The world outside ceased to matter; it was just us, caught in this intense, exhilarating whirlwind of feeling.
As the climax approached, it felt like a crescendo in a symphony of emotions, a peak that was both exhilarating and terrifying in its intensity. I could feel the way Dosie’s body tensed, the way he braced himself against me. My own release came as a powerful surge, a rush that left me utterly spent, yet completely satisfied.
In the aftermath, as the waves of pleasure slowly ebbed away, there was a profound sense of connection that lingered. The intimacy we had shared went beyond the physical—it was a deep, emotional bond that had been forged in the crucible of our passion. Every touch, every whisper was a testament to the depth of my feelings for Dosie, a reflection of how much he meant to me.
Holding him close, feeling his body relax against mine, I realized that this moment had been more than just a physical act. It had been a profound expression of our connection, a testament to how deeply we cared for each other. As we lay there together, wrapped in the warmth of the water and the steam, I felt a sense of peace and contentment that was unlike anything I had ever experienced.
The room was steeped in a tranquil darkness, broken only by the soft glow of the nightlight that cast gentle shadows across the walls. The sound of our breathing had gradually slowed, syncing in a steady rhythm as we lay entwined under the warm embrace of the sheets. The passage of time seemed almost imperceptible, marked only by the subtle shifts of our bodies and the comforting murmur of the outside world.
Hours had passed since the raw intensity of our union, and the night had settled into a peaceful stillness. Dosie, now relaxed and at ease, lay beside me, his body occasionally shifting as he found a comfortable position. The once fervent energy had given way to a serene quiet, punctuated only by the faint rustle of the sheets and the occasional sigh.
But as the night wore on, a sudden, sharp intrusion broke the silence—
My phone chimed. Beep-beep-boop .
It was a jarring contrast to the otherwise calm atmosphere, its insistence cutting through the tranquility like a knife. Dosie stirred, his eyes fluttering open as he sought the source of the disturbance.
After a few moments of disorientation, Dosie reached for his shirt, which had been discarded in the heat of the previous passion. He slipped it on with a practiced ease, his movements a bit sluggish but determined. The ringtone continued to pierce the quiet, and Dosie, now fully awake, fumbled for the phone.
When he finally managed to locate it, he saw the caller ID and froze for a moment. The name "chaein" flashed on the screen, a stark reminder of the complex web of relationships that had brought us to this point. Dosie took a deep breath, his fingers trembling slightly as he answered the call.
“Hello?” Dosie’s voice was steady, though the faintest tremor betrayed his nerves.
On the other end of the line, chaein’s voice was a mixture of confusion and concern. “Dosie? What’s going on? Why is [reader’s name]’s phone here? And why are you answering it?”
Dosie adjusted his position, trying to mask the tension in his body. “Hey, chaein. It’s... it’s a long story. [reader’s name] and I—” he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “We’ve been together tonight. Things got pretty intense.”
There was a pause on the other end, followed by a soft gasp. chaein’s voice, though muffled, carried a note of disbelief. “What do you mean? I thought... I didn’t think you two were—”
“Yeah, well,” Dosie cut her off gently, “things have changed. We’re together now. I guess you could say that we’ve claimed each other.”
The line fell silent for a moment as chaein processed this information. Dosie could almost hear the wheels turning in her head, the realization of what was happening sinking in. He shifted uncomfortably, his legs still trembling from the earlier exertion. The physical reminder of our passionate encounter was evident, and he couldn’t help but feel a mix of pride and vulnerability.
In a moment of defiant confidence, Dosie allowed his phone to tilt slightly, revealing his shaking legs to the camera. “You see this?” he asked, his voice firm. “This is from the night [reader’s name] and I shared. We’ve been through something intense and real, something that you and I no longer have.”
chaein’s response was a mix of anger and resignation. “I never meant for things to end this way. I didn’t realize...”
Dosie’s voice softened slightly, but there was an undercurrent of resolve. “Well, now you know. [reader’s name] and I have found something special, something that goes beyond what we had. I’m not going to pretend otherwise.”
As the conversation continued, Dosie’s gaze drifted to where I lay asleep, a serene look on my face that spoke of the contentment we had found in each other. The room was filled with a deep, unspoken bond that had solidified over the course of the night.
In a final act of defiant assertion, Dosie struck a pose with a sense of triumph. He flashed a V-sign to the camera, a symbolic gesture of victory and affection. With a smirk, he snapped a selfie, making sure to perfectly frame my sex-drained form in the background. It was a snapshot that captured not just the physical aftermath of our encounter, but also the emotional victory of claiming each other amidst the chaos.
The picture spoke volumes—a visual testament to the profound connection that had blossomed between us, a declaration of our new reality. As Dosie ended the call and set the phone aside, he turned back to me, a satisfied smile on his face. The night had been transformative, and despite the turmoil of the past, it had brought us to a place of undeniable closeness and understanding.
I let out a long, contented sigh, a faint smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It’s been a while since I felt this good, this at peace. Being with Dosie was different—he was soft and sweet, but also had this fire in him that pulled me in deeper every time we were together. He was everything I didn’t know I needed, and I loved every part of him.
I couldn’t help but think about how much better things felt now. With Dosie, there was no tension, no walking on eggshells. He made me feel free and alive, and the best part was I didn’t have to try so hard to be happy. I ran my fingers lightly through his hair, feeling the silky strands slip through my fingers, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. He was perfect, everything Chaein wasn’t. I didn’t even feel that usual pang when I thought about her now; it was just an empty memory that no longer had the power to hurt me. Dosie was new and improved—a fresh start.
I shifted slightly, trying to get more comfortable without waking him. Dosie stirred, mumbling something incoherent, his lips brushing against my shoulder, sending a shiver down my spine. I pulled him closer, feeling his warmth seep into my skin. I didn’t want to let go. He felt like everything I didn’t know I was missing—gentle, loving, and wholly mine.
As I lay there, I realized how deeply I’d fallen for him. His laughter, his softness, the way he looked at me like I was the only person that mattered—it all made me feel complete in a way I hadn’t in a long time. I trailed my hand down his back, feeling the smooth line of his spine under my touch. He made me feel safe, like I could let my guard down and just be.
My eyelids were growing heavier, and I could feel the pull of sleep starting to take over. I nuzzled closer to Dosie, inhaling his familiar scent—sweet, fresh, a mix of something uniquely him that I couldn’t get enough of. The room was dim, only the soft glow of the streetlight outside filtering through the blinds, casting faint shadows across the room. It was peaceful, almost surreal how perfect everything felt in that moment.
I whispered a quiet, “I love you,” knowing he probably wouldn’t hear it, but it didn’t matter. I meant it, and that was enough. Dosie shifted again, his body molding perfectly against mine, and I wrapped my arm around him, holding him close as I felt myself slipping further into the comforting embrace of sleep.
For the first time in a long time, I felt at peace, completely and utterly content as I drifted off. Dosie was here, and that was all I needed. I let my mind go blank, the last thoughts of him and how much better my world felt with him in it, echoing softly in the quiet of the room as sleep finally took me.
I was on the edge of sleep, my mind floating somewhere between dreams and reality, when I felt the mattress dip. Dosie was moving, and I blinked my eyes open just enough to see him crawling back into bed. He must have slipped out for a moment, but now he was back, and the soft, sleepy smile on his face warmed me in ways I couldn’t put into words.
He nestled in front of me, his back pressing against my chest as he pulled the covers over us. The warmth of his body felt like heaven, and I instinctively wrapped my arm around his waist, drawing him closer. I buried my face in the nape of his neck, breathing him in, feeling the steady beat of his heart in sync with mine. I could feel his plump butt against me, soft and warm, fitting perfectly against my hips, and it made me smile against his skin. Everything about this felt right.
Dosie wiggled back a little more, getting as close as he could, and I couldn’t help but chuckle softly, squeezing him tighter. “Comfy?” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, sleepy but amused.
He hummed a quiet “Mhm,” and reached down to entwine his fingers with mine, holding my hand close against his chest. His body relaxed into me, his breathing slowing as he settled in, completely content. It was such a simple gesture, but it made my heart swell, and I pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his head.
Being wrapped around Dosie like this, his body pressed against mine, felt like the safest place in the world. I traced lazy circles on his stomach, enjoying the softness of his skin under my fingertips, and he let out a quiet, content sigh. It was a sound I could get used to, one that made everything else fade into the background.
As sleep started to pull me under again, I tightened my hold, savoring every second of having him close. Dosie was here, warm and safe in my arms, and nothing else mattered. I could feel his gentle breaths, the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, and the steady comfort of his presence.
I buried my face deeper into his neck, letting my eyes finally close. With Dosie here, the world felt brighter, softer, and I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. Slowly, I drifted off, holding him close, our bodies fitting together perfectly as we both slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep, tangled up in each other’s warmth.
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oswinunknown · 2 years
notes: idk how these work but aye heres a fic of old man mark and the elderly captain post iswm
mainly fluff
sat at the entrance seat, the captain laces up their shoes slowly yet tenderly. their eyes shining with the warm yellow light of a summer morning shining through the quaint cottage windows of their home. wooden chestnut floors shone the sunlight up and around the house like it always had. the odd sock or bolt lying strewn on the floor making the living room feel lived in. 
the captain finishes tying their shoelaces and leans backwards and into the wall with a deep yet muted sigh. eyes closing to take in the many noises around them
they could hear their colony's ambient noise in their old ears. the odd sound of a modern car humming along on the street, the few people already up and about, the smell of freshly cut grass. it all became background noise that holds a melodic tune to anyone who became used to it. it was the type of noise that you missed when met with total silence. the gentle backing track to the many lives within the colony.
the captain opens their eyes and turns to see their head engineer walking down the stairs in similar looking attire, body hunched over as he hobbles down humming a small tune underneath his breath. the light hitting his grayed hair like a frame to his picture perfect face. each strand was like silver under the light and added a nostalgic age to his wrinkled smile.
"ready to go captain?" he asks, eyes glimmering with an energy they grew to know well.
the captain airily laughs. "you know i haven't been a captain for years now, mark."
"you may not be a captain now," he extends a hand out to them. "but you will always be my captain."
the captain beams, taking his hand and lifting themself up before giving him a small peck on the cheek. "and you will always be my head engineer."
mark flushes, giving a content smile before making his way to the door, his hand holding the captain's. "alright, lets save this fluff for later. we got a busy day ahead of us!"
"lead the way dear."
the day flew by relatively easily.
the captain and mark took a long stroll around the colony, visiting crewmates and colonists alike. even seeing the odd few children who would hide behind their parent's legs in awe of the renowned captain and their engineer.
at noon they were at the park, having brunch with the other crew leads on the invincible and catching up on their lives. burt barely aged a day. the only sign of age shown in grayed hairs and raspy voices. celci still looked more spry than the other three crew leads. her blue hair even more frosty as strands of gray littered across her hair. gunther aged pretty well. face adorned with scars and wrinkles as his circular framed glasses caught the sunlight and made him look like the same gunslinger they knew all those years ago.
by the afternoon, the two found themselves at a local diner opened nearby their home. the night sky shining with its many wonders as the string lights illuminated down onto their table and around the patio. plates of food polished off and eaten.
the captain wipes their mouth of any remains of food, placing the tissue next to their plate as they notice mark's focus on eating his chocolate ice cream.
the captain closes their eyes again. their ears being met with the same melodic ambience within their colony. the faint howling of the wind bringing a slight chill to their face as they take in the communal warmth of their community.
"what are you doing captain?" mark calls, the captain's eyes still shut.
"im just," they pause
"im just listening to my home."
the captain hears a faint noise of understanding before they hear a clicking of a spoon against a bowl.
they continue like this for some time. mark quietly ate his ice cream while the captain listened to the sounds of life around them. nothing but the soft chime of a faint speaker playing songs of old.
"care for a dance cap'?" 
opening their eyes, the captain sees mark absent from his seat. turning their head they find their puppy eyed engineer looking down at them with an extended hand.
they take the offer with a grin. standing up to meet mark.
mark gently pulls on their arm and leads them into the center of the patio. the speakers directly above their hunched bodies as mark places his left hand on their shoulder, his right holding onto their left. the captain swiftly mimics his position before they start slowly swaying to the rhythm.
the captain sighs, head against mark's chest as they sway left and right. 
mark yelps suddenly, his foot stepped on.
the captain looks at him guiltily, "sorry dear!"
"im fine." mark looks up at them, sharply inhaling. "i can take it."
"but still." the captain takes mark's hand. caressing it gently and gently rubbing their thumb across its back. "i suppose i'm not as much of a dancer as before."
mark tilts his head inquisitively. "what do you mean?"
they chuckle, "look at me mark, i'm not the same young and spry captain that stepped foot on the invincible. ready for whatever came their way."
it was mark's turn to take the captain's hand. 
"its funny."
"what is?"
"you remember when i told you 'distance and time are the same thing from different perspectives'?"
the captain nods. eyes looking down at the pavement.
"well. the captain you see is a whole lot different to the captain i see."
mark lifts the captain's head up to meet his gaze. 
he smiles. "and you look like the same captain i fell in love with."
the captain's eyes shone as their heart pounds against their chest.
looking up at him felt like the captain was back on the ship again. arms wrapped around his waist as they held each other tight. young bodies, aged minds, tired eyes. they could see the young engineer that welcomed them aboard, the same engineer who sat with them at the galactic diner, the same engineer who said i do at their wedding.
the captain leans in swiftly for a kiss. the feeling of his lips on theirs holding the same comfort it always had, yet it felt just as exciting as the first. 
breaking apart, the captain and mark gaze into each other's eyes. no words spoken yet holding the same message within. a silent "i love you".
the two would continue to dance under the moonlight. nothing but the noise of life and their hearts to accompany them. 
a captain and their engineer. forever intertwined.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
Idk, i feel like being really mean to Nereida for a bit.
He knows this oceanic otherworld is home to a whole society of mermaids. That they could cross the dimension barriers into the human world, that they were humans made strange and monsterous by whatever magic governed this place. And he knows his mother was a human first, who was brought here by one of those mermaids, most likely his father if his math about the timeline checks out, and that she died attempting to return years after leaving.
That answered countless questions, and left just one. Who was his father?
Jish had agreed to ask the other mermaids for him, carried a description of Nereida's mother and what little of the story Nereida knew to their community to see if anyone had any leads.
And when he returned he wasn't alone. A bull with blue eyes and black scales was with him. Nereida was so hopeful in that small moment. His mother had had brown eyes, Nereida's were blue, his mother was strawberry blond, he was raven haired.
The stranger sighed in that way you sigh when you know you're about to deliver awful news. He was Nereida's uncle. his brother, Nereida's father passed years ago. Before his mother even had.
Nereida didn't know why it hit him so hard. Why just knowing his father was dead and that he'd never meet him was any different from him existing somewhere out in the world where Nereida would never meet him.
His uncle, Erci, his uncle's name was Erci, was a stranger, still he tried to offer comfort. He tried to offer stories and descriptions Nereida was too numb to hear. Babbling in that same anxious way Nereida did when he didn't know what else to do.
Jish was the one who broke that spell. Reminding Nereida that the research institute had had cameras in these waters for years. There was a chance, a small one, but still a chance that his father might have been caught by one. That there might be a picture of him or a recording of him. That Nereida might have already heard his voice without ever realizing it.
It took some convincing, but Erci eventually agreed to go to the shores of the currently abandoned research station. Braving the storms that ravaged this hemisphere this time of year wasn't the concern, drawing near the source of all that threatened the peace of their home was.
Nereida was the only human walking on two legs left, able to continue his work researching these people through the season purely because Jish was helping him. He carded himself into the right office. the room silent, the building dark aside from the emergency lights and soft blinking of all the computers left to sleep, cycle, and back themselves up to make sure nothing was lost in the downtime.
He kept himself from crying while he waited for all the relevant files to be copied to his laptop by focussing on finding some story to tell as to why he'd so suddenly showed up with a strange mermaid in tow and an urgent need for these files specifically.
He decided they were trying to put actual names to a few more faces. It was close enough to the truth, even if he'd be lying about whatever names Erci gave. The less the institute knew the better.
He met the two mermaids under the dock. It was the dryest place where water met land and the safest to escape the storm with a laptop too.
they were able to narrow the list of possible ID numbers down through filtering the identification database until only a few remained.
E-7. He was seen and given a number before the institute began trying to classify the mermaids by size. E-7. First spotted twelve years ago, last sighting was eight. Nereida clicked through the pictures,
He wanted to see a family resemblance between them beyond the color of their eyes and keratin. His father was too monsterous for it.
There were notes on some of the pictures. Tiny anecdotes written by people who saw his father as an animal. They called him curious. Said he came near the ships often and stole things off the decks of the smaller ones. One claimed he liked bluegrass music because he seemed to linger longer when the crew played it. Another called him an asshole for darting off with an entire tool box. another joked that he was sexist because he would only come close when offered bribes from blonde women or anyone that could be mistaken for a blonde woman from a distance though he never took the fish they were offering.
Nereida wondered if he was looking for Doris.
They got to the end of the album, Nereida knew there were unclassified pictures he'd need to go through and a video section he wanted to watch alone so he wouldn't have to cry in front of Erci.
Nereida closed the laptop and hugged it to his chest after Erci confirmed the last picture was taken only a few months before he passed. Got attacked by one of the larger predators in the waters and subcame to infection a week later. A cruel and sudden death that left no room for a good story, nor an ending that would satisfy the son none of them knew he had.
Erci promised to tell him more when he was ready. Offered to take Nereida to some of the old haunts they'd played in as kids. Jish agreed for him letting him sit mute in his grief. He knew Erci was trying to connect, To bond with him and start being the family they both needed. But Erci had had his time to grieve, it was all so fresh for Nereida.
Erci said his goodbyes. Asked that if Nereida decided to join them fully, he allow Erci to be the second to welcome him home after Jish got his turn.
Nereida nodded and waved his own goodbye.
Erci disappeared into the dark waters. Jish curled up around Nereida as best he could to shield him from the tear hot summer rain blown under their cover.
Nereida opened the laptop once more and added a note at the very end of his documentation. It burned now to see him recorded as only a beast.
E-7. Curious, mischievous, loved. Known to his friends, family and community as Nereus. Unknown to him he is survived by a son who was apparently named for him.
He will never know that.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
Hiii I hope you don’t mind me sending you an aita question. Is not really an asshole thing, is more of a am i a bad friend kind of thing. I have a bff. We’ve known each other for 20 years now and we are currently sharing a place. She always wanted to buy a house before her 30s (we are both 26 btw) and like in January this year her parents offered to pay for the first payment deal (idk the proper term for it ) great news! She was happy and she said that I can live with her, I will pay rent. It was a win win situation cause instead of having to go through the hassle of finding a new roommate I could live with her instead. But the thing is, she’s planning to move to another country next year, and when her parents knew this they withdrew their offer so plan goes down the drain. She’s sad, frustrated cause her dream was crushed so she was finding for solutions. And here is where the am I a bad friend comes in play. My sister’s boyfriend is very financially stable, he helped my family a lot money wise, and she knows this of course, cause sometimes she hangs out with us and he pays for everything, like dinner at restaurants etc. So, since he has money her solution was if I could ask him to pay for the first loan (18k€), cause her plan is to sell the house after 10 years and with the money she from the sell she will pay him back. And I was like hummmm I won’t, I’m not comfortable asking for that much money lol. And she was like, if you don’t ask you won’t know, he may say yes or no and besides I will pay him back. And also into the mix she was kinda wanting this house to be both of ours but i said no, I don’t want to buy a house so that house is hers and hers alone, and that she should use the opportunity her parents gave her, maybe this year will be not possible but who knows, if you come back to this country you can ask them again. A whole mess. She was very stubborn, she didn’t get the picture that I didnt want to buy a house together, and that I should ask him so the matter could be closed. I said okay. Some weeks passed and she was finally letting go the idea of having a house by this year, she was getting around the idea that it would be possible. And didn’t asked him, I kinda lied to her saying he said no lol. And she heard this he was like oh well I have already gave up so it doesn’t matter. Thank god. I think I didn’t communicated clear that I didn’t want to buy a house together, cause the plan was yes we would be living together but I would pay rent so I thought with that action it was clear that my intention wasn’t buying a house either so i kinda felt bad for lying lol this all happened 4 months ago and it just hit me how absurd was for her to ask for that money lol I mean I understand people have absurds ideas when we are thinking with a hot head, so it’s important to let our thoughts cool down so we have a better understanding of the situation and she was just throwing ideas around and we live together so I’m already there but idk I felt that I in part also ruined her dream, but I know damn well I didn’t cause that was her business and business only. After all this months i realized that whole ordeal was kinda overstepping my boundaries. Sorry for this wall of text.
sorry I took a while to get to this bc it's long but like. so. she wants u to ask ur sisters bf to lend her a crazy sum of money so she can buy a house?! yeah that's really weird and also why does she want to buy a house if she's going to move away in a year...? like why doesn't she just wait and see what happens like u say bc she might end up not going or coming back and then she could ask her parents but this makes no sense. I'm sorry she asked u for that like thats honestly so weird and reads as her just completely losing touch w reality to try n get what she wants out of everyone including u. I get it bc I really want to buy a house some day n I don't have family money to rely on so I relate to like trying to make it happen but I just can't imagine not being embarrassed to ask one of my friends smth like that.... ur 100% not the asshole yeah this was really weird of her!?
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Feed Me
Pairing: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Rintaro Suna x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Ooooo what about when Alphas 🐘 ( maybe akaashi, ushijima, rin and kuroo) find out that their omega has not been eating enough like (their only eating little things like granola bars or fruit) so their upset that they had to find out through someone else and they scold them for that but then their told that they have gain some weight and that gets them even more upset because they think their perfect etc.
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Author’s Note: Hey, you. Yeah you. The beautiful person reading this? You are perfect. You are worth it. Your feelings are valid and you shouldn’t feel bad about having them. You are so amazing, and even if I don’t know you, I am so proud of you. You are so strong for making it so far. Keep going. Never change. :) Also your nice comments? Literally my dose of serotonin
did I mention my OC one or twice? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Also, idk if anyone is curious, but Yuka doesn't actually go to Shiritorizawa but whatever.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of (Semi?) Starvation.
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Keiji Akaashi
➵Now, Keiji is pretty on top of omega and significant other care.
➵ Like, weirdly so. It's honestly kind of creepy?
➵ In an endearing way.
➵ He always says 'Bokuto-Kun prepared me in a way.'
➵ Honestly, he loves doing this for you too!
➵He loves caring for you so much.
➵ Like I firmly believe Akaashi's love language is acts of service.
➵ So things like bringing you food, leaving sweet notes in your locker, helping you with your homework.
➵ He lives for doing these things.
➵ Especially feeding you snacks and things.
➵ It made his inner alpha purr because that meant he was caring for you. Providing for you.
➵ Being the very thing that made him worthy of an alpha.
➵ Prove that he could continue being the alpha you needed and wanted.
➵ Unfortunately, there were downsides.
➵ Your hips had the beginnings of small love handles, a little more chub on you tummy, thighs a little squishier.
➵ Let's not lie, Keiji absolutely adored this, by the way.
➵ I also think one of his biggest kinks is praise
➵ He makes sure you know how loved and how perfect you are.
➵ It's sometimes hard to believe him though.
You hummed an acknowledgment at Keiji's call, typing the final words to your essay before turning to look at your beautiful alpha- Sometimes you questioned how you hooked him. His gorgeous emerald eyes shining with love and adoration.
"I'm gonna go run and pick up some supper, what would you like beloved?" He came up to squeeze and massage your shoulders, leaning down as he pressed a small peck to your temple, your purr a sweet melody to his ears.
You swallowed behind your purr, trying to hide the small panic in your eyes. Your mind instantly flashed to your reflection this morning, how you pinched your hips with a frown. You already had been slowing down on the snacks, and fast food made you shiver.
"I-I'm okay for now, Keiji. Thank you though." You smiled, nonetheless, holding Keiji's cheek in your hand. He quirked a brow, frowning slightly before nodding lowly. Another peck was pressed to your cheek before he left, ordering your favorite from the diner he took you to for your first date.
"Beloved, I'm back." Keiji called, once more tearing you away from your essay; you were always thankful for the distraction though. He set down the take out bag, taking out the top box and handing it to you before shrugging off his jacket.
"Keiji? I said I was okay-"
"I didn't believe you. Now come on, you need to take a break and I'm touch starved." The raven didn't even look behind at you before pulling out his own box, dragging your rolley-chair to the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head, handing that to you as well before giving you a sweet peck.
His eyes locked with yours. Your breath hitched. So many silent words swam in his eyes, asking you, demanding you, to tell you what was wrong.
"I just- I've gained a little weight lately and-"
"And? My love, you are just as gorgeous as the day I met you. Nothing is wrong with a little weight, even if I think you're foolish to think you've gained weight. Never think otherwise. Even if you do, let me know, my job as your alpha and boyfriend is to make sure you feel as good as possible no matter what."
He slipped the sweater over your head, rehanding you your meal that he took from you momentarily, running a hand through your hair.
"Your my beautiful omega. Nothing should keep you from your happiness."
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵Unlike Akaashi, Wakatoshi is little more...Hesitant (In a way) when it comes to omegan care.
➵ He never really learned how to? Ya know?
➵ Both his parents were alphas, and he was never around omegas consistently enough to learn.
➵and it's not like you were a volleyball that he could use the same techniques to up-keep.
➵ He also couldn't ask his team.
➵ Well, he could, but only one other person on his team had an omega. (It was Satori and his advice, though helpful, could only go so far.)
➵ He was doing good though, especially with you holding his hand through the entire thing.
➵ The first time he noticed something was up was when you didn't show up to lunch-- texting him a picture of you in the library, tongue poking out as you held up a peace sign to assure him you were okay.
➵ When he brought it up to Satori, who had his own omega (A small, but fiery brunette named Yuka) leaning on his side as she played some sort of phone game on his phone (Mama's slusheria? He thinks?) .
➵He explained he didn't know what was going on with you while Satori listened with a hum before giving him a sad smile. "Sorry I can't help you further Ushi-waka, but as you can see-" He slid his unfinished lunch towards Yuka, who popped one of the Dango skewers into her mouth without looking up. "I'm not very familiar with the problem."
➵ He offered his help as much as he could nonetheless.
➵ He slowly began to pick up on smaller things, locking them in his steel trap.
➵ Like a good boy :)
➵ He put hours of research into omegas after this (not that he hadn't previously). Keeping strenuous notes beside him.
➵ They were colorful and highlighted :)
➵ And he followed the advice that 'Mommy Luna-boo' posted on the blog he found like a goddamn Mantra. ('Sometimes Omegas need a little more love! Their bodies, especially during high school years, will change a lot! They may feel a little down! As an alpha, make sure you remind them how beautiful they are!')
➵She was mother Theresa and he was her follower.
➵ Well after he followed you.
➵and after he made sure you were feeling better
Walking into your dorm room, Wakatoshi set down a small bag filled with goodies. He set it down on your bed as he sat down as well, watching you carefully.
When you gave him a small smile with a quirked brow, he took a deep breath, remembering everything Tendou had coached him through.
"Have you been eating enough lately?"
You sucked your tongue at the question, shuffling your shoulders. Truth be told you had been missing out on a few lunches after noting a few extra pounds you hadn't noticed earlier. You never meant to worry him, that was never your intention, but it seemed the world was working against you. You had no clue where to go from here. If you told him the truth that would do nothing but worry him, but lying was never good in any form of relationship.
Your hesitance to tell him was more than enough though, as his larger lands encased your own, holding them tightly.
"Why?" His tone wasn't accusatory nor was it angry in the slightest. Genuine curious if anything. If he could get to the bottom of the root of the problem, he could prevent it from happening in the future. Right?
"I- I just...Noticed a few extra pounds and-"
"That's it?"
You looked up to him with a tilted head, like a lost puppy. "What do you mean that's it?"
Pulling you closer, Wakatoshi effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, using one hand to dig through the bag beside him while the other wrapped around your hips. He pulled out a few of your favorite snacks laying them out in front of you.
"That's, in my opinion, a silly thing to worry about. If you feel that's a big problem, I can offer my services to you in any way you wish-- whether it be support or as help, it is my job to be there for you." He nuzzled your scent gland, voice rumbling against your shoulders.
You purred in response, leaning back onto your alpha.
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Rintaro Suna
➵ Suna is a lot like Akaashi in the sense that he has incredible observational skills as an alpha.
➵ His eyes are like sniper scopes.
➵ The minute something is wrong, he's on it.
➵ Like he looks aloof but he's not.
➵ He had notes.
➵ So hiding something from him is not easy at all.
➵ But you two most likely ended up together because you gave him a run for his money.
➵ You made him work at being an alpha.
➵ And he loved you for that.
➵ It did come back to bite him in the ass though.
➵ The only reason he heard about this was because the betas at Inarizaki were loud mouths.
➵ Honestly he learned so much tea from them.
➵ Like this third year was sleeping with a first year because she planned on baby trapping him and-
➵ It was wild.
➵Though most times it was nothing more than a source of entertainment for you and him to laugh about.
➵This time the gossip was actually useful.
➵ He wasn't thrilled they were talking about you, but provided some very useful information.
➵ And he was set into action.
➵ typing a few things onto his phone he set out to find you.
"Rin, I said I'm not hungry-"
"I know and I'm making the executive decision to ignore you."
He squinted his eyes at the carefully written instructions in front of him, sending a silent thanks to Atsumu's mate Haruka. (;)) She had written a step by step instruction sheet to making Onigiri while also dropping off all the ingredients (Pre-prepped). The only reason she didn't make it was because Suna's alpha, no matter how much he trusted her, wouldn't have let it near you.
"Look, Y/N. I love you, you know that. You know a lot of things, you're my smart little omega. So you must also know this isn't good, right?" Sliding a plate of, albeit mediocre, onigiri towards you, Rintaro focused his gaze on you.
"You know this, eh?"
You swallowed before grabbing one of the triangles, nibbling on the top in an attempt to appease your alpha. His sharp gaze still focused on you, making you shiver as he rounded around the counter. He turned you around so you were facing him, his hands holding your hips.
"You know this."
You wilted under his expectant gaze, knowing what he wanted from you. "I know this."
He smirked, leaning to take bite from your snack, licking his lips as he did. "Good omega."
"Rintaro that's mine!"
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basicmyherowhore · 2 years
Just read ph deku x reporter reader and it was so cute!!!!😍 do you think you do a part 2 , maybe where their go on a date or maybe someone spreading rumours about their relationship?
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Combining these two bc I think they fit well together!! This is like Yandere but not Yandere but also really close to Izuku’s cry baby personality?? Idk I like this, I hope y’all do too😭
After the incident that brought the two of you together, it took all of Deku’s courage to finally reach out to you. When he finally did, you eagerly accepted his offer to go out to dinner. Sitting close together in a dimly lit private restaurant, sharing both trivial and personal information with one another made a perfect date. By the end of the night you could feel yourself falling for him. You broke your code and kissed on the first date. From there things only got better.
It’s been almost four months since then. Just a month ago you and Izuku made your relationship official, but only within a close group of people. Both of your friends and family and his work associates that he deeply trusted. No one else. You don’t mind people knowing but Izuku is more paranoid than you. He’s explained to you more than once that his greatest fear is the public finding out and villains coming after you to get to him.
There have been multiple occasions while spending the night together that Izuku has woken up sweating and searching desperately for you. Once you were in the bathroom when he woke up and from down the hall you could hear him calling for you frantically. You ran down the hall to find throwing the door open to find you. He nearly tackled you to the floor when his eyes finally landed on you, relief washing over him as he held your body close to his.
It’s simpler to say that since the two of your began dating Izuku’s anxiety has been through the roof. That doesn’t stop you from spending time with him. Even though he worries about the public the two of you still go out on dates, but only in places where pro hero’s can have privacy. Izuku still drops you off at work when he can, but only while wearing a hoodie to cover his unique hair and sunglasses to cover his eyes. It’s draining to have to dance so delicately around the situation to say the least.
But you do it because you love being with him. You love the way he makes you feel. You love never feeling less than or below him, regardless of his status. You love…him. Neither of you have said it yet and you refused to be the first. You’d rather never say it than to say it first and embarrass yourself because he doesn’t feel the same.
Things are going great between the two of your despite the constant hiding from paparazzi, lying to your coworkers, and laying low in the public eye. You were confident that the two of you could make this secret relationship work. Until something so simple brought the world crashing around you.
You sent a picture of Izuku and you at dinner to your best friend. You just wanted to show her how happy the two of you were together, especially since before you starting dating she was on your case to find someone new. She was the only person at work who knew of your relationship with the pro hero and you had to plead your case with Izuku just to tell her. After sending the pic, you only sent one additional message before putting your phone down to pay attention to the date.
“I think he’s the one.”
By the next morning that picture was plastered everywhere. Every blog, magazine, billboard, news channel, and news paper has your face on it next to ‘Pro Hero Deku’. When you first read the headlines, betrayal felt thick in your stomach. You didn’t even have time to pick up your phone to call your boyfriend before there was pounding at your door.
With a thousand other thoughts on your mind you fail to think twice before opening the door, unknowingly exposing yourself to a wave of people with cameras.
They bombard you with questions, flashing lights sting your eyes as you beg for them to leave you alone. There’s too many of them to force out on your own and they’ve wedged themselves in the door so you can’t close them out. You feel like you’re suffocating and can’t breath. Right when you think the sea of panic is going to swallow you whole, a breath of fresh air surges through your lungs when familiar arms wrap around you.
You cling to Izuku as he forces his way through the hoard of people, essentially carrying you out of your apartment building. He quickly but gently places you down on the passenger seat of his car, wasting no time before climbing into the drivers side. He drives off, leaving the paparazzi behind like a swarm on ants.
He waits patiently for your breathing to calm, driving around town in a manner that seemed to you to be aimless. When your panic has seemed to fully reside, he turns to you.
“Where did that picture come from?” The tone of his voice sends shivers down your spine and for the first time since the two of you met, you feel afraid of Izuku. It’s only now you notice the tight grip on the steering wheel and the way his jaw is clenched. As each second passes you find yourself feeling smaller and smaller next to him. You don’t realize how long you’ve been quiet until he speaks again. “Answer me, damn it! Where’s the picture from?”
You can’t stop yourself from flinching when he yells, unconsciously shying away from him and pressing yourself against the door. You’re more afraid of what will happen if you stay quiet than if you speak, so you finally do. With a gulp you say, “I- I sent it to Hana last night. But only her! And I didn’t think she would-“
“Of course you didn’t. You would never think that your best friend would turn you in like that.” He mocks you, rolling his eyes before looking back at you with rage in his gaze. “News flash, you’re a reporter. Your best friend is a reporter. Why wouldn’t she share the big scoop you happened to spoon feed her?”
His words make you feel stupid and naïve. You’ve known Hana for years even before you two began working for the press, how could you have ever predicted that she would sell you out? Instead of sadness, anger begins to build inside of you. Why is Izuku blaming this on you? You didn’t tell her to tell the world, so why is he acting like you did? Why is he even so mad? Now you don’t have to hide your relationship anymore, isn’t that a good thing?
“What’s your problem?” You glare at him, finding your voice once again. “You’re being a dick to me because our secret got out?“
“My problem is!” He yells, causing you to flinch once more. “That you’re not grasping the magnitude of what’s happening right now. Because of your ‘friend’, you’re in danger. Like, life threatening danger. There was a data leak at your job, now not only is your address and all of your other personal information open and accessible to anyone that wants it, but there have been multiple sightings of high ranking villains near your apartment. You’re being targeted and not just by the paparazzi.”
You’re dumbfounded once again by Izuku’s words. Only now is the weight of your situation starting to sink in. A mix of fear and dread are dancing in your stomach making you feel nauseous.
“What will I do now?” You ask uncertainly, eyeing the man next to you with caution.
“You’re not going to do anything, but stay where I take you.” Izuku turns onto a road that you’re not familiar with. You now realize that you have no idea where you are at all. “I’m going to have to work with my PR team and try to clean this up. Get your information private again. Get lose lipped Hana to sign and NDA for some ridiculous amount of money.” He lists, gravel in his tone. The paved road gives way to one made of dirt, rural landscapes starting to surround you. Only a few more moments pass before he pulls into the driveway of a normal looking house. He turns of the engine off and rips off his seatbelt.
“And most importantly, I’m keeping you as far away from the city as I possible can.” He growls, lunging at you and tearing you from the seat. You let out an scream of shock, struggling against his hold but to no avail. Izuku manages to drag you through the door of the house and force you into the room farthest from it.
He uses his large body to pin you to the bed as he hand cuffs one wrist to the bed frame. You fight against him, scratching, punching, and biting anywhere that you can. But it doesn’t matter. He’s too strong compared to you. And he uses his personal knowledge of you against you. He knows you have no quirk to defend yourself. You manage to get one good hit on him before he pulls away, wiping the blood spilling from his lip on the back on his hand.
“What do you think you’re doing? You can’t keep me here. I have a job, friends, my family. They’ll come looking for me.” You glare at him, not feeling guilt at the sight of his blood.
“This is for your safety. I’m going to let everyone close to you know that you’ve gone into hiding and can’t have contact because it risks compromising your location.” There’s no more anger when he speaks to you, his tone sounds empty, almost tired.
“I can be safe without being chained to the bed, Izuku. Why are you doing this to me?” Your anger wavers, making room for hurt and fear.
“Because I love you Y/N. I love you so much. And I can’t loose you.” Suddenly fat tears are rolling down Izuku’s freckled cheeks and your heart drops. “I’ve lost too many people because of villains that want to hurt me. If I lose you too? I don’t think I could stand it…I might- might do something. Something really bad. I don’t want to hurt anyone!” Sobs shake his large frame, stunning you like you’ve never been before. You watch in silence as Izuku falls to his knees before you, grasping your uncuffed hand in both of his. His green eyes are pooling with tears as the bore into yours.
“So please…stay here. Stay with me. Please…”
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
picture this: tendou trying to get ushijima and reader to realize they’re in love with each other because they’re both himbos. hijinks ensues
Two Fools In Love
Warnings - Twice the amount of himbo
Note: This was fun, also sorry it took so damn long. It's been like 1 or 2 days? Idk. It's mentioned that your grades aren't the best, so if they actually are, just pretend for the homie okay? Also I actually looked up an "are you in love with your best friend" quiz to get some of the questions ✌Anyways here's your request :)
Male Reader
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Tendou doesn't know why he still hangs around big buff idiots.
"Tendou!" He turns his head to see you waving and smiling, running towards him. Ushijima was trailing behind you, his eyes locked on your back adoringly.
Oh yeah, that's why.
You were his best friends, and ditching you two wasn't going to do any good for him.
The only thing more aggravating than being in love, he decided, was was trying to get people to realize that they're in love.
Tendou tried. He tried his best! He had just straight up told Ushijima, "(y/n) likes you" about a week ago. It was so painfully obvious that you guys were in love with each other from day one. Ushijima thought for a moment before replying "I suppose I like him too. He's a good friend."
He just couldn't take it anymore! The lovestruck looks you would send each other's way never failed to make him want to tear his hair out. Watching two fools being so hopelessly in love would make anyone want to intervene!
So, naturally, Tendou stayed up the night before to devise a plan.
"Are you in love with your best friend," Ushijima reads out in a monotonous tone.
Tendou had searched up some second party quiz online.
"This is pointless Tendou, I've already told you that he is a wonderful friend. How could I be in love with him?" Ushijima looked away from the screen to raise a brow at Tendou, who was currently seated on the floor of Ushijima's dorm room.
Tendou rolls his eyes. "Just do it."
Ushijima just looked back down and clicked on the screen. "Are they the first person you cannot when something happens?" He reads off of the screen. "No." He answers out loud, then looks at Tendou, "I usually call you."
Tendou rolled his eyes. "That's because I'm the emotional support."
"But I do not need any–"
"Just continue the questions," Tendou interrupted him with a voice that could only be described as lying to your neighbor about how great their casserole is.
"Do you try to make him or her ha–"
Ushijima pursed his lip and closed the laptop. Was he really about to let some internet test decide whether or not he was in love with you?
Yes. He so was.
He realized how deeply in love with you he is because of a test on the internet. Tendou expected some big shoujo manga revelation where Ushijima jumped up and ran to your dorm to confess his undying love for you, but really the most he got was an "oh."
Tendou just pumped a fist in the air triumphantly.
One himbo down, one more to go.
... That was going to be way harder than he thought. Maybe he should just convince Ushijima to confess to you. He means, you've already basically confessed to Tendou that you had a huge crush on Ushijima, so if the big guy himself confesses to you then Tendou's problems are over!
That was also going to be way harder than initially thought. Both of you were rather dense in your respective natures. Ushijima isn't good with social cues whatsoever, but you seemed to be rather emotionally adept. Your grades however, they didn't look too good. (Much like Ushijima, but that doesn't need to be in the spotlight). That emotional intelligence only goes so far though, and it appears to end right at Ushijima's feet.
"What do you do when you're in love, Tendou?" Wakatoshi turned to give Tendou a quizzical look. The boy really tried his best, but it was so obvious that his brain only works at full capacity for volleyball.
Tendou shrugs. "Kiss him on the cheek or something. Lovers do that." In all honesty, Tendou was out of ideas. He wasted most of his matchmaker genius coming up with that online quiz plan, so his cupid gland was pretty buzzed out.
Ushijima didn't seem to notice however, and instead brought a finger to his chin in contemplation.
On the walk to the school building the next day, Tendou wore a satisfied smile. You were walking next to him, talking about something that you found interesting that happened in your favourite show.
The reason Tendou was so smug was that he know his work was coming to a close. He had planted a seed in Ushijima Wakatoshi's mind, and now the two of you were definitely going to get together. Honestly if anyone found out that most of his time spent in the last two weeks was trying to get his best friends to hook up, he would probably crawl in a hole in an attempt to hide.
Just as he thought that, Ushijima approached you. He gave Tendou a curt bow as a greeting, and when he turned to you he put his large hand on your shoulder. "Morning Ushijima-kun," you smiled at him brightly.
"Morning," he murmured, leaning (down/up/over) to press a light kiss to your temple.
When he pulled back, you were staring at him with wide eyes. You two stood in silence for a second. "Apologies," Ushijima started to retract his hand, "That must have been forward of me. Please forget that I-"
"No! No no, it was fine," you interrupted quickly. You grabbed his hand and directed it towards your cheek. "I just didn't expect it is all."
Ushijima went pink. Holding your face in his hand made him feel warmth in the pit of his stomach.
"God finally!" Tendou exclaimed, kind of ruining the moment. "I thought you two would never get here! I mean with all the pining and the looks, it just seemed like-" The sounds of his rant got quieter the further away he moved, leaving you and Ushijima to stand in silent shock.
You bit your lip and turned your head away from Tendou's retreating silhouette to face Ushijima. "So... are we.. you know, together now?"
Ushijima thought for a moment.
"Yes. I suppose we are."
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falcqns · 3 years
Hii i have this request in mind like Chris Evans x Actress! Singer! Reader like the reader and chris dated for 3y idk but they broke up but the reader always visit chris’ family bc she treated them like family aswell specialy when the reader’s parents died so she spend Christmas there or any occasions bc chris’ family invite her and when chris got a new gf the reader is kinda hurt bc she still love chris but she try to look like she doesn’t care but then she released her new song its called deja vu (by olivia rodrigo) and she release it to her bday so when the song is released the fans knew its abt chris bc of the new gf (chris’ fam doesn’t like the new gf and the fans kinda didn’t support them bc of the girl’s attitude) and chris’ family invites her over bc they want to show the reader something and when the reader got there they surprise her for her bday and congratulate her and turns out chris is there too with his new gf🤨and the reader knew chris’ new gf hated her bc of her look and scott called you all to the living room and watch the mv of the reader’s new song and when the mv ends scott and the fam congratuleted the reader and chris’ gf is giving the reader looks again and chris is noticing it and when the reader is in the kitchen alone getting something chris talk to her and congratulate her and chris’ new gf wrapped her arms around chris and chris tried to stop her to make a scene but she started a scene and scream at the reader but the reader cut her off and embarrassing her and the reader prove the new gf shes first not her (idk if that make sense lol) and the new gf leave(idk you can make her a random name so its not only “new gf”) and the reader and chris talk and they got back together, you can do wha you want at the end this is just so random bc i was listening to deja vu and advance thank you if you do my request! Stay safe! ❤️ and im so sorry if this is so long
Deja Vu
pairing: Chris Evans x singer!reader
warnings: parents death, major angst, fluff. 
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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You had known Chris since college, when you had met him in your communications class. You two had grown close quickly, and became best friends. 
He brought you home every Christmas Eve, before you would go home to your parents house on Christmas Day. You had always felt like a part of the family, so when your parents passed a way, you turned to him. 
You and your parents were driving home from a Christmas Day church service, when you were hit by a semi truck. It had completely totalled the car, and your parents had died on impact. You had been sitting in the back, and only had a broken leg from where your moms seat had been pushed back into it roughly. 
You had been pulled from the car and sat in a second ambulance, while your parents were transported in another. You knew you'd never forget watching that ambulance door close and drive away, knowing that was the last time you'd ever see them. 
When the police officers asked if there was anyone you could call, you didn't know what to do. Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles or cousins. You were an only child too, so you had no siblings, and your grandparents had passed when you were little, your other ones passing before you were born. 
So when the officer asked you, you told him the Evans’ phone number. Lisa picked up on the second ring, and you tearfully explained what had happened as the shock wore off. She immediately said she’d meet you at the hospital, and not to worry, that she and Bob would take care of you. 
You were taken to the hospital and treated for your broken leg. Less than an hour after you arrived, Lisa arrived at the hospital with Chris in tow. They comforted you, and took you home with them. You stayed in Chris’s room for the first few days, and when you were given your own room, you still had a hard time sleeping alone, so Chris ended up in your bed with you most nights, not that he minded. 
You never went back to college, and instead turned to singing as a release from all the pain you were feeling. You started out posting covers on YouTube, and gradually progressed to getting a record deal with Interscope Records, which didn't surprise anyone who knew you. You had immense talent, and your parents used to tell you that they were counting down the days before you were a celebrity. 
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When Chris graduated college and told you he was moving to Los Angeles, he convinced you to come with him. Prices were high in LA, and he didn't want to be separated from you for too long, so you joined him. He got to be an actor, and you got to be a singer, which is what you both had wanted since you were younger. 
You went to every one of Chris’s movie premieres, and he attended as many of your live shows as he could. You supported him through all his relationships and his breakups, and played the middle man whenever he and Jenny would fight, up until the very end. You told yourself you did that because you just wanted what's best for him, but you both kind of knew that wasn't the reason at all. 
Throughout your time living together, you friendship grew, as did your feelings for each other. You'd be lying if you didn't have a small crush on him in college, and those feelings only grew as time went on, especially since the two of you decided to only get a one bedroom apartment. Mainly because it was cheap, but also because Chris made a decision a week after your parents death to never allow you to sleep alone because of the nightmares that would occur if he wasn't there.
So, when you won your first award for your first album, named ‘hand in hand’, he kissed you the second you came off the stage with your award in hand. It blew your mind that he felt the same, but you were happy nonetheless. You two began dating that night, and everything was perfect. 
Until, you were invited by 5 Seconds of Summer to be their opening act on their newest tour. You had agreed, and Chris let you go. You two had been dating for over 3 years, and you thought your relationship would be fine. 
You quickly realized however that that wasn't the case, when the two of you started fighting less than two weeks into the tour. The fights weren't anything major, more petty things like ‘did you change the Netflix password’ or ‘why did you take this piece of clothing, that was mine and it was my favourite.’ All around stupid fights. 
You had turned to Calum, who you were closest with, and he consoled you as much as you could. You realized however, that you couldn't be with Chris anymore when he drunk called you in the middle of the night while you were in the UK and got angry with you when you answered and told him to call you back in the morning when he was sober, to which he proceeded to brag that he slept with his co star at the time, Jessica Alba, you freaked out and ended things. 
You got a message from Jessica on instagram the next day letting you know that they did not sleep together, and that she was sorry he even said it. You assured her it was fine, and felt relief.
Relief because you got to the bottom of the situation, but also relief from your relationship. You didn't know what happened in those few weeks, but you knew the relationship was turning toxic, and you wanted to stop it before that happened. Neither you or Chris needed that. You told him you’d find a new place to live, and by the time tour ended, you bought yourself a house in Beverly Hills, and moved out of the apartment.
Chris moved out not long after, and bought his own house. He had tried to stay friends with you, but you didn't want that at that point in time. You were still hurting, and needed time to heal. 
Once you felt ready to date again, you were asked to be Calum’s date to the Peoples Choice Awards, you accepted. You knew Chris would be there, and you were hoping to talk to him, and maybe work it out. He had told you during the break up that he would always wait for you to come back, and that he still loved you, and always would. 
But you knew that wasn't the case when he showed up on the red carpet, with a new actress named Myra Woodfield. You had smiled at him, while trying not to break down inside, but he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes at you when Calum wrapped his arm around your waist for a picture. You furrowed your eye brows and took a good look at Myra. 
She looked almost exactly like you. Same build, same hair colour, same eye colour. The only difference is that she was slightly taller than you. You didn't know why he was replacing you, but it hurt. You pushed it out of your head however, and enjoyed the night with your best friend. 
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It was a few months later when you were awoken by the constant dinging of your phone. You unlocked it, and saw you had a lot of unread messages from Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and your other best friend Ashe about Chris’s new movie trailer, you sighed. 
You watched the trailer, and sighed when it looked like a recreation of a bunch of moments in your relationship with him, only Myra was in your place. 
Your fans and some of Chris’s had commented on it, and Myra immediately became aggressive with them, and insulted them. She told them that you were a nobody who could make Chris happy, which she was glad about because she made him happy how. 
Within minutes of this happening the hashtag #cancelmyrawoodfield was trending on twitter. You shamelessly went through the tweets and like and retweeted a couple. Then an idea popped in your head.
With a quick google search, you had a plan. 
You had written a new song called Deja Vu after the peoples choice awards, and it was had been recorded a few weeks ago, and you just had to decide on a date to release it, and make a decision on the music video. Her birthday was in about 3 months, which gave you enough time to get everything in place to drop on her birthday. 
Was it evil? Yes. Did you care? Not really. Besides, you inherited your pettiness from your mother and you knew she’d be proud of you. You called your manager and label, and got it planned out. 
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When the new music video had been announced, Lisa called you and invited you home to watch it premiere with the family. You accepted, knowing Chris and Myra would be there, and that her birthday would get overshadowed by the release of your music video.
So, three weeks later, you were sitting with Lisa, Bob, Carly, Shanna, Scott, Chris and Myra in Lisa’s living room, waiting for the video to premiere.
Scott had picked you up at the airport earlier in the morning along with Carly and Shanna, and the four of you had a laugh about the face that no one acknowledged Myra’s birthday, not even Chris. It was mean, but no one liked her. 
Lisa absolutely hated her, but didn't want to upset Chris, so you got a call shortly after the PCA’s from her and the two of you ranted about her for a good two hours. 
You watched as the timer counted down from 10, and then the screen turned black. You took a deep breath and watched Chris out of the corner of your eye. 
You had searched for a while for a guy who looked similar to Chris, and you stumbled on Andrew Siwicki. He didn't look exactly like Chris, but it was close enough that everyone would know who the song was about if they didn't already. Andrew was a fan of Chris and hated Myra too, so he was more than glad to help you out. 
The music began to play, and you watched as the black screen faded in on two people walking along the beach, holding hands. 
“Car rides to Malibu Strawberry ice cream One spoon for two And trading jackets Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,”
The next scene was a recreation of yours and Chris’s first date where you two had a picnic on the beach, and ended up splashing each other with the ocean water. Towards the end, everyone watched as Andrew picked you up and threw you into the water the same way Chris always did. 
You glanced at him, and could have burst into laughter at how uncomfortable Chris looked, but more importantly how angry Myra looked. 
“Watching reruns of Glee Being annoying Singing in harmony I bet she's bragging To all her friends, saying you're so unique, hmm,”
The next scene was you and Andrew (who was dressed as Ransom) on what appeared to be a recreation of the Knives Out set, running around with a dog that looked like Dodger chasing after you, the two of you laughing. The next shot was the two of you kissing behind a trailer, seemingly hiding from production. 
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you,”
The next scene was the two of you driving through Southern California, in a car that was almost identical to Chris’s. You two were laughing and singing along to the song, your hair whipping around you.
You took a deep breath, knowing this next scene would piss him right off.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? (Ah), hmm Do you get déjà vu, huh?”
This scene was you, along with the rest of Chris’s family sitting around a living room that looked like the one you were in now, a Christmas tree full of presents in the corner. The camera panned across everyone as everyone was talking and settled on you and Andrew and the two of you recreated the scene where Chris whispered in your ear how much he loved you, and couldn't wait to start a family with you. 
“Do you call her Almost say my name? 'Cause let's be honest We kinda do sound the same,”
The screen showed you and Andrew saying goodbye at the airport, with 5 Seconds of Summer standing behind you. They weren't actually there when you left for tour, but Luke suggested it to piss Chris off, and you had agreed. 
Then there was a small montage of clips from tour, including a shot of Michael elbow dropping Ashton into a pool, which made everyone laugh, except Chris and Myra. The montage was followed up by you sitting on the floor of a dressing room and crying as you sent a text that said “I’m done.”
“Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type,”
Now you were on the red carpet, with Calum right beside you. You both were wearing the same clothes you wore on that night, you hair and makeup recreated perfectly. The camera unfocused on you as you turned and looked at Andrew and an actress named Alexa Morrison, who looked a lot like Myra, and they were recreating Chris and Myra’s actions perfectly. The camera swivelled around and came to rest pointing towards your face, as you looked in shock, and a single tear fell down your face. 
“I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel 'Cause you played her Uptown Girl You're singing it together,”
You were shown watching a movie trailer with Ashe sitting next to you, while you sobbed at what Alexa and Andrew were doing. You looked at the camera and began singing the song, while Ashe and everything else around you was frozen.
“Now I bet you even tell her How you love her In between the chorus and the verse (ooh) (I love you),”
You were sat on the bed in Chris’s red flannel that you had stolen before leaving for tour, and you were writing in the notebook aggressively with tears rolling down your face and singing.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was the show we talked about Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you,”
You were now being shown sitting on the couch, and watching Andrew run across the TV screen dressed as Captain America, an ice cream tub in your hand. You were wearing sweats and a t shirt, your hair in a messy bun.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? Oh Do you get déjà vu?”
The camera circled around you before transitioning to the next scene. 
“Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do (Yeah, everything is all reused),”
You were shown laying down in bed, and your eyes closing before an image of you and Andrew danced, dressed as Steve and Peggy in endgame, a scene Chris always told you the two of you would recreate one day. You had called Hayley and asked if it was okay, and she immediately said yes, and even came and watched you do the scene.
“Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh) That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh) A different girl now, but there's nothing new (I know you get déjà vu),”
When your eyes opened, you were sitting at your piano, and playing while singing along. 
“I know you get déjà vu I know you get déjà vu,”
Suddenly, the piano disappeared, and you were left standing in an empty living room as the screen faded to black. 
The entire room burst into cheers as the video ended, except for Myra, who looked like she was going to murder you, and Chris who just clapped with a tight lipped smile. 
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Later that night after all the kids had gone to bed and Lisa was driving Bob home,  Scott had pulled you into the kitchen under the pretences of ‘helping him fix a drink’, which ended up just being the two of you gossiping about Chris and Myra, and the music video.
Suddenly, Chris walked in, and nodded for Scott to leave. You cleared your throat and ignored him.
“That was a good song, and an amazing music video.” He said. “I can see you're just getting more and more talented as time-” He began, as you rolled your eyes, and looked at him. 
“What do you want?” You asked bluntly. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you.” He said, and you were about to open your mouth, when Myra came slinking in the room with an evil look on her face. 
“Nice job, Y/N. I’m glad I could inspire your music video.” She said sarcastically, and you could tell Chris was about to defend you, but you opened your mouth first. 
“Well, I’m glad I had such a snake like bitch to draw inspiration from,” You said, and heard Scott, his siblings burst into laughter in the living room. Myra’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at him. You looked up at Chris, who was leaning up against the counter, and biting back a smile.
“You’re just going to let her talk to me like that?” She asked, and Chris sighed.
“Myra, don't start. Not now.” He said, she scoffed. 
“I knew you still loved her. Only a pathetic loser could love someone as ugly and untalented as her.” She spat, and Chris growled. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you ran out of the room, your drink abandoned on the counter. 
You ran into your bedroom, where you shut the door, and fell onto the bed in tears. 
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Back in the kitchen, Chris had gotten in Myra’s face, and was yelling.
“You need to leave. If you don't we’re going to call the cops.” He stated, and Myra rolled her eyes before storming out of the house. 
Scott turned back to Chris, and was shocked when he saw him in tears. 
“You need to work shit out with Y/N. It’s clear the two of you are still in love, and you need to figure it out as adults,” Scott said, his sisters nodding. Chris took a deep breath, and looked at your closed bedroom door.
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Chris walked up to your bedroom door, and took a deep breath before entering the room where he used to sleep in every night.
He opened the door, and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed, your body still shaking. He smiled sadly, and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the bed behind you, and rubbed your back gently. 
“I’m sorry. Not just for what Myra said, but for everything. For breaking your heart, and for causing you so much pain. I didn't realize how much I was missing you too until we watched that music video and I saw how truly broken you were. I never noticed that before now. And I’m sorry I didn't. If I’d have, I could have fixed this sooner, and we could be together right now.” He said.
You furrowed your brows at his last sentence and sat up.
“W-What?” You asked, and Chris moved closer. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. 
“I still love you. So so much.” He smiled, and a tear rolled down his face. “You're my entire world, and not having you here is slowly breaking me apart. I didn't know just how much until today, but I can't live another day without you.” He said. “I’m so sorry I hurt you baby.” He sobbed, and his head buried itself into your hair. Your body shook with sobs too, and you turned around to face him.
“I love you too.” You sobbed out. “I never should have ended things, but-” You said, but were cut off by Chris’s lips on yours, and you felt yourself melting into it.
He pulled away a few seconds later. “Don't. It was my fault, not yours. I am so sorry, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for it, I promise.” He said, as he stood the two of you up and led you out of the room, and to his.
“Where are we going?” You asked, and Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I have to grab something.” He said. He opened his closet, and grabbed something out of the top corner before turning to you. 
“I said I planned on spending the rest of my life making it up to you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” He said, as he got down on one knee. You gasped, as he opened the box and your dream engagement ring was inside. “I want you for the rest of my life, and the next. Will you marry me?” he asked, tears pouring down his face, just like yours.
You nodded enthusiastically, and Chris stood up. He placed the ring on your ring finger and scooped you up. “I love you,” You choked out, and Chris sobbed harder into you. 
“I love you too, and I’m never letting you go.”
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@nerdypinupcrystal @kpopgirlbtssvt
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Imagine skz realizing their s/o reads smuts about them .... sksksksksk
LEZ GO HEADCANON/REACTION (i swear i know the difference i just dont know what to call these LMAO)
Warnings; SMUT!!! mentions of rough sex, mentions of pegging, mentions of threesomes, mentions of degredation, sub/dom!skz x gn!reader
he just needed to check the weather on your phone or smth
but was instead greeted by hardcore smut with him choking and fucking the reader
“why dont you read the cute like fluffy stuff? like going on dates by the beach or getting a dog together or something?” 
you try to act innocent like “read? i do read book with those themes if you didnt kn-”
“no i mean the things about me”
realisation just HIT 
“chan,,, how much did you read??”
“maybe like 3 or 4 pieces, all very rough??”
smile through the pain, you’re busted and theres nothing you can do about it lmao
“here i am,,, thinking my partner was so excited over news articles but no,,, oh no they reading about wanting to dom me. never baby”
he says it in such a serious tone so you’re cracking up, half embarrassed, half amused.
but he doesnt even blink
“also why the fuck does changbin get to fuck but im stuck jerking off in a random ass corner?”
so defensive
justice for minho in fics
starts judging how its written
“the writer doesnt describe my handsome face?”
“Y/N!!! COME HERE!!”
you skip into the room, your buff boyfriend sitting infront of your computer scrolling through a smut post you hadn’t bothered clicking down
“this is pretty hot not even gonna lie”
you punch him playfully on the shoulder but it doesnt make him move an inch
“c-can you not?! thats invasion of private property!!”
“ ’ah fuck yes changbin, im yours’ doesnt sound like private property”
you slam the computer screen shut and walk out but he grabs your wrist
“do,,, do you wanna try?”
“try what?”
“you know,,, recreate those,,,”
“b-but im right here?”
so confused??
like why would you need to read about having sex with him
rolls his eyes and starts making fun of you 
“y/n wants to be called a whore!!”
but then discovers smth really kinky that you like
idk like being tied up or restrained or smth
eyebrow wiggle 
“hey y/n i just wanna test something” 
you’re cooking food and you nod
he takes both of your hands behind your back and CLICK
mf had handcuffs behind his back 
he leans in real close to your ear, pressing his chest against your back
“dumb baby didn’t know that i would have found out, hm? reading those dirty things behind my back every night”
“my dick is not small”
you’re like wtf,,, he just says it randomly while you were grabbing a snack from the kitchen
“in that story you’re reading, it says that i have a small dick”
you cant even say anything, you just frozen, with a packet of crisps in your hands
“what more stories are there of me? are there any with me and a big dick?”
he vibes with it but kinda pouty because why didnt you tell him what you wanted to do in bed
baby starts worrying that maybe he’s not good enough :((
highkey loves the sub fics OOP
“y/n, i wanna try this”
he says, showing you a fic about him getting pegged/buttfucked
you’re all like static tv noises at first cause how the fuck did he even find out
but ya know,,,, it opened door ;))
“do you want to fuck my bandmates?”
bruh you choke on your mf water
“w-wha? why would i-”
“especially jisung, theres just countless links of jisung smut in your history”
you’re impressed over how calm he is?? 
“s-smut? pffft,,, i dont read that,,,”
he pulls out his phone cause he took a picture of what you were reading and you just wanted to sink underground and stay there forever.
“I quote; ‘jisung grabbed his leaking cock an-”
he just chuckles, looking up from his phone with his sharp eyes
“should be me instead...”
“wait is that the new volume of that manga?”
he says all pouty before he jumps on top of you, you lying on your stomach on the bed, deep into the story until you scrolled down and boom
the smexy scenes started ;)))
you quickly scroll up again but he’s all like;
“wait scroll down,,, im pretty sure i saw my name”
he grabs the phone out of your hand and runs away
flops down on the floor out of embarrassment 
and you flop down on top of him
just a pile of embarrassment
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cloudywriter · 2 years
the best kept secret
aelin week - may 2nd
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prompt: aelin and the magic of friendship 
where have i been? idk. xoxo 
(cw: mild language)
Most people would say they have no idea when their feelings for their best friend began to shift. Rowan, however, knew exactly when it happened. 
It was two months into freshman year, October 2nd to be exact, and Aelin showed up at his doorstep - they were neighbors after all - all giddy with her cheeks flushed a bright cherry red. The hue made her blue eyes stand out like a stray highlighter mark against a crisp white page. 
She told Rowan she finally had her first kiss. Sam Cortland had kissed Aelin goodbye after their outing to the pumpkin patch. 
At first, Rowan thought the feeling that bloomed like a weed from the pit of his stomach was betrayal. Rowan and Aelin were supposed to do everything together and yet she had had her first kiss and he had not. He soon realized no, the emotion didn’t come from him feeling left behind it came from him wishing he had been Aelin’s first kiss. As soon as Rowan realized the ugly truth he pushed it down. He pushed it down, down deep hoping the feelings would eventually dissipate - that they were only a fluke, a rush of teenage hormones. 
It had been four years since then and senior was coming to a close, yet those pesky emotions never subsided. He even had his first kiss with a girl named Remelle, a fault he was still unable to leave in the past. His feelings only grew as did the jealousy Rowan felt every time a new boy took interest in Aelin and she entertained their advances. Sam, Ilias, Nox, Dorian, Chaol, and even one of his own best friends, Fenrys. 
Rowan had been in a foul mood for three days straight now and all because he overheard Aelin talking with Lysandra. A conversation where Lys pushed Aelin to tell her more details about this ‘guy’ she likes. Aelin hadn’t given up anything before Rowan had backed off and decided to eat lunch in the library rather than at the table with his friends. 
Now, Rowan was in an even more foul mood as he sat at Aelin’s white desk staring at the crappy paper flowers she folded out of boredom one day and various pictures of them on her bulletin board while she lounged on her bed behind him still so blissfully unaware of his intense desire for her. They were studying for their upcoming AP Biology exam and Rowan was about to rip his eyes out to keep from staring at any more flashcards. Seriously, why were photosystem II and photosystem I labeled out of order? 
As if she was reading his mind, Rowan hears Aelin slam her textbook shut behind him flopping back on her bed with a huff. 
“If I look at this book anymore my brain will fall out and disintegrate,” she groaned, wiping her eyes with the palms of her hands. 
“Are you suggesting you still have a brain to even do that?” Rowan hummed, swinging around in her desk chair to face her. Even dressed in sweatpants and an oversized ratty t-shirt Rowan really still thought she looked beautiful. She raised her arms above her head high enough that her shirt rode up exposing some midriff as she stretched. Rowan looked away focusing on a spot of chipped paint on the wall instead. 
“So… I overheard you and Lys talking earlier,” Rowan trailed off suddenly cursing himself for even bringing it up. It would only hurt him more for her to talk about it but some self-destructive part of him wanted to know who. 
When Rowan looked back at her he saw her eyebrow raised, urging him to go on. 
“You like a guy?” Rowan coughed out. Aelin looked shocked before schooling her features back into neutrality. “I- what did you hear? Did Lys say something to you?” She stumbled over her words. 
“No, no. I just overheard,” Rowan clarified. 
“So, you were eavesdropping, Whitethorn?” She questioned. 
“Maybe unintentionally,” he admitted and Aelin smirked before her face fell a little. “It’s no one though, Ro. Don’t worry about it. It’ll never be a thing.” 
“Why not?” He pressed, his heart pounding uncomfortably against his ribs. Aelin’s gaze darted away from him and she began scratching at the side of her nail like he knew she did when she was nervous. 
She shrugged a single shoulder weakly before bouncing off her bed. “I have to pee,” she declared in very usual Aelin fashion and walked straight into her bathroom shutting the door behind her. 
Rowan sighed and leaned back in the chair allowing it to tilt back until it hit the wall. It connected with a clang, knocking the lacrosse stick he’d stuck against it earlier to the side. The stick slid down the wall stopping when it knocked into a bookshelf nailed to the wall with a thump. A book plunged on contact from the shelf landing at Rowan’s feet. He huffed, leaning forward again to replace the book. 
It was a black composition notebook like the ones given out in science class with a worn cover. Its corners were beat up and bending inwards. Aelin Galathynius was written in neat penmanship on the front with a faded lipstick stain above it. 
Rowan opened it a little expecting to find some doodles or even notes from an old science class but instead, the journal was full of pages of writing. Some were crammed with sprawling colorful script that looked rushed and loopy while other pages were filled with neat graphite paragraphs. As his eyes skimmed over the pages he realized quickly he was looking at a diary of some sort. Aelin’s diary. 
Guilt rose to the surface. 
She complained lamely of classes, of her parents' silly rules, of Chaol, and of her arguments with Aedion. Nothing worth much interest until his eyes snagged on his name. The guilt rose higher, banging at the door of his self-conscious but the urge to know was overwhelming and his eyes moved of their own accord. 
I wish there was some way to tell Rowan I love him. 
His stomach dropped so far he thought it would exit out of his body and splatter on the carpet below him. 
The door from the bathroom opened with a creak and Rowan fumbled with the notebook desperately trying to make himself look as inconspicuous as possible. 
It was too late. “Where did you get that?” Aelin demanded. Her eyes were sweeping and narrow, undoubtedly pissed. 
“I- it fell from the shelf and I went to put it back but you know, well, I don’t know. I’m sorry, Aelin, so so sorry. I’m really fucking stupid,” Rowan’s words jumbled together. 
“Did you read it?” She pressed as color rose to her cheeks and her expression grew hard. “I-,” he started, fumbling as he tried to process all the thoughts moving like a freight train in his head. 
She loves him. She’s pissed. He read her intimate thoughts. He invaded her privacy. She loves him too. 
“Rowan! Did you really fucking read it? Are you-” 
“I love you too.” 
“What?” She stopped her rant. 
“I love you too,” he reiterated. He thought he felt his dinner climbing up his esophagus. He was ready to puke as the confession left his tongue and took flight. 
“Rowan,” she breathed.
“It’s the truth, Aelin. It’s been the truth for years now.” Rowan continued. 
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Aelin asked, her voice lacking any malice. 
“Because I’m really fucking stupid.” 
She smiled and he smiled back.
i’ll try to write more again idk. busy year :,)
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todourouki · 4 years
↲ Back to my BNHA Masterlist
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i crash, u crash.
SUMMARY: Being with Dabi wasn’t easy and it probably never will be, but he just wants to make sure you’ll stick around. Or in which Dabi tries his best to show you he cares about you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: based off i crash, u crash by lil peep! lol honestly idk about this one. but welcome back gift for me, from me, to you <3
PAIRING: Boyfriend!Dabi & Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Explicit Content, Dabi is toxic, Angst*, NSFW [18+] including spitting, slight daddy kink, squirting, slight overstimulation.
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© todourouki
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Sex with Dabi was always the same.
Routinely speaking, whenever he was back from a mission was the time you were expected to be on all fours waiting for his attention. It was always rough too, nothing short of angry and aggressive even if it was a form of “love-making.” He could call it what he wanted to though, he knew the universal term for his type of sex was simply fucking.
The positions and their timings were always on schedule. No more than 3 minutes in missionary— all the time in the world doing everything else. You never really got to touch him, and he’s never let you see his face when he came.
The relationship of hot and fiery sex mixed with an unrequited form of codependency grew to an actual romantic one somehow between the days and nights spent together, yet nothing of the dynamic ever changed. The only thing you could recall is that he groggily asked of you to “finally be his girlfriend since you already acted like it.”
Dabi was a complicated person. You never knew if he planned on waking up and deciding he wanted to be single, and honestly the day he decided to do such a thing wouldn’t be a surprise to you. He was an avid participator in the league of breaking hearts and even if you had more than enough knowledge on this, you allowed his sneaky smirk to seduce you into the sheets of his bed and hours of his days.
You eventually found yourself moving in, figuring out that he refused to sleep without the air conditioner on, never wore socks around the house, used way too much salt on his eggs, and never managed to close the curtains after he got out the shower. Above all that though, he never changed the way he fucked you.
Dabi loves you, of course you never had to question it or get reassurance. He showed you in minuscule ways such as stealing bringing you your favorite snacks after a long day without you, doing things such as buying double of what he gets from store runs because you’re in his mind all day, and telling you he’ll be safe for you once he walks out the door. He never says I love you, but he doesn’t need to.
It’s hard to get someone like him to change the way they are, so when you’re sitting on your shared bed flipping through a magazine and see a couples quiz linger across the page, you can’t help but try to feed yourself crumbs of his affection you know you’ll spend a lifetime searching for.
“How long did it take for you to realize you like me?” You broke the silence, squinting at the duo-skin toned man slouched across the wooden headboard.
You heard him chuckle, blinking longly at you with amusement glimmering within his cerulean irises. It wasn’t rare for Dabi to mock you for asking such a thing, but it was a rare moment for you to glare at him deadpanned and genuinely waiting for an answer. It fucking confused him.
“As long as it took you to make me cum the first time.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring his comment enough to make him furrow his eyebrows. It wasn’t like you to not retaliate back, you were always quick to snap back at him. Hearing nothing but his own breathing as you skipped through pages made him furrow his eyebrows. He wanted to ask if you were okay— he really did, but then you’d think he cared.
And Dabi would be a terrible person if he let you know he cared.
The silence was nearly overbearing, nearly deafening in his ears as he tried his hardest to focus on anything but your serious expression haunting him in the back of his mind. Things like this rarely bothered him. It goes to say that Dabi was rarely ever bothered.
Sure, you never asked for much reassurance and never even did as much as ask if he meant it when he asked you out mid-nap, but he really did. Sure, you lived off the whim of thinking it was, but at least the raven haired man knew it was. Right?
The sound of the magazine slamming shut and getting thrown somewhere onto the bed broke Dabi of his thoughts. “I’m gonna’ pee.” You announced, mostly to no one in particular because your soft eyes refused to meet his own. Another rare occurrence.
You lied to Dabi for the first time in your life. Did you really have to pee? Of course not. Did you have to cry in the bathroom for a quick 2 seconds to release the pent up frustration of utter confusion? Of course you did. It was annoying— living with someone and only getting treated as if you were anything in the slightest to him when his dick was inside of you. He only ever fucks you rough and never lets you see his face, and he expects you to believe he wants to be with you?
After cleaning your solemn face from dry tears, your body grudgingly made its way out the bathroom and to the bed. Your presence within the studio was clear, panties strewn across the open drawers mixed with Dabi’s briefs, shoes tucked neatly compared to Dabi’s boots tossed lazily near the door, and perfume bottles layering up against the old brown dresser. You took a quick glance at a picture of you hanging on the wall, a familiar raven-headed man’s arms wrapped around your head as he towered over your frame with his head resting across your head.
It was never worth the confusion.
“Why were you crying?” His dark voice rang out, making you slightly flinch as you dented the soft mattress with your frame.
A quick shake of the head will do, you thought to yourself as you followed your own orders. You knew Dabi wouldn’t push to find out what was wrong, he never does. And he doesn’t, lips shut as he takes a drag from some cigarette he’s smoking and giving you a longing look of aggravation. It’s even less of a surprise for him to do such a thing.
“If you have something to tell me, then I suggest you do it.” If you hadn’t known Dabi for as long as you do, you’d probably assume he was being condescending and outright rude. Because you do know him though, you know that’s exactly how he’s trying to come off to you.
You dreaded it. The eventual confrontation that was inevitable from the moment you accepted to be his girlfriend— it all led to this moment in space and time. You felt exactly how you predicted you’d feel, sick and intimidated. Not necessarily by Dabi because you know he’d never hurt you, but intimidated by the fact that it’s as easy as 1-2-3 for him to up and leave depending on your answer.
“What are we, Dabi?” And there it goes, 1-2-3.
It was like hearing a pin drop. Nobody moved, nobody spoke, nobody did anything for the first three seconds following the ultimatum. He knew he had two options: answer genuinely and reveal information he’d die before releasing, or leave you high and dry yet again for his own benefit when it comes to the mere idea of using words he doesn’t use in bed.
Staring into your eyes never scared him, he cremating people for a living, but knowing that lying behind them were tears falling for your reflection rather than on his shoulder caused a pang to hit his chest. It was unfamiliar and unusual, but looking at your body begin to leave its space in the bed in frustration with his quietness made him snap. You were serious for the first time.
“I’m not going to repeat myself.” Your words were harsh, harsher than usual and you yourself couldn’t even tell where this newfound energy came from.
You were okay. You were okay with whatever this complicated situationship was, and you probably would have still been okay with it if you hadn’t gotten too deep in over your head and let his words get to you. Him saying he realized he liked you coincidentally while you fucked should be above you, yet here you are.
“Jesus doll, relax.” He taunted, hands reaching out to grab your arm in a fit of confusion and annoyance, “just come back to bed Y/N.”
You felt it - the minute he touched your arm and released the tiniest bit of heat coming off his palm - just how tense he was becoming. He knew once you put your mind to something, it was difficult to get you to move away from it. He knew that there was no escaping this conversation.
It was inevitable really, the fact that one day (which was, unfortunately for him, today) you would question the legitimacy of his emotions for you. You were carefree just like him, that’s why he fell for you. But you were also blunt. If you felt a way, you were going to say it and that’s that.
Easily, the scarred hand gripping onto your arm slid over to your clenched jaw. You didn’t mean to give him a hard time for not looking his way—with the way his fingers squeezed deep into your skin and tilted your head towards him, you knew you did. It almost repulsed you with how obedient your body was to his touch, glancing at him with no shame other than the dried tears threatening to spill over.
“I’m gonna tell you the one time and I’ll never repeat myself,” he threatened, voice treading amongst angry waters as his blue eyes bored into yours, “I’m serious.”
You stood your ground, eyes taking away from your scowling expression as they swirled in curiosity. It didn’t take much to make you lower your frame onto the edge of the bed, a sigh escaping your lips as you pulled the t-shirt past your exposed panties.
“I don’t say much when it comes to you, or even to when it’s about you—but you’re all I am.” Your eyebrows furrowed, clear confusion written in your face.
“What does tha—” “I’m talking.” Dabi’s aggravated expression never left, not even with the joint hoisted between his lips in nothing but frustration.
“I got nothing to give you, nothing but collected calls from jail and maybe some jewelry I stole cause I got bored. I don’t have any money, anything to my name, and nothing but a spot on the police and hero department’s most wanted list.” His words made you frown, the clear self-depreciation outweighing the cocky and arrogant attitude you once knew to belong to the man infront of you.
“I can’t look you in the eye, show you my face when you milk my cock clean— can’t do shit like that,” Dabi’s smirk was quick to appear, your eyes rolling as you met his serious gaze yet again, “probably won’t be able to take you out the country either unless we run far, far away from here.”
“But nothing I say or do will ever express the way I feel about you.” And now it’s Dabi’s turn for the 1-2-3 process, because that statement in itself made your brain stop working.
Your brain couldn’t comprehend the fact that Dabi’s free hand was circling your bare thigh, moving closer and closer to where he most felt at home. His words never faltered though, only slightly pausing to smoothly slip his hands onto the soaked folds of pink lace.
His words were thrown against empty ears. You couldn’t focus on the words flowing within the room due to the ever-growing heartbeat pulsing between your thighs. Dabi’s hand sank into your leg, heat splitting between your skin enough to hiss and throw your head back.
“From this perfect pussy,” he applied pressure to the space between your legs, the wet patch inducing a smile from his once blank expesssion. The sudden contact caused a gasp to slip from your panting lips. Almost instinctively, Dabi pressed his thumb against your tongue, “to this smart ass mouth, it’s all I need to wake up in the morning.”
Your mind was now blank. All you could think about was the feelings of Dabi's heated fingertips dancing against the confining cotton of your panties. He always had the ability of doing this to you— dumbifying you with nothing but the pads of his fingertips and making you beg for his tongue.
Watching you pant under him nearly made the expressionless man shudder in pleasure. Dabi wasnt a liar, anything and everything he's ever said being some mangled up verbal example of his brain. He was far from the type to express his feelings, show anything other than smugness and oversuimulation, and dedicate his entire life to another person.
He was far from the type, yet managed to become a perfect example of a significant other who's life slowly but surely becomes solely to live for another person. The other person in this situation, was you.
You felt him begin to leave swollen burn bubbles on the outer layer of your skin, legs shaking in a way that brought the two of you out of your racing minds.
His motions stopped, yet hands showed no intention on moving from its current place. He was staring at you intensely - as intensely as he could - to assert his egotistical dominance but you knew the truth.
And as Dabi lowered your frame into the soft, plush white sheets, he realized he knew the truth as well. Your eyes were dazed, irises looking at all of him at the same time as your body swallowed in his touch and he knew. Dabi knows deep down no matter how much taller, bigger, or dominant he ever tried to be, he would worship the ground you walked on with the blink of an eye.
Your hands found his cold cheeks, tongue still stuck to your bottom lip with Dabi's harsh finger circling the pink muscle. Not a word was said, or per say, not a single word needed to be said. The energy surrounding the one-roomed apartment was enough for the two of them.
Before you, Dabi was known to be something of a martyr. He fooled women, toying with their souls the same way he toyed with their bodies and cried trauma when they threatened to leave. He kept a string on every one he ever fucked, being cautious enough to keep them at the heel of his feet for a fun time when he felt he had enough of you.
Then, he got addicted. He drowned in your drive, finding for the first time in his life some sort of comfort. Your natural warmth, your smile, your understanding— you were someone Dabi would find himself laughing at for thinking they actually existed.
"You're gonna get tired of me one day," he bitterly smiled, eyeing you deep into your skull with nothing but sadness laced in an angry distraction, "you're gonna find some hero and leave me here all on my own."
He wanted to think he wouldn't care. If the time where you decided to go back to the better things in life, leave a lowlife villain who wants to destruct the government, and live a rich healthy lifestyle, he knew you didn't do anything less but deserve it. You were too good for him, better than anyone he's ever known in his life for as long as he'd live.
With a soft whimper, your hands turned his head from his lowered expression over to your soft eyes. He hated how quick you got him to look at you, and he especially hated how quick you made his breath stop.
"Hey," you whispered, soft smile still glowing even though you realized he had intentionally lowered his voice as well as his lips from your sight. The vulnerable expression the raven-haired man was trying his hardest to not get you to see brought a rough pang to your chest.
"You crash, I crash. Always."
Your words hit him, and boy did they hit Dabi hard. The time it took for the word always to softly slip off your tongue was just enough time for Dabi to realize the depth of your words.
They were the same ones that fell between your lips when he thought he was dying, when you thought you were dying, and now. Dabi was complex - that was evident - but he was also the simplest man you knew. All he ever really needed was some reassurance.
It was long before his fingers found their way into your scalp, slipping over the crevices of your neck and gripping onto the back of your head as if his life depended on it. All you could do was gasp.
"Can I touch you?" The words were like a record scratch, repeating through the scarred man's brain all too much to keep anyone sane.
He couldn't tell if it was the slur of your words, or if it was your soft hands running across his thick shoulders as the words whispered into his ears— whatever it was made him take up the obligation of doing anything and everything you said.
It wasn't soon before you found yourself slamming your lips against his, the sensation causing you both to moan. You couldn't tell the difference between his hands and yours, tangled limbs falling deep into the plush comforter covering your shared bed. His weight above you did nothing but encourage you to wrap your bare limbs against his now shirtless one on, hands running through the raven locks above your head.
The minute you felt the heated pads of his fingertips lower themselves down your abdomen, your head shook underneath his and caused him to part his lips from its home on yours.
"Hmph," you groaned, pouting as your hands traveled down to his jeans and began to fiddle with the zipper, "I want to feel you in me now."
Dabi was used to being in control. He was used to ordering your body around, telling you what to do and how to do it. In the bedroom, Dabi made the orders. So when he parted his lips from yours and stood over your body with his scarred hands shoving his pants down his thighs, you couldn't do anything less than moan. Knowing he was taking what you said into consideration brought chills to your skin.
"You sure you're ready for this, sweetheart?" He smirked, legs coming out of the restricting jeans he wore and leaving his tall and lean frame in nothing but gray briefs.
Dabi had a lot to brag about, in the most respectful way possible.
Your hands clawed at his waistband, giggling as you pulled his body all the way back to its original position of resting above you and let the underwear go with a loud smack. Being eye to eye with someone like Dabi was scary, no point in denying that. Her there was something about it that just drove the two of you insane— and he couldn't tell if I was anything short of love.
He silenced himself, attaching his lips to yours and preoccupying a hand into pulling his briefs down just enough. And by just enough, it meant just enough to brush your clothed clit as his painfully hard cock stretched up to his stomach. You couldn’t do anything but flinch, hands reaching out to grip his thick girth and slap it across your clothed pussy.
“Let me do it.” You smiled, eyes boring into Dabi’s own blue ones. Your free hand slipped your panties to the side, his mushroom tip dancing against the rim of your wet hole and causing the two of you to release a soft groan into one another’s face.
If there was one thing Dabi would never get tired of, it would be the feeling of your velvet walls sucking his dick closer into you. Nothing short of sensation hit him the minute your hands shoved the head in, and his almost fell inlove with the view of you watching his large length disappear into your own heaven.
It was hard for you to not cum from his entrance. Even as he bottomed out, your teeth sealing a scream from leaving your throat by pressing into his shoulder, did you realize just how big Dabi was. No matter how skinny, lean, and weightless he seemed, the girth and length on Dabi’s third leg when he was stuffing himself into you never failed to surprise you. Even through the self-inflicted pain of going into this without foreplay, you knew there was nothing that would ever fill you up as amazing as Dabi does.
“Fuuuck,” you dragged out into his earlobe, tongue licking a strip of his patched skin from your bite-mark to the lobe of his pierced ears, “you’re so big.”
He couldn’t help but whimper (another thing on Dabi’s list or shit he doesn’t do but now does because of you), the feeling of your tongue circling his ear as your pussy gripped onto his fleeting cock nearly felt like too much. It didn’t help that you were moaning and whispering in his ear with nothing but pure sex laced in your words.
“You know,” he breathed out, beginning to create a routine with his hips bottoming harshly into your cervix and slowly dragging out in a timely fashion, “this is the best pussy I’ve ever had.”
He thinks it’s a compliment, but really it stirs awake the competitive bone in your body. You ignore it though like you always do, choosing to appreciate the fact that he considers you the best at atleast something.
His hand gripped onto your neck, bringing neon stars and dots of blackness to conceal your view of cerulean eyes. Nothing but the lewd sounds of Dabi pushing his dick into your wet hole filled the room, sprinkles of your whimpers and his groans mixing amongst the darkness of the apartment.
Dabi was trouble. He never felt in control of his feelings, never knew what he would want in life, and never bothered to consider living for someone other than himself. It’s moments like these with you though, that makes him realize the God he wakes up thinking about rests between the gap in the middle of your heavenly thighs. He’d killed people before, but the power you held over him was enough to make him consider killing everyone on earth if you’d ask.
You felt him begin to grow impatient, hips pounding into your frame and causing your body to jolt up and down harshly. Words couldn’t describe how amazing Dabi felt inside of you right now. His tip crushed your cervix within every thrust, and it was Dabi’s fingers that lifted your gaping face from the trance of watching him fuck into you to his own face.
“I-I cant.” You began to slip out, tears growing against your eyes as Dabi’s hot fingers began to flick your swollen clit. You swear it’s only been like ten minutes, or maybe Dabi’s huge dick pushing against your cervix was beginning to fuck you stupid. “You’re gonna’ make me cum— make me cum too fast daddy.” You cried out, fingers dragging against the stapled back as you felt Dabi purposely drag one of the piercings located on his tip across your pulsating velvet walls. It was almost too good to be true, and you couldn’t help yourself from kicking his waist over you and forcing his body underneath you. He didn’t even have the courtesy to wipe the smirk off his sweating face.
“Get to work, doll.”
You knew why he spoke to you with such condensation. You also knew exactly why his hands pressed into your ass cheeks as you found your home on top of his bare lap. His scarred torso leaned against the black bed frame, and you decided right then and there that Dabi deserved to get his brains fucked out. So you did exactly what he told you to do— you got to work.
You were wet enough to take him some more, knees straining as you finally pushed his length deep into your stomach. The silent scream that left your lips didn’t go unnoticed though, your fingers that now gripped his cheeks pressing between his lips to keep his teasing menstruations to himself. Dabi’s eyes couldn’t come off your body, and honestly he wished they never had to.
Keeping a grip on your stomach and your ass cheek, an enflamed slap brought a powerful burn across your ass cheek and caused you to jolt against his penis.
“Jesus Dabi, a-are you trying to kill me?” You weakly pleaded, and it didn’t take long for your fucked our expression to start slurring your words.
The sound of you dropping your frame onto his body filled the room, your hips rolling against your clothed clit and bringing sensation you weren’t sure if you could handle. You were trying to focus, but the feeling of Dabi heating a hand up across your ass and slowly beginning to meet your thrusts caused your brain to jumble into a mess of nothing but him.
“Fuck, baby you look so good when you start to get stupid.” He smirked, lips running against the cleavage of your bouncing breasts and lazily sucking on the moving nipple in front of him.
You wanted to fight back, and you wanted to defend yourself against him thinking you we’re starting to get stupid. You really wanted to— the only issue being that you couldn’t. You couldn’t the minute Dabi found a way to meet your thrusts and roughly tilt your neck back up towards the ceiling.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Was all you could cry out as you began to grow impatient in your lower abdomen. It just felt too good. And as if to add injury to insult, your walls began to clamp up from the feeling you knew was coming soon. Dabi paid the price.
You’d never seen his eyes get this wide, eyebrows furrowed as his mouth gaped open in shock. His eyes found its way down, the sight of your pussy gripping and swallowing his dick back in and out being something he wishes he could see all day and that’s when Dabi realizes that he is inlove with everything about you.
“It’s like your perfect pussy was made for me, baby.” He whimpered out, smirking between hooded eyes as he struggled to regain some of his consciousness. You were way too good at bouncing on his dick, and he couldn’t help but begin to meet your thrusts with more precision as he felt himself near orgasm.
“A-all for you! Always all- always all for you daddy!” You cried out, voice struggling to come out as you threw your hands against Dabi’s chest and began to bounce as if your life depends on it.
You hate doing all the work, honestly you really do dislike it. But this has been the longest Dabi has allowed you to ride him and the feeling of you literally milking his cock at your own disposal was an offer too good to ruin.
“I know it’s all for me, princess.” He whimpered out, a hand gripping the back of your neck and pulling it low enough to slam your chapped lips against his own. “Wanna know something, baby?”
The words vibrating against your own moans got lost in the sound, your headboard forcibly slamming against the wall only louder as every other thrust from you gradually grew rougher with your urge to cum. Your brain couldn’t do anything less than feverishly nod, hands slipping back onto your body and allowing Dabi to drill into you from underneath. Gasps slipped out of your parted lips with a hand gripping his black hair and the other begging to rub your own clit.
“You crash, I crash forever, right baby?” He moaned out, the words entering your ears and making you cry out with tears finally spilling down your eyes from nothing but intense pleasure.
“Fuck yes daddy, forever!” You cried out, body beginning to hunch over as you felt the pressure in your stomach compared to the way Dabi slammed into you become too much.
“Good, doll,” he moaned, pushing you so far into him, the heartbeat in your pussy was sure to be vibrating onto the veins of his dick, “so do me a favor.”
Everything happened much too fast, your dizzy state only increasing as Dabi grabbed your body harshly and tossed you back underneath him. There you were again, tossed carelessly under him with your legs trembling and pussy stuffed with all of Dabi in his glory. His lips found our ear again, licking your lobe and sucking on it right after.
“Cream all over my cock so I can stuff you up with my kids, deal?” He smirked into you, jolting into you as soon as the last word resonated on all ears.
Soon enough, he found it in himself to thrust into you like never before. You could barely breath, gasping for air as you felt your vagina began to vibrate due to stage of pleasure you were in. And just like that, your body began to run from the overstimulation of Dabi’s hot finger rubbing roughly against your clit as he drills your frame into the crevices of your mattress.
“Da-daddy I’m gonna’....” The words just couldn’t come out— he was begging to fuck you dumb.
You couldn’t feel nothing but Dabi’s dick pound into you, and if this was all you felt before you fell into a sex-coma than fuck it. It will forever and always be worth it.
It was like you were starting to see white. The feeling of one of his hands now roughly gripping your drooling expression closer to his face made you scream in pleasure, Dabi’s smirk leaving only to release a trail of saliva from his throat into the back of yours. You swallowed it with no hesitation, some of the residue slipping through your lips in a mix with your own spit as you began to drool at the feeling of his tip hitting that one spot over and over again.
And that’s when you felt it. You felt the build up, the pressure of holding back becoming too much as you belted into a mess of tears and tried to push his body off your own.
“No baby,” he roughly said, milking his cock into you even harder and rubbing pressured circles into your clit until a strong snapped within you and you saw nothing but white.
You weren’t sure if it was a sub-space you had entered, or some fucked up version of heaven people who just for their brains fucked out go, but either option felt like fair-game the minute your pussy began to squirt a mess of cum and other liquids from the space Dabi still found himself intruding. If anything boosted his confidence, it was this right here.
“Fuck yes baby, squirt for daddy,” he smirked, rubbing you harder and harder as your felt your body stiffen at the overstimulation, “fuck, you’re so hot.”
As soon as you, Dabi found himself cumming harder than he ever had, lips only being able to cry out a mantra of your name. He knew sex with you was amazing— but this was a new high he doesn’t think he’d ever went to let go of. He didn’t even have the energy to lift himself out of you, small drips of cum able to slip out of your swollen pussy making you flinch in both overstimulation and pain. The cockwarming brought chills to your arm, body sprawled underneath Dabi’s panting frame in nothing but a fucked our expression.
You felt him lift his head up, eyes glancing over your puffy closed ones and being able to do nothing more than steal a kiss from your tongue-licked lips. He knows the difference between “fucked-out” you and “genuinely-knocked-out” you, and you knew he knew the difference too. But he acted as if he didn’t.
And before Dabi could pass out on top of your sweaty and sticky frame, words he mumbled into your shoulder nearly burned into your skin. At least, just enough to make your pussy and lips twitch in nothing but contentness.
I crash, you crash. Forever and always.
Sex with Dabi was always the same— sure. It was rough, messy, and painfully over-stimulating, but it was Dabi, and it was more than enough for you.
Your mind was now blank. All you could think about was the feelings of Dabi’s heated fingertips dancing against the confining cotton of your panties. He always had the ability of doing this to you— dumbifying you with nothing but the pads of his fingertips and making you beg for his tongue.
Watching you pant under him nearly made the expressionless man shudder in pleasure. Dabi wasnt a liar, anything and everything he’s ever said being some mangled up verbal example of his brain. He was far from the type to express his feelings, show anything other than smugness and oversuimulation, and dedicate his entire life to another person.
He was far from the type, yet managed to become a perfect example of a significant other who’s life slowly but surely becomes solely to live for another person. The other person in this situation, was you.
You felt him begin to leave swollen bubbles on the outer layer of your skin, legs shaking in a way that brought the two of you out of your racing minds.
His motions stopped, yet hands showed no intention on moving from its current place. He was staring at you intensely - as intensely as he could - to assert his egotistical dominance but you knew the truth.
And as Dabi lowered your frame into the soft, plush white sheets, he realized he knew the truth as well. Your eyes were dazed, irises looking at all of him at the same time as your body swallowed in his touch and he knew. Dabi knows deep down no matter how much taller, bigger, or dominant he ever tried to be, he would worship the ground you walked on with the blink of an eye.
Your hands found his cold cheeks, tongue still stuck to your bottom lip with Dabi’s harsh finger circling the pink muscle. Not a word was said, or per say, not a single word needed to be said. The energy surrounding the one-roomed apartment was enough for the two of them.
Before you, Dabi was known to be something of a martyr. He fooled women, toying with their souls the same way he toyed with their bodies and cried trauma when they threatened to leave. He kept a string on every one he ever fucked, being cautious enough to keep them at the heel of his feet for a fun time when he felt he had enough of you.
Then, he got addicted. He drowned in your drive, finding for the first time in his life some sort of comfort. Your natural warmth, your smile, your understanding— you were someone Dabi would find himself laughing at for thinking they actually existed.
“You’re gonna get tired of me one day,” he bitterly smiled, eyeing you deep into your skull with nothing but sadness laced in an angry distraction, “you’re gonna find some hero and leave me here all on my own.”
He wanted to think he wouldn’t care. If the time where you decided to go back to the better things in life, leave a lowlife villain who wants to destruct the government, and live a rich healthy lifestyle, he knew you didn’t do anything less but deserve it. You were too good for him, better than anyone he’s ever known in his life for as long as he’d live.
With a soft whimper, your hands turned his head from his lowered expression over to your soft eyes. He hated how quick you got him to look at you, and he especially hated how quick you made his breath stop.
“Hey,” you whispered, soft smile still glowing even though you realized he had intentionally lowered his voice as well as his lips from your sight. The vulnerable expression the raven-haired man was trying his hardest to not get you to see brought a rough pang to your chest.
“You crash, I crash. Always.”
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