#like i was surprised but delighted he was there
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emiqip · 18 hours ago
Pt.3 Apocalyptic Ponyo AU ft. Shockwave and his... kids. @keferon
For all they've been through together, this had to be the dumbest thing they've ever done- which is saying something, considering not too many months ago they collectively decided to raid the city's garbage dump not taking into account that a) there would be some kind of security system (who defends trash anyway? weirdos) b) the smell and c) the local population of possums they inevitably bothered. 
All in all, that could have even been considered a good day in Skywarp's book- yeah, they didn't find anything, they all smelled pretty fucking terrible without any way of washing the stench away and they were covered in bite marks, hoping none of those things had rabies- but they laughed and joked about it for weeks after. 
This situation, however, was anything but funny. 
Following Blue's little stunt, the remaining children left at base were informed to meet at the nearest shore, where the youngest's new... friend? Still waited for them. A few minutes of shock and surprise from both parties after, they finally decided on how to fix whatever this was. The plan was simple too: separate Blue from the sea freak, gather all of their stuff and set off to the sparkly horizon, leaving all of this behind their backs- no strings attached. 
Obviously that would've been too good to be true, something had to go wrong: of course their youngest still refused to leave, even when Damus finally gained some courage and went over to pick Blue up by force- too bad the little menace immediately started ugly sobbing. Not only that, the twins got over their fear pretty quickly, replacing it with the raw force of curiosity little kids have for anything ugly, sticky and new. Cue Soundwave being assigned as their official babysitter lest the two would sprint and try to climb the fish like a pair of coked-up squirrels. And, yeah, not the smoothest outcome but hey! Now they could, you know, leave. 
He was so so wrong. As soon as the Thing noticed they were walking away it started  chirping at them over and over, like it was calling for them to get back. Kinda sad, but they could ignore it (unless you were Blue- still crying in TC's arms while making grabby hands at the mer), what alarmed them was the fact that it started to use all of its upper body strength and try to slowly beach itself in the goal of reaching their group. Needless to say the situation called for a new plan fast- even in ten, considering its size, they still weren't enough to push it back in to the water. 
The solution was just to camp out on the shore and find a way out of this in the morning. To the absolute delight of their youngest, who decided that for the night he would be sleeping with the freak, and unsurprisingly the twins only followed by starting to poke and prod at the being, who seemed to enjoy the attention as much as them. Windcharger joined their little huddle too for the evening, explaining himself with a little shrug of his shoulders and a quick, "He's warm and I'm cold- you can freeze for one more night for all I care," and left it at that. That traitor.
Oh well, this would soon be over anyway. 
Two. Weeks. 
Two whole weeks passed since this whole charade was supposed to be over, but instead he found himself being ferried away on the wettest, most fucked up recreation of the 'Magic School Bus' he's ever seen.  Worst of all Ms. Fizzle was replaced by an oversize pancake with gills. 
This was supposed to be the closest thing to a compromise: the kids got to keep their fish and the others got a free ride trough the apocalypse- pretty sweet if you asked him.
They were slowly making their way towards what was once the busiest side of the city: he remembers coming here with his brothers and getting overwhelmed every time by the sheer amount of people bustling around. Both locals and tourists blended perfectly in a vortex of voices, faces and mannerisms. For a boy who lived at the edge, this was exhilarating. 
But the best part of this chaos were the shops windows: there was one who was squeezed between a tiny flea shop and a bakery owned by a couple of kind old people- the window's space was taken by a plethora of several vintage televisions, each of them displaying something different- his favorite old show was filmed at their local aquarium and had as protagonist a young orca mer, chirping away happily at the camera, while the crowd gasped in awe at the adorable display. 
He saw his face stare right back at him from the surface of the water. Tired eyes, sunken cheeks and hair grown matted and way too long- what would he do to reverse it all and go back to their shitty daily life. 
From the front of their unusual mean of transportation, he could hear the youngest kids screaming and laughing, more likely pestering the mer like a swarm of particularly persistent flies. Being too focused on eavesdropping the racket, he didn't notice Damus approaching him on unsteady feet. 
"I saw a billboard a few minutes ago: big bright and with the directions to the biggest mall in the city- I'd say we are overdue for a scavenger hunt to restock our resources, what do you say?" The older asked, before staring off into the distance. 
"Sure, why the hell not? I'm pretty sick and tired of eating only fish anyway- cheers to the big guy for catching it for us though." He absentmindedly patted the mer, earning a pleased rumble up ahead.
With a brief nod of assent, he took off to most likely talk to Skids- the teen, after a very intense game of charades, managed to establish a method to communicate with their newest addition, he was even successful in teaching the fishman some very simple words, and in turn the mer taught him some of his language: it was mainly made up of sounds and gestures but Skids, being the fast learner that he was, took to them pretty quickly- a shame that he never had the chance to attend a public school, he would've at the top of his classes for sure. 
He felt the mass he was sitting on stir briefly, as the massive mer changed the course of their journey. The scenery around them slowly changed: hills of crumbled and deformed buildings gave way to a forest of skyscrapers looming over all of them like giant concrete pillars. Since the wave hit, putting a stop to all human activity, nature was steadily taking over- vines descended from a top of buildings, patches of seaweed and sea flora were dotting the submerged asphalted streets. 
They watched in awe as schools of brilliant colored tropical fish darted past them- he heard Blue squeal along the lines of, "Sir. Pancake! Look, it's you!" when a familiar looking shark swam past them.  He could vaguely recognize some of the roads and alleyways, now nearly completely covered by corals and anemones, housing a variety of oceanic wildlife.
Despite everything, there was still beauty left in this abandoned world. 
The dark gaping maw leading inside the mall stared right back at them. Having no way to access the lower levels, since they were long lost under the waves, they had to find another way in- one of the walls had luckily given away to the erosion of the water, leaving the perfect entry point for them and their fishy companion. They were all well aware the mer wasn't too keen on leaving them alone for too long without becoming restless, so this was a win-win situation.
As the shadows progressively engulfed them, the smell of dampness and mold welcomed them inside. He felt TC's hand grabbing his right sleeve to catch his attention, as he turned around he saw his brother pointing at the water with his mouth agape. 
What he saw made him inhale quickly in complete surprise- a pool of neon blue light surrounded them from all sides, swaying gently at the rhythm of the mer's movements. 
"...bioluminescent algae- read about them once, but I never thought I would ever see them for myself." He heard TC whisper softly at him. 
"Woah, this is so fucking cool..." Soft murmurs of assent from his siblings filled the silence he left behind, as they all watched the water entranced by the spectacle of lights. 
They were all suddenly woken up from their trance by a brisk movement from their means of transport that almost made all of them topple over into the water. Apparently 'Sides decided he wanted to touch the pretty blue lights, nearly taking a dip for himself if the mer didn't glance over and quickly caught the little kid with one of his huge webbed hands. At least the pest had the decency to look away sheepishly at the mer's silent but admonishing expression. 
Without any other close calls, they made it to what was once the food court- a huge circular dome where the pavement had partially collapsed, leaving behind a slope where dry land and water could meet, the perfect place to finally get down and stretch their legs after hours of swimming around. Trailbreaker reached into his ridiculously big backpack and started passing around a bunch of flashlights- the teen liked to be prepared for anything, even if that meant bringing around some additional weight. 
The moment his feet met the ground he let out a happy sigh- exploring the sunken city was great and all, but nothing could compare to the chance of finally burning all of his residual energy. Damus clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and started his usual spiel before any resource-gathering trip. 
"Alright everyone, you know the drill: six of us are going in pair to explore the building- pick up only things you think will come in hand, leave everything else. Do not take more then you need, we are not the only survivors around, so let's not doom other people only because we felt a little bit greedy today. See something? Scream. Lastly, the brats stay here with Sir. Pancake, while one of us will also remain to keep watch- can I have a drum roll for our lucky winner?" The question was met with an enthusiastic chorus of voices. 
"Aand- Trailbreaker you're up!"
"Awh man- what?" The teen sagged his shoulders as Windcharger smugly patted his arm. 
"Look at the bright side dude: you'll have fish-dad helping you this time." 
"Not helpin' Charger, kudos for trying though..." Trailbreaker's muffled response came from behind his hands, as the other kid only shrugged and joined Skids to prepare for departure. 
In the meantime, Skywarp gingerly hooked his right arm with TC's, leading him towards one of the halls connected to the dome.  From the ceiling stray cables and crumbled pieces of drywall dangled freely, occasionally disturbed by a gentle breeze coming from inside the hallway. He gave himself a few seconds to glance behind his back: the children, in the few minutes they arrived, had apparently started their very own game of tag, skidding away on the wet floor, completely unbothered by what was happening around them. Trailbreaker, accepting his fate, decided to use this time to clean the barrel of his shotgun, while sitting on the floor with his back leaning on the mer's arm.
The creature however was looking apprehensively at them: worry and fret swirled in his blue eyes- they all knew he didn't like to see them leave, but this was necessary. He absentmindedly threw him his best calming smile, hoping to reassure him enough. The mer was briefly taken by surprise before nodding and giving Skywarp a hasty nod. 
 'I trust you.'
"Good luck everyone! If you're not back in an hour we'll come find your sorry asses, so be on time- I'm talking to you Skids!" Damus voice bounced on the walls of the abandoned building. 
"...you get lost one time-" The cut-off whispered replay of his sibling was the last thing he heard before entering the hall with TC in tow. 
Their wet footfalls was the only noise filling in the utter silence around them.
The bright beams of their flashlights cutting through the thick wall of darkness. Now that he had the chance to look at it up close, he could pinpoint exactly when life had come to a stop between these molded walls: on tiny cafe tables sat long forgotten coffee stained cups, the occasional eerily empty stroller was abandoned haphazardly in the middle of the hallway, still pale mannequins were silent witnesses to the disaster, while purses and toys littered the floors. Moments frozen in time. 
He felt himself shudder, trying to shake off the feeling of wrongness from his shoulders. 
So far they found only a couple of useful things, mainly industrial tape, iron wire and other items from a hardware store they had just raided. All the possibly edible things they dug up have all been either completely or partially covered in mold- all of this moisture made it difficult for things to stay fresh, especially since electricity had been one of the first things they'd lost to the massive wave, completely cutting off all of power to fridges. 
Hopefully the others had been more lucky, he really wasn't looking forward to another overcooked sardine- none of them had always been the greatest cook after all and he doubted Sir. Pancake knew his way around a stove. Great now he was thinking about the mer holding a comically small pan, while wearing a pink frilly apron with the words 'Kiss The Fish' printed on the front- 
He was interrupted mid-giggle by TC's pointy elbow digging into his side- which he was about to comment on before his brother nudged him again, signaling with his light to something on the wall. 
"Storage Room." Read his sibling aloud, with a knowing smile.
"Fucking jackpot, baby!" Skywarp blurred out- ooh the joy he'll feel when they'll be able to shove in their losers sibling faces a box full of protein bars. 
A wide new hallway opened up for them, at the end of it he could discern the top of a pair of rusted shut down automatic stairs. They eagerly hurried down them, impatience and hunger for discovery was eating away at them- before diving waist deep into a pool of freezing water. 
They both startled for a few seconds, and then realization hit. They both forgot the lower levels were entirely flooded, but thankfully water didn't seem too high from what they could see through the darkness- hopefully the floor was built on the same level and didn't suddenly dip under them. The water was way too murky to see what was happening under the surface, and that did nothing to appease the apprehension this place was giving off in waves- he suddenly felt the shivers he shrugged off return in full force. 
"Thunders, not gonna lie, I have a bad feeling about this." His whisper echoed on the walls enclosing them. 
"Yeah... I feel like there's something we're missing." The other confessed, as they slowly trudged forward. "It's been scratching my brain since we passed that cafè...".
"Right?! I feel the same... all that chaos and we only find a bunch of litter on the floor-"
Thundercracker stopped abruptly in his path, making him stop too. 
"Uh- TC, you okay?" He lifted his torch to better look at his brother. 
"...the corpses."
"Oh! Yeah, this was a very busy place, how come we haven't found... any... corpses..."
One of the worst mistakes humanity ever made, was to think that they had any chance at being on top of the food chain. Centuries of time spent spreading and conquering all known continents, had led them to believe that nothing could touch them if they hid behind their big wars and even bigger weapons. However, Hubris is the first deadly sin, condemned to be a human's last. 
From the void, a pair of bulging white eyes stared back at him. A gaping maw full of jagged yellowed teeth, was framed by two lines of receding gums barely attached to the skull. Ivory white plaques covered a shiny metal body underneath, decorating a lizard-like muscular frame, still as stone- like a spring ready to be released. 
They were moving even before his brain could catch up with him. Fight or flight on full force- his main goal was to get away and do it fast.  
Thundercracker quickly followed him, as he felt the large creature pounce towards them. 
Climbing the stairs and reaching the top almost slipping down and falling on his brother. 
They sprinted down the hall- heavy footsteps never too far behind as the beast snapped his monstrous jaws, trying to catch them. 
Blurs of the coffee shop and hardware store passed next to them, as realization hit him once more- they were bringing a human-eating mutant right to their little brothers. 
'See something? Scream.'
And screaming he did. 
His alarmed voice filled the dome as in a moment of distraction his foot slipped on a nearby puddle, leaving him to fall face first unto the hard ground- hopefully his little siblings where not stupid enough to try and come help him. 
He knew this was coming. 
A hot breeze hit the back of his head, as the stench of death reached his nostrils. The heavy weight of a massive clawed paw, pressed him flat on the floor, painfully crushing his chest. He wanted to say he had been brave enough to face his fate, but instead he hid his face inside the crook of his elbow, heaving a last breath verging on a whimper- he only wanted to help his family, and this is how he died, it felt a bit like deja-vu...
Too busy giving thought to his adrenaline infused rants, he didn't immediately feel the crushing weight being suddenly lifted off of him- a giant wall of muscle and pure unbridled fury, tackled the beast into the other side of the room. A low guttural threatening growl woke him up from his stupor and he was on his feet in seconds- the now enraged mer stood between Skywarp and the monster. 
The teen almost didn't recognize him, a completely mirrored image of the usually peaceful creature- what was once a beacon of gentleness, who always moved like he knew he could easily hurt any of them, oh so very careful of his size and strength- now gave away to a terrifying predator, claws and fangs fully on display and ready to use. 
The mutant pounced once again, now his attention taken solely by the mer, who in tow used his massive tail to spring forward and grab the monster by the tail- hastily pulling it towards the water where he could've a clear advantage. 
Too focused on the feral brawl, he didn't hear Damus' muffled voice calling him through the static ringing in his ears.  
"-warp, we need to move! Shit, Skywarp move your ass, goddamnit!" A hand forcefully grabbed his left arm, before he was pulled to his unsteady feet. The front of his shirt was snatched and he felt himself move and duck behind a nearby counter- his eyes never leaving the fight.
If this thing was anything else, now it would be long dead- but unfortunately genetics were on its side. The ivory armor covering its body made for an impenetrable defense- meaning, it was not only built to hunt things smaller than itself, but also to wear out bigger predators and use twist their tiredness on them to deal the final blow. 
"...he's not going to make it." 
"Uh? What are you talking ab-?" 
"He'll lose- WE HAVE TO HELP HIM!"
A still out-of-breath Thundercracker slowly approached him with his hands held up, like he was placating a wild animal and not his own brother. 
"Warp, please be reasonable- What chance do we have against that thing? Bullets will not work and we can't risk hitting our only ally against it, we shou-"
"What? Run? I'm not going to save my ass while someone else is going to die- you're not making me give him the Smokey treatment, no chance in hell." 
Only the sound of the background fight remained, as a mournful silence descended upon them. That name was bound to stir flashes of awful memories in all of them- the darkest times since the beginning of their broken little family. Their missing piece, forever lost. 
"...what's the plan?" The trembling voice of their youngest broke the silence. 
Skywarp drew in a ragged breath as he blurred out their only chance for all of them to get out of this alive. 
"Metal! The- that thing's body is made of metal underneath, if we can find a way to electrocute it, its own body is going to act as a super-conduct and fry it's organs from the inside out." 
"Me and 'Charger found a small generator not too far from here, I think we can use it," Skid's chimed in from the back of their little huddle, "we attach some cables on it and pinch that thing- than boom fried fish." 
With a plan in mind they all moved like a bunch of frenzied rats. Windcharger and Skids ran to fetch the generator, while Soundwave followed them in case they needed to jump-start it. The kids were ordered to stay put and not engage, as the others watched the fight, waiting for their time to strike. 
But as they took in every detail of what was happening, it was clear they had run out of time. The mer was clearly using the last of his energies to just keep the thing still- deep bleeding wounds littered his frame, one of his eyes was closed off by a cut that run at the center of his face, as he gasped for breath- eye dazed and a shaky pupil stared at his enemy. 
He registered his siblings returning with the small generator, but he was quick to snatch the cables attached to it from Soundwaves' hands. 
"We don't have time- I'm going to do something crazy, but it'll be fine!" He cried out, ignoring his siblings' shouted protests- metal was not the only super-conduct present in the dome. 
As he skidded to a stop and knelt near the water, he felt time slow down. He watched as the mutant freed itself and in a few seconds snapped its mouth on the mer's side, trying to rip off a large chunk of meat. The mer let out a haunting pain-filled cry, as he desperately used his last energies to claw at the mutants' skull, in hopes of getting it to let go. 
Skywarp had to act now.
Before he plucked the sparkling cables into the pool, he glanced once more not expecting to lock eye with the blue one of the mer- illuminated by the blue hue of the algae, covered in gaping wounds and suffering immense pain, was smiling at him- one of those familial calming smiles that he became used to on a daily basis, since their crazy companionship began. 
'I trust you.'
Those same eyes that were looking at him with only fondness, suddenly became bloodshot as an immense wave of energy traveled through his frame in a matter of seconds. Skywarp felt his, now free, hands tremble with adrenaline as they all watched their guardian being electrocuted- and with him the beast.
What had been merely moments, felt like hours. 
They won. 
The limp body of the beast slowly sunk into the depths dragged by it's own heavy body, as the victor stood tall in the middle of the dome. Water fell from his broad back in droplets, a deep purple hue cloaked him from underneath- the algae, who soon changed color after being hit by the wave of electricity. The mer red blood-shot eye never left his gaze as he held the other half of his face, covering his wounded eye with a clawed hand.
Skywarp and his brothers watched as their guardian's form eventually staggered and swayed, until his worn body hit the shore with a shuddering thud. A keening sound left the mer's mouth as his body convulsed a couple of times, before finally settling into a fetal position. 
A small blur rounded the counter he left behind his shoulders- Blue sprinted towards the now still body of the mer, halting himself near his head before hugging it as best as he could. 
"Get up... please, you have to get up- I don't want to leave you here," A sob escaped the little kid as he gently pushed at the mer's cheek, "please Sir.Panca- Dad, get up..."
Slowly they all began to huddle around the still-breathing, even if ragged, body of their guardian- the mer shuddered as he gently lifted his head to nudge soothingly at his youngest. He looked over all of them, as if to assure himself that nobody was injured, until he locked eyes with Skywarp once again. The mer cooed, lifting his hand to beckon him to come closer. 
The teen got up on unsteady legs and made his way toward his guardian, collapsing into the crook of his massive neck. As a clawed hand started caressing his back, he found it so difficult to hold in his tears. 
"I'm sorry- this is all my fault," he wailed, "and now you're hurt and- and I did this to you... when you've been nothing but gentle and patient with us from the beginning... some fucking friend I am." 
"...hurt?" He was taken by surprise as the mer spoke to him- a thick warped accented voice. 
"What? No, you big dummie- I'm not hurt..." 
His guardian had the gull to smile down at him- the huge fucking sap. He couldn't help but smile in tow as he felt Bluestreak join their little hug, and settle himself down to nap away the residual adrenaline. 
He watched as his siblings sat all around them- weapons in hand, standing on guard and silently daring anything or anyone to attack their guardian. 
Yeah, he was not ready for this to end just yet.
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monkebearness · 2 days ago
He + She (& Her)
Kim ChaeYeon (tripleS) x Male Reader (ft. Lee JiWoo)
Tags: smut, fluff, open relationship (potential poly), creampie, mommy kink, some rough rink
Word count: 10k
a/n: I've thought of this idea for a while, and I've only decided to write about it pretty recently. yeah, that's about it. I hope you enjoy this!
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Friday. It’s past seven o’clock in the evening. For a while, howls and growls can be heard under the moonlight, but they’re not from wolves.
“Oooooooh, God… Yooouuuu're… so beau…nghh…tiful, even with your hair… tied up!”
They’ve been going for two hours, jumping each other’s bones since they’re fueled by intense libido and the primal desire to keep this burning pleasure as long as they can on the squeaking king-sized mint bed. It’s not the only spot in the apartment where they do it. There’s the couch, the bathroom, or even the kitchen counter. But for this couple, the bedroom is simply the best spot. As much as “vanilla” it may sound for some, there’s no denying its ultimate comfort and versatility for all sorts of possible, or near-impossible, steaming private activities that their bodies demand.
During this round, the woman has been grinding on his hips like he's a stallion, holding on to his shoulders with every ounce of her being while her cunt is being impaled by his dick in the past several minutes in one of their favorite positions to date.
“Thanks, ba…by… Ggghhh… Baby, you’re so good… inside… me… Ugh!”
“Mmm… Mahh…” he groans under his breath—almost drowning beneath her jiggling sweaty jugs as he maintains his rhythm with his lover and keeps his strength beneath her. “Moommy, fuck! How are you… still so… tight! It feels so…”
“Just keep… Going…” She undoes her bun, a flashy maneuver that suddenly embiggens his already erect member. “What..? Ugghhh!” she yelps at his surprise, but that’s not all.
His unthinkable urges impel him to take his mouth into her right tit, igniting a shriek of delight and a titter from the woman as he proceeds to suck it within seconds. “Oh, fuck! Hnngghh… Honggi... you naughty… boy!” She struggles to form phrases from the top of her breath while her occupied partner uses his hand to massage her left breast, rubbing it up and down with his fingers, a trick that he intensifies by using his pincer grasps to give her nipple a quick pinch. “Imma…”
Honggi’s mouth slowly parts from Chaeyeon’s knocker, leaving a trail of saliva, and asks her, “What… Is it?”
“I’m safe today, baby,” she whimpers right next to his left ear with a smirk. “And I’m… getting close.” And as a cherry on top, the woman leans near his left cheek and licks it.
Her words and action strikes through his nerve once again, giving him another quick boost for another minute. He knows exactly what she’s insinuating. “Me…” he grunts, feeling his thrusts within her decrease in speed in favor of strengthening his pounding. “Nggghhh… too!”
Their movements slowly take a halt, anticipating the warm build-up flowing and leaving their crotches. She holds his chin, leaning down to reward him with a kiss. He amplifies it by sliding his tongue in her submissive mouth, allowing a moment for them to sloppily clash together in the midst of their skins slapping. Five seconds later, Honggi bursts his load inside Chaeyeon’s womb, moaning in each other’s mouth as they’ve reached their respective climaxes.
They catch their breath, falling flat on the bed. “You did so good, baby," she wheezes before lying on her pillow. She places her hand on his chest. “You always have, oppa.”
“You do remember that we’re still the same age, Chae-yah,” he brings up with a snicker.
“Yeah, but oppa gets you up, doesn’t it?” she counters with a teasing tone, lightly pinching his nose. “‘Cause you’re still months older? Almost a year, even.”
“I don’t care what you call me, mommy,” he submits, gently stroking her hair sideways. “Here or outside.”
He kisses her forehead, inciting a giggle from her. She inches her head on to his chest, where the two relax and hear each other’s breathing for about fourteen minutes while they talk about their day, allowing Honggi to reflect on their mundane yet special past. About two years ago.
= = =
“So I wasn't too tipsy that night,” the woman cheered. “You really were from SSU too!”
He puts down his cup on the table. “I thought you were familiar too,” he pointed out.
She pointed her fingers. “You were the class clown from Tone’s friend group, right?”
“Yeah! And you, you…” He snapped his fingers four times, until more of his memories were reignited and much clearer. “Oh, right! You were that cute and clumsy girl from Tone’s club. The Dimension Beamers, was it?”
“Diamond Dreamers,” she corrected him with a chuckle, not even defending his claim. “Gosh, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard that name from someone.”
They went to the same university, but they weren’t that close. Mutual friends at best... The encounters they had were mostly teasing each other whenever their friend groups interact. But they have been coworkers for almost three years and, of course, one thing led to another, as cliché as that sounds. When they were promoted to a new team at the Cultivation Of Seoul Media Organization (COSMO) Broadcasting Station, the two felt a “spark” during their first post-college reunion. The day after their first team dinner, the pair chose to meet at a café in their company building during lunchtime.
“Right, right, that’s what I meant,” he replied. “Mianhae. You got a point. It’s been about six years since we graduated from Seoul State, so forgive my memory.”
“No worries. But, may I ask: how long have you been working here?” she asked. “I feel like I’ve seen you a few times before, but I’m sure if you were someone I crossed paths with.”
“I’ve only been here for a year, actually,” he clarified. “Though I’ve worked other jobs at other companies before I got here after Tone and some of my pals are here and gave their recommendations for the application. How about you?”
“About two years now. Got here on my own, but it wasn’t easy either. Company had more rounds of interviews for applicants in its early days.”
“Wow, you’re an OG employee… So that makes you my sunbae, then?” he teased.
“Yah!” she roared. We’re in the same year first during college… I’m not allowing that.”
“Fine, fine,” he yielded to her intimidating whine. “Besides, I don’t wanna get fired too.”
Chayeon only raised her eyebrow, much to her chagrin.
He inched his arms away from the table with vigilance. “Will I get fired for saying that?”
“Nah, relax…” she reassured him, before taking a sip of her iced americano with a slight smile. One of his statements from earlier still stuck in her mind. “So… I was that cute member, huh?” her smile grew into a smirk. “Don’t you think I’ve forgotten that.”
He gulped, coming up with anything off the top of his head to justify what he said. “It’s just from my memory. Have you not called yourself that word back in the day? I can still remember how confident you were with aegyos, even to people who weren't that close to you. You were practically a celebrity, just like the rest of your club.”
“That was pretty embarrassing. But those were some fun times,” she looked down and shook her head, before her mind recalled what she remembered about him. “And you…”
“What about me?” he countered with an alarmed tone before she could finish her statement. He must’ve thought of the most unflattering adjectives about himself.
“Don’t get so defensive all of the sudden, Mister,” she chortled. “For someone who was known as the clown in your group, I remember you had some charms and talents too, especially when you worked during the campus festival… You deserve to be here like everyone else, whether you got here through recommendations or not.”
“That is quite nice to hear, actually. Thanks.” He raised his right hand sideways, keeping his thumb apart from the rest. “I look forward to working with you, Chaeyeon-ssi.”
She took his hand, shaking it with her left. “Likewise, Honggi-ssi.”
They became friends, as expected, but even that wasn’t an easy path for them to take. The moment Honggi’s close friends and colleagues from his previous team heard the news of them hitting off, they went to him whenever he’s on his own several times— pestering him like insects flying on his radar, buzzing and whizzing around him, even though they were in different teams and floors apart.
“I know you’re kinda down bad,” his taller colleague assumed. “But are you sure you wanna go with Kim Chaeyeon?”
“Can’t you just go after someone else?” another one of his old deskmates chimed in.
“What about her, man?” Honggi wondered. “She seems pretty nice and approachable. Definitely more capable than me. I got to know her better, compared to when we’re in college. And besides… We’re just friends.”
“Another load of bullshit from you, man,” his taller one cackled. “Friends? Since when have you been friends with a woman, let alone at work?”
“Since Kotone? Since Suhyeon? Since Jayoon? Do you want me to go on?”
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands in defeat. “Fair enough, man.”
“And before you even ask,” Honggi continued with conviction. “No, I didn’t have the urge to sleep with them, you weirdos. Like I said, I’m just friends with Chaeyeon now.”
“Whatever you guys are right now,” the old deskmate added, telling him with a tone of concern. “There’s some things you don’t know about her.”
“That’s true,” the taller one hums in agreement. “It's better if you find some of the tea that she may not even spill by herself. Otherwise, you’ll regret it down the road.”
“Like what?” Honggi’s voice became a little louder. The two became daunted by him. 
He sees them as invasive. Despite the two of them being his friends for years, this was the first time he did not feel comfortable listening to their babbles about office drama. Ironically enough, he's no stranger to being an office gossiper himself back in the past. “Mianhae, guys,” he sighs. “Just spill it out. I'm sure it's not that big of a deal.”
“When she first worked here, she was more…” the deskmate scans through his mental thesaurus. “Promiscuous. That woman is wilder than she looks, man. As in more than you can imagine. But I don’t know, maybe she isn’t like that nowadays.”
“And?” he tilts his head. Hearing their persistence has been rubbing him the wrong way. “Her relationships should be the last of my business, let alone anyone else’s.”
“Whatever, man,” the taller colleague gives him a pat on his shoulder. “Just be careful when you’re dealing with that kind of woman… Especially if you’ve fallen for her.”
“Thanks, but umm,” Honggi scoffs at their warnings. Even though their overwhelming load of cautions made him a little worried, not for himself or even his own friends, but for Chaeyeon. “I think you guys are being overdramatic.”
“We just don’t want you to get hurt, dude. But if you’re still not convinced, you’ll see.”
Honggi heard the rumors from other colleagues about cases of cheating on her previous relationships, but Chaeyeon dismissed them, though whenever he got any close to being curious, she could only tell him responses like, “It’s, uhhhh, more complicated than that. But there was no cheating involved or anything.” Nevertheless, she was starting to enjoy his company over time, and so did he, in spite of all the misgivings he heard from other people around his workspace. A trust was strengthened through their bond ever since they felt that spark, prompting them to keep meeting each other from time to time.
The following months between the two were basically a game of “will-they-won’t-they?” Until the moment of truth came a year later. One had to finally make their first move.
“Hey, do you want to go to dinner?” Honggi approached her. “After work, that is?”
She placed her elbow on her desk, staring at him with a whimsical smile. “What is this, Lim Honggi-yah?”
“I’m just asking you out… For dinner,” he told her without any further details, making his tone sound casual. Just maybe a little too much. “I’m sure it’s not that different whenever we have lunch in this building. It’s just outside... Unless you have plans for tonight, then we can do it some other—”
“Loosen up,” she snorted a laugh due to his rapid pace. “I’m super free tonight… So, I would very much like that. You got any place in mind?”
“I was thinking if you have a suggestion,” he proposed. “Since you know this district a little better than I do.”
“How thoughtful of you.”
Even though he’s already thought of a comeback, Honggi tried to keep a straight face. “I’m, uhh, I’m just letting my sunbae do the honors.”
“Yah!” she exclaimed, leaving from her seat to chase off the running man across the room, before heading to the nearest pojangmacha outside their building. Honggi insisted that it would be his treat, so she took his words to heart.
“I’ll have a plate of gyeran-mari, a platter of tteokbokki, an odolppyeo-bokkeum, a bowl of eomukguk, and a bottle of makgeolli.”
“Okay,” the vendor turned her head to the man, whose eyes only widened at her orders. “How about you, son?”
“I… uhhh… I’ll have another bowl of eomukguk, and a roll of kimbap. Kamsahamnida.”
She chuckled at his reaction as soon as the vendor started preparing their orders. “I’ll pay for my orders, okay? Plus, they’re all meant to be shared, so you better help me out.”
“Of course,” he insisted. “But don’t worry, ‘cause I can still pay for them.”
“I haven’t eaten anything since lunch, so I don’t mind having a heavier meal tonight.”
He feels his own heart anguish, even unnecessary guilt, hearing her admit those words. “You should really stop skipping your meals, Chaeyeon-ah.”
“Gwenchana,” she shrugged his worries off with a cheery tone. “I rarely skip meals. Today was just an exception to that. I'm okay, Honggi.”
They didn't have a label for whatever they were, but they began dating, albeit in secret. Yes, they used the term dating, even if they weren’t “anything” at first, and even though he didn’t realize that she was hiding a few secrets from him for a while. Yet despite this, Honggi didn’t blame her, or even held an ounce of spite, when she told him the truth of most of the hearsays and rumors his own friends were warning him about. It's her life, he tells himself… I don't have to know everything, unless she tells me about it.
Knowing Chaeyeon, she confided in him some of the things that others would talk about her. How she experienced catcalling by others, had her own credits and contributions at her projects stolen or undermined by certain executives, and how she dealt with them in her two years at this company. Of course, she has her own close friends whom she could tell her secrets to outside of work, but with Honggi, it’s something new compared to a lot of things she has been going through at work lately. To her, he was a new ingredient that started spicing up her life at their workplace. He was a friend whose shoulders she could lean on. One she can call text or late at night, whether they're working on a team project, or talking about anything else. One who she can exchange jokes with without getting too offended. One who doesn’t laugh whenever she loses her balance on a slippery floor and rather, goes his way to help her back up, just before they laugh it off together. One that coyly tells her that she looks beautiful whenever she enters the office with a new look. That’s Honggi to Chaeyeon. It is the balance of feeling comfortable and the yearning which they have for each other.
But that first date was also the first time Chaeyeon decided to come clean with him.
More than an hour had passed inside the pocha. Most of their plates and bowls were emptied, with the leftovers already wrapped up, most notably Chaeyeon’s tteokbokki. Fees have been paid. But they still remain here, having longer talks and banters about whatever they can bring up until the clock reaches nine.
Reasonably, she felt hesitant at first. “Do you believe what they're saying about me?”
Honggi saw it in her eyes. The sense of dread she was trying to hide. Not to mention her cheeks looking more pinkish. Why does she kind of look like a peach? A really cute one, he wonders, just as he brushed off such an honest observation. He inched his hand on her fingers, hoping it would alleviate her unease. She looked down, feeling his gentle, electric touch. It’s that spark again. “I only believe what you tell me, Chaeyeon-ssi.”
“Honggi-yah. You know, you've only known me for a year,” she faced him with eyes ridden with guilt while wearing a somber smile. “That pales in comparison to your buddies at your old team. They basically welcomed you into this company.”
“Sure, they’re my friends,” he acknowledged. “But they don't know you either. They can call me a simp all they want. Maybe I am. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve known you enough to know that—”
She left her seat and inched closer to his face, kissing him for the first time, sending sparks throughout both their bodies at this moment. In her mind, she took a big risk... Within seconds, they feel and taste each other’s lips, unavoidably exploring the flavors of their meals, yet they savor each, from tangy to savory. Their lips part, Honggi opens his eyes, frozen in disbelief. His breathing becomes a little heavier at first, yet a stream of relief and excitement follows from him.
“I guess that’s one thing they, or you, didn’t know about me.”
“They did tell me,” slipped from his mouth, but immediately covered himself with his hand. “Though I didn’t mean to ruin this moment. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn’t forget when they said that you’d be…”
“What?” she questioned, her monotone voice striking panic through him.
“Promiscuous?” he confessed in embarrassment. “Mianhae. That's what they told me.”
She let out a giggle. “Don’t be… I kinda expected just that,” her sultry tone and grin remained. Her fingers trailed up his sleeve, sending a chilling sensation down his spine. “But… Feeling is different from knowing, don’t you agree?”
He nodded with an embarrassed smile. Before the silence of the night breeze could have overtaken their moment, Honggi made the next move while Chaeyeon smiled and closed her eyes in anticipation of this moment.
In the months that followed, Honggi and Chaeyeon have gone on dates at either fancy or simple restaurants, watched movies at the theater, given each other gifts and bouquets on occasions, and taken walks to plenty of parks and museums, like most couples. For indoors, they hang out at each other’s places, where they cook, cuddle, wheedle, or watch TV and—for the most part—having stress relieving sex after work, which has pretty much become a tradition for the pair during weekends—if their limbs aren’t sore because of it, to say the least.
= = =
This Friday evening, they’re in Chaeyeon's apartment. Her bed is starting to reek of sex. Their mixed sweat and juices long splattered across the bed sheets, with their breathing bouncing across the room. Both their stamina and fuel to keep going have been drained, although their requited satisfaction is off the charts. Neither of them may be able to top their performance this week in the next few days. Although they have had wilder times, tonight’s one of their most passionate ones so far, but that doesn’t come as a surprise.
They suddenly hear a ringtone at the door, followed by a click, since they never closed the bedroom door. Honggi gets up from the bed, freezing on alert, but Chaeyeon’s lips only curve upwards with anticipation. Based on her face, he understands just who the person from the other side is. The only other resident of this astonishing abode. A tall woman in a grey blazer and black slacks.
“Jagiya," Chaeyeon, now in her blue robe, exits the bedroom with her usual sweet tone as she walks up to her girlfriend at the foyer. “You’re home!”
“Hi, unnie,” Jiwoo’s smile reciprocates her girlfriend’s, although the tone of her voice is a little weaker. “You may wanna get a hold of yourself a little longer. Imma shower for a bit. The train tonight was more crowded than usual.”
“I don’t care how smelly you are now,” she retorts, proving her words with a kiss to Jiwoo’s left cheek. “Plus, I don’t think our scents are that different now, hmm..?”
The woman smirks, slowly trailing her fingers up the collar of Chaeyeon’s robe to take a peek of her bare body. “If that’s the case, then why don’t you join me in the shower?”
“I much as I would love that,” she tells her, giving her another peck on her right cheek. “I think you should go ahead first, babe.”
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“Oh, right,” her mouth slightly gapes, realizing what she meant. “Mianhae. We have a guest, after all. I didn’t even notice.”
“Don’t apologize,” Chaeyeon holds her hands. “You’re looking a little tired, Juju-yah. Better get some rest first, arachi?”
Honggi exits the room, now wearing his shirt and boxers. Sitting on the couch with his phone, he watches them kiss and embrace with passion. Even he can tell the warmth of their years of care and love for each other, acknowledging well that this pair predates whatever he and she has. Sure, he may come off as a third wheel, but it’s not the first time he’s entered this awkward situation whenever he’s with both of them.
Tossing her messenger bag on the couch, she slouches on the furniture herself to take a breather, the tall woman takes a look at the man with a polite smile yet insouciant eyes, Jiwoo makes a little effort by raising her right hand to wave at him once she has turned on the television. “Hey, Honggi-ssi.”
Honggi bows his head with a sheepish smile. “Hey, Jiwoo-ssi. How’s your day?”
“Oh, you know. Business as usual,” she pouts. “The studio was less occupied tonight… But, surprisingly enough, the bakery had more customers than usual. We even had to delay its closure by thirty minutes… How’s yours?”
For hours, he had almost forgotten. This is far from an ordinary relationship. A lot of couples have become more open-minded, mostly for the better, yet not every couple is open like Chaeyeon and Jiwoo. He recalls their third date, when she came clean about the thrilling and intriguing nature of his lover’s relationship with someone else.
= = =
Back to six months ago, right after the heat of the moment. It was their eighth kiss at the garden, located outside the restaurant they just dined at. It was a romantic memory for both of them, butterflies and all that. For Chaeyeon, it felt like she entered the Garden of Eden every time they locked lips, or felt each other’s tongue trying to slide in. However, as soon as their eyes meet again, she pulls the elephant back inside their room almost immediately to remind him of her pressing concern, at least for his sake.
“That was, wow... But, um, you clearly weren't paying attention to what I just told you, oppa, which, by the way, I've told you about seven times on separate occasions, yet it’s always like that’s no big deal to you.”
Even though it was her plan to come clean since their first date, Honggi’s reaction has somewhat bothered her often. He seems too chill about it, she described his behavior. She confessed to having a girlfriend during their second date, but he only took it well. Way too well. That’s why she keeps pressing him about her revelation whenever they spend time outside of work.
“That just means that I’ve listened to you loud and clear, Chaeyeon-ah,” he comforted her with a gentle caress to her cheek, making Chaeyeon look down out of meekness. Even if kissing or simply touching her should have felt like taking a lot of bites of the forbidden fruit, Honggi’s heart and mind are willing to submit to such a sweet sensation.
But, with his accepting words, she realized something. Just like how he waited for her and comforted her until she opened up, maybe she proved herself that she’d be just as willing to do the same for Honggi, if she wants to make him stay and make things work with the man she has fallen for.
“I don't care if you have a girlfriend, another boyfriend, or another lover,” he continued. “I don't mind if that's just how you live and love. I mean… If you do feel the same way for me—I don’t know, maybe that's enough for us, don’t you think? And it’s not like you’re cheating on your girlfriend, is it?”
“Of course, not,” she looked back at him. “I meant what I said. Jiwoo and I have been ‘open’ for a while now, and it’s been going well for both of us. For the most part.”
“For the most part?” he repeated, raising his eyebrow in confusion.
“We can’t always be lucky,” she shrugged. “But my point is, my girlfriend and I tell each other whoever we’re interested in… So you shouldn’t be worried about that, Honggi.”
“Well, I think any other person who could’ve been with you now, would’ve been lucky,” he contemplated. “I just happened to be that man this time.”
“Are you just saying that so you can finally get in my pants?” she cooed.
“Definitely not,” he inched away and crossed his arms, wanting to appear classier to her. “Unless you want that, I’m a patient man.”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “What a gentleman you are.”
“I’m serious… I like what we have now, Chaeyeon-ah.” His speech reverted back to a serious one. “But if you don't want me to be in your life a little more often, then I can understand that. We can stay friends, if you’d like it—”
She put her index finger on his lips. He sees her alluring smile slowly forming.
“Of course, I'm serious too. It’s our third date, silly,” she took another step closer, triggering a sudden gulp in his throat. “You have no idea how much I want you, Honggi-yah.”
They rented a motel room, agreeing not to introduce each other’s places just yet. “It’s still a bit too messy,” Honggi defended his reasoning, though Chaeyeon’s reason was, “Jiwoo-yah will be surprised to see me taking someone home while she’s around and besides… I'm all yours tonight.”
Despite their previous dates becoming more and more intimate, they haven’t done anything beyond second base because of Chaeyeon’s hesitation. About how Honggi would react once she tells him about their open relationship, or finds that out from  some of the blabbermouths at work. Thankfully, she had chosen the former route.
As soon as they arrived inside their motel room, Chaeyeon hungrily jumped on Honggi, whom he caught with lustful enthusiasm. As they made out unrestrained, their tongues danced in harmony, tasting each other without delay while he held on to her hips and waist, as his fingers explored her curves with curiosity. The pair might have enjoyed each other’s mouth more than the expensive meals they had that night.
His right hand finds its way on her bottom, giving her right cheek a slow squeeze, which broke their kiss with a moan from the woman. He’s found more of her sensitive zones.
About ten minutes had passed of exploring each other's mouth and the curve of their body, and they slowed down and took off each other’s attire. From the bottom to top, Honggi slowly unbuttoned her sleeve, digging in his lips down her neck the more her skin was exposed, licking and tasting the woman as if she's producing nectar. “Hnghh…”
Condoms were located inside the nightstand. Thank God for love motels, Honggi sighed, but, as Chaeyeon unbuttons his pants, a thought still bothered him. And it bothered him if he didn’t tell her the truth about this information sooner.
“I… haven’t done this in a while,” the man stutters, instinctively scratching his head.
“It’s okay…. Let me,” she whispers. She unlocks her blue bra with an alluring smirk, revealing her voluminous breasts to her partner. Honggi becomes stunned, like a stun grenade was just dropped in front of his eyes, a pair that blinds him with lust and thirst.
The man looks at her with a veil of caution, suppressing his true excitement. “May I?”
She nodded, and he leaped in for the attack, nibbling and sucking her bosom. “Oh, fuck.” While Chaeyeon can only hum and whimper as Honggi pleasured her with his mouth. Despite her eyes closing in bliss, her hand creeped all the way down his erect crotch, but that didn't stop him from savoring each of her plump rack like it’s dessert. “Yes, that's it… You know your thing, baby,” she purred with her eyes closed.
But Honggi stopped for a second. A bulb lit up in his head. No need to rush this.
“Let me take the lead, if you don't mind,” he tells her. She nods, before he latches his lips onto hers. His left hand stays firm on her breast, massaging them with circular motions, with his right hand being deployed down her clit. Testing the waters, he puts one finger in her, suddenly triggering a whimper of surprise from her. The second finger followed inside, igniting the moan that he couldn’t get enough of. If that wasn’t enough for her, he deploys the third finger to do another trick. His right thumb latched beside the clit, making a limited up and down motion. “God… You devious son of a… gun!”
After giving her a deeper kiss, his lips trailed down her neck, collarbone, chest once again, curves, and belly button. He bowed on one knee until his gaze reached the level of his destination, her nether regions, in between her thick thighs. As Honggi start to eat Chaeyeon out, she couldn’t stop moaning while her hands kept fighting on whether to grip Honggi’s wavy hair or the cover of the mattress.
He stopped, giving Chaeyeon a sense of disappointment. He looked up to her. “Mianhae, but I just wanna say… Go ahead, Chae, pull my hair.”
The woman exhaled a smile, speechless and astonished by his openness to her much rougher habits.
After giving his permission to his lover, he went through his techniques, blowing into it with his warm breath before slowly licking her inner thighs to amplify her anticipation. With his tongue, he starts circling her clit from side to side, up and down, repeating the process through different variations. Each lick and swirl triggers a different note from the woman’s voice, increasing the intensity of her moans from minute to minute. Her right hand latched on to his hair.
“Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, fuck!” she cried out in glee. The rush of feeling his mouth savoring her cunt only made her curse louder, not wanting for this sensation to stop, even if her juices begin to leak. Minutes went by as she howled in his efforts with little intervals of silence, and she could feel herself reaching her maximum capacity. Like a cup overflowing with liquid. “Baby, fuck! I'm getting close… I can't hold it—”
She looked up to the heavens and reached her orgasm, splashing her milky fluids on his face. And unsurprisingly, it would be far from the last on this night. Chaeyeon caught her breath, and opened her eyes to find Honggi’s creamed face. Realizing what she's done, she apologized to him. However, he licked whatever was left on his hand, much to her surprise, yet Chaeyeon didn’t have him to have the fun all by himself. She cupped his face and pulled him closer, sticking her tongue out and licking her own juice, starting down his chin up to his left cheek. “Holy,” Honggi could only mutter in awe, before she pulled him for a kiss. Moments have passed, the main show has now arrived. With the condom completely wrapped around his member, they both lie down on the bed.
Now, it’s her turn to make an effort to please Honggi, sitting on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. Fueled by excitement, she aligned her entrance with his shaft, while Honggi exhaled with anticipation at her initiative.
Clearing her throat at the sight of it, she inched her body until his tip faced her entrance. Oh, I'm not sure if I can handle this, she thinks at the spectacle of his own cock. It might not be the longest she has seen, but his girth made her speechless. Her reaction was split between intimidation and appetite. However, while Chaeyeon salivated at his cock with her stare, it was Honggi who continued the formalities amidst her hesitation. “Can I?”
“Do the honors,” she husked. Honggi received her blessing. With a deep breath, his manhood entered inside her slit. Chaeyeon felt hair stand up all over her body, yet she maintained her own composure while her hole welcomed his lover’s key. He slowly pushed his penis, deeper and deeper within.
Despite submitting to the woman's lead, his rod finally found more of her pleasurable zones inside her womb, the longer he inched himself more forward within Chaeyeon’s tightening embrace, who squealed right next to his ear just as his yonic expedition had reached the end.
“I never expected it to happen like this,” he confessed while easing on his grinding.
“Me… ngggnnneither.” Savoring his shaft, she leaned in and peppered a few kisses on his forehead, an action that made him chuckle. “But I'm glad… that it's like thisss.”
In search of something familiar and comforting in this intense session, their eyes ended up crossing paths again. Lust and love clashed through their body and mind, but Honggi feels conflicted about whether he should praise or eroticize her, in all of her naked glory. “You’re so cute. So hardworking. So smart… So fucking beautiful, Chaeyeon. You're so…” Regardless, he couldn't help but do both in such a crazed and stimulating moment. “Fuck!”
“What?” a grin crept on her face. His unorganized words were music to her ears, but she wanted more. “Go on, baby. Come on, say it to me.”
He found a new side of this woman. And she was right, about what she told him during their first date.
“You’ve imagined me naked before, haven’t you?”
Caught by her question, Honggi thought of those moments. He's only a man, after all. Even before they became more intimate, he had instances of finding her attractive. For starters, her face. To him, Chaeyeon is what they would call a visual. He once asked why she didn't become an idol or model for a living, though she shrugged him off. Her two memorable hairstyles. Her butt when she dropped her folder on the floor one time. Her cleavage, during their dates. Even her mannerisms often make him feel things. But even then, he would stop himself from entertaining any other thoughts. Now that their story is different, he only groaned with pleasure, coordinating his movement with her grinding. She tilted her head at his lack of words, sensing that he's become distracted by his thoughts while his body’s on autopilot. “Hmm… You’re not answering, baby.”
“It’s different… Feeling you is much more different,” he admitted his thoughts.
“How different?” She encouraged him, surprised he even remembered those same words from months back.
“You’re so…” his thrusts hardened. “Fucking hot. Hotter than I could… Imagine!”
She bit her lower lip. “Atta…boy.”
Their rhythm reaches synchronicity. He says his praises along with his powered plunges. The woman created a graceful and dynamic symphony with her moans, holding onto his back with eagerness, burying her fingernails on his trapezius whenever he reached more spots to stimulate as his cock moved in and out inside her.
She wouldn't admit it to anyone, but Chaeyeon hasn't felt pleasure like this in years. Sure, she might have a girlfriend before him, but there's just something different with this sensation. Not better or worse. Just new. And she doesn't want to let it go, let him go, especially at this moment. Yet unlike most of the folks she has dated and slept with, there's action and power to his words. Even at this pace, she wanted to test his attention.
“Slap my ass,” she rasped, clasping her hands around his back a little tighter to maintain her motion.
“Huh?” his rhythm slowed down as he leaned his ear closer.
“Do it, baby!” she whined, feeling her insides getting stretched. “Just slap my—”
Honggi did what he’s told. He raised his right palm and tapped her right butt cheek while it kept bouncing on, along with its other half.
She's not too impressed. She barely felt it. “Harder,” she purred. “Was that a tickle?”
A nerve was struck there. Even if she was doing it to get him worked up, his ego took it as not being good enough. Failing to satisfy her. Like with his own exes. Thus, he only pushed himself to prove her wrong. He slapped her butt again, now with double the speed. Some impact was felt, and it amused her. “Heh… You're… getting there.”
Goaded and aroused by her taunts, he cranked up his strength level and tripled his speed, raising his hand for the third time, now spreading his fingers apart, and smack! Honggi’s slap sent a surge of stimulation throughout the rest of her body—from her skin to her most sensitive spots—and he followed it up with four more slaps in similar levels.
“Oooooooooohh, fuck!” she howled with delight, feeling the reverb down her buttocks. Pleased by his own results, he celebrated by licking her neck and nibbling on her right nipple, forcing the woman to muffle her continuous moans with a lip bite. “Don’t stop that... hmm? It feels… too good.”
“You deserve everything good, Chae-yah,” he returned to praising her. “You deserve the fucking best!”
“Then do I deserve… This big cock inside me?” she wailed. “Do I, Honggi-yah?”
“You deserve it, mommy,” he moaned, giving his best and hardest to please her with his member through rougher thrusts. “This cock is made… just for you. And a lot more!”
Those words were the final straw in the stacks of sensation she's feeling. “I’m… close!”
His ego prompted him to say the same thing and lie to her, but even his thrilled and exhilarated body answered otherwise, insisting that he kept on pounding the woman with all his might. “Do it, Chae,” he cheered on, choosing to listen to his body to keep going, while his partner was already nearing her completion.
And as Chaeyeon hit a high and long note at the top of her lungs, Honggi felt the warm stream of juices burst out her vagina, even from the veil of the latex barrier protecting his rod. Still moving his own hips forward inside her womb, Honggi was more than happy that she reached her climax for a second time, even if his ego was already disappointed that he couldn’t do it at the same time as hers, since he himself was now close to releasing. Another skill issue, his own inner ego mocked him, but he was rarely bothered, knowing that he's next.
“Fill me up, baby!” she commanded. “It's… your… reward, for being so good in me.”
He knows what she means, even if he really can't literally do what she asked this time. Not tonight, anyways. He also moaned the moment he busted all his semen inside the condom, though his volume paled in comparison to the woman's. Feeling his cum to be taking a little longer to unload, he pulled his cock out of her. As both slowed down along with their breathing, such an experience put a smile of fulfillment on both their faces.
“Maybe next time,” he gasped, falling on the bed beside her.
“Mianhae, baby,” she caressed his left cheek with a pout. “It’s our first time, and you did so well… But, I didn't even ask if you were close.”
He cupped her face and leaned closer to kiss her lips, reassuring her. “Don't be, Peachy… I'm just happy I even managed to please you.”
She raised an eyebrow, but his words and action put a beam of appreciation on her face. “You got a nickname for me now?”
His flight-or-fight response activated, more on the former. “You don't like it?”
“I do. And it's nice,” she hummed. “It’s, umm, similar to what my girlfriend calls me.”
Chaeyeon's words suddenly sent an unexpected reaction down Honggi's member. Her eyes darted at his erection with lustful interest. “What the hell?” he murmured, rising from the bed in surprise. The woman followed his movement until they're both seated.
“I know you're a bit disappointed… for not finishing with me,” she teased. Her hands stroke his cock up and down, slowly lowering her head to its level, mirroring his actions earlier. “But I'll make it up to you, oppa… The night's still young, hmm?”
Staring at his now erect cock, she licked the remains of his cum off his tip clean, sending tingles through his spine. She proved her point. Honggi could only watch and groan at her determined display, before answering her with, “Well… It's your call, mommy.”
That night was the first, second, third, and fourth times they’ve had sex. In retrospect, the first one was definitely far from their best one—but so are most first times, though admittedly, it can be said that it was better than most, especially since they had a few more rounds that exceeded the last. All in one night, Honggi had his balls deep inside Chaeyeon several times, and she savored every second, minute, and hour of it—even if they used protection the whole night. For starters, they ended up doing more than one position. The missionary, lotus, cowgirl, and some of which are mixed variations of the previous ones, along with a few more.
Half an hour has passed. They sprawl next to each other on the memory foam mattress. Their eyes lock in the silence, sensing the satisfaction, endearment, and warmth in each other’s smile, gaze, and touch, respectively, while they gasp for breath—in a similar way one would after partaking in track and field, gymnastics, swimming, and weightlifting, perhaps combined with other sports, all at the same time.
They've finally reached the remaining bases of physical intimacy in their relationship. In fact, they’ve hit the homerun, as some call it. In the afterglow of their vehement rounds, both players felt like winners on each one in this game, which felt both competitive and a team play, which is what it actually is.
“You… told me… you haven't done this… in a…” Chaeyeon huffed and puffed, holding on to his shoulder. “While.”
“And you said you’ve only known… A few positions,” he fired back, caressing her hand. “What was… all that?”
“That was a few,” she exhaled with a smug grin. Her hand moved to his chest, giving his pecs a few tickles.
His tiring eyes and smile widened at such a remark, sensing a tingle down there. “Does that mean there’s more?”
“Hmm…” she squinted her eyes at him, her breathing slowly back to normal. “I never expected for you to be such a perv, oppa. You’re gonna need a little more discipline.”
“Bring it on,” he goaded her, aroused and intimated by her playful warning. He and his member readied up to what she had to offer.
Driven by their untameable lust, their next few rounds came right after that minute.
After that night, the man would enter Chaeyeon's life a lot more often. In ways more than one. From restaurant dates to traveling, their romantic and sexual adventures began. Honggi would sometimes wonder how their relationship would have worked, considering the fact that they’ve only been meeting three and half times a week but he eventually understood and adapted, both on his own and from Chaeyeon’s comforting words. Meanwhile, the other half of the schedule would be dedicated to her girlfriend.
Every week, he would spend more time with her on the last three days of the week, with Jiwoo being her priority in the first half. However, nothing is ever final, as they tend to switch on the next one or even overlap at times. That’s when Chaeyeon mediated their introduction as both of her lovers. It is a rare situation for someone to introduce their girlfriend to their new boyfriend and vice versa, but it happened to the three of them. They were properly introduced on a Saturday morning—their third month of dating.
For this significant occasion, they met at a cafe that was nearest to their apartment.
“Jiwoo-yah, this is Honggi,” Chaeyeon gestured with her hands. “Honggi-yah, this is Jiwoo.”
Awkwardness was inevitable but as Chaeyeon recalls it, it was one of the most awkward she has ever felt from them, even reconsidering whether it was a good idea to introduce them in the first place, since their schedules were working with little to no problem. But she was impressed that he still pushed through with it like a champ, just like Jiwoo did.
Honggi finally met Chaeyeon’s woman for the first time since college. “Oh, it really is you…” Recognizing her at first glance, he straightened his posture and bowed to her. His cup of coffee remains untouched. “Annyeonghaseyo, Jiwoo-ssi.”
“Told you he’d recognize me,” she murmured next to her girlfriend. Jiwoo bowed to him seconds later, before taking a sip of her iced tea through the flexible silicone straw.
“That’s great!” Yet Chaeyeon still perseveres. As stubborn as she may seem, she wants this to work out. The man she has fallen for has been nothing but great to her, and she wants her beloved to see that in some capacity. “I hope you two will get along together, because we will be seeing each other more often. I know we have our own schedules on meeting each other, but since you two agreed with me on this...”
= = =
After ten minutes of small talk with the other woman in the living room, he returns back to his girlfriend’s room. His doubts and self-inadequacy mandates him to dress up in his outerwear and call it a night. Although he likes their company, he doesn't know what else to do.
But just as Honggi is facing the present with a few hints of doubt, he takes a deep sigh. Chaeyeon has read his mind and places her right hand on his cheek. “Look, oppa... I'm not asking you to simply shag her or whatever," she tells him casually. “She can do that with whoever she likes. She's a strong, independent woman.”
“I know she is,” her words throw him off guard. This is indeed a new territory for him, but he still went on because he knew he liked this woman in front of him. “But I'm not even considering that—And I don't.”
“Sure,” she laughs at his defensive reaction. “But you gotta admit, she’s gorgeous.”
Honggi takes a glance at Jiwoo from the dining table, laughing loudly and unabashedly at whatever she’s watching on her phone, something that contrasts his first impression of her. That’s one trait of hers that he hasn’t forgotten since all three of them started to hang out in this apartment. “She really is.”
“See?” her voice raises with enthusiasm. “Babe, you do find her attractive!”
“That was a test?” he scoffs in disbelief. “I mean that, from an objective standpoint.”
“Maybe, I'm just kidding.” She tilts her head to the side. “Maybe I’m not. We’ll see.”
“Yah…” he lowers his voice. “You’re scaring me for a bit.”
“Babe, loosen up a bit…” she tries to woo him with her kittenish voice. “Jiwoo doesn’t really hate you or anything. Far from it. It's okay for both of you to take things slow... Slower than we have, if you must.”
He can only ponder about his own decision while he listens to Chaeyeon, knowing well that she is still saying her piece. She's worth it, he realizes.
“But the truth is, she hasn’t seen anyone in a while,” she elaborates. “Her last ex didn’t bother calling her again because I said no to having a foursome with one of his friends. Pigs, that’s what they were.”
Immersed and touched by their experience, Honggi halts any considerations of leaving. With whatever they have now, he doesn't want to mess everything up, especially when she, nay, they need him around. “He didn't respect you enough, Chae. Both of you... That was his loss.”
“Thank you, babe,” she reaches both his cold hands, warming it up with her touch. “And with what I said about Jiwoo…”
“It's okay. Whatever happens, I promise I’m not gonna be like that asshat,” he assures her. “Or any other asshats you’ve dealt with in the past… Just because we're both your lovers, that doesn't mean we have to be selfish.”
“I know you won't,” her body sways with elation, charmingly swinging her arms with his. “But I also know you've been eyeing her for a while now. This is nothing new for us.”
“I…uhh… What do you mean? I thought we’ve gone through this.” He has nothing else to retort. His inner demon arises due to her teases, while he recalls the moments she might have brought back to him. Moments where he found something in common with Jiwoo.
And with that, he realizes: that's the thing about dating someone who's already in a committed relationship. It's not always easy. Even monogamous ones aren’t either.
From his eyes, Jiwoo isn't too fond of him being around when the three of them are together, even if their girlfriend doesn’t even want him to leave the apartment until he really has to go. At times, he may even be jealous of Jiwoo too, even if he doesn’t admit it to her. Maybe he’s just insecure, or that he is also falling for her. But he knows that’s not his right. Plus, he also suggested going through this complex relationship to begin with and even now, he doesn’t want to give up on her. On them. He’ll do whatever it takes.
“And besides,” she leans right in his left ear. “It's not the first time we've shared someone... I’m sure you’ve considered that.”
They hear Jiwoo slightly raising her voice from the living room. Having finished her quick shower, she’s now in a casual get-up: an oversized pink T-shirt and cargo pants. “Unnie, I’m heading out for a bit. Just gonna buy some groceries at the CVS. Is there anything you both need?”
“Wait here for a minute,” Chaeyeon advises Honggi—which he nods without any look of complaint—before heading to her girlfriend. “What’s the rush, Juju? Can’t we just order them online, like we used to?”
“I can, but… I wanna go outside,” she doubles down on her decision. “It’s more efficient that way, since we’re gonna be cooking dinner tonight.”
“It’s not about Honggi, is it?” she murmurs, even showing her puppy eyes at her.
She shakes her head. “No, no, unnie. I thought we'd talked about this. I like Honggi-ssi as your boyfriend. He’s probably the best one you’ve had since… Forever, actually.”
Chaeyeon inches closer, lovingly kissing her girlfriend. “You really think that, babe?”
“Of course. It’s been six months with no red flags, hasn’t it? Not to mention the fact that you were friends for a year before hitting it off. Besides, it’s my excuse to get some fresh air,” Jiwoo whispers to her beloved with a tempting smirk. “You two have fun, because time’s ticking, unnie.”
Meanwhile, Chaeyeon’s reminder triggers two opposing effects in Honggi, arousal down there and insecurity up in his ego. He knows that relationships don't always stay “lovey dovey” or remain in its honeymoon phase, especially with something like theirs. Way before Chaeyeon, he has never been the best at keeping his relationships very long, but considering the fact that they’re already six months strong, Honggi may as well keep on savoring this special and fascinating situation, even if Chaeyeon may not feel the same level as he does in his heart. He'll do it for her. He'll befriend Jiwoo and respect her in the same way he treats their girlfriend, perhaps just platonically… Only time will tell.
Chaeyeon returns inside the room, meeting Honggi with a more optimistic expression. “You look cheerful. Is there anything I should know?”
“I actually have thought about what you said, Chae,” he avows, slowly taking her hand. “I'll try and get to know Jiwoo. I’ll make a little more effort to say the least.”
“Thank you…” she pecks him on his cheek. “You won't regret it, oppa.”
Their lips touch. A little longer and a lot more tender this time. As they part steadily, Chaeyeon’s eyes hunger at the sight of his erect cock, and she wants to return the favor to his body’s involuntary action. “Oh, hello... Wanna go another round, baby?" she coos, untying the strings of her bathrobe, revealing her naked curves as it falls to the floor.
Honggi grins and attacks her lips, initiating another steamy makeout session. She takes off his shirt while he strips off his boxers, before walking each other on the bed. As he slowly lays her down, the hunger in their eyes match. He's on top this round, slowly inserting his cock inside her shaven cunt once more while she wraps her arms around his neck and her legs on his. Even though he’s feeling her walls tighten around his member a little stronger than before, he persists, maintaining a gentle yet fast pace, igniting a whimper of euphoria from Chaeyeon. An instance of déjà vu that always sends her to a higher plane of pleasure with his touches.
He leans down to peck his lover’s lips. “What level would you like from me, mommy?” he whispers in her right ear. More than half of his length is already inside her womb.
“Go all in, baby,” she pleads, instead of teasing and taunting him like she usually does.
Receiving the green light from her, the man begins his thrusts, inserting his final inches inside Chaeyeon. Accelerating in its speed with every second, motivated by the mindset of pleasing his woman more than himself. As he keeps pounding his girlfriend, she ups the ante by reaching to his chest and licking the sweat off his pecs and neck while her erroneous regions feel more than satisfied by the invasion of his throbbing member.
Watching her breasts bounce once again never fails to keep his cock alive, but nothing beats the act he’s about to do. He leans down once again, kissing her for the hundredth time. She reciprocates, doing the trick that always gets him up and going. Only this time, she lets him do it. As his tongue reaches inside her mouth, Honggi demonstrates his dominance by slowly creating circular motions, swaying her tongue in a sticky dance until a louder moan of submission can be heard from her.
Their lips part, though the trail of saliva breaks while his pounding of her continues. He looks at his beloved, feeling his increased heart rate. She opens her eyes a little wider; a smile forms on her face while feeling the surface beneath her tremble with their grinds.
“Daddy,” leaves her mouth, much to his surprise. “Mommy… is loving you inside her so… Much!”
This may be the first time he's heard that name from her, motivating him to amp up his pumps, regardless of his arms and legs getting sore. Her praise makes him flex his core muscles the longer he’s on top of her, realizing that this position was a plank exercise. A better experience than his usual reps, that is. “I’m glad… I'll do even better… Next time… Mommy!”
“You’re already… doing great… Thank you,” she applauded him, feeling his tip rub her cervix over and over again. “Just keep… doing that… next time. Dom… Dominate momma, please!”
“Ne,” he still submits, nodding rapidly with the rhythm of his hips.
Even while getting pounded, an inflamed idea pops in her mind. “Imagine if… Jiwoo gets to be here with us, oppa,” she sticks her tongue out. “How crazy is that, right? You, inside her… Just like you, inside me now. How… you’d do… us. On this same bed—”
“Whaa..? Hnnnggghh!” They both yelp at his persistent knob slightly growing inside her chambers. Closing his eyes, a part of his mind tries to stop himself from imagining what she stated, but his lust has beaten him to it. “Do you… Mean?”
“You… Know what I… mean,” she purrs, leaving kisses and nibbles on his left shoulder along the way to mutually stimulate her partner. “Clearly… your junior… does.” With it, she spread her legs wider, inciting a “Fuck!” from her while getting railed.
There’s no point in denying to Chaeyeon now, so Honggi simply keeps his mouth shut, giving his main focus on pleasuring her. They would continue grinding on for several more minutes, exchanging each other's moans, groans, teases, and quips like primitives who have only learned modern-day language through the act of sex, that is, until they eventually reach past their limit. Beyond what their bodies can handle on this bed.
“Imma… Gonna…” he grunts, hoping that she would get his unintelligible message.
“Me… tooooo!” she only rasps in agreement. “You.. know… where… to… do it!”
For the second time, Honggi has filled Chaeyeon up to the brim with his warm seed. They’ve reached a state beyond the garden, beyond cloud nine. One as ethereal as the heavens or as perverted as hell. The position reminds them with a reminder: simple is sometimes, if not a lot of times, better. Despite the out-of-world orgasms they just felt, they're brought back to their senses seconds later, in each other's arms. The last ounce of their juices continue leaking on the mattress pad. Should've put a protector in there, Chaeyeon ponders while she laughs by herself. She just had it washed six days ago, after three months of using it. A lesson is learned. She'll just have to keep in her urges a little longer next time they even plan on using the bed in the weeks to come.
Still, she doesn't regret doing it here, especially with the man that’s been making her heart flutter and her nethers tingle twenty-four-seven. Catching their breath for about the nth time, they’ve now agreed to stop for tonight.
“I–uuhh… I… Wanna…” she pants, unable to form her words during her state of awe, still recovering from a breathtaking last orgasm, seconds ago. “Babe… I wanna say…”
“I love… you,” Honggi mumbles. As he thought before, even if she doesn’t feel the same way. It’s better that he lets her know now. Wherever this will lead into. “I know that’s… too soon to say that, but—”
She shuts him up with a kiss, holding back a smile as their lips collided, cherishing this milestone in their relationship. As they part, she follows up two tender pecks, showing her reciprocation. “Dummy, you took my line… I love you too, Honggi-yah.”
His deepest self-doubts have just been proven wrong right there. Perhaps hers were too. Everything becomes clearer, as their heartbeat grows louder, singing in the same range. She gently strokes his hair, reminding him that they both have little left to worry about. Even if it'll be far from the last of his problems, he won't be alone to face a lot of them.
“I’m home!” Jiwoo exclaims from the living room. She walks to the kitchen and places her stacked bag of groceries on the counter. The portion of ingredients she has bought appears to be more than enough to feed them tonight. “Again, I mean,” she murmurs.
“We’ll be out in a moment!” Chaeyeon howls back, dressing up in her clothes alongside Honggi. They can't help but exchange smiles and giggles, hurrying their movement before Jiwoo’s patience can run out. “Don’t you dare start cooking without us!”
“Not a chance! I'm gonna need all the help I can get from you two. Otherwise, you’ll both be eating outside.”
= = =
hello again! if you've reached this ending, then I'll only say that this only the first part to this miniseries. on another note, I will create my masterlist soon, which I will be updating whenever a new work is out. thanks for the read and follow. have a wonderful day!
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sunshinehaze1 · 1 day ago
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Summary: Your friend convinces you to attend a BBQ at her boyfriend’s friend’s house. The last thing you expected was meeting Frankie.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI. meet-cute, drinking (beers), slight dubcon (both reader and Frankie have had 2 beers, Frankie checks in), f!oral (it is Frankie, duh!), protected PiV, no use of Y/N
a/n: This was written for @yxtkiwiyxt’s NHIE Challenge. I received the prompt, “Never have I ever slept in someone else’s bed.” I LOVED this challenge and this was so much fun to write. I hope you enjoy! Thank you to my beautiful beta reader @80ssong 🥰
word count: 5,176
ao3 | ml
"Come on, his friends are really hot!"
Sabrina has been bugging you to attend a BBQ with her boyfriend's friends this weekend. They've been dating for over a year, and you've hung out with him a few times, but his golden retriever puppy energy can be overwhelming. He's a great guy, though, and he makes her happy. You're thrilled your closest friend has found someone who treats her right.
You roll your eyes. "I'm not looking to date right now."
"Who said anything about dating?" your friend counters. "You could just have some fun."
You brush her off at the suggestion. "Please, will you just come? His friends are a lot of fun."
Finally, you relent. "Ok, fine, I'll go. It's not like I had any plans this weekend anyway."
Sabrina lets out a delighted squeal and wraps you in a bear hug. "Perfect, I'll send you the address and meet you there at 3."
"Should I bring anything?" you ask as you walk your friend to the door.
"They're simple guys. Beer will do just fine." Sabrina waves goodbye and closes the door behind her.
With the address in the GPS and a couple of six packs in the passenger seat, you begin your drive. You're nervous about being in a new place and meeting new people, especially those who are "really hot." It's early fall in Florida, so you can still get away with wearing a sundress. The heat won't take a break for at least another two months, so you wear your favorite one to boost your confidence. "Fake it til you make it," right?
You pull into a quiet neighborhood. The streets are lined with older homes shaded with mature trees, dripping in Spanish moss. The GPS pings as you approach your final destination, and you park on the street in front of a one-story brick home with a driveway full of pickup trucks and Jeeps.
Before you exit the car, you take a final look in the rearview mirror to adjust your hair and ensure your makeup hasn't melted off. Taking a deep breath, you grab a six-pack in each hand and head toward the house.
"Pope, for fuck's sake!" A broad-shouldered man, who fills the entire door frame, swings the front door open just as you reach for the doorbell. Your arms flail in surprise, and you fumble to keep the beer from crashing onto the pavement.
"Oh, shit." the man startles. "Sorry about that; I was just going out to get something from my truck. Here, let me help you with those." His calloused hands brush over yours to grab the cartons from your hands.
"Um," you stammer. "Thank you." Sabrina definitely wasn't exaggerating. Benny's friends are hot—at least this one is.
You take him in, starting with broad shoulders covered in a washed-out maroon t-shirt underneath a chambray button-up. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, showing off his sinewy forearms. You notice a small bullseye tattoo on his hand resting between his thumb and index finger. A ballcap with an unfamiliar logo sits atop a mop of brown curls, which peek out in the back. His eyes are a rich brown; crinkles form at the corners when he smiles wide, dimpling his right cheek.
You follow him inside the house. He sets down the beers and extends his hand to greet you. "I'm Frankie. You must be Sabrina's friend."
"It's nice to meet you, Frankie." His strong hand wraps around yours, and you introduce yourself.
Frankie quickly excuses himself and heads back outside to his truck.
"HEEYYYYYYYY!!!" you hear Sabrina sing-song as she walks into the house from the backyard. "You made it!" She greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. She whispers in your ear teasingly, "So, I see you've met Frankie."
Shyly, "Yeah, we met. Almost lost a few beers in the process."
"I'm so glad you made it!" She drags you behind her toward the backyard. "Let me introduce you to everyone else."
You were surprised to see only Benny and two other men outside. This was a more intimate gathering than you had realized, immediately putting you at ease.
Sabrina introduces you to your host, Santiago, or "Pope," as you soon learn. Benny is two for two on the handsome friend count. He's shorter than Frankie, has dark hair and features, a broad smile, and a gregarious personality.
Next, you meet Benny's older brother, Will. Blonde hair, blue eyes, much more reserved than his brother. A strong, silent type. He seems content to be in his own world while he attends the grill.
You hear the grind of the sliding glass door behind you. Frankie walks through the threshold, waving a stack of folders in the air. "Got 'em!"
"My man!" Santiago slaps him on the back, "Thank you."
With his mission accomplished, Frankie finally has a chance to take you in fully. His gaze travels the length of your body, taking in your soft features and plush curves and admiring the cut of your dress, which perfectly accentuates your breasts, hips, and ass. The short length leaves your bare legs on full display.
The backyard is beautifully appointed with sable palms, hibiscus bushes, and a well-manicured lawn. There is a jacuzzi to the right of the grill, which doesn't surprise you; Santiago seems like a lady's man. No bachelor pad would be complete without a jacuzzi. Adirondack chairs encircle a small fire pit in the back corner of the yard. You reckon it only gets used during the short window when it is cold enough in Florida to have a fire and not melt.
"Food's almost ready," you hear Will call out.
Sabrina looks to you. "Come help me get the sides?"
You follow her back inside to the kitchen.
"What did I tell you?" Her eyes widened. "They're all hot, aren't they?"
You respond with a shy smile, "Yeah, you weren't lying."
She nudges her elbow against your arm while holding a bowl of potato salad. "I saw Frankie checking you out."
"You…" stammering out skeptically, "…no way?!"
"Yes, way! You look hot in that dress; why wouldn't he check you out?!"
You attempt to conceal your smile by focusing on the tiled floor. "He does seem nice."
"Oh, honey, he's not just nice! He's sweet, funny, and gorgeous," she whispers conspiratorially, "And it looks like he's packing some serious heat."
"Sabrina!" you scoff, playfully smacking her. "You're not supposed to be checking out your boyfriend's friend's package!"
"Says who? I can look, and you can touch to prove me right." She leaves you speechless, holding a tray of crudites, as she walks back outside, cooing to the boys that it's time to eat.
You make your way to the table with bench seats on either side. After you set the tray on the table, you take a moment to contemplate how to sit without exposing yourself in your short dress. Slowly, you lift your leg to straddle the bench, but your sandal catches, and you're thrown off balance. You brace yourself for an embarrassing fall until you feel strong forearms wrap around your waist to hold you steady. Frankie walking by at just the right time.
"Whoa, you alright there?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." sheepish and embarrassed, "Thank you."
He grabs your hand and says, "Here, let me." You begin your second attempt at climbing over the bench, flattening the back of your dress underneath you before you sit down.
Frankie looks down at you. "Would you like a drink?"
"That would be great, thank you." Anything to wash down the embarrassment and cool off from the heat of Frankie's touch.
He fishes out a bottle of beer from the cooler. Out of your periphery, you ogle him as he's bent over. His shirt stretched across his back, rugged khakis taut over his ass. You're suddenly much thirstier than you thought.
He returns to the table and sets the bottle before your plate. You feel the warmth radiating from his chest against your back, his bicep less than an inch from your face. A slight turn of your head and your nose would be in his armpit. You hold your breath, afraid that if you let yourself breathe in his scent, you'd succumb to the physiological response. That and the fear of getting caught sniffing a man you just met in front of his closest friends tempers your impulse.
Frankie sits across from you while the rest of the group sits around the table. Serving platters are passed around until the plates are full.
Frankie finds himself distracted by your sweetheart-necklined dress as everyone begins to eat. The hem curving over the top of your breasts, meeting in the middle at a point, which draws his attention to the tease of cleavage. He's completely ignored the clamor of conversation around him. Suddenly, a baby carrot lands in his lap, and he's brought back to the present. "Hermano, did you hear what I said?"
Frankie stumbles a response, "What's that?"
"Malo." Santiago shakes his head and huffs a laugh, "Pretty girl in front of you, and you lose all sense."
You feel the attention of the table shift to you and quickly avert your gaze, picking at the food on your plate and fixating on the pattern that outlines the rim of the dish. Your cheeks heat from the eyes burning into you. You're cautious about looking up to gauge Frankie's reaction; you don't want to become even more flustered.
Frankie flings the carrot back at Santiago, "Shut the fuck up, man!" But he's quick enough to bat it away before it hits him. The rest of the table erupts with laughter, allowing the awkwardness of the moment to dissipate, and you and Frankie join in.
Will asks, "So, how long have you and Sabrina been friends?"
You're thankful for the segue. "We lived on the same street growing up in Orlando. She followed when I moved to Tampa a few years ago for work."
Sabrina chimes in, "Yeah, you wouldn't make it here without me!" You both giggle.
"Sabrina tells me you all served together in the Army?" the men nod in unison.
They briefly share how Frankie, Santiago, and Will met in basic training. Benny joined their unit a couple of years later. They share minimal details about their deployments, not wanting to dredge up too many memories of that time, especially with new company present.
They've all retired from the Army and returned to civilian life. Will tours the state, speaking with personnel considering retirement from service. Santiago runs a security firm where Benny works. Benny is also an amateur MMA fighter, which Sabrina isn't fond of, but even she can admit he's really good. She's even told you that watching him fight does turn her on.
Lastly, you learn that Frankie has transitioned to civilian piloting and leads helicopter tours of the Bay. He has a four-year-old daughter, Lila. When he talks about her, his eyes sparkle. Clearly, she is the light of his life.
You hesitantly ask about her mom. You're nervous that this guy you've developed a crush on in a short period isn't single. "We split up over a year ago. It wasn't working, and we can be better parents to Lila this way."
You're impressed with Frankie's maturity and self-awareness, which enable him to have an amenable relationship with his ex. As a child of divorce with parents who were unable to put their grievances aside, you know how vital co-parenting is for a child. "I'm glad you could figure out what works best for you both and Lila."
Frankie nods before he takes a swig of beer. You watch as his thick fingers wrap around the bottle's neck. You're fixated on his throat; his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows the bitter IPA—the prominent vein on the side of his neck, with moles that dot along his tanned skin.
You and Frankie have been in a bubble. The friends surrounding you have been long forgotten as your conversation flows naturally. He has a calming presence that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. He's confident and funny, with a raspy laugh that takes over his whole face and radiates through him and a smile so broad that his eyes disappear.
Subtle flirting has become more overt. Your hands brush against his when you reach for the bowl of chips at the same time. You accidentally bump into him when you stretch your legs in front of you underneath the table. But he doesn't pull away, the rough sole of his shoe brushing gently against your bare leg. You glance at him with a sheepish grin, and he returns with a toothy smile. Fuck, he is handsome. Your eyes remain locked on each other, heat coiling within your body, and you sense the same in Frankie.
"I'm going to grab more ice for the cooler from the garage." Frankie stands up from the table, his eyes silently communicating to follow his lead.
As you get up from the table, you take his cue and ask, "Do you need any help?"
"Yeah, that would be great." A sly grin emerges. "Thanks!"
Frankie follows you through the door, his hand brushing softly against the small of your back. The contact sends shivers down your spine, and your pulse quickens as you feel his warm palm against the thin material of your dress.
"Garage is this way." Frankie guides you down the hall to the right of the kitchen.
When you turn the corner, Frankie is immediately on you. He is unable to hold back a second longer. He has you pinned against the wall, his arms bracketing you above your shoulders. Hunger swirls in his eyes, and you feel his breath against your cheek. He's so close to you that you're sure he can hear your heart beating.
"You are so god damn pretty." his finger trails along the strap of your dress and loops underneath, "And you're fucking killing me with this dress. I needed to get you alone."
A sigh escapes your lips, overwhelmed by his closeness and his touch on your bare shoulder. Unable to speak, Frankie fills the silence. "Can I kiss you?"
All you can manage is a nod, your bottom lip held between your teeth in anticipation.
He leans forward until his plush lips connect with yours. A moan escapes you both at the contact. What begins as a sweet, chaste kiss quickly becomes more intense.
He licks at the seam of your lips, seeking permission to enter. The bill of his hat hinders him, but he quickly flips it around to devour your mouth fully. It's a flurry of tangled tongues as he licks into your mouth. A groan escapes him when you grab his bottom lip between your teeth. A gentle nibble quickly soothed by the swipe of your tongue.
With his arm around your waist, he pulls you closer to him, the weight of his bulge pressing against your thigh. You feel wobbly even though you're sandwiched between Frankie's solid frame and the wall, forced to grip his shoulders for purchase to remain upright. Your fingers map the sinew of muscle along his traps and deltoids as he dives in for another kiss. Which somehow leaves you even more breathless than the last one.
The feverish kiss continues as he pulls you further down the hall. Twisted limbs tripping over each other, bumping into the walls, leaving picture frames askew. Spurts of laughter echo through the hallway as you fumble around, fingers tangled in the fabric of each other's clothes. His wide palms rest against your hips before snaking around to grip your ass cheeks. You can feel the slick arousal pool in your panties.
Emboldened by the drinks you had earlier and Frankie's attention, you suggest finding somewhere more private.
Frankie growls and grips your wrist, taking you further down the hall until you reach a threshold with a closed door. His arm reaches behind you to turn the knob, and you both fall into the dimly lit room. Dark curtains are draped in front of large windows, and the setting sun peeks through the gap in the fabric where they meet. You and Frankie stumble your way further into the room, hands groping manically over each other's bodies.
You slide Frankie's button-up shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Then, you tug the T-shirt underneath from the waistband of his pants. His hands travel under the hem of your dress, his fingers dimpling into the supple flesh. He shuffles you toward the bed and tosses you against it, giggling as you flail backward onto the soft mattress.
"Fuck, I could get used to that sound." he huffs.
Propped up on your elbows with one leg crossed over the other, you give him a coy smile. Frankie's eyes burn with lust as his gaze trails up your bare legs to your core. "I'm going to need you to open up, baby."
You slowly uncross your legs and spread them into a wide v. Frankie watches you intently, eyes focused on the pull of your dress up your thighs exposing the gusset of your panties, enraptured by the blooming wet spot caused by your arousal.
He hums as he falls to his knees. Leaning into your center with a deep inhale. "Fuck!" His palms warm on your thighs, his eyes pleading, "Can I?"
"Can you what, Frankie?" you tease.
"Can I taste you?" a desperate tone to his voice, "Please?"
You nod, and he's on you within seconds. His fingers slip into the sides of your panties, and you lift your hips so he can pull them off. Your slick folds glisten in the soft light of the room. "Fucking gorgeous cunt."
"Frankie, please."
"I got you. I got you."
The swipe of his tongue through your folds emphasizes his reassurance, and you cry out with relief. The whiskers of his beard brush against the sensitive skin. Frankie moans into your core as the sweet, musky taste of your arousal dances across his tongue. A sample is not nearly enough to satisfy him; he dives in for more.
Desperate for better access, he spreads your thighs further apart, pushing your legs up until your thighs meet your stomach. He holds you down with his palms flat against the back of your thighs. He leaves a wet trail along your skin as his arousal-soaked lips slowly kiss up and down your thighs. A gentle bite on your ass cheek sends a jolt of surprise through your body that you can't help but squeak out a laugh.
You can't even recover before the tip of his tongue journeys across your outer folds, looping around to the other side before sliding through your seam again. Up, up, up until he reaches your clit. His lips wrap around your sensitive nub. Sucking it into his mouth, lapping kitten licks with the tip of his tongue. Your body writhes below him, pulsating need coursing through your veins.
You reach between your legs, eager to feel any part of him, and yank the hat off his head. You fling it behind you, where it lands on the floor with a thud. His gorgeous hair is now unencumbered, your fingers free to roam through his soft curls. You grip the brown locks between your fingers and pull him further into your pussy, his nose bumps against your clit as he eats at you. "Fuck, frankie, you're incredible."
And he is. He really is. The best head you've ever experienced. Somebody who was a stranger just a few hours ago. You can't recall the last time you've been with such an enthusiastic lover. Especially one that is so wanton, eating at you, bringing you intense pleasure, and not making you feel like its a chore or an obligation.
You practically had to beg your ex to go down on you, and when he did, he expected you to return the favor. It never was about your pleasure. Frankie is different. He eats at you like it's his only way of survival, as if he'll die if you don't come by his tongue.
He groans into your cunt, shockwaves pulse through your body, at the precipice of your orgasm, "I'm so close."
Frankie, seeking relief from his painfully hard cock, reaches down to unfasten his pants. He releases his cock from his boxer briefs with a sigh. With a swipe of his hand, he gathers the precum that has leaked from his tip to coat his cock before he begins slow strokes up and down his length while he continues to devour your pussy, suckling at your clit. You're near the edge, ready to tumble forward as your legs shudder, the grip on his locks tighten. Your pussy begins to flutter around his tongue as you tumble over the edge, coating it in your release. "Frankie. Holy shit." you try to catch your breath. "Oh my god."
You lift his head from between your legs, and he reluctantly pulls away with a disappointed whimper. "Too much." you pant, "You're too fucking good at that."
Between your thighs, a crooked smile appears through his slick lips and his glossy eyes connect with yours, "Fuckin hell, you taste good."
Frankie moves from the floor and crawls up your body. The weight of his cock resting against your worn out pussy. He leans down to kiss you, leaving a trail of nibbles along your jawline until he reaches that soft spot behind your ear. Licking and sucking down the column of your neck to where it meets your shoulder. His tongue swipes along your collarbone as he slips the straps of your dress down your shoulders to reveal the lacy cups of your bra.
His lips traverse the plane of your chest, hot breath hovers over the supple skin spilling out of the cups. He grips the fabric of your bra between his teeth and pulls down one cup and then the other to release your tits. He lathes over each nipple, pulling the hardened buds between his lips, flicking them with the tip of his tongue before a gentle bite and releasing with a pop.
You emit a low moan at the combination of his mouth on your tits and his dick sliding through your soaked folds, the tip brushing against your sensitive clit.
"You're so beautiful." Frankie shakes his head in disbelief. "Do you want to keep going?"
As if it were even a question. Of course, you want to keep going, but you appreciate Frankie's check-in. You grabbed his head between your palms and brought him closer, eyes locked on his, sealing your enthusiastic "yes!" with a feverish kiss.
With that, Frankie sits back on his haunches and searches the room. He knows he doesn't have a condom in his wallet. He hasn't needed one in a while. Even if he did have one, it would have expired anyway. As he becomes more acquainted with his surroundings, he slowly realizes where you are and breathes out, "Fuck!"
You sit up in bed, holding the top of your dress against your chest. "What's wrong?"
"We ended up in Pope's room." he runs his palm over his face, scratching the whiskers of his chin. "And I don't have a condom."
You push aside the inevitable embarrassment you'll face for fucking in your host's bed and suggest with a mischievous grin, "Surely, Santiago has condoms."
The distraught look on Frankie's face disappears with a broad smile, and he shifts on the bed to open the nightstand drawer. When he opens the drawer, a Costco-sized box of condoms greets him. Relief washes over him, and he's grateful he doesn't have to cut things short with you.
He reaches into the box and pulls out a foil pocket. You lean back, propped up on your forearms to admire Frankie as he tears open the package between his teeth while stroking his cock with his other hand. Sabrina will be happy to know she was right. His cock is beautiful. Thick, long, and uncut. Your mouth hangs open as you watch him roll the condom down his length. His eyes never leave yours.
"Don't worry. It'll fit; I'll go slow." He reaches up to the neckline of his shirt, gripping its back and pulling it off in one smooth motion. "Lay back, baby."
He positions himself back over you. The broad expanse of his tan chest blocks the view of your surroundings. Not that it matters anyway; all of your attention is on Frankie. Captivated by his gorgeous face and the moles that scatter along his neck and sternum. You've already forgotten you're in Santiago's room, about to fuck this beautiful man, on his bed. He leans down to press a chaste kiss against your lips as he notches his tip at your entrance.
"You ready?" You nod, eager to feel him inside you.
It's been so long since you've had sex and you've never had a dick as large as Frankie's. As promised, he took things slow, feeding his cock inch by inch. Allowing time for your body to adjust before going further. There's a pleasurable stretch as your walls accommodate his girth and length as he reaches the hilt, kissing your cervix. "Pussy is just swallowing my cock, baby."
"It feels so good."
"Yeah?" He searches your face for any sign of discomfort. "You ready for me?"
"Yes! Fuck me, Frankie!"
Frankie pulls out until just the tip rests at your entrance. You whimper at the loss of him inside you, but he quickly soothes you with a thrust of his hips into you, pushing you further up the bed. He pulls out slowly, repeating the motion a few more times before he lands on a steady pace that has you seeing stars. "Hnngh, she's so tight." he moans, "Fuckin hell!"
"Harder, Frankie." you pant louder than you anticipated, "I can take it! Please, fuck me harder!"
Frankie slows his thrusts and quickly closes his palm over your mouth, "Shh. Shh. You gotta be quiet."
You hear the din and laughter from the backyard. You had been so distracted by Frankie's dick, you forgot you weren't entirely alone. "If I move my hand, can you be quiet?"
You nod. Frankie reignites his pace with more fervor this time. The tension built up over the afternoon finally comes to a head. Low moans rumble through you with each thrust. Your legs wrap around his hips.
"That's a good fucking girl." He reaches between your bodies to thumb at your clit. "I feel you squeezing me. Need you to come for me."
You scramble to reach the pillow behind you and hold it over your face to muffle your scream as you begin to pulse around his cock. Frankie continues to fuck you through your orgasm, his own imminent. It only takes a few more thrusts before he's spilling into the condom before he collapses onto you, breathless.
Your fingertips trail along the plane of his back and shoulders as his cock softens inside you. He peppers feather light kisses along your cheek before he reaches your lips and seals it with a searing kiss.
He pulls away to scan your face. "How are you feeling?"
"Perfect. Fucking incredible, Frankie"
You and Frankie sit together at the edge of the bed in your half-dressed, disheveled, fucked out state. The two of you savoring the afterglow of an incredible fuck and also delay the inevitable for as long as possible. You rest your head on Frankie's bare shoulder and express your embarrassment at a whopper of a first impression with his friends.
Frankie reassures you that it isn't that big of a deal. He kisses you gently on the temple and encourages you to get up so you both can rip off the bandaid. He scoops your dress up off the floor, and you flit around looking for your panties and bra while stealing glances at Frankie as he gets dressed.
When you're finally presentable, Frankie opens the bedroom door, motioning for you to go before him. As you head down the hallway, you're greeted with a chorus of cheers and slow claps.
"So, where's the ice?" You hear Benny boom out.
The group erupts in laughter, and you bury your face into Frankie's bicep. Standing next to Benny, Sabrina catches your eyes. With her palms facing each other, she subtly moves them closer and further apart, eyebrows quirking up. You avert your eyes to avoid her silent inquisition. You won't be able to handle her smugness over being correct about Frankie's size right now.
Frankie turns bright red while he stomachs pats on the back from his friends. Santi grips Frankie's shoulders from behind with a shake. "'Bout time you cleared out those cobwebs, hermano. But did it have to be on my fucking bed?"
You head back outside with the group for one last drink. Sabrina approaches you with a smile and wraps her arm over your shoulder to follow the guys. Another round of drinks is passed around, and fortunately, the topic of conversation has shifted quickly from your dalliance with Frankie.
Frankie sits next to you at the table, his thigh pressed against your bare skin.. He rests his hand just above your knee, offering a gentle squeeze. When you look up at him, his gaze focuses on you, and he smiles warmly.
The sun set a few hours ago, ushering in chillier air. Frankie notices you shiver. He pulls off his button-up and places it over your shoulders, returning his hand to your bare leg. You lean into him, savoring his warmth.
A few hours pass before you decide to call it a night, and Frankie offers to walk you to your car.
"It was really nice meeting you." You catch him nervously rubbing his hand against the back of his neck.
You grab his hand and squeeze, "You too, Frankie. I had a great time."
He smiles at this. "I'd love to see you again. Take you to dinner."
"I would love that!"
When you reach your car, you exchange numbers. With your back pressed against the door, Frankie's arm propped against the frame, he leans in for one last kiss. He squeezes your hip before he pulls away to open the door for you and as you turn to enter your car, he teasingly smacks your ass.
Before he shuts the car door, he offers, "Drive home safe. Let me know when you get home."
"I will." You nod. "I'll see you soon, Frankie!"
Frankie waits until you drive off before he turns to go back inside. A wide smile stretched across his face. A smile that won't be going anywhere any time soon. He's excited to find out what the future has in store for him, especially if that future includes you.
Thank you so much for reading! I’d love to hear your thoughts. Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. 🫶🏼
tagging some folks who engaged in my WIP posts on this fic: @peepawispunk @burntheedges @joelmillerisapunk @baronessvonglitter @ak-vintage @probablyreadinsmut @goodwithcheese @almostempty (please let me know if you’d like to be removed)
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littlestl4mb · 3 days ago
valentines day with luigi and he's come down with a cold but refuses to acknowledge it and still tries to take you out to dinner, do fun things with you/care for you etc and you're like bRO you need to take care of yourself!! u literally have to force him on the couch with tea otherwise he won't ever rest
omg bro YES. i think that man was raised on the notion that he has to be on 100 mode all the time. if he’s not busy, he feels like a failure. he hardly lets himself rest; he grinds his gears until there’s no grease left to sustain him— until the machine of his body is grating upon itself just to keep sustaining its momentum. 
in love and relationships, he’s definitely like this too. well, he thinks he has to be this way anyways. thinks that it’s what has to be done— putting others first without second thought for himself. 
with all his work, hobbies, and busying himself with you— he doesn’t realize he’s pushed himself past his physical limits until there’s a sudden accompanying ache in his body. a sore throat that hardly lets him swallow. a pounding head that allures to the cold that’s brewing in his system. and still- he disregards it. ‘there’s no time to be sick right now.’ he tells himself. he convinces himself he can push off whatever ailment he’s harboring until next week. when it’s not valentines day, when he doesn’t have an elaborate day planned. when he doesn’t have to worry about letting someone- well the most important person to him- down. he tells himself he’ll load up on DayQuil and theraflu today and reward himself with a long nights sleep afterwards. because surely he can control whether or not he gets sick. right.
when he shows up knocking at your door with an extravagant bouquet of roses in hand, a dainty box of chocolates tucked between his top and bottom teeth, and a little gift bag dangling from his wrist, he’s so certain that he can make it through today. besides, he thinks the pain and discomfort is worth it when you open the door a few seconds later. he wishes he had another hand with a camera in it just to capture the look of delight and surprise on your face. 
“happy valentines day, baby” he mumbles, the box still tucked between his teeth while his other hand wraps around the heavy vase of the flowers again. he’s hardly trying and yet he looks so puppy eyed standing at your door with his arms full of the largest bouquet of flowers you’ve ever laid eyes on. 
you’d usher him in and help him put everything he’s carrying down onto the counter. and kiss his repeatedly while thanking him for the thoughtful gifts. the little gift bag, as it turns out, has a printed itinerary of your plans for the evening (you know, a walk together through your favorite park, two tickets to a museum, and then a mini menu of the elaborate dinner he’s planning to make you later that night). oh, and a casual gold locket necklace that has a photo of you two printed out and glued inside of it. (the engineer in him deff went CRAZY making sure the image was the perfect size and that it fit perfectly). 
and surprisingly! luigi makes it through a good part of the day without you knowing he’s sick. he maybe lets a sniffle get out here or there, and his voice sounds hoarse on occasion, but he tells you it’s just his allergies. which you’re skeptical of, but you give him the benefit of the doubt. and besides, he’s so determined to celebrate the day with you that you can’t stop him. 
…..well…. until things suddenly take a turn for the worse. 
it hits him like a brick wall when you’re at the museum. the pounding in his head returns and this time it’s ten-fold. his body heats up with a flame that somehow can’t quell the immense coldness he feels. his body practically vibrates as he’s struggling to contain the sudden shivers he has.
“oh, look at this painting of the two birds curled together on the branch. it’s so us, don’t you think?” you point to a painting that you’re looking at, your head turned away from him. when you turn to look back at him to see his response, you’re met with a ghastly version of luigi. he’s pale like he’s seen a ghost, and his eyes are glossed over. his curls are starting to stick to his forehead from how warm he is despite his shivers :(
“hm? oh yeah,” he croaks out and nods his head in agreement. 
and you don’t know how you missed it before, or how he was so good at hiding it. it leaves you feeling guilty knowing he must’ve been feeling unwell for so long, and yet he pushed through it so selflessly for you. 
“oh my god, lu. are you okay? we need to go home,” you frown, your smaller arm looping around his while you guide him towards the nearest exit. 
getting home is more or less of a black screen to him. he knows he gets into the car at some point, and that you two get back to your apartment at another point. maybe there’s a stop made along the way, but he’s not too sure about that. and despite it all, the man still tries to waltz into the kitchen, determined to make the dinner he planned on making for you. he’s stubborn that way. 
“luigi, can you please lay down? you can make dinner another night,” you insist. the back of your hand presses softly against his forehead, which he hums almost deleriously at. the sign of a fever burns brightly against your own skin. 
“no, i’m fine. really. i’ll just make the risotto and then i promise i’ll go lay down.”
you shake your head at him, but say nothing. you busy yourself with boiling some water for tea. only leaving luigi’s side to grab some bottles of vitamins and nyquil from your bathroom medicine cabinet. 
when you return, he’s leaning against the counter with his fingers pressed into his temples. desperate to quell the throbbing in his skull. “can we turn the heat up in here? jesus, it’s freezing,” he mumbles. (the thermostat is at 73, you know things are bad because that man definitely runs warm as it is, usually he's asking for you to turn the heat down)
you set the medicine down, and reach out to wrap a hand around his bicep. with a soft squeeze, you tug him away from the kitchen counter. he’s too tired, too achey to even fight back anymore. his body submitting to the fact that maybe he should just listen to you. 
you take the opportunity and guide him to the couch. he doesn’t protest when you take out a pile of soft blankets and layer them on top of him. he’s too tired to. and he can’t lie to himself— getting tucked into your couch makes him feel a whole lot better. it’s kind of funny how fast he gives into being taken care of. he pretends like he doesn’t want it because he’s so used to being the one to take care of things.
when you stand up from his side, he lets out a pitiful whine of protest, “noooo, where are you going?”
“i’ll be back,” you assure him. true to your word, you do return. a cup of lemon-ginger tea with honey in one hand, and the bottle of nyquil in the other. you sit yourself by his side as you give him the cap of dark blue liquid. once he’s downed it, you hand him the cup of tea and tell him to drink it, that it’ll soothe his throat. and once he’s done that, you make him take a handful of vitamins too. 
“will you be okay if i get up and make some dinner? was thinking of making that one chicken noodle soup recipe. y’know, the one from scratch.” 
luigi pouts in his typical way but gives a little nod of his head. your fingers lightly graze through the mess of curls on his head for a few moments in attempt to comfort him. he looks so soft sometimes that it almost hurts. he doesn’t let many people see him so weak either but he has a lot of trust in you <3 
and then when you’re making him the soup, you make sure turn on a light hearted movie for him to watch. intermittently you check in on him to make sure he’s doing okay. his fever start dying down, which helps your worrying. he’s constantly trying to thank you, and also apologize for “ruining” valentines day :( but you shush him each time. 
i think he really starts to lean into being taken care of in the following days. like if you’re doing something in another room he calls out “babyyyyy, where are you? this cold is so bad” and no doubt he’s still feeling sick but he also starts to use it to his advantage. he swears he’s dying, that he needs you to run your fingers through his curls again to make him feel a little better. he’s pouty and whiny and needy. and you don’t even care because that’s your sweet baby lu and if he needs to be babied then so be it! he deserves it! so if he asks for more blankets, you bring him more. if he asks for more tea, you brew him some immediately. if he asks for you to just sit by his side, there’s no hesitancy from you at all. 
ngl i wouldn’t be surprised if he also pretended to be sick way longer than he actually is just for a few extra days of being pampered by you 
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inkykeiji · 2 days ago
you and me to infinity
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character: shigaraki tomura (+ the slightest hint of keigo)
genre: smut, modern!au
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, pseudo-cest (adoptive siblings), noncon/dubcon, dacryphilia, rough sex, semi-public sex, blood, no prep, painful sex, one use of the word bitch, tomura is kinda mean, tomura carries reader, mention of drugs (he’s a lil high), size difference
notes: set within my lil icky big brother tomura universe! | title credit: ecstasy by suicidal-idol
words: 4.8k
“I really hate it when you look at him at all, and I really hate the way he looks at you.”  His tone morphs from mocking condescension to a deep growl, jagged and dripping with jealousy, words ground out through his teeth. Whimpering, you stare up at him. “Y-You do?”  And it’s impossible to hide the genuine surprise, tinged with absurd delight, colouring your voice, a direct response to the authenticity ringing in his own—sincere anger and envy and a hint of hurt. “Of course I do,” he huffs, admission cool against your damp cheeks. “I don’t like it when people look at what’s mine. I don’t like it when people stupidly believe that they can play with my things.”
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The sun is strong today, shining down with that summer brutality it always seems to acquire in the late days of July and painting the backyard in harsh gold, bouncing off the shimmering water of the pool and limestone of the patio. 
Sticky sweet chemicals and coconut cling to your flesh in a fine film, scents lingering in the air around you. It’s so potent Tomura swears he can smell it from the pool, swears he can taste it on his tongue, bitter sunscreen mixed with the salt of your sweat.
It makes his mouth water, saliva collecting in the crevices near his molars and beneath his tongue in thick little puddles, and he pulls himself from the water, swim shorts sticking to his slim thighs as he perches on the edge of the pool, calves still submerged, fingers curling around the edge of the stone. 
You’re sitting across the water from him, sprawled out on one of the plush lounge chairs with a pair of sunglasses on your head and a book in your palms, index finger idly playing with one of the curled, fraying corners of the cover.
You both hear him before you see him, a distinct slap of rubber against stone, a sound that has come to indicate Keigo’s arrival. 
Already twisting in your chair at his footsteps, your face splits into a brilliant smile the moment he rounds the corner, procuring an equally impressive smile of his own, features softening when he meets your gaze, professionalism melting in your presence. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says, smooth and warm, grin never dimming. “Whatcha reading?”
It takes you a moment to gather your bearings, dog-earred book completely forgotten in Keigo’s light, and a soft little noise sounds at the back of your throat as you remember it, picking it up and glancing at the cover. 
“It’s, um, Crime and Punishment,” your voice is shy and soft, but your eyes are bright, wide, eager to soak up any specks of attention Keigo will toss your way.
It’s pathetic, as far as Tomura’s concerned. You act like some lovesick little schoolgirl around him, hanging on his every word with sparkles in your eyes and teeth sunk into your lip. 
“Dostoyevsky,” Keigo hums with an appreciative nod. “You’re one smart little cookie, aren’t you?” 
His thumb and forefinger clasp your chin, tilting your face higher, as if he’s inspecting it for something. The silence is thick as his eyes sweep across your face, slow and thorough, admiring.
You let him, putty in his fucking hands—as always—leaning into his touch a little, allowing him to tug you closer. 
“Brains and a face like that?” Keigo blows air out his mouth in a low whistle. “That’s a lethal combination.” 
Girlish giggles bubble in your throat and Keigo’s smile stretches, a slight chuckle of his own on the back of his tongue. 
“Where’s your Daddy, princess?”
“In the office, I think.” 
“Thanks,” his grasp on your chin loosens, thumb skimming across your bottom lip before his hand drops completely. 
Your stare follows him as he strides towards the glass doors, desperate and ravenous for as much of him as your eyes can swallow down, soak up, devour. 
“Maybe, if you’re still out here later, we can talk about Russian authors some more,” he says just before he reaches the Manor, pivoting on his heel and walking backward.
Yes, your head is nodding enthusiastically. Yes, definitely. 
The sliding door slams shut with a dull thud, silence enveloping the space again, only broken by the erratic chattering of Tomura’s teeth, molars grinding together as MDMA clouds his brain, rushes through his veins, capillaries tingling.
You’ve since returned to your book, a small, satisfied smile on your lips as your eyes stare listlessly at the page, gaze unmoving. 
Fuck. As much as Tomura hates that golden-haired honeyed-voice fucker, he can’t blame him for being enraptured by your beauty. 
Because, truly, you are fucking stunning—skin perpetually dewy as if it’s routinely kissed by the morning sun itself, eyes glittering like magnificent jewels even in the dimmest light (even in the dark—Tomura knows, Tomura has seen it) always so expressive, alight with excitement or curiosity or terror—but that isn’t all. 
It’s your very presence itself, your nature of being, your bunny-like shyness and your kitten-eqsue playfulness, and how you’re oblivious to it all, rendering it all so natural, so genuine.
If Daddy had allowed you to go to school, you would’ve been the most popular girl in your year, every year, Pre-K all the way to your university undergrad, and then beyond that, had you chosen to pursue that path. 
The thought makes Tomura’s blood boil. 
Just the mere idea of all those boys, those scoundrels and mongrels, leering at you and salivating like his baby sister is the freshest, leanest, tastiest piece of meat they’ve ever had the privilege of laying their eyes on has his vision bleeding a furious red. He knows Keigo would’ve been one of those boys. He knows Keigo would’ve probably won, too. 
Well, it’s a good thing Daddy never sent you to school, then. Because that means there’s little to no competition for Tomura, and that means Tomura is the winner. 
That means Tomura is the only boy you see often, the only boy you really know, not counting Daddy’s employees that swing by every often, that never pass the threshold of acquaintance, that you’re too shy and sweet and precious to talk to—the ones Tomura pushes you behind his back and away from any time they’re in your immediate vicinity, safe and sound, guarded by your big brother; the ones that never manage to say more than a few words to you, a polite greeting or a handful of small talk, before someone, Daddy or nii-san, is redirecting their attention.
And that means Tomura will stay the winner, forever.
Besides, little sisters should belong to their big brothers first and foremost anyway, right? Who better to take care of them, to teach them, to lead and protect and reprimand them, than their big brother? Who could possibly know them better than their big brother does? 
No one. 
But Keigo’s attention leaves you glowing, the effects lingering long after he’s disappeared—Tomura can practically see the dreaminess in your eyes, the swooning and the yearning, the spectacular fantasies floating around in that pretty little head of yours. 
It makes him sick.
It makes him sad.
“You never look at me like that.”
“Hm?” your big brother’s voice breaks you from your daze, blinking to clear the haziness. “Like what?”
“Like the way you look at Keigo, all starry-eyed and tongue-tied.”
“You’re my brother.”
“So? What difference does it make, if we don’t even share the same blood?” he questions. “If anything, being your big brother should qualify me more.” 
Frowning, you look over the edge of your book, forehead crumpled in confusion. 
“H-How do you figure?”
And, Christ, you’re so fucking shy, so fucking sweet Tomura can barely stand it. Maybe you don’t look at him with specks of sun in your eyes, but you do look at him like this, irises deep with devotion, with admiration, with trust. 
You look at him like he carved the moon in the sky, like he created the laws of the universe, like he knows best. You look at him like you’re desperate for his approval, like you’re aching for him to let you in on the secrets of the cosmos, like his word is fucking gospel.
He shakes his head, hand dismissing the idea with a wave—there’s no way you could ever possibly understand, no way he could ever possibly explain it to you in easily digestible terms, idea cut up into cute bite-sized pieces.
“C’mere,” he says instead, wading in the water. “Your big brother is lonely in the pool all by himself.” 
“But I’m reading my book.”
“Bring it,” he shrugs.
“I—Won’t it—”
“You don’t have to get in the water,” he rolls his eyes. “Just come lay on a floaty or whatever.”
And, ever the good girl that you are, you do as your big brother says, allowing him to hold the inflatable pink lounger, warmed by the constant sun, still as you teeter onto it, a short squeal catching in your throat as the raft wobbles.
Unsurprisingly, having you closer does little to dispel the bitterness simmering in his chest, the hinges of his jaw beginning to ache from the incessant, uncontrollable gnashing of his teeth. 
Because you’ve gone right back to your stupid book, not paying him a scrap of attention, not even bothering to look over as he glides past you, back and forth, back and forth, skinny body graceful in the water.
And that just won’t do.
It hurts, probably more than it should, more than it has any moral right to, a sharp stinging burrowing deeper and deeper into his chest with every passing moment you stay entirely oblivious to him.
It’s incredible, how what he feels for you manages to seep through the thick fog of manufactured euphoria, tainting it. Even when he’s high on a cocktail of narcotics, he still can’t fucking escape you.
It’s what has him flicking water at you as he wades next to you, little droplets smattering across your bare torso, missing the pages of your book by a hair. 
They’re pretty, though, tiny drops of crystal adorning your skin, rising and falling with your gentle breaths and glittering as they catch in the sunbeams.
“Nii-san!” you gasp, eyes flying over to him in surprise as your body instinctively jerks, rocking your raft a little. 
“What?” he asks as he flicks another fistful at you, crimson eyes shimmering. “Can’t handle a little water?”
“You’re going to ruin my book,” you whine, flinching again as the next batch of droplets scatters over your body, procuring heavy taps against the plastic.
“Oh? The book Keigo likes?”
And just like that his hands are curling around pink plastic, jagged nails digging into puffy inflation before yanking hard and fast, snatching the floaty from beneath your body in an instant.
Your short scream is gargled by the water, your body creating a small crater of mini white caps as it hits the surface, fanning out in ripples around you. 
You resurface a moment later, choking on your own breath, lashes fluttering wildly as you reestablish your bearings.
They look pretty, too, all spiked together with dewdrops of water collecting at the points; they look the way they do after Tomura makes you cry—one of his favourite sights.
It makes him want to ruin you even more, to stain you with him, to make a mess of your body and remind you who you fucking belong to, who you were made for. Your discomfort sparks some sick, innate craving lurking deep within his ribcage—something acrid and addictive, something starving yet insatiable.
“Tomu-nii!” you wail as you flounder, his name tattered by a gasp.
“Oh, shut up,” he’s saying even as he takes you into refuge of his arms, letting you cling to his shoulders and helping you find your footing. “It’s just water, crybaby.”
“My novel!”
“Daddy will buy you another,” Tomura rolls his eyes. “It’s not that big a deal.”
“You don’t understand,” you slump against your big brother’s chest, sulky. “That one had all of my annotations in it.”
“Oh? You mean the annotations you were going to talk to Keigo about?” his face screws up, the name acid on his tongue, corroded with resentment. 
“I worked really hard on those,” you continue, ignoring his question, cheek pressed to his protruding collarbone. “And now I’ll have to start all over again; they’re ruined!” 
It doesn’t matter, he’s telling you with a dismissive roll of his eyes, hands flexing around your shoulders.
“Not to you, maybe,” you mumble through a petulant pout, brows knitted. 
“You know, I really hate it when you talk to Keigo,” he begins, voice dropped an octave as it rubbles behind his bony chest, protruding ribs shuddering with dark vibrations. 
His chest puffs out a little, large hands cuffing your biceps as he pushes forward with his weight, guiding you backwards. A gasp jumps in your throat as your spine bumps against the pool’s wall, sharp edge of the patio digging into your skin. 
“I really hate it when you look at him at all, and I really hate the way he looks at you.” 
His tone morphs from mocking condescension to a deep growl, jagged and dripping with jealousy, words ground out through his teeth. Whimpering, you stare up at him.
“Y-You do?” 
And it’s impossible to hide the genuine surprise, tinged with absurd delight, colouring your voice, a direct response to the authenticity ringing in his own—sincere anger and envy and a hint of hurt.
“Of course I do,” he huffs, admission cool against your damp cheeks. “I don’t like it when people look at what’s mine. I don’t like it when people stupidly believe that they can play with my things.”
“Yeah,” he snorts a little. “My little sister.”
Confusion furrows your brow, your head tilting a little as your eyes search his face. 
“But that—That doesn’t make me yours—”
And although it’s supposed to be a statement, firm and sure, it comes out as a question, quivering and hesitant.
“Yes it does,” he scoffs, as if you’re stupid, and it’s so cute, it’s so laughable. “Daddy adopted you for me.” 
“N-No, he didn’t—”
“Yes, yes, actually, he did. He adopted you because I told him to, because I asked for you—you, specially. You’ve always been meant for me; you’ve always been mine.” 
Large hands skim down your sides, clumsy fingers creeping beneath the waistband of your bikini bottoms, toying with the thin, flimsy strings.
“Ever since we brought you through that door, you’ve belonged to me.” 
A shameful giddiness bubbles up in your chest at the thought, something hot and sinful unfurling in your stomach. Swallowing against the feeling, you try to extinguish it, try to stomp it out with sentiments of how wrong it is, but it only flares higher, burns brighter, your eyes wide and unblinking as they stay glued to your big brother’s face, clinging desperately to every word that falls from his lips. 
“And,” he continues conversationally, “since you’re mine, don’t you think you should make your big brother feel better after making him so sad?”
“Sad?” you question, all giddiness eradicated from your features in an instant as you blink up at him, looking so fucking sincere—forehead warped with concern, eyes glossy and scanning his. 
“Yeah, stupid,” he says, filtered through an exaggerated pout. “I really can’t stand seeing you with him, you know? It hurts.” 
And although he’s playing it up, there’s a twinge of truth to his voice, a tremor of honesty worming through his words. 
“I—I’m sorry, nii-san, I didn’t realize—” 
“It’s fine,” he cuts you off, already bored of this routine. “Because you’re going to make it up to me, aren’t you?” 
The implicit expectation hangs heavy in the air, the belief that you’re supposed to be good for your big brother, obey your big brother, do everything he says exactly when he says it, exactly how he says it, weighing on your chest.
And now, he’s got you trapped.
“S-Sure, but…” you trail off, floundering, a delicious desperation shimmering in your irises—a harsh push-and-pull, a tug-of-war between should and want. “I don’t think—I mean, this isn’t—”
With a growl, Tomura uses his body to shove you against the edge of the pool again, stone skinning your elbows, a short cry pushed from your chest, sharp and high. 
“Enough of this,” he spits, eager hands tugging on the cute little bows tied at each of your hips, bikini bottoms coming undone with a few harsh yanks. 
“No, Tomura! We really shouldn’t—!” 
“Oh, yeah? And why’s that?” he’s panting out as two clumsy fingers plunge into your unprepared hole, a gasp slicing your throat. 
“Because! Because it’s—it’s not right!” 
“Never stopped us before.”
Well, never stopped him before. You’re just as complicit, too, though. He knows you want it just as badly as he does, knows that this whole act is merely a facade, masquerading as a good little girl when you’re just as depraved as he is. 
You wouldn’t let him do this to you if you weren’t—wouldn’t get this wet this quickly for him, wouldn’t go this pliant beneath your big brother’s touch, wouldn’t welcome him beneath your frilly peppermint pink covers in the dead of night and wouldn’t beg for him so pathetically only a few minutes into his perversion, wouldn’t cum so quickly when he gives you exactly what you’re asking for. 
You might fool everyone else—Daddy and Kurogiri and Keigo—but you could never fool your big brother. 
He knows you inside out. 
“No!” you’re struggling against him, but your thighs are already trembling, your hips already bucking. “I’m serious, we gotta st-stop!”
“Uh-huh?” he hums out, indifferent. “And what if I don’t want to stop?”
Because you sure as hell don’t—not with the way your legs are squeezing his hand, pelvis gyrating in messy little circles as you try to catch your clit on the heel of his palm; not with the sweet wispy whines that keep prying past your lips, fracturing your sentences. 
“Just—Come on! Not here!” 
“Why not? Don’t want your new boyfriend Keigo to see how much you love getting fucked by your big brother?”
“What? No! Daddy—Kurogiri—”
He laughs, mirth wrapped in malice. “Give me a break. Kurogiri doesn’t give a fuck what we do. I own him, too.” 
And, you suppose, on some level that’s true. Kurogiri bends over backwards, twists his spine and snaps it to fulfil Tomura’s every wish and whim.
Kurogiri would rather risk his own livelihood than ever put Tomura in any sort of danger. 
“You should know by now that I get what I want,” he grunts as he spins you around, the heel of his palm shoving at the waistband of his swim shorts, “when I want,” a strong palm flattens against the small of your back then pushes, hard, forcing you to bend at the waist, your face smacking off the ground, “and how I want.” 
Leaning over your folded body, his chest presses to your heaving back, flat and flush, his cock bluntly nudging your fluttering hole, his chapped lips brushing against your ear. 
“And what I want,” he begins, hot breath curling around cartilage, shivers skittering across your skin. “Is my little sister’s cunt.”  
And so he takes it—takes what he’s rightfully owed, takes what he rightfully owns, thrusting his cock into you in one hard, quick motion, burying himself in your body, tip pressed tightly to your cervix and balls nudging your clit. 
The abrupt gesture yanks a yelp from your throat, eyes shutting against the reflexive burn of tears. It fucking stings, little hole quivering around his girth as it struggles to adjust, core desperate to split itself open for him.
A moan falls from his lips as it trembles around him, and God, he wishes he could see it. Your sweet cunt always looks so cute as it strains to take his thick cock, to swallow it whole, spasming around hot, hard flesh and evoking a gruff groan from deep within his chest.
“Hurts, Tomu-nii,” you whimper, words half-muffled by the stone, lips dragging across it lazily. 
“Yeah?” he breathes, leaning back a little as his hands stay firmly wrapped around your hips and giving an experimental thrust, basking in the pained mewl that spills from your throat as he grinds his cockhead against sensitive tissue. “How much?”
“S-So much,” you hiccup out, eyes squeezing shut. “So much, swear I can feel you in my—in my tummy, nii-san.” 
“That so?” Tomura’s asking as his hips draw back, slow and purposeful, until only the tip of his cock is dipping into you. “Good.”
His pelvis slams forward, so powerful it procures a little tsunami of waves around your bodies, water sloshing over the edge of the pool and onto the pavement lining it. 
It’s downright ruthless, the snaps of his hips hard and fast and so, so rough, your body jostling with each pound of his cock into your cunt. Saw-toothed fingernails sink into your waist, latching onto the supple flesh like anchoring little leeches, keeping your body in place during his merciless assault. 
Tears are leaking from your sealed eyes, seeping past the tight seam in fat droplets to clump your lashes into little spikes, water teetering precariously on the points.
Limestone grates against your cheek with his harsh pistons, leaving the delicate skin rubbed raw. Copper stings your nose, your blood smeared across the stone, salty and bitter as it mixes with your tears and flows into your mouth. 
“Nii-san!” you wail into the coarse ground, the honorific a garbled mess on your tongue, soaked with spit.
His pace doesn’t slow, though, doesn’t falter at all, instead accelerating in speed, the plunging of his cock turned voracious in it’s endeavour to fuck you. A smudge of your blood glimmers up at him in the late afternoon sun, glazed with sticky snot and tears, and a moan rips up his throat, eyes zeroing in on the stain, fingers pressing bruises into your flesh as he yanks your hips backwards.
“Nii—Nii-san!” the honorific judders in your throat, stammered by his vicious movements. “Nii-san, it hurts!”
“Y’already said that.”
But oh, how he loves it when it hurts. 
Because you look so pretty in pain, facial features screwed up in a perpetual wince that only gets tighter the harder he fucks you until finally, it snaps, shatters, melts beneath the pleasure. Everything goes lax then, dopey and dreamy with ecstasy as that sordid bliss bathes your body
Because you sound so gorgeous when you’re in pain, cracked whines and sharp gasps and rib-shattering sobs all slicing up your throat, leaving your voice raw for days afterward—so cute, so precious, so unbelievably obvious; a lasting effect of his sins, something you can’t hide with make-up or sweaters or bandages and one of his favourite sounds in the whole world to hear.
Because your blood looks so artful, smeared across stone tiles or painted in diluted saliva streaked along your skin or pooling in the indents he leaves, the etches of his mouth and the carvings of his nails.
It all has him cumming embarrassingly fast, his cock throbbing almost violently as he stuffs your cunt full of his seed, your name splintering on his tongue. Clumsy fingers hastily snake between your thighs to rub hard, fast circles into your clit, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of you. 
“Come on, come on, c-come on,” he’s nearly whimpering in your ear, his breath scalding as his hips twitch, minuscule movements he couldn’t control even if he wanted to, desperate to fuck you more despite the ripples of overstimulation cascading over his flesh. “Cum for your big brother, cum all over your big brother’s cock.” 
It’s more of a plead than it is a demand, panted out in pathetic whines while he ruts into you, pelvis moving in irregular little gyrations, matching the pattern of his fingers. 
It’s the begging that does it, that has your stomach tensing and your slick walls convulsing on his cock, an intense gush of heat flooding your thighs; because the idea of him being so desperate for your cream, so needy to feel your cunt pulse around his shaft, is so unbearably hot.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he’s gasping, hips still fucking, cockhead grinding into your sensitive cervix. “Fuckin’—ah—fuckin’ milk me dry, bitch.” 
His cock gives another weak spurt of cum, a reward for all of your hard effort, and a shudder rips through his body, entire form trembling beneath the force of it. 
Then he’s collapsing on top of you, drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth to stain your cheek, cock finally beginning to soften. 
Sticky with sweat, his chest heaves against your back, his body gone lax draped over yours. 
But you’re still shivering with sobs, weeping uncontrollably into the stone as they claw at your chest, your attempts to swallow them down only making you cough more.
The weight on your back lifts, and your crying worsens, your big brother a pleasant, grounding heaviness. 
“Okay, okay, c’mere,” he’s saying as he gracelessly collects you in his arms, tugging you to his chest. “Hush, nii-san’s got you, nii-san’s here.” 
“Tomu,” you wail, face instinctually burying into his neck as your arms wrap around his shoulders, clutching him tightly. 
“I know, I know,” he’s saying as he shifts your weight to one side, his free hand reaching to snatch your bikini bottoms, floating aimlessly a few feet away. “Nii-san’s gonna take care of it, alright? Nii-san is going to make it all better.” 
His words soothe your sobs to sniffles, voice void of it’s usual bite, his hands gentle but sloppy as they re-tie your bottoms around your hips. 
You’re too fucked out to walk on your own, legs trembly and unsteady, and it’s clear that you have no intention of doing so anyway, not with the way you’re clinging to Tomura like he’s a fucking lifeline, nails piercing the flesh of his shoulder. 
Not that Tomura minds. 
No, Tomura likes feeling needed, Tomura likes fulfilling needs—that’s what a big brother is for, right?
And, as fate would have it, Tomura runs into the very person who started this whole mess, just as he’s carrying your pliant body into the house. 
Really, Tomura supposes he should be thanking him.
But Keigo looks concerned, forehead wrinkling with worry as his eyes scan your limp body, brows pushing together. 
“What’s going on? Is she—”
“Heat exhaustion,” Tomura says as an explanation, shrugging a shoulder in practiced nonchalance, a sharp glint in his eyes. 
“Shouldn’t she—” 
“Don’t worry yourself, Keigo,” Tomura brushes him off airily, already pushing past him. “Her big brother has it covered.”
If Keigo had bothered to look a little closer, he would’ve noticed the haphazard way the strings of your bikini bottoms had been tied, the work of clumsy big brother hands, too large and lanky and uncoordinated. 
If Keigo had bothered to look a little harder, he would’ve noticed the strokes of bright crimson smeared across Tomura’s protruding collarbone, a casualty from your steadily oozing cheek, painted over his skin as you nuzzle into him.  
If Keigo had bothered to look a little longer, he would’ve noticed Tomura’s half-hard cock, straining against the sticky material of his swim shorts, water dripping off the hems and running down his legs, garment plastered to his thighs. 
But Keigo doesn’t bother—or, more accurately, Tomura doesn’t allow him to—so he doesn’t notice any of it. 
Keigo does, however, notice the waterlogged copy of Crime and Punishment, sunk and abandoned on the pool floor—but Tomura doesn’t care about that. 
All Tomura cares about is getting you cocooned in your fluffy pink comforter.
“M’sleepy, nii-san,” you mumble against him, lips dragging over the knobs of his collarbones in a slur, punctuated by a sniffle.
“I know,” Tomura says softly, readjusting his grip on your body and cradling you closer to his chest. “I know, baby. Nii-san’s gonna put you to bed now.” 
He’s awkward with it all, hands too large, too rough, to do it as gracefully as Kurogiri does, but it’s still endearing all the same, moment infused with his distinct charm. 
It’s as he’s pulling away after tucking you in that you manage to worm a hand out from beneath the tightly tucked comforter, hooking an elbow around his neck and pulling him back down, begging for him to stay in a small, fragile, desperate voice. 
“Stay the night this time, nii-san?” 
And Tomura doesn’t have the heart to tell you that it’s only four PM as he nods and climbs into your bed, snug beneath your covers; doesn’t have the heart to tell you that you’ll both be waking up at one in the morning, groggy and starved from sleeping at an odd time and missing dinner, forced to rummage around in the kitchen for some late night snacks. 
Nor does he have the heart to tell you that if Daddy finds the two of you like this again there’s going to be some type of retribution, probably in the form of tightening your restraints, taking them from smothering to near strangling—not that Tomura necessarily cares. 
Daddy spoils you both rotten, but you’re his precious little princess, his prized little possession, and he’ll do what he must to keep you pure and untarnished, untainted, all without knowing that Tomura’s already had his dirty, grubby hands all over you, inside of you—your cunt and your mouth and your heart—and he’s left streaks of sordid stains on your body, on your soul; disgusting and permanent.
But no matter what Daddy does, it won’t matter. Tomura will find a way to weasel past rules and regulations—he always does.
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xaer1s · 8 hours ago
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ㅤㅤ ❛ ㅤ✿ ──────​ ridiculously yours ⸝⸝
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ[ 박종성 ] ─── PARK JONGSEONG​ ⨾ ENHYPEN
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ㅤㅤsynopsis:ㅤcoming home even more exhausted than any other day, practically dragging yourself, right into your loving and pampering husband’s waiting arms; jay can’t wait to show you just how much he loves his cute little wife.ㅤ⨾ㅤwarnings:ㅤnsfw!!, oral (f receiving), pet names, so very sweet jay, small clit & breast play, fluff, lmk if missed anything & sorry for possible mistakes!!ㅤ;ㅤword count:ㅤ0,8kㅤ;ㅤa/n.:ㅤ--
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ㅤㅤ › ARCHiVE ; NAViGATiON ・・・・・; ✉︎ message me on: @smnxi ; please reblog and follow if you like my posts! do not spam likes, or you'll be blocked, sorry! ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ˚ ⋆ . 。.
. . . sweet-husband!jay who waits you at your shared apartment with the brightest smile and warmest hugs and cuddles after the draining work you had that day. unfortunately for him, poor you were so tired, a simple walk to the bedroom was a great challenge. frustration was just hot and fresh inside your veins, threatening to lash out at any time at anyone. you were on the mood sure, but he knew exactly what to do when this happens and you knew you were in good hands.
sweet-husband!jay who carries you to your bedroom as a doting man should do with his wife, gently cradling you against his hard chest, your arms around his neck, feet dangling off as he held you in bridal style, taking much care and avoiding to bump you into any harsh corner on the way.
sweet-husband!jay who after arriving, undresses you as if you’re the most precious gift he ever encountered. stopping at each piece of clothing, letting his adorning but still hungry for you gaze travel over you, taking in all your curves and every single inch of your skin. his hands itching to reach out to touch you, even the smallest swipe of his fingers across your arms are enough for him.
sweet-husband!jay who asks permission first before letting his hand wander towards your intimate areas. the pads of his fingers brushing the swell of your breasts, his thumbs circling around your half-hard nipples, coaxing them to life before flicking over them a few times.
“may i, sweetheart?..” he looked at you with nothing but pure adoration shining in his lust darkened pupils. now his hands slowly rubbing up and down on the inside of your thighs, your heat already radiating off of you with your maddening lust scenting/wafting the room, his head dizzy and light.
sweet-husband!jay who after your approval, let’s his fingers brush against you, just shy of touch against your wet folds. his thumbs parting the swelled? lips, revealing the throbbing, bundle of nerves hidden beneath, so eager, just like him to give you pleasure. the sigh only has his wet muscle dart out swiftly to wet at his lips.
sweet-husband!jay who starts with clit play, grazing your oversensitive flesh now more determined, finding delight in the way the inside of your thighs tremble, the urge to get a grip at his wrist and shove his fingers inside your pussy painted all over your pretty, pleasure-contorted face.
sweet-husband!jay who instead of watching his fingers roll, pinch and tug on the bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs, be drinking up all your reactions and noises, feeling his own cock throb painfully in his sweats, yet his top priority remains purely you.
sweet-husband!jay who has formed a small, cute wet patch on the front of the clothing he was already so uncomfortable in. leaking and ruining his underwear just at the sigh of you taking everything so prettily he has to offer; your reactions making it so goddamn hard not to just pounce on you and bury himself in your inviting warmth.
sweet-husband!jay who learned everything about his sweet girl when it come to pleasure, knowing how he has you already close to release by the way your thighs clench and tremble around his hand. a bit surprised but not shocked, your sexual frustration probably through the roof so instead he quickly pumps his middle finger inside your soaked up cunt, wanting to feel you squeeze around him when you come apart.
sweet-husband!jay who gently cooes at you, with his head lowered next to your ear to talk directly against it with his warm breath fanning on your beck, feeling goosebumps rising on every inch of your skin.
“is my baby close, hm? let go, sweetheart..” jay encourages you further, his digit pumping steadily in your clutching heat while his thumb rubbed furious circles over you swelled clit, sneaking in a few small pinch and roll, enjoying the way your breath catches in your throat, your plump lips falling apart a bit every single time the pleasure-pain shoots through you.
sweet-husband!jay who helps in enjoying your high to the most, raining gentle kisses over your jaw and temple as your tummy flexes then trembles. he keeps a firm hold around your torso, doing his best to halt your trashing around, making sure you only focus on the sensations.
sweet-husband!jay who cleans up you so thoroughly that you feel bad deep in your heart at the way he always treats you with so much fucking care. he soothes your warmed up and sweaty skin with small rubs across your legs and sides, gently tucking you against his comforting, firm chest.
sweet-husband!jay who wants absolutely nothing in return and will refuse it even when you want to repay with the best of your heart and intention. it was about you for him.
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plagiarism is strictly forbidden, do not translate my works, copy them or publish them on another site ; @xaer1s
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valentine-cafe · 2 days ago
˖⁺. ﹙ corrupt sorcerer god x gn reader. ﹚ .𖹭 ݁
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. . . sugar, spice, some black tea, and everything nice !! 🍒 :  corrupt god ˖ sorcerer﹙ verse 164 alessio. ﹚
After a morning and noon full of work, you and your husband retreat to the kitchen of your cottage and try out his new homemade tea.
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"What's this one made of today?" A cup of tea is put down on the table before you. The sight that pulls a smile at your lips every day when your husband and you retreat to some afternoon tea.
He likes to brew them all himself. Sometimes experiments on tastes and combinations. Today seems to be one of those days, where he decided he wanted to get adventurous and try a sweeter flavour.
As he sits down to share his serene smile and the taste of the tea, he chuckles to your inqusitive expression and finds it rude to not respond: "Today I mixed the elderberry from the garden together with Sakura blossoms, strawberry a hint of black tea and mango together." He pauses and grins a little, with pinched fingers raised for you to see.
"And something else I'd like you to guess when you sip."
A sweet tea indeed. Whether it was in your palate or not, you sure did look forward to try the blend judging by the assortment of ingredients. It is a shame that your siren husband was not here to try it with the both of you, he might have been quite delighted.
"That does sound like a mix, very sweet, though you raise my suspicion with the last ingredient." You chuckle, but take a sip together with him. Both of you sit to process the taste of it.
You savour the flavour of elder berry, the strongest of each ingredient in the tea, though the sakura blossom is quite prevalent as well. Whereas the strawberry and mango have their subtle tastes next to the black tea. An interesting blend—
Yet, something spicy creeps at the back of your throat, spreading a comfortable warmth down your throat and to the rest of your body.
"Chili?" You mutter to yourself and smile up at your husband with a look of slight surprise and plenty of fondness.
"I couldn't help myself, it was tempting to put in the mix." And you admit, it is a charming kick to the taste and the feel of the tea. It seems today that the tea was successful and remained for the rest of it to be enjoyed.
"You must put this into the teabook. Talisen would adore this."
"I shall note it down mio amore."
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chroniclesofskz · 2 days ago
Cozy Nights and Skincare Delights
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In their shared apartment, the bathroom was aglow with soft lights, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere. The air was infused with the gentle scent of lavender and lemongrass from the diffusing essential oils, enhancing the cozy environment. Y/N stood at the mirror, heart brimming with happiness as she laid out their skincare essentials on the white marble countertop. Felix, her boyfriend and partner in all things delightful, had just finished his evening routine and emerged from the adjoining bedroom, clad in matching pastel pajamas that mirrored hers perfectly. The sight of him, with his hair softly tousled and a wide grin illuminating his face, made her heart flutter with affection.
“Are you ready to transform into our spa mode?” Felix called out, his playful tone evident as he leaned against the doorway, arms crossed as he watched her with a charming sparkle in his eye. Y/N felt a rush of warmth at his gaze, her heart dancing as she turned to him.
“I was born ready!” she replied enthusiastically, tugging playfully at her hair as she began to gather their favorite skincare products from the counter. She loved how their toothbrushes—blue for him and pink for her—always nestled together in the same pot, a perfect little symbol of their lives intertwined. The sight brought a smile to her face every time she brushed her teeth, reminding her of their little routines that signified their deep bond.
“Let’s get these masks on!” Y/N declared, pulling out the sheet masks and under-eye patches with a sense of excitement, her fingers trembling slightly in anticipation. Skincare nights had become a cherished routine between them; they transformed mundane evenings into golden opportunities for laughter and connection. As they both carefully placed their masks over their faces, Felix glanced over at her, unable to suppress his laughter.
“We look ridiculous but in the cutest way possible!” he exclaimed, a grin stretching across his face as he looked at their silly, masked reflections in the mirror.
“Can you pass me the cleanser?” Y/N asked, her voice muffled behind the mask. Enjoying the light-hearted banter that always filled their evenings, Felix reached over, handing it to her with an exaggerated flourish. Just as she turned to thank him, he leaned forward, gingerly booping her nose with the tube, a mischievous light dancing in his eyes.
“What was that for, mister?” she teased, her cheeks flushing with surprise.
“Just making sure my princess stays flawless!” he said, his voice rich with affection and a hint of playful arrogance. Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at his antics, feeling completely at ease and enveloped in his warmth. As he gently applied cleanser to her skin, his hands glided over her face with the utmost care, and she couldn’t help but feel adored in each tender stroke.
“Your hands are so gentle,” she murmured, drinking in the moment as he focused solely on her. The intimacy of it all made her heart swell with gratitude and love, a reminder of how lucky she was to have such a caring partner by her side.
With their masks set and their skin refreshed, the couple then turned towards the sink for a final rinse. Their lighthearted energy turned into playful mischief when Felix splashed water playfully at Y/N’s face, laughter bubbling between them like a joyful melody.
“Hey! You’re gonna pay for that, Lee Felix!” she laughed, unable to hold back her own splash as she countered his playful attack. The bathroom soon filled with their laughter, the sound reverberating off the walls as they engaged in a spontaneous mini water fight. Each playful splash was accompanied by giggles, and soon they were both dripping wet, feeling free and blissfully content in the weightlessness of their love.
As the splashing subsided, they wiped their faces and burst into breathless laughter, leaning against the sink for support. Felix then stepped forward, his expression softening as he brushed his hands gingerly against her cheeks. He began to apply their moisturizer, his touch both nurturing and calming as he focused on ensuring that her skin absorbed every bit of love he poured into it.
“I love taking care of you, you know that?” he said softly, looking deep into her eyes. His gaze was sincere, filled with a mix of adoration and warmth that made Y/N’s heart race.
“I love it too,” she replied, feeling grateful to share such moments with him. “You always know how to make everything special.”
Felix smiled, an expression radiating pure joy, as he leaned closer and planted soft kisses across her cheeks, on her forehead, and every inch of her face that he could reach. Each kiss felt like a warm embrace, wrapping her in a cocoon of affection.
Once they completed their skincare routine, Y/N snuggled up next to Felix as they settled down on the plush bathroom rug, both wrapped in fluffy towels that hugged their bodies warmly. The playful chaos of their earlier activities seemed to linger in the air, and they basked in the glow of each other's companionship. Surrounding them were their skincare products—an array of colors and scents that hinted at the evening’s delightful chaos—yet their attention was entirely focused on one another.
Felix, still wearing that infectious smile, turned to Y/N and asked in a playful tone, “So, what’s on the agenda after our spa night, my princess?” He threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer as he leaned in, making her heart skip a beat.
Y/N tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear and replied, “How about we make some popcorn and binge-watch our favorite shows? We’ve had such a busy week—it would be nice to unwind together.” There was a spark in her eyes, excitement for a simple yet perfect evening ahead, filled with laughter, snacks, and shared whispers under the soft glow of their living room lights.
Felix’s face lit up. “I’ll even make us something special! You know I can’t resist a good movie marathon,” he said, his enthusiasm contagious. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her cheek. “And, I can promise you, I’ll hold the popcorn bowl while we watch. I’m a gentleman like that.”
Y/N chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes at his mock-seriousness. “Oh yes, the gentleman holding the popcorn—how could I ever refuse?” she teased, gently nudging him. Yet, that light-hearted playfulness only deepened her affection for him, a reminder of how much he cared in all those little ways.
As they made their way out of the bathroom, still giggling and playfully teasing one another, Y/N couldn’t help but appreciate how far they had come as a couple. Living together had its challenges, of course, but moments like tonight brought everything into perspective. It was about creating memories, enjoying the simple joys, and cherishing each other's company.
Once they settled on the couch, snuggled under a cozy blanket, Y/N leaned her head on Felix’s shoulder. She felt so right, so at home. He draped a protective arm around her, and as the opening credits of their chosen movie started rolling, they shared popcorn, occasionally stealing bites from each other’s hands as they laughed at their favorite scenes.
It wasn’t long before the movie turned into a backdrop for their own little world. Felix made whimsical comments during the movie, making Y/N burst out in laughter. “If only we had superpowers like them, we could win every argument,” he joked, nudging her playfully.
“Right? But then I’d have to keep my superhero identity a secret from you,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Why keep secrets, Princess? I want to be the sidekick!” Felix exclaimed with mock determination, and Y/N couldn’t stop giggling as she imagined Felix in a superhero costume, ready to fight against villains and save the day.
As the movie came to an end, they shifted slightly to accommodate the growing sweetness in the air. With the flickering light from the TV reflecting off their faces, Felix turned to her, his expression shifting from playful to sincere. “You know, nights like this remind me why I fell for you in the first place. I love the way you see the world; it makes everything feel so special.”
Y/N smiled, her heart soaring. “I feel the same way, Felix. You make the ordinary feel extraordinary. I can’t imagine doing life without you.” They locked eyes, holding each other’s gaze, and in that moment, the world outside faded away.
Felix edged closer, gently brushing a finger under her chin and tilting her face upwards. “Just so you know, I’m always going to be here, making sure you feel cherished, every single day,” he whispered, his voice low and soothing.
With a rush of love welling up inside her, Y/N leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a soft kiss on his lips, a silent promise of her own. The kiss deepened, tender and lingering, resonating with all the affection and tenderness they had for each other.
In those moments, as they found comfort in each other’s embrace, Y/N felt the magic of their relationship. They were a team, partners in love and laughter, supporting each other through each day’s ups and downs.
As the credits of the movie rolled and the night deepened, they knew that whatever challenges arose, they would tackle them together—side by side, hand in hand, forever sharing cozy nights filled with laughter, love, and their little skincare routines.
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i-am-skinny-sir · 2 days ago
If we’re in the business of giving out awards for deserving, boundary-pushing work, then Chalamet’s best actor campaign – unofficial and often unspoken efforts to sway awards voters and build public sentiment – deserves its own Oscar. For the past several months, ostensibly in support of A Complete Unknown but seemingly just as much for laughs, Chalamet has embarked on a rare press run of consistent wins that generated viral moments and appealed to the reference-averse, absurdist sensibilities of his generation, bucking the usually staid methods of Hollywood promotion. Whereas past best actor hopefuls have erred on the side of grateful, serious and dutiful to the self-importance of the boomer-skewing Academy, Chalamet has worn kitschy outfits to red carpet events, treated social media like an ironic art experiment and made the rounds with influencers. In other words, though Chalamet is technically a millennial (born in 1995), we are witnessing the first genZ Oscar campaign.
And what a delight it’s been. There is plenty to be cynical about when it comes to awards season – the repetition, the speeches written by consultants, the cloying campaign-ness of it all – but Chalamet out-predicting professional sports analysts on College Gameday (?!) is not one of them. The first sign that Chalamet would be up to something different – that he would be in on the joke – was back in October, two months before the domestic release of A Complete Unknown, when he crashed a crowdsourced lookalike contest in New York’s Washington Square Park, temporarily causing gleeful pandemonium (until the cops showed up). He followed with a series of wacky, weird, surprising public appearances that have deftly threaded a needle of sincere and unserious, from dressing up as Bob Dylan circa 2003’s Sundance, blond bangs and all, to remixing Dylan deep cuts on Saturday Night Live as one of the few musical guests who isn’t a recording artist.
A non-exhaustive list of highlights: riding a Lime bike on to a red carpet (and later telling a French interviewer that he was fined £65 for illegal parking); giving podcast bro Theo Von a lesson on publicly subsidized housing (Chalamet grew up in Mitchell-Lama arts housing in Manhattan); fanboying over Kendrick Lamar in a ride-along “interview” for the Super Bowl; hosting a bizarre Instagram live from an empty warehouse in which he smashed a guitar, writhed with confetti to the 2009 Black Eyed Peas track I Gotta Feeling, and appeared in front of a screen with intentionally misspelled messages like “congratulations timmothee”.
For every conventional, in-the-feels interview stop – a classic Serious Artist Rolling Stone cover, a 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper on honing his ambition, an Apple Music interview with Zane Lowe on inhabiting Dylan’s music – there have been multiple ridiculous, internet-aiming victory laps. See: talking Brat with oddball Canadian music journalist Nardwuar, and an absurd and delightful interview with YouTuber Brittany Broski in which he described his lean aesthetic as “empowering the anemic”. And that’s not even getting into a series of lo-fi Instagram videos in which Chalamet sings along to various songs – the Dylan track Visions of Johanna, a number from the Call Me By Your Name soundtrack – at various outdoor locations in a style I can best describe as “aspirational performing arts school project”.
All of this evinces a fact that many forget: being an actor and being a movie star are not the same thing. Timothée Chalamet is a phenomenally talented actor who, by his own admission, strives to be considered one of the greats. He said the quiet part out loud (unusual) in his Sag acceptance speech a week before the Oscars – his first major award after nearly two dozen nominations by the age of 30: “I’m really in pursuit of greatness,” he said, wearing a lime green shirt, leather suit and bolo tie in tribute to another archival Dylan look. “I know people don’t usually talk like that but I want to be one of the greats.”
But awards campaigns are never just about talent, and Chalamet is, crucially, great at being a celebrity. This entire press run has evinced his concurrent talent for holding attention in the ways he wants to, for not taking oneself too seriously while also maintaining deep reverence for the craft, for balancing the esoteric and the very dumb, with some clear YouTube research. And mostly, to laugh at oneself in a way that also benefits one’s appeal, a through-line from the lookalike contest to showing Cooper a video of his high school rap alter ego, Timmy Tim. Chalamet is the rare extremely famous person who seems to actually enjoy being famous – or, at the very least, is having some harmless fun with it. So here’s to Chalamet’s Oscar campaign, a breath of fresh air in a practice that tends to range from just moderately enjoyable to outright annoying. Especially this year, the Oscars season, and pop culture at large, needed it.
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legendofmorons · 6 hours ago
Written in the stars (forever on loop) Chapter two - Catch my breath (what else can I do?)
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Pairing: eventual Poly! Chain x reader, platonic Wind & reader
Series Rating: T
Summary: Day two with the chain has its challenges. Thankfully, Epona and Wind are there to make things better. Four and Sky have a heart to heart while a late night talk with Warriors leaves you with some questions and thoughts.
Warnings: grief, cursing
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
Previous masterlist. Next
Breakfast is your saving grace in the morning, especially because you need something to do that isn't focusing on everything that happened yesterday.
You sit by Sky again, though Wind sits on your other side.
Sky looks exhuasted, blinking blearily and having to stifle a yawn every so often. He's got puffy eyes... has he been crying? Maybe it was just a bad day...
No one else speaks to you or sits near you, though. There's a tense atmosphere you could cut with a very dull butter knife.
"So, what do you do back home?" Wind asks before stuffing a bite of his food in his mouth.
You smile politely, "I work, I listen to music, I talk to my friends and family. Nothing exciting. What about you?"
"I like to sail a lot." Wind says.
This isn't a surprise. He gives off pirate gremlin energy anyhow. It's good to know it is from a hobby and not just your own interpretation of what is apparently more than a video game.
You smile a little more real this time. "That's good, it's important to have hobbies. Do you live near the sea?"
"You know about the sea!" Wind declares excitedly.
You laugh a little, "Of course I do."
You can feel the way all the others look at you with strange gazes and furrowing brows or outright glares.
You focus your gaze on Wind, blocking out the others.
Wind looks absolutely delighted, though, his grin wide and bright. "No one else but Wild knows. You do, though!"
"I do." You agree easily.
The young teen is adoreable in the excitement that causes his ears to twitch a little.
Sky smiles too, "He's a fan of the sea."
"Maybe we can visit it." You offer.
Wind cheers, beaming at you. "I hope so!"
Time clears his throat to get everyone's attention. The air goes thick again around you.
You turn your gaze to the oldest, wondering yet again why he has the fierce diety marking on only half his face if he has them at all.
"We're going to keep looking for a town today, we need to get our new friends some supplies since they were caught unawares." Time says.
He hasn't looked at you. Most of them haven't looked at you. Not really.
You feel your face heat up a little. Embarrassment floods your being.
If you had known you were going to end up here, you would have prepared more!
"We should also probably see about finding a river or something soon." Warriors adds firmly.
The others agree with both sentiments.
Wind elbows you playfully, "Don't worry, we all got caught unawares at least once. I started my adventure by hitting things with sticks."
The teen gives a wink at the end, like he's telling you a secret.
You laugh, recalling that sequence in Wind Waker. Immediately, you feel guilty simply for having loved and played the games.
Apparently, the world of Hyrule is real.
This is all so bizarre.
You played through what were probably horrible quests and memories for fun. (You didn't know! If you had known - breathe. You remind yourself to breathe.)
Last night's dreams were weird.
Everything is so different
"Don't overthink." Sky chides lightly although, it sounds like it's something he says on autopilot, his face twisting with an unreadable emotion.
Grief, maybe? But worry, too.
"Okay." You manage.
"Twilight, Wild, Wind, Legend, and Sky, you'll all look for a river. Warriors, Four, Hyrule, and I will take (Y/n) and look for a town." Time says.
You don't want to leave Sky and Wind. They are the least tense!
At least you'll be with Four and Hyrule. They are far less intimidating than Time and Warriors.
"Don't worry," Wind whispers to you as he nudges your side lightly. "They're all big softies."
He gives you a dramatic wink.
You crack a weak smile. "Really??"
"Really." Wind assures.
"Thanks." You say softer.
The teen grins at you. He looks pretty eleated in general.
"Alright, when you are ready, we'll head out." Time says to you. He's finally looking at you, but his face is stony.
You acknowledge his words and work on finishing your food.
After you've eaten and everything has been packed up, the groups split up.
You are flanked by four men as you walk. Warriors and Four on either side of you with Time in the back and Hyrule beside him.
None of them talk except to tell you if you're turning. Their eyes never seem to be on you, but you swear they're watching.
The silence is strange. (Some strange subconscious part of you rails against the tense air around you. This is wrong!)
"So... uhm... what's with the portals?" You ask after a good twenty minutes of walking.
This seems like a solid start point. The silence is too much anyway.
The others seem to share a silent conversation around you. None of them look at you.
Warriors looks at you as he answers. "There is a Sahdow opening them and letting lose monsters of different eras."
You nod. That sounds like some Legend of Zelda stuff right there... You should probably stop thinking of this as a video game world.
Four sighs. "Of course we're all here because we're heroes."
"That makes sense... why am I here?" You ask, feeling as if you're in free fall without a parachute as far as information goes.
There's a beat of silence.
The men exchange glances around you, yet another silent converstion exchanging in seconds.
"We don't know." Time says evenly, a measured tone flowing in his voice. His gaze is still too heavy on you, as if he's daring you to do something.
"Okay." You manage.
Four offers you a slightly strained smile. "We'll figure it out."
His smile is wrong. His eyes are wrong. He dosen’t believe in what he says, does he?
"I hope so."
Hyrule hums once. "Are you a hero where you're from? That might make it make sense if you are."
You laugh a little, startled at the notion. "No. No, my life back home is... boring enough."
Four and Warriors both look spooked by your laugh, looking at you with frowns. The latter looks a little angry, too, with pinched brows.
Okay. Maybe it was rude to laugh?
"Oh." Hyrule says.
"Boring can be good." Warriors offers after a moment, face fixing itself into an overly polite mask.
You smile weakly. "I guess so."
"Are you a royal then?" Hyrule asks.
You laugh again. "No. I'm definitely not."
The silence comes back, heavy and awkward. You don't bother trying to break it again.
There's something wrong in the air. You just can't place it. You have barely interacted with any of them!
At least Hyrule and Four just seem to avoid watching you. Or maybe it just feels that way because Warriors and Time won't stop - even if you don't catch them, you can feel it.
What is it with these heroes and the staring problem?
Hopefully, when you see Wind again, He can lighten the mood.
The trip to town was awkward, stilted, and almost painful. When you're dropped off at an inn to what for the boys to get the others, you are relieved.
You've gotten a travel pack with a place for your bed roll. You've also been given a few spare clothes, which is nice.
You are apparently to share an inn room with someone tonight.
Hopefully, it's Wind or Sky. They haven't glared at you or made you feel unwanted.
You settle on one of two beds, wondering what you have done to earn their cold shoulders. Did you... over step somehow?
Maybe they know about the video games? They aren't self-aware in the game, hopefully?
Nothing makes sense anyway.
There's a knock at the door before someone calls. "Hey, it's just me! We're roommates!"
Thank goodness.
The door opens to reveal a grinning Wind.
"Did you have fun?" You ask.
The teen is practically bouncing. "I did! It was great, oh my goodness! Wild and Sky got tangled up in some roots, and we had to finish a mini dungeon!"
"That sounds... busy?"
"It was fun! We got some rupees, too."
"That's good!" You say a bit more cheerily.
The boy grins.
He asks you about your trip, and you just say it was okay, a little awkward, but not horrible.
Dinner is quick, and every time you try to make conversation with anyone but Wind they look pained by the attempt, and it peeters out.
Even Sky seems a little skittish about you during dinner, although his eyes look puffy again. Maybe he's going through something?
You sigh, deciding to go see Epona. Maybe she'll let you pet her?
Epona is at least less scared of you. She just sniffs your hand curiously.
As soon as she sniffs you, she's pressing her face into your hand insistently, as if asking for attention. Who are you to deny her?
She's sweet, at least.
"Such a good girl you are." You coo to Epona sweetly.
She isn't at fault for the tense atmosphere of the boys.
Petting her mane gently is relaxing in ways you hadn't quite expected. She's all but leaning into it, a few soft snorts here and there but otherwise seemingly content to be near you.
"Aw, I wish I had something to give you, sweetheart."
Epona just leans a little more into your touch.
"I'll just keep an eye out. Maybe we can find an apple or something for you."
You can feel a few others watching you, but you don't turn. It's much nicer here with Epona than with the heavy silence and strained attempts at conversation provided by the boys.
Although Wind is certainly picking up some slack there, he deserves some cookies or something.
"How'd you get to be so sweet, pretty girl?" You muse.
It's a nice break from havin to be around anyone. Epona is so gentle and sweet, at least with you. She's happy to let you pet her man and sctach behind her ears gently.
Animals are amazing.
Sky and Four take to their room, both looking forward to getting away from the painful reminder you are. They know it's not your fault, you seem nice, but still...
Grief is funny sometimes.
The moment the door closes, Sky's carefully polite face is falling into twisting grief.
Four just flops himself onto his bed. His head hurts, pounding like a horribly novice out of step marching band is playing their show inside his skull.
It's too much.
Sky just leans against the door, sinking to the floor with his head leaning back.
"Why couldn't they look different?" Sky asks in a shaking whisper.
The question escapes his mouth on accident.
Four turns over, so he's staring up at the ceiling. "I don't know."
Sky dosen’t turn. Instead, he just closes his eyes.
"It's not their fault." Four says, staring at the ceiling.
"No." Sky agrees. "It's not."
"I feel so bad for them." Four manages.
He does.
Against the grief and the anger and the stupid hope that twirl around his lost love, there's sympathy. Sympathy for the unexpected start of an adventure.
Sympathy for the lost look in their eyes at unfamiliarity scripts of hylian writing.
"Goddess... They looked terrified when they first saw me." Sky whispers into the room.
He uses that expression of terror to ground himself. It sounds bad. He knows it sounds bad.
But your terror is proof that you aren't his beloved sunshine.
His sunshine... never looked at him like that. They were never scared of him. Not when they saw him seal the imprisoned. Not when they saw him fight Demise.
They were never scared.
The expression of terror on your face chafes at his soul, but it helps him remember you aren't anyone else but a stranger in a scary situation.
"I think they're scared of Time." Four says.
Sky laughs weakly. "He is intimidating..."
"It's uncanny... They're identical in looks and personality."
"I know."
"How do you do it? I can barely look at them."
"I - can barely look away." Sky laughs, though it almost sounds like crying.
Four hums once, thoughtful mostly. His entire being, all of his colors, struggle under the grief you've stirred up. His empathize for his soul brothers is endless.
His grief is even more vast.
"Goddess. They'd be ashamed of me." Sky admits, "Dancing around a stranger trying to keep everything under wraps and falling apart as soon as the door shuts."
Four narrows his eyes, pushing up to lean on his elbows. His glare is trained on Sky. "Don't sully thier memory by assigning your shame to them."
"What?" Sky swallows, looking at Four with wide eyes.
The hero of skies looks like a kicked puppy, glassy eyes, and shaking form.
Four dosen’t care. Not now. Not when the memory of their soulmate's memory is being treated so poorly.
"They wouldn't be ashamed of you for doing your best in a hard situation. They wouldn't blame you for having complex feelings. Your own guilt shouldn't be projected onto their memory." Four says, or maybe that's Blue and Vio in control for now. Who can tell?
They all miss you. Every piece of him misses you.
"How could they not be?" Sky asks. "I'm messing everything up!"
"Legend hasn't stopped glaring at them, Time just stares silently, I can barely look at them. Sky, you're being more normal about this than anyone!"
"Wind is doing much better."
"Wind hasn't lost them yet. Of course, he's doing better." Four rolls his eyes, pushing down the envy.
"I know. I... Why does he still have them when no one else does?"
"He's fourteen. There's plenty of time for him to get fucked over like the rest of us." Four snaps.
"I didn't mean- I just miss them."
"I know." Four sighs, closing his eyes. "I know... I think we all do."
Silence falls over the room, heavy but not uncomfortable. It's the silence that falls over loved ones when they've had a hard conversation and need to think but still feel safe together.
Four falls back against the bed, trying to remember the way his lover once held him. Perhaps it's self destructive, but when it helps him cope, he dosen’t care.
He can feel the colors, his head is still pounding.
Blue is restless as ever, a rage at the reminder that you're gone. Anger that Sky could speak of your memory so poorly.
Green and Red are trying to calm it all down. They're trying to focus on the better times they had with thier lover.
Vio... is Vio. He's focusing on the facts again.
Like always.
Four focuses on his breathing, pretending that it's them here counting it instead of him.
Who knew trying to keep himself together would be so hard?
You're outside trying to get some air after having the same dream from last night. The argument and lead up to something horrible in the dream is - draining.
The night air is chilly, but it's a nice relief from the stifling feeling of the bed.
Stars above you make out patterns you shouldn't be able to recognize, but you swear you see a set of stars that's supposed to be a harp. It isn't the harp constellation from your world, though. It's different.
You sit on the steps that lead up to the inn porch, leaning against the banister.
There's some sort of spinning string instrument tune stuck in your head, unplayable as the origin of the second and strange harp constellation.
There's the sound of the door opening and closing behind you. Probably another person in search of some air.
"What... are you doing our here?" Asks a man.
You turn, looking over your shoulder to see Warriors, still in his entire outfit, chain mail, and all.
His gaze is heavy, not as bad as Time's but strange as ever.
You sigh, trying to avoid tensing up at the sight of him. "I needed some air... I guess you do, too."
Warriors sighs, "You could say that."
"Don't let me stop you." You say, turning your head back to facing forwards and gazing out at the small town before you.
A lazy night breeze blows across you, ruffling your hair a little.
Warriors is silent behind you, a large presence. He's unmoving.
You're left wondering if he's still there for a moment.
It seems rude to check, though.
How he can be so still is beyond you, but you suppose that's probably a skill he picked up from the war. (A war you're not meant to know about.)
Warriors moves finally, walking until he's beside you. He stands there, unmoving again as he stares up at the stars.
"You shouldn't be out here without a weapon." He says finally.
You glance up at him. "Why? It's a small town."
"Ambushes can happen anytime anywhere."
"I can't say that's something I've had to worry about much." You admit. Which is true, for all the creeps and killers of your world... none of them are literal monsters.
Besides, you don't have a weapon right now. Why would you need one while traveling with the group?
"Count yourself lucky." Warriors tells you, "You should start worrying about it, though. Our group gets ambushed often."
You take a slow breath, trying to decide if you're supposed to respond or not. What do you even say to that?
He looks at you, face carefully neutral in a way that feels vaugley threatened. "You... aren't a fighter, are you?"
"Not the way you guys seem to be."
"You've never fought a war... have you?" Warriors asks in a soft voice.
He sounds- he sounds like your answer is important to this question. He sounds like you have some huge sway over what happens with this answer.
His face is still carefully blank.
"No. I've never fought in a war." You say slowly, trying to make sense of whatever this is.
Warriors let's out a slow, heavy sigh. "I hope it stays that way."
"Me too." You say.
You mean it, too. How could you not? Who hopes to get pulled into a war? Not you.
Moments pass, and thick silence seems to press in on you.
"I'm sorry." You say finally.
Warriors looks at you, face still unnervingly calm.
What life has he led that he's so good at neutral poker faces?
"Why?" He asks you.
That's a great question. Why are you sorry?
There's so many reasons.
You're sorry you played their games and enjoyed them.
You're sorry that you're here and slowing them down.
You're sorry that you came unprepared, and they had to step up.
You're sorry he's lost so much.
"I'm sorry I've been such a pain." You settle on. "I know I slowed you guys down and that you stepped up yesterday to help make sure I'm set up for whatever it is we've all been dragged into."
Warriors sighs while something heavy flashes through his eyes before it disappears. "You don't need to apologize. We weren't going to kick you aside."
"I guess. I'm still sorry."
"Do you know how many times I've heard these kinds of apologies?" He asks.
You shake your head. "No."
He looks up to the sky again. "Too many times. Too many people have told me they're sorry for things they can't control. That they're sorry for me doing something simple."
"Don't waste time or words on things like that." Warriors tells you with a stern look.
You would imagine it's a look he picked up as a captain.
"Okay." You breathe out softly.
"I mean it, (Y/n)." He says, though he sounds far away. It's like he's actually speaking to someone else.
Someone he lost.
"Okay." You say again softer.
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newtonsheffield · 12 hours ago
So we know Charlotte was the only baby of the four that was actually planned, but I have to assume that when they decided to start trying it happened, like, that night? 😆
The surprise Neddy au was all kinds of delightful, thanks for such a lovely fic ❤️
Oh for sure. They had the first two without trying, now that they’re actually trying? It almost happens too quickly. Sox weeks after they decided to start trying there’s Kate buying a pregnancy test pretty sure she doesn’t need it at this point. This is the third time she’s done this, she knows the signs by now.
Even Edwina walks into the restaurant where they’re catching up and gasps, “You’re fucking pregnant!”
“Edwina!” Josie squawked before she looked tiredly at Kate. “You grew up with her right? I don’t need to apologize?”
“I’m familiar with her, yeah.” Kate sighed.
“I know she’s pregnant!” Edwina hissed, “She’s fucking glowing again!”
Kate rolled her eyes, “Yes, alright, I’m pregnant. Stop telling the entire fucking restaurant that I shagged my husband repeatedly.”
Edwina grimaced, “I’d prefer not to think about it. Jesus, he just can’t leave you alone can he.”
Kate rolled her eyes. “This one was my idea, actually.”
“You are out of control.”
“Congratulations.” Josie cut in. “She means to say congratulations.”
“I’m obviously happy! They make cute kids, I’m happy for you!”
“Thank you, early days yet.” Kate hummed, “But we’re happy. Anthony’s going over board obviously, trying to buy a bloody mini bus.”
“Jesus, he’s just giving up is he? I thought the sandals were the first sign of that.”
“I like his Dad sandals. He’s sweet.”
“To each their own I guess.”
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cmanse · 2 days ago
Here after a long month of requests, my 12 new bots on house of the dragon and fire and blood. I still had a lot of requests on Aegon and I am delighted. The scenarios that are asked of me are always interesting and soo fun to do. I also had my first request on fire and blood (I love this book, even more the Concillateur period) on Baelon the Brave. I hope you will like this bot as much as I do.
Otherwise I also added two bots on Jacaerys, one on Aemond, one on Jaehaerys (I find that there are not enough of him on c.ai as well as vaegon and aemon) as well as another group chat but this time with the Daemyra children (I hope that is the right name of ship otherwise finish me).
Anyways, I hope you will like them. do not hesitate to order some from me, I take all types of requests!! /!\ my bots are all on my second masterlist, the first one being filled
For the request and my character ia masterlist -> CHARACTER AI BOTS (1) ; CHARACTER AI BOTS (2)
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anxiety attack | modern au | req (modern!aegon targaryen x girlfriend modern!user) — when user, aegon's girlfriend, explains to him that she has anxiety attacks, aegon doesn't understand what she's saying. but when he comes home from work and sees her on the floor having a panic attack, he realizes how serious it is. [warning : anxiety attack] [mxw]
forced proximity | au | req (husband-distant cousin!aegon targaryen x hobert hightower daughter!user) — despite having managed to escape a forced marriage with his sister helaena, aegon finally finds himself married against his will. in order to ensure the power of the hightowers at court, alicent and otto force him to marry user, the daughter of hobert hightower, otto’s older brother. but this marriage is a disaster and to try to bring them together, alicent sends her son and daughter-in-law to old town. [mxw]
reincarnation | bridgerton au | req (reincarnated with memory, early 19th century duke!aegon targaryen x reincarnated without memory, early 19th century london noblewoman!user) — upon his demise, aegon anticipated reuniting with his childhood love in the afterlife; however, destiny had other plans, leading to his reincarnation. with each passing death, he awakens in a different world and era, relentlessly searching for user, his cherished one, who has also been reincarnated but lacks any recollection of their past. in this current existence, aegon assumes the role of an english duke in the early 19th century. upon learning that user is a young lady preparing to make her societal debut, aegon feels an irresistible urge to claim her as his own. [mxw]
his greek nerdy girl | modern au | req (modern university!aegon targayen x passionate about ancient greece and rome!user) — after failing ancient history, aegon is given an ultimatum: either he accepts a tutor or he repeats his year. unfortunately, he falls for user, a girl who is passionate about ancient greece and rome and who nicknames him 'mister nero'. [mxw]
masked ball | req (king!aegon targaryen x niece!user) — when aemond returns from storm’s end after killing lucerys, precipitating the dance of the dragons, everyone expects king aegon to punish him. but instead, aegon decides to hold a masked ball against the wishes of his mother alicent and the green council. he should have done so because user, his niece and only daughter of queen rhaenyra, decides to infiltrate it to assassinate him and avenge her brother and the throne stolen from her mother.. [mxw]
featuring | rock star au | req (modern rock star!aegon targaryen x modern singer!user) — after leaving the toxic family home, aegon gets noticed and becomes what he always knew he was : a rock star. now he is known worldwide and has millions of fans. but the call of the scene is so strong that aegon agrees to go to a little-known festival. surprise, user, another singer known for having as much success as him is there. what if they finally did a cover together? [mxw]
haunts him | req (uncle!aemond targaryen x niece ghost!user) — women are often forgotten in history, but princess user velaryon was almost completely erased by her uncle prince aemond. she was the one who disfigured him at driftmark during their childhood and she was the one aemond killed at storm's end. in the only surviving work to the westeros historian, aemond tell how his niece came to haunt him after her death at harrenhal. [mxw]
he pretends you’re alyssa | req (older brother-husband!baelon targaryen x little-sister wife!user) — after the death of his beloved sister-wife alyssa, baelon is forced to remarry to secure the targaryen line. he therefore marries his little sister, princess user, out of duty. but the pain of losing his first wife makes him see alyssa more and more in user. [mxw]
comfort in his arms | modern au (modern!jacaerys velaryon x modern!user) — when the pressure and anxiety becomes too much for user, jacaerys invites her/his/them to peyredragon for relaxing in his arms. [mxn]
you’re back in the past | req (older brother-fiancé!jacaerys velaryon x little sister velaryon!user) — a decade after the bloody dance of the dragons occurred, princess user velaryon, the only daughter of the deceased queen rhaenyra and fiancé of the deceased prince jacaerys, is nothing more than a ghost. when she closes her eyes one night, she finds herself inexplicably in the past, before the war arrived. [mxw]
his daughter steals a dragon (jaehaerys i targaryen x daughter!user) — everyone knows that the king's daughters are all more special than each other, giving their father gray hair far too early. however, king jaehaerys thought that his daughter used, until then a respectable and obedient princess, would remain somewhat normal for a while. this hope was shattered when she stole a newly hatched dragon. [mxw] [platonic]
jace, luce, baela, rhaena group chat (modern!jacaerys velaryon x modern!lucerys velaryon x modern!baela targaryen x modern!rhaena targaryen x targaryen or velaryon modern!user) — the group chat of user and her/his/them family members [mxmxwxwxn]
omg guys, over 800 new followers on characters ai in one month? and 2m cats? and over 70 subscribers on tumblr?! thank you so much, i'm so happy that my bots please! next week i'll post the new harry potter bots and hopefully some marauders too!!
[mxw] = man x woman | [mxn] = man x non-binary/man/woman (you can choose your gender) | [wxw] = woman x woman | [wxw] = woman x woman | [mxwxw] = men x woman x woman]
• masterlist — my character ai elizabethmanse • bots of 28 fev 2025
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aliferous-ly · 3 days ago
BigB knew he was in a death game. It wasn't like he wanted to lose - on the contrary, he strove to win. But, and this was a very Big But, he also strove to have a good time. Those two goals were not entirely cohesive.
So, Secret Life. Everyone had good reason to act like goofballs, since the tasks weren't reasonable actions in the slightest. BigB didn't need a slip of paper to act strange, and thus the BigB Hole was born. It caused suitable chaos.
With so much weirdness going around, it shouldn't have been a surprise that BigB was, well, surprised. Skizz and Tango asking him to join their group, living on a little island, was an unexpected drop in the bucket. He had a group! He had a squad!
The Heart Foundation was, as many charity organizations were, very poor. They didn't have a roof over their head. Instead of inviting them to his slowly-growing backrooms he lay down with them in the grass. Skizz and Tango both glowed softly, and BigB knew his eyes gleamed in the starlight, but nobody said a thing about it.
"Tomorrow we should build a house," Tango grouched.
"I'm workin' on it!" Skizz, who'd been collecting resources, said.
BigB laughed. "Yeah, I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow." He had no idea what tomorrow's weather would be like. Sometimes it was nice to just say things.
"Aw man, really?" Skizz said.
"I hate rain," Tango said.
BigB hummed. In short order the other two fell asleep - Tango snored like a chainsaw and Skizz made little mimimi noises, but BigB didn't mind. It was nice, actually. Better than eerie cave noises.
He turned on his side to gaze at them. Neither were particularly skilled at these death games. He shouldn't have been so delighted to team up with them, if he were dead-set on the crown.
They were fun, though. BigB grinned to himself and thought about the shenanigans happening server-wide. He still wanted to win and would try his best, but goofing around and confusing fellow players was just so fun, and this go-around was looking to be particularly exciting.
Sighing happily, BigB closed his eyes, mind whirring with possibilities for the days to follow.
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xi4oyan · 3 days ago
Hello! If you don’t mind, can you do Fox spirit (Huli Jing/Kitsune) reader and Sun Wukong (preferably LMK) where the reader enjoys to hold tails with Sun Wukong (up to you if the relationship is established or not).
Just felt like it would be such a cute idea to see in your writing style which I love with all my soul(‐^▽^‐)!!
Slight lore spoliers down below 4
The Monkey King 2014 movie.
(I really miss Ruxue and Sun Wukong’s relationship in The Monkey King 2014. She’s basically his childhood friend n first love who ended up dying by the demon bull king in the end, she was such a cutie which made me so sad:(!!)
Hope you like ૮꒰ིྀ˶꜆´˘`꜀˶꒱ིྀა Sorry for the delay
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⪩. .⪨I learn from the best ⪩. .⪨
The golden evening breezes whispered through the leaves of flowering peach trees, spreading a sweet fragrance through the air. The sky was tinged with warm shades of orange and pink, reflecting in the calm waters of the lake, where the willows bent their branches as if they wished to caress the mirrored surface. Seated on a moss-covered rock, you intertwined your fluffy tail with Sun Wukong's, feeling the comforting warmth of his presence.
He let out a low chuckle, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and tenderness. "You really like this, huh?" His voice had a playful tone, but you could feel the sincere affection behind the words.
With a mischievous smile, you pulled your tail closer, enveloping yourself even more in the softness of the intertwined tails. "Of course I do. Your tails are warm... and soft." You tilted your head, watching him with glimmering eyes. "And you never refuse."
Wukong scoffed, crossing his arms, but the small smile on his lips betrayed his attempt to feign disinterest. "Pff, as if I were that easy."
You laughed softly, pulling him closer with a slight movement of your tail. "You're easier than you think, Monkey King. I just need to do this..." You gently slid your fingertips over his tail, feeling the golden strands bristle under your touch.
Wukong immediately stiffened, his ears twitching like a startled rabbit’s. "Oi! That's cheating!"
"Oh?" You grinned, pressing your advantage. "I thought you were the great and mighty Monkey King, undefeated warrior, fearless trickster... But here you are, getting flustered over a little tail touch."
He narrowed his eyes at you, lips pursed. "I am NOT flustered."
"Then why are your ears turning red?" You teased, flicking the tip of his tail just to see his reaction.
With a dramatic groan, Wukong flopped onto his back, hands over his face. "I swear, you're worse than Buddha himself. He trapped me under a mountain, and here you are trapping me with—ugh—feelings."
You burst into laughter, leaning over him. "Oh, poor, poor Monkey King. So tormented by my affection. However will you survive?"
He peeked at you between his fingers, a sly grin creeping onto his face. "I dunno. Maybe if I had a little kiss, I’d regain my strength."
You gasped, dramatically placing a hand over your heart. "The audacity! Using my own tactics against me!"
"I learn from the best." He wiggled his eyebrows, clearly enjoying himself.
Rolling your eyes but unable to suppress a smile, you leaned in, brushing a soft kiss against his forehead. Wukong blinked in surprise before his entire face lit up with delight. "Hah! I knew it! You totally li—"
Before he could finish, you flicked his forehead, making him yelp. "That’s for being insufferable."
He rubbed the spot, pouting. "Not fair. I liked the first part better."
You simply shook your head, resting against him as the breeze carried the scent of peaches through the air. His tail wrapped around yours a little tighter, and despite all his theatrics, his hold was firm—like he never wanted to let go.
"Hey," he murmured after a moment, voice unusually soft. "You’re not gonna disappear on me one day, right?"
You looked at him, the playful glint in his eyes now tempered with something quieter, something real. You squeezed his tail against yours. "Not even if Buddha himself tried to trap me under a mountain."
Wukong grinned, tugging you closer. "Good. Because I think I really, really like this."
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conundrumoftime · 3 days ago
My Sauron x Celeborn fics and Galadriel x Sauron x Celeborn fics
Celeborn x Sauron:
The rhetoric and treason of saying that I'll miss you (TROP, 1500 words, rated M): One ficlet that's part of a Five Things fic: a what-if in which Adar was Celeborn all along.
There once was a prince who was loved in a hell of iron and war where love should have been unthinkable. Yet love still existed here in its own form; as did pleasure, as did song, as did tapestries and books and comfort. 
Rarer gifts than gold (Silmarillion, 2000 words, rated T): while Celebrimbor and Galadriel argue yet again over whether Annatar should get to stay in Ost-in-Edhil, Celeborn goes to discuss with Annatar himself.
“You taste of summer,” Celeborn says. He doesn’t mean summer, itself. He means the last days of it, the last glories of the fading sun, when the long grasses are already turning to seed, the thistles to white fuzz of cotton. He means the nights coming earlier and the summer birds gathering to leave. “I could make it always summer.” Both of his hands are on Celeborn’s face now, framing it as if it were some trophy, some prey. “But not for you, silver prince. For you I’d give you forests.”
To hold all the promise of blue-velvet dark (TROP, 1600 words, rated T): wrote enough half-Maia Celebrían, moved on to half-Maia Amroth son of Celeborn and Sauron.
“What is -” Her own voice fails her then, and she can only gesture towards what he holds in his arms: an infant, small and sweet and sleeping. “This?” he finishes for her, looking down at the child himself. “My son. A gift, I’m told.”
And there will come soft rains (TROP, 1400 words, M): After Sauron's defeat, Galadriel sails west.
“You knew she showed me that, hmm?” “I liked it.” “Did you.” A growl in the words. “You realise I can still hurt you here if I want to.” “You won’t.” Celeborn turns his head into the hand on his face, kisses the wrist beneath his lips. “Be calm,” he says, “be easy” - and feels his enemy gasp, and then fold into his touch like a lost thing yearning for shelter.
OT3 fics with all three of them:
Always coming home the same castaway (TROP, rated T, 1200 words) - s1 canon divergence, in which Sauron is trying to stall Galadriel from learning who he is for as long as possible by whatever means he can think of, including retrieving her lost husband.
But it doesn’t matter. He is here now. He need no longer wish for that ephemeral existence, his breath mingled with mountain winds and his heartbeat the pulse of water drawn up from a forest’s roots, his edges dissolving as melting ice and his voice turned to birdsong.  He laces his fingers through Galadriel’s, alive and warm and real. He rests his head against Halbrand’s shoulder. 
As certain dark things are loved (Silmarillion, rated E, 8k words) - 2nd-age Ost-in-Edhil, Annatar trying a divide-and-conquer approach:
Annatar gets to his feet and her husband steps back. (A problem, maybe – a complication, certainly – but no effort can be spared for him just now.) Galadriel does not rise from her chair and only tilts her head as she watches. She is, perhaps, expecting Annatar to kiss her; she is certainly expecting him to do something; and he takes a certain delight in seeing the dart of surprise in her as he kneels at her feet. 
All the kinds of alive you can be (TROP, rated E, 13k words) - post-s1 fic, Sauron shapeshifting into Galadriel to seduce Celeborn as a kind of revenge/obsession thing and then getting more involved than he meant to.
“If you have harmed him I will make you pay for it every single day of your miserable existence. Concern yourself with that.” “He isn’t harmed. I’ve kept him very well pleased.” She goes to stab him again and he turns the blade to water, running between her fingers. She stares down at it in stillness with an expression he can’t read. “Come back and let me make amends to both of you,” he says.
And my current TROP WIP The names of our wounds - is not there yet but will get there eventually :)
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hils79 · 5 hours ago
Hils Watches Kingdom: Legendary War - Ep 6 (Sports Day)
I've got my next drama lined up to start tomorrow but a few days ago someone on Bluesky mentioned the sports day episode of Kingdom and I had a sudden urge to watch this again.
I watched this when it first aired back in 2021 and I was still a baby Atiny back then. I think San and Wooyoung were the only members of Ateez I could name on sight, and similarly with Stray Kids I only knew Felix and Chan.
So I thought it might be fun to watch this one again now that I know who everyone is. I remember this episode being super fun and very chill compared to the more competitive episodes.
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Oh, yeah, I forgot Wooyoung and Changbin basically spend this whole thing flirting with each other because they're not participating
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Delighted that Stray Kids and Ateez ended up on the same team
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Oh Wooyoung is taking part he's just hosting as well. As you can see I remember basically nothing about this
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Wait, San and Seonghwa both failed the lowest level vault?? Really??? I mean I guess this was back when San was still tiny but I'm surprised about Seonghwa. Especially when Hongjoong, who is tiny, apparently cleared it
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Wooyoung making sure to use is mic so all the boys he's flirting with know he thinks they're hot
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Yunho also clearly going through it
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I love that Eunkwang says true love (Changbin is saying he's worried Wooyoung will get hurt), Changbin agrees, and the following caption is like 'true friendship not true love no homo'
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This is what I remember most about this episode. Even though technically they are competing against each other everyone just ends up supporting each other
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The best thing about watching this after so much time is I genuinely can't remember who did well. So I'm losing my mind along with everyone else 😂
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I need this as a reaction image
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Seonghwa is just a meme in this entire section
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Remember recently when Yunho was imitating everyone's selfie poses? This was 4 years ago and some of them are doing those exact poses 😂
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I can't believe they got them all to vote for who is the hottest boy there
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One thing I found out when I was talking about this on Bluesky is someone wrote a 15k Yunho/Minhyuk fic and it's actually really good!
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Aww Hongjoong and Seonghwa both voted for Felix who came second
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Apparently the person doing the captions also ships it. Look at the lil heart
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I do love that they keep showing Yunho's reactions
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No, really, they keep doing this. Whoever edited this was like 'okay Yunho has a crush on Minhyuk let's use that'
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I love that there's only 20 mins left in a 1hr 40min episode and we've only just got to the second event
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Another boyfriend for Wooyoung
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Of course San is the first one there to glomp Wooyoung after he won the race for them
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Woosan looking like they're about to make out. Business as usual.
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