kyblack · 4 months
I had the same thoughts about podcasts I think the biggest appeal is that it's like an audiobook but more tailored to what the user likes and wants to listen too.
OG #6.3
Long podcasts. I think that the appeal of long podcasts is that you get to hear a story somewhat like an audiobook but better. There are also so many different options when listening to podcasts. Some are interviews with people, others are life or finance advise, and others are random stuff like crime stories. I think that it great when podcasts are long because they are giving so many details and you can create a picture in your mind of what is happening. I think that a lot of people also like to listen to them on long car rides to make the time pass faster.
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kyblack · 4 months
I had the same issue with Tumblr. I ended up just making another private Tumblr Blog were I could post all the things I needed for the project. I hope this helps!
The hardest part of content creation will be formating the photos, descriptions and hashtags like Instagram does. I'm not quite sure how to make that work without actually posting to Instagram. Canva will help create the pictures but I can't figure out how to do the rest.
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kyblack · 4 months
I definitely think that the angry posts are angry enough you did a great job displaying the anger they had about the show being canceled. I also really like the supportive posts.
Peer Review #1
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Are my angry messages angry enough? I am not sure if I fully committed to the angry fan. I also came up with a few ways to respond to negative messages.
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kyblack · 4 months
I really like the idea you went with here for trying to get fans to put their energy into a positive about the show instead of complaining about its ending. I think the post is simply but I think it works for this kind of post
Peer Review
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This is one of my cancellation posts for my project. I was wondering if this was too plain or basic and if I should recreate it for Part 2.
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kyblack · 4 months
Design Project
Have any thoughts about how I could improve my Network Cancellation posts?
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kyblack · 4 months
Favorite Show
One of my favorite shows is Gravity Falls which is a show about twins Dipper and Mabel going to spend their summer in Gravity Falls Oregon with their Great Uncle Stan in his tourist trap called the mystery shack while they try and figure out what is happening in this very weird town. I based a fair bit of the show that I made up for this project on Gravity Falls. I did this because having fans be upset about a show that had a lot of open-ended questions that assumedly never answered made it really easy for me to figure out what I wanted fans to be really mad about when making fake posts.
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kyblack · 4 months
Shows Getting Canceled
A show that I liked that got canceled was the Owl House which was on Disney Plus. When the news came out about it being canceled it was super disappointing because the rating were good and a lot of people loved the show but from what I’ve heard online and what the creator said on Twitter (I think) it was canceled due to it not fitting Disney’s brand anymore which really sucks. The only good news we got about the show was it was getting 3 1 hour specials to wrap everything up as smoothly and quickly as the creator could.
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kyblack · 4 months
Week 14 Check-In
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Happy Week 14! A question I have about transferring the writing skills I developed in this class is how can we adapt our writing style from a classroom setting to a work setting? Thanks!
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kyblack · 4 months
All of this information is super good and you give a lot of information that is really good when trying to build a show out and for wanting other people to know what it is about
Peer Review 2
Here is the information I wrote up for the "favorite show" and its audience. Is there enough here? If not, what more should I add? I wasn't sure how detailed we should be.
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kyblack · 4 months
I think you portrayed the anger really well in the posts you can tell that these fans are super angry about the show ending and about all the unfinished plot lines. Good Job!
Peer Review 1
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These are my angry fan comments...I'm not sure if I am portraying anger enough? Any suggestions on what might make these comments more angry feeling?
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kyblack · 4 months
Style Rule for TikTok
A style rule for creating a TikTok video is to use a popular sound or popular song over your video. When you use a popular sound or song over a video, the TikTok gets categorized with the popular trend or song that is trending right now. This means that your video is more likely to get seen by more people. Another thing you can do is put hashtags on your videos to help get you seen when people look up what's trending right now.
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kyblack · 4 months
Style Rule For Tumblr
A style rule for writing a short Tumblr post is to make sure that you want to make sure you use hashtags when posting on Tumblr. When you use hashtags your video gets put into a specific category which means that if you search for this hashtag your video has a chance of coming up on someone's for you page. So the more hashtags you use that go with what you are posting the better off you are.
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kyblack · 4 months
The Appeal of Podcasts
I think the appeal of long podcasts is you get to listen to someone talk about a subject that you find interesting for an extended period of time. You also are able to listen to them while you do things that take a long time like chores, driving, and playing video games. The other great thing about podcasts is there is a podcast about pretty much anything these days from Reddit stories and murder mysteries to people playing Dungeons and Dragons and reading stories they have written. Creators make tons of choices with how to engage with their audiences they can have them recommend what topic they should talk about next or even get suggestions on who to have on as guests.
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kyblack · 4 months
Week 13 Check-In
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Happy Week 13! A question I have this week is about web writing. How do we try and keep up with web writing when everything is always changing and things that used to be the norm are no longer not? Thanks!
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kyblack · 4 months
I used a couple of graphs! I used line graphs to track the likes and comments and I made them on Canva I hope that helps!
peer reblog
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As I'm writing my part two I'm finding that I have some writer's block and two that I do have some questions. For the addition of data to our essays in part two are we supposed to include a graph, what kinds of media are some of you adding?
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kyblack · 4 months
This is really good! You have all the things you absolutely need when collecting data on posts! Great Job!
peer reblog
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When making the datasheet for my posts I included the likes comments and shares, when making the notes I included what I thought was important about each post. In the essay, I included reasons for why my audience would have liked to see them and why I posted them.
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kyblack · 4 months
I think the rows you have for your data are the most important rows you can have when collecting this type of data. The only thing I could suggest is if someone was tagged in the post!
Peer Review Post 2/2
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Above are two rows from my data chart, featuring data collected from ENWL Instagram posts. In the "notes" section, I noted what I thought was most important. My notes generally highlight aspects of the post that the followers and the creator would be proud to be associated with. Do you think there are additional important descriptions that I could add to the notes section?
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