#like i imagine this conversation going in b99 style
nancywheelxr · 6 years
Brainy not being able to choose where to stay, so he divides his time between Alex's apartment, Kara's apartment, and a hotel room Lena got him
and like, if they didn’t know about it, he would probably have terrible excuses to go from one place to the other? Like, at the same level of Kara I flew on a bus Danvers?
As soon as he sets foot on the hotel room, Querl knows he’s in trouble.
Mainly because Lena, Kara, and Alex are standing in the middle of the room with expressions that don’t need words to scream explain. And in all honesty, it’s almost a relief. Lying by omission weights nearly as heavy on his shoulders as flat-out lying did. “I can explain,” he says, dropping his bag on a chair. “It was an accident,” Alex scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest, but sits down on the bed. It’s a good sign, Querl thinks as the other two follow suit. “I did not mean to lie, but things spiraled out of control.” They tend to do that in this century, or so his personal experiences seem to indicate.
Clearing his throat, he begins where all tales do, from the very start.
Colonel Haley firing him isn’t a surprise, not at all. Still, it stings as much as he expected it to, and he retreats to the quiet of his bedroom to lick his wounds. Rationally, Querl knows there was never any chance to win with her, she had been intolerant and set on her prejudices from the start, but he had hoped, if he did a good enough job, then maybe– but it doesn’t matter.
The fact is that he is no longer able to work on the job he had promised to do. Winn had trusted him to be here in his place, and Querl had failed. For now, at least. Later, when his mind isn’t busy trying to come up with a solution for his newly acquired homelessness problem, he will find a way to keep helping Supergirl and the others.
There is not much to pack, he didn’t bring a lot of things with him– never had the time to properly pack back then either. And so, he’s zipping his suitcase closed when Alex barges in, closing the door behind her. “Hey, thank god, you’re still here,” she’s a little out of breath, and he wonders if she ran all the way downstairs. “I don’t have much time, they’ll notice I’m gone soon, but here,” she presses a key to his hand, “it’s for my apartment, my offer still stands, you can stay there as long as you need.”
It’s not that he didn’t remember their conversation a few days earlier, but promising something when it’s all hypothetical is easy. Querl didn’t want to assume, didn’t want to impose. “Thank you,” he says, closing his fist around it. There’s a lot of trust in letting someone in your home, he will not forget this. “I don’t know how to–”
“You don’t have to thank me,” Alex interrupts, waving him off, “but I gotta go. And hey? We’ll fix this, okay? We’ll get you and Kara back, I promise.”
And then she’s gone, sneaking her way back to the control room.
And here is how things begin to– he wouldn’t say go wrong, but it’s not exactly an ideal situation either. This is when it all first derails.
He’s just left the DEO, suitcase in hand and backpack on, wondering if it’s worth to call a cab or just wait around until Alex’s shift is over. It wouldn’t take long, he doesn’t think, but he might run into the Colonel or some less pleasant agents and–
“Brainy?” It’s Lena, lab coat still on as she climbs down the stairs. Her expression is half worry, half anger; she must have heard already then. “I’ve just talked with Alex– I’m truly sorry, I can’t believe they would do that to you.”
“It’s quite alright,” he says, even though it isn’t, not by far, it’s not even logical. “I’ll admit I’m a bit upset about the whole thing, but it’ll be fine– boxes, right?”
It seems that wasn’t the best thing to say, as she only grows more distressed. “Right, right, but what can I do to help?”
“Thank you for the offer, but there’s no need, really,” Querl tries to reassure her. It would do neither of them any good to draw attention in the sidewalk, in the middle of so many civilians. “I will be fine.”
“At least let me get you a car,” Lena says, already pulling out her phone and dialing. She taps her fingers on her arm impatiently, and he decides to accept her offer is the path of least resistance. Being yelled at in a room full of people is surprisingly tiring and he would very much like to lay down for a bit. “Hello, yes, could you bring the car around? No, I need you to drive a friend to– where should I tell him to drop you?”
The last question is directed to him and Querl finds he doesn’t have an answer. Alex’s apartment is too vague a description, not an actual address. He tries to remember ever visiting, but comes up empty as well, any activities are all held at Kara’s place. It’s a stupid mistake, forgetting to ask Alex for directions, and he can’t go back inside now, Colonel Haley had banned him from all government facilities. What was he thinking–
“Oh dear,” Lena breathes, pulling him into a hug. It’s a little awkward at first, as he was not prepared but for the gesture and he’s sure it shows, but before he left for the first time, Winn showed him how to bro hug. And Lena would surely count as a ‘bro’ by now, right? “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this.”
“Thank you,” he sighs in relief. Of course, she would know Alex’s address. A car rounds the corner, nicer than any cab in the city and with a trunk that will fit his bags less dangerously than Alex’s bike.
“I need to go back inside– as much as I wish to tell that Colonel exactly where to shove it, this city needs that filter.” She helps him into the car, rattling off an address to the driver, before turning to him one last time, “should you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call, alright?”
Something about the address bothers him. The name of the street, it’s downtown, Alex could never afford it with a government salary, and– it’s a hotel. Lena didn’t know Querl already had a place to stay, she probably interpreted his hesitation as lack of options. He needs to–
The car is halfway to the next street and Lena Luthor is a shrinking figure waving goodbye from the sidewalk.
And this is the final nail on the metaphorical coffin.
His coffin.
He’s at Nanoon’s getting coffee, waiting for his order so distractedly he doesn’t even notice Kara approaching. Querl is in the middle of he considers a halfway decent plan to tell the truth to both Alex and Lena without hurting any of their feelings, and then suddenly there’s a blur of blonde hair and pastel colors wrapping her arms around him. She startles him a little, but it’s– nice. Kara is very good at hugging, in his opinion.
“I’m so sorry,” she says, voice angry and sad and frustrated all rolled in one sentence, “Colonel Jerk Face has no business kicking you out– it’s all just so unfair!”
“It will be fine,” he assures her, because, at this point, he almost believes so. “We will find a way to reinstate us both soon.”
“Yeah, I know, but even so,” Kara makes a face, scrunching up her nose as if tasting something sour, “it still sucks. How are you feeling?”
The question catches him off guard, “oh. I am– feeling better than a few hours ago,” he picks up his coffee and the box of scones. Not a bribery, but a peace offering. “It’s been quite the change, but I’ll adjust.”
“I wish there was more I could– wait,” her eyes widen behind her glasses, and she goes from frustration to excitement to sadness in surprisingly quick succession. “Where are you going to live?”
“Well,” he draws out the word, stalling. Either at Alex’s or in a hotel room– all he needs is to choose which. Kara is still looking at him expectantly, and should he make a run for the door? No, she’d catch up. But it’s fine, he’d have to choose anyway, before meeting with Alex or Lena.
“Oh no,” she eventually interjects, shoulders drooping and eyes going wide and sad at the edges. Sad puppy eyes, Alex had called. “I dunno why I asked, nevermind that. I have a spare bedroom, you should come live with me– it’ll be great! I’m a great roommate, you’ll see. We can have movie nights! And Taco Tuesdays! It’ll be awesome. What do you say?”
Querl has faced dozens of most dangerous criminals before, both with the legion and here in the 21st Century, but saying no when Kara Danvers is smiling brighter than any sun and looking so happy with her idea– it’s positively impossible. So he says, “it would be my honor,” and hurries out of the coffee shop before someone else can come along and offer him someplace to sleep.
He never thought that would be a problem before.
“Cool,” she calls, still grinning, “just come by later and we’ll work out the details!”
This is not good.
“And then I did not know how to tell the truth to any of you,” he finishes explaining, “every simulation I ran, all the scenarios included at least one of you being upset, and I could not bring myself to choose, so I decided the wisest course of action would be to wait until I had found the solution.”
“You managed to divide your time between here and both out places,” Alex raises her eyebrows, sounding a lot less angry than before. Almost impressed, the hopeful part of him would say. “For nearly two weeks?”
“Yes, it was easy. I checked in the hotel and then flew out of the balcony,” Querl tells her; honesty is the wisest thing to be right now. “You are almost never home so I usually go to Kara’s or tell her I’m spending the night at your place. She never questions it or the lack of luggage.”
Both Alex and Lena turn to look at Kara, and she shrugs, “what? I just figured– I don’t know! 31st technology or something, like shrinking things or, or, like Barry’s ring? That stores his suit? It’s not that impossible!”
“You need to stop watching so much science fiction,” Alex scoffs, “and you should have just told us the truth.”
“Yes, from the beginning,” Lena sighs, uncrossing her arms, “we would have understood. You choosing only one out of our offers doesn’t mean a personal insult to the rest.”
“Yeah,” Kara nods emphatically, “it doesn’t mean you like us any more or less. It just means that Alex was faster, that sneaky cheater. Or that this room is like, ridiculously nice. I mean– this bed? It’s like sitting on a cloud.”
“I apologize,” he hopes they can hear how much he means it, “it was not my intention to lie or cause any trouble. I, well. I am truly sorry.”
Lena shakes her head, “apology more than accepted, but,” she pauses, “it makes no sense for you to keep going back and forth between our places anymore. You’ll have to choose.”
“Yeah,” Alex says, a grin slipping into her face, “it’s time. Choose.”
Before he could spiral into doubt again, Kara smiles knowingly, “why don’t we do this– you should stay with me, it just makes more sense. Alex is there most nights anyway, and Lena is always stopping by. My place is basically our secret headquarters right now and official hang out base.”
“That is– yes, it would make more sense,” he echoes. It does make sense, it’s the logical choice– it’s almost no choice at all, really. “Thank you.”
“Great,” her grin grows brightly, “now that that’s settled, we should really order some room service, I’m starving.”
Yes, Querl thinks things just might be looking up after all.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
quaranteens (hc) | p.p.
summary: how you and petey boi spend your quarantine <3
i'm not even writing a warning for this one at this point y'all now how i write HAHA
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- covid-19
- coronavirus
- lil shitbag asshole virus
- let's get it !
being quarantined with peter parker at avengers headquarters
- lots of animal crossing
- like lots
- you and peter visit each other's islands and it's SO FUNNY
- you keep BONKING each other on the head with your nets
- you shake a tree and a wasps nest falls out
- naturally you yell "SHIT" and steve yells "LANGUAGE"
- so you start fucking SPRINTING (in the game lmao) TO RUN AWAY FROM THE WASPS
- you start fucking WHEEZING
- you cannot breathe
- peter just sets the switch down and throws his head back, letting out an annoyed groan/yell
- "bitch ass motherfucker" he whispers as he picks the switch back up
- let's not forget to mention the fact that
- the entire time you and peter are playing
- the two of you are like intertwined
- most of the time your head is in his lap or vice versa
- like y'all get into the WEIRDEST POSITIONS on the couch
- sometimes steve or tony or nat or any of them really will walk by and be like "wtf... kinda cute doe"
- but it's so comfy!!!!!!
- and when y'all play at night it's of course in your rooms
- usually it'll start with the two of you separated
- and then one of you is usually like "why the fuck are we apart right now" and goes into the other's room
- then y'all will get all close to each other and play and there'll just be occasional giggling and tiny conversations and cussing here and there
- peter just starts to HARASS one of ur villagers
- you get a little upset but it's AL so you're like... lol not my problem
- one day peter shows you this tiktok where some couple was playing together and it was like "how me and my bf are spending quarantine apart"
- but you and peter find it SO FUNNY
- you know what's coming
- irl the two of you are DYING in his bed
- like rolling all over the place because you're laughing so hard
- peter uses a popper as... you know... and you YELL CAUSE YOU LAUGHED SO HARD
- also it's 4 in the fucking morning
- sam is FED UP
- !!
- he's like what in the everloving HELL are they DOING!!!
- so
- the man enters the premises like
"what the hell are you two-"
- you can barely get that word out because of your laughter
- but you hold up the switch
- sam watches and realizes RIGHT AS PETER USES ANOTHER POPPER
- the LOOK on his face
- he fucking smiles and buries his face in his hands, shaking his head
- when he finally composes himself his eyes are fucking
"i might just have to get that game.."
- okay that's it for the animal crossing section of this imagine lol i'm obsessed with this game AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE IT
- OKAY MOVING ON!!!!!!!!!!
- the AMOUNT of TV the two of you watch
- the two of you alternate shows you pick (so like peter chooses then you then peter etc etc)
- peter chooses b99 (bae)
- y'all finish that shit in a WEEK
- then you recommend euphoria
- he's like uh okay
- cause he knows how inappropriate that show is lol
- so every time there's a dick on the screen he covers your eyes
- and every time there's b00bies on the screen you cover his
- and some point he's like
"y/n you do realize that i've seen boobs before"
- you're like
- i mean yeah but i refuse to think about that because you're supposed to be innocent and pure and a puppy dsfjkdfnkj
- so you retort
"and you do realize that i've seen a dick before?"
- peter is the more jealous baby
- he pauses the show and shifts his body towards you
"wait, where?"
- you cringe
"some kid i'd just met sent me a dick pic.."
- peter's like okay convo over
- the two of you keep watching but now it's more uncomfortable
- at the end of the episode you were watching (imma say episode two lol)
- you bust out laughing
"you know the kid's dick was like... small, right? like i didn't enjoy receiving that picture? it was unsolicited, peter"
- he laughs lightly
"yeah, okay"
- you poke his cheek
"someone's jealous"
- he gasps
"i am NOT jealous!"
"you just don't like the fact that i've seen a dick"
"i guess, yeah"
"peter, i'm going to eventually"
- the poor kid is like we need to stop talking about penises right the fuck now
- im so sorry for writing that part in haha it just came to mind and it's CONTENT you know and i really feel like it's a realistic convo to have in that situation
- the last episode makes you cry and you don't even realize you're crying until peter holds you closer and wipes the tear off your cheek
- bae
- let's just say the two of you finished euphoria in a day
- okay also
- the amount of dance parties the two of you had... insurmountable
- like y'all would be training together and a bop would come on and you'd stop punching just to jump around and make complete fools of yourselves
- the two of you had to have a dance party after finishing euphoria because that shit put you in a FUNK
- but yeah
- dance!!!!!!!!!!!
- okay BAKING!!!!!
- y'all made so much food
- cookies
- cake
- pretzels
- brownies
- like
- never going hungry
- half the time the kitchen is a whole MESS but it's okay cause when you do clean it up you and peter throw bubbles at each other and it's great
- steve swears everyone is going to get so out of shape
- so he comes up with a system
- everyone gets snack time together and then thirty minutes later everyone goes and trains to make up for the extra calories
- and lemme just say
- the training sessions go HARD
- everyone is fucking sugar high it's the most chaotic thing ever
- music blaring
- sam and bucky are wrestling
- tony and steve are arguing in the corner (award for most calories burnt)
- nat and wanda are fighting bruce and pietro and nearly kill each other
- meanwhile you and petey boi are seeing who can do the most complicated gymnastics set
- as soon as the boy does a layout you're like okay BYE
- so yeah
- baking!!!!!!
- time for even more fluff
- cuddling
- oh
- my
- god
- the two of your are in physical contact 99% OF THE TIME
- and that's mainly peter's fault because he lowkey clingy but YOU LOVE IT
- the two of you build a fort in the commons and have movie marathons along with your tv marathons
- occasionally one or more of the team will come chill with y'all
- there's an overall "no judgment zone" that has been declared at headquarters
- aka mind ya own fucking business
- unless someone is literally in a deep state of depression then something needs to be done
- but like
- literally everyone notices how often the two of you are just intertwined with each other
- it's 🅱razy
- also y'all order tons of pizza
- like tons
- thankfully u and peter are like ayo fast metabolism check! (smh i wish lol once i quit soccer it really hit me OOPS)
- y'all are switched to online school
- you and peter-man get really competitive with it to see who can finish all their work the fastest
- thing is the two of you literally have pretty much identical schedules so you end up going at the same pace to work together
- maybe you help each other on quizzes and tests
- no one will ever know
- and overall you two are lowkey thriving in that department because you end up finishing your work for the week in like two or three days and have the rest of the time to just VIBE
- a/n y'all i seriously recommend actually doing that like i get a SUPER big workload at the beginning of the week and as soon as i can i just ZOOOOOM and try to get it all knocked out and it's honestly really helpful
- obviously this can be really difficult for people who aren't self motivated and maybe depressed but i would just try!! if you can!! okay note over BACK TO THE SHITS N GIGGLES
- so yeah
- i don't really have anything else to say but
- overall being quarantined with peter and the team is really nice and the vibes are THERE
- fuck i got another idea
- okay
- it's the middle of the night and you and peter are watching some movie that netflix autoplayed
- the two of you get a notification and look at your phones at the same time
UPDATE: Midtown School of Science and Technology has now been shut down for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year. Online school will continue.
- the two of you visibly shrink
- deadass
- like you just slump over and toss your phone
- you curl up into the boy and a tear rolls down your cheek cause it finally hits you
- this shit is real..
- you sniffle and peter immediately turns to you and wipes your cheek
"hey, it's okay. i'm here."
"i don't know, i just... miss everyone, i guess."
- he nods
- and then he kisses you
- oh so softly
- i'm here
- ...
+ + +
thank u for reading loves
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hbwbyniall · 5 years
Number 2 for the writing prompt pleeeease and thank you!!!
HEEEY!! so I don’t know if you had read my b99 au before but this is kind of a sequel to it!! I hope you enjoy!
Harry was undercover for almost ten months trying to dismantle a drug operation that turned into something even bigger, the Italian mafia from that part of Brooklyn.
Niall was reassigned to work with this guy Tom that no one really likes. His cases had been slow and, even if he doesn’t want to admit it, boring. It’s not like he misses Harry, because he doesn’t, he can barely stand the guy. Harry is too charming and too confident to the point of irritation, he acts without thinking of the consequences and drags everyone into his messes. But he’s also pretty smart and funny. So when Niall is stuck in a car with Tom hearing him talk about peanuts and reality shows, he can’t help but think about Harry.
It’s not entirely his fault. It’s Harry’s. The day he was picking up his stuff, just moments before infiltrating into the mafia, he went to Niall’s car to say goodbye and said a couple of words that had been haunting Niall for ten months since he walked away.
“I kinda wish we had been more.”
He didn’t understand it at first. Niall just stood there, his mouth open wide as Harry smile to the side and walk right next to him. More than what? He asked himself for about five minutes and by the time he finally turned around, Harry had left and there was no way to contact him.
Maybe he just said to mess up with him, maybe it didn’t mean anything. Could have been the perfect joke. He left Niall wondering and imagine what if for ten entire months, he took away nights of sleep recreating every interaction and conversation they had since they meet, trying to find the exact moment Harry change his feeling about him, the moment he started liking him too. Because even if he won’t ever say it out loud, Niall likes Harry, he has for a while now, even before the whole undercover operation thing.
But here’s the thing, he could also have been saying the truth. Maybe he really thought he wasn’t coming back, at least not in a long time and he needed Niall to know. But there’s no certainty in that and Niall can’t work with uncertainty. He rational, he’s always prepared and organized, most of the time, he can’t be caught in surprise, but Harry always does, he always surprises him and he is always pushing him far from his comfort zone, and usually it’s not a bad thing.
So when Captain Basil got the call, the one coming from Harry to give him green light to the operation, Niall put his bulletproof vest and ran to the van faster than ever before.
And to be honest, everything was going great. They bust into Lorenzo’s wedding when every guest was eating the cake so they couldn’t get far away when the squad kicked down the door. A pile of money, which according to Harry could be easily be linked to the fire of rival gangs’ lab that occurred three days ago, was on display next to the dessert table, as it was a present for them.
Harry was sitting on the other side of the room, next to the honor table with his hair way too short on the sides and wearing long earring coming from his left ear. The shirt halfway open and he has now a couple more tattoos in his arms and his chest, not like Niall could notice that from where he’s standing arresting Maurizio Monticello nor he could see the side smiling Harry was throwing at his way as Zayn pretended to arrest him, slapping his body to the table, thing that Niall was pretty much enjoying.
But Harry is allergic to play by the book, it’s an actual condition of his, not being physically capable following orders. He likes to be dramatic, he likes the theatrics so when everything was going so smoothly, Niall should’ve known that something bad was about to happen, something like Harry yelling “I rather die than going with you!” at Zayn’s face and then a mafia friend lifting up his hand to make his wishes come true.
Niall heard the shot, it was loud and it made everything go slower, even in the middle of the chaos happening around them. He saw the guy pulling out the gun from his ankle and pointing at Harry, screaming “Fino alla morte, fratello” but it was too late, Niall throw the handcuffed guy to Liam and try to run to Harry but Basil hold him by the waist and took him out of the building.
His captain keeps repeating tohim that Zayn has Harry, he is going to take him to the ambulance and he will be alright and Niall, for the last two and a half years has trust blindly in Basil, but right at this second, with the air filling up his lungs and somehow making it hard to breathe, with his eyes slowly watering, everything coming out of his mouth was just numb noise. He needs to see Harry, he couldn’t just trust in Basil’s words, so he broke the embrace and ran to the other side of the building only to see Zayn going into the ambulance.
When he tried to approach the doors, two officers try to stop him.
“He’s my partner, get out of the way.”
So he knocks, louder than the police sirens and the screams inside the building, he knocks till his knuckles are blood red and he yells Zayn’s name until he finally opens the door. The look on his face is not good, Niall doesn’t like it, he’s concerned, but the second he sees Niall, he smiles, just a little and Niall knows it’s bad.
Zayn steps down and Niall goes into the ambulance as he hears the doors closing behind him and the vehicle starts running. Harry is laying in a litter, his abdomen is covered in blood and he’s having some trouble to breathe. The paramedic is holding some texture to apply pressure on the bullet hole when Harry lays eyes on him. He opens the mouth to say his name but he starts coughing blood.
“I’m right here, okay? You’re all right.” Niall runs to his side, taking the paramedic’s place holding the texture with one hand and Harry’s hand with the other one.
He didn’t realize he was crying until he feels Harry’s fingers running through his face, making a mess more than cleaning it up.
“So,” Harry smiles. “How you been?”
“You’re such an idiot!” Niall yells at his face. “Everything was going well and you just had to make a dramatic exit.”
“You’re ruining my cover, Horan.”
He says, and Niall notices how the words tremble on his lips and how pale he is right now.
“There’s no one here!” Niall looks up to his vital signs trying to figure it out how long is left to get to the hospital.
“Hey.” Harry whispers and Niall gets near him, his lips almost touching his ear. “Remember what I told you when I left?” Niall swallows and then nods. “Well, that’s not true, I was just joking around.”
Niall clears his throat and sits still, letting Harry’s hand go.
“We don’t need to talk about thatright now, Styles,” Niall says, nodding at the paramedic as she starts to give
Harry some morphine. They’re close now. “Or ever again.”
“I’m just saying,” He says, looking at the wall next to him. “I don’t want the brick wall you have for a boyfriend to cause me some trouble.”
“Bressie and I are no longer together,” Niall says, not knowing exactly why, but it’s the truth.
Niall knew they weren’t a good match, and after that night, he could feel it more than ever. Everything with
Bressie was so plain and boring, he never made him laugh, at least not genuinely. And when he found himself comparing him to Harry, he knew he had to end up things. It’s not like he was waiting for him; it was just not fair. He also knew that this was a very plausible scenario, he just has to live with it now.
“What?!” Harry says, turning his head so fast Niall fears he could actually stretch a muscle. “Then I take it back, I mean it.” He reaches for Niall’s hand and he lets him hold it. “I really mean it.”
Niall shakes his head trying to bite down his smile. He shouldn’t put this so easily for Harry. So when he tries to free his hand from Harry’s embrace, he holds on tight.
“That was so stupid, I’m sorry.” He coughs again, but it’s bloodless this time. “I just didn’t want you to hurt me, but I like you, I really do.”
“What makes you think that I like you,” Niall asks as the ambulance parks in the hospital.
“Your eyes.” His eyes are getting tired and his smile his fading.
“You’re gonna be so embarrassed when you wake up.” Niall laughs and hears the doctors screaming outside.
“If I wake up! I’m dying, Niall!” The doors open and they take him immediately. “I need an answer!” he screams from behind and Niall steps outside the ambulance, following the doctors.
“At least the bleeding is not internal, right?” Niall laughs as they enter the emergency room.
“That was one time!” Harry screams back before they take him to operation and Niall pretends his heart is not rising.
At the time the squad gets back, he has bitten all of his nails and his shoes keep tapping the floor. But when Liam puts his hand on his shoulder, he knows everything is fine, it has to be. They still have a lot to talk about.
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skcctskcct-blog · 5 years
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elizabeth olsen; 24; she/her —— is that really rita skeeter? it’s been so long! did you hear she is studying to be a journalist? from what i remember, she was blithe and humorous, but also pretty nosy and vindictive, who knows after all this time. word on the street is, they’re neutral in the war, but that doesn’t define them.
character inspiration: caroline forbes (tvd), cordelia chase (btvs),  gina linetti (b99), santana lopez (glee),  regina george (mean girls)
pinterest here
she back!! god this girl is a nightmare but i love her
basically rita is hilarious, selfish, entitled, bubbly, adventurous, and scary levels of confident
rita grew up an only child on  her mother’s family fortune (Elizabeth Skeeter nee Blishen is the heiress to the Blishen Firewhiskey fortune) and her father’s notorious name, Johnathan Skeeter is a famous author in his own right, having written the best selling biography, Newt Scamander: Distinguished or Disgrace? and other multiple exposes with skeptical amounts of bias and fact-checking. elizabeth herself was prone to many a scandal in her younger days which her current husband often covered up for her and her family. the reputation of the skeeters is dubious, and yet have enjoyed all the luxuries of notoriety
her family i imagine is v much the equivalent of “new money” to higher society? it’s possible she knows and is friendly with many pureblood families. her dad works v hard for connections since the more people you know, the more information you have. information is everything to a skeeter and rita is similar to her father in many ways. marrying rich was v much part of his plan as he is a bit of a schemer and manipulative. although he has bent the rules to get where he is, possibly by conspiring with families with pureblood ideals for politcal gains, smear campagins, basically biased news for those he’s friendly with,his methods have helped him rise to fame and notoriety very quickly.
rita admires him for his success and emulates his style where she can. while she’s a little low on the totem pole at her internship at the local newspaper, she’s clawed her way to be editor of the school paper with her skeeter’s opinion column where she frequently pulls apart situations and spins a half truth or two.
since rita is young, she’s not as rotten and opportunistic as she seems. there’s still a bit of naivete to her, and whatever she might say or write she sees as a bit of a joke. she’s just practicing for the ‘big leagues’ while unaware that real life really isn’t as dramatic and interesting in the way the papers play it up to be. besides, in her opinion there’s a bit of glamour to making the front page, it’s an honor to be mentioned. she’s very much of the mind that all press is good press and won’t hold her tongue for the sake of feelings.
rita has been spoiled from the beginning, and can be the worst
but she is also a good time and quite entertaining, even fun when she wants to be 
basically she’s an acquired taste
she’s dramatic, maybe a little romantic. life and people are colorful, everything is larger than life. but in ways that are good and mostly terrible. while she can’t quite see things for what they really are, her downfall isn’t that she’s a liar but that she prefers the lie to the real deal
look at her the wrong way, say the wrong thing. maybe she enjoys the hell out of you. it doesn’t matter, because a story is a story and the better the story the more she can spin it to be more ‘interesting’.  its hard to tell with her what her actual opinion is on something. everything she says is for the sake of controversy and really spreading the word. 
she has a mean streak and will seek to push a person’s buttons as far as she can. revenge and pettiness are her bread and butter. she’s also a touch competitive, she wants and likes to win.
she is a captivating person, curious, and fluid with flamboyant gestures. she often inserts herself into the lives of people who she is curious about. she likes to KNOW things. everything and anything. 
she honestly loves her bad reputation?? and she’s confident and just …. a mess. 
rita is numero uno 
her habits include: hair flipping, loud laughter, tapping her nails, gossip, crossing her arms, sipping port wine, smoking, a permanent expression of smugness
favorite things include: writing, croissants, espresso, bright colors, bold fonts, scandalous hollywood starlets, and teasing her peers
rita dreams of being a writer, and always has quill and parchment with her. to hone her skills, she has started an internship at both the school’s and the local papers. she keeps herself extremely busy and is always in motion. she is a little dissatisfied with the small town feel of university. she longs to travel to the ‘big city’ where there are more things to see and write about, she has always had that feeling of wanderlust
after her graduation from hogwarts in the year ahead, she disappeared.  in an uncharacteristic moment of rebellion rita took a sabbatical from her education while she traveled the world. she insisted and was meant to be gone over a year. but she returned after only a few months. 
she claims to have changed her mind about focusing on school rather than the truth, travel was disappointing. she was lonely with no one she knew to pester and write about. the miles and miles of beautiful scenery, good food and strangers should’ve been exhilarating and inspiring. the trip was a surprising failure to her, and she refuses to discuss it.
rita would never admit it, but there is a big part of her that is happy to be amongst her classmates and those she knows again. 
rita loves people watching, she’s a borderline stalker. sneaking around and going through people’s things to learn more about them or listening in on conversations that look remotely interesting.  she regularly reads her roommate’s diaries if they’re not careful. she can get in anywhere, always hidden in plain sight. 
like. it seems like she talks non-stop so you would think you would see her coming but ??? she can pOP OUT OF SEEMINGLY NOWHERE? ?? v unsettling
she is an animagus and can turn into a beetle. rita taught herself by breaking into the hogwart’s restricted section in her last year. she will often use this to spy on her classmates and even professors for anything newsworthy.
so YES lmk if you would like to plot, she could learn secrets, have rivalries, frenemies, friends, really any sort of relationship really, she’ll def try to know everyone
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castcharmperson · 6 years
Taakitz: Crossover
What up!! It’s November!! Literally my only note to myself when writing this story was, and this is a direct copy-paste from my google doc, “For the love of god i gotta keep this one short or I’ll lose my mind.” AND NOW I HAVE 9k+ WORDS SO???
A thousand thank you’s to the folks behind @taakitzweek - participating was a joy and a privilege and gifted me this AU that I’m pretty sure will live in my heart forever. To be posted in six parts over the course of the next week. Please enjoy part one of Speed Trap, a b99 styled, white collar inspired, non-magical modern au where Taako does a crime and Kravitz absolutely does not get paid enough to deal with it. Warning for a paraphrase of the ‘tentacle your dick’ quote.
It wasn’t Taako’s fault that he got fired. The product was damaged, some kid was clumsy in the back of the shop, so the manager told Taako to throw out it. Sure, the eyeshadow palette was cracked, but other than that it was perfectly fine. Some pigment from the blue crossed into the green, but honestly, Taako had several outfits that would be amazing with that unique shade of teal. So the product was supposed to go in the trash, instead it ended up in Taako’s pocket. There was almost no difference between the two, especially when he changed out of his work uniform and into his black skinny jeans that were all but threadbare.
But then he was in the parking lot, sitting on the hood of his car and nowhere near the store, when his manager thought it’d be a great time to remind him that smoking would be the death of him. Seriously, Taako was off the clock and even if he wasn’t, his manager wasn’t his mom, don’t tell him what to do.
“Hey, why do you have one of our palettes in your pocket?”
So now Taako didn’t have a job. Again. He’d been lucky to score that easy gig, to have some sort of start at paying off his loans, but now he was blacklisted from the entire mall. And it wasn’t like he could work in any of the restaurants nearby because his asshole ex-boyfriend had literally soured every contact they had in the food industry.
Taako had three degrees to his name. He was an engineer and a chef, but even before his credibility was destroyed, the only thing his fancy education brought him was a bank account perpetually in the red.
“Hey Koko, you’re home early.” Lup shrugged off her uniform jacket and went directly to the fridge. Living with his sister was the best thing to happen to him since coming back from the nightmare Paris had turned into. She had a steady job, a dangerous one, but she was never late to pay rent like he always seemed to be. She was so patient with him, it almost felt unfair. She really should have kicked him out by now; instead, she constantly reminded him that his luck would change any day now. He’d catch his break, or there was always a job for him at the station.
He appreciated her offer, he really did, but Taako he knew he wouldn’t survive a day being a police officer. The idea of him being in uniform and competently saving lives was laughable. He barely managed to handle the stress of knowing his sister was putting her life on the line for this shitty city.
“Uh, yeah.” And he could not handle the stress of her knowing he got fired again.
“Everything okay? I know you’re manager’s a jerk but maybe-“
“They actually got fired today.” What? No, stop. He was not lying to his sister, she’d see right through him. Instead, Lup turned around grinning. “Yeah and um, I’m the new manager. Regional position, actually, pretty nice.”
“Taako!” She was hugging him and he felt sick. “That’s amazing! I told you things would turn around!” What happened to twin telepathy? Why did she believe him? Why was he lying to her??
She said something about a date with Barry, but Taako was barely listening. Now that he was thinking about it, it wasn’t surprising that she believed him; they didn’t keep things from each other, she had no reason to suspect anything.
Home alone again, the smart thing to do would be to tell her the truth. Text her. It would maybe ruin her date, but at least the fall out would be buffered until she got back home. Besides, date night with Barry meant the two of them were shopping for Mr. and Mrs. suitcase sets or some other gross couple-y nonsense. There wasn’t much to ruin. She’d be mad, but in time, everything would be fine.
Just sitting on the couch, phone in hand as he hovered over the digital keyboard, he was already nauseous from her imagined anger. Getting fired again was bad enough, but lying to her? Why did he say that?
The smart thing to do would be telling the truth. But the Taako thing to do would be to make the truth. He said he got promoted, new job, new hours, new money. All he had to do was find that job.
Next morning, he was out of the house before she even woke up. Note on the fridge, something vague about new hours for manager training and a breakfast pastry waiting for her, and she wouldn’t suspect a thing. Taako wasn’t sure where he was going to find this new truth of a job, but it had to be out there. The mall by the house wasn’t an option, but there were other malls and he had gas to burn after swiping that seemingly unlimited gift card off of some rich asshole a few months back.
Speeding down the highway, Taako forced himself to be hopeful. It was the tail end of fall, places would be hiring. The kids to help with the summer rush all had classes again and stores wanted to start preparing for the holiday rush. Lup was right, even if she didn’t know the whole picture. His luck was turning.
But maybe that luck was taking a smoke break as he heard sirens behind him. Glancing in the mirror, a cop car tailed him down the freeway. “Bullshit,” Taako cursed as he pulled over. Everyone sped down this stretch, why was he being pulled over?
He rolled down his window and was treated to someone glaring at him through a large pair of aviators. “Sir, do you know how fast you were going?” Ridiculous sunglasses matched with an equally ridiculous accent. No way that was real.
Taako couldn’t help himself, losing the fight against the grin taking over his face. “Blimey, officer, I ain’t sure.” It’d been over a decade since his and Lup’s high school stardom in a rather strange retelling of Oliver Twist but Taako’s accent was still more believable than the officer’s.
The officer’s brow twitched and then the glasses came off as though Taako’s joke might have somehow been a trick of his lenses. “Excuse me?” The accent was faltering worse now, but without the glasses, Taako was able to fully appreciate the man’s face.
“Oh wow, if all the cops were as handsome as you, I’d maybe be tempted to follow all the laws.”
The handsome man’s face twisted further in confusion. “What is wrong with you? I’m giving you a speeding ticket and you’re hitting on me?”
Taako just shrugged, but then the threat of a ticket finally sunk in. “Wait, shit, a ticket? Come on, I couldn’t have been going that fast.”
“I’ve certainly seen faster on this street, but eighty in a fifty five still isn’t great.”
Taako did the math real quick, facts and figures from Lup’s studying for the academy still fresh in his mind even though she’d graduated years ago. There was no way he could afford a ticket for going that high over the limit. “Okay hold on, hot stuff. Can’t you cut me a break? First time offense and all?”
“Not five seconds ago, you admitted to me that the lack of attractive police force was contribution to your history of crime.” His tone was turning amused now, seeming to enjoy the way the conversation had slipped back into his control. His smile was unfairly charming, even if the accent was still disastrous.
Taako couldn’t afford to be distracted though. “I’m not a criminal! Dude, come on, I will give you everything in my wallet if you don't ticket me.”
“Bribing an officer? I do not want to deal with the paperwork for that. Just stay here.” He started back to his squad car and Taako leaned out the window to holler after him.
“Come on, hot stuff, don’t be like this! At least lemme get that name, I’m about to suck your dick for free if I can’t do it to get out of a ticket!”
The officer ignored him, coming back to throw a slip of paper through Taako’s window. His sunglasses were back on, covering some of his face but not enough to hide the blush from what Taako had been shouting at him. “Do me a favor, Mr. Taako? Be a criminal in some other district because I would love to never ticket you again.”
At least the piece of paper gave Taako a name: K. Queen. Not that it meant anything with one of the most common last names in the city. Besides, Taako couldn’t exactly try to hook up with someone if he got arrested for overdue fines. Long after the officer drove off, Taako sat in his own car on the side of the highway. The price mocked him from the piece of paper, like it knew he’d never afford it and rent at the same time.
Another car zoomed past him, easily going over the eighty Taako had been caught for. If only he could pull over that guy, charge him in order to pay off his own ticket. It’d be fair- there were drunk drivers and reckless assholes all over this stupid city. They should be getting ticketed, not him!
Wait… That wasn’t a bad idea.
[Part Two]
Please come scream at me in my ask box about this AU because even after I post all of this fic I might write little bonuses for it. And thanks so much for reading! I know I am well past the taakitz week deadline for posting this. If you want to, check out my charmedwords tag for more taz fics!
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