#like i am so sorry but they should just let Tommy retire and have a bunch of horses
bubacorn · 14 days
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A Friend in Need
Based on this request:  May I please request an Arthur Shelby fic? Maybe reader(fem and Arthur’s best friend) has never liked Linda because she tried to control Arthur. She never said anything to Arthur though and when Linda leaves Arthur for someone else, he turns to reader who comforts him? Maybe some unrequited love?
Here you are, lovely! I apologize for the wait! *Familiar characters are NEVER mine!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: mentions of cheating(I do NOT condone this), mentions of alcohol and drunkenness, potentially unrequited romantic love. Comfort.
Pairings/Characters: Arthur Shelby x platonic(?)!fem reader, Tommy Shelby, brief mentions of Linda Shelby
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Linda Shelby was a woman you hated with every fiber of your being. It wasn't like you to be so harsh on other women, but Linda was probably one of the worst in your opinion. She wasn't good for her husband at all and you knew that because Arthur had been your best friend for longer than you could remember. He was a strong Shelby man brought down by a manipulative and controlling woman.
         No longer did Arthur come 'round to the Garrison just to have a drink with you. No longer did he come to the ring to let out his frustration. You knew he had children now, so the fighting thing didn't bother you as much. But the slight turning of his back on his family because his…wife decided that the rest of the Shelbys were no better than dirt beneath her feet? That made a rage build within you in a way you'd never felt before. A rage that was only made worse by her "holier-than-thou" complex. So yes, you despised Linda Shelby, but never more than in this moment right now.
         When the pounding began at your door, you were irritated. You were tired and ready to retire for the evening. That irritation instantly melted away when you opened the door to find Tommy and Michael dragging a (very obviously) drunk Arthur between them. You moved aside to let the three in without a single question. They would tell you when they were ready.
         They plopped Arthur down on the couch as you grabbed a bucket in case Arthur got sick. Tommy turned to you as he straightened his jacket. "Arthur's in a bad way." You snorted out a laugh. "I can see that. Am I allowed to know what's happened or is it family only business?" Tommy arched a brow at you. "You are family, Y/N. Linda walked out on Arthur. For another man." Your eyes widened.
         "SHE DID WHAT?!" Arthur groaned at the suddenly volume of your voice. "Sorry, Arthur," you muttered before practically pulling Tommy and Michael from the room. "You're joking. Tell me you're joking, Thomas," you stated as calmly as you could. You knew better though. Tommy wasn't one to joke like that. "Arthur spent most of the day in the pub. Probably still be there if Finn and Isaiah hadn't found him. I thought I'd seen him at his worst. Turns out, I hadn't."
         "Where is she?!" you growled, "I'll wring her neck! How dare she! The hypocrite!" You moved toward the door only to be stopped by the two non-intoxicated Shelbys. "You don't worry about Linda. Arthur needs you right now." You took a deep breath through your nose, indicating that you were not happy about it. "Fine. But if I ever see her face, no force on earth is going to stop me. Not even you, Tommy." He smirked before tipping his hat and leaving your home.
         With a sigh, you turned back help Arthur. He held the bucket you'd given him near his face as he groaned loudly. "Oh, Arthur," you whispered. You carefully sat next to him and rubbed his back. Arthur glanced at you, or tried to, before letting out another noise of agony. The two of you sat in silence for a bit before Arthur spoke in a mess of slurred words.
         "Sh-Should have been you," was what you managed to catch. "What?" you asked softly. You didn't want to make the headache you were sure he had worse. "Should have m-married y-*hic*-you. Wanted to." You blinked in surprise. What the hell? "Arthur, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying." Arthur shook his head which seemed to make him feel ill as he leaned over the bucket.
         "We'll talk about this more in the morning over breakfast." Arthur let out another couple of hiccups and set the bucket on the floor next to the couch. You helped him lie down, your mind racing a mile a minute. Were Arthur's words really those of a drunken mind? Or did he mean them? And, if he did, did you feel the same?
         You loved Arthur, sure. He was your closest friend and had been for years. But were you in love with him? Did you love him as more than a friend? You had never thought about it before. "I need to sleep," you muttered. You could think about this more in the morning. You bid Arthur a good night only to find him already snoring from his spot on the sofa. A soft laugh escaped your throat. Then you headed to your own bed in hopes of catching at least a few hours of sleep. You would deal with this in the morning and you only hoped that, no matter what your head and heart agreed on, it wouldn't change things between you and Arthur for the worse.
         You tossed and turned all night, finally givin g up when you caught sight of the dawn through your window. With a sigh, you rose and snuck downstairs to brew a cup of tea and cook breakfast. You knew the smell of a home cooked meal would wake Arthur from his stupor. And you needed the time to think. Cooking always helped you do that.
         Sure enough, a few minutes later, Arthur entered the kitchen. He looked awful, but then, who wouldn't after the night he had? He let out a groan as he sat down at the table. Without a word, you slid a cup of coffee his way before continuing with breakfast. A comfortable silence settled between you while you worked and Arthur nursed his coffee.
         Once breakfast was ready, you sat a plate in front of Arthur before sitting down with your own food. You felt Arthur's eyes on you as you ate slowly. It was like he was trying to decide if he'd messed up the night before. He was trying to piece together what had happened and you let him. You weren't going to bring it up and potentially embarrass either one of you. Arthur was a man who got angry when he was embarrassed and that would only make his headache worse.
         "Tommy tell ya?" he finally asked and you nodded slowly. Arthur's lips dipped into a frown. He looked like he was contemplated every choice he'd ever made in life. "Am I bein' punished?" You arched a brow. "Of course not, Arthur. Linda's choices were her own. She chose to break the vows she made. She chose. Not you. You love her, enough to remain faithful and stop drinking and fighting, at least for a while. She made the choice. You're a good man, Arthur Shelby. A good man who sometimes makes bad decisions, but no, you are not 'being punished' for anything in this situation."
         Arthur grew silent again, pulling another sigh from your lips. You rose from your seat and made your way over to him so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders as you'd done a million times before. You pressed a kiss to his hair. Arthur used one hand to hold onto your arm a little more tightly than usual, as if he were afraid you would disappear. You had never seen the man more broken and you only hoped he would make through this an even stronger man than before.
(a/n: I hope you like it! I am nearly finished with part 2 of “Deduce Me” so I’m hoping to get that posted soon!)
Forever Tags: @fizzyxcustard​ @supernatural4life2022​
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throwsomecheeseonit · 5 months
20 Years of Clean (part 11)
My ceiling. That's what I've been staring at for the past 2 weeks it feels like. Two weeks since Brandon and I parted ways, not knowing when I'd see him again.
When we left Tampa he hugged me, gave me a sweet kiss to remember him by and just like that, the distance between him and became greater and greater as we drove away. Haley tip toed around conversation on the drive home. She knew that I was a lost puppy dog. "How was your night?" she asked me. Being sure to ease into the more complicated questions when we were halfway home. I told her amazing it was, how it was so easy being with him. "We kissed." My face instantly turning into a Tomato. "Oooooh. Was he a good kisser? I bet he was. He looks like one." With anyone else I probably would've slapped them silly but it was Hales and she meant no harm. She was a serial flirt. "It was better than I had hoped," sighing into the window. "It'll be alright Michelle. It's not like you'll never see him again." "I know. We just never have any time together. Extended periods of time. I've spent more time watching him on tv then actually being in a room with him." "If the tv's in the room then you're in the room with him," Haley giggled as I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm sorry. It's not funny. I'm just trying to cheer you up. Think about it 4 more weeks, granted they don't make it into the playoffs or the world series and he's all yours. Forever. He is retiring, isn't he?" she pondered out loud. The truth is, I didn't know. I knew nothing at that moment. "Let's change the subject. Did you and Tommy have fun?" Haley instantly perked up, "I'm so glad you asked..." for the next hour and a half she boasted about how much she liked Tommy, what they were doing next weekend, everything that made me jealous (in my current situation). But she was my best friend and that's what best friend do, listen. That's what I did the rest of the ride.
It's two weeks later and besides talking to her about Tommy ad nauseum and working, my days and nights were pretty boring. I would read, clean, and do household duties. I'd very rarely want to sit in the living room or the kitchen because they were stained (in a good way) with Brandons residue. Every time I looked or sat on that couch, I could smell the ocean and remember how comfortable it was in his arms. The only exciting occasions was when Brandon would call or text. He kept up the same routine, calling me during days games, texting me after night games because he knew I was sleeping. He was thoughtful that way. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't sit up at night and wait for that night text. I never responded back until the next day though. Tonight was different though. It had been 3 nights in a row of night games and I missed his voice.
Brandon: We lost. Oh well. Miss you. Give me a call tomorrow, we need to talk. I'm off.
Me: I miss you. Sorry you lost. Want to talk now.
The bubbles popped up then went away. Maybe he was tired. My phone started ringing. I bit my lip and went giddy at the thought of him calling me. "Hey," answering the phone. "Hey Babe. You're up late." When he calls me babe, it never gets old. "I told you I missed you. I haven't talked to you in days. I wanted to hear your voice." I could swear he was smiling over the phone. "Where you at," he asked me suspiciously. "I'm in bed, why?" Not knowing where this line of questioning. "Good. Just wanted a visual. I should be there with you," his voice all smooth and seductive. "A visual, you've never seen my room or my bed." "A man can dream can't he. Besides, I have an idea. Your bed is probably so comfy with a nice down duvet." He wasn't wrong. He had me pinned. "You're pretty close. That's pretty eerie." "What can I say. I'm good. How have you been," always interested in me, how I am, what I'm doing. "Lonely," feigning sadness. "Oh baby. You're breaking my heart. The things I would do to you if I was there, to make it all better." His chocolatey voice melting over my whole body, giving me goosebumps. "Like what," egging him on.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Let Me Worship You
(C!Technoblade X Gn!Reader)
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Request 9: Could I perhaps request a c!techno x gn!reader where maybe the reader is good friends with Dadza and meets Techno one day and they fall for each other? Bonus if the reader is maybe a great builder like dadza but too shy to actually meet anyone so they just build things quietly and then move on and no one but dadza really knows them? Soft! and/or protective! Techno would be cute but not needed!! 😊😊😊
Requested By: 🍀 Anon
I hope you don't mind the shameless art I made for this lol.
At this point in his life, Technoblade had known Phil for centuries, they started their own brief empire together and he watched him raise Wilbur the best a single father could. It was about five years ago when you started following Phil around, the first time Technoblade met you was entirely by accident. He just needed to drop off some building supplies to Phil and Wilbur when he saw you trifling through Phil’s stuff, you had gorgeous white wings and when the sun hit them just right he saw flecks of gold peek through. His piglin side was immediately enamored with the gold wanted to reach out and run a delicate hand through the feathers. Technoblade set his jaw and summoned his ax to his side, you turned around (e/c) eyes widening with shock and fear. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel pure satisfaction rush through his veins seeing your fright. You held up your hands and everything you were holding tumbled to the ground, wings puffing up with shock and horror. Hearing the noise Phil wandered into the room and was quick to diffuse the situation, you hid behind the taller male and Techno gave a grunt of an apology in your direction.
From that moment forward you were as much of a staple in his life as Phil was, Phil had explained Wilbur had found you half dead a little ways away from his home. You had wings like his and Phil couldn’t let you die without answers, his crows would never let him live it down. After he got what he needed from you, Phil noticed just how handy you were around the house especially when you were building things so he kept you around. Technoblade never really interacted with you unless Phil was there to interpret, you weren’t much of a talker and Technoblade was never one for long-drawn-out conversation anyway. However, when Phil had killed Wilbur and he and Technoblade had to move north you inevitably followed the birdman. That’s when Technoblade really began to understand and get to know you and your little quirks. He noticed that when you concentrated on blueprints to a certain build you’d stick your tongue out all cute like, or the soft songs you’d hum when you thought no one was listening.
But Technoblade always listens.
He also noticed that since you and Phil had moved in there was an abundance of not only Phil’s crows flying around but a few stray morning doves pecking at the snow as well.
With the encouragement of the voices, Technoblade had gathered up enough courage to attempt to hold onto a conversation with you. As he walked up to you he noticed the soft coo of a dove was heard, catching your attention. You turned around and your eyes locked with his own, he watched your shoulders tense and face flush a little as he approached you.
Off to a rocky start already. Great.
“Ugh. Hey?” Technoblade grunted hands crossing over his chest,
‘Hey? HEY? is that the best you can do? Look at them they’re cowering. Good, they should be, which means we’re well known.’
Technoblade cleared his throat a little as you held up a hand with a shy wave, “hello.” You greeted, your voice was soft and sweet like honey in his ears. The exact opposite of Wilbur and Tommy’s, he found himself enjoying the tone. “So um...did I do something wrong?” Your wings folded back and he watched you methodically run your fingers through the feathers.
‘Look at the gold flecks! I want them! I wanna pet them they’re so cute! So small and helpless like a little worm. Worm? Really? What it’s an analogy! A bad one! Shut up she’s giving us a look!’
“No? Did you do something I should be concerned about?”
“No!” You sputtered out in panic, dropping the bricks in your hand stumbling back so they wouldn’t crush your toes.
You had fast reflexes, that’s good.
The morning dove around you cooed in distress fluttering up to your shoulder, nesting there like it was its home. “I’m alright,” You whispered eyes going soft as you scratched under the bird’s chin, Technoblade watched with interest. Technoblade gathered why Phil really liked you, you were almost an exact replica of the mild manner builder, other than the anarchist tendencies.
“Didn’t mean to make you drop your stuff,” Technoblade clicked his tongue softly bending down to gather your materials. “Where do you want them?”
“You don’t have to-”
“I asked you a question kid.” Your mouth snapped shut and your lips pressed into a thin tense line. Technoblade observed as your eyebrow twitched, oh you were annoyed. You didn’t voice your annoyance he couldn’t help but mentally comment how cute that look was on you. A huff spilled past your lips and you directed him where to place the bricks in their proper locations. The both of you fell into light conversation after that, he caused you to laugh a few times and it made him feel oddly warm inside. He didn’t even realize that the sun began to set until you pointed it out, Technoblade rubbed the stubble on his chin glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. You were staring up at the sunset, the orange and red colors shone through the gaps in your feathers, your eyes were alight with wonder. You looked like an old Greek statue, an angel carved out of the finest marble and gemstones.
He flushed when you turned to face him, embarrassed to have been caught staring at you so blatantly. You smiled the tips of your pointing ears turning pink, “You should stay the night.” Technoblade spoke without really thinking about the consequences, “there’s plenty of room.”
“Alright. I think I will. It’s not safe flying at night anyway.” Your smile only growing in size at his offer, he made the right decision then, he led you and your little dove through the snow and into his cabin.
Spring rolled around and there was a little house set up right next to Technoblade’s home. It fit his aesthetic nicely, made out of wood, and always had its lanterns lit, it was your home. However, you began to spend most of your time at Technoblade’s home talking with the retired Blood God. You and Phil also had begun molting which was Technoblade’s least favorite time of the year mostly because of all the feathers. However, this year in particular he was particularly enamored with your shiny golden feathers he would find around his home. Maybe he collected them and kept them in his ender chest, it wasn’t creepy he was cleaning. At least that’s what Technoblade told himself, not because he found your feathers beautiful or anything and was enamored by the shine.
“Hey Kid,” Technoblade asked from his seat across from you in his sitting room, you picked your head up and tilted it to the side in a questioning manner. Your wings were ruffled, messy and you looked uncomfortable to be interrupted from your grooming. “Need some help?” He watched your entire face turn bright red in the process, “look you can say no. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable!” You argued, “just caught off guard a little Tech. I never thought it’d be something you were interested in.” Standing up from the chair you spread your wings wide, pulled over a stool, and flopped in front of Technoblade. He was a little shocked at how quickly you agreed, they must’ve really been bothering you.
“Do I...just stick my hands in there or…”
You tossed your head back and let out a roaring laugh,
“heh? What’s so funny huh? I don’t wanna hurt you.” Technoblade snapped at you with an embarrassed huff, your laughter slowly dyed down after a few more seconds.
“Sorry I just. Is that what you say to the ladies too?” Technoblade choked and blanked never once have you said something so dirty before, he didn’t even know you were capable of making jokes like that.
“I say that to everyone actually, I don’t discriminate to just women- I’m not helping my case am I? I should stop talking.” It only served to send you into another set of loud giggles, Technoblade was red in the face and stuck his hands into the little feathers by your back. He felt you tense up for a moment before relaxing into his touch, you let out a soft sound of pleasure. Technoblade chose to ignore the sound even if it sent the voices into a frenzy, to mark and claim, and...he was absolutely not going to finish that thought. You both sat there for about an hour and thirty minutes, fixing up your feathers making you preen at the touches. You were smiling like an idiot by the time he was done and you spread your feathers wide, almost like you were showing them off. Technoblade couldn’t help but feel proud that you liked the work he did so much,
“They’re so soft! Thank you Techno!” You turned towards him, eyes practically glowing with adoration. His face turned red, you were stunning, he kissed you that night and by wintertime, the both of you were an official couple.
Phil was quick to catch onto the change in demeanor between the couple, he clapped Techno on the back as congratulations. You were out on another building project, making a little farm because you knew how much Technoblade loved potatoes, you really were attentive. Surprising Technoblade, Phil had also threatened his first cannon life if he ever hurt you in any way, shape, or form. Techno was a little surprised Phil would go as far as to threaten him, but he promised his old friend he wouldn’t let any man, woman, or creature lay their hands on you, including himself.
It was the dead of winter and temperatures had dropped drastically, Technoblade had made both you and Phil warm clothes for the occasion that matched with his own winter gear. He had given you a friendship emerald and in return, you made him a necklace with one of your golden feathers on it.
Technoblade cherished the gift with his entire being. On occasion, while he was out on a long journey he’d press gentle kisses to it when he missed you, and he swore sometimes he swore it moved on its own. He walked into the cabin to see you spread across his couch, a book on your lap, wings curled in tight against your body. He smiled softly dropping the wood he gathered by the door, he snuck over to you and pressed a kiss against your cheek.
“Hi, sunshine,” You greeted turning your head to look at him, his face burned and his chest filled with warmth. Technoblade moved to sit in your lap with a smirk, he plucked the book from your hands to look at the cover. You frowned in his direction, “You lose my spot and I’m hitting you over the head with it.”
“Violent.” He tutted softly bopping you on the head with said book, you shot him a cold look.
“Nerd.” He responded casually, you let out a little huff, wings ruffling in frustration.
There’s that look, he loved that look. God, you were so cute.
You slapped your hands on his cheeks, and it shocked him back to attention. He felt your fingers spread across his cheeks and your thumbs brush against the apples of his face. Technoblade’s eyes softened and he snuggled into your open palms, he saw you smile and his eyes dropped to a content close. Technoblade did something he hadn’t done in years, he felt the rumble in his throat before it happened, he purred.
His eyes snapped open with fear and embarrassment, but the way your eyes were sparkling quelled the feelings immediately.
“Did you just purr?”
“So what if I did?” He grumbled another purr mixing with a growl,
“That’s the cutest thing in the entire world Mr. Big Bad anarchist. You only purr for me?” The light teasing in your voice sent him aflame, “Aw you do!” You cooed rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs again, he buried his face in your chest as more purrs spilled from his mouth without him wanting them to. “No need to hide it, keep them purrs coming.” Technoblade’s entire face was red as you reached forward to pluck his glasses from his nose. You placed them on the end table and grabbed a blanket wrapping you both inside a cocoon of warmth.
“You tell anyone about this and we’re breaking up.”
“Deal. Your secrets safe with me.” You hummed quietly running his hands through his pink locks melting against your touch. He finally relaxed completely resting the side of his head against your chest to listen to your heartbeat. Technoblade purred and you could feel the rumbles of his chest against your own. The ferocious Blade was akin to a cat, grumpy on the outside but a big softie who wanted attention on the inside. Leaning forward you kissed his forehead, another louder purr was pulled from the man and pressed his forehead back against your lips. “Good boy.~” You teased scratching under his chin he sent you a tired look but the redness in his cheeks gave away how much he enjoyed the praise.
“Shut up. You’re being cringe.” He growled with no real bite or fire,
“Take a nap big guy. You deserve one. You’re safe with me.” Technoblade yawned loudly at your words, his jaw unhinging a little, only proving to show how tired he really was. “I’ll protect you, always.” Technoblade smiled sheepishly and allowed himself to let his guard down just this once to fall asleep in his lover’s arms.
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teacupcollector · 3 years
A Helping Hand - Chapter 5
Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
Summary - As a woman who is pregnant you are doing anything if it means survival. Even so you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the other way around? Now you are in the community of Jackson and you can’t help but attract a certain pair of hazel eyes.
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"Joel you didn't need to do this. You could have waited until some of the others could help..." You say in a scolding manner. Joel set a relatively large box down at the foot of the stairs before walking up to you. "I told ya. I don't want to waste any more time." He says and you guide him to the couch and sit down with a huff. "And you are turning into a sap." You says with a giggle and Joel blushes slightly. 
Joel lays a hand on your stomach and smiles when he feels a kick against his palm. "He bein' rowdy?" Joel asks and you sigh leaning your head back. "I think he is just as excited as me." You say looking over and placing your hand on top of his lacing your fingers together. You both stare at each other for a moment before a knock on the screen door breaks it. You both look over and see Dina standing on the other side. "Hey Dina!" You say and grunt as you try to stand up. "Joel help me up please?" You ask with a sigh and he chuckles before gently hoisting you up. You smiles and place a hand on his upper arm and smile. "Thank you." You say before heading over to the screen door and opening it. "He-" "So how is the moving going?" Dina asks in excitement. "It is going okay." You say with a laugh. "Joel refuses to let me or anyone help." You say sending a playful glare over to him. He smiles and walks into the kitchen. "How have you been Dina?" You ask stepping outside with her. "I have... I have been okay..." You look at her concerned before guiding her to sit on the steps with you. "What is it D?" You ask placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm feeling conflicted." She states. "About what?" You ask and she sighs. "Have you... Have you ever had feelings for someone you have no chance with?" She asks her brown eyes meeting yours. "I mean... Yeah there were times I did. Why?" Dina begins to fidget next to you. "Dina... you can tell me anything." You say wrapping your arm around her shoulder. She sighs and leans into you. "I broke up with Jesse... Again." She says sadly. "Does this have to do with the 'Person you have no chance with?'" You ask and she nods. "Let me ask you a few questions." You says and she nods looking up at you. "Have you known this person for a while?" You ask and she nods. "Do you really like this person?" Dina nods again and you form a smirk on your face. "Is this person a spitfire with a scar on her eyebrow?" You ask and she gasps "B-But how!" She exclaims. "I can see the chemistry between the two of you." you say with a small smile. Dina has a blush present on her face and your smile widens. "I'm sure everything will work out the way it should. Now how about we go inside and have something to drink." You say using the railing to get up. Dina stands up next to you and walks to the screen door opening it for you as you both walk in.
Joel walk in with a mug and hands it to you. "Thank you Joel." You say with a smile before taking a sip of tea. He nods and looks at Dina before leaning down and kissing your temple and saying. "I will be at the workshop for a bit. That okay?" You sigh and nod. "You don't have to ask to go places love..." You says placing your hand on his bicep and he nods. "I know I just want to make sure you are okay sweetheart." He says and you lean up and kiss his cheek and he blushes. "I'm not due for a little bit. You don't need to worry. Now get that cute butt down to the shop." You say smacking his butt as he walks past and he lets out a chuckle. "Seeya sweetheart." He says through the screen door before walking down the steps and in the Direction of the shop. You let out a sweet sigh before turning to Dina. "Sorry about that..." You say with a blush. "He doesn't like to much PDA." Dina has a smirk on her face as she sits down and asks "So how is he in the sack?" and you gasp. "Dina!" She lets out a few giggles before calming down. "We just started dating and I- We want to take it slow." Dina nods. You wobble over and sit next to her on the couch and sip your tea some more. "Can I touch your bump?" She asks and you let out a playful annoyed sigh. "Can't keep your hands off of me huh?" You say with a smirk and she nods. "Go ahead." You say lifting your cup off your stomach and to the side table. She squeals and places her hands on your belly.
"How does Ellie feel about you moving in?" Dina asks and you smile. "She has her own space but I think she is glad that Joel has someone to distract him." You say chuckling. "Yeah... He has always been a recluse and only sticking by Maria, Tommy, or Ellie." Dina says and you listen intently. "Ellie told me about the adventures they have been on and how cold he was to her." You begin to tear up and nod. "Yeah she told me about it to." You sniff and Dina immediately looks in your direction. "Hey... What's wrong?" She asks and you shake your head. "Please tell me (Y/N)..." You sigh and try to catch a breath. "I just feel so lucky... I don't deserve all of this. I don't deserve Joel..." You say as tears begin to fall down your cheeks. "Damn hormones." You murmur. "Why do you think you don't deserve Joel?" She asks and you sigh. "He has been through so much. He had a daughter before all this shit happened and I know he is scared." Dina nods wrapping an arm around you. "He is taking this massive step of taking care of me and a baby that isn't even his. I am so scared that he will back out and I will be alone again..." Dina looks confused. "What do you mean again?" She asks and you lean into her. "Anthony..." "Anthony?" You nod. "He is this babies father. I told you I had a sexual relationship with a man and that is his name." Dina rubs your back as you continue.  " I was two months pregnant when he died..." "... And you have been alone ever since." Dina finishes and you nod. "And now I have Joel and he is a dream that I don't want to wake up from and I know I will one day." You say with a sigh. "I'm scared I'm going to wake up and he is going to realize that the baby will be to much to take care of..." "Joel isn't like that." You hear a third voice and look up to see Ellie in the arch way. "He wouldn't do that to you. I hear him talk about you to Tommy all the time." She says and you let out a sad laugh. "I know he won't... It is just a fear I have." Ellie nods and walks closer. "Dina Joel wants you to go to the workshop. He wants you to look at something." Dina nods and stands up. "See you later okay (Y/N)?" She asks and nods. She nods back and walks out the door.
Joel is in the workshop as he finishes sanding the last piece of his recent project when Tommy walks in. "Hey." Tommy says as he walks around a few pieces of wood to get to his brother. "Heya Tommy..." Joel says seemingly in his own world. "What did you want to talk about Joel?" Tommy asks and Joel turns to him with a serious look on his face. "I wanted to ask you somethin'" Joel says gesturing for a stool to sit on and Tommy sits down. "What is it?" Tommy asks. "I was wondering if you could talk to Maria about patrol..." He says and Tommy looks confused and asks. "What about patrol?" "I want to take time off... Maybe retire..." Tommy gets a shit eating grin on his face. "You want to retire huh?" Joel begins to blush and nods. " You are so whipped for this girl ain't ya?" "Oh shut it." Joel grumbles before turning around and Tommy laughs. "You got a ring yet?" Tommy asks. Joel stays quiet which answers Tommy's question. "You REALLY like her." "You said yourself that I was gonna get hitched at some point!" Joel snaps and Tommy laughs. "I'm happy for you brother. I'm sure Maria will be just fine with out you on patrol." Joel puts on a small smile looking at him again. "Thank you." He says and Tommy nods and leaves.
A few minutes later Dina walks in. "Hey Joel!" She says with a smile and He smiles back. "Hey Dina thanks for comin'" He says standing up and moving some things out of the way. "Any time Joel so what's up?" Joel stands up and leans over the work bench and grabs a piece of paper and hands it to her. Dina gasps and smiles. "This will be perfect!" She exclaims. "What color are you going to paint it?" She asks excited. "That is what I am hoping you could help me with." He says taking the paper and putting it back on the table. "Hmmm. Her favorite color is (F/C) maybe a few different shades of that color." Dina says and Joel nods writing it down. "What about staining it? For all we know there might not be much paint. Should we stain some parts?" He asks and she shakes her head. "Honestly with this color wood I think it would be better if you uh... Seal it?" He nods "Yeah that would be for the best I think. The lightness of the wood should be enough... I just hope she likes it." Dina sighs and looks at him. "She'll love it." Joel sighs and nods. "I should get home to her. She's probably getting up to mischief and unpacking boxes." He says as he begins to make his way out the door only to bump into his brother. "Tommy, what the h-" "Don't go outside!" Tommy says. "What?" Joel asks trying to get around him. "What do you mean?" He says finally getting outside. Tommy tries to steer him away from the gate. "Joel do-" "Tommy!" Joel's entire body freezes as he hears a pair of light footsteps behind him. He turns around and their eyes meet. "Claire?" "Joel?" (Hello I just want to say that this might be the last part for a while. I recently got a job and it has taken up most of my time. I apologize and I hope you understand.)
Taglist: @gnocchey @laura-m95​
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Not All Monsters (Monster AU!Technoblade x abused!child!GN!Reader) (Part 1)
First series on my blog. I do want to add warnings that the reader is abused. If this may trigger you or bothers you, feel free to ignore this story.
Part 2
Philza sighed as he sat the paperwork down. He had been tasked a child who was deemed an 'unscareable'. The child had multiple high class monsters assigned to them. Eret, a demon whose known for his glowing eyes and shapeshifting, came back to the monster realm, sat the child's file down and said "Get a better monster." Sapnap, a magically gifted beast, attempted to scare the child into submission with hallucinations only to be shot down in a matter of seconds by the kid. Dream, a literal dream demon, came back crying for fucks sake.
Someone knocked on the door of Phil's office. He glanced up, seeing the brutish build of Technoblade and Tommy, who was an apprentice Scarer, entering his office. "New kid or is this the same one that had Dream crying?" Phil sighed as he rubbed his temples. "I have no idea how they're doing this. I've sent several high class monsters to scare this kid, and they're just sending them right back as if they're just flies!" "Maybe you should send me or Wilbur to them?" The boar monster said, the gold nose piercing flying up with every huff from his nose. "I literally just sent Wilbur tonight." Phil groaned. Tommy, the odd little winged Tanuki, picked up the file of the child and started reading it out loud. "Y/n L/n, age 5. Fears: unknown. Lives with their mother. No known father." The young apprentice's eyes widened at the pages of the failed attempts of mosnters. "They were assigned BBH? And made him quit? This is the kid that made him quit?! What the actual hell is wrong with this kid?!" The blonde yelled. Phil sighed as he buried his face in his hands, before moving to brush his hair back. "I don't know what to do anymore. I've sent every single monster I know at them. I called in favors with retired monsters and this kid didn't even flinch!" Techno crossed his arms. "Send me to the kid." "Absolutely not!" "Why not?" "We're supposed to scare the kid, not kill them. You work with adults, scaring them to death." Phil stated. "What does he mean scaring them to death?" Tommy piped in. "The things humans call 'heart attacks' is just adult class monsters scaring them. Unlike you, rookie, I'm a high class monster." Techno shot back. "I'm not sending you to this kid, let Will handle them." "Wilbur's a teen class monster, I highly doubt he'll scared them. Bad was an Adult class monster." "Wait, what's the difference?" Techno shot the apprentice a look. "Didn't you go to school for this?" "Yes...?" The pink haired boar monster groaned, face palming. "Adult class monsters, like me, specialize in scaring adults. Teen class, deals with teens. Kid class, handles kids. Then there's baby class, which should be obvious on what they handle. Then there's the grades, A grade is a high class, having a good balance of everything. B grade is a little bit more weak, usually loud noises or any kind of sounds. C grade is just normal stuff like fears of reptiles or similar. D grade is just easy shit, you know, bed wetters and such. Now S grade monsters, such as Phil and soon to be me, we can do everything and anything." Techno explained. "So what class am I? And Wilbur?" "Wilbur's a teen class B grade." Phil provided. "He ranked up? Nice." Techno stated. "And you're probably a D grade." "I AM NOT!" "Your files say D grade, baby class." Phil stated, raising a brow at the apprentice. Techno smirked, his tusks gleaming. "Shut up you pig." "How original, let me know when you can come up with something original, you feathered rat." Phil cleared his throat, gaining the bickering duo's attention. "Sorry Phil." "Sorry da- PHIL! FUCK!" "Ha! Loser." "Shut the hell up." "Are you two done?" Phil challenged. "Did I interrupt something?" The three turned their attention to the new male in the room, a phantom monster. "How'd it go, Will?" The male shook his head. "I couldn't even find the kid, they weren't in their room." Phil's brows furrowed. "Not there? You sure?" The phantom nodded. "I checked everywhere in the kid's room, their closet, under the bed, the bathroom even. Nothing." Phil sighed. "You sure the medical information was correct? They might be one of the dying kids." "It's correct." Techno rolled his eyes. "My turn, I'll show you how to scare a little brat." The male huffed. "Don't let your pride get ahead of you, Techno." "I'm not!" Phil sighed and handed the file to the boar monster. "Try not to kill the kid." "No promises." The towering male said, before leaving the room to go home. He had to study every little detail of the file before tomorrow's shift. You gotta work smarter, not harder, right?
Techno glanced at the file, the light from his desk lamp creating a glare across the photo of the child. "Why are you such a difficult kid?" He sighed. He picked up the photo, a small h/c haired, e/c eyed child staring back. "What's your deal, kid?" The male asked the photo, obviously not going to get a response. Techno sighed before setting the photo down and gathering the file together. Tonight, he had to scare this kid. He couldn't ruin his perfect record. Brushing his fingers through the pink curls of the mane he called hair, he walked from his home to the his job.
Upon entering the Fear Factory, he was immediately annoyed by Tommy. "I bet you can't scare them!" "Shut up Tommy." "You know I'm right, you big piggy bitch!" "Says the one who hasn't even gotten his first job." That shut the teen up. Techno got to his station as Schlatt was downing a bottle of alcohol nearby. "Whatcha got tonight, piggy?" "None of your damn business, like usual." "Aw, don't be like that." The faun hybrid taunted as he made his way over. "C'mon, I bet I can give you some tips!" "I don't need help, goatman." Schlatt rolled his eyes as Techno opened the file to put the information into the machine that would take him to the human world. The faun hybrid leaned over his shoulder, reading the file. "Oh, you got the tough kid. I had them about two weeks ago." "How'd that go?" "The little shit had the audacity to look at me and throw a book at me." Techno smiled slightly. "You got bested by a five year old? How appropriate for what used to be an S grade Adult class." "Shut up, ya runt. I still have my tricks." "Sure you do. What do they have you dealing with tonight?" "John Kerry, 47 year old veteran. Guy beats on his wife and kids. Claimed that while he was in the military that he met and fought the Devil. Pathetic, honestly." Schlatt stated. "Is Tubbo shadowing you tonight?" "Nah, the little runt's shadowing what's his face. The green guy with the mask?" "Sam? Really?" The faun shrugged. "Works for me, honestly. He gets along with Sam's apprentice. That tall kid." "That's Ranboo, he's my apprentice." Techno said, setting the file down. He started fixing his appearance to be the 'Blood God' the humans knew him as. "I thought Tommy was your apprentice." "He's Wilbur's apprentice." The taller monster stated. Schlatt laughed at the statement. "So pathetic, like him?" "Watch your mouth. Those are my brothers." "My apologies, mister Blood God." "Just get out of here and let me do my job." Techno said as he started on the crimson war paint he wore on a regular basis. "Alright, fine. You're no fun." "I take my job seriously." "Boring! Live a little, pinkie." "Whatever." Schlatt walked off to his station to get ready. "Hey, the vet you had a while ago. Whatcha do to get him to die so quick?" "Bullet wounds, took up a human appearance and then showed my true form." "Nice. Mind if I steal that trick?" "If you actually read the report on what triggers your assignments, maybe they'd curl up and die faster." "Nah, where's the fun in that? Do you think pulling the Alien chest thing might be too much?" "It's your assignment. Do what you want." Techno huffed, setting the brush aside. "I'm going." "Good luck, Blood God." "Don't need it, I have skill." The male pressed the button and opened the door, sending him into a closet.
He carefully opened the closet door and glanced around the room. He wasn't expecting the room to be bare, save for a bookshelf, a dresser, and bed. Glancing at the bed, there was the little brat in question. He smirked, getting down on all fours. A low rumble echoed from his throat as he made his way to the sleeping child, or what he thought was a sleeping child. The kid sat up, making Techno stop in his tracks. A sniffle made his ears perk up. He hadn't even done anything and the kid was already crying? How long has it been since he had a job with a child? He got up slowly, resting in a crouch as he stared at the kid who was staring right back. He tilted his head, the child mirroring his actions. The corner of his lip perked up for a split second. "Are you here to try and scare me?" The kid asked. They seemed to be quite timid for a monster scaring child. "Perhaps. Are you scared?" He asked. "Am I supposed to be?" "Very. You should be very scared." He watched the kid wipe their face. "You don't look scary. You look hurt." Techno raised a brow at the child. "Hurt?" They nodded. He stood up, his true height showing. The child's gaze followed him. "You're tall." He ignored the statement and made his way to the child. "What's your name?" "Don't worry about it kid. Now, are you scared yet?" "No." Techno sighed. "My mommy's scarier." "She is?" The kid nodded. "She drinks these nasty bottles and yells at me." Techno wasn't expecting that. "Yells at you?" The child nodded. "How come?" "I don't know, she just gets mad at me." Techno nodded. A moment of silence passed. "I'm a bad child." "Who says that?" "My Mommy." Techno's brows furrowed. Something wasn't adding up. This kid had numerous monsters leaving, some even crying, but they were so meek and timid. He crouched beside their bed. "What's your name, runt?" "Y/n." Techno knew this already. "Y/n, do you know what I am?" "A monster?" Techno nodded. "I'm a very bad monster." "Bad like me?" "How are you bad?" "Mommy says so. She throws things at me when she says that." The male started to question if this kid was being abused. "Does she hit you?" Y/n nodded. "Y/n, where's your dad?" "I don't know. Mommy said it's my fault he's gone." Techno winced at the statement. "Where's your toys?" "Mommy says I don't deserve toys."
Abuse. Had to be.
Techno sighed, before glancing at the window. It was almost morning. "Are you going to leave now?" "I have to." He said, standing up and starting for the closet. "It's okay. Everyone leaves." The male stopped in his tracks. "Will you be back tomorrow?" "I... I can't promise that kid." "It's okay, mister pig. I don't blame you." Techno winced. "I'll see if I can come back." "Okay. Bye mister pig." "Bye, runt." Techon stepped into the closet and back into the monster realm. He raised a brow at the crowd of monsters. "What do you want?" "Did you scare them?" "No, I studied them." He barked. Techno made his way through the crowd before breaking into a run, going straight to Phil's office. He slammed the door open, the three males inside jumping at the loud sound. The boar slammed his hands on the desk. "The kid's abused." "What?!" "How do I get a human license?" Techno asked. "A WHAT?!" Phil shot out of his seat. "Techno, what are you going on about?" "I want a human ownership license." "One, that isn't what those are called." Phil sighed, sitting back down. "How do I get one?" Techno repeated. "You'd have to get someone older than you to vouch for you," Phil started. "Then you can-" "Someone not related to you." Techno groaned, brushing his hands through his hair. "Do you know anyone that can personally vouch for you?" "No. Wait!" Techno spun on his heel. "How old is Schlatt?!" "You're going to trust Schlatt to vouch for you?" "It's better than nothing, Phil." The winged male sighed. "I'll get the paperwork, but you have to have proof that you can handle this kid, Techno. You can't just snatch every human child." "Phil, I can prove it." Phil's gaze flicked to Wilbur and Tommy. "You two, out." They groaned, but obeyed.
Phil locked eyes with Techno. "Why are you suddenly wanting this kid?" "Phil, they're like me." Phil flinched at the statement. "You know they won't be human the second they come into this realm. Once they're here, they can never go back. We can't have another repeat of the the 'Bigfoot' incident." "That was your generation, this is mine." Phil sighed. "I'll get the paperwork, you just need the kid to agree." "So... blood pact like you did with me?" "If that's the way you want to go, you could do the ink mark." "Ink mark?" "Tattoos, in a way. It has to be something they can draw." The boar male nodded. "You're going to go back tonight, aren't you?" "I promised them." "What happened to no promises?" "Shut up Phil."
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
The Empress pt.VIII
Weddings!! although I thought this was a lot apparently I was just lying to myself. There's just a lot of information I guess.
Warnings: swearing, mentions sexual activity.
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   When morning rolled around you were still in Techno's arms. Your head was to his chest well his his chin rested on top of yours, sheltering you protectively. Techno knew he couldn't stay in bed with you too long. He would have to get ready for the day and go to his office for a couple of meetings. But the way you held onto him made him want to stay. His thoughts lingered to last night. He almost wondered if the emotions from the night had heightened what he felt for you.
   He couldn't help but smile to himself remembering how breathless the two of you were after kissing for so long. He was happy, knowing you were his left a warm feeling within his heart. He always had assumed from early childhood that he would end up alone. None of the court ladies would willingly go to him. Since he was a hybrid, he was just lowly frowned upon. He was always set up with girls for power, or for looks. So him knowing you willingly went to him filled him with utter pride. He knew you weren't the type to find power. You had voiced many times that you just wanted someone to call your own. Start a family and ease down in life.
   His attention was drawn away from his thoughts as you slowly began to stir. Nuzzling your face into his chest more, longing to feel the warmth he offered. His arm pulled you closer. His frim hand rubbing your back gently. You were tired. After the long night you spent together you weren't ready to get up. Your mind fell to last night and you couldn't help but go pink and wonder if it was only a dream. Techno held you so close and was so loving in that moment. Nothing went beyond kissing, but for as long as you two were at it, you had a right to be tired. You still remembered how his hand held your cheek, then the feeling of his arm around your waist. All of it was just perfect.
   You felt his nose nuzzle into your hair. His lips lingering loosely by your ear. "Good morning..." Oh he had a morning voice. His was even deeper than you could have imagined. You slowly fluttered your eyes open. Your half lidded eyes met with his gentle and loving ones.
   "Good morning..." you said softly. You felt him press a ever so gentle kiss to your ear, making you smile slightly. He turned onto his back, wrapping his arm around you. Your draped your arm over him, moving your head onto his chest.
   The rather chilly morning now felt warm and welcoming. If someone had told you months ago, you would be sleeping with the young Emperor, you most definitely would have laughed at them. Yet here you were, laying within his arms like a prized possession.
   "I'll have to get up soon princess..." he said softly. Almost like he was telling himself rather than you. You rubbed your cheek on his chest to move some stray hair of yours away.
   "Do you have to?" You muttered. Wanting to savor this moment like it was your last. A wide smile graced Techno's lips.
   "Plan to keep me here if I do?" Now you smiled wide at his words. Securing your arms around him tightly.
   "Possibly..." his hand moved from your back, up to your ear. Moving some of your stray hairs away from your face to behind your ear. Framing your face like a portrait.
   He let out a light chuckle. His hand moving to rest on your back again, continuing to rub gentle circles. "Well if my Princess orders me to stay... I mean who am I, to deny her?"
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   You were back to the forge that afternoon. Hammer in hand as you worked a new sword for Phil. He had came in a while ago with one of his old worn blades. Far too weak to even be remotely saved. So with his permission you asked if you could just scrap this one and rebuild him a new one. He did stress he didn't want to over work yourself, but you explained it wasn't any bother.
   Well you were working you didn't hear the steps that approached you. Far to lost within your own work to pay mind to everything around. "Mighty blade you have there" the voice was smooth as silk. Seraphina.
   You couldn't help but jump in place. Your heart lurching at her voice. She gently chuckled at your startle. "Y...you scared me" you said turning to her with a weak smile. The sweat on your brow proved your work. Your hands, although gloved, were worn with time. Whether Sarah would admit it or not she did have respect for you, she could easily see why Techno had fallen for you.
   "Sorry to hear, I didn't intend to" She said with a soft smile. Looking over what you had just crafted. "Technoblade was right, you make some pretty amazing things. Don't you?" She asked looking to you. You went a faint pink glancing your blade over.
   "I think I do alright" she laughed, resting a firm hand on your shoulder. Her strength almost near Techno's. Almost. You set your hammer and the blade down. Removing your gloves to wipe your forehead.
   "Your to modest. Everyone in the city knows you bested others. Your regarded pretty highly little one. I wouldn't doubt yourself" you nodded slowly. A soft smile on your lips.
   "Thank you General..." her smile never faltered. She wondered about the room and leaned herself on one of the sturdy work benches. With her in front of you, you now fully realized the extent of her height. She was Tall.
   "Technoblade said you would be his plus one to my wedding I hear." She said casually. You opened your mouth to protest incase she wasn't ok with it. "Don't get the wrong idea, I don't mind you being there. I actually came to see if you would like to be my Maid of Honor." She rubbed her neck a bit. "I don't have many friends... and there all men so.. I was curious if you were interested in the position” you offered a shy smile. You where honored of the idea, but you weren't sure if you should be at her day, seeing as you don't know her very well.
   “Are you sure? that's a pretty private thing... I wouldn't want to intrude on that...” She lightly laughed. Her laugh was light hearted and soft. Showing she meant no harm.
   “You wouldn't be intruding. I promise” you nodded slowly. After a bit of silence she spoke up again. “I see Technoblade is in a awfully good mood today” You went pink thinking over last night. 
   “O-oh?” She laughed again at you, not meaning it rudely.
  “Mhn. During the war room meeting he was very light hearted” You tiled your head a bit. You knew techno had mentioned a meeting but not something as important as a war room meeting.
  “There was a meeting? W-what about” you asked carefully. your brow slightly furrowed.
   “Oh nothing important, it was just a casual meeting, we were mostly inquiring about the expansion in the north. Nothing to be worried about” you nodded slowly to her words. Trusting her on this since she had the military back ground. "You see the Empire is ever expanding, taking what land we can. There are a lot of villages out there in need of supplies. If we can reach them, we can help them." She was smiling. You nodded now understanding that the meeting was in good nature.
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   After about a month the wedding had finally come. Techno and you were still going strong with a loving relationship as well. After your night with him, it had just became a default thing to just retire to bed with him. Finding comfort with sleeping next to him or sleeping with your head on him.
   It was the night before the wedding, Techno and you were lazily walking the halls together. Having just wanted to be within each others company again. Due to Techno being Emperor he still had his duties to the kingdom. Where he did cherish you, and put your well-being first. He still had to tend to his job.
   With casual steps the two of you wondered into the ballroom. The room was prepared for the upcoming reception. The normal graceful room was now decorated to the highest standard. The accents of gold and reds keeping everything classy. In the corner the instruments lay waiting for the day they are used.
   You were all smiles, the night had went perfect so far. You did mention not knowing how to waltz at dinner. Which made Wilbur laugh at you until tommy took his dinner roll. Techno and Phil didn't mind however, they said one of them could teach you if would have liked. Of course when Techno showed interest, Phil backed off.
   To which that led to tonight. The two of you smiling within each others arms. Techno had walked you to the middle of the room for a wide space. "What if I step on your foot?" You asked giggling gently.
   He chuckled amused. "Then you step on my foot, its not a problem" he was light hearted. Wanting to make the learning experience fun and gentle. His hands moved to his hair, skill fully pulling it up into a full bun. Wanting his hair out of the way completely.
   His hand came and rested on your upper back, pulling you close to his body. He didn't hesitate to move your hand to his shoulder and take your free hand within his. "The movement is simple... We'll start slow and then pick up the pace, ok?" His soft smile put you at ease. "You don't have to get it completely. But I think you will catch on quickly"
   You nodded to his words. He had faith in your learning ability. Knowing you were capable of more than you thought. He made his first step to the left. "Ease up and flow like your water" you couldn't help but look down to your feet. Wanting to make sure you didn't step on his foot. "Step forward" he said as he stepped back within sync. "Now step right... and then step back." You nodded slowly. Your eyes minding his shoes. "Princess... I would like to see your beautiful eyes..." he discarded your hand to lift your head. "Your too beautiful to gaze at the floor" with a small smile he kissed your forehead. "The dance revolves around a box step... lets try going in a fluid motion now..." He was talking slowly so you understood. Not trying to talk down and make you feel uneducated.
   The casual steps continued. Slowly picking the pace up until you two were gracefully sweeping along the floor. He kept your eyes locked within his. Once you had done the steps for a while he did become more daring. Choosing to lock you within his arms before spinning you. He had even dunked you to capture your lips into a loving kiss. Emperor or not, he was a true romantic by heart.
   Once you were slightly panting from the dancing he choose to take a spot on the piano bench with you. You leaned into his side, his arm coming to wrap around you. Rubbing your arm. You adored spending time with Techno, he always gave you a comforting feeling. When you first met him he was definitely aloof and standoff-ish but now he holds you as close as he can manage.
   The two of you sat in silence together, collecting your breath. The moonlight shown down on you both, Illuminating you two as if you were the stars of the show. You gazed down at the piano keys wanting nothing more than to pluck a few keys in curiosity.
   Techno must have saw you glance the keys over. "Do you know how to play?..." you shook your head gently. Plucking some of the low notes to see what tone they had.
   "I've never even been around one..." your fingers danced lightly. Having herd the harder you tap the louder it is. You looked up to Techno curiously. "Can you play?" You knew it was probably rhetorical, but you asked regardless.
   "Of course, my mother taught me. I haven't played anything special in ages, but I still know Moonlight Sonata, or Clair de Lune." He said casually looking over the keys.
   You rubbed your cheek on him a bit. Getting comfortable within your spot. "Could you play for me?..." he smiled lovingly before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. His lips lingering gently as he mumbled a 'Of course'.
   His hands ever so gracefully took there spots over the keys. Even without his glasses he knew where the keys were. He started a song you weren't quite familiar with, but it was ever so gentle. Everything techno did was done with elegance. Even playing the piano had you completely smitten with him. He was graceful yet he lurked with almost a unknown danger. You knew that he cared about you just as you cared for him. There wasn't a day that went by that he wouldn't ask if you were ok. He would even check to assure you were wearing your earrings, fearful that you would be taken from him too soon.
   Unlike boys within the city, Techno did keep his lingering kisses and more specific names for you behind the closed doors. Choosing to not show his gentle side to those outside his close circle. The truth was you were his weak spot. Yes Wilbur and Tommy were his brothers, but he knew Phil would lay his life to protect them. Techno knew he would lay his life to protect you.
   With the gentle tone of the music you were slowly being lulled into a ever so soft sleep. When your head rolled for a final time you were out.
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   When you woke, you were back in techno's bed. Your hand lingered to his side, trying to feel for where your lover was. His side was empty but lingered warmth. With no trace of him you turned towards the bathroom door to see maybe if he had made a quick run. Instead he was looking at his mirror. Pulling his shirt up his arms. His back was on full display. Showing every lingering scar and muscle beneath his skin. When he moved his arms back, the muscles relaxed and tensed, Showing them pull against the white shirt. He must have caught your lingering gaze, because he spoke softly.
   "Good morning my dear..." your eyes flickered up to him as he turned to face you. He lazily walked over and sat on your side of the bed. With a careful hand he moved some of your hair away from your face. His fingers traced lightly down your cheek. "You fell asleep early last night... I figured you would have been more comfortable here..." you nodded slowly. Still trying to fight off the remints of sleep. "Your dress should be in your room..." the dress? You then remembered today was General Hawthorne's wedding. Per her request you were her maid of honor.
   Although you and Techno slept together, he still respected your privacy on dressing. Not only that, but what you didn't know, was that he purposefully never took anything too far for fear of rumors spreading about you. Seeing as the court would run with any sly rumor they could get there fingers on. The last thing he wanted, was to hear your name with 'Whore' or 'Prostitute' near it. If Techno choose to marry you in the future, he knew he would have to do his best to keep your name clean. Of course if you were Empress it wouldn't matter what they would say, either way your word would be law. But still, he wanted to make sure his Princesses name stayed out of other men's mouths'.
   "You should dress and go to Breakfast... I don't know when we will be eating next" you reached out and took his hand. Pulling it close to your chest. You wished nothing more than to cuddle down with him and lay the morning away in peace. He was warm, and you knew as soon as the covers were removed you would be cold again.
   Even with his hand to your chest he leaned down and smiled gently before giving you a sweet, gentle kiss. Since you were still a bit sleepy, the kiss was loose on your behalf. Techno didn't mind though. To him the thought behind it meant more. When he parted you slowly sat up, knowing it was time to start your day. You discarded his hand to rub at your face, trying to make yourself fully coherent. When you finished he gently took your hand into his.
   His sweet side was pushed away a moment for his concern to come through. "(y/n)... About tonight... Your going to meet some people from the court... You might think I'm overreacting.... But please, trust me on this... Make sure Phil, Wil, Sarah, or I is around when you speak to them..." your brows furrowed slightly as he rubbed your hand.
   "Why?..." you asked confused by this. You haven't herd much about the court besides them trying to set Sarah and Technoblade up together.
   Techno gave out a bit of a sigh. "They.. they have a way of backing people up into corners to make them say what they want. The last thing I want is them backing you into a corner. You may say one thing, and they will twist your words into something more. They live for scandals and power." With his hand moving to rest on your cheek, you leaned into it. Resting your hand on his so you could press a kiss to his palm.
   "I can handle myself love..." you said softly. Trying to put him at ease.
   "My love, you say that. But because you're so close to me... Because you sleep with me nightly... You will be there prime target..."
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   With the vows having been exchanged at the church, the reception was held within the ballroom. Per Techno's request you stayed close to him. Next to the lovely brides, and the Royal family, you stuck out quite a lot.
   The buzz of the room danced between the talk of the general finally being married, and Technoblade having a pretty little thing on his arm. When Techno off hand mentioned you being a target, you didn't realize that this is what he meant. The lingering eye's, the longing stares, the pointing. It made you uncomfortable. Even with Techno holding your arm you felt small and confined.
   At the beginning you assumed the whole day would be about the brides. As it was their day. But even two hours into the reception, the glances and whispering continued. Soon it just became too much, you had to excuse yourself. Techno noticed your uncomfort, but sadly he couldn't leave. With a pleading look to Phil, he came over without hesitation.
   "What's the matter?" He asked, his brows furrowing slightly. He glanced from Techno to you. You went to say nothing, but Techno quickly intervened.
   "Could you take her for a walk for me?... She's highly uncomfortable and you know who, won't take their eyes off her" he said lowering his voice as to not perk the attention of lingering guests. Phil's eyes narrowed as he glanced around. His eyes meeting someone, but you couldn't see whom.
   "Oh great I didn't know that bastard was here" Phil seethed. Whoever they were talking about, they obviously had a high distaste for. "C'mon kiddo I'll take you out to the balcony" Phil said, offering his arm with a gentle smile to you. You nodded and changed off men. Fallowing Philza to wherever he would lead. Subconsciously you did keep close to his side. His wing hovering about you, offering almost a shield to wondering eyes.
   Once outside on the balcony Phil had sat by you on one of the stone benches. Giving you some space incase you were not in the mood for general contact. "Too much at once?" He asked softly. You nodded slowly.
   "Techno mentioned I would be a topic... But I thought they would focus more on the brides.." Phil took a chance and rubbed your back reassuringly like your father would have.
   "Sadly with you being Techno's plus one... You are a big topic" you looked up to Phil with a bit of confusion on why.
   "Why?... isn't he allowed a date?" Phil nodded and ran a hand over his hair and down to rub at his neck.
   "Oh he is. But tha' thing is Techno hasn't ever taken interest in anyone really. For every girl he was set up with he would just ignore them until they begged their fathers to reconsider. This is the first time the public, and the Court has seen Techno interact willingly with a woman." You were a bit surprised. Techno always struck you as having past relationships and having a bit of experience under his belt. But it appears you are his up to date experience. Phil slowly started again. "The Court is eager to see how your relationship with Techno evolves. And sadly my dear, your now in the spotlight by quite a bit. If you don't work out for Techno, they will be looking to set you up with someone else. They way they view it, is if you could woo the stoic Emperor, your either sexually involved with him or are just genuinely interesting." He paused to look down at you. "Techno, Wil and I know that your just a genuinely, interesting gal' with a kind heart. But the public doesn't" you pondered on Phil's words carefully.
   "So as long as I'm with Techno I’ll be watched?..." you asked slowly. Wanting to make sure you herd his words correct.
   Phil nodded. "Watched, judged, you will become a popular topic. They will critique you until you marry him or until you fall apart." The idea of being bad-mouthed by others left you a bit saddened. "If you become Empress, they will be forced to shut their mouths'. Disloyalty to the royal family within the court is punishable by death. However, say you part off in the end better as friends, they will double their insults, or maybe lessen them as they try to set you up with others." You took a longing breath. If this is what Techno faces on the daily, you could see why he was always drained. "Luckily in your position, you have control over your fate. They cannot talk and bribe your family into marriage like the court normally does." You looked up to Phil.
   "Why is it like this?... Its wrong..." Phil gave a rough sigh. Rubbing his neck.
   "I.. I genuinely don't know (y/n)... Neither does Technoblade... Even when I was king it was like this..." the silence lingered for a bit before Phil added on a bit. "The Empire is forever growing, but its also severely flawed" you spotted Techno within the room, talking to Sarah. She laughed joyfully, as she should on the beautiful day. "Techno and I have been working with General Hawthorne to try and straighten out this mess for years. Sadly we haven't found anything yet..."
With a spurt of unknown confidence your tone changed. No longer saddened and hesitant.
"I know Technoblade will fix it. Or, he will be the one to destroy it all."
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@goldensunshineshit @snobunns @olyink @lolitsellieletsgobro @jackalopedoodles @angelic-scent @coolleviauchihadreamerlove @artsimatsu @justabalroginthenet @seme1e @fangirl570 @sweeetteaa @awlawdtheycoming @idkwhatusernametohave @sugarandspicebutnonice @bambibunz @lynn-draws-blog @buzzybeebee @feathersthewinged @prefesro @astroninaaa @ravennightingaleandavatempus @lifestylesleep @straydog265 @happygalaxymilkshake @vixenfoxpup @truthdaze @alovestruck-fool @justthatfangirloverthere @itscaity-c
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
I was going to actually post this before asks closed (didn’t get the chance), but Teddy Bear Anon, you are one of my favorite people and a magnificent creature. You get my vibe. 
About Bad canonically being Sapnap’s dad I feel like that has so much extra angst potential when we consider the rest of the found family. Like. Sapnap, Tommy, and Fundy all have dads who started with the best of intentions but for one reason or another ended up slowly becoming a danger to them. I imagine Tommy and Fundy one day showing up with a cake and telling Sapnap “We regretfully welcome you to the shit dad club” and Sapnap is torn between being upset still and laughing over the absurdity of the situation.
Bonus points if Tommy made the cake using a recipe book that Niki gave him, the last gift Niki ever gave to Tommy. Tommy was originally a really bad cook/baker but after the egg really started to take over he went full survivalist. Leaning to cook was necessary but learning to bake was something he did as a way to raise everyone’s spirits. He’s never gotten the flavor quite to match with Niki’s perfectly but everyone agrees he’s gotten pretty decent in terms of skills. He and Fundy in particular will sometimes just spend an entire day in silence baking and then quietly eat their creations while reflecting on the friends they’ve made and lost over the course of L'manberg’s lifetime. When the group got back to the past and Niki made cookies for Tommy and Fundy the pair very nearly started crying.
Tommy is in an interesting position as a character since he did commit a lot of minor crimes and acted as a general nuisance but he was also still a child. (A very traumatized one considering I canonize SMP Earth with its unlimited lives but even more wars. Including against God. Tommy fought God just let me have this.) He acknowledges the moments when he went over the line and has tried to apologize. In particular at some point before the egg fully takes over he pulls aside Jack and tells him that he’s sorry for the way he acted when he was still in exile, taking one of Jack’s lives and all. Jack and Niki in particular are an interesting subject to address and a painful one for immune!Tommy to think about when he sees younger Niki because the three never fully tossed out the hatchet but it was obvious in the eyes of someone like Sam that both of them were growing more and more hesitant to hurt Tommy. It was made worse by the fact neither were even marginally immune, and it didn’t take long for the egg to get to them.
He never stopped being chaotic. Tommy at his core is just that kind of person. He did, however, grow up enough to act in a more mature manner. Started to recognize what’s too much. In particular he became a lot less violent and willing to lash out after Sam Nook in essence reparented him. He’s still an absolute wild card of a person, which in the eyes of Sam and Sapnap is a good thing. For this au I think we should actually address Tommy having severe ptsd and during the building of his hotel/the early days of the egg before it becomes a noticeable threat it shows. He’s a lot more subdued. Shows of aggression all carry a kind of desperation and his typical jokes feel flat. Lashing out at people slowly becomes more of a defense mechanism to see if someone’s going to leave or betray him, to test the limits of how nice they’re willing to be. After all, nice people have only ever been nice to Tommy when they wanted something from him. His eyes, especially after L'manberg is blow sky high, are well and truly gray. The first time Tommy genuinely laughs after filling Sapnap’s room with chickens is considered celebration worthy to them. His pranks take on a more hermitcraft-esque feel to them which honestly makes them more funny.
By the time they get to the past Tommy has recovered, but he still carries the kind of maturity that like Teddy Bear mentioned is reminiscent of age swap Tommy. When he gets especially stressed though, Immune!Tommy will slip into moments where he acts as tired and done with the world as age swap Tommy. With that said, most of the time he just acts like a more mature Tommy. Nothing could ever completely erase his unique vibe which Ranboo has gone on record as describing “Willing to fight God deaf, blind, and backwards just to prove a point." 
Immune Fundy and Tommy get on really well once Fundy manages to catch up with the rest of the group. It gets to the point where everyone from the past is kinda shocked since smp Fundy and Tommy do not get along. At all. Literally the first night Fundy’s back someone goes to wake them up and they find Fundy asleep on top of Tommy which is a wild experience since this Tommy is a goliath who often refuses to take off his full Netherite max enchant armor. He really becomes a "looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll” kinda mans.
Also, yeah, this is Dream’s retirement arc. He is literally just sitting in the corner watching Tommy dote on his younger self and Tubbo before completely pile driving two of the most powerful people on the server straight into the dirt. At some point Tommy sits down with past Punz. He tells this Punz that their Punz died protecting him and Tubbo and that Tommy never got to properly thank their Punz so he’s going to thank this Punz. Tommy then gives Punz an entire stack of Netherite. If we’re gonna go ahead and agree on Phoenix Tommy then Tommy is fire proof, meaning he probably spent a large amount of time in the nether to avoid the egg crew and get rare supplies. Meaning he also probably did a lot of mining just to distract himself and it resulted in him being loaded. Tommy used to have a fear of tnt and explosives but he seems like the type of mad lad to say “exposure therapy” and make a massive cavern in the underbelly of the nether.
I think it would also be really interesting to dedicate like, a couple of chapters to other people’s perspectives. I kind of want to set the time they arrive in the past partway through the Pogtopia arc since I like mildly unhinged but not completely gone Wilbur. Plus then it also makes more sense for Techno to be there. Just prefer the aesthetic really. I want to have Wilbur see this version of Tommy and come to a sudden “oh” moment. I want to have a moment where Tubbo looks between his Tommy and this new Tommy, seeing himself nowhere to be found, and has enough what the fuck moments to become aggressively protective of his own Tommy. Especially if immune!Tommy ever admits to the past Tubbo why he is the way he is, what he faced under the thumb of the people he trusted. Which, out of everyone on the server, Tubbo would be the first one from the past to actively learn. 
I am fully on board with Tommy knowing how to sew. That should just automatically be canon in literally ever AU. Tommy for all intents and purposes is still Phil’s child for me. Survival runs in the family the same way that chaos does, so he’s got a ton of basic survival skills that he just doesn’t show off because it’s still Tommy. He would have been completely fine in exile if it wasn’t for Dream. Whenever someone ruins their clothes in the Immune group they automatically go to Tommy and at first the past versions are very confused (except for past Tommy and Tubbo obviously) and then Tommy’s just “Sapnap this is beyond ruined it can’t be saved, let me make you something new” and within a couple days he makes Sapnap a completely new outfit. Like maybe Sapnap fell into a lava pool because Blaze Sapnap Supremacy and his clothes are beyond saving and everyone is beyond baffled when Tommy just acts like this is a weekly occurrence. He’s memorized Sapnap’s measurements and style tastes and already had a new outfit in the works for him that Sapnap immediately adores upon it being presented to him. It takes about a week for past Eret to learn that Tommy stress sews new clothing and he cannot think of a better model. Eret has never had such a full closet. Eret has everything from three piece suits to ball gowns now. Eret lives in terror of the days where Tommy disappears god knows where with Fundy and the two reappear with a new wardrobe for the entire god damn server. 
Speaking of disappearing I really like the idea of part phoenix and part tanuki Tommy for a couple reasons. Being a Tanuki he’d have access to enough magic to hide his hybrid traits, which if they’ve been present for long enough would be a necessity to him. Additionally think about Fundy and Tommy building a den under Church Prime that slowly turns into a maze. Think about it. It starts off simple and then they both start digging more and it gets deeper and deeper and more complicate and the two just refer to it as their den and the only ones who are fully aware of the connotations of that word are Sam, Sapnap, and Ranboo who remember the absolute hell that was trying to navigate the original. Just Fundy and Tommy bonding over the fact they are literally the only creatures on this server that have this catacomb memorized and at the end of the catacomb is their saferoom which connects to rail way that the two spent a month straight on. It goes at least 25k blocks from spawn and it’s a final emergency resort in case they can’t stop the egg and the Immunes needs to regroup and essentially try again (if they keep bringing their younger selves with them then hopefully they’ll finally get an army large enough to stop this, but everyone really hopes it doesn’t come to that.)
I’m working on the first chapter of my fic right now actually if I’m gonna be honest and phoenix Tommy is absolutely without question canon to it but I’ve still been going back and forth on if I want him to be part tanuki as well or just blessed/favored by one like Teddy Bear mentioned. I’m also tucking away the whole thing about the magma blood for later use. Phoenix Tommy just makes sense. They used to call him Zombie Kid for a reason back on SMP Earth, he just literally does not die ever unless he decides he does.
~Snapdragon & Firefly
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brilliantt · 4 years
Gangster in Distress
Summary: Tommy was only interested in Y/N to seal a deal with her father. He thought she was a spoilt, rich girl... until a mishap with some thieves makes Tommy reconsider.  
A/N: I just rewatched the movie Ever After with Drew Barrymore and let’s just say it heavily inspired this fic....
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It was often that Tommy would sacrifice his own family to ensure a deal or stop a war. A key example being when he convinced John to marry Esme, preventing a battle with the Lee family. Tommy was rather good at pushing his family to the forefront of his problems. Now though? Now it was Tommy’s turn. 
Tommy desired to extend his gin business through London and beyond. The only issue being a Mr Walter Brown. Mr Brown ran an immensely successful distillery in the heart of London and Tommy knew striking a deal with him was his only route to a new found fortune. He had met with the man once at his home, the house exceeding even Tommy’s manor. They had spent a long time coming to a suitable deal. The man had no need for money nor protection, although Tommy tried to persuade him. It was a lost cause; the man’s fine suit and multiple men lingering by the door could have told him that. There was nothing the Peaky Blinders could offer him that he didn't already have, Tommy still persisted.
The meeting had lasted three hours before Tommy watched the man stand up and glance out the window behind him, the view obscured from Tommy. Mr Brown rubbed his white moustache and sighed, resting his gaze back on Tommy. He explained to him that he had a daughter who he wished to see married, and to a financially secure man. Of course Arthur and John were out of the question and Finn was too young for the woman. This left Tommy to take the bullet. It certainly felt like a bullet when the daughter had slammed the door, storming out of her father’s study just after she was told the news. Perhaps it would be for the best, he would have some company and Charlie a mother figure. Not forgetting their union would make Tommy very rich. 
The deal was settled and they would be married the next month, giving Y/N and Tommy some time to get to know each other. He made frequent trips to London to become acquainted with his bride-to-be, the two of them left alone in one of the parlour rooms. The first few times she had sat like a petulant child, ignoring his attempt at conversation, and not being afraid to tell him what she thought of the arrangement. Her expensive gowns and shiny jewellery reminding him of the two different worlds they came from. It was on the fourth visit when he became impatient and decided to move their relationship forward and to try and seduce her. His hands on her waist and wandering lips warranted a red cheek and a view of Y/N’s back as she huffed out of the room. 
The next time he came, he made sure to bring Charlie. She would have to meet him eventually and he could only hope she wouldn’t bring up his actions with a child in the same room. It was fair to say she much preferred the boy’s company, immediately grinning Charlie and bringing out a story book to share with him. It was this moment where Tommy couldn’t completely resent the arrangement. Charlie liking her was more important than him liking her. And after Y/N had taken him to the stables to meet her horses, Charlie would barely release the woman. It was there where Tommy had attempted to apologise for his behaviour the previous visit (not really because he was sorry, but more to remain on good terms with her father). It was also here that when Y/N had distracted Charlie with her most beautiful mare, told Tommy if he tried anything again she wasn’t afraid to use the hunting gun and shoot it at his unmentionables. 
The wedding hadn’t been anything special to Tommy. He had already had his dream wedding with Grace and Y/N had refused to have a big attendance, although this didn't stop her from wearing a very extravagant dress. The ceremony was limited to only Y/N’s father, Charlie and Aunt Polly.  Polly had returned to Birmingham the same afternoon, after their lunch, with Charlie. Mr Brown had retired to his room which left the newly weds alone. Except their anticipated wedding night consisted of Y/N leading Tommy to a guest room and shutting herself into her bedroom. 
Tommy spent the next few days, finalising some business and plans with his new father-in-law, while Y/N was busy packing her bags to move into Tommy’s manor with him and Charlie.
The rain was heavy on the day they were to drive back. Despite still being angry at her father, she gave him a tight hug before rushing into the vehicle, out of the rain. It was a long car journey back to Birmingham and Y/N had taken to sulking with her arms crossed, staring out of the window for the first hour. 
Tommy sighed and pursed his lips, “We should at least try to be civil, you know.” By the look on Y/N’s face, he knew his words would cause them to argue. He didn't care though, arguing would be better than sitting in silence for the rest of the trip. He also couldn’t take another minute of watching the woman fidget in her seat, he knew she was itching to speak.
Y/N kept her gaze out of the window, “You and my father dealt me off like i’m a fucking horse. I don’t have to be nice to you.” 
Tommy clenched his jaw, feeling desperate for a cigarette. ”Your father wanted what was best for you.” He heard Y/N let out an amused huff.
“Oh and you’re my knight in shining armour? Lucky me.” Tommy turned to look at her before focusing back on the road. He chose not to say anything, “I don't even see why I had to marry in the first place. I was fine staying with my father.’”
This time Tommy felt amused, “Hmm and doing what exactly? Perching on your little pedestal and looking pretty?" He hid his smirk when Y/N turned to look at him with an annoyed expression. He quite liked riling her up. 
“I’m not just some spoiled little girl, so stop treating me like one.” She crossed her arms again and huffed.
“If you didn’t act like one, perhaps I wouldn’t treat you like one.” Tommy retorted.
"Your perception of women is abhorrent. Just because I'm pretty and like to dress nicely, does not mean you can belittle me. And if you continue to do so, we are going to have problems." Tommy raised his eyebrows. "Besides, you ought to tread carefully, you are looking at the future owner of the Brown distillery. My father may have made a deal with you that doesn't mean i can't change it when i'm in charge."
Tommy felt a smile growing on his face, "You would deny your own husband?" It widened when all Y/N did was smirk at him. The silence grew again before Tommy asked, "You think you can handle running the business?"
Y/N smoothed down her hair that had gone fluffy from the rain, "You may think i just sit around, but I am very much involved in the distillery. I'm more than capable of running the business."
Tommy quickly glanced at her again, finding a sense of respect he didn't expect to feel. 
When Tommy didn’t reply, Y/N scrunched her nose up, "I do hope you're not a husband who will deny me of such a job.” Tommy rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Good, because I wouldn't have listened anyway."
"And what shouldn't a husband deny you of?" Tommy questioned in a teasing tone.
"Hmm,” Y/N grinned. “A good husband should let me do exactly as I please. He will let me work, go to the market, run through the garden without shoes, gallop through the field on a horse, or do absolutely nothing all day."
"And, what about a good wife?"
Y/N stroked her chin in thought and looked at Tommy "Well, I guess that's for you to decide."
Tommy didn’t answer her. "You like horses?" He said a few moments later. 
"Love.” Y/N smiled and looked out the window dreamily, the rain still hitting the window. “I grew up with my grandparents in the countryside, they were from my mum's side, who, well, were not rich like my dad’s. We spent all our time on the farm and from the moment I first laid my eyes on the beautiful horses, that was it."
Tommy smirked, "So the city girl is actually a farm girl?" Y/N’s response was a roll of the eyes.  "The horses you showed Charlie were incredible." His words seemed to divert Y/N back into her bratty state, she crossed her arms again and glared at the man, raising an eyebrow at him. "And I had to leave them behind."
Before Tommy could respond, the car jolted. He lost control for a moment before managing to stop the car. Trees surrounded the pair and Tommy recognised the road built through the forest. He wasted no time to jump out and check each wheel, finding the problem on Y/N’s side, a small hole visible. Y/N rolled down the window, "What happened?”
"The tyres burst, I must have hit a stone or something." He stood back up wiping down his suit. "Come on." He opened the door to her side and gestured for her to get out. 
"The house isn't far from here, we can go by foot." Y/N looked at him in shock.
"It's raining and muddy!" She made a motion to her dress, to which Tommy rolled his eyes. He grabbed her arm and pulled her out, dragging her to the boot of the car. He pulled out one of the smaller luggage bags and pushed it in her arms before looking at her pointedly, "You said you grew up on a farm." 
"Past tense, Thomas!" She huffed and re-positioned the bag, watching Tommy grab the two larger ones. He led them around the car and they walked barely a metre before a man with shoulder length grey hair came out of the trees pointing a gun at the two. "Don't be leaving so quick now." He let out a whistle and more men came from the trees, all with guns. Y/N gulped and raised her hands in the air, subsequently dropping her bag, the contents spilling over the floor. She heard Tommy curse and watched him put the luggage down more carefully than her. 
"Y/N go back in the car." Not having to be told twice she rushed back to the passenger side. Feeling nervous when the men advanced on Tommy, a fist fight, four on one beginning. 
Before she could open the door, one of the men had grabbed her, making her yelp and shove him to the ground. She tried to hit the next man who made a grab for her but he caught her arm and held it behind her back. It took three men to stop her struggling, pulling her to where their leader stood. They held her there, Tommy a few metres opposite her being held in a similar position, a cut on his forehead and a bruised eye. The two watched as the thieves began rifling through Tommy’s car and her luggage on the floor.
One of them held up a rather beautiful, expensive looking dress adorned in jewels. “Excuse me!” Y/N spat, missing Tommy closing his eyes in annoyance. ”That was my mother’s dress, you give that back!” She felt the men tighten their hold on her. The leader smirked and stalked over to her. He lifted one of his ring covered hands and caressed her cheek. "Feisty little thing.” He whispered. 
Tommy began struggling, "Let her go.” He demanded, voice strong but eyes tired. “Your fight is against me not her." Y/N could only then see that the two men knew each other. The man removed his hand and walked closer to Tommy. He relented and told the men to release her.
Y/N pushed her way out of their arms, shivering from the rain and annoyed at the mud tracing up her skirts. She raised her chin to the leader, "I demand that you give me back all of my things. And since you shot through one of the tyres and have my driver captured, a horse for the journey back." All of the men’s eyes widened at her order. The leader titled his head, and grinned sarcastically.
“Princess,” He spread his arms out in front of him, ”You may have anything you can carry." His men chuckled around them. Y/N raised her eyebrows, a devious look in her eyes as she glanced at Tommy, who was staring at her in disbelief. 
“Do I have your word on that, Sir? She asked.
The man bowed his head, “On my honour as a Gypsy.”
Y/N nodded once. She walked past the Gypsy, staring at him as she passed. Walking straight over her clothes on the floor, Y/N  made her way to Tommy, the men who were holding him backing away. She lifted his arm up and bent down, huffing as she lifted her husband across her back. The Gypsy man opened his mouth in shock, watching as Y/N gave him a sarcastic smile and a slight curtsy before making her way down the road, holding Tommy on her back.
A ruckus of laughter erupted from the group of men at the sight. Even the leader couldn't help but laugh loudly at the daring girl. "Come back!” He paused, chuckling, “You may have a horse."
Y/N sat in front of Tommy on the horse as they rode to the manor. He knew that this reckless but incredibly clever woman would cause him a great deal of trouble, he just couldn’t bring himself to resent it anymore.
I can just imagine Y/N telling John this story and Tommy having to kick him out because of all the teasing... 
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max-is-tired · 3 years
They can tell you that it’s righteous
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Fandom: Dream SMP
Prompt: Kidnapping ( @badthingshappenbingo )
A/N: Aaand I’m back on my writing bullshit, let’s go. I started plotting this fic back in January, so it only follows canon up until Doomsday/Techno and Phil finding the portal room, but at least it’s finally done!
Obligatory tags of people who asked: @deadonmercury @littlecatninja​
Warnings: hostage situation, blood, violence, mention of skin melting off, antagonist Quackity, drowning, temporary character death (gotta love respawning), near death experience, beheading.
Read on AO3!!
It had started like such a good day for Ranboo. The sun was shining bright in the sky, the SMP seemed to be at relative peace for once, and there were plenty of grass blocks lying around and waiting to be picked up. So yeah, great day!
Ranboo knew this peace probably wouldn't last long, not with these lands' track record of starting conflicts and trying to kill people on a weekly basis. But when the afternoon rolled around and random explosions had yet to start filling the sky with smoke, the hybrid felt pretty confident that, at least for that day, things were looking up.
The problem was that, by thinking on those lines, Ranboo ended up forgetting the most important rule of the server, the one rule he'd promised himself he would not break, no matter what.
Never, ever lower your guard, especially in times of peace.
He didn't even notice the person sneaking up on him until the very last second. One moment, he was crouching down, happily patting the grass block he'd just placed on the ground and the next, there was a shadow looming over him, the familiar shape of small, feathered wings being the only thing he managed to discern before a sudden, excruciating pain in the back of his head made his vision go white.
Ranboo groaned, stumbling on the ground while his vision wobbled and filled with dark spots. Dark, dirty sneakers stopped just in front of his head, but try as he might, the hybrid couldn't bring himself to move his head enough to look up, the mere thought of it making him wince.
"Sorry Ranboo, nothing personal," a familiar voice muttered, drawing a confused whine out of the kid. After that, everything went black.
Technoblade had been feeling on edge all day -which, by itself, wasn't such a strange occurrence. Being on edge was a given for him, what with the voices in his head constantly chanting for blood and half of the server seemingly having a personal vendetta against him.
Listen, okay, he did blow up their precious country -but only after they decided that a corrupt government was the way to go and, you know, tracked him down while he was in retirement to try and execute him. He felt like the retaliation was kind of deserved.
Still, Techno didn't give much weight to the feeling. He'd learned to never let his guard down after the butcher army, and if someone decided to be stupid enough to attack him in his own home, they'd have to deal with him, Philza, and the small army of hounds living in the pen outside, plus the polar bears. The entirety of the SMP could attack them and he'd be able to at least hold them off enough to get away.
So, Techno spent most of the day chilling, for once, sitting on his couch with a book and Steve curled up nearby while Phil worked on some blueprints for a project of his.
"You keep that up, you're going to end up building a whole city down in that abandoned fortress," he commented, huffing in amusement as the older looked up from the table to glare at him.
"Oh, you shut up," Phil retorted, pointing at him with the quill in his hand. "Do you want the syndicate room to look decent or not? Because if you prefer I can just wing it-" chat cackled at the unintentional pun, much to Techno's dismay- "and have it turn out whatever."
Techno squinted at his friend. "You wouldn't."
"You sure about that, mate?" Phil grinned back, the picture of innocence. Which, when it came to him, meant he absolutely would, the fucker.
"Alright, alright," Techno huffed, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, "leave the old man to his planning, got it."
Phil snorted, pushing his chair back as he stood up. "Now you listen here, you little shit-"
The sound of tapping on glass distracted them from the discussion, attracting their attention to the kitchen window. There, perched on the windowsill, stood one of Phil's crows, holding something in its beak.
After exchanging a curious glance with Techno, the older went to retrieve the bird, opening the window enough to let it hop in. Giving the crow a few pats on the head, he reached for the object, raising an eyebrow when he realized it was, in fact, a folded piece of paper. 
Intrigued, Techno watched as Phil opened the message, his eyes quickly scanning the paper before widening slightly in alarm. Well, that wasn't good.
"Mate, I think you might want to take a look at this," Phil called, urgency obvious in his voice and that really, really wasn't good.
Techno sighed, slipping the bookmark back in his book before standing up. Guess he could say goodbye to his plans for a chill afternoon.
Hello, Technoblade,
heard you guys took in a little stray -should have known, traitors tend to stick together, don't they? Well, jokes on you, I've got him now. Get to the coordinates listed at the bottom of this note, alone and unarmed, before sundown, or Ranboo gets it. An eye for an eye, that's how the saying goes, right?
See you soon,
Techno had been already halfway out of the house the second he finished reading the note, Phil hot on his heels.
"I'm not letting you go alone," the older stated, already reaching for his coat.
"Well, you'll have to," Techno countered.
"You can't go in without backup, especially unarmed and not knowing what to expect!"
"Oh trust me, I'll be anything but unarmed," Techno huffed, letting the axe Ranboo had gifted him slide in his inventory. "I can use the element of surprise, I'll be fine. But the second Quackity sees you, Ranboo is going to be in hot shit, and we don't even know where he's keeping him."
Phil glared, his lips pursed in a displeased frown before sighing in defeat. "That doesn't mean I have to like it."
Techno sent him an apologetic glance, quickly fastening his coat on before stepping down the porch.
"I'll keep my communicator on the whole time," he promised, walking towards the stasis chamber and reaching for one of his ender pearls, "I'll get there, grab Ranboo, kill Quackity if I can and the second I text you you're gonna teleport us back."
"Sounds like a plan," Philza sighed. "Be careful, okay mate?"
"When am I ever not?" Techno smirked. "we'll be back before you know it, old man."
"Fuck off and go save our neighbor, you ass!"
Techno cackled, shaking his head as he set off towards the Nether portal.
Save Ranboo!
Blood for the blood god
Techno shook his head, pushing the voices back as he forced himself to keep a clear head. He was pissed, sure, but he knew men like Quackity -he'd met a lot of them in his life, and all of them had fallen under his sword. He would be no different.
The Nether travel didn't take that long, and after that, all he had to do was follow his compass towards the coordinates he'd been given. Techno found himself feeling glad the place wasn't all too far away, seeing how the sun had just started dipping below the horizon when he finally stepped out of the forest.
"Man, look who is here, our guest of honor!" Quackity exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear as he turned to look at him. "Technoblade, how nice of you to join us, I was starting to think you wouldn't come, after all."
Distantly, Techno could hear the ocean waves crashing against the rocks under them, the occasional droplets of water reaching the top of the cliff they were currently on. Quackity was standing just near the edge, gusts of wind ruffling the feathers of his duck wings and trying to slip the beanie off his head -all it would take was a misstep, a small push, and he would plummet towards the unforgiving water below.
But what actually got the piglin's attention was the small structure he could see just behind the man, a small, locked cage rigged with redstone dangling well over the edge and above the crashing waves. And just inside of it, slumped against the metal bars, laid an unconscious Ranboo, left with no armor on but his clothes.
"What did you do to him," he demanded, not even bothering to tear his gaze away from the cage that reminded him too much of the day the butcher army had come for him.
"Ah, watch your tone, Blade," Quackity tutted, a smirk evident in his voice, "all I need is pull this lever, and the kid falls down into the ocean. I heard he doesn't do well in water without his armor… we wouldn't want that, would we?"
Techno snapped his head towards Quackity, baring his tusks in a silent threat.
"I'm here, I followed your stupid directions," he growled, barely able to keep himself from cutting Quackity's head clean off like the voices wanted him to, "now let Ranboo go."
The duck hybrid tilted his head to the side, feigning confusion. "And why would I do that, Technoblade? He's a traitor, he needs to be punished as one."
"A traitor to what?!" Techno asked, bewildered. "L'Manburg is gone, Quackity!"
"And whose fault is that?!" Quackity shouted. "Uh? Remind me, oh great Technoblade, who here razed an entire country to the ground not once, but fucking twice? Please, enlighten me!"
"Government corrupts," Techno answered, his voice low and dangerous, "L'Manburg was rotten to its core, look at what it did to you, to Tubbo, to Tommy! It needed to go."
Quackity laughed, throwing his head back as the wind kept howling around them.
"Oh, yeah?" he grinned, throwing his arms open. "Well, that's my old home you're talking about. And if it was rotten, well, then so am I."
Before Techno could even react, Quackity reached to his side, wrapping his hand around the lever connected to the redstone of the cage. And then, still grinning from ear to ear, he pulled.
"Ranboo!" Techno shouted, watching helplessly as the kid plummeted down towards the ocean water. Quackity's laughter mixed with the howling wind, crazed and high-pitched and making Techno's blood boil.
Ruby red eyes settled on the laughing man, filling with bloodlust as the familiar weight of an axe appeared in his hand.
The voices were growing louder by the second, feeding on his fury and chanting for blood. And this time, Technoblade didn't bother holding them back.
Ranboo woke up to muffled voices, yelling from somewhere in front of him. He didn't know what was happening, or where he was -the voices were somewhat familiar, yes, but he couldn't place them for the life of him and as it was, he could barely even catch a word every four, with how loud the wind was.
Normally, something like this wouldn't have failed to send him spiraling into a panic -he hated not knowing, not being aware of his own surroundings or how he got there in the first place. But his brain felt fuzzy, off-kilter, the only thing he could focus on being the dull throbbing coming from the back of his head. Ender, it hurt.
Fighting down a small whine, Ranboo pried his eyes open, pushing against the sluggishness to try and at least make some sense out of the situation he'd found himself in. His vision was fuzzy, but he could somewhat make out two figures standing somewhere in front of him.
One was standing with his back on him, decked in the familiar iridescent purple of an enchanted netherite armor. The other was a little farther away, enough so that to Ranboo, they looked like nothing more than a blurred blob of amassed colors. Pink was very prominent, followed by something red flowing on their back -they felt familiar, safe, causing Ranboo to relax almost on instinct.
"Technoblade...?" he slurred, confused. What was Techno doing there? They weren't in the Antarctic, there was no snow around them.
Before he could properly think of a reason, however, Ranboo felt the floor suddenly disappear from under him, fear shooting up his spine as he started plummeting down into the abyss. He didn't even have the time to make a sound before something dark and cold enveloped him, shocking him awake as he got twirled and smacked around.
A few seconds of shocked bliss passed, and then everything started burning.
It felt like he'd fallen in a pit of fire, the flames licking at every ounce of his skin as if trying to melt it directly off his body. Ranboo opened his mouth, trying to scream as the pain overwhelmed him in the worst way possible, only for something to fill his mouth and throat, choking him and only strengthening his growing panic.
He was going to die. He was going to die, alone in this darkness, he needed to get out, out, out-
Ranboo crashed on the hard, unforgiving ground, coughing harshly as water rushed out of his airways. Cold, frigid air hit his skin, soothing the burns and making the pain a little more bearable. He could breathe. He could breathe.
Ranboo slumped to the floor, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to get his racing heartbeat under control. He had to fight even just to keep his eyes open, exhaustion weighing him down until he could barely move his head, let alone think about standing up.
A white, furry snout filled his vision, curiously sniffing at his face. Ranboo blinked, a startled sound escaping his lips. The dog blinked back, tilting its head to the side.
"What…?" he whispered, wincing at how hoarse his voice came out. Ender, his throat hurt.
Another snout appeared above his head. And then another, and another, the sound of barking finally reaching his ears. Where- where was he, exactly?
Before he could try and come up with an answer, Ranboo heard the sound of a door opening, followed by a sharp gasp and hurried footsteps.
The hybrid squinted in confusion, immediately recognizing the voice.
No matter what tricks he might have had up his sleeve, Quackity couldn't stand a chance against an angry, vengeful Technoblade. It took him barely minutes to sink his axe through the other's neck, slicing his head clean off and sending it rolling on the ground under their feet. Techno barely watched as the lifeless body slumped down, ignoring his communicator vibrating with the death message as he raced to the cliff. He knew, he knew there was no way Ranboo had survived a fall like that, but he had to check, had to make sure. 
Crashing waves and wet, glistening rocks were the only things staring back, destroying whatever hope he might have had. Someone more impulsive would have jumped off, in a desperate hope to find the kid still struggling against the current, but Techno knew better.
The ocean was unforgiving, and for someone like Ranboo, even more so.
He sighed, stepping back from the edge and turning around. Quackity's body wasn't there anymore, having disappeared as the respawn mechanics worked their magic -if the man was smart, he wouldn't dare bother Techno again, not unless he wanted to lose his last life and find out how permadeath felt like.
In theory, Techno knew that Ranboo's death wasn't permanent. The kid still had all of his lives, at least before this, and the SMP would bring him back soon enough. Respawning sucked, though -it left you aching and in pain for days on end as your body stitched itself back together after whatever trauma had taken away one of your lives. It was a painful process, gruesome at times, and one Techno wished Ranboo didn't have to go through.
Especially not when it was his fault.
Ignoring the guilt pooling heavily in his gut, Technoblade reached for his communicator, intending to text Phil to bring him back. As it turned out, however, his friend had beat him to it, blowing up his notifications with hurried messages. Guilt now replaced with worry, Techno tapped the screen, reading through the chat.
[Philza] Techno
[Philza] Techno what the fuck
[Philza] Ranboo is here, he's in the dog pen
[Philza] Jesus christ he's covered in burns what the fuck happened
[Philza] Technoblade you better answer your fucking communicator right now or so help me god I will fly there, find you, and drag your ass home myself
[Philza] I saw the kill message where the fuck are you
Techno blinked, staring at the messages with wide eyes. What?
[Philza] Techno, I know you're reading these, answer me right now
[Technoblade] im omw
When Techno slammed the door of his cabin open, he didn't know what he was expecting. A dead body in the middle of respawning, maybe, with Phil watching over it like a silent guardian angel.
He certainly wasn't expecting to walk in on Phil wrapping gauze around what looked like the entirety of Ranboo's body, the bandages visible for the world to see with the simple shirt and pants the kid was now wearing.
Techno barely spared a glance to the pile of soaked clothes lying on his floor, raking his eyes over the enderman hybrid as he tried to work the surprise out of his system. Fine is the farthest adjective the piglin would use to describe Ranboo right at that moment, seeing how his entire body was covered in gauze and he was holding a pack of ice to the back of his head, but he was alive and breathing and for once in his life, Techno had no fucking clue about how that was possible.
"Fucking hell, kid," he groaned, letting his cloak fall to the floor as he trudged inside the house. "You'll give me a heart attack, one of these days."
Ranboo winced as Technoblade slumped on the couch, still a little dazed from the hit to his head.
"Sorry," he muttered, breaking into a coughing fit immediately after.
"Don't force your throat, mate, you gotta let it rest," Phil scolded gently, sending Techno a small glare. "We're just glad you're okay -or, well, as okay as you can be right now."
Ranboo hesitantly looked up, looking at Philza and then at Techno. The piglin nodded in silent agreement and watched as the kid seemed to slump on himself in relief, the tension leaving his body at once. Was it really that surprising, that they'd grown to care for him enough to be worried about his well-being?
The two men exchanged a worried glance, silent words passing between them. Then, Phil nodded to himself, tying up the last of the gauze around Ranboo's forearm before heading to the kitchen.
"How do you guys feel about some tea?" he asked, pulling down a kettle and three mugs. "I'd say we could all do with something warm right now."
Techno made a noise of affirmation, watching with amusement as Ranboo snorted and nodded in agreement.
Maybe things weren't okay just yet, but this? This was a start.
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marshmurmurs · 4 years
The role swap au is so cool!! 2 questions if you don’t mind? How would more recent events play out, would they be totally different than how Tommy escaped? What would Techno think? And also: would you mind if someone wrote a fic on this?
I’m glad you you like it! And I’d definitely be cool with someone writing a fic. Anybody who makes any kind of content for any of my aus is immediately added to the list of people I would kill for.
One of the major differences in this au comes from @pegasister60​. She’s been hitting me hard with the Purpled propaganda and I am here for it so now that is everyone else’s problem.
At some point Dream decided to let Tubbo have a visitor. Up until then he had been playing heavily into the isolation to get Tubbo to doubt his friendship with the people of L’manberg. He told Tubbo that they all knew where he was in case they wanted to visit but the only people who knew were Dream and Ghostbur. And Dream made sure to make it clear to Ghostbur that he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone where they were, it was their little secret. Dream brought Purpled to where Tubbo had built his new home. Since Purpled tended to stay neutral and even had conflicts with some of L’manberg’s government, Dream was sure he wouldn’t interfere with any of his plans. He made sure to warn him not to bring up L’manberg though, claiming it would upset Tubbo.
Dream didn’t notice when Tubbo slipped a book into Purpled’s hands. Neither did he notice Purpled hiding it away. As far as Dream was aware, the iron ingots Tubbo gave Purpled were payment for helping automate one of his farms. When Tubbo asked if Purpled would visit again, Purpled promised he would. Dream didn’t realize he just let Tubbo establish a means of contact with L’manberg.
Dream started to catch on to something happening when he noticed Tommy becoming more bold again. Then he started to notice it was rather suspicious that Tubbo kept trying to get leather and ink. They shifted to leaving no physical evidence of the communications, having Purpled remember and repeat the messages sent between Tubbo and L’manberg.
Dream doubled down on the isolation thing. He told Purpled to stop visiting, claiming things were too dangerous in L’manberg and he didn’t want anyone following him and dragging Tubbo into things. Purpled knew he was lying, but couldn’t say anything without revealing that he had been delivering messages between Tubbo and L’manberg, so he agreed to stop visiting on one condition: Dream had to let Purpled leave Tubbo a gift. He agreed. The gift was a bee named Yellowed. He liked the flowers native to L’manberg and could remember the way there and get back. Yellowed continued the delivery service when Purpled no longer could.
Dream intercepted one of Yellowed’s deliveries and realized what Tubbo and Purpled had been doing behind his back the entire time. Underestimating Tubbo had been a mistake. So he went for where it hurt. Neither side saw Yellowed again. L’manberg believed Tubbo just hadn’t had anything to say. Dream had noticed the tracker Yellowed had and hid it with Tubbo. Even Purpled was led to believe that Tubbo had Yellowed with him. Tubbo worried as more and more time passed and Yellowed never returned. He even asked Dream, who said he hadn’t seen the bee around there but offered to help look for how he could’ve gotten out. The explanation that made the most sense was that Yellowed was still at L’manberg and his friends hadn’t yet sent him back with a message. But why wouldn’t they? They promised they’d always send the bee back within a day. It hadn’t even been raining, Yellowed should have been back. Unless they stopped caring. Unless they’ve abandoned him. But surely they wouldn’t. But time continued to pass and the only news he heard of L’manberg was from Dream himself and he couldn’t help but think that might have been what happened.
Dream’s manipulations started hitting him harder after he’d had that bit of connection torn away from him. And with Dream no longer holding back — Did you have fun with Phil when he came over? Oh, he didn’t? Weird, I could’ve sworn he would. I saw him giving Tommy some sort of special emerald, I thought it was a family thing since Ghostbur and Techno also have one. Maybe not if he hasn’t come here. Phil would come out all this way for family. I’m sure he remembers how to get here, or he could just ask Ghostbur or Tommy, he probably still has that compass thing.— it eventually became too much. Tubbo went to the enderchest Dream had given him on the first day of the exile. If Tommy didn’t care about him, about the disk he had, then surely he wouldn’t care if he just... Dream grinned when Tubbo pulled out the disk, thinking he won. But then Tubbo put down a bucket of lava and dropped the disk into it.
Dream was *fuming* he put all his time and effort into this plan all for Tubbo to just ruin everything. He started placing down tnt and Tubbo couldn’t do anything to stop him. He froze up, he looked at the tnt and he was back in the box on stage, Techno’s rocket launcher pointed at his face, he was back in L’manberg as Wilbur pressed the button and everything they’d been fighting for was destroyed around him.
Yellowed’s tracker and the lodestone were both destroyed in the explosion. Both Purpled and Tommy realized something was wrong and immediately left to check. Tommy traveled as fast as he could, but it was nowhere near as fast as a horse on a speed pot could go. He also hadn’t traveled the path enough to have memorized the quickest way to go. Purpled got there and found a crater in place of everything Tubbo had built. He found Tubbo in the crater, injured and dangerously close to some lava, but alive. Purpled threw down an enderchest and quickly began helping Tubbo. Once Tubbo was healed enough for it to be safe for him to be transported by horse, Purpled got him out of there. He didn’t want to be around if Dream decided to come back.
When Tommy got there he looked at the ruins and could only assume Dream had killed Tubbo. He wanted revenge. He’d held off on going after Dream before because Phil had let him know their plan was incredibly stupid — Techno’s in retirement, leave him out of it. Besides, you know how he is about government, if you somehow manage to drag him into this and side with you, you know he’s just going to turn around and get rid of you next. — when Tommy had told him about it in hopes of Phil to help him convince Techno to join them. But Tommy didn’t care anymore. The peace Tubbo wanted for their nation was no longer an option, maybe it never was. Dream had gone too far and Tommy wasn’t going to let him get away with it, even if it cost him his last life.
Purpled took Tubbo to a nearby village. He needed to bring his friend somewhere safe and L’manberg simply wasn’t. A village in the middle of nowhere that nobody knew about was. Or so he thought. Someone did know about the village and that someone happened to visit for some trades while they were there. Needless to say Techno was very confused when he entered a house looking to trade with some villagers and instead found two children hiding inside.
Techno hadn’t really been paying attention to L’manberg after he decided to retire. All he really knew about the situation was that Vice President had been exiled. So when he saw that Vice President hiding out in the village in the middle of nowhere, he was a bit smug. Reasonably so, he’d say. “How’s that government thing working out for you?” He asked. But then Tubbo flinched away and Purpled was shooting him a glare that promised he would stop at nothing to slay him if he made any wrong move. Techno decided he wouldn’t test that out, he was retired anyway. But something was clearly wrong. Normally at a clear challenge like this his voices would demand blood for the blood god. Instead they were screaming at him in panic and worry, the one thing consistent amongst the voices being their desire to keep Tubbo safe. Techno left the two in the building, hoping getting away from them would get the voices to calm. He knew though, when they got like that they wouldn’t stop until they got what they wanted. He needed to get Phil, he would know what to do.
Sorry for the late response I am not good at words <3
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The Legacy of Alfie Solomons
Summary: Alfie Solomons, grandson of the late, famous gangster has arrived to visit his grandmother, Louise. 
//the anniversary of when I finished Burned on AO3 was last week and I just wanted to revisit Louise and Alfie because I can’t seem to let go of them. Hope you all enjoy!
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            It meant something to Louise that she was there for her daughter-in-law. When she had given birth, she didn’t have the comfort of her mother. It was heartwarming to know that Ruby was well taken care of. In fact, she may have been OVER-taken care of. 
            Not including the midwife, there were five women in the room. Ada, Polly, Louise, Ruby, and Charlie’s fiancée who was studying to be a nurse. And it was about as chaotic as it could be. The poor midwife was sidelined as Polly took control of the birth. 
            Ruby was in immense pain and her relatives crowding around her weren’t doing her any good. But she didn’t have the heart or the energy to yell at them. She was too busy screaming to high heavens. She cursed men, cursed their cocks, cursed childbirth, and cursed God. She would’ve continued the list but then finally, she gave birth to her son.
            Alfred Thomas Solomons
             He would grow up to be a very well-educated young man. Quieter than most, he took solace in books and was often soft-spoken as well as shy. But he knew the type of family he came from. The grandson of gangsters who made the family’s fortune through criminal manners. He saw the portraits of his grandfathers. Ones painted of them in their prime in the 20’s and 30’s. Men with calculating stares, intimidating statures, and not to mention power. But his parents and his grandmothers told him stories that looked beyond the men in the portraits. The men who raised their families, who loved their wives, and cared for their kids.
            He grew up to know his Grandad Tommy and heard stories from him. Tommy didn’t spare details either. But he never met Alfie, so he had to rely on his father and grandmother for stories about him.
             “Nan?” Alfie knocked on the door and stamped his feet on the mat to stave away the cold. Winter in Margate was never enjoyable. The high winds on the sea only made everything feel colder than it was. But the young man always made it his job to check on his aging grandmother when his parents weren’t able to. 
            Louise always called Teddy or Ruby without fail. But her mind was slowly going so they felt it was important to keep an eye on her. 
            Alfie used his copy of the key to open the door and head inside. “Nan, you home?” 
            “Oh, Alfie, love come in from the cold!” Louise called from the parlor. “I just let Cyril out and it was unbearable!” 
            The mastiff came padding out of the parlor to greet the young man. But his name wasn’t Cyril. It was Hercules. 
            Alfie frowned at the inconsistency. “You well?” He asked as he removed his coat, hat, and scarf. 
            “You’re asking if I’m well, you’ve only been down the street to the shops. Hasn’t been more than an hour.” Louise chuckled. 
            Alfie hadn’t been to the shops. In fact, he had been in Paris studying. He hadn’t seen his grandmother in more than a month. “What’re you on about?” He smiled and figured she was toying with him. 
            “It’s Sabbath, I didn’t expect you to even go.” 
            Sabbath? Even though they weren’t orthodox, the Solomons family kept a few Jewish traditions. But Alfie hadn’t ever observed Sabbath as his grandfather might have. 
            Besides, Sabbath was on Saturday. It was Tuesday. 
            “Nan, what are you talking ‘bout?” Alfie stepped into the parlor and Louise glanced up at him. A look of confusion crossed her face as she took in his appearance. The tall man only had his grandfather’s messy brown hair. He’d acquired the famous Shelby blue eyes and their slender build. 
            “Alfie…” Her voice was frail and distant. 
            “Nan, it’s-it’s me.” Alfie touched his scruffy cheek. “Know I haven’t shaven in a few days but-”
            “But Alfie was…” She clutched her hand to the shawl around her neck. “I don’t understand.” 
            “Nan, it’s me, it’s Alfie, your grandson.” Heavily concerned he approached her and knelt down. “I said I was coming to visit when I came back from Paris.” 
            Realization slowly came across Louise’s face. “Oh. Alfie.” Her words were disjointed as she tried to piece together her reality. She had been so certain her husband was just coming home from the shop. “Yes, of course. I-I remember.” 
            “Are you feeling alright?” He touched her knee. 
            Louise forced a smile even though there were tears in her eyes. “Yes, yes of course I am.” She smoothed down Alfie’s unruly hair. “Look at you.” She sighed. “You look so much like your father. And he looked-”
            “Just like grandad, yeah.” Alfie smiled. “You’ve told me, nan.” 
            “What stories have I told you about him?” She wondered.
            “Probably all of them.” He chuckled softly.
            “Oh yes, I thought so.”
            Alfie noticed the light in her eyes start to fade. He cleared his throat and went to sit beside her. “But you could tell them to me again. If you’d like.”
            Louise smiled, the glow in her face returning. “We were married in Surrey at Inglewood. It was a lovely affair. But we had our honeymoon in Paris.”
            Her grandson winced. “Do I want to hear about your honeymoon, nan?” He laughed.
            “Oh stop.” She shook her head and rapped his knuckles with her frail hand. “We went to the Eiffel Tower on our third day in Paris.”
            “These things safe?” Alfie looked skeptically at the elevator as it ascended up the Tower. They were waiting in line to board so they could be brought up to one of the higher floors.
            “I’m sure they are. Why wouldn’t they be?” Louise linked arms with her new husband.
            “Dunno.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Should just take the stairs, that would be safer.”
            “Five steps in and you’d be complaining about your hip.” She predicted with a knowing look. “It would take us all night to get to the top.”
            “Well.” He sighed because she knew she was right. “Right, fine.”
            “Granddad was scared of an elevator?” Alfie chuckled. He’d been up the Eiffel Tower before and didn’t fear it much. In fact, it was thrilling. “How was he when you got to the top?”
            Louise smiled. “He wasn’t too keen to go to the edge at first.”
            “Alfie come see, it’s beautiful!” Louise tried to coax her husband over but he was remaining in the inner part of the top floor.
            “Yeah, love, can see from here.” He looked nervous that she was right against the railing. “You should see the view from over here, it’s magnificent, innit? Much safer.”
            She sighed and walked over to take his hand. “You’re not going to fall off.” She gently pulled him closer to the railing.
            Alfie hoped his palm wasn’t sweating as he followed her. But he trusted Louise and he wanted to show that. “It is quite the fucking view.” He admitted.
            Louise smiled and leaned into his side, “Told you.”
            “Well, I’ve heard that wives are usually right ‘bout everything. So, I ought to keep that in mind now that we’re married.”
            “I don’t think you were always right.” Alfie looked amused. Since he was younger, he’d heard stories about his grandfather being one of the most fearsome gang leaders in London in the Twenties. He was almost a mythical figure to him. Someone who was cutthroat but had a gentle side. That had to be the case otherwise Alfie was sure he wouldn’t be there.
            “Well, when I was wrong, I could admit it. Your grandfather didn’t know when to admit he was wrong.”
            “What about Grandad Tom?” He wondered. “Did they get along?”
            Louise sighed with a smile and a head shake. “Not very often. Sometimes I think they liked to argue just for the fun of it. There was one time though, now I wasn’t there. But Alfie told me about it afterward.”
            “Tommy.” Alfie greeted.
            When the Brummie turned around, he was surprised to see Alfie’s young son standing beside him.
            Teddy was holding hands with his father, looking around the elegant office with wide eyes.
            Never before had Alfie brought his son along with him on a business meeting. It seemed like standard practice with the type of meetings they had.
            “Alfie. Teddy, good to see you, lad. Getting big, aye?” Tommy certainly didn’t want to scare the young boy.
            Teddy shyly smiled and pressed his face into Alfie’s coat.
            “Go on, say hi to Mr. Shelby, Ted.” Alfie squeezed his little hand to prompt him.
            “Hi.” The four-year-old murmured in a soft voice.
            “Sorry, mate, Louise’s been sick all week. Got a fever ‘n everything. I wanted to give her a break from the little rascal.” Alfie explained.
            “S’alright. My secretary can watch him.” Tommy offered.
            But Alfie didn’t seem convinced. If Lizzie was still working at the company than he might’ve agreed, but he didn’t trust his son around anyone he didn’t know. “Nah, he’ll stay with me. He’s a quiet kid, won’t bother us.”
            “Fair enough.”
            “To think that would be his son-in-law one day.” Louise laughed softly.
            “What do you think Grandad would say if he knew mum and dad got married?” Alfie wondered. “Think he’d put up a fuss?”
            “Oh, I often wondered that, especially around the wedding.” His grandmother nodded. “And when you were born as well.
It was such an event. Your grandad Tommy was so proud. You were his first grandchild after all.”
            Alfie smiled. “Yeah, I know.” He had four younger siblings. His three sisters, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Beatrice. Then, his youngest sibling, his brother, Thomas. Charlie had three children, all girls, Ruby’s, and Teddy’s nieces.
            “But your grandad retired when your father was born. He was such a family man. I’m sure he would adore you no matter who your parents were.” Louise gently touched Alfie’s cheek. “He would love you. He’d be so proud of you; I mean such a smart young man.”
            “He sounded like such a great man. Larger than life.” He chuckled.
            “He seemed like it. But he was very simple when you got to know him.”
            “Ah, fucking hell.” Alfie cursed as he burned himself on the stove. He withdrew the challah bread, quickly putting it on the table so he could put his burn under cool water.
            “You alright?” Louise looked over from watching Teddy pull himself up using the chair in the kitchen.
            They were spending a couple of summer weeks in Margate. Teddy was only just learning to walk and was starting to rule the roost, toddling around everywhere, looking for his parents’ attention.          
            “Yeah, s’nothing serious.” He waved his hand in the air to shake off the pain.
            “Well, it smells great.” She marveled at the perfectly baked braided bread.
            Teddy cooed and held his arms up to Louise. She picked him up and held him near the counter. “Look at what daddy made. I can’t wait to try it you can have a piece too, my love.”
            “Labor of love, innit?” Alfie smiled. “Gotta let it cool first though. So, we’ve got some time to watch the sunset.”
            Louise brought Teddy outside with Alfie and Cyril. They went to sit near the bluff in their usual spot. The summer air was warm enough that they didn’t need to bundle up. But the ocean brought in a nice breeze.        
            Louise cuddled up to Alfie, letting Teddy crawl into his lap. Cyril laid down, resting his chin on Louise’s knee so she would pat her.
            “I love these moments.” Alfie murmured as he watched the sky blend into different warm colors.
            “I do too.” She agreed.
            Teddy babbled and tugged on the chain of his father’s glasses.
            “Not the life I expected, but I couldn’t imagine living out me days any differently.” He kissed Teddy’s head and then Louise’s cheek.
            Louise smiled with tears in her eyes. “I miss him so much. But I’ll see him again soon, I know I will.” Her eyes glazed over as she went into deep thought.
            “I know, nan,” Alfie said softly.
            “I’ll tell him all about you.”
            His eyes went downcast, not sure what else to say. “Tell him I wish I could’ve met him.”
            “I will.” Louise gave Hercules a pat. “I have so much to tell him.  
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crue-sixx · 5 years
For Family
Title: For Family
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary:  The reader is a hit-man for the mob.  The boys get into more trouble than they can handle.
Warnings: Swearing, descriptive violence, making a murder look like a suicide
Note: Italics mean it was in the past
It all started when you were ten years old, the sweltering heat of an Arizona summer sun was hot enough, but you being left in the car with the windows up and doors locked while your mother, Darla was trying to score more drugs for her and her moron boyfriend  Lucas.  Said moron was waiting outside the car, making sure you couldn't get out and ruin the deal was laughing at you.  Sweat was pouring down your face and you could feel yourself grow weaker every passing second. You eventually passed out, sounds of a skirmish reverberating in the back of your mind.
It was the sound of shattering glass that momentarily woke you from your heat stroke induced stupor, a big fat man with greying hair carrying you to a cool place.  "To the hospital, Henri" the man said to the driver and the smooth motion of the car eased you back into a deep sleep.  When you awoke, you were in the hospital getting fluids and the fat, aging man sitting beside you with all the love of a father in his eyes.
"Hello, Little One" he greeted in accented English  "I am Enrico Gatto.  From this day, I will be your father" he kissed your hand and you nodded in respect and accepted his hospitality with grace.  "What is your name, Little One?"
"Y/N, L/N" you answered weakly.
"No" the old man shook his head "From this day, you will be Gatto.  My daughter" you didn't argue with him even if you could.  You had heard of the Gatto crime family and what they'd do to anyone who disrespected them.  You'd much rather live by their rules than end up in a filthy, battered orphanage with the thousands of other parent-less bastards the family left in their wake.
Your eyes were getting heavy again, and when you felt the gentle caress of his hand on your forehead, he said "Rest now, when you are well again, your training begins..."
In the world of 1981 at twenty years of age you were already the most successful hit-man in the Gatto family.  Your father had ordered you to go to Los Angeles and keep an eye on his biological son there, and if he acted against the family to take him out. For the past ten years of your life, you were trained in business practices, hand-to-hand combat and all the different ways you could fuck with people's minds and lives.  Only a select few of The Old Man's men knew your real purpose there, and they reported directly to you the goings on of the son, Gino.  The only person you answered to was Don Enrico himself.
But to keep up appearances of being a shy, weak damsel in distress, you were told to dress modestly, keep your head down and your nose out of drugs, and use your former name when people asked about it.  Other than that, you could do whatever you want.  But if you ever saw a crow with a messenger pouch on its leg, you had to drop everything and do exactly as the note said, then send the bird back with a white rose petal stuffed in the pouch to tell The Old Man that the job was done.
In your spare time, you rented out a shitty apartment in a filthy building where the renters directly below you were always loud and rehearsing their rock music.  To be completely honest, you knew next to nothing about rock music at all-the only music the Old Man would allow was opera.  The first time you heard them play, you had an epiphany-you actually liked their kind and went down to ask if you could listen to them.
The drummer leaped over his drum set and ran up to you, with a big grin on his face "Fuck yeah you can!"
The bassist and guitarist looked at each other in utter annoyance, the consternation clear on their faces.  Finally the bassist said "Okay, just be quiet and sit on the couch.  You're so lucky you're cute" the guitarist just rolled his eyes.
"Fuckin' teenagers and their fuckin' hormones..." he grunted.
The singer eased his way over and sat down on the couch next to you and said "Hey, cutie!  I'm Vince what's your name?"
You internally rolled your eyes at the word "cutie", you hated pet names like that and if you ever got the chance you would teach this blonde surfer punk some manners.  "I'm Y/N, L/N.  I live right above you!" you added the most annoying valley girl giggle you could muster, to which you saw the guitarist's eye twitch in rage.
When the other three heard where you lived, they kind of looked down in mock shame.  "Sorry" the drummer said "our rehearsals and parties must be so loud it's hard to think up there..." he extended his hand and said "I'm Tommy!  Nice to meet ya!" you shook his hand firmly.
"Nikki" the bassist said, raising his hand and a weak smile.  He seemed to be warming up to you slightly.
In a barely audible voice the guitarist added "Mick" without as much as looking up.
"We're playing at the Whiskey A Go Go tonight!  You should come!" Tommy said and added "we always have parties afterward!  Come to that too!"  It was as if the tall young man was one of those 'Love at first sight' assholes.
"That sounds great!" you said in excitement "What time do you go on?"
"10:30" Nikki said, not at all perturbed at the addition of another fan. 
"Cool!" you then saw a crow with a message pouch in the window, not skipping a beat you checked your watch and said "Shit I'm going to be late for work!  See you later!"
They all waved good bye, some more enthusiastic than others.  You went back to your apartment and opened the message.  Only a single word was written on it "Gino".  You swallowed it right away,  and prepared for a fun time.   You hated that prick ever since The Old Man bought you back to his house.
You knew by now, the few men who knew of your whereabouts had their orders to subdue Gino and wait for you to get there.  They would chloroform him during breakfast and keep him drugged until nighttime. 
When he woke up, you were the first person he saw.  "You have been a bad boy, Gino" you said in a condescending tone "Prostitution and drug trafficking?  Really?"
"Hey!  I'm bringing in cash for the family!" he protested, but with great satisfaction you swing the butt of your handgun across his face, blood spurting from his nose and mouth.
"You know the Old Man's rules" you said "No hookers, no drugs and no kiddies" you cocked the gun, rolling the bullet in the chamber and placing the gun to his temple "When you get to Hell, Gino tell em Y/N sent you" and pulled the trigger.  A reddish pink cloud erupted from his skull, brain matter and bone littered the floor of the warehouse.
You were wearing latex gloves of course, and put it in Gino's dominant hand.  You then placed a typed suicide note at his feet.  When you called it into the police you stripped from your work clothes and tossed them into a burning trashcan along with the gloves.  Underneath you were wearing a tank top and Daisy Duke shorts, waking towards the Whiskey.  One of the other guys had already sent the crow back to The Old Man with the white rose petal.
You came in the middle of a song, the whole place was rocking out and you were genuinely having a good time when the song ended and Tommy saw you front and center. Apparently it was the last song of the night and he ran up and hugged you like you were old friends.  You were taken aback but you returned the gesture, saying "Sorry I was so late!  I was stuck at work!"
"What do you do that takes more than eight hours?" Mick asked suspiciously.
"I work at a nursing home as a house keeping lady" you said, having procured a name tag from Sunnyside Nursing and Retirement Home, complete with your name, picture and job title.
"That's cool, sweetheart" Vince said, another tack on your tally for utterly beating the shit out of this blonde bimbo.
"It's a job" Mick smiled softly, finally taking a liking to you.
"So let's go to that party you were talking about" you winked at them, and they all smirked with knowledge of what they were about to partake in.
When morning came, you were crashed on their couch wearing one of their shirts.  The smell of burning eggs wafted to you and made you cough.  "Who taught you how to cook?!" you shouted as you opened the widow to get the smoke out.
"Julia Child" Mick answered sarcastically, as the toast began burning as well.  "Eat, I wanna talk to you" he slowly sat down across from you.
"It's black" you said "I'm not eating that" you pushed the plate away in disgust.
"Fine" he scoffed but then got serious "Your last name, my sister married a man with that same name" your stomach dropped from its place into your feet.
"What are you getting at, dude?" you asked.
"What are you're parents names?"
You wouldn't answer him, feeling yourself getting tense "I don't like talking about them"  the one thing that got under your skin quicker than anything else was talking about HER.
Mick did his best to try and stop you physically but his physical limitations stopped him from doing more.  "I might be your uncle" he said quickly.  A million thoughts came flooding your head, clouding your judgement.  You were about to say something, but the training you received from the Old Man kicked in so you just walked out in a huff.
You still hung out with the younger members all the time but Mick kept his distance, though from his facial expression it was rather painful for him to see you.  A few weeks went by without hearing from the Old Man, but one day a crow with a message tapped on your window.  You let it in, petting it's head.  The message was some random druggie business associate of the Old Man's, who apparently didn't pay his monthly protection fee and narc'd on the Old Man.
You sighed and got his address from the note where you were also instructed to make him suffer.  But imagine your surprise when you opened the door to find some of the Old Man's fingermen with the dude right here in the apartment.  One of the Old Man's most important lessons was to never bring your work home with you.  Its like shitting where you eat.  You don't do it.
It was late on a Saturday night, the party was raging downstairs with its loud music, people so fucked up that they could barely walk so nobody would notice.  You immediately knew what was going on.  Some men loyal to Gino wanted revenge, but if you were to die today, you wouldn't go without a fight.  You reached for your handgun but shot were fired before you could even get a round off.
Bits of plaster went flying through the air, the impact making the paper thin walls crack and see into the apartments next door.  You dove behind your couch for cover, praying that it was thick enough to stop the bullets.  Sounds of people running and screaming from the whole floor flooded your hearing and you were bought back to your training-imagine an aria.  Soon you couldn't hear anything but said aria, and your focus was reached. 
Almost as if you were a robot, you pulled your gun and fired five shots, three hitting the targets and two missing.  Now that the playing field was more evenly matched, you saw that the remaining two were trying to re-load.  You took the opportunity to push forward the heel of your palm and break a nose, then you grabbed the elbow and immobilized the whole arm.  The man cursed as you performed a perfect hip throw and locked his arm in an arm bar.  With a swift jerking of your hips, you heard a sickening snap as bone went through the skin.
The other guy had re-loaded and a slug went into your hand.  You let out a scream of rage as you rolled the guy with the broken arm on top of you so he could take the bullets meant for you.  You then heard a shotgun blast and everything went quiet.  You pushed the man off you to see Nikki, Vince and Tommy in stunned silence while Mick was expertly holding the smoking shotgun.
"What the fuck..." Nikki started but you shut him up.
"Quiet asshole" you barked, all of your false sweetness now gone.  You peeked out of your window and saw three more cars with armed mobsters pull up and run into the building.
You pushed past them yelling "If you dipshits have enough sense, you'd hightail it out like I am!" you hauled ass down the back stairs and into the alley.  You knew that if they found you here, that your other hideouts were likely compromised as well.  You were about to dash to a manhole and into a sewer when someone pulled you back.  On instinct you ducked and threw the person over your back and rolled into a camel clutch, stretching the person's back beyond what is humanly possible and grasping the head.  The mixture of blonde hair and incoherent screeching of cuss words let you know it was Vince. 
You let him go and said "If you're gonna follow me then hurry up!" you easily lifted the manhole cover and slid it aside, climbing down.
Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you up "Not without a fucking explanation!" the footsteps were getting closer, shouts of :FIND HER!" were heard.
"If you REALLY want to get blown to hell today then by all means, stay here but I have no intention of dying!  Let me go!" you roared to him.
"NO!" he yelled back, pulling you up.  You pulled a bowie knife from your belt and slashed his hand with it, he reflexively let go and you dropped into the most foul smelling liquid you'd ever inhaled.  You took a few limping steps and vomited.  You heard splashes when more people came down the ladder, and you honestly thought you were done for.
You were shocked when Nikki and Tommy hoisted you in between them and began walking.  You were soon on the very edge of town when you three emerged from the sewer, all smelling like a fucking toilet.  "We're here..." Nikki said, letting his side down and knocking on the door "Marty!  Get the iron ready!  I got a gunshot victim!"
Marty was a pimple faced teenage medical master, having graduated as a doctor at age 12.  He was also a stoner who would take people who didn't have insurance and treat them in his little shack.  He was 18 now so it was his very own home, one that his parents couldn't leech off of.  "Got it!" he helped the others bring you in and laid you down on the floor.
"Jesus what happened?!" Marty said as he was applying some ointment to your scratches you got when bullets whizzed by your head.
"Fuck if I know!" Nikki said "We were having a party when we heard her" he pointed to you "fighting with a bunch of guys then gunshots and people running" when the iron was good and hot, Marty sat you up and handed a dirty dish rag to Tommy.  The tallest young man in the room knew what he had to do, he got behind you and gagged you.
The pain of burning flesh was something you felt before as part of your training but it was always so painful.  As soon as the hot iron came down on the raw, bleeding meat of your hand, you let out a muffled scream and for the first time in years, you l"et tears fall down your face.  Tommy kissed your hair and said softly "It's okay, Y/N...only a little longer..."  when they let you up, your good hand swung out and punched Marty right in the face.  He fell back and cursed you, his eye already swelling.
Nikki turned you so he could look directly at you and said "What the ever loving fuck is going on Y/N?"
"I'm a hitman for the Gatto crime family" you told them plainly.  "The Old Man adopted me when I was ten after he killed my mother and her boyfriend" you were beyond pissed now and looking for blood.  You got up, but a jolt of pain from your legs prevented you from moving.
Nikki and Tommy pushed you back down and said "You're not going anywhere.  You need to heal up and get better before you get revenge" Marty was now icing his eye and about ready to wrap your burnt hand.
"Why are you admitting this freely?" Nikki asked.
"My fuckin' cover's been blown, my apartment's shot to shit and if I cant get in touch with the Old Man, he'll come up here and look for me.  That puts you all in danger too" you said.  "Get me the phone..."
Marty was hesitant, but after looks from the others he relented,  You called and explained the situation to the Old Man, and he promised to come get you the next morning.  He did as he promised and got you in the car, looking as disappointed as a father scolding a wayward child.  "What's the matter?" you asked, taking out a cigarette.
"You've failed me, Little One" he said as he pulled out a revolver and handed it to you.  "Take your own life to atone for your transgressions, or I will torture you when we get back to Arizona..." his voice was full of malice and you simply put the gun beside you and looked directly at him.
"You dishonor your family by refusing a direct order?" he was growing incredulous as you stared him down.
"Family? No" the driver turned around and put a bullet in Enrico's head without a word "You? You bet your ass I would"  the blood pouring out of his nose and mouth was like a fountain, staining his upholstery an ugly burgundy
"Nice shot, Uncle Mick" you smirked as you admired his handiwork.
"That's Pumpkin" he replied.  "You get your love of firearms from your mother's side of the family" you laughed at that.  You knew when you talked to the Old Man on the phone the day before, from the sound of shock in his voice that he was the ones who sent those men to kill you, not people avenging Gino. 
The others met up with them back at the apartment and you apologized for playing them like cheap banjos, to Vince and Tommy for injuring them.  "So how did you change drivers without the Old Man noticing?" you asked them.
Nikki chuckled "I've got some buddies in the mob too.  I called in a few favors people owe me" that was all that he'd say about the subject and you knew better than to ask.
You turned to Mick and said "It seem like we have A LOT of catching up to do..." you decided that you'd let him in your life if he wanted it.
"That we do Pumpkin" he smiled warmly "That we do"
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Brothers In Arms: Pt. 1
Words: 1833
(Part 2)
Rick looks at TC. Something in his gut is telling him to check in on Thomas.  He pulls out his cell phone and dials the man's phone number. He listens to it ring once before going straight to voicemail. Not again. He waves at TC to grab the man's attention. As TC heads his way, Rick dials Juliet's number. "This is Juliet Higgins."
"Higgy, it's Rick. Hey, is Magnum there?"
"No, I haven't seen him since he left last night."
"If you do see him, call me please?" "Of course, is everything alright?" Concern drips in her voice.
"Not sure. Thanks." He hangs up and looks at TC.
"Yo, everything alright?" The taller man asks his friend.
"I don't think so. My gut is saying we need to find Tommy. But he hasn't been to the Nest since he left last night."
"Where would Magnum have gone?"
 The boat rocks back and forth, and while that would normally calm him down, it drives the fear deeper into Magnum's heart. The tape on his mouth is sticky, and he can taste the blood in his mouth from when the man in the green shirt punched him for being mouthy. The ties on his wrists aren't quite cutting off his blood circulation, but he's definitely not getting out of them any time soon. His tan Hawaiian shirt is stuck to his skin from the blood that is dried on it. The one thing that does bring Magnum some relief is the fact that his feet aren't tied together. He wonders, not for the first time since they've started this trip, where these three men are taking him. Finally, the boat begins to slow down. He looks around and realizes there isn't any land in sight. One of the men walks down to the lower deck and starts lowering the ladder into the water. Thankfully, it isn't the man who punched Magnum earlier. However, it does bring a sense of deja-vu, and Magnum wonders what he was brought along on this little trip for.
 TC's phone rings. "Katsumoto?" He questions in lieu of a greeting.
"TC. Glad I caught you. Hey, have you seen Magnum recently?"
"No, but Rick and I have been trying to track him down all morning. Why?" TC suddenly gets a terrible feeling.
"His car is currently being processed by CSU." "What?"
"A patrol car was driving down Kapaa Quarry Road, and they found his vehicle on the side of the road, door wide open. When they stopped to see what was going on, there was blood in the vehicle."
Shit. "Okay. What do you want us to do?"
"Make a list of Magnum's enemies. We need to figure who could've done this."
"Yeah, but like we said last time he went missing, he's a private investigator. He makes a lot of enemies. But... Do you find it strange that, so far, the only difference between this time and last, is who found the car?"
"Yeah. But we will follow every lead we get. Okay? Don't be like Magnum. HPD has this covered."
TC nods before remembering Katsumoto couldn't see him, "Alright." As he hangs up, TC looks over at Rick. Fear for his brother rages in his eyes. "A patrol car found TM's car earlier. CSU is processing."
"Okay. So, Katsumoto wants us to create a list of his enemies?"
"Rick." TC calls the man's name to gain his attention. Rick spins around to look at the taller man. "There was blood in the car."
 Juliet watches from her desk as Rick and TC pull onto the estate in the direction of the guesthouse. Curiosity rings through her. She wonders why they are here, at Magnum's residence, when they called earlier looking for him. She glances around for Zeus and Apollo and spots them lying at the door, ears perked from hearing TC's van rumbling in the driveway.
"Come along, lads." She calls to the canines, who jump up and trot to her side. Juliet heads for the men who, on any other day, would be visiting their brother, but seem to have a different agenda on their mind today. She watches TC and Rick both dig out their cell phones from their pockets.
"Hello, gents. Fancy seeing you here." She raises an eyebrow in question.
"Higgy!" Rick greets. "We're just here to visit Magnum." Jules watches the silent man behind Rick minutely flinch. If she hadn't been looking for it, she would've completely missed it.
"Oh. But you called earlier, and he still isn't back. Is there something else going on?" She knows Rick is lying to her but wants to see if he'll confess.
"That's a bummer, man." Rick turns to TC. "Should we wait for him?"
"You know what? I think we should." TC joins in the game.
"You didn't answer the question, gentlemen." It's a game Juliet no longer wants to play.
"What question was that? I didn't hear a question." Rick states, face drawn. "Is there something going on?" Juliet knows her annoyance is on her face. She's never had to hide her true feelings for these boys so far, and she wasn't about to start.
Rick relents. "Katsumoto called TC a bit ago. The Ferrari was found out on Kapaa Quarry Road. HPD found blood inside." His voice was grim delivering the news and the fear between the three for their injured friend was nearly palpable.
"What can I do to assist?"
A look passed between the two men that Higgins didn't want to even try to decipher before TC answered. "You can help us create a list of enemies. Again." His last word passed as a sigh. For being a PI, and former military, their friend sure did get into a lot of binds.
"Of course." She released the dogs to wander the property before joining the men in their trip to the guesthouse.
 Magnum swims, handcuffed to the man in the green shirt, hoping for a chance to attempt what, so far, has been impossible.
Green shirt yanks on the link connecting them, "Hurry up."
"I'm going, but these ribs are killer." Magnum can't help but sass.
"Maybe Mr. SEAL should've thought about that before mouthing off earlier." Black shirt speaks up from behind Magnum. Thomas nearly stops at the mention of his last occupation. Only his training keeps him from physically displaying the shock.
"Woah... He actually speaks." Magnum figures they won't do anything while in the water, especially with him handcuffed to one.
"Get moving." The one up front, Buzz Cut, calls. And this finally shuts Magnum up, because the tone offers no argument. As much as he wants to stop and tread for a moment, Magnum kicks one foot then another, through the twinge in his ribs. The saltwater definitely doesn't help the pain from the cuts.
 A few hours later, the three have a list that was quite long. Rick volunteers to call Katsumoto with the list and for any other information.  
Ring. Ring.
"This is Detective Katsumoto."
"Detective, this is Rick Wright. I have that list for you about Magnum's case."
"As much as I appreciate that, I am no longer leading detective on that case."
"Okay. Who is?" Rick's curiosity is piqued.
"Five-O. As soon as they got wind of it. It was snatched off my desk onto theirs."
"Thanks Katsumoto."
The line goes dead and Higgins questions, "Why would Five-O want this case? It's not high-profile or political."
A look of comprehension passes over TC's face. "Is Commander McGarrett still in charge of the taskforce?" "I believe so, why?" "Oh boy." Rick drags the words out. "Commander McGarrett and Magnum are good friends. Suffice to say, they saved each other's asses a few times."
TC shoots Rick a humorous look, "A few times?"
"Okay.... a lot. Even Nuzo got a kick out of how many times they've rescued each other. Both are troublemakers beyond belief." TC makes a sound of agreement.
"Okay. So McGarrett finds out Magnum's in trouble and wants to help?" "Let's just say McGarrett feels he owes Magnum a few favors. And Magnum insists he doesn't." Rick leans over to TC, "I'm not even sure who owes who at this point."
"I think they're about even." TC murmurs back. Juliet raises her eyebrows in shock.
 Steve looks at his partner. "Steve. I love you brother, but why did we just grab a case? Not to be heartless, but it just seems like a kidnapping. HPD deals with this all time. "
"Look at the name, man." "A P.I. named Thomas Magnum. I'm still failing to make the connection."
"He was a SEAL."
"And this is some sort of brotherhood thing? Sorry brother, there needs to be more explanation." Danny reads the rest of the case information. "I was going to, but you interrupted. He is a friend. We saved each other's asses more times than I could count."
"Gotcha. What else do we know?" Out of respect for the missing man's sacrifice, Danno jumps into detective mode.
"His friends are creating a list of enemies..."
"Which he is bound to have a long one, seeing that he's a private investigator."
"Yeah. He's also the security consultant for Robin Masters."
"The Robin Masters? As in White Knight?"
"Yeah, that's him." Steve was almost surprised at Danno's knowledge of the famous author.
"Okay. So, we know he was taken, probably by force, based on the blood. What about ransom calls? And why not take the car?" Danny fires off the questions as he thinks of them.
 Rick's phone rings as Juliet finally sits on Magnum's couch. He puts it on speaker after answering. "Hello?"
"Rick Wright, this is Steve McGarrett with Five-O. I am currently standing at the gate with my partner, Danny Williams. Would you mind letting us in so we can chat?"
"McGarrett, it's good to hear from you... Maybe not under these specific circumstances, but we're glad you made it out, man." TC speaks up.
"Of course, we'll let you in." Rick gives the two men the code for the gate and then waits in anxious silence for them to enter Magnum's residence.
Knock, knock. "It's McGarrett." Steve calls out as he and Danny enter the home, not wanting to surprise the two former soldiers inside. "Rick, TC. Man, you guys are looking good."
"Just out of curiosity," TC smirked, "what is it with SEALs retiring into law enforcement?" McGarrett laughs in response.
"They don't know how not to be insane." Danny turns to his partner with a raised eyebrow, as if daring Steve to find a valid argument. Steve holds his hands up in surrender.
"I can't argue that one." TC agrees.
"You have that list for us?" Steve finally directs the conversation. Rick nods and looks at Higgins.
"Here it is." She hands it to Steve, and her thoughts turn to Magnum. She wonders if he's okay, and if he's trying to find a way to get back to them.
 The End (for now?)
If you would like another part to this story, please let me know.: Thanks to all my followers!
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waldowski89-blog · 7 years
Two Lazy Weeks in the Making… (somewhere at the beginning of August 2017)
(Edit: Okay, the title sounds more dramatic than the actual bulk of this post but lets get into the ramblings of a madman who talks about nothing whilst trying to make it sound interesting. I’m also going to have to do a lot of writing as I want to catch up with all the post I’ve missed… which is a lot. Off we go into the post then)
(After Edit: Scroll to the credits music at the bottom and you can also listen to some albums/music that I listened to while writing this)
Hello again, I’m back! Not that I really left. I’ve been over on Twitch and Twitter mainly. So I’ve got lots of plans for social media stuff and am keeping myself busy. I know this shouldn’t be a diary type thing. Those can be boring. Especially mine seen as nothing much really happens in my life… honest!
I will be starting an Instagram account this week… yay! Please feel free to follow me on all my different accounts. It sounds like it’s all me me me (meme, har har) but I promise you it will all be entertaining… like a train wreck is entertaining. Tune in to watch a fully grown man go slowly insane. (Edit: That’s a laugh)
I’ve said before that: “Waldowski” is a character of mine and he is. However, my own personality seems to be… “shining” through in his work… or my work I suppose.
(12/8/17 (Edit: English style date)):
Right, so I wrote the top part a few days ago (Thurs 10/8/17 I think) and now I’m coming back to this. I’m going back to my old schedule and goals and adding a few things. When I do Twitch streams, which should be everyday. TWITCH STREAM ERRYDAY *AIRHORNS* I may do longer than an hour. I just bought Assassin’s Creed Origins too so stay tuned for that, exciting stuff! (Edit: I literally just bought it because I forgot to enter the discount code. What a mess!)
I was watching a vid earlier about Michael Jackson’s involvement in creating the music for Sonic 3. It was very interesting and I have heard about this before. The whole thing is pretty much confirmed now but it’s interesting to follow all the theories and research that’s been done into this. I won’t reiterate what’s already been said but I will link the recent vid on the subject. There are links in there too so hopefully I haven’t sent you into a research, insomniac inducing frenzy of a pit of information where you’re just holding a steaming cup of coffee with straggly hair and bloodshot eyes just looking for your next fix on that Michael Jackson/Sega music conspiracy… and breathe. Sorry for that long sentence, I got carried away.
Okay I’m back writing this again on 13/8/17. I’m going to finish this post tonight! I’m watching Key and Peele again. Those guys are funny, anyway, what I’m doing is writing out four pages by hand with my brilliant Parker fountain pen… okay… I think I’ve really lost it. I’m coming back out of retirement (secret link of more Key and Peele I didn’t post on twitter) (Edit: I put it in the Research section below too. Also, thanks to Philip DeFranco for the idea of a secret link. What fun!)
More plans are a: “Let’s Read” YouTube channel called: “Waldowski Reads”. I still have to get a few things to set that up first. It will be much like a let’s play channel but with me trying to read a book… funny, eh?
This kinda reminds me of when I’d do work at University. I’d have to set goals, plan things, etc… I have been doing this but falling behind lately. In any case none of that matters now. I’ve gotta move on and get on with actually doing stuff.
So, everything’s planned out for a little while for me. Anything happening out there? (apart from all the bad news of course. I already know about that stuff) I genuinely mean it too with following me on social media. I try to talk to as many people as I can nowadays.
Blergh, how did I do this before? A few months ago I’d bang out 1,000 words like it was nothing.
Oh my God, I totally forgot, Na Wri Mo (Edit: Almost, but it’s Na NO Wri Mo because it happens in November) is happening soon. Ugh, I’d always wanted to try it for years. What I’m worried about is one whether what I write will be any good, if I stick to it (quitting will feel like a massive failure for me) and if I’ll take it seriously (nothing should, I suppose) (Edit: Kinda gave up on the numbering of reasons, didn’t I ?) but I’ve had a tendency to let things travel into the realm of ridiculousness before… hmn, maybe that’s a good thing? It might turn out silly and fun for once. I’m not putting “The Vague Chronicles” in there either. Maybe the characters can crossover, I dunno.
It’s pretty much 12:00am as I write this. I’m gonna get it finished before I sleep anyway. So it’s four sides of handwritten A4 pages… did I already write that?
In any case, I keep liking vids on YouTube but they don’t stay liked (random I know but what else can I write… look at this shit. How the fuck is my Na Wri Mo (Edit: Pleb) project going to look? I don’t even have a plan Jesus Christ. Also yes I’m swearing… I’ve been drinking a little bit too. I’m not an example of how life should be lived… this is just an account of how I’m living mine)
Shit, I’m supposed to disappear. Well, at least in novel writing I am. Writing is about the characters not me, at least that what I’ve been told. I’ve also been told: “Write what you know”.
Back again. Been distracted by life. In… anyway what I was saying was ugh… it doesn’t matter I’m not supposed to be in the story, my characters are… but why do I become them sometimes? I have to… that’s the point.
So, this is the last page (handwritten anyway)
Damn, look at this, I’m letting myself get distracted at every turn. It’s 4:04 in the morning and I haven’t finished. I’ll have to type all this up tomorrow. Hello me! Weird right? You’re typing this up and I’m talking to you. (Edit: … yes very… I hope I get back to the point, whatever it was)
So, seriously. I dunno. This pen is kinda cool, right? Tired AndwewsiesTM. This will go up on Tumblr. I know I’m irrelevant at the moment. So drunk WHO CARES ABOUT THAT!? Nevermobf.
So, Assassin’s Creed Origins is coming soon… in October. Hopefully I’ll be ready to do a let’s play/stream hey I might even do an unboxing. It’s a collector’s edition with a figure and other stuff too. I’ll do it like the vid I’m showing someone now. Wink wink. (Edit: It was just me reading the handwritten version out… HUSHIES) She gets to see the handwritten stuff. This is her day after all! The best fan/troll anyone could ever hope for.
Gosh my writing is getting bad, so drunk. I’m okay of course. Oh! So there’s like four things I think I have to link in this “blog”. Um, the Michael Jackson Sonic 3 vid, the music from the Jetzons associated with that, the Key and Peele vid, oh and finally the AC Origins pic.
I’m back but for now… goodbye and I will see… MAY see you tomorrow. My name’s Waldowski and thank you to everyone who read this or listened.
Research Links:
A Brief History of Michael Jackson's Sonic the Hedgehog 3
The Jetzons - Hard Times(Sonic 3 Ice Cap Zone Act 1 & 2 Remix)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Sega Genesis - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 63
I’m Coming out of Retirement One Last Time...
Credits Music:
Thought Beings - Italo Nights
Tommy '86 - Disco Machine - [FULL EP]
Nightcrawler - Strange Shadows - [FULL EP]
VHS Glitch - Halloween Strangers [FULL ALBUM]
Off we go...
Into uncharted lands...
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The Prize, Ch.5
Summary: AU Tom, set in early 19th c. London.  Madeleine and Tom have known each other since they were teenagers (her brother is married to his sister). Can they overcome their fears and choose each other?  
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama (Written as an experiment in the heaving bosom/bodice ripper vein)
Rating: T (non-explicit sexuality, scenes of thematic peril {SORRY I JUST HAD TO SAY THAT!!!})
Author’s Notes:  Reminder that this started out just on a whim, I am not a Writer, I am not going to obsess about the accuracy of period language or technical issues, etc.  I’m not good at describing action, my scribbling is much  more about internal workings. Thank you to @i-wanna-be-toms-body-pillow for her enthusiasm and time in helping me.  
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
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Protect Madeleine.
He blinked a few times, as if the action would provide clarity to his mind and light into the darkened coach.  The sound of the horses and Wilcox exclaiming filled his ears, a sound that he hoped was of surprise rather than pain.
Protect Madeleine.
She was still in his arms.
The darkness prevented him from an immediate visual assessment of her.  Considering the circumstances, he gave himself permission to ignore any sense of propriety.
Please let her be alive.
Please let her be unharmed.
A terrible dread seized him at the idea of her –
His hands moved to check her, to feel her pulse and be sure that she was breathing.  
He had to grit his teeth when an attempt at shifting his position sent pain shooting through his shoulder that had absorbed the brunt of the impact when they’d been thrown across the coach.
Time seemed to take on a slowed pace.  The only thought in his mind was her.  His fingertips pressed into the warm silky skin of her neck, confirming a steady beating of her heart.  They then moved with haste to her mouth, her nose, her eyes.  Her breathing was a bit shallow, but he couldn’t feel any blood or injury to her face.  A quick inventory of her limbs found them all intact.
Using his other arm, he learned forward and levered her away from his body upon being satisfied that it appeared safe to move her, trying to prop her upright.  
“Wake up, darling. Wake up.”
There was no response and his fear increased, a fear of something that he had never considered until these moments.
“Maddy, please,” he urged, startled by how still she was and by the rough, broken pleading of his own voice.
He couldn’t live without her.
Perhaps it was merely a minute or two that went by, but it was an eternity for him.  An eternity of sheer terror as he attempted to rouse her.  He cupped her face and pressed his cheek to hers, one word being repeated over and over and over.
His lips brushed across her forehead and he felt dampness, not understanding that it was from his own tears.  
A thousand prayers left his mouth, all in that one word.
A tremendous cry of relief left him when finally, finally a soft moan escaped her lips and her eyes fluttered open.
“Madeleine, darling. Thank God, you’re still here with me.”
Don’t ever leave me, please.
He was not quite sure how the next hour or so went by so quickly.  Strange that everything in that very second could seem so keen, yet the minutes went by at such a pace that he almost thought he must be dreaming. Something took over, something that came from the core instinct of humanity – survival.  And something else was forever altered in his perception of reality.  He now understood fear in its most elemental state.  It wasn’t fear for his own life.  It was far more terrifying than that.  It was fear for hers.  Fear that she might be taken from this realm.  That fear was above anything he had experienced, beyond the shadowy fears of childhood, beyond the selfish fears of youth.  This was a grown fear, a nearly physical pain felt with every exhale of his lungs.  
He managed to wrench open the door of the carriage with Wilcox’s aide on the outside.  The rain had ceased almost entirely and the clouds cleared just enough to provide them with light that assisted in an assessment of the damage.  The storm had caused a wheel to loosen and a rut in the road provided the final impetus of its liberation.  A short conversation led to Wilcox mounting one of the horses to ride to the small village where they normally took a meal on the journey to the estate.  He returned within the hour in a rented coach.
Tom sat with Madeleine in the darkness, the throbbing in his shoulder of little consequence at the present time.  All that mattered was her.  She was unharmed, save for the general temporary aches from the impact of the crash. They were both unusually quiet while they waited for Wilcox.  She was calm, so calm.  He was concerned that she might be overcome by one of her unbidden panicked states, but she was not.  On the contrary, she appeared almost serene despite the severity of the situation.
She did not resist in any way when he took his great coat and put it on her, adding another layer to her own garments and the blanket.  She did not resist in any way when he pulled her close and murmured that she needed to be kept warm.  She did not resist in any way when he wrapped his good arm snugly around her.
He hoped she couldn’t hear the pounding of his heart.  He hoped she couldn’t feel the terror that had yet to abate.  He hoped she couldn’t sense that he…that he…
That he what?
Loved her?
Desired her?
Needed her?
And then he found himself in a room at the inn, standing in front of the door that joined her room to his. He had forced himself to let go of her when Wilcox arrived.  What excuse did he have at that point?  The immediate danger had passed.  He had forced himself not to gather her into his arm again in the fresh carriage, not to hold her to his side as they entered the inn, not to insist that they share a room.  
He lifted his left hand, the other all but unusable due to his injury, and placed it flat against the wooden door.  It was smooth from time and wear.  He ran his palm down the grain, remembering the texture of the fabric of her cloak while she rested against him before the accident.  The scent of her clung to his own clothes.  He took a deep breath.  It still hurt.  But how sweet.  Oh, so sweet.
He pressed his ear to the wood.  She was moving about the room, opening her trunk and readying for the night, humming her favorite lullaby, the one she always sang to their nieces and nephews.
What would she do if he opened the door, swept into the room, and declared himself?
What would she say?
Would she laugh?
Would she think he was jesting?
Would she ruffle his hair and call him “Tommy” and push him away and huff at him and tell him to save his flattery for someone who cared?
She might reject him.
She might never be able to look at him again with affection.
Could he risk that?
Could he risk losing what the years had given them, what they had built together?
The fear clamored over him anew.
He couldn’t.
He had to.
He thought of her laughing at him again.
He couldn’t.
But what Pierre had said…
What if that man were to ask for her hand.
What if…
The argument in his mind and heart was halted when the door was flung open and she appeared in front of him.  
Her hair was loose, hanging in soft waves that reached beyond her waist.  She was clad in a snow white nightgown and wrapper, with frothy lace at her wrists and neck.  The generous fire in the room had brought a flush to her cheeks and shone around her like a light from Heaven.  
He blinked and stepped back, stunned by the sudden sight of her.  
And like that.
She was covered, but it was like he was seeing her bare.
She smiled at him.
His Madeleine.
She had to be his Madeleine.
“You always were the loudest mouth breather I’ve ever heard.  And you wonder why my sister insists on putting you in the room farthest away from the others when you stay with them.”
He couldn’t live without her teasing.
He couldn’t live knowing that she might be treating another man in the same way.
Or a more intimate way.
“If you needed help shaving you could have simply asked instead of growling at the door like a ill-tempered hound.”
He’d never seen her like this.  Not once. Not in all the years they had been in the same house, not as children or adults.  Of course he had imagined it.  He’d imagined far beyond this.  But to actually witness it, it shocked him.  It was beyond all sense of decorum.  
She knew about his odd trait of shaving twice a day.  Although his hair was fair, he had a darker beard and by the end of a long day, it was noticeable.  He also did not care for the sensation of the roughness, especially when he laid his head down on the pillow at night, and had taken to the habit of shaving before he retired.  The warm water and ritual of the actual was comforting.
“Wasn’t it so fortunate that a doctor is here at the inn because of the storm?  I’m glad that he was able to treat your shoulder.  Shame it’s the right and not the left, but you’ll find a way to manage.  I can help you tonight and I’m sure one of the servants at the hall would be thrilled to play valet to you for a day or two.”
She was moving around the room as though it were her own, opening his small bag and removing the kit, checking the stand by the fire to see if there was a pitcher of fresh water, chattering about this and that as if this were all perfectly normal and they hadn’t narrowly escaped what could have been a -
Should he say something? Should he tell her to leave?  
He’d never had so many questions in his life.  
She was going to do this for him?  
That meant being close to him.
That meant putting her hands on him.
In a way that a lover would.
“Are you going to sit down,” she asked, voice tinged with amusement, “or do I need to stand on a stool to do this?”
It occurred to him that he hadn’t uttered a word since she’d opened the door.  An attempt at speaking died before he could even open his mouth. He tore his eyes from her, from the angel that was invading his room and his heart, looking around for a chair.
“Oh, Tom, I’m sorry,” spoken in a different tone, not of teasing but of penitence, “let me do it. You’re hurt.”
The doctor had worked with speed and efficiency to treat his injury.  His shoulder had to be forced back into alignment.  He’d refused to take the laudanum, only giving in to the wine in its place when Madeleine had looked up at him with entreaty and brought the glass to his lips.  A whispered “For me” preceded the second cup, the slight trembling in her hand as it grasped his alerting him to the fact that she was distressed over seeing him in pain, although he had done his best to conceal it from her during the ordeal.
That must be it.
That was the explanation.
He was drunk.
It was altering his ability to think, to function.
Perhaps he was in fact dreaming all of this.
But the hands that led him to the chair and gently pushed him down were real, so real.  And warm.  So warm.  He felt the warmth through the linen of his shirt.  The doctor had removed his jacket and waistcoat prior to placing his arm in the sling, leaving him only in his shirt and cravat.
The cravat.
He gave a little shake of his head and tried to clear his mind, from the wine or the subsiding pain or the giddy anticipation of what she intended to do, he wasn’t sure.
The cravat would have to be removed.  Without giving thought to his limitations, he lifted his hands to do so and a jolt went through his arm up to his shoulder.
“No, you can’t,” a gentle rebuke, “Let me.”
In that moment, he gave in.
It might be the only time.
It might be the only time she would ever be this close to him.
It might be the only time he would ever see her like this.
It might be the only time she would ever tend to him with such care and tenderness.
It might be the only time he would ever feel her like this.
She leaned down and began the task of unknotting the silk.  Her breath was soft, the sound steady and assuring.  The loose waves of her hair cascaded around her and rested on the fabric of his thighs, the auburn shade so vivid against the light hue of his breeches.  She was going about the task so nonchalantly, as if it were nothing, as if it were her habit; and he was struggling to keep his composure!
This was the sweetest torture.  He had to close his eyes to protect himself from the image of her mere inches from his face, from the image of her plump pink lips and the tip of her tongue that darted out in thoughtful frustration as she dealt with the cravat.  How desperately he wanted to taste that mouth!
“Remind me never to let you restrain me for any reason.”
“No matter how much the boys want to play victors and captives.”
He was gripping his knee so tightly to keep from putting his hand on her waist, his fingers were getting stiff.
“Where did you learn these knots, from a sailor?”
She was giggling, the childish giggle he adored, even when it was inspired at his own expense or frustration. It was a part of all his favorite memories.  From the first day he had met her, she had laughed like that. He had missed it terribly when he was in France, when he was foolish enough to deceive himself that he could forget her.  It was in vain.  He couldn’t forget her.  He couldn’t forget that laugh.
“There!  Finally!” she proclaimed in triumph and pulled away the stubborn offender.
His jaw clenched involuntarily when her fingers lightly fanned around his neck for a second or two before she turned swiftly to make the lather.  Daring to open his eyes, he watched as she proceeded to do such a simple task that he had done for himself hundreds of times, but that this time was both pleasure and agony.  Because he knew what was going to happen next.  She was going to be there again, close to him again, hands on him again.  He was already fighting to keep his body under control, but he knew it was a losing battle.  There would be no way of hiding it from her.  His eyes caught the stack of faded but clean and neatly folded linens next to the wash stand.  If he could procure something to -
“Does the lavender oil go in the lather or just on that chiseled face of yours after?”
He looked back to her and almost gasped aloud.
She’d taken off her wrapper, having grown tired of repeatedly pushing up the lace cuffs while she made the lather, and the nightgown was rendered practically transparent from her position in front of the fire.  The curves of her hips and legs were clearly visible under the thin white muslin.  
He wasn’t going to survive this.
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