#like i appreciate future peridot but like
void-thevoid · 5 months
just rewatched warp tour while doing homework... wow
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Dirty Work 54
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: I am back to work tmrw.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You choose a simple dress. You like the shade of peach even as Loki eyes you archly. It might not be the choice that offends him but the state of yourself. Your nose is still healing, bandaged but not as heavily, and you have much left to recover. His own injuries remain tinged on his pale skin.
You shimmy the dress on and turn your back to him as he drones cynically. His fingers creep up along your bottom to meet the zipper and he tugs it up slowly. He’s reluctant. 
“What is it? You don’t like the dress?” You face him.
“I’d rather prefer you naked,” he purrs with a wink, “but I am not overly fond of the colour, no.” 
“Oh, but... you bought it?” 
“Yes, my sister did have it included in the purchase but... it is rather bright.” 
“I like it,” you run your hands over your stomach and hips, “it fits nicely but if you want me to change...” 
“No, darling, do what you wish,” he crosses his arms, “I must learn to let you do so.” 
You narrow your eyes. His malleability does not come without resentment. You shrug. You don’t have all day to be sussing out his preference. 
“What is it you and my mother have planned?” He asks. 
“I’m not certain,” you say as you search for your phone. The one he gave you. 
“No? Hm, darling, what about a necklace?” He goes to the jewellery box and plucks out a golden chain with a peridot emblem.  
“I guess,” you dig around in your work bag, most of your luggage still unpacked. 
“You guess? It is a pretty necklace. What about amethyst?” 
“Loki,” you fish out your phone but not the one you meant to. Your old flip.  
You put it down on the nightstand stiffly and return to your search. It feels so long ago that you were that person. That sad girl living with your father and flitting through a meandering existence. You won’t say you’ve moved up very much, still at the whim of a man, but you feel distant from that person. 
Perhaps Walpurgisnacht was more a rebirth than you could know. 
“Pet...” Loki comes closer as you retrieve your work phone. It’s dead.  
“I need to charge it,” you show him the device. 
“You should toss the old one. Doubt it even works.” 
“I know, I will. I have to back it up,” you say evasively. There’s not much on it but it’s the only connection you still have to your previous life. You’re not ready to slice through that last strand. 
“Mm, right then, well, another to do for the list,” he steps nearer and tickles your waist, “suppose you delay your little outing with my mother and I take you to lunch--” 
“She’s a guest, and your mother,” you rebuke. “Loki, I’m only doing what I need to do. Isn’t that what you want?” 
He sighs, “yes, but... it is still my house. I would like more than my leave. I should say when you need go pick out flowers or tablecloths or whatnot.” 
“Proposals typically lead to all that,” you say, “at least from what I know.” 
“What you know?” He muses. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen a few Kate Hudson movies,” you quip and give a goofy smile but quickly repress it. “Sorry, that wasn’t... funny.” 
His cheeks dimple and his nostrils flair, his lips slightly curved, “is that... humour? From you?” 
“Well, I... yeah, why not?” 
“Hm, it isn’t a slight but you are not one for laughter.” 
“Or maybe you’ve never made me laugh,” you blurt out and quickly snap your mouth shut. 
His brows drop and his smile too. You stare at him. Oops. You are getting to comfortable. Even if you are to be his wife, you aren’t his equal. You don’t know that you could ever be. 
He chuckles, “darling, how very sharp.” He reaches to frame your chin and turns you to him completely, “I should try harder then, to hear your sweet laughs.” 
You smile, a flutter in your chest, “that’s sweet.” 
“I am sweet,” he says, offended. “What do you mean?” 
You just stare at him. Is he kidding? 
“Don’t,” he warns with a frown. “Very well, go, have fun. Should I need anything, I will be certain to let mother know since you will be without tether...” he keeps his hand on you, squeezing, “you will be safe with her, I know.” 
“Loki,” you murmur, “he’s not coming back. He wouldn’t.” 
He stares at you solemnly, “no, he shouldn’t.” 
It seems as if he doubts his own words. For a moment, you do too. He knows his brother much better. Yet, how can Thor return when all have turned their backs on him? 
“There is no hurry, mother can wait...” 
“Loki, she’s only visiting,” you remind him, “the sooner it’s done, the sooner they go, right?” 
“Mm, you are clever,” he looks past you with apprehension, “suppose so. And I should speak with father about some things...” he leans in and kisses your forehead, withdrawing absently as he taps his fingertips together, “weddings and such...” 
You give him a look but he’s too distracted to notice. This whole affair is his idea and yet he is uncertain. You watch him placidly. 
“We don’t have to... marry--” 
“No, no,” he returns his attention to you, “of course we must. We will—how could you—oh, I know it is all very new to you, pet, but trust in me. It isn’t my first rodeo. Regrettably.” 
You feel a pang at the allusion to his previous marriage. You remember Sif with her sleek figure and her perfect smile and her sparkling eyes. You are second in all ways to her. 
“I should go,” you insist with a sniff. 
“Mm, yes, you should,” he grabs your shoulders and lays another kiss, this time on your lips. “I have told mother very strictly not to dawdle so you shouldn’t either.” 
“We’ll be fine,” you assure him. 
“When did you get so confident,” he teases as he retracts from you. 
You offer a sheepish smile. Not confident, but hopeful. A change nonetheless. 
Frigga insists on lunch before you do anything. You’re struck with deja vu as she returns to that same place you went to with her sons. That day feels like eons ago but it’s been just over a month. 
The change feels all the more sudden after a lifetime of stagnancy. With your dad, every day blurred together, the constancy was as dull as it was oppressive. Yet, you mourn it all the same. The spontaneity and turbulence of your new existence proves just as paralysing at times. 
You may have gone from maid to fiancee, but it doesn’t dissolve your expected deference. You are marrying into the Odinsons, they have no need to ingratiate themselves to you. Even as the reminder of her elder son troubles you, you will not mention your worries aloud to the matriarch. 
Frigga orders a sparkling water with fruit, you ask for the same. The waitress is not subtle as she eyes your bandaged nose. Just another reason for you to feel out of place. It's tender but feels much better.
You peer up at the sky as you sit in the open patio and the scent of the curated flowers around the space wafts in the air. Your dress rustles and tickles your leg, causing you to flinch. Another flash of before. That day you ate with Thor at your side, his hand under the table... 
You shudder and blow away the memory. You reach for your water and sip as you look over the entrees. Your appetite is erratic. One second you’re ravenous, the next, nauseous. The tuna sounds good but sickening at once. You’ll get a salad. 
“We will have to plan an engagement party first. Perhaps a local venue for that,” she looks at her phone and turns it on its screen as you hear it buzzing. 
“Or the house? I thought... the gazebo...” 
“Mm, yes, I recall, what was the name of that contractor you hired? I wouldn’t mind a similar build back at our house. Oh, and perhaps if you did want to do the wedding at home as well, a wedding arch might be a thought. I’m certain a carpenter might be up to that task,” she continues, ignoring how her phone rattles her glass. “So, we’ll skip over venues then. But invitations, perhaps? Oo, do you have a dress in mind? A brunch or something in the evening?” 
You can hardly keep up with her questions. At least she offers distraction from the shadow looming over your shoulder. Both of them. If it isn’t one son, it’s the other. 
The waitress returns and you order. Frigga eyes you as she puts in for a monte cristo with the soup du jour. You try to smile. You’re tired. 
“Are you okay, dear? You’ve not been eating very much.” 
“Oh, haven’t I?” You squirm evasively. “I’m... fine, I guess I just have a lot on my mind.” 
“Oh, darling, forgive me if I am overloading you,” she fans herself with her hand, “I apologise. I’ve a bad habit of getting head over feet about these things. I have so many ideas all at once but if I sit still, I feel I might burst.” 
Her words call you back to Loki pacing and circling at the hotel, then at home, he manic muttering. 
“It’s alright. I don’t think of any of it. I don’t know where to begin,” you assure her. 
“Ah, well, yes, but I’ve had a wedding and my son’s had a wedding already,” she chuckles, “so I do have a bit more experience. You shouldn’t worry terribly if you have questions. I am simply here to guide you.” 
“I know--” 
Her phone shakes again and she sighs.  
“Pardon,” she tilts the phone up and you see the incoming call; Loki. She quickly turns off the ringer. “My, he is a pest. It cannot be that important--” 
“I don’t have my phone,” you say, “maybe he needs something.” 
“My son can wait. He is so selfish. Especially about you. Surely, he trusts his own mother,” she scoffs, “anyhow, I think a luncheon might be pleasant enough. Perhaps with a theme. Summer is here and the flowers will be lovely this time of season.” 
“Excuse me, miss,” the waitress comes up to the table, a cordless phone in her hand, “there’s a gentleman on the phone asking for you.” 
You frown at Frigga then glance up, realising the woman is speaking to you. You blink and take the phone from her. You put it to your ear, staring at Frigga. 
“Pet,” Loki bursts eagerly, “oh, I knew you’d be there. Yes, I only wanted to check in, hear your voice, but I couldn’t get through to mother.” 
“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry, we were just ordering--” 
‘Give me the phone’ Frigga mouths and gestures. 
“I...” you begin and her green eyes flare. You hand over the phone. 
“Loki, this is not your time. You can wait. We are busy. You have a lovely day and we will be home in a few hours,” she says tritely, “certainly, you might find something to keep yourself busy.” 
She doesn’t wait for his response as she hits the end button and hands the phone back to the server, thanking her with a smile. The brunette flits away and you tap your fingers on the table top. Frigga plays with a wave and pushes it behind her ear, “darling, don’t even worry about my son. You just focus on yourself.” 
“Thank you, I just...” 
“You just don’t worry,” she repeats, “if my son has issue with us doing exactly as we told him we would, then he may take it up with me. Uh, he always was a needy little boy.” 
You almost laugh. You might agree with part of her sentiment but you could never imagine Loki as a little boy. In your mind, he just seems as if he’s always been grown. Not like you.  
You’ve always felt clueless and inadequate. As if you never moved past childhood, that you got caught behind some wall and watched the adults from afar. Yet, now that you’re on the other side, you still feel a barrier. Like them, but not the same. 
Not like the Odinsons especially. A family. You don’t have any of that. The more you think of the wedding, the more you see empty seats. No bridesmaids, not father-daughter dance, no one on your side. 
“Dear, have I upset you?” Frigga cuts the silence and you catch yourself staring at the table. 
You shake your head and sit up, “no, sorry, just thinking...” you scramble for a lie. You hate that you do that so often now, “what about a tea party?” 
“A tea party? Marvelous, I love it,” she trills, “oh, yes, we will have to find some fine porcelain for the event.” 
“Loki has lots--” 
“Yes, but this is special, dear. You’ll need a special set so you can always remember the party. Oh, and teas. There is a tea shop nearby. They sell loose leaf. We can have a whole array. Ooh, and biscuits, pastries...” she begins to list off. You let her, thankful to forget everything else for the minutest of details. Tea is easy. 
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darkforestfae-tea · 1 month
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲, 𝐌𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐲!
Mabon marks the Fall Equinox! Typically observed on September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, Mabon spans from September 21 to September 29. It is a time of balance, when day and night are equal in length, symbolizing harmony and equilibrium. Many cultures celebrate this period as a time of thanksgiving and reflection, honoring the bountiful harvest and the changing of the seasons. Traditional festivities might include feasts with seasonal foods like apples, pumpkins, and squash, along with activities such as gathering with loved ones, giving thanks, and preparing for the colder months ahead.
People often take this opportunity to connect with nature, perhaps by taking walks in the crisp autumn air, collecting colorful leaves, or setting up altars with symbols of the season. It's also a time for introspection, to consider what has been achieved over the past months and to set intentions for the future.
In modern times, Mabon encourages a moment of pause in our busy lives, reminding us to appreciate the abundance around us, to cultivate gratitude, and to seek balance in our own lives. Whether through quiet reflection, community gatherings, or simply enjoying a warm cup of cider while watching the leaves fall, Mabon offers a beautiful reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the ever-present opportunity for renewal and growth.
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This post will consist of several sections:
Common Rituals
Broom Closet
and more! Ready to begin?
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Rose Hips
Dried Apple
Oak Moss
Tiger’s Eye
Yellow Topaz
Autumn Leaves
Animal Bones
Pine Cones
Balance Scales
Harvest Foods
Grape Vine
Shadow Work
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𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓡𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵𝓼:
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-Adorn your space with seasonal fruits and vegetables, such as pumpkins.
-Reflect on what the summer season revealed to you about yourself.
-Create an "I let go" list of things you wish to release from the summer.
-Simmer cinnamon to attract abundance.
-Establish your goals for the Fall season, which extends until December 21st.
-Ignite a candle and meditate to catch a glimpse of what the upcoming season holds.
-Tidy up and declutter your home, then pass a cinnamon broom for abundance.
-Indulge in a flavorful spiced tea or coffee. Savor each sip. Take a moment to reflect on your blessings and what you are grateful for.
-The Fall Equinox is on September 22nd at 9:04 pm (EST). Set a reminder and declare, "This season will be my best one yet."
-Trim your hair to release old energy.
-Recharge by visiting a pumpkin patch, farmers market, or spending time outdoors.
-Place an apple beside a coin for good luck and prosperity.
-Create a besom and utilize it to cleanse your home of negative energies.
-Create your own custom Mabon Incense mix.
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𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽
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This list is for those witches who may still be in the closet. These activities can pass as “Autumnal Activities” to others! Here are some subtle yet enchanting ways to celebrate your craft:
Nature Walks: Collect leaves, acorns, and other natural items to use in your spells and crafts. It’s a great way to connect with nature and gather supplies without drawing attention.
Pumpkin Carving: Carve symbols or sigils into your pumpkins. Not only are they festive, but they can also serve as protection or intention-setting.
Candle Making: Create your own candles with herbs and essential oils. You can infuse them with specific intentions and use them for rituals later on.
Baking: Make seasonal treats like apple pie or pumpkin bread. Incorporate herbs and spices that have magical properties, such as cinnamon for prosperity or nutmeg for luck.
Herb Drying: Harvest and dry herbs for your witchy cabinet. Hang bundles of rosemary or lavender in your kitchen to dry; it looks like you're just readying them for cooking.
Gardening: Plant bulbs or prepare your garden for winter. This is a great way to work with the earth and practice your green-thumb magic.
Reading: Dive into books about folklore, mythology, or herbalism. It’s a cozy way to expand your knowledge and connect with ancient traditions. (Kindle has a phone app, if you cannot have physical books)
DIY Crafts: Make wreaths, potpourri, or sachets with found natural items. These can be used for decoration or as part of your magical practice.
Tea Time: Brew different herbal teas. Experiment with blends that have magical properties to set intentions or simply relax.
Moon Watching: Keep track of the moon phases and spend time outside during the full moon. This can be a meditative practice and a way to align with lunar energies.
By incorporating these activities into your routine, you can celebrate your witchy side while blending seamlessly into the autumnal festivities. Happy enchanting!
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𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓐𝓹𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓼
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Apples are a common symbol of Mabon/Autumn Equinox for many pagans, wiccans, and witches. They can be incorporated into many different kinds of spell work for abundance, health, renewal, planting the seed of an idea/intention & knowledge. Apples can be used in magick by cutting them in half horizontally to reveal the star inside. Spell ingredients can then be sprinkled on top. Other ways of using apples is to dry then to decorate your altar or space with. You can gather apples to return to the Earth by burying them to give thanks for the Harvest. Cooking with apples is a perfect way to celebrate Mabon. Whether you make a warm apple pie, a spiced cider, or a savory apple stew, these dishes can be shared with loved ones to honor the season. The act of cooking itself becomes a ritual, infusing each dish with your intentions and gratitude.
Additionally, apples can be used in divination practices. By peeling an apple in a single strip and tossing the peel over your shoulder, the shape it forms when it lands can reveal the initial of a future partner or give you insight into a question you hold in your heart. Scrying with apple seeds is another method; by placing seeds on a hot surface and watching their movement, you can glean messages and guidance.
Incorporating apples into your daily routines during Mabon can also help you remain connected to the cycles of nature. Enjoying a fresh apple as a mindful snack, reflecting on its journey from blossom to fruit, can be a simple yet profound way to express appreciation for the Earth's bounty. Decorating your home with apple-themed items, such as candles, wreaths, or even apple-scented essential oils, can further enhance the seasonal ambiance.
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷
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Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is a significant festival in the Wheel of the Year, celebrated by many Pagans and Wiccans. The name "Mabon" itself is relatively modern, coined by Aidan Kelly in the 1970s, yet the festival's roots stretch back to ancient times. It marks the second of three harvest festivals, following Lammas and preceding Samhain. Occurring around September 21-23 in the Northern Hemisphere, Mabon represents a time of balance when day and night are of equal length. This event symbolizes the gradual descent into the darker half of the year, as the days grow shorter and the nights longer.
Historically, many cultures have celebrated the equinox with various customs and rituals. In ancient Greece, the festival of Eleusinia honored Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and her daughter Persephone. The myth of Persephone's descent into the underworld and her eventual return is a powerful allegory for the changing seasons and the cycle of life and death. Similarly, in ancient Rome, the festival of Pomona celebrated the goddess of fruits and orchards, reflecting the importance of the harvest season. In the British Isles, the equinox was a time of thanksgiving and community gatherings, with people coming together to celebrate and share the bounty of the harvest.
Modern Mabon celebrations often involve giving thanks for the earth's abundance, reflecting on themes of balance and gratitude, and preparing for the coming winter months. Rituals may include offerings of fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as meditative practices to honor the seasonal shift. Many contemporary Pagans and Wiccans also incorporate elements of ancient traditions, such as feasting, storytelling, and connecting with nature. Mabon serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of living in harmony with the rhythms of the earth.
𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴. 𝘉𝘺 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘩𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭.
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Thank you for Reading! I absolutely love sharing my knowledge & learnings with others. I try to make posts a few times a week! & they are all organized on my profile.
Until we cross paths once more! Best wishes to all you wonderful witches! Warm regards, Tea.
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Pagans & Witches Amino @ darkforestfae
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clean-casual-analysis · 3 months
When the villain is a philosophy
When you think of the word antagonist, the first thing that comes to mind is a villain. This is completely natural, given that stories of good vs evil tend to follow a heroic protagonist fighting against an evil antagonist. But once you get into the definition of the word, a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something, moral alignment doesn’t dictate whether a character should be a protagonist or an antagonist. The most recognizable examples of this would be the likes of Invader Zim and Megamind, characters that are villainous in nature but are still the protagonists of their respective stories.
But villain protagonists and hero antagonists aren’t what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the antagonists that aren’t entirely focused on, at least in the traditional sense. Antagonists that, despite being the source of conflict in the narrative, don’t actually show up a lot of the time. These antagonists, while characters in their own right, are more symbolic in nature. The protagonists of these stories aren’t just trying to defeat the antagonists, but the rotten philosophies that these antagonists have. The beliefs that push the antagonists to do their villainous acts.
White Diamond: Uniformity and the Status Quo
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In the entirety of the original Steven Universe series, not counting the movie or SU Future, White Diamond appears in three episodes out of one hundred and sixty episodes. (Two if we don’t count White Pearl/Volleyball) That’s not even one percent of the series. In most series involving a good vs evil plot line, we usually switch perspectives between our heroes and villains to understand how they’re reacting to the events of the story. But SU is entirely told from Steven’s perspective. The audience only gets new information about gems, homeworld, Rose Quartz, etcetera, when Steven himself learns it. Because of this perspective, we don’t see the final antagonist of the series until the very end of the show.
But even though White Diamond is not present throughout the majority of the show, her homeworld subordinates and beliefs fill in the place of the hurdles that the protagonists must pass. Think about what the show is about and what lessons it teaches. Relationships are intricate and need mutual respect, being proud of who and what you are, and (most importantly) societal roles do not define you. The development of the main characters each involve acceptance of the self and bucking of what’s expected of them. Pearl fully moving on from Rose, Garnet improving her self-love, Amethyst fully accepting herself for what she is, Peridot’s disillusionment with Homeworld and growing appreciation for earth, Connie disobeying her mother’s strict rules, Steven slowly becoming someone better than even his own mother, I could go on. It’s honestly surprising, looking back, how most of the characters’ core issues stem from the lack of self-assurance and how homeworld views their flaws.
White Diamond and her Homeworld regime ultimately represent how systems put limits and stigma onto people for the sake of uniformity. The consequence of living inside your own head. A fusion cannot happen between two different gems, Pearls must be servants, Quartz gems must be big and strong, and Diamonds must be the perfect leaders. Why? Because that’s just what gems do. Because that’s how the system works. Homeworld’s status quo is one of creating an ever-expanding empire at the cost of independence, self-expression, unique lifeforms, and healthy relationships. The system can’t be wrong, White Diamond can’t be flawed, it’s how things have always been so why change what isn’t broken.
Sauron: Dominance and Corruption
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While he has more screen presence and is a much more a significant part of the story of Lord of the Rings than White Diamond is to SU, the dark lord Sauron is similarly one small part of a larger tale. Heck, he doesn’t even have dialogue in the book trilogy. Also, like White Diamond, Sauron is best represented by his many underlings. Ruthless orcs with crude but effective weaponry, colossal beasts to crush his enemies underfoot, massive armies dedicated to the dark lord’s cause of dominating all life in Midde Earth. But what’s most notable about Sauron isn’t the great power he possesses or the armies he commands, it’s the way he corrupts and deceives those that stand against him.
The betrayal of Saruman the White, the nine Nazgûl once being great kings of men who were turned into terrible ringwraiths, and most notoriously, the enticing power of the one ring. Boromir, believing that Gondor can use this evil weapon for good. Smeagol, utterly degraded into a deceitful cave dwelling throttler named Gollum. Frodo, forced to carry a heavy burden that weighs him down both physically and mentally. To Sauron, the corruption of good is a weapon he wields with unmatched lethality.
The insidious nature of his villainy is what makes Sauron the great representative of dominance and corruption that he is. The promises of more enticing good people to do evil for the “right” reasons and the ruthless conquest for dominion over all is all too real an evil to ignore.
The Martians: Colonialism and Warfare
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I debated with myself on whether or not the martians from War of the Worlds should be included here. Unlike Sauron or White Diamond, the martians are clear and present throughout the story. On the other hand, there isn’t a named martian general or a big bad that’s shown to lead the alien invaders into combat. In the end, the fact that the martians are made to purely represent the darkest parts of humanity outweighs the secondary theme of this essay.
One of, if not THE first alien invasion story, War of the Worlds messaging is clear and easy to understand. The tentacled beings from Mars are coldly intelligent, remorseless, and regard our world with envious eyes. They use human blood as sustenance when they aren’t vaporizing us by the hundreds, their tripods are horrific machines of mass destruction, and their invasion is one of slaughter and destruction. But the book is quick to remind us that humanity isn’t so morally innocent compared to the martians. The consumption of our blood seems horrific, but humans have also killed animals and each other for food and resources. Their tripods are colossal and terrifying, but humanity has made countless destructive war machines. The invaders are dead set on wiping out humanity, but humanity not only brought extinction to animals like the dodo bird but to entire groups of our own kind. The martians are not simply an alien invasion to fight back against, it’s a cautious look into our worst future. A humanity that prioritizes ruthless colonization and military might is a humanity doomed to be parasitic and heartless.
War of the Worlds also takes a critical view towards solving problems through warfare. Violence is sometimes needed to fight evil, but that does make violence a good thing. The action and battles in War of the Worlds are not thrilling or glorious, they are horrific and even bumbling to an extent. Much like the early British imperials that they represent, the martians are arrogant and only win because they have the better technology. Even the destruction of a tripod has severe consequences, a flaming wreckage falling into a lake and boiling the humans hiding there alive. There is nothing pride or goodness to found in destruction and death. Warfare and violence should be the last resort of those trying to survive, yet humanity and martians brandish their weapons without care or empathy for those beneath them.
The Truth, In-Fighting, and the Seemingly Insignificant
These antagonists all represent a morally dangerous part of humanity. The stubborn refusal to change a flawed status quo, the desire to dominate and corrupt those who don’t, needless conquest and bloody war. But despite all their power and influence, these philosophies that the villains believe in fail them in the end.
For White Diamond, her ultimate failure stems from the mortal enemy of all tyrannical systems: the truth. In the last episode of Steven Universe, White Diamond removes the gemstone from our protagonist’s body. Believing that the mischievous Pink Diamond is merely hiding in this human body, White seeks to end this silly game once and for all. But once the gemstone is removed, it does form into Pink Diamond or even Rose Quartz. It forms a bright pink Steven. In the final act of Change Your Mind, White Diamond is faced with reality and all its implications. This gemstone is Steven, it’s always been Steven. This half human is not the irrational or childish person, it’s White. The leader of Homeworld, the one who’s supposed to know all and make things better, is wrong. But in order to do that, she needs to leave her own head. One of the hardest things for a person to do is admit when they’re wrong, that their foundational beliefs holding up a status quo is deeply flawed and objectively false. But accepting that you were wrong, learning from and fixing your mistakes, and becoming something better than what you were before is the greatest reward anyone genuinely looking for redemption can ask for.
For Sauron, his victory over Middle Earth comes so close. Minas Tirith has been ravaged, the army of man outside the black gates are crumbling before his might, and the ring bearer has been corrupted. However, just when all hope is burned to ash, something unexpected happens. Gollum, the epitome of the corruptive power that the one ring possesses, attacks Frodo to get back his precious. Whether it’s through struggling with Frodo like in the movie or not paying attention like in the book, Gollum falls into the fires of Mount Doom with the ring in tow. In the movies, we’re told that the eye of Sauron can pierce through cloud and stone. Because of this detail, I personally wonder what was going through the dark lord’s mind as he watched Gollum plummet to his death. The one ring’s defense, Sauron’s greatest strength, corrupting others into fighting amongst each other, was what led to his ultimate downfall. This is not the first time something like this has happened. Think back to the orcs fighting amongst themselves, or when Wormtongue stabs Saruman in the back. Not to mention that the mercy of both Frodo and Bilbo is what led to Gollum reaching Mount Doom in the first place. Even with all his armies and power, Sauron underestimated the petty infighting amongst his followers and the little acts of kindness of his enemies. Even when the forces of darkness seemingly succeed, all they’ll have left is each other to destroy. As Frodo himself said in the Two Towers book, they can’t conquer forever.
For the martians, their demise comes outwardly from nowhere. Their Tripods fall silent and they all die due to sickness. The book states that the martians either never encountered bacteria like earth’s or they had wiped out all disease on Mars. In both scenarios, the martian’s belief in their untouchable superiority over earth led their death. As soon as their invasion started, they were doomed. War of the Worlds isn’t just a hard look at what humanity could become, but also a love letter to all types of life. Bacteria, the seemingly most insignificant part of our world, is our savior here. It is so, so easy to despise germs and how they make mankind ill. But they also decompose dead flesh, helps the human body digest food, and are just as vital to our world as so many other creatures’ humanity takes for granted. All forms of life has a place in this world and to undervalue, let alone actively want to eliminate, all of it is foolhardy and black-hearted.
It’s how these stories come to an end is why I’m attracted to the idea of villains representing abhorrent philosophies. They show the inherent flaws of such morally bankrupt ideas and how their failures are inevitable. The desire for uniformity and belief that your status quo is flawless cannot stand up to the truth of the situation. Great and powerful conquerors seeking to corrupt will find themselves destroying each other when there is nothing left to dominate, while small acts of generosity and sympathy keep their opponents afloat. Arrogant war lords with their mighty machines will crumble to the things they deem to be insignificant.
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Crystal Gems + Steven with a daredevil reader? (Romantic or Platonic)
₊˚ପ⊹ daredevil s/o hcs ;
ft. steven, garnet, amethyst, & pearl from steven universe * ˚ ✦
tags / cw: gn!reader
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- steven would likely be excited by the idea of dating you. he enjoys trying new things and facing challenges, so he would usually be up for joining you on your daring adventures too. however, he does sometimes worry for your safety whenever you pull something a bit too extreme
- garnet would embrace both sides and find a way to appreciate the thrill-seeking nature of yours while ensuring your safety. since she can see the future, she can be prepared for all the situations you could find yourself in serious trouble. unless there’s an actual threat, she’ll leave you to do as you please — but if she says that it will not end well, she can only hope you can trust her judgement
- amethyst would absolutely find your daredevil lifestyle fascinating and exciting. she would most definitely enjoy the thrill of your adventures and might even try to outdo you in some daring stunts of her own! but as your relationship grows, she will make sure to remind you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself and to stay safe
- pearl might initially be hesitant and worried about the risks involved in dating you. but, she might also find your fearlessness intriguing and be willing to support you, as long as you know when to prioritize yourself
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a/n: hello!!! sorry if this is short, I accidentally posted it when I barely started writing it and I panicked so I finished this in a hurry so nbd would see my mistake 😭… oh also, if you’d like me to do peridot, lapis, and bismuth too, feel free to lmk!
© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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I just noticed that peridot already said something about the moon right before aventurine is formed.
Was that for shadowing or something else?
Anything can be foreshadowing if you want it to be. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But more seriously - I think the word 'foreshadowing' may have become oversaturated in this fandom. Steven Universe DOES have a lot of foreshadowing! And I DO try to have some in my comics. But keep in mind - not every single thing that links up to another thing later is foreshadowing.
If Steven says "I really like honey cream bagels" and then 5 episodes later I draw him eating a honey cream bagel, that's not... foreshadowing. That's just continuity. That's just me sticking to the plot, as it were.
Foreshadowing is when something alludes to a future event and may not, at first, seem relevant - but a secondhand reflection reveals that it had meaning beyond the surface one.
The moon comment by Peridot could be read as foreshadowing... but it was also just a part of the continuity of the plot. Peridot knew that one option was to go to the moon. And eventually.... they went to the moon.
Regardless, I appreciate you guys catching those details! :) Foreshadowing or not, I put it there on purpose.
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widowed-mistress · 6 months
How strong could Steven be?
Okay, let me rephrase, how strong is the Pink Diamond gem?
Because, let's take a second to actually think about it. There are some abilities that seem to be EXPECTED of gems. They might not all do them since for some it would be "below their station," but they could do it.
1. Sumon a weapon
2. Shapeshift
3. Fuse
4. Adjust their gravitational pull of a planet on their gem to adjust to a celestial body's gravity
5. The ability to bubble
Of course, these are the ESTABLISHED things that every gem SHOULD be able to do (we'll get to Era 2 gems in a second). However, I'd like to add
6. Make a flashlight out of their gem (we see Pearl and Peridot do so when they visit the moon, and it makes sense to be a natural ability since their physical bodies are just holograms with light)
7. Be able to store items in their gems.
These are the basic abilities of a gem, yet there are special powers some gems have.
Sapphires- ice manipulation/ future vision
Lapis- water manipulation
Ruby- fire production
Peridots- metal control
Now one thing about them is that the powers designated to them are IT. Now, it's fair to say that as a gem grows and learns, they can expand on their skill (Pearl did learn how to shoot lasers after the gem War after all), but they concept of their powers stay the same.
For example, as much as Sapphire was shown to be a beast with her ice abilities in a Single Pale Rose, she will never manipulate or produce fire. This is where the Diamonds differ and follow their subjects at the same time.
Blue- gem emotional control (her power doesn't work on humans)
Yellow- physical form manipulation (she can poof any gem/ change their shape or attributes as seen with Garnet in Future)
White- possession voluntary or forced.
Pink - destruction and creation (living or nonlicing)
It's their powers that make me believe that diamonds are needed not just to rule but to make other gems. During Era 2, gems weren't made the same as Era 1 gems as Peridot says she can't shape-shift, but why would that be? Because Pink diamond was gone. With a limited supply of her essence, just like Yellow was having her essence taken in her sauna, they had to portion out what they gave to gems. This would explain what "junk" is put into the ground when gems are made as Amethyst references during Classroom Gems.
This would even explain why the Diamonds kept Pink. While yes, they loved and appreciated her presence, she holds no functional use to the empire, which you would imagen the Diamonds wouldn't be found of, especially when she undermines them constantly and sets a bad example. However, they couldn't get rid of her, not even before they got attached because her essence allowed for the creation of more gems, and there is no guarantee that another being with her power could exist.
Yellow sets a gem to have a physical form.
Blue sets them to have responses.
White sets them to have a purpose.
Pink sets them to have the extra energy to come to life just as the organic material on colonies are sucked up for a gem to use. In fact, I would bet that Pink's essence is what allows gems to exist without needing to do something like recharge or something of the sort. Think about it, whatever energy is sucked from the dirt is bound the run out at some point. Plant life isn't infinite; however, a diamonds power could be.
This is why I question how strong Pink actually is. The diamonds hold compete control over their "domain," even controlling or manipulating what could be considered the opposite of their powers. The thing that makes Pink different from the other diamonds is that her powers WORK on not only things that aren't alive, they work on non gem beings.
Steven fixed his teddy bear and destroyed several non-living materials. He heals gems and humans, for fuck sake both him and his mom brought something to life. And speaking about that. I would like to discuss both lars and lion right now. Specifically their powers.
Now, making the assumption that they got a power up post resurrection could be assumed to be that the Pink Diamond essence pulled so much weight in helping them that the essence is now embedded in them and so they received a power up. It makes sense. Like gems creating distabalisers using Yellow's essence or creating a planet destroying weapon (Spinel) using Pink's essence. The thing I have a problem with is the powers they receive.
1. Long life (okay)
2. Dimensional pocket in hair (makes sense, gems have pockets in their gems)
3. Shock wave or lion's roar (ehh, kinda makes sense with Steven's destruction ability. Okay)
4. Portal creation (what?)
Portal creation was one of the powers lion got. That doesn't make sense based on what we know and can assume Pink can do. What the fuck.
The situation isn't helped in the fact that Pink can make pebbles purely on her own without the help of the other Diamonds.
So, considering Pink Diamond has a hold on
and is CRUCIAL for gem production and can extend the ability towards others just as they can get into someone's head/ control them
I ask again: how strong is the Pink Diamond gem?
And if he gets enough training, how strong could Steven become?
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pikablob · 11 months
Hot take for Steven Universe
I really hate the "the diamonds are an allegory for bigoted parents and therefore everything they did was okay actually" take that's become popular since the finale.
Now, to preface this, obviously I don't want Steven to start going around stabbing people. I don't think Bismuth was wrong in her anger at the diamonds, but SU is fundamentally a show about understanding and love triumphing, where everyone is capable of changing for the better. The diamonds aren't written as the kind of cartoon villains where you can just punt them into the sun and be done with it. So no, I didn't want this to end with the literal child, who's whole thing is seeing the good in everyone and helping them break harmful mindsets, to suddenly decide murder is okay.
What I did want is for an actual resolution to the diamonds' arcs where they have to make that change. Like, they spent milennia running an oppressive space empire where people who step an inch out of line are executed, that directly harmed every single one of our main characters - their treatment of Pink/Rose and Steven mirroring how some parents treat queer kids, while a good theme on its own, doesn't erase that. Even within that context, as someone who lived through something close to what it's referencing, the diamonds should need to really prove they've changed. Like, the allegory is there, but it's not all they did and the rest of what they did is so much more awful that reducing them to just the allegory doesn't work.
I think the real heart of the problem is not that Steven didn't beat up the diamonds; it's that the diamonds don't actually have to undergo any real change or redemption. Blue and Yellow realise Steven has Pink's gem, and then just assume everything can go back to normal - okay, sure, that's a way in - but where's the moment when they realise they're wrong? Where's the moment when they really have to work towards being a better person and realising their mindset was harmful the way characters like Peridot did?
It just isn't really there; the moment it starts, White steps in, and then White pulls Steven's gem out and starts laughing and then... she's just good now? We go straight into them healing the corrupted gems, and everything's okay now.
Except, it's not okay; there's a whole extra movie and season about how not okay things are. Except the movie is about the lingering effects of Pink's awfulness and it and the series are all about how Steven's loved ones failed him actually and all the fun in the series actually wasn't fun and everyone sucks. They start from a baseline of "the diamonds are kinda hard to get on with but they're good now" - we basically skipped over the kind of emotional shift and growth that was downright necessary for the diamonds' arc to feel satisfying.
So no, I don't think people are wrong to be upset that the main villains got off too lightly, and as a queer kid who had to go NC with an unaccepting parent, I don't think the whole queer-family-allegory thing means the ending is suddenly okay.
If anything, I think the real problem is the show mis-spending its runtime. And I know that it was cut short, and that Rebecca had to fight for every inch of queer rep, and I appreciate that. But I think it's just a badly paced show at times, and it cut things it really needed to keep (giving the diamonds an actual arc) in favour of things it didn't need (Future, in this case).
Name a fandom or franchise in an ask, and I’ll give you a random hot take I have for it
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astarab1aze · 7 months
"I find myself thinking about things I couldn't have the heart to tell you. I think about the end, about my own decline, about how frail I am now and how I will only be a burden to you as time goes on. I don't want to be so infirm that you have to do everything for me, for the rest of my life. I don't want that for you, and, damn it, I still have enough pride in me to refuse that for myself. But I know where I'm headed, and... Sometimes I think it's better for us both if I die before it gets any worse. I couldn't bear to see you wait on me hand and foot; and I couldn't bear to be waited on. The coward in me doesn't want to die at all, but perhaps dying earlier would be less arduous: I wouldn't have to put you through so much, watch you watch me waste away. But what can I do to avoid any of it? Even living, or dying, without you is something I know for a fact I could not handle. I am afraid. I'm terrified of the future, and it's coming closer all the time." (If you know who this is for, then you know who this is from.)
Effort to appear unbothered was put forth, great care to maintain a lack of worry or concern, as he knew right and well who this was - whose words, whose cadence, whose desperate confession whispered in acheful tones. A love far greater than any he could've ever known, ever come to appreciate or reciprocate, share first, and so intense in spite of all. Everlasting, hopeless and tinged with all the grief and sorrow befitting a warlock with an anxious heart, pain and agony leaking into every word tumbling out of a man obscured from view. Convenient, that crystal blue should not meet peridots he wanted nothing more than to dive into, hands eager to gather slender figure into his arms as if the separation would eat him alive - what Hell it was to be unable to drag his fingers over hollow cheeks, paw at and tenderly kiss away the woes and worries of the only man who could give him the greatest gift of all. Redemption, atonement, the grace to afford him a chance, however reluctant in the beginning, however painfully unwanting. And yet now to have him admit his darkest sorrows which proved the opposite true, veiled in shades of gray too murky to peer through, Garrett was unsettled. Uncomfortable. Anxious, himself.
He said nothing in return for some time, the shadow over his eyes heavy and dark and wholly unreadable. Images of a shattered, ever-repeating mirror came to mind, a trap beset by Moloch in which they were each forced to watch each other suffer great torture and near-death, drawing comparisons here and now - perhaps flippantly, but it lingered and spread dread through his body as vilest poison, Hell's heat and apathy burning away at the calm he'd felt before. Yes, anxious - very anxious. There were too few things he could do to soothe worries of his own, and even less for V's, memories of the occasion he nearly lost him too soon, too early, too too too-- His palms felt a bit clammy, how unusual for him, teeth catching on his lower lip. Smoke began to steadily wisp free from the corners, then his nose, gaze flickering this way and that, mind racing, heart squeezing in his chest, flesh crackling and flaking away as if naught but ash, blackened fur peeking through like tufts of grass in pavement as the Cerberus in him revealed itself in full. Massive paws touting gnarled claws scraped into the cement beneath him, cratering under his impressive weight, fanged maw sparking, noxious fume and heat catching flame - evidence of his Hellborn blood. All this, a defense mechanism, a dogged uncertainty best left in the shade of animalistic crimson eyes and expressions that couldn't be made.
He hated talks like these in the first place, much happier to believe that V could live a life eternal alongside him, even if his devotion would see him through many more lifetimes for just a chance to see him again otherwise. It didn't matter if V died-- Oh, but of course it did. In every sense, in every version of every life in every timeline in every universe. It mattered exponentially more than anything else Garrett could possibly think of, claws flexing, grinding cement into dust. He shook himself, his hide, ash and ember falling away from him, and lowered himself to the ground, gnarled paws quick to cover his muzzle, tails tucked between his legs. Inching closer to the barrier between them, seeing all of V's emotions for what they were and being entirely powerless to fix it. Of course it mattered, but he didn't want it to. He wanted V to know that no matter the occasion, no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter his condition, his aches, Garrett would persist. He would love him as he always had, always and forever, and V need not worry for him. At the beginning and end of all things, he would wait, even if he should waste away in turn.
A whine bellowed from deep within him, and it was then he would choose to speak.
"Vitale," he chuffed, paw slipping from his maw, a deafening rumble to all but those attuned. "You're only thirty-something... and you're too stubborn to die. You're not going to die tomorrow." A light-hearted beginning, but it was acheful, crimson gaze glossy with emotion he couldn't bear to impart. "I found you in this life, I will find you in the next, and I will find you as assuredly in death. Weep not for me, nor for yourself, for the time we have is precious. Mecum eris semper, et ego tecum. There are no lifetimes, no worlds, no circumstances in which you will find yourself without - I promise you - and these pains and fears you feel will cease. To leave me... To have had you in the first place is already more than I deserve, with Lust and Wrath my cardinal sins and Hell burning like a furnace inside of me. How ever could I take you, so precious to me, and look upon you with only sorry and regret?" Wolfish nose to press against partitions, dry and caked with volcanic rock and the reek of sulphur. "I wish not for you to dwell like so, to crumble underneath your own mortality, and instead to dream and take heart in knowing the truth beyond this. In knowing you will have me, no matter the circumstances, no matter, no matter... Love is stronger than death, stronger than time, stronger than pain and woe, and you shall know it until the end of all, until the end of time as we know it. I'll make sure of it. I'll find a way. I won't have you wither, but you needn't worry if you shall. Please, stop this. Please, listen to me. Please, trust in me to ease your suffering. Love me as you are, as you will be, as I do, as I do. Vitale, V, my love, my greatest love... my only love."
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fontasticcrablettes · 2 years
Tales of Sexylady Poll Results
The poll finished with 204 responses! Thank you everyone for participating. As last time, I reserved 5 spots for write-in votes. I'll post the final bracket in a bit, but for now, here is a summary of the results.
First, a shout-out to the lovely ladies who didn't quite make the cut. Everyone on the list got voted for at least once, so they are all appreciated by someone, but they just didn't have the numbers. Many of these characters suffered from the simple fact that their games are not readily accessible to the Western fanbase, so let's hope for translations and ports in the future so everyone can appreciate them!
In order, the honourable mentions (and number of votes) are:
Mary (30)
Mint (24)
Hilda (20)
Sodia (20)
Ines (19)
Rondoline (18)
Schwartz (17)
Ange (16)
Shizel (16)
Harold (13)
Atwight (11)
Ilene (11)
Nanaly (11)
Philia (10)
Mathias (8)
Elrane (7)
Symonne (6)
Almeidrea (6)
Peridot (4)
Lilith (4)
Agarte (3)
Incarose (3)
Beryl (3)
Fortuna (3)
Zilva (2)
Thitose (1)
Let's have a moment of silence for Thitose, the character who remained at 0 votes for the longest time, and only secured a single vote in the end.
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The Winning Write-Ins
41 characters were submitted for consideration. The top 5 earned a slot in the final bracket. They are:
Mary Kaufman
Driselle Sharil
And the 5th slot will go to Replica Nebilim, winner of the Nebilim-off hosted earlier today. Both Nebilims had an equal number of votes... probably. As discussed earlier, I counted "Nebilim (unspecified)" as the Replica version.
The next two most popular write-ins were Laplace from Luminaria, and Undine. I'm not sure which Undine, that is. Some voters specified the Symphonia version while others didn't specify. I think we will have to have a spirit tourney in the future to clear everything up.
In a similar situation are the spirits Luna and Celsius. Tied with them are Fourier from graces, Seres from Berseria, and Noir from Abyss.
Finally, the following characters all got 2 votes each: Aqua, the Baticul Lesbian, Jozette Cecille, Karla Outway, Kasque, Lisette, Mesissa, and Mileena. I hope Baticul Lesbian is happy being in a group with Cecille.
There isn't time to list every write-in who got only 1 vote, but here are some of my favourites:
Anna Irving. I respect a woman who is sexy purely on vibes.
"Captain Aqua from Tales of Hearts r is the sexiest Tales lady to me hands down I don't even know if she's 18+ because she doesn't even have a page on Aselia and she kinda looks like a Bratz doll but she's a badass pirate captain and her color scheme of purple and yellow looks so good istg." I respect you and I believe you, anon. I can't even find a picture of her when I google, so I'll have to take your word on it, but I'm sorry no one else shared your passion.
Morgrim. My good friend. This is a cat.
"Marble (ToS) (listen I know she's old but sexiness is in the heart)." You know what anon? Marble is a grandmother, which means she is a mother to someone who is also a mother, so that's like, MILF x 2. It's simple math.
Thanks for participating!
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jayalaw · 10 months
Steven Universe 2023 Thoughts
So. Steven Universe has been referring to the forefront. People are talking about how Cartoon Network screwed Rebecca Sugar over and sabotaged the show on realizing that it was going to be openly gay complete with a same-sex wedding. They wonder if the fandom went too far in harassing others and not espousing the values that the show promoted about remembering to be kind and to show empathy, even towards literal monsters and those who have hurt you. 
I admit that I was part of the fandom, but I mainly talked with people who liked the show, some who encouraged me to see it. My friend C was very into it, and we talked cosplays as well as theories about was going to happen. Tumblr was aflutter about what happened to Pink Diamond and I screamed when we got the truth. By some fortune, I avoided the people that contributed to the negativity.     
How did Steven Universe save me?
While Steven Universe season one didn't catch my attention, the second season did. There were tales about how Steven's parents met, about Pearl accidentally messing up in her desire to fuse with Garnet, and Peridot learning to appreciate Earth while being forced to ally with the Crystal Gems to stop an apocalypse.
The episode where Connie's mother finds out that she's been fencing, and insists that her daughter is not doing something like that struck a chord with me. While I was allowed to be artistic, and I am very glad to be, there is always the sense that you have to conform within expectations. Connie's dilemma became completely understandable. We also got an episode where Sadie's desire to sing got swallowed.   
Season three was the one that saved me. It aired when I had graduated from college, and was having trouble with job hunting after an assistant position laid me off after two months. I was seeing Steven using the power of empathy to save the world, to help his dad and Pearl come to an understanding, and allow Lapis to overcome her trauma. His optimism was allowing me to get through hard times as my mother tripped in the front yard and broke her arm, necessitating a hospital visit that lasted until four in the morning. 
And Steven Universe came at tough times, right when I needed it. 2016 election? We got a thirty-minute special that featured a sapient pumpkin dog becoming traumatized after seeing how Jack-O-Lanterns are made. The world was so uncertain and scary during the aftermath? Steven goes on trial in outerspace, and learns the circumstances behind a shattering is not all that it seems. We even get an election episode where Steven most definitely loses when trying to help Mayor Dewey stay in office. That was also reassuring, even in the face of all the dire storytelling. 
I was really upset when the first version of the show ended right before the 2020 elections. My goal was for it, queerness and all, to outlast Donald Trump. It was a middle finger to the conservatives that didn't want people like me to exist. Steven and his family had openly queer individuals that rebelled and resisted a tyrannical oppression. When we found out the full story of his mother, without the unreliable narration in flashback form, it was both terrifying and liberating.
 And yet, despite all that, the finale was there right when I needed it. A friend and I were screaming as we watched it, as Steven faced White Diamond and his other aunts, asking them to listen and understand his mother. I felt that it was a fair ending that promised a better way forward, while also showing that there were plenty of ways to go. While I haven't seen all of the sequel movie or the spinoff Steven Universe Future, the scene where Dr. Maheshwaran talks with Steven about emotional trauma is cathartic and bittersweet. I've been rewatching it in-between therapy sessions as it reminds me that pain from years ago can resurface and hurt you, and no trauma is too small. 
Was the show flawed? Yes. The way the first Bismuth arc happened was not handled well, and I find it sus that they had a white actress playing Connie who is POC, something that later shows like Dead End: Paranormal Park would correct. But as a whole, it never betrayed me the way that other shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil did. Steven's journey made him suffer while reassuring me that it was okay to be down a path where nothing was certain, where you could do everything right and still feel like things needed to change. 
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heyitslapis · 2 years
Does anyone else sometimes miss Peridot's limb enhancers?
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oceandiagonale · 5 years
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I drew some SU stuff for my little cousin for christmas!
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novantinuum · 3 years
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T
Words: 750~
Summary: His family’s not present, the third time he runs away. They never see the creature he becomes.
Early corruption AU.
Hi, folks. It’s been a while. Let’s get this started up again, shall we? (There’s some lore headcanons in the author’s notes of the AO3 version!)
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3 as well. Thank you! <3
Week two without Steven carries with it a wave of stagnation and hopelessness that is deceptively hard to fend off.
There’s no more daily search parties, for instance. Without any clear leads to follow, almost every member of their search brigade agrees that wandering this planet aimlessly seems like a grand waste of time. What they actually need right now is information, and unfortunately— from what Garnet has surmised in her own explorations— there’s a daunting shortage of it. The stark footprints leading towards the ocean from the house only advance so far under the water before they entirely disappear, which points towards either the erosive force of the tides quickly buffing them away, or this creature lifting its legs off the seabed’s surface to swim. Additionally, not a single sensor placed upon the continents of this world has been triggered by the passage of a corrupted Gem, and there’s been no sighting of Steven himself, not in the whole galaxy. On a typical Era 2 scouting mission, intel from her future vision would generally prove reliable enough to provide the approximate whereabouts of a target, should it pass through one of their monitored perimeters, but in this scenario, the cruel reality is that for once she finds herself entirely blind. They simply do not know enough about the corrupted Gem they’re after to predict any of its actions. They evidently don’t know enough about Steven anymore, either.
Garnet finishes hammering a beam into place underneath the damaged beach house and steps back, already fairly certain that her work should fix the dangerous bowing of the floorboards in the kitchen. Gingerly, and admiring her handiwork, she steps back from the crisscrossing supports, holding her chosen tool (her standard gauntlet, more than tough enough to propel nails through wood) at her side.
“Pearl, you can test it now,” she calls to her lifelong partner and friend, cupping her mouth with one of her hands.
Vibrations emanate from above as the Gem in question lightly bounces on her feet over the former weak spot. Sure enough, the wood doesn’t warp and bend under her weight anymore.
Despite every deep-seated sorrow of the past few days— late night discussions spent reflecting on their shortcomings, Greg’s almost suffocating despair, Amethyst’s recent absence— Garnet can’t help but flash a smile at their small success. “That’s perfect,” she says, letting her single gauntlet dissipate into light once more. “Let’s regroup at the temple’s entrance.”
She makes the quick walk up the sandy hill and onto the newly refurbished porch, pushing the thick blue tarp covering the dismantled front wall of the house aside. Between a number of fellow Crystal Gems over the past two weeks, so far they’ve managed to clear all the debris, remove all of the damaged wallboards and window frames, and mend a few main structural supports. Given that they’re essentially building a brand new house upon a skeleton of the old one, full repair is bound to take a while, however— especially since Bismuth’s taken over the duty of running Little Homeschool in their absence.
When she reaches the locked doorway beyond the warp pad, Pearl is already standing there, hands clasped expectantly in front of her.
“I had an idea earlier,” she begins slowly, her weary gaze shifting towards front of the house, and the boundless ocean lying beyond that rough blue tarp.
Garnet nods, beckoning for her to continue. Ideas have been in short supply lately, after all. Pearl tightly inhales, and continues.
“Our sensors and arrays haven’t caught any glimpse of that corrupted Gem, but what about the humans’ satellite feeds? They’re scattered, rudimentary, yes... but if they provide any quantity of coverage over those oceans, then...”
“We’d have to hack into their systems,” she warns, adjusting her visor as she takes a quick peek into the possible futures this action may lead to fruition. Many of them aren’t desirable, ending with Little Homeschool gaining the wrong kind of human attention and being shut down by government forces, or worse.
“That’s true, but don’t you think—“
Their conversation is abruptly cut off by a sudden holler coming from outside the house, calling their names. It’s Peridot. Yet another turn of the tides she failed to foresee. Garnet presses her lips tight together as she strides past the edge of the tarp and onto the refurbished balcony, immediately spotting the green Gem below, sunlight glinting off the edge of her star shaped visor.
“You guys have to come with me!” she exclaims urgently, panting as if she’d just run a long distance to reach them. “I think I figured out how to find Steven!”
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escapingreality1992 · 2 years
Nightmares and Ideas
Stella has a nightmare which Rick helps her through. Loki has an idea on how to begin his investigation on finding her. He discovers some secrets and knows what to do next. Stella, Rick, and Harley go out to get Stella some things for her during her stay with Rick.
Two Years Earlier
          One year after my recruitment, I had gotten to know more of the team, but for some reason kept being drawn to Loki. He was easy to talk to and we both enjoyed the quiet nights curled up with a book. He made me laugh with the pranks he pulled on the others. We grew close as the days went on, our friendship creating an inseparable bond between the two of us. Soon, there came a night when he knocked on my door…at 1 a.m.
        “Is everything alright?” I greeted a disheveled Loki outside my door. He appeared tired; his hair mussed as if he had been constantly combing his hands through it. His usual pristine clothes were rumpled, either from tossing and turning on the bed or perhaps he had been pacing and rubbing his hands against his garments. He cocked his head to one side assessing my question.
        “Yes. Why would you think something is amiss?”
        “It’s one in the morning. In my experience, most people don’t come knocking on doors wanting to talk or have company. In fact, most people would be asleep at this hour. Plus, and I don’t mean any offense by this, you look like you’ve already been having a rough night. Unless…” I answered him, pausing for a moment.
        “You’re not coming here for a booty call, are you? That’s the only other reason I could think of to why you’re here at this hour,” I told him. His lips curled into a mischievous smile, which faded as quickly as it appeared.
        “I couldn’t sleep, and I figured you were still up. I remembered you could be a night owl sometimes. May I come in? Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be anything intimate. I only wish to have a conversation,” he said. I opened the door wider, inviting him into my room, shutting it behind him.
        “What’s on your mind, my prince?” I asked him, perching beside him. Once more those peridot green eyes of his assessed me.
        “Why aren’t you more cautious around me?” he asked. I blinked, the question catching me off guard.
        “You’re my best friend. I’m not sure why you would even ask me that. You should know me better than most and I think I’ve gotten to know you more,” Loki still looked at me needing more than I provided him. I sighed. “You’re very sweet. I trust you. Better than those I’ve known my whole life. You have an ability to make me laugh, which is something that I appreciate in any relationship. You’re more than a prince, more than a god, more than mischief. I see you for your true self and I love you,” I answered. His eyes widened at the confession, though I think he knew it wasn’t as if I was in true love with him. It was more of a friendship love. It wouldn’t be until later we would act on our desires for each other.
        “You trust me? You don’t think I’ll betray you? The others…I think they still have their doubts about my intentions,” he said. I nodded.
        “There’s good in you. I know that for certain. I always have,” Tears filled his eyes and he laid back on the bed, spilling everything that was on his mind. His past mistakes, what occurred before trying to take over New York. He left nothing out. We switched into deeper conversation, what we wanted for our future, outlooks on finding true love. We talked until he fell asleep tucked against me, his hand clutching mine tight. I wasn’t too far behind him. Hours after we had drifted off, I awoke to another knock at the door. I shifted off Loki careful not to disturb him and opened it to find Steve waiting outside.
        “Training is in half an hour,” he looked past me as he said it. His brows furrowed into concern at the prince curled up under my sheets. “Why is Loki in your bed?”
        “Not that it’s any of your concern, but we got carried away reading and fell asleep a few hours ago,” I lied. No need for him to know the truth. I would protect Loki’s secrets with my life.
        “Oh. Okay…by the way, Tony wants to talk to you later,” he told me.
        “Alright. Uh…rain check on training? I’m not positive we’re in the position to be sparring right now,” Steve nodded, and I returned to bed for a few more hours.
          When I got up, Loki had left, and I changed into a white t-shirt and jeans before locating Tony. I found him in one of the empty conference rooms and he acknowledged my presence.
        “Steve said you wanted to talk to me,” I greeted him.
        “I did. I hate to be the deliverer of bad news, but you’re dangerous. We can’t keep you as part of this team,” he said. My good mood changed immediately.
        “What? What do you mean?” I asked.
        “You’re going to hurt us all. Better to hurt you before you unleash those powers on us,” he continued. He advanced on me and wrapped his hand around my wrist, hard.
        “Take my pain. Take it. Take it all,” he whispered. He squeezed harder and I screamed as the pain flowed into me.
        “Natasha, join me,” Tony commanded. All my friends appeared beside him.
        “Take our pain. Feel it all,” they said. All of them placed their hands on me and I screamed louder as multiple threads of excruciating pain hit me. The torture wrapped its claws around my system, bringing me to my knees. Still, none of them let go, all smiling as I crumpled still screaming.
    Rick’s POV
        I jolted out of bed at the sound of her. Stella was screaming. I ran down the hallway to the living room and froze at the sight of her thrashing around. The sound of her scream frightened me, and I jumped into action. I gripped her arms and tried waking her, trying to get away from the dream…nightmare she was having.
        “Stella! Wake up. It’s just a dream. Darlin’ wake up. Stella. Stella, listen to my voice. Wake up,” I called out to her.
        “Please, stop! Don’t hurt me anymore. Please…” she said. She whimpered the last please, my blood running cold. Now I was desperate to get her awake.
        “Stella, come on. Wake up. Open your eyes. No one is going to hurt you. Wake up, please. It’s me. It’s Rick. Please, open your eyes,” I said, shaking her. She gasped and then sat straight up, her eyes wide with fear.
        “Stella, it’s okay. I here. I’m right here,” I told her. I stood up and shifted her so I could sit on the couch beside her, stroking her arms to calm her down.
        “Rick…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you,”
        “It’s alright. I thought you were in danger. Do you…do you want to talk about it? What happened in your dream?” She shook her head and I nodded, not wanting to push her.
        “You can go back to bed. I’m okay now,” she told me. Despite her body still shaking, her skin cold to the touch, the fear still lingering in her eyes.
        “No can do, darlin’. I need to see that you’re truly okay,”
        “Sure,” was she said. An idea hit me.
        “How about I lay back and you can rest your head on my chest to try and relax. Or I can lay on this end, and you lay on that end to try to get back to sleep?” I patiently waited on her decision, lying against the other side of the couch. She chose the former suggestion and angled her body in a way to have both of my arms around her, laying her head on my chest. I moved one hand up to stroke her hair, a form of comfort to put her mind at ease. There was no talking and soon her breath evened out, meaning she had drifted off against me. With her body heat and her steady breathing, I soon felt myself drift off as well.
  Loki’s POV
        I heard arguing coming from the living room and went to investigate.
        “What do you mean we have a mission? We’re supposed to be looking for Stella! Not working,” Bucky shouted. His anger was directed at Tony. He wasn’t the only one upset. Wanda and Natasha both had their arms crossed over their chest.
        “I’m sorry, but we’re needed elsewhere. It’s an urgent mission,” Stark explained.
        “We can say no. We can’t leave her out there alone. Stella is our friend, and she needs to be brought back home. Steve, tell him we can’t do this,” Wanda said. When Rogers said nothing, anger turned to shock.
        “Are you serious? Stella is an important member of our team. You both want to leave her in our enemies’ hands?” Nat argued.
        “We don’t really know that she is in danger. She could be recovering somewhere while we speak. She could be trying to locate us at any moment. This mission is a priority. We’re going to need all of the skill sets we have,” Steve commented. Not a chance in Hel was I going to stop my investigation into finding her and proving that Tony was behind this, I thought.
        “I’ll sit this one out. There are things I need to take care of. If you don’t mind,” I said. All of them jumped at my voice, but Steve nodded. No one needed to know what I had planned while they were gone. If they weren’t going to search for Stella, then I would. I knew Wanda, Bucky, and Nat were worried about her, but I couldn’t involve them in this. Not yet. Not until I had everything in my favor. Tony being gone would benefit me in a big way and I needed all the evidence I could find to turn the tides my way.
        He had lied again. He had lied to them all; I sensed it. I needed to know why he was hiding this from the team, from me. They left the room to pick up their go bags, leaving me all alone in the compound. So, I began the investigation. I pulled up certain items on the computer in the conference room, searched for anything that would lead to Stella. As I was looking, I found out it had been Tony who locked Stella out of our system. In fact, she had been deleted out of it completely. Strike one.
        I also located articles on other people like her, on how some of those people had harmed innocents. I found files under her name, on how the powers worked, questions of if she could do what they could. If she was dangerous. There were numerous articles on the transference of pain with notes attached to them.
        ‘Still can’t find signs of transference of ability to others. Not on Stella anyway. She could be hiding it. Waiting for us to trust her, so that she can use them on us. There are people like her, that can cause pain simply by thinking it,’
        ‘Subjects can go insane if pushed too far. Transference of pain could result in wounds being opened deeper, bones breaking, death. I can’t risk her being part of this team,’
        ‘I’m frightened by how strong she’s getting. Strange says she’s under some control. What if it expands? What if she loses control? Could she kill?’
        ‘I don’t like her joining us on missions. She takes on too much. Soon she’ll explode. I know what I must do now,’
        “Classic, Tony. You can’t trust anyone, can you?” I stated. Strange, I thought. It’s time to pay that second-rate sorcerer a visit. If Tony had reason to fear her, Stephen would know. He had been working with Stella over the years, long before we had acted on our desires for each other. Long after we had ended them when we wanted different things. He wanted to have her perfect her ability. Maybe there was something in Stella’s history Strange had learned. I found some evidence, but not enough to prove anything malevolent. Fine, next step.
        “Stephen, here I come. Stella don’t worry. I’m going to find you and bring you home. Whatever it takes,”
  Stella’s POV
        I woke to someone shifting under me. Flag. Rick Flag. That’s right, I remember. He pulled me out of a nightmare. I opened my eyes further to find his arms encasing me, his breathing steady…and he was shirtless.
        Had he always been? Did I omit that fact from my mind last night? I tried to remove myself from his body, but he gripped me tighter, one hand draping the blanket higher around my shoulders. He sighed, a few strands of dark blonde hair falling across his forehead. I took a moment to look over him. The muscles in his arms, the tattoos, some scars lining his hands, his biceps, his chest…which was very tone, yet he was still lean. My fingers itched to comb through his hair, but I cupped his jaw instead.
        “Rick. Hey, wake up. Rick,” I called out. He stirred but didn’t open his eyes. I passed my thumb over his lips, the movement making them part under my touch.
        “Time to get up,” I tried again. He groaned. A warmth spread through me; a tightness grew at my core. Rick opened his eyes, a sleepy smile on his lips.
        “Morning, Stella. Were you able to sleep a little better?” he rasped. The tightness turned to throbbing, wetness pooling at my center. Fuck. What was he doing to me? I shouldn’t be feeling this way after a few hours of meeting him.
        “I did. Thanks to you,” His smile grew, and he released me so I could scoot off him.
        “Want some breakfast? Coffee?” I nodded and he climbed off the couch to go to the kitchen. The gray sweatpants he was wearing hung low on his hips, the fabric doing nothing for his ass. Oh, for fuck’s sake. Stop staring at his ass, I thought.
        “I assume bacon and eggs are okay with you? Stella?”
        “Huh?” Uh, yeah. That sounds fine,” I answered, dragging my attention from his ass to his face.
        “How do you feel about getting out toady? We’ll need to get you some clothes. Unless you think we can send for them from your home,”
        “I…um…don’t think I’ll be able to get anything from the compound. Knowing Tony, he probably already threw everything out,”
        “Got it. Shopping it is then. Would you mind if Harley came along? I think she might like to see you again. She was worried about you when she left last night,”
        “Sure. I don’t mind. Do you mind if we stop by a bank? I’ll need to get a new card to pay for everything. I don’t usually carry stuff like that on me when on missions, so…”
        “I’ll take care of it. You can pay me back later. Sound good?” he told me.
        “I…yes. If you don’t mind me asking, but do you not have work today?” I answered. He froze but shook his head. Strange. I wonder if he suffered some consequence of bringing me back with him, I thought.
        “The dream you were having. What was it?” he asked, changing the subject. At my silence, he nodded, plating the food.
        “That’s okay. You don’t have to talk about it. That being said, my door is always open if you ever want to come and grab me. Even…climb into my bed if you choose to. I can hold you again. Or not. It’s up to you,” he offered. I looked up to see him looking at me. There was concern laced in his hazel eyes.
        “Thank you. I might take you up on that,” We ate and changed to go out around town. Harley arrived 15 minutes later and the three of us left his apartment to find me things to wear. While Harley was browsing the racks, trying to help me with my style, I focused my attention on Rick.
        “Is she your girlfriend? She’s gorgeous. Fun to hang out with as well,” I stated.
        “Harley? No. I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m not seeing anyone right now. We’re good friends. Best friends, even. Do you have anyone like that where you’re from?” So, he’s single. No, stop it. You can’t crush on him. You only have feelings for him because he saved your life. It’ll pass, I thought. Although, I felt connected with him somehow. Almost as if we were meant to find each other.
        “I do. I have four people in fact. Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, and Loki. The four best friends you could ask for. I think Loki is probably the closest friend I have out of the four of them. I can be myself around him and know he wouldn’t judge me. I can always count on him,”
        “Do you think they’ll look for you?” he asked.
        “Oh, I…I’m not sure. They’re all kind of busy. I’m sure you can understand. Being an Avenger is all about missions and saving the world. Loki might. Though, if they haven’t located me yet, then they might not come looking at all. Right now, I’m on my own. I’ll start looking for somewhere else. I wouldn’t want to be in your way. I’m sure you have your own life to live,” I told him. I had gone back to looking at tops and didn’t see him approach me. I jumped when his chest brushed against my back, had to suppress a shiver as he leaned down, his breath blowing over the shell of my ear.
        “Stay as long as you need. I don’t mind,” he whispered. Then he stepped back, allowing me to continue browsing.
  Rick’s POV
        On the way back to my apartment after Stella, Harley, and I had gone out, Harley pulled me to the side.
        “Have you told her yet?” she asked. I knew what she was asking. Had I told Stella about what it cost me to bring her back with us.
        “No, but I will,” She glanced up at me. “What?”
        “Nothing,” she hesitated. “You have feelings for her. I can see how you look at her when you think she’s not looking. Don’t try to deny it, Flag. It’s very clear what you feel. I think it’s a lot stronger than what you felt for June. I only wonder what will happen when she leaves. What will you do then?”
        “I don’t have-,” She arched an eyebrow and I stopped myself. I could deny it all I wanted to, but she knew. Hell, I knew. I couldn’t tell Stella. I wouldn’t until I was sure my feelings were real. Until I knew for certain it wasn’t the result of saving her life.
        “I don’t know what I would do. We’ll have to see should she decide to leave. If she decides to leave,” I admitted. What if I didn’t want to see Stella go? Would she agree to stay with me if I asked? Would she even return the feelings already brewing inside me? Stella turned to face us, a smile on her lips as she motioned for us to catch up. Damn. I knew I was in trouble with falling for her.
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artisticflutter · 4 years
It’s the faaabulous time of year again where we post for @mlsecretsanta~ And this year, my giftee is @coffeegrindsandautumnbreezes who wanted something sweet and Juleka-centric. Please enjoy~
Rating: General Audiences Genre: Friendship, Family Bonding, Slice of life Pairing(s): None Summary: Juleka has some introspective while filling in on a re-shoot for Gabriel. Warning: Minor mentions of “Reflekdoll”, beta’d by PocketNoivern
“Are you sure about this Juleka? I’d understand if you’re not comfortable.”
“No, it’s alright. I offered to do this.”
A nod, but her mouth thinned all the same. Peridot eyes twinkled however, and he smiled so easily.
“Okay, but tell me if you ever start feeling overwhelmed at all?”
“Mmm… thanks Adrien.”
He really was too kind; Juleka was grateful for his friendship and she could see why Marinette’s infatuation with him remained after so long. Of course, she was - in general - grateful to both of them for this opportunity at all. It had been Marinette’s suggestion that he ask her about modeling again (she wondered if it was to make up for last time, but really, that hadn’t been Marinette’s fault). It’s possible Marinette knew she had needed the extra euro and what’s more, it would be experience for her resumé. She intended on thanking them both properly when she could and the opportunity to hang out with a friend that could probably do with the change of pace himself.
Well, if helping her again was a change for him. Considering the circumstance, it probably wasn’t. After all, someone as patient as Adrien should’ve been able to work with someone as flexible as Lila, but therein was the reason for the winter re-shoot and Juleka getting this break at all. 
She’d think about the details later, and instead, try to focus on posing.
Her usual make-up? Removed and replaced with natural tones. She herself provided enough contrast to the neutral, but brighter and warmer tones of the winter attire she had to wear. There was also a matter of the location - the Pont Alexandre III blocked off just for this. The purpose today was to accentuate warmth in the cold, first a series of solo shots and then a few couple poses - the idealistic and romantic comfort when the temperature dropped. She’d done similar shoots with him before - maybe that’s why Marinette suggested her first? No, part of her tone had still sounded apologetic.
So far, it was going well; or at least, she was satisfying Vincent’s demands, but then everyone seemed to tense when Vincent called for Adrien to join her.
“Are they expecting an akuma?” she asked when he stood next to her.
He shot her a sheepish look. “Ah… yes and no? These days, they’re always worried about an akuma delaying us, but… er, Lila wasn’t following directions when we got to this part. I’d say that’s pretty standard considering how often I have to work with her now.”
“Oh… that’s weird.”
Lila being unprofessional? That didn’t sound right, but if Adrien was saying that… Then perhaps her perception wasn’t as off as she thought.
“Yes! Warm couple, show me winter love! That… cold hot passion! Close, but no! Shy, waiting to bloom! Perfetto!”
“I think I get it…” Juleka mumbled, taking hold of Adrien’s hand, but looking down.
“Really? Most people don’t.”
She heard the shutter going off.
“When you take a walk in winter with someone, you’re close, but not too close,” Juleka started, pausing as they changed poses. “You’re enjoying the cold and the quiet with company instead of talking in the sun and warmth. You think about the return home together, sitting by a fire, or wrapping up in a blanket and don’t linger...”
“Yeah, that’s right…!” Adrien paused as they stood close together, huddled with her shoulder to his arm as they both ducked their heads and pretended to be caught in a sudden snowfall. “It’s definitely a more restrained display of love outside during winter that’s not just limited to romantic couples. You think about things like this a lot, don’t you Juleka?”
“... Maybe.”
She wasn’t asked about her opinions or thoughts all that often, and she knew it had much to do with the way she dressed and musical tastes. Not that she’d ever say it out loud, but she was a bit of a romantic and had her interests that seemed counter to her rock lifestyle. For example, she would rather write poetry than music lyrics, and this too, she wanted to model instead of play music. There was plenty still that she didn’t grasp, but to try understanding more complex feelings she didn’t fully comprehend, she observed people, thought plenty about moments in time, and the experience they must have in that instant. As well, she could look at couples and visualize their connections almost. Perhaps it wasn’t the same as how her brother could hear people’s heart songs, but she’d like to think she had enough sense. 
Like in this moment, Adrien came off to her as ‘ease’ and ‘comfortable’, contrasting how stressed he’d been growing at school - or perhaps, it was better to say he was becoming stressed at life. It was unfortunate; she didn’t think she was the person to ask him about it. Hopefully Nino or Marinette would notice.
“Now, Juleka, you are winter blossom. I need… yes! Smile, just like that! Yes, yes!”
It was just a subtle expression she was giving the camera, but she did wonder how it did look on his end. She couldn’t see Adrien’s expression either, but it still felt like he was enjoying himself. Good; she was happy to know he didn’t mind her company.
A few more shots and a few more poses (the closest to uncomfortable was a small cheek kiss, but it was only one shot) had Vincent snapping up to a straight spine stand and lowering his camera.
“That! Was magnifico! I need her for more shoots, Adrien! You bring her again!”
“If that’s alright with her. She’s not officially contracted, but if you tell my father…”
“Ah, yes! I will have a word with Nathalie!”
Vincent was off in a shot while Juleka remained standing, watching the crew begin to remove the extra lighting that had been set up in assumption they’d continue longer. She accepted Adrien’s hand when extended her way and his escort back to the dressing tent. He looked, and felt, so elated that Juleka couldn’t keep herself from smiling back as he spoke, “That was great, Juleka! One of the best shoots we’ve had! I wish we could’ve talked more, but I hope Luka likes his gift.”
“Thank you, Adrien. And I know he will.”
Even if he managed to get a new one already, but that would just mean having two instead of none. “I had fun too. If you need me to fill in again, or if Vincent insists on that next shoot, just ask.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Letting go of her hand, he waved as he retreated to his own dressing tent. Meanwhile, she stood and stared, considering many things about the energy now exuding from him and how it proceeded to dim. How curious, but again, she wasn’t close enough to ask for details. She wouldn’t mind getting close in the future, especially if working together might become common; he seemed like the person who’d appreciate more friends and she rather liked having brighter personalities around. 
Turning, she was in and out of her tent in moments, taking particular care to make sure the designer clothes were hung properly before stepping back out. There, the make-up artist handed her the agreed pay for the late-minute fill-in - there was more than originally negotiated. However, glancing up, there she saw Adrien peering around Nathalie as she spoke to Vincent. He grinned, waving slightly again, and mouthed ‘Joyeux Noel’. Of course she mouthed ‘Joyeux Noel’ back before heading on her way.
Down the ways towards Champs-Élysées, Luka was waiting for her to arrive having stayed to watch her and walk with her home. He could’ve at least gone and waited inside a cafe to keep warm, but no. Hopefully his fingers weren’t cold considering his fingerless gloves, but knowing him, he’d probably lost track of time strumming his guitar. Stopping as she approached and raising his head, he beamed brightly. “Hey Jules… Sounds like you had fun. Did Adrien treat you well?”
“Mmm, he made sure I was comfortable, and if I had any issues, he was ready to help,” she answered, knowing that her brother already knew.
“His heart is still suppressing its true ballad. I’m glad things went well,” he said, packing his guitar back into its case. Standing up, he slung it over his shoulder and nodded. “Ready to head home, or do you have any other stops to make?”
“... Not right now. Let’s walk home, it looks like it will really snow soon.”
“Yeah, that’s true… Ah, wait.”
He turned to the railing and picked up two to-go mugs, turning back to her with a grin as he held one out. “Mom will likely have something bigger, but cheers to a successful shoot. One step closer to the dream.”
“Thanks, Luka…”
Accepting her cup, it was still warm between both hands. Then, he had gone to a cafe moments before - ah, he’d called when they would be wrapping up. One day, she’d like to be that intuitive and thoughtful. For now, she walked alongside him in comfortable silence, enjoying the wafted aroma of vanilla and chai, and making plans on getting him that pedal tuner she spotted in the music store. After that… the best Merry Christmas thank yous she could think of.
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