#like i dont even necessarily want any hard liquor
honestly right now i think its partly that i want a drink for the alcohol and partly that i just really really want one for the taste. i keep thinking about this one really dry rose i would get as a treat and this cider brand that always had the yummiest fucking shit ARUGH. fucked up and evil. also i want to be drunk but we all already know that. thats not even related really
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thinkaboutdobrik · 6 years
Mine → David Dobrik
this is two requests put together: one for angst with david at a party kissing another girl, the other for the reader and david saying ‘i love you’ for the first time
plot: the reader is at a party with david where one of the girls kisses him. all hell breaks loose but it has a happy ending
warning: angst (?), fighting, fluff at the end
a/n: i loooooved writing this!! like i'm actually proud for once? also i dont like kelsey aka fatherkels at all so i just had to include it here
once again you were standing in the kitchen, surrounded by people, with a drink in your hand. it wasn't rare that David dragged you along with him and his friends to another wild party. these parties were legendary - enough to get some good footage which seemed to be the main priority on nights like these.
with the red solo cup in your hand you listened to stassie's many stories as zane cheered her on. natalie standing by your side snapped you out of your bored state of mind every now and then. your eyes would land on david's who had already gotten a head start looking for some sort of emotion in your eyes.
stassie's stories became fainted sounds as your eyes wandered over to kelsey and her awkward ways of flirting with david. david didn't pay it too much attention. either he was just too oblivious to realise, or he was thinking about what to capture next.
"ooh, look at those rings," kelsey said in awe and took a step closer to david, reaching for his hands. having you within sight only added more fuel to the fire when she noticed your inevitable eye rolls.
there wasn't necessarily any beef between the two of you, you just couldn't stand the way she gushed over david.
david was your territory and you had settled that a long time ago when the two of you developed strong feelings for eachother.
"your hands are soo big," kelsey continued, intertwining her fingers with his, playing with them and holding his hands close to her as she was standing only inches away from his face, eyes darting from yours to david.
david being the oblivious guy he is the only thing that came out of the boys mouth was a giggle.
a sigh escaped from your mouth. "bathroom?" natalie whispered as she gave you a concerned look noticing the tension between you and kelsey. you quickly glanced over at natalie before heading towards the bathroom.
slamming the door shut you leaned up against the wall as another sigh escaped from your mouth. "i know," natalie said.
"obviously it's getting to me how she's all over him. i told you from the moment i got here i didn't like her," you said, clenching your fists and staring at your own reflexion in the mirror.
"don't pay it too much attention. focus on something else. you can have david all to yourself after the party." natalie joked trying to lighten the mood a little. "let's get back outside. if we're in here for too long she's for sure gonna know somethings up."
pulling yourself together you took a big gulp of whatever liquor was left in your cup. the burning liquor was just what you needed right now, considering only god knows what had happened on the other side of the wall the past few minutes you were away.
"i'm just gonna go up to him and act like she's not there." you said announcing your plan to natalie. what could go wrong?
searching for the brown haired boy your eyes finally landed on him as you looked over at the pool table. of course, right next to him was the woman of the hour.
kissing your teeth you clenched your jaw slightly before taking another gulp of your drink. you flipped your hair over your shoulder and walked towards them, a fake smile plastered on your face.
"can i help you?" kelsey's voice rang as you approached them. david, leaning against the pool table with a camera in his hand, had an indescribably expression on his face as kelsey slid her hands around his waist.
you swallowed hard, knowing any comment coming off the wrong way was enough to rub you the wrong way. "just wanted to talk to my friend. do you mind?"
she pulled him tighter and rolled her eyes. "he's busy. you can go somewhere else." she said and shooed you off with her hands.
your eyebrows furrowed and your eyes narrowed. "excuse me?" you harshly said, being taken aback by her sudden comment.
"guys-" david chimed in, trying to control whatever was going on, but he miserably failed as you took a step forward.
"did i do something to you?" you tilted your head in confusion, shooting her a mean look.
her immediate response was to raise her eyebrows, curious as to what your next move would be.
you furrowed your eyebrows even more and scoffed loudly before turning around to leave the situation. upon turning around you were stopped by natalie who held her palms to your chest as she looked over your shoulder. catching on to her look you turned around too.
you turned around only to see kelsey's lips firmly pressed against david's. your jaw dropped, eyes widened, fists clenched together at the sight of her tongue making her way down david's throat.
your only instinct was to snap. and you did. your palms landed on her shoulders followed by a forceful push causing her to stumble backwards before landing on the ground.
before you knew it she was already standing up. an angry, pissed off, look appeared on her face before she bolted towards you. one palm in the air she returned your push with a hard slap across your face, instantly turning your cheek red. your jaw dropped as you turned around, placing your palm to your face, hovering over your throbbing cheek.
"stop, stop, stop!!" zane yelled in attempt of holding kelsey back. what had previously been guests at the party were now surrounding you creating an audience as the show was about to continue.
having a really short temper, out of nowhere your instant reaction was to go at her, but before even reaching her face you crashed onto the ground, jaw hurting like hell as a metallic taste came to your mouth.
you felt hands underneath your arms, making you jump at first, pulling you up from the ground and away from the crowd. shaking them off, you hurried your way out to the backyard with your palm still on your face.
no one seemed to be hanging out in the backyard - they were too focused on what was happening inside, which allowed you to take a deep breath. your entire body was shaking as you sat down on the grass.
small footsteps approached you from behind, and without turning to look you already knew who it was.
"don't. you don't need to be here." you firmly said with no expression in your tone as you pulled the sleeve of your sweater to use it as a cloth.
"yes, i do. what was that about?" david asked as a quizzical expression fell onto his face. he sat down next to you, feet crossed as he examined your face.
your body tensed up again. "you're telling me you didn't mind her hands all over you like that? the way she poke to me? you're telling me you didn't mind that?" you spat, angry at the way he spoke to you as if everything was your fault.
"no, that's not what i said-" he said before cutting himself off with a sigh.
"david, i came here for you. i came here with you. and look where i'm at." you said before continuing wiping your lip leaving blood stains all over your sweater.
david sighed and a sad expression appeared on his face. "i'm sorry that happened. i should've stopped it. i should've stopped her. i'm so sorry. i didn't know you'd get hurt like this."
you scoffed at his words, shrugging them off as you looked in another direction.
"here." he said and changed his position. he reached out his hand as he covered it with his sleeve before gently holding your face with one palm and wiping the blood with his other.
your eyes landed on the ground as you felt his gentle touches caring for you. your eyes met david's and you gazed into them, silence hitting the two of you before you spoke. "do you like her? kelsey?"
a small grin appeared on david's face as he let out a small chuckle, "not really, no."
"i don't know what came over me. i was already tense enough just knowing her and her friends were gonna be here... but when she kissed you, i-" you sighed and interrupted yourself at the thought of what you were going to say next.
"you what?" david asked, twisting his sleeve to use the other side.
"i realised i like you more than i thought." you said, your eyes never leaving david's. you swallowed hard at the feeling of the knot in your stomach getting bigger by the second.
"david, I love you." you confessed.
david stopped the wiping of your face and smiled lovingly at you, lowering his hands and placing them ontop of yours. he let out a small, relieved chuckle before leaning in towards you, placing a soft, warm kiss on your lips. he pulled away, still with a smile glued to his face. "i love you too, y/n."
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minaharkers · 5 years
2, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19 & 20 for eriana :)
hiii thank u im sorry this took 3000 years to make
eriana tabris is my warden! 
2. What does your OC smell like? What does your OC wish they smelled like?
when she’s traveling around, i think she smells a lot like woodsmoke with a little bit of the earthy smell of traveling in nature, not necessarily a bad smell…just more natural. when she was growing up she liked little perfume scents, nothing overpowering but something nice? for a gift one birthday her father got her some nice perfume he saved up for and it was one of her favorite things 
11. What plant, animal, and color does your OC feel like today?
plant: edelweiss
animal: wren 
color: navy 
12. If your OC were a superhero, how flashy would their costume be? Also, what would their superpower be? Does this go with their costume at all, or are they all about fashion? #Can’tFightCrimeIfYouAin’tCute
oooh okay i kind of picture eri as being a lot like wonder woman? like a super bad ass fighter with a sword with powers like flight and strength! i don’t think her costume would be crazy flashy, probably some practical armor lol  
14. Is your OC superstitious? If so, what superstitions do they believe? If not, what do they think of superstitious people?
haha nooo Eriana is so not she’s super practical, and sometimes she can get a little impatient with people who are because it can be hard for her to understand why they might feel that way 
17. What’s their go-to parlor trick? Are they actually that good at it, or do they just enjoy it? Do people tell them they’re good, even if they aren’t? How do they handle criticism?
i don’t know if this quite counts but she can actually hold her liquor fairly well for her size,,, this is only happening when shianni can peer pressure her enough to get absolutely wasted bc shes mostly a pretty responsible drinker and is like on Mom Friend mode all the time 
19. Favorite comfort food? Do they enjoy junk food or are they more of a foodie? Can they cook? What’s their favorite thing to cook?
Freshly baked bread right out of the oven! she cooked a lot for her dad when he was super busy and learned a lot from him! soup was always a thing she learned to cook bc they were usually so tight on food and that could feed a lot of ppl with little ingredients and she found recipes she enjoyed making. 
20. Any major theme(s) or conflict(s) in your OC’s life? How have they dealt with that? Are they aware of it, or do they ignore it? Did you design them with such theme(s)/conflict(s) in mind, or did they evolve naturally?
I think a lot of her central conflict is dealing with balancing what she considers what’s expected of her and what she really wants to do. She feels trapped by her expectations and being held down by them even when she joined the Wardens (especially since she really didnt have a choice). I dont know if i really design anyone with conflicts in mind they just sort of pop up in my brain and everything comes up later loll
Pls ask me about my kids
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rosykims · 5 years
i was tagged by @nordxz thanks so much tash !! i'm gonna answer this for duncan, my babey and the next gen son of alistair and ella cousland 😊😚😘
i snappped while answering these and accidentally wrote 6 pages and almost 4k words so uh. loooooong infodump ahead.
Alignment: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play?
duncan very easily falls into the lawful neutral category, like i dont rly need to give his alignment too much thought unlike with some of my other ocs. duncan is.....hmm. hes a very KIND person, generous and selfless, and tries his best to make people happy, but i wouldn’t necessarily say he's good, considering a lot his issues lie with his inability to act, or stand up to others. he’s guilty of very blindly following the law, or other people's ideas of what's right, and he doesn't really feel confident enough to rely on his own conscience for most things. so i'd say while he tries to do the right thing and act within the law, sometimes he goes against his own values out of fear or confusion or, simply out of ignorance, since he was born into a life of privilege and can't always distinguish what's right and what’s believed ykno
Beverage: What do they most like to drink, and why?
duncan shares a weird trait with both his brother and sister where they all just inexplicably ?? don't like alcohol at all. so stuff like wine and liquors is off the table. he absolutely LOVES tea though. u know that one scene in scott pilgrim where the gal is going thru her list of like 72 teas? thats him 100%. it's his lifeblood at this point, he has SO much of it and a perk of being the heir to a monarchy means he's got a lot of foreign merchant acquaintances, so he tends to order in different blends from all over. he's a chronic insomniac, and he uses it as a crutch to get through the days some times. modern!duncan still loves tea but obviously has a stronger love for coffee, since its far more effective!
Co-Habitat: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in?
duncan currently lives in the residential dorms of the college of enchanters, while he's sort of aimlessly studying a bunch of subjects he's already mostly adept at. firstly, duncan is VERY sick lol, he was conceived while ella and alistair still hadn't found the cure for the joining, and essentially he inherited both of their darkspawn taint so 🙂🙂🙂 thats always a good time. so anyone who lives with him needs to prepare for 1) him being sick obviously,, throwing up, coughing up blood, looking like a corpse virtually 23 hours of the day lol. and obviously the fear that one day he might actually die. but also 2) he suffers from grey warden nightmares for the same reasons, hence the insomnia. he can go a concerning number of days without sleeping and usually only takes strategic cat naps when he needs to, but obviously he has his limits. it's very rare that he goes a full night without waking up in a cold sweat due to nightmares so. we stan one depressed king ! oh he also is Incapable of locking the door to his apartment. he always forgets and hes too tired to care about people stealing his stuff fkdkdjdjd he would probably make more of an effort if he had someone living with him, but old habits die hard so !!!!!!
Decor: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details?
honestly , duncan's house is very devoid of clutter or personal items in general, which is sad. he definitely would have a lot of decor if he could, but since his current housing is only temporary while he's in orlais, he doesn't really want to get... comfortable ykno. other than that, duncan's home is always kept impeccably neat and clean, for two reasons. firstly, growing up in denerim's palace really engrained into his head the importance of keeping up appearances, so its sort of a subconscious ritual of his at this point. but i think more importantly its because of all the nights when he cant sleep, so during the night with nothing to keep him from dwelling on his thoughts or nightmares, he really needs the distraction, and cleaning gives him something to do. duncan really needs to feel like he's doing something, like he's managing, like he's able to achieve something so cleaning is just one little way of taking ownership of his life.
Escape: What do they do to de-stress? How successful is it?
nsfw warning but uhhh..... he has a LOT of sex basically dkdkdksk u wouldn’t know it by looking at him tho ! bc hes very polite and nervous and kinda shy?? but hes also charming and obviously attractive so he doesnt really lack for interested parties. mainly he just sticks to one night stands, with no strings attached, and it helps him take his mind off things when hes exhausted or its late at night and hes afraid to go to sleep. otherwise he also has had some friends with benefits but usually his personal life is too complicated for a serious relationship. aside from that, he also reads a LOT, writes too – when he has the time/energy – and obviously cuddling sessions with his cat, moira dkdkdk
Fluff: What hits their soft spot? Does anything turn them into emotional goo?
so ik above i said that duncan doesnt do serious relationships but thats,, not through any will of his own. he LOVES love and is a complete hopeless romantic , but unfortunately for a number of reasons he's just very unlucky at love ! 😔 so having an emotional, intimate connection with someone that isnt just sex is super healing for him, since he's not used to it at all. being with nadaia is such a positive thing for him, just knowing that his feelings are reciprocated and that he's valued and wanted.
Grudge: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long?
i think it depends on who its directed at !! duncan usually ignores any insults directed at him because he's grown up being so scrutinized by the public and for the most part, fereldens are very weary of him so he hears A LOT. most of criticisms about him he just.. automatically accepts as fact and really buys into them, bc he has such low self esteem. but as for other people, and ESPECIALLY loved ones thats a very different story!! he's not exactly the type to start throwing punches if anyone says a bad word against someone he cares about, but he WILL personally see to it in his own sneaky way that they get whats coming to them dkdkkdjd usually he'll either find a way to expose their dirty laundry, embarrass them in public, prevent a promotion, something like that lol. this goes double if the insult is directed at nadaia or his family.
Hobby: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising?
ive already mentioned that he's an avid reader and he likes to write occasionally, but he's also a talented musician! He can play harp and lute, and has a beautiful singing voice ! tho he never EVER sings in public and u have to be like,, a ride or die for him to even consider singing in front of u.
Insomnia: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper?
well like i said he's an insomniac so sleep rly is a vague, barely recognised concept to him at the point dksksksk he also experiences sleep paralysis during especially bad nightmares, honestly he rly hit the misery jackpot and i feel so bad like hes indisputably my most tormented oc 🙃🙃🙃 so yea hehe doesnt really thrash around during nightmares but he sweats A LOT and sometimes talks in his sleep. during sleep paraylsis obviouslyy he goes COMPLETELY rigid and still which is terrifying for everyone involved lol. on the rare occasion that he is able to sleep he is out like a light lol he would sleep for 17 hours if he could. in saying that because he is also a Strategic Napper he is usually comfortable falling asleep ANYWHERE, because hes so tired comfort really isnt a concern lol.
Jaded: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard?
no he doesn't unfortunately 😔 or at least i should say he doesn't believe in it for himself - he's pretty convinced that he won't live til 30 and he's existing on borrowed time as it is, so he hasn't really put a lot of thought into his own happiness or the pursuit of his own goals because he doesn't believe he'll be around to see them realized
Kin: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family?
duncan is the firstborn son of king!alistair and ella cousland, my canon warden. he's also the eldest brother to roslyn and bryce theirin. he's also, obviously , the half brother of keiran, tho none of the theirin kids are aware of that oof. his role, officially, is to become king when his parents eventually pass. its NOT something he wants, due to being so sick and unsure of himself. despite what his parents tell him, he doesnt believe he will make a good king and is really terrified of the notion in general, i guess a little like alistair was in dao. duncan kinda,,, avoids his duties, to the point where he literally LEAVES to live and study in orlais. he still does what he needs to do, keeps in correspondence with people he needs to, but its all bare minimum stuff because hes just. so afraid of it lol. he has a mostly good relationship with his family, despite that – theres some resentment between him and his sister, rose, but thats a whole entire story we dont have time for dkdkskdk
Law: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it?
like i said before he's pretty adherent to the rules and laws of society tho i do see that as more of a flaw than anything. he doesnt really feel comfortable stepping outside the norm and tends to accept that other people know best ! even if he disagrees he's usually too unsure of himself to speak up. that does change quite a bit once he and nadaia grow closer, since SHE is big on bending ridiculous or unjust rules, but he's always gonna be a bit of a follower i think 😒
Magic: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock?
he's accepting!! he's a mage so it would be wild of him if he didnt lmao. during his childhood/adolesence he was kinda harsh on himself and had a lot of internalized guilt for being a mage, bc this was obviously still fresh after the mage rebellions. he resented his own abilities and just wanted to be normal, but that was also him projecting a lot of his other problems as well. he had amazing teachers who helped him come to terms with his abilities, and the best of all was my inquisitor, ashara, who is kind of like a very distant, scary aunt who always had a soft spot for him. she helped him – and alistair and ella – RIGHT after they discovered he was a mage, and she was really the biggest role model in his life when it came to magic. duncan has always looked up to her skill and control and confidence, and tried very hard to match that.
Network: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others?
duncan has an ARMY of acquaintances and connections due to his family, but doesn't really have a lot of people he considers his close friends. he's super friendly and he gets along with most people, but like ive said before serious relationships including friendships are always a bit complicated for him bc of who he is as a person lol. as for reaching out, he's a very independent, introverted person and so he tends not to seek out other people unless he's close to them or has no other choice. he's very self conscious about being a burden on people or being to “needy" so he holds himself back and sometimes comes across as a little cold.
Offspring: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple?
he.... probably can't physically have kids unfortunately due to his condition, and as a result he's never really wanted to think too much about it, or imagine a scenario that he believes he cant have. but if it WERE a possibility, or if he felt stable in his own life enough to adopt, he'd probably be comfortable with just one child to completely spoil. he would be such a good father, albiet maybe not the coolest dad ddkdkdks i think nadaia would be the one who got up to the crazy shenanigans and let her child get away with everything, and duncan would be more of the nurturing, responsible one. he'd be a MASTER at telling bedtime stories, would kick ass at homework assistance, and would sing his kid to sleep every single night (until they got too old for it obviously). ooooo im so IMMENSELY emo abt this au now that i think about it
Pistol: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence?
duncan is a very non-violent person, but he does believe that sometimes violence is necessary and will BE violent if he needs to – only in self defence scenarios though. he's an adept mage, and very skilled with a staff, but he isn't a fighter, really – more of a defensive, protective figure.
Question: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about?
oh the doubt is constant with him 🙃🙃 he has a lot of deep routed dread about his own morality and whether or not he's a good person or if the maker will accept him when he dies. he's andrastian but TERRIFIED of the notion that its all actually real, bc then he doesnt know where that leaves him. he has this weird existential dichotomy where he doesnt know if hes closer resembling a grey warden or a darkspawn bc of his tainted blood. he also doubts his abilities and his magic bc he's afraid that the taint just,, makes him inherently a corrupted thing. he doubts himself on a more basic level with like, being a good brother, a good son, a good king when the time comes. he wants to be a good student and partner but sometimes his health makes him feel like he cant, and it weighs on him so heavily, almost all the time. basically he needs a hug so badly its not funny 😔😔😔
Reminder: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks?
uhh its very selective !!! for the most part he's very good at taking care of himself, mostly because he NEEDS to otherwise his health gets out of control, but sometimes he tends to prioritize one set of needs above another,, which usually means not sleeping (the most common), forgetting to eat, not letting his loved ones know when he's having a poor health day which usually results in him getting really sick and nobody is around to help him. he also forgets to do certain things like lock up his house, buy foodstuffs, reply to peoples letters n stuff like that.
Sing: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head?
yes and yes !! duncan loves music altho its a very personal and private thing for him. he's pretty naturally gifted with music and gets it from ella, who taught him a lot of what he knows. he has a gorgeous singing voice (i kinda hc something similar to dan smith’s vocals from bastille!) that he rarely uses bc he only ever sings when he's alone or if he's forced to by a nosy loved one or something lol
Touch: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big?
duncan doesn't mind being touched !!! in fact in most situations he welcomes it, as long as its like,,, appropriate and not some random stranger obviously. he grew up with ella and alistair who obviously are VERY affectionate people so he loves giving and receiving hugs from friends and he doesnt flinch or feel weird about just? random natural touches or anything. his ~love language~ is also physical touch so he LIVES for cuddling with nadaia and holding hands and anything like that. however !!! his little sister rose HATES being touched by virtually anybody and in any capacity, so he's very aware that not everybody is okay with touch, and is always careful and considerate of other peoples boundaries. he usually waits for the other person to make the first move, or simply asks them first !
Upcoming: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans?
he doesn't at all 😔 i mentioned this before but he doesn't see himself living very long, and its really impacted his outlook on life. he is afraid to commit to a lot of things, even if its something he really, truly wants, because he doesn't want to get his hopes up for things. it also keeps him from forging positive relationships. a lot of it has to do with him just being overly polite, but he refuses to make the first move with anything, or communicate what HE wants out of something. for example, his relationship with nadaia could have progressed so much faster if he had just,,, told her what he wanted. she had to make a lot of the first moves in the relationship because he just,, doesnt know how to take chances i guess !!! we love a Deeply Flawed king
Vice: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of?
Some harmless ones are ; him talking to his cat constantly dkdskd also he has very poor time management skills so he's almost always a few minutes late, forgetting to lock his stuff up, and slouching, probably !!! some more serious ones would be like,, having sex with strangers as a coping mechanism lol, not speaking his mind and instead just letting himself be a doormat, also INTENSE avoidance of his problems (moving away to orlais for 9 years to avoid his fear of being king for example 🙃) tho i guess they fall under the same category oof.
Wardrobe: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces?
duncan dresses nice, for the most part !!! again, it's mostly to do with growing up in court and having to keep up appearances, but also hes just. a nice bisexual boy who wants to take care of himself ykno, and that includes hygiene/clothing/grooming etc ! he's maybe a bit TOO reserved tho, he mostly wears dark colours like blacks, greys and brows, but hes been known to wears reds/blues/whites as well, and there’s a lot of subtle yet beautiful details on his more formal attire that might go unnoticed by a casual eye. a lot of his clothes are specifically tailored but he's also fond of big oversized sweaters for when hes just hanging out ! he's got a not great relationship with his body lol so he usually dresses very conservatively, with long sleeves and pants and usually more than one layer, but hes also a thot so !!! pants be TIGHT dksksksks
X-Ray: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves?
Djdjdksksndjddjkekdidksjs OKAY WELL if u have read this far than obviously u kno the answer to this question. if ur just skimming tho first of all ur valid ! second of all duncan is VERY sick. he was conceived when ella and alistair where still searching for the joining cur, so basically he inherited the darkspawn taint x 2 and nearly died a bunch of times as a baby/young child. obviously idk how the cure storyline is gonna resolve but my hc is that bc the darkspawn taint is something he was BORN with, not just something that happened to him via ritual, his body is much more impacted by it so even if they are able to find a cure, it wouldnt work THAT well and his health would still suffer bc of the prolonged damage. so physically, he deals with a LOT – intense migraines, insomnia, nausea, fatigue, problems with breathing and fevers and stuff. obviously mentally hes.... not doing great either, tho he’s trying his best. sometimes his insomnia gets so bad he starts hallucinating visions from his darkspawn nightmares, and sometimes he just feel paranoid in general that he's actually an Evil Darkspawn and hes just somehow managed to convince everyone hes a normal person – sort of a weird blend of imposter syndrome and body dysmorphia its. complicated. anyway he has very low self esteem and tends to think hes a huge inconvenience to everybody, and when he was a teenager he went thru a period where he was very suicidal, and ANGRY and afraid 😔 he’s doing better though, now that he has learnt how to manage most of his symptoms and he's not suffering in denerim court. nadaia is also a huge help, though he tries not to become too heavily reliant on her, since he's had bad experiences with depending too much on other people.
Yack: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about?
skskdkdk im already crying hehe 🙂 duncan is so introverted and self conscious of being “Too Much" for other people so he tends to keep his thoughts/interests to himself and stick w just. boring small tall or non invasive questions relating to the other person. BUT if u show an interest and he trusts u then oh boy. hes an absolute dork. he loves talking about magic and having really intense conversations abt the technical sides of it (he and dorian would get along SO well) but he also loves history !!!! before he began studying at the college of enchanters he received multiple ??? qualifications?? (idk if thats the right term but u kno) from the university of orlais, one of them being orlesian and ferelden history. also anything to do with the grey wardens, the blights and darkspawn for personal reasons obviously. He's a VERY good storyteller so he somehow finds a way to make even the dryest topics seem very compelling and Cool – varric would be proud !! he finds the orlesian Great Game fascinating, and he enjoys sharing wild anecdotes about the things he's seen asshole nobles get up to. thats always thrilling skdksksk ALSO. He has a secret interest in necromancy and the mortalitasi (its only a secret bc hes the heir and that wouldnt look ... great lol ) but he only ever really talks about that with nadaia, who finds that stuff almost as interesting as he does. also, finally, he loves talking about nadaia 😊😊😊😊 hes the type of guy who will always namedrop “my girlfriend" into any conversation, loves telling people about her accomplishments and how Cool she is ..... he loves her a Lot is what im getting at sksksks
Zodiac: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? What would you pick, if it’s unknown?
duncan is a pisces babey like his mother !!! tho he could also be a virgo but,,, i think for now pisces works better for him. he's very smart and introspective and creative, but he has some issues with critical thoughts, avoidance and melancholy like ive mentioned. also pisces is a water element so i guess that makes even more sense, since hes an ice mage 👌👌👌
okay !!! im done !!! i cant believe i wrote all that but i guess if u didnt know abt duncan before, u absolutely do now dksksks im so sorry to anyone who actually read thru all of this, u really are braver than the troops
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hopeslover · 6 years
i was tagged by @plutostear to do these questions! here we go
drink: a sad lukewarm glass of water
call: my dad (i only call my parents ashdj the rest i text(
text: to my best friend
song you listened to: coming home by g.soul
time you cried: yesterday......
have you ever
dated someone twice: no !
kissed someone and regretted it: definitely
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: not to that extent i would say but ive lost friends
been depressed: sigh
gotten drunk and thrown up: no omg i dont think im that kind of drunk
favorite colors: i think my favorite colors are the ones u can see in the sky, be it sunrise, sunset or in the middle of the day/night
in the last year have you
made any new friends: yeah!
fallen out of love: no
laughed so hard you cried: that had never happened to me :(
found out someone was talking about you: yeah but not necessarily in a bad way
met someone who changed you: i think so, i think everyone you met changes u in one way or another
found out who your friends were: thankfully ive never had that kind of ‘friends’
kissed someone in your fb friends list: i dont have facebook 
how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl?: again agsdhfjl i think i wouldnt survive having more than one social media
do you have any pets?: a dog and a cat !
do you want to change your middle name?: i dont have a middle name bc my parents hate them asdfg
what did you do for your birthday last year?: nothing.....i think i went out to have some ice cream but it wasnt a big deal
what time did you wake up today?: i woke up at 730 and then started to complain about it to my best friend ahsdjfk
what were you doing were you doing last night at midnight?: i think i was sleeping bc i was on a trip this weekend and i was tired as hell
what’s something you can’t wait for?: bts comeback tbh.... also college i miss being busy 
what’re you listening to right now?: im listening to a song radio on spotify bc i want to find new music
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: no :o
something that gets on your nerves: rn is people who scream all the time fully knowing their neighbours can listen to them and not caring at all:)
most visited website: this one or youtube bc i fall asleep listening to videos
hair color: dark brown
short hair or long hair: i think it looks better short on me
do you have a crush on anyone: nah
what do you like about yourself?:right now i cant think of something 
want any piercings?: my skin is rlly sensitive so sadly i cant have them :(
blood type: o+
nicknames: my close friends call me dant 
relationship status: single but thats okay
zodiac sign: leo 
pronouns: he/him but they/them is okay too
favorite show: queer eye sdfgbnasdf i miss them
tattoos: i dont have any but i really want a few....
right or left handed: left!
every had surgery: i had head surgery when i was a baby but other than that ive never had any major thing like that im ridiculously healthy
piercings: nope
sports: im planning on taking tennis this semester wish me luck 
vacation: ive only traveled inside my country but ive loved every destination especially the beaches 
trainers: what does this mean
more general
eating: nothing im waiting for lunch
drinking: nothing either
about to watch: this show in netflix called prison playbook i watched like one ep ahsdjfk im gonna pick it back up
waiting for: honestly something terrible
get married: if my partner wants but im not crazy about it
career: im studying foreign languages !
which is better
hugs or kisses?: hugs
lips or eyes?: eyes
shorter or taller?: i dont care about it tbh
younger or older?: preferably same age
nice arms or stomach?: i dont care about that
hookup or relationship?: relationship..........but that changes every 2 seconds
troublemaker or hesitant?: is there another option
have you ever
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: yeah asgdhfj 
lost glasses: how do you even lose your glasses
turned someone down: ugh yeah
had sex on the first date: no
broken someone’s heart: yes and i still feel terrible about it
had your heart broken: yeah...
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: no i dont think ive ever fallen in love
do you believe in
yourself: on my best days
miracles: yeah but small ones
love at first sight: no...maybe attraction at first sight
santa: here its called nino dios :( i stopped believing in him at 13 i think
kiss on the first date: yeah why not
angels: its a nice think to believe in
best friend’s name: natalia
eye color: dark brown
favorite movie: coraline
favorite actor: i dont have one
i tag:
 @latjna @fatherysl @queenyoonji @midnight-offonoff @namseoksgf and @midnight-offonoff
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thoughtslikeocean · 3 years
New Orleans
June 23
-This was Rhyann’s last day with me. His flight left Phoenix at 1 PM. We spent the morning together and then I brought him to the airport. I came back home, packed, cleaned up a bit and then head out to catch my flight. Traveling was long. My flight was delayed and also I had a lay over in Las Vegas. Which feel very senseless when you’re traveling to New Orleans. Anyway, I arrive in New Orleans around midnight. Britt picks me up from the airport. Traveling is smooth because I decided I didn’t need to check a bag. I packed two and a half outfits and went on about my way.
June 24
-Britt woke up this morning to go to brunch with her friends. She invited me but I was way to exhausted to go so she let me sleep in for a little while longer. Our plan was to hangout and then meet Jarvis later which is pretty much what happened. Brittany had to bring her friend’s dog to the boarding place which was an entire event honestly. Anyway , we picked up some crawfish and po boys and then head to Jarvis new apartment. It’s super cute and in a great location. He’s spending hella money for it but its a cute little bachelor pad though. It’s nice for the season he’s in. Later on Jarvis’s friend Chad comes to join us. I’ve heard about Chad numerous and times and has talked to him over the phone but this is my first time meeting him. This dude is 45 and looks 25. Legit get like Pharell. It was astonishing to see. We all drank wine and chat for a bit before deciding to head to the roof top. There is when I noticed there was a full moon. I immediately sat down and started to pray and manifest that I have a weekend filled with divine meetings and appointments. I didn’t necessarily have a frame work of what thats supposed to look like but I knew I wanted everything to be intentional this weekend. After that, we all attempted to find a spot to eat but that fell through so Britt Jarvis and I ended up picking up insomnia and then Britt and I headed back to her place.
June 25
-For this morning the plan was to meet Jarvis, Chad and Shay for brunch. We got a bit of a late start but we ended up making it happen. We ate a spot in the French quarter called Stanley’s. Their food was pretty good and it was a cute atmosphere. Shay and the kids dipped once they were done eating and Britt needed to make it back home os she could hang out with her friends later. Me, Chad and Jarvis were left so we went somewhere else to grab a drink This is when Chad and I start hitting it off and I realize this is someone who is going to be very helpful in making sure than I am successful if I decide to set up a practice in New Orleans. It literally felt like a divine appointment. It was solicited when he asked me if I knew Dr. Turshá! I was like uhhhh yeaaaaa duhhhh!!! Apparently they went to high school together! All in all, it was an unspoken agreement that we were meant to meet at exactly this moment in time for a reason. Chad had to leave for work so I asked Jarvis to bring me by my grandparents house so I can spend a little time with them. Jarvis had a therapy appointment so I he did that while I was on Belfast and came back when it was over. Grandpa really just wanted to talk about Lazarus and all the BS but I wasn’t about to do that. I had a little liquor courage of course and I was able to just speak candidly on how I felt about the situation. I wasn’t disrespectful at all but I was really tired of him stressing over this Lazarus situation when this boy is gone be just fine. He just wants other people to stress out with him. Anyway so we leave there and head over to this place called “The Wrong Iron” to meet Greg and his friends. We get there and its such a cute backyard ducked off spot. Nice drinks and cool people. I met Kevin, Gabriel and Justin. All seemingly good people. I order a drink called Strawberry Frozé not realizing that it’s made with Rosé. I Got halfway though the glass and my stomach was hurting so bad. So we all made the move to get wings from a place that I cant figure out the name. But the wings were really good. While we were in there waiting for our food, I caught a timely video of Greg falling through a door but picking himself back up mid air. It was classic. Literally just happened to be recording at exactly the right time. We left there and Jarvis drops me off at Greg’s place. Me, Greg and Justin chill for a minute, take shots, listen to music, smoke a bit before heading back out. Arial worked today but said she would come to NO so we can hang out. So by this time she’s here and I figured I would run into her at some point. Of course once we parked and walked not even two blocks, we happen to be right around the corner from where she was already sitting down having drinks. She came with her girlfriend Payton and friend John (JT). We ate another cute outdoor place called The Yard. Took a few shots, danced and ate fried pickles. We then walk over to a place called Dragon’s Den. It was cool but it was still early in the night os still a bit slow. We left after about 10 minutes and drive to this place that we saw on the way there. It was also outside but a little more (lot more) hood. It looked like it was jumping though. So we get out and somehow just walk in without standing in the line. This tends to happen very often when I’m out with Arial lol So we waltz on in. Music is BLASTING. They playing good stuff though. We head to the bar to grab shots. Arial decides she’s gonna find some weed. Greg goes “no way you’ll be able to do that in here”. Of course she comes back within 10 minutes with weed lol Again, not surprised…it’s Arial. They smoke a bit and I dance a lot. Having a great time! We leave there after maybe an hour and decide to drive back to Dragon’s Den. A parking spot opened up for us in the strangest way. Which you know tryna park in the streets of New Orleans can be real difficult. But we didnt have any problems tonight. Everything worked out just fine. Side Note: We were freestyling in the car which is something I only ever do when im at camp with kids. I forgot how much joy
that brings hahah
So anyway we make out way back into Dragon’s Den, which is popping at this point. Good music, got some drinks in our system. Its all well. I even see Terri and a couple other people form XU in there. Arial and Payton end up dipping out at some point during that time. Eventually Greg, JT, Justin and I dip as well. We bring JT to his car and then the three off us decide we’re hungry again! We hit a place that has good fish, shrimp and grits. We were the only ones in there. It was freakin delicious. Two funny moments happened in there. 1. We were so thirsty so we asked if we could all get water. We’d been drinking all night so thats definitely what we needed. I guess the man was trying to be nice ad gave us all free sprites. You want to be grateful but at the same time we def dont need sprites. We laughed about that for like 30 minutes. Cause of course we never went back and asked for the water. 2. Three young white boys walk in. By young, I mean no more then 14 years old trying so hard to act cool. Young dude walk up to our table to tell her, unprovoked, that hes been smoking since he was 12 and some other BS that none us cared about. All three of those kids were weird. Also it was like 4 AM so who’s idea it was to take mom’s car and head out in the middle of the night I have no clue.
At any rate, we leave there and head home. It was 5 am by the time I showered and laid down. WHAT A NIGHT!
June 26
-At some point throughout the night we’d decided to do brunch this morning. I knew Justin wasn’t going to be able to make it because he said he had a funeral to attend. We woke up, sat on the porch and smoked a bit before getting dressed. It was a beautiful morning. We got dressed to a little praise through the speakers and decided on Ruby Slipper. Arial made it there first and called to let us know that the wait was 3 hours so of course thats a no. She then tells us to head to a place called Bear Cat. We didnt realize that there were two different Bear Cats so we ended up at two opposite ones. We decided that it wasn’t going to work. We missed the window of opportunity. So Greg and I put our names on the waiting list for the Bear cat we’re at and there’s a 90 minute wait. While we’re waiting we decide to kill time at this near by restaurant and get some drinks. Once we sit down there and look at the menu, we decided to order food. I ordered shrimp and grits and he chicken and waffles. Before we got our food, out waiter comes to tell us that its restaurant week and that our food is going to be 20 dollars. LIKE WHATTTTT?!?!? We ate, drank, vibes to the music and then stopped by my grandfather afterwards to say hello. Then we back to the house to chill for a minute. Jarvis came back cause I left my card with him and Justin cam back as well. We started nerding out on space/history/physics before heading out to get snowballs and zoom to the airport. I got a cotton candle snowball from plum st. Made it to the airport 30 minutes before the plan was to take off and still got a great seat. I sat next to two women who were on their way to Vegas for a girls trip. One of them had never flown before. She actually did pretty well. A few jumps and yelps but for the most part she did okay. The last sitting right next to me was very nice and passed on some words of wisdom on staying prayerful and focused. Alex picked me up from the airport and I came home only to be craving crab legs. I picked those up, came home and talk to bae while I ate them. He went to bed and I went soon after him.
0 notes
rachello344 · 7 years
RULES: You must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
TAGGED BY: @shizuna610​
TAGGING: Uh.....  @nonbinarylonk @piyo-13​ @sukekou​ @sybilius​ @dont-touch-my-sons​ and @ascella-star​
Under a read more because 85 questions isn’t that much, but it is quite a bit to scroll past.

1. drink: Diet Coke 2. phone call: Mom 
3. text message: "pliroy is still the better AU tho haha” 4. song you listened to: "America’s Suitehearts” Fall Out Boy  5. time you cried: Uh...  I can’t remember.  I’ve teared up a lot lately, but nothing’s really kicked me over the edge  
6. dated someone: Nah mate, never 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Can’t regret a kiss you’ve never had *finger guns*  8. been cheated on: That would require a relationship lol 9. lost someone special: Um, lost how?  I’ve had several important friendships end, but otherwise... 10. been depressed: Uh today, I think.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m lonely, melancholy, or depressed, but I think there’s some pretty strong overlap.  *shrugs*  It’s not a big deal.  I just miss my roommie a bit, I think.  Nothing new. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never.  I don’t drink.


12. Blue Violet 13. Yellow 
14. Most shades of Blue

15. made new friends: Yeah!  Mostly online.  I’ve joined three chat rooms for ships I like!  (Shoutout to my bros in the Pliroy chat!  Y’all rock!)  (I’m still too new in the KaiShin and BakuDeku chats, but I appreciate you guys as well!) 16. fallen out of love: Kind of?  I love a few people less than I once did, but I’ve never been In Love, technically. 
17. laughed until you cried: Lol yeah.  SHE’S A WOLF.  IN MOUSE CLOTHING. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: Uh, not maliciously?  But people do talk about me, and I learned that some people even talk about my fic!  ^^ 19. met someone who changed you: Not within the last year.  Within the last four, yes... 
20. found out who your friends are: I haven’t gone through anything especially harrowing, but I do know who I can trust and who my closest friends are. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: What’s a Facebook list?  (I don’t have a Facebook)
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have a Facebook, lol, but if I did they would all be IRL people, not online people. 
23. do you have any pets: Yep!  A dog and two cats.  Plus my roommate has a cat that stays with us haha 
24. do you want to change your name: No, Rachel is my name.  It’s who I am. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Dinner with my family and my roommate. 
26. what time did you wake up: Uh like 1 and then I took a nap, so I wasn’t really awake until 3 p.m. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Driving a friend home! 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Uh, next episode of BNHA 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Looking at her right now. 
31. what are you listening to right now: My mom telling a story. 
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, that’s my dad’s name. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Anti blogs, usually. 
34. most visited website: Tumblr and Twitter. 35. hair colour: Dishwater Blonde 36. long or short hair: Short for a girl, and loosely curly. 
37. do you have a crush on someone: Nah.  I mean Kento Yamazaki is a beautiful man, but no I don’t really crush. 38. what do you like about yourself: I have a lot of perseverance.  Even when it’s really hard, I will keep trying.  Sometimes it just... takes a while. 
39. piercings: None. 40. blood type: I honestly have no idea.  Probably some kinda A? 
41. nickname: I use “Ra Ra” when I play games online. 42. relationship status: Happily Single 
43. zodiac: Aquarius 44. pronouns: She/Her 
45. favourite tv show: Uh, right now, probably BNHA 
46. tattoos: None 47. right or left handed: Right-handed 
48. surgery: None 50. sport: I’m not active now, but I used to fence and ice skate (neither competitively).  I mean, I’ve played most sports, but those were my faves. 
51. last vacation: My family and I all went to Huntington Beach! 
52. pair of trainers:
 Uh, like how many sneakers do I own?  Like 3 pairs, because I need them for work.  Unless you count Converse, in which case there are significantly more.

53. eating: I just ate pasta  
54. drinking: I just had a Diet Coke 
55. I’m about to: Work on fanfiction ^^ 
56. waiting for: KS chapter and BNHA episode!! 57. want: to finish SOMETHING 
58. get married: Unlikely, but not impossible.  I’d be down to marry one of my best friends, but mostly for tax benefits and household expense convenience. 
59. career: 
Student, and I work at the school’s library.

60. hugs or kisses: Hugs 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller 
63. older or younger: For boys, older (though no more than 5-8 years older); for girls, a little younger or older (like a year younger or the same upper limit above) 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Arms 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: It depends.  I like confidence and kindness and comfort.  Probably troublemaker, but not necessarily.

67. kissed a stranger: No 
68. drank hard liquor: No 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: I would not survive if that happened.  I would be unable to function without my glasses, so no.  I’ve never lost them. 70. turned someone down: Yep.  Twice.  Once in high school and once in college.  Both of them were extremely uncomfortable situations, lol  I can explain more if anyone wants to know, but it’s a bit too long a story to fit into this (both are, tbh) 71. sex on the first date: No. 72. broken someone’s heart: Uh, yeah, I guess at least once? 73. had your heart broken: Yes, but not romantically. 74. been arrested: No, but I’ve gotten a parking ticket before. 75. cried when someone died: Yeah. 76. fallen for a friend: *shrugs*  Kinda?  The line between “I love you so much, you’re my best friend” and “I’ve fallen in love with you” is difficult for me to navigate.  I just roll with it.

77. yourself: Yeah, most of the time. 
78. miracles: I don’t disbelieve in them? 
79. love at first sight: More in fiction than reality. 80. Santa Claus: Of course!  People who don’t believe in Santa don’t get presents from him!  ;D 
81. kiss on the first date: I would have to trust them a lot first, especially for more than a kiss on the cheek or the forehead.  Also, that would require me dating. 82. angels: I don’t disbelieve.

84. eye colour: Hazel 
85. favourite movie: The Princess Bride or Love Actually
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winches-ter · 7 years
Thanks @caratmuffler​ for the tag it was so much fun reading yours!!!!
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Iced tea 2. Phone call: Sister 3. text message: “Why am I not a Kdrama lead?” 4. song you listened to: 'Black’ - GDragon & Jenny 5. time you cried: Last night 6. dated someone twice: I haven’t even dated someone once lmao 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: Not really, but I have had really close people leave 10. been depressed: yep yep yep 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. Jade Green, sapphire blue, black.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes (online only lol) 16. fallen out of love: I dont really fall in love with real people and it’s impossible to fall out of love of fictional and kpop ones. 17. laughed until you cried: I just saw a video of a dog and laughed for 10 minutes straight 18. found out someone was talking about you: yep. The good, the bad, the dirty. 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them, I dont accept unknown requests
23. do you have any pets: no ;_;
24. do you want to change your name: nope. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Watched kdramas and movies cuddled up alone in my room. It sounds lonely but it was so worth it. 26. what time did you wake up: 5:00 then slept and woke up again at 10 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching supernatural 28. name something you can’t wait for: My first paycheck. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: last night 31. what are you listening to right now: Fool - WINNER 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I dont think so? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: I have exams in two weeks and people think this was the best time to create an entire buiding outside I cant even sleep properly. I wanna go all Miley Cyrus on them. 34. most visited website: youtube. 35-37. lost questions??? 38. hair colour: black or light brown idk it’s like my eyes. 39. long or short hair: I had hair down till my waist, but my mom cut it all off now they barely tuck behind my ear ;_; 40. do you have a crush on someone: @trapped-under-omelas​ probably he sounds like a babe. 41. what do you like about yourself: I’m a good listener. 42. piercings: 2 on each ear 43. blood type: O+ 44. nickname: Tushi 45. relationship status: cursed wanna remain single tho 46. zodiac: libra
47. pronous: She/her 48. favourite tv show: dear god no. do not make me choose between my children. 49. tattoos: zero. 50. right or left handed: Right handed 51. surgery: none 52. piercing: Don’t necessarily want any
53. sport: I swim. 55. vacation: Korea/Japan/London *-*
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: Ice cream 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: Read probably. 61. waiting for: THE NEXT BOOK IN THE DARK ARTIFICES SERIES  62. want: doritos 63. get married: Leme get rich first. 64. career: I wanna save lives, as a soldier or a doctor. (maybe both)
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: back hugs but I’ve never kissed anyone so.. a girl can only dream.. fuck you kdramas 66. lips or eyes: Eyes 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: Older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach so I rock crop tops and dem sarees
72. hook up or relationship: Relationship. 73. troublemaker or hesitant: a bit of both tbh
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: No. 75. drank hard liquor: yep only when my parents were around though 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: I dont have glasses which is weird because literally everything I do kills my rods and cones a little but they’re still going strong. 77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: nope 79. broken someone’s heart: I dint want to but he did not understand the meaning of NO 80. had your heart broken: not romantically but yes 81. been arrested: Nope 82. cried when someone died: not to sound insensitive, but just for fictional characters. 83. fallen for a friend: never
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself:  God I hope so 85. miracles: they’re cool but ...
86. love at first sight: call me a hopeless romantic, yes. 87. santa claus: HELL YES. He’s real bitches. Fight me. 88. kiss on the first date: not really, unless you know the person well. 89. angels: angels are dicks *wink wink* sure, why not.
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Mok 91. eye colour: Hazel
92. favourite movie: I wanna say wonder woman but this is exactly like picking a fave novel/tv show. it just can’t happen.
people I wanna see doing this: @magical-chloe​ @kawaiibtschim @blackpastghouelle @trapped-under-omelas @captainjaspar @maztherhacker @eunwoosminion 
You don’t really have to if you don’t want to tho.
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lattetae · 7 years
get to know me [pt. 21345789] tag 
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by the following sweeties : @puppytae @blumiin @kookmiinie @taeonie
i’ll tag [optional as usual] : @lovekyg @winktaes @donghunny ok i quit i don’t wanna bother 20 people lol but here are some new mutuals so hi!! obvs you don’t have to do this but i just wanted to show recognition! 
1. drink: coffee
2. phone call: my mum
3. text message: ‘hows it hangin’ @ my friend
4. song you listened to: smooth operator - g.soul (he also just came out with a new hit n it was really good but like…idk i didnt hear as much of his nice voice as i thought i would?? maybe his style is changing since he left jyp idk)
5. time you cried: yesterday
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: all previous pets :’(((  
10. been depressed: i was depressed throughout high school and i think im better now thanks to leaving the shitty 12-16 education system. looking back on how i acted back then is like looking at a different person. but sometimes…i think we just pretend to be happy right?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: im teetotal, although my sister constantly reminds me that i won’t stay like this for long. 
12-14: fawn, mustard, light green
15. made new friends: do tumblr buds count? if so - yes. :))) 
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yes! 
18. found out someone was talking about you: no 
19. met someone who changed you: people do change us but i don’t meet many lol i need to get out more? 
20. found out who your friends are: i guess i always knew….maybe i need more
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: fb is still breathing???
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: n/a
23. do you have any pets: two cheeky little fancy mice and one mischievous red cavapoo
24. do you want to change your name: i think everyone hates their name when they’re young, i always yearned for my name to be something different - ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’. but given the compliments that i get on my name now, i think i have grown to like it :)))
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went to a chinese restaurant with my parents and my older brother. we had a huge vegetarian banquet (ahhh i hate wasting food so i tried to eat fucking loads lmao). 
26. what time did you wake up: 9.45am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a girl and three sweetheart - i loved it at first but you know when the storyline just slows its pace in the middle jfdskgfhg i’m like just get together already!!!!!
28. name something you can’t wait for: i need to make a phone call to sort a work placement out n the worry is at the back of my mind 24/7 so i can’t fucking wait until i have made that damn phone call. i’m procrastinating; i hate phoning :((
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 1hr ago? she was watching the great british menu lol she loves her cooking programmes (in contrast to me). i think she secretly dreams of working in the catering industry again.
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish that i had more confidence, i think that is the main thing that prevents me from achieving so much more. i doubt myself and i can’t do basic tasks with ease (such as making phone calls or even trying to get a weekend job). in that way, i think i’m such a failure lol. 
31. what are you listening right now:  E66S 卵 - I know where I’m going
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes (i appreciate the randomness) 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my own thoughts afhkdsfh just stfu
34. most visited website: youtube
35. mole/s: arms n like a couple on my leggos
36. mark/s: tuan? lol nah i dont have any marks
37. childhood dream: i used to want to be a detective blessss
38. hair color: brown 
39. long or short hair: short
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: i make decisions with my heart not my head. a lot of people would call that a weakness. not me lol
42. piercings: three. 2 on one lobe and 1 on the other. i rarely wear rings though bc i can’t fucking get my ball closure rings shut!!:((( i gave up long ago damn i forgot they even existed
43. bloodtype: my parents are both O so i’m guessing that i am an O too…or something went wrong lol 
44. nickname: saff, saffy
45. relationship status: single n ready to– stay single forever
46. zodiac: gemini
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite TV Show: six feet under is so good omg like i can rewatch that shit ughhhhhh i can’t recommend enough its just so realistic n deals with issues like death and relationships and internalised homophobia and depression and nymphomania and growing up and growing old. it. is. a. good. one. 
49. tattoos: i want some
50. right or left hand: right hand
51. surgery: i had a partial nail avulsion a couple years ago and it was a wild experience (which involved looots of waiting) but the nhs did me proud in the end :)) the doctor asked me what my fave band was (p!atd) and so he played a playlist of mvs on his little computer screen and all the nurses were reacting to it. 
52. piercing: same
53. sport: what is a sport lol no thx
55. vacation: japan
56. pair of trainers: i don’t own any trainers fkhdjg
57. eating: avocado skins are next to me - need more clues?
58. drinking: on my way to make another coffee
59. i’m about to: make a coffee
61. waiting for: my life to begin
62. want: to go grocery shopping soon
63. get married: i often romanticise marriage but i know that it has caused my mum to be trapped in her current one so yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me dawg
64. career: veterinary nurse – pls pray that i get all my grades bc im very worried at the moment :(((( 
65. hugs or kisses: hugs bc they are rare and usually make me cry
66. lips or eyes: ?? both??
67. shorter or taller: taller
68. older or younger: someone with an old soul, but not necessarily old in age
70. nice arms or nice stomach: arms? idc
71. sensitive or loud: both at the same time
72. hook up or relationship: soulmate :’)
73. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. kissed a stranger: im sure that i have kissed a strange dog..or rather it invaded my mouth with its tongue ajfhsdkfj does that count
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: who tf loses glasses - no
77. turned someone down: no
78. sex in the first date: no
79. broken someones heart: no
80. had your heart broken: im 17 ffs no lmao 
81. been arrested: no but i got detained in urban outfitters for stealing a ring when i was in high school hahahah. the security guard ran after me and my then friend and dragged us behind into some room and took mugshots on his phone. he then raided our bags… damn he was awful but luckily my friends mum came to pick us up or he said he would take us to the police. then we were banned from the shopping mall for a year and banned from all urban outfitters for 3 years! i havent been in since lmfao
82. cried when someone died: i had to go to a funeral for someone that i didn’t know and i ended up crying because of the atmosphere you know? also of course i have cried at all my previous pets deaths. 
83. fallen for a friend: no
84. yourself: i like to think so but no i don’t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i hate myself for doubting myself so much
85. miracles: no
86. love at first sight: no
87. santa claus: of course ;)
88. kiss in the first date: is that even a belief?? i think that it is fine.
89. angels: eg. kim taehyung
90. current best friends name: ginny
91. eyecolor: brown
92. favorite movie: one of my faves is the man from nowhere. it is a korean thriller and a must-watch. one of my favourite english movies is jarhead, because apart from the fact that i love jake g, i also love the theme so much. i think it makes for some really interesting conversation. 
7 notes · View notes
basicallybing · 7 years
Get to Know Me (Tag)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag some friends.
Thanks for tagging me, @steve-rogers-best-girl​ :)
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my dad
3. text message: my dad
4. song you listened to: i think Holding On To You by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: a couple hours ago
6. dated someone twice: lol joke’s on you i haven’t even dated someone once ha. ha. ha. ugh.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i haven’t ever kissed someone at all lol what are these questions
8. been cheated on: in a competitive game of pokemon maybe but yall i havent dated what is happening
9. lost someone special: i mean i once had a toxic friend and i super duper got rid of her i guess but like thats it
10. been depressed: never been diagnosed but im pretty sure i’ve had depression since around third grade (but that’s a story for another time)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: ew???? i’ve never even drank alcohol why am i answering these questions ew
12. white
13. various blues and teals
14. golden yellow
15. made new friends: yep!
16. fallen out of love: platonically with a toxic-as-heck friend yeah
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely!
18. found out someone was talking about you: yep
19. uhh ya skipped 19 so idk what to put here lol
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: sErIoUsLy? *face palm*
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? i dont have a facebook
23. do you have any pets? yep, a doggo!
24. do you want to change your name?  y e s  p l e a s e  ! ! ! ! !
25. what did you do for your last birthday? had some of muh frens over
26. what time do you wake up? for school at like 5:30, but over the summer i’ve been waking up around 9ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? crying
28. name something you can’t wait for: a month ago i would have said Pokemon Go Fest but nope i got my hopes up for that like usual and of course i cant go  uh i cant wait to get a desk finally i dont have a desk *shrug*
29. when was the last time you saw your mom? *shouts down the hall* “hi mom!”
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life? i’d like a whole new wardrobe that magically made me look thinner and happier all the time and that allowed strangers to see me for me and not me for some slouch who wears sweatpants all the time bc i dont have any other clothes that dont cripple me with dysphoria lmao woot woot
31. what are you listening to right now? primarily Regional at Best by twenty one pilots bc its calming for me
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom? actually??? im not sure...?? i’ve definitely talked to a few thomas-es but none of them go by tom *shrug*
33. something that is getting on your nerves: when my mom says we can’t afford to buy me a desk but then she goes out and buys other decor for the house
34. most visited website: probably youtube, netflix, instagram, and tumblr if you include the use of apps
35. any moles? nope
36. any birthmarks? none of which i’m aware
37. childhood dream: not sure. i always wanted to be a superhero like spider-man and whatnot i guess.
38. hair color? brown
39. hair length? short
40. do you have a crush? do fictional characters count? if so, yes -- peter parker, ben wyatt, and chandler bing
41. what do you like about yourself? i’m nice.
42. any piercings? just the basic earlobe piercings, but i never wear anything in them. i’m surprised theyre still open.
43. blood type? crap i need to ask my mom about this. it’s good to know for safety reasons.
44. any nicknames? anything you know me as on here is technically a nickname because i go by my birthname everywhere else... sooo, yeah. chandler is a nickname. i also get addressed as ‘???’ and as ‘Q,’ which is just short for “question marks” bc idk what my name should be but yep i go by chandler for now i guess *shrug*
45. relationship status: jealous
46. zodiac: aries
47. pronouns: they/them are preferable but i never correct people if they use anything else bc i’m just so accustomed to my own confusion
48. favorite tv show: agh i guess Parks and Rec is my number-one, but i also love Friends, The Good Place, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, and Legion (which cRaP i need to finish watching)
49. uh yeah i think you skipped this one too
50.  righty or lefty? righty
51. any surgeries? nope
52. ever dye your hair? I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
53. favorite sport? to play? basketball. to watch? football. although if my family was more into hockey i bet i’d love that.
54. hgfdskgfskjfhskjf you skipped this one too
55. dream vacation? honestly, i don’t care where we go as long as it’s somewhere out of the country and i get to travel with my friends in an evan edinger sorta way, you know?
56. favorite pair of sneakers? i mean?? i only have the one... it’s a nike hyperdunk i think? like, an older one? idk theyre comfy 
57. eating: nothing right now...
58. drinking: i mean i have water next to me so like i guess water is my answer
59. about to: hurry the heck up and finish answering these questions lmao
60. you skipped it
61.  ........ 
62. want: to travel and to be happy
63. ever going to get married? if i do, it won’t be a huge ceremony. it won’t be religious. and it will have to be to somebody very, very special to me. 
64. career: i’m a student right now
65. hugs or kisses? if i have to choose, hugs, but please don’t hug me without asking and dont be offended if i say no. i’m really uncomfortable about physical contact.
66.  lips or eyes? eyes 1000000%
67. tall or short? i’m short.
68. older or younger? what’s this question...? im confused and don’t know how to answer it tbh
69. there’s no question here
70. nice arms or nice stomach?  me? neither lol im Ugly
71. sensitive or loud? if you’re close with me, you’re the lucky people who know i’m both
73. troublemaker or hesitant? this makes it sound like it’s bad to not be a troublemaker. i’m not a troublemaker but its not because im hesitant. it’s because im a good person. and i dont mean to imply that troublemakers arent good people, but im not either of those things...???
74. kissed a stranger?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  k i s s e d  a n y o n e .
75. drank hard liquor?  i  a m  u n d e r a g e .
76. lost glasses or contact lenses? no, but i’ve broken my glasses before
77. turned someone down? unless you include that time that i was asked out as a dare, no.
78. had sex on the first date?  i  h a v e  n e v e r  b e e n  o n  a  d a t e  a n d  i  a m  a s e x u a l .
79. broken someone’s heart? not that i’m aware of
80. had your heart broken? yeah, by that Toxic Person who i mention all the time. it wasnt a romantic thing but i hate that person with a burning passion i cannot even bEGIN to tell you
81. been arrested? no definitely not
82. cried when someone died? in real life? . . . no. no one close to me has died. but i have cried at fictional deaths
83. fallen for a friend? kind of but not really idk its complicated and not worth it
84. yourself? on good days
85. miracles? not unless by “mircales” you mean “coincidences”
86. love at first sight? not for myself, but maybe for someone who is more into looks. and i dont mean that negatively but like thats just not really my kinds thing necessarily.
87. santa claus? well considering i was raised jewish but am currently atheist imma have to say no
88. kissing on the first date? i’ve never been able to experience what kissing or dating is like but if it feels right for someone then i have nothing against it
90. current best friend names: katie, claire, lizzie (i tag posts with their names when stuff reminds me of them hehe)
91. eye color? brown
92. favorite movie? i loved that new Spider-Man: Homecoming film, but Guardians of the Galaxy has always been one of my go-to movies, so probably GOTG
i tag anyone who wants to do this bc frankly im lazy and dont feel like tagging anyone heh lol
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Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
"Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What do liquor liability insurance papers look like?
Like if you need to confirm that you have it, what do you show people?""
If my dad is a co signer for a car will my insurance be cheap?
I'm 19 and its my first car and my dad is the co signer will my insurance be low? What are cheap insurance agencies for teenagers?
If your name is not on your parents car insurance?
if your name is not on your parents car insurance, are you allowed to drive it and will they cover you if you get into an accident?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm 15.5 and I really want to get my learners permit, but I gotta talk my parents into it. I would pay for EVERYTHING. I just need to know how much. I know its hard to calculate, but please estimate! :) When I buy insurance my info will be 16 years old Male 3.8 GPA driving a 2012 Jeep Wrangler Los Angeles California And I would want medium coverage the help would be great! thanks :)""
Can i do this with my car insurance?
am actually going to be out of the country for 6 months for some work purpose my car is just going to be sitting there in the garage during this period is it ok for me to change my car insurance from full coverage to just the basic.. is this a good move so thati could save some on my insurance can i tell my insurance the above ..or will they cause any issue because of this
Im away to buy a car on sunday but have no insurance on it will i need insurance ?
i am buying a car on sunday but have no insurance first car buying and it seems that you need to be 21 to get 1 day insurance so whats the legal way to do it because i dont want to buy car then get stopped and it gets towed away and can i drive it awa if the guys got insurance still on the car but what if he doesnt? is that a risk i shal take or not worth it at all!!! thanks .
Where can I get affordable insurance as a new Driver?
I'm 24 years old (almost 25) and I JUST got my driver's license. I'm trying to buy a car and came across some options that I can afford but I'm super concerned about insurance costs. I live in Springfield MA (A high insurance city) and I'm in between an 09 Honda Accord and an 07 Toyota Camry. Ideally, I would like to have my own policy for personal reason's of not wanting to be entwined with my mother. My father lives out of state. I don't have friends close enough and with better driving history that could go on with me so I'm likely on my own. I'm going to want full coverage (or at least mostly full) What are some good insurance options for new drivers who aren't 16 year old kids? I tried to get one of those free quotes online and came up with a number like $706.00 a month which is just ridiculous. I know I'm not going to come away with a $150 a month plan but is there anyway I can get at least $250 - $300? ANY help would be appreciated.""
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
""WHY the hell is motorcycle insurance SOO expensive in Ontario, Canada?""
I took identical information and filled out a progressive quote for both DETROIT and LOSANGELES and both are 2356 FULL coverage (im 16 years old with zzr600), While when i got a quote from TD Bank they said 6000$ what the f u c k my damn bike doesnt even cost that much got damn it.""
Insurance rates in EU and russia?
Who can make an advice - how averrage insurance rates (I mean the average cost of Insurence police for, say, compulsory motor insurance, etc) are compared in the EU (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)?""
How does motorcycle insurance work?
Okay, I want to finance a motorcycle. I understand that by financing you have to have full coverage until it's paid off. But my question is, do you need to buy the insurance and have it already before going to buy the bike? Or can you go buy the bike, and ride it home, THEN get the insurance for it? Or do you have to haul it home if you don't have the insurance working yet? How does this work? Thanks a bunch!""
Cheap on insurance motorcycles?
im looking for a sporty bike that wont kill me on insurance (only 22 yrs old). something that looks like a kawasaki ninja, or honda cbr. thanks""
Question about car insurance.?
So I have a question, If I use my fathers car would he have to register his insurance on my name also? Or will it not matter since the cars registered in his name? Just in case anything happened. Just wondering.""
I still haven't received my national insurance card? Does anyone know how long i'll have to wait?
i just recently applied for a NIN and couple of weeks back i received a letter with my NIN. Yesterday i got a call from a company for a interview and they've asked me to bring my card along for proof and i told them i have a written letter about my NIN but still haven't received the card. They have told me that without the card they can't offer me the job because they need to take a photocopy of it and have given me a week's time to get things sorted out :(( its been 3 weeks now does anyone know how long it takes to send the card? i'm not a uk citizen :) after 7 applications i finally got a call for interview and curse my luck :((
Can you have 2 insurance policies on one car?
I have recently passed my test and wanted to be added to my partners insurance. They don't except people who haven't held a license for less than 2 years? Is it possible for me too take out my own insurance on her car?
Do I need to keep insurance on a broken down car?
My son's car is not working and seemingly not worth repairing. Do I need to continue insuring it until we get rid of it?
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I've never been involved in an accident before and I dropped my bike in a parking lot learning 12 o clock wheelies and did a bunch of damage to my bike, maybe even totaling it. What do I tell my insurance company happened? Because they obviously won't cover my bike if they knew I was doing wheelies. Do I just tell them I slipped on some loose gravel and the bike fell or what?""
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?
Cheap insurance for Mustang GT?
I am 21 years old, and its hard to find an affordable insurance rate. Does anyone know of an insurer in Ontario that has very good insurance rates for a Mustang GT and young male drivers?""
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
Cheapest operating cost for motorcycle/moped/scooter?
What make and model will get you down the road the cheapest, but not necessarily the quickest? I am also asking that you factor in basic maintenance like oil changes, tires, etc along with insurance. Explain what you know.""
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she is on her father's plan which is a taditional co-pay plan. Would it work out to my advantage to use his at primary and mine as secondary? Can the co-pay requirement from his insurance be paid from my plan?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am taking a survey. I need to know how much you pay for car insurance, how old you are, and what gender you are. Thanks.""
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
Car insurance question?
My car insurance is under my brother's name, but it is my car. If someone hit my car, would I be able to handle everything myself? My brother is out of town for a week. Or should I wait for him? Thanks.""
(for people in america) how much does the average 17-18 year old pay for insurance?
im from ireland and was just wondering approx
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
Car insurance help????!!!!!!?
So currently I'm on my dads insurance policy with progressive. I'm paying $400 a month and $525 in September and October. I'm looking for something cheaper. What auto insurance company works wellvwith teenagers? Or is cheaper than what I'm supposed to pay, I just recently got put on his policy and I haven't paid a payment yet I cant afford paying so much every month.""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 15 and a half year old?
so ill be 15 and a half soon and I am getting my motorcycle permit. how much would insurance cost for me? i am getting a k7 gsxr600. no question about it.
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
How can I get health insurance?
Hi! So my situation is a little complicated......I am twenty and a full time college student living at home. Both my parents are older and on medicare which does not cover me. I only work part time so I really cant even afford to pay for insurance and my college offers an insurance plan but it's really crappy. I really need to find some type of health insurance that is affordable. Not being able to go to the doctor or dentist is not fun. Any advice please?
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
No insurance and pregnant?
Help!! I had a baby in january of 2011. Now i think i might be pregnant again but i have NO health insurance. California will not be serving adult medi-cal as of december 1st 2011 i dont know what to do. is there any insurance comapnys that offer discount maternity coverage or very cheap plans that dont have $2,000 deductables?? this is a serious question so please serious answers""
Who sells auto insurance for $300 per 6 months for CO?
Senior, perfect driving record, recent driving course, excellent credit rating, lives in 80104 Colorado. Retired and drive approximately 10 miles per week.""
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
Do 'normal' car insurance companies insure exotic cars as well?
I've gone to multiple popular car insurance agencies websites and tried to get a quote for a Lamborghini, but in the drop down menu there is never an option for it. I'm beginning to wonder if they even do insure these kinds of cars?""
Do i need car insurance?
don't ask me why but i didn't get my license until a year and a half ago (im 23). I don't own a car but regularly drive my girlfriends. Her car is fully insured by herself and mother, and the car is totally paid off. I've asked this question for a while, some say i do need insurance, others say i don't because it's fully covered. So do i?""
Car insurance for young UK drivers and fronting? Whats Best?
I've just passed my test. But, the next thing is a car, but the main problem is the insurance... I've looked at companies that offer a smart box which supposedly lowers the insurance, but i'm going to have to be the main driver on the policy and with a box through co-op I was quoted 5000! And as i'm under 18 they wanted it all in one lump sum!! The reason it was so high was because I have absolutely 0 years claims and i'm the main driver. I've spoken to my mum and dad about them being the main driver and me the named, but they both have a car each and are being very stubborn and keep saying they won't be the main driver as they wouldn't be the person driving it the most (I would be). They keep saying this is illegal and called fronting and if anything happened the insurance companies would look for anyway to not pay up. Everyone one at college that I know does exactly what i'm proposing to my parents... They keep saying if something was to happen then they would be the ones not able to get insurance again and therefore would loose their job as they need their car for their job. If I crashed, or the police pulled me for some reason then I would be insured, so what could they do? Do you think my parents are being awkward about it, and what can I say to make them think otherwise? (Someone I know has a dad as a taxi driver and he is the main driver on his car, as well as his own!) If anything unfortunate happens whilst i'm driving, like a crash, how will the insurance company know who's been driving it the most? What would they do? Should i persevere with my parents (what can I say to them)? And who else is good to try and insure with? I'm thinking of a 1999 Polo or Corsa, just a cheap 750 run around for college Thanks :)""
Insurance questions: Allstate Insurance?
so i got in a car accident a week ago, other party's at fault , he have no insurance, now, a guy calling from all state asking me questions and have it recorded or something, so i told him to call and talk to my attorney, he called again saying that he have permission to talk to me, i told him tell my attorney to call me n tell me that. I never been in a car accident until now or have any experience in how insurance companies work, i'm onli 19. Do the insurance company usually call and ask you questions regarding the incident or is it all a hoax to get my statement recorded? Cause i have a little suspicion about that guy. I thought everything can handle with my attorney right,? and u don't have to do anything.""
Car insurance? first car?
i have a '96 fiesta 1.1.its my first car. i cannot get insurance cheaper than 2000. it is garaged, minimal miles per year. any one know where i can get cheap insurance??""
Credit life insurance?
My mom passed away in sept. of cancer. She had a $100,000 balance on her mortgage loan. Now I just recieved a letter stating that her credit insurance had gone through and a check had been sent to her mortgage account number. I have never even heard of credit insurance, does this mean the remainder of her loan is gonna be paid off??? If so I am in shock.""
Is insurance needed for car rental?
i would like to know if car insurance is needed to rent a car, or is it provided for the car.""
Do I need my own insurance to drive my mothers car?
What I would like to do it borrow my Mother's car to drive to work, which is less than 2 miles away. Do I need to have my own insurance, or will her insurance cover me if I'm driving her car?""
How much do insurance agents make per hour? California?
I went to an interview and was ask what yearly salary I was looking for. I wasn't sure what to answer. I live in California. The position is going to required me to travel to two different offices. The company is called Fiesta Insurance. Thank you
How much will motorcycle insurance and registration cost me per year?
I'm a 20 year old male and this will be my first motorcycle. I only have a permit right now but plan to get my licence immediately after registering and insuring my bike. Will that make a difference? I'm going to get like a 600 cc sport bike. I don't need an exact cost. Just shoot me a good range to expect. Thank you.
Why did the health insurance for my employees just go up 32% for next year?
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. BS""
Buying a car...are you supposed to get insurance before?
okay heres the info. im 18...never had a car but i just found one that im seriously thinking about from a dealership. wil they sell it to me even though i dont have car insurance? im sure this uestion sounds retared...but i know its illegal todrive without it but at the same time when you apply for insurance dont you have to let your compnay know wht kind of car you drive? im so confused.
Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
How much could I pay for my car insurance?
I'm making a finance for my Kia spectra 2007. I'm 18 and just got my liscence. It has to be full coverage. One insurance company told me 600 per month and that's just too much what do you think?
How much are car insurance for a first time driver?
hi i am getting a car soon and i am a first time driver.I would like to know how much insurance will be for a first time driver living in Canada ontario ?.
What auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I'm against the practice of using credit scores (i.e. insurance scores) to decide auto insurance rates. Does anyone know of a company in the U.S. that doesn't use the practice?
Where can i get the cheapest insurance on a performance car at 17?
hi i am 16 and will be 17 soon i've got an Rs1600i all ready i've checked before on comparethemeerkat.com ans the best i got was 5 grand lol i really dont wanna pay that much and im not willing to have any other car cos im a fussy B******
Tail lights and coop's young driver insurance?
I live in the UK and have been getting decent quotes from cooperatives young driver insurance However if I tick a box on the online quote saying that I have modified the car from the manufacturers specification (but does not let me say what it is that I have changed, ie the taillights) it will not give me a quote. Should I contact them about this or will it be ok to say that I have not modified the car and if I were to have an accident which would damage the tail lights that they would only replace them with manufacture tail lights?""
Can kaiser health insurance drop me?
I'VE been vomiting and been feeling sick but i dont know what is causing it so i applied for health insurance and got approved. On the application, it askedif i was diagnosed with any illness and i was not. But if i go to a physical exam, telling them of my symptoms and do get diagnosed with something, can theinsurance drop me? I feel like i did not lie on my application because i dont even know if i have a disease but i am worried that they will say that i had a preexisting condition?""
Insurance Coverage for Motorcycle Helmet and Jacket?
I recently Just completed a claim for an accident I was in, The insurance (progressive) is going to reimburse me for the Jacket and Helmet. The Helmet has a little scratch on the lens and that's it. the lens is easily replaceable. the Leather Jacket has a light scuff on the arm. I spoke to the local claims representative and He said that he will come by and pick up the Jacket and Helmet and throw them away. I thought I was told with the when I bought the policy that I can do whatever I want with the Accessories, meaning I could throw them away or use them or fix them up. Now what I want to know... Is the Claims representative trying to get the Jacket and Helmet for himself or is this really Policy? to throw away $600 of equipment that's still in great shape and hardly used?""
Where can I find affordable family health insurance?
Looking to find several health company quotes.
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Cheapest car to insure for a first time driver?
Does anyone know what type of car is cheapest to insure for a first time female driver? and how much on average would you say it would cost to insure a 17 year old female?
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
19 year old male car insurance on a peaugot 206 1.4 ltr?
Im looking on how i can get cheap car insurance on my car iv had my licence for 9 months now no driving experience?
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario(re asked)?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
What's a nice car with good insurance?
I want a used car for under 15k. Looks, handling, and safety are important. I like how the ford mustang and chevy camaro but they have pretty high insurance... I've never had a ticket in my life. So any nice cars with relatively low insurance?""
Self employed insurance?
bf is self employed and never been covered under insurance before. I am looking into policies but can not find out anything about preexsisting conditions. He hurt his shoulder several years ago and will probably need surgery. he did see a doctor at that time, but nothing was done, and nothing has been done since. What would be the waiting period if he did see a shoulder specialist and there recomendation was surgery""
Will my auto insurance rate be raised if I have liability only and my car got stolen?
My car got stolen. Will my rates go up? I won't have another car for a few weeks and i'm going to have to get comprehensive. I just wonder if my comprehensive rates will be now more expensive.
""Car insurance cancelled,what to do?""
I've had car insurance for around 5 months and because i was late on 2 payments they have cancelled my insurance today. i'e looked for an alternative insurance but because i had it cancelled nobody will take me on. is there any other options,surely somebody being late doesnt mean they cant ever get to drive again??""
What does a lapse in coverage for car insurance mean?
What does a lapse in coverage for car insurance mean?
Info about 17 year old car insurance.?
Hi, so i have been trying to look for cheap insurance lately, but was getting insurance quotes for 44k and lowest 17k! but i changed up a bit of the info and got it down to 3.2k with mum and dad added, i dont want a black box or anything, if i were to ring up and get a quote from the company, could it be even cheaper? thanks, also please leave some tips as to how to make it cheaper, and if you ask questions in the answers!... i will reply in the additional info so keep an eye out!""
When taking out car insurance. Is it really worth protecting no claims bonus or not?
I have heard that if your no claims is protected and you have an accident (which is not your fault) your insurance still goes up. Is this true?
Do I need to tell the insurance agent?
I am in Oregon, and still switching things over from being in California. I'm planning on getting Oregon car insurance. I'm living with my cousin's family, and her daughter has her drivers permit and likes to practice, so she drives my car with me in the passenger seat because I'm over 21 with a license. I hadn't thought of this before, but should I mention this to the insurance agent for my new car insurance? Or will I just get charged extra fees?""
""Health insurance question, very simple?""
Ok, this may sound stupid, but, for health insurance; we pay both the premium and the deductible, right? Or is it either or? Do we pay the premium every month and the deductible only once a year? Thanks a lot""
I think this is how much $ i will need for everything to move out..can you review it & tell me anything wrong?
please tell me if im forgeting anything or if i am expecting to pay too much or too little for something CAR down payment - 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 HOUSING security deposit- 2400 rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 OTHER THINGS food- 300 linens-150 kitchen appliences-350 cleaning supplies-30 shampoo, soap, toothpaste (things like that)-70 tv-300 computer-600 cable- 100 phone- 75 cell phone- 160 internet- 100""
Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus
Penalty Points on car insurance?
Ive been with my current insurer for a couple of years. I got a speeding fine (3 points) in the summer of 2007. I stupidly didnt declare it with my insurer and missed it off on my renewal. I am now leaving them and going elsewhere and want to come clean and list this conviction in my quote. My question is........ WIll the new company check with the old company about my insurance with them and any convictions? If so will they notice the discrepency and tell my old insurer?
Car insurance question.?
I'm working on transferring my current car insurance to Geico and am filling out the electronic form to get a quote. My car is brand new, and I have had it for like eight months. I don't know much car insurance; in the electronic form, what coverage do I pick for full insurance instead of liability? Thanks.""
What would insurance be for me with these cars?
2002 Impreza rs. silver, 4 door, all wheel drive, manual transmission. 2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week.""
Where have you been able to obtain the cheapest car insurance from?
Is it better to go through an independent agent or is it better to just go directly to some of the larger companies?
My storage builing was broken into and some of my things were stolen... i have insurance on it and I called the insurance company to report it. I'm waiting for the adjuster to call me back to see what all was taken... what can I expect? Are they gonna have to do alot of research... how long is this gonna take?
On average how much does it cost to deliver a baby in a hospital?
With insurance, what is usually the total parents have to pay?""
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
How much do driving lessons reduce my car insurance?
I haven't seen a question like this before on Yahoo answers, but is the 350$ lessons (6 hours) really worth it? (Driving isn't hard, I know, but I want the lessons solely to reduce insurance rates)""
Which companies do cheap quad bike insurance for newly passed car drivers?
Bashan 200c 2007 model, any idea how much insurance will be? Im 19 and have car license only.""
Why not discuss health care insurance in 'car insurance' terms?
You buy collision car insurance to cover repairs, right? The REAL money is in the COST OF REPAIRS. If those costs are high, then insurance premiums will be high. But we don't scream at the car insurers, we usually scream at the body shop for the high costs of repairs. Shouldn't the focus be on high priced office calls and hospital costs instead of the insurance premiums required to cover them? After all, if an appendectomy cost only $50 (to make a point) then 'insurance' would be dirt cheap. I think that villainizing the insurance deflects from the root of the problem.""
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto but did not receive demerit points. Will my insurance rates go up? I am 21.?
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto in the jurisdiction of 4863 2 days ago. I did not receive demerit points as I was only 15 km/h above the limit. Will my insurance rates go up if I plead guilty and pay the fine? I am 21 years old and my parents are currently with Wawanesa. I have a G lisence.
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Long-term care insurance with pre-existing conditions?
My grandfather, who is 72 years old, needs round-the-clock care that has now exceeded our capabilities. He suffers from pre-existing bad to severe dementia. He's suspicious, falls frequently, very forgetful, suffers from sundowning. He just doesn't know what to do and he even struggles with basic life functions. He also suffers from lymphatic cancer that metastasized to his lung and chest cavity, as well as squamous cell carcinoma that is very resistant to all his previous treatment and has spread to open wounds on his arm. Because all of his lymph nodes were removed, his lymphatic fluid constantly pools in that arm and swells to hugely abnormal size. Therefore he has to wear a sleeve to keep it in place, which is painful for him to put on and is time-consuming for his caregiver. He also is supposed to keep his arm elevated, but refuses because of his dementia. He is mean and hateful at times and insists that we are trying to kill him and is always demanding that his caregiver (my aging and stressed grandmother) remain at his side at all times, or he grows suspicious about her fidelity. He has hallucinations. We moved in with them to help her take care of him, but my school work (homeschooled, mainly to take care of them) and my mother's commute to work have also taken a toll on us. We hated to think about it, but we finally resolved that he belongs as a permanent resident in a home. The biggest problem is the astronomical cost which we can't just chip together , as it was never there in the first place. We did research on nursing home coverage and found out about long term care coverage. We found out some basic things like it is best to purchase at a young age. Unfortunately, my grandmother was never educated on insurance and doesn't possess significant life insurance nor anything like long-term care, and he doesn't qualify for the little help Medicaid offers. Although he suffers from cancer, he has reached the end of his treatment. His cancer was too resistant to all prospective radiation and chemotherapy, and the anti-body treatment that he tried, he had a massive allergic reaction to. He has awful pain all the time and is on a rotated regimen of extra strength ibeproufen and high dosage morphine, with a high grade fentanyl pain patch. So, although cancer plays a part in his insurance qualification in name, apart from being administered his medication and sleeve, his cancer is not the main concern as far as his care/treatment goes. We have had to accept that he is going to die sooner or later and are trying to find the best final preparations. Bentonite clay seems to be drawing out some of the side effects of his radiation (after which his cancer got worse), and so may prolong his life. The short prognosis was 2-9 months. His dementia have become exhausting and endless. There's simply nothing we can do anymore. He's on prescription for Aricept for the dementia and we give him melatonin for the sundowning, which seems to have a calming effect. Sorry for the long piece, but we're all very distressed about this and I felt that I had to give a thorough explanation of his ailments and treatment. Our needs are a long-term stay in a nursing home facility covering skilled care for his dementia, activities of daily living, ect. We also hope that he can be treated with respect and dignity. We need affordable prices like anyone else in the middle class, not astronomical rates. We also need a policy that would either cover pre-existing without penalizing for it or not asking health questions, ect., as my grandfather is obviously in need of care we can't offer him. The only policy we have even brushed upon is Physicians Mutual. We don't know anything about it really, and we don't know where to look for anything else. Everything seems to lead to a dead end online when we need a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?
I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001""
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance for a 26 year old first time driver in the UK?
I have tried a few comparison sites but they come back with 2000 and up. I have tried adding my Dad and my sister but it does not make much difference, should I add more people? Or am I going to the wrong sites? Thank you in advance for any responses.""
Why am I quoted so high for auto insurance?
Recently I have been shopping around getting online quotes for auto insurance in hopes of getting better rates. Sadly that is not the case. The last three quotes I got were from Farmers, State Farm and met. The quotes for 6 months were absurd. Farmers even quoted me at 8000+ for six months. Seriously? I do live in Detroit, so I am accustomed to higher rates but this is crazy. I have never made an insurance claim. I had one minor traffic ticket 3 years ago(no turn on red). I have had continuous coverage from my current provider for 4 years. What could the problem be. Is it possible to get the insurance companies I quoted with to give me information on why they quoted me at the rates they did. This has been incredibly disheartening. I guess I will stick with my current provider for about 1800 every 6 months.""
""Car accident, no insurance?!!!!?""
A high school kid hit my car today, I was at a stop sign and he turned too early and hit my car. I do not have insurance(welp I know, I'm a single mother we can't afford it all). Anyway, he did have insurance and he was at fault. Will his insurance cover the cost to fix my car or no? Since I didn't have insurance and all that is?""
Classic car insurance?Anyone with a classic car INSURED!?
Any information on insuring a Classic truck would be helpful. Like the license plate thing I keep hearing about. I find an original plate and never have to change it again? License plate information would be most helpful.....Maybe Help me figure out where to find a plate? :D 1989 Truck plate is what I will need. I know it's not a classic in most eyes..But tech it IS a classic. It's just a summer driver/Fun show truck........I DO have a 1969.....That is a classic...But I haven't got far enough to insure it yet. Projects....................Thanks for any help!
What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?
We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!""
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
How can I get car insurance on a car that my ex husband let my daughter borrow? The car is still in his name.?
My ex husband let my daughter borrow one of his cars. He lives in a different state. I had the car registered here in the state we live in, but now the insurance has expired and I can't seem to get insurance for the car now since the car is not in my name. I cannot get ahold of him at all.....phone is temporarity disconnected, etc., and I think he has not even been paying the payments on the car, since he has not been working for many months now due to the housing crisis in this country....especially the western part. I'm actually wondering why the re-po man hasn't come and collected the car yet. I will not let my daughter drive the car until it has insurance. It just sits in the driveway. She really needs a car to get to work now and it seems such a waste to have a perfectly good car just sitting there. Anyone know how I can get some insurance on this car? Or maybe should I call the bank that is financing this car and see if he is even making the payments? Would the bank let me buy the car at a huge discount if he has not been making payments? Any answers/advice for me will greatly help. Thank you so much!""
What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance?
I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
Would you let someone ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Would you let someone (maybe your friend or someone you know) ride in your car who didn't have health insurance?
Im a new G2 driver, and im thinking on getting second driver insurance on my moms car.?
how much do u think it will add onto the insurance already?, its a 2003 ford focus
0 notes