#like i agree with her that its stupid cuz EVERYONE says it
Working with editors is fun
I just told my supervisor "combler un poste" is not considered proper french anymore and she went on a 10 minute rant about how that's stupid during our meeting
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Hey, read your work on kento having a partner at a dessert shop, can you do a follow up where, gojo finds out cuz yuji is a loose mouth and blurts it when talking about kento and gojo rallys up everyone he can get to kento and demands a meet up at the shop. And kento has to agree to the masses.
If you are taking in request its ok. Or else ignore it. But the work was soo good.
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[part i]
Leaving the sequestered chambers of the higher ups after his meetings always left Nanami breathing a sigh of relief.
Even after all these years, and well into his adulthood, it felt like going to the principal’s office. Being called in to be scolded or told his deficiencies, then told how he can help the situation, before being metaphorically patted on the head and sent on his way. It was infuriating, and demeaning.
“Nanami Kento!”
The special grade stopped in his tracks and turned towards the courtyard. Seeing Gojo Satoru standing there was an accusatory finger and a more serious look than his normal, stupid, gleeful expression. Perhaps he was actually being serious for once. Which would be a surprise to Nanami, and a change he hoped for. “When were you going to tell me you were dating someone who owned an ice cream shop!?” Hope springs eternal…..
“How is my dating life any of your concern?” He asked. Heading down the long set of steps now that he knew it was safe. “How do you know about that anyway?”
From behind Satoru, the sad, pitiful frame of Yuji poked out from his shadow. “I’m sorry Nanami-san, he got it out of me….”
“Meaning that Yuji gushed like a middle school girl about his day with you and spilled it out.” Nobara corrected. Crossing her arms as she stood beside the other men. “But seriously, why didn’t you tell us?”
“Again, how is my dating life any of your concern?” Nanami repeated. “Am I not entitled to my privacy?”
“That’s what I told them.” Megumi said. But seemed a little disappointed in himself that he did press further on that point.
“Privacy, shmivacy!” Satoru replied. “When you’re dating someone who has an ice cream shop, it is your moral duty to tell everyone?”
“I also didn’t tell you because I knew you would take advantage.” Nanami told him. “Despite all your money.”
Satoru looked wounded. “I would never!”
“You literally threw a temper tantrum because you found out Yuji got free ice cream and you didn’t.”
“No I didn’t Nobara. You’re being dramatic!”
“I’m being dramatic??”
This exchange went on for a moment before Nanami eventually broke down. “If I tell you where the shop is, will you leave me alone?”
Satoru thought about it for a moment with a long ‘hmmmmm’. “Nope! Not good enough. You have to take me there.”
“So that they know I’m your friend and can get discounts.” Satoru flinched a little at Nanami’s glare.
“Yay! Group outing!” Yuji cheered, before Nanami could say no. And he didn’t have the heart to break his spirit.
“Fine.” He agreed and took them to the shop.
[Y/N] took it in stride. Actually, excited to meet his colleagues. “Who knew you were so popular Nanami-kun?”
“Yeah, Nanami-kun.” Satoru teased. Grinning behind his strawberry parfait. “Who knew indeed?”
Nanami didn’t respond. Instead, he paid for everyone’s ice cream and told [Y/N], “please see to it that this one does not get any more free sweets or samples.”
“Oh come on Nanami! Not even samples!”
Satoru followed after Nanami as he walked out. Their students in toe.
[Y/N] just waved to them happily as they left. “Nanami was right. They are a bunch of weirdos.”
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alexendria-rose · 2 months
I loved Stephen's last one, I kept thinking, what would happen if Y/N was tougher and more powerful. She would be an experienced witch like Agatha, but she would be more bitter and sarcastic. She would be like the badass witch who helps Kamar-Taj and everyone is afraid of her, she and Stephen never really got along, but they are "friends". I agree with the previous request, we all love Wong. America was afraid of Y/N because she was a witch, she looks at Stephen and says "your wife scares me" , cuz they are married in every universe , so no Cristine, the love of his life would be the one he "hated" the most. Their song would be Endgame by Taylor, because Y/N is a woman of reputation lol.
I'm brazilian, so if that If it's not understandable, it's Google translate fault.
A/n- OMFG LOVE THIS. No I completely understood! I hope you like what I have my love! 💜
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I’m Your Endgame~
Stephen Strange X Reader
Warnings: cussing if you don't like that- honestly thats a warning for all of them lol. and also some witch stuff but- I mean if you watch marvel you fine lol
Y/n sat at the Sanctum library a book in her hand as she glared up at the other students/sorcerers keeping their distance from the witch. The girl who never uttered a word, the girl who was much more powerful than anyone else around- and that scared all of them. The fact they could easily be in her eye-line and could easily use her powers on them without an hesitation. One of the students walks up to her slightly shaking from her presence.
“U-Um miss-“
“Y/n.” She states looking up at the male student watching his hands shake, the sweat forming on his forehead.
“D-Doctor strange wants to see you in the office.” He stutters before scurrying away from the girl. She rolled her eyes using her red magic powers to put the book back into its place. The students watching it all at the way she didn’t even need to pay attention. She stands up pulling the black hood over her head before using her own magic to open up a portal to the sanctum; walking through the red portal spotting a certain sorcerer at his desk looking over some spells.
“What took you so long.” He grunted while looking up at the woman in front of him. She slowly pulled down her hood staring at him.
“Stupid students- maybe blame them Strange.” She mumbled making her way closer to the desk before sitting herself down on the edge of the desk looking at him with a monotone expression.
“You really do just make yourself at home, don’t you?” He grumbled organizing the papers and books in front of him so she didn’t dare crumble them.
“Have to- with this mess you call home.” She muttered a sharp glare towards his way. “Why did you need me anyhow.” Stephen sighed rubbing his face with his hands.
“After Wanda’s death. I did some research about Westview.” He walked his way around the front of the desk to face her his arms crossed. “Came across a woman named Agatha Harkness, found out she was in a witches coven. Was wondering if you knew of her.” Y/n scrunched her eyebrows looking at the man.
“So you assume I know any witches because I am one?” She scoffed jumping off the desk. Stephen groaned rubbing his face with his hands. “But yes I do know Agatha.” Stephen huffs at her attitude rolling his eyes as well.
“You could’ve just started with that.” He groaned at the witch in front of him. She just smirked leaning against the desk as she looked at him. “Apparently though- Wanda put a curse over here. She can’t use her powers and she is appearing as someone other than Agatha. We’re keeping an eye on her.”
“Oh what shit show did she get into with Wanda to have her powers strip from her.” Y/n laughed softy using her hands to play with her magic. “She probably deserved it knowing her; she was always jealous of my powers.” Stephen quirks an eyebrow at the woman.
“How did you know her anyhow?” He mutters watching the way she played with magic so flawlessly.
“She taught me how to control my powers; found out she mostly just wanted me to strengthen it so she could take it for herself.” She groaned lightly her eyes focusing on the magic. “Guess you could say at one point we were friends.” Stephen watches the woman in front of him, taking in her dark expression, she was always so closed off. It irritated him more than anything; he couldn’t read the witch in front of him. She knew that everyone was scared of her in Kamar-Taj knowing if they ever made her bad side she would absolutely destroy them with one click of her fingers. Maybe that’s why he didn’t exactly like her.
“Didn’t know you had friends.” He replies moving his way back towards the desk his cloak trying to move him back for some irritating reason- he mutters a quick stop it to the cloak.
“I don’t do friends that’s why.” She pulls her hood up covering her face once again. “Just like I don’t have anyone close to me. I have one mission only to protect kamar-taj for Wong, I owe him.” She muttered before disappearing into her portal back to the library. Stephen watched as she disappeared suddenly missing her presence but quickly pushing that thought back down. She was mysterious and powerful, she never bothered to do small talk- she would simply just walk away, she was right she was only here to protect Kamar-Taj not to make friends- so why did it hurt when she said she didn’t have friends.
Y/n walked through Kamar-Taj keeping her hood slightly up as she watched the young students learning to be a sorcerer. She noticed a girl barely being able to make a spark and Stephen next to her instructing her. Ah- that was the girl who could travel through multiverses. Y/n walks up to the pair pulling her hood down.
“You have to be calm and stop overthinking.” She stated to the teenager, the girl snapping her head quickly. Stephen rolls his eyes.
“America this is-“
“Y/n.” America mutters moving her hands down slowly as she stared at the powerful woman. Y/n chuckles lightly smacking her lips together.
“So America isn’t it? How do you know me?” Y/n said in low tone crossing her arms as she stared at her-Americas face filled with surprise, before looking at Stephen.
“Your wife scares me…” America hummed lowly, Stephen’s eyes widen at her comment.
“Wife what are you talking about!” Stephen grunted crossing his arms as well as he glared daggers towards America but also showing a hint of disgust but also sort of flutter hit his chest at the idea. Y/n face scrunched up at her words shaking her head before laughing.
“Oh god, wife?” Y/n snorted. “Have fun with her Stephen. I’ll keep an eye on you America.” She muttered turning away from the pair. Stephen continues to look at America his arms crossed like he was a pissed off dad. America bites her lip looking up at Stephen.
“You’re telling me- you aren’t married yet?” America giggled lightly looking at the blush that raised to Stephen’s cheeks.
“What do you mean “married yet?”” Stephen uttered trying to contain the fluttering in his stupid chest but it didn’t help that his cloak was basically rubbing his cheeks to make fun of it-Stephen smacks his cloak away muttering another stop it.
“You and her are together in every universe I’ve met a Stephen strange. I mean it makes sense- she has always scared me though.” America laughs trying not to snort at his expression that turned to be full on flushed. “Christine was never the one for you- every universe you guys don’t end up working but that witch was always the one to fascinate you.” Stephen brushed his go-tee with his hand as he thought about what she said- but also he thought about when he went into the multiverse with America and how the conversation with his other self made much more sense.
“Are you happy Stephen?" Sinister Strange snarled. "That's what Christine told us." Stephen hitched a breath looking at Sinister Strange looking out the window catching a glimpse of other Christine. Sinister Strange laughed wickedly. " I said of course I'm happy- I lost the love of my life what I thought anyhow." Stephen tilts his head towards him.
"I just need the Darkhold please." Stephen hesitated bringing his hand out indicating him to give him the book.
"You don't realize what you have do you?" Sinister Strange taunted walking towards Stephen slowly as he crossed his arms. "Still obsessed with Christine not realizing what you have right in front of you? The one thing we thought irritated us the most- might say a witch?" He smirks, Stephen scrunched his eyebrows in a confused manner. "Oh god you still don't realize huh? Well how about this- you and I swap universe so I can have the one person I lost."
"Yeah how about no." Stephen grunted-
Y/n sat on the bench late at night looking up at the stars as she idly played with the magic in her hands- she often wondered if what she had was a curse on her; or it if was the help the common good. She didn't like that people were afraid of her but it easier then keeping people close- after killing her parents at such a young age, she promised herself to not let people see the real her. To keep herself guarded from that fact, so she rather then be feared then let herself open up so easily. The only person she even considered to open up was with Stephen- even though he irritated her and got under her skin she often wondered why; she never let anyone get under her skin- mostly she was still deep in thought about what America had said; it rattled her core for some unknown reason.
"What are you doing out here this late?" She heard a deep voice say in calm tone. She put her hood down letting her hair flow down and her deep e/c eyes look towards the voice- none other then the devil himself, Stephen Strange. Y/n sighs softly moving her eyes back to the stars that littered the sky wondering if anyone would ever find out how many stars are actually up in the sky. "Deep in thought I presume?" He sits himself down on the bench next to her his blue robe swishing around as he does. She looks at him a small smirk on her face.
"I guess you could say that." She muttered softly her eyes landing back on his- her stomach fluttering just a bit; realizing this she looks away from those stupid cheekbones.
"This is a perfect spot for that." He smirk his eyes wandering towards her.
"It's just so beautiful- the only thing that will ever make sense to me." She whispered under her breath. Stephen continue to look at her through his lashes- his breath hitching at the sight of her; it was like ever since America said what she did his eyes opened up and he cursed himself for not noticing it until now. She was so strong, so independent, the wind blew her hair like it was meant for her, the way her eyes gleamed at the sight of stars and the small smile that placed on her face- like shes never felt so much peace until now.
"I agree." He muttered as he continue to stare at her his heart racing thinking of her being the only thing to make sense to him- her beauty couldn't even be compared to the stars because right now all he could look at was her. She glanced at him seeing him stare at her made her body shiver at his intense stare.
"What?" She asked in a soft tone, her facial features contorted in confusion as he continue to stare at her, but a small smile still placed on her face.
"You know I don't think I've even seen you smile." He whispered softly his hand slightly grazing against hers subconsciously, her breath hitching at the contact but trying not show it.
"That's because people are scared of me and never talk to me." She mumbled keeping her eyes locked onto his. "Why do you anyhow?" She added tilting her head to the side as she continued to stare at those piercing blue eyes.
"That's because you have something beautiful inside of you. It's hard for some people to tell, but it is there- because I see it." He muttered his face moving closer to hers, her heart thumped against her chest her eyes flicking towards his lips back to his eyes, before finally his soft lips were against hers and she swore she felt something she never had before. He moved his lips against hers in sync, her hand instantly moving to his cheek, this was her fist kiss, this was the first time this has ever happened to her. He pulls back from the kiss a small smirk on his face, she blushed a deep red her eyes piercing into his.
"What was that?" She mumbled, he chuckled deeply watching the way her face was flustered but blank making sure not to show how affected she was.
"A kiss." He joked around, she groaned punching his arm lightly.
"I know! Do it again." She grumbled, he chuckled before cupping her cheeks smashing his lips against hers- making sure he was never going to let this beautiful powerful witch slip through his fingers.
A/n- Here is my Masterlist! Come check it out and please please if there anything you want me to do, private message me or press that request button!
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I want to contribute to SB being a great acceptable dad to his little girl and cute moments between them:
One time when MC was in school a classmates’ mom brought in their lunch late because they had forgotten, and when her classmate got the paper bag with their sandwich they kissed their mom on the cheek sweetly; flash forward to the next rare time when SB leaves out a pre packaged sandwich from the store for her and HL to take to school, she thanks him and kisses his cheek when she leaves the room leaving him stunned (he even smiles to himself until he realizes he’s doing so and gets back to his stoic face)
When MC goes with SB to his training with the rest of the team, and Gunpowder annoys MC because she’s little and a girl and well, because she’s there and he doesn’t like her (stupid rivalry without any sense) she actually hits him so hard that she sends him flying to the other side of the room - cue to everyone including SB looking at her, a small girl with braids dressed in a pink and purple dress with her favorite doll in her hand, looking at Gunpowder angrily; SB smirks (she got that face from him) and cheers for her (he couldn’t care less for Gunpowder ouch, he probably deserved it) and lifts her up to show her around showing off his little girl
On those rare days HL isn’t home because he has Vought training or smth (let’s make that a thing here) and MC doesn’t have training, she’s just chilling in her room playing like, you know, a normal kid would, and SB probably is sleeping in like, well, most days, and when he stumbles out of his room he hears her playing and he’d lean against the hallway wall and listen to her play with her dolls (official Payback dolls) and her making voices for all of them and describing a storyline where Soldier Boy defeats the bad guys (and Gunpowder hides somewhere scared because he’s a pussy - ladies shouldn’t talk like that but SB almost snorted when he heard his babygirl say that)
That’s all for now but yeah, strong defender here of Ben caring for his little girl 💖
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y'all are killin' me 😭😭
bc it makes me feel the way i did growing up without a warm mother figure around- i imagine mc getting hella sad and jealous toward the kids who have moms that pack them home-made lunches.
but even Soldier Boy just making the effort to buy you pre-made sandwiches means the world to you cuz its a sign that he cares. at the end of the day, sb really does just wants to make his baby girl happy 🥲
and as much as sb wants mc to be a prim and proper lady, he loves seeing you be a feral little gremlin that can beat up men three times your age without breaking much of a sweat. it's a bit morbit how he likes to watch you make older people cry 😂😂 all while wearing the pretty vought designed dresses stan edgar had commissioned for you.
mc's official licensed payback dolls 🤣 you bet she has a mint condition set of them but she still takes them out of the box and got them muddy. i imagine her soldier boy one is reluctantly her favorite one.
sb definitely gets into the stories you come up with with your dolls. they're so good, it could be on an actual soap opera. he's upset when he misses an episode 😂
sb: what the fuck? *whispering to himself* when did arianna get together with felix?? she was supposed to be in rehab! *he likes that you give the payback dolls different names sometimes*
i love how its now agreed that ben genuinely loves his baby girl but makes me feel bad for homelander xDD
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thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
I just watched the first 2 eps of hazbin hotel so im gonna shout out my thoghts abt it. There will be mostly my opinion abt voices and songs n few others things. There also will be screenshots so..
Ok so idk how to start it. Ig ill start with voices
I really like new Charlies voice and her character changes in general. She acts and sounds like a disney princess, but with swears. Shes not just some naive little girl now, SHES A DISNEY PRINCESS WHO CAN SWEAR :DDD
Ok is it just me or Angels voice sound like- exact same like in the pilot? Maybe its just me. But i actually like it! Idk what else to say srry
Ok, Alastor- u may not be agree with me but i dont like his new laugh. Everything else in the voice is okay but i just always really liked og Alastors laugh and now its kinda meh, im sorry
Adam is a freaking bastard n i dont like him as a character, but his voice is AMAZING, especially when he sings (his voice was literally made for metal songs), n its really befitting his character (also his little song was amazing too, my 2nd fav of all songs so far)
Sir Pentious' voice situation is kinda the same as Alastors. Im okay with it but i like the original one more.
I really like Velvettes voice its really befitting her! Well gotta say everyone from VVV have awesome voices that really befitting their characters.
Valentino (idk if i spelled his name correctly)--- as with Adam, I dont like his character (fuck abusive partners), but his voice is cool, its exactly how i expected him to sound like. The only thing i didnt expect is his accent which goes like: "UngRRRateful whoRRRe!! D:<" idk why its funny to me sorry--- Also as i said early his voice is really befitting that type of people whos actin like: "cmon babe come back, i miss youuuu 🥺🥺🥺💔💔" *5 secs later* "COME BACK U STUPID WHORE, U GREESY BITCH—,
and omg... Vox....... Yk why i saved him for last? Cuz im gonna talk bout him ALOT. I already really loved his voice when i first heard it in the trailer, but when he appeared on screen I JUST FEEL IN LOVE. Not only his voice by itself is amazing, BUT ITS ALSO BECOMES STATIC N GLITHES WHEN HES ANGRY❗❗
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(ok im gonna shut up now-)
Another thing i wanna talk about is how fucking TERRIFYING Alastors demon form looks. JUST LOOK AT IT. ITS SO FCKIN HORRIFYING
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also i really didnt expect to see sir Pentious cry-- its actually made my heart melt.
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And the last song is really cute ❤️
soooo yeah! thats my thoughts so far, I didnt wanna put my thoghts on lore cuz it would be too much spoilers. (also if i didnt talk about voices of some characters, that means i like them and/or okay with them)
My review/thoughts on eps 3-4
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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ca-suffit · 4 months
Hi, you talk a lot about the white fandom but what do you mean by that? Most of the accounts I've seen you attack are not white, other than Virginia vampires as far as I know. For example Sima who you talked about in your last posts is brown, muslim, and probably a lot less privileged than you because of where she lives. It's gross and xenophobic to make fun of her and call her stupid for her English and not understanding western American culture. Also let's not forget this is the internet. Any person can pretend to be anything they want. You could be white yourself for all we know. There's no way to verify unless you post your photo or something. I agree with what you say about Anne Rice and the racism of hardcore book fans but maybe you should be more clear about what and who you're fighting against. Right now it just looks like you attack accounts you don't like for petty reasons and not for any social justice cause.
This is all bullshit but I'm gonna answer it so I can eventually probably pin this fucking post for all u annoying assholes who want to speak over the point and distract from getting shit done here.
White fandom does not mean white people. I have said this so many times. White fandom means the ppl who support the ideas of white supremacy, that white ppl's ideals and comfort should be prioritized over everyone else and "we don't have to talk about race because that's "the real racism."" This has been happening nonstop with the way that Lestat, a fictional white man, is defended to death while real black and brown fans are openly bullied within the fandom (usually to defend *him*!) and nobody fucking cares. They care even less because of how white fandom is now made up of fans who aren't white, who convince white ppl even more that "this is the way, don't listen to those ppl, they're all (euphemism for racial slurs goes here)." If you come into a fandom that centers black American history in its plot and is also well known as a fandom to be antiblack af, that's literally on u to figure out. loustat-0 has been here, it's been two fucking years, I don't give a shit what her background is, this is no excuse. She came into this space knowing what it is, the show spells it out p fucking well too. Stop making excuses for assholes who want to remain ignorant and make themselves victims when they're told they fucked up. U don't have to be a white person to do that shit and antiblackness is so rampant across every race on top of it, it's not brand new information that brown ppl can be antiblack too. Shit, black ppl can be antiblack, look at fangs and keybearer. That is the whole point of being loud about this, to challenge their bs and wake ppl up to saying something back about it. cuz it's the same white fandom shit, just dressed different and in a way most white ppl don't know how to understand. That's what they count on too, why do u think fangs got so loud screaming I'M BLACK AND U NEED TO LISTEN TO ME when she thought that would work to prove her antiblack af point against a white person? u can be any race and be in white fandom and racist af. internalized racism is real. a lot of things are real. Look how many ppl across various groups constantly speak up for political parties who cause harm to their own communities. This manipulation happens every day across many spaces.
You're the only one not understanding what's going on here tbh. I also have never given any information on who I am at all and that is on purpose. The fandom is making up a definition of the person I am typing this, I have said nothing. I say nothing because that's what white fandom relies on, personal information to attack u as a person instead of replying to the topic of fandom racism itself. U can see in this example here how they move goalposts depending on which race, gender, and age they're speaking to. Why do u think it's mostly black ppl on those PSAs too? Why do you think the fandom also ignores them so much and sees them as "angry" and "dangerous." Ur interpretation of who I am is up to u and I don't owe anyone access to that. If u need only specific types of ppl to speak up on shit like fandom racism then u are revealing the main issue behind why nothing ever gets accomplished. Who is the best messenger then? Who would u listen to after all? Sit with that thought and choke on it, cuz the real answer is "nobody." U all will never allow anyone to speak on this, that's why u pull shit like what ur trying to pull here rn. have u also noticed the only ppl getting defended are those who come from white fandom? Why do u think that is too. Why would ppl sympathize so much with only these ppl and not all the black and brown ppl who have been fucked with a lot harder this whole time otherwise. where are those names ever. why are u all always crying about these useless idiots only. ur part of the fucking problem and this victim act doesn't work on me or anyone else. we are all tired of this shit and that's why I'm fucking here.
These are not "petty reasons," you're just fucking stupid and defending the wrong ppl. Wake up already. Ignorance on racism isn't even the only thing loustat-0 is accused of and u want to say it's xenophobic to judge someone's behavior like that, when she's *been* told by ppl how to act right. Fuck outta here. Learn what words mean, u fucking cretin. Btw it was her own post in the tags about leaving that even called attention to this in the first place, it's not like I dug it out of nothing the way fangs is always digging thru black fans' personal shit for her call out posts. She whined a lot to play victim but she did not try to defend herself this way at all so it makes me rly wonder why tf u feel the need to do all this on her behalf. what is UR fucking point, princess?
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fischlslays · 2 years
Update on the Raelya Raasini situation..!
Lmao, as yall know from the last post, she was stalking me and some creepy shit. My friend @hunterxhunterisbest contacted her and guess what? She denied that she talked about me💀 bro its so obvious, and you acting stupid is actually driving me nuts💀
Like bro even took the "I always knew Mona mains can get along with Fischl mains." From my blog and said, "I wasn't talking about her, but the first one."
AND, she stalked my account long enough to know that I put her in my DNI list, here is the conversation between her and my friend. I'm rlly srry for y'all's eyes💀
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And btw, again, calling me a "bish" did nothing at all.
How you felt after calling me a "bish":🥰😍💋💅🔥
Bro pls use something else, you called me a bitch 4 times in row now, be creative. And we both know that you still have access to your goddamn account💀
Esther (my friend) had to go through hell and meet Satan to get this ugly ass mf to text back💀💀
"TELL ME" 💀💀 I don't have to say anything, do I? "I blocked her too! How-" that's even worse bro💀 and yall better be grateful for yalls ass😭 I'm rlly sorry Esther.
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"But she doesn't know one small detail" "I'm still there" bro watched a lil too much of Batman💀 its insulting to compare him to some random ugly ass mf on tumblr💀 even Esther herself said: "why is she acting so cringy? Is she going to tell me a government secret?😭"
Bro stalked for too long to see my DNI list💀💀 and yea, Esther hates you and thinks you the cringiest person to ever step a foot on this Earth. And no she ain't neutral💀
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Yes, you are the creepiest person I've ever talked to💀 and you still deny it. See? That mf admitted that she was stalking me, lmao, tbh, you though you actually changed smth💀 I already knew that you are a creepy stalker, I didn't need you to inform me, but thank anyway.
"She put me in her DNI list."
"And you still interacted?"
"Yes, because I'm not Raeyla"
"Have you lost it?"
Lmao this part got me laughing😭😭
I know you are not Raeyla, but didn't want to expose you to your sweet friends and virtual family, nor your dear followers💀, "Raasini". Tbh, I'm glad that is not your name, because it would be such a waste of a pretty name on a shitty person💀
"I called her friend a loser bc she is"
💀 mf don't get Leisel into this. You actually thought you did smth?💀💀 bro go cry yourself to sleep or smth, it would've been better for all of us💀 and for the third time, Leisel ain't a loser, and again, you clearly didn't see your self💀do us a favour and never show your fac again, and leave your blog, no one is going to miss you anyway💀 if you lied about your name, why would your followers trust you again?💀 Next time Raasini tries to act cool, remember that she likes Hisoka (a pedophile from hunter x hunter), Oliver Tree(search what he did to Melanie), and The Manni Show (master of slurs).💀
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"Idk hes hot" 💀💀 go get your eyes checked. Is this what you call hot?
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Raasini is this your man?💀💀 I don't blame you, you get attracted to shit cuz u are, rlly. U guys deserve eachother.💀
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Again, I'm rlly sorry Esther, and I sorry for everyone who's reading this except that mf, I bet she cringed too💀
"Peace✌" Bitch shut up💀 bro tried so hard to be Drake💀💀 NOT THE "..."💀
hoW dAre yOU! 💀 I swear no one cares, and I feel so bad for Esther. And btw Esther, you ate. And I agree with every single word you said.
And since that mf said that she just said what I did to her, I'm done, that's it, if you are playing that game, I'll do so too💀
Oh, by the way, remember the time you faked living in Ohio? And the time you were hard-core simping over Kaeya and Scaramouche and called them daddies but then you call me and Leisel losers for liking Fischl and Mona?💀 Or the time you acted all cringy by stuttering through text even though you weren't not Role-playing? Or the time you used the "..." so damn much that I gave my phone the nastiest side eye ever? And the time you acted all emo?💀 bro I have too much things, but I too lazy to list them all, and i don't want my followers to cringe💀
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Here is my gift for you <3 tbh, I glad not the only who thinks that💀 and Raasini, your grammar and spelling books are crying in the corner💀 victim rizz fr. and when I saw the screenshots that Esther sent me, you wrote "bulliying"💀 I didn't know ppl could fuck up the word Bullying. Bro, are you even 17?💀💀
And thx @sulli1361 for your advice, I blocked her, let's hope that mf doesn't make another account to stalk me again💀 because I'm so done with her.
Thx @notafan77 for your prayerz
And thx for @urbestgirlever and @hunterxhunterisbest for keeping up with her
And did you actually put an Oliver Tree quote on your post that was supposed to "expose" me?💀 I hope you are truly embarrassed, because if I was you I'd never show my face ever again. Not for the next 15 years at least.
And if yall want me to posy the screenshots, just tell me, I don't mind, that bitch asked for it.
"Peace out✌" this is going to haunt Mr down forever. Thx Raasini, I'm Traumatised, and so are my followers.
Tags (sry for yalls eyes): @foreveryoung @toxiccluvvv @breaking-panic @disa-ster @whatskillingthekids @vernadettachiara @sillyreadergal-blog @bleakqblake @shinobusupremecy @shinobuscanonwife @shinobu @shinobu-blogging-blog @slutsssphobia @sluttsxphobia @ask-the-insect-hashira @anime-fan- @astrox @simpinxdisrespectfully @pr3tty @notafan77 @piercingmylove @honeydazai @hunterxhunterisbest @hopperowo @toastdee66 @ask-chachamaru-kny @sulli1361 @ask-thekny @orangepegacorn-blog @booplsnoot @ilynaru @ilynes @sarahwinchester97 @mistymuichiro @mistymuichirou @reawakened-goddess @seaacutie42 @limeiscool @limebreaker @urbestgirlever @popcorn-and-other-fun-stuff @hottestcelebrities @horrorchicxoxo @delmissesryan @tomioka-pudding
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zensakira · 2 years
💀 This scene. 
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This scene.
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I’d be damn angry too. If I decided to have an outburst on how my father shouldn’t have let my sister go and that she was brainwashed by an authoritative power, I wouldn’t do it in front of the whole class. I don’t know if it’s cuz of Chinese culture, but he is making his family lose so much ‘face’. Like fr this cant wait till you’re at home? And isn’t this a completely stupid choice anyway, considering Jalil knows Alix’s classmates are gawking over the photos, view her as a superheroine on a noble quest just like everyone else, even more so because they KNEW her and MISS her too and she’s their classmate; of course they’d not agree with what he’s saying. He just put a target on his back? Like what were the odds of him, what, coming out of this outburst having changed some minds? Setting himself up for failure. But fr, he had to yell right in front of her classmates? So, of course her classmates (ft, marinette) back up her decision and Alix’s dad. 
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And, no homeboy, what ARE you doing to get Alix back???? No, seriously, because all he did was listen to negative comments and form conspiracy theories. How does that help get Alix back at all??
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Mans really said ‘imma sashay off now father, don’t look for me 💅 💅 💅’
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necklace not there
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still not there
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i see what you did there cheeky lil animators
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Also, someone else pointed this out; wouldn’t Adrien literally see it? If we count the previous bits as animation errors, that necklace should’ve been dangling the whole time. SO....... with the current trend of referencing obscure moments in future episodes and having them actually have an impact, I would absolutely love for this to be mentioned somewhere.
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I hope Adrien is now paying attention to Marinette since he likes her so much and takes note of every detail about her, including this-yet again- obscure fact. How great would it be that he later down the line suggests a date idea being to give each other extra history assignments-
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ESPECIALLY since goldilocks sure seems to know a good amount of random obscure historical facts. 
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The hourglass went down by that much in just 2 seconds. 
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Hear me ouwt. It went down by 1 ‘real’ cm within 2 seconds. So 1cm/2s. 
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By the time she finished saying this, 3 seconds have passed. Lets say the bit where Monarch is having his evil monologue, is time overlapped with her coming up with a solution.
Between the time right after Pharaoh speaks and this scene,  
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23 seconds have passed. Plus the 3 seconds from earlier.. thats 26, so.. Hourglass should’ve gone down by 13 cm. 
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Aha yanno what lets just enjoy the show  💀 💀 💀
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Bro Pharaoh homeboy... Chat noir aint ur papi.
Jk but nah seriously his dad is in his book how he supposed to hear? The pages are turned over >_>
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I mean it really is still turned to the ‘Truth’ page  🤷
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dear sausage fingers, how do you expect to weasel your fingers into taking off his miraculous from his closed fist?
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Hats off to you sir, not many can do that. 
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I know later on worn on the necklace its corrected to this>
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But man visually it would’ve been so much nicer if whenever this appeared it was always the correct way up, to visualize yin and yang, esp with chat’s yin! 
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Bonus, Rabbit’s yin, so who’s the rabbit’s yang???
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There are many amazing parts of this episode but the HANDS DOWN FUNNIEST is how we get a direct jump cut to Adrien in his room and Plagg just going ‘BLEGH! here you go’ looking all proud as if there wasn’t spit coming out of his mouth-
And I know the current trend of memes is making fun of how Plagg was so disgusted he threw up a kwagamata, but like this is so exciting!!! The implications! Its so fitting for Plagg to not have a special occasion ready and just randomly YEET a kwagamata (which is very important to any holder really), unannounced. Just so fitting. 
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Who said a kwami could only give 1 kwagamata? Ft. Plagg distracting him with a kwagamata as his coping mechanism for the consistent swooning
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sayyourprayers · 1 year
Such a coincidence because I was going to send an ask about the play right before you made that post.
Even if it is not a production mistake... what makes people think that the writers won't change stuff for convenience? They already changed some things on the show small or whatever, Joyce and Bob weren't supposed to be close in the highschool, but now it seems like they will spend a large chunk of their screentime together looking at those 'trio' photos of Joyce, Hopper, and Bob shot together. Patty is a new character inserted into the story to give Henry a love interest (and apparently Bob mentions about his sister being alive in S2, so it is more of a 'error' to make her die in this play which seems very likely to happen). Hendersons were not Hawkins residents, now they are, apparently. Actually there's just some fuckery with the characters ages overall anyways. These are the things that come to my mind rn, there's just more stuff that can be found. Ppl acting like ST is some Bible-ridden filled with master details and shit have lost the plot. This is not some ASoIaF storyline written by GRRM or LOTR by Tolkien.
Production mistakes have happened and will happen, just like changing stuff for convenience. Building up whole contrived scenarios to say that everything has ''a meaning on the show'' and all those inconsistencies or changes exist due to some (insert timetravel/fuckery and variant contrived theories) is reaching way too hard. Why accepting the reality is so hard for some ppl in this fandom.
I called it production error cuz it happened in the same season where CLEARLY Alice is younger than Henry. Like there's just no two ways about it. The paper had to have messed it up. And the simplest explanation is production error. In terms of changing plot/characters for convenience and retconning shit? Ya I agree. It's hardly something that'd be unique to ST if it happens. It wouldn't even be unique to ST5. Regards Hendersons I think it can be justified that Claudia came back with Dustin? N was prolly never married? Idk. Least implausible of the confusing things tbvh. Cuz they hardly focus on her in the 4 seasons so that can be taken care of. I love how there were so many black people in Hawkins though. Truly drives home the fact that this show is fictional. The writers have changed UD mechanism and have gone with the flow with El's powers and abilities throughout the show, so like there's no real integrity to any ST Bible. Please. This is not that show. It's a superhero show. It's gonna do whatever needs to be done for the superhero shit.
The thing is I'm not opposed to ST being a great show, it just isn't. And much like with myself I'm okay with its average to subpar-ness. It just annoys me when personal opinions are foisted upon others with no tact or elegance to top it off. I feel like I'm honour bound to peel this veneer of excellence and MAYBE ruin the fun for everyone (as a result but not as a motive).
To make theories or guesses is not wrong or stupid and is actually fun if done by fun people. But also if we're presenting it as evidence and for serious contention then I am not in error to expect the person making those contentions to first get the vibe of the show right. Vibe in terms of how complex it has been so far, how meticulous in its facts and world building, how thorough in its characterisation and lore and how innovative in its execution. THEORETICALLY you can have A show that scores 10/10 on all those metrics and then you wouldn't be remiss in expecting a similar performance in a future instalment of that show. But when the prior seasons are averaging at average and the prediction is going 11/10 you gotta chill with the attitude cuz you're foundationally WRONG. Not probably but definitely. So everything you posit could be but not would be. There has been a lot in the way of mistaking the nature of this beast itself. So it follows that the rest of it would also be in all likelihood a mistake.
Now back to why people can't accept the reality of this fiction? Idk. Idc. I have my theories tho. 😛
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haejjoon · 2 years
Hi hi i read through all of your character analysis and i completly agree with most of the stuff. Like i really love these guys but atlus did some of them so dirty???
Like i LOVE morgana, but like everyone i really hate his whole arc during the okumura arc. And it pisses me of so so much cuz i know that that whole thing was stupid and morgana shouldve AT LEAST apologized to my guy ryuji but still i love my little furball of a friend. And then i get so sad every time i watch a playthrough and most of the players dont like morgana. Like i absolutely get where they come from but it still makes me sad. I think i just got really attached to his snarky commentary through my day to day life and him telling me to GO TO BED while other people just got really annoyed by it. But you are absolutely right that the writers shouldve just picked the story for morgana and stuck to it cuz it really is just all over the place... but still i cant keep from loving him (maybe it also got somewhat to do with de fanon version of him)
COMPLETLY different thing, but with all the characters we have been talking about that got done dirty, WHY does ann have like the most compelling arc about going against a f ing RAPIST, standing up for herself and just overall giving a big ass fuck you to everyone seeing her as only a object of sex appeal, and then the IMMEDIATE next arc goes "haha you want to unwillingly pose NUDE for some random guy? Haha nevermind you dont get a choice its either this or nothing else" like WHAT??? At least let her have her own say in this??? And then the rest of the game keeps doing this by giving her and ryuji constant scenes of him making eyes at her... I just kinda ignored all that. I think its really sad that everytime these scenes happen in japanese media i got to roll my eyes and think okay thats the required fan service out of the way lets get on with ANYTHING else. But thats the way it is i guess
Sorry to just put all of this here i was getting really passionate about how i feel about some of these characters reading all your (very based) analysis haha. I dont really got any good analysis for you but boy do i have FEELINGS
absolutely understand why you like morgana so much!! snarky characters always have a special place in my heart. for me personally morgana wasn't as snarky as he was just straight up mean sometimes, but that's just a matter of perspective. ur so valid
hard agree with ur grievances about ann. the dichotomy of "im my own person and i wont stand by when im harassed" vs "h-he wants me to pose NUDE?!?? okay... only because I Have To..." like girl no you don't have to. we can figure it out. yusuke couldnt even press charges back there anyway, what was he gna tell the police??? "i let these three teenagers in of my Own Accord, officer, and they started questioning me about my very abusive father figure and i didnt like it so i decided to call you to kick them out"??? it was such a non issue. atlus pls.
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remcycl333 · 2 years
This is a bit of a rant, I hope you don't mind this🙃 just wanted your opinion.
I don't know if you saw it but that girl Aiva apologized to Sammy by making a video and nothing is wrong with that but her fans in the comments really piss me off, I've seen a few of her fans basically praise her like a god and it puts me off so badly, law of assumption itself isn't a cult but her fandom is so cult like, whatever their leader says is right, is right, she can do no wrong.
I hate when people look up to a horrible person (because let's be real here, someone who is transphobic and racist as well as extremely arrogant can't be a good person) and when someone tells them how bad they are they use some stupid excuse.
The hate Aiva got was ridiculous and she continues to get hate in the comments(I mean imagine if someone hacked into your accounts and that person was revealed to be around the same area a person that you know lives, I'm sure you'd be suspicious too or at least worried too), sure she should apologize for accusing her of whatever she accused her of, but Sammy's fans actually make me sick, I get some of them don't know about her stupidity but you're really telling me the ones on Twitter don't know? The one who literally defended all of her racist comments, her misgendering of a transgender person as well as her arrogance when it comes to taking accountability for the horrible things she's said??
I see comments like "oh this makes Sammy 10000x more powerful, I only trust her now, if this doesn't show she's good at manifesting then what does,"
The only coach in law of assumption ANYONE should follow is Neville, not including Tumblr blogs because of course all of you are amazing honestly, but when it comes to YouTube coaches and the ones who want money, bruh🙄 you can find ALL of that on the internet. And blogs here on Tumblr NEVER ask for money at all, because they're doing this on their own accord and because they know damn well this money in exchange for email shit is ridiculous since it's as easy as literally affirming, persisting and feeling you already have what you want.
I'm reading all these comments and they keep pissing me off even more, people talking about how Sammy is the only source of good law of assumption content, even some going as far as saying she's the original source like if Neville wasn't the one who gave her all this information. Some are even saying Sammy has nothing to be held accountable for and she was never wrong about anything it's like WTF 🙄🙃 people saying that everyone on YouTube copies Sammy like w.t.f
Also I think she deleted her Twitter🙃
no ik, her dickriders are literally the worst. they always find a way to excuse her actions,no matter what she does, and its appalling. she is a bad person, plain and simple. i even got some long asks yelling at me and defending her and i just deleted them cuz im not gonna post shit i dont agree with on MY blog.
i feel so sorry for Aiva. the dm came from "mermaid gang 2022" or something like that, and the ip address was traced back to the city sammy lives in. i'd jump to the same exact conclusion. she is really mature for apologizing to sammy, something sammy herself could never do, clearly. Aiva is still a victim here, getting her channel she worked hard on deleted. she is so sweet and i hope all of this gets sorted out for her <3
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cutecherrygirl · 11 months
Hi so um, this is my first time writing 5sos imagine so dont expect anything good lol but ill try
Cats over dogs
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Plot: you and Luke have been dating for 3 years but then broke up due to Him cheating on you with Sierra 🙄😒. But in those 3 years yiu guys have raised a dog named Petunia. And you raised her during covid so...lets just say she is very attached to you and is used to you being around, and Sierra just came put of nowhere and now Petunia misses you and is sick, doesn't want to eat, sleep, or drink. She just sits by the door and wait for but but u are not allowed to come anymore. But seeing Petunia like this breaks Luke's heart so he decided to do some changes.
Warnings: smut lol and cursing.
You woke up by the most annoying sound in the world, alarm. You whined and turned it off "for fucks sake" you cursed and sat up, you took your phone in your hands and check the time, it was 8:00 a.m. you rolled your eyes and tossed the phone on the bed. Today is a special day, for Michael, hes having a baby shower abd you happened to be invited, you and Michael are good friends but the reason the invitation shocked you is because you broke up with Luke.
You stand up and walk to the bathroom to do your morning routine then went to the kitchen to make yourself coffee. You made a plat to complete ignore the individual that chested on you and his unidentified new chick and just focus on your friends and Calum. After drinking your coffee you went back to your room and jump on bed, you decided to relax as if you didn't just wake up.
Suddenly your phone started ringing so you pick up "Michael Clifford, its 8:25 a.m, what is it?" You said annoyed "look y/n, Luke is going to attend the baby shower and I dont want you guys to fight" I sighed "Michael, tell him that...not me..Im planning on ignoring him" I said honestly but Michael Did liked that so he hang up. Michael hates when something doesn't go in harmony or according to his stupid plans.
It was almost time to go so you started getting ready, you dressed up in this
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You let your hair fall over your shoulders Because why not, and you put on some parfeum to smell good for....well.... everyone except for Luke. You then grabbed your Dior purse and walked out of the house before locking the door for safety reasons. Then you drove to Michael's and Chrystal's house.
When you arrive you walked over to the front porch with bag in your arms. Chrystal opened the door "Hiii!" She saud exited and hugged you "omg hii!!" You hugged her back and handed her the gift which was mostly baby toys, some gummy worms for Michael and cookies for Chrystal. You two had a minni gossip part on your own before finally entering the house. You greeted everyone and Calum was last to be greeted "Hey" he said and you rolled your eyes "hey" "I like your hat"Calum said after looking at you up and down "but im not wearing any hat" you said confused "exactly" then he left.
After few minutes, you already ate half of the cake, few minu pizza's and glass of water, no alcohol tonight 🤭. You were just chatting with Michael 's mom and tried avoiding all the personal questions she was asking when all of a sudden you felt something wet on your leg "Ugh exuse me!" You said and turned around seeing Petunia, you literally started crying and kneeling down and hugging her "omg my baby" you patted her and Petunia wiggled her tail, you couldn't help but noticed somone watching you from the corner of your eye, you looked and it was Luke, your mood instantly changed from happy to not very happy. Petunia ran to Luke cuz her called her and you stand up as he walked towards you "Hey".
You decide to walk away from him but he grabbed your arm "lets talk" he said "we dont have anything to talk about Luke" you said but he didn't agree with that statement "of course we do" he pulled you towards him so you were facing him "Let go of me" you said angry but he shook his head "I brought Petunia here so u can see her and this is how you repay me?" He asked "Luke, you cheated on me with that woman" you reminded him before seeing a ring on his finger "wow...you even married her" you said as tears started to form in your eyes "remember when you promised me we will get married Luke? Where did that go? Oh wait I know, in the trash can!!!" You screamed before pulling your arm away from him and walking away.
You were on the tarace era with Cherry cola in your hand and cigarette in other. You were sad but very mad as well. "Hey" A voice behind you suddenly said "Hey Ash" you replied and he patted your shoulder " are you ok?" He asked you before taking the cigarette out of your mouth and into his own, you chunkled "not really" he shook his head and you talked for awhile. Since he brought Whiskey you two got a bit drunk and started talking nonsense. You giggled as he caressed your back while telling you about his fishing adventures, he then placed his hands on your waist and caressed it with his thumbs, while you took another sip of the drink. Then you both started feeling very deep tension and in that moment you just needed to feel his lips on yours or you would go crazy, so you leaned in, first watching his reaction and when you saw he started leaning in as well the door suddenly opened.
You both looked at each other annoyed and then at the door, it was Luke with Petunia following him "What is going on?" He asked "dude cmon" Ashton said annoyed before grabbing your hand "lets go somewhere else" you nodded but Luke stopped you "wait...Y/n...can you like be with Petunia for a bit before we go home "he asked you and you looked down at Petunia"fine" you said and Ashton walked out. You took of your heels and laid on bed, Petunia laid next to you and cuddles up to you and Luke laid behind Petunia.
It was quite, awkwardly quite. Petunia fell asleep and you were patting her "She's so cute" you said and Luke nodded. You couldn't Help but noticed Luke was watching you carefully "Luke, stop starting at me for fucks sake" you whispered so u dont wake Petunia up "sorry you're just so pretty and-" You interupted him "either take your cringe ass out the door or be quite" you warmed him before looking up at him for the first time since he entered the room. After few more minutes you decide to talk "Luke..why did you cheat on me with her? Just why? Is she really that better than me? Or is it just because you like older women" you waited for the answer"it was just an affair....but I never stopped loving you" "oh fuck off you moron, you literally married her" you rolled your eyes trying to keep your eyes from getting watery "Im sorry...."you heard his voice crack, no matter how mad you were at him you hated seeing him cry "Don't cry" you said "I just, I literally made the biggest mistake ever, she doesn't even cook good" you gently moved Petunia to lay on your place and you layed om hers next to Luke, You wrapped your arms around his torso and carresed his golden locks "don't cry" you whispered in his ear and he wrapped his arms around you tightly, taking in your scent.
You stayed like that for awhile before you felt him place his hands on your leg and caressing it with his thumb, you enjoyed it because his hands were soft and warm. You nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck amd gave him little kiss there he then pulled you closer and moved his hand from your leg to your bum pushing it slightly so your hips would brush against his,you let out a breathy moan as your heat brushed against his hard well yk, you then placed your leg over his hip and he thrusted his hips into yours and you but your lip. Every move he made was gentle, slow and sensual, your brain was telling you to stop him but your mind and heart were telling you to kiss him and continue, since everyone always say to listen to your heart you did just that. You looked up at him and he looked back at you moved hair from his face behind his ears, placed your hands on his cheeks and kissed him, he of course kissed you back full of lust and passion. He then placed you on your back and got on top of you with his hips still grinding against yours "you have no idea how long ive dreamed of doing this again, touching you again, kissing you again" he whispered in your ear before biting it gently and kissing your neck, you threw your head back "fuck Luke" You moaned out quietly, after making sure he left few visible marks he wrapped his fingers around your neck and kissed you roughly, he ran his hand down to your cleavage, he tuck his finger inside it before ripping your dress in two pieces, you couldn't care less to be honest , as long as you had Luke 😜. He tossed it to the floor and you helped him take off his blouse and pull down his pants, he then slide down his boxers and your underwear and got ready. He leaned down at you and pecked your lips and you opened your legs wider, he layed his forehead on top of yours "I dont have condom"he said and you blinked "you can pull out" you told him but he wasn't having it, "oh look, there's one on the floor" He randomly found condom on the floor, you didn't really care that much, he opened ot and put it on the went back to the position he was in, he slid himself inside of you and you moaned "oh my god" quietly of course "shhh" he told you and bit down on your shoulder then started moving his hips, you started getting desperate and moving your hips as well "fuck Luke go faster, please just go fucking fast" you whined which made him twitch inside of you and going faster and harder, he gripped the bed board behind you and leaned down to kiss you, while you made out he grabbed your bum and lift it up in the air then continued to pound into you like that, you completely lost yourself and started crying out in pleasure and Luke was enjoying every second of it, when you two finally came at the same time he layed down on top of you and you both were breathing heavily and were sweat as fuck, he kept giving your shoulder mini kisses which you liked alot.
You then dressed up, you found a new dress under the rug and walked out just in time to reveal gender and it was a girl yay.
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bluewonderer · 1 year
I finished it!!! I am heartbroken and so so angry and confused😭😭 I absolutely loved it first of all it was truly amazing animation and the story was incredible!! Millions Knives is a stupid ass name for a stupid ass guy who hated humans so much he started acting like them🙄🙄 like its very human to be powerful and kill just cuz you want more power and excuse it as doing the right thing for your brethren ahhh but Vash😭😭😭😭 he deserved so much better omg is he dead??? Was that guy at the end him or?? Wormwood was an asshole too not sure how to feel about him yet lol Meryl was awesome even tho she was also a dumbass who got Roberto killed😭😭😭 and the worm girl or guy what were they talking about??? What were those people at the end talking about??? I am so confused and intrigued I need to know more😤😤
I am SO BEYOND PLEASED to have dragged someone into Tristamp HELLO AND WELCOME.
Knives is such an interesting character to me! I also agree that he's the most "human" of them all--or at least, he embodies the very aspects of humans he looks down on. Wolfwood is SUCH an asshole but I LOVE him. My mean little guy. I am SO excited about Meryl and her newbie Milly!!
So! I think I have a few ideas about what Zazie was alluding to at the end, but those ideas are purely based on Trigun Maximum (manga) and Stampede is very much doing its own thing, so I think I'll end up being surprised! If you're still super interested in the Trigun 'verse, I do recommend the manga! Especially Trigun Maximum. It's honestly such a good sci-fi story. But not everyone's very interested in diving into the manga, and that's totally fine! Just saying I found it super fun. I read it in a day and a half and I started re-reading it recently... slower this time, so I can actually remember what I read lol!
ANYWAY I'm so happy you had fun!! I hope it was the break from OP you were looking for ;)
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picory · 1 year
hey @angelofmoosics i hope you don't mind me posting your comments like this, but my reply to you has gotten... extremely lengthy by accident... lol
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i don't mind you rambling at all! and i couldn't agree more. the highlight in BOTW for me personally were the champions and their tragic story. they were doomed from the start. they were never getting out of this alive. their death, along with the deaths of many people in all of hyrule, that grief was the key to the awakening of zelda's holy power. so the more you remember them, the stronger the desire to free their souls from entrapment, to avenge them, to have some closure, and to mouth your last goodbyes. it's very bittersweet and tugs at your heartstrings.
and zelda, who's been in the heart of the calamity for 100 years, her powers weakening, her strength waning, her body and mind exhausted, you can't NOT free her of that burden. the time is ticking and the more you dawdle, the closer the end of the world as we know it is. the impending doom feels near and real. you have to do something quickly, lest everyone's efforts go for naught.
as for TOTK, i'll be frank and say that i haven't been properly following the plot just yet. having a bit of difficulty comprehending these time travel shenanigans and bodily transformations and everything. need to cook that all better in my head, plus i haven't finished the game yet, so maybe it will all fall into place at the end.
but for now, you're right, you don't have the same urgency as you did in the previous game. sure there's danger all around. the chasms that reach the bottom of the earth filled to the brim with miasma (calling it that instead of "gloom" cuz it sounds more dangerous); a resurgence of monsters who have gotten stronger and more intelligent, working together to terrorize innocent people; the sky islands and their pieces that keep falling down, barely missing crushing people; and as you mentioned the regional phenomena that've been causing trouble for the people living in those areas.
regarding the regional phenomena... what is more dangerous: a giant beast potentially stomping you with its heavy hoof, or a never-ending sandstorm and some zombie looking creatures roaming the streets of your beloved town? both scenarios suck, but one is more tolerable than the other. the gerudo had a bunker that the gibdos had no way of reaching, and even if they could, the gerudo were already close to figuring out the best strategy against them. the sandstorm is still a problem, but it's not a "they're gonna die any minute" kind of problem. unless you count them running out of supplies if link doesn't hurry up and help them out, but even then i'm sure they could've figured something out.
that is to say, obviously the sooner link saves these people the better, but even if he takes his time, i believe they would very well manage on their own.
(i've only helped out the rito and the gerudo, so idk about the extent of trouble the other two races are having)
i was also going to say that like, "oh these people don't even need link at all. tulin and riju could've gone to those temples by themselves". but then i remembered that both of the temples required authorization from link's stupid little zonai hand. something i wish was done differently, is to have the new sages do that instead of link, the "pressing palm against the translucent green screen" thing. since they're such important people, being descendants and all. it would make so much more sense, and would give them an even bigger role. like hey, you need THEM to complete the temple, and not just their powers that surely you could replicate. only they could open access to the temples or whatever.
phew. well that's all i have to say for now
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badedramay · 1 year
I know you stopped watching TB, and tbh I didn’t watch after the first 5-6 episodes. Like I didn’t even make it up to the first slap, however, I was curious about the latest episode so I watched some reviewers’ take on it. The amount of people saying possible MR was justified because she spit on him and slapped him? And what’s sadder — so, so many commenters are saying “my mother watches this drama and said murtasim r**ing her was normal because she hit him and spit on him”. Are the women in pakistan really this brainwashed? Is the public really this stupid to think such an act can be justifiable because of a slap and some spit? Because DAMN our country has a long way to go if that’s the general public’s belief in 2023. Plus you know murtasim will be redeemed in the end. Mind boggling, yo.
And yes I know people are getting hashtags trending to call out the writers; that’s a progressive step. But hashtags and being online in general is still a relatively small portion of the viewing audience and it truly disheartened me to see people believe this garbage.
I don’t generally agree with actor hate for bad writing. However, wahaj and yumna *do* have enough of a platform to say they’re not doing a scene. A clip of Mawra telling Momina to basically rewrite an entire drama to exclude a marital rape scene is spreading online right now. An actor *can* say no. Everyone involved in this fiasco should be getting some heat, yumna and wahaj included.
(just a minor correction: Mawra didn't ask for the marital rape to be excluded; she called the makers' attention to the immense horror of the scene and made efforts to make sure the drama didn't include the scene WITHOUT explicitly mentioning it as a truly horrific and traumatizing situation and left no room in the narrative for it to be dismissed as anything 'normal' or 'inevitable'. something that TB is on its way of doing in the episode and its makers are already doing with their interviews and interactions with the fandom. more power to Mawra! she's a solid example of how age, education, and experience contribute to a person's glow up. the girl is a freakin' lawyer! and she's using her power to fight for the betterment of the dramas she's part of in however ways she can. love that for her! i am so so SO happy she's getting this recognition now. she deserves it both for the work she does and also for the unnecessary trolling she got cuz of that one fd!)
after typing and deleting a response to this ask for the 10th time since I got it, I think it's safe to say I have nothing to say about this whole thing.
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gayspock · 4 months
ok ep 2. i looked into it more and im confused cuz again like... i swear ive seen no advertising for any of this? it looks like it dropped in aus in NOVEMBER. now its dropped in the uk all in one go.... this past week?? and it apparently drops in the us all in one next month. so im like confused as fuck as to why they would release something like that
one thing i will say is theyre insanely good with the casting still arent they
another thing what was i to say
oh im sorry im watching this and every time i think to myself hmmm i wonder where cosima or sarah or hel- i cut myself off and i think about tatiana maslany in godawful cgi
this kid (jules as the episode title would lead me to believe) is soooo fun i love the hair
I SORT OF DONT AGREE WITH THAT OUTCOME FOR SARAH NOT TO BE A DICKHEAD I feel like its like.... squints.how do i fucking describe this. it does not feel like her to me and it feels likeughghh the word escapes me you know what i mean
can this dialogue be any
felix drag her
i love how lucy is a cunt. i do like that about her i will admit.
We were made in a printer.
NOW who the fuck is He.
sorry also to backtrack a bit im bewilderedand unsure how i feel about them bringing in the old guard at all because hello like look i said what i said i dont want them to have a show called orphan black echoes with like no reason for it to actually be related to orphan black but also what the fuck
if harry potter is still culturally relevant in 2052 i swear to god
come on charlie girl. its gonna be ok. everyone shoots someone in the head once.
beck from victorious i need you to be all in on this ok
so who the fuck is thissssssssss
he is kind of so funny . i love you beck from victorious.
im also ok going back to like this relating to people from before like... this charcterisation os kira feels so odd
"lord this place is like neolution without the tails" wow did you get that guys ! a callback
james youre tickling me
this fucking acting and general fucking reaction is also crazy to me wes im sorry youre adorable but please
okay theres just something so off putting about felxi im like help me what is going on
also i feel like kira is like sending me so much i feel like this happens all the time when kids who initially .... no offence.... lacked a lot of character ... now have to be an adult version cuz what are you going off. i dont know who this woman is but she isnt kira to me because who the fuck was kira in the first place but a kid that said ominous stuff and was a plot device for most of the show
also i think theres again something so insanely off i cant tell what it is. i think its still in that space of being so stupid high budget fo rwhat it is and yet itr feels so weird looking. the whole futuristic thing is strange to look at. like this being orphan black which ootherwise like. sci fi but still very grounded. it feels weird to now go to this
and i feel like i'd have preferred a smaller timejump. if they prove me wrong with that then fine but thus far i dont see the benefit of it being in 2052. i'd have preferred them to go less crazy with the like aesthetics cuz theyre just kinda weird and take away from everything for me.
and again i dont like the general approach to all of this. i think they needed to start slower and build stuff up more over time . everything here with jack for example like... i would have preferred if we sat with lucy and lucy alone and we didnt keep cutting to kira . like let us build this up and have it be one long continuous thing and maybe hold out this reveal a little longer. this feels like its rushing. and again the strongest part of orphan black, to me, before was like the slow build of increasingly complex fucking dire situations and being able to layer that shit
hi lucas
kira being a shit mam is so funny to me
FELIX'S ENTIRE PERFORMANCE STILL FEELS SO FUCKINH INSANE TO ME. cuz i get what youre going for but the delivery is jsut so fucking choked by the actor trying to keep it up. i swear he was not that stilted before even when he WAS putting something on. like is it trying to mask his voice age as well or something?
jules is so much more compelling to me again i think it is cuz her storyline IS the slowburn one here . and also shes got all the things i mentioned kind of lack with Lucy
like sorry i hate it when theyre like "haha. she's so spunky." (the actual chatracters are telling us this to the camera) like ok i get it i literally could have GOTTEN that watching
AND AGAIN WHY IS EVERYONE ... i dont know it feels like the exposition in the dialogue is crazy. like theyre shoehorning stuff in. you dont have to have them say everything so literallly and explicitly . help
ok im pausing for tonight hang on
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