#like i know Apple that’s a big bite for a little guy! but he can handle it! trust!
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today, the skyblings were poorly drawn in a whiteboard thing with friends!
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also featuring a little snail that was mysteriously eating my friend’s art! the green one (the better one) is mine <3
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hotluncheddie · 5 months ago
For @steddie-spooktober day 3 prompt : apples
rated: T | cw: none | tags: old queers, mechanic eddie munson, they're in love
Steve is stirring the saucepan of soup he made as strong arms wrap themselves around his waist. The softness of Eddie’s middle-aged belly pressing up against his back, the familiar scratch of salt and pepper stubble as his husband leaves a kiss just under his ear.
Steve’s sighs happily, leaning back into Eddie’s warmth.
‘It’s really that time of year again already?’ Eddie mumbles, his face buried in Steve’s shoulder.
Steve hums, turning the stove off and shifting them so he’s leaning against the counter and facing eddie, wrapping his arms around his neck. ‘Yup, collected them from the tree this morning.’ He supplies, tucking a looses strand of Eddie’s work sweaty hair behind his ear.
Eddie’s eyes close sleepily and he opens his mouth. Every year Steve makes apple bread from their apple tree in the back garden, and every year Eddie acts like he’s surprised; before asking Steve to make more once there’s none left to pack with his lunches.
Steve breaks off a bite from the now cool loaf next to him, pulling it off with his fingers because it’s not like he’s sharing with anyone but Eddie. Getting a bit with a chunk of apple inside and feeding it gently into his husband’s waiting mouth. Eddie licks the crumbs from Steve’s fingers and steve marvels at how Eddie’s crows feet are always visible now, not just when he smiles. Older and wiser but just as pretty and goofy as he was when they were 20.
They’re really growing old together, who would’ve known.
‘You’re an outdoorsman and a housewife, how’d I get so lucky?’ Eddie mumbles, opening his big Bambi eyes again as mischief grows on his face. ‘The boys at the shop better be ready to hear me braggin’. “He does it wearing grey sweatpants too.” They’re young, they know what that means.’ Eddie teases, squeezing Steve’s ass with his perpetually oil stained hands.
‘You do not tell them that!’ Steve argues, cheeks flushing at the implications of the nicknames and gossip.
‘I employ them! I can make them listen to me talk about anything. My hot husband who bakes for me and literally forages outdoors is definitely on the yap agenda tomorrow.’ Eddie says matter of factly, nuzzling against Steve’s hot cheek. ‘They made enough fun of me after seeing what a beanpole I used to be in old pictures, least I can do is brag about the guy who turned me into a bear.’
Steve purses his lips but he’ll never not enjoy the way Eddie shows him off, how special it makes him feel. And he can’t help his brain going a little fuzzy as Eddie crowds closer, his bulk pressing in all over. It’s Steves favourite place to be; pushed against anything with Eddie’s weight holding him there.
So when Eddie removes Steve’s glasses gently, setting them on the counter and holding firm at the base of his skull, Steve goes willingly. Always has and always will, mouths dipping together with the sweet taste of autumn on their tongues.
The familiar burst of love that Steve feels for Eddie every day, every year, every season, filling his chest.
And he hopes, knows, that he’ll get to feel it for the rest of their life. For all the autumns still to come.
Tag list (message to be added/removed):
@scoops-aboy86 @pearynice @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @marvel-ous-m
@thecatkingsthrone @chickensinrainboots @cheesedoctor
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scoops-aboy86 · 2 months ago
wc: 4849 | Rating: T | CW: greening out, recreational drug use | Additional Tags: new years fic, pining, Steve Harrington’s bisexual awakening/crisis, love confessions, getting together
note: the apple cider mentioned is not hard cider, just the stuff that’s like apple juice but better 
(also on ao3)
Drink A Cup of Kindness Yet
It’s New Year’s Eve, and Steve Harrington is greening out. 
Which, really, isn’t his fault. He’s smoked before, had pot brownies that had tasted even worse than these ones, it’s just been a while. Who knew that your tolerance could completely reset itself after only… six months. 
And, okay, maybe that happens to coincide exactly with the length of time Eddie’s been away on Corroded Coffin’s first tour. Whatever Robin says, it’s not because he’s been pining. Who’s ever heard of missing something you never even had?
(Steve’s heard. Steve’s done it. Sometimes he still misses being with Nancy even though he knows, knows he never really had her heart, not fully. Or his parents’ warmth and affection, projected onto his childhood memories mostly from heartwarming movies because they’re just not that kind of people in real life. But… shut up.)
So now he’s here, balled up on the Buckley family’s sofa like one wrong move will send him toppling to the floor and too warm, so overheated that his body doesn’t feel like it’s fitted on its bones right. With Eddie holding his hand—stupid, after all the time they’ve spent smoking together before Eddie’s music career started taking off. The guy was always up for a toke, and Steve had taken advantage of that to spend more and more time with him until real life cut Steve off cold turkey. 
From the weed, obviously. That… That’s the real problem here. 
“Sorry,” Steve forces out. His head lolls back against the couch; talking takes a lot of effort and concentration. “That I’m… blrrrmph.” 
That last bit is a stand in for whatever word he means that he totally can’t think of right now. It’s sarcastic and frustrated and a little bit whiny, and he’s so disappointed in himself for it. 
Eddie squeezes his hand. “Don’t worry about it, Stevie. It’s my fault anyway, I shouldn’t have made the brownies so strong. Just… New Year’s, you know? I went a little overboard.”
At a loss, Steve squeezes back. On one hand, he'd be much more comfortable if Eddie were annoyed with him, because Steve is used to that response from people. On the other, he’d had a half-baked plan to maybe get up the nerve to kiss Eddie at midnight because, like, that’s what people do when the clock strikes midnight to ring in the new year. It’s just the three of them, and it’s not like he can kiss Robin, she’s basically his sister. 
But now he’s over baked. He’s wrong footed without being on his feet, pulse racing and dizzy without moving, stomach uneasy because of how out of whack his internal thermostat seems to be right now, and Eddie…
Eddie is smoothing a cool wet washcloth over his forehead, courtesy of Robin—who only had one bite of brownie to start with as a precaution, and ended up a perfectly manageable amount of high. On one hand, Steve hates that about her not while he himself is so incapacitated. On the other, he loves her for being able to bring him stuff. 
Wait. How many hands is that by now? What kind of many-handed creature is he building with his internal ramblings?
Eddie holds a mug to his mouth. The ceramic is cool against his bottom lip, so he allows it; stares straight into Eddie’s big, worried brown eyes while being fed sips of apple cider, sweet and cool over his tongue, down his throat. 
“Gotta stay hydrated,” Eddie is saying, a soothing murmur. “It’ll help bring you down, sweetheart. Like a parachute.”
Steve wants to shake his head, but the message to move keeps getting lost somewhere between his brain and his neck. Which is stupid, they’re right next to each other! He waits until the mug goes away, then mumbles, “Nnn. Crash.” Puffing out his cheeks, he imitates what he thinks sounds like an explosion. 
“Nuh-uh,” Eddie retorts. A crinkle appears between his eyebrows and Steve wants to smooth it out, but he can’t. He can’t. “I’d never let you crash.”
And then. Oh no. It occurs to Steve that that’s not strictly true, and it’s not even Eddie’s fault because he didn’t know. About the… the… Well, Steve doesn’t even really know, he’s spent so long carefully tiptoeing around the shape of it—can’t miss what you never had—but. Eddie left. His departure carved out a hole, a crater that marked the way they’d emergency-landed into each other's lives one terrible Spring Break and never parted until… until. 
Steve’s eyes are swimming, leaking, possibly melting out of his skull and none of it is Eddie’s fault. It’s not Eddie’s fault that he fell into the crater in his own chest and can’t climb out, can’t even move. 
Eddie’s eyes, in contrast, go wide. “Oh, Stevie, you’re okay—”
“I d-d-d,” Steve tries, stuttering and locked up and too hot and too queasy and too much. 
Another weight settles on his other side: Robin, sitting on the arm of the couch and wriggling her cold feet under him. It is, she told him once, the closest she will ever get to willingly touching his ass, and that memory wrings an incongruous, wet little laugh out of Steve even now. 
“Ride it out, dingus,” she tells him, combing fingers through his sweaty hair and, he can tell, trying to fix it for him. Not that she’s ever very good at doing so, but he appreciates the attempt. “I brought you some leftovers if you’re hungry.”
Robin’s mom loves turkey, so it’s always on the Buckley family menu for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. It’s what they all had before the older adults went off to some party they’d been invited to and the ‘kids’ stayed behind. Now Robin’s brought him a small plate with the perfect ratio of turkey, stuffing, and jellied cranberry sauce, the kind that comes in the shape of a can. Not really finger food, but that’s how she feeds it to him whenever he flops his head from facing Eddie to facing her. 
His eyes well up again because he’s got the best people in the world here with him, and because he’s being a total loser right now but it doesn’t matter because he’s got the best people in the world here with him, and… 
Woah. Déjà vu. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles again with a sniffle. “Shitty New Year’s.”
Eddie’s still holding his hand, squeezing it again reassuringly. “Trust me, big boy, this is nothing. I tried something on the road that, like, I don’t even know what that was. And I’m supposed to know my shit right? Ended up trashing a hotel room, which was… a classic rockstar move, actually, but it felt terrible. Especially after. You can’t help a bad trip while it’s happening, just gotta take steps once it’s over to make sure it never happens again.” He pauses. “And that’s why me and all the guys have made a blood pact not to accept anything from groupies, roadies, or music execs anymore.”
Robin, from where Steve isn’t looking, hums. “Naming that many sources doesn’t sound like it was just a one time mistake.”
Eddie shrugs, a motion that flows all the way up Steve’s arm from their clasped hands. “Well, there are four of us, so.”
Steve doesn’t want to think about what Eddie is or isn’t doing, what he is or isn’t accepting, from groupies. Distantly, he can feel his face doing something—pouting, maybe—as he whines and tips closer into Eddie’s space. Ends up with his face smooshed against the other man’s collarbone and throat, touching both threadbare band t-shirt and bare, stubbled skin. Now that he’s out of Robin’s reach, Eddie takes over stroking his hair after only a brief hesitation. 
And, like. Not to downplay how much Steve appreciates Robin, but this is better. He’s not sure why, it just is. If Eddie keeps going, he could probably stay here forever, just like this. 
Which is how he dozes off, all sense of time melting away until he merely exists, a seamless transition from being cradled by Eddie in real life to surrounded by him in a dream. 
Steve wakes with a snort to find himself almost right where he’d started, except instead of tucked into the corner of the couch he’s tucked into Eddie’s lap, probably squashing the other man’s legs numb. Instead of holding his hand, Eddie’s other arm is wrapped firmly around his back, holding him securely in place; the hand that had been in Steve’s is now holding several playing cards. Dick Clark’s Rockin’ Eve plays on low in the background, light shifting through the otherwise dim room. 
“Go fish,” Eddie crows softly, then turns to Steve as Robin huffs and takes a card from the draw pile. “Hey there, Sleeping Beauty. You feeling better?”
Feeling humiliated is more like it. Can’t even handle his—But at the same time, something in Steve has settled. A crater filled in. He doesn’t pick his head up, but he does bring a hand to his mouth to wipe away an embarrassing amount of drool, and tries clumsily to wipe it with the edge of his sleeve from where Eddie’s neck meets his shoulder, too. 
“M’fine,” he mutters, not totally convinced this is true. He feels clearer, sure, but definitely still high. He’s still sleepy, muscles lax, comfortable where he is. Embarrassment isn’t quite enough to make him move yet, drool or not. 
To hell with new year traditions though, because he can’t try for a midnight kiss now; his luck tonight has been way too bad already. And besides, he hasn’t even admitted to Robin he’s having these thoughts first, which is probably a soulmate faux pas. Kissing Eddie without consulting her first seems borderline rude. Or something. 
(More like he’s being a coward, but he’s pretty sure his reasons are, you know. Reasonable.)
He squints at the cards in Eddie’s hand. “Ask for sevens.”
“Okay. Got any sevens, Birdie?” There’s something warm and affectionate in Eddie’s tone. A smile, maybe—something Steve had missed while he was conked out. 
“Two against one, no fair,” Robin grumbles, but hands over a card. 
They play for a little while longer like that, until Robin is eventually placated by winning despite the allegedly unfair player imbalance. When she bounces up to get them all refills of cider in time for the midnight countdown, Eddie gets Steve’s attention by leaning back just enough to make eye contact. 
“Hey Stevie. I’m really sorry I didn’t warn you about the brownies… I should probably take a tolerance break, I barely even felt it and that clashes with my personal values.” The smile Eddie shoots at him is lopsided, dimple popping on one side in a way that makes Steve want to cup his cheek in one hand and pull him close until their mouths touch. Fuck. “Gotta be easier on the wallet and get back to those days of being a cheap date, otherwise I lose some of my already questionable appeal.”
“‘S not questionable,” Steve protests through a yawn. “You’re nice.”
“To you,” Eddie retorts. “To everyone else, I’m mean as a snake.”
His voice is gone quiet again. If Steve didn’t know any better he’d think it was shy—but Eddie Munson doesn’t do shy, there’s no way. Eddie Munson… is a goddamn rockstar trying not to stay stuck in this podunk town, and Steve finds himself smiling stupidly at him with reddened eyes that are still slightly unfocused. 
“You’re a big metal softie,” Steve says, because the record’s gotta be set straight. He taps Eddie’s nose for emphasis and chuckles when Eddie scrunches it and goes cross eyed trying to follow the motion with his eyes. 
There’s a moment where they just sort of look at each other. Steve feels so content, just looking at him. Knowing that Eddie isn’t expecting anything of him beyond being himself, which is… well, it doesn’t come easy a lot of the time, but for now he feels loose and warm. 
“Steve, can I tell you something?” Eddie whispers. 
He wants to hear what Eddie has to say. He always wants to hear everything on Eddie’s mind. So he nods. 
Gently, Eddie brushes Steve’s hair out of his eyes. (When had that gotten there?) “For a while now, I’ve—”
“Here we go!” Robin interrupts, setting their three glasses of fancy apple juice on the coffee table and flopping down behind Steve. “Do you think we have time to play another round? I bet I could kick your ass at War before the ball drops.”
“Robin,” Eddie says without breaking eye contact with Steve, “I think you forgot something in the kitchen.”
There’s a pause, presumably while Robin reads the room, and then Steve feels the couch shift as she stands again. “Oh! You know what, you’re right! I’ll just… go figure out what that was while you two keep talking, carry on.”
Even though that’s his platonic soulmate, there was never a question of turning to look at her. Steve is breathless, floating, and Eddie is all around him, just like in his dream. It’s doing something inscrutable and fantastic to his insides. (I am still really high, he thinks, and then promptly loses the thought.)
When she’s gone again, Eddie simply says, “I missed you, Steve.”
“You did?” Steve whispers. 
“Yeah. And it made me realize something.” 
He’s still busy welling up just from Eddie thinking of him while out in the big wide world at all. “What?” 
Eddie smiles, a complicated emotion sculpting his expressive face that Steve wants to map with his fingertips until he knows it like the back of his own hand. “That life’s too short not to tell someone you love them.”
“And it’s funny,” Eddie continues, “because you’d think I would’ve figured that out after nearly dying, but nope. That little epiphany waited until I left Hawkins and realized how… just how perfectly you’d folded yourself into my life. I missed seeing you, talking to you every day. And I didn’t say anything about it any of the times I called because I didn’t want to fuck up at least being friends—”
Steve gets that. It’s been the loudest of his not-quite-thoughts for months now.
“—But fuck it, alright? I love you. So I had to come back and, well… I chickened out on saying it earlier tonight, and then you got way too high and this probably isn’t the best time to dump this on you, but…” He smiles nervously. “The way you’ve been looking at me since you woke up, it’s like there’s stars in your eyes, Stevie. I don’t know if it’s for me or if it’s the weed or what, but it keeps making my heart do cartwheels. You don’t have to… I’m not asking for anything, and if you don’t feel the same way—like, romantically, I don’t mean platonic right now, just to be very, very clear—that’s okay, but I just needed you to know. That I love you.”
I love you. Just like that, unprompted. Twice. Kinda three times, even, if you count life’s too short not to tell someone you love them. 
In all of Steve’s relationships, he’s been the first to say it, always. He hasn’t said it in a long time, so it’s been a while since he’s heard it from anyone other than Robin—until this shooting star left where it had risen to in the sky to spend an honestly tame night with two best friends, one of whom can’t handle his special brownies for shit, saying that Steve fit in his life as though he’d had a crater carved in him too. Gazing at him now with a heartbreakingly open look, like he wouldn’t even hold it against him if Steve shrugged off Eddie’s arm and climbed out of his lap for this. 
And Steve, with all his walls around his heart to keep it from breaking, walls in his head around the start of thoughts about Eddie best left untouched for danger of getting in over his head… He hasn’t given himself the time or space to come to terms with any of it, but he can feel all that time spent not thinking about it welling up behind his eyes, the byproduct of pressing it all down oozing back up, and fuck. The last thing he wants is to fuck this up and lose Eddie, but that doesn’t mean he wants to cry about it. 
It happens anyway, too stoned to be any good at holding it in. 
“Oh, shit,” Eddie says, that same crinkle between his eyebrows again as he cradles Steve closer. Closer, not away, so that’s something. That’s… Steve doesn’t know if it’s what he wants right now, body responding so equally with urges to flee and relax that he ends up feeling too leaden to move. Again. “Shit, sorry, I—Do you want me to get Robin?”
Steve shakes his head violently, the inside of it as blank as an Etch-A-Sketch, and what’s wrong with him? He can’t—he would kill to talk to Robin, but he hasn’t, not about this, not for months. What the fuck is wrong with him?
She could’ve helped him sort this out, and then he might know what to say about Eddie loving him. Instead, he's sitting here in Eddie’s lap feeling like he could just as easily run a marathon or simply fall over dead. 
“I didn’t, I don’t know,” Steve says, panicking. His hands fumble, he’s not even sure what they’re trying to do until they’re clutching at Eddie, fingers twisted into the band shirt that’s so soft and faded he can’t even tell what’s on it, had been trying to puzzle it out right up until he’d gotten too high to function. “Eddie, I haven’t…”
“I know,” Eddie replies quickly, even though he doesn’t. “I’m not asking you for anything here. I wouldn’t put you on the spot like that, Steve.”
But you did, Steve thinks hysterically, because he had just by bringing it up, just by… 
Eddie is pulling Steve to rest his forehead on his shoulder, something they’ve done for each other in panic attacks and after nightmares ever since surviving the end of the world together. They’ve both done it for Robin, and she’s done it for them. This is barely different, the same gesture even if what Steve is freaking out about this time is wholly new-but-not-new, and being high through it makes things easier and harder. 
His heart is thumping hard and fast in his chest like it might burst. Maybe he wants it to. 
Maybe Eddie needs to see the messy contents of his heart and help sort through the gore and the junk to find what’s real in it, if anything. Steve doesn’t trust himself to know; he’s had trouble trusting himself with love, anyone’s love but Robin’s really, for a long time. 
“You just,” he whines into Eddie’s shoulder. “You don’t know, Eds, you—I don’t even fucking know!”
There’s a hand rubbing soothing patterns over his back, a little uncertain. “Okay, I don’t know. I’m not sure what you’re talking about, obviously, but it’s okay not to know.”
No it’s not, because Eddie deserves an answer. Eddie was brave, is brave, and Steve is… whatever this is. A mess. Maybe confused, maybe just trying to be more like Robin and mistaking his friendship with Eddie for attraction. How is he supposed to be sure? 
Steve’s fingers twist harder into the soft t-shirt material as he blurts out, “You left.” He doesn’t like how accusing it sounds, how whiney still, but now that he’s started he can’t stop. “I missed you too, you asshole, I… It’s been killing me, Eds, and I didn’t, I don’t know!”
“It’s okay not to know,” Eddie repeats, sounding dazed and maybe a little desperate, probably because Steve isn’t making any sense. 
“But I need to,” Steve argues frantically. “I can’t, I can’t fuck this up, or I’m just fucking bullshit again and I can’t—”
“No.” It’s the first firm thing Eddie has said in a while, the first thing he’s sounded sure about since I just needed you to know. He pulls back, but only enough to lift Steve’s chin to look at him, big brown eyes locking in like a tractor beam to rival the Death Star’s. “You are not bullshit.”
It’s just as devastating as hearing the opposite, like a forest fire clearing out old deadfall to make way for new things to grow.
And that’s all it takes apparently. Steve yanks Eddie forward by the shirt because he has to know. 
In the kitchen, Robin dawdles with getting more snacks to go with more apple cider—because, as Eddie had pointed out once Steve was down for the count, getting crossfaded on champagne would not end well. 
And then Eddie had whisper-asked, while carefully supporting a lapful of her unconscious platonic soulmate, “What do I do, Robin?” and then “He’s so…!” and eventually even “I’m too gay to survive this, Buckley.”
Which is nothing he hadn’t said to her before, so she’d just rolled her eyes and retorted, “So tell him already, dummy.”
Because she knows Steve. He doesn’t listen to his heart nearly as much as he should, too convinced that it’ll get him into trouble, but that’s because he’s a dingus. 
Now, hearing Steve start to freak out in the other room, Robin grips hard at her own hands and wavers. Should she not have encouraged Eddie? Crap. Should she go back out there? Crap, she’d been so sure that Steve felt the same way that she’d forgotten it was technically possible that he might have a bad reaction. Because, like, being cool about two girls liking each other was different from another guy liking him. She doesn’t think he’d freak out about it or anything, but she also hadn’t expected Eddie to take her advice so immediately, so clearly she’s not infallible. 
Crap, she should go back out there. Panicking, Robin grabs the dish of cranberry sauce because Steve loves that wiggly, can-shaped abomination and rushes back to the living room to—
Catch an eyeful of Steve now full-on straddling Eddie, face damp with one hand tangled with his shirt and the other in his curly hair. Steve’s eyes are closed, and so are Eddie’s as they kiss so desperately they’re almost rocking back and forth. 
She’s happy for them, but… ew. 
“Missed you,” Steve gasps between kisses. “Eds—missed you—so much—”
Eddie moans into his mouth, which frankly is more than Robin needed to hear. Thankfully, though, his own hands are at a respectable middle ground between looped around Steve’s waist and reaching for his ass. “Sweetheart—‘
They seem to be working it out. Robin’s going to retreat to the kitchen and give them a minute. 
Their first kiss is kind of like a traffic collision, which Steve regrets immediately. (He used to be good at this, dammit.) But Eddie—I’d never let you crash—kisses readily back, slows him with a touch to his jaw and eases the pace into something less frantic, but still eager. Easing him down like the parachute he’d promised until they’re fitted together like there’s no place they’d rather be. 
Steve has never been on someone’s lap for a kiss before. Eddie is warm beneath him, against him, arms securely around him. If he’d had any doubts, they’re melting in the warmth of how safe this feels. Like this is exactly where he’s meant to be. 
And it doesn’t hurt that Eddie is a good kisser. Or that Steve on his knees over him trying to press closer and closer, which… yep, they are definitely both starting to get hard from this. Steve can feel Eddie against him, an electric point of contact that’s unfamiliar, but feels more good than scary. 
Mostly. Because he wants—god, he wants, suddenly, so much more than he had let himself even think about before—but not right now, while he’s still stoned in Robin’s living room. It’s not like Eddie expects that, right? He said he loves him.
“M’not a groupie,” Steve reminds Eddie, whining a little into his mouth with a sudden stab of jealousy and dread. This has to be real or he’s not going to survive it. 
“Never,” Eddie pants. “Stevie, sweetheart—” he steals another kiss “—none of them are you, none of them could ever.”
“So you don’t…?”
“Have a few times,” he admits, pained but earnest. “Not in weeks. Kept thinking about you.” His hold tightens possessively, another thing Steve has never been on the receiving end before but it sends a thrill up his spine. “I kept forgetting their names and saying yours. They’re not who I want.”
Steve flushes, pleased by the thought of Eddie thinking about him while getting off but limited in imagining it because… well, he’s not totally sure how it works with two guys, beyond hand stuff. How to decide who puts what where. How does it… fit? Does Eddie like to be the, uh, the one putting it in? Oh god. God, what if Eddie does want that, but his dick is huge?! Because, like, Steve is on board with the idea of a dick in his hand, he knows what that feels like inside and out, but the rest—
He takes a shaky breath and tries to stop spiraling, but. It’s a lot. “Um, I don’t exactly know what I’m doing here, Eds. Are you sure I’ll live up to… whatever you’ve been thinking about?”
“Baby,” Eddie purrs, and there’s the rockstar shining through, soothing in its confidence when Steve feels so unsure. (Even though Corroded Coffin has achieved only moderate Midwest fame so far, Steve’s always thought he has the charisma for more.) “First of all, it would be my pleasure to show you the ropes, one thing at a time. We won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with until you tell me it’s okay. And the good thing about having an overactive imagination is that, whatever you feel good about, anything we do will be straight out of my dreams.”
He winks, and Steve ducks his head with a grin, reassured by the answer even though there’s a lot he needs to wrap his head around still.  
“And second, Big Boy, I can already tell that measuring up will not be a problem.” Punctuated by a rock of his hips that, though subtle, rubs them together just right that Steve has to bite his bottom lip to stifle a moan. 
Eddie makes a little growling sound in his throat and dips in to take that lip for himself, worrying it gently before soothing it with a kiss. A surprisingly chaste one, which Steve finds as soothing as the pleasure a moment before was electrifying. 
“And third,” Eddie continues, “me and the guys have been talking about setting up home base in Indy now that we’ve gotten started. That’s close enough to visit, at least. See where this goes. Go on—” and now his face is so endearingly hopeful it makes Steve’s heart feel too big for his chest “—dates? I don’t know where you are yet, and like I said, it’s okay if you’re not either, but that’s what I want: a relationship, in as many ways as I can get.”
“Yeah,” Steve says immediately. He’d started nodding before Eddie had even finished speaking. “Yeah, I think I want that too.”
Maybe it is okay that he doesn’t have everything quite figured out yet. And Robin had to have known, somehow, what Eddie was going to bring up when he’d shooed her out of the room; she wouldn’t have left so easily if she had any objections. She probably won’t be as mad as he’d feared about being left out of the loop. 
As if summoned by the thought, they both hear Robin call loudly from the kitchen, “Are you two done getting your gay and presumably-bisexual longing out in the open out there, or should I make popcorn while your gross boy cooties are barring me from my own couch?”
Eddie snorts, and Steve starts shaking with repressed laughter—one part snickering at his best friend’s predicament and three parts relief that she doesn’t sound mad. He’s never been more grateful that they seem to share a brain, even when he doesn’t know how to unpack his own shit sometimes. 
Though, now that he’s started, there’s a lot he wants to talk with her about. Starting with, what does it mean that he’s presumably some sort of bicycle?
“Make the popcorn anyway, we’re busy,” Eddie calls, and kisses Steve again. 
Not chaste this time. Still sweet, but with a richness and depth that Steve parts his lips for eagerly. He may not know the guy part of this but he knows kissing, knows how to adjust without pulling too hard on the reins—and that’s not so different from not really having the reins at all, really. 
It’s New Year’s Eve, and Steve Harrington is on top of the fucking world. 
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@wheneverfeasible @hamiltonswiftie @grtwdsmwhr @yesdangerpls @theseaofdespair
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mooyuun · 28 days ago
Caleb's Timeline. 🍎
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A timeline post, so I can write little things that I liked about the cards, and their order.
Past time.
Borrowed Promise. (4) he really likes to do things for her, comically thinking about him carrying all the bags with that super thigh grandma jacket.
Summer’s Echo. (4)
Verified Rumor. (4) “honey” other of my fav voicelines
Pathless Realm. (Anecdote) if for some kind of magic or whatever MC doesn’t like Caleb, maybe Timothy can keep him 😆 their interaction makes a good plot for a BL school life shounen ai.
Stage Observer. (4) cutest memory, Caleb + microphone + MC = Hey everybody! I’m so in love that I will add this minute of how I’m happy to have MC in my life”. Also Caleb brain freezing when MC kissed him. 😂
Rain’s Embrace. (Bond Story affinity 5) “I’m gonna open it~~~” best voice line for me.
Longtime Yesterday. (4) i like that Caleb friends are so cool with MC too, there is some occasions sprinkled in some cards where Caleb's friends helps him to take care of MC and I think is cool because they acknowledge the importance that MC has in his life.
Skyline. (4) love that they both get anxious by the thought of the other getting a gf/bf, also so sweet that Caleb supports all MC dreams and how he says that he will take the responsibility so she can keep focusing in her dream of being a hunter.
Present time.
Under Deepspace chp. 1 (main story)
Under Deepspace chp. 4 (main story) he kabooms, and is cool to see how in the next chapters she gets an unhealthy obsession of discovering the reason of explosion, but he kabooms.
All Homecoming Wings. (main story) Is curious that Caleb, for now, is the motor of the main story. The reason of why she goes to all the adventures with the guys and now the reason of her investigation towards the chip, the little kid and Ever.
Endless Summer. (5) Caleb pls kiss MC already, MC nobody thinks that you actually had something in your eye girl…
Exclusive Aftertaste. (5) I think they kissed here, Caleb kinda changes course before fading to white, but the apple sound at the end also makes me think that they didn’t
Lucid Dream. (Permanent Myth Cards 5) someone rescue Caleb, poor boy is controlled by Ever and his only defense for now is a black hole in his own brain. Also MC matches his vibe, both of them are super attached to each other. Also poor MC, sadly she doesn’t have the big picture and she doesn’t understand that exposing herself in skyhaven means a future of deaths and torture. She usually doesn’t have good plans and is too hot headed in some occasions, at the end, the boys had to help/intervene to save her from death sometimes.
Hidden Waves. (5) MC finally tells him that he’s not alone and both can fight together, it seems that Caleb is realizing that he doesn’t need to do things alone.
Longtime Moments. (4) Both fight together, I think Caleb understands more that he doesn’t need to do everything for himself 🥹
Painful Signals. (5) MC is so furious that she’s trembling, go girl defend your boy!! Also Caleb is the meme lord and Gideon I luv u, I’m sad that people went without you in Valentine’s Day XD
Intertwined Gold. (4) the card that everybody thinks about since they talk about a kiss that we don’t know if is a future card or a card where it was implied. I love too how both of them are domestic already and how Caleb is like “she’s not bullied in her work right? 🤨”
AU - Alternative Universe.
Tain ted Cuts (5). the bad ending destroyed me, all the bad ends of the boys kinda parallels how a possible bad ending would be in main story. So thinking about how MC waited for him is too sad. Also we have a nest/bird reference like it happened in past cards with the seagulls and how it seems that MC abandoned the nest/disappeared, so maybe a reference for a future card or myth. At the end, if you go for the good ending, is fluff. This AU with Caleb didn’t feel dangerous, he is so mentally restrained that MC was not afraid of him and when he actually bites her, he runs (imo he literally trows himself to danger so he can die, because he’s so scared that he hurt her that I think he preferred to die than to live with the knowledge that he almost kills her 🥲)
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lenaluvbot · 1 year ago
First time for everything
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warnings!: (smut/degration kink/praise kink/hair pulling kink/choking kink/dom sub underlines/domination kink)
smut underneath the cut
It was strange.
Orm knew he’d have to stay low til people believed her was dead like his brother told him, but that do mean he actually wanted too?
The first green flag he got he practically ran (his new favorite thing to do) his way to the city called the quote “big apple”
He had never gone away from the ocean unless absolutely necessary. Yet here he was walking awkwardly amongst a group of people when he felt a tap on his back.
“Are you okay sir?”
You had to ask! He was walking as if he’d been shot in the ass.
“Yes..Perfectly fine- But i have a question miss..Where’s this self proclaimed big apple?”
You burst out laughing.
“Self proclaimed big apple?”
“Isn’t this the right place? i’ve been here for days yet no big apple.”
Holy shit! he was seriously saying that!
“You know that’s just a saying right? This isn’t an apple?”
“I wouldn’t know, i’m not from here” Shit. God he couldn’t keep anything to himself.
“Oh really? Where you from pretty boy?”
“Out of town, reallyyy far south like really far i doubt you’ll know where”.
“Uh sure something like that.” He smirked, this was the longest he’d talked to a surface dweller. Let alone the fact it was a woman. A hot woman at that. Shit he hadn’t spoke in a good thirty seconds and now she was staring awkwardly.
“I um have to go but here’s my number, incase you want to actually tell me where you’re from.” You gave him your cell number and smiled as you walked away. If it wasn’t for your scheduled dinner you would’ve continued talking to the mysterious man, even though you sub conscious was telling you to run.
Damn you and being attracted to hot guys.
He continued his walk with a satisfied smirk, was it really this easy to attract women on the surface?
He continued his quest to find said apple but grew bored as he checked into a on surface hotel. He eventually dialed your number into his hotel phone (since he didn’t have a actual one yet)
“It’s me the guy who was trying to find the apple earlier”
“Oh..Hey, call me to finally say where your from?”
“Something of the sorts, you should come over so we can discuss it.” He smirked looking down at the bed.
“Sure, i’ll be over in a few.”
Like you said you arrived at the hotel with a shirt that made your breasts practically pop out the shirt, pushy? yes. sultry? yes. but he had already called you over so it was obviously worth it.
“You loook…Great.” He grinned at you.
“Thank you.” Your were practically begging to climb the guy down.
“Come in come in.” He ushered you in with his arm, his hand on your back and trailing lower..Giving you a gentle squeeze. You sat on the bed with a little distance.
“Come on, i’m not gonna bite.”
“I know i’ve just never done this before, like going to see a guy at a mysterious hotel, if you weren’t hot i truthfully wouldn’t have even came over.”
“In all truthfulness, i haven’t either.”
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.”
“I’m far from a liar.”
“I doubt a guy like you has never gone to a hotel to meet up with someone.”
“A guy like me hasn’t even been to the surface before”
Surface? What the hell was he talking about?
“Surface? Okay you don’t have to be sarcastic.”
“Look between you and me, i’m not from around here. I’m from some place a little further south, And i’m here lie down for a little and just learn a few new things..” His hand slid up your thigh “If you’re willing to teach me.”
“Teach you?…Have you never had sex where you from?”
“Something like that.”
“Well i’m down to teach you as long as you finish telling where your from first.” You smirked, a deal for a deal.
“I’m from atlantis. That city in the water? Yeah that’s me. But i kinda got kicked out momentarily.”
“So are you like the king or something?”
“Well kinda-“
“Because that’s really hot.”
He had to continue the lie now.
“Yes i’m a king. A king who’s never been with a human, one with your beauty at that.”
He kissed you and slid a hand up your shirt and squeezed your breast, your already hard nipples being squeezed made you practically squeal.
“Oh? Humans can do that?” He grinned and grabbed your other breast making you practically moan so loud even the orca whales could hear you from here.
He grabbed your legs and flipped you over his lap so now you were straddling his lap..then he stopped.
“What’s that for?”
“Well underwater we usually do it differently so-“
“Oh..Well humans do it a little differently, want me to guide you?”
“Please yes.”
You kissed him and pushed him back into the bed, un buttoning his belt as you unzipped his jeans. Precum leaking through the base of his undergarments.
You took out his cock and palmed it, already hard he let out soft whimpering from the feeling. “Keep going.”
“Please keep going..”
“You going to good just let go..release in my hand come on- no pun intended.”
Almost on command he came in your hand as you slowly let yourself onto him. And god his size truly changed from palming it to now feeling it inside you.
“Now you just have to move you hips and i’ll do the rest-“
He grinded “Alright then…” He moved his hips slowly and started to make you bounce on him, you let out soft moans as you put your hands on his shoulders.
“I get it now.”
He flipped you over onto your back as your ankles were now on his shoulders as you thrusted into you hard.
“You know underwater- The current gives so much movement it’s hard to honestly get a good rhythm but here! God! It’s great! And humans truly are much more flexible-“ He grabbed your leg and pushed it over your head
“Just amazing.” He knew exactly what he was doing. Pushing his luck.
He knew humans weren’t as durable as atlanteans. But god it was fun. Watching his seamen fall out of your cunt.
He chuckled as you reached another orgasm. Calling out his name as you had never felt someone practically break through you before yet here he was. His first time ever feeling the warmth humans had to offer and he was making you throw your head back as another orgasm made way.
“Fuck-k orm please don’t stop.”
“I wasn’t planning on it, you know what i was planning on? Settling down with you..Maybe making a baby? You want me to fill you up and make a half breed baby? I can imagine it. You just full of my royal seed.”
His own words made him cum (again) as he thrusted into you. His cum leaking out as a trail as he pulled out.
“Thank you,for showing me the way of humans…It’s truly amazing.”
Hopefully plan B still worked when it came too atlantean seed.
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anakinstwinklebunny · 1 month ago
Scott Barringer (or wtv reader you see fit) taking reader to a amusement park for bunnytine please 🙂‍↕️🙇🏻‍♀️ with the cliche cotton candy sharing and those ball games they play to win stuffed animals UAGHHH
- 🐇
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It was Valentine’s Day, and though SCOTT BARRINGER didn't seem like the type to make a big deal out of it, there was something undeniably sweet about his excitement when he invited you to the amusement park. Maybe because you were important for him, and since 14th February seemed like a day for couples, he had to do something. Park itself was nothing but bright lights, laughter, and a sense of childhood nostalgia in the air. He’d been teasing you all week about him taking you somewhere special, making sure to mention how he’d planned to make it the most fun day ever--no matter the weather, the situation, no matter everything
"Ready for the most fun day of your life?" he said with a grin, hand brushing against yours as he gently took it in his. It was funny, really--how you two had come to this moment. Both of you still a little shy, still figuring this... thing you had, but each time you spent with Scott made everything just a little clearer
You nodded, looking up at the towering rollercoaster in the distance, then all around the loud place "What should we do first?"
He chuckled, adam's apple moving up and down as the sound of his laughter vibrated through his throat, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. "We’re gonna win you a stuffed animal. That’s the classic thing you do at places like this."
You could already feel your excitement building at the thought of it. It was silly, sure, but something about the whole atmosphere happening around you--the lights, games, music, and the warmth of his hand in yours--made it all feel special.
First stop tho? The cotton candy stand. You didn't care about the stuffed animal...yet. At the sign of pink cotton candy you practically bounced out of your shoes, dragging Scott after you. "You know, I might get one of these, but I’m not gonna look very cool eating it."
You raised an eyebrow, grinning. "I don't need you to..unless you want me to take a picture" you teased. The sugary pink clouds of cotton candy were wrapped around a stick and handed to you. Passing through crows of people, you both sat down by a bench near the Ferris wheel, giggling as you took turns biting into the soft, sugary treat and watching others have a good time as well
Scott smiled, eyes flickering back to you. His blue orbits softened when he spotted a cotton candy glued to your chin "You're adorable when you get sugar on your face," he teased gently, reaching over to wipe a small bit of pink sugar with his thumb. He never really got too forward, too touchy, as if he didn't want to scare you away. Yet, you could still see the softness in him that was hidden under his skin
The afternoon flew quickly--hopping between games, watching couples laugh, and him telling you silly jokes here and there. Scott was the kind of guy who never rushed, taking his time and soaking in the small joys, like the little whir of the carousel or the way you laughed, acting like an excited kid who got their candy when you won your first small prize. You caught him smiling at you more than once when you were in pure joy.
"Alright," he said, leading you to one of those booths where you could knock down the cans to win a prize. "Let’s see if I can win you something nice."
You watched, amused, as Scott grabbed a heavy ball, brows furrowing in concentration. He was so determined, biting his lip. And then, with a flick of his wrist, the ball flew and--thud--down went all the cans.
You stared, wide-eyed. "No way...you actually did it?"
Scott shrugged, a cocky grin stretching across his face. "Guess it’s just all about focus."
"Well, I guess that’s me winning a stuffed bear," you said, still gaping. He handed it to you, the oversized teddy bear almost as big as you. You couldn’t help but grin at how big the thing was, yet how soft in the touch.
Later you both walked around, now with the bear between you, as you approached a booth for a photo. Scott wasn’t much for photos, but he let you drag him to the booth, of course.
As the night began to settle in, the sky turning darker, the Ferris wheel began to light up, its lights sparkling against the sky like stars. Scott didn’t hesitate for a second to pull you in, guiding you onto the Ferris wheel to show you how the park looks from above. The view from the top was incredible--the entire park lit up beneath you, people walking around, laughing, and music playing from every corner. Scott was quiet some moments, maybe already tired or just cherishing the seconds that flew by with you. Nonetheless, he just held your hand, thumb brushing the back of your knuckles as he took in the view. Maybe this year's valentine's weren't the worst after all.
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @divineani @haydensprettyprincess @skyguys-princess @catnipaddictt @heartscone @haydensbbg @inneedsoffanfics @jediavengers @literally-izzy @anisluvrgirl @slutforfinnickodair @xhunnybeeex @fuckmyskywalker @gallerygourmet @deceptiive @ysrjune @anakinskwkler @bimbo-baggins17-deactivated2025 @cookybananas @emotionallybruisedx @diorvalentina @sevinax @throughparisallthroughrome @aniiuv @ritosparty @ninastyless @lily-strnlo @thesassypadawan @awhhayden @sydkneez @anisangeldust @l1ttle-misssunsh1ne @anakinca @rubiesarepretty @luluartpop @cloverina (i did not forget about you this time 🙂‍↕️)
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carolmunson · 2 years ago
out on the moonlit floor. (older!modern!eddie)
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part six of who knows how many orange colored sky set list
you and eddie walk down to the piers at brooklyn bridge after you both meet up for dinner a couple nights after your embarrassing drunk sleep over. you both spur on conversations about each other over icecream -- and when you get home, you both share more than you expected. inspiration from this series comes to you in part by: @loveshotzz 'all i really want is you' series. wanting to fuck that old man. and readers like you.
tw: discussions of minor character death, drinking some alcohol, smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), some vague talk about BDSM, couples first time, reader cries after sex
songspiration: kiss me | six pence none the richer
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Now that the humidity broke it was almost a little chilly over by Brooklyn Bridge Park tonight. The water from the Hudson slapping against the posts of the first pier, each little wave winking when it caught the light of the moon. Manhattan sparkled across the river, glittering in both of your eyes while you walked toward the fireboat station turned ice cream parlor. Kids run around with sticky hands and mouths, shrieking and giggling with each other while parents look onward. Other couples walk hand in hand down towards the other piers -- some still under construction.
The air is warm but in a comforting way -- a reminder that fall is on the precipice, peeking itself out in hints so that you want something pumpkin flavored in early August. Eddie's hand is warm and clammy in yours, the silver bands on his fingers warmed by your touch.
"I never come down here," he says, looking around, "Why don't I ever come down here?"
You shrug, "I dunno -- are you a big water guy?"
He scrunches his nose and shakes his head, "Not really -- Steve'll drag me to the beach a lot when he visits and I'm fine with the beach but -- I'm not like, a beach guy. Or a river guy, or whatever. Lakes, sure. Ponds, why not?"
"I love being near the water," you say, leading him into the boathouse. You get in line behind at least ten people, all savoring their dog days of summer with an ice cream cone. It's warm in there, all the fans do is blow around the smell of sugar and cream, waffle cones off the press. He lets go of your hand to lay it gently on your shoulder to guide you through, heated skin to heated skin.
"I can love being near the water," he offers.
"Yeah?" you turn your head to look at him, his cheeks flushing. You look so pretty like this, he thinks. A little warm, a little slick on your skin. In your pretty summer dress that he hadn't seen yet. The soft quirk of your brows when you ask.
"Yeah," he nods, "For you? Of course."
You roll your eyes, taking a few steps forward as the line moves, "What looks good to you?" You pass a sticky menu you to him that he squints to read, apples up his lifting up to hide his eyes. You pull his glasses from the worn collar of his shirt, clearing your throat while you tap them against his knuckle.
"I can read it, baby," he mutters, distracted by the descriptions in light ink on white paper hidden behind a foggy sheet of plastic.
"You're gonna give yourself a headache," you chide. He rolls his eyes this time, taking his glasses and tucking them back on his collar. He passes the menu back to you.
"I already know what I want."
"Sure you do."
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You walk out together, him with his Sweet Cream & Cookies cone and you with you Salted Crack'd Caramel in a cup. He's had two bites of yours and already regrets his decision.
"Well if you could read the menu then you probably would've got something more exciting," you tease, pulling your cup away when he reaches again.
"I mean this is good but it's boring," he pouts, "I'm not a boring ice cream kind of person."
"Is Steve?" you ask, his head tilts at the question, turning to you.
"Steve?" he repeats, "Why're you asking about Steve?"
"That's who Big Guy is in your phone, right -- with the little muscle emoji next to it? Your buddy Steve?" you smirk at him, his tongue pressing against the back of his teeth.
"Yeah, that's my guy," he nods, "You know how I said he always drags me to the beach when he visits?"
"I do," you nod, a spoonful of ice cream resting on your tongue before you swallow leaving a coating of mocha, sea salt, and caramel behind.
"He's visiting soon," Eddie smiles down at your lips closed around the plastic spoon, "I'm really excited for him to meet you."
"Do you think I'll like him?"
"I think...Steve's a boring ice cream person," he laughs, "Always gets like -- butter pecan or something. You think I'm an old man? Wait until you meet this guy."
You both laugh with each other like mean girls on the playground.
"Is he um -- is he doing okay? I know you mentioned a few weeks ago that he lost his wife," you're shy while you approach the subject, you could tell it weighed heavy on Eddie to talk about it.
"I think..." Eddie starts, taking a lick of his ice cream while he considers it, "I think he's doing okay for being almost half a year out. I um, I stayed with him for the first three months -- moved him into the house they bought --"
"She passed before they moved," he explains when your brows knit in confusion.
"Oh," you nod along, face relaxing so he can continue.
"Moved him in -- I think he cried for six days straight. We didn't even sleep, just laid on his couch and watched Fever Pitch like, eighty five times in a row," he looks out at the water while he recalls it and then smiles, "Which is so weird considering he's a Cubs fan."
"That's so niche," you giggle before softening, "You're a good friend."
"He'd do it for me," Eddie shrugs, "He's already done like so mu--"
Before he can finish, two runners speed by, knocking him in the shoulder. You both watch his cone fall in slow motion towards the blacktop of the walk way.
"Sorry," the guy calls out while he continues on, barely looking back over his shoulder while he goes. The neon yellow of his running sneakers become little flecks as he gets deeper towards the tree covered walkway on the other side.
"Hey, fuck off and DIE, asshole!" you call after him, a grit in your voice that Eddie hadn't expected to hear. He can't help but laugh at your anger at his expense.
"Hey, hey," he starts, newly free hands resting on your shoulders, "Easy killer."
"There was plenty of space for him to run," you seethe, "He's a fuckin' asshole."
"It's okay," he promises, face relaxed, "It's okay."
"It's not okay," you sigh. You hold your half full cup and spoon out to him, "Have mine."
"But then you won't have one," he says, "I'm not taking yours."
"You already know you like the flavor," you insist, "I'll grab myself another one, I need a water anyway."
Eddie looks at the ice cream and then you, one dimple creasing when a side smile pulls at his lips, "Okay."
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When you come back with your new ice cream he's settled down on a bench directly across from the Freedom Tower. You can see all the lights across the water from the Seaport, water taxis and mini dinner cruises coming in an out of dock in the haze of a midsummer night.
"Before Sandy, this used to be a weird sad looking mall," you say, sitting next to him, "And there used to be a really good restauarant called Red -- I loved it cause they never carded me."
"You go to college here?" he asks, you nod.
"I liked the mall cause there was a Bath and Body Works and a Christmas in New York store. I'd go in there every time I was homesick -- just felt cozy for some reason," you shrug.
"But the new stuff there is cool too," you say, taking a bite of your ice cream, "It's definitely like -- for rich people."
"Definitely for rich people," he agrees, his spoon sneaking over to your full cup, his empty one next to him. He steals a bite, letting the flavor savor on his tongue.
"Come on, why do you keep getting amazing flavors?" he sighs. You hold the cup tighter to yourself, a smile working on your lips.
"This one is just for me," you chide, "If you want more go get more."
"Nah, I just wanna taste it one more time," he says smoothly, quietly, leaning in. His hand finds your cheek, ducking in for a long slow kiss, "There we go."
Speechless, you just shake your head and take another bite when he breaks away.
"No, no, I think I need another one -- gotta get the full flavor profile," he smirks, loving the sounds of your giggle when he leans in again for another kiss. He gives you three loud smooches on the lips, enough to make a few people roll their eyes but neither of you notice. Too wrapped up in each other to really care.
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Eddie's apartment is as it always is -- it smells like him, the walls are covered in knick-knacks and framed posters. Maximalism at it's finest -- organized chaos -- but somehow streamlined. You leave your sandals in the hallway, barefeet hugging the cold hardwood from the AC.
"You know what I could go for right now?" you ask. He looks up with his brows raised, putting his wallet and keys in a bowl by the door. He'd forget them otherwise.
"A mezcal marg," you say, "I'd fuck up a marg so hard right now."
"Well lucky for you," he starts, walking over to the bar cart behind the dining room table, he lifts up a bottle of Del Maguey Vida, "I have mezcal."
"Yay," you let out quietly, not too far off from our quiet cheer when you were wasted in his kitchen last week. You can tell he used to bar tend by the way he mixes drinks, how he slaps the mixer and shakes it, how he eyeballs the liquor. It's not long after you've situated on the couch that he comes over to you with your drink.
"Here cutie," he says, carefully passing it to you from behind the couch and walking around it with his own. The first sip confirms he's made these a million times, wonderfully smokey and salty, refreshing and fruity.
"Oh no," you laugh, "It's really good."
"I'll make you as many as you want," he takes a sip and settles down next to you, arm outstretched behind you, "Thank you."
"Why're you so good at everything?"
"Me?" he quirks his brow, "Nah, I'm just -- I have a lot of experience with like, mundane shit."
"No, no, you're like -- you're good at a lot of stuff," you nod, "Give yourself some credit."
You feel bold even though you've only had two sips of the margarita, but it gives you some courage nonetheless, "What else are you good at?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well --" the cat catches your tongue for a moment, suddenly unsure if you want to bring it up. But then again, he's already seen you at your almost most pathetic.
"I saw those handcuffs in your room the first time I was here," you start, "You good at tying girls up?"
He blushes hard, laughing off the embarrassment, "S'cuse me?"
"I'm serious," you laugh, "Are you good at tying girls up? Is that the kind of stuff you're into?"
"I -- wow -- um," he bumble through words trying to find an answer, looking down at his drink and then looking at you and back down again.
"I -- yeah," he shakes his head, surprised at his own confession, "Yeah, I'm -- I'm into that kind of stuff. Not like, not all the time -- but for some partners, sure, yeah." "So you are a little freak then," you tease.
"Maybe," he shrugs, "By the look on your face though it looks like you might be really interested in that."
You shrug back coolly, another sip of your marg giving you a moment to consider, "I can be."
"Yeah?" He leans back on the couch, legs spread open while he looks you over. He keeps his eyes on you, sipping slowly on his drink while he does. You start to get shy under his gaze, exactly what he was waiting for, "You think you could handle it, sweetheart?"
As expected, you roll your eyes, "Ew."
He puts his drink on a coaster on the coffee table, coming back up to give you a kiss, "You don't think it's ew."
"I know," you nod, letting his lips trail down your jaw to your neck and back up again. Unafraid, you crawl back onto his lap like you did the first night you were there. His hands wander more freely, sliding up and around your thighs, listening to your sounds and how you like to be touched. When you roll your hips he doesn't stop you this time, he lets you do it, savoring the relief he gets every time the pressure meets his hardening cock in his slacks.
"I'm not," Kiss, "Gonna do that," Kiss, "Tonight, though."
"Oh," you smirk, holdhing his face in your hands while you look down at him, "Are we gonna do it tonight?"
He blushes again, chastising himself for assuming what you wanted, "No, no, only if you want to. And I want it to be nice and like -- I want it to --"
You lean in for one more slow kiss to shut him up, he groans into it, "I want to."
Eddie gulps, looking up at you with a nod, "I'll um...I'll meet you upstairs."
He watches you get up and head towards the small spiral staircase, his mind buzzing a mile a minute. He collects the glasses and puts them in the fridge for later, cleaning up a bit while his hands nearly shake with nerves and excitement. Just as he's about to make it up the stairs he sees his phone start to buzz on the coffee table. Steve.
And normally he never does this, but for the first time in months he clicks 'Ignore' before heading up the stairs behind you.
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You undress after him, trying not to gape at his body, trying to ignore the way it drives you insane. His tattoos dance with each move of his waist and arms, each flex of his thighs. He takes his time making his way over to the bed, sliding the throw to the floor when he sits on the edge of it to watch you.
Your dress comes off slow -- he beckons you forward to stand between his thighs. Neither of you speak while he cups your breasts in his hands, squeezing softly. You let out a quiet sigh when his lower lip drags against the top curve, pressing into a kiss. Moving to the next to take a nipple into his mouth, wet tongue sliding over it while his thumb teases the other.
Your hand reactively reaches for his head, pleasure starting as a line up your neck and down to your pelvis -- a whimper coming out of you involuntarily. He gives a final flick of his tongue before pulling your underwear down to your knees, letting them fall to your ankles. He looks up with a smile and a kiss to your lips, "Lay down for me."
He doesn't have to ask you twice, kicking kicking your panties off and sliding onto his bed. You lay back against the soft comforter and look up at him while he kneels over you, eyes gleaming while they take you in.
“Peach you’re…you gotta be fucking kidding me,” he lets out with an airy laugh. 
You look up at him while he lets his eyes roam over you again, suddenly self conscious. You cover some of your chest with your forearm, tucking in on yourself. 
“No, no baby,” he coaxes softly, “Show me, show me you.” 
You reluctantly release, it had been a while since you were fully naked in front of someone. You grimace when your arms fall back flat on the comforter, hands daintily laying just above your head. He bites his lower lip, the pink in his cheeks flushing to a soft red. His hands reach up to the sides of your rib cage, eyes on you for silent permission.
“Jesus,” he says under his breath. His hands slide down carefully, cascading into the dip of your waist and up over your belly. One finger tip traces a stretch mark just above your pelvis that you wished he hadn’t noticed — that you forgot you had. His hands continue their journey over your hips to the tops of your thighs — your body warm and welcoming to his touch. 
“You are gorgeous,” he whispers — partly to himself, partly to you. 
You lean up on your forearms and look down at yourself briefly, “Yeah? You think so?” 
“I uh – fuck –” he shakes his head in disbelief before leaning forward to kiss you, “I really think so.” 
His lips come in for a long peck, settling himself over your calves, forearms and biceps flexing while he leans on his hands to steady himself on the mattress. He breaks away to kiss your neck – gentle, only a few before placing one soft kiss to your chest – working his way downward. He kisses the pad of fat on the peak of your ribcage, down to your stomach, right over the stretch mark that you wish you’d forget about now. He kisses the other side of your belly, mouth and breath warm while he does, eyes blown like he’s mapping you out. 
You revel in the quiet, watching him savor you, adjusting to sit on his knees between your legs. He bends down like he’s praying, lips blessing the top of one of your thighs. He bends one of your legs up and out, kissing the inside of your knee. 
“Please,” you whisper down at him. He kisses the inside of your knee again, feeling your weight shift in the bed while you open your legs further. He looks down between your thighs, brows tilting in awe at the sight of you bared for him. 
“Push up on the bed a little, honey,” he instructs, so quietly you wouldn’t have heard him if he wasn’t so close. If the rest of the apartment wasn’t so still. You slide up on the comforter while he adjusts the pillows behind you, “That’s good? You comfortable?” 
You nod breathlessly, his smile making you melt the more you see it in the light of his lamp in the corner. He kisses you again, hand reaching up behind your neck to pull you to him while you let his tongue into your mouth. It slides against yours with needy precision, wanting to get as close to you as possible while he does. When you part he lets out a shaky breath, nuzzling your nose. 
“You okay?” you press your forehead to his. 
“Yeah I’m just – I think I’m nervous,” he laughs, “You’re makin’ me nervous.” 
“Why’re you nervous?” you ask, pulling back to look at him. 
“I dunno. I guess I just,” he leans back, “I’m never normally thinking my way through it. At least I haven’t for a while.” 
“What does that mean?” 
“Like I was just taking people home to fuck, then they’d leave,” he shrugs, “I’m like…I’m taking my time and I wanna make sure it’s like – the best sexual experience you’ll ever have.” 
“Sexual experience,” you repeat back in a tease, he puffs out a breath with a roll of his pretty brown eyes. 
“I’m trying to be meaningful here,” he asserts, “M’trying to like – make love to you.” 
You giggle again at ‘make love’ but cover your mouth, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry – I’m not making fun of you. That’s very sweet, Ed.” 
He tinges an embarrassed pink and settles back on his knees, hands running through his hair. 
“Baby,” you soothe, coming up to smooth your hands over his shoulders, “I’m sorry. I promise I’m not trying to make you feel silly or embarrassed. I’m nervous, too.” 
“Baby…” he repeats back, a boyish grin pulling up on his lips, “I’m not a baby.” 
“Yeah you are,” you nod, kissing his cheek, “You’re such a baby.” 
“Thought I was an old man,” he says, that blushy grin still plastered on his face. 
“You can be both.” You lay back against the pillows, watching him take a settling breath before coming back down to meet you for another taste of warm kisses. He lets himself press a loving kiss to your cheek before dipping down to leave intentional kisses down your sternum, following his map from your rib cage to your belly, the top of your thigh, the inside of your knee. Neither of you speak when he kisses the inside of your thigh, letting him part you right before his tongue starts to flick dutifully over your clit. 
Your quiet gasp makes his eyes flutter closed, feeling you settle down into the pillows while his lips open over you, nose resting on the pudge of your mound. His tongue works steadily, working you while your legs bend and creep upwards, thighs to your chest. One hand reaches up to squeeze the inside of one, spreading you apart a little further for him. You feel the warmth of the back of his head as he leans to the side against your thigh, tongue dragging up over and over before moving right back to center. 
“More,” you sigh out, starting to whimper, hips reacting to each flutter of his tongue. He start to suckle, eyes flicking up at the sound of your voice. He nods while he works, one hand coming up to slide a finger in either ease – he’s not surprised. 
“Oh!” you squeak out, the little quake in your thighs makes him huff a laugh. 
“Does this feel good?” he asks against your skin. He kisses your other thigh why he waist for an answer. You nod down at him, breaths picking up while his finger dips slowly in and out. 
“S’really good,” you slur out, the tingle in your belly rising to an electric buzz. 
“D’you like getting eaten out?” he asks, starting again. His middle finger pushes in with his index this time with mild resistance. 
“Hmmm-yes,” you breathe out at the slight stretch, feeling him hook into you once his fingers push the hilt. You push up on your forearms and then your hands, the pleasure making you dizzy while you look down at him. 
“Don’t stop,” you whisper. He obliges, head down and determined, sucking and teasing, the soft flick of his tongue getting you closer and closer. His fingers pulse, pushing in and in and in, the pads of his fingers pressing on your core that makes heat run through you. You aren’t sure if you’re numb with pleasure or you’re flooding over his finger, the buzz is becoming overwhelming. Your heart hammers, his fingers working in a controlled steady rhythm – too grown to know that when a girl’s about to cum you don’t speed up, you stay the course.
“ShhhitI’mgonnacum – ohmigodI’mgonnacum.” 
His lips break away from your clit as you start to come undone, a smirk prevalent on his face when he leans in to kiss you through it. You moan so loud into his mouth it’s almost a cry – a prayer to God that you make it out with all your senses. 
He feels the gush of your release over his first and middle finger, leaking plentifully into his comforter. He smiles when he breaks away from you — soft kisses on your cheeks while you shiver.
You flop flat on your back with a deep breath, shutting your eyes while you push air out of O shaped lips. 
“You okay?” his low gravelly voice settling in your chest. You nod, a little hazy, shifting over a wet spot under your limp thighs.  “Ugh.”
“It’s okay,” he assures, knowing that you can feel what you left behind. He squeezes your calf with a soft chuckle, “Just a lil’ mess, baby. D’y’need a minute?” 
You nod, another deep breath, peeking through your heavy lids to watch him stretch over you while he clicks on another light. The sconces above his bed glow golden and soft above the both of you, glinting against his silver jewelry like a fire. Eddie’s form shifts the mattress when he lays next to you, rough palm smoothing over the top of your stomach to the opposite dip in your waist. 
“That was uh…” 
You lay there with each other, eventually finding the strength to move onto your side to face him. He’s confident now that you came, more sure of himself – he knows he can make you do it again. 
“Don’t give me that look,” you chide. 
He giggles darkly, face splitting smile pulling his cheeks up, “M’not giving you a look.” 
“You are giving me a look.” 
“M’just…you know – It’s always good to know you still got it,” he shrugs, falling onto his back. He tucks his hands behind his head, elbows splayed out on either side, biceps flexing, “And I still got it.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you still got it old man,” you laugh, tucking yourself under his arm so that your head lays on his chest. You look down the expanse of him, fingertip tracing one of his tattoos that flows down to his lower stomach. His cock twitches, kicking up at the gentle touch so close to his pelvis. You let out a soft hum when one of his arms comes down to wrap around you, kiss pressed to the top of your head. You tilt up, noses brushing while your fingers still trace, searching lower until the scratch of stubble from week old manscaping finds you. 
You kiss him first, moving out from under his arm, propping yourself up on your elbow while you guide him. He grunts out a low groan when your hand finally wraps around his cock, offering him steady strokes, giving him a type of relief he’s deeply needed this past month and some change. It’s not long before his fingers wrap around your wrist to put you back on the mattress, hard and leaking, desperate to be inside you. Your eyes linger on it while he leans over to grab a condom from his bedside table drawer, he smirks while he rolls it on. 
“Ready?” he asks, cocky, tossing the foil packaging off the bed. You nod hurriedly, grinning while he props your hips up under a couple of his pillows. 
Another kiss and he’s parting your legs again, fingers sinking into the fat of the back of one of your thighs while he guides himself down the slick slit of your core. He goes slow, tip teasing your clit before sliding down to your entrance. He’s concentrating, but he still flicks his eyes up at you beneath his feathered bangs before starting to push. 
“Yeah?” he asks.
He eases in, you feel the stretch immediately, legs springing up tight towards your chest. One, two, three short even thrusts before you’re slick enough to accommodate him. He pushes in slowly, both of you sighing in pleasure when he splits you open to the hilt, your legs parting further. His other hand meets your lonely thigh, gripping tight while he starts at a steady rhythm, head lolling back for a moment then coming back to center.  
“Baby…” he starts, a growl of a grunt coming from his chest, “You – oh, honey – you feel so good, so — oh fuck...” 
You can only respond with choked ‘uhn! uhn! uhn!’s at every thrust, the head of his cock plunging deep at this angle, nearly brushing your cervix. His kiss is welcomed when he lets go of your legs to lean forward over you, propping himself up on one forearm, hand  on your cheek. 
“That’s good? This feels good?” he pants into your mouth. 
“Mhm,” you whine, “You’re so deep.” 
“I know,” he coos, “M’really deep. You like that?” 
“Yeah,” you squeak when his thrusts become intentionally strong and slow. 
“Feelin’ me?” he asks, tip of his nose running along your cheek, forehead against your temple. You nod, groaning while he continues, holding his hips in place after every plunge into your core. His cologne and scent of his hair products blend together in a dark spice that makes your mouth water, eyes fluttering closed when you hear his breaths become gravelly – each one its own growl. You can barely think, your mind’s not able to keep up with the pleasure of where his cock keeps hitting, how full you feel, where his free hand wanders, how he kisses your neck. In the haze you realize that he likes this, he likes being in control. 
Your body bounces against his hips when his thrusts start to pick up in speed, not fast like a jackhammer, but fast enough that the buzz in your belly becomes a vibrant hum. He gives you a final sloppy kiss on the neck and then the lips before leaning back up for more leverage, gripping your waist just above the flare of your hips. 
“Look at me,” he huffs out, more of a command than a suggestion. Your heart rate quickens at the sound, bark and bite while his fingertips squeeze you. Your eyes snap to his like magnets, like when you first kissed after your date in the park. 
“God,” he groans, “S-so – fuck – pretty.” 
His next thrust hits a spot that makes you see white, a whimper choking out of your throat. You grab his wrist, whining, “Ohmygod there, right there.” 
“There?” he teases softly, slowing down to slowly drag his cock in and out. He hits it again at an achingly low speed this time, but the pleasure is just as delicious. 
“Yes, yes right there – please,” you don’t even know what you’re saying please for, what you’re asking. You just need to feel this, you need him to get you there. He quickens his pace, the slick and sloppy sounds of skin hitting skin and ragged breaths disrupting the quiet of the room. Tears pool in your eyes in pleasure while you cry out, back arching into each snap of his hips. 
“More, more, more,” like a chanting prayer flows out of you, spurring him on. His heart thumps in his chest while he looks down at you, your face contorted, the way your breasts bounce. He resists the urge to reach down and clamp over your neck when you bare it to him, pushing yourself against the pillows. He busies himself by gripping your thighs again in a bruising hold, holding steady at a pace that clearly feels great for you but feels amazing for him. Eddie bites his lip, the sight and sound of you sending him reeling. He’s getting close, hips starting to stutter while your walls loosen a bit to accommodate him further, you’re already soaking his pelvis – you’re gonna cum, he can feel it. 
You can feel all your sounds in your throat, kneels pulling together as the vibrant hum in your lower belly becomes a vibration. He doesn’t stop, grunting and huffing like a bull with each thrust while he tries to hold back. He pulls your knees apart to make space for him, chest to chest while he pumps in a little bit faster. Eddie’s mouth takes yours hungrily, greedily while he lets out an aching moan. 
“Fuck – fuck - shit,” he growls, eyes clamped closed while your noses rest against each other. He keeps going, fucking you through his orgasm despite his shaking arms. At this position he can adjust to go a little deeper, and when he does you gush. He keeps going, feeling the pulses of your walls over his cock, a confident grin puffing out tired breaths. 
You grip his biceps when he does one final hit that sends you over the edge, thighs and hips shaking when he does. You feel it in your whole body, goosebumps rising like you can’t handle it, back nearly aching in an arch that settles back down. Your moan turns into a cry – a real cry. You shudder while your body comes down, tears pouring down your cheeks and you can’t quite get yourself to settle down. 
“Oh, honey no, did I hurt you? Are you okay?” Eddie swallows, voice back to soothing comfort while he eases up, “What’samatter? Did you not like it?” 
You wipe your eyes but the tears still come, you shake your head no. Embarrassed from blubbering you try to cover your face but he smooths your hands away, “What’s wrong, Peach? Please talk to me. Was that too much? Was I too rough?” 
“N-no,” you laugh a little, “Sorry, this is r-ridiculous. I’m – m’okay.” 
“You don’t look okay,” he says. He settles on his calves, easing you up to sitting – with some coaxing he gets you straddled in his lap. The exhaustion from your orgasm distracts you from the stickiness between your thighs, the uncomfortable wetness leftover between your legs. You feel sleepy and soggy. 
“Did I do something?” he asks again, hands cupping your cheeks while his thumbs swipe away oncoming tears. 
“N-no it was ju-just really intense,” you swallow and cough, another sob racking through you, “J-just came really hard.” 
He nods, looking at you intensely, “Do you just want me to hold you?” 
You nod back and without a second though he pulls you tight into him, bringing you both back down sideways on the mattress. He lets you let it out, running the backs of his fingers along your back until you start to calm down, sobs shuddering down into sharp breaths, to normal ones, to slow. 
“A little better?” he asks, quiet and sweet. You nod with your eyes closed, cheek squished against the comforter. Eddie smiles, easing the condom off his now softened shaft and tossing it in the bin under his night stand. He soothes you for a while, sitting on the side of you and running his palms over your back and thighs, over your calves, selfishly over the swell of your ass. He puts pressure on your lower back, between your shoulder blades, the top of your neck. 
“This is really nice,” you croak out, feeling the warmth of his hands cascade gently over you. 
“Sometimes it’s nice to just get worshiped, huh?” 
You nod again, breaths steady, “Yeah.” 
“Yeah,” he confirms, “You deserve it, don’t you?” 
“I do,” you smile. 
“That’s my girl,” he coos. My girl, my girl, my girl. 
It echoes through the both of you, the declaration – the claim, but neither of you say anything.In fact at this point, it looks like you might’ve fallen asleep. 
Eddie takes the throw that had been pushed to the floor and covers you up for now, he’ll wake you later for pajamas and water and a snack. For now he figures you should just rest, you look so cute like this – all worn out ‘cause of him. He quietly slips on a pair of socks and gray sweats and pads his way downstairs to make you something, swiping up his phone to see two missed messages from Steve on his screen. 
Big Guy💪👔 37m ago Did you just bitch button me? 
Big Guy💪👔 37m ago What the fuck?
Big Guy💪👔 36m ago Photo notification. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, opening his phone to his texts. His eye roll stops when the picture of Bandit curled up on his bed by the sliding door pops up. Eddie said the bed was way too big for him, but Steve insisted he’d grow into it. 
Eddiesorry dude, i was busy. u around? 
Big Guy💪👔 0m ago Taking Bandit on a night walk. You okay? You have a show tonight? 
EddieNah.  🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆
Big Guy💪👔 0m ago Hell yeah dude 😎 Congrats! 
Eddiethanks man.just putting something together for her for when she wakes up.
Big Guy💪👔 0m ago fucked her to sleep lol 
Eddie gotta change my middle name to nyquil 😎
Big Guy💪👔 0m ago so it was good huh? 
Eddie i’ll tell you all the horny details tomorrow but honestly dude? i might end up loving this one. 
He wakes you up later leaving gentle kisses on your forehead, set of his comfy clothes in his hand for you, “Made you a little snack downstairs, you hungry?” 
You stretch, nodding, feeling a dull ache in your hips and inner thighs. You frown when he eases the throw off of you, forcing you to stand up and get dressed. Eddie’s scent is prevalent on his clothes, enveloping you again when he does the same with his arms. 
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks again. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you assure, looking up at him, “Now, don’t get a big head about this or anything – but that was easily some of the best sex I’ve had in my life.” 
He lets go of you, shrugging with a smile and tilt of his head, “What can I say? I –” 
“I said don’t get a big head,” you warn, stifling a giggle, “Don’t you go around bragging about it either.” 
“Okay, okay, I won’t, I promise,” he holds his hands up, leading the way down the stairs. 
“Not even Steve.” You follow him down, body taking over to lead you to the snacks he laid out on the counter of the island. 
“Not even Steve,” he repeats, picking up his phone again. 
Eddie she just told me that this was the best sex she’s ever had in her life lol i’m the fucking man
Big Guy💪👔 0m ago you da man 😎
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durrtydawg · 7 months ago
It's the Adrenaline
(Sam Drake x F!Reader smut)
It’s incredible what a little fight-or-flight and your first proper bed in days can get you roped into. Literally, in Sam's case.
Et voila! As aforementioned, here's 4.2k words of Sam getting his ass handed to him 💖
Warnings: it's smut, so… you know. Find detailed tags on ao3, but primarily we've got a sprinkling of orgasm denial, very light bondage (like literally just hands bc I'm feeling bland), and reader on TOP in more ways than one, innapropes language, a small mention of blood…. Yes! As always, enjoy, and let me know what you think!x
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guys i actually want to bite him
"Stop that."
"I- what? Stop what?"
"Stop... being quiet."
"I'm concentrating!"
"Since when did you need to concentrate?"
"Since when did you make jackin' me off prime time for interrogation? Haven’t I had enough’a that for one day?"
You tut, soft smirk etched onto your lips. "So crass."
He frowns. "Shut up. Kiss me." Chin tilted up, he grazes his lips against yours.
"No." You pull away, hovering just out of reach, leaving him unable to do anything but laugh, exasperated, tongue toying with a molar as he slumps back against the pillow.
"Why not?!"
"Not until you stop trapping those little noises at the back of your throat." You chastise, a teasing lilt to your tone as your nails give his Adam's apple a gentle, yet punctuating scratch.
"Jesus- you’re really takin’ everything from me, huh?"
He’s so fucking gorgeous looking up at you like this, all long lashes and tensed muscles, and the persistent to-ing-and-fro-ing between letting you know he’s better than this and wanting nothing more than this. The days-long treks and sleepless nights spent scribbling notes and scrutinising coordinates are clinging tiredly below his pretty eyes, and peppered over his jaw and upper neck - oh, he’s exhausted.
And would you look at that, there’s the most adorable streak of dark fuchsia burgeoning just above his cheekbone, accented by a rich, red cut, ready to split and spill blood if it’s agitated enough. You threaten the tip of your tongue with your canine as another flood of heat twists between your thighs- not that seeing him like this gets you off, or anything.
You make a mental note to dress his wounds properly later - you’ll take care of your big baby boy, right after you’ve… taken care of your big baby boy. 
Your mouth twists into an even deeper smirk at the atypical shake in his voice and the subtle pink hue that begins to bleed through his cheeks- completely separate to his blossoming bruise.
"Oh, you love it."
Before he can divulge some sort of blatant lie, you move your hand again, giving a particularly tough squeeze that makes his eyes widen.
"Touché." His voice comes out breathy. You lick your lips. Getting there.
Your thumb swipes over his tip, nail tracing ever-so-slightly, and he swallows thickly. You mirror the action, the sight of his tightened jaw and bobbing throat making your mouth water. Bide your time.
Your eyes flit to the birds - you know he’s sensitive there - and your tongue smooths over your teeth, appetite well and truly whetted.
Dipping down, you make a show of single-handedly unclasping your bra, tossing it aside before crushing your bare chest against his, and it’s like your slow, steady heartbeat interrogates his own as it thud thud thuds even quicker, reverberating against your skin. Your hand moves at a steady pace, pumping enough for him to remain relatively composed, but just on the cusp of giving in to what you want.
“Let-” he pauses, as the tip of your tongue traces over the outline of the highest bird, swallowing again though this time it’s audible as hairline cracks continue to appear in his composure. “Let me see ‘em.”
“See what?” You reply, lips grazing further down the side of his neck, riddling his arms with goosebumps.
“Those gorgeous tits a’yours.”
You scoff, pausing your soft assault on his neck to hover directly over him. “You gonna ask nicely?”
He tuts, turning to the side, chewing on the inside of his cheek. “Christ - want me to call you ‘Mommy’ or somethin’ while I'm at it?” he mutters. Your eyes momentarily widen as a grin tugs its way onto your lips.
You pull your hand away from his cock, and with a quick, almost comical reflex, he shuts his eyes tight, huffing in self-inflicted defeat.
You take his attempt at hiding from the consequences of his speech as an opportunity to grip him by the stubbled jaw and force him to look up at you. “Don’t tempt me.” You say, tip of your nose brushing against his as he stares up at you. His eyes widen fleetingly, before his irises cavort aimlessly around your face.
You can't help but giggle. It's not very often that Sam's lost for words, but you savour what you're given.
“What do you want?” You whisper, thumb mindlessly tracing back and forth over the bump on his nose. “Tell me.”
He pauses, eyes drifting sideways as he conspires.
“I want you to…” He leans into your hand, a small pout forming as he mimics deep thought, “touch my dick again?”
You raise your eyebrows. “Wow.”
“What? I answered the question, didn’t I?”
“I am… fighting the urge to go ham and gag you, Samuel.”
He meets your gaze with a smoulder, his eyes narrowing slightly - he’s weighing you up, holding back a mischievous smile.
“God, you’re so hot when you’re irritated.”
“So, you want to be gagged?” your voice laced with challenge... and perhaps a light dusting of curiosity.
“No, ma’am,” his mock-militant reply comes quickly, with a small shake of the head, his tone surprisingly composed, but the smoulder in his eyes remaining, daring to push just a little further. “Unless… you wanna pop a… tit in my mouth?”
You give him a warning glare, making sure you hover just shy of his lips.
“Audacious. You wanna try that again?”
He waits a second, assessing your whereabouts on the seriousness scale. Answer? Dead serious.
He inhales, teeth tugging at his lower lip for a moment as he sizes you up just a little longer. 
“Can I…”
You give him a patronising nod, pulling yourself up ever so slightly as you urge him on. As predicted, his eyes shoot straight to your chest, so you re-assume your hand’s grip on his jaw, ensuring his eye line stays firmly fixed above your clavicle.
His chest rises beneath you - then stops - he’s holding his breath. You smize.
“CanIsuckyourtits?” he mumbles on a slightly unsteady exhale. You reach back between your legs, fingertips giving a teasing stroke from his balls, right up to his tip and back. He shakes his head to himself, flexing his fingers in a mix of frustration and slight embarrassment.
“A little louder? You’ve really gotta annunciate more..”
You refuse to let him know just yet, but you're soaked, and just as eager for this to progress as he is, so before he can complain again, you wrap your palm back around his shaft, your grip on his jaw loosening, thumb sliding round to the small red mark you've left on his neck.
You’ve almost done as much of a number on him as the mercs that tried to take the two of you hostage mere hours ago. It’s incredible what a little adrenaline and your first proper bed in days can get you roped into. Literally, in his case.
“Can I s- God- can I suck your tits, please?” Of course his voice doesn’t waver. Highly unlikely. He didn’t blaspheme and let his jaw go slack for a second. Did he? Ah shit.
You smile, snaking your hand round further. Your fingers comb through his hair, resting against the nape of his neck.
“Good enough.” You say quietly, nipping just beneath his earlobe before drawing him closer to you by the back of the neck. You arch upwards a little, just enough to position your nipples at mouth level. You watch his eyelids twitch ever so slightly as you speed your fist up just enough to quicken his heartbeat.
Sam near enough locks in on the sight in front of him, licking his lips before parting them. Just as his tongue makes a beeline for your left nipple, a sharp tug to the back of his head pulls him away, flopping unwillingly back into the pillow with an audible wince. He mouths a completely baffled “huh?” up at you.
“Did I say you could do that?”
“You had ‘em right in front of my f-uh-uck- face-”
“Open your mouth.” You interrupt, tugging harder at his roots whilst speeding up your wrist, a medley of pained pleasure that has his face contorted in breathless confusion - and God, does it give you a power trip.
He manages to collect himself. Then obliges. So, you treat him to a tighter squeeze that makes him gasp softly.
“Wider. And stick out your tongue.”
“Oh m-”
“Sam.” You raise a brow.
He frowns. Opens his mouth. Sticks out his tongue. You sigh as he looks up at you expectantly, masking all sorts of arousal and degradation with his frown that continues to falter the tighter your hand squeezes around his shaft.
You look at his tongue and the flash of vulnerability in his eyes, and your thighs instinctively tense. 
Pulling him close to you again without making him strain his arms too much, you lean forwards enough for his tongue to graze your nipple. You sigh as he breathes deeply, keeping still. Waiting. Like a puppy holding back from devouring a treat before it’s been given permission.
You're practically drooling between your thighs at the sight of him as you commit it to memory, stroking once through his hair before giving him a gentle nod. 
His eyes quickly flit between your face and your chest, affirming to himself that you’ve left no contractual loophole in your acquiescence, before he timidly swipes his tongue over your nipple.
When he’s certain you’re not going to viciously tug at his hair or - God forbid - stop touching him, he gives in, latching on to your warm skin, pulling himself as far up to you as he can without dislocating a shoulder. 
You hum in satisfaction as the slight pressure of each fervorous nip and lick and suck stimulates and soothes the luteal ache in your breasts, and, feeling generous, you commend his eagerness by speeding your hand up even more.
You shouldn’t say it.
“Hnnfffuh-fuck-” he groans, jaw slack against your skin as you push him back into the pillow. You glance up, marvelling at the way his triceps tense as he reflexively tugs at the rope between his wrists and the bedframe.
You really shouldn’t say it. You know he hates it - or at least is good at pretending he does - but at this moment in time, you know you can get away with just about anything. So you do.
“Good boy.”
You bite back a shit-eating grin as his cheeks turn red and his hands tighten into fists - you swear you feel his dick twitch in your hand… 
“Shh-” he just about prevents himself from telling you to ‘shut up’, instead pulling back from you completely, eyes squeezed shut as he breathes out a “Goddamnit.” as his hips buck up into you.
“Oh, you’re close, aren’t you?” you purr, lips twisted into a teasing smile.
“Yeah,” he pants, “Yeah, I - oh Christ, what’a’ya doin’ t’me.” he grits his teeth, tucking his face into the crook of his elbow as he feels himself get closer to the edge.
You chuckle lightly, taking his exposed earlobe between your teeth as he quietly whines out a further few expletives. 
“You gonna cum for me, handsome?”
He nods into his arm, torso tensing as he tightens his jaw, “I’m cu- gonna-” he chokes on a low moan, grinding up into your hands to amplify the friction he so desperately needs - but you’re not going to let him get there that easily.
“Wh- what?” He huffs, voice cracking with exasperated fatigue as you pull away, snatching his orgasm from him at the last second. “Why did you-” he tilts his chin up to the ceiling, grunting in frustration as you settle yourself over his knee with a complacent grin. “Why’d you stop?”
You snort. “Babe, you’ve been such a smartass up until the last few minutes - you really think I’d let you get off that easily?”
“I-” he huffs, swallowing, then shaking his head, forcing himself to regain some equanimity, “It's the adrenaline, sweetheart.”
“Sure.” You scoff.
He sniffs after puffing out a long-held breath. “Lesson learned.”
And then he sees you twist your hair over to one shoulder.
His eyes go glossy with need, and he damn-near snaps the wooden slat he’s tied to clean in half as he pulls himself up to watch you leave warm, careful, open-mouthed sucks against his balls - he shudders when your bottom teeth scrape lightly against the vein curving its way up his shaft.
You do feel a little bad. He's going to have a nasty set of burns around his wrists if he keeps tugging like that.
Perhaps your broken grappling rope wasn't the best idea, but he was game even after you warned him so you'll take what you can.
That's what you two do. Improvise.
You move slowly, skilfully, lips parting enough to pull his head into your mouth, hands tickling up from his thighs to hip bones as you suck and swirl, building up a pool of saliva under the tongue. You hollow your cheeks, engulfing him a little more in order to coax out beads of salty sweetness from his slit.
Eyes wet from the effort of taking him in, you descend again, lips growing wet and swollen as the seconds draw on -  you’re methodical, unforgiving, and above all enjoying the fact that he can’t just grab a hold of your hair and fuck your mouth as he usually would.
You’ve turned the tables - there’s no room to breathe, but for once, he’s the one that’s suffering. He swallows hard, every grunt and strangled groan only persuades you to increase the intensity, and it’s nigh on torturous.
He’s tense with anticipation, stomach tightening, arms pulling desperately above him. He pants - don’t speak, you’ll blow it - before you relax your throat and swallow his cock as far as you can take him.
Don’t speak, don’t fucking speak, ah, he can’t help it. He’s got a big mouth - and he just doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up, so when he tells you how pretty you look with your mouth full, you can’t help but give his tip a warning bite that has him buck into you.
He moans, properly, the sound catching low in his throat, making your cunt clench in wanton need. It's such a pretty sound. Rare. Like it almost shouldn’t be possible - too good to be true, so you repeat and draw out another, and this time you just have to dive in and swirl a finger over your swollen clit. You whimper at the feeling of your slick oozing through the fabric of your underwear, throat clenching around him, vibrations only pulling him even closer to his peak.
Every breath and stammered sentence that leaves his lips sends your abdomen seizing- he’s on the brink again, twitching on your tongue, stomach tensed as he tugs against the rope.
“Hoooly- sh- shhh-“
It’s a good thing you know him so well, the telltale signs as familiar to you as the back of your own hand - otherwise, he’d probably cum down your throat before you’ve had your fill.
You hazard an upwards glance, watching his torso tense as he holds his tongue- but you pull away just in time, denying yourself of your own approaching climax in the same breath.
“Oh God, I’m g- w- wait n- no- no no no no,” He slams his head back into the pillow with a series of flustered huffs, “Ah- why- why-are-you-being-such-a-bitch?”
His eyes widen quickly, then, equally as fast, they squeeze shut as he mumbles in slightly panicked incoherence. “I didn’t mean it-” he blurts, “I didn’t mean ‘t’call you that- shit.”
“Mhm.” You murmur, all saccharine and forgiving, and he responds with a bashful twitch of an apologetic smile. "Who knew you could be so... loud!' You put on a teasing lilt of encouragement that makes him swallow hard.
You lick up the spit and the salty-sweet sheen of pearlescent pre-cum from your lips, legs straddling his hips once more.
“You’ve gotta-” He rolls his hips with a slightly pained grunt, trying to assimilate some sort of control over his posture as his cock throbs. “Jesus...”
He’s not fixed on you - but rather, the glistening sheen coating your fingertips as you pull your hand from between your thighs.
Breathless and clammy, you roll your neck.
Your smile grows more slushy as he softly calls for you; “Sweetheart…”
Lean forwards and lay onto him, give his chest a stroke as his breathing slows and softens, despite how very hot and hard and swollen and wanting he is, and how - not that he’d admit it - afraid of consequence he is after his naughty little outburst.
“What is it?”
“How much longer are you gonna keep this up?” There’s gravel in his throat, and it’s all weirdly innocent, and part of you wants to untie him and let him do what he wants as way of apology. “‘Cause my heart can’t take much more’a this.” He chuckles breathlessly, eyebrows knitted together as if to say pleeeeeease, it hurts.
Aw. Baby.
A pause. You consider. But then he swears under his breath and you remember the sounds that came out of him a minute ago and how he’d rather gouge out his own eyeballs than gift you something so pretty if the roles were reversed. He’s such a bastard.
Keep him steady- stroke his hair and cup his cheek. Listen close and you can almost hear the thud of his heart and the rush of blood painfully pumping its way through his body. Trace over muscle and scar and tacky ink with your nails as you massage his aching arms- Oh, he likes that - look, he can barely keep his eyes open.
Now, lure him into a false sense of security as you run your hand across his neck: Not much longer, babe - speak low, whisper, even. Bat your eyelashes, he likes that, too.
He sighs into your mouth when you kiss him, straining his neck to get as much of you as he possibly can. You let him push his tongue down your throat, whilst you deftly pull your underwear aside to grind yourself against him. His brows furrow again as you add insult to injury, and you feel him hold another breath. God, he’s so warm, mmm so swollen and full and ready to give it all to you.
Your arousal seeps onto your inner thighs, obscene squelching almost as loud as your heavy breathing as your hands rest on each side of his handsome, tired, flushed face.
It almost hurts to pull away, but you do anyway. He looks up at you with all the adoration in the world and you have to firmly remind yourself about that false sense of security.
I love you… Your voice is low and breathy, almost as if you’re intoxicated. You rub his cheeks, thumb tracing his injuries. Red’s a good look on him.
He can tell you’re scheming- a curious, lopsided smile fixed to his lips as he returns the sentiment.
“I... love you t-  Ow!”
The sharp smack echoes, cutting off his words. His head snaps to the side, the force of the blow sending a shockwave through his gut that lingers for a second- the disbelief widening his eyes. His cheek, now flushed a deeper shade of red than before, throbs with the sting of your palm.
Slowly, he turns his head back to face you, and his eyes meet yours. There’s a flicker of something else amongst the greens and ambers- hurt, surprise, but also the unmistakable spark of heat pulsing beneath the surface. His lips part slightly, as if he wants to say something, but the words die in his throat. Ugh, do you think he knows what that does to you- the arousal that punches thick and fast, sending liquid need smearing against him as you continue to slowly rock your hips?
You can see the way his chest rises and falls, his breath coming faster, ragged with the sudden rush of adrenaline. You’ve caught him off guard, and you relish the power of such a rare occasion.
A slow, smug smile spreads across your face, the satisfaction of your dominance making your heart race.
“That’s for calling me a bitch.”
There’s a thrill, dark and intoxicating- a heady mix of control and intimacy, and you can’t help but feel a tinge of pride at how well you know him- how easily you can manipulate complex bodily functions with a single, unexpected gesture.
“I- I told you I didn’t mean- Jesus!”
The second slap is quick, almost casual, yet it sends another jolt through him, intensifying the flush on his cheeks, and undoubtedly causing more damage to the bruising from earlier in the day.
His breath hitches, and this time, there's no mistaking the reaction it elicits. The pain barely registers before it dissolves into something else- his pupils dilating, lips parting in a soft gasp as the sharp sting morphs into an undeniable arousal. The way his body responds is almost involuntary, a slight shudder running through him as he struggles to maintain composure.
“And that’s for not telling me how close you were. So sly, Sam.” You tut.
You see it all, the way his defences crumble under your touch, the way his bravado falters. 
And it fuels you, that power, the control you wield over him, and how much he actually really fucking loves it. A wicked smile plays on your lips as you lean in close, your voice dripping with lustful, quiet authority.
"Apologise," you command, “for hurting my feelings.” You add a mock pout for theatrical effect- another of his favourites.
The way he’s looking up at you… talk about whipped.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, he nods. He hates that word.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, his voice rough, laced with submission… and a hint of awe. The words come out strained, as if it takes everything in him to say them, but he does it- because he knows you demand nothing less.
You can tell he’s still processing everything- the shock, the pain, the desire and that makes his apology all the more satisfying. He’s captivated, trapped in this moment where you hold all the power, and it’s clear he’s fascinated by your ability to bring him to his knees… metaphorically speaking. Perhaps you’ll try that next time. Tie his hands behind his back and get him to eat you out.
It’s almost a shame you lack the patience for that now. But, you’re throbbing, aching for him to finish you off- hell, you want to hear him finish.
“One more time?” You ask, angling yourself just above his tip.
He clears his throat, wetting his lips as you catch a glint of something almost masochistic in his eyes. “I’m sor-ohhh, my God.”
You guide him home before he can fully do as he’s told, a languid groan pulled out of your throat as you settle beside his ear. He stretches you open and it sears into you, all the heat and fucking tension of the danger of this seemingly endless expedition- grunts and gasps and tiny little mewls from the two of you, and the way his arms tug against their binds because he can’t fathom the concept of restraint any more- holy shit, it’s not going to take much for you to reach your peak.
Sam turns to you, nose pushing against your cheek to coax your mouth round to him- you oblige because, fuck, you love the feeling of his lips on yours, and- even better when you come back above him to speed up- the feeling of him huffing and moaning onto your tongue as if it means you can’t hear him…
“Mm-ff-fuck-” he stutters, teeth snagging against your lower lip as he can’t prevent himself from fucking up into you any longer. “Gonna- c- can I cum in you?”
You pull up to give your arm enough space to reach your clit again, looking down as he stares up at you with watery, desperate, wide, fucking gorgeous eyes-
“P-pl- shit- Please?” 
Oh, fuck, he’s learning. The plea tightens the coil tenfold and you feel your brows knit together as you rock your hips against him, nodding as a flash of a smile plasters its way onto your lips.
If he moans, it’s lost to you- you’re all-encompassed by a sudden heat filling you up in bursts and the intensity of your own heartbeat as you draw yourself closer.
You fall flush against him as you come, white hot inebriating heat coursing through you as you spasm and stream around him, leaving soft hisses and sporadic gasps spilling from his lips as he’s forced through a sudden hit of sensitivity.
Your fingers stroke until you twitch on top of him, milking him dry, finally slowing to a stop as you let your heart steady itself.
Then, you’re both silent. Bar the desperate huffs and gulps for air.
“My face hurts.” He says, all husky and spent.
You grin and giggle into his chest, and he definitely feels it.
You'll untie him in a sec- and he'll pretend to forget that this ever happened. All bark and bravado. Not that you'll let him.
Then you'll make sure he's okay, clean up the thin dribble of blood from the small slash on his face you've accidentally agitated- kiss him better.
Maybe you'll call him a good boy again just to rile him up enough to roll you over and get you back.
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idontknowulol · 1 year ago
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Isaac Garcia x reader
Summary: You get jealous of how much time Isaac has been spending with his tutor Grace and you get really upset.
Warnings: all fluff, swearing
I honestly have never hated myself as much as I do right now, I have so much going on in my life outside school as well as in school, but when Isaac came to me asking for me to tutor him for chemistry ,as it is the only subject he isn't do well in, I felt really bad saying no to my boyfriend as I have no free time,so I asked Grace if she could as I know how good she is at chem ,and she said yes, and let's just say it came back to bite me in the ass.
I was sat at the lunch table with Jackie and Skylar as I took a extremely aggressive bite out of my apple as I watched them laugh at whatever the hell they were looking at , " are you okay Y/N?" Jackie says staring at me with a concerned facial expression, "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I continuing to aggressively bite into my apple. " because you look like your about to scrap a bitch" Skylar states bluntly and I look up at him and Jackie in surprise, " do I really?" I say curiously they both look at each other and nod in union, and I sigh and look away in embarrassment, " I don't know, its not that I don't like Grace she is lovely, I just hate how, well much time she has been spending with my boyfriend, I mean we have been texting and calling and speaking to each other every day it’s just, I feel like I haven’t seen seen him you get me?” I say shyly Skylar and Jackie both nod at my words, “ it was my idea so I shouldn’t be upset,I just miss him a lot recently and I regret saying no to tutoring him, because at this point it’s the only time we would have together” I say sadly. Skylar and Jackie both smile at me, but Jackie is the first to speak, “ how about you go up to him and try make some plans with him?I mean all you really want to do is see him your not really concerned what you guys are doing, from what it seems” Jackie states. “ you know what I think I will, thanks Jackie,You too Skylar”I say, they both just smile and I get up from my seat in the cafeteria and walk over to where Isaac and Grace are, when I reach them they are still laughing and Isaac looks up at me, and his face instantly lights up when he sees me, which I will admit makes me soften a little.
“Hey baby” Isaac says to me, “ Hey” I say back quietly, feeling quite weirdly shy, “hi Y/N” Grace says in a friendly tone, “ hey” I say back, “ um Isaac can I speak to you for a sec?” I say nervously, Isaac notices this as he smirks at me and gets up from his seat, “ I’ll be back in a sec” he says to Grace, she nods and me and Isaac head out of the cafeteria and into the hallway and find a empty classroom where we can be alone. As soon as as we enter the room Isaac wraps his around my waist and pulls me into him hugging me , which I reciprocate as I have been feeling really needy when it comes to my boyfriend recently, “so baby, what did you want to talk about” Isaac says nuzzling my neck which he does on purpose because he knows it makes me giggle, “ can we do something today” I thread my hand through his hair, “ I feel like I haven’t really seen you much Isaac and I hate that” I say quietly into his chest, “ me too me too, but I can’t today baby, I am revising at the library with Grace after school, I have that big Chem test coming up tomorrow,and you know I can’t fail it again, otherwise Aunt Katherine will kill me” Isaac says shuddering at the thought, I can’t help but make my body freeze at his words as I feel the jealousy coursing through my body, what he is saying makes perfect sense I know it does,but that just makes me more agitated for some reason.
“Oh that’s fine, don’t worry about it then, I’ll call you later then? I say quickly pulling away from Isaac feeling tears sting my eyes, “yeah wait Y-, I sprint out the room before Isaac can finish too overwhelmed to go back, I know he wishes he had time, but I just wish that he had that right now, I sound really really selfish, but I just really need him today and he can’t be there and that kinda makes me feel like shit. The tears begin to fall from my eyes as I speed walk out of school, not caring if I get punished for skipping.
In the end I drove home climbed into bed and put some Netflix on to try and cheer me up, but all that was replaying in my head was me and Isaac’s conversation, I have been so overdramatic , but I don’t know why, I think I’m just having one of those days, I feel my phone vibrate and I instantly know who it is and I put my phone on silent,then I feel a light knock on my window , I sigh quietly when K see Isaac and open it to let him climb through, which he does before plopping himself next to me on the bed, “ Hey” He says looking at me “ Hey aren’t you supposed to be in school?, you know Katherine is going to kill youu when she finds out you skipped” I say confused as to why he is here at this time of day “ I know I know but I had to though” he says staring intently at me “ and why is that?” I ask curiously . “ because I need to know why my girlfriend left school on the verge of tears” Isaac says seriously, I look away in shame,embarrassed that he knew I was upset, I though it was obvious but I didn’t think it was that obvious. “Don’t be ashamed for having feelings” Isaac states reading me like a book, “come here”Isaac says with open arms, I climb onto Isaac’s lap, and wrap my arms around his neck, he rubs my back gently in and up down motion,whilst the other hand is on my waist, he places his lips on my head and just holds it there before speaking. “So, how are you actually feeling hmm?” Isaac asks gently continuing to rub my back.
Just those words alone are enough to make me burst into tears, from all the pent up frustration I have been holding in, this causes Isaac to pull me closer. “ Baby” He says softly, placing a kiss on my forehead urging me to go on, “It’s stupid, you know how you came to me asking me to tutor you?” Isaac nods at me as he wipes fresh tears falling from my face, “ well,I regret saying no, and let’s just say it’s been eating me up, I wish that I had the time on my hands to help you out as , you wouldn’t be spending so much time with Grace, and I would get to spend some time with you alone,which I haven’t had a lot of recently and it’s made me realise how much I miss you Isaac, and I have been feeling stressed and overwhelmed about school as I’ve been feeling like I need you but I pushed you away, and you just help me forget, and that’s one of the reasons why I love you, I know I have no right to be mad at Grace, as she is a sweet girl and I asked her to help you I just can’t help it” I say finishing quietly, laying my head on his shoulder.
“Is that how you really feel” Isaac states as he continues to cuddle me, I just nod quietly, Isaac’s face pulls into a small smile which confuses the hell out of me. “Baby, why didn’t you just tell me? you know I would never want you feeling overwhelmed and feeling like you need me and can’t reach me” He says, “ yeah I know,you just have a lot on your plates right now, and I didn’t want to add to it” I say in a hushed tone, “oh Y/N, baby you need to understand,anything your going through is never a issue or work added to my plate, your problems are my problems too because your my girl, and we’re a couple we’re supposed to go through our issues together, your problems won’t make me love you any less then I already do, and trust me I love you a insane amount” Isaac states simply which makes me flush hard, and pulls a laugh out of Isaac.
“ Thank you Isaac” I say hugging him tightly, “anytime baby” Isaac says hugging me just as hard, we pull back a bit and Isaac cups my cheek gently and kisses me deeply and I kiss him back with just as much passion and the kiss quickly because heated and we start to make out, Isaac breaks the kiss and lightly presses kisses all down my neck drawing little sighs out of me which pulls a smile to his face, “I have missed you” He says his voice in a husky tone from all the heavy kisses as he kisses my neck one last time, and pulls me back into him.
“ soo is jealous Y/N a thing now??” Isaac asks with a smug look on his face, “what are you talking about Isaac? I wasn’t jealous” I say stubbornly when I know I fully was, “mhmmm are you sure baby cause I’m pretty sure multiple people have told me they have caught you shooting daggers at Grace” Isaac says attempting to hold in his laughter but failing miserably, I look at Isaac appalled which makes him laugh harder “ was I actually?” I ask feeling bad about what I did to Grace,l mean sure I was jealous of how much time she was spending with Isaac, but she is a sweet girl and didn’t deserve that, “ Don’t worry tomorrow is our last study session, since I am also sitting that test tomorrow, so you can apologize then” Isaac said once again reading my like book. “We should probably go now” Isaac says getting up from my bed, “ go? Wait where are we going? I ask in confusion. “My house of course I can’t show up without you there, cause she won’t kill my whilst your there” Isaac says bravely and I slap his head at his words and he flinches, even though Isaac is only a softy for you he still has his jerk moments, “geez Y/N I was only joking, I just wanted us to finally be able to spend some time together” I blush from realization at his words.
Let’s just say Katherine wasn’t too mad when she found out why Isaac was skipping, a ‘hopeless romantic’ is what she called him, if someone told me a few years ago that Isaac Garcia was a hopeless romantic I would probably wouldn’t believe you.
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thesweetroro · 6 months ago
𐙚 ˚🍰 (cuddle buddy)⋆。˚ ᡣ𐭩
꩜ Reposting 🩰 .ᐟ
── .✦ 🎠 cell 13
── .✦🏷️ main four
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˖°𓇼🌊⋆🐚🫧 (Uno)
♡ extra cuddley
he's kind jealous, and he would love to show you off at the same time, and Holding your hand in the prison corridors will sure satisfy him more than what you think.
he's fine anywhere,the place doesn't matter, he’s all over you.
hugs always wont be enough for him,he need to do something while he's hugging you as random kisses and lovely touches or whispers,at some point he did bite your ear just to get a reaction out of you.
his embarrassing secret that he so soluble when you're the one who fills him with love and flirtation,or he will get a little freaky.
when I tell you that he's so soft and warm, he is a real cozy walking oven.
laughs so much when you play card with him,he’s not silly it’s just gives him butterflies that you play with him and he loves you so much.
some times he gets behind you to see if you shivered during winter so that he could cover you up with his jacket and hug you from behind.
if someone said that you guys should get a room he’s getting a one next day.
If he is tired or had a lot of fun in his day, he would 100% prefer to be in your arms to tell you about his day while you play with his hair until he fall asleep.
he likes to watch you when you sleep in his arms and when you have a terrible sleeping? Do you honestly need someone else?.
If you like hot drinks he will do his best to search for more flavours that you can enjoy.
He gives you the gifts you love.
✩°𓏲⋆🌿. ⋆⸜ 🍵✮˚(Nico)
♡ made to be cuddled
any time and place will huge you big or small spoon just as long as you’re petting him he’s the happiest boy in the world.
I'm sure he likes to be in your lap for hours and watch anime or read manga ,one time he was feeling himself a little, so he by mistake spilled the apple juice on your thighs and he almost cried, to be forgiven he insisted on washing your uniform himself,poor boy he punished himself by not laying in your lap for a week even tho you never got mad ,and told him to not to do so !! ;(.
he is so shy to be asking for your kisses ,but if you did im suer you are 100% his first kiss.
you know when he used to take a bath with kaguya? , now you’re his shower partner.
if he was scared from something he will run to your arms and ask to sleep on your chest because hearing your heartbeat calms him down so fast.
if you kissed him it will give him for doing a good job he will kisses you everywhere w giggles and tell you that he wouldn’t be able to do it without you.
dont care if you we're in public,he'll always show how much he loves you.
˚˖𓍢ִ໋`⛩️:✧˚.🗝️⋆𖧧 (jyugo)
♡ he loves it more when you’re the one cuddling him
He loves your warmth , but he tries to deny it because he get overwhelmed by the feeling.
he likes the comfortable places to cuddles,could be like; the night if everyone is sleep or he will find a room for u two ,boy just loves having you all for himself.
he is very shy to be emotional in public, holding hands would be the saving for his heart,most likely to be touchey when he's jealous.
sometimes when he's upset or feels like crying, he would go more silent and hug you then drag you into the bed with him so he could bury his face in your neck and cry , it makes him feel safe. 
If he doesn't want hug you ,then you won't be able to catch him, put him in the mood first.
He is used to head and shoulder touches but he had never had anything far from that before.
you have to consider the feelings of this poor boy.
‧₊˚ 🍔 ‧₊𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🪻(Rock)
♡ real bear for cuddle
dont mind it any time anywhere the most important thing too him is that you feel comfortable in the spaces.
just imagine him out of the shower hug you from behind with his loose hair and kisses your neck his voice is so deep after all that long tiring day of work out,now all he wants is to enjoy his cake (you are the cake).
if you’re resting on his chest after lunch he will play with your hair and tickle your tummy.
he is the most obsessed when kissing you , but please dont make it too long he gets out of breath easily.
sometimes he puts his head on your chest for bedtime to make him more sleepy,but no sleep for you ^^! he’s going snore ofcourse.
the fact that you will be his first love.
He like to hold hands and compare the sizes of your hands to his!.
He shows emotion in public and doesn't care to be honest. He's just happy to be with you, so the opinion of others doesn't matter.
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thebeast-dennis-etcetera · 1 year ago
Could you please write an imagine about biding Jack Gibbs with Gibbs and your kids? Maybe baby and toddler going for weekend at grandpas
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Moments Like These
Jethro pulled into the gravel driveway behind his father’s truck, who was sitting in an old wicker chair on his porch and waving. Turning towards the backseat, you saw your little girl’s eyes closed in sleep while holding onto her favorite stuffie.
“Sweetie, wake up. We’re at Grandpa’s,” you said, gently touching her leg. She opened her eyes and looked around curiously, stretching her arms above her head.
As soon as she caught sight of Jackson walking over, her eyes lit up with joy.
You got out to help her but by the time you went to open her door, she was already unbuckled and climbing out.
“Hold on bug. Let me help you.”
Once her feet were on the ground, she made a beeline for Jackson, her little light up shoes flashing rainbows with every step.
“There she is!” yelled Jackson as he caught her in a big hug. You smiled at their interaction and helped Jethro grab the bags from the car, everyone following him into his childhood home. Jackson had already arranged everything so the two of you were staying in the guest room and your daughter in Jethro’s old room right next door. After unpacking, you and Jethro conjured downstairs where your daughter was munching on some goldfish and Jackson was sipping on some coffee. Like a moth to a flame, Jethro poured himself a cup of as well.
“You know, you all came at the perfect time. I just talked with Tommy and he said he’d be more than happy to take you folks out to see the ranch,” Jackson offered.
You heard a grunt come from Jethro as he turned. “Tommy Claireborn? He still out being the town’s poster boy?”
“Now Jethro. I know you two had your differences in the past but he’s not like that anymore. Heath sold him that ranch a few years back and he’s been a hard working man ever since. I just thought little miss would have fun seeing some horses.”
Hearing the word horse, your daughter’s blue eyes got bright with excitement.
“I wanna see horsies!”
Knowing he couldn’t deny her, Jethro sighed and you made a mental note to ask him about his quarrel with Tommy.
Jackson opted to stay and wait for you guys at house, telling you his legs weren’t a match for the countryside terrain. After getting a quick rundown from Jackson on how to get there, you three loaded up in the car and headed out.
“So was Tommy one of your many rivals you got into a fight with?” you inquired, knowing Jethro didn’t have many admirers back in the day.
“He was a stuck up punk that relied on his rich dad to get him out of trouble. When him and his friends tried hotwiring my truck, I knocked him out and his dad got me suspended,” he explained nonchalantly.
“My my. You did have quite the temper back then didn’t you Jethro?” you teased. “Hopefully he’s a changed man like your father said.”
He just let out a doubtful snort and you rolled your eyes at his stubbornness.
It didn’t take long to get to the ranch and a man came out to meet us halfway, dressed in your standard cowboy rancher outfit.
“Leroy Gibbs! Never thought I’d see you back in this town. Especially with a wife and kid,” the man you assumed was Tommy joked.
“Good to see you too Tommy,” Jethro replied, biting his tongue you were sure. Feeling his annoyance, you took a hold of his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze.
“Alright. Well Jackson told me ya’ll wanted to see the new filly. Follow me.”
You all walked over to the barn and Tommy opened up the top of one of the stalls revealing a beautiful chestnut mare.
“I’ll go get you folks some apples you can feed them,” he stated before walking off.
Jethro picked up your little girl whose eyes were wide with wonder at the massive animal. He pet her first, making sure she didn’t spook and you could see your daughter’s grip get tighter on his jacket.
“You wanna pet her? She won’t hurt you. Just be gentle.”
He took her tiny hand in his and placed it on the bridge of her nose, petting softly. She let out a little smile and you couldn’t resist pulling your phone out to take some pictures.
“Horsey,” she stated, looking at her dad with pure happiness.
“Here we go,” Tommy said while coming over with some sliced apples. He gave a couple to each of us and opened the stall door so we could see the filly that was sleeping as well.
As soon as the momma horse took the apple slice out of Jethro and your daughter’s hand, she let out a delighted squeal, making all of you laugh. It was moments like these that had you forever grateful for the life you shared with Jethro and your little girl.
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scary-event2369 · 1 year ago
Yandere! Alien (ONE-SHOT)
I’m sick as hell rn and I just want to write. Sorry it’s been awhile TT
Never wrote something like this before so be nice but criticism is always welcome!!
Also been awhile since I wrote smut, so i apologize if it’s not good either
Content: AFAB Reader (no gendered terms used), aphrodisiac effect (alien’s saliva), sexual themes, alien dick (ikyk) oviposition (egg-laying/having eggs inside you), breeding, brief mention of blood.  P -> V. Cunnilingus.  This is a lighter yandere.  —
You headed up to your grandparents' mountain cabin, craving some alone time to clear your head and unplug. It was meant to be a chill getaway, a routine check. The cozy rustic vibes inside welcomed you, but what caught you off guard was the sight of an alien, looking totally puzzled by a simple piece of fruit. It was almost cute, but definitely not part of the plan.
It was not even a full 24-hours before you heard a loud crash outside. Your first thought was a tree possibly falling. To your surprise, there was this odd pod thing sitting there. 
You immediately wanted to call someone, but then you remembered. No service, no humans around for miles – classic mountain problems. However, your curiosity got the best of you, so you grabbed a stick and poked the mysterious pod. It hissed open, releasing a fog that revealed a towering alien.
This dude was something else. Humanoid, but not quite right. Terrifying yet strangely captivating. Pale, almost ghostly skin, cat-like features with pointy ears and weird dark marks all over. Antennas sticking out of his head and long silky smooth white hair flowing down. 
Now, a few days later, he couldn't take his eyes off an apple, completely captivated like a kid in a candy store. His long finger reached out, gently tapping it.
"Want a bite?" I interrupted his apple stare-down. He turned to me, his language sounding weird, definitely not from around here, but the guy picked up English crazy fast.
"Can eat this?" he questioned, his voice all deep and otherworldly, like trying to put words to an alien sound. I nod, “Yeah go ahead. It’s pretty tasty.”
He snatched the apple, giving it a good sniff and admiring its vibrant red hue. Hesitating for a moment, he finally decided to take a cautious bite. His eyes widened, almost sparkling with surprise. Without wasting any time, he went for another bite, a grin spreading across his face.
A little chuckle escaped me."So, what do you think? Is the apple a hit?” I asked him between giggles. His mouth was full of the apple, the juice pouring down her cheek. “Apple... good," he responded with a few mysterious words, likely compliments, before switching back to English. "Tastes like Earth. Want more."
"More apples?" I questioned, making sure. His face lit up with happiness as he nodded. I got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I grabbed more apples, including some oranges and pears for good measure. Dumping the fruity treasure on the end table, I declared, "Voila!"
He gobbled up the whole apple, even the core, and then flopped into a chair by the table. Snatching an orange, he sniffed it just like he did with the apple. A big bite, some chewing, and he declared, "Different, but good,” he mumbled with a nod. "Earth food, good." I shook my head, chuckling. "No, you can't eat the skin like that. Let me peel it for you," I said, quickly peeling it for him. "Here, give it another shot. It'll be way tastier this way." I held out the peeled orange, urging him to try it again.
He narrowed his eyes at it, unsure, then decided to take another bite. The look on his face mirrored the one he had when munching on the apple. "This is real good," he exclaimed, before launching into a stream of excited chatter in his own language. "You," he stopped to find the right word. "Smart! Lots of cool things. I wanna know more."
I flashed him a smile, saying, "Awh, thanks! I'm curious to know more about you too." We took a little pause, just locking eyes. His big, dark, almost black orbs were fixed right on me, kind of hypnotic. I turned my head and blurted out, "So, um, what else do you wanna find out?" His intense look left me a bit flustered.
I still felt his intense gaze burning into the side of my head. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and yanked me back onto the couch, plopping down beside me. I was a bit confused, but I took this as him wanting to know what this was. “Oh, this thing? It's a couch. Like a big chair, so more people fit on it," I explained.
He gave a little nod, inching closer. Those eyes were still locked onto mine, like he had something important to say but was stuck on the words. Next thing I knew, his hands were on my cheeks, squishing them, and his forehead rested against mine. Our noses touched. If you told me a few days ago that a massive alien would nuzzle noses with me and I'd just roll with it, I'd have called you nuts. However I just let it happen. Despite us knowing each other only a few days I felt a strange trust and connection to him. 
I raised an eyebrow, still kinda confused but not backing off. His fingers, long and gentle, traced my cheek, giving me a ticklish feeling. His breath brushed against my face, and he stayed quiet. “So… is this some alien custom or what?" I questioned, getting even more confused by all the physical contact. He nodded, making a small clicking noise. Then he began to say a bunch of words in his native language. I think he could notice I wasn't understanding in the slightest because he let out a huff before he kissed me quickly.
I gasped at the sudden feeling. It wasn't like any regular kiss; it was way more enjoyable, sending a tingling and numbing feeling through me. His lips still held the sweetness from the fruit we had earlier.
His hand moved to the back of my head, pulling me in closer, while the other one continued to gently stroke my cheek. A warmth began to wrap around me, it was a strange feeling, but one I wasn’t pulling away from. 
I shut my eyes and leaned in, returning his kiss. A surge of warmth enveloped us, almost like a sweet paralysis. It was too irresistible to pull away.
The hold he had on the back of my neck got a bit tighter. It didn’t hurt but it was obvious he didn’t want me to pull away, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. His soft lips were intoxicating, both of our lips moving in rhythm. 
His tongue teased my bottom lip, coaxing them to open. It felt like an aphrodisiac, a warm and comforting sensation. Slowly, I surrendered as he pressed me down onto the couch, rendering me completely immobile.
Breaking away, he panted slightly, and we gazed at each other breathlessly. It felt like we were just staring at each other for hours, even though it was only a couple seconds. The warm feeling growing in my chest and stomach was growing, it was pure need.
Gasping for breath, he uttered "Xylorvex," a word in his native tongue. Pausing for a moment, thinking, he repeated, "Mate. You're mine, all mine." With that, he pressed his head against my neck, as he began to kiss and suck the skin.
The words hit me, making my face burn as he nibbled and kissed my neck. His teeth were sharp, but he tried to be gentle, though sometimes he bit too hard, making me bleed.
Yet, he was quick to lick and clean the wounds, sending a rush of arousal through me. My body went numb, and all I could feel was the strange alien's touch. His kisses left me craving more. "P-please," I stammered, desperate.
The strange creature stared at me, clearly confused. I let out a groan and pleaded, "I need more," hoping it would catch my drift. It took a while but then he nodded, finally understanding as his long fingers slowly pulled down my pants and now slicked covered underwear.
The cold air on my bare pussy made me flitch and shiver slightly. He brought one his face down and looked at it which only made me more embarrassed but aroused. After a while he brought his hand towards it, going up and down the folds, gathering more of the wetness. I let out a shaky moan and quivered slightly. I was so turned on it was almost painful. The creature watched as my pussy convulse around nothing. He slowly brought his face towards it as he began to carefully lap the folds. I cover my mouth as I let out a loud mouth. My breathing has gone heavy yet shallow as he continued licking and sucking. It was tingling in a way that caused more sensations than ever. I grabbed a handful of his hair, not knowing whether I was pulling him closer or pushing him away.
“Sweet. Like fruit,” he said softly, his eyes never leaving my cut as it dripped leaving a small pool onto the couch. He quickly went back towards it, slurping up all the arousal that poured out of me. He was mostly silent throughout this, a few clicks that I took as happiness as his half-lidded eyes switched from my pussy to my face. Luckily enough I was making enough noises for the both. It was only a matter of minutes before I felt my orgasm building full force. He began to swirl his long tongue around my clit sucking on it before going back towards my hole pushing his tongue in. “Nghh~ ah fuck~” I moaned out loudly as I came all over his face. The slick trailing down his chin as he made sure to give my pussy a few more kisses before sitting back up and looking at me. “Good?” I nodded as my chest went up and down heavily. I have never experienced anything like that before and it took a lot of the energy out of me. He smiled slightly as he then took off his pants showing his now fully erect dick, it was nothing like you have ever seen before. It was long and girthy, with the same black markings that were across his skin. It was veiny, and twitching. Despite being quiet it was obvious he was just as excited as you were. 
He slowly rubbed the entrance, gathering my slick onto his dick. I rarely had time to think before he pushed it in slowly, filling me up instantly. We both let out a moan as he bottomed out. The clicking noise became louder as he began to mumble something. He kissed my lips before he started to thrust his and wiggle inside me.
It was otherworldly, it was like his cock was perfectly morphing itself to my folds causing a sensation I couldn’t explain. The moans I let out came off as more of screams as I gripped the couch. However they were not as loud as they could be because of his sweet kisses, almost praising and encouraging me to take it.
You quickly learned that his species had a strong stamina. He was doing all sorts of positions with you, forcing orgasm after orgasm before all you could do was cry and take the pleasure. Hours later and after your nth orgasm did he finally cum. He gave his final thrusts as he shot his load inside you. The warmth filling you as you whined. You could  feel him depositing large eggs within you. Causing your belly to bulge as he cooed and petted your head.
After he laid all his eggs within you he finally put out, a clear sticky substance pooled out of your entrance as you trembled. The alien held you close as he brought you to the bed, grabbing something he thought was a towel and wiped you up.
You quickly fell passed out as he cuddled up next to you, spooning you and continuing his pats to your head. He just knew that you’ll be such a kind and loving mate for the children slowly growing inside you.
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webslingingslasher · 2 years ago
please angsty queen give us “ranting to a close friend/parent about what they're upset about before they make confrontation just to make sure they aren't overreacting” and “why are you looking at me like that” 🫢
more fluffy than angsty, but i still put some in there bestie.
*mcu peter
Dating a superhero was hard. 
Go figure, right? You don’t think anyone would think it’s easy but the big thing, the real problem in dating one, was that you felt like there was no way to bring up your issues without being selfish. Lately, there was no such thing as Peter time. Dates were pushed off or canceled, he would have you come all the way to his just so he can get pulled away, or get halfway to yours and bail. 
For two weeks straight it hasn’t felt like you had a boyfriend. 
But how do you tell him you feel neglected while he’s out there literally saving people? Hey, Pete? Oh yeah, no, no, it’s nothing, just feeling a little left out, can you stop that guy from dying and come cuddle? Yeah, it was hard. 
One side feels bad, the other is shameful. That side says that Peter could take time away, that he couldn’t always save everyone, that sometimes he could just leave things to the police. But that’s a dark side you’d never talk about, ever. 
You just really needed to talk about it, with anyone other than Peter. You couldn’t tell your boyfriend that he was lacking in his department because he was being a hero. 
“MJ, thank god.” She was the best person to talk to, she took no sides and told it how it was. She could also keep a secret, the only time you let a person play a fence is MJ, she knows too much to ever pick a side. 
“Hola,” She snaps a piece of her apple off, and looks down at her book. Your head looks around the lunchroom, curly hair is nowhere to be found, you need to speak quickly. 
“I need your advice,” you lick your lips and lean forward, she dog ears the page she’s on and closes the book, “go on,” paranoid you look around once more. 
“It’s about Peter.” 
MJ flickers her eyes up, a hand is placed on your shoulder, a kiss dropped on the top of your head. 
“What’s about Peter?” 
You freeze, he’s Spider-Man but you swear he’s rubbed a sixth sense onto you, you just knew he’d pop up. 
“Your birthday’s coming up,” he laughs and sits next to you, “no it’s not,” you look to MJ for support, she gives none, you picked a shitty excuse. “It’s like, seven months away, we have to start planning.” 
Peter takes a bite of your sandwich, “now? Who are you inviting, the whole city?” 
You tsk, “there goes the surprise.” 
You reach to steal a fry, he lets you take three. “You’re lying and wanna talk to MJ about me, don’t you, squidward?” 
Your nose scrunches, “is it normal to let the other person know you’re about to shit talk them in a relationship?”
 Peter thinks about it, MJ watches with a smirk, “I don’t think so, it’s normal to vent.” 
“Do you ever shit talk me?” 
He looks into your eyes, you don’t want to know, “I wouldn’t call it shit talk, MJ, would you call it shit talk?” 
She swallows a bite of apple, “nah, you more panic call than anything.” 
Peter hums and looks at you, “five minutes good?” 
You tilt your head, “to do what?” 
Peter nods at MJ, “to shit talk, I’ll leave five minutes before lunch ends, if that’s enough time.” 
You look him up and down trying to figure out his game, he seems sincere. “You seem really okay with this, I don’t trust it.” 
He shrugs, “babe, we’ve been together long enough. I know you’re not mad at me, I can tell, so I don’t think the conversation could be too damaging.” 
You’re still weary, “fine, five minutes.” 
Peter leans to press a kiss to your temple, “deal,” he looks to MJ, “hey, what was that thing Jason whispered to you in class?” 
MJ cackles, “okay, listen to this,” you follow in conversation until Peter looks at his watch, he kisses your cheek, “times up, see you later.” 
He sends a salute to MJ and finds his way to the double doors, pushing out. 
“Yeah, I could see how you’d want to shit talk him.” 
You groan, “he makes it so hard! Like, this is why I need to talk to you, I feel so evil when I think about telling him bad things.” 
“Okay, what’s up then?” 
“I don’t feel like I have a boyfriend anymore, MJ.” Her eyes widened, “oh shit.” You sigh, “he’s constantly running out on me, canceling dates, not replying for hours at a time, and I feel so shitty because I get so annoyed but I know he’s doing it for a good reason.” 
“And you’d feel selfish telling him because you know what he’s doing when he cancels.” 
You point, “ding, ding, ding. I’m just getting to this place where I feel like I’m being neglected. I don’t like feeling like everytime I’m with my boyfriend I’m on borrowed time. MJ, I…” The words burnt your tongue but it’s a thought that's been on your mind, “MJ, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” 
MJ frowns, she couldn’t imagine you two not being together, you just made sense. 
“Want my opinion?” 
You nod, MJ clears her throat and shuffles forward. Her hands intertwined and rested on the table, “He’s Spider-Man, but he also needs to be Peter Parker. You deserve to have time with your boyfriend, he needs you to tell him that he’s not splitting his time enough. It doesn’t make you selfish to want Peter.” 
“I should tell him, you think?” 
“If you don’t it’ll turn into resentment, then there’s no coming back.” 
You accept her advice, it confirms how you’ve been feeling, you’ll talk to him and he’ll fix it, then it’ll be okay. 
Peter caught you after lunch, his hand wrapped yours and he placed a kiss to the back of it. 
“We should talk.” Peter wouldn’t admit it, but that made his stomach drop. You were talking about him to a friend and then said those words, it didn’t sit well with him, a wave of panic hit him, he didn’t want to talk to you, he was scared of what you would say. 
“Yeah, of course, baby. After school? You can come over, May’s gonna be out all night, we have the place to ourselves.” 
It sounds like a perfect opportunity, if you play your cards right Peter may even spend the whole night home with you. You press up on your feet to place a kiss on the corner of his mouth, “sounds perfect,” it settled his nerves some. 
He felt even better when you sat on his lap during the train ride, your arm wrapped out his neck, his own was wrapped around your waist, sharing headphones you rested your head against his. Peter felt like you were loving up on him, and you were, but mostly because you felt touch starved from him, and this was the first time in a while you had him all by yourself. 
Peter tapped your thigh when his stop came up, you stood with his hand intertwined with yours. They swung the whole walk back, talking about school and May’s new friend from work, throwing in plans for the weekend, it sent a small pang to your heart, you were scared of them failing. 
He tossed his keys on the kitchen counter, his backpack sitting on a bar chair. “What’s up?” 
“I, uh,” you pause to think of the right words, “I’ve been feeling a little-” Peter’s police scanner went off, a bank robbery. You felt the air leave your lungs, you couldn’t even talk about the problem because of the problem. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I need to go.” He dashed to his room, quickly stripping to get his suit on. You couldn’t handle it anymore, you follow him and stop him as he’s pulling his suit up his waist. 
“Peter, I really need to talk to you.” 
His eyes flit to yours, he pulls his arm through a sleeve. “Baby, I gotta go. We can talk later.” 
You feel bold, maybe this is the wrong time but MJ is right, resentment is building. 
“No, Peter, we need to talk.” 
He presses his chest, his suit conforms. You hate the sight of it right now, a thought of hiding it passes by. 
“And we can talk later, there’s nothing pressing. I have to go.” 
“Our relationship is pressing, Peter.” 
His eyes narrow, “are you saying it’s on the line?” 
You look at the window behind him, “it will be if you leave.” 
The scanner bleats in the quiet room, they’re requesting back up. Tension is building, you both are die hard on your stances, neither wanting to bend. 
“I need to go, someone could need me.” 
Your words cry out, like you’re pleading to him, “I need you!” 
Peter breathes in and out, he feels bad but he’s needed elsewhere, you’ll be okay, others might not. 
“You have me, I promise. But, really baby, I need to go.” 
You blink tears in your eyes, you’re telling him you need him and he’s leaving, he’s ignoring, he’s brushing you off, he’s not taking you seriously. 
He pulls his window open, you can’t believe he’s leaving. 
“If you go then I’m leaving, I’m not going to wait around for you. Not anymore.” 
Peter doesn’t know what that means, “promise me you’ll stay here, I’ll come right back, I promise. Then I’m all yours, okay?” 
He doesn’t even give you a chance to respond, swinging off before you could even get words out. It hurt, and he didn’t believe you. He thinks he can just get away with things, that no matter what he did or how long he disappeared you’d be waiting. 
Well, he was wrong. You didn’t need this, not anymore. This time, Peter could come to you, you tried and he refused to listen. If he wanted this relationship then he’d fight for it like he did Spider-Man. 
You packed your things and left, when Peter came home an hour later you were gone without a trace, he tried to call you but all he got was your voicemail. 
The next morning he came, almost, running up to you. “Hey! I tried calling you last night.” You didn’t sound nearly as happy to see him as he was, “I know, I ignored you.” His eyebrows pinched, “why?” You pushed the arm he had around your shoulder off, it was petty but you were proving a point, things weren’t fine and you won’t pretend they were. 
“You didn’t want to talk to me, I didn’t want to talk to you.” 
Peter hated to fight, this was bordering on fight territory, he wanted to avoid that at all costs. 
“Hey, if this is about last night I’m sorry, I really am. Come over later, I promise I’ll listen.” 
You sigh and shake your head, “you know, Peter, I’m really tired of you promising me your time then taking it away.” 
“I’m not doing it on purpose, you saw how it went down yesterday, there was nothing I could do.” 
There was, it was to choose that you were the more important thing at the time.
“Peter, it’s getting really hard to have a boyfriend I can’t rely on.” 
Internal panic hits again. “What does that mean?” 
You look him over, “it means I don’t really want to talk to you today.” And with that, you walk away. 
Peter was in a funk all day, you stayed true to your word and stayed away unless you needed to talk to him. He understood that what you needed to talk to him about was important, so he decided it was important to him too, he also really missed holding your hand all day. 
You weren’t even home for four hours before he was knocking at your door, Peter could deprive himself from you fine, but when he was aware of it he counted every second. Your plan worked. 
“Please talk to me, I miss you.” 
You opened your door and gestured for him to come in, he followed you right to your bedroom. He takes a seat on your bed and looks at you expectantly. You didn’t know how to start, you just tried being honest.
“I feel like you don’t spend time with me anymore.” Your words were small, you feel so selfish. 
“I don’t-” 
“For the past couple weeks I’ve felt like I didn’t have a boyfriend, it feels like everytime we hang out you run out on me for something Spidey related. And I hate telling you this, I’ve been bottling it up but MJ said it would lead to resentment and I don’t want to resent you and ruin the relationship, so even though I feel really selfish I just have to tell you this.” 
He’s waiting on you, he’s letting you speak your mind. 
“I know you’re doing important things, and I know the city needs you but I need Peter. I need my boyfriend, I need to have date nights and personal time and I need to not feel neglected.” 
You’re rambling, you need him to talk. He’s looking at you weird, it’s a new look, you can’t place it. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
Peter feels choked on words, “I’m sorry. I’m just… really sorry.” 
“I don’t know how to tell you without feeling bad. I don’t want you to feel like you have to make a choice, I don’t want you to choose, I just want-” 
“-Me to choose you sometimes.” 
You breathe out, “yeah.” 
“I get it. I may be Spider-Man but you’re dating Peter, and you need him more right now. I can do that, I’ll plan things better. We can do a designated date night, nothing but earth ending situations can break it. And from now on maybe Spidey doesn’t need to go out for every cop call.” 
You nibble on your bottom lip, “really?” 
He reaches forward to grab your hand, “I don’t want you to resent me and I don’t want you to resent Spidey, I just get so caught up in it sometimes, I need you to ground me.” 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
“For needing me and wanting to spend more time with me, your boyfriend? I could never. Let’s make a schedule, we can plan around Spider-Man. I could do a few hours with you after school then do Spidey after you leave? Or if you want I could-” 
You cut him off with a kiss and thirty minutes later he’s on top of you kissing up and down your neck, his lips ground themselves to yours, you can’t remember the last time he’s touched you like this. His hands slide up your shirt and you exhale into his mouth, you jump when his scanner goes off. 
“All units to Goldburg’s Golds and Gems, active robbery and hostage in progress.” The radio scratched the voice of the operator, Peter barley breaks from your mouth, you hold your breath and wait for the apology, the promise of one last time. 
Instead he reaches out to the scanner and turns it off, he returns to kissing you, then trails down your neck. 
“You sure you don’t need to go?” 
Peter’s words vibrate against your collarbone, “let NYPD’s finest handle it, my girl needs me more.” 
With that he tugs your shirt off. 
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
Salome plz I beg ya, do you have any headcanons about Königs butt you can share? is he thicc? would he appreciate his butt being appreciated? is he hairy?? plz I need to know *shakes empty tin cup in ur general direction*
Yes I have a lot of thoughts about this!!!
I hc that he has a good little bakery in there. It’s a very trained, round, perky butt, so perky it could put somebody’s eye out. He’s very beefy in the thigh department, but the super narrow hips make his ass look like there’s just these two beautiful, perfect little apples above those tree trunk thighs. And when he turns around that long horse cock is just hanging right there between them, swinging from side to side oh god
König is below average in the hairy scale, like there’s body hair on his legs and he has a nice little happy trail, something going on between his pecs and there’s hair on his arms too but it’s not thick and dark so it looks like he has less body hair than he actually does? His butt is very neat but then there’s a lot of hair surrounding his cock, or WOULD BE if he didn’t shave so much (he thinks ladies like it if it’s all gone or at least very trimmed, he’s afraid that his hairy balls and the bush surrounding his cock will scare away potential partners) and uhhh. What else. Yeah he loves it when you get all touchy and gropey with him, if you bite him in the butt he’ll be like Liebling?! What are you doing...? What was that for and… why did you stop?
Loves it if you nuzzle your nose into his happy trail or between his pecs, the more you worship his body the more feral he becomes, you’d think that men don’t purr but this big guy does everytime you make it known that you absolutely adore his body. Like is this a dream? You treat him like he’s not a freak of nature, but some kind of Adonis instead? He’s felt clumsy and disproportionate his whole life, man has tried to shape his body in the gym but it only made everything look even more weird. But apparently you don’t mind! The doting, adoring looks you give him when he’s on top and inside you is enough to make him cum, to be honest.
Your attention makes him slowly crawl out of his shell, like yes he has learned to walk with confidence and take up space out of spite and resentment but now he’s just happy in his skin. Which in turn makes you even more smitten…! Guy walks around in nothing but grey sweatpants when he’s alone with you, and doesn’t even try to conceal it that he’s not wearing any underwear :( Turns around slowly when you give that perky butt a good slap, you can see the tent forming between his legs and you know you’re in big big trouble ❤️❤️❤️
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kiss-theggoat · 2 years ago
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Ghostface (Billy Loomis) x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: You've been having a shameful relationship with a certain Woodsboro slasher. One night, during a particularly passionate encounter, you discover who it actually is you’ve been spending time with.
Warnings: Smut, you don’t know you’re fucking Billy so I guess elements of non-con
“Guys come on! So what if I’m a virgin, I mean it’s normal!” Randy sat on the concrete ledge, fighting for his life against the vultures that are Stu and Billy. They cackled and fist bumped, turning back towards Randy to listen to him dig himself deeper into the virginity hole.
You overheard this conversation as you walked towards the group, lunch tray in hand and backpack slung over one shoulder, making it ache. Stu and Tatum sat furthest to the right, as usual, on top of eachother, kissing and touching, Tatum sitting on his lap. Then Sydney to their left, then Billy beside her, chewing on some apple slices Syd had brought. Randy sat furthest to the right, a few feet away from Billy. You strode over, plopping down between Billy and Randy. “What’s everyone arguing about?” You asked with a smile, also silently questioning if your school chicken sandwich would give you salmonella.
Stu laughed, tossing a chocolate in his mouth. “We just figured out that ol’ stunner Randy Meeks here is a virgin.” He threw a candy towards Randy, making him swat it away and flip Stu off. You were conflicted. You could take Randy’s side and say you were too, but that’d be a lie. If you said you weren’t a virgin, then everyone would ask who you’d slept with, because you told Syd and Tatum that you were a virgin. They’d know it happened recently, and you couldn’t exactly tell them you’d been meeting with a certain ghost-faced serial killer.
You shrugged. “Me too.” With a sneer, you peeled the bun back to reveal a questionably pink looking breaded piece of chicken. “You want this?” You held the burger out to Stu, who snatched it up and began to scarf it down like he hadn’t eaten in a month, which left you with a few bland, soggy french fries.
“A-HA!” Randy pointed an accusatory finger at Billy. “Told you! Totally normal to be a virgin. Just cause you're used to seeing movies where every single teenager is having sex doesn’t mean that-“
“It’s not the movies, Spielberg.” Billy interrupted. “Most of the people I know - in this school - aren’t virgins.”
You made eye contact with Billy, just now realizing that he was staring you down, deep brown eyes burning holes into yours. Trying to play off how nervous you were around him, you rolled your eyes. “What’s the big deal, Billy? Being a virgin isn’t embarrassing.”
Billy dropped the apple slice he was eating, leaning closer to you. Something in his eyes looked right through you. It looked like he knew all of your secrets, every little thing you’ve done in the dark. You tensed and backed up, biting half of your cardboard-like fry. “What?” You asked defensively, trying to get him to back off.
He didn’t say a word for a few seconds, staring at you with the same blank expression. “You’re really a virgin, huh?”
Did he know? How could he possibly know? Did EVERYONE know? You started to panic internally, but kept it cool on the outside. “Yes! I don’t know what the big deal is. Just because I haven’t found someone yet doesn’t mean I’m a loser or something.”
“Yeah right! You’re a total loser!” Stu yelled, finishing your sandwich. “I can’t believe a hottie like you is a virgin! Maybe you and Randy can fuck, get it over with.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. You threw a fry at him, but it missed him, unlike Tatum’s slap on the chest, “Ugh, Stu don’t be gross.” She whined.
Randy’s face was bright red. You always thought he might have a little thing for you, but you’d pretty much had your eyes on Billy ever since high school started. You were glad to be his friend, but when he started dating one of your best friends, Syd, you couldn’t help but be consumed completely with jealousy. She knew you’d had a crush on him a little bit, and still dated him. You convinced her you were over it. Girl code, y’know?
“I’m not rushing to not be a virgin. I’m fine with it.” You said matter-of-factly and ate another fry. Billy scoffed, leaning back against his hands, which earned him a glare from both you and Sydney. You had no clue why he was being so rude about this, he couldn’t know. The bell rang out, signaling both the terrible start of your Algebra class and the blissful end of this conversation. “See you guys later.” You mumbled, taking your tray with you as you left.
The alarm clock beside you read 12:36 AM. You had been reading next to your lamp at your desk for a while, procrastinating your homework long enough to where it hopefully disappeared. With a yawn and an ache behind your eyes you decided it was bedtime. As you stood up to turn your lamp off, you jumped at the sound of your phone ringing. Your body had an immediate response, like Pavlov’s dogs. A phone call late at night usually meant a visit from your favorite ghost.
You picked up the line. “Hello?” You asked, a small smile tugging at your lips as you mindlessly chewed on your fingernail.
“Hi pretty girl…” his sultry voice had you hot in your cool bedroom, cheeks turning pink. “Your blinds are closed. I thought I told you to keep those open.”
“Sorry.” You said softly. “It was hot today…” you walked towards your curtains and moved them to the side, standing in the window.
A hearty chuckle sounded from over the line. “There she is…wearing my favorite shirt…good girl…”
You looked down at the tank top you had on, pink, simple, but low cut and revealing. Perfect for bed and, apparently, Ghostface. With it, you wore a pair of plain black lounge shorts that fit loose around your thighs.
“I’m in a hurry tonight, princess so get to it.” He said quickly, “Is the window unlocked like I told you?”
You nodded, big enough for him to see from his usual spot in the yard. You decided to listen to the man, getting to work. You set the phone down for just a second, quickly taking your shirt off. You had no bra, so he had a full unobstructed view of your tits he loved so much. You picked up the phone again and heard a small groan from him. “Attagirl…”
You shimmied your shorts off your legs, pleased that you had worn panties he liked, your girliest ones, purple with a little gemstone heart on the waistband.
“It’s almost like you knew I was coming, pretty girl.”
You bit your lip, leaning in closer to the window. “Come inside already…” You whispered needily, voice almost trembling from your desperation.
One minute your yard was empty, normal. The picture of suburban bliss. The next, it was overtaken by the shadow of a brutal, ruthless killer, threatening aura filling the whole yard. He should scare you, but your body had a visceral reaction to him. Face hot, skin tingling, panties wet. You wanted him every single night like you’d never wanted anything before, and seeing him was like lighting a fire in your chest. It was borderline humiliating how bad you needed him.
You slid the window open, screen discarded weeks ago, and you waited with vibrating skin. You watched his gloved hands grip the window sill, strong arms pulling him up into your childhood bedroom. Maybe that was part of the appeal. He was so forbidden, having a secret relationship in your home with a man like him was so hot to you.
There he stood in all his glory, black boots heavy on your white rug. He was on you in seconds, hands wandering, grabbing your tits hard with one, the other pushing your panties down. “So wet already.” He growled. His voice close-up was weird, but something you’d gotten used to. You knew he was using a voice changer, it crackled very once in a while and you could hear another voice in tandem with his deep, modulated one. His real voice. You couldn’t hear it well enough to know who it was, but you liked hearing it anyway.
You nodded, breathless, backing up to your bed while pulling him at the bicep with you. You laid back, and he slid your panties off the rest of the way, slipping them into his back pocket. That made your face flame red. The fact that he wanted to keep your wet panties was insane to you, made you feel hot, made you feel wanted. It made you feel like he needed you as bad as you needed him.
“Please…” you whined, pulling on his cloak as he stepped between your legs.
“Needy, huh? Such a pretty girl shouldn’t be acting like such a slut.” He snapped, but you could hear the smirk in his voice. His gloved hands trailed up the smooth skin of your inner thighs, stopping at the apex to admire the way you looked in the low warm light of your bedroom.
He slid his glove off, something he’s never done before. You looked down quickly at his hand, but a firm grip on your jaw slammed you back down to the bed. “No peeking, princess.”
You nodded, finally feeling his skin on yours. His touch felt so much better than the rough material of his gloves. Based on the glance you got, his hands were big, but smooth. Something you didn’t expect from him. You expected rough and dirty hands, not soft and manicured fingers.
All of your pensive thoughts were scrambled when you felt his finger push inside of you, quite easily with how wet you were at this point. He groaned at the feeling of your warm insides, eager to be inside you. A second finger slid in beside the first, curling upwards against the soft spot he knew got a reaction from you. You tensed, legs spreading further with a whine at his touch.
Warmth spread over your legs and belly, up to your chest and face. His fingers squelched as he fucked them into you, curled upwards at every right moment. Your bedsheets felt so soft against your hands as you gripped onto them, eyes closed and mouth open, wanton moans escaping you. While you weren’t focused, he slid a hand underneath his cloak, palming himself through his jeans.
He grumbled something softly, something you didn’t hear.
“Huh?” You asked, that small word the only thing you could muster between moans.
“Wanna taste you.” He said louder, grinding his hips into his hand. “You're gonna be a good girl and keep your eyes shut, okay?” He asked, but you felt a threatening undertone present in his words. You nodded quickly, but whined when his fingers left you. You felt yourself clench around nothing,feeling empty without him inside you.
You shut your eyes tightly, hearing him move to the window to shut the curtain. Your hands were clammy as they pressed over your eyes, you had to make sure you wouldn’t peek. You wanted to see what he looked like, but didn’t want to end up in the paper as the newest Ghostface victim.
For a minute, you waited, then suddenly, an eruption of pleasure as you felt his mouth on you, tongue running up your clit, hands pressing your thighs down against the bed. Without even thinking about it, your hands flew down to grip his hair. He didn’t seem to mind. You tried to gather what little information you could from the feeling. He felt sweaty, but his hair was soft, a little bit longer. But that’s all you could gather. You scrunched your face to emphasize the fact that your eyes were closed.
He sucked your clit into his mouth as two large fingers pushed inside of you. You let out a loud moan, mouth hanging open and back arching up off of the bed. “Holy shit…” you moaned, tightening your grip on his hair. He groaned, squeezing your thighs tight with his bare hands, to your delight, both gloves were off. He was becoming way more comfortable with you.
You felt yourself get close, you felt tingles on your thighs and up your waist, all the way up to your arms. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, you felt so good and you couldn’t think straight. At that moment, you wanted to see him. You needed to know who he was. Desperately, you wanted to kiss him.
“I’m…I…” you whined.
“You’re gonna cum?” He asked, voice breathy with small pants. You tensed up. His voice changer wasn’t on. He sounded so familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it. It was bugging you, but you couldn’t focus on it too long as your orgasm overtook your body, gushing over his fingers and legs trembling as a damn near shriek left your mouth. You felt like you couldn’t see, your ears were ringing and you felt like you had just been beat up. You decided to look. You had to. His voice. You knew him.
You opened your eyes to see the man you’d been fucking the last few weeks. His lips and chin glistening with your cum, face flushed and soft pants escaping his plumped lips, hair sweaty and tousled from your pulling, falling in front of those gorgeous brown eyes.
You couldn’t believe it. You stared in shock. “….B-Billy?”
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intimacyequalsdeath · 1 year ago
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Apple Crumble NSFW Alphabets Day 21: Billy Lenz
Day 21! Welcome to the final day of the third week of Fictober! Thus that means we will be winding down the NSFW alphabets shortly but we still have one more week of Fictober goodies to come!. I do also plan to do more NSFW alphabets in the future including in the fun things I have planned for November and December <3
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut, NSFW
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A is for Aftercare (What they're like after sex):
Not gonna happen, sorry but it's the truth. If anything your going have to be the one who takes care of Billy afterwards if he even sticks around. Though most times he ends up just going back into the attic.
B is for Body Part (Favorite on them and their partner):
On him he likes his hands, he likes how good he makes you and himself feel with them. Though that's about it, Billy has never really thought of his own self long enough to have a "Favorite part"
On you though he likes just about everything. If he had to pick he'd probably choose your ass or your thighs for obviously sexual reasons. Though like I said he really likes everything.
C is for Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Everywhere, literally everywhere, and if you try to tell him otherwise he's not going to listen to you. So be ready for there to always be a mess. The messier the better in Billy's opinion.
D is for Dirty Secret:
Billy is really just one big dirty secret and whether you actually know about his secrets or not is questionable but as long as he thinks you don't know that's fine with him. He does everything from stealing your underwear to watching you shower.
E is for Experience (How experienced are they?):
If creeping on sorority girls while they had their boyfriends over counts then sure, but if not then Billy is the most inexperienced person on the planet when it comes to actual sex. Don't let all his dirty talk fool you, Billy is all bark no bite.
F is for Favorite Position:
He likes cowgirl and reverse cowgirl the best. Mainly because he can just lay there and not do having and have you do all the work for him.
G is for Goofy (How serious are they?):
I don't think Billy is capable of taking anything seriously. Like anything at all really. So expect him to be cackling and talking your ear off pretty much the entire time.
H is for Hair (How well groomed are they?):
Contrary to popular belief and the fact he lives in an attic I do think Billy keeps himself at least slight groomed. He's not the best at it but he doesn't let himself get unruly.
I is for Intimacy (How are they during the act, romantic etc):
This is something I feel like could be up in the air. Like Billy is capable of being at least a little romantic but whether you see romantic Billy or not is up in the air. It depends on his mood and a lot of other factors including if baby Billy wants to throw a fit or not.
J is for Jackoff (Do they masturbate and how often?):
Very often, like almost everyday whether he has you nearby or not. It's almost his favorite thing in the world besides you... and well being a creepy peeping tom murderer, but who's counting.
K is for Kink (Their kinks):
Mommy or Daddy Kink
He has a major choking kink. You'll sometimes have to pry him off if he ever gets a little too into it, but he would never actually hurt you too terribly bad.
Knife play is real big for Billy too. Another instance where he may get too into it but again he would never cause major injury to you.
L is for Location (Favorite places to have sex):
In your bed pretty much always. He likes in the attic for god sake it's not like he ever leaves the house to begin with. Sometimes he might take up a couch or floor somewhere if you can't make it to the bed but he's mostly a classic bed kinda guy.
M is for Motivation (What turns them on?):
If you catch him right after a kill that's when he's most ready to go. He's still got all his adrenaline pumping and also make sure to show up in a slutty outfit. Something about seeing you in barely there clothes drives Billy up the wall.
N is for No (Something they won't do):
There isn't a lot that he wouldn't do, like I said he never wants to cause you any actual severe injuries but they do happen. It's basic as fuck but a big no for him would be anything you wanted to do that involved leaving the house. If you have to leave the house he isn't interested.
O is for Oral (Oral Preferences):
Billy loves to give, like LOVES it. He lives for giving you pleasure and making you happy. He likes to receive too but nearly as much as he likes to give.
P is for Pace (How fast or slow? Are they rough?):
It's a spectrum for Billy. He can go at literally any speed at all depending on his mood. Sleepy slow morning sex to fast hard rough sex after he's killed somebody.
Q is for Quickie ( Do they like quickies?):
Half your sexual encounters with Billy are quickies. Billy loves them, he'll tackle you onto your bed and you won't be able to get him off of you until the both of you have finished about three times each.
R is for Risk (Are they down to experiment?):
Billy is totally down, bring up whatever you want to him and he's entirely down to try it. Bonus points if he ends up hardcore liking it.
S if for Stamina (How long can they go for?):
Billy's good for a few hours, he gets tired and cranky after a while but when he's got full stamina he can go like a rabbit.
T is for Toys (Do they use toys and do they like them?):
Another thing he's entirely down for. I don't think he would use them on himself as much as he would like teasing you with them. Another thing were he loves seeing you writhe with pleasure.
U if for Unfair (Do they like to tease?):
Billy can get mean, especially with his words, but he never ends up teasing you long as it always ends up backfiring and ends with him working himself up and giving you both what you want.
V is for Volume (How loud can they get?):
Billy is loud as hell, he moans, groans sometimes even yells. Hope and pray you don't have any roommates or Billy won't be a secret for long.
W is for Wild Card (Random things):
Billy may not be one for aftercare but you'll get him to stay around longer if you pull his head to your chest and hold him. Billy loves to be held especially by you.
X is for X-Ray (What are they packing):
A good 5 or 6 inches, though he's really skinny without much girth. There's also a curve towards the end of that makes him appear bigger then he actually is.
Y is for Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
Extremely high though if it's obvious your not in the mood he'll backoff and go jerkoff somewhere.
Z is for ZZZ (How fast do they fall asleep?):
Billy like never sleep really. He's bouncing off the walls pretty much 24/7. So he might leave after you guys are done but sleeping is the last thing on his mind.
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