boys-love-tension · 5 months
I've been a fan of BLs for a long time, and I'm surprised by how some new fans are being mean to Gun ATP after the whole kiss fiasco. Gun ATP is one of the most shippable actors in GMMTV, and older fans will remember how we used to talk about the offguntaynew polycule. It seems like newer fans want them to be separate and don’t like the idea of their ships acting close with other actors.
Hey BL fandom, let's remember that Gun, Off, Tay, and New are adults who have the freedom to choose their relationships. They are free to kiss whoever they want. As fans, it's important to set boundaries and respect their personal lives. Let's give them the space they deserve.
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boys-love-tension · 6 months
Given that a lot of BL stories are getting censored in some parts of the world or getting hetero-fied, I am excited about this news because I want these stories to be told as they are meant to be told. Let gay people be gay FFS
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The rumor is so delicious because if the white people dem starts to make money with censored Chinese material ?!!?
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boys-love-tension · 6 months
Currently Airing New BL - 28th March 2024
1000 Years Old
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A Secretly Love
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City of Stars
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Deep Night
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To Be Continued
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Love is Better the Second Time Around
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My Strawberry Film
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Kiseki Dear to Me (YouTube Release)
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Anti Reset
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boys-love-tension · 6 months
Kim Jiwoong for ELLE Japan
Strong and kind, a reliable older brother figure.
As the oldest member of ZEROBASEONE, Kim Jiwoong is a source of mental support for the members. He was born in 1998 in Korea and has a rich performance career. His abundant expressiveness adds a touch of brilliance to the group’s performances. “I’m an intuitive type, and once I make a decision, I see it through,” he says in his self-analysis. “But the only time I hesitate is when I’m choosing what to eat. All the members are big eaters (laughs).” He performed on stage several times at award ceremonies in Japan last year. “I’m truly happy to finally debut in Japan and receive so much love from the Japanese ZEROSE (fandom name). If the debut song ‘In Bloom’ is like a rose, ‘Yura Yura -Fate’s Flower-’ has a different flower image. I hope you’ll see our newの姿 (appearance) in the MV.”
Kim Jiwoong is wearing Gucci
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boys-love-tension · 6 months
I am back after a short hiatus! Will post regularly about Thai, Japanese and Korean BLs. Also may post occasionally about my recent obsession - Kim Jiwoong!
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
no context, just mlc being mlc =)
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
apparently neo is/was also in japan. steveing once again with firstkhao
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
All I need is a relationship like Khao and First. Is that too much to ask for?
Note: I’m not labelling their relationship.
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
GMMTV 2023
Sorry BL fam, it’s been a while. I was involved in creating content for TIKTOK, so I couldn’t make time for Tumblr. However, as you know, GMMTV announced its 2023 lineup last month. I wanted to write a post talking about my thoughts about each series.
1. Cooking Crush
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OffGun is one pairing where I trust the actors 100%. I trust their choice in the series they choose to act in. Cooking Crush wouldn’t be a series I usually watch, mainly because I am not that into cooking or culinary stories. However, Gun, Off, Neo and Mark will be in this series, along with Victor, who will play a side character. I am honestly looking forward to this. After Not Me, which was a series very serious, demanding a lot from the actors that were on it, this will be more lighthearted. Honestly, sometimes, all we need is a good rom-com. I hope they don’t make the humorous moments whacky since I don’t laugh at slapstick comedy. I prefer subtle humour or innuendos. Lastly, its great that Off and Gun want to work together even after years of being a pairing. I really admire their bond and the energy they bring to the table. Nothing can replace that for me, no new ship.
2. A Boss and a Babe
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A boss and a what? The title honestly made me laugh when I was watching the live. I couldn’t believe it. I really hope they change the title to something less “babe” LMAO.
Let me be honest; I don’t like the Boss and Employee dynamic. Mainly because I have a full-time job in a company where they really follow these structures, and often you hear about harassment from directors and partners to senior associates or associates. When I heard the storyline, I wasn’t happy. This is the same reason I don’t watch any secretary Korean dramas because I can’t romanticise them.
However, Force and Book as actors are amazing. I wish GMMTV would give them a good storyline (cough Only Friends). Book and Force, if you are reading this, please know that I love you both as actors, but this storyline isn’t something I am looking forward to. We also get to see Drake, Mike, Fluke and Ohm as side characters in this series. Really looking forward to seeing them shine as well. Also, GMMTV, when are you going to give Drake a main role? I’m waiting.
3. 23.5
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THE FIRST GIRL LOVE FROM GMMTV. Honestly, I have been waiting for this. Ever since Bad Buddy ended, I have had this emptiness in me. LOL seriously. I have been thinking, what kind of storyline would they give MilkLove?! Ongsa (played by Milk) is a loner who falls in love at first sight with Sun (played by Love). Thinking she would get rejected, she creates another identity - Earth and approaches Sun. As things develop between Sun and Earth, will Ongsa get the courage to be honest?
While I would’ve preferred only MilkLove in the series but they also decided to introduce a side couple in the series. I love GeminiFourth but I hope they let MilkLove shine over here.
I also love the trope for this series, its simple and to the point. I hope the director is able to convey the emotions properly as GLs are different from BLs. Lastly, I’m excited to see the industry take an interest in GLs. Excited to see this come through 🙈
4. Last Twilight
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Directed by the greatest - P'Aof is coming back with an ORIGINAL series. Last Twilight talks about how Mork (played by Jimmy), a mechanic by tradition, is forced to take a job as a caretaker of Day (played by Sea), who has partial blindness. Not only is the premise of the story beautiful, but even from the mock trailer, we can see spectacular cinematography, which only makes me curious about the end result. I enjoyed Jimmy and Sea's acting in Vice Versa (which is underrated). I am excited to see them come back together with another show. P'Aof is known to make some of the best series in GMMTV, so my expectations for this are genuinely HIGH. Also, I hope I don't come across as creepy, but I want to know what P'Aof is thinking when he is directing a series or planning a new one. He truly comes up with the best pairings and the best shows. I hope Last Twilight gets to be a success and JimmySea gets the recognition they deserve.
5. Dangerous Romance
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Perth and Chimon are playing leading roles in this series, so you can be assured that I am EXCITED. Firstly, I have been watching Never Let Me Go, and both of them are a side couple/roles, but they play their parts well. Specially seeing Perth on the screen after so many years has been refreshing. Dangerous romance is a story about Sailom (played by Chimon) who is a poor but studious student who starts tutoring Kanghan (Perth) who is a school bully. The series also has Pawin and Marc playing side characters.
6. Only Friends
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Three friends Mew (played by Book), Ray (played by Khaotung) and Boston (played by Neo), run a hostel together. Does that sound good to you so far? Remember this info because it gets messy. Mew has no interest in sex or relationship because he has been focusing on his studies. However, Boston introduces Mew to Top (played by Force) so that Mew can experience a one-night stand. However, Mew and Top get more serious, leaving Boston unhappy. Ray is a rich lad who is also a fuckboi. He meets Saen (played by First), and they probably hook up/see each other a few times. Eventually, Saen wants to start an exclusive relationship with Ray. However, Ray has feelings for Mew and isn't keen on getting exclusive. Nick (played by Mark) finds a sex tape in Boston's phone, and they start a friend-with-benefits relationship things take a terrible turn when he starts falling for Boston, but Boston won't return his feelings. Firstly, one of my favourite directors - P'Jojo Tichakorn Phukhatong, is directing this masterpiece with P'Ninew Pinua Chookamsri (he has been an acting coach for many GMMTV projects). I trust P'Jojo would be an understatement. I worship him. I genuinely believe both directors can make this series into something we will absolutely enjoy. Honestly, this is the series I am looking forward to the most. Most of my queer friends, including me, have experienced similar relationship dynamics. Seeing these actors play a more serious and realistic role will be fantastic. Lastly, I look forward to seeing First and Khaotung again in a leading role. Also curious to see bad boi Neo and Force! :D
7. Cherry Magic (Thai Version)
Tay and New are back. Honestly, I never thought I'd be repeating this sentence ever again. If anyone has been following BL for a long time, they know what went down and how bad things had become at a point, but I had faith that one day...one day, we would get to see TayNew again, and now we get to see them in leading roles. Tay will play Karan (yes, they've changed the Japanese names to be close to Thai ideals), and New will play Achi. We also have Sing and Jan as a side couple, Mark (a different one than the one in only friends), and Junior. We don't know much about the storyline yet (not sure if they are changing it much or keeping it original) since this trailer wasn't released due to some licensing issue. However, I will update my thoughts on this once the trailer is released. Welcome back, TAYNEW! Sending you lots of love, Tay. He is an excellent actor and will ace this role. Tay is a ball of sunshine, and I fully believe in him. I know people have been sceptical because it is a remake but hear me out - remakes do take place, and we can't expect both series to be the same. An office setting in Thailand would be different from one in Japan. Let's just have some faith that we see ACE representation in this series. As someone asexual, I hope the side couple has an ace rep, just like in the Japanese version (although the Japanese version didn't have a side couple).
8. Hidden Agenda
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Zo (played by Dunk), a university student, wants to date someone (for the first time in his life), and he settles for Nita (a trendy girl - played by Jamie). He asks Nita's ex, Joke (Joong), for advice. We have seen this or a similar trope many times, and it has always been successful. Look at BrightWin's 2gether. I am sure this series will be a hit. Honestly, it doesn't excite me as much as other series because it doesn't feel original. However, I trust the actors (JoongDunk), and the director, P'Tee, has directed TharnType and LovelyWriter, so I am hoping this one will turn out to be insanely good and convince me to watch it.
9. Our Skyy 2
We will get to see after stories of the following:
A Tale of Thousand Stars (EarthMix) Bad Buddy (OhmNanon) Vice Versa (JimmySea) The Eclipse (FirstKhaotung) My School President (GeminiFourth) Star and Sky: Star in My Mind (JoongDunk) Never Let Me Go (PondPhuwin) A Boss and A Babe (ForceBook)
I am excited to see them all, especially EarthMix and OhmNanon since they don't get a complete BL series this year. I am curious to see how they play out the story of The Eclipse and Bad Buddy because they felt like a complete ending to me.
Lastly, I hope there is no cheating, breakup and such sadness involved because I am not sure if I will be able to handle it. I just want full sugary content - give me diabetes.
Lastly, some of the series are yet to air (as of 4th Jan 2023), so I assume this will air in the latter half of the year. Many directors are coming together to work on this, so I am excited to see what happens :)
Which BLs are you looking forward to?
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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"Have you ever felt it?"
Never Let Me Go (2022-2023) dir. Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaotong Coming December 13
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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THE ECLIPSE (2022) EP.6 // EP.7
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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Eclipse Ep 8-12 Predictions
Ep 8, the first scene (kiss) won’t happen. Akk will probably stop the kiss and they will meet later and kiss (when exchanging feelings). I hope I am proven wrong and they kiss because the shot is so beautiful?! Excuse me.
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Currently, I suspect two people the most, Namo and Thua. Namo because he wants the curse to come back and he wants the three protesters to get hit by the curse. I think this could also hint that Namo knows that Akk was behind the curse. However, the most suspicious person to me is..drumrolls pls….Thua. Thua stole the notebook. No one can convince me otherwise. He stole the notebook, read the content and was shocked to see Akk staring at Aye during the beach scene (ep 7 part 3). His reaction wasn’t that of a happy one. He didn’t smile or anything and instead looked confused.
Aye and Akk will get together but be separated soon after. Why? I think it will get revealed that Akk was behind the curse and the couple will be under heat. This is just my prediction, I could be wrong.
Wat will probably film or is filming this whole situation. Wat wants to be in the film industry, I think this would be his biggest hit. He would probably start or is documenting everything thats going on.
Akk or the previous student president was somehow involved in Dika’s situation. What I mean is, Chadok might have convinced either that Dika was a bad person and they might have resorted to similar curse measures to make Dika really anxious or depressed. I feel like there has to be something triggering that happened which made Dika, someone who was so supportive of others, to take such a big decision. What’s more surprising is that the students don’t know of his death.
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Well, that’s all for today my dear Eclipse friends 💕
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
People are asking who is top or bottom between Akk and Aye. The only reason this is an issue is because the dominant guy is shorter. If Khao was taller than First, no one would be confused because they'd all assume that the smaller, shy guy was a bottom.
Why the fuck does it matter?
Same thing happened in Bad Buddy. Even after they'd expressly said that patpran were vers, people were still saying Pat is "mostly" top... because he's taller and bigger and more forward.
Like, y'all can't take the idea of both guys being vers or the smaller guy being a top???
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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I was right when I told you all that the kiss wouldn’t happen. I KNEW IT. I KNOW HOW THE FILM INDUSTRY WORKS 😛
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
I was right when I told you all that the kiss wouldn’t happen. I KNEW IT. I KNOW HOW THE FILM INDUSTRY WORKS 😛
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boys-love-tension · 2 years
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With the new IOS update, this is my new wallpaper 😌💕🫣
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