#like how his relationship w different inquisitors changed him
lavellaned · 14 days
With Solas “trapped” in the fade in the prison that he himself created, I’m reminded of what Bianca tells an artificer inquisitor about building the door in the deep roads: to start with the lock and work from there.
In short he’s absolutely not stuck in the fade and I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t even there when rook isn’t.
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safesthavens · 22 days
Whyck Canon/Versions
Pen: Whyck as a thief. All through their childhood up until they’re 14, working under Tovar in a group she runs. Always presents as a boy - only their group knows they were AFAB and anyone who isn’t family, Tovar intimidates. Working jobs, not knowing they’re a Mistborn.
Syl: Because they’re are going to be quite a few of these that are drastically different, I’m just going to summarize these four years into one section. Training, meeting Ellend and becoming friends, potentially some silly romancing before they die. Tren dies six months before Whyck dies and they spiral and completely isolate and destroy all their relationships. They kill four Inquisitors (because they get a power boost from Tren on accident, and are REALLY emotional about losing her) and the Lord Ruler blames it on the Skaa bc Whyck signed the crime scene w an old Skaa rebellion name. TLR starts executing Skaa “to make a point” and Whyck snaps and jumps in to save them and faces TLR and dies, silly kid.
Roshar: Five years on Roshar spent mostly traveling. They start in the Horneater Peaks and travel around quite a bit before heading to the Shattered Planes to fight in Dalinar’s army and learn how to fight. I know Brandon said that none of his books happen at the same time or whatever but I want to roleplay with all the characters so hush actually, this is me having fun. They become a Windrunner and lean into documenting their time on Roshar with a drawing journal :) I love this era for Whyck actualky they deserve to be happy.
Nalthis: He does go here for a sec to see Tovar’s world and to visit her. Apparently she’s a queen here which is WILD, and she gives Whyck some of her breath, just to give him an awareness of people around and better vision with colors (which is why his paintings are usually hard to see for anyone without breath, and also why Hoid detects him later! Fun stuff!)
Whyck: Upon returning to Scadrial, they can no longer go by Pen or Syl because those names are known already, so they just decide to go by Whyck. Tovar was from Nalthas and left the planet so Whyck is alone (potentially!! I’d love to see some plotting change that) and ready to face TLR… only to find out Vin already handled him bc I think “what happens when you’re not the chosen one” is a really cool plot for Whyck. This is where he reconnects with old friends and settles into this new life and maybe helps out with the next problems they have, but mostly his arc is learning to Chill and prioritize himself a little bit. Poor boy needs a break.
Immortal: Putting this in the AU’s because if he does have any ships/friends at any point then I like the idea that he gets to just enjoy them and pass on, but I will do this at the drop of a hat. I want Whyck to become a silly little galaxy traveler like Hoid except instead of collecting magic systems he collects histories and drawings and people - because he wants everyone who wants to, to remember as much as possible. Thinking he maybe has a bag of holding type thing, or maybe a little house inside of a bag like Newt Schmander or something, and that’s where he stores all the drawing books and historic journals he’s filling up :)
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lunchador · 4 years
so when do we get the long post about your feelings about dragon age inquisition!!! i dunno if u wanna wait until dlc or not! i am i n t e r e s t e d (also its ok if u dont feel up to it im just!!!! again, interested in ur opinions/feelings)
kajsldkjf PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY DA FEELINGS ALL THE TIME and Inquisition was twice as long as the others so might as well do a word vomit now and I can always do another after the dlc (which several people have assured me are worth playing )
Yeah so inquisition is long. I dislike open world games so a lot of the (super repetitive!!) side quests did grate on my nerves and that docks this game a few points but over all the LORE IS SO GOOD, and it tying in so many choices in from 1+2 is the greatest butterfly effect I ever experienced in video games. I thought telltale + Until dawn were fun for that but good LORD bioware has showed up all of those games and I am really stoked to try mass effect when its out later and play more bw games. I only played Anthem before this and that game seemed...idk, gutted against BW’s wishes.
Yeah, I managed to go into the whole DA series knowing very, very little, despite how many artists I followed did fanart for it. Once I started playing, I added all the words I could think of to my blacklist but a lot of untagged stuff came through (fair, series is 10+ years old and inq is like what 4-5?). I allowed my friends to pressure me into playing an elf mage for the lore and to romance solas cuz they said he was as important to the story as alistair was. A lot of online followers said I should play how I wanted, which I def would recommend to anyone else, but honestly I can see where they came from and while he never would have been my first choice, I think he actually paired REALLY well with my Inq and how I was playing her. I put her as sensitive but trying to put her responsibility above herself, she was definitely the least funny of my 3 characters, but not incredibly serious. A bit reserved? Just more mature. She’s got faith but she didn’t think she was the chosen one but she’ll do her role the best of her ability. She makes hard decisions and then sobs her chest empty over them because how is one to ever feel like its the right one? I really like how the game lets you choose how you wanna approach the responsibility. Like i said, I wasn’t a reluctant chosen one, but she will do what she can. Versus my friend playing at the same time as me said he played as the second coming of jesus essentially lmfao Having so many characters come back for different roles was so GOOD!!! Like everyone told me Varric was in this one but were like ‘teehee you still cant romance him though’ but you how you play drastically changes your relationships with each person. Tons of characters I met I knew would be personal favorites but I ended up interacting way less because others were more fitting to my inquisitor. So i.e while I love Varric and would’ve smooched him a heartbeat with Hawke, I didn’t get that vibe with Clover. They were really good friends, he was a grounded friend with a sense of humor that was a good escape from everyone else and the ~inquisition~. At least, until the Beyond the Abyss quest. That obviously heavily fractured their friendship and hurt them both :( And i felt that for a long time, until the end. He looked tired. Poor guy is gonna be borderline dead in 4 at this point. But so many side characters you talk to coming back like Dagna and Samson??? Speaking of that quest, I got Stroud because, yeah...Alistair was dead for me and APPARENTLY IT COULD ALSO BE LOGHAIN??? If he stays a grey warden??  wish I did that so def would’ve preferred to save Hawke even if I think the wardens are more important as a concept but like.......i wanted to behead him, so....But yes even tiny details like..Varric wrote home to kirkwall to Carver for me because the rest of my family was dead and I never completed a full romance in 2 lkajslkdjf but the fact that changes based on your play through. BUT YEAH THE way this game weaves all your decisions in and how yeah, overall the story is the same but it makes it so personal to YOU and so different from everyone else ;w;
But I could see my Inq genuinely falling for Solas, and I see her best friends as Cassandra and Blackwall/Thom. Really close to Leliana and the Iron Bull as well. I just loved all their interactions. All the characters were so cool to get to know?? Like I thought I would’ve hated Cullen (hes a dick in O) and tbh I just got into the series as the VA was being a complete shit. But I liked him a lot!! I love the work buddies vibes between the Inq and the advisors. I thought I was going to love Sera!! And like, I did, but she hated my Inquisitor and their personalities clashed a lot. Shes the only one i didn’t get a cut scene for in the end :’) I loved coming back from story quests and having to take like 20 minutes to go around skyhold and make sure I talked to /everyone/ for their new dialogue. You genuinely feel connected to all these wonderful npcs ljkasljdf
I wanted to make Cassandra the new divine but I made leliana on accident and kinda dug it so I stuck with it. VARRIC IS THE NEW VISCOUNT??? h i l a r i o u s.
One of the things I loved the most in this game in particular, and while this is something in all of them it just really struck me in this one, was....everyone gave up so so much to devote themselves to the cause, y’know?? Like, it’s almost heartbreaking how much everyone loses and they’re still looking towards you with their belief and willingness to follow you to the end ;-;
The final fight almost felt, Idk, underwhelming? Dude dragons are way tougher than him asdkjhfkhjd. I even went up a difficulty in this game after feeling like I got the hang of the series. But at the same time, we just spend how many hours knocking down each and one of his advantages so fuck him lol.
But yeah there are so many things I wanted to do but I felt so worn out by mindless sidequests and story being level locked in comparison to the previous games. askdjhflkd
One of the things that blows my mind is so so many people were stoked i was playing DA and they couldn’t wait til I got to Inq, and so I find out most people I know only ever played Inquisition? TBH if I didn’t play O+2 I think I would’ve dropped inquisition and never finished it *shrug* all of the build up just means SO MUCH!!! Everyones argument seems to be the older games are ugly and yeah O has rough battle system but its easy to get over imo. Like, you need the chaos of 2 to get the real weight of the mage/templar stuff?? Theres so many characters and story and dialogue that go over your head without Origins?? Like yes inq can stand alone pretty well but, idk, I’m in love with this entire series and the world building and THE!! WAY!!! IT!!! ALL!!! CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how a quest can go differently by whos in your party, I love you can have more dialogue based on lore you’ve managed to pick up around, I love HOW COMPANIONS BICKERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The lore of these games are so good. It’s like playing an epic line of novels. It’s so immersive and I don’t think I’ve played too many games to this level.
I didn’t like the skill trees to being a mage in this one, Idk why. It wasn’t nearly as fun for me as 2, but then  again I really fucking liked being a force mage haha. I wanted to be a rogue to complete a diff class per game but everyone said mage brings a lot more interesting story/lore stuff so
but yeah I love having the full context now and seeing other peoples Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors and asking people how they played and how their options differed from mine and THERES JUST SO MANY POSSIBLE DECISION TREES!!!!! No wonder the fans play over and over.
but yeah ultimately so much fucking happened?? I’m probably missing a lot of key points.
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felassan · 5 years
Tevinter Nights: Random new fact-stuff that I love and think everyone should be aware of
Basically a TN minor highlights reel. Random stuff I appreciated. Spoilers under the cut.
the references to other stories in many of the stories, woven throughout
all the different details about character/different region’ and races’ accents, and characters saying some words in their own languages, like Orlesian and Antivan
Strife the elf is a silver fox with a Scottish accent
retractable daggers that go in your sleeve, i.e. Assassin’s Creed style hidden blades, are a canonical thing some assassins have
Dalish elf mage shapeshifter who transforms into a halla
Desire Demon taking male form
“Andruil’s tits!”
Vitaar color and pattern has a symbolic meaning
Manfred the skeleton butler
Carriages drawn by undead skeleton horses which glow green
Audric’s driving passion and keen interest in architectural art through the ages and associated trivia knowledge
Audric-Curiosity has to give consent to serve the Mourn Watcher under a modicum of magical control as a librarian otherwise it’s anomie
Older gays
Sten-related cookie reference
Wardens don’t leave anyone behind
the works of Kal-Sharok have more delicacy and skill than those of Orzamar
Dwarves have lyrium charges which are drums with fuses that blow stuff up. I imagine banging the drum = boom
A Tevinter mage who is a Warden
Sutherland and Co are now landed and titled w/ a minor hold of their own;  Ser Donal of the Hinters, Crosscut Brother; Ser Shayd, Lady of Evesol, bard of secret distinction; and Ser Voth Dale’An, free mage by special commendation.
Elven ears twitching in annoyance is a thing that happens
Sutherland and Shayd’s relationship
how the Inquisitor inspires and prompts the feels in Sutherland
Sutherland’s sheer cinnamon rollity. he is pure
Shayd originally came from a place called Dales End
the reason why Voth rarely speaks
Voth seems to favor ice magic
massive exploding amphora full of bees. Dagna’s handywork, Sera-inspired no doubt. Sera would be proud.
“Oh, pebbles!”
Cabot and Elam Ve’mal are now in love. He says she’s beautiful and she tsks in the way that he loves
Master Ignaldo’s Fabulous Circus of Rivain
Dorian’s mom had a dear pet nug until it passed away. its name was Hollix, which means something like “irrepressible rascal” in old Tevene
Josie is a dear friend of Dorian’s and she sends him gifts of choice bottles of wine from her vineyards
Antiva and Rivain have a sort of light rivalry over stuff like “Antivan wine is superior!”
The Inquisitor managed to change Dorian’s views on slavery in the end during his time in the south. He now thinks it’s bad, no longer has slaves - only paid servants - and is ashamed of how long it took him to realize this. he came home to Tevinter with fresh views
Mae is splendidly dressed and “has such a presence!” “You turned to her like you do the first breeze of spring.” She is shrewd. she calls Dorian “dear heart”. she’s courteous and exceedingly generous
Tevinters love their horse-sized lizards and use them to draw carriages (clearly dracolisks)
Solas’ spirit army
Antoine. so cheerful, light-hearted and trying hard to live up to/embody the classical heroics parts of Warden-dom
how grim and dour Anderfels people are lol
Evka is from House Ivo. & as a former-underground dwarf sth she hates about the surface is being rained on, especially in the dark
Charter thinking of, wishing for and missing Tessa
sweet rolls
detailed insight into Sidony’s past and mindset
Cyrros, an example of an elf with high standing and who commands respect among Nevarran nobles. dresses in lavish finery like the nobles and is able to get away with disrespecting/mocking them. they’re afraid of him and bow to him
Lucanis freeing the elven slaves and Vadis and Irian making sure not to kill elven servants or elven Qunari who were just doing their jobs. Teia’s policy not to kill the help, which is probably a House-wide rule in her house
literally everything about Irian... hunter, thief and staff-fighting expert, good fighter/combatant, sought after for recruitment by Qunari and Solas’ goons, used to occupy a high-ranking post in the magisterium and the magister she used to work for was annoyed about losing her skills. can read Qunlat
Laudine’s synesthesia-esque condition
Vyrantium is a very sharp-dressed city where people have all the latest fashions. Vint parties are lavish opulent affairs of excess - they literally have retching vases to vom into when you’ve overindulged so that you can then get back to it. like Roman vomitoriums in popculture
Teia’s eyes are halla-gold
someone worked out that a clay fragment, previously claimed by the Chantry to be artifact that proved elven belief in the Maker’s flowering glory, was in fact a “manual of marital instruction” (so like a tantric sex manual lol? something like the Kama Sutra?). It’s still in a chantry Mother’s sealed vault, and is privately examined on special occasions
The Randy Dowager, anonymous writer who routinely outsells many of the best writers in Thedas with her collections of scarf-fluttering smut.. is none other than Genetivi!! scholarly, serious, devout old Genetivi. everyone is shocked. at one point he snipes to another character that they could not afford her rates lmao
there’s a roaming public house called The Hilt which moves location each month according to a dice roll
big meat-eating creatures called raytooths live in the Minanter River. they have leathery flaps and teeth on the underside, and long tails, and are also referred to as rays. sound like a scary combination of catfish and manta-rays
the Prince of Starkhaven enjoys a solid reputation throughout the Marches. a red Starkhaven tail is the emblem of the Vael family
2 Lords of Fortune were once chased by the Sandy Howler
at the handoff of the amulet from Bharv to Vaea in the tavern, Ser Aaron is surreptitiously watching her back. he’s off to one side pretending not to know her and regaling other customers with stories. thought this was a lovely moment between them
feral barefoot always-smiling sleepy old Grandma Crow, Lessef (and her relationship w/ 76 yo Tainsley), and Ruthless duchess-like Grandma Crow-Queen, Caterina Dellamorte. Crow Grandmas!
Teia and Caterina’s relationship. Teia calling her “Nonna”
getting vengeance for some Dalish
the 5 foot tall male Magister who overcompensates for his height by working out and flexing all the time lmao. its also interesting to find an example of a mage, especially a Magister, who is very physical and feels more at home in military camps w/ soldiers
many Antivans get high by burning a herb like in a lamp, to make the vapor from it. it gives them a heady feeling, a mellow lethargy that suffuses the body. the first joyous slumber is so peaceful, the first time you use it has the greatest effect. sounds like sth you’d find in an opium den
non-mage non-templar lyrium addict
some Crow Talons being elves
abusive exes and racist evil dudes getting their just desserts
Bolivar Nero’s (an elf) family made their fortune as pearl divers/hiring pearl divers and were once the wealthiest elves in Antiva. he lives a lavish lifestyle
Crow history and legends
Antivan gondolas
Teia’s rise to power among the Crows, meteoric at a young age, controversial, for an elf born in an alley with no family or connections. actually in general there are so many examples of competent and variously-powerful elves in this book
Tevinter has examples of floating buildings, floating chandeliers and barman-less bars. shows you what magic can do and why they think the south is quaint and backwards. that stuff is advanced
magic gadgets and booby traps, magic dust that shows what happened in a place, enchanted sound-blocking curtains, street lamp-lighters who use magic to do their job, nuances of what blood magic can do, the capabilities of necromancy, awesome uses of magic like using wind spells to blow a ship.. just all the new details about the ways magic is used in this world and innovative uses of it in the stories
Merry the Mad
the Qunari are not a single mind or monolith, there’s ideological differences and differences of opinion
30 yo Fereldan whisky. Antivan coffee. spiced mulled wine. ice-wine. Charter likes to drink Anderfels mint tea, loose leaf, with 2 sugars.
a mage learning how to do physical staff combat. it just makes so much sense that it would be useful and smart to know how to do that
“the elf currently known as Charter”
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theharellan · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: stolen from @dansiere tagging: @ghiassan, @deathsreflection, @altuspavus, @windrunnerrs (velanna), @hopewrought, @willbeshot, @seahaloed (iron bull), @asterfed​ (noctis), @ anyone who wants to steal it! also multis feel free to choose a different character
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated (i’m open to roleplaying with non-dragon age characters, and have AUs for other fandoms)
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. solas is both wildly popular and wildly hated. he’s been more consistently popular than the controversial women in the series, like sera or vivienne, who have only recently begun to get to the point where their tags are less vitriolic (although i’m sure it’s still out there), but there’s still a sizable hatedom that can’t have his name breathed in their vicinity w/o them talking abt how much they hate him. even if you’re currently cosplaying him!
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. again, you have ppl who are super into him and ppl who think he’s ugly. my personal opinion is that i think he’s weirdly pretty, and wish ppl would commit more to his unconventional features rather than try to chisel him into sb more traditionally attractive and that ppl who don’t find him attractive would maybe chill w/ calling him ugly. find him unattractive by all means, but lets embrace the fact that inquisition let their love interests have skin flaws etc and accept that some won’t be our cups of tea.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. its hard to deny at this point tbh.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. frustrating as the hate in the tags he has enough fans that i couldnt say he’s underrated w/ a straight face.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. he’s the reason the game starts with a bang and not the inevitable dissolution of the conclave b/c the sides are disparate.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. regardless of solas’ relationship with the inquisitor, there are parallels and contrasts in their stories and he also is the reason they survive inquisition.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. fen’harel is well-known and revered, if feared, among the dalish, yet at the same time he’s not remembered for a lot besides locking the gods away-- and the context of that decision has also been lost. as solas he’s relatively unknown until inquisition and especially trespasser.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. again, polarising!! he has loyal agents and people are willing to speak well of him despite everything, including his enemies sometimes (depending mostly on the inquisitor). 
How strictly do you follow canon?  — generally i try to have a canon basis for my interpretation, even if i interpret the text differently than the author.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  solas is an immortal who is simultaneously jaded and very much invested in the small moments of life. far from being weary of the day-to-day lives of ordinary people, it is systems and orders he is most tired of. he walks an interesting line that feels far less misanthropic than other immortal characters i’ve experienced, yet still he’s quite cynical. as a character who has fought against religious based tyranny before, but in a completely different era, he is in a unique position where what he sees around him is both horrifyingly familiar and yet completely new. it allows an exploration of the wrongs of thedas’ society from an outsider’s perspective. his motivations are complex and multifaceted, often condemnable and yet also understandable. his character arc in inquisition (if befriended, or regardless in the case of my solas) takes him from a dispassionate, disconnected antagonist to someone deeply invested in the people of thedas, deeply conflicted and actively hoping he will be proven wrong again. i think his story is a testament to human (or elven, or dwarven, or-) connection and how even when we resist we can’t resist creating bonds with the people in our lives. i personally see this bond going beyond the inquisitor hence why i play low-approval solas as conflicted as high-approval, if not when it comes to the inquisitor.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  solas is selfish and motivated solely by revenge, he’s clinging to a past that clearly no longer exists, if you ignore all the people from it who are still alive. he’s totally unaware of all his flaws and never owns up to any mistakes ever. no, i haven’t listened to a single word solas has said in my life why do you ask. he’s also critical of my faves which means he’s #cancelled, there is clearly no validity to what he’s saying. ksjdf no but in all seriousness i think a lot of reasons ppl don’t find solas interesting are just... weird readings of his character that sometimes have no basis in the text of inquisition, but also there are plenty of perfectly valid reasons to not find him interesting. usually those ppl don’t like... talk abt how much they don’t find him interesting constantly tho. they just chill and aren’t invested in this particular villain. for one thing i think the game missed out on opportunities for exploring how someone who may not have even had a body at the beginning of his existence would feel about gender and sexuality, so making him presumably straight and cis was a boring choice. i also think that the dragon age games being very protagonist-centric hurts solas’ character, there’s no real reason why the inquisitor is the only one who can throw his plans into question but making the player the center of the universe means he’s not allowed to change due to the effects of other companions or NPCs. thank god this is rp and i do what i want.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  i have a history degree so when the inquisition companions were being teased, solas describing bias in primary sources from the memories he’s seen got me interested in him. but my first playthrough i didn’t actually take him with me all too often, i think my main party was dorian-blackwall-varric. i liked him, and i think he or dorian were my first friends in skyhold, but my initial interest was in other characters. between his dialogue that appealed to the historian in me tho and how his spirit opinions sort of turned everything i’d felt about spirits in the last two games on its head, i started vibing with him more the farther i went in. like merrill set me up for the “spirits are people” thing and solas hit it out of the park. then temple of mythal happened, and i did bring solas with me there. i found his dialogue fascinating and also suspicious, i’d just finished masked empire like the day before da:i came out so i definitely thought solas was an ancient elf in the same vein as felassan. it was after temple of mythal that i actually decided to make his blog, although like as one idk linchpin to cement my status as solas trash... i was hit BAD by the banter bug on my first playthrough, probably got like a dozen banters total. but then at some point late in the game i took solas to the forbidden oasis and he wouldn’t stop talking to people, and i really loved his banter with the rest of my party at the time.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  replaying inquisition, new DA content when the bioware gods deign to grant us a lifeline, but the biggest thing is my rp partners. i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the people i write with, new and old. my activity of late hasn’t been the best, work and the summer heat has really been sapping me of energy, and does even during years when we aren’t going through a pandemic. but it’s the thought of my rp partners and love of solas that keeps me coming back.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok.
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? there is no headcanon too small for me.
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. but not lately * gestures to the low activity * i’ve been in this cycle where i get anxious abt late replies, so prioritise them, then burn myself out and can’t write the fics i want. i’ve had two i’ve been DYING to write tho i just... need to find the space in my brain to let myself.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. i mean it depends on the day. if i work closing shifts at my store it gets very quiet and boring around 8:30 so i spent the next 90 minutes thinking about character stuff.
Are you confident in your portrayal?  YES / NO / SORT OF? 
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  i’m going to say ‘no’ because like, i don’t ask for criticism. this is a hobby based on my interpretation of a character, if you think i write solas too soft then you’re welcome to think that, but i’m happy with the balance i’ve struck with his internal versus external behaviour and how he changes based upon who he’s speaking to. if you think i’m erasing straight people by making solas pan then ksjdfs. ok.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  yes!!! even if they retread ground already trodden, a) my interpretation may have adjusted since the last time i played or b) a reminder is nice. if it’s new stuff then it’s fun to think about.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  it’d depend on why they disagree. if they just disagree on a subjective opinion about what i took from a certain line, then they’re welcome to their opinion but i don’t necessarily care to hear it. if it is unintentionally hurtful then i would like to know. although rather than a comment i’d rather a non-anonymous message.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  if they’re vocal about it i typically just unfollow / softblock if i was following in the first place. people can feel how they want about solas, but i’ve found over the years that if people really hate solas ooc it can often bleed into their ic interactions. it’s really weird seeing your character being brought up repeatedly in threads with others specifically to dunk on, for no reason other than i guess solas is living rent free in their heads, so at least we have that in common. but anyway unfollowing is just the best choice to avoid getting kinda pressed if i’m having a bad day.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  roleplay is the wild west of writing, so i think it’d depend on what the error was. coming at me like “you shouldn’t start a sentence with a preposition” would get a laugh, but i don’t edit my replies much if at all and mistakes will 100% happen. pointing out typos is chill so long as you do it politely.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  it depends! i’ve learned that being too easy going actually just means i’m subjecting myself to negative emotions to please people. so i’ve gotten less easy going as the years go by. how does one define “easy going” anyway? does asking that question mean i am objectively not easy going? the longer this thought goes on the more the answer seems to be “probably not,” but i like to think it could be a lot worse.
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firstknight · 4 years
just advisor alistair things:
was Secretly at the conclave to investigate rumours surrounding a group of grey wardens heading for skyhaven. since clarel has declared him a Wanted Man, he works with leliana and her scouts. 
‘the last time i was here .. i had to strip down to my small clothes to prove i was worthy of looking upon andraste’s ashes. i bet she just fancied me.’ 
trying to avoid cassandra who keeps asking where the HoF is. frequently finding himself hiding in the same spots as varric.
addresses What’s Going On w/ the wardens & the fake calling much earlier on. the main hurdle is tracking down clarel.
adds a down-to-earth perspective to the inquisition. while others may be prone to believing / wanting to believe the inquisitor is the herald of andraste, he offers a much more objective ‘sucks being the chosen one, i guess. everybody knows shit’s fucked but at least we can give a damn and do something about it.’
if he and the HoF are in a relationship, being relentlessly pestered by companions for Details.
being excited to meet blackwall. only to squint at him a lot like ‘you don’t seem very ... taint-y’. maybe blackwall’s real identity being revealed much sooner ?? 
‘a darkspawn magister? interesting ... now where’s the nearest cushion i can scream into’ 
cheeky bants at the war table, reminiscing w/ leliana -- noticing how she’s changed. differences of opinion on the templar order w/ cullen. josephine asking him to confirm rumours irt the landsmeet, ‘did the warden really choose their mabari as champion to duel loghain?’ 
his office is close to the kitchens.
taking advantage of the inquisition’s resources to find the HoF’s whereabouts and research into curing the calling... part of his ~loyalty~ questline ?? 
being ... somewhat deferential but sticking to his laurels during wicked eyes & wicked hearts, since the situation is picking lesser of two evils he’s just ‘as long as we get the support we need... just try to ignore the stench of power, corruption and lies’.  concerned abt where the waiter w/ the cheese platter has disappeared off to... 
MUCH less argumentative w/ morrigan. how their dynamic has changed will probs get its own post bc some aspects are conditional to what happened at the end of origins .. 
if allied with the mages, asking fiona about her travels with duncan, asking about the cure... maybe she tells him .. 
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Head-canon outlander w/ another companion
fI was tagged the 15th april by @rainofaugustsith . I M SO LATE SORRY!! Everting had been complicated those two last month but I m gonna answer to many tag now! :p
Sorry! T^T
Rules: I want to start a little ‘head-canon’ game.   Pick one of your SWTOR OCs. Doesn’t matter who, they just need to be at Outlander level during or post KOTFE/KOTET.   Now choose a companion you’ve recruited who was a class companion, but NOT of the class of the Outlander you picked. (So the Trooper could pick Vette, or the Agent could pick Jorgen, etc.)   Now reflect on how your dynamic with your OC and the companion differs from that you had when you played the companion’s classic class. Were you surprised at how much you appreciate the companion, even if their screen time is brief? Did it make you think about the companion differently, or did how the OC treat the companion inform on their character?   Share your thoughts! Then tag some peeps!
Luhcy & Vette ! ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺
Luhcy is a sith inquisitor, and my canon outlander (with my rep trooper, Deoris.. but she is the leader of the Alliance so let’s go with her)... She already knows Vette because she was friend with the Wrath, Bagrlios. Even if their personality are a lot opposed, they maintain contact. They hang out when they are on the same planet, etc etc. So she already saw Vette a lot of times. They wasn’t particularly close, even if vette doesn’t care about the sithy rank and other thing (and Lu isn’t like that). But they saw much during party & battle, so they always both busy. Even during more  “chill “ party (like, when they aren’t on a cantina) they doesn’t had talk very much, even if they like the other because they are both sneaky.
Then, Luhcy found her during Gault’s mission. She appreciated her jokes, and her cleaver spirit. Also, she had saw that Vette had got a lot of resources of her own, always found a way to get out of complicated situation, and had a large panel of skills, who impressed the red sith.. . She always found that this little twi’lek had big guts to talk back to the Wrath, without stay quiet for a joke of express that she isn’t agreed. Vette earned her respect, also later, her friendship.
The Alliance’s commander had enough trust in Vette for give her some risky mission after that, like take care of the Alderaan starforteress. Vette had been a useful agent, and more over, after works, they had a lot of fun together on the cantina of Odessen. They finally speak more together, and made a lot of jokes... it’s always a overbid. Of course, every other people’s get tired by those two.  Of course, they had done some tricks to some people -except Lana, because.. y’know.
During the attack of Odessen by Vaylin, she run to saved Vette, because she are more frail than a well trained mandalorian. And also, because Mandalorian prefer to died in glorious battle, things like this. Anyway, she had send some other people get help to Torian (spoiler: it was too late he had already been captured),  Luhcy had been sad to learn that, but she hadn’t regret her decision. She would have done it again. After that, they were still friends, and Vette support Luhcy through all of the event, even more during the Order of Zildrog arc.
Vette hadn’t the same relationship with the Wrath at all. He is rough, he is imbued of himself, doesn’t help other people, and think he is superior to non Force user. But he is soft with her - and there is her lover on his crew, who is totally devoted to the Wrath, so she stay. She even had made him change his mind sometimes. But, he had always been his superior, the leader of his team.
I was very happy to see that Vette was a companion for everyone, because my friend who played the sith! warrior story when i level up my first version of Luhcy had always her following him. ANd I really found her funny and interesting. Useful! So, during all the last two expansion, I was so happy to have her by Luhcy’s side! \o/
I’m tagging @lorierenou, @chubbyooo, @melissagt, @nusaran, @shecamefromwildspace and @greencrusader13 @spacebunniis without pressure!
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itsjustascarecrow · 5 years
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hap birth to Jumalan Valo! born on the 4th day of the Festival of Lights, 44 BBY!
father of three lovely children in Tähtien, Minun, and Auri! he’s also Aamun’s younger brother (and therefore Tuli’s uncle), and was once in an unfortunate relationship w/ Darthustra.
which is essentially where his story starts. he was simply running some errands on Cloud City one day when he encountered this strange woman he’d never seen before, but there was something about her he found oddly intriguing. so, fast forward to not quite a year and half later when Darthustra is heavily pregnant w/ their child, she somehow convinces him to take her back to Dathomir so the child could be born there (probably mentioned something about it being a cultural/Nightsister thing, and who would Jumalan be if he denied someone their culture; that and it was during the Festival of Stars when people go about traveling anyway, so). but it was only too late when he realized she wasn’t gonna let him return to his family any time soon, and given that she had her “Nightsister magicks” to aid her, he would be basically powerless against her if he tried to run. plus, he wouldn’t dare risk the safety of his child, not w/ someone like her around.
so he did the best he could to raise Tähtien how he would’ve wanted, even giving them a name to reflect their heritage, despite Darthustra insisting on calling them a different name and the wrong gender. and what with his own father being nonbinary, he recognized similar signs in Tähtien at a very young age; they were only together for four years before Darthustra sold them, but even by then, he knew his child better than anyone else. and he knew that they would never be truly safe w/in the Empire. but unfortunately, Darthustra knew he would’ve definitely tried something if she didn’t sedate him first, so he was stuck in a trance as the Grand Inquisitor shuttled off w/ Tähtien. it wasn’t until several moments after when the spell wore off and he confronted Darthustra about it, but in the heat of the moment, he was so upset w/ her that at one point, he shoved her so hard, she fell backwards and hit her head on a particularly sharp rock, which killed her instantly. and as much as he hated her for everything she’d put him and Tähtien through over the past four years, he was so horrified w/ what he’d done, it was all he could do but run.
eventually, completely exhausted from the trek and emotional turmoil he’d been through, he stumbled across the Nightbrothers’ village where one of them, a man by the name of Pious, took Jumalan in and listened to his story. relaying that info to the head of the village, they decided to take pity on Jumalan (and hey, who are they to complain; this dude just took out the last of the Nightsisters for them, lol) and helped him get on his way back to Bespin.
once he was back home, the first thing for him was therapy and grief counseling, b/c this poor dude had just been through so much (not to mention he came back to find out that both his parents--Kultainen and Pimeä--had passed away while he was gone), and while he still had the rest of his family to help get him through it all, his best friend from childhood, Jasne Niebo, was right back by his side as well. the two of them were close enough growing up that his return only strengthened their bond, so eventually they properly married and had two daughters (one of which being trans) that they were both incredibly protective of.
but he still held out hope that Tähtien was still alive; he knew it to be true in his heart (aka Force Bond). so it was no surprise to him when they eventually found their own way home. and he was more than willing to accept those who had helped them survive over the years into the family as well, including (but not limited to) K6, Maul, and even Lydas (the latter of whom he eventually asked to be Tähtien’s godfather).
~one year later...
big changes in the family tree, particularly revolving around his children. no longer a father of three but a father of five, adding two boys one younger and the other older than Tähtien. tho technically the elder brother, Arvokas, is not his biological son; he’s from Darthustra’s first relationship and was raised alongside Jumalan’s actual bio son Taivas. when Taivas was born, Darthustra was pissed he wasn’t a daughter instead, so she tried to get rid of him but Jumalan saved him by leaving Taivas in a strategic location where (he hoped) the Nightbrothers would find him. which they did; in particular, Pious stumbled across him and fostered the boy until Jumalan made his escape to the Nightbrothers’ encampment. but b/c he was also already a foster/adoptive dad to Arvokas, Arvo didn’t want to be separated from his foster brother so Jumalan took him in as well.
fast forward a few weeks (or maybe months) when Jumalan and Arvo finally take the time to sit down and talk about general family stuff back on Dathomir and Jumalan makes the connection that he’s Darthustra’s son and thus Taivas and Tähtien’s blood brother. but he ends up keeping it to himself b/c just thinking about it would trigger his trauma over dealing w/ his ex-wife. once Tähtien finally returned, they figured it out themself pretty quick, so the jig was up at that point, but anyway. he appreciated the relationship the two boys had, even if Arvo started to gravitate more towards Málmur Ætt. and if nothing else he wouldn’t mind helping someone else move past their trauma as well, esp since theirs was shared to an extent.
~continuing updates...
man, it’s been a trip having to update the family tree on all of his relatives’ posts, ghsjkgh. neither Arvokas nor Taivas are his biological children; when he sought refuge w/ the Nightbrothers, these two young boys (now both older than Tähtien) wanted a better life, so taking pity on them, Jumalan agreed to bring them home to Bespin and pretty quickly adopted them into his clan/ætt. Similar to before tho, he was initially unaware of who their birth mother was, and when he eventually figured it out, he just kept it to himself--partly for his own sanity, but also i like to think there was a part of him that didn’t want to remind either son of their lineage either.
but yeah, was starting to feel that Taivas’ og backstory just didn’t make a whole lot of sense, so having both he and Arvo raised together by the Nightbrothers and meeting Jumalan by chance worked out better. as for Jumalan’s relationship w/ them, however, i do kind of get the feeling it would’ve taken him a little while to come around to it. it was mostly Jasne and Aamun who welcomed them in right off the bat, but again, given the trauma, he might’ve needed some time to warm up to it. but w/ Taivas being so close in age w/ Tähtien, those two prob would’ve bonded faster than Jumalan w/ Arvo, esp w/ the latter being taken in by a different family after a point. tho that just ended up creating a different relationship between the two, both as equals at the head of their respective families.
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mwritesink · 6 years
The never ending shelf of WiPs
(Working titles are italicized. this is my attempt at organizing myself. Includes both Original and Fan Works. Post under a cut as this got long real quick...)
Original Works
“Rebel Songs”: November 1920. Dublin, Ireland. A chance meeting brings WW1 veterans Shannon Maxwell and Lawrence Barton together and into a whirlwind romance. Their first problem? Shannon is an IRA soldier and Lawrence works with the RIC Special Reserve. (currently writing random scenes, outlining, and researching)
“iceskating”: Modern day. Somewhere. Danny Reid is hired by Esmé Caldwell - renowned former Olympic Ice Skater and current coach - to help get her protege back into competitive shape. Jason O’Rinn - scarred, intense, and guarded - is just the sort of man Danny should stay away from, but he can’t turn away from fixing broken things, especially when Jason reaches back to heal Danny’s own scars. (I’ve maybe an eighth done of a first draft. fully outlined. need to do research)
“Red Headed Bastards”: [fictional year. fictional city name]. Lauren Lowfey, marked from birth as an outsider by her red hair, is just trying to make a life. One day she gets a package to deliver at the Aesir Castle that sends her life into far more adventure than she ever asked for or wanted. Outside the city, though, forces are moving to make the first moves of Ragnarok. (need to write scenes, need to outline, need to research)
“Chicago History Poetry Zine Series”: Poetry to inform about significant, and some not so significant, details about Chicago history. (have a set written about Camp Douglas, though several are in edit mode. Need to figure out the best way to arrange and publish. constantly in research)
“My Squire, My Knight”: visual novel idea. Arthurian based. the MC is related to a king allied to King Arthur - leaning towards being the youngest son of King Pellinore -  and is assigned to be a squire to one of Arthur’s knights: Sir Kai, Sir Dinadan, Sir Palomides, Sir Galehaut, or Sir Mordred. The course of the final days of Camelot are changed depending on the path and choices of the MC. (have the ideas, outlining, researching)
“Mad Ladies Ghost Stories”: Visual novel idea. MC is a Paranormal Investigator trying to find and free the ghosts of a haunted mental hospital without joining their number herself. Each ghost is of a woman falsely deemed insane and fell victim to the cures of her time. (have ideas, need to outline, need to do more research than one book)
“Crow Merwin”: Fantasy inspired by the French Revolution, but with more figures who are not white, presumed straight men. (idea there. I had notes from a year ago, but lost them. need to recreate notes)
Fan Works
K. J. Charles series
“The Magpie Lord - Script Adaptation”: for Charm of Magpies series. Writing exercise. Is what it says on the tin, just me practicing script writing by adapting The Magpie Lord by K. J. Charles. (in progress)
“Damned Spot”: for Green Men Series/Secret Casebook of Simon Feximel. Simon and Robert resolve the story of a haunted theatre. At one point Robert gets stage blood thrown on him. I get to indulge in how much I love MacBeth. (in planning)
“Elaphromancer”: for Charm of Magpies series. A Jono/Doug AU, where Jonothon “Chamber” Starsmore and Doug “Cypher” Ramsey are remade for existing in the world of Charm of Magpies. Jono is a magician who works as a fire breather and sword swallower for the Hellfire Freak Show and Circus. His life gets infinitely more complicated than it already is when he encounters a runaway autonomous Automaton who insists on having Jono help protect a political fugitive. Then the Justiciary gets involved. (in planning, opening scenes written)
Jordan L. Hawk series
“Griffin’s Queer Chicago”: for Whyborne and Griffin Series. Collection of one-shots and other shorts speculating on Griffin’s time in Chicago. So far planning to include the following: bed-sharing w/ Elliot [finished!], almost getting caught having sex under a bridge, having outdoor sex in one of the parks, the Columbian Exhibition World’s Fair, hotel sex w/ Glenn, and the Chicago Athletic Club. (In planning, first short finished!!, may be a while until the next one, in research)
“Seduced by the Shark-Man”: for Whyborne and Griffin Series. Fishborne AU. Instead of an Umbre, Griffin and Glenn find a shark-man who says his name is “Fire In His Blood”. He got very lost, ended up in fresh water, and would like to go home. But not without first finding out everything he can about land-dwellers. (the idea is there)
“Jono, Doug, and the no good, very bad haunted adventure”: For Spirits Series. A Jono/Doug AU where Jonothon “Chamber” Starsmore and Doug “Cypher” Ramsey are remade for existing in the world of the Spirits books. Doug and Jono are both Mediums. Jono’s talents reside in Pyromancy, and Doug has a willing “Spirit Guide” named Warlock. Doug enlists the help of Henry, Vincent, and Lizzie to free Jono from a haunted asylum after one of Jono’s seances goes horrifically wrong and he is confined as mentally insane. (in planning, have beginning scenes written)
“SPECTR: Hunter of Demons - Script Adaptation”: Writing Exercise. Practicing writing comic book scripts by adapting the first book of the SPECTR Series. 
Marvel Comics/Movies
“Hellions AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jonothon is invited to join the Hellions by Emma Frost when he is 14. He and the Hellions get entangled with Doug Ramsey and the New Mutants, which leads to a radically different Jono, and a different Doug. (in outlining, some scenes written)
“Jono Frost AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jonothon was adopted at a young age by the Frost Family, and followed Emma to the Hellfire Club. Along the way, Jono gets involved with Shinobi Shaw and other 90′s X-Men villains. (in planning)
“X-Force AU”: Jono AU. the NHS catches Jono’s mutation when he is 16 and sends him to Muir Island to be taken care of by Dr McTaggart. While there he becomes friends with Terry and Maddrox and follows Terry to X-Force. Various relationship entanglements ensue as well as morality questions regarding what X-Force does. (Idea is there)
“Excalibur AU”: Jono/Douglock AU. After exploding, Jono is sent to Muir Island, instead of getting an invite to join Generation X. While there, Douglock befriends him, and (along with Rahne) they begin a romantic relationship that goes rocky when Warlock comes back on the scene. (in planning)
“Savior”: personal/fan essay. tying “Savior” by Rise Against to the wreckage of Jono/Paige. (idea is there)
“Guthrie Family Dinners”: personal/fan essay. the implications of the New Mutants and Generation X staying together/breaking up and the number of times each team gets invited to Guthrie family dinners. Sam regularly takes the New Mutants to Guthrie Family dinners, and they mostly stay together. Paige only ever brings Jono over (once, and not to dinner), and Generation X is never really brought back together. (idea is there)
“Holistic Villains AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jono is nabbed by Clan Akkaba right after his mutation explodes his body and he’s given the Apocalypse look. Taking on the codename Leviticus, he sets out to assemble his own horsemen and become a new Apocalypse for a new age. His Death is the newly revived Doug Ramsey. (in planning). 
“Really a Villain AU”: Jono/Doug AU. Jono was brainwashed by Clan Akkaba from a young age, and has been their agent. After M-Day, he turns himself over to Utopia. Doug becomes interested in him and in his apparent reformation. theme song: Sedated by Hozier. (in planning)
“In the Flesh AUs versions 1 and 2″: Jono/Doug AUS. setting Jono and Doug within the world of “In the Flesh” tv series. Version 1 has both Jono and Doug as PDS and wrangling their lives post treatment. Version 2 has Jono and Leeland (oc child character belonging to @stem-cell who lets me and @nobiliorpomis use) are PDS, and Leeland gets his living father together with his PDS friend. (in planning)
“that one Burnside AU”: Captain America AU. Set in the MCU somewhere. Steve gets kidnapped by William Burnside, a historian of WW2 and the super soldier project who looks uncannily alike to Steve. back and forth pov of Steve’s captivity by Burnside and the other Avengers trying to find and rescue Steve. (the idea has been there for a long while)
Fire Emblem
“Ride Across the River”: Palette Swap AU where Arvis and Sigurd switch roles and families and what happens with the fallout from that. (first few chapters on AO3, in progress)
Dragon Age
“The Salt in the Ashes”: Inquisition AU with Samson as the Inquisitor. somehow I get him and Dorian together. (in hiatus/in progress)
Mo Dao Zu Shi
“Untitled”: mash up with Exalted. Detailing the rise and fall of First Age Twilight caste Solar Wei Wuxian, Zenith Solar Lan Wanji, and the Death Lord “The Yiling Patriarch”. (idea there)
“Untitled”: a Mo Xanyu lives fic, where he and WWX share his body, and freely go back and forth between who’s in control of the body.
Castlevania (Netflix)
“Untitled”: Get Alucard out of the house a bit and rescueing Hector from Carmilla’s clutches. Romance ensues. (idea is there, plus a paragraph or two)
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therron-shan · 7 years
Some thoughts on Scourge
Cause eh why not he's been on my brain a lot lately soooo here goes.
(And I mean it should go w/o saying but maybe it doesn't but this obvs all my headcanoning. If you don't agree with this that is absolutely totally okay. I just wanted to get my thoughts out there because i dunno why. Anyway. Also fair warning this is probably gonna be disjointed and all over the place and I'll try to keep it cohesive but no promises lol.)
(Includes minor, barely spoilers from the Revan novel. Gets a lil NSFW at the bottom).
So Scourge. I'm excited for the romance. Like way excited. And from what I've read of the datamined stuff - I, personally, think it fits him. I mean shit 300 years with no senses or humanity could probably really change a person. Yes before the ritual he was a dick. For a lot of reasons. I mean my main complaint with the Revan book (among many others) was that Scourge barely differs from the Scourge we meet in game. Like he has the same basic emotions and that's it. He's not all that different. Anyway the point is Scourge before ritual = dick. Scourge after ritual = dick but not as bad. He sees how the Sith are destroying themselves and he refuses to take part in it. He doesn't manipulate the JK - he comes right out and is like "I'm only saving your life and the lives of your crew because you're gonna defeat the Emperor." There's no tricking, no back-stabbing. Because he's grown up. He's been through 300 years watching so many powerful Sith fall to manipulation and backstabbing and trickery and he's tired of it. It's stupid and what does it accomplish? Nothing. (Though I will concede and say I can possibly see all his little quips about the Jedi being manipulation. Liiike "I understand why your council controls you. What I'll never understand is why you let them" or whatever the line is. Buuuut to be devil's advocate which is me all of the time I could also see that simply being a curious Scourge making comments. He's never spent this much time with a Jedi before. Never really had the chance to learn about the Order. You know? Anyway.)
Oppositely, he thought the Jedi were stupid too (for good reason but that's another convo for another day). Yet he doesn't go out of his way to change the JK's mind about Sith or Jedi. He may offer to teach them things about the dark side or make comments about the Jedi but that's all. Another neat thing I've noticed while playing an Aurelia recently. Scourge approves of you killing everyone because it's the dark side choice but in several moments he's like "just get it over with and let's move on". In the Revan book he was very - sadistic. Like a Sith should be (or so we're supposed to believe). He liked torture. Brutally killing his enemies, even weak-ass rebels who never stood a chance. Even after retaining anger (which is shown at several points in chapter three of the JK story; the one that sticks with me the most is Scourge swearing to the JK that the Emperor "will pay for what he's taken from me", or something to that effect [I believe it's the convo in which he discusses his first love and all that kind of stuff.]) he still is like "kill blah-blah-blah and move on." Which shows growth again.
Now on to romantic Scourge.
I disagree with some of the stuff going around about how a romantic relationship with Scourge would be possessive and abusive. Perhaps before the ritual, yes. But he's almost 350 years old by now. And more than 300 of those years were spent without humanity. He spent them watching his people, learning their flaws and downfalls. He spent them wishing he could eat his favorite foods and see the color of his first love's eyes again. That's sentimentality right there. Something that not all Sith have. He's grown up a bit more and I think after not having these emotions for so long he wouldn't take them for granted. He wouldn't take a relationship for granted. And yes a relationship with Scourge would be intense. Definitely sexually. I mean the dude is massive. Probably almost 7 feet tall. Things are gonna get rough. Plus after being forced to be celibate for three hundred years - I think the JK could expect several weeks/months of fucking to get it out of his system. But that doesn't mean he'll be abusive/possessive. I mean jesus. Sith can love. Darth Malgus fell in love. Serevin fell in love with that Voss lady (I think). Lana. The sith warrior and the inquisitor. Just because you're a big bad Sith doesn't mean you can't love. And it doesn't mean you can't love someone purely (and lemme just say I am in no way saying the feelings Malgus had for Elena were pure. Like no. Ick). The ability to love someone doesn't necessarily make you this cinnamon roll. For instance, look at Lana. She loves the Commander (if you choose to romance her of course). It isn't abusive or possessive yet she still kicks ass and is generally speaking dark sided. So I don't think a relationship with Scourge would be abusive and toxic. Intense? Yes. Would he have issues with all of his feelings in the beginning? Absolutely. But would he be grossly possessive of the JK? No way. He knows the JK is their own person (which is why he approves of them saying stuff about being their own person in chapter three. Whether that's about Jedi or the Emperor). And since he loves them he wouldn't try to control or manipulate them. Because he knows it won't work. Independence is a trait he's admired and respected in his Jedi for years and he would never take that away from them.
Jesus. This got long lmao sorry. And honestly I think I'm just trying to justify the fluffy Scourge I write. But here you goooo. This was fun lol. ❤
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maiden-of-wolves · 6 years
OC’s as Inquisition Companions
Name: Ariel Grace
Race / Class / Specialization: Human / Archer, then must switch to daggers or sword/shield when her glasses break/are broken / Tempest (or Ranger, if we’re allowed to use other game’s specializations…)
Gender Identity: Female; she/her
Varric’s Nickname for them: Pixie
Short Bio: Having grown up with fantasy stories and playing games to escape her ever-mediocre life back home, she was very familiar with Dragon Age. Impressively so, by some people’s measure. Now, she’s here and she has no idea what to do about it. She finds that she has to relearn how to read and becomes ill often because she has not encountered the diseases of Thedas. Another curiosity is that she appears to either reflect or absorb magic, essentially making her immune to both offensive and defensive/restorative magic. She is able to expel it as well, but it often comes out as a different element than was used on her and is hard for her to control in the beginning.
What would their companion card look like?
<<Death Tarot>>
Recruitment Mission: It is an optional war table mission. It’s next to Haven on the map and is simply a notification from Solas about having gotten notice from scouts of an unusual rift. And that he needs to see them as soon as possible. If you choose to “Go to” you will go outside and towards the dungeons and Solas will come up dragging a bound Ariel with him.
Basically, she appears near Haven and is found by a scouting party before you decide to look for help from either the Mages or Templars. She’s taken to Haven’s dungeons and interrogated by Cassandra and Solas. Mostly Solas. He brings her to the Inquisitor to have them decide what to do with her, citing that she seems to have foreknowledge of the world, but he cannot place how she came there or even what she is. You will have the option to allow her to join the Inquisition or to kill her. If you don’t choose the mission, she will simply starve/freeze in the Haven dungeons.
Where would they be in Skyhold / Haven?
In Haven, she would be near the mines area you fall in while escaping or in the clinic, being treated.
In Skyhold she’d be in the library, with Varric in the hall, by the stables talking with the horses or with Dagna (if you recruit her) in the Underforge.
Quest 1: <<TBD>>
Quest 2: <<TBD>>
Quest 3: <<TBD>>
How to get their approval:
Help “the little guy” (aka people that are down on their luck and need help, beggars, slaves seeking freedom, etc.); Be curious, since she very much wants to know everything she can (if she doesn’t already know about it from the codex entries); Be snarky to nobles or those that are snarky with you; help/be nice to your fellow companions.
How to get their disapproval:
Protect nobility at the expense of those beneath them; turning a blind eye in exchange for gold; flirting with others if you are in a relationship (with her or anyone else); being abrasive when you could have saved people by being diplomatic/clever.
Are they romanceable?
Yes! By men and women, (race gated against dwarves and qunari - Sorry! T_T) but you will need to go VERY easy on the flirting for a while if you’re a lady. She’s not had a physical relationship with a woman before, but is open to the idea.
Can you have sex with them?
Only if you’re on friendly terms; none of this ‘rivalmance’ nonsense. If you’re on her blacklist, she’d rather stick some acid on your lips than kiss them.
Are they open to polyamoury?
Only if it’s talked through and everything is out in the open. She will be very upset for quite a while if you just randomly decide to add another person. And she will be VERY hesitant to join an already established relationship because she needs reassurance that she’s worthwhile.
If they can be romanced and are not will they begin a relationship / relationships with other characters? If so, who?
If Cullen isn’t being romanced, she’d probably start one with him. She’d be there for him during his lyrium withdrawal episodes and sing him back to sleep when he woke.
If Zevran was there and not romanced with the Warden, she’d go for him; same with Fenris not romanced by Hawke.
Who are they friendly with?
Varric is her best friend (except the Inquisitor, if they’re good to her).
The Iron Bull and she get along well; he’s curious about her and likes teasing her.
She likes reading those smutty novels with Cassandra and encourages her so she can “practice reading” ;P.
She and Cullen will be all but kindred spirits in temperament and will get along well; she invents a potion that tastes like lyrium to help his withdrawal (like a kind of placebo). She will also question him about his views on mages and remind him of how he used to talk about them. She wants him to really grow as a person, not just be forgiven for who is was and no follow-up made.
Dorian and Ariel have a kind of love-hate relationship, since he loves to tease her/play flirt and enjoys her easy-to-blush nature far too much. Still, she respects him for trying to change Tevinter and since she spends a lot of time in the library they’re near each other a lot. They often have discussions he has a hard time stomaching about his homeland (usually regarding slavery).
She respects Josephine but the Antivan is very confused by Ariel’s venomous reaction to nobility considering her background.
She also respects Leliana’s abilities but they argue over the Chantry and faith when either topic comes up.
She both likes and hates Cole. She appreciates that he helps people and often asks him to help her help people, but she hates when he reads her.
She likes Blackwall and they often discuss his past (after she reveals she knows) and she encourages him to just atone as Blackwall. She affectionately calls him “Dad” because he reminds her of her father and often gives her fatherly advice, especially about combat.
Who do they dislike?
She knows what Solas wants to do and she hates him for it. They often argue about it, as she’s trying desperately to change his mind. Still, he helps her manage her odd abilities and helps her deal with her odd relationship to the Fade.
Though in goal/opinion they are very similar, she dislikes Sera. She sees her as little more than a snotty brat with a vicious temper and a deplorable liking for “pranks”.
She dislikes Vivienne on principle, as she’s a noble in every aspect and enjoys that life. Eventually, she comes to respect her and it is somewhat mutual.
Cole’s reading:
“Thoughts… so much. Home. It’s not a game anymore. I can’t say it. What’s the point of knowing… if you can’t change it?”
Companion card changes
<<Temperance Tarot>>
Side Mission:
When nearing a hidden item:
“Looks like things have been disturbed here...”
When seeing a high dragon:
“Well, great! There’s death coming from every possible direction now.”
Or, if The Iron Bull is in the party:
“...No, Bull. I’m not dying today.”
Side quest reaction(s):
Low health:
“Some help would be nice!”
“I wonder...where I’ll go…”
The Inquisitor falls:
(If friendly/romanced) “NO! I won’t let you go!”
(If neutral) “Our Inquisitor needs us!”
(If low approval) “You can’t give up!”
Greeting(s) / Goodbye(s)
Low approval:
“What do you want now?”
“Yeah, you go have fun elsewhere. I’ve got actual work to do.”
Neutral approval:
“Do you need something?”
“Okay. Bye then.”
“Oh, hey! What’s up?”
“Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be around.”
“O-oh. Uhm… hi!” o///o
“Hope you can spare some time for me later. I’ve… really missed you.” >////>
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit?
She’s very much against mages murdering people to retain their freedom, but she is equally against all the abuses that templars had heaped upon them to bring them to this point.
She thinks the rebel mages could be brought to heel and likes the idea of them creating the College of Enchanters, outside the Chantry’s influence, and wants all mages to be free but to be taught how to control their magic and punished appropriately when they do not.
She knows the Templars are useful, but doesn’t like them as an order controlled by the Chantry. She wants them to be disbanded and made into a separate type of guardsman everywhere so mages could live as normal people but still be brought to heel if they went all abomination or killed someone/manipulated them with magic.
She knows what created the breach so she has to keep her mouth shut about it and thus doesn’t like talking about it.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party?
If you help slavers, take a bribe to turn a blind eye or kill innocents.
                                          Imprisoned at Redcliffe
How is your OC holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
She heaves this incredibly dramatic sigh when she sees the Inquisitor. Basically just says, “FUCKING FINALLY, GET ME OUT OF THIS CELL.” She’s not infected but it’s been trying for so long that she’s weak as all hell from it stealing her energy.
                                                      The Fade
How they react:
Awe and nervousness. She dreams of this place but the interactions are all different. She is normally protected by spirits, who found her first as she slowly mastered her ‘gift/curse’ and became visible to the other denizens. She may have several whisps following her about as you wander, as they recognized and found her, but they are scared and weakened in the Nightmare’s territory.
Their tombstone:
Being Nothing but a Burden
What fears look like:
Goliath Tigerfish
“Okay, this is fucked up. I know this is the Fade and the laws of normal existence don’t apply, but still! You need water to swim, not air!” ~points accusingly at an approaching nightmare~ “Stop snappin’ your jaws at me you assholes!”
What the Nightmare says:
“And here is the talk of the Fade. The anomaly. The stranger in a strange land.” ~deep, booming laughter~ “Your spirits cannot save you here, child. I have long wondered what kind of creature you would become were I to claim you…”
OR, if romanced:
“Ah, the anomaly. Do you truly know what will happen here? I will tell you, since you crave knowledge. Your beloved will die and I will throw you back to suffer. Wilt away in your guilt and despair. You will feed me and my brethren for years to come, wallowing in it until it is all you know… just like your father.”
Hawke or Warden:
She understand the reasons for both
There will be a minor approval drop for choosing the Warden (large if it is a romanced Alistair)
If Hawke romanced Fenris, there will be a major approval drop
If Hawke romanced anyone else or remained alone, there will be a minor approval drop
The Wardens - Exile or Allies?
Again, she understand the reasons for both. Only a minor approval drop for exile and minor approval boost for making them allies.
Where they linger:
If she’s not romanced she’ll probably be near Cullen, engaging him in conversation in order to help keep the “suitors” at bay.
If she or Cullen is romanced she’ll be seeking shelter with Varric and tells you to hurry up so she can get the hell out of this viper’s nest.
Are they good at the Game?
She could be, if she wanted to be. She knows how she just hates using the skills she was brought up with as a child of an upper-middle class family back home.
What people say about them:
(if neither she nor Cullen were romanced)
“Why must that homely girl take up the Commander’s time? Doesn’t she realize her betters need to speak with him?”
(if the Inquisitor romanced her)
“The Inquisitor keeps such homely company… I can’t see why there are rumors about them. She is unremarkable and abrasive.”
“Who is that mouse beside Master Tethras? A fan of his work?”
Gaspard, Briala or Celene?
Briala and Celene together! Always. OTP. Major approval boost for this option.
She’ll give a minor approval boost for Briala blackmailling Gaspard or Celene ruling alone.
Will have a major approval drop for allowing Gaspard to rule alone.
                                                Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?
Ritual. This is their place and you must respect it. Plus, she knows that you’ll get there before it’s too late even if you take the time and knows how to do the puzzle.
Agree with the Elves’ bargain?
YES. She hates having to kill anyone if there’s another way… unless they’re assholes. Abelas kind of is, but not enough to justify being killed. Plus, it’s easier to get where you’re going if you accept and she will be taking photos of the murals and stuff you find along the way for safekeeping/inspection later.
Morrigan or the Inquisitor for the Well?
She leaves it up to the Inquisitor if they’re not involved.
If romanced or if they are friends, she will tell the Inquisitor that they really don’t want to take it in and to let Morrigan do it. “It will be helpful… you just don’t want the burden. Trust me.”
Depending on who she’s with, she’ll have done different things.
If she was romanced by the Inquisitor she’d be busy helping with the Inquisition. Creating new tools/helping advance medicine for non-mages as well as mages/trying to recreate basics from home like running water that anyone can install on their houses. She’d go with them to the Exalted Council if asked and will be able to tell them about what’s going on if they asked/wanted to know. She could also be told to stay behind and use her knowledge of the attending nobles to help Josephine.
If she wasn’t romanced by the Inquisitor and Cullen wasn’t romanced, she would be assisting him. She would have expanded her making of the placebo to give to all the Templars that wanted to be off of lyrium. She will likely have also worked with advancing medicine and providing basic improvements to people’s lives. Again, if asked, she would attend the Exalted Council. If not, Cullen will likely ask her to come just to help him retain his sanity. He will ask her to marry him there, as he would have the Inquisitor. She would happily find the Inquisitor to let them know and tell them they need to survive so they can all meet up again for a proper party and feast for the wedding when they get back to Ferelden.
If Zevran was around she’d help him in dealing with the Crows and set up a library where she takes in and “homeschools” recruits that he liberates from the Crows. She’s soon surrounded by children and is unable to attend the Exalted Council. Before she left the Inquisition she acquired a pair of sending crystals so that no matter where she was the Inquisitor could get a hold of her if necessary. She will advise them on what to do if they ask.
If Fenris was around, they’d travel about tracking down slavers and eventually attempt to lead a slave uprising in Tevinter. Since, by the end of her tale she’d be a powerful proper mage she could do reconnaissance in full view and not be thought much of. She would have given the Inquisitor one of a pair of sending crystals to keep in contact and would offer her knowledge if asked during the Exalted Council. In Tevinter, she tips off the right people and kills those that won’t help and then Fenris inspires slaves to rise. She’d meet Dorian on his way back and chuckle, saying, “time to put out the fires and start again. I did the easy part. The rest is up to you.” She’ll probably get hit for that.
I’ll probably add more at some point. Still can’t decide about her side quests... so that’ll have to wait.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
I have a mighty need for new Jalec fics but I can't find any hitting all the right buttons :( hurt/comfort, mutual pining, our favorite pair of parabatai taking care of their bruised, bloody selves... (Jace cleaning up Alec's fingers after he made himself bleed from firing too many arrows, like in 2x05)... bed sharing... shower sharing... (or like, having to clean themselves in a river or something like that...) I want those things and I can't find them... JFA (sounds like JFK. Eh.)
(You’re lucky I have this important exam coming up and am literally doing anything to procrastinate the studying I have to do…)
Jace knew Alec wasn‘t doing well with the pressure. Well, with this particular kind of pressure at least.
Imogen Herondale was due for a visit to the New York Institute, to personally congratulate them to their victory over the Circle.
Alec was, to put it bluntly, scared shitless. Not that he showed it. But Jace could feel it through the bond. He could feel how much Alec was wrecking himself about this.
Jace knew why.
Somehow the Clave, in their unfathomable wisdom, had decided to change heads for their Institute a lot in the past half year. Robert and Maryse, Lydia, Aldertree, Imogen, Jace, Alec. Honestly, part of Jace marveled at the fact that the Institute hadn’t come apart by the seams with how unstable their leadership had been.
And while they had won under Alec’s leadership, Jace knew that if not for Robert putting pressure on them, they would have switched leaders again already during the war. So a part of Alec was nervous that a personal visit from the Inquisitor would mean another change in leadership. After all, the way Alec had become leader had been a bit… Grandma hadn’t been happy about it, so to speak. She had picked Jace to be the leader and he had stepped down the second he got the job to instead appoint someone she explicitely had not wanted as head.
(Part of Jace still wondered why she hadn’t just stepped in and undone the decision. Part of that part of Jace hoped it was due to a minimum of trust he might have already earned from his grandmother.)
Alec had been harrassing everyone into cleaning every last inch of the Institute, having everything be top notch. Everything needed to be perfect, not a weapon out of place.
But there was more.
And Jace knew it.
It was actually less about the Inquisitor coming over, it was more about Imogen Herondale coming over.
Jace bit his lips to hide the tiny grin.
Alec was nervous about Jace’s grandma. And that was partially cute. That part being where Alec wanted to earn her approval and respect, because she was Jace’s only biological family left alive.
The other part made the tiny grin on Jace’s lips die. Because Alec had the very, very reasonable fear that she might find out that Jace and Alec were more than just parabatai. That they were lovers. That they were breaking the Law.
It was still incredibly fresh. Well, them being together. Them being in love with each other…?
Jace hadn’t noticed at first. He had absolutely no concept of love. Love meant pain and fear to him, but the Lightwoods were so different and so confusing. He had nothing to go with what he was feeling for Robert, Maryse, Isabelle, Alec and Max. He could only label the feelings according to what he was told they ought to be. It became increasingly confusing when, as a young teenager, he noticed that his feelings for Alec wildly differed from his feelings for Isabelle.
So he had suggested for them to become parabatai. Because surely that might explain it? That the two of them were closer than brothers, it was a sign that they should become parabatai.
And there was not a doubt in Jace’s mind that this was what it had to be. After all, Alec looked at him the very same way, with the same level of adoration and importance that Jace assigned to Alec.
Magnus Bane had made Jace realize that maybe he had misplaced and mislabeled his feelings, because suddenly things shifted. Priorities shifted. Gazes shifted. And for the first time, Jace saw Alec look at someone else with the gazes that were his. And when the two got together, two things happened.
Jace realized that the feelings he had deemed to be special and overwhelmingly intense and possessive due to them being parabatai… well, those feelings were actually romantic love.
The other thing that happened was that Jace truly understood the pain of love, because seeing Alec happy with someone else broke his heart into a million pieces.
That they had a war going on and his family tree seemed to be changing by the minute was not helping his emotional turmoil any either.
Clary had been a wonderful distraction, at first. But it had also made everything worse, because for the first time, Jace had felt like he was losing Alec.
Little did he know that all of that had only happened because Alec was feeling the very same. Alec had hated seeing Jace look at Clary with the looks that should be reserved to Alec. Alec had hated feeling like losing Jace to Clary.
Months and a war passed and their relationship and bond took a hiccuping journey to a better place. Avoiding the main problem had not exactly helped in healing their bond though.
It all came crashing down on them hard when Jace had died and the bond had been fully severed.
It had broken something very delicate in both of them, even more so than the bond. For the very first time, losing the other had become something tangible. They could assign attributes to it now. The bitter, metallic taste, the smell of misery and burned flesh, the tight grip on their hearts, the emptiness in their chests.
They could lose each other.
And neither of them was even remotely okay with that. And as Alec, Magnus and Isabelle came stumbling toward him and Clary at the lake, something happened within the both of them. The bond snapped back into place, but somehow too tight, pulling them closer and closer and without even realizing, without being able to tell who moved first, they were in each other’s arms and doing the one thing both of them had longed for for so long - they kissed.
Retrospectively speaking, they could be lucky that only people they trusted had been present, but neither of them had half a mind to think about consequences in that moment, because the person they loved more than anything else on this planet, their other half, was standing right there, alive, breathing and within reach.
So yes, Jace’s and Alec’s relationship had shifted significantly and into dangerous territory. But neither regretted it. They loved it, every stolen second, every lingering glance, every shared kiss, brief hug. It was easily chalked up to them being parabatai that they were so physically affectionate with each other.
But Imogen Herondale was not just Jace’s grandmother, she was also the Inquisitor. She was going to spend a lot of time with Jace and with Alec, in both of her functions, and if she deemed their physical affections too close for comfort, if she saw something no one was supposed to see, then the two of them could very well lose far more than just Alec’s positon as head of the Institute.
They could lose each other.
And that? That was what truly scared Alec. Scared Alec to the bone and made him harrass everyone into being on their best behavior, made him lose sleep and instead train at odd hours, train to the point of collapsing.
“Alec. Alec, stop it.”
Jace glared as he caught his parabatai’s arm. Alec halted, muscles locking. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied where he had been hitting the punching back for the past two hours now. Jace’s glare darkened and Alec averted his eyes. Alec knew exactly what he was doing and he knew exactly that his lover was not approving of this self-destructive streak.
Hah. Talk about irony.
“Normally, I’m the self-destructive one in this relationship and you’re the reasonable one”, stated Jace softly, jockingly.
Jace tilted his head up to lock eyes with Alec and just as the archer was about to say something, his words were caught in his throat. Alec stared wide-eyed into the liquid gold of Jace’s eyes. A small smirk played on Jace’s lips as he activated an iratze rune for Alec. Yes, Jace had been training to focus his angelic powers. Because he needed to be able to use them beyond life-or-death situations. And he was getting pretty good at it.
“You look like an angel when you glow like that”, whispered Alec in awe.
Jace glared, trying to mask the blush on his cheeks. It didn’t work. Alec stared at him longingly. Sighing, Jace went to get a towel and wet it some so he could gently remove the crusted blood from Alec‘s hands.
“You’re an archer. You need those. Try not destroying them”, grunted Jace pointedly. “Also, I’m quite fond of them myself.”
He leered up at Alec playfully, this time around managing to make Alec blush. It was good that it was ass o’clock in the morning and they were literally the only people awake at the Institute.
Without another word did the two of them make their way to Jace’s bedroom. Even as he opened the door, Jace turned around to face his parabatai and before the door was fully closed - risky, they knew, but there were no cameras here and no one was awake - they were kissing. They stumbled toward the bed together and collapsed on it once the back of Jace’s knees hit the bed. He laughed softly as Alec landed on top of him.
“I love you”, stated Jace evenly, grasping Alec’s face. “And everything will be alright. Even if she notices, even if she puts us both on trial, even if they derune us, I will always be at your side.”
“I love you”, whispered Alec back. “Always.”
Jace smiled pleased. The two lazily adjusted to get comfortable on the bed while kissing, curling together around each other. By the time they fell asleep, Jace was pressed up against Alec’s chest, his parabatai’s arms wrapped tightly around him, holding him close. They had perfected the art of sharing a bed and then being ready and leaving the room casually together, as though one had woken the other up to discuss business.
Whatever would happen tomorrow, they knew they had each other.
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jamiedodgerart · 7 years
if you're happy to tell us, i'd love to head more about ur inquisitor :00!! his debates with dorian sound fun
:DDD yeah sure! soz this is late
pica’s 1/6 of an inch tall
(im kidding. his name was originally a pun, but not a typography one - he’s a rehash of an old oc i had way back in the day, who was based off a magpie. hes actually on the short side for a dwarf, i want to say around 4′3″)
he was a lyrium smuggler before the inquisition, and specifically was the front man who sold it. he’s a champion liar and man of many faces, and knows how to disappear in plain sight (which is easy if you’re a dwarf and most law enforcement on the surface are humans. to a human guard dwarves all look the same and theyre too short to really get a good look at their faces). he had a pretty transient lifestyle- he didn’t get tied down, didn’t get too attached to anyone or anything, had pretty few posessions. he was 26 (or the dwarf equivalent of 26. hows dwarf aging work in dragon age anyway) when the carta got him to spy at the conclave, and you know how that went
look ok. the first half of his career as inquisitor was just. wingin’ it. no one really knew what the fuck he was supposed to be doing, least of all him, so he just pretended he knew what he was doing till, i wanna say the end of into the abyss. after talking to mal hawke some he learned that, hey, everyone’s always winging it, and also that his decisions kind of really mattered. (and that those decisions he makes can. kill people) for the first time in his life, he realizes hes actually important, and what he does changes things on the large scale
so after that, he got to thinking. the world kinda sucks. and it sucked before the war. and the leaders of thedas are really not doing all that much about it, except trying to kick each other in the nuts while their enemies are weak and completely forgetting that politics Cannot Survive as a practice if theres no farmers able to make food for diplomats to eat. so, orlais, if your farmland is all gunched up with battlefields, then you need to fix that, don’t you. but the inquisition is really, really good at providing stability! it’s good at establishing patrols, safe trade routes, providing local employment, and is a fairly reliable consumer of local goods. so pica capitalized on that, and quietly spread inquisition presence all over southern thedas. this led to immense inquisition influence, with very little fanfare.
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you can guess why the rulers of thedas tried to get rid of him as soon after corypheus was taken care of as possible. they branded him a tyrant and like. ok. they werent like. super far off. bc at this point he was kinda trying to see how much of the world he could take over before anyone noticed/tried to stop him and also figured he could do like, a way better job at leading it than the current rulers could. and he wasnt beholden to anyone either (not like empress celene! elected to her throne by… uhhhhhhhhhhh divine providence or something. i mean shes doing an ok job but like i didnt vote for her) so if he really really wanted to he could go full dragon reborn
ive got off topic but point is he figures humans have had their go and they fucked it up, so it’s a dwarf’s turn and he’s going to put the world back together himself. (ps hey bioware can we have some dwarf stuff in the next game. im js. weve had a whole load of elf nonsense and its nice and all but dwarfs had a cool ancient society too yknow)
after trespasser he elects to keep the inquisition around, because he worked hard to make this glue keeping the bits of thedas stuck together and he’ll be damned if he’ll let solarse and his minions screw it up. but it gets nerfed heavily and hes pissed about it
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he romanced cassandra! i really like their relationship- they look to each other for moral guidance. pica knows he can get flighty and relies on her to keep him in line, and always asks her for advice when he sees her in the courtyard. he usually doesn’t follow it but he feels it’s important to have her perspective on things
they disagree on a lot of stuff (like he made celene and briala co-leaders but she was in favor of gaspard) but he trusts her judgement, and supported her in becoming the divine
he’s a little weird about religion, specifically relating to the stone. the surfacer part of him that hates caves is like pff hippie garbage, but the bit that’s generations old and wants to belong to a larger whole of a culture is Super Into It. cole said he felt the stone’s presence around pica one time and externally he didnt react but internally he was yelling WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK I LIVED IN SUCH PEACEFUL IGNORANCE I DIDNT NEED TO KNOW THAAAAAT and after the mythal thing hes like fuck believe what you want. whatever floats your boat. we live in a world where nugs have little people hands so if it comforts you to know a god did that then live your truth
re mages he figures theres a way better way for them to fit into society than the circle. its dumb. they can LIFT THINGS WITH THEIR MINDS. USE THAT FOR BUILDING. they can HEAL WOUNDS WITH THEIR MINDS. THEY CAN TALK TO SPIRITS AND SHIT THEY CAN PROBABLY FLY WHY ARENT WE USING THIS THEY’RE WASTED IN TOWERS LEARNING TO SHOOT FIREBALLS OR WHATEVER people who fear magic are cowards. chantry more like sham-try. 
hes big on research and development. he sent samson to dagna for research and in the au where mal lives he sent anders to her too. cos. like. dude COEXISTS WITH A SPIRIT. thats cool as SHIT how does it WORK. 
(im gonna make a post abt the mal lives au soon. its good)
hes largely responsible but he has also impulse bought at least three stuffed dragons. also, if the textiles technology were available, hed have dragon jammies. it’s the little things in life.
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he collects notes he’s found talking about him and hangs them up by his desk. his favorite is the one samson wrote calling him a damnable rogue. he says hes doing things right, if he’s making people mad
hes trans! im not sure how thatd be regarded in dwarf society, in undergrounders i doubt it’d be very acceptable given their emphasis on reproduction, but house cadash has been on the surface for generations and has probably adopted more liberal views on lgbt stuff. either way hes not very open about it, and it’s really easy to pass when he’s around humans (i get the feeling dwarves and humans look for different things, when they’re trying to guess gender. for example hes got some beard scrub, which in human terms means male but in dwarven terms probably either means very young male or unkempt female) (the added implication to this is that varric might keep his beard to stubble so he looks younger) he met krem and had an instant Trans Solidarity moment, which also comes with the Trans Fear that the person Knows that you’re trans and could out you. it’s a weird kind of trust and for me feels like that one performance art piece with the people holding the bow and arrow. anyway hes cool w krem but doesnt talk to him all that much. theyve got pretty different interests.
his best friends are probs cole and dorian! he’s very curious, and likes to hear different perspectives on things. he and dorian often play chess and discuss all sorts of stuff. they end up yelling a lot because they both want to talk but the other started saying something before they were done with their point, which they started saying before the other was done with their point, and so on. he doesnt get very far in the slavery argument until hawke starts chillin at skyhold more regularly and can adequately school him on the state of tevinter slavery (fuck i gotta make a post about that. mal’s had a lot of development since i last talked about him)
he listens very seriously to cole’s observations. he can really appreciate the input of someone who watches so much more than speaks, and heartily supported his ventures in becoming more human.
he also gets along very well with josephine and likes to trick her into taking days off. hes also always down to chat w dagna and scout harding! and varric, of course. it’s always nice to talk to someone without having to crane his neck up at them all the time
(this is the reason he doesnt usually spend time w bull. hes just too tall and its uncomfortable knowing your face is at your friend’s dick height while ur trying to discuss battle strategy)
uhh trivia, at one point i thought i’d fucked up cassandra’s romance by not flirting with her enough so i meant to go for dorian’s instead, bc while i had wanted to romance cass since uhh i dunno one of my mutuals first reblogged a picture of her, i underestimated how charming and cool of a guy dorian ended up being. so in canon i say pica had a crush on both of them for a little while
its late and i think i got mostly everything so enjooooooy
as a parting gift, this is him
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nomaji · 7 years
Never-mind Bout’ The Others
Character Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Slytherin Reader
Plot Summary: Set in OoTP (Fifth year), the reader and Neville had been secretly dating. Using the excuse of tutoring each other, the two managed not to get caught. Sometime due an incident involving Neville, the reader and Umbridge,their relationship is revealed...
Disclaimer: All things JK. Rowling had created are not mine, the gif belongs to its respective owners.
Also, my very first imagine, yay! Sorry if it wasn’t what you’re expecting, but ‘A’ for effort heheh..I’m also working on two other requests, with more “what’s inside xx common room” things, along with some original short stories, and a Hogwarts short story coming up, but definitely feel free to request more Hogwarts related things you want me to write about!
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Hope you enjoy~
It was nice to have Neville by your side, despite your differences.
To begin, he was a Gryffindor, and you, however, was sorted into Slytherin. History had played out to ensure your house’s intense rivalry get passed down through generations. How did the two of you ever got together was beyond anyone’s comprehension. You had your fair share of talents and intelligence, one of them being coming in close second between your housemate, Draco Malfoy, in potions. Neville, however, being not as competent in Potions as you, excelled much further in Herbology, the one subject you swear you’d rather consume sleeping draught than going towards that greenhouse every week. In short, you’re not blessed with the magical green thumb within your year.
So here you are, absentmindedly flipping through your Herbology textbook, occasionally eyeing the weird, tentacle-like plant in the greenish clay pot. Not far left, Professor Sprout’s lecture droned on about the sticky properties of Tailtomortencia, the plant wiggling sloppily next to you, producing a purplish sap that rolled slowly down its sides. You choked back the nausea as the all familiar bell rung through the school, signaling the end of the last class of the day.
You dashed through the stone door right after the common room entrance slid open, paying no mind to the greenish ripples reflected on the ceiling by the waters of the lake, and headed straight for the dorms. Daphne Greengrass, your best friend, tossed you a curious look as you plopped onto the bed, your face buried into your pillow.
“Don’t try to suffocate yourself y/n,” she drawled in amusement, “I don’t want your corpse become the future embodiment of the Slytherin Girls Dorm.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t speak gibberish.” 
You lazily lift your head from the comfort of your pillow, and proceeded to glare mockingly towards the blond witch, who met your unamused look with a small smirk.
“As if I want to die in here, Daphne. But I do know that if you keep smirking like that, your face is going to stay that way, and it’ll take more than magic to change it back.”
Rolling her eyes, Daphne stood up and headed towards the exit. “Whatever, I’m going to get dinner, hope you have fun tutoring Longbottom again, judging by his potions skills, you’re gonna need it.”
“ I don’t get it, it wasn’t supposed to be that hard!” You groaned possibly for the eighth time after struggling to extract the sap from the Tailtomortencia. 
It was nine after, you and your boyfriend have been ‘tutoring’ for the past four hours, but still with no avail. You scrunched your nose as you watched Neville took one part of the plant, curled it up gently, and squeezed it while catching the familiar, purplish sap in a medium sized vial. He glanced at you, and motions you to follow suit. 
“If you don’t at least show me that you can do this, we might be stuck here all night, and I know you’re not a morning person.” Neville chuckled causally, earning a playful glare from you. 
With a dramatic sigh, you pulled the pot containing the plant towards you, and with slight disgust, you followed his instructions. After some effort, you watched as the sap slowly dripping down into the remaining space inside the vial. With bright smile plastered on your face, you hugged your boyfriend with excitement, ignoring his surprised oomph. Neville quickly wrapped his arms around your lower back and pulled you closer to him, nearly lifting you off the ground before pulling away.
“We better get back, it’s way past curfew, and even if Professor Snape and McGonagall not murdering us for returning so late, Umbridge will certainly not react the same.” He said, concern dawning his features. 
Nodding in agreement, you gave his hand a light squeeze and pulled your boyfriend towards the exit.
The walk felt long, and unsurprisingly quiet. Both of you scanned left and right for any sign of Prefects, Filch, or worse, the she-devil herself. The dimly lit hallway left you alert, listening for any sound around you other than the not-so-subtle snores from the portraits. Nothing, that is, except the light footsteps against the stone floor. 
Then, a faint meow was heard.
The two of you jumped, suddenly remembered a familiar caretaker that owns a feline.
“Mrs. Norris.” You cursed under your breath.
Neville, however, frantically began to pull you along as he picked up the pace, panic replaced his usual features. Soon, the two of you streaked towards the direction of the Entrance Hall, zig-zagging from one corridor to the other in attempt to lose the blasted cat. In the distance, you spotted the familiar hallway that would be your saving grace of the night. 
C’mon, you breathed, almost there...
“Hem hem, and where do you think the two of you are heading?”
Neville stuttered to a stop, resulting you to bump into his back. Your hands are still linked, though bit more loose than before. This was it, you brought your head to meet the high inquisitor’s in an innocent fashion, while taking a short, but reassuring glance to Neville, who was still slight pale with shock.
“Mr. Longbottom, as the high inquisitor of Hogwarts, I expect student to follow my rules.” She said in faux sweetness. “ I noticed, one, you have been holding...is it Ms. l/n ‘s hand, and two, both of you are out and about way past curfew hours. According to Educational Decree number twenty six, no boy and girl shall be eight inches within each other, and let me remind you that holding hands is being less than eight inches within each other.”
“W-we were out tutoring Professor,” Neville answered respectfully. “ We lost track of time, I hope it is forgiven.”
“And you were tutoring because?”
“Actually, professor, he was tutoring me.” you interjected.
Umbridge finally turned towards you, her small, beady eyes stared at you curiously for a moment before a faux smile plastered on her round face.
“You can let go of Mr. Longbottom’s hand now, Ms l/n, no types of affection can go unnoticed by me; “ she said,“ Now, what are you....being tutored for?”
“Herbology, professor.”
Umbridge proceeded to hesitate, as if lost in thought, before responding once more. “I see. Judging by me previous observations, you don’t seemed to pay too much attention during that class. Perhaps that’s why you needed Mr. Longbottom’s assistance?”
“No professor, it was because I was confuse on the matter of extracting the sap from Tailomortencia, that’s why I asked for Neville’s help.”
“Peculiar...Slytherin and a Gryffindor ending up together....Well, in that case, both of your head of the house - Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, is it? - will be notified of this incident. Like all mistakes, this will have consequences, including a week of detention with me, and a month’s suspension of all extracurricular activities, in addition to the twenty points will be respectively taken from each of your houses.”
Your heart plummeted to the pit of your stomach. Three punishments, just for breaking two rules?! Just when you’d think this lady was bad enough, her punishments seemed to get even worse. Beside you, Neville paled significantly, and seemed to be sweating in panic. Fuming, you turned to a smirking Madame Toad in protest.
“Professor, in my defense, your punishment is severe for two students who had only broken two rules. Neville’s got nothing to do with this, I asked him to tutor me, so it should me, not him get detention.”
Umbridge stood before you, silent, emotionless. Her eyes seemed to be calculating, for she kept eyeing you both. For seconds it was just like this: Umbridge glancing back and forth between the two of you while you glanced defiantly back. After what felt like eternity, she smiled sardonically.
“..Reasonable excuse, I’ll be sure to keep this in mind when I report to your head of the house tomorrow morning, but this consequence will make an example of the school to not ever challenge ministry’s Educational Decrees. Now run along, the two of you will start the punishment on Monday.”
The rest was a blur. The two of you managed to trudge your way back to the Entrance Hall, stopping at the bottom of the staircase. Neville had stayed silent the whole time, with occasional glances met by yours. You stood next to him at the foot of the staircase, unsure what to do next.
“...Are you alright, Neville?” you asked tentatively.
“Relieved, I guess....y/n, what if they find out?” he replied softly, a sad smile spread across his face. “What if everything changes tomorrow?”
You gently turned the teen to face you, and rested your hand on his shoulder. 
“Neville, you are possibly the kindest person I’ve ever met. We’ve been through loads together, and now you’re telling me you’re afraid of tomorrow? Never mind ‘bout the others, Neville, you have me and that’s all it matters. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.”
You felt two strong arms wrap around you, pulling you close. Smiling, you snaked your arms around his back. It was all you needed, after the chaos that had just happened. 
“ I love you, y/n.” He murmured next to your ear, letting out a sigh of relief. “I’m sorry for today to end this way.”
“Never be sorry, Neville, I love you too.”
Short Bonus:
“Really? Longbottom. You’re dating Longbottom.” Daphne whispered to you as the two of you sat in the Three Broomsticks at Hogsmeade.
Words had gotten out about your detention since Professor Snape gave you a pointed look during breakfast (after his glare to Neville and the rest of the Gryffindor table - the usual), and it wasn’t long before Daphne cornered you inside the pub, insisting that you tell her the truth.
“Yes, really. I’ve been dating Neville since last year. Being one of the smartest girls in our year, I thought you’d figure it out by now.” 
Daphne jabbed you playfully, nearly knocking over the butter beer you were about to drink. “Not cool. But why, out of everyone, you choose Longbottom? Not to mention the fact that he’s a Gryffindor?”
You rolled your eyes before setting down your drink. “Well first, he’s not a snob like a certain Draco Malfoy (or constantly talks about Potter for that matter), or disinterested like Nott and Zabini, and let’s face it, I’m nowhere compatible with Crabbe or Goyle.”
Daphne snorted.
“Plus, when you actually get to know him well enough, he is intelligent, caring, and great to hang out with.”
“Whatever, at least now you’re not unhappily single like Parkinson, no offense to her that is.”
The two of you snickered as you paid for your drink and exited through the door.
“By the way, have you seen the gorgeous golden chocolate frogs that just arrived at Honeydukes? It’s amazing!”
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theharellan · 5 years
misconception: that solas doesn't form meaningful bonds during his time in the inquisition other than with a romanced inquisitor
send me meta this is actually a different meme but shush | accepting
i’ll be talking about this until the day i die, but solas makes plenty of meaningful relationships beyond not only the romanced inquisitor, but the inquisitor, period.
game mechanics overly emphasise the relationship between any canon companion and the play character, so i sort of understand where this misconception comes from. their arcs are decided, in part, by their relationship to the player and so it would be really invalidating if, say, you has negative solas approval but he still made it clear that he had accepted the reality of the world around him b/c of his friendship with the iron bull, for example. it’s one of the ways the developers make sure their choices matter.
luckily, this is an rp blog, so i can say that an inquisitor can treat solas like absolute shit and he’ll still make ties in the world and realise how fuckin wrong he was, as he well should.
i’m on a tangent and i haven’t even rly started answering this yet, so here we go:
a befriended inquisitor is just as important to solas as a romanced inquisitor. just as important to his development, to his epiphanies, etc. much of the dialogue goes unchanged regardless of if a relationship is platonic or romantic. even if he doesn’t have romantic feelings for the inquisitor, he still feels the whole world change upon meeting them. he still compares them to the ancient wisdoms he’s known in a pre-veil world. i’ve seen jokes that say the lines have romantic overtones, but really i think solas is just the sort of person to form highly emotional friendships. falon’din and dirthamen are implied not to be brothers, but “twin souls,” something that myself and other a-spec ppl have likened to queer platonic partners. while those two have undoubtedly sullied the term for anyone who opposes them, what i’m trying to demonstrate is that solas comes from a society that doesn’t find close platonic friendships odd.
but like i said, this goes beyond the inquisitor.
the fandom vastly understates his relationship with cole most of all. often he’s depicted as one of his fathers, which i can appreciate as a joke, but i feel like it undercuts how important that relationship is– for both of them.
cole goes to solas first when he’s experiencing trouble after adamant, not the inquisitor. not even if they’re a mage. b/c he knows he can trust solas to not use him. solas involves himself in cole’s well-being potentially even if he loathes the inquisitor and everything they are, something he didn’t do for wisdom’s sake, but is willing to for cole. and regardless of the option chosen, solas continues to support him and ask after him:
Solas: How do you feel, Cole? Are you…Cole: I am me. I cannot be bound, broken. I will help the hurt and kill the killers.Solas: I see. I… let me know if I can help.
solas offers affirmation and support for cole, talking him down from what seems to be a panic attack at one point:
Cole: It’s brighter here. Glittering. Glaring. Glinting. I can’t…Solas: It’s a mild tremor in the Veil. Nothing to worry about. Focus on what is here, in this world.Cole: But… what is here?Solas: Feel the ground, the breath in your lungs, fabric rustling against your skin.Cole: (Breathes.) Thank you.Solas: It’s nothing. It can be overwhelming for anyone.
and when cole tries to fix what’s fundamentally broken in solas, solas doesn’t spurn him. this isn’t to say characters who do react with venom when cole oversteps bounds are wrong, cole being able to see in heads doesn’t mean he has the right to speak their pain aloud, but i think it demonstrates the patience solas has for cole being who he is. it has the potential to go down a path that solas doesn’t quite… get. assuming the trespasser line “he didn’t want a body, but she asked him to come” is referring to solas, solas is someone who desperately doesn’t want to have a physical body and is probably afraid of cole having the same regrets as he does.
their relationship also goes both ways. cole offers him support throughout the game, understanding solas in ways that others can’t. not necessarily through any fault of theirs, but being able to key into solas’s emotions goes a long way. and then you get to trespasser, where cole is the one person to speak fondly of solas and the only one to approve if you say you have to save him from the vidasala. imo if we go by game canon solas is closest to cole, even closer than a befriended or romanced inquisitor. since this is an rp blog, that obviously varies, but as it stands no one understands solas like cole and no one understands cole like solas. a cole who becomes more human is likely to become alien to him in some respects, but from canon banter it’s clear that solas is willing to try. this was a very long winded way of saying solas loves cole.
beyond cole, it’s hard to argue solas forms emotionally intimate relationships with others in the inquisition. that being said i also don’t think they have to be emotionally intimate to be meaningful.
it’s, like, 100% canon that he hangs out with people outside of when we drag him places. blackwall has banter that implies they talk regularly, at least enough for blackwall to conclude that solas “knows all there is to know about everything” and even ignoring that they canonically play diamondback together. in banter they swap their experiences at war, although given they’re both hiding something they’re both being vague about it. still, solas clearly comes to regard him highly enough that he’s mad about the revelations of blackwall’s personal quest. a combination of solas having more in common with him than he hoped, and that for all solas has done wrong “killing civilians for fun and profit” wasn’t one of them. and solas seems to have come to respect him enough to apologise, backing out of his initial reaction to accept that thom had taken a step to becoming someone better.
josephine also references speaking to him, despite them never speaking on-screen which was a crime. she says “he has the most fascinating stories” and in ambient dialogue with her agents references occurrences where they seem to speak to nobility together. again, i wouldn’t say they had a deep bond, but i think they developed a rapport.
as for people i do think solas was genuinely friends with, there’s cassandra, varric, and iron bull. unlike the former two there isn’t really a reference to them hanging out outside of banter, but given their relationship i at least like to imagine they spend some time together.
varric and solas clearly spend time together before you meet them in-game, for one. long enough that varric thought of a nickname, though whether “chuckles” was decided on right there or earlier it’s hard to say. the two have actually a pretty funny rapport going, varric being one of the people to bring out solas’s sense of humour without much difficulty. and when they’re not joking around, they have interesting conversations. i’ve actually been wanting to rewrite the balcony scene with thora, my dwarf inquisitor, and solas to incorporate the fact that varric– who makes his living writing– doesn’t match his narrow view of what dwarves should be. it’s just one way the game steers solas in such a way that he isn’t allowed to grow unless the inquisitor gives him permission to, similar to how his view of the qun will flip-flop depending on if he’s talking to iron bull or a friendly qunari inquisitor, but i digress.
with varric, cassandra, and bull alike he demonstrates that he’s more capable of changing his mind than people give him credit for, i think. he admits he might have been mistaken in his interpretation of the dream of a man living his days alone on an island.
cassandra and solas’ relationship started out very hostile from the sound of it, but the hostility is worked out before the inquisitor wakes up, so much attention isn’t drawn to it. solas says he gave up his staff, and while i don’t think he was ever technically a prisoner, i also don’t think he would’ve been allowed to up and leave after that point. he references that she threatened his life if he didn’t get results, and yet in banter he’s complimentary towards her, most notably her ability to surrender the chance for power when she feels she is unfit for the role and that she’s capable of changing her mind. idk, i think their relationship demonstrates the best of both characters– cassandra’s ability to be less hard-line than she is around the likes of varric’s, solas’s ability to respect people with differences of opinions to him, both of their abilities to change their minds about the other.
heck, there’s even the option for some emotional intimacy. cassandra offers her condolences about wisdom, solas comforts her when her faith is shaken, providing hope when she realises her power did not come from the maker as she was taught. he’s also at his misotheist finest in this conversation:
Solas: You seem troubled, Seeker. Still plagued by thoughts of your order?Cassandra: I… am reminded of what I was told following my vigil. They said my abilities were a gift from the Maker, a reward for my faith and dedication. But it was a trick, wasn’t it? A ritual no different that the Harrowing, simply magic…Solas: Do you know how rare spirits of faith are? How difficult it is to draw them to this world? You should be proud, having accomplished something so remarkable, not ashamed it was not what you thought.Cassandra: Thank you, Solas. That… does make me feel better.Solas: Your faith does you credit, Cassandra. I hope your Maker is worthy.
he’s well-aware that cassandra is resolute and uncorrupt, capable of fixing what went wrong with the seekers (even if he is cynical about the inevitable degradation of any organisation). i really don’t know how you read their dialogue and think solas didn’t deeply connect with her in ways that shaped him regardless of his relationship with the inquisitor.
now iron bull is someone whose relationship with solas varies wildly depending on the inquisitor’s choices, and another character whose choice is undercut by the realities of a choice-based narrative. if the chargers are sacrificed they’re under no circumstances friendly, ableit solas seems to pity him in that case. otherwise, solas engages with bull in a way other characters don’t. but to be fair to them, i think solas understands better than any other party member what it’s like to lose your culture and home to help the people you love. through their conversations before his pq– which often got very heated, possibly the angriest solas gets in banter– solas listened and learned and kind of sussed out what bull’s fears were, what was keeping him in the qun. and like, i also think solas has a lot of experience knowing what ppl who are trying to pry themselves out of a toxic religion are also dealing with? what i’m getting at is iron bull imo reminds solas of the elves who fought the evanuris, people who had doubts about the societies they were raised in and broke from it, but still carried the damage it did to them. and he takes steps to reassure bull that “madness” isn’t something he ought to fear, b/c he isn’t a mindless beast but an incredibly intelligent person, capable of playing chess without a board. something that takes considerable practise and was for centuries considered a miracle in our world. there are issues with how solas approaches it, his understanding of the qun is flawed and imperfect, but he literally offers himself as a means of support when bull expresses fear that he’ll “go savage”:
Solas: You have the Inquisition, you have the Inquisitor… and you have me.
and after that i have a hard time imagining that they would never hang out more casually. solas would never be as close to bull as the chargers by any means, and you may not even consider them friends, but again their banter really reflects a significant relationship that would effect him without the inquisitor’s input. assuming they save the chargers, anyway. personally, i consider them friends
i just hit 2000 words and i’m starting to see why i let this sit in my drafts for like a year, so i’ll try to wrap it up. there are other characters i think have an effect on solas despite their relationship having its ups and downs. sera, namely, someone he seems to respect and resent simultaneously, grudgingly admitting he envies her at one point. their relationship is one of the most frustrating in the game but also my favourite due to how similar they are when you get down to it, sera i think on some level reminds him of when he was young, hence why he tries to give her advice. in another world, given time, i think they could’ve been friends, albeit friends who sometimes drive one another up the wall. much of what they say in-game reflects itself– solas talking about organisations degrading, in time, sera saying if you chop off the head of a government another will show up and muck up all the work you did to overthrow the first. they’re both artists, elves who feel disconnected from others of their kind. we don’t get enough of their positive interactions for me to claim they’re friends in-game w/ a straight face. rp wise, however, it’s been one of my favourite things to write, as they navigate a strange not-hostile relationship. also i just adore sera as a character, i wish there wasn’t such a divide between solas and sera fans b/c they both parallel and contrast w/ one another really well.
for one final note i do want to talk about specifically my solas interpretation, the relationships i either hc he’s built or he’s built through roleplay. my solas had a part to play in the rebuilding of skyhold alongside freed circle mages, teaching them practical magic they were denied learning in the circle and becoming something of a role model (god help them) for the more radical mages. solas served with the inquisition for a year in canon, three years in my canon. once he works past the haze of how wrong the veiled world feels i can’t believe solas, who constantly tells the histories of people– real people– whose stories he felt were important enough to remember and retell, even seemingly insignificant ones about baking bread or seeing sunlight for the first time, would connect with precisely none of the people around him on a personal level. not when we see his ability to do just that in-game, even with people without a mark on their hand.
tl;dr give solas friends. remember your inquisitor is not the be-all and end-all of his life and that he’s had 1000s of years to forge relationships with people who have just as much as an impact on him, and his time with the inquisition is no different. i don’t doubt all of us have hcs about how the companions have changed our inquisitor’s life, for better or worse, so i can’t see why it’d be any different for the companions. solas included
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dimensionjumphq · 6 years
DJ summary and general info
Please, PLEASE note this is highly messy and all over the place, I’m mostly editing and changing a previous version of this summary from 2015 to save me time so I can get this blog up and running properly. I will recreate this so it’s more organized later on when I have time.
Dimension jump stars my first OC, Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song, her older sister as the protagonists and their adventures as they’re pulled through many dimensions.
Now, this is going to be ripped from Arya’s Toyhou.se profile to explain some general info.
".... she and her sister are teleported into Equestria with their mother for unknown reasons. Jane was a pegasus made(an alicorn with no horn), her sister a deer pegasus while their mother was an alicorn. When Discord opened up a portal home, instead of going, their mother and the two siblings told him they wanted to stay where they knew they'd be truly happy, fully adopting their ponysonas' names; Regal Dusk, Night Heart and Sky Flare.
After leaving Equestria unwillingly many years later back to their home dimension now with their wings while their mother remains in Equestria, the two are suddenly thrown into yet another dimension, this cycle continued when their adventures in that dimension ended. There they adopted new names they felt were truly theirs: Arya Swift Runner and Temperance Moon Song."
Now, what isn’t stated is there are people behind their being tossed through dimensions.
Asiyah and James.
Their species is as a mystery to you as well as me, they are very powerful human-like beings, but not quite god-like as they're made out to be.
For some backstory as to how they started pulling the siblings through dimensions, one day, James was mucking around in the attic of his comatose parents and found two strange and beautiful necklaces. Curious, he put his on, and that is where DJ truly begins.
First, it's not so bad, he gives Asiyah the other necklace and the two curiously watch other dimensions, as the necklaces had great power imbued in them that allowed this.
But you know that saying?
"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?
Such was the case with James, his weak mind was easy to corrupt while Asiyah however, had a good heart and mind that couldn't be corrupted so easily and thus, she remains the same throughout DJ.
One day, James proposed taking the Shaw family out of their dimension and throwing them into the MLP universe. Asiyah, blissfully unaware of what's happened to her brother, uneasily agrees.
There's no harm in doing it once, right?
W. R. O. N. G.
I plan to end the MLP story after season six once I actually can stomach writing for it. But there’s some general info on it below.
Now, things change a little when Temperance and Arya, known as Night Heart and Sky Flare here, arrive in that world.
Two new elements of Harmony are created, Trust and Courage. Those two were wielded by Night Gale(Trust) and Spark Harmony(Courage), two characters of mine when Celestia and Luna were in power before Luna turned into Nightmare Moon, acting as advisors to the two before Night Gale and Spark Harmony died from old age, their elements disappearing for centuries.
When Nightmare Moon comes back, it's been around five months since Night, Sky and Regal Dusk(their mother) arrived here and have made friends with some of the mane six.
The two siblings go with the mane six to Everfree Forest, seeing no harm in coming with when, because they knew the MLP series up until Twilight's coronation, they knew what was going to happen.
What they didn't know was they were the new bearers of the hidden elements of Harmony, Trust and Courage.
Night Heart's test of Trust is when she hears Nightmare Moon creeping up on them in a different form(perhaps as Slender Man?) and she tells everypony to just trust her and RUN.
Sky Flare's test of Courage, I haven't figured out yet, but I'm thinking something to do with Nightmare Moon becoming a Cockatrice to scare the mane six.
Now, it's a big fricken surprise when they're called out by Twilight as being the bearers of the two HIDDEN elements.
To save you and me some time, in another post I'll write up all the details of what happens in the MLP verse, but the short version is(Note, HEAVY headcanony things ahead):
When Discord shows up, he reveals that they aren't truly ponies and the three of them stay.
Sky gets together with AJ while Night falls for RD and vise versa. Regal Dusk finds love and companionship in Burnt Oak after he helps her move on from her previous husband who abused her.
Night becomes Luna apprentice and learns how to walk in dreams.
Twilight gets reunited with an old childhood friend from before her and her family moved to Canterlot: Night Ink.
Fluttershy and Rarity begin dating.
The Mirror universe arc from the comics comes into play as well as the newest arc "From Shadows", will probably add the Nightmare Rarity arc too.
Now, I don't have the time, nor the will to list EVERYTHING that happens through ALL those stories in the list above, but I am going to tell you some themes that reoccur many times and some facts about a few of the worlds.
Warehouse 13 is crossed over with Five nights at Freddy's, due to me getting into FnaF at the same time I was watching W13.
A few of the animatronics from Fnaf 2 are there such as Mangle and her twin Fang(really, you should go look at my FnaF folders for more info on that), but most of the Toy animatronics have not been retrieved like the Marionette but all the original ones are in the warehouse kept immobile by a special force field, until Arya breaks said field. Luckily the animatronics aren't out for blood anymore, as they had A LOT of time to think on what they'd done plus they are no longer controlled to the spirits of the children thanks to a certain OC of mine.
In the Inheritance Cycle, Arya takes on the middle name Artemis to be called by so she isn't confused with the elf Arya when said elf is in the room.
Arya and Temperance get small "mementos" from each world, such as their wings from the MLP world, it's also how they get strong magical abilities.
Arya's hairstyle changes throughout the stories, mostly alternating between shoulder length, mid back, long braided, messy ponytail or pixie cut.
One thing I should note before going on is Arya and Temperance confront James and Asiyah in Dragon age 2 and Asiyah betrays her brother before they manage to beat him, his sister taking his necklace so he could never use it again. Asiyah then takes her brother back with her to where they come from to be judged by the higher ups of where they come from, and James is never seen again while Asiyah sometimes comes to visit Arya and Temperance.
Now, Asiyah has a memory altering ability she's had since she was born/created, she doesn't use it much because she'd rather be rid of it honestly.
Now, to someone who is going mad with power, wouldn't you want to ENTERTAIN yourself if you had someone who had that power at your fingertips? James certainly did.
So, he made Asiyah lock away Arya and Temperance's memories of their romantic relationships, making it seem like they stayed single to them, he had actually ordered Asiyah to erase them but she chose to block them instead.
And, as such, they ended up with many people and at the end of their adventures, finally remember when all their love interests come to their recuse during the final story as well as all their friends from previous worlds.
This is due to the Doctor from Doctor Who managing to follow them and picks up their friends along the way as well as love interests, and TRUST ME, at FIRST THEY ALL DISLIKE EACH OTHER AND WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.
But then they realize that Arya and Temperance wouldn't have fallen for them without a reason, so through the course of the DJ adventures they are getting to know each other and they either begin to like each at best and just learn to tolerate them at worst.
This leads to a HUGE dilemma at the end right before DAI, as Arya ends up pregnant by someone(Asiyah used a spell to freeze the embryo in time when it was conceived so James wouldn't get any ideas, so Arya never knew or showed any signs she was pregnant until Asiyah removed the spell) and she feels pressured to figure out who the other parent is as well as pick just one of them when NONE of them ever suggested such a thing, leading to her running off for some time, ending up in another dimension due to the fact the dimensional barriers are pretty much IN TATTERS which also helped the fact the Fade(where demons and the like in the Dragon Age universe lurk) ripped open in DAI.
Asiyah is doing all she can to fix the barriers, leaving Temperance and her friends out of luck while running about with the Inquisitors(I have two!) trying to patch up the Fade.
I'm still figuring out what exactly happens to Arya while she's gone, but after she ends up in the Hyrule Warriors universe she raises her daughter Alexandria after giving birth, and, due to dimensions having different times so what was a few months in one dimension is several years in another, Alexandria is sixteen by the time of the next events.
After leaving Alexandria in the care of her new friend Zelda, she starts using her own magic to hop through the tears in the dimensions, trying to find her way back so she and her daughter can return and she ends up in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica universe, where she becomes a magical girl and falls for Mami Tomoe.
Now, due to the sheer amount of MAGIC in her, both her own, some Dimensional and Asiyah's, her soul isn't pulled from her body and instead only her magic is, so she's still alive and kicking and her magic would return to her if her soul gem broke.
After the events of the anime, she along with the remaining Puella Magi as well as her daughter return to the DAI dimension as Wraths were leaking into that world, where they reunite with Temperance.
Of course, Madoka Magica Rebellion has to happen in the middle of this mess, but I'VE FIXED THE CRUMMY ENDING! Homura is no longer obsessed with Madoka, is NOT a demon and falls for Kyoko, Madoka has a physical body and is with Sayaka. That's not all, as it really becomes screwy after Homura steals Madoka before Arya and Temperance intervene and set things right, but that's all I'm saying for now.
After a great big battle with all of Arya and Temperance's friends, as well as some armies from previous dimensions, teaming up against Corypheus and beating him as you do in the game, Arya and Temperance finally settle the love mess they were dealing with thanks to James.
No, they weren't going to pick one or the other, they weren't going to be so cruel as to do that, instead, they would try at Polyamory, so everyone could be happy.
They all end up moving back to Equestria, being the only place Polyarmory was perfectly fine(HELLO! THE PONIES ARE HORSES AND STALLIONS OFTEN HAVE HERDS IRL!).
Trust me, there are a lot of funny stories where it's completely AWKWARD for EVERYONE, but by the time the next DJ series rolls around it's all worked out and fine! They still have problems like EVERY couple, but they work through them and their bonds are the stronger for it. Plus, for their kids having a lot of moms and dads tends to help if one isn't available.
One other thing is that as a result of traveling between dimensions without protection, Arya, Temperance(and everyone else who came to their rescue)'s molecules are frozen, they'll never age and they will never wither or die. Temperance and Arya have constructed devices that will protect someone from these effects, and are working on undoing it for those that don't want to live forever.
As well as this, they have created an advanced city that exists in the space between dimensions, a place where all the dimensions connect and traveling between those worlds is easy so the dimensional barriers aren't ripped to shreds like before, and honestly not all the rips could be fixed. It's generally a normal city with it's share of ups and downs, but it's a pleasant place to live otherwise.
That's all I have to say really about the general plot of the first Dimension Jump series, it's a big mess, but it's the groundwork for my Next Gens and Next Dimension which I’m already adoring writing. There are still some things I haven't mentioned yet, such as who Tempy and Ari fall for, but I'd rather explain those in oneshots/fact lists for each respective fandom.
Now, all I ask is be respectful in the comments and try not to sound hateful, please.
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