#like i had a phase when i wore full face makeup every day
quenthel · 2 years
Not excusing the evils of the beauty industry here but i think the main reason why a lot of ppl spend so much time putting on makeup every day it's bc it's a good ritual that puts you into the mindset of going into "work mode" or "busy mode". Like people just love habits and rituals and the beauty industry exploits that want AND people's insecurities too
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andivmg · 19 days
how did you find your personal style? im going through this phase where I hate all my clothes my hair my makeup. idk i just feel so stuck :(
it’s crazy to me that you think i found it😭
to me i don’t think i really have a personal style. like i’ve experimented with so many different styles of everything clothes, hair, makeup, etc. and i think at this moment i’m just using a mix of everything.
like with my makeup i’ve truly done it all. e-girl, natural, douyin, full glam 2016 makeup like you name it, i’ve probably done it and i’ve just kept elements of each one that i think work for my face and my features and what look i want to go for etc. i’ve found that asian inspired makeup works the best on my eye shape and it’s really flattering, but i add thicker eyeliner because it suits me more. i also realized that i don’t like going too heavy on the base makeup on a daily basis bc it’s inconvenient so i just slap some concealer, blush, and highlighter on and call it a day.
my hair is a similar kind of situation where i’ve dyed and styled it so many different ways but at the end of the day i keep coming back to my natural hair color, which is like blackish brown, and i think it just suits me the best. i also realized i like my hair the most when it’s long so i do my best to keep it healthy and not cut it too short. i’ve tried bangs and while they’re cute for like two seconds, i had to style them every day which was annoying and inconvenient so i’ve let them grow out.
my clothes i don’t even want to get into it bc we’re in the same boat anon like i look at my closet and have a breakdown anytime i have to go anywhere. i have clothes from every phase of my life and i just kind of mix them. i realized i like a more alternative look without going all in (ig you could call it edgy but i hate that) like leather jacket, docs, fishnets, etc. BUT, i live in puerto rico and if i wore the outfits i wanted i would have a heat stroke. so i just include elements of it wherever i can it’s just really hard. and also i feel like with clothes there’s a time and place for everything like you’re not gonna catch me in a tripp nyc mini skirt if i’m going to the beach yk? and that’s why you guys see me wearing more summery shit bc i dress for the occasion and the climate not necessarily for my own personal style if that makes sense
all that to say. i think finding your personal style or aesthetic isn’t as important as you might think. obviously it’s good to feel comfortable and confident in how you look and what you wear, i’m not trying to say otherwise. i just think hyperfocusing on portraying a specific style every day can be really exhausting and you’ll just end up right back where you started. also, experimenting with different styles and looks is extremely helpful in figuring out what you like to see yourself in and what makes you feel good.
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nikkireedsource · 4 months
Nikki Reed: What I Wish I Knew About Beauty When I Was Younger
Our columnist was playing with makeup before she knew how to ride a bike, but it took more than a skilled hand to establish her relationship with inner worth.
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Welcome to Take Five, my recurring beauty and nutrition column onELLE.com culled from a lifelong passion for animals, the outdoors, and feeling good. For me, the notion of taking five—whether the number pertains to ingredients in a food or just a moment to ask your body how it's feeling—can make all the difference. Consider this your 300-second-long wellness retreat.
A woman's hands tell a story. Her journey, a masterpiece, beautifully painted line by line, with each spot and vein in its perfect placement. I remember staring at my mom's hands as a child, watching her tap the steering wheel of the car with her knuckle rings to the beat of whatever song was playing, knowing that mine would someday look just like that; I couldn't wait. I remember the first time I was told I looked like her. It was the response to a side-by-side photo of us, both smiling, cheekbones pronounced, every line on my mom's face exposed, showcasing her beauty in a way I had never noticed. I delighted in the thought of growing into a woman with that kind story etched so wonderfully on her face, with signs of a life filled with deep belly laughter and adventures many wouldn't believe; once again, I couldn't wait.
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But it wasn't always that way.
I grew up fast. In fact, ​Mom gave me my first makeup kit, a hand-me-down from her best friend, Alex, before I could ride a bike. She let me do whatever I wanted when it came to my self-expression as it pertained to my image. I had a perm by the time I was five years old. I was the first girl in third grade to have magenta hair. I even got my tongue pierced around the ripe age most young girls were trying on their first pair of earrings. Needless to say, makeup was something I didn't skimp on. I went through the sparkly eye shadow phase for a little longer than most, I wore a full face of foundation for at least one of my three middle school years, and I learned how to put on my own false eyelashes in the backseat of a car. I enjoyed every part of the process.
Like most girls that age, there was no bigger compliment than being told I looked older than I was. Oh, the irony. Whether we're chasing womanhood or chasing our youth, we're never satisfied with the present. As I got older, I began to recognize the beauty in a natural, makeup-free visage. In my early twenties, I discovered my love for oils and my disdain for the smell of chemical-laden perfumes. (This was after years of bathing in the Country Apple scent from Bath & Body Works.) And although I once made fun of her for it, I was undeniably following directly in the footsteps of my amber-patchouli-wearing mother.
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And eventually, I found myself wondering if the connection between people was dulled as our senses became sullied by the overwhelming effort we make to cover ourselves up, be it with makeup, deodorant, or perfume. There is something to be said for pheromones, and I knew I was onto something after reading a few articles on "human connection through scent." It's true that my job requires a certain amount of "made-up" days, however, I still have an immense amount of affinity for the majority of my days, the ones spent au-natural. Truth be told, when I'm not working, I enjoy letting my hair air dry, tossing a little homemade oil concoction onto my face and body, and then calling it a day. I believe in taking care of myself, but always with a healthy approach that stems from treating my body right, not from the desire to fit in, stay skinny, or look younger. I suppose it's about balance. Whether it's attempting to purchase reduced-chemical or chemical-free products when you can, or maybe even researching vegetable-based dyes for your hair, the most important part of being a consumer is being aware that we do have options. And it all starts with one ideal: love yourself. Finding a holistic approach to skincare and the products we buy begins when we stop succumbing to the gloss of advertisements and we start glorifying old photographs of our mothers and grandmothers looking perfectly imperfect, their natural beauty on full human display.
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I'll be first to tell you that I love a day of expert glam, but it's the days I get to let my skin breathe and my frizzy hair fly free that I cherish the most, that I feel the most "me." So if there is one message I could have given my younger self, it would've been this: Be gentle with yourself. Know that every girl your age has acne, that it's okay to feel insecure about your height, your weight, or the size of your boobs. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don't spend your energy wishing you could change it. Embrace it. Love every imperfection. Imperfections are what make you beautiful. They're what make you "you."
As you grow older, you'll find more and more opportunities to either tear yourself apart or stand up for yourself, both physically and emotionally. Someday you'll look back at that one photo in the bikini on the lake, the one that made you feel insecure, fat, pale, or less-developed than the other girls, and think, 'Wow, I really was beautiful. How I wish I had known it then.' Another day, you'll look down at your aging hands knowing that those very hands are the tangible evidence that you've lived, truly lived; that you are a woman with a unique story, a woman with perfect purpose. You'll feel empowered as a woman who no longer dissects every angle of her body but instead the ingredient labels on those trendy products, because you care about what goes in and on your body as you strive for health, strength, and longevity.
And one day, down the road, you'll look at your mom and really see her. In that moment, you'll understand what it is that makes her so beautiful, and you'll long for hands that tell a story like hers.
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lovelyyy-luna · 2 years
dancing with the devil (pt. 5)
fandom: gotham
fic summary: y/n has always been different from her family. When she meets Jerome has she finally met her better half?
chapter summary: it's the wedding day! It's going to go out with a flash and a bang.
pronouns: she/her 
warning: death, guns, and being burned alive.
word count: 1358
a/n: sorry for taking forever on this part. Sometimes it's hard for me to get back into the groove of writing but I hope you like this final chapter. @alaynas-blog
date: april 19, 2022
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 |
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“In all honesty, I don't know. Fully in my mind and this reality, I don't have full control of my life. But I know that I want you and only you.”
“And I want you Y/N. I have a plan that can change everything for the better. Do you trust me?”
“Of course Jerome.” you lean in for a kiss but it's interrupted by your phone ringing.
You sigh and answer it. It was flora telling me that you needed to come home.
You look at Jerome and kiss him again. He walks you down the stairs and you get in the car Flora had called to pick you up. The car started to go but you told the driver to stop. You got out and ran to Jerome. He swung you around and kissed you.
“I'll call you with a plan, my queen.”
You go back into the car and resume home. You were wondering what Jerome had planned, you didn’t care what it was as long as the result was you and him together.
When you came home your mom was talking to you but you weren’t listening you blocked her out and went straight up to your room. 
All night long all you could think about was the life he and you were going to have. Where you are going to live and about the future if you both were going to have little Jerome’s and Y/N’s. 
You fell asleep to those happy thoughts and unfortunately were woken up by the reminder that you were still stuck in your present. But soon, you’ll be happy.
Saturday went on with wedding plans, you kept checking your phone every thirty seconds hoping that Jerome would give you the good news but you didn’t get anything until late.
Your phone rang and you picked it up without seeing who was calling, “Jerome?”
A monotone voice answered, “We’ve been trying to reach you about-”
You laugh, “Ivy I know that’s you.”
“I know but it’s still funny. I know you’ve been waiting for Jerome to call but he filled me in on the plan.”
“Really? What is it?”
Ivy told you the plan. It was an amazing plan. Crazy and foolproof.
Then Sunday came. Wedding Day. You were scared, nervous, and excited.
You went downstairs and saw that everyone was running around getting everything over to the venue. You took your time and made yourself some coffee. A smile was permanently plastered on your face, tonight was going to go perfect.
You heard your name being called in the foyer and went over there, “Y/N there you are! I got your dress!” Ivy said, winking at you.
You went upstairs and you and Ivy were just chatting when your mom burst in.
“Y/N! We have to get to the church! Now!” your mother yelled.
You nodded and you both made your way down to the car. Ivy had your dress in her hand and when you made it to the church you went straight to the dressing area. 
Your mother saw the bartender and asked them to make her a drink, with her occupied it was time for phase one. Your hair was done and next was your makeup. It was simple yet sophisticated. Ivy applied her signature red lip to you and then it was onto the dress.
Flora was the only other person in the room with the two of you. She was in on the plan, even though she was annoying with gossip she was always on your side.
Once you were done flora went to tell the ushers and they signaled the pianist and everybody rose.
The doors opened and you walked down the aisle, the dress you wore was not the one chosen by your mother but by Ivy. She knew you like the back of her hand.
When you got up to the stand, in front of Kyle, you had a smile plastered onto your face. Not because of Kyle but for what is to come.
You looked over at your mom and your father had to hold her back from going up there telling you off.
The ceremony went on, when the priest asked if anyone objected, you looked over at Ivy and laughed.
And then that was it, you and Kyle were married. Everyone in the seats stood up and threw cups of flower petals that they were given by Ivy and Flora at the beginning of the ceremony in the air and cheered.
He went in for a kiss but you put your bouquet in front of his face and he choked on a leaf.
“Don't these flowers smell great? They were freshly picked today from Ivy’s garden. Do you know what this flower is?” you asked Kyle. 
He shook his head in confusion, “Well this is scientifically called Atropa Belladonna, or as commonly known as Deadly Nightshade. Do you know what happens when a person comes into too much contact with it? Paralysis.” 
You look over at the crowd of people and you could tell that they were nervous. “And the flowers that were in the cups that you threw in the air were a mix of Larkspur and Monkshood; they also cause paralysis.”
Then everyone in the crowd fell back down to their seats and Kyle fell to the ground causing you to laugh.
“Now I know that you’re all wondering what’s going on and I’m happy to tell you that you are all going to witness the wedding of the century.” 
The doors at the end of the aisle opened and you saw Jerome walk down it. 
“Hello, my sweet.”
He came up to you, all done up in his tuxedo, and kissed you on your lips, deeply.
You look over at the paralyzed crowd, “So I just want to fill you in on what's happening. You're all going to die.”
Muffled groans and screams were heard throughout the church.
“With all of you dead I will end up with both my family's fortune and Kyles,” you look over at kyle on the floor, “I bet you feel stupid now not getting a prenup right? You thought I was going to be just a loyal fucking housewife, but you were  wrong.”
You look back at Jerome and then he asks, “Are you ready to become mine, my queen?”
“Of course Jerome,” you hear a groan coming from Kyle, “Oh my god I almost forgot the most important thing. I'm still married. Let's see. Divorce takes too long to process but becoming a widow,” you lift just slightly the skirt of your dress and reveal a gun strapped to you, “is easy as one, two, three,” on that count you shoot him in the head instant kill.
With that Jerome fell even more in love with you. There were tiny splatters of blood on your dress but you didn't care.
You looked over at Ivy and she got up from her seat and went between you and Jerome. 
“Do you know how easy it is to become an ordained minister online?” Ivy said to the crowd.
While Ivy was saying her speech Flora was going around the pews dowsing everyone with gasoline. When she was done she stood behind you acting as your bridesmaid.
“Now Jerome, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do,” Jerome said.
“And Y/N do you take Jerome to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
You were giddy and happy, “I do.”
“With the power invested in by the city of Gotham and the people on the internet I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
He grabbed your face and kissed you with such passion, that his hands slid down your back to pull you in closer.
The kiss made you dizzy and laugh.
Flora handed you your bouquet and Jerome handed you his lighter. You lit the flowers and turned your back to the crowd.
With one swift motion, you threw the flowers in the air and they landed. It landed on your mother's lap and she lit up the light on the fourth of July, as did everyone in the building.
You and Jerome were laughing and running out of the church holding hands and being followed along by Ivy and Flora. You all got into the car laughing.
The driver started the car and Jerome told him to go to his place.
You looked out the window and saw that the church was already in flames. It was beautiful.
Once you got to his place, Jerome surprised you with a mini afterparty. There was food and drinks.
There was a cake that Flora made especially for you and Jerome which tasted like heaven. There was music playing and you and Ivy danced.
With the night going on it was everything you've ever dreamed of. 
You were finally happy, free, and in love with the most insane man you've ever met.
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 |
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risusnet · 3 years
Something there that wasn’t there before.
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Jonathan Crane x Reader
Summary: [Y/N] is a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. Bruce Wayne is holding a charity gala to help raise some funds for the asylum and [Y/N] along with some colleagues are invited. Her friend and crush Jonathan Crane was one of her co-workers that was invited too and they both enjoy the evening together.
Prompt: “Be still my heart.” Word Count: 2,626
You worked as a psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum and you, along with some of your other co-workers, had been invited to a charity gala hosted by Bruce Wayne which intended to help raise money for the Asylum. You were wearing a beautiful dress that you had picked out a few days earlier and had just parked up in your car outside the gala hall, you sighed feeling nervous to go in. There were going to be so many people there, one of which was Dr. Jonathan Crane, your friend and co-worker who you had been low-key crushing on for the past few years, your heart jumped into your mouth just thinking about him being there.
“I bet he’s wearing something really nice- wait no- he’s just your friend, shut up!” you thought aloud.
You pulled yourself together and got out of your car, shyly walking to the door and trying to distract yourself from the photographers and reporters at the entrance who were also here about the gala. 
“Name, please.” said a frightening-looking bouncer,
“Dr. [Y/N] [L/N].” You told him,
“Ah, I see your name, you may enter.”
“Thanks..” you quickly entered the hall.
It was a beautiful venue, priceless golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling of the corridor with marble lining the floor that led to a foyer. For a corridor it was massive, it felt intimidating. You cautiously wandered onward, the corridor was fairly empty with only a few people littered here and there, some people on the phone, some couples making out and drunk people stumbling around aimlessly. You reached the entrance of the hall and looked around, there were so many rich and famous people here, it was easy to feel like you didn’t belong here. You saw some of your co-workers spanning the hall, there were some of them together in groups, sticking together but then you saw someone in the crowd that was not with the rest of your colleagues. It was Jonathan. It felt like time stopped when you saw him, he was wearing a really lovely suit and you felt your pulse quicken, you took a step backwards and bashfully looked at the ground,
“Be still my heart.” You muttered to yourself.
You braced yourself and walked on into the foyer, you decided to get something to drink to set your head straight. After sipping your drink, you looked up only to lock eyes with none other than Jonathan on the other side of the room. He smiled at you and smiled back, if you had still had the water in your mouth you probably would have spat it out in surprise. Luckily, you were able to hide your surprise pretty well. 
The moment was cut short when a man who seemingly worked for Bruce Wayne came onto the stage and told everyone that the ballroom was now open and people began to make their way in the direction of the ballroom. You put your drink down and followed the crowd, you could see Jonathan up ahead in the corner of your eye and you tried to ignore him for your own good, however, you were doing a terrible job at that.
Once you entered the ballroom, you were mesmerised by how enchanting it truly was in here. You took in every last corner of it and smiled in awe. Your eyes travelled back down again and you suddenly felt a little shy again, remembering Jonathan was here. You really had to get a hold of yourself and forget your feelings whilst you were here, you had to act professional!
A soft song was being played by the orchestra they had hired and many people had already coupled off and started dancing and talking in the ballroom, you found a place off to the side to stand and took in the environment. Jonathan walked over to you and stood next to you,
“[L/N], Hello.” He nodded in your direction,
“Crane, good to see you.” You responded.
“It’s rather, chaotic, in here, isn’t it?” He smiled,
“Yeah, it’s a bit overwhelming,” you laughed a little.
You looked in his direction slightly, he was still just as handsome as before, shit. You ended up catching Jonathan's gaze on accident, to which caused him to speak,
“Would you like to dance for a little?” He said, his tone slightly softer than previously. You paused, you wanted to, but felt shy, how typical.
“Are you sure?” you crossed your arms and looked at him,
“It might be fun, plus, we may as well get in a few of the photos from the event.” He joked,
“Alright, sure, let’s go.” You both walked into the main area of the room where people were dancing. Your mind felt like it was literally screaming at you, you weren’t sure if it was in an ‘Oh my god, this is so exciting’ way or a ‘No no no no no, abort abort, abort mission’ way. Anyway, you still seemed pretty composed and he took your hand, either way. You started to lazily dance along with everyone else, you felt completely in your element and yet completely out of it at the same time, a very strange feeling, maybe it was just the nervousness.
Funnily, photographs were taken of you both, you spied it just out of the corner of your eye and you’re pretty sure he noticed too. Dancing with Jonathan and now you have proof of it? There’s some bragging rights! 
“Wait- what if people get the wrong idea? I’m gonna be hassled by questions and rumours going back into work.” You thought in your head. 
“What if those ideas are good ideas?” a voice replied. Voices aren’t meant to reply to you in our head so that means that…
“Huh- Did I say that out loud-” you felt a little embarrassed, then you remembered what he responded with, “..Hey, wait a minute-”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cut you off with a grin. Is he going to ignore what he said? Great, now you are going to worry about it, or more specifically, you are not going to stop thinking about this. Maybe, ever.
“If you say so.” Your eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, whilst he looked slightly smug. There was a vague air of flirtatiousness between the two of you as you continued dancing, you both spoke to each other in a manner that wasn’t flirting, but borderline was. However, it was usually like this when you spoke, you just had that kind of dynamic. You can’t blame yourself for catching feelings in an atmosphere like that, right?
You felt a lot more comfortable than earlier, you had probably just gotten used to his presence. He was always good company and the rest of the bustling gala just seemed to phase out. There had come a point in which you and Jonathan had stopped speaking altogether and just had your eyes fixed on each other. You guys were also having a… moment? You were edging closer and closer to one another absentmindedly and a layer of tension filled the air. 
“Guests! Thank you for coming to this lovely gala we have been hosting today!” Oh yeah, that’s where you were. You and Jonathan stopped dancing and turned to face the voice and saw Bruce Wayne now on the stage introducing the event. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “You all probably already know why this gala is being thrown today, we are here to support our very own Arkham Asylum and its employees who work tirelessly to try to reform the criminals it holds. The dining hall is now ready for everyone so if you follow the butlers they will direct you to your seating! Thank you.” Bruce gave a winning smile and moved away from the microphone and off of the stage.
You looked to Jonathan who nodded in the direction of the hall and you both started to make your way over.
The room was beautiful, with hundreds of tables brimming the hall. You stuck to Jonathan like glue, because despite all of the friendly-seeming faces, it was still pretty nerve-racking and he didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he seemed to enjoy being your protector.
You were eventually seated, with Jonathan being in the seat next to you on your right. You were glad for that, at least. Apart from him, you were surrounded by a load of unfamiliar faces that lined your table, not that that was surprising, you couldn’t recognise 90% of the people attending this. 
There was a lot of, ‘How do you do’s and ‘What is your name’ and ‘Where do you work’ as everyone around you settled in. They asked you and Jonathan many questions about your jobs upon learning that you both worked at the asylum.
“So, Dr. Crane, what’s it like working with a bunch of criminals? Isn’t it dangerous?” one woman who appeared to be quite rich asked. She wore an expensive dress and a face full of extravagant makeup.
“Ah, well, we don’t just have them running rampant with a knife or such whilst we are in appointments with them.” His comment earned some laughter from the table. He was good at this, you smiled to yourself knowing you were in good hands and that you could relax a little because Jonathan knew what he was doing.
A different man, one who sat on your left side began to strike up a conversation with you.
“Dr. [L/N], a pleasure to finally talk to you. I have been meaning to ever since I saw you arrive!” This comment earned a suspicious side-eye from Jonathan but he quickly looked away and continued the conversation he was in.
“Oh, well it’s an honour to meet you, sir.” you politely responded and extended your arm to shake his hand, which he took, shook and lingered for a bit too long before releasing it.
“You must be very intelligent to be a psychiatrist. Where did you study?” He leaned over remotely closer, awaiting your reply.
“Gotham University for the most part! I enjoyed my time there, actually.” You tried to be oblivious to how he was acting, but it was super off-putting.
“Ah, a good one. I have known friends who have attended there!” His breath stinks of booze. He was closer still and you were starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Thank you, I’m sorry, but could you excuse me. I think I need to use the restroom.” He nodded his head and you stood up. Jonathan had an idea of what was going on and waited two minutes before leaving too.
You walked as fast as you could to get yourself some air. You were back in the foyer and nearly at the bathroom when a hand grabbed your wrist.
“[Y/N]!” You turned around and your eyes were met with Jonathan. “Are you alright?”
“I’m... I’m sorry. Everything was just really… hectic. I needed some air…” You weren’t quite sure what to say.
“Was it that man? Did he make you feel uneasy, or something?” His eyes looked full of care and concern. He really knew you well.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for dragging you out here, you can go, you don’t have to worry.” You tried to brush it off but he could tell how it got to you. He moved his hand, which was still holding your wrist, to hold your hand.
“I’m not just going to leave you here when you’re like this. I’m someone who cares for you.” He sounded truly earnest, it made your heartbeat speed up when he said that. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me. If it will make you feel better, we can switch seats. If he tries anything, even if he looks at you in a strange way, I’ll see to it myself.”
“Jonathan… Thanks.” You smiled to which he returned it.
“Shall we?” His facial expression shifted to a smirk.
“We shall.”
You both made your way back to the table, sitting in each other’s seats. You realised you were still holding hands and had to unfortunately let go to sit down. You settled back down and the man from earlier began to speak.
“I think you two are sitting in the wrong seats.” He was so clearly annoyed but tried not to show his frustration by placing an obvious artificial smile on his lips.
“Hm, it seems that we are,” Jonathan said, turning to you. “Ah well, no point in getting up again.” He shrugged and was pulled into another conversation with someone on the table.
At some point, you had ended up placing your head on his shoulder to lean against which he let you do. It was comfy and by the time you realised you had done so, it had been about 5 minutes and he was fine with it so you decided to bask in the moment.
Bruce Wayne, that mysterious rich guy, was once again back on the stage. 
“Hello everyone,” he had a drink and a tiny spoon in his hand which he clinked to the glass to command everyone’s attention. “Now, I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear, is the best part, where I give you all a load of free food! Feel free to indulge yourselves as the butlers bring the food and beverages around to the tables.” Then he confidently strode off the stage and back to his seat. His table was less full of businessmen in suits and more full of beautiful women in expensive dresses.
Everyone turned back to their conversations as trays and plates came out of the ginormous kitchen hiding somewhere in the back. There were all sorts of food that you had yet to try in your life but you were eager to. You had to sit up though so that meant lifting your head off of Jonathan’s shoulder.
You, along with the rest of the guests began to eat the food served. Whilst also maintaining some light conversation. By this time, you had quite the collection of business cards handed to you by various people at this table. 
Bruce stood up to toast to the event, “Here is a toast, to this pleasant gala and to those we are holding it for. A toast to all of the incredible employees of Arkham Asylum who are and aren’t here today!” He raised his glass which everyone else followed suit with.
Half an hour later and everyone was finishing up their meals and you too felt very full and idly set your head back onto Jonathan’s shoulder. You looked up at him from there and he looked back, laughing a little before looking away again.
The gala was starting to wrap up and people were starting to leave. Bruce went onto the stage to say his official goodbye causing a massive flock of people to also call it a night for them there.
“We should probably give it a minute before leaving, save getting trampled.” Jonathan looked to you, who was still leisurely resting on his shoulder.
“You’re right.” You said watching people leave, “This was surprisingly fun.” 
“I agree, I didn’t expect to have this nice of a time. Maybe it’s just thanks to you though.” Jonathan now rested his head atop yours. 
“I’m glad you were here too.” You sighed happily.
“We should see each other outside of work more.” He said, nonchalantly.
“That would be nice.”
“Are you free next Saturday?” Oh wow, he’s good, real smooth.
“Yeah, in fact, I am.” 
“Looks like we’ll be doing this again soon, then.” He had that smug grin again. Then sat up, took your hand and you both walked out together.
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minimalismdiary · 3 years
Quitting social media | digital minimalism
I deleted facebook 8 years ago, snapchat 5 years ago, instagram 3 years ago, twitter 2 years ago and gladly never made tiktok
I was influenced by beauty bloggers very badly which led me to have multiple identity crisis's and change my style many times. Shopping was a lifestyle and hobby for me since I never made space for saving any money. As a result my wardrobe was exploding in clothes that I wore once or twice or never even had the opportunity to wear. This was the pivotal moment that started minimalism because I had no choice but to get rid of my clothes and start decluttering.
Inconsistent style
Changing styles and experimenting with appearance was difficult to portray online due to fear of judgements. Through the years I had many different phases and would completely erase my feed and start from scratch for every new era. This made me worry about what others will think about my inconsistency
Going broke to look rich
Funding for the lifestyle for a perfect feed was expensive due to outings, diners, and mainly outfits. It seemed on the surface that I was wealthy but the truth was that every penny was spent on the image with nothing being saved or spent wisely. I would see a photo of a blogger and try to replicate it by buying a similar outfit and going to the same location
I was constantly comparing my appearance to that of others even though they have gone through plastic surgeries. I would spend hours contemplating going through these surgeries to feel as beautiful as them.
My makeup obsession stemmed from my insecurities however social media encouraged me to be dependent on makeup. The perfect image meant I felt the need to wear a full face of makeup every time I left the house in order to be picture perfect every second. This made me feel worse about my true self and more insecure when bare faced. Now I only wear makeup a few times a year for occasions and I can confidently be natural outdoors. There's no more pressure for selfies.
Aesthetic lifestyle
Maintaining a certain style or aesthetic became exhausting and was draining my energy because I felt like I trapped myself in to one aesthetically pleasing box
False portrayal
I no longer wanted to deceive everyone by only sharing best moments when my reality was the complete opposite in every way from my appearance and makeup to what was really happening behind close doors. My life was far from perfect so I felt fake by presenting it as if it was
Jealousy and envy
Posting regularly and so perfectly invited jealousy and envy which negatively effected my life. A private life has become a much happier life. I don't trust that everyone wants the best for me and is happy for my successes so I keep everything to myself.
Poor time management
Every minute of the day was about taking pictures to share online in order to seem interesting or aesthetically pleasing. This wasted a lot of time and cause problems by missing things or running late. Especially getting a daily selfie before leaving the house.
The lack of productivity was terrible. I never achieved anything for several years until I quit social media and focussed on improving myself. I now fill boredom and spare time for good habits. As a result I've studied 3 courses, joined 3 classes, read 15 books within 6 months, and take morning jogs a few times a week
Celebrity culture
It was part of my routine to check the pages of my favourite celebrities and show them some love. This love turned into idolisation and consumed me with their lives and drama. I would passionately speak about celebrity gossip in majority of my conversations. Now I'm oblivious and focus on my life and better it.
I was having less conversations by being more focussed on taking the perfect photo instead of talking with the friend infront of me which made the quality of our time together worse on my behalf. I view this as inconsiderate behaviour now and give my full attention to everyone.
Since I don't know what my few friends are up to and they don't know anything about me either I'm required to reach out and directly make plans together. This has made for better real life experiences that no one needs to know about through posting it online. I'm in the present moment.
Sleep routine
The addiction to blu light exposure was apparent in my tendency to mindlessly scroll until the sun would rise. Scrolling had no time limit which made sleep very challenging. Getting out of bed and getting tasks done also took a lot of effort due to scrolling on apps. Now I fall asleep quicker and get out bed faster.
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qslovebot · 3 years
Facing Music: Spencer Reid
Summary: Derek finally decides to tell Penelope how he feels about her and enlists your help in a musical confession. With all this performance and romance in the air, Spencer is inspired to tell the reader how he really feels... but words kinda suck
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Includes: Confessions (two different ones), kissing, FLUFFY
"Are you sure this'll work?" A very nervous Derek Morgan asked you. It was the annual BAU break outing where the team would head to a fancy restaurant and dine without the burden of a case or a dead person on your shoulders.
This year was pretty much like any other; you'd eaten, talked with, laughed with the team like usual. There was live music and waitresses who complimented your makeup when you walked in. All of you dressed nicely for the occasion. JJ was in a beautiful purple dress next to Emily, whose dress was red, and Penelope, who sported a hot pink getup. Hotch and Rossi wore tux suits, looking particularly nice. Spencer Reid wore a white dress shirt and black blazer, his curly hair slicked and brushed semi-neatly the way it always was. He looked amazing, as per usual...
Derek Morgan, next to you, wore a deep blue suit- one that not many people would be able to pull off. That just left you, in your stunning iridescent dress that shone purple and blue in the ways the light hit you. This was your second year attending this event and everyone seemed to have forgotten how beautiful you were when you weren't hunting down unsubs, gasping when you showed up.
Looping back, Derek Morgan was hardly one to be nervous, however, this event entailed a surprise. One that only you and Derek were in on. "Of course it will, Morgan. Just take a deep breath and envision the outcome. I don't think it can go wrong."
Derek Morgan was confessing his love to Penelope Garcia through a performance. Through a song... and he had enlisted your musical expertise to do it. Sure, you were nervous too, but that was just a little stage fright. Took Derek Morgan long enough to confess, anyway. You were being a friend.
It was all arranged with the restaurant and musicians and you were to go on in five minutes. Derek spun to make sure he looked alright and you shot him a grin. "Derek, it'll be great. She'll love it, just don't dwell on the fact the song is from a children's song because she loves it."
"Children's show?" His face fell into shock. "There's no way, the song is too good..."
"Tell Andre that." You peered out. You were about to sing in front of the BAU, your professional team, with Derek Morgan. I mean, at least it was back up singing but you'd be up there in the light doing the small moves you and Derek worked on for so long. The team looked confused, as you and Derek had excused yourself to go to the washroom and hadn't returned yet.
The musician on the stage waved you on. "Derek, we have exactly twelve seconds before the song begins. It's time!" Your heart raced, but not as bad as his must have been. Derek Morgan climbed onto the stage quietly and you were by his side, flashing him a reassuring grin.
The song was Countdown by Andre from Victorious, Penelope's second favourite character. The team didn't notice you both yet, that was until the drumset hit three times and the song launched into action, diverting the team's attention right up to the stage.
JJ and Emily both covered their mouths with their hands when they saw you and Derek onstage. The song was upbeat, fun, loud, and soon seconds later the rest of the team had your attention. Garcia's mouth fell open in recognition of the song and turning to see Derek up there, she squealed. Hotch's mouth twitched a little and Rossi was already smiling- it seemed they had caught on. But hopefully not onto where the song was from.
Spencer, however, had dropped everything in his hands to watch his best friend confess, his mouth open in that gorgeous unbelieving smile. That's when the lyrics began and the real performance started. You were singing the backup and it was pretty easy, as you'd practiced.
Rossi was clapping along, Hotch was actually smiling and it was a smile like a proud father's. Emily looked at you, mouth open like 'really?' and you nodded back. You were entirely into this, not worrying anymore. You were grinning, exhilarated and performing.
Now, from Spencer's mind, he was surprised. First of all, he wouldn't have expected a song and dance from Derek Morgan tonight of all nights. Secondly, pardon his social cues but if he didn't know better he'd say Derek was confessing to Penelope, gesturing to her over and over as he danced. Third, how could he really focus on Derek when you stood behind him in that dress he liked so much when you walked in?
You were gorgeous to him tonight and it took him quite a lot not to stare at dinner. He watched you laugh with Emily and hid his smile, occasionally jumping in to make a joke about Emily in high school or make fun of the knowledge of you wanting to be a candle-maker in college. You told him it was a phase, scowling at him, but that interaction made his heart skip a beat. He didn't know that you adored him the same way.
He liked you, of course. He had for a while and was constantly kicking himself for accidentally ranting to you, afraid of what you'd think, but every time he did, you just listened. And that worsened his crush.
His eyes fell on you onstage, all-in to the performance in support of Derek who was now walking down the steps of the stage toward Penelope. She was flailing her hands around, freaking out, and you were up there smiling. Spencer's heart skipped another beat.
You can imagine how he felt when your eyes settled on him, noticing how he was looking at you rather than Derek and Penelope and shooting him a small grin as the upbeat song finally came to an end.
Spencer turned pink, watching Derek and Penelope out of embarrassment now. He should have been watching them and now he was caught staring at you in that dress with that intoxicating smile, breathing hard from the ending of it all.
You hopped down the steps and stood behind Derek supportively, the entire restaurant applauding. Spencer was too out of it, too lost in his mind to properly clap as Derek took Penelope under the chin, speaking into the microphone.
"We've spent too long dancing in circles, I think it's high time I tell you that I'm in love with you, babygirl." He announced. "Will you go out with me?"
Garcia took a breath, then squealed, "YES!" And the restaurant broke into applause again. Hotch actually sported a full smile now and Derek pulled into a long kiss. Spencer's mind just raced with ideas as he looked from them to you. As happy as he was for his friends, he couldn't stop thinking about how in the world he would ever confess his feelings for you.
Back in your mind, you watched the two kiss with a grin on your face. "Ew!" You laughed, rocking on your heels. As happy as you were for them you couldn't stop thinking about how nobody would ever do this much for you. You weren't supposed to be jealous of friends... so you shoved that feeling down.
When everyone said goodbye in the parking lot, the air was sweet and the spirits were high. Most of the team remarked on your voice and how they had no idea you could sing at all. Hotch pat you and Derek both on the back, leaving happier than you'd all seen him in a while.
Penelope wouldn't stop thanking you, giving you a hug every few seconds. Eventually, she did leave with Derek, leaving you to sit and wait for a taxi. You pulled out your phone and sat on the bench, finding the number of the taxi company.
"I didn't know you could sing..." Spencer's voice said from above you. He had his hands in his pockets and he was rocking on his heels.
You laughed, "Neither did anyone else but Derek, I was surprised when he asked me."
"Can I-uh, sit?" He asked, gesturing to the spot next to you on the bench and you moved to the side to make room. He took it as a yes and sat down next to you. "I knew they'd end up together."
"It was inevitable," you replied, tucking your phone into your pocket to properly engage with Spencer. "One way or another he had to make her his official 'babygirl'."
His smile was a little crooked, but still sweet. Spencer's hands fiddled with each other in his lap and there was a moment of silence between you two. Probably because Spencer was racking his brain for the best way to say 'watching that confession gave me a spark of inspiration to confess that I really, really like you and have since your very first day at the BAU' without scaring you off.
"You look-"
You spoke at the same time and both chuckled a little. You looked at Spencer for him to continue, but now he was rethinking again, so you continued. "You look really great tonight, I just wanted to say."
"T-thank you..." Spencer said. His mind was racing for something better to say.
Saying I love you is too much- he thought. Besides, he didn't love you yet. He just really liked you. He was already kicking himself for stuttering and you were just inches from him he could just grab your hand if he wanted to. But how would you react? That was Spencer's main worry. What would he say? How would he ever measure up to Derek's performance and would he even get the chance?
You and Spencer sat on that bench for seven minutes in silence. His inner thoughts were a mess and you were oddly at ease with his presence.
You turned to him and this was the moment his brain glitched. His entire IQ slashed down to about 34 when you looked at him the way you did. Tired, but glowing, was how you looked. Your eyelashes in focus as you looked over at him and rather than his heart skipping another beat, he could swear it stopped. And he malfunctioned.
He leaned forward and kissed you.
It was unexpected to both of you. Spencer didn't even seem to have had a thought about a kiss and you weren't expecting anything remotely like this. The first half-second, thoughts jumbled at the front of your mind, but the next, you kissed him back.
His thin hand came to rest on your jaw and cheek, keeping you in place. His heartbeat had risen in a complete panic as to how this was even happening, but you were here and you were in fact kissing him back. This was a lot better than the words of panicked confession that Spencer had semi-planned out.
So Spencer liked you. You could assume that from the frantic, sudden kiss. The world seemed to slow to allow this event and after about forty seconds of your lips on his, with gentle fingers and soft kissing, you pulled away.
"I'm-I'm sorry about that..." Spencer said, shrinking back a little. "I didn't even mean to, it was- it was on impulse, I didn't even think it through-"
But you kissed him again on your own will. It was your turn to go without thinking. His hand right back on your face and another good few moments passing of just that kiss. He pulled away this time, a grin spreading up his face. "Is this confession enough because words really suck," You smiled.
He went to speak and you kissed him again. He just started laughing that silent laugh, "Most effective way to shut me up and yes, words su-" he cut himself off by kissing you again and that lead to you both laughing through it. You hadn't seen Spencer this laid back and happy for a while- as you hadn't seen the rest of the team happy either. It felt good to be this close with him, to make him laugh. It felt good to have given the team something to be happy about.
The night just got better, it seemed, from the very start. And you kissed Spencer a lot more than you had anticipated, but that was alright because he wasn't expecting that either. It seemed like Derek and Penelope weren't the only ones with feelings out in the open now.
"How long?" You asked after a while of not letting each other talk. Spencer offered you a ride home and you walked to his car with him.
"Since your orientation," Spencer answered, cringing a little. Your eyes widened. "I remember you wore... a bell-sleeved blouse and flared dress pants. You asked me where to get tea." His car unlocked.
You gaped, "And I didn't know for two years?"
"I suppose not..." he chuckled. "And how long have you been trying to convince yourself not to like me?"
"Never." You hopped into the passenger's seat. "I was always just confused and never really knew what to do with it. But... I'm now a lot less confused."
He paused before turning the key to start the engine. You wondered what thought had slipped into his vast mind. He looked up at you, hair coming undone from its styling. "Are you... happy?"
"Completely." You replied with zero hesitation and he exhaled hard, seemingly of relief. "And I want to be with you... if you let me." You continued warily, but mostly with reassurance.
His cheeks flushed in the dark again. "Yes- I- wow..." He couldn't seem to form words, but that was okay. Words sucked. Words really, really did suck.
Everything worked out perfectly.
tags:@mercy-burning ,@ellyhotchner ,@laurakirsten0502
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carpathxanridge · 3 years
so. my 15 yo sister has been gnc since she was little. she hasn’t worn a dress or skirt since age 4 when we adopted her and those were the only clothes she had. since then my mom let her choose her clothes and she’s always chosen shorts, pants, boys tshirts, boys swim trunks and rash guards, etc. she just came out as trans and i was unfortunately expecting it… and then two days later she went to the mall and is now wearing eyeliner, mini skirts, and most disturbingly leather fetish accessories (like garters).
this is a kid who i haven’t seen willingly in a skirt or dress her entire life. she’s always insisted on gender nonconformity and now that she’s adopted trans identity she is not only conforming to femininity but to a startlingly sexual model of it. when my mom said “wtf are you wearing it’s 20 degrees out” she accused my mom of “slut shaming” her. she’s obviously deeper than i expected in the pomo libfem brain rot.
i feel like she knows that by dressing this way she’s sacrificing an important part of herself under social pressure, so by adopting trans identity she’s able to feel that hyper-femininity is instead a liberating and more subversive choice.
it’s just majorly depressing for me because i was also a fairly gnc child, although not to the same degree as my sister in that i wore what feminine clothes were bought for me without complete discomfort. but i had a similar phase of suddenly adopting femininity in high school, at the same exact age. i went from someone who was mistaken in public for a boy, to wearing high heel boots to school every day and a full face of makeup. and it was so harmful to me. the social validation was noticeable, and the retraction of it was even more so when i went back to dressing androgynously/for comfort. and that phase of adopting femininity was super detrimental to my self image at the time. it’s upsetting to watch the same thing happen to my sister in all the worse ways, and upsetting to know that i modeled that behavior for her. that modeling probably had more of an impact than any of my diatribes against makeup and choice feminism ever could.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
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Pairing: Rockstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader
Summary: You meet your favorite artist and get more than what you bargained for. 
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual and protected sex, oral [male and female receiving], vaginal fingering, belly bulge, light degradation) dirty talk/language and recording. Mentions of drugs and alcohol and a tiny bit of angst.
Disclaimer: I don’t smoke regularly, so anything that has to do with drugs mentioned are techniques I’ve outweighed based on what I’ve been taught by different people. I don’t know which method works best nor am I encouraging the activity. It just came with this fic’s territory. It’s not that deep. You do you, boo. 
Title Inspiration: “Happy” by The Maine 
A/N: I might or might not have based some of this on true events. All I can say is, life is short, shoot your shot! Enjoy! 
A/N #2: There’s a Part 2 now!
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“You owe me.” Your friend next to you said for probably the third time this hour. You learned earlier in the day to tune her out. She had been saying that since you persuaded her to accompany you on the weekend long road trip to the neighboring state just so you could see your favorite band…again.
Growing up your parents thought this was just another phase, but as your teenaged years passed on by and you’re now well into adulthood, you’re still a bigger stan for The Avengers as ever.
The Avengers consisted of three members: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Everyone had their take on each of the guys, Steve was the nice one, Sam was the goofy one and Bucky was the bad one. It was silly. They weren’t *NSYNC or The Backstreet Boys, but the fangirls will be fangirls.
Their music wasn’t exactly mainstream, but they did very well within in their genre’s scene. They graced the covers of a couple of magazines, garnered thousands, close to millions, of views and streams online, were featured on TV every now and then, toured around the globe, sold a bunch of records, even independently, but despite all that notoriety, they stayed true to their sound and that’s what kept you around as a fan.
That and the band’s front man Bucky Barnes. 
He was hot – plain and simple. Ok, maybe he was just that to most, including your friend who couldn’t deny it, but you didn’t want to objectify the man. What their music had done to get you through the years, they were more than that. There was a level of respect there. You also didn’t buy into the “bad boy” gimmick the fans have dubbed for him. They were human beings just like the rest of us. Imagine being called something like that by the public? They just so happened to be fortunate enough to share their talent to the rest of the world.  
“You’ve already seen them. I don’t know why you think you need to for what a tenth time?” She clearly wasn’t amused by your infatuation with the band, but she was still your friend and she would always be by your side through thick and thin even if she didn’t have the same taste in music as you. You loved her for that. Who else would stand for hours in a dark room full of loud, sweaty, smelly, rude even, and sometimes drunk people with no self-control for you? She really was the real MVP.
And she was right though. You’ve already seen The Avengers perform. It was probably more, but you’ve lost count. Whenever they’re in your city or two to four hours in the next one over, you loved this band alright!
You both were polar opposites standing next to each other in line waiting for the venue doors to open. She was calm and still, arms crossed with an unamused look on her face – she could almost play as the “mom that tagged along and didn’t want to be there” – but you knew she wasn’t really mad. There was a bar inside she could occupy herself at. You on the other hand were trying to contain your excitement. You tried your best to not fidget around in anticipation so much. You didn’t want to sweat off your makeup that you managed to apply on point or get an embarrassing stain on your clothes.  
“It doesn’t matter,” was always the response you gave her, “their music means everything to me. I’ll always come out to support them.”
She playfully rolled her eyes and scoffed a bit at that. She wasn’t trying to knock you down. She knew you deeply liked the band, but she also knew another side of you, and she liked to pick at it. “Yeah that and you’re into Bucky,” she said and just flat out poked at the side of your breasts. The bra that you chose to purposely wear tonight gave your boobs an extra push and it didn’t go unnoticed by her. They were out there, tastefully, since you were hardly the flashy type. 
“Okay, but who isn’t?” You flare back swatting her hand away and trying to shut her down. You didn’t need to have this conversation with her while other fans were around. You didn’t want to sound like a fangirl. You weren’t 13 anymore.
“Chill.” She said raising her hands up in surrender. She wasn’t going to fight you on this one again.
When the top of the hour hit, the roar of the crowd signaled the doors had opened. Once inside, you hit the line to the bathroom considering you’d been outside for a few hours. You didn’t just have to pee, but you needed to freshen up. Your cheeks were a bit flushed from standing in the heat. You dabbed lightly at your face with a small blotting sheet, sprayed a bit of body spray and finished putting every hair back into place before finding your friend, who was already at the bar.
You sported a 21 and up paper wristband that was handed at the entrance, however you weren’t planning on drinking. Usually you had one or two drinks at most, but you were assuming you would be the designated driver tonight. You just always flashed your ID to the bouncer for the wristband to emphasize that you were of age. Unfortunately, some bands have had a bad reputation of fooling around with underaged girls, who lied about it.
She held up her drink to you with a smile on her face. Yeah, you were going to be the one driving back to the hotel, but at least she’s happy. She tried to coax you into ordering a drink of your own, but you only shook your head at her nonsense and stood away from the crowd.
As an avid concert goer, you’ve been to enough shows that you’d been in every section of the crowd. Hell, you’ve even gone crowd surfing before! Plus, you couldn’t hang with those vicious and hormonal fans in the crowd anymore, so you learned to enjoy the show from the back with a full view.
The opening bands were decent. You’d never heard of them, one was probably local, but you always believed live music was just as good, if not, better than opposed to being recorded and remastered at a studio. 
During their sets, you caved and bought a drink from the bar, hoping it’d help to pass the time before the headliners came on. Your friend was seemingly on her phone when a random guy approached you asking if he could buy you a drink. The house lights were on. Did he not see the can of beer in your hands? You politely declined his offer and further advances until he gave up and walked away.  
“Girl. He was cute!” Your friend said shoving you lightly.
“I wasn’t interested,” you shrug and taking a swig of your drink. 
“You’re not being fair,” she started and seeing that you weren’t catching on continued, “you can’t wait around hoping that one day Bucky will notice you. Honey, he came here to play a show and make money not look for a girlfriend.” Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, bursting your bubble like that and all, but her intentions were good. Bucky Barnes just set the standards too high.
She wasn’t wrong. Guys like Bucky meet new people every day, met girls probably way prettier than you. The majority of their fans were female because let’s face it, the guys had sex appeal and you know what they say…sex sells.
Looking around the venue, you took in the kinds of girls you were going up against. There was a mixture of women of different backgrounds and sizes decked out in different styles, but the ones who won most of the time were the ones that looked good dressed in risqué clothing and heels. Some of them probably even wore less make-up than you or none at all. You couldn’t understand how it was effortless for some people.
It wasn’t that you had low self-esteem. You had your fair share of internal struggle, so sometimes your insecurity played its part. You had your good days and you had your bad days.
You decided upon wearing something simple that you would be comfortable in while still serving a look. And the only other significant thing you did to your make-up was add in a little more shimmer. Yeah you wanted to impress, not sell your soul to the devil.
“Okay, but I just really wasn’t interested,” you said again hoping she’d understand. She did, aware you wrestled with that demon in your head always taunting and ridiculing you that you could look better when you’re perfect just the way you are. With an added bonus of telling you that Bucky was missing out if he hasn’t noticed you already, she ordered another drink in time before the lights dimmed and ear-piercing screams erupted to alert that The Avengers finally took the stage to headline the show.
Like each of the shows you’d previously attended, they were amazing. They poured their hearts out with each beat and belt. Every lyric resonated with you so deeply. There was just so much raw emotion packed into their performance. The beauty of concerts was that they were designed to let you forget about all the bullshit happening in the world for a few hours. They were therapeutic for you.  
If you hadn’t known any better, you’d say your friend secretly liked The Avengers’ music because she broke you out of your shell and had you swaying along with her to their songs…that or it was the alcohol taking over her. You didn’t fight it and you allowed yourself to let loose.
You tried to give each member equal attention, watching them as they played, but you couldn’t help but keep your eyes on Bucky the most. They were just trained on him. His cheeky smile and onstage presence were electric. The mere sight of him, all sweaty as his clothes stuck to his skin accentuating his toned body so well, all but had you shuffling trying to ease your body’s frustration and mind.
The only time you looked away was when you swore you thought he looked at you. Making eye contact with someone on stage was kind of awkward sometimes, but with him it was almost intimidating. Believing he was probably staring at the girl behind you, you downed the rest of your drink, pushed that thought away and tried to enjoy the rest of the show.
A full set of songs that showcased their albums and a two-song encore later, you were driving yourself and your buzzed friend back to your hotel room. It wasn’t that far from the venue, electing to stay within its vicinity. Upon entering the room, you tossed the shirt you bought at the merch booth on your bed before removing your leather jacket while she face-planted down on her bed, arms wide open, letting out an exaggerated sigh of relief. You couldn’t blame her. It felt great to rest right after standing on your feet for hours.
Your back rested against the headboard, you knocked your boots and socks off a while ago and had your bare feet up on your bed. You hadn’t changed out of the rest of your clothes or even wiped off your make-up yet. Instead, you sat there skimming through the timelines of your social media accounts while you waited for your friend to get out of the shower.
You had posted a few photos and videos of the night to your story, like your outfit, a few of you and your friend sightseeing, and of The Avengers’ set. You refreshed your timeline and noticed Bucky’s account pop up before everyone else that you followed. It’s no surprise that you were following them on social media. You liked seeing them share the personal moments of their lives. They used to be interactive with their fans. Bucky had even once commented on the old photo you had with the band years ago.   
You met them after a show when they were just starting out with their first full-length album debuting that summer. Now, they hardly came out because all it took was one crazed fan to ruin it for everyone else. Their popularity sometimes deemed it unsafe for venues to let them stick around so late, restricting them from meeting their fans.
You click on Bucky’s account and go through his story. There was one of a view of the open road from their tour bus, a clip of a song he liked, a cryptic quote with a deep underlying meaning to it, him getting ready to go on stage and then of the show.
He had taken a photo of the crowd towards the end of the set, asked fans to tag themselves if they could, because the crowd was amazing…as if they didn’t say that in every town they played in.
His caption read: “Awesome crowd tonight! Probably our best show yet!” topped with how much he loved the city. Sometimes you wanted to reply to his posts like he was one of your friends, but then you second guessed yourself knowing he’d never see the message, or he would and just ignore it because he was busy. You knew it was a long shot, but what did you have to lose and what is it that they said these days? Shoot your shot.
You didn’t linger on the body of the message for too long, settling with a “Great show tonight! You guys were amazing as always! :)” hitting send and closing out the app thinking it would conceal any embarrassment that might come out of it. It was a ridiculous thought.
After surfing through the channels of the TV and picking at the food you had delivered to your room, your phone pinged. You saw that it was a notification from your social media account, but once your face unlocked the phone and the subject appeared, you nearly choked on the drink you were sipping on.
Bucky Barnes sent you a message.
Your heart pathetically started beating really fast. The phone almost slipped from your hands as you opened up the toxic app again to read what he said. He probably just sent you an emoji or something.
“Thanks for coming out.”
That was it. Okay, what did you except? A proposal. That was a fair response. He probably had some downtime and was able to reply to people. You couldn’t be that special…but thinking you could strike gold again, you started typing up a response.
“Of course! Will always be out there to support you guys! Hope the city treats you well and have a safe rest of the tour.” Yeah, that was a good one. You say to yourself thinking that would be the end of it…except it wasn’t.
“Appreciate it. You know of any good spots around here?”
Nope. You did not. Do you look up some recommendations for him? No, that’s too much. Great, you’re having a conversation with him through DMs and you can’t even genuinely contribute enough to hold it down.  
“No, not really. I’m not from here actually. My friend and I drove here just to catch the show. Maybe YELP?” Shit. You just might’ve effectively got rid of him with turning him to the Internet instead.
“No way! That’s love. Good thinking.” They came through in separate text bubbles.
Why were guys so short? You couldn’t work with that. You thought about it for a while but came up with nothing, so you sent the sassy ‘girl sticking her hand out’ emoji as a reply. Damn, you were really bad at this.
Several minutes passed by and thinking you were really done with him; you got another message. It was Bucky again and he sent you a photo. It was from your own feed; the group photo of you and his band mates all those years ago.
“I thought I recognized you.” You sat up straight as you read that message over and over, eyes bugging. Thankful your friend was taking her sweet time in the bathroom, so she wouldn’t see you all strung up.
What? There’s no way. That was a long time ago. Your thoughts spiraled at his words that had you blushing. He’s pulling your chain.
“Impossible. That was forever ago!” I guess two could play this game then.
“I swear. You tripped and fell into my arms that night.”
What the hell? He actually remembered that? Yeah, that did indeed happen. You had been waiting outside surrounded by a bunch of other chatty girls, pushing and shoving their way to get to Bucky first. By the time he turned to you and you stepped forward, you lost your footing and fell straight onto him. He played it cool, but then you heard Sam, who was trapped in his own circle of girls, signing and taking pictures away, that Bucky has girls falling for him all the time.
“OMG. That was so embarrassing, and I was so awkward!” You couldn’t even speak to him when you managed to hold your own ground. You were young then, you thought you effectively put that behind you.
“You weren’t awkward! You were cute and that’s what has stuck with me since. One of the most memorable moments.”
Yup, he was definitely pulling your chain. While you were ecstatic that you were interacting with your favorite artist, you couldn’t help but wonder why you. He was a public figure and you were just a fan.
“Is this weird?” Came through as his next message after your silence. 
Oh, no. I hope I didn’t offend him. You might as well tell it like it is and get it off your chest.
“I don’t know...just a bit. Probably because I’m just a fan? I feel like you should be careful. I mean I should be too…” You really did wonder though. How was it that people of his status were willing and freely open to people they barely knew only to get threatened of being leaked and blackmailed by their own nudes or messages? What made them trust the other party so easily with that kind of stuff? They couldn’t be that dumb. Well, you got your answer.
“I don’t think of you or anyone as just a fan, but you are right…at the same time I feel that you’re grounded enough and a good person that we can trust each other. If that makes sense.”
You weren’t sure if it did. He still didn’t really know you.
“Awe, well that’s really flattering. I totally understand that because that’s how I feel.” Did you? There was a pause between that message and the next that would come.  
“What’s your cell?”
Really? It was just that easy? Oh, okay then. Nonetheless, you still gave him your number. The DMs stopped and transferred over to text messages. You have Bucky Barnes’ phone number. What fan fic were you living in? Shit like this doesn’t just happen, does it?
The texts between you and Bucky went back and forth, some playful and some slightly suggestive, but you were completely oblivious to them thinking that was just in his nature. You found out the band was staying in for the night before heading back out on the road tomorrow afternoon off to the next city. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath when you stared at his most recent text asking if you wanted to hang out. It was kind of late, but you didn’t get a guy like Bucky Barnes asking you to hang out on the regular.
“Are you alright?” Your friend questioned breaking your train of thoughts. You could see her from your peripheral that she was towel drying the ends of her hair even though you’re still staring at your phone.
“Bucky sent me a DM inviting me to his hotel room.” You answered in a stoic demeanor, but it felt really strange coming out of your mouth.
“Okay. How long was I in the shower?” Your friend asked with her hands on her hips wanting an explanation.
You recount the details and show her the messages you and Bucky had been sending to each other. She scrolled through each of them and you could see the look of apprehension forming on her face.
“I don’t know,” she said her words trailing before giving you a worried look, “shouldn’t you be the slightest bit concerned?”
“About?” You ask taking your phone back from her.
“All of this!” She exclaimed her arms outstretched in exasperation and not understanding why you were so blinded by Bucky. “You briefly met the guy, years ago might I add, and you decide it’s okay to meet him at his hotel room in a city you don’t even live in?”
Alright, it did raise a couple of red flags, but you were a consenting adult and you lived a life of being cautious and in fear a little too much you wanted to be reckless for at least one night.
“I know you’re only looking after me, but I got to go for it. You know I like him! Sure, I may not know him on a personal level, but I’m allowed to have some fun, right?” You try reasoning with her. Just how different was all this compared to what people around the world were already doing with each other anyways?
She was a bit skeptic before reluctantly agreeing and letting you go but with the promise from you to be careful, share your location and his room number with her just in case she needed to save you or come after him. You thanked her for understanding and assured her that you’d be back before check-out in the morning.
On the drive to his hotel room, you thought about how you always imagined the different scenarios of what it’d be like when you’d ever meet Bucky again. What things you’d do differently or say. How you’d make sure to not trip or do something to embarrass yourself the next time. How you’d be more confident.
Parking was a pain in any city’s downtown, you ended up having to pay for parking twice in one night. Not surprising to you, they stayed in a nice hotel. It wasn’t over-the-top nor was it fancy, but it was definitely clean and a slight step up than of what was in your budget for booking a room.
When you’re finally at his door, you wonder if you were going to be catfished. Were there other people in his room? Were you really that special? Fuck it. Was the final thought, putting an end to the rest, and knocked at his door.
You hear a click and sliding of the chain door unlock, then you’re face-to-face with Bucky. He’s dressed down in sweats and a zip-up hoodie. He shoots you a smile and steps aside for you to come inside, there wasn’t much light offered to illuminate the room other than the ones the lamps attached on the wall between the beds and what little the TV could provide.
“Oh, thank God. You’re real.” Motherfucker. Did you really just say that?
Bucky laughed at that and you explained, honest with him, that this whole thing just felt surreal. He nodded in agreement, offering to take your jacket from you and a drink. It was alcoholic. Not denying him, you accepted it and waited to see what he would do next.
You watch him sit down on the king-sized bed with his feet up, one foot over the other. You’re standing there next to the dresser that also served as a stand for the TV he was watching a random show on. Not sure what to do, you set the drink aside, kick off your boots, leaving them next to the luggage rack, and sit on the spot next to him with a considerable amount of distance between your bodies.
It’s quiet and you’re trying to hush the voices in your head. Did he really invite you to just watch TV with him? Is this awkward for him? Oh, no. He’s going to realize I’m boring.
You feel the bed shift and you see Bucky is leaning over, opposite of you, to grab something from the nightstand. You don’t see much of what he’s doing as your view was blocked by his large back. When he changes positions, a brief spark of a flame emits from his hands. Your eyes trail up from his hands to his lips and notice it was a blunt. You were pretty sure this was a non-smoking room, but it wasn’t under your name, so it didn’t really matter in the end.
Of course, he did that kind of stuff. It was part of the lifestyle to be exposed to it. He took a steady hit and you watched as he exhaled slowly, a cloud of smoke disappearing into the air in front of him.
“Want a hit?” He asked passing and offering you the blunt.
It’d been a while since you last smoked anything. You tried it a few times and even then, you didn’t think you did it right. You stare at the neatly rolled blunt in between his thumb and forefinger, but not too long as to not let it go to waste and ash up all over the bed.
You steadily take it from him and carefully attempt to take a puff. Wrong. That puff was anything but steady. Not realizing how close you were actually sitting next to Bucky, when you tried to exhale you ended up coughing – terribly. Bucky’s face scrunches up as he braces for the impact of white smoke to hit his face.
“Oh my God,” you say covering your mouth in disbelief, but it was a bad idea because your body didn’t like that, and you ended up coughing even harder.
“I’m so sorry,” you manage to get out in between your coughing fit while passing him back the blunt and trying your best to waft at the smoke. Well, if you thought your first encounter with Bucky was embarrassing. This had to take the cake. It wasn’t proper etiquette to blow smoke in the other person’s face.
He waves it off letting you know that it wasn’t a big deal before taking another hit. He even begins to give you a few pointers to inhale in increments, until you get used to the smoke. You don’t even notice the long looks Bucky gives you hit after hit. You take a second to let the smoke stay in your mouth before you give it a second inhale, letting it process through your system before gently exhaling. It was a lot of fucking steps to remember.
“Don’t try to put too much emphasis into the exhalation,” he said as he watches you take another hit, almost perfecting it and with each puff and pass being deeper and longer than the previous, “see, you’re getting the hang of it!” He whimsically lifts his hand up for a high-five that you softly pat in return, but he seizes that moment to hold your hand instead, intertwining his fingers with yours.
The more you breathed in the more your body started to relax. All the edge was taken off and you felt good. You and Bucky continued to pass the blunt, smoking whatever was left of it and what he had with him, as you told random bits of information about yourselves to one another. By now, you and Bucky were leaning on each other, backs against the headboard, the TV barely audible as it continued to play a rerun of whatever that was on earlier.
“You know I really do remember you?” He says causing you to turn your head to look down at him. He has his gaze fixed on your hands, his thumb barely grazing the back of your hand. He’d been playing with your hand, drawing random shapes on it.  
“That’s hard for me to believe,” you answer back truthfully.  
“Why?” Bucky questions while looking up at you. He was in a slouched position, his hoodie and shirt rising up, allowing you a thin glimpse of his skin, while you sat a little higher up than him. 
You admired his handsome face, the crease lines in his forehead, the faint and not so faint marks scattered all around it, his wet lips that shone when he ran his tongue over them and the stubble that surrounded it all down to his adorable nose. Then there were those blue eyes that once put you in an overawe of intimidation, were now a bit alarming in a new sense. They were swirling and growing darker.
“You meet new people every day, Bucky. There’s no way that I could’ve been that unforgettable to you.” You just couldn’t wrap your mind around that. Staring at him, you tried to read him, but you were too faded to concentrate.  
“But you were,” he tells you in a low voice just before you notice his eyes shut and he leans in to place an experimenting kiss to your lips. He pulls back to quietly study your expression, and when you don’t show any sign of disapproval, he goes in for another.
This time with added pressure, more emotion, Bucky pulls you down by the back of your neck and casually slips his tongue in your mouth the moment your lips parted. Your heart started racing when you reciprocated his kiss, trying to keep up with him. He definitely liked to dominate. You could even slightly taste the blunt you both shared moments ago as his tongue tangled with yours.
He slips off his hoodie leaving him in a dark gray shirt. Navigating his body over yours, he pulls you down into a more comfortable position. He’s cradling the side of your face as your lips continue to move one another, getting hungrier and hungrier.
The movements cause your top to ride up, exposing your midriff. His hands wander down to caress your skin before you feel his fingers grip at the waistline of your jeans. You instantly grab his hand and stop him. This was moving all too fast for you.
Bucky didn’t press on it for too long and slipped his fingers out, running his hand back up your side and this time underneath what your tank top was covering left of your upper body. His hand snuck back out and started tugging at the material bunched underneath your breasts. When your top was finally discarded to reveal your red bra, he latched onto your neck, kissing up along your jawline and nipping at your ear, the sound of his harsh breathing sent a tingle at the contact and shivers through your entire body.
You winced when you suddenly felt one of his hands at the back of your head, yanking a handful of your hair causing your head to snap back. It gave him more access and you closed your eyes letting the sharp pain run its course and turn into something pleasurable as he practically devoured your neck. You could feel him inhale deeply, getting high on you, and possibly the lingering aroma of the drugs, and sucking tiny splotches onto your skin then licking to soothe them.  
He pushed aside the straps of your bra as his lips travelled down your shoulder before stopping at the curve of your breasts. You briefly opened your eyes to see him fixated on your chest. He uses both hands to grope them.
“You think I didn’t notice these from the stage?” He asks now looking at you, squeezing and releasing them before pulling your bra down, your breasts spilling out of the cups. He instantly latches his mouth onto a nipple, while the other hand digs in between the mattress and your back to unclasp the bra. His tongue swirled around the nub, teeth lightly grazing and sucking at the skin around it.
You run a hand through his hair, it was a little sweaty and you couldn’t blame him. It was getting hot; you could feel the heat radiating off of him. It became even more apparent after he got rid of his shirt and you feel his clammy skin on yours.
He pulls back, straddling your waist, most of his body weight falling on his knees, careful to not to crush you. Your hands cascaded down his chest and rested at his thighs. You gave them a shy squeeze, something you’ve always dreamed of doing and you were only slightly satisfied.
Bucky flashes you another smile before he braces one hand next to your head and leans back over to fish something off the nightstand. When he pulls his other hand back you notice he’s going through something on his phone. Curious, you look at his face trying to get another read at him, but this whole night was just full of surprises. He finally looks at you before speaking.
“Can I ask you something and you promise not to freak out?”
It depends.
“Yeah…” Who were you kidding? You’d gladly get on your knees for this man. He swooped in for another hard kiss, your mind turning into mush just before you could get anything else out.
“I think it’d be so hot if we recorded ourselves,” his face was so close to yours making sure that your focus was on his and only his. He must’ve felt you shift because he allowed more of his weight to drop; he was closing in on you and it was like you almost had no chance of escape. You weren’t going to lie. The way his weight was crushing you and sinking you deeper into the bed felt really nice. You were speechless. He wanted to record a sex tape with you.
“I travel so much,” he starts listing off reasons why while still cradling the side of your face again, your hand bracing his forearm, and starts kissing your face, “it gets really lonely being on the road.” At this point, he’s probably kissed every inch, “I’d love to have this...it’d be so much easier for me to come thinking about you.”
Motherfucker. His dreamy voice speaking those words into you did one hell of a number because you were aching down there plus the way his hips dragged at your still jean-clad lower region didn’t offer much relief.
“I-I don’t know,” you hesitate for a bit. What if his phone got hacked and the footage leaked?
“It’s just for me, baby. I swear,” he asks with hopeful eyes.
Sure, you could’ve had the strength to say no, but you were more than willing to be everything he desired. With your consent, he sealed it with another wild kiss. The magnitude of it setting you ablaze.
Bucky sets his phone back on the nightstand, propping it upright, camera on front face mode to display the both of you on its screen, and at the perfect angle he hits the red record button.
It’s showtime.
He revisits the mission of removing your pants and is this time successful. If you both weren’t so faded, he’d probably have an easier time taking them off, but they were tight, and you were grateful he didn’t clumsily break your ankles in the process. Chucking them somewhere off to the side, with his fingers, he traces the top pattern of the matching red lace panties you had on.
He let out a faint chuckle commenting on how red is his favorite color. Oh, you knew. You precisely chose this set just in case you got lucky. He plants kisses to your hip bones, his lips evading the area that cried out for his attention the most, and slithered down the bed, so he had your calves now placed over his shoulders.
Bucky laid gentle pecks on them and came back up to start nipping at your inner thighs, most likely leaving his mark there also, until you felt the tip of his nose hit your center. Your panties were definitely a deeper shade of red at this point. He pushed your panties to the side enough to get started.
You feel the pads of his fingers begin to rub circular motions at your clit. The first wave causing your hips to jolt involuntarily. You feel the smirk that formed on his face against your thigh at your body’s response.
“So sensitive,” he says pushing your hips back down to continue his task at hand, “and so wet,” he added while pulling his fingers away to examine your arousal that coated his long digits. You don’t take your eyes off him and you almost forget how to breathe when you watch his lips wrap around his fingers, noting his eyes closed and how his cheekbones become more prominent on an already perfect jawline as he sucked them off clean.
When Bucky opens his eyes, they’re darker than before, clouded with lust. He roughly yanked at your panties, still in his other hand, effectively tearing the overpriced garment. After giving it a few more tugs, it was long gone. Headfirst in between your legs, Bucky craved for more of you. He licked a broad strip, down up, to your clit. His tongue teased your folds before dipping inside you, the intrusion causing you to gasp. Your body withered around desperately searching for a path to release. Bucky kept at it, his nose nudging your clit with each plunge his tongue made.
Not denying you of a finish, he adds his fingers into the mix, curling them to find that spot. Noting that your eyes had closed sometime during the act, he stills, and you whine at the sudden halt. Your hand aimlessly reaches out to his face. When you find it, you open your eyes and pick your head up to find out why he had stopped. Bucky offers one of his hands for you to hold on to before speaking.
“Baby keep your eyes on me,” he orders, and his eyes don’t leave yours as his head lowers back down to your pulsing heat. You struggle to keep your eyes open and head from lolling back in ecstasy because you desperately wanted to come. Fuck, he was so talented.
The noises as a result of his onslaught were downright sinful. Bucky’s hips started to ground into the bed trying to relieve some friction of his own. His moans tremble across your entire body. There’s no warning when you come, and you don’t even give him a chance to escape your thighs that clamp around face. Not that Bucky minded, feeling you clench around his fingers as he drank in more of what your body had to offer. Bucky only then emerges when your legs fall limp against the bed.
He plops back down next to you, but as he does so, he pulls you on top of him. Your lips reattach themselves with his and the raw nature of tasting yourself on his lips drive you both mad. He hadn’t even wiped around his face, so you feel the wetness on his chin scrape across yours, staining you with your own arousal.
Your hands moved on their own from planting themselves on his firm chest then working their way down the ripples of his abs, through the trail of hair leading to the top of the waistband of his sweats. You tauntingly pulled the drawstring to loosen it before letting it go and instead grip him through the soft material. Bucky grumbled at your actions, but let you carry on.
You palmed him, getting a feel of how thick and long he was. Bucky was growing whiny with each passing move your hand made, he took matters into his own and grabbed your hand, shoving it into his pants. Your hand instinctively wraps around his hard cock and you give it a light squeeze and a few strokes, generating long drawn out moans to spew from Bucky’s mouth.
His cock felt even better with nothing separating you two. Bucky’s pants and boxers easily slide down his muscular legs, which spread apart to give you room. You maneuver south to lie on your stomach, still in between his legs, and grab his member that was curved resting at his stomach and bring it your face.
“Wait,” he says almost breathlessly. Your mouth is only inches away from the head already weeping profusely. He sits up to rest on his elbows and retrieves his phone from the nightstand. Oh.
“Okay, smile for me,” he directs, and you follow his lead before your tongue darts out at his slit and follow the ring around the tip of his cock. You pull back to savor his taste for a moment, your hands spreading the pre-cum around his shaft. Your strokes are then accompanied by the long licks you give at the sides and to his balls that your other hand had been playing with. Bucky’s head rests on his pillow so his other hand could rest on the back of your head and guide you down his length. Your mouth immediately started to water, but it made it easier for you to bob up and down. He let you move at your own pace for the most part. Bucky pushed your hair off to the side, away from your face to get a better view of the outline of his cock poking at the inside of your mouth. You let his cock drag across the inside of your cheeks a few times until it audibly popped out of your mouth.  
“Fuck me. I knew you’d be perfect.” His words mixed with his incessant moans were like honey pouring into your ears. He loved the way your eyes looked directly at him through the camera lens when you come up with a long tantalizing lick to the underside of his cock and crawling back up to straddle him.  
Bucky gets a good shot of your flushed face and breasts that had some of your drool combined with his pre-cum running down your body before dropping his phone beside him. He sits up causing you to fall back down at the other end of the bed. He picks out a condom from the nightstand and you watch as it rolls down the length of his cock. You bite your lip watching it twitch.
He’s on his knees, but sitting on the balls of his feet, you are lying down patiently waiting for him. He swipes his cock through the wetness of your pussy, prepping himself to slide in. He’s watching your reaction with each pass his dick makes. Your body is yearning for him to be inside of you, to hit that fucking spot over and over.
Just when you think he’s about to do it, he’s reaching over for that damn phone again. Out of habit, you cover your face with your hands. Not only showing the last shred of humility you had left, but also because you probably looked like a fucking bitch in heat.
Bucky pulls your hands away, he still has the phone in his hands, and he’s got it angled to playback from his point of view before he finally pushes into you. He’s big, much bigger than what you’ve experienced, you think you need a moment to adjust, but he never gives you that opportunity and you find that it doesn’t matter when he feels so good. Too good that you find it hard to breathe with each thrust he’s making because he’s hitting it so deep. You push your hands out in front of you to his lower abdomen and attempt to slow him down. Bucky shakes his head and knocks your hands out of the way.
You let out an abrupt yelp at his retaliation to your failed efforts in trying to stop him with a particularly harder and much forceful thrust. Instead, your hands grab fistfuls of the hotel bed’s white blankets and just let him have his way.
“So beautiful,” he says spreading you further then coming down on you to reclaim your lips with his. He rips your hands from their tight grips on the bed sheets to pin them down next to the sides of your head. You don’t care where his phone went, just happy to have both his hands on you. The skin-to-skin contact just hit different sometimes.
The kisses become so feral you start to feel a burn around your mouth from his stubble. Bucky rolls his hips into yours deliciously, a damn true artist, the rhythm he’s got going sends you just about over but never fully beyond the edge to prolong the climax.
Much to your dismay, Bucky withdraws away from you again, back into his previous position, a new idea popping into his wicked mind. With his hard cock still inside you, he slides his hands under your hips and hoists your lower half up towards him, resting your ass on his thighs, effectively bottoming out. You don’t hold back at the way that made you feel and let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He holds still for a second and you’re not quite sure why. You try to move by wiggling your hips, but he holds you still.
He’s staring at how close your bodies are, connected, he moves just the slightest. It causes your pussy to contract and your stomach to tighten up. He does it again in different intervals, his eyes surveying the entire thing. The next push is a little harder and when you see the devious smile breakthrough his face, he does it even more. The thrusts are much sharper and almost painful, but it quickly subsides when you feel the head of his cock probe at the right spot.
Bucky lifts your hips up higher, your back arching in bridge fashion you weren’t aware you could even do until he resumes his new pattern of thrusts again. This new position aided his cock in hitting your sweet spot a little better. He’s filming you again and resting one of his palms on your stomach. He’s not only watching, but he’s feeling the bulge in your belly from the distension caused by the jabs of his cock.  
“That’s my girl,” he praised, continuing to pound into you, “you take this cock so well.” The sight boosts Bucky’s ego and for you it actually probably wasn’t a good thing, but you’d be damned the angle did so many wonders to you right now.
“You love watching your cock go deeper and deeper inside me, Bucky?” You ask trying to look up at him from that position. Where did that come from? Your words cause him to freeze momentarily, but you could still feel his cock throbbing inside of you. He liked that.
Another impish thought running through his head, Bucky pulls out, picking you up so you’re also knee-height with him, giving you another searing kiss, then he’s behind you. He gently pushes you down, you on your elbows, Bucky leans over behind you, his soaked cock sliding up your ass resting on the small of your back as he places his phone back on the nightstand in the same position it had been in the beginning.
You don’t dare look at the screen in front of you, so you look down until you feel Bucky enter your pussy once more from behind. Your head rises and it wasn’t due to the surging pleasure, but because Bucky uses your hair as a rope to bring your body upright with his.
He thrusts up into you while he mutters incoherent slurs and lewd noises into your ear. He peppers the side of your face with wet and uncalculated kisses, his hands massaging your breasts before one of them migrates down to cup your pussy. His fingers dip in and starts another assault to your clit. You’re already tethering off the edge and on the brink of succumbing to him, but he just knew when to let up and keep you starved for more.
“Look at you,” he says, using his other hand to turn your head to face the small screen, the numbers continuing to go up. “You’re such a fucking slut for my cock,” you don’t argue with him and instead moan his name. “You like watching yourself fuck this huge cock, don’t you?” You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore; watching the two of you was hot. Your uncontrollable moans now muffled into Bucky’s palm. And he just kept egging you on, “I know I do. It’s gonna remind me just how tight this fucking pussy is.” Damn him. 
“You want to come, baby?” He asks, the speed of his fingers picking up a notch.
You pull down Bucky’s hand to respond, “Mmm, yes. Fuck! Please let me come, Bucky,” you don’t know what has possessed you, but it spurs the both of you on even more. Your next words do it for Bucky, “I want to come all over your cock,” and he’s immediately coming and spilling into the condom, still inside you, you feel his release pump through him. He’s biting your shoulder, some of his weight coming down on you, his thrusts becoming erratic, but one did the trick for you and you finally let go.
And what drives Bucky even more wild, is that you don’t stop. You keep rolling your hips into him, riding it all the way out. Bucky’s trying to hold on, with a bruising grip on your waist, his forehead resting on your back; the aftershock of his release proving too much. Your release pours out freely, you feel some of it slide down the inside of your thighs mixed with sweat.
You sag against Bucky, each of your body weight balancing against the other. You feel him scatter lazy kisses up your back and pull your face towards him to press one against your lips, moaning in satisfaction. He slowly pulls out of you with a low groan, your body feeling numb when you fall forward to lie down on the bed. Bucky discards of the condom and shuts his phone off before settling next to you.
He pushes the hair out of your face, and you, facedown, peek an eye open. He has a more than content look on his face, you notice his eyes were back to their normal color. He allows some time to pass for you both to calm down. Sleep wants to overcome your body, but it doesn’t when Bucky’s touch puts you on notice again. He runs his hand up and down your back. He’s insatiable, but he didn’t anticipate your comeback in the end and put him in a daze. He could get addicted to you.    
“Is it weird if I fly you out to Brooklyn?” He said out of nowhere. Brooklyn was thousands of miles away from where you lived. He wanted to pay your way to see him again. It was such an outlandish request. You’re starting to regain a more balanced sense of perception and thought, and you ponder on this for a few seconds. “Never mind. You think it’s weird,” he says lifting the blanket over his head turning his back to you. You could tell he was just trying to be cute.
“Oh, come on! You caught me off guard. You can’t blame me!” You respond, but he doesn’t budge. You muster up enough strength to sit up to lean over the side of his body, resting your chin on the top of his shoulder, and try to grab at the blanket. You pull it over his head and see the lazy smile etched across his pretty face. All you do is return the smile and close your eyes, basking in the post-coital bliss.  
“Stay for the night,” came as his last request and turning to lie on his back, wrapping his arms around you.
You don’t think about your car, that’s still parked nearby or care if the parking rate is probably going up by the hour and start eating at your bank account. You don’t think about how pissed your friend would be when she wakes up in the morning and you’re still not back in time. You just think about how tomorrow he’d be far away. You scoot up to give him one more kiss before laying your head to rest on him and make the best out of the present. Happy that you went with your gut on this one.
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A/N: This could flop. At first, it was easy to write, but then the ending tripped me up. & while I have your attention, please let me know, anonymously or not, if there’s an interest in a Chase Collins fic? Charles Blackwood smut, anyone? Anyway, I hope this delivered! Thanks for reading!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Department One: Apparel And Jewelry
What are you wearing today?  Just a white duster dress. Very loungewear-y, hahaha. I didn’t feel like wearing shorts today.
What does your favorite shirt look like?  At the moment I’m obsessed with my Vante shirt. It’s fanmade but it was made tastefully; the designs aren’t too loud and I love the cute little shoutouts and tributes to his past paintings, so it had been a ridiculously easy decision for me to want to buy it.
What kind of underwear do you prefer wearing?  Eh I don’t really have a preference as long as I don’t find them uncomfy.
What are your favorite kind of jeans?  I’m definitely still stuck in my mom jeans phase. Idk man, I just love how they match nearly all kinds of tops.
What do the last pair of shoes you wore look like?  They were adidas sneakers. Not a big fan of chunky shoes but it’s an Ivy Park and it was on a big discount HAHAHA so I didn’t hesitate to get them.
How many shoes do you own?  A little more than 10. I love shoes and wanna collect them someday...just not today, hahaha.
How much jewelry do you own?  Not too big on jewelry; most, if not all the ones I wear are just borrowed from my mom since we share the same style anyway.
Do you own any real diamonds or other expensive jewelry?  Yeah, the ones I would borrow from my mom are pretty pricey.
Has anyone ever gave you jewelry as a present?  Yes, I received rings and necklaces from my ex. One of my aunts also gave me a necklace when I turned 7.
Do you like diamonds or gemstones better?  I just stick with diamonds...which is...also a gemstone too, if I’m not mistaken.
Silver or gold?  Silver.
Department Two: Electronics
Do you have a DVD player in your car?  Not in mine, but we do have one in the family car. I used to watch movies on there often but after one grueling road trip where my motion sickness acted up, I haven’t wanted to use it since.
If you have one, what does your camera/camcorder look like?  I just use the camera in my phone but back in the day I used to have a DSLR; that was when I thought I wanted to take up photography, heh. It was a Nikon D3100.
How much did it cost?  I’m not sure since my dad gave it to me as a present, but a quick search told me it would’ve cost him around P20,000 which issssss wow more expensive than I thought.
What kind of cellphone do you have?  I have an iPhone 8 with an LCD screen that’s deteriorating by the day HAHA. I really need to get a new phone.
How often do you send texts?  I text just for work purposes now, so it really depends on how busy my accounts are. Some days would require me to send out more texts than usual.
Do you have your own computer or does your family share?  I have my own laptop. My workplace also provided me with what’s supposed to be my work laptop, but they had it sent to me when I was already a couple of months into my job and all my needed files and programs were already in my personal laptop. Since I was too lazy to start everything all over again, I’ve never actually used the work laptop haha.
How many computers are in your house?  We have three laptops in total - my siblings and I each have our own. Kind of a necessity these days.
Do you still have a VCR?  I don’t think so.
How many DVDs do you own?  We probably have around 30-50 but most of them are movies from like the 2000s that we just haven’t thrown out. Personally, I have about five DVDs of old films like Gone with the Wind, Rebel Without A Cause, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, etc, and recently I’ve been buying BTS merch so DVDs are part of that mix too.
Does your car have a GPS?  No. I use Waze on my phone instead.
What kind of iPod/MP3 player do you have? Haven’t used an iPod in like a literal decade. I use Spotify for my music.
How many songs are on it?  Spotify doesn’t work that way since it’s technically a database of songs.
What size is your TV?  Never bothered to ask/check.
How many TVs are in your house?  Four. Living room, dining room, master bedroom, my brother’s room.
What video game systems do you have?  We have a PS3 and PS4. 
What about handhelds?  Switch. I believe my sister also still has her DSi stored somewhere.
How many video games do you have?  Probably somewhere around 50-60. My dad and brother are content with repeating their games lol.
Department Three: Home
What kind of shampoo do you use?  It’s a Dove variant but I’m just blanking out on the specific name/what it does.
Soap or shower gel?  Shower gel.
What does your comforter look like?  It’s pretty colorful and has geometric shapes and lines.
Does it match your pillows?  Yep, they come in a set.
What size is your bed?  Twin.
Do you or your parents like to decorate the house with various things or is it plain?  My mom puts considerable effort in decorating the house but it’s nothing overboard that it feels tacky. There’s enough decor in enough spaces.
Does the furniture in your house match?  Sure. I imagine my mom would be very irritated if she felt something was uncoordinated at home.
What does your couch look like?  It’s a gray L-shaped couch. Gabie broke a portion of the couch’s springs when it had only spent its like first two weeks at home but surprisingly my mom has not noticed it yet; probably because she barely sits on that side.
How many does your dining room/kitchen table seat?  It has six chairs, though since we’re five one of the chairs is almost always unoccupied.
Do you have any fancy china?  No, my mom isn’t the type to collect those.
Do you have outside furniture?  Yeah we have a table and chairs up on the rooftop, if they count.
What do your curtains look like?  My siblings and I have pull-down blinds. The other rooms have these pulled-back gold curtains that’s accompanied by white sheers.
Department Four: Grocery
What kind of bread do you get?  Sliced white bread, always. Sometimes my mom will pick up pan de sal, but she gets those from a certain bakery and no longer the grocery.
What is your favorite kind of cake?  CHEEEEEEEEEESECAAAAAAAKE.
Do you get a lot of sweets from the grocery store?  Eh, nah. Not a big fan of sweets.
What kind of soda is your favorite?  Don’t like soda.
Do you drink juice? What kind?  I can take it or leave it. I wouldn’t buy it for myself.
What is your favorite chewing gum?  Doesn’t matter to me. The flavors last for only like a minute anyway.
Do you usually get candy from the check-out aisle?  Nah. Those are far more accessible so who knows who could’ve touched or tampered with them. Plus, I mentioned I don’t like sweets.
What is your favorite soup?  Miso or cream of mushroom.
Have you ever had soup when you were sick?  No. I don’t enjoy hot beverages/liquids very much so I doubt I would feel comfort from soup when I’m sick.
What are your favorite canned vegetables?  Not sure if it’s a cultural difference thing but canned vegetables kind of sound gross and I don’t think I’ve encountered those (I actually had to look it up lol). My parents always buy fruits and veggies as is.
What do you eat for breakfast?  Fried rice is a constant but my mom switches up the set of viands every time. Some of the meals she serves would be hotdogs, eggs (either scrambled, omelette, fried, or sunny-side up), corned beef, dried fish, hashbrowns, luncheon meat, tapa, and Vienna sausages. Poptarts or toaster strudels?  Poptarts. I’ve never had toaster strudel and I’m honestly not sure what that is.
What salad dressing do you prefer?  Spicy mayo.
Ketchup, mayonnaise, or mustard?  MAYONNAISE. I can live without the other two.
What kind of cookie do you like best?  I only ever eat chocolate chip.
What kind of snacks do you get at the grocery store?  Salted egg chips or Pringles. Not a big fan of snacks either. This survey is making me realize I’m way more into full meals than anything else.
Do you get the meat from the deli?  Er, we don’t have delis here. Too fancy a concept lmao. If we have them, they are most likely in those extremely upscale, boujee neighborhoods.
What is your favorite frozen dinner?  I mean my dad buys frozen meat, fish, etc, but the frozen dinner sets that I see in American culture, which I’m guessing is what’s being referred to in this question, are not common here.
Do you prefer frozen dinners to actual cooking?  I honestly can’t imagine how it’s filling, but then again I’ve never tried it. Personally, food made from scratch is still the best.
What is your favorite kind of pasta?  Fettuccine.
Do you eat meat? And if not, do you eat vegetarian meat?  Yes, I eat meat. I get vegan options if they’re accessible and affordable, but those choices are hard to come by here.
What is your favorite fruit?  Avocado is really the only one I’ll give a pass to. Everything else tastes horrible.
What about vegetable?  Broccoli, bell peppers, green beans.
Department Five: Health And Beauty
What kind of makeup do you normally use?  None. If I absolutely have to put on makeup, I will begrudgingly put on foundation, maybe some eyeliner, and lip gloss. And they will all most likely be borrowed from my sister.
Do you wear more makeup on special events?  Not necessarily.
What is your favorite makeup brand?  I wouldn’t be the right person to ask because I would just say none of them.
Do you use any acne products?  Mmm no, I just splash water on my face, really. I actually got into a conversation about skincare with my co-workers yesterday and besides the usual shocked experessions I get when people find out I don’t use products, they recommended I at least get moisturizer and sunscreen. Idk, let’s see but historically it’s been hard to convince me to invest in skincare haha.
What kind of perfume do you use?  I have one of Beyoncé’s perfumes, Heat Rush. I don’t actually know if that’s still in production but it’s been my staple for like a decade or so now.
Have you ever been on a diet?  No. I never really had to be on one.
What products do you use in your hair?  Shampoo and conditioner.
How often do you brush your hair?  Only when I have to leave the house or have an important virtual work meeting.
What do you take when you have an upset stomach?  Nothing. The toilet usually solves that for me lol.
Do you take any prescription medicine? Nope.
Department Six: Movies, Music, And Books
What is your favorite movie of all time?  It’s been Two for the Road for a solid nine years and it doesn’t look like anything’s on its way to dethroning it anytime soon.
What genre of movie do like best?  Drama. The more realistic it is, the better.
What was the last movie you watched?  It’s a Korean film called Be With You. I liked it and I cried waterfalls, but the ending was so rushed it was kind of disappointing.
What was the last movie you purchased?  I don’t buy movies. If I wanted to see a film I’ll check if Netflix has it, then if they don’t I just try to scour one of those illegal movie streaming sites that always happen to have thousands of pornographic ads hahaha.
What is your all time favorite band? Paramore. Do you still buy CDs?  Only from artists I’m an extremely huge fan of. Right now that would be BTS, so I’m catching up on all the albums they’ve released in the last eight years.
What was the last CD you bought?  I got the Butter album set, if that counts. If it doesn’t, the last full-length album I purchased was Dark & Wild.
What was the last song you listened to?  I think it was Permission To Dance.
What is your favorite book?  I haven’t found it yet.
Do you even like reading?  I used to love it a lot more, to the point that back in grade school I was known as always having a book in my hand. I just don’t know where that passion went.
How often do you read?  Nearly never. I mean...I do read fanfics, I guess; but I won’t count those.
Department Seven: Sports And Fitness
Do you own a bike/scooter/skateboard/etc.?  We do have a bike at home, but that doesn’t mean I know how to ride it. We don’t have the other two.
How old were you when you learned to ride a bike w/o training wheels?  I still don’t know how to last on a bike without training wheels heheh.
Have you ever been camping?  Nah.
How often do you work out?  Nope but at work my boss just started another fitness challenge, so I’ll probably have to get back on working out soon just because I would want to accomplish the challenge.
Are you in good shape?  Sure, I think so. I’m not like fit fit because I neveeer exercise haha, but I also don’t make it a point to constantly eat unhealthy foods or have an unhealthy lifestyle to the point that it affects my body.
Do you go to a gym?  I do not. I thought of getting a membership at the start of the year but I’m glad I didn’t push through with it because all the gyms are still closed anyway.
Have you ever been fishing?  No. Idk if it’s my kind of pastime or not.
Have you ever been on a boat?  Yeah. My country has like 7000 islands so I was bound to get on a boat at some point in my life haha.
Can you play golf?  Never seemed interesting to me so no. Even on Wii Sports I barely picked golf.
Ever rode on a golf cart?  Yeah, in resorts where we had to ride them to be taken to our room.
Would you ever go hunting?  That’s an easy no.
What is your favorite sport?  Pro wrestling or table tennis.
Ever played on a sports team?  No, my school didn’t have a table tennis varsity.
Department Eight: Toys
What was your favorite toy as a child?  Cash registers because I liked the buttons. Also Play-Doh sets that had those contraptions that would squirt out the clay in various shapes.
Do you still play with toys?  Well, no.
Do you collect any toys?  I don’t, but I’m not opposed to start buying Funko Pop figurines of people or characters I’m interested in.
Did you ever have building blocks?  Sure, but I was never creative enough for them.
Did you play with dolls?  No.
Barbies or Bratz? Which were better?  BRATZZZZZZ
What is your favorite board game?  Scrabble.
Do you like to do arts and crafts?  Hell no.
Do you think that kids now have it better than when you were young? For sure, but isn’t that kind of the goal?
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obscureoperations · 4 years
i have yet another prompt for you because i cant stop thinking about this sweet man and of course, im a goth hoe. So, Martin with a goth crush or s/o. I feel like he'd be interested by them especially since the people in his town would also treat them p bad because it's mostly full of old folks. would he know what goth is? I kinda feel like when he first sees them he thinks they're a vampire too lmao. would he be intrigued by them and stalk them about?
Oh nice! I think Martin would be intrigued right off the bat, their appearance certainly drew attention. He would probably notice them the second they entered Cuda’s shop. He couldn’t tear his eyes away out of sheer curiosity. He could clearly see how some of the old women would sneer at you and whisper under their breath. For the most part you remained completely un-phased. If anything, their attention seemed to amuse you. You carelessly stroll past Mrs. Belini, whose lips were already curled into a bitter sneer. The old bag was practically vibrating with anger over the fact that you barely spared her a second glance. “Cuda! You really need to mind who you let into the shop! This is an old person’s town after all, how would it look?!” 
“Mrs. Belini... calm down. She is just like any paying customer. She has a basket... she fully intends to shop.”
“That’s not the point you old crone..Just look at her state of dress..It’s clearly upsetting the other customers!” 
Martin briefly scans over the near empty aisles. The few customers that they had were completely preoccupied.
“I just think that you...as the owner should...”
Belini’s voice begins to fade into the background.
His attention was fixed on you as you leisurely select your items. Not a care in the world, the basket rests comfortably on your arm. You seemed to have all the time in the world.  He had never seen anyone like you in real life... or at least not up close. You looked like one of the people who would stand out in front of that dance club on the far end of town. Though not quite as intimidating. Clad in black from head to toe, not a varying shade in the mix. Inky hair cascades down your back,straight cut bangs barely conceal kohl rimmed eyes. Your skin was pale, almost lily white. Long slender legs clad in fishnet, the boots you wore gave you about a quarter of a foot’s more height.
He couldn’t understand what was so offensive about your look. Yes it was different,but was that necessarily a bad thing? In a pallid town like this, what was the harm in a little more absence of color? He continued to watch as you moved about the store, more and more questions forming in his head. Where did you come from.. were you new? What was your name... what did you do? All questions began to muddle together the closer you got to the counter. He quickly glances away, busing himself arranging the desk. Placing a new stack of bags on the rack. Anything to avoid looking at you.
“Is this the check out?”
Your voice was not anything like he expected. There was a playful lilt in the tone, an almost airy sort of whisper. It reminded him of the wind as it moved through the branches at night, over the rafters into his bedroom window.
“Yes. “He offers quietly as he begins to scan each of your items. He can feel your gaze boring into him, it was unwavering, yet it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable. He tried to steady his breath, he didn’t want to appear too flustered. He begins to carefully scan and place your items into the bag. His eyes honed in on your hands, lightly poised resting against the counter. Long glossy black pointed nails absentmindedly tap against the tile. How could you wear those things, couldn’t they break during the day? During mindless tasks? With his gaze pointed on your hands, another thought flashes briefly through his mind… He stills himself, wishing it away completely.  
“Are you new here?” You ask almost suddenly. Heat begins to rise to his face.
“I am. I’ve been here for about a month.”
“Cool... So am I. I’ve been here for like two days...”
His head snaps up suddenly, the moment his eyes land on your face he’s taken aback. Not ghoulish in the least, the way Mrs. Belinis complaints had implied. Hauntingly beautiful were the first words that came to mind. You reminded him of one of the ladies in an old comic book he used to have. Always depicted somewhere near a graveyard, skin tight black dress that left next to nothing to the imagination. Like that, but better-- your eyes were large and searching, the ink around them drew him in further. Your skin was smooth and clear, at least three shades lighter than his own. If it was makeup, he would be none the wiser. It seemed to illuminate under the fluorescent light, it gave you this almost ethereal glow. 
He nods his head, quickly reaching for more of your items, placing them in the bag. He didn’t know what to say. “Oh that’s nice.” Was a bit underwhelming, but at this point his brain wasn’t running on all four cylinders.
Gosh she’s pretty… like really pretty. 
His hands unconsciously begin to shake. It wasn’t the blood this time he was actually nervous. Every second that he didn’t reply felt like an eternity. Why couldn’t he come up with a simple response? He felt almost frozen in your presence, but not in a bad way. He wished he could just look at you for a moment and not have to speak
“What’s your name?” You ask suddenly, nearly causing him to drop the scanner.
“M-” He clears his throat. “Martin. My name is Martin.” That was alright. He didn't stammer, at least not too much.
“Nice to meet you Martin… Im y/n.. I’m gonna be here for a couple of months, hopefully I’ll get to see you around.”
And with that you were gone, change left on the counter as a tip. He was already thinking of ways he could find you. You paid in cash so there was no check or signature, but surely he could figure something out. He already decided that it was important. The thought never crossed his mind that you were going to be the next one. Far from that.  If anything he wanted to see you walking about, alive and animated. He was already fascinated. How were you so impervious to their jeers? Where did you come from, he had to know. Why did you dress like that in real life? “Vampira! That was her name.”  Did you think you were just like him?
He would follow you the next couple weeks, learning nothing new asides from your address, and the fact that you would stroll through the cemetery on some days.Fingers ghosting along the tombstones with a certain mournful look in your eyes. Pausing to rest against them in the middle of the day. You were his new favorite person to watch, with no other intent than to ensure that you got home safely. The day that you strolled into Cuda’s shop with the sole intention to see him, was pretty much burned into his brain. You bypassed Mrs. Bellini almost fast enough for her head to spin. You paused directly in front of the counter. 
“Martin, I really want to show you around town. Can we go out?”
I want to delve more deeply into this, maybe in the form of head cannons. But not tonight.
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dazzlespizazzles · 4 years
It's not a PHASE
A/N; woooo I can't remember the last time I posted a fic,, it's been awhile !! But yeah, I have more ee fics if any1 wants em. But for now, enjoy emo Sylvie
Giovanni blinked in confusion at the sight he was seeing.
"Sylvie, what the fuck?"
Sylvie was wearing a black hoodie with a dark grey blazer covered in pins over it, a black beanie, black jeans and a pair of Doc Martin's along with some other accessories Giovanni was vaugely familiar with. Giovanni and the boy were in his room, Sylvie entering after putting on an outfit he had recently bought.
"Shut it, Potage. It's my paycheck, I bought these clothes, I can dress however I please!" Sylvester retorted, shifting his glasses (which stayed the same yellow pair). Sylvie wouldn't admit it, but he was as nervous as he was during midterms. Sylvie never really experimented with how he dressed; he wore the same hoodie and coat and pants and socks and shoes, washing them every two days and never skimping out on that schedule. Given, sometimes he wore other things for off days or special occasions, but he never switched styles.
Giovanni looked Sylvie up and down. "Look, Kid-" "Not a kid" "Doctor Kid, you can wear whatever you want, I will not judge you; but at least if you're gonna be emo, add some pizzazz to it!" Giovanni sat up from his racecar bed and walked over to his closet, and rummages around, before pulling out a box and putting it on his desk. Sylvie looked over at the box, confused. He opened his mouth to speak, but Giovanni put up a finger to shush him, which the yo-yo boy followed with a hint of saltiness.
After a tiny bit of searching, Giovanni pulled out a coin purse of pins and emptied them all out. Sylvie tried to count how many there were from afar, but the answer he came up with was "a lot", which wasn't very helpful.
Giovanni picked out a handful of pins, and spun around to face Sylvie. "Here, take some pins, these are from my emo phase, so you KNOW they're top notch!" Giovanni said with his usual confidence that made Sylvie's eyes roll, before Sylvie asked "Wait, you used to be punk?"
"Well, emo, but yes! I was, in fact, edgy!" Giovanni struggled with a pin for a moment, before attaching it to Sylvie's jacket. Sylvie was about to protest, before he noticed it was a Panic!At The Disco pin. He quite enjoyed Brendan Urie, even if he won't admit it, so he kept his mouth shut. Giovanni added a few more pins, most of which Sylvie couldn't properly see, until Giovanni was done. "There, nerd, go look in the mirror! Just adding some pins made you look ten times cooler!" Giovanni proclaimed. Sylvie scoffed and walked over to Giovanni's door (which had a full body mirror), and looked at himself, letting out a small gasp. He had to admit, adding some more bolder pins did make him look better. He could feel Giovanni smirk from across the room, he didn't need to check to see him being way too confident.
"So, nerd, what do you think?" Giovanni asked and after a moment of staring, Sylvie turned around very seriouslike. "I am NOT a nerd, so get that through your head, Giovanni...! But, the pins, in some sense of the phrase, did help, so thank you..." Sylvie stubbornly said, and Giovanni beamed with pride. "Y'know what ELSE I have!?" Giovanni pulled out a stick of eyeliner, and Sylvie glared at him "Absolutely not, I am too mature for make-up!"
Giovanni looked flatly at Sylvie "Name 3 uses for this outside of makeup and I won't use it." "Uhh... P... Pen?" "That's what I thought."
Sylvie groaned and sat down on Giovanni's bed, taking off his glasses and letting Giovanni use the eyeliner, quickly growing fidgety as Giovanni carefully worked. "How much longer is this going to take, Potage?" Giovanni groaned "Longer if you keep talking.". Sylvie kept his mouth shut, but mentally he was complaining.
Eventually, Giovanni finished and gave Sylvie his glasses back "Here, lookie lookie, Dr. Glasses." Giovanni chucked a small to-go mirror at Sylvie, who grumbled about needing his glasses go see, before opening the mirror. His eyes widened as he looked at his reflection, letting out a gasp that was a little too loud for his liking, but it happened. He stared at the job Giovanni had done, extremely impressed. "H... How did you...?" Giovanni stood up, stretching "Family of girls, my moms and most of my cousins. Plus, I just do this in my free time." Giovanni said, ruffling his hair in a simple need to stim.
Sylvie continued admiring himself, before Giovanni cleared his throat, startling the boy. "Got anything you wanna say, four-eyes?" Giovanni asked, and Sylvie clapped the mirror shut and looked away "Thank you, Potage, I suppose... It'd be a lot easier to thank you if you weren't also insulting me." Sylvie said and Giovanni seemed very proud of himself (but when didn't he?). "Okay, okay, fine ki-Sylvie. I'll cut back on the insults, if you start calling me by my name. It's not 'Potage', it's Giovanni! Maybe 'Boss' if you're my-" "Don't even think about it." Sylvie interrupted and Giovanni shrugged "Worth a try."
"Now, Sylvester, do you wanna stay couped up in house with my moms loudly rewatching The Good Place, OR do you wanna go to the mall and show of your new emo phase!?" Giovanni asked and Sylvie instinctively said "It's not a PHASE, Giovanni!", only afterwards realizing how childish he sounded, cringing slightly before Giovanni simply rolled his eyes "Okay, as you say. Now, mall or no mall?" Giovanni asked again and Sylvie stood up "I'll only go if you promise not to commit any crimes!" Sylvie said sternly, making Giovanni raise his arms like he was being robbed "Okay, okay, I promise! Cross my heart, hope to die! Now, c'mon, we have a mall to go absolutely WOW!" Giovanni grinned and Sylvie sighed. What did he sign himself up for?
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Change (ft.G Dragon and Yoo Yeon-Seok)
Part 9
You’re about to go out on your first date with Jiyong, but things just don’t work out that way.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
@unabashedturkeytreeslime​ @starlighttaek8​ Again, thanks for all the help you guys!:)
Please reblog if you can! thanks :)))
You and Jiyong both stayed like that, frozen. You out of shock. Him out of just wanting to be near you. You felt a shiver run down your spine. You were looking forward to what was coming. You subconsciously turned your face to the side, allowing his lips to come closer to yours, but suddenly, a phone call snapped you out of that trance and you jumped back. This time Jiyong stayed there, frozen in shock. No one had ever moved away from him when things were going the way they were. He stared at you, shocked out of his mind. You also stared back at him, equally shocked, both at yourself and him. Slowly, the shock wore off for you and your cheeks started growing redder. Suddenly, you got up. Gone was the embarrassed look on your face. Instead, it was replaced a determination. You walked over to him. Jiyong saw you walking over, and felt a sense of familiarity and relief. He was blissfully thinking, 
“She must be coming back”
 when you interrupted him by punching his shoulder. He turned to look at you, in complete and utter disbelief, punching his shoulder playfully. You kept on muttering something, refusing to look at him. 
“You said that to embarrass me, didn’t you? Hmphhhh! I’m embarrassed enough as it is. You don’t need to make it worse!” 
You continued mock punching him. He stared at you for a good minute, and then he burst out laughing. You looked at him, and you also burst out laughing. As the two of you stood there laughing, Yeon-Seok, who was standing by the door, put the phone away from his ear, turned and walked away, feeling his heart sink.
Yeon-Seok knew. He knew that you were further away from him that before. You would still go and spend as much time as usual with him, but any confusion you had about your feelings for Yeon-Seok left after you started talking to Jiyong online. That night, you had messaged him, annoyed at having to stay, so he thought he’d cheer you up by dropping in with some cheesecake. Before knocking, he peeped through the glass door, and he was glad be did, because he saw you looking down, and Jiyong looking at you worriedly. He saw Jiyong’s worry turn into a devilish smirk and he saw him whisper something to you. He saw you almost kiss him. Something inside him broke when he saw that. He knew that he shouldn’t be petty, and he should try and help you find happiness, but he couldn’t handle seeing that. He knew he liked you and wanted to date you, but also, he also thought you deserved better than Jiyong. He didn’t hate Jiyong. He just didn’t think that Jiyong was the right guy for you, especially with his playboy track record. Yeon-Seok didn’t want you to get hurt. Unable to bear it anymore, he blinked away the beginning of tears of frustration, and called you. He watched you snap back to your senses and left after that, mentally preparing himself to have to see more of Jiyong with you, because no matter how much pain it caused him, he would never let you out of his life.
 From that day on, things were noticeably different between you and Jiyong. The two of you were in the flirty phase. Every conversation, every movement, each had an element of flirtation to it. And Jiyong was over the moon. It never occurred to him that he didn’t do lengthy periods of ‘courtship’, if you will. He was on a buzz from having you around him and being able be with you. To him, everything felt special now. Now, even the slightest touch from you felt like so much more. All those head massages hit different now. He loved seeing your face after he teased you or said something suggestive. The way your cheeks turned cherry red and how you downplayed it by trying to mock fight. You made him smile so much that even his manager noticed and asked him about that. As for you, you were overjoyed. You loved spending time with him. You loved to see the creative genius at work. You loved seeing the small, stupid mistakes he would make all the time. You loved the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. You loved the subconscious pout he had whenever he was concentrating. You loved the way his smirk could make your toes curl and turn your knees wobbly. You liked him with your whole. You loved the fact that he liked you back.
The two of you were so obnoxiously flirty that people had enough of it. One night, when Mino was at the studio with GD, Mino finally lost it. Jiyong had been reading all your fanfictions about him again. Especially the smuts. And was offering a running commentary, constantly looking up at you, who was giving him a head massage, smirking and making you blush. When Jiyong finished reading one, he looked up, wiggled his eyebrows and said,
 “Ooooo. Kinky.”
 And made you blush. You were getting ready with a smart retort when Mino interrupted you by slamming his pen down on the table and exploding.
 “Oh for fuck’s sake, will the two of you just go out together already?!” 
He turned to Jiyong.
 “Hyung, please just ask her out on a date already! Watching the two of you makes me want to gag.” 
And glowering, he turned back and got back to work.
Still smirking, because he knew Mino wasn’t really mad, Jiyong looked over at you, 
“Well, you heard him. Y/N L/N, would you like to go out on a date with me?”
 You didn’t hear him over your laughter. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to closer to him, making you lean into him. Smirking at the flushed, surprised look you gave him, he leaned in close to your face, until your noses were almost touching, he said,
 “Are you free tomorrow at 9?”
 The smile on your face never died, and you turned away, mumbling, 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
 The smile never did leave your face, because you were so excited for your date. It had been ages since you’d last dressed up and gone out, and you were full of that nervous giddiness that made dates fun. It was also your first date after ages, and you were so glad it was with Jiyong. You had dated before, but never anything too serious. The way you enjoyed spending time with Jiyong was something special. You don’t usually forgive people who betray your trust, but you melted for him in an instance, because there was just something about those earnest words that resonated with you. Of course, you were still scared. You were terrified he’d ditch you for someone else. Someone more like him. You knew you weren’t his type, and of course you were scared, but you had promised yourself that you’d trust him, stay positive and hope for the best.
You were always someone who loved dressing up, and still do, because you like looking your best, but the past couple of months of work had given you no such opportunity, so you really relished the opportunity to dress up. Jiyong let you off work early, so you decided to go all out. You had a long relaxing bath and spent ages moisturising. You liked taking time for stuff like that. It made you feel good, no matter how upset you were. After that, you laid out a couple of dresses on the bed. 
“Ahhhhh! Why did he refuse to tell me where we’re going? I have no idea what to wear.”
 You starting pacing up and down, muttering to yourself.
 “Do I want to keep it casual? Do I want to dress down? Should I go for seductive? Should I go for cute? Ahh fuck it! I don’t know what I’m going to do about this.” 
You were so torn about what to wear that you even considered texting Jiyong for advice, but then you decided against it. The nerves and the element of surprise are what make a date special. You flopped down on the bed, feeling dejected and confused. You stared at the ceiling blankly, annoyed because none of the dresses felt right. They just didn’t. you were about to try them on again when you remembered the dress you bought just before you started work. You bought it then because you were feeling optimistic and were hoping to find someone to date at work. Two months down the line, after a particularly gruelling day at work, you took the dress and stuffed it at the back of your closet out of frustration. You jumped up from the bed, suddenly full of determination, and dove headfirst into your closet. After digging through it for a good five minutes, you finally found it. A spaghetti strapped wrap dress, black with small white polka dots on it. It was perfect. It was just the right amount of cute and flirty. Finally satisfied, you applied some light lip makeup, and found some nice gold hoops. You had just finished putting the finishing touches on your low bun and were finally leaning back, happy, content and getting ready to leave, when your phone started buzzing. Seeing that it was your mom, you smiled and answered. 
“Hey Mum. I was just getting ready to go out. What’s up?”
 and as you heard your mom sobbing, you froze, halfway through slipping on your heels, and your hand went slack. The smile vanished from your face, and your face turned frantic. 
“Which hospital? Okay. I’ll be there in 10.”
 With your nails digging into your palm, you grabbed your phone and wallet and ran to hail a cab. The only thought in your mind was your sister.
 After dismissing you early, Jiyong also slowly made his way home and started to get ready. He had made a reservation at his favourite rooftop bar and lounge, with his favourite view of Seoul. He wanted to share the joy he got from looking at that beautiful skyline with you. Plus, they had great live music, which he knew you loved. He went from and stewed over what to wear, and after ages of confusion, decided on a loose black silk shirt, unbuttoned till the third button, and slacks, with a few delicate pieces of gold jewellery. He found himself humming songs throughout, and for the life of him, he could not wipe that one stupid grin off his face. He was incredibly excited for the date. It was the first date he was that excited for.
The two of you were supposed to meet up at the address he texted you, so he went ahead to the lounge a little early. Kwon Jiyong does not arrive early for dates. He never waits for people. They always wait for him. Regardless, he found himself sitting there, nervously fidgeting with his rings and shaking his legs, with a small grin on his face he just could not shake off. After waiting half an hour, nothing changed. He just thought you were running a little late. After waiting for an hour, the smile was replaced by a concerned frown. 
“Is she okay?”
 He sent you a text.
 “All okay?”
 After waiting for an hour and a half, his eyes started to lose their spark and he began to feel waves of disappointment wash over him. He called you. You didn’t pick up. After waiting for two hours, he had lost all hope. He couldn’t even begin to explain the disappointment he was feeling. But then slowly, anger set it. Anger at himself for liking you so much that he actually put in effort, and anger at you for rejecting them. Jiyong had never been so happy for a date, and it was at this point that he started to realise that it might have been because he cared about you a lot more than he originally thought. And he didn’t like it. He felt oddly vulnerable and oddly betrayed. Confused, he angrily shook those thoughts from his head, threw the flowers he bought for you into the nearest trash can and headed straight over to the bar.
No matter how much he drank, he couldn’t get you out of his head, and with every thought of you, he only got angrier. Not wanting to be seen as vulnerable, he just couldn’t accept the intensity of the feelings he felt for you. Although most of that anger was at himself, he started directing it towards you. The more he thought about it, the surer he was that he wanted to make you feel the pain he was feeling. Not once did he stop to think that seeing you in pain would hurt him too. He was racking his brains for an idea, when he felt a long-nailed hand run across his chest and a deeply seductive voice say,
 “What’re you doing here alone Jiyong?” 
Suddenly smirking because he had just found out how he was going to hurt you, he turned and smiled at his ex.
 At the same time, you finally stepped out of your sister’s hospital room, waiting for the doctors to tell you the time of the surgery. You sat down on one of the chairs outside, leaned back and let out a sigh. All your make up was smudged from the tears. Exhausted, you took out your phone and looked at the time. You thought of Jiyong and how he must have waited. Your heart broke a little. You dialled his number and raised the phone to your ear, to try and explain what happened. He didn’t answer. He didn’t answer for the three calls that followed either.
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blackevermore · 4 years
x Wonka Stripper AU short
@fudgemallows @ataristars-blog @ladybugismad
[ this is very rough but its an idea starter! also listen to either of this songs to set the mood ] 
x FkaTwigs -  mary magdalene
"Only for the night and then after that, we'll doing whatever you want!"
That's what you're best friend promised you as they pried you from your blankets in bed. It had been a very shitty day starting with you being late to work to a big fight with your partner that resulted in a messy breakup. You thought after a few hours of cooling off, you would be the bigger person and apologize, but when you tried to, they block you on everything. Since 3 pm you've been huddled up in your bed watching stupid youtube videos trying to think of other things. None of it was working and that made you even more bumped out. That's when your bestie friend started blowing up your phone asking you what was wrong, who they had to throw hands with, when did you ex get off so they could fight them behind a McDonald's. You told them what happen and as soon as you could send your long reply, they were already twisting the knob to your bedroom door and walking in.
"A strip club is not a coping method."
"No it's not, it's actually a terrible one, but I don't want to go alone, and our other friend bailed out on me. Please!" They begged as they tried to pull the blanket away
"No." You grumbled trying to pull your only safe haven back.
Had you firmly put your foot down, you wouldn't have been all dressed up and now standing in the lobby of a very expensive strip club. Your bestie spilling 'thank you' and 'I'll make it up to you later' on to you and you just nodded and rolled your eyes. You walked through the dimly lit club, trying to keep to yourself as much as possible. The idea of half-naked people didn't phase you. But actually having to be around visible boobs and dicks made you feel like a saint in a sinner's gathering. You tug on your clothes a bit not sure if you're trying to fan yourself or cover. The dancers were all very much attractive. It was a co-gender club that serviced any and everyone. Some even had themes going on the ranged from gothic baby dolls to storybook characters like the Mad Hatter. For a moment you get distracted by the sight of a very grumpy looking male dancer dressed in a shiny black mini dress and black and white hair standing on the main stage with one black heeled foot on a man's shoulder. He blows smoke in a male customer's face then kicks the man back before walking away towards the curtains in the back.  Your best friend giggles and pulls you along to a booth like a set of chairs that face the second main stage.
"This is going to be good! I heard the dancer they got only comes out when the money is right." They clap their hands and smile.
"So this was a planned trip?" You ask still looking around to all the other dancers and customers interacting. You felt somewhat better now that you were sitting down and away from people. 
"Yeah but since you know who didn't want to come, I had to get you up and adam to come along." You wanted to state once more how this was a bad idea; that it wasn't helping your situation, but before you could get the words out the lights shifted towards the stage, and a voice came across the intercoms.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to the Depths for an extraordinary nightly gathering. Tonight you are the luckiest of them all, and for a few nights only, you get to see, the one, the only, Wonka." The voice slurred the name and the curtains slowly opened up to someone sitting in a chair facing away from the audience. Slow, haunting music started to play, and the room became quiet. Other dancers took their seats as well to watch the performance out of respect. Your friend was bubbling beside you, ready to jump out of their seat. You didn't understand until a spotlight ran across the room then up towards the dancer on stage. 
When the female voice came through the speakers, you felt a shiver slide down your spine as beautiful long and sculpted legs shot open. They wore tall black heels with red bottoms that made the muscles in their legs pop, and you couldn't stop looking as their long gloved hand ran itself from their ankles up towards their thighs. They wore a long silk black duster that dared to fall from their lean but toned shoulders. They turned their head slightly, and the sharpness of their cheekbones made you gasp a bit. You thought it was a woman, but once the dancer rose from the chair and turned around, you knew it had to be venus as a man. The short dark brown bob haircut framed his face nicely. His lips were red, and his eyes were framed in shadows that made his intoxicating purple eyes stand out. He threw a leg onto the chair and ran another hand up to his thigh and rolled his head back to the music. 
He sang along to the song as he worked around the chair gracefully and full of sex. Finally, the duster fell from his shoulders and you saw he was wearing a dazzling purple corset that matched his eyes. He dropped into a squat in front of the chair and swayed back and forth as he ran a hand up his chest and behind his neck. When he acted out a moan, the people in the chairs around you whistled. You were on the edge fo your seat waiting for what was to come. You've never had this much attention placed on a single person before. Let alone ever thought of going to a strip club and looking at a male dancer all dolled up. He rose back up slowly, making sure everyone was too entranced with the way his body rolled back and kicked the chair back with his heels.
The music changed to a more intense rhythm, and the dancer walked forward, still singing along. You hadn't even noticed the pole at the edge of the stage until he grabbed it and walked around it a few times. It was so dangerously close to were you sat, you could see his face better and you held your breath. The makeup, the shape of his face, his eyes, his body from his broad shoulders to his tight waist, all the way down to his long legs. It was too much to handle yet you were ready to hold on to every moment of it. He dropped to a squat again, but this time he poked his ass out and shook it. Your friend was screaming behind their hands. 
You were in shock. You felt like you've forgotten how to breath as he shot back up and just in time with the music, kicked a leg back then forward to climb into an upside-down split. When he did that, your heart jumped towards your throat. The flex of his muscle to keep him steady shinned in the light and god you wanted to reach out and touch him. With how close he was to you, it was tempting. The sweat that slid down their body made them glisten, and you weren't too sure how long the itching feel in your hand would stay put.  
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cilliansaccent · 5 years
Class of Temptation - CHAPTER THREE
Leave a like, reblog or comment below to show your support and love! Enjoy…
No mention of Cillian’s true family or relatives. All names are made up.
This is a TEACHER x STUDENT fanfiction, it’s going to be kinky and very taboo!
I will write whenever the mood grabs me, so I apologise if there are long breaks between chapters :)
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Tessa is a twenty-three-year-old model from a broken-up family, living in London with her best friend and starting a course on Drama and Theatre. Though, when she gets closer to the super hot Mr Murphy who is her much older teacher, there is a battle of lust and love between them. They’ll have to figure out what to do with their tight relationship as other issues begin to rise and nip at their heels…
Word Count: 2,141
!!Warnings!!: None.
Chapter Name: First Day
Brief Chapter Outline: It’s Tessa’s first day of class and she goes through it without any hassle. But a letter comes in and her mood changes drastically...
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Tessa was early for her first class, walking towards it. She wore wet look pants and a tucked-in black shirt with TOMMY JEANS across it in bold red writing. She had a pair of white sneakers with the trademark Tommy Hilfiger branding on the side of red, blue and white stripes. She liked the brand, most of her clothing was bought from the store. Well, she is one of their models for their brand. 
She hoped no one was there already but also unsure if she was able to even enter the class. As she came to the door which was slightly ajar she peeked her head in. 
Mr Mur- Cillian was already inside setting up the chairs in a large circle. She counted about forty chairs. 
Cillian turned and spotted someone peaking in, "Come in." He called out, standing in the middle of the giant circle he had made. 
Tessa pushed the door wider and stepped in, "Good morning." She said as her nerves began to start. 
"Morning, Tessa. Welcome back." Cillian gave her that heart-stopping smile. He wore a button-down blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves to his elbow and black jeans and a pair of brown loafers. He looked good. 
"Yeah. Nice to uh, see you again." She smiled as she stepped to the chairs. "What are you doing?" She asked seeing all the tables pushed against the walls. 
"Preparing the morning class. Instead of the old, sit at your desks thing I thought it would be good to get everyone involved." He said as he gestured for her to take a seat. 
"And what would that be?" Tessa stepped through and took a seat, setting her bag in front of her legs. 
"Can't say. You'll see." He said as he finished up, "By the way, you are very early. Class doesn't start for another hour." 
"Oh, yeah. I know. I wanted to make sure I was in the right class." She blushed lightly. 
"You found the right place fast too. I had students who would come in with the campus' student guides cause they couldn't find the place." He chuckled as he came over and took a spot next to her, a chair in between them and crossed his ankle over his knee. 
"Oh, well. You won't expect that from me, I'm pretty good at remembering where I have to go." She explained. 
"I hope so. I'll make sure everyone comes early. Makes it better to start the class right away." He said, "So, tell me about yourself a little? I remember you said you're a model?" 
"Yeah. I um, I work for an agency in Central London but I do shoots for various brands. Currently working with Tommy Hilfiger." Tessa said trying her best to meet his gaze. She wasn't used to this type of attention, most of it was through a camera lens which she never got to met the gaze of the person behind it. 
"Huh, I can see the clothing you wear. What is it like?" He continued, genuinely interested. 
"Fast-paced, constantly changing clothing, makeup and hairstyles to fit in with the shoot. Can be some hours to a whole day or a couple of days." She explained clearly. She was okay about discussing her work but never about herself to strangers. 
"Seems intense. Do you think that will affect your studies? This class does have a lot of practical sides to it." He frowned a little. 
"If it does, I will make sure to give you a heads up. I can miss some shoots but not all, it won't be seen as a professional." She stated. 
"Hm, okay. We'll see how it goes." He nodded. "So you get to go overseas as well?" He moved on. 
"Yep. I can when we have big events happening. I tend to go to as many as I can, I love it." She laughed lightly. "Most of the events are in Europe so its shorter trips." 
"So I'm assuming you're quite a big deal?" He asked his smile never left his face. 
"Uhhh... I mean, I don't know. Maybe not as big as you are but I do have a large following on social media." She shrugged. Tessa never saw her number of followers as important, just the support and care she received from her fans what made it important. She wanted to make sure she created a caring and supportive environment for all types of people. 
"How big, may I ask?" Cillian was always curious about others especially if it came to learning that they worked in a completely different industry than himself. 
"Well, almost six hundred and thousand followers on Instagram and about two hundred and fifty thousand on Twitter. I rarely ever use Facebook, only for updates for the ones who don't use the other two media." Tess shrugged. 
"Wow. That is big." He chuckled. 
"Yeah. But I honestly don't care about the number, as much as it sounds bad. I'm just after a good happy environment for all." She shook her head. 
"I'm curious, how do you deal with it all though? Can it get daunting?" He asked her. 
"Yeah, a hundred per cent. There are days where I take breaks from it all to recollect myself. I guess any person with a big following will always attract the good and bad kind, but I don't let it get to me. It's only words on the internet." Tessa stopped there. She felt like she was just blabbering on nonsense to him. Who wants to listen to that anyway? But Cillian did not seem annoyed or bored, he was really into it. 
It made her nervous and intimidated. It showed. 
Cillian spotted the odd look across her face as if she had said too much and began to step back. So he stepped back faster, "Nice, that's good. Well, I'll let you sit here and relax while I do some paperwork before the rest of the class comes in." He said and gave her a gentle smile as he stood and sat behind his desk. "Do you mind if I play music?" He asked. 
"Oh go ahead. I don't mind." She gulped as she pulled out her laptop to set up her documents and look at her uni email for any updates. 
Cillian played some cool jazz, rock, alternative, some genre she never really heard before. It was odd but she kinda liked it. 
When the hour was up, people began to file in. A mixture of guys and girls all dressed in various clothing types. They took their seats around the circle until it was somewhat full, about five seats unoccupied. 
Cillian started the class and began to introduce himself. Tessa could see some of the girls, the flashier ones watched him with such unashamed desire for him. 
It made her internally cringe. What the hell? 
The first thing they did was go around the class and introduce themselves. Their name, what they like, and why they picked this course. 
Everyone seemed here for the same reason, to get into acting for a play or movie. Or whatever fancied them. A lot of book readers, she thought once it came to the five flashy girls. 
The leader, or so Tessa thought made herself to be super good at... everything with acting. The other four nodded in agreement, but Cillian didn't seem one to phased by the sexual attraction the girls seemed to give the vibe of. 
Tess wondered why they were taking this class in the first place if they claimed to be so good. They were the only ones who had said that. 
Then it came to Tessa and she slowly stood. All eyes on her, "Hi. I'm Tessa Miller. Uhm... I love music and reading and uhm... Relaxing. I... Took this course because I want to expand my path into something new." She gave the class a tight smile and hastily sat back down. She had gripped her hands tightly in her lap and kept her eyes downcast. 
The last ten people went before Cillian praised them all for telling him about themselves before they spent the next two hours playing games. 
It consisted of a lot of small groups doing things, and she worked with a few different people in each game. Cillian tried to get every person involved and to constantly swap seats. 
Then it got serious and he took them through the module for the first term. There was a small project that was to be started by the following week, a short play with two people that was basically a monologue and acting it out for ten minutes. 
Tessa was paired up with a guy named Julian. He had blond hair that was combed back and faded edges. His eyes dark brown and his facial features were strong. 
The class went on as they went through some basics and more introductions to the whole acting thing. By the end of the class, they were to state an interesting fact about their new partner and then class was dismissed after the tables and chairs were put back in order. 
"So you're that model chick on insta?" A voice came from behind Tessa and she turned around to face of the five girls that had eyed off Cillian the whole time. "Didn't think you would actually do the course." Sofia laughed, flicking back her dark brown hair over her slender shoulder. 
Tessa kept her face neutral. To be honest, she wasn't even sure what to make of this situation. "Okay? Your point?" Tessa wanted to head into the library ASAP to get the reading material for tonight's homework. 
"I'm quite proud of you. That's so cool." Sofia said with that hidden malice that Tessa could easily pick up on. 
She knew how people can act fake. 
"Ah, thanks." Tessa gave her a smile, "I really must go. I have things to do." Tessa bobbed her head once. 
"Okay. See ya next time, Tess." Sofia and her squad walked past her. Tessa watched them go, laughing and muttering to each other. 
She would work hard and not let anyone else try and deter her from that. She was not the kind to let others trample on her. 
She headed to the library and get to work on her task given to her. Once she had finished her given tasks, she had headed home to rest. On the train, she thought back to the class. 
Most of the guys in the class had watched her like she was some meal as she did the warm-up games Cillian had prepared. She was used to the stares and tend to not pay much attention to it. If they verbally spoke to her in a way that would make her uncomfortable, then she would say something. 
But she would stay alert no matter what. Especially towards those group of girls. They seemed off and trouble circled them. 
She was glad to be back in her apartment and flopped on the bed as she discarded the letters on the coffee table. But one had fallen to the floor and she reached to grab it. 
It had been addressed to her in that familiar writing she knew. She quickly sat up and frowned, this time it wasn't thick. 
"Fuck." She muttered as she battled with her thoughts before she ripped it open. Time to see what else the bastard wanted. 
Reading the letter felt like the world had stopped. Her father and his bitch of a wife was going to come down in December to have a Christmas altogether. He wanted the family back together and he was willing to make amends. Also, he had added he wanted to see how Tessa was going with her studies. 
Was he really? Why now of all the times? She prayed silently to whatever God heard her in hopes that this wasn't some other shitty way of pinning the blame on her or her two eldest sisters. It would be totally messed up and would make her even angrier than ever. 
Tessa chucked the letter aside and rubbed her eyes. Great, she did not want to deal with Grace or her stupid sons who always bullied her. This was not how she pictured it. 
She tried to distract herself by playing her cello in her room, a cover of With or Without You and various other slow songs for the most of the afternoon until Esther came back from a shoot. 
The pair made dinner but Tessa would not tell Esther yet about the news she received today. She wasn't in the mood for it and Esther seemed to sense Tessa's change in mood so she had left her to her own thoughts for the rest of the night. 
Silence yet inside Tessa's head was a roaring tidal wave. 
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kutemouse · 4 years
Hey, can i request angsty drabble with jimin? It's like jimin tell yn that he doesn't love her anymore, and she just breaking up and jimin regret it? Sad ending please :( I'm sorry for my grammar :((
Of course! You’re my second ever requester, and I got so excited when I saw this come in :D I hope I did your request justice! It’s kind of a long “drabble” as well, I apologize, but my writing is always detail-filled so *shrug* This is just how it comes out. Let me know if like and honey, never apologize for your grammar, you are perfect the way you are :)
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: I pulled this gif off of Pinterest, so I didn’t make it. I did crop it, though.
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Swears? I don’t think there are any but just in case, ANGST with a sad ending :( Jimin being a jerk-face, regret.
Word Count: 1,378
Summary: Jimin mourns the loss of a relationship that should’ve been something more.
It’s Crazy (Jimin Drabble, tiny bit of Fluff, Angst)
Jimin’s POV
It’s crazy how relationships work.
We weren’t always like this. When I first saw her, she was sitting outside of a small restaurant in Paris, sipping on a glass of wine. Drinking at eleven in the morning? My kind of girl.
You were the most beautiful person I’d ever seen. Besides the wine glass, I noticed the way your eyes slid over the pages of the book you were reading, devouring it like it was the last book on earth. Purple glasses were perched on your nose, matching the purse that hung over the back of your chair. Your skirt modestly hit your knees, but your tank top showed off the gorgeous skin of your shoulders. I couldn’t resist going over to say something.
You recognized me, of course. I wasn’t surprised, with the way my face is plastered all over the internet, but I couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment that ran through me. It was cute how you pretended not to know who I was, though.
I asked you out, and although at first you were cautious, you gave in after a few days of texts and a phone call or two. Taking you to a lavish restaurant was a mistake. You grew apprehensive when you saw the prices on the menu, even more so when I asked you to relax and just let me take care of it. Clearly, you weren’t the kind of girl that cared about that sort of thing.
The next date went better. Just a local cafe, with regularly-priced drinks and plates of food. You were finally able to relax, and talk, and laugh. God, I loved your laugh. The way you scrunched your nose as you giggled tipped the scales, making me fall hard for you.
When the three weeks of my vacation were up, I was already calling you my girlfriend. We talked about you moving to Seoul to be closer to me, but even I knew the distance would be difficult no matter what. Still, you were strong. You knew who I was before we met, and therefore, knew the life you were agreeing to. The separation was hard, but it was made easier by nightly video chats and a constant stream of texts.
After six months, you moved to Seoul. I remember picking you up at the airport and swinging you around, peppering your face with kisses as you laughed. I was so happy, then. Everything seemed right… until it wasn’t.
As the months of our relationship went on, the sparks between us cooled off and we grew more comfortable around each other. You wore less makeup and more leggings, there was a drawer of your stuff at my place, and we started spending nights in rather than going out. I didn’t mind this, really. It was nice being able to be more myself around you and not have to try so hard. Unfortunately, that was exactly the problem… Both of us stopped trying, and our relationship suffered because of it.
More time passed, and you ended up moving in with me. It was great, because for the first little while, we entered that honeymoon phase again. Something new and exciting… but that didn’t last long. As each day passed, I realized that girl that I met a year and a half ago, who I fell so hard for on that cafe date, who used to make my stomach flip over itself, who used to make my heart feel full just by looking at me… was no longer that special.
We barely tolerated each other, constantly fighting over stupid stuff and snapping at each other. Our relationship took a turn for the worst. It wasn’t bad or anything… but it wasn’t good, either. And no matter what we did, no matter how many times we tried to change or make it right, the relationship we both used to treasure was on a steady decline. We started saying “I love you” less, replacing it with phrases like, “Goodnight,” or, “See you tomorrow.” Neither of us questioned it or brought it up. In the back of our minds, I think we both knew where things were heading. After all, a relationship ultimately ends one of two ways. You either break up, or you stay together.
Finally, the day came where you said those dreaded words. “Jimin… Do you even love me anymore?”
We were sitting on our couch, and you were looking at me while I refused to look anywhere but at the ground in front of me. “No,” I muttered after a few minutes of silence. “I don’t.”
Despite this confession being nothing new, I still remember the hurt in your eyes that caused tears to well up and trickle down. I slept on the couch that night, listening to you sob. I could practically hear your heart breaking, but I could no longer keep lying to myself and, more importantly, to you. This wasn’t working anymore.
A week passed, and you had found a new place and were moving out. “It’s for the best,” you said, hands shoved in your jacket pockets, looking anywhere but at me.
I nodded in agreement. I didn’t want to hurt you anymore. Being gone for months at a time, the late-night practices, the long hours at the recording studio… I knew it wasn’t easy on you. I wanted to stop the pain.
Another year passed, and I began seeing pictures of you on social media with another guy. He wasn’t a celebrity or anyone special, but you seemed happy. I noticed the way you scrunched your nose had come back… too bad it was no longer just for me.
It was our last concert of our tour, which we chose to end in Seoul. We were singing Mikrokosmos and waving goodbye to all our fans, when my heart nearly stopped. There you were, smiling up at me, singing your heart out. He was behind you with his arms wrapped around you, swaying you both in time to the beat, smiling and laughing as he leaned down and kissed your cheek.
I pretended not to see you, keeping a taut smile on my face as I waved goodbye to the rest of the crowd. So this is what our relationship has come down to. We’re just… nothing. Complete strangers. Our lives will never intertwine again, and even if they did, it would never be the same. Every kiss, every night together, every trip has boiled down to absolutely nothing but memories. Did it even really happen?
I felt disappointment roil through me the same way a thundercloud rolls over a sunny sky. How did I let things get to this point? How did I ever let you go? I kept pushing you away in the name of stopping the hurt, but I never gave a thought to my own feelings. I lied back then. I loved you. I loved you so much. Part of me still loves you. We should’ve ended up getting married, not as complete strangers.
As the stage lowered and we waved goodbye to our fans for the final time, I locked eyes with you and watched your sharp inhale as you realized I was looking at you. As if of its own accord, my hand reached out and I gave a little wave just for you. You gave me a half-smile and waved back. The only difference is, I was trying to say hello. I didn’t want to be strangers anymore. I wanted you back in my life, back to the point where you felt comfortable enough around me to eat as messily as you wanted and to wear whatever you felt like. You, however, were saying goodbye. For the last time. For forever.
I came to that realization as the stage hit the ground and staff swarmed me, offering me towels to wipe sweat away and bottles of water. I’d never have another chance. Our lives were on two completely different paths. It would never be the same.
Waving everyone off, I walked towards my dressing room, numbness taking over as my subconscious tried to protect me from the pain. So this is what regret feels like.
It’s crazy how relationships work. Or rather, how they don’t.
Part Two→
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