#like i get it but also this is the worst mcr show ive ever been to
camzverse · 3 months
apologizing in advance for the person i will become when the next pjo show season comes out
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agentemo · 2 years
unpopular onion be nice but if that was a fuck you to the festival and people seeking nostalgia, it's a fuck you to me, an old ass mcr fan who was also unsettled by the noise and lack of interaction and who spent an ungodly amount of money going to this festival that was beautifully nostalgic after spending an ungodly amount of money going to this mcr tour which was beautifully nostalgic
can anyone be super chill and cool and explain to me how it's not a fuck you to me
I had an incredible time at the show but people going hard on this take is bumming me out, in no small part because it screams of fans running with assumptions they make like it's gospel
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pansypr3p · 1 year
which mcr songs do u skip (i skip wttbp and all of bullets)
ALL OF BULLETS? you are so fucking lucky i like questions. bullets haters besides this one anon need to fucking leave i love bullets and if you dont we cant be friends im sorry. bullets forever. anon stays until they run out of questioms bc im having fun.
okay, but, i am going to get yelled at by my boyfriend and also probably everyone for this, but listen to me, i follow whatever the autism tells me to do, so it is not my fault. blame her (the autism).
this is genuinely! one of my favorite songs! okay! in my defense! i fucking love her! and this entire album! danger days lover! but, because shes so popular, it doesnt give me the right mcr vibes for when im in a "literally only listen to mcr for 5 days" state, which is all of the time. i listen to mcr and decaydance and a few other people almost exclusively. so.
yeah its one of my favorites and yet i skip it all the time. i couldnt tell you why, because i genuinely do love her, but i know i do it bc every time i do i wait like 5 mins and realize i skipped her and yell at myself for it.
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W —
I HAVENT BEEN SKIPPING HER LATELY, OKAY? but again, i usually have a very specific vibe im matching and scarecrow is a.. lower toned song i suppose? its not quite as faced paced or loud, and its often that im just less in the mood. but the fact that its the same beat as the snowflake song delights me so ive been listening to her more.
see above, honestly! its a very sweet and tender song abt love and i absolutely adore it, but its just not my usual mood.
this song feels too dangerous to play most of the time. it feels like if mcr was like 500x scarier (and subsequently 500x hotter) and that is terrifying because i can barely stand them now. if i listen to her more than one day a month i pass out and go into a brief coma. so sorry. shes too hot for me.
wrong vibes! nothing against her . i love her .
MASSIVELY overplayed and yet so so underappreciated !!! ugh!!! i love wttbp, but i cant stand it by virtue of "no one knows her like i do" and "the part of this song that is the Wrong Vibe is Way Too Long"
GREAT SONG FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG however she also suffers from... wrong vibe
see above
i LOVE mama. like. SO much. as much as EVERYONE does. but she also suffers from. Overplayed
teenagers was the first mcr song i ever heard and also the first song i ever actually liked - shes just another overplayed one. to be clear, im not like, AGAINST the ones i call overplayed, they just rub me wrong bc of how often i hear them. theyre played because theyre GOOD tho.
im obsessed with disenchanted and i always will be, but for me to enjoy her i have to be focused and when i play music (always, in the background, 24/7, literally no i am not kidding i have music playing rn and im watching a show) i am not able to focus on her enough :/
saying i "dislike" blood is disingenuous because i i find it hard to dislike any mcr song. if u take all the layers apart it drives me crazy i couldnt possibly dislike any of them even a fucking little. but plainly im just not usually in the mood for her LOL
the worst case of overplayed so far. she gets on my nerves bc of that. shes a great song! objectively! but this is the closest i could get to disliking an mcr song
tbh? dont know why i skip her so much lol
the intro is amazing but its not suuper interesting as a song to me ? surface level enjoyment at least, like, id have to focus like i focus on disenchanted to enjoy her properly
wrong vibes
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awsugar · 2 years
omg mack ive missed you! the vibe around here has mostly been over how happy the guys seem and how it seems like they’re doing much better. ngl i got into mcr post-split and havent really seen any full recordings of past shows except for shrine, so i was wondering if youve noticed a difference in how they seem onstage now compared to pre-split? ive seen a lot of ppl say they’re all smiling more but i was wondering if theres anything else thats seemed different that you’ve noticed
so i watch a LOOOOT of live videos. ive seen every full show recording that exists multiple times and ive watched a LOT of really horrible live videos as well lmao. one of my favorite youtube channels finds setlists for shows and then finds a video on youtube of every song and splices them together to make a full show and sometimes the videos are the worst thing you've literealy ever seen. but i will be watching them.
anyway. i will say that i never got the impression that they were like particularly UNHAPPY from the shows that i watch. and i mean the other night on stage gerard was saying how they never got to have fun before. and idk how true that is. i mean maybe true for him. but also maybe the worse stuff sticks out in his memory now. but i don't think the band would have gone on for 12 years if they were all miserable the entire time.
HOWEVER. it is very obvious to me that right now on this tour they are SOOOOO HAPPY like rididculously deliriously happy like having the time of their lives and its so good to see. and its especially a huge change from the shrine!!! but at this point i've decided i think they were just really nervous and in their heads for that one.
but like god. myself and i know others, were like excited for tour but also scared. like we joked all the time that gerard didn't want to do it or was going to make up an excuse to get out of it or this or that, not because thats what we wanted but it seemed so like. idk there are factors. but a lot of us were unsure how gerard felt about it or if this was what he really wanted to do. especially as time went on from when they initially intended to do it and it kept getting postponed. so like to see gerard have such a good time and be so animated and keep TELLING US that theyre having fun and theyre happy like. its os incredible. and its infectious! really really good to see. im so glad.
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I just went through the worst manic phase of my life (like I’ve never been actually manic like that i mainly experience hypomania which I’ve enjoyed as a respite from the depressive episodes and the ways to get shit done) but this shit was terrible, like to the point that my coworkers noticed and were concerned and my mom would not get in a car with me driving (and my mom with no psych background at all described me as manic). Like I could not get shit done or focus and I was so irritable and hyperactive and I could not keep still and I could not get my brain to stop moving and I could not sleep without ambien (which idk if it’s making me worse I have to meet with my doctor)
But anyway I never understood MANIA better than now like Pete fucking Did That like that album is a manic episode. Especially young and menace like the “we’ve gone way too fast for way too long” and the “I forgot what I was losing my mind about” and also Stay Frosty with “even at the best of times I’m out of my mind” and sunshine riptide with “I don’t even have my own attention” like this shit was my lifeline this week. I have since dropped down hard into a depressive phase so that’s when I turn to MCR but fuck like Pete really did just put mania into words in a way that not a lot of artists have (only other that comes to mind is Halsey). I think mania is so hard to write about because 1) it’s not something many people experience and 2) it’s really just so hard to describe and make art about that people would want to listen to you know? Even young and menace like it’s purposefully hard to listen to I feel like because a manic phase is hard to be in and like my brain felt like that chopped chorus the entire time I was manic and somehow that felt soothing to listen to at the time lol
I also really like the way you’ve analyzed it how the love songs are love songs to the mania like half the reason I’ve never really talked to my doctor about it is because I don’t want to lose the manic episodes but I’ve felt like I’ve been losing my mind recently cause I keep oscillating back and forth so. It’s time.
But yeah MANIA is so good and I hate how people think it’s about him being happy now. Mania ≠ happiness and I feel like people aren’t really listening to the lyrics 🙃
im really sorry you went/are going through a manic episode. like i know it feels kinda amazing while youre in it sometimes but it also feels like the worst thing ever. its contradictory like that. im glad youre seeking help. even hypomania can be dangerous sometimes, even though it feels good to finally be productive and have energy after a depressive episode. i will say that the thing about being treated for bipolar disorder is that you dont just lose the mania, you lose the depression too. i mean you dont completely lose either, treating mental illnesses is more about management than curing them, but i find that while i dont have the severe high energy i can do anything and everything phases, i also dont have the severe physical inability to feel anything except numbness. it mostly made me more balanced and more in control.
that being said, yeah. MANIA is an album about mania and it shows. like, i still think the phrase sunshine riptide is the best description of a manic episode ive ever heard. i think another part of the reason people dont write about mania more is the very thing you said about how people think its about being happy. like people dont really truly understand what mania is. it doesnt sink in how little control you have. it takes self awareness to recognize that your feeling of euphoria is destroying your life, and i think theres so much emphasis on productivity and moving forward that people dont question how healthy (or unhealthy) mania truly is. part of the reason a lot of people who experience mania cling to it so much is the pressure from people and systems around them to be productive, so its no wonder that people fall in love with their mania, which is why i really like the interpretation of mania as a toxic lover. i cant lie, its intoxicating. when the alternative is frustrating inability, being struck with the desire to do everything you want to do feels fucking good. i think a lot of lyrics on MANIA reflect that (take all your possibilities and take away the limits). then theres lyrics that encapsulate the distractedness, the way "i dont even have my own attention" ("i was about to say something that would solve all our problems but then i got drunk and forgot what i was talking about." kind of marries these two points) and then theres the obsessiveness to your own detriments (ive got dreams of my own but i want to make yours come true). like its just a slideshow of a manic episode, and it does so so. i dont want to say elegantly, because just by the nature of the album and the way it explores its themes, its not at all elegant. but it does so effectively. perfectly.
anyway, im glad you like my analysis! i hope you feel better, and i hope you find the treatment thats best for you.
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
I admire your ability to be so open about the things your interested in I'm embarrassed I'm interested in things even without reason
I actually *am* super embarrassed about all my interests - heck, i have a hard time even telling people about my love for bbcm! In my defense tho, i used to get lowkey made fun of for my interests so idk
People who talk with me online may notice that i don't provide input as much as i do just mindless affirmations ("yes", "true", etc.) - and that's bc im anxious about my interests/opinions!! Im not just a simpering idiot who never provides input!! Im just an anxious wreck!!!!!!
But i find that the more I force myself to share my interests, the more comfortable i am with talking about them. It's partly how I've been overcoming my social anxiety these past few years (starting this blog has been immensely therapeutic tbh)
So, in honor of publicly embarrassing myself and owning it (and also the death of cringe culture), here's a list of some of my potentially weird or cringey interests:
Merlin (duh). Also im very gay for gwen. And I ship merwen! And merelyaine! And i don't like merthur!! And im not gonna be apologetic about it!!!!
Ninjago. Yes, the show about Lego people. I have rewatched it 6 times now, and am considering rewatching for a 7th. This is my comfort series and its genuinely really good (except season 6. We don't talk about season 6). Ready Player One walked so Ninjago's Prime Empire arc could run bc godDAMN it went hard. If you so much as breathe about this show to me, i will rant for probably a million years
Mystery Skulls Animated. My favorite episode is probably Hellbent, but Ghost and Future are a close second
Scooby Doo!!! I used to own upwards of 12 DVDs until my parents donated them! For context, that happened like 5 months ago. My favorite is Shaggy's Showdown and im not gonna let myself be ashamed of that!!
Danny Phantom! The fandom sums up my entire identity in a nutshell - memes, body horror, and memes about body horror
Anime! I like anime, such as My Hero Academia, Detective Conan, Mob Psycho 100, and a bunch of others
Supernatural. It sucks and its horrible and just thinking about it is giving me a stroke, but Sam's character arc makes me Feel Things
Watergate! I went through a phase in high school where i was weirdly obsessed with the Watergate Scandal and read/re-read the Smoking Gun transcripts like 13 times, and wrote a 20-page book about it with accompanying graphics. To this day i dont understand why
Parasites. Murder. The Black Plague. Anything dark and macabre and creepy, rest assured I've probably fixated on it. Ive even fixated on freaking rigor mortis - yknow, the process that causes your body to stiffen after death?
Baman Piderman. An objectively stupid and immature indie series that i absolutely ADORE
Pokemon! Not cringey, i don't think, but since we're pulling out all the receipts I'll just come out and say it: i think Alola is the best gen! Also Rhibombee will forever be my beloved fairy-type powerhouse (seriously tho, my sweet little Fly Chip was the strongest pokemon I've ever had. A consistent one-hit wonder)
I collect things! Sunglasses, novelty socks, colorful rubber bracelets - i wear four rubber bracelets at all times and am always on the hunt for more
Emo bands like Skillet, Three Days Grace, MCR, and Linkin Park. A bit of an old passion, and now im more into alt-indie these days, but those songs still do slap
Did that feel good? Nope! It felt like i just outed all the worst, lowest parts of myself and now yall are gonna be annoyed at me for oversharing. That's anxiety, baby! But I've found that i cope with my anxiety best by forcing myself to face it head on.
(That won't work for everyone tho, so don't take my word for it! Find what's best for you and stick with it)
Thanks for the ask <3
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parkinglothater · 7 years
tagged by @loser-dot-com u were top suggested when i typed “@” do u feel special
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people.
1. Drink: Apple Juice????  2. Phone call: WEll a cute guy asked to call me and im gonna go with that bc i havent called anyone in years 3. Text message: To Ari: “Also Mama is a song by MCR and I’m too emo to get over that”in reference to the EXO song Mama 4. Song you listened to: Currently listening to Wolf by EXO, Ive falen into the fandom 5. Time you cried: While I was kissing Hot Guy mentioned above cause we were both really emotional that night 
6. Dated someone twice: not technically 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I mean idk, sometimes I regret ever kissing anybody but  8. Been cheated on: no thank goodness 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: I’m depressed right now 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not yet
12-14: purple, pink, and blue like the sunset
15. Made new friends: yeah 16. Fallen out of love: nope  17. Laughed until you cried: hell yeah 18. Found out someone was talking about you: my goodness yes 19. Met someone who changed you: U cant meet people here but yeah ive changed 20. Found out who your friends are: yeah 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I dont have facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: my facebook is nonexistent 23. Do you have any pets: A big ol’ bub named Bear, hes a Boxer Mastiff mix and i love hi more than myself, and a tiny bup Coco, 24. Do you want to change your name: Yea I dont really feel like Caitlyn or Renee really fit me but I also dont know what name does 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I took bread to band as a treat bc bc I dislike cake  26. What time did you wake up: imma say 11:30am but really it was 1:45pm 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sending memes back and forth with Hot Guy
28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting out of this horrible place  going to all the tourist-y places in California in a few weeks
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 3 hours ago when we ate dinner 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: either having a bit more money or at least having a house of our own 31. What are you listening right now: Parallel by Heffron Drive, i need softer music if im gonna sleep b4 3am 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Tommy? He’s pretty cool  and like 3 people I know like him
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: myself not knowing whats happening to me and being expected to just go with the flow  34. Most visited Website: Youtube
35. Mole/s: none 36. Mark/s: I have a little kinda feather shaped birthmark on my chest and a teeny tiny heart on my thigh 37. Childhood dream: to have a room of my own 38. Hair Color: kinda gold brown I’d say 39. Long or short hair: ive grown it out so it reaches my shoulders now so whatever you count that as 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah and its kinda working out????? 41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes  42. Piercings: 2 holes in each ear soon to change hopefully 43. Bloodtype: no one tells me these things 44. Nickname: Ren 45. Relationship status: i dont really know what to call it at this point 46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Shadowhunters hell yeah 49. Tattoos: I dont have any yet but i want a whole bunch 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: i wish 53. Sport: what is sport??? 55. Vacation:  Spain is so pretty, or Italy, Vegas, NY 56. Pair of trainers: listen ive had the same pair of Converse for 4 years they will get me thru everything
57. Eating Currently: nothing 58. Drinking currently: nothing 59. I’m about to: text someone about some Important Stuff or sleep 61. Waiting for: freedom from this prison  62. Want: some weed??? idk a whole bunch of things im kinda needy 63. Get married: not really I dont see a point in tying myself to someone  64. Career: my lame ass thinks i can make money being a makeup artist
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs all the way 66. Lips or eyes: both are so attractive but eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Abs are so hot sign me the fuck up
71. Sensitive or loud: Loud I guess???
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i am the worst when it comes to not losing things, I havent seen my glasses in months
77. Turned someone down: Yeah
78. Sex in the first date: technically no
79. Broken someone’s heart: i think i mightve but i cant be sure
80. Had your heart broken: Let me tell u this bitch.
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: no, no one close to me has ever died, and i normally repress any negative feelings so
83. Fallen for a friend: yeah
84. Yourself: not at all
85. Miracles: Yeah
86. Love at first sight: seems like lame fairy tale shit 
87. Santa Claus: yeah
88. Kiss in the first date: totally
89. Angels: yeah
90. Current best friends’ names: irl: Ari, Sarah, Morgan, Emily?????
91. Eyecolor: technically Hazel but really more of a green
92. Favorite movie: Im a sucker for Titanic
Oh yeah im supposed to tag ppl @lonelyspacelover @queennhowell @phichit-af
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inkcaviness · 7 years
all the emojis
☝ - How tall are you?
176cm so like 5′9 i think
✔ - Sexual Orientation
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
idk really, sometimes older ppl think im older than i really am
💉 - Have Tattoos?
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
✌ - Want any piercings?
not really
👌 - Best friend?
♥ - Do you like anyone?
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
uhhhhhhhh mother mother, my chemical romance, the front bottoms, studio killers, twentyonepilots (kinda difficult tho bc i usually like individual songs and not really bands?? so these are basically just a couple where i like /most/ of their songs but yea idk)
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
hhhhhh difficult, ive been listening to all mcr albums on repeat lately plus like just some random playlists so i currently dont really have any favorite songs in my head?
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
i dont think i really have many?? but like when things are supposed to be organized but /one/ small thing is off, thats the worst
📝 - Story from your childhood.
one time i ran into a glass door and passed out and was taken to the hospital
💬 - I wish…
i was a plant
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
nothing probably lbr
💦 - What makes you horny?
no thanks
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
pls let me graduate without any major breakdowns
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
uhhhhhhhh id rather not eat spicy things bc im weak
👃 You hate the smell of ….
just the usual like rotten things and stuff like that
👊 - Something you hate?
myself lol
🚶 - Are you single?
💬 - Can we text?
💌 - Fan mail me?
idk who you are so
💍 - Marry me?
for the tax benefits 
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
isnt that kinda your decision to make
💭 - Favorite foods?
☀ - Story about your day.
havent really done anything yet
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
none tbh
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
tbh i watch a movie every 5 years
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
(im gonna count anime as tv shows bc i mean technically seen they are)
haikyuu, tsuritama, gilmore girls, torchwood, supernatural but like i also hate it, 
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
is anyone even reading all of this??? idk man, i can almost do a split even tho i never do sports, does that count?
✈️ - Where are you from?
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
😍 - Do you have a crush?
😷 - Something you hate eating?
🙈 - What makes you shy?
talking to people
💃 - Can you dance?
hahaha no
💏 - Do you love anyone?
all of my friends
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
my awful but comfy running shoes
🌴 - A island you would visit?
all of them
🌎 - A country you would visit?
aaall of them
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
uhm like kinda cold but sunny and dry? like in colorado the weather was always nice bc it was so sunny even when it was cold and even when there was snow it wasnt like wet and yucky?
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
a motorola, idk what model tbh
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
i wish i knew
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
pizza, pasta, beans
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
black liquorice
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
mangos and kiwis
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
a pickup truck tbh
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
🎫 - Do you have a license?
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
no and no(or at least definitely not biological ones)
🔞 - Are you under 18?
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
i mean i personally dont but my family does
😔 - Something that makes you sad? 
already answered  
😡 - What pisses you off?
😏 - What turns you on?
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
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