#like i dont think thats much of my personal dislike there- but a valid thing to point out no matter the explanations you can come up with
ganondoodle · 3 months
okay, bc i have seen this argument alot now (and it also seems to be the view point of aonuma himself..) is that "zelda cant do everything link does bc whats the point then"
and i take personal offense on that bc its a stupid argument (in. my. very. personal. opinion.- not judging people for liking it. its a ME thing)
whats the point? its that its her. its still a different character, different in story, background, personality, but i WANT to play zelda and she can do everything link does, why does she have to be so restricted and be bend over backwards to find some new way to make her 'useful' when link gets to do basically everything no questions asked (the only thing thats hers is like .. sealing power and sacrificial maiden, which i find a little underwhelming to say the least), if theres no point to it why are there always modders that model swap link with someone else, and in that case it has even less impact bc its an artificial model swap with no changes to the story (which can and should still be different when its the vanilla game with a different protagonist... its still a different character), clearly theres joy in just the model being a different one- and that isnt even to mention the story possibilities, since, again, its stil a different character
if we ever (never ... i know who we are talking about here) get to play as ganondorf i want to him to be just as versatile and active as link is, if we got a point and click adventure game for him instead bc 'whats the point' id be disappointed too- you can find any sort of excuse/explanation for zelda to be singled out but the fact remains it tracks with how female characters are often treated, and that hits a very sore spot for me
i guess i am unfortunately one of those annoying people that want to see female characters be treated exactly the same as male characters, possibly bc i am myself afab but identify as agender and have a deeply personal dislike for anything 'traditional' feminine bc i cannot and never will be able to truly live as myself in real life, it influences all of my work, my work is as just as much as my opinion on this, very personal
and in line with my point about modding, i see theres joy in just beign able to play as her even if its like this, i get that, i also get it for the creative aspect (though that mechanic worries me even more for the future bc it really seems to be the path now that -freedom = good, linear anything = bad-) it is a different idea and its not like i cant see that value- im not trying be "right" either, just bc i have that opinion doesnt mean i need everyone to agree, its a very personal thing, if you like it good for you! not for me though, and i think both of that is equally valid
i just personally wish she was allowed to be just like link, fight just like him but be different bc its still her and not him in the end- to be physically/playstyle like jsut like him, but you know ... as her, i dont think shed stop being zelda if she could wield a sword just like him
i dont really know how to get my point/feelings across, i dont want to step too much into personal stuff nor spam people with something that ultimately doesnt interest me alot, im just saddened by it really
(EDIT: bc i forgot to add this on here again; this isnt as much of a problem as it might sound like here, just the main topic i wanted to talk about; why im so uninterested in it is MAINLY bc i dont trust them to write anything interesting/care about lore anymore after totk, im always on the more pessimistic side that thinks its most likely worse than id hope and i know even the past games arent perfect or super interestingly written, but now its much more just a general distrust, together with everything like the price ... im just much less hopeful and cant get excited until i see more of it, like im waiting for the game to get out and reveal that its just as much of a mess and money i regret spending- kind of fear)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#person that send an ask about this in just as i was writing this- this isnt about you- i promise you#its soemthing thats been stirring in my mind since yesterday#and seeing so many of those comments- and even aonuma himself say it#just strikes a very very personal sore spot#also to that one commenter on a different post-#no- wanting female characters being allowed to wield a sword is not “badass female character mysogyni” (idk how to spell that rn)#the hollywood badass female character thing is annoying but thats bc-#its a super model woman (bc shes ALLOWED TO BE FEMININE you KNOW) fight people in high heels- bc you can be feminie AND badass-#and then does a cringy one liner 'what you thoguht a FEMALE couldnt kick your teeth in'#which comes with alot more baggage of tropes and hollywood etc etc#i long for the 'women are jsut as capable as men' in a very agender way#why do you think i intentionally design alot of female characters non tradtionally feminie or masculine#again this is a very pseronal thing to me#BUT i do think it IS questionable that its her that isnt allowed to fight with a sword#like i dont think thats much of my personal dislike there- but a valid thing to point out no matter the explanations you can come up with#anyway- i dont hate it- but its not for me- i dont want to talk much about it#i hope you can excuse me not answering the asks i got related to this- id just repeat myself#(i guess i should be glad that its the top down one that gets her as the protagonist-)#(i dont think i want to live through seeing her be animated like the typically girly feminine butt wiggle in your face tehehe)#(the botw/totk cutscnes were enough of that for me PERSONALLY)#i dont know how many times i have to say its my very biased personally personal opinion and no a judging of others#to make it clear that no one has to agree with me and i dont want to be convinced of the other opinions of this
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hey i have a question about berserk. i read it all the way until the eclipse chapter and then maybe 1 or 2 after that. i stopped reading because i found casca’s rape so horrific and the chapters afterward seemed to discard her as broken. i was wondering what you think of the rest of the story? i’ve thought about continuing but not sure if it’s worth it / if there will be more brutal rape scenes.
its been a very long time since i read berserk in its entirety so my thoughts probably wont be as informed or articulated as i would like them to be.
i think the eclipse is as bad as it gets. not to say theres never any like sexual assault or anything after that but theres never another explicit rape scene like that. im never gonna give someone shit for disliking the sexual violence in berserk, thats a valid feeling, but it IS kind of crucial to the story and themes. to me berserk is first and foremost an examination of abuses of power and the trauma associated with that. guts, casca, and griffith were all victims of some kind of sexual violence in their childhood/young adulthood, always by someone they know with some kind of power over them. eventually griffith would become a perpetrator of sexual violence himself. the bulk of berserk is about processing trauma and learning to trust other people again and i dont think you really get to that stuff until after the golden age. i wouldnt say casca gets discarded, guts' main motivation for a lot of the story going forward is trying to help heal casca and she DOES get better but thats not until later. theres a lot to be said about her treatment in the story and i think its valid to be critical of it. personally there isnt much i would change about her place in the plot bc it would make it a much much different story. i really love the rest of the story. golden age is unparalleled for its character work but the next two arcs after it are soooo fucking cool theyre my favorite so yeah personally i would recommend continuing.
also one thing i will say about the rape scene in the manga is i do think it was unnecessarily explicit and kind of tactless. i muuuch prefer how its done in the 97 anime
i hope this answer was remotely satisfactory
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themoodyestj · 12 days
where did you get the idea that i hate you? couldn't be farther from the truth!
i only do this because i love you!
i just want the best for you, because cleary you are miserable, and i want you to be the better version of yourself, because clearly you are not enough as you are.
also, nobody loves you, trust me, every single person around you is there out of pure interest, clearly you need to find better acquaintances.
this might sound like i just dont like you at all, but i swear this is not hate, is just criticism.
❤️ your secret admirer.
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Was that supposed to teach me a lesson? You know what? You totally can! Write a post about it, with all the things you dislike about me. I mean, on your platform, where I can see it only if I want to. I mean, a lot has been said about me already, over one post, on another social media and my inbox. You think I care? I don't. I'd care if it was for real. I'd sting if my life was miserable. Again, look, if you think this through and you use your brain for more than delusion, youd see it very clearly. If I went on Tumblr and said that the Lord Almighty will make rain hamburgers tomorrow, everyone would laugh at me. I wouldn't get hate in my inbox, id probably get friends requests from people trying to get me help. Or, most likely, I'd get nothing. Because people would read and think "Yup, just another cuckoo on Tumblr". But your hate is acting as validation, you liking it or not.
Because people will only get offended with things they identify with or consider to be remotely valid.
This is basic psychology, and we're all victims of the same thing. When you say no one loves me, it doesnt affect me at all, because I know thats not true. I have a beautiful life. And man, I want to become a better version of myself, Im not done improving. Thats why I learn and study everyday. And although I am enough, I want to be more. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be more. It's called evolution. Mistakes are not final flaws someone needs to learn with. They're stepping stones! What you see as me pointing out Jensen's mistakes, is actually me wanting for him to learn from them. And if Jensen read this (which i have zero expectations of) and didnt identify with anything I wrote and laughed at me, I would totally be ok with it. Because thats one of the situations where I dont want to be right. So worst case scenario, he doesnt agree with me. I can easily live with that. Anyhoo, did you get my point? Do you understand my post, in my very little blog, is a grain of sand no one will look much at until you delulus start giving it attention? People, come on, it aint quantum physics, ok? I know the delulu is strong, but you must have at least some parts of your brain working. At this point, youre just coming to my inbox to get dissed. Bye bye, secret admirer. :D
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sporkberries · 2 years
I saw your post about Tim and Jason and I’ve never agreed about something more. We need more fics where them getting closer is at least canon adjacent instead of the stuff we get in fanon. A lot of their fanon content really grosses me out because it sort of reads like Tim developing Stockholm syndrome for Jason who repeatedly abuses him but can’t be blamed for it because of “pit madness” 🤢. That might just be because of my personal experiences but it really grosses me out a lot of the time
YEAH NO I 100% AGREE. I think portraying Tim as automatically forgiving Jason for the awful things he does(TO TIM) and ohh Jason wants to hurt him but its not his faulltt. Is so fucking UEGH. I think its not only a disservice to both of their characters but a really weird dynamic to tag as “fluff” and “hurt/comfort”.
I especially dislike the Titan’s Tower stories not just because they misrepresent the actual scene(which is very ridiculous imo) but because having Jason beat the shit out of Tim and then WRITE ON THE WALLS WITH HIS BLOOD and then being like ohh no he’s his care taker now is so 😨. Like imagine someone beating you so bad THEY CAN WRITE WITH YOUR BLOOD and then them kidnapping you and “taking care of you” thats so fucked…
I think the fandom in general can turn Tim into a bit of a punching bag which… fair. Im not going to pretend like i dont like angst BUT when portraying these traumatic events or his interactions with the people around him they kinda make him… spineless? Which IS a valid trauma response but its not Tim. Tim can be literally on the verge of death and he’ll still probably be shit talking you y’know? He can be self sacrificing yeah but… come on.
IDK. Jason pre reboot is kinda not a great person and i think the fandom WANTS him to be and they want to twist it into “pit madness”(which isnt a long lasting thing) or “he protects women and kids”(does he?) when it just… isn’t true?
Fanon Jason as a whole is just kinda an OC with bits of current Jason mixed into him, he doesn’t exist outside the fandom. This is why i sometimes joke about being a “jason todd hater” when i dont really have much against the character(other than most his comics being shit 😔) but because i dislike some aspects of the fandom he represents.
I do think Tim and Jason have the POTENTIAL to get along. They’re both snarky bastards and that dynamic is fun to write and mess around with but there is A LOT of baggage to unpack. Titans tower stuff aside Tim broke Jason out of prison which resulted in Jason donning a batman suit and killing a bunch if people which Tim feels EXTREME guilt for. So even if pre reboot jason wants something to do with Tim(which i think he does as he continually reaches out to him) there is a lot they would need to work on. Which i admit would be interesting to read but sadly a lot of fics dont really follow the comics that well.
Anyhow closing this off i also want to mention again how the fandom prioritizes Tim’s largely fanon(or lobdell written so shouldnt be acknowledged ) relationship with jason over his long lasting canonical relationships with female characters( Cass and Helena[HELENA IS SUCH A VICTIM OF THIS OH MY GOD AND FANON JASON STEALS SO MANY OF HER TRAITS AN-]) 😔
But yeah fanon jason and tim is weird and i’d be interested to see an actual brotherhood develop between the two but i think it would take a lot of work from the both of them(which DC will definitely not put in 😔)
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osoreee · 3 months
I was surprised to stumble across a page like yours. You support a lot of the beliefs I share, beliefs about did and how the demedicalization of it is incredibly harmful, the misinformation and age discrepancy that seems to be plaguing tumblr. I’ll assume you’ve been diagnosed for about six months since that’s how long your discovery had been in your pinned message.
While I appreciate what your blog is trying to do and while I support it, lemme say a few things.
Careful leaning too much into that plural identity. The same way you dislike young introject heavy high alter count systems making did their entire personality, be sure to give yourself the same grace as far as your disorder is concerned. You’re a person first and foremost, and your other parts don’t define you.
If you are diagnosed, remember that life gets a bit more complicated than stagnant alter counts. Genuine diagnosed and in treatment systems can have a high count, can have introjects, and can present in a way that isn’t what you support.
If you aren’t diagnosed, Godspeed on getting a treatment that works for you, and remember that people with did who have been diagnosed for years can exhibit those signs that you don’t support.
Just leave yourself room to learn with the community you’re now a part of and be safe.
This isn’t meant to be a criticism, I’m genuinely excited to see where this page goes, with the idea that you’re open to learning in mind.
Best regards.
Thanks! I don't really know what to say to this but I really really appreciate these words. Even though the whole discovery happend 6months ago, I didn't interact properly with the community until I made this blog. So I'm still learning a lot as we go. Before that I heard a lot of skeptical opinions about a lot of stuff and it mixed me up a bit. Skeptism was influenced by someone who made me view some of the symptoms as exaggerated in other people. I got into community of people that were fakers. And no Im not accusing them of it since they admitted to it. But I won't get into it much. This made me very skeptical about every person who claims to have DID. I dont see it as a bad thing though. I think that in Internet everyone should keep in mind that someone might not be 100% honest obviously also gotta keep it healthy so that's why I'm not fakeclaiming anyone.
My plurality is not my whole personality at all. In fact in my private life only 2 people know about it. My partner who knows the most, and my best friend who only knows I'm plural and some of my trauma. However, I don't talk much about it with them if at all. I dont want to overwhelm them with it because this topic is heavy and not nice to listen about.
Thats why this blog was created. I needed someone to relate to, I wanted to listen about people sharing their experiences to know I'm not alone in it. I wanted a space where no one knows me and I can talk about anything and everything related to my system. My partner knows I have a blog but doesn't know anything other than this. Im happy with that, I really needed a space where I can be alone with people who have been through similar experiences as me.
I am a person yes, my alters don't define me. But its nice to have an opportunity to talk about my feelings in this topic for once. With people who know more than me, to get their opinions, experiences, new facts about systems and how different one from the other is. I love to learn about all of it. I'm very open to change my opinions about various topics here. But only if its presented to me with respect and im provided with valid sources that support it.
Thanks again and im happy that you're staying :>
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terraliensvent · 6 months
multiple ppl close to kinah were able to verify that they were in the hospital recovering when the attempt happened. all of those ppl could not collab and lie so one person could get “extra attention” in ur words. Im frustrated with terra staff aswell but that doesn’t mean its ok now to call someones suicide attempt fake so ur feelings seem more valid. I find that extremely sickening. U have zero evidence or good reason for doubt or else u would have vented about it already. all u have is ur feefees. u do need therapy. And mod pls stop validating baseless speculation on smth so serious. what happened 2 people needing proof for claims like this
alright yeah im deleting kinah asks now
first off i dont think that people should just believe whatever they read on the internet, because you dont know who these people are irl. again, thats not to say that you shouldnt give support where you can or that you should make public callouts saying that it was all fake when you dont know for sure, BUT at the same time theres a level of speculation regardless because its the fucking internet. people are wild, people are strangers, and there is a non zero chance that people could have lied. just because people have a level of speculation on something they read online, that doesnt mean they need therapy and it doesnt mean theyre a bad person, it means they have a brain. if YOU want to believe it without a shadow of a doubt then thats fine, and if other people have some doubt thats also fine, just dont go out of your way to fucking bother people because thats just unnecessary.
second off, i need proof for accusations like “so and so is posting feral” or “so and so is an abuser,” saying things like “the way that kinah bounced back into cs makes me speculate” isnt an accusation.
the views of the anons i post here arent reflective of my own views, and if something is a problem i give my own input on it in my response. when i created this blog i didnt want to delete asks because i feel like that controls a narrative and makes me an unreliable narrator when it comes to these discussions. if people want to talk about things like this, i didnt want to force silence because thats not how you hold a discussion.
as an additional note: anons have been becoming increasingly aggressive in my inbox, whether its towards one another or towards myself. i implore all of you to stop being so aggressive, stop making assumptions, and stop playing this holier than thou card. so much of the art and cs community is made up of people who will virtue signal and place themselves on a moral pedestal and my inbox is the last place for that. if you want to rant and complain, go ahead, but stop acting like youre better than each other because you have the Correct Opinion on everything and believe everything you read on the internet.
my final thoughts on this are as follows: there is a non zero chance that everyone is lying. is it a small chance? sure. does this mean we should spread the narrative that it was all fake? no. are you a horrible person who should die in a fire because you dont 100 percent believe that the attempts were real? no, but also dont go out of your way to be an asshole because of that belief. i think we should all publicly operate under the assumption that the attempts were real. if you want to privately speculate, go fucking wild. could kinah going back into cs and making stuff for terras possibly be bad for their mental health? maybe. but also, its none of our business. and thats what im ending this topic with, a lot of this shit really is just none of our business and i think you all give way too much of a fuck about someone who you will never know irl.
i dont dislike kinah, in fact i actually really liked them when they were on staff for terras. but at some point we all gotta throw our arms up and say why is this taking up so much of my brain power when this person is just someone i follow on fucking toyhouse.
we are done with asks about kinahs attempt now, unless anyone has important info or something new to say im deleting them.
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tschulijulesjulie · 2 years
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TW: SA/ rape
a way too long (sorry) analysis of the SA scene in Captive Prince, or my thoughts on aforementioned quote
so people keep criticising how Laurent SA'd Damen and then later they become lovers and that is obviously a valid concern.
tbh ive been struggling to explain this scene for quite some time. the lashing scene is explainable (which is not the same as excusable!) once you know Laurent knew of Damens real identity - hes trying to get his revenge in that scene.
so what is the SA scene about? is he still trying to get revenge? was the lashing his punishment for killing Auguste and the SA now is to punish Damen for the SA Laurent had endured from the regent?
i think in a way it is, metaphorically - BUT it also isn't because Laurent actually doesn't want it to happen (which i will explainin a second but it makes such a difference!).
the lashing was clearly planned and orchistrated by Laurent (i already talked about the bath scene in more detail) - the SA isn't.
he takes Damen to the garden to make an impression on Herode and also so he learns about the Akielon slaves (if i remember correctly).
he gets surprised by Vannes, Berenger and Ancel turning up. until then, there no problem.
So Vannes would like to see Damen perform. she is imo the only one out of the people present who actually wants that. im not entirely sure but i do think she kind of doesn't understand the concept of slavery. Veretians dont have slaves and relationships - or rather contracts - with pets are mostly consensual (i say mostly because yk Nicaise and so on)
so then there is Berenger, who... well, i feel like he kinda doesn't want to be there at all and is totally uninterested in Damen and the entire proceedings of this situation lmao (maybe even a little displeased or alienated but he doesn't show it and thats whats important here!!!)
and then there is Ancel, who is a very ambitious pet as we learn in his short story. and as such he obviously trys for the princes attention (why wouldn't he? and i mean - it works in a way, doesn't it?) and the only way he knows how to get attention like that is to sell himself sexually - like he even only got to the palace because he was daring and cunning in the ring and made an impression on the most influential person present. hes just trying to do that again.
and last but not least theres Laurent. (well theres actually also Erasmus present and obviously Damen, but thats not important rn because neither of them has a say in this situation, again thats an entirely different problem but we know Laurents standing on slavery)
so what Laurent is currently dealing with is his lack of alliances. his uncle has the support of most of the court and Laurent is desperately trying to get some people (back) on his side. we see (or not see) him trying to "recruit" Herode just moments before.
i feel like after the lashing for now hes done with Damen. like, yeah he still has to deal with that guy one way or another, but he has already gotten some hatered out of the way through the lashing and now he can concentrate on more important things (yes, Damen, youre not that important at all rn)
but now Vannes expresses explicitly her desire to see Damen "perform" and Ancel is insisting so he must also desire to perform with Damen and if he does, so must Berenger - thats the way Laurent must see it at least.
and we know that Laurent has (understandibly) not the best understanding of sexual matters. i feel like he would see sex as some type of transactional good (in a way it might actually be in the Veretian court tbf)
so he contemplates. he has no desire to make Damen perform, despite the things he said at the ring (i feel like his need to punish/hurt Damen might have significantly decreased now that he has already done that with the lashing) - you could even read his reluctance as resentment of the idea tbh: he might be uncomfortable with sexuality in general as an result of his trauma but its also clear how much he openly dislikes sexual acts that are even slightly dubious consent (e.g. the ring, you can clearly see his dislike of the entire thing once you know what youre looking for)
but his main goal rn is to get more alliances and strengthen the ones he already has. and here are three people that are one of the few ones he has rn or that he wants to have (like Ancel) and they all seemingly want Ancel do perform with Damen.
So Laurent buries his displeasure about the whole thing and does what he thinks will have the best outcome for him - he literally only wants to please these three people (not to mention out of whom only one actually does want the actual "performance")
going even further - yes, im not done yet - he "whores himself out", too, through Damen because thats actually one of the very few ways he knows how to get people to be on someones side.
the thing is: he will be the one actually performing during the scene. Damen literally doesn't do anything the entire time (fair). Ancel might be the one actually giving the bj but its with Laurents instructions (if i remember the short story correctly hes very annoyed about that lmao). its even Laurent who only gets Damen hard and its Laurent Damen is looking at when he cums. Ancel is the instrument through which Laurent performs.
so does that make it any less of SA? no obviously not - it even raises the question where does it end?
Ancel initialtes it, but he doesn't actually want to suck Damen off, its just the only way to get the princes attention in his experience. hes a pet with limited power and limited ways to make the best of a situation. and even tho technically consensual, the entire pet thing is still super weird and sketchy (thats an entirely other topic tho).
Laurent allows it and "helps" with his instructions and is objectively the most powerful person out of them all. but at the same time he is actually just as powerless or even less powerful than Ancel. in a way hes just a pet in that situation too.
the people that actually do hold the power in this scene are Vannes and Berenger and i dont think they know it at all.
so, whos actually to blame? whos assaulting and whos assaulted?
but to cut this very long story short, what im trying to say is, that saying Laurent SA'd Damen is not really accurate and making it extra easy when the entire thing is decidedly not.
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maxemilianver · 1 year
As much as i can see your point, you have your opinion and thats totally valid cause seeing things from a different perspective is awsome and i appreciate it greatly, dont you think you are judging Lando's comments too harsh?
Max made mistakes, said some things that he shouldnt have said, yet you and i still support him (cause he is the best racer currently, no doubt).
Why do we psychoanalyse Lando and his comments, when it really doesnt matter what you or i think about his comment, only max' opinion. Cause the stuff Lando said was about him, not us, so why should we be angry on his behalve?
I do get where you are coming from, and if you dont like Lando that is completely fine cause people like different people, just spreading hate about either drivers seems a step too far?
I hope you respect my opinion, again we are all different and you see things from a different perspective. Both can be right at the same time❤️❤️
Hope you have a nice day!!
First of all, Max can never do wrong. Even if he is wrong, he is not wrong.
Lastly, Lando is just annoying TO me. He should keep his mouth shut FOR my liking. I am no Max, I dont know the guy, from what he gives to me in a surface level personality, I made my choice and I decided to dislike him. People use Lando's OWN words to hate Max, i do the exact same thing, but i hate him instead.
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wifiwuxians · 9 months
just a random guy who really loves your art. i noticed you made the cute doodle asking peeps to reblog your art and i just wanted to share why i dont? i really love your art and i absolutely wanna reblog it but im a songxue shipper and lowkey you seem kinda grossed out by that ship. which is totally oki, i know its not everyones cup of tea, but sometimes it seems like you'd be offended if a shipper reblogged your art i guess? and i dont rlly wanna bug you, i love your art and i adore your content. i think your likes and dislikes are valid as hell and you're totally allowed to have them. i just wanted to say that i do want to rb your stuff and i do love your stuff and im sorry im not supporting your art in that way, i just really didnt want to cross your boundaries. thank you for sharing your art and drawing so much of the guys (they're my blorbos, thats why i ship them and you're basically the only person who draws them ic imo). you're a wonderful artist and your art regularly impresses the hell out of me. your sense of humor, expressiveness, color pallet, creativity, and just plain Skill are all so freaking amazing and you deserve accolades. im sorry for being a weirdo who likes one of your squick ships but your art is fabulous. maybe i'll make a sideblog where i hide my ship tendencies and just rb you a lot there, you deserve the support :)
hey now,,, this is very sweet lkdhlkh and i really appreciate it + am glad you enjoy my art so much and think it's in character LOL i know i make things that are completely silly and absurd so it fascinates me (in a good way) that it's still seen as in character
also thank you so much for reaching out, i've been having a really rough time (depression! YAY) and honestly didn't expect anyone to say anything ;; (which is totally fine, people don't need to say anything! but it feels really good to be acknowledged)
i guess i'll take this as an opportunity to address this in general! i don't mind if people ship something i don't like/a notp as long as they're not making me engage with it, i don't track people down at gunpoint like HEY SHIPPER SAW YOU TOUCHED MY ART! no! all i ask is people don't /tag/ my art as whatever if i don't want it tagged as such (and don't ramble on about ship ideas in there either lol please), but i'm making an effort to make that obvious in the body of the post itself :) lots of my friends/followers ship things i don't and we coexist just fine!
but as for your ship, i've made mention to it a few times i think that it doesn't really bother me that much! in fact, the more i draw them together, the more chill i am with people taking away whichever kind of interactions they want from my art of them! they're my blorbos too and i love drawing them together, and although sometimes i am explicit about not wanting them tagged as a ship (so like, if they're drawn as family, xy is a child and sl is not for instance, lol), and sometimes i wish not everything were seen as shippy, it's very unreasonable i think for me to expect people not to see it that way. does that make sense? that's why someone requested i tag it a certain way so they wouldn't have to see it anyway OTL
anyway, you're totally fine! if you want to reblog it go right ahead, and if you wanna slap that tag on it, go ahead too (WITHIN REASON, see above). it's the other ostensibly more popular xue yang ship that i'd rather not get wrapped up in, haha
don't hide who you are! don't try and bottle things up for the sake of making someone else feel better. i've been doing that for too long and regret it immensely. maybe this year i'll finally put that to rest too
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chaoxfix · 2 years
🕯️🪄🌻 for the meme!
ty for the ask!! <3
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
ahh... hmm. i like putting out the energy i want back. if i read something i try to comment, and if i dont like something or am not interested in the concept, i just dont react because it's so much worse to upset someone over something they worked hard on.
i really don't think kudos are a very good expression of appreciation, as it has almost no room for real connection. fics are free, you know? when something is free but gives you joy, you should probably meet it with love, and love in a way that really shows why you like it. thats why i think comments are much better. i get why it can cause anxiety, but there's really no wrong way to comment unless youre 1) being an honest to god jerk, 2) pointing out something you dislike / something that you think the author was "incorrect" about (especially if the commenter is the one whos wrong lmao. either way i really dont think free fanfiction is like. lol. the place to do public criticism. just saying.)
im a rather anxious person irl, so im not really sure exactly what every single other anxious person's obstacles are or how to bridge them. because of that, i won't try to give universal advice since it's something i cant be an expert on if my experience is so different.
but i will say, for myself -- i mitigate my anxiety by practicing gratitude. i weaponize my people-pleasing for good by trying to be someone who makes other people feel genuinely good. and there's nothing better than feeling appreciated and praised for things that have value. and that kind of thing usually comes back around.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
ahh... hmmm...
if it's late at night (after midnight) when i post it, i go to sleep so i wont stay up refreshing the page to see what people say, or worse stay up editing all the typos that "suddenly appear" in ao3 formatting lol. that way even if no one reads it overnight or there are errors, it's okay because at least i can face the day with some sleep.
if it's not late at night when i post it, i try to go for a walk to again avoid constantly refreshing the page for feedback or immediately editing it. bc its not super healthy to spend even more time on it after whats probably been hours and hours, and i dont want my entire day fixated on something i should be done with.
i dont really celebrate much though, probably because i just kind of expect myself to make things of a quality i can stand behind. i didnt really grow up getting praised despite being an overachiever bc it made others around me feel bad when i got a lot . . . so i. have to really try and make something worthy of praise to feel like i deserve it. idk. haha. so anyways overall i try to lean more and more into 'i dont need validation' because id hate to put all my eggs in that basket -- not just because i dont want to be motivated by others' praise, but also because, i dont want to stop writing for the opposite reason, if someday i no longer feel like the quality of work i produced actually deserved the amount of feedback it got.
🌻what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
low motivation for long stretches, and losing interest in the things others like best, make me want to stop writing. both with fandom and original. low motivation usually coincides with depressive stints for me, and it makes me feel awful. like i cant do the one thing i like best, because i just can't motivate myself. when i finally manage it, it's crap for the first thousand words, then it gets better.
for me though, what makes me keep going is getting others to see my vision. getting them to feel what i aim to make them feel; crafting stories that, maybe theyre not perfect, but the emotions they generate are enough. it really is hard without an audience. even though i'm not motivated as much by getting a ton of validation, i do need at least a little lol, even just someone to say "yes. i see you. i understand what you needed me to feel from this, and i felt it." which is why i have original writing friends as well, for original stuff.
buuut also, i also keep going because i like being able to jot down what im thinking/imagining so that i can revisit it later and go back to that feeling, that moment in time where i was absolutely positive of that scene
thank you again for asking!! ^^
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ganondoodle · 10 months
one of the few zelda youtuber guys that seems to actually love totk made a video about it (i guess bc so many talked about why they dont like it) and while i didnt watch it i took a peek into the comments and of course its full of people going "LMAO people only dislike it bc it didnt validate their crazy theories!!" "its always the same when a new zelda comes out lol at first they hate it and then later its a classic haha idiots" "people who dont like it are just caught up in their nostalgia and cant accept anything new being introduced!!"
also thanking him for "speaking up" about loving the game ... which i find kinda mind boggling bc the internet is full of praise and 10/10s for it
i obviously dont want to villainize people that love totk but like .. these kinds of comments are so unecessarily judgemental? how dare someone NOT like an entry in the franchise and voice legit criticism, how dare someone not worship the game just bc it has zelda on it! CLEARLY they are just made delusional by their own fantasy and will realize later just how wrong they were! hah! those fools!
on my rants there were quite a few people who actually said they like the game but agree with alot of my views on it regardless, it is very flawed but i can also see that the good things outweigh the bad stuff for others, even if i legitimately hate it; but i also had to block multiple people bc they got so butthurt about me criticising it
and i dont think its 100% just an opinion thing either, totk, even when i disregard my personal feelings on the matter, has alot of problems, moreso than the other zeldas (each judged for how it was in their time) and in pretty much every part of the game too (story, lore, continuity, gameplay and rewards, UI-) and i think alot of it stems from its conception, they have never done a true direct sequel before and it came from a DLC idea, and it shows (though i still believe even coming from that you could have done something way better..... bc they also made botw, which seemed to prepare fertile ground for more storytelling that was all discarded for NO reason)
BUT that doesnt mean you cant like it anyway! there are some very horribly shitty games out there that are beloved by people anyway! and thats fine! i love ww and botw, both of which HAVE flaws too! and thats okay!
you dont need to be dismissive of any hint of criticism like that, there is no holy honor to defend, it just makes you look like a jerk
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tys-kitty · 2 years
im really sorry ppl decided to be jerks and send you hate you deserve so much better :( i also dont understand why people cant just have their own opinions about the book and respect each other's opinions like why attack someone for liking the book and vice versa
ive gotten a few comments that were getting mad at me for having an opinion they didn't agree with and i just dont get why people go so far as to type out something rude and hit send over a book
personally i was split on it, theres certain things i absolutely loved that had laughing and/or happy crying *cough* thomastair in particular *cough* and theres also certain things i didnt like and thats fine because its my opinion and since its been like two weeks since ive read it (wait no its been 23 days exactly since ive finished it) i feel like my opinions on it arent as strong as they were so it especially doesnt make sense to me that ppl are sending you hate for literally enjoying a book. where is the logic. there is none.
anyways, i love you and im sorry and people should do better because youre one of the sweetest people i know on here and you deserve so much better than this <3
Thank you so much sweetheart! <33
And I personally think that this isn‘t just about some hate I got for liking a book but about people getting hate for their opinion. It‘s extremely valid to not like a book, it‘s perfectly fine to think it‘s average and it‘s totally okay to like it.
So yeah for everyone out there: Please feel free to post your opinion! Tumblr should be a safe place for everyone, so let‘s make it one!
I won‘t let people make me dislike the book or change my opinion and you guys shouldn’t either. <33
And bestie @walkingaftermidnight07 I love you so muchh! Thank you for your sweet words and your support!
Love you guys!
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thedumestflower · 2 years
(DONT READ THIS ITS BAD)Boyfreinds webcomic criticism/rant
TLDR; boyfriends webtoon is lame and mid because its kinda icky and the writing sucks
Okay so yall hae heard about the boyfriends webtoon comic, and imma talk about why i personally dislike it
okay so the first main reason to why i dont like this webcomic is that, its well... icky,, niot exactly cringe (i mean yeah it is a little bit "cringe" but i think it just aged poorly, with it being made in early 2020) , but just, a little gross to me. Like the whole thing where the character nerd acts innocent but is actually a pervert, also the fact that hes 19 with the others are like, 20 and older, idk man just feels kind gross. also the fact that the charater goth keeps getting s3xualized even though hes asexual, with things like suggestive scenes to an actual fucking nsfw comic with him and nerd with, holy shit dude, the creator has stated hes a huge flirt but dosent like the s3x, but like, bro??????thats kinda gross to me to see a asexual character that keeps getting sexualized, and yeah asexual ppl can have the s3x but , it still rubs me the wrong way.
and the second reason i dont like this is because its fucking boring as sin to me. OK , ok , hear me out, webcomic being simply not my cup of tea isnt the only reason i think its mid, i also think the writing could be alot better, let me explain.
So the comic, the very beginning of the comic , it just starts out , literally with prep saying (im gonna be paraphrasing here for comedy but you get the pitcure) "omg im so over being single i want boyfren" and goth being like " haha, im gonna get boyfren befor you with my epic gamer rizz" and the nerd just fucking trips and falls, right infront of them, goth helps him up and they talk and make plans for shit. Now, notice how we get no fucking introduction? i mean, we get character cards for them but i think if you can do basic writing, and a simple, "oh im prep and im goth and we go 2 collage , and prep is singl and pathetic , but incredibly oblivious to goth crushing on him for like fuckn whatever years hes been doing this shit" ,like bro its that fucking simple, without setting up a basic background , we have no clue who these characters are and why we should care about them, we jut know that goth get bitches and prep doesn't(at the beginning of the series).
I also feel like more time should have been spent on the boys individual relationships BEFORE they become a official couple and not after , and to the comics credit, they kind do, but they fail to make me care because , again, no character introductions except for those character cards, witch don't really do much for the reader expect give us there name, age, and majors, witch also could have been told to us, along with more infromation about the character like, basic backstory and scene with a simple character introduction at the beginning.
Another problem within this problem is the characters themselves, you see, my problem is that they're stereotypes, witch, isn't bad, as long as its done well. But the creator doesn't do anything really interesting with them, no subversions of expectations , hell, its hard to even call them true to their original stereotypes, yeah prep is enough like a prep and sure i guess jock is enough like a jock, but goth isnt really even,, goth like, i mean character design wise, (im not a big fan of the gothy character stereotype where their just , edgey and shit) , i mean , if you go on Pinterest and type in "gothic aesthetic" you'd get somthing alot more like fancy suits and dresses and abandoned churches, not my immortal draco malfoy.(im sorry ill never make that joke ever again) . also the fact the nerd isnt even that much of a nerd, where the epic gamer shit, where the dnd handbooks, where the info dumping about your favorite obscure pieces of media? the most nerd shit that hes into is problem k-pop, or animal crossing, which, honestly to me, isnt really nerdy , . fucking hell, i mean jock isnt even a fucking himbo, like THE DUMB JOCK STERYOTYPE IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE THATS SUCH A MISSED OPPERTUNITY. So for me, either go big or go home
haha so yeah, thats why i dont like this webcomic, and my criticisms, if you agree with me, thats fine, if you dont agree with me and just want your silly brainrot pastel gays, thats also fine, i dont realy care if you like the webcomic or not.
But if you wish the boyfriends webcomic did something more interesting and cool with theyre characters and wish for a more "dramatic" story, with cool character designs and interesting and dynamics and also was made by someone who shouldn't really be making romance media and is not qualified to do this because they are aro ace but is really into shipping culture, well i do have an idea for a remake of it with all the things listed above, i might make a askblog for it teehee,
well thanks for reading and wasting your fuckn time on this earth
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i made a poll about taylor swift. it slightly made my notes a living hell for a week. heres some info i gathered from it cos i figure some people might find it interesting!
(gonna put a keep reading thing cos this might get long!)
- the post got 36k votes and 7.5k notes and really made it round every possible opinion on taylor swift there could be
- it was a lot more negative than i was expecting. i accidentally found my way onto swiftie instagram a few months ago and now my instagram algorithm thinks thats all i wanna watch so i think maybe my perception of how many people are actually are a fan of her is a bit skewed?
- that being said, in general, people were actually very reasonable and had very nuanced opinions in the notes, which was a little surprising
- however, the people who really really dont like her have absolutely zero chill
- tumblr swifties are a lot better than instagram swifties
- i should have made some options on the poll which included being completely neutral/having no opinions on her as a person, thats my bad
- a lot of people think shes hot, regardless of their opinions on her or her music
- the main reasons, roughly in order, for people disliking her are:
1. her fans
2. the private jet thing
3. the matty healy thing
4. her having a white woman victim complex
5. her being a nepo baby (something i wasnt aware of before this poll)
6. her music being overplayed at peoples places of work (which is so valid, i cant listen to cardigan without wanting to die for this very reason!)
(there were other reasons people disliked her but these are main ones)
- a lot of people who said they didnt like her music did have one or two songs that they said were the exception. these are all the ones i saw specified:
- love story
- you belong with me
- innocent
- blank space
- look what you made me do
- bad blood
- the best day
- safe and sound
- no body no crime
- style
- anti-hero
- we are never ever getting back together
- tolerate it
- seven
- you're on your own kid
- long live
- never grow up
- also quite a lot of people said they disliked her music with the exception of one album. the albums i most saw specified for this were 1989, fearless and speak now.
- a lot of people, regardless of their overall opinion on her/her music dislike midnights
- a lot of people said they only liked her music up until red. alternatively, quite a lot people said they have only liked her music released since red.
- i learnt about gaylors (and kaylors) through this poll. i didnt really know that was a thing. it confuses me. (shoutout to the anon i got about it, i dont agree with you and dont really get it, but you were also one of the nicest people towards me on this poll so i very much appreciate that, thank you!)
- on that topic, everyone, regardless of their opinions on taylor, seems to be annoyed by gaylors. (except the gaylors themselves).
- i got frequently (and sometimes quite aggressively) accused of being a swiftie on this poll due to the range of options on it. im not actually a swiftie, im just bad at making polls! i have very complicated opinions on her that frequently change, which is the main reason i made the poll, i wont go into detail on my thoughts on her here (nor did i on the actual poll) but im happy to explain my thoughts fully if someone asks!
- finally, here are some tags that made me laugh!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and this tag, which might be the most baffing thing anyone has ever added to one of my posts:
Tumblr media
theres probably more absolute gems hidden in the notes, but this poll got a lot of tags and replies and there was no way i could read everything!
thanks for reading and please dont take any of this too seriously, i made the poll due to my own curiosity and this post is just for anyone else interested!
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taegularities · 1 year
well this discourse about sex songs basically has been old..in general not just jk
i think sex is beautiful, one of the most intimate things to happen in a relationship, its lovely, just another human emotion and artistry is writing about one's emotions, then why not sex
also having freaky songs does not make you less of an artist or it means lacking substance, that's weird of people to think that way
and idk why people are going all "this is not the jk ik" or "this isn't BTS" when BTS has always written explicit lyrics
yoongi goes all suck my dick in huh recently, namjoon in sexy nukim and smoke sprite, jimin's like crazy had a lyric about getting ridden, taehyung has a lyric where he says "turning me upand back off line this", also BTS has a fair share of lyrics about sex or that point that way so🤷🏽‍♀️
and I have started recent examples
probably it's hitting people now bc now these lyrics are in english, in a language they understand, that's why its too explicit for their pure ears
also most of 3d lyrics are not directly explicit, 90% of the songs including the rap verse, suggestive, do people know the meaning of explicit even😭😭
if you dont like Jack's verse listen to the alternate version, whic i personally think is just corny, it's mild like a pop song generally is, that simple
idk what we're people expecting out of a jack harlow Collab cause the kinds of lyrics he generally writes this is nothing lol
what I think is
people are not giving genuine criticism just pure bullshit i have been seeing the whole day
i didn't like 3d, not bc it's explicit not bc jack harlow verse has me clutching my pearls not bc I think this image doesn't suit jungkook thats insane,
i didnt like 3d bc I felt the chorus was empty, the beat is good, but the song felt incomplete, it lacked the feeling of a complete chorus it felt going on a high and then it disappoints cause, it doesn't give that satisfaction that a chorus should give, that's my criticism part of it
also as a 2015 army myself I love that jungkook is not afraid anymore to show himself, that boy has been insecure forever, been sexualised since he was a minor, and now when he's taking that power back to himself where he controls how people look at him, people want to box him into the flower boy image that they think suits him
probably it's not bighit not scooter but his own decision to have those songs, he's been mature emotionally for a long time his lyrics have always been beautiful, him releasing 2 songs suggestive songs sex in a long career of 10 years i guess I can take it, heck i would take an album even
sex songs definitely don't mean someone's less of an artist or talented. i have my thoughts on this whole thing called 3D, but i still won't add much to the ask now except that opinions are def all valid, whether we like or dislike it or prefer the original or alternate version! — if anyone wants to add smth more, feel free to do so!!
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jackienautism · 1 year
no you are so valid for being biased against michael. i admit i do like him but my god is turnabout fair play in this case because above all else i am an emily davis girlie i was in the trenches for her back in the day and man. the takes i've seen </3 and the fact that people think they're being like, original and witty or whatever with their hate of her when really they're just repeating the same three misogynistic lines that have been repeated for nearly 10 years. i fully endorse an anti munroe sentiment on emily's behalf.
also GOD the towel. that makes me so frustrated esp when people ship her with josh after the whole?? stealing her clothes thing??? like i dont even dislike josh personally but . come on . i do like how tq kind of flipped that on its head, say what you will about its shortcomings, but at least emma got to put on clothes before getting chased around. and she got to use a taser. i think there should be an ud remake where sam gets a taser.
FGJKDDF ok im very very glad that i have your approval as a mike fan. but seriously though i cant believe this is like... still a conversation we're having. about emily, i mean. its 2023 like im so 😭😭😭 sure you dont have to like her, in fact its very valid not to like her, but most of the time theres just shitty takes and dumb misogynistic (as you said) + lowkey racist reasons to dislike her. AND ITS ALMOST ALWAYS HYPOCRITICAL TOO!!!!!! its FRUSTRATING..... and it sucks because like. she genuinely has so much going for her character wise and stuff but because shes mean and a bitch that gets thrown out the window. once again i am veryhappy to have your support, especially for emilys sake
YEAH!!! LITERALLY!!!!! like. thats the main reason why im so uncomfortable with it dfgkjfdg the best interpretation of jo////ssam imo is 2 depressed ppl just trying to get through and heal. not to say that couldnt be accomplished romantically as well but just. idk. ive talked about this before but the way their relationship came to be doesnt rly scream. romantic relationship to me? but of course im pretty biased in this sense too so fdkjnjdgj
youre so so right abt emma though... she got to put clothes on AND fuck shit up w/ a taser. give all the girls tasers tbh! but for real sam deserves to put clothes on like Not a quarter of the game later and a taser<3 she gets to use the bat i believe but the former(?) is definitely cooler
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